California Roster 2010
California Roster 2010
C a i n i R st r S c t a y S a t e D a B e 2 0 1 0 April 29, 2010 I am pleased to present the Secretary of State’s 2010 edition of the California Roster. This Roster provides a comprehensive listing of contact information for California’s government officials, as well as historical outlines of its constitutional offices and state emblems. It includes California’s federal, state, and county government officials, judicial officials, incorporated city and town officials, a listing of California’s unincorporated areas, state agency information, and a list of statelevel officials across the United States. The California Roster is available exclusively online. A complete new edition of the Roster is posted on the Secretary of State website,, each spring. Any change in information provided to my office during the course of the year will be updated upon receipt. Sincerely, Debra Bowen Secretary of State California Roster 2010 Welcome Letter Constitutional Officers .............................................................. Pages 1 - 5 History of California State Officeholders ...................................... Pages 6 - 8 The Golden State and State Emblems ......................................... Pages 9 - 10 State Senate ........................................................................... Pages 11 - 13 State Assembly ....................................................................... Pages 14 - 18 California Judicial Branch .......................................................... Pages 19 - 22 State Agencies, Departments, Boards, and Commissions ............... Pages 23 - 46 County Officials ....................................................................... Pages 47 - 78 Incorporated City and Town Officials .......................................... Pages 79 - 177 Unincorporated Areas ............................................................... Pages 178 - 187 California Congressional Legislators ............................................ Pages 188 - 191 California Roster 2010 Constitutional Officers There are eight statewide Constitutional Officers: the Governor, Lieutenant Governor, Secretary of State, Attorney General, State Controller, State Treasurer, Insurance Commissioner and the State Superintendent of Public Instruction. These officers are all elected at the same time in a General Election and may be re-elected to a maximum of two four-year terms. In the event of a vacancy in the office of the Governor, the Lieutenant Governor shall become Governor. In the event of a vacancy in both the offices of the Governor and the Lieutenant Governor, the succession order is as follows: first, the last duly elected President Pro Tempore of the Senate; second, the last duly elected Speaker of the Assembly; third, the Secretary of State; fourth, the Attorney General; fifth, the State Treasurer; and lastly, the State Controller. GOVERNOR Arnold Schwarzenegger State Capitol, Sacramento, CA 95814 Telephone: (916) 445-2841 Fax: (916) 558-3160 Website: LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR Abel Maldonado State Capitol, Room 1114, Sacramento, CA 95814 Telephone: (916) 445-8994 Fax: (916) 323-4998 Website: The supreme executive power of the State of California is vested in the Governor, whose duty it is to see that the law is faithfully executed. The Constitution provides that the Lieutenant Governor shall become Governor in the event of a vacancy. The Lieutenant Governor shall serve as acting Governor in the event of the Governor’s absence from the state, temporary disability or impeachment. The Constitution also provides that the Lieutenant Governor shall be President of the Senate, but that he shall have only a casting vote. The purpose of a casting vote is to break a tie. The casting vote may be used only if it will provide the necessary majority required. The Governor is the Commander-in-Chief of this state’s militia. The Governor is the official communicator among this state’s government, the federal government, and other states of the United States. The Governor supervises the official conduct of all executive and ministerial officers, and the Governor sees that all offices are filled and their duties performed. The Governor’s appointment power extends over significant areas of state government. First, the Governor has authority to fill vacancies in the judiciary (i.e. Municipal, Superior, Appeals, and Supreme Courts), and to fill newly created judgeships. Second, the Governor has the power, subject to confirmation by the State Senate, to appoint a large number of positions throughout the executive department. The Lieutenant Governor serves in an ex-officio capacity as a voting member of the University of California’s Board of Regents and as a voting member of the California State University’s Board of Trustees. He serves, and rotates with, the State Controller as chair of the State Lands Commission. The Lieutenant Governor also chairs the California Commission for Economic Development. The Governor communicates, during each calendar year, with the Legislature regarding the condition of the state and makes recommendations. The Governor submits an itemized budget to the Legislature within the first 10 days of each year. The Governor may veto any bill passed by the Legislature and return it, with his objections to the house of origin. The Governor may also reduce or eliminate one or more items of appropriation while approving other portions of a bill. The Governor utilizes, in addition to immediate staff, a cabinet that is composed of the ten major state agency secretaries (i.e., Business, Transportation and Housing; Corrections and Rehabilitation; Environmental Protection; Food and Agriculture; Health and Human Services; Labor and Workforce Development; Resources; State and Consumer Services; and Veterans Affairs), plus the Director of Finance and Secretary of Education. This group serves as the Governor’s chief policy advisory body and, in their individual capacities, each implement and coordinates the Governor’s policies throughout the state. The Cabinet supplies the Governor with a comprehensive view and current resume of the state operations and serves as a source for long-range planning. California Roster 2010 1 Constitutional Officers SECRETARY OF STATE Debra Bowen 1500 11th Street, Sacramento, CA 95814 Telephone: (916) 653-7244 Fax: (916) 653-4620 Website: Email: [email protected] The Secretary of State is the chief elections officer of the State, responsible for overseeing and certifying elections, as well as testing and certifying voting equipment for use in California. She administers election laws; maintains a database of registered voters; certifies the official lists of candidates for each election; certifies initiatives for placement on the state ballot; publishes the Voter Information Guide before each statewide election; compiles election returns; publishes the official Statement of Vote; and certifies election results. The Secretary of State plays a key role in making government open and accessible by providing public access to a wide range of corporate, Uniform Commercial Code, campaign finance, lobbying, and election records. The Secretary maintains online editions of the California Lobbyist Directory and the California Roster of federal, state and local government officials. The Secretary of State’s California Business Portal provides online information, resources, and services to businesses. The Secretary receives, examines, and approves articles of incorporation for new California corporations and qualifies out-of-state and international corporations to do business in California. The Secretary’s Business Programs Division also approves amendments to the records of domestic or qualified foreign corporations and registers trademarks, trade names, service marks and fictitious names. The Secretary is responsible for appointing and commissioning notaries public and oaths of office for non-civil service officers and employees. ATTORNEY GENERAL Edmund G. Brown Jr. DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE 1300 “I” Street, Sacramento, CA 95814 Mailing Address: P.O. Box 944255, Sacramento, CA 94244-2550 Telephone: (916) 445-9555 Fax: (916) 323-5341 Website: Email: [email protected] The Attorney General is charged with uniformly and equally enforcing California’s laws, and assists district attorneys, local law enforcement, and federal and international criminal justice agencies in the administration of justice. The Attorney General carries out his constitutional responsibilities through the programs of the Department of Justice. The Department’s legal programs represent the People in civil and criminal matters before trial, appellate and the supreme courts of California and the United States. In representing the People, the Attorney General protects Californians from fraudulent, unfair, and illegal activities that victimize consumers or threaten public safety, and enforces laws that safeguard the environment and natural resources. The Attorney General also serves as legal counsel to state officers and, with a few exceptions, to state agencies, boards and commissions. The Department’s legal programs maintain major law offices in Sacramento, Fresno, San Francisco, Oakland, Los Angeles and San Diego. The Department’s Division of Law Enforcement provides forensic services, narcotic investigations, as well as criminal investigations, intelligence, and training. The Division of California Justice Information Services facilitates the exchange of accurate, timely, and complete criminal justice intelligence using state-of-the-art computer technology. The Secretary of State maintains the Domestic Partnership Registry, the Advance Health Care Directive Registry, and the Safe at Home program. Safe at Home’s confidential mail forwarding program helps protect the identities of survivors of domestic violence, sexual assault, stalking victims, as well as those who work with reproductive health care clinics. The Secretary of State keeps the complete record of the official acts of the Legislature and Executive Departments of the state government. The Secretary is charged with the custody of the enrolled copy of the Constitution, all acts and resolutions passed by the Legislature, the Journals of each house, the Great Seal of California, and all books, records, deeds, parchments, maps and papers kept or deposited in the office pursuant to law. As custodian of the public archives, the Secretary maintains and properly equips safe and secure vaults for the preservation of the documents placed in her charge. The Secretary of State affixes the Great Seal, with her attestation, to commissions, pardons and other public documents that require the Governor’s signature. California Roster 2010 2 Constitutional Officers STATE CONTROLLER John Chiang 300 Capitol Mall, Suite 1850, Sacramento, CA 95814 Mailing Address: P.O. Box 942850, Sacramento, CA 94250 Telephone: (916) 445-2636 Fax: (916) 322-4404 Website: STATE TREASURER Bill Lockyer 915 Capitol Mall, Room 110, Sacramento, CA 95814 Mailing Address: P.O. Box 942809, Sacramento, CA 94209-0001 Telephone: (916) 653-2995 Fax: (916) 653-3125 Website: The State Controller is the chief fiscal officer of the state. The State Controller’s primary duties are to: (1) provide sound fiscal control over both receipts and disbursements of public funds; (2) report periodically on the financial operations and condition of both state and local governments; (3) make certain money due to the state is collected through fair, equitable and effective tax administration; (4) provide fiscal guidance to local governments; (5) administer the Unclaimed Property and Property Tax Postponement Programs; and (6) develop and establish policy for a significant number of boards and commissions, including all major tax boards. The State Treasurer is the state’s banker, investor, and lead asset manager. The State Treasurer administers the State’s Pooled Money Investment and Local Agency Investment Programs; provides the trust services for state-owned securities and safekeeping for state assets; administers the sale of state bonds; administers the clearing and accounting services of checks and warrants; finances a variety of public works such as those for schools and higher education facilities, transportation projects, parks, and environmental projects; chairs authorities that finance projects such as those for pollution clean-up, small businesses, and health care facilities; chairs the California Debt and Investment Advisory Commission, the Debt Limit Allocation Committee, and Tax Credit Allocation Committee; is a member of the boards of administration for California Public Employees’ Retirement System (CalPERS) State Teachers’ Retirement System (STRS), and the California Housing Finance Agency; oversees the ScholarShare Investment Board, which administers the state’s “529” college savings plan. No money can be drawn from the Treasury unless it is against an appropriation made by law, and upon warrants duly drawn by the State Controller. The State Controller supervises the fiscal affairs of the state, suggests plans for the improvement and management of public revenues, keeps all accounts in which the state is interested, and keeps a separate account of each specific appropriation, showing at all times the balance of the appropriation. The State Controller supervises the state’s fiscal concerns and audits all claims against it. The State Controller directs the collections of all monies due the state, and if necessary, is authorized to go to court to recover the property or money owed. The State Controller has general supervision over the general procedure for tax sales, tax deeds, and redemptions, and makes necessary rules and regulations relating to fiscal affairs under his control. California Roster 2010 3 Constitutional Officers INSURANCE COMMISSIONER Steve Poizner DEPARTMENT OF INSURANCE 300 Capitol Mall, Suite 1700, Sacramento, CA 95814 Telephone: (916) 492-3500 Consumer Hotline: 1-800-927-HELP (4357) or (213) 897-8921 (outside CA) Fax: (916) 445-5280 Website: Insurance is a $106 billion-a-year industry in California. Overseeing the industry and protecting the State’s insurance consumers are the primary responsibilities of the California Department of Insurance (CDI). The CDI regulates, investigates and audits insurance business to ensure that companies remain solvent and meet their obligations to insurance policyholders. As administrator of the CDI, the Insurance Commissioner enforces the laws of the California Insurance Code and promulgates regulations to implement these laws. The Insurance Commissioner issues certificates of authority to insurance and title companies seeking admittance into the California market; and licenses agents, brokers, solicitors and bail bond agents domiciled in the state. CDI’s statewide toll-free hotline serves as an information clearinghouse for consumers with insurance-related questions or problems. The unit, staffed by insurance experts, provides immediate assistance to callers whenever possible. The CDI responds to thousands of consumer “Request for Assistance” complaints received each month. Acting on these requests, the Department protects consumers by investigating and prosecuting companies and licensees accused of insurance code violations, including fraud. California Roster 2010 STATE SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION Jack O'Connell DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION 1430 N Street, Sacramento, CA 95814 Mailing Address: 1430 N Street, Suite 5602, Sacramento, CA 95814 Telephone: (916) 319-0800 Fax: (916) 319-0100 Website: Email: [email protected] The State Superintendent of Public Instruction is the only nonpartisan of the eight statewide constitutional officers in California. The Superintendent is accountable to the people of California for administering and enforcing education law and regulations, and for continuing to reform and improve public elementary and secondary school programs, adult education, and some preschool and child care programs. The Superintendent is the executive officer and secretary of the State Board of Education and the director of the California Department of Education (CDE). CDE administers California's public education system at the state level. The Superintendent administers the day-today operation of CDE and also is responsible for two schools for the deaf, one school for the blind, and three diagnostic centers for neurologically disabled pupils. In addition to serving as an ex officio member of the University of California Board of Regents, the Superintendent serves as an ex officio member of the California State University and the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing boards of trustees. The Superintendent also serves as an ex officio member or has representation on more than 100 boards, commissions, and committees established by the Department, the Legislature, or the Executive Branch. 4 Constitutional Officers STATE BOARD OF EQUALIZATION Ramon J. Hirsig, Executive Director 450 N Street, MIC 73, Sacramento, CA 95814 Mailing Address: P.O. Box 942879, Sacramento, CA 94279 Telephone: (916) 327-4975 Fax: (916) 324-2586 Website: Created in 1879 by a constitutional amendment, the Board of Equalization administers sales and use taxes, special taxes, the State’s tax appellate program, and oversees the property tax assessment. In 2005-06, taxes and fees administered by the Board yielded nearly $53 billion to provide essential services for the people of California. The Board’s four regional members are elected at the same time and in the same manner as the statewide constitutional officers. The fifth member is the State Controller, who serves in an ex-officio capacity. Betty T. Yee, District 1 San Francisco Office: 455 Golden Gate Ave, Suite 10500, San Francisco, CA 94102 Telephone: (415) 557-3000; Fax: (415) 557-0287 Sacramento Office: 450 N Street, MIC 71, Sacramento, CA 95814 Telephone: (916) 445-4081; Fax: (916) 324-2087 Email: [email protected] Bill Leonard, District 2 Ontario Office: 4295 Jurupa Street, Suite 204, Ontario, CA 91761-1428 Telephone: (909) 937-6106; Fax: (909) 937-7044 Sacramento Office: 400 Capitol Mall, Suite 2340, Sacramento, CA 95814 Telephone: (916) 445-2181; Fax: (916) 327-4003 Email: [email protected] Michelle Steel, District 3 Rolling Hills Estates Office: 550 Deep Valley Drive, Suite 355, Rolling Hills Estates, CA 90274 Telephone: (310) 377-8016; Fax: (310) 377-5731 Sacramento Office: 450 N Street, MIC: 77, Sacramento, CA 95814 Telephone: (916) 445-5713; Fax: (916) 323-0546 Email: [email protected] Steve Shea (Acting Member), District 4 Monterey Park Office: 1100 Corporate Center Drive, Suite 203, Monterey Park, CA 91754 Telephone: (323) 980-1221; Fax: (323) 980-1236 Sacramento Office: 450 N Street, MIC:72, Sacramento, CA 95814 Telephone: (916) 445-4154; Fax: (916) 323-2869 John Chiang, State Controller, Ex-Officio Sacramento Office: P.O. Box 942850, Sacramento, CA 94250-5872 Telephone (916) 445-2636; Fax (916) 322-4404 Los Angeles Office: 660 South Figueroa Street, Suite 2050, Los Angeles, CA 90017 Telephone: (213) 833-6010; Fax: (213) 833-6011 California Roster 2010 5 History of California Constitutional Officers LIEUTENANT GOVERNORS GOVERNORS Name Burnett, Peter H. McDougal, John Bigler, John Johnson, J. Neely Weller, John B. Latham, Milton S. Downey, John G. Stanford, Leland Low, Frederick F. Haight, Henry H. Booth, Newton Pacheco, Romualdo Irwin, William Perkins, George C. Stoneman, George Bartlett, Washington Waterman, Robert W. Markham, Henry H. Budd, James H. Gage, Henry T. Pardee, George C. Gillett, James N. Johnson, Hiram W. Johnson, Hiram W. Stephens, William D. Richardson, Friend Wm. Young, Clement C. Rolph, James, Jr. Merriam, Frank F. Olson, Culbert L. Warren, Earl Knight, Goodwin J. Brown, Edmund G. Reagan, Ronald Brown, Edmund G., Jr. Deukmejian, George Wilson, Pete Davis, Gray Schwarzenegger, Arnold California Roster 2010 Party ID ID D Am D LD LD R Un D R R D R D D R R D R R R R Prog R R R R R D R R D R D R R D R Assumed Office Dec. 20, 1849 Jan. 9, 1851 Jan. 8, 1852 Jan. 9, 1856 Jan. 8, 1858 Jan. 9, 1860 Jan. 14, 1860 Jan. 10, 1862 Dec. 10, 1863 Dec. 5, 1867 Dec. 8, 1871 Feb. 27, 1875 Dec. 9, 1875 Jan. 8, 1880 Jan. 10, 1883 Jan. 8, 1887 Sept. 13, 1887 Jan. 8, 1891 Jan. 11, 1895 Jan. 3, 1899 Jan. 6, 1903 Jan. 8, 1907 Jan. 3, 1911 Jan. 5, 1915 Mar. 15, 1917 Jan. 9, 1923 Jan. 4, 1927 Jan. 6, 1931 June 7, 1934 Jan. 2, 1939 Jan. 4, 1943 Oct. 5, 1953 Jan. 5, 1959 Jan. 2, 1967 Jan. 6, 1975 Jan. 3, 1983 Jan. 7, 1991 Jan. 4, 1999 Nov. 17, 2003 Name McDougal, John Broderick, David C. (Acting) Purdy, Samuel Anderson, Robert M. Walkup, John Downey, John G. Quinn, Isaac N. (Acting) de la Guerra, Pablo(Acting) Chellis, John F. Machin, T. N. Holden, William Pacheco, Romualdo Irwin, William (Acting) Johnson, James A. Mansfield, John Daggett, John Waterman, Robert W. White, Stephen M. (Acting) Reddick, John B. Millard, Spencer G. Jeter, William T. Neff, Jacob H. Anderson, Alden Porter, Warren R. Wallace, A.J. Eshleman, John M. Stephens, William D. Vacancy Young, C. C. Fitts, Buron Carnahan, H.L. Merriam, Frank F. Vacancy Hatfield, George J. Patterson, Ellis E. Houser, Frederick F. Knight, Goodwin J. Powers, Harold J Anderson, Glenn M. Finch, Robert H. Reinecke, Ed Harmer, John L. Dymally, Mervyn M. Curb, Mike McCarthy, Leo T. Davis, Gray Bustamante, Cruz Garamendi, John Pasquil, Mona (Acting) Maldonado, Abel Party ID D D Am D LD D D R Un D R D D R D R D R R D R R R R Prog R Assumed Office Dec. 20, 1849 Jan. 9, 1851 Jan. 8, 1852 Jan. 9, 1856 Jan. 8, 1858 Jan. 9, 1860 Jan. 20, 1860 Jan. 7, 1861 Jan. 10, 1862 Dec. 10, 1863 Dec. 5, 1867 Dec. 8, 1871 Feb. 27, 1875 Dec. 9, 1875 Jan. 8, 1880 Jan. 10, 1883 Jan. 8, 1887 Sept. 13, 1887 Jan. 8, 1891 Jan. 11, 1895 Oct. 25, 1895 Jan. 3, 1899 Jan. 6, 1903 Jan. 8, 1907 Jan. 3, 1911 Jan. 5, 1915 July 22, 1916 R R R R Jan. 7, 1919 Jan. 4, 1927 Dec. 4, 1928 Jan. 6, 1931 R D R R R D R R R D R D D D D D R Jan. 8, 1935 Jan. 2, 1939 Jan. 4, 1943 Jan. 6, 1947 Oct. 5, 1953 Jan. 5, 1959 Jan. 2, 1967 Jan. 21, 1969 Oct. 4, 1974 Jan. 6, 1975 Jan. 8, 1979 Jan. 3, 1983 Jan. 3, 1995 Jan. 4, 1999 Jan. 7, 2007 Nov. 4, 2009 April 27, 2010 6 History of California Constitutional Officers STATE CONTROLLERS SECRETARIES OF STATE Name Van Voohies, William Denver, James W. Hempstead, Charles H. Douglass, David F. Forman, Ferris Price, Johnson Weeks, William H. Tuttle, A.A.H. Redding, Benjamin B. Nichols, H.L. Melone, Drury Beck, Thomas Burns, Daniel M. Thompson, Thomas L. Hendricks, William C. Waite, Edwin G. Hart, Albert Brown, Lewis H. Curry, Charles F. Jordan, Frank C. Peek, Paul Jordan, Frank M. Sullivan, H. P. (Acting) Brown, Edmund G., Jr. Eu, March Fong Miller, Tony (Acting) Jones, Bill Shelley, Kevin Mitchell, Cathy (Acting) McPherson, Bruce Bowen, Debra Party D D D Am D LD R R Un D R D R D D R R R R R D R R D D D R D D R D Assumed Office Dec. 21, 1849 Feb. 19, 1853 Nov. 5, 1855 Jan. 10, 1856 Jan. 11, 1858 Jan. 10, 1860 Jan. 11, 1862 Aug. 17, 1863 Dec. 7, 1863 Dec. 2, 1867 Dec. 4, 1871 Dec. 6, 1875 Jan. 5, 1880 Jan. 8, 1883 Jan. 3, 1887 Jan. 5, 1891 Nov. 1, 1894 Jan. 7, 1895 Jan. 2, 1899 Jan. 2, 1911 Mar. 1, 1940 Jan. 4, 1943 Apr. 3, 1970 Jan. 4, 1971 Jan. 6, 1975 Feb. 17, 1994 Jan. 2, 1995 Jan. 6, 2003 Mar. 5, 2005 Mar. 30, 2005 Jan. 8, 2007 ATTORNEYS GENERAL Name Kewan, Edward J. C. McDougall, James A. Hastings, S. Clinton McConnell, John R. Stewart, William M. Wallace, William T. Williams, Thomas H. Pixley, Frank M. McCullough, John G. Hamilton, Jo Love, John Lord Hamilton, Jo Hart, Augustus L. Marshall, Edward C. Johnson, George A. Hart, Wm. H.H. Fitzgerald, William F. Ford, Tirey L. Webb, Ulysses S. Warren, Earl Kenny, Robert W. Howser, Fred N. Brown, Edmund G. Mosk, Stanley Lynch, Thomas C. Younger, Evelle J. Deukmejian, George Van de Kamp, John Lungren, Dan Lockyer, Bill Brown, Jerry California Roster 2010 Name Houston, John S Pierce, Winslow S. Bell, Samuel Whitman, George W. Burton, Edward F. Whitman, George W. Melony, Aaron R. Brooks, Samuel H. Gillan, James S. Warren, Gilbert R. Oulton, George R. Watt, Robert Green, James J. Mandeville, James W. Brown, William B.C. Kenfield, Daniel M. Dunn, John P. Colgan, Edward P. Nye, A.B. Chambers, John S. Riley, Ray L. Riley, Harry B. Kuchel, Thomas Kirkwood, Robert C. Cranston, Alan Flournoy, Houston I. Cory, Kenneth Davis, Gray Connell, Kathleen Westly, Steve Chiang, John Party D D D Am Am Am LD LD N/A R Un D R D D R D R R R R R R R D R D D D D D Assumed Office Dec. 22, 1849 Jan. 5, 1852 Jan. 2, 1854 Jan. 7, 1856 Feb. 25, 1857 April 21, 1857 April 27, 1858 Jan. 2, 1860 Nov. 23, 1861 Jan. 6, 1862 Dec. 9, 1863 Dec. 7, 1867 Dec. 2, 1871 Dec. 4, 1875 Feb. 8, 1876 Jan. 15, 1877 Jan. 1, 1883 Jan. 5, 1891 Nov. 24, 1906 Aug. 28, 1913 July 16, 1921 Jan. 9, 1937 Feb. 11, 1946 Jan. 6, 1953 Jan. 5, 1959 Jan. 2, 1967 Jan. 6, 1975 Jan. 5, 1987 Jan. 2, 1995 Jan. 6, 2003 Jan. 8, 2007 Party D D Am Am D R R D R D R D D D R R D R R R Prog R R D R D Assumed Office Dec. 22, 1849 Jan. 2, 1854 Jan. 7, 1856 Feb. 13, 1857 Jan. 4, 1858 Jan. 6, 1862 Oct. 10, 1863 Dec. 7, 1867 Dec. 2, 1871 Dec. 4, 1875 Jan. 5, 1880 Jan. 1, 1883 Dec. 24, 1884 Jan. 3, 1887 Jan. 5, 1891 Jan. 7, 1895 Apr. 22, 1898 Jan. 2, 1899 Jan. 7, 1907 Feb. 20, 1911 Jan. 4, 1915 Jan. 8, 1923 Nov. 1, 1956 Jan. 5, 1959 Jan. 2, 1967 Jan. 6, 1975 Aug. 4, 1987 Jan. 6, 1989 Jan. 7, 1991 Jan. 3, 1995 Jan. 4, 1999 Jan. 8, 2007 STATE TREASURERS Party D D D D D Am D R Un D R D R D D R R R R R D R D D D R R D R D D Assumed Office Dec. 22, 1849 Oct. 8, 1850 Jan. 5, 1852 Jan. 2, 1854 June 7, 1854 Jan. 7, 1856 Jan. 4, 1858 Jan. 6, 1862 Dec. 7, 1863 Dec. 2, 1867 Dec. 4, 1871 Dec. 6, 1875 Jan. 5, 1880 Jan. 8, 1883 Jan. 3, 1883 Jan. 5, 1887 Jan. 7, 1891 Jan. 2, 1899 Sept. 15, 1902 Jan. 2, 1939 Jan. 4, 1943 Jan. 6, 1947 Jan. 8, 1951 Jan. 5, 1959 Aug. 31, 1964 Jan. 4, 1971 Jan. 8, 1979 Jan. 3, 1983 Jan. 7, 1991 Jan. 4, 1999 Jan. 8, 2007 Name Roman, Richard McMeans, Selden A. Bates, Henry English, James L. Findley, Thomas Ashley, Delos R. Pacheco, Romualdo Coronel, Antonio F. Baehr, Ferdinand Estudillo, Jose G. Weil, John January, William A. Oullahan, D.J. Herold, Adam McDonald, J.R. Rackliffe, Levi Green, Will S. Reeves, Truman Williams, William R. Roberts, E.D. Richardson, Friend Wm. Johnson, Charles G. Button, A. Ronald Betts, Bert A. Priest, Ivy Baker Unruh, Jesse M. Vacancy Hayes, Thomas Brown, Kathleen Fong, Matt Angelides, Phil Lockyer, Bill R D R D D 7 History of California Constitutional Officers INSURANCE COMMISSIONERS (ELECTED) SUPERINTENDENTS OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION Name Garamendi, John Quackenbush, Chuck Kelso, J. Clark Low, Harry W. Garamendi, John Poizner, Steve Name Marvin, John G. Hubbs, Paul K. Moulder, Andrew J. Swett, John Fitzgerald, O.P. Bolander, Henry N. Carr, Ezra S. Campbell, Frederick M. Welcker, William T. Hoitt, Ira G. Anderson, J.W. Black, Samuel T. Meredith, Charles T. Kirk, Thomas J. Hyatt, Edward Hyatt, Edward Wood, Will C. Cooper, William John Kersey, Vierling C. Dexter, Walter F. Simpson, Roy E. Rafferty, Maxwell L., Jr. Riles, Wilson C. Honig, Bill Vacancy Eastin, Delaine O’Connell, Jack Party D R D R Assumed Office Jan. 3, 1991 Jan. 4, 1995 Jul. 11, 2000 Aug. 24, 2000 Jan. 6, 2003 Jan. 8, 2007 Party D D D Un D R R R D R R R D R R NP NP NP NP NP NP NP NP NP NP NP Assumed Office Jan. 1, 1851 Jan. 1, 1854 Jan. 1, 1857 Jan. 2, 1863 Dec. 2, 1867 Dec. 4, 1871 Dec. 6, 1875 Jan. 5, 1880 Jan. 8, 1883 Jan. 3, 1887 Jan. 5, 1891 Jan. 7, 1895 Sept. 24, 1898 Jan. 2, 1899 Jan. 7, 1907 Jan. 4, 1915 Jan. 6, 1919 Jan. 20, 1927 Feb. 11, 1929 Feb. 1, 1937 Nov. 13, 1945 Jan. 7, 1963 Jan. 4, 1971 Jan. 3, 1983 Feb. 24, 1993 Jan. 2, 1995 Jan. 5, 2003 PARTY DESIGNATIONS LEGEND Am D DD ID Ind LD - American Democrat Douglas Democrat Independent Democrat Independent Lecompton Democrat NP Prog R Un W - Nonpartisan Progressive Republican Union Whig Since the statewide party nomination process began in 1910, eighteen parties have qualified to participate in primary elections, including: * * * * * Democratic 1910-present Republican 1910-present Independence League 1910 Prohibition 1910-1962 Socialist 1910-1938 Progressive (Bull Moose) 1912-1918 Liberty 1932-1934 Commonwealth 1934-1938 Communist 1934-March 1944 Progressive 1934-1938 Townsend 1938-1942 Independent Progressive 1948-1954 American Independent 1968-present Peace and Freedom 1968-1998; 2002–present Libertarian 1980-present Green 1992 - present Natural Law 1996 - present Reform 1996 - 2002 Prior to 1910, many parties either conducted conventions or held primary elections to select their candidates for the statewide general election. * The five parties whose names are preceded by an asterisk were active before 1910. California Roster 2010 8 The Golden State and State Emblems California – The name California is believed to have come from a 16th Century Spanish novel about a mythical land inhabited by Amazons and ruled by the beautiful black queen Calafia. The first official mention of California was a July 2, 1542, entry in the diary of Juan Cabrillo as his ship lay at anchor off the coast of Baja California. The term was later applied to Alta California, which became the present State of California, on September 9, 1850. The Great Seal – The design for the Great Seal was adopted at the Constitutional Convention of 1848. Under thirty-one stars, Minerva, Roman goddess of arts, sciences, and wisdom in war and peace, keeps watch over a tableau depicting industry, commerce, agriculture, mining, and the grandeur of nature. Like the political birth of California, Minerva was born full grown from the brain of Jupiter, father of the gods and guardian of law and order. The grizzly bear at her feet, independent and formidable, symbolizes California. State Animal – The California Grizzly Bear, depicted on the Great Seal and the State Flag, became the official State Animal in 1953. Now extinct, the California Grizzly Bear was a particularly large, fierce and powerful animal that thrived in the great valleys and low mountains of the state. The last living specimen was shot in Tulare County in 1922. A bear frequently symbolizes California in political cartoons. State Bird – The California Valley Quail, also known as the valley quail, became the official State Bird in 1931. Plump, gray-colored and smaller than a pigeon, the California quail has a downward-curving black plume on top of its head and a black bib with a white stripe under its beak. They are known for their hardiness and adaptability. State Colors – The official colors of the state are blue and gold, Yale Blue and Golden Yellow. These are also the colors of the University of California. State Dance and Folk Dance – West Coast Swing Dancing is the State Dance. It originated in California and is danced in competition nationally and internationally. The Square Dance is the official State Folk Dance. State Fife and Drum Band – The California Consolidated Drum Band was designated as the official State Fife and Drum Corps in 1997. State Fish – The California Golden Trout is native to no other state and became the official State Fish in 1947. Closely related to the rainbow trout, it was originally found only in the icy streams of the Kern Plateau in the southern Sierra Nevada, south of Mount Whitney. State Flag – The Bear Flag was raised on June 14, 1846, by American settlers in Sonoma during an uprising against the Mexican government. Although the so-called "California Republic" was short lived, its flag became a romantic symbol of independence and was adopted as the State Flag by the Legislature in 1911. State Flower – The Golden Poppy, which can be found blooming somewhere in California during every part of the year, became the State Flower in 1903. April 6 is designated California Poppy Day. California Indians valued the poppy as a food source and for the oil extracted from the plant. Also known as the flame flower, the poppy grows wild throughout California. California Roster 2010 State Fossil – The Saber-Toothed Cat, adopted as State Fossil by the Legislature in 1973, was a powerful, tigersized carnivore with 8-inch fangs. Common in California 40 million years ago, it hunted thick-skinned animals such as mastodons. State Gemstone – Benitoite was designated as the official State Gemstone in 1985. It is sometimes called the "blue diamond." State Gold Rush Ghost Town – Bodie, in Mono County, was designated the official State Gold Rush Ghost Town by the Legislature in 2001. State Grass – In 2004, Nassella Pulchra or Purple Needlegrass as it is commonly known, was designated the State Grass. It is the most extensive and widespread native perennial bunchgrass found in the state, with a range extending from the Oregon border into northern Baja California. It is a symbol of the heritage, splendor, and natural diversity found in the early days of California. State Insect – The California Dog-face Butterfly, found nowhere outside this state, became the State Insect in 1972. Its wings are an iridescent bluish-black, orange and sulfur-yellow in color. State Marine Fish – In 1995, the Legislature acted to protect the Garibaldi by placing a moratorium on commercial collection until the year 2002: it was also named the official State Marine Fish at that time. State Marine Mammal – The California Gray Whale was designated the State Marine Mammal in 1975: specimens can grow 30 to 50 feet long and weigh up to 40 tons. State Military Museum – In 2004, The California State Military Museum and Resource Center is the official state military museum. State Mineral – Native Gold is the official State Mineral and was so designated in 1965. This state has produced more gold than any other in the Union, and it can still be panned in California's streambeds. State Motto – “Eureka” appears on the Great Seal of the State. It is a Greek word meaning, I have found it, referring originally to the discovery of gold. "Eureka" was made the official State Motto in 1963. State Nickname – "The Golden State" has long been a popular designation for California and was made the official State Nickname in 1968. It is particularly appropriate since California's modern development can be traced back to the discovery of gold in 1848 and fields of golden poppies can be seen each spring throughout the state. State Poet Laureate – The office of Poet Laureate of California is based on a respected and ancient tradition that a state should designate a poet laureate to express in poetry the wit, wisdom and beauty appropriate for honoring individuals, events, special occasions and the natural heritage and culture of the state. State Prehistoric Artifact – Perhaps the most unusual state symbol is the State Prehistoric Artifact, the Chipped Stone Bear. Discovered at an archaeological dig site in San Diego County in 1985, and resembling a walking bear, this 7,000-8,000 year old object was designated a state symbol in 1991, making California the first state to designate an official State Prehistoric Artifact. 9 The Golden State and State Emblems State Reptile – The Desert Tortoise digs a deep burrow that it peaceably shares with owls and rattlesnakes. Related to the giant Galapagos tortoise, it is vegetarian and, if not removed from its desert habitat, very longlived. The tortoise has been the official State Reptile since 1972 and is protected as an endangered species. State Rock – In 1965, Serpentine, a blue-or greencolored stone, was adopted by the Legislature as the official State Rock. State Silver Rush Ghost Town – In 2005, Calico is the official state silver rush ghost town. State Soil – The San Joaquin Soil was designated as the official State Soil in 1997. The designation commemorates the completion of the state's most comprehensive soil inventory, and acknowledges the importance of soil. State Song – “I Love You, California,” lyrics by F. B. Silverwood and music by A.F. Frankenstein of Los Angeles, was first sung publicly by Mary Garden in 1913. In 1951, the State Legislature passed a resolution declaring it California's state song: I Love You, California officially became the State Song by law in 1988. I Love You, California I. I love you, California, you're the greatest state of all. I love you in the winter, summer, spring and in the fall. I love your fertile valleys; your dear mountains I adore. I love your grand old ocean and I love her rugged shore. State Tall Ship – “The Californian” was established as the official state tall ship in 2003. Currently housed in the San Diego Maritime Museum, the Californian is a fullscale reproduction of the 1848 Revenue Cutter Lawrence. She is 145 feet long with a beam of 27 feet and a draft of 9.5 feet. With all sails flying, she carries 7,000 square feet of sail. State Tartan – In 2001, California adopted a Scottish symbol of courage in the face of adversity with designation of the official State Tartan. Based on the family tartan of John Muir, the pattern of pacific blue and meadow green with charcoal bands plus red, gold and blue seams may be claimed and worn by any resident of the state. State Theater – Designed in the Spanish style by architect Elmer Grey, the cornerstone for the Pasadena Playhouse was laid in May 1924. The theater staged its first production in May 1925 and was designated the official State Theater in 1937. State Tree – The California Redwood became the official State Tree in 1937. Once common throughout the northern hemisphere, redwoods are now found only near the Pacific Coast. There actually are two species of California redwood the Coast Redwood and the Giant Sequoia that are among the most ancient and awesome of living things. The Giant Sequoia is the most massive tree in the world, with 30-foot diameter trunks and ages of over 3,000 years. The Coast Redwood is the tallest tree in the world, with specimens exceeding 300 feet in height, and living to be 2,200 years old. Chorus Where the snow crowned Golden Sierras Keep their watch o'er the valleys bloom, It is there I would be in our land by the sea, Every breeze bearing rich perfume. It is here nature gives of her rarest. It is Home Sweet Home to me, And I know when I die I shall breathe my last sigh For my sunny California. II. I love your red-wood forests -- love your fields of yellow grain. I love your summer breezes and I love your winter rain. I love you, land of flowers; land of honey, fruit and wine. I love you, California; you have won this heart of mine. III. I love your old gray Missions -- love your vineyards stretching far. I love you, California, with your Golden Gate ajar. I love your purple sun-sets, love your skies of azure blue. I love you, California; I just can't help loving you. IV. I love you, Catalina, you are very dear to me. I love you, Tamalpais, and I love Yosemite. I love you, Land of Sunshine, Half your beauties are untold. I loved you in my childhood, and I'll love you when I'm old. California Roster 2010 10 California State Senate California State Senate P.O. Box 942849, Sacramento, CA 94249-0000 Website: Bracketed information indicates political affiliation, followed by district number, and counties contained within the districts; county names in CAPITALS denote counties that are wholly contained within the boundaries of the districts. Aanestad, Sam [R, 4, BUTTE, COLUSA, DEL NORTE, GLENN, Nevada, Placer, SHASTA, SISKIYOU, SUTTER, TEHAMA, TRINITY, YUBA] State Capitol, Room 3063, Sacramento, CA 95814 Telephone: (916) 651-4004; Fax: (916) 445-7750 Email: [email protected] 411 Main St, 3rd Floor, Chico, CA 95928 Telephone: (530) 895-6088 2967 Davison Ct, Ste A-1, Colusa, CA 95932 Telephone: (530) 458-4161 200 Providence Mine Rd, Ste 108, Nevada City, CA 95959 Telephone: (530) 470-1846 2400 Washington Ave, Ste 301, Redding, CA 96001 Telephone: (530) 225-3142 Alquist, Elaine [D, 13, Santa Clara] State Capitol, Room 5080, Sacramento, CA 95814 Telephone: (916) 651-4013; Fax: (916) 324-0283 Email: [email protected] 7800 Arroyo Circle, Suite A, Gilroy, CA 95020 Telephone: (661) 323-0443 100 Paseo de San Antonio, Ste 209, San Jose, CA 95113 Telephone: (408) 286-8318 Ashburn, Roy [R, 18, INYO, Kern, San Bernardino, Tulare] State Capitol, Room 3060, Sacramento, CA 95814 Telephone: (916) 651-4018; Fax: (916) 322-3304 Email: [email protected] 5001 California Ave, Ste 105, Bakersfield, CA 93309 Telephone: (661) 323-0443 Calderon, Ronald S. [D, 30, Los Angeles] State Capitol, Room 5066, Sacramento, CA 95814 Telephone: (916) 651-4030; Fax: (916) 327-8755 Email: [email protected] 400 N. Montebello Blvd, Ste 100, Montebello, CA 90640 Telephone: (323) 890-2790 Cedillo, Gilbert [D, 22, Los Angeles] State Capitol, Room 5100, Sacramento, CA 95814 Telephone: (916) 651-4022; Fax: (916) 327-8817 617 South Olive St, Ste 710, Los Angeles, CA 90014 Telephone: (213) 612-9566 Correa, Lou [D, 34, Orange] State Capitol, Room 5052, Sacramento, CA 95814 Telephone: (916) 651-4034; Fax: (916) 323-2323 Email: [email protected] 2323 North Broadway, Ste 245, Santa Ana, CA 92706 Telephone: (714) 558-4400 Cox, Dave [R, 1, ALPINE, AMADOR, CALAVERAS, EL DORADO, LASSEN, MODOC, MONO, Nevada, Placer, PLUMAS, Sacramento, SIERRA] State Capitol, Room 2068, Sacramento, CA 95814 Telephone: (916) 651-4001; Fax: (916) 324-2680 Email: [email protected] 33C Broadway, Jackson, CA 95642 Telephone: (209) 223-9140 2094 East Main St, Quincy, CA 95971 Telephone: (530) 283-3437 2140 Professional Dr, Ste 140, Roseville, CA 95661 Telephone: (916) 783-8232 1020 N St, Room 568, Sacramento, CA 95814 Telephone: (916) 651-1528 Denham, Jeffrey John [R, 12, Madera, MERCED, Monterey, SAN BENITO, Stanislaus] State Capitol, Room 3076, Sacramento, CA 95814 Telephone: (916) 651-4012; Fax: (916) 445-0773 Email: [email protected] 1640 N St, Ste 210, Merced, CA 95340 Telephone: (209) 726-5495 1231 8th St, Ste 175, Modesto, CA 95354 Telephone: (209) 577-6592 369 Main St, #208, Salinas, CA 93901 Telephone: (831) 769-8040 DeSaulnier, Mark [D, 7, Contra Costa] State Capitol, Room 2054, Sacramento, CA 95814 Telephone: (916) 651-4007; (916) 445-2527 Email: [email protected] 420 West 3rd St, Antioch, CA 94509 Telephone: (925) 754-1461 420 W. 3rd Street, Antioch, CA 94509 Telephone: (925) 754-1461 Cogdill, Dave [R, 14, Fresno, Madera, MARIPOSA, San Joaquin, Stanislaus, TUOLUMNE] State Capitol, Room 5097, Sacramento, CA 95814 Telephone: (916) 651-4014; Fax: (916) 327-3523 Email: [email protected] 4974 East Clinton Way, Ste 100, Fresno, CA 93727 Telephone: (559) 253-7122 1308 West Main St, Ste C, Ripon, CA 95366 Telephone: (209) 599-8540 Ducheny, Denise Moreno [D, 40, IMPERIAL, Riverside, San Diego] State Capitol, Room 5035, Sacramento, CA 95814 Telephone: (916) 651-4040; Fax: (916) 327-3522 Email: [email protected] 637 3rd Ave, Ste A-1, Chula Vista, CA 91910 Telephone: (619) 409-7690 53-990 Enterprise Way, Ste 14, Coachella, CA 92236 Telephone: (760) 398-6442 1224 State St, Ste D, El Centro, CA 92243 Telephone: (760) 335-3442 Corbett, Ellen [D, 10, Alameda, Santa Clara] State Capitol, Room 5108, Sacramento, CA 95814 Telephone: (916) 651-4010; Fax: (916) 327-2433 Email: [email protected] 39155 Liberty Street, Suite F610, Fremont, CA 94538 Telephone: (510) 794-3900 1057 MacArthur Blvd, Ste 206, San Leandro, CA 94577 Telephone: (510) 577-2310 Dutton, Robert [R, 31, Riverside, San Bernardino] State Capitol, Room 5094, Sacramento, CA 95814 Telephone: (916) 651-4031; Fax: (916) 327-2272 Email: [email protected] 8577 Haven Ave, Ste 210, Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 Telephone: (909) 466-4180 3560 University Ave, Ste B, Riverside, CA 92501 Telephone: (951) 715-2625 California Roster 2010 11 California State Senate Florez, Dean [D, 16, Fresno, Kern, KINGS, Tulare] State Capitol, Room 313, Sacramento, CA 95814 Telephone: (916) 651-4016; Fax: (916) 327-5989 Email: [email protected] 1800 30th St, Ste 350, Bakersfield, CA 93301 Telephone: (661) 395-2620 2550 Mariposa Mall, Ste 2016, Fresno, CA 93721 Telephone: (559) 264-3070 Hancock, Loni [D, 9, Alameda, Contra Costa] State Capitol, Room 3092, Sacramento, CA 95814 Telephone: (916) 651-4009; Fax: (916) 327-1997 Email: [email protected] 1515 Clay St, Ste 2202, Oakland, CA 94612 Telephone: (510) 286-1333 Harman, Tom [R, 35, Orange] State Capitol, Room 3070, Sacramento, CA 95814 Telephone: (916) 651-4035; Fax: (916) 445-9263 Email: [email protected] 950 South Coast Dr, Ste 240, Costa Mesa, CA 92626 Telephone: (714) 957-4555 Negrete McCloud, Gloria [D, 32, Los Angeles, San Bernardino] State Capitol, Room 2059, Sacramento, CA 95814 Email: [email protected] Telephone: (916) 651-4032; Fax: (916) 445-0128 4959 Palo Verde St, Ste 100B, Montclair, CA 91763 Telephone: (909) 621-2783 357 West 2nd St, Ste 1, San Bernardino, CA 92401 Telephone: (909) 381-3832 Oropeza, Jenny [D, 28, Los Angeles] State Capitol, Room 5114, Sacramento, CA 95814 Telephone: (916) 651-4028; Fax: (916) 323-6056 Email: [email protected] 2512 Artesia Blvd, Ste 200, Redondo Beach, CA 90278 Telephone: (310) 318-6994 Padilla, Alex [D, 20, Los Angeles] State Capitol, Room 4038, Sacramento, CA 95814 Telephone: (916) 651-4020; Fax: (916) 324-6645 Email: [email protected] 6150 Van Nuys Blvd, Ste 400, Van Nuys, CA 91401 Telephone: (818) 901-5588 Hollingsworth, Dennis [R, 36, Riverside, San Diego] State Capitol, Room 305, Sacramento, CA 95814 Telephone: (916) 651-4036; Fax: (916) 447-9008 Email: [email protected] 1870 Cordell Court, Ste 107, El Cajon, CA 92020 Telephone: (619) 596-3136 27555 Ynez Road, Ste 204, Temecula, CA 92591 Telephone: (951) 676-1020 Pavley, Fran [D, 23, Los Angeles, Ventura] State Capitol, Room 4035, Sacramento, CA 95814 Telephone: (916) 651-4023; Fax: (916) 324-4823 Email: [email protected] 2716 Ocean Park Blvd, Ste #3088, Santa Monica, CA 90405 Telephone: (310) 441-9084 Huff, Bob [R, 29, Los Angeles, Orange, San Bernardino] State Capitol, Room 3048, Sacramento, CA 95814 Telephone: (916) 651-4029; Fax: (916) 324-0922 Email: [email protected] 2605 East Foothill Blvd. Ste A, Glendora, CA 91740 Telephone: (626) 914-5046 Price, Jr., Curren D. [D, 26, Los Angeles] State Capitol, Room 2052, Sacramento, CA 95814 Telephone: (916) 651-4026; Fax: (916) 445-8899 Administrative Offices East; 700 State Dr, Los Angeles, CA 90037 Telephone: (213) 745-6656; Fax: (213) 745-6722 Kehoe, Christine [D, 39, San Diego] State Capitol, Room 5050, Sacramento, CA 95814 Telephone: (916) 651-4039; Fax: (916) 327-2188 Email: [email protected] 2445 Fifth Ave, Ste 200, San Diego, CA 92101 Telephone: (619) 645-3133 Romero, Gloria [D, 24, Los Angeles] State Capitol, Room 2090, Sacramento, CA 95814 Telephone: (916) 651-4024; Fax: (916) 445-0485 Email: [email protected] 14403 East Pacific Ave, #327, Baldwin Park, CA 91706 Telephone: (626) 337-2760 149 South Mednik Ave, Ste 202, Los Angeles, CA 90022 Telephone: (323) 881-0100 Leno, Mark [D, 3, MARIN, San Francisco, Sonoma] State Capitol, Room 4061, Sacramento, CA 95814 Telephone: (916) 651-4003; Fax: (916) 445-4722 Email: [email protected] 455 Golden Gate Ave, Ste 14800, San Francisco, CA 94102 Telephone: (415) 557-1300 3501 Civic Center, Room 425, San Rafael, CA 94903 Telephone: (415) 479-6612 Liu, Carol [D, 21, Los Angeles] State Capitol, Room 5061, Sacramento, CA 95814 Telephone: (916) 651-4021; Fax: (916) 324-7543 Email: [email protected] 710 S. Central Ave, Ste 310, Glendale, CA 91204 Telephone: (626) 683-0282 Lowenthal, Alan S. [D, 27, Los Angeles] State Capitol, Room 2032, Sacramento, CA 95814 Telephone: (916) 651-4027; Fax: (916) 327-9113 Email: [email protected] 115 Pine Ave, Ste 430, Long Beach, CA 90802 Telephone: (562) 495-4766 16401 Paramount Blvd, 1st Floor, Paramount, CA 90723 Telephone: (562) 529-6659 California Roster 2010 Runner, George C. [R, 17, Los Angeles, San Bernardino, Ventura] State Capitol, Room 4090, Sacramento, CA 95814 Telephone: (916) 651-4017; Fax: (916) 445-4662 Email: [email protected] 848 West Lancaster Blvd, Ste 101, Lancaster, CA 93534 Telephone: (661) 729-6232 23920 Valencia Blvd, Ste 250, Santa Clarita, CA 91355 Telephone: (661) 286-1471 14343 Civic Dr, First Floor, Victorville, CA 92392 Telephone: (760) 843-8414 Simitian, Joseph S. [D, 11, San Mateo, Santa Clara, Santa Cruz] State Capitol, Room 2080, Sacramento, CA 95814 Telephone: (916) 651-4011; Fax: (916) 323-4529 Email: [email protected] 160 Town & Country Village, Palo Alto, CA 94301 Telephone: (650) 688-6384 701 Ocean St, Room 318A, Santa Cruz, CA 95060 Telephone: (831) 425-0401 Steinberg, Darrell [D, 6, Sacramento] State Capitol, Room 205, Sacramento, CA 95814 Telephone: (916) 651-4006; Fax: (916) 323-2263 12 California State Senate Email: [email protected] 5722 Watt Avenue, North Highlands, CA 95660 Telephone: (916) 338-6577 1020 N St, Ste 576, Sacramento, CA 95814 Telephone: (916) 651-1529 Strickland, Tony [R, 19, Los Angeles, Santa Barbara, Ventura] State Capitol, Room 4062, Sacramento, CA 95814 Telephone: (916) 651-4019; Fax: (916) 324-7544 Email: [email protected] 223 East Thousand Oaks Blvd, Ste 400, Thousand Oaks, CA 91360 Telephone: (805) 494-8808 610 Anacapa, Suite B4, Santa Barbara, CA 93101 Telephone: (805) 965-0862 Walters, Mimi [R, 33, Orange] State Capitol, Room 3082, Sacramento, CA 95814 Telephone: (916) 651-4033; Fax: (916) 445-9754 Email: [email protected] 24031 El Toro Road, Suite 210, Laguna Hills, CA 92653 Telephone: (949) 457-7333 Wiggins, Patricia "Pat" [D, 2, HUMBOLDT, LAKE, MENDOCINO, NAPA, Solano, Sonoma] State Capitol, Room 4081, Sacramento, CA 95814 Telephone: (916) 651-4002; Fax: (916) 323-6958 Email: [email protected] 710 E St, Ste 150, Eureka, CA 95501 Telephone: (707) 445-6508 1040 Main St, Ste 205, Napa, CA 94559 Telephone: (707) 224-1990 50 D St, Ste 150, Santa Rosa, CA 95404 Telephone: (707) 576-2771 444 Georgia St, Vallejo, CA 94590 Telephone: (707) 648-5312 Email: [email protected] 455 Golden Gate Ave, Ste 14200, San Francisco, CA 94102 Telephone: (415) 557-7857 400 South El Camino Real, Ste 630, San Mateo, CA 94402 Telephone: (650) 340-8840 Vacancy [-, 37, Riverside] State Capitol, Room 4066, Sacramento, CA 95814 Telephone: (916) 651-4037; Fax: (916) 327-2187 73-710 Fred Waring Dr, Ste 108, Palm Desert, CA 92260 Telephone: (760) 568-0408 5335 Canyon Crest Drive, Suite 360, Riverside, CA 92507 Telephone: (951) 680-6750 Vacancy [-, 15, Monterey, SAN LUIS OBISPO, Santa Barbara, Santa Clara, Santa Cruz] State Capitol, Room 4082, Sacramento, CA 95814 Telephone: (916) 651-4015; Fax: (916) 445-8081 Email: [email protected] 590 Calle Principal, Monterey, CA 93940 Telephone: (831) 657-6315 100 Paseo de San Antonio, Ste 206, San Jose, CA 95113 Telephone: (408) 277-9461 1356 Marsh St, San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 Telephone: (805) 549-3784 Wolk, Lois [D, 5, Sacramento, San Joaquin, Solano, YOLO] State Capitol, Room 4032, Sacramento, CA 95814 Telephone: (916) 651-4005; Fax: (916) 323-2304 Email: [email protected] 1020 N St, Ste 506, Sacramento, CA 95814 Telephone: (916) 651-1511 31 East Channel St, Room 440, Stockton, CA 95202 Telephone: (209) 948-7930 555 Mason Street, Ste 230, Vacaville, CA 95688 Telephone: (707) 454-3808 Wright, Roderick [D, 25, Los Angeles] State Capitol, Room 5064, Sacramento, CA 95814 Telephone: (916) 651-4025; Fax: (916) 445-3712 Email: [email protected] 1 Manchester Blvd, Ste 600, Inglewood, CA 90301 Telephone: (310) 412-0393 Wyland, Mark [R, 38, Orange, San Diego] State Capitol, Room 4048, Sacramento, CA 95814 Telephone: (916) 651-4038; Fax: (916) 446-7382 Email: [email protected] 1910 Palomar Point Way, Ste 105, Carlsbad, CA 92008 Telephone: (760) 931-2455 27126A Paseo Espada, Ste 1621, San Juan Capistrano, CA 92675 Telephone: (949) 489-9838 Yee, Leland Y. [D, 8, San Francisco, San Mateo] State Capitol, Room 4074, Sacramento, CA 95814 Telephone: (916) 651-4008; Fax: (916) 327-2186 California Roster 2010 13 California State Assembly California State Assembly P.O. Box 942849, Sacramento, CA 94249-0000 Website: Bracketed information indicates political affiliation, followed by district number, and counties contained within the districts; county names in CAPITALS denote counties that are wholly contained within the boundaries of the districts. Adams, Anthony [R, 59, Los Angeles, San Bernardino] State Capitol, Room 4015, Sacramento, CA 95814 Telephone: (916) 319-2059; Fax: (916) 319-2159 Email: [email protected] 540 West Baseline Road, Ste 16, Claremont, CA 91711 Telephone: (909) 625-1038; Fax: (909) 625-1063 Ammiano, Tom [D, 13, San Francisco] State Capitol, Room 4005, Sacramento, CA 95814 Telephone: (916) 319-2013; Fax: (916) 319-2113 Email: [email protected] San Francisco State Building, Civic Center Complex, 455 Golden Gate Ave, Ste 14300, San Francisco, CA 94102 Telephone: (415) 557-3013; Fax: (415) 557-3015 Anderson, Joel [R, 77, San Diego] State Capitol, Room 2130, Sacramento, CA 95814 Telephone: (916) 319-2077; Fax: (916) 319-2177 Email: [email protected] 500 Fesler St, Ste 201, El Cajon, CA 92020 Telephone: (619) 441-2322; Fax: (619) 441-2327 Arambula, Juan [D, 31, Fresno, Tulare] State Capitol, Room 2141, Sacramento, CA 95814 Telephone: (916) 319-2031; Fax: (916) 319-2131 Hughs Burns State Building, 2550 Mariposa Mall, Room 5031, Fresno, CA 93721 Telephone: (559) 445-5532; Fax: (559) 445-6006 Bass, Karen [D, 47, Los Angeles] State Capitol, Room 319, Sacramento, CA 95814 Telephone: (916) 319-2047; Fax: (916) 319-2147 Email: [email protected] Wilshire Courtyard, 5750 Wilshire Blvd, Ste 565, Los Angeles, CA 90036 Telephone: (323) 937-4747; Fax: (323) 937-3466 Beall, Jr., Jim [D, 24, Santa Clara] State Capitol, Room 5016, Sacramento, CA 95814 Telephone: (916) 319-2024; Fax: (916) 319-2124 Email: [email protected] Alfred E. Alquist State Building, 100 Paseo De San Antonio, Ste 300, San Jose, CA 95113 Telephone: (408) 282-8920; Fax: (408) 282-8927 Berryhill, Bill [R, 26, San Joaquin, Stanislaus] State Capitol, Room 4009, Sacramento, CA 95814 Telephone: (916) 319-2026; Fax: (916) 319-2126 4557 Quail Lakes Drive, Ste C3, Stockton, CA 95207 Telephone: (209) 473-6972; Fax: (209) 473-6977 Berryhill, Tom [R, 25, CALAVERAS, Madera, MARIPOSA, MONO, Stanislaus, TUOLUMNE] State Capitol, Room 3141, Sacramento, CA 95814 Telephone: (916) 319-2025; Fax: (916) 319-2125 1912 Standiford Ave, Ste 4, Modesto, CA 95350 Telephone: (209) 576-6425; Fax: (209) 576-6426 California Roster 2010 Blakeslee, Sam [R, 33, SAN LUIS OBISPO, Santa Barbara] State Capitol, Room 2158, Sacramento, CA 95814 Telephone: (916) 319-2033; Fax: (916) 319-2133 Email: [email protected] 1104 Palm St, San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 Telephone: (805) 549-3381; Fax: (805) 549-3400 509 West Morrison Ave, Ste 9, Santa Maria, CA 93458 Telephone: (805) 925-0091 Block, Martin [D 78, San Diego] State Capitol, Room 3132, Sacramento, CA 95814 Telephone: (916) 319-2078; Fax: (916) 319-2178 Email: [email protected] Lemon Grove Plaza, 7144 Broadway, Lemon Grove, CA 91945 Telephone: (619) 462-7878; Fax: (619) 462-0078 Blumenfield, Bob [D, 40, Los Angeles] State Capitol, Room 6026, Sacramento, CA 95814 Telephone: (916) 319-2040; Fax: (916) 319-2140 Email: [email protected] Van Nuys State Building, 6150 Van Nuys Blvd, Ste 300, Van Nuys, CA 91401 Telephone: (818) 904-3840; Fax: (818) 902-0764 Bradford, Steven [D, 51, Los Angeles] State Capitol, Room 5136, Sacramento, CA 95814 Telephone: (916) 319-2051; Fax: (916) 319-2151 City of Inglewood, City Hall, One Manchester Blvd, Ste 601, P.O. Box 6500, Inglewood, CA 90301 Telephone: (310) 412-6400; Fax: (310) 412-6354 Brownley, Julia [D, 41, Los Angeles, Ventura] State Capitol, Room 2163, Sacramento, CA 95814 Telephone: (916) 319-2041; Fax: (916) 319-2141 Email: [email protected] 6355 Topanga Canyon Blvd, Ste 205, Woodland Hills, CA 91367 Telephone: (818) 596-4141; Fax: (818) 596-4150 Buchanan, Joan [D, 15, Alameda, Contra Costa, Sacramento, San Joaquin] State Capitol, Room 4167, Sacramento, CA 95814 Telephone: (916) 319-2015; Fax: (916) 319-2115 Email: [email protected] 2694 Bishop Dr, Bldg G, Ste 275, San Ramon CA 94583 Telephone: (925) 328-1515; Fax: (925) 328-1514 Caballero, Anna M. [D, 28, Monterey, SAN BENITO, Santa Clara, Santa Cruz] State Capitol, Room 5119, Sacramento, CA 95814 Telephone: (916) 319-2028; Fax: (916) 319-2128 Email: [email protected] Briggs Building, 365 Fourth St, Hollister, CA 95023 Telephone: (831) 638-3228; Fax: (831) 638-3226 Steinbeck Station, 100 West Alisal St, Ste 134, Salinas, CA 93901 Telephone: (831) 759-8676; Fax: (831) 759-2961 231 Union Street, Watsonville, CA 95077 Telephone: (831) 761-7428; Fax: (831) 761-7426 14 California State Assembly Calderon, Charles M. [D, 58, Los Angeles] State Capitol, Room 2117, Sacramento, CA 95814 Telephone: (916) 319-2058; Fax: (916) 319-2158 Email: [email protected] 13181 N. Crossroads Parkway, Ste 160, City of Industry, CA 91746 Telephone: (562) 692-5858; Fax: (562) 695-5852 Carter, Wilmer Amina [D, 62, San Bernardino] State Capitol, Room 2136, Sacramento, CA 95814 Telephone: (916) 319-2062; Fax: (916) 319-2162 Email: [email protected] 335 N. Riverside Ave, Rialto, CA 92376 Telephone: (909) 820-5008; Fax: (909) 820-5098 Chesbro, Wesley [D, 1, DEL NORTE, HUMBOLDT, LAKE, MENDOCINO, Sonoma, TRINITY] State Capitol, Room 2176, Sacramento, CA 95814 Telephone: (916) 319-2001; Fax: (916) 319-2101 Email: [email protected] 710 E St, Ste 150, Eureka, CA 95501 Telephone: (707) 445-7014; Fax: (707) 445-6607 Justice Joseph A. Rattigan State Building, 50 "D" St, Ste 450, Santa Rosa, CA 95404 Telephone: (707) 576-2526; Fax: (707) 576-2297 311 N. State St, Ukiah, CA 95482 Telephone: (707) 463-5770; Fax: (707) 463-5773 Conway, Connie [R, 34, INYO, Kern, San Bernardino, Tulare] State Capitol, Room 6027, Sacramento, CA 95814 Telephone: (916) 319-2034; Fax: (916) 319-2134 Email: [email protected] 113 N. Church Street, Ste 505, Visalia, CA 93291 Telephone: (559) 636-3440; Fax: (559) 636-4484 Cook, Paul [R, 65, Riverside, San Bernardino] State Capitol, Room 5164, Sacramento, CA 95814 Telephone: (916) 319-2065; Fax: (916) 319-2165 Email: [email protected] 34932 Yucaipa Blvd, Yucaipa, CA 92399 Telephone: (909) 790-4196; Fax: (909) 790-0479 Coto, Joe [D, 23, Santa Clara] State Capitol, Room 2196, Sacramento, CA 95814 Telephone: (916) 319-2023; Fax: (916) 319-2123 Email: [email protected] Alfred E. Alquist State Building, 100 Paseo De San Antonio, Ste 319, San Jose, CA 95113 Telephone: (408) 277-1220; Fax: (408) 277-1036 Davis, Mike [D, 48, Los Angeles] State Capitol, Room 2160, Sacramento, CA 95814 Telephone: (916) 319-2048; Fax: (916) 319-2148 Email: [email protected] Administrative Offices West, 700 State Drive, Los Angeles, CA 90037 Telephone: (213) 744-2111; Fax: (213) 744-2122 694 South Oxford Ave, 2nd Floor, Los Angeles, CA 90005 Telephone: (213) 480-6342; Fax: (213) 480-6345 De Leon, Kevin [D, 45, Los Angeles] State Capitol, Room 6011, Sacramento, CA 95814 Telephone: (916) 319-2045; Fax: (916) 319-2145 Email: [email protected] 360 West Avenue 26, Ste 121, Los Angeles, CA 90031 Telephone: (323) 225-4545; Fax: (323) 225-4500 DeVore, Chuck [R, 70, Orange] State Capitol, Room 4102, Sacramento, CA 95814 Telephone: (916) 319-2070; Fax: (916) 319-2170 Email: [email protected] 3 Park Plaza, Ste 275, Irvine, CA 92614 Telephone: (949) 863-7070; Fax: (949) 863-9337 Emmerson, Bill [R, 63, Riverside, San Bernardino] State Capitol, Room 4158, Sacramento, CA 95814 Telephone: (916) 319-2063; Fax: (916) 319-2163 Email: [email protected] 10681 Foothill Blvd, Ste 325, Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 Telephone: (909) 466-9096; Fax: (909) 466-9892 Eng, Mike [D, 49, Los Angeles] State Capitol, Room 4140, Sacramento, CA 95814 Telephone: (916) 319-2049; Fax: (916) 319-2149 Email: [email protected] 9420 Telstar Ave, Ste 103, El Monte, CA 91731 Telephone: (626) 450-6116; Fax: (626) 450-6117 Evans, Noreen [D, 7, NAPA, Solano, Sonoma] State Capitol, Room 5150, Sacramento, CA 95814 Telephone: (916) 319-2007; Fax: (916) 319-2107 Email: [email protected] 1040 Main St, Ste 205, Napa, CA 94559 Telephone: (707) 258-8007; Fax: (707) 258-8205 Justice Joseph A. Rattigan State Building, 50 D St, Ste 301, Santa Rosa, CA 95404 Telephone: (707) 546-4500; Fax: (707) 546-9031 1713 Sonoma Blvd, Vallejo, CA 94591 Telephone: (707) 649-2307; Fax: (707) 649-2311 Feuer, Mike [D, 42, Los Angeles] State Capitol, Room 3146, Sacramento, CA 95814 Telephone: (916) 319-2042; Fax: (916) 319-2142 Email: [email protected] 9200 W. Sunset Blvd, PH 15, West Hollywood, CA 90069 Telephone: (310) 285-5490; Fax: (310) 285-5499 Fletcher, Nathan [R, 75, San Diego] State Capitol, Room 2111, Sacramento, CA 95814 Telephone: (916) 319-2075; Fax: (916) 319-2175 Email: [email protected] 9909 Mira Mesa Blvd, Ste 130, San Diego, CA 92131 Telephone: (858) 689-6290; Fax: (858) 689-6296 Fong, Paul [D, 22, Santa Clara] State Capitol, Room 5135, Sacramento, CA 95814 Telephone: (916) 319-2022; Fax: (916) 319-2122 Email: [email protected] 274 Castro St, Ste 202, Mountain View, CA 94041 Telephone: (650) 210-2000; Fax: (650) 210-2005 De La Torre, Hector [D, 50, Los Angeles] State Capitol, Room 4016, Sacramento, CA 95814 Telephone: (916) 319-2050; Fax: (916) 319-2150 Email: [email protected] 8724 Garfield Ave, Ste 104, South Gate, CA 90280 Telephone: (562) 927-1200; Fax: (562) 927-6670 California Roster 2010 15 California State Assembly Fuentes, Felipe [D, 39, Los Angeles] State Capitol, Room 2114, Sacramento, CA 95814 Telephone: (916) 319-2039; Fax: (916) 319-2139 Email: [email protected] 9300 Laurel Canyon Blvd., First Floor, Arleta, CA 91331 Telephone: (818) 504-3911; Fax: (818) 504-3912 Fuller, Jean [R, 32, Kern, San Bernardino] State Capitol, Room 3098, Sacramento, CA 95814 Telephone: (916) 319-2032; Fax: (916) 319-2132 Email: [email protected] 4900 California Ave, Ste 100B, Bakersfield, CA 93309 Telephone: (661) 395-2995; Fax: (661) 395-3883 Furutani, Warren T. [D, 55, Los Angeles] State Capitol, Room 3126, Sacramento, CA 95814 Telephone: (916) 319-2055; Fax: (916) 319-2155 Email: [email protected] 4201 Long Beach Blvd, Ste 327, Long Beach CA 90807 Telephone: (562) 989-2919; Fax: (562) 989-5494 Gaines, Ted [R, 4, ALPINE, El Dorado, Placer, Sacramento] State Capitol, Room 4144, Sacramento, CA 95814 Telephone: (916) 319-2004; Fax: (916) 319-2104 Email: [email protected] 1700 Eureka Road, Ste 160, Roseville, CA 95661 Telephone: (916) 774-4430; Fax: (916) 774-4433 Galgiani, Cathleen [D, 17, MERCED, San Joaquin, Stanislaus] State Capitol, Room 5155, Sacramento, CA 95814 Telephone: (916) 319-2017; Fax: (916) 319-2117 Email: [email protected] 806 West 18th St, Merced, CA 95340 Telephone: (209) 726-5465; Fax: (209) 726-5469 Stockton State Building, 31 East Channel St, Ste 306, Stockton, CA 95202 Telephone: (209) 948-7479; Fax: (209) 465-5058 Garrick, Martin [R, 74, San Diego] State Capitol, Room 3104, Sacramento, CA 95814 Telephone: (916) 319-2074; Fax: (916) 319-2174 Email: [email protected] 1910 Palomar Point Way, Ste 106, Carlsbad, CA 92008 Telephone: (760) 929-7998; Fax: (760) 929-7999 Gilmore, Danny D. [R, 30, Fresno, Kern, KINGS, Tulare] State Capitol, Room 2174, Sacramento, CA 95814 Telephone: (916) 319-2030; Fax: (916) 319-2130 Email: [email protected] 1489 West Lacey Blvd, Ste 103, Hanford, CA 93230 Telephone: (559) 585-7170; Fax: (559) 585-7175 Hagman, Curt [R, 60, Los Angeles, Orange, San Bernardino] State Capitol, Room 4116, Sacramento, CA 95814 Telephone: (916) 319-2060; Fax: (916) 319-2160 Email: [email protected] 13920 City Center Dr, Ste 260, Chino Hills, CA 91709 Telephone: (909) 627-7021; Fax: (909) 627-1841 Hall III, Isadore [D, 52, Los Angeles] State Capitol, Room 6025, Sacramento, CA 95814 Telephone: (916) 319-2052; Fax: (916) 319-2152 Email: [email protected] 2200 West Artesia Blvd, Ste 210, Rancho Dominguez, CA 90220 Telephone: (310) 223-1201; Fax: (310) 223-1202 California Roster 2010 Harkey, Diane L. [R, 73, Orange, San Diego] State Capitol, Room 4177, Sacramento, CA 95814 Telephone: (916) 319-2073; Fax: (916) 319-2173 302 North Coast Highway, Oceanside, CA 92054 Telephone: (760) 757-8084; Fax (760) 757-7302 29122 Rancho Viejo Road, Ste 111, San Juan Capistrano, CA 92675 Telephone: (949) 347-7301; Fax: (949) 347-7302 Hayashi, Mary [D, 18, Alameda] State Capitol, Room 3013, Sacramento, CA 95814 Telephone: (916) 319-2018; Fax: (916) 319-2118 Email: [email protected] 22320 Foothill Blvd, Ste 540, Hayward, CA 94541 Telephone: (510) 583-8818; Fax: (510) 583-8800 Hernandez, Edward P. [D, 57, Los Angeles] State Capitol, Room 4112, Sacramento, CA 95814 Telephone: (916) 319-2057; Fax: (916) 319-2157 Email: [email protected] 1520 West Cameron Ave, Ste 165, West Covina, CA 91790 Telephone: (626) 960-4457; Fax: (626) 960-1310 Hill, Jerry [D, 19, San Mateo] State Capitol, Room 4146, Sacramento, CA 95814 Telephone: (916) 319-2019; Fax: (916) 319-2119 Email: [email protected] 1528 South El Camino Real, Ste 302, San Mateo, CA 94402 Telephone: (650) 349-1900; Fax: (650) 341-4676 Huber, Alyson [D, 10, AMADOR, El Dorado, Sacramento, San Joaquin] State Capitol, Room 2179, Sacramento, CA 95814 Telephone: (916) 319-2010; Fax: (916) 319-2110 Email: [email protected] 218 West Pine St, Lodi, CA 95240 Telephone: (209) 333-5330; Fax: (209) 333-5333 Huffman, Jared [D, 6, MARIN, Sonoma] State Capitol, Room 3120, Sacramento, CA 95814 Telephone: (916) 319-2006; Fax: (916) 319-2106 Email: [email protected] County of Marin, 3501 Civic Center Dr, Rom 412, San Rafael, CA 94903 Telephone: (415) 479-4920; Fax: (415) 479-2123 11 English St, Petaluma, CA 94952 Telephone: (707) 773-0606; Fax: (707) 773-1033 Jeffries, Kevin [R, 66, Riverside, San Diego] State Capitol, Room 5128, Sacramento, CA 95814 Telephone: (916) 319-2066; Fax: (916) 319-2166 Email: [email protected] 41391 Kalmia St, Ste 220, Murrieta, CA 92562 Telephone: (951) 894-1232; Fax: (951) 894-5053 Jones, Dave [D, 9, Sacramento] State Capitol, Room 5175, Sacramento, CA 95814 Telephone: (916) 319-2009; Fax: (916) 319-2109 Email: [email protected] 915 L St, Ste 110, Sacramento, CA 95814 Telephone: (916) 324-4676; Fax: (916) 327-3338 Knight, Steve [R, 36, Los Angeles, San Bernardino] State Capitol, Room 2016, Sacramento, CA 95814 Telephone: (916) 319-2036; Fax: (916) 319-2136 Email: [email protected] 41319 12th Street West, Ste 105, Palmdale, CA 93551 Telephone: (661) 267-7636; Fax: (661) 267-7736 Victorville City Hall, 14343 Civic Drive, Victorville, CA 92392 Telephone: (760) 843-8045; Fax: (760) 843-8396 16 California State Assembly Lieu, Ted W. [D, 53, Los Angeles] State Capitol, Room 3091, Sacramento, CA 95814 Telephone: (916) 319-2053; Fax: (916) 319-2153 Email: [email protected] 500 Center St, El Segundo, CA 90245 Telephone: (310) 615-3515; Fax: (310) 615-3520 Logue, Dan [R, 3, Butte, LASSEN, NEVADA, Placer, PLUMAS, SIERRA, YUBA] State Capitol, Room 2002, Sacramento, CA 95814 Telephone: (916) 319-2003; Fax: (916) 319-2103 1550 Humboldt Road, Ste 4, Chico, CA 95928 Telephone: (530) 895-4217; Fax: (530) 895-4219 Lowenthal, Bonnie [D, 54, Los Angeles] State Capitol, Room 5158, Sacramento, CA 95814 Telephone: (916) 319-2054; Fax: (916) 319-2154 Email: [email protected] 110 Pine Ave, Ste 804, Long Beach, CA 90802 Telephone: (562) 495-2915; Fax: (562) 495-2983 461 West 6th St, Ste 306, San Pedro, CA 90731 Telephone: (310) 548-6420; Fax: (310) 548-4160 Ma, Fiona [D, 12, San Francisco, San Mateo] State Capitol, Room 3173, Sacramento, CA 95814 Telephone: (916) 319-2012; Fax: (916) 319-2112 Email: [email protected] San Francisco State Building, Civic Center Complex, 455 Golden Gate Ave, Ste 14600, San Francisco, CA 94102 Telephone: (415) 557-2312; Fax: (415) 557-1178 Mendoza, Tony [D, 56, Los Angeles, Orange] State Capitol, Room 2188, Sacramento, CA 95814 Telephone: (916) 319-2056; Fax: (916) 319-2156 Email: [email protected] 12501 East Imperial Hwy, Ste 210, Norwalk, CA 90650 Telephone: (562) 864-5600; Fax: (562) 863-7466 Miller, Jeff [R, 71, Orange, Riverside] State Capitol, Room 3147, Sacramento, CA 95814 Telephone: (916) 319-2071; Fax: (916) 319-2171 Email: [email protected] 20532 El Toro Rd, Ste 203, Mission Viejo, CA 92692 Telephone: (949) 598-7171; Fax: (949) 598-7170 Monning, William W. [D, 27, Monterey, Santa Clara, Santa Cruz] State Capitol, Room 6005, Sacramento, CA 95814 Telephone: (916) 319-2027; Fax: (916) 319-2127 99 Pacific St, Ste 555D, Monterey, CA 93940 Telephone: (831) 649-2832; Fax: (831) 649-2935 County of Santa Cruz, Government Center, 701 Ocean St, Room 318B, Santa Cruz, CA 95060 Telephone: (831) 425-1503; Fax: (831) 425-2570 Nava, Pedro [D, 35, Santa Barbara, Ventura] State Capitol, Room 2148, Sacramento, CA 95814 Telephone: (916) 319-2035; Fax: (916) 319-2135 Email: [email protected] Oxnard Transportation Center, 201 East Fourth St, Ste 209A, Oxnard, CA 93030 Telephone: (805) 483-9808; Fax: (805) 483-8182 101 West Anapamu St, Ste A, Santa Barbara, CA 93101 Telephone: (805) 564-1649; Fax: (805) 564-1651 California Roster 2010 Nestande, Brian [R, 64, Riverside] State Capitol, Room 4153, Sacramento, CA 95814 Telephone: (916) 319-2064; Fax: (916) 319-2164 Email: [email protected] 73-710 Fred Waring Dr, Ste 116, Palm Desert, CA 92260 Telephone: (760) 674-0164; Fax: (760) 674-0184 University Village, 1223 University Ave, Ste 230, Riverside, CA 92507 Telephone: (951) 369-6644; Fax: (951) 369-0366 Niello, Roger [R, 5, Placer, Sacramento] State Capitol, Room 4139, Sacramento, CA 95814 Telephone: (916) 319-2005; Fax: (916) 319-2105 Email: [email protected] 4811 Chippendale Dr, Ste 501, Sacramento, CA 95841 Telephone: (916) 349-1995; Fax: (916) 349-1999 Nielsen, Jim [R, 2, Butte, COLUSA, GLENN, MODOC, SHASTA, SISKIYOU, SUTTER, TEHAMA, Yolo] State Capitol, Room 6031, Sacramento, CA 95814 Telephone: (916) 319-2002; Fax: (916) 319-2102 Email: [email protected] 280 Hemsted, Ste 110, Redding, CA 96002 Telephone: (530) 223-6300; Fax: (530) 223-6737 1527 Starr Dr, Ste U, Yuba City, CA 95993 Telephone: (530) 751-8351; Fax (530) 751-8379 Norby, Chris [R, 72, Orange] State Capitol, Room 5126, Sacramento, CA 95814 Telephone: (916) 319-2072; Fax: (916) 319-2172 Email: [email protected] 210 W. Birch Street, Ste. 202, Brea, CA 92821 Telephone: (714) 672-4734; Fax: (714) 672-4737 Perez, John A. [D, 46, Los Angeles] State Capitol, Room 219, Sacramento, CA 95814 Telephone: (916) 319-2046; Fax: (916) 319-2146 Email: [email protected] Serra State Building, 320 West Fourth St, Room 1050, Los Angeles, CA 90013 Telephone: (213) 620-4646; Fax: (213) 620-6319 Perez, V. Manuel [D, 80, IMPERIAL, Riverside] State Capitol, Room 4162, Sacramento, CA 95814 Telephone: (916) 319-2080; Fax: (916) 319-2180 Email: [email protected] 1450 South Imperial Ave, El Centro, CA 92243 Telephone: (760) 336-8912; Fax: (760) 336-8914 45-677 Oasis St, Indio, CA 92201 Telephone: (760) 342-8047; Fax: (760) 347-8704 Portantino, Anthony J. [D, 44, Los Angeles] State Capitol, Room 2003, Sacramento, CA 95814 Telephone: (916) 319-2044; Fax: (916) 319-2144 Email: [email protected] 215 North Marengo Ave, Ste 115, Pasadena, CA 91101 Telephone: (626) 577-9944; Fax: (626) 577-2868 Ruskin, Ira [D, 21, San Mateo, Santa Clara] State Capitol, Room 3123, Sacramento, CA 95814 Telephone: (916) 319-2021; Fax: (916) 319-2121 Email: [email protected] 5050 El Camino Real, Ste 117, Los Altos, CA 94022 Telephone: (650) 691-2121; Fax: (650) 691-2120 17 California State Assembly Salas, Mary [D, 79, San Diego] State Capitol, Room 2137, Sacramento, CA 95814 Telephone: (916) 319-2079; Fax: (916) 319-2179 Email: [email protected] 678 Third Ave, Ste 105, Chula Vista, CA 91910 Telephone: (619) 409-7979; Fax: (619) 409-9270 Saldaña, Lori [D, 76, San Diego] State Capitol, Room 3152, Sacramento, CA 95814 Telephone: (916) 319-2076; Fax: (916) 319-2176 Email: [email protected] 1557 Columbia St, San Diego, CA 92101 Telephone: (619) 645-3090; Fax: (619) 645-3094 Silva, Jim [R, 67, Orange] State Capitol, Room 2170, Sacramento, CA 95814 Telephone: (916) 319-2067; Fax: (916) 319-2167 Plaza Huntington Beach, 17011 Beach Blvd, Ste 570, Huntington Beach, CA 92647 Telephone: (714) 843-4966; Fax: (714) 843-6375 Skinner, Nancy [D, 14, Alameda, Contra Costa] State Capitol, Room 4126, Sacramento, CA 95814 Telephone: (916) 319-2014; Fax: (916) 319-2114 Email: [email protected] Elihu Harris State Building, 1515 Clay St, Ste 2201, Oakland, CA 94612 Telephone: (510) 286-1400; Fax: (510) 286-1406 Smyth, Cameron [R, 38, Los Angeles, Ventura] State Capitol, Room 4098, Sacramento, CA 95814 Telephone: (916) 319-2038; Fax: (916) 319-2138 Email: [email protected] 23734 Valencia Blvd, Ste 303, Santa Clarita, CA 91355 Telephone: (661) 286-1565; Fax: (661) 286-1408 Torrico, Alberto [D, 20, Alameda, Santa Clara] State Capitol, Room 3160, Sacramento, CA 95814 Telephone: (916) 319-2020; Fax: (916) 319-2120 Email: [email protected] Civic Center Plaza, 39510 Paseo Padre Parkway, Ste 280, Fremont, CA 94538 Telephone: (510) 440-9030; Fax: (510) 440-9035 Tran, Van [R, 68, Orange] State Capitol, Room 4130, Sacramento, CA 95814 Telephone: (916) 319-2068; Fax: (916) 319-2168 Email: [email protected] 1503 South Coast Dr, Ste 205, Costa Mesa, CA 92626 Telephone: (714) 668-2100; Fax: (714) 668-2104 Villines, Michael N. [R, 29, Fresno, Madera, Tulare] State Capitol, Room 4117, Sacramento, CA 95814 Telephone: (916) 319-2029; Fax: (916) 319-2129 Email: [email protected] 6245 North Fresno St, Ste 106, Fresno, CA 93710 Telephone: (559) 446-2029; Fax: (559) 446-2028 Yamada, Mariko [D, 8, Solano, Yolo] State Capitol, Room 5144, Sacramento, CA 95814 Telephone: (916) 319-2008; Fax: (916) 319-2108 Email: [email protected] 555 Mason St, Ste 275, Vacaville, CA 95688 Telephone: (707) 455-8025; Fax: (707) 455-0490 Vacant [-, 43, Los Angeles] State Capitol, Sacramento, CA 95814 Telephone: (916) 319-2043 300 E. Magnolia, Ste. 504, Burbank, CA 91502 Telephone: (818) 558-3043 Solorio, Jose [D, 69, Orange] State Capitol, Room 2013, Sacramento, CA 95814 Telephone: (916) 319-2069; Fax: (916) 319-2169 2400 East Katella Ave, Ste 640, Anaheim, CA 92806 Telephone: (714) 939-8469; Fax: (714) 939-8986 Strickland, Audra [R, 37, Los Angeles, Ventura] State Capitol, Room 4208, Sacramento, CA 95814 Telephone: (916) 319-2037; Fax: (916) 319-2137 Email: [email protected] 2659 Townsgate Road, Ste 236, Westlake Village, CA 91361 Telephone: (805) 230-9167; Fax: (805) 230-9183 Swanson, Sandré R. [D, 16, Alameda] State Capitol, Room 6012, Sacramento, CA 95814 Telephone: (916) 319-2016; Fax: (916) 319-2116 Email: [email protected] Elihu Harris State Building, 1515 Clay St, Ste 2204, Oakland, CA 94612 Telephone: (510) 286-1670; Fax: (510) 286-1888 Torlakson, Tom [D, 11, Contra Costa] State Capitol, Room 5160, Sacramento, CA 95814 Telephone: (916) 319-2011; Fax: (916) 319-2111 Email: [email protected] 420 West Third St, Antioch, Ca 94531 Telephone: (925) 778-5790; Fax: (925) 778-5174 815 Estudillo St, Martinez, CA 94553 Telephone: (925) 372-7990; Fax: (925) 372-0934 Torres, Norma J. [D, 61, Los Angeles, San Bernardino] State Capitol, Room 4164, Sacramento, CA 95814 Telephone: (916) 319-2061; Fax: (916) 319-2161 Email: [email protected] 822 North Euclid Ave, Ste A, Ontario, CA 91762 Telephone: (909) 984-7741; Fax: (909) 984-6695 California Roster 2010 18 California Judicial Branch The Judicial Council is the policymaking body of the California courts. Under the leadership of the Supreme Court Chief Justice and in accordance with the California Constitution, the council is responsible for ensuring consistent, independent, impartial, and accessible administration of justice. Chaired by the Chief Justice, the Judicial Council of California is responsible for improving the administration of justice in California. Established in 1926 by Article VI, Section 6 of the State of California Constitution, the council provides guidelines to the courts, makes recommendations annually to the Governor and Legislature, and adopts and revises California Rules of Court in the areas of court administration, practice, and procedure. Supreme Court Justices (in order of seniority): Ronald M. George, Chief Justice Joyce L. Kennard, Associate Justice Marvin R. Baxter, Associate Justice Kathryn Mickle Werdegar, Associate Justice Ming W. Chin, Associate Justice Carlos R. Moreno, Associate Justice Carol A. Corrigan, Associate Justice Supreme Court of California Earl Warren Building 350 McAllister Street San Francisco, CA 94102-4797 Office of the Clerk: (415) 865-7000 Notice: The Mosk Library and Courts Building is closed for renovation thru 2011. Stanley Mosk Library and Courts Building 914 Capitol Mall, Room 100 Sacramento, CA 95814-4802 Judicial Council of the State of California 455 Golden Gate Avenue San Francisco, CA 94102-3688 Telephone: (415) 865-4200 Fax: (415) 865-4228 Website: Judicial Council of the State of California (cont.) Trial Courts Hon. George J. Abdallah, Jr. Judge of the Superior Court of California, County of San Joaquin Hon. Lee Smalley Edmon Assistant Presiding Judge of the Superior Court of California, County of Los Angeles Hon. Terry B. Friedman Judge of the Superior Court of California, County of Los Angeles Hon. Kenneth K. So Judge of the Superior Court of California, County of San Diego Hon. Davis S. Wesley Judge of the Superior Court of California, County of Los Angeles Hon. Dennis E. Murray Presiding Judge of the Superior Court of California, County of Tehama Chair Hon. Ronald M. George Chief Justice of California Hon. Winifred Younge Smith Judge of the Superior Court of California, County of Alameda Supreme Court Hon. Marvin R. Baxter Associate Justice of the Supreme Court Hon. Sharon J. Waters Judge of the Superior Court of California, County of Riverside Courts of Appeal Hon. Brad R. Hill Associate Justice of the Court of Appeal, Fifth Appellate District, Fresno Hon. James Michael Welch Judge of the Superior Court of California, County of San Bernardino Hon. Tani Cantil-Sakauye Associate Justice of the Court of Appeal, Third Appellate District, Sacramento Hon. Richard D. Huffman Associate Justice of the Court of Appeal, Fourth Appellate District, San Diego Hon. Erica R. Yew Judge of the Superior Court of California, County of Santa Clara Legislature Hon. Ellen M. Corbett Member of the Senate Hon. Mike Feuer Member of the Assembly State Bar Mr. Anthony P. Capozzi Law Offices of Anthony Capozzi Ms. Miriam Aroni Krinsky Attorney at Law Mr. Joel S. Miliband, Attorney at Law Rus, Miliband & Smith Mr. James N. Penrod, Attorney at Law Morgan, Lewis & Bockius California Roster 2010 19 California Judicial Branch Judicial Council of the State of California (cont.) COURTS OF APPEAL Advisory Members Hon. Lon F. Hurwitz Commissioner of the Superior Court of California, County of Orange First Appellate District Alameda, Contra Costa, Del Norte, Humboldt, Lake, Marin, Mendocino, Napa, San Francisco, San Mateo, Solano, Sonoma Website: Mr. John Mendes Executive Officer Superior Court of California, County of Placer Mr. Michael D. Planet Executive Officer of the Superior Court of California, County of Ventura Mr. Frederick K. Ohlrich Clerk of the Supreme Court of California Hon. Mary Ann O’Malley Presiding Judge, Superior Court of California, County of Contra Costa Mr. Michael M. Roddy Executive Officer of the Superior Court of California, County of San Diego Hon. Michael P. Vicencia Judge of the Superior Court of California, County of Los Angeles Ms. Kim Turner Executive Officer, Superior Court of California, County of Marin Secretary Mr. William C. Vickrey Administrative Director of the Courts Administrative Office of the Courts 455 Golden Gate Avenue San Francisco, CA 94102-3688 Telephone: (415) 865-4200 William C. Vickrey, Administrative Director of the Courts and Secretary of the Judicial Council Ronald G. Overholt, Chief Deputy Director Sheila Calabro, Regional Administrative Director, Southern Region Christine Patton, Regional Administrative Director, Bay Area/Northern Coastal Region Jody Patel, Regional Administrative Director, Northern/Central Region Curtis L. Child, Director, Office of Governmental Affairs Mary M. Roberts, General Counsel, Office of The General Counsel Christine Patton, Interim Director, Appellate and Trial Court Judicial Services Diane Nunn, Director, Center for Families, Children and The Courts Diane E. Cowdrey, Director, Education/CJER Kenneth L. Kann, Director, Executive Office Programs Stephen Nash, Director, Finance Ernesto V. Fuentes, Director, Human Resources Mark W. Dusman, Director, Information Services Lee Willoughby, Director, Office of Court Construction and Management Curt Soderlund, Director, Trial Court Administrative Services Division California Roster 2010 Earl Warren Building 350 McAllister Street San Francisco, CA 94102-3600 Telephone: (415) 865-7300 DIVISION ONE Telephone: (415) 865-7290 James J. Marchiano, Presiding Justice Sandra L. Margulies, Associate Justice Robert L. Dondero, Associate Justice Kathleen M. Banke, Associate Justice DIVISION TWO Telephone: (415) 865-7292 J. Anthony Kline, Presiding Justice Paul R. Haerle, Associate Justice James R. Lambden, Associate Justice James A. Richman, Associate Justice DIVISION THREE Telephone: (415) 865-7294 William R. McGuiness, Administrative Presiding Justice Stuart R. Pollak, Associate Justice Peter J. Siggins, Associate Justice Martin J. Jenkins, Associate Justice DIVISION FOUR Telephone: (415) 865-7296 Ignazio J. Ruvolo, Presiding Justice Timothy A. Reardon, Associate Justice Patricia K. Sepulveda, Associate Justice Maria P. Rivera, Associate Justice DIVISION FIVE Telephone: (415) 865-7298 Barbara J. R. Jones, Presiding Justice Mark B. Simons, Associate Justice Henry E. Needham, Jr., Associate Justice Terence L. Bruiniers, Associate Justice 20 California Judicial Branch COURTS OF APPEAL (cont.) COURTS OF APPEAL (cont.) Second Appellate District Los Angeles, San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara, Ventura Website: http: Second Appellate District (cont) Los Angeles, San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara, Ventura Ronald Reagan State Building 300 South Spring Street, North Tower, 2nd Floor Los Angeles, CA 90013 Telephone: (213) 830-7000 DIVISION ONE Telephone: (213) 830-7000 Robert M. Mallano, Presiding Justice Frances Rothschild, Associate Justice Victoria Gerrard Chaney, Associate Justice Jeffrey W. Johnson, Associate Justice DIVISION TWO Telephone: (213) 830-7000 Roger W. Boren, Presiding Justice Kathryn Doi Todd, Associate Justice Judith M. Ashmann-Gerst, Associate Justice Victoria M. Chavez, Associate Justice DIVISION THREE Telephone: (213) 830-7000 Joan D. Klein, Presiding Justice H. Walter Croskey, Associate Justice Patti S. Kitching, Associate Justice Richard D. Aldrich, Associate Justice DIVISION EIGHT Telephone: (213) 830-7000 Patricia A. Bigelow, Associate Justice Laurence D. Rubin, Associate Justice Madeleine I. Flier, Associate Justice Vacant Third Appellate District Alpine, Amador, Butte, Calaveras, Colusa, El Dorado, Glenn, Lassen, Modoc, Mono, Nevada, Placer, Plumas, Sacramento, San Joaquin, Shasta, Sierra, Siskiyou, Sutter, Tehama, Trinity, Yolo, Yuba Website: 621 Capitol Mall, 10th Floor Sacramento, CA 95814-4719 Telephone: (916) 654-0209 Arthur G. Scotland, Presiding Justice Cole Blease, Associate Justice Rick Sims, Associate Justice George Nicholson, Associate Justice Vance W. Raye, Associate Justice Harry Hull, Associate Justice Ronald B. Robie, Associate Justice M. Kathleen Butz, Associate Justice Tani Cantil Sakauye, Associate Justice DIVISION FOUR Telephone: (213) 830-7000 Norman L. Epstein, Presiding Justice Thomas L. Willhite, Jr., Associate Justice Nora M. Manella, Associate Justice Steven C. Suzukawa, Associate Justice DIVISION FIVE Telephone: (213) 830-7000 Paul Turner, Presiding Justice Orville A. Armstrong, Associate Justice Richard M. Mosk, Associate Justice Sandy R. Kriegler, Associate Justice DIVISION SIX–VENTURA Telephone: (805) 641-4700 Arthur Gilbert, Presiding Justice Kenneth R. Yegan, Associate Justice Paul H. Coffee, Associate Justice Steven Z. Perren, Associate Justice DIVISION SEVEN Telephone: (213) 830-7000 Dennis M. Perluss, Presiding Justice Fred Woods, Associate Justice Laurie D. Zelon, Associate Justice Frank Y. Jackson, Associate Justice California Roster 2010 21 California Judicial Branch COURTS OF APPEAL (cont.) COURTS OF APPEAL (cont.) Fourth Appellate District Imperial, Inyo, Orange, Riverside, San Bernardino, San Diego Website: Fifth Appellate District Fresno, Kern, Kings, Madera, Mariposa, Merced, Stanislaus, Tulare, Tuolumne Website: DIVISION ONE 2424 Ventura Street Fresno, CA 93721 Telephone: (559) 445-5491 Assistant Clerk/Administrator Kevin J. Lane Symphony Towers 750 B Street, Suite 300 San Diego, CA 92101 Telephone: (619) 645-2760 Judith D. McConnell, Administrative Presiding Justice Patricia D. Benke, Associate Justice Richard D. Huffman, Associate Justice Gilbert Nares, Associate Justice Judith L. Haller, Associate Justice Alex C. McDonald, Associate Justice James A. McIntyre, Associate Justice Terry B. O’Rourke, Associate Justice Cynthia G. Aaron, Associate Justice Joan K. Irion, Associate Justice DIVISION TWO Assistant Clerk/Administrator Henry Espinoza 3389 Twelfth Street Riverside, CA 92501 Telephone: (951) 248-0200 Manuel A. Ramirez, Presiding Justice Barton C. Gaut, Associate Justice Betty Ann Richli, Associate Justice Art W. McKinster, Associate Justice Thomas E. Hollenhorst, Associate Justice Jeffrey King, Associate Justice Douglas P. Miller, Associate Justice James A. Ardaiz, Presiding Justice Steven M. Vartabedian, Associate Justice Rebecca A. Wiseman, Associate Justice Bert Levy, Associate Justice Dennis A. Cornell, Associate Justice Gene M. Gomes, Associate Justice Betty L. Dawson, Associate Justice Brad R. Hill, Associate Justice Stephen Kane, Associate Justice Charles S. Poochigian, Associate Justice Sixth Appellate District Monterey, San Benito, Santa Clara, Santa Cruz Website: 333 West Santa Clara Street, Suite 1060 San Jose, CA 95113 Telephone: (408) 277-1004 Conrad L. Rushing, Presiding Justice Eugene M. Premo, Associate Justice Franklin D. Elia, Associate Justice Patricia Bamattre-Manoukian, Associate Justice Nathan D. Mihara, Associate Justice Richard J. McAdams, Associate Justice Wendy Clark Duffy, Associate Justice DIVISION THREE Assistant Clerk/Administrator Kevin Stinson 925 North Spurgeon Street Santa Ana, CA 92701-3700 Telephone: (714) 558-6777 David G. Sills, Presiding Justice William F. Rylaarsdam, Associate Justice William W. Bedsworth, Associate Justice Kathleen E. O’Leary, Associate Justice Eileen C. Moore, Associate Justice Richard M. Aronson, Associate Justice Richard D. Fybel, Associate Justice Raymond J. Ikola, Associate Justice California Roster 2010 22 California State Agencies, Departments, Boards, and Commissions ACCOUNTANCY, CALIFORNIA BOARD OF 2000 Evergreen Street, Suite 250 Sacramento, CA 95815-3832 Telephone: (916) 263-3680 Fax: (916) 263-3675 Website: Email: [email protected] AGING, CALIFORNIA COMMISSION ON 1300 National Drive, Suite 173 Sacramento, CA 95834 Telephone: (916) 419-7591 Fax: (916) 419-7596 Website: Email: [email protected] Protects consumers by regulating California’s Certified Public Accountants and Public Accountants (CPA). Sets standards for entry into this profession, qualifies candidates for the Uniform CPA Exam, and investigates illegal activity by practitioners. Twenty-five member commission which advocates on behalf of older individuals, including, but not limited to, advisory participation in the consideration of all legislation and regulations made by state and federal departments and agencies relating to programs and services that affect older individuals. ACUPUNCTURE BOARD 444 North 3rd Street, Suite 260 Sacramento, CA 95811 Telephone: (916) 445-3021 Fax: (916) 445-3015 Website: Email: [email protected] Protects and educates the public through regulation of licensure, education standards, and enforcement of the Acupuncture Licensure Act, which includes Oriental Medicine. ADMINISTRATIVE HEARINGS, OFFICE OF 2349 Gateway Oaks Drive, Suite 200 Sacramento, CA 95833-4231 Telephone: (916) 263-0550 Fax (916) 263-0554 Sacramento, CA 95814 Website: Provides a neutral forum for fair and independent resolution of matters in a professional, efficient and innovative way, ensuring due process and respecting the dignity of all. ADMINISTRATIVE LAW, OFFICE OF 300 Capitol Mall, Suite 1250 Sacramento, CA 95814 Telephone: (916) 323-6225 Fax: (916) 323-6826 Website: Email: [email protected] Reviews and approves or disapproves administrative regulations proposed by over 200 state agencies to protect the public’s rights under the Administrative Procedure Act (APA) and to ensure that regulatory actions are consistent with governing statutes. OAL also compiles and publishes the California Code of Regulations (CCR) and the California Regulatory Notice Register, and reviews petitions challenging alleged “underground regulations,” (rules in use by state agencies that have not been properly adopted pursuant to the APA). AGING, DEPARTMENT OF 1300 National Drive, Suite 200 Sacramento, CA 95834 Telephone: (916) 419-7500 Fax: (916) 928-2267 Website: Oversees laws and regulations relating to the dignity, independence, health, and community involvement of older Californians, family caregivers, and disabled adults. AGRICULTURE, DEPARTMENT OF FOOD AND (see FOOD AND AGRICULTURE, DEPARTMENT OF) AGRICULTURAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD 915 Capitol Mall, 3rd Floor Sacramento, CA 95814 Telephone: (916) 653-3699 or (800) 449-3699 Fax: (916) 653-8750 Website: Enforces the Agricultural Labor Relations Act (ALRA). The ALRA guarantees the right of agricultural employees to form, join or assist a labor organization to improve the terms and conditions of their employment and to engage in other concerted activity for their mutual aid and protection. The ALRB conducts secret ballot elections through which employees may freely choose whether they wish to be represented by a labor organization in collective bargaining with their employer. AIR RESOURCES BOARD 1001 “I” Street Sacramento, CA 95814 Telephone: (916) 322-2009 Fax: (916) 327-5748 Website: Email: [email protected] Controls vehicular sources of air pollution, assists local air pollution control districts with non-vehicular (stationary source) pollution. Controls air-quality standards and monitors ambient air quality to insure standards are maintained. AFRICAN AMERICAN MUSEUM, CALIFORNIA 600 State Drive, Exposition Park Los Angeles, CA 90037 Telephone: (213) 744-7432; RSVP (213) 744-2056 Fax: (213) 744-2050 Web site: The museum is a state-supported, non-profit institution that researches, collects, preserves and interprets for public enrichment, the history, art and culture of African Americans with emphasis on California and the western United States. California Roster 2010 23 California State Agencies, Departments, Boards, and Commissions ALCOHOL AND DRUG PROGRAMS, DEPARTMENT OF 1700 K Street Sacramento, CA 95814 Telephone: (916) 445-1943 Fax: (916) 323-5873 Website: Email: [email protected] Implements state efforts to reduce alcohol and other drug problems by developing, administering, and supporting prevention and treatment programs. ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE CONTROL, DEPARTMENT OF 3927 Lennane Drive, Suite 100 Sacramento, CA 95834 Telephone: (916) 419-2500 Fax: (916) 419-2599 Website: Email: [email protected] Issues licenses and administers the laws and rules governing the manufacture, importation, distribution, and sale of alcoholic beverages. Enforces all penal provisions of law in, on or about alcoholic beverage licensed premises. ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE CONTROL APPEALS BOARD 300 Capitol Mall, Suite 1245 Sacramento, CA 95814 Telephone: (916) 445-4005 Fax: (916) 323-2760 Website: Email: [email protected] Three-person board hears appeals of decisions rendered by the Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control, and issues orders either affirming or denying those decisions. ALTERNATIVE ENERGY AND ADVANCED TRANSPORTATION FINANCING AUTHORITY, CALIFORNIA 915 Capitol Mall, Room 457 Sacramento, CA 95814 Telephone: (916) 651-8157 Fax: (916) 657-4821 Website: Finances the development of advanced transportation technologies and facilities that use new energy sources and technologies. ARCHITECTS BOARD, CALIFORNIA 2420 Del Paso Road, Suite 105 Sacramento, CA 95834 Telephone: (916) 574-7220 Fax: (916) 575-7283 Website: Email: [email protected] ARCHIVES, CALIFORNIA STATE 1020 "O" Street Sacramento, CA 95814 Reference Desk: (916) 653-2246 General Information: (916) 653-7715 Fax: (916) 653-7363 Website: E-Mail: [email protected] Provides a repository for the state’s permanent government records as well as other materials documenting California history. Collects, organizes, preserves, and provides access to the historical records of state government and some local governments. ARTS COUNCIL, CALIFORNIA 1300 “I” Street, Suite 930 Sacramento, CA 95814 Telephone: (916) 322-6555 Fax: (916) 322-6575 Website: Advances California through the arts and creativity. Works for a broad public understanding of, and appreciation for, the positive impact the arts play in enriching cultural, economic, educational and intellectual life in communities and schools. Champions the expansion of the arts, artistic excellence, visual and performing arts education, access to the arts for all residents of the state, equitable resource allocation across geographic and cultural segments, integration of the arts into the educational curriculum as part of lifelong learning, advocacy for adequate funding support of quality programs, preservation and development of the state's diverse artistic and cultural heritage, and collaboration with the state's public and private sectors. ASSEMBLY, CALIFORNIA STATE (see State Assembly Section) ATHLETIC COMMISSION, CALIFORNIA STATE 1424 Howe Avenue, Suite 33 Sacramento, CA 95825 Telephone: (916) 263-2195 Fax: (916) 263-2197 Website: Email: [email protected] Administers a safe environment for boxing, kickboxing, and martial arts, regulates competitive sports events, and protects the health and welfare of all participants. ATTORNEY GENERAL (see Constitutional Officers Section) Ensures that those entering architectural practice meet standards of competency through education, experience, and examination; establishes standards for those licensed to practice architecture; requires that any person practicing or offering to practice architecture is licensed; protects consumers and users of architectural services; and enforces the laws, codes, and standards governing architectural practice. California Roster 2010 24 California State Agencies, Departments, Boards, and Commissions AUDITS, BUREAU OF STATE 555 Capitol Mall, Suite 300 Sacramento, CA 95814 Telephone: (916) 445-0255 Fax: (916) 323-0913 Website: Promotes the efficient and effective management of public funds and programs by providing to citizens and government independent, objective, accurate, and timely evaluations of state or local government’s activities; performs audits that are mandated by law as well as audits requested by legislators and approved by the Joint Legislative Audit Committee; identifies state agencies that are considered to be high risk and performs audits or evaluations of those agencies; and investigates allegations related to improper activities by state employees or agencies as required by the California Whistleblower Protection Act. AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR, BUREAU OF 10240 Systems Parkway Sacramento, CA 95827 Telephone: (916) 255-4300 or 800-952-5210 (within CA) Fax: (916) 255-1369 Websites: Email: [email protected] Registers and regulates automotive repair facilities, licenses smog check and lamp and brake inspection stations. During the 2004/2005 Fiscal Year, negotiated $4.7 million worth of refunds, rework, or adjustments from auto repair shops on behalf of consumers. BARBERING AND COSMETOLOGY, BOARD OF 2420 Del Paso Road, Suite 100 Sacramento, CA 95834 Telephone: (916) 574-7570 Website: Email: [email protected] Promotes and protects the interests of California consumers by serving as a guardian of their health and safety; enhances public and industry participation in decision making; promotes ethical and professional standards and creates policies that are contemporary, relevant, and responsive. BAY-DELTA AUTHORITY, CALIFORNIA 650 Capitol Mall, 5th Floor Sacramento, CA 95814 Telephone: (916) 445-5511 Website: Develops and implements a long-term comprehensive plan that will restore ecological health and improve water management for beneficial uses of the Bay-Delta System. BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES, BOARD OF 1625 North Market Blvd., Suite S-200 Sacramento, CA 95834 Telephone: (916) 574-7830 Fax: (916) 574-8625 Website: Email: [email protected] Registers associate clinical social workers, marriage and family therapist interns, licensed marriage and family therapists, licensed clinical social workers, and licensed educational psychologists. Administers written exams for each of its licensing programs, develops regulatory standards, conducts an enforcement program which investigates complaints, and imposes disciplinary action who violate the laws and regulations. BIODIVERSITY COUNCIL, CALIFORNIA P.O. Box 944246 Sacramento, CA 94244 Telephone: (916) 445-5845 Fax: (916) 324-1180 Website: Email: [email protected] Coordinates interagency cooperation on issues concerning resource management, regulatory processes, and other biodiversity-related topics; meets semiannually throughout the state; develops and assists working groups consisting of state, federal, and local partners; publishes a semi-yearly newsletter, The California Biodiversity News. BOARD OF EQUALIZATION (see Constitutional Officers Section) BOATING AND WATERWAYS, DEPARTMENT OF 2000 Evergreen Street, Suite 100 Sacramento, CA 95815 Telephone: (916) 263-4326 Fax: (916) 263-0648 Website: Email: [email protected] Promotes recreational boating safety and develops safe and convenient public boating access. Makes loans to local government and private sector marina owners for the development of small craft harbors; makes grants to public agencies for boat launching facilities; plans, designs, and constructs boating facilities on state-owned lands; provides financial aid and officer training to local boating law enforcement agencies; and licenses yacht and ship brokers and for-hire vessel operators. BUILDING STANDARDS COMMISSION, CALIFORNIA 2525 Natomas Park Drive, Suite 130 Sacramento, CA 95833 Telephone: (916) 263-0916 Fax: (916) 263-0959 Website: Email: [email protected] Publishes the state’s building codes, and ensures that changes proposed by state agencies comply with the state’s administrative procedures of adopting building standards. California Roster 2010 25 California State Agencies, Departments, Boards, and Commissions BUSINESS, TRANSPORTATION & HOUSING AGENCY 980 9th Street, Room 2450 Sacramento, CA 95814 Telephone: (916) 323-5400 Website: Oversees and coordinates the activities of various departments, offices and economic development programs with responsibility for maintaining the strength and efficiency of California's infrastructure and financial markets. These programs provide financial and programmatic regulation important to an efficient marketplace and community development, assistance in ensuring patients' rights, and transportation infrastructure for the safe and efficient flow of people and commerce. BUSINESS INVESTMENT SERVICES, CALIFORNIA California Labor & Workforce Development Agency 801 "K" Street, Suite 2100 Sacramento, CA 95814 Telephone: (916) 322-0000 Fax: (916) 322-0614 Website: Email: [email protected] Serves employers, corporate real estate executives, and site location consultants considering California for new business investment and expansion. CALIFORNIA MUSEUM FOR HISTORY, WOMEN AND THE ARTS 1020 O Street Sacramento, CA 95814 Telephone: (916) 653-7524 Fax: 916-653-0314 Website: Email: [email protected] Home of the California Hall of Fame - engages, educates and enlightens people about California's rich history and its unique contribution to the world through ideas, innovation, art and culture. Through captivating, interactive and innovative experiences, the Museum seeks to inspire men, women and children to dream the California dream and dare to make their mark on history. CALIFORNIA VOLUNTEERS 1110 K Street, Suite 210 Sacramento, CA 95814 Telephone: (916) 323-7646; Toll Free: (888) 567-SERV Fax: (916) 323-3227 Website: Increase the number and impact of Californians engaged in service and volunteerism. Recruits and mobilize citizens for volunteer service throughout the state. CEMETERY AND FUNERAL BUREAU 1625 North Market Blvd, Suite S-208 Sacramento, CA 95834 Telephone: (916) 574-7870 General Fax: (916) 928-7988 Licensing Fax: (916) 574-8621 Website: Email address: [email protected] Licenses, regulates, and investigates complaints against California funeral establishments, funeral directors, embalmers, apprentice embalmers, cemetery brokers, cemetery salespersons, cremated remains disposers, crematories, and the nearly 200 licensed cemeteries in the state. Note: The Bureau licenses and regulates private and fraternal cemeteries only. It has no jurisdiction over cemeteries operated by religious organizations, cities, counties, cemetery districts, military, or Native American tribal organizations. If you do not know who regulates the cemetery you are interested in, you should ask the cemetery manager. CENTRAL VALLEY FLOOD PROTECTION BOARD 3310 El Camino Avenue, Room LL40 Sacramento, CA 95821 Telephone: (916) 574-0609 Fax: (916) 574-0682 Website: Cooperates with various agencies of the federal, State and local governments in establishing, planning, constructing, operating, and maintaining flood control works. CHIEF INFORMATION OFFICER, OFFICE OF 915 L Street Sacramento, CA 95814 Telephone: (916) 319-9223 Website: Email: [email protected] Acts as the special advisor information technology issues. to the Governor on CHILD SUPPORT SERVICES, CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF P.O. Box 419064 M.S. 10 Rancho Cordova, CA 95741-9064 Telephone: (916) 464-5000 or 866-249-0773 (Toll Free) Customer Connect: (866) 901-3212 Fax: (916) 464-5062 Website: Promotes the well-being of children and the selfsufficiency of families by delivering child support establishment, collection, and distribution services that help both parents meet the financial, medical, and emotional needs of their children. CHIROPRACTIC EXAMINERS, BOARD OF 2525 Natomas Park Drive, Suite 260 Sacramento, CA 95833-2931 Telephone: (916) 263-5355 Consumer Complaint Hotline: (866) 543-1311 Fax: (916) 263-5369 Website: Regulates and licenses chiropractors. Sets policies and administers procedures necessary for the protection of the health, welfare, and safety of the public relative to the practice of chiropractors. California Roster 2010 26 California State Agencies, Departments, Boards, and Commissions CITIZENS COMPENSATION COMMISSION 1515 S Street, North Building, Suite 400 Sacramento, CA 95811-7258 Telephone: (916) 324-9724 Fax: 916-327-1886 Establishes the salaries and health, dental, and similar group insurance benefits for members of the Legislature, Governor, Lieutenant Governor, Attorney General, Secretary of State, Controller, Treasurer, Insurance Commissioner, Superintendent of Public Instruction, and members of the Board of Equalization. COACHELLA VALLEY MOUNTAINS CONSERVANCY 73710 Fred Waring Drive, Suite 205 Palm Desert, CA 92260 Telephone: (760) 776-5026 Fax: (760) 776-9698 Website: Acquires mountainous and natural community conservation lands as perpetual open space, within the Coachella Valley, generally the area from Palm Springs to the Salton Sea. Provides for the protection of wildlife, scenic, cultural, recreational, and other natural resource values on those lands. Provides for the public’s enjoyment and appreciation of those lands through recreational and educational experiences. COMMUNITY COLLEGES, CALIFORNIA Office of the State Chancellor 1102 Q Street Sacramento, CA 95811 Telephone: (916) 445-8752 Fax: (916) 322-4783 Website: Provides leadership and technical assistance to community colleges and community college districts in California. Also allocates state funding to community colleges and districts. COMMUNITY SERVICES AND DEPARTMENT OF 2389 Gateway Oaks Drive, Suite 100 Sacramento, CA 95833 Telephone: (916) 576-7109 Toll Free: (866) 675-6623 (HEAP) Fax: (916) 263-1406 Website: DEVELOPMENT, Plans for and regulates land and water uses in the coastal zone according to the policies of the Coastal Act. The Department of Community Services and Development (CSD) partners with a statewide network of local community services providers (both public and private nonprofit organizations) dedicated to assisting low-income Californians becoming self-sufficient. CSD administers California’s share of the following federal programs: U.S. Department of Health & Human Services Community Services Block Grant (CSBG) Program, U.S. Department of Health & Human Services Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP), U.S. Department of Energy Weatherization Assistance Program (DOE WAP) and, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Lead-Based Paint Hazard Control Program. CSD also sponsors special antipoverty initiatives, and works closely with local grantees when a natural disaster strikes. COASTAL CONSERVANCY, CALIFORNIA 1330 Broadway, 13TH Floor Oakland, CA 94612-2530 Telephone: (510) 286-1015 Fax: (510) 286-0470 Website: Email: [email protected] CONSERVATION, DEPARTMENT OF 801 K Street, 24th Floor Sacramento, CA 95814 Telephone: (916) 322-1080 Fax: (916) 445-0732 Website: Email: [email protected] Protects and improves coastal and San Francisco Bay natural and recreational resources. Works in partnership with local governments, other public agencies, nonprofit organizations, and private landowners. Protects Californians and their environment by: protecting lives and property from earthquakes and landslides; ensuring safe mining and oil, gas, and geothermal drilling; and conserving California’s farmland. COASTAL COMMISSION, CALIFORNIA 45 Fremont Street, Suite 2000 San Francisco, CA 94612-2530 Telephone: (415) 904-5200 Fax: (415) 904-5400 Website: COLORADO RIVER BOARD OF CALIFORNIA 770 Fairmont Avenue, Suite 100 Glendale, CA 91203-1035 Telephone: (818) 500-1625 Fax: (818) 543-4685 Website: Email: [email protected] Protects California’s rights and interest in the resources provided by the Colorado River. Represents California in discussions and negotiations regarding the Colorado River and its management. California Roster 2010 CONSERVATION CORPS, CALIFORNIA 1719 24th Street Sacramento, CA 95816 Telephone: (916) 341-3100 Fax: (916) 323-4989 Website: Email: [email protected] The young women and men of the California Conservation Corps work hard protecting and restoring California's environment and responding to disasters, becoming stronger workers, citizens and individuals through their service. 27 California State Agencies, Departments, Boards, and Commissions CONSUMER AFFAIRS, DEPARTMENT OF 1625 North Market Blvd., Suite N112 Sacramento, CA 95834 Telephone: (916) 445-1254; (800) 952-5210 TTY: (916) 322-1700 Website: Email: [email protected] Promotes and protects the interests of California consumers. Helps consumers learn how to protect themselves from unscrupulous and unqualified individuals. Protects professionals from unfair competition by unlicensed practitioners. CONTRACTORS STATE LICENSE BOARD 9821 Business Park Drive Sacramento, CA 95827 Telephone: 800-321-CSLB (2752) Website: In its 80th year of protecting consumers by regulating the construction industry through policies that promote the health, safety and general welfare of the public, CSLB protects licensees from unfair competition by unlicensed operators, helps educate consumers so they can make informed choices, and provides resolution to disputes that arise from construction activities. Enables consumers to check on the status of contractor licenses by visiting its Web site or calling its toll-free automated telephone system. In fiscal year 2007-08, CSLB helped recover $35.2 million in ordered restitution for consumers. CONTROLLER, STATE (see Constitutional Officers Section) CORPORATIONS, DEPARTMENT OF 1515 K Street, Suite 200 Sacramento, CA 95814 Telephone: 1 (866) ASK-CORP or (866) 275-2677 Fax: (916) 445-7975 Website: Licenses and regulates securities brokers and dealers, investment advisers and financial planners, independent escrow agents, deferred deposit transaction lenders, nondepository consumers, and commercial and residential mortgage lenders. The Department also regulates the offer and sales of securities, franchises, and off-exchange commodities. CORRECTIONS AND REHABILITATION, CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF 1515 S Street, Suite 502 Sacramento, CA 95814 Telephone: (916) 323-6001 Website: Improves public safety through evidence-based crime prevention and recidivism reduction strategies. CORRECTIONS STANDARDS AUTHORITY 600 Bercut Drive Sacramento, CA 95811 Telephone: (916) 445-5073 Fax: (916) 327-3317 Website: Ensures the establishment and continual re-evaluation of minimum standards for local juvenile and adult detention facilities, conducts "problem solving" inspections of all local detention facilities biennially, and reports to the Legislature on the results of those inspections. Reviews the architectural plans for construction and remodeling of all local detention facilities. Establishes recruitment, selection, and training standards for state and local corrections personnel working in jails, juvenile detention facilities, or probation departments. Administers federal and state detention facility capital construction monies for the construction or renovation of local detention facilities. Administers state-funded local corrections atrisk and offender pilot, demonstration and continuum of care programs. Conducts studies in crime and penology and upon its own initiative or upon the request of the Governor, creates special commissions to assist the Board in the study of crime. COURT REPORTERS BOARD OF CALIFORNIA 2535 Capitol Oaks Drive, Suite 230 Sacramento, CA 95833 Telephone: (916) 263-3660 Toll-Free: (877) 327-5272 Fax: (916) 263-3664 Website: Provides users of the judicial system access, consumer education, and consumer protection through regulating and testing of the qualifications, performance, and ethical behavior of certified shorthand reporters and entities regulated by the Board. DEBT AND INVESTMENT ADVISORY COMMISSION, CALIFORNIA 915 Capitol Mall, Room 400 Sacramento, CA 95814 Telephone: (916) 653-3269 Fax: (916) 654-7440 Website: Makes available on a searchable database data on public debt issued since 1984. Provides information, education and technical assistance on California State and local debt issuance and public fund investment primarily to local public agencies and other public finance professionals. DEBT LIMIT ALLOCATION COMMITTEE, CALIFORNIA 915 Capitol Mall, Room 311 Sacramento, CA 95814 Telephone: (916) 653-3255 Website: Establishes the annual state ceiling on the issuance of tax-exempt private activity bonds and allocates the authority to issue such bonds which provide tax-exempt, low-cost financing to private projects of public purpose, such as affordable housing, job creation, pollution control, and student lending. California Roster 2010 28 California State Agencies, Departments, Boards, and Commissions DELTA PROTECTION COMMISSION 14215 River Road Walnut Grove, CA 95690 Mailing Address: P.O. Box 530, Walnut Grove, CA 95690 Telephone: (916) 776-2290 Fax: (916) 776-2293 Website: Pursuant to the provisions of the Delta Protection Act of 1992, the 23-member Delta Protection Commission is an Appeal Body charged with implementing the Land Use and Resource Management Plan for the Primary Zone of the Delta adopted in 1995. The Plan, which is adopted within the general plans of local Delta governments, sets out findings, policies and recommendations for the preservation, protection and enhancement of the agricultural, recreational, and wildlife resources of the Primary Zone of the Legal Delta. Elements of the Plan include: environment; land use; agriculture; utilities/infrastructure; water; recreation/access; levees; and marine patrol/boater education/safety programs. The Commission takes pride in its role as the voice of those that live, work, and play in the Delta as is consistent with the Act and the Plan. DENTAL AUXILIARIES, COMMITTEE ON 2005 Evergreen Street, Suite 1050 Sacramento, CA 95815 Telephone: (916) 263-2595 Fax: (916) 263-2709 Website: Examines and licenses California dental auxiliaries and advises the Dental Board of California on auxiliary issues. DENTAL BOARD OF CALIFORNIA 2005 Evergreen Street, Suite 1550 Sacramento, CA 95825-3241 Telephone: (916) 263-2300 Toll Free: 877-729-7789 Fax: (916) 263-2140 Website: Protects California consumers by licensing dental health care professionals who demonstrate competency and by taking appropriate action whenever licensees fail to maintain the standard of practice. DEVELOPMENTAL DISABILITIES, STATE COUNCIL ON 1507 21st Street, Suite 210 Sacramento Ca 95811 Telephone: (916) 322-8481 Fax: (916) 443-4957 Website: A federally-funded independent state agency that assists in planning, coordinating, monitoring and evaluating services for individuals with developmental disabilities and their families. DEVELOPMENTAL SERVICES, DEPARTMENT OF 1600 9th Street, Room 240, MS-2-13 Sacramento, CA 95814 Telephone: (916) 654-1897 Fax: (916) 654-2167 Website: Provides services and programs to children and adults with developmental disabilities that include mental retardation, cerebral palsy, epilepsy, autism, and other related conditions. California Roster 2010 EDUCATION, DEPARTMENT OF (see Constitutional Officers Section) EDUCATION, OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY FOR 1121 L Street, Suite 600 Sacramento, CA 95814 Telephone: (916) 323-0611 Fax: (916) 323-7132 Website: Advises the Governor and makes recommendations on state education policy and legislation. EDUCATION, STATE BOARD OF 1430 N Street, Room 5111 Sacramento, CA 95814 Telephone: (916) 319-0827 Fax: (916) 319-0175 Website: Adopts regulations and curriculum frameworks in core subject matter areas; studies and plans education conditions; monitors administration; considers waiver requests; approves academic standards; adopts tests for statewide assessment; reorganizes school districts; assigns numbers to petitions to establish Charter Schools; makes statewide charters; adopts textbooks for kindergarten through grade 8; serves as the State Education Agency in the implementation of federal K-12 programs. EDUCATIONAL FACILITIES AUTHORITY, CALIFORNIA 915 Capitol Mall, Room 590 Sacramento, CA 95814 Telephone: (916) 653-2872 Fax: (916) 653-2179 Website: Issues revenue bonds to assist private non-profit institutions of higher learning in the expansion and construction of educational facilities. ELECTRICITY OVERSIGHT BOARD 770 L Street, Suite 1250 Sacramento, CA 95814 Telephone: (916) 322-8601 Fax: (916) 322-8591 Provides regulatory oversight of California's restructured electricity industry and oversight to the California Independent System Operator. Ensures just and reasonable wholesale prices in the daily markets, files complaints on behalf of ratepayers when needed, and enforces fair market rules. ELECTRONIC & APPLIANCE REPAIR AND HOME FURNISHINGS & THERMAL INSULATION, BUREAU OF 3485 Orange Grove Avenue North Highlands, CA 95660 Telephone: (916) 574-2069 Fax: (916) 574-2120 Website: Regulates the repair of consumer electronic equipment, major home appliances, and the sale and administration of service contracts to provide consumer protection against fraud, negligence, and false and misleading advertisements. Regulates upholstered furniture and bedding products sold in California to make sure they meet health, fire safety, and labeling standards. 29 California State Agencies, Departments, Boards, and Commissions EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES AUTHORITY 1930 9th Street Sacramento, CA 95814 Telephone: (916) 322-4336 Fax: (916) 324-2875 Website: Administers a statewide system of coordinated emergency medical care, injury prevention, and disaster medical response. EMERGENCY SERVICES, GOVERNOR'S OFFICE OF 3650 Schriever Avenue Mather, CA 95655 Telephone: (916) 845-8510 Fax: (916) 845-8511 Website: Coordinates the overall state agency response to major disasters in support of local government. Responsible for assuring the state’s readiness to respond to and recover from natural, manmade, and war-caused emergencies, and for assisting local governments in their emergency preparedness, response and recovery efforts. EMPLOYMENT DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 800 Capitol Mall, Room 5000 Sacramento, CA 95814 Telephone: (916) 653-0707 Fax: (916) 657-5294 Website: Offers a wide variety of services to millions of Californians under the Workforce Services, Unemployment Insurance, Disability Insurance, Workforce Investment Act, and Labor Market Information programs. As California's largest tax collection agency, EDD also handles the audit and collection of payroll taxes and maintains employment records for more than 17 million California workers. EMPLOYMENT TRAINING PANEL 1100 J Street, 4th Floor Sacramento, CA 95814 Telephone: (916) 327-5640 Fax: (916) 327-5260 Website: Supports the California economy, primarily by funding the retraining of incumbent, frontline workers in companies challenged by out-of-state competition. Funds training for unemployed workers, and prioritizes small businesses, and employers and workers in high unemployment areas of the state. ENERGY COMMISSION, CALIFORNIA 1516 Ninth Street Sacramento, CA 95814 Telephone: (916) 654-5106 Website: Assesses, advocates and acts through public/private partnerships to improve energy systems that promote a strong economy and a healthy environment. ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH HAZARD ASSESSMENT, OFFICE OF 1001 “I” Street, 25th Floor Sacramento, CA 95814 Mailing Address: P.O. Box 4010, Sacramento, CA 95812 Telephone: (916) 324-7572 Fax: (916) 327-1097 Website: Protects and enhances public health and the environment by scientific evaluation of risks posed by hazardous substances. ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY, CALIFORNIA 1001 “I” Street, 25th Floor Sacramento, CA 95814 Telephone: (916) 445-3846 Fax: (916) 445-6401 Website: Email: [email protected] Coordinates and prioritizes the state’s efforts to protect the environment. EQUALIZATION, BORAD OF (see Constitutional Officers Section) EXPOSITION AND STATE FAIR, CALIFORNIA 1600 Exposition Boulevard Sacramento, CA 95815 Telephone: (916) 263-FAIR (3247) Website: and Email: [email protected] Hosts numerous events every year including a Fourth of July fireworks show, Autorama, the International Sportsman’s Expo, the Sacramento County Fair, Home and Garden shows, the various cultural festivals and the annual California State Fair. ENERGY COMMISSION, CALIFORNIA 1516 9th Street Sacramento, CA 95814 Telephone: (916) 654-4287 Website: Email: [email protected] Forecasts future energy needs and keeps historical energy data; licenses thermal power plants 50 megawatts or larger; promotes energy efficiency through appliance and building standards; develops energy technologies; and plans for and directs state response to energy emergencies. California Roster 2010 30 California State Agencies, Departments, Boards, and Commissions FAIR EMPLOYMENT AND HOUSING COMMISSION 455 Golden Gate Avenue, Suite 10600, 10th Floor San Francisco, CA 94102 Telephone: (415) 557-2325 Fax: (415) 557-0855 Website: FINANCE, DEPARTMENT OF State Capitol, Room 1145 Sacramento, CA 95814 Telephone: (916) 445-4141 Fax: (916) 324-7311 Website: Enforces California civil rights laws which: 1) ban employment discrimination on the bases of race, religious creed, color, national origin, ancestry, physical and mental disability, medical condition, marital status, sex, sexual orientation, and age over 40; 2) provide job-protected leaves for pregnancy disability and for family and medical reasons; 3) ban housing discrimination on the bases of race, color, religion, sex, marital status, national origin, ancestry, familial status, sexual orientation, disability, and source of income; 4) guarantee access, services and accommodations free of arbitrary discrimination in all business establishments; and, 5) protect all persons from violence and intimidation by threats of violence based on their race, color, religion, ancestry, national origin, political affiliation, sex, sexual orientation, age, disability, medical condition, marital status, or position in a labor dispute. Serve as the Governor’s chief fiscal policy advisor. Promotes responsible resource allocation through the state’s annual financial plan. FAIR EMPLOYMENT AND HOUSING, DEPARTMENT OF 2218 Kausen Drive, Suite 100 Elk Grove, CA 95758 Telephone: (916) 478-7251 Fax: (916) 478-7329 TTY: (800) 700-2320 Website: Enforces California civil rights laws that prohibit discrimination in employment, housing, public accommodations, and acts of hate violence. FAIR POLITICAL PRACTICES COMMISSION 428 J Street, Suite 620 Sacramento, CA 95814 Telephone: (916) 322-5660 Fax: (916) 322-6440 Website: Promotes the integrity of representative state and local government in California through fair, impartial interpretation and enforcement of political campaign, lobbying, and conflict of interest laws. FILM COMMISSION, CALIFORNIA 7080 Hollywood Boulevard, Suite 900 Hollywood, CA 90028 Telephone: (323) 860-2960 Fax: (323) 860-2972 Website: FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS, DEPARTMENT OF 45 Fremont Street, Suite 1700 San Francisco, CA 94105-2219 Telephone: (415) 263-8500 Fax: (415) 288-8830 Website: Email: [email protected] Consumer Inquiries and Complaints: Consumer Services Office Telephone: (800) 622-0620; (916) 322-0622 Email: [email protected] Licenses and regulates state-licensed banks, credit unions, industrial banks, offices of foreign banks as well as trust companies, issuers of travelers checks and payment instruments (money orders), and transmitters of money abroad. FIRE MARSHAL, OFFICE OF THE STATE 1131 S Street Sacramento, CA 95814 Mailing Address: P.O. Box 944246, Sacramento, CA 94244-2460 Telephone: (916) 445-8200 Fax: (916) 445-8509 Website: Develops and enforces fire and life safety standards throughout California. FIRST 5 CHILDREN AND FAMILIES COMMISSION, CALIFORNIA 2389 Gateway Oaks Drive, Suite 260 Sacramento, CA 95833 Telephone: (916) 263-1050 Fax: (916) 263-1360 Website: Fosters secure and healthy familial relations by integrating health care, quality child-care, parent education, and intervention programs for families at risk. Enhances California’s role as the premier location in the world for motion picture and television production by providing a one-stop shop for filmmakers, issuing permits for filming on state-owned property, providing location assistance, and administering several incentive programs for filming in California. California Roster 2010 31 California State Agencies, Departments, Boards, and Commissions FISH AND GAME, DEPARTMENT OF 1416 9th Street, 12th Floor Sacramento, CA 95814 Telephone: (916) 653-7667 Fax: (916) 653-7387 Website: Protects, manages, and educates the public about California’s diverse population of wildlife (both game and non-game) and fish, their habitats, invasive species, and threatened native plants. Enforces regulations of the Fish and Game Commission and laws relating to fish, wildlife and habitat. Responds to pollution incidents impacting California’s waterways by working to both prevent such spills and b ensuring prompt clean up and remediation. FISH AND GAME COMMISSION 1416 9th Street, Room 1320 Sacramento, CA 95814 Telephone: (916) 653-4899 Fax: (916) 653-5040 Website: Establishes policies for the guidance of the Department of Fish and Game. Prescribes the terms and conditions under which permits or licenses may be issued by the Department of Fish and Game. Regulates the following aspects of commercial fishing: fish reduction, herring fishery, kelp leases, oyster allotments and shellfish cultivation, abalone, sea urchin, and lobster regulations. FOOD AND AGRICULTURE, DEPARTMENT OF 1220 N Street, Sacramento, CA 95814 Telephone: (916) 654-0462 Fax: (916) 654-0403 Website: Email: [email protected] FORESTRY & FIRE PROTECTION, DEPARTMENT OF 1416 9th Street, Room 1505 Sacramento, CA 95814 Mailing Address: P.O. Box 944246, Sacramento, CA 94244 Telephone: (916) 653-7772 Fax: (916) 653-4171 Website: Protects the people of California from fires, responds to emergencies, and protects and enhances forest range and watershed value. FORESTRY AND FIRE PROTECTION, STATE BOARD OF 1416 9th Street, Room 1506-14 Sacramento, CA 95814 Mailing Address: P.O. Box 944226, Sacramento, CA 94244 Telephone: (916) 653-8007 Fax: (916) 653-0989 Website: Provides policy leadership and generates public interest and support in those matters key to the future of the state’s forest and rangelands. FRANCHISE TAX BOARD P.O. Box 157 Rancho Cordova, CA 95741-0157 Telephone: 916.852.5711 Fax: 916.843.6022 Website: Email: [email protected] or [email protected] Administers personal income tax and business entities income and franchise tax programs for the State of California. Ensures that safe and quality food reaches the consumer; protects against invasion of exotic pests and diseases; promotes California agriculture and food products at home and abroad; ensures an equitable and orderly marketplace for California’s agricultural products; builds coalitions supporting the state’s agricultural infrastructure to meet evolving industry needs. GAMBLING CONTROL COMMISSION, CALIFORNIA 2399 Gateway Oaks Drive, Suite 220 Sacramento, CA 95833-4231 Telephone: (916) 263-0700 Fax: (916) 263-0499 Website: Email: [email protected] FOOD AND AGRICULTURE, STATE BOARD OF 1220 N Street, Room 211 Sacramento, CA 95814 Telephone: (916) 657-3231 Fax: (916) 651-7899 Website: Email: [email protected] Protects the public by serving as the regulatory body over cardroom businesses and overseeing the state’s interests in Tribal gaming operations. Advises the Governor and the Secretary of the Department of Food and Agriculture on agricultural issues and consumer needs. Brings together local, state and federal government officials, agricultural officials, and citizens to discuss issues of concern to California agriculture. California Roster 2010 32 California State Agencies, Departments, Boards, and Commissions GENERAL SERVICES, DEPARTMENT OF 707 Third Street West Sacramento, CA 95605 Mailing Address: P.O. Box 989052, West Sacramento, CA 95798-9052 Telephone: (916) 376-5000 Fax: (916) 376-5018 Website: Manages and operates central services and business activities of state government. Activities include: the purchase of materials and services; facilities planning, space utilization and leasing operations; buying, selling and developing real estate; engineering, property management, building maintenance, custodial services and landscaping; architectural services; construction inspection, earthquake safety inspection for public schools, and disbursement of funds to local school districts for new construction and modernization; air and vehicle travel services and contracts; telecommunications and public safety radio; energy management; risk management, including insurance and self-insurance; administrative law judges for hearings; long-range statewide planning of office settings; accounting and fiscal services; central duplicating, mail messenger; legislative and agency publishing, and related activities; and auditing services. GEOLOGISTS AND GEOPHYSICISTS, BOARD FOR 1625 North Market Boulevard, N-324 Sacramento, CA 95834 Telephone: (916) 574-7749 Fax: (916) 574-8611 Website: Email: [email protected] Assures the protection of California consumers of geologic, geophysical, and environmental services through licensing, regulation and quality control functions to establish and maintain a pool of qualified and functional Professional Geologists and Professional Geophysicists. GOVERNOR (see Constitutional Officers Section) GUIDE DOGS FOR THE BLIND , BOARD OF 1625 North Market Blvd., Suite S-202 Sacramento, CA 95834 Telephone: (916) 574-7825 Website: Email: [email protected] Licenses and regulates schools and persons in California that train and supply guide dogs for the blind. The Board attempts to answer and resolve all complaints involving schools or trainers of guide dogs. HABEAS CORPUS RESOURCE CENTER 303 Second Street, Suite 400 South San Francisco CA 94107 Telephone: (415) 348-3800 Website: Provides legal representation for indigent petitioners in death penalty habeas corpus proceedings before the Supreme Court of California and the federal courts, recruits and trains attorneys to expand the pool of private counsel qualified to accept appointments in death penalty habeas corpus proceedings, and serves as a resource to appointed counsel. California Roster 2010 HASTINGS COLLEGE OF LAW 200 McAllister Street San Francisco, CA 94102 Telephone: (415) 565-4600 Fax: (415) 565-4825 Website: Founded in 1878 by Serranus Clinton Hastings (the first Chief Justice of California) as University of California’s first law school, Hastings College of the Law has been at the center of the legal community in the West. HEALTH AND HUMAN CALIFORNIA 1600 Ninth Street, Room 460 Sacramento, CA 95814 Telephone: (916) 654-3454 Fax: (916) 654-3343 Website: SERVICES AGENCY, Administers state and federal programs for health care, social services, public assistance, and rehabilitation. HEALTH CARE SERVICES, DEPARTMENT OF 1501 Capitol Avenue Sacramento, CA 95814 Mailing Address: P.O. Box 997413, Mail Stop 0000, Sacramento, CA 95899-7413 Telephone: (916) 440-7400 Fax: (916) 440-7404 Web: Site: Works to protect and promote the health status of Californians through the financing and delivery of individual health care services. Finance and administer a number of individual health care service delivery programs. HEALTH FACILITIES FINANCING CALIFORNIA 915 Capitol Mall, Suite 590 Sacramento, CA 95814 Telephone: (916) 653-2799 Fax: (916) 654-5362 Website: AUTHORITY, Provides financial assistance to public and non-profit health care providers in California through loans funded by the issuance of tax-exempt bonds. HEALTH INFORMATION INTEGRITY, CALIFORNIA OFFICE OF 1600 9th Street, Room 460 Sacramento, CA 95814 Telephone: (916) 654-3454 Fax: (916) 653-9588 Website: Email: [email protected] Working with a wide spectrum of healthcare stakeholders including representatives from the healthcare industry, consumers, and privacy and security advocates to develop new privacy and security standards to enable the adoption and application of health information exchange in California 33 California State Agencies, Departments, Boards, and Commissions HEALTH PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT, OFFICE OF STATEWIDE 400 R Street, Suite 310 Telephone: (916) 326-3600 Fax: (916) 322-2531 Website: Promotes healthcare accessibility by analyzing California’s healthcare infrastructure, promoting a diverse and competent healthcare workforce, providing information about healthcare outcomes, assuring the safety of buildings used in providing healthcare, insuring loans to encourage the development of healthcare facilities, and facilitating development of sustained capacity for communities to address local healthcare issues. HIGH SPEED RAIL AUTHORITY, CALIFORNIA 925 L Street, Suite 1425 Sacramento, CA 95814 Telephone: (916) 324-1541 Fax: (916) 322-0827 Website: Oversees the planning, design, construction operation of a proposed high-speed train system. and HIGHWAY PATROL, CALIFORNIA 2555 1st Avenue Sacramento, CA 95818 Mailing Address: P.O. Box 942898, Sacramento, CA 94298-0001 Telephone: (916) 657-7152 Fax: (916) 657-7324 Website: Ensures the safe, convenient, and efficient transportation of people and goods over California’s highway system. Provides for the safety and security of state officials, state property, and occupants of state property. HISTORICAL RECORDS ADVISORY BOARD, CALIFORNIA 1020 “O” Street Sacramento, CA 95814 Telephone: (916) 653-7715 Fax: (916) 653-7363 Website: Email: [email protected] Serves as coordinator for statewide planning for historical records and reviews and makes recommendations about grants to the National Historical Publications and Records Commission. HISTORIC STATE CAPITOL COMMISSION 1020 N Street, Suite 255 Sacramento, CA 95814 Telephone: (916) 651-1504 Fax: (916) 324-6176 Ensures the appropriate restoration, maintenance, development, and management of the historic and architectural legacy of the State Capitol building and grounds. California Roster 2010 HOMELAND SECURITY, OFFICE OF State Capitol Sacramento, CA 95814 Telephone: (916) 324-8908 To develop, maintain, and implement a statewide comprehensive homeland security strategy to prevent and deter terrorist attacks within California, reduce the State’s vulnerability to terrorism, minimize damage from attacks that may occur, and facilitate any recovery efforts. Through partnerships with federal, State and local entities, build the infrastructure to facilitate information sharing, threat assessment and coordination. HORSE RACING BOARD, CALIFORNIA 1010 Hurley Way, Suite 300 Sacramento, CA 95825 Telephone: (916) 263-6000 Fax: (916) 263-6042 Website: Regulates pari-mutuel wagering for the protection of the betting public. HOUSING AND COMMUNITY DEPARTMENT OF 1800 3rd Street Sacramento, CA 95811 Telephone: (916) 445-4775 Fax: (916) 324-5107 Website: Email: DEVELOPMENT, Provides leadership, policies, and programs to preserve and expand safe and affordable housing opportunities, and to promote strong communities for all Californians. HOUSING FINANCE AGENCY, CALIFORNIA 500 Capitol Mall, Suite 1400 Sacramento, CA 95814 Mailing Address: P.O. Box 4034, Sacramento, CA 95812 Telephone: (916) 326-8000 Fax: (916) 324-8640 Website: Serves as the state’s affordable housing bank by financing below-market interest rate loans to create safe, decent, affordable rental housing, and to assist first-time homebuyers in achieving the dream of homeownership. INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT FINANCING ADVISORY COMMISSION, CALIFORNIA (CIDFAC) 915 Capitol Mall, Room 457 Sacramento, California 95814 Telephone (916) 653-3843 Fax: (916) 653-3241 Email: [email protected] Provides low cost funding to California manufacturing businesses to finance capital expenditures for business expansion. 34 California State Agencies, Departments, Boards, and Commissions INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS, DEPARTMENT OF 455 Golden Gate Avenue, 10th Floor San Francisco, CA 94102 Telephone: (415) 703-5050 Fax: (415) 703-5059 Website: Email: [email protected] Improves working conditions for California’s wage earners, and advances opportunities for profitable employment in California. INFRASTRUCTURE AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT BANK 980 9th Street, Suite 900 Sacramento, CA 95814 Mailing Address: P.O. Box 2830, Sacramento, CA 95812 Telephone: (916) 322-1399 Fax: (916) 322-6314 Website: Promotes economic growth, quality of life, and revitalization of California communities through low-cost financing of infrastructure and economic development projects. INSPECTOR GENERAL, OFFICE OF THE P.O. Box 348780 Sacramento, CA 95834-8780 Business Line: (916) 830-3600 Hotline: (800) 700-5952 Fax: (916) 928-4684 Website: Email: [email protected] INSURANCE COMMISSIONER (see Constitutional Officers Section) INTEGRATED WASTE MANAGEMENT BOARD 1001 “I” Street Sacramento, CA 95814 Mailing Address: P.O. Box 4025, Sacramento, CA 95812 Telephone: (916) 341-6300 Fax: (916) 319-7396 Website: Email: [email protected] Manages the estimated 76 million tons of waste generated each year by reducing waste whenever possible, promoting the management of all materials to their highest and best use, and protecting public health and safety and the environment. JUDICIAL PERFORMANCE, COMMISSION ON 455 Golden Gate Avenue, Suite 14400 San Francisco, CA 94102 Telephone: 415-557-1200 Fax: 415-557-1266 Website: Investigates complaints of judicial misconduct judicial incapacity and disciplines judges. and JUSTICE, CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF (see Constitutional Officers Section) Investigates and audits the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation to uncover criminal conduct, administrative wrongdoing, poor management practices, waste, fraud, and other abuses by staff, supervisors, and management. JUVENILE JUSTICE, DIVISION OF CA DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS & REHABILITATION (Formerly CA Department of the Youth Authority (CYA)) 1515 S Street, Suite 502 South Sacramento, CA 95814 Telephone: (916) 323-6001 Fax: (916) 323-5584 Website: INSTITUTE FOR REGENERATIVE MEDICINE, CALIFORNIA 210 King Street San Francisco, CA 94107 Telephone: (415) 396-9100 Fax: (415) 396-9141 Website: Email: [email protected] Provides a range of training and treatment services for youthful offenders committed by the courts as wards of the state. Directs these offenders to participate in community and victim restitution. Assists local justice agencies with efforts to control crime and delinquency and to rehabilitate the offenders. Encourages the development of state and local programs to prevent crime and delinquency and to rehabilitate the offenders. Established through the passage of Proposition 71 and approved by California voters on November 2, 2004, the California Stem Cell Research and Cures Initiative. The statewide ballot measure, which provided $3 billion in funding for stem cell research at California universities and research institutions, and called for the establishment of a new state agency to make grants and provide loans for stem cell research, research facilities and other vital research opportunities. LABOR AND WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT AGENCY 801 K Street, Suite 2101 Sacramento, CA 95814 Telephone: (916) 327-9064 Website: INSURANCE ADVISOR, OFFICE OF THE 915 Capitol Mall, Suite 200 Sacramento, CA 95814 Telephone: (916) 657-5022 Fax: (916) 653-3815 Provides legislative analyses and recommendations to the Governor on pending legislation in the area of insurance. California Roster 2010 Coordinates labor and employment programs for workers and businesses. LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS TECHNICAL COMMITTEE 2420 Del Paso Road, Suite 105 Sacramento, CA 95834 Telephone: (916) 575-7230 Fax: (916) 575-7285 Website: Email: [email protected] Protects the health, safety, and welfare of the public by establishing standards for licensure, and enforcing the laws and regulations that govern the practice of landscape architecture in California. 35 California State Agencies, Departments, Boards, and Commissions LAW REVISION COMMISSION, CALIFORNIA 3200 5th Avenue Sacramento, CA 95817-2799 Telephone: (916) 739-7071 Website: Email: [email protected] Studies the law in order to discover defects and anachronisms, and recommends legislation to make needed reforms on matters referred to it by the Legislature. LEGISLATIVE COUNSEL, OFFICE OF State Capitol, Suite 3021 Sacramento, CA 95814 Telephone: (916) 341-8000 Fax: (916) 341-8020 Website: Drafts legislative proposals, prepares legal opinions, and provides other confidential legal services to the Legislature and others. The office also provides computer services, data networking, and related customer services to the Legislature. LIBRARY, CALIFORNIA STATE 900 N Street Sacramento, CA 95814 Telephone: (916) 654-0266 Fax: (916) 651-1114 Website: Serves the research needs of elected officials and state agency employees; preserves the state's cultural heritage by collecting historic materials on California and the West; assists public libraries through financial aid and consulting services, offers special services to visually impaired customers, and ensures that the general public has convenient and consistent access to its resources. LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR (see Constitutional Officers Section) LITTLE HOOVER COMMISSION (Formally Known As The Milton Marks “Little Hoover” Commission On California State Government Organization And Economy) 925 L Street, Suite 805 Sacramento, CA 95814 Telephone: (916) 445-2125 Fax: (916) 322-7709 Website: Email: [email protected] Recommends to the Governor and the Legislature ways to make state programs more efficient and effective. LOTTERY COMMISSION, CALIFORNIA 600 North 10th Street Sacramento, CA 95814 Telephone: (916) 323-7095 Website: Oversees the Lottery and ensures its integrity, security and fairness. California Roster 2010 MANAGED HEALTH CARE, DEPARTMENT OF 980 9th Street, Suite 500 Sacramento, CA 95814-2725 Telephone: (916) 324-8176 Telephone for HMO Help Center: (888) HMO-2219 Fax: (916) 322-9430 Website: Regulates HMOs and enforces state laws relating to Managed Health Care. Links consumers and their health plans, and works to ensure that they receive preventive treatment and high quality health care according to law. Also includes the HMO Help Center, a 24-hour resource for consumers who need help resolving problems with their health plans. MANAGED RISK MEDICAL INSURANCE BOARD 1000 G Street, Suite 450 Sacramento, CA 95814 Telephone: (916) 324-4695 Fax: (916) 324-4878 Website: Improves the health of Californians by increasing access to affordable, comprehensive, and quality health care coverage. MEDICAL ASSISTANCE COMMISSION, CALIFORNIA 770 L Street, Suite 1000 Sacramento, CA 95814 Telephone: (916) 324-2726 Fax: (916) 324-5597 Website: Negotiates health care contracts with managed care plans and hospitals on behalf of the State for the Medicaid program in California (called Medi-Cal), which is administered by the California Department of Health Care Services. Promotes efficient and cost-effective Medi-Cal programs through a system of negotiated contracts fostering competition, and maintaining access to quality health care for Medi-Cal beneficiaries. MEDICAL BOARD OF CALIFORNIA 2005 Evergreen Street, Suite 1200 Sacramento, CA 95815 Telephone: (916) 263-2389 Toll-Free: (800) 633-2322 Fax: (916) 263-2387 Website: Licenses physicians and surgeons, and provides two principal types of consumer services: information about physicians and investigation of complaints against physicians. MENTAL HEALTH, DEPARTMENT OF 1600 9th Street, Room 151 Sacramento, CA 95814 Telephone: (800) 896-4042 Fax: (916) 654-3198 Website: Provides system leadership for state and local county mental health departments, system oversight, evaluation, and monitoring. Administers federal funds, and operates five state hospital, two psychiatric programs, and an intensive community outpatient program. 36 California State Agencies, Departments, Boards, and Commissions MILITARY AND AEROSPACE SUPPORT, OFFICE OF Business, Transportation and Housing Agency 980 9th Street, Suite 2450 Sacramento, CA 95814-2719 Telephone: (916) 323-5485 Website: Provides a central clearinghouse for all defense retention, conversion, and base reuse activities in the state. It serves as the primary state liaison with the Department of Defense, and supports existing and developing aerospace initiatives. MILITARY DEPARTMENT, CALIFORNIA - OFFICE OF THE ADJUTANT GENERAL 9800 Goethe Road Sacramento, CA 95826 Mailing Address: P.O. Box 269101, Sacramento, CA 95826 Telephone: (916) 854-3000 Fax: (916) 854-3630 Website: Provides oversight and management of the California National Guard. Controls daily operations of the California Army and Air National Guard, per guidelines set forth by the Department of the Army and Air Force. The three missions of the California National Guard are: Federal—to provide mission-ready forces to defend national security interests and homeland defense; State—to perform public safety missions in support of civil authority as directed by the Governor, to include rapid response to homeland security incidents, natural disasters, and other state emergencies; and Community—Statewide guard units are involved in community-based youth programs, they assist local law enforcement agencies with drug demand reductions, and they participate in various community services projects. MINING AND GEOLOGY BOARD 801 K Street, MS 20-15 Sacramento, CA 95814 Telephone: (916) 322-1082 Fax: (916) 445-0738 Website: Email: [email protected] Represents the state’s interests in the development, utilization, and conservation of mineral resources; reclaims mined lands; develops geology and seismic hazard information; provides a forum for public redress. MOTOR VEHICLES, DEPARTMENT OF 2415 1st Avenue Sacramento, CA 95818 Telephone: (916) 657-6940 Website: Issues driver licenses and identification cards. Registers and records ownership of vehicles and vessels. Maintains driving records of licensed drivers. Licenses and regulates driving and traffic violator schools and instructors, and licenses vehicle manufacturers, transporters, dealers, distributors, vehicle salespeople, and dismantlers. Investigates consumer complaints. Collects and distributes revenue to other state and local agencies. California Roster 2010 NATIVE AMERICAN HERITAGE COMMISSION 915 Capitol Mall, Room 364 Sacramento, CA 95814 Telephone: (916) 653-4082 Fax: (916) 657-5390 Website: Email: [email protected] Protects Native American burials from vandalism and inadvertent destruction, and provides a procedure for the notification of descendents about the discovery of Native American human remains and associated burial goods. Brings legal action to prevent severe and irreparable damage to sacred shrines, ceremonial sites, sanctified cemeteries, and places of worship on public property. Provides contacts for tribal consultation and facilitates consultation between local governments and tribes. Maintains an inventory of sacred places. NATURAL RESOURCES AGENCY, CALIFORNIA 1416 9th Street, Suite 1311 Sacramento, CA 95814 Telephone: (916) 653-5656 Website: Restores, protects, and manages the state’s natural, historical and cultural resources. NATUROPATHIC MEDICINE COMMITTEE Department of Consumer Affairs 1300 National Drive, Suite 150 Sacramento, CA 95834 Telephone: (916) 928-4785 Fax: (916) 928-4787 Website: Established within the Department of Consumer Affairs to administer the Naturopathic Doctors Act. This law specifies various standards for licensure and regulation of naturopathic doctors, and investigates complaints against California naturopathic doctors as well as provides consumers with licensing and disciplinary information. NEW MOTOR VEHICLE BOARD 1507 21st Street, Suite 330 Sacramento, CA 95811 Telephone: (916) 445-1888 Fax: (916) 323-1632 Website: Email: [email protected] Resolves disputes between vehicle manufacturers and franchised dealerships. Also provides a consumer mediation program. OCCUPATIONAL INFORMATION COORDINATING COMMMITTEE, CALIFORNIA (California Career Resource Network) 1430 N Street #4503 Sacramento, CA 95814 Telephone: (916) 323-6544 Fax: (916) 274-5785 or 5786 Website: Provides all persons in California with career development information and resources to enable them to reach their career goals. 37 California State Agencies, Departments, Boards, and Commissions OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH BOARD 2520 Venture Oaks Way, Suite 300 Sacramento, CA 95833 Telephone: (916) 274-5751 Fax: (916) 274-5785 or 5786 Website: Email: [email protected] APPEALS Handles appeals from private and public sector employers regarding citations issued by the Division of Occupational Safety and Health for alleged violations of workplace safety and health laws and regulations. OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH STANDARDS BOARD 2520 Venture Oaks Way, Suite 350 Sacramento, CA 95833 Telephone: (916) 274-5721 Fax: (916) 274-5743 Website: Email: [email protected] Promotes, adopts, and maintains reasonable and enforceable standards that will ensure a safe and healthful workplace for California workers. OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY, BOARD OF 2005 Evergreen Street, Suite 410 Sacramento, CA 95814 Telephone: (916) 263-2294 Telephone: (800) 952-5210 Fax: (916) 263-2479 Website: Protects consumers by ensuring that occupational therapists and occupational therapy assistants have met the minimum licensure requirements in California. Establishes and enforces rules and regulations which define the standards of practice in occupational therapy. OPTOMETRY, BOARD OF 2420 Del Paso Road, Suite 255 Sacramento, CA 95834 Telephone: (916) 575-7170 Fax: (916) 575-7292 Website: Email: [email protected] Assures that Californians have access to appropriate high quality eye and vision care, implements and promotes fair and just laws and regulations protecting the health and safety of consumers. Licenses and regulates optometrists, and provides two principal types of consumer services: information about optometrists and investigation of complaints against optometrists. OSTEOPATHIC MEDICAL BOARD OF CALIFORNIA 1300 National Drive, Suite 150 Sacramento, CA 95834 Telephone: (916) 928-8390 Fax: (916) 928-8392 Website: Protects consumers and promotes the highest professional standards in the practice of osteopathic medicine. Licenses osteopathic physicians and surgeons, investigates consumer complaints and uses its enforcement power to ensure practitioners abide by the provisions of the state Business and Professions Code/Medical Practice Act. California Roster 2010 PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION, STATE P.O. Box 942896 Sacramento, CA 94296-0001 Telephone: (916) 653-0524 Fax: (916) 653-4458 Website: Email Commission: P&[email protected] Email General State Parks Inquiries: [email protected] Approves general plans for units of the State Park System, classifies units of the system, establishes general policies for the guidance of the Director of State Parks in the administration, protection, and development the System, and recommends to the Director a comprehensive recreation policy for the state. PARKS, CALIFORNIA STATE 1416 9th Street Sacramento, CA 95814 Telephone: (916) 653-8380 Fax: (916) 657-3903 Website: Acquires, develops, and operates units of the State Park System. Preserves and administers state recreation areas, parks, historic parks, historical monuments, beaches, and reserves. Provides camping, picnicking, boating, riding and hiking trails, naturalist services, and administers concessions. PAROLE HEARINGS, BOARD OF P.O. Box 4036 Sacramento, CA 95812-4036 Telephone: (916) 445-4072 Fax: (916) 445-5242 Website: Conducts parole consideration hearings for all adult inmates sentenced to life terms with the possibility of parole. Investigates and makes recommendations, at the request of the Governor, on all applications for reprieves, pardons, and commutations of sentence, including death penalty commutations. PEACE OFFICER STANDARDS AND TRAINING, COMMISSION ON 1601 Alhambra Boulevard Sacramento, CA 95816-7083 Telephone: (916) 227-3909 Fax: (916) 227-3895 Website: Email: [email protected] Continually enhance the professionalism of California law enforcement in serving its communities. PERSONNEL ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF 1515 S Street, Suite 400 North Sacramento, CA 95814 Telephone: (916) 324-0455 Fax: (916) 327-0568 Website: Represents the Governor as the “employer” in all matters concerning California State employer-employee relations. Ensures the proper administration of terms and conditions of employment for the state’s civil service employees. Responsible for all issues related to collective bargaining, including salaries and benefits, job classifications, and training. Administers the personnel classification plans. 38 California State Agencies, Departments, Boards, and Commissions PERSONNEL BOARD, STATE 801 Capitol Mall Sacramento, CA 95814 Telephone: (916) 653-1028 Fax: (916) 653-8147 Website: Provides guidance and direction to the civil service system and ensures that appointments and promotions are based on merit as required by the California Constitution. Adopts and approves policies and regulations to guide the administration of the civil service outreach, recruitment, selection, promotion, and classification systems. Reviews and adjudicates a variety of employee, applicant, and citizen complaints. PESTICIDE REGULATION, DEPARTMENT OF 1001 “I” Street, 4th Floor Sacramento, CA 95814 Mailing Address: P.O. Box 4015, Sacramento, CA 95812 Telephone: (916) 445-4300 Fax: (916) 324-1452 Website: Email: [email protected] Protects human health and the environment by regulating pesticide sales and use, and by fostering reduced-risk pest management. PHARMACY, BOARD OF 1625 North Market Blvd, Suite N219 Sacramento, CA 95834 Telephone: (916) 574-7900 Fax: (916) 574-8618 Website: Establishes and enforces rules and regulations which define standards in the practice of pharmacy and the other occupations regulated by the Board, including any site where dangerous drugs and devices are compounded, stored, prepared, or sold. PHYSICAL THERAPY BOARD 2005 Evergreen Street, Suite 1350 Sacramento, CA 95815 Telephone: (916) 561-8200 Fax: (916) 263-2560 Website: Promotes and protects the interests of the people of California by administering and enforcing the Physical Therapy Practice Act. PHYSICIAN ASSISTANT COMMITTEE 2005 Evergreen Street, Suite 1100 Sacramento, CA 95815 Telephone: (916) 561-8780 Fax: (916) 263-2671 Website: Protects consumers by licensing physician assistants and approving physician assistant training programs. Ensures that licensees and approved programs have met the minimum licensure requirements. PILOT COMMISSIONERS, BOARD OF Pier 9, Suite 102 San Francisco, CA 94111 Telephone: (415) 397-2253 Fax: (415) 397-9463 PLANNING AND RESEARCH, GOVERNOR’S OFFICE OF 1400 10th Street, Room 212 Sacramento, CA 95814 Mailing Address: P.O. Box 3044, Sacramento, CA 95812 Telephone: (916) 322-2318 Website: Assists the Governor with research and policy development on issues including land use, local government, criminal justice, political reform, and environmental/regulatory policy. Provides technical assistance on state and local land use planning and CEQA compliance. Serves as state coordinator for environmental justice programs. Houses the office of the Small Business Advocate. PODIATRIC MEDICINE, BOARD OF 2005 Evergreen Street, Suite 1300 Sacramento, CA 95815 Telephone: (916) 263-2647 Fax: (916) 263-2651 Website: Email: [email protected] Protects consumers by setting and enforcing standards and by providing accurate and timely information that allows consumers to make sound decisions regarding foot and ankle care. POLLUTION CONTROL FINANCING CALIFORNIA 915 Capitol Mall, Room 457 Sacramento, CA 95814 Telephone: (916) 654-5610 Fax: (916) 657-4821 Website: AUTHORITY, Provides financing for pollution control facilities to aid in meeting environmental standards. POSTSECONDARY EDUCATION CALIFORNIA 770 L Street, #1160 Sacramento, CA 95814-3396 Telephone: (916) 445-1000 Fax: (916) 327-4417 Website: COMMISSION, Advises the Governor and Legislative on higher education policy and fiscal issues. The Commission’s primary focus is to ensure that the state’s educational resources are used effectively to provide Californians with postsecondary education opportunities. PRISON INDUSTRY AUTHORITY 560 East Natoma Street Folsom, CA 95630-2200 Telephone: (916) 358-2696 Website: Provides productive work assignments for inmates in California’s adult correctional institutions to reduce idleness and improve job skills. Operates service, manufacturing, and agricultural industries in prisons throughout California. Provides state oversight for the San Francisco Bar Pilots. California Roster 2010 39 California State Agencies, Departments, Boards, and Commissions PRISON INDUSTRY BOARD 560 East Natoma Street Folsom, CA 95630-2200 Telephone: (916) 358-2677 Website: Sets general policy for the Prison Industries Authority, oversees the performance of existing prison industries, and determines which new industries shall be established. The California Office of Privacy Protection, in the State and Consumer Services Agency, provides information and assistance on privacy issues to individuals and recommends privacy practices to businesses and other organizations. The office opened in 2001, with a mission of identifying consumer problems in the privacy area and encouraging the development of fair information practices. Private Postsecondary & Vocational Education Became inoperative on June 30, 2007, there is no regulatory body with oversight of private postsecondary schools. Currently no approval is required. AND SYSTEM Provides retirement and health benefits to state and local public employees, retirees, and their families. PUBLIC EMPLOYMENT RELATIONS BOARD 1031 18th Street Sacramento, CA 95814 Telephone: (916) 322-3198 Website: PRIVACY PROTECTION, OFFICE OF 915 Capitol Mall, Suite 200 Sacramento, CA 95814 Telephone: (866) 785-9663; (916) 651-1086 Fax: (916) 653-3815 Website: Email: [email protected] PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS SURVEYORS, BOARD FOR 2535 Capitol Oaks Drive, Suite 300 Sacramento, CA 95833-2944 Telephone: (916) 263-2230 Fax: (916) 263-2246 Website: Email: [email protected] PUBLIC EMPLOYEES’ RETIREMENT (CALPERS), CALIFORNIA 400 Q Street Sacramento, CA 95811 Telephone: (916) 795-3000 Fax: (916) 795-3410 Website: Administers the collective bargaining statutes covering employees of California’s public schools, colleges, and universities, employees of the State of California, employees of California local public agencies (cities, counties and special districts), and supervisory employees of the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority. PUBLIC HEALTH, CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF 1615 Capitol Avenue, MS 0500 Sacramento, CA 95814 Telephone: (916) 558-1700 Fax: (916) (916) 440 -7156 Website: eAdministrators.aspx LAND Assures the protection of the general public through the licensing, enforcement, and educational outreach of engineers and land surveyors. PSYCHOLOGY, BOARD OF 2005 Evergreen Street, Suite 1400 Sacramento, CA 95815 Telephone: (916) 263-2699 Fax: (916) 263-2697 Website: Email: [email protected] Assures the protection of consumers of psychological services through its licensing, enforcement, promotion of continuing education of licensed psychologists, and outreach programs. PUBLIC DEFENDER, STATE 221 Main Street, 10th Floor San Francisco, CA 94105 Telephone: (415) 904-5600 Fax: (415) 904-5635 Website: Optimizes the health and well-being of the people in California through population-based public health programs and services. PUBLIC SCHOOL CONSTRUCTION, OFFICE OF 1130 K Street, Suite 400 Sacramento, CA 95814 Telephone: (916) 445-3377 Fax: (916) 324-0623 Website: Implements and administers the School Facility Program and other programs of the State Allocation Board; prepares recommendations for the State Allocation Board’s review and approval; facilitates the processing of school district applications and makes funding available to qualifying school districts. PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION, CALIFORNIA 505 Van Ness Avenue San Francisco, CA 94102 Telephone: (415) 703-2782 Fax: (415) 703-1758 Website: Regulates privately owned telecommunications, electric, natural gas, water, railroad, rail transit, and passenger transportation companies. Assures California utility customers have safe, reliable utility service at reasonable rates, protects utility customers from fraud. Provides representation for defendants in state appellate courts. California Roster 2010 40 California State Agencies, Departments, Boards, and Commissions REAL ESTATE, DEPARTMENT OF 2201 Broadway Sacramento, CA 95818 Telephone: (916) 227-0782 Fax: (916) 227-0777 Website: Administers laws and regulations applicable to: (1) licensing and regulation of real estate brokers and salespersons, (2) offerings of subdivided lands, (3) mortgage loan brokerage activities, and (4) the Real Estate Recovery Fund. REAL ESTATE APPRAISERS, OFFICE OF 1102 Q Street, Suite 4100 Sacramento, CA 95814 Telephone: (916) 552-9000 Fax: (916) 440-7406 Website: Protects public safety by ensuring the competency and integrity of licensed real estate appraisers. RECLAMATION BOARD 3310 El Camino Avenue, Room LL60 Sacramento, CA 95821 Telephone: (916) 574-0609 Fax: (916) 574-0682 Website: Controls flooding along the Sacramento and San Joaquin Rivers and their tributaries in cooperation with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Cooperates with various agencies of the federal, state and local governments in establishing, planning, constructing, operating, and maintaining flood control works. REGISTERED NURSING, BOARD OF 1625 North Market Blvd, Suite N217 Sacramento, CA 95834 Telephone: (916) 322-3350; TDD: (916) 322-1700 Fax: (916) 574-8637 Website: Regulates the practice of registered nurses by setting RN educational standards; approving nursing programs; evaluating licensure applications; issuing and renewing licenses and certificates; and taking disciplinary action. REHABILITATION, DEPARTMENT OF 2000 Evergreen Street Sacramento, CA 95815 Telephone: (916) 263-7365 Fax: (916) 263-7474 Website: Works in partnership with consumers and other stakeholders to provide services and advocacy resulting in employment, independent living, and equality for individuals with disabilities. California Roster 2010 RESPIRATORY CARE BOARD OF CALIFORNIA 444 North 3rd Street, Suite 270 Sacramento, CA 95811 Telephone: (916) 323-9983 Toll-Free: 866-375-0386 Fax: (916) 323-9999 Website: Email: [email protected] Protects and serves the consumer by enforcing the Respiratory Care Practice Act and its regulations, expands the delivery and availability of services, increases public awareness of respiratory care as a profession, and supports the development and education of all respiratory care practitioners. SAFE-BIDCO (ASSISTANCE FUND FOR ENTERPRISE, BUSINESS AND INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT CORP, STATE) 1377 Corporate Center Parkway, Suite A Santa Rosa, CA 95407 Telephone: (707) 577-8621 Fax: (707) 577-7348 Website: Provides economic development financing for existing and start-up businesses. SAN FRANCISCO BAY CONSERVATION DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION 50 California Street, Suite 2600 San Francisco, CA 94111 Telephone: (415) 352-3600 Fax: (415) 352-3606 Website: Email: [email protected] AND Maintains a plan for the overall protection and use of the San Francisco Bay, and regulates development and other activities in the Bay and along the Bay shoreline. SAN JOAQUIN RIVER CONSERVANCY 5469 East Olive Avenue Fresno, CA 93727 Telephone: (559) 253-7324 Fax: (559) 456-3194 Website: Acquires and manages public lands within the San Joaquin River Parkway with the goal of providing recreational and educational opportunities, and wildlife protection. SANTA MONICA MOUNTAINS CONSERVANCY 5750 Ramirez Canyon Road Malibu, CA 90265 Telephone: (310) 589-3200 Website: Preserves, protects, restores, and enhances lands in Southern California in order to form an interlinking system of urban, rural and river parks, open space, trails, and wildlife habitats. 41 California State Agencies, Departments, Boards, and Commissions SCHOLARSHARE INVESTMENT BOARD 915 Capitol Mall, Room 219 Sacramento, CA 95814 Telephone: (916) 651-6380 Fax: (916) 651-6382 Website: ScholarShare Website: Email: [email protected] Sets investment policies and oversees all activities of ScholarShare, the state’s 529 college investment plan. SCHOOL FINANCE AUTHORITY, CALIFORNIA 915 Capitol Mall, Room 576 Sacramento, CA 95814 Telephone: (213) 620-4467 Fax: (916) 651-7709 Website: Oversees the statewide system for the sale of revenue bonds to reconstruct, remodel or replace existing school buildings, acquire new school sites and buildings to be made available to public school districts (K-12) and community colleges, and to assist school districts by providing access to financing for working capital and capital improvements. SCIENCE CENTER, CALIFORNIA 700 State Drive Los Angeles, CA 90037 Telephone: (213) 744-3623 Fax: (213) 744-7456 Website: Email: [email protected] A science education facility designated to stimulate curiosity and inspire science learning. Offers exhibits, educational programs, and interactive programs. SECRETARY OF STATE (see Constitutional Officers Section) SECURITY AND INVESTIGATIVE SERVICES, BUREAU OF 2420 Del Paso Road, Suite 270 Sacramento, CA 95834 Telephone: (916) 322-4000 Fax: (916) 575-7290 Website: Licenses and regulates private patrol operator, security guards, proprietary private security officers, burglar alarm companies and their employees, repossessors and their employees, Locksmiths and their employees, private investigators, firearm and baton training facilities and instructors. Issues and renews licenses, registration, permits and certificates and takes disciplinary action when necessary. SEISMIC SAFETY COMMISSION 1755 Creekside Oaks Drive, Suite 100 Sacramento, CA 95833 Telephone: (916) 263-5506 Fax: (916) 263-0594 Website: Email: [email protected] Advises the Governor, Legislature, state and local agencies, and the public about strategies to reduce earthquake risk. Investigates earthquakes, researches earthquake-related issues, and evaluates and recommends to the Governor and Legislature policies and programs needed to reduce earthquake risk. California Roster 2010 SIERRA NEVADA CONSERVANCY 11521 Blocker Drive, Suite 205 Auburn, CA 95603 Telephone: (530) 823-4670 Fax: (530) 823-4665 Web site: Email: [email protected] Initiates, encourages, and supports efforts that improve the environmental, economic and social well-being of the Sierra Nevada Region, its communities and the citizens of California. SOCIAL SERVICES, CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF 744 P Street Sacramento, CA 95814 Telephone: (916) 651-8848 Web site: Email: [email protected] Serves, aids, and protects needy and vulnerable children and adults to help strengthen and preserve families. SPEECH-LANGUAGE PATHOLOGY, AUDIOLOGY HEARING AID DISPENSERS BOARD 2005 Evergreen Street, Suite 2100 Sacramento, CA 95815 Telephone: (916) 263-2666 Fax: (916) 263-2668 Website: & Protects the interests of consumers by requiring adherence to statutes and regulations designed to ensure the qualifications and competency of providers of speechlanguage pathology, audiology and hearing aid dispensing services. STATE AND CONSUMER SERVICES AGENCY 915 Capitol Mall, Suite 200 Sacramento, CA 95814 Telephone: (916) 653-4090 Fax: (916) 653-3815 Website: Responsible for civil rights enforcement, consumer protection, and the licensing of 2.3 million Californians in more than 230 different professions. The Agency also handles procurement of nearly $9 billion worth of goods and services, the management and development of state real estate, oversight of two state employee pension funds, collection of state taxes, hiring of state employees, providing information technology services, adopting state building state building standards, providing recommendations to reduce earthquake losses, and the administration of two state museums. In addition, the Secretary for the State and Consumer Services Agency is the Chair of the California Building Standards Commission and the Victim Compensation and Government Claims Board. STATE BAR OF CALIFORNIA 180 Howard Street San Francisco, CA 94105 Telephone: (415) 538-2000 Complaints About Attorneys: (800) 843-9053 Website: Helps to shape the development of law, regulates the professional conduct of the state’s lawyers, and provides greater access to the California justice system. 42 California State Agencies, Departments, Boards, and Commissions STATE COMPENSATION INSURANCE FUND (SCIF) 1275 Market Street San Francisco, CA 94103 Telephone: (415) 565-1234 Website: Provides California employers with a permanent market for workers’ compensation insurance protection. Assists employers in providing safe places to work. Helps rehabilitate injured workers. STATE INDEPENDENT LIVING COUNCIL 1600 K Street, Suite 100 Sacramento, CA 95814 Telephone: (916) 445-0142 Fax: (916) 445-5973 Website: Maximizes options for the independence of persons with disabilities. STATE LANDS COMMISSION 100 Howe Avenue, Suite 100-South Sacramento, CA 95825-8202 Telephone: (916) 574-1900 Fax: (916) 574-1810 Website: Provides stewardship of the lands, waterways, and resources entrusted to its care through economic development, protection, preservation, and restoration. STATE MANDATES, COMMISSION ON 980 9th Street, Suite 300 Sacramento, CA 95814 Telephone: (916) 323-3562 Fax: (916) 445-0278 Website: Email: [email protected] Carries out three distinct statutory responsibilities: (1) adjudicates test claims of local entities that allege the existence of reimbursable state-mandated programs; (2) hears and decides claims that the Controller has incorrectly reduced payments for reimbursement claims; and (3) determines the existence of significant financial distress for applicant counties that seek to reduce their general assistance standards of aid. STATE UNIVERSITY, CALIFORNIA Office of the Chancellor 401 Golden Shore Long Beach, CA 90802-4210 Telephone: (562) 951-4000 Website: Provides high-quality, accessible, student-focused higher education. STATUS OF WOMEN, COMMISSION ON THE 1303 J Street, Suite 400 Sacramento, CA 95814 Telephone: (916) 445-3173 Website: Email: [email protected] Promotes equality and justice for all women and girls by advocating on their behalf with the Governor, the Legislature and other public policymakers, and by educating the public in the areas of economic equity including educational equity, access to health care including reproductive choice, violence against women and other key issues identified by the Commission as significantly affecting women and girls. STRUCTURAL PEST CONTROL BOARD 2005 Evergreen Street, Suite 1500 Sacramento, CA 95815 Telephone: (916) 561-8700 Fax: (916) 263-2469 Website: Protects and benefits the public by regulating the structural pest control industry. STUDENT AID COMMISSION 110811 International Drive, Second Floor Rancho Cordova, CA 95741 Mailing Address: P.O. Box 419026, Rancho Cordova, CA 95741-9026 Telephone: (916) 526-8271 Fax: (916) 526-8033 Website: Email: [email protected] Administers a comprehensive program of student grants, educational loans, and other special financial aid programs for low and middle-income students in California colleges, universities, and other postsecondary institutions. Also conducts student financial aid research, disseminates information statewide about aid programs, and reports to the Governor, Legislature, and postsecondary schools about all aspects of student aid for higher education. SUMMER SCHOOL FOR THE ARTS, CALIFORNIA STATE 1010 Hurley Way, Suite 185 Sacramento, CA 95825 Telephone: (916) 274-5815 Fax: (916) 274-5814 Website: Provides a training ground for future artists who wish to pursue careers in the arts and entertainment industries in California. SUPREME COURT OF CALIFORNIA 350 McAllister Street San Francisco, CA 94102-4797 Telephone: (415) 865-7000 Website: The Supreme Court of California is the state’s highest court. Its decisions are binding on all other California state courts. The court conducts regular sessions in San Francisco, Los Angeles, and Sacramento; it may also hold special sessions elsewhere. California Roster 2010 43 California State Agencies, Departments, Boards, and Commissions SYSTEMS INTEGRATION, OFFICE OF P.O. Box 138014 Sacramento, CA 95813-8014 Website: Procure, manage and deliver technology systems that support the delivery of health and human services to Californians. TAHOE CONSERVANCY, CALIFORNIA 1061 Third Street South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150 Telephone: (530) 542-5580 Fax: (530) 542-5591 Website: Acquires, restores, and/or manages land through direct activities and grants to local government and nonprofits for the purposes of protecting the natural environment, restoring streams and watersheds, protecting water quality, providing public access and recreational opportunities, and preserving wildlife habitat at Lake Tahoe. TAX CREDIT ALLOCATION COMMITTEE, CALIFORNIA 915 Capitol Mall, Room 485 Sacramento, CA 95814 Telephone: (916) 654-6340 Website: Administers two low-income housing tax credit programs, a federal and a state program. Both programs were authorized to encourage private investment in affordable rental housing for households meeting certain income requirements. TEACHER CREDENTIALING, COMMISSION ON 1900 Capitol Avenue Sacramento, CA 95814 Telephone: (916) 323-6253 Fax: (916) 445-0800 Website: Email: [email protected] Establishes, maintains and enforces standards for educator preparation, licensing and discipline, ensuring that each credential holder meets the highest standards of professionalism and academic excellence. TEACHERS’ RETIREMENT SYSTEM STATE 7667 Folsom Boulevard, 3rd Floor Sacramento, CA 95826 Telephone: (916) 229-3700 Fax: (916) 229-3704 Website: (CALSTRS), Administers retirement, disability, and survivor benefits for California’s public school educators. TECHNOLOGY SERVICES, DEPARTMENT OF 3101 Gold Camp Drive Rancho Cordova, CA 95670 Mailing Address: P.O. Box 1810, Rancho Cordova, CA 95741-1810 Telephone: (916) 464-1039 Fax: (916) 464-4303 Website: TELEPHONE MEDICAL ADVICE SERVICES BUREAU 1625 North Market Blvd., Suite S-202 Sacramento, CA 95834 Telephone: (916) 574-7992 Fax: (916) 574-8645 Website: Protects consumers by regulating businesses that provide telephone medical advice to California patients. Informs patients of their rights and pursues any reported harmful activities. THE CALIFORNIA MUSEUM 1020 O Street Sacramento, CA 95814 Telephone: (916) 653-7524 Fax: 916-653-0314 Website: Email: [email protected] Home of the California Hall of Fame — engages, educates and enlightens people about California’s rich history and its unique contribution to the world through ideas, innovation, art and culture. Through captivating, interactive and innovative experiences, the Museum seeks to inspire men, women and children to dream the California dream and dare to make their mark on history. TOXIC SUBSTANCES CONTROL, DEPARTMENT OF 1001 “I” Street Sacramento, CA 95814 Mailing Address: P.O. Box 806, Sacramento, CA 95812 Telephone: (916) 324-1826 Fax: (916) 327-3158 Website: Provides the highest level of safety, and to protect public health and the environment from toxic harm. TRAFFIC SAFETY, OFFICE OF 2208 Kausen Drive. Suite 300 Elk Grove, CA 95758-7115 Telephone: (916) 509-3030 Fax: (916) 509-3055 Website: Obtains and administers traffic safety grant funds to reduce deaths, injuries and economic losses resulting from traffic related collisions. TRANSPORTATION (CALTRANS), DEPARTMENT OF 1120 N Street Sacramento, CA 95814 Telephone: (916) 654-5266 Fax: (916) 654-6608 Website: Operates a multi-modal transportation system that includes highways and an inter-city network of passenger trains. Also, oversees programs such as aeronautics, mass transportation planning, traffic operations and management, and assistance to local and regional transportation agencies. Provides California government agencies with information technology services. California Roster 2010 44 California State Agencies, Departments, Boards, and Commissions TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION, CALIFORNIA 1120 N Street, Suite 2231, (MS-52) Sacramento, CA 95814 Telephone: (916) 654-4245 Fax: (916) 653-2134 Website: Programs and allocates funds for the construction of highway, passenger rail and transit improvements throughout California. Advises and assists the Secretary of Business, Transportation and Housing Agency and the Legislature in formulating and evaluating state policies and plans for California’s transportation programs. TRAVEL AND TOURISM COMMISSION, CALIFORNIA 980 9th Street, Suite 480 Sacramento, CA 95814-2722 Mailing Address: P.O. Box 1499, Sacramento, CA 95812 Telephone: (916) 444-4429; 800-GO-CALIF Website: Email: [email protected] Seeks to increase tourism to and within California. Administers “Welcome Centers” statewide. TREASURER, STATE (see Constitutional Officers Section) UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE CALIFORNIA 2400 Venture Oaks, Suite 300 Sacramento, CA 95833 Telephone: (916) 263-6806 Fax: (916) 263-6836 Website: APPEALS BOARD, Conducts hearings of cases concerning claims for unemployment and disability benefits and payroll withholding tax petitions. UNIFORM STATE LAWS, CALIFORNIA COMMISSION ON State Capitol, Room 3021 Sacramento, CA 95814-4996 Telephone: (916) 341-8005 Fax: (916) 341-8020 In conjunction with other states, drafts and presents to the Legislature uniform laws deemed desirable and practicable by the National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws for adoption by the various states. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, OFFICE PRESIDENT 1111 Franklin Street Oakland, CA 94607-5200 Telephone: (510) 987-0700 Fax: (510) 987-9224 Website: OF THE Chartered as the state's land-grant university in 1868, the University of California (UC) is one of the largest and most acclaimed institutions of higher education in the world. The distinctive mission of the University is to serve society as a center of higher learning, providing longterm societal benefits through transmitting advanced knowledge, discovering new knowledge, and functioning as an active working repository of organized knowledge. That obligation includes undergraduate education, graduate and professional education, research, and other kinds of public service, which are shaped and bounded by the central pervasive mission of discovering and advancing knowledge. University of California, with ten campuses, five medical schools, and three law schools, has a population of 214,000 graduate and undergraduate students and its faculty and staff number approximately 170,000. In addition, it is also involved with managing for the Department of Energy three national laboratories engaged in scientific and national security research. It is a major generator of economic growth for the state and all Californians are touched by the work of the University of California B through its teaching, its cutting-edge medical research and state-of-the-art medical care, the new products and jobs created by the research carried out in its laboratories, and through its work in the public schools and agricultural fields of California. Its cultural resources—museums, performance centers, natural reserves, and libraries—enrich and enliven the quality of life in California. The University's activities contribute $4 billion to State and local tax revenues annually, and the University's total economic impact on California has been estimated at between $14 and 16 billion annually. VETERANS AFFAIRS, DEPARTMENT OF 1227 “O” Street Sacramento, CA 95814 Telephone: 800-952-5626; and (TDD) 800-324-5966 Website: Provides California veterans and their families with aid and assistance in presenting their claims for veterans’ benefits under the laws of the United States; provides veterans with beneficial opportunities through direct lowcost loans to acquire farms and homes; provides the state’s aged or disabled veterans with rehabilitative, residential, and medical care and services in a home-like environment at the California Veterans Homes. VETERINARY MEDICAL BOARD, CALIFORNIA 2005 Evergreen Street, Suite 2250 Sacramento, CA 95815 Telephone: (916) 263-2610 Fax: (916) 263-2621 Website: Provides protection for consumers and animals through proper licensing of veterinarians and registered veterinary technicians, and through vigorous, objective enforcement of the California Veterinary Practice Act. California Roster 2010 45 California State Agencies, Departments, Boards, and Commissions VICTIM COMPENSATION AND GOVERNMENT CLAIMS BOARD (formerly known as the Board of Control) 400 R Street, Suite 500 Sacramento, CA 95811 Telephone: (800) 777-9229 Fax: (866) 902-8669 Website: Email: [email protected] California Victim Compensation Program (CalVCP): Helps victims and their families’ deal with the emotional, physical and financial aftermath of violent crime through compensation and service in collaboration with the community that supports victims. Assistance is provided for residents regardless of where the crime occurred and for non-residents who become victims of crime in California. Government Claims Program: Protects the State of California, its residents and visitors, by processing and resolving claims against the State from individuals and organizations in a timely and equitable manner. Claimants receive a thorough investigation of their claims against the State through fact-finding hearings, frequently without the need for costly litigation. VOCATIONAL NURSING AND TECHNICIANS, BOARD OF 2535 Capitol Oaks Drive, Suite 205 Sacramento, CA 95833 Telephone: (916) 263-7800 Fax: (916) 263-7859 Website: PSYCHIATRIC Protects the public by ensuring that only qualified persons are licensed vocational nurses and psychiatric technicians by enforcing education requirements, standards of practice and by educating consumers of their rights. WATER RESOURCES, DEPARTMENT OF 1416 9th Street Sacramento, CA 95814 Telephone: (916) 653-5791 Fax: (916) 653-5028 Website: WATER RESOURCES CONTROL BOARD, STATE 1001 “I” Street Sacramento, CA 95814 Mailing Address: P.O. Box 100, Sacramento, CA 95812 Telephone: (916) 341-5254 Fax: (916) 341-5252 Website: Email: [email protected] Ensures the highest reasonable quality of California’s waters, while allocating those waters to achieve optimum balance of beneficial uses. WILDLIFE CONSERVATION BOARD DEPARTMENT OF FISH AND GAME 1807 13th Street, Suite 103 Sacramento, CA 95814 Telephone: (916) 445-8448 Fax: (916) 323-0280 Website: Authorizes and allocates funds for the acquisition, protection and restoration of wildlife habitat areas and for development of public access for wildlife oriented uses. WORKERS’ COMPENSATION APPEALS BOARD 455 Golden Gate Avenue, #9328 San Francisco, CA 94102 Telephone: (415) 703-4580 Fax: (415) 703-4549 Website: Provides guidance and leadership compensation community. to the workers’ WORKFORCE INVESTMENT BOARD, CALIFORNIA 777 12th Street, Suite 200 Sacramento, CA 95814 Telephone: (916) 324-3425 Fax: (916) 324-3068 Website: Email: [email protected] Advises and assists in planning, coordinating, and implementing the provisions of California’s workforce development programs and services. Prepares and updates the California Water Plan. Plans, designs, construct, operate, and maintain the State Water Resources Development System. Protects and restores the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta. Regulates dams, provides flood protection, and assists in emergency management to safeguard life and property. Educates the public and serves local water needs by providing technical assistance; cooperating with local agencies on water resources investigations; supporting watershed and river restoration programs; encouraging water conservation; exploring conjunctive use of ground and surface water; facilitating voluntary water transfers; and operating a State drought water bank. California Roster 2010 46 County Officials ALAMEDA COUNTY Address: 1221 Oak Street, Room 555, Oakland, CA 94612 Telephone: (510) 272-6984 Fax: (510) 272-3784 Website: Business Hours: Monday to Friday 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Incorporated: March 25, 1853 Legislative Districts: 9th, 10th, 13th CD; 7th, 9th, 10th SD; 14th-16th, 18th, 20th AD Population: 1,444,656 County Seat: Oakland Board of Supervisors District 1: Scott Haggerty District 2: Gail Steele District 3: Alice Lai-Bitker District 4: Nate Miley District 5: Keith Carson Elected and Appointed Officials Assessor: Ron Thomsen Auditor-Controller: Patrick O’Connell Chief Probation Officer: Donald H. Blevins Child Support Services Director: Maureen Lenahan Clerk of the Board: Crystal Hishida Graff Community Development Director: Chris Bazar County Administrator: Susan S. Muranishi County Clerk-Recorder: Patrick O’Connell County Counsel: Richard R. Winnie County Librarian: Jean Hofacket Social Services Director: Yolanda Baldovinos District Attorney: Nancy O’Malley Fire Chief: Sheldon Gilbert General Services Agency Director: Aki K. Nakao Health Care Services Agency Director: Alex Briscoe Human Resource Director (Interim): Mary Welch Information Technology Director: Dave Macdonald Public Defender: Diane Bellas Public Works Agency Director: Daniel Woldesenbet Registrar of Voters: Dave Macdonald Sheriff: Gregory Ahern Treasurer-Tax Collector: Donald R. White California Roster 2010 Superior Court Judges Presiding Judge: George C. Hernandez, Jr. Lawrence John Appel, Kathleen M. Banke, Gordon S. Baranco, Sandra Bean, Morris Beatus, Gail Brewster Bereola, Jacob Blea, III, Steven A. Brick, Carol S. Brosnahan, Kenneth Mark Burr, Joan S. Cartwright, Wynne S. Carvill, Cecilia P. Castellanos, C. Don Clay, Julie M. Conger, Beverly Daniels-Greenberg, Stephen Allen Dombrink, Leopoldo E. Dorado, Robert Fairwell, Robert B. Freedman, Keith H. Fudenna, Michael J. Gaffey, Delbert C. Gee, Larry J. Goodman, Evelio M. Grillo, Dan Grimmer, Brenda Fay Harbin-Forte, Roy Hashimoto, Jeffrey W. Horner, David E. Hunter, Joseph Hurley, Allan D. Hymer, Morris D. Jacobson, Richard O. Keller, Kenneth Rockhill Kingsbury, David M. Krashna, Robert K Kurtz, JoLynne Q. Lee, Ronni B. MacLaren, Robert D. McGuiness, Dennis J. McLaughlin, Barbara J. Miller, Carl W. Morris, Christine K. Moruza, Kevin R. Murphy, Vernon K. Nakahara, Yolanda Neill Northridge, Gary M. Picetti, Stephen M. Pulido, Thomas Matthew Reardon, Gloria F. Rhynes, Frank Roesch, Jon R. Rolefson, Bonnie Lewman Sabraw, Reginald P. Saunders, Harry R. Sheppard, Winifred Younge Smith, Julia Spain, Trina Thompson Stanley, Jon S. Tigar, John M. True, III, Alice Vilardi, Hugh A. Walker, Marshall Ivan Whitley, Carlos G. Ynostroza, Patrick J. Zika Superior Court Website: 47 County Officials ALPINE COUNTY Address: County Adminstrative Office Building, 99 Water Street, Markleeville, CA Mail: P.O. Box 158, Markleeville, CA 96120 Telephone: (530) 694-2281 Fax: (530) 694-2491 Website: Email: [email protected] Business Hours: Monday to Friday 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. and 1 to 5 p.m. Incorporated: March 16, 1864 Legislative Districts: 3rd CD; 1st SD; 4th AD Population: 1,208 County Seat: Markleeville Board of Supervisors County Administrative Officer: Pamela Knorr Meetings held on the first and third Tuesdays of each month. District 1: Donald Jardine District 2: Henry “Skip” Veatch District 3: Phillip D. Bennett District 4: Terry Woodrow District 5: Thomas J. Sweeney Elected and Appointed Officials Assessor: David Peets Auditor: Randi Makley Community Development Director: Brian Peters County Clerk: Barbara Howard County Counsel: Martin Fine District Attorney-Public Administrator: Will Richmond Health and Human Services Director: Stacy Olson Sheriff-Coroner: John Crawford Superintendent of Schools: James Parsons Treasurer-Tax Collector-Recorder: Carol McElroy Superior Court Judge Presiding Judge: David L. DeVore Richard K. Specchio Superior Court Website: California Roster 2010 AMADOR COUNTY Address: 810 Court Street, Jackson, CA 95642 Telephone: (209) 223-6470 Fax: (209) 257-0619 Website: Incorporated: May 11, 1854 Legislative Districts: 3rd CD; 1st SD; 10th AD Population: 35,100 County Seat: Jackson Board of Supervisors District 1: Richard Escamilla, Jackson District 2: Richard Forster, Ione District 3: Theodore F. Noverlli, Pioneer District 4: Louis D. “Gigi” Boitano, Sutter Creek District 5: Brian Oneto, Plymouth Elected and Appointed Officials Assessor: Jim Rooney Auditor-Controller: Joe Lowe County Administrative Officer: Pat Blacklock County Clerk-Recorder: Sheldon D. Johnson County Counsel: Martha Shaver District Attorney: Todd Riebe (708 Court Street, Jackson, CA 95642) Public Works Director: Larry Peterson General Services Director/Purchasing Agent: Joh Hopkins (12200 B Airport Road, Jackson, CA 95642) Sheriff-Coroner: Martin Ryan (700 Court Street, Jackson, CA 95642) Superintendent of Schools: Mike Carey (217 Rex Ave, Jackson, CA 95642) Treasurer-Tax Collector: Michael Ryan Welfare Director: Tracy Russell (1003 Broadway, Jackson, CA 95642) Superior Court Judges Presiding Judge: David Sargent Richmond Assistant Presiding Judge: Susan C. Harlan Superior Court Website: 48 County Officials BUTTE COUNTY Address: 25 County Center Drive, Oroville, CA 95965 Telephone: (530) 538-7631 Fax: (530) 538-7120 Website: Business Hours: Monday to Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Incorporated: February 18, 1850 Legislative Districts: 2nd, 4th CD; 4th SD; 2nd, 3rd AD Population: 207,001 County Seat: Oroville CALAVERAS COUNTY Address: 891 Mountain Ranch Road, San Andreas, CA 95249 Telephone: (209) 754-6025 Fax: (209) 754-6641 Website: Incorporated: February 18, 1850 Legislative Districts: 3rd CD; 1st SD; 25th AD Population: 46,843 County Seat: San Andreas Board of Supervisors District 1: Bill Connelly District 2: Jane Dolan District 3: Maureen Kirk District 4: Curt J. Josiassen District 5: Kim K. Yamaguchi Board of Supervisors District 1: Gary Tofanelli, San Andreas District 2: Steve Wilensky, West Point District 3: Merita Callaway, Avery District 4: Thomas M. Tryon, Angels Camp District 5: Russ Thomas, Valley Springs Elected and Appointed Officials Agricultural Commissioner: Richard Price Assessor: Kenneth O. Reimers Auditor-Controller: David A. Houser Behavioral Health Director: Bradford Luz Child Support Services Director: Sharon A. Stone County Administrative Officer: Paul McIntosh County Clerk-Recorder: Candace J. Grubbs County Counsel: Bruce Alpert Development Services Director: Tim Snellings Director of Libraries: Derek Wolfgram District Attorney: Michael L. Ramsey Emergency Services Officer: John Gulserian Employment & Social Services Director: Cathi Grams Farm and Home Advisor: Susan Donohue Fire Chief: Henri Brachais Human Resources Director: Jeanne Gravette Information Systems Director: Bob Barnes LAFCO Executive Director: Steve Lucas Probation Officer: John Wardell Public Guardian/ Administrator: Cathi Grams Public Health Director: Phyllis Mudrock Public Works Director: Mike Crump Sheriff-Coroner: Perry L. Reniff Superintendent of Schools: Don McNelis Treasurer-Tax Collector: Dick Puelicher Water & Resources Conservation Director: Toccoy Dudley Elected and Appointed Officials Assessor (Acting): Leslie Davis Auditor-Controller: Linda Churches Building: Jeff White Coroner: Kevin Raggio County Administrative Officer: Jeanne M. Boyce County Clerk-Recorder: Karen Varni County Counsel: James Jones District Attorney: Jeffrey Tuttle Environmental Management Agency Director: Brian Moss Health Agency Director: Colleen Tracy Information Services Director: Howard Stohlman Planning Director: George White Public Defenders: John A. Barker & Associates Public Works Director: Tom Garcia Sheriff: Dennis Downum Social Welfare Director: Mary Sawicki Treasurer-Tax Collector: Lynette Norfolk Superior Court Judges Presiding Judge: Douglas V. Mewhinney Assistant Presiding Judge: John E. Martin Superior Court Website: Superior Court Judges Presiding Judge: Steven J. Howell Assistant Presiding Judge: James F. Reilley Steve E. Benson, Roger G. Gilbert, Robert A. Glusman, Gerald Hermansen, Thomas W. Kelly, Kristen A. Lucena, Sandra L. McLean, Barbara L. Roberts Superior Court Website: California Roster 2010 49 County Officials COLUSA COUNTY Address: 546 Jay Street, Colusa, CA 95932 Telephone: (530) 458-0508 Fax: (530) 458-0510 Web site: Email: [email protected] Business Hours: Monday to Friday 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Incorporated: February 18, 1850 Legislative Districts: 2nd CD; 4th SD; 2nd AD Population: 19,451 County Seat: Colusa Board of Supervisors District 1: Kim Dolbow-Vann, Arbuckle District 2: Thomas Indrieri, Colusa District 3: Mark D. Marshall, Williams District 4: Gary J. Evans, Maxwell and Stonyford District 5: David C. Yerxa, Colusa and Princeton Elected and Appointed Officials Assessor: Wayne Zoller Auditor: Peggy Scroggins Chief Probation Officer: Steven K. Bordin County Clerk-Recorder: Kathleen Moran County Counsel: Henry E. Rodegerdts District Attorney: John R. Poyner Planning Director: Stephen Hackney Public Defenders: Albert Smith, Jeffrey Thompson Public Works Director: Jon Wrysinski Sheriff/Coroner: Scott Marshall Social Welfare Director (Interim): Bonnie Marshall Superintendent of Schools: Kay Spurgeon Treasurer-Tax Collector: Daniel Charter Superior Court Judges Presiding Judge: S. William Abel Assistant Presiding Judge: John H. Tiernan Superior Court Website: CONTRA COSTA COUNTY Address: 651 Pine Street, 11th Floor, Martinez, CA 94553 Telephone: (925) 335-1080 Fax: (925) 335-1098 Website: Incorporated: February 18, 1850 Legislative Districts: 7th, 10th, 11th CD; 7th, 9th SD; 11th, 14th, 15th AD Population: 1,051,677 County Seat: Martinez Board of Supervisors District 1: John Gioia, Richmond District 2: Gayle B. Uilkema, Martinez District 3: Mary N. Piepho, Danville and Brentwood District 4: Susan A. Bonilla, Concord District 5: Federal T. Glover, Antioch Elected and Appointed Officials Assessor: Gus Kramer Auditor-Controller: Stephen Ybarra Conservation & Development: Catherine Kutsuris County Administrator: David Twa County Clerk-Recorder: Stephen L. Weir County Counsel: Silvano Marchesi District Attorney-Public Administrator: Robert Kochly Employment & Human Services: Joseph Valentine General Services: Michael Lango Health Services: Dr. William Walker Public Defender: David Coleman Public Works: Julie Bueren Sheriff-Coroner: Warren E. Rupf Treasurer-Tax Collector: Bill Pollacek Superior Court Judge Presiding Judge: Mary Ann O'Malley Assistant Presiding Judge: Diana Becton Smith Richard Arnason, Steven K. Austin, Barry Baskin, Peter A. Berger, Laurel S. Brady (Lindenbaum), Charles B. Burch, Terence L. Bruiniers, Theresa J. Canepa, Judith S. Craddick, Joyce M. Cram, Lewis A. Davis, Jill C. Fannin, Susanne M. Fenstermacher, David Bernard Flinn, Barry P. Goode, Harlan G. Grossman, Lois Haight, Brian Haynes, Barbara Hinton, Joni T. Hiramoto, John William Kennedy, William M. Kolin, John Thomas Laettner, Leslie G. Landau, Thomas M. Maddock, Clare Maier, Bruce Clayton Mills, Cheryl Mills, Patricia M. Scanlon, George V. Spanos, Nancy Davis Stark, John Hideki Sugiyama, Charles S. Treat, Trevor White, Barbara Ann Zuniga Commissioners: Josanna Berkow, Robert L. Broughton, Ronald K. Creighton, Joel H. Golub, Don Green, Stephen F. Houghton, Jeff Huffaker, Lowell Richards, Judith A. Sanders Superior Court Website: California Roster 2010 50 County Officials DEL NORTE COUNTY Address: 981 H Street, Crescent City, CA 95531 Telephone: (707) 464-7216 Fax: (707) 465-0321 Website: Incorporated: March 2, 1857 Legislative Districts: 1st CD; 4th SD; 1st AD Population: 27,850 County Seat: Crescent City Board of Supervisors District 1: Leslie McNamer District 2: Martha McClure District 3: Michael Sullivan District 4: Gerry Hemmingsen District 5: David Finigan Elected and Appointed Officials Assessor: Louise Wilson Auditor-Controller: Christie L. Babich County Clerk-Recorder: Vicki L. Frazier District Attorney: Mike Riese Planning Director: Ernest Perry Public Administrator: Vicki L. Frazier Registrar of Voters: Vicki L. Frazier Sheriff-Coroner: Dean Wilson Superintendent of Schools: Janice Moorehouse Treasurer-Tax Collector: Dawn Langston Superior Court Judge Presiding Judge: William H. Follett Assistant Presiding Judge: Robert W. Weir Superior Court Website: EL DORADO COUNTY Address: 330 Fair Lane, Placerville, CA 95667 Telephone: (530) 621-5390 Fax: (530) 622-3645 Website: Email: [email protected] Business Hours: Monday to Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Incorporated: February 18, 1850 Legislative Districts: 4th CD; 1st SD; 4th AD Population: 172,889 (2004) County Seat: Placerville Board of Supervisors District 1: Rusty Dupray District 2: Helen Baumann District 3: James R. (Jack) Sweeney District 4: Ron Briggs District 5: Norm Santiago Elected and Appointed Officials Assessor: Tim Holcomb Agriculture-Weights & Measures: William J. Stephans, Commissioner Auditor-Controller: Joe Harn Clerk of the Board: Cindy Keck Community Services/Social Services: Doug Nowka Chief Administrative Officer: Laura Gill Court Executive Officer: Tania G. Ugrin-Capobianco County Counsel: Louis Green Development Services: Greg Fuz, Director District Attorney: Vern Pierson Elections, Registrar of Voters: William E. Schultz Environmental Management: Gerri Silva General Services (Interim): George Sanders Health Director: Gayle Erbe-Hamlin Human Resources: Ted Cwiek Information Technologies Director: Jacqueline Nilius Librarian: Jeanne Amos Mental Health Director: John Bachmann Probation: Joseph S. Warchol, II, Chief Probation Officer Public Defender: Richard D. Meyer Public Health: Gayle Erbe-Hamlin, Director Recorder-Clerk: William “Bill” Schultz Sheriff-Coroner-Public Administrator & OES: Jeff Neves Superintendent of Schools: Vicki Barber Surveyor: Dan Russell Transportation Director: Richard Shepard Treasurer-Tax Collector: C.L. Rafferty U. C. Cooperative Extension: Bill Frost, Director Unified Court: Vacant Veterans Affairs: Rod Barton, Director Water Agency: William T. Hetland, General Manager Superior Court Judges Presiding Judge: Suzanne N. Kingsbury Assistant Presiding Judge: James R. Wagoner Jerald M. Lasarow, Douglas C. Phimister, Daniel B. Proud, Eddie T. Keller, Retired, Sitting on Assignment Superior Court Website: California Roster 2010 51 County Officials FRESNO COUNTY Address: 1100 Van Ness, Fresno, CA 93721 Telephone: (559) 488-3033 Fax: (559) 488-1976 Website: Business Hours: Monday to Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Incorporated: April 19, 1856 Legislative Districts: 18th-20th CD; 12th, 14th, 16th SD; 26th, 29th-31st AD Population: 931,098 County Seat: Fresno Board of Supervisors Meetings held on most Tuesdays of each month. District 1: Phil Larson District 2: Susan B. Anderson District 3: Henry Perea District 4: Judy Case District 5: Debra Poochigian Elected and Appointed Officials Assessor-Recorder: Robert C. Werner Auditor-Treasurer: Vicki Crow Coroner-Public Administrator: David M. Hadden, M.D. County Administrative Officer: John Navarrette County Clerk-Registrar of Voters: Victor E. Salazar County Counsel (Interim): Kevin B. Briggs Court Executive Officer: Tamara Beard District Attorney: Elizabeth A. Egan Public Defender: Kenneth K. Taniguchi Public Works & Planning Director: Alan Weaver Sheriff: Margaret Mims Superintendent of Schools: Larry Powell Tax Collector: Vicki Crow Superior Court Judges Presiding Judge: M. Bruce Smith Assistant Presiding Judge: Gary Hoff Glenda Allen-Hill, Brian M. Arax, Donald S. Black, Carlos A. Cabrera, Jane Cardoza, Jonathan B. Conklin, Adolfo M. Corona, Wayne R. Ellison, Gregory T. Fain, Donald R. Franson, Jr., Kimberly A. Gaab, David Andrew Gottlieb, Jeffrey Y. Hamilton, Jr., W. Kent Hamlin, Alvin M. Harrell, III, Arlan L. Harrell, Dale Ikeda, David C. Kalemkarian, Timothy A. Kams, Jon N. Kapetan, Kristi Culver Kapetan, Debra J. Kazanjian, James A. Kelley, Kimberly Nystrom-Geist, Robert H. Oliver, James R. Oppliger, Gary R. Orozco, Rosendo Pena, Jr., Don Penner, James Petrucelli, Houry A. Sanderson, Edward Sarkisian, Jr., Alan M. Simpson, Mark Wood Snauffer, D. Tyler Tharpe, John F. Vogt, Denise Lee Whitehead, F. Brian Alvarez, Hilary A. Chittick GLENN COUNTY Address: 525 West Sycamore Street, Willows, CA 95988 Mail: P.O. Box 391, Willows, CA 95988 Telephone: (530) 934-6400 Fax: (530) 934-6419 Website: Email: [email protected] Business Hours: Monday to Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Incorporated: March 11, 1891 Legislative Districts: 2nd CD; 4th SD; 2nd AD Population: 27,100 County Seat: Willows Board of Supervisors District 1: John K. Viegas District 2: Tracey Quarne District 3: Steve Soeth District 4: Mike Murray District 5: Leigh McDaniel Elected and Appointed Officials Assessor/County Clerk-Recorder: Sheryl Thur Agricultural Commissioner: Mark Black Building Facilities Division: John Linhart Clerk of the Board: Sandy Soeth County Counsel: Huston T. Carlyle, Jr. District Attorney: Robert S. Holzapfel Finance Director: Don Santoro Health Services Director: Scott Gruendl (Interim) Human Resources Agency: Scott Gruendl Personnel Officer: John Greco Planning & Public Works Director: John Linhart Probation Officer: Brandon Thompson Public Administrator: Jeannie Rakestraw Sheriff-Coroner: Larry Jones Superintendent of Schools: Arturo Barrera Superior Court Judges Presiding Judge: Donald Cole Byrd Assistant Presiding Judge: Peter Billiou Twede Superior Court Website: Superior Court Website: California Roster 2010 52 County Officials HUMBOLDT COUNTY Address: 825 5th Street, Eureka, CA 95501-1153 Telephone: (707) 445-7266 Fax: (707) 445-7299 Website: Incorporated: May 12, 1853 Legislative Districts: 1st CD; 2nd SD; 1st AD Population: 121,358 County Seat: Eureka Board of Supervisors Meetings held first four Tuesdays of each month at 9 a.m. District 1: Jimmy Smith District 2: Cliff Clendenen District 3: Mark Lovelace District 4: Bonnie Neely District 5: Jill Geist Elected and Appointed Officials Assessor: Linda Hill Agricultural Commissioner: Jeff Dolf Auditor-Controller: Michael Giacone C.D.S. Planning Director: Kirk Girard Chief Probation Officer: Doug Rasines Conflict Counsel: Glenn Brown Cooperative Extension: Alan Bower Coroner/Public Administrator: Frank Jager County Administrative Officer: Loretta Nickolaus County Clerk-Recorder: Carolyn Wilson Crnich County Counsel: Wendy Chaitin District Attorney: Paul Gallegos Health & Human Services Director: Phil Crandall Librarian: Victor Zazueta Mental Health Director: Karolyn Stein Personnel Director: Rick Haeg Public Defender: Kevin Robinson Public Guardian: Ramon Herrera Public Health Director: Alexandra Wineland Public Works Director: Tom Mattson Sheriff: Gary Philp Social Services Director: Beverly Morgan-Lewis Superintendent of Schools: Garry Eagles Treasurer-Tax Collector: Stephen A. Strawn IMPERIAL COUNTY Address: 940 West Main Street, Suite 208, El Centro, CA 92243 Telephone: (760) 482-4290 Fax: (760) 352-7876 Website: Business Hours: Monday to Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Incorporated: August 15, 1907 Legislative Districts: 51st CD; 40th SD; 80th AD Population: 161,800 County Seat: El Centro Board of Supervisors District 1: Louis Fuentes District 2: Jesús Terrazas District 3: Michael Kelley Elected and Appointed Officials Assessor: Roy Buckner Auditor-Controller: Douglas R. Newland County Clerk-Registrar-Recorder: Dolores Provencio County Executive Officer: Ralph Cordova District Attorney: Gilbert Otero Public Administrator: Norma Saikhon Sheriff-Coroner: Ray Loera Superintendent of Schools: Anne Mallory (Interim) Treasurer/Tax Collector: Karen Vogel Superior Court Judges Presiding Judge: Jeffrey Bruce Jones Assistant Presiding Judge Donal B. Donnelly Raymond Cota, Barrett J. Foerster, Annie M. Gutierrez, William D. Lehman, Juan Ulloa, Christopher W. Yeager, Joseph Zimmerman Superior Court Website: Superior Court Judges Presiding Judge: Christopher G. Wilson Assistant Presiding Judge: W. Bruce Watson J. Michael Brown, Timothy Paul Cissna, Marilyn B. Miles, Dale A. Reinholtsen Superior Court Website: California Roster 2010 53 County Officials INYO COUNTY Address: 168 North Edwards Street, Independence, CA 93526 Mail: P.O. Box N, Independence, CA 93526 Telephone: (760) 878-0292 Fax: (760) 873-5577 Website: Email: [email protected] Business Hours: Monday to Friday 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. and 1 to 5 p.m. Incorporated: March 22, 1866 Legislative Districts: 25th CD; 18th SD; 34th AD Population: 17,900 County Seat: Independence Board of Supervisors District 1: Linda Arcularius, Bishop District 2: Susan Cash, Bishop District 3: Beverly Cashbaugh Brown, Bishop District 4: Marty Fortney, Independence District 5: Richard Cervantes, Lone Pine Elected and Appointed Officials Assessor: Thomas Lanshaw Auditor: Leslie Chapman Coroner: Leon Brune County Administrator: Kevin Carunchio County Clerk-Recorder: Mary Roper District Attorney: Art Maillet Parks and Recreation Director: Chuck Hamilton Planning Director: Mike Conklin Public Administrator: Patricia Barton Public Defenders: Victoria Campbell, Elizabeth Corpora, Dana Crom, Tariq Gazipura, Charles Schneider Public Works Director: Ted Pederson Purchasing Agent: Kevin Carunchio Sheriff: William Lutze Social Welfare Director: Jean Dickinson Superintendent of Schools: Terence McAteer Treasurer-Tax Collector: Alisha McMurtrie Superior Court Judges Presiding Judge: Dean Stout Assistant Presiding Judge: Brian Lamb Superior Court Website: KERN COUNTY Address: 1115 Truxtun Avenue, Bakersfield, CA 93301 Telephone: (661) 868-3140 or (800) 552-5376 Fax: (661) 868-3190 Website: Business Hours: Monday to Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Incorporated: April 2, 1866 Legislative Districts: 20th, 22nd CD; 16th, 17th, 18th SD; 30th, 32nd, 34th, 37th AD Population: 661,645 County Seat: Bakersfield Board of Supervisors Meetings held every Tuesday at 9 a.m. and 2 p.m. of each month. District 1: Jon McQuiston District 2: Don Maben District 3: Mike Maggard District 4: Ray Watson District 5: Michael J. Rubio Elected and Appointed Officials Assessor-Recorder: James Fitch Auditor-Controller-Clerk: Ann K. Barnett County Administrative Officer: Ronald M. Errea County Counsel: Bernard Barmann District Attorney: Edward R. Jagels General Services Director: Jeff Frapwell Human Services Director: Mrs. Pat Cheadle Kern County Planning Department Director: Ted James Parks and Recreation Director: Bob Lerude Public Defender: Mark Arnold Public Health Officer Director: John Nilon Purchasing Agent: Jeff Frapwell Resource Management Agency Director: David Price, III Sheriff-Coroner: Donny Youngblood Superintendent of Schools: Dr. Larry E. Reider Tax Collector-Treasurer: Jackie Denney Superior Court Judges Presiding Judge: Jerold L. Turner Assistant Presiding Judge: Lee Phillip Felice Commissioner: Cory Woodward Robert J. Anspach, Michael G. Bush, Sidney P. Chapin, L. Bryce Chase, Louis P. Etcheverry, John L. Fielder, Gary T. Friedman, Stephen P. Gildner, Frank Allen Hoover, Colette M. Humphrey, Gary A. Ingle, John I. Kelly, Michael B. Lewis, Charles P. McNutt, Sharon Elizabeth Mettler, Romero J. Moench, Richard J. Oberholzer, John D. Oglesby, William D. Palmer, Charles B. Pfister, Craig Phillips, Catherine D. Purcell, H. A. Staley, James M. Stuart, Jon Edward Stuebbe, Robert S. Tafoya, Kenneth C. Twisselman II, Arthur E. Wallace, Clarence Westra, Jr., Gary R. Witt Superior Court Website: California Roster 2010 54 County Officials KINGS COUNTY Address: 1400 West Lacey Blvd., Hanford, CA 93230 Telephone: (559) 582-3211 Fax: (559) 585-8047 Website: Business Hours: Monday to Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Incorporated: March 22, 1893 Legislative Districts: 20th CD; 16th SD; 30th AD Population: 131,200 County Seat: Hanford LAKE COUNTY Address: 255 North Forbes Street, Lakeport, CA 95453 Telephone: (707) 263-2368 Fax: (707) 263-2207 Website: Business Hours: Monday to Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Incorporated: May 20, 1861 Legislative Districts: 1st CD; 2nd SD; 1st AD Population: 64,105 County Seat: Lakeport Board of Supervisors District 1: Joe A. Neves, Jr. District 2: Richard Valle District 3: Tony Oliveira District 4: Tony Barba District 5: Richard Fagundes Board of Supervisors District 1: Jim Comstock, Middletown District 2: Jeff Smith, Clearlake District 3: Denise Rushing, Upper Lake District 4: Anthony W. Farrington, Lakeport District 5: Rob Brown, Kelseyville Elected and Appointed Officials Assessor-Clerk-Recorder: Ken Baird County Administrative Officer: Larry Spikes County Counsel: Colleen Carlson Department of Finance Director: Doil O'Steen District Attorney: Ron Calhoun Human Services Director: Peggy Montgomery Public Guardian/Veteran’s Service’s Officer: Joe Wright Public Works Director: Harry W. Verheul Sheriff Coroner: Chris Jordan Superintendent of Schools: John Stankovich Elected and Appointed Officials Assessor-Recorder: Douglas W. Wacker Administrative Officer: Kelly F. Cox Community Development Director: Richard Coel County Clerk-Auditor-Controller: Pam Cochrane County Counsel: Anita Grant County Health Officer: Dr. Karen Tait Director of Social Services: Carol Huchingson District Attorney: Jon Hopkins Health Services Director: Jim Brown Public Services Director: Brent Siemer Registrar of Voters: Diane C. Fridley Sheriff-Coroner: Rodney K. Mitchell Special Districts Administrator: Mark Dellinger Superintendent of Schools: Dave Geck Treasurer-Tax Collector: Sandra Kacharos Superior Court Judges Presiding Judge: George L. Orndoff Lynn C. Atkinson, Steven D. Barnes, Thomas De Santos, James LaPorte, Donna Tarter Superior Court Website: Superior Court Judges Presiding Judge: Richard Martin Stephen Owen Hedstrom, David W. Herrick Superior Court Website: California Roster 2010 55 County Officials LASSEN COUNTY Address: 221 South Roop Street, Susanville, CA 96130 Telephone: (530) 251-8333 Fax: (530) 251-2663 Website: Business Hours: Monday to Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Incorporated: April 1, 1864 Legislative Districts: 4th CD; 1st SD; 3rd AD Population: 35,455 County Seat: Susanville Board of Supervisors District 1: Robert Pyle, Susanville District 2: Jim Chapman, Susanville District 3: Lloyd Keefer, Janesville District 4: Brian Dahle, Bieber District 5: Jack Hanson, Susanville Elected and Appointed Officials Assessor: Kenneth Bunch Administrative Officer: John Ketelsen Auditor: Karen Fouch Community Development Director: Conrad Montgomery County Clerk-Recorder: Julie Bustamante County Counsel: R. Craig Settlemire Deputy Administrative Officer, Health & Social Services: Kevin Mannel District Attorney-Public Administrator: Robert Burns Public Works Director: Larry Millar Sheriff-Coroner: Steve Warren Superintendent of Schools: Robert Owens Treasurer-Tax Collector: Richard Egan Superior Court Judges Presiding Judge: Stephen Douglas Bradbury Assistant Presiding Judge: F. Donald Sokol Superior Court Website: California Roster 2010 LOS ANGELES COUNTY Address: 500 West Temple Street, Room 358, Kenneth Hahn Hall of Administration Los Angeles, CA 90012 Telephone: (213) 974-1311 Fax: (213) 680-1122 Website: Email: [email protected] Business Hours: Monday to Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Incorporated: February 18, 1850 Legislative Districts: 22nd, 25th-39th, 42nd, 46th CD; 17th, 19th, 20th-30th, 32nd SD; 36th-61st AD Population: 10,409,035 County Seat: Los Angeles Board of Supervisors District 1: Gloria Molina District 2: Mark Ridley-Thomas District 3: Zev Yaroslavsky District 4: Don Knabe District 5: Michael D. Antonovich Elected and Appointed Officials Executive Officer: William T. Fujioka Assessor: (Vacant) County Counsel: Andrea Sheridan Ordin District Attorney: Steve Cooley Parks and Recreation Director: Russ Guiney Planning Director: Richard Bruckner Public Defender: Michael Judge Public Social Services Director: Phillip Browning Internal Services Department Director: Tom Tindall Registrar-Recorder/County Clerk: Dean Logan Sheriff: Lee Baca Superintendent of Schools: Darline Robles Treasurer-Tax Collector: Mark J. Saladino Superior Court Judges Presiding Judge: J. Stephen Czuleger Supervising Judge: Emily A. Stevens, Eric C. Taylor Assistant Supervising Judge: Peter Paul Espinoza, Charles W. McCoy, Jr Christina L. Hill, Steven D. Blades, Tia G. Fisher, Richard M. Goul, Richard S. Kemalyan, Thomas T. Lewis, Stephen P. Pfahler, William N. Sterling, Gloria L. White-Brown, Richard A. Adler, Dennis A. Aichroth, Gregory Wilson Alarcon, Alice E. Altoon, Bradford L. Andrews, Deborah B. Andrews, Robert P. Applegate, Conrad Richard Aragon, Mark S. Arnold, Monica Bachner, Paul A. Bacigalupo, Valerie Lynn Baker, Henry T. Barela, Antonio Barreto, Jr., William P. Barry, James Allen Bascue, Candace J. Beason, Martha Bellinger, Helen Bendix, Elihu M. Berle, Margaret Miller Bernal, Joseph S. Biderman, Tricia Ann Bigelow, William J. Birney, Kenneth A. Black, Stanley Blumenfeld, Aviva K. Bobb, Bob S. Bowers, Jr., James R. Brandlin, Joseph A. Brandolino, Kevin Clement Brazile, Irma J. Brown, Kevin L. Brown, Leslie E. Brown, Soussan G. Bruguera, Susan Bryant-Deason, Daniel J. Buckley, Mike Camacho, Michael D. Carter, James C. Chalfant, Judith L. Champagne, Victoria G. Chaney, Victor E. Chavez, John Joseph Cheroske, William R. Chidsey, Jr., Judith C. Chirlin, Lawrence Cho, Deborah L. Christian, Charles (Carlos) Chung, Lisa Mangay Chung, Charles Q. Clay III, Suzette Clover, Ronald S. Coen, Lisa Hart Cole, Patricia L. Collins, Joan Comparet-Cassani, Jacqueline A. Connor, Michael A. Cowell, Janice Claire Croft, James R. Dabney, 56 County Officials LOS ANGELES COUNTY (cont.) Superior Court Judges (cont.) Gary E. Daigh, Ralph W. Dau, Joseph F. De Vanon, Jr., Ellen Carol DeShazer, Rudolph A. Diaz, Joseph E. DiLoreto, Juan Carlos Dominguez, John P. Doyle, John T. Doyle, Maureen Duffy-Lewis, Michael M. Duggan, Robert, A. Dukes, James R. Dunn, Leslie A. Dunn, Anita H. Dymant, Lee Smalley Edmon, Drew E. Edwards, Anne Harwood Egerton, Emilie Harris Elias, Laura C. Ellison, Lee Smalley Edmon, Drew E. Edwards, Anne Harwood Egerton, Emilie Harris Elias, Laura C. Ellison, Carol Williams Elswick, Mildred Escobedo, Christopher Estes, William F. Fahey, Dewey Lawes Falcone, Thomas Falls, John P. Farrell, Irving S. Feffer, Daniel B. Feldstern, Edward A. Ferns, Gary J. Ferrari, Eudon Ferrell, Gail Ruderman Feuer, Larry P. Fidler, Kelvin D. Filer, John S. Fisher, Rodney G. Forneret, Lori A. Fournier, Elden S. Fox, Josh M. Fredricks, Kenneth R. Freeman, Terry B. Friedman, Haley J. Fromholz, Richard L. Fruin, Jr., Fred J. Fujioka, Brian F. Gasdia, Francis A. Gately, Jr., George Genesta, Harvey Giss, Bert Glennon, Jr., Hank Goldberg, Donna Fields Goldstein, Gus Gomez, Allan J. Goodman, Carol Boas Goodson, Tracy Moreno Grant, Dudley W. Gray II, Terry A. Green, Elizabeth A. Grimes, Donna Groman, Philip S. Gutierrez, Paul Gutman, Hector M. Guzman, Gary R. Hahn, Leland B. Harris, Ray L. Hart, Michael B. Harwin, Marcelita V. Haynes, Rex Heeseman, Patrick J. Hegarty, John L. Henning, Margaret Henry, Martin Larry Herscovitz, Robert Leslie Hess, Philip H. Hickok, Robert J. Higa, William F. Highberger, Bob T. Hight, Joe W. Hilberman, Alice C. Hill, Deirdre H. Hill, Ernest M. Hiroshige, Michael R. Hoff, Amy D. Hogue, Rose Hom, Alan B. Honeycutt, Charles E. Horan, H. Chester Horn, Jr., David M. Horwitz, Francis J. Hourigan III, Mary Thornton House, Jack P. Hunt, Eleanor J. Hunter, Maral Injejikian, Lance A. Ito, Roger T. Ito, Frank Y. Jackson, Dzintra I. Janavs, Arthur Jean, Barbara R. Johnson, Frank J. Johnson, Jane L. Johnson, Jerry E. Johnson, Michael M. Johnson, Ann I. Jones, Mark A. Juhas, Ray G. Jurado, James A. Kaddo, Alan S. Kalkin, Bernard J. Kamins, Leon S. Kaplan, Craig D. Karlan, Andrew C. Kauffman, Michael K. Kellogg, Holly E. Kendig, Kathleen Kennedy-Powell, Gregory Keosian, Abraham Khan, Mark C. Kim, Richard H. Kirschner, Steven J. Kleifield, Brett Carroll Klein, Clifford Klein, Ross M. Klein, Wendy L. Kohn, Marlene A. Kristovich, John A. Kronstadt, Carolyn B. Kuhl, Sanjay T. Kumar, Ruth Ann Kwan, Owen Lee Kwong, Marvin M. Lager, Dennis J. Landin, Xenophon F. Lang, Jr., Michael Allen Latin, Luis A. Lavin, Charles Carter Lee, Gibson W. Lee, Linda K. Lefkowitz, Lisa B. Lench, Michael I. Levanas, Jan Greenberg Levine, Arthur M. Lew, Peter D. Lichtman, Michael P. Linfield, Elizabeth Ann Lippitt, George G. Lomeli, Daniel S. Lopez, Gilbert M. Lopez, Susan L. Lopez-Giss, John David Lord, Daniel J. Lowenthal, Ana Maria Luna, Michael S. Luros, Richard W. Lyman, Jr., Dalila C. Lyons, Kenji Machida, Lyle Michael MacKenzie, Malcolm H. Mackey, William A. MacLaughlin, Patrick T. Madden, Katherine Mader, Gregg Marcus, Stephen A. Marcus, Bruce F. Marrs, Robert M. Martinez, Laura A. Matz, Philip K. Mautino, Darrell S. Mavis, Jon M. Mayeda, Patti Jo McKay, Thomas I. McKnew, Jr., Peter Joseph Meeka, Barbara Ann Meiers, John Vernon Meigs, Judith L. Meyer, Patrick Timothy Meyers, Rita J. Miller, Scott T. Millington, David Sherman Milton, Michael S. Mink, David L. Minning, R. Bruce Minto, David Mintz, Lawrence J. Mira, Peter J. Mirich, Craig J. Mitchell, California Roster 2010 Superior Court Judges (cont.) Daviann L. Mitchell, Anthony J. Mohr, Mark V. Mooney, Edward B. Moreton, Jr., Judson W. Morris, Jr., Wendell Mortimer, Jr., Aurelio Munoz, Daniel S. Murphy, Mary Ann Murphy, Deanne Smith Myers, Richard Naranjo, Lloyd M. Nash, Michael Nash, Richard Neidorf, Mark G. Nelson, Sr., Nancy L. Newman, Jacqueline H. Nguyen, Cary H. Nishimoto, Karen Joy Nudell, Beverly Reid O'Connell, Joanne B. O'Donnell, Robert P. O'Neill, Steven D. Ogden, Sam Ohta, Vincent H. Okamoto, Dan Thomas Oki, Superior Court Judges (cont.) Joanne B. O'Donnell, Robert P. O'Neill, Steven D. Ogden, Sam Ohta, Vincent H. Okamoto, Dan Thomas Oki, Margaret L. Oldendorf, Charlaine F. Olmedo, Lynn D. Olson, Tomson T. Ong, Rafael A. Ongkeko, James D. Otto, Yvette M. Palazuelos, Charles F. Palmer, Michael E. Pastor, Roy L. Paul, Robert J. Perry, Suzanne E. Person, Victor H. Person, Charles L. Peven, James B. Pierce, Burt Pines, Jan A. Pluim, William R. Pounders, Daniel S. Pratt, Laura F. Priver, Daniel P. Ramirez, Curtis B. RappΘ, Cynthia Rayvis, Mel Red Recana, Carol H. Rehm, Jr., John H. Reid, Marsha N. Revel, Dorothy B. Reyes, Randy Rhodes, Alex Ricciardulli, Stuart M. Rice, Andria K. Richey, Craig Richman, Richard Edward Rico, Morton Rochman, Jesus I. Rodriguez, Randolph Rogers, Richard R. Romero, Gerald Rosenberg, Michelle R. Rosenblatt, Alan S. Rosenfield, Frederick Rotenberg, Rand Steven Rubin, William C. Ryan, Tammy Chung Ryu, Raul Anthony Sahagun, Deborah L. Sanchez, Yvonne T. Sanchez, Teresa Sanchez-Gordon, Jose I. Sandoval, Melvin D. Sandvig, Steven P. Sanora, Cesar C. Sarmiento, Michael Thomas Sauer, Stephanie Sautner, David M. Schacter, Darlene E. Schempp, Barbara Marie Scheper, Patricia M. Schnegg, Robert Alan Schnider, Robert J. Schuit, Keith L. Schwartz, Teri Schwartz, Ramona G. See, John Segal, Frederick C. Shaller, Norman J. Shapiro, Charles D. Sheldon, John P. Shook, Dorothy L. Shubin, Shari Kreisler Silver, Jessica Perrin Silvers, C. Edward Simpson, Zaven V. Sinanian, Ronald V. Skyers, Robin Miller Sloan, Lois Anderson Smaltz, Terry Lee Smerling, Spurgeon E. Smith, Ronald M. Sohigian, Thomas R. Sokolov, Michael C. Solner, Douglas W. Sortino, David Sotelo, Philip L. Soto, S. Patricia Spear, Susan M. Speer, Marjorie S. Steinberg, Michael L. Stern, William D. Stewart, Charles W. Stoll, Kathryne A. Stoltz, Richard A. Stone, Maria E. Stratton, Mary Strobel, David W. Stuart, Leslie A. Swain, Coleman A. Swart, Norman Perry Tarle, Barry A. Taylor, Sandra Ann Thompson, Bobbi Tillmon, Leland H. Tipton, Patricia Jo Titus, John A. Torribio, Thomas N. Townsend, Rolf Michael Treu, Michael Anthony Tynan, Cynthia L. Ulfig, Carlos A. Uranga, Steven R. Van Sicklen, Judith A. Vander Lans, Craig Elliott Veals, Michael P. Vicencia, Michael Villalobos, Mary Lou Villar, Richard F. Walmark, Fred N. Wapner, Fumiko Hachiya Wasserman, Allen Joseph Webster, Jr., Debre Katz Weintraub, Lauren Weis Birnstein, Stanley Martin Weisberg, William R. Weisman, David S. Wesley, Carl J. West, Diana M. Wheatley, Elizabeth Allen White, Thomas R. White, John Shepard Wiley Jr., William G. Willett, Alexander H. Williams III, Richard B. Wolfe, Otis D. Wright, Victor L. Wright, George H. Wu, David P. Yaffe, Brian C. Yep, Hayden A. Zacky, Daniel Zeke Zeidler Superior Court Website: 57 County Officials MADERA COUNTY Address: 209 West Yosemite, Madera, CA 93637 Telephone: (559) 675-7700 Fax: (559) 673-3302 Website: Email: [email protected] Business Hours: Monday to Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Incorporated: March 11, 1893 Legislative Districts: 18th, 19th CD; 12th, 14th SD; 25th, 29th AD Population: 144,396 County Seat: Madera Board of Supervisors District 1: Frank Bigelow, Madera District 2: Vern Moss, Chowchilla District 3: Ronn Dominici, Madera District 4: Max Rodriquez, Madera District 5: Tom Wheeler, North Fork Elected and Appointed Officials Administrative Officer: Stell J. Manfredi Assessor: Thomas P. Kidwell Auditor-Controller: Robert F. DeWall Behavioral Health Director: Janice Melton County Clerk-Recorder: Rebecca Martinez County Counsel: David Prentice District Attorney: Ernest LiCalsi Planning Director: Rayburn Beach Public Health Director: Carol Barney Resource Management Agency Director (Interim): Rayburn Beach Sheriff-Coroner: John Anderson Social Services Director: Hubert Walsh Superintendent of Schools: Sally L. Frazier Tax Collector-Treasurer: Tracy Kennedy-Desmond Veteran Service Officer/Public Administrator: Dennis Blessing Superior Courts Judges Presiding Judge: John W. DeGroot Assistant Presiding Judge: James E. Oakley Thomas L. Bender, Jennifer R.S. Detjen, Edward P. Moffat II, Charles A. Wieland, Eric C. Wyatt MARIN COUNTY Address: 3501 Civic Center Drive, San Rafael, CA 94903 Telephone: (415) 499-6358 Fax: (415) 507-4104 Website: Business Hours: Monday to Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Incorporated: February 18, 1850 Legislative Districts: 6th CD; 3rd SD; 6th AD Population: 247,289 County Seat: San Rafael Board of Supervisors District 1: Susan L. Adams, San Rafael District 2: Harold C. Brown, San Anselmo District 3: Charles McGlashan, Sausalito District 4: Stephen Kinsey, West Marin District 5: Judy Arnold, Novato Elected and Appointed Officials County Administrator: Matthew Hymel Assessor-Recorder: Joan Thayer Auditor-Controller: Richard Arrow Coroner: Kenneth Holmes County Clerk/Registrar of Voters: Michael Smith District Attorney: Edward S. Berberian Sheriff: Robert Doyle Superintendent of Schools: Mary Jane Burke Treasurer-Tax Collector-Public Administrator: Michael Smith Superior Court Judges Presiding Judge: Lynn Duryee Assistant Presiding Judge: Verna Alana Adams Terrence R. Boren, Faye D'Opal, Michael B. Dufficy, Stephen Graham, Paul M. Haakenson, James R. Ritchie, Kelly V. Simmons, John A. Sutro, Jr. Superior Court Website: Superior Court Website: California Roster 2010 58 County Officials MARIPOSA COUNTY Address: 5100 Bullion St, 2nd Floor, Mariposa, CA 95338 Mail: P.O. Box 784, Mariposa, CA 95338 Telephone: (209) 966-3222 Fax: (209) 966-5147 Website: Business Hours: Monday to Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Incorporated: February 18, 1850 Legislative Districts: 19th CD; 14th SD; 25th AD Population: 19,000 County Seat: Mariposa Board of Supervisors District 1: Brad Aborn, Midpines District 2: Lyle Turpin, Coulterville District 3: Janet Bibby, Catheys Valley District 4: Kevin Cann, Mariposa District 5: Jim Allen, Mariposa Elected and Appointed Officials Administrative Officer: Richard J. Benson Agricultural Commissioner: Cathi Boze Assessor-Recorder: Becky Crafts Auditor: Christopher Ebie Building Director: Fred Lustenberger Chief Probation Officer: Gail Neal Child Support Services Director: Deborah Walton Community Services Director: Mary Williams County Counsel: Steven W. Dahlem District Attorney: Bob Brown District Superintendent of Schools-County Superintendent of Schools: Randy Panietz Farm Advisor: Maxwell Norton Fire Chief: Jim Wilson Health Officer: Dr. Charles Mosher Human Services Director: James Rydingsword Librarian (Interim): Janet Chase-Williams Planning Director: Kris Schenk Public Works Director: Dana Hertfelder Sheriff-Coroner-Public Administrator: Brian Muller Technical Services Director: Rick Peresan Treasurer-Tax Collector-County Clerk: Keith Williams Superior Court Judges Presiding Judge: F. Dana Walton Assistant Presiding Judge: Wayne R. Parrish Superior Court Website: MENDOCINO COUNTY Address: 501 Low Gap Rd, Room 1010, Ukiah, CA 95482 Telephone: (707) 463-4441 Fax: (707) 463-5649 Website: Incorporated: February 18, 1850 Legislative Districts: 1st CD; 2nd SD; 1st AD Population: 87,400 County Seat: Ukiah Board of Supervisors District 1: Michael Delbar, Potter Valley District 2: Jim Wattenburger, Ukiah District 3: John Pinches, Willits District 4: Kendall Smith, Fort Bragg District 5: J. David Colfax, Boonville Elected and Appointed Officials Agricultural Commissioner: Dave Bengston Air Quality Management District: Chris Brown Assessor-Clerk-Recorder: Susan Ranochak Auditor-Controller: Meredith Ford Child Support Services Director: Bruce Mordhorst Chief Executive Officer: Tom Mitchell Clerk of the Board: Kristi Furman County Assistant Executive Officer: Alison Glassey County Counsel: Jeanine B. Nadel District Attorney: Meredith Lintott Farm Advisor: John Harper General Services Director: Kristin McMenomey Health & Human Services Agency: Carmel Angelo Human Resources Director: Linda Clouser Information Services Director: Kristin McMenomey Librarian: Melanie Lightbody Mental Health Director: Mary Elliott Museum Director: Herb Pruett Planning and Building Services Director: Ray Hall Probation: Wes Forman Public Defender: Wesley Hamilton Public Health Department Director: Stacey Cryer Public Health Officer: Marvin Trotter, M.D. Risk Manager: Kristin McMenomey Sheriff-Coroner: Thomas D. Allman Social Services Director: Susana Wilson Superintendent of Schools: Paul Tichinin Transportation Director: Howard Dashiell Treasurer/Tax Collector: Shari Schapmire Water Agency General Manager: Roland Sanford Superior Court Judges Presiding Judge: Cindee F. Mayfield Assistant Presiding Judge: Richard James Henderson Ronald Brown, Jonathan M. Lehan, David E. Nelson Superior Court Website: California Roster 2010 59 County Officials MERCED COUNTY Address: 2222 M Street, Merced, CA 95340 Telephone: (209) 385-7366 Fax: (209) 726-7977 Website: Email: [email protected] Business Hours: Monday to Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Incorporated: April 19, 1855 Legislative Districts: 18th CD; 12th SD; 17th AD Population: 210,100 County Seat: Merced Board of Supervisors District 1: John Pedrozo, Merced District 2: Kathleen Crookham, Merced District 3: Michael G. Nelson, Atwater District 4: Deidre Kelsey, Snelling District 5: Jerry O’Banion, Dos Palos Elected and Appointed Officials Agricultural Commissioner: David Robinson Assessor: Kent Christenson Auditor-Controller-Recorder-County Clerk: M. Stephen Jones County Counsel: James Fincher County Executive Officer: Demitrios O. Tatum Department of Workforce Investment Director: Andrea Baker Human Services Agency Director: Ana Pagan Librarian: Jacque Meriam Mental Health Director: Frank Whitman Parks and Recreation Director/Recreational Superintendent: Peggy Vejar Planning Director: Bill Nicholson Public Administrator-District Attorney: Larry Morse II Public Defender: Wayne Eisenhart Public Health Director: John Volanti Public Works Director: Paul Fillebrown Purchasing Director: Sandy Teague Sheriff-Coroner: Mark Pazin Spring Fair Director: Ron L. Brandt Superintendent of Schools: Lee Andersen Treasurer-Tax Collector: Karen Adams MODOC COUNTY Address: 202 West 4th Street, Alturas, CA 96101 Mail: 202 West 4th Street, Alturas, CA 96101 Telephone: (530) 233-6403 Fax: (530) 233-5046 Website: Email: [email protected] Business Hours: Monday to Friday 8:30 a.m. to 12 p.m. and 1 to 5 p.m. Incorporated: February 17, 1874 Legislative Districts: 4th CD; 1st SD; 2nd AD Population: 9,449 County Seat: Alturas Board of Supervisors District 1: Dan Macsay, Cedarville District 2: Jeff Bullock, Alturas District 3: Patricia Cantrall, Likely District 4: Shorty Crabtree, Alturas District 5: Dave Bradshaw, Tulelake Elected and Appointed Officials Assessor: Cheri Budmark Auditor-Recorder: Alice Marrs County Administrative Officer: Rick Rudometkin County Clerk: Alice Marrs District Attorney-Public Administrator: Gary Woolverton Sheriff-Coroner: Mark Gentry Superintendent of Schools: Gary L. Jones Treasurer-Tax Collector: Cheryl Knoch Superior Court Judges Presiding Judge: Francis W. Barclay Assistant Presiding Judge: Larry L. Dier Superior Court Website: Superior Court Judges Presiding Judge: John D. Kirihara Assistant Presiding Judge: Brian McCabe Carol Ash, Hugh Flanagan, Marc Garcia, Ronald Hansen Superior Court Website: California Roster 2010 60 County Officials MONO COUNTY Address: Annex 1, 74 School St, Bridgeport, CA 93517 Mail: P.O. Box 715, Bridgeport, CA 93517 Telephone: (760) 932-5534 Fax: (760) 932-5531 Website: Email: [email protected] Business Hours: Monday to Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Incorporated: April 24, 1861 Legislative Districts: 25th CD; 1st SD; 25th AD Population: 10,825 County Seat: Bridgeport Board of Supervisors District 1: Tom Farnetti District 2: D. “Hap” Hazard, Chairman District 3: Vikki Magee Bauer, Vice-Chair District 4: Bill Reid District 5: Byng Hunt Elected and Appointed Officials Assessor: Jim Lovett County Administrative Officer: David Wilbrecht County Clerk-Recorder (Acting): Christy Robles County Counsel: Marshall Rudolph Director of Finance: Brian Moir District Attorney: George Booth Sheriff-Coroner: Rick Scholl Superintendent of Schools: Catherine Hiait Superior Court Judges Presiding Judge: Edward Forstenzer Assistant Presiding Judge: Stanley L. Eller Superior Court Website: MONTEREY COUNTY Address: Administrative Building, 168 West Alisal Street, 3rd Floor, Salinas, CA 93901 Telephone: (831) 755-5115 Fax: (831) 755-5297 Website: Incorporated: February 18, 1850 Legislative Districts: 17th CD; 12th, 15th SD; 27th, 28th AD Population: 425,960 County Seat: Salinas Board of Supervisors District 1: Fernando Armenta, Salinas District 2: Louis R. Calcagno, Salinas District 3: Simón Salinas, Salinas District 4: Jane Parker, Marina District 5: Dave Potter, Monterey Elected and Appointed Officials Agricultural Commissioner: Eric Lauritzen Assessor-County Clerk-Recorder: Stephen L. Vagnini Assistant County Administrative Officer: Keith Honda Assistant County Administrative Officer: Rosie Pando Assistant Registrar of Voters: Claudio Valenzuela Auditor-Controller: Michael J. Miller Budget & Analysis Director: Rosie Pando Building Services Director: Tim McCormick Child Support Services Director: Stephen Kennedy Clerk of the Board: Gail T. Borkowski Cooperative Extension Director: Sonya Hammond County Administrative Officer: Lew Bauman County Counsel: Charles McKee District Attorney: Dean Flippo Emergency Communications Director: Lynn Diebold Equal Opportunity Officer: David Medrano Health Services Director-Public Administrator: Len Foster Information Technology Director: Virgil Schwab Intergovernmental & Legislative Affairs Director: Nicholas E. Chiulos Librarian: Jayanti Addleman Military & Veterans’ Affairs Officer: Richard Garza Natividad Medical Center Chief Executive Officer (Interim): William Foley Parks: John Pinio Planning Director: Mike Novo Probation Officer: Manuel Real Public Defender: James Egar Public Works Director: Yazdan Emrani Registrar of Voters: Linda Tulett Resource Management Agency Director: Wayne Tanda Sheriff-Coroner: Mike Kanalakis Social & Employment Services: Elliott Robinson Superintendent of Schools: Nancy Kotowski Superior Court Executive Officer (Interim): Connie Mazzei Treasurer-Tax Collector: Louis Solton Water Resource Agency General Manager: Curtis Weeks Superior Court Judges Presiding Judge: Russell D. Scott Assistant Presiding Judge: Adrienne M. Grover Marla O. Anderson, Robert A. Burlison, Richard M. Curtis, Susan M. Dauphine, Terrance R. Duncan, Larry E. Hayes, Mark Hood, Efren N. Iglesia, Kay T. Kingsley, Sam Lavorato, Albert H. Maldonado, Robert A. O'Farrell, Jonathan R. Price, Timothy P. Ro, Timothy P. Roberts, Lydia Villarreal, Tom Willis Superior Court Website: California Roster 2010 61 County Officials NAPA COUNTY Address: 1195 Third Street, Suite 310, Napa, CA 94559 Telephone: (707) 253-4421 Fax: (707) 253-4176 Website: Business Hours: Monday to Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Incorporated: February 18, 1850 Legislative Districts: 1st CD; 2nd SD; 7th AD Population: 131,600 County Seat: Napa Board of Supervisors District 1: Brad Wagenknecht, Napa District 2: Mark Luce, Napa District 3: Diane Dillon, St. Helena District 4: Bill Dodd, Napa District 5: Keith Caldwell, Napa Elected and Appointed Officials Assessor-Recorder-County Clerk: John Tuteur Auditor-Controller: Tracy Schulze County Counsel: Robert Westmeyer County Executive Officer: Nancy Watt Court Executive Officer: Stephen A. Bouch District Attorney-Public Administrator: Gary Lieberstein Planning Director: Hillary Gitelman Public Works Director: Don Ridenhour Purchasing Agent: Nancy Watt Sheriff-Coroner: Doug Koford Social Services Director: Randolph Snowden Treasurer-Tax Collector: Tami Frasier Superior Court Judges Presiding Judge: Raymond A. Guadagni Assistant Presiding Judge: Stephen T. Kroyer Mark Boessenecker, Diane M. Price, Rodney G. Stone, Francisca P. Tisher Superior Court Website: NEVADA COUNTY Address: 950 Maidu Ave, Nevada City, CA 95959-8617 Telephone: (530) 265-1218 Fax: (530) 265-9839 Website: Email: [email protected] Business Hours: Monday to Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Incorporated: April 25, 1851 Legislative Districts: 4th CD; 1st, 4th SD; 3rd AD Population: 99,116 County Seat: Nevada City Board of Supervisors District 1: Nate Beason, Nevada City District 2: Ed Scofield, Grass Valley District 3: John Spencer, Grass Valley District 4: Hank Weston, Grass Valley District 5: Ted Owens, Nevada City & Truckee Elected and Appointed Officials Agriculture Commissioner: Jeffrey Pylman Assessor: James DalBon (Interim) Auditor-Controller: Marcia Salter Child Support Services: Tex Ritter Clerk of the Board: Cathy Thompson Community Development Agency Dir: Steven DeCamp County Clerk-Recorder: Greg Diaz County Counsel: Mike Jamison County Executive Officer: Rick Haffey District Attorney: Clifford Newell General Services and Information Systems: Steve Monaghan Human Services Director: Jeffrey Brown Planning Director: Jory Stewart Probation: Doug Carver Public Defender: Donald Lown Sanitation Director: Mark Miller Sheriff-Coroner: Keith Royal Superintendent of Schools: Holly Hermansen Transportation Director: Doug Farrell Treasurer-Tax Collector: Marcia Salter (Interim) Superior Court Judges Presiding Judge: Sean P. Dowling Assistant Presiding Judge: Thomas M. Anderson Candace S. Heidelberger, C. Anders Holmer, Julie A. McManus, Robert L. Tamietti Superior Court Website: California Roster 2010 62 County Officials ORANGE COUNTY Address: 333 W. Santa Ana Blvd., 3rd Floor, Santa Ana, CA 92701 Telephone: (714) 834-2345 Fax: (714) 834-3555 Website: Incorporated: March 11, 1889 Legislative Districts: 40th, 42nd, 44th, 46th, 47th, 48th CD; 29th, 33rd, 34th, 35th, 38th SD; 56th, 60th, 67th, 68th, 69th, 70th, 71st, 72nd, 73rd AD Population: 3,098,121 County Seat: Santa Ana Board of Supervisors District 1: Janet Nguyen District 2: John M.W. Moorlach District 3: Bill Campbell District 4: Chris Norby District 5: Patricia C. Bates Elected and Appointed Officials Agricultural Commissioner: Rick Le Feuvre Airport Director: Alan Murphy Assessor: Webster Guillory Auditor-Controller: David Sundstrom Clerk, Board of Supervisors: Darlene Bloom County Clerk-Recorder: Tom Daly County Counsel: Nicholas Chrisos County Executive Officer: Thomas G. Mauk Department of Child Support Services: Steven Eldred District Attorney: Tony Rackauckas Employee Relations Department: Carl Crown Fire Services Director: Chief Keith Richter Health Care Director: David Riley Human Resources Department: Carl Crown Internal Audit: Peter Hughes OC Community Resources: Steve Franks OC Dana Point Harbor: Brad Gross OC Waste & Recycling: Mike Giancola Office of Independent Review: Stephen J. Connolly Office of the Performance Audit Director: Steve Danley Probation Director: Colleene Preciado Public Administrator-Guardian: John Williams Public Defender: Deborah Kwast Public Librarian: Helen Fried Registrar of Voters: Neal Kelley OC Public Works: Jess Carbajal Sheriff-Coroner: Sandra Hutchens Social Services Director: Ingrid Harita Superintendent of Education: William M. Habermehl Superior Court & Jury Clerk: Alan Carlson Treasurer-Tax Collector: Chriss Street California Roster 2010 Superior Court Judges Presiding Judge: Nancy Wieben Stock Assistant Presiding Judge: Kim Garlin Dunning John S. Adams, Frederick P. Aguirre, Margaret R. Anderson, Matthew S. Anderson, Gail A. Andler, Andrew P. Banks, Ronald L. Bauer, Carl P. Biggs, Francisco P. Briseno, Steven D. Bromberg, Jackie C. Brown, Debra Carrillo, Marjorie L. Carter, David R. Chaffee, Thierry P. Colaw, John D. Conley, Corey S. Cramin, Donna L. Crandall, James J. Di Cesare, Daniel J. Didier, Patrick H. Donahue, William L. Evans, Frank F. Fasel, Sheila B. Fell, Francisco F. Firmat, Johnathan Fish, John L. Flynn III, William R. Froeberg, Donald F. Gaffney, Robert C. Gannon, John C. Gastelum, Stephanie George, Geoffrey T. Glass, Thomas M. Goethals, Sheila F. Hanson, Douglas J. Hatchimonji, W. Michael Hayes, David A. Hoffer, Frederick P. Horn, Kim R. Hubbard, Derek W. Hunt, Robert B. Hutson, Lance P. Jensen, Derek G. Johnson, Gerald G. Johnston, Gregory W. Jones, M. Marc Kelly, Richard M. King, Carolyn Kirkwood, Ronald P. Kreber, Erick L. Larsh, Caryl A. Lee, Gregory H. Lewis, Wendy S. Lindley, Brett G. London, Kazuharu Makino, Charles Margines, James P. Marion, Joy W. Markman, Linda S. Marks, Michael S. McCartin, David T. McEachen, Daniel B. McNerney, Kimberly K. Menninger, Mark S. Millard, Franz E. Miller, Linda L. Miller, Jamoa A. Moberly, William M. Monroe, Robert J. Moss, Gregory Munoz, Kirk H. Nakamura, Michael J. Naughton, John Nho Trong Nguyen, Gary S. Paer, Steven L. Perk, Nancy A. Pollard, Peter J. Polos, James H. Poole, Gregg L. Prickett, Roger B. Robbins, Karen L. Robinson, Craig E. Robison, Luis A. Rodriguez, James E. Rogan, Glenda Sanders, Salvador Sarmiento, Mary F. Schulte, B. Tam Nomoto Schumann, Randall J. Sherman, Claudia J. Silbar, Carla M. Singer, Clay M. Smith, Richard W. Stanford, Jr., Nancy W. Stock, James A. Stotler, Elaine Streger, Stephen J. Sundvold, David A. Thompson, Nicholas S. Thompson, Richard F. Toohey, Josephine S. Tucker, David C. Velasquez, James L. Waltz Randell L. Wilkinson Superior Court Website: 63 County Officials PLACER COUNTY Address: 175 Fulweiler Avenue, Auburn, CA 95603 Telephone: (530) 889-4010 Fax: (530) 889-4009 Website: Business Hours: Monday to Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Incorporated: April 25, 1851 Legislative Districts: 4th CD; 1st, 4th SD, 3rd 4th 5th AD Population: 338,750 (Department of Finance) County Seat: Auburn Board of Supervisors District 1: F.C. “Rocky” Rockholm, Roseville District 2: Robert Weygandt, Lincoln District 3: Jim Holmes, Auburn District 4: Kirk Uhler, Granite Bay District 5: Jennifer Montgomery, Serene Lakes Elected and Appointed Officials Assessor: Kristen Spears Auditor-Controller: Katherine Martinis County Clerk-Recorder-Registrar: Jim McCauley County Counsel: Anthony La Bouff County Executive Officer: Thomas Miller District Attorney: Brad Fenocchio Community Development Resource Agency Director: Michael Johnson Public Defender: Richard A. Ciummo and Associates Purchasing Agent: Jim Boggan Sheriff-Coroner-Marshal: Ed Bonner Superintendent of Schools: Gayle Garbolino-Mojica Treasure-Tax Collector: Jenine Windeshausen Superior Court Judges Presiding Judge: Alan V. Pineschi Assistant Presiding Judge: Charles D. Wachob Mark S. Curry, Larry D. Gaddis, Eugene S. Gini, Jr., Frances A. Kearney, Robert P. McElhany, Colleen M. Nichols, Joseph O`Flaherty, Jeffrey Penney, Charles D. Wachob PLUMAS COUNTY Address: 520 Main Street, Room 309, Quincy, CA 95971 Telephone: (530) 283-6315 Fax: (530) 283-6288 Website: Incorporated: March 18, 1854 Legislative Districts: 2nd CD; 1st SD; 3rd AD Population: 21,000 County Seat: Quincy Board of Supervisors District 1: Bill Powers, Portola District 2: Robert Meacher, Greenville District 3: Bill Dennison, Chester District 4: Rose Comstock, Quincy District 5: Ole Olsen, Quincy/Graeagle Elected and Appointed Officials Assessor: Chuck Leonhardt Auditor: Shawn Montgomery County Clerk-Recorder: Kathleen Williams County Counsel: Barbara Thompson District Attorney-Public Administrator: Jeff Cunan Parks and Recreation: James Boland Planning Director: Jonathan Schnal Sheriff-Coroner: Terry Bergstrand Social Services: Elliott Smart Superintendent of Schools: Dennis Williams Tax Collector-Treasurer: Ginny Dunbar Superior Court Judges Presiding Judge: Ira R. Kaufman Assistant Presiding Judge: Janet Hilde Superior Court Website: Superior Court Website: California Roster 2010 64 County Officials RIVERSIDE COUNTY Address: 4080 Lemon St, 12th Floor, Riverside, CA 92501 Mail: P.O. Box 751, Riverside, CA 92502-0751 Telephone: (909) 955-1000 Fax: (909) 955-1105 Website: Email: [email protected] Business Hours: Monday to Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Incorporated: May 9, 1893 Legislative Districts: 43rd, 44th, 48th CD; 31st, 36th, 37th SD; 64th-66th, 80th AD Population: 1,545,387 County Seat: Riverside Board of Supervisors District 1: Robert Buster District 2: John Tavaglione District 3: Jim Venable District 4: Roy Wilson District 5: Marion Ashley Elected and Appointed Officials Assessor-Clerk-Recorder: Gary Orso Auditor-Controller: Robert E. Byrd Chief Executive Officer: Larry Parrish County Counsel: William Katzenstein District Attorney: Grover C. Trask, II Parks and Recreation Director: Paul Frandsen Planning Director: Robert C. Johnson Probation: Marie Whittington Public Defender: Gary Windom Public Social Services Director: Dennis J. Boyle Purchasing Agent: Robert Howdyshell Sheriff-Coroner: Bob Doyle Superintendent of Schools: David L. Long Transportation Director: George A. Johnson Treasurer and Tax Collector: Paul McDonnell Superior Court Judges Presiding Judge: Richard Todd Fields Assistant Presiding Judge: Thomas H. Cahraman B. J. Bjork, Sarah Adams Christian, Judith C. Clark, Mark Ashton Cope, James A. Cox, Graham Anderson Cribbs, Stephen D. Cunnison, Frederick Paul Dickerson, III, H. Morgan Dougherty, David B. Downing, Becky Lynn Dugan, Sherrill A. Ellsworth, Richard A. Erwood, Lawrence W. Fry, J. Thompson Hanks, James S. Hawkins, Helios (Joe) Hernandez, Dallas Scott Holmes, Harold W. Hopp, Erik Michael Kaiser, Jean Pfeiffer Leonard, Michele D. Levine, Roger A. Luebs, Patrick F. Magers, Mark Mandio, Dennis A. McConaghy, Robert J. McIntyre, W. Charles Morgan, Jeffrey Prevost, Craig Riemer, Bernard Schwartz, Christopher J. Sheldon, Elisabeth Sichel, Robert George Spitzer, Charles E. Stafford, Jr., Christian F. Thierbach, Gary B. Tranbarger, Gloria Connor Trask, Rodney L. Walker, James T. Warren, Sharon J. Waters, Douglas E. Weathers, Edward D. Webster, Randall Donald White, Albert J. Wojcik, Paul E. Zellerbach SACRAMENTO COUNTY Address: 700 H Street, Sacramento, CA 95814 Telephone: (916) 874-5411 Fax: (916) 874-7593 Website: Incorporated: February 18, 1850 Legislative Districts: 3rd, 4th CD; 1st, 5th, 6th SD; 5th-7th, 10th AD Population: 1,209,500 County Seat: Sacramento Board of Supervisors District 1: Roger Dickinson, Sacramento District 2: Jimmie R. Yee, Sacramento District 3: Susan Peters, Sacramento District 4: Roberta MacGlashan, Sacramento District 5: Don Nottoli, Sacramento Elected and Appointed Officials Agricultural Commissioner: Frank Carl Air Pollution Control Officer: Larry Greene Airports Director: G. Hardy Acree Assessor: Kenneth D. Stieger Chief Financial Officer: Navdeep Gill Civil Service Commission: Leslie Leahy Clerk of the Board: Craig Kramer Communication and Information Technology: David Villanueva Coroner: Gregory P. Wyatt County Counsel: Robert A. Ryan County Executive: Steven C. Szalay (Interim) County Probabtion Officer: Don L. Meyer County Services Agency: Bruce Wagstaff Director of Finance: Mark Norris (Acting) District Attorney: Jan Scully Environmental Management Director: Val F. Siebel Environmental Review & Assessment: Joyce Horizumi General Services Director:Michael Morse Health and Human Services Director: Ann EdwardsBuckley Human Assistance: Paul Lake (Acting) Library Director: Rivah K. Sass Municipal Services Agency: Paul Hahn Parks and Recreation Director: Janet Baker Planning Director: Robert Sherry Public Defender: Paulino Duran Registrar of Voters: Jill LaVine Retirement Officer: Richard Stensrud Sheriff: John McGinness Superintendent of Schools: David W. Gordon Superior & Municipal Court Officer: Jody Patel Transportation Director: Michael J. Penrose Veterans Service Officer: Jeffrey Pealer Water Resources Director: Keith DeVore Superior Court Website: California Roster 2010 65 County Officials SACRAMENTO COUNTY (cont.) Superior Court Judges Presiding Judge: Roland L. Candee Assistant Presiding Judge: James M. Mize Michael P. Kenny, David W. Abbott, Gerald S. Bakarich, Eugene L. Balonon, Jerilyn L. Borack, Trena H. BurgerPlavan, Raymond M. Cadei, Thomas M. Cecil, Shelleyanne Wai Ling Chang, Lloyd G. Connelly, David F. De Alba, Laurie M. Earl, Patricia C. Esgro, Greta Fall, Timothy M. Frawley, Michael T. Garcia, Maryanne G. Gilliard, Richard H. Gilmour, Helena R. Gweon, James P. Henke, Judy Holzer Hersher, Robert C. Hight, Russell L. Hom, Talmadge R. Jones, James L. Long, Patrick Marlette, James E. McFetridge, Loren E. McMaster, Cheryl Chun Meegan, John A. Mendez, Gary S. Mullen, Troy L. Nunley, Gail D. Ohanesian, Alan G. Perkins, Kenneth G. Peterson, Steven H. Rodda, Jack Sapunor, Michael A. Savage, Renard F. Shepard, Pamela Smith-Steward, Allen H. Sumner, Michael W. Sweet, Raoul M. Thorbourne, Jane Ure, Brian R. Van Camp, Emily Elizabeth Vasquez, Michael G. Virga, Stephen W. White, John P. Winn Superior Court Website: SAN BENITO COUNTY Address: 481 Fourth Street, Hollister, CA 95023 Telephone: (831) 636-4000 Fax: (831) 636-4010 Website: Email: [email protected] Business Hours: Monday to Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Incorporated: February 12, 1874 Legislative Districts: 17th CD; 12th SD; 28th AD Population: 56,000 County Seat: Hollister Board of Supervisors District 1: Margie Barrios, Hollister District 2: Anthony Botelho, San Juan Bautista District 3: Pat Loe, Hollister District 4: Reb Monaco, Hollister District 5: Jaime De La Cruz, Hollister Elected and Appointed Officials Administrative Officer: Susan Thompson Agricultural Commissioner: Ron Ross Ag. Ext.: William Coates Assessor: Tom Slavich Chief Probation Officer: Brent Cardall Child Support Services: Kathy Sokolik Clerk of the Board: Linda Churchill Community Serivces & Workforce Development: Kathryn Flores Council of Governments: Lisa Rheinheimer County Clerk-Auditor-Recorder: Joe Paul Gonzales County Counsel: Matthew Granger District Attorney: Candice Hooper Health & Human Services Agency: Kathryn Flores Human Resources/Internal Services: Rich Inman Integrated Waste Management: Mandy Rose Librarian: Nora Conte Marshal: Robert Scattini Mental Health: Alan Yamamoto Planning Director: Art Henriques Public Works Administrator: Steve Wittry Sheriff-Coroner: Curtis Hill Substance Abuse Program Director: Alan Yamamoto Superintendent of Schools: Mike Sanchez Treasurer-Tax Collector: Mary Lou Andrade Superior Court Judges Presiding Judge: Harry J. Tobias Steven R. Sanders Superior Court Website: California Roster 2010 66 County Officials SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY Address: 385 North Arrowhead Avenue, 5th Floor, San Bernardino, CA 92415 Telephone: (909) 387-4811 Fax: (909) 387-5430 Website: Incorporated: April 26, 1853 Legislative Districts: 40th, 41st, 42nd CD; 17th, 31st, 32nd, 34th SD; 34th, 61st, 62nd, 63rd, 65th AD Population: 1,946,202 County Seat: San Bernardino Board of Supervisors District 1: Brad Mitzelfelt District 2: Paul Biane District 3: Dennis Hansberger District 4: Gary Ovitt District 5: Josie Gonzales Elected and Appointed Officials Administrative Officer: Gregory C. Devereaux Assessor: Bill Postmus Auditor-Controller/Recorder/Treasurer/Tax Collector: Larry Walker District Attorney: Mike Ramos Sheriff/Coroner/Public Administrator: Rod Hoops Superintendent of Schools: Herbert Fischer Superior Court Judges Presiding Judge: Larry W. Allen Assistant Presiding Judge: James C. McGuire John M. Pacheco, William Jefferson Powell, IV, Donald R. Alvarez, Stephen H. Ashworth, Kenneth Barr, Joan Marie Borba, Joseph R. Brisco, Kyle S. Brodie, Gerard S. Brown, Paul M. Bryant, Jr., Ronald M. Christianson, David S. Cohn, Rodney A. Cortez, Keith D. Davis, Michael M. Dest, James M. Dorr, Douglas M. Elwell, W. Robert Fawke, Jon D. Ferguson, Jules E. Fleuret, Bryan F. Foster, Janet M. Frangie, Mary E. Fuller, Donna G. Garza, Douglas N. Gericke, John B. Gibson, Thomas D. Glasser, J. Michael Gunn, Raymond L. Haight III, Arthur Harrison, Michael R. Libutti, Cynthia Ann Ludvigsen, Steve Malone, John N. Martin, J. David Mazurek, Brian S. McCarville, Eric M. Nakata, Annemarie G. Pace, Barry L. Plotkin, Margaret A. Powers, Stanford E. Reichert, Tara Reilly, Shahla S. Sabet, Stephan G. Saleson, Brian David Saunders, Marsha Slough, Michael A. Smith, Teresa M. SnodgrassBennett, Bert L. Swift, John M. Tomberlin, Ingrid Adamson Uhler, Raymond Paul Van Stockum, John Peter Vander Feer, John P. Wade, Christopher J. Warner, James Michael Welch, Katrina West, Linda M. Wilde, David A. Williams, Harold T. Wilson, Jr., Raymond C. Youngquist Superior Court Website: California Roster 2010 SAN DIEGO COUNTY Address: 1600 Pacific Highway, San Diego, CA 92101 Telephone: (858) 694-3900 Website: Incorporated: February 18, 1850 Legislative Districts: 49th - 53rd CD; 36th, 38th - 40th SD; 66th, 73rd - 79th AD Population: 2,961,600 County Seat: San Diego Board of Supervisors District 1: Greg Cox District 2: Dianne Jacob District 3: Pam Slater-Price District 4: Ron Roberts District 5: Bill Horn Elected and Appointed Officials Assessor-Recorder-County Clerk: David L. Butler County Counsel: John Sansone Chief Administrative Officer: Walt Ekard Clerk of the Board: Thomas J. Pastuszka District Attorney: Bonnie Dumanis Sheriff: Bill Kolender Tax Collector-Treasurer: Dan McAllister Superior Court Judges Presiding Judge: Janis Sammartino Assistant Presiding Judge: Kenneth K. So David G. Brown, George W. Clarke, Lorna A. Alksne, Edward P. Allard, III, Michael M. Anello, Rafael A. Arreola, Jeffrey B. Barton, Cynthia Bashant, Laura J. Birkmeyer, Jay Bloom, Jeffrey S. Bostwick, Larrie R. Brainard, Joseph P. Brannigan, Frank A. Brown, Desiree Bruce-Lyle, Carolyn M. Caietti, Yvonne Esperanza Campos, William S. Cannon, Timothy M. Casserly, Richard G. Cline, Robert C. Coates, Patricia K. Cookson, Patricia Yim Cowett, Gonzalo P. Curiel, Robert P. Dahlquist, David J. Danielsen, William S. Dato, John L. Davidson, Peter C. Deddeh, Steven R. Denton, Francis M. Devaney, Raymond Edwards, Jr., John S. Einhorn, Harry M. Elias, Kevin A. Enright, Charles W. Ervin, Herbert J. Exarhos, Eugenia A. Eyherabide, Lisa Foster, Jeffrey F. Fraser, Peter L. Gallagher, Patricia Garcia, Charles R. Gill, David M. Gill, Christine K. Goldsmith, Jan I. Goldsmith, Daniel B. Goldstein, Alvin E. Green, Jr., Lisa Guy-Schall, Laura Halgren, Louis R. Hanoian, Albert T. Harutunian III, Charles R. Hayes, Judith F. Hayes, Thomas C. Hendrix, Esteban Hernandez, Marshall Y. Hockett, Yuri Hofmann, Susan D. Huguenor, Edward B. Huntington, Carol Isackson, Gerald C. Jessop, Gale E. Kaneshiro, Aaron H. Katz, Julia Craig Kelety, William H. Kennedy, Janet I. Kintner, K. Michael Kirkman, Roger W. Krauel, William H. Kronberger, Melinda J. Lasater, Joan M. Lewis, Kathleen M. Lewis, Lantz Lewis, Lillian Y. Lim, Frederic L. Link, Earl H. Maas III, Frederick Maguire, Runston G. Maino, William Hays McAdam, Jr., William J. McGrath, Jr., John Meyer, Amalia Meza, Richard E. Mills, William R. Nevitt, Jr., Thomas P. Nugent, Robert F. O'Neill, David B. Oberholtzer, Adrienne A. Orfield, Michael B. Orfield, Laura H. Parsky, Christine V. Pate, Ronald S. Prager, Allan J. Preckel, Joel M. Pressman, Linda B. Quinn, Charles G. Rogers, David Rubin, DeAnn M. Salcido, Roderick Shelton, Howard H. Shore, Michael Smyth, Stephanie Sontag, Jacqueline M. Stern, Richard E. L. Strauss, Eddie C. Sturgeon, Ronald L. Styn, David M. Szumowski, 67 County Officials SAN DIEGO COUNTY (cont.) Superior Court Judges (cont.) Timothy B. Taylor, John M. Thompson, Timothy W. Tower, Randa Trapp, Robert J. Trentacosta, Leo Valentine, Jr., Luis R. Vargas, Marguerite L. Wagner, Timothy R. Walsh, Theodore M. Weathers, Joan P. Weber, Michael D. Wellington, Kerry Wells,Richard Whitney, Browder Willis III, Margie G. Woods Superior Court Website: SAN FRANCISCO CITY AND COUNTY Address: 1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place, San Francisco, CA 94102 Telephone: (415) 554-4950 Fax: (415) 554-4951 Website: Business Hours: Monday to Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Incorporated: February 18, 1850 Legislative Districts: 8th, 12th CD; 3rd, 8th SD; 12th, 13th AD Population: 744,230 County Seat: San Francisco Board of Supervisors District 1: Jake McGoldrick District 2: Michela Alioto-Pier District 3: Aaron Peskin District 4: Carment Chu District 5: Ross Mirkarimi District 6: Chris Daly District 7: Sean Elsbernd District 8: Bevan Dufty District 9: Tom Ammiano District 10: Sophie Maxwell District 11: Gerardo Sandoval Elected and Appointed Officials Airports Director: John L. Martin Assessor- Recorder: Vacant City Attorney: Dennis Herrera Controller: Edward M. Harrington County Clerk: Darryl Burton Director of Elections: John Arntz District Attorney: Kamala Harris Health Services: Bart Duncan Human Services: Phil Ginsburg Mayor: Gavin Newsom Medical Examiner: Amy P. Hart, M.D. Planning Director: Dean Macris Public Defender: Jeff Adachi Public Works Director: Vacant Office of Contract Administration Director: Naomi Little Recreation & Parks General Manager: Yomi Agumbiade Sheriff: Mike Hennessey Superintendent of Schools: Arlene Ackerman Treasurer: Jose Cisneros Superior Court Judges Presiding Judge: David Louis Ballati Assistant Presiding Judge: James J. McBride Jerome T. Benson, Suzanne Ramos Bolanos, Anne Bouliane, Susan M. Breall, Peter J. Busch, Ellen Chaitin, Nancy L. Davis, John E. Dearman, Gail Dekreon, Robert L. Dondero, Wallace P. Douglass, Katherine A. Feinstein, Loretta M. Giorgi, Ernest H. Goldsmith, Charles F. Haines, Donna J. Hitchens, Teri L. Jackson, Harold E. Kahn, Curtis E.A. Karnow, Kathleen A. Kelly, Richard A. Kramer, Newton J. Lam, Cynthia Ming-Mei Lee, Donna Alyson Little, Patrick J. Mahoney, Tomar Mason, Anne-Christine Massullo, Kevin M. McCarthy, Thomas J. Mellon, Jr., Marla J. Miller, Charlene P. Mitchell, Donald S. Mitchell, Mary Carolyn Morgan, John E. Munter, Ronald Evans Quidachay, A. James Robertson II, Lillian Kwok Sing, John Kennedy Stewart, Donald J. Sullivan, Julie M. Tang, Ksenia Tsenin, Diane Elan Wick, Mary E. Wiss, Garrett L. Wong, Charlotte Walter Woolard, Carol Yaggy Superior Court Website: California Roster 2010 68 County Officials SAN JOAQUIN COUNTY Address: 222 East Weber Avenue, Stockton, CA 95202 Telephone: (209) 468-3113 Fax: (209) 468-3694 Website: Email: [email protected] Business Hours: Monday to Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Incorporated: February 18, 1850 Legislative Districts: 5th, 10th CD; 12th SD; 10th, 17th, 26th AD Population: 613,000 County Seat: Stockton SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY Address: 1055 Monterey Street, Room D-430, San Luis Obispo, CA 93408 Telephone: (805) 781-5011 Fax: (805) 781-5023 Website: Email: [email protected] Business Hours: Monday to Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Incorporated: February 18, 1850 Legislative Districts: 22nd, 23rd CD; 15th SD; 33rd AD Population: 267,154 County Seat: San Luis Obispo Board of Supervisors District 1: Steve Gutierrez, Stockton District 2: Dario L. Marenco, Stockton District 3: Victor Mow, Stockton District 4: Jack A. Sieglock, Lodi District 5: Leroy Ornellas,Tracy Board of Supervisors District 1: Harry Ovitt District 2: Bruce Gibson District 3: Jerry Lenthall District 4: K. H. “Katcho” Achadjian District 5: James Patterson Elected and Appointed Officials Assessor/Recorder/Clerk: Gary Freeman Auditor: Adrian J. Van Houten Clerk of the Board: Lois M. Sayhoun Community Development Director: Ben Hulse County Administrator: Manuel Lopez County Counsel: Terrence Dermody District Attorney: John Phillips Facilities Management: Craig Ogata Human Services Agency Director: Joe Chelli Public Administrator: Baxter Dunn Public Defender: Gerald L. Gleeson Public Information Officer: Connie Cassinetto Public Works Director: Tom Flinn Purchasing and Support Services: Cliff Baumer Registrar of Voters: Debby Hench Sheriff-Coroner: Baxter Dunn Superintendent of Schools: Frederick A. Wentworth Treasurer/Tax Collector: Shabbir Khan Elected and Appointed Officials Assessor: Tom Bordonaro Auditor-Controller: Gere Sibbach County Administrator: David Edge County Clerk-Recorder: Julie Rodewald District Attorney: Gerald Shea Engineer: Paavo Ogren General Services Director: Janette Pell Planning Director: Victor Holanda Purchasing Agent: Janette Pell Sheriff-Coroner: Patrick Hedges Social Services Director: Lee Collins Superintendent of Schools: Julian Crocker Treasurer-Tax Collector: Frank Freitas Superior Court Judges Presiding Judge: Richard J. Guiliani Assistant Presiding Judges: Bobby W. McNatt, William J. Murray, Jr. George J. Abdallah, Jr., Jose L. Alva, Robin Appel, Michael D. Coughlan, Cinda Sanchez Fox, Bernard J. Garber, Thomas M. Harrington, Lesley D. Holland, Carter P. Holly, Elizabeth Humphreys, Barbara A. Kronlund, Linda L. Lofthus, Anthony P. Lucaccini, Richard M. Mallett, Ronald A. Northup, Charlotte J. Orcutt, John W. Parker, Franklin M. Stephenson, F. Clark Sueyres, Jr., Lauren P. Thomasson, Terrence R. Van Oss, Richard Vlavianos, David P. Warner Superior Court Judges Presiding Judge: Martin J. Tangeman Assistant Presiding Judge: Roger T. Picquet Earle Jeffrey Burke, Charles Stevens Crandall, Jac A. Crawford, Michael L. Duffy, Teresa Estrada-Mullaney, Ginger E. Garrett, Dodie A. Harman, Barry T. LaBarbera, John A. Trice Superior Court Website: Superior Court Website: California Roster 2010 69 County Officials SAN MATEO COUNTY Address: 400 County Center, Redwood City, CA 94063 Telephone: (650) 363-4000 Fax: (650) 363-1916 Website: Business Hours: Monday to Thursday 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. and Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Incorporated: April 19, 1856 Legislative Districts: 12th, 14th CD; 8th, 11th SD; 12th, 19th, 21st AD Population: 707,161 County Seat: Redwood City Board of Supervisors District 1: Mark Church District 2: Carole Groom District 3: Richard S. Gordon District 4: Rose Jacobs Gibson District 5: Adrienne Tissier Elected and Appointed Officials Assessor-County Clerk-Recorder: Warren Slocum Coroner: Robert Foucrault County Controller: Tom Huening County Manager: David S. Boesch District Attorney: James P. Fox Health Department: Jean Fraser Human Services Director: Beverly Beasley Johnson Parks and Recreation Director: David Holland Planning Director: Jim Eggemeyer (Interim) Purchasing Manager: Donna Jones-Dulin Sheriff: Greg Munks Superintendent of Schools: Jean Hollbrook Tax Collector-Treasurer: Lee M. Buffington SANTA BARBARA COUNTY Address: 105 East Anapamu Street, Santa Barbara, CA 93101 Telephone: (805) 568-3400 Fax: (805) 568-3414 Website: Incorporated: February 18, 1850 Legislative Districts: 23rd, 24th CD; 15th, 19th SD; 33rd, 35th AD Population: 428,655 County Seat: Santa Barbara Board of Supervisors District 1: Salud Carbajal, Santa Barbara, Montecito District 2: Janet Wolf, Goleta, Santa Barbara District 3: Doreen Farr, Goleta, Santa Ynez Valley, Isla Vista District 4: Joni Gray, Lompoc, Orcutt, Guadalupe District 5: Joe Centeno, Santa Maria, Cuyama, Guadalupe Elected and Appointed Officials Auditor-Controller: Robert W. Geis III County Executive Officer: Michael F. Brown County Clerk, Recorder and Assessor: Joseph E. Holland County Counsel: Dennis Marshall District Attorney: Christie Stanley General Services Director: Bob Nisbet Parks Director: Dan Hernandez Planning and Development: John Baker Public Defender: Greg C. Paraskou Public Health Director: Elliot Schulman Sheriff: Bill Brown Superintendent of Schools: William J. Cirone Treasurer-Tax Collector-Public Administrator: Bernice James Superior Court Judges Presiding Judges: Robert D. Foiles, Stephen M. Hall Lisa A. Novak, Joseph E. Bergeron, Gerald J. Buchwald, Clifford V. Cretan, Marta S. Diaz, Steven L. Dylina, H. James Ellis, Susan I. Etezadi, Mark R. Forcum, Beth Labson Freeman, Norman J. Gatzert, John L. Grandsaert, Jonathan Karesh, Elizabeth Lee, Richard Clifton Livermore, Barbara J. Mallach, George A. Miram, Carol L. Mittlesteadt, Craig L. Parsons, Rosemary Pfeiffer, John W. Runde, Joseph C. Scott, Marie S. Weiner, Raymond Swope Superior Court Judges Presiding Judge: Arthur A. Garcia Assistant Presiding Judge: Brian Hill Edward H. Bullard, James F. Iwasko, Thomas R. Adams, Thomas Pearce Anderle, Clifford R. Anderson III, Jed Beebe, James W. Brown, Denise de Bellefeuille, Jean M. Dandona, George C. Eskin, Rogelio R. Flores, James E. Herman, Kay S. Kuns, Joseph Lodge, J. William McLafferty, Rodney S. Melville, Frank J. Ochoa, James F. Rigali, Timothy J. Staffel Superior Court Website: Superior Court Website: California Roster 2010 70 County Officials SANTA CLARA COUNTY Address: 70 West Hedding Street, San Jose, CA 95110 Telephone: (408) 299-5001 Fax: (408) 298-8460 Website: Business Hours: Monday to Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Incorporated: February 18, 1850 Legislative Districts: 11th, 14th-16th CD; 10th, 11th, 13th, 15th SD; 20th-24th, 27th, 28th AD Population: 1,682,585 County Seat: San Jose Board of Supervisors District 1: Donald F. Gage, San Jose District 2: Blanca Alvarado, San Jose District 3: Pete McHugh, San Jose District 4: James T. Beall, Jr., San Jose District 5: Liz Kniss, Palo Alto Elected and Appointed Officials Assessor: Lawrence E. Stone Chief Executive Officer: Kiri Torre County Clerk/Recorder: Brenda Davis County Counsel: Ann Miller Ravel County Executive: Peter Kutras, Jr. District Attorney: George Kennedy Planning Director (Interim): Michael Lopez Sheriff: Laurie Smith Social Services Director: Will Lightbourne Superintendent of Schools: Colleen Wilcox Superior Court Judges Presiding Judge: Catherine A. Gallagher Assistant Presiding Judge: Jamie A. Jacobs-May James P. Kleinberg, Kurt E. Kumli, Joyce Allegro, Mary Arand, Kenneth Paul Barnum, Thang Nguyen Barrett, Paul R. Bernal, Susan Bernardini, Arthur Bocanegra, Franklin E. Bondonno, Griffin M. J. Bonini, Jerome E. Brock, Gilbert T. Brown, Andrea Y. Bryan, Neal Anthony Cabrinha, Thomas W. Cain, David A. Cena, Sharon A. Chatman, Vincent J. Chiarello, Paul C. Cole, Linda R. Condron, Ray E. Cunningham, Alden E. Danner, Edward J. Davila, Raymond J. Davilla, Jr., Ron M. Del Pozzo, Thomas C. Edwards, William J. Elfving, James C. Emerson, Alfonso Fernandez, John J. Garibaldi, Mary Ann Grilli, Teresa Guerrero-Daley, John F. Herlihy, Joseph Huber, Eugene Michael Hyman, Margaret Johnson, Peter H. Kirwan, Jack Komar, Edward Frederick Lee, Mary Jo Levinger, Richard J. Loftus, Jr., Patricia M. Lucas, Katherine Lucero, Stephen V. Manley, Socrates Peter Manoukian, Michele McKay McCoy, Kevin E. McKenney, William J. Monahan, Kevin J. Murphy, Jerome S. Nadler, Rene Navarro, Leslie C. Nichols, Diane Northway, Carol W. Overton, Philip H. Pennypacker, Aaron Persky, Rise Jones Pichon, Mark H. Pierce, Marcel B. Poche, Hector E. Ramon, Randolf J. Rice, C. Randall Schneider, Shawna M. Schwarz, Kenneth L. Shapero, Douglas K. Southard, Rodney J. Stafford, Patrick E. Tondreau, Brian Walsh, Gregory H. Ward, Jean High Wetenkamp, Derek Woodhouse, Erica R. Yew, Carrie A. Zepeda-Madrid SANTA CRUZ COUNTY Address: 701 Ocean Street, Santa Cruz, CA 95060 Telephone: (831) 454-2000 Fax: (831) 454-2433 Website: Incorporated: February 18, 1850 Legislative Districts: 14th, 17th CD; 11th, 15th SD; 27th, 28th AD Population: 255,000 County Seat: Santa Cruz Board of Supervisors District 1: Jan Beautz, Santa Cruz, Soquel District 2: Ellen Pirie, Aptos, Capitola District 3: Mardi Wormhoudt, Santa Cruz District 4: Tony Campos, Watsonville District 5: Mark Stone, San Lorenzo Valley Elected and Appointed Officials Agricultural Commissioner: David Moeller Agricultural Extension Service: Laura Toote Assessor: Gary Hazelton Auditor-Controller: Gary A. Knutson Building Inspection Chief: John DeCourcy County Administrative Officer: Susan A. Mauriello County Clerk: Gail Pellerin County Counsel: Dana McRae District Attorney: Bob Lee Emergency Office: Michael Dever Environmental Health Services: Robert Kennedy Health Services Agency: Rama Khalsa Human Resources Agency: Cecilia Espinola Information Services: Cyong Nuygen Parks and Recreation: Barry Samuel Personnel: Dania Torres Wong Planning Director: Tom Burns Probation: Judy Cox Public Works: Thomas L. Bolich Purchasing: Gerald Dunbar Sheriff-Coroner: Steve Robbins Treasurer-Tax Collector: Fred Keeley Planning Commissioners: 1st District: Robert Bremner, Alternate: Teall Messer 2nd District: Ted Durkee, Alternate: Terry Hancock 3rd District: Denise Holbert, Alternate: Marilyn Hummel 4th District: Dennis Osmer, Alternate: Gustavo Gonzalez 5th District: Renee Shephard, Alternate: Myrna Britton Superior Court Judges Presiding Judge: Heather D. Morse Assistant Presiding Judge: Robert B. Atack John Jeffrey Almquist, Michael Einum Barton, Paul P. Burdick, Denine J. Guy, Paul M. Marigonda, John Steven Salazar, Samuel S. Stevens Superior Court Website: Superior Court Website: California Roster 2010 71 County Officials SHASTA COUNTY Address: 1450 Court St, Suite 308A, Redding, CA 96001 Telephone: (530) 225-5561 Fax: (530) 225-5189 Website: Business Hours: Monday to Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Incorporated: February 18, 1850 Legislative Districts: 2nd CD; 4th SD; 1st AD Population: 169,151 County Seat: Redding Board of Supervisors District 1: David A. Kehoe, Redding District 2: Leonard Moty, Redding District 3: Glenn Hawes, Anderson District 4: Linda Hartman, Shasta Lake City District 5: Les Baugh, Anderson Elected and Appointed Officials Assessor-Recorder: Leslie Morgan Auditor-Controller: Connie Regnell Chief Administrative Officer: Larry Lees County Clerk: Cathy Darling County Counsel: Mike Rolston District Attorney: Jerry Benito Health & Human Services: Marta McKenzie HHSA - Public Health: Donnell Ewert HHSA - Mental Health: Mark Montgomery Public Works Director: Pat Minturn Resources Management Director: Russ Mull Sheriff-Coroner: Tom Bosenko Social Services Director: Jane Work Superintendent of Schools: Tom Armelino Treasurer-Tax Collector: Lori Taylor Scott Superior Court Judges Presiding Judge: Stephen H. Baker Molly Biglow, Bradley L. Boeckman, Wilson Curle, Monica Marlow, James Ruggiero, Cara Beatty, Daniel Flynn, William Gallagher, Greg Goul Superior Court Commissioner: Gary Gibson, Jennifer Dollard SIERRA COUNTY Address: 100 Courthouse Square, Downieville, CA 95936 Mail: PO Drawer D, Downieville, CA 95936 Telephone: (530) 289-3295 Fax: (530) 289-2830 Website: Business Hours: Monday to Friday 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. and 1 to 4 p.m. Incorporated: April 16, 1852 Legislative Districts: 4th CD; 1st SD; 3rd AD Population: 3,555 County Seat: Downieville Board of Supervisors District 1: Arnold “Arnie” Gutman, Downieville District 2: Peter W. Huebner, Sierra City District 3: Bill Nunes, Calpine District 4: Brooks Mitchell, Loyalton District 5: Patricia “Pat” Whitley, Loyalton Elected and Appointed Officials Assessor: William G. Copren Auditor: Van Maddox Chief Probation Officer: Pete Villarreal County Clerk-Recorder: Mary J. Jungi County Counsel: James A. Curtis County Superintendent of Schools: Mary Genasci District Attorney-Public Administrator: Larry Allen Planning Director: Tim H. Beals Public Defender: J. Lon Cooper Public Works Director: Tim H. Beals Sheriff-Coroner: Leland Adams Treasurer-Tax Collector: Cynthia A. Ellsmore Welfare Director: Carol Roberts Superior Court Judges Presiding Judge: William W. Pangman John P. Kennelly Superior Court Website: Superior Court Website: California Roster 2010 72 County Officials SISKIYOU COUNTY Address: 201 4th Street, Yreka, CA 96097 Telephone: (530) 842-8005 Fax: (530) 842-8013 Website: Business Hours: Monday to Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Incorporated: March 22, 1852 Legislative Districts: 2nd CD; 4th SD; 2nd AD Population: 44,300 County Seat: Yreka Board of Supervisors District 1: Jim Cook, Montague District 2: LaVada Erickson, Mt. Shasta District 3: Michael Kobseff, Weed District 4: Bill Overman, Yreka District 5: Marcia Armstrong, Fort Jones Elected and Appointed Officials Assessor: Mike Mallory Auditor-Controller-Recorder: Leanna Dancer County Administrator: Barry Shioshita County Clerk: Colleen Baker County Counsel: Frank DeMarco District Attorney-Public Administrator: Kirk Andrus Planning Director (Interim): Terry Barber Public Defender: Lael Kayfetz Public Works Director: Brian McDermott Purchasing Agent: Barry Shioshita Sheriff-Coroner: Rick Riggins Social Welfare: Nadine Della-Bitta Superintendent of Schools: Kermith Walters Tax Collector-Treasurer: Wayne Hammer Superior Court Judges Presiding Judge: Roger T. Kosel William J. Davis, Robert F. Kaster, Laura J. Masunaga Superior Court Website: SOLANO COUNTY Address: 675 Texas St., Suite 6500, Fairfield, CA 94533 Telephone (707) 784-6100 Fax: (707) 784-7975 Website:; Email: [email protected] Business Hours: Monday to Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Incorporated: February 18, 1850 Legislative Districts: 1st, 3rd, 7th CD; 2nd, 4th SD; 7th, 8th AD Population: 426,026 as of July 1, 1008 County Seat: Fairfield Board of Supervisors District 1: Barbara R. Kondylis, Vice-Chair, Vallejo District 2: Linda J. Seifert, Vallejo and Benicia District 3: James Spering, Fairfield District 4: John M. Vasquez, Chair, Vacaville District 5: Mike Reagan, Vice-Chair, Vacaville Elected and Appointed Officials Assessor-Recorder: Marc Tonnesen Auditor-Controller: Simona Padilla-Scholtens Cooperative Extension: Carole Paterson County Administrator: Michael D. Johnson County Counsel: Dennis Bunting Department of Child Support Services: Pamela Posehn Department of Information Technology: Ira Rosenthal District Attorney: David W. Paulson FIRST 5 Solano: Michael D. Johnson/Christina Arrosturo, Executive Director Fouts Springs Youth Facility: Isabelle Voit General Services: Spencer Bole Health & Social Services: Patrick Duterte Human Resources/Risk Management: Donald Turko Library Director: Bonnie Katz Probation: Isabelle Voit Public Defender/Conflict Public Defender: Jeffrey Thoma Registrar of Voters: Ira Rosenthal Resource Management: Birgitta Corsello Sheriff/Coroner: Gary Stanton Treasurer/Tax Collector/County Clerk: Charles Lomelli Veterans Services: Bill Reardon Superior Court Judges Presiding Judge: D. Scott Daniels Assistant Presiding Judge: Paul L. Beeman Tim P. Kam, Ramona Garrett, John B. Ellis, Terrye Davis Superior Court Website: California Roster 2010 73 County Officials SONOMA COUNTY Address: 575 Administration Drive, Room 104A Santa Rosa, CA 94503 Telephone: (707) 565-2431 Fax: (707) 565-3778 Website: Business Hours: Monday to Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Incorporated: February 18, 1850 Legislative Districts: 1st, 6th CD; 2nd, 3rd SD; 1st, 6th, 7th AD Population: 479,929 County Seat: Santa Rosa County Administrator: Bob Deis Board of Supervisors District 1: Valerie Brown, Sonoma District 2: Michael Kerns, Petaluma District 3: Tim Smith, Santa Rosa District 4: Paul Kelley, Windsor District 5: Mike Reilly, Forestville Elected and Appointed Officials Auditor-Controller/Treasurer: Rodney Dole County Clerk-Recorder-Assessor: Janice Atkinson County Counsel: Steven Woodside District Attorney: Stephan Passalacqua Human Services Director: Jo