403.327.1213 - Lethbridge Curling Club
403.327.1213 - Lethbridge Curling Club
Leagues Bonspiels Funspiels Junior & School Curling Casual & Hourly Rentals Curling Rox’s Program Learn to Curl Clinics with Qualified Instruction League begins September 30, 2014 "Like Us" | 403.327.1213 www.lethbridgecurlingclub.com www.lethbridgecurlingclub.com 1 The Lethbridge Curling Club BOARD OF DIRECTORS President................................................................................ Stewart Holditch Vice President..................................................................................Mike Mulroy Treasurer....................................................................................... Charles Funk Secretary................................................................................ Stephanie Vehnon Past President...................................................................................Lori Greene Directors............................... Alex Giles, Ken Holmes, Gloria Moore, Norm Lepard, Casey Scheidegger, Harvey Koetse, David Burton LETHBRIDGE SENIORS CURING CLUB President....................................................................................... Jack Fulwiler Past-President.........................................................................Earl Barton Vice-President.......................................................................... Tokio Hori Secretary..............................................................................Joanne Overn Club Liaison..........................................................................Gloria Moore Treasurer............................................................................. Wayne Barber Assistant Treasurer................................................................. Doug Parker Draw Master....................................................................... Clarence Beler Assistant Draw Master.........................................................Cecil Murakami Social Director...................................................................... Monica Perry Members at Large.................................................... Terry Seely/Ken Perdue MANAGEMENT STAFF General Manager.............................................................................Dave Manser [email protected] Office Manager..........................................................................Nanette Dupont [email protected] Head Ice Technician Manager......................................................... Geordie Peat [email protected] Assistant Ice Technician..................................................................Merle Smith [email protected] Lounge & Restaurant Manager......................................................Maggie Cavers [email protected] Promotion & Events Coordinator……………......................................... Janet Bell [email protected] 2 Rock Solid Welcome from the President Hello Members, First I would like to say welcome to what is shaping up to being a great year of curling. I know that the board and Dave are working very hard to continue to grow and build on the success that the club has been having the last few years while we stay focused on the new adventure we will be starting with our new building in 804 days and counting (from the time I am typing this!). As this is my First year of being the President of the Lethbridge Curling Club I have been introduced to so many things about curling and look forward to with the help of the Board Team bringing these things to life in your club. We as a board want to ensure that no matter who your are from Spectator to Junior to Senior or feeling like a Senior (after the first game of the year!) that you enjoy just spending time at the club and engaging with your fellow members. I remember being a kid and half my time in the winter was watching my parents play a sport that they loved and I have come to love and enjoy through the engagement of the game and the interaction of fellow members. I think I can speak for the board when I say to us being a member of the Lethbridge Curling Club is more then just Curling, it’s being part of a Family and creating life lasting memories. That feeling and those memories are what we want to create each and every day for everyone that walks through that door. We continue to look for ways and ideas that would help Create this atmosphere so please share with either one of the Board members, Dave or myself any idea’s your may have. We are always looking for volunteer help and if you’re interested please reach out to Dave or the Office staff and they will get you going. On behalf of the Board, Dave and myself we look forward to seeing you all on the Ice enjoying yourself as much as we do and if you ever want to join any of us for a beer we are always down for that as well!!! Here’s to having a supercalifragilisticexpialidocious 2014 Curling Season, see you at the Club! Stewart Holditch President, Lethbridge Curling Club www.lethbridgecurlingclub.com 3 Mission Statement The Lethbridge Curling Club is a recreational and social organization serving the curling community. We are dedicated to providing a superior curling experience and facility for curlers of all abilities. 