Viking Fall 2013 - Archbishop Wood High School


Viking Fall 2013 - Archbishop Wood High School
Fall 2013
The Magazine for Alumni, Parents, Grandparents and Friends of Archbishop Wood High School
I n c lu d i n g t h e 2 0 1 2 -1 3 A n n ua l R e p o r t o f Gi f ts
Message from the President
I hope that you will join us on Saturday, April 26,
2014, at the 50th Anniversary Gala, which will be
held at your Alma Mater. … It would be wonderful
to see all of you as we celebrate fifty years of
Catholic Education at Archbishop Wood High
School, home of the Vikings.
s we begin a year of celebration of the 50th
Anniversary of Archbishop Wood High School,
I would like to express my deepest appreciation
for your support throughout the year. Your alma
mater is thriving in every aspect of Catholic
Education. Our students are successful in every aspect of high
school life: in the classroom, on the stage and athletic fields, as
well as in the community.
Let me tell you about some of the achievements of our
• The Class of 2013 was awarded over twenty-five million
dollars in scholarships and grants.
• 125 students achieved three or more college credits through
our Dual Enrollment programs.
• Archbishop Wood currently has fifteen Neumann Scholars
attending, as well as thirteen members of All Catholic
Chorus, Band, and Orchestra.
• Our students have been finalists in the Philadelphia Area
Shakespeare Contest and the “Why is Stem Cool?” video
• Archbishop Wood’s athletic teams continue to dominate:
this past year our Football and Girls’ Cross Country teams
achieved PCL Championships, and the Boys’ and Girls’
Soccer teams and the Girls’ Swimming joined them with
District XII Championships. Add to these accomplishments
116 All Catholic Athletes and eleven All State Athletes and
you can see why we are very proud.
Academically we continue to grow and challenge our
students to be the best that they can be by always “Striving for
Excellence.” With the addition of our new STEM program,
we are giving our students the chance to explore Science,
Technology, Engineering, and Math while they are here at
Archbishop Wood. With the addition of our new Learning
Specialist, Mrs. Katherine Ruzicka Nase, Class of 2006, we are
enabling every student to succeed at Wood.
Our new Learning Commons in the South building will give
our students a beautiful setting in which they can do research
and work during and after school in an area that promotes
a university or college atmosphere. We have also begun to
renovate the bathrooms at Wood.
I write to you about these additions and improvements
because without your generosity and support many things
could not be done. I hope that you will join us on Saturday,
April 26, 2014, at the 50th Anniversary Gala, which will
be held at your Alma Mater. Please find more information in
the magazine about this event. If you have not been back for
a visit this would be a great night to do so and don’t forget to
tell another alum. It would be wonderful to see all of you as we
celebrate fifty years of Catholic Education at Archbishop Wood
High School, home of the Vikings.
Once again I thank you for all that you do and I hope and
pray that you will continue to support our mission to educate
the current and future students of Archbishop Wood High
School for many years to come. Please know that you and your
families are always in my prayers, for without you many things
would not be possible. God Bless.
Sincerely yours,
Gary V. Zimmaro Sr.
Gary V. Zimmaro Sr.
viki ng N e ws — Sp e c i a l E ve nt
Behinds-the-scenes tour with State Rep Michael Fitzpatrick
By Carly Noonan ’14
n the 16th of May, Archbishop Wood’s
Biology teacher, Mrs. Fitzpatrick,
took a mixed group of 50 students
to Washington D.C. for an inside tour of our
nation’s capital, courtesy of her husband,
Michael Fitzpatrick. Michael Fitzpatrick is a
United States Representative for Pennsylvania’s
8th congressional district which includes Bucks
County and parts of Montgomery County. Mrs.
Fitzpatrick welcomed the students for a chance
to explore her husband’s office before she
led them underground to the Capital Building.
That’s right-underground. Unbeknown to
many, there are several underground tunnels in
Washington D.C. that connect the government
workers office buildings to the Capital Building.
These tunnels create easier passageways for the
workers to get to where they need to be, but
are usually closed to the public. However, thanks
to some connections, the students were able to
walk through the tunnels and were extremely
surprised when former Speaker of the House
Nancy Pelosi nonchalantly walked past them!
When they arrived to the Capital, the students
got special treatment with a behind the scenes
tour by Mrs. Fitzpatrick and Mike Fitzpatrick
himself. Afterwards, the students were allowed
to go and explore Washington D.C. on their
own for a few hours. Some of the popular
attractions were the Smithsonian Museums,
the Botanic Garden, and the National Mall. The
class trip offered rare opportunities to catch
inside glimpses of our nation’s capital and the
students cannot thank the Fitzpatricks enough
for making such a memorable field trip.
VIKING | Fall 2013
viki ng N e ws — Ac h i e v e me nts
2012-2013 Highlights
Achieving Excellence in
• The Class of 2013 achieved over $25 million in scholarships and grants
• One National Merit Finalist, Four
National Merit Commended Students
• 125 Students achieved three or
more college credits though Dual
Enrollment Programs
• 15 Neumann Scholars
• 6 Members All Catholic Chorus
• Student achieved top ten in
Philadelphia Area Shakespeare
• Student Finalists in “Why is STEM
Cool?”video contest
• Delaware Valley College and Neumann
University Essay Contest Winners
• HOSA (Health Occupations Students
of America) State Officers
• Emergency Aid of Pennsylvania:
Lenore Annenberg Scholarship and
Founders Award recipients
• 4 Members All catholic Orchestra
• 3 Members All Catholic Band
• Widener University High School
Leadership Award Recipient
Philadelphia Catholic
League Champions
• Football
• Girls Cross Country
Archbishop Wood High School
District XII Champions
Boys Soccer
Girls Soccer
Girls Cross Country
Girls Swimming
State Finalists
• Football
• Girls Soccer
Maxwell Football Club
Jim Henry Award Winner
• All Catholic Athletes: 116
• All State Athletes: 11
viki ng N e ws — Sp o r ts
Roll-ing Toward Success
Continued from page 1
VIKING | Fall 2013
viki ng N e ws — O n C a m p u s
Recognition for Robinson: Ashley Robinson ’09 (fourth from the right) had her number retired last season. With her are Coach Jim Ricci, current
Lady Vikings and the Robinson family. Ashley plays for St. Joseph’s University.
The Learning Commons
he Learning Commons occupies the area formerly occupied by
the Library. This newly renovated space contains 46 computers,
a reading area, collaboration area and a tutoring area. Housed within
the Learning Commons is also our Learning Specialist who will work
with students with learning issues.
The Learning Commons will be open from 7am until 5pm.
Students can go to the Commons during lunch, study, before or after
school. While many of the volumes located in the Library have been
either moved to department areas, donated or recycled, many books
will be located in the Learning Commons. In addition, digital books
will be available for students to borrow on their device.
The students and faculty of Archbishop Wood look forward
to using this beautiful area for reading, writing, research and
STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math)
ach year the Guidance Department of Archbishop Wood High
School compiles a survey of the graduate’s intended college
major. Science majors have always been in the plurality. Recently the
number of students expressing a specific interest in engineering has
grown. Additionally, the number of females expressing an interest
Archbishop Wood High School
in engineering has increased. Based on these facts and literature on
STEM fields:
The Bureau of Labor Statistics has reported that science and
engineering occupations are projected to grow by 21.5% from
2004 to 2014, compared to a growth of 13% in all occupations
during the same time period. (Cole, Camille: Connecting
Student to Stem Careers, p. 3)
The administration of Archbishop Wood has embarked upon a
plan to implement a STEM curriculum.
We are proud to announce that our STEM program began
this September. This year students can select either Robotics/
Introduction to Engineering or CAD/Adobe Flash. These courses
will provide students with an up-close view of the world of
engineering and the skills needed to be successful in this field.
The Robotics/Introduction to Engineering Class is being cotaught by two professional in the field of engineering. Robotics will
provide the students with a hands-on experience in building and
programing while the Introduction to Engineering class will give an
overview of the various fields of engineering and the skills needed to
be successful in this field.
CAD/Adobe Flash taught in the Business Technology Department
will allow the students to get a taste of the Computer Assisted
Drawing needed in engineering and a variety of technologies through
Adobe Flash class.
viki ng N e ws — Sp
A lu
r ts
n i P r o file
23rd Annual Alumni Golf Classic Scores
Scholarships for AWHS Students
he 23rd Annual Alumni Golf Classic was
Special thanks to Alumni & Friends who donated
held on a beautiful day last May. The
auction items:
outing was again sold out and more
Carlow Cookery – Doylestown, PA
than $20,000 was raised for the six Alumni Classic
Carrabba’s – Willow Grove, PA
Scholarships given annually. Alums between the
Greg Cathcart ’79
years 1968 and 2009 participated and everyone
Paul Coady ’73
had a great time Once again Golf Committee
Larry Doyle ’89
Chairman Gene Finley ’73 and crew did a wonderful
Marc Farzetta ’01
job coordinating this event.
Tim Haggerty ’76
The 2013 Golf Committee:
Bob Boland ’73
Rosemary Connell Boyd ’74
Bill Ciorletti ’74
Tex Kund ’74
Brian Lafond ’91
Andy Thiers ’77
Joe Winning ’73
Special thanks to our volunteers:
Bitzy Finley
Brian Kornuszko ’91
Andy Lafond ’82
Brian Lafond ’91
Joe Winning ’73
We look forward to
seeing you next year!
If you would like to join the golf committee or be a
volunteer, please contact Tim Dunn at
215-672-5050 ext. 227 or [email protected]
Bob Boland ’73
Bernadette Bachich Repisky ’81
Kristen Thiers
VIKING | Fall 2013
viki ng N e ws — A lu m n i P r o file
Q & A with Kevin Monaghan, Class of 1973
By Carly Noonan ’14
new coach affected the team and changed the attitude and changed
the culture.
Kevin Monaghan is a ’73 graduate at
Archbishop Wood and is currently the Senior
Vice President, Strategic Relationships, at
NBC’s Digital Media. We caught up with Kevin
to ask him how Archbishop Wood inspired and
fostered the successful career he has now.
Q: How would you describe your experience at
Archbishop Wood?
Kevin: I got a great education at Archbishop Wood. There were
some really good teachers that challenged me in various ways;
particularly John Sharp and Paul Kelly, who pushed my classmates
and me academically almost to the point that they were equivalent
to college level teachers. Academics were very important but I
think that the learning, acquiring, and mastering of life skills from
Archbishop Wood came from outside of the classroom. I proudly
worked as manager on the football team and served on student
council my Junior year as secretary and my Senior year as President. I learned estimably how to get things done and how to work with
people and treat others with respect.