Weber Parks Director: Mary Burns Public Defender: John Abrahams Purchasing Agent: Gene Clark Sheriff/Coroner: Bill Cogbill Superintendent of Schools: Carl Wong Superior Court Judges Presiding Judge: Robert S. Boyd Assistant Presiding Judge: Knoel L. Owen Kenneth J. Gnoss, Gary Nadler, Lawrence G. Antolini Raima H. Ballinger, James Gordon Bertoli, Rene Auguste Chouteau, Elliot Daum, Allan D. Hardcastle, Arnold D. Rosenfield, Elaine M. Rushing, Mark Tansil, Arthur A. Wick, Cerena Wong Superior Court Website: STANISLAUS COUNTY Address: 1010 10th St, Suite 6800, Modesto, CA 95354 Telephone: (209) 525-6333 Fax: (209) 544-6226 Website: Business Hours: Monday to Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Incorporated: April 1, 1854 Legislative Districts: 18th CD; 12th SD; 25th, 26th AD Population: 459,864 County Seat: Modesto Chief Executive Officer: Richard W. Robinson Board of Supervisors District 1: Bill O’Brien District 2: Thomas W. Mayfield District 3: Jeff Grover District 4: Ray Simon District 5: Jim Demartini Elected and Appointed Officials Assessor: Doug Harms Auditor: Larry Haugh Child Support Services: David Ingersoll County Clerk-Recorder: Lee Lundrigan County Counsel: Michael H. Krausnick District Attorney: James Brazelton Librarian: Vanesa Czopek Parks and Recreation: Sonya Harrigfeld Planning Director: Ron Freitas Public Defender: Tim Bazar Public Works Director: George Stillman Sheriff-Coroner: Les Weidman Superintendent of Schools: Martin Petersen Treasurer-Tax Collector: Gordon B. Ford Superior Court Judges Presiding Judge: Donald E. Shaver Assistant Presiding Judge: Jack M. Jacobson Nancy Ashley, Roger M. Beauchesne, Loretta Murphy Begen, Ricardo Cordova, Joseph R. Distaso, Hurl William Johnson III, William A. Mayhew, Linda A. McFadden, Timothy W. Salter, Susan D. Siefkin, Marie Sovey Silveira, Scott T. Steffen, David G. Vander Wall, John G. Whiteside, Thomas D. Zeff Superior Court Website: California Roster 2010 74 County Officials SUTTER COUNTY Address: 1160 Civic Center Blvd, Yuba City, CA 95993 Telephone: (530) 822-7100 Fax: (530) 822-7103 Website: Email: [email protected] Incorporated: February 18, 1850 Legislative Districts: 2nd CD; 4th SD; 2nd AD Population: 81,851 County Seat: Yuba City Board of Supervisors District 1: Larry Montna, Yuba City District 2: Dennis Nelson, Yuba City District 3: Larry Munger, Yuba City District 4: James D. Whiteaker, Yuba City District 5: Dan Silva, Yuba City Elected and Appointed Officials Assessor: Mike Strong Auditor-Controller: Robert Stark Community Services Director: Richards Hall County Administrative Officer: Larry T. Combs County Clerk-Recorder: Joan Bechtel County Counsel: Ronald S. Erickson District Attorney: Carl V. Adams Human Services Director: Ed Smith Public Defender: Mark Van den Heuvel Public Works Director: George L. Musallam Sheriff-Coroner: Jim Denney Superintendent of Schools: Jeff Holland Treasurer-Tax Collector: Jim Stevens Superior Court Judges Presiding Judge: Christopher R. Chandler Brian R. Aronson, Robert H. Damron, H. Ted Hansen, Perry Parker TEHAMA COUNTY Mail: P.O. Box 250, Red Bluff, CA 96080 Telephone: (530) 527-4655 Fax: (530) 527-3764 Website: Business Hours: Monday to Friday 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. and 1 to 5 p.m. Incorporated: April 9, 1856 Legislative Districts: 2nd CD; 4th SD; 2nd AD Population: 56,200 County Seat: Red Bluff Board of Supervisors Meetings held every Tuesday of each month. District 1: Gregg Avilla, Red Bluff District 2: George Russell, Red Bluff District 3: Charles Willard, Red Bluff District 4: Bob Williams, Corning District 5: Ron Warner, Tehama Elected and Appointed Officials Assessor: Mark Colombo Auditor-Controller: LeRoy M. Anderson Chief Administrator: Williams J. Goodwin Clerk-Recorder: Beverly Ross Coroner-Public Administrator: Dr. Frank Green District Attorney: Gregg Cohen Health Officer: Dr. Richard A. Wickenheiser Planning Director: George Robson Purchasing Agent: Williams J. Goodwin Sheriff: Clay Parker Treasurer-Tax Collector: Dana Hollmer Welfare Director: Christine Applegate Superior Court Judges Presiding Judge: Dennis E. Murray Assistant Presiding Judge: Edward J. King III John J. Garaventa, Richard Scheuler Superior Court Website: Superior Court Website: California Roster 2010 75 County Officials TRINITY COUNTY Address: 11 Court Street, Weaverville, CA 96093 Mail: P.O. Box 1613, Weaverville, CA 96093 Telephone: (530) 623-1217 Fax: (530) 623-8365 Website: Business Hours: Monday to Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Incorporated: February 18, 1850 Legislative Districts: 2nd CD; 4th SD; 1st AD Population: 13,022 County Seat: Weaverville Board of Supervisors District 1: Judy Pfleuger, Trinity Center District 2: Jeffrey Morris, Weaverville District 3: Roger Jaegel, Hayfork District 4: Howard Freeman, Weaverville District 5: Wendy Reiss, Hayfork Elected and Appointed Officials Assessor-County Clerk-Recorder: Dero B. Forslund Auditor-Controller: Brian Muir District Attorney-Coroner: Dave Cross Public Defenders: Clanton & Associates, Derrick Riske, Mathew Hannum, James Dippery Sheriff: Lorrac Craig Superintendent of Schools: James B. French Treasurer-Tax Collector: Lynda Hymas Superior Court Judges Presiding Judge: James P. Woodward Assistant Presiding Judge: Anthony C. Edwards Superior Court Website: TULARE COUNTY Address: 2800 Burrel Avenue, Visalia, CA 93291-4582 Telephone: (559) 636-5000 Fax: (559) 733-6898 Website: Incorporated: April 20, 1852 Legislative Districts: 19th-21st CD; 14th, 16th SD; 29th, 31st, 32nd AD Population: 368,000 County Seat: Visalia Board of Supervisors District 1: Allen Ishida, Lindsay District 2: Pete Vander Poel, Tulare District 3: Phil Cox, Visalia District 4: Steven Worthley, Dinuba District 5: Mike Ennis, Springville Elected Officials Assessor-Clerk-Recorder: Gregory B. Hardcastle Auditor-Controller: Rita Woodard County Administrative Officer: Jean Rousseau District Attorney: Phillip J. Cline Sheriff-Coroner: Bill D. Wittman Superintendent of Schools: James Vidak Treasurer-Tax Collector: Rita Woodard Superior Court Judges Presiding Judge: Gerald F. Sevier Joseph A. Kalashian, Lloyd L. Hicks, Juliet L. Boccone, Katheryn Motejano, Stephen Drew, Darryl B. Ferguson, Walter L. Gorelick, James W. Hollman, Elisabeth B. Krant, Brett Alldredge, Gary L. Paden, Melinda Myrle Reed, Glade F. Roper, Valeriano Saucedo, Paul Anthony Vortmann, Gary Johnson, Jennifer Shirk Superior Court Website: California Roster 2010 76 County Officials TUOLUMNE COUNTY Address: 2 South Green Street, Sonora, CA 95370 Telephone: (209) 533-5511 Fax: (209) 533-5510 Website: Incorporated: February 18, 1850 Legislative Districts: 19th CD; 14th SD; 25th AD Population: 55,521 County Seat: Sonora County Administrative Officer: Craig L. Pedro Board of Supervisors District 1: Liz Bass District 2: Paolo A. Maffei District 3: Teri Murrison District 4: Mark Thornton District 5: Richard Pland Elected and Appointed Officials County Clerk/Auditor-Controller: Deborah Russell County Counsel: Gregory Oliver District Attorney: Donald Segerstrom Recorder-Assessor: Kenneth “Ken” Caetano Recreation Director: Michael Russell Sheriff-Coroner: James W. Mele Social Welfare: Ann Connolly Superintendent of Schools: Joseph Silva Treasurer-Tax Collector: Frank “Del” Hodges Superior Court Judges Presiding Judge: Eric L. DuTemple James A. Boscoe, Douglas Boyack, Eleanor Provost Superior Court Website: VENTURA COUNTY Address: 800 South Victoria Avenue, Ventura, CA 93009 Telephone: (805) 654-5000 Website: Incorporated: March 22, 1872 Legislative Districts: 23rd, 24th CD; 17th, 19th, 23rd SD; 35th, 37th, 38th, & 41st AD Population: 780,089 County Seat: Ventura Board of Supervisors District 1: Steve Bennett District 2: Linda Parks District 3: Kathy I. Long District 4: Peter C. Foy District 5: John C. Zaragoza Elected Officials Assessor: Daniel R. Goodwin Auditor-Controller: Christine L. Cohen Chief Executive Officer: (Vacant) County Clerk-Recorder: James Pecker District Attorney: Gregory D. Totten Sheriff: Bob Brooks Superintendent of Schools: Stan Mantooth Tax Collector-Treasurer: Lawrence L. Matheney Superior Court Judges Presiding Judge: Colleen Toy White Assistant Presiding: Kevin J. McGee Brian John Back, Patricia M. Murphy, Edward F. Brodie, Frederick H. Bysshe, Jr., Charles W. Campbell, Jr., Bruce A. Clark, James P. Cloninger, Tari L. Cody, Donald D. Coleman, Manuel J. Covarrubias, Herbert Curtis III, John E. Dobroth, Arturo F. Gutierrez, Steven Hintz, Thomas J. Hutchins, Kent M. Kellegrew, Barry B. Klopfer, Barbara A. Lane, William Q. Liebmann, David W. Long, Vincent J. O'Neill, Jr., Glen M. Reiser, Kenneth W. Riley, Rebecca S. Riley, John R. Smiley, Henry J. Walsh Superior Court Website: California Roster 2010 77 County Officials YOLO COUNTY Address: 625 Court St, Room 204, Woodland, CA 95695 Telephone: (530) 666-8195 Fax: (530) 666-8193 Website: Incorporated: February 18, 1850 Legislative Districts: 3rd CD; 5th SD; 2nd, 8th AD Population: 168,660 County Seat: Woodland Board of Supervisors District 1: Mike McGowan, West Sacramento District 2: Helen Thomson, Davis District 3: Matt Rexroad, Woodland District 4: Mariko Yamada, Davis District 5: Duane Chamberlain Elected and Appointed Officials Assessor: Joel Butler Auditor-Controller: Howard Newens County Administrator: Sharon Jensen County Clerk-Recorder: Freddie Oakley County Counsel: Robyn Drivon District Attorney: Jeff Reisig Employment & Social Services Director: Pam Miller Public Administrator-Guardian: Cass Sylvia Public Defender: Barry Melton Public Works Director: John Bencomo Sheriff-Coroner: Ed Prieto Treasurer-Tax Collector: Howard Newens Yolo County Office of Education: Jorge Ayala Superior Court Judges Presiding Judge: Stephen L. Mock Assistant Presiding Judge: Kathleen M. White Steven M. Basha, David Rosenberg, Timothy L. Fall, W. Arvid Johnson, Donna M. Petre, Doris L. Shockley, Thomas Edward Warriner YUBA COUNTY Address: 915 8th Street, Suite 107, Marysville, CA 95901 Telephone: (530) 749-7850 Fax: (530) 749-7854 Website: Email: [email protected] Business Hours: Monday to Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Incorporated: February 18, 1850 Legislative Districts: 2nd CD; 1st SD; 3rd AD Population: 72,098 County Seat: Marysville Board of Supervisors District 1: Vacant District 2: John Nicoletti District 3: Mary Jane Griego District 4: Roger Abe District 5: Hal Stocker Elected and Appointed Officials Administrative Officer: Robert Bendorf Assessor: Dave Brown Auditor: Dean E. Sellers County Clerk-Recorder: Terry A. Hansen District Attorney: Patrick McGrath Sheriff-Coroner: Steve Durfor Superintendent of Schools: Ric Teagarden Treasurer-Tax Collector: Dan Mierzwa Superior Court Judges Presiding Judge: Debra L. Givens Assistant Presiding Judge: Dennis J. Buckley James L. Curry, Kathleen R. O'Connor, Julia L. Scrogin Superior Court Website: Superior Court Website: California Roster 2010 78 Incorporated City and Town Officials CITY OF ADELANTO (County of San Bernardino) CITY OF ALAMEDA (County of Alameda) Address: 11600 Air Expressway, Adelanto, CA 92301 Mail Address: P.O. Box 10, Adelanto, CA 92301 Telephone: (760) 246-2300 Fax: (760) 246-8421 Website: Email: [email protected] Office Hours: Monday to Thursday 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.; Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.; closed alternate Fridays Mayor: Jim Nehmens Mayor Pro Tempore: Trinidad Perez Council: Steve Baisden, Charley B. Glasper, Scott A. McCauley. Council meets on the second and fourth Wednesdays of each month at 7 p.m. in Council Chambers. City Manager: D. James Hart City Clerk: Cindy Herrera City Attorney: Marguerite Battersby Finance Director: Bill Aylward Police Chief: Ron Wren Battalion Fire Chief: John Saluate School Superintendent: Chris Van Zee Incorporated: December 22, 1970 Legislative Districts: 25th CD; 18th SD; 36th AD Chartered City. Population: 23,418. Address: 2263 Santa Clara Avenue, Alameda, CA 94501 Telephone: (510) 747-7400 Fax: (510) 747-4805 Website: Mayor: Beverly Johnson Vice Mayor: Lena Tam Council: Doug deHaan, Marie Gilmore, Frank Matarrese. Council meets on the first and third Tuesdays of each month at 7:30 p.m. in Council Chambers. City Manager: Debra Kurita City Clerk: Lara Weisiger City Attorney: Teresa Highsmith Treasurer: Kevin Kennedy Police Chief: Walter Tibet Fire Chief: Jim Christiansen School Superintendent: Ardella Dailey Incorporated: April 19, 1854 Legislative Districts: 13th CD; 9th SD; 16th AD Chartered City. Population: 74,900. CITY OF AGOURA HILLS (County of Los Angeles) Address: 30001 Ladyface Court, Agoura Hills, CA 91301 Telephone: (818) 597-7300 Fax: (818) 597-7352 Website: Office Hours: Monday to Thursday 7 a.m. to 5 p.m.; Friday 7 a.m. to 4 p.m. Mayor: William D. Koehler Mayor Pro Tem: Harry Schwarz Council: John M. Edelston, Dan Kuperberg, Denis Weber. Council meets on the second and fourth Wednesdays of each month at 7 p.m. City Manager: Greg Ramirez City Clerk: Kimberly M. Rodrigues City Attorney: Craig Steele Treasurer: Lily Ruff Police Chief: Lee Baca (LA County Sheriff) Assistant Fire Chief: Gary Burden School Superintendent: Dr. Donald Zimring Incorporated: December 8, 1982 Legislative Districts: 30th CD; 23rd SD; 41st AD General Law City. Population: 23,330. California Roster 2010 CITY OF ALBANY (County of Alameda) Address: 1000 San Pablo Avenue, Albany, CA 94706 Telephone: (510) 528-5710 Fax: (510) 528-5797 Website: Email: [email protected] Office Hours: Monday 8:30 a.m. to 7 p.m.; Tuesday to Thursday 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.; Friday 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Mayor: Allan Maris Vice Mayor: Farid Javandel Council: Robert Good, Robert Lieber, Jewel Okawachi. Council meets on the first and third Mondays of each month at 8 p.m. in Council Chambers. Administrative Officer: Beth Pollard City Clerk: Jacqueline L. Bucholz City Attorney: Robert Zweben Treasurer: Kim Denton Police Chief: Greg Bone Fire Chief: Marc McGinn School Superintendent: William Wong Incorporated: September 22, 1908 Legislative Districts: 8th CD; 9th SD; 12th AD Chartered City. Population: 17,500. 79 Incorporated City and Town Officials CITY OF ALHAMBRA (County of Los Angeles) CITY OF ALTURAS (County of Modoc) Address: 111 South First Street, Alhambra, CA 91801 Telephone: (626) 570-5007 Fax: (626) 576-8568 Website: Office Hours: Monday to Thursday 7:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.; Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mayor: Luis Ayala Vice Mayor: Barbara A. Messina Council: Steven T. Placido, Stephen Sham, Gary Yamauchi. Council meets on the second and fourth Mondays of the month, Council Chambers, City Hall 2nd Floor. City Manager: Julio J. Fuentes City Clerk: Frances A. Moore City Attorney: Joseph Montes Director of Finance: Howard Longballa Police Chief: James Hudson Fire Chief: Vincent Kemp School Superintendent: Donna Perez Incorporated: July 11, 1903 Legislative Districts: 29th CD; 24th SD; 49th AD Chartered City. Population: 88,900. Address: 200 North Street, Alturas, CA 96101 Telephone: (530) 233-2512 Fax: (530) 233-3359 Website: Office Hours: Monday to Thursday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.; Friday 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. Mayor: John E. Dederick Mayor Pro Tempore: John Schreiber Council: John E. Dederick, Keith Jacques, Cheryl Nelson, Bobby G. Ray, John Schreiber. Council meets on the second Tuesday of each month at 7 p.m. in City Hall. City Clerk: Cary L. Baker City Treasurer: Kathie Alves City Attorney: Albert M. Monaco, Jr. Police Chief: Ken Barnes Fire Chief: Keith Jacques Incorporated: September 16, 1901 Legislative Districts: 14th CD; 1st SD; 1st AD General Law City. Population: 2,810. CITY OF ALISO VIEJO (County of Orange) Address: 14531 East School St, Amador City, CA 95601 Mail Address: P.O. Box 200, Amador City, CA 95601 Telephone: (209) 267-0682 Fax: (209) 267-0682 Website: Email: [email protected] Office Hours: Monday and Thursday 9-11 a.m. Mayor: Richard Lynch Vice Mayor: Mark McKenna Council: Dave Dittman, Tim Knox, Len Stevens. Council meets on the third Thursday of each month at 7 p.m. at the Old Schoolhouse at 14531 East School Street. City Clerk: Joyce Davidson City Attorney: Larry Lacey Treasurer: Susan Bragstad Police: Amador County Sheriff-Coroner Fire: Sutter Creek Volunteer Fire District School Superintendent: Amador County USD Incorporated: June 2, 1915 Legislative Districts: 14th CD; 15th SD; 7th AD General Law City. Population: 210. Address: 12 Journey, Suite 100, Aliso Viejo, CA 92656 Telephone: (949) 425-2500 Fax: (949) 425-3899 Website: Email: [email protected] Office Hours: Monday to Thursday 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m., Alternate Fridays 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., closed every other Friday Mayor: Phillip B. Tsanoda Mayor Pro Tempore: Carmen Cave, Ph.D. Council: Greg Ficke, William A. Phillips Donald A. Garcia. Council meets on the first and third Wednesdays at 7 p.m., in City Hall, Council Chambers, 12 Journey, Aliso Viejo, CA. City Manager: Mark A. Pulone City Clerk: Susan A. Ramos City Attorney: Scott C. Smith Community Services & Special Projects Manager: Helen Wilson Financial Services Manager/Treasurer: Gina M. Tharani Planning Director (Interim): Albert Armijo Police Chief: Lt. Robert Osborne Public Works Director/City Engineer Chief: John Whitman Fire Chief: Ed Fleming School Superintendent (Interim): Dr. Roberta Mahler (Capistrano USD) Incorporated: July 1, 2001 Legislative Districts: 47th 48th CD; 38th SD; 70th, 73rd AD General Law City. Population: 44,833. California Roster 2010 CITY OF AMADOR CITY (County of Amador) CITY OF AMERICAN CANYON (County of Napa) Address: 300 Crawford Way, American Canyon, CA 94503 Telephone: (707) 647-4519 Fax: (707) 642-1249 Website: Office Hours: Monday to Friday 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mayor: Leon Garcia Vice Mayor: Joan Bennett Council: Ed West, Cindy Coffey, Don Callison. Council meets on the first and third Tuesdays of each month at 6:30 p.m at 2185 Elliott Drive. City Manager: Richard J. Ramirez City Clerk: Dorothy R. Roadman City Attorney: William D. Ross Treasurer: Barry Whitley Police Chief: Brian Banducci Fire Chief: Glenn Weeks School Superintendent: John Glaser Incorporated: January 1, 1992 Legislative Districts: 1st CD; 2nd SD; 7th AD General Law City. Population: 14,961. 80 Incorporated City and Town Officials CITY OF ANAHEIM (County of Orange) CITY OF ANGELS CAMP (ANGELS) (County of Calaveras) Address: 200 South Anaheim Blvd, Anaheim, CA 92803 Mail Address: P.O. Box 3222, Anaheim, CA 92803 Telephone: (714) 765-5100 Fax: (714) 765-4105 Website: Email: [email protected] Office Hours: Monday to Friday 8 a.m.–5 p.m. Mayor: Curt Pringle Vice Mayor: Richard Chavez Council: Lorri Galloway, Harry Sidhu, Bob Hernandez. Council meets on every Tuesday except the fifth Tuesday of each month at 5 p.m. in City Hall, 200 South Anaheim Blvd. City Manager: David Morgan City Clerk: Sheryll Schroeder City Attorney: Jack White Treasurer: Kristine Ridge Police Chief: John Welter Fire Chief: Roger Smith Incorporated: March 18, 1876 Legislative Districts: 40th, 42nd, 47th CD; 29th, 33rd, 34th SD; 60th, 67th, 68th, 69th, 71st, 72nd AD Chartered City. Population: 337,400. Address: 584 South Main, Angels Camp, CA 95222 Mail Address: P.O. Box 667, Angeles Camp, CA 95222 Telephone: (209) 736-2181 Fax: (209) 736-0709 Website: Office Hours: Monday to Friday 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Mayor: Debbie Ponte Vice Mayor: George Middleton Council: Lee Seaton, William Hutchinson, Paul Raggio. Council meets on the first and third Tuesdays of each month at 6–7 p.m. during daylight savings at 1404 East Hwy 4, Angeles Camp. City Administrator: Tim Shearer Administrative Assistant: Judy King City Clerk: Faye Perata City Attorney: Richard Matranga Treasurer: Monica Parker Police Chief: Tony Tachiera Fire Chief: Scott Kenley Incorporated: January 24, 1912 Legislative Districts: 18th CD; 13th SD; 7th AD General Law City. Population: 3,350. CITY OF ANDERSON (County of Shasta) Address: 1887 Howard Street, Anderson, CA 96007 Telephone: (530) 378-6626 Fax: (530) 378-6648 Website: Office Hours: Monday to Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mayor: Butch Schaefer Mayor Pro Tempore: Norma Comnick Council: James Yarbrough, Melissa Hunt, Keith Webster. Council meets at 7:00 p.m. the first and third Tuesdays of each month in City Hall. City Manager: Scott Morgan City Clerk: Scott Morgan City Attorney: Michael C. Fitzpatrick Treasurer: Dana Shigley Police Chief: Dale Webb Fire Chief: Joe Piccinini School Superintendent: Wes Smith, Cascade Union Elementary School District; Tim Azevedo, Anderson Union High School District Incorporated: January 16, 1956 Legislative Districts: 2nd CD; 4th SD; 1st AD General Law City. Population: 10,677. California Roster 2010 CITY OF ANTIOCH (County of Contra Costa) Address: Third and H Streets, Antioch, CA 94509 Mail Address: P.O. Box 5007, Antioch, CA 94531 Telephone: (925) 779-7000 Fax: (925) 779-7003 Website: Office Hours: Monday to Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mayor: Donald P. Freitas Mayor Pro Tempore: James D. Davis Council: Brian Kalinowski, Arne Simonsen. Council meets on the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month at 7 p.m. in City Hall. City Manager: James Jakel City Clerk: L. Jolene Martin City Attorney: Lynn Tracy Nerland Treasurer: Donna Conley Police Chief: Jim Hyde Fire Chief: Keith Richter School Superintendent: Deborah Sims Incorporated: February 6, 1872 Legislative Districts: 10th CD; 7th SD; 11th AD General Law City. Population: 101,049. 81 Incorporated City and Town Officials TOWN OF APPLE VALLEY (County of San Bernardino) CITY OF ARCATA (County of Humboldt) Address: 14955 Dale Evans Parkway, Apple Valley, CA 92307 Telephone: (760) 240-7000 Fax: (760) 961-6242 Website: Email: [email protected] Office Hours: Monday to Thursday 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.; Friday 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.; closed alternate Fridays Mayor: Peter Allan Mayor Pro Tempore: Bob Sagona Council: Scott Nassif, Ginger Coleman, Rick Roelle. Council meets on the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month in Council Chambers. Town Manager: Frank W. Robinson Town Clerk: LaVonda M. Pearson, CMC Town Attorney: John E. Brown, Best Best and Kreager, LLC Finance Director: (Vacant) Police Captain: Bart Belknap Fire Chief: Doug Qualls School Superintendent: Robert Seevers Incorporated: November 28, 1988 Legislative Districts: 40th CD; 17th SD; 34th AD General Law City. Population: 72,922 Address: 736 F Street, Arcata, CA 95521 Telephone: (707) 822-5953 Fax: (707) 822-8018 Website: Email: [email protected] Office Hours: Monday to Friday 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. and 1-5 p.m. Mayor: Harmony Groves Vice Mayor: Mark E. Wheetley Council: Michael Machi, Paul Pitino, Alexandra Stillman. Council meets on the first and third Wednesdays of each month at 7 p.m. in Council Chambers. City Manager/City Clerk: Michael Hackett City Attorney: Nancy Diamond Police Chief: Randy Mendosa Fire Chief: John McFarland(Arcata Fire Protection Dist) Incorporated: February 6, 1858 Legislative Districts: 1st CD; 2nd SD; 1st AD General Law City. Population: 16,900. CITY OF ARCADIA (County of Los Angeles) Address: 240 West Huntington Dr, Arcadia, CA 91007 Mail Address: P.O. Box 60021, Arcadia, CA 91066-6021 Telephone: (626) 574-5400 Fax: (626) 446-5729 Website: Email: [email protected] Office Hours: Monday to Friday 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.; alternate Fridays 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Mayor: Mark “Mickey” Segal Mayor Pro Tempore: Robert Harbicht Council: Peter Amundson, Roger Chandler, John Wuo. Council meets on the first and third Tuesdays of each month at 7 p.m. in Council Chambers. City Manager: William "Bill" Kelly City Clerk: James H. Barrows City Librarian: Janet Sporleder City Attorney: Stephen Deitsch Treasurer: John Cuevas Police Chief: Robert Sanderson Fire Chief: David R. Lugo School Superintendent: Mimi Henessey Recreation and Community Services Director: Roberta White Incorporated: August 3, 1903 Legislative Districts: 28th CD; 29th SD; 59th AD Chartered City. Population: 55,500. California Roster 2010 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE (County of San Luis Obispo) Address: 214 East Branch St., Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 Mail Address: 214 East Branch St., Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 Telephone: (805) 473-5400 Fax: (805) 473-0386 Website: Email: [email protected] Office Hours: Monday to Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mayor: Tony M. Ferrara Mayor Pro Tempore: Jim Guthrie Council: Ed Arnold, Chuck Fellows, Joe Castello. Council meets on the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month at 7 p.m. City Manager: Steven Adams City Clerk: Kelly Wetmore City Attorney: Timothy J. Carmel Treasurer: Michelle Mayfield Police Chief: Steven Annibali Fire Chief: Michael Hubert Incorporated: July 10, 1911 Legislative Districts: 21st, 23rd CD; 15th SD; 33rd AD General Law City. Population: 16,500. CITY OF ARTESIA (County of Los Angeles) Address: 18747 Clarksdale Avenue, Artesia, CA 90701 Telephone: (562) 865-6262 Fax: (562) 865-6240 Website: Office Hours: Monday to Thursday 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.; Friday 8 a.m.–5 p.m. Mayor: John Martins Mayor Pro Tempore: Sally Flowers Council: Tony Lima, Victor Manalo, Larry R. Nelson. Council meets on the second Monday of each month at 7 p.m. in City Hall. City Manager: Maria Dadian City Clerk/Treasurer: Daryl Betancur City Attorney: Kevin Ennis Police: Contracted – Los Angeles County Sheriff Fire: Contracted – Los Angeles County Fire Dept. School Superintendent: Gary Smits Incorporated: May 29, 1959 Legislative Districts: 34th CD; 33rd SD; 63rd AD General Law City. Population: 17,000. 82 Incorporated City and Town Officials CITY OF ARVIN (County of Kern) CITY OF ATWATER (County of Merced) Address: 200 Campus Drive, Arvin, CA 93203 Mail Address: P.O. Box 548, Arvin, CA 93203 Telephone: (661) 854-3134 Fax: (661) 854-0817 Website: Office Hours: Monday to Friday 8 a.m.–5 p.m. Mayor: Tim Tarver Mayor Pro Tempore: Jose Flores, Jr. Council: Raji Brar, Steven Ojeda, Joet Stoner. Council meets on the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month at 6 p.m. in Council Chambers. City Manager: Enrique Ochoa City Clerk: Cecilia Vela City Attorney: Klein, Denatale, Goldner, et al. Treasurer: Fernando Guzman Police Chief: Tommy Tunson School Superintendent: Ken Bergevin Incorporated: December 21, 1960 Legislative Districts: 20th CD; 16th SD; 33rd AD General Law City. Population: 14,050. Address: 750 Bellevue Road, Atwater, CA 95301 Telephone: (209) 357-6300 Fax: (209) 357-6302 Website: Email: [email protected] Mayor: Rudy Trevino Mayor Pro Tempore: Joan Faul Council: Ed Abercrombie, Gary Frago, Andy Krotik. Council meets on the second and fourth Mondays of each month at 6 p.m. in Council Chambers. City Manager: Gregory B. Wellman City Clerk: Jeanna Del Real City Attorney: Salvador V. Navarrete Finance Director: Stanley Feathers Treasurer: James Heller, Jr. Police Chief: Richard Hawthorne Fire Chief: Vacant School Superintendent: Dr. Lou Obermeyer Incorporated: August 16, 1922 Legislative Districts: 15th CD; 12th SD; 26th AD General Law City. Population: 26,000. CITY OF ATASCADERO (County of San Luis Obispo) Address: 6907 El Camino Real, Atascadero, CA 93422 Telephone: (805) 461-5000 Fax: (805) 461-7612 Website: Office Hours: Monday to Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mayor: Dr. George Luna Mayor Pro Tempore: Mike Brennler Council: Ellen Beraud, Jerry L. Clay, Tom O’Malley. Council meets on the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month at 7 p.m. at Atascadero City Hall, 6907 El Camino Real. City Manager: Wade G. McKinney City Clerk: Marcia McClure Torgerson City Attorney: Patrick L. Enright Treasurer: Joseph Modica, Jr. Police Chief: John Couch Fire Chief: Kurt Stone School Superintendent: John Rogers Incorporated: July 2, 1979 Legislative Districts: 20th CD; 14th SD; 29th AD General Law City. Population: 27,400. TOWN OF ATHERTON (County of San Mateo) Address: 91 Ashfield Road, Atherton, CA 94027 Telephone: (650) 752-0500 Fax: (650) 688-6528 Website: Email: [email protected] Office Hours: Monday to Friday 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. and 1-5 p.m. Mayor: Jerry Carlson Vice Mayor: Kathy McKeithen Council: Alan B. Carlson, James R. Janz, Charles E. Marsala. Council meets on the third Wednesday of each month at 7 p.m. at Town Hall. City Manager: Jerry Gruber City Clerk (Acting): Kathi Hamilton Town Attorney: Wynne Furth Police Chief: Glenn Nielsen Fire Chief: Harold Schapelhouman Incorporated: September 12, 1923 Legislative Districts: 12th CD; 12th SD; 20th AD General Law City. Population: 7,225. California Roster 2010 CITY OF AUBURN (County of Placer) Address: 1225 Lincoln Way, Auburn, CA 95603 Telephone: (530) 823-4211 Fax: (530) 885-5508 Website: Mayor: J.M. (Mike) Holmes Mayor Pro Tempore: Bridget Powers Council: Kevin Handley, Dr. Bill Kirby. Council meets on the second and fourth Mondays of each month in City Hall. City Manager: Robert Richardson City Clerk: Joseph G.R. Labrie City Attorney: Michael Colantuono Treasurer: George E. Williams Police Chief: Valerie Harris Fire Chief: Mark D’Ambrogi Incorporated: May 2, 1888 Legislative Districts: 14th CD; 1st SD; 5th AD General Law City. Population: 12,462. CITY OF AVALON (County of Los Angeles) Mail Address: P.O. Box 707, Avalon, CA 90704 Telephone: (310) 510-0220 Fax: (310) 510-0901 Website: Mayor: Ralph Morrow Mayor Pro Tempore: Tim Winslow Council: Bob Kennedy, Dan O’Connor, John Regalado, Tim Winslow. Council meets on the first and third Tuesdays of each month at 7 p.m. in the City of Avalon, City Council Chambers 410 Avalon Canyon Road. City Manager: Thomas Sullivan Assistant City Manager: Pete Woolson City Clerk: Shirley Davy Deputy City Clerk: Kathleen Johnson Treasurer: Harry W. Stiritz, Jr. Police Chief: Pat Hunter Fire Chief: Steve Hoefs Incorporated: June 26, 1913 Legislative Districts: 36th CD; 29th SD; 54th AD General Law City. Population: 3,400. 83 Incorporated City and Town Officials CITY OF AVENAL (County of Kings) CITY OF BAKERSFIELD (County of Kern) Address: 919 Skyline Blvd, Avenal, CA 93204 Telephone: (559) 386-5766 Fax: (559) 386-0629 Office Hours: Monday to Friday 8 a.m.–4:30 p.m. Mayor: Harlin Casida Mayor Pro Tempore: Charles Price Council: Sid Craighead, James Jepsen, Alfredo Lara. Council meets on the second and fourth Thursdays of each month at 6 p.m. at the Avenal Recreation Center, 717 Monterey St., Avenal, CA 93204. City Manager: Melissa Whitten Administrative Analyst: Esther O. Strong City Clerk: Alicia Meraz Public Works Director: Jerry E. Watson Community Development Director: Steve Sopp Recreation Supervisor: Sheila Verdugo City Attorney: Mike Farley Treasurer: Melissa Whitten Police Commander: Dave Putnam Fire Chief: Al Ybarra School Superintendent: Nancy Mellor Incorporated: September 11, 1979 Legislative Districts: 17th CD; 16th SD; 30th AD General Law City. Population: 16,737. Address: 1501 Truxtun Avenue, Bakersfield, CA 93301 Telephone: (661) 326-3767 Fax: (661) 323-3780 Website: Email: [email protected] Office Hours: Monday to Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mayor: Harvey L. Hall Vice Mayor: Mike Maggard Council: Ward 1-Irma Carson, Ward 2-Sue Benham, Ward 3-Mike Maggard, Ward 4-David Couch, Ward 5 Harold Hanson, Ward 6- Jacquie Sullivan, Ward 7 Zack Scrivner. Council meets on the on calendared Wednesday evenings of each month at 5:15 p.m. in Coucil Chambers at 1501 Truxtun Avenue. City Manager: Alan Tandy City Clerk: Pamela A. McCarthy City Attorney: Virginia “Ginny” Gennaro Treasurer: Cheryl Perkins Police Chief: William “Bill” Rector Fire Chief: Ron Fraze School Superintendent: Dr. Larry Reider Incorporated: January 11, 1898 Legislative Districts: 20th, 21st CD; 14th, 16th SD; 30th, 32nd AD Chartered City. Population: 295,893. CITY OF AZUSA (County of Los Angeles) Address: 213 East Foothill Blvd, Azusa, CA 91702 Telephone: (626) 812-5200 Fax: (626) 334-6358 Website: Office Hours: Monday to Thursday 7:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.; closed Fridays Mayor: Joseph R. Rocha Mayor Pro Tempore: Keith Hanks Council: Angel Carrillo, Robert Gonzales, Uriel L. Macias. Council meets on the first and third Mondays of each month in Civic Auditorium. City Manager: Fran Delach City Clerk: Vera Mendoza City Attorney: Sonia Carvalho Treasurer: Marcene Hamilton Police Chief: Robert Garcia School Superintendent: Cynthia C. McGuire Incorporated: December 29, 1898 Legislative Districts: 30th CD; 25th SD; 42nd AD General Law City. Population: 47,150. California Roster 2010 CITY OF BALDWIN PARK (County of Los Angeles) Address: 14403 East Pacific Avenue, Baldwin Park, CA 91706 Telephone: (626) 960-4011 Fax: (626) 337-2965 Website: Office Hours: Monday to Thursday 7:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Mayor: Manuel Lozano Mayor Pro Tempore: Ricardo Pacheco Council: Marlen Garcia, Monica Garcia, Susan Rubio. Council meets on the first and third Wednesdays of each month at 7 p.m. in Council Chambers. City Manager, CEO: Vijay Singhal City Clerk: Alejandra Avila City Attorney: Joseph W. Pannone Treasurer: Maria “Marie” Contreras Police Chief: Lili Hadsell Fire Chief: Michael Freeman School Superintendent: Mark Skvarna Incorporated: January 25, 1956 Legislative Districts: 32nd CD; 24th SD; 57th AD General Law City. Population: 79,600. 84 Incorporated City and Town Officials CITY OF BANNING (County of Riverside) CITY OF BEAUMONT (County of Riverside) Address: 99 East Ramsey Street, Banning, CA 92220 Mail Address: P.O. Box 998, Banning, CA 92220 Telephone: (951) 922-3105 Fax: (951) 922-3128 Website: Office Hours: Monday to Thursday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mayor: Bob Botts Mayor Pro Tempore: Barbara Hanna Council: Debbie Franklin, John Machisic, Don Robinson. Council meets on the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month at 6:30 p.m. at Civic Center. City Manager: Andrew J. Takata City Clerk: Marie A. Calderon City Attorney: David J. Aleshire, Aleshire & Wynder, LLP Treasurer: John McQuown Police Chief: Leonard Purvis Fire Chief: Contract with CDF School Superintendent: Lynne B. Kennedy, Ph.D Incorporated: February 6, 1913 Legislative Districts: 41st CD; 37th SD; 65th AD General Law City. Population: 28,272. Address: 550 East 6th Street, Beaumont, CA 92223 Telephone: (951) 769-8520 Fax: (951) 769-8526 Website: Email: [email protected] Busniess Hours: Monday to Thursday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.; Friday 8 a.m. to Noon Mayor: Brian DeForge Mayor Pro Tempore: Roger Berg Council: Larry Dressel, Jeff Fox, Nancy Gall. Council meets on the first and third Tuesdays of each month, closed regular session at 6 p.m. at Beaumont Civic Center, Room 5. City Manager: Alan Kapanicas Administrative Officer: Alan Kapanicas City Clerk: Karen Thompson City Attorney: Joseph Aklufi, Aklufi & Wysocki Treasurer: Robert Deming Police Chief: Frank Coe Fire Chief: Contract with CDF School Superintendent: Barry Kayrell Incorporated: November 18, 1912 Legislative Districts: 41st CD; 37th SD; 65th AD General Law City. Population: 32,403. CITY OF BARSTOW (County of San Bernardino) Address: 220 East Mountain View Street, Suite A, Barstow, CA 92311 Telephone: (760) 256-3531 Fax: (760) 256-1750 Website: Office Hours: Monday to Thursday 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.; Friday 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Mayor: Joe D. Gomez Mayor Pro Tempore: Julie Hackbarth-McIntyre Council: Timothy R. Silva, Timothy J Saenz, Willie L. Hailey Sr. Council meets on the first and third Mondays of each month at 7:30 p.m. in Council Chambers. City Manager: Richard D. Rowe Administrative Officer: Vacant City Clerk: JoAnne V. Cousino City Attorney: Yvette Abich Treasurer: Evelyn Radel Police Chief: Dianne Burns Fire Chief: Darrel Jauss School Superintendent: Susan Levine Incorporated: September 30, 1947 Legislative Districts: 25th CD; 18th SD; 34th AD General Law City. Population: 23,000. CITY OF BELL (County of Los Angeles) Address: 6330 Pine Avenue, Bell, CA 90201 Telephone: (323) 588-6211 Fax: (323) 771-9473 Mayor: Oscar Hernandez Vice Mayor: Teresa Jacobo Council: Luis Artiga, Goerge Mirabal, Lorenzo S. Velez. Council meets every first Monday of each month at 7 p.m. in the CityCouncil Chambers. Chief Administrative Officer: Robert A. Rizzo City Clerk: Rebecca Valdez City Attorney: Edward Lee Treasurer: Ana Hernandez Police Chief: Randy G. Adams Incorporated: November 7, 1927 Legislative Districts: 33rd CD; 30th SD; 50th AD Charter City. Population: 38,250. CITY OF BELL GARDENS (County of Los Angeles) Address: 7100 South Garfield Avenue, Bell Gardens, CA 90201 Telephone: (562) 806-7700 Fax: (562) 806-7709 Website: Office Hours: Monday to Thursday 7:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. Mayor: Jennifer Rodriguez Mayor Pro Tempore: Pedro Aceituno Council: Priscilla Flores, Daniel Crespo, Mario E. Beltran. Council meets on the second and fourth Mondays of each month at 6 p.m. in City Hall. City Manager: John A. Ornelas City Clerk (Interim): Vida Barone City Attorney: Arnold M. Alvarez-Glasman Finance/Personnel Director: Misty V. Cheng Police Chief: Keith Kilmer Fire Chief: P. Michael Freeman Incorporated: August 1, 1961 Legislative Districts: 34th CD; 30th SD; 50th AD General Law City. Population: 45,491. California Roster 2010 85 Incorporated City and Town Officials CITY OF BELLFLOWER (County of Los Angeles) CITY OF BELVEDERE (County of Marin) Address: 16600 Civic Center Drive, Bellflower, CA 90706-5494 Telephone: (562) 804-1424 Fax: (562) 925-8660 Website: Office Hours: Monday to Friday 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mayor: Raymond Dunton Mayor Pro Tempore: Scott A. Larsen Council: Randy Bomgaars, Ray T. Smith, Dan Koops. Council meets on the second and fourth Mondays of each month at 7 p.m. in Council Chambers. City Manager: Michael J. Egan City Clerk: Debra D. Bauchop City Attorney: Joseph W. Pannone Treasurer: Tae Rhee School Superintendent: Mr. Rick Kemppainen Incorporated: September 3, 1957 Legislative Districts: 34th CD; 27th SD; 50th AD General Law City. Population: 77,513. Address: 450 San Rafael Avenue, Belvedere, CA 94920-2336 Telephone: (415) 435-3838 Fax: (415) 435-0430 Website: Mayor: Barbara Morrison Vice Mayor: John C. Telischak Council: Jerry Butler, Sandra Donnell, John C. Telischak. Council meets on the second Monday of each month at 7:30 p.m. in City Hall. City Manager: George Rodericks City Clerk: George Rodericks City Attorney: Robert Epstein Treasurer: George Rodericks Police Chief: Steven Fracolli Fire Chief: Richard Pearce School Superintendent: Christine Carter Incorporated: December 19, 1896 Legislative Districts: 6th CD; 3rd SD; 6th AD General Law City. Population: 2,125. CITY OF BELMONT (County of San Mateo) Address: One Twin Pines Lane, Belmont, CA 94002 Telephone: (650) 595-7413 Fax: (650) 637-2981 Website: Email: [email protected] Office Hours: Monday to Friday 8 a.m. to 12 p.m.; 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. Mayor: Christine Wozniak Vice Mayor: Coralin Feierbach Council: Warren Lieberman, David Braunstein, Dave Warden. The City Council meets on the second and fourth Tuesdays of the month at 7:30 p.m. in the Belmont City Hall, One Twin Pines Lane in Belmont. City Manager: (Vacant) City Clerk: Terri Cook City Attorney: Marc Zafferano Treasurer: John Violet Police Chief: Don Mattei Fire Chief: Doug Fry School Superintendent: Emerita Orta-Camilleri Incorporated: October 29, 1926 Legislative Districts: 12th, 14th CD; 8th, 11th SD; 19th, 21st AD General Law City. Population: 25,400. California Roster 2010 CITY OF BENICIA (County of Solano) Address: 250 East L Street, Benicia, CA 94510 Telephone: (707) 746-4200 Fax: (707) 747-8120 Website: Mayor: Steve Messina Vice Mayor: Alan Schwartzman Council: Mark Hughes, Bill Whitney, Elizabeth Patterson. Council meets on the first and third Tuesdays of each month in Council Chambers of City Hall. City Manager: Jim Erickson City Clerk: Lisa Wolfe City Attorney: Heather McLaughlin City Treasurer: Virginia Souza Police Chief: Jim Trimble Fire Chief: Ken Hanley School Superintendent: Kimberly Dennis Incorporated: March 27, 1850 Legislative Districts: 7th CD; 4th SD; 8th AD General Law City. Population: 27,050. 86 Incorporated City and Town Officials CITY OF BERKELEY (County of Alameda) CITY OF BIG BEAR LAKE (County of San Bernardino) Address: 2180 Milvia Street, Berkeley, CA 94704 Telephone: (510) 981-6900 Fax: (510) 981-6901 Website: Email: [email protected] Office Hours: Monday to Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mayor: Tom Bates Council: District 1-Linda Maio, District 2-Darryl Moore, District 3- Max Anderson, District 4-Jesse Arreguin, District 5-Laurie Capitelli, District 6-Susan Wengraf, District 7-Kriss Worthington, District 8-Gordon Wozniak. Council meets on two Tuesdays of each month (telephone (510) 981-6900 for schedule) at 7 p.m. at 2134 Martin Luther King Jr. Way. City Manager: Philip Kamlarz City Clerk: Deanna Despain City Attorney: Zack Cowan Director of Finance: Frances David Police Chief: Michael Meehan Fire Chief: Debra Pryor School Superintendent: William Huyett Incorporated: April 4, 1878 Legislative Districts: 9th CD; 9th SD; 14th AD Chartered City. Population: 102,743. Address: 39707 Big Bear Blvd, Big Bear Lake, CA 92315 Mail Address: P.O. Box 10000, Big Bear Lake, CA 92315 Telephone: (909) 866-5831 Fax: (909) 866-6766 Website: Email: [email protected] Office Hours: Monday to Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mayor: Rick Herrick Mayor Pro Tempore: Bill Jahn Council: Liz Harris, Michael Karp, Darrell Mulvihill. Council meets on the second and fourth Mondays of each month at 6:30 p.m. City Manager: Jeff Mathieu City Clerk: Katherine E. Jefferies City Attorney: Steve Deitsch Treasurer: Kathleen Smith Police Chief: Captain Greg Garland Fire Chief: Rod Ballard School Superintendent: Carole Ferraud Incorporated: November 28, 1980 Legislative Districts: 35th CD; 31st SD; 65th AD Chartered City. Population: 5,875. CITY OF BEVERLY HILLS (County of Los Angeles) Address: 455 North Rexford Dr, Beverly Hills, CA 90210 Telephone: (310) 285-1000 Fax: (310) 273-1096 Website: Office Hours: Monday to Thursday 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.; Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mayor: Stephen P. Webb Vice Mayor: Jimmy Delshad Council: Linda Briskman, Barry Brucker, Frank Fenton. Council meets on the first and third Tuesdays of each month at 7:30 p.m. in Council Chambers. City Manager: Roderick J. Wood City Clerk: Byron Pope City Attorney: Laurence S. Wiener Treasurer: Eliot Finkel Police Chief: David Snowden Fire Chief: Dale Geldert School Superintendent: Kari McVeigh Incorporated: January 28, 1914 Legislative Districts: 29th CD; 23rd SD; 42nd AD General Law City. Population: 35,969. California Roster 2010 CITY OF BIGGS (County of Butte) Address: 465 C Street, Biggs, CA 95917 Mail Address: P.O. Box 307, Biggs, CA 95917-0307 Telephone: (530) 868-5493 Fax: (530) 868-5239 Email: [email protected] Office Hours: Monday to Friday 9 a.m.–4 p.m. Mayor: Roger L. Frith Vice Mayor: Jon Crawford Council: Douglas Arnold, Michael Bottorff, Angela M. Thompson. Council meets on the third Monday of each month at 7 p.m. in City Hall, except January and February when the Council meets on the fourth Monday. Administrative Officer: Peter R. Carr City Clerk: Deanna Carbajal City Attorney: Greg Einhorn Police: Jack D. Keeler (Gridley PD Contract) Fire: Contract with Butte County CDF Incorporated: June 26, 1903 Legislative Districts: 2nd CD; 4th SD; 2nd AD General Law City. Population: 1,805. 87 Incorporated City and Town Officials CITY OF BISHOP (County of Inyo) CITY OF BLYTHE (County of Riverside) Address: 377 West Line Street, Bishop, CA 93514 Mail Address: P.O. Box 1236, Bishop, CA 93515 Telephone: (760) 873-5863 Fax: (760) 873-4873 Website: Email: [email protected] Office Hours: Monday to Friday 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Mayor: Jeff Griffiths Mayor Pro Tempore: Bruce Dishion Council: Susan Cullen, Laura Smith, David Stottlemyre. Council meets on the second and fourth Mondays of each month at 7 p.m. in Council Chambers, 301 West Line Street. City Administrator/City Clerk: Richard F. Pucci City Attorney: Peter Tracy Treasurer: Robert Kimball Police Chief: Kathleen Sheehan Fire Chief: Ray Seguine Incorporated: May 6, 1903 Legislative Districts: 25th CD; 18th SD; 34th AD General Law City. Population: 3,551. Address: 235 North Broadway, Blythe, CA 92225 Telephone: (760) 922-6161 Fax: (760) 922-0251 Website: Office Hours: Monday to Thursday 7 a.m.–6 p.m. Mayor: Robert Crain Vice Mayor: Beverly Mays Council: Richard Contreras, Carie Covel, Joseph Deconinck. Council meets on the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month at 6 p.m. in Council Chambers. City Manager: David Lane City Clerk: Patti Whitney City Attorney: J. Scott Zundel City Treasurer: Leann Martin Police Chief: Steve Smith Fire Chief: Billy Kem School Superintendent: Alan Jensen Incorporated: July 21, 1916 Legislative Districts: 45th CD; 40th SD; 80th AD General Law City. Population: 21,200. CITY OF BLUE LAKE (County of Humboldt) CITY OF BRADBURY (County of Los Angeles) Address: 111 Greenwood Rd, Blue Lake, CA 95525 Mail Address: P.O. Box 458, Blue Lake, CA 95525 Telephone: (707) 668-5655 Fax: (707) 668-5916 Website: Email: [email protected] Office Hours: Monday to Friday 9 a.m. to 12 p.m.; 1-4 p.m. Mayor: Sherman Schapiro Mayor Pro Tempore: I. Marlene Smith Council: Karen Barnes, Adelene Jones, Marvin Samuels. Council meets on the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month at 7:00 p.m. City Manager: Wiley Buck City Clerk: Karen Nessler City Attorney: Richard Platz Treasurer: Wiley Buck Police Chief: Dave Gundersen Fire Chief: Raymond Stonebarger School Superintendent: Doug White Incorporated: April 23, 1910 Legislative Districts: 1st CD; 2nd SD; 2nd AD General Law City. Population: 1,160. Address: 600 Winston Avenue, Bradbury, CA 91008 Telephone: (626) 358-3218 Fax: (626) 303-5154 Website: Office Hours: Monday to Friday 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mayor: Richard G. Barakat Mayor Pro Tempore: Richard T. Hale Jr. Council: Brian L. Guthrie, Bruce Lathrop, D. Montgomery Lewis. Council meets on the third Tuesday of each month at 7 p.m. in City Hall. City Manager: Michelle Keith City Clerk: Claudia Saldana City Attorney: Cary S. Reisman (Wallin, Kress, Reisman & Kranitz, LLP) Treasurer: Laurie Stiver Incorporated: July 26, 1957 Legislative Districts: 28th CD; 29th SD; 59th AD General Law City. Population: 855. California Roster 2010 CITY OF BRAWLEY (County of Imperial) Address: 383 Main Street, Brawley, CA 92227 Telephone: (760) 351-3059 Fax: (760) 351-3088 Website: Office Hours: Monday to Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mayor: John R. Benson Mayor Pro Tempore: Steve Vasquez Council: Ryan Kelley, George A. Nava, Steve Vasques. Council meets on the first and third Tuesdays of each month at 7 p.m. in Council Chambers at 225 A Street. City Manager (Interim): Karin J. Morgan City Clerk: Alma Benavides City Attorney: Dennis H. Morita Treasurer: R. C. Valenzuela Police Chief: Mark Gillmore Fire Chief: Frank Contreras School Superintendents: Terry Decker (Brawley Elem. SD); Tony Hamilton (Brawley Union High SD) Incorporated: April 6, 1908 Legislative Districts: 51st CD; 40th SD; 80th AD General Law City. Population: 25,488. 88 Incorporated City and Town Officials CITY OF BREA (County of Orange) CITY OF BUELLTON (County of Santa Barbara) Address: 1 Civic Center Circle, Brea, CA 92821 Telephone: (714) 990-7600 Fax: (714) 990-2258 Website: Office Hours: Monday to Thursday 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.; Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.; closed alternate Fridays Mayor: Ron Garcia Vice Mayor: Roy Moore Council: John Beauman, Mary Simonoff, Don Schweitzer. Council meets on the first and third Tuesdays of each month at Civic and Cultural Center. City Manager: Tim O’Donnell City Clerk: Lucinda Williams City Attorney: Jim Markman Treasurer: Glenn Parker Police Chief: Mike Messina Fire Chief: Al Nero School Superintendent: Skip Roland Incorporated: February 23, 1917 Legislative Districts: 39th, 41st CD; 33rd SD; 72nd AD General Law City. Population: 40,176. Address: 107 West Highway 246, Buellton, CA 93427 Mail Address: P.O. Box 1819, Buellton, CA 93427 Telephone: (805) 686-0137 Fax: (805) 686-0086 Website: Email: [email protected] Office Hours: Monday to Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mayor: Victoria Pointer Mayor Pro Tempore: Ed Andrisek Council: Russ Hicks, Dave King, Holly Sierra. Council meets on the second and fourth Thursdays of each month at 6 p.m. in Council Chambers. City Manager: John H. Kunkel City Clerk: Linda Reid City Attorney: Ralph Hanson City Treasurer: Annette Munoz Sheriff-Coroner: Bill Brown Fire Chief: Mike Dyer School Superintendent: Tom Cooper Incorporated: February 1, 1992 Legislative Districts: 24th CD; 19th SD; 35th AD General Law CIty. Population: 4,740. CITY OF BRENTWOOD (County of Contra Costa) Address: 708 Third Street, Brentwood, CA 94513 Telephone: (925) 516-5440 Fax: (925) 516-5441 Website: Office Hours: Monday to Friday 8:30 a.m.–5 p.m. Mayor: Robert “Bob” Taylor Vice Mayor: Robert A. Brockman Council: Chris Becnel, Brandon Richey, Erick Stonebarger. Council meets on the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month at 7 p.m. at 734 Third Street. City Manager: Donna Landeros City Clerk: Margaret Wimberly City Attorney: Damien Brower Treasurer: Pam Ehler Police Chief: Mark Evenson Fire Chief: Hugh Henderson School Superintendent: Merrill Grant (Brentwood Union S.D.) Dan Smith (Liberty Union High S.D.) Incorporated: January 21, 1948 Legislative Districts: 10th CD; 7th SD; 15th AD General Law City. Population: 48,907. CITY OF BUENA PARK (County of Orange) Address: 6650 Beach Blvd., Buena Park, CA 90621 Telephone: (714) 562-3500 Fax: (714) 562-3506 Website: Email: [email protected] Office Hours: Monday to Friday 7:30 a.m.–5:30 p.m.; closed alternate Fridays Mayor: James A. Dow Mayor Pro Tempore: Steve Berry Council: Arthur C. Brown, Patsy Marshall, Donald W. McCay. Council meets on the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month in Council Chamber. City Manager: Rick Warsinski City Clerk: Shalice Reynoso City Attorney: Steven L. Dorsey Police Chief: Thomas C. Monson Fire Chief: Chip Prather, Orange County Fire Department Incorporated: January 27, 1953 Legislative Districts: 40th CD; 33rd, 34th, 35th SD; 56th AD General Law City. Population: 82,452. CITY OF BRISBANE (County of San Mateo) Address: 50 Park Place, Brisbane, CA 94005 Telephone: (415) 508-2100 Fax: (415) 467-4989 Website: Email: [email protected] Mayor: Sepi Richardson Mayor Pro Tempore: W. Clarke Conway Council: Michael Barnes, Cyril G. Bologoff, Steven W. Waldo. Council meets on the first and third Mondays of each month at 7:30 p.m. at the Community Center. City Manager: Clayton Holstine City Clerk: Sheri Spediacci City Attorney: Harold S. Toppel Finance Director: Stuart Schillinger Police Chief: Thomas Hitchcock Fire Chief: Ron Myers School Superintendent: Penny Pine Incorporated: November 27, 1961 Legislative Districts: 12th CD; 8th SD; 19th AD General Law City. Population: 3,650. California Roster 2010 89 Incorporated City and Town Officials CITY OF BURBANK (County of Los Angeles) CITY OF CALEXICO (County of Imperial) Address: 275 East Olive Avenue, Burbank, CA 91502 Telephone: (818) 238-5850 Fax: (818) 238-5853 Website: Email: [email protected] Office Hours: Monday to Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mayor: Dave Golonski Vice Mayor: Gary Bric Council: David Gordon, Marsha Ramos, Anja Reinke. Council meets every Tuesday of each month at 6 p.m. in City Hall. City Manager: Michael Flad City Clerk: Margarita Campos City Attorney: Dennis Barlow Treasurer: Donna Anderson Police Chief: Tim Stehr Fire Chief: Tracy Pansini School Superintendent: Dr. Gregory Bowman Incorporated: July 8, 1911 Legislative Districts: 27th, 29th CD; 21st SD; 43rd AD Chartered City. Population: 104,500. Address: 608 Heber Avenue, Calexico, CA 92231 Telephone: (760) 768-2110 Fax: (760) 768-2103 Website: Office Hours: Monday to Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mayor: Louis Fuentes Mayor Pro Tempore: David B. Ouzan Council: Luis Castro,John Moreno, Daniel Romero. Council meets on the first and third Tuesdays of each month at 6:30 p.m. in Council Chambers. City Manager: Ralph G. Velez City Clerk: Lourdes Cordova City Attorney: Jennifer Lyon City Treasurer: Rodolfo Moreno Police Chief: James Neujahr Fire Chief: Carlos Escalante School Superintendent: David Groesbeck Incorporated: April 16, 1908 Legislative Districts: 45th CD; 37th SD; 80th AD General Law City. Population: 38,773. CITY OF BURLINGAME (County of San Mateo) Address: 501 Primrose Road, Burlingame, CA 94010 Telephone: (650) 558-7200 Fax: (650) 342-8386 Website: Office Hours: Monday to Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mayor: Rosalie O’Mahony Vice Mayor: Ann Keighran Council: Cathy Baylock, Jerry Deal, Terry Nagel. Council meets on the first and third Mondays of each month at 7 p.m. in City Hall. City Manager: Jim Nantell Administrative Officer: Jesus Nava City Clerk: Doris Mortensen City Attorney: Larry Anderson Police Chief: Jack Vanetten Fire Chief: Don Dornell School Superintendent: Dr. David Miller Incorporated: June 6, 1908 Legislative Districts: 12th CD; 8th SD; 19th AD General Law City. Population: 28,250. CITY OF CALIFORNIA CITY (County of Kern) Address: 21000 Hacienda Blvd, California City, CA 93505 Telephone: (760) 373-8661 Fax: (760) 373-7511 Website: Email: [email protected] Office Hours: Monday to Friday 8 a.m.– 5 p.m. Mayor: David Evans Vice Mayor: Nick Lessenevitch Council: Mike Edmiston, Kevin Schafer, Cathy Strong. Council meets on the first and third Tuesdays of each month at 5:30 p.m. in Council Chambers. City Manager: Linda Lunsford City Clerk: Denise Hilliker City Attorney: Wayne K. Lemieux Treasurer: Sharon Williams Police Chief: Steve Colerick Fire Chief: Ken Mylander School Superintendent: Larry Phelps Incorporated: December 10, 1965 Legislative Districts: 18th CD; 16th SD; 34th AD General Law City. Population: 13,123. CITY OF CALABASAS (County of Los Angeles) Address: 100 Civic Center Way, Calabasas, CA 91302 Telephone: (818) 224-1600 Fax: (818) 225-7324 Website: Office Hours: Monday to Thursday 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Friday 7:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. Mayor: Barry Groveman Mayor Pro Tempore: Dennis Washburn Council: James R. Bozajian, Jonathon Wolfson, Mary Sue Maurer. Council meets on the second and forth Wednesdays of each month at 7:30 p.m. in City Hall. City Manager: Anthony Coroalles City Clerk: Gwen Peirce City Attorney: Michael G. Colantuono City Treasure/CFO: Gary Lysik Police Chief: Capt. Joseph Stephen School Superintendent: Dr. Don Zimring Incorporated: April 5, 1991 Legislative Districts: 30th CD; 23rd SD; 41st AD General Law City. Population: 21,356. California Roster 2010 90 Incorporated City and Town Officials CITY OF CALIMESA (County of Riverside) CITY OF CALISTOGA (County of Napa) Address: 908 Park Avenue, Calimesa, CA 92320 Mail Address: P.O. Box 1190, Calimesa, CA 92320 Telephone: (909) 795-9801 Fax: (909) 795-4399 Website: Email: [email protected] Office Hours: Monday to Thursday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.; Friday 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. Mayor: John M. Chlebnik Mayor Pro Tempore: Jim Hyatt Council: Bill Davis, Joyce McIntire, Ray Quinto. Council meets on the first and third Mondays of each month at 6 p.m at Norton Younglove Community Center. City Manager/Clerk: David Lane Administrative Assistant: Leslie Pegnatori City Attorney: Marguerite Battersby City Treasurer: Debbie Cain Police Chief: Captain Ron Wade Fire Chief: Andrew Bennett School Superintendent: Mitch Hovey Incorporated: December 1, 1990 Legislative Districts: 41st CD; 37th SD; 65th AD General Law City. Population: 7,325. Address: 1232 Washington Street, Calistoga, CA 94515 Telephone: (707) 942-2805 Fax: (707) 942-0732 Website: Email: [email protected] Office Hours: Monday to Friday 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Mayor: Dr. Andrew Alexander Vice Mayor: Jack Gingles Council: Michael Dunsford, Doug Sterk, Karen Slusser, Janice Von Pohle. Council meets on the first and third Tuesdays of each month at the Community Center. Administrative Services Director: David Spilman City Clerk: Susan Sneddon City Attorney: Michelle Kenyon Police Chief: Mike Dick Fire Chief: Gary Kraus School Superintendent: Jeff Johnson Incorporated: January 6, 1886 Legislative Districts: 1st CD; 2nd SD; 7th AD General Law City. Population: 5,225. CITY OF CALIPATRIA (County of Imperial) Address: 601 Carmen Drive, Camarillo, CA 93010 Mail Address: P.O. Box 248, Camarillo, CA 93011 Telephone: (805) 388-5307 Fax: (805) 388-5318 Website: Email: [email protected] Office Hours: Monday to Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mayor: Kevin B. Kildee Vice Mayor: Michael Morgan Council: Charlotte Craven, Jeanette L. "Jan" McDonald, Don Waunch. Council meets on the second and fourth Wednesdays of each month at 5 p.m. in Council Chambers. City Manager: Jerry Bankston City Clerk: Jeffire Madland City Attorney: Brian A. Pierik Treasurer: Anita Lawrence Police Chief: Mike Lewis Fire Chief: Bob Roper Incorporated: October 22, 1964 Legislative Districts: 23rd CD; 19th SD; 37th AD General Law City. Population: 63,913. Address: 125 North Park Avenue, Calipatria, CA 92233 Telephone: (760) 348-4141 Fax: (760) 348-7035 Website: Email: [email protected] Office Hours: Monday to Thursday 7:30 a.m. to 12 p.m. and 12:30-5 p.m.; Friday 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. Mayor: Raul Navarro Mayor Pro Tempore: LeaAnne O'Malley Council: Patricia Nelson, Fred R. Beltran Leonard J. Vasquez. Council meets on the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month at 6 p.m. in Council Chambers. City Manager: Rom Medina Administrative Officer: Katy Lopez City Clerk: Catherine Hoff City Attorney: William Smerdon Treasurer: Sylvia Thomas Police Chief: Reggie Gomez Fire Chief: Chris Hall School Superintendent: Doug Kline Incorporated: February 28, 1918 Legislative Districts: 43rd CD; 38th SD; 75th AD General Law City. Population: 7,625. California Roster 2010 CITY OF CAMARILLO (County of Ventura) CITY OF CAMPBELL (County of Santa Clara) Address: 70 North First Street, Campbell, CA 95008 Telephone: (408) 866-2100 Fax: (408) 374-6889 Website: Office Hours: Monday to Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mayor: Evan Low Vice Mayor: Jason Baker Council: Daniel E. Furtado, Michael F. Kotowski, Jane P. Kennedy. Council meets on the first and third Tuesdays of each month at 7:30 p.m. in Council Chambers. City Manager: Daniel Rich City Clerk: Anne Bybee City Attorney: William R. Seligmann Treasurer: Gerald Kennedy Police Chief: Greg Finch Incorporated: March 28, 1952 Legislative Districts: 15th CD; 11th SD; 24th AD General Law City. Population: 40,161. 91 Incorporated City and Town Officials CITY OF CANYON LAKE (County of Riverside) CITY OF CARMEL-BY-THE-SEA (County of Monterey) Address: 31516 Railroad Canyon Road, Canyon Lake, CA 92587 Telephone: (951) 244-2955 Fax: (951) 246-2022 Website: Email: [email protected] Office Hours: Monday to Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mayor: Nancy Horton Mayor Pro Tempore: Barry Talbot Council: Mary Craton, Jordan Ehrenkranz, Martin Gibson. Council meets on the first Wednesday of each month at 6:30 p.m. at 31512 Railroad Canyon Road. City Manager: Lori Moss City Clerk: (Vacant) Assistant City Clerk: Sarah Manwaring City Attorney: Elizabeth Martyn Police Chief: James McElvain Fire Chief: Steve Gallegos School Superintendent: Kenneth Young Incorporated: December 1, 1990 Legislative Districts: 43rd CD; 37th SD; 66th AD General Law City. Population: 11,128. Address: Monte Verde Street between Ocean & 7th Avenues, Carmel-By-The-Sea, CA Mail Address: P.O. Box CC, Carmel-By-The-Sea, CA 93921 Telephone: (831) 620-2000 Fax: (831) 620-2004 Website: Email: [email protected] Office Hours: Monday to Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mayor: Sue McCloud Vice Mayor: Paula Hazdovac Council: Eric Bethel, Mike Cunningham, Gerard Rose. Council meets on the first Tuesday of each month at 4:30 p.m. in City Hall Council Chambers. City Administrator: Richard Guillen City Clerk: Heidi Burch City Attorney: Donald Freeman Treasurer: Charles W. Reiman Public Safety Director: George Rawson School Superintendent: Marvin Biasotti Incorporated: October 31, 1916 Legislative Districts: 17th CD; 15th SD; 27th AD General Law City. Population: 4,090. CITY OF CAPITOLA (County of Santa Cruz) Address: 420 Capitola Avenue, Capitola, CA 95010 Telephone: (831) 475-7300 Fax: (831) 479-8879 Website: Office Hours: Monday to Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.; closed 12-1 p.m. Mayor: Sam Storey Vice Mayor: Dennis Norton Council: Robert “Bob” Begun, Ronald Graves, Kirby Nicol. Council meets on the second and fourth Thursdays of each month at 7 p.m. in Council Chambers. City Manager: Richard Hill City Clerk: Pamela Greeninger, MMC City Attorney: John G. Barisone Treasurer: Jacques Bertrand Police Chief: Michael Card Fire Chief: Bruce Clark School Superintendent: Kathleen Howard Incorporated: January 11, 1949 Legislative Districts: 17th CD; 15th SD; 27th AD General Law City. Population: 10,150. CITY OF CARLSBAD (County of San Diego) CITY OF CARPINTERIA (County of Santa Barbara) Address: 5775 Carpinteria Ave, Carpinteria, CA 93013 Telephone: (805) 684-5405 Fax: (805) 684-5304 Website: Office Hours: Monday to Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mayor: Gregg Carty Vice Mayor: Al Clark Council: Joe Armendariz, Kathleen Reddington, J. Bradley Stein. Council meets on the second and fourth Mondays of each month at 5:30 p.m. in Council Chambers. City Manager: Dave Durflinger City Clerk: Jayne Diaz City Attorney: Peter Brown – Brownstein Hyatt Farber Schreck Treasurer: John Thornberry Police Chief: Contract with Santa Barbara County Sheriff Fire Chief: Mike Mingee – separate special district School Superintendent: Paul Cordeiro Incorporated: September 28, 1965 Legislative Districts: 19th CD; 18th SD; 35th AD General Law CIty. Population: 14,400. Address: 1200 Carlsbad Village Dr, Carlsbad, CA 92008 Telephone: (760) 434-2821 Fax: (760) 720-9461 Website: Email: [email protected] Mayor: Claude A. Lewis Mayor Pro Tempore: Ann Kulchin Council: Mark Packard, Norine Sigafoose. Council meets on the first four Tuesdays of each month at 6 p.m. in Council Chambers. City Manager: Raymond Patchett City Clerk: Lorraine M. Wood City Attorney: Ronald R. Ball Treasurer: Harold McSherry Police Chief: Tom Zoll Fire Chief: Kevin Crawford Incorporated: July 16, 1952 Legislative Districts: 51st CD; 38th SD; 73rd, 74th AD General Law City. Population: 98,607. California Roster 2010 92 Incorporated City and Town Officials CITY OF CARSON (County of Los Angeles) CITY OF CERES (County of Stanislaus) Address: 701 East Carson St, Carson, CA 90745-2257 Mail Address: P.O. Box 6234, Carson, CA 90749 Telephone: (310) 830-7600 Fax: (310) 513-6243 Website: Office Hours: Monday to Thursday 7 a.m. to 6 p.m.; closed Fridays Mayor: Lula Davis-Holmes Mayor Pro Tempore: Mike A. Gipson Council: Elito M. Santarina, Mike A Gibson, Julie RuizRaber. Council meets on the first and third Tuesdays of each month at 6 p.m. in Council Chambers. City Manager: Jerome G. Groomes City Clerk: Helen S. Kawagoe City Attorney: William W. Wynder Treasurer: Karen A. Avilla Police Chief: Capt. Bernice Abram (Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department) Assistant Fire Chief: Barry A. Nugent School Superintendent: Ramon C. Cortines Incorporated: February 20, 1968 Legislative Districts: 37th CD; 28th SD; 55th AD General Law City. Population: 97,747. Address: 2720 Second St, Ceres, CA 95307-3292 Telephone: (209) 538-5700 Fax: (209) 538-5780 Website: Office Hours: Monday to Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mayor: Anthony Cannella Vice Mayor: Chris Vierra Council: Bret Durossette, Ken Lane, Guillermo Ochoa, Rob Phipps. Council meets on the second and fourth Mondays of each month at 7 p.m. in the Ceres City Council Chambers, 2210 Magnolia Street, Ceres. City Manager: Brad Kilger City Clerk: Cynthia Heidorn City Attorney: Michael L. Lyions Treasurer: Harry Herbert Director of Administrative Services: Sarah Ragsdale Director of Public Safety: Art de Werk Director of Community Development: Kenneth H. Craig Director of Public Works: Phil Scott Director of Recreation: Doug Lemcke School Superintendent: Walt Hanline Incorporated: February 25, 1918 Legislative Districts: 18th CD; 12th SD; 26th AD General Law City. Population: 41,997. CITY OF CATHEDRAL CITY (County of Riverside) Address: 68-700 Avenida Lalo Guerrero, Cathedral City, CA 92234 Telephone: (760) 770-0340 Fax: (760) 770-0399 Website: Office Hours: Monday to Thursday 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. Mayor: Kathleen DeRosa Mayor Pro Tempore: Charles England Council: Gregory S. Pettis, Paul Marchand, Charles (Chuck) Vasquez. Council meets on the second and fourth Wednesdays of each month at 6:30 p.m. in City Hall Council Chambers. City Manager: Donald Bradley City Clerk: Pat Hammers City Attorney: Charles Green Treasurer: Henry Chan Police Chief: Stanley Henry Fire Chief: Bill Soqui Fire Marshall: Mike Hatfield Incorporated: November 16, 1981 Legislative Districts: 44th CD; 37th SD; 80th AD General Law City. Population: 53,000. California Roster 2010 CITY OF CERRITOS (County of Los Angeles) Address: 18125 Bloomfield Ave, Cerritos, CA 90703 Mail Address: P.O. Box 3130, Cerritos, CA 90703 Telephone: (562) 860-0311 Fax: (562) 809-8411 Website: Office Hours: Monday to Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mayor: Bruce Barrows Mayor Pro Tempore: Joseph Cho Council: Carol Chen, Jim Edwards, Laura Lee. Council meets on the second and fourth Thursdays of each month in City Hall. City Manager: Art Gallucci City Clerk/Treasurer: Josephine Triggs City Attorney: Mark Steres Incorporated: April 24, 1956 Legislative Districts: 39th CD; 27th SD; 56th AD Chartered City. Population: 51,488. 93 Incorporated City and Town Officials CITY OF CHICO (County of Butte) CITY OF CHINO HILLS (County of San Bernardino) Mail Address: P.O. Box 3420, Chico, CA 95927 Telephone: (530) 896-7200 Fax: (530) 895-4825 Website: Office Hours: Monday to Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mayor: Ann Schwab Vice Mayor: Tom Nickell Council: Mary Flynn, Scott Gruendl, Andy Holcombe, Larry Wahl, Jim Walker. Council meets on the first and third Tuesdays of each month in Chico Municipal Center, 421 Main Street, Chico, CA 95928. City Manager: David Burkland City Clerk: Deborah Presson City Attorney: David Frank Finance Director: Jennifer Hennessy Police Chief: Bruce Hagerty Fire Chief: James Beery School Superintendent: Kelly Staley Incorporated: January 8, 1872 Legislative Districts: 2nd CD; 1st SD; 3rd AD Chartered City. Population: 105,975 (as of 1/1/08). Address: 14000 City Center Drive, Chino Hills, CA 91709 Telephone: (909) 364-2600 Fax: (909) 364-2695 Website: Office Hours: Monday to Thursday 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.; Friday 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Mayor: W. C. “Bill” Kruger Vice Mayor: Ed Graham Council: Art Bennett, Gwenn Norton-Perry, Peter J. Rogers. Council meets on the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month at 7 p.m. in Council Chambers. City Manager: Michael Fleager Assistant City Manager: Kathy Gotch City Clerk: Mary M. McDuffee City Attorney: Mark D. Hensley Finance Director/Treasurer: Judy Lancaster City Engineer: Steve Nix Community Development Director: Christine Kelly Community Services Director: Jonathan Marshall Public Works Director: John Mura Police Chief: Thomas Neely Fire Chief: Chief Paul Benson School Superintendent: Wayne Joseph Incorporated: December 1, 1991 Legislative Districts: 42nd CD; 29th SD; 60th AD General Law City. Population: 78,752 CITY OF CHINO (County of San Bernardino) Address: 13220 Central Avenue, Chino, CA 91710 Mail Address: P.O. Box 667, Chino, CA 91708 Telephone: (909) 591-9804 Fax: (909) 591-6829 Website: Email: [email protected] Office Hours: Monday to Friday 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Mayor: Dennis R. Yates Mayor Pro Tempore: Earl C. Elrod Council: Glenn Duncan, Tom Haughey, Eunice M. Ulloa. Council meets on the first and third Tuesdays of each month in Council Chambers. City Manager: Patrick J. Glover City Clerk: Lenna Tanner City Attorney: Jimmy Gutierrez Treasurer: Patrick Griffin Police Chief: Miles Pruitt Fire Chief: Paul Benson School Superintendent: Wayne M. Joseph Incorporated: February 28, 1910 Legislative Districts: 42nd CD; 29th SD; 61st AD General Law City. Population: 84,173. California Roster 2010 CITY OF CHOWCHILLA (County of Madera) Address: 130 S Second St., Civic Center Plaza, Chowchilla, CA 93610 Telephone: (559) 665-8615 Fax: (559) 665-7418 Website: Email: [email protected] Office Hours: Monday to Friday 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Mayor: Jim Kopshever Mayor Pro Tempore: David Alexander Council: John Chavez, Dennis Haworth, Justin White. Council meets on the second and fourth Mondays of each month at 7 p.m. in the Civic Center. City Administrator (Acting): Jay Varney Assistant City Administrator: Wayne Padilla City Clerk (Acting): Rebekah Barr City Attorney: Neal Costanzo Finance Director/Treasurer: Wayne Padilla Community Development Manager: Liz Wiederhold Public Works Deputy Director (Interim): Harry Turner Police Chief: Jay Varney Fire Chief: Harry Turner School Superintendent: Dr. Charles Martin, Elementary District, Ronald V. Seals, High School District Incorporated: February 7, 1923 Legislative Districts: 18th CD; 14th SD; 30th AD General Law City. Population: 19,051 94 Incorporated City and Town Officials CITY OF CHULA VISTA (County of San Diego) CITY OF CLAREMONT (County of Los Angeles) Address: 276 Fourth Ave, Chula Vista, CA 91910 Telephone: (619) 691-5031 Fax: (619) 476-5379 or (619) 409-5884 Website: Mayor: Cheryl Cox Deputy Mayor: Rudy Ramirez Council: Pamela Bensoussan, Steve Castaneda. Council meets on the first four calendar Tuesday at 4 p.m. in City Council Chambers, City Hall. City Manager: James D. Sandoval City Clerk: Donna Norris City Attorney: Bart Miesfeld Treasurer: Maria Kachadoorian Police Chief: David Bejarano Fire Chief: David Hanneman School Superintendent: Lowell J. Billings, Jr. (Elementary), Bruck Hussoon (Interim Highschool) Incorporated: October 17, 1911 Legislative Districts: 51st CD; 40th SD; 78th, 79th AD Chartered City. Population: 227,723. Address: 207 Harvard Ave, Claremont, CA 91711 Mail Address: P.O. Box 880, Claremont, CA 91711 Telephone: (909) 399-5460 Fax: (909) 399-5492 Website: Office Hours: Monday to Thursday 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. Mayor: Linda Elderkin Mayor Pro Tempore: Sam Pedroza Council: Corey Calaycay, Larry Schroeder, Peter Yao. Council meets on the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month at 6:30 p.m. in the Council Chamber, 225 Second Street. City Manager: Jeff Parker City Clerk: Lynne Fryman City Attorney: Sonia R. Carvalho Treasurer: Adam Pirrie Police Chief: Paul Cooper School Superintendent: Dr. Terry Nicoles Incorporated: October 3, 1907 Legislative Districts: 26th CD; 29th SD; 59th AD General Law City. Population: 36,100. CITY OF CITRUS HEIGHTS (County of Sacramento) Address: 6237 Fountain Square Drive, Citrus Heights, CA 95621 Telephone: (916) 725-2448 Fax: (916) 725-5799 Website: Office Hours: Monday to Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mayor: Jayna Karpinski-Costa Vice Mayor: Jeannie Bruins Council: Steve Miller, James Shelby, Jeff Slowey. Council meets on the second and fourth Thursdays of each month at 7 p.m. in Council Chambers at 7117 Greenback Lane, Citrus Heights, CA 95621. City Manager: Henry Tingle City Clerk: Amy Van City Attorney: Ruthann Ziegler Finance Director: Stefani Daniell Police Chief: Christopher Boyd School Superintendent: Dr. Pat Jaurequi Incorporated: January 1, 1997 Legislative Districts: 3rd CD; 6th SD; 5th AD General Law City. Population: 87,549. CITY OF CLAYTON (County of Contra Costa) Address: 6000 Heritage Trail, Clayton, CA 94517 Telephone: (925) 673-7300 Fax: (925) 672-4917 Website: Email: [email protected] Office Hours: Monday to Friday 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mayor: William R. Walcutt Vice Mayor: Gregory J. Manning Council: Julie K. Pierce, David T. Shuey, Ross “Hank” Stratford. Council meets on the first and third Tuesdays of each month at 6 p.m. in Clayton Community Library, 6125 Clayton Road. City Manager: Gary Napper City Clerk: Laci Jackson City Attorney: Daniel Adams Treasurer: Merle Hufford Police Chief: Dan Lawrence Incorporated: March 18, 1964 Legislative Districts: 10th CD; 7th SD; 11th AD General Law City. Population: 11,000. CITY OF CLEARLAKE (County of Lake) Address: 14050 Olympic Drive, Clearlake, CA 95422 Telephone: (707) 994-8201 Fax: (707) 995-2653 Website: Email: [email protected] Office Hours: Monday to Friday 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Mayor: Chuck Leonard Vice Mayor: Judy Thein Council: Curt Giambruno, Joyce Overton, Roy Simons. Council meets on the second and fourth Thursdays of each month at 6 p.m. in Council Chambers. City Manager: Dale Neiman City Clerk: Melissa A. Swanson City Attorney: Malathy Subramanian Treasurer: Dale Neiman Police Chief: Allan McClain Fire Chief: Jim McMurray School Superintendent: William McDougal Incorporated: November 14, 1980 Legislative Districts: 2nd CD; 4th SD; 8th AD General Law City. Population: 14,247. (1/1/08 - DOF) California Roster 2010 95 Incorporated City and Town Officials CITY OF CLOVERDALE (County of Sonoma) CITY OF COACHELLA (County of Riverside) Address: 124 North Cloverdale Blvd, Cloverdale, CA 95425 Mail Address: P.O. Box 217, Cloverdale, CA 95425 Telephone: (707) 894-2521 Fax: (707) 894-3451 Website: Email: [email protected] Office Hours: Monday to Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mayor: Jessalee Raymond Vice Mayor: Joe Palla Council: Robert Jehn, Carol Russell, Gus Wolter. Council meets on the second and fourth Wednesday of each month at 6:30 p.m.; 311 N Main Street Cloverdale, CA 95425. City Manager: Nina D. Regor City Clerk: Michele Penirian Winterbottom, MMC City Attorney: Eric W. Danly Finance Director: Vacant Treasurer: Robert Dailey Police Chief: Mark Tuma Fire Chief, Fire Protection District: Brian Elliot School Superintendent: Claudia Plumbley-Fransen (Cloverdale Unified School District) Incorporated: February 28, 1872 Legislative Districts: 1st CD; 2nd SD; 1st AD General Law City. Population: 8,450. Address: 1515 Sixth Street, Coachella, CA 92236 Telephone: (760) 398-3502 Fax: (760) 398-8117 Website: Mayor: Eduardo Garcia Mayor Pro Tempore: Steven Hernandez Council: Richard Macknicki, Gilbert Ramirez, Jr., Jesse Villarreal. Council meets on the second and fourth Wednesdays of each month at 6 p.m. in Council Chambers of City Hall. City Manager: Tim Brown Asst. City Manager: Linda G. Garza, Steven Brown City Clerk: Isabel Castillon City Attorney: Best Best & Krieger – Carlos L. Campos Treasurer: Yvonne P. Gaines Community Dev/Planning Dir: Carman Manriquez Finance Director: John Gerardi Neighborhood Services: Steven Brown Public Works Director: Paul Toor Police Chief: Rodney Vigue Battalion Chief CDF: Alex Greg School Superintendent: Foch Pensis Incorporated: December 13, 1946 Legislative Districts: 36th, 37th CD; 36th, 37th SD; 73rd, 76th AD General Law City. Population: 38,406. CITY OF CLOVIS (County of Fresno) CITY OF COALINGA (County of Fresno) Address: 1033 Fifth Street, Clovis, CA 93612-1212 Telephone: (559) 324-2060 Fax: (559) 324-2840 Website: Mayor: Robert Whalen Mayor Pro Tempore: Harry Armstrong Council: Lynne Ashbeck, Jose G. Flores, Nathan Magsig. Council meets on the first, second and third Mondays of each month at 7 p.m. in CityCouncil. City Manager: Kathy Millison Asst. City Manager: Jeff White City Clerk: John Holt Finance Director: Rob Woolley City Attorney: David Wolfe Police Chief (Interim): Bob Keyes Fire Chief: Mark Aston Incorporated: February 27, 1912 Legislative Districts: 21st CD; 14th SD; 29th AD General Law City. Population: 92,269. Address: 155 West Durian St, Coalinga, CA 93210 Telephone: (559) 935-1533 Fax: (559) 935-5912 Website: Email: [email protected] Office Hours: Monday to Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mayor: Ron Lander Mayor Pro Tempore: Ron Ramsey Council: K. William Bourdeau, Tony Garcia, Mike Oxborrow. Council meets on the first and third Thursdays of each month at 7 p.m. in Council Chambers. City Manager: Bill Skinner City Clerk: Wanda Earls City Attorney: Dale Bacigalupi Treasurer: Vacant Police Chief: Cal Minor Fire Chief: Dan Hernandez School Superintendent: Cecelia English Incorporated: April 3, 1906 Legislative Districts: 15th CD; 14th SD; 30th AD General Law City. Population: 18,061. California Roster 2010 96 Incorporated City and Town Officials CITY OF COLFAX (County of Placer) CITY OF COLTON (County of San Bernardino) Address: 33 South Main Street, Colfax, CA 95713 Mail Address: P.O. Box 702, Colfax, CA 95713 Telephone: (530) 346-2313 Fax: (530) 346-6214 Website: Email: [email protected] Office Hours: Monday to Friday 8 a.m.–5 p.m. Mayor: Joshua Alpine Mayor Pro Tempore: Sharon Gieras Council: James Albright, Sherrie Blackmun, Sandra Kellams. Council meets on the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month in City Hall. City Manager: Bob Perrault City Clerk: Grace Hardy City Attorney: P. Scott Browne Treasurer: Betty Delgado Police Chief: Sgt. Dave Wells Fire Chief: Jeff Brand School Superintendent: Elementary-Gail GarbolinoMojica Incorporated: February 23, 1910 Legislative Districts: 14th CD; 1st SD; 7th AD General Law City. Population: 1,710. Address: 650 North La Cadena Drive, Colton, CA 92324 Telephone: (909) 370-5032 Fax: (909) 370-5154 Website: Office Hours: Monday to Thursday 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. Mayor: Kelly Chastain Mayor Pro Tempore: Susan Oliva Council: Deirdre Bennett, Richard DeLaRosa, Alex Perez, David Toro, Vincent Yzaguirre. Council meets on the third Tuesday of each month at 6 p.m. in Council Chambers. City Manager: Daryl Parrish City Clerk: Eileen Gomez City Attorney: Dean Derleth Treasurer: Aurelio DeLaTorre Police Chief: Bob Miller Fire Chief: Tom Hendrix School Superintendent: James A. Downs Incorporated: July 11, 1887 Legislative Districts: 42nd CD; 32nd SD; 62nd AD General Law City. Population: 51,918. TOWN OF COLMA (County of San Mateo) Address: 1198 El Camino Real, Colma, CA 94014-3212 Telephone: (650) 997-8300 Fax: (650) 997-8308 Website: Office Hours: Monday to Friday 8 a.m.–5 p.m. Mayor: Diana Colvin Vice Mayor: Helen Fisicaro Council: Raquel “Rae” Gonzalez, Joanne F. del Rosario, Joseph Silva. Council meets on the second Wednesday of each month at 7:30 p.m. in Council Chambers, Town Hall. City Manager: Laura Allen City Clerk: Laura Allen City Attorney: Roger Peters City Treasurer: (Vacant) City Police Chief: Robert L. Lotti Fire Chief: Geoff Balton (Colma Fire Protection District, 50 Reiner Street, Colma, CA 94014; 650-755-5666) Incorporated: August 5, 1924 Legislative Districts: 12th CD, Tom Lantos; 8th SD, Leland Yee; 12th AD, Fiona Ma General Law City. Population: 1,575. California Roster 2010 CITY OF COLUSA (County of Colusa) Address: 425 Webster Street, Colusa, CA 95932 Telephone: (530) 458-4740 Fax: (530) 458-8674 Email: [email protected] Office Hours: Monday to Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mayor: Dona Critchfield Mayor Pro Tempore: Kirk Kelleher Council: Thomas Reische, Robert MacKaben, Kay Hosmer. Council meets on the first and third Tuesdays of each month at 7 p.m. at City Hall. City Manager: Jan McClintock City Clerk: Shelly Kittle City Attorney: Jacob Knapp Treasurer: Gar Rourke Police Chief: Lyle Montgomery Fire Chief: Randall L. Dunn School Superintendent: Larry Yeghoian Incorporated: June 16, 1868 Legislative Districts: 2nd CD; 4th SD; 3rd AD General Law City. Population: 5,900. 97 Incorporated City and Town Officials CITY OF COMMERCE (County of Los Angeles) CITY OF CONCORD (County of Contra Costa) Address: 2535 Commerce Way, Commerce, CA 90040 Telephone: (323) 722-4805 Fax: (323) 726-6231 Website: Office Hours: Monday to Friday 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Mayor: Hugo A. Argumedo Mayor Pro Tempore: Robert Fierro Council: Tina Del Rio, Rosalina G. Lopez, Nancy Ramos. Council meets on the first and third Tuesdays of each month at 7 p.m. in Council Chambers at 5655 Jillson Street, Commerce, CA 90040. City Administrator: Thomas Sykes City Clerk: Linda Kay Olivieri, MMC City Attorney (Interim): Edwardo Olivo Treasurer: Barbara Perez L.A. County Sheriff’s Department: Captain Marilyn Baker, East Los Angeles Station Assistant Chief: Angel Montoya School Superintendent (Interim): Edward Velasquez Incorporated: January 28, 1960 Legislative Districts: 34th CD; 30th SD; 50th AD General Law City. Population: 12,500. Address: 1950 Parkside Drive, Concord, CA 94519 Telephone: (925) 671-3000 Fax: (925) 798-0636 Website: Email: [email protected] Office Hours: Monday to Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mayor: Susan Bonilla Vice Mayor: Mark Peterson Council: Helen Allen, Laura Hoffmeister, William Shinn. Council meets on the first, second and fourth Tuesdays of each month at 6:30 p.m. in Council Chambers. City Manager: Lydia E. Du Borg City Clerk: Mary Rae Lehman City Attorney: Craig Labadie Treasurer: Thomas Wentling Police Chief: David Livingston Incorporated: February 9, 1905 Legislative Districts: 7th CD; 7th SD; 11th, 15th AD General Law City. Population: 124,900. CITY OF COMPTON (County of Los Angeles) Address: 1033 Chittenden Ave, Corcoran, CA 93212 Telephone: (559) 992-2151 Fax: (559) 992-2348 Website: Office Hours: Monday to Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mayor: Dick Haile Vice Mayor: Raymond Lerma Council: Antonia “Toni” Baltierra, Larry Hanshew, Jim Wadsworth. Council meets on the first and third Monday of each month at 6 p.m. in Council Chambers. City Manager: Ronald L. Hoggard City Clerk: Lorraine Lopez City Attorney: Michael Farley Treasurer: Joyce A. Venegas Police Chief: Reuben Shortnacy Fire Chief: Jim Kilner (Contracted services with Kings County) School Superintendent: Rich Merlo Incorporated: August 11, 1914 Legislative Districts: 20th CD; 16th SD; 30th AD General Law City. Population: 25,417. Address: 205 South Willowbrook Avenue, Compton, CA 90220 Mail Address: P.O. Box 5118, Compton, CA 90224 Telephone: (310) 605-5500 Fax: (310) 631-0322 Website: Office Hours: Monday to Thursday 7 a.m.–6 p.m. Mayor: Eric J. Perrodin Mayor Pro Tempore: Barbara Calhoun Council: Yvonne Arceneaux, Lillie Dobson, Isadore Hall. Council meets on the first and third Tuesdays at 7 p.m. and second and fourth Tuesdays at 3 p.m. of each month in City Hall. City Manager: Charles Evans City Clerk: Alita Godwin City Attorney: Legrand Clegg Treasurer: Douglas Sanders Police Chief: Contracted with LA County Sheriff’s Dept. Fire Chief: Jon Thompson School Superintendent: Dr. Kaye Burnside Incorporated: May 11, 1888 Legislative Districts: 37th CD; 25th SD; 54th, 55th AD Chartered City. Population: 97,000. California Roster 2010 CITY OF CORCORAN (County of Kings) 98 Incorporated City and Town Officials CITY OF CORNING (County of Tehama) CITY OF CORONADO (County of San Diego) Address: 794 Third Street, Corning, CA 96021 Telephone: (530) 824-7033 Fax: (530) 824-2489 Website: Mayor: Gary R. Strack Vice Mayor: Becky Hill Council: John Leach, Toni Parkins, Ross Turner. Council meets on the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month at 7:30 p.m. in City Council Chambers. City Manager: Stephen J. Kimbrough City Clerk: Lisa M. Linnet Treasurer: Pala Cantrell City Attorney: Michael C. Fitzpatrick City Engineer: Ed Anderson Police Chief: Anthony F. Cardenas Fire Chief: Martin Spannaus Planning Director: John Stoufer Public Works Director: John L. Brewer School Superintendent: Bruce Cole (High School); Steve Kelish (Elementary) Incorporated: July 23, 1907 Legislative Districts: 2nd CD; 4th SD; 2nd AD General Law City. Population: 7,220. Address: 1825 Strand Way, Coronado, CA 92118 Telephone: (619) 522-7300 Fax: (619) 522-2409 Website: Email: [email protected] Office Hours: Monday to Thursday 7:30 a.m.–5:30 p.m.; Friday 8 a.m.–5 p.m. Mayor: Casey Tanaka Mayor Pro Tempore: Al Ovrom, Jr. Council: Carrie Downey, Al Ovrom, Jr., Michael Woiwode, Barbara Denny. Council meets on the first and third Tuesdays of each month at 3 p.m. in Council Chambers Interim City Manager: James Benson Administrative Officer: Leslie Suelter City Clerk: Linda K. Hascup City Attorney: Morgan Foley Police Chief: Louis Scanlon Fire Chief: John Traylor School Superintendent: Jeffrey Felix, ED.D Incorporated: December 11, 1890 Legislative Districts: 53rd CD; 39th SD; 79th AD General Law City. Population: 23,101. CITY OF CORONA (County of Riverside) TOWN OF CORTE MADERA (County of Marin) Address: 400 S. Vicentia Avenue, Corona, CA 92882 Telephone: (951) 736-2400 Fax: (951) 736-2399 Website: Mayor: Karen Spiegel Mayor Pro Tempore: Stan Skipworth Council: Eugene Montanez, Steve Nolan, Jason Scott, Stan Skipworth, Karen Spiegel. Council meets on the first and third Wednesdays of each month at 7 p.m. in Council Chambers. City Manager: Brad Robbins City Clerk: Victoria Wasko City Attorney: Dean Derleth, Best, Best & Krieger Treasurer: Richard Haley Police Chief: Richard Madory Fire Chief: David Waltemeyer School Superintendent: Dr. Kent Bechler Incorporated: July 13, 1896 Legislative Districts: 44th CD; 37th SD; 71st AD General Law City. Population: 147,355. Address: 300 Tamalpais Drive, Corte Madera, CA 94925 Telephone: (415) 927-5050 Fax: (415) 927-5087 Website: Office Hours: Monday to Friday 8 a.m.