planet - Stella Polaris
planet - Stella Polaris
P LANE T STE L L A ISSUE N° 0 0 1 OFFICIAL STELLA POLARIS MAGAZINE SUMMER 2015 KEL ELA JI M M Y S O M E RV I L L E M USI C The up and coming superstar talks creative process and much more. Interview with the man behind “Smalltown Boy”. History, genre-guide, charts and recommendations. PLANET STELLA ISSUE N° 001 You are holding one of our newest initiatives – “Planet Stella”, the Stella Polaris official offline magazine – in your hands. We hope that you will embrace this analogue media in the way we intended, namely by bringing it home and reading it more than once. Our goal with the magazine is to create some content that our guests cherish and want to spend time absorbing and reflecting about in a mindful moment, while the fall and winter is coming. Something that reminds you of the lovely summer day, when you grabbed it – but were too busy enjoying a lazy day in a lovely urban park with your best mates, some sunshine and loads of tunes you’ve never heard before. Let’s cherish the moment now, and enjoy as much as we can. You are allowed to read the magazine now, but please also enjoy the music! 2015 will be the year when Stella Polaris crosses the Atlantic for the first time. On September 12 we are hosting our first event in the US – in Mill River Park Stampford Memorial Park, just north of New York. We have persuaded Laid Back and Mads Bjørn to join us and we really look forward to taking Laid Back to the states for the first time since White Horse was number 1 on the Billboard charts. The show in New York would never have happened if it wasn’t for the lovely Hanne Støvring from Statens Museum for Kunst, who introduced us to Ove Haxthausen – the chairman of Stamford Denmark Friendship Committee, Inc. We are so grateful to both of you for this opportunity! Lets talk about the music – the most crucial part of Stella Polaris! 2015 is really amazing in terms of the line-up! So much new talent out there, and we hope that you will dig deeper into all of them from Yungest to Helmet Compass. We are extremely grateful to have a platform with an accepting crowd that allows us to present the most interesting acts from all genres. This year we present a diverse international line-up as well. Highly acclaimed r’n’b singer Kelela, Mutesigned Land Observations, DFA family Museum of Love as well as a few legendary DJs. The special jewel of this year’s line-up is of course Jimmy Somerville. Such a beautiful voice, such an amazing writer and what an impact. If you are old enough to remember Bronski Beat, The Communards and of course all the solo stuff, then you know what we are buzzing about. If not – then close your eyes and enjoy a “one in a million” concert, when Jimmy Somerville make a world wide exclusive acoustic performance in Frederiksberg Have on the 2nd August. Let the music take you higher! — Nicka & Kalle B. WELCOME TO STE L L A P OL A R I S 20 1 5! 002 CO NTENTS 0 4 SP O N S O R T H AN K YO U 0 6 L I N E UP 1 6 H I STO RY 18 BE HI N D ST E L L A P O L ARI S 20 C RE W T H AN K YO U 21 T H E A RT I ST S 71 MAI N AC T I N T E RV I E W S 76 A F E W F E ST I VAL S 78 I N STAG RAM 83 K I D S 8 6 A BI T O F H I STO RY 90 THE STE L L A P O L ARI S T I M E L I N E 92 CO M PI L AT I O N S 94 M I XTA PE S 95 SP OT I F Y 96 ABO UT ST E L L A P O L ARI S PLANET STELLA ISSUE N° 001 THANK YOU M AIN PA RT N ER S PART N ERS PROJE C T PA RT N E R S 004 SPONSOR THANK YOU SALES & PROD UC T I O N F R I E N D S F RIE N D S OF STE L L A P O L AR I S K EE P PLA N E T ST E L L A BE AUT I F U L . . . P UT YO U R GAR BAG E I N TH E GA R BAG E B I N S ! PLANET STELLA ISSUE N° 001 FRIDAY 24 JULY S ØNDERBORG SIZE 2015: 6,000 M 2 12: 0 0 K ALLE B. & LØW E N ST E I N (DJ) 13: 0 0 LY D M OR (L I V E) 13: 45 GAV Y N M Y TC H E L (DJ) (UK) 15: 3 0 L A I D BAC K (L I V E) 16 :1 5 N I C K A (DJ) 16 : 45 THOM A S B UT T E N S C H ØN (L I V E ) 17:30 N I C K A (DJ) 18 : 3 0 ACOL L E C T I V E (L I V E) ( IS R) 19 : 15 M A D S B JØR N (L I V E) 20 : 45 THAN K YOU S ØN D ER B ORG! ALL TIME S ARE S UBJECT TO MINO R CHANGES 006 MAIN STAGE BAR COFFEE FOOD BEN & JERRY’S FRISKO TOILETS MERCHANDISE UNIVERSE DIGNITY MAIN STAGE KIDS STAGE BAR DRINKS FOOD BEN & JERRY’S TOILETS MERCHANDISE LOUNGE DIGNITY BOLIA LINE UP SATURDAY 25 JULY AARHUS SIZE 2015: 15,000 M 2 12: 0 0 K ALLE B. & LØW E N ST E I N (DJ) 13 : 0 0 HE L M ET COM PA SS (L I V E ) 13: 45 K ALLE B. & LØW E N ST E I N (DJ) 14: 30 THE W H I T E A L B UM (L I V E) 15 :30 N I C K A (DJ) 16 : 45 A L EX VA RGA S (L I V E ) 17 :30 N I C K A (DJ) 18 : 3 0 M A D S B JØR N (L I V E ) 19 :1 5 WAQA R (DJ) 20 : 45 TH A N K YOU A A R H US ! ALL TIME S ARE S UBJECT TO MINO R CHANGES AFTERPARTY AT DOUBLE RAINBOW 21.00 — 05.00 GODSBANEN, 8000 AARHUS 009 PLANET STELLA ISSUE N° 001 FRIDAY 31 JULY KOLDING SIZE 2015: 2,300 M 2 12: 0 0 LØW E N ST E I N (DJ) 13: 0 0 LAND OB S ERVAT I ON S (L I V E ) (UK) 13: 4 5 K A L L E B. (DJ) 14: 30 M .I .L .K . (L I V E ) 15 :0 0 N I C K A (DJ) 16 : 0 0 T.O.M & H I S COM P UT E R (L I V E) 16 :4 5 N I C K A (DJ) 17 : 30 MU S EUM OF LOV E (DJ S ET ) 19 : 15 C H R I S COCO (DJ) (UK) 20 : 45 T H A N K YOU KOL D I N G! ALL TIME S ARE S UBJECT TO MINO R CHANGES 010 MAIN STAGE BAR COFFEE BBQ TOILETS MERCHANDISE LOUNGE 1. MAIN STAGE 2. MATHILDEHØJEN KIDS STAGE BAR DRINKS COFFEE FOOD TOILETS MERCHANDISE BICYCLE STAND DIGNITY BURN LINE UP SUNDAY 02 AUGUST FREDERIKSBERG SIZE 2015: 47,000 M 2 MAIN STAGE 12:0 0 K A L L E B. (DJ) 13: 0 0 LY D M OR (L I V E) 13 : 3 0 LØW EN ST EI N (DJ) 14: 30 K E L EL A (L I V E) (UK) 15 :30 N I C K A (DJ) 16 : 3 0 JIMMY S OM ERV I L L E (L I V E) 18 : 0 0 MUS E UM OF LOV E (DJ) (UK) (US ) 19 : 30 LULU ROUGE (DJ) 20 : 45 THAN K YOU FR E D E R I K S B E RG! ALL TIME S ARE S UBJECT TO MINO R CHANGES SE E N E XT PAG E FO R MAT HIL DEHØJEN STAGE L INE UP 013 MATHILDEHØJEN 12: 0 0 P ET E GOOD I N G (DJ) 13 : 00 Y UN GE ST (L I V E ) 13 : 3 0 PET E GOOD I N G (DJ) 14: 0 0 HE L M ET COM PA SS (L I V E ) 14: 3 0 C H R I S COCO (DJ) 16 : 0 0 A L EX VA RGA S (L I V E ) 16 : 30 PET E GOOD I N G (DJ) 17 : 0 0 T H E K I KO S (L I V E ) 17 : 3 0 P ET E GOOD I N G (DJ) 18 : 0 0 LAND OB S ERVAT I ON S (L I V E ) (UK) 18 : 3 0 TOM A S BA R FOD (DJ) 20 : 45 THAN K YOU FR ED E R I K S B E RG! ALL TIME S ARE S UBJECT TO MINO R CHANGES AFTERPARTY AT JOLENE 21.00 — 04.00 FLÆSKETORVET 81, COPENHAGEN IN 2014, WE HAD 100,000 GUESTS IN TOTAL PLANET STELLA ISSUE N° 001 HISTORY 016 HISTORY The very first Stella Polaris event took place in 1997 in Vennelyst Parken in Århus, the second biggest city in Denmark. The idea was born at the end of a long club night and realized two weeks later with a modest setup, attracting around 400 people. During the next couple of years, the event grew in size with 5-7000 people attending each time, and in 2001, the festival was introduced in Copenhagen. Since then, Stella Polaris has been a double-header, unfolding in Århus on Saturday and in Copenhagen on Sunday. The first event in the capital attracted several thousands, and after two successful events in Frederiksberg Have, the festival moved to Østre Anlæg, the park next to the national gallery, Statens Museum for Kunst, and in 2013, moved back to Frederiksberg Have. In Frederiksberg Have the dj-booth is situated in front of the castle, sending out mellow, slow tempo electronic music across the colourful landscape of private picnics and playful palavers sprawled out on the gentle slopes of the park. Speakers are strewn across the grounds, wrapping their electronic blankets of dubby and jazzy slo-mo sounds round the dark green August trees and the thousands of happy people, sunbathing in the grass, dozing off in bean bags or picnicking on chequered blankets. Everyone is relaxed, pleasantly tipsy or plainly absorbed in music, everything bound together by the trickling and crackling electronic sounds that seem to emerge from the landscape itself. Stella Polaris has become a nationwide festival tour, bringing chilled vibes to Sønderborg, Kolding and Odense, besides the two major cities. The unique electronic one-day festival has survived the occasional nondescript drizzle and even a year of heavy rain and strange hail showers, but somehow the clouds seem to disappear as soon as the music starts to play, and most years the event is bathed in blissful, sizzling sunshine, the atmosphere in the park reaching paradisiacal heights. The crowd is a great mix of discerning electronic feinschmeckers, happy families with playing children, intoxicated after parties, smooching couples sharing kisses and cool white wine and the odd surprised group who just happened to walk by and decided to stay. Most of the people are between 20 and 30 years old. Each year the line-up includes the very top names of the chill-out genre, and many of them keep coming back for more. STELLA POLARIS HAS HAPPENED 47 423 TIMES IN DENMARK. THAT IS MORE THAN HOURS OF PURE CHILL-OUT MUSIC! 