Filipino Star - November 2010 Issue
Filipino Star - November 2010 Issue
"Gilmore International College provides immigrants the tools for a successful career change. The training and skills that I learned from the PSW program gave me the confidence to work as a Nurses' Aide.” Adele Lascano, Class 2008 PSW/PAB graduate COIFFURE SPA Pro-Coiffure will give you the look you always wanted at an affordable price. 6210 Decarie corner Van Horne TEL.: (514) 731-8881 Tired of looking the same? Call us now! For more information about our programs, call 514-485-7861 Haircut Special $10 (except Weekends) Vol. XXVIII, No 11 November 2010 Pacquiao wins 8th championship (AP) Manny Pacquiao more than made up with speed what he lacked in size. Giving away both pounds and inches, boxing's little superstar turned Antonio Margarito into a bloody and nearly blind fighter with a dizzying array of punches Saturday night in a lopsided decision victory that wasn't close from the opening rounds on. In a spectacular performance before a delighted crowd of 41,734 at Cowboys Stadium, Pacquiao cemented his claim to being the best fighter in the world by dominating the bigger but slower Margarito almost from the opening bell. Pacquiao won round after round, opening a cut on Margarito's cheek, closing his right eye, and turning his face into a bloody mess. The punches came quickly, and they came often. Margarito was plenty game as he tried to stalk Pacquiao around the ring, but every time he got close Pacquiao would land a four- or five-punch combination that snapped his head back and stopped him in his tracks. The beating was so thorough that the congressman from the Philippines turned to referee Laurence Cole several times in the 11th round, imploring him to stop the fight. It went on, though, even though Margarito had no chance to win. "I can't believe that I beat someone this big and this strong," Pacquiao said. "It's hard. I really do my best to win the fight." Pacquiao moved up in weight yet again to take on Margarito, a natural welterweight with a reputation for ruggedness in the ring. And rugged he was, though he took a beating all night long at the hands of a faster and seemingly more powerful opponent. See Page 4 Pacquiao Manny Pacquiao, right, lands a punch against Antonio Margarito during the third round of their WBC light middleweight title boxing match, Nov. 13, 2010, in Arlington, Texas. (AP Photo/David J. Phillip) FAMAS denies proposing ban on adulterers By Budz Sarmiento MONTREAL, Quebec - In an article that has infuriated the Filipino Association of Montreal and Suburbs (FAMAS) Executive Board and the FAMAS Constitution and Bylaws Committee (FCBL), F. C. Magallanes, the publisher and editor-in-chief of the Filipino Forum, erroneously and maliciously reported that FAMAS would ban adulterers from its membership. According to Ms. Aurora Osdon, president of FAMAS, and Mr. Leandro Tolentino, chairman of FCBL Committee, the article, which appeared in the September 16-October 15, 2010 edition of said newspaper and titled “FAMAS PROPOSES BAN ON ADULTERERS”, is rife with the kind of falsehood and misinformation that its The FCBL committee from left: Au Osdon, president of FAMAS; Melle Lugod; Paz Guloy; Denie Guloy; Shinette Khoury, FAMAS vice-president; Felix Salazar; Alicia Bustamante; Maggie Calcetas and Marlene Birao Schachter. Not in this photo are See Page 4 FAMAS denies Leandro Tolentino, FCBL chairman, Erlinda Baltazar and Bernardo Sarmiento. Contents Guest Editorial . . . . . . . . . 2 Cooperative News . . . . . . . . . 3 Any Which Way (Op.Ed.) . Ta g a l o g C o r n e r. . . . . . 5 . . , . . . . . 9 Ask the Video Guy . . . . . . . . .10 Philippine Cuisine . . . . . . . . 15 Showbiz Gossip . . . . . . . . . . 18 Classified Ads....... . . . . . . . 21 Inyo ng mabibili ang pangarap ninyong bahay sa madaling panahon sa pamamagitan ng tamang mortgage. 2 nOVEMBER 2010 The North American Filipino Star Guest Editorial And he calls himself editor-in-chief As the leader of any journalistic organization, the editor-in-chief is depended upon for guidance. A person in this position is expected to set a good example for the rest of the group. He is depended upon to guide his staff with integrity and impart them with high journalistic standards. That is where F. C. Magallanes, the editor-in-chief of the Filipino Forum, has failed quite miserably. He has been found guilty by the Quebec Press Council for irresponsibility in journalism and for breach of the journalistic code of ethics. For many other editors-in-chief who went though similar regrettable lapse in judgment, that experience should be enough wake-up call for them to change their ways for the better. Unfortunately, it does not have that kind of positive effect on Magallanes. He refuses to learn from the lessons the Press Council has tried to impress on his mind on several occasions. If anything, he has gotten worse and more irresponsible than ever. In our opinion, only a person with troubled mind would allow that to happen without even a tittle of remorse. As an editor-in-chief, Magallanes is supposed to be the vanguard and herald of truth, not the first one to tell outright lies and malign innocent people or entities in the process. With Magallanes, it is the other way around as editions upon editions of his own