Q: What did you learn most from managing the football
I wasn’t a very athletic kid but I like sports so this was an activity
that I really loved doing and that I am very proud of. When I
managed the football team, Archbishop Wood was in the middle of
a transformation of their athletic teams. They brought in a big time
football coach, Dick Bedesem, who started to bring Archbishop Wood
football to the map. He put in a lot of great coaches, including the
late Skip Duffy and Rich Kelly. Being able to work with the football
team allowed me to watch the transformation of a how bringing in a
Q: What is your most memorable high school
We had a day called Un-day where we tried to make it unlike any
other previous day. Student Council organized and invited speakers
to talk not only about academic subjects, but strong controversial
real-world issues. One of the speakers we invited was a Christian
brother from a school called Manhattan College in the Bronx. I asked
him to come in and talk about how Freshman, Sophomores, and
Juniors could prepare for the college process. I met him personally
at the end of the day and he asked me where I was going to school. I
told him I was still looking around and he gave me an application to
Manhattan College, free of charge, and said, “Apply here.”
Q: Is that where you ended up going to college?
Yes. I got a scholarship and after that the rest in history. I got
involved in the sports information office at Manhattan College and
being in the media capital of the world, New York City, I was able
to parlay that into a public relations career with a Sports Public
Relations company for a year. On December 1, 1981, I joined NBC
sports as a sports publicist and did that through the late ’80s. I then
moved to business development and got involved in the digital space
in 1996 when we did our first Olympics on the internet. Now after
over 30 years of working with NBC, I’m involved full time with
Digital. I’ve had a lot of different challenging roles here but it’s been
a blast! Kevin also served as boxing coordinator for NBC. He currently
lives l in Upper Montclair, NJ with his wife Hillary. They have four
children: Christina, Rory, Molly and Annie
Walking the path of integrity
Walter Perez, Anchor of 6 ABC News, came to
Archbishop Wood High School to speak to the
students about academic integrity. Walter is pictured
here with Brian Nessel ’14, Representative for the
Academic Integrity Committee, and Mary Harkins,
Archbishop Wood High School
viki ng N e ws — A lu m n i P r o file
For the Love of the Game
By: Kelly Sharp
all means one thing in the Simon household:
football season has arrived. If you look out onto
the local high school football field on a Friday
night, you will find Coach Jack Simon pacing the
sidelines and conferring with the athletes. He
has been a fixture at Milford High School for over 30 years,
coaching for at least 20 of those.
His long career, however, did not begin on the sidelines.
It began over 40 years ago on the field of Archbishop Wood
High School. Jack entered Wood in 1968 and played all four
years for the team, three on the varsity level, as an offensive
tackle. During his first three years there, the team was young
and struggled. However, during his senior year, the team, lead
by Coach Dick Bedesem, produced a winning season and even
placed 3rd in the league. Mr. Simon was voted co-captain of the
team senior year and was named First Team All Catholic. He
was also selected to the Courier Times and Daily Intelligencer
all area teams. He was described by his teammates as a
“bruising tackle who helped lead the way for the offense.” Mr.
Simon also had the opportunity to play for the North Squad in
the Bucks County All Star Game. It was the first all star game
to be played in Bucks County, with the North Squad winning
the contest 28 to 24. He not only played football, but also kept
busy playing intramurals for four years and tossing the shot put
for the track team for his last three years at Wood.
All of Mr. Simon’s hard work paid off as he was awarded a
partial scholarship to Drexel University and West Chester State
College. Jack decided to continue his career at West Chester
from 1972 until 1975, where he once again helped lead the team
as an offensive tackle. In his sophomore year, the team received
an invitation to play in the Florida Classic. During his senior
year, he was selected to the All Pennsylvania Conference,
Eastern Division First Team at his position and was also
selected as the West Chester MVP offensive lineman of the
year in 1975. He was also appointed by the Associated Press to
the “Little All American” team the same year.
Upon graduation, Mr. Simon accepted a job as a drivers
education teacher at Milford High School in Milford, DE. He
would go onto to teach for 30 years and coach for most of
that time. Over the span of 27 years, he had the privilege of
Jack Simon ’72
coaching two state championship wrestling teams, a state
championship track and football team. Even though Mr.
Simon retired in 2006, nothing could keep him off the football
field. His love for the game was evident as he volunteered
long hours, and even took a job as assistant Athletic Director.
During his years since retirement, Mr. Simon was able to coach
his son, Jack, a second team all-state center, and even helped
the team win a State Championship in 2008. He continues
to coach and share his love for the game with the athletes and
fellow coaches, including son-in-law Mike Sharp. Along with
coaching, he also worked as a advisor to the LEO Club, Varsity
Club and helped to establish the Milford High School Football
Hall of Fame, which just inducted its 6th class of athletes.
Jack currently lives in Delaware with his wife Bonnie of 36
years. Both of his children, Jack and Kelly, also live in the area.
When he is not on the field coaching, he likes to spend time
golfing, fishing, volunteering with the Lions Club and with his
grandchildren Patrick and Haleigh. Editor’s note: This article was written by Jack’s daughter
VIKING | Fall 2013
viki ng N e ws — A lu m n i P r o file
Roll-ing Toward Success
(Left to right): Brian VanZelst ’04 and Russ Mareno ’04
Written by Cherilyn Barbone
istening to music while creating bold, delicious flavors of
barbecue sauce does not sound like a typical day in the office.
That’s because it’s not! Russ Mareno ’04 and Brian VanZelst
’04 truly know the meaning of living life to the fullest!
Russ and Brian founded Rock the Roll, a business that is taking
food creation to the next level. They specialize in the selling
of custom barbecue sauces while competing in local cooking
competitions in the Greater Philadelphia area. After all, what could
be better than a great barbecue with amazing friends, all while
listening to your favorite music? That’s, right – music is a big part of
the Rock the Roll experience, too!
Russ and Brian became fast friends during their freshman year
math class, when they learned they both had the same taste in music.
They instantly bonded and also discovered they had a deep love for
cars. Going to concerts and car shows became a regular occurrence
for these best friends. Going to separate colleges did not necessarily
separate these two (Russ went to Rider University and Brian to
Wilkes University). They remained close friends, attended concerts
together and visited each other when possible. One of the things they
both realized while attending college and working at local eateries
was that they also had a love for good, authentic food!
After graduating from college, Russ and Brian moved back to
Bucks County but knew that they could expand their palates even
more. They started camping across the country to find different local
cuisines and cultures. In 2011, they visited one new restaurant in
Philadelphia each month, choosing a new type of cuisine each time.
It was always part of their long-term plans to break into the food
Archbishop Wood High School
industry, but one day it just clicked!
They knew there was a way to combine their love of music and
passion for food with not just a business, but an experience. Russ
and Brian wanted their customers to feel the passion and excitement
that they felt when the idea emerged. Rock the Roll was officially
registered as a business in the state of Pennsylvania in January 2012.
The two up-and-coming entrepreneurs hosted “taste-testing” parties
for friends and family, welcoming feedback on different dishes,
sauces, and impression of their culinary creations. Not only is Rock the Roll an engaging experience for your palate
and social scene, but philanthropy is a big part of where Russ
and Brian want to take their business. After starting a barbecue
competition team and entering in various local competitions, not
only did the guys find success in the end results of the competitions,
but also decided to build a charitable element into the core of their
business. If the opportunity to play music in grammar school did not
exist, Rock the Roll would not be where it is today. Recently, music
programs in the Greater Philadelphia Area have been suffering.
They are doing everything in our power to help fix this issue. At any
of their many events, Rock the Roll will be collecting used musical
instruments that will then be donated to local music programs in
the Greater Philadelphia Area. Music has been at the core of Rock
the Roll from the beginning, which is why they want to give kids
the opportunity to find themselves through music like we did! Russ
and Brian attribute their dedication to helping the community to the
education and values they learned while students at Archbishop Wood.
As far as the competitions go, as the rookies of their very first
competition, they took first prize in the “ribs” category and second
in “pulled pork.” Michael Klein, top food critic and lead editor of
Big Band Concert
“In The Mood”
Saturday, October 26
7:30 PM • Auditorium
Tickets are $35 For tickets,
call 215-672-5050 ext. 245
viki ng N e ws — A lu m n i P r o file
Philadelphia Magazine, was one of the judges that found Rock the
Roll to be worthy of both prizes. Recently, Rock the Roll participated
in the Stephen Starr/Garry Maddox BBQ Challenge at Citizens Bank
Park, benefiting Complete 360, a charity that supports education and
development of urban youth in the Philadelphia area.
After testing many different flavors of barbecue sauces, Russ
and Brian have decided to launch their Honey Barbecue flavor, as
their initial offering. They’ve invested a lot of time in the research
and development of their signature product, finding the best local
ingredients while keeping the bold flavor that has attached itself
to their brand. In today’s health-conscious world, it’s difficult to
benchmark a product such as barbecue sauce as “healthy,” but Russ
and Brian take pride in their Honey Barbecue sauce being just 50
calories per two tablespoons. What’s next for Rock the Roll? Keep an eye out for that
signature sauce in local flea markets throughout Bucks County and
Philadelphia. They will also be selling their Honey Barbecue Sauce
at Petit Gourmand in Manayunk, a brick and mortar kitchen and
house wares boutique that will carry a carefully curated selection of
design-driven kitchen wares, cookware, and gourmet items. Don’t be
surprised if you pass your favorite store and you see that Rock the
Roll logo in the window! Russ and Brian are taking their products
to the shelves of local storefronts as we speak. Their long-term goal
is to open a restaurant in Philadelphia that will truly reflect their
personalities and continue the excitement that Rock the Roll delivers
to its customers. Music and barbecue could be the next peanut butter
and jelly. Or the next Russ and Brian.
Join Rock the Roll for the Ride on social media: www.rocktheroll.
rocktheroll_llc; [email protected]
From the Archives
Celebrating 50 Years 1964–2014
VIKING | Fall 2013
viki ng N e ws — A DVANCEMENT
Sponsor A Student: 2013-2014
Every year thousands of students are given the gift of Catholic
Education thanks to the generosity of people like you.
How does it work?
Archbishop Wood will identify the greatest tuition assistance needs
and allocate the funds accordingly to those students.
Whom does it benefit?
Students who deserve the rewards and benefits of a Catholic
Education but who need financial assistance.
I want to sponsor a AWHS student!
Name __________________________________________________________________________
Address ________________________________________________________________________
City/State/Zip ____________________________________________________________________
Phone (
Email __________________________________________________________________________
How do I contribute?
Sponsor A Student provides several levels of gifting, as well as
options for payment. Select the option from the category that best
suits you.
