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insight - Adbase
INSIGHT W H I T E PA P E R S Email Marketing: Find and Speak to your Right Audience An ADBASE White Paper for professional photographers and illustrators. Published: June 2008 ADBASE Whitepapers Email Marketing: Find and Speak to your Right Audience 2 Abstract Email marketing is a highly effective and cost‐efficient way for creative professionals to maintain and grow their client base. Now that artists worldwide have embraced this marketing tool, the primary challenge to stand out from the crowd ‐ so the email is actually read and saved. The only effective way to earn that all‐important few minutes of a reader’s attention is to craft the whole campaign from his or her point of view. This means, that from creating a recipient list to choosing images and copy, to planning repeat campaigns and follow‐ups, the needs of your audience should inform each step. This ADBASE White Paper is based on insights generated by proprietary, in‐depth research into the habits and preferences of art‐buying professionals. They shared their unbiased and frank opinions on what they like and dislike in the email marketing campaigns they receive. Based on this information, we outline how to select, speak to, and then follow up with the right audience, for maximum impact. Part 1: The Challenge Yes, You Have News Others Want to Hear Art directors, art buyers and photo editors rely on hearing from photographers and illustrators to find talent, and most archive or bookmark the emails and websites of creatives they deem eligible. They need a constant supply of new contacts, so promotional emails are a valuable resource. But…So Do Other Creatives These buyers of photography and illustration now receive between 20 and 100 emails of an exclusively promotional nature, per day. Note: this number does not include email from existing suppliers, emails about the jobs they are producing, internal corporate communication and social correspondence. In conversations with ADBASE, buying professionals commonly complain about badly executed campaigns; they report, time and time again, that in order to harvest needed talent, they must also waste time on irrelevant, poorly constructed or uninteresting promotional emails. In this climate, being noticed in an inbox isn’t enough. Your promotional email must garner enough respect to be opened, read, clicked‐through to your website, and then archived for future reference. Part 2: Reaching the Recipients Who Matter (and No More) Never Waste a Second of Somebody’s Time When it comes to planning your email recipient list, quantity is only a valid goal when it’s accompanied by maximum quality. Even though it’s easy to send out en masse in the hope of hitting a few ‘sweet spots’ along the way, this is not the most effective approach. In other words: aim to ‘narrowcast’ your email to a carefully selected list of potentially interested buyers rather than ‘broadcast’ it to a huge list, most of whom may treat it as an annoyance. INSIGHT W H I T E PA P E R S 298 Markham St. Suite 5, Toronto ON M6J 2G6 Canada T 1.877.500.0057 T 416.960.4240 E [email protected] W ADBASE Whitepapers Email Marketing: Find and Speak to your Right Audience 3 You will certainly enjoy a better open rate when you send selectively. To ensure each name on your list is there for a good reason, research your prospects fully. The ADBASE Research Centre provides all the details you need to target your lists, including work specialty, brand accounts, awards, and personal promotional preferences. We also include the company’s website, which you should use to further determine if your style matches theirs. Customize Where Necessary Tailor your email to buyers working in one business sector so it relates accurately to the type of work they are doing. If you are aiming to grow your business in more than one direction, segment your email into more than one version so that it ‘speaks’ specifically to the different sectors you wish to address. For example, if you are marketing your food photography skills, send only to buyers at agencies who have food clients. ADBASE Custom Lists allow for targeted list building, and lists can then be sent using Emailer. Proper segmentation speaks volumes to how you understand your market; when you speak directly to your reader’s needs, however niche, your open rates will soar. Of course in order to incite those all‐important ‘clicks’, your subject line must reflect your email content accurately, as well as show some creativity. Look out for the next whitepaper in this series, which will deal with creating ideal email content in more detail. It’s Still a Numbers Game Not every email reaches its target destination. Factors out of your control, such as corporate email filters set up to block spam or keep promotional emails to a minimum, will ‘kill’ your email before it gets to certain inboxes. Because of this inevitable wastage, you should send to as many (suitable!) recipients as you can. Part 3: Frequency and Timing of Your Promotional Email Keep Up the Momentum… Buyers generally like to hear from you when you have new work to share, but even when you don’t, a well‐crafted and targeted email is a good way to maintain awareness of your work. You can never know when a buyer is hiring; but your email can be serendipitous. Your email could arrive just as the buyer needs to fill an upcoming job. Then your marketing message will arrive with a ‘problem‐solving’ component that works in your favor. One mailing a year is not enough. To stay top‐of‐mind and show consistency, send a promotional email several times a year. …But Don’t Be a Stalker Regular emailing doesn’t mean overdoing it, as an email every week would be counterproductive. Set a schedule, as part of your promotional plan. (Quarterly is our suggested minimum; monthly is ideal.) Accompanying this White Paper, please find our bonus Promotional Planning template. It is intended to contextualize and support the information presented here. INSIGHT W H I T E PA P E R S 298 Markham St. Suite 5, Toronto ON M6J 2G6 Canada T 1.877.500.0057 T 416.960.4240 E [email protected] W ADBASE Whitepapers Email Marketing: Find and Speak to your Right Audience 4 Tip