Fall 2009 - University of Miami Miller School of Medicine


Fall 2009 - University of Miami Miller School of Medicine
Fall 2009
n Medical Leader at the Ivies
n Pioneering New Noninvasive Surgery
n Best and Brightest: Mohamed Kaif
For Alumni of the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine
Giving Back to One’s Community
A d r i a n B u r r o w e s o v e r c o m e s F o r m i d ab l e o d d s t o b e c o m e fa m i ly p h y s i c i a n
lass, you’ll need a crystal
ball for this assignment!”
the Brooklyn seventhgrade teacher informed her students.
“Please write down where you think
you’ll be 20 years from now. I’m going
to place your predictions in a time
capsule that will be opened in two
Adrian Burrowes, M.D. ’00, saw
himself married, raising two children,
and a physician healing the sick.
However, his teacher found Burrowes’s
medical ambitions a tad over-the-top.
She returned his paper with a dismissive note scrawled across the top: “I
want you to give me a more realistic
“I told my mom,” says Burrowes,
now a family practice doctor who was
one of nine Miller School students to
graduate with honors in his class of
162 physicians. “The first thing next
morning, my mom went right to the
school.” After Maureen Burrowes
read the riot act to her son’s naysayer
teacher, she stopped by the principal’s
office to deliver a scathing lecture
about foisting diminished expectations
on inner-city school students.
Adrian Burrowes’s path to becoming a top medical student, then an
accomplished young M.D., is a story
of resilience, perseverance, and of
taking a road less traveled. It’s about
defying odds as well as defying death.
That’s because during his earliest years,
dream-killing instructors were the least
of Burrowes’s worries. The first order
of business was to make it out of his
rough-and-tumble Crown Heights,
Brooklyn, neighborhood without
being in a coffin or a squad car.
“We only had 11 guys in my
elementary school class. Four are dead,
five are incarcerated, and then there’s
me and another guy,” Burrowes
observes matter-of-factly. During
A future physician? Aidan Burrowes and
his proud dad.
Adrian Burrowes, M.D. ’00, a family physician in Casselberry, Florida, examines patient Lacey Phillips as nurse Roseanna Fowler looks on.
those times, when his day-to-day existence wasn’t presenting life-threatening
challenges, health problems stepped in
to fill the void.
“I had pretty severe asthma, and
I was in and out of the hospital all the
time,” recalls Burrowes, who never fell
in with Brooklyn’s hooligan element
thanks to his mother’s firm hand.
“The last time I was admitted, I was
actually in a coma from pneumonia.”
Burrowes was treated by a conscientious young internal medicine
intern named Lynn Sayres, M.D.,
who ignited his interest in medicine.
“Every time I went to her, I would ask
her to show me something different,”
he says. “Dr. Sayres was very engaging
and saw that I was developing a love
of medicine.”
Not long afterward, Burrowes and
his family encountered something that
prompted them to leave Brooklyn for
good. “We were staying in a building
that was basically a crack house,”
Burrowes remembers. “We had
dealers in the lobby selling drugs.”
One night Burrowes, his mother,
and his sister were climbing a dark
stairwell in the building when they
encountered a young man wearing a
trenchcoat who whirled and pointed a
shotgun at them. “My mom—I don’t
know how she was so calm—she just
started talking to him,” Burrowes says.
“It was as if she didn’t see the gun.”
Moments after his mother got her
family past safely, Burrowes heard a
booming shotgun blast emanate from
the stairwell, the final sound heard
by a teenage shooting victim.
Maureen quickly moved her
family to Orlando, where she found
work as a dental assistant. After she
suffered a stroke while Burrowes was a
high school junior, he began working
in a supermarket and for a formal wear
company that paid him to wear prom
tuxedoes to school.
Even though his mother wasn’t
100 percent recovered and money was
in short supply, she put the kibosh on
Burrowes’s employment when his
grades began to suffer.
While attending the Miller
School, Burrowes decided he wanted
to pursue family medicine. “And
everybody said to him, ‘Adrian,
what are you, crazy?’” recalls Robert
Schwartz, M.D., chair of the Department of Family Medicine and Community Health.
“‘Choose a specialty!’ And Adrian
said, ‘No, I’m going back to my
But first Burrowes completed
a three-year residency program at
Jackson Memorial Hospital. Now in
private practice in Casselberry, Florida,
“It takes someone who’s
very dedicated and who
believes in lifelong learning
to truly be a family practitioner.”
After high school, Burrowes
attended the University of Central
Florida, where he and other students
founded an American Medical Association chapter. Burrowes became
chapter president and arranged for
members to visit various medical
“That’s what got me in the door
to go to the University of Miami,” he
recalls. “I fell in love with that place
immediately! The size of the medical
center is absolutely overwhelming, and
the surrounding indigent population
is significant. That mattered to me,
because I was trying to give back.”
Burrowes finds family medicine
“I worked very hard to learn as
much as I could about every field
of medicine so that I can serve my
patients to the best of my ability,” says
Burrowes, who got married while he
was in Miami.
“It takes someone who’s very
dedicated and who believes in lifelong
learning to truly be a family
“My youngest patient is 3 days
old and my oldest is 106,” he continues. “That’s what I always envisioned
doing. And I love it.”
Medical Leader at the Ivies
Da v i d Haf l e r l e a v e s Ha r va r d t o b e c o m e c h a i r o f n e u r o l o g y at Ya l e
n September 1, David
Hafler, M.D. ’78,
became chair of the
Yale School of Medicine’s neurology
department as well as chief of neurology at Yale-New Haven Hospital. For
the previous 25 years, Hafler had been
a highly regarded Harvard Medical
School neurologist known for his
work on the genetic basis of multiple
sclerosis (MS).
Widely viewed as an expert on
the mechanisms of autoimmunity and
inflammatory diseases of the central
nervous system, Hafler has spent more
than three decades focusing on the
debilitating central nervous system
disease, which has no cure. “As a medical student, I knew I wanted to study
multiple sclerosis,” says Hafler. During
his Miller School days, his summers
were spent working with the National
Institutes of Health’s MS branch.
Hafler’s new duties at Yale ideally
situate him to further his investigatory
quest. “This new position will allow
me to conduct my research while
running and really expanding the
Department of Neurology at Yale,”
Hafler says. “This position will also
allow me to indulge my passion for
training physician-scientists.
this. The M.D./Ph.D. programs work
well, but in the next stage—after you
get your diploma—getting one’s clinical training is very difficult. We need
to really nurture these individuals and
develop better pathways to promote
their careers.”
Along with MS, Hafler says he
plans to build programs that study
brain tumors, stroke, Parkinson’s
disease, and related areas. “Yale is
making a major investment in neurology,” Hafler says. “We have space for
young and senior scientists to come
and join us.”
Hafler has plans to recruit five
new physician-scientists over the next
few years, along with several new
clinicians. “There’s a great group of
clinicians already here, but we’re very
much in expansion mode,” he says.
When Hafler moved from
Harvard to Yale, a $4 million NIH
grant issued under the Recovery Act
Limited Competition program moved
with him. It’s a genetics grant related
to multiple sclerosis.