Sponsor Levels
Payment Methods
Contributions can be made monthly, quarterly or annually. Donors
may pay by check or credit card. Complete the attached response and
mail to:
Archbishop Wood High School
Advancement Office
655 York Road
Warminster, PA 18974
o Full Tuition Scholarship.................. $6,150
o Partial Tuition Scholarship............. $3,075
o Partial Tuition Scholarship............. $2,050
o $1,500
o $1,000
o $750
Payment methods:
Check # ________________
Please make your tax deductible gift payable to “Archbishop Wood Sponsor A Student”
Credit Card: o VISA
o MasterCard
Credit Card #:___________________________________________________________________
Name on Credit Card:_____________________________________________________________
If you have any questions, please contact
Tim Dunn at 215-672-5050 ext. 227
Archbishop Wood High School
Exp. Date: _________________ Signature: ___________________________________________
viki ng N e ws — A DVANCEMENT
Create a Lasting Memorial in
our Alumni Prayer Garden
emorialize a family member, favorite scripture, or
saying. Thank friends, alumni, faculty or corporate
donors who have helped Archbishop Wood maintain its
mission of providing a Catholic education to generations
of young people. Your message on a 9.5-by-6 inch stone
paver will be permanently displayed in the Alumni
Prayer Garden. The $150 covers the cost of the stone
and engraving and contributes to the garden’s ongoing
landscaping expenses. The stones will be highlighted at
the Memorial Garden Blessing to be held at the Alumni
Mass on Sunday, April 27, 2014. Each donor will be sent
an invitation to the Alumni Mass and Breakfast event.
For more information on this fundraising project,
contact Tim Dunn at the Alumni Center at 215-672-5050
ext. 227 or by email at [email protected]
Please PRINT exactly as you wish your
stone to read on the form at right >
Alumni Prayer Garden Stones
9.5-by-6 inch engraved stone paver: $150 each
3 lines, 15 characters per line including spaces
Personal message Line 1:
Personal message Line 2:
Personal message Line 3:
Name of brick purchaser __________________________________________________________
Address ________________________________________________________________________
City/State/Zip ____________________________________________________________________
Phone (
Email __________________________________________________________________________
Payment method: Check # ___________ Payable to Archbishop Wood High School
Credit Card:_____________________________________________________________________
Name on Credit Card:_____________________________________________________________
Exp. Date: _________________ Signature: ___________________________________________
Mail with Payment to:
Archbishop Wood High School
655 York Rd., Warminster, PA 18974
VIKING | Fall 2013
What’s New
The ’60s
The ’70s
1967 – Mary Deegan Zeccardi
celebrates her 42nd wedding
anniversary in September. She has
two beautiful grandchildren and all
three of her children are educated
and on their own.
1971 – John Ryan lives in Warminster,
PA and is a Pastor of Prison Ministry
at the Life-Abundant Ministry in
Doylestown, PA
1967 – John Lubicky is a Professor of
Orthopedic Surgery and Pediatrics at
the West Virginia University School
of Medicine. John and his wife Vicki
live in Morgantown, West Virginia.
Their four children are grown and
scattered around the country.
1977 – Ed Waddington was elected
Treasurer by the LaSalle University
Alumni Association for a two year
1978 – Jerry Lezynski was elected
Secretary by the LaSalle University
Alumni Association for a two-year term.
Class of 1982 Reunion
LaSalle University Alumni Association Board Officers include Ed Waddington ’77 standing left, and Jerry Lezynski ’78 - sitting.
H Class of 1967/68
Saturday, November 23, 2013
Radisson Northeast, Trevose
H Class of 1973
Saturday, November 9, 2013
Mike’s York Street Bar & Grill,
H Class of 1977
Saturday, November 23, 2013
Maggio’s Ballroom
at Hampton Square,
H Class of 1983
Saturday, November 30, 2013
Maggio’s Ballroom
at Hampton Square,
H Class of 1988
Saturday, October 19, 2013
Horsham Pub (Formerly
Gavin’s), Horsham
H Class of 1993
Saturday, November 2, 2013
Connolly’s Pub, Hatboro
H Class of 2003
Saturday, October 19
Steam Pub – Southampton
For information on reunions, please contact Tim Dunn at 215-672-5050
ext. 227 or [email protected]
Archbishop Wood High School
1979 – Michael Cannon and his wife
Amanda, returned from a 15-month
military assignment in Washington
D.C. Michael returned to his
engineering assignment with Naval
Air Systems Command. Michael is
also a Deputy Regional Commander
in Washington with his Navy Reserve
The ’80s
1980 – William von Leer was
inducted into the New Jersey
Scholastic Coaches/ New Jersey State
Interscholastic Athletic Association
Hall of Fame as an Athletic Trainer
in April, 2013. Bill has been the Head
Athletic Trainer at Lenape High
School in Medford, NJ for the past
24 years. He has been recognized for
his work in concussion management
and emergency preparedness at
the secondary school level, being
part of the Governor’s Task Force
on Performance Enhancing Drugs
as well as working with the Eastern
Athletic Trainer’s Association and
the Athletic Trainer’s Society in New
Jersey in various aspects. Bill lives in
Marlton, NJ with his wife Susan.
1981 – Paul Hipp has a recurring role
as Reverend Tim Tom in the ABC hit
show “The Middle.”
1984 – Debbie Black was named
Head Woman’s Basketball Coach at
Division I Eastern Illinois University.
Debbie previously was an Assistant
Coach at Ohio State University.
Class Agents needed! Please consider being a
Class Agent and represent your graduating class in the Alumni
Association. Meetings held three times a year. Come out and
join fellow alums for some fun and help advance the school.
Contact Tim Dunn, Director of Advancement, at
215-672-5050 ext. 227 or [email protected] to join.
viki ng — Wh at ’ s N ew
1987 – Tom Plefka earned a Bachelors
of Science in Business Administration
and graduated Magna Cum Laude
from Gwynedd-Mercy College.
The ’90s
1993 – Meghan McCandless Berkis
is employed by Pickering Manor in
Newtown, PA as Assistant Director
of Nursing. She lives in Langhorne,
PA with her husband Phil and their
children, Drew (6), Brynn (4) and
Reese (2).
1995 – Ray DeStephanis was the
2013 winner of the Chick Fallon
Award for Service to Soccer by
the Southeastern Pennsylvania
Soccer Hall of Fame. Ray is currently
the head soccer coach at Roman
1999 – Thomas Viviano was ordained
to the priesthood by Archbishop
Charles J. Chaput on May 18, 2013. He
is a parochial vicar at Holy Innocents
parish in Philadelphia.
The ’00s
2000 – Jason Duross has been
recognized by The Prudential
Insurance Company of America
as a member of the prestigious
Agency Distribution President’s
2006 – Margaret Marshall is
engaged to wed Jason Rousis of
Warminster. Margaret is a Doctoral
candidate in the pharmacy
program at Philadelphia College
of Pharmacy. Jason is the owner /
operator of Dialed In Auto Sports.
The couple is planning a December
2014 wedding.
2006 – Julie Ivers is engaged
to Michael Rempfer ’01. The
couple was introduced by Breinn
O’Driscoll Overturf ’04 and Kyle
Overturf ’01, who were married
in October of 2013. A May 2014
wedding is planned.
2008 – Amanda Moffa has been
selected as a Philadelphia Eagles
Connect with us online!
In Loving Memory
of Our Deceased Alumni,
Faculty & Staff
Louis Balot ’81
Michael Baxter ’68
Patrick Boyce ’73
Thomas Cassidy ’74
Katherine Schmid DiRugeris ’83
Ann Slocum Favorite ’68
Michael Franczak ’78
Steven Franklin ’91
Andrew Liebel ’73
Leslie Carroll Manes ’87
Jennifer Moonan ’87
Patricia Ferrante Nelson ’72
David Ramsey ’00
Joseph Rosboschili ’82
Keith Santiago ’94
James Suchy ’75
Justin Snyder ’91
Joan Thorrick ’77
Pasquale Troisi ’01
Alumni Class News
Please let us know any new contact, marital and/or educational
information. Mail us at: Archbishop Wood High School, 655 York Road,
Warminster, PA 18974 or email at: [email protected]
Name_____________________________________________ Class Year_ ______
Spouse’s Name______________________________________________________
Home Address______________________________________________________
City, State, Zip______________________________________________________
he Vikings have launched a facebook page www.facebook.
com/Archbishop Wood High School and twitter page Wood High School with news
items about AWHS. Students, parents and friends are invited
to become fans of our facebook page and twitter updates.
Archbishop Wood is now using Constant Contact as a tool
for communicating with you. Want to know what is happening
at Archbishop Wood? All we need from you is a current email
address. Register on our website:
Phone # Home__________________________Work________________________
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VIKING | Fall 2013
Archbishop Wood’s
50th Anniversary Gala
Saturday, April 26, 2014
Cocktails and Hors D’oeuvres: 6-7 PM
Dinner and Dancing: 7-11 PM
Join us in celebrating Archbishop Wood High School’s 50th Anniversary at your Alma Mater.
Full Gourmet Buffet, Beer, Wine, Soda and Coffee
Music and Dancing
Prizes plus a 50th Anniversary Commemorative Gift
Tickets are $65 per person. Make check payable to Archbishop Wood.
Call 1-800-321-2211 and reference
the Archbishop Wood High School
Room Block at the Courtyard by
Marriott Philadelphia Willow Grove
to make reservations at the group rate. Book directly
online at Please make room
reservations prior to the discounted group rate cutoff date
of April 5, 2014.
Archbishop Wood High School
VIKING | Fall 2013
The Annual Report of Gifts
Archbishop Wood High School, Office of Advancement
July 1, 2012 to June 30, 2013
his report gives grateful recognition to all those who made
contributions and donated their time to Archbishop Wood
High School during the 2013-14 year. The tireless work of
volunteers and generous support from donors is a testament to
the spirit of commitment demonstrated every day by members
of the Wood community. To all our supporters, your thoughtful
generosity is appreciated by everyone at Archbishop Wood
High School.
Archbishop Wood High School
As we look ahead, we embrace the 2012-2013 year, celebrate
its success, and honor all those who have helped to make our
future bright with promise.
In reports of this nature, mistakes sometimes occur. Please
accept our apologies if we have omitted or misspelled your name or
Ho n o r Ro l l o f D o n o r s
The President’s Leadership Society
Gifts received between July 1, 2012 and June 30, 2013
The President’s Leadership Society is
comprised of lead benefactors who, through
their generosity, demonstrate a commitment to
the ideals and mission of Archbishop Wood High
School. Membership in the society is open to all
individuals, companies, and foundations that make
an annual gift of $1,000 or more to Archbishop
Wood High School. Annually members are invited
each fall to a reception hosted by the President
and the Board of Advisors. We remain grateful
for the leadership support offered by all who are
members of The President’s Leadership Society.