Your opt‐out rates are a key indicator as to whether you are sending too much email. If you start mailing more than you have in the past and you get a marked increase in opt‐outs, you could be sending your communications too frequently. Additionally, you could now be sending to a larger list, and your opt‐out rate would indicate an error in targeting. And Keep It Fresh Do not be tempted to recycle the same design or copy. A great way to get more mileage out of your email design is to resend to those buyers who didn’t open your initial mailing and haven’t yet seen your creative. But after that, your email will start to feel like old news. Change your email design every quarter to keep your audience interested and engaged. Don’t forget to think about the follow‐up with interested buyers; crafting response campaigns is a much better use of your time than repeatedly resending emails. Time of Arrival: a Factor or Not? When to send your emails? This is complex, and there are no definitive answers. Since you are sending to a variety of people with varying work schedules, it's impossible to try to plan your promotion around when you think they will most want to see it. For example: art buyers tend to look at their emails more often either first thing in the morning or at lunch. Art directors often work late and tend to be more inclined to look at night. Editorial and advertising schedules vary. Overall, the best approach is to focus on the quality rather than becoming too concerned with time of day or day of the week. We suggest you test varying days and times with a portion of your list, or simply experiment by choosing differing days and times for the first few mailings, in order to find out what pattern works best for YOU. Part 4: Follow‐Up “Do’s” and “Don’ts” Check Results A huge benefit of email marketing, over print, is that it is easy to ascertain who opened your email, and if they went to your website. ADBASE Emailer v2 offers detailed response tracking and this information is very valuable, both in testing and perfecting your email (see the upcoming ADBASE White Paper on testing email campaigns) and in deciding how to tailor your list for subsequent email promotions. Find the Richest Territory If you have a promotional plan (and you should!), this will determine how you follow up with those buyers who looked at your work. We suggest you reinforce your market presence with a second communication within a month or so of sending the email. A direct mail piece or an additional email campaign are both good ‘response marketing’ tactics and both should reinforce the core message of your email. INSIGHT W H I T E PA P E R S 298 Markham St. Suite 5, Toronto ON M6J 2G6 Canada T 1.877.500.0057 T 416.960.4240 E [email protected] W ADBASE Whitepapers Email Marketing: Find and Speak to your Right Audience 5 But Don’t Scare Them Off It’s important not to mention in your follow‐up that you are aware the recipient opened or clicked through on your email. Buyers mention that this makes them uncomfortable, or puts them on the spot to recall the site when they may have visited for just a minute or so. Better, therefore, to build on the goodwill and interest already shown, but not refer directly to it. After initially following up with interested buyers with a second email or a print piece, we strongly recommend that you now let buyers make contact with you rather than reaching out to them on an individual basis. Tip: bear in mind that when a buyer needs your work, you’ve already shown them where to find you! Part 5: Etiquette Attachments Will Make You Unpopular Attachments are the biggest complaint from buyers about email promotions. They either can't open them, or they take too long to open. Also, most people do not open attachments from unknown senders due to fears about viruses. Often, a company’s spam filter will ‘quarantine’ attachments due to the risk of infection. There’s no point in alienating your potential future client on introduction. That is why our recently launched ADBASE Emailerv2 does not send as an attachment; the image resides on our server and is referenced as a link. Keep It Palatable Certain types of images will offend certain buyers. We have seen buyers opt out of receiving emails because of an inappropriate image or text. Conversely, if you’re communicating with an avant‐garde or niche publication or agency, then the sky’s often the limit and it makes sense to demonstrate that you know this by selecting the cutting edge material you know they will respond to. Afterword Email promotion is a useful and affordable marketing tool, and buyers increasingly rely on this form of promotion to keep their prospect lists up to date. The protocols described in this paper stem from in‐depth research conducted by ADBASE, into the habits and preferences of professional buyers. Following these simple steps will maximize your efforts and yield the best possible results. INSIGHT W H I T E PA P E R S 298 Markham St. Suite 5, Toronto ON M6J 2G6 Canada T 1.877.500.0057 T 416.960.4240 E [email protected] W ADBASE Whitepapers Email Marketing: Find and Speak to your Right Audience 6 About ADBASE Inc Now celebrating their 11th anniversary, ADBASE is based upon an ever‐expanding and constantly updated database of thousands of creative service buyers. Providing services to thousands of creative professionals worldwide, ADBASE subscribers rely on the accuracy of ADBASE data for the foundation of their self‐promotion. As a photographer or illustrator looking to promote your business, ADBASE is your complete solution. They maintain the industry’s largest North American database of creative buyers, with contact details for over 45,000 art buyers, art directors, photo editors and more. Further streamline your marketing efforts with the brand‐new ADBASE Emailer v2, the industry’s most sophisticated email engine. If you would like more information on this whitepaper, or any of our products and services, please feel free to call or email us. ADBASE Inc 298 Markham St, Suite 5 Toronto, ON M6J 2G6 Phone: 1‐877‐500‐0057 Visit: Email: [email protected] INSIGHT W H I T E PA P E R S 298 Markham St. Suite 5, Toronto ON M6J 2G6 Canada T 1.877.500.0057 T 416.960.4240 E [email protected] W