with octa - Oklahoma Community Theatre Association
with octa - Oklahoma Community Theatre Association
IS SUE 1 V OL UM E 4 2013 with octa ~ YOUR UNIFIED NETW O RK OF COMMUNITY THEATRE ~ ADDRESSING THE NEEDS OF INDIVIDUAL THEAT RES AND PLANTING SEEDS OF LEARNING AND EXPERIENCE. Letter from the President OCTA Inside this Issue: (somewhere) Letter from the President The Business of ART 2013 Summer Conference AACTFest Regionals Featured Theatre Encore Arts Day at the Capital Stillwater’s Super Shorts Membership Update Coming (really soon!) June 2013 klm The Business of Art What is the business of art? Many nonprofit theatres can put together amazing productions and fail because they do not have effective business practices in place. Likewise, a theatre company may have the best business practices in place and fail because their productions are poorly done. To be successful in this competitive day of many options for entertainment dollars, theatres must have both solid business and production processes working within their organization. I have watched this unfold over the past several years and wondered what OCTA might do to help our nonprofit theatres find the right balance. Therefore, this year’s conference is all about the business of art. We have put together an amazing two days with some of the best presenters in the state along with our special presenter, Heather Mansfield, who is an international expert on Social Media for nonprofits. Actually, this all came about as the result of my attending countless workshops and participating in countless webinars on all kinds of nonprofit business-related topics. They were informative and well done. The problem was they were all about helping agencies and services run their business. There was nothing for the arts. Well this year there is! Come join us, we need your participation. We need to show business leaders that we are serious about getting it right. We are serious about running our theatre as a business, and therefore, our state and community business leaders may be more willing to become sponsors and foundations may be more apt to look at our organizations for grant possibilities. Help us help you; together we can make a difference in our communities and our state. Stand strong and be heard. Come to The Business of Art, the Tulsa Performing Arts Center, Liddy Doenges Theatre, on July 26 and 27. The registration form is on our website www.oktheatre.org/events Sally Barnes, President FEATURED THEATRE ENCORE Ponca Playhouse is doing an encore presentation of what is probably the most successful play they’ve ever done, “The Broken Statue,” the story of E.W. Marland, the 20th century Oklahoma oil baron who made a fortune and built his oil empire right here in Ponca City . . . and lost it. Ponca sold out 9 shows last summer and added an extra show which sold out in a matter of hours. Added interest about the Marland story is building with the buzz about David O. Russell, movie director of “Silver Linings Playbook” planning to direct a movie about the Marland family with Jennifer Lawrence slated to play the role of Lydie Marland. Show dates are July 18 to 21 and 25 to 28. The Playhouse is located at 301 S. 1st in Ponca City. Call 580-765-5360 for more information or to buy tickets. COMING REALLY SOON ! REALLY SOON ! Don’t forget to get your OCTA Awards Nominations to the office now and avoid that pesky deadline: JUNE 21! Guidelines & information: The Business of Art OCTA 2013 Summer Conference Registration Form July 26-27, 2013 Tulsa Performing Arts Center www.oktheatre.org/honors ‘THE BUSINESS OF ART’ The OCTA Conference is going to be fantastic this year. SAVE THE DATES JULY 26-27 IN TULSA Workshops include: Social Media for Nonprofits International Expert Marketing Communications Strategies for Theatre Grants 101 De-Mystifying the OAC Grant Process Youth in Theatre, Cultivating the Next Generation of Theatre-Lovers (This presentation will include a performance by Theatre Tulsa's youth cast of "Children's Letters to God" and an interactive discussion, including helpful hints for starting and then successfully maintaining a youth theatre program.) Plus our Awards Luncheon! Also, there is an optional Friday night performance of “Tuna Christmas” to attend at Sapulpa Community Theatre! The registration form is posted on the website, so reserve your spot now!! Register now for the Tulsa conference and reserve your hotel room ! www.oktheatre.org/events/ conferences/ June 2013 klm Friday, July 26, 2013 1 - 2:00 pm Registration, Doenges Theatre, Tulsa PAC 2 - 4:30 pm How Community Arts Organizations Can Effectively Use Social Media and Location-Based Services Heather Mansfield, Presenter International Expert on Social Media for Non-Profits http://www.diosacommunications.com/home.htm A FEW OCTA MEMBERSHIP BENEFITS *** Optional Event - “Tuna Christmas” - Sapulpa Community Theatre @ 7:30 pm *** Saturday, July 27, 2013 8 - 9:00 am Registration, Doenges Theatre, Tulsa PAC 9 - 9:55 am Marketing Communication Stategies for Theatre Jarrod Kopp, Presenter 10 - 10:55 am Grants 101 Ken Busby, Presenter Youth in Theatre, Cultivating the Next Generation of Theatre-Lovers Sara Phoenix and Theatre Tulsa. This presentation will include a performance from Theatre Tulsa's youth cast of "Children's Letters to God" and an interactive discussion, including helpful hints for starting and maintaining a successful youth theatre program. 