His wife, Janet, also accompanied
him to Yale Medical School, where
she serves as an assistant dean for
educational scholarship. “I married my
wife while I was a University of Miami
Hafler has spent more
than three decades focusing
on the debilitating central
nervous system disease.
“A major problem facing the
future of medicine is the lack of
physician-scientists,” Hafler says with
conviction. “We’re not bringing along
the next generation of physicianscientists, and the NIH has recognized
medical student,” Hafler recalls of his
spouse, who has a doctorate in education from Harvard University and
was a Jackson Memorial Hospital
pediatrics nurse during their first
encounter. “Janet was at the Calder
Library, and I
met her through
a common friend.
“The library—a
great place to meet
your future wife!”
laughs Hafler.
Although he’s
a longtime Ivy
Leaguer, Hafler’s
ties to South Florida
remain strong. For
one thing, he grew
up in Miramar and
his parents still
reside in the region.
Then there are the
many fond remembrances from his
medical student
“I still remember where I was
sitting on the sofa
when I had my
David Hafler, M.D. ’78, is a renowned neurologist well known for
interview with
his research on the genetics of multiple sclerosis.
(Miller School
dean emeritus)
Cambridge University in England.
Dr. (Bernard) Fogel,” Hafler says.
That’s fortuitous, given how critical
“What a wonderful man! God—I’ll
genetics is to David Hafler’s research.
never forget my interview with him!
He stays in contact with Margaret
“I have memories of sleeping in
(Peggy) Pericak-Vance, Ph.D., the
the Alamo before it was moved,”
Dr. John T. Macdonald Foundation
Hafler continues. “And the clinical
Professor of Human Genomics and
training that I received at UM/Jackson
director of the John P. Hussman
was absolutely outstanding.”
Institute for Human Genomics.
When Hafler earned his M.D.
“Peggy and I have been partnering
and went onstage to pick up his
with other scientists around the world
degree, he carried his 2-week-old son,
to understand the genetics of multiple
Brian, with him. Earlier this year, after
sclerosis,” Hafler says. “We’ve been
Brian Hafler graduated from Harvard
collaborating for about seven or eight
with M.D. and Ph.D. degrees, he
years now.”
drolly informed his dad: “Gee, this is
Given how Hafler’s unwavering
the second time I’ve gotten a medical
focus on MS first started at the Miller
School, his work with Pericak-Vance
Hafler’s other son, Jason, is
neatly brings things full circle.
completing a Ph.D. in genetics at
Profiles of exceptional Miller School students
Miller School students aren’t typically invited to prestigious European medical conferences to
discuss self-authored research papers. But little about Mohamed Kaif, B.S. ’06, is typical.
Currently in his last year of medical school, Kaif flew to Prague, Czech Republic, in
October to attend the Eighth International Congress on Coronary Artery Disease. Kaif was
accorded the honor of presenting a paper he’d written about links between stroke and heart
failure. The treatise was created using statistics accumulated by Kathy A. Hebert, M.D., a
Miller School associate professor of cardiovascular medicine. Kaif did most of the writing.
“Dr. Hebert had data about the prevalence of stroke in heart failure patients living in
Louisiana and Miami,” Kaif says. “Plus, she was involved in the same kind of research in
the country of Georgia. So we took all this data and tried to see how prevalent stroke was
in the heart-failure population.
“The results were interesting, in that the prevalence in Georgia was low, while it was
higher in Miami and Louisiana, which were very comparable,” adds Kaif, who’s looking to
pursue externships in internal medicine and cardiology. “And it didn’t really seem to vary
based on race, ethnicity, and gender. We’re not sure why it’s so low in Georgia.”
Being analytical and inquisitive comes naturally to Kaif, who was born in Bangalore,
India, and migrated to New Jersey with his family at the age of 1. Eight years later the Kaif
family moved to Tarpon Springs, Florida, where Kaif attended high school.
2 Fall 2009 medical alumni news
There was never any doubt in his mind
about becoming a physician, given that his mom
is a geriatrician who has two brothers who are
doctors. As if additional reinforcement was
needed, practically every time Kaif’s maternal
grandmother saw him, she’d make it a point to
mention: “You ought to be a doctor!”
A participant in the six-year Baby Doc program, Kaif earned a B.S. in biology from the
University of Miami in 2006. “It’s been quite a
ride, it’s been great,” he says of attending the
Miller School. “Especially the clinical years.”
Kaif is particularly grateful to the Miller
School alumni whose generous contributions to
a school fund enabled him to defray $10,000 a year from his medical school expenses.
“That really helped,” Kaif says of the financial aid. “Having this kind of assistance means
a lot. It kind of frees you when making specialty choices that determine how you practice
medicine for the rest of your life.”
Updates from alumni of the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine
Julian Haber, M.D. ’61, received a
grant from the Texas Pediatric Society
Foundation to develop a short, easyto-use mental health screening device
for primary care physicians to determine if a child is at risk for ADHD,
ODD, autism spectrum disorders, and
mood disorder. The device is called the
Primary Care Adolescent and Child
Mental Health Screen. Haber is an
emeritus developmental pediatrician at
the Child Study Center in Fort Worth,
William Bess Jr., M.D. ’76, has
joined the staff of emergency physicians at the Urgent Care Center of
Southwest Florida. Bess did his
emergency medicine residency at
Medical College of Pennsylvania and
has practiced in Southwest Florida as
an emergency physician since 1979.
Douglas C. Miller, M.D. ’78, Ph.D.
’80, clinical professor of pathology and
anatomical sciences, University of
Missouri School of Medicine, has
written a book on surgical neuropathology. Published by Cambridge
University Press, Modern Surgical
Neuropathology has 44 chapters, 536
pages, and more than 1,200 color
Alan Matarasso, M.D. ’79, is a
clinical professor of surgery at Albert
Einstein College of Medicine. In
addition to maintaining a busy clinical
practice, Matarasso is active in medical
education and plastic surgery societies
as well as research. He is currently
president-elect of the Rhinoplasty
Society, past president of the New
York Regional Society, and the author
of 200 scientific articles and 500
presentations. Matarasso is married
and the father of twin daughters.
Rony Zodkevitch, M.D. ’84, a
pediatric psychiatrist with a practice in
Beverly Hills, authored The Toughlove
Prescription: How to Create and Enforce
Boundaries for Your Teen, published by
McGraw-Hill. Along with teaching
parents how to discipline their children with love and consistency,
Toughlove also has a four-step program
parents can use to reach out to their
Ashira Johnson, M.D. ’89, is medical director for clinical research for
Ovation Pharmaceuticals, a company
that specializes in the biodevelopment
of orphan drugs with a neurological
focus. Johnson also works in the
immediate care centers for Resurrection Medical Center and is host of
Clinician’s Roundtable on ReachMD
XM 160 on satellite radio. Johnson
resides with her two sons in Buffalo
Grove, Illinois.
Scott A. Tetreault, M.D. ’91,
wrote a July guest commentary for
naplesnews.com focusing on the
potential negative impact Medicare
cuts can have on cancer care. Tetreault
is a board-certified medical oncologist
with Florida Cancer Specialists,
which has 28 offices. He is a member
of the executive committee of Community Oncology Alliance, a nonprofit organization founded to educate
health care professionals, lawmakers,
and the public. Tetreault completed
his undergraduate training at Wake
Forest University.
