Leadership in a Changing Environment
Leadership in a Changing Environment
RS YEA 100 ANS Services à l'enfance Andrew Fleck Child Care Services Leadership in a Changing Environment 2013 ANNUAL REPORT We support children and their families through high quality, inclusive services that meet their diverse developmental, early learning and child care needs. Andrew Fleck Child Care Services (AFCCS) is one of the oldest and most diversified non-profit, charitable, multi-service early learning, child care and family support organizations in Ontario. We began providing services in 1911 and incorporated as a charitable organization in 1920 under the legal name of The Ottawa Day Nursery Inc. We later changed our name to Andrew Fleck Child Care Services in recognition of our benefactor Mrs. Andrew Fleck who, in 1932, donated funding for the construction of our memorial building at 195 George Street. 2 Andrew Fleck ANNUAL REPORT 2013 Board of Directors 2013-2014 Lise Ouimet ........................ President Gloria Blaker ....................... Past President Ian Calvert .......................... Vice President Louise McGoey .................. Secretary Andrew Storrs...................... Treasurer Susan Pisterman ................. Member-at-Large Alex Rnic ............................ Member-at-Large Pauline Beaudry-Leblanc Gayle Preston Dan Carson Louise Proulx Madeleine Champagne Michèle René de Cotret Keith Hearn Gayle Singer Nancy Hough (left during the year) Gary Miller Mary Sinclair........................ Honorary life time member Susan Johnson ................... Honorary life time member Ann Croll ............................. Honorary life time member Management Executive Director .................. Kim Hiscott, RECE Children’s Integration ............. Moira D’Aoust, RECE, CCW, ECRT Support Services Sylvie Tourigny, RECE Thursday's Child Nursery ....... Moira D'Aoust, RECE, CCW, ECRT School Family Support Services ........ Lyne Tremblay, RECE Finance and Administration .... Claudia Gongora-Boles, B. Comm. (Hons) Group Day Care Programs .... Kate Carradine, RECE, CCW Home Child Care .................... Neeka Barnes, RECE, ACG Cheryl Nolan, RECE, B.A. Human Resources .................. Ronna MacPherson, B.A. (Hons) Ontario Early Years Centre ..... Kathy Knight-Robinson, RECE – Ottawa South Andrew Fleck ANNUAL REPORT 2013 3 The importance of Leadership 2013 continued to be a year of leadership opportunities especially with the ongoing focus of both our local and provincial governments on modernization of licensed early learning and care. To highlight the importance and value of our sector, we contributed in many ways by being an active voice. We were proud of the participation of AFCCS Board, staff and families at the City of Ottawa Modernization consultation sessions where we expressed our thoughts and recommendations for developing a stable, effective early learning and care system for Ottawa. During this time of the numerous changes to our sector, we have continued to respond to the needs of families by expanding and adapting our services. For example we continued to partner with the OttawaCarleton District School Board to offer Kindergarten and School Age extended day program options in 3 local schools and proudly expanded our program at Stittsville Public school to now include a full day program for Preschoolers. Kim Hiscott Executive Director 4 Andrew Fleck ANNUAL REPORT 2013 Our restructured website provides increased opportunities for us to communicate news, programs and services of interest to Ottawa families. We invite you to take a look. We are committed to being responsive leaders in our sector; we will continue to advocate for local and legislative changes that support access for all families and their children to quality, non-profit early learning and care. We are proud of the relationships we have developed over the past 100+ years of providing service to families in this City. We wish to thank the City of Ottawa, the Ministry of Education and the OttawaCarleton District School Board as well as many others for their continued partnership and support, and look forward to future opportunities to work together to serve our community. Lise Ouimet President, Board of Directors Who we served and what we offered in 2013 – a year in review Provided care and services to 6,432 children Supported and provided services to 69,000 families Offered 267 workshops to 4,030 participants Offered 1,261 playgroups Supported 235 programs and agencies in the children's services sector Organized 13 special events Circulated 21,724 program newsletters Provided over 7,164 loans of toys, equipment and resources Andrew Fleck ANNUAL REPORT 2013 5 AFCCS is committed to these values and principles in all its services and practices: • Excellence • Leadership • Integrity • Inclusiveness • Responsiveness • Accountability What we do and who we serve Licensed Child Care “ “ Andrew Fleck Child Care Services has been providing early learning First of all, me and my husband would like to thank you and your team for all the great job you have done with our son Karim, you really helped us to see Karim the way he is now, we appreciate all the hard work you have done with him. ” I enjoy getting to operate my own home daycare because I get to create a warm home environment for the kids. I prefer the agency because it’s more secure, they will be there for us, answer any question we have and help us improve our services by providing workshops. They also help fill our house with kids that are a perfect fit. Zeina, provider for 8 years 6 Andrew Fleck ANNUAL REPORT 2013 ” and care to families of Lowertown since 1911. Our group centre provides licensed child care for 85 children between the ages of 18 months and 5 years of age in two buildings located at 185 & 195 George St. in the Byward Market. We also provide preschool, kindergarten and school age care in both Stittsville and Carleton Heights Public Schools and kindergarten and school age care at Riverview Alternative School. Licensed Home Child Care (HCC) has been offered by Andrew Fleck Child Care Services since 1969. Today, approximately 550 children aged three months to ten years are cared for by dedicated Home Child Care Providers in nurturing, inclusive, supportive and stimulating home environments. Professional staff visit the homes regularly to provide support, consultation and educational opportunities and also to ensure that the highest standards of health, safety, nutrition and child development are met. A priority for us during the past year was advocating for all home child care providers to be partnered with a licensed agency as well as for changes to provincial legislation. Thursday’s Child Nursery School (TCNS) is a licensed centre-based 2013 HR Stats 42 Total Hires 139 Total Employees “ Full-time Positions 96 Part-time Positions 43 Employees with 10+ years at AFCCS 33 We are writing to express our sincere appreciation for the services provided by your agency over the last year to our 5 year old son. Our experience with your staff has been overwhelmingly positive. The care, attention, sensitivity, and compassion demonstrated by the Resource Consultant has had a powerful impact on our family. She has been a valuable source of support and information as we journey down the road toward a better understanding of Autism and how this effects our son. The Consultant clearly demonstrates the ability to build bridges between daycare staff and parents based on trust, respect and best interests of children. program that operates eleven months of the year for nine children aged two to 4.8 years who are diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Supports and Services Children’s Integration Support Services (CISS) provides supports, in English and in French, to licensed child programs (nursery schools, child care centres and home child care agencies) to assist with the inclusion of children with special needs. CISS has been focused on development and delivery of a variety of tools and strategies to support the child care community. Our partnership with the child care community is one that supports sharing knowledge and skills to meet the diverse needs of all children who are attending high quality inclusive child care. The Ontario Early Years Centre (OEYC) – Ottawa South is a place for children aged 0-6, their parents and caregivers to take part in programs and activities together. Parents and caregivers can also get information about services available to them in the community, learn about their children's development and get answers to their questions. At the Ontario Early Years Centre our focus is on helping families give their young children the best start in life. Services are available in English and French. ” Andrew Fleck ANNUAL REPORT 2013 7 “ A framework of security, flexibility and growth. The agency provides copies of child care legislation, policies, procedures, training, consultation and support. The agency is a reflection of the community and as the saying goes ‘It takes a village to raise a child’. The agency, parents, playgroups, and myself are the village in a child’s life. Mumina, provider for 11 years. 