Mountainburg Junior- Miss Pageant won by Winslow Girl
Editor: Jo Ann Kyle 22288 Kyle Rd Winslow, AR 72959 Phone 479-634-3105 email: [email protected] website: Meetings DATE: April VOLUME: 12 Mountainburg JuniorMiss Pageant won by Winslow Girl “All Jazzed Up” was the theme for the Miss Mountainburg Pageant where Winslow’s Iris Bromley walked away with the Junior Miss Title. Iris is the daughter of Stacy and Michelle Bromley. ISSUE: 4 Little Miss 9 to 10 years old Junior Miss 11 to 12 years old Miss Teen 13 to 15 years old WCDC board 2nd Tue @ 7:00 pm @ Winslow Library Ozark Folkways Guild Board 3rd Sat @ 1:00 pm Winslow Home Ext 3rd Tue @ 1:00 pm Unfortunately we don’t have the winners and runners-up in all of the categories but the Miss Teen was won by Sienna West. Sienna also won the most photogenic category in her division. She is the daughter of Jared and Amanda Henson West. Congratulations to all the participants. Winslow City Council 2nd Mon @ 7:00 pm Boston Mountain Quilters Ozark Folkways 10:00 a.m. Mondays Bring Potluck Lunch BMFD Board Meeting 2nd Thurs @ 7:00 p.m. Sienna West - Miss Teen United Methodist Women 1st Mon. 10 a.m. at the church. BMFD meets 1st & 3rd Monday at 7:00 p.m. at BMFS Friends Of The Library 1st Monday at 7:00 pm at Winslow Library. Baptist Women 1st and 3rd Monday at 1pm at FBC. Wool & Wheel Hand Spinners 3rd Saturday 10am at Ozark Folkways. Winslow Community Easter Sunrise Service Sunday Morning April 24th at 6:30 AM The Upper Room at Sky-Vue Lodge Brother Perry Hall speaking Coffee and cinnamon rolls following service Offering taken for the Winslow Community Relief Fund Everyone welcome Iris Bromley - Miss Junior-Miss After the casual dress and the formal dress categories, her onstage impromptu question was; “If you could have one wish of the following what would it be and why, A. Beautiful, B. Smart, C. Famous? She answered B. “I would rather be smart because you can help people by curing cancer and that’s a big goal for me in life.” The annual pageant has six categories: Wee Miss Tiny Miss Petite Miss 3 to 4 years old 5 to 6 years old 7 to 8 years old 1 4-H Club 4:15 pm @Boston Mountain Fire Station Wed Community Meals Board 2nd Mon 5:00 pm at the Winslow Community Meals Building. Winslow Library Hours: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, & Saturday 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM Logic 2000 By Lonnie Trent CONGRATULATIONS Closets of Science I was just counting up the time this morning from when I started my book, “Closets of Science.” It has been two years and nine months, since I started on July 2, 2008. I am fully retired now and have put an enormous amount of work into it. I have been proofreading for about two months and Sandy proofread it once. It should be complete sometime this summer. I’m working on the index, which is very time-consuming. It is 83,000 words and deals with evolution vs. creation, and I drag out all the things science doesn’t want the public to know and has swept into their closets since 1925. The introduction is about 8 pages long and I will send a page of it so you can size up the drift of the book. Closets of Science A clip from the middle part of the introduction In his book, The Trouble With Physics, Lee Smolin wrote: “Good ideas are not taken seriously enough when they come from people of low status in the academic world.” Okay, I’m about as low status as you can get in the academic world, so why is it that I can explain observer-created reality and deep reality in the nuclear physics arena, instinct and the foundation of the universe? Congratulations to Mary and Jerry Bromley on their 48th Wedding Anniversary. The former Mary Morton and Jerry Bromley were married in Winslow on March 23, 1963. I explain why we have to contend with evil, how destiny is influenced by your frame of mind and what you will be confronted with when you die, even including the intensity of the light, the precise colors and sparkles of the tunnel and why there is a tunnel, the speed you travel while in the tunnel and why you travel at that speed, properties of the soul, predestination, what happens to the soul of a deceased infant, and am about to do exactly all of that. I will stay with each