Claire Urbina Plautz, M.D. ’01, is
assistant professor of emergency medicine at University of Virginia Health
System. Her husband, Michael
Plautz, M.D. ’00, is staff physician in
otolaryngology at Augusta Medical
Center in Fishersville, Virgina. They
have three children, 3-year-old Cassidy
and 2-year-old twins Logan and Lucas.
Geeta Nayyar, M.D. ’03, is a
George Washington University
rheumatologist who’s joining APCO
Worldwide’s health policy practice as
a vice president. APCO Worldwide
is an independently owned global
communication consultancy. Nayyar
will continue to practice rheumatology
at George Washington University as
an assistant clinical professor of
Rachel Dawkins, M.D. ’04, has
joined the faculty of Louisiana State
University (LSU) as an assistant professor of pediatrics. Dawkins, who
runs one of the pediatrics department’s
resident continuity clinics, also serves
as an associate program director for
the pediatric residency program at
LSU New Orleans.
Erica James, M.D. ’04, worked as
a summer associate in the Cleveland
office of the Tucker Ellis & West law
firm. After graduating cum laude from
UM with a B.S. in psychobiology,
James then earned her M.D. She completed her residency in family medicine
and is a board-certified family physician. James is currently attending
law school at Case Western Reserve
University, concentrating in health law.
Nathan Connell, M.D. ’07, a house
staff officer in medicine with The
Warren Alpert Medical School of
Brown University and a resident physician with the Rhode Island and Miriam Hospitals, has been named chief
resident of medicine for the 20102011 academic year. Connell will be
pursuing a fellowship in hematology
and medical oncology after finishing
as chief resident.
In Memoriam
Robert Clifton Howard, M.D. ’58,
of Tulsa, Oklahoma, passed away in
July. Howard, who was 75, was a Navy
flight surgeon in Jacksonville before
moving to Orlando for a residency in
general surgery, followed by one in
plastic surgery. From 1968 until 2001,
he performed plastic and reconstructive surgeries in Orlando. In 2005 he
moved to Tulsa, where he served as an
assistant adjunct professor of anatomy
at the University of Oklahoma. He is
survived by his spouse, Betty, three
daughters, and 12 grandchildren.
Rex Olsen Crofton, M.D. ’62, died
in Titusville, Florida, in August at the
age of 74. A graduate of Titusville
High School and Emory University,
Crofton was a Navy veteran who was a
family practice physician for 47 years.
Crofton and his wife, Ulla, lived in
California, Germany, and Brazil before
settling in Titusville. Crofton is survived by his wife; a daughter, Heidi
Crofton; a son, Mark Crofton; and
a brother, Lemuel Crofton.
Albert R. Marsico, M.D. ’63, a
dermatologist, died in June. Born
in 1945 in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania,
Marsico was a lieutenant commander
in the U.S. Navy and served as a
dermatologist in Miami Shores for the
past 32 years. Marsico is survived by
his daughter, Katherine Schaeffer;
son, Paul Marsico; and grandchildren,
Christopher and Sophia.
Anthony J. Vento, M.D. ’63, of
Boynton Beach, Florida, passed away
in July. He was 82. Originally from
New York, Vento graduated from
Fordham University with a pharmacy
degree. Vento practiced medicine
in Plantation, Florida, for more than
30 years and was a Diplomate of the
American Board of Family Practice.
He had also served as chief of staff of
Plantation General Hospital.
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Senior Vice President for Medical Affairs
and Dean
Pascal J. Goldschmidt, M.D.
Associate Vice President for Development
and Alumni Relations
Mary Ann Sprinkle
President of the Medical Alumni Association
Ruth Schobel, M.D. ‘81
Executive Editor
Glenda Weiss Rodriguez
Director, Medical Alumni Development
Blair Walker
Director of Medical Advancement Communications
Kevin Corrales
Jennifer Mullen Ray
Published by the Office of Medical Development,
Miller School of Medicine.
Copyright 2009, University of Miami.
2009honor roll
Reunion Class Giving Aids Medical Students
very year the Miller School of Medicine hosts Medical Alumni Weekend, a
celebration that brings together alumni, students, faculty, and family. Held on
March 6-8, 2009, the weekend’s events provided an opportunity for alumni
to reconnect with old friends, commemorate the anniversary of their respective
graduations, and get up to speed on advances in medical research and patient care at their
alma mater.
In these difficult financial times, reunions also provide an opportunity for returning classes
to positively impact present-day medical students by supporting scholarships, grants, and
research. With investments and endowments shrinking nationwide, reunion class gifts can
help address the rising cost of a medical education. Kudos to this year’s reunion classes, which
increased overall annual giving by almost 25 percent, a tremendous accomplishment.
The Miller School and the Medical Alumni Association want to thank all of our donors for
their generosity on behalf of the students, specialties, and programs they support. And very
special thanks are extended to reunion class leaders for their outstanding efforts:
10th Reunion Chairs Class of 1999 Class of 1989
20th Reunion Chair
25th Reunion Chairs Class of 1984
30th Reunion Chairs Class of 1979
Jason James, M.D., and Perri Young, M.D.
35th Reunion Chair
Faith Block Barkin, M.D.
Class of 1974
40th Reunion Chairs Class of 1969
45th Reunion Chairs Class of 1964
50th Reunion Chairs Class of 1959 Monica Broome, M.D.
Jennifer Marks, M.D., and Alberto Mitrani, M.D.
Linda Marchini, M.D., and Alan Matarasso, M.D.
Peter Julien, M.D., Marvin Karp, M.D., Ted Nicholas, M.D., Tricia Rothenberg Roth, M.D., Norman Shorr, M.D., James Worden, M.D., and Sandy Yankow, M.D.
Gerald Pinnas, M.D., and Jerome Sheldon, M.D.
Victor Martinez, M.D., Lou Michaelos, M.D., Frank Moorhead, M.D., Charles Mutter, M.D., and Sheldon Zane, M.D.
The following honor roll recognizes alumni of the University of Miami Miller School
of Medicine who have made a gift to the medical school between June 1, 2008 and
May 31, 2009.
President’s Circle donors are listed at the following levels:
Platinum Level
$10,000 or more
Protégé Level*
Gold Level
$5,000 - $9,999
Six to ten years after graduation:
Silver Level
$2,500 - $4,999
Four to five years after graduation: $400-$999
Bronze Level
$1,000 - $2,499
Three years after graduation: $300-$999
Two years after graduation: $200-$999
One year after graduation: $100-$999
While all the returning classes significantly increased their scholarship giving, the Class of
1989—in honor of their 20th reunion—had the largest increase in support of the John K.
Robinson Fund.
Class of 1956
Kenneth C. Kiehl, M.D.
Kathleen Everitt Kircher, M.D.
Nathaniel M. Weems, M.D.
$100 - $499
Elaine Ross, M.D.
Class of 1957
$500 - $999
Margaret Locke Moore, M.D.
$100 - $499
Robert E. Benway, M.D.
Jack Eff, M.D.