4 Rock Solid Welcome from the General Manager I would like to welcome you all to the club for the 2014 – 2015 curling season. For our returning members thanks so much for supporting our club in the past and I can’t wait to see you all very soon. If this will be your first year at the club I would like to offer a big welcome and invite you to come down to meet the staff and take a tour of our great facility before curling starts. Whether you are a returning member or new to our club, it is going to be a great year of curling, having fun, seeing old friends and meeting new friends! We have two more seasons of curling to enjoy at our current location before the big move will take place to the Crossings Ice Complex which will be our new home as of the summer of 2016. The Lethbridge Curling Club will be given a great opportunity to show the world how a curling club can change and adapt to today’s environment while maintaining our club feel and great experience at the club that we strive to deliver every day. We will have many new opportunities to increase revenues, increase membership and show off the great sport of curling to even more people! Please visit the website, like us on Facebook, watch your emails and watch for information at the club on the progress of the new Crossings Ice Complex, future home of the one and only “Lethbridge Curling Club”! It has nearly been four years that I have been your General Manager at the club and I would like to thank each and every member. We truly have an incredible club in all areas. Thanks to Geordie and Merle for giving us great curling ice to play this game we love so much. Thanks to Maggie for always looking after us all in the lounge and restaurant. Thanks to Nanette for giving our club a pro shop and office that we all can visit and enjoy. The biggest thanks have to go to all the volunteers that make our club what it is. From our amazing Board of Directors to the volunteers that help with spiels and curling clinics, we are so blessed with terrific people that are always there when you need help! Our club continues to become busier and busier each year with membership holding steady and many bonspiels last year being “SOLD OUT”. This year will be busy again with leagues, events and right around 19 or 20 bonspiels! That is correct, 19 or 20 spiels at the club which with all of our leagues and activities makes us one of the busiest clubs around! To help me out this year I am so happy to announce that Janet Bell will be joining our management team as the Lethbridge Curling Club’s Promotion and Events Coordinator. Janet brings a wealth of knowledge and contacts to this position and even though it is part time for now we expect Janet to be a full time management position in the near future. It has been a great summer but I am ready for the club to start rocking again! Round up your team or better yet, help our club grow by asking your friends to come down and give this great sport a shot. I am sure they will find the experience at the club not only a terrific one but an incredible value for their recreational dollar. Thanks again to all of you for making the Lethbridge Curling Club a club I am so proud to be a part of. Dave Manser General Manager, Lethbridge Curling Club www.lethbridgecurlingclub.com 5 2014/15 Registration A few changes have been made to this year’s registration process that will make it quicker, easier and an overall more enjoyable process than ever before! Pre-Registration will start August 18 and run till August 22 with the office being open August 18, 19, 20 and 21 from 10 am - 7 pm and Friday August 22 from 10 am - 5pm for you to come in and register. Pre-Registration is for teams with at least three returning members. Open Registration begins Monday August 25th at 10 am at which time new teams and all other registration needs can be accommodated. We will again be using our individual registration form that is more user friendly. You can still register a whole team or you can just register yourself and have the other team mates come in to register and pay for themselves! Please remember that all four memberships for a team must be paid to secure your spot in a league. New this year you will be able to Pre-Register and Open Register over the website, simple go to lethbridgecurlingclub.com and follow the links to register. We hope this helps making registration even easier for everyone! Pre-Registration: August 18 - 22 (Office hours Monday to Thursday 10 am - 7 pm & Friday 10 am 5 pm) Open Registration Begins: August 25 and continues through September and into the season. Registration for Juniors - Little Rockers: Juniors can register for the upcoming season starting August 18 and throughout the registration process. We also are more than happy to register and start juniors in the program anytime throughout the year. We understand there are many activities kids can do these days and it is hard to schedule everything in so just come down and we will adjust the junior membership fee accordingly to when a junior can start participating in the league! We have also added a second day for Little Rockers and Junior Curling which will be Sunday’s at 3 pm to about 4:30 pm. Now you have the option of the Wednesday afternoon league, the Sunday afternoon league or you can do both if you want! Registration for Seniors: Because there is no limit to the number of Senior Curlers, we will