Including the 2011-12 Annual Report of Gifts


Including the 2011-12 Annual Report of Gifts
Winter 2012
The Magazine for Alumni, Parents, Grandparents and Friends of Archbishop Wood High School
Including the 2011-12 Annual Report of Gifts
Winter 2013
| Archbishop Wood
vikin g News — A lu mn i Pr ofi le
Message from the President
The accomplishments of our Vikings go on and
on, but without you, the Alumni, many things
would not be possible. …thank you from the
bottom of my heart for the support that you have
shown for your Alma Mater during the Viking
Fund Drive. The response from the alumni
continues to be overwhelming, enabling families
to keep their children at Archbishop Wood to
continue their Catholic education.
elcome to the second edition of the Viking.
I hope you enjoy reading about all of the
wonderful things that are happening at
your Alma Mater. It is with great pride
and pleasure that we send you a magazine
that depicts life today at Archbishop Wood and enables us to keep
you informed about the successes of your fellow alumni.
I’m also proud to announce the induction of three of our alumni
into very special organizations. Mr. Jim Hirschmann, Class of
1978, was recently inducted into the Archdiocese of Philadelphia’s
Distinguished Graduate Hall of Fame. Ms. Debbie Black, Class of
1984, has been inducted into the Philadelphia Sports Hall of Fame.
Ms. Kimberly Davidow, Class of 2005, has been nominated for an
Emmy for her work as a news reporter at WFMZ-TV, Channel 69,
in Allentown. Congratulations again to these three fine individuals
whose success reflects so favorably on their alma mater!
In my last letter to you I mentioned my dream of a Sports
Complex for the Archbishop Wood Vikings. I am happy to report
that we are coming to the close of our feasibility study and are
moving forward with a Capital Campaign in the very near future.
We still have a long way to go, but I am confident that with your
help we can accomplish this dream. I hope that we can all stand
together and dedicate the opening of the facility as we celebrate the
50th Anniversary of Archbishop Wood High School.
The Viking community continues to thrive, with a freshman class
of 300 and an overall enrollment of 1,089 students. Our academic,
athletic and activity programs are as strong as ever. Our recently
graduated Class of 2012 received over twenty eight million dollars
in scholarships and grants. This school year, Wood has seventeen
Neumann Scholars, two National Merit Finalists and five National
Merit Commended students. Furthermore, fifty-nine of our students
currently receive three college credits each through our Dual
Enrollment Program with Bucks County Community College.
Our athletic and activity programs speak for themselves,
Archbishop Wood
| Winter 2013
with three State Girls Basketball Championships, a Football
State Championship, four PCL Championships, five District XII
Champions, one hundred and five All Catholic Athletes, twelve
All State Athletes, thirteen members of All Catholic Band,
Chorus and Orchestra, a Marching Unit Cavalcade of Bands State
Championship, and many more Viking successes.
The accomplishments of our Vikings go on and on, but without
you, the Alumni, many things would not be possible. I would like
to take a moment to say thank you from the bottom of my heart
for the support that you have shown for your Alma Mater during
the Viking Fund Drive. The response from the alumni continues
to be overwhelming, enabling families to keep their children at
Archbishop Wood to continue their Catholic education. In fact,
your support enabled us to paint the entire building and begin the
process of replacing all of our classroom doors. The first floor
has been completed, this June we will begin to renovate bathrooms
throughout the facility, and the lighting in our entire facility is
being replaced with motion sensors being installed in all of the
classrooms, offices and gyms. The cost savings will be significant
for our school.
I thank all of you for your contributions, and I hope that you
will continue to support Archbishop Wood. If you could not
contribute last year, hopefully you will consider your Alma Mater
this year. With your continued support, we can work together to
ensure the good news of the Archbishop Wood Vikings.
Finally, thank you for everything, and may God bless you and
your families! Enjoy the magazine, and see you soon!
Sincerely yours,
Gary V. Zimmaro Sr.
Gary V. Zimmaro Sr.
Jim and Laura Hirschmann with family, former classmates, teachers, teammates and Wood administrators
Jim Hirschmann ’78 honored with the
Distinguished Graduate Award
im Hirschmann, Class of 1978 was one of five recipients of the
Distinguished Graduate Award by the Archdiocese of Philadelphia
on October 11 in Philadelphia.
Jim’s family, friends and former coaches were in attendance at
the Awards Dinner held in the Crystal Tea Room. Jim was introduced
by Nicholas Ortiz ’13, a Hirschmann Family Scholarship recipient.
Archbishop Wood was well represented by Fran Walsh ’13 as a Student
Ambassador and Rachel Campana ’13, who gave a wonderful rendition
of the Star Spangled Banner.
Bob Kelly, CBS3 Traffic reporter, was the emcee for the event.
Archbishop Charles J. Chaput and Mayor Michael Nutter spoke and
congratulated the honorees.
At a very young age, Jim Hirschmann learned that Catholic faith
and Catholic education went hand-in-hand and that everyone from
parents and teachers to priests, sisters, and coaches played an integral
part in fostering faith-filled students. An active member of his parish’s
CYO program, Jim loved playing basketball, baseball, track and any
other sport he could get involved in. He also spent his time serving
as an altar boy and singing in the choir. It’s no wonder that now, as
president and CEO of Western Asset Management Company–one of
the world’s largest investment managers– Jim still lives his life with
excellence grounded in faith. For you see, what sets Western Asset apart
from its competitors are several tenants of Jim’s Catholic upbringing:
a nurturing environment, mutual respect and responsibility, discipline,
and high expectations both in and out of the office.
Jim currently resides in Pasadena, CA, with his wife Laura and their
two children.
Jim Hirschmann is congratulated by Bishop Michael Fitzgerald
Winter 2013
| Archbishop Wood
Liberty Museum 12th Annual Young Heroes Award - 2012
2011 Philadelphia Sports
Hall of Fame Inductee
Class IX
Debbie Black ’84
By Mel Greenberg
This article is reprinted from the 2011
Philadelphia Sports Hall of Fame
hio State Women’s Basketball
Coach Jim Foster remembers
the first time he saw Debbie
Black on a basketball court, back in the
early 1980s when he was at the front of
his career on the sidelines guiding Saint
Joseph’s University.
“Pink ribbons. Blonde ponytail. Just
a bundle of energy. And she was 14
years old,” Foster recently recalled of his
future Hawks star who made her mark at
Archbishop Wood in the Catholic League.
“And her energy was such she could
overcome those (opponents) who had
superior skill,” Foster continued about
Black, who is one of the tonight’s Class
of 2012 inductees into the Philadelphia
Sports Hall of Fame.
“Back then there were no limits
on how much time you could spend
recruiting and I saw a bunch of Debbie’s
games, in part to see if there were any
significant others,” Foster referred to
additional potential prospects.
“And with her, it was always ‘will’ over
those who had natural gifts and I used
to think, ‘What am I seeing that others
are not? This is going to be easier than I
Black, now one of Foster’s assistants
with the Buckeyes, arrived on Hawk Hill
in the autumn of 1984 and quickly made
an impact at Saint Joseph’s. A month
Archbishop Wood
| Winter 2013
into her freshmen season, the Hawks played
in La Salle’s holiday tournament and upset
nationally-ranked Western Kentucky and
Iowa’s, which was then in its first year under
former Cheyney great C. Vivian Stringer
(now at Rutgers).
The Western Kentucky game became
memorable in local women’s hoops. Black,
playing like a pesky gnat on defense, so
frustrated Hilltoppers star Clementte
Haskins, the daughter of men’s collegiate
coach Clem Haskins, that after the contest
went into overtime, Haskins launched a
roundhouse punch at Black that got Haskins
tossed. The Hawks went on to capture the
event and the following week Saint Joseph’s
had its first national ranking under Foster in
the Associated Press women’s poll.
In fact, Black so made Foster’s career,
which has included a stop at Vanderbilt and
as an assistant on the 1992 US Women’s
Olympic Team, that he himself is headed for
induction into the Women’s Basketball Hall
of Fame next June.
Black is considered Saint Joseph’s greatest
all-time all-around athlete after also starring
in field hockey and softball and winning 12
varsity letters. Statistically, Black’s basketball
marks with the Hawks have continued to hold
up several decades after she had moved on to
the next phase of her career. The fiery point
guard, who played for two seasons with her
older sister Barbara, averaged 7.4 points, 5.8
assists, 3.7 rebounds and 4.7 steals per game.
Through her senior season at St. Joseph’s,
Black led the squad three times in assists and
all four times in steals. Her records for steals
in a game (12), in a season (153), and for her
Photo from
Debbie Black lettered and was All Catholic in three sports (Field Hockey, Basketball and
Softball). She is a 1,000 point scorer in Basketball and is a member of the Archbishop
Wood Athletic Hall of Fame.
career (572) still top the Hawks’ women’s
charts. Black dealt 718 assists, which
remained the record for a decade until
surpassed by Angela Zampella.
These numbers, of course, turned into
accolades. Black was inducted into the
Big Five Hall of Fame as well as the St.
Joseph’s women’s basketball and athletics
Halls of Fame in addition to tonight’s
honor. She was Big Five player of the year
as a senior.
Black, who helped lead the Hawks to
four straight NCAA tournaments, was
a multi-named honoree to various AllAtlantic 10 squads and, while Penn State
was a member of the conference, her
battles on the court with the legendary
Suzie McConnell-Serio were worth the
price of admission.
“She was a tough defender, in college
and the WNBA” says McConnell-Serio,
who now coaches Duquesne in the
Atlantic 10. “Just a bundle of energy. And
she was a great point guard, also. Just
fantastic on both defense and offense.”
Growing up, Black modeled her style
in terms of determination after Phillies
baseball great Pete Rose. “I liked the way
he played—you know, Charlie Hustle and
all that,” Black said.
Continued on page 8
Jeffrey Thomas McDonald, Class of 2013
t gives me great pleasure to share with the
Young Heroes Award Committee information
about Jeffrey McDonald.
While Jeffrey was in elementary school
he underwent a common orthopedic surgery
for a sports-related injury to his leg. However,
things went terribly wrong and Jeff developed
compartmental syndrome, a condition which led
to chronic and constant pain. In the spring of
2011, Jeff approached his parents with a request
to have his leg amputated. His parents were
stunned by this request but Jeff had done a great
deal of research and put a tremendous amount
of thought into this request. Jeff was taking
pain killers on a daily basis, had gone through
a number of surgeries and had many doctors’
visits each year. He felt that his future would be negatively impacted
by this condition. He expressed a concern for his health, his future
work life and most of all how he would function as a parent. Jeff
believed that he would never be able to be the kind of adult he
envisioned if he continued with the pain. After many months of soul
searching, consultations and psychological evaluations, Jeff had his
leg amputated below the knee in October 2011.
Jeff returned to school as quickly as possible but not before he
participated in a walk for brain cancer research in support of one
of his friends. This type of selfless behavior is what qualifies Jeff as
a hero. Jeff’s decision to have his leg amputated stemmed from his
concern for how his condition would impact others in his life. Jeff
worried about the stress his chronic condition had put on his family.
He wondered how he could be a trusted and reliable worker if he had
to periodically undergo additional procedures. Jeff worried about
what kind of a father he would be if he was in too much pain to play
with his children. Continued use of pain killers caused Jeff concern
about his future health.
Jeff is an inspiration to all of his classmates.
He accepted his disability and has made it a
positive aspect. Jeff does not expect any special
treatment. He participates in the daily activities
of the school and has served as the manager of
the baseball team.
Jeff realizes that he is lucky. Health
insurance covers very little of a prosthetic
limb. His leg cost approximately $20,000 and
insurance paid $1200.00. The McDonald family
has made the sacrifices necessary to provide
Jeff with the best possible care. But Jeff has met
many other young people who are not as lucky.
