Dr. Beatriz L. Botero - Comparative Literature and Folklore Studies
Dr. Beatriz L. Botero - Comparative Literature and Folklore Studies
Dr. Beatriz L. Botero Interests Latin American literature and psychoanalysis, cultural analysis, comparative literature, art. Professor Beatriz L. Botero (Ph D. University of Wisconsin- Madison) is a specialist in contemporary Latin American literature and cultural studies. Her research is oriented primarily towards topics in narrative and psychoanalysis, with special emphasis on identity, body and social conflict. She has also worked these topics in relation to contemporary visual art. In her publications, Botero examines the relation between national identity and personal identity in novels such as Gabriel García Márquez’s last novel Memoria de mis putas tristes. In her most recent work (El Yo ideal y el Ideal del yo en Cobro de Sangre de Mario Mendoza, 2015), Botero contributed to a special issue on Psychoanalysis and Ibero American literature for the journal Studi Ispanici, examining issues of personal and social identity. Degrees and Institutions Beatriz L. Botero was born in Bogotá, Colombia, where she majored in Psychology and Literature. In 1994 she moved to Madrid, Spain, where she did a Ph. D. in Psychoanalytic Foundations and Theory Development (Fundamentos y Desarrollos Psioanalíticos) at Universidad Autonoma de Madrid. Her dissertation “The Anxiety of the reader of Fantastic Literature” (La angustia del sujeto frente a la obra fantástica) received a Summa Cum Laude. In Europe she studied art and culture atUniversitéSorbonne-Paris, France,andRichmondCollegeinLondon-England.ShereturnedtoBogotáwhere shetaughtatPontificiaUniversidadJaveriana.FromJaverianashewenttothe UniversityofWisconsin-Madison,whereshecompletedaMaster’sdegreeandaPh. D.intheSpanishandPortugueseDepartment.HerDissertation(Imaginedidentityin sixColombiannovels2000-2010)linkedpsychoanalyticproblemswithliterary criticism. AfterreceivedherPh.D.degreefromUWMadison,shehastaughtindifferent UniversitiesincludingUniversidadNacionaldeColombia,NanyangUniversityin Singapore,andtheUniversityofWisconsin-Madison. Selected Publications Botero, Beatriz L. “El Yo ideal y el Ideal del yo en Cobro de Sangre de Mario Mendoza”. Studi Ispanici, Fabrizio Serra Editore. Roma XL (2015) : 357-68. Botero, Beatriz L. “La increíble historia de Memoria de mis putas tristes y de Mustio Collado el abuelo desalmado”. Revista de Estudios Colombianos, Asociación de Colombianistas and Fitchburg State University. (2012): 40, 36-46. Current Projects Dr. Botero’s current research focuses on visual artists who explore memories of violence in the case of desaparecidos (the disappeared), during dictatorships in the Southern Cone; and plastic artist in other Latin American countries such as Colombia, whose work revolves around issues of migration and displacement. Teaching Jorge Luis Borges Seminar. Universidad Nacional de Colombia Colombian Literature Seminar. Pontificia Universidad Javeriana. Colombia Psychoanalysis and Literature, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana. Colombia Latin American Literature. Nanyang University. Singapore Art as a response to Violence. University of Wisconsin- Platteville. USA Magical Realism. University of Wisconsin- Madison. USA Intermediate and advance Spanish Classes. University of Wisconsin- Madison. USA Selected Invited Talks Botero, B.L. (2015). Cuerpo y violencia en la literatura colombiana contemporánea. Instituto de Investigaciones Gino Germani. Department of Social Sciences, Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA). Buenos Aires. Jun. 26. Botero, B. L. (2015). El cuerpo en Rosario Tijeras, novela sicarésca. Seminar Ciencia y Tecnología en Contexto in the PhD seminar “Ciencia, Tecnología y Sociedad”. Department of Philosophy and Ethics. Tecnológico de Monterrey. Mexico. Mar. 20. Botero, B.L. (2015) La pusión de muerte (thanatos) y la novela de la violencia en Colombia. Universidad de Nuevo Leon, Mexico. Mar. 20. Botero, B.L. (2013). Identity: From Individual to National Culture. Faculty of Humanities. Chiang Mai University. April 24, 2013. Thailand. Botero, B.L. (2013). Teaching Grammar Through Literature and Culture. Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences. Burapha University. May 1, 2013. Thailand. Contact Office 1402 Sterling Hall Phone 262-1158 Email [email protected]