start accepting Senior registration during Pre-Registration and will continue to accept their registration throughout the registration period and into the season. Registration for Individuals: For individuals wanting to curl on a team this season we will be taking their names and doing our best to match them up on teams. This will be the third season of the “Rookie League” which is for new curlers and you enter as individuals, not teams. Information on the “Rookie League” is contained in this book so please check it out. Also, please consider taking one of the curling clinics in September as this is a great way to meet people and get on a team for the upcoming season. League Fees: League fees must be paid in full for every person on a team to secure that teams spot in a league. Pre-Registration teams fees must be paid in full before the end of Pre-Registration on August 22 to secure your spot in the league you are registering for. Registration Form - Personnel Information & Volunteer Activity: On the individual registration form please let us know If you want your information in the roster book by circling yes or no. Did you know that all members have the privilege of having a charge account to use at the lounge, restaurant and pro shop? You do so please just circle yes on the registration form to have it activated. Also, please look over the Volunteer Activity section of the registration form and help us out if you can. We also need all members at the time of registration to give us permission to email them during the season. The emails are regarding club activities and we do not share your email with anyone! Locker Fees: Locker fees for the 2014 - 2015 season will be $25 for lockers located in the lobby and $35 for lockers in the men and women’s locker rooms (plus gst). Please check the locker selection on the registration form to have it added to your registration fees. 6 Rock Solid Membership Fees Listed below are all the membership fees for the 2014 - 2015 curling season. The 3rd year of the Rookie League will run Saturday’s from 3:30 to 5:30 pm and information on this league is available later in this book. We have added a second time slot for Little Rockers & Junior Curling League. It will be Sunday’s at 3 pm to about 4:30 pm. Now Little Rockers and Juniors can chose to curl Wednesday afternoons, Sunday afternoons or both! The Friday Open League is still structured in segments allowing people to pick and choose when they would like to play but we have changed it to be two segments of 7 games each. Membership/League Senior Afternoon Full Season (4 squares)............................................................................$275 plus GST Senior Afternoon Squares.................................................................................... $85 plus GST per square Regular Member (Mon, Tue, or Wed)..................................................................................$310* plus GST Thursday Men’s (6:30 pm Draw Time All Year)...................................................................$365* plus GST Rookie League (league details in this book)..........................................................................$95 plus GST Super League Team...........................................................................................................$1000 plus GST $580 Super League fee (no GST) Friday Open - Full Season of 14 games - New Format - 2 segments of 7 games: Full season (2 segments)...................................................................................................$220 plus GST Per Segment........................................................................................................................$120 plus GST You can register for full year or 1 of the 2 segments Sunday Open: Less than 2 new members..................................................................................................$180 plus GST 2 new members or more......................................................................................................$145 plus GST L.C.C. / S.A.C.A. Affiliated Spare Membership...................................................................$90** plus GST Little Rockers Wednesday or Sunday.....................................................................................$95 plus GST Little Rockers Both Wednesday & Sunday............................................................................$135 plus GST Juniors Wednesday or Sunday..............................................................................................$115 plus GST Juniors Both Wednesday & Sunday......................................................................................$155 plus GST High School League.............................................................................................................$115 plus GST Student (Monday Ladies, Tuesday Men’s & Wednesday Open).............................................$165 plus GST Student (Thursday Men’s)....................................................................................................