–5 p.m. Mayor: Carla Stone Condon Vice Mayor: Alexandra Cock Council: Diane Furst, Michael Lappert, Bob Ravasio. Council meets on the first and third Tuesdays of each month at Town Hall. Town Manager: David Bracken Town Clerk: Christine Green Town Attorney: Jeffrey Walter Treasurer: George T. Warman, Jr. Police Chief: Phillip Green (Twin Cities Police Authority) Director of Emergency Services: Roger Sprehn Incorporated: June 10, 1916 Legislative Districts: 6th CD; 3rd SD; 6th AD General Law City. Population: 9,400. CITY OF COSTA MESA (County of Orange) Address: 77 Fair Drive, Costa Mesa, CA 92626 Mail Address: P.O. Box 1200, Costa Mesa, CA 92628 Telephone: (714) 754-5223 Fax: (714) 754-4942 Website: Office Hours: Monday to Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mayor: Allan Mansoor Mayor Pro Tempore: Eric Bever Council: Linda Dixon, Katrina Foley, Wendy Leece. Council meets on the first and third Mondays of each month at 6:00 p.m. in City Hall. Deputy City Clerk: Julie Folcik City Attorney: Kim Hall-Barlow Treasurer: Marc Puckett Police Chief: Chris Shawkey Fire Chief: James M. Ellis Incorporated: June 29, 1953 Legislative Districts: 46th CD; 35th SD; 68th AD General Law City. Population: 111,500. California Roster 2010 99 Incorporated City and Town Officials CITY OF COTATI (County of Sonoma) CITY OF CUDAHY (County of Los Angeles) Address: 201 West Sierra Ave, Cotati, CA 94931 Telephone: (707) 792-4600 Fax: (707) 795-7067 Website: Email: [email protected] Office Hours: Monday to Thursday 7:30 a.m. to 12 p.m. and 1:00-5:30 p.m.; Friday 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. and 1-5 p.m.; closed alternate Fridays Mayor: Janet Orchard Vice Mayor: Geoff Fox Council: Harold B. Berkemeier, Patricia Gilardi, Patty Minnis, Lisa Moore. Council meets on the second and fourth Wednesdays of each month at 7 p.m. in City Hall. City Manager/City Clerk: Terry L. Stubbings City Attorney: Jeffrey A. Walter Police Chief: Robert Stewart Fire Chief: Frank Treanor School Superintendent: Michael Watenpaugh Incorporated: July 16, 1963 Legislative Districts: 6th CD; 3rd SD; 6th AD General Law City. Population: 7,025. Address: 5220 Santa Ana Street, Cudahy, CA 90201 Telephone: (323) 773-5143 Fax: (323) 771-2072 Email: [email protected] Office Hours: Monday to Thursday 7 a.m. - 5 p.m.; Friday 7 a.m. - 4 p.m. Mayor: David M. Silva Vice Mayor: Frank Gurule Council: Osvaldo Conde, Rosa M. Diaz, Juan Romo. Council meets on the first Tuesday of each month at 7 p.m. in Council Chambers at 5240 Santa Ana Street, Cudahy, CA 90201. City Manager: George A. Perez City Clerk: Larry Galvan City Attorney: David J. Olivas Treasurer: Mison “Morrie” Levi Police Chief: Bruce Leflar (Maywood/Cudahy Police Department) Fire Chief: P. Michael Freeman (LA County) Incorporated: November 10, 1960 Legislative Districts: 33rd CD; 30th SD; 50th AD General Law CIty. Population: 25,000. CITY OF COVINA (County of Los Angeles) Address: 125 East College St, Covina, CA 91723 Telephone: (626) 384-5400 Fax: (626) 384-5420 Website: Mayor: Peggy A. Delach Mayor Pro Tempore: John King Council: Walter Allen, III, Robert Low, Kevin Stapleton. Council meets on the first and third Tuesdays of each month in Council Chambers. City Manager: Daryl Parrish City Clerk: Toni Taber City Attorney: Edward W. Lee City Treasurer: John B. Fielding Police Chief: Kim Raney School Superintendent: Dr. Louis Pappas Incorporated: August 14, 1901 Legislative Districts: 32nd CD; 24th SD; 57th AD General Law City. Population: 49,565. CITY OF CRESCENT CITY (County of Del Norte) CITY OF CULVER CITY (County of Los Angeles) Address: 9770 Culver Blvd, Culver City, CA 90232 Mail Address: P.O. Box 507, Culver City, CA 90232 Telephone: (310) 253-6000 Fax: (310) 253-6010 Website: Mayor: Gary Silbiger Vice Mayor: Alan Corlin Council: Carol A. Gross, Scott Malsin, Steven (Steve) Rose. Council meets on the second and fourth Mondays of each month at 7 p.m. in Council Chambers. City Manager: Jerry Fulwood City Clerk: Christopher Armenta City Attorney: Carol Schwab Treasurer: Crystal Alexander Police Chief: Don Pederson School Superintendent: Dr. Myrna Rivera Cote Incorporated: September 17, 1917 Legislative Districts: 32nd CD; 26th SD; 47th AD Chartered City. Population: 40,250. Address: 377 J Street, Crescent City, CA 95531 Telephone: (707) 464-7483 Fax: (707) 465-4405 Website: Office Hours: Monday to Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mayor: Dennis Burns Mayor Pro Tempore: Irene Tynes Council: Herb Kolodner, Mike Scavuzzo, Herb Kolodner, Kelly Schellong. Council meets on the first and third Mondays of each month at 6 p.m., Cultural Center, 1001 Front Street. City Manager: Eli A. Naffah City Clerk: L. Dianne Nickerson City Attorney: Thomas French Treasurer: Edwin Erickson Police Chief: Doug Plack Fire Chief: Steve Wakefield School Superintendent: Jan Moorehouse Incorporated: April 13, 1854 Legislative Districts: 1st CD; 2nd SD; 2nd AD General Law City. Population: 7,325. California Roster 2010 100 Incorporated City and Town Officials CITY OF CUPERTINO (County of Santa Clara) CITY OF DALY CITY (County of San Mateo) Address: 10300 Torre Avenue, Cupertino, CA 95014 Telephone: (408) 777-3200 Fax: (408) 777-3366 Website: Office Hours: Monday to Thursday 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.; Friday 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Mayor: Kris Wang Vice Mayor: Patrick Kwok Council: Richard Lowenthal, Orrin Mahoney, Dolly Sandoval. Council meets on the first and third Tuesdays of each month at 6:45 p.m. in Council Chamber. City Manager: David Knapp City Clerk: Kimberly Smith City Attorney: Charles Kilian Treasurer: Carol Atwood Police Chief: Laurie Smith Fire Chief: Ken Waldvogel School Superintendent: Phil Quon Incorporated: October 10, 1955 Legislative Districts: 14th, 15th CD; 11th SD; 22nd, 24th AD General Law City. Population: 52,000. Address: 333 90th Street, Daly City, CA 94015 Telephone: (650) 991-8000 Fax: (650) 991-8091 Website: Office Hours: Monday to Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mayor: Michael P. Guingona Vice Mayor: Carol L. Klatt Council: David J. Canepa, Maggie Gomez, Gonzalo “Sal” Torres. Council meets on the second and fourth Mondays of each month at 7 p.m. in Council Chambers. City Manager: Patricia E. Martel City Clerk: K Annette Hipona City Attorney: Rose L. Zimmerman Treasurer: Anthony J. Zidich Police Chief: Manuel Martinez, Jr. Fire Chief: Ron Myers School Superintendent: Matteo Rizzo (JESD), Michael J. Crilly (JUHSD) Incorporated: March 22, 1911 Legislative Districts: 12th CD; 8th SD; 12th, 19th AD General Law City. Population: 106,160. CITY OF CYPRESS (County of Orange) Address: 5275 Orange Avenue, Cypress, CA 90630 Mail Address: P.O. Box 609, Cypress, CA 90630 Telephone: (714) 229-6700 Fax: (714) 229-6682 Website: Email: [email protected] Office Hours: Monday to Thursday 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.; Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mayor: Todd W. Seymore Mayor Pro Tempore: Leroy Mills Council: Doug Bailey, Phil Luebben, Dr. Prakash Narain. Council meets on the second and fourth Mondays of each month at 5:30 p.m. and 7 p.m. in Council Chambers. City Manager: John B. Bahorski City Clerk: Denise Basham City Attorney: William W. Wynder Treasurer: Richard Storey Police Chief: Rick Hicks School Superintendent: Sheri Loewenstein Incorporated: July 24, 1956 Legislative Districts: 40th CD; 35th SD; 67th AD Chartered City. Population: 49,284. CITY OF DANA POINT (County of Orange) Address: 33282 Golden Lantern, Dana Point, CA 92629 Telephone: (949) 248-3500 Fax: (949) 248-9920 Website: Office Hours: Monday to Thursday 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.; Friday 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Mayor: Steven H. Weinberg Mayor Pro Tempore: J. Scott Schoeffel Council: Lara Anderson, Lisa Bartlett, Joel Bishop. Council meets on the second and fourth Mondays of each month at 6 p.m. in City Hall, Suite 210. City Manager: Doug Chotkevys Administrative Officer: Michael Killebrew City Clerk: Kathy Ward City Attorney: A. Patrick Munoz Police Chief: Mark Levy Fire Chief: Keith Richter Incorporated: January 1, 1989 Legislative Districts: 48th CD; 35th SD; 73rd AD General Law City. Population: 35,110. TOWN OF DANVILLE (County of Contra Costa) Address: 510 La Gonda Way, Danville, CA 94526 Telephone: (925) 314-3388 Fax: (925) 838-0548 Website: Office Hours: Monday to Friday 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mayor: Mike Doyle Vice Mayor: Karen Stepper Council: Newell Arnerich, Candace Andersen, Robert Storer. Council meets on the first and third Tuesdays of each month at Town Meeting Hall, 201 Front Street. Town Manager: Joseph A. Calabrigo Town Clerk: Marie Sunseri Town Attorney: Robert B. Ewing Treasurer: Elizabeth Hudson Police Chief: Chris Wenzel Incorporated: July 1, 1982 Legislative Districts: 10th CD; 7th SD; 15th AD General Law City. Population: 43,043. California Roster 2010 101 Incorporated City and Town Officials CITY OF DAVIS (County of Yolo) CITY OF DELANO (County of Kern) Address: 23 Russell Blvd, Davis, CA 95616 Telephone: (530) 757-5602 Fax: (530) 758-0204 Website: Email: [email protected] (City Manager Secretary) Office Hours: Monday to Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mayor: Sue Greenwald Mayor Pro Tempore: Ruth Asmundson Council: Lamar Heystek, Don Saylor, Stephen Souza. Council meets on Tuesdays each month at 6:30 p.m. in Community Chambers. City Manager: Bill Emlen City Clerk: Margaret S. Roberts City Attorney: Harriet Steiner Treasurer: Paul Navazio Fire Chief: Rose Conroy School Superintendent: David Murphy Incorporated: March 28, 1917 Legislative Districts: 4th CD; 4th SD; 4th AD General Law City. Population: 64,300. Address: 1015 11th Avenue, Delano, CA 93215 Mail Address: P.O. Box 3010, Delano, CA 93216 Telephone: (661) 721-3300 Fax: (661) 721-3312 Website: Office Hours: Monday to Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mayor: Liz Morris Mayor Pro Tempore: Richard Chavez Council: Ruben Hill, Sam Ramirez, Grace Vallejo. Council meets on the first and third Mondays of each month at 6:30 p.m. in Council Chambers. City Manager: Abdel Salem City Clerk: Phyllis Kraft City Attorney: Alan Peake Treasurer: Dale Flynn Police Chief: Mark DeRosia Fire Chief: Contract with Kern County School Superintendent: Rosalina Rivera (High School); Dr. Robert Aguilar (Elementary) Incorporated: April 13, 1915 Legislative Districts: 20th CD; 16th SD; 30th AD General Law City. Population: 53,000. CITY OF DEL MAR (County of San Diego) Address: 1050 Camino Del Mar, Del Mar, CA 92014 Telephone: (858) 755-9313 Fax: (858) 755-2794 Website: Email: [email protected] Office Hours: Monday to Thursday 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.; Friday 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Mayor: Richard Earnest Deputy Mayor: Donald Moiser Council: Crystal Crawford, Mark Filanc, Carl Hilliard. Council normally meets on the first and third Mondays of each month at 6 p.m. City Manager: Karen Brust City Clerk: Mercedes Martin City Attorney: Leslie Devaney Treasurer: Teresa McBroome Fire Chief: Mark Muir School Superintendent (Interim): Sharon McClain Incorporated: July 15, 1959 Legislative Districts: 50th CD; 39th SD; 74th AD Chartered City. Population: 4,500. CITY OF DESERT HOT SPRINGS (County of Riverside) Address: 65950 Pierson Blvd, Desert Hot Springs, CA 92240 Telephone: (760) 329-6411 Fax: (760) 251-2072 Website: Mayor: Alex Bias Vice Mayor: Gary Bosworth Council: Hank Hohenstein, Yvonne Parks, Mary Stephens. Council meets on the first and third Tuesdays of each month at 6 p.m. at the Carl May Community Center, 11711 West Drive. City Manager (Acting): John Soulliere City Clerk: Rossie Stobbs City Attorney (Interim): Toni Eggebraaten Police Chief (Interim): Walter McKinney Fire Chief: Bill Mason Incorporated: September 24, 1963 Legislative Districts: 44th CD; 37th SD; 80th AD Charter City. Population: 19,386. CITY OF DEL REY OAKS (County of Monterey) Address: 650 Canyon Del Rey Road, Del Rey Oaks, CA 93940 Telephone: (831) 394-8511 Fax: (831) 394-6421 Email: [email protected] Office Hours: Monday to Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mayor: Joseph P. Russell Vice Mayor: Jerry Edelen Council: Dennis Allion, Kristin Clark, Jeff Cecilio. Council meets on the fourth Tuesday of each month at 7 p.m. in City Hall. City Manager (Acting)/City Clerk (Acting)/Treasurer (Acting) & Police Chief: Ronald J. Langford Deputy City Clerk: Kim Carvalho City Attorney: Robert Wellington Incorporated: September 3, 1953 Legislative Districts: 51st CD; 38th SD; 74th AD General Law City. Population: 1,650. California Roster 2010 102 Incorporated City and Town Officials CITY OF DIAMOND BAR (County of Los Angeles) CITY OF DIXON (County of Solano) Address: 21825 Copley Drive, Diamond Bar, CA 91765 Telephone: (909) 839-7000 Fax: (909) 861-3117 Website: Email: [email protected] Office Hours: Monday to Thursday 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.; Friday 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Mayor: Jack Tanaka Vice Mayor: Ron Everett Council: Wen Chang, Carol Herrera, Steve Tye. Council meets on the first and third Tuesdays of each month at 21865 Copley Drive (South Coast Air Quality Management District, Auditorium). City Manager/Administrative Officer/Treasurer: James DeStefano City Clerk: Tommye Cribbins City Attorney: Michael Jenkins Police Chief: L. A. County Sheriff Fire Chief: L.A. Fire Protection District School Superintendents: Cynthia Simms (Walnut Valley Unified School District), Dr. Thelma Melexdez De Santa Ana (PUSD) Incorporated: April 18, 1989 Legislative Districts: 33rd CD; 29th SD; 60th AD General Law City. Population: 59,000. Address: 600 East A Street, Dixon, CA 95620 Telephone: (707) 678-7000 Fax: (707) 678-1489 Website: Email: [email protected] Office Hours: Monday to Friday 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mayor: Jack Batchelor, Jr. Vice Mayor: Rick Fuller Council: Kay Cayler, Michael Ceremello, Dane Besneatte. Council meets on the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month. City Manager: Nancy Huston City Clerk: Janice M. Beaman City Attorney: Michael F. Dean Treasurer: James Slaughter Police Chief: Jon Cox Fire Chief (Interim): Frank Moore School Superintendent: Roger Halberg Incorporated: March 30, 1878 Legislative Districts: 10th CD; 5th SD; 8th AD General Law City. Population: 17,500. CITY OF DINUBA (County of Tulare) Address: 405 East El Monte Way, Dinuba, CA 93618 Telephone: (559) 591-5900 Fax: (559) 591-5902 Website: Email: [email protected] Mayor: Mark Wallace Vice Mayor: Emilio Morales Council: Emilio Morales, Thomas Payan, Mike Smith. Council meets on the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month at 5:30 and 6:30 p.m. respectively in Council Chambers. City Manager: J. Edward Todd City Clerk: Linda Barkley City Attorney: Dan McCloskey Finance Manager: Cass Cook Police Chief: James Olvera Fire Chief: Chad Thompson School Superintendent: Dr. Joe Hernandez Incorporated: January 6, 1906 Legislative Districts: 21st CD; 16th SD; 31st AD Chartered City. Population: 21,237. California Roster 2010 CITY OF DORRIS (County of Siskiyou) Address: 307 South Main Street, Dorris, CA 96023 Mail Address: P.O. Box 768, Dorris, CA 96023 Telephone: (530) 397-3511 Fax: (530) 397-8831 Email: [email protected] Office Hours: Monday to Friday 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Mayor: Liz Clontz Mayor Pro Tempore: Anita Stevenson Council: Julie Barkman, Harry Hickman, Greg Surface. Council meets on the first and third Mondays of each month at 6:30 p.m. in City Hall. Administrative Officer: Carol McKay City Clerk: Shelly Ferr City Attorney: John Kenny Treasurer: Jerry Terry Fire Chief: Wayne Frost School Superintendent: Wayne Campbell Incorporated: December 23, 1908 Legislative Districts: 2nd CD; 4th SD; 2nd AD General Law City. Population: 880. 103 Incorporated City and Town Officials CITY OF DOS PALOS (County of Merced) CITY OF DUBLIN (County of Alameda) Address: 1546 Golden Gate Ave, Dos Palos, CA 93620 Telephone: (209) 392-2174 Fax: (209) 392-2801 Office Hours: Monday to Friday 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Mayor: Michael Burns Mayor Pro Tempore: Johnny Mays Council: Jim Kelley, Jerry Antonetti, Alice Thompson. Council meets on the first and third Tuesdays of most months at 6 p.m. at City Hall. City Manager: Darrell Fonseca City Clerk: Josefina Rodriguez City Attorney: Edward Amaral Treasurer: Lori Lima Police Chief: Barry Mann Police Commissioner: D. J. Fonseca Director of Finance: Manuela Sousa Director of Public Safety/Fire Chief: Dewayne Jones School Superintendent: Brian Walker Public Works Director: Michael Smith Director of Utilities: Rick Marshall Incorporated: May 24, 1935 Legislative Districts: 18th CD; 12th SD; 26th AD General Law City. Population: 5,005. Address: 100 Civic Plaza, Dublin, CA 94568 Telephone: (925) 833-6650 Fax: (925) 833-6651 Website: Mayor: Tim Sbranti Vice Mayor: Kasie Hildenbrand Council: Dan Biddle, Kevin Hart, Kate Ann Scholz. Council meets on the first and third Tuesdays of each month at 7 p.m. at Dublin Civic Center. City Manager: Joni Pattillo City Clerk: Caroline P. Soto City Attorney: John Bakker Police Chief: Commander Casey Nice Fire Chief: Sheldon Gilbert School Superintendent: Stephen Hanke Incorporated: February 1, 1982 Legislative Districts: 11th CD; 9th SD; 18th AD General Law City. Population: 47,922. CITY OF DOWNEY (County of Los Angeles) Address: 11111 Brookshire Avenue, Downey, CA 90241 Telephone: (562) 904-7331 Fax: (562) 923-6388 Website: Office Hours: Monday to Friday 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Mayor: Anne M. Bayer Mayor Pro Tempore: Luis H. Marquez Council: Roger Brossmer, David R. Gafin, Mario A. Guerra. Council meets on the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month at 7:30 p.m. at City Hall. City Manager: Gerald M. Caton Assistant City Manager & Treasurer: Gilbert Livas City Clerk: Kathleen L. Midstokke City Attorney: Edward W. Lee Police Chief: Rick Esteves Fire Chief: Jeff Turner School Superintendent: Wendy Doty Incorporated: December 17, 1956 Legislative Districts: 34th CD; 27th SD; 50th, 58th AD Chartered City. Population: 117,607. CITY OF DUARTE (County of Los Angeles) Address: 1600 Huntington Drive, Duarte, CA 91010 Telephone: (626) 357-7931 Fax: (626) 358-0018 Website: Office Hours: Monday to Thursday 7:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. Mayor: Margaret Finlay Mayor Pro Tempore: Tzeitel Paras-Caracci Council: John Fasana, Lois Gaston, Phil Reyes. Council meets on the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month in City Hall. City Manager: Darrell George City Clerk: Marla Akana City Attorney: Dan Slater School Superintendent: Dr. Dean Conklin Incorporated: August 22, 1957 Legislative Districts: 32nd CD; 24th SD; 44th AD General Law City. Population: 22,400. California Roster 2010 CITY OF DUNSMUIR (County of Siskiyou) Address: 5915 Dunsmuir Ave, Dunsmuir, CA 96025 Telephone: (530) 235-4822 Fax: (530) 235-4824 Website: Email: [email protected] Office Hours: Monday to Friday 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Mayor: Peter Arth, Jr. Vice Mayor: Mario Rubio Council: Peter Arth Jr., Helen Cartwright, Mario Rubino, Cherie Dupertuis. Council meets once a month on the third Thursday at 5:30 p.m. at Council Chambers, 5902 Dunsmuir Ave. Deputy City Clerk: Kathryn Wilson City Attorney: John Kenny Treasurer: Alan Harvey Fire Chief: Dan Padilla School Superintendent: Len Forman Incorporated: August 7, 1909 Legislative Districts: 2nd CD; 1st SD; 2nd AD General Law City. Population: 1,880. CITY OF EAST PALO ALTO (County of San Mateo) Address: 2415 University Ave, East Palo Alto, CA 94303 Telephone: (650) 853-3100 Fax: (650) 853-3115 Website: Mayor: David Woods Vice Mayor: Patricia Foster Council: Donna Rutherford, Ruben Abrica, A. Peter Evans. Council meets on the first and third Tuesday of each month at 7:30 p.m. City Manager/City Clerk: Alvin James City Attorney: Rafael Alvarado Police Chief: Ronald Davis Fire Chief: Menlo Park School Superintendent: Maria De La Vega Incorporated: July 1, 1983 Legislative Districts: 11th CD; 11th SD; 21st AD General Law City. Population: 35,000. 104 Incorporated City and Town Officials CITY OF EL CAJON (County of San Diego) CITY OF EL MONTE (County of Los Angeles) Address: 200 Civic Center Way, El Cajon, CA 92020 Telephone: (619) 441-1788-Council/Mayor Fax: (619) 441-1770 Website: Office Hours: Monday to Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mayor: Mark Lewis Mayor Pro Tempore: William D. Wells Council: Gary Kendrick, Bob McClellan, Jillian HansonCox. Council meets on the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month at 3 p.m. and 7 p.m. in Council Chambers. City Manager: Kathi Henry City Clerk: Kathie Rutledge City Attorney: Morgan Foley Treasurer: Nancy Palm Police Chief: Pat Sprecco Fire Chief: Mike Scott School Superintendent: Dr. Janice Cook (Cajon Valley USD) Incorporated: November 12, 1912 Legislative Districts: 52nd CD; 37th, 40th SD; 75th, 77th AD General Law City. Population: 97,703. Address: 11333 Valley Blvd, El Monte, CA 91731 Telephone: (626) 580-2016 Fax: (626) 580-2274 Website: Email: [email protected] Office Hours: Monday to Thursday 8 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Mayor: Andrè QuinteroErnest G. Gutierrez Mayor Pro Tempore: Patricia A. Wallach Council: Juvention “J” Gomez, Emily Ishigaki, Norma Macias. Council meets on the first and third Tuesdays of each month at 6:30 p.m. in Council Chambers. City Manager: Renè Bobadilla City Clerk: Lorene Gutierrez City Attorney: E. Clarke Moseley City Treasurer: Henry J. Velasco Police Chief: Tom Armstrong Asst. Fire Chief: Anthony Lacono, Los Angeles County School Superintendents: Jeff Seymour (El Monte City School District); Nick Salerno (El Monte Union High School District); Lillian French-Maldonado (Mountain View School District) Incorporated: November 18, 1912 Legislative Districts: 32nd CD; 24th SD; 49th AD General Law City. Population: 121,900. CITY OF EL CENTRO (County of Imperial) Address: 1275 Main Street, El Centro, CA 92243 Telephone: (760) 337-4540 Fax: (760) 337-4564 Website: Office Hours: Monday to Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mayor: Rosanna Bayon Moore Mayor Pro Tempore: Jon Edney Council: Sedalia Sanders, Ben Solomon, Cheryl ViegasWalker. Council meets on the first and third Wednesdays of each month. Closed session meets at 12:00 (noon) and regular council meeting is at 6 p.m. City Manager: Ruben Duran City Clerk: Rita Noden City Attorney: James L. Darrow Treasurer: Albert Terrazas Police Chief: Leonard Knight Fire Chief: Chris Petree Incorporated: April 16, 1908 Legislative Districts: 45th CD; 37th SD; 80th AD General Law City. Population: 41,030. CITY OF EL CERRITO (County of Contra Costa) CITY OF EL SEGUNDO (County of Los Angeles) Address: 350 Main Street, El Segundo, CA 90245 Telephone: (310) 524-2300 Fax: (310) 322-7137 Website: Mayor: Kelly McDowell Mayor Pro Tempore: Eric Busch Council: Jim Boulgarides, Carl Jacobson, Bill Fisher. Council meets on the first and third Tuesdays of each month at 7 p.m. in Council Chambers. City Manager: Jeff Stewart City Clerk: Cindy Mortesen Administrative Services Director: Bret Plumlee City Attorney: Mark Hensley Treasurer: Ralph Lanphere Police Chief: Dave Cummings Fire Chief: Kevin Smith School Superintendent: Bruce Auld Incorporated: January 18, 1917 Legislative Districts: 36th CD; 28th SD; 53rd AD General Law City. Population: 16,700. Address: 10940 San Pablo Avenue, El Cerrito, CA 94530 Telephone: (510) 215-4300 Fax: (510) 233-5401 or 215-4319 Website: Mayor: Letitia D. Moore Mayor Pro Tempore: Bill Jones, Council: Janet Bridges, Jan Bridges, Sandi Potter. Council meets on the first and third Mondays of each month at 7:30 p.m. in Council Chambers Garden Room, Community Center, 7007 Moeser Lane. City Manager: Scott Hanin City Clerk: Cheryl Morse City Attorney: Janet Coleson Treasurer: Mary Dodge Police Chief: Scott Kirkland Fire Chief: Lance Maples Incorporated: August 23, 1917 Legislative Districts: 10th CD; 9th SD; 14th AD General Law City. Population: 23,550. California Roster 2010 105 Incorporated City and Town Officials CITY OF ELK GROVE (County of Sacramento) CITY OF ESCALON (County of San Joaquin) Address: 8401 Laguna Palms Way, Elk Grove, CA 95758 Telephone: (916) 683-7111 Fax: (916) 627-4200 Website: Office Hours: Monday to Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mayor: Sophia Scherman Mayor Pro Tempore: Steven Detrick Council: James Cooper, Gary Davis, Patrick Hume. Council meets on the second and fourth Wednesdays of each month at 6 p.m. in City Hall. City Manager: Laura S. Gill City Clerk: Susan Blackston City Attorney: Susan Cochran Treasurer: Rebecca Craig Police Chief: Robert Lehner Fire Chief: Steven Foster School Superintendent: Steven M. Ladd Incorporated: July 1, 2000 Legislative Districts: 3rd, 5th CD; 1st, 6th SD; 10th, 15th AD General Law City. Population: 141,430. Mail Address: P.O. Box 248, Escalon, CA 95320 Telephone: (209) 838-4100 Fax: (209) 838-8045 Website: Office Hours: Monday to Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., closed 12-1 p.m. Mayor: Gary Haskin Mayor Pro Tempore: Walt Murken Council: Marty Van Houten, Ed Alves, Danny Fox. Council meets on the first and third Mondays of each month at 7:30 p.m at 1540 Second Street. City Manager: Greg Greeson City Clerk: Lisa Nebe City Attorney: Ann Siprelle Police Chief: Douglas Dunford Fire Chief: Rick Mello School Superintendent: Dave Mantooth Incorporated: March 12, 1957 Legislative Districts: 11th CD; 14th SD; 26th AD General Law City. Population: 7,044. CITY OF EMERYVILLE (County of Alameda) Address: 1333 Park Avenue, Emeryville, CA 94608 Telephone: (510) 596-4300 Fax: (510) 450-7831 Website: Mayor: Ruth Atkin Vice Mayor: Richard Kassis Council: Ken Bukowski, Nora Davis, John Fricke. Council meets on the first and third Tuesdays of each month at 7:15 p.m. in Council Chambers. City Manager: John A. Flores City Clerk: Karen Hemphill City Attorney: Michael G. Biddle Finance Director (Interim): Karan Reid Police Chief: Ken James Fire Chief: Steve Cutright School Superintendent: Anthony Smith Incorporated: December 8, 1896 Legislative Districts: 9th CD; 9th SD; 14th AD General Law City. Population: 7,550. CITY OF ENCINITAS (County of San Diego) Address: 505 South Vulcan Ave, Encinitas, CA 92024 Telephone: (760) 633-2600 Fax: (760) 633-2627 Website: Mayor: Dan Dalager Deputy Mayor: Maggie Houlihan Council: Teresa Barth, James Bond, Jerome Stocks. Council meets on the second, third and fourth Wednesdays of each month at 6 p.m. City Manager: Phil Cotton City Clerk: Deborah Cervone City Attorney: Glenn Sabine Police Chief: Captain Don Fowler Fire Chief: Mark Muir School Superintendents: Rodger Smith (Cardiff Elementary); Doug DeVore (Encinitas Union School Dist.); Peggy Lynch (San Dieguito Union High School) Incorporated: October 1, 1986 Legislative Districts: 50th CD; 38th SD; 74th AD General Law City. Population: 61,200. California Roster 2010 CITY OF ESCONDIDO (County of San Diego) Address: 201 North Broadway, Escondido, CA 92025 Telephone: (760) 839-4638 Fax: (760) 839-4578 Website: Hours of Operation: Monday–Thursday 7:30 a.m.– 5:30 p.m. City Hall is closed every Friday Mayor: Lori Holt Pfeiler Mayor Pro Tempore: Dick Daniels Council: Sam Abed, Olga Diaz, Marie Waldron. Council meets on the first four Wednesdays of each month at 4 p.m. and 7 p.m. City Manager: Clay Phillips City Clerk: Marsha Whalen City Attorney: Jeffrey R. Epp Treasurer: Ken Hugins Police Chief: Jim Maher Fire Chief: Mike Lowry Incorporated: October 8, 1888 Legislative Districts: 51st CD; 36th-38th SD; 66th, 74th, 75th AD General Law City. Population: 140,000. CITY OF ETNA (County of Siskiyou) Mail Address: P.O. Box 460, Etna, CA 96027 Telephone: (530) 467-5256 Fax: (530) 467-3217 Mayor: Frank Ely Mayor Pro Tempore: Phyllis Still Council: Frank Ely, Christopher Liles, Marilyn Seward, David Stein and Phyllis Still. Council meets on the first and third Mondays of each month in Council Room, City Hall, Etna, CA 96027. City Clerk: Pamela Russell Treasurer: Debbie Martin Police Chief: Josh Short Fire Chief: Larry Hicks Incorporated: March 13, 1878 Legislative Districts: 2nd CD; 1st SD; 1st AD General Law City. Population: 785. 106 Incorporated City and Town Officials CITY OF EUREKA (County of Humboldt) CITY OF FAIRFIELD (County of Solano) Address: 531 K Street, Eureka, CA 95501 Telephone: (707) 441-4144 Fax: (707) 441-4138 Website: Office Hours: Monday to Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mayor: Virginia Bass Mayor Pro Tempore: Mike Jones Council: Larry Glass, Frank Jager, Jeff Leonard, Linda Atkins. Council meets on the first and third Tuesdays of each month at 6 p.m. in Council Chambers. City Manager: David W. Tyson City Clerk: Pamela J. Powell City Attorney: Sheryl Schaffner Police Chief: Garr Nielsen Fire Chief: Eric Smith Incorporated: April 18, 1856 Legislative Districts: 1st CD; 2nd SD; 2nd AD Chartered City. Population: 26,100. Address: 1000 Webster Street, Fairfield, CA 94533 Telephone: (707) 428-7400 Fax: (707) 428-7798 Website: Mayor: Harry T. Price Vice Mayor: John Mraz Council: Catherine Moy, Chuck Timm, Rick Vaccaro. Council meets on the first and third Tuesdays of each month at 6:45 p.m. in Council Chamber. City Manager: Sean P. Quinn City Clerk: Arletta K. Cortright City Attorney: Greg Stepanicich Treasurer: Oscar G. Reyes, Jr. Police Chief: Kenton Rainey Fire Chief: Vince Webster School Superintendent: Jacki Cottingim Incorporated: December 12, 1903 Legislative Districts: 10th CD; 5th SD; 8th AD General Law City. Population: 105,026. CITY OF EXETER (County of Tulare) Address: 137 North F Street, Exeter, CA 93221 Mail Address: P.O. Box 237, Exeter, CA 93221 Telephone: (559) 592-9244 Fax: (559) 592-3556 Email: [email protected] Office Hours: Monday to Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mayor: Ted Macaulay Mayor Pro Tempore: Jon Stearns Council: Charlie Norman, Leon Ooley, Jack Allwardt. Council meets on the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month at 7 p.m. in City Hall. Administrative Officer/City Clerk: John H. Kunkel City Attorney (Consultant): Steve Kabot Treasurer: Brenda Garver Police Chief: Clifton Bush Fire Chief: Ed Wristen (Tulare County CDF) School Superintendent: Reneé Whitson Incorporated: March 2, 1911 Legislative Districts: 21st CD; 18th SD; 34th AD Chartered City. Population: 10,357. TOWN OF FAIRFAX (County of Marin) Address: 142 Bolinas Road, Fairfax, CA 94930 Telephone: (415) 453-1584 Fax: (415) 453-1618 Website: Email: [email protected] Office Hours: Monday to Thursday 8:30 a.m. to 12 p.m. and 1-5 p.m.; closed Fridays Mayor: Lew Tremaine Vice Mayor: Larry Bragman Council: Pam Hartwell-Herrero, John Reed, David Weinsoff. Council meets on the first Wednesday of each month at the Women’s Club, 46 Park Road, Fairfax. Town Manager: Michael K. Rock Town Clerk: Judy Anderson Town Attorney: Jim Karpiak Treasurer: Barbara Petty Police Chief: Ken Hughes Fire Chief: Roger Meagor Incorporated: March 2, 1931 Legislative Districts: 6th CD; 3rd SD; 9th AD General Law City. Population: 7,325. California Roster 2010 CITY OF FARMERSVILLE (County of Tulare) Address: 909 W. Visalia Road, Farmersville, CA 93223 Telephone: (559) 747-0458 Fax: (559) 747-6724 Office Hours: Monday to Friday 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Mayor: Leonel Benavides Mayor Pro Tempore: Ann Hosier Council: Paul Boyer, Don Rowlett, Michael Santana. Council meets on the second and fourth Mondays of each month at 7 p.m. at 909 West Visalia Road. City Manager: Rene Miller City Clerk: Vacant City Attorney: Mike Farley Police Chief: Mario Krstic Fire Engineer: Brian Kyle School Superintendent: Janet Jones Incorporated: October 5, 1960 Legislative Districts: 19th CD; 14th SD; 29th AD General Law City. Population: 10,240. CITY OF FERNDALE (County of Humboldt) Address: 834 Main Street, Ferndale, CA 95536 Mail Address: P.O. Box 1095, Ferndale, CA 95536 Telephone: (707) 786-4224 Fax: (707) 786-9314 Website: Email: [email protected] Office Hours: Monday to Thursday 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Mayor: Jeffrey Farley Vice Mayor: Stuart Titus Council: Niels Lorenzen, Kenneth Mierzwa, Michael Moreland. Council meets on the first Thursday of each month at 7 p.m. in City Hall. City Manager: Jay Parrish City Clerk: Nancy Kaytis-Slocum City Attorney: David Martinek Treasurer: Deb Austrus Police Chief: Bret Smith Fire Chief: Tom Grinsell School Superintendent: Denise Jones Incorporated: August 28, 1893 Legislative Districts: 1st CD; 2nd SD; 2nd AD General Law City. Population: 1,410. 107 Incorporated City and Town Officials CITY OF FILLMORE (County of Ventura) CITY OF FOLSOM (County of Sacramento) Address: 250 Central Ave, Fillmore, CA 93015 Telephone: (805) 524-3701 Fax: (805) 524-5707 Website: Hall Office Hours: Monday to Friday 8:45 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mayor: Steve Conaway Mayor Pro Tempore: M. Cecilia Cuevas Council: Raymond Dressler, Patti Walker, Laurie J. Hernandez. Council meets on the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month in City Hall. City Manager: Tom Ristau City Clerk: Shirley Spitler City Attorney: J. Roger Myers Treasurer: Angela Mendez Police Chief: Bruce Macedo Fire Chief: Pete Egedi School Superintendent: Jeff Sweeney Incorporated: July 10, 1914 Legislative Districts: 24th CD; 17th SD; 37th AD General Law City. Population: 14,700. Address: 50 Natoma Street, Folsom, CA 95630 Telephone: (916) 355-7200 Fax: (916) 355-7328 Website: Office Hours: Monday to Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mayor: Jeffrey M. Starsky Vice Mayor: Andy Morin Council: Kerri Howell, Ernie Sheldon, Steve Miklos. Council meets on the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month. City Manager: Kerry L. Miller City Clerk: Christa Freemantle City Attorney: Bruce Cline Assistant City Manager: Evert Palmer Finance Director: Jim Francis Human Resources: John Spittler Police Chief: Sam Spiegel Fire Chief: Dan Haverty School Superintendent: Patrick Godwin Incorporated: April 20, 1946 Legislative Districts: 3rd CD; 1st SD; 5th AD Charter City. Population: 63,800. CITY OF FIREBAUGH (County of Fresno) Address: 1133 P Street, Firebaugh, CA 93622 Telephone: (559) 659-2043 Fax: (559) 659-3412 Website: Email: [email protected] Office Hours: Monday to Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mayor: Javier S. Marquez Mayor Pro Tempore: Chris J. DeFrancesco Council: Rod Lake, Jim Lowe, Marcia Sablan. Council meets on the first and third Mondays of each month at 6:30 p.m. at Andrew Firebaugh Community Center, 1655 13th Street, Firebaugh, CA 93622. City Manager: Jose Antonio Ramirez City Clerk: Priscilla Meza City Attorney: Dale Bacigalupi Finance Director: Odi Ortiz Public Works Director: Ben Gallegos Police Chief: Elsa Lopez Fire Chief: John G. Borboa School Superintendent: Violet Chuck Incorporated: September 17, 1914 Legislative Districts: 20th CD; 16th SD; 31st AD General Law City. Population: 6,175. California Roster 2010 CITY OF FONTANA (County of San Bernardino) Address: 8353 Sierra Avenue, Fontana, CA 92335 Telephone: (909) 350-7602 Fax: (909) 350-6613 Website: Office Hours: Monday to Thursday 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Mayor: Mark Nuaimi Mayor Pro Tempore: Frank Scialdone Council: John Roberts, Janice Rutherford, Acquanetta Warren. Council meets on the second and fourth Wednesdays of each month. City Manager: Kenneth R. Hunt City Clerk: Tonia Lewis City Attorney: Clark Alsop Treasurer: Janet Koehler-Brooks Police Chief: Rodney Jones Fire Chief: Terry Welsh School Superintendent: Cali Olsen-Binks Incorporated: June 25, 1952 Legislative Districts: 41st CD; 31st, 32nd SD; 62nd, 63rd AD General Law City. Population: 189,021. 108 Incorporated City and Town Officials CITY OF FORT BRAGG (County of Mendocino) CITY OF FOSTER CITY (County of San Mateo) Address: 416 North Franklin St, Fort Bragg, CA 95437 Telephone: (707) 961-2823 Fax: (707) 961-2802 Website: Email: [email protected] Office Hours: Monday to Friday 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mayor: Doug Hammerstrom Mayor Pro Tempore: Dave Turner Council: Meg Courtney, Dan Gjerde, Jere Melo. Council meets on the second and fourth Mondays of each month at Town Hall, 363 N. Main Street. City Manager: Linda Ruffing City Clerk: Cindy VanWormer City Attorney: Michael Gogna – c/o Meyers, Nave, et al. Finance Manager: Rosana Cimolino Police Chief: Mark Puthuff Fire Chief: Steve Orsi Incorporated: August 5, 1889 Legislative Districts: 1st CD; 2nd SD; 2nd AD General Law City. Population: 7,000. Address: 610 Foster City Blvd, Foster City, CA 94404 Telephone: (650) 286-3200 Fax: (650) 574-3483 Website: Email: [email protected] Office Hours: Monday to Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mayor: John Kiramis Vice Mayor: Rick Wykoff Council: Pam Frisella, Art Kiesel, Linda Koelling. Council meets on the first and third Mondays of each month at 7:30 p.m. in Council Chambers. City Manager: James C. Hardy City Clerk: Therese Calic Administrative Services Director: Steve Toler Community Development Director: Richard B. Marks Parks and Recreation Director: Kevin M. Miller Public Works Director: Ray Towne Finance Director: Ricardo Santiago Human Resources Director: Rebecca Burnside City Attorney: Jean Savaree Treasurer: James C. Hardy Police Chief: Craig Courtin Fire Chief: Tom Reaves Incorporated: April 27, 1971 Legislative Districts: 12th CD; 8th SD; 19th AD General Law City. Population: 30,269. TOWN OF FORT JONES (County of Siskiyou) Mail Address: P.O. Box 40, Fort Jones, CA 96032 Telephone: (530) 468-2281 Fax: (530) 468-2598 Email: [email protected] Mayor: Janice Baker Council: Leo Davis, John Homer, Tom McCulley, Boni Sheffield. Council meets on the first Monday of each month at 7:30 p.m. at the Community Center, Fort Jones, CA. Town Clerk: Linda Romaine Town Attorney: Robert Winston Treasurer: Dianne Wilson Fire Chief: Chris Baker Incorporated: March 16, 1872 Legislative Districts: 2nd CD; 1st SD; 1st AD General Law City. Population: 672. CITY OF FORTUNA (County of Humboldt) Address: 621 11th Street, Fortuna, CA 95540 Mail Address: P.O. Box 545, Fortuna, CA 95540 Telephone: (707) 725-7600 Fax: (707) 725-7610 Website: Office Hours: Monday to Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mayor: Odell Shelton Vice Mayor: Mel Berti Council: Debi August, Dean Glaser, Douglas Strehl. Council meets on the first and third Mondays of each month at 7 p.m. in Council Chambers. City Manager: Duane Rigge City Clerk: Ginger Vance City Attorney: David Tranberg Finance Director: Paul Rodrigues Police Chief: Kkris Kitna Fire Chief: Lon Winburn Incorporated: February 20, 1906 Legislative Districts: 1st CD; 2nd SD; 2nd AD Chartered City. Population: 10,900. California Roster 2010 CITY OF FOUNTAIN VALLEY (County of Orange) Address: 10200 Slater Ave, Fountain Valley, CA 92708 Mail Address: P.O. Box 8030, Fountain Valley, CA 92708-8030 Telephone: (714) 593-4400 Fax: (714) 593-4494 Website: Email: [email protected] Office Hours: Monday to Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mayor: John J. Collins Mayor Pro Tempore: Guy Carrozzo Council: Gus Ayer, Larry R. Crandall, Cheryl Brothers. Council meets on the first and third Tuesdays of each month at 7 p.m. in City Council Chambers in City Hall. City Manager: Raymond H. Kromer Administrative Officer: Donald Heinbuch City Clerk: Robin Roberts City Attorney: Alan R. Burns Treasurer: Elizabeth Fox Police Chief: Paul Sorrell Fire Chief: Bill Walker School Superintendent: Dr. Ecker Incorporated: June 13, 1957 Legislative Districts: 46th CD; 35th SD; 68th AD General Law City. Population: 56,300. 109 Incorporated City and Town Officials CITY OF FOWLER (County of Fresno) CITY OF FRESNO (County of Fresno) Address: 128 South 5th Street, Fowler, CA 93625 Telephone: (559) 834-3113 Fax: (559) 834-0185 Email: [email protected]; [email protected] Office Hours: Monday to Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mayor: Jim Simonian Mayor Pro Tempore: Mac Shaw Council: Rico Aguayo, David Cardenas, Tom Nagata. Council meets on the first and third Tuesdays of each month at 7 p.m. in City Hall. City Manager: David Elias City Clerk: Jeannie Davis City Attorney: David Wolfe Treasurer: Ronney Wong Police Chief: Darrell Jamgochian Administrative Head of Fire Dept (Interim): Darrell Jamgochian School Superintendent: Dr. John Cruz Incorporated: June 15, 1908 Legislative Districts: 20th CD; 16th SD; 31st AD General Law City. Population: 4,729. Address: 2600 Fresno Street, Fresno, CA 93721 Telephone: (559) 621-7770 Fax: (559) 621-7776 Website: Email: [email protected] Mayor: Ashley Swearengin Council President: Cynthia Sterling Council: Andreas Borgeas, Lee Brand, Mike Dages, Henry T. Perea, Larry Westerlund, Blong Xiong. Council meets on Tuesday at 8:30 a.m. in Council Chambers. City Manager: Andrew T. Souza City Clerk: Rebecca E. Klisch City Attorney: James Sanchez Treasurer (Interim): Karen Bradley Police Chief: Jerry Dyer Fire Chief: Randy Braugman Incorporated: October 15, 1885 Legislative Districts: 15th, 17th CD; 14th, 15th SD; 29th 31st AD Chartered City. Population: 486,171. CITY OF FREMONT (County of Alameda) Address: 3300 Capitol Avenue, Fremont, CA 94538 Mail Address: P.O. Box 5006, Fremont, CA 94537 Telephone: (510) 284-4000 Fax: (510) 284-4001 Website: Email: [email protected] Office Hours: Monday to Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mayor: Bob Wasserman Mayor Pro Tempore: Bob Wieckowski Council: Steve Cho, Anu Natarajan, Bill Harrison. Council meets on the first, second and fourth Tuesdays of each month at 7 p.m. in Council Chambers; work sessions on the third Tuesday of each month at 5:30 p.m. at 3300 Capitol Avenue. City Manager: Fred Diaz City Clerk: Dawn G. Abrahamson City Attorney: Harvey Levine Treasurer: Gloria Del Rosario Police Chief: Craig Steckler Fire Chief: Bruce Martin School Superintendent: Doug Gephart Incorporated: January 23, 1956 Legislative Districts: 13th CD; 10th SD; 20th AD General Law City. Population: 209,000. California Roster 2010 CITY OF FULLERTON (County of Orange) Address: 303 West Commonwealth Avenue, Fullerton, CA 92832 Telephone: (714) 738-6300 Fax: (714) 738-6758 Website: Office Hours: Monday to Thursday 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.; Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. closed alternate Fridays Mayor: Don Bankhead Mayor Pro Tempore: Pam Keller Council: F. Richard Jones, Shawn Nelson, Sharon QuirkSilva. Council meets on the first and third Tuesdays of each month in Council Chambers, City Hall. City Manager: Chris Meyer City Clerk/Clerk Services Manager: Beverley White City Attorney: Richard D. Jones (contract attorney) Treasurer: Phyllis Garrova Police Chief: Michael Sellers Fire Chief: Wolfgang Knabe Incorporated: February 15, 1904 Legislative Districts: 39th, 46th CD; 33rd, 34th SD; 72nd AD General Law City. Population: 137,624. 110 Incorporated City and Town Officials CITY OF GALT (County of Sacramento) CITY OF GARDENA (County of Los Angeles) Address: 380 Civic Drive, Galt, CA 95632 Telephone: (209) 366-7130 Fax: (209) 745-3373 Website: Email: [email protected] Office Hours: Monday to Friday 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mayor: Randy Shelton Vice Mayor: Barbara Payne Council: Darryl Clare, Donald Haines, Andrew Meredith. Council meets on the first and third Tuesdays of each month at 7 p.m. in Council Chambers. City Manager: Jason Behrmann City Clerk: Elizabeth A. Aguire City Attorney: Steven Rudolph Treasurer: Shaun Farrell Police Chief: Loren Cattolico Fire Chief: Steve Foster School Superintendents: Karen Schauer (Elementary); Daisy Lee (High School) Incorporated: August 16, 1946 Legislative Districts: 3rd CD; 1st SD; 15th AD General Law City. Population: 24,000. Address: 1700 West 162nd St, Gardena, CA 90247 Telephone: (310) 217-9500 Fax: (310) 217-9694 Website: Mayor: Paul K. Tanaka Mayor Pro Tempore: Dan Medina Council: Tasha Cerda, Ronald K. Ikejiri, Rachel C. Johnson. Council meets on the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month. City Manager: Mitchell G. Lansdell City Clerk: Maria E. Marquez-Brookes City Attorney: Peter L. Wallin Treasurer: J. Ingrid Tsukiyama Police Chief: Edward Medrano Assistant Fire Chief: Barry A. Nugent Incorporated: September 11, 1930 Legislative Districts: 35th CD; 25th SD; 51st AD General Law City. Population: 61,810. CITY OF GARDEN GROVE (County of Orange) Address: 11222 Acacia Pky, Garden Grove, CA 92840 Mail Address: P.O. Box 3070, Garden Grove, CA 92842 Telephone: (714) 741-5000 Fax: (714) 741-5044 Website: Email: [email protected] Office Hours: Monday to Thursday 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.; Friday 7:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.; closed alternate Fridays Mayor: William “Bill” Dalton Mayor Pro Tempore: Mark Rosen Council: Bruce Boardwater, Dina Nguyen, Janet Nguyen. Council meets on the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month at 5:30 p.m. closed session, 7 p.m. open session in Council Chambers. City Manager: Les Jones City Clerk: Ruth E. Smith City Attorney: Tom Nixon Treasurer: Les Jones Police Chief: Joseph Polisar Fire Chief: Keith Osborn School Superintendent: Dr. Laura Schwam Incorporated: June 18, 1956 Legislative Districts: 40th, 46th, 47th CD; 34th, 35th SD; 67th-69th AD General Law City. Population: 172,042. California Roster 2010 CITY OF GILROY (County of Santa Clara) Address: 7351 Rosanna Street, Gilroy, CA 95020 Telephone: (408) 846-0400 Fax: (408) 846-0500 Website: Mayor: Al Pinheiro Mayor Pro Tempore: Dion Bracco Council: Peter Arellano, Russ Valiquette, Paul Correa, Craig Gartman, Roland Velasco. Council meets on the first and third Mondays of each month at 7:00 p.min Council Chambers. City Administrator: Jay Baksa City Clerk: Rhonda Pellin City Attorney: Linda A. Callon Police Chief: Gregory Giusiana Fire Chief: Dale Foster School Superintendent (Interim): Dr. Darrel Taylor Incorporated: March 12, 1870 Legislative Districts: 15th CD; 13th SD; 28th AD Chartered City. Population: 48,527. CITY OF GLENDALE (County of Los Angeles) Address: 613 East Broadway, Glendale, CA 91206-4393 Telephone: (818) 548-4000 Fax: (818) 241-5386 Website: Office Hours: Monday to Thursday 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.; Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mayor: Frank Quintero Mayor Pro Tempore: Alternate monthly Council: John Drayman, Laura Friedman, Ara Najarian, Frank Quintero, Dave Weaver. Council meets on every Tuesday of each month at 6 p.m. in Council Chambers, 613 E. Broadway, 2nd Floor. City Manager: James Starbird City Clerk: Ardashes "Ardy" Kassakhian City Attorney: Scott H. Howard Treasurer: Ronald Borucki Police Chief: Ron De Pompa Fire Chief: Harold Scoggins School Superintendent: Michael F. Escalante Incorporated: February 16, 1906 Legislative Districts: 29th CD; 21st SD; 43rd AD Chartered City. Population: 207,000. 111 Incorporated City and Town Officials CITY OF GLENDORA (County of Los Angeles) CITY OF GONZALES (County of Monterey) Address: 116 East Foothill Blvd, Glendora, CA 91741 Telephone: (626) 914-8200 Fax: (626) 914-8221 Website: Email: [email protected] Mayor: Doug Tessitor Mayor Pro Tempore: Ken Herman Council: Gary Clifford, Karen Davis, Mark Kelly. Council meets on the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month at 7 p.m. in Council Chambers, City Hall. City Manager: Eric G. Ziegler City Clerk: Culver Heaton, Jr. City Attorney: D. Wayne Leech Treasurer: Mary Solty Police Chief: Charles Montoya School Superintendent: George Mannon Incorporated: November 13, 1911 Legislative Districts: 28th, 31st CD; 24th, 29th SD; 59th AD General Law City. Population: 51,500. Address: 147 Fourth Street, Gonzales, CA 93926 Mail Address: P.O. Box 647, Gonzales, CA 93926 Telephone: (831) 675-5000 Fax: (831) 675-2644 Website: Email: [email protected] Office Hours: Monday to Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mayor: George A. Worthy Mayor Pro Tempore: Delia Gutierrez Council: Matt Gourley, Maria Orozco, Lisa M. Senkir. Council meets on the first and third Mondays of each month at 6 p.m. in Council Chambers. City Manager/City Clerk: Rene L. Mendez City Attorney: Michael F. Rodriquez Treasurer: Vacant Police Chief: Paul D. Miller Fire Chief: Rick Rubbo School Superintendent: Elizabeth Modena Incorporated: January 14, 1947 Legislative Districts: 17th CD; 15th SD; 28th AD General Law City. Population: 8,800. CITY OF GOLETA (County of Santa Barbara) Address: 130 Cremona Dr, Suite B, Goleta, CA 93117 Telephone: (805) 961-7500 Fax: (805) 685-3635 Website: Email: [email protected] Office Hours: Monday to Thursday 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m., Friday 8 a.m-1 p.m. Mayor: Jean Blois Mayor Pro Tempore: Michel T. Bennett Council: Rogers S. Aceves, Eric Onnen, Jonny Wallis. Council meets on the first and third Mondays of each month at 1:30 (afternoon session) and 6:00 p.m. (evening session) City Manager: Daniel Singer City Clerk: Deborah S. Constantino City Attorney: Julie Hayward Biggs Redevelopment & Neighborhood Services Director: Vytautas P. Adomaitis Community Services Director: Steven Wagner Planning and Environmental Services Director: Steve Chase Finance Director: Tina Rivera Police Chief: Chris Pappas Fire Chief: Martin Johnson Incorporated: February 1, 2002 Legislative Districts: 22nd CD, 18th SD, 35th AD General Law City. Population: 30,679. California Roster 2010 CITY OF GRAND TERRACE (County of San Bernardino) Address: 22795 Barton Road, Grand Terrace, CA 92313 Telephone: (909) 824-6621 Fax: (909) 783-7629 Website: Email: gtCity [email protected] Office Hours: Monday to Thursday 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. Mayor: Maryetta Ferre Mayor Pro Tempore: Lee Ann Garcia Council: Bea Cortes, Walt Stanckiewitz. Council meets on the second and fourth Tuesday of each month at 6 p.m. City Manager: Betsy M. Adams City Clerk: Brenda Mesa City Attorney: John Harper Incorporated: November 30, 1978 Legislative Districts: 41st CD; 31st SD; 63rd AD General Law City. Population: 12,100. CITY OF GRASS VALLEY (County of Nevada) Address: 125 East Main St, Grass Valley, CA 95945 Telephone: (530) 274-4310 Fax: (530) 274-4399 Website: Email: [email protected] Office Hours: Monday to Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mayor: Gerard Tassone Vice Mayor: Mark Johnson Council: Patti Ingram Lisa Swarthout, Dean Williams. Council meets on the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month at 7 p.m. in City Hall. Administrative Officer: Gene Haroldsen City Clerk: Bobbi Poznik-Coover City Attorney: Ruthann Ziegler Treasurer: Carol Fish Police Chief: John Foster Fire Chief: Hank Weston School Superintendent: Terance McAteer Incorporated: March 13, 1893 Legislative Districts: 14th CD; 1st SD; 3rd AD Chartered City. Population: 12,000. 112 Incorporated City and Town Officials CITY OF GREENFIELD (County of Monterey) CITY OF GUADALUPE (County of Santa Barbara) Address: 45 El Camino Real, Greenfield, CA 93927 Mail Address: P.O. Box 127, Greenfield, CA 93927 Telephone: (831) 674-5591 Fax: (831) 674-3149 Mayor: John P. Huerta, Jr. Mayor Pro Tempore: Annie G. Moreno Council: Yolanda Teneyuque, Agapito Vazquez, John Martinez. Council meets on the first and third Tuesdays of each month. City Manager: Roger L. Wong City Attorney: John Bakker, Meyers /Nave Police Chief: Joe Grebmeier Fire Chief: John Sims School Superintendent: Elida Garza Incorporated: January 7, 1947 Legislative Districts: 16th CD; 17th SD; 29th AD General Law City. Population: 17,600. Address: 918 Obispo Street, Guadalupe, CA 93434 Telephone: (805) 343-1340 Fax: (805) 343-5512 Website: Office Hours: Monday to Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.; closed 12-1 p.m. Mayor: Lupe Alvarez Mayor Pro Tempore: Virginia Ponce Council: Ariston Julian, John Lizalde, John Sabedra. Council meets on the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month at 6 p.m. in Council Chambers. City Administrator: Carolyn Galloway-Cooper Elected City Clerk: Brenda Hoff City Attorney: Dave Fleishman Treasurer: Petrona Amido Police Chief: George Mitchell Fire Chief: Carmon Johnson School Superintendent: Hugo Lara Incorporated: August 3, 1946 Legislative Districts: 22nd CD; 18th SD; 33rd AD General Law City. Population: 6,275. CITY OF GRIDLEY (County of Butte) Address: 685 Kentucky Street, Gridley, CA 95948 Telephone: (530) 846-5695 Fax: (530) 846-3229 Website: Office Hours: Monday to Friday 8 a.m.–5 p.m. Mayor: Frank W. Cook Mayor Pro Tempore: Jerry Fichter Council: Frank Hall, Pedro Mota, Marlena Sparks. Council meets on the first and third Mondays of each month at 7:30 p.m. in Gridley City Hall. City Manager: Jack Slota City Attorney: Brant Bordsen Treasurer: Brad Wilkie Police Chief: Gary Keeler Fire Chief: Mike Brown (CDF Battalion Chief) Incorporated: November 23, 1905 Legislative Districts: 3rd CD; 4th SD; 2nd AD General Law City. Population: 5,750. CITY OF GROVER BEACH (County of San Luis Obispo) Address: 154 South Eighth St, Grover Beach, CA 93433 Telephone: (805) 473-4567 Fax: (805) 489-9657 Website: Email: [email protected] Office Hours: Monday to Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mayor: John P. Shoals Mayor Pro Tempore: Bill Nicolls Council: Karen Bright, Robert Mires, Debbie Peterson. Council meets on the first and third Mondays of each month at 6:30 p.m., City Hall, Council Chambers. City Manager: Bob Perrault City Clerk: Donna L. McMahon, CMC City Attorney: Martin D. Koczanowicz Treasurer: Gayla R. Chapman Police Chief: James Copsey Fire Chief: Mike Hubert School Superintendent: Jim Hogeboom Incorporated: December 21, 1959 Legislative Districts: 22nd CD; 15th SD; 33rd AD General Law City. Population: 13,200. California Roster 2010 CITY OF GUSTINE (County of Merced) Address: 682 Third Avenue, Gustine, CA 95322 Mail Address: P.O. Box 16, Gustine, CA 95322 Telephone: (209) 854-6471 Fax: (209) 854-2840 Website: Email: [email protected] Office Hours: Monday to Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mayor: Rich Ford Mayor Pro Tempore: Joe Oliveira Council: Frank Amaral, James Bonta, Bart Garcia. Council meets on the first and third Mondays of each month at City-County Building. City Manager/City Clerk: Margaret Silveira City Attorney: Thomas Ebersole Treasurer: Roberta Casteel Police Chief: Vacant Fire Chief: Pat Borrelli School Superintendent: Gail McWilliams Incorporated: November 11, 1915 Legislative Districts: 18th CD; 12th SD; 26th AD General Law City. Population: 5,603. CITY OF HALF MOON BAY (County of San Mateo) Address: 501 Main Street, Half Moon Bay, CA 94019 Telephone: (650) 726-8270 Fax: (650) 726-9389 Website: Mayor: Naomi Patridge Vice Mayor: Bonnie McClung Council: Marina Fraser, Jim Grady, John Muller. Council meets on the first and third Tuesdays of each month at 7 p.m. at Adcock Community-Senior Center, 535 Kelly Avenue, Half Moon Bay, CA 94019. City Manager: Marcia Raines City Clerk: Siobhan Smith City Attorney: Adam Lindgren Police Chief: Ike Ortiz Fire Chief (Interim): Pete Bonano School Superintendent: Dr. John Bayless Incorporated: July 15, 1959 Legislative Districts: 14th CD; 11th SD; 21st AD General Law City. Population: 12,300. 113 Incorporated City and Town Officials CITY OF HANFORD (County of Kings) CITY OF HAWTHORNE (County of Los Angeles) Address: 319 North Douty St, Hanford, CA 93230 Telephone: (559) 585-2500 Fax: (559) 582-1152 Website: Office Hours: Monday to Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mayor: Dan Chin Vice Mayor: Sue Sorensen Council: Sue Sorensen, David Thomas, Catherine Willis. Council meets on the first and third Tuesdays of each month at 400 North Douty Street (4 p.m. Study Session; 7:30 p.m. Regular Meeting). City Manager: Gary W. Misenhimer City Clerk: Karen Madruga City Attorney: Robert Dowd Treasurer: Tom Dibble Police Chief: Carlos Mestas Fire Chief: Tim Ieronimo Incorporated: August 12, 1891 Legislative Districts: 17th CD; 16th SD; 30th AD General Law City. Population: 52,687. Address: 4455 West 126th St, Hawthorne, CA 90250 Telephone: (310) 349-29001Fax: (310) 978-9855 Website: Emai: [email protected] Office Hours: Monday to Thursday 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.; Alternate Friday 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Mayor: Larry Guidi Mayor Pro Tempore: Louis Velez Council: Ginny McGinnis Lambert, Gary Parsons. Council meets on the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month at 6 p.m. in City Hall. City Manager: Jag Pathirana City Clerk: Angie Reyes English City Attorney: Glen Shishido Treasurer: Thierry Lubenec Police Chief: Michael Heffner Fire Chief: Los Angeles County Incorporated: July 12, 1922 Legislative Districts: 35th CD; 25th SD; 51st AD General Law City. Population: 87,400. CITY OF HAWAIIAN GARDENS (County of Los Angeles) CITY OF HAYWARD (County of Alameda) Address: 21815 Pioneer Blvd, Hawaiian Gardens, CA 90716 Telephone: (562) 420-2641 Fax: (562) 496-3708 Website: Office Hours: Monday to Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mayor: Michiko A. Oyama-Canada Mayor Pro Tempore: Betty J. Schultze Council: John F. Heckerman, Michael Gomez, Victor Farfan. Council meets on the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month at 6 p.m. in Council Chambers. City Administrator: Ernesto Marquez City Clerk: Suzanne Underwood City Clerk (Assistant): Lucie Colombo City Attorney: John E. Cavanaugh Finance Director: David Sung Police: Sheriff’s Department Fire Chief: Paul Schuster School Superintendent: Dr. Gary Smuts, ABC School District Incorporated: April 9, 1964 Legislative Districts: 39th CD; 27th SD; 54th, 56th AD General Law City. Population: 15,600. Address: 777 B Street, Hayward, CA 94541-5007 Telephone: (510) 583-4001 Fax: (510) 583-3601 Website: Office Hours: Monday to Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mayor: Roberta Cooper Mayor Pro Tempore: Matt Jimenez Council: Kevin Dowling, Barbara Halliday, Olden P. Henson, Matt Jimenez, Bill Quirk, William H. Ward. Council meets on the first four Tuesdays of each month at 8 p.m. in Council Chambers. City Manager: Jesus Armas City Clerk: Angelina Reyes City Attorney: Michael O’Toole Treasury Manager: Perry Carter Finance Director (Acting): Diane Lewis Police Chief: Lloyd Lowe Fire Chief: Larry Arfsten School Superintendent: Dr. Dale W. Vigil Incorporated: March 11, 1876 Legislative Districts: 13th CD; 10th SD; 18th AD Chartered City. Population: 146,027. California Roster 2010 114 Incorporated City and Town Officials CITY OF HEALDSBURG (County of Sonoma) CITY OF HERMOSA BEACH (County of Los Angeles) Address: 401 Grove Street, Healdsburg, CA 95448 Telephone: (707) 431-3317 Fax: (707) 431-3321 Website: Email: [email protected] Office Hours: Monday to Friday 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mayor: Jim Wood Vice Mayor: Tom Chambers Council: Mike McGuire, Gary Plass, Eric Ziedrich. Council meets on the first and third Mondays of each month at 7 p.m. in Council Chambers. City Manager: Marjie Pettus City Clerk: Maria Curiel City Attorney: Michael Gogna Treasurer: Heather Ippoliti Police Chief: Susan Jones Fire Chief: Randy Collins School Superintendent: Jeff Harding Incorporated: February 20, 1867 Legislative Districts: 1st CD; 2nd SD; 2nd AD General Law City. Population: 11,450. Address: 1315 Valley Dr, Hermosa Beach, CA 90254 Telephone: (310) 318-0239 Fax: (310) 372-6186 Website: Email: [email protected] Office Hours: Monday to Thursday 7 a.m. to 6 p.m.; CLOSED Friday Mayor: Michael DiVirgilio Mayor Pro Tempore: Peter Tucker Council: Howard Fishman, Jeff Duclos, Kit Bobko. Council meets on the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month at 7 p.m. in Council Chambers. City Manager: Stephen R. Burrell City Clerk: Elaine Doerfling City Attorney: Mike Jenkins Treasurer: John Workman Police Chief: Greg Savelli Fire Chief: David Lantzer School Superintendent: Bruce Newlin Incorporated: January 14, 1907 Legislative Districts: 36th CD; 28th SD; 53rd AD General Law City. Population: 19,435 (2006 estimate). CITY OF HEMET (County of Riverside) Address: 445 East Florida Ave, Hemet, CA 92543 Telephone: (951) 765-2300 Fax: (951) 765-2337 Website: Mayor: Eric McBride Vice Mayor: Jerry Franchville Council: Jim Foreman, Robin Lowe, Robert Youssef. Council meets on the second Tuesday at 1 p.m. and fourth Tuesday at 7 p.m. of each month at 450 East Latham. City Manager: Len Wood City Clerk: Sarah McComas City Attorney: Eric S. Vail Treasurer: Judith L. Oltman Police Chief: Richard Dana Fire Chief: Matt Shobert Incorporated: January 20, 1910 Legislative Districts: 44th CD; 31st, 36th, 37th SD; 65th, 66th, 80th AD General Law City. Population: 67,500. CITY OF HERCULES (County of Contra Costa) CITY OF HESPERIA (County of San Bernardino) Address: 9700 Seventh Avenue, Hesperia, CA 92345 Telephone: (760) 947-1000 Fax: (760) 947-2881 Website: Email: [email protected] Office Hours: Monday to Thursday 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.; Friday 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Mayor: Thurston Smith Mayor Pro Tempore: Paul Bosacki Council: Mike Leonard, Ed Pack, Rita K. Vogler. Council meets on the first and third Tuesdays of each month at 6:30 p.m. in Council Chambers. City Manager: Mike Podegracz City Clerk: Vicki C. Soderquist, MMC City Attorney: Eric Dunn Assistant City Manager/Director of Management Services: Brian Johnson Police Chief: Lance Clark Fire Chief: Tim Wessel School Superintendent: Mark McKinney Incorporated: July 1, 1988 Legislative Districts: 41st CD; 17th SD; 59th AD General Law City. Population: 85,876. Address: 111 Civic Drive, Hercules, CA 94547 Telephone: (510) 799-8200 Fax: (510) 799-2521 Website: Office Hours: Monday to Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mayor: Joe Eddy McDonald Vice Mayor: Kris Valstad Council: Ed Balico, Don Kuehne, Joanne Ward. Council meets on the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month at 7 p.m. in City Hall. City Manager: Nelson Oliva City Clerk: Doreen Mathews City Attorney: Alfred Cabral Treasurer (Interim): Tim Hansen Police Chief: Fred Deltorchio Fire Chief: Gary Boyles School Superintendent: Bruce Harter, West Contra Costa Unified School District Incorporated: December 15, 1900 Legislative Districts: 7th CD; 7th SD; 11th AD General Law City. Population: 23,500. California Roster 2010 115 Incorporated City and Town Officials CITY OF HIDDEN HILLS (County of Los Angeles) TOWN OF HILLSBOROUGH (County of San Mateo) Address: 6165 Spring Valley Rd, Hidden Hills, CA 91302 Telephone: (818) 888-9281 Fax: (818) 719-0083 Website: Email: [email protected] Office Hours: Monday to Friday 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mayor: Steve Freedland Mayor Pro Tempore: Larry Weber Council: Jim Cohen, Larry Goldberg, Stuart Siegel. Council meets on the second and fourth Mondays of each month at 7:30 p.m. in City Hall. City Manager/Administrative Officer: Cherie L. Paglia City Clerk: Cherie L. Paglia City Attorney: Roxanne Diaz Treasurer: Eddie Bauch Police: Contract with LA County Sheriff’s Dept. Fire: Contract with LA County Fire Dept. School Superintendent: Dr. Donald Zimring Incorporated: October 19, 1961 Legislative Districts: 24th CD; 23rd SD; 41st AD General Law City. Population: 2,017. Address: 1600 Floribunda Ave, Hillsborough, CA 94010 Telephone: (650) 375-7400 Fax: (650) 375-7475 Website: Office Hours: Monday to Thursday 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.; Friday 7:30 a.m. to 12:30 Mayor: Catherine U. Mullooly Vice Mayor: Christine M. Krolik Council: John J. Fannon, Thomas M. Kasten, D. Paul Regan. Council meets on the second Monday of each month at Town Hall. Town Manager: Anthony Constantouros Town Clerk: Miyuki Yokoyama Town Attorney: Norman Book Police Chief: Matthew O’Connor Fire Chief: Don Dornell School Superintendent: Marilyn Miller Incorporated: May 5, 1910 Legislative Districts: 12th CD; 8th SD; 19th AD General Law City. Population: 10,973. CITY OF HIGHLAND (County of San Bernardino) Address: 27215 Base Line, Highland, CA 92346 Telephone: (909) 864-6861 Fax: (909) 862-3180 Website: Email: [email protected] Office Hours: Monday to Thursday 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.; closed every Friday Mayor: Ross B. Jones Mayor Pro Tempore: Penny Lilburn Council: Larry McCallon, Jody Scott, John Timmer. Council meets on the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month at 6 p.m. in Council Chambers. City Manager: Sam Racadio City Clerk: Betty Hughes City Attorney: Peg Battersby Police Chief: Bobby Phillips Fire Chief: Jim Rissmiller, CDF School Superintendent: Robert Hodges Incorporated: November 24, 1987 Legislative Districts: 40th, 42nd CD; 31st SD; 59th, 63rd AD General Law City. Population: 50,236. California Roster 2010 CITY OF HOLLISTER (County of San Benito) Address: 375 Fifth Street, Hollister, CA 95023 Telephone: (831) 636-4304 Fax: (831) 636-4310 Website: Email: [email protected] Office Hours: Monday to Friday 8 a.m. to 12 p.m., 1p.m. to 5 p.m. Mayor: Victor Gomez Vice Mayor: Pauline Valdivia Council: Douglas A. Emerson, Eugenia Sanchez, Raymond Friend. Council meets on the first and third Mondays of each month at 6:30 p.m. in Council Chambers. City Manager: Clint Quilter City Treasurer: Geri Johnson, MMC City Attorney: Stephanie Atigh City Clerk: Geri Johnson, MMC Police Chief: Jeff Miller Fire Chief: Fred Cheshire Incorporated: March 26, 1872 Legislative Districts: 17th CD; 15th SD; 28th AD General Law City. Population: 37,183. 116 Incorporated City and Town Officials CITY OF HOLTVILLE (County of Imperial) CITY OF HUNTINGTON BEACH (County of Orange) Address: 121 West Fifth Street, Holtville, CA 92250 Telephone: (760) 356-2912 Fax: (760) 356-1863 Website: Email: [email protected] Office Hours: Monday to Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.; Closed 12-1 p.m. Mayor: Colleen Ludwig Mayor Pro Tempore: Richard Layton Council: Patrick Galliher, Doug Byram, Bianca Padilla. Council meets on the second and fourth Mondays of each month at 6 p.m. in the office of the City Clerk. City Manager: Laura Fischer Administrative Officer: Denise Toth City Clerk: Denise Toth City Attorney: Steven Walker Treasurer: Pete Mellinger Police Chief: John Myers Fire Chief: David Lantzer School Superintendent: Patricia Salcedo Incorporated: July 1, 1908 Legislative Districts: 45th CD; 37th SD; 80th AD General Law City. Population: 6,017. Address: 2000 Main St, Huntington Beach, CA 92648 Mail Address: P.O. Box 190, Huntington Beach, CA 92648 Telephone: (714) 536-5553 Fax: (714) 536-5233 Website: Office Hours: Monday to Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mayor: Dave Sullivan Mayor Pro Tempore: Gil Coerper Council: Keith Bohr, Debbie Cook, Cathy Green, Don Hansen, Jill Hardy. Council meets on the first and third Mondays of each month at 4 p.m. in Council Chambers with televised portion at 6 p.m. City Administrator: Penny Culbreth-Graft Finance Officer: Dan Villela City Clerk: Joan Flynn City Attorney: Jennifer McGrath Treasurer: Shari Freidenrich Police Chief: Kenneth Small Fire Chief: Duane Olson Incorporated: February 17, 1909 Legislative Districts: 45th CD; 35th SD; 67th AD Chartered City. Population: 197,000. CITY OF HUGHSON (County of Stanislaus) CITY OF HUNTINGTON PARK (County of Los Angeles) Address: 7018 Pine Street, Hughson, CA 95326 Mail Address: P.O. Box 9, Hughson, CA 95326 Telephone: (209) 883-4054 Fax: (209) 883-2638 Website: Email: [email protected] Office Hours: Monday to Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mayor: Thomas E. Crowder Mayor Pro Tempore: Kenneth A. Moore Council: Greg Adams, Ramon Bawanan, Stephen Qualls. Council meets on the second and fourth Mondays of each month at 7 p.m. City Manager: Joseph E. Donabed City Clerk: Mary Jane Cantrell, CMC City Attorney: John W. Stovall Treasurer: Deborah Barone Police Chief: Janet Rasmussen Fire Chief: Scott Berner School Superintendent (Interim): Ed Williams Incorporated: December 9, 1972 Legislative Districts: 19th CD; 14th SD; 25th AD General Law City. Population: 5,924. Address: 6550 Miles Ave, Huntington Park, CA 90255 Telephone: (323) 582-6161 Fax: (323) 588-4577 Website: Email: [email protected] Office Hours: Monday to Thursday 7 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Mayor: Elba Guerrero Vice Mayor: Mario Gomez Council: Ofelia Hernandez, Juan R. Noguez, Elba Romo. Council meets on the first and third Mondays of each month at 6:30 p.m. in City Hall. City Manager: Gregory D. Korduner City Clerk: Rosanna Ramirez City Attorney: Francisco Leal Treasurer: Don Pruyn Police Chief: Michael Trevis Incorporated: September 1, 1906 Legislative Districts: 34th CD; 30th SD; 46th AD General Law City. Population: 64,000. CITY OF HURON (County of Fresno) Address: 36311 Lassen Avenue, Huron, CA 93234 Mail Address: P.O. Box 339, Huron, CA 93234 Telephone: (559) 945-2241 Fax: (559) 945-2609 Email: [email protected] Office Hours: Monday to Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mayor: Ramon Dominguez Mayor Pro Tempore: Hilda Plasencia Council: Jose C. Diaz, Louis C. Rodriguez, Joe E. Zavala. Council meets on the first and third Wednesdays of each month at 6 p.m. in Council Chambers City Manager & Treasurer (Interim): Alan J. Bengyel City Clerk: Juanita M. Veliz City Attorney: Daniel T. McCloskey Police Chief: Frank L. Steenport Incorporated: May 3, 1951 Legislative Districts: 20th CD; 16th SD; 30th AD General Law City. Population: 7,016. California Roster 2010 117 Incorporated City and Town Officials CITY OF IMPERIAL (County of Imperial) CITY OF INDIO (County of Riverside) Address: 420 South Imperial Ave, Imperial, CA 92251 Telephone: (760) 355-4371 Fax: (760) 355-4718 Website: Office Hours: Monday to Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mayor: Geoff Dale Mayor Pro Tempore: Betty Sampson Council: Rick Breland, Doug Cox, Mark Gran. Council meets on the first and third Wednesdays of each month at 7 p.m. in the Council Chambers located at the City Library; 200 West 9th Street. City Manager: Marlene Best City Clerk: Debra Jackson City Attorney: Dennis Morita Treasurer: Steve Shaner Police Chief: Miguel Colon Fire Chief: Fred Nippins, County of Imperial School Superintendent: Madeline Willis Incorporated: July 12, 1904 Legislative Districts: 52nd CD; 37th SD; 80th AD General Law City. Population: 9,567. Address: 100 Civic Center Mall, Indio, CA 92201 Telephone: (760) 342-6500 Fax: (760) 342-6597 Website: Mayor: Gene Gilbert Mayor Pro Tempore: Ben Godfrey Council: Melanie Fesmire, Lupe Ramos-Watson, Michael Wilson. Council meets on the first and third Wednesdays of each month at 6 p.m. in Council Chambers. City Manager: Glenn D. Southard City Clerk: Cynthia Hernandez City Attorney: Edward Z. Kotkin Treasurer: Sharon Ellis Police Chief: Bradley S. Ramos Division Fire Chief: Dennis Dawson School Superintendent: Doris Wilson Incorporated: May 16, 1930 Legislative Districts: 37th CD; 38th SD; 75th AD General Law City. Population: 65,000. CITY OF IMPERIAL BEACH (County of San Diego) Address: 825 Imperial Beach Blvd, Imperial Beach, CA 91932 Telephone: (619) 423-8300 Fax: (619) 628-1395 Website: Office Hours: Monday to Friday 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.; closed alternate Fridays Mayor: Jim Janney Mayor Pro Tempore: Jim King Council: Diane Rose, Patricia McCoy, Lorie Bragg. Council meets on the first and third Wednesdays of each month at 6 p.m. in Council Chambers. City Manager: Gary Brown Finance Director/Treasurer: Mike McGrane City Clerk: Jacqueline Hald City Attorney: Jennifer Lyon Sheriff Captain: Lisa Miller Fire Chief: Frank Sotelo Incorporated: July 18, 1956 Legislative Districts: 53rd CD; 40th SD; 79th AD General Law City. Population: 28,243. CITY OF INDUSTRY (County of Los Angeles) Address: 15625 Stafford Street, Suite 100, Industry, CA 91744 Mail Address: P.O. Box 3366, Industry, CA 91744 Telephone: (626) 333-2211 Fax: (626) 961-6795 Website: Office Hours: Monday to Friday 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mayor: David Perez Mayor Pro Tempore: John P. Ferrero Council: Roy Haber, III, Jeff Parriott, Tim Spohn. Council meets on the second and fourth Thursdays of each month at 9 a.m. in City Hall. City Manager: Kevin Radecki City Clerk: Jodi Scrivens City Attorney: Michele Vadon Treasurer: Phyllis Tucker Police Chief: LA County Fire Chief: LA County School Superintendent: Dr. Nakaoka Incorporated: June 18, 1957 Legislative Districts: 30th, 33rd CD; 26th, 33rd SD; 60th, 64th AD Chartered City. Population: 800. CITY OF INDIAN WELLS (County of Riverside) Address: 44-950 Eldorado Dr, Indian Wells, CA 92210 Telephone: (760) 346-2489 Fax: (760) 346-0407 Website: Mayor: Ed Monarch Mayor Pro Tempore: Patrick J. Mullany Council: Douglas H. Hanson, William Powers, Larry Spicer. Council meets on the first and third Thursdays of each month at 1:30 p.m. City Manager: Greg Johnson City Clerk: Greg Johnson City Attorney: Stephan Deitsch Treasurer: Kevin McCarthy Police Chief: Dan Wilham (Riverside County Sheriff) Fire Chief: Dorian Cooley (Riverside County Sheriff) Incorporated: July 14, 1967 Legislative Districts: 45th CD; 37th SD; 80th AD Charter City. Population: 4,400. California Roster 2010 118 Incorporated City and Town Officials CITY OF INGLEWOOD (County of Los Angeles) CITY OF IRVINE (County of Orange) Address: One Manchester Blvd, Inglewood, CA 90301 Mail Address: P.O. Box 6500, Inglewood, CA 90306 Telephone: (310) 412-5280 Fax: (310) 412-5533 Website: Office Hours: Monday to Friday 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.; closed alternate Fridays Mayor: Roosevelt F. Dorn Council: District 1-Daniel K. Tabor, District 2 Judy Dunlap, District 3-Eloy Morales, Jr., District 4 Ralph L. Franklin. Council meets on every Tuesday of each month at 6 p.m. for closed session and 7 p.m. for council meetings in Council Chambers, 9th Floor. Administrative Officer: Timothy E. Wanamaker City Clerk: Yvonne Horton City Attorney: Cal Saunders Treasurer: Wanda M. Brown Police Chief: Jacqueline Seabrooks Fire Chief: County Conducts Fire Services School Superintendent: Dr. Pamela Short Powell Incorporated: February 7, 1908 Legislative Districts: 35th CD; 25th SD; 51st AD Chartered City. Population: 112,580. Address: One Civic Center Plz, Irvine, CA 92606-5208 Mail Address: P.O. Box 19575, Irvine, CA 92623-9575 Telephone: (949) 724-6000 Fax: (949) 724-6045 Website: Mayor: Sukhee Kang Mayor Pro Tempore: Larry Agran Council: Steven Choi, Beth Krom, Christina Shea. Council meets on the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month in City Hall. City Manager: Sean Joyce City Clerk: Sharie Apodaca, MMC City Attorney: Philip Kohn Treasurer: Michele Lund Police Chief: Dave Maggard Incorporated: December 28, 1971 Legislative Districts: 48th CD; 33rd, 35th SD; 70th, 71st AD; County Supervisor 3rd District Chartered City. Population: 209,806. CITY OF IONE (County of Amador) Address: 1 East Main Street, Ione, CA 95640 Mail Address: P.O. Box 398, Ione, CA 95640 Telephone: (209) 274-2412 Fax: (209) 274-2830 Website: Email: [email protected] Office Hours: Monday to Friday 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Mayor: Lee Ard Vice Mayor: Skip Schaufel Council: Andrea Bonham, Jerry Sherman, Jim Ulm. Council meets on the first and third Tuesdays of each month at 6 p.m. in Council Chambers. City Manager: Kimberly A. Kerr City Clerk: Janice Traverso City Attorney: Kristen Castanos Treasurer: Sharon Long Police Chief: Michael L. Johnson Fire Chief: Ken Mackey Incorporated: March 23, 1953 Legislative Districts: 14th CD; 13th SD; 7th AD General Law City. Population: 7,450. California Roster 2010 CITY OF IRWINDALE (County of Los Angeles) Address: 5050 North Irwindale Avenue, Irwindale, CA 91706 Telephone: (626) 430-2200 Fax: (626) 962-4209 Website: Office Hours: Monday to Thursday 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Mayor: Larry G. Burrola Mayor Pro Tempore: Manuel R. Garcia Council: Mark A. Breceda, David "Chico" Fuentes, Suzanne E. Gomez, Julian A. Miranda, H. Manuel Ortiz. Council meets on the second and forth Wednesday of each month at 6 p.m., in the Council Chambers. City Manager/City Clerk: Robert Griego City Attorney: Fred Galante Treasurer: Abraham De Dios Police Chief: Sol Benudiz Fire Chief: Ron Walton School Superintendent: Louis Pappas Incorporated: August 6, 1957 Legislative Districts: 32nd CD; 24th SD; 57th AD Chartered City. Population: 1,490. 119 Incorporated City and Town Officials CITY OF ISLETON (County of Sacramento) CITY OF KERMAN (County of Fresno) Address: 101 Second Street, Isleton, CA 95641 Mail Address: P.O. Box 716, Isleton, CA 95641 Telephone: (916) 777-7770 Fax: (916) 777-7775 Email: [email protected] Office Hours: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.; closed 12-1 p.m. Mayor: Christopher Stokes Vice Mayor: Philip Carpenter Council: Shirley Owens, Raul Salaices. Council meets on the second and fourth Wednesdays of each month at 7 p.m. in City Hall. City Manager: Jacques S. Whitfield Office Manager/Executive Officer: Julia Cotton City Clerk (Interim): Julia Cotton Deputy City Clerk: Barbara Dockery City Attorney: Michael Vergara Treasurer: Pamela Bulahan Police Chief: Shane Diller Fire Chief: Dean Dockery School Superintendent: Vacant Incorporated: May 14, 1923 Legislative Districts: 11th CD; 4th SD; 8th AD General Law City. Population: 840. Address: 850 South Madera Avenue, Kerman, CA 93630 Telephone: (559) 846-9384 Fax: (559) 846-6199 Website: Office Hours: Monday to Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Winter; Monday to Friday 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., Summer Mayor: Trinidad M. Rodriguez Mayor Pro Tempore: Richard Stockwell Council: Jack Sidhu, Raj, Dhaliwal, Charles Jones. Council meets on the first and third Wednesdays of each month at 6:30 p.m. at 850 S. Madera Ave., Kerman. City Manager: Ron Manfredi Administrative Officer: Ron Manfredi City Clerk: L. Renee Holdcroft City Attorney: Mark Blum Treasurer: Tim Przybyla Police Chief: William Newton School Superintendent: Robert Frausto Incorporated: July 2, 1946 Legislative Districts: 19th CD; 16th SD; 31st AD General Law City. Population: 14,064. CITY OF JACKSON (County of Amador) Address: 33 Broadway, Jackson, CA 95642 Telephone: (209) 223-1646 Fax: (209) 223-3141 Website: Email: [email protected] Office Hours: Monday to Friday 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mayor: Connie Gonsalves Vice Mayor: Wayne Garibaldi Council: Patrick Crew, Marilyn Lewis, Keith Sweet. Council meets on the second and fourth Mondays of each month at 7 p.m. in City Hall. City Manager: Michael Daly City Clerk: Gisele L. Cangelosi City Attorney: Andrew Morris Finance: Carla Soracco Police Chief: Scott Morrison Fire Chief: Mark Morton School Superintendent: Richard Glock Incorporated: December 5, 1905 Legislative Districts: 3rd CD; 1st SD; 10th AD General Law City. Population: 4,317. (1/1/08 - DOF) California Roster 2010 CITY OF KING CITY (County of Monterey) Address: 212 South Vanderhurst Avenue, King City, CA 93930 Telephone: (831) 385-3281 Fax: (831) 385-6887 Website: Office Hours: Monday to Thursday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mayor: Jeff Pereira Mayor Pro Tempore: Susan Kleber Council: Josie Campos, Terry Hughes, Junior Nuno. Council meets on the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month at 5 p.m. in Council Chambers. City Manager: Michael Powers City Clerk: Erica Sonne City Attorney: Roy Hanley Police Chief: Nick Baldiviez Fire Chief: Danny Conaster School Superintendent: Dr. Tom Michelson Incorporated: February 9, 1911 Legislative Districts: 16th CD; 17th SD; 29th AD General Law City. Population: 11,300. 120 Incorporated City and Town Officials CITY OF KINGSBURG (County of Fresno) CITY OF LA HABRA (County of Orange) Address: 1401 Draper Street, Kingsburg, CA 93631 Telephone: (559) 897-5821 Fax: (559) 897-5568 Email: [email protected] (City Clerk) Office Hours: Monday to Thursday 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.; Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mayor: Leland Bergstrom Mayor Pro Tempore: Paul Kruper Council: Bruce Blayney, David Karstetter, Milo Smith. Council meets on the first and third Wednesdays of each month at 7 p.m. in Council Chambers. City Manager: Donald F. Pauley City Clerk: Susan Bauch City Attorney: Michael Noland Treasurer: Don Jensen Police Chief: Jeff Dunn Fire Chief: James Proctor School Superintendents: Mark Ford (Elementary), Linda Clark (High School) Incorporated: May 19, 1908 Legislative Districts: 15th CD; 15th SD; 32nd AD Charter City. Population: 11,237. Address: 201 East La Habra Boulevard, La Habra, CA 90631-0337 Mail Address: P.O. Box 337, La Habra, CA 90633 Telephone: (562) 905-9700 Fax: (562) 907-9781 Website: Office Hours: Monday to Thursday 7:30 a.m. to 5;30 p.m, alternate Fridays 7:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. (closed everyother Friday) Mayor: Rose Espinoza Mayor Pro Tempore: Tom Beamish Council: James Gomez, G. Steve Simonian. Council meets on the first and third Mondays of each month at 6:30 p.m. City Manager: Donald J. Hannah City Clerk: Tamara D. Mason City Attorney: Richard "Dick" Jones Police Chief: Dennis Kies School Superintendent: Richard Hermann Incorporated: January 20, 1925 Legislative Districts: 42nd CD; 29th SD; 60th, 72nd AD General Law City. Population: 62,483. CITY OF LA CANADA FLINTRIDGE (County of Los Angeles) CITY OF LA HABRA HEIGHTS (County of Los Angeles) Address: 1327 Foothill Blvd, La Canada Flintridge, CA 91011 Telephone: (818) 790-8880 Fax: (818) 790-7536 Website: Email: [email protected] Office Hours: Monday to Thursday 7 a.m. to 5 p.m.; Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mayor: Anthony J. Portantino Mayor Pro Tempore: Gregory C. Brown Council: Stephen A. Del Guercio, Laura Olhasso, David A. Spence. Council meets on the first and third Mondays of each month at 7 p.m. in Council Chambers. City Manager: Mark R. Alexander City Clerk: Kathleen R. Sessman City Attorney: Mark Steres Treasurer: Donald R. Voss School Superintendent: Sue Leabo Incorporated: November 30, 1976 Legislative Districts: 28th CD; 21st SD; 44th AD General Law City. Population: 21,200. Address: 1245 North Hacienda Road, La Habra Heights, CA 90631 Telephone: (562) 694-6302 Fax: (562) 694-4410 Website: Email: [email protected] Office Hours: Monday to Thursday 7:30 a.m. to 6 p.m.; closed Friday to Sunday Mayor: Bruce Douglas Mayor Pro Tempore: Tela Millsap Council: Brian Bergman, Stan Carroll, Fred Klein. Council meets on every second Thursday of each month at 7:30 p.m. in City Hall. City Manager/Clerk: Ronald Bates City Attorney: Sandra Levin Treasurer: Arlene Mosley Police: Los Angeles County Sheriff Fire Chief: John Nielsen Incorporated: December 4, 1978 Legislative Districts: 42nd CD; 29th SD; 60th AD General Law City. Population: 6,075. CITY OF LA MESA (County of San Diego) Address: 8130 Allison Avenue, La Mesa, CA 91942 Mail Address: P.O. Box 937, La Mesa, CA 91944-0937 Telephone: (619) 463-6611 Fax: (619) 462-7528 Website: Mayor: Art Madrid Council: Dave Allan, Ernie Ewin, Mark Arapostathis, Ruth Sterling. Council meets on the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month in Council Chambers. City Manager: David E. Witt City Clerk: Mary Kennedy City Attorney: Glenn Sabine Treasurer: Eldon Vogt Police Chief: Alan Lanning Fire Chief: Mike Scott Incorporated: February 16, 1912 Legislative Districts: 52nd CD; 40th SD; 77th AD General Law City. Population: 56,881. California Roster 2010 121 Incorporated City and Town Officials CITY OF LA MIRADA (County of Los Angeles) CITY OF LA QUINTA (County of Riverside) Address: 13700 La Mirada Blvd, La Mirada, CA 90638 Mail Address: P.O. Box 828, La Mirada, CA 90638 Telephone: (562) 943-0131 Fax: (562) 943-1464 Website: Email: [email protected] Office Hours: Monday to Thursday 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.; Friday 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.closed; alternate Fridays Mayor: Hal Malkin Mayor Pro Tempore: Susan Tripp Council: Bob Chotiner, Pete Dames, Steve Jones. Council meets on the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month at 6:30 p.m. in Council Chambers. City Manager: Andrea M. Travis City Clerk: Anne Haraksin City Attorney: James L. Markman Incorporated: March 23, 1960 Legislative Districts: 39th CD; 30th SD; 60th AD General Law City. Population: 53,900. Address: 78-495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, CA 92253 Mail Address: P.O. Box 1504, La Quinta, CA 92253 Telephone: (760) 777-7000 Fax: (760) 777-7107 Website: Mayor: Donald Adolph Council: Lee Osborne, Terry Henderson, Tom Kirk, Stanley Sniff. Council meets on the first and third Tuesdays of each month at 3 p.m. in City Hall. City Manager: Thomas P. Genovese City Clerk: Veronica J. Montecino, CMC City Attorney: M. Katherine Jenson Treasurer: John Falconer Police: Contract with Riverside County Fire: Contract with Riverside County Incorporated: May 1, 1982 Legislative Districts: 44th CD; 37th SD; 80th AD Charter City. Population: 36,145. CITY OF LA PALMA (County of Orange) Address: 7822 Walker Street, La Palma, CA 90623 Telephone: (714) 690-3300 Fax: (714) 523-2141 Website: Email: [email protected] Mayor: Mark I. Waldman Mayor Pro Tempore: Steve Shanahan Council: G. Henry Charoen, LarryA. Herman, Ralph D. Rodriguez. Council meets on the first and third Tuesdays of each month at 7 p.m. in Council Chambers. City Manager: Dominic Lazzaretto Administrative Services Manager/City Clerk: Laurie A. Murray Community Development Director: John Di Mario Finance Director: Keith D. Neves Public Works Director/City Engineer: Jeff Moneda Recreation and Community Services Director: Jan Hobson Police Chief: Edward O. Ethell Incorporated: October 26, 1955 Legislative Districts: 39th CD; 35th SD; 67th AD General Law City. Population: 16,112. CITY OF LA PUENTE (County of Los Angeles) Address: 15900 East Main St, La Puente, CA 91744 Telephone: (626) 855-1500 Fax: (626) 961-4626 Website: Mayor: Louie A. Lujan Mayor Pro Tempore: Nadia A. Mendoza Council: John Solis, David E. Argudo, Daniel C. Holloway. Council meets on the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month at 7 p.m. in City Hall. City Manager: Josi Kenline City Clerk (Acting): Amy M. Turner City Attorney: Rick Olivarez Treasurer: Josi Kenline Police: Contract with Sheriff Fire: Contract with County Fire School Superintendent: Dr. Edward Lee Vargas Incorporated: August 1, 1956 Legislative Districts: 34th CD; 24th SD; 57th AD General Law City. Population: 42,650. California Roster 2010 CITY OF LA VERNE (County of Los Angeles) Address: 3660 “D” Street, La Verne, CA 91750 Telephone: (909) 596-8726 Fax: (909) 596-8740 Website: Mayor: Don Kendrick Mayor Pro Tempore: Robert F. Rodriquez Council: Robin Carder, Donna Nasmyth, Steven F. Johnson. Council meets on the first and third Mondays of each month at 7:30 p.m. in Council Chambers. City Manager: Martin R. Lomeli City Clerk: Evelyn C. Clark City Attorney: Robert Kress Treasurer: Jeannette Vagnozzi Police Chief: Scott Pickwith Fire Chief: John F. Breaux Incorporated: August 20, 1906 Legislative Districts: 26th CD; 29th SD; 59th AD General Law City. Population: 33,449. CITY OF LAFAYETTE (County of Contra Costa) Address: 3675 Mt. Diablo Blvd, Suite 210, Lafayette, CA 94549 Telephone: (925) 284-1968 Fax: (925) 284-3169 Website: Email: [email protected] Office Hours: Monday to Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mayor: Don Tatzin Vice Mayor: Brandt Anderson Council: Mike Anderson, Carl Andvri, Carol Federighi. Council meets on the second and fourth Mondays of each month at 7 p.m. at the Community Center, 500 St. Mary’s Road. City Manager: Steven B. Falk Administrative Officer: Tracy Robinson City Clerk: Joanne Robbins City Attorney: Mala Subramanian Treasurer: Tracy Robinson Police Chief: Mike Hubbard School Superintendent: Jim Negri Incorporated: July 29, 1968 Legislative Districts: 10th CD; 7th SD; 14th AD General Law City. Population: 24,400. 122 Incorporated City and Town Officials CITY OF LAGUNA BEACH (County of Orange) CITY OF LAGUNA WOODS (County of Orange) Address: 505 Forest Ave, Laguna Beach, CA 92651 Telephone: (949) 497-3311 Fax: (949) 497-0771 Website: Office Hours: Monday to Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mayor: Jane Egly Mayor Pro Tempore: Cheryl Kinsman Council: Kelly Boyd, Toni Iseman, Cheryl Kinsman Elizabeth Schneider. Council meets on the first and third Tuesdays of each month at 6 p.m. in Council Chambers. City Manager: Kenneth C. Frank City Clerk: Martha Anderson City Attorney: Phil Kohn Treasurer: Laura Parisi Police Chief: Michael Sellers Fire Chief: Mike Macy School Superintendent: Robert Fraisse, Ph.D., (Laguna Beach Unified School District) Incorporated: June 29, 1927 Legislative Districts: 48th CD; 35th SD; 70th AD General Law City. Population: 26,600. Address: 24264 El Toro Road, Laguna Woods, CA 92657 Telephone: (949) 639-0500 Fax: (949) 639-0591 Website: Email: [email protected] Mayor: Bob Ring Mayor Pro Tempore: Milton Robbins Council: Bert Hack, Martin Rhodes, Brenda Ross. Council meets on every third Wednesday of each month at 2 p.m. City Manager/City Clerk: Leslie Keane Deputy City Clerk: Yolie Trippy City Attorney: Stephen A. McEwen Police Chief: Lt. Bill Griffen Orange County Sheriff Dept Fire Chief: Chief Ed Fleming (Orange County Fire) Incorporated: March 24, 1999 Legislative Districts: 48th CD; 33rd SD; 70th AD General Law City. Population: 18,500. CITY OF LAGUNA HILLS (County of Orange) Address: 130 South Main St, Lake Elsinore, CA 92530 Telephone: (951) 674-3124 Fax: (951) 674-2392 Website: Office Hours: Monday to Thursday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.; Friday 8 a.m. to 4 p.m Mayor: Daryl Hickman Mayor Pro Tempore: Genie Kelley Council: Thomas Buckley, Robert Magee, Robert Schiffner. Council meets on the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month at 4 p.m. at 183 North Main Street. City Manager: Robert Brady Administrative Director: Matt Pressey City Clerk: Vivian M. Munson City Attorney: Barbara Z. Leibold City Treasurer: Peter Weber Police Chief: Louis Fetherolf Fire Chief: Steve Gallegoes School Superintendent: Sharon Lindsey Incorporated: April 20, 1888 Legislative Districts: 48th CD; 36th SD; 66th AD General Law City. Population: 38,045. Address: 24035 El Toro Road, Laguna Hills, CA 92653 Telephone: (949) 707-2600 Fax: (949) 707-2614 Website: Email: [email protected] Mayor: L. Allan Songstad, Jr. Mayor Pro Tempore: Joel Lautenschleger Council: Randal Bressette, Melody Carruth, R. Craig Scott. Council meets on the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month at 7 p.m. in Council Chambers. City Manager: Bruce E. Channing City Clerk: Peggy J. Johns City Attorney: Gregory E. Simonian Treasurer: Bruce E. Channing Police Chief: Steve Doan Incorporated: December 20, 1991 Legislative Districts: 48th CD; 33rd SD; 73rd AD General Law City. Population: 33,253. CITY OF LAGUNA NIGUEL (County of Orange) Address: 27801 La Paz Road, Laguna Niguel, CA 92677 Telephone: (949) 362-4300 Fax: (949) 362-4340 Website: Office Hours: Monday to Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mayor: Linda Lindholm Mayor Pro Tempore: Gary Capata Council: Joe Brown, Paul Glaab, Robert Ming. Council meets on the first and third Tuesdays of each month at 7 p.m. in Council Chambers. City Manager: Tim Casey Administrative Officer: Pam Lawrence City Clerk (Acting): Pam Lawrence City Attorney: Terry Dixon Director of Finance: Cheryl Dyas Treasurer: Cheryl Dyas Police Chief: Lt. Andy Ferguson (Orange County Sheriff’s Department) Fire Chief: Keith Richter (Orange County Fire Authority) Incorporated: December 1, 1989 Legislative Districts: 48th CD; 33rd SD; 73rd AD General Law City. Population: 67,201. California Roster 2010 CITY OF LAKE ELSINORE (County of Riverside) CITY OF LAKE FOREST (County of Orange) Address: 25550 Commercentre Drive, Suite 100, Lake Forest, CA 92630 Telephone: (949) 461-3400 Fax: (949) 461-3511 Website: Mayor: Mark Tettemer Mayor Pro Tempore: Peter Herzog Council: Richard T. Dixon, Kathryn McCullough, Marcia Rudolph. Council meets on the first and third Tuesdays of each month at 7 p.m. in City Hall Council Chambers. City Manager: Robert C. Dunek City Clerk: Sherry A. F. Wentz City Attorney: Scott C. Smith Treasurer: Elizabeth Andrew Police Chief: Lt. Don Barnes Fire Chief: Chip Prather (Orange County Fire Authority) Incorporated: December 20, 1991 Legislative Districts: 42nd, 48th CD; 33rd, 35th SD; 70th, 71st, 73rd AD General Law City. Population: 78,020. 