On June 8th, Jeff helped organize a school wide
walk to raise money for prosthetic limbs. Prior
to the walk, Jeff, dressed in shorts which revealed his prosthetic leg
publically for the first time, addressed the student body. He discussed
the challenges faced by young children who continually outgrow
their artificial limbs, the costs to families who lack health insurance
or whose health insurance comes nowhere near the cost of the limbs
and who do not have the financial resources Jeff’s family has.
The application for the Young Heroes Award lists a number of
different categories. Jeff fits into a number of them. However, when
one thinks of a hero, how Jeffrey McDonald faced his handicap and
turned a tragic situation into one in which he helps other people truly
epitomizes a hero.
I am proud to nominate Jeffrey McDonald for the Young Heroes
Award. He is truly a hero in every sense of the word. Archbishop
Wood High School has been positively impacted not only by Jeff’s
work to raise money for prosthetics but by his presence each day as
an inspiration to all our students.
— Mary Harkins, Principal
A W H S A wa r d w i n n e r s
H The Class of 2012 achieved over $28 million in scholarships
and grants. Five students received 12 college credits through the
Diocesan Scholars Program
H 59 students achieved three college credits through the Dual
Enrollment Program
H 17 Neumann Scholars
H Seven members of All Catholic Chorus; three members All
Catholic Band
H Two National Merit Finalists; Five National Merit Commended
H Liberty Museum “Student as Hero” Award Recipient
H Dad Vail Poster Contest Grand Prize Winner
H Emergency Aid in Pennsylvania Founders Award Recipient
H LaSalle University Writing Contest and Bucks County Poetry
Contest Winners
H Philabundance Great American Food Fight — 3rd Place
H Cavalcade of Band Champions
Winter 2013
| Archbishop Wood
viki ng N e ws — A LUMNI Pro file
vikin g News — Speci al Even t
Q & A with Kim Davidow, Class of 2005
Golf Classic
Kimberly Davidow ’05 is enjoying her work as a reporter at WFMZ
TV News. Kim answered some questions about her career.
How did you get started in television?
My involvement in television first began at Wood. Mr. Joseph
Velten brought me on board to read the morning announcements
during homeroom beginning my junior year. “Good Morning Wood.
Today’s an A-bell day 1.” I was that chipper girl that seemed almost
too happy at 7:15 in the morning, while my classmates probably
had their heads on their desk trying to get some extra sleep before
first period. If you were to ask me seven years ago what I thought
my career would be, you would have gotten a different response.
Becoming involved in television news wasn’t at the top of my list.
he 22nd Annual Alumni
Golf Classic was completely
sold out and set a record
with over $20,000 raised toward
L-r: Tim Woodrow, Joe Deegan ’79, Joe D’Alonzo ’79 and Rich Rosenbaum ’79
the Alumni Classic Scholarship Fund.
A great time was had by all. Golf
Committee Chairman Gene Finley
’73 did a fantastic job along with the
Where you involved in the Wood Community as a
I was very involved in several of the school’s clubs and
organizations. I loved the opportunities of meeting new people and
hopefully being able to discover a quality about myself that I never
knew existed. One of my fondest memories at Wood was being
involved in the school’s plays. I loved performing on stage because
I thrived on the energy from the audience. Also, I absolutely loved
dancing. When I graduated from Wood in 2005, I was initially
trying to pursue a career in theatre. For two semesters, I attended a
university in Center Valley, Pa that had an excellent theatre program.
Yet, I felt myself being pulled toward another direction. Ultimately, I
decided to take a leap of faith, trust my instincts and figure out why I
was being pulled towards the field of Communication.
Did you make the right choice?
The Fall of my sophomore year of college was a new chapter in
my life and an exciting one. I was living in Philadelphia and attending
La Salle University. I became heavily involved in the university’s
television station....taking several courses in media production,
video editing, journalism, television writing, among others. I loved
every single moment of my college experience. I felt right at home
in the Communication Department and wouldn’t mind being there
for several hours a day with my friends working on the university’s
television programs. I tried my very best to make the most out of
my experiences by networking heavily through my internships and
attending broadcasting workshops in Philadelphia. During one of those
workshops, I ended up connecting with a producer who eventually
helped me get my foot in the door into the industry.
What was your first job?
My first reporting job was for an internet-television program
called CareerTV. Their studio was based in Philadelphia. While
attending school full-time, I had the opportunity to travel to several
Archbishop Wood
| Winter 2013
other members of the Committee:
Bob Boland ’73
Rosemary Connell Boyd ’74
Bill Ciorlette ’74
cities reporting stories about how college graduates and young
adults can land jobs with Fortune 500 companies. Landing my first
job in television news, however, wasn’t easy. In fact, it was one of
the most stressful times in my life. The economic recession was at
its peak in 2009. The jobs were extremely scarce and competitive.
I was terrified that I would never have the opportunity to work in
television. After six long months of searching, I was offered my first
job as a television news anchor, reporter and producer for WETMTV, an NBC affiliate located in Elmira, New York.
Ken Karle
Tex Kund ’74
Brian Lafond ’91
L-r: Bill Ciorletti ’74, Joe Oberlies ’74, Tim Corcoran ’74 and Tex Kund ’74
Dan Powers ’74
Andy Thiers ’77
Joe Winning ’73
Special thanks to volunteers:
Judy Roschetz Rolph ’82
And that led to your current position?
Patty Roschetz ’82
After about a year working in Elmira, I was offered a reporter
position at WFMZ-TV, Channel 69 News, based in Allentown, Pa. I
currently work as a reporter there.
My job at WFMZ has allowed me the opportunity to travel to
Ecuador. I covered a story highlighting a Peace Corps volunteer
from Berks County who helped women in a remote coastal village
become more independent. I’ve covered stories ranging from triple
homicides, robberies, and politics, to one woman who recently
celebrated 90 years being a Girl Scout.
In August, I was nominated for my first Emmy Award on behalf
of the National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences for my oncamera reporting...specifically for my features/human interest stories.
Being a news reporter isn’t glamorous. It can be dangerous. I’ve
been cursed at, practically spit on, and told that I am a worthless
human being. I try to stay motivated in this profession because many
people watch the news, hoping the information being reported is
accurate. When viewers watch my stories, I want viewers to trust my
work and for them to know that given the strict deadlines, I’ve have
reported the facts from all sides to the best of my ability.
Colin Kund ’09
Amanda Campfield ’08
Kate Bone ’08
Bob Boland ’73
L-r: Steve Kettelberger ’82, Bill Kettelberger ’81, Joe Dooley ’81 and
Greg Rimensnyder
Next year’s Alumni Golf Classic will
be held on May 10, 2013.
Archbishop Wood High School is turning…
Stay tuned for more information as we celebrate our
50th year. A 50th Anniversary Gala will be held in the
Spring of 2014. Anyone interested in serving on the
50th Anniversary Committee, please contact Tim Dunn
at 215-672-5050 ext. 227 or [email protected]
Winter 2013
| Archbishop Wood
viki ng N e ws — A lu m n i Pro file
vikin g News — A DVA NCEMENT
Debbie Black
Continued from page 4
She is also a member of the Bucks County chapter of the
Pennsylvania Sports Hall of Fame.
Following her collegiate career, Black went to Australia to play
for the Tasmanian Islanders for eight years, and twice led them to
national titles. This may be the name of that team, but when she
returned to become a pro in the United States, many nicknamed her
“The Tasmanian Devil” because of her tenacity on defense.
When the American Basketball League was forming in the
spring of 1996, she flew back to Atlanta to the combine that would
determine 100 or so candidates for the draft.
While she was Down Under, the women’s game here was
developing in popularity and Black took a modest approach at the
combine. “I think I could contribute a little something off the bench,
help the team a little,” Black said at the time.
Black is the only professional female basketball
player to have accomplished, and is one of very
few basketball players (male or female) ever to
accomplish a quadruple double (10 points, 14
rebounds, 12 assists, 10 steals); she accomplished
this feat against the Atlanta Glory on Dec. 8, 1996.
She was chosen by the Colorado Xplosion and after a few games
coming off the bench, Black was made a starter. She was an allstar both years the ABL existed and led the league in career steals
(330) and finished second in career assists (608). One night in her
first ABL season, Black posted a quadruple double (10 points, 14
rebounds, 12 assists, 10 steals) while playing through an injury.
She continued her notoriety for six seasons in the WNBA. Black
played on three WNBA teams and retired as one of the more popular
players on the Connecticut Sun after the 2004 season. In 2001, she
was named the league’s defensive player of the year at the age of 35.
Her court duels with the New York Liberty’s Teresa
Weatherspoon, the former Louisiana Tech star, were so intense that
the Madison Square Garden crowd would emphatically boo Black’s
name when the opposition starting lineup was announced.
Since then, Black has taken her skills to the sidelines where she
has helped Foster keep the Buckeyes in the national rankings. After
this season, she says, she will look for her own college program
to coach. A team full of Debbie Black clones? Now there’s a scary
thought. But one that would be quite entertaining, nonetheless.
Archbishop Wood
| Winter 2013
Career Day
hree-time Shuttle astronaut Marine (Ret.) Lt. Col. Andrew Allen
and Big 5 Hall of Fame inductee Kelly Greenberg, basketball
coach at Boston University, were among a number of Archbishop
Wood graduates who addressed students May 4 as part of the school’s
annual career day.
Alumni from a number of professions, including law, engineering,
graphic design, journalism, sales and health care, gave students advice
on what they need to do to prepare for the career of their choosing.
The following alums lent their time and talent on Career Day:
Fred Thiele ’85
Kelly Greenberg ’85
Rita Morton ’93
Andy Allen ’73
Eric Rakszawski ’11
Jackie White ’07
Chris Rosica ’78
Mary Lesenko ’78
Create a Lasting Memorial in
our Alumni Prayer Garden
emorialize a family member, favorite scripture, or
saying. Thank friends, alumni, faculty or corporate
donors who have helped Archbishop Wood maintain its
mission of providing a Catholic education to generations
of young people. Your message on a 9.5-by-6 inch stone
paver will be permanently displayed in the Alumni
Prayer Garden. The $150 covers the cost of the stone
and engraving and contributes to the garden’s ongoing
landscaping expenses. The stones will be highlighted at
the Memorial Garden Blessing to be held at the Alumni
Mass on Sunday, April 28, 2013. Each donor will be sent
an invitation to the Alumni Mass and Breakfast event.
For more information on this fundraising project,
contact Tim Dunn at the Alumni Center at 215-672-5050
ext. 227 or by email at [email protected]
Please PRINT exactly as you wish your
stone to read on the form at right >
Alumni Prayer Garden Stones
9.5-by-6 inch engraved stone paver: $150 each
3 lines, 15 characters per line including spaces
Personal message Line 1:
Personal message Line 2:
Personal message Line 3:
Name of brick purchaser __________________________________________________________
Address ________________________________________________________________________
City/State/Zip ____________________________________________________________________
Phone (
Email __________________________________________________________________________
Payment method: Check # ___________ Payable to Archbishop Wood High School
Credit Card:_____________________________________________________________________
Name on Credit Card:_____________________________________________________________
Exp. Date: _________________ Signature: ___________________________________________
Mail with Payment to:
Archbishop Wood High School
655 York Rd., Warminster, PA 18974
Winter 2013
| Archbishop Wood
What’s New
The ’70s
The ’80s
1970 – Agnes Thunquist White
graduated with honors from
Albright College with a BS degree in
Applied Psychology/Organizational
Behavior…41 years after graduating
from Archbishop Wood! She was also
inducted into Psi Chi, the National
Psychology Honor Society and
was the recipient of The Green Lee
Academic Achievement Award; the
highest distinction awarded to a
member of each graduating Degree
Completion Program class.