$195 plus GST Multi League Discount Special (2 years only, 2013-2014 & 2014-2015) *Multiple league discounts apply to Seniors, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday evening leagues (except Super League) If entered in two or more qualifying leagues the discount of 30% will be taken off the lower priced leagues. **L.C.C. / S.A.C.A. Affiliated Spare Membership gives you the option to have all the benefits of a regular Lethbridge Curling Club member which include practice ice, being on the spare list on the website and roster book, sparing in any L.C.C. leagues, charge account at the club, voting member of the club and discounts on facility rentals (lounge and or ice). www.lethbridgecurlingclub.com 7 League Schedules Monday Women | 6 - 8:15 pm Alternating 40 Teams - 4 Squares Tuesday Men | 6- 8:15 pm Alternating 40 Teams - 4 Squares Wednesday Open | 6 - 8:15 pm Alternating 40 Teams - 4 Squares Friday Open | 6 p.m. 20 Teams - 2 Squares (will add 8:15 pm Alternating draw if more than 20 teams enter) ROOKIE LEAGUE (SATURDAY) | 3:30 pm 20 Teams Sunday Open | 5:30 pm 20 Teams - 2 Squares Thursday Men | 6:30 pm 20 Teams - 2 Squares Super League (THURSDAY) | 8:30 pm 16 Teams - Round Robin & Playoffs Dunlop Ford Club Championships Bonspiel - Best in the Club Award At the end of regular league play the Dunlop Ford Club Championship Bonspiel will begin. If you play in a Women’s, Men’s or Open League you can enter your team in the Club Championship Bonspiel. There is no charge to enter and you can get some extra curling in before the season ends! Dunlop Ford has been a longtime supporter of the curling club and the Club Championships! Thanks to their support we are able to provide nice prizes to the winning teams in each division. Last season’s champions in the Women’s, Open and Men’s divisions received new curling jackets embroidered and will have their names on our new Dunlop Ford Club Championship plaque upstairs in the lounge! Please remember you need to have at least 3 regular members from your team to enter and you may enter in more than one division but we can’t guarantee that there will not be conflicting games if you enter into multiple divisions. Again this year we will have the “Best in the Club” award or the BC award! We will have a standing board located in the lobby that will be updated every week with the BC standings. So what is the BC (Best in the Club) award and standings? It is the team with the best winning percentage in the club (Super League teams not included and your team must play in a league for a minimum of 10 games to qualify). Weather you play in Men’s D square, Women’s B square or Wednesday Open, the standing will show the team with the best winning percentage and at the end of the year the top team will win a great prize! Congratulations to the Nanette Dupont team for being the 2013 – 2014 Best In Club Champions. They received new embroidered curling jackets and will have their names on the Best In Club plaque upstairs in the lounge! 8 Rock Solid Rookie League Always wanted to give curling a try but did not want to be the only beginner? Our Rookie League is for you! Here are the details: The Rookie League is held on Saturday’s from 3:30 to 5:30 p.m. The cost is $95 plus gst for the whole season and we supply all the equipment needed at no charge! The season is made up of 12 games this year (October 18, 25, November 1, 8, 15, 22 December 13, 20, January 10, 17, February 7, and 14). First half of the season (approx. 6 weeks) is called the smart start portion of the league. During this 6 week period instructors will work with you in small groups to teach you all the techniques and strategies of curling. You will work your way up from about 1 hour per night at the start to the full 2 hours by the end of week 6. Second half of the season (approx. the last 6 weeks) is the start of the Rookie League where you will be put on a team according to your progress and what position you would like to try or you can form your own team with other Rookie League members. 6 end games are played and instructors are still present to monitor the games and offer help to the curlers. There are always qualified instructors on the ice with you to help make your curling experience a terrific one! Beginner curlers can play in the Rookie League for a maximum of two years. If it is your second year of Rookie League we will focus on instruction for the first couple of weeks and then into game play after that. We will then help you form or find a team to play on in one of our Women’s, Men’s or Open Leagues. Please call 403.327.1213 or email us at [email protected] www.lethbridgecurlingclub.com 9 Lethbridge Seniors Curling Club (LSCC) On behalf of the Lethbridge Curling Club (LCC) and our LSCC Executive, I welcome you either back or to our club for the 2014/2015 season. The Senior Club does not have teams, it is completely composed of individuals placed by a computer program for each square and bonspiel, so you do not have to join a team to belong to our club. After each square, our members are put back into the computer for the next round and a completely different team. We had a very good year last year with new members joining us and our overall membership continuing to be strong. We hope to continue to grow and we encourage you to talk to your friends and family to come out and join us. We offer a free two day instruction clinic in the fall to anyone who would like to try curling, no obligation to join. We have found that if you have not been on the ice for quite