subject in language that can be understood until there are no further questions to be asked. That’s quite a statement isn’t it? Yet I am about to back up every word of it, while those sporting PhDs can explain nothing. Cass’s Canine Rescue By Patty Davis Cass’s Canine Rescue has been busy with new puppies and clearing out the barn for another flea market...hope to open in late April or May (for sure). Watch next month’s Within Winslow for details. I know their works very well, and while impressive usage of language and wit may keep you turning the pages, you finally realize that none of the questions just mentioned are going to be answered. Everyone wants answers, and it becomes obvious that nothing will be answered by people of high status in the academic world because they are afraid to step out into the open with any opinions outside of what has been declared as truth and fact by people who are considered an authority in their chosen profession. In the meantime, the rescue could use newspapers, dogfood, chewies, treats, bedding and just about any amount of dollars you can give. There are several dogs who need to be spayed or neutered before they can be adopted. Of course, volunteer help is always welcomed...especially to work with the dogs to help socialize them...another way to make sure they are adopted. Thanks in advance for any help you may provide. The situation is reversed with me and should be with those who have an attitude like Smolin. It must be understood from the beginning that I am not academicized, if that word is permissible. I have no attachment or obligation to any teachers or schools for knowledge that I have acquired beyond high school, which presents an unusual situation since I am writing about very difficult subjects and doing my best to keep my usage of language toned down. I want to be understood and don’t want anyone to go back and reread any sentence trying to figure out what I am talking about. The end result is what counts, and I am in a position to write whatever I want without fear of offending any of my colleagues because I don’t have any colleagues. In fact, I don’t recall ever setting foot in a college, but there is the advantage. I have no academic reputation to risk or loyalty to any profession to worry about. I have no hesitancy to expose any issue that flies in the face of the most respected people who ever lived in whatever field of study, and I wield it like a sledgehammer. I go on to explain that I am not really against anyone and all of the struggling is for a much greater purpose. I come down heavy on the science community for the things they have kept hidden such as proof that the soul exists, yet I don’t let the religious community slip out of the fray unscathed. They backed away and allowed it to happen. 2 WINSLOW COMMUNITY MEALS WINSLOW HALF MARATHON AND 5K RUN By Annie McCormick “ Reports of my death have been greatly exaggerated...” Mark Twain could be referring to Winslow Community Meals. Economic times are rough for everybody nowadays. Meals is no exception. We have been running on a shoestring budget, but all that come in for dinner are well fed and not turned away. There has been chatter about Meals going under for months now. I don’t know where it comes from, but I think the chatterers are giving in to gossip instead of coming in and checking things out. The snow hurt us for sure, but we’re making it up slowly but surely. We are applying for United Way assistance which would allow us to get expensive paper products at a very reduced rate. They also have everything from cleaning products to adult diapers available. One of our plans is to provide filled backpacks for the kids when they go back to school We’re also applying at the NWA food bank and for government commodities. This will allow us to have a pantry for Winslow. Why hasn’t Meals taken advantage of these programs before? I don’t know. We are now and our program should greatly benefit our community. As for fundraising, we’re planning another music event at the Brentwood Community Center. In October there will be another Poker Run. We have a lot of ideas in store. One way someone can support Meals is by having dinner with us. Attendance is on the rise and we hope it