publication will bear witness to that assumption. We do not just make this up to make him look bad. He does not need us to do that; he has been doing it to himself, and all by himself. In his latest editorial (September 16-October 15, 2010, Filipino Forum) devoted to Mrs. Zenaida F. Kharroubi, he asked, “Whatever happened to responsibility in journalism?” We wonder why he has directed that question to Mrs. Kharroubi and not to himself who should know all the answers to that question already since he is the one devoid of any sense of responsibility in journalism. Not only that, he even lectures us on a particular rule of journalism. He wrote, “First rule of journalism: get your facts straight.” That is the height of hypocrisy since he has always been the one who does not get his facts straight. One incontrovertible evidence that he does not follow what he preaches is right there in his article titled “FAMAS proposes ban on adulterers” appearing on the front page of the aforementioned edition of the Filipino Forum. The Filipino Association of Montreal and Suburbs (FAMAS) has never considered such a preposterous proposal. He has failed to ensure that the content of his article is accurate, fair and complete. He has also failed to edit a Page 1 story that his article on FAMAS alleged proposal is before publication and other stories as needed. He has failed to review feedback or evaluations of that particular article and other content and take steps to avoid future mistakes, and holds stories that are not ready for publication. And he calls himself editor-inchief. If someone else outside of his family or small circle of friends owned the Filipino Forum, F. C. Magallanes would never have been its editor-inchief, not even a delivery boy. Bernardo “Budz” Sarmiento Do you want to consider a career change? need more training to advance in your career? Come to our open house and find out what courses can give you the competitive edge. Gilmore College International Sunday, Nov. 28, 2010 2:00 - 4:00 P.M. 5450 Cote des Neiges #511 Tel.: 514-485-7861 F. C. Magallanes: a serial character assassin Shinette Salcedo-Khoury is one of his latest victims By Bernardo “Budz” Sarmiento Shinette Salcedo-Khoury was once hailed by Fred Magallanes “the next valued honorary consul.” She did not pay attention to the warning of friends who said: “The very people who want you there will be the very people who will bring you down.” It was only when Magallanes began calling her ineligible FAMAS director that she had a grasp of what her friends were getting at. In June 2007, a letter of recommendation with a petition of over 2,000 signatures recommending Salcedo-Khoury as honorary consul was submitted to Ambassador Jose Brillantes, then Philippine Ambassador to Canada. For months, she graced the pages of the Filipino Forum, sometimes in the headline – “Shinette to be named consul”, other times hailed as an active community leader. The favored honorary-consul-to-be was put on a pedestal, and lavished with praise and impressive credentials. Call her naive, call her stupid and call her idealistic, Salcedo-Khoury simply went about her ways according to what her mind, her heart, her better judgment and what the answer to her prayers would guide her to regardless of what others would suggest or expect of her. She has not changed. She will be the same person once valued to be the next honorary consul. Unfortunately, SalcedoKhoury's appointment did not materialize. Her failed appointment was due to misfortune of being backed up by Magallanes who eventually brought her down. Unknown to her, Magallanes’ endorsement was a kiss of death. And when it became obvious that Ambassador Brillantes would not appoint an honorary consul in Montreal, Julita Parado asked her to run for the directorship of FAMAS to serve the community. It took about six months for her to accept the offer. After winning the election, Magallanes began calling her ineligible vice president of FAMAS. The truth was that she met all the requirements to run. Magallanes made an issue of SalcedoKhoury’s failure to pay her membership fee in 2007 because all the candidates he supported lost the election. (corner Edouard Montpetit) Montreal, QC H3T 1Y6 The North American Filipino Star 5450, chemin de la Cote-des-Neiges Suite 511 Montreal, QC H3T 1Y6 SUBSCRIPTION ORDER Name_________________________________________________________________ Address ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ Telephone: __________________ E-Mail: ________________________________ 1 year - $25 2 years - $45 Your copy will be mailed to you every month. Please make your cheque payable to the North American Filipino Star. 5450 chemin de la Cote des Neiges Suite 511 Montreal, Quebec H3T 1Y6 When Salcedo-Khoury , who was once valued future honorary consul, became an ineligible vice president of FAMAS, she found out Magallanes’ real character. Magallanes has a pattern of building up people he wants, then destroying them if they refused to be manipulated or controlled by him and his toadies. Magallanes is a serial character assassin. In 2001, Magallanes endorsed and promoted Benny Parial who he wrote was the most qualified among the FAMAS presidential candidates that included Jay Jay Villanueva, Ding Castillo and Mel Domingo. But when Parial refused to be