*=i:::TERLY - Carroll County Genealogical Society
*=i:::TERLY - Carroll County Genealogical Society
CARROLL COUNTY GENEALOGICAL *=i:::TERLY HARALSON CO Jan.26. 1856 \utt OOUGLAS CO. Ocl 17 = 6 TROU FALL - 1999 THE CARROLL COUNTY GENEALOGICAL QUARTERLY BY TI-IE CARROLL COUNTY GENEALOG]CAL SOCiETY P. O. BOX 576 CARROLLTON. GEORGIA 301 17 Web Page Address - http l/members aol com/carrollgen/ VOLUME XX FALL 1999 NUI\,1BER THREE TABLE OF CONTENTS President's Lelrer 74 Offrcers 74 Paying Tribute to Tommy's Helen (Manin Famrly) 75 Some Shackelford Families The Famrry of Phrllip and Leah B.rrov! .... . . 79 . Descendants of Andrew Shadrnger 83 Bethlehem Primitive Baptrst Church l\linutes 87 lvlarriage Certificates, Carroll Co., GA, 1890 thru 1899 ... ... .. s1 The Family of Milton Rice Chambers & Georgia Ann Yates Items of Genealogical lnterest Carroll County Times, 1882 . . . .. 99 Kytles Moving '104 Correctrons 144 Pedrgfee Charls 104 Focus of Research . .. . '105 Oueries 105 CCGS [/e.nbers 106 lndex 106 The Caroll County Genealogical Socrety Carrol County Georgia membershrp dues are $20 00 per person or family, on a calendar basis (January through December) Life membershrps are not available This publicatlon rs included at no exlra cost rn the membership dues, with one copy per famrly Extra copies of lhe 1999 Quarterlies are available for $5.50 each Former rssues of the Qua.terly are available at the pnces shown on the back page of thrs issue These are ordered from the Carroll County Genealogical Society, P O Box 576 Carollton, GA 30117 Queries are published free for members of the Society; charges for queries for non-members are $5 00 for up to 100 words. This Society does not assume responsrbility for erors in fact or oprnion which may appear in ariicles furnished by its members. We will gladly correct any errors brought to our attention. CoPYnght 1999 rssN-0734-5682 -j-.2,','l' L'L-a'/ -74- Fatl, 1999 Dear Fellow Members, ln this my third message to you, I can report that our Society continues successfully. We contrnue to have well-attended meetings, which have been glven or selected by our Board members. We continue to add tg our holdings rn genealogy in the Special Collections Room of the Neva Lomason Library. lf you haven't checked there recently, I invite you to give our collections a try. As we look about us in the world of genealggy, we continually notice that more and more people are using the lnternet for their researchlng Th s leads me to the following conclusion: lncreasingly, the genealogical communiiy is becornlng divided, more or less, into three groups ln the first group are the old traditionalists who still believe the only way to do serious genealogical research is by resorting to primary sources rn llSraries and repositories of all kinds, perhaps after finding all they can frorn family merrbers who remember the old days. The second group growing enormously, consists of those who use the lnternet alrnost exclusively for what "research" they do. l\rany such genealogrsts rely on surname lists, to which they send inquines. and on which they receive replies from fellow surname-related people. A third group is made up of those who use the lnternet selectively for ihe things it can offer, such as communication with distant relatives and access to reference lists (which are increasingly being published on the Web), and to surname lists such as may be found on Rootsweb and the Famiiy History Center (LDS) lists They use these bits of information as guides to further research into primary sources for verification Thrs group will find more and more facts as more databases are published on the lnternet. I believe that a Genealogy Society such as ours should decide whrch group(s) t wishes to serve lt may be that most of us would prefer to continue to foilow traditional methods and procedures to explore our fami,y histories Others may adopt the third group's way of selective use of the electronic marvels afforded us today. I don't belleve a serious Society would elect to lean toward a group which primaily uses the lnternet. Whichever way we choose, we should in the future see lhat our programs and activaties support the choices made by most of our members and prospectlve members. Good hunting! Bill l\litchell, President CARROLL COUNTY GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY 1999 OFFICERS Presrdenl V,ce-Pres,dent Recording Secretary Corespondi.lg Secretary Asst. Corresponding Secretary . Treasurer. Asst T.easLrrer . Ouarterly Ed'tor Bill Mitchell .. Betty deVane Sandra Allen Mary Florence Word Ruth l\.4cNinch Lee Wash Jean Kytle Shifley Gardner -75The following article is in the Times-Georgian, June 13, 1999 PAYING TRIBUTE TO TOMMY'S HELEN: THE TMPORTANCE OF FArr/llly By Carol N/lartin On June 13, 1999, the descendants of Dr. FranKlin Asbury and Mary Eiizabeth O'Donnell Martin will celebrate their 50th reunion. After the deaths of their father in 1940 and therr motheln 1944. it was decided to hold a reunion annually on the second Sunday in June This year Steve and Betty I\rartin Steen and Mac and Carol Ma.tin, children of Talmage and l.ilyrtice Marttn, are hosting the reunion at John Tanner State Park The l,Iartin family has deep roots in Carroll County. Dr. Martin was born ]n 1865 in Mt. Zion, Ga., where his father, Dr. Hlcks l\4artin practiced medicine and preached the gospel. The youngest of nine children Asbury chose to follow in his father's footsteps. He attended AtJanta Eclectic College graduating at 19 years of age. It was in Atlanta that Asbu.y met and married N4ary Elizabeth "Molly" O'Donnell Since one could not obtain a license to practice rnedicine until the age of 21, the young couple moved to Kentucky where Molly's parents lrved and where Asbury operated a drugstore. They had eleven children ten of whom lived to adulthood. Their first four children were born in Jeffersonville, lnd. Their first child, Eari, died in a fall when he was eight years old. The others were l!,lae Rosalie. and Frank. Talmage, Roy, Lilarguerite, and Donald were bom in nearby Commrskey, lnd Then the young doctor moved to Tallapoosa wher Luia Clair and Helen were born. Tommy, the youngest, was born after the family located in Bowdon Dr. lvartin was known as "the baby doctor" because he delivered so many babies during his 57 years of practice. He de{tvered 16 of his olvn grandchildren as his daughters and daughters-in-law returned to Bowdon for RFD (rural free delivery). Most of the family chose to llve in Georgia Mae and Frank Setzer and their four children, Frank Jr., Unetta, John, and Lenore lived !n Atlanta Rosalie and Ed Roberts and their daughter, Dorothy, lived in Dougiasvrlle Talmage and lryrtice I\4artin and their children Mac and Sarah Betty, lived in Elberton Roy and Alice [,4artin and their children, Roy, Kenneth, and Mary Elizabeth, {ived in south Georgi6. Marguerite and Luther Johnson and their sons, Martin L and Harold |ved rn Bowdon. Lula Clair and Earnest Spradlin and their child.en, Jimmie Lou, Jacque l"1ay. and Eobbie Jean lived in Newnan Helen and J. L. Barnes and therr Qhildren, Jrrn, Joe and Peggy, lived in Tallapoosa Dunng Tommy Martin's service in the U.S. Army, he, Helen, and theu two -fom sons, and John, moved about, but upon his retirement, they settled in Conyers Donald and Elizabeth Martin and their children [Jary Elizabeth Robert. Donald Ronald, Franklin, and Earl lived nearby ln Holly Pond, Ala Frank and Pauline ll4artin and their children, Gloria and Talmage L, lived at some distance in Louisville, Ky. At this time all of Asbury's and Molly's children have died. Only the widow of their youngest, Tommy, survives. Helen Colbert Martin, $/hom we affectionately call "Tommy's Helen" to distinguish her from Heien lvlartin Barnes has become the mainstay of the family She is the repository of family information and keeps a record of attendance at the family reunions We are dedicating the 50th Martin Famriy Reunion to Helen CoJbert N4artin in love and appreciation. We are so glad that Tommy brought his Helen into our family. (lvlartin, a Carrollton resident, is active in local and governmental affairs.) Submitted by Shirley Gardner --, Lr,' )> a-/) - -) -76- SOME SHACKELFORD FAMILIES By Donnre R Shackelford 443 Avondale Rd , Montgomery, AL 36109 Ph 334-272-1243 e-mail doncon402@yahoo com Howard B. Shackelford was born ca 179311794 in Abbeville, SC. He rnamed Margaret Carlisle in 1824, in Abbeville, SC . the Lowndesville, SC. region. i\4argaret Carlisle was born in 1800, the daughter of James Jr and Margaret Boles Carlisle Her father James Carlrsle Jr, was born 23 May 1763 in Monaghan Co lreland The Ca.lisles are buried in a private cemetery in Lowndesville, SC. Howard B. Shackelford remained in Abbeville at least until the birth of his eldest child James CarlLSle Shackelford who was born in 1826, and moved sometime later to Meriwether Co . GA. Ataboutthesame time the Grant family also moved to Meriwether Co Thrs rs the same Grant famrly that Mary Shackelford, sister of Howard, married lnto William Grant's father, John. died in 1820 and ftIordecai, father of Howard Shackelford, died in 1839. Shortly aftertheir deaths, the Shackelfords Carlisles, and Grants moved into l,4eriwether Co , cA, first appearing in the 1850 Census The children of Howard B. and Margaret Cadisle Shackelford are James Carlisle, Sarah Jane, M A, E. A., and M C. A Shacklefcrd. 1. James Caflisle Shackelford, b 31 Oct 1826. rn Abbeville, SC; d 25 Jun 1915 in Carroll Co GA; rnd06 Feb 1849 in Troup Co, GA, to Margaret A. Forbes (b 25 IUar 1827, the dau of John McEver and Azubah McNeas Forbest d 06 Jun 1909, Carroll Co). Both are bur in the Carrollton City Cem. See"A below for their descendants. 2. Sarah Jane Shackelford b ca 1830 She appears in the '1850 Meriwether Co. Census as 20 years of age 3. M. A. Shackelford (posslble Mo.decai Alexander) b ca 1832 4. E. A. Shackelford (female) b ca 1833 5. M C A Shackelford (female), bca 1835 This is all I have on the children of Howard B. and l\4argaret Cailsle Shackelford They all appear in the '1850 Menwether Co Census, except for Jafires Carllsle Shackeiford, who marned in '1849 He appears in Block 1'16 of the census and Howard appears tn Block 114. Also in the household of Howard and lvlargaret Shackelford is R. Ham lton, age 28 Informatron other than that of .lames Carl sle Shackelford has been very diffrcult to I am walting for information on the 1860 and 1870 census to see if Howard Shackelford remarned in Meflwether Co. GA. I have reason to believe that he may have moved 10 Arkansas sometime after 1850. Shortly after'1850. the Grant family moved to Arkansag and about the same time a Shackelford famrly appeared obtain A. The chrldren of James C & lvlargaret Forbes Shackelford are 1. J C. Shackleford, b 1849t d 1\,4ar 1850. 2. Mary E "Nlolly ' Shackeiford, b 1852i md 20 Nov 1873 to Joseph K. Griffin See "B' below for therr descendants. 3. John Harlrn Shackleford, b 08 Aug 1854; d 20 Dec 1891: md 04 Jun 1876 to Jerusha Carrie Bonner (b 12 Sep 1858 the dau of John & Martha Upchurch Bonner, d 28 Feb 1943) John Bonner was the son of Zadock Bonner John and Jerusha are -77 - Some Shackelford Families, Cont'd. buried in the Old Carnp United i\,4ethodist Church Cem., Carroil Co. GA. I have a complete GEDcom of the Bonner famil)/. Jerusha marrred t\.r/ice after the death of John Harlin Shackelford, first to S. W Millican on 10 Jan 1901 and second to---Godbee. I am not sure what became of these last two husbands. but it is believed there were no children from these marriages. See "C" below for John Harlin's children. 4. William Alexander Shackleford, b 07 lvlay '1857 d 23 Oct 1949; md 25 Dec 1882 to lsabella Victoria Sharp (b 20 Feb 1866 the dau of Hiram Jr. & Arbell Aldrdge Sharp; d 17 Oct '1952) Hiram Sharp died in 1877 when lsabella was 11 years old Wtliam and lsabella Shackelford are bur in the Carrollton City Cem See "D" below for their children 5. Laura Lavonia Shackelford b 1860 d 1944; md 27 Dec 1883 to James Daniel Story (b 1858 the son of George W & Elizabeth Story; d 1952). The Storys are burinthe Roopville Cem, Carroll Co GA. See "E" below fo!" their children. B. The children of Joseph K. & lvlary E Shacketford Griff n are (partial 1. Lula Griffin, md --- Conner. 2. Wrlham "Wlll" Griffrn, 3. Clifford Griffin 4 listrng) md Vlrgie Haie Charles Grffin. This is all I have to date on the Gflffins Much work needs to be was provrded by Ms. Nellie Story, Carrollton, Ga. done Thrs informatlon C The children of John Harlin & Jerusha Carrie Bonner Shackelford are 1 Anna "Annie" Lavonia Shackelford, b 03 Nov 1877; d 21 Aug 1965; md 09 Oct 1894 to Custis Lee Mclendon (b 0'1 May 1871 the tenth child of lsaac Newton and Mary Anne Eliza Rowe Mclendon d 10 Feb '1923) Custis and Anna Shackelford lvlcLendon are burin theVeal Cem., Carroll Co. GA. See "F" below for their children 2. NIay Shackelford, b 28 Oct 1879; d 3'1 Jan 1969 md to Henry A. McNeil (b 09 Jul 1871 d 25 Jul 1920) 3 Young Lee Shackelford b23Jan1885; d23Sep 1926; rnd 22 Dec1905to ftIary Alice Nichols (b '11 Oct 1869] d 14 Sep 1953). 