Best Nonstick Cookware
Best Nonstick Cookware
Best Nonstick Cookware as ranked by the leading U.S. consumer reporting organization Swiss 0DGH%UDQGV/WG ZZZVZLVVGLDPRQGFRP LQIR#VZLVVGLDPRQGFRP 0aGe iQ 6wiW]erOaQG Ideal for healthy FooNiQJ Qo oil Qeeded 5eal diamoQd SartiFles iQ a hiJhTXality QoQstiFN formXla &ast alXmiQXm heats eYeQly aQd will QeYer warS 6afe eFofrieQdly SrodXFtioQ Qo 3)2$ made with 100% hydroeleFtriF Sower 2YeQsafe XS to 00Ü) 7emSered Jlass lids with adMXstaEle steam YeQt Limited Lifetime :arraQty 5iYetfree FooNiQJ for ma[imXm SroteFtioQ aJaiQst EaFteria Suitable for: 3erfeFtly Áat Ease will Qot tiS or sSiQ &omfortaEle erJoQomiF haQdles stay Fool oQ the stoYetoS 2YeQsafe XS to 00Ü) 0Ü& Also available: M A D E I N S W I T Z E R L A N D . Q U A L I T Y YO U C A N T R U S T. )eaWXriQJ Whe saPe hiJhSerfRrPaQFe 6wiss DiaPRQG +D QRQsWiFN FRaWiQJ XseG RQ aOO RXr FRRNware Whe sWaiQOess sWeeO +D 352 OiQe is GesiJQeG fRr Whe hRPe SrRfessiRQaO 7riSO\ sWaiQOess sWeeO ERG\ 6XiWaEOe fRr aOO FRRNWRSs iQFOXGiQJ iQGXFWiRQ :DIÁHVW\OHLQWHULRUÀQLVK &RUURVLRQUHVLVWDQW 5RXQGHGHGJHVIRUVDIHW\y 6WDLQOHVVVWHHOKDQGOH 2YHQVDIHWR)& & Dishwasher safe THE DIAMOND ADVANTAGE Swiss Diamond’s nonstick formula contains real diamond crystals Proven to outlast the competition Swiss Diamond outperformed other nonstick coatings in extensive lab tests. WHY DIAMONDS? Diamonds are hard, FreatiQJ a FoatiQJ that FaQ last for years. Diamonds conduct heat Eetter thaQ aQy metal, for sXSerior ErowQiQJ aQd seariQJ 7he 6wiss DiamoQd +D FoatiQJ Xsed oQ Diamonds are naturally nonstick, JiYiQJ the all SrodXFts siQFe 011SerformaQFe oXtSerformed FoatiQJ adYaQFed QoQstiFN CATALOG FRY PANS 6418T )ry 3aQ 75< 0( 7" (18 cm) $ll Sroducts are oven safe uS to 500F (260&). 6420 )ry 3aQ 8" (20 cm) 6424 )ry 3aQ 9.5" (24 cm) 6426 )ry 3aQ 10.25" (26 cm) 6428 )ry 3aQ 11" (28 cm) 6432 )ry 3aQ 12.5" (32 cm) 6420c )ry 3aQ with Lid 8" (20 cm) 6424c )ry 3aQ with Lid 9.5" (24 cm) 6426c )ry 3aQ with Lid 10.25" (26 cm) 6428c )ry 3aQ with Lid 11" (28 cm) 6432c )ry 3aQ with Lid 12.5" (32 cm) $ll Sroducts are suitaEle for all electric and gas cooNtoSs. DeQotes models with induction versioQ availaEle. 6538 2Yal )ry 3aQ ()ish 3aQ) 15" x 10.25" (38x26 cm) 6538c Oval Fry (Fish 3aQ) with Lid 15" x 10.25" (38x26 cm) SAUCE PANS 6716c 6aXce 3aQ with Lid 1.4 QT (1.3 L) 6.3" (16 cm) "The Rolls-Royce of Nonstick Fry Pans" :all 6treet -oXrQal SAUTE PANS 6718c 6aXce 3aQ with Lid 2.2 QT (2.1 L) 7" (18 cm) 6720c 6aXce 3aQ with Lid 3.2 QT (3 L) 8" (20 cm) 6724c 6aXtp 3aQ with Lid 3.2 QT (3 L) 9.5" (24 cm) 6726 6aXtp 3aQ 3.8 QT (3.6 L) 10.25" (26 cm) 6728c 6aXtp 3aQ with Lid 4.3 QT (4.1 L) 11" (28 cm) 6732c 6aXtp 3aQ with Lid - 6taiQless 6teel +aQdle 5.8 QT (5.5 L) 12.5" (32 