Program GMEA
Program GMEA
North Cobb High School Wind Symphony GMEA In-Service Conference January 26-28, 2006 Savannah, Georgia North Cobb High School Kennesaw, Georgia Fine Arts Department Presents North Cobb High School Wind Symphony Greg Williams, Conductor Kevin P. Johnson, Conductor with Dr. Cameron "Chip" Crotts, Trumpet soloist Georgia Music Educators Association State In-Service Conference Savannah International Trade Center Savannah, Georgia January 28th, 2006 9:45 -10:45 a.m. ds, ues and Frien ic Georgia Mus ted at the 2006 to be represen nic Band. ud ho mp pro is Sy ol ict str Scho ited unty School Di rth Cobb High s have been inv The Cobb Co rence by the No ung musician sociation Confe t these fine yo tha ed Educators As cit ex d an ity is pleased Our commun gious event. try are in such a presti to participate across the coun school systems ents in public ognize the rec rtm pa ict de str Di sic many mu unty School into the At a time when in the Cobb Co dents move on rk. ir existence, we es. 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M Music Instrumental Supervisor of hool District Sc ty un Co Cobb Dear Parents and Frie nds, The Cobb County Sch ool District is fortuna te and proud to have band program at Nor such an outstanding th Cobb High School. Todayʼs performance remember for parents, will be an event to students, friends, and facu lty. The music program at High School has had a long-standing tradition North Cobb of mus ical excellence since opened. The dedicat the school ion of students, faculty, adm inis trato North Cobb band prog rs, and parents has mad ram an example of mus e the ical excellence and has with extraordinary mus provided students ical experiences. Under the leadership of their fine music teac hers, the band continu for musical groups in es to set high standard Georgia. We are extr s emely proud of the qua professionalism displaye lity and d by these young mus icians. On behalf of the Boa rd of Education, staff, students, parents, and County Public Schools community of the Cob , we hope that you all b enjoy this musical exp for your support of fine erience and thank you music programs all ove r the country. Sincerely, Fr ed Sa nd er so n Fred Sanderson Superintendent Cobb County School District Fred Sanderson lected to to be se ive and y n o h p posit Sym bers, l Wind ce will leave a e today’s o m o e h m c S r n h MEA experie to prepa obb Hig Dear G North C nference. This rked diligently rmance. e th r o erfo e co e wo nor f hey hav n-servic e y their p ly an ho It is tru t the GMEA I ur students. T oroughly enjo ool. Th a o igh Sch band th H n l m r o il b o p b f w u r o e u n C p e io yo at North r students. Th and impress my hope that rs here lasting t, is ou to c f c e it o e ll d ir n te n d o a and nt, in ucati le d ts e n ta e e program d ir th e tu h s in T ur band chool. ital role oud of o grams play a v finest in our s er place. r p o s e e our ett ro We ar e arts p b are among th our school a b job with in f g d in n d a b n e o tsta band mak rth C e an ou what is ctivities rs at No ave don mbers and do h , membe ent in school a n o s ohn me of our m Kevin J s for our band re very proud ht to our involve d n a s ug am on ea ave bro eg Willi nce. W xpectati tors, Gr y have high e sitive experie ognition they h c e ir d r Ou rec The a po rds and m with ogram. band pr to provide the ds and the awa like to I would admire ry an l, o o h c necessa and concert b S e g ents. W bb High marchin orth Co ity for our stud music are N f o n in atio rtun school. l talents dministr is oppo y and a r providing th y. Your specia lt u c a f e everyda MEA fo alf of th On beh members of G o for children eople. d p e thank th ciate what you s of our young e e r v p li p a e d th g an in shapin critical Sincere ly, Gary Bo ling oling Gary B al ip School Princ b High b o C th Nor Conductors Greg Williams Mr. Williams has been a high school