4. John Gay Shackelford b 1885; d 1940; md 17 Dec 1 05 to Fanny Lucy Lane (b 1885; d 1963) D. The children of \ /i!lia.r Alexander & lsabela Vlctoria Shafp Shacke ford are 1. James Mordecai Shackelford. b 03 Feb'1888 d 1951 Tampa, FL. ]t appears that James never mar.ied His obitLrary does not show any llving relatives lt states that "He is sl!!'vived by his mother. three brothers th!'ee sisters seve.al nephe!.vs 2 Edward "Ed" Shackelford Earnest Shackelford. Hrram Shackelford Rhoda Shackelford, md possibly to --- Deweese Emily "Emmie" Kate Shackelford, md 17 Oci 1920 to James Harlan Green. 7. lvie Gene Shackelford, b 22 Feb 1903; d 23 Sep 1932; bufled rn the Carrollton City Cem ; md H. S Miller Name unknown 3. 4. 5 6 8 , r / -,1'a -74Some Shackelford Families, Cont'd. lnformation on the preceding family and descendants ts fult of missing data. What information I have was given to me by l\rs. Nellie Story of Carroltton, GA, except for the rnformation on James Mordecai Shackelford and that came from the "Shackelford Clan Magazine" of March 1952. Within the next few weeks I ptan to visit Ms. Ne ie Story and I should learn more about the descendants of William and lsabella Shackelford E. The children of Jarres D. & Laura Lavonia Shackelford Story are '1. James Wiiey Story, b 1'1 Nov 1888; d31 Mar1971 md Dawn Moore; burin the Stripling Chapel Cem , Carroll Co., GA. See "c ' below for their children. 2 George Earl Story, b 13 Dec 1893; d 10 Mar 1970; md but soon divorced; never remaried. no descendants; served as a Private in World War lt bur in the Roopville Cem , CanollCo. GA. 3. Lela Lavonia Story, md ClaudeVeal. See ' H" below f or their chrtdren. F. The children of Custis Lee & Anna Lavonia Shackelford I\,4cLendon are 1. John Carlisle Mclendon, b 27 Jan 1896, Carroll Co. GA; d 12 Jun 1897. 2. Fitzhugh Lee Mclendon b 30 Apr 1898, CarrollCo, GA; d 07 JLrl 1899. Louis Rowe l\jlclendon, b 08 Dec '1899, Carroll Co GAi d 02 Apr 1984, somewhere in AL. 4 Annie Floy Mclendon, b 22 Aug 1903/1904?; d l3lvlay 1984 When she died she still had the last name of Mclendon, so it appears she never marned. Buned in the Veal Cem. 5 William Earnest Mclendon b 18 Oct 1906 may still be living 6. ThomasRayMcLendon,b30Octl9l'ltmaystill be living and may reside in the Brrmrngham, AL area. 7. Jerusha Mary Nell Mclendon b 22 Feb 1916 may still be living The above rnformation was provided by Virgrnra McLendon Adair, Saundra Brown, and Lee Shackelford Dates came from a book trtled, "The Mclendons of Carroll County & Related Families " A copy of the bookis intheArchrves and History, Atlanta, GA. I have no other information on the above-mentioned childr€n of the McLendons 3 G. The children of James Wiley & Dawn Moore Story are 1 JamesCliffStory d08Dec1943 never married; no descendants He served with the US Navy during World War ll, and was killed rn action Buried in the New Lebanon Cem , Carrollton, GA Nellle Story bca 1917i still livrng in Carrollton never married, no descendants. She provided the informatron t have on the Stoty famrly and some of the family of Wrlliam Alexander Shackelford 3. Rhoda Christine Story, b 26 lvlay '1920; d 18 Sep 1995 never md no descendants 2 H The children of Claude & Lela Lavonia Story Veal are 1. Ruth Veal. Alma Veal Annie Veal 4. Roselle Veal 2 3 1=',=t= Yi"l -79THE FAMILY OF PHILLIP AND LEAH BURROW Wntten by Pauline Derhak 3 June '1999 1375 W 4505 S, Taylorsville, UT 84123 (Elizabeih Light, Researcher, Ft Payne, AL) Phillip Bunow Sr. and Leah (Banks or Jones) Burrow, of North Carolina, and Wilkes and Jones Counties, Georgia, lived out the last two decades of their lives rn Carroll Co. GA, from the mid 1830's to 1853 They had at least twelve chlldren whose descendants were dispersed among the population of many Geo.gia counties, includrng Carroll Co. lt is for this reason we feel strongly about sharing a little oF what has been researched on their children. 1. Elizabeth Burrow, born 2 Feb '1791 NC. She moved with her famrly to Georgia, and married James W. Kelley in "east Georgra." They moved with their family to Coweta Co , GA, in the 1830's-1840's. They had erght children Nancy N4., Martha P., Wllliam Harrison, John Wilboum, Green Wesley, Elizabeth J. Mary lvl., and Adeline E Kelley Elizabeth died 2 Nray 1848 in Seaton Co. MS. When her father Philiip Sr died in 1853, her portion of his estate was a Negro girl, Ann, valued at $900, and was to go to her children, "she being dead." The administration papers also state. "Advancements made to Elizabeth Kelly during hrs (P8 s) lifetime To Wil one colt @ $40i one cow and calf @ $'10; cash@$250." Named in her deposition were John Carlton (Nancy's husband), John W. Kelly, and Wm. H Kelly for her inheritance of the slave Ann valued at $900, and $186.74. Elizabeth's granddaughter, Susan Kelley, married her sister Nancy Hammock's grandson, Charles James Davenport. 2. Nancv Ann Burrow, born 1794 (listed age 66 on 1860 Census) in Guilford Co, NC. She moved with her family to Georgia, and married Green Berry Hammock, according to family traditions, gqessed to have occurred between 1808 and 18'10 The place as yet is unknown, and no record has been found They had the following children possibly others: James lvl., born 1814, Green B, born 1815: Matildas, born 1816; Mary (Polly), born 18'17i Rachel Cicely, born 23 Sep 1818. and Nlartha, born ca 1820. Among the names of other chrldren mentioned as possib,ly Nancy's are Joseph T., born ca 1824; Bartlett W., born '1825i and John T , born ca 1830. However. some of these have been proven to belong to other parents Nancy was given the 202-112 actes ol Land Lot 206 ("in Tenth origrnally Ninth Dlstrict') by her father rn 1848 for her support for the rest of her life, under the trusteeship of her son-rn-law James Grllam Davenport ln her father's estate papers, following his death in 1853. is the following "Georgra Carroll County- The 8th of February 1854- An account of advancements made by Phillip Burrow to Nancy Hammock during hrs life To Wit one Negro girl 10 months old @ $50.00; one coltworih $40 00; cash $375.00 " She was found rn James G. Davenport's household during the 1860 U S Census and appears under his trusteeship in the county tax lrsts through '1861. Apparently no taxes were ievied dunng the War, and in 1866 her name does not appear on the list lt is not known when she died, but she is believed to be buried near her daughter Raohel and son-in-law James in lhe little cemetery near the Davenport homestead in Carroll County. 1797 in NC Shewas married to William McKissack about'1816. Theyhad seven children: ThomasJ.born25 lvay 1818, MeriwetherCo, 3. l\,larv Burrow, boto 22 Feb GA; Sarah Ann, born 5 Feb 1820; John Wesley, born May 1823; Nancy lvlargaret, born a. // ': '/ -80The Family of Phillip and Leah Burrow. Cont'd 12 Nov 1825, Phillip, born 21 Feb 1929; William Bird, bom 27 Aug '1832; and N.4ary B born 4 Cct 1834 ln herfatheis estate papers was the foilowing: "Advancenienis made by Phillip Burrow to Mary McKissack during his lrfe To Wit- one Negro grrl @ $300.00; onecolt@$4C.0C; onecopwandcalf @S1C.00." Hei inheritance was the Negro Fosh, valued at $700.0C and $336 74. lt is not preseniiy known about her death , Priscilla Eurrow, born ca '1799 in l.lc When about sixteen she maiiied io 'vas William Turratine in Jones Co., GA, by Gn i','lasoi'r ordained minister of the N/lethodist Episcapal Church. They hved rn Greenville, Meriwether Co , GA, and had six childrenl Emiiy,born1818; LucyW,born1320i Saly born between'1821 and'1327, l\,4adha, born 1828; Francis l\4 , boin 4 Nov 1829; and Catherine C. L., born 1833 Priscilla v,'as deceased prior to the death of her father in '1353 as his estate papers declare her so Her distributrve share was signed for by James P Kirk. The papers state: "Advancements made by Phillip Burrow Senr deceased to Wm Turrantrne's" heirs during (PB's) lifetime To Wrt- cash 5200.00; one filly @ $40 00t one cow and calf @ $10.00." Her inheitance was the slave Green valued at $300.00 and $836 74. 4. born about '1804 probably in Wlkes Co , GA. She married Reuben Phillips about 1824-25 in Coweta Co. GA. They had at least one son, Jonathan, probably bom in 1825, and a daughter. The 1840U. S Census for lvleriwether Co lists them with one daughter 15-20 years of age and one son 10 15 years old. ltwas said of them that they may have lived for a trme in Alabama. The 1850 U S Census finds them in Jackson Parish, Lguisiana, with son Jonathan A. ln her father's estate papers it statesr "Reuben Phillips and Dennis McLendon. . of the advancements made to them respectively to their wives by Phillip Burrow deceased in hrs lrfetime except small artrcles mutually agreed upon by parties concerned to be left out such as household furniture. -Signed 7th October 1853 by Reuben Phillips and Dennis McLendon." (This instrument shows that Phillip Burrow Senr. died by October. 1853 ) Sarah s inheritance was the slave Mariah valued at $300.00, and $666.74 lt is believed that Sarah died in Claiborn Parish. Louisiana about 1857. Reuben Phillips went to Basque Co , TX, by '1870. being found living with Lucy, maybe a wrfe The 1880 U S Census lists him with h,s grandsons and he dted about '89; 5. Sarah Burrow, 6 ..iohn J. Burrow, born 6 Apr 1806 Wilkes Co GA, where his famlly had moved from NC. He married Amanda F.ances Fretwell, daughte. of William Fretwell on 6 Dec '1832, in Pike Co , GA He moved to Carroll Co , where his name is recorded as an attestor on a cieed in 1837 After his mother Leah dred John's father marrted John s wife's mother. John and a l'.legro slave were sent to Mississippi to fetch her by hls father UJhen his father died in the latter part of 1853 John and his brother, William, acted as the administrators of therr fathei's estate. These papers state: "Advancements made to John J 3u"row 2O2 112 actes al land @ $250 00, one horse @ $60 00i 2 cows and calves @ 520.00." He received the Negro man Warren as hrs share of the inheritance which slave was valued at $'1 ,050.74 ln 1860-61 the husband of John's daughter Elizabeth built a large log house in Bowdon. (This house was moved to Bowdgn Junction and still stands and rs ovr'ned by Wallace Lamberi.) His son Phillip J. married Mary S l,lcKissack, daughter to his srster Lucinda l\,4cKissack. John moved to Alabama, and died there 20 Apr 1888, rn Randolph Co , the date not known by thrs writer. 81, The Family of Phillrp and Leah Burrow, Cont'd 7. William Burrow born about 1808 in Wilkes or Jones Co , GA The tamity rnoved to Pike Co. about 1825. On 3 Apr 1831 in Pike Co , he married a lady named Etiza . They moved to Carroll Co. in the early 1830's, and had seven ch ldrent Mary, bom 1835i Elizabeth Linda, born 1836; Tom Wllliam, born 1842; Martha Jane, born 1844 Phillip B , born 1846; John J., born 1849 and Leah, born 1854 Wi iam's name appears in the 184'1 Carroll Co. Tax Drgest. The 1850 U. S Cerrsus for Caroll Co lists William at age 42, farmer, wth propefry valued at 51500 and wlth flve children William was one of the admtnrstrators of his father's estate in '1854 The estate papers state: "Advancement from his father Phillip Burrow- lot of land @ $400.00; one filly @ $30.00." He inherited the slave David, valued at $'1'100 00. William's farnily moved to Alabama, and the '1879 Census shows in Randolph Co. Township P O. Blakes Ferry, William, Eliza and a daughter Leah age 16. Their sons John and Phillip were livlng nearby. lt is not known when he dred. -- 8. Leah Sewlv Burrow, born B Oct 1810. On 25 Sep 1827 she marned Dennis Mcclendon in PikeCo, cA Hewas born in HancockCo, GA, in 1803 to Travrs Mcclendon and Sarah Edmunds They had fifteen children ln 1829 theirfirst child Sarah was born; Matilda in 1832, Annie tn 1834 Travrs James in 1836; Cinthy rn 1838; Jackson "Jack" in 1840; Phrlip in 1841, who died young N4artha ln 1842, who also died young; John C , in 1845; Mary in 1847; Carmella in 1849 Dollie in 1854 Frances rn 1857: William in 1859 and Sarah in 1862 They moved in 1851 to Louisiana and settled twelve miles west of Monroe in that state ln the settlement of herfather's estate, she inherited no Negro slave but was grven a cash settlement of $806.74. See Pnscilla's account above for their advancement account, as their husbands appeared in the same depositron. All of their sons fought in the Crvil War. BothCelia and her husband Dennis died rn Forskviile, Oachita Parish. Louisiana She died rn January '1879, and he dred about 1886 9. Phillio Burrow Junr born about 1812 in Jones Co , GA He married Theresa J. Monis on 30 Apr 1832 in Pike Co , GA That same year Phillip's name was listed on the 1832 Cherokee Land Lottery, 5th District 2nd Sectlon, Lot #222 in Maddens, Pike Co He moved with his famrly rnto Carroll Co in the