Charles Thomas Ellis, M.D.
Joan Harris, M.D.
Robert E. Rogers, M.D.
Bruce S. Steir, M.D.
* Protégés are recent graduates one to ten years out.
Up to $99
Arthur L. Eberly, Jr., M.D.
Class of 1961
Bernard J. Fogel, M.D.
$100 - $499
Frank J. Baumeister, Jr., M.D.
Mark S. Feldman, M.D.
Julian Stuart Haber, M.D.
Randall A. Langston, M.D.
Antonio M. Muniz, M.D.
George J. Siegel, M.D.
Edward A. Sprague III, M.D.
Up to $99
Angelo Massaro, M.D.
Troy E. Overstreet, M.D.
Barry M. Storter, M.D.
Class of 1958
$500 - $999
Robert F. Miller, M.D.
Class of 1962
Barry J. Materson, M.D.
$100 - $499
G. William Cole, M.D.
Isaac Marcadis, M.D.
Hubert G. Martinez, M.D.
$100 - $499
Doralys E. Arias, M.D.
Victor M. Glazer, M.D.
Pepi Granat, M.D.
Michael M. Litwin, M.D.
David D. Miles, M.D.
Charles T. Montgomery, M.D.
Arthur E. Rosenbaum, M.D.
Robert A. Walton, M.D.
Sydney D. Wruble, M.D.
Up to $99
James D. Hanson, M.D.
Class of 1959
Lorenzo Murguia, M.D.
$500 - $999
David Simon Katzin, M.D.
Frank A. Moorhead, M.D.
Sidney Naness, M.D.
Sheldon Zane, M.D.
$100 - $499
Cecil C. Beehler, M.D.
Barney E. McRae, M.D.
Louis J. Michaelos, M.D.
Robert N. Serros, M.D.
Up to $99
Elton G. Goldfield, M.D.
Edwin E. Hadden, Jr., M.D.
Charles B. Mutter, M.D.
Class of 1960
C. Baring Farmer, M.D.
Raymond J. Sever, M.D.
$500 - $999
Eugene C. Bloom, M.D.
Martin I. Goldstein, M.D.
$100 - $499
Howard Golden, M.D.
Malcolm N. Luxenberg, M.D.
Abe Marcadis, M.D.
Elizabeth Ann Rush, M.D.
Morton N. Schwartzman, M.D.
Mark H. Tanenbaum, M.D.
Roscoe O. Whiddon, M.D.
Up to $99
Charles A. Dunn III, M.D.
Robert M. Glasser, M.D.
Ellyn Zunker Musser, M.D.
Ronald D. Troyer, M.D.
Class of 1963
Kenneth D. Keusch, M.D.
$100 - $499
Chason W. Hayes, M.D.
Charlene Poland Holt, M.D.
Robert J. Mandel, M.D.
Floyd L. Rosen, M.D.
Leon Termin, M.D.
Up to $99
Albert M. Collier, M.D.
Bernard W. Hindman, M.D.
James Dale Maxwell, M.D.
Class of 1964
Gerald Pinnas, M.D.
Jerome J. Sheldon, M.D.
$500 - $999
James N. Burt, M.D.
Charles M. Lynne, M.D.
$100 - $499
Michael S. Desky, M.D.
Stephen R. Fish, M.D.
David M. Gozansky, M.D.
Oliver H. Harper, M.D.
M. Joseph Kurstin, M.D.
Arnold L. Lieber, M.D.
James M. O’Hara, M.D.
E. Spencer Stewart, M.D.
Up to $99
Herbert H. Applebaum, M.D.
Michael Collins, M.D.
Sidney N. Indgin, M.D.
Michael Persoff, M.D.
Class of 1965
Phillip T. George, M.D.
$500 - $999
Harold L. Greenberg, M.D.
Lawrence E. Hannon, M.D.
$100 - $499
William G. Ackourey, M.D.
Josiah W. Bancroft, Jr., M.D.
Jack Baruch, M.D.
Barry M. Glassman, M.D.
Richard H. Gold, M.D.
Michela F. Gunn, M.D.
H. Wyatt McNeill, M.D.
James R. Oster, M.D.
Up to $99
Linda Ruth Braterman, M.D.
Frederick P. Swing, M.D.
Class of 1966
Gerald S. Friedman, M.D.
Donald E. Pearson, M.D.
$500 - $999
Joseph A. Arena, M.D.
$100 - $499
Lawrence S. Cohn, M.D.
Rodrigo Jurado, M.D.
James D. Oenbrink, M.D.
Allan F. Scheinblum, M.D.
Thomas B. Williams, M.D.
Class of 1967
Kenneth Allen Rothenberg, M.D.
Joseph Andrew Hill, M.D.
$500 - $999
Jay Martin Klein, M.D.
Terry Milton Reisman, M.D.
$100 - $499
Phyllis Joyce Ager, M.D.
Thomas F. Foley, M.D.
Gary Louis Goldfaden, M.D.
Allan Herskowitz, M.D.
Allen Matthew Taylor, M.D.
Up to $99
Joel Sheldon Feiss, M.D.
TOTAL $13,375.00
Class of 1968
John G. Clarkson, M.D.
Class of 1971
Stuart Rollin Weiss, M.D.
$500 - $999
Barbara Miller Bradley, M.D.
John Moeller Leavengood, M.D.
Diana M. Lopez, Ph.D.
Charles G. Ward, M.D.
Jack Owens Sipperley, M.D.
$100 - $499
Francis J. Furman, Ph.D., M.D.
Donald William Goodwin, M.D.
R. Lee Harman, M.D.
Alfred D. Hernandez, M.D.
Robert A. Hoff, M.D.
Andres Laureano Jimenez, M.D.
Michael S. Mallonee, M.D.
Carlisle Morgan, Ph.D., M.D.
Marilyn Jarvis Moss, M.D.
Karin Emily Olson, Ph.D., M.D.
F. Marshall Parker, M.D.
David Allen Peterson, M.D.
Mary Ella Pierpont, M.D.
Gordon Pierpont, Ph.D., M.D.
Robert E. Pyke, Ph.D., M.D.
Michael Harvey Rokeach, M.D.
Lee P. Schacter, Ph.D., M.D.
Steven Siegel, Ph.D., M.D.
R. Dennis Staton, Ph.D., M.D.
$500 - $999
Leonor Isabel Zies, M.D.
Peter Mangone Zies, M.D.
$100 - $499
Michael Allen Abels, M.D.
James Earl Eadens, M.D.
Sean Marc Kaufman, M.D.
James Paul Noble, M.D.
Jack Benson Owen, M.D.
John Alexander Pinkston, M.D.
James Croft Reed, M.D.
Barbara Weinstein Zaias, M.D.
Up to $99
Joseph S. Wand, M.D.
Mark Brent Wickman, M.D.
Class of 1969
Trisha Rothenberg Roth, M.D.
Bernard M. Barrett, Jr., M.D.
Gerard John Barrios, M.D.
Irwin Elliot Redlener, M.D.
$500 - $999
Peter Jay Julien, M.D.
George Louis Sanders, M.D.
James J. Worden, M.D.
$100 - $499
Michael Anthony Dorso, M.D.
