DMMI Celebrates the Hap- Happiest Season of All
DMMI Celebrates the Hap- Happiest Season of All
T H E CORE DMMI’s Central News Source December 22, 2015 DMMI Celebrates the HapHappiest Season of All DMMI associates, temporaries, contractors, guests, and even a few retirees joined together on December 16 for a festive meal. Our annual Associate Appreciation Lunch was coordinated by the Social Activities Committee and catered by Maggie’s Catering. Thank you for your hard work and for demonstrating the DENSO Spirit every day! Associate Services Holiday Hours Pharmacy: Closed 12/23 @12:30pm - 1/4 @8:30am Medical Dept: Closes 12/23 @8:30pm; Re-opens 1/4 @5am Rec Center: Unstaffed, but available 24/7 Benefits Helpline: Closed 12/24, 12/25 & 1/1 Charitable Union Donation STATS 600 1,393 100 300 250 Total IteMs 20 40 35 48 Shoes Steel toed boots Kids clothing Womens clothing Mens clothing Toys Hats Gloves Fort Food Challenge Donation Stats 24,945.7 = 20,788 Total Pounds meals Congratulations Red Team HVAC Plant donated more than half the total poundage. You guys Rule. Thank You Notes Congratulations to the following associates on their January retirements! •Diana Burke, HVAC5 Sub-Leader, retires January 5 after 27 years of service •Bryan Robinson, Production Control Section Leader, retires January 4 after 27 years of service •Phil Metzger, Coral Line Advanced Associate, retires January 4 after 9 years of service Bill Holder has collected bottles in the Heater Core area for the last four years. This year’s goal was $700 and he collected $750. Marjean Collins took that money and bought three bins worth of toys.Thanks to the Heater Core area and all associates who also donated. •Linda Loser, P-Tank Molding Advanced Associate, retires January 4 after 23 years of service •Dan Eberhard, Condenser MultiCooler Braze Advanced Associate, retires January 5 after 20 years of service •Herb Quick, RS Evaporator Stamping, retires January 8 after 16 years of service Thank you for your DENSO service! Have news? Then please send an email to DMMI_communications@ Advisor Editor / Writer Writer or call a Communication Support staff member: Sarah Frink (x8711) Natalie Scott (x1564) Bethany Clay (x8712) We’ll then decide the best way to deliver the information (Core, TV, Exchange, intranet, etc.). We also reserve the right to edit for conciseness and length. Photographer/Layout Matt Burton (x8713)