8 Andrew Fleck ANNUAL REPORT 2013 ” Short Term Child Care: Peace of mind for working parents is what this bilingual program initiated in 1987 is all about. We provide reliable, accessible back-up care for children 3 months to 12 years when the child is mildly ill, when regular child care arrangements are interrupted, or when other family emergencies arise. Employers/organizations/unions pay an annual access fee that entitles their employees/members access to the Short Term Child Care Program. Parents who use the services are charged a reasonable user fee, which may be subsidized partially or fully by their employer/union. Short Term Child Care also provides respite child care programs at Women's Shelters. Child Care Information (CCI) is a publicly funded information and referral service on early learning and child care, available in both English and French. The purpose of Child Care Information is to provide counselling, guidance and information on all available child care options in Ottawa. Our staff are available by phone or in person to help parents make informed child care choices. Comprehensive child care and nursery school directories are available as well as other helpful publications. French Language Services “ Andrew Fleck Child Care Services received designation under the French Language Services Act from the Ministry of Children and Youth Services and the Ministry of Community and Social Services for three of its programs: Child Care Information (1998 – CCI), Children’s Integration Support Services (1998 – CISS) and the Ontario Early Alnaas’s family sincerely Years Ottawa-South (2003 – OEYC). The programs have remained compliant with appreciates the wonderful care the criteria for designation and go beyond you give our daughter Saja the expectations as it pertains to the every day (since she was 6 percentage of staff that provide supports and services in French (CC I -100%, months baby till 4 years). We CISS – 18% more and OEYC – 74% never have to worry about her more than required). We are proud to have among our Francophone staff, many because we know that she is members of the College of Early always having a great day at Childhood Educators and the Association your home and she is in the francophone à l’éducation des services à l’enfance de l’Ontario. In 2013, more than care of good hands. You and a quarter of our board members were your family play a big part in Francophone. how a great baby she has turned out to be. ” Staff from the three designated programs as well as a board member participated in a consultation for the City of Ottawa Child Care Service Plan. Over the course of last year, the series Entre nous (Rogers TV – Cable 23) ran two episodes on the various services and supports provided in French by these three AFCCS programs. The agency has also had many opportunities to respond and provide information to the Francophone media regarding the Day Nursery Act, particularly, on how the Act and regulations differentiate between licensed and non-licensed child care programs. A few activities that took place in our designated programs should be highlighted: both CCI and CISS programs have welcomed a second year student from the program Éducation en services à l’enfance at La Cité, the French-language college of applied arts and technology in Ottawa. In addition, a group of students took part in a professional project in which they developed an information handbook for parents. CCI posted a video called “Les choix de services de garde” on YouTube that includes testimonials from parents who have accessed the service. The team is sometimes invited by the media to participate in radio shows or comment on hot topics related to the child care sector. A member of the CISS team contributed to a special issue of INFO Autisme 2013 with her article “Obtenir des résultats positifs… en améliorant l’environnement des programmes d’apprentissage et de garde de jeunes enfants’’. In addition to this, the CISS team participated in a Poster Session at the annual conference for the Ontario Municipal Social Services Association (OMSSA) to present the Positive Outcomes Program. The OEYC staff offered training activities at the Marius Barbeau hub to help promote services in French for the Francophone community in Ottawa- South. As in previous years, our designated programs continue to depict the needs and perspective of the French community and to act as a leader among many external committees such as le Regroupement des services éducatifs à l’enfance d’Ottawa, le Comité consultatif – Éducation en services à l’enfance de La Cité, Meilleur départ : le Comité directeur, la Table de planification Francophone, le Groupe de travail des carrefours d’apprentissage et le Réseau régional de langue française de l’Est, among others. We continue to be active participants in various Anglophone committees to advocate for the needs and realities of the Francophone community. Andrew Fleck ANNUAL REPORT 2013 9 Partnerships and Engagement We developed a new partnership with Vanier Community Services Centre to become the Ottawa South “Pod” for the Home Instructions for Parents of Preschool Youngsters (HIPPY) program. HIPPY is an evidenced-based program that works with families in