1980 – Maria Dubek McGrath is a
Reading Specialist with the HatboroHorsham School District. She has
a daughter attending Clemson
University and a junior and freshman
at Plymouth-Whitemarsh High
1985 – Craig Hamilton has been
named Vice President of Global
Initiatives and Government Relations
for The Philadelphia Orchestra.
1972 – Marie Chapman-Hill, known
professionally as “Meagan Hill,”
was appointed to the Philadelphia
Board of SAG-AFTRA (Screen Actors Guild-American Federation of
Television Radio Artists). She is
also the union representative to the
Pennsylvania Film Industry Association. Marie/”Meagan” is a freelance
actress and singer.
1972 – Tim Fallon is the CEO and
President of Columbus Foods in
Hayward, California.
1986 – Andrea Houston was selected
to the Disney Mom’s Panel by the
Walt Disney Corporation. Out of
thousands of applicants, she was
one of 15 chosen to be part of the
Disney blogging site that is dedicated
to helping families prepare for
their Disney experience. She lives
in Jamison, PA with her husband,
Michael Lingman ’86 and two
children, Kaleigh (13) and James (10)
Brian Marriott ’91, Jessica Pritchard ’92, and Dave Steinbach ’91, were
recently recognized by as three of Bucks County’s inaugural
“40 under 40” business people for their work in the Bucks County community.
Alumni Class News
Please let us know any new contact, marital and/or educational
information. Mail us at: Archbishop Wood High School, 655 York Road,
Warminster, PA 18974 or email at: [email protected]
Name_____________________________________________ Class Year_ ______
Spouse’s Name______________________________________________________
Home Address______________________________________________________
City, State, Zip______________________________________________________
Cell _______________________________________________________________
Alums Helping Alums
Business Name______________________________________________________
The Class of 1982 have designated the funds
Business Address____________________________________________________
generated from their 30th reunion for four $500
City, State, Zip______________________________________________________
scholarships for children of alums in the classes
start of a new tradition. Bravo, Class of 1982!
Archbishop Wood
| Winter 2013
In Loving Memory
of Our Deceased Alumni,
Faculty & Staff
May they rest in peace
Phone # Home__________________________Work________________________
of 2014, 2015, 2016 and 2017. This could be the
Connect with us online!
The ’90s
1984 – Debbie Black was inducted
into the Philadelphia Sports Hall of
Fame on November 8, 2012.
1985 – Kelly Greenberg was elected
to the Big Five Hall of Fame for
basketball and field hockey at LaSalle
University. The induction ceremony
was held in February. Kelly is
currently the Head Basketball Coach
at Boston University. She previously
was the Head Basketball Coach at
the University of Pennsylvania.
vikin g — What’s New
he Vikings have launched a facebook page www.facebook.
com/Archbishop Wood High School and twitter page Wood High School with news
items about AWHS. Students, parents and friends are invited
to become fans of our facebook page and twitter updates.
Archbishop Wood is now using Constant Contact as a tool
for communicating with you. Want to know what is happening
at Archbishop Wood? All we need from you is a current email
address. Register on our website:
The ’00s
2000 – Natalie Chiarolanza married
Aaron Katyl on August 25, 2012. The
Mass took place at Nativity of Our
Lord Parish in Warminster. The couple
currently reside in Allentown, PA.
2001 – Kate Reilly recently completed
her MA in Museum Studies at Johns
Hopkins University. This is her second
Master’s Degree – she also earned
her MFA in Creative writing from
Chatham University in 2006.
2002 – Sherrie Devlin married Tim
Conville ’02, October 23, 2010 and
now lives in Blue Bell, PA.
2003 – Joseph Gerlach and Julia (Fox)
Gerlach, along with daughter Marie
welcomed baby Joseph Matthew Jr.
on February 26, 2012.
2004 – Kevin Rakszawski married
Elizabeth Koneyak on April 14, 2012
in Baltimore, MD. They reside in
Hershey, PA. Kevin will graduate from
the Penn State College of Medicine
in May, 2013 and is currently applying
to Internal Medicine residency
2004 –Michael Rakszawski
completed a Master’s Degree in
Systems Engineering from The
University of Pennsylvania.
2006 – Margaret Marshall is
currently enrolled in the Doctorate of
Pharmacy program at the University
of Sciences in Philadelphia. She was
named to the Dean’s List in 2011.
2009 – John McDermott recently
completed his active duty
service which included a six
month deployment to Kandahar,
Afghanistan with the United States
Air Force. He is now an honorably
discharged veteran.
Michael Albrecht ’73
Michael Martines ’02
Lawrence Brinkman ’73
Luke Momorella ’05
William Collins — Faculty
Joseph Moody ’86
Keith Criniti ’78
Kenneth Santiago ’89
Thomas Diefenderfer ’04
Kyle Schwab ’08
Charles Dierkes ’71
Constance Marcucci Tanner ’74
Patrick Dougherty ’68
Richard Wesser ’83
Stephen Hildwine ’80
Donna Connell Wright ’70
From left: Dolly Vile Prescott, Helen Koschewitz Flack and Karen Klemmer
enjoy the Class of 1972 40th Reunion
Reunion Alert!
Classes of 1968, 1973, 1978, 1983, 1988, 1993, 1998 and 2008
start planning your reunions now! Contact Tim Dunn at
215-672-5050 ext. 227 or [email protected] for information.
The ’10s
2011 – Caitlin McCartney was named
to the National
All Rookie Lacrosse Team. Cait, a
freshman at Delaware, was one
of only 16 NCAA Division I players
selected by the national website.
Cait was also named Colonial Athletic
Association Rookie of the Year
while also earning First Team All
CAA honors. In addition, she was
three-time CAA Rookie of the Week
and earned the team’s University of
Delaware Alumni Association Most
Valuable Player Award.
Class Agents needed! Please consider being a Class Agent and represent your graduating
class in the Alumni Association. Meetings held three times a year. Come out and join fellow alums
for some fun and help advance the school. Contact Tim Dunn, Director of Advancement, at
215-672-5050 ext. 227 or [email protected] to join.
Winter 2013
| Archbishop Wood
The Annual Report of Gifts
viki ng N e ws
Honor Roll of Donors
Archbishop Wood High School, Office of Advancement
July 1, 2011 to June 30, 2012
Viking Athletic Wrap Up
Planned giving
Archbishop Wood Receives Another Legacy Gift
bequest in the amount of $10,000 has been donated in the memory of Mary
Agnes Jacobs, mother of Michael Jacobs ’80 and Brian Jacobs ’87. This gift will
be used for the new Educational Research Media Center.
nce again the Vikings had a strong
performance in athletics. Two
Pennsylvania Interscholastic Athletic
Association (PIAA) State Championships.
One in Football and one in Girls Basketball.
(Three State Championships in a row
for the Lady Vikings!) Four Philadelphia
Catholic League (PCL) Championships.
One hundred and five All Catholic Athletes
and twelve Pennsylvania All State Athletes
Philadelphia Catholic League
• Football
•Girls Cross Country
•Girls Soccer
•Girls Swimming
PIAA District XII Championships:
• Football
•Girls Swimming
•Girls Soccer
• Boys Swimming
•Girls Cross Country
PIAA State Championships:
• Football
•Girls Basketball—Three in a row!
Athletes recognized as Philadelphia
Catholic League “All Catholics:” 105
Athletes recognized as Pennsylvania All
State: 12
Calendar of Events
Viking Fund Makes Capital
improvements Possible
March 21, 2013
April 28, 2013
The summer brought about many improvements on our campus.
•All classroom doors on the first floor of both buildings have been replaced.
•All hallways received a new coat of paint.
•Both gymnasiums now have new sound systems and new lighting.
•The girl’s gymnasium floor was replaced.
•Picnic tables and umbrellas for our students
Thank you again. Your generosity to the “Viking Fund” makes these projects
Archbishop Wood
| Winter 2013
Open House for Prospective
Students and Families
Alumni Mass and Garden
May 10, 2013
23rd Annual Alumni Golf Classic
June 30, 2013
Viking Fund Concludes —
Make Your Gift Today
Please remember Archbishop Wood
in your Estate Plans
his report gives grateful recognition to all those who made
contributions and donated their time to Archbishop Wood
High School during the 2011-12 year. The tireless work of
volunteers and generous support from donors is a testament
to the spirit of commitment demonstrated every day by
members of the Wood community. To all our supporters,
your thoughtful generosity is appreciated by everyone at
Archbishop Wood High School.
As we look ahead, we embrace the 2012-2013 year,
celebrate its success, and honor all those who have helped to
make our future bright with promise.
In reports of this nature, mistakes sometimes occur. Please
accept our apologies if we have omitted or misspelled your name or
Archbishop Wood High School
Summary of Giving
July 1, 2011 to June 30, 2012
Viking Educational Trust/Scholarships
Gifts for Tuition Assistance
Educational Improvement Tax Credits Program (EITC) $245,200
Total Special Purpose
Golf Classic
Annual Report 2010–2011
| Archbishop Wood
The President’s Leadership Society
General Gift Clubs
Gifts received between July 1, 2011 and June 30, 2012
Gifts received between July 1, 2011 and June 30, 2012
The President’s Leadership Society is comprised of lead
benefactors who, through their generosity, demonstrate a
commitment to the ideals and mission of Archbishop Wood High
School. Membership in the society is open to all individuals,
companies, and foundations that make an annual gift of $1,000
or more to Archbishop Wood High School. Annually members
are invited each fall to a reception hosted by the President and
the Board of Advisors. We remain grateful for the leadership
support offered by all who are members of The President’s
Leadership Society.