Stephen Carl Margolis, M.D.
Alfred H. Moffett, Jr., M.D.
Rouzbeh Kamkar Parsi, M.D.
Cappy Miles Rothman, M.D.
Arthur Ben Sher, M.D.
Sanford Lee Yankow, M.D.
Michael Joseph Federline, M.D.
$500 - $999
Luis Orlando Alvarez, M.D.
Frank Anthony Pidala, M.D.
$100 - $499
Donald Miller Allen, M.D.
Drew Samuel Greenfield, M.D.
Henry Madison Haire, M.D.
Daniel Kesden, M.D.
Phyllis Frank Kushins, M.D.
Robert Theodore London, M.D.
Luis T. Menendez, M.D.
Wayne Gerald Riskin, M.D.
H. Charles Slater, M.D.
James A. Strohmeyer, M.D.
Up to $99
Stephen Banister, M.D.
Thomas Allen Hoffeld, M.D.
Shirley Mondo Moye, M.D.
Robert Andrews Williams, M.D.
Class of 1972
Ronald L. Katz, M.D.
William Greene, Jr., M.D.
Jorge J. Guerra, Jr., M.D.
Leonardo V. Lopez, M.D.
Class of 1970
Keith Oliver Hallman, M.D.
$100 - $499
Myles B. Abbott, M.D.
Stephen J. Gould, M.D.
Alexander R. Joseph, M.D
Hollan F. Keiber, M.D.
William G. Littman, M.D.
Donald Richard Mars, M.D.
J. Wayne Phillips, M.D.
Richard I. Ridenour, M.D.
Jeffrey S. Selevan, M.D.
Lewis Alan Smith, M.D.
Martin A. Cohn, M.D.
Robert Henry Curry, M.D.
Larry Cowan Gilstrap III, M.D.
Up to $99
Thomas J. Balkany, M.D.
Dana Kessler Davies, M.D.
Peter J. Davies, M.D., Ph.D.
$500 - $999
James M. Strohmenger, M.D.
$100 - $499
Jamie S. Barkin, M.D.
Barry Grosskopf, M.D.
Henry David Hirsch, M.D.
Edward Gorman Lundblad, M.D.
Up to $99
Susan W. Short, M.D.
Up to $99
Bruce R. Crossman, M.D.
Michael David Ozner, M.D.
Class of 1974
Bernard S. Baumel, M.D.
William Lupatkin, M.D., Ph.D.
George D. Mekras, M.D.
Robert A. Nathan, M.D.
Nina Joy Pearlmutter, M.D.
$500 - $999
Richard Bartkowski, M.D.
Isidoro Morjaim, M.D.
Jose R. Rovira, M.D.
$100 - $499
Faith Block Barkin, M.D.
Timm Alan Edell, M.D.
David Frank Elliott, M.D.
Edward Henry Greenberg, M.D.
Jeffrey H. Horovitz, M.D.
Sarah A. Leonhard, M.D.
Tad W. Lowdermilk, M.D.
William R. Page, M.D.
Gail Phillips, M.D.
Avery H. Weiss, M.D.
Richard Robert Zupp, M.D.
Up to $99
Louis J. Herskowitz, M.D.
Barbara Louise Moersch, M.D.
Jonathan Mark Stein, M.D.
Class of 1973
James Edward Martin, M.D.
Class of 1975
Edward A. Dauer, M.D.
George Thomas Duvall, M.D.
Jeffrey Herbert Korotkin, M.D.
Gwinn Murray, M.D.
Jeffrey Patrick Phelan, M.D.
Byungse Suh, Ph.D., M.D.
Thomas R. Wade, M.D.
Galen C. L. Huang, M.D.
Lawrence Lottenberg, M.D.
Virginia B. Medel, M.D.
$500 - $999
Steven A. Kobetz, M.D.
Marc Alan Levison, M.D.
Philip Gavin Robinson, M.D.
$100 - $499
Darryl Jay Blinski, M.D.
Abilio Armando Coello, M.D.
Michael J. Cohen, M.D.
Linda Whidden Flower, M.D.
Melvyn Ralph Goldberg, M.D.
Jorge Luis Gonzalez, M.D.
Jon J. Halpern, M.D.
Hilary Hargreaves, Ph.D., M.D.
Peter Andrew Jacobson, M.D.
Michael Peter Klitenick, M.D.
Karl Kuban, M.D.
Nancy S. McCurdy, M.D.
David W. Meltzer, Ph.D., M.D.
Margaret S. Ravits, M.D.
Steven Alan Rokeach, M.D.
Henry Michael Spira, M.D.
Up to $99
Laurence Drew Pearson, M.D.
William Ingram Roth, M.D.
Maurice Schmir, Ph.D., M.D.
Joseph M. Soler, M.D.
Class of 1976
David F. Frankel, M.D.
Marc D. Kaye, M.D.
Margaret S. Eidson, M.D.
Grace Wang, M.D.
$500 - $999
Stephen M. Hellman, M.D.
Bruce A. Rodan, M.D.
David T. Tse, M.D.
$100 - $499
James Ballinger, Ph.D., M.D.
Joseph Willian Blum, M.D.
William Beall Bruce, M.D.
Amy Lynne Dorn, M.D.
Luis A. Garcia, M.D.
Robert H. Hardage, Jr., M.D.
John Richard Hartman, M.D.
Howard Sander Koch, M.D.
Barry Koffler, M.D.
Samuel Krinsky, M.D.
Eileen Levin, M.D.
Berta M. Montalvo, M.D.
Roger Wade Nash, M.D.
Ileana L. Pina, M.D.
Marc Edward Read, M.D.
Nancy A. Setzer-Saade, M.D.
Richard Bruce Simon, M.D.
Dale Randall Venning, M.D.
Alan Jay Yesner, M.D.
Up to $99
Robert James Furlong, M.D.
Stanley A. Glassman, M.D.
Subhash C. Gulati, M.D.
Andres R. Palomo, M.D.
Alan Burr Steinbach, M.D.
Irwin D. Weisman, Ph.D., M.D.
Class of 1977
Michael J. Roberts, M.D.
Kip Amazon, M.D.
Richard E. Cummings, M.D.
Scott L. Jaben, M.D.
Carl Rosenkrantz, M.D.
Joel Howard Schenkman, M.D.
$500 - $999
Paul Raymond McCombs III, M.D.
Michael Schwartz, M.D.
$100 - $499
Joseph A. Camunas, M.D.
James J. D’Urso, M.D.
Donald B. Hoffman, Ph.D., M.D.
Alfred G. Jonas, M.D.
Maureen M. Jonas, M.D.
Steven Kipnis, M.D.
Kirby E. Knox, M.D.
Dennis C. Lynch, Ph.D., M.D.
Stephen L. Morris, M.D.
Richard A. Moss, Ph.D., M.D.
Michael James Stroup, M.D.
Up to $99
Bonnie Carson, M.D.
Allen Jay Cohen, Ph.D., M.D.
Robert F. Cooper, M.D.
Class of 1978
David Eugene Schmitt, M.D.
Anne-Marie Cepeda, M.D.
Andrea Sue Colton, M.D.