123 Incorporated City and Town Officials CITY OF LAKEPORT (County of Lake) CITY OF LARKSPUR (County of Marin) Address: 225 Park Street, Lakeport, CA 95453 Telephone: (707) 263-5615 Fax: (707) 263-8584 Email: [email protected] Office Hours: Monday to Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mayor: James Irwin Mayor Pro Tempore: Robert Rumfelt Council: Suzanne Lyons, Roy Parmentier, Ronald Bertsch. Council meets on the first and third Tuesdays of each month at 6 p.m. at Lakeport City Hall. City Manager (Acting): Kevin Burke City Clerk: Janel M. Chapman City Attorney: Steven J. Brookes Police Chief: Kevin Burke Fire Chief: Ken Wells School Superintendent: Erin Smith-Hagberg Incorporated: April 30, 1888 Legislative Districts: 1st CD; 2nd SD; 1st AD General Law City. Population: 5,000. Address: 400 Magnolia Avenue, Larkspur, CA 94939 Telephone: (415) 927-5110 Fax: (415) 927-5022 Website: Mayor: Ron Arlas Vice Mayor: Kathy Hartzell Council: Joan Lundstrom. Council meets on the first and third Wednesdays of each month in City Hall. City Manager: Jean Bonander City Attorney: Sky Woodruff Police Chief: Phillip D. Green Fire Chief: Robert Sinnott Incorporated: March 1, 1908 Legislative Districts: 6th CD; 3rd SD; 9th AD General Law City. Population: 12,050. CITY OF LATHROP (County of San Joaquin) Address: 5050 Clark Avenue, Lakewood, CA 90712 Mail Address: P.O. Box 158, Lakewood, CA 90714 Telephone: (562) 866-9771 Fax: (562) 866-0505 Website: Mayor: Joseph Esquivel Vice Mayor: Larry Van Nostran Council: Steven Croft, Diane DuBois, Todd Rogers. Council meets on the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month at 7:30 p.m. in Council Chambers. City Manager: Howard L. Chambers City Clerk: Denise Hayward City Attorney: Steve Skolnik City Treasurer: Diane Perkin Incorporated: April 16, 1954 Legislative Districts: 39th CD; 27th SD; 55th, 56th AD General Law City. Population: 83,508. Address: 390 Towne Centre Drive, Lathrop, CA 95330 Telephone: (209) 941-7200 Fax: (209) 941-7219 Website: Mayor: Kristy Sayles Vice Mayor: Sonny Dhaliwal Council: Steve Dresser, Martha Salcedo, Vacant. Council meets on the first and third Tuesdays of each month at 7 p.m. in City Hall, and the fourth Tuesday of each month at 6 p.m., in City hall, Council Chambers, 390 Towne Centre Dr., Lathrop. City Manager: Yvonne Quiring Assistant City Manager: Cary Keaten City Clerk: Rick Caldeira City Attorney: Salvador Navarrete Finance Director: Terri Vigna Police Chief: Dolores Delgado Fire Chief: Jim Monty Incorporated: July 1, 1989 Legislative Districts: 18th CD; 5th SD; 17th AD General Law City. Population: 16,500. CITY OF LANCASTER (County of Los Angeles) CITY OF LAWNDALE (County of Los Angeles) Address: 44933 North Fern Ave, Lancaster, CA 93534 Telephone: (661) 723-6000 Fax: (661) 723-6141 Website: Mayor: R. Rex Parris Vice Mayor: Ronald D. Smith Council: Ken Mann, Sherry Marquez, Ed Sileo. Council meets on the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month at 5 p.m. in Council Chambers. City Manager: Mark V. Bozigian City Clerk: Geri K. Bryan, CMC City Attorney: David R. McEwen Incorporated: November 22, 1977 Legislative Districts: 25th CD; 17th SD; 36th AD General Law City. Population: 143,000. Address: 14717 Burin Avenue, Lawndale, CA 90260 Telephone: (310) 973-3200 Fax: (310) 644-4556 Website: Office Hours: Monday to Thursday 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. Mayor: Harold E. Hofmann Mayor Pro Tempore: Larry Rudolph Council: Robert Pullen-Miles, James D. Ramsey, James Osborne. Council meets on the first and third Mondays of each month at 6:30 p.m. in Council Chambers. City Manager: Keith M. Breskin City Clerk: Paula Hartwill City Attorney: Tiffany J. Israel City Engineer: Earl Schwartz Community Development Director: Otis Ginoza Community Services Manager: Mike Estes Public Works Director: Marlene Miyoshi Finance Director/City Treasurer: Kenneth Louie School Superintendents: Joseph Condon (elementary), Cheryl White (high school) Incorporated: December 28, 1959 Legislative Districts: 36th CD; 25th SD; 51st AD General Law City. Population: 32,850. CITY OF LAKEWOOD (County of Los Angeles) California Roster 2010 124 Incorporated City and Town Officials CITY OF LEMON GROVE (County of San Diego) CITY OF LINCOLN (County of Placer) Address: 3232 Main Street, Lemon Grove, CA 91945 Telephone: (619) 825-3800 Fax: (619) 825-3818 Website: Office Hours: Monday to Friday 8 am – 5:30 pm; closed alternate Fridays Mayor: Mary Teresa Sessom Mayor Pro Tempore: Mary England Council: Thomas E. Clabby, Jerry Jones, Jerry Selby. Council meets on the first and third Tuesdays of each month at 6 p.m., Community Center, 3146 School Lane. City Manager: Graham Mitchell Administrative Officer: Betty Hofman City Clerk (Acting): Susan Garcia City Attorney: James Lough Treasurer: Betty Hofman Police Chief: Alfred Guerin–SD County Sheriff’s Dept Fire Chief: Jonathan Torchia Incorporated: July 1, 1977 Legislative Districts: 52nd CD; 39th SD; 78th AD General Law City. Population: 25,592. Address: 600 Sixth Street, Lincoln, CA 95648 Telephone: (916) 434-2400 Fax: (916) 645-8903 Website: Office Hours: Monday to Friday 8 a.m.–5 p.m. Mayor: Tom Cosgrove Mayor Pro Tempore: Linda Stackpoole Council: Paul Joiner, Kent Nakata, Spencer Short. Council meets on the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month at the McBean Park Pavilion, 65 McBean Park Drive. City Manager: Jim Estep City Clerk: Patricia Avila City Attorney: Tim Hayes Treasurer: Sheron Watkins Police Chief: Brian Vizzusi Fire Chief: Dave Whitt School Superintendent: Scott Leaman Incorporated: August 18, 1890 Legislative Districts: 4th CD; 4th SD; 4th AD General Law City. Population: 39,758. CITY OF LEMOORE (County of Kings) CITY OF LINDSAY (County of Tulare) Address: 119 Fox Street, Lemoore, CA 93245 Telephone: (559) 924-6700 Fax: (559) 924-9003 Website: Email: [email protected] Office Hours: Monday to Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mayor: John F. Murray Mayor Pro Tempore: Mary Hornsby Council: John H. Plourde, Willard Rodarmel, William Siegel. Council meets on the first and third Tuesdays of each month at 7:30 p.m. in Council Chambers, 429 C Street. City Manager: Jeff Briltz City Clerk: Nanci C. O. Lima City Attorney: Jerome Behrens Treasurer: Jeff Briltz Police Chief: Jeff Laws Fire Chief: John Gibson School Superintendents: Dwight Miller (Lemoore Union High School District); Rick Rayburn (Lemoore Elementary School District) Incorporated: August 4, 1900 Legislative Districts: 17th CD; 16th SD; 30th AD Chartered City. Population: 24,818. Address: 251 East Honolulu St, Lindsay, CA 93247 Mail Address: P.O. Box 369, Lindsay, CA 93247 Telephone: (559) 562-7103 Fax: (559) 562-7100 Website: Email: [email protected] Office Hours: Monday to Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mayor: Ed Murray Mayor Pro Tempore: Esteban (Steve) Velasquez Council: Pamela Kimball, Suzi Picaso, Daniel Salinas. Council meets on the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month at 6 p.m. in Council Chambers, 251 E. Honolulu. City Manager: Scot Townsend Asst. City Manager: Kindon Meik City Clerk & Treasurer: Kenny D. Walker Deputy City Clerk: Carmela Wilson City Attorney: Julia Lew Police & Fire Chief: Richard Wilkinson School Superintendent: Janet Kliegl Incorporated: February 28, 1910 Legislative Districts: 17th CD; 15th SD; 32nd AD Chartered City. Population: 11,031. California Roster 2010 125 Incorporated City and Town Officials CITY OF LIVE OAK (County of Sutter) CITY OF LODI (County of San Joaquin) Address: 9955 Live Oak Blvd, Live Oak, CA 95953 Telephone: (530) 695-2112 Fax: (530) 695-2595 Email: [email protected] Office Hours: Monday to Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mayor: Mel Wilkins Vice Mayor: Charles Eggert Council: Charles Epp, Paula Ford, Judy K. Richards. Council meets on the first and third Wednesdays of each month at 7 p.m. in City Hall. City Manager: Robert Hickey Administrative Officer/Treasurer: Satwant Takhar City Clerk: Melissa Dempsey City Attorney: Brant Bordsen Police Chief: James C. Denney Fire Chief: Vacant School Superintendent: Tom Pritchard Incorporated: January 22, 1947 Legislative Districts: 2nd CD; 1st SD; 3rd AD General Law City. Population: 6,450. Address: 221 West Pine Street, Lodi, CA 95240 Mail Address: P.O. Box 3006, Lodi, CA 95241-1910 Telephone: (209) 333-6702 Fax: (209) 333-6807 Website: Email: [email protected] Office Hours: Monday to Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mayor: Phil Katzakian Mayor Pro Tempore: Susan Hitchcock Council: Larry Hansen, Bob Johnson, JoAnne Mounce. Council meets on the first and third Wednesdays of each month at the Carnegie Forum, 305 West Pine Street. City Manager: Blair King City Clerk: Randi Johl City Attorney: D. Stephen Schwabauer Budget Manager: Jordan Ayers Police Chief: David Main Fire Chief: Kevin Donnelly School Superintendent: Cathy Nichols-Washer Incorporated: December 6, 1906 Legislative Districts: 11th CD; 5th SD; 10th AD General Law City. Population: 62,467. CITY OF LIVERMORE (County of Alameda) Address: 1052 S Livermore Ave, Livermore, CA 94550 Telephone: (925) 960-4000 Fax: (925) 960-4058 Website: Mayor: Dr. Marshall Kamena Vice Mayor: John Marchand Council: Doug Horner, Marj Leider, Jeff Williams. Council meets on the second and fourth Mondays of each month at 7 p.m. in Council Chambers, 3575 Pacific Ave. City Manager: Linda Barton City Clerk (Interim): Susan Gibbs City Attorney: John Pomidor Treasurer: Monica Potter Police Chief: Steve Sweeney Fire Chief: William Cody School Superintendent: Brenda Miller Incorporated: April 1, 1876 Legislative Districts: 10th CD; 7th SD; 15th AD General Law City. Population: 80,923. CITY OF LIVINGSTON (County of Merced) Address: 1416 C Street, Livingston, CA 95334 Telephone: (209) 394-8041 Fax: (209) 394-4190 Website: Office Hours: Monday to Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mayor: Gurpal Samra Vice Mayor: William J. Ingram Council: Rodrigo Espinoza, Frank Vierra, Roy Soria. Council meets on the first and third Tuesdays of each month at 1416 C Street, in Council Chambers. City Manager: Richard N. Warne City Clerk: Martha Nateras City Attorney: Thomas P. Hallinan Treasurer: Tony Silva Police Chief: William Eldridge Fire Chief: Mikel Martin School Superintendent: Henry Escobar Incorporated: September 11, 1922 Legislative Districts: 18th CD; 12th SD; 17th AD General Law City. Population: 12,614. California Roster 2010 CITY OF LOMA LINDA (County of San Bernardino) Address: 25541 Barton Rd, Loma Linda, CA 92354 Telephone: (909) 799-2800 Fax: (909) 799-2890 Website: Office Hours: Monday to Thursday 7 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.; closed Fridays Mayor: Stan Brauer Mayor Pro Tempore: Rhodes Rigsby Council: Floyd Petersen, Robert Ziprick, Ovidiu Popescu. Council meets on the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month at 7 p.m. in Council Chambers. City Manager: T. Jarb Thaipejr City Clerk: Pamela Byrnes-O’Camb City Attorney: Richard E. Holdaway Treasurer: Diana DeAnda Police: Contract (San Bernardino County Sheriff’s Dept.) Fire Chief: Jeff Bender Incorporated: September 29, 1970 Legislative Districts: 41st CD; 31st SD; 63rd AD Chartered City. Population: 20,150. CITY OF LOMITA (County of Los Angeles) Address: 24300 Narbonne Ave, Lomita, CA 90717 Mailing Address: P.O. Box 339, Lomita, CA 90717 Telephone: (310) 325-7110 Fax: (310) 325-4024 Website: Email: [email protected] Mayor: Don Suminaga Mayor Pro Tempore: Ken Blackwood Council: Ken Blackwood, Margaret Estrada, Tim King, Jim Gazeley. Council meets on the first and third Monday of each month at 7 p.m. City Manager (Interim): John Jalili City Clerk: Dawn Tomita City Attorney: Christi Hogin Incorporated: June 30, 1964 Legislative Districts: 36th CD; 27th, 28th SD; 53rd, 54th AD General Law City. Population: 20,850. 126 Incorporated City and Town Officials CITY OF LOMPOC (County of Santa Barbara) TOWN OF LOOMIS (County of Placer) Address: 100 Civic Center Plaza, Lompoc, 93438 CA Mail Address: P.O. Box 8001, Lompoc, CA 93438-8001 Telephone: (805) 736-1261 Fax: (805) 736-5347 Website: Office Hours: Monday to Friday 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mayor: Dick DeWees Mayor Pro Tempore: DeWayne Holmdahl Council: Janice Keller, Will Schuyler, Michael Siminski. Council meets on the first and third Tuesdays of each month in Council Chambers. City Administrator: Gary Keefe City Clerk: Donna Terrones City Attorney: Sharon Stuart Treasurer: John Walk Police Chief: William Brown Fire Chief: Linual White Incorporated: August 13, 1888 Legislative Districts: 24th CD; 19th SD; 33rd AD General Law City. Population: 42,320. Address: 6140 Horseshoe Bar Road, Suite K, Loomis, CA 95650 Telephone: (916) 652-1840 Fax: (916) 652-1847 Website: Office Hours: Monday to Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mayor: Rhonda Morillas Mayor Pro Tempore: Tom Millward Council: Guy Fuson, Walt Scherer, Miguel Ucovich. Council meets on the second Tuesday of each month at 7 p.m. at the Loomis Town Hall, Suite K. Town Manager: Perry Beck Town Clerk: Crickett Strock Town Attorney: David Larsen Treasurer: Roger Carroll Police Chief: George Malim (Contract) Fire Chief: Karl Fowler (Contract) School Superintendent: Gigg Powers (Contract) Incorporated: December 17, 1984 Legislative Districts: 14th CD; 1st SD; 5th AD General Law City. Population: 6,163. CITY OF LONG BEACH (County of Los Angeles) Address: 333 West Ocean Blvd, Long Beach, CA 90802 Telephone: (562) 570-6555 Website: Office Hours: Monday to Friday 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Mayor: Bob Foster Vice Mayor: Bonnie Lowentha Council: Bonnie Lowenthal-First District, Suja Lowenthal -Second District, Gary DeLong-Third District, Patrick O’Donnell-Fourth District, Gerrie Schipske-Fifth District, Dee Andrews-Sixth District, Tonia Reyes UrangaSeventh District, Ray Gabelich-Eighth District, Val LerchNinth District. Council meets on every Tuesday of each month at 5 p.m. in City Council Chambers. City Manager: Patrick West City Clerk: Larry G. Herrera City Attorney: Robert E. Shannon Treasurer: David Nakamoto Police Chief: Anthony W. Batts Fire Chief: David W. Ellis School Superintendent: Christopher J. Steinhauser Incorporated: December 13, 1897 Legislative Districts: 37th, 39th, 46th CD; 25th, 27th, 28th SD; 52nd, 54th, 55th AD Chartered City. Population: 491,564. California Roster 2010 CITY OF LOS ALAMITOS (County of Orange) Address: 3191 Katella, Los Alamitos, CA 90720 Telephone: (562) 431-3538 Fax: (562) 493-1255 Website: Email: [email protected] Office Hours: Monday to Thursday 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.; Alternate Fridays 7:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Mayor: Marilynn M. Poe Mayor Pro Tempore: Ken Stephens Council: Troy D. Edgar, Gerri L. Grahm-Mejia, Constantine "Dean" Zarkos. Council meets on the first and third Mondays of each month at 7:00 p.m. in Council Chambers, 3191 Katella, Los Alamitos. Administrative Services Director: Nita McKay City Manager: Jeffrey L. Stewart Assistant City Manager: Nita McKay City Clerk (Interim): C. Darleen Cordova City Attorney (Interim): Sandra J. Levin Community Development Director: Steven Mendoza Public Works Director (Interim): Steven Mendoza Recreation & Community Services Dir.: Angie Avery Police Chief: Todd Mattern Fire Chief: Orange County Fire Authority Incorporated: March 1, 1960 Legislative Districts: 39th CD; 35th SD; 67th AD Chartered City. Population: 11,800. 127 Incorporated City and Town Officials CITY OF LOS ALTOS (County of Santa Clara) CITY OF LOS BANOS (County of Merced) Address: 1 North San Antonio Rd, Los Altos, CA 94022 Telephone: (650) 947-2700 Fax: (650) 947-2731 Website: Mayor: Megan Satterlee Mayor Pro Tempore: David Casas Council: Louis Becker, Valorie Cook Carpenter, Ron Packard,. Council meets on the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month at 7 p.m. in City Hall. City Manager: Douglas Schmitz City Clerk: Susan Kitchens Police Chief: Tuck Younis Fire: Contract with Santa Clara County Fire District Incorporated: December 1, 1952 Legislative Districts: 14th CD; 11th SD; 22nd AD General Law City. Population: 28,104. Address: 520 J Street, Los Banos, CA 93635 Telephone: (209) 827-7010 Fax: (209) 827-7006 Website: Mayor: Michael S. Amabile Mayor Pro Tempore: Mike McAdam Council: Anna Balatti, Tommy Jones, Roger Pruitt. Council meets on the first and third Wednesdays of each month in City Hall. City Manager: Steve Rath City Clerk: Lucy Mallonee City Attorney: William A. Vaughn Treasurer: Melinda J. Wall Police Chief: Mark Knapp Fire Chief: Chet Guintini Incorporated: May 8, 1907 Legislative Districts: 15th CD; 14th SD; 25th AD General Law City. Population: 32,380. TOWN OF LOS ALTOS HILLS (County of Santa Clara) Address: 26379 Fremont Rd, Los Altos Hills, CA 94022 Telephone: (650) 941-7222 Fax: (650) 941-3160 Website: Office Hours: Monday to Friday 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. and 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. Mayor: Breene Kerr Mayor Pro Tempore: Rich Larsen Council: Jean Mordo, Gringer Summit, Dean Warshawsky. Council meets on the third Thursday of each month at 7 p.m. in Council Chambers. Town Manager: Carl Cahill Town Clerk: Karen Jost Town Attorney: Steven Mattas Treasurer: Nick Pegueros Incorporated: January 27, 1956 Legislative Districts: 14th CD; 11th SD; 21st AD General Law City. Population: 8,607. CITY OF LOS ANGELES (County of Los Angeles) Address: 200 North Spring St, Los Angeles, CA 90012 Telephone: (213) 978-0600 Fax: (213) 978-0656 Website: Email: [email protected] Mayor: Antonio R. Villaraigosa Council President: Eric Garcetti President Pro Tempore: Wendy Greuel Assistant President Pro Tempore: Jan Perry Council: Tony Cardenas, Eric Garcetti, Wendy Greuel, Janice Hahn, Jose Huizar, Tom LaBonge, Alex Padilla, Bernard Parks, Jan Perry, Ed Reyes, Bill Rosendahl, Greig Smith, Jack Weiss, Herb Wesson, Dennis Zine. Council meets on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays of each month at 10 a.m. in Council Chambers, City Hall, Room 340. Administrative Officer: William Fujioka City Clerk: Frank T. Martinez City Attorney: Rockard J. Degadillo Treasurer: Joya C. De Foor Police Chief: William J. Bratton Fire Chief: William R. Bamattre School Superintendent: Roy Romer Incorporated: April 4, 1850 Legislative Districts: 24th-27th, 29th-33rd, 35th-38th CD; 19th-28th SD; 38th-49th, 51st-55th AD Chartered City. Population: 3,926,000 (2004 estimate). California Roster 2010 TOWN OF LOS GATOS (County of Santa Clara) Address: 110 East Main St, Los Gatos, CA 95030 Mail Address: P.O. Box 949, Los Gatos, CA 95031 Telephone: (408) 354-6832 Fax: (408) 399-5786 Website: Email: [email protected] Office Hours: Monday to Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mayor: Diane McNutt Vice Mayor: Joe Perzynski Council: Barbara Spector, Steve Rice, Mike Wasserman. Council meets on the first and third Mondays of each month at 7 p.m. in Council Chambers. Town Manager: Greg Larson Town Clerk: (Vacant) Clerk Administratior: (Vacant) Town Attorney (Interim): Michael Martello Treasurer: (Vacant) Police Chief: Scott Seaman Incorporated: August 10, 1887 Legislative Districts: 15th CD; 11th SD; 24th AD General Law City. Population: 30,497. CITY OF LOYALTON (County of Sierra) Address: 210 Front Street, Loyalton, CA 96118 Mail Address: P.O. Box 128, Loyalton, CA 96118 Telephone: (530) 993-6750 Fax: (530) 993-6752 Email: [email protected] Office Hours: Monday to Friday 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. and 1-3 p.m. Mayor: Mike Hudson Vice Mayor: Mike Moore Council: Dan Greenway, Chris Alexander, Gary Shelton. Council meets on the third Tuesday of each month at 7 p.m. at the Loyalton Social Hall. City Clerk: Kathy LeBlanc City Attorney: Steve Gross Police: Contracted with County Fire Chief: Joe Marin Incorporated: September 21, 1901 Legislative Districts: 14th CD; 1st SD; 3rd AD General Law City. Population: 888. 128 Incorporated City and Town Officials CITY OF LYNWOOD (County of Los Angeles) TOWN OF MAMMOTH LAKES (County of Mono) Address: 11330 Bullis Road, Lynwood, CA 90262 Telephone: (310) 603-0220 Fax: (310) 886-0449 Website: Mayor: Louis Byrd Mayor Pro Tempore: Fernando Pedroza Council: Maria Santillan. Council meets on the first and third Tuesdays of each month at 6 p.m. in City Hall. City Manager: N. Enrique Martinez City Clerk: Andrea L. Hooper City Attorney: J. Arnoldo Beltran Treasurer: Iris Pygatt Police Chief: Lee Baca (LA County Sheriff) School Superintendent: Dr. Dhyan Lal Incorporated: July 16, 1921 Legislative Districts: 37th CD; 25th SD; 52nd AD General Law City. Population: 72,600. Mail Address: P.O. Box 1609, Mammoth Lakes, CA 93546 Telephone: (760) 934-8989 Fax: (760) 934-8608 Website: Mayor: Neil McCarroll Mayor Pro Tempore: John Eastman Council: Jo Bacon, Skip Harvey, Wendy Sugimura. Council meets on the first and third Wednesdays of each month in Council Chambers, Suite Z, Town Hall-Minaret Mall, 437 Old Mammoth Road. Town Manager: Robert F. Clark Town Clerk: Jamie Gray Town Attorney: Peter E. Tracy Police Chief: Randy Schienle Fire Chief: Brent Harper School Superintendent (Interim): Richard McAteer Incorporated: August 20, 1984 Legislative Districts: 4th CD; 1st SD; 4th AD General Law City. Population: 7,254. CITY OF MADERA (County of Madera) Address: 205 West 4th Street, Madera, CA 93637 Telephone: (559) 661-5400 Fax: (559) 674-2972 Website: Office Hours: Monday to Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mayor: Gary L. Svanda Mayor Pro Tempore: Robert L. Poythress Council: Sally J. Bomprezzi, Steve A. Mindt, Sam Armentrout. Council meets on the first and third Wednesdays of each month at 6 p.m. (closed session), 6:30 p.m. (regular session) in City Hall. City Administrator: David R. Tooley City Clerk: Sonia Alvarez City Attorney: Richard K. Denhalter Finance Director: David Croff Police Chief: Michael Kime Unit Fire Chief: Dale Hutchinson School Superintendent: John Stafford Incorporated: March 27, 1907 Legislative Districts: 19th CD; 12th SD; 29th AD General Law City. Population: 57,318. CITY OF MALIBU (County of Los Angeles) Address: 23815 Stuart Ranch Road, Malibu, CA 90265 Telephone: (310) 456-2489 Fax: (310) 456-3356 Website: Office Hours: Monday to Thursday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.; Friday 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Mayor: Jeff Jennings Mayor Pro Tempore: Pamela Conley Ulich Council: Sharon Barovsky, Ken Kearsley, Andy Stern. Council meets on the second and fourth Mondays at 6:30 p.m. at Malibu City Hall Council Chambers, 23815 Stuart Ranch Road. City Manager: Jim Thorsen Administrative Services Director: Reva Feldman City Clerk: Lisa Pope City Attorney: Christi Hogin Community Development Director: Victor Peterson Parks and Recreaction Director: Bob Stallings Planning Manager: Stacey Rice Public Works Director: Bob Brager Incorporated: March 28, 1991 Legislative Districts: 24th CD; 23rd SD; 41st AD General Law City. Population: 13,300. California Roster 2010 CITY OF MANHATTAN BEACH (County of Los Angeles) Address: 1400 Highland Avenue, Manhattan Beach, CA 90266-4795 Telephone: (310) 802-5000 Fax: (310) 802-5001 Website: Mayor: Mitch Ward Mayor Pro Tempore: Nick Tell Council: Jim Aldinger, Joyce Fahey, Richard Montgomery. Council meets on the first and third Tuesdays of each month at 6:30 p.m. City Manager: Geoff Dolan City Clerk: Liza Tamura City Attorney: Robert V. Wadden, Jr. Treasurer: Tim Lilligren Police Chief: Rod Uyeda Fire Chief: Dennis Groat School Superintendent: Gwen Gross Incorporated: December 7, 1912 Legislative Districts: 36th CD; 28th SD; 53rd AD General Law City. Population: 33,852. CITY OF MANTECA (County of San Joaquin) Address: 1001 West Center St, Manteca, CA 95337 Telephone: (209) 239-8400 Fax: (209) 825-2333 Voice Mail for Council: (209) 825-2593 Website: Email: [email protected] Office Hours: Monday to Friday 7:30 a.m.–5:30 p.m. Mayor: Willie Weatherford Mayor Pro Tempore: Steve DeBrum Council: John Harris, Vincent Hernandez, II, Jack Snyder. Council meets on the first and third Mondays of each month in Council Chambers. City Manager: Bob Adams City Clerk: Joann Tilton City Attorney: John Brinton Treasurer: Bob Adams Police Chief: Charles Halford Fire Chief: George Quaresma Incorporated: May 28, 1918 Legislative Districts: 11th CD; 5th, 12th SD; 17th, 26th AD General Law City. Population: 62,000. 129 Incorporated City and Town Officials CITY OF MARICOPA (County of Kern) CITY OF MARTINEZ (County of Contra Costa) Address: 400 California St, Maricopa, CA 93252 Mail Address: P.O. Box 550, Maricopa, CA 93252 Telephone: (661) 769-8279 Fax: (661) 769-8130 Office Hours: Tuesday to Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mayor: Gary Mock Mayor Pro Tempore: James Owens Council: Virgil Bell, Greg Gray, Craig Knapp. Council meets on the fourth Wednesday of each month at 6 p.m. at 271 California. City Manager: Robert Wilburn City Clerk: Gail Bullard City Attorney: Alan Peake Treasurer: Ardenia Russell Police: Maricopa Police Department Fire: Kern County School Superintendent: Barry Lindaman Incorporated: July 25, 1911 Legislative Districts: 20th CD; 16th SD; 33rd AD General Law City. Population: 1,200. Address: 525 Henrietta Street, Martinez, CA 94553 Telephone: (925) 372-3500 Fax: (925) 229-5012 Website: Office Hours: Monday to Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., closed 12 p.m. to 1 p.m. Mayor: Rob Schroder Vice Mayor: Laura DeLaney Council: Michael Menesini, Mark Ross, Janet Kennedy. Council meets on the first and third Wednesdays of each month (except August) at 7 p.m. in Council Chambers. City Manager: Philip Vince City Clerk: Gary Hernandez City Attorney: Jeffrey Walter Treasurer: Carolyn Robinson Assistant City Manager/Community & Economic Development: Karen Majors Police Chief: Tom Simonetti Fire Chief: Jim Richter, Contra Costa County School Superintendent: Rami Ruth Incorporated: April 1, 1876 Legislative Districts: 7th CD; 7th SD; 11th AD General Law City. Population: 36,818. CITY OF MARINA (County of Monterey) Address: 211 Hillcrest Avenue, Marina, CA 93933 Telephone: (831) 884-1278 Fax: (831) 384-9148 Website: Email: [email protected] Office Hours: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.; closed to public on Wednesday. Mayor: Bruce C. Delgado Mayor Pro Tempore: Ken Gray Council: Jim Ford, Dave McCall, Frank O'Connell. Council meets on the first and third Tuesdays of each month at 5:30 p.m. Closed Session and 6:30 p.m. Open in Council Chambers. City Manager: Anthony J. Altfeld Finance Director/Treasurer: Lauren Lai (831) 884-1279 City Clerk: Joy P. Junsay (831) 884-1278 City Attorney: Robert Wellington (831) 373-8733 Police Chief: Edmundo Rodriguez (831) 884-1210 Fire Chief: Harald Kelley (831) 884-1244 Community Development Director (Airport, Building, Planning, Public Works): Christi di Iorio (831) 884-1220 Development Services Director: Doug Yount (831) 384-7324 Recreation & Cultural Services Director: Terry Siegrist (831) 884-1253 Monterey Peninsula Unified School Superintendent: Dr. Marilyn Shepherd (831) 645-1201 Incorporated: November 13, 1975 Legislative Districts: 17th CD; 15th SD; 27th AD Chartered City. Population: 19,650. California Roster 2010 CITY OF MARYSVILLE (County of Yuba) Address: 526 “C” Street, Marysville, CA 95901 Mail Address: P.O. Box 150, Marysville, CA 95901 Telephone: (530) 749-3901 Fax: (530) 749-3992 Website: Office Hours: Monday to Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mayor: Bill Harris Vice Mayor: Christina Billeci Council: Jerry Crippen, Jim Kitchen, Benjamin Wirtschafter. Council meets on the first and third Tuesdays of each month at 7 p.m. in Council Chambers. City Manager: Stephen Casey City Clerk: Billie Fangman City Attorney: Seth Merewitz Police Chief: Bret Smith Fire Chief: California Department of Forestry School Superintendent: Gay Todd Incorporated: February 5, 1851 Legislative Districts: 2nd CD; 4th SD; 3rd AD Chartered City. Population: 12,500. CITY OF MAYWOOD (County of Los Angeles) Address: 4319 East Slauson Ave, Maywood, CA 90270 Telephone: (323) 562-5000 Fax: (323) 773-2806 Website: Mayor: Samuel A. Peña Mayor Pro Tempore: Luis Lara Council: Thomas Martin, George Martinez Jose Zuniga. Council meets on the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month at 7 p.m. in Council Chambers located at 4319 E. Slauson Ave., Maywood, CA 90270. City Administrator: Edward W. Ahrens City Clerk: Erika Navarro City Attorney: Cary S. Reisman Treasurer: Ted Serna Police Chief: Bruce Leflar Incorporated: September 2, 1924 Legislative Districts: 33rd CD; 30th SD; 50th AD General Law City. Population: 30,408. 130 Incorporated City and Town Officials CITY OF MCFARLAND (County of Kern) CITY OF MENLO PARK (County of San Mateo) Address: 401 West Kern Avenue, McFarland, CA 93250 Telephone: (661) 792-3091 Fax: (661) 792-3093 Office Hours: Monday to Friday 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Mayor: Kenneth Rosson Mayor Pro Tempore: Donnie Campbell Council: Steve Garza, Dennis Martin, Stephen McFarland. Council meets on the second Thursday of each month at 6 p.m. in Council Chambers. City Administrator: Gerald W. Forde City Clerk: Blanca Reyes-Garza City Attorney: Thomas Schroeter Incorporated: July 18, 1957 Legislative Districts: 20th CD; 16th SD; 30th AD General Law City. Population: 9,650. Address: 701 Laurel Street, Menlo Park, CA 94025 Telephone: (650) 330-6600 Fax: (650) 328-7935 Website: Email: [email protected] Mayor: Nicholas D. Jellins Mayor Pro Tempore: Kelly J. Fergusson Council: Andrew M. Cohen, Lee B. Duboc, Mickie Winkler. Council meets on every Tuesday of each month at 7 p.m. in Council Chambers. City Manager: David S. Boesch City Clerk: Silvia Vonderlinden City Attorney: William L. McClure Finance Director: Carol Augustine Police Chief: Vacant Fire Chief: Doug Sporleder Incorporated: November 23, 1927 Legislative Districts: 14th CD; 11th SD; 21st AD General Law City. Population: 30,786. CITY OF MENDOTA (County of Fresno) Address: 643 Quince Street, Mendota, CA 93640 Telephone: (559) 655-3291 Fax: (559) 655-4064 Website: Email: [email protected] Office Hours: Monday to Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mayor: Joseph Riofrio Mayor Pro Tempore: Robert Silva Council: Rene Covarrubia, John Flores, Yvette Quiroga. Council meets on the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month at 6 p.m. in Council Chambers. City Manager: Gabriel A. Gonzalez City Clerk: Brenda L. Carter City Attorney: David Weiland–Dowling, Aaron & Keeler Finance Director: Gabriel A. Gonzalez Fire Chief: Gary Karlee School Superintendent: Gilbert Rossette Incorporated: June 17, 1942 Legislative Districts: 15th CD; 14th SD; 30th AD General Law City. Population: 8, 653. CITY OF MENIFEE (County of Riverside) Address: 29714 Haun Road, Menifee, CA 92586 Telephone: (951) 672-6777 Fax: (951) 679-3843 Website: Office Hours: Monday - Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mayor: Wallace Edgerton Mayor Pro Tempore: Fred Twyman Council: John Denver, Darcy Kuenzi, Scott Mann. Council meets on the first and third Tuesdays of every month at 7 p.m. in the Council Chambers. City Manager: George Wentz (951) 672-6777 City Attorney: Elizabeth Martyn (951) 672-6777 City Clerk: Kathy Bennett (951) 672-6777 Treasurer: Gary Thompson (951) 672-6777 Police Services: Riverside County Sheriff Contract f Incorporated: October 1, 2008 California Roster 2010 CITY OF MERCED (County of Merced) Address: 678 West 18th Street, Merced, CA 95340 Telephone: (209) 385-6834 Fax: (209) 723-1780 Website: Office Hours: Monday to Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mayor: Ellie Wooten Mayor Pro Tempore: John Carlisle Council: Joseph Cortez, Michele Gabriault-Acosta, Noah Lor, James Sanders, William Spriggs. Council meets on the first and third Mondays of each month at 7 p.m. at the Civic Center. City Manager/Administrative Officer/City Clerk: James G. Marshall City Attorney: Gregory Diaz Treasurer: Bradley R. Grant Police Chief: Russell Thomas Fire Chief: Kenneth W. Mitten School Superintendent: Alan Rasmussen Incorporated: April 1, 1889 Legislative Districts: 18th CD; 12th SD; 17th AD Chartered City. Population: 73,610. 131 Incorporated City and Town Officials CITY OF MILL VALLEY (County of Marin) CITY OF MILPITAS (County of Santa Clara) Address: 26 Corte Madera Ave, Mill Valley, CA 94941 Telephone: (415) 388-4033 Fax: (415) 381-1736 Website: Email: [email protected] Office Hours: Monday to Friday 8 a.m. to 12 Noon and 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. closed alternate Fridays Mayor: Stephanie Moulton-Peters Vice Mayor: Ken Wachtel Council: Garry Lion, Andrew Berman, Shawn Marshall. Council meets on the first and third Mondays of each month at 7:30 p.m. in Council Chambers. City Manager (Interim): Wayne Bush Deputy City Clerk: Kimberly Wilson City Attorney: Greg Stepanicich Finance Director and Human Resources: Eric Erickson Police Chief (Interim): Angel Barnel Fire Chief (Interim): Greg Moore School Superintendent: Ken Benny Incorporated: September 1, 1900 Legislative Districts: 6th CD; 3rd SD; 6th AD General Law City. Population: 13,650. Address: 455 East Calaveras Blvd, Milpitas, CA 95035 Telephone: (408) 586-3000 Fax: (408) 586-3030 Website: Email: [email protected] Office Hours: Monday to Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mayor: Robert Livengood Vice Mayor: Pete McHugh Council: Debbie Giordano, Armando Gomez, Althea Polanski. Council meets on the first and third Tuesdays of each month at 7 p.m. in Council Chambers. City Manager: Tom Williams City Clerk: Mary Lavelle City Attorney: Mike Ogaz Finance Director: Emma Karlen Police Chief: Dennis Graham Fire Chief: Ruben Grijalva School Superintendent: Karl Black Incorporated: January 26, 1954 Legislative Districts: 15th CD; 10th SD; 20th AD General Law City. Population: 70,819. CITY OF MILLBRAE (County of San Mateo) Address: 621 Magnolia Avenue, Millbrae, CA 94030 Telephone: (650) 259-2334 Fax: (650) 259-2415 Website: Office Hours: Monday to Friday 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mayor: Robert G. Gottschalk Vice Mayor: Paul Seto Council: Marge Colapietro, Gina Papan, Daniel F. Quigg. Council meets on the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month in Council Chambers. City Manager: Marcia Raines City Clerk: Deborah Konkol City Attorney: Joan Cassman Treasurer: Mary Vella Treseler Police Chief (Interim): Lee Violett Fire Chief: Dennis Haag Incorporated: January 14, 1948 Legislative Districts: 12th CD; 8th SD; 19th AD General Law City. Population: 21,718. CITY OF MISSION VIEJO (County of Orange) Address: 200 Civic Center, Mission Viejo, CA 92691 Telephone: (949) 470-3000 Fax: (949) 859-1386 Website: Mayor: Trish Kelley Vice Mayor: Dave Leckness Council: Trish Kelley, Dave, Leckness, John Paul Ledesma, Cathy Schlicht, Frank Ury. Council meets on the first and third Mondays of each month at 6 p.m. City Manager: Dennis Wilberg Asst. City Mgr/Admin Services Dir.: Irwin Bornstein City Clerk: Karen Hamman City Attorney: William Curley Police Chief: Lt. Mike Gavin Fire Chief: Rick Robinson Incorporated: March 31, 1988 Legislative Districts: 42nd CD; 33rd SD; 71st AD General Law City. Population: 102,056. CITY OF MODESTO (County of Stanislaus) Address: 1010 Tenth Street, Modesto, CA 95354 Mail Address: P.O. Box 642, Modesto, CA 95353 Telephone: (209) 577-5200 Fax: (209) 571-5128 Website: Office Hours: Monday to Friday 7:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mayor: Jim Ridenour Vice Mayor: Brad Hawn Council: Bob Dunbar, Janice Keating, Garrad Marsh, Kristin Olsen. Council meets on the first, second, and fourth Tuesdays of each month at 5:30 p.m. in the Tenth Street Place Chambers. City Manager: George W. Britton City Clerk: Jean Morris City Attorney: Susana Alcala Wood Finance Director: Wayne Padilla Police Chief: Roy Wasden Fire Chief: James Miguel School Superintendent: James C. Enochs Incorporated: August 6, 1884 Legislative Districts: 18th, 19th CD; 12th, 14th SD; 25th, 26th AD Chartered City. Population: 208,107. California Roster 2010 132 Incorporated City and Town Officials CITY OF MONROVIA (County of Los Angeles) CITY OF MONTE SERENO (County of Santa Clara) Address: 415 South Ivy Avenue, Monrovia, CA 91016 Telephone: (626) 932-5550 Fax: (626) 932-5520 Website: Email: [email protected] Mayor: Mary Ann Lutz Mayor Pro Tempore: Tom Adams Council: Joe Garcia, Clarence R. Shaw, Becky A. Shevlin. Council meets on the first and third Tuesdays of each month at 7:30 p.m. in City Hall. City Manager: Scott Ochoa City Clerk: Alice D. Atkins, CMC City Attorney: Craig A. Steele Treasurer: Stephen R. Baker Police Chief: Roger W. Johnson Fire Chief: Christopher Donovan School Superintendent: Dr. Linda Wagner Incorporated: December 15, 1887 Legislative Districts: 28th CD; 29th SD; 44th, 59th AD General Law City. Population: 39,147. Address: 18041 Saratoga-Los Gatos Road, Monte Sereno, CA 95030 Telephone: (408) 354-7635 Fax: (408) 395-7653 Website: Office Hours: Monday to Friday 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mayor: Mark Brodsky Vice Mayor: David Baxter Council: Erin Garner, Barbara Nesbet, A. Curtis Wright. Council meets on the first and third Tuesdays of each month in City Hall. City Manager: Brian Loventhal City Clerk: Andrea M. Chelemengos City Attorney: Kirsten Powell Finance Officer: Sue L’Heureux Police Chief: Scott R. Seaman Fire Chief: Benjamin Lopes Incorporated: May 14, 1957 Legislative Districts: 14th CD; 11th SD; 21st AD General Law City. Population: 3,500. CITY OF MONTAGUE (County of Siskiyou) CITY OF MONTEBELLO (County of Los Angeles) Address: 230 South 13th Street, Montague, CA 96064 Mail Address: P.O. Box 428, Montague, CA 96064 Telephone: (530) 459-3030 Fax: (530) 459-3523 Email: [email protected] Office Hours: Monday to Friday 7:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. Mayor: John Hammond Mayor Pro Tempore: Becky Burns Council: Trina Blanchard, Jayne Keller, Phil Robustellini. Council meets on the first Thursday of each month at 6:30 p.m. in City Hall. City Clerk: Janie Sprague City Attorney: John Sullivan Kenny Treasurer: Rose Wostenberg Fire Chief: Jasen Vela School Superintendent: Kermith Walters Incorporated: January 25, 1909 Legislative Districts: 2nd CD; 1st SD; 1st AD General Law City. Population: 1,523. Address: 1600 West Beverly Blvd, Montebello, CA 90640 Telephone: (323) 887-1200 Fax: (323) 887-1410 Website: Office Hours: Monday–Friday 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Mayor: William M. Molinari Mayor Pro Tempore: Rosemarie Vasquez Council: Kathy Salazar, Mary Anne Saucedo-Rodriguez, Robert Urteaga. Council meets on the second and fourth Wednesdays of each month at 7:30 p.m. in City Hall. City Administrator: Richard Torres City Clerk: Robert J. King City Attorney: Arnold Alvarez-Glasman Treasurer: Norma M. Lopez Police Chief: Dan West Fire Chief: Vacant Incorporated: October 16, 1920 Legislative Districts: 38th CD; 30th SD; 58th AD General Law City. Population: 66,000. CITY OF MONTCLAIR (County of San Bernardino) CITY OF MONTEREY (County of Monterey) Address: 5111 Benito Street, Montclair, CA 91763 Mail Address: P.O. Box 2308, Montclair, CA 91763 Telephone: (909) 626-8571 Fax: (909) 621-1584 Website: Office Hours: Monday to Thursday 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. Mayor: Paul M. Eaton Mayor Pro Tempore: J. John Dutrey Council: Leonard Paulitz, Carolyn Raft, Bill Ruh. Council meets on the first and third Mondays of each month in the City Hall Council Chambers. City Manager: Lee C. McDougal City Clerk: Donna M. Jackson City Attorney: Diane E. Robbins Police Chief: Daniel Tapia Fire Chief: Gary Turner Incorporated: April 25, 1956 Legislative Districts: 26th CD; 32nd SD; 61st AD General Law City. Population: 34,729. Address: Monterey City Hall, Monterey, CA 93940 Telephone: (831) 646-3935 Fax: (831) 646-3702 Website: Email: [email protected] Office Hours: Monday to Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mayor: Chuck Della Sala Vice Mayor: Frank Sellcito Council: Libby Downey, Jeff Haferman, Nancy Selfridge. Council meets on the first and third Tuesdays of each month from 4-11 p.m. at Few Memorial Hall of Records. City Manager: Fred Meurer City Clerk: Bonnie L. Gawf City Attorney: Deborah Mall Treasurer: Don Rhoads Police Chief: Tim Shelby Fire Chief: Sam Mazza School Superintendent: Marilyn Shepherd Incorporated: October 16, 1920 Legislative Districts: 34th CD; 30th SD; 58th AD Chartered City. Population: 30,800. California Roster 2010 133 Incorporated City and Town Officials CITY OF MONTEREY PARK (County of Los Angeles) CITY OF MORENO VALLEY (County of Riverside) Address: 320 West Newmark Avenue, Monterey Park, CA 91754 Telephone: (626) 307-1458 Fax: (626) 288-6861 Website: Email: [email protected] Office Hours: Monday to Friday 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Mayor: David Lau Vice Mayor: Sharon Martinez Council: Betty Tom Chu, Benjamin “Frank” Venti. Council meets on the first and third Wednesdays of each month at 7 p.m. in Council Chambers. City Manager: Chris Jeffers City Clerk: David M. Barron City Attorney: Anthony Canzoneri Treasurer: Mitchell Ing Police Chief: Jones Moy Fire Chief: Catherine Orchard Incorporated: May 29, 1916 Legislative Districts: 29th, 32nd CD; 24th SD; 49th AD General Law City. Population: 63,928. Address: 14177 Frederick St, Moreno Valley, CA 92553 Mail Address: P.O. Box 88005, Moreno Valley, CA 92552-0805 Telephone: (909) 413-3000 Fax: (909) 413-3750 Website: Email: [email protected] Office Hours: Monday to Thursday 7:30 a.m.–5:30 p.m.; Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mayor: Charles R. White Mayor Pro Tempore: William H. Batey Council: Bonnie Flickinger, Richard A. Stewart, Frank West. Council meets on the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month at 6:30 p.m. in Council Chambers. City Manager: Robert G. Gutierrez City Clerk: Alice Reed City Attorney: Robert D. Herrick Treasurer: Steve Chapman Police Chief: Rick Hall Fire Chief: Stan Lake School Superintendent: Dr. Rowena Lagrosa (Moreno Valley Unified School District), Dr. Fred Workman (Val Verde Unified School District) Incorporated: December 3, 1984 Legislative Districts: 45th CD; 31st, 37th SD; 63rd, 64th, 65th AD General Law City. Population: 174,656. CITY OF MOORPARK (County of Ventura) Address: 799 Moorpark Ave, Moorpark, CA 93021 Telephone: (805) 517-6200 Fax: (805) 529-8270 Website: Email: [email protected] Office Hours: Monday to Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mayor: Janice S. Parvin Mayor Pro Tempore: Roseann Mikos Council: Keith F. Millhouse, David Pollock, Mark Van Dam. Council meets on the first and third Wednesdays of each month at 7 p.m. at the Community Center, 799 Moorpark Avenue, Moorpark, CA 93021. City Manager: Steven Kueny City Clerk: Deborah S. Traffenstedt City Attorney: Joseph Montes Treasurer: Ron Ahlers Police Chief: Capt. Ron Nelson Fire Chief: Bob Roper School Superintendent: Ellen Smith Incorporated: July 1, 1983 Legislative Districts: 23rd CD; 19th SD; 37th AD General Law City. Population: 36,814 . TOWN OF MORAGA (County of Contra Costa) CITY OF MORGAN HILL (County of Santa Clara) Address: 17555 Peak Ave, Morgan Hill, CA 95037 Telephone: (408) 779-7271 Fax: (408) 779-3117 Website: Email: [email protected] Office Hours: Monday to Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mayor: Steve Tate Mayor Pro Tempore: Marby Lee Council: Larry Carr, Mark Grzan, Greg Sellers. Council meets on the first, third and fourth Wednesdays of each month in Council Chambers at 7 p.m. City Manager: J. Edward Tewes City Clerk: Irma Torrez City Attorney: Janet Kern Treasurer: Michael Roorda Police Chief: Bruce Cumming School Superintendent: Alan Nishino Incorporated: November 10, 1906 Legislative Districts: 11th CD; 15th SD; 27th AD General Law City. Population: 38,418. Mail Address: P.O. Box 188, Moraga, CA 94556 Telephone: (925) 376-2590 Fax: (925) 376-2034 Website: Office Hours: Monday to Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.; closed 12-1 p.m. Mayor: Michael Metcalf Vice Mayor: Lynda Deschambault Council: Rochelle Bird, David Trotter, Ken Chew. Council meets on the second and fourth Wednesdays of each month at the Joaquin Moraga Intermediate School, 1010 Camino Pablo, Moraga, CA 94556. Town Manager: Philip Vince Town Clerk (Interim): Christine Dennler Police Chief: Mark Ruppenthal School Superintendent: Rick Schafer Incorporated: November 12, 1974 Legislative Districts: 8th CD; 9th SD; 12th AD General Law City. Population: 16,500. California Roster 2010 134 Incorporated City and Town Officials CITY OF MORRO BAY (County of San Luis Obispo) CITY OF MOUNTAIN VIEW (County of Santa Clara) Address: 595 Harbor Street, Morro Bay, CA 93442-1900 Telephone: (805) 772-6200 Fax: (805) 772-7329 Website: Mayor: Janice Peters Vice Mayor: Carla Borchard Council: Rick Grantham, Noah Smukler, Betty Winholtz. Council meets on the second and fourth Mondays of every month at Veterans Hall, 209 Surf Street, Morro Bay, CA 93442. City Manager: Andrea Lueker City Clerk: Bridgett Kessling City Attorney: Robert Schultz Treasurer: Susan Slayton Police Chief: Tim Olivas Fire Chief: Mike Pond Incorporated: July 17, 1964 Legislative Districts: 22nd CD; 18th SD; 33rd AD General Law City. Population: 10,500. Address: 500 Castro Street, Mountain View, CA 94041 Mail Address: P.O. Box 7540, Mountain View, CA 94039-7540 Telephone: (650) 903-6304 Fax: (650) 903-6039 Website: Email: [email protected] Office Hours: Monday to Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mayor: Ronit Bryant Vice Mayor: Jac Siegel Council: Margaret Abe-Koga, John Inks, R. Michael Kasperzak, Laura Macias, Tom Means. Council meets on the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month at 6:30 p.m. in Council Chambers. City Manager: Kevin Duggan City Clerk: Angelita Salvador City Attorney (Acting): Jannie Quinn Finance Director: Patty Kong Police Chief: Scott Vermeer Fire Chief (Interim): Scott Vermeer Incorporated: November 7, 1902 Legislative Districts: 14th CD; 13th SD; 21st, 22nd AD Chartered City. Population: 72,200. CITY OF MOUNT SHASTA (County of Siskiyou) Address: 305 North Mt. Shasta Blvd, Mt. Shasta, CA 96067 Telephone: (530) 926-7510 Fax: (530) 926-0339 Website: Email: [email protected] Office Hours: Monday to Friday 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Mayor: Russ Porterfield Mayor Pro Tempore: Ed Vanzuela Council: Michael Murray, Sandra Spelliscy, Tim Stearns. Council meets on the second and fourth Mondays of each month at 6:30 p.m. at the Community Center, 629 Alder Street, Mt. Shasta, CA 96067. City Manager: Kevin Plett City Clerk: Prudence Kennedy City Attorney: John Kenny City Treasurer: Karen Dettman Police Chief: Parish Cross Fire Chief: Matt Melo Incorporated: May 31, 1905 Legislative Districts: 2nd CD; 1st SD; 1st AD General Law City. Population: 3,623. California Roster 2010 CITY OF MURRIETA (County of Riverside) Address: 1 Town Square 24601 Jefferson Ave., Murrieta, CA 92562 Telephone: (951) 461-6000 Fax: (951) 698-4509 Website: Mayor: Kelly A, Bennett Mayor Pro Tempore: Randon Lane Council: Douglas R. McAllister, Rick Gibbs, Gary Thomasian. Council meets on the first and third Tuesdays of every month at 7 p.m. in Council Chambers. City Manager: Rick Dudley City Clerk: A. Kay Vinson City Attorney: Leslie E. Devaney Treasurer: Rick Dudley Police Chief: Mark Wright Fire Chief: Paul Christman School Superintendent: Stan Scheer, Ed.D. Incorporated: July 1, 1991 Legislative Districts: 45th, 49th CD; 36th SD; 66th AD General Law City. Population: 100,714. 135 Incorporated City and Town Officials CITY OF NAPA (County of Napa) CITY OF NEEDLES (County of San Bernardino) Address: 955 School Street, Napa, CA 94559 Mail Address: P.O. Box 660, Napa, CA 94559-0660 Telephone: (707) 257-9503 Fax: (707) 257-9534 Website: Email: [email protected] Office Hours: Monday to Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mayor: Jill Techel Vice Mayor: Peter Mott Council: James Krider, Peter Mott, Mark van Gorder. Council meets on the first and third Tuesdays of each month in City Hall. City Manager: Mike Parness City Clerk: Dorothy Roadman Deputy City Clerk: Rebecca Ryan City Attorney: Michael Barrett Treasurer (Interim): Bill Zenoni Police Chief: Rich Melton Fire Chief: Tim Borman School Superintendent: Dr. Barbara Nemko Incorporated: March 23, 1872 Legislative Districts: 1st CD; 2nd SD; 7th AD Chartered City. Population: 77,000. Address: 817 Third Street, Needles, CA 92363 Telephone: (760) 326-2113 Fax: (760) 326-6765 Website: Email: [email protected] Mayor: Jeffrey Williams Vice Mayor: Pat Murch Council: Tony Frazier, Jim Lopez, Roy A. Mills, Don McCone, Pat Murch, Richard Pletcher. Council meets on the second and fourth Tuesdays at 6 p.m. in Council Chambers. City Manager: William W. Way, Jr. City Clerk: Dale Jones City Attorney: Robert Hargreaves Treasurer: James Gwinnup Police Chief: Mark Marnati Fire Captain: Robert Lyons School Superintendent: Dave Renquest Incorporated: October 30, 1913 Legislative Districts: 41st CD; 18th SD; 34th AD Chartered City. Population: 5,807. CITY OF NATIONAL CITY (County of San Diego) Address: 1243 National City Blvd, National City, CA 91950 Telephone: (619) 336-4200 Fax: (619) 336-4229 Website: Office Hours: Monday to Thursday 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. Mayor: Ron Morrison Vice Mayor: Frank Parra Council: Luis Natividad, Fideles Ungab, Rosalie Zarate. Council meets on the first and third Tuesdays of each month at 6 p.m. in Council Chambers. City Manager: Chris Zapata City Clerk: Michael Dalla Treasurer: George Hood Police Chief: Adolfo Gonzales Fire Chief: Roderick Juniel School Superintendent (National School District – Elementary): Dr. George Cameron School Superintendent (Sweetwater Union High School District – Secondary): Vacant Incorporated: September 17, 1887 Legislative Districts: 44th CD; 40th SD; 80th AD General Law City. Population: 63,700. California Roster 2010 CITY OF NEVADA CITY (County of Nevada) Address: 317 Broad Street, Nevada City, CA 95959 Telephone: (530) 265-2496 Fax: (530) 265-0187 Website: Office Hours: Monday to Friday 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. & 1 5 p.m.; Closed every 3rd Friday of each month. Mayor: Reinette Senum Vice Mayor: Robert Bergman Council: Barbara Coffman, Sally Harris, David McKay. Council meets on the second and fourth Wednesdays of each month at 6:30 p.m. City Hall. City Manager: Gene Albaugh City Clerk: Niel Locke City Attorney: Hal DeGraw Treasurer: Andy Howard Police Chief: Louis Trovato Fire Chief: Sam Goodspeed Incorporated: April 19, 1856 Legislative Districts: 4th CD; 1st SD; 3rd AD General Law City. Population: 3,001. CITY OF NEWARK (County of Alameda) Address: 37101 Newark Blvd, Newark, CA 94560 Telephone: (510) 578-4000 Fax: (510) 578-4306 Website: Office Hours: Monday to Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mayor: David W. Smith Mayor Pro Tempore: Alberto T. Huezo Council: Ana M. Apodaca, Luis L. Freitas, Alan L. Nagy. Council meets on the second and fourth Thursdays of each month at 7:30 p.m. in Council Chambers. City Manager: John Becker Assistant City Manager: Dennis D. Jones City Clerk: Sheila Harrington City Attorney: Gary T. Galliano Treasurer: Dennis D. Jones Police Chief: James Leal Fire Chief: Demetrious Shaffer School Superintendent: Kevin E. Harrigan Incorporated: September 22, 1955 Legislative Districts: 13th CD; 10th SD; 20th AD General Law City. Population: 44,035. 136 Incorporated City and Town Officials CITY OF NEWMAN (County of Stanislaus) CITY OF NORCO (County of Riverside) Address: 1162 Main Street, Newman, CA 95360 Mail Address: P.O. Box 787, Newman, CA 95360 Telephone: (209) 862-3725 Fax: (209) 862-3199 Website: Email: [email protected] Office Hours: Monday to Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mayor: Ed Katen Mayor Pro Tempore: Robert Martina Council: Nicholas Candea, Robert Davis, Ted Kelly. Council meets on the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month at 7 p.m. in City Council Chambers. City Manager/City Clerk: Michael E. Holland City Attorney: Thomas P. Hallinan Treasurer: David Reed Police Chief: Adam McGill Fire Chief: Melvin Souza School Superintendent: Dr. Richard Fauss Incorporated: June 10, 1908 Legislative Districts: 18th CD; 12th SD; 17th AD General Law City. Population: 10,739. Address: 2870 Clark Avenue, Norco, CA 92860 Telephone: (951) 735-3900 Fax: (951) 270-5622 Website: Email: [email protected] Mayor: Frank Hall Mayor Pro Tempore: Hal Clark Council: Kathy Azevedo, Berwin Hanna, Malcolm Miller. Council meets on the first and third Wednesdays of each month at 7 p.m. City Manager: Jeff Allred Administrative Officer: Andy Okoro City Clerk: Debra McNay City Attorney: John Harper Treasurer: Andy Okoro Police Chief: Lt. Ross Cooper Fire Chief: Jack Frye School Superintendent: Kent L. Bechler, Ph.D. Incorporated: December 23, 1964 Legislative Districts: 44th CD; 37th SD; 71st AD Charter City. Population: 27,361. (Jan. 2007) CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH (County of Orange) CITY OF NORWALK (County of Los Angeles) Address: 3300 Newport Blvd, Newport Beach, CA 92663 Mail Address: P.O. Box 1768, Newport Beach, CA 92658 Telephone: (949) 644-3309 Fax: (949) 644-3039 Website: Office Hours: Monday to Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. (varies by department) Mayor: Edward Selich Mayor Pro Tempore: Leslie Daigle Council: Keith Curry, Nancy Gardner, Michael Henn, Steven Rosansky, Don Webb. Council meets on the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month at 7 p.m. in City Hall. City Manager: Homer Bludau City Clerk: LaVonne M. Harkless City Attorney: Robin Clauson Treasurer: Dennis Danner Police Chief: John Klein Fire Chief: Steve Lewis Incorporated: September 1, 1906 Legislative Districts: 40th CD; 36th SD; 74th AD Chartered City. Population: 80,000. Address: 12700 Norwalk Blvd, Norwalk, CA 90650 Mail Address: P.O. Box 1030, Norwalk, CA 90651 Telephone: (562) 929-5700 Fax: (562) 929-5773 Website: Mayor: Gordon Stefenhagen Vice Mayor: Jesse M. Luera Council: Cheri Kelley, Michael Mendez, Rick Ramirez. Council meets on the first and third Tuesdays of each month at 6 p.m. in City Hall. City Manager: Ernie V. Garcia City Clerk: Theresa Devoy City Attorney: Steven L. Dorsey Incorporated: August 26, 1957 Legislative Districts: 38th CD; 30th SD; 56th AD General Law City. Population: 109,567. California Roster 2010 CITY OF NOVATO (County of Marin) Address: 75 Rowland Way, Suite 200, Novato, CA 94945 Telephone: (415) 899-8900 Fax: (415) 899-8213 Website: Mayor: Pat Eklund Mayor Pro Tempore: Jim Leland Council: Carole Dillion-Knutson, Madeline Kellner, Jeanne MacLeamy. Council meets on the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month. City Manager: Daniel Keen City Clerk: Shirley Gremmels Police Chief: Joseph Kreins Fire Chief: Marc Revere School Superintendent: Dr. Jan La Torre-Derby Incorporated: January 20, 1960 Legislative Districts: 6th CD; 3rd SD; 6th AD General Law City. Population: 50,586. 137 Incorporated City and Town Officials CITY OF OAKDALE (County of Stanislaus) CITY OF OCEANSIDE (County of San Diego) Address: 280 North Third Ave, Oakdale, CA 95361 Telephone: (209) 847-3571 Fax: (209) 847-6834 Website: Office Hours: Monday to Friday 8 a.m.–5 p.m. Mayor: Farrell Jackson Mayor Pro Tempore: Katherine Morgan Council: Michael Brennan, Toni Hanson, Tom Dunlop. Council meets on the first and third Mondays of each month at 7 p.m. in Council Chambers. City Manager: Steven Hallam City Clerk: Nancy Lilly City Attorney: Thomas P. Hallinan Treasurer: Michael Murray Police Chief: Marty L. West Fire Chief: Michael Botto School Superintendent: Fred Rich Incorporated: November 24, 1906 Legislative Districts: 19th CD; 14th SD; 25th AD General Law City. Population: 19,300. Address: 300 North Coast Hwy, Oceanside, CA 92054 Telephone: (760) 435-3000 Fax: (760) 967-3922 Website: Office Hours: Monday to Thursday 7:30 a.m.–5 p.m.; alternating Fridays 7:30 a.m.–4 p.m, closed every other Friday Mayor: Jim Wood Deputy Mayor: (Vacant) Council: Jack Feller, Esther Sanchez, Jerome Kern. Council generally meets on the first three Wednesdays (with other variables) of each month at 3 p.m. for Closed Session; 4 p.m. for General Items; 6 p.m. for Public Hearings in the Council Chambers. City Manager: Peter Weiss City Clerk: Barbara Riegel Wayne City Attorney: John Mullen Treasurer: Gary Felien Police Chief: Frank McCoy Fire Chief (Acting): Darryl Hebert School Superintendent: Larry Perondi Incorporated: July 3, 1888 Legislative Districts: 48th CD; 38th SD; 73rd AD General Law City. Population: 179,681. CITY OF OAKLAND (County of Alameda) Address: 1 Frank Ogawa Plz, 2nd Fl, Oakland, CA 94612 Telephone: (510) 238-3612 Fax: (510) 238-6699 Website: Office Hours: Monday to Friday 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mayor: Jerry Brown Vice Mayor: Nancy Nadel – District 3 Council: District 1-Jane Brunner, District 2- Danny Wan, District 3- Nancy Nadel, District 4-Jean Quan, District 5 Ignacio DeLaFuenta, District 6-Desley Brooks, At-LargeHenry Chang. Council meets on every Tuesday of each month at 7 p.m. in Council Chambers, 3rd Floor. City Manager: Robert Bobb City Clerk: Ceda Floyd City Attorney: John Russo City Auditor: Roland Smith Police Chief: Richard Word Fire Chief: Gerald Simon School Superintendent: Dennis Chaconas Incorporated: May 4, 1852 Legislative Districts: 9th CD; 9th SD; 14th, 16th, 18th AD Chartered City. Population: 412,200. CITY OF OAKLEY (County of Contra Costa) CITY OF OJAI (County of Ventura) Address: 401 South Ventura Street, Ojai, CA 93023 Mail Address: P.O. Box 1570, Ojai, CA 93024 Telephone: (805) 646-5581 Fax: (805) 646-1980 Website: Email: [email protected] Mayor: Joe DeVito Mayor Pro Tempore: Steve Olsen Council: Betsy Clapp, Sue Horgan, Carol Smith. Council meets on the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month at 7:30 p.m. in City Hall. City Manager: Jere Kersnar City Clerk: Carlon Strobel City Attorney: Monte Widders Treasurer: Alan Rains Police Chief: Captain Chris Dunn School Superintendent: Tim Baird Incorporated: August 5, 1921 Legislative Districts: 34th CD; 19th SD; 37th AD General Law City. Population: 8,000. Address: 3231 Main Street, Oakley, CA 94561 Telephone: (925) 625-7000 Fax: (925) 625-4725 Website: Mayor: Bruce Connelley Mayor Pro Tempore: Carol Rios Council: Pat Anderson, Brad Nix, Kevin Romick. Council meets on the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month at 7:30 p.m. at City Hall, 3231 Main Street. City Manager: Bryan Montgomery City Clerk: Nancy Ortenblad City Attorney: Alison Barratt-Green Finance Director: Paul Abelson Police Chief: Chris Thorsen Fire Chief: Hugh Henderson School Superintendent: Rick Rogers Incorporated: July 1,1999 Legislative Districts: 11th, 15th AD, 7th SD, 7th, 10th CD General Law City. Population: 33,000. California Roster 2010 138 Incorporated City and Town Officials CITY OF ONTARIO (County of San Bernardino) CITY OF ORINDA (County of Contra Costa) Address: 303 East “B” Street, Ontario, CA 91764 Telephone: (909) 395-2010 Fax: (909) 395-2070 Website: Office Hours: Monday to Thursday 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.; Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mayor: Paul S. Leon Mayor Pro Tempore: Jason Anderson Council: Alan D. Wapner, Sheila Mautz, Jim W. Bowman. Council meets on the first and third Tuesdays of the month at 6:30 p.m. in Council Chambers. City Manager: Gregory Devereaux Administrative Officer: Grant Yee City Clerk: Mary E. Wirtes City Attorney: John Brown Treasurer: James R. Milhiser Police Chief: Jim Doyle Fire Chief: Chris Hughes School Superintendents: Sharon McGehee (OntarioMontclair); George Bloch (Chino Valley) Incorporated: December 10, 1891 Legislative Districts: 43rd CD; 42nd SD; 61st AD General Law City. Population: 165,700. Address: 14 Altarinda Road, Orinda, CA 94563 Mail Address: P.O. Box 2000, Orinda, CA 94563 Telephone: (925) 253-4200 Fax: (925) 254-2068 Website: Email: [email protected] Office Hours: Monday to Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mayor: Sue Severson Mayor Pro Tempore: Thomas T. McCormick Council: Steve Glazer, Victoria Smith, Amy Worth. Council meets on the first and third Tuesdays of each month at 7 p.m. in the Library Auditorium, 24 Orinda Way. City Manager: Janet Keeter Administrative Officer: Vacant City Clerk: Michele Olsen City Attorney: Osa Wolff Treasurer: Vacant Police Chief: Bill French Fire Chief: Randall Bradley School Superintendent: Joe Jaconette Incorporated: July 1, 1985 Legislative Districts: 10th CD; 7th SD; 14th AD General Law City. Population: 17,599. CITY OF ORANGE (County of Orange) Address: 300 East Chapman Avenue, Orange, CA 92866 Mail Address: P.O. Box 449, Orange, CA 92866 Telephone: (714) 744-5500 Fax: (714) 744-5515 Website: Email: [email protected] Office Hours: Monday to Friday 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.; closed alternate Fridays Mayor: Carolyn V. Cavecche Mayor Pro Tempore: Teresa Smith Council: Denis Bilodeau, Jon Dumitru, Mark A. Murphy. Council meets on the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month at 4:30 p.m. in Council Chambers. City Manager: John W. Sibley Assistant City Manager: Vacant City Clerk: Mary E. Murphy City Attorney: David DeBerry Treasurer: Helen Y. Walker Police Chief: Robert Gustafson Fire Chief: Bart Lewis School Superintendent: Renae Dreier Incorporated: April 6, 1888 Legislative Districts: 40th CD; 33rd SD; 60th, 71st, 72nd AD General Law City. Population: 137,751. CITY OF ORLAND (County of Glenn) Address: 815 4th Street, Orland, CA 95963 Telephone: (530) 865-1600 Fax: (530) 865-1632 Email: [email protected] Office Hours: Monday to Friday 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mayor: Wade S. Elliot Vice Mayor: James Paschall Sr. Council: James Paschall Sr., Paul Barr, Bruce T. Roundy, Reggie Olney. Council meets on the first and third Mondays of each month at 7:30 p.m. at the Carnegie Community Center, 912 Third Street. City Manager: Paul H. Poczobut Jr. City Clerk: Angela Crook City Attorney: Tom Andrews Treasurer: Pamela Otterson Police Chief: Paula Carr Fire Chief: Jerry Kraemer School Superintendent: Chris von Kleist Incorporated: November 11, 1909 Legislative Districts: 2nd CD; 4th SD; 1st AD General Law City. Population: 7,540. CITY OF ORANGE COVE (County of Fresno) Address: 633 6th Street, Orange Cove, CA 93646 Telephone: (559) 626-4488 Fax: (559) 626-4653 Mayor: Victor P. Lopez Mayor Pro Tempore: Diana Guerra Silva Council: Bertha Del Bosque, Glenda Hill, Joel Lizaola. Council meets on the second and fourth Wednesdays of each month in City Hall. City Manager: Bill Little City Attorney: Tuttle & McCloskey Fire Chief: Gube Hicks Incorporated: January 20, 1948 Legislative Districts: 17th CD; 15th SD; 31st AD General Law City. Population: 10,500. California Roster 2010 139 Incorporated City and Town Officials CITY OF OROVILLE (County of Butte) CITY OF PACIFICA (County of San Mateo) Address: 1735 Montgomery St, Oroville, CA 95965 Telephone: (530) 538-2401 Fax: (530) 538-2468 Website: Email: [email protected] Mayor: Gordon Andoe Vice Mayor: Arthur Hatley Council: Gary Alt, Steve Jernigan, Alvin Koslin, Dan Pillus, Joe Spada. Council meets on the first and third Tuesdays of each month at 7 p.m. in Council Chambers. City Administrator: Ruben Duran Deputy City Clerk: Sharon Atteberry City Attorney: Dwight Moore Treasurer: Karolyn Fairbanks Police Chief: Mitchel Brown Fire Chief: David Pittman Incorporated: January 3, 1906 Legislative Districts: 2nd CD; 1st SD; 1st, 3rd AD Chartered City. Population: 13,250. Address: 170 Santa Maria Ave, Pacifica, CA 94044 Telephone: (650) 738-7301 Fax: (650) 359-6038 Website: Office Hours: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.; Wednesday 8:30 a.m. to 7:30 p.m.; Friday 8:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Mayor: James M. Vreeland Vice Mayor: Julie Lancelle Council: Peter DeJarnatt Calvin Hinton, Sue Digre. Council meets on the second and fourth Mondays of each month at 7 p.m. in Council Chambers, 2212 Beach Blvd. City Manager: Stephen a. Rhodes City Clerk: Kathy O’Connell City Attorney: Cecilia Quick Administrative Services Director: Ann Ritzma Police Chief: Jim Saunders Fire Chief: Ron Meyers School Superintendent: Jim Lianides Incorporated: November 22, 1957 Legislative Districts: 12th CD; 8th SD; 19th AD General Law City. Population: 38,600. CITY OF OXNARD (County of Ventura) Address: 300 West Third Street, 4th Floor, Oxnard, CA 93030 Telephone: (805) 385-7428 Fax: (805) 385-7595 Website: Email: [email protected] Office Hours: Monday to Thursday 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.; Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.; closed alternate Fridays Mayor: Dr. Thomas E. Holden Mayor Pro Tempore: Andres Herrera Council: Andres Herrera, Dean Maulhardt, Dr. Irene Pinkard, Brian McDonald. Council meets on the first four Tuesdays of each month at 7 p.m. in Council Chambers. City Manager: Edmund F. Sotelo City Clerk: Daniel Martinez City Attorney: Alan Holmberg Treasurer: Danielle Navas Police Chief: John Crombach Fire Chief: Joe Milligan School Superintendent (Interim): Dr. Bob Carter Incorporated: June 30, 1903 Legislative Districts: 23rd CD; 19th SD; 37th AD General Law City. Population: 181,800. CITY OF PACIFIC GROVE (County of Monterey) CITY OF PALM DESERT (County of Riverside) Address: 73-510 Fred Waring Drive, Palm Desert, CA 92260 Telephone: (760) 346-0611 Fax: (760) 340-0574 Website: Email: [email protected] Office Hours: Monday to Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mayor: Robert A. Spiegel Mayor Pro Tempore: Cindy Finerty Council: Jean M. Benson, Jim Ferguson, Richard S. Kelly. Council meets on the second and fourth Thursdays of each month at 3 p.m. in Council Chambers. City Manager: John M. Wohlmuth City Clerk: Rachelle Klassen City Attorney: David Erwin Treasurer: Paul Gibson Police Chief: Daniel Wilham Fire Chief: Ignacio Otero School Superintendent: Dr. Sharon McGehee Incorporated: November 26, 1973 Legislative Districts: 45th CD; 37th SD; 64th AD Chartered City. Population: 49,539. Address: 300 Forest Avenue, Pacific Grove, CA 93950 Telephone: (831) 648-3100 Fax: (831) 375-9863 Website: Office Hours: Monday to Friday 8 a.m-5 p.m. Mayor: Daniel E. Cort Mayor Pro Tempore: Scott Miller Council: Lisa Bennett, Alan Cohen, Daniel Davis, Susan Nilmeier, Vicki Stilwell. Council meets on the first and third Wednesdays of each month at 6 p.m. in City Hall City Manager: James J. Colangelo City Clerk: Charlene Wiseman Treasurer: James Becklenberg City Attorney: DeLay and Laredo – Contract Police Chief: Darius Engles Fire Chief: Andrew Miller Incorporated: July 16, 1889 Legislative Districts: 16th CD; 17th SD; 28th AD Chartered City. Population: 15,550. California Roster 2010 140 Incorporated City and Town Officials CITY OF PALM SPRINGS (County of Riverside) CITY OF PALO ALTO (County of Santa Clara) Address: 3200 Tahquitz Canyon Way, Palm Springs, CA 92262 Mail Address: P.O. Box 2743, Palm Springs, CA 92263 Telephone: (760) 323-8299 Fax: (760) 323-8207 Website: Office Hours: Monday to Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mayor: Ron Oden Mayor Pro Tempore: Steve Pougnet Council: Mike McCulloch, Chris Mills, Ginny Foat. Council meets on Wednesdays at 6 p.m. in Council Chamber. City Manager: David H. Ready Assistant City Manager: Troy Butzlaff City Clerk: James Thompson City Attorney: Douglas Holland Treasurer: Craig Graves Police Chief: Gary Jeandron Fire Chief: Blake Goetz School Superintendent: Lorri S. McCune, Ed. D. Incorporated: April 20, 1938 Legislative Districts: 45th CD; 37th SD; 80th AD Chartered City. Population: 44,000. Address: 250 Hamilton Avenue, Palo Alto, CA 94301 Mail Address: P.O. Box 10250, Palo Alto, CA 94303 Telephone: (650) 329-2100 Fax: (650) 328-3631 Website: Email: [email protected] Office Hours: Monday to Thursday 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.; Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.; closed alternate Fridays Mayor: Patrick Burt Vice Mayor: Sid Espinosa Council: Karen Holman, Larry Klein, Gail A. Price, Gregory Scharff, Greg Schmid, Nancy Shepherd, Yaiway Yeh. Council meets on the first three Mondays of each month at 7 p.m. in City Hall. City Manager: James Keene Administrative Officer: Lalo Perez City Clerk: Donna J. Grider City Attorney: Gary Baum City Auditor: Lynda Brouchoud Police Chief: Dennis Burns Fire Chief: Nick Marinaro School Superintendent: Kevin Skelly, Ph.D. Incorporated: April 23, 1894 Legislative Districts: 14th CD; 11th SD; 21st AD Chartered City. Population: 62,000. CITY OF PALMDALE (County of Los Angeles) Address: 38300 Sierra Hwy, Suite A, Palmdale, CA 93550-4611 Telephone: (661) 267-5100 Fax: (661) 267-5122 Website: Office Hours: Monday to Thursday 7:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. Mayor: James C. Ledford, Jr. Mayor Pro Tempore: Tom Lackey Council: Mike Dispenza, Steve Hofbauer, Laura Bettencourt. Council meets on the on the first Wednesday in the Council Chambers at 7 p.m. City Manager: Stephen H. Williams City Clerk: Victoria Hancock, CMC City Attorney: Matthew Ditzhazy Treasurer: Betsy St. John Police Chief: Bob Denham Fire Chief: P. Michael Freeman Asst. Fire Chief: Luke Claus (Antelope Valley) School Superintendent: David Viera (Antelope Valley High School District) Incorporated: August 24, 1962 Legislative Districts: 25th CD; 17th SD; 36th AD General Law City. Population: 151,346. California Roster 2010 CITY OF PALOS VERDES ESTATES (County of Los Angeles) Address: 340 Palos Verdes Drive West, Palos Verdes Estates, CA 90274 Telephone: (310) 378-0383 Fax: (310) 378-7820 Website: Office Hours: Monday to Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mayor: Rosemary Humphrey Mayor Pro Tempore: John Rea Council: George F. Bird, Jr., John F. Goodhart, Ellen Perkins. Council meets on the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month at 7:30 p.m. in City Hall. City Manager: Joseph M. Hoefgen City Clerk: Judy Smith City Attorney: Joseph W. Pannone Treasurer: Joseph C. Sherwood, Jr. Police Chief: Daniel Dreiling Incorporated: December 20, 1939 Legislative Districts: 46th CD; 25th SD; 54th AD General Law City. Population: 14,208. 141 Incorporated City and Town Officials TOWN OF PARADISE (County of Butte) CITY OF PASADENA (County of Los Angeles) Address: 5555 Skyway, Paradise, CA 95969 Telephone: (530) 872-6291 Fax: (530) 877-5059 Website: Email: [email protected] Office Hours: Monday to Thursday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mayor: Melvin “Sam” Dresser Vice Mayor: Alan White Council: Steve “Woody” Culleton, Robin Huffman, Scott Lotter. Council meets on the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month at 6 p.m. at Town Hall. Town Manager: Charles L. Rough, Jr. Town Clerk: Frankie Rutledge, CMC Town Attorney: Dwight L. Moore Finance Director/Treasurer: Rodney Davenport Police Chief: Gerald Carrigan Fire Chief: James Broshears School Superindentent: Richard Landess Incorporated: November 27, 1979 Legislative Districts: 1st CD; 4th SD; 3rd AD General Law City. Population: 26,700. Address: 100 North Garfield Ave, Pasadena, CA 91109 Mail Address: P.O. Box 7115, Pasadena, CA 91109 7215 Telephone: (626) 744-4311 Fax: (626) 744-3727 Website: Office Hours: Monday to Friday 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.; closed every other Friday Mayor: Bill Bogaard Vice Mayor: Steve Haderlein Council: Victor Gordo, Chris Holden, Steve Madison, Margaret McAustin, Jacque Robinson, Sidney F. Tyler. Council meets on every Monday of each month at 6:30 p.m. in Council Chambers, Room 247. City Manager (Interim): Bernard K. Melekian City Clerk: Jane L. Rodriguez City Attorney: Michele Beal Bagneris Treasurer: Vic Erganian Police Chief (Acting): Christopher Vicino Fire Chief: Dennis J. Downs School Superintendent: Edwin Diaz Incorporated: June 19, 1886 Legislative Districts: 29th CD; 21st SD; 44th AD Chartered City. Population: 142,200. CITY OF PARAMOUNT (County of Los Angeles) Address: 16400 South Colorado Avenue, Paramount, CA 90723 Telephone: (562) 220-2000 Fax: (562) 630-6731 Mayor: Gene Daniels Vice Mayor: Diane J. Martinez Council: Tom Hansen, Daryl Hofmeyer, Peggy Lemons. Council meets on the first and third Tuesdays of each month in City Hall. City Manager: Linda Benedetti-Leal City Clerk: Lana Chikami City Attorney: John E. Cavanaugh Incorporated: January 30, 1957 Legislative Districts: 38th CD; 25th SD; 52nd AD General Law City. Population: 57,300. CITY OF PARLIER (County of Fresno) Address: 1100 East Parlier Avenue, Parlier, CA 93648 Telephone: (559) 646-3545 Fax: (559) 646-0416 Email: [email protected] Office Hours: Monday to Thursday 7:30 a.m.–6 p.m. Mayor: Armando Lopez Mayor Pro Tempore: Edward Barela Council: Yolanda Padilla, Diane Maldonado, Raul Villanueva. Council meets on the first and third Wednesdays of each month at 7 p.m. in City Hall, 1100 E. Parlier Avenue, Parlier, CA 93648. City Clerk: Dale Bagicalupi City Attorney: Richard Hargrove City Treasurer: Diana Palafox Paz Police Chief: Ishmael Solis School Superintendent: Rick Rodriguez Incorporated: November 21, 1921 Legislative Districts: 17th CD; 15th SD; 31st AD General Law City. Population: 12,709. California Roster 2010 CITY OF PASO ROBLES (EL PASO DE ROBLES) (County of San Luis Obispo) Address: 1000 Spring Street, Paso Robles, CA 93446 Telephone: (805) 237-3888 Fax: (805) 237-4032 Website: Office Hours: Monday to Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mayor: Frank Mecham Mayor Pro Tempore: Gary Nemeth Council: John R. Hamon, Duane Picanco, Fred Strong. Council meets on the first and third Tuesdays of each month at 7:30 p.m. in the Paso Robles City Hall-Library Conference Center, 1000 Spring Street, Paso Robles, CA 93446. City Manager: James L. App City Clerk: Dennis Fansler Treasurer: Michael Compton City Attorney: Iris Young Police Chief: Lisa Solomon Fire Chief: Ken Johnson School Superintendent: Kathy McNamara Incorporated: March 11, 1889 Legislative Districts: 22nd CD; 15th SD; 33rd AD General Law City. Population: 26,850. 142 Incorporated City and Town Officials CITY OF PATTERSON (County of Stanislaus) CITY OF PICO RIVERA (County of Los Angeles) Address: 33 South Del Puerto Ave, Patterson, CA 95363 Mail Address: P.O. Box 667, Patterson, CA 95363 Telephone: (209) 892-2041 Fax: (209) 892-6119 Website: Email: cityclerk@ Office Hours: Monday to Thursday 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.; Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mayor: David Keller Mayor Pro Tempore: Nancy Brown Council: Becky Campo, Sam Cuellar, Barbara Gray. Council meets on the first and third Tuesdays of each month at 7 p.m. in Council Chambers. City Manager: M. Cleve Morris City Clerk: Maricela Vela City Attorney: George Logan Treasurer: Linda DeForest Police Chief: Tyrone Spencer Fire Chief: James William Kinnear School Superintendent: Patrick Sweeney Incorporated: December 22, 1919 Legislative Districts: 18th CD; 12th SD; 26th AD General Law City. Population: 16,158. Address: 6615 Passons Blvd, Pico Rivera, CA 90660 Mail Address: P.O. Box 1016, Pico Rivera, CA 90660 Telephone: (562) 801-4368 Fax: (562) 801-4765 Website: Office Hours: Monday to Friday 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.; closed alternate Fridays Mayor: Ron Beilke Vice Mayor: Gracie Gallegos-Smith Council: Bob Archuleta, David W. Armenta, Gregory Salcido. Council meets on the second and fourthTuesdays of each month at 6 p.m. in City Hall. City Manager: Charles P. Fuentes Chief Deputy City Clerk: Gloria Orosco City Attorney: Arnold Alvarez-Glasman Treasurer (Interim): John Herrera Police Chief: Michael Rothans Incorporated: January 29, 1958 Legislative Districts: 38th CD; 30th SD; 58th AD General Law City. Population: 67,074. CITY OF PERRIS (County of Riverside) Address: 120 Vista Avenue, Piedmont, CA 94611 Telephone: (510) 420-3040 Fax: (510) 653-8272 Website: Office Hours: Monday to Friday 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mayor: Michael Bruck Vice Mayor: Nancy McEnroe Council: Dean Barbieri, Abe Friedman, Jeff Wieler. Council meets on the first and third Mondays of each month at 7:30 pm in City Hall. City Manager: Geoffrey Grote City Clerk: Ann Swift City Attorney: George Peyton Finance Director: Mark Bichsel Police Chief (Acting): Lisa Ravazza Fire Chief: John Speakman School Superintendent: Connie Hubbard Incorporated: January 31, 1907 Legislative Districts: 9th CD; 9th SD; 16th AD Chartered City. Population: 11,150. Address: 101 North “D” Street, Perris, CA 92570-1998 Telephone: (951) 943-6100 Fax: (951) 943-4246 Website: Office Hours: Monday to Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mayor: Daryl R. Busch Mayor Pro Tempore: Marita Rogers Council: Alfred Landers, John Motte, Rual (Mark) Yarbrough. Council meets on the second and last Tuesday of each month at 6 p.m. in Council Chambers. City Manager (Acting): Richard Belmudez City Clerk: Judy L. Haughney City Attorney: Eric Dunn (c/o Aleshire & Wynder LLP) Finance Director: Ron Carr Police Chief: Guy Kestell Fire Chief: Tim Williams Incorporated: May 26, 1911 Legislative Districts: 44th CD; 36th SD; 66th AD General Law City. Population: 45,000. CITY OF PIEDMONT (County of Alameda) CITY OF PETALUMA (County of Sonoma) Address: 11 English Street, Petaluma, CA 94952 Mail Address: P.O. Box 61, Petaluma, CA 94953 Telephone: (707) 778-4360 Fax: (707) 778-4554 Website: Email: [email protected] Mayor: Pamela Torliatt Vice Mayor: David Glass Council: Teresa Barrett, Mike Harris, Mike Healy, David Rabbitt, Tiffany Renée. Council meets on the first and third Mondays of each month in Council Chambers. City Manager: John C. Brown City Clerk: Claire Cooper City Attorney: Eric Danly Police Chief: Dan Fish Fire Chief: Larry Anderson School Superintendent: Greta Viguie, Ed. D. Incorporated: April 12, 1858 Legislative Districts: 6th CD; 3rd SD; 6th AD Chartered City. Population: 56,727. California Roster 2010 143 Incorporated City and Town Officials CITY OF PINOLE (County of Contra Costa) CITY OF PITTSBURG (County of Contra Costa) Address: 2131 Pear Street, Pinole, CA 94564 Telephone: (510) 724-9000 Fax: (510) 724-9826 Website: Office Hours: Monday to Thursday 8 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.; Closed Fridays Mayor: Debbie Long Mayor Pro Tempore: Roy Swearingen Council: Debbie Long, Roy Swearingen, Virginia Fujita, Tim Banuelos, Peter Murray. The Redevelopment Agency and City Council meet concurrently on the first and third Tuesdays of each month at 6 p.m. in the Pinole Council Chambers. City Manager: Belinda B. Espinosa City Clerk: Patricia Athenour City Attorney: Benjamin T. Reyes Treasurer: Judy Lee Police Chief: Paul Clancy Fire Chief: Jim Parrott Incorporated: June 25, 1903 Legislative Districts: 7th, 10th CD; 7th, 9th SD; 11th, 14th AD General Law City. Population: 19,500. Address: 65 Civic Avenue, Pittsburg, CA 94565 Telephone: (925) 252-6900 Fax: (925) 252-4851 Website: Email: [email protected] Office Hours: Monday to Friday 8 a.m.–5 p.m. Mayor: Salvatore Evola Vice Mayor: Michael Kee Council: Will Casey, Ben Johnson, Nancy Parent. Council meets on the first and third Mondays of each month at 7 p.m. in City Hall. City Manager: Marc S. Grisham City Clerk: Alice E. Evenson City Attorney: Ruthann G. Ziegler Treasurer: James Holmes Police Chief: Aaron Baker School Superintendent: Barbara Wilson Incorporated: June 25, 1903 Legislative Districts: 7th CD; 7th SD; 10th AD General Law City. Population: 62,605. CITY OF PISMO BEACH (County of San Luis Obispo) Address: 401 East Chapman Ave, Placentia, CA 92870 Telephone: (714) 993-8117 Fax: (714) 961-0283 Website: Email: [email protected] Office Hours: Monday to Thursday 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.; Friday 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.; closed every other Friday Mayor: Scott W. Nelson Mayor Pro Tempore: Greg Sowards Council: Joseph V. Aguirre, Scott P. Brady, Constance M. Underhill. Council meets on the first and third Tuesdays of each month at 7 p.m. in Council Chambers. City Administrator: Robert C. Dominguez City Clerk: Patrick J. Melia City Attorney: Bradley r. Hogin Treasurer: Leland Castner Police Chief: James L. Anderson Fire Chief: Chip Prather School Superintendent: Dr. Dennis Smith Incorporated: December 2, 1926 Legislative Districts: 40th, 42nd CD; 29th SD; 72nd AD Chartered City. Population: 50,323. Address: 760 Mattie Road, Pismo Beach, CA 93449 Telephone: (805) 773-4657 Fax: (805) 773-7006 Website: Office Hours: Monday to Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mayor: Mary Ann Reiss Mayor Pro Tempore: Shelly Higginbotham Council: Ted Ehring, Bill Rabenaldt & Kris Vardas. Council meets on the first and third Tuesdays of each month at 4:30 p.m. in City Hall. City Manager: Kevin Rice City Clerk: Lori Grigsby, CMC City Attorney: Dave Fleishman Treasurer & Administrative Services Director: George Edes Police Chief: Joe Cortez Fire Chief (Interim): Matt Jenkins Incorporated: April 25, 1946 Legislative Districts: 22nd CD; 18th SD; 33rd AD General Law City. Population: 8,700. CITY OF PLACENTIA (County of Orange) CITY OF PLACERVILLE (County of El Dorado) Address: 3101 Center Street, Placerville, CA 95667 Telephone: (530) 642-5200 Fax: (530) 642-5538 Website: Office Hours: Monday to Thursday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.; Friday 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Mayor: Mark A. Acuna Vice Mayor: Carl Hagen Council: Patty Borelli, Roberta “Robby” Colvin, Pierre Rivas. Council meets on the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month at 7 p.m. at Town Hall, 549 Main Street. City Clerk: Susan C. Zito, CMC City Manager/Attorney: John W. Driscoll Treasurer: Kathleen Trumbly Police Chief: George Nielsen Incorporated: May 13, 1854 Legislative Districts: 4th CD; 1st SD; 4th AD General Law City. Population: 10,200. California Roster 2010 144 Incorporated City and Town Officials CITY OF PLEASANT HILL (County of Contra Costa) CITY OF POINT ARENA (County of Mendocino) Address: 100 Gregory Lane, Pleasant Hill, CA 94523 Telephone: (925) 671-5270 Fax: (925) 680-0294 Website: Mayor: David Durant Vice Mayor: John Hanecak Council: Suzanne Angeli, Michael Harris, Terri Williamson. Council meets on the first and third Mondays of each month at 7:30 p.m. in Council Chambers. City Manager: June Catalano City Clerk: Marty McInturf City Attorney: Debra Margolis Treasurer: Suzanne Salter Police Chief: Peter Dunbar Fire Chief: Keith Richter Incorporated: November 14, 1961 Legislative Districts: 10th CD; 7th SD; 11th AD General Law City. Population: 33,700. Address: 451 School St, Point Arena, CA 95468 Mail Address: P.O. Box 67, Point Arena, CA 95468 Telephone: (707) 882-2122 Fax: (707) 882-2124 Website: Email: [email protected] Mayor: Lauren Sinnott Vice Mayor: David Ingham Council: Lloyd Cross, Brian Riehl, Laura Smith. Council meets on the fourth Tuesday of each month at Veteran’s Memorial Building, 451 School Street. City Clerk: Claudia Hillary City Attorney: Joseph J. Brecher Treasurer: Clara Frost Fire: Contract Service with Redwood Coast Fire Protection District Incorporated: July 6, 1908 Legislative Districts: 1st CD; 2nd SD; 2nd AD General Law City. Population: 501. CITY OF PLEASANTON (County of Alameda) Address: 123 Main Street, Pleasanton, CA 94566 Mail Address: P.O. Box 520, Pleasanton, CA 94566 Telephone: (925) 931-5027 (City Clerk’s Office) Fax: (925) 931-5492 Website: Office Hours: Monday to Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mayor: Jennifer Hosterman Vice Mayor: Cindy McGovern Council: Cheryl Cook-Kallio, Matt Sullivan, Jerry Thorne. Council meets on the first and third Tuesdays of each month at 7 p.m. in Council Chambers. City Manager: Nelson Fialho City Clerk: Karen Diaz City Attorney: Michael Roush Director of Finance: David P. Culver Police Chief: Michael Fraser Fire Chief: William Cody School Superintendent: John Casey Incorporated: June 18, 1894 Legislative Districts: 10th, 11th, 13th CD; 9th, 10th SD; 15th, 18th, 20th AD General Law City. Population: 67,724. CITY OF PLYMOUTH (County of Amador) CITY OF POMONA (County of Los Angeles) Address: 505 South Garey, Pomona, CA 91766 Mail Address: P.O. Box 660, Pomona, CA 91769 Telephone: (909) 620-2341 Fax: (909) 620-3710 Website: Mayor: Elliott Rothman Vice Mayor: Freddie Rodriguez Council: Danielle Soto, Cristina Carrizosa, Paula Lantz, Tim Saunders, Stephen Atchley. Council meets on the first and third Mondays of each month at 6:45 p.m. in the Council Chambers. City Manager: Linda Lowry Asst. City Manager: Vacant City Clerk: Marie Michel Macias City Attorney: Arnold Alvarez-Glasman Treasurer: Doug Peterson Police Chief: Dave Keetle Fire Chief: Van Mark Madrigal School Superintendent: Richard Martinez Incorporated: January 6, 1888 Legislative Districts: 28th, 41st CD; 29th, 32nd SD; 59th 61st AD Chartered City. Population: 156,500. Address: 9426 Main Street, Plymouth, CA 95669 Mail Address: P.O. Box 429, Plymouth, CA 95669 Telephone: (209) 245-6941 Fax: (209) 245-6953 Website: Email: [email protected] Office Hours: Monday to Thursday 8 a.m.–4 p.m.; Friday 8 a.m.–12 p.m. Mayor: Pat Fordyce Vice Mayor: Greg Baldwin Council: Jon Colburn, Michael O'Meara, Patricia Shackleton. Council meets on the second and fourth Thursdays of each month at 7 p.m. in City Hall. City Manager: Dixon Flynn City Clerk: Gloria Stoddard City Attorney: Steven Rudolph Treasurer: Suzon Hatley Police: Amador County Sheriff-Contract Fire: Amador Fire Protection Dept-Contract Incorporated: February 9, 1917 Legislative Districts: 3rd CD; 1st SD; 10th AD General Law City. Population: 1,070. California Roster 2010 145 Incorporated City and Town Officials CITY OF PORT HUENEME (County of Ventura) CITY OF PORTOLA (County of Plumas) Address: 250 North Ventura Road, Port Hueneme, CA 93041 Telephone: (805) 986-6501 Fax: (805) 986-6581 Website: Email: [email protected] Office Hours: Monday to Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mayor: Norman E. Griffaw Mayor Pro Tempore: Sylvia Muñoz Schnopp Council: Douglas Breeze, Jonathan Sharkey, Maricela Morales. Council meets on the first and third Mondays of each month at 6:30 p.m. in Council Chambers. City Manager: David J. Norman City Clerk: Michelle Ascencion City Attorney: Mark Hensley Treasurer: Robert Bravo Police Chief: Fernando Estrella Incorporated: March 24, 1948 Legislative Districts: 23rd CD; 19th SD; 37th AD Chartered City. Population: 22,500. Address: 35 3rd Avenue, Portola, CA 96122 Mail Address: P.O. Box 1225, Portola, CA 96122 Telephone: (530) 832-4216 Fax: (530) 832-5418 Website: Email: [email protected] Office Hours: Monday to Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mayor: Bill Kennedy Mayor Pro Tempore: Mike Rush Council: John Larrieu, Chuck Spencer, William Weaver. Council meets on the second and fourth Wednesdays of each month at 7 p.m. in City Hall. City Manager: Jim Murphy City Clerk: Leslie Tigan City Attorney: Steve Gross Treasurer: Leslie Tigan Fire Chief: Curtis Marshall School Superintendent: Michael Chelotti Incorporated: May 16, 1946 Legislative Districts: 14th CD; 1st SD; 1st AD General Law City. Population: 2,170. CITY OF PORTERVILLE (County of Tulare) Address: 291 North Main Street, Porterville, CA 93257 Telephone: (559) 782-7466 Fax: (559) 715-4013 Website: Email: [email protected] Office Hours: Monday to Friday 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Mayor: Pete V. McCracken Vice Mayor: Brian E. Ward Council: Felipe A. Martinez, Pedro “Pete” Martinez, Cameron J. Hamilton. Council meets on the first and third Tuesdays of each month at 7 p.m. in Council Chambers. City Manager/City Clerk: John D. Lollis City Attorney: Julia M. Lew Treasurer: Maria Bemis Police Chief: Chuck McMillan Fire Chief: Mario Garcia School Superintendent: John Snaveley (PUSD); Gary Mekeel (Burton) Incorporated: May 7, 1902 Legislative Districts: 21st CD; 14th SD; 34th AD Chartered City. Population: 51,863. TOWN OF PORTOLA VALLEY (County of San Mateo) Address: 765 Portola Road, Portola Valley, CA 94028 Telephone: (650) 851-1700 Fax: (650) 851-4677 Website: Email: [email protected] Office Hours: Monday to Friday 8:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. and 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. Mayor: Steve Toben Vice Mayor: Ted Driscoll Council: Maryann Derwin, Ann Wengert, John Richards. Council meets on the second and fourth Wednesdays of each month at 7:30 p.m. at Town Hall, Historic Schoolhouse. Town Manager/Treasurer: Angela Howard Town Clerk: Sharon Hanlon Town Attorney: Sandy Sloan Police Chief: Greg Munks Fire Chief: Armando Muela School Superintendent: Anne Campbell Incorporated: July 14, 1964 Legislative Districts: 14th CD; 8th SD; 21st AD General Law City. Population: 4,600. CITY OF POWAY (County of San Diego) Address: 13325 Civic Center Drive, Poway, CA 92064 Mail Address: P.O. Box 789, Poway, CA 92074-0789 Telephone: (858) 668-4400 Fax: (858) 668-1200 Website: Mayor: Don Higginson Deputy Mayor: Carl Kruse Council: Merrilee Boyack, Betty Rexford, Jim Cunningham. Council meets first and third Tuesdays of each month at 7 p.m. at Poway City Hall Council Chamber, 13225 Civic Center Drive, Poway, CA 92064. City Manager (Interim): Penny Riley City Clerk: Linda A. Troyan, MMC City Attorney: Lisa Foster Fire Chief: Mark Sanchez Incorporated: December 1, 1980 Legislative Districts: 52nd CD; 36th SD; 75th AD General Law City. Population: 51,126. California Roster 2010 146 Incorporated City and Town Officials CITY OF RANCHO CORDOVA (County of Sacramento) CITY OF RANCHO PALOS VERDES (County of Los Angeles) Address: 3121 Gold Canal Drive, Rancho Cordova, CA 95670 Telephone: (916) 942-0222 Fax: (916) 853-1691 Website: Mayor: Robert J. McGarvey Vice Mayor: David Sander Council: Linda Budge, Ken Cooley, Robert McGarvey, Daniel Skoglund. Regular Council meetings are held on the first and third Mondays each month. City Manager: Ted Gaebler City Clerk: Lillian Hare City Attorney: Steven Meyers Chief Financial Officer: William J. Thomas Incorporated: July 1, 2003 Legislative Districts: 3rd, 5th CD; 1st, 6th SD; 10th AD General Law City. Population: 55,145. Address: 30940 Hawthorne Blvd, Rancho Palos Verdes, CA 90275 Telephone: (310) 377-0360 Fax: (310) 544-5291 Website: Mayor: Stefan Wolowicz Mayor Pro Tempore: Thomas D. Long Council: Douglas W. Stern, Anthony Misetich, Brian Campbell. Council meets on the first and third Tuesdays of each month in Council Chambers, 29301 Hawthorne Blvd, Rancho Palos Verdes, CA 90275. City Manager: Carolyn R. Lehr City Clerk: Carla Morreale City Attorney: Carol Lynch Treasurer: Dennis McLean Incorporated: September 7, 1973 Legislative Districts: 46th CD; 25th SD; 54th AD General Law City. Population: 42,800. CITY OF RANCHO CUCAMONGA (County of San Bernardino) Address: 10500 Civic Center Drive, Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 Mail Address: P.O. Box 807, Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91729 Telephone: (909) 477-2700 Fax: (909) 477-2846 Website: Office Hours: Monday to Thursday 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. Mayor: Donald J. Kurth, M.D. Mayor Pro Tempore: L. Dennis Michael Council: Rex Gutierrez, Sam Spagnolo, Diane Williams. Council meets on the first and third Wednesdays of each month at 7 p.m. in Council Chambers. City Manager: Jack Lam Administrative Officer: (Vacant) City Clerk: Debra J. Adams City Attorney: James Markman Treasurer: James Frost Police Chief: Joe Cusimano Fire Chief: Peter Bryan Incorporated: November 30, 1977 Legislative Districts: 26th CD; 31st SD; 63rd AD General Law City. Population: 170,479. CITY OF RANCHO MIRAGE (County of Riverside) CITY OF RANCHO SANTA MARGARITA (County of Orange) Address: 22112 El Paseo, Rancho Santa Margarita, CA 92688 Telephone: (949) 635-1800 Fax: (949) 635-1840 Website: Office Hours: Monday to Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mayor: Neil C. Blais Mayor Pro Tempore: Gary Thompson Council: L. Anthony Beall, Jerry Holloway, James M. Thor. Council meets on the second and fourth Wednesdays of each month at 7 p.m. in Council Chambers. City Manager: Steven E. Hayman City Clerk: Molly McLaughlin City Attorney (Interim): Gregory Simonian Administrative Services Director: Paul Boyer Finance Director: Cindy Long Police Chief: Lt. Chuck Wilmot Fire Chief: Chip Prather School Superintendents: Steven L. Fish (Saddleback Valley USD); A. Woodrow Carter - Interim (Capistrano USD) Incorporated: January 1, 2000 Legislative Districts: 42nd CD, 33rd SD, 71st AD General Law City. Population: 50,000. Address: 69-825 Hwy 111, Rancho Mirage, CA 92270 Telephone: (760) 324-4511 Fax: (760) 324-8830 Website: Office Hours: Monday to Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mayor: Gordon Moller Mayor Pro Tempore: Alan Seman Council: G. Dana Hobart, Richard W. Kite, Ron Meepos. Council meets on the first and third Thursdays of each month at 1 p.m. in City Hall. City Manager/Treasurer: Patrick M. Pratt City Clerk: Elena Keeran City Attorney: Steven B. Quintanilla Sheriff: Captain Dan Wilham Fire Chief: Ignacio Otero Incorporated: August 3, 1973 Legislative Districts: 45th CD; 37th SD; 64th AD Chartered City. Population: 17,057. California Roster 2010 147 Incorporated City and Town Officials CITY OF RED BLUFF (County of Tehama) CITY OF REDLANDS (County of San Bernardino) Address: 555 Washington Street, Red Bluff, CA 96080 Telephone: (530) 527-2605 Fax: (530) 529-6878 Website: Office Hours: Monday to Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mayor: Jeff Moyer Mayor Pro Tempore: Bob Carrel Council: Jim Byrne, Bob Carrel, Forrest Flynn. Council meets on the first and third Tuesdays of each month at 7 p.m. in City Council Chambers. City Manager: Martin J. Nichols City Clerk: Jo Anna Lopez City Attorney: Richard Crabtree Treasurer: Donna Gordy Police Chief: Paul Nanfito Fire Chief: Michael Bachmeyer School Superintendent: Larry Champion Incorporated: March 31, 1876 Legislative Districts: 2nd CD; 4th SD; 2nd AD General Law City. Population: 13,700. Address: 35 Cajon Street, Redlands, CA 92373 Mail Address: P.O. Box 3005, Redlands, CA 92373 Telephone: (909) 798-7500 Fax: (909) 798-7503 Website: Email: [email protected] Office Hours: Monday to Friday 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.; closed alternate Fridays (Closed every Friday through June, 2009, with furloughs on alternate Fridays. May continue into the new fiscal year) Mayor: Pat Gilbreath Mayor Pro Tempore: Jerry Bean Council: Pete Aguilar, Mick Gallagher, Jon Harrison. Council meets on the first and third Tuesdays of each month at 3 p.m. in Council Chambers, Suite 2. City Manager : N. Enrique Martinez City Clerk: Lorrie Poyzer City Attorney: Daniel J. McHugh Treasurer: Tina Kundig Police Chief: James R. Bueermann Fire Chief: Jeff L. Frazier School Superintendent: Vacant Incorporated: December 3, 1888 Legislative Districts: 35th CD; 34th SD; 61st AD General Law City. Population: 71,375. CITY OF REDDING (County of Shasta) Address: 777 Cypress Avenue, Redding, CA 96001 Mail Address: P.O. Box 496071, Redding, CA 96049 Telephone: (530) 225-4055 Fax: (530) 225-4463 Website: Office Hours: Monday to Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mayor: Patrick H. Jones Vice Mayor: Missy McArthur Council: Rick Bosetti, Dick Dickerson, Mary Leas Stegall. Council meets on the first and third Tuesdays of each month at 6 p.m. in Council Chambers. City Manager: Kurt Starman City Clerk: Richard A. Duvernay City Attorney: Richard A. Duvernay Treasurer: Leslie Detwiler Police Chief: Peter Hansen Fire Chief: Kevin Kreitman School Superintendent: Tom Armelino Incorporated: October 4, 1887 Legislative Districts: 2nd CD; 4th SD; 1st AD General Law City. Population: 90,033. California Roster 2010 CITY OF REDONDO BEACH (County of Los Angeles) Address: 415 Diamond St, Redondo Beach, CA 90277 Telephone: (310) 372-1171 Fax: (310) 379-9268 Website: Office Hours: Monday to Friday 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.; closed alternate Fridays Mayor: Mike Gin Council: Steve Aspel, Pat Aust, Bill Brand, Steven Diels, Matt Kilroy. Council meets on the first, second and third Tuesdays of each month at 6 p.m. in Council Chambers. City Manager: Bill Workman City Clerk: Eleanor Manzano City Attorney: Mike Webb Treasurer: Ernie O’Dell Police Chief: W. Joseph Leonardi Fire Chief: Dan Madrigal Incorporated: April 29, 1892 Legislative Districts: 36th CD; 28th SD; 53rd AD Chartered City. Population: 66,500. 