017 PLANET STELLA ISSUE N° 001 Why did you start Stella Polaris in the first place? We couldn’t help it. After the first event in 1997, we immediately saw the uniqueness of the vibe, which was the opposite to the club events or DJ shows we did at the time. I think that is why it worked – as a contrast to the exploding club culture. It’s crazy how big it has become. Sometimes it is hard to understand how we have done it, without any full time employees and only in our sparetime. We are very lucky to have had tons of great officers in every section of the planning process. We’re so happy, and it’s surreal that almost everyone knows Stella Polaris – that’s a big thing to us. How do you feel about its growth during the last 17 years? Amazed – we never expected it to grow to what it is now. Not that we did not see the potential, but because of the free entrance, we never expected to be able to find the money to make it happen. We are constantly developing and raising the bar, which is why we made it this far… a lot of hard work! Why did you choose to spread it across the country? Originally because we both moved out of Aarhus – like most –to Copenhagen, and we wanted to do it in our new backyard. So the move to Copenhagen (the first move) was easy, but the other cities came around because the brand grew and we were able to tell the story. Suddenly we were in demand and the cities started contacting us. Typically, because of very enthusiastic individ uals, like Morten Østlund from Posten in Odense who made the way for us there. BEHIND STELLA P OLARIS AN INTERVIEW W I T H T H E FOUN D ER S OF STELLA POLARIS — NICKA AND KALLE B. 018 BEHIND STELLA POLARIS Do you have plans for expansion? Everyone needs to chill out and relax, all over the world, so of course we are going to expand. We aim for world wide domination (laughing). Next up is a show in New York in September 2015 with Laid Back, Mads Bjørn and others. Why are you still doing it after so many years? We love when people light up in a huge smile when talking about Stella Polaris, and that is a huge reward. But it is very hard to explain why we have been working on it for so many rea sons. There is no logical reason why – we just can’t help it. It is difficult to remember what life was before Stella Polaris. What is your favourite Stella Polaris moment? One of them was when Moby thanked us for bringing him to Copenhagen and played one of his first acoustic shows ever. We spent 23 years negotiating with the management and it was only because Kelly Money – one of Moby’s managers – knew Stella Polaris from her DJ boyfriend that it happened. Another one is to see all the volun teers helping us, making this event a reality. It is so amazing that so many different kinds of people come together and just want to make a great day for tons of others. “ W E AR E CO N STAN T LY D E V E LO P I N G AN D R AI S I NG TH E BAR , W H I C H I S W H Y WE M AD E I T T H I S FAR . . . A LOT O F H AR D WO R K !” UNKWON, STELLA POLARIS 2014 Do you wish it was summer all year? Nope – the only day we care about the weather is when there is a Stella Polaris event… for our sake it can rain all other days. THIS YEAR WE HAVE 200 VOLUNTEERS AROUND THE COUNTRY & WE LOVE THEM ALL! 019 PLANET STELLA ISSUE N° 001 “ T H I S M U ST BE T H E M O ST FR I E N D LY F E ST I VAL I N D E N M AR K .” FRED E R I K E L L EGA A R D H AUK ROGH Each year Stella Polaris is blessed by having one of the greatest crews. Since the early days of Stella Polaris, it has been dependent on people spending a full day of their summer helping out. New friends have been made, romances have been sparked, afterparties have been crazy and large amounts of smiles have been exchanged. Stella Polaris would never be what it is today, without all those great people around the country (and the world) who volunteer. You have our everlasting gratitude, and we love you all! As a volunteer you leave the festival with a smile on your face and a heart filled with Stella love.” Gitte Kampmann Rønde Touring with Stella Polaris is one of the things I’m looking most forward to every summer, and being a volunteer makes it even better. As a volunteer, you really feel like being a part of something bigger Magnus Jørgensen THANK YOU TO OUR A M A Z I N G C R EW ! 020 THE ARTISTS THE ARTISTS ACO L L E C TI VE A L E X VA RGAS C H R I S CO CO GAVY N MI TC H E L H EL ME T CO MPA SS JIM MY S O ME RV I L L E KAL L E B. KE L E L A L AI D BAC K LA N D O B SE RVATI O N S LØW E N STE I N LU LU RO U G E LY D MO R MADS BJØRN M.I .L .K. M U SE U M O F LOV E N I C KA P E TE G O O D I N G TH E KI KO S T H E W H I TE A L B U M T H O M A S B U T TE N S C H Ø N T.O. M A N D H I S CO MPU TE R TO MA S BA R F O D WAQ A R Y U N G E ST 021 PLANET STELLA ISSUE N° 001 From banged-up folk to burned-down Middle-Eastern-funk, the 7-piece Acollective is more than just a band – it’s a social movement. Hailing from Tel-Aviv, they’ve made their rounds through Europe, playing numerous festivals and warming up for acts such as Jose Gonzalez and Okkervil River. Their debut ONWARDS was recorded in a factory and produced by Chris Shaw (Bob Dylan, Super Furry Animals, Guillemots) and has received positive reviews, with NME, Uncut, Clash and more tastemakers hailing the band’s fresh sound. You might not know about this Israeli group, but you sure will very soon! Describe your music in 4 words. Happiest (of) all memorial days. Would you like to have summer all year? Well, coming from TelAviv, we pretty much have summer most of the year. But at least touring makes you experi ence less hectic summers around the world… Name your biggest inspiration. Richard Nielsen, for making a bunch of small somethings into a huge some thing (while being a kind human being). only minimal, and on the last song we broke a string on last guitar standing. It was fun. Maybe it could happen again… (without us sweating out our whole life). Do you have a greeting to the crowd who will be reading this? Hi. Stay safe. Drink well. We’ll take care of all the rest. Come join Acollective. What is your best summer memory involving music? A few summers back we played in a festival in the woods, during a crazy summer’s day with 80% humidity. Half way during the show, we were already soaking wet, hardly breathing. All of our equipment started to malfunction, so slowly we were striped naked to How do you approach playing at Stella Polaris? With a lot of hope. It’s our first time there, and ever since “Pangaea” (our latest album) came out, we didn’t really play anything in a more striped down acoustic approach, so for us it’s really a great opportunity to play with things, mash them up and rebuilding them. Do you ever dance alone? Oh yes. We only dance alone. And on stage. And sometimes, even offs tage. But mostly, alone. ACOLLECTIVE 18:30 Sønderborg 022 THE ARTISTS The Danish / Uruguayan Alex Vargas started his music career in London but has recently returned to Danish ground with his soulful voice and refreshingly raw sound. He is one of the most promising voices on the danish scene at the moment, and definitely bound for success very soon. With a sold out Vega concert, praise from GAFFA and a successful SPOT festival show under his belt, it’s time to take Stella Polaris by storm. Be certain that he will give you a magic soundtrack to chill to. Describe your music in 4 words. That. Is. Really. Hard. How do you approach playing at Stella Polaris? Loudly. Just loudly. Do you ever dance alone? I only dance alone. Would you like to have summer all year? Fuck yes. Actually, maybe a snowy month for perspective and then summer for the rest of the year. Name your biggest inspiration. My family and friends. Do you have a greeting to the crowd who will be reading this? I’ve got candy for everyone who comes to my show. ALEX VARGAS 16:45 Aarhus 16:00 Frederiksberg (Mathildehøjen) 023 PLANET STELLA ISSUE N° 001 Chris Coco is a true pioneer, having been DJing since the acid house explosion of the late 80s. He’s been living and breathing the DJ vibe ever since; editing DJ magazines, hosting radio shows, making compilations for everything from Playboy Magazine to EMI Classical, and DJing on every continent with the exception of Antarctica. His music style has developed throughout the years and Stella Polaris guests can expect a tour de force in classic chillout mixed with laid back disco and a few electric surprises featuring the crème de la crème of current releases and older classics. Describe your music in 4 words. Balearic, Beautiful, Eclectic, Amazing. How do you approach playing at Stella Polaris? With pride, it’s such a great event, it’s really exciting to be able to play really mellow music and get a great reaction, Denmark in the summertime is also one of the best places in the world to be. Do you ever dance alone? Yes, usually when I am producing tracks, at the point when I feel the mix is done. Some of my best clubbing experiences have been dancing alone too – all night dancing to Junior Vasquez in New York City in particular. Would you like to have summer all year? No. I have just come back from KL and Singapore, where that effectively happens, and to a northern European it feels odd. I like the slow roll from one season to another, summer is only as sweet as it is because it is short and contrasted by the cold and dark. Name your biggest inspiration. Summer? Everything? Life? What is your best summer memory involving music? Something in Ibiza or Australia that I can’t quite remember – playing Pulp for the main dancefloor at Manumission? My first sunset at Cafe Del Mar? Or maybe a boat party in Sydney harbour? Most