keeps going in that direction. The building is also going to go through some changes. The garden Thelma kept up so nicely is being replanted along with some other flower gardens. A representative of Meals is going to Lowe’s and Wal-Mart to inquire about donations to the project. If you have any ideas just let us know! Meals is for our community, so your input is important to us. A special thanks to Mary Anderson who attended our March board meeting. She gave us some positive input and is a great supporter. Our board meetings are on the second Monday of the month and is open to anyone who is interested. We thank all who support us. We need you and appreciate you. Gracias!! The Meals Board. By Mary Anderson On Saturday September 17th, Winslow will host its first Half Marathon and 5K Run. A half marathon is 13.1 miles and 5K is 3.11 miles. The course is what is known in running circles as an ’out and back’. Both races will use the same course. It starts at the School, winds through Main Street and Van Buren to Bunyard Road. On the return we will go down Center Street to finish by The Tree. The race is organized by WCDC for the benefit of such local programs as Community Meals and Winslow Downtown Beautification but we need a lot of help! First and foremost we would like to see as many Winslow residents as possible enter one of the races. The half Marathon is a runner’s race. It starts at 8 a.m. and the course will close at 11.30 a.m. The minimum age to enter this race is 14 years old on the day of the race. The 5K is just a little over 3 miles so if you can walk/jog/run this distance in under an hour, this race is for you as long as you are at least 10 years old on the day of the race. Remember, the race is not until September. You have plenty of time to get in shape. Team up with your friends and family, find a training schedule on-line and get moving! If neither of these races appeals to you, we need you as a volunteer! There are a host of jobs available before, during and after the race. Our goal is to make this an enjoyable event for all involved. You can find more information on our website WCDC NEWS Kindergarten Registration By John Ford GREENLAND : March 8, 2011 For Immediate Release For additional information contact Mary Anderson at 479-634-7451 Thursday, April 7th From 8 A.m.-6:00 P.m. Is Kindergarten Registrationi In The Elementary Safe Room. WEST FORK: Kindergarten Round-up is scheduled for Thursday April 21st from 8:30 AM until 2:30 PM. NO shots or physicals will be given the day of registration. Your child must be 5 years old by August 1. Please bring the following items with you to registration: The child’s shot record, Social Security card, Birth Certificate, and Health Physical papers. The Board of Directors of the Winslow Community Development Council voted Tuesday night to authorize a donation to Winslow Community Meals in the amount of $500.00. The Winslow Community Development Council is a local volunteer organization that raises funds for local charities, community beautification and development projects and helps to promote Winslow and the surrounding area. Winslow Community Meals is a local , self-supporting community organization that provides nutritious, low cost meals to area residents and delivers meals to the homebound. Due to the recent extreme weather conditions, it has been forced to close for two weeks. Additionally, equipment problems have helped to cause a severe strain on their resources. The Winslow Community Development Council urges all local residents and businesses to help support the Winslow Community Meals program. Donations may be sent to Winslow Community Meals at 1057 Ella Road, Winslow 72959. Volunteers of course are always welcome. Please call 479-634-2800. 