band director in Cobb County, Georgia for 20 years. He has taught at F.T. Wills High School, Pebblebrook High School, and he has spent the past 10 years leading the band at North Cobb H.S. in Kennesaw, Georgia. During his tenure the band program has grown from 86 members to over 200 members. The North Cobb Wind Symphony has earned a superior rating for 10 consecutive years performing level VI literature at the District XII concert band festival. Under his direction, the North Cobb H.S. marching band has won numerous class championships, Grand Championships, and Sweepstakes awards. Mr. Williams’ bands have performed in Virginia, Texas, Missouri, Florida, Georgia, Tennessee, and South Carolina. He is a GMEA certified judge, and also judges for Drum Corps International and Bands of America. He was recently appointed to the staff of the Macy’s Great American Marching Band, serving with Dr. Jon R. Woods (Ohio State Univ.) and Dr. Rick Good (Auburn University). He has been Teacher of the Year, Who’s Who Among America’s Teachers 5 times, The National Society of High School Scholars and 11 Alive Class Act Teacher. Mr. Williams holds a B. S. Ed. and M.M. Ed. in Music Education from Jacksonville State University, Jacksonville, Alabama. He is a member of GMEA, MENC, NBA, and Phi Beta Mu-International Bandmasters’ Fraternity. He resides in Cobb County, Ga. with his wife and son. Kevin Johnson Kevin Johnson, a native of Blakely, Georgia, earned the Bachelor of Music Education degree from Valdosta State University. He earned the Master of Science in Music Education degree from Troy State University while studying with Dr. William D. Revelli. He began his career as director of bands at Ben Hill County Middle School in Fitzgerald, GA then moved to Atlanta where he has taught in the Cobb County School District since 1993. He has served on the GMEA music selection committee, and is active as a clinician in the metro Atlanta area. On euphonium, he has performed with the Saint John’s River City Brass Band in Orlando, Florida, with such noted professionals as Herbie Mann, Floyd Cramer, and Rich Matteson. He has also performed as principal euphonium with the Atlanta Wind Symphony, the Cobb Wind Symphony, and the Metropolitan Wind Symphony of Boston. While earning the Master’s Degree in Music Education, he performed as soloist with the Troy State University Symphony Band under the baton of Dr. John M. Long. As a tenor with the Atlanta Symphony Orchestra Chorus since 1996, Mr. Johnson performed at the opening ceremonies of the 1996 Olympic Games in Atlanta. He has performed with the group at Carnegie Hall twice, in Berlin, Germany for a performance with the Berlin Philharmonic, and at the Ravinia Music Festival in Chicago. Mr. Johnson has received the Teacher of the Year award, has been named in Outstanding Young Men of America, Who’s Who Among America’s Teachers three times and was selected by his professors to receive the Phi Beta Mu Outstanding Instrumental Music Educator upon graduation from Valdosta State University. Guest Artist Dr. Chip Crotts Dr. Chip Crotts is Director of Jazz Studies and Assistant Professor of Trumpet at JSU. In his third year, Dr. Crotts has seen tremendous growth in the Jazz Studies Program, which currently includes 3 big bands and several combos, as well as classes in improvisation, theory, and applied jazz lessons. The Trumpet Program at JSU maintains a strong reputation throughout the Southeast and the combined studios of Dr. Crotts and Dr. John Merriman consistently maintain upwards of 30 majors per year. Chip has been an on-call trumpet artist for the Disney Company and has performed and recorded throughout the US and Europe. In addition, Crotts has toured and performed with artists such as Ray Charles, The Temptations, The Manhattan Transfer and Maynard Ferguson. Chip is in frequent demand as a freelance musician throughout the Southeast and is a first call lead