mid-1830's Thef eight children were l\ratrlda, born 1835: Savannah. born 1837: Phillip born 1838; SarahAnn Lucinda, born 1841t Banks, born'1842; William, born 22 l\ilay 1845 Jonathan, born 1847; and Augustus, born 1 Apr 1850. Phillip Jr was listed on the 1841 Ca.roll Co. Tax Digest in the Nrnth District and 754 Military D strict with the foliowing informarion Slaves- 1; Actes- 202112: Lol#174. Phillipdied in Carroll Co onSl\4ay1850 atage38. leaving a wife and seven children His widow Theresa (Sinah) was listed that same year on 1 Oct on the 1850 Census for the county with childred Mairlda age 1 5, Savannah 13, Phrlip 12, Sarah 9, Banks 7, William 5, Jonathan 3. and Augustine 6 months old. She was a farmer wlth $2 350 00 in real estate value lnterestingly, on this Census listing right next to her was her sister Nancy's daughter, Rachel Cicely with husband James Davenport. A legal documeni found in the Carroll Co. Courthouse stated "Teresa Burrow widow of Phillip Burrow Jr and her security James G. Davenport " dated 9 Feb '1854. Phrllip's share of his father's estate was $1057.74. The papers state that the "Advancements made by Phillip Burrow Sr during his lifetime were one lot of land @ $250.00; one horse @ $70.00i 3 head of cattle @ $15 00 ' The Family of Phillip and Leah Burrow, Cont'd. 10. Martha Lucinda Burrow, born '18'16 in GA, probably in Jones Co. She marr{ed Archibald lilcKissack on 20 Dec 1835. He was a brother to William lvcKissack who married Lucinda's srster Mary. They lived rn Meiwether Co. when their son John J. was born in 1839. Daughter lvlary S. was born 1845. William M. was born in 1845 in [It. zion, Carroll Co. Rebecca Sivoria came to them in 1851, and James P was born 23 Nov 1853 Lucinda received from herfather's estate a Negro slave named Jane valued at$425.00, and $496.74. The papers state: "Advancements made toA. McKissack by Phillip Burrow deceased: one Negro girl $400.00, two cows and calves @ $20.00, one horse @ $45 00.' Her husband was murdered by Union soldiers snd some daughters were violated. Lucinda died about 1880 in Caroll Co., about 64 years of age. . Cvnthia Burrow, born 1820, reportedly rn Jones Co , GA. She was married to lsham Helton about'1838. On 9lrar'1846, a legal document stated that'Phillip Burrow for love of his daughter SINTHA HELTON and her chrldren dufing her life, with no control by husband or husbands, to go to her children at her death deliver three negroes - into possession of William Burrow, Phillip Burrow Jr., and S. R. Wood to hold in trust." There are only tlvo or three children known for them -- Miles, age I years in 1850, Elizabeth age 7 in 1850. Cynthia was living with her brother William Burrows (Burroughs) in 1855 and lsham was in CarollCounty in 1860 listed on the Census along with their daughter Elizabeth at age 17. lt is possible they had separated. Another son was Sidney Lafayette Helton, living in Haralson Co., GA, in 1870, listed born 15 Nov I840 "somewhere in Georgia. ' The name was changed sometime from Helton to Hilton, and descendants are found under the Hilton spelling Cynthia inherited a Negro slave, Mary, valued at $800.00 frorn her father's estate as it was administered in 1854, and 5116 74 Herhusband lsham signed asoneofthe legatees. Her advancements from her father during his life inclLtded "One negro girl @ S400.00; one horse @ $50 00; two cows and calves @ $20.00 " Cynthia was living with her son Sidney Lafayette in 1865, near Kansas. GA. lt rs believed that both Cynthia and lsham are buried near Temple, in Carroll Co 1 1 We have been asked to reprint a small portion of an arhcle whtch appeared in the Summer 19Bl Quarterly This article was wltten by William Washington Merell in 1880. The spellrng and punctuation remain the same as in the original article. The mother of the writer had three brothers, Henry Farmer Chandler, Thomas and Asa. The first wrte Frances Harben. He lrved the grealest protion oi his life in Franklin County, Georgia died in Hart County, Georgra, over seventy years old had several sons-John NeMon Thomas C Morgan, Asa, several daughters, Nancy '' Martha, Mary, the other we have forgotten ThomasC. lives in Banks County, Georgia. lvlary lives near Fairplay South Carolina. some of the others rn Hart and Franklin Counties and several are gone West. Thomas Chandler lived in Carroll County, Georgia. His children mamed Thomas and Martha in Texas, Marion in Mississippi, Dorothy in Dougherty County, Georgia, Newton, N4ary Ann (Thrower), Rhoda Baskio and Harriet Baskin all live in Carroll County, Georgia. He is seventy six years old. His wife, Polly Jackson, is alive also, bgth in rather feeble health ' 1- t>-z:- ' -83- The following is taken 'kom lhe "Shadinger Family Book" by violelte Denney from which we will be publishing articles in future publications of the Quarterly These articles have been abstracted and, while they contain many interesting hlstorical events, we are publishing mainly the genealogical information from this book here in the Quarterly. Please contact Mrs. Denney to see this book in its entirety DESCENDANTS OF4NPREW SHADINGER By Violette Denney 135 Maple Hill Rd, Carrollton GA 30116 8546 Phone 770-832-067'1 'l Andrew Shadinge!'was born about 1802 and died 10 Nov 1831 He married Elizabeth Mitchell, daughter of Henry N,'litchell Andrew and Elizabeth lived in Fayette County, Georgia. Andrewdiedwhen hewas a young man. Aunt Georgia said he was cutting wood and the wind blew a tree over on him and killed him. ln about 1857 John and his mother, Elizabeth M Shadinger Jones bought 202 112 acte. on what is now Hwy 27 South. Elizabeth had married Willis Jones after Andrew Shadinger's death and Willis Jones was probably already dead before they came to CarrollCounty. ln Coweta Co., GA, an indenture was made and entered 25 July '1848 between Willis Jones and John Shadinger that for and in consideration of $150 00 to Willis Jones paid by John Shadinger a parcel of land containing 60 acres. Willis Jones probably died in Coweta Co , GA. When Elizabeth died apparently her other children were already dead because John inhented all 202 1/2 acres. The '1860 Carroll County Census shows Elizabeth Jones, age 52, female, farmer, born in South Carolina, with real estate valued at S3.000 and personal property valued at $9,600, in the Tricum District of Carroll Co GA. The children of Andrew Shadinger and Elizabeth Mitchell are: i. John Shadinger, b 06 Jun 1826 Fayeile Co . GA: d 14 Mar 1915, carroll Co., GA. 1i. William Shadinger b 1828. iii N,4ary Shadinger b 1829 2. 2. John Shadinger, the son of Andrew and Elizabetrr Shadinger. marned Frances Elenna (Ellen) Jones, 17 Dec 1846 in Coweta Co . GA ihe daughter of Tignal Jones and Mary Westbrook. The grave markerforJohn Shadinger shows CIVIL WAR VE IERAN . JOHN SHADINGER. CO I, 2 GA STATE TRP clviL wAR 1826 ' 1915 From an article in the Times Georgian, Sunday. May 19, 1985 SHADINGER TRIBUTE (Descendants gather in the cemetery at Emmaus Prirnttive Baptist Church io pay tribute to Civil War veteran John Shadinger A stoie plaque draped with the Confederate flag was unveiled ) lt was 70 years ago this spring that John Shadinger dred and was buried beside his wife. Ellen, at Emmaus Primiuve Baptlst Church Last month, some of his descendants gathered there to honor hirn as a veieran of the Civil War a Christian, a conce.ned citizen of hrs communrty and a devoted family man. ln 1863 when he learned that his slckly '16 year-old son was io be inducted into the Confederate Army, he took his son's place even though he was 36 years old at the time ;=N-r.':t t- 1> oe -84Descendants of Andrew Shadinger, Cont'd. He served until the end of the war in Company I (Storey's Regiment) of the Georgia State Troups. At the t me of the surrender in April 1865 Shadinger was home on furlough and was discharged rn July '1865. He was later awarded the Confederate Cross of Honor by the United Daughters of the Confederacy A stone plaque draped with the Confederate flag was unveiled and the flag presented to his oldest living grandchild, Mattre Martin Nix. When Emmaus Church was first organized in '1871. there was no church building and the first conference was held in the home of John Shadinger, according to recorded mrnutes ln 1873, land for a building was donated and the building committee included Shadinger Since he was especially fond of Sacred Harp slnging, his greatgrandchildren paid homage to him by singing the old songs. ln 1867, Shadinge/s name was among the first recorded trustees of Rocky l\,4ount School, even though he stgned with his "mark." His tnterest and influence has been far reaching When his descendants were asked to stand if they or some of their ancestors had attended the school, almost allof the congreqation stood He was probably best known in Carroll County as the builder of a rock fence along Shadinger Ridge. lt was built without mortar, and was about 8 feet high, 2 feet wide, and extended several hundred yards. The wallwas torn down dunng the paving and widening of Highway 27 South in 1934 At the ttme of his death tn 1915 at the age of 89, the descendanis of John Shadinger numbered 219. The total today is unknown; however, at the ceremony last month a roll call by families of each of his seven children showed 160 in attendance. "As the sound of taps and Sacred Harp srngtng echoed from the cemetery across the quiet countryside, a person would airr]ost feel the presence of the man who left his'mark'on allthe lives he touched," said a descendant (The ceremony was held on Saturday, April2T 1985.at2p.m,tnCarroll CoLtnty, Georgia ) The following are excerpts from a report given by Everett Denney (great grandson) on research that he has done on the life and times of John Shadinger The report was given April 27, 1985 on the occasion of the setting of a Confederate Army marker over the grave at Emmaus Church cemetery. The dedication servrce was attended by more than one hundred descendants. SHADINGER S RIDGET John Shadinger inherited Land Lot #2 (202 1t2 aqes) in the Tenth District from his mothels estate His land was astride a high narrow ridge, which in trme came to be known as Shadinger's Ridge. Lot #2 ts very rough and rocky with several areas of solid bald rock and many loose rocks were scattered over the entire area The fldge is a watershed, determrning runoff flow east to the Chattahoochee or west to the Tallapoosa John acquired other parcels of land and he gave each of his chrldren 75 acres when they married and started therr own homes. Sometime after moving on the land John burlt a house on the west side of the road, it is still standing and is in use today after over a hundred years Thls house was the scene of many festive occasions Regardless of the day of the week of his birthday, his chrldren, grandchildren, friends and relatives came from far and near to help him celebrate. There are several groLrp photos that attest to the reality of these good times Dr. J C. Bonner in his book, 'Georgia's Last Frontier," mentioned Shadinger's Ridge on two occasions. The first, in illustrating amusements and social diversions of a district rural flavor concerned a fox hunt along Shadinger's Rldge in January of 1878 in -85Descendants of Andrew Shadinger Cont'd which 39 men and as many dogs participated. The other item mentloned by Dr Bonner was the fact that John Shadinger was so opposed to changing the Fence Law that he constructed a 1o-foot stone fence several hundred yards in length to partly enclose a field in front of his house on Shadinger's Ridge lt remained Lrntil 1934 as a monument not only to Shadinger's conservative faith, but also to his skiil as a stone mason There is room for argument with Dr. Bonner in reference to the length, herght, and reason for building the fence, but as 1o his skill as a mason there is no questron. I have found nothing to indicate how John Shadinger felt about the stock laws other than the above statement. This idea was supposed to have come from the Carroll County Free Press in 1884, but I could find nothing about it on the microfllrn copres of these papers. John Shadingefs land was very rocky land some very large stones had to be picked up, hauled and placed in a fence One possible explsn3tron for the fence is that he wanted to clear the rocks out of his fields so they would't hinder cultivatlnq the land or harvesting the crops. We will have to leave his rnotive for constructing the fence to future generations. By building the fence John Shadinger did something no other man had done in this part of the county. The fence was built without the use of mortar and much of it still stood unlil it was torn down in 1934 to widen US 27 in preparation for paving. SCHOOL: The oldest document regarding John Shadinger's intetest in schools is an indenture dated February 1, 1867, between William Avery and the following committee of Trustees: J.C Brown Sr. J. C. Shackleford, J G Lambert John Shadinger, N