148 Incorporated City and Town Officials CITY OF REDWOOD CITY (County of San Mateo) CITY OF RIALTO (County of San Bernardino) Address: 1017 Middlefield Rd, Redwood City, CA 94063 Mail Address: P.O. Box 391, Redwood City, CA 94063 Telephone: (650) 780-7000 Fax: (650) 780-7225 Website: Email: [email protected] Office Hours: Monday to Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mayor: Jeff Ira Vice Mayor: Barbara Pierce Council: Alicia Aguirre, Ian Bain, Rosanne Foust, Jim Hartnett, Diane Howard. Council meets on the first, second and fourth Mondays of the month. City Manager: Edward Everett City Clerk: Patricia S Howe City Attorney: Stan T. Yamamoto Finance Director: Brian J. Ponty Police Chief: Carlos G. Bolanos Fire Chief: Gerald Kohlmann School Superintendent: Ronald Crates Incorporated: May 11, 1867 Legislative Districts: 11th, 12th CD; 8th, 11th SD; 20th, 21st AD Chartered City. Population: 76,000. Address: 150 South Palm Avenue, Rialto, CA 92376 Telephone: (909) 820-2525 Fax: (909) 820-2527 Website: Office Hours: Monday to Thursday 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. Mayor: Grace Vargas Mayor Pro Tempore: Joe Baca Jr. Council: Ed Palmer, Deborah Robertson, Ed Scott. Council meets on the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month at 6 p.m. in Council Chambers. City Administrator: Henry T. Garcia City Clerk: Barbara A. McGee City Attorney: Jimmy Gutierrez Treasurer: Edward J. Carrillo Police Chief: Mark Kling Fire Chief: Robert Espinosa School Superintendent (Interim): Dr. Harold Cebrun Sr. Incorporated: November 17, 1911 Legislative Districts: 42nd CD; 31st, 34th SD; 62nd, 63rd AD General Law City. Population: 96,600. CITY OF REEDLEY (County of Fresno) Address: 845 G Street, Reedley, CA 93654 Telephone: (559) 637-4200 Fax: (559) 638-1093 Website: Office Hours: Monday to Friday 8 a.m.–5 p.m. Mayor: Mary Fast Mayor Pro Tempore: Pete Chavez Council: Anita Betancourt, Steve Rapada, Ray Soleno. Council meets on the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month in City Hall. City Manager: Rocky D. Rogers City Clerk: Kay L. Pierce Treasurer: Lori Oken Police Chief: Steven H. Wright Fire Chief: Jeralk Isaak Incorporated: February 18, 1913 Legislative Districts: 21st CD; 14th SD; 31st AD General Law City. Population: 25,584. CITY OF RICHMOND (County of Contra Costa) Address: 1401 Marina Way South, Richmond, CA 94804 Telephone: (510) 620-6512 Fax: (510) 620-6542 Website: Office Hours: Monday to Friday 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Mayor: Irma L. Anderson Vice Mayor: Richard L. Griffin Council: Nathaniel Bates, Charles Belcher, Gary L. Bell, Thomas K. Butt, Mindell Lewis Penn, Jim Rogers, Maria Viramontes. Council meets on every Tuesday of each month at 7 p.m. in Council Chambers. City Manager (Acting): Jay Corey City Clerk: Diane Holmes City Attorney (Acting): Wayne Nishiska Police Chief (Acting): Charles Bennett Fire Chief (Acting): Richard Giaramita School Superintendent: Dr. Gloria Johnston Incorporated: August 7, 1905 Legislative Districts: 7th CD; 7th SD; 11th AD Chartered City. Population: 101,400. CITY OF RIDGECREST (County of Kern) Address: 100 West California Avenue, Ridgecrest, CA 93555 Telephone: (760) 499-5000 Fax: (760) 499-1500 Website: Office Hours: Tuesday to Friday 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Mayor: Marshall G. “Chip” Holloway Mayor Pro Tempore: Richard “Duke” Martin Vice Mayor: Daniel O. Clark Council: Ronald H. Carter, Steven P. Morgan. Council meets on the first and third Wednesdays of each month at 6:30 p.m. in City Hall. City Manager: Harvey M. Rose City Clerk: Rita Gable City Attorney: Wayne K. Lemieux Treasurer: James C. Winegardner Police Chief: Michael D. Avery Incorporated: November 29, 1963 Legislative Districts: 21st CD; 17th SD; 35th AD General Law City. Population: 25,600. California Roster 2010 149 Incorporated City and Town Officials CITY OF RIO DELL (County of Humboldt) CITY OF RIVERBANK (County of Stanislaus) Address: 675 Wildwood Avenue, Rio Dell, CA 95562 Telephone: (707) 764-3532 Fax: (707) 764-5480 Email: [email protected] Mayor: Jay Parrish Mayor Pro Tempore: Richard “Bud” Leonard Council: Marc Barsanti, Mike Dunker, Julie Woodall. Council meets on the first and third Tuesdays of each month in Council Chambers. City Manager: Eli Naffah City Clerk: Eli Naffah Police Chief: Graham Hill Fire Chief: Shane Wilson School Superintendent (Assistant): Mary Varner Incorporated: February 23, 1965 Legislative Districts: 1st CD; 2nd SD; 2nd AD General Law City. Population: 3,240. Address: 6707 Third Street, Riverbank, CA 95367 Telephone: (209) 869-7101 Fax: (209) 869-7100 Website: Office Hours: Monday to Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mayor: Chris Crifasi Vice Mayor: Kathy Anaya Council: Sandra Benitez, Virginia Madueno, Ric McGinnis. Council meets on the second and fourth Mondays of each month at 7 p.m. in Council Chambers. City Manager: Richard P. Holmer City Clerk: Linda Abid-Cummings City Attorney: Thomas Hallinan Treasurer: Larrie Sweet Police Chief: Chief Art Voortman, Sheriff Fire Chief: Lyn Rambo School Superintendent: Joseph Galindo Incorporated: August 23, 1922 Legislative Districts: 19th CD; 14th SD; 25th AD General Law City. Population: 19,988. CITY OF RIO VISTA (County of Solano) Address: One Main Street, Rio Vista, CA 94571 Telephone: (707) 374-6451 Fax: (707) 374-5063 Website: Email: [email protected] Office Hours: Monday to Friday 8 a.m.–5 p.m. Mayor: James “Eddie” Woodruff Vice Mayor: William Kelly Council: Sanmukh “Sam” Bhakta, Jan Vick, Cherie Cabral. Council meets on the first and third Thursdays of each month at 7 p.m. in Council Chambers. City Manager: Hector De La Rosa City Clerk: Kathleen Smith City Attorney: Ethan Walsh Treasurer: Natalie Crew Police Chief: William Bowen Fire Chief: Mark Nelson School Superintendent: Allen Newell Incorporated: January 6, 1894 Legislative Districts: 3rd CD; 2nd SD; 8th AD General Law City. Population: 7,376. CITY OF RIPON (County of San Joaquin) Address: 259 North Wilma Ave, Ripon, CA 95366 Telephone: (209) 599-2108 Fax: (209) 599-2685 Website: Email: [email protected] Office Hours: Monday to Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mayor: Chuck Winn Vice Mayor: Elden Nutt Council: Charlie Gay, Garry Krebbs, Dean Uecker. Council meets on the first and third Tuesdays of each month at 7 p.m. in City Hall. City Administrator: Everett L. Compton City Clerk: Lynette Van Laar City Attorney: Thomas H. Terpstra Police Chief: Richard Bull Fire Chief: Dennis Bitters School Superintendent: Dr. Frances Nan Incorporated: November 27, 1945 Legislative Districts: 11th CD; 14th SD; 26th AD General Law City. Population: 14,195. California Roster 2010 CITY OF RIVERSIDE (County of Riverside) Address: 3900 Main Street, Riverside, CA 92522 Telephone: (909) 826-5311 Fax: (909) 826-5470 Website: Office Hours: Monday to Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mayor: Ronald O. Loveridge Mayor Pro Tempore: Frank Schiavone Council: Steve Adams, Rusty Bailey, Mike Gardner, Nancy Hart, Chris Mac Arthur, Andy Melendrez. Council meets on the first four Tuesdays of each month in City Hall. City Manager: Brad Hudson City Clerk: Colleen J. Nicol City Attorney: Gregory Priamos CFO: Paul Sundeen Treasurer: Paul Sundeen Police Chief: Russ Leach Fire Chief: Tedd Laycock Incorporated: October 11, 1883 Legislative Districts: 36th CD; 36th SD; 68th AD Chartered City. Population: 300,000. CITY OF ROCKLIN (County of Placer) Address: 3970 Rocklin Road, Rocklin, CA 95677 Telephone: (916) 625-5000 Fax: (916) 625-5561 Website: Mayor: Scott Yuill Vice Mayor: George Magnuson Council: Kathy Lund, Peter Hill, Brett Storey. Council meets on the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month at 6 p.m. in Council Chambers. City Manager/Administrative Officer: Carlos A. Urrutia City Clerk: Barbara Ivanusich City Attorney: Russell A. Hildebrand Treasurer: Kim Sarkovich Police Chief: Mark J. Siemens Fire Chief: Bill Mikesell School Superintendent: Kevin Brown Incorporated: February 24, 1893 Legislative Districts: 4th CD; 4th SD; 4th AD General Law City. Population: 54,754. 150 Incorporated City and Town Officials CITY OF ROHNERT PARK (County of Sonoma) CITY OF ROSEMEAD (County of Los Angeles) Address: 130 Avram Avenue, Rohnert Park, CA 94928 Telephone: (707) 588-2227 Fax: (707) 792-1876 Website: Email: [email protected] Office Hours: Monday to Friday 8 a.m. to Noon and 1-5 p.m. Mayor: Amie Breeze Vice Mayor: Gina Belforte Council: Joseph T. Callinan, Jake Mackenzie, Pam Stafford. Council meets on the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month at 6 p.m. in CityOffices. City Manager: Stephen R. Donley City Clerk: Judy Hauff City Attorney: Michelle Marchetta Kenyon Finance Director/Treasurer: Sandy M. Lipitz Director of Administrative Services: Sandra W. Lipitz Director of Public Safety: Thomas R. Bullard Director of Public Works/Engineer: Darrin W. Jenkins Incorporated: August 27, 1962 Legislative Districts: 6th CD; 3rd SD; 6th AD General Law City. Population: 43,027. Address: 8838 East Valley Blvd, Rosemead, CA 91770 Mail Address: P.O. Box 399, Rosemead, CA 91770 Telephone: (626) 569-2100 Fax: (626) 307-9218 Website: Office Hours: Monday to Thursday 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. Mayor: Jay Imperial Mayor Pro Tempore: Gary Taylor Council: Margaret Clark, John Nunez, John Tran. Council meets on the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month at 8 p.m. in Council Chambers. City Manager: Bill Crowe City Clerk: Nancy Valderrama Incorporated: August 4, 1959 Legislative Districts: 30th CD; 26th SD; 60th AD General Law City. Population: 56,100. CITY OF ROLLING HILLS (County of Los Angeles) Address: 2 Portuguese Bend Rd, Rolling Hills, CA 90274 Telephone: (310) 377-1521 Fax: (310) 377-7288 Website: Email: [email protected] Office Hours: Monday to Friday 7:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mayor: Godfrey Pernell Mayor Pro Tempore: B. Allen Lay Council: James Black, Thomas Heinsheimer, Frank E. Hill. Council meets on the second and fourth Mondays of each month at 7:30 p.m. in City Hall. City Manager/City Clerk: Craig Nealis City Attorney: Mike Jenkins Incorporated: January 24, 1957 Legislative Districts: 46th CD; 25th SD; 54th AD General Law City. Population: 1,906. CITY OF ROLLING HILLS ESTATES (County of Los Angeles) Address: 4045 Palos Verdes Drive North, Rolling Hills Estates, CA 90274 Telephone: (310) 377-1577 Fax: (310) 377-4468 Website: Email: [email protected] Office Hours: Monday to Thursday 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.; Friday 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Mayor: John Addleman Mayor Pro Tempore: Steve Zuckerman Council: Judy Mitchell, Susan Seamans, Frank Zerunyan. Council meets on the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month in City Hall. City Manager/City Clerk: Douglas R. Prichard City Attorney: Bannan, Green, Frank & Terzian LLP Treasurer: Michael C. Whitehead Police: LA County Sheriff’s Dept. Fire: LA County Fire Dept. School Superintendent: Walker Williams Incorporated: September 18, 1957 Legislative Districts: 36th CD; 27th SD; 4th AD General Law City. Population: 8,787. California Roster 2010 CITY OF ROSEVILLE (County of Placer) Address: 311 Vernon Street, Roseville, CA 95678 Telephone: (916) 774-5200 Fax: (916) 786-9175 Website: Mayor: Gina Garbolino Mayor Pro Tempore: Pauline Roccucci Council: John Allard, Carol Garcia, Jim Gray. Council meets on the first Wednesday of each month in City Hall and adjourns to the third Wednesday as needed. City Manager: (Vacant) City Clerk: Sonia Orozco City Attorney: Brita Bayless Police Chief: Mike Blair Fire Chief: Ken Wagner Incorporated: April 10, 1909 Legislative Districts: 4th CD; 1st SD; 4th AD Chartered City. Population: 106,266. TOWN OF ROSS (County of Marin) Mail Address: P.O. Box 320, Ross, CA 94957 Telephone: (415) 453-1453 Fax: (415) 453-1950 Mayor: Richard Strauss Mayor Pro Tempore: R. Scot Hunter Council: Christopher Martin, Michael Skall, William Cahill. Council meets on the second Thursday of each month at 6:30 p.m. at Town Hall. Town Manager: Gary Broad Town Attorney: Hadden Roth Town Treasurer: Kelley Reid School Superintendent: Tammy Murphy Incorporated: August 21, 1908 Legislative Districts: 6th CD; 3rd SD; 9th AD General Law City. Population: 2,401. 151 Incorporated City and Town Officials CITY OF SACRAMENTO (County of Sacramento) TOWN OF SAN ANSELMO (County of Marin) Address: 915 “I” Street, Sacramento, CA 95814 Telephone: (916) 264-5011 Website: Office Hours: Monday to Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mayor: Heather Fargo Vice Mayor: Kevin McCarty Council: Steve Cohn, Robert King Fong, Lauren Hammond, Bonnie Pannell, Sandy Sheedy, Ray Tretheway, Robbie Waters. Council meets on every Tuesday of each month at 2 p.m. and 6 p.m. in Council Chambers. City Manager: Ray Kerridge City Clerk: Shirely Concolino City Attorney: Eileen M. Teichert Treasurer: Vacant Police Chief: Albert Najera Fire Chief: Ray Jones Incorporated: February 27, 1850 Legislative Districts: 3rd, 5th, 11th CD; 3rd, 5th, 6th SD; 5th, 8th, 9th, 10th AD Chartered City. Population: 467,343. Address: 525 San Anselmo Avenue, San Anselmo, CA 94960 Telephone: (415) 258-4600 Fax: (415) 459-2477 Website: Office Hours: Monday to Thursday 8:30 a.m. to 12 p.m. and 1-3 p.m. Mayor: Ted Freeman Vice Mayor: Peter Breen Council: Ford Greene, Ian Roth, Barbara Thornton. Council meets on the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month at Town Hall. Town Manager: Debra Stutsman Town Clerk: Barbara Chambers Town Attorney: Rob Epstein Treasurer: Bess Niemcewicz Fire Chief: Roger Meagor Police Chief: Charles Maynard Incorporated: April 9, 1907 Legislative Districts: 6th CD; 3rd SD; 6th AD General Law City. Population: 12,400. CITY OF SAINT HELENA (County of Napa) CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO (County of San Bernardino) Address: 1480 Main Street, Saint Helena, CA 94574 Telephone: (707) 967-2792 Fax: (707) 963-7748 Website: Mayor: Delford Britton Vice Mayor: Eric Sklar Council: Sharon Crull, Bonnie Schoch, Catarina Sanchez. Council meets on the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month in the Vintage Hall. City Manager: Mary Neilan City Clerk: Delia Guijosa Treasurer: Karen Scalabrini Police Chief: Monty Castillo Fire Chief: John Sorensen School Superintendent: Robert A. Haley Incorporated: March 24, 1876 Legislative Districts: 1st CD; 2nd SD; 7th AD General Law City. Population: 6,006. Address: 300 North D St, San Bernardino, CA 92418 Mail Address: P.O. Box 1318, San Bernardino, CA 92402 Telephone: (909) 384-5002 Fax: (909) 384-5158 Website: Office Hours: Monday to Thursday 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.; Friday 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Mayor: Judith Valles Council: Neil Derry, Esther Estrada, Chas Kelley, Susan Lien Longville, Gordon McGinnis, Wendy McCammack, Rikkie Van Johnson. Council meets on the first and third Mondays of each month at 8 a.m. in Council Chambers. City Administrator: Fred Wilson City Clerk: Rachel Clark Attorney: James F. Penman Treasurer: David Kennedy Police Chief: Garrett Zimmon Fire Chief: Larry Pitzer School Superintendent: Dr. Arturo Delgado Incorporated: August 10, 1886 Legislative Districts: 40th, 42nd CD; 31st, 32nd SD; 62nd, 63rd AD Chartered City. Population: 194,100. CITY OF SALINAS (County of Monterey) Address: 200 Lincoln Avenue, Salinas, CA 93901 Telephone: (831) 758-7201 Fax: (831) 758-7368 Website: Office Hours: Monday to Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mayor: Dennis Donohue Mayor Pro Tempore: Gloria De La Rosa Council: Janet Barnes, Tony Barrera, Gloria De La Rosa, Jyl Lutes, Sergio Sanchez, Steve Villegas. Council meets on the first three Tuesdays of each month at 4 p.m. in Council Chambers. City Manager: Artie Fields City Clerk: Ann Camel City Attorney: Vanessa Vallarta Finance Officer: Tom Kever Police Chief: Dan Ortega Fire Chief: Ed Montez Incorporated: March 4, 1874 Legislative Districts: 17th CD; 15th SD; 28th AD Chartered City. Population: 150,300. California Roster 2010 152 Incorporated City and Town Officials CITY OF SAN BRUNO (County of San Mateo) CITY OF SAN CARLOS (County of San Mateo) Address: 567 El Camino Real, San Bruno, CA 94066 Telephone: (650) 616-7058 Fax: (650) 589-5941 Website: Office Hours: Monday to Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mayor: Larry Franzella Vice Mayor: Rico Medina Council: Ken Ibarra, Irene O’Connell, Jim Ruane. Council meets on the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month at 7 p.m. at San Bruno Senior Center, Crystal Springs Road. City Manager: Connie Jackson Assistant Manager/Personnel: Vacant City Clerk: Carol Bonner City Attorney: Pamela Thompson Treasurer: Linda Freitas Police Chief: Lee Violett Fire Chief: Dan Voreyer School Superintendent: David Hutt Incorporated: December 23, 1914 Legislative Districts: 11th CD; 8th SD; 19th AD General Law City. Population: 40,950. Address: 600 Elm Street, San Carlos, CA 94070 Telephone: (650) 802-4100 Fax: (650) 595-6719 Website: Email: [email protected] Office Hours: Monday to Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mayor: Robert Grassilli Vice Mayor: Randy Royce Council: Omar Ahmad, Matt Grocott, Brad Lewis. Council meets on the second and fourth Mondays of each month at 7 p.m. in Council Chambers. City Manager: Mark Weiss City Clerk: Christine D. Boland City Attorney: Gregory Rubens Treasurer: Michael J. Galvin Police Chief: Gregory Rothaus Fire Chief: Doug Fry School Superintendent: Steven Mitrovich Incorporated: July 8, 1925 Legislative Districts: 12th CD; 11th SD; 21st AD General Law City. Population: 28,918. CITY OF SAN BUENAVENTURA (VENTURA) (County of Ventura) Address: 501 Poli Street, San Buenaventura, CA 93001 Mail Address: P.O. Box 99, San Buenaventura, CA 93002 Telephone: (805) 654-7800 Fax: (805) 652-0865 Website: Email: [email protected] Office Hours: Monday to Friday 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.; Closed alternate Fridays. Mayor: Bill Fulton Deputy Mayor: Mike Tracy Council: Neal Andrews, Jim Monahan, Brian Brennan, Carl E. Morehouse, Christy Weir. Council meets first three Monday of each month at 6 p.m. in Council Chambers, 501 Poli St. City Manager: Rick Cole City Clerk: Mabi Covarrubias Plisky, MMC City Attorney: Ariel Calonne Treasurer: Kaye Mirabelli Police Chief: Ken Corney Fire Chief: Kevin Rennie School Superintendent: Dr. Trudy Arriaga Incorporated: March 10, 1866 Legislative Districts: 23rd CD; 18th SD; 35th AD Chartered City. Population: 109,000. California Roster 2010 CITY OF SAN CLEMENTE (County of Orange) Address: 100 Avenida Presidio, San Clemente, CA 92672 Telephone: (949) 361-8200 Fax: (949) 361-8309 Website: Email: [email protected] Office Hours: Monday to Friday 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.; closed alternate Fridays Mayor: Jim Dahl Mayor Pro Tempore: Joe Anderson Council: Lori Donchak, G. Wayne Eggleston, Steve Knoblock. Council meets on the first and third Tuesdays of each month at 7 p.m. in Council Chambers. City Manager: George Scarborough City Clerk: Myrna Erway City Attorney: Jeffrey M. Oderman Treasurer: Pall Gudgeirsson Police Chief: Pual D’Auria Fire Chief: Dave Pierce School Superintendent (Interim): Charles McCully Incorporated: February 28, 1928 Legislative Districts: 48th CD; 38th SD; 73rd AD General Law City. Population: 66,280. 153 Incorporated City and Town Officials CITY OF SAN DIEGO (County of San Diego) CITY OF SAN FERNANDO (County of Los Angeles) Address: 202 C Street, San Diego, CA 92101 Telephone: (619) 533-4000 Fax: (619) 533-4045 Website: Email: [email protected] Office Hours: Monday to Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mayor: Jerry Sanders Council President: Ben Hueso Council: Sheri Lightner, Kevin Faulconer, Todd Gloria, Tony Young, Calr DeMaio, Donna Frye, Marti Emerald, Ben Hueso. Council meets on Mondays at 2 p.m., Tuesdays at 9 a.m. (Closed Session), 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. of each month in Council Chambers, City Administration Building, 12th Floor. Chief Operating Officer: Jay Goldstone City Clerk: Elizabeth Maland City Attorney: Jan Goldsmith Treasurer (Acting): Gail Granewich Police Chief: William Lansdowne Fire Chief: Javier Mainar School Superintendent (Interim): Bill Kowba Incorporated: March 27, 1850 Legislative Districts: 49th-53rd CD; 36th, 38th, 39th-40th SD; 66th, 73rd-79th AD Chartered City. Population: 1,305,736. Address: 117 Macneil St, San Fernando, CA 91340 Telephone: (818) 898-1200 Fax: (818) 365-8090 Website: Office Hours: Monday to Thursday 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.; Friday 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Mayor: Nury Martinez Mayor Pro Tempore: Julie Ruelas Council Members: Maribel De La Torre, Dr. Jose Hernandez, Steven Veres. Council meets on the first and third Mondays of each month at 6 p.m. in Council Chambers. Administrative Officer: Jose E. Pulido City Clerk: Elena G. Chavez City Attorney: Michael Estrada Treasurer: Margarita Solis Police Chief: Anthony Alba Incorporated: August 31, 1911 Legislative Districts: 26th CD; 20th SD; 39th AD General Law City. Population: 24,500. CITY OF SAN DIMAS (County of Los Angeles) Address: 245 East Bonita Ave, San Dimas, CA 91773 Telephone: (909) 394-6200 Fax: (909) 394-6209 Website: Office Hours: Monday to Thursday 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.; Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mayor: Curtis W. Morris Mayor Pro Tempore: Jeff Templeman Council: Emmett Badar, Denis Bertone, John Ebiner. Council meets on the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month at 7 p.m. in City Hall. City Manager: Blaine M. Michaelis City Clerk: Ina Rios City Attorney: J. Kenneth Brown School Superintendent: Gary Rapkin Incorporated: August 4, 1960 Legislative Districts: 28th CD; 29th SD; 59th & 60th AD General Law City. Population: 36,764. California Roster 2010 CITY OF SAN FRANCISCO (See County Listing) CITY OF SAN GABRIEL (County of Los Angeles) Address: 425 South Mission Dr, San Gabriel, CA 91776 Mail Address: P.O. Box 130, San Gabriel, CA 91778 Telephone: (626) 308-2800 Fax: (626) 458-2830 Website: Mayor: Harry L. Baldwin Vice Mayor: Juli Costanzo Council: David R. Gutierrez, Albert Y.M. Huang, Kevin B. Sawkins. Council meets on the first and third Tuesdays of each month at 7:30 p.m. in Council Chambers. City Manager: P. Michael Paules City Clerk: Eleanor K. Andrews City Attorney: Robert Kress Treasurer: John Janosik Police Chief: David Lawton Fire Chief: Joseph Nestor School Superintendent: Dr. Susan Parks Incorporated: April 24, 1913 Legislative Districts: 31st CD; 24th SD; 49th AD General Law City. Population: 42,320. 154 Incorporated City and Town Officials CITY OF SAN JACINTO (County of Riverside) CITY OF SAN JOSE (County of Santa Clara) Address: 595 South San Jacinto Avenue, San Jacinto, CA 92583 Telephone: (951) 654-7337 Fax: (951) 654-3728 Website: Office Hours: Monday to Friday 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Mayor: Dale Stubblefield Vice Mayor: John Mansperger Council: Jim Ayres, Steve Di Memmo, John Mansperger, Jim Potts, Dale Stubblefield. Council meets on the first and third Thursdays of each month at 7 p.m. at 2045 South San Jacinto Avenue, San Jacinto, CA 92583. City Manager: Barry McClellan City Clerk: Dorothy Chouinard City Attorney: Jeff Ballinger Treasurer: Bernie Simon Police Chief: William Tyler Fire Chief: Robert Michael School Superintendent: Dr. Shari Fox, Ed.D Incorporated: April 20, 1888 Legislative Districts: 41st CD; 37th SD; 65th AD General Law City. Population: 34,345. Address: 200 East Santa Clara, San Jose, CA 95113 Telephone: (408) 535-3500 Fax: (408) 292-6731 Website: Office Hours: Monday to Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mayor: Chuck Reed Vice Mayor: Judy Chirco Council: Pete Constant, Ash Kalra, Sam Liccardo, Kansen Chu, Nora Campos, Pierluigi Oliverio, Madison Nguyen, Rose Herrera, Judy Chirco, Nancy Pyle. Council meets every Tuesday of each month (except July) at 1:30 p.m. in Council Chambers, and also at 7:00 p.m. on the first and third Tuesdays of the month. City Manager: Debra Figone City Clerk: Lee Price City Attorney: Richard Doyle Police Chief: Robert Davis Fire Chief: Darryl Von Raesfeld Incorporated: March 27, 1850 Legislative Districts: 10th, 12th, 13th CD; 11th-13th, 17th SD; 18th, 22nd-25th AD Chartered City. Population: 1,000,007. CITY OF SAN JOAQUIN (County of Fresno) CITY OF SAN JUAN BAUTISTA (County of San Benito) Address: 21900 Colorado, San Joaquin, CA 93660 Mail Address: P.O. Box 758, San Joaquin, CA 93660 Telephone: (559) 693-4311 Fax: (559) 693-2193 Website: Email: [email protected] Office Hours: Monday to Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mayor: Amapreet Dhaliwal Mayor Pro Tempore: Betty R. Vallejo Council: Julia Hernandez, Abel Lua, Mary Reynaga. Council meets on the second Wednesday of each month at 6 p.m. at the Godwin Learning Center, 21991 A, Colorado Avenue, San Joaquin, CA 93660. City Manager: Cruz W. Ramos City Clerk: Diana Brooks City Attorney: Hilda Cant Montoy Treasurer: Margaret Godwin Police Chief: Sheriff Margaret Mims (Fresno County) Fire Chief: Fresno County Fire Protection District School Superintendent: Joanne S. Evans Incorporated: February 14, 1920 Legislative Districts: 15th CD; 14th SD; 30th AD General Law City. Population: 3,870. Address: 311 Second St, San Juan Bautista, CA 95045 Mail Address: P.O. Box 1420, San Juan Bautista, CA 95045 Telephone: (831) 623-4661 Fax: (831) 623-4093 Website: Email: [email protected] Office Hours: Monday to Friday 9 a.m.–12 p.m. and 1– 4:30 p.m. Mayor: Priscilla Hill Vice Mayor: George Dias III Council: Edward Laverage, Robert Paradice, Rick Edge. Council meets on the third Tuesday of each month at 7 p.m. in City Hall. City Manager: Janice L. McClintock City Clerk: Shawna Serna City Attorney: George Thacher Treasurer: Paul Petersen Police Chief: Curtis Hill, County Sheriff Fire Chief: Scott Freels School Superintendent: Jackie Munoz Incorporated: May 4, 1869 Legislative Districts: 16th CD; 17th SD; 25th AD General Law City. Population: 1,610. California Roster 2010 155 Incorporated City and Town Officials CITY OF SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO (County of Orange) CITY OF SAN MARCOS (County of San Diego) Address: 32400 Paseo Adelanto, San Juan Capistrano, CA 92675 Telephone: (949) 493-1171 Fax: (949) 493-1053 Website: Office Hours: Monday to Thursday 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.; Friday 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Mayor: Dr. Londres Uso Mayor Pro Tempore: Laura Freese Council: Sam Allevato, Thomas W. Hribar, Dr. Mark Nielsen. Council meets on the first and third Tuesdays of each month at 6:30 p.m. in City Hall. City Manager: Joe Tait City Clerk: Maria Morris City Attorney: Omar Sandoval Treasurer: Cynthia Russell Police Chief: Lt. Dan Dwyer Fire Chief: Chip Prather, Orange County Fire Authority School Superintendent: Dr. Roberta Mahler (Interim) Incorporated: April 19, 1961 Legislative Districts: 44th, 48th CD; 33rd, 38th SD; 71st, 73rd AD General Law City. Population: 36,452. Address: 1 Civic Center Drive, San Marcos, CA 92069 Telephone: (760) 744-1050 Fax: (760) 744-9058 Website: Email: [email protected] Office Hours: Monday to Friday 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.; closed alternate Fridays Mayor: Jim Desmond Vice Mayor: Hal Martin Council: Chris Orlando, Rebecca Jones. Council meets on the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month at 6 p.m. in City Hall. City Manager: Paul Malone City Clerk: Susie Vasquez City Attorney: Helen Holmes Peak Fire Chief: Todd Newman School Superintendent: Kevin Holt Incorporated: January 28, 1963 Legislative Districts: 50th CD; 38th SD; 74th AD Chartered City. Population: 83,149. CITY OF SAN LEANDRO (County of Alameda) Address: 2200 Huntington Drive, San Marino, CA 91108 Telephone: (626) 300-0700 Fax: (626) 300-0709 Website: Email: [email protected] Office Hours: Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday 8 a.m. to 12 p.m.; Tuesday 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Mayor: Matthew Lin, M.D. Vice Mayor: Robert G. Twist Council: Emile J. Bayle, Elizabeth R. Brown, Vince Filutze. Council meets on the second Wednesday of each month at 7:30 p.m. in Council Chambers. City Manager: Robert M. Wishner City Clerk: Carol Robb City Attorney: Steven L. Dorsey Treasurer: Dennis Kneier Police Chief: Arl Farris Fire Chief: John L. Penido School Superintendent: Dr. Jack R. Rose Incorporated: April 25, 1913 Legislative Districts: 27th CD; 21st SD; 44th AD General Law City. Population: 13,945. Address: 835 East 14th Street, San Leandro, CA 94577 Telephone: (510) 577-3368 Fax: (510) 577-3340 Mayor: Anthony B. “Tony” Santos Vice Mayor: Joyce Starosciak Council: Michael Gregory, Jim Prola, Ursula Reed, Diana Souza, Bill Stephens. Council meets on the first and third Mondays of each month in Council Chambers. City Manager: Stephen L. Hollister City Clerk: Marian Handa Police Chief: Ian Willis Fire Chief: Sheldon Gilbert School Superintendent: Cindy Cathey (Interim) Incorporated: March 21, 1872 Legislative Districts: 13th CD; 10th SD; 18th AD Chartered City. Population: 81,400. CITY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO (County of San Luis Obispo) CITY OF SAN MARINO (County of Los Angeles) Address: 990 Palm St, San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 Telephone: (805) 781-7100 Fax: (805) 781-7109 Website: Office Hours: Monday to Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mayor: David Romero Vice Mayor: Andrew Carter Council: John Ashbaugh, Andrew Carter, Jan Howell Marx, Allen Settle. Council meets on the first and third Tuesday of each month at 7 p.m. in Council Chamber. Administrative Officer: Katie Lichtig City Clerk: Elaina Cano City Attorney: Christine Dietrick Treasurer: Bill Statler Police Chief: Deborah Linden Fire Chief: John Callahan School Superintendent: JulianD. Crocker Incorporated: February 19, 1856 Legislative Districts: 22nd CD; 18th SD; 33rd AD Chartered City. Population: 44,350. California Roster 2010 156 Incorporated City and Town Officials CITY OF SAN MATEO (County of San Mateo) CITY OF SAN RAFAEL (County of Marin) Address: 330 West 20th Ave, San Mateo, CA 94403 Telephone: (650) 522-7000 Fax: (650) 522-7001 Website: Office Hours: Monday to Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mayor: Brandt Grotte Deputy Mayor: John Lee Council: Frederick a. Hansson, Jan Epstein, Jack Matthews. Council meets on the first and third Mondays of each month at 7 p.m. in Council Chambers. City Manager: Susan M. Loftus City Clerk: Norma Gomez City Attorney: Shawn Mason Finance Director: Hossein Golestan Police Chief: Susan Manheimer Fire Chief: Daniel T. Belville School Superintendents: Dr. Pendery Clark (Elementary), Dr. David Miller (High School) Incorporated: September 4, 1894 Legislative Districts: 12th CD; 8th SD; 19th AD Chartered City. Population: 93,700. Address: 1400 Fifth Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901 Mail Address: P.O. Box 151560, San Rafael, CA 94915 Telephone: (415) 485-3070 Fax: (415) 459-2242 Website: Email: [email protected] Office Hours: Monday to Friday 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Mayor: Albert J. Boro Vice Mayor: Damon Connolly Council: Greg Brockbank, Barbara Heller, Marc Levine. Council meets on the first and third Mondays of each month at 8 p.m. in Council Chambers. City Manager Kenneth A. Nordhoff City Clerk: Esther C. Beirne City Attorney: Robert F. Epstein Treasurer: Cindy Mosser Police Chief: Matthew C. Odetto Fire Chief: Christopher R. Gray School Superintendent: Michael R. Watenpaugh, Ed.D. Incorporated: February 18, 1874 Legislative Districts: 6th CD; 3rd SD; 6th AD Chartered City. Population: 58,047. CITY OF SAN PABLO (County of Contra Costa) Address: 1 Alvarado Square, 13831 San Pablo Avenue, San Pablo, CA 94806 Telephone: (510) 215-3000 Fax: (510) 620-0204 Website: Office Hours: Monday to Friday 7:40 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mayor: Leonard R. McNeil Vice Mayor: Genoveva Garcia Calloway Council: Arturo Cruz, Paul Morris, Cecilia Valdez. Council meets on the first and third Mondays of each month at 7 p.m. in Council Chambers. City Manager: Brock T. Arner City Clerk: Ted J. Denney Treasurer: Charles A. Nicholas Police Chief: Joseph Aita Fire Chief: Keith Richter School Superintendent: Bruce Harter Incorporated: April 27, 1948 Legislative Districts: 7th CD; 7th SD; 11th AD General Law City. Population: 31,215. CITY OF SAN RAMON (County of Contra Costa) Address: 2222 Camino Ramon, San Ramon, CA 94583 Telephone: (925) 973-2500 Fax: (925) 866-1436 Website: Mayor: H. Abram Wilson Vice Mayor: Carol J. Rowley Council: Jim Livingstone, Scott Perkins, Dave Hudson. Council meets on the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month in City Hall. City Manager: Herb Moniz City Clerk: Patricia Edwards City Attorney: (Vacant) Police Chief: Scott Holder Incorporated: July 1, 1983 Legislative Districts: 10th CD; 7th SD; 15th AD Chartered City. Population: 58,035. CITY OF SAND CITY (County of Monterey) Address: 1 Sylvan Park, Sand City, CA 93955 Telephone: (831) 394-3054 Fax: (831) 394-2472 Website: Email: [email protected] Office Hours: Monday to Thursday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mayor: David K. Pendergrass Vice Mayor: Mary Ann Carbone Council: Jerry Blackwelder, Craig Hubler, Michael Morris. Council meets on the first and third Tuesdays of each month at 7 p.m. in Council Chambers. City Administrator: Mr. Steve Matarazzo City Clerk: Linda Scholink City Attorney: James Heisinger Police Chief: J. Michael Klein Incorporated: May 31, 1960 Legislative Districts: 17th CD; 15th SD; 27th AD Chartered City. Population: 310. California Roster 2010 157 Incorporated City and Town Officials CITY OF SANGER (County of Fresno) CITY OF SANTA BARBARA (County of Santa Barbara) Address: 1700 Seventh Street, Sanger, CA 93657 Telephone: (559) 876-6300 Fax: (559) 875-8956 Website: Email: [email protected] Office Hours: Monday to Thursday 7 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Mayor: Jose R. Villarreal Mayor Pro Tempore: Victor Ruiz Council: Martin F. Castellano, Michael A. Montelongo, Rosa Pena. Council meets on the first and third Thursdays of each month in City Hall. City Manager (Interim): John White City Clerk: Barbara Mergan City Attorney: David J. Weiland Police Chief: Thomas Klose Fire Chief: Clyde Clinton School Superintendent: Marc Johnson Deputy School Superintendent: Lloyd Kuhn Incorporated: May 9, 1911 Legislative Districts: 20th CD; 16th SD; 31st AD General Law City. Population: 25,404. Address: 735 Anacapa Street, Santa Barbara, CA 93101 Mail Address: P.O. Box 1990, Santa Barbara, CA 93102 Telephone: (805) 564-5309 Fax: (805) 897-2623 Website: Office Hours: Monday to Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mayor: Helene Schneider Mayor Pro Tempore: Grant House Council: Grant House, Dale Francisco, Frank Hotchkiss, Michael Self, Harwood “Bendy” White, Das Williams. Council meets on every Tuesday of each month at 2 p.m. in City Hall. City Administrator/Treasurer: James L. Armstrong City Clerk: Cynthia M. Rodriguez, CMC City Attorney: Stephen P. Wiley Police Chief: Camerino Sanchez Fire Chief: Andy DiMizio School Superintendent: J. Brian Sarvis, Ed.D. Incorporated: April 9, 1850 Legislative Districts: 23rd CD; 19th SD; 35th AD Chartered City. Population: 90,500. CITY OF SANTA ANA (County of Orange) CITY OF SANTA CLARA (County of Santa Clara) Address: 22 Civic Center Plaza, Santa Ana, CA 92701 Mail Address: P.O. Box 1988, M-30, Santa Ana, CA 92702 Telephone: (714) 647-5400 Fax: (714) 647-6954 Website: Mayor: Miguel A. Pulido Mayor Pro Tempore: Claudia C. Alvarez Council: Carlos Bustamante, P. David Benavides, Michele Martinez, Vincent F. Sarmiento, Sal Tinajero. Council meets on the first and third Mondays of each month in Council Chambers. City Manager: David N. Ream City Clerk: Patricia E. Healy City Attorney: Joseph Fletcher Police Chief: Paul Walters Fire Chief: Phillip Garcia School Superintendent: Jane Russo Incorporated: June 12, 1886 Legislative Districts: 46th-48th CD; 33rd-35th SD; 69th AD Chartered City. Population: 347,200. Address: 1500 Warburton Ave, Santa Clara, CA 95050 Telephone: (408) 615-2200 Fax: (408) 241-6771 Website: Email: [email protected] Office Hours: Monday to Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mayor: Patricia M. Mahan Vice Mayor: Dominic Caserta Council: Will Kennedy, Joe Kornder, Jamie L. Matthews, Jamie McLeod, Kevin Moore. Council meets generally twice monthly on Tuesdays of the month. City Manager: Jennifer Sparacino City Clerk/Auditor: Rod Diridon, Jr. City Attorney: Elizabeth H. Silver (Interim) Director of Finance: Gary Ameling Police Chief: Stephen D. Lodge Fire Chief: Phillip Kleinheinz School Superintendent: Steve Stavis Incorporated: July 5, 1852 Legislative Districts: 15th CD; 13th SD; 22nd, 24th AD Chartered City. Population: 117,242. California Roster 2010 158 Incorporated City and Town Officials CITY OF SANTA CLARITA (County of Los Angeles) CITY OF SANTA FE SPRINGS (County of Los Angeles) Address: 23920 Valencia Blvd, Santa Clarita, CA 91355 Telephone: (661) 259-2489 Fax: (661) 259-8125 Website: Office Hours: Monday to Thursday 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.; Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mayor: Laurene Weste Mayor Pro Tempore: Marsha McLean Council: Frank Ferry, Bob Kellar, Laurie Ender. Council meets on the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month at 6 p.m. in City Hall, 1st Floor. City Manager: Ken Pulskamp Director of Administrative Services/Treasurer: Darren P. Hernandez City Clerk: Sarah Gorman City Attorney: Carl Newton Police Chief: Paul Becker Fire Chief: Johnny Jee School Superintendent: Jaime Castellanos Incorporated: December 15, 1987 Legislative Districts: 25st CD; 17th SD; 38th AD General Law City. Population: 180,000. Address: 11710 East Telegraph Road, Santa Fe Springs, CA 90670 Mail Address: P.O. Box 2120, Santa Fe Springs, CA 90670 Telephone: (562) 868-0511 Fax: (562) 868-7112 Website: Office Hours: Monday to Friday 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.; closed every other Friday Mayor: Betty Putnam Mayor Pro Tempore: Luis M. Gonzalez Council: Ronald S. Kernes, Joseph D. Serrano, Sr., Gustavo R. Velasco. Council meets on the second and fourth Thursdays of each month at 7 p.m. in Council Chambers. City Manager: Frederick W. Latham City Clerk: Barbara Earl City Attorney: Steve Skolnik Treasurer: Susan Bergeron-Vance Fire Chief: Neal Welland Incorporated: May 15, 1957 Legislative Districts: 38th CD; 30th SD; 56th AD General Law City. Population: 17,400. CITY OF SANTA CRUZ (County of Santa Cruz) Address: 809 Center Street, Santa Cruz, CA 95060 Telephone: (831) 420-5030 Fax: (831) 420-5031 Website: Email: [email protected] Office Hours: Monday to Thursday 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. and 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. Mayor: Mike Rotkin Vice Mayor: Ryan Coonerty Council: Tony Madrigal, Lynn Robinson, Katherine Beiers, Don Lane, Cynthia Mathews. Council meets on the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month at 3 p.m. and 7 p.m. in Council Chambers. City Manager: Richard C. Wilson City Clerk: Lorrie Brewer City Attorney: John Barisone Police Chief: Howard Skerry Fire Chief: Ron Oliver Treasurer-Tax Collector: Fred Keeley Incorporated: March 31, 1866 Legislative Districts: 17th CD; 11th SD; 27th AD Chartered City. Population: 57,553. (1/1/2007) California Roster 2010 CITY OF SANTA MARIA (County of Santa Barbara) Address: 110 East Cook St, Santa Maria, CA 93454 Telephone: (805) 925-0951 Fax: (805) 349-0657 Website: Mayor: Larry Lavagnino Mayor Pro Tempore: Michael Cordero Council: Bob Orach, Alice Patino, Hilda Zacarías. Council meets on the first and third Tuesdays of each month in City Hall. City Manager: Tim Ness City Clerk: Patti Rodriguez City Attorney: Gilbert Trujillo Treasurer: Teressa L. Hall Police Chief: Danny Macagni Fire Chief (Acting): Jeff Jones Incorporated: September 12, 1905 Legislative Districts: 22nd CD; 18th SD; 33rd AD Chartered City. Population: 92,542. 159 Incorporated City and Town Officials CITY OF SANTA MONICA (County of Los Angeles) CITY OF SANTA ROSA (County of Sonoma) Address: 1685 Main Street, Santa Monica, CA 90407 Mail Address: P.O. Box 2200, Santa Monica, CA 90407 Telephone: (310) 458-8411 Fax: (310) 917-6640 Website: Office Hours: Monday to Thursday 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.; Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.; Limited services on alternate Fridays Mayor: Pam O’Connor (Acting) Mayor Pro Tempore: (Vacant) Council: Richard Bloom, Gleam Davis, Bob Holbrook, Kevin McKeown, Terry O’Day, Bobby Shriver. Council meets on the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month at 5:30 p.m. in Council Chambers. City Manager: P. Lamont Ewell City Clerk: Maria Stewart City Attorney: Marsha Jones-Moutrie Finance Director/Treasurer: Caroll Swindell Police Chief: Tim Jackman Fire Chief: Scott Ferguson School Superintendent: Tim Cuneuo Incorporated: November 30, 1886 Legislative Districts: 29th CD; 23rd SD; 41st AD Chartered City. Population: 89,300. Address: 100 Santa Rosa Ave, Santa Rosa, CA 95404 Mail Address: P.O. Box 1678, Santa Rosa, CA 95402 Telephone: (707) 543-3010 Fax: (707) 543-3030 Mayor: Jane Bender Vice Mayor: Bob Blanchard Council: Janet Condron, Mike Martini, Lee Pierce, Steve Rabinowitsh, John Sawyer. Council meets on the first four Tuesdays of each month in Council Chambers. City Manager: Jeff Kolin City Clerk: Sue Stoneman City Attorney: Brien Farrell Police Chief: Ed Flint Fire Chief: Bruce Varner School Superintendent: Carl Wong Incorporated: March 16, 1868 Legislative Districts: 6th CD; 2nd SD; 1st, 7th AD Chartered City. Population: 155,500. CITY OF SANTA PAULA (County of Ventura) Address: 970 Ventura Street, Santa Paula, CA 93060 Mail Address: P.O. Box 569, Santa Paula, CA 93061 Telephone: (805) 525-4478 Fax: (805) 525-6278 Website: Office Hours: Monday to Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. (closed alternate Fridays) Mayor: Ray C. Luna Vice Mayor: John T. Procter Council: Gabino Aguirre, Ralph J. Fernandez, Robert S. Gonzales. Council meets on the first and third Mondays of each month at 6:30 p.m. in City Hall. City Manager: Wally Bobkiewicz City Clerk: Josie G. Herrera City Attorney: Karl H. Berger Treasurer: Sandra K. Easley Police Chief: Stephen MacKinnon Fire Chief: Richard C. Araiza Incorporated: April 22, 1902 Legislative Districts: 24th CD; 17th SD; 37th AD General Law City. Population: 29,281. California Roster 2010 CITY OF SANTEE (County of San Diego) Address: 10601 Magnolia Ave, Santee, CA 92071 Telephone: (619) 258-4100 Fax: (619) 562-0649 Website: Office Hours: Monday to Thursday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.; Friday 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. Mayor: Randy Voepel Vice Mayor: Brian W. Jones Council: Jack Dale, Hal Ryan, John Minto. Council meets on the second and fourh Wednesday of each month, except for November and December in which one meeting is held on the second Wednesday on the month. Meetings are held in the City Council Chambers. City Manager: Keith Till City Clerk (Interim): Patsy Bell, CMC City Attorney: Shawn Hagerty (Best, Best & Krieger) Finance Officer-Treasurer: Tim McDermott Fire Chief: Mike Rottenberg School Superintendent: Patrick Shaw Incorporated: December 1, 1980 Legislative Districts: 52nd CD; 36th SD; 77th AD Chartered City. Population: 56,848. CITY OF SARATOGA (County of Santa Clara) Address: 13777 Fruitvale Avenue, Saratoga, CA 95070 Telephone: (408) 868-1200 Fax: (408) 867-8559 Website: Email: [email protected] Office Hours: Monday to Friday 7:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.; closed every other Friday Mayor: Kathleen King Vice Mayor: Jill Hunter Council: Howard Miller, Susie Nagpal, Chuck Page. Council meets on the first and third Wednesdays of each month (except August) in Civic Theater. City Manager: Dave Anderson Administrative Officer: Mary Furey City Clerk: Ann Sullivan City Attorney: Richard Taylor Police Chief: Captain Terry Calderone Incorporated: October 15, 1956 Legislative Districts: 14th, 15th CD; 11th, 13th SD; 22nd, 24th AD General Law City. Population: 30,500. 160 Incorporated City and Town Officials CITY OF SAUSALITO (County of Marin) CITY OF SEASIDE (County of Monterey) Address: 420 Litho Street, Sausalito, CA 94965 Telephone: (415) 289-4100 Fax: (415) 289-4167 Website: Email: [email protected] (City Manger) Office Hours: Monday to Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mayor: Jonathan Leone Vice Mayor: Linda Pfeifer Council: D. Michael Kelly, Herb Weiner, Carolyn Ford. Council meets on the first and third Tuesday; twice each month. City Manager: Adam Politzer City Attorney: Mary Wagner Treasurer: Charles Francis Police Chief: Scott Paulin Fire Chief: Jim Irving School Superintendent: Debra A. Bradley Incorporated: September 4, 1893 Legislative Districts: 6th CD; 3rd SD; 6th AD General Law City. Population: 7,350. Address: 440 Harcourt Avenue, Seaside, CA 93955 Telephone: (831) 899-6700 Fax: (831) 899-6227 Website: Office Hours: Monday to Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mayor: Ralph Rubio Mayor Pro Tempore: Steve Bloomer Council: Dennis J. Alexander, Don R. Jordan, Thomas M. Mancini. Council meets on the first and third Thursdays of each month at 7 p.m. in City Hall. City Manager: Ray Corpuz City Clerk: Joyce E. Newsome City Attorney: Donald Freeman Treasurer: Daphne Hodgson Police Chief: Steve Cercone Fire Chief: Gerad Wombacher School Superintendent: Marylin K. Shepherd Incorporated: October 13, 1954 Legislative Districts: 17th CD; 15th SD; 27th AD General Law City. Population: 33,450. CITY OF SCOTTS VALLEY (County of Santa Cruz) CITY OF SEBASTOPOL (County of Sonoma) Address: 1 Civic Center Drive, Scotts Valley, CA 95066 Telephone: (831) 440-5600 Fax: (831) 438-2793 Website: Email: [email protected] Mayor: Randy Johnson Vice Mayor: Jim Reed Council: Stephany E. Aguilar, Dene Bustichi, Donna Lind. Council meets on the first and third Wednesdays of each month at 6 p.m. in Council Chambers. City Manager: Steve Ando City Clerk: Tracy A. Ferrara City Attorney: Kirsten Powell Treasurer: Steve Ando Police Chief: John Weiss Fire Chief: Mike McMurry School Superintendent: Susan Silver Incorporated: August 2, 1966 Legislative Districts: 14th CD; 15th SD; 27th AD General Law City. Population: 11,650. Address: 7120 Bodega Ave, Sebastopol, CA 95472 Mail Address: P.O. Box 1776, Sebastopol, CA 95473 Telephone: (707) 823-1153 Fax: (707) 823-1135 Website: Email: [email protected] Office Hours: Monday to Friday 7 a.m. to 5 p.m., closed 12 p.m. to 1 p.m. for lunch; Alternate Fridays open 1 a.m. to 4 p.m., closed 12 p.m. to 1 p.m. for lunch; Closed alternate Fridays Mayor: Sarah Glade Gurney Vice Mayor: Guy Wilson Council: Kathleen Shafter, Larry Robinson, Linda Kelley. Council meets on the first and third Tuesdays of each month at 6 p.m. at Sebastopol Youth Annex, 425 Morris Street. City Manager: Jack Griffin City Clerk: Mary Gourley City Attorney: Larry McLaughlin Treasurer-Finance Director: Ron Puccinelli Police Chief: Jeffrey Weaver Fire Chief: John Zanzi School Superintendent: David Wheeler Incorporated: June 13, 1902 Legislative Districts: 6th CD; 2nd SD; 1st AD General Law City. Population: 7,858. CITY OF SEAL BEACH (County of Orange) Address: 211 8th Street, Seal Beach, CA 90740-6305 Telephone: (562) 431-2527 Fax: (562) 493-9857 Website: Office Hours: Monday to Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mayor: David W. Sloan-District 2 Mayor Pro Tempore: Michael P. Levitt-District 5 Council: Charles J. Antos- District 1, Gordon A. ShanksDistrict 3, Gary A. Miller-District 4. Council meets on the second and fourth Mondays of each month at City Hall Council Chambers at 7 pm. City Manager: David N. Carmany City Clerk: Linda Devine City Attorney: Quinn M. Barrow Treasurer: Robbeyn S. Bird Police Chief: Jeff Kirkpatrick Fire Chief: Chip Prather, Orange County Fire Authority (contract) School Superintendent: Dr. Gregory A. Franklin Incorporated: October 27, 1915 Legislative Districts: 46th CD; 35th SD; 67th AD Chartered City. Population: 24,157. California Roster 2010 161 Incorporated City and Town Officials CITY OF SELMA (County of Fresno) CITY OF SHASTA LAKE (County of Shasta) Address: 1710 Tucker Street, Selma, CA 93662 Telephone: (559) 891-2200 Fax: (559) 896-1068 Website: Office Hours: Monday to Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mayor: Dennis Lujan Mayor Pro Tempore: Mike Derr Council: Jim Avalos, Ken Grey, George Rodriguez. Council meets on the first and third Mondays of each month at 7 p.m. at 1710 Tucker Street. City Manager: D-B Heusser City Clerk: Melanie A. Carter, CMC City Attorney: Neal Costanzo Finance Director: Roberta Araki Police Chief: Myron Dyck Fire Chief: Jeff Kestly School Superintendent: Mark Sutton Incorporated: March 15, 1893 Legislative Districts: 17th CD; 15th SD; 31st AD General Law City. Population: 23,301. Address: 1650 Stanton Drive, Shasta Lake, CA 96019 Mail Address: P.O. Box 777, Shasta Lake, CA 96019 Telephone: (530) 275-7400 Fax: (530) 275-7414 Website: Office Hours: Monday to Friday 7 a.m. to 4 p.m. Mayor: Ray Siner Mayor Pro Tempore: Bonnie Hurlhey Council: Larry Farr, Dean Goekler, Gracious Palmer. Council meets on the first and third Tuesdays of each month at 7 p.m. at John Beaudet Senior Community Center. City Manager: Gerry Cupp City Clerk: Rae Morrow City Attorney: John Kenny Treasurer/Finance Director: Carol Martin Police Chief: Denis Carol Incorporated: July 2, 1993 Legislative Districts: 2nd CD; 4th SD; 2nd AD General Law City. Population: 9,725. CITY OF SHAFTER (County of Kern) CITY OF SIERRA MADRE (County of Los Angeles) Address: 336 Pacific Avenue, Shafter, CA 93263 Telephone: (661) 746-6365 Fax: (661) 746-0607 Website: Office Hours: Monday to Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mayor: Cathy Prout Mayor Pro Tempore: Garry Nelson Council: Jack W. Colvard, Jon Johnston, Gilbert Alvarado. Council meets on the first and third Tuesdays of each month at 7 p.m. in City Hall. City Manager: John D. Guinn Assistant City Manager: Scott Hurlbert Administrative Services Director: Jo Barrick City Clerk: Christine Wilson City Attorney: Best, Best & Krieger LLP Police Chief: Charlie Fivecoat Fire Chief: Kern County Fire Department School Superintendent: Ken Bergevin, Richland School District Community Development Director: Jake Sweeney Planning Director: Wayne Clausen Public Works Director: Mike James Incorporated: January 20, 1938 Legislative Districts: 20th CD; 16th SD; 30th AD Chartered City. Population: 14,113. Address: 232 West Sierra Madre Blvd, Sierra Madre, CA 91024 Telephone: (626) 355-7135 Fax: (626) 355-2251 Website: Office Hours: Monday to Friday 8 a.m.–5 p.m.; every other Friday closed Mayor: George A. Maurer Mayor Pro Tempore: Tonya Torres Council: John Buchanan, Enid Joffe, Rob Stockly. Council meets on the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month at 6:30 p.m. in Council Chambers. City Manager: John Gillison City Clerk: Nancy Sue Shollenberger City Attorney: Michael Colantuono Treasurer: Richard L. Mays Police Chief: Marilyn Diaz Fire Chief: Roger Lowe Incorporated: February 2, 1907 Legislative Districts: 26th CD; 21st SD; 42nd AD General Law City. Population: 10,950. CITY OF SIGNAL HILL (County of Los Angeles) Address: 2175 Cherry Ave, Signal Hill, CA 90755 Telephone: (562) 989-7300 Fax: (562) 989-7393 Website: Office Hours: Monday to Thursday 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.; Friday 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Mayor: Edward H.J. Wilson Vice Mayor: Larry Foster Council: Michael J. Noll, Ellen Ward, Tina L. Hansen. Council meets on the first and third Tuesdays of each month at 7 p.m. in Council Chambers. City Manager: Kenneth C. Farfsing City Clerk: Kathleen L. Pacheco City Attorney: David J. Aleshire Treasurer: Emerson Fersch Police Chief: Tom Sonoff Fire Chief: P. Michael Freeman School Superintendent: Chris Steinhauser Incorporated: April 22, 1924 Legislative Districts: 37th CD; 27th SD; 54th AD Chartered City. Population: 11,089. California Roster 2010 162 Incorporated City and Town Officials CITY OF SIMI VALLEY (County of Ventura) CITY OF SOLVANG (County of Santa Barbara) Address: 2929 Tapo Canyon Road, Simi Valley, CA 93063 Telephone: (805) 583-6700 Fax: (805) 526-2489 Website: Office Hours: Monday to Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mayor: Paul Miller Mayor Pro Tempore: Glen T. Becerra Council: Barbra Williamson, Steven T. Sojka, Michelle S. Foster. Council typically meets on Mondays at 6:30 p.m. in the Council Chamber. City Manager: Mike Sedell City Clerk: Mike Sedell City Attorney: Tracy M. Noonan Police Chief: Michael Lewis Fire Chief: Bob Roper School Superintendent: Kathy Scroggin Incorporated: October 10, 1969 Legislative Districts: 24th CD; 19th SD; 37th, 38th AD General Law City. Population: 126,322. Address: 1644 Oak Street, Solvang, CA 93463 Telephone: (805) 688-5575 Fax: (805) 686-2049 Website: Office Hours: Monday to Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mayor: Jim Richardson Mayor Pro Tempore: Joan Jamieson Council: Hans Duus, Ken Palmer, Ed Skytt. Council meets on the second and fourth Mondays of each month at 7 p.m. in City Hall. City Manager: Brad Vidro City Clerk: Mary Ellen Rio City Attorney: Roy Hanley Finance Director: Dana Waite Police Chief: Lt. Julie Mc Cammon School Superintendent: Chris Whitmore Incorporated: May 1, 1985 Legislative Districts: 24th CD; 19th SD; 35th AD Chartered City. Population: 5,450. CITY OF SOLANA BEACH (County of San Diego) Address: 635 South Hwy 101, Solana Beach, CA 92075 Telephone: (858) 720-2400 Fax: (858) 720-2455 Website: Office Hours: Monday to Thursday 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.; Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.; closed alternate Fridays Mayor: Thomas M. Campbell Deputy Mayor: Lesa Heebner Council: Joe G. Kellejian, David W. Roberts, Mike Nichols. Council meets on the second and fourth Wednesdays of each month at 6 p.m. in Council Chambers. City Manager: David Ott City Clerk: Angela J. Ivey City Attorney: Johanna N. Canlas Treasurer: Dennis Coleman Police Chief: Don Fowler Fire Chief: Mark Muir School Superintendents: Leslie Fausset Incorporated: July 1, 1986 Legislative Districts: 50th CD; 38th SD; 74th AD General Law City. Population: 13,327. CITY OF SOLEDAD (County of Monterey) Address: 248 Main Street, Soledad, CA 93960 Mail Address: P.O. Box 156, Soledad, CA 93960 Telephone: (831) 223-5000 Fax: (831) 678-3965 Website: Office Hours: Monday to Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mayor: Richard V. Ortiz Mayor Pro Tempore: Martha Camacho Council: Richard J. Perez, Juan Saavedra, Patricia Stephens. Council meets on the first Wednesday of each month in City Council Chambers. City Manager/Clerk: Adela P. Gonzalez City Attorney: Michael Rodriquez Treasurer: Stephen P. Compton Police Chief: Eric C. Sills Fire Chief: Richard Foster School Superintendent: Jorge Guzman Incorporated: March 9, 1921 Legislative Districts: 17th CD; 15th SD; 28th AD General Law City. Population: 27,905. California Roster 2010 CITY OF SONOMA (County of Sonoma) Address: No. 1 The Plaza, Sonoma, CA 95476 Telephone: (707) 938-3681 Fax: (707) 938-8775 Website: Email: [email protected] Mayor: Steve Barbose Mayor Pro Tempore: Aug Sebastiani Council: Laurie Gallian, Joanne Sanders, Ken Brown. Council meets on the first and third Wednesdays of each month at 6 p.m. in the Council Chambers. City Manager: Linda Kelly City Clerk: Gay Rainsbarger City Attorney: Jeff Walter Treasurer: Carol Giovanatto Police Chief: Bret Sackett Fire Chief: Phil Garcia School Superintendent: Louann Carlomagno Incorporated: September 3, 1883 Legislative Districts: 6th CD; 2nd SD; 7th AD General Law City. Population: 9,450. CITY OF SONORA (County of Tuolumne) Address: 94 North Washington St, Sonora, CA 95370 Telephone: (209) 532-4541 Fax: (209) 532-2738 Website: Email: [email protected] Office Hours: Monday to Friday 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Mayor: Ron Stearn Mayor Pro Tempore: Gary Anderson Council: Bill Canning, Hank Russell, David Sheppard. Council meets on the first and third Mondays of each month at 5 p.m. in City Hall. City Manager: Greg Applegate City Administrator: Greg Applegate City Clerk: Marijane Cassinetto City Attorney: Richard Matranga Finance Director: Karen Stark Police Chief: Mark Stinson Fire Chief: Mike Barrows School Superintendent: Joe Silva Incorporated: May 1, 1851 Legislative Districts: 18th CD; 5th SD; 7th AD General Law City. Population: 4,610. 163 Incorporated City and Town Officials CITY OF SOUTH EL MONTE (County of Los Angeles) Address: 1415 Santa Anita Avenue, South El Monte, CA 91733 Telephone: (626) 579-6540 Fax: (626) 579-2107 Website: Email: [email protected] Office Hours: Monday to Thursday 7 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Mayor: Blanca M. Figueroa Mayor Pro Tempore: Angelica R. Garcia Council: Louie Aguinaga, Hector Delgado, Joseph J. Gonzales. Council meets on the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month at 6:30 p.m. in Council Chambers. City Manager: Anthony R. Ybarra City Clerk: Kathy L. Gonzales City Attorney: Richards, Watson, Gershon Finance Director (Interim): Dave Bass Police Chief: Captian Richard Shaw Fire Chief: Daniel B. Scott Assistant Fire Chief: Johnny Lee Incorporated: July 30, 1958 Legislative Districts: 32nd CD; 30th SD; 49th AD General Law City. Population: 22,402. CITY OF SOUTH GATE (County of Los Angeles) Address: 8650 California Ave, South Gate, CA 90280 Telephone: (323) 563-9500 Fax: (323) 563-5411 Website: Email: [email protected] Mayor: Henry C. Gonzalez Vice Mayor: Greg Martinez Council: Maria Davila, Bill De Witt, Gil Hurtado. Council meets on the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month at City Hall. City Manager: Ronald Bates City Clerk: Carmen Avalos City Attorney: Raul Salinas Treasurer: Maria Belen Bernal Police Chief: George Troxcil School Superintendent: Roy Romer Incorporated: January 20, 1923 Legislative Districts: 33rd CD; 30th SD; 50th AD General Law City. Population: 100,300. California Roster 2010 CITY OF SOUTH LAKE TAHOE (County of El Dorado) Address: 1901 Airport Rd., South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150 Telephone: (530) 542-6000 Administration Fax: (530) 542-4054 Website: Office Hours: Monday to Friday 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Mayor: Kathey Lovell Mayor Pro Tempore: Hale Cole Council: Bill Crawford, Jerry Birdwell, Bruce Grego. Council meets on the first and third Tuesdays of each month at 9 a.m. in Council Chambers, 1901 Airport Rd., South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150. City Manager: David Jinkens City Clerk: Susan Alessi City Attorney: Patrick Enright Treasurer: David Olivo Police Chief (Interim): Martin Hewlitt - 1352 Johnson Blvd., South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150 Fire Chief: Lorenzo Gigliotti - 2101 Lake Tahoe Blvd., South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150 School Superintendent: Dr. James Tarwater Incorporated: November 30, 1965 Legislative Districts: 4th CD; 1st SD; 4th AD General Law City. Population: 23,609. CITY OF SOUTH PASADENA (County of Los Angeles) Address: 1414 Mission St, South Pasadena, CA 91030 Telephone: (626) 403-7200 Fax: (626) 403-7211 Website: Mayor: Richard D. Schneider, M.D. Mayor Pro Tempore: Mike Ten Council: Michael Cacciotti, Philip C. Putnam, David Sifuentes. Council meets on the first and third Wednesdays of each month at 7:30 p.m. City Manager: John Davidson City Clerk: Sally Kilby City Attorney: Richard L. Adams II Treasurer: Victor A. Robinette Police Chief: Daniel Watson Fire Chief: Jerry Wallace School Superintendent: Joel Shapiro Incorporated: March 2, 1888 Legislative Districts: 29th CD; 22nd SD; 44th AD General Law City. Population: 25,824. 164 Incorporated City and Town Officials CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO (County of San Mateo) CITY OF STOCKTON (County of San Joaquin) Address: 400 Grand Avenue, South San Francisco, CA 94080 Mail Address: P.O. Box 711, South San Francisco, CA 94083 Telephone: (650) 877-8518 Fax: (650) 829-6641 Website: Office Hours: Monday to Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mayor: Joe Fernekes Vice Mayor: Richard A. Garbarino, Sr. Council: Mark N. Addiego, Pedro Gonzalez, Karyl Matsumoto. Council meets on the second and fourth Wednesdays of each month at the Municipal Services Building, 33 Arroyo Drive. City Manager: Barry M. Nagel City Clerk: Sylvia M. Payne City Attorney: Steve Mattas c/o Meyers, Nave, Riback, Silver and Wilson Treasurer: Richard A. Battaglia Police Chief: Mark J.Raffaelli Fire Chief: Phil White School Superintendent: Barbara Olds Incorporated: September 19, 1908 Legislative Districts: 11th CD; 6th SD; 19th AD General Law City. Population: 62,551. Address: 425 North El Dorado St, Stockton, CA 95202 Telephone: (209) 937-8212 Fax: (209) 937-7149 Website: Email: [email protected] Office Hours: Monday to Thursday 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.; every other Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. and closed every other Friday. Mayor: Ann Johnston Vice Mayor: Kathy Miller Council: Susan Eggman, Leslie Martin, Dale Fritchen, Elbert Holman, Diana Lowery. Council meets on every Tuesday of each month at 5:30 p.m. in Council Chambers. City Manager (Interim): Kevin O’Rourke Administrative Officer: Mark Moses City Clerk: Katherine Gong Meissner City Attorney: Ren Nosky Police Chief: Blair Ulring Fire Chief: Ron Hittle School Superintendent: Steve Vaczovsky Incorporated: July 23, 1850 Legislative Districts: 11th CD; 5th SD; 26th AD Chartered City. Population: 289,927. CITY OF STANTON (County of Orange) Address: 7800 Katella Avenue, Stanton, CA 90680 Telephone: (714) 379-9222 Fax: (714) 890-1443 Website: Email: [email protected] Mayor: Brian Donahue Mayor Pro Tempore: David Shawver Council: David Cadena, Alexander A. Ethans, Edward D. Royce, Sr. Council meets on the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month at 6:30 p.m. (except fourth Tuesday in December) in Council Chambers. City Manager: John F. “Jake” Wager, Jr. City Clerk: Brenda Green City Attorney: Ralph D. Hanson Treasurer: Mark S. Uribe Police Chief: Captain Robert “Bob” Eason (Orange County Sheriff’s Dept) Incorporated: June 4, 1956 Legislative Districts: 40th CD; 34th SD; 67th, 68th AD General Law City. Population: 38,400. California Roster 2010 CITY OF SUISUN CITY (County of Solano) Address: 701 Civic Center Blvd, Suisun City, CA 94585 Telephone: (707) 421-7300 Fax: (707) 421-7366 Website: Email: [email protected] Office Hours: Monday, Wednesday, Thursday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.; Tuesday 8 a.m. to 7 p.m.; closed Fridays Mayor: Pete Sanchez Mayor Pro Tempore: Jane Day Council: Sam Derting, Michael Hudson, Michael Segala. Council meets on the first and third Tuesdays of each month at 7 p.m. in Council Chambers. City Manager: Suzanne Bragdon City Clerk: Linda Hobson City Attorney: Dave Aleshire, Aleshire & Wynder LLP Treasurer: Jeanie McMurray Police Chief: Ed Dadisho Fire Chief: Michael O’Brien Incorporated: October 9, 1868 Legislative Districts: 1st, 7th CD; 4th SD; 8th AD General Law City. Population: 26,850. 165 Incorporated City and Town Officials CITY OF SUNNYVALE (County of Santa Clara) CITY OF SUTTER CREEK (County of Amador) Address: 456 West Olive Avenue, Sunnyvale, CA 94086 Mail Address: P.O. Box 3707, Sunnyvale, CA 94088 Telephone: (408) 730-7500; TDD (408) 730-7501 Fax: (408) 730-7699 Website: Email: [email protected] Office Hours: Monday to Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mayor: Anthony "Tony" Spitaleri Vice Mayor: Christopher Moylan Council: Dean J. Chu, Melinda Hamilton, John Howe, Ron Swegles, David Whittum. Council meets on most Tuesdays at 7 p.m. in Council Chambers at 456 West Olive Avenue. City Manager: Gary M. Luebbers City Clerk: Kathleen Franco Simmons Communications Officer: John Pilger City Attorney: David Kahn Finance Director: Mary Bradley Police & Fire Chief: Don Johnson School Superintendent: Dr. Joseph Rudnicki Incorporated: December 24, 1912 Legislative Districts: 14th, 15th CD; 13th SD; 22nd AD Chartered City. Population: 137,538. Address: 18 Main Street, Sutter Creek, CA 95685 Telephone: (209) 267-5647 Fax: (209) 267-0639 Website: Email: [email protected] Office Hours: Monday to Friday 8:30 a.m.–5 p.m. Mayor: Tim Murphy Vice Mayor: Bill Hepworth Council: Pat Crosby, Sandra Anderson, Linda Rianda. Council meets on the first and third Mondays of each month at 7 p.m. at the Sutter Creek Community Building, 33 Church Street, Sutter Creek, CA 95685 City Manager: J. Robert Duke Assistant City Manager: Sean Rabé City Clerk: Judy Allen City Attorney: J. Dennis Crabb Treasurer: Cathy Castillo, CPA Police Chief: J. Robert Duke Fire Chief: Butch Martin School Superintendent: Richard Glock Incorporated: February 11, 1913 Legislative Districts: 13th CD; 1th SD; 10th AD General Law City. Population: 2,440. CITY OF SUSANVILLE (County of Lassen) CITY OF TAFT (County of Kern) Address: 66 North Lassen St, Susanville, CA 96130 Telephone: (530) 257-1000 Fax: (530) 252-1020 Website: Email: [email protected] Office Hours: Monday to Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mayor: Rod E. De Boer Mayor Pro Tempore: Rocky T. Joy Council: Lino P. Callegari, Mary A. Fahlen, Douglas Sayers. Council meets on the first and third Wednesdays of each month at 7 p.m. in City Hall. City Administrator: Luann Rainey City Clerk: Debra M. Magginetti City Attorney: Kathleen R. Lazard Treasurer: Richard H. Stovall Police Chief: Christopher J. Gallagher Fire Chief: Stuart A. Ratner Incorporated: August 24, 1900 Legislative Districts: 4th CD; 1st SD; 3rd AD General Law City. Population: 18,600. Address: 209 East Kern Street, Taft, CA 93268 Telephone: (661) 763-1222 Fax: (661) 765-2480 Website: Email: [email protected] Office Hours: Monday to Thursday 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Mayor: Dave Noerr Mayor Pro Tempore: Randy Miller Council: Paul Linder, Craig Noble, Cliff Thompson. Council meets first and third Tuesdays in Council Chambers. City Manager: Robert T. Gorson, Jr. City Clerk: Louise Hudgens City Attorney: Katherine Gibson Treasurer: Bill LeBarron Police Chief: Ken McMinn Incorporated: November 7, 1910 Legislative Districts: 21st CD; 18th SD; 32nd AD General Law City. Population: 9,117. California Roster 2010 166 Incorporated City and Town Officials CITY OF TEHACHAPI (County of Kern) CITY OF TEMPLE CITY (County of Los Angeles) Address: 115 South Robinson St, Tehachapi, CA 93561 Telephone: (661) 822-2200 Fax: (661) 822-2197 Website: Email: [email protected] Office Hours: Monday to Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mayor: Ed Grimes Mayor Pro Tempore: Deborah Hand Council: Phil Smith, Mariana Teel, Linda Vernon. Council meets on the first and third Mondays of each month at 6 p.m. in Council Chambers. City Manager: Jason D. Caudle City Clerk: Jeanette M. Kelley, MMC City Attorney: Thomas F. Schroeter Treasurer: Patricia Gassaway Police Chief: Sgt. Fowler Fire Chief: Tim McLaughlin School Superintendent: Dr. Stephens Incorporated: August 13, 1909 Legislative Districts: 21st CD; 18th SD; 32nd AD General Law City. Population: 11,400. Address: 9701 Las Tunas Drive, Temple City, CA 91780 Telephone: (626) 285-2171 Fax: (626) 285-8192 Website: Mayor: Dave Capra Mayor Pro Tempore: Cathe Wilson Council: Dan Arrighi, Kenneth G. Gillanders, Judy S. Wong. Council meets on the first and third Tuesdays of each month at 7:30 p.m. in Council Chambers, Civic Center, 5938 Kauffman Avenue, Temple City, CA 91780. City Manager: Charles Martin Administrative Officer: Gary Flod City Clerk: Mary R. Flandrick, CMC City Attorney: Charles Martin Treasurer (Acting): Monica Molina Police Chief: Captain Richard Shaw (LA County) Fire Chief (Assistant): Daniel Scott (LA County) School Superintendent: Dr. Joan Hillard Incorporated: May 25, 1960 Legislative Districts: 29th CD; 21st SD; 44th AD Chartered City. Population: 34,700. CITY OF TEHAMA (County of Tehama) Address: 250 Cavalier Drive, Tehama, CA 96090 Mail Address: P.O. Box 70, Tehama, CA 96090 Telephone: (530) 384-1501 Fax: (530) 384-1625 Office Hours: By appointment Mayor: R. E. Mitchell Vice Mayor: Robert Christison Council: Carol Unsworth, Billy Himes, James Bacquet. Council meets on the second Tuesday of each month at 6 p.m. in City Hall. City Clerk: Carolyn Steffan City Attorney: Gregory Einhorn Treasurer: Betty Celano City Engineer: Mike Byrd Incorporated: July 5, 1906 Legislative Districts: 2nd CD; 4th SD; 2nd AD General Law City. Population: 430. CITY OF TEMECULA (County of Riverside) Address: 43200 Business Park Dr, Temecula, CA 92590 Mail Address: P.O. Box 9033, Temecula, CA 92589 Telephone: (951) 694-6444 Fax: (951) 694-1999 Website: Office Hours: Monday to Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mayor: Mike Naggar Mayor Pro Tempore: Maryann Edwards Council: Jeff Comerchero, Ron Roberts, Chuck Washington. Council meets on the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month in Council Chambers. City Manager: Shawn D. Nelson City Clerk: Susan W. Jones City Attorney: Peter M. Thorson Police Chief: Jerry Williams Fire Chief: Glenn Patterson School Superintendent: Carol A. Leighty, Ed. D. Incorporated: December 1, 1989 Legislative Districts: 49th CD; 36th SD; 66th AD General Law City. Population: 97,935. California Roster 2010 CITY OF THOUSAND OAKS (County of Ventura) Address: 2100 Thousand Oaks Blvd, Thousand Oaks, CA 91362 Telephone: (805) 449-2100 Fax: (805) 449-2125 Website: Email: [email protected] Office Hours: Monday to Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mayor: Dennis C. Gillette Mayor Pro Tempore: Andrew P. Fox Council: Thomas P. Glancy, Jacqui V. Irwin, Claudia Billde la Peña. Council typically meets on two Tuesdays of each month at 6 p.m. in City Hall. City Manager: Scott Mitnick City Clerk: Linda D. Lawrence City Attorney: Amy Albano Treasurer: John Adams Police Chief: Jeff Matson Fire Chief: Rod Megli School Superintendent: Louis A. Pappas Incorporated: October 7, 1964 Legislative Districts: 24th CD; 19th SD; 37th, 38th AD General Law City. Population: 128,564. TOWN OF TIBURON (County of Marin) Address: 1505 Tiburon Blvd, Tiburon, CA 94920 Telephone: (415) 435-7373 Fax: (415) 435-2438 Website: Mayor: Paul Smith Vice Mayor: Tom Gram Council: Miles Berger, Alice Fredericks, Jeff Slavitz. Council meets on the first and third Wednesdays of each month at 7:30 p.m. in Council Chambers. Town Manager (Interim): Heidi Bigall Town Clerk: Diane Crane Iacopi Town Attorney: Ann Danforth Police Chief: Matt Odetto Incorporated: June 23, 1964 Legislative Districts: 6th CD; 3rd SD; 9th AD General Law City. Population: 8,800. 167 Incorporated City and Town Officials CITY OF TORRANCE (County of Los Angeles) TOWN OF TRUCKEE (County of Nevada) Address: 3031 Torrance Blvd, Torrance, CA 90503 Telephone: (310) 618-5880 Fax: (310) 618-5891 Website: Office Hours: Monday to Friday 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.; closed alternate Fridays Mayor: Dan Walker Council: Ted W. Lieu, Michael H. Mauno, Pat McIntyre, Paul Nowatka, Frank Scotto, Hope Witkowsky. Council meets on the first and third Tuesdays of each month at 5:30 p.m. and second and fourth Tuesdays of each month at 7 p.m. in City Hall. City Manager: LeRoy J. Jackson City Clerk: Sue Herbers Treasurer: Linda Barnett Police Chief: James D. Herren Fire Chief: Richard Bongard Incorporated: May 12, 1921 Legislative Districts: 36th CD; 28th SD; 53rd AD Chartered City. Population: 144,400 Address: 10183 Truckee Airport Rd, Truckee, CA 96161 Telephone: (530) 582-7700 Fax: (530) 582-7710 Website: Office Hours: Monday to Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mayor: Dr. Mark Brown Mayor Pro Tempore: Carolyn Wallace Dee Council: Richard Anderson, Barbara Green, Joan deRyk Jones. Council meets on the first and third Thursdays of each month at 6 p.m. at 10183 Truckee Airport Road. Town Manager: Tony Lashbrook Town Clerk: Judy Price Town Attorney: J. Dennis Crabb Treasurer: Kim Szczurek Police Chief: Nicholas Sensley Fire Chief: Bryce Keller School Superintendent: Stephen Jennings Incorporated: March 23, 1993 Legislative Districts: 4th CD; 1st SD; 3rd AD Chartered City. Population: 16,000. CITY OF TRACY (County of San Joaquin) CITY OF TULARE (County of Tulare) Address: 333 Civic Center Plaza, Tracy, CA 95376 Telephone: (209) 831-6000 Fax: (209) 831-6120 Website: Office Hours: Monday to Thursday 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.; Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m (Closed every other Friday). Mayor: Brent H. Ives Mayor Pro Tempore: Suzanne Tucker Council: Evelyn Tolbert, Stephen Abercrombie, Michael Maciel. Council meets on the first and third Tuesdays of each month at 7 p.m. in Council Chambers, 333 Civic Center Plaza. City Manager: R. Leon Churchill, Jr. City Clerk: Sandra Edwards City Clerk (Assistant): Carole Fleischmann City Attorney: Daniel G. Sodergren Treasurer: Ray McCray Police Chief: Janet Thiessen Fire Chief (Acting): Dave Bramell School Superintendent: Jim Franco Incorporated: July 22, 1910 Legislative Districts: 11th, 18th CD; 5th, 12th SD; 17th AD General Law City. Population: 81,714. Address: 411 East Kern Avenue, Tulare, CA 93274 Telephone: (559) 684-4200 Fax: (559) 685-2398 Website: Email: [email protected] Mayor: Craig Vejvoda Vice Mayor: Philip Vandergrift Council: Carlton Jones, David Macedo, Richard Ortega. Council meets on the first and third Tuesdays of each month in the Civic Affairs Building. City Manager: Darrel Pyle City Clerk: Roxanne Yoder Finance Director-Treasurer: Darlene Thompson Police Chief: Roger L. Hill Fire Chief: Michael Threlkeld Incorporated: April 5, 1888 Legislative Districts: 18th, 21st CD; 14th, 16th SD; 34th AD Chartered City. Population: 51,477. CITY OF TRINIDAD (County of Humboldt) Address: 409 Trinity Street, Trinidad, CA 95570 Mail Address: P.O. Box 390, Trinidad, CA 95570 Telephone: (707) 677-0223 Fax: (707) 677-3759 Website: Mayor: Chi-Wei Lin Mayor Pro Tempore: George Bowman Council: Dean Heyenga, Terry Marlow. Council meets on the second Wednesday of each month in City Hall. City Clerk: Gabriel Adams City Attorney: Jeff Guttero Police Chief: Ken Thraikill Fire Chief: Tom Marquette School Superintendent: Geoff Proust Incorporated: November 7, 1870 Legislative Districts: 1st CD; 2nd SD; 1st AD General Law City. Population: 310. California Roster 2010 CITY OF TULELAKE (County of Siskiyou) Address: 591 Main Street, Tulelake, CA 96134 Mail Address: P.O. Box 847, Tulelake, CA 96134 Telephone: (530) 667-5522 Fax: (530) 667-5351 Office Hours: Monday to Friday 8 a.m.–5 p.m. Mayor: Randy Darrow Mayor Pro Tempore: Richard Marcillac Council: Dar Carroll, Ron Cantrell, Don McCloud. Council meets on the first and third Mondays of each month at 7 p.m. in City Hall. City Clerk: Joe Cordonier City Attorney: John Kenny Treasurer: Elona Bunch Police Chief: Tony Ross Incorporated: March 1, 1937 Legislative Districts: 2nd CD; 1st SD; 1st AD General Law City. Population: 1,000. 168 Incorporated City and Town Officials CITY OF TURLOCK (County of Stanislaus) Address: 156 South Broadway, Turlock, CA 95380 Telephone: (209) 668-5540 Fax: (209) 668-5668 Website: Mayor: John S. Lazar Council: Amy Bublack, Ted Howze, Mary Jackson, Kurt Spycher. Council meets on the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month in the Yosemite Room, 156 South Broadway. City Manager: Roy W. Wasden City Clerk: Rhonda Greenlee City Attorney: Phaedra Norton Treasurer: Diana Lewis Police Chief: Gary Hampton Fire Chief: Mark Langley School Superintendent: Dr. Sonny Da Marto Incorporated: February 15, 1908 Legislative Districts: 19th CD; 12th SD; 26th AD General Law City. Population: 70,158. CITY OF TUSTIN (County of Orange) Address: 300 Centennial Way, Tustin, CA 92780 Telephone: (714) 573-3000 Fax: (714) 832-0825 Website: Email: [email protected] Office Hours: Monday to Thursday 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.; Alternate Fridays 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mayor: Lou Bone Mayor Pro Tempore: Jerry Amante Council: Tony Kawashima, Doug Davert, Jim Palmer. Council meets on the first and third Tuedays of each month at 7 p.m. in Council Chambers. City Manager: William A. Huston City Clerk: Pamela Stoker City Attorney: Douglas Holland Treasurer: George Jeffries Police Chief: Scott Jordan Fire Chief: Orange County Fire Authority School Superintendent: Pete Gorman Incorporated: September 21, 1927 Legislative Districts: 48th CD; 33rd SD; 70th, 71st AD General Law City. Population: 70,871. CITY OF TWENTYNINE PALMS (County of San Bernardino) Address: 6136 Adobe Rd, Twentynine Palms, CA 92277 Telephone: (760) 367-6799 Fax: (760) 367-4890 Website: Email: [email protected] Office Hours: Monday to Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mayor: Elaine Bernal Mayor Pro Tempore: Steve Spear Council: Steve Flock, Steve Flock, Joel Klink. Council meets on the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month at 6 p.m. City Manager: Michael Tree City Clerk: Char Sherwood, CMC City Attorney: Patrick Munoz Police Chief: Capt. Donnie Miller School Superintendent: James Majchrzak Incorporated: November 23, 1987 Legislative Districts: 41st CD; 18th SD; 65th AD General Law City. Population: 27,497. California Roster 2010 CITY OF UKIAH (County of Mendocino) Address: 300 Seminary Avenue, Ukiah, CA 95482 Telephone: (707) 463-6200 Fax: (707) 463-6204 Website: Office Hours: Monday to Friday 7:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mayor: Douglas Crane Vice Mayor: Philip Baldwin Council: John McCowen, Mari Rodin Benj Thomas. Council meets on the first and third Wednesdays of each month at 6 p.m. at Ukiah Civic Center. City Manager: Jane Chambers City Clerk: Linda Brown City Attorney: David Rapport Treasurer: Allen Carter Police Chief: Chris Dewey Fire Chief (Interim): Harold Ritter Incorporated: March 8, 1876 Legislative Districts: 1st CD; 2nd SD; 1st AD General Law City. Population: 15,850. CITY OF UNION CITY (County of Alameda) Address: 34009 Alvarado-Niles Road, Union City, CA 94587 Telephone: (510) 471-3232 Fax: (510) 475-7318 Website: Mayor: Mark Green Vice Mayor: Richard Valle Council: Carol Dutra-Vernaci, Manuel Fernandez, Jim Navarro. Council meets on the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month at 7 p.m. in Council Chambers. City Manager: Larry Cheeves City Clerk: Renee Elliott City Attorney: Michael Riback Administrative Services Director: Rich Digre Police Chief: Greg Stewart Fire Chief: Carlos Rodriguez School Superintendent: Kari McVeigh Incorporated: January 26, 1959 Legislative Districts: 13th CD; 10th SD; 20th AD General Law City. Population: 73,402. CITY OF UPLAND (County of San Bernardino) Address: 460 North Euclid Avenue, Upland, CA 91786 Mail Address: P.O. Box 460, Upland, CA 91785 Telephone: (909) 931-4100 Fax: (909) 931-4123 Website: Mayor: John “JP” Pomierski Mayor Pro Tempore: Brendan Brandt Council: Ray Musser, Tom R. Thomas, Kenneth W. Willis. Council meets on the second and fourth Mondays of each month at 7 p.m. in Council Chambers. City Manager: Robb Quincey City Clerk: Stephanie Mendenhall City Attorney: William P. Curley, III Treasurer: Dan Morgan Police Chief: Steve Adams Fire Chief: Michael Antonucci School Superintendent: Gary Rutherford Incorporated: May 15, 1906 Legislative Districts: 26th CD; 31st SD; 63rd AD General Law City. Population: 77,461. 169 Incorporated City and Town Officials CITY OF VACAVILLE (County of Solano) CITY OF VERNON (County of Los Angeles) Address: 650 Merchant Street, Vacaville, CA 95688 Telephone: (707) 449-5100 Fax: (707) 449-5149 Website: Office Hours: Monday to Friday 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Mayor: Leonard J. Augustine Vice Mayor: Pauline Clancy Council: Chuck Dimmick, Steve Hardy, Steve Wilkins. Council meets on the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month in Council Chambers. City Manager: David J. Van Kirk City Clerk: Michelle A. Thornbrugh City Attorney: Gerald R. Hobrecht Treasurer: Garland Porter Police Chief: Richard Word Fire Chief: Brian Preciado School Superintendent: John Aycock Incorporated: August 9, 1892 Legislative Districts: 3rd, 7th CD; 5th SD; 8th AD General Law City. Population: 96,735. Address: 4305 Santa Fe Avenue, Vernon, CA 90058 Telephone: (323) 583-8811 Fax: (323) 826-1438 Website: Office Hours: Monday to Thursday 7 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Mayor: Leonis C. Malburg Mayor Pro Tempore: Hilario Gonzales Council: Thomas Ybarra, William Davis, William M. McCormick. Council meets on the first and third Monday of each month at 10 a.m. in City Hall. City Administrator: Eric T. Fresch City Clerk: Nelly Giron Treasurer: Sharon L. Duckworth City Attorney: Jeff Harrison Police Chief: Steve Towles Fire Chief: Mark Whitworth Incorporated: September 22, 1905 Legislative Districts: 34th CD; 22nd SD; 46th AD Chartered City. Population: 95. CITY OF VALLEJO (County of Solano) Address: 555 Santa Clara Street, Vallejo, CA 94590 Mail Address: P.O. Box 3068, Vallejo, CA 94590 Telephone: (707) 648-4527 Fax: (707) 648-4426 Website: Office Hours: Monday to Friday 8:30 a.m. to 5:15 p.m. Mayor: Anthony J. Intintoli, Jr. Vice Mayor: Tony Pearsall Council: Tom Bartee, Gary Cloutier, Gerald Davis, Stephanie Gomes, Hermie Sunga. Council meets every Tuesday of each month at 7 p.m. in City Council Chambers. City Manager (Interim): John P. Thompson City Clerk: Allison Villarante Finance Director: Robert Stout Police Chief: Robert Nichelini Fire Chief: Donald Parker School Superintendent: Rick Damelio Incorporated: March 30, 1868 Legislative Districts: 7th CD; 2nd SD; 7th AD Chartered City. Population: 120,100. CITY OF VENTURA (SEE SAN BUENAVENTURA) (County of Ventura) California Roster 2010 CITY OF VICTORVILLE (County of San Bernardino) Address: 14343 Civic Drive, Victorville, CA 92392 Mail Address: P.O. Box 5001, Victorville, CA 92393 5001 Telephone: (760) 955-5000 Fax: (760) 369-0013 Website: Email: [email protected] Office Hours: Monday to Thursday 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.; Closed Fridays Mayor: Rudy Cabriales Mayor Pro Tempore: Mike Rothschild Council: JoAnn Almond, Terry E. Caldwell, Ryan McEachron. Council meets on the first and third Tuesdays of each month at 7 p.m in the City Council Chambers at 14343 Civic Drive, Victorville. City Manager: James L. Cox City Clerk: Carolee Bates City Attorney: Andre’ deBortnowsky Treasurer: John Sullivan Police Chief: Cliff Raynolds Fire Chief: Sid Hultquist Incorporated: September 21, 1962 Legislative Districts: 25th CD; 17th SD; 36th AD Charter City. Population: 106,561 170 Incorporated City and Town Officials CITY OF VILLA PARK (County of Orange) CITY OF WALNUT (County of Los Angeles) Address: 17855 Santiago Blvd, Villa Park, CA 92861 Telephone: (714) 998-1500 Fax: (714) 998-1508 Website: Email: [email protected] Office Hours: Monday to Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mayor: Bill MacAloney Mayor Pro Tempore: Rich Ulmer Council: Deborah Pauly, Brad Reese, James Rheins. Council meets on the fourth Tuesday of each month at 7 p.m. at Civic Center. City Manager: Lori Sassoon City Clerk: Jarad Hildenbrand City Attorney: Todd Litfin Treasurer: Dennis Kuli Police: Orange County Sheriff’s Dept. Fire: Orange County Fire Authority Incorporated: January 11, 1962 Legislative Districts: 40th CD; 33rd SD; 60th AD General Law City. Population: 6,251. Address: 21201 La Puente Road, Walnut, CA 91789 Mail Address: P.O. Box 682, Walnut, CA 91788-0682 Telephone: (909) 595-7543 Fax: (909) 595-6095 Website: Office Hours: Monday–Thursday 7 a.m. to 6 p.m.; closed Fridays Mayor: Mary Su Mayor Pro Tempore: Tom King Council: Antonio “Tony” Cartagena, Joaquin Lim. Council meets on the second and fourth Wednesdays of each month at 7 p.m. in Council Chambers, 21201 La Puente Road, Walnut, CA 91789. City Manager : Robert M. Wishner City Clerk: Teresa De Dios, CMC City Attorney: Michael B. Montgomery Treasurer: Christine Londo School Superintendents: Dr. Cyndy Simms (Walnut Valley USD), Dr. Maria G. Ott (Rowland USD) Incorporated: January 19, 1959 Legislative Districts: 28th CD; 29th SD; 60th AD General Law City. Population: 32,299. (as of 1/1/08) CITY OF VISALIA (County of Tulare) Address: 707 West Acequia St, Visalia, CA 93291 Telephone: (559) 713-4300 Fax: (559) 713-4800 Website: Office Hours: Monday to Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mayor: Bob Link Vice Mayor: Amy Shuklian Council: Mike Lane, Warren Gubler, Steve Nelsen. Council meets on the first and third Mondays of each month at 7 p.m. in City Hall. City Manager/Clerk: Steven M. Salomon City Attorney: Alex Peltzer Chief Financial Officer/Administrative Services Director: Eric Frost Police Chief: Colleen Mestas Fire Chief: Mark Nelson School Superintendent: Stan Carrizosa Incorporated: February 27, 1874 Legislative Districts: 17th CD; 15th SD; 29th, 32nd AD Chartered City. Population: 124,000. CITY OF WALNUT CREEK (County of Contra Costa) Address: 1666 North Main St, Walnut Creek, CA 94596 Mail Address: P.O. Box 8039, Walnut Creek, CA 94596 Telephone: (925) 943-5800 Fax: (925) 943-5897 Website: Office Hours: Monday to Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mayor: Gwen Regalia Mayor Pro Tempore: Cindy Silva Council: Gary Skrel, Robert Simmons, Kish Rajan. Council meets on the first and third Tuesdays of each month at 7 p.m. in Council Chambers. City Manager: Gary Pokorny City Clerk: Patrice Olds Treasurer: Ron Cassano Police Chief: Joel Bryden Incorporated: October 21, 1914 Legislative Districts: 7th CD; 7th SD; 15th AD General Law City. Population: 66,000. CITY OF VISTA (County of San Diego) Address: 200 Civic Center Drive, Vista, CA 92084 Telephone: (760) 726-1340 Fax: (760) 639-6132 Website: Office Hours: Monday to Friday 7:30 a.m.