cm) 6620c Square Sauté 3aQ with Lid 2.1 QT (2 L) 8" x 8" (20x20 cm) 66283c Square Sauté 3aQ with Lid 5.3 QT (5 L) 11" x 11" (28x28 cm) SAUTEUSES AND BRAISERS 6628c Sauteuse with Lid 3.7 QT (3.5 L) 11" (28 cm) WOKS 6632c Sauteuse with Lid 4.8 QT (4.5 L) 12.5" (32 cm) 6928c Braiser with Lid 5.3 QT (5 L) 11" (28 cm) Made in Switzerland 6932c Braiser with Lid 7.2 QT (6.8 L) 12.5" (32 cm) Flat base - no wok ring required! 61128c :oN with Lid 3.9 QT (3.7 L) 11" (28 cm) 61132NL :oN (1o Lid) 5.3 QT (5 L) 12.5" (32 cm) 61132c :oN with Lid 5.3 QT (5 L) 12.5" (32 cm) 61136c :oN with Lid 6.3 QT (6 L) 14" (36 cm) CASSEROLES STOCK POTS 6820c Casserole with Lid 2.3 QT (2 L) 8" (20 cm) 6824c Casserole with Lid 3.2 QT (3 L) 9.5" (24 cm) 66282c Square Casserole with Lid 5 QT (4.8 L) 11" x 11" (28x28 cm) 6124c SouS 3ot with Lid 5.5 QT (5.2 L) 9.5" (24 cm) 6128c StocN 3ot with Lid 8.5 QT (8 L) 8" (20 cm) 6226 CreSe 3aQ 10.25" (26 cm) 6326 3lett3aQcaNe 3aQ 10.25" (26 cm) 63281 Fry 3aQ TR< 0( 7" (18 cm) 66281 Fry 3aQ 8" (20 cm) SPECIALTY PANS 6224 CreSe 3aQ 9.5" (24 cm) 64328 DouEle %urQer *riddle 17" x 11" (43x28 cm) 64328-1 DEl %urQer *rill 17" x 11" (43x28 cm) 64328-2 DEl %urQer &omEo (*rill*riddle) 17" x 11" (43x28 cm) 61033c Roaster with Lid 5.3 QT (5 L) 13" x 8" (33x21 cm) 63225 RoastiQJ 3aQ 4.8 QT (4.5 L) 12.5" x 10" (32x25 cm) 63526 RoastiQJ 3aQ 5.3 QT (5 L) 14" x 10.25" (35x26 cm) CATALOG SETS Cookware bodies and lids are counted as separate "pieces" SET 282 2 3iece Set - 6424 Fry 3aQ 9.5" - 63281 *rill 3aQ SET 604 4 3iece Set - 6426 Fry 3aQ 10.25" - 6824c Casserole 3.2 QT with Lid SET 601i Only IQductioQ 2 3iece Set - 6420i Fry 3aQ 8" - 6426i Fry 3aQ 10.25" SET 606 6 3iece Set - 6420 Fry 3aQ 8" - 6424 Fry 3aQ 9.5" - 6718c SauceSaQ 2.2 QT with Lid - 6124c SouS 3ot 5.5 QT with Lid /LGÀWV SET 602 2 3iece Set - 6424 Fry 3aQ 8" - 6428 Fry 3aQ 11" SET 603 3 3iece Set - 6420 Fry 3aQ 8" - 6716c SauceSaQ 1.4 QT with Lid SET 6008 3 3iece Set - 6424 Fry 3aQ 9.5" - 6824c Casserole serole 3.2 QT with Lid /LGÀWVERWKLWHPV LWHPV SET 628 3 3iece Set aQ 11" - 6428 Fry 3aQ te 3aQ - 6728c Saute 4.3 QT with Lid /LGÀWVERWKLWHPV LWHPV SET 328i Only IQductioQ 3 3iece Set - 6432i Fry 3aQ 12.5" - 66282ic Square Casserole 5 QT with Lid SET 6006i Only IQductioQ 3 3iece Set - 6420 Fry 3aQ 8" - 6424i Fry 3aQ 9.5" - 6720i SauceSaQ 3.2 QT with Lid /LGÀWV - 6124i SouS 3ot 5.5 QT with Lid /LGÀWV SET 609 9 3iece Set - 6420 Fry 3aQ 8" - 6426c Fry 3aQ 10.25" with Lid - 6718c SauceSaQ 2.2 QT with Lid - 6724c Saute 3aQ 3.2 QT with Lid 3 5.5 QT - 6124c SouS 3ot with Lid SET 6010 10 3iece Set - 6420 Fry 3aQ 8" - 6424 Fry 3aQ 9.5" - SauceSaQ 1.4 QT with Lid - 6718c SauceSaQ 2.2 QT with Lid - 6724c Saute 3aQ 3.2 QT with Lid /LGÀWV - 6128c StocN 