Jones, J R. Griffin, and J C Martrn The document states that, "Wm. Avery for the sum of three dollars ($3) in lavrful money of the United States is conveying title to a cedain piece of land which is described below One half acre sold together with one half acre donated or given making in all one acre (off the north of lot #32) where on it situated Rocky lvlount Academy " Then follows a description of the landlines which slates that the land was on the Franklin road lnterestingly the description of the parcel of land siates "where on is srtuated Rocky Mount Academy" and the time of the land purchase was less than two years after the end of the Civil War, possibly the school house had been built earlier and was already standing when the trLrstees bought the land in 1867. Some believe that Rocky Mouont Academy operated as a private school for a while wtth only a few students Bul whether it was a private or a public school the influence and nterest of John Shadinger in Rocky Mount Schoolwas far reaching to many of his chtldren grandchlldren, and great grandchildren many of whom received all or part of their formal education at this school. Rocky Mount School operated until about '1932 when lt was torn down and the usuable materials were combined \ /ith those of Oak Ridge the cther school in the district; those two schools were consolrdated to form Rock Ridge School Duflng the first year of operation of Rock Ridge School two of the four teachers were grandchildren of John Shadinger. Thesewere Mr L E. Mad n and Mrss Ruth Shadinger. CHURCH: John Shadinge/s early relationship to the Church is difficult to establish. Since Whooping Creek Primitive Baptist was organized in the early 1850's, some twenty years before Emmaus Primitive Baptist Church, there is strong evidence that he attended the Whoopinq Creek ChLtrch and was possibly a member. ln a brief scan of Whooping Creek Chlrrch records of that period, I was not able to find his name on the church roll nor in the Minutes of their Church Conference Mr M T Fuller Sr. Descendants of Andrew Shadinger, Cont'd. related that one time when he was a small boy, as they were going to Whooping Creek Church in a wagon, [rr. Shadingerjoined them and rode to church with them. This incident occurred around '1900 (thirty years after Emmaus was organized). John's mother, Elizabeth Jones, was redelved into Whooping Creek Church April 12, 1860, soon after moving to Canoll County. John Shadinger has at least two g.andchildren and at least one great grandchild buried in the Whooping Creek Cemetery. The organization meeting of Emmaus Primitive Eaptist Church on November 27, 1871, was at Rocky Mount, CarrollCounty, Georgia. Rocky Mountwas a school located near the grounds where the Emmaus Church was later built. The male members listed at the organization meeting were J. C. Burnham, C. D Chappell, and E. L. Hand. Two final events are recorded in a memorial to John Shadinger written to the Carroll County Times, Llarch 18, 1915, by a granddaughter. lamtold this was written by Willie Myrt Shadinger at about the age of 15 years and I quote: "He united with the Primitive Baptist Church at Old EmmaLls when he was about 75 years of age and was a faithful member." Continuing from the same article: "On last Sunday morning March 14, 19'15, just about two o'clock, John Shadinger died his remains were laid to rest beside his wife at Emmaus Elders J. lvl. Bagwell and W. P. lvlerrell conducted the funeral services." MILITARY SERVICE: John Shadinger entered the service of the Confederate States in February 1863, atthe age of 36. lt has been suggested that his oldest son, James, was about to be taken into the service at the age of 15-112 yeats. As his son was not in good health, John decided to take his place in the Arrny Upon enlistment he was placed in Co l, 2nd Regiment, Georgia State Troops. From the Ga. Dept. of Archives and History we find that from February 1863 to January '1864 John Shadinger appears as a private on six original Company Muster Rolls of Co. l, 2nd (a{so known as Storey's Regiment), Ga. State Troops. Also from the Archives we learn that part of the Command was captured at Columbus, Ga., in Wilson's Raid and the other part surrendered in North Carolina or Macon, Ga. John Shadinger was not present at the surrender for he was sick at home on furlough. According to statements by Ellen, John's wife, in an affidavit while applying for a pension dated September 24, 1904 John came home two times on furlough, once to see his sick daughter, the second time was the last of March in 1865 when he had a fifteen-day furlough When his furlough was almost over, he became ill and was seen by Dr. F. A. Morgan, an Army Surgeon also at home on furlough, who extended his time off because of his illness. As Ellen stated, the other soldiers came home and her husband was still sick and continued so for a long time. John Shadinger was honorably drscharged from said service by parole in Atlanta, Georgia, in July 1865. This information is recorded in a Certificate of Eligrbility for Confederate Cross of Honor. John is recorded as a member of Camp 487, United Confederate Veterans and his Certificate of Eligibility for the Cross or Badge of Honor was endorsed by the Commander and other members of Camp 487, United Confederate Veterans. The Cross of Honor was a project of the U. D C, United Daughters of the Confederacy, and the Cross was bestowed on John Shadinger on April 2oth, 1904. Note, by Mrs. Denney, 1998: The Emmaus Primitive Baptrst Church on Oak Grove Church Road, CarrollCo., Ga., was struck by lightning and burned on August 3, 1987 " ' -i t"''-a'r -a7- Descendants of Andrew Shadrnger, Cont'd. Groundbreaking ceremonies were held on September 12, '1987 for the rebuilding of the Church. The Church's three remaining members, neighbors. friends, and several ministers from area churches were on hand for the ceremony. The new butlding was dedicated on l\rarch 20 1988 Children of John Shadinger and Frances Jones are: 3 i. JA|ES ANoREW SHADINGER, b 03 Oct 1847,3affo11 Co, Ga d. 1925, Ga bur Oak Grove Bap Church Cem., Carroll Cc Ga. 4. ii I\,IARY ELIZABETH SHADINGER, b 18 Apr 1849 d 17 lray 1928 CarollCo Ga; bur Emmaus Prim Bapt Church Cem 5. 6. iii. iv. 7. v. 8. L Vi. vii. viii. 10. ix SARA JANE (SALLIE) SHADINGER, b 06 Dec 1851. IVIARTHA ANN REBECCA SHADINGER b30Auq1855,d27Auq1936.ca:. bu. Slripling Chapel Cem.. Carroll Co . Ga. WILLIAM CARROLL (BILLY) SHADINGER. b 08 Jul 1857, Cobb Co. near lvlarietta, Ga, prob; d 07 Dec 1926, Carroll Co., Ga JOHN HENRY SHAD]NGER. b, 1O Feb 1860 d abt 1881 THOMAS BUREGUARD (TO|VI|\,,1Y) SHADINGER, b 05 [Iar 1862 ELLA CAMILLA SHADINGER, b 01 Sep 1866. Carroll Co . Ga; d 20 Ocl 19'10 Ga. bur Emrnaus Prim Bapt. Church Cem. Carrolllon, Ga GEORGIA ANN SHADINGER, b 02 Jul 1868id28Jul 1961 . ca, bur Oak crove Bapt Church Cem . CarrollCo. Ga. [This article will be continued in the next Quarterly with the descendants of #3 James Andrew Shadinger l We are gratefu to oLrr member Jrrn T Thornton Ranbunre AL who located the Bethlehem Primrtive Baptrst Church, Caffoll Co. minutes ihrs Church was formed in J844 and closed rn 1989 Due to the drllgence of Mr Thornton and the generosty of [/lr. Alton Robinson, we are now publishing a genealogrcal abstract]on of these mrnutes whrch will cover the first two books of a four-book collect on. The full collection is at lhe Special Collections Room at the State Universlty of West Georgra Carrollton BETHLEHEM PRIMITIVE BAPTIST CHURCH 20 Apr '1844 The Bethlehem ChLrrch was organized w th the follow ng members Presbytery - Henry Haynes Peterson Black Males John Hand Brancn lvl ltlabry, Lrnsey Chandler, and lsarah Beck Jnr. Females - Elzabeth .]ohnson Dorcas Beck Catherine Mabry, Matilda Chandler, IMary Creel, Grace Nix Mary Bun, and Sarah Burt. Signed by Henry Hayns., lvl.at and P. Black Clk 1444 lsaiah Beck Jr as Clerk for this Church - Elected eecerveo fltzabeth Bec" by experience 20 July - Presented "The Deed to four acres of land and the spring read and received 18 lvlay 15 JLrne by the Church " 16 Nov Chose P. Black as Preache. for 1845 and we will have an answer at our next - ! '-2, ,,-, L" ''z -t ^' -88Bethlehem Primitive Baptist Church MinLrtes, Cont'd. meeting. 14 Dec - P. Black answered in the negative. Chose he will answer in our next meeting. l\,4. D. Robertson as Preacher and 1845 18 Jan - M. D. Robertson will attend us 17 May - Chose Lrnsey Chandler as Deacon. Called a presbytery of Brethren Haynes, Chandler, and Hendon 19 July -- Agreed to attend to the ordination of Erother Linsey Chandler for our Deacon and the Presbytery of Brethren Hendon, Keyton, and Robertson 31 Aug Received Sister Cathorine Lamberth by letter 1846 Received Brother Ambros Chandler and Sisters Jerusia and Viney Chandler 17 Apr all by ietter. 15 lray Received Sister Elenor White by letter 16 lray* Received Brother William Robe(s, a Deacon byletterand Sister Clarisy Roberts by letter. "We took up the former choice in that of Brother Chandler for our Deacon 19 June and upon Sister Metilda Chandleas yet refusing the ordination we then agreed to go into the choice of another at our next meeting..." 17 July -- Chose Brother lsaiah Beck Junr as Deacon, and a presbytery of Brethren Peterson Black, William Keyton, and lvl. D Robertson. 14 Aug -- Received Sister Edah Avery, formerly Edah White, from Letranon Church, Cobb County, upon the'confission" if her faith 18 Sep Received Sister Ann Babery by experience and baptism by lmmersion 20 Nov Received Dorcas Johnson by letter from Wehadkey Church Ordained lsaiah Beck by a presbytery consisting of Brethren Peterson Black and M D Robison. Chose M D Robison as our Mode.ator and Pastor for the next year. 1447 15 Jan Received Srster Martha Renada from "Eadon upon the confession of her faith." 16 Apr - Sister Catharine Lamberth applied for a letter of dismission and it was granted. 18 June -. Received Brother Malorr L Chandler and Malinda Chandler his wife both by letter frorn Newhope Church 16 July * Received Brother lvl. D. Robison, an ordained minister, and Sisters Mary Caroline Robison and Milly Robison al1 by letter from Pilgrims Rest of Heard Co., Ga. 17 Sep '' "We having heard of tlvo of our members Mary Burtt and Sarah Burtt having attached themselves to another people not of out order we therefore appointed Brethren Ambrose Chandler and lsaiah Beck to vtsit those sisters and labor with them and report at next conference. We also agree to send Brethren 1,4. D. Robison and William Roberts cite Brother B. M Mabry to our next conference to give satisfaction to the Church for declaring a nonfellowship to it by his acts." 29 Oct - Called for letters of dismission for lvlary 8u,1t and Sarah Burtt, they having attached themselves to the lvlissionary Baptists B. lvl. Mabry's case to be taken up at the next conference. Received James N. Jones and his wife Nancy Jones and Elizabeth Arrea all by experience and baptism Also Gilbert Gay and lrariah Gay his wife and Abraham Hagler and Mary Hagler his wife all by letters. Brother William Roberts called for letters for himself and wife which was granted. 16 Dec Sister Mabry and Sister Avery called for letters of dismission "The Church not being in order was not granted." - - - - - - - 'j,. /.. .tz a.t -89- Bethlehem Pnrnrtrve Baptist Church N4inutes, Cont d 1848 13 Jan - Withdrew fellowship from B. l\il lvlabry 20 Jan -- The two letters of d,smission being previously called for by Sisters Eda Avery and Catherine Mabry were granted. 12 Feb Elected Brother Major L. Chandler as Treasurer 13 May Received Siste!'iy'ary Williarns by let1e. C: ed Brother M D Fot'ison to the "pastorial" care of the Church and he agreed to serve. Brother James N Jones called for letters of dismrssion for himself and wife whrch was granted Erother Gilbert Gay called for ietters for himself and wife whlch was granted 10 June - l\il. L. Chand er called for letters of dismisslo. io. hinl.self and wife whrch was granted. Also granted letters of dismission for Elizabelh Beck, Ambrose Chandler and wife and daughter M. D. Robison and wrfe Linsey Chandler and wife I July Brother N4 D. Robison reconsidered his callfor letter of drsmission and was received back again. 