Robert Martin Colton, M.D.
Terry I-Teh Feng, M.D.
Stephen Charles Kurachek, M.D.
Thomas H. Simmons, M.D.
David Wilkinson, Ph.D., M.D.
Andrew David Zadoff, M.D.
$500 - $999
Robert A. Alter, M.D.
Thomas H. Clarke, M.D.
Harris I. Goldberg, M.D.
$100 - $499
Scott Michael Aaronson, M.D.
Susan B. Betzer, Ph.D., M.D.
Vincent James Calamia, M.D.
James Albert De Matteis, M.D.
Rex A. Henderson, M.D.
William H. Johnson III, M.D.
Lee Michael Katims, M.D.
Adam Kotlewski, M.D.
Alan Herman Kuczynski, M.D.
Felipe J. Martinez, M.D.
Louis David May, M.D.
Elwood L. McGee, M.D.
Douglas C. Miller, M.D., Ph.D.
Carol E. Rose, M.D.
Melvin Herrick Thomas, M.D.
Up to $99
Robert Keith Bisset, M.D.
Lawrence Rubin Goldberg, M.D.
Ben Edward Meek, M.D.
Norman R. Ruiz-Castaneda, M.D.
Bonnie L. Shelton, M.D.
Class of 1979
Alan Matarasso, M.D.
Bernard Paul Nusbaum, M.D.
Steven S. Pabalan, Ph.D., M.D.
Randy Herman Schenkman, M.D.
Alan Scott Serure, M.D.
Kathryn Carolyn Zeoli, M.D.
Hilton S. Weiner, M.D.
Jack A. Ziffer, Ph.D., M.D.
$500 - $999
Roy G. Geronemus, M.D.
Mark Allan Jank, M.D.
Mark L. Rabinowitz, M.D.
Alexandra S. Wideroff, M.D.
$100 - $499
Brian C. Bowen, Ph.D., M.D.
Jerry Alan Bridgham, M.D.
Pamela R. Burns, M.D.
Bruce N. Eisenberg, M.D.
Scott Fayne, M.D.
Kenneth W. Fields, M.D.
Mark A. Firestone, M.D.
Jerry W. Gibbs, Jr., M.D.
Alan Hiti, Ph.D., M.D.
Ronald Edward Holman, M.D.
Thomas R. Murray, Ph.D., M.D.
Curtis R. Partington, M.D.
Steven H. Saef, M.D.
Curtis D. Schultz, M.D.
Raymond A. Smith, Ph.D., M.D.
Andrew M. Tershakovec, M.D.
Steven J. Weiss, M.D.
Carlos Wolf, M.D.
Mark D. Ziffer, M.D.
$100 - $499
Jonathan S. Appelbaum, M.D.
Robert M. Chaikin, M.D.
Scott Larry Gold, M.D.
James Edward Knapp, M.D.
Robert Levenson, Ph.D., M.D.
David Andrew Neale, M.D.
Henry G. Nebeker, M.D.
Michael Edwin Oliver, M.D.
Thomas Bernard Poulton, M.D.
Kathleen S. Schrank, M.D.
David Sholem Seminer, M.D.
Bernard Elliott Shair, M.D.
Dennis Ray Stevenson, M.D.
Bernard Weinbach, M.D.
Adrienne Michele Young, M.D.
Up to $99
Richard Eric Arnell, M.D.
Matthew J. Orland, M.D.
Anne Marie Rompalo, M.D.
Marcia Frances Schwartz, M.D.
Class of 1980
Gary John Bowers, M.D.
Mark S. Calkins, M.D.
Eduardo De Marchena, M.D.
Lawrence R. Grobman, M.D.
$100 - $499
Sylvia Louise Betcher, M.D.
Henry Michael Biscardi, M.D.
Steven Blobstein, M.D., Ph.D.
Alfred Henry Cardet, M.D.
Robert Anthony Diasio, M.D.
Stanley J. Gwock, M.D.
Kathleen Hamilton Jones, M.D.
Howard Jay Landy, M.D.
Dennis Ronald Mayeaux, M.D.
Michael J. Pettei, M.D., Ph.D.
Edward F. Rabe, Jr., M.D.
Bradford N. Ruthberg, M.D.
Judith C. Ruthberg, M.D.
Isidoro Zarco, M.D.
Up to $99
Thomas M. Grove, Ph.D., M.D.
James Wayne Opoien, M.D.
Matthew D. Perry, M.D.
Class of 1981
Mitchel U. Silverman, M.D.
$500 - $999
Steven Mark Fletcher, M.D.
Harris A. Freed, M.D.
Salvador N. Lanza, M.D.
Jeffrey M. Starkman, M.D.
Up to $99
D. Scott Cohen, M.D.
Bruce Kruglick, M.D.
Simon Rabinowitz, Ph.D., M.D.
Russell J. Schilder, M.D.
Class of 1984
Maria L. Ariano, M.D.
Jay S. Herbst, M.D.
Robert A. Kelly, M.D.
Bradford L. Moss, M.D.
Jennifer B. Marks, M.D.
Howard I. Schwartz, M.D.
$500 - $999
Benjamin N. Conner, M.D.
Steven L. Cooper, M.D.
Mary Elizabeth Soha, M.D.
Walter Michael Soha, Jr., M.D.
$100 - $499
Claudette Bardin, Ph.D., M.D.
Eugene J. Bauerlein III, M.D.
Lori D. De Fillipo, M.D.
Theodore A. Evans, M.D.
Darlene B. Galati, M.D.
Evan B. Gold, M.D.
Barry I. Michelson, M.D.
Alan M. Nastir, M.D.
Michael J. Paolino, M.D.
Patricia L. Ricketts, M.D.
Marcus Stefan Struller, M.D.
Up to $99
James H. Beattie, M.D.
Steven Schimmel, Ph.D., M.D.
Charles Malcolm Burkett, M.D.
Robert W. Carr, M.D., M.P.H.
Class of 1985
Mark Arthur Walker, M.D.
Douglas Jules Ellison, M.D.
Frederic Judes Guerrier, M.D.
Evelyn M. Karson, Ph.D., M.D.
Gerardo M. Perez, Jr., M.D.
Ruth C. Schobel, M.D.
Barry S. Greene, M.D.
Madalene Komisar Greene, M.D.
$500 - $999
Steven Eugene Chavoustie, M.D.
Lisa E. Esserman, M.D.
Linda L. Lewis, M.D.
John A. Thesing, M.D.
Denslow A. Trumbull III, M.D.
$100 - $499
Karen Mikelait Allstadt, M.D.
Wesley R. Bray, M.D.
David C. Deitz, Ph.D., M.D.
Joseph I. Hoffman, M.D.
Michael Dory Horowitz, M.D.
Susana May, M.D.
Reuben Mezrich, Ph.D., M.D.
Marilyn K. Newsom, Ph.D., M.D.
Judith Gellman Pardo, M.D.
Henry K. Rosenkranz, M.D.
Marc S. Rubenson, M.D.
Peter M. Selzer, Ph.D.
Jesse Allen Tannenbaum, M.D.
Up to $99
David K. Ebelke, M.D.
Jeffrey Reynald Keim, M.D.