manipulated by Magallanes, troubles began for Parial. Magallanes wrote that FAMAS was impoverished because Parial used the money of FAMAS to hire a lawyer when a case was filed against San Tino. Magallanes' next victim was Tino who ran for presidency in 2005. In the beginning, Tino was Magallanes' “Flavor of the Month.” He even dismissed the propaganda that Tino was just an orderly. But when Tino refused to be controlled by Magallanes, Tino was in trouble. Magallanes mercilessly attacked Tino. In the wake of his attack against Tino, Magallanes was banned from the Center. Magallanes then called Tino bigot and fascist. He even wrote a story on the front page of the Filipino Forum that Tino was handcuffed by the police for slapping his girlfriend. In 2007, Magallanes wrote that Albert Floresca, who won the FAMAS election for presidency, got off to a good start and was on his way to achieve something great. But after a year, he started writing negative stories about Floresca. He said that the July 2005 Pista sa Nayon was the least attended in its five-year history. In the January-February issue of the Filipino Forum, he wrote that Flor Rillo would run for FAMAS president. It was obvious he was favoring Rillo. Glowing rave reviews kept coming from Magallanes’ pen. He even wrote "Chris Bautista is a possible candidate but he lacks the support of Samahang See Page 4 - Character Assassin Tel.: 514-485-7861 Fax: 514-485-3076 E-Mail: [email protected] Published by Filcan Publications, Inc. Zenaida Ferry Kharroubi Chief Editor & Publisher Al Abdon Jerry Estrada Columnists Sam Kevin News & Layout Editor Mark Flores Advertising Representative Bert Abiera Founder Hilda T. Veloso Community News Mary Joy Lizarondo Sports News The opinions expressed by the writers and columnists do no necessarily reflect that of the management of the North American Filipino Star. and its editors. nOVEMBER 2010 5710 Victoria Avenue Cooperative News (basement of Cuisine de Manille) Montreal, QC H3W 3H2 Telephone: 514-733-8915 Fax: 514-485-3076 E-Mail: [email protected] Members are reminded to come and patronize their own Coop store We have just installed a sign of the Cooperative which we refer to now as “Marché Coop”. If you pass by the Cuisine de Manille Restaurant on 5710 Victoria Avenue near Cote Ste. Catherine Road, you will notice our sign on the left side of the entrance to the restaurant. We also put our business hours on the door and indicated on this sign that you have to go to the basement to find the Cooperative Store (Marché Coop). We would like to remind our fellow citizens, whether they are members of the cooperative or not, that we need everyone’s patronage, in order to accomplish the following goals: 1) to build a community resource which can create jobs for the youth and newcomers 2) to build our common prosperity and share the economic results equally and proportionally to each member’s participation 3) to increase our political and economic clout 4)to promote entrepreneurship and cooperation among all our fellow citizens. 5) to have a shared vision of what makes us strong and united in pursuing our common goals. We have a growing and thriving community in Montreal. It would be a great disgrace if the Filipino Solidarity Cooperative (Marché Coop) will be allowed to fail as its success is all in our hands. It does not make sense to ignore the benefits that a cooperative can give to its members. It should not take rocket science to figure out that buying from your own cooperative store is not only good for the community but also for your own future as the profits will be shared equally among its members. The other stores are owned by rich businessmen who will never share the profits with their customers. Besides, the prices of your favorite Philippine products are the same and in some cases even lower, if you consider the fact that you will get a rebate for your purchases at the end of a profitable year. It seems so simple to shop at the Coop for we are even willing to take your telephone orders for your convenience and to save you the time it takes to pick and choose your groceries.. If you give us advance notice, we can even go out of our way 3 The North American Filipino Star to procure any missing items for you. In other words, let it not be an excuse for anyone to say that the reason they do not shop at the Coop is because they cannot find everything here. There is no store in the world that sells everything. Nevertheless, we are willing to make the Coop a one-stop shop for you if you give us a chance. As we have gone through a difficult transition period of moving twice in six months, we are slowly receiving the visits of our former customers. However, we still notice that many of our members have not yet visited the new location. Most of the people who came so far are nonmembers. We hope that the 710 members in our list will find the time to call us at 514-733-8915 to place their orders or to shop in person. If they buy at least $50 or more, we will offer them a coupon that will entitle them to a raffle of a gift basket worth $35. More details about this and other incentives will be available when you come to the Coop. We are also appealing to our members who have some spare time to volunteer as a cashier. There are only four volunteers at present. We