7 Oct Received Sister Elizabeth Beck by letter We found the feilowship of the church broken wiih Brother M. D. Robison and we therefore unanimously agreed to cite Brother NL D. Robison to the Church to give it sat sfact on for depa ing from the faith and joining an lnstitution called Masonres Lodge and declaring thal he was an operative mason, a speculative mason. and a Master Mason.' Chose Benjamin Towers as a Preacher "to go in and out before us " 1'l Nov -"1\r1 D. Robison entirely failrng to make the Church satisfaction we therefore agreed to withdraw all Church fellowship from the said l,l. D. Robison for the crlme above stated " 2 Dec Brother Benjamrn Towers agreed to serve as Pastor and Moderator 1849 24 Feb Recerved Srster Elizabeth Avery by leiter 21 Apr Received Brother Warren Carpenter and Sister Sarah Carpenter his wife both by letter, both from Lebanon Church, Henry Co Ga 26 May -- Received Brother Thomas Carpenter by experience and baptlsm. '[,4 D Robison made applrcalon to the ChLrrch for restoratron and upon his confession of sorrow and repentance for his acts and doings for whrch he was excluded from the Church we restored him into the fellowshrp of the Church " 21 July Read the followrng lelter into the mlnutes July 19 1849. To the Baptist Church of Christ at Bethlehem, Dear Brethren You have gone rnto thrngs whrch I cannot fellowship; I therefore hope you wrll recerve thrs as my w thdrawal and grant my wrfe and motner a letter of dismission and send rt to tnem you r compliance will much oblige yours ln hope of Life Eternall ftIanoah D Robison 25 Aug .. Wrthdrew allfellowship from N4 D. Robison. 10 Sep - "This day being previously appornted for preaching by John M Duke to preach at the house of.Sherwood H-_HZrid,lJive of the members oi the regular Baptist Church of Christ of the Pnmelrve6rder called Bethlehem bernq present, John Hand, lsaiah Beck Jr, Elizabeth Beck, Elizabeth Avery, and Abraham Hagler agreed to.. . receive Susan Hand and Nancy Wall both by experience and they were both baptised on lhe same day rn the River Talapoosie, Carroil County, Ga., by John M. Duke." 22 Sep Extended the "right hand of fellowship" to Nancy Wall and Susan Hand. 24 Oct Received Sister Mary Burit by restoratron by her makrng satisfactory acknowledgement into f ull fellowship 22 Dec Received John Gay by experience and baptism. - - - - - - - j-'r.., .( r' ' tt'r''1 -90- Bethlehem Primitrve Baptist Church l\rinutes, Cont'd. 1850 23 l\Iar - Received Lucinda Carpenter by experience aid baptrsm. 27 Apr - Received Brother William M. Tira and Sister Ten]perence Tira his wife both by letter from Hilabachatchy Church, Heard Co , Ga. Also Shem Cook by letter. Sister Martha Candler called for a letter of dismission whieh was granted 22 June - Received l\,4artha White by experience and baptism. 27 July - Received Maiilda Smrth by experience and baptism Sister Carolrne Robison called for a letter of dismission whrch was granted 21 Sep - Sisters Catherine Mabry and Mary Caroline Robison having joined another people called lvlissionary or lnstitution Baptist, we therefore withdraw all Church Iellowship from them. Brother Warren Carpenter called fo, a letter of dismission for himself and wife which was granted. 1851 21 June - Received John S. Johnson Lrpon the confessron of faith, who is an ordained Deacon. 26 July Received Brother Benjamin Towers by letter, an ordained Minister from Salem Church, Alabama. 23 Aug -- Sister Mary Burtt called for a letter of dismission which was granted. 1852 23 Jan .. Received Sister Margret Marks by letter from Azras Church, Henry Co., Ga. 24 Apr - "Tyrea V. Gay called for an arm of this Church - Satisfaction being given that it would be convenient to many it was granted at a house built for the worship of God called Hopewell in Heard County, Ga , on the head waters of Cenill Hatchy." 22 May -- Srster N,4ary Creel called for a letter of dismission which was granted. 26 JLrne - Recerved Nancy White by letter from Mount Baron Church. 31 July - ln May, received Sister l\,'latilda Dyer upon confession of faith. Called back the arm which was granted on the waters of Centrl Hatchy, Heard Co, Ga 21 Aug - Received lManha W. Gay by experience and baptism. 25 Oct - "A petition was made by Brother Gay V Tyra for our Ministerial and Decons aid on Friday before the 2nd Sunday in Cctober to constitute a church Also brethren and sisters calied for letters of dismission viz A Hagler and his wife, Wm Tyra and his wife, John Gay and his wfe, and Maiiida Dyei to be constiiuted rnto a church which was granted.' - '1853 24 Feb -- Sister Martha Whte called for a letter of dismission which was granted. 26 Mar - Received Sister i\,4ary Creel by letter and also Joseph the property of ----Blackman by letter. 23 Apr - Agreed to call a preacher to serve us at our next Conference 21 May - Received Caroline Smith by expenence and baptism. Called Simeon Edwards as our Pastor and lvloderaior 27 Aug - Received Mary Benford by experience and baptism, and Sister lvlary Williams by letter from Talapoosie Church 26 Nov -- Sister Mary Benford called for a letter of dismrssion which was granted B. Towers called for a letter also which was granted. 1854 No conference was heid until September as there was no preacher. 5 Sep - Recerved Parry Jane Hand by experience and baptism, also Lucinda Carpenter by experience and baptism ,91- Bethlehem Pnmitive Baptist Church Minutes, Cont'd. 11 Sep -- Received Sarah Lipham by experience and baptism. 1855 24 Mar Unanimously chose Brother T. L. Long of the Providence Church, Carroll County, as Preacher and Moderator. 26 N,4ay - Called upon Broiher Long for an answer to which he requests us to give him another month to answer which was granted. 23 June - Received Samuel Brown and Ruth T Brown his wfe and Dianah the property of Brother Samuel 8rown, all by letter, Brother Brown being an actrng Deacon. Calied upon Brother Long for his answer, to which he answerd that he will serve the Lord 21 July Received Clary a colored woman, the property of 1,4ary Arrea by letter from the Little "Talapoosie" Church, Carroll Co 25 Aug -- Received Sister Jane Nixon on the confession of faith Brother J S. Johnson rose and said he had done wrong. He had drunk too much and talked too much and was sorry for it. The Church forgave him. 26 Aug - Received Charles VV. Nixon upon the confession of faith 25 Aug - Received Sister Jane Nixon from Provrdence, Coweta Co. 27 Oct * "We agreed to try to build a new meeting house. Appointed Beck, Brown, and Nixon to attend the burlding. Took up the case of J S Johnson and Dorcas Johnson his wife, and for that he basely accused his wife of whoredom and brought no charge against her and talking too much and abruptiy leaving the country and Church without a letter or calling for it. The Church withdrew all Church fellowship from said Johnson and appointed Beck and Brown to cite Dorcas Johnson lo the next Conference " 24 Nov - Called upon the Committee appointed at last meeiing to cite Dorcas Johnson. The Commitiee states they could not find her. Brother Yates her father told them that J. S. Johnson came by and took her off. The Church, having no charge against her and not believing the report of Johnson, released the Committee. Calred upon Brother T. L. Long for an answer and he agreed to serve for the year '1856 22 Dec -- Received Brother Major L. Chandler and his wrfe Malinda Chandler both by letter. - - !':"j: :'li"jrl' :: "jii:1' r='i't:i ::'l"jrl =ii"::':'r :i'l"l :19::l MARRIAGE CERTIFICAIES. CARROLL COUNTY. GA. 1890 THRU 1899 Contrnued lrom the i999 Summer Quarterly Please see the headrng of the l\,4arrlage Certificates in the 1999 Spnng Quarterly HUSBAND WIFE DATE Jackson Andrew Embry Elia Hitchcock, N,lyra 28 lvar 1897 Jackson, C. H Jackson, George Jackson, J T smth, Delia Jackson, John Jackson, Oscar L Hyatt, Lucy Huggins, Belle Folsom, Nora Evans, Lul€ l9 Sep 4 Jun 1899 1898 12 lvlay 1895 21 Nov 1895 24 Dec '1897 5 Jan 18S8 \-.)-,.-.- . ,, "- /-'/7 / './ -92- lvlarriage Certificales Carroll Co GA, 1890 thru 1899, Cont'd Jackson, Sylvester Jackson, Thomas D Jacobs, G. W Jacobs, R. L Jacobs, W. E. James, Sam R Jenkins, Bud Jennings, James W. Jennings, Edwin H Jennings, Oscar Jeler, J W. Jeter, Robert Jeter, William Johnson, Johnson, Johnson, Johnson, Johnson, Johnson, Johnson, Johnson, Johnson, Johnson, Johnson, Johnson, A G. Arttrur Bishop Smith, Emma 29 Sep 18gg Bonner Dora C Taylor, Delia 12 Morris, Laura Spence, Lunie Broom, Jerusha E. L4ann, Arabella Pitts, Sarah E Garner, Bertie E. Fuller, lda Ward, S E Craven, N4olliue G J lvl. M. S J. T. Jack Johnson, L J. Johnson, Lewis Johnson, T. B. Johnson, Wrlliarn Johnson, Wil[em A Johnston B O Jorner, D A Jones, Alfred Jones, Arthur L. Jones, Bill Jones, Colonel Jones, Enoch W. Jones, G E. Jones, J T Jones, Peter Jones, R O Jones, Richard Jones, W. T. A. Jordan, Ben Jordan, Georce W Jordan, J. C. Jordan, iames R Jordan, Leon Joadan, Monroe Jordan, N O 6 Sep l Jul Jul 18 5 Dec 23 Dec 24 Dec 17 Dec Baskin, S E Roberts, Neelie Kent, Fannie Creel, Hattre 14 27 Aug I Feb Jul 9 Nov 24 Dec 10 19 oc1 Jun Eason N J 24 Dec Jeter, Fannie 26 Sep Fisher, Ness Morris, Ophelia Mobley, Josre Forbes, Nellie A. 20 Feb Stephens, Maltie Chappell, Mary F. Eady, Effie I\4ay 14 Nov 2 Oct 16 Dec Jackson. Sarah Tapes, Jane 12 Sep Webb, Eula 11 Dec [,'1. Edwards, Ela Dansby, Sarah Thomas Clara E. Chappell. Selemma Cole, V. R. 15 liar 26 May 19 I Apr Nov 9 Feb 6 Feb 30 Nov 23 JLrl 5 Jul 24 Dec Hancock, Lula l Jul 17 May Chandler. lda Gray, Pearl 26 Nov 11 Feb Easter!1ood, Ivlaggre Eishop Elizabeth Loyd. Dom I\r. Willlams, Laura Bonner, Eva 21 Apr 2 Jan Apr lVIann, Sallie Jordan,Oscar EasteMood Evy Jodan, Pafis Harris, Della Reese, Beflha Daniel, D. F. Jordan, U. W. Jordan, W. D. 1 Nov I Jan 29 May 25 Dec 2 Dec J. N. J Jun Jan Eady, May Guthrie, Ora Hellon, Lizzie Glanton, Kittie D. A F. C Frank 4 1 15 Nov 26 Jan 20 Dec 21 Apr 24 Nov 1899 1896 1896 1896 1896 1894 1897 1897 1897 1896 1896 1898 1898 1894 1899 1896 1896 1899 1896 1894 1898 1896 1897 1897 1894 1895 1896 1897 1898 1896 1899 1894 1898 1896 1896 1895 1897 1898 1898 1894 1894 1895 1897 1898 1898 1894 1896 1896 1896 1898 1895 1896 5 Jul 30 Aug '1896 l.'r',: ^ l' -s3Marriage Certif icates Carroll Co., GA, 1890 thru 1899, Confd. Karr, William lvy Kaylor, A. D Keese, W. L. Blair Lucy Keith Baltimore Keith Oiiver Kemp, ceorge W Kemp, W. F Hines, Ada Bearden Sarah Reid E C Be6k, Cora Kendri6k, I$erida Kennedy, J. c Kennedy, W. L. Key, G E Key, G. W. Key, R. L. Kierbow, J R Kilgore, James Krlgore, W. L. King, B. G. Krng, J. c. Krng, T. B. Krngsbery, George Kinney, W. J. Kinney, Wil{ie J Houseworth Evie Avery, Exer Kennedy, Mollie E. Kirbow N4. R Kirk, James K K, Kit T, E e, J. T. Knight, B. F Knight, G. B. Knrghl, J W. Knrght, John C. Knott, Ben Knott, Florence Knott, Hersten Knott, Henry Knoll W. C (ugier, D. B. Kugler. J D Kugler, Luther Lambert, H. N. Lambert, H T. Landels, ceorge E. Lane, WW Langley J A Lanier, J. P. Latimer, G E Lalimer, Lucius Lawng, J B Lawrence, Sella Leak G W. Leak, W. S. Ledbetter, J W. Lee. J. W Jr. Lee R. E. Lenderman, W. H 1 Mar 1896 Haryelle, E. L 26 Nov 1899 I!4cRae, Victoria 2 Aug 1896 2'l Sep '1897 18 Nov 1894 Gladney, S H 14 Apr 18 Dec 3 Jun 1 Feb 8 Sep 3 Webb Katie Estelle I Jan Gordon, D P. Smith, Eliza Hayes, Mary F. Wheeier, I!4ollie Billup, [Iarlha Veughn, O L Chambels Hattie M. Garner, Lilla Taylor Lucinda Brown L. J. '1895 4 Dec 1896 Blackwelder, Permelia Street, Ava Holhs, M E 1895 1898 1894 1897 Aug 1896 1899 4 Jan 1898 11 Sep '1897 12 Dec '1897 29 A$ 1a94 6 Dec 1896 26 Jun '18 Sep 18 Sep 30 Dec 27 Dec 5 oct 1899 1897 1898 1894 1896 1894 10 Nov 1895 Bowen. Fannie 24 Nov 1895 Smith J. V. 5 Aug 1899 14 Nov 1897 8 Dec 1895 29 Apr 1894 7 May 1899 12 Jan 1896 7 Dec 1894 Cofer, M J Johnson, lsa Beck. S I\, Cook, Odie Clark Etta Wolfe, Babe Clark, Frances Clark, Emrly WilLamson, lu J. Phillips, Dester A fvliies, Ada Buntyn, l\/aggie Lambert, Amanda 6 Feb '1896 29 Nov 1896 '12 Jan 1898 29 Sep 1898 I Jan 1898 4 Jul 1899 6 Dec 1896 I Fodwood Lizzie Wynn, Mollie F. Richardson L L Nov 1896 10 Dec 18S6 24 Nov 1895 Brooks, Ethel S Boalright. Beulah Harris, luary 22 Dec 1895 Newsom Lrzzie Barrow L4 L Barlow Nancy L Adams, Sallie S. Jackson, Susie E. Tumer, Sallie Semples, Mollre 3 Dec '1896 30 Dec 1897 14 Nov 1897 5 Apr 1896 4 lvay T899 9 Jun I895 7 Feb 1897 17 Nov 1895 5 Jui 1896 Jun 1895 I b-.t|','' --1^.)t"--L -94- lvlarriage Certificates CarrollCo. GA, 1890 thru 1899, Confd. Levans, C. J. Levans, John Lewallen, James lvlitchell, Nannie Duke, lda Brown, Emma Le',l/is, Ed I\,,lusick, Beakice Lewis, Farmer Lewis, J J. Bowen, Viola Aderhold. Sarah 7 Loftin, George Dickson, Frances 1 Henderson, Maude Cheney, N4. S. Lyle, S J Huggins, Fannie Handley Lula Johnson, lda Arno{d, Amanda Trammel, Janie Frsher, Eecky Ann Mulhns, Ella LoVeII, F, A, Lovvorn, A S. Lovvorn, E. C. Loworn, Joseph E. Lovvorn, William E. Luke, B L. Luke Calvrn Luke Jason Luke John Lumsden, W o. N4ilchell, Alice SmNh, D BA Lyle, F L Lyle, G T Lyle, Lyle, George Lyle, J T Lyle, S. L. Lyle, W C M E Henry. Rrlla Jacobs, Pearl Wright [,4 J. Krlgore, G A M6l\,,lullin, Roxie J Kuglar. Carrie Brook Anna Hammond, Bezzie Yates E. L Jinler, Nancy Bell, Ulinnie Ayerc Julia Billingsy. Ardella Butler Nora Clower, Vesia A Sticher, J. L N4artin, Lula Camp. F N4 Brown, J. fvl Webtr, B L Lyle Willram M CW Nall Mary Adeline Lynch, Grandison Johnson. Betsy Ne\',/, Aug '1894 11Oct Lynch N,lillie Lofton, Sco1l Long, A W Long. Charlie Long, John Long, John Long, Will Lovless, John 1897 1 Sep 1895 12 Sep 18S7 Norman, [,4idie Lide, Reginald D. Lipham, John Little, J. C. Little, J P Litfle, N. L. Apr 26 Sep 1899 1896 12 Nov 1899 7 Apr 1 896 21 Jun 1899 22 Dec 1 896 14 Mar 1895 26 Dec 1897 30 Sep 1899 19 Oct 1894 10 Apr 1897 3 May 1898 24 Feh 1a97 26 Dec 1895 24 Jun 1899 5 Ap|l8S6 Sep Sep Dec Feb 12 Dec 15 Dec 8 Nov 24 Mer 22 8 15 14 6 10 ocl Jul 1898 18S7 1895 1897 1895 1888 1896 18S5 1895 1898 10 Dec '1893 23 Jan 1898 28 Nov 1895 24 Nov 1895 24 Dec 1896 20 Aug 1899 22 Sep '1895 6 Dec 1896 6 Feb 1895 1 Nov 1833 11 Sep 1898 16 Sep 1894 4 Jul 1895 7 Nov 1894 13 Dec 1896 2 Aug 1898 These marriages will be continued in the next Quarterly. Abstracted by Mary Florence Word and Ruth McNinch. 