Richard Litsky, M.D.
Bruce W. Meyers, M.D.
Susan Weiner, Ph.D., M.D.
Class of 1982
Michael Lawrence Balogh, M.D.
Bertrand Gallet de St. Aurin, M.D.
Gael Glenn Kabell, Ph.D., M.D.
John Reagan Mullen, M.D.
Lynn Margolis Nusbaum, M.D.
$500 - $999
Edward Eisenberg, Ph.D., M.D.
Robin Straus Furlong, M.D.
$100 - $499
Andree Allen, M.D.
Robert W. Barish, M.D.
Albert Begas, M.D.
Jim Brennen Byrne, Jr., M.D.
John Edwin Hyde, Ph.D., M.D.
Robert Steven Moskowitz, M.D.
Joel Edward Tobiason, M.D.
Tracy A. Truchelut White, M.D.
Up to $99
Mary Katherine Behling, M.D.
Joseph Richard Contarino, M.D.
Jeffrey Arlen Danziger, M.D.
Michael Alan Diamond, M.D.
Gary Paul Kaplan, Ph.D., M.D.
Terrence Lagerlund, M.D.
Matthew Eric Snow, M.D.
Charles M. Wiener, M.D.
Class of 1983
Edward C. Abraham, M.D.
Victor N. Howard, Jr., M.D.
Enrique Ginzburg, M.D.
Thomas R. Flipse, M.D.
Julio Rafael Ortiz, Jr., M.D.
David J. D. Woska, M.D.
$500 - $999
Ana Isabel Gonzalez, M.D.
Ross H. Zoll, M.D.
$100 - $499
Richard N. Aizpuru, M.D.
Lee D. Birchansky, M.D.
Roberto Chao, Jr., M.D.
Vincent Conte, Jr., M.D.
Amy R. Fendrich-Graff, M.D.
Bruce Scott Fletcher, M.D.
Paula Meilleur Foust, M.D.
Elliott William Hinkes, M.D.
John L. Howard, M.D.
Walter F. Lambert, M.D.
Maria Cristina Mata, M.D.
Dennis J. Patin, M.D.
Cathy Homer Reifman, M.D.
Sharon A. Rodriguez, M.D.
Roger Daniel Spitzer, M.D.
Keith Tucci, M.D.
Carrie A. Wolfberg, M.D.
Up to $99
Barry K. Abramson, M.D.
Beth A. Cohen, M.D.
Maite De Lamerens-Pratt, M.D.
Adriana Recio Gioia, M.D.
Glenn D. Graham, Ph.D.
Jacquelyn C. Howitt, M.D.
Bruce J. Kammerman, M.D.
Margery A. Kates, M.D.
Dean J. Railey, M.D.
Class of 1986
Enrico A. Giangeruso, M.D.
Daniel Gerard Kalbac, M.D.
James A. Waler, M.D.
$500 - $999
Mark S. Grenitz, M.D.
Yen N. Nguyen, Ph.D., M.D.
Johan P. Suyderhoud, M.D.
$100 - $499
Daniel W. Chase, M.D.
Lonnie Mark Draper, M.D.
Juan M. Esnard, M.D.
Stephen A. Kagan, M.D.
Steven F. Lay, M.D.
Howard I. Levy, M.D.
Lynette T. McLamb, M.D.
Howard N. Merson, M.D.
David B. Pechman, M.D.
Andrew A. Quartin, M.D.
Hugo D. Ribot, Jr., M.D.
Mary E. Sawaya, M.D., Ph.D.
Greg M. Silver, M.D.
Cheng Wang, Ph.D., M.D.
Jordan M. Wetstone, M.D.
Up to $99
Jennifer G. Collins, M.D.
Ted A. Kaplan, M.D.
Kenneth Lodin, M.D.
Class of 1987
Steven F. Falcone, M.D.
Judith E. Crowell, M.D.
John Michael Di Maio, M.D.
Maria L. Iparraguirre, M.D.
Alan Pollack, M.D.
$500 - $999
Maria Victoria Egusquiza, M.D.
Wafik S. Eldeiry, M.D.
Scott D. Firestone, M.D.
Eric R. Haynes, M.D.
$100 - $499
Catherine V. Boulanger, M.D.
Louis R. Lambiase, M.D.
Nancy J. Liu, M.D.
Caryn J. Lobel, M.D.
John H. Marston, M.D.
Guillermo Pol, M.D.
William A. Wegener, M.D.
Up to $99
James M. Cochran, Ph.D., M.D.
Katherine L. Hart, M.D.
Harry Moulis, M.D.
Lester O. Prince, M.D.
Barry Schlafstein, M.D.
Michael C. Swanson, M.D.
Class of 1988
Ana M. Duarte, M.D.
Cyrus Ghavam, M.D.
$500 - $999
David Vandercar, Ph.D., M.D.
$100 - $499
Pamela Baines, M.D.
Patrick Brillant, M.D.
Stephen M. Cristol, M.D.
Lisa W. Keep, M.D.
Robert S. Kirsner, M.D.
David Rispler, M.D.
David C. Rosenberg, M.D.
Vance J. Sanders, M.D.
Ronn E. Tanel, M.D.
Joy O. Young-Ramsaran, M.D.
Up to $99
Jean Guffey Johnson, M.D.
Sheryl Scott Joyner, M.D.
James R. Lisko, Ph.D., M.D.
Matthew Q. Pompeo, M.D.
Jeffrey L. Puretz, M.D.
David L.S. Ryon, M.D.
Class of 1989
Mayda Arias, M.D.
Todd M. Antin, M.D.
Richard N. Edelstein, M.D.
$500 - $999
Rita A. Reik, M.D.
Clorinda Robles-Halterman, M.D.
$100 - $499
Colette K. Brown, M.D.
Norman G. Freeman, M.D.
Catherine W. Froelich, M.D.
Edward J. Gross, M.D.
Marilyn Hamilton, Ph.D., M.D.
Renee A. Higgerson, M.D.
David W. Kielty, M.D.
Josephine Mei, M.D.
Eric M. Persily, M.D.
Lee B. Pravder, M.D.
Keith Harrison Rubin, M.D.
Caryn B. Schorr, M.D.
Ira M. Thal, M.D.
Up to $99
Monica A. Broome, M.D.
Ashira Johnson, M.D.
Class of 1990
John Joseph Greco, M.D.
Jose A. Prieto, M.D.
Linda N. Prieto, M.D.
Aldon B. Williams, M.D.
$500 - $999
Anthony de Guzman, M.D.
$100 - $499
Cynthia M. Karsonovich, M.D.
Brian William King, M.D.
Marie H. Landry, M.D.
Carla A. Levi-Miller, M.D.
Henry Edward Moeller, M.D.
Janet V. O’Sullivan, M.D.
Andrew F. Ringel, M.D.
Up to $99
Steven Caras, Ph.D., M.D.
Babette J. Harrell, M.D.
Brian P. Hayes, M.D.
Charles J. Kaiser, M.D.
Joseph F. Ragno, M.D.
Jonathan E. Schwartz, M.D.
Burton L. Scott, M.D., Ph.D.
Class of 1991
David Henry Ring, Jr., M.D.