3 Ozark Folkways: What’s Happening on the Mountain! WINSLOW LOVED ONES WE HAVE LOST Boston Mountain Potters Larry Gene Shepherd are the April Artists of the month at Ozark Folkways. March 24,1967 – March 24, 2011 Come see their beautiful handcrafted locally made pottery. The show is in the gallery at Ozark Folkways through the 23rd of the April. Larry Gene Shepherd, 44 of Winslow died March 24, 2011 in Fayetteville. He was born March24, 1967 in Fayetteville to Paul L. and Lucille Paschal Shepherd. Velda Brotherton’s Spring Writer’s Workshop He was a construction worker. Survivors include his mother, Lucille Hickman of Winslow; a brother Leo Shepherd of Elkins; three sons; a daughter; and two grandchildren. No services are planned at this time. April 9 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. “The Short and Long of Writing” spring workshop, will be held on Saturday, Cremation arrangements are by Nelson-Berna Funeral Home and Crematory of Fayetteville. Velda will take students through the act of creating characters and stories from their journals, diaries or family legends and myths. We’ll work in both fiction and nonfiction modes in this one-on-one workshop. Are You Ready for Easter? The cost of the workshop is $25. Baskets - Small, Medium, And Large Plastic Eggs packaged in 1 dozen and 3 dozen packages All starting at $.50 and up. Lunch is on your own. The group eats at Grandma’s or you can brown bag it. Grandma doesn’t mind if you join us and order a drink there. No snacks or drinks are available at the facility. To register, send a check for $25 to Ozark Folkways, 22733 N. Highway 71, Winslow, AR 72959 or call 479-634-3791 for CC’s For sale at the Farmer’s Market every Saturday Morning in the month of April by Christine Hooten Basket Classes Monday, April 25 · 10:00am - 3:00pm Saturday, April 30 · 10:00am - 3:00pm OPAL’S IS OPEN Call for more details, or visit us at Gospel Music in the Park Opal’s Thrift Shop will open April 8th and 9th. Saturday April 30th - 5:30 p.m. Winslow City Park, Hwy 71, Winslow, Arkansas Marsha Cooley and the Gospel Sonlighters and GARY Ministries will present an evening of gospel music at the Winslow City Park, Hwy 71, Winslow, Arkansas. Free and open to the public. A love offering will be taken to benefit Ozark Folkway’s effort to build a community music stage at Ozark Folkways. The shop will be open on Friday and Saturday only. Stop by and check out all the wonderful treasures she has in the shop. Food will be available at the event. (In case of rain, the event will be help at the Winslow, First Baptist Church) For more information contact Gary: 479-263-0831 4 Past, Present, & Future: April Fools’ Day First Friday in Winslow! May Art Show and Reception Friday May 6th, 6-8 pm Join us for the wildly creative work of Jane Peoples! Free and open to the public! By: Christina Eichstedt [email protected] One Day Herb Workshop with Steven Foster Saturday May 7th 10 am-5 pm April, the month of my birth, Easter, and yes, a day that all of us pranksters get a good laugh at the expense of our family, friends, and co-workers alike. As with many of our holidays and traditions, April Fools’ Day’s history is somewhat inconclusive; though, as we all know, there is always more than one version of history, depending on who is telling it. World-renowned herbalist Steven Foster will give a one-day workshop which will include lecture time, a wild herb walk and a gourmet lunch at Ozark Folkways! The cost of the class is $100, which includes the gourmet lunch. (Details of the lunch menu, with an emphasis on locally grown herbs, is a total secret until you sign up!) The day has been celebrated for several centuries, by many different cultures, but some historians say that it’s origin dates back to 1582 when the calendar was changed to the Gregorian Calendar, but people out in This class will fill soon, so call today to reserve your spot! 479-634-3791 Rebecca Buchanan Director Ozark Folkways the country were so slow in getting that news that they became known as “April Fool’s”. This resulted in them having paper fish placed on their backs, referred to as “Poisson D’avril” or “April Fish”, which essentially meant that they were gullible. Other historians believe they have linked the holiday’s origin to the vernal equinox, where Mother Nature fools people with changing and often unpredictable weather. Still others believe that the day can be linked to the ancient festival of Hilaria, celebrated in Rome the last week of March in which people dressed up in disguises. “The Dream Lives On!” April Fools’ Day spread throughout Britain, reportedly during the 18th century; in Scotland it even became a two-day event. It began with “hunting the