3'1 October 1999 is the cutoff date for the Winter material for publicatron reaches us by that date. Quarterly. Please see that your -95THE FAIV]ILY OF MILTON RICE CHAMBERS & GEORGIA ANN YAIES Continued from the 1999 Summer QLla.terly Submitted by Sanford D Chambers 6279 County Rd. 51, Newell, AL 36270-4803 Milton Rice Chambers was born 02 J un 1848, Carroll Co GAt the eleventh child of John Thaddeus and Lucina Malvina Hawkins Chambers. [See the Summer 1998 Quarterly for their ancestry.l He was maffied22Feb 1872 Carroll Co GA to Georgia Ann Yates who was born 18 Feb 1852, Carroll Co,GA and she died 12 Feb 1890, New Mexico, Carroll Co, GA He dred 28 Oct 1927 New llexico Carroll GA, and they are both buried in the Pleasant Grove Cem., Carroll, GA. They had 10 children as follows: Warner Avery, Martha Loutelia, Mary "Etta," John Pinkney Harrison, William Milton, Nora V., James Odus, Ophelia, Joseph Frank, and Myrtle Chambers Milton Rrce Chambers mar.ied #2, Martha Kansas "Mattie" Stephens who was born 19 Dec 1860, Kansas, Carroll, GA She died 19 Jao 1944, East Point, Fulton cA, and is buried in the Pleasant Grove Cem , Carroll, GA) They had 2 children: Alberta and Robert Eenjamin Chambers '1. Warner Avery Chambers, b '14 Oct 1872 Villa Rica, Carroll, GA md 10 Nov 1895, Carrol{ Co, GA, to "Emma" Emily Elizabeth Shiflett (b 01 Jun 1875, Floyd Co, GA to Lewis Marion Shiflett & Marietta Louisana Clemmons. d 06 Jan 1975, Carroll Co, GA; burSalem Bapt. Ch Cem., Carroll, GA); and hed 06 Dec1902, Carroll Co, GA; bur Pleasant Grove Cem., Carroll. GA They had 3 children, lna, Thomas Erastus, and lvlary ldora Chambers A lna Chambers, b 1897; md Clifford Cliff" Horton They had 6 children as follows: 1. I\4ary Belle Horton; md lsom Chandler 2. I\4arcus Clifton Horton, b 07 Oct 1925, md Ruby Lanelle Lee (b 18 Jul 1931). They had 3 chrldren as follows Kim Cliff Horton, b 08 Feb 1954i md Pamela Denise 'Pam" Shadinger. 2 chrldren: Krnrberly Denise Horton, b'15Jul 1978 Brittney Kristran Horton, b 20 Feb 1981. Kathy Lee Horton. b 09 Jun 1955 md Dennis Lee Cowart (b 06 Nov 1953). 3 children Chasity Brooke Cowart, b 07 May 1979. Clifton Sean Cowan, b 24 Feb 19A3. Julian "Seth" Cowart, b 21 Apr 1983. Krista Lanelle Horton, b 1'l Dec 1965; md Kelvin Danny Carnes (b 05 Nov 1966). 3 Jean Horton. Henry Horton. Brlly Horton. Frank Horton B. Thomas Erastus 'Tommy' Chambers, b 22 Apr 1899, Tyus, Carroll, GA; md 19 Nov 1922, Cat:oll Co, GA, to Lonie Jeanette "Nett' Lee (b 07 Aug 1901, Silver Comm., Carroll, GA to James Franklin Lee & Mary Ann Mahaley Creel); and he d 31 Jul 1990, Caffoll Co, GA; bur Salem Bapt. Ch. Cem., Carroll, GA They had 4 children as follows: a b c 4 5 6 ':-,.-96- .:.- a- /, or The Family of Milton Rice Chambers & Georgia Ann Yates, Cont'd. 1. Chambers, b 29 Dec 1925, md 13 Feb 1949 to William "Howard" Massey (b 2'l Apr 1918) 2 children: William N.4ichael "Nlike" Massey, b 23 Apr 1955. Phillip Thomas "Phil" Massey, b 03 Jun 1957, md '14 Feb 1987 to Shayne Thompson (b 07 Jun 1961). 2. Adam "Nlilton" Chambers, b 01 Jul '1929, md Joanne White (b 26Oct----).3children: Susan Ann Chambers, Allyson Gail Chambers, William Milton Chambers 3. Verna Jeanette Chambers, b 03 Aug 1937, rnd William Waveard Hayes (b 25 Oct --). 4 children: William "Perry" Hayes, b 06 Nov 1960; md (div.) to Alisa "Lisa" N/lapp; 1 child: Suzanne "Michelle" Hayes. Judith "Lynn" Hayes, b 08 Aug Cynthia "Dawn" Hayes, b 07 Aug *--. Joel Thomas Hayes b 07 Oct 1978. 4. Tommy Lee Chambers, b 11 Sep 1943; md Brenda "Norene" Horton (b 09 Sep --). 2 childrenr Emily Jane Chambers, b 26 Mar----, and Brian Thomas Chambers, b 05 Jun 1976. C. Mary ldora Chambers, b 1901, md l\rartin Luther "M L"Liles (d 1990). 4 children: 1. Claude Liles. 2. Betty l\4arie Liles, md --- Thomas. 3. Reba Liles, md Billy King 4. Maynard Liles, md Lynn ---. l\,iiary "Euna" --. 2. Martha Loutelia "Telia" Chambers, b 20 Apr 1874, Villa Rica, Caffoll GA; md 10 Dec 1893, Canoll Co, to Wiley B Duke (b 12 Jun 1873; d 02 Sep 1952t bur Pleasant Grove Cem. Caffoll, GA); d 03 Jul 1915, Carroll Co, GA; bur Pleasant Grove Cem., Carroll, GA. 3. Irary "Etta" Chambers, b 11 Sep '1875, Villa Rica, Carroll, GA; md #1 to William Augustus "Gus" Shrflett (b 18 Mar 1871, GA Bartow Co, GA to Lewis Marion Shiflett & Nlarietta Louisana Clemmons, d 07 Apr 1910, Carroll Co, GA; bur Pleasant Grove Cem , Carroll, GA); md #2 (div.) Jesse Nlcclendon (bur Hickory Spnngs, So GA)t d 28 Aug 1952, l\,lacon, Bibb, GA bur Pleasant Grove Cem., Carroll. GA 9 children, Leonard Elijiah, Millie Ora, Nellie Mae, William Edgar Hassie Ophelia, John Allen P{nkney, Era Valana, Newton Milton, and Gracie Lenora Shiflett A. Leonard Eltiah "Eligie Shiflett, b 24 Jun 1894, Carroll Co, GA md 21 Nov 1915, to Tessie Layto.; d 27 Feb 1964, lrwin Co, GA B. N4illie Ora Shiflett, b 07 Jun 1896, Carroll Co, GA; md 01 Nov 1914 to Willis Kelly; d 03 Apr 1984, Carroll Co, GA C. Nellie Mae Shiflett b 06 NIay 1898, Carroll Co, GA; md 12 Dec 1915 Robert to Arnold Cater (b 07 Jan 1894; d 3'l Oct 1948); d 23 lvlar 1928, Carroll Co, GAi both bur Pleasant Grove Cem., Carroll, GA D. William Edgar Shiflett, b 10 Oct 1899, Canoll Co, GA, d 12 Sep 1900, Canoll Co, GA. E. Hassie Ophelia Shiflett, b 04 Apr 1901, Carroll Co, GA, md 25 Nov 1923 to Woodie Lee Walker; d '17 May 1967, Tift Co, GA. 10 Sep 1893 (div.), Carroll Co, -_::,. i_".,. rL L ,4-../ -97 - The Family of Milton Rice Chambers & Georgia Ann Yates, Cont d. '1926 F. John Alien Pinkney Shrflett, b 18 N4ar 1903, Carroll Co, GA; md 1l Jul to Emma Mae Maye; d 05 Jul 1965, Tift Co, GA. G. Era Valana Shiflett, b '15 May 1905, Carroll Co GA; d 06 Apr 1923, Tift Co, GA. H. NeMon Milton Shiflett, 1908 Hrckory Level, Carroll, GA, md Lucille Vrckerc (b 30 lrar 1916, Griffin, 12May 1934, Ba.nesvilJe, Lamar, GA, to Mary Spalding, GA, d/o Gordon Hill Vickers & Annie Mae lvlrddlebrooks); d 22 Dec 1995, Griffin, Spalding, GA. 6 chrldren, Shirley Patricia, Larry Edmund, Reginald Milion, Sondra Rochelle, Keith Arlo and Kenneth Nlichael Shiflett. Shirley Patricia Shiflett, b 18 Feb 1935, Griffin, Spalding, GA d 14 lrar i935. Griffin 2. Larry Edmund Shiflett, b 08 Jun 1937, Griffin, Spalding GA; md 22 Oct 1960, First Bapt Ch., SLrnnyside, Spalding, GA, to Carolyn Lucile Whitaker (b 29 Sep '1938. Flippen, Henry, GA, d/o Emmett Wayman Whitaker & Lottie Lurlene Chapman). 2 Children: a. Steven Warren Shiflett, b 03 Aug 1961, Griffin Spalding, GA, md 13 Feb'1982, First aapt Ch, Sunnyside, Spalding, GA, to Tina Marie Hall (b 08 Jun 1961, Griffin, Spalding GA) 2 children both b Griffin, Spalding, GA : 1. Alan Wade Shiflelt, b 16 ALrg 1985 Kevin Elake Shiflett b 27 Dec '1988. b. Charles Edmund Shrflett b 03 Nov 1968. Marietta, Cobb, GA, md 19 May 1990 First Bapt Ch. Marietta, Cobb GA, to Rita Jillian Rarney (b 21 Jul 1968). 2 children: 1. Kelsey Lauren Shiflett, b 13 Nov 1990, Douglasvrlle Dougias, GA. Zachary Charles Shiflett, b 20 Nov 1992 Atlanta. Fullon GA. 3. Reginaid Milton Shrflett b 21 Apr 1941. Gnffin Spaldrng, GA. md 06 Sep 1961, West Sunnyside Congr Holiness Ch. Sunnyside Spaldrng, GA to Nancy Patnca Lifsey. 4. Sondra Rochelle Shrflett, b 14 Mar'1945 Griffin. Spalorng, GA; md #1 Frankltn Eugene Bennelt md #2 Benlamln Roland "BennY' Branan. Keith Aio Shiflett, b 28 Dec 1948 Spalding Co, GA: md 15 Jrrn 1968, Spalding Co. GA to Constance Gall Crews Kenneth Michael Shiflett b 16 Oct 1952 md27 Aug 1972, Spalding Co, GA, to Felica Belinda Vining Graoe Leno!'a Shiflett b 05 Oct 1909 Carroll Co GA: md #1 27 Ocl 1935, Macon Bibb, GA, to Beverly NoelAmold (b 07 Oct 19'17. Grand Junctron lUesa, CO, s/o Joseph OIin Amold & N4ary Christina Johnson)t md #2 to S Blake Hester; md #3 to Tom Justice; d 28 Dec 1995, Carrollton, Carrol!, GAi bur Pleasant Grove Cem., Carroll GA 1 2 2 5 6 I b 01 Jan *i.-:.- ., .i t ./ /-e 4 -98The Family of l\,4ilton Rice Chambers & Georgra Ann Yates, Cont'd. 4. John Pinkney "Pink" Harrison Chambers, b 26 Mar'1877. Villa Rica, Carroll, GA; md 17 Feb 1907, Carroll Co, GA to lvlartha Ann Elzador "Matt" Jackson (b 03 Apr 1880; d 17 Feb 1924, Carroll Co, GA; bur Pleasant Grove Cem., Carroll, GA); d 30 [Iay 1953, Canoll Co, GA; bur Pleasant Grove Cem , Carroll GA.6children, James Herman, Nezzie Delilah, Pinkney Bruce, Herbert Daniel, Elrzabeth Elzador, and Berma Gernell Chambers. A. James Herman Chambers b 04 Nov '1907, Carroll Co, GA; md 04 Jul 1948, Carroll Co, GA, to Stella Smith (b 30 Jul 1909; d 06 Nov '1981); d 29 May 1987; both bur Pleasant Grgve Cem. Carroll, GA B. Nezzie Delilah Chambers b 11 Feb 1909, Carroll GA bur 29 Apr 1995, Pleasant Grove Cem., Carroll, GA. C. Pinkney Bruce Chambers b 19 May 1911, Carroll Co, GAi d 10 Jut 1961; bur Pleasant Grove Cem., Carroll, GA. D Herbert Daniel Charnbers, b l3lvlar 1913, Carroll Co GA; d 10 Sep 1922, Ca.roll Co, GA; bur Pleasant Grove Cem., Carroll, GA E Elizabeth Elzador Chambers, b 31 May 1920, Carroll Co, GA; md 28 Sep 1940, Carroll Co, GA, to James Alvin Morris (b 05 Feb 1920). 3 chrldren: 1 Bruce Wayne Morris, b 11 Nov 1941 d 13 Nov 1941 2. James Richard l\rorris, b 29 Jan 1948, md Rebekah Lynn 2 children: Andrews (b 02 Dec Morris, b 09 Oct 1975. a. Jonathan Justin '15 b Jessica Leah l\lorris b Jun 1981 3. Vicki Lynn Mor.is, b 20 Apr 1953. F Berma Gernell "Nell" Chambers, b01 Joi 1922, Carroll Co, GAt md 06 Jun '1943, to lsland Ray Hendrix (b 28 Jan 1920). 3 children: 1. Jacquelin Sue Hendrlx b 15 Dec 1945t md #1 03 Sep 1962 (div.)to Winston Wade Harper (b 27 Oct 1935); md #2 to Doug Keeton. 2 children: a. David Mark Harper, b 04 Jun 1963. b Wade Scott Harper b 05 Feb 1966 2. Cathy Jane Hendrix, b 29 Oct 1950; md '17 Aug 1974, to John Weigle Merry I I (b 05 Nov 1943). 2 children a. John Weigle Merry I I l, b 31 Jan 1976. b Amanda Jane Merry, b 30 Nov 1980. 3. Mary Nell Hendrix b 15Nov 1961;md 13Jun 1981.toDavid Grant Lankford (b 09 May 1961). '1 child: a. Kimberly Nicole Lankford, b 09 Nray 1987. ---) 5. William l\4ilton "Wrll" Chambers, b 1879. Vllla Rrca, Carroll, GA: md 27 Dec 1908 (drv.), Carroll Co, GA, to Nora Tuggle (b 10 Apr 1884 d 04 Jun 1944, bur Bowdon Meth. Prot. Ch. Cem., Carroll, GA); d 1945, Carroll Co, GA; bur Tyus Bapt. Ch. Cem., Carroll, GA. (This article will be continued in the next Quarterly with the rest of Milton Rice Chambers' children, numbers 6 through '12) 31 October 1999 - the cutoff date for the next Quarterly. Put rt on your calendarllli .;,,,-...r. ^ 1 . ..4-. ITEITS OF GENEALOGICAL INTEREST. CARROLL COUNTY TIMES Continued from the Summer 1999 Quarterly 14 Apt 1882 Superior Court proceedings: W. W. l,ilerrell, surviving partner, vs. J. M. Griffin, administrator - parties compromised. the defendant agreeing to give the plaintiff $200, and also pay the costs. State vs. Allen Pate, burglary - pled guilty and sentenced to two years in the penitentiary. State vs. Joseph J. Vance, involuntary manslaughter - nol. pros State vs. Stan Pinson, colored, misdemeanor, carrying concealed weapon - pled guilty, $35 and costs. State vs. John Crutchfield, misdemeanor, carrying concealed weapon - nol pros. State vs. J. W. Benson, misdemeanor - verdict not guilty. John Dyer, claimant, vs. Benson & Coleman, plaintiffs in fifa. certiorari - sustained. State vs. Nancy Helton, colored, misdemeanor - nol. pros. State vs. Rufus F Peyton, misdemeanor, settled on payment of costs. State vs. Bob Har.is, colored, misdemeanor - settled on payment of costs. State vs. John O'Keefe, adultery and fomication - nol pros. lsaac B. Finney and wife vs. Canoll county - verdict for the defendant. R. H. lvcclung vs. Jack Allen and Francis Dicks, certiorari dismissed. James Pruett vs. Mrs N4. A. Merrell, certiorari - dismissed. Bill Benson vs. Charley Dyer, trover and bail - verdict for the plaintiff $125 and all cosls State vs. C. D. Allen, misdemeanor - nol. pros W. S. H. Alexander vs. Mary E. Alexander, libel for divorce granted. Ellen Conner vs. A. S. Conner libel for divorce - granted. State vs. Wash Bearden, trespass - found guilty. State vs. Milton Bearden, trespass - verdict not gutlty. Hardee & Co., vs. Joseph Shinn, debt for guano - verdrct for the defendant. 21 Apr 1882 - missing 28 Apr 1882 lN IIEMORIA[r - Departed this life on the morning of the 14th of February. 