3ot 8.5 QT with Lid TEMPERED GLASS LIDS Adjustable steam vent to release or contain moisture! C16 *lass Lid 6.3" (16 cm) C18 *lass Lid 7" (18 cm) C20 *lass Lid 8" (20 cm) C24 *lass Lid 9.5" (24 cm) C26 *lass Lid 10.25" (26 cm) C28 *lass Lid 11" (28 cm) C32 *lass Lid 12.5" (32 cm) C36 *lass Lid 14" (36 cm) CS220 *lass Lid Square 8" x 8" (20x20) CS228 *lass Lid Square 11" x 11" (28x28) C61033 Lid for Roaster (Model #61033) C2638 Lid for Oval Fry (Model #6538) M A D E I N S W I T Z E R L A N D . Q U A L I T Y YO U C A N T R U S T. Stainless steel tri-ply with Swiss Diamond nonstick interior. 99524 Fry 3aQ 9.5" (24 cm) 99528 Fry 3aQ 11" (28 cm) USE & CARE INSTRUCTIONS 1 Use low to medium-high heat: High heat is OFF never required due to 1 10 the excellent thermal 2 9 conductivity of Swiss Diamond cookware. 3 8 Start with «medium» 4 7 heat and adjust gently 6 5 upward as needed. Always place your pan on the center of the heating surface. CAUTION: Overheating will damage the cooking surface. 2 Preheating: For optimal performance, place the pan on medium heat for 2 to 3 minutes before adding food. To test if the pan is hot enough, sprinkle a few drops of water on the surface. If the water sizzles or beads, the pan is ready. Do not overheat the pan. If the water evaporates instantly, turn the heat down and test again in 3 minutes. There is no need to pre-heat an empty pan longer than 5 minutes. 3 Cooking with oil: Swiss Diamond is designed for cooking without oil. If you choose to use oil, always use it at the proper heat setting. For example, extra virgin olive oil and butter should only be used over low heat. CAUTION: Never use nonstick sprays. 5 Oven Use: Swiss Diamond cookware is oven safe up to 500°F (260°C), including lids and ergonomic handles. 6 +iJh temSerature cooNiQJ oil 4 Olive oil aQd Eutter Proper Utensils: Silicone and wooden tools are recommended - all utensils should be used with care. Any tool with a sharp point or edge should not be used. Do not chop, cut, or use an electric beater in the pan. 1oQ sticN sSray Cleaning: Dishwasher safe; hand wash recommended. Before XVLQJIRUWKHᚏUVWWLPHDQG after each use, wash thoroughly with hot, very soapy water. Do not use abrasive detergents, oven cleaners or scouring pads. To maintain performance, clean thoroughly after each use. When cookware is not cleaned properly, a thin layer of food residue remains on the surface and may become carbonized when reheated. Carbonized layers will cause food to stick. 7 Storing: If the pans are nested one on top of the other, we recommend placing a paper towel between each pan to prevent scratches. 6ZLVV0DGH%UDQGV/WG ZZZVZLVVGLDPRQGFRP LQIR#VZLVVGLDPRQGFRP Swiss DiamoQd IQterQatioQal. $ll riJhts reservHG Y. 0