– 5:30 p.m.; closed alternate Fridays Mayor: Morris B. Vance Mayor Pro Tempore: Judy Ritter Council: Steve Gronke, Frank Lopez, Bob Campbell. Council meets on the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month at 5:30 p.m. and workshop meetings first Tuesday at 2 p.m. City Manager: Rita L. Geldert City Clerk: Marci Kilian City Attorney: Darold Pieper Treasurer: Thomas Gardner Fire Chief: Gary Fisher School Superintendent: Joyce Bales Incorporated: January 28, 1963 Legislative Districts: 49th CD; 38th SD; 74th AD Chartered City. Population: 96,089. California Roster 2010 171 Incorporated City and Town Officials CITY OF WASCO (County of Kern) CITY OF WATSONVILLE (County of Santa Cruz) Address: 746 8th Street, Wasco, CA 93280 Telephone: (661) 758-7214 Fax: (661) 758-5411 Website: Email: [email protected] Office Hours: Monday to Thursday 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Open alternating Fridays 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mayor: Fred West, Jr Mayor Pro Tempore: Danny Espitia Council: Tilo Cortez, Danny Espitia, Carl Joe Hively, Chrylee Wegman, Fred West, Jr. Council meets on the first and third Tuesdays of each month at 7 p.m. in City Hall. City Manager: Jim Zervis City Clerk: Vickie Hight City Attorney: Garcia, Calderon, Ruiz LLP Treasurer: Rocio Mosqueda Police: Commander Francis Moore (Kern County Sheriff’s Dept) School Superintendents: Paul Chounet (Elementary Schools); Liz McCray (High School) Incorporated: December 22, 1945 Legislative Districts: 20th CD; 16th SD; 30th AD General Law City. Population: 24,447. Address: 215 Union Street, 2nd Floor, Watsonville, CA 95076 Mail Address: P.O. Box 50000, Watsonville, CA 95077 Telephone: (831) 768-3040 Fax: (831) 761-0736 Website: Office Hours: Monday to Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mayor: Manuel Q. Bersamin Mayor Pro Tempore: Kimberly Petersen Council: Greg Caput, Edward Din, Dale Skillicorn, Oscar Rios, Dale Skillicorn. Council meets on the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month at 4 p.m. City Manager: Carlos J. Palacios City Clerk: Lorraine Washington City Attorney: Alan J. Smith Treasurer: Marc Pimentel Police Chief: Terry Medina Fire Chief: Mark Bisbee School Superintendent: Mary Anne Mays Incorporated: March 30, 1868 Legislative Districts: 17th CD; 15th SD; 28th AD Chartered City. Population: 49,601. CITY OF WATERFORD (County of Stanislaus) Address: 312 E Street, Waterford, CA 95378 Mail Address: P.O. Box 199, Waterford, CA 95386 Telephone: (209) 874-2328 Fax: (209) 874-9656 Office Hours: Monday to Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mayor: Charlie Goeken Vice Mayor: Jose Aldaco Council: Michael Van Winkle, Ken Krause, Murray Day. Council meets on the first and third Thursdays of each month at 6:30 p.m. at the Community Center, 540 C Street, Waterford, CA 95386. City Administrator: Charles Deschenes City Clerk: Lori Martin City Attorney: Corbett J. Browning Treasurer: Vacant Police Chief: Darin Gharat School Superintendent: Don Davis Incorporated: November 7, 1969 Legislative Districts: 13th CD; 12th SD; 25th AD General Law City. Population: 7,675. California Roster 2010 CITY OF WEED (County of Siskiyou) Address: 550 Main Street, Weed, CA 96094 Mail Address: P.O. Box 470, Weed, CA 96094 Telephone: (530) 938-5020 Fax: (530) 938-5096 Website: Office Hours: Monday to Friday 9 a.m.–4 p.m. Mayor: Dave Pearce Mayor Pro Tempore: Chuck Sutton Council: Jerry Broomfield, Bob Hall, Leo Sartor. Council meets on the second Thursday of each month at 5:30 p.m. in Council Chambers. City Administrator: Earl Wilson City Clerk: Deborah J. Salvestrin City Attorney: Robert Winston Police Chief: Martin Nicholas Fire Chief: Darin Quigley Incorporated: January 25, 1961 Legislative Districts: 2nd CD; 4th SD; 2nd AD General Law City. Population: 2,980. 172 Incorporated City and Town Officials CITY OF WEST COVINA (County of Los Angeles) CITY OF WEST SACRAMENTO (County of Yolo) Address: 1444 West Garvey Avenue, West Covina, CA 91790 Mail Address: P.O. Box 1440, West Covina, CA 91793 Telephone: (626) 939-8400 Fax: (626) 939-8406 Website: Office Hours: Monday to Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mayor: Sherri Lane Mayor Pro Tempore: Roger Hernandez Council: Steve Herfert, Michael Touhey, Shelly Sanderson. Council meets on the first and third Tuesdays of each month at 7 p.m. in Council Chambers. City Manager: Andrew Pasmant City Clerk: Laurie Carrico City Attorney: Arnold Alvarez-Glasman Treasurer: Marian Smithson Police Chief: Frank Wills Fire Chief: Paul Segalla School Superintendent: Liliam Leis-Castillo Incorporated: February 17, 1923 Legislative Districts: 32nd CD; 24th SD; 57th AD General Law City. Population: 111,400. Address: 1110 West Capitol Avenue, West Sacramento, CA 95691 Telephone: (916) 617-4500 Fax: (916) 372-8765 Website: Office Hours: Monday to Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mayor: Christopher Cabaldon Mayor Pro Tempore: Carolyn Castillo Pierson Council: Wes Beers, Bill Kristoff, Oscar Villegas. Council meets on the first, second and third Wednesdays of each month at 7 p.m. in City Hall. City Manager: Toby Ross City Clerk: Helen Kanowsky City Attorney: Robert Murphy Treasurer: Leigh Keicher Police Chief: Dan Drummond Fire Chief: Fred Postel Incorporated: January 1, 1987 Legislative Districts: 4th CD; 1st SD; 8th AD General Law City. Population: 36,550. CITY OF WEST HOLLYWOOD (County of Los Angeles) Address: 8300 Santa Monica Blvd, West Hollywood, CA 90069 Telephone: (323) 848-6400 Fax: (323) 848-6563 Website: Office Hours: Monday–Thursday 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.; Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.; closed alternate Fridays Mayor: Jeffrey Prang Mayor Pro Tempore: Abbe Land Council: John Duran, Sal Guarriello, John Heilman. Council meets on the first and third Mondays of each month at 6:30 p.m. in West Hollywood Park Auditorium, 647 North San Vicente Blvd. Administrative Officer: Vivian Love City Clerk: Thomas R. West City Attorney: Michael Jenkins Treasurer: Anil Gandhy Police Chief: Buddy Goldman Fire Chief: Buck Buchanan School Superintendent: Ramon C. Cortines Incorporated: November 29, 1984 Legislative Districts: 30th CD; 23rd SD; 42nd AD General Law City. Population: 37,300. California Roster 2010 CITY OF WESTLAKE VILLAGE (County of Los Angeles) Address: 31200 Oak Crest Drive, Westlake Village, CA 91361 Telephone: (818) 706-1613 Fax: (818) 706-1391 Website: Office Hours: Monday to Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mayor: Mark Rutherford Mayor Pro Tempore: Ned E. Davis Council: Susan McSweeney, Philippa Klessig, Robert Slavin. Council meets on the second and fourth Wednesdays of each month at 6:30 p.m. at 31200 Oak Crest Drive. City Manager: Raymond B. Taylor City Clerk: Beth Schott City Attorney: Terence Boga Treasurer: Robert Biery Police: LA County Fire: LA County School Superintendent: Las Virgenes USD Incorporated: December 11, 1981 Legislative Districts: 24th CD; 23rd SD; 41st AD General Law City. Population: 8,858 173 Incorporated City and Town Officials CITY OF WESTMINSTER (County of Orange) CITY OF WHEATLAND (County of Yuba) Address: 8200 Westminster Blvd, Westminster, CA 92683 Telephone: (714) 898-3311 Fax: (714) 373-4684 Website: Office Hours: Monday to Thursday 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.; Friday 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.; closed alternate Fridays Mayor: Margie L. Rice Mayor Pro Tempore: Frank Fry Council: Andy Quach, Tyler Diep, Tri Ta. Council meets on the second and fourth Wednesdays of each month at 7 p.m. in Council Chambers. City Manager: Donald Lamm City Clerk: Robin Roberts, MMC City Attorney: Richard D. Jones Finance Director: Paul Espinoza Police Chief: Mitch Waller Fire Chief: Keith Richter OCFA Incorporated: March 27, 1957 Legislative Districts: 45th, 46th CD; 34th, 35th SD; 67th, 68th AD General Law City. Population: 93,750. Address: 111 C Street, Wheatland, CA 95692 Mail Address: P.O. Box 395, Wheatland, CA 95692 Telephone: (530) 633-2761 Fax: (530) 633-9102 Email: [email protected] Office Hours: Monday to Friday 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. and 1-5 p.m. Mayor: Enita Elphick Vice Mayor: James Pendergraph Council: Lisa McIntosh, Jay Pendergraph, David Coe. Council meets on the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month at 6 p.m. at Wheatland Community Center, 101 C Street, Wheatland, CA. City Manager: Stephen Wright City Clerk: Lisa J. Thomason City Attorney: Richard P. Shanahan Administrative Services Director/Treasurer: Rex Miller Police Chief: Mike McCrary Fire Chief: Robert Verburg School Superintendents: Vacant (Wheatland High School Dist.); Vacant Incorporated: April 12, 1874 Legislative Districts: 2nd CD; 1st SD; 3rd AD General Law City. Population: 3,968. CITY OF WESTMORLAND (County of Imperial) Address: 355 South Center St, Westmorland, CA 92281 Mail Address: P.O. Box 699, Westmorland, CA 92281 Telephone: (760) 344-3411 Fax: (760) 344-5307 Office Hours: Monday to Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mayor: Henry Graham, Jr. Mayor Pro Tempore: Larry Ritchie Council: Stanley Brummett, Gus Sanchez, Thomas Landrun. Council meets on the first and third Wednesdays of each month in City Hall. City Clerk: Sally Traylor City Attorney: Mitch Driskill Treasurer: Anne Graham Police Chief: Fred Beltran Fire Chief: Sergio Cruz Public Works Director: Joe Diaz Executive Public Works: Joel Hamby Incorporated: June 30, 1934 Legislative Districts: 45th CD; 37th SD; 80th AD General Law City. Population: 2,244. California Roster 2010 CITY OF WHITTIER (County of Los Angeles) Address: 13230 Penn Street, Whittier, CA 90602 Telephone: (562) 945-8200 Fax: (562) 464-3572 Website: Office Hours: Monday to Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mayor: Bob Henderson Mayor Pro Tempore: Greg Nordbak Council: Owen Newcomer, Joe Vinatieri, Cathy Warner. Council meets on the second, third and fourth Tuesdays of each month in Council Chambers. City Manager: Stephen W. Helvey City Clerk-Treasurer: Kathryn A. Marshall City Attorney: Richard Jones Police Chief: David Singer Fire: LA County School Superintendent: Sandra Thorstenson Incorporated: Febraury 25, 1898 Legislative Districts: 38th, 39th, 42nd CD; 30th SD; 56th, 58th, 60th AD Chartered City. Population: 86,400. 174 Incorporated City and Town Officials CITY OF WILDOMAR (County of Riverside) CITY OF WILLOWS (County of Glenn) Address: 23873 Clinton Keith Rd, Ste 201, Wildomar, CA 92595 Telephone: (951) 677-7751 Fax: (951) 698-1463 Website: Office Hours: Monday to Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mayor: Scott Farnam Mayor Pro Tempore: Bridgette Moore Council: Sheryl Ade, Bob Cashman, Marsha Swanson. City Manager: John Danielson City Clerk: Sheryll Schroeder City Attorney: Julie Biggs Planning Director: Gary Wayne Police Chief: Joseph Cleary Public Works: Michael Kashiwagi Fire Chief: Steve Beach School Superintendent: Frank W. Passarella, Ed.D. Incorporated: July 1, 2008 Legislative Districts: 45th, 49th CD; 36th, 37th SD; 64th, 66th AD General Law City. Population: 30,678 Address: 201 North Lassen St, Willows, CA 95988 Telephone: (530) 934-7041 Fax: (530) 934-7402 Mayor: Heather Baker Vice Mayor: Gary Hansen Council: Peter Towne, Vincent Holvik, Jim Yoder. Council meets on the second Tuesday of each month in Civic Center. Council also hold an adjourned meeting on the fourth Tuesday of each month. City Manager: Steve Holsinger City Clerk: Natalie Butler Finance Director: Timothy Sailsbery Police Chief: William Spears Fire Chief: Wayne Peabody Building Official: Clay Dawley Incorporated: January 16, 1886 Legislative Districts: 2nd CD; 4th SD; 2nd AD General Law City. Population: 6,432. CITY OF WILLIAMS (County of Colusa) Address: 9291 Old Redwood Hwy, Windsor, CA 95492 Mail Address: P.O. Box 100, Windsor, CA 95492 Telephone: (707) 838-1000 Fax: (707) 838-7349 Website: Office Hours: Monday–Thursday 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. Mayor: Sam Salmon Vice Mayor: Steven Allen Council: Debora Fudge, Robin Goble, Cheryl Scholar. Council meets on the first and third Wednesdays of each month at 6 p.m. at Town Hall, Building 400. Town Manager: J. Matthew Mullan Town Clerk: Maria de la O Town Attorney: Richard R. Rudnansky Treasurer: James McAdler Police Chief: Steve Freitas Fire Chief: Ron Collier School Superintendent: Stephen D. Herrington Ph.D. Incorporated: July 1, 1992 Legislative Districts: 1st CD; 2nd SD; 2nd AD General Law City. Population: 25,669. Address: 810 E Street, Williams, CA 95987 Mail Address: P.O. Box 310, Williams, CA 95987 Telephone: (530) 473-5389 Fax: (530) 473-2445 Email: [email protected] Office Hours: Monday to Thursday 8 a.m. to 6:30 p.m., Friday closed Mayor: Patricia Ash Mayor Pro Tempore: Don Barker Council: Mark Azevedo, Eddie Johnson, Angela PlacheckFulcher. Council meets on every second Wednesday of each month in City Hall. City Administrator: Jim Manning City Clerk: Rene Miles City Attorney: Ann Siprelle Treasurer: Santos Jauregui Police Chief: James Saso Fire Chief: Jeff Gilbert School Superintendent: Dr. Judith Rossi Incorporated: May 4, 1920 Legislative Districts: 2nd CD; 4th SD; 3rd AD General Law City. Population: 5,100. CITY OF WILLITS (County of Mendocino) Address: 111 East Commercial Street, Willits, CA 95490 Telephone: (707) 459-4601 Fax: (707) 459-1562 Mayor: Holly Madrigal Vice Mayor: Larry Stranske Council: Tami Jorgensen, Greg Kanne, Karen Oslund. Council meets on the second and fourth Wednesdays of each month in Council Chambers. City Manager: Ross Walker City Clerk: Marilyn Harden City Attorney: James Lance Treasurer: Lorreta Luedemann Police Chief: Gerry Gonzalez Incorporated: December 19, 1888 Legislative Districts: 1st CD; 2nd SD; 2nd AD General Law City. Population: 5,073. California Roster 2010 TOWN OF WINDSOR (County of Sonoma) CITY OF WINTERS (County of Yolo) Address: 318 First Street, Winters, CA 95694 Telephone: (530) 795-4910 Fax: (530) 795-4935 Website: Email: [email protected] Office Hours: Monday to Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mayor: Michael Martin Vice Mayor: Woody Fridae Council: Harold Anderson, Cecilia Curry, Tom Stone. Council meets on the first and third Tuesdays of each month at 6:30 p.m. in City Hall. City Manager: John W. Donlevy, Jr. City Clerk: Nanci Mills City Attorney: John Wallace Treasurer: Mike Sebastian Police Chief: Bruce Muramoto Fire Chief: Scott Dozier School Superintendent: Rebecca Gillespie Incorporated: February 9, 1898 Legislative Districts: 3rd CD; 4th SD; 8th AD General Law City. Population: 6,900. 175 Incorporated City and Town Officials CITY OF WOODLAKE (County of Tulare) CITY OF YORBA LINDA (County of Orange) Address: 350 North Valencia Blvd, Woodlake, CA 93286 Telephone: (559) 564-8055 Fax: (559) 564-8776 Website: Email: [email protected]; [email protected] Office Hours: Monday to Friday 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Mayor: Raul Gonzales, Jr. Vice Mayor: Frances Ortiz Council: Gregorio Gonzalez, Jr., Jose L. Martinez, Rudy Mendoza. Council meets on the second and fourth Mondays of each month at 6:30 p.m. in City Hall. City Administrator: Bill Lewis City Clerk: Ruth Gonzalez City Attorney: Tom Watson Police Chief: John Zapalac Incorporated: September 23, 1941 Legislative Districts: 19th CD; 14th SD; 29th AD Chartered City. Population: 7,376. Address: 4845 Casa Loma Ave, Yorba Linda, CA 92886 Mail Address: P.O. Box 87014, Yorba Linda, CA 92885 Telephone: (714) 961-7100 Fax: (714) 996-1064 Website: Office Hours: Monday to Thursday 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.; alternate Fridays 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.; closed every other Friday Mayor: Allen M. Castellano Mayor Pro Tempore: Jim Winder Council: John Anderson, Jan Horton. Council meets on the first and third Tuesdays of each month at 5:30 p.m. (closed session), and 6:30 p.m. (open session) in Council Chambers. City Manager: Tamara S. Letourneau City Clerk: Kathie M. Mendoza City Attorney: Sonia R. Carvalho Police Chief: Michael J. Messina Fire Chief: Chip Prather School Superintendent: Dennis Smith Incorporated: November 2, 1967 Legislative Districts: 42nd CD; 29th SD; 60th, 72nd AD General Law City. Population: 66,794. CITY OF WOODLAND (County of Yolo) Address: 300 First Street, Woodland, CA 95695 Telephone: (530) 661-5800 Fax: (530) 661-5813 Website: Office Hours: Monday to Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mayor: Marlin Davies Vice Mayor: Artemio Pimentel Council: Jeff Monroe, William Marble, Marty Dote. Council meets on the first and third Tuesdays of each month at 6 p.m. in Council Chambers. City Manager: Mark G. Deven City Clerk: Sue Vannucci City Attorney: Andrew Morris Treasurer: Kimberly McKinney Police Chief: Carey Sullivan Fire Chief: Tod Reddish School Superintendent: (Vacant) Reincorporated: February 22, 1871 Legislative Districts: 1st, 2nd CD; 5th SD; 8th AD General Law City. Population: 56,000. TOWN OF WOODSIDE (County of San Mateo) TOWN OF YOUNTVILLE (County of Napa) Address: 6550 Yount Street, Yountville, CA 94599 Telephone: (707) 944-8851 Fax: (707) 944-9619 Website: Email: [email protected] Office Hours: Monday to Friday 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Mayor: Cynthia L. Saucerman Vice Mayor: John F. Dunbar Council: William Dutton, Steven R. Rosa, Lewis G. Chilton. Council meets on the first and third Tuesdays of each month at 6 p.m. at Town Hall. Town Manager: Kevin Plett Treasurer: Richard Stranzl Town Attorney: Amy L. Valukevich Police: Sheriff Doug Koford Incorporated: February 4, 1965 Legislative Districts: 1st, 2nd CD; 2nd SD; 7th AD General Law City. Population: 3,280. Address: 2955 Woodside Road, Woodside, CA 94062 Mail Address: P.O. Box 620005, Woodside, CA 94062 Telephone: (650) 851-6790 Fax: (650) 851-2195 Website: Email: [email protected] Office Hours: Monday to Friday 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. and 1-5 p.m. Mayor: Ron Romines Mayor Pro Tempore: Peter Mason Council: Susan Boynton, David Burow, Deborah C. Gordon, Carroll Ann Hodges, David Tanner. Council meets on the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month at 7:30 p.m. Town Manager: Susan George Town Clerk: Janet Koelsch Fire Chief: Armando Muela School Superintendent: Dan Vinson Incorporated: November 16, 1956 Legislative Districts: 14th CD; 8th SD; 21st AD General Law City. Population: 5,361. California Roster 2010 176 Incorporated City and Town Officials CITY OF YREKA (County of Siskiyou) CITY OF YUCAIPA (County of San Bernardino) Address: 701 Fourth Street, Yreka, CA 96097 Telephone: (530) 841-2386 Fax: (530) 842-4836 Email: [email protected] Office Hours: Monday to Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mayor: Tom Amaral Mayor Pro Tempore: James Griffin Council: Jason Darrow, Rory McNeil, David Simmen. Council meets on the first and third Thursdays of each month at 6:30 p.m. City Manager: Steven W. Baker City Clerk: Elizabeth Casson City Attorney: Mary Frances McHugh Building Official: Mark Schmitt Director of Public Works: Steven Neill Finance Director: Rhetta Hogan Planning Director: Pam Hayden Treasurer: Michael Pavlik Police Chief: Brian Bowles Fire Chief: Joe Suter Incorporated: April 21, 1857 Legislative Districts: 2nd CD; 4th SD; 2nd AD General Law City. Population: 7,443. Address: 34272 Yucaipa Blvd, Yucaipa, CA 92399 Telephone: (909) 797-2489 Fax: (909) 790-9203 Website: Office Hours: Monday to Thursday 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.; Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.; closed alternate Fridays Mayor: Dick Riddell Mayor Pro Tempore: Allan Drusys Council: Denise Hoyt, Tom Masner, Diane Smith. Council meets on the second and fourth Mondays of each month at 6 p.m. in Council Chambers. City Manager: Ray Casey Administrative Officer: Greg Franklin City Clerk: Jennifer Shankland City Attorney (Interim): Michael Estrada Police Chief: Lee Hamblin Fire Chief: Steve Shaw School Superintendent: Sherry Kendrick Ed.D. Incorporated: November 27, 1989 Legislative Districts: 35th CD; 34th SD; 61st AD General Law City. Population: 52,063. CITY OF YUBA CITY (County of Sutter) Address: 1201 Civic Center Blvd, Yuba City, CA 95993 Telephone: (530) 822-4602 Fax: (530) 822-7689 Website: Office Hours: Monday to Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.; Closed alternate Fridays Mayor: Kash Gill Mayor Pro Tempore: Joh Dukes Council: Leslie McBride, John Miller, Tej Maan. Council meets on the first and third Tuesdays of each month at 7 p.m. in Council Chambers. City Manager: Steven Jepsen City Clerk: Terrel Locke City Attorney: Tim Hayes Treasurer: Steve Kroeger Police Chief: Rob Landon Fire Chief: Pete Daley Incorporated: January 23, 1908 Legislative Districts: 2nd CD; 1st SD; 3rd AD General Law City. Population: 63,338. California Roster 2010 TOWN OF YUCCA VALLEY (County of San Bernardino) Address: 57090 29 Palms Hwy, Yucca Valley, CA 92284 Telephone: (760) 369-7207 Fax: (760) 369-0626 Website: Email: [email protected] Office Hours: Monday to Thursday 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Mayor: Chad Mayes Mayor Pro Tempore: Lori Herbel Council: George Huntington, Frank Luckino, Bill Neeb. Council meets on the first and third Tuesday of each month at 6 p.m. in the Community Center. Town Manager: John Tooker (Interim) Town Clerk: Janet M. Anderson Town Attorney: Douglas Haubert Treasurer: Curtis Yakimow Incorporated: November 27, 1991 Legislative Districts: 40th CD; 31st SD; 65th AD General Law City. Population: 21,200. 177 Unincorporated Areas City, County City, County City, County City, County Academy, Fresno Acampo, San Joaquin Acton, Los Angeles Adams, Lake Adelaida, San Luis Obispo Adin, Modoc Aetna Springs, Napa Afton, Glenn Afton, San Bernardino Agnew, Santa Clara Agua Caliente, Sonoma Agua Caliente Hot Springs, San Diego Agua Dulce, Los Angeles Aguanga, Riverside Aguereberry Point, Inyo Ahwahnee, Madera Ainsworth Corner, Siskiyou Akers, San Joaquin Al Tahoe, El Dorado Alameda, Kern Alamo, Contra Costa Alamorio, Imperial Alberhill, Riverside Albion, Mendocino Alder Springs, Fresno Alder Springs, Glenn Alderpoint, Humboldt Alleghany, Sierra Allendale, Solano Allensworth, Tulare Almanor, Plumas Alondra Park, Los Angeles Alpaugh, Tulare Alpine, San Diego Alpine Meadows, Placer Alpine Peaks, Placer Alpine Village, Tulare Alta, Placer Alta Hill, Nevada Alta Loma, San Bernardino Alta Sierra, Nevada Alta Sierra, Kern Alta Vista, Inyo Altadena, Los Angeles Altamont, Alameda Altaville, Calaveras Alton, Humboldt Alum Rock, Santa Clara Alvarado, Alameda Alviso, Santa Clara Ambler, Tulare Amboy, San Bernardino American House, Plumas Amesti, Santa Cruz Anchor Bay, Mendocino Anderson Springs, Lake Andrade, Imperial Angelus Oaks, San Bernardino Angiola, Tulare Angwin, Napa Annapolis, Sonoma Ansel, Kern Antelope, Sacramento Antelope Acres, Los Angeles Anza, Riverside Applegate, Placer Aptos, Santa Cruz Arastraville, Tuolumne Arbuckle, Colusa Arcade, Sacramento Arden, Sacramento Arena, Merced Argus, San Bernardino Arlington, Riverside Arlynda Corners, Humboldt Armistead, Kern Armona, Kings Arnold, Calaveras Arnold Heights, Riverside Aromas (split Monterey) Aromas (split San Benito) Arrowbear Lake, San Bernardino Arrowhead Highlands, San Bernardino Arrowhead Jct (Searchlight Jct), San Bernardino Arrowhead Springs, San Bernardino Artois, Glenn Ashford Jct, Inyo Ashland, Alameda Aspendell, Inyo Asti, Sonoma Athens, Los Angeles Atolia, San Bernardino Atwood, Orange Auberry, Fresno August, San Joaquin Aukum (Mount Aukum), El Dorado Avery, Calaveras Avila Beach, San Luis Obispo Avocado Heights, Los Angeles Avon, Contra Costa Badger, Tulare Badwater, Inyo Baker, Kern Baker, San Bernardino Balboa, Orange Balch Camp, Fresno Baldwin Lake, San Bernardino Baldy Mesa, San Bernardino Ballarat, Inyo Ballard, Santa Barbara Ballena, San Diego Ballico, Merced Bangor, Butte Bankhead Springs, San Diego Banner, San Diego Banta, San Joaquin Bard, Imperial Bardsdale, Ventura Barrett, Mariposa Barrett Jct, San Diego Barstow, Fresno Bartle, Siskiyou Bartlett, Inyo Bartlett Springs, Lake Barton, Amador Barton Flats, San Bernardino Bass Lake, Madera Bassett, Los Angeles Bassetts, Sierra Batto, Sonoma Baxter, Placer Bay Park, San Diego Bay Point, Contra Costa Bayliss, Glenn Bayshore, San Mateo Bayside, Humboldt Bayview, Humboldt Baywood Park, San Luis Obispo Beale Air Force Base, Yuba Bealville, Kern Bear Harbor, Mendocino Bear Valley, Mariposa Bear Valley, Alpine Bear Valley Springs, Kern Beatty Jct, Inyo Beckwourth, Plumas Bee Rock, San Luis Obispo Beechers Corner (Kramer Corner), San Bernardino Beegum, Shasta Bel Air Estates, Los Angeles Belden, Plumas Bell Springs, Mendocino Bella Vista, Shasta Belleview, Humboldt Bellota, San Joaquin Belvedere, Los Angeles Ben Lomond, Santa Cruz Benbow, Humboldt Bend, Tehama Benton, Mono Benton Hot Springs, Mono Berenda, Madera Berkeley Camp, Sonoma Berkeley Recreation Camp, Tuolumne Bermuda Dunes, Riverside Berry Creek, Butte Berryessa, Santa Clara Berteleda, Del Norte Bethel Island, Contra Costa Betteravia, Santa Barbara Bieber, Lassen Big Bar, Trinity Big Bar, Calaveras Big Basin, Santa Cruz Big Bear City , San Bernardino Big Bear Park, San Bernardino Big Bend, Shasta Big Bend, Sonoma Big Creek, Fresno Big Lagoon Park, Humboldt Big Meadow, Calaveras Big Oak Flat, Tuolumne Big Pine, Inyo Big Pines, Los Angeles Big River, San Bernardino Big Sandy Indian Rancheria, Fresno Big Springs, Siskiyou Big Sur, Monterey Bijou, El Dorado Biola, Fresno Birch Hill, San Diego Birchville, Nevada Birds Landing, Solano Bitney Corner, Nevada Bitterwater, San Benito Black Point, Marin Blackhawk, Contra Costa Blackwells Corner, Kern Blairsden, Plumas Blanchard, Tuolumne Blocksburg, Humboldt Bloomfield, Sonoma Bloomington, San Bernardino Blossom, Tehama Blossom Valley, San Diego Blue Canyon, Placer Blue Jay, San Bernardino Blue Lake Area, Lake Bluewater, San Bernardino Boca, Nevada Bodega, Sonoma Bodega Bay, Sonoma Bodfish, Kern Bodie (Ghost town), Mono Bohemian Grove, Sonoma Bolinas, Marin Bolsa Knolls, Monterey Bombay Beach, Imperial Bonadelle Ranchos, Madera Bonds Corner, Imperial Bonds Flat, Tuolumne Bonilla, Sonoma Bonita, San Diego Bonnefoy, Amador Bonnie Doon, Santa Cruz Bonnyview, Shasta Bonsall, San Diego Boonville, Mendocino Bootjack, Mariposa Boron, Kern Boronda, Monterey Borosolvay, San Bernardino Borrego, San Diego Borrego Springs, San Diego Borrego Wells, San Diego Bostonia, San Diego Boulder Creek, Santa Cruz Boulder Oaks, San Diego Boulder Park, Imperial Boulevard, San Diego Bouquet Canyon, Los Angeles Bowles, Fresno Bowman, Placer Boyes Hot Springs, Sonoma Bradley, Monterey Bradys, Kern Branscomb, Mendocino Briceburg, Mariposa Briceland, Humboldt Bridge Haven, Sonoma Bridge House, Sacramento Bridgeport, Nevada Bridgeport, Mono Bridgeport, Mariposa California Roster 2010 178 Unincorporated Areas City, County City, County City, County City, County Bridgeville, Humboldt Broadmoor, San Mateo Brockway, Placer Broderick, Yolo Brookdale, Santa Cruz Brooks, Yolo Brown, Kern Browns Flat, Tuolumne Browns Valley, Yuba Brownsville, Yuba Bruceville, Sacramento Brush Creek, Butte Bryn Mawr, San Bernardino Bryte, Yolo Buck Meadows, Mariposa Buckeye, Shasta Buckeye, El Dorado Buckhorn, Amador Buckingham Park, Lake Bucks Bar, El Dorado Bucks Lake, Plumas Buena, San Diego Buena Vista, Sonoma Buena Vista, Amador Buena Vista, Santa Clara Buhach, Merced Bummerville, Calaveras Buntingville, Lassen Burbank, Santa Clara Burdell, Marin Burney, Shasta Burnt Ranch, Trinity Burrel, Fresno Burson, Calaveras Butte City, Glenn Butte Meadows, Butte Buttonwillow, Kern Byron, Contra Costa Bystrom, Stanislaus Cabazon, Riverside Cabbage Patch, Calaveras Cadenasso, Yolo Cadiz, San Bernardino Cadwell, Sonoma Cahuilla, Riverside Cairns Corner, Tulare Cajon, San Bernardino Calaveritas, Calaveras Calico (Ghost Town), San Bernardino Cal-Ida, Sierra Caliente, Kern California Hot Springs, Tulare California Pines, Modoc California Valley, San Luis Obispo Callahan, Siskiyou Calpella, Mendocino Calpine, Sierra Calwa, Fresno Camarillo, Ventura Cambria, San Luis Obispo Cambrian Village, Santa Clara Camden, Fresno Cameron Corners, San Diego Cameron Park, El Dorado Camino, El Dorado Camp Angelus (Angelus Oaks), San Bernardino Camp Conifer, Tulare Camp Connell, Calaveras Camp Klamath, Del Norte Camp Meeker, Sonoma Camp Nelson, Tulare Camp Owens, Kern Camp Pendleton (Military Res), San Diego Camp Richardson, El Dorado Camp Roberts (Military Res), Monterey Camp Sabrina, Inyo Camp Sacramento, El Dorado Camp Seeley, San Bernardino Camp Sierra, Fresno Campo, San Diego Campo Seco, Calaveras Camptonville, Yuba Canby, Modoc Canebrake, Kern Canoga Park, Los Angeles Cantil, Kern Cantua Creek, Fresno Canyon City, San Diego Canyon Country, Los Angeles Canyon Crest, Riverside Canyon Dam, Plumas Capay, Yolo Capetown, Humboldt Capistrano Beach, Orange Carbona, San Joaquin Carbondale, Amador Cardiff-by-the-Sea, San Diego Caribou, Plumas Carl Inn, Tuolumne Carlotta, Humboldt Carmel Highlands, Monterey Carmel Valley, Monterey Carmet, Sonoma Carmichael, Sacramento Carnelian Bay, Placer Carrick, Siskiyou Carson Hill, Calaveras Cartago, Inyo Caruthers, Fresno Casa Conejo, Ventura Casa De Oro, San Diego Casa Diablo Hot Springs, Mono Casitas Springs, Ventura Casmalia, Santa Barbara Caspar, Mendocino Cassel, Shasta Castaic, Los Angeles Castella, Shasta Castle AFB, Merced Castle Crag, Shasta Castle Park, San Diego Castro Valley, Alameda Castroville, Monterey Catheys Valley, Mariposa Cayton, Shasta Cayucos, San Luis Obispo Cazadero, Sonoma Cecilville, Siskiyou Cedar Brook, Mariposa Cedar Crest, Nevada Cedar Crest , Fresno Cedar Flat, Placer Cedar Glen, San Bernardino Cedar Grove, El Dorado Cedar Grove, Fresno Cedar Ridge, Tuolumne Cedar Ridge, Nevada Cedar Slope, Tulare Cedar Valley, Madera Cedarbrook, Fresno Cedarpines Park, San Bernardino Cedarville, Modoc Cella, Fresno Centerville, Shasta Centerville, Fresno Centerville Dist, Alameda Central Valley, Shasta Chalfant, Mono Challenge, Yuba Chambers Lodge, Placer Chaney Ranch, Fresno Channel Islands Beach, Ventura Charter Oak, Los Angeles Chatsworth, Los Angeles Chawanakee, Fresno Chemehuevi Indian Res, San Bernardino Chemeketa Park, Santa Clara Cherokee, Nevada Cherokee, Butte Cherry Land, Alameda Cherry Valley, Riverside Chester, Plumas Chicago Park, Nevada Chilcoot, Plumas China Lake N.W.C. (Military Res), Kern Chinatown, San Diego Chinese Camp, Tuolumne Chinowths Corner, Tulare Chinquapin Jct (Ranger Station), Mariposa Chiquita Lake, El Dorado Chiriaco Summit, Riverside Chittenden, Santa Cruz Cholame, San Luis Obispo Chrisman, Ventura Chrome, Glenn Chualar, Monterey Cima, San Bernardino Cincotta, Fresno Circle Oaks, Napa Cisco, Placer Cisco Grove, Placer Citrus, Los Angeles City Terrace, Los Angeles Clairemont, San Diego Clam Beach, Humboldt Clarksburg, Yolo Clarksville, El Dorado Clay, Sacramento Clear Creek, Lassen Clear Creek (Pick-a-wish), Siskiyou Clearlake Oaks, Lake Clearlake Park, Lake Clements, San Joaquin Cleone, Mendocino Cliff House, Tuolumne Clinton, Amador Clio, Plumas Clipper Gap, Placer Clipper Mills, Butte Cloride City, Inyo Cloverdale, Shasta Clyde, Contra Costa Coalinga Mineral Springs, Fresno Coarsegold, Madera Cobb, Lake Cobbs, Humboldt Codora, Glenn Coffee Creek, Trinity Coffing, Sacramento Cohasset, Butte Cold Springs, Tuolumne Cold Springs Indian Rancheria, Fresno Coles Station, El Dorado Coleville, Mono College City, Colusa Collegeville, San Joaquin Collierville, San Joaquin Collinsville, Solano Coloma, El Dorado Colorado River Indian Res, San Bernardino Columbia, Tuolumne Comptche, Mendocino Concow, Butte Conejo, Fresno Confidence, Tuolumne Constantia, Lassen Cooks Station, Amador Cool, El Dorado Coolidge Spring, Imperial Copco, Siskiyou Copperopolis, Calaveras Cordelia, Solano Cornell, Los Angeles Corona Del Mar, Orange Corralitos, Santa Cruz Coso Junction, Inyo Coto de Caza, Orange Cottage Springs, Calaveras Cotton Center, Tulare Cottonwood, Shasta Coulterville, Mariposa Country Club, San Joaquin Courtland, Sacramento Covelo, Mendocino Covington Mill, Trinity Coyote, Santa Clara Coyote Wells, Imperial Cozzens Corner, Sonoma Crafton, San Bernardino Cranmore, Sutter California Roster 2010 179 Unincorporated Areas City, County City, County City, County City, County Crannell, Humboldt Creekside, San Bernardino Crescent Mills, Plumas Cressey, Merced Crest, San Diego Crest Forest, San Bernardino Crest Park, San Bernardino Crestline, San Bernardino Crestmore, San Bernardino Creston, San Luis Obispo Crestview, Mono Crockett, Contra Costa Cromberg, Plumas Cross Roads, San Bernardino Crown, Sonoma Crown Point, San Diego Crows Landing, Stanislaus Crystal Springs Campground, Alpine Cucamunga, San Bernardino Cuesta-by-the-Sea, San Luis Obispo Cummings, Mendocino Cunningham, Sonoma Curry Village, Mariposa Cutler, Tulare Cutten, Humboldt Cuttings Wharf, Napa Cuyama, Santa Barbara Cuyamaca, San Diego Daggett, San Bernardino Dairyland, Madera Dairyville, Tehama Dales, Tehama Dana, Shasta Danby, San Bernardino Dardanelle, Tuolumne Darlingtonia, Del Norte Darrah, Mariposa Darwin, Inyo Date City, Imperial Daulton, Madera Davenport, Santa Cruz Davis Creek, Modoc Day, Modoc Day Valley, Santa Cruz Dayton, Butte De Bon, Siskiyou De Luz, San Diego De Sabla, Butte Deadmans Lake, San Bernardino Death Valley Jct., Inyo Deep Springs, Inyo Deer Park, Napa Dehesa, San Diego Del Aire, Los Angeles Del Dios, San Diego Del Loma, Trinity Del Monte Forest, Monterey Del Monte Park, Monterey Del Paso Heights, Sacramento Del Rey, Fresno Del Rio, Stanislaus Del Rio Woods, Sonoma Del Rosa, San Bernardino Delevan, Colusa Delft Colony, Tulare Delhi, Merced Delleker, Plumas Delta, Shasta Denair, Stanislaus Denny, Trinity Denverton, Solano Derby Acres, Kern Descanso, San Diego Desert Beach, Riverside Desert Center, Riverside Desert Knolls, San Bernardino Desert Lake, Kern Desert Lodge, San Diego Desert Shores, Imperial Desert View Highland, Los Angeles Devils Den, Kern Devore, San Bernardino Di Giorgio, Kern Diablo, Contra Costa Diamond Springs, El Dorado Dillon Beach, Marin Dinkey Creek, Fresno Dinsmore, Humboldt Discovery Bay, Contra Costa Dixieland, Imperial Dobbins, Yuba Dogtown, Calaveras Dogtown, Mariposa Dogtown, San Joaquin Dollar Point, Placer Dominguez, Los Angeles Dorrington, Calaveras Dos Palos Wye, Merced Dos Rios, Mendocino Dougherty, Alameda Douglas City, Trinity Douglas Flat, Calaveras Dove Canyon, Orange Downieville, Sierra Doyle, Lassen Doyles Corner, Shasta Dozier, Solano Drytown, Amador Ducor, Tulare Dulah, Ventura Dulzura, San Diego Duncans Mills, Sonoma Dunlap, Mendocino Dunlap, Fresno Dunmovin, Inyo Dunneville, San Benito Dunnigan, Yolo Durham, Butte Dustin Acres, Kern Dutch Flat, Placer Eagle Mountain, Riverside Eagle Rock, Los Angeles Eagles Nest, San Diego Eagleville, Modoc Earlimart, Tulare Earp, San Bernardino East Blythe, Riverside East Compton, Los Angeles East Farmersville, Tulare East Foothills, Santa Clara East Guernewood, Sonoma East Hemet, Riverside East Highlands, San Bernardino East La Mirada, Los Angeles East Los Angeles, Los Angeles East Nicolaus, Sutter East Oakdale, Stanislaus East Orosi, Tulare East Pasadena, Los Angeles East Porterville, Tulare East Quincy, Plumas East Richmond Heights, Contra Costa East San Gabriel, Los Angeles East Shore, Plumas East Sonora, Tuolumne Eastlake, San Diego Eastlake Greens, San Diego Easton, Fresno Echo Lake, El Dorado Eden Hot Springs, Riverside Edgemont, Riverside Edgewood, Siskiyou Edison, Kern Edna, San Luis Obispo Edwards Air Force Base, Kern Eel Rock, Humboldt El Bonita, Sonoma El Cerrito, Riverside El Dorado, El Dorado El Dorado Hills, El Dorado El Encanto Heights, Santa Barbara El Granada, San Mateo El Macero, Yolo El Modena, Orange El Nido, Merced El Pinal, San Joaquin El Portal, Mariposa El Porvenir, Fresno El Rio, Ventura El Rio Villa, Yolo El Sobrante, Contra Costa El Sueno, Santa Barbara El Toro, Orange El Toro Marine Corp. Air Station, Orange El Verano, Sonoma Elders Corners, Placer Elderwood, Tulare Eldridge, Sonoma Electra, Amador Elizabeth Lake, Los Angeles Elk, Mendocino Elk Creek, Glenn Elk River, Humboldt Elk Valley, Del Norte Elkhorn, Monterey Ellicott, Santa Cruz Ellwood, Santa Barbara Elm View, Fresno Elmira, Solano Elmo, Kern Elmore, Imperial Elsinore (Lake Elsinore), Riverside Elverta, Sacramento Embarcadero, Sonoma Emerald Bay, Orange Emerald Bay, El Dorado Emerald Lake Hills, San Mateo Emigrant Gap, Placer Emmaton, Sacramento Empire, Stanislaus Encino, Los Angeles Engineers Springs, San Diego Enterprise, Shasta Enterprise, Amador Esparto, Yolo Essex, San Bernardino Estrella, San Luis Obispo Etheda Springs, Fresno Etiwand, San Bernardino Ettawa Springs, Lake Ettersburg, Humboldt Eucalyptus Hills, San Diego Eugene, Stanislaus Evelyn, Inyo Evergreen, Santa Clara Fair Oaks, Sacramento Fair Oaks, San Joaquin Fair Play, El Dorado Fairbanks Ranch, San Diego Fairhaven, Humboldt Fairmead , Madera Fairmont, Los Angeles Fairview, Tulare Fairville, Sonoma Fales Hot Springs, Mono Fall River Mills, Shasta Fallbrook, San Diego Fallen Leaf, El Dorado Falling Spring, Los Angeles Fallon, Marin Famoso, Kern Farmington, San Joaquin Fawnskin, San Bernardino Feather Falls, Butte Feather River Inn, Plumas Felicity, Imperial Felix, Calaveras Fellows, Kern Felterwood, Del Norte Felton, Santa Cruz Fenner, San Bernardino Fern, Shasta Fernbridge, Humboldt Fernbrook, San Diego Fetters Hot Springs, Sonoma Fiddletown, Amador Fieldbrook, Humboldt Fields Landing, Humboldt Fig Garden, Fresno Fine Gold, Madera Finley, Lake Fish Camp, Mariposa Fish Springs, Inyo Five Corners, San Joaquin Five Points, Fresno California Roster 2010 180 Unincorporated Areas City, County City, County City, County City, County Fleetridge, San Diego Flinn Springs, San Diego Florence, Los Angeles Florin, Sacramento Floriston, Nevada Flournoy, Tehama Foothill Farms, Sacramento Foothill Ranch, Orange Forbestown, Butte Ford City, Kern Fords Corner, El Dorado Forest, Sierra Forest Falls, San Bernardino Forest Glen, Trinity Forest Home, Amador Forest Home (Forest Falls), San Bernardino Forest Knolls, Marin Forest Lake, Lake Forest Meadows, Calaveras Forest Park, Santa Cruz Forest Ranch, Butte Forest Springs, Nevada Foresta, Mariposa Foresthill, Placer Forestville, Sonoma Forks of Salmon, Siskiyou Fort Baker (Military Res), Marin Fort Bidwell, Modoc Fort Dick, Del Norte Fort Independence Indian Res, Inyo Fort Irwin (Military Res), San Bernardino Fort Mojave Indian Res, San Bernardino Fort Ord Village, Monterey Fort Romie, Monterey Fort Rosecrans, San Diego Fort Ross, Sonoma Fort Seward, Humboldt Fort Yuma (Indian Res), Imperial Foster, San Diego Foster Park, Ventura Fountain Springs, Tulare Four Corners, Santa Barbara Four Corners, Shasta Four Corners, San Joaquin Fouts Springs, Colusa Franklin, Sacramento Frazier Park, Kern Fredalba, San Bernardino Fredricksburg, Alpine Freds Place, El Dorado Freedom, Santa Cruz Freeman, Kern Freeport, Sacramento Freestone, Sonoma Fremont Valley, Kern French Camp, San Joaquin French Corral, Nevada French Gulch, Shasta Fresh Pond, El Dorado Freshwater, Humboldt Friant, Fresno Frogtown, Calaveras Fruitdale, Santa Clara Fruitvale, Kern Fruto, Glenn Fuller Acres, Kern Fulton, Sonoma Furnace Creek, Inyo Furnace Creek Inn, Inyo Ganns, Calaveras Garberville, Humboldt Garden Acres, San Joaquin Garden Farms, San Luis Obispo Garden Valley, El Dorado Gardenland, Sacramento Garey, Santa Barbara Garfield, Kern Garlock, Kern Garnet, Riverside Gasquet, Del Norte Gaviota, Santa Barbara Gazelle, Siskiyou Genesse, Plumas George AFB, San Bernardino Georgetown, El Dorado Gerber, Tehama Geyserville, Sonoma Giant Forest, Tulare Gibsonville, Sierra Gilman Hot Springs, Riverside Gilroy Hot Springs, Santa Clara Glacier Lodge, Inyo Glamis, Imperial Glen Avon, Riverside Glen Ellen, Sonoma Glen Oaks, Riverside Glen Oaks, San Diego Glen Valley, San Bernardino Glenbrook, Nevada Glenburn, Shasta Glencoe, Calaveras Glenhaven, Lake Glenn, Glenn Glenn Ranch, San Bernardino Glennville, Kern Glenview, Lake Glenwood, Santa Cruz Goffs, San Bernardino Gold Flat, Nevada Gold Hill, El Dorado Gold Hill, Placer Gold River, Sacramento Gold Run, Placer Gold Springs, Tuolumne Golden Hills, Kern Goler Heights, Kern Goleta, Santa Barbara Good Hope, Riverside Goodyears Bar, Sierra Gordola, Santa Cruz Gordons Well, Imperial Gorman, Los Angeles Goshen, Tulare Gottville, Siskiyou Government Flat, Tehama Graeagle, Plumas Granada Hills, Los Angeles Grandview, San Bernardino Grangeville, Kings Granite Bay, Placer Granite Hills, San Diego Granite Springs, Mariposa Graniteville, Nevada Grantville, San Diego Grapevine, Kern Graton, Sonoma Gravesboro, Fresno Grays Well, Imperial Grayson, Stanislaus Greeley Hill, Mariposa Green Acres, Kern Green Acres, Riverside Green Valley, Solano Green Valley, Los Angeles Green Valley Falls, San Diego Green Valley Lake, San Bernardino Greenbrae, Marin Greenfie, Kern Greenhorn, Plumas Greenview, Siskiyou Greenville, Plumas Greenville, Alameda Greenwich Village, Ventura Greenwood, El Dorado Grenada, Siskiyou Grimes, Colusa Grindstone Indian Rancheria, Glenn Grizzly Flat, El Dorado Grossmont, San Diego Groveland, Tuolumne Grover Hot Springs, Alpine Gualala, Mendocino Guasti, San Bernardino Guatay, San Diego Guerneville, Sonoma Guernewood Park, Sonoma Guinda, Yolo Hacienda, Sonoma Hacienda Heights, Los Angeles Hagginwood, Sacramento Halcyon, San Luis Obispo Hallelujah Junction, Lassen Hallwood, Yuba Hamburg, Siskiyou Hamilton Air Force Base, Marin Hamilton Branch, Plumas Hamilton City, Glenn Hammond, Tulare Hammonton, Yuba Hams Station, Amador Happy Camp, Siskiyou Harbin Springs, Lake Harbinson Canyon, San Diego Harbor City, Los Angeles Harden Flat, Tuolumne Hardwick, Kings Harmony, San Luis Obispo Harmony Grove, San Diego Harpertown, Kern Harris, Humboldt Harrisburg (site), Inyo Harrison Park, San Diego Hartley, Solano Harts Place, Kern Haskell Creek, Sierra Hat Creek, Shasta Hatfield, Siskiyou Hathaway Pines, Calaveras Havasu Lake, San Bernardino Havilah, Kern Hawkinsville, Siskiyou Hayfork, Trinity Hayward, Mariposa Hazel Creek, Shasta Hazelton, Kern Heather Glen, Placer Heber, Imperial Helena, Trinity Helendale, San Bernardino Hells Gate, Inyo Helm, Fresno Henley, Siskiyou Henleyville, Tehama Herald, Sacramento Herkey Creek Camp, Riverside Herlong, Lassen Hernandez, San Benito Herndon, Fresno Hessel, Sonoma Hickman, Stanislaus Hidden Meadows, San Diego Hidden Valley Lake, Lake Higgins Corner, Nevada Highgrove, Riverside Highland Park, Los Angeles Highlands, San Mateo Hights Corner, Kern Highway City, Fresno Hillcrest, Shasta Hills Flat, Nevada Hillsdale, San Mateo Hilmar, Merced Hilt, Siskiyou Hilton Creek, Mono Hinkley, San Bernardino Hiouchi, Del Norte Hoaglin, Trinity Hobart Mills, Nevada Hoberg, Lake Hodson, Calaveras Hollow Tree, Mendocino Hollydale, Sonoma Hollywood, Los Angeles Holmes, Humboldt Holt, San Joaquin Holy City, Santa Clara Home Garden, Kings Home Gardens, Riverside Homeland, Riverside Homestead Valley, Marin Homewood, Placer Honby, Los Angeles Honcut, Butte Honeydew, Humboldt California Roster 2010 181 Unincorporated Areas City, County City, County City, County City, County Hood, Sacramento Hoopa, Humboldt Hope Ranch, Santa Barbara Hope Valley Forest Camp, Alpine Hopeton, Merced Hopland, Mendocino Hoppaw, Del Norte Hornbrook, Siskiyou Hornitos, Mariposa Horse Creek, Siskiyou Hough Springs, Lake Howland Flat, Sierra Huasna, San Luis Obispo Hulburd Grove, San Diego Humboldt Hill, Humboldt Hume, Fresno Humpheres Station, Fresno Huntington Lake, Fresno Hurleton, Butte Hyampom, Trinity Hydesville, Humboldt Idyllwild, Riverside Ignacio, Marin Igo, Shasta Ilmon, Kern Imola, Napa Imperial Gables, Imperial Incline, Mariposa Independence, Inyo Independence, Calaveras Indian Falls, Plumas Indian Springs, San Diego Indianola, Humboldt Ingot, Shasta Inskip, Butte Interlaken, Santa Cruz Inverness, Marin Inverness Park, Marin Inwood, Shasta Inyokern, Kern Iowa Hill, Placer Iron Horse, Plumas Irvings Crest, San Diego Irvington Dist., Alameda Irwin, Merced Isla Vista, Santa Barbara Ivanhoe, Tulare Ivanpah, San Bernardino Jackson Gate, Amador Jacumba, San Diego Jamacha, San Diego Jamesburg, Monterey Jamestown, Tuolumne Jamul, San Diego Janesville, Lassen Jarbo Gap, Butte Jarvis Landing, Alameda Jenner, Sonoma Jenny Lind, Calaveras Jesmond Dene, San Diego Jimtown, Sonoma Johannesburg, Kern Johnson Park, Shasta Johnsondale, Tulare Johnsons, Humboldt Johnston Corner, Santa Cruz Johnston Corner, San Bernardino Johnstonville, Lassen Johnstown, San Diego Johnsville, Plumas Jolon, Monterey Jones Corner, Tulare Jonesville, Butte Joshua Tree, San Bernardino Julian, San Diego Junction City, Trinity June Lake, Mono June Lake Junction, Mono Juniper Hills, Los Angeles Juniper Springs, Riverside Kane Springs, Imperial Karnak, Sutter Kaweah, Tulare Kayandee, Kern Kearsarge, Inyo Keddie, Plumas Keeler, Inyo Keen Camp, Riverside Keenbrook, San Bernardino Keene (Woodford), Kern Kellogg, Sonoma Kelsey, El Dorado Kelseyville, Lake Kelso, San Bernardino Kennedy, San Joaquin Kensington, Contra Costa Kentfield, Marin Kentwood-In-The-Pines, San Diego Kenwood, Sonoma Keough Hot Springs, Inyo Kern City, Kern Kern River Park, Kern Kernell, Kern Kernvale, Kern Kernville, Kern Keswick, Shasta Kettleman City, Kings Keyes, Stanislaus Kilkare Woods, Alameda Kings Beach, Placer Kingston, San Bernardino Kingsville, El Dorado Kingvale, Nevada Kinsley, Mariposa Kirkville, Sutter Kirkwood, Tehama Kirkwood, Alpine Kit Carson, Amador Klamath, Del Norte Klamath Glen, Del Norte Klamath River, Siskiyou Klau, San Luis Obispo Kneeland, Humboldt Knights Ferry, Stanislaus Knights Landing, Yolo Knightsen, Contra Costa Knob, Shasta Knowles, Madera Knowles Corner, Sonoma Knoxville, Napa Kono Tayee, Lake Korbel, Sonoma Korbel, Humboldt Kramer, San Bernardino Kramer Corner (Junction), San Bernardino Kyburz, El Dorado La Barr Meadows, Nevada La Conchita, Ventura La Costa, San Diego La Crescenta, Los Angeles La Cresta, San Diego La Grange, Stanislaus La Honda, San Mateo La Honda Park, Calaveras La Jolla, San Diego La Loma, Stanislaus La Moine, Shasta La Panza, San Luis Obispo La Playa, San Diego La Porte, Plumas La Presa, San Diego La Riviera, Sacramento La Selva Beach, Santa Cruz La Sierra, Riverside La Vina, Madera Ladera, San Mateo Ladera Heights, Los Angeles Laguna, Sacramento Laguna West, Sacramento Lagunitas, Marin Lake Almanor, Plumas Lake Alpine, Alpine Lake Arrowhead, San Bernardino Lake City, Modoc Lake City, Nevada Lake Davis, Plumas Lake Forest, Placer Lake Henshaw, San Diego Lake Hills Estates, El Dorado Lake Hughes, Los Angeles Lake Isabella, Kern Lake Los Angeles, Los Angeles Lake Mary, Mono Lake Nacimiento, San Luis Obispo Lake of the Pines, Nevada Lake of the Woods, Kern Lake San Marcos, San Diego Lake Sherwood, Ventura Lake Wildwood, Nevada Lakehead, Shasta Lakeland Village, Riverside Lakeshore, Shasta Lakeshore, Fresno Lakeside, San Diego Lakeview, Riverside Lakeville, Sonoma Lamont, Kern Lanare, Fresno Landers, San Bernardino Larson, San Joaquin Las Cruces, Santa Barbara Las Flores, Tehama Las Flores, Orange Las Lomas, Sonoma Laton, Fresno Latrobe, El Dorado Laughlin, Mendocino Laws, Inyo Laytonville, Mendocino Le Grand, Merced Lebec, Kern Lee Vining, Mono Leesville, Colusa Leggett, Mendocino Leisure Village, Ventura Leliter, Kern Lemoncove, Tulare Lemoore Naval Air Station, Kings Lennox, Los Angeles Lenwood, San Bernardino Leona Valley, Los Angeles Leucadia, San Diego Lewiston, Trinity Lexington Hills, Santa Clara Liberty Farm, Kings Liberty Farms, Solano Likely, Modoc Lincoln Acres, San Diego Lincoln Village, San Joaquin Linda, Yuba Linda Vista, San Diego Lindcove, Tulare Linden, San Joaquin Lingard, Merced Linnell, Tulare Litchfield, Lassen Little Lake, Inyo Little Norway, El Dorado Little River, Mendocino Little Shasta, Siskiyou Little Valley, Lassen Littlerock, Los Angeles Live Oak, Santa Cruz Live Oak Acres, Ventura Live Oak Springs, San Diego Llano, Los Angeles Loch Lomond, Lake Locke, Sacramento Lockeford, San Joaquin Lockwood, Monterey Lodge Pole, Tulare Lodoga, Colusa Log Cabin, Yuba Log Spring, Tehama Logtown (site), El Dorado Loleta, Humboldt Loma Mar, San Mateo Loma Park, Kern Loma Portal, San Diego Loma Rica, Yuba Lomita, San Diego Lomo, Butte Lompico, Santa Cruz London (New London), Tulare Lone Pine, Inyo Long Barn, Tuolumne Long View, Los Angeles Longvale, Mendocino Lookout, Modoc California Roster 2010 182 Unincorporated Areas City, County City, County City, County City, County Lookout Indian Rancheria, Modoc Loomis Corners, Shasta Loraine, Kern Los Alamos, Santa Barbara Los Berros, San Luis Obispo Los Molinos, Tehama Los Nietos, Los Angeles Los Olivos, Santa Barbara Los Osos, San Luis Obispo Los Ranchitos, Marin Los Serranos, San Bernardino Lost Hills, Kern Lost Lake, Riverside Lotus, El Dorado Lovelock, Butte Lower Lake, Lake Loyola, Santa Clara Lucerne, Lake Lucerne Valley, San Bernardino Lucia, Monterey Ludlow, San Bernardino Lumber Yard (Ranger Station), Amador Lundy, Mono Lynwood Hills, San Diego Lyonsville, Tehama Lytle Creek, San Bernardino Lytton, Sonoma Macdoel, Siskiyou Mad River, Trinity Madeline, Lassen Madera Acres, Madera Madera Ranchos, Madera Madison, Yolo Madrone, Santa Clara Magalia, Butte Magra, Placer Magunden, Kern Majors, Santa Cruz Malaga, Fresno Manchester, Mendocino Manila, Humboldt Mankas Corner, Solano Manton, Tehama Manzanita, San Diego Manzanita Lake, Shasta Maple Creek, Humboldt March AFB, Riverside Marin City, Marin Marina Del Rey, Los Angeles Marinwood, Marin Mariposa, Mariposa Mark West Springs, Sonoma Markleeville, Alpine Marshall, Marin Marshall Station, Fresno Martell, Amador Martinez, Tuolumne Martins Ferry, Humboldt Masonic, Mono Mather, Tuolumne Mather AFB, Sacramento Maxwell, Colusa Mayfair, Kern Mayflower Village, Los Angeles McArthur, Shasta McCann, Humboldt McCauley, Mariposa McClellan Air Force Base, Sacramento McCloud, Siskiyou McKays Point, Tulare McKinleyville, Humboldt McKittrick, Kern McMullin, Fresno Mead Valley, Riverside Meadow Lakes, Fresno Meadow Valley, Plumas Meadow Vista, Placer Mecca, Riverside Meeks Bay, El Dorado Meiners Oaks, Ventura Meloland, Imperial Mendocino, Mendocino Menlo Oaks, San Mateo Mentone, San Bernardino Merced Falls, Merced Mercy Hot Springs, Fresno Meridian, Sutter Mesa Grande, San Diego Mesa Vista, Alpine Mesquite Spring, Inyo Mettler, Kern Meyers, El Dorado Michigan Bar, Sacramento Michigan Bluff, Placer Middle River, San Joaquin Middletown, Lake Midland, Riverside Midpines, Mariposa Midway, Shasta Midway, Alameda Midway City, Orange Midway Well, Imperial Milford, Lassen Mill City, Mono Mill Creek, Tehama Millers, Imperial Millers Corner, Madera Mills, Sacramento Mills Orchard, Colusa Millville, Shasta Milo, Tulare Milton, Calaveras Mineral, Tehama Mineral King, Tulare Minkler, Fresno Minnelusa, San Bernardino Minnesota, Shasta Minter Village, Kern Minturn, Madera Mira Loma, Riverside Mira Monte, Ventura Mira Vista, Lake Mirabel Park, Sonoma Miracle Hot Springs, Kern Miramar, San Mateo Miramar Naval Air Station, San Diego Miramonte, Fresno Miranda, Humboldt Mission Beach, San Diego Mission Canyon, Santa Barbara Mission District, San Francisco Mission Hills, Los Angeles Mission Hills, Santa Barbara Mission Hills, San Diego Mission San Jose, Alameda Mitchell Mill, Calaveras Mitchells Corner, Kern Mi-Wuk Village, Tuolumne Moccasin, Tuolumne Modjeska, Orange Mohawk, Plumas Mohawk Vista, Plumas Mojave, Kern Mokelumne Hill, Calaveras Monada, San Joaquin Monmouth, Fresno Mono Camp, Mariposa Mono City, Mono Mono Hot Springs, Fresno Mono Lake, Mono Mono Vista, Tuolumne Monolith, Kern Monson, Tulare Monta Vista, Santa Clara Montalvin, Contra Costa Montalvo, Ventura Montara, San Mateo Monte Cristo, Sonoma Monte Nido, Los Angeles Monte Rio, Sonoma Montecito, Santa Barbara Montesano, Sonoma Montezuma, Solano Montgomery Creek, Shasta Montrose, Los Angeles Moonridge, San Bernardino Moonstone, Humboldt Morada, San Joaquin Morena, San Diego Morettis, San Diego Mormon , San Joaquin Mormon Bar, Mariposa Morongo Indian Res, Riverside Morongo Valley, San Bernardino Moss Beach, San Mateo Moss Landing, Monterey Mossdale, San Joaquin Mount Aukum, El Dorado Mount Bullion, Mariposa Mount Eden, Alameda Mount Hamilton, Santa Clara Mount Hebron, Siskiyou Mount Helix, San Diego Mount Hermon, Santa Cruz Mount Laguna, San Diego Mount Wilson, Los Angeles Mountain Center, Riverside Mountain Gate, Shasta Mountain Home Village, San Bernardino Mountain Mesa, Kern Mountain Pass, San Bernardino Mountain Ranch, Calaveras Mountain Rest, Fresno Mountain View, Contra Costa Mountain View Acres, San Bernardino Mt. Baldy , San Bernardino Mt. Signal, Imperial Mugginsville, Siskiyou Muir Beach, Marin Mulford Gardens, Alameda Murphys, Calaveras Murphys Ranch, Calaveras Murrieta Hot Springs, Riverside Muscoy, San Bernardino Myers Flat, Humboldt Myrtletown, Humboldt Nanceville, Tulare Naples, Santa Barbara Nashville, El Dorado Natoma, Sacramento Natomas**, Sacramento Navalencia, Fresno Navarro, Mendocino Nealeys Corner, San Bernardino Nebo Center (Military Res), San Bernardino Nelson, Butte Nestor, San Diego New Almaden, Santa Clara New Auberry, Fresno New Chicago, Amador New Cuyama, Santa Barbara New England Mills, Placer New Hope Landing, San Joaquin New Idria, San Benito New London (See London), Tulare New Philadelphia, Amador New Pine Creek, Modoc Newberry Springs, San Bernardino Newbury Park, Ventura Newcastle, Placer Newell, Modoc Newhall, Los Angeles Newtown, El Dorado Newtown, Nevada Newtown, Shasta Newville, Glenn Nicasio, Marin Nice, Lake Nicholaus, Sutter Nicholls Warm Spgs, Riverside Nichols, Contra Costa Niland, Imperial Niles District, Alameda Nimbus, Sacramento Nipinnawasee, Madera Nipomo, San Luis Obispo Nipton, San Bernardino California Roster 2010 183 Unincorporated Areas City, County City, County City, County City, County Nord, Butte Norden, Nevada Normal Heights, San Diego Norman, Glenn North Auburn, Placer North Beach, San Francisco North Bloomfield, Nevada North Columbia, Nevada North Edwards, Kern North El Monte, Los Angeles North Fair Oaks, San Mateo North Fillmore, Ventura North Fork, Madera North Highlands, Sacramento North Hollywood, Los Angeles North Island Naval Air Station (Military Res), San Diego North Jamul, San Diego North Long Beach, Los Angeles North Palm Springs, Riverside North Park, San Diego North Ranch, Ventura North Richmond, Contra Costa North Sacramento, Sacramento North San Juan, Nevada North Shore, Riverside Northridge, Los Angeles Northstar, Placer Northwood, Sonoma Norton, San Joaquin Noyo, Mendocino Nubieber, Lassen Nuevo, Riverside Nyland, Ventura Oak Glen, San Bernardino Oak Grove, San Diego Oak Grove, Butte Oak Grove, Tulare Oak Knoll, Napa Oak Park, Ventura Oak Run, Shasta Oak View, Ventura Oakhurst, Madera Oakland Recreation Camp, Tuolumne Oakville, Napa Oasis, Mono Oasis, Riverside O'Brien, Shasta Occidental, Sonoma Ocean Beach, San Diego Ocean Park, Los Angeles Ocean View, Sonoma Oceano, San Luis Obispo Ocotillo, Imperial Ocotillo Wells, San Diego Ogilby, Imperial Oil City, Kern Oildale, Kern Oilfields, Fresno Olancha, Inyo Old Forbestown, Butte Old Fort Tejon, Kern Old Hopland, Mendocino Old Mammoth, Mono Old River, Kern Old San Diego, San Diego Old Station, Shasta Old Town, Santa Barbara Old Town, Kern Olema, Marin Olinda, Orange Olinda, Shasta Olive, Orange Olive View, Los Angeles Olivehurst, Yuba Olivenhain, San Diego Omo Ranch, El Dorado One Hundred Palms (100 Palms), Riverside O'Neals, Madera Ono, Shasta Onyx, Kern Opal Cliffs, Santa Cruz Ophir, Placer Orangevale, Sacramento Orcutt, Santa Barbara Ordbend, Glenn Oregon House, Yuba Orford, San Joaquin Orick, Humboldt Orinda Village, Contra Costa Orleans, Humboldt Oro Fino, Siskiyou Oro Grande, San Bernardino Oro Loma, Fresno Orosi, Tulare Orrs Springs, Mendocino Ortonville, Ventura Otay, San Diego Outingdale, El Dorado Pacheco, Contra Costa Pacheco Hill, Marin Pacific Beach, San Diego Pacific House, El Dorado Pacific Palisades, Los Angeles Pacoima, Los Angeles Page Mill (Site), San Mateo Paicines, San Benito Paintersville, Sacramento Pajaro, Monterey Pala, San Diego Pala Mesa, San Diego Palermo, Butte Palm City, San Diego Palmdale East, Los Angeles Palmo, Kern Palo Cedro, Shasta Palo Verde, Imperial Paloma, Calaveras Palomar Mountain, San Diego Panama, Kern Panamint Springs, Inyo Panoche, San Benito Panorama, Placer Panorama City, Los Angeles Paradise Camp, Mono Paradise Cay, Marin Parchers Camp, Inyo Park Village, Inyo Parker Dam, San Bernardino Parkfield, Monterey Parksdale, Madera Parkway, Sacramento Parkwood, Madera Pasatiempo, Santa Cruz Paskenta, Tehama Paso Picacho, San Diego Patrick Creek, Del Norte Patton, San Bernardino Patton Village, Lassen Pauma Valley, San Diego Paxton, Plumas Paynes Creek, Tehama Paynesville, Alpine Peanut, Trinity Pearblossom, Los Angeles Peardale, Nevada Pearland, Los Angeles Pearsonville, Inyo Pebble Beach, Monterey Pecwan, Humboldt Peddler Hill, Amador Pedley, Riverside Peninsula Village, Plumas Penn Valley, Nevada Penngrove, Sonoma Pennington, Sutter Penryn, Placer Pentz, Butte Pepperwood, Humboldt Perkins, Sacramento Pescadero, San Mateo Peter Pam, Tuolumne Peters, San Joaquin Petrolia, Humboldt Phelan, San Bernardino Phillips (Vade), El Dorado Phillipsville, Humboldt Philo, Mendocino Picacho, Imperial Piedra, Fresno Piercy, Mendocino Pierpoint Springs, Tulare Pierpont Bay, Ventura Pike, Sierra Pilot Hill, El Dorado Pine Canyon, Monterey Pine Cove, Riverside Pine Flat, Tulare Pine Flat, Fresno Pine Grove, Shasta Pine Grove, Mendocino Pine Grove, Amador Pine Grove, Lake Pine Hills, San Diego Pine Hills, Humboldt Pine Mountain Club, Kern Pine Ridge, Fresno Pine Town, Lassen Pine Valley, San Diego Pinecrest, Tuolumne Pinedale, Fresno Pinehurst, Fresno Pineland, Placer Pino Grande, El Dorado Pinon Hills, San Bernardino Pinyon Pines, Riverside Pioneer Station, Amador Pioneertown, San Bernardino Piru, Ventura Pittville, Shasta Pixley, Tulare Plainsburg, Merced Plainview, Tulare Planada, Merced Plano, Tulare Plantation, Sonoma Plasse, Amador Plaster City, Imperial Platina, Shasta Playa Del Rey, Los Angeles Pleasant Grove, Sutter Pleasant Valley, El Dorado Plumas Eureka, Plumas Point Loma, San Diego Point Mugu (Military Res), Ventura Point Pleasant, Sacramento Point Reyes Station, Marin Pollard Flat, Shasta Pollock Pines, El Dorado Pomins, El Dorado Pomo, Mendocino Pond, Kern Ponderosa, Tulare Ponderosa Hills, Tuolumne Pondosa, Siskiyou Pope Valley, Napa Poplar, Tulare Port Costa, Contra Costa Portola Hills, Orange Portuguese Bend, Los Angeles Posey, Tulare Potrero, San Diego Potter Valley, Mendocino Pozo, San Luis Obispo Prather, Fresno Prattville, Plumas Presidio of San Francisco, San Francisco Preston, Sonoma Priest, Tuolumne Princeton, Colusa Princeton by the Sea, San Mateo Proberta, Tehama Project City, Shasta Prunedale, Monterey Pulga, Butte Pumpkin Center, Kern Quail Valley, Riverside Quaking Aspen, Tulare Quartz Hill, Los Angeles Quincy, Plumas Rackerby, Yuba Radec, Riverside Railroad Flat, Calaveras Rainbow, San Diego Raisin City, Fresno Ramona, San Diego Ranchita, San Diego Rancho Bernardo, San Diego California Roster 2010 184 Unincorporated Areas City, County City, County City, County City, County Rancho Calaveras, Calaveras Rancho California, Riverside Rancho Murieta, Sacramento Rancho Penasquitos, San Diego Rancho Rinconada, Santa Clara Rancho San Diego, San Diego Rancho Santa Clarita, Los Angeles Rancho Santa Fe, San Diego Rand, Kern Randolph, Sierra Randsburg, Kern Ravendale, Lassen Raymond, Madera Red Apple, Calaveras Red Mountain, San Bernardino Redbank, Tehama Redcrest, Humboldt Redway, Humboldt Redwood Estates, Santa Clara Redwood Grove, Santa Cruz Redwood Valley, Mendocino Reefer City, Kern Refugio Beach, Santa Barbara Represa, Sacramento Requa, Del Norte Rescue, El Dorado Reseda, Los Angeles Reward, Kern Reward, Inyo Rheem Valley, Contra Costa Ribbonwood, Riverside Ricardo, Kern Rice, San Bernardino Rices Junction, Santa Cruz Rich Bar, Plumas Richardson Springs, Butte Richfield, Tehama Richgrove, Tulare Richvale, Butte Ridgemark, San Benito Rimforest, San Bernardino Rimrock, San Bernardino Rincon, San Diego Rio Del Mar, Santa Cruz Rio Dell, Sonoma Rio Linda, Sacramento Rio Nido, Sonoma Rio Oso, Sutter Ripley, Riverside Ripperdan, Madera River Pines, Amador Riverdale, Fresno Riverdale Park, Stanislaus Riverkern, Kern Riverside Grove, Santa Cruz Riverton, El Dorado Rob Roy Junction, Santa Cruz Robbins, Sutter Robinsons Corner, Butte Robla, Sacramento Rockaway Beach, San Mateo Rockport, Mendocino Rockville, Solano Rodeo, Contra Costa Rohnerville, Humboldt Rolands, Sonoma Rolinda, Fresno Rollingwood, Contra Costa Romoland, Riverside Rosamond, Kern Rosedale, Kern Roseland, Sonoma Rosemont, Sacramento Rosemont, San Diego Rosewood, Humboldt Rosewood, Tehama Ross Corner, Imperial Rossmoor, Orange Rough and Ready, Nevada Round Mountain, Shasta Round Valley, Inyo Rovana, Inyo Rowland Heights, Los Angeles Rubidoux, Riverside Rucker, Santa Clara Rumsey, Yolo Running Springs, San Bernardino Ruth, Trinity Rutherford, Napa Ryan, Inyo Ryde, Sacramento Sabre City, Placer Saco, Kern Sage, Riverside Salavador, Napa Salida, Stanislaus Salmon Creek, Sonoma Salt Creek Lodge, Shasta Saltdale, Kern Salton, Riverside Salton City, Imperial Salton Sea Beach, Imperial Salyer, Trinity Samoa, Humboldt San Andreas, Calaveras San Antonio Heights, San Bernardino San Ardo, Monterey San Benito, San Benito San Diego Country Estates, San Diego San Felipe, Santa Clara San Geronimo, Marin San Gregorio, San Mateo San Ignacio, San Diego San Joaquin City, San Joaquin San Joaquin Hills, Orange San Juan Hot Springs, Orange San Lorenzo, Alameda San Lorenzo Park, Santa Cruz San Lucas, Monterey San Luis Rey, San Diego San Martin, Santa Clara San Miguel, San Luis Obispo San Onofre (Pendleton), San Diego San Pasqual, San Diego San Pedro, Los Angeles San Quentin, Marin San Simeon, San Luis Obispo San Tomas, Santa Clara San Ysidro, San Diego Sanborn, Kern Sandyland, Santa Barbara Santa Margarita, San Luis Obispo Santa Nella, Merced Santa Rita, Santa Barbara Santa Rita Park, Merced Santa Rosa Indian Rancheria, Kings Santa Susana, Ventura Santa Susana Knolls, Ventura Santa Venetia, Marin Santa Ynez, Santa Barbara Santa Ysabel, San Diego Saticoy, Ventura Sattley, Sierra Saugus, Los Angeles Saunders Meadow, Riverside Sawyers Bar, Siskiyou Scales, Sierra Schellville, Sonoma Sciots Camp, El Dorado Scotia, Humboldt Scott Bar, Siskiyou Scott Dam, Lake Scotts Corner, Alameda Scottsville, Amador Scottys Castle, Inyo Scripps Ranch, San Diego Sea Cliff, Ventura Seahaven, Marin Searchlight Jct (Arrowhead Jct), San Bernardino Searles , Kern Searles Valley, San Bernardino Sears Point, Sonoma Sedco Hills, Riverside Seeley, Imperial Seiad Valley, Siskiyou Seigler Springs, Lake Seneca, Plumas Sepulveda, Los Angeles Sequoia Crest, Tulare Serena, Santa Barbara Serena Park, Santa Barbara Serene Lakes, Placer Sereno Del Mar, Sonoma Sespe, Ventura Seven Pines, Inyo Seven Trees, Santa Clara Seville, Tulare Shackelford, Stanislaus Shadow Hills, Lake Shady Dell, San Diego Shady Glen, Placer Shandon, San Luis Obispo Sharp Park, San Mateo Shasta, Shasta Shasta Springs, Siskiyou Shaver Lake, Fresno Shaver Lake Point, Fresno Shaws Flat, Tuolumne Sheep Ranch, Calaveras Sheldon, Sacramento Shell Beach, San Luis Obispo Shelter Cove, Humboldt Shelter Valley Ranchos, San Diego Sheridan, Placer Sheridan, Sonoma Sherman Oaks, Los Angeles Sherwood Valley Indian Rancheria, Mendocino Shingle Mill, Sonoma Shingle Springs, El Dorado Shingletown, Shasta Shively, Humboldt Shore Acres, Contra Costa Shoshone, Inyo Sierra Brooks, Sierra Sierra City, Sierra Sierra Paradise, Mono Sierraville, Sierra Silver City, Tulare Silver Fork, El Dorado Silver Lake, Amador Silver Strand, Ventura Silverado, Orange Simmler, San Luis Obispo Simms, San Joaquin Sisquoc, Santa Barbara Sites, Colusa Skidoo (ruins), Inyo Skyforest, San Bernardino Skyland, Placer Skyland, San Bernardino Skylonda, San Mateo Sleepy Hollow, San Bernardino Sleepy Hollow, Marin Sleepy Valley, Los Angeles Slide Inn, Tuolumne Sloat, Plumas Sloughhouse, Sacramento Smartville, Yuba Smith River, Del Norte Smith Station, Tuolumne Smithflat, El Dorado Snelling, Merced Soboba Hot Springs, Riverside Sobrante, Contra Costa Soda Bay, Lake Soda Springs, Nevada Soda Springs (site), Sonoma Solemint, Los Angeles Somerset, El Dorado Somes Bar, Siskiyou Somis, Ventura Sonora Junction, Mono Soquel, Santa Cruz Soulsbyville, Tuolumne Sousa Corner, Sonoma South Belridge, Kern South Coyote, Santa Clara California Roster 2010 185 Unincorporated Areas City, County City, County City, County City, County South Dos Palos, Merced South Fork, Madera South Fork, Mariposa South Laguna, Orange South Lake, Kern South Oroville, Butte South Park, Sonoma South San Gabriel, Los Angeles South San Jose Hills, Los Angeles South Taft, Kern South Whittier, Los Angeles South Yuba City, Sutter Spanish Creek, Plumas Spanish Dry Diggings, El Dorado Spanish Flat, Napa Spanish Ranch, Plumas Spaulding, Lassen Spenceville (site), Nevada Spicer City, Kern Spreckels, Monterey Spring Garden, Plumas Spring Valley, San Diego Spring Valley Lake, San Bernardino Springfield, Tuolumne Springville, Tulare Springville, Ventura Spruce Point, Humboldt Squaw Valley, Placer Squaw Valley, Fresno Squirrel Valley, Kern Stafford, Humboldt Stallion Springs, Kern Standard, Tuolumne Standfield Hill, Yuba Standish, Lassen Stanford, Santa Clara Stanislaus, Tuolumne Stateline, El Dorado Stauffer, Ventura Steele Park, Napa Stent (Quartz), Tuolumne Stevinson, Merced Stewarts Point, Sonoma Stinson Beach, Marin Stirling City, Butte Stonyford, Colusa Storrie, Plumas Stovepipe Wells, Inyo Stratford, Kings Strathmore, Tulare Strawberry, El Dorado Strawberry, Tuolumne Strawberry, Marin Strawberry Valley, Yuba Studio City, Los Angeles Sugar Pine, Madera Sugarloaf, San Bernardino Sugarloaf Village, Tulare Sugarpine, Tuolumne Sulphur Springs, Ventura Sultana, Tulare Summerhome Park, Sonoma Summerland, Santa Barbara Summit, San Bernardino Summit City, Shasta Summit Inn, Mariposa Sun City, Riverside Sun Valley, Los Angeles Suncrest, San Diego Sunland, Los Angeles Sunny Brae, Humboldt Sunnybrook, Amador Sunnymead, Riverside Sunnyside, San Diego Sunnyslope, Riverside Sunol, Alameda Sunol, Santa Clara Sunset Beach, Orange Sunset View, Nevada Sunshine Camp, Tuolumne Surf, Santa Barbara Surfside, Orange Sutter, Sutter Sutter Hill, Amador Swansea, Inyo Swanton, Santa Cruz Sweetbrier, Shasta Sweetland, Nevada Sycamore, Colusa Sylmar, Los Angeles Taft Heights, Kern Tagus, Tulare Tahoe City, Placer Tahoe Paradise, El Dorado Tahoe Pines, Placer Tahoe Tavern, Placer Tahoe Valley, El Dorado Tahoe Vista, Placer Tahoma, Placer Talmage, Mendocino Tamalpais Valley, Marin Tamarack, Calaveras Tancred, Yolo Tara Hills, Contra Costa Tarpey Village, Fresno Tarzana, Los Angeles Tassajara, Contra Costa Taylorsville, Plumas Tecate, San Diego Tecopa, Inyo Tecopa Hot Springs, Inyo Telegraph City, Calaveras Temecula Hot Springs, Riverside Temelec, Sonoma Templeton, San Luis Obispo Tennant, Siskiyou Terminous, San Joaquin Termo, Lassen Terra Bella, Tulare Terra Cotta, Riverside Terra Linda, Marin The Forks, Mendocino The Geysers (Geyser Resort), Sonoma The Highlands, San Mateo The Homestead, San Joaquin The Oaks, Los Angeles The Willows, San Diego Thermal, Riverside Thermalands, Placer Thermalito, Butte Thornton, San Joaquin Thousand Palms, Riverside Three Rivers, Tulare Tierra Buena, Sutter Tierra Del Sol, San Diego Tierrasanta, San Diego Timber Lodge, Mariposa Timberland, Placer Tipton, Tulare Tisdale, Sutter Tobin, Plumas Tollhouse, Fresno Tomales, Marin Toms Place, Mono Tonyville, Tulare Toolville, Tulare Topanga, Los Angeles Topanga Beach, Los Angeles Topaz, Mono Toro Canyon, Santa Barbara Tower House, Shasta Town and Country, Sacramento Town Talk, Nevada Toyon, Shasta Trabuco Canyon, Orange Tranquillity, Fresno Traver, Tulare Travis AFB, Solano Treasure Island (Military Res), San Francisco Tres Pinos, San Benito Trinidad Indian Res, Humboldt Trinity Center, Trinity Trinity Village, Trinity Trona, San Bernardino Tropico, Kern Trowbridge, Sutter Troy, Placer Trull, San Joaquin Tryon Corner, Del Norte Tudor, Sutter Tujunga, Los Angeles Tule River Indian Res, Tulare Tunnel Station, Los Angeles Tuolumne, Tuolumne Tuolumne Meadows, Tuolumne Tupman, Kern Tustin Foothills, Orange Tuttle, Merced Tuttletown, Tuolumne Twain (Grays Flat), Plumas Twain Harte, Tuolumne Twain Harte Valley, Tuolumne Twentynine Palms (Marine Corps Base), San Bernardino Twin Bridges, El Dorado Twin Cities, Sacramento Twin Creeks, Santa Clara Twin Lakes, Santa Cruz Twin Oaks, San Diego Twin Peaks, San Bernardino Two Rock, Sonoma Tyndall Landing, Yolo Ultra, Tulare Uncle Toms Cabin, El Dorado Union Hill, Nevada Universal City, Los Angeles University City, San Diego University Heights, San Diego Upper Lake, Lake Usona, Mariposa Uva, Fresno Vacation Beach, Sonoma Val Verde, Los Angeles Valencia, Los Angeles Valerie, Riverside Valinda, Los Angeles Valle Vista, Riverside Vallecito, Calaveras Vallemar, San Mateo Valley Acres, Kern Valley Center, San Diego Valley Ford, Sonoma Valley Home, Stanislaus Valley of the Moon, San Bernardino Valley Ranch, Plumas Valley Springs, Calaveras Valley Wells, Inyo Valyermo, Los Angeles Van Nuys, Los Angeles Vandenberg AFB, Santa Barbara Vandenberg Village, Santa Barbara Vanguard, Fresno Venice, Los Angeles Ventu Park, Ventura Ventucopa, Santa Barbara Verdemont, San Bernardino Verdi, Sierra Verdugo City, Los Angeles Vernalis, San Joaquin Verona, Sutter Vichy Springs, Mendocino Vichy Springs, Napa Victor, San Joaquin Vidal, San Bernardino Vidal Junction, San Bernardino View Park, Los Angeles Villa Grande, Sonoma Vina, Tehama Vincent, Los Angeles Vine Hill, Contra Costa Vineburg, Sonoma Vineyard, San Benito Vinton, Plumas Viola, Shasta Virgilia, Plumas Virginia Colony, Ventura Vista Verde, San Mateo Volcano, Amador Volcanoville, El Dorado Vollmers, Shasta Volta, Merced Vorden, Sacramento Wahtoke Park, Fresno California Roster 2010 186 Unincorporated Areas City, County City, County City, County City, County Waits Station, Amador Waldon, Contra Costa Walerga, Sacramento Walker, Mono Wallace, Calaveras Walnut Grove, Sacramento Walnut Park, Los Angeles Walsh Landing, Sonoma Walthal, San Joaquin Warm Springs, Alameda Warner Springs, San Diego Washington, Nevada Washoe, Sonoma Waterloo, San Joaquin Waterman Canyon Station, San Bernardino Watts, Los Angeles Waukena, Tulare Wawona, Mariposa Weaverville, Trinity Webb Station, Mariposa Weed Patch, Kern Weimar, Placer Weitchpec, Humboldt Weldon, Kern Wellsona, San Luis Obispo Wendel, Lassen Wentworth Springs, El Dorado Weott, Humboldt West Athens, Los Angeles West Beach, Santa Barbara West Bishop, Inyo West Butte, Sutter West Carson, Los Angeles West Compton, Los Angeles West Guernewood, Sonoma West Los Angeles, Los Angeles West Menlo Park, San Mateo West Park, Fresno West Pittsburg, Contra Costa West Point, Calaveras West Puente Valley, Los Angeles West Whittier, Los Angeles Westborough, San Mateo Westlake, San Mateo Westley, Stanislaus Westmont, Los Angeles Westport, Mendocino Westridge, San Mateo Westville, Placer Westwood, Lassen Westwood Village, Los Angeles Wheaton Springs, San Bernardino Wheatville (site), Fresno Wheeler Ridge, Kern Wheeler Springs, Ventura Whiskeytown, Shasta Whispering Pines, Lake White Hall, El Dorado White Horse, Modoc White Pines, Calaveras White River, Tulare White Wolf, Tuolumne Whitehawk, Plumas Whiteshore Cove, Mendocino Whitethorn, Humboldt Whitewater, Riverside Whitley Gardens, San Luis Obispo Whitlow, Humboldt Whitmore, Shasta Whitmore Hot Springs, Mono Wilbur Springs, Colusa Wildrose, Inyo Wildwood, Trinity Wilkerson, Inyo Willow Creek, Humboldt Willow Creek Camp, Inyo Willow Ranch, Modoc Willow Springs, Tuolumne Willow Springs, Kern Willowbrook, Los Angeles Wilmington, Los Angeles Wilseyville, Calaveras Wilsonia, Tulare Wilton, Sacramento Winchester, Riverside Windsor Hills, Los Angeles Winnetka, Los Angeles Winter Gardens, San Diego Winterhaven, Imperial Winton, Merced Wishon, Madera Witch Creek, San Diego Witter Springs, Lake Wofford Heights, Kern Wolf, Nevada Wonder Valley, Fresno Woodacre, Marin Woodbridge, San Joaquin Woodcrest, Riverside Woodford, Kern Woodfords, Alpine Woodland Hills, Los Angeles Woodleaf, Yuba Woodside Highlands, San Mateo Woodville, Tulare Woody, Kern Woolsey, Sonoma Wrights Lake, El Dorado Wrightwood, San Bernardino Wyandotte, Butte Wynola, San Diego Yankee Hill, Butte Yankee Jims, Placer Yermo, San Bernardino Yettem, Tulare Yolo, Yolo Yorkville, Mendocino Yosemite Forks, Madera Yosemite Junction, Tuolumne Yosemite Lakes, Madera Yosemite Lodge, Mariposa Yosemite Valley, Mariposa Yosemite Village, Mariposa Zamora, Yolo Zayante, Santa Cruz Zenia, Trinity Source: 2008 Place Names in California Prepared by: State of California Business, Transportation and Housing Agency Department of Transportation Transportation System Information Highway Engineering Branch February 2009 California Roster 2010 187 California Congressional Legislators CALIFORNIA UNITED STATES SENATE Boxer, Barbara [D] 112 Hart Senate Office Building Washington, DC 20510 Telephone: (202) 224-3553; Fax: (202) 224-0454 Website: 501 I St, Ste 7-600, Sacramento, CA 95814 Telephone: (916) 448-2787; Fax: (916) 448-2563 1700 Montgomery St, Ste 240, San Francisco, CA 94111 Telephone: (415) 403-0100; Fax: (415) 956-6701 312 North Spring St, Ste 1748, Los Angeles, CA 90012 Telephone: (213) 894-5000; Fax: (213) 894-5042 2500 Tulare Street, Suite 5290, Fresno, CA 93721 Telephone: (559) 497-5109; Fax: (559) 497-5111 600 B Street, Ste 2240, San Diego, CA 92101 Telephone: (619) 239-3884; Fax: (619) 239-5719 201 North E St, Ste 210, San Bernardino, CA 92401 Telephone: (909) 888-8525; Fax: (909) 888-8613 Feinstein, Dianne [D] 331 Hart Senate Office Building Washington, DC 20510 Telephone: (202) 224-3841; Fax: (202) 228-3954 TTY/TDD: (202) 224-2501 Website: One Post Street, Suite 2450, San Francisco, CA 94104 Telephone: (415) 393-0707; Fax: (415) 393-0710 11111 Santa Monica Blvd, Ste 915, Los Angeles, CA 90025 Telephone: (310) 914-7300; Fax: (310) 914-7318 750 B Street, Ste 1030, San Diego, CA 92101 Telephone: (619) 231-9712; Fax: (619) 231-1108 2500 Tulare Street, Ste 4290, Fresno, CA 93721 Telephone: (559) 485-7430; Fax: (559) 485-9689 CALIFORNIA UNITED STATES HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Bracketed information indicates political affiliation, followed by district number, and counties contained within the districts; county names in CAPITALS denote counties that are wholly contained within the boundaries of the districts. Baca, Joe [D, 43, San Bernardino] 2245 Rayburn HOB, Washington, DC 20515 Telephone: (202) 225-6161 Website: 201 North "E" Street, Suite 102, San Bernardino, CA 92401 Telephone: (909) 885-BACA (2222) Campbell, John [R, 48, Orange] 1507 Longworth HOB, Washington, DC 20515 Telephone: (202) 225-5611; Fax (202) 225-9177 Website: 610 Newport Center Drive, Suite 330, Newport Beach, CA 92660 Telephone: (949) 756-2244; Fax: (949) 251-9309 Becerra, Xavier [D, 31, Los Angeles] 1119 Longworth HOB, Washington, DC 20515 Telephone: (202) 225-6235 Website: 1910 Sunset Blvd, Suite 810, Los Angeles 90026 Telephone: (213) 483-1425 Capps, Lois [D, 23, San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara, Ventura] 1110 Longworth HOB, Washington, DC 20515 Telephone: (202) 225-3601; Fax: (202) 225-5632 Website: 301 E. Carrillo Street, Suite A, Santa Barbara, CA 93101 Telephone: (805) 730-1710; Fax: (805) 730-9153 1411 Marsh Street, Suite 205, San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 Telephone: (805) 546-8348; Fax: (805) 546-8368 2675 N. Ventura Road, Suite #105, Port Hueneme, CA 93041 Telephone: 805-985-6807; Fax: 805-985-6875 Berman, Howard L. [D, 28, Los Angeles] 2221 Rayburn HOB, Washington, DC 20515 Telephone: (202) 225-4695; Fax: (202) 225-3196 Website: 14546 Hamlin Street, Suite 202, Van Nuys, CA 91411 Telephone: (818) 994-7200; Fax: (818) 994-1050 Bilbray, Brian P. [R, 50, San Diego] 2348 Rayburn HOB, Washington, DC 20515 Telephone: (202) 225-0508; Fax: (202) 225-2558 Website: 462 Stevens Avenue, Suite 107, Solana Beach, CA 92075 Telephone: (858) 350-1150; Fax: (858) 350-0750 Bono Mack, Mary [R, 45, Riverside] 104 Cannon HOB, Washington, DC 20515 Telephone: (202) 225-5330; Fax: (202) 225-2961 Website: 707 East Tahquitz Canyon Way, Suite 9, Palm Springs, CA 92262 Telephone: (760) 320-1076; Fax: (760) 320-0596 1600 East Florida Avenue, Suite 301, Hemet, CA 92544 Telephone: (951) 658-2312; Fax: (951) 652-2562 Calvert, Ken [R, 44, Orange, Riverside] 2201 Rayburn HOB, Washington, DC 20515 Telephone: (202) 225-1986; Fax: (202) 225-2004 Website: 3400 Central Avenue, Suite 200, Riverside, CA 92506 Telephone: (951) 784-4300; Fax: (951) 784-5255 26111 Antonio Parkway, Suite 300, Las Flores, CA 92688 Telephone: (949) 888-8498; Fax: (949) 888-8524 California Roster 2010 Cardoza, Dennis A. [D, 18, Fresno, Madera, MERCED, San Joaquin, Stanislaus] 1224 Longworth HOB, Washington, DC 20515 Telephone: (202) 225-6131; Fax: (202) 225-0819 Toll Free (800) 356-6424 Website: 2222 M Street, Suite 305, Merced, CA 95340 Telephone: (209) 383-4455; Fax: (209) 726-1065 Toll Free (800) 356-6424 1010 10th Street, Suite 5800, Modesto, CA 95354 Telephone: (209) 527-1914; Fax: (209) 527-5748 Toll Free: (800) 356-6424 137 East Weber Avenue, Stockton, CA 95202 Telephone: (209) 946-0361; Fax: (209) 946-0347 Toll Free (800) 356-6424 Chu, Judy [D, 32, Los Angeles] 2421 Rayburn HOB, Washington, DC 20515 Telephone: (202) 225-5464; Fax: (202) 225-5467 4401 Santa Anita Avenue, Suite 211 El Monte, CA 91731 Telephone: (626) 448-1271; Fax: (626) 448-8062 4716 Cesar Chavez Avenue, Building A, East Los Angeles, CA 90022 Telephone: (323) 307-9904; Fax: (323) 307-9906 188 California Congressional Legislators Costa, Jim [D, 20, Fresno, Kern, KINGS] 1314 Longworth HOB, Washington, DC 20515 Telephone: (202) 225-3341: Fax: (202) 225-9308 Website: 855 M Street, Suite 940, Fresno, CA 93721 Telephone: (559) 495-1620; Fax: (559) 495-1027 2700 M Street, Suite 225, Bakersfield, CA 93301 Telephone: (661) 869-1620; Fax: (661) 869-1027 Davis, Susan A. [D, 53, San Diego] 1526 Longworth HOB, Washington, DC 20515 Telephone: (202) 225-2040; Fax: (202) 225-2948 Website: 4305 University Avenue, Suite 515, San Diego, CA 92105 Telephone: (619) 280-5353; Fax: (619) 280-5311 Dreier, David [R, 26, Los Angeles, San Bernardino] 233 Cannon HOB, Washington, DC 20515 Telephone: (202) 225-2305; Fax: (202) 225-7018 Website: 510 East Foothill Blvd, Suite 201, San Dimas, CA 91773 Telephone: Office (909) 575-6226; Fax: (909) 575-6266 Toll Free: (888) 906-2626 Eshoo, Anna G. [D, 14, San Mateo, Santa Clara, Santa Cruz] 205 Cannon HOB, Washington, DC 20515 Telephone: (202) 225-8104; Fax: (202) 225-8890 Website: 698 Emerson Street, Palo Alto, CA 94301 Telephone: (650) 323-2984 or (408) 245-2339 or (831) 335-2020; Fax: (650) 323-3498 Farr, Sam [D, 17, MONTEREY, SAN BENITO, Santa Cruz] 1126 Longworth HOB, Washington, DC 20515 Telephone: (202) 225-2861; Fax: (202) 225-6791 Website: 100 West Alisal Street, Salinas, CA 93901 Telephone: (831) 424-2229, (800) 340-FARR; Fax: (831) 424-7099 701 Ocean Street, Room 318, Santa Cruz, CA 95060 Telephone: (831) 429-1976; Fax: (831) 429-1458 Filner, Bob [D, 51, IMPERIAL, San Diego] 2428 Rayburn HOB, Washington, DC 20515 Telephone: (202) 225-8045; Fax: (202) 225-9073 Website: 333 F Street, Suite A, Chula Vista, CA 91910 Telephone: (619) 422-5963; Fax: (619) 422-7290 1101 Airport Road, Suite D, Imperial, CA 92251 Telephone: (760) 355-8800; Fax: (760) 355-8802 Gallegly, Elton [R, 24, Santa Barbara, Ventura] 2309 Rayburn HOB, Washington, DC 20515 Telephone: (202) 225-5811; Fax: (202) 225-1100 Website: 2829 Townsgate Road, Suite 315, Thousand Oaks, CA 91361-3018 Telephone: (805) 497-2224, Toll Free: (800) 423-0023; Fax: (805) 497-0039 485 Alisal Road, Unit 144, Solvang, CA 93463 Telephone: (805) 686-2525; Fax: (805) 686-2566 California Roster 2010 Garamendi, John [D, 10, Alameda, Contra Costa, Sacramento, Solano] 2459 Rayburn HOB, Washington, DC 20515 Telephone: (202) 225-1880; Fax: (202) 225-5914 Website: 2121 North California Blvd, Suite 555, Walnut Creek, CA 94596 Telephone: (925) 932-8899; Fax: (925) 932-8159 420 West 3rd Street, Antioch, CA 94509 Telephone: (925) 757-7187; Fax: (925) 757-7056 2000 Cadenasso Drive, Suite A, Fairfield, CA 94533 Telephone: (707) 428-7792; Fax: (707) 438-0523 Harman, Jane [D, 36, Los Angeles] 2400 Rayburn HOB, Washington, DC 20515 Telephone: (202) 225-8220; Fax: (202) 226-7290 Website: 2321 East Rosecrans Avenue, Suite 3270, El Segundo, CA 90245 Telephone: (310) 643-3636; Fax: (310) 643 6445 544 North Avalon Blvd, Suite 307, Wilmington, CA 90744 Telephone: (310) 549-8282; Fax: (310) 549-8250 Herger, Wally [R, 2, Butte, COLUSA, GLENN, SHASTA, SISKIYOU, SUTTER, TEHAMA, TRINITY, Yolo, YUBA] 242 Longworth HOB, Washington, DC 20515 Telephone: (202) 225-3076; Fax: (202) 226-0852 Website: 55 Independence Circle, Suite 104, Chico, CA 95973 Telephone: (530) 893-8363; Fax: (530) 893-8619 410 Hemsted Drive, Suite 115, Redding, CA 96002 Telephone: (530) 223-5898; Fax: (530) 223-5897 Honda, Michael M. [D, 15, Santa Clara] 1713 Longworth HOB, Washington, DC 20515 Telephone: (202) 225-2631; Fax: (202) 225-2699 Website: 1999 South Bascom Avenue, Suite 815, Campbell, CA 95008 Telephone: (408) 558-8085; Fax: (408) 558-8086 Toll Free District Phone: (888) 643-4715 Hunter, Duncan [R, 52, San Diego] 1429 Longworth HOB, Washington, DC 20515 Telephone: (202) 225-5672; Fax: (202) 225-0235 Website: 1870 Cordell Ct, Ste 206, El Cajon, CA 92020 Telephone: (619) 448-5201; Fax: (619) 449-2251 Issa, Darrell E. [R, 49, Riverside, San Diego] 2347 Rayburn HOB, Washington, DC 20515 Telephone: (202) 225-3906; Ffax: (202) 225-3303 Website: 1800 Thibodo Road, #310, Vista, CA 92081 Telephone: (760) 599-5000; Fax: (760) 599-1178 Temecula Office Telephone: (951) 693-2447 Lee, Barbara [D, 9, Alameda] 2444 Rayburn HOB, Washington, DC 20515 Telephone: (202) 225-2661; Fax: (202) 225-9817 Website: 1301 Clay Street, Suite 1000-N, Oakland, CA 94612 Telephone: (510) 763-0370; Fax: (510) 763-6538 Castro Valley Library; 20055 Redwood Rd., Castro Valley, CA 94546 189 California Congressional Legislators Lewis, Jerry [R, 41, Riverside, San Bernardino] 2112 Rayburn HOB, Washington, DC 20515 Telephone: (202) 225-5861; Fax: (202) 225-6498 Website: 1150 Brookside Avenue, Suite J-5, Redlands, CA 92373 Telephone: (909) 862-6030, 1-800-233-1700 (within CA) Lofgren, Zoe [D, 16, Santa Clara] 102 Cannon HOB, Washington, DC 20515 Telephone: (202) 225-3072; Fax: (202) 225-3336 Website: 635 North First Street, Suite B, San Jose, CA 95112 Telephone: (408) 271-8700; Fax: (408) 271-8713 Lungren, Daniel E. [R, 3, ALPINE, AMADOR, CALAVERAS, Sacramento, Solano] 2262 Rayburn HOB, Washington, DC 20515 Telephone: (202) 225-5716; Fax: (202) 226-1298 Website: 2339 Gold Meadow Way, Suite 220, Gold River, CA 95670 Telephone: (916) 859-9906; Fax: (916) 859-9976 Matsui, Doris O. [D, 5, Sacramento] 222 Cannon HOB, Washington, DC 20515 Telephone: (202) 225-7163; Fax: (202) 225-0566 Website: 501 I Street, Suite 12-600, Sacramento, CA 95814 Telephone: (916) 498-5600; Fax: (916) 444-6117 McCarthy, Kevin [R, 22, Kern, Los Angeles, San Luis Obispo] 1523 Longworth HOB, Washington, DC 20515 Telephone: (202) 225-2915; Fax: (202) 225-2908 Website: 5805 Capistrano Ave, Suite C, Atascadero, CA 93422 Telephone: (805) 461-1034 (N. County), (805) 549-0390 (S. County); Fax: (805) 461-1323 4100 Empire Drive, Suite 150, Bakersfield, CA 93309 Telephone: (661) 327-3611; Fax: (661) 637-0867 McClintock, Tom [R, 4, Butte, EL DORADO, LASSEN, MODOC, NEVADA, PLACER, PLUMAS, Sacramento, SIERRA] 508 Cannon HOB, Washington, DC 20515 Telephone: (202) 225-2511; Fax: (202) 225-5444 Website: 4230 Douglas Blvd, Suite 200, Granite Bay, CA 95746 Telephone: (916) 786-5560; Fax: (916) 786-6364 McKeon, Howard P. "Buck" [R, 25, INYO, Los Angeles, MONO, San Bernardino] 2184 Rayburn HOB, Washington, DC 20515 Telephone: (202) 225-1956; Fax: (202) 226-0683 Website: 1008 West Avenue M-14, Suite E-1, Palmdale, CA 93551 Telephone: (661) 274-9688; Fax: (661) 274-8744 26650 The Old Road, Suite 203, Santa Clarita, CA 91381 Telephone: (661) 254-2111; Fax: (661) 254-2380 McNerney, Jerry [D, 11, Alameda, Contra Costa, San Joaquin, Santa Clara] 312 Cannon HOB, Washington, DC 20515 Telephone: (202) 225-1947 Website: 5776 Stoneridge Mall Rd. #175,Pleasanton, CA 94588 Telephone: (925) 737-0727 or (408) 744-0727; Fax: (925) 737-0734 2222 Grand Canal Blvd. #7, Stockton, CA 95207 Telephone: (209) 476-8552; Fax: Fax: (209) 476-8587 California Roster 2010 Miller, Gary G. [R, 42, Los Angeles, Orange, San Bernardino] 2349 Rayburn HOB, Washington, DC 20515 Telephone: (202) 225-3201; Fax: (202) 226-6962 Website: 1800 East Lambert Road, Suite 150, Brea, CA 92821 Telephone: (714) 257-1142; Fax: (714) 257-9242 200 Civic Center, Mission Viejo, CA 92691 Telephone: (949) 470-8484 Miller, George [D, 7, Contra Costa, Solano] 2205 Rayburn HOB, Washington, DC 20515 Telephone: (202) 225-2095 Website: 1333 Willow Pass Road, Suite 203, Concord, CA 94520 Telephone: (925) 602-1880; Fax: (925) 674-0983 3220 Blume Drive, Richmond, CA 94806 Telephone: (510) 262-6500; Fax: (510) 222-1306 375 G Street, Vallejo, CA 94592 Telephone: (707) 645-1888; Fax: (707) 645-1870 Napolitano, Grace F. [D, 38, Los Angeles] 1610 Longworth HOB, Washington, DC 20515 Telephone: (202) 225-5256; Fax: (202) 225-0027 Website: 11627 East Telegraph Road, #100, Sante Fe Springs, CA 90670 Telephone: (562) 801-2134; Fax: (562) 949-9144 Nunes, Devin [R, 21, Fresno, TULARE] 1013 Longworth HOB, Washington, DC 20515 Telephone: (202) 225-2523; Fax: (202) 225-3404 Website: 113 North Church Street, Suite 208, Visalia, CA 93291 Telephone: (559) 733-3861; Fax: (559) 733-3865 264 Clovis Avenue, Suite 206, Clovis, CA 93612 Telephone: (559) 323-5235; Fax: (559) 323-5528 Pelosi, Nancy [D, 8, San Francisco] 235 Cannon HOB, Washington, DC 20515 Telephone: (202) 225-4965 Website: 450 Golden Gate Avenue, 14th Floor, San Francisco, CA 94102 Telephone: (415) 556-4862 Radanovich, George P. [R, 19, Fresno, Madera, MARIPOSA, Stanislaus, TUOLUMNE] 2410 Rayburn HOB, Washington, DC 20515 Telephone: (202) 225-4540; Fax: (202) 225-3402 Website: 1040 E. Herndon, Suite 201, Fresno, CA 93720 Telephone: (559) 449-2490; Fax: (559) 449-2499 3509 Coffee Road, Suite D3, Modesto, CA 95355 Telephone: (209) 579-5458; Fax: (209) 579-5458 Richardson, Laura [D, 37, Los Angeles] 1725 Longworth HOB, Washington, DC 20515 Telephone: (202) 225-7924; Fax: (202) 225-7926 Website: 100 West Broadway - West Tower, Suite 600, Long Beach, CA 90802 Telephone: (562) 436-3828; Fax: (562) 437-6434 Rohrabacher, Dana [R, 46, Los Angeles, Orange] 2300 Rayburn HOB, Washington, DC 20515 Telephone: (202) 225-2415; Fax: (202) 225-0145 Website: 101 Main Street, Suite 380, Huntington Beach, CA 92648 Telephone: (714) 960-6483; Fax (714) 960-7806 190 California Congressional Legislators Roybal-Allard, Lucille [D, 34, Los Angeles] 2330 Rayburn HOB, Washington, DC 20515 Telephone: (202) 225-1766; Fax: (202) 226-0350 Website: 255 East Temple Street, Suite 1860, Los Angeles, CA 90012 Telephone: (213) 628-9230; Fax: (213) 628-8578 Royce, Edward R. [R, 40, Orange] 2185 Rayburn HOB, Washington, DC 20515 Telephone: (202) 225-4111; Fax: (202) 226-0335 Website: 1110 E. Chapman Ave, Suite 207, Orange, CA 92866 Telephone: (714) 744-4130; Fax: (714) 744-4056 Sánchez, Linda T. [D, 39, Los Angeles] 1222 Longworth HOB, Washington, DC 20515 Telephone: (202) 225-6676; Fax: (202) 226-1012 Website: 17906 Crusader Avenue, Suite 100, Cerritos, CA 90703 Telephone: (562) 860-5050; Fax: (562) 924-2914 Sanchez, Loretta [D, 47, Orange] 1114 Longworth HOB, Washington, DC 20515 Telephone: (202) 225-2965; Fax: (202) 225-5859 Website: 12397 Lewis Street, Suite 101, Garden Grove, CA 92840 Telephone: (714) 621-0102; Fax: (714) 621-0401 Schiff, Adam B. [D, 29, Los Angeles] 2447 Rayburn HOB, Washington, DC 20515 Telephone: (202) 225-4176; Fax: (202) 225-5828 Website: 87 North Raymond Avenue, #800, Pasadena, CA 91103 Telephone: (626) 304-2727; Fax: (626) 304-0572 Sherman, Brad [D, 27, Los Angeles] 2242 Rayburn HOB, Washington, DC 20515 Telephone: (202) 225-5911; Fax: (202) 225-5879 Website: 5000 Van Nuys Blvd, Suite 420, Sherman Oaks, CA 91403 Telephone: (818) 501-9200; Fax: (818) 501-1554 Speier, Jackie [D, 12, San Francisco, San Mateo] 211 Cannon HOB, Washington, DC 20515 Telephone: (202) 225-3531; Fax (202) 226-4183 Website: 400 South El Camino Real, Suite 410, San Mateo, CA 94402 Telephone: (650) 342-0300; Fax: (650) 375-8270 Thompson, Mike [D, 1, DEL NORTE, HUMBOLDT, LAKE, MENDOCINO, NAPA, Sonoma, Yolo] 231 Cannon HOB, Washington, DC 20515 Telephone: (202) 225-3311; Fax: (202) 225-4335 Website: 1040 Main Street, Suite 101, Napa, CA 94559 Telephone: (707) 226-9898; Fax: (707) 251-9800 317 3rd Street, Suite 1, Eureka, CA 95501 Telephone: (707) 269-9595; Fax: (707) 269-9598 430 North Franklin Street, P.O. Box 2208, Fort Bragg, CA 95437 Telephone: (707) 962-0933; Fax: (707) 962-0934 712 Main Street, Suite 1, Woodland, CA 95695 Telephone: (530) 662-5272; Fax: (530) 662-5163 Waters, Maxine [D, 35, Los Angeles] 2344 Rayburn HOB, Washington, DC 20515 Telephone: (202) 225-2201; Fax: (202) 225-7854 Website: 10124 South Broadway, Suite 1, Los Angeles 90003 Telephone: (323) 757-8900; Fax: (323) 757-9506 6033 W. Century Blvd, Suite 807, Los Angeles, CA 90045 Telephone: (310) 642-4610; Fax: (310) 642-9160 Watson, Diane E. [D, 33, Los Angeles] 2430 Rayburn HOB, Washington, DC 20515-0533 Telephone: (202) 225-7084; Fax: (202) 225-2422 Website: 4322 Wilshire Blvd, Suite 302, Los Angeles, CA 90010 Telephone: (323) 965-1422; Fax: (323) 965-1113 Waxman, Henry A. [D, 30, Los Angeles] 2204 Rayburn HOB, Washington, DC 20515 Telephone: (202) 225-3976; Fax: (202) 225-4099 Website: 8436 West Third Street, Suite 600, Los Angeles, CA 90048 Telephone: (323) 651-1040, (818) 878-7400, (310) 652-3095; Fax: (323) 655-0502 Woolsey, Lynn C. [D, 6, MARIN, Sonoma] 2263 Rayburn HOB, Washington, DC 20515 Telephone: (202) 225-5161; Fax: (202) 225-5163 Website: 1050 Northgate Drive, Suite 354, San Rafael, CA 94903 Telephone: (415) 507-9554; Fax: (415) 507-9601 1101 College Avenue, Suite 200, Santa Rosa, CA 95404 Telephone: (707) 542-7182; Fax: (707) 542-2745 Stark, Fortney Pete [D, 13, Alameda] 239 Cannon HOB, Washington, DC 20515 Telephone: (202) 225-5065; Fax: (202) 226-3805 Website: 39300 Civic Center Drive, Suite 220, Fremont, CA 94538 Telephone: (510) 494-1388; Fax: (510) 494-5852 California Roster 2010 191