1882, Nlrs. Mary Bell, aged one hundred years. She was the daughter of Shadnck and Mary Rodge.s Mrs. Bellwas born in South Carolina, in the year of our Lord 1782. She was married to John Beil when she was sixteen years of age, and emigrated from South Carolina to Tennessee and from thence to Coweta county, Georgra, where she remained until '1855. She then came to Carroll county wiih her son-in-law Mr. J A. Boatright. Mrs. Eell was the mother of 8 children, all of whom are dead but two She united to the Primitive Baptrst church in the State of Tennessee, nearly 70 years ago. . Julius Meadows, who went to Goodwater last week, has been appointed telegraphic operator at that place. On last Saturday morning Mr. Wiley Stewart went to Cincinnati after his father, Mr. John W. Stewart, returning with him Monday evening.... KANSAS - We notice several of our neighbors with unusually pleasant smiles on their faces. Mr. J. P. Edwards says his is a boy, and Mr. J. R. Reeves ditto. l\rr. R's new heir weighs only 13-112 pounds. Who can beat that? But the proudest man around here is ^t -:, ,.., ', ., ::. /' /z/' a 4 ,'100, Car.oll County Times, Cont'd. Mr. T. J. McKrssack. His is a boy too. .lvlr A. Reeves has had his residence about completed and Mr. W. S T. Bush has one in course of construction, which will soon be done. Mr. E. Creel has his new mill house about completed.... WHITESBURG - George W. Smith runs a large farm and also a shingle and saw mill, near Lowell, and is very successful O. H. Bently and family moved to Atlanta Tuesday moming last. James A. Atkinson has another boarder at his house - it's an eleven pound boy. BUFFALO - 'Tis with much sorrow and regret that we announce the death of Mr. and Mrs. Butler Martin's rnfant son, which died last week.. . 5 NIay 1882 Died on the 22nd April, Joseph Edgar, little son of IVlr and Mrs J A Walker aged five years.... Little Hubert Camilla, rnfant son of lvlr. and Mrs. J. B Stewart, departed this lifeonthe lst inst., aged one year and four months. . John NI Steele, a wellknown citizen of Villa Rica, died on last Saturday night, from dropsy of the chest He had been sick for some time He was buried on l\,4onday at old Bethel church. It becomes our duty also to record the death of Mrs John Shelnutt, which occured at her home in Bowdon, on last Tuesday morning. Mr. J. F. Sprewell. another well-known citizen living 7 miles west of Carrollton, died on last Wednesday. The infant child of Mr. and Mrs D W. Croft died on yesterday morning, aged 7 months lt had been srck for some time. STRIPLING'S CHAPEL - Mr. Fred Willramson is moving his saw mrll thrs week to the water station near here. Mr D R Martrn is having a new dwelling house built WHITESBURG - The rernains of Uncle Thomas Newton were brought to this place by NIr John S. Pentecost. on last Thursday, and buned in the cemetery by the side of his wife and two children who dred awhile befo.e him 1\,4r. P. brought the remains by railroad from Cross Plains, Alabama, to Newnan and from Newnan to thrs place by private conveyance Rev. W H Speer performed the burial service, which was largely attended by the people of our town and also by Rev Henry Newlon a son of the deceased of Fairburn, Ga. Uncle Thomas NeMon was born rn Newberry diskict S.C , June the 30th 1805, and died in Cherokee county, Alabama, Apni 24th, 1882, in the 77th year of his age He lived near this place for 40 years, and was highly esteemed by allwho knew him. 12 May 1aa2 A small child of E. F. Mccoy died on Saturday evening and was bLlried here on Sunday evening. Mr. J. W Stewart, mention of whose serious illness appeared inthis paper two weeks since, died Wednesday evening about five o'clock His remains will be inlerred at the new cemetery rn this place this morning, Fnday, at half past nine WHITESBURG - J. A. Atkinson has gone to Atlanta to run a lumbe. yard. Alarge crowd went to the Baptist church last Sunday to hear Rev W. W Roop preach Mrs. Asa Phillips'funeral. STRIPLING'S CHAPEL - On last Thursday morning aboui 10 o'clock Mr. Wm. Brown, living near l\rt. Pleasant, walked out from his house and not returning some tlvo or three ., --_ a-///_e</ - 101- Carroll County Times, Cont'd hours later in the day, he was found some 30 yards from the house dead . . was a good and faithful member of the lrissionary Baptist church, and was at the trme of his death about 72 years of age. He was buried Friday evening at Mt Pleasant church ... Also on the same day, and in the same neighborhood, Mrs. Nelms an old lady died and was buried at the same time and place that Mr. Brown was. On last Thursday evening, Mrs Moat, mother of [,4r Jarrett Moat lrving in a house near Mr. Moat, burned her house and contents up. She has since been tried for lunacy and found to be a fit subject for the asylum. BUFFALO The entire communrty was shocked last Wednesday morning at the death of our beloved neighbor and much esteemed friend, J. F. Sprewell. Mr Sprewe has suffered intensely since the 1st of April, being confrned to his bed most of the time.. CURTIS - Our population is still increasing it's a girl at Mr. [r. S. Hesterly's - 19 May 1882 Mr. William Cheeves had a finger mashed off at Bonner's saw mill a few days ago. Just before going to press, we learn of the death of Mr. Dave Gordon of Whitesburg. We did not learn the particulars of his death We met Mr. S. O. Smith, formerly of Carrollton, but now of Senoia, in going through that town the other day. and he says he is getting along finely and is delighted with that burg. Died on the 4th inst. little Paul Wallace, infant son of Captain and Mrs. D. W. Crofi, aged seven months.... Died in this place on the evening of the 1oth inst.. Mr. John W. Stewart, aged nearly 57 years. The deceased was born in Derby, Vermont, on the '18th day of October, 1825. ln 1842 he came to Carrollton and commenced the mercantile business as a clerk in the employ of his brother-in-law, Mr. A Mandeville..... About six years ago he joined the M. E church of thrs p,ace in which farth he dred . JA long artic,el WHITESBURG - Dred NIay 10th(4[eri1)ne inrant chrld ot Mr. a.d Mrs J. C Brantley, aged 10 months. The new residence put up by E S Roberts rs an ornament to the southern portron of town. Col Ben Wright and wife of Newnan have been visiting their son-in-law and daughter, Col. E. S Roberts and wtfe. KANSAS - The old lady Kilgore, who has been sick wth hearl disease, died at Mr. Jesse Woodard s, the 14th inst. Messrs. Bartlett & Morgan will soon have their new wheat mill done, and lrr E. Creelwill soon have his done too l\rr D W. Gray has got his dwelling done and moved lnto it, and Mr. J. J. Burrow has rnoved lnto h1s too, and Mr D. N Tillmon has his lumber ready to build, but will not build until crops are laid by. It's a boy at Mr. H W. Harpers, and at NIr J. S Field's a boy too. STRIPLING S CHAPEL - Mr Tom Jones rs having a nice resrdence built. . 26 May 1aa2 David N. Gordon, a member of the Rotherford Lodge, Whitesburg died suddenly on Wednesday evening, N4ay'17th inst, near Whitesburg, GA HewasbornApril 4, 1817, Wilkesborough, N. C. He had lived f or almost two score years in Car.oll county. Some weeks before his death he had a paralytic stroke He partially recovered from the stroke, was again able to take part in the activiiies of life, when another attack took him suddenly from our midst... lnterred May 18 \ -'tr-I !r.t.- L' /'/-' ''/ -102- Carroll County Times, Cont'd. Mr. A. A. Srmonton of Cobb county, brother of C R. Simonton ofthis place, has rented the Gadner residence, lately occupied by Dr. Cousins, and will move into it this week. l\,1r. S will be associated with his brother, C. 8., in business. Death of Hon. G. W. AMry - The sad intelligence of the death of the Hon. George W AMry reached this place last Sunday evenrng. He died on that day, at hrs horne in Villa Rica, after an illness of some three weeks, from a complication of drseases. He sutfered intensely during his sickness but dred easily. . He was buried at New Hope church near Villa Rica on Monday evening at 3 o'clock. . Mr. Awtry was 54 year6 of age at the time of his death. He was born and reared in this county... He leaves a wife and two daughters. .. Tribute to Jno. F. Spruill - [This is a long article, bui the only genealogical information in it is his name, and that he was a member of the Bowdon Lodge, F. & A.M., No. 2061 WHITESBURG - David N. Gordon was in town last Wednesday and afte. eating his dinner went down home two miles from this place and about 4 o'clock that evenrng while holding his mule in the yard, waiting for his wife to come with the reap hook, fell dead. He was not seen to breathe or struggle anyway after he fell. He was well known throughout the county and has been J.P. or N. P for many years He was buried with Masonic honors at the Joel Culpepper graveyard on Thursday 2 Jun 1882 \ Miss Sallie Gray, sister of l\4iss lrollie Gray of this place, died at the residence of Dr. Phillips near Draketown the first of the week, and was buried in the cemetery in this place on Wednesday Departed this life on the 20th inst., Mrs Eliza Dunn, wife of Mr Josee Dunn. The deceased was in the 55th year of her age . . year 1874 she united with the Bapusi ln December 1881 she removed with her church, at Hollandville, Pike county, husband and family to this county and soon after united wrth the Baptist church at Bethesda.... CURTIS - Our population is still increasing. l\.4r George T. Reeves says it is a boy at hishouseand Squire Carroll says it's a boy at his. The death of the Hon. Geo. W. AMry has cast a sad gloom on this community. When Mr Awtry passed away Carroll county lost one of her oldest and truest ctizens. I will give the names of some of the oldest citizens who came to this county about the time l\,4r AMry did, most all of whom have been here fifty years. There is Geo S. Sharp Esq , Rev James Baskin, Thomas Chandler, Esq., W W Merrell Esq., B. E. Mathews, John Woody, J B. Williamson Esq , SamuelWilson, A. S. C. Chance, Geo. Aderhold. Thomas Hinesley, Henry R. Williams, Thomas Legget and J M Rooks Sr , near Whitesburg MNSAS - Well we had two weddlngs last Sunday morning Mr Willram Gravet to N.4iss Cordelia Huggins, and Mr William Smith to Miss Emma Dukes, Rev. J. M. D. Stallings officiating. The new comers strll continue to arrive. At Mr H L Cole's a b'oy and at Mr. James lvlartin's a grrl and at l\/lr. A. W Hendrick's two girls, twins. STRIPLING'S CHAPEL Mrs Ann Lyle of Summerville, Ga., mother of NIrs. W. B. Huggins, is visiting in this community. WHIIESBURG l\riss lzora Johnson of Carrollton is visiting her uncle, F. C. Johnson of this place. Mrs E. J. Cowan has been absent several days on a vislt to her parents at Conyers, Ga. Mr. W. J. C. Gaar we learn will move to Polk county the last of this week. l\,4r. l. N. Payton is having another room builtto his residence. WelearnJ A. Atkinson will return from Atlanta this week and that he and W. C Aycock are going to GA li:'i ,l 1., - 103- Carroll County Times, Cont'd. run a saw mill up on the Georgia Pacific R.R. A Hutcherson is having him a six room residence builtatthe Factory. Virgel Houston, son of O. 8. Houston, who lives at Gloveis ferry below here, and was employed on the Nodh & South R.R., was killed near Birmingham, AIa., a few days ago in a collision .buried at Mt. Carmel church, Coweta county. POPE'S MOUNTAIN - Pope's Mountain as situated about three miles south of Villa Rica on the Villa Rica and N,4oore's ferry road. We presume its name ls denved frcm the Pope family living near it 9 Jun 1882 Friday and SatLrrday of last week, the 2nd and 3rd of June, 1882, are days loog to be remembered in Carrollton. Friday was the day designated bythe lawforthe execution of James E. Hanvey and W. L. Moon, the former for murdering Arthur Mcl/lullin, July 2 '1881 , just outside the incoporate limits of Canollton and the latter for murdering John B. Ward, January 4th, 188'1, three miles east of Canollton, near the residence of Jesse Robinson lThis is a long articlel Mr. Zed Bonner, son of Mr. John Bonner has returned from an extended tour in Texas. A new post office has recently been established at Gnftin's store in the Sixth district. It is called Temple. Tallapoosa, Haralson county, better known to most of our readers aa Possum Snout is putting on becoming dignity, since she is about to become a railroad town . . WHITESBURG - Uncle John Houseworth died last Saturday morning rn the 77th year ot his age and was bLlried near his residence in the family graveyard on Sunday evening.... I/lrs. Hindsrnan of Meriwether county is visilng her grandchildren, Dr W. T. Brown and wife and George l. Wilson of this place '16 Jun 1882 Mr. John W. Hardeman was born in Butts county and was the son of Mr. lsaiah and lv]rs. Patsey Hardeman, who moved to Carrollwhen the son was about '12 years old. He was a justice of the peace for 4 years, and was a member of the church at Old Holly Springs 33 years and was a deacon for 13 years before his death. He was baptized by