Partners in the Mission
Leadership Circle
Viking Circle
Gifts of $50,000 and above
Gifts of $7,500 to $9,999
Gifts of $1,000 to $2,499
Joey F. Casey Memorial Foundation +
Kelly Richards 1984 ~
Maureen Abbott 1986
Charles Bennett 1969 + ~
Michael Cannon USNR 1979 ~
Presidential Circle
Philanthropic Circle
Gifts of $25,000 to $49,999
Gifts of $5,000 to $7,499
Dr. Christine Dufner Newman 1992 +
Henkels Foundation + ~
Dolores J. Beyer +
Timothy G. Fallon 1972 ~
Anonymous +
Crown Holdings
Charles Finley 1968 ~
Patricia Ann Fogel Memorial Scholarship
Edward J. Shea Scholarship Fund +
Kelly Greenberg 1985 + ~
Giuseppe Giaimo Scholarship Fund +
James W. Hirschmann 1978 + ~
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Keyes +
Michael H. Jacobs 1980 +
Joseph E. Sheridan 1970 ~
Johnson, Kendall & Johnson, Inc. + ~
Joseph Sifer 1983 + ~
John Lubicky MD 1967 ~
Principal’s Circle
Gifts of $15,000 to $24,999
Parents of Yoonjung Choi Choi +
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Hill + ~
Robert C. Olivieri Jr 1974 +
Jeannie O’Neill 1979 ~
Pfizer Foundation Matching Gifts Program + ~
Black, Green and Gold Circle
Jeffrey Plunkett 1976 ~
Gifts of $2,500 to $4,999
Joseph H. Schneider MD 1970 ~
Joesph & Cindi Callaghan 1982 + ~
Margaret Schneider + ~
Mr. & Mrs. Quentin Cole +
Paul Schneider 1971 ~
Gifts of $10,000 to $14,999
Daniel & Nancy Duffy Dufner 1988 +
BP Enviornmental Consultants Inc +
John J. Long III 1978 ~
The Richard F. Ginieczki Memorial
Perseverence Grant Fund +
Estate of Mary Agnes Jacobs +
William Sifer 1974 ~
Microsoft Matching Gifts Program + ~
Ria A. Tielman 1982 ~
Pamela Minford Charitable Foundation +
Benefactor’s Circle
The Shawn McCartney Memorial Scholarship
Fred J. Thiele Esq 1985 + ~
Joseph L. Ventresca 1973 ~
Verizon Foundation ~
Michael Wood 1980 + ~
+ Increased Gift This Year
~ Three Year Giving History
Annual Report 2012-2013 | Fall 2013
General Gift Clubs
Gifts received between July 1, 2012 and June 30, 2013
Black, Green and Gold
Gifts of $500 to $999
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Abernethy +
Bank Of America + ~
Jim Brennan Jr 1970 ~
CLASS OF ’92 1992 +
Vincent Cordova 1985 ~
Alice Ann Dachowski MD 1973 ~
Mark E. Delowery DO MP 1975 +
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Ginieczki + ~
Heritage Creek + ~
Gregory Kirk 1969 ~
Mary Crane Koch 1971 ~
Tex Kund 1974 ~
Andrew & Kelly Lafond 1982 + ~
Robert L. Lawler Jr. 1978
Gerald Lee CPA 1969 +
Lehigh Gas Corporation +
Jerome Lezynski 1978 ~
Patricia Markham 1972 +
Frank McHugh 1972 ~
MMC Matching Gifts Program
Helen Murphy 1969 +
Nativity Bands LLC +
John R. Pollock 1968 +
PPL Matching Gifts
Regina T. Price + ~
Jessica Pritchard 1992 + ~
Marylou Rainone DO 1981 +
John Reddan +
Robert Schmidt 1975 ~
Jerome S. Szpila 1967 + ~
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Tarnawski +
The Mary Brooks Crawford Scholarship
Fund ~
John & Jane Tomaszewski MD 1969 ~
Jonathan Tyburski 1998 ~
Viking Club
Gifts of $250 to $499
Michael Boedewig CPA 1988 ~
Robert E. Bolger + ~
Edward J. Boscola 1980 ~
George Coleman 1969
Mary Conway-Sweeney 1984 ~
Marcia A. Cooper +
Joseph & Mary Jester D’Alonzo 1979 +
Lorrie Dodig Esq 1979 +
Timothy P. Dunn 1972 ~
Kenneth Farabee 1980 ~
Edward & Mary Ann Fitzpatrick 1967 ~
Jeanne Frank 1980 ~
Timothy Green 1995
Thomas A. Haggerty 1974
Michael R. Hirschmann 1987 +
Mark A. Kearney Esq 1980 +
Matthew Kearney 1976 ~
Thomas Kenney III 1995
Roger Kirk 1973 ~
Joseph Lentz 1973 ~
Carol L. Lynch CPA 1979 ~
Anthony Malandra 1984 ~
Edward McCormick 1981 ~
Michelle McFarlane 1973 + ~
James McMaster Esq 1971 ~
Mary Wagner Mease 1981 ~
John & Maureen Menarde 1986
Vincent Muller 1967 +
Donna Neiley 1980 ~
Sharon O’Brien 1993 ~
Oteris Gold Ltd. +
Joseph Pasquarella 1968 ~
Catherine M. Price OTR 1973 ~
Leo Quinn III 1975 +
Radian Guaranty Inc. ~
Michael Rose 1973 +
Stephen Schlussel 1981 +
Joseph Schmidt 1990 ~
Steven Smith +
Subaru Of America Foundation, Inc. + ~
The Makoid Family ~
The Vanguard Group Foundation
Ronald Triolo PhD 1976 +
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Troy + ~
Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Visco ~
Catherine Voit Esq. 1975 ~
Edward & Kathleen Waddington CPA 1977 +
Century Club
Gifts of $100 to $249
Diane Keen Abbott 1974
Brian Adamsky 1978
Aetna Foundation
Christopher J. Barbier 1988 +
Daniel M. Bateman 1980 +
Christina Bednarz 1996 +
Jesse Birks 1972 ~
Adele Bissonette 1969 +
Gerald J. Boggs 1975 +
Michael J. Boland 1974 +
Kathleen Bonner 1971 ~
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Bowren +
Mr. & Mrs. John Boyle +
Margaret Braun 1974 + ~
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Brittingham +
Robert J. Brown 1988 +
Francis Brulenski CPA 1979 ~
Marybeth Cahill 1976 ~
Campbell Soup Foundation +
Linda Cantwell 1977 +
Roberta Carroll 1972 ~
David C. Celano 1972 ~
Christopher S. Havers Construction, Inc. +
Mr. & Mrs. Mario Ciabarra ~
Dr. Frederick & Jean Ciao ~
Ellener Clark 1971 ~
Margaret Clark 1977 ~
Paul Coady MD 1973 ~
Michael A. Coakley CPA 1984 ~
Angela Connolly 1990 ~
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Cooper +
James Corcoran 1975
Timothy Corcoran 1974 ~
Michelle Costo 1994 ~
Archbishop Wood High School
Peter Cotter 1967 +
Robert J. Crostarosa 1970
James J. Cunningham 1969 ~
Mr. Michael F. Czerwonka 2011 +
Thomas Degnan 1989 ~
Linda Delp 1991 +
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Deni +
Joseph DeRita +
James A. DiGuiseppe 1992 ~
John Donohue 1987
Michael Donohue 1979
James Donovan 1978 +
Walter E. Donovan +
Paul Drakeley 1990
Mr. & Mrs. James Drumm
David J. Dryden 1986 +
Jennifer Duffy Annulis 1992 ~
Thomas R. Dugan 2002 + ~
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Dutkiewicz +
Joseph Ellis 1973 +
Emerald Lighting of NJ +
Michael Faherty 1981 ~
Karen Fein 1970 ~
Michael Fitzpatrick 1976 ~
David Flood +
Victoria Flood 1973 ~
Frank V. Radomski & Sons, Inc. +
Mr. & Mrs. William Fucich +
Thomas Galie
Charles Gartenmayer 1971 +
Joseph and Julia Fox Gerlach 2003
Joanne Gilmore 1970 ~
John A. Gilmore 1967
Michael J. Ginieczki +
J. William & Gina Ward Gordon 1990 + ~
Mrs. Joseph Greenberg ~
James Gross 1968 + ~
Michael Gussin 1981 ~
Joanna Haneman +
Steve Happ 1981 +
Frank ’77 & Cynthia ’76 Weston Hart
1977 ~
Mr. & Mrs. William Hartwell + ~
Andrew Heesen 1988 + ~
Joseph E. Hill +
Diane Hoehn CPA 1975 +
Joseph Jamison 1997 +
Mr. & Mrs. Steven Jervis +
Jones Apparel Group +
Maureen A. Kahn 1972 ~
Joseph Keeler 1979 +
Erin P. Kelly 1980 ~
James & Bernadette Ceritelli Kenny
1970 ~
Stephen J. Kent 1980
Timothy Kern 1982 ~
Mary Lenore Keszler MD 1970 ~
Barbara Klotz 1969 ~
Knights of Columbus - Rev. Robert Burns
Council #13126 +
Koper Family ~
Frances Kowalski 1968 ~
Laurie Kraus Piechoski 1973 ~
Susan Kuehnle 1968 +
Maureen Kund 1979 ~
Richard Kurz MD 1973 +
Timothy Kusters 1980 ~
Mary Ann Kuzma MD 1976 +
Eric Laub 1991 +
Thomas Lee 1978 +
Claire Lezynski ~
Michael D. Lezynski 1987 +
Karen Lindgren 1971 +
Charles Long 1976 +
Marianne Long 1977 ~
Teresa Lynn 1973
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Macrone 1973
Michael Mahon 1978 ~
Gina Malandra 1982 ~
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Malatesta +
Ronald J. Manion 1973
Kathleen Maher Mansour MD 1980 ~
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Martins +
Kathleen May 1986
Geraldine McGarity ~
Thomas McGarrity 1971
James McGoldrick 1972 +
Thomas & Terry Barker McGoldrick 1970 ~
Kevin D. McKeon
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin McQuillen +
Thomas Meizinger +
William Meyer 1976
Michael Moffa 1979 + ~
Lawrence Momorella 1968 +
William & Kathy Moroney + ~
Frank Naylor 1977 +
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Nichols +
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Niederriter + ~
Robert O’Donnell 1985 ~
Patrick James & Patricia A. O’Leary ~
Patrick J. O’Leary 1992 +
Christopher O’Neill 1991
Joseph A. Papay Jr. 1970 +
Franklin & Marianne Parker 1976 ~
Pasquarello Enterprises Inc. +
Lisa Penn 1981 + ~
Mary Perri 1972 + ~
James Pignatelli 1984 ~
Kenneth Plunkett 1973
Mr. and Mrs. George Popper +
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Quaglia +
Quaker Mechanical Inc. +
Michael T. Rakszawski ~
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Rawle +
Brandi Reardon 1996 ~
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Reilly +
Norman Reilly 1974 +
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Reinert +
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Reynolds +
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Robinson +
Judith A. Rolph 1982 +
Ellen Rosen 1978 ~
Christina Rossi 1967 ~
John L. Ruggero ~
Robert Sabol 1973
Don & Sylvia Schaller ~
Richard Schmid CPA 1979 +
Gertrude Scholl ~
Elizabeth Shaeffer DDS 1974 +
Thomas Shaw 1973 +
Kathleen Sluzenski 1971 + ~
Maureen Spearing Kuhar 1984 ~
Joseph Spiecker CPA 1970 + ~
Stephen Lorenz Service Co. +
+ Increased Gift This Year
~ Three Year Giving History
Mr. & Mrs. William Stephenson ~