the home to support parents, primarily mothers, in their critical role as their child’s first and most important teacher. The program provides readiness-to-learn skills to children as well as employment to new immigrant women. A partnership between the Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario (CHEO) & TCNS was developed to provide parent coaching and training through the Applied Behavioural Analysis program offered by CHEO. We cooperated with the Ottawa Dental Health Team to host 9 Dental Health screening clinics and with the First Words Speech and Language program to offer screening clinics attended by more than 100 children. We hosted, with Ottawa Public Health, a successful workshop series specifically for Fathers entitled “Power of Dads”. We continued to provide student placement experiences in many of our sites for both Algonquin College and La Cité collegiale. 10 Andrew Fleck ANNUAL REPORT 2013 2013 Highlights We shared our recommendations for expanding regulated Home Child Care with the Provincial Ombudsman who has been investigating how the Ministry of Education responds to complaints and concerns relating to unlicensed daycare providers. We invited Craig Alexander, TD Canada Trust Chief Economist, to be our guest speaker at our community event for 2013. His powerful message that Early Childhood Education has widespread and long lasting benefits was educational and inspiring for the over 100 participants. It was important for us to hear Canadian cost-benefit analyses indicate that for every dollar spent on early childhood education, the benefits range from $1.49 to $2.78. We embraced the unique opportunity to participate in the CBC Market Place episode “Who’s watching the Kids” by providing advice, expertise and a location for some of the filming to take place. This show identified some of the most concerning gaps in safety and quality in the care being provided. Within the agency, a working group developed a guidebook to support the Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice for the Early Childhood Educators in an effort to better inform and support all staff. Our surprise flashmob at an agency staff meeting captured everyone’s attention, it was all recorded on video and can be viewed on YouTube . Staff from the three designated programs under Ontario’s French Language Services Act as well as a board member participated in a consultation for the City of Ottawa Child Care Service Plan. In addition, we participated in several Provincial and local opportunities all aimed at supporting development of the sector: • Participated on the Provincial special needs resourcing managers network • Supported and promoted the recommendation made by the Home Child Care Association of Ontario to move towards a base funding model for licensed home child care. • Interviewed for the College of Early Childhood Educators video to illustrate the importance of leadership in the early learning and child care sector • Members of the City of Ottawa’s stakeholder reference group. This group was formed to provide guidance and expertise to City staff. . Andrew Fleck ANNUAL REPORT 2013 11 FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS For the year ended December 31 Revenue Government Grants and Revenue including City of Ottawa User Fees Contracts and Administration Fees Investment Income Amortization of Deferred Tangible Capital Assets and Contributions Other Contributed Working Capital Expenses Salaries, Wages and Benefits Program Costs Payments to Providers and Program Assistants Rent and Utilities Amortization of Tangible Capital Assets Excess (Deficiency) of revenue over expenses for the year 2013 2012 10,067,179 9,800,092 1,423,247 47,922 60,812 63,097 1,333,478 48,925 49,638 65,805 217,924 0 306,462 208,810 11,880,181 11,813,210 6,668,292 977,584 3,735,260 6,264,982 841,464 3,915,353 534,779 101,321 513,205 119,937 12,017,236 11,654,941 (137,055) 158,269 Revenue Contracts and Administration Fees Investment Income 0.51% 0.40% Amortization of Deferred Tangible Capital Assets and Contributions 0.53% Government Grants and Revenue including City of Ottawa Other User Fees 2% 12% 85% Expenses Payments to Providers and Program Assistants Rent and Utilities 4% Amortization of Tangible Capital Assets 1% 31% Salaries, Wages and Benefits 56% Program Costs 8% Special Thanks Throughout the year several volunteers really helped to make a difference at AFCCS. A huge thank you goes out to our volunteers for their dedication and commitment of their time and energy. RS YEA 100 ANS Services à l'enfance Andrew Fleck Child Care Services since – depuis 1911 700 Industrial Ave., Suite 600, Ottawa, ON K1G 0Y9 Tel. 613 736-5355 Web site: www.afchildcare.on.ca Charitable Number 106710965RR0001
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