Daniel & Nancy Duffy Dufner 1988 +
Partners in the Mission
Philanthropic Circle
Gifts of $50,000 and above
Gifts of $5,000 to $7,499
Charles Finley 1968 ~
Patricia Ann Fogel Memorial Scholarship +
Stephen & Lisa Kettelberger 1982 ~ +
Patrick Glemser 1982 +
Joseph E. Sheridan 1970 ~
Mr. and Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. George Griffin +
Timothy G. Fallon 1972 +
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Hill +
Presidential Circle
James W. Hirschmann 1978 ~
Gifts of $25,000 to $49,999
Black, Green and Gold Circle
Henkels Foundation ~
Gifts of $2,500 to $4,999
Tex Kund 1974 ~ +
Anonymous ~
Mr. & Mrs. Quentin Cole +
Kevin Leslie 1978 +
Jeannie O’Neill 1979 +
Edward J. Shea Scholarship Fund +
James Littley 1981 +
Giuseppe Giaimo Scholarship Fund +
Lockheed Martin Corporation
Charles Gross +
John Lubicky MD 1967 ~ +
John J. Long III 1978 ~
Kathleen Nolan 1975 +
Gifts of $15,000 to $24,999
William Sifer 1974
Jacqueline O’Hara 1985 ~
Bridge Educational Foundation ~ +
The Shawn McCartney Memorial Scholarship
Fund +
Robert C. Olivieri Jr 1974 +
Principal’s Circle
Ria A. Tielman 1982 ~
Joseph L. Ventresca 1973 +
Benefactor’s Circle
Verizon Foundation ~
Gifts of $10,000 to $14,999
Intel +
Pamela Minford Charitable Foundation +
Jeffrey Plunkett 1976 ~
PPL Matching Gifts
Richard & Sandra Fonash 1982
Viking Circle
Anonymous +
Gifts of $1,000 to $2,499
Maureen Abbott 1986 +
BP Enviornmental Consultants Inc +
Leadership Circle
Joesph & Cindi Callaghan 1982
Gifts of $7,500 to $9,999
Michael Cannon USNR 1979 ~
Crown Holdings +
Alice Ann Dachowski MD 1973 ~
Anthony Forino 1968 ~
Viking Club
The Robert Stillwell Scholarship Fund ~
Gifts of $250 to $499
Fred J. Thiele Esq 1985 ~ +
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Babb +
Francis Barrett 1981 ~ +
Robert E. Bolger ~
Edward J. Boscola 1980 ~ +
Rosemary Boyd 1974 ~
George Coleman 1969 +
Mark E. Delowery DO MP 1975 +
Timothy P. Dunn 1972 ~
Kenneth Farabee 1980 ~
Edward & Mary Ann Fitzpatrick 1967 +
Kathryn Duffy Flanagan 1989 +
John & Jane Tomaszewski MD 1969 +
United States Navy +
Joseph Westhoff 1970 +
Michael Wood 1980 ~
The Mary Brooks Crawford Scholarship Fund ~ +
Archbishop Wood
Annual Report 2010–2011
Andrew Allen 1973 +
Bank Of America ~
Charles Bennett 1969
Michael Boedewig CPA 1988 ~ +
Jim Brennan Jr 1970 ~
William Ciorletti 1974 +
Class of 1991 +
Mary Conway-Sweeney 1984 ~
Vincent Cordova 1985 ~ +
Albertjohn Depalantino 1971 +
Nancy Devenuto ~ +
Francis Dougherty 1980 +
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Ginieczki
Kelly Greenberg 1985
Heritage Creek ~ +
Johnson, Kendall & Johnson, Inc. ~
Matthew Kearney 1976 ~ +
Thomas Kenney III 1995 +
Gregory Kirk 1969 ~
Roger Kirk 1973 ~
Kiwanis Club of Levittown-Bristol
Foundation Inc. - +
Mary Crane Koch 1971 +
Andrew & Kelly Lafond CPA 1982 ~ +
Robert L. Lawler Jr. 1978 +
Lehigh Gas Corporation +
Jerome Lezynski 1978 ~
Kathleen Maher Mansour MD 1980 ~
Frank McHugh 1972 +
John O’Donnell +
Arthur Pasquarella 1975 ~
Craig W. Quinn 1980 +
Richard Redick CPA 1968 ~
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen & Jeanne Westhoff
Robert Schmidt 1975 +
Joseph Sifer 1983
Signature Captive Solutions
St. Cecelia Scholarship for Music &
Performing Arts +
Jerome S. Szpila 1967 +
Jonathan Tyburski 1998 ~ +
Daniel Wagner 1991
Michael Wagner 1993 +
Paul Schneider 1971 ~
Janet Donohue +
Kelly Richards 1984
Gifts of $500 to $999
Paulette Regan ~
Joseph H. Schneider MD 1970 ~ +
Kent & Donna Duffy +
Black, Green and Gold
+ Increased Gift This Year
~ Three Year Giving History
Jeanne Frank 1980 +
Thomas Gale 1984 +
Timothy Green 1995 +
Michael Guischard USAF 1991 +
Thomas A. Haggerty 1974 +
James Heilman 1973 +
Stephen J. Kent 1980 +
Maureen Kund 1979 ~
Joseph Lentz 1973
Carol L. Lynch CPA 1979 ~ +
Rev. Msgr. George A. Majoros 1971 +
Anthony Malandra 1984
Edward McCormick 1981 ~
James McMaster Esq 1971 +
Mary Wagner Mease 1981 +
John & Maureen Menarde 1986 +
MMC Matching Gifts Program +
Donna Neiley 1980
Sharon O’Brien 1993 ~
Robert O’Donnell 1985 +
Joseph Pasquarella 1968 +
Pfizer Foundation Matching Gifts Program ~
Catherine M. Price OTR 1973
Jessica Pritchard 1992 ~
Marguerite Coor Quinn 1981
Radian Guaranty Inc. ~
Marylou Rainone DO 1981 +
Jack Roney 1968 ~ +
Joseph W. Rowley Jr. 1976
Joseph Schmidt 1990 ~ +
Karl & Nancy Ciamaichela Schmidt 1974
The Makoid Family
The Vanguard Group Foundation +
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Troy
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Visco
Catherine Voit Esq. 1975 ~
Edward & Kathleen Waddington CPA 1977 +
Joseph & Clare A. Walicki 1983 +
Cherie Weller 1982 +
Carolyn Wellock 1985
Marian L. Whetstone 1972 ~
Patricia White 1977 +
Century Club
Gifts of $100 to $249
Diane Keen Abbott 1974 +
Patricia Achilles 1977
Brian Adamsky 1978 +
Fr. John Ames 1974 ~ +
John & Denise Bailey
Daniel M. Bateman 1980 +
Dr. and Mrs. Dr. Walter J. Bell +
Ms. Christine Besso +
John Biello 1980 +
Jesse Birks 1972
Charles Bisset 1973 ~ +
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Blair +
Michael J. Boggs 1974 +
Michael Boland 1974 ~ +
Robert Boland 1973 +
Kathleen Bonner 1971 ~
John R. Boon 1979 +
Margaret Braun 1974 +
John A. Broderick 1974 ~
Francis Brulenski CPA 1979 ~
William Bryson +
Kevin Buck 1982 +
Ruth Butz 1973 ~
Cafeteria Staff +
Marybeth Cahill 1976 +
Damian C. Capacchione 1977
Marty Caparros 1978 +
Robin Carroll 1972 ~
Stephen Cathcart 1976 +
David C. Celano 1972 ~
Mr. & Mrs. Mario Ciabarra
Dr. Frederick & Jean Ciao ~
Ellener Clark 1971 ~
Margaret Clark 1977 ~ +
Paul Coady MD 1973
Michael A. Coakley CPA 1984
Denise Cocciolone +
Angela Connolly 1990 ~
James Corcoran 1975 +
Timothy Corcoran 1974 ~
Michelle Costo 1994 ~
Mary Jane Courtright +
Keyna Crawford 1973
Robert J. Crostarosa 1970 +
James J. Cunningham 1969 ~
Lynn DeAngelis +
Thomas Degnan 1989 ~ +
Diane Dekezel 1984 +
Ellen L. Della Grotte +
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Devine +
James A. DiGuiseppe 1992 ~
John Donohue 1987 +
Michael Donohue 1979 +
James Donovan 1978 +
Paul Drakeley 1990 +
Mr. and Mrs. James Drumm +
Jennifer D. Duffy Annulis 1992 ~
Patrick Duffy 1982 +
Thomas R. Dugan 2002 +
David Eichenlaub 1977
George & Diane Dalfo Else 1971 ~
Regina Engle 1970 +
Michael Faherty 1981
Regina Falco 1983 +
Mr. & Mrs. Jay Fallon +
Melissa Fannon Fabiani 1982 +
Karen Fein 1970 ~
Michael Fitzpatrick 1976
William T. Fleming 1980 +
Victoria Flood 1973 +
Margaret Forrestel CPA 1988
Thomas Galie +
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Gallagher +
Joseph and Julia Fox Gerlach 2003 +
William R. Gibson 1970
Joanne Gilmore 1970 ~
John A. Gilmore 1967 +
Mr. & Mrs. John Gonzalez +
J. William & Gina Ward Gordon 1990 ~ +
Stephen Gozdan CPA 1980
David Graeber 1987 +
Mary A. Greenberg ~
James Gross 1968 ~ +
Michael Gussin 1981 ~
Steve Happ 1981 +
Frank & Cynthia Weston Hart 1977 ~
Annual Report 2011–2012
Mr. & Mrs. William Hartwell
Timothy M. Hess 1978 +
Kathleen Idason 1985 +
Jeannine Jacobs CRNP 1972 +
Steven R. Jones 1994
Maureen A. Kahn 1972
Erin P. Kelly 1980 ~ +
Regina Kelly +
Mr. & Mrs. James Kenny 1970
Timothy Kern 1982
Mary Lenore Keszler MD 1970 +
George Kettelberger 1983
Barbara Klotz 1969 ~
Mary Knapp CRNP 1970
Koper Family ~
Frances Kowalski 1968 ~ +
Maureen Kuhar 1984 ~
Timothy Kusters 1980 +
Thomas Kuzma 1980 +
Regina Ann Laurich SSJ 1971 +
David Lawler 1971 +
Donald Lemek 1971 ~
Claire Lezynski ~
Marianne Long 1977 +
David Lynch 1999 +
Teresa Lynn 1973 +
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Macinsky +
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Macrone 1973 +
Michael Mahon 1978
Gina Malandra 1982 ~
Ronald J. Manion 1973 +
Christina Marshall 1970
Thomas Martin 1986 +
Kathleen May 1986 +
Joseph McCann CPA 1978 +
Carol A. McCloskey 1974 +
Michelle McFarlane 1973
Geraldine McGarity +
Thomas McGarrity 1971 +
Thomas & Terry Barker McGoldrick 1970 +
Kevin D. McKeon +
Robert & Mary McManus 1972 ~
William Meyer 1976 +
Maureen Compas Moore 1977 +
Patrick Murt +
Thomas P. Murt 1978 +
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Niederriter
Timothy Nikander +
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Noonan +
Patrick James & Patricia A. O’Leary
Christopher O’Neill 1991 +
Franklin & Marianne Parker RN 1976
Lisa Penn 1981
Mary-Elaine Perry 1971 +
Laurie Piechoski 1973 ~
James Pignatelli 1984
Kenneth Plunkett 1973 +
Regina T. Price ~
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Prieto +
Michael T. Rakszawski ~
Brian P. Rane 2002 +
Brandi Reardon 1996 ~
Norman Reilly 1974 +
John Roche III 1991 ~
Michele Roche 1996 ~
Judy Roschetz Rolph 1982 +
Ellen Rosen 1978 ~
| Archbishop Wood
orra R
l oglilf to f
c lDuobn
so r s
Christina Rossi 1967 ~
John L. Ruggero ~ +
Joseph and Maryann Russ 1969 +
Robert Sabol 1973 +
Theresa M. Scarlatella 2003 +
Don & Sylvia Schaller ~
Richard Schmid CPA 1979 +
Margaret Schneider ~
Gertrude Scholl ~ +
Robert Schwaneberg 1968
Timothy Scroger +
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Shiels +
Edward B. Skibo PhD 1969
Maureen Slover 1980 +
Mr. & Mrs.James J. Slover +
Kathleen Sluzenski 1971
Debby Snyder Kull 1973
Heather Spaeth 1999
Joseph Spiecker CPA 1970
Mr. & Mrs. William Stephenson ~ +
Jane Stoddart 1979 ~
Subaru Of America Foundation, Inc. ~
Bernard P. Sweeney 1981 +
Jason R. Switzer 1992 ~ +
Anthony M. Tarnowski
Raymond Tarnowski 2000
Rosemarie Tarnowski 2008
Kathryn Taylor 1968 +
The Prudential Foundation Matching Gifts ~
Ellen Thiele 1990 +
Bridgette Thompson 2000 +
Patricia Timmins 1972 ~
Treatment Research Institute +
Ronald Triolo PhD 1976 +
Kathleen Uhl MD 1980 +
Rosemarie Jainnini Urban 1973 +
Judith Van Cleef 1967
Joseph L. Velten Jr
Joseph Villante 1968 +
Joseph P. Waddington 1981 +
Marion Wedo 1972 +
Mr. & Mrs. Henry Weisenborn +
Thomas M. Whelan 1983 ~
Julie Williams 1989 +
Michael Williamson CPA 1975 ~
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Wisdo
Diane Wolfe 1972 ~ +
Maureen Woosnam 1973 ~
Areta M. Wowk PhD 1969 ~
Maureen O’Connell Yanoshik 1970 +
Walter Young 1968