Jane Stoddart 1979 ~
Mr. and Mrs. Pasquale Succi +
Kevin Sullivan 1994 +
Bernard P. Sweeney 1981
Anthony M. Tarnowski 2004 ~
Raymond Tarnowski 2000 ~
Rosemarie Tarnowski 2008 ~
Tom Tawoda +
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Taylor +
Kathryn Taylor 1968
TE Connectivity +
The Prudential Foundation Matching Gifts ~
Ellen Thiele 1990 +
Linda Thorbahn 1983 + ~
Patricia Timmins 1972 + ~
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Tommassello +
Joseph & Clare A. Walicki 1983
Thomas M. Whelan 1983 + ~
Wick Fisher White +
Julie Williams 1989 ~
Michael Williamson CPA 1975 ~
Mary Ann Windmassinger 1968 + ~
Joseph F. Winning 1973 +
Areta M. Wowk PhD 1969 ~
Maureen O’Connell Yanoshik 1970
Walter Young 1968 ~
Yum Yum Donuts +
Eugene F. Zawislak 1973 ~
Mary Zeccardi 1967 +
Contributors Club
Gifts up to $99
Gregory Adamsky 1990 +
Walter Alcott
Regina Allan 1970 +
Fr. John Ames 1974 ~
Sister Joan Ames 1969 +
Sabina Baker-Tegeder +
John Barr Esq 1974 +
Bruce Beans 1970 ~
Claire M. Beatty 1975 ~
Brian & Janet Beerley +
John J. Bernhardt 1975 ~
Brett Bertolino 1996 +
Elizabeth Birks Ahl 1974 +
Charles Bisset 1973 ~
Thomas Bisset 1974 ~
Kara L. Blome 1993 +
Mary Bloom 1969 +
Mr. and Mrs. James Boligitz +
Joanne Boudreau CPA 1980 +
Rosemary Boyle 1984 ~
Michael Bryson 1979 +
Joan Cahill 1970 +
Michael Callaghan 1985 +
Mark A. Cangelose 1979 +
Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Carey +
Vincent Cataldi 1976
Frederick Cieri 1986 + ~
Rudolfo Cieri 1984 +
Robert Clark CPA 1972 ~
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Cochrane +
Matthew Connell ~
Mrs. Taffy Connolly +
Eileen Consiglio CPCM 1976 +
Keyna Crawford 1973 ~
Barbara Creighton 1977
Kevin F. Cunningham 1984
Michael Curley 1974
Karen Curran 1981
Anthony & Valerie D’Alonzo 1999 +
Mr. and Mrs. Franco D’Andrea +
Nancy Deluisi ~
Mr. and Mrs. Todd DeMent +
Angelo DeSantis 1981 +
Nicholas J. Destephanis CPA 1988 ~
Thomas Diamond Jr 1985 +
Joan DiFiore +
Mark & Maureen Clancy Donnelly 1986 +
John Dougherty 1978 ~
Maryellen Doyle 1968 +
Mary Rafferty Duaime 1970 ~
David & Clara Duff 1970 ~
Nancy Duffy 1967 ~
George & Diane Dalfo Else 1971 ~
Jennifer Engle 1993
Michael Esham 2007 +
Amy Estroff 2001 ~
James Fagan 1975 +
Janet Farrell Albany 1973
Robert Finkelston 1976 ~
James Fischler CICM 1968 ~
Mr. and Mrs. Edmund T. Gernavage
John Gibbons +
Margaret Gillis
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Gronczewski ~
Vincent Happ 1981 ~
Mr. & Mrs. David Harp
James C. Hart 1968
Jessica M. Hediger +
Joseph Hettler 1969 +
Mr. Mrs. Kevin P. Hutchinson ~
Eric John 1989 +
Carol Joscelyne 1973 ~
Patricia Juliano 1968 +
Barbara Keener 1970
Susan Kern Lyons 1973 ~
Tommy Kim +
Michael Kleinot PhD 1970 +
Edward Kohlhepp Jr 1989 +
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Lacy +
Joseph Larkin PhD 1974 + ~
Jane Lawler
Robert E. Lee 1983 +
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Leuser +
Thomas Lezynski 1981 +
Stephen J. Lomaka CPA 1977 +
David Lynch 1999 ~
William Lynch Jr 1990 +
Ms. Susan Macrone
Robert Magee 1972 +
Nancy Mahon 1985 ~
Andrew J. Martin +
Mary Statkevicz M. Mathusek 1972 ~
Jack E. Matty Jr. 1975 ~
Kathleen T. McCarthy 1985 +
Rev. Lawrence J. McElroy ~
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph McFadden ~
Julie McFadden 1988 +
Arleen McMinn 1970 +
Maureen Mealia 1984 +
Neville Mehta 1989 +
Merck Partnership For Giving +
Jeanine Miller 1985
Albert Momorella +
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Momorella +
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Momorella +
Robert Momorella +
Dennis Mood 1972 +
Susan A. Mullen 1968 ~
Christopher Murphy 1976 ~
Dominic Neitzel 1991
Mr. and Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Mark Nessel
Mr. & Mrs. William Nicholson +
Patricia N. Noga Kelly 1973
and Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Mark Noonan ~
Joseph M. Oberlies Esq 1975 + ~
Joseph Patterson 1976 + ~
Kathryn Pedicino 1999 + ~
Karl Peterson 1990 ~
Craig Petrun PhD 1974 ~
Linda Piersig 1975 +
PNC Bank +
Mrs. Pat Powell +
Patricia Powell 1974 +
Francis Preedy 1971 + ~
Alexander Prusacki 1976 ~
Barbara Quinn 1976 ~
Joseph & Theresa Rakszawski 1973 +
Thomas Rakszawski 1977 ~
Katherine Reilly 2001 ~
Kathleen Reilly 1974 ~
Kevin O. Reilly 1997 +
James Ricciardi 1967 +
Carol Rogers 1968 +
Douglas C. Rossino 1994 +
John Rufe 1981 +
William Ryder 1972 +
Lawrence Senour 1983 ~
Joseph Senulis 1973 +
Mr. and Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Rush Sherman
Mr. Christopher A. Sikora 2012 +
Meg Skillman 1982 +
Mr. & Mrs.James J. Slover ~
Nancy M. Snyder-Stoehr RDH 1972 +
Jane Staats 1976 ~
Timothy Stawski 1990 +
Dianne M. Stout 1994 +
Kathleen Streett 1973 +
Linda Scott K. Sunchych 1967 +
Charles & Celestine Taylor Jr 1975 ~
Andrew Thiers 1979 + ~
Edward Thiers Jr 1968 +
Lawrence P. Timko 1967 ~
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Tofani +
Mrs. Barbara Tomaszewski ~
Nick Townsend 2002 +
U.S. Bancorp Foundation +
Thomas E. Utermark +
Sandra Van Horn 1968 +
Paul J. Wagner 1988 +
Mrs. Colleen K. Walsh +
Eileen Walters 1979 +
Marion Wedo 1972
Francis J. Weiss +
Francis & Agnes Thunquist White 1968 ~
Janeen White 1972 ~
Rosemary White +
Brian Williamson 1979 +
Charles A. Wilson 1975
Diane Wolfe 1972 ~
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Woodring + ~
John Wuko 1985 +
John S. Wutzer PE 1983 +
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Zearfaus +
Special Thanks to the Volunteers in
the Advancement/Alumni Office
Thank you for your time and patience, especially to: Joe Velten, Sister Maryanna Baranoski and Patty Roschetz.
Mrs. Audrey Oyer - The Viking Fund
Carly Noonan ’14 - The Viking Magazine
Thanks to all the students who gave up their study periods to
stuff and label envelopes for reunions.
Annual Report 2012-2013 | Fall 2013
Alumni Giving
Gifts received between July 1, 2012 and June 30, 2013
The following alumni made gifts
to Archbishop Wood High Schoool
and are listed by class and giving
Class of 1967
Total Giving: $3,935
Class Donors: 12
Class Participation: 6%
Viking Circle
Black, Green and Gold Club
Viking Circle
Gifts of $500 to $999
Gifts of $1,000 to $2,499
Gifts up to $99
Jim Brennan Jr ~
Timothy G. Fallon ~
Maryellen Doyle +
James Fischler CICM ~
James C. Hart
Patricia Juliano +
Susan A. Mullen ~
Carol Rogers +
Edward Thiers Jr +
Sandra Van Horn +
Francis & Agnes Thunquist White ~
Century Club
Black, Green and Gold Club
Gifts of $100 to $249
Gifts of $500 to $999
Robert J. Crostarosa
Karen Fein ~
Joanne Gilmore ~
James & Bernadette Ceritelli Kenny ~
Mary Lenore Keszler MD ~
Thomas & Terry Barker McGoldrick ~
Joseph A. Papay Jr. +
Joseph Spiecker CPA + ~
Maureen O’Connell Yanoshik
Patricia Markham +
Frank McHugh ~
Contributors Club
Jesse Birks ~
Roberta Carroll ~
David C. Celano ~
Maureen A. Kahn ~
James McGoldrick +
Mary Perri + ~
Patricia Timmins + ~
Walter Young ~
Contributors Club
Gifts of $1,000 to $2,499
John Lubicky MD ~
Class of 1969
Black, Green and Gold Club
Jerome S. Szpila + ~
Total Giving: $29,785
Class Donors: 14
Class Participation: 4%
Viking Club
Presidential Circle
Gifts of $500 to $999
Gifts of $250 to $499
Gifts of $25,000 to $49,999
Edward & Mary Ann Fitzpatrick ~
Vincent Muller +
Anonymous +
Century Club
Gifts of $1,000 to $2,499
Gifts of $100 to $249
Charles Bennett + ~
Peter Cotter +
John A. Gilmore
Christina Rossi ~
Mary Zeccardi +
Black, Green and Gold Club
Contributors Club
Gifts up to $99
Nancy Duffy ~
James Ricciardi +
Linda Scott K. Sunchych +
Lawrence P. Timko ~
Viking Circle
Gifts of $500 to $999
Gregory Kirk ~
Gerald Lee CPA +
Helen Murphy +
John & Jane Tomaszewski MD ~
Viking Club
Gifts of $250 to $499
George Coleman
Century Club
Class of 1968
Total Giving: $2,895
Class Donors: 19
Class Participation: 6%
Viking Circle
Gifts of $1,000 to $2,499
Charles Finley ~
Black, Green and Gold Club
Gifts of $500 to $999
Gifts of $100 to $249
Adele Bissonette +
James J. Cunningham ~
Barbara Klotz ~
Areta M. Wowk PhD ~
Contributors Club
Gifts up to $99
Sister Joan Ames +
Mary Bloom +
Joseph Hettler +
John R. Pollock +
Viking Club
Gifts of $250 to $499
Joseph Pasquarella ~
Century Club
Gifts of $100 to $249
James Gross + ~
Frances Kowalski ~
Susan Kuehnle +
Lawrence Momorella +
Kathryn Taylor
Mary Ann Windmassinger + ~
Class of 1970
Total Giving: $8,400
Class Donors: 20
Class Participation: 6%
Philanthropic Circle
Gifts of $5,000 to $7,499
Joseph E. Sheridan ~
Viking Circle
Gifts of $1,000 to $2,499
Joseph H. Schneider MD ~
Archbishop Wood High School
Gifts up to $99
Regina Allan +
Bruce Beans ~
Joan Cahill +
Mary Rafferty Duaime ~
David & Clara Duff ~
Barbara Keener
Michael Kleinot PhD +
Arleen McMinn +
Class of 1971
Total Giving: $3,085
Class Donors: 11
Class Participation: 3%
Viking Circle
Gifts of $1,000 to $2,499
Viking Club
Gifts of $250 to $499
Timothy P. Dunn ~
Century Club
Gifts of $100 to $249
Contributors Club
Gifts up to $99
Robert Clark CPA ~
Matthew Connell ~
Robert Magee +
Mary Statkevicz M. Mathusek ~