gwok”, gwok being a cuckoo bird, the symbol of a fool. During this “hunt” people were sent on phony errands and the next day was Tallie Day, where signs that read “kick me” were placed on one’s derrieres, or fake tails were pinned to them. NWA Mothers of Multiples Club Donates Books April Fools’ Day, or All Fools Day, has grown into a popular array of pranks and media hoaxes over the last several decades. Newspapers, TV stations, radio, and websites have gone to great lengths to “fool” their audiences and readers. In 1957 the BBC reported that Swiss farmers were experiencing record spaghetti crops, they fooled numerous viewers with images of people harvest noodles from trees. In 1996 Taco Bell announced its purchase of the Liberty Bell and that they would be renaming it the Taco Liberty Bell. Burger King, in 1998, advertised a Left Handed Whopper and yes, customers actually came in to order them! The Northwest Arkansas Mothers of Multiples Club (NWAMOMC) has donated the book When You’re Expecting Twins, Triplets, or Quads: Proven Guidelines for a Healthy Multiple Pregnancy- 3rd edition, to the Winslow Public Library. This donation is part of a regional philanthropy project. Several other libraries in the Northwest Arkansas region have also received copies of the book, including Bentonville, Rogers, Springdale, Pea Ridge, Elkins, Bella Vista, West Fork, Lincoln, Prairie Grove, Fayetteville and Siloam Springs. NWAMOMC is a non-profit support group for mothers of multiples, and is associated with the National Organization of Mothers of Twins Club. The group meets on the last Tuesday of each month at the Circle of Life Hospice in Springdale from 6:30-9:00pm. Meetings often feature speakers who are able to offer advice on various topics of interest to families including multiples. Some of the many benefits of membership include Mom’s Nights Out, Play Dates, Fall and Spring Consignment Sales, Family Holiday Parties, an Online Forum, and Hospitality Meals when members give birth. Additional information about the club is available at It is the hope of the members of NWAMOMC that the donation of these books will make information and support more readily available to those expecting multiples. Now, for some the first day of April is a birthday, for others it’s an anniversary, or for many out there it’s just another day at the office. But for those of us that can appreciate a good prank, it’s a day full of potential belly laughs and honest to goodness fun. So no matter what you see or don’t see in April Fools’ Day, try having a little fun this year and see if someone you know is an April Fool. Next Month’s Column: Mother’s Day 5 Ozark Folkways Spring Writer’s Workshop Saturday May 7th world-renowned herbalist Steven Foster will give a one-day class, which will include lecture time, a wild herb walk and a gourmet lunch at Ozark Folkways! Velda Brotherton’s Spring Writer’s Workshop will be held at Ozark Folkways on April 9, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. As always, I will work one-on-one with up to 20 writers. Whatever you have in mind, I will help you with. From memoirs, biographies and creative nonfiction to short stories and novels. Bring a journal that I can help you transform into salable stories or articles; bring family stories that can be turned into fiction or nonfiction; bring an idea for a story; we can also discuss the viability of ebooks or Kindle for your work and show you how to get started. The cost of the class is $100, which includes the gourmet lunch. (Details of the lunch menu, with an emphasis on locally grown herbs, is a total secret until you sign up!) For thirty-four years Steven Foster has served as a medicinal and aromatic plant specialist, writer, lecturer, and photographer as well as an international consultant to growers, researchers, and others in the medicinal and aromatic industries. Foster has over 800 photo-illustrated articles in popular, trade, and scientific journals. He serves as Associate Editor for Herbalgram. Steven is the author or co-author of fifteen books. This time it’s anything goes. I’ll try to help you with whatever you have in mind, and help you work out any problems you have with your writing. There are so many ways to