player for many national touring companies and artists. Yamaha Corporation recently honored Dr. Crotts as a Trumpet Performing Artist. As a clinician and educator, Dr. Crotts has worked with many high school and college groups throughout Texas and the Southeast. He is an adjudicator for Bands of America and has judged numerous jazz festivals, solo and marching competitions. Chip has also been active in the drum corps community, where he marched with the Phantom Regiment and as a soloist with the Blue Devils. As a brass instructor, Dr. Crotts has worked with the Spirit of Atlanta and more recently, Spirit from JSU. Dr. Crotts received a Bachelor of Music Business degree from East Carolina University and a Master of Music in Trumpet Performance from Penn State University. Chip has recently completed a Doctor of Musical Arts degree in Trumpet Performance and Jazz Studies at the University of Texas at Austin. His primary teachers have included Ray Crisara, Ray Sasaki, John Daniel, Tom Huener and John Almeida. Chip has also performed in masterclasses and studied privately with Roger Ingram, Armando Ghitalla, Doc Severinsen and Boyde Hood. Chip currently performs with groups such as the Gadsden Symphony, Jacksonville Brass Quintet, SuperJazz Big Band and the Night Flight Big Band. He is also an associate member of The Tuscaloosa Horns with whom he performs regularly with artists such as the Temptations, Four Tops, OJ’s, and Mary Wilson and the Supremes. Currently at JSU, Dr. Crotts teaches trumpet and is the director of the Jazz Studies program. Cobb County and North Cobb High School The Cobb County School District is the second largest school system in Georgia and the thirty-first largest in the United States. North Cobb High School is a suburban public high school located in one of the fastest growing areas of Cobb County. When the school was built in 1958, replacing the old Acworth High School, it was designed to serve two small rural communities, Kennesaw and Acworth, and the surrounding unincorporated areas. In its first year, the school served fewer than 600 students with a faculty of just over two dozen teachers. In recent years, the student body has grown to more than 2000 students with a faculty of 130 certified staff members. The school is nestled between the cities of Acworth and Kennesaw enjoying a home town feeling surrounded by all of the amenities of a large metropolitan city. The school recently received an 11 million dollar addition which included a new fine arts wing. The new band room contains a large rehearsal area with 6 practice rooms, a large ensemble room, music library, 2 offices, uniform room, Percussion room, instrument room with lockers, tuba room, and a colorguard room. The band room also boasts a built in recording and playback system with 7 JBL surround sound speakers mounted around the room. The new band hall also contains a ceiling mounted LCD projector. The funds for this addition were provided through the SPLOST II initiative. Program Armenian Dances, Part I Alfred Reed October Eric Whitacre Fantasy for Trumpet I. Adventure* II. Love Song III. Celebration Bert Truax arr. P. Murtha Dr. Cameron "Chip" Crotts, Trumpet soloist Yamaha Performing Artist Symphony No. 11 II. (excerpts) D. Shostakovich arr. L. Daehn First Suite for Band IV. Gallop Alfred Reed * condensed due to time constraints - Program Notes Armenian Dances, Part I Alfred Reed Armenian Dances Part I and II, constitute a four-movement suite for band based on authentic Armenian folk songs from the collected works of Gomidas Vartabed (1869-1935), the founder of Armenian Classical music. Part I is an extended symphonic rhapsody built upon five different songs. "Tzirani Tzar" (The Apricot Tree), "Gakavi Yerk" (Partridge’s Song), "Hoy, Nazan Eem" ( Hoy, My Nazan), "Alagyaz", "Gna, Gna" (Go,Go). The work was completed in the summer of 1972 and first performed by Dr. Harry Begian and the