Dennis Mood +
William Ryder +
Nancy M. Snyder-Stoehr RDH +
Marion Wedo
Janeen White ~
Diane Wolfe ~
Paul Schneider ~
Black, Green and Gold Club
Gifts of $500 to $999
Mary Crane Koch ~
Viking Club
Gifts of $250 to $499
James McMaster Esq ~
Century Club
Gifts of $100 to $249
Kathleen Bonner ~
Ellener Clark ~
Charles Gartenmayer +
Karen Lindgren +
Thomas McGarrity
Kathleen Sluzenski + ~
Contributors Club
Gifts up to $99
George & Diane Dalfo Else ~
Francis Preedy + ~
Class of 1973
Total Giving: $4,679
Class Donors: 29
Class Participation: 11%
Viking Circle
Gifts of $1,000 to $2,499
Joseph L. Ventresca ~
Black, Green and Gold Club
Gifts of $500 to $999
Alice Ann Dachowski MD ~
Viking Club
Gifts of $250 to $499
Roger Kirk ~
Joseph Lentz ~
Michelle McFarlane + ~
Catherine M. Price OTR ~
Michael Rose +
Century Club
Gifts of $100 to $249
Class of 1972
Total Giving: $3,770
Class Donors: 21
Class Participation: 6%
Paul Coady MD ~
Joseph Ellis +
Victoria Flood ~
Laurie Kraus Piechoski ~
Richard Kurz MD +
+ Increased Gift This Year
~ Three Year Giving History
Teresa Lynn
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Macrone
Ronald J. Manion
Kenneth Plunkett
Robert Sabol
Thomas Shaw +
Joseph F. Winning +
Eugene F. Zawislak ~
Contributors Club
Gifts up to $99
Charles Bisset ~
Keyna Crawford ~
Janet Farrell Albany
Carol Joscelyne ~
Susan Kern Lyons ~
Patricia N. Noga Kelly
Joseph & Theresa Rakszawski +
Joseph Senulis +
Kathleen Streett +
Class of 1974
Total Giving: $5,410
Class Donors: 19
Class Participation: 5%
Black, Green and Gold Circle
Black, Green and Gold Club
Viking Club
Century Club
Gifts of $500 to $999
Gifts of $250 to $499
Gifts of $100 to $249
Mark E. Delowery DO MP +
Robert Schmidt ~
Edward & Kathleen Waddington CPA +
Viking Club
Gifts of $100 to $249
Francis Brulenski CPA ~
Michael Donohue
Joseph Keeler +
Maureen Kund ~
Michael Moffa + ~
Richard Schmid CPA +
Jane Stoddart ~
Gifts of $250 to $499
Leo Quinn III +
Catherine Voit Esq. ~
Century Club
Gifts of $100 to $249
Gerald J. Boggs +
James Corcoran
Diane Hoehn CPA +
Michael Williamson CPA ~
Contributors Club
Claire M. Beatty ~
John J. Bernhardt ~
James Fagan +
Jack E. Matty Jr. ~
Joseph M. Oberlies Esq + ~
Linda Piersig +
Charles & Celestine Taylor Jr ~
Charles A. Wilson
William Sifer ~
Class of 1976
Viking Circle
Total Giving: $3,215
Class Donors: 17
Class Participation: 6%
Robert C. Olivieri Jr +
Black, Green and Gold Club
Gifts of $500 to $999
Tex Kund ~
Viking Club
Gifts of $250 to $499
Thomas A. Haggerty
Century Club
Gifts of $100 to $249
Diane Keen Abbott
Michael J. Boland +
Margaret Braun + ~
Timothy Corcoran ~
Norman Reilly +
Elizabeth Shaeffer DDS +
Contributors Club
Gifts up to $99
Fr. John Ames ~
John Barr Esq +
Elizabeth Birks Ahl +
Thomas Bisset ~
Michael Curley
Joseph Larkin PhD + ~
Craig Petrun PhD ~
Patricia Powell +
Kathleen Reilly ~
Class of 1975
Total Giving: $2,465
Class Donors: 16
Class Participation: 5%
Linda Cantwell +
Margaret Clark ~
Frank ’77 & Cynthia ’76 Weston Hart ~
Marianne Long ~
Frank Naylor +
Contributors Club
Gifts up to $99
Contributors Club
Barbara Creighton
Stephen J. Lomaka CPA +
Thomas Rakszawski ~
Michael Bryson +
Mark A. Cangelose +
Andrew Thiers + ~
Eileen Walters +
Brian Williamson +
Class of 1978
Class of 1980
Total Giving: $8,350
Class Donors: 10
Class Participation: 3%
Total Giving: $4,425
Class Donors: 13
Class Participation: 3%
Black, Green and Gold Circle
Viking Circle
Gifts up to $99
Gifts up to $99
Gifts of $2,500 to $4,999
Gifts of $1,000 to $2,499
Century Club
Viking Circle
Gifts of $1,000 to $2,499
Jeffrey Plunkett ~
Gifts of $2,500 to $4,999
Gifts of $1,000 to $2,499
John J. Long III ~
Michael H. Jacobs +
Michael Wood + ~
Viking Circle
Gifts of $1,000 to $2,499
James W. Hirschmann + ~
Viking Club
Gifts of $250 to $499
Robert L. Lawler Jr.
Jerome Lezynski ~
Edward J. Boscola ~
Kenneth Farabee ~
Jeanne Frank ~
Mark A. Kearney Esq +
Donna Neiley ~
Century Club
Century Club
Black, Green and Gold Club
Gifts of $500 to $999
Gifts of $100 to $249
Gifts of $100 to $249
Brian Adamsky
James Donovan +
Thomas Lee +
Michael Mahon ~
Ellen Rosen ~
Daniel M. Bateman +
Erin P. Kelly ~
Stephen J. Kent
Timothy Kusters ~
Kathleen Maher Mansour MD ~
Marybeth Cahill ~
Michael Fitzpatrick ~
Mary Ann Kuzma MD +
Charles Long +
William Meyer
Franklin & Marianne Parker ~
Contributors Club
Contributors Club
Contributors Club
Total Giving: $17,820
Class Donors: 17
Class Participation: 4%
Total Giving: $2,015
Class Donors: 14
Class Participation: 3%
Principal’s Circle
Black, Green and Gold Club
Viking Club
Gifts of $250 to $499
Matthew Kearney ~
Ronald Triolo PhD +
Century Club
Gifts of $100 to $249
Gifts up to $99
Vincent Cataldi
Eileen Consiglio CPCM +
Robert Finkelston ~
Christopher Murphy ~
Joseph Patterson + ~
Alexander Prusacki ~
Barbara Quinn ~
Jane Staats ~
Class of 1977
Total Giving: $1,150
Class Donors: 9
Class Participation: 3%
Gifts up to $99
Gifts up to $99
John Dougherty ~
Joanne Boudreau CPA +
Class of 1979
Class of 1981
Gifts of $15,000 to $24,999
Gifts of $500 to $999
Jeannie O’Neill ~
Marylou Rainone DO +
Viking Circle
Viking Club
Gifts of $1,000 to $2,499
Gifts of $250 to $499
Michael Cannon USNR ~
Edward McCormick ~
Mary Wagner Mease ~
Stephen Schlussel +
Viking Club
Gifts of $250 to $499
Joseph & Mary Jester D’Alonzo +
Lorrie Dodig Esq +
Carol L. Lynch CPA ~
Century Club
Gifts of $100 to $249
Michael Faherty ~
Michael Gussin ~
Steve Happ +
Lisa Penn + ~
Bernard P. Sweeney
Annual Report 2012-2013 | Fall 2013
Alumni Giving (continued)
Class of 1988
Total Giving: $3,275
Class Donors: 8
Class Participation: 2%
Black, Green and Gold Circle
Gifts of $2,500 to $4,999
Daniel & Nancy Duffy Dufner +
Viking Club
Gifts of $250 to $499
Michael Boedewig CPA ~
Century Club
Gifts of $100 to $249
Christopher J. Barbier +
Robert J. Brown +
Andrew Heesen + ~
Contributors Club
Contributors Club
Century Club
Gifts up to $99
Gifts up to $99
Gifts of $100 to $249
Karen Curran
Angelo DeSantis +
Vincent Happ ~
Thomas Lezynski +
John Rufe +
Robert E. Lee +
Lawrence Senour ~
John S. Wutzer PE +
Robert O’Donnell ~
Class of 1982
Total Giving: $9,900
Class Donors: 10
Class Participation: 2%
Total Giving: $7,500
Class Donors: 7
Class Participation: 2%
Black, Green and Gold Circle
Gifts of $2,500 to $4,999
Joseph & Cindi Callaghan + ~
Ria A. Tielman ~
Black, Green and Gold Club
Gifts of $500 to $999
Andrew & Kelly Lafond CPA + ~
Century Club
Gifts of $100 to $249
Timothy Kern ~
Gina Malandra ~
Judith A. Rolph +
Contributors Club
Gifts up to $99
Meg Skillman +
Class of 1983
Total Giving: $5,545
Class Donors: 7
Class Participation: 2%
Philanthropic Circle
Gifts of $5,000 to $7,499
Joseph Sifer + ~
Century Club
Gifts of $100 to $249
Linda Thorbahn + ~
Joseph & Clare A. Walicki
Thomas M. Whelan + ~
Class of 1984
Contributors Club
Kelly Richards ~
Viking Club
Gifts of $250 to $499
Michael Callaghan +
Thomas Diamond Jr +
Nancy Mahon ~
Kathleen T. McCarthy +
Jeanine Miller
John Wuko +
Class of 1986
Total Giving: $1,646
Class Donors: 6
Class Participation: 1%
Viking Circle
Century Club
Maureen Abbott
Michael A. Coakley CPA ~
James Pignatelli ~
Maureen Spearing Kuhar ~
Gifts of $1,000 to $2,499
Viking Club
Gifts of $250 to $499
John & Maureen Menarde
Contributors Club
Century Club
Gifts up to $99
Gifts of $100 to $249
Rosemary Boyle ~
Rudolfo Cieri +
Kevin F. Cunningham
Maureen Mealia +
David J. Dryden +
Kathleen May
Contributors Club
Gifts up to $99
Class of 1985
Frederick Cieri + ~
Mark & Maureen Clancy Donnelly +
Total Giving: $4,290
Class Donors: 10
Class Participation: 3%
Class of 1987
Viking Circle
Gifts of $1,000 to $2,499
Kelly Greenberg + ~
Fred J. Thiele Esq + ~
Black, Green and Gold Club
Gifts of $500 to $999
Vincent Cordova ~
Nicholas J. Destephanis CPA ~
Julie McFadden +
Paul J. Wagner +
Class of 1989
Total Giving: $425
Class Donors: 5
Class Participation: 1%
Century Club
Gifts of $100 to $249
Mary Conway-Sweeney ~
Anthony Malandra ~
Gifts of $100 to $249
Gifts up to $99
Gifts up to $99
Leadership Circle
Gifts of $7,500 to $9,999
Contributors Club
Total Giving: $500
Class Donors: 3
Class Participation: 1%
Viking Club
Gifts of $250 to $499
Thomas Degnan ~
Julie Williams ~
Contributors Club
Gifts up to $99
Eric John +
Edward Kohlhepp Jr +
Neville Mehta +
Class of 1990
Total Giving: $970
Class Donors: 9
Class Participation: 3%
Viking Club
Gifts of $250 to $499
Joseph Schmidt ~
Century Club
Gifts of $100 to $249
Angela Connolly ~
Paul Drakeley
J. William & Gina Ward Gordon + ~
Ellen Thiele +
Contributors Club
Gifts up to $99
Gregory Adamsky +
William Lynch Jr +
Karl Peterson ~
Timothy Stawski +
Michael R. Hirschmann +
Century Club
Gifts of $100 to $249
John Donohue
Michael D. Lezynski +
Archbishop Wood High School
+ Increased Gift This Year
~ Three Year Giving History
Class of 1991
S ave t he Dat e
Total Giving: $360
Class Donors: 4
Class Participation: 1%
Young Alumni Christmas Gathering
For the Classes of 2008-2013 • Friday, December 20 • At AWHS
Century Club
More details to follow.