a few years, like, say, High School, it is nice to try being on the ice again to see if you can do it without having to join. Many of our members have started to use the stick to throw the rocks and it seems that they are better curlers now than they ever were, so if knees are a problem, try this new method out at our clinic. (See below) We will have our four regular squares and four bonspiels. The Kergan is in the fall session, the Ham and Turkey just before the December break, the Green Acres Seniors Open in February and the Club Championship at the end of the season. Bonspiels are not a part of the squares and players do not have to enter them. Our social events, besides coffee after each game are as follows: The New-Comers Luncheon is for every new curler and is free for them The Christmas Social is at the end of the Ham and Turkey Spiel. We host a Welcome Back Luncheon after the December Break. We contact all the curlers who have had to leave our club for various reasons to join us for lunch at a nominal cost. These people have built our club and it is our honour to welcome them back. Registration starts August 18th and goes till the clinic’s at the start of October. Seniors only register their name, not as a team, as we rotate our teams throughout the year. Special requests may be made and the executive will make any final decisions. We are again hosting a FREE curling instruction (or re-fresher) course to all our members and potential new members. We have this offered for two days at the start of October from 1 pm to 3 pm each day. You may come for either one day or both, the only equipment you need is some clean (very clean) shoes and slacks which will allow you to stretch out in. Senior Curling Club Executive 2013/2014 President.............................Jack Fulwiler Past President........................ Earl Barton Vice President.......................... Tokio Hori Secretary............................ Joanne Overn Treasurer............................Wayne Barber 10 Rock Solid Assist. Treas..........................Doug Parker Social..................................Monica Perry Draw Master...................... Clarence Beler Assistant Draw M..............Cecil Murakami Members at Large.Terry Seely, Ken Perdue Tim Horton’s Little Rockers & Junior Curling Program The Lethbridge Curling Club could not be happier with our Tim Hortons Little Rocker & Junior Curling Program. Since 2011 we have had the program grow from 40 kids to over 130 kids last season and we anticipate the growth to continue! We strongly feel there is no better value out there for children to participate in a sport. The 2014 - 2015 season is fast approaching and we are pleased to let everyone know that Little Rockers can have qualified instruction and curl all year for $95! That’s right, all year for just $95. Juniors can curl all year for just $115. What do you get for $95 or $115? Here is what you get: Qualified instruction from paid staff and Lethbridge Curling Club volunteers. A hoodie for each child with our Little Rocker/Junior Curling logo and slogan on it as well as our great title sponsors logo on it, Tim Hortons. (Must register by Oct. 31 to have hoody ordered) A healthy snack night once per month. After we are done curling it is upstairs to the lounge area for prizes and healthy snacks. A Christmas party with pizza and lots of prizes. Santa Claus and Rocky (our club mascot) are expected to be attending this party as well. A year-end wrap up pizza party and lots of prizes. A year end bonspiel for the kids of the program will be offered as well. We have a large supply of brooms that the kids can borrow every week so there is no need to purchase any equipment. We the huge success of this league we are adding an additional time slot for Little Rockers & Junior Curling. Wednesday’s is the day we have always run the program from 4:15 to about 5:45 pm and now we have added Sunday’s from 3pm to about 4:30pm. You can choose which day works better for you and your child or you can do both days for just $135 for Little Rockers and $155 for Junior curlers! Registration for the Junior Curling Program will start August 18th for both returning and new Little Rocker and Junior curlers. The Little Rocker and Junior Curling Program will start October 1st for the Wednesday time slot and October 5th for the Saturday time slot and both run till the first week of April. If you have any questions please call the office at 403.327.1213 or email Dave at [email protected] www.lethbridgecurlingclub.com 11 Appraisal Solutions/Lethbridge Cash League This season we are very excited to welcome back our Lethbridge Cash League title sponsor, Appraisal Solutions Inc.! Thanks to everyone at Appraisal Solutions Inc. for supporting competitive curling in southern Alberta! When you need an appraisal on you property please remember to give Appraisal Solutions a call! The Lethbridge Cash League committee has been hard at work over the summer getting things prepared for you. We will again have the actual cash on the ice so the winning team can take their $200 cash with them right after the game! This year we will be selling Grey Cup raffle tickets which only cost $5 and if you have sold these tickets before, you know how popular they are and easy to sell. We only have a few spots left so round up your team and enter soon. There will be approx. $27,000 paid out this year with 16 teams entered into the Lethbridge Cash League! To ensure your teams spot in the Lethbridge Cash League please contact Nanette or Dave in the office and provide the team deposit of $100. 