of them involve music and boats I think. Do you have a greeting to the crowd who will be reading this? Hello. Let’s have a lovely day together. CHRIS COCO 19:15 Kolding 14:30 Frederiksberg (Mathildehøjen) 024 THE ARTISTS Ambient deep funk house meets tech tribal sounds. Gavyn Mitchel is a name woven into the rich tapestry of London’s clubbing heritage. A driving force for electronic music in the UK capital, many years and venues have enabled Gavin to hone his versatility as a DJ. Where trance and progressive once dominated DJ sets, Gavyn now focuses his efforts on ‘deeptechfunkhouse,’ an exploration of a daring musical dimension. In essence, it’s the power to mould underground sounds into mainstream madness. At Stella Polaris, Gavyn will use his versality and wide musical knowledge to play the best electronic chillout tunes around. Would you like to have summer all year? Living in London I would probably say yes but saying that I’m the type of person who moans when its too hot so actually no, I like the 4 seasons we go through. Name your biggest inspiration. DJ wise it would be Sasha, love what he has done over the past two dec ades, sticking to what he likes and not following others and still maintaining his followers who are loyal, also that look he has when behind the decks, ha ha! London, 25,000 people in front of me, the event started at 2 pm and I was called up a 1.20 pm, quick taxi over the Thames and having to burn music off in the taxi, crazy, got a nice sun tan that day! Do you have a greeting to the crowd who will be reading this? See you at the front with a big english smile!!! Photos welcome! What is your best summer memory involving music? A surprise call up to warm for Calvin Harris and Tiesto at Victoria Park in Describe your music in 4 words. Deep, Tech, Funk, House. How do you approach playing at Stella Polaris? Very open minded, heard great things about this event, will be looking to ex plore different sounds than normal as it’s a daytime event, more chilled shall we say. Do you ever dance alone? Love dancing alone! I would say I’m a good club dancer. Lol. GAVYN MITCHEL 13:45 Sønderborg 025 PLANET STELLA ISSUE N° 001 From rock and roll to a modern mix of acid house, psychedelia and chill-out – that’s Helmet Compass. Based in Copenhagen, this producer trio has recorded an album that truly goes in many directions (bongo drums, guitar solos, techno synths tape delay…), and does so beautifully. Helmet Compass takes you on a lazy journey into their special universe. The band has been hailed by Vice/ Noisey, who claim they will “gladly take a tropical vacation on the couch to their tunes” – we couldn’t agree more. The trio have been composing a very special set for Stella Polaris, and we know they have been working very hard to make it perfect. We are very happy to have the young Copenhagen band on board this year. Keep an eye on them! “ W E W I L L GL AD LY TAK E A TRO P I C AL VAC AT I O N O N THE CO U C H TO T H E I R T UN ES” V I C E / N OI S E Y HELMET COMPASS 13:00 Aarhus 14:00 Frederiksberg (Mathildehøjen) 026 THE ARTISTS The unmistakable voice of Bronski Beat and The Communards, featured on massive hits such as Smalltown Boy and Don't Leave Me This Way – it can be none other than Jimmy Somerville. With 30 years, countless songs and five solo albums under his belt, Jimmy Somerville will take audience on a joyous musical journey to where his love for music started, with his signature falsetto and electro pop at the helm. We are lucky to have Jimmy Somerville performing a “one-in-amillion” acoustic downtempo concert, specially created for Stella Polaris. Lay back in the grass and enjoy. READ THE INTERVIEW WITH JIMMY SOMERVILLE ON PAGE 71 JIMMY SOMERVILLE 16:30 Frederiksberg 027 PLANET STELLA ISSUE N° 001 When Kalle B. is behind the decks at Stella Polaris, he often finds himself playing the Stella Polaris compilations he has been compiling alongside Buda and Nicka. He often lets quirky tunes that brings out the smile on everyones face into the mix. Somehow these strange tunes work at an extra level, when you see the person playing them. Kalle is one of the founding fathers of Stella Polaris, so he knows what Stella Polaris sounds like. When not working on Stella Polaris, Kalle also releases some of the freshest kids-music around. Featuring a great line-up of danish artists, as well as himself on vocals. KALLE B. 12:00 Sønderborg 12:00 / 13:45 Aarhus 13:45 Kolding 12:00 Frederiksberg 028 THE ARTISTS Kelela Mizanekristos is a Los Angeles b ased vocalist and songwriter. The soulful singer never received formal vocal training in her youth; instead she experimented with a range of vocal styles before finding her own sound in the music emerging out of LA’s underground scene. Kelela brings that edge into her smooth pop / electronic compositions, something that has resulted in her earning numerous year- end list mentions and established her as an artist to watch, playing all the hottest spots. Her debut mix Cut 4 Me was widely celebrated and now the songstress is following up with a brand new EP, the production of which is in the hands of star producer Arca. As Kelela plans the release of her first LP later this year, the world is starting to pay attention – and so should you. READ THE ARTICLE ABOUT KELELA ON PAGE 74 KELELA 14:30 Frederiksberg 029 PLANET STELLA ISSUE N° 001 Brought together by a special chemistry in the 70s, the duo that makes up Laid Back have been producing solid hits for years. Few groups can match the continuity in career Laid Back can boast about, now more than 30 years after their debut… always at the service of the Groove as aptly exemplified by one of the all-time most sampled tracks, namely “White Horse”. As well as releasing original music to the masses, they’ve composed music for films and been sampled and remixed by many musical maestros, most notably Trentemoller. Known for their minimal “less is more” style, Laid Back have never been afraid of navigating towards new sonic territories. They have released a number of classic and almost generation-defining tracks. Laid Back will also join Stella Polaris in the US in September. Come experience hits that take you back in time and true, well, laid back legends – at Stella Polaris. LAID BACK 15:30 Sønderborg 030 THE ARTISTS Land Observations is the solo project of composer, musician and artist James Brooks, an artist on the roster of prestige record label Mute. Formerly a member of acclaimed band Appliance, Land Observations is Brooks’ playground to explore the power of minimalism via layered guitars to create warm, evocative instrumentals. Influenced as much by American Primitive guitar players as classical composers, Brooks has created music that generously resonates through time and space and has been hailed by critics, with MOJO describing it as “metronomic intensity” and by Q as having an “understated, fragile beauty”. “METRON OM I C I NT E N S I T Y ” MOJO LAND OBSERVATIONS 13:00 Kolding 18:00 Frederiksberg (Mathildehøjen) 031 PLANET STELLA ISSUE N° 001 Løwenstein is a versatile DJ. He has a great track-record within the house and techno scene, but when playing one of his much appreciated downtempo sets he brings in a wide range of elements representing his exquisite taste in music. From the darkest ambient to the lightest disco. From the best Thai funk in the east and to the smoothest jazz in the west. His many years of involvement in the Stella Polaris project has given him a deep understanding of how to construct a downtempo set. His sets varies a lot from each Stella Polaris event to the next, so you never really know what to expect. Løwenstein also compiles the Stella Polaris Official Favourites, that are found on Spotify. LØWENSTEIN 12:00 Sønderborg 12:00 / 13:45 Aarhus 12:00 Kolding 13:30 Frederiksberg 032 THE ARTISTS If there is an act that has given the crowd more beautiful Stella Polaris moments than any other, it has to be Lulu Rouge. Since they closed off Stella Polaris in 2007 with a magical performance featuring Trentemøller, T.O.M and BUDA have had the honor of playing the last set on the last sunday. Every year they bring in new surprises, as they navigate from ambient, to dub, to house and even to a little bit of rave sometimes. Everything is built upon edits and magnificent DJ skills, leaving the audience with no doubt that Lulu Rouge has entered the stage. Dancing is not a big thing at Stella Polaris, but Lulu Rouge surely proves the opposite in those magical final hours in Frederiksberg Have, with the sun setting to the joyful and slightly drunk smiles on the faces in the crowd. 