Eugene F. Zawislak 1973
Mr. & Mrs. John Boyle +
Rosemary Boyle 1984 ~ +
Irwin L. Brambley +
Vincent Bucolo +
Georgia T. Cain +
Maryellen Carew ~
Grace Casey +
Vincent Cataldi 1976 +
Michele Z. Choate 1988
Frederick Cieri 1986 ~ +
Robert Clark CPA 1972 ~
Johanna Collins +
Matthew Connell ~
Mr. & Mrs. Henry Conry +
Eileen Cota 1971 +
Barbara Creighton 1977 +
Kathleen S. Crooks 1983 +
Kevin F. Cunningham 1984 +
Michael Curley 1974 +
Stephen P. Curley 1971 +
Karen Bradney Curran 1981 +
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Curran +
Anthony & Valerie D’Alonzo 1999 +
Linda Delp 1991 +
Nancy Deluisi ~
Nicholas J. Destephanis CPA 1988 ~
Mr. & Mrs. Albin Dixon +
Kevin Donohue 1979
John Dougherty 1978 ~
Mary Druding 1967 +
Mary Rafferty Duaime 1970 +
Raymond E. Duckworth 1972
David & Clara Duff 1970
Nancy Duffy 1967 ~
John Dugan 1968
Jennifer Engle 1993 +
Amy Estroff 2001 ~
Kathleen Fallon 1977
Janet Farrell Albany 1973 +
Robert Finkelston 1976 ~
James Fischler CICM 1968
Margaret Mary Fitzgibbons +
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Fox +
Mary Anne Francisco +
Karen Franz +
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Friel +
Joseph Fuentes PE 1976
Geraldine Garofalo 1968 +
Dennis P. Gentile 1968
Mr. and Mrs. Edmund T. Gernavage +
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Gillen +
Margaret Gillis +
Contributors Club
Gifts up to $99
Richard Adamsky 1978 ~
Walter Alcott +
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Anthony +
Assumption BVM School - 8th Grade +
Edward Atkinson +
Sharon Auriemma 1977 +
Barbara A. Bail 1974 +
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Barna +
Bruce Beans 1970 +
Claire M. Beatty 1975 ~
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Bendinsky +
John J. Bernhardt 1975
Dennis Binsfeld +
Michael Birdsall 1993
Thomas Bisset 1974 ~
Mary Bloom 1969 +
Archbishop Wood
Annual Report 2011–2012
Michael J. Ginieczki +
Mr. & Mrs. John Giovannone +
Glaxosmithkline Foundation ~
John C. Glock +
Victoria Gradel 1979 ~
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Gronczewski
Mr. & Mrs. Jason Grossman +
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Guglielmi +
Vincent Happ 1981 ~ +
Mr. & Mrs. David Harp +
James C. Hart 1968 +
Andrew Heesen 1988 +
William Heinz 1982 +
Mr. & Mrs. Tom Howland +
Mr.& Mrs. Kevin P. Hutchinson ~
Kathleen Jars 1971 +
Carol Joscelyne 1973
Walter Kaupp ~
Mr. & Mrs. Martin Keck +
Barbara Keener 1970 +
Patricia N. Kelly 1973 +
Susan Kern Lyons 1973 ~
Mr. & Mrs. Norman Kirschler +
Kathleen R. Klarich 1974 +
Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Knowski +
Joseph Larkin PhD 1974 ~ +
Jane Lawler +
Maria Lindgren 1969 +
Jane Litwa 1974
Dennis W. Long 1982 +
Ms. Susan Macrone +
Robert Magee 1972 +
Nancy Mahon 1985
Mahoney Family +
Caroline Mannella Froehlich 1988 +
Sally Ann Mantione 1968 +
Mary Statkevicz M. Mathusek 1972 ~
Jack E. Matty Jr. 1975
Mr. & Mrs. J. McCann +
Thomas F. McCartin +
Rev. Lawrence J. McElroy
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph McFadden
Maria McGrath 1980
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas McKee +
John McLaren 1975
Judith Meyer 1975
Jeanine Miller 1985 +
Michael Moffa 1979 ~
William Moroney
Patrick J. Moser LPT 1984 +
Susan A. Mullen 1968 ~
Christopher Murphy 1976 ~
Dominic Neitzel 1991 +
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Nessel +
Joseph M. Oberlies Esq 1975 ~
O’Donnell Family +
Patrick J. O’Leary 1992 +
Edith Olson 1968
Joseph Patterson 1976 +
Kathryn Pedicino 1999
Mary Perri 1972 +
Karl Peterson 1990 ~
Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan Peterson +
Craig Petrun PhD 1974
Anne Marie Phillips +
Kari Plasha 1993 +
Robert R. Plefka 1985 +
Patricia Powell 1974 +
Francis Preedy 1971 ~
Christine Prendergast 1979 +
Alexander Prusacki 1976 ~
Paul J. Pugnetti 1983 ~
Barbara Quinn 1976 ~
Ms. Carolyn C. Quinn 2012 +
Janet Raimann 1967 +
Thomas Rakszawski 1977 ~
Rick & Margaret Rappo +
Mr. & Mrs. Clifford Raymond +
Katherine Reilly 2001 ~
Kathleen Reilly 1974
Mary Renzo +
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Reynolds +
Michael Roberts 1989
Carol Duckworth Rogers 1968
Patricia Rongione Baker 1975 +
Charles J. Rongione 1976 ~ +
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Rongione +
Elizabeth A. Rosengren +
Saint Bede Music Ministry +
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Schluth +
Joseph Senour 1986 ~
Lawrence Senour 1983 ~
William Shaw 1968 ~
Catherine Sheehan +
Mr. & Mrs. Rush Sherman +
John Sikina 1969
Joan Sitarz 1977 +
Caitlin B. Slover 2006 +
Jennifer S. Smith 1986 +
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Sollosi +
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Spalinski +
Michael Spearing 1983 +
Jane Staats 1976 ~
Margaret Stattler +
Nancy Szamborski 1967 +
Charles & Celestine Taylor Jr 1975
Andrew Thiers 1979 ~
Linda Thorbahn 1983 +
Lawrence P. Timko 1967 ~
Mr.& Mrs. Edward Tofani +
Mrs. Barbara Tomaszewski
Ms. Jacqueline A. Tomaszewski 2014 +
Trevose Family Shoe Store +
Teresa R. Vanakin 1970
Patricia Vegetabile 1976
Jennifer Ventresca 1973
Eileen D. Wass 1993
Francis & Agnes Thunquist White 1968
Janeen White 1972
Bernadette M. Wildemore MD 1990
Charles A. Wilson 1975 +
Roseann Winans 1969 +
Mary Ann Windmassinger 1968
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Woodring
Alfred Zarroli +
Karen Zechman Fleming RN 1982 +
+ Increased Gift This Year
~ Three Year Giving History
Alumni Giving
Gifts received between July 1, 2011 and June 30, 2012
The following alumni made gifts
to Archbishop Wood High Schoool
and are listed by class and giving
Carol Duckworth Rogers +
Robert Schwaneberg
Kathryn Taylor +
Joseph Villante +
Walter Young
Contributors Club
Class of 1967
Total Giving: $3,545
Class Donors: 11
Class Participation: 6%
Viking Circle
Gifts of $1,000 to $2,499
John Lubicky MD ~ +
Black, Green and Gold Club
Gifts of $500 to $999
Gifts up to $99
John Dugan
James Fischler CICM
Geraldine Garofalo +
Dennis P. Gentile
James C. Hart +
Sally Ann Mantione +
Susan A. Mullen ~
Edith Olson
William Shaw ~
Francis & Agnes Thunquist White
Mary Ann Windmassinger
Jerome S. Szpila +
Viking Club
Gifts of $250 to $499
Edward & Mary Ann Fitzpatrick +
Century Club
Gifts of $100 to $249
John A. Gilmore +
Christina Rossi ~
Judith Van Cleef
Contributors Club
Gifts up to $99
Mary Druding +
Nancy Duffy ~
Janet Raimann +
Nancy Szamborski +
Lawrence P. Timko ~
Class of 1968
Class of 1969
Total Giving: $27,970
Class Donors: 14
Class Participation: 4%
Presidential Circle
Gifts of $25,000 to $49,999
Viking Circle
Gifts of $1,000 to $2,499
John & Jane Tomaszewski ~ +
Black, Green and Gold Club
Gifts of $500 to $999
Charles Bennett
Gregory Kirk ~
John & Jane Tomaszewski MD +
Viking Club
Philanthropic Circle
Gifts of $5,000 to $7,499
Joseph E. Sheridan ~
Viking Circle
Gifts of $1,000 to $2,499
Joseph H. Schneider MD ~ +
Joseph Westhoff +
Black, Green and Gold Club
David Lawler +
Donald Lemek ~
Thomas McGarrity +
Mary-Elaine Perry +
Kathleen Sluzenski
Contributors Club
Gifts up to $99
Eileen Cota +
Stephen P. Curley +
Kathleen Jars +
Francis Preedy ~
Gifts of $500 to $999
Jim Brennan Jr ~
Century Club
Gifts of $100 to $249
Robert J. Crostarosa +
Regina Engle +
Karen Fein ~
William R. Gibson
Joanne Gilmore ~
Mr. & Mrs. James Kenny
Mary Lenore Keszler MD +
Mary Knapp CRNP
Christina Marshall
Thomas & Terry Barker McGoldrick +
Joseph Spiecker CPA
Maureen O’Connell Yanoshik +
Contributors Club
Class of 1972
Total Giving: $3,585
Class Donors: 20
Class Participation: 5%
Viking Circle
Gifts of $1,000 to $2,499
Timothy G. Fallon +
Black, Green and Gold Club
Gifts of $500 to $999
Frank McHugh +
Viking Club
Gifts of $250 to $499
Timothy P. Dunn ~
Marian L. Whetstone ~
Gifts up to $99
Century Club
Bruce Beans +
Mary Rafferty Duaime +
David & Clara Duff
Barbara Keener +
Teresa R. Vanakin
Gifts of $100 to $249
Class of 1971
Jesse Birks
Roberta Carroll ~
David C. Celano ~
Jeannine Jacobs CRNP +
Maureen A. Kahn
Robert & Mary McManus ~
Patricia Timmins ~
Marion Wedo +
Diane Wolfe ~ +
Total Giving: $11,457
Class Donors: 22
Class Participation: 7%
Gifts of $250 to $499
Leadership Circle
Gifts of $100 to $249
Viking Circle
Gifts up to $99
James J. Cunningham ~
Barbara Klotz ~
Joseph and Maryann Russ +
Edward B. Skibo PhD
Areta M. Wowk PhD ~
Gifts of $1,000 to $2,499
Contributors Club
Albertjohn Depalantino +
Mary Crane Koch +
Robert Clark CPA ~
Matthew Connell ~
Raymond E. Duckworth
Robert Magee +
Mary Statkevicz M. Mathusek ~
Mary Perri +
Janeen White
Gifts of $7,500 to $9,999
Anthony Forino ~
Viking Circle
Gifts of $1,000 to $2,499
Charles Finley ~
Black, Green and Gold Club
Gifts of $500 to $999
Richard Redick CPA ~
Viking Club
Gifts of $250 to $499
Joseph Pasquarella +
Jack Roney ~ +
Century Club
Gifts of $100 to $249
James Gross ~ +
Frances Kowalski ~ +
George Coleman +
Century Club
Gifts up to $99
Mary Bloom +
Maria Lindgren +
John Sikina
Roseann Winans +
Class of 1970
Total Giving: $9670
Class Donors: 21
Class Participation: 6%
Total Giving: $4,205
Class Donors: 18
Class Participation: 6%
Paul Schneider ~
Black, Green and Gold Club
Gifts of $500 to $999
Viking Club
Contributors Club
Gifts of $250 to $499
Class of 1973
Rev. Msgr. George A. Majoros +
James McMaster Esq +
Kathleen Bonner ~
Total Giving: $7,892
Class Donors: 29
Class Participation: 10%
Century Club
Black, Green and Gold Circle
Gifts of $100 to $249
Gifts of $2,500 to $4,999
Ellener Clark ~
George & Diane Dalfo Else ~
Regina Ann Laurich SSJ +
Joseph L. Ventresca +
Annual Report 2011–2012
| Archbishop Wood
r i RGoi v
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gf D o n o r s
r i RGoi v
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gf D o n o r s
Viking Circle
Michael Boland ~ +
Margaret Braun +
John A. Broderick ~
Timothy Corcoran ~
Carol A. McCloskey +
Norman Reilly +
Viking Club
Black, Green and Gold Club
Contributors Club
Viking Circle
Gifts of $250 to $499
Gifts of $500 to $999
Gifts up to $99
Gifts of $1,000 to $2,499
Joseph W. Rowley Jr.