2014-2015 LETHBRIDGE CASH LEAGUE IS SOLD OUT BUT WE ARE TAKING NAMES FOR THE 2015-2016 LETHBIRDGE CASH LEAGUE! Lethbridge Curling Clinics » Clinic #1: Saturday & Sunday September 20 - 21, 2014 2 to 3:30 p.m. both days » Clinic #2: Wednesday & Thursday September 24 - 25, 2014 6:30 to 8 p.m. both nights A third clinic will be added if there is demand for it) These clinics are open to beginners and all other levels of curlers. We will have qualified coaches to help all the different experience levels of curlers. Whether you are trying curling for the first time are just want to improve your game, these clinics will be what you are looking for. Equipment is available for you to use if you do not have your own broom and slider. We do encourage you to wear stretch type pant (sweat pants) and a warm sweater. The cost to register for a Curling Clinic is $25 and payment is required at the time of registration. If you decide to register for the Rookie League or any other league the $25 Curling Clinic fee will be applied to any other league. Come check out the club and try curling, see what you have been missing at the club! Open House If you are not sure about joining us in a learn to curl clinic why not just stop by and take a tour of the club. September 22 – 26 from 10 am to 5 pm each day the Lethbridge Curling Club will be having an Open House were you can just drop by and see us. We can even take you out on the ice and let you see what it feels like and give you a quick lesson! Lethbridge is blessed with one of the best curling clubs in Canada so if you have never seen it why not stop by for a tour? You don’t have to be a member or curler to enjoy the restaurant and lounge! 12 Rock Solid Rental Leagues We host a number of rental leagues and should one of our leagues not fit into your schedule, we recommend you contact one of the following leagues. Research Centre / Corporate Challenge Thursday | 4:45 pm Contact: Bob Blackshaw 403.317.2268 or Lethbridge Curling Club 403.327.1213 Industrial Curling Saturday | 1 pm Contact: Hans Lisowicz 403.328.2913 Saturday Evening Social Saturday | 6 pm Contact: Ralph Miller 403.381.2462 or Elaine Miller 403.394.1996 Wheelchair Curling League Sunday | 3 pm Contact: Lethbridge Curling Club for more information Special Olympics Curling League Sunday | 3 pm Contact: Lethbridge Curling Club for more information University of Lethbridge Mixed Curling Club Sunday | 7:30 pm Open to all University and College students! Contact: Lethbridge Curling Club for more information New and Improved SOS Program Support Our Sponsors! Without the generous support of our many sponsors we could not have the fantastic curling club we enjoy today! The local companies that sponsor and advertise at the Lethbridge Curling Club help us provide this club to the people of Lethbridge and southern Alberta to enjoy and we as members must support the businesses that support us as much as possible. IN ORDER TO KEEP YOUR CURLING FEES IN THE UNBELIEVABLEY LOW RANGE WE CURRENTLY PAY THE CLUB RELIES ON OVER $100,000 OF SPONSORSHIP AND ADVERTISING PER YEAR FORM LOCAL BUSINESSES! SO PLEASE SUPPORT THEM! To reward our members that do support these businesses we have restructured the SOS program. This season you will see a draw barrel and information on the SOS program in the lobby of the curling club. You will be able to pick up a sheet with all our sponsors listed so you will be able to support these businesses. Simple make a copy of a receipt from a purchase at any of our sponsors and print your name on it and drop it in the draw barrel. At the end of every month we will draw for a great prize. Last year we gave away over $700 worth of prizes to people who supported our business partners. One last thing, when you do go to businesses that support us please let them know why you are there. Let them know you are from the Lethbridge Curling Club and thank them for supporting us. It is then up to the individual place of business to earn your business and loyalty which is all they are asking from us! www.lethbridgecurlingclub.com 13 Lethbridge Curling Club Website & Facebook With everything going on at the rink how do you keep informed of it all? Try using our website and Facebook to keep current with the new building progress and all the events and activities happening at your club! Like us on Facebook to receive lots of great information and give us your email address for club updates (we hold email information confidential). League Calendars August 2014 SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 22 23 17 18 Pre-Reg. Starts 10 am-7 pm Office 24 31 14 WEDNESDAY 25 Open-Reg. Starts 10 am-4 pm Office Monday to Friday Rock Solid 19 10 am-7 pm Office 26 20 10 am-7 pm Office 27 21 10 am-7 pm Office 28 10 am-5 pm Office 29 30 September 2014 SUNDAY MONDAY 1 TUESDAY 2 WEDNESDAY 3 7 8 9 14 15 16 THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY 4 5 6 10 11 12 13 17 18 19 20 CURLING CLINIC WEEKEND COURSE 21 CURLING CLINIC WEEKEND COURSE 22 CURLING CLINICS 29 28 MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY 1 Seniors Juniors Wednesday Open 5 MIKE IZSAK JR CASH Juniors Juniors Special O/Wheel Sunday Open U of L Juniors Special O/Wheel Sunday Open U of L 19 26 6 High School Monday Ladies 12 BRAD PAISLEY SPIEL Juniors Special O/Wheel Sunday Open U of L 13 THANKSGIVING DAY CLOSED High School Monday Ladies High School Monday Ladies 25 CURLING CLINICS 27 26 SWING & SWEEP SWING & SWEEP 30 October 2014 SUNDAY 24 CURLING CLINICS SENIORS HIGH SCHOOL TUESDAY MEN’S HIGH SCHOOL MONDAY LADIES SWING & SWEEP 23 CURLING CLINICS 20 27 Seniors High School Tuesday Men’s Seniors High School Tuesday Men’s Seniors High School Tuesday Men’s Seniors High School Tuesday Men’s 7 14 21 28 Seniors Juniors Wednesday Open Seniors Juniors Wednesday Open Seniors Juniors Wednesday Open Seniors Juniors Wednesday Open 8 15 22 29 THURSDAY Seniors Research/Corp. Thursday Men’s Seniors Research/Corp. Thursday Men’s Seniors Research/Corp. Thursday Men’s Lethbridge Cash League Seniors Research/Corp. Thursday Men’s Lethbridge Cash League Seniors Research/Corp. Thursday Men’s FRIDAY 2 SATURDAY 3 Seniors MIKE IZSAK JR CASH 9 Seniors 10 BRAD PAISLEY SPIEL Friday Open 16 23 30 Seniors Friday Open Seniors Friday Open Seniors Friday Open 4 MIKE IZSAK JR CASH 17 24 11 BRAD PAISLEY SPIEL Industrial Saturday Social Industrial Rookie Saturday Social Industrial Rookie Saturday Social 18 25 31 www.lethbridgecurlingclub.com 15 New Curling Club The Crossings Ice Complex is on its way! The consultants, architects, City of Lethbridge officials and your own New Building Steering Committee have hard at work on the planning of the new Crossings Ice Complex. It is going to be amazing! We are getting everything we have now plus many more things in the new curling club. The big move will happen during the summer of 2016 with our first season at the NEW AND IMPROVED LETHBRIDGE CURLING CLUB starting in September of 2016! We all love our old curling club and will miss it very much but it is a very old building and is incredible hard and expensive to keep in operating condition. We should all be thankful to the City of Lethbridge for this new curling club which is fully funded through Provincial and National grants. Our other option was to somehow raise about $15 million dollars ourselves and build our own facility for our club, not an option that sounds very fun. So please check out our website for updates on the progress of the Crossings Ice Complex and also for the process that has lead us to where we are today with this project. Facebook updates, emails and informational products will be setup at the club for all of us to see. 16 Rock Solid HOLMES ECOWATER SWING & SWEEP presents the SWING & SWEEP SEPTEMBER 26 - 28, 2014 Entry Fee: $440 per team - First 36 paid teams accepted | 3 Curling Games | Golf Scramble 18 holes at Henderson Lake Golf Club | Draw the button and putting competition | Banquet, dance, prizes and lots of fun! You can sleep when it is done! For more information call the Lethbridge Curling Club at 403.327.1213 or visit our website at: www.lethbridgecurlingclub.com www.lethbridgecurlingclub.com 17 2014/15 Individual Registration Form New Member (please fill out all information) Returning Member (only fill out member’s name and any changed information) Name:____________________________________________________________________ Home #:___________________Work #:___________________Cell #:____________________ Address:___________________________________________________________________ Email:____________________________________________________________________ Membership/League Insert Amount » Regular member Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday 6:30 draw time please circle $310 $310 $310 $365 » Friday Open Full Season (14 games) Segment 1 (7 games) Segment 2 (7 games) please circle $220 $120 $120 » Sunday Open 2 new members or more Less than 2 new members » Super League per team (plus GST) Super League fee (no GST) please circle $145 $180 » Rookie League » Student Membership (Qualifying Leagues) Monday Ladies Tuesday Men’s Wednesday Open Thursday Men’s 6:30 draw time Senior Membership Afternoons LCC/SACA Affiliation Spare Membership $95 please circle $ 165 $ 165 $ 165 $ 195 $ 275 $90 $95 Little Rocker Wednesday & Sunday $135 Junior Wednesday OR Sunday $115 Junior Wednesday & Sunday $155 Lockers (subject to availability) In the locker room In the lobby Multiple League Discounts (see back page) Subtotal GST 5% TOTAL PAYABLE 18 Rock Solid Indicate Team name and see office for payment details $1000 $580 Little Rocker Wednesday OR Sunday High School League Team Name $115 please circle $35 $25 ( ) Charge Account: Yes No | Contact you by: Email Mail | Monthly Newsletter: Yes No Do you want your information in the Roster Book: Yes No Please complete back of page (continued) Multiple league discounts apply to Seniors, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday evening leagues. Super League is not subject to discounts. If entered in two or more qualifying leagues the discount of 30% will be taken off the lower priced leagues I understand that in order to guarantee my place in any league I have registered for, this form must be complete and returned with 100% of the League Fees for all four members of the team. I also understand that by signing this