2006 THE LEGENDARY LULU ROUGE CLOSING-SET IMMEDIATELY BECAME A TRADITION LULU ROUGE 19:30 Frederiksberg 033 PLANET STELLA ISSUE N° 001 Lydmor – the “Mother of Sound” – is Jenny Rossander; a 25 year old singersongwriter from Denmark. Despite her young age, Lydmor has toured throughout Europe and southeast Asia, collaborated with respected artists such as Arsenal (BE), Alle Farben(DE), Amanda Palmer (US), Bottled in England (DK), and more, and established herself as one of the most promising underground artists in her home country. Now Lydmor is ready for bigger things, armed with the release of her album “y” – a fearless and striking record stacked with intensity, emotion and personal experience. Lydmor’s fragile voice is the storyteller throughout, catching your ear through layers of ambiance and electronic soundscapes. LYDMOR 13:00 Sønderborg 13:00 Frederiksberg 034 THE ARTISTS Mads Bjørn is a danish singer, songwriter and multi-instrumentalist, who has two highly acclaimed albums out so far. Both albums were recorded and produced by himself in his own studio. Only to be visited by guests such as Fallulah, Carpark North and Rick Astley. Mads Bjørn has played a number of live-shows the recent years. As a solo artist as well as with a band, he has toured all over the country. He has also been supporting the likes of Teitur, Tim Christensen and Carpark North on their tours. Furthermore, Mads Björn might be characterised as the only Stella Polaris resident that is not a DJ. We are very proud to have him! MAD S BJØRN 19:15 Sønderborg 18:30 Aarhus 035 Danish newcomer M.I.L.K. is one of the most sparkling talents to arrive on the Danish music scene in 2015. Curlyhead Emil Wilk is the centerpiece of the ever changing soulcollective, consisting of different musicians, that are linked. One way or another. In spring 2015, the first single “If We Want To” emerged on Soundcloud. Not long after, it was in the top 5 of the most talked about songs on Hypemachine. M.I.L.K. carries strong influences from the likes of recent artists such as Jungle, Rhye and Blood Orange, but also from beloved classics like Sly Stone and Curtis Mayfield. The debut EP is out after the summer. We expect something big here! M.I.L.K. 14:30 Kolding THE ARTISTS Pat Mahoney isn’t quite in the Phil Collins category yet, but after watching his unmatchable energy seated behind the drum-kit as he powered LCD Soundsystem for a decade, it’s a great feeling to realize that the honeyed vocals heard on Museum of Love’s self-titled debut album belong to him. Even beyond that prominent role in the label’s flagship act, Mahoney and bandmate Dennis McNany are already DFA family. The latter released a handful of singles as Jee Day, lent a hand to Shit Robot’s We Got a Love, mixed a Panthers single, and even recorded a track for the Rapture. Museum of Love recalls smooth productions of elegant 1980s new wave and nu-romantic acts, and are just as cool as the rest of the DFA family they are a very big part of already. MUSEUM OF LOVE 17:30 Kolding 18:00 Frederiksberg 037 PLANET STELLA ISSUE N° 001 Nicka is one of the founding partners of Stella Polaris. Originating from the times where only good and bad music existed, Nicka plays all sorts of electronic genres and has been blessed with appearances around the globe. Being one of the founders of the Stella Polaris concept, he surely knows how to construct a downtempo DJ-set to perfection. He is of course part of the Stella Polaris Allstars remix team that has created special tracks for Stella by acts like Tina Dickow, Veto, Booka Shade and Groove Armada. At Stella Polaris, you should expect a twist of Indie, Leftfield, Electronica, Dub and potentially a House beat. NICKA HAS PLAYED APPROXIMATELY 90 HOURS OF MUSIC AT STELLA POLARIS. MORE THAN ANYONE ELSE! NICKA 16:15 / 17:30 Sønderborg 15:30 / 17:30 Aarhus 15:00 / 16:45 Kolding 15:30 Frederiksberg 038 THE ARTISTS Pete Gooding lives in Ibiza where this story begins. He fell in love with house music at the age of 12 after being given a cassette of The House Sound Of Chicago Volume One. Since then he has been on the forefront of electronic music, and especially downtempo music. With a great number of releases, remixes, compilations for the biggest labels and artists, he has surely placed himself in a wellrespected position. He has traveled the world, but his home is in Ibiza where he is a regular at the biggest club, as well as holding the careerdefining residency at the legendary Café Mambo. Besides that he runs a bunch of different labels, a global radio show. Oh and the he has a packed DJ schedule that has includes high profile sets at Bestival, Glastonbury and, of course, in Ibiza. Pete Gooding will have the residency at Mathildehøjen in Frederiksberg Have this year. PETE GOODING 12:00 / 13:30 / 16:30 / 17:30 Frederiksberg (Mathildehøjen) 039 PLANET STELLA ISSUE N° 001 The duo Kikos, who was recently signed to well-respected danish label Sound of Copenhagen, is a newcomer on the Danish scene. Already in spring 2014, their song “First” was featured on “Det Elektriske Barometer”. Their very original sounds can be characterised as atmospheric slowjams with a few journeys into soul and southern rock. The duo is influenced by names such as The Doors, J.J. Cale, Gillian Welch and Timber Timbre. The sound of The Kikos is centered around the beautiful vocals of Valdemar Have. His great songwriting and dark vocal, makes The Kikos stand out even more. The band is currently finalizing their debut EP, but bits and pieces can already be heard on SoundCloud. The melancholy, that often comes with listening to The Kikos, can surely transform your afternoon at Stella Polaris into something very special. Do you ever dance alone? Regularly. Actually on a daily basis. Name your biggest inspiration. Ry Cooder. What is your best summer memory involving music? Neil Young at Roskilde drunk with joy and cheap wine. Do you have a greeting to the crowd who will be reading this? Rave On. Describe your music in 4 words. Slow, dark, eclectic folkrock. THE KIKO S 17:00 Frederiksberg (Mathildehøjen) 040 THE ARTISTS The warm, hearty tunes of Danish folk-act The White Album began sprouting, as natural and free-flowing as each of the three band members’ beards, when long-time friends Claus Arvad, Jakob Eilsø and Frederik Vedersø in the fall of 2010 teamed up in a cottage in the Danish countryside to write music. With their characteristic style of “Nordic melancholy”, the trio debuted in 2011 with the digital release of “The Album”. The year after, it was followed by the EP “Conquistador” to great media appraisal both home and abroad, where British tabloid The Independent among others, commended the trio for sounding like “Sufjan Stevens singing psalms with Low”. In September 2014, The White Album returned with their debut fulllength, “The Quiet Strum”. THE WHITE ALBUM 14:30 Aarhus 041 PLANET STELLA ISSUE N° 001 Thomas Buttenschøn is a heartfelt danish singer / songwriter, whose characteristic voice expresses his feelings and state of mind. His most recent album “Sange der ikke er til radioen” (“Songs that are not for the radio” red.) reflects recent events in his life, such as making the tough choice of moving from inner Copenhagen to the southern part of Jutland. About life-changing decisions and the development to being a husband and a father. Reflections and thoughtfulness is the foundation of his latest album. All of them told as great stories with a mix of humor and seriousness. Thomas Buttenschøn is at hometurf in Sønderborg, where he will play. Just him and his guitar. THOMAS BUT TENS CHØN 16:45 Sønderborg 042 THE ARTISTS T.O.M and His Computer is the most recent alias for Copenhagen favourite Thomas Bertelsen. Starting out many years ago by looping and creating beats on his 4 track tape-recorder. Since then, the very talented producer and DJ has been around the block. When Trentemøller was breaking through, T.O.M was his partner in crime. Since then Thomas produced a number of songs and well known edits. Both alone, and alongside Buda as Lulu Rouge. Although his music is computerbased, it may be hard to categorize just as electronic music. When performing T.O.M. mixes various pieces of electronica, rock, lofi guitars, vocals and cinematic soundscapes. T.O.M. And His Computer have been the opening act for Trentemøller on the recent live tours throughout Europe and the US. Describe your music in 4 words. Dark, Electronic, Lo Fi, Alternative. How do you approach playing at Stella Polaris? I take it vey slow… Do you ever dance alone? Yes Would you like to have summer all year? No! I love the four seasons. Name your biggest inspiration? My kids. What is your best summer memory involving music? Lulu Rouge DJ set at Stella Polaris 2012 I think… we played a perfect set (Lulu Rouge) and had 20,000 people stand ing up and dancing to ambient. Do you have a greeting to the crowd who will be reading this? Enjoy! T.O.M AND HIS COMPUTER 16:00 Kolding 043 PLANET STELLA ISSUE N° 001 Tomas Barfod was first exposed to the indefinable lure of the electronic music scene not by clubbing (that came later), or by specific acts, but by a long-forgotten film featuring a section set in a club. Early musical influences ranged from the likes of Goldie, Massive Attack and Portishead, to Goa trance and techno, before drifting into house and disco. Back in the summer of 2012, Danish polymath Tomas Barfod released his debut solo album, the sophisticated mesh of electronics that is Salton Sea. He has followed up with the great Love Me. He is a very talented club-DJ and he has rocked a great number of the best dancefloors around. Latest addition is his live show featuring a 3-piece live band including Nina K. Now he is at Stella Polaris for the first time, and judging from his recent Stella Polaris mixtape, the crowd is in for a treat. Do you ever dance alone? In general I have promised myself to dance more, because