University of Illinois Symphonic Band on January 10, 1973, at the CBDNA Convention in Urbana, Illinois. October Eric Whitacre "October is my favorite month. Something about the crisp autumn air and the subtle change in light always make me a little sentimental, and as I started to sketch I felt that same quiet beauty in the writing. The simple, pastoral melodies and subsequent harmonies are inspired by the great English Romantics (Vaughan Williams, Elgar) as I felt that this style was also perfectly suited to capture the natural and pastoral soul of the season. I am quite happy with the end result, especially because I feel there just isn't enough lush, beautiful music written for winds. October was premiered on May 14th, 2000, and is dedicated to Brian Anderson, the man who brought it all together." - Eric Whitacre Fantasy for Trumpet Dr. Cameron "Chip" Crotts, trumpet soloist Bert Truax arr. P. Murtha Fantasy for Trumpet is a trumpet concerto written in three movements, "Adventure", "Love Song", and "Celebration". "Adventure" is a bold and majestic movement containing an impressive cadenza for the trumpet soloist. "Love Song" is a beautifully written lyrical movement scored for Flugelhorn. This movement begins playfully in the clarinet voice followed by the beautiful melody in the flugelhorn. The movement ends with a touching dialogue between the solo clarinet and flugelhorn. "Celebration" is a festive movement in 2+3/8 time using frequent modulation (Bb, Cb, G, D, F, and C) as well as melodic augmentation as it builds to a dramatic conclusion. - Program Notes (continued) Symphony 11 mvt. II Shostakovich Arr. Daehn On that freezing Sunday afternoon in October 1905, some 150,000 workers had gathered in St. Petersburg Palace Square bearing religious icons and portraits of the Czar, to petition for relief from inflation and poor working conditions. They waited for an hour and yet another, but Czar Nicholas II never emerged. They instead received the sounds of bugle calls accompanied by an ever-encroaching militia. To their disbelief, members of the crowd began falling to the earth like logs as they were fired upon or fell by sword. The militia was relentlessly slaughtering the mass of unarmed men, women, and children who were innocently waiting to explain their concerns to the Czar. Once the killing stopped, the only sounds were those of life fading away. The chill of death was matched by the freezing air, and thus had begun the Russian Revolution. First Suite for Band Alfred Reed IV. Gallop The First Suite for Band consists of four independent, contrasting movements, each prefaced by a one-word title giving a clue to the character of its music. The fourth movement entitled "Gallop" is an authentically styled American circus gallop, whose tempo marking: As fast as possible (but no faster!) tells the whole story, and whose music brings the whole work to its conclusion. Completed in 1975, the first performance was in Edmonton, Alberta, on April 3rd, 1975 by the Edmonton Public School Symphonic Band at the Alberta Night Festival concert C.M.E.A. convention with Mr. Reed conducting. North Cobb High School Wind Symphony Members Flute Sara Chambers + Kirstin Delgado + Megan Hobbs * + Katie Jansen Jillian Lennertz + Christyan Littlejohn Sarah Pederson Heidi Rosenbaum Oboe Emily Patterson * Bassoon Jonathan Settineri * + Clarinet Heather Billotte Emmeline DeFrance Kimberly DeVillers Erika Fox Mary Frankovsky * + Sydney Novik Chase Osborne Chelsea Perry Aaron Rosenbaum + Bethany Talmadge + Allison Wright + Bass Clarinet Corey Byrd+ Courtney Chauvenne + Tiffany Howard * + * Principal chair + Senior Alto Saxophone Lauren Lail * Tyler McNeill Thomas Satcher Lauren Sparks Kelley Wiedman Tenor Saxophone Jason Chastain + Jeremy Gianelloni * + Baritone Saxophone Danielle Horn * + Trumpet Carson Braswell John Gehrlich Shelby Hailstone Kyle Hanson Kristine Jansen * + Steven Massey + Elizabeth