get published today that it’s mind blowing. With the advent of e books and e readers, you have the opportunity to get your work in front of millions of readers. Let’s work on it together. Describing her relationship with Steven Foster, Harvard University botanist Dr. Shiu Ying Hu (emeriti) wrote: I hope to have a class in the fall about publishing to the Web and e readers. What a fantastic opportunity this is to find readers all over the world. “Our conversation reminded me of something that Confucius said two thousand years ago: ‘In any company of three persons, there must be one who can be my teacher’ . . . I found in Steven Foster a teacher who could share a profound knowledge of economic botany, particularly in the cultivation and uses of herbs.” To register send $25 to Ozark Folkways, 22733 N. Highway 71, Winslow, AR 72959. As always, lunch is on your own. The group goes to Grandma’s House or you may bring your own lunch and join us there. A part of the proceeds from the workshop go to Ozark Folkways, a nonprofit organization that offers workshops and is an outlet for original arts and crafts handmade in the Ozark region. Steven Foster has pursued photoArnica graphic goals since 1976. His first photographs appeared in a book on Shaker furniture in 1977. He has served as liaison to visiting photographers on assignment for numerous American and European magazines and newspapers. Today, as a specialist in medicinal and aromatic plants, his stock photo files number over 150,000 images in a highly specialized stock niche. If you will stay overnight, make reservations early at Sky Vue Lodge across the highway. Call 800-782-2003; or Chester House Inn about 9 miles down the road. Call 479-369-4441. Fayetteville is 25 miles away and there is plenty of lodging along I 540 there if you miss out on getting something nearby. For more information on Steven’s work: ________________________________________ By the way, my newest books are now available at The Washington County Observer, and of course at Lake Ft. Smith State Park and Terra Studios. Space for this class is extremely limited. For more information, Email Velda at [email protected] Read my blogs and http://vbrotherton.blogspot. com and check out my fan page on Facebook. Fans of Velda Brotherton. Call to reserve your spot today! 479-634-3791 or email: [email protected] If you are a friend on Facebook, you may sign up for the event at: http:// ‘The Taxpayer: That’s someone who works for the federal government but doesn’t have to take the civil service examination.’ - Ronald Reagan Rebecca Buchanan Ozark Folkways “The Dream Lives On!” 6 HELPING HANDS FOOD PANTRY If you find yourself in need of food, we are here to help. Not enough month before you get paid? We are here to help. What ever the reason, we are here to help. Please call Pastor Jim Kugel at 466-8491 and leave your name and number and he will call you back. Jesus commissioned us to feed those in need. We are here for you. ARTIST POINT David & Angie Lovett 19924 Hwy 71 N Mountainburg, AR 72946 ___________________________________ We offer Raw Honey From local bee keepers Lodging Available with an awe-inspiring view! 9 - 5 Come by and browse in our relaxed atmosphere 7 Days and have a cup of coffee on us. A Week Homemade Fudge and Peanut Clusters! Local Jewelry, Polished Rocks and Minerals 479-369-2226 We have on a large selection of locally made soy candles and gift boxes. Now offering ARKANSAS DIAMONDS We have an exciting collection of locally made jams, jellies and butters! Take a nice hike to see the waterfalls. 7 HEATING AIR CONDITIONING REFRIGERATION SERVICE AND INSTALLATION RESIDENTIAL AND COMMERCIAL SERVING WINSLOW AND SURROUNDING AREA HVACR LICENSE # 0151957 INSURED LOCALLY OWNED AND OPERATED FOR OVER 20 YEARS BY EDWARD HERZOG CALL: 479-634-2013 Res. or 479-957-4379 Cell FOR ALL YOUR HEATING AND COOLING NEEDS 8 Happy Valley Massage P.O. Box 282 Winslow, Ar 72959 Email: [email protected] 479-841-2081 Hello there, I had another amazing get together with the quilters at Sky-vue lodge. Many thanks Glenn and Janice (lunch was great!). I always look forward to their arrival, and getting to see the wonderful artwork they so patiently and lovingly create! What a blessing ! They in turn look forward to the exceptional massage sessions and whatever new technique I’m using, and of course, a little something special. This time it was lavender, peppermint and flaxseed eye pillows! Our scent this time was Orange essential oil! Mmmmm! We had some visitors and shared our lavender and peppermint (I always bring extra). So our visitors left happy with one lavender heat pack and one peppermint heat pack! Most of you who have one of my heat packs know how much they help! Here is a tip: remember your heat packs are machine washable (it recharges them because they are moist heat!). This next week another quilting group arrives, how exciting! I’ll give you details next month. Well, until then, peace, love, and massage for all, Jenn. 9 Marsha Cooley and the Gospel Sonlighters and GARY Ministries presents “Gospel Music in the Park” Saturday April 30th - 5:30 p.m. Winslow City Park, Hwy 71, Winslow, Arkansas Everyone is welcome. Food and drinks will be available. A love offering will help Ozark Folkways build an outdoor music stage. For more information contact GARY Ministries @ 479-263-0831 10 BRENTWOOD CEMETERY NOTICE Do you have friends or family buried in the Brentwood Cemetery north of Winslow, Arkansas? Please help us keep the lawn mowed by sending a contribution to; Brentwood Cemetery Fund, % Mrs. Beverly Stout, 15653 Canfield Rd, West Fork, AR 72774. Phone 479-839-2119 YOUR INHERITANCE IS WAITING AND UNCLAIMED. INQUIRE AT BUNYARD CHURCH SUNDAY 10:00 AM YOGA IN WINSLOW Please note new time! Every Thursday at 5:00 Winslow High School Building WITHIN WINSLOW 2009 ADVERTISING RATES Monthly Full Page Half Page 1/4 page Business Card Size Led by $20.00 10.00 5.00 5.00 Steve Anderson Cost $5.00 Bring a Mat or Blanket Everyone Welcome Buy a full year, get 2 months free Buy six months get 1 month free Contact Ginger Fritch 479-634-5332 or Jo Kyle 479-634-3105 11 Food Pantry First Baptist Church, Downtown Winslow Call The Nesbitts for assistance or to donate food 479-634-7026 Neighbors helping neighbors Open Every Tuesday 1-3 12 20 Things To Always Remember The Pastor’s Pen 1. Faith is the ability to not panic. 2. If you worry, you didn’t pray. If you pray, don’t worry. Easter Sunday True Freedom Found in the Empty Tomb It was a striking picture. Despite the sandstorms and blistering heat, two soldiers stood in the middle of their Kuwaiti camp digging a man-sized hole in the ground. With help from their comrades, they lined the hole with sandbags and plastic then filled the makeshift tub with water. That Wednesday, March 12th, before they headed for the front lines in Iraq, Captain Ron Cooper lowered eight soldiers into that well, quietly baptizing members of the 3rd Infantry Division. In the middle of the desert, far from home, these men found freedom in Jesus. The next day, they set out to free thousands of others trapped by the evil and oppression of Iraq. In the end, it took courageous people, men who were willing to lay down their lives, to deliver Baghdad. On this Good Friday, as some families grieve their losses, we’re reminded that God sacrificed His son in another war, the war against sin. But the good news is that His story doesn’t end in death; it ends in resurrection. No matter what progress we’ve made at home or abroad, Easter shows us that true freedom can’t be found in this world. It’s found in the empty tomb. May God bless you and your family as we celebrate the risen Lord (From “Family Research Council” Washington Update on April 18th, 2003) “Because I live, ye shall live also.” John 14:19 “ 3. As a child of God, prayer is kind of like calling home every day. 4. Blessed are the flexible, for they shall not be bent out of shape. 5. When we get tangled up in our problems, be still. God wants us to be still so He can untangle the knot. 6. Do the math. Count your blessings. 7. God wants spiritual fruit, not religious nuts. 8. Dear God: I have a problem. It’s me. 9. Silence is often misinterpreted, but never misquoted. 10. Laugh every day, it’s like inner jogging. 11. The most important things in your home are the people. 12. Growing old is inevitable, growing up is optional. 13. There is no key to happiness. The door is always open. Come on in. 14. A grudge is a heavy thing to carry. 