I never do. And that also for dancing alone if I’m in the mood. Describe your music in 4 words. Body, synthesizer, Balearic, random. Would you like to have summer all year? Yes, thats why I spend so much time in LA… I’m not the typical scandinavian artist that feels they need some dark ness or what ever for inspiration. How do you approach playing at Stella Polaris? I’m really looking forward because it’s very different from my usual set 02 – 0 5 in the night. And since I love all sorts of music it’s very good reason to dig up some of the more eclectic and ambient tracks from my collection. No matter where I play I will always have some techno in me, but for Stella it will be the toned down, ambiet version. Name your biggest inspiration? Some how Kanye is. They way he al ways says whats on his mind, no matter how awkward it is, and at the same time he always pushes bounderies with his music. I try to say what I feel in all situations, but I don’t always suceed, especially if it could hurt somebodies feelings. What is your best summer memory involving music? Ohh… there is many, but my first Sonar was pretty crazy and kind made the whole foundation / inspiration for where I am today I discovered Kompakt and Michael Mayer and DFA records in the period and loads of other music that showed me a direction, which lead to my solo career and founding Who madewho. Do you have a greeting to the crowd who will be reading this? Stay curious. TOMAS BARF OD 18:30 Frederiksberg (Mathildehøjen) 044 THE ARTISTS Waqar is renowned as one of the best all-around dj's in Copenhagen making him a favorite among the finest clubs in town.His passion and immense knowledge of music makes his sets unpredictable and eclectic. He can play anywhere from italo disco, over 80’s classics and to banging techno. His devotion to the Copenhagen Nightlife has made him a part of Distortion festival’s booking team, were Waqar uses his knowledge of 'what’s cooking' in the international music scene to bring some of the most prominent names to the Danish capital. We are very happy to have Waqar onboard! WAQAR 19:15 Aarhus 045 PLANET STELLA ISSUE N° 001 Yungest is a young Danish woman with lebanese blood in her veins. Her musical output is rap, but far from the ordinary type of rapper around these days. The danish beauty delivers her sleazy laid-back rap in English, often set to old-school Dilla-esque beats (one of her first songs on Soundcloud, it actually IS a Dilla beat). She is charming, and her unique sounds and honest texts have already resulted in appreciation from artists like Rejjie Snow and Earl Sweatshirt. We didn’t know about this great artist until we stumbled upon her Soundcloud profile. You might not know about her either, but be sure to check her out. She is going to blow up, very soon. Would you like to have summer all year? I’m from the Middle East, I need 25+ all year round! What is your best summer memory involving music? Late summer nights at Islands Brygge with a lot of good people, music, food and swimming. Do you have a greeting to the crowd who will be reading this? I’m super excited to share my ex girlfriend lullabies and get semi drunk with you guys! Hope you all have a great summer. Describe your music in 4 words. True, personal, fun and new. How do you approach playing at Stella Polaris? I’m very excited about playing at Stella Polaris; I’ve been in the crowd before and the vibe is so chill and down to earth – just like me! I’m super hyped about being able to give out that vibe myself this year. Do you ever dance alone? All the time. I have this thing where I create a fake music video for the song I’m listening to... Choreography and all! YUNGEST 13:00 Frederiksberg (Mathildehøjen) 046 DO’S AT STELLA POLARIS LAY BACK AND ENJOY THE MUSIC DRINK WATER & USE SUNSCREEN LOVE OUR VOLUNTEERS CHECK OUT THE BEAUTIFUL PARK Stella Polaris is made for chillin’ so find a good spot, and relax. Unlike all other festivals you actually don’t have to walk around all day. Just chill. Sometimes, the danish summer is very warm. And danish people have a tendency to forget about it. We have seen some cases of very burned skin, and dehydration. So remember to drink water in between, and soak your beautiful body in sunscreen. They are working their ass off all day, so if you see someone in a green t-shirt with a Stella Polaris logo on, please go give them a hug or say something nice. They are the ones making this happen! We offer plenty of different food and drink offerings, and in Frederiksberg Have we even have two stages! So get up and take a stroll around the beautiful park. You might even meet someone you know! DONT’S AT STELLA POLARIS DON’ T BRING BAD VIBES Stella Polaris is a place for smiles and good times in the sun. If you bring bad vibes, we recommend that you find the nearest exit, and go out for a while. You are more than welcome to return if you feel your mood changing. DON’ T SIT ON OTHER PEOPLES BLANKETS Don’t sit on other peoples blankets, if you are not invited. It is just not polite… Ask for an invitation! DON’ T STARE INTO YOUR PHONE DON’ T BE A STRANGER You know you have a tendency to be online all day long when you should be doing some cloud watching, music listening or talking to your fellow Stella-goers. Turn your device off, and go online only when you have to send pictures of how good you are feeling to all of your friends. (remember #stellapolaris). Everyone at Stella Polaris is there for the same reason. Enjoying their day. Everyone is in a good mood. So go talk to some strangers and make some new friends. There are plenty to choose from. PLANET STELLA ISSUE N° 001 ALBU M S CHRIS COCO TO P 5 DOWNTEMPO / CHILL-OUT MUSIC 1. JO N N Y N A S H E X I T ST R AT E G I E S A British guitarist based in Bali doing amazing mellow things. 2 . N IL S F R A H M S O LO Solo piano from the current master of the style. 3. JO S E PA D IL L A S O M A N Y CO LO U R S The Cafe Del Mar don collaborating with contemporary producers. 4 . M A R K BA R ROT T SKETCHES FROM AN ISLAND The sound of Ibiza on wax. 5. A W IN G E D V ICTO RY FOR THE SULLEN ATO M O S Big and dramatic modern ambient. S ONGS 1 . DJ P IP P I & JL DA N G E RO U S 2 . ST R AT U S TISNO 3. CH R IS CO CO I N M Y H U M BL E O P I N I O N 4. THE ORB M O O N BU I L D I N G 27 03 5. T RO E L S H A M M E R MADSI COM PILATIONS 1. BA L E A R IC A new venture for me and DJ Jim Breese, proper modern chillout. 2 . ST E L L A P O L A R IS The Stella compilations are always excellent. 3. M A R IN I ' S O N 57 Me and Afterlife with a lounge selection for a very special bar in KL. 4 . L A E S CO L L E R A Music selected for an exclusive restaurant in Ibiza. 5. M U S IC F O R D R E A M S – CO P E N H AG E N 2 01 5 The latest from Kenneth Bager's great label. 070 MAIN ACT INTERVIEWS I LIVED FOR CLUBBING AN INT ERVI EW W I T H J I M M Y S O M E RV I L LE BY N IE L S F EZ PED ER S EN Jimmy Somerville has one of the most recognizable voices in pop. On his new album, he wraps it around the kind of music he loves and has used for both escape and activism: Disco. To some people disco is just a party. It’s all handclaps and funny wigs, but to a disco connoisseur like Jimmy Somer ville the big songs of the 1970’s come with an important message of equality and hope – as well as joy and freedom. He recently released a new album called Homage, where the Scottish singer celebrates the beloved sound with a string of new songs written and produced like classic disco. “Disco is the one stream of music I always go back to. Especially when I’m feeling emotional and want to indulge in heartbreak or just want to dance. Everybody has an attitude to disco, but as soon as someone’s had a drink at a party, they dance to the beat.” At 54, Jimmy Somerville sounds very much like the young man, who sang with a high falsetto voice on records by Bronski Beat and The Communards in the 1980’s. His Scottish accent is heavy and over the phone he is talkative and radiates commitment to not only disco, but also the politics of the dancefloor. “The music played an important part of my early teenage years. I was a young gay man growing up in the grey, industrial city of Glasgow. Disco was a real escape for me. It was part of a subculture of gay clubs, where people could express themselves in a way that was impossible in public. The dancefloor was a place of freedom for me. A safe haven away from discrimination.” When he wasn’t dancing, Jimmy Somerville was fantasizing about the glory of places like New York or London. He also became an activist and has ever since been involved in the fight for gay rights. “While I wrote and recorded Homage, I thought a lot about the politics of disco and the ‘Disco Sucks’ movement in America in the late 1970’s. That wasn’t about the music. It was white, conservative America reacting against the emancipation of black and gay people and anyone at the fringes of society. Disco gave all of them a voice.” 