Elder R. T. Speight, and was ordained by the presbytery consisting of Elders Williarn Robinson, Simeon Edwards and R. T. Speight . . He was 56 years old and a few days at his death. He leaves a wife and one son.. .. BUFFALO - We were sorry to learn that Uncle Frank Stephenson was so much worse. His doctor in Alabama who has been tendrng on him has grven hrm up, and he has gone to Dr. Stipes. Douglasville. He has two cancers on his nose. We learn that Mr Z. G. Bonner and Butler lvartin haveboughta sawmill and engine f rom E. S Burns WHITESBURG - Mr. Thomas Baugh's wife died near lvlr. Horseley's last Saturday night. Mr 8., we learn, after trying farthfully, failed to geta doctorthere as soon as he should have had one, and when Dr. Knott got there found her already dead. A. G. Kendrick and family spent last Sunday with his brother-in-law W. F. Story down on the river... Mrs. Gladney, mother of C. B , Z. T. and Thomas Gladney, daed at the lattels residence last Monday and was buried at the Rockers graveyard Tuesday evenrng She was about 80 years old. (These items wll be continued in the next Quartedy Abstracted by ShirJey Gardner.) t) /- . . - ..;i. '1/ '"] -104- KYTLES MOVING We have just learned that Ray and Jean KyUe are miving from Carrollton to Richmond, We will surely miss them. Jean has been a past President of this Society and ls currently serving as Asst. Treasurer We will pnnt thelr new address in the next Quarterly. VA CORRECTIONS Ted Brooks 2055 Foster Dr. Cumming, GA 30040 sent us the following addition to the Cemetery Book, Page 447. P!easant Grove Baptist Church Cem: BROOK BROOK, B. Aug. 20, 1908 D. Mat.22, 1970 Bessie Venson 8. June 24, 1894 D Aug.22, 1876 ([rasonic Emblem) === = ?1Y=Y',: ====== = ? t"l : I _9'=o ===3 = 1_':"_1_', _':',: = = = = = = PEDIGREE CHARTS Sandra Estes Allen 160 E. Greenwood Dr., Carrollton, GA 30117 8814 Phone 770-832-3351 [email protected] 1. ALLEN, Ray James b 06 lray 1933, Carroll Co GA 2. ALLEN, Mccurdie, b 15 Sep 1902, Carroll Co, GA, d 22 Feb '1977, CarrollCo, GA; md 02 May 1925, CarrollCo GA 3. WILLIAMSON, Martha Ellen b 22 Jul '1906 Carroll Co GA; d 08 Dec 1976, Carroll Co GA ALLEN. James Fred. b 13 Oct 1867 AL, d '19lrilar 1961, Carroll Co, GA md 23 Feb 1896 Ca.roll Co GA 5. FOLDS, Ada, b 13 Dec 1879, Carroll Co, GA, d 06 Jun 1961 Carroll Co, GA 6. WILLIAIVISON, George Washington, b 04 Jan 1870, ALi d '15 Jul 1953, Carroll Co, GA md 24 Apr 1892, Carroll Co, GA 7. NEELY, Janie Elizabeth, b 31 Aug '1875 GAi d 05 Apr 1936, Carroil Co, GA. 8. ALLEN, James, b ca 1836 GA; d poss AR 9. POWELL, Cynthia, b ca 1844, AL. 10. FOLDS, King Daniel, b 01 May 1861, GA; d 20 Oct 1933, Carroll Co, GA. 11. EASTERWOOD. Nlary Frances (N4olly). b 04 Jan 1862, GA; d 1904, Carroll Co. GA, 12 WlLL|A|\4SON, Reuben, b 16 l\/lar 1836, GA; d'15 Dec 1916, Carroll Co, GA. 13 WILSON. Emily R . b ca 1832, GA, d ca 1898 AL '14. NEELY, James Pressly, b 13 Aug 1848 GA; d 28 Jan 1928 Carroll Co, GA. 15. TRUETT, Sarah Elizabeth b 04 Dec '1852. GA; d 06 Dec 1925, CarrollCo, GA. 20. FOLDS, Ellah, b 1837, GA d 19 Sep 1862, Bean Station, TN (Civil War). 21, BLACKMON MaryAnn(Polly),b15Jun1848.GAr d 15 Dec 1907, Carroll Co, GA 24. WILLIAMSON, Benjamrn, b, 1792, GA; d 1881, GA. 25. [,rlLLER, Susannah, b ca'1809, GA; d bef'1870, GA. 26. WILSON, George Asbury, b 1802 Orange Co, NC; d 1877 Coweta Co GA. 27. NEWSOI,E, Apsrlla, b ca'1804, GA 28. NEELY, Benjamin, b ca 1804, KY. 29. ---, Elizabeth 4 '-, t L1.'.:\ -105Sandra Estes Allen Pedigree Chart, Cont'd. 30 TRUETT, Walter F., b ca 1833, GA, d 31 [Iay 1865, VA (Civrl Wao. 31. WILKINS, Sarah Elizabeth, b 11 NIay 1830, Carroll Co, cA. 40. FOLDS, K,ng Tyre, b ca 1800, GA. 41. ---, Miranda. 42. BLACKI\,ON, Daniel, b 19 Nov 1810, NC; d 29 Mar'1889, Haralson Co, cA 43. HARTLEY Nancy, b 11 Dec 1815, GA; d 09 Aug 1899, Haralson Co, GA. 50. MILLER, Andrew. 52 WILSON. Geotge, b 1747, Talbot Co, N.4D; d 11 Dec 1848 Gwinnett Co, GA. 53. SPENCE, Rhoda, b ca 1760, MD 54. NEWSOME. Nathaniel. 55. HINNARD Georgia Elizabeth (Eliza), b ca 1780, GA. 62. WILKINS, David, b 1799, NC. 63. SPARKS, Sarah, b 1803, NC. 80. FOLDS, Conrad, b ca 1750, SC. 81. LAI,AR, Sarah, d bef 1850, GA. 84. BLACKMON, Edmond, b 1787, Johnson Co, NC; d Henry Co cA. 85. MASSENGILL, Mouren lvlissouri, b 1799, NCi d Henry Co GA. 86. HARTLEY, James b ca '1785 NC: d 04 Jun '1838, Fayette Co. GA 87. LEE, Mary, b'17 Mar 1787, NC. 110. HINNARD, John, b 1760, NC; d 04 [4ay 1835; Will probated Fayette Co, cA 111. -----. Absilla. 126 SPARKS, Abel, b 08 Jan 1767 Surry Co, NC; d 25 Jun 1823, Henry Co, cA 127. BENGE, Elizabeth, b 1775, Wilkes Co, NCt d aft 1855, Coweta or Fayette Co, GA FOCUS OF RESEARCH VEAL. Zadocand Nlary E. FREILS/FREEL. Sarah Elrzabeth STEED (w. ofJohn Lafayette VEAL) b 1A41.1A45, d 1916 . Rebecca Lowe JONES (w ot John VEAL), b 1793, d 1858. Catherine Melissa Anderson, 1536 Mercado Ave., Coral Gables, FL 33146 1034 precad@mediaone net Thomas CHANDLER Rosemary Savage P. O. Box 1729, Madison, NIS 39'130 RODGERS, SPRlNGER Les Rodgers, 656 Melba St. Jacksonville FL 32205. BOATRIGHT BROWN BURKS, CAMP, CARRUTHERS, HINESLEY, LAIV]BERT, LASSETTER, PARKER, PHILLIPS, RICHARDS, IAIT/TATE, TALLY, f Y!': ='='i ?'i"!!Y : I :'i:'= 1' :"1: | : == lf you answer any of the following queries, please send us a copy of your answer. ='i1':"='=' QUERIES TAN N ER William S. TANNER, b 13 Aug 1813, d 7 Jan 1868, physicran and mason. Need birthplace and parents. He is buned in the Carrollton City Cem. Charles M Tanner lll, 302 Esparada Dr W, Georgetown, TX 78628 "'-t 't -106Queries, Cont'd. CRAWFORD. SHANNON Researching Robert and Nancy CRAWFORD SHANNON. They came to Carroll Co., GA, around 1853 from Edgefield Co , SC. They had children - James, Sara, Ezra Samuel, Richard, and Frank. They are on the 1870 Census in Vr la Rrca. Gloria Shannon, Rt. 6 8ox 38-25, Clinton, AR 72031. BARTLETT, R{CHIE, SHADTX Researching Joseph [L SHADIX (1853) and hrs wife Nancy Anne RICHIE SHADIX (1858), both of Carro{lton, Ga. They had tvvin daughters, lda lvlelvina and Amelia SHADIX, bom 1874 in Lacrange Ga, Amelia married Emitt or Emmit BARTLETT. Some descendants are believed to be still living in Carrollton. Any help you can give will be appreciated. Wendell C. Guyer, P. O. Box 1'115, Sutherlin, OR 97479. Phone 541-459-2612. E-mail [email protected] Change of address Kim Austin Rl4 Box272, Gilmer, TX 75644 71. Fay Nell Pitts, 106 Georgia St.,lvlountaln City, TN 37683. 194. Jack & Mary Threadgill, 119 Lakepoint Dr., Carrollton, GA 30117. 5 CCGS 1999 MEMBERS as of 31 July 1999 Continued from the 1999 Sumrner Quarterly 211. Catherine lvlelissa Anderson, '1536 Mercado Ave , Coral Gables, FL 33146-1034. 212. Wendell C. Guyer, P. O Box'1115, Sutherlrn, OR 97479 213. Les Rodgers,656 Nlelba St, Jacksonvrlle FL 32205 214. Rosemary Savage, P O Box 1729 Madison, MS 39130 215. Ron & Amy Sleadham, 159 Spinks Rd , Temple GA 30179. 216. Wilbur Strickland, c/o Cindy Eecker, Procter & Gamble - SWTC 82540, 11520 Reed Hartman Hwy., Cincinnati, OH 45241 217. Charles Ir. Tanner lll, 302 Esparada Dr, W Georqeto,vn TX 78628 2'18. Earline Burks White. 104 Stover Rd , A:1:,'r: n_C_r9t_01 _ INDEX - 1999 FALL QUARTERLY ADAIR 78 ADAMS 93 ADERHOLD 94 102 ALDRIDGE 77 ALEXANDER 99 ALLEN 74 99(2) 104 105 ALMON 92 ANDERSON 105 106 ANDREWS 98 ANN 79 ARNOLD 94 37 ARREA SEE AVERY ATKTNSON 100(2) 102 AUSTIN 106 AVERY 85 88 89(2) 91 AWTRY 102(2) AYCOCK 102 AYERS S4 BABERY 88 tsAGWELL 86 BANKS 79 BARLOW 93 BARNES 75 BARROW 93 BARTLETT 101 106 BASKTN 82 92 102 BAUGH 103 BEARDEN 93 99(2) tsLcK ii;',86 E9 91 93(2) tsECKER 'IO6 BELL 94 9S BENFORD 90 BENGE 105 BENNETT 97 BENSON 99(3) BENTLY 1OO BILLiNGSY 94 107BILLUP 93 cooK 90 93 BISHOP 92 coustNs 102 BLACK 87 88 cowAN '102 BLACKMAN 90 COWART 95 8LACKMON,104.105 CRAVEN 92 BLACKWELDER 93 CRAWFORD ,106 BLAIR 93 CREEL 87 90 92 95 BOATRIGHT 93 99 ,105 100 101 BOLES 76 CREWS 97 BONNER 76-77 E4-85 cRoFT 100 10'1 92(2) 101 103(2) CRUTCHFIELD 9S BOWEN 93 94 CULPEPPER 102 BRANAN 97 DANIEL 92 BRANTLEY 101 DANSBY 92 BROOK(S) S3 94 104 DAVENPORT 79 E1 BROOM 92 DAVID 8,1 BROWN 78 E5 91 93 DENNEY 83 84 86 s4(2) 100-101 105 DERHAK 79 BUNTYN 93 deVANE 74 BURKS ,105 DEWEESE 77 BURNHAM 86 DIANAH 91 BURNS ,103 DICKS 99 BURROUGHS DICKSON 94 SEE BURROW DUKE(S) 89 94 96 102 BURROW 79-82 10'1 DUNN 102 BURT(T) 87 88 89 90 DYER 90 99(2) EUSH 1OO EADY 92(2) BUTLER 94 EASON 92 CAMP 94 10s EASTERWOOD 92(2) CANDLER 90 104 CARLISLE 76 EDMUNDS 81 CARLTON 79 EDWARDS 90 92 99 CARNES 95 103 cARPENTER 89 90(2) EMBRY 9'1 CARROLL 102 EVANS 91 CARRUTHERS 105 FIELD 101 CATER 96 FINNEY 99 CHAT'BERS 93 95-98 FISHER 92 94 CHANCE 102 FLETCHER 92 CHANDLER 82 87 88 FOLDS 104-10s 89 91 92 95 102 105 FOLSOM 91 CHAPMAN 97 FORBES 76 92 CHAPPELL 86 92(2) FORTWOOD 93 CHEEVES,IOl FOSH 80 CHENEY 94 FREEL 105 cLARK 93(3) FRETWELL 80 CLARY 9,1 FRIELS SEE FREEL cLEr\,1tvroNS 95 96 FULLER 85 92 CLOWER S4 GAAR 102 COFER 93 GARDNER 74 75 91 COLBERT 75 142 103 coLE 92 '102 GARNER 92 93 coLEtvrAN 99 GAY 88 89 90 CONNER 99 GLADNEY 93 ,I03 GLANTON 92 HUTCHERSON 103 GLOVER 103 HYATT 91 GODBEE 77 JACKSON E2 91 92(3) GORDON S3 101(2) 93 S8 102 JACOBS 92 94 GRANT 76 JAMES 92 GRAVET 102 JANE 82 GRAY 92 101 102 JENKINS 92 GREEN 77 80 JENNINGS 92 GRtFFtN 76-77 E5 99 JEIER 92(4) 103 JINTER 94 GUTHRIE 92 JOHNSON 75 87 88 90 GUYER 106(2) 91 92 93 94(2) 97 1o2 HAGLER 88 89 90 JOHNSTON 92 HALEl7 JOINER S2 HALL 97 JONES 79 83 85 86 67 HAMTLTON 76 88 89 92 101 105 HAMMOCK 79 JORDAN 92 HAIV]MOND 94 JOSEPH 90 HANCOCK 92 JUSTICE 97 HAND 86 87 89 90 KARR 93 HANDLEY S4 KAYLOR 93 HANVEY 103 KEESE 93 HARBEN 82 KEETON SEE KEYTON HARDEE S9 KEITH 93 HARDEMAN 103 hELL(E)Y 7S 96 HARPER 98 101 KEMP 93 HARRIS 92 93 99 KENDRICK 93 103 HARTLEY 105 KENNEDY 93(3) HARVELLE 93 KENT 92 HAWKINS 95 KEY 93 HAYES 93 96 KEYTON 8E 98 HAYNES 87 88 KTERBOW 93(2) HELTON 82 92 99 KTLGORE 93 94 101 HENDERSON 94 KING 93 S6 HENDON 88 KINGSBERY 93 HENDRICK 102 KINNEY 93 HENDRIX 98 KIRBOW HENRY 94 SEE KIERBOW HESTER 97 K]RK 80 93 HESTERLY 101 KITTLE 93 HILTON SEE HELTON KNIGHT 93 HINDSMAN 103 KNOTT 93 103 HINES 93 KUGLAR 94 HINESLEY,l02 105 KUGLER 93 HINNARD 105 KYTLE 74 104 HITCHCOCK9l LAMAR 105 HOLLIS 93 LAMBERT 80 85 93(3) HORSELEY 103 105 HORTON 95 96 LAMBERTH 88 HOUSEWORTH 93 LANDERS 93 103 LANE 77 93 HOUSTON 103 LANGLEY 93 HUGGTNS 91 94 102(2) LANTER 93 -'108- LANKFORD 98 LASSETTER 105 LAIIMER 93 LAWNG 93 LAWRENCE 93 LAYTON 96 LEAK 93 LEDBETTER 93 LEE 93 95(2) 105 LEGGETT 102 LENDERMAN 93 LEVANS 94 LEWALLEN 94 LEWIS 94 LIDE 94 LIFSEY 97 LIGHT 79 LILES 96 LIPHAIiI 91 94 LITTLE 94 LOCKETT 94 LOFTIN 94 LOFTON 94 LONG 9'1 94 LOV(E)LESS 94 LOVELL 94 LOWORN 94 LOWRY 94 LOYD 92 LUKE 94 LUMSOEN 94 LUTHER 94 LYLE 94(9) 102 LYNCH 94(2) |\TABRY 87 88 89 90 MANDEVILLE 10,1 MANN 92(2) MAPP 96 MARIAH 80 MARKS 90 MARTIN 75 85 94 100(2) 102 103 TALLY 105 TANNER 105 106 MCI4ULL|N 94 103 TAPES 92 McNEAS 76 TATE 105 McNEIL 77 101 TAYLOR 92 93 McNINCH 74 34 ROBERTSON 88 THOIi]AS 92 so MCRAE 93 ROBTNSON 87 103(2) THOMPSON 96 MEADOWS 99 ROBTSON 88 89 90 THORNTON 87 MERRELL 82 86 99(2) ROCKER ,103 THREADGILL 106 102 RODGERS 99 105 106 THROWER 82 I'ERRY 98 ROOKS 102 TtLLt\,toN'101 IVIIDDLEBROOKS 97 ROOP 100 TIRA 90 I/4ILES 93 77 ROWE TOWERS 89 90 tvltLLER 77 104-'105 SAMPLES 93 TRAIVIMELL 94 I,4ILLICAN 77 SAVAGE 105 106 TRUETT 104-105 MTTCHELL 74 83 94(2) SETZER 75 TUGGLE 98 MOAT 10,1 SHACKELFORD 76-78 TURNER 93 MOBLEY 92 SHACKLEFORD 85 TURRATINE 80 MOON 103 SHADINGER 83.87 95 TYRA 90 ,I06 MOORE 78 103 SHADIX UPCHURCH 76 ,106 MORGAN E6 101 SHANNON VANCE 99 ,I02 MORRTS 81 92(2) 9E SHARP 77 VAUGHN 93 I\4ULLINS 94 SHELLNUTT 1OO VEAL 78 105 MUSE 93 sHrF(F)LETr 95 96-97 VICKERS 97 MUSICK 94 SHINN 99 VINING 97 STMONTON 102 NALL 94 WALKER 96 1OO NEELY 104 SMITH 90(2) 91 92 WALL 89 NELMS 101 93(2) 94 98 100 '101 WARD 92 103 NEW 94 102 WARE 92 NEWSOM(E) s3 SPARKS 105 WARREN 80 104- 105 SPEER 1OO WASH 74 NEWTON 1OO SPEIGHT 103 WEAVER 94 SPENCE 32 105 NICHOLS 77 WEBB S2 93 94 Nlx 84 87 SPRADLIN 75 WEST 94 NrxoN 91(2) SPREWELL 1OO 101 WESTBROOK 83 ALSO SEE SPRUILL NORI\4AN 94 WHEELER 93 ,105 SPRINGER O'DONNELL 75 WHITAKER 97 SPRUILL 102 O'KEEFE 99 wHtrE 88 90 96 105 ALSO SEE SPREWELL 105 PARKER 106 STALLINGS 102 PATE 99 WILKINS 105 ,102 STEADHAM 106 PAYTON 99 WILLIAMS 8S 90 92 STEED 105 PENTECOST 1OO 102 PEYTON SEE PAYTON STEELE lOO wlLLtAt\tsoN 93 100 tvtARY 62 STEEN 75 PHILLIPS 80 93 lOO 102104 tvlASON 80 STEPHENS 92 95 102 105 wtLSoN 86 102 103 I\,,!ASSENGILL 105 ,103 STEPHENSON PINSON 99 104-105 I\,1ASSEY 96 STEWART 99 100(2) WOLFE 93 PITTS 92 106 MATHEWS 102 ,I03 101 WOOD 82 POPE tvlAYE 97 STICHER 94 POWELL 104 WOODARD 101 MCCLENDON 81 96 STIPES 103 ALSO SEE MCLENDON PRUETT S9 wooDY 102 sroR(E)Y 77-7E 84 MoCLUNG 99 RAINEY 97 woRD 74 94 103 [rcCOY '100 REESE S2 WORLEY 92 STREET 93 79-80 82 REEVES 99 1OO 102 MCKISSACK wRtcHT 94 101 STRICKLAND 106 100 REID 93 WYNN 93 TAIT SEE TATE RENADA 88 YATES 91 94 95-98 MCLENDON 77-78 80 Al SO SFF M.Cl FNDON RICHARDS 105 RICHARDSON 93 RtcHtE 106 ROBERTS 75 88 92