Richard H. Bundschu, M.D.
Ricardo Emiliano Estape, M.D.
Karthik Ramaswamy, M.D.
$500 - $999
Joseph M. Armotrading II, M.D.
Krishnamurthy A. Rao, M.D.
$100 - $499
David M. Andrews, M.D.
Chin F. Chen, M.D.
Jean R. Johnson, M.D.
Kurt K. Kloss, M.D.
Brian Maiocco, M.D.
M. Shawn Morehead, M.D.
Patricia Kay Powell, M.D.
Martin James Redmond, M.D.
Cara Cardinale Simmonds, M.D.
William Joseph Stanton, M.D.
Robert Henry Thomas, M.D.
Up to $99
Matthew Martin Menosky, M.D.
David Edward Perloff, M.D.
Janine Ebeoglu Sanchez, M.D.
Steven L. Young, M.D.
Class of 1992
Brad E. Oren, M.D.
$100 - $499
Marcie L. Coben, M.D.
Isabel Teresa Lagomasino, M.D.
David Levine Lerner, M.D.
Alan Scott Lipp, M.D.
Dean Stuart Mann, M.D.
Mitchell Forest Reiter, M.D.
Andrew S. Weisinger, M.D.
Up to $99
Guido F. Valdes, M.D.
Up to $99
Ari Abril, M.D.
Adrianne E. Gibbs, M.D.
Terrence W. Harris, M.D.
Jamey Harron Howitt, M.D.
Vivek Iyengar, M.D.
Neha Shah Parikh, M.D.
Class of 1999
Jason Seth James, M.D.
Richard R. McNeer, Ph.D.
Juandalyn R. Peters, M.D.
Sean Adam Simon, M.D.
Perri Elizabeth Young, M.D.
Ana M. Harris, M.D.
Joshua Alexander Harris, M.D.
Mark A. Hernandez, M.D.
Anna Katerina Sfakianaki, M.D.
$100 - $499
Susanne Michele Hewitt, M.D.
Katherine Ann Mathews, M.D.
Katherine A. Thurer, M.D.
Eduardo Miguel Vidal, M.D.
Class of 1993
Mario J. Sequeira, M.D.
Up to $99
Brian E. Cauff, M.D.
Ricardo A. Romagosa, M.D.
$500 - $999
Jennifer Alice Corrie, M.D.
Chris A. Ghaemmaghami, M.D.
Tim Ioannides, M.D.
$100 - $499
Gregg Evan Bassett, M.D.
Sylvia M. Dobo, M.D.
Edwin B. Hayes, M.D.
Priscilla Potter, Ph.D., M.D.
Alicia D. Powell, M.D.
Andrew B. Reisman, M.D.
Michael A. Sama, M.D.
Arno William Tilles, M.D.
Marvin L. Wang, M.D.
Up to $99
Chieh-Lin Fu, M.D.
Eric A. Harris, M.D.
Maureen K. McLaughlin, M.D.
Marc H. Oster, M.D.
Class of 1994
Patricia Tager, M.D.
Arthur S. Colsky, Ph.D., M.D.
Cynthia A. Golomb, M.D.
$100 - $499
Stephen L. Dickson, Jr., M.D.
Kendall M. Griffith, M.D.
Alanna Turk Harris, M.D.
Russell B. Hays, M.D.
Harold L. Johnson, M.D.
Saira S. Khan, M.D.
Neeta C. Patel, M.D.
Stacy Dana Roskin, M.D.
Up to $99
Paul Kornberg, M.D.
Michelle L. Lister, M.D.
Alex Jeffrey Mechaber, M.D.
Daniel A. Sheldon, M.D.
Class of 1995
Cesar Eduardo Ceballos, M.D.
Berta Teresita Fernandez, M.D.
S.Barry Issenberg, M.D.
Class of 2000
$100 - $499
Andrew C. Lehmann, M.D.
Susan Seligman-Haas, M.D.
Up to $99
Adrian Lloyd Burrowes, M.D.
Dalia Lorenzo, M.D.
Tiffany Amanda Weakley, M.D.
Class of 2001
$100 - $499
Amy Kok Wai Lau, M.D.
Sam Wilcox II, M.D.
Up to $99
Soumya Adhikari, M.D.
Aaron T. Andrews, M.D.
Jason L. Sevald, M.D.
Class of 2002
$100 - $499
Cynthia A. Toth, M.D.
Up to $99
Elizabeth Williamson Dann, M.D.
Julie Lynn Oppenheimer, M.D.
Douglas M. Wallace, M.D.
Class of 2003
Nicholas Boris Nedeff, M.D.
$100 - $499
George Michael Panagakos, M.D.
Sean Michael Quinn, M.D.
Up to $99
Kristen Duyck Burt, M.D.
Seetal Preet Kaur Cheema, M.D.
Helena De Carvalho, M.D.
Christiana Marie Shaw, M.D.
Joshua Trabin, M.D.
Rashmi Darius Unwala, M.D.
$500 - $999
Francisco Garcini, Ph.D., M.D.
Class of 2004
$100 - $499
Rachel Lara Dawkins, M.D.
$100 - $499
Eric G. Auerbach, M.D.
David S. Cole, M.D.
Paul B. Sygall, M.D.
Up to $99
Ignacio Castellon, M.D.
Christian Diez, M.D.
William David Frazier, M.D.
Up to $99
Hilit Frenkel Mechaber, M.D.
Douglas H. Moffett, M.D.
Class of 1996
$500 - $999
Jon Timothy Posey, M.D.
Michael J. Wilsey, M.D.
$100 - $499
Anita M. Del Bianco, M.D.
Nelson Garcia, M.D.
Tatiana M. Lawer, M.D.
Steven Tien Li, M.D.
Neerav S. Shah, M.D.
Loren Elyse Simovitch, M.D.
Up to $99
Melanie Coombs Bynum, M.D.
Glenn Monroe Phagan, M.D.
Class of 1997
Marie V. Hayag, M.D.
Jeremy Adam Schwartz, M.D.
$500 - $999
Marc A. Arel, M.D.
Paul B. Cardali, M.D.
$100 - $499
Dwight Garfield Dawkins, M.D.
Dawn E. Mannings, M.D.
Ivonne H. Schulman, M.D.
Elizabeth Bech Vainder, M.D.
Richard Y. Yoo, M.D.
Up to $99
E. Luis Prieto, M.D.
Class of 1998
$500 - $999
Delisa A. Skeete Henry, M.D.
$100 - $499
Ryan D. Madanick, M.D.
Heather Claire Woolery, M.D.
Class of 2005
Up to $99
Shih-Hsin Eddy Yang, Ph.D.
Heather Assad Zacur, M.D.
Class of 2006
$100 - $499
Christopher Ramsaran, M.D.
Leticia Tornes, M.D.
Up to $99
William Joseph Kolhoff, M.D.
Emily Lampp, M.D.
Arturo M. Riviera, M.D.
Class of 2007
Up to $99
Brian James Deignan, M.D.
Class of 2008
Up to $99
Colette Destemonia Waite, M.D.
Class of 2009
Up to $99
Torre Leigh Halscott, M.D.