071 PLANET STELLA ISSUE N° 001 H I T S AN D IDEOLOGY Jimmy Somerville made it out of Scotland and became a pop star in the 1980’s. He had four Top 20 hits with Bronski Beat, before he teamed up with clas sical trained pianist Richard Coles and formed The Communards. The duo took several disco classics to the top of the charts, and their riveting versions of ‘Don’t Leave Me This Way’ and ‘Never Can Say Goodbye’ connected them with an audience far away from the gay clubs. Like other popular British bands of the decade, The Communards had a keen interest in politics and even put a red star on their album sleeves. It was the era of Margaret Thatcher and the miners’ strike. Recently some of Somervilles old songs were used in the hit movie Pride. In real life he was best friends with the movie’s hero, Mark Ashton, co-founder of Lesbian and Gays Support the Miners. “It’s difficult to image that kind of political involvement in the charts today. I’d like to see it come back. It’s needed, we live in difficult times.” Today his former bandmate, Richard Coles, is a priest in England and a beloved radio host on BBC4. Jimmy Somerville is still singing the old hits and taking care of a solo career with long breaks and absence from the public eye. “I’m not a fan of celebrity. I’ve had my own problems to deal with. My life has been a rollercoaster, and I try to navigate carefully. The new album comes at a time, when I’m finally at peace with my demons. I can now make music and not be consumed by fear or too much negativity.” Jimmy Somerville is an emotional person and the feelings come out in his singing. Some songs from the past are simply too heavy for him to perform today. “I recently did a show in Hamburg, and for the first time in 20 years I sang ‘For a Friend’ from the first album by The Communards. I have not been able to sing it live. Every time I rehearse it, I cry. The song is part of a time, when so many young men and friends died from aids related illnesses. Music is very powerful in that way.” One song is always played at his concerts. It’s the marvelous uplifting tune that made his name back in 1984, when he was the young singer with Bronski Beat. ‘Smalltown Boy’ has one of the greatest intros ever, but the longevity of the song is not only about synth and drum beats. The lyrics carry a strong message about coming out. “That song still has the power to reach people and give them hope and some kind of identification. The song was a cry for me. It was my life and my big question: Are there more men like me? I am the ‘Smalltown Boy’, emotional and sensitive, and I think people can hear that. I really like singing the song live. It’s so old now, it doesn’t feel like my song anymore. I feel like I’m doing a cover. It allows me to connect with my past and feel the emotions from the crowd.” JIMMY SOMERVILLE’S ALBUM HOMAGE IS OUT NOW! H E AVY EM OTIONS His performance at Stella Polaris will be a rare acoustic set with new and old songs. “I do a lot of retro shows. Music is tied to people’s lives and I share the feeling. When I sing ‘Don’t Leave Me This Way’, it reminds me of the day I was in a TV studio and got a phone call saying my best friend had died. Songs are an important part of birth and death, love and heartbreak. People come to my concerts to reconnect with their past”. 072 “ T H E DAN C E F LO O R WA S A P L AC E O F F R E E D O M F O R ME . A S AF E H AV E N AWAY F ROM D I S C R I M I N AT I O N.” 54 YEARS OLD. SCOTTISH SINGER AND SONGWRITER. MOST FAMOUS HITS INCLUDE: SMALLTOWN BOY, WHY, I FEEL LOVE /JOHNNY REMEMBER ME, DON’T LEAVE ME THIS WAY, NEVER CAN SAY GOODBYE, YOU MAKE ME FEEL (MIGHTY REAL), TO LOVE SOMEBODY. PLANET STELLA ISSUE N° 001 In high school she was voted 'most likely to be a pop star', but for the now-exalted r&b singer-songwriter Kelela, this premonition wasn’t as straightforward as it seemed to her peers, and certainly wasn't fulfilled immediately after graduation. Rather than sailing straight into a career in music, she spent five years working solidly towards a bright and comfortable future in academia, studying sociology and international relations at American University in Washington DC. At this point she was only dabbling in music – singing jazz standards in cafés and even going through a progressive metal phase for a while. But in her final semester, she eventually dropped out and moved to LA to pursue her art more seriously. KELEL A MO ST LIKELY TO BE A P OP STAR BY EM M A BL AK E 074 MAIN ACT INTERVIEWS Although she only had to complete another 12 credits to graduate, Kelela has admitted it was only at that time, when she was already in her mid-20s, that she realised she urgently had to give her music the proper chance it deserved – and seemingly marking the instance when she accepted that what her classmates had anticipated might have been the right path for her all along. But the ‘pop star’ classification still appears a little simplistic when applied to Kelela's output, both in the the content of her lyrics and the musical style itself. Although the lyrics from her 2013 mixtape Cut 4 Me focused heavily on her breakup with ex-boyfriend and fellow musician Tosin Abasi (from the progressive metal band Animals as Leaders), Kelela claimed she only accepted afterwards that the project could have been understood as a ‘breakup album’. She told Pitchfork in 2013, ‘I wanted to talk about parts of a relationship that we don’t usually bring into a pop context… I don’t want you to feel defeated, like, “Oh boy, why do you do this to me?” We have too many of those songs.’ The structure of her tracks subvert standard pop in the same way. She allows herself to be playful with typical verse-chorus-bridge arrangements, making creative use of musical pauses and therefore keeping us coming back for more. Cut 4 Me appears as a compelling experiment in undermining the classic pop formula. After falling in love with the sounds coming out of LA label Fade to Mind and its UK counterpart Night Slugs – a kind of forward-thinking, dislocated combination of grime, house, electro, R&B, techno, hip hop, and dubstep – she worked with a host of producers from both labels (including Bok Bok, Ngzungzu, Kingdom and Jam City) to create a record of original tracks that were deliberately designed to feel more like a remix album. More recently Kelela has been working on her Hallucinogen EP, which was originally set to drop in May this year, but she postponed the release herself in a brave display of perfectionism because she didn’t feel it was ready yet. So far we’ve only heard A Message, another glossy exploration of lust and passion, this time in collaboration with Venezuelan Arca, a producer Kelela says she clicked with straight away when they first met, discussing the intersection between artistic vision and personal life. It is by operating at this seam between the deeply personal and the alluring abstract that has allowed Kelela to capture real emotion while steering clear of the clichés of pop music. BIRTHNAME: KELELA MIZANEKRISTOS. BORN: 1983, USA. RELEASES: CUT 4 ME (2013), HALLUCINOGEN (FORTHCOMING 2015). KELELA IS PLAYING IN FREDERIKSBERG AT 14:30. KE LELA A LLOW S H E R S E L F TO BE PLAY FU L W I T H STAN DAR D V E R S E - C H O RU SB R IDG E A RRA N G E M E N T S , ALWAYS K E E P ING U S COM I N G BAC K F O R M O R E . 075 PLANET STELLA ISSUE N° 001 AFR I K A BURN S OUT H AF RI C A C A PPAD OX T URK E Y AfrikaBurn is an unique community of 10,000+ participants who once a year come together in Tankwa Town in the Karoo desert of South Africa to create and enjoy art – and so much more. A Burning Man regional event, AfrikaBurn shares its principles of communal effort, participation, civic responsibility, radical inclusion and self-expression, to name but a few. The festival is a true sandpit, where you can play without getting hurt and where your imagination can take you anywhere. Cappadox was held for the first time earlier this year, and talk about starting with a bang. The open-air event is located in central Anatolia and draws inspiration from the cultural heritage and extraordinary landscape of Cappadocia. If the mind-blowing scenery doesn’t leave you speechless, the hot air balloons crowding the sky are sure to do the trick. The true star of the festival though is the unique and eclectic lineup of international and local musicians, cool contemporary art, innovative gastronomy events and amazing outdoor activities. AFRIKABURN TRÆNA A FEW F ESTIVALS TO TRAVEL TO A ROUN D T H E WOR L D ! 076 A FEW FESTIVALS F E ST IVAL N ° 6 WALES TR ÆNA NORWAY Festival N°6 doesn’t care for labels / genres; its a magical mix of rock, folk, house, techno, dance, and everything in-between. More than just music, the festival offers a wide range of refined cultural activities and artistic events, such as poetry, talks, readings and comedy. The festival is held annually in the beautiful village of Portmeirion in Wales, an exotic and picturesque place inspired by and resembling an old Italian coastal town. The curators claim that at N°6, the artists are equally as inspired by their surroundings as the attendees are by the art – and its easy to see why. Explore an epic music festival in one of the smallest municipalities in Norway. The tiny community of Træna is located on an island in the North Pacific, and the only way to get there is by boat. At Trænafestival you can experience the best of music and culture in the magnificent Norwegian nature. Surrounded by the ocean and loving atmosphere of the rest of the festival guests, this journey is well worth it. Paradise doesn’t always have to be in the tropics. S OU T HERN S OUL M ON T EN EGRO CAPPADOX The organisers of Southern Soul Festival in Montenegro know how to chill out. Think sea, sun and summer tunes, all situated at beautiful sandy beaches on the Adriatic Coast – Velika Plaza, near a fortress-like old town from medieval times that sits atop of a mountain overlooking the shore. The festival features hip and underground names representing a broad selection of music. You can dance all day long and then enjoy the amazing sunsets, go bird-watching, horse-riding, island hopping, and kite / wind-surfing. Sounds pretty perfect, right? FESTIVAL N°6 SOUTHERN SOUL 077 PLANET STELLA ISSUE N° 001 @STELLAP OLARISDK #STELLAP OLARIS 078 INSTAGRAM REMEMBER TO UPLOAD & TAG US! 079 TAG US! & WIN ON INSTAGRAM! TAG @ ST E L L AP O L AR I S D K & USE # STEL L AP O L AR I S PLA NET ST EL LA ISSUE N° 001 MAGAZINE OFFICIAL STELLA POLARIS SUMMER 2015 VVIIPP KELELA talks The up and coming superstar creative process and much more. JIMMY S OMERVILLE Interview with the man behind “Smalltown Boy”. MUSIC History, genre-guide, charts and recommendations. 