Robert L. Lawler Jr. +
Jerome Lezynski ~
William Heinz +
Dennis W. Long +
Karen Zechman Fleming RN +
Jacqueline O’Hara ~
Fred J. Thiele Esq ~ +
Andrew Allen +
Roger Kirk ~
Contributors Club
Viking Club
Barbara A. Bail +
Thomas Bisset ~
Michael Curley +
Kathleen R. Klarich +
Joseph Larkin PhD ~ +
Jane Litwa
Craig Petrun PhD
Patricia Powell +
Kathleen Reilly
Marybeth Cahill +
Stephen Cathcart +
Michael Fitzpatrick
William Meyer +
Franklin & Marianne Parker RN
Ronald Triolo PhD +
Gifts of $1,000 to $2,499
Alice Ann Dachowski MD ~
Black, Green and Gold Club
Gifts of $500 to $999
Gifts of $250 to $499
James Heilman +
Joseph Lentz
Catherine M. Price OTR
Century Club
Gifts of $100 to $249
Charles Bisset ~ +
Robert Boland +
Ruth Butz ~
Paul Coady MD
Keyna Crawford
Victoria Flood +
Teresa Lynn +
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Macrone +
Ronald J. Manion +
Michelle McFarlane
Laurie Piechoski ~
Kenneth Plunkett +
Robert Sabol +
Debby Snyder Kull
Rosemarie Jainnini Urban +
Maureen Woosnam ~
Eugene F. Zawislak
Contributors Club
Gifts up to $99
Janet Farrell Albany +
Carol Joscelyne
Patricia N. Kelly +
Susan Kern Lyons ~
Jennifer Ventresca
Gifts up to $99
Class of 1975
Total Giving: $4,125
Class Donors: 16
Class Participation: 5%
Viking Circle
Total Giving: $7,352
Class Donors: 25
Class Participation: 8%
Black, Green and Gold Circle
Gifts of $2,500 to $4,999
William Sifer
Viking Circle
Gifts of $1,000 to $2,499
Tex Kund ~ +
Robert C. Olivieri Jr +
Kathleen Nolan +
Black, Green and Gold Club
Gifts of $500 to $999
Arthur Pasquarella ~
Black, Green and Gold Club
Gifts of $500 to $999
Robert Schmidt +
Viking Club
Gifts of $250 to $499
Mark E. Delowery DO MP +
Catherine Voit Esq. ~
William Ciorletti +
Viking Club
Gifts of $250 to $499
Rosemary Boyd ~
Thomas A. Haggerty +
Karl & Nancy Ciamaichela Schmidt
Century Club
Vincent Cataldi +
Robert Finkelston ~
Joseph Fuentes PE
Christopher Murphy ~
Joseph Patterson +
Alexander Prusacki ~
Barbara Quinn ~
Charles J. Rongione ~ +
Jane Staats ~
Patricia Vegetabile
Class of 1977
Claire M. Beatty ~
John J. Bernhardt
Jack E. Matty Jr.
John McLaren
Judith Meyer
Joseph M. Oberlies Esq ~
Patricia Rongione Baker +
Charles & Celestine Taylor Jr
Charles A. Wilson +
Class of 1976
Total Giving: $3,675
Class Donors: 19
Class Participation: 6%
Viking Circle
Gifts of $1,000 to $2,499
Jeffrey Plunkett ~
Diane Keen Abbott +
Fr. John Ames ~ +
Michael J. Boggs +
Gifts of $500 to $999
Matthew Kearney ~ +
Annual Report 2011–2012
Gifts of $100 to $249
Class of 1983
Total Giving: $1,265
Class Donors: 10
Class Participation: 2%
Black, Green and Gold Club
Century Club
Gifts up to $99
Viking Club
Gifts of $100 to $249
Richard Adamsky ~
John Dougherty ~
Gifts of $250 to $499
Kathleen Idason +
Joseph & Clare A. Walicki +
Contributors Club
Century Club
Gifts up to $99
Gifts of $100 to $249
Class of 1979
Total Giving: $32,445
Class Donors: 14
Class Participation: 3%
Presidential Circle
Viking Club
Gifts of $250 to $499
Edward J. Boscola ~ +
Kenneth Farabee ~
Jeanne Frank +
Stephen J. Kent +
Donna Neiley
Michael Cannon USNR ~
Gifts of $100 to $249
Gifts of $100 to $249
Jeannie O’Neill +
Viking Circle
Viking Club
Gifts of $250 to $499
Maureen Kund ~
Carol L. Lynch CPA ~ +
Century Club
Gifts of $100 to $249
John R. Boon +
Francis Brulenski CPA ~
Michael Donohue +
Richard Schmid CPA +
Jane Stoddart ~
Gifts up to $99
Contributors Club
Sharon Auriemma +
Barbara Creighton +
Kathleen Fallon
Thomas Rakszawski ~
Joan Sitarz +
Gifts up to $99
Class of 1978
Total Giving: $8,925
Class Donors: 15
Class Participation: 4%
Gifts of $250 to $499
Joseph Sifer
Contributors Club
Century Club
Century Club
Viking Club
Robert O’Donnell +
Carolyn Wellock
Gifts of $1,000 to $2,499
Edward & Kathleen Waddington CPA +
Patricia White +
Vincent Cordova ~ +
Kelly Greenberg
Gifts of $500 to $999
Viking Club
Gifts of $250 to $499
Black, Green and Gold Club
Gifts of $500 to $999
Brian Adamsky +
Marty Caparros +
James Donovan
Timothy M. Hess +
Michael Mahon
Joseph McCann CPA +
Thomas P. Murt +
Ellen Rosen ~
Gifts of $25,000 to $49,999
Contributors Club
Gifts up to $99
Century Club
Total Giving: $1,525
Class Donors: 14
Class Participation: 4%
Contributors Club
Black, Green and Gold Club
Archbishop Wood
Gifts up to $99
James Corcoran +
Michael Williamson CPA ~
Gifts of $100 to $249
Gifts of $100 to $249
Contributors Club
Patricia Achilles
Damian C. Capacchione
Margaret Clark ~ +
David Eichenlaub
Frank & Cynthia Weston Hart ~
Marianne Long +
Maureen Compas Moore +
Black, Green and Gold Club
Gifts of $500 to $999
Gifts of $100 to $249
Gifts of $1,000 to $2,499
Century Club
Class of 1974
Century Club
Kevin Donohue
Victoria Gradel ~
Michael Moffa ~
Christine Prendergast +
Andrew Thiers ~
Daniel M. Bateman +
John Biello +
William T. Fleming +
Stephen Gozdan CPA
Erin P. Kelly ~ +
Timothy Kusters +
Thomas Kuzma +
Maureen Slover +
Kathleen Uhl MD +
Contributors Club
Gifts up to $99
Maria McGrath
Class of 1981
Total Giving: $3,080
Class Donors: 14
Class Participation: 3%
Viking Circle
Gifts of $1,000 to $2,499
Class of 1980
James Littley +
Viking Club
Black, Green and Gold Circle
Total Giving: $4,750
Class Donors: 19
Class Participation: 4%
Gifts of $2,500 to $4,999
Viking Circle
John J. Long III ~
Gifts of $1,000 to $2,499
Viking Circle
Michael Wood ~
Francis Barrett ~ +
Edward McCormick ~
Mary Wagner Mease +
Marguerite Coor Quinn
Marylou Rainone DO +
Gifts of $1,000 to $2,499
Black, Green and Gold Club
Century Club
James W. Hirschmann ~
Kevin Leslie +
Gifts of $500 to $999
Gifts of $100 to $249
Francis Dougherty +
Kathleen Maher Mansour MD ~
Craig W. Quinn +
Michael Faherty
Michael Gussin ~
Steve Happ +
+ Increased Gift This Year
~ Three Year Giving History
Gifts of $250 to $499
Lisa Penn
Bernard P. Sweeney +
Joseph P. Waddington +
Contributors Club
Gifts up to $99
Karen Curran +
Vincent Happ ~ +
Class of 1982
Total Giving: $24,505
Class Donors: 16
Class Participation: 5%
Benefactor’s Circle
Regina Falco +
George Kettelberger
Thomas M. Whelan ~
Contributors Club
Gifts up to $99
Kathleen S. Crooks +
Paul J. Pugnetti ~
Lawrence Senour ~
Michael Spearing +
Linda Thorbahn +
Nancy Mahon
Jeanine Miller +
Robert R. Plefka +
Class of 1986
Total Giving: $1,630
Class Donors: 7
Class Participation: 2%
Viking Circle
Gifts of $1,000 to $2,499
Maureen Abbott +
Class of 1984
Viking Club
Total Giving: $10,525
Class Donors: 11
Class Participation: 3%
John & Maureen Menarde +
Gifts of $250 to $499
Century Club
Gifts of $10,000 to $14,999
Leadership Circle
Gifts of $100 to $249
Richard & Sandra Fonash
Gifts of $7,500 to $9,999
Philanthropic Circle
Kelly Richards
Thomas Martin +
Kathleen May +
Gifts of $5,000 to $7,499
Black, Green and Gold Club
Contributors Club
Stephen & Lisa Kettelberger ~ +
Gifts of $500 to $999
Gifts up to $99
Black, Green and Gold Circle
Mary Conway-Sweeney ~
Gifts of $2,500 to $4,999
Viking Club
Frederick Cieri ~ +
Joseph Senour ~
Jennifer S. Smith +
Ria A. Tielman ~
Gifts of $250 to $499
Viking Circle
Thomas Gale +
Anthony Malandra
Gifts of $1,000 to $2,499
Joesph & Cindi Callaghan
Patrick Glemser +
Century Club
Black, Green and Gold Club
Michael A. Coakley CPA
Diane Dekezel +
Maureen Kuhar ~
James Pignatelli
Rosemary Boyle ~ +
Gifts of $500 to $999
Andrew & Kelly Lafond ~ +
Viking Club
Gifts of $100 to $249
Gifts of $250 to $499
Contributors Club
Cherie Weller +
Gifts up to $99
Century Club
Kevin F. Cunningham +
Patrick J. Moser LPT +
Gifts of $100 to $249
Kevin Buck +
Patrick Duffy +
Melissa Fannon Fabiani +
Timothy Kern
Gina Malandra ~
Class of 1985
Total Giving: $4,820
Class Donors: 11
Class Participation: 3%
Annual Report 2011–2012
Class of 1987
Total Giving: $250
Class Donors: 2
Class Participation: 1%
Century Club
Gifts of $100 to $249
John Donohue +
David Graeber +
Class of 1988
Total Giving: $1,730
Class Donors: 7
Class Participation: 2%
Viking Circle
Gifts of $1,000 to $2,499
Daniel & Nancy Duffy Dufner +
| Archbishop Wood
r i RGoi v
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gf D o n o r s
Black, Green and Gold Club
Viking Club
Gifts of $500 to $999
Gifts of $250 to $499
Class of 1995
Class of 2001
Michael Boedewig CPA ~ +
Michael Guischard USAF +
Century Club
Century Club
Gifts of $100 to $249
Gifts of $100 to $249
Total Giving: $750
Class Donors: 2
Class Participation: 1%
Total Giving: $100
Class Donors: 2
Class Participation: 1%
Margaret Forrestel CPA
Christopher O’Neill +
John Roche III ~
Black, Green and Gold Club
Contributors Club
Gifts of $500 to $999
Gifts up to $99
Thomas Kenney III +
Amy Estroff ~
Katherine Reilly ~
Contributors Club
Contributors Club
Gifts up to $99
Michele Z. Choate
Nicholas J. Destephanis CPA ~
Andrew Heesen +
Caroline Mannella Froehlich +
Class of 1989
Total Giving: $10,625
Class Donors: 5
Class Participation: 1%
Benefactor’s Circle
Gifts up to $99
Viking Club
Linda Delp +
Dominic Neitzel +
Gifts of $250 to $499
Timothy Green +
Class of 2002
Class of 1992
Class of 1996
Total Giving: $637.13
Class Donors: 5
Class Participation: 2%
Total Giving: $300
Class Donors: 2
Class Participation: 1%
Total Giving: $300
Class Donors: 2
Class Participation: 1%
Viking Club
Century Club
Gifts of $250 to $499
Gifts of $10,000 to $14,999
Jessica Pritchard ~
Century Club
Viking Club
Gifts of $100 to $249
James A. DiGuiseppe ~
Jennifer D. Duffy Annulis ~
Jason R. Switzer ~ +
Kathryn Duffy Flanagan +
Century Club
Contributors Club
Gifts of $100 to $249
Gifts up to $99
Thomas Degnan ~ +
Julie Williams +
Patrick J. O’Leary +
Class of 1998
Total Giving: $200
Class Donors: 2
Class Participation: 1%
Total Giving: $600
Class Donors: 1
Class Participation: 1%
Black, Green and Gold Club
Gifts of $500 to $999
Class of 1993
Gifts up to $99
Michael Roberts
Total Giving: $1,020
Class Donors: 7
Class Participation: 3%
Class of 1990
Class of 1999
Total Giving: $265
Class Donors: 4