15. He who dies with the most !toys is still dead. 16. We do not remember days, but moments. Life moves too fast, so enjoy your precious moments. 17. Nothing is real to you until you experience it, otherwise it’s just hearsay. 18. It’s all right to sit on your pity pot every now and again. Just be sure to flush when you are done. 19. Surviving and living your life successfully require courage. The goals and dreams you’re seeking require courage and risk-taking. Learn from the turtle, it only makes progress when it sticks out its neck. 20. Be more concerned with your character than your reputation. Your character is what you really are, while your reputation is merely what others think you are. No matter the storm, when you are with God, there’s always a rainbow waiting 13 WINSLOW AREA CHURCHES INVITE YOU TO ATTEND THE CHURCH OF YOUR CHOICE ASSEMBLY OF GOD Perry Hall, Pastor PH. (479)263-0469 SUNDAY SCHOOL WORSHIP EVENING SERVICE WEDNESDAY EVE SERVICE YOUTH SERVICE Wed BIDVILLE COMMUNITY Eugene Provence, Pastor PH. (479) 634-3018 SUNDAY SCHOOL WORSHIP EVENING SERVICE WEDNESDAY EVE SERVICE BLACKBURN COMMUNITY Marsha Cooley, Pastor SUNDAY SCHOOL WORSHIP SERVICE WEDNESDAY EVE SERVICE 10:00 A.M. 11:00 A.M. 6:30 P.M. 7:00 P.M. 7:00 P.M. 10:00 A.M. 11:00 A.M. 7:00 P.M. 7:00 P.M. 10:00 A.M. 11:00 A.M. 6:00 P.M. BRENTWOOD COMMUNITY CHURCH 17044 Hwy 71 S., Winslow, AR Jim Kugel, Pastor 479-466-8491 Sunday School Morning Service Evening Service BRENTWOOD HILLTOP CHAPEL SEVENTH–DAY ADVENTIST CHURCH Located on Washington Co. Rd. 39 Larry Smith, Pastor Ph. (479) 634-3323 SABBATH (SATURDAY) SABBATH SCHOOL WORSHIP SERVICE 9:30 A.M. 11:00 A.M. BUNYARD CHURCH Jerry Bromley PH. (479) 200-3535 SUNDAY SCHOOL WORSHIP 10:00 A.M. 11:00 A.M. 10:00 AM 11:00 AM 6:00 PM CHRISTIAN COMMUNITY WORSHIP CENTER David & Cathy Holmes Pastors 13938 S HWY 265 (next door to Hogeye Mall) 479-839-2125 Sunday Worship 10:00 A,M, Sunday Evening 6:00 P.M. Weds. Worship 7:00 P. M. GRACE FELLOWSHIP MEETS AT BRENTWOOD COMMUNITY BULDING. JOHN MEADE: PASTOR PH. (479) 445-4906 WEB: Grace is EMAIL: [email protected] SUNDAY WORSHIP 10:00 AM WOMAN’S & CHILDREN”S MINISTRY WED. 6:30 P.M. MEN’S MEETING @ MEMBERS HOMES TUS. 6:30 P.M. HAZEL VALLEY COMMUNITY CHURCH Jasper Hankens, Pastor PH 479-442-7842 SUNDAY SCHOOL WORSHIP EVENING SERVICE (SUNDAY) WEDNESDAY EVE SERVICE 10:00 A.M. 11:00 A.M. 6:00 P.M. 7:00 P.M HERITAGE BAPTIST Paul Frisbie, Pastor Phone (479) 426-6720 18697 Hwy 71 S, Winslow, AR 72959 SUNDAY SCHOOL 9:45 A.M. WORSHIP 11:00 A.M. EVENING SERVICE 6:00 P.M. WEDNESDAY EVE SERVICE 7:00 P.M. LADY OF THE OZARKS CATHOLIC CHURCH Father Timothy Donnelly, Sacramental Minister; Dan Daily, Deacon SUNDAY EUCHERIST SERVICES 9:45 A.M. 1st AND 3rd SUNDAY’S MASS 12:00 P.M. PIGEON CREEK FREEWILL BAPTIST CHURCH 1421 Pigeon Creek Rd. Mt. Burg Justin D. Allen, Pastor PH.(479) 369-4042 SUNDAY SCHOOL 9:45 A.M. WORSHIP 10:45 A.M. EVENING SERVICE 6:00 P.M. WEDNESDAY EVE SERVICE 7:00 P.M. UNITED METHODIST Gary Lunsford, Pastor WORSHIP CHILDREN’S CHURCH SUNDAY SCHOOL BIBLE STUDY Wednesday . BOSTON MOUNTAIN FELLOWSHIP UNITED PENTECOSTAL Darrell Runyan, Pastor .(479)769-1001 Hwy 71 North, Winslow SUNDAY SERVICE WEDNESDAY BIBLE STUDY 9:00 A.M. 9:00 A.M. 10:30 A.M. 7:00 P.M. 2:00 P.M. 7:30 P.M. UNITY COVENANT CHURCH Brian Bowerman, Pastor PH 479-839-3948 14680 Union Starr Rd West Fork, AR WORSHIP SUNDAY MORNING SUNDAY EVENING WEDNESDAY EVENING 10:00 AM 6:00 PM 7:00 PM WINFREY VALLEY TABERNACLE Brother Roy Biswell, Pastor SUNDAY SCHOOL WORSHIP EVENING SERVICE WEDNESDAY EVE SERVICE 10:00 A.M. 11:00 A.M. 6:00 P.M. 7:00 P.M. WINSLOW CHURCH OF CHRIST P.O. Box 40 Winslow, AR 72959 Ron Parsley, Minister SUNDAY SEARCH ON CHANNEL 29/40 MORNING BIBLE STUDY MORNING WORSHIP EVENING WORSHIP WEDNESDAY BIBLE STUDY 7:30 A.M. 10:00 A.M. 10:45 A.M. 6:00 P.M. 7:00 P.M. WINSLOW FIRST BAPTIST Bro Scott Teague Pastor Church- 479 634-2871 Cell 479-430-8114 SUNDAY SCHOOL 10:00 A.M. WORSHIP 11:00 A.M. YOUTH SERVICE 6:00 P.M. EVENING SERVICE 6:00 P.M. WEDNESDAY EVE SERVICE 6:30 P.M. FOR CHANGES CALL LARRY SMITH AT 634-3323, OR E-MAIL [email protected] Thank you for letting me serve you, 14
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