1 P L AN E T ST E L L A COV ER I M AGE & 2 V I P PAC K S The winning image will feature on the cover of next years Planet Stella Magazine plus receive 2 VIP packs to Stella Polaris 2016 in the city of your choice! 2– 5 A STROB OG RA M MAT I C PR IME The next four runners up will receive a copy of our 2015 Stella Polaris Compilation CD – A Strobogrammatic Prime! 6 –10 T-S H I RT O R TOT E BAG The next four runners up will receive their choice of a Stella Polaris T-shirt or Tote Bag! Important: the winning image must be available as a high resolution image in order to appear on next years magazine cover. F OOD & DRINKS FEEDBACK MUSIC FEEDBACK WE LIKE ALL TH E FE E D BAC K W E C A N GE T. GOO D OR BAD. H AND THI S C A RD I N AT THE BA R . W E L IK E A L L T H E F E E D BACK W E CA N GET. G O O D O R BA D. H A N D T H IS CA R D IN AT TH E BA R. Are you able to buy what you need in terms of food and drinks? Do you have any favourite artists we should book for Stella Polaris next year? Do you have any suggestions for new stuff to include? How do you like the music? How about the prices? How do you feel about the volume of the music? Which bar / food stall is your favourite? Which one was the best act today? CROWD FEEDBACK WEATHE R FEEDBACK WE LIKE ALL THE FE E D BAC K W E C A N GE T. GOO D OR BAD. H AND THI S C A RD I N AT THE BA R . W E L IK E A L L T H E F E E D BACK W E CA N GET. G O O D O R BA D. H A N D T H IS CA R D IN AT TH E BA R. Did you meet anyone you knew from before? Or perhaps a new friend? How do you like the temperature today? Who are you here with? What is the ideal weather for Stella Polaris? What types of people do you see at Stella Polaris? Would you stay if it rained? Do you have enough space for your blanket /chair / butt? Do you wish it was summer all year? STELLA POLARIS KIDS If you have kids with you it is time to hand over this magazine. If not, you may want to try the coming challenges yourself, or maybe just skip through them. Stella Polaris is for everyone, so of course the kids need some activity while the parents lay back and enjoy the music. So… mom and dad, go grab something from the bar, hand the magazine to your kids and listen to the music. On the next pages, all you need is a pen. You can do the numbers drawing or you can see if you can find all the differences between the two Pippelipop posters! Enjoy. THE YOUNGEST GUEST EVER TO ATTEND STELLA POLARIS WAS 11 HOURS OLD! STELLA P OLARIS KID S 083 PLANET STELLA ISSUE N° 001 Well this is a very difficult thing to work out as most people would say Brian Eno’s early works were the very early days of what we call Ambient music, then Jose Padilla’s Cafe Del Mar compilation in 1994. Danish DJ Kenneth Bager did an amazing compilation as well in 1995 called Music For Dreams, also very influential for me. However, if you go further back there are beautifully chilled pieces of music in the classical music genre, for example Mahler’s ‘Symphony Number 5’, I think this was written around 1901, more recently in the 70’s Black Sabbath’s ‘Planet Cravan’ set the chill out template up decades before chill out existed, so did Marvin Gaye’s ‘Inner City Blues’ so really the list is endless, but I think for what we call Ambient / Chill Out its Brian Eno, Jose Padilla, The Orb, KLF, Mixmaster Morris and so on! — Pete Gooding A BIT OF HISTORY PETE GOO D I N G ON T H E H I STORY OF D OW N T EM P O M US I C ! 086 T R IP H O P 2 01 0 2 005 P O ST-T R IP -H O P 2 000 HOUSE F URNIT UR E MU SIC CH I L L O UT DUB R AG GAE PSY- C H I L L PSYBI E N T NEW AGE SPACE M U SI C IND USTRIA L A M BIENT D RO N E M U SI C GL ITCH NO ISE M USIC NO ISE M USIC PURE A M BI E NT DA RK A M BIENT AM BI E N T CL A SSI CA L MI NI MA L I SM AM BI E N T H O USE CL A SSI CA L MOD E R NI SM A M B I EN T D UBST E P D OW N T EM P O H IP H O P 1 99 5 IL L B IE NT 1 99 0 1 98 5 1 98 0 1 97 0 O RIGIN T IME AMBIENT & DOWNTEMP O OR IGINS PLANET STELLA ISSUE N° 001 DOWNTEMP O ALBUMS YOU SHOULD LISTEN TO SELECTED BY STELLA P OL A R I S R ES I D EN T LØW E N ST E I N KRU D ER & DO RF M EI ST ER TH E K& D SE SSIO N S The K&D Sessions is the second DJ mix compilation album by the Vienna-based duo Kruder & Dorfmeister. Released by Studio!K7 in 1998 to glowing reviews. The compilation album is a selection of remixes from either Richard Dorfmeister, Peter Kruder or the two together. The album also contains two original productions and is known as one of the best downtempo mix-albums ever to be released. DJ SHA D OW ENDT RODUCI NG… THE ORB U. F.O R B U.F.Orb is the second studio album by ambient house / techno group The Orb. It was released in July 1992. U.F.Orb expresses The Orb’s fascination with alien life with its bizarre sound samples and in the album’s title itself. The album influenced many trip hop acts to come. 088 B R I A N E NO AMB I ENT 1 : MUS IC FOR AI RP ORTS Ambient 1: Music for Airports is the sixth studio album by Brian Eno. It was released by Polydor Records in 1978. The album consists of four compositions created by layering tape loops of differing lengths. It was the first of four albums released in Eno’s “Ambient” series, a term which he coined to differentiate his experimental and minimalistic approach to composition from “the products of the various purveyors of canned music”. MA SSI VE AT TACK M EZZANI NE B IO S PHERE SUB ST R ATA Substrata is an ambient music album by Biosphere, released in 1997 by All Saints Records. It is considered to be a classic ambient album. Being Biosphere’s first truly ambient album, it has a theme of cold, of mountains and glaciers and running water. Sounds of howling wind and creaking wood, although infrequently employed, create a chilling soundscape interrupted by sonorous but quietly suspenseful music. Endtroducing… is the debut studio album of American music producer DJ Shadow, released on November 19, 1996 on the record label Mo’ Wax. The album is renowned for being composed almost entirely of sampled content, most of which originated from various vinyl records obtained by DJ Shadow during trips to record shops. BOAR D S O F C A NA DA M U S I C H AS TH E R I G H T TO C H I LDREN Music Has the Right to Children is the debut public album of the Scottish elec tronic music duo Boards of Canada. It was published by Warp Records and released in 1998. The album received well deserved widespread acclaim upon release, and is considered a classic in its genre. Boards of Canada has since then released a number of albums, that are all highly acclaimed within the genre. Massive Attack is one of the classic and pioneering trip hop groups. Mezzanine is the third studio album by the English group, released on 20 April 1998 by Virgin Records. The entire album was provided on their website for legal download many months before the physical release was announced, one of the first major uses of the MP3 format by a commercial organisation. B ONOB O B L ACK SAND S Black Sands is the fourth studio album by British multi-instrumentalist and DJ Bonobo. It was released in 2010 by well-respected label Ninja Tune. Bonobo brings together hip hop, subtle funk, cinematic soul and even a smattering of dubstep makes the achievement all the more impressive as it all sounds so natural and organic. In 2012 the album was re-released as a remix package featuring remixes from Floating Points, FaltyDL, Banks and many others. CLOUD WATCHING AT STELLA P OLARIS A HOR I ZON TA L AC T I V I T Y ! Cirroc umulus C irru s 1 2,0 00 M H IG H C u mu l o ni mb u s Cirro strato s Altos tra tos 7,000 M M I DDLE Nimbostratos A ltoc umulus Stra toc umulus 2 ,000 M LOW C u mulus Stra tus PLANET STELLA ISSUE N° 001 THE STELLA P OLARIS an B ig B Th e 19 d O e ac Sp 20 0 1 ys se 97 y g TIMELINE A Stella Polaris emerged in Aarhus in 1997. The first time ever in Copenhagen The first time ever in Copenhagen was in 2001 when Stella Polaris was taking over Mathildehøjen. It was such a great success that moving to a larger area was necessary. Many years passed in Østre Anlæg, and now Stella Polaris is back to the beginning in Frederiksberg Have. The first Compilation First time in Østre Anlæg To spread out all of the good music presented at Stella Polaris, a compilation series was started. Focusing on danish acts and remixes of great internationals, these compilations have been highly accalaimed by critics and the crowd. p oo h w p 20 W h oo 0 5 ne w g in or Stella Polaris Stage at Northside Festival The first time in Odense At the now infamous Northside Festival, Stella Polaris hosted its very own stage in between the live-acts on main-stage. Every year, Stella Polaris have had the pleasure of working with Posten in Odense. Whether it was in Kongens Have, Munke Mose or Ansgar Anlæg. Big hailstorm at Stella Polaris In 2007, Stella Polaris had the worst weather to date. Cold and hailstorms during the day. Only a few stayed and listened to the music. th w e ac 2 S 0 p E Stella Polaris hosted a room in the majestic halls of Tate Britain. Alongside Victorian avantgarde art, the Londoners could enjoy the spectacular Stella Polaris vibe. n an d on 12 Stella Polaris at Tate Britain In 2011, Vennelystparken became too small for Stella Polaris. The chillout people had to move to the beautiful surroundings of Botanisk Have. Aalborg started out as a natural expansion to Aarhus and Copenhagen, and the residents were coming out in great numbers. 