Class Participation: 2%
Total Giving: $775
Class Donors: 7
Class Participation: 2%
Black, Green and Gold Club
Viking Club
Viking Club
Gifts of $250 to $499
Gifts of $250 to $499
David Lynch +
Heather Spaeth
Joseph Schmidt ~ +
Sharon O’Brien ~
Contributors Club
Century Club
Century Club
Gifts of $100 to $249
Gifts of $100 to $249
Angela Connolly ~
Paul Drakeley +
J. William & Gina Ward Gordon ~ +
Ellen Thiele +
Lynn DeAngelis +
Gifts of $500 to $999
Michael Wagner +
Contributors Club
Gifts up to $99
Michael Birdsall
Jennifer Engle +
Kari Plasha +
Eileen D. Wass
Contributors Club
Gifts up to $99
Karl Peterson ~
Bernadette M. Wildemore MD
Class of 1991
Total Giving: $200
Class Donors: 2
Class Participation: 1%
Total Giving: $1,190
Class Donors: 6
Class Participation: 2%
Gifts up to $99
Anthony & Valerie D’Alonzo +
Kathryn Pedicino
Class of 2000
Total Giving: $300
Class Donors: 2
Class Participation: 1%
Century Club
Raymond Tarnowski
Bridgette Thompson +
Gifts of $100 to $249
Joseph and Julia Fox Gerlach +
Theresa M. Scarlatella +
Total Giving: $200
Class Donors: 2
Class Participation: 1%
Current Parents &
Parents of Alumni
Century Club
Gifts received between July 1, 2011 and June 30, 2012
Class of 2004
Gifts of $100 to $249
Michael T. Rakszawski ~
Anthony M. Tarnowski
Class of 2006
Total Giving: $25
Class Donors: 1
Class Participation: 1%
We remain so very grateful to our parents who actively support our mission here at Archbishop Wood. In addition to fulfilling their tuition
obligations, many current parents volunteer in the Parents Association, booster clubs, in the athletic and fine arts departments as well as in the
Advancement Office. Over 20% have donated this year which enables Wood to continued being one of the top schools in the area. We are also
grateful to the Parents of Alumni who continue to support Wood even though their children have graduated.
Viking Club
Contributors Club
Black, Green & Gold
Gifts up to $99
Gifts of $2,500 to $4,999
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Babb +
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Troy
Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Visco
Caitlin B. Slover +
Mr. & Mrs. Quentin Cole +
Charles Gross +
Total Giving: $100
Class Donors: 1
Class Participation: 1%
Century Club
Gifts of $100 to $249
Rosemarie Tarnowski
Viking Circle
Gifts of $1,000 to $2,499
Janet Donohue +
Mr. & Mrs. George Griffin +
Paulette Regan +
Black, Green & Gold Club
Michelle Costo ~
Steven R. Jones
Daniel Wagner
Annual Report 2011–2012
Gifts of $250 to $499
Class of 2008
Gifts of $100 to $249
Gifts of $500 to $999
Archbishop Wood
Gifts of $100 to $249
Century Club
Century Club
Black, Green and Gold Club
Century Club
Gifts of $100 to $249
Class of 1994
Thomas R. Dugan +
Brian P. Rane +
Class of 2003
Jonathan Tyburski ~ +
Contributors Club
Gifts of $100 to $249
Brandi Reardon ~
Michele Roche ~
Gifts of $100 to $249
Gifts of $250 to $499
Century Club
Gifts of $500 to $999
+ Increased Gift This Year
~ Three Year Giving History
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Ginieczki
John O’Donnell +
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Schlussel
Century Club
Gifts of $100 to $249
Dr. & Mrs. Walter J. Bell +
Ms. Christine Besso +
William Bryson +
Mary Jane Courtright +
Mr. & Mrs. John C. Devine +
Mr. & Mrs. James Drumm +
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Gallagher +
Koper Family ~
Claire Lezynski ~
Geraldine McGarity +
Patrick Murt +
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Niederriter
Timothy Nikander +
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Noonan +
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Prieto +
Don & Sylvia Schaller ~
Margaret Schneider ~
Gertrude Scholl + ~
Timothy Scroger +
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Shiels +
Mr. & Mrs. William Stephenson ~+
Joseph L. Velten Jr
Mr. & Mrs. Henry Weisenborn +
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Wisdo
Mr. & Mrs. John Giovannone +
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Gronczewski
Mr. & Mrs. Tom Howland +
Ms. Susan Macrone +
Mr. & Mrs. J. McCann +
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph McFadden
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas McKee +
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Nessel +
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Reynolds +
Mr. & Mrs. Rush Sherman +
Mrs. Barbara Tomaszewski
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Woodring
Contributors Club
Gifts up to $99
Mr. & Mrs. John Boyle +
Grace Casey +
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Curran +
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Fox +
Mr. & Mrs. Edmund T. Gernavage +
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Gillen +
Annual Report 2011–2012
| Archbishop Wood
Honor Roll of Donors
Friends of Archbishop Wood
Gifts received between July 1, 2011 and June 30, 2012
At Archbishop Wood, our “friends” are those individuals who have come to Wood as neighbors, extended family, connecting with a student, or from
their belief in Catholic education. Over $200,000 has been contributed by our Friends for the 2011-12 school year and we are so grateful for their
presence in our community.
Partners in the Mission
Gifts of $50,000 and above
Black, Green and Gold
Patricia Ann Fogel Memorial Scholarship +
Gifts of $500 to $999
Bank Of America ~
Class of 1991 +
Nancy Devenuto + ~
Heritage Creek + ~
Johnson, Kendall & Johnson, Inc. ~
Kiwanis Club of Levittown-Bristol
Foundation Inc. - +
Lehigh Gas Corporation +
Signature Captive Solutions
St. Cecelia Scholarship for Music &
Performing Arts +
Presidential Circle
Gifts of $25,000 to $49,999
Henkels Foundation ~
Principal’s Circle
Gifts of $15,000 to $24,999
Bridge Educational Foundation + ~
Viking Club
Gifts of $250 to $499
Benefactor’s Circle
Robert E. Bolger ~
MMC Matching Gifts Program +
Pfizer Foundation Matching Gifts Program ~
Radian Guaranty Inc. ~
The Makoid Family
The Vanguard Group Foundation +
Gifts of $10,000 to $14,999
Kent & Donna Duffy +
Special Gifts to Archbishop Wood
Gifts received between July 1, 2011 and June 30, 2012
Leadership Circle
Gifts of $7,500 to $9,999
Century Club
Crown Holdings +
The Mary Brooks Crawford Scholarship Fund + ~
Gifts of $100 to $249
John & Denise Bailey
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Blair +
Cafeteria Staff +
Mr. & Mrs. Mario Ciabarra
Dr. Frederick & Jean Ciao ~
Denise Cocciolone +
Ellen L. Della Grotte +
Mr. & Mrs. Jay Fallon +
Thomas Galie +
Mr. & Mrs. John Gonzalez +
Mary A. Greenberg ~
Mr. & Mrs. William Hartwell
Regina Kelly +
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Macinsky +
Kevin D. McKeon +
Patrick James & Patricia A. O’Leary
Regina T. Price ~
John L. Ruggero + ~
Mr. & Mrs.James J. Slover +
Subaru Of America Foundation, Inc. ~
The Prudential Foundation Matching Gifts ~
Treatment Research Institute +
Black, Green and Gold
Gifts of $2,500 to $4,999
Edward J. Shea Scholarship Fund +
Giuseppe Giaimo Scholarship Fund +
The Shawn McCartney Memorial Scholarship
Fund +
Verizon Foundation ~
Viking Circle
Gifts of $1,000 to $2,499
BP Enviornmental Consultants Inc +
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Hill +
Intel +
Lockheed Martin Corporation
Pamela Minford Charitable Foundation +
PPL Matching Gifts
The Robert Stillwell Scholarship Fund ~
United States Navy +
Archbishop Wood
Annual Report 2011–2012
Contributors Club
Gifts up to $99
Walter Alcott +
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Anthony +
Assumption BVM School - 8th Grade +
Edward Atkinson +
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Barna +
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Bendinsky +
Dennis Binsfeld +
Irwin L. Brambley +
Vincent Bucolo +
Georgia T. Cain +
Maryellen Carew ~
Johanna Collins +
Mr. & Mrs. Henry Conry +
Mr. & Mrs. Albin Dixon +
Margaret Mary Fitzgibbons +
Mary Anne Francisco +
Karen Franz +
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Friel +
Margaret Gillis +
Michael J. Ginieczki +
Glaxosmithkline Foundation ~
John C. Glock +
Mr. & Mrs. Jason Grossman +
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Guglielmi +
Mr. & Mrs. David Harp +
Mr. Mrs. Kevin P. Hutchinson ~
Walter Kaupp ~
Mr. & Mrs. Martin Keck +
Mr. & Mrs. Norman Kirschler +
Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Knowski +
Jane Lawler +
Mahoney Family +
Thomas F. McCartin +
Rev. Lawrence J. McElroy
William Moroney
O’Donnell Family +
Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan Peterson +
Anne Marie Phillips +
Ms. Carolyn C. Quinn 2012 +
Rick & Margaret Rappo +
Mr. & Mrs. Clifford Raymond +
Mary Renzo +
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Rongione +
Elizabeth A. Rosengren +
Saint Bede Music Ministry +
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Schluth +
Catherine Sheehan +
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Sollosi +
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Spalinski +
Margaret Stattler +
Mr.& Mrs. Edward Tofani +
Ms. Jacqueline A. Tomaszewski 2014 +
Trevose Family Shoe Store +
Alfred Zarroli +
Educational Improvement
tax Credit (EITC) Program
Bridge Educational Foundation
Crown Holdings
Anthony Forino ’68
Henkels Foundation
Archbishop Wood High School is
grateful to the many businesses who
have made a contribution to the
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania’s EITC
Program in support our Archbishop
Gifts to Viking
Educational Trust
Crown Holdings
Anthony Forino ’68
Henkels Foundation
Joey F. Casey Memorial Foundation
Gifts to Scholarships
Many students at Archbishop Wood
are able to receive a quality Catholic
education because of the support of
those who made a gift to the school’s
Scholarship Program. Thank you to
those donor listed below for their
support last year.