form that all the information given is correct and the use of this information is confirmed to be correct. If you circled to contact you by email you are giving us permission to email you information on the club year round, your email will be held confidential by the club and not given or sold to anyone else. Signature:_______________________________________ Date:______________________ Meet new people, have fun and give back to your club by volunteering! Please check any of these great options to volunteer at your club: Volunteer Activity Interested Availability (Anytime, days only or nights only) Curling Rox’s Program: Help introduce curling to school children in grades 1 to 6. We need people to help us when we go to schools and when the children come to the club with this program. Little Rockers & Junior Program: Come down to the club and help us with the future of our club, our juniors. Junior league runs on Wednesday from 4:15 to 5:45 pm and Sunday’s from 3 to 4:30 pm. High School: Many High School kids come down and participate in the High School League and we need people to help teach them. Monday’s and Tuesday’s from 3:30 to 5:30 pm is the High School League times. Rookie League: The Rookie League is for 1st and 2nd year curlers to learn are sport. We need volunteers to help teach these people the great game of curling! The Rookie League is played on Saturday’s from 3:30 to 5:30 pm. Learn to Curl Clinics: At the start of the season we will be having 2 or 3 Learn to Curl Clinics and hopefully a few more throughout the year. We need volunteers to help us introduce the game of curling to these new people. Bonspiels: If you are interested in having fun and helping organize one of our bonspiels please let us know by checking this box. Most bonspiels only have two to four meetings to get things done. Bonspiels and dates are included in this package. Friday Open League: We do need members to volunteer to be on a list to curl if we are short players or teams on Friday nights. With the segments in this league we don’t want to have any forfeits during the season. Club Promotion: During the year there are many events that are held in Lethbridge and surrounding areas that we get invited to. We would like to have a list of members that would help us with these events and promoting our club. Some examples are sports days, parade, Whoop Up Days, Hurricanes games, etc. Also, please bring down friends or family members that may be interested in curling. We would be happy to line up some instruction and get them curling in leagues and bonspiels! 911 - 6th Avenue South, Lethbridge, AB T1J 4N9 | 403.327.1213 | [email protected] www.lethbridgecurlingclub.com 19 Gather your posse and head to the Lethbridge Curling Club on October 10 to 12. Friday night: Kicks off with an awesome tailgate party and includes shuttle service from the club to the Brad Paisley concert at the ENMAX Centre. After the concert, you will be shuttled back to the rink to start rocking your first curling game of the weekend. Saturday & Sunday: Your team will have 2 draws each day with a country-style banquet on Saturday night. A great weekend at the club for just $440 per team which includes your 4 tickets to Brad Paisley! Teams that participated in last years’ Great Big C bonspiel will be able to preregister and secure a spot until July 31. After this date any remaining spots will be given to teams that have requested entry into the spiel by contacting the club. Secure your spot in this amazing weekend hosted by the Lethbridge Curling Club. Call 403-327-1213, email: [email protected] or online www.lethbridgecurlingclub.com 20 Rock Solid Lethbridge Curling Club 2014/15 Bonspiel Schedule EVENTS DATES ENTRY FEES HOLMES ECOWATER 16th Annual Swing & Sweep September 26 - 28 Entry Fee $440 36 Teams Michael Izsak Memorial Junior Cash October 3 - 5 Entry Fee $220 Brad Paisley “a little bit of country & a little bit of rock” Concert Bonspiel October 10 - 12 Entry Fee $440 20 Teams Kergan Senior Bonspiel November Dates, Entry & Format TBA Cliff Forry Senior Curling Classic November 28 - 30 Entry Fee TBA 20 Teams Manser Trucking Cash Classic December 5 - 7 Entry Fee $400 20 Teams Ham & Turkey Senior Bonspiel December Dates, Entry & Format TBA Yuletide Family Spiel December 27 - 28 Entry Fee TBA Southern Alberta Women’s Playdowns January 2 - 4 Come catch some great women’s curling! 1st Choice Savings Ladies Spiel January 23 - 25 Entry Fee $220 Format TBA InfinCom/Desk ‘N File 76th Annual Shirtsleeve Men’s Spiel Jan. 27 - Feb. 1 Entry Fee $320 80 or more teams! Green Acres Seniors Open Spiel February 9 - 13 Entry Fee TBA 40 Teams 55 Plus Winter Games February 20 - 22 Winter Games curling at the club! Rotary Bonspiel Feb. 26 - Mar. 1 Welcome all Rotary Curlers to Lethbridge! Kinsmen “Break the Ice” Fun Spiel March 6 - 8 Entry Fee TBA 20 Teams Foster & Son’s Mixed Spiel March 20 - 22 Entry Fee $220 32 Teams Dunlop Ford Club Championship Bonspiel March 27 - 29 No Entry Fee Format TBA Year End Junior Fun Spiel March 29 Entry Fee & FormatTBA Lethbridge Oilmen’s Bonspiel April 9 - 11 Welcome all Oilmen Curlers to Lethbridge! www.lethbridgecurlingclub.com 21 Notes 22 Rock Solid Notes www.lethbridgecurlingclub.com 23 911 - 6th Avenue South, Lethbridge, AB T1J 4N9 [email protected] www.lethbridgecurlingclub.com