20 r ve First time in Botanisk Have Aarhus & Aalborg O St op 20 1 o 1 Kalle B. won the International Entrepreneur Awards 2011 for his work with Stella Polaris. 090 si xp 20 on ea an 1 0 07 er Ex pl 20 0 4 pl an et s After being one year at Mathildehøjen in Frederiksberg Have, Stella Polaris had to move to a much larger space. In the beautiful setting just behind Statens Museum for Kunst, Østre Anlæg was the place! c ti ac al rg In te 20 0 6 So un d THE STELLA POLARIS TIMELINE Night Music Galery When being offered the chance of moving inside Statens Museum for Kunst in Denmark, resistance was not to be found. One of the most beautiful rooms in Copenhagen had to be the space for many Stella Polaris concerts under the Night Music Gallery moniker. Lulu Rouge closing set The legendary Lulu Rouge closing-set immediately became a tradition. First time in Sønderborg & Kolding Stella Polaris Winter Chill Stella Polaris in New York City Expanding to various places around the country, we’ve seen many crowds and places, but few as beautiful as Sønderborg and Kolding. Both set in gorgeuos surroundings, and with a crowd ready for new experiences. en im e 1 d 5 ew h 2 N 0 Lo op 20 ol 14 si on s Though Stella Polaris works best in the summertime, we had the pleasure of trying out in the winter as well. For the first time, Stella Polaris is expanding to the US and hosting our first event, just north of NYC. Bringing a few danish acts and the special Stella Polaris vibe. 091 PLANET STELLA ISSUE N° 001 Since 2005 every Stella Polaris event has spawned a new chill out compilation CD, on sale at the park and available at music stores on the day after the festival. Each CD is compiled by Nicka, Kalle B. and Buda aka The Stella Polaris Allstars, with an emphasis on tracks and remixes by Danish artists, mixed with a splash of international contributions. International superstars such as Moby, Phil Collins and David Bowie have been carefully transformed and remixed to fit the very special Stella Polaris vibe. Many of the artists have performed at the Stella Polaris events several times, and the compilations have received splendid reviews by the music press. COMPILATIONS LNK .TO / ST EL L ACOM PI L AT I ON S 092 ST E LLA P O LA R I S 201 5 S O U N DTR AC K A STROBOGRAMMATIC PRIME TINA DICKOW MOON TO LET (SEKUOIA’S STELLA POLARIS REMIX) GONJE FEAT HANNAH SCHNEIDER WATER GIRL VISTI & MEYLAND OPEN YOUR ARMS (ARENHOLZ‘S STELLA POLARIS REMIX) JIMMY SOMERVILLE SMALLTOWN BOY (REPRISE 2014) LEO RYAN THE MOON FALLING THE KIKOS CANNONBALL (STELLA POLARIS REMIX) MADS BJÖRN SUMMERTIME HELMET COMPASS DRUGS IN MY POCKET (ARENHOLZ’S STELLA POLARIS REMIX) JOSÉ PADILLA & CHRIS ZIPPEL AKAMUNDO (SALTA MORTALE’S STELLA POLARIS REMIX) MUSEUM OF LOVE LEARNED HELPLESSNESS IN RATS (T.O.M. AND HIS COMPUTER’S STELLA POLARIS REMIX) CHRIS COCO IN MY HUMBLE OPINION (CEMETARY’S STELLA POLARIS REMIX) JOHN LEE HOOKER BLACK SNAKE (KASPER MØLTOV’S STELLA POLARIS REMIX) AUGUST EARLY LAND OBSERVATIONS ON OBSERVING THE MATTER VALLEY AVAILABLE AT THE FESTIVAL MERCHANDISE SHOP OR ONLINE AT GAFFASHOP.DK PLANET STELLA ISSUE N° 001 The DJ mix is a special art form. It can take you on a journey and take you through different states of mind – all within a relatively short period of time. Our podcast series showcases different DJ’s and artists take on the very special Stella Polaris vibe. The aim is to showcase the vast amount of talent on the danish and international electronic music scene. Often challenges the contributing artist as the genre of Stella Polaris often lies outside the normal spectre of music played in a club or for concerts. The challenge provides a special dynamic and makes the mixtapes very interesting. Occasionally, the mixtape series will also feature live recordings from previous years festival. MIX TAPES W W W.MIXCLO UD.COM / ST EL L A P OL A R I S D K 094 SPOTIFY For listening pleasure, and further exploration of the downtempo musicgenres, Stella Polaris compiles what you might call a chart. Every second week, we update our Spotify playlist with 20 of our favorite tracks. The frame of the playlist is that all the tracks could possibly be played at a Stella Polaris event. You can subscribe to the playlist and get inspiration or just get chilled to the tunes. PLAYLIST Stel l a Po l a r i s SONG ARTIST ALBUM Untitled Suzanne Kraft Missum 8:13 Ordet Bremer / McCoy Ordet 4:02 Talk Fatima Yellow Memories 4:46 Carry On Bobby Caldwell Carry On 3:56 Licorice MF Doom Metal Fingers Presents: Special Herbs, The Box Set 2:19 Vision of Estonia Uku Kuut Vision of Estonia 4:04 O Vento Gal Costa Gal Canta Caymmi 4:52 Gozame Ya! Susana Estrada Amor y Libertad 2:53 Alone in Da Sun Beat Spacek Modern Streets 6:04 Something We Lost Sekuoia Trips 4:59 Floor Show Kelela Cut 4 Me (Deluxe) 4:38 All I Ever Need Caribou Our Love 3:53 Polyfusion Seefeel Quique 6:24 Speed Racer Fernanda Abreau Máscaras 4:00 Cricket’s Theme Galcher Lustwerk I Neva Seen 6:14 Make It Better Andras & Oscar Cafe Romantica 4:34 Überspring Vermont Vermont 6:08 End of The Night Phony PPl Yesterday’s Tomorrow 3:15 Kojak Laurence Guy Kojak EP 5:01 Running Away Roy Ayers Ubiquity Lifeline 6:54 SP OTIFY LISTEN TO OU R L AT EST S UM M ER P L AY L I ST 095 PLANET STELLA ISSUE N° 001 Stella Polaris is the sparkling jewel in Europe’s festival crown. Held in the astonishing gardens of Frederiksberg, Aarhus, Odense, Kolding and Sønderborg around the beginning of August. This chill-out and astonishingly free electronic music festival is where you’ll find Europe’s more discerning festival-goers. Although the music is the most important part of the day, it is the event itself that makes Stella Polaris a growing hotspot in the summer calendar. STELLA POLARIS IS 18 YRS OLD Set amongst stunning natural surroundings that include a lake, banks of trees and sprawling greens, Stella Polaris is for those who are looking for something special. Whether you come to get horizontal or dance beneath the trees, this event is a unique experience making Stella Polaris free from the organised chaos that now characterises the 21st century festival. People are free to bring their own picnics, but a selection of food and drink is for sale via different stalls and bars across the site. Once you’ve picked your spot and laid out your blanket, the sound system and speakers dotted across the gardens ensure that you’ll be fully immersed in the sounds that flow out across the park. For me the unique thing about Stella Polaris is the music policy, its all more alternative and laid back so whether its chill out, electronic, balearic or more organic sounds it has a great released vibe. Its also a free festival which is a more unusual thing these days. — Pete Gooding ABOUT STELLA P OLARIS BY P ET E GOOD I N G 096 MEET THE MAS COTS D IE GOLD K IN D E R ’S TOP 1 0 FAVOUR I T E CHARACTER S FROM P L A N ET ST E L L A ! NAME ØESKHGUE WÅ LIKE S PL A NE T HOPPING E AT S EL EC T RICI T Y NAME MR . HOOL A DRE AMS OF L A DY GAGA LIKE S TA HOOL A SPECIAL TALEN T T HE MOON WA L K E AT S E V ERY T HING ROUND DRE AMS OF HOOL IGA NS SPECIAL TALEN T NONE NAME KISSING COUPLE GENDER WHATEVER LIKES FRENCH KISSING FAV. SONG KISS FAV. BAND KISS NAME WOODY LIKE S BIRDS ON A W IRE NAME JE T T E DRINK S R A IN LIKE S HOT D OGS FAV. B AND GREEN DAY E AT S COOL C AT S DRE AMS OF GREEN PE ACE DRE AMS OF COOL C AT S FAV. ARTIST SNO OP D OGG NAME M A RILY N X LIKE S COLOURFUL NA IL S NAME PRINCESS T IP SY FAV. BAND NINE INCH NAILS LIKES SOMERSBY, BEER, BOYS SPECIAL TALEN T NA IL ING I T EATS WITH A GOLDEN SPOON DRE AMS OF HIS OW N NA IL ST UDIO DRE AMS OF T HE RIGH T ONE NAME HON Y TAW K SPECIAL TALEN T RESP ONSIBL E DRINKING LIKE S P OP SHOV E-I T S DRINK S BURN FAV. SONG SK AT ER BOY DRE AMS OF PRINCESS T IP SY NAME FR A NKEN ST INE NAME MAMA DEVILLE & LUCI LIKE S BAT S , H AT S & C AT S FROM HEL L DRINK S BLOODY M A RY ’ S LIKE S BUGGY R ACES FAV. MOVIE T W IL IGH T FAV. SONG W HEEL S ON FIRE SPECIAL TALEN T B AT T ING HER L A SHES E AT S RED HOT CHIL I PEPPER S THIS YEARS GRAPHIC IDENTITY WAS DESIGNED BY DIE GOLDKINDER BERLIN! DIEGOLDKINDER.DE