+ Increased Gift This Year
~ Three Year Giving History
Gifts to the Viking Educational Trust
Fund are most appreicated. The
Trust Fund functions as the schools
Endowment Fund and is used for
Tuition Assistance to qualified Wood
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Anthony
Edward Atkinson
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Barna
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Bendinsky
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Blair
Irwin L. Brambley
Vincent Bucolo
Cafeteria Staff
Georgia T. Cain
Joesph & Cindi Callaghan ’82
Maryellen Carew
Grace Casey
Johanna Collins
Mr. & Mrs. Henry Conry
Nancy Deluisi
Mr. & Mrs. Albin Dixon
Janet Donohue
Kevin Donohue ’79
Michael Donohue ’79
John Dougherty ’78
Kent & Donna Duffy
Edward J. Shea Scholarship Fund
Mr. & Mrs. Jay Fallon
Charles Finley ’68
Margaret Mary Fitzgibbons
Mary Anne Francisco
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Friel
Geraldine Garofalo ’68
Michael J. Ginieczki
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Ginieczki
Giuseppe Giaimo Scholarship Fund
John C. Glock
Mr. & Mrs. Jason Grossman
Mr. & Mrs. Martin Keck
Mr. & Mrs. Norman Kirschler
Kiwanis Club of LevittownBristol Foundation Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Knowski
Jane Lawler
Annual Report 2011–2012
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Macinsky
Mahoney Family
Susan A. Mullen ’68
Jeannie O’Neill ’79
Patricia Ann Fogel Memorial Scholarship
Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan Peterson
Anne Marie Phillips
Jessica Pritchard ’92
Rick & Margaret Rappo
Mr. & Mrs. Clifford Raymond
Mary Renzo
Kelly Richards ’84
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Rongione
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Schluth
Paul Schneider ’71
Catherine Sheehan
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Sollosi
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Spalinski
St. Cecelia Scholarship for Music &
Performing Arts
Margaret Stattler
Jason R. Switzer ’92
The Mary Brooks Crawford Scholarship Fund
The Prudential Foundation Matching Gifts
The Shawn McCartney Memorial Scholarship Fund
Treatment Research Institute
Marion Wedo ’72
| Archbishop Wood
oencoi r
a lR G
o ilflts
of Donors
John O’Donnell
Fred J. Thiele ’85
Vincent Cordova ’85
Pfizer Foundation
Charles Bennett ’69
Thomas Kenney ’95
Thomas Martin ’86
Edward McCormick ’81
Michael Wood ’80
Radian Guaranty, Inc.
Mary Conway-Sweeney ’84
Subaru of America
Stephen J. Kent ’80
The Prudential Foundation
Albin Dixon
Teresa R. Vanakin ’70
Michael Williamson CPA ’75
The Vanguard Group Foundation
John A. Gilmore ’67
Robert L. Lawler ’78
Franklin and Marianne Parker ’76
Ria A. Tielman ’82
Kevin Troy
Gifts to Sponsor a Student
Gifts to Other
Designated Funds
Many students at Archbishop Wood
are able to receive a quality Catholic
education because of the support
of those who made a gift to the
school’s Sponsor a Student Scholarship
Program. Thank you to those donors
listed below for their support the last
The names listed below represent
those individuals, corporations and
foundations who designated their gift to
a specific program at Wood such as the
Arts, Athletics, Campus Ministry, etc.
Assumption BVM School - 8th Grade
John & Denise Bailey
Dennis Binsfeld
Alice Ann Dachowski MD ’73
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Devine
James A. DiGuiseppe ’92
Janet Donohue
John Donohue ’87
Patrick Duffy ’82
Richard & Sandra Fonash ’82
Karen Franz
Joanne Gilmore ’70
Mr. & Mrs. John Gonzalez
Mary A. Greenberg
Charles Gross
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Guglielmi
Vincent Happ ’81
Heritage Creek
Johnson, Kendall & Johnson, Inc.
Andrew & Kelly Lafond CPA ’82
John J. Long III ’78
Anthony Malandra ’84
Joseph McCann CPA ’78
Edward McCormick ’81
Thomas P. Murt ’78
O’Donnell Family
Pamela Minford Charitable Foundation
Jeffrey Plunkett ’76
Regina T. Price
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Reynolds
Elizabeth A. Rosengren
John L. Ruggero
John & Denise Bailey
Pamela Minford Charitable Foundation
Regina T. Price
Gifts to the
Robotics Program
The names listed below represent
those individuals, corporations and
foundations who designated their gift
to the Wood Robotics Program
Nancy Devenuto
Ellen L. Della Grotte
Lehigh Gas Corporation
Lockheed Martin Corporation
Signature Captive Solutions
United States Navy
Joseph Westhoff ’70
Archbishop Wood
Annual Report 2011–2012
Saint Bede Music Ministry
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Shiels
Bernard P. Sweeney ’81
Jonathan Tyburski ’98
Alfred Zarroli
Gifts for the new North
Gymnasium Sound System
BP Enviornmental Consultants Inc
William Ciorletti ’74
Francis Dougherty ’80
James Heilman ’73
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Hill
Kathleen Nolan ’75
Matching Gifts and
Many business and corporations will
match the amount of a donation from
one of their employees or retired
employees, increasing the value of
the gift dramatically. The companies
listed here matched the donations of
to Archbishop Wood received from our
constituents: alumni, parents, parents
of alumni and friends. Please check
with your employer to see if your
company, like the companies identified
below, will match your donations either
in cash or gifts in kind.
Joseph Schmidt ’90
Bank of America
Francis McHugh ’72
Glaxosmithkline Foundation
Judith Meyer ’75
summary of
Class Year Totals for 2011-12 School Year
Class Size
280 10%
Memorial Fund Gifts
We are grateful to those donors who
are listed below who made a gift to
Archbishop Wood in memory of a
loved one.
19867 407 2%
Gifts in Memory
In memory of Luke Momorella
Sabina Baker-Tegeder
Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Carey
Joan DiFiore
Frank V. Radomski & Sons, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Steven Jervis
Patricia Juliano
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Lacy
Thomas Meizinger
Albert Momorella
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Momorella
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Momorella
Robert Momorella
Susan A. Mullen
Mr. & Mrs. William Nicholson
Quaker Mechanical Inc.
Francis Weiss
Rosemary White
Wick Fisher White
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Zearfaus
Gifts in Kind
Thank you to the donors below who
made an in kind gift to Archbishop
Wood during the past year
19895 367 1%
19916 272 2%
19937 229 3%
Mission Statement
he mission of the Advancement Program is to obtain charitable gifts
for Archbishop Wood High School through the friend/fundraising
cycle comprising identification, information, cultivation, solicitation and
recognition of our constituencies, which include current parents, parents
of alumni, alumni, grandparents, faculty, students, friends, corporations
and foundations.
19970 239 0%
We seek support for the following initiatives:
• To raise endowment funds in order to fund our academic and extracurricular programs
20050 255 0%
• To raise endowment funds to provide for financial aid support to
qualified students
• To raise capital funds to provide facilities and their endowment as
deemed necessary
20090 268 0%
• To raise restricted and unrestricted annual giving to support the
ongoing programs of Archbishop Wood High School.
20070 257 0%
20110 264 0%
+ Increased Gift This Year
~ Three Year Giving History
19887 342 2%
Special thanks for the gifts in memory
of loves ones during the past year.
Annual Report 2011–2012
| Archbishop Wood
H o n o r R of
of Donors
Top Ten of Participation Raised
Class Size
Wood Giving Since 2006
Top Ten of Dollars Raised
Class Size
2011-12 2010-11 2009-10 2008-09 2007-08 2006-07
Top Ten of Donors Raised
Class Size
2011-12$436,787 545
2010-11$373,483 442
2009-10$187,828 201
2008-09 $95,915221
2007-08 $81,573312
Five-Year History of the Wood Giving
$1,000 Donors
Wood Vikings
Partner Again with
the Vincentians
lest be the tie that binds.
This phrase rings so
true for the connection
that the Vincentians had and
continue to have at Archbishop
Wood 36 years after they first
came to the school in 1976.
Back then it was known as
Archbishop Wood High School
for Boys where students first
came to know the Vincentians’
charism during the 10 years they
taught at the school.
Do you recognize Fr. Sy in this
picture? Do you remember Fr.
Shea, Fr. Maher, Fr. O’Connell,
Fr. Carroll, and Fr. Pieber to name
just a few of the 24 Vincentian
priests who served at Archbishop
Wood High School for Boys?
You may be asking yourself
where they are now. Fr. Sy is the
pastor of St. Vincent’s Parish
in Germantown. Fr. Maher is in
Rome, Fathers Shea and Pieber
are at the Miraculous Medal,
Fr. Carroll is the Provincial
Superior of the U.S. Eastern
Province of Vincentians, and Fr.
O’Connell is Bishop of Trenton.
Fr. Shea continues to say mass at
Archbishop Wood and Fr. Sy will
Rev. Sy Peterka, C.M.
Archbishop Wood
Annual Report 2011–2012
+ Increased Gift This Year
~ Three Year Giving History
formation of future vocations.
Three people connected to
Archbishop Wood are already
involved in a Philadelphia
Committee that was created
to help with the Vincentian
Endowment Challenge. Patrick
Glemser, a 1982 Archbishop
Wood alumnus (his children
attended and still attend
Archbishop Wood), Joe Lesenko,
a parent of an Archbishop Wood
student, along with former
Archbishop Wood faculty
member Fr. Sy Peterka, C.M.
(1976-82) are offering their time
and support to Fr. Miles Heinen,
C.M. (Executive Director
of the Vincentian Solidarity
Office) with the Vincentian
Endowment Challenge.
We encourage you contact
Archbishop Wood alumnus
Patrick Glemser (patglemser@ who is helping with
the effort or Fr. Miles in the
Vincentian Solidarity Office
([email protected] or 215-7132432). Or you can donate right
here and make a difference at
Philly Committee for the Vincentian Endowment Challenge
L to R: Patrick Glemser ’82, Fr. Sy Peterka, C.M., Fr. Miles Heinen, C.M., Joe
Lesenko, and Teresa Niedda
be celebrating mass in 2013.
Many of you who were educated by the Vincentians fondly
remember your experiences and
have a personal connection to the
Vincentians. They were involved
in your daily lives, attended various events, and were concerned
about your spirituality.
The Vincentians are trying to
raise funds to help them in their
work in developing countries in
Africa, Asia, Latin America, and
Eastern Europe to become more
financially stable through the
creation of endowments.
We are asking you to
give back to the Vincentians
and make a donation to the
Vincentian Endowment
Challenge. This is a great
opportunity for the alumni of
Archbishop Wood High School
to stay connected with the
Vincentians and support their
work with the poor and the
Learn more at
Winter 2013
| Archbishop Wood
Archbishop Wood High School
655 York Road, Warminster, PA 18974
Phone: 215-672-5050
Become a fan of our facebook page: Wood High School
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Viking Fest
Vikingfest was held on Saturday, October 20th.
Over 250 runners participated in The
Rich Kelly Annual 5K Run/Walk. After
the race over 200 people enjoyed the
different foods and beverages from
around the world. Families enjoyed the
face painting, games and big bounce.
Music was supplied by the John Byrne
Band. Special thanks to Bob Bailey
,Jack Walsh ’81 and Joe Waddington ’81
(Sellersville Beer and Cigar) and Brian
Hirschmann ’99 (Pat’s Beverage) for
supplying food and drink.
Archbishop Wood
| Winter 2013
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