11 - 11:30 am 11:30 - 1 pm OCTA Annual Awards Luncheon, Norman Theatre, Tulsa PAC Online FORMS 1:15 - 2:30 pm De-Mystifying the OAC Grants Process Meleia Williamson and Joshua Lundsford, OAC Presenters An On-line Newsletter A Library and Resource Center We maintain an extensive library of reading copies of scripts and theatre resource materials. Networking Opportunities Performance & Audition Reminders Significant Educational Events 1. Membership 2. Conference Schedule 3. Conference Registration Register now! Recognized & Vocal Representation Within our local community and state promotional and governing bodies. NEW OCTA MEMBERS Ethel Simpson Lucy Hicks Carol Sue Moore Judith Smith Northeastern OK A&M College Sherry McCurley Membership Committee Update Many thanks must go out to the Membership Committee which has been working hard to come up with new and creative ways to make membership in OCTA a must-have for all theatre enthusiasts in the state. The Board continues to discuss ways to help with membership dues for many of the smaller struggling theatres in the state, and to encourage all to promote OCTA membership throughout the year. The committee has discussed many ideas such as: membership cards which allow discounts at participating theatres, workshops and more. organized theatre trips for OCTA members to exciting arts events in the state and beyond. "Give Us Your Best Ideas" info compiled and shared amongst the group. a new category of professional membership where those who would like to make their work available to other theatres have a special place on our website to post their talents. adding to the "members only" area of the website an opportunity where theatres and individuals can share props, costumes, production questions, etc. with other theatres throughout the state. Our vision is to build OCTA into a strong and indispensable tool of support for every theatre in our state. We are always looking for ideas and would welcome your thoughts at anytime. Stillwater's Terrific Short Play Festival Arts Day at the Capital Arts organizations held their breath earlier this year when a bill was to be presented before the legislature to cease funding the Oklahoma Art Council. It was dead before it could be presented as Arts organizations all over the State of Oklahoma, including OCTA, came together as never before with a loud and determined voice: telling our legislators we would not stand for this. This is why Arts Day at the Capitol is so very important. OCTA was one of over 40 statewide Arts organizations to spend the day in the state Capitol building with tables and booths set up to let the legislators know who we were and that we mattered. We were able to visit with some of the legislators as well as a number of their executive assistants who took time to stop by and visit with us. Debbie Sutton, OCTA President Elect and I were privileged to host our table at the Capitol. We learned so much from this experience and are looking forward to next year as we will be better informed as to what we need to do to represent all of our membership throughout the state. We have a voice in this and we must use it. A Board visit with Sand Springs theatre folks Your Unified Network of Community Theatre 740 W. Wilshire Blvd Ste. 101E PO Box 57626 Oklahoma City, OK 73157-7626 Phone: 405-840-0788 Email: [email protected] www.oktheatre.org June 2013 klm Anyone who didn't travel to Stillwater for the Judith Karman and Troupe d' Jour showing of the award winning "Brief Life Affirming” original play festival, missed a terrific event—one we hope will become a trend in Oklahoma theatre. Each of the seven short plays was absolutely terrific and the Sheerar Museum Auditorium was filled with excited theater lovers who enthusiastically applauded not only the actors, but the playwrights. The show was further proof that Oklahoma is the home of outstanding playwrights as well as outstanding performers. It was an example of what can happen in theaters throughout the state if we continue to write and perfect our skills then stick together to promote our original Oklahoma works. CIAL RECOGNITION The event was a money maker, an example of genius at work, and definitely the start of something big. -- Janis Contway www.historytheater.org www.opaok.com (Oklahoma Playwright Assn.) HALL OF HONOR SPE- OCTAVISION THEATRE OF THE YEAR CORPORATE “a series of firsts” and Lucy Robinson as actors, directors and organizers for the event were absolutely fabulous in their roles. They not only put on a good show, they were able to incorporate all kinds of creative fund raising ideas: a mobile clothesline with men's briefs labeled with the names of the plays hanging on it. They put it in front of the stores of local merchants and charged them $25 to get it moved. They used the clothesline again at the performance by offering the audience an opportunity to vote for their favorite play by placing a dollar in the briefs with the name of their favorite short play. Debbie Sutton, Ginger Thomas VERY IMPORTANT PERSON REGIONALS Tana Ashford, far right, received an Acting Award Our trip to Lafayette, LA with Duncan Little Theatre’s “Dixie Swim Club” was a series of firsts. Tana Ashford (Vernadette) had never been out of Oklahoma. Most of us had never been to Lafayette. One of our group had never eaten crab. And it was the first time that Duncan had ever gone to regionals! We ate lots of shrimp, crawfish, crab, and other shellfish, had our picture taken with a live alligator, saw old friends Wanda Schenk Kay and Bob Armstrong, and Traci Alexander, shopped for items with fleur-de-lis and alligator teeth, and met great theatre people from all over our region. We stayed in some really cool loft apartments downtown, and met policemen on horseback who patrolled the main street. Most of all, we saw some really great play performances! Sharon Burum, Director “Dixie Swim Club”, Duncan Little Theatre HALL OF DISTINCTION WEBSITE NEW THEATRE VOLUN- TEER OF THE YEAR Have you sent in your nominations? All programs and services of OCTA are funded in part through the generosity of the Oklahoma Arts Council National Endowment for the Arts (Left to right) Kristi Quinn (AACT rep-VP for festivals), Kay Armstrong, Julie Tattershall, Sharon Burum June 2013 klm