Gifts of $100 to $249
Linda Delp +
Eric Laub +
Christopher O’Neill
Class of 1995
Class of 2000
Class of 2005
Total Giving: $500
Class Donors: 2
Class Participation: 1%
Total Giving: $100
Class Donors: 1
Class Participation: 1%
Total Giving: $30
Class Donors: 2
Class Participation: 1%
Viking Club
Century Club
Contributors Club
Gifts of $250 to $499
Gifts of $100 to $249
Gifts up to $99
Total Giving: $2,300
Class Donors: 6
Class Participation: 2%
Timothy Green
Thomas Kenney III
Raymond Tarnowski ~
Jessica M. Hediger +
Andrew J. Martin +
Viking Circle
Class of 1996
Contributors Club
Gifts up to $99
Dominic Neitzel
Class of 1992
Gifts of $1,000 to $2,499
Dr. Christine Dufner Newman +
Black, Green and Gold Club
Gifts of $500 to $999
Class of ’92 +
Jessica Pritchard + ~
Century Club
Gifts of $100 to $249
Total Giving: $350
Class Donors: 3
Class Participation: 2%
Century Club
Gifts of $100 to $249
Christina Bednarz +
Brandi Reardon ~
Contributors Club
Class of 2001
Total Giving: $100
Class Donors: 2
Class Participation: 1%
Contributors Club
Gifts up to $99
Amy Estroff ~
Katherine Reilly ~
Class of 2006
Total Giving: $200
Class Donors: 1
Class Participation: 1%
Century Club
Gifts of $100 to $249
Joanna Haneman +
Class of 2002
Class of 2007
Total Giving: $150
Class Donors: 2
Class Participation: 1%
Total Giving: $25
Class Donors: 1
Class Participation: 1%
Class of 1997
Century Club
Contributors Club
Total Giving: $350
Class Donors: 3
Class Participation: 1%
Total Giving: $120
Class Donors: 2
Class Participation: 1%
Gifts of $100 to $249
Gifts up to $99
Thomas R. Dugan + ~
Michael Esham +
Viking Club
Century Club
Gifts up to $99
James A. DiGuiseppe ~
Jennifer Duffy Annulis ~
Patrick J. O’Leary +
Class of 1993
Gifts of $250 to $499
Sharon O’Brien ~
Contributors Club
Gifts up to $99
Kara L. Blome +
Jennifer Engle
Class of 1994
Total Giving: $245
Class Donors: 4
Class Participation: 2%
Gifts up to $99
Brett Bertolino +
Gifts of $100 to $249
Contributors Club
Gifts up to $99
Kevin O. Reilly +
Century Club
Gifts of $100 to $249
Joseph and Julia Fox Gerlach
Black, Green and Gold Club
Class of 2004
Jonathan Tyburski ~
Douglas C. Rossino +
Dianne M. Stout +
Total Giving: $100
Class Donors: 1
Class Participation: 1%
Total Giving: $500
Class Donors: 1
Class Participation: 1%
Gifts of $100 to $249
Gifts up to $99
Class of 2003
Class of 1998
Gifts of $500 to $999
Contributors Club
Nick Townsend +
Joseph Jamison +
Century Club
Michelle Costo ~
Kevin Sullivan +
Contributors Club
Class of 1999
Total Giving: $160
Class Donors: 3
Class Participation: 1%
Contributors Club
Gifts up to $99
Anthony & Valerie D’Alonzo +
David Lynch ~
Kathryn Pedicino + ~
Total Giving: $350
Class Donors: 3
Class Participation: 1%
Class of 2008
Total Giving: $100
Class Donors: 1
Class Participation: 1%
Century Club
Gifts of $100 to $249
Rosemarie Tarnowski ~
Class of 2011
Total Giving: $200
Class Donors: 1
Class Participation: 1%
Century Club
Gifts of $100 to $249
Michael F. Czerwonka +
Century Club
Gifts of $100 to $249
Walter E. Donovan +
Michael T. Rakszawski ~
Anthony M. Tarnowski ~
Class of 2012
Total Giving: $50
Class Donors: 1
Class Participation: 1%
Contributors Club
Gifts up to $99
Christopher A. Sikora +
Annual Report 2012-2013 | Fall 2013
Student volunteers man the phones for the
Annual Viking Fund Phonathon last March.
Current Parents &
Parents of Alumni
Gifts received between July 1, 2012 and June 30, 2013
We remain so very grateful to our parents who actively support our mission here at Archbishop Wood. In addition to fulfilling their tuition
obligations, many current parents volunteer in the Parents Association, booster clubs, in the athletic and fine arts departments as well as in the
Advancement Office. Over 20% have donated this year which enables Wood to continued being one of the top schools in the area. We are also
grateful to the Parents of Alumni who continue to support Wood even though their children have graduated.
Philanthropic Circle
Gifts of $5,000 to $7,499
Black, Green and Gold
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Keyes +
Gifts of $500 to $999
Black, Green and Gold
Mr. & Mrs. Scott Abernethy +
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Ginieczki + ~
Mr. & Mrs. Walter Tarnawski +
Gifts of $2,500 to $4,999
Viking Club
Mr. & Mrs. Quentin Cole +
Gifts of $250 to $499
Viking Circle
Robert Bolger + ~
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Troy + ~
Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Visco ~
Gifts of $1,000 to $2,499
Margaret Schneider + ~
Century Club
Gifts of $100 to $249
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Bowren +
Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. John Boyle +
Archbishop Wood High School
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Brittingham +
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Cooper +
Mr. & Mrs. Henry Deni +
Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. James Drumm
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Dutkiewicz +
Koper Family ~
Maureen Spearing Kuhar ~
Claire Lezynski ~
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Malatesta +
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Martins +
Geraldine McGarity ~
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin McQuillen +
Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Nichols +
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Niederriter + ~
Mr. & Mrs. George Popper +
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Quaglia +
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Rawle +
Mr. & Mrs. Carl Reinert +
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Reynolds +
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Robinson +
Don & Sylvia Schaller ~
Gertrude Scholl ~
Mr. & Mrs. Pasquale Succi +
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Taylor +
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Tommassello +
Contributors Club
Gifts up to $99
Mr. & Mrs. James Boligitz +
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Cochrane +
Mrs. Taffy Connolly +
Mr. & Mrs. Franco D’Andrea +
Mr. & Mrs. Todd DeMent +
Mr. & Mrs. Edmund T. Gernavage
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Gronczewski ~
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Leuser +
Ms. Susan Macrone
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph McFadden ~
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Nessel
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Noonan ~
Mrs. Pat Powell +
Mr. & Mrs. Rush Sherman
Mr. & Mrs. Ed Tofani +
Mrs. Barbara Tomaszewski ~
Mrs. Colleen K. Walsh +
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Woodring + ~
+ Increased Gift This Year
~ Three Year Giving History
Friends of Archbishop Wood
Gifts received between July 1, 2012 and June 30, 2013
At Archbishop Wood, our “friends” are those individuals who have come to Wood as neighbors, extended family, connecting with a student, or from
their belief in Catholic education. Over $220,000 has been contributed by our Friends for the 2012-13 school year and we are so grateful for their
presence in our community.