operate the Coop for 45 hours a week. This workload is quite heavy considering that there are only four (4) volunteers. The following are the people serving as volunteer cashiers: Ben Bade - Tuesday, 1 to 5:pm and Sunday, 1 to 6 pm; Magnolia Camat - Saturday and Sunday, 1 to 6 pm, Sophie Toledo - Monday 1 to 5:30; Thursday, 3 to 8 pm; Zenaida Kharroubi - Wednesday 1 to 5:30; Thursday, 1 to 3 pm, and Friday 1 to 8 pm. As you can see, each one of these volunteers is overloaded as they also have other duties both personally and professionally. It would be much appreciated if more members will volunteer even two hours a week to give these volunteers a little break. Training will be provided and proper accounting procedures have been instituted even though our cash float is a small amount. Cash receipts are recorded and cash proof is done at each shift to make sure that everything is in balance. Marché Coop is so conveniently located that there is no excuse why any member will still hesitate to drop in and shop. Zenaida Ferry Kharroubi These are some of the products you can find at the new Marché Coop Jufran Banana Sauce Your patronage will help build our community and promote unity. Business Hours Monday to Wednesday 1:00 to 5:30 P.M. Thursday & Friday 1:00 to 8:00 P.M. Saturday & Sunday 1:00 to 6:00 P.M. We accept telephone orders for pickup or delivery Delivery service -$5 Tuesday and Sunday, 5 to 6 p.m. in CDN/NDG area only for orders of $50 or more. Lechon - popular for parties and the coming holidays, so order early in order not to be disappointed. Small $180 Medium $200 Large $220 Fresh vegetables and fruits can be available during weekends if requested by at least 10 members by Thursday of the same week. Specify quantities and kinds of vegetables you desire. Tilapia, clean Sotanghon Diwa Pancit Canton Select Corned Beef Pampanga Frozen Blood Milkfish (bangus) size 600/800 Grated Cassava White King Puto Mix Buenas Kaong, Nata de Coco, Macapuno Strings Fiesta Del Monte Fruit Cocktail Tapioca, Glutinous, Rice Flour Mama Sita Spices Mang Tomas Lechon Sauce FREE SEMINAR Cooperative, a Social Economy Enterprise How it can benefit a community Sunday, November 28 4:00-5:00 P.M. Gilmore College 5450 Cote des Neiges Suie 511 The North American Filipino Star 4 From Page 1 FAMAS denies author has gained notoriety from. Osdon, in a tearful reflection during the FCBL meeting on October 23, 2010, vigorously denied that her organization had proposed banning adulterers from its membership. Tolentino, for his part, not only concurred with Osdon but also emphatically repudiated that banning adultery was ever discussed in any committee meeting, and vehemently denounced all the outright lies that Magallanes wrote in his article. Tolentino, a graduate of the University of the Philippines in Diliman, Quezon City and known in the Filipino community for his composure, could not hide his indignation over Magallanes’ unfounded and unfair characterization of the former and the former’s committee. Tolentino declared, “I cannot take Magallanes’ transgression lying down. I will tell him in the strongest terms possible that he does not have the right to malign me and my committee, particularly by telling lies.” Ms. Alicia Loyola-Bustamante, commenting on Magallanes’ assertion that she was appointed by Tolentino as chairperson of the committee to exclude adulterers from the association, said, “Nothing can be farther from the truth. No such appointment was made since no such committee was created, let alone discussion on banning adultery ever took place.” Visibly trembling with emotion and tears starting to well down her eyes, she added, “My hunch was right that he would give us problem; he should not have been allowed to be in our meeting in the first place. I warned you that he was shameless and evil, but you would not listen.” In hindsight, the entire FCBL Committee agreed with Bustamante and rued the day they allowed him to take photos during that particular meeting. Even Ms. Marlene BiraoSchachter and Mr. Denie Guloy, known friends and close associates of Magallanes, would not conceal their displeasure with Magallanes’ action and the lies he had published in his newspaper. When asked if they would sign the open letter of protest Tolentino would write to Magallanes, they said, “Yes, we will, definitely! What Magallanes did is wrong.” Mr. Felix Salazar, an FCBL Committee member and the source who, Magallanes claimed, supplied all the information through a phone interview, denied that he ever discussed adultery and adulterers with Magallanes. Salazar promised that he, too, would sign the protest letter being drafted by Tolentino. The FAMAS Executive Board, through its president, intends to write similar letter to Magallanes. It will be remembered that Magallanes was found guilty of breaching the journalistic code of ethics. He was also reprimanded by the Quebec Press Council on several occasions for irresponsible and malicious reporting. Advertise in the Filipino Star Call 514-485-7861 nOVEMBER 2010 From Page 2 Character assassin Makabayan.” But when Rillo refused to comply with Magallanes' unsolicited suggestions, he was attacked by Magallanes who wrote about Rillos' marital affair. The bottom line is that Magallanes is a cancer of society. According to the Webster dictionary