Wetter Daniel White Jonathan Wong Horn Diana Chanthaboun Danielle Charette + Alex Depew * Sarah Massey Rebekah Reid Trombone David Lennertz Keith Lunsford Sean McLelland * + Andrew Peterson + Brian Seo Tim Settineri Euphonium Kris Davis * Lauren Saulino + Ronald Wilbur Tuba Austin Baxley * Christine Spears Jacob Wright Percussion Kittye Bowen Casey Dugan Alexander Gonzales + Maurice Greene * + Andrea Heath Joey Higdon Zac Poore + Kyle Quakenbush Lyn Williams + Special Thanks to: The students of the North Cobb Wind Symphony. Thank you for sharing your talent with us. Your hard work and dedication to the NCHS band program will hopefully leave you with a wealth of fond memories that will last a lifetime. Thank you for making this performance possible. The North Cobb Band Boosters: Your never ending support of your children and the NCHS band program has allowed us to achieve our goals. Thank you for believing in us and making our dreams come true. Mike Sessoms, Beth Johnson; Awtrey Middle School. Katie Kosty, Ira Jenkins; Barber Middle School. Sue Bulock, Rick Dietrich, Evaristo Rodriguez ,Palmer Middle School, for the hard work that you do everyday and for sending us so many wonderful students. Gary Markham: For your guidance and leadership. Your encouragement and support has allowed us to continue to reach new heights. Lisa Williams: Thanks for your love, support, and understanding. I know it must be difficult to be a band director’s wife. You are the best. 20 years and counting. Austin Williams: You are one great kid. I am so proud of you. Keep on practicing, you will be a star some day. Royce Wilson: You are the man. Thanks for 10+ years of support. NCHS super booster! To all Cobb County Band Directors: Thanks for keeping the bar high so that we may all provide the best musical experience possible for our students. "CC" David Doke: Your friendship and musical knowledge have been a blessing over the past 10 years. Thanks for everything. Go, NCHS orchestra. Stefanie Cash: Thanks for your support of the NCHS band program. You have a wonderful career ahead. Best wishes to you and the NCHS choral program. Dr. Scott Stewart: Thanks for sharing your talent with us. You are truly amazing. Dr. Doug Overmier: Thanks for sharing your musical expertise. You are a true friend of the NCHS band program. Barbara Bragg for putting together the entire program. Thanks for your tireless efforts and patience. You are awesome! Mr. Johnson expresses thanks to those who have influenced his life personally or professionally including Earl and Jean Johnson, Michelle, Jon, Shan, and Dee. Hoyle and Myra White, Andrew Brown, Ira Jenkins, Ed Barr, William Revelli, David Moorer, Barry Golden, Gene Wyles, Alfred Watkins, Beth Johnson and to the members of the North Cobb Wind Symphony for affording this opportunity. Some of our many sponsors Dixie Sports BBQ Street Publix Cici's Pizza Jumpy Fun Kroger Sonic Northstar Church Kennesaw Business Association Brides by Gladys The Other Printer JR Nichols Heating & Air DAVE TESTER President 1004 Kenmill Drive 1004 Kenmill Drive Marietta, GA 30060 Marietta, GA 30060 P 770.514.1200 P 770.514.1200 F 770.514.7535 F 770.514.7535 [email protected] Jackie Stapleton 4 Threads 3084 Wren Circle Kennesaw GA 30144 Phone: 404.368.9919 email: [email protected] President Mike Reid Vice President Mark Perry Vice President Mark Jansen Secretary Karen Holland Treasurer Susan Massey Financial Secretary Laurie Lennertz "Please see our booth at the GMEA Vendor Exhibition" 526:(// :(67&2%% 0$5,(77$ :22'672&. 61(//9,//( 6XSHU6WRUH +ROFRPE%ULGJH5RDG 'DOODV+LJKZD\ 5RVZHOO9LOODJH6KRSSLQJ&HQWHU 9LOODJH*UHHQ&HQWHU QH[WWR%HON V &REE3DUNZD\1RUWK 3DUNVLGH/DQH 6FHQLF+LJKZD\ 1RUWK3OD]DEHVLGH2IILFH'HSRW 6RXWK3RLQWH6KRSSLQJ&HQWHU 3UHVLGHQWLDO&RPPRQV&HQWHU Custom colour guard flags at great prices! WWW+EN3TANTON-USICCOM North Cobb High School 3400 Highway 293 North • Kennesaw, GA 30144 770.975.6685