Partners in the Mission
Philanthropic Circle
Gifts of $50,000 and above
Gifts of $5,000 to $7,499
Joey F. Casey Memorial Foundation +
Dolores J. Beyer +
Crown Holdings
Edward J. Shea Scholarship Fund +
Giuseppe Giaimo Scholarship Fund +
Presidential Circle
Gifts of $25,000 to $49,999
Henkels Foundation + ~
Patricia Ann Fogel Memorial Scholarship
Principal’s Circle
Gifts of $15,000 to $24,999
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Hill + ~
Pamela Minford Charitable Foundation +
Benefactor’s Circle
Gifts of $10,000 to $14,999
BP Enviornmental Consultants Inc +
Estate of Mary Agnes Jacobs +
Microsoft Matching Gifts Program + ~
Viking Circle
Gifts of $1,000 to $2,499
Parents of Yoonjung Choi Choi +
Johnson, Kendall & Johnson, Inc. + ~
Pfizer Foundation Matching Gifts Program
The Richard F. Ginieczki Memorial
Perseverence Grant Fund +
The Shawn McCartney Memorial Scholarship
Verizon Foundation ~
Black, Green and Gold
Gifts of $500 to $999
Bank Of America + ~
Heritage Creek + ~
Lehigh Gas Corporation +
MMC Matching Gifts Program
Nativity Bands LLC +
PPL Matching Gifts
Regina T. Price + ~
John Reddan +
The Mary Brooks Crawford Scholarship
Fund ~
Viking Club
Gifts of $250 to $499
Robert E. Bolger + ~
Marcia A. Cooper +
Oteris Gold Ltd. +
Radian Guaranty Inc. ~
Steven Smith +
Subaru Of America Foundation, Inc. + ~
The Makoid Family ~
The Vanguard Group Foundation
Edward & Kathleen Waddington CPA 1977 +
Century Club
Gifts of $100 to $249
Aetna Foundation
Campbell Soup Foundation +
Christopher S. Havers Construction, Inc. +
Mr. & Mrs. Mario Ciabarra ~
Dr. Frederick & Jean Ciao ~
Joseph DeRita +
David J. Dryden 1986 +
Emerald Lighting of NJ +
David Flood +
Frank V. Radomski & Sons, Inc. +
Mr. & Mrs. William Fucich +
Thomas Galie
Michael J. Ginieczki +
Mrs. Joseph Greenberg ~
Mr. & Mrs. William Hartwell + ~
Joseph E. Hill +
Mr. & Mrs. Steven Jervis +
Jones Apparel Group +
Knights of Columbus - Rev. Robert Burns
Council #13126 +
Charles Long 1976 +
Kevin D. McKeon
Thomas Meizinger +
Lawrence Momorella 1968 +
William & Kathy Moroney + ~
Patrick James & Patricia A. O’Leary ~
Pasquarello Enterprises Inc. +
Quaker Mechanical Inc. +
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Reilly +
Judith A. Rolph 1982 +
John L. Ruggero ~
Stephen Lorenz Service Co. +
Mr. & Mrs. William Stephenson ~
Tom Tawoda +
TE Connectivity +
The Prudential Foundation Matching Gifts ~
Wick Fisher White +
Yum Yum Donuts +
Contributors Club
Gifts up to $99
Walter Alcott
Sabina Baker-Tegeder +
Brian & Janet Beerley +
Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Carey +
Nancy Deluisi ~
Joan DiFiore +
George & Diane Dalfo Else 1971 ~
John Gibbons +
Margaret Gillis
Mr. & Mrs. David Harp
Mr. Mrs. Kevin P. Hutchinson ~
Tommy Kim +
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Lacy +
Jane Lawler
Rev. Lawrence J. McElroy ~
Arleen McMinn 1970 +
Merck Partnership For Giving +
Albert Momorella +
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Momorella +
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Momorella +
Robert Momorella +
Mr. & Mrs. William Nicholson +
PNC Bank +
Mr. & Mrs.James J. Slover ~
U.S. Bancorp Foundation +
Thomas E. Utermark +
Francis J. Weiss +
Rosemary White +
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Zearfaus +
Annual Report 2012-2013 | Fall 2013
Special Gifts to Archbishop Wood
Gifts received between July 1, 2012 and June 30, 2013
Bequests and Planned
Many alumni and parents have
remembered Archbishop Wood in their
estate plans. This year we realized
the following planned gifts:
Estate of Mary Agnes Jacobs
Educational Improvement
tax Credit (EITC) Program
Archbishop Wood High School is
grateful to the many businesses who
have made a contribution to the
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania’s EITC
Program in support our Archbishop
Joey F. Casey Memorial Foundation
Crown Holdings
Henkels Foundation
Gifts to Scholarships
Many students at Archbishop Wood
are able to receive a quality Catholic
education because of the support of
those who made a gift to the school’s
Scholarship Program. Thank you to
those donors listed below for their
support last year.
Dolores Beyer
Class of 1982 Reunion
Crown Holdings
Giuseppe Giaimo Scholarship Fund
Henkels Foundation
Nativity Bands LLC
Edward J. Shea Scholarship Fund
Gifts to Viking
Educational Trust
Gifts to the Viking Educational Trust
Fund are most appreicated. The
Trust Fund functions as the schools
Endowment Fund and is used for
Tuition Assistance to qualified Wood
Brian & Janet Beerley
Dolores J. Beyer
Class of 1992
Nancy Deluisi
John Dougherty 1978
Charles Finley 1968
Mr. & Mrs. William Fucich
Michael J. Ginieczki
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Ginieczki
Giuseppe Giaimo Scholarship Fund
Joseph E. Hill
Microsoft Matching Gifts Program
Jeannie O’Neill 1979
Pamela Minford Charitable Foundation
Patricia Ann Fogel Memorial Scholarship
Jessica Pritchard 1992
John Reddan
Kelly Richards 1984
Margaret Schneider
Paul Schneider 1971
Steven Smith
The Mary Brooks Crawford Scholarship Fund
The Richard F. Ginieczki Memorial
Perseverence Grant Fund
The Shawn McCartney Memorial Scholarship
Edward & Kathleen Waddington CPA 1977
Marion Wedo 1972
Gifts to Sponsor a Student
Many students at Archbishop Wood
are able to receive a quality Catholic
education because of the support
of those who made a gift to the
school’s Sponsor a Student Scholarship
Program. Thank you to those donors
listed below for their support the last
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Hill
Regina T. Price
Gifts to the Robotics
The names listed below represent
those individuals, corporations and
foundations who designated their gift
to the Wood Robotics Program
Thomas Galie
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Hill
Paver Stones
The names listed below represent
those individuals, corporations and
foundations who made a gift to our
Paver Stones in the Alumni Prayer
foundations who designated their gift
to a specific program at Wood such as
the Arts, Athletics, Campus Ministry,
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Abernethy
Michael Cannon USNR 1979
Christopher S. Havers Construction, Inc.
Rudolfo Cieri 1984
Marcia A. Cooper
Mr. Michael F. Czerwonka 2011
Mr. and Mrs. Todd DeMent
Joseph DeRita
James A. DiGuiseppe 1992
John Donohue 1987
Emerald Lighting of NJ
Michael Esham
Heritage Creek
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Hill
Joseph Jamison 1997
Johnson, Kendall & Johnson, Inc.
Jones Apparel Group
Tommy Kim
Knights of Columbus - Rev. Robert Burns
Council #13126
Andrew & Kelly Lafond CPA 1982
John J. Long III 1978
Andrew J. Martin
Edward McCormick 1981
Pasquarello Enterprises Inc.
Pfizer Foundation Matching Gifts Program
Jeffrey Plunkett 1976
PNC Bank
Regina T. Price
Leo Quinn III 1975
Kevin O. Reilly 1997
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Reilly
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Reynolds
John L. Ruggero
Stephen Lorenz Service Co.
Bernard P. Sweeney 1981
The Makoid Family
Edward & Kathleen Waddington CPA 1977
John Wuko 1985
Yum Yum Donuts
Matching Gifts and
Gifts to Other Designated
Many business and corporations will
match the amount of a donation from
one of their employees or retired
employees, increasing the value of
the gift dramatically. The companies
listed her matched the donations of
to Archbishop Wood received from our
constituents: alumni, parents, parents
of alumni and friends. Please check
with your employer to see if your
company, like the companies identified
below, will match your donations
either in cash or gifts in kind.
The names listed below represent
those individuals, corporations and
Joseph Schmidt ’90
Robert J. Brown
Ellen Thiele
Walter E. Donovan
Mr. and Mrs. John Boyle
Archbishop Wood High School
Bank of America
David J. Dryden ’86
Francis McHugh ’72
Campbell Soup Foundation
Christina Bednarz ’96
Merck Partnership for Giving
Kenneth Woodring
Fred J. Thiele ’85
Vincent Cordova ’85
Pfizer Foundation
Charles Bennett ’69
Thomas Kenney ’95
Thomas Martin ’86
Edward McCormick ’81
Michael Wood ’80
Radian Guaranty, Inc.
Mary Conway-Sweeney ’84
Subaru of America
Stephen J. Kent ’80
Gerald Lee ’69
TE Connectivity
Leo Quinn ’75
The Prudential Foundation
Michael Williamson CPA ’75
The Vanguard Group Foundation
John A. Gilmore ’67
Robert L. Lawler ’78
U.S. Bancorp Foundation
Andrew Heesen ’88
Franklin and Marianne Parker ’76
Ria A. Tielman ’82
Kevin Troy
Memorial Fund Gifts
We are grateful to those donors who
are listed below who made a gift to
Archbishop Wood in memory of a loved
Gifts in Memory
Special thanks for the gifts in memory of
loves ones during the past year.
In memory of Jimmy Beyer
In memory of Fred J. Thiele
In memory of Joseph C. Brown
In memory of Ken & Keith Santiago
In memory of John T. Boyle
Gifts in Kind
Thank you to the donors below who
made an in kind gift to Archbishop Wood
during the past year.
Bailey Landscaping
Jack Walsh ’81
Brian Hirschmann ’99
Class Year Totals for 2012-13 School Year
summary of
Class Size
• To raise endowment funds to provide for financial aid support to
qualified students
• To raise capital funds to provide facilities and their endowment as
deemed necessary
• To raise restricted and unrestricted annual giving to support the
ongoing programs of Archbishop Wood High School.
Mission Statement
he mission of the Advancement Program is to obtain charitable gifts
for Archbishop Wood High School through the friend/fundraising
cycle comprising identification, information, cultivation, solicitation and
recognition of our constituencies, which include current parents, parents
of alumni, alumni, grandparents, faculty, students, friends, corporations
and foundations.
We seek support for the following initiatives:
• To raise endowment funds in order to fund our academic and extracurricular programs
Annual Report 2012-2013 | Fall 2013
Ho n o r Ro l l o f D o n o r s
Summary of Contributions (continued)
Top Ten of Participation Raised
Class Size
Wood Giving Since 2007
Top Ten of Dollars Raised
Class Size
2011-12 2010-11 2009-10 2008-09 2007-08
Top Ten of Donors Raised
Class Size
2012-13$395,677 525
2011-12$436,787 545
2010-11$373,483 442
2009-10$187,828 201
2008-09 $95,915221
Archbishop Wood High School
Five-Year History of the Wood Giving
$1,000 Donors
OCTOBER 12, 2013
Food, Draft Beer, Beer Tasting, DJ, kids games, Live Music
Featuring Philly Rock and Soul,
craft tables, and much more…
$25.00 per person (kids 10 and under free)
For information, tickets, or sponsorship,
contact Tim Dunn at 215-672-5050 ext. 227 or
[email protected] or [email protected]
Location: 655 York Road
Warminster, PA 18974
South Courtyard
TIME: 1:00 P.M.—4:00 P.M.
Number of tickets
@ $25.00 each: $________________________________________________________
$25 includes the RememberR 5K walk/run (11:00 a.m.) and Vikingfest
Archbishop Wood High School
655 York Road, Warminster, PA 18974
Phone: 215-672-5050
Permit #148
U.S. Postage
Southampton, PA
Become a fan of our facebook page: Wood High School
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Rich Kelly 5K Walk/Run
& Vikingfest
8th Grade Visitation
& Open House
October 12
November 14
Open House for
Prospective Students
and Families
Alumni Mass &
Garden Blessing
March 20, 2014
April 27, 2014
Homecoming Football
8th Grade Academic
Scholarship Exam
7th Grade Practice Exam
24th Annual Alumni
Golf Classic
October 26
December 7
April 5, 2014
May 9, 2014
Big Band Concert
featuring “In The Mood”
Young Alumni
Christmas Gathering
Classes of 2008-2013
50th Anniversary Gala
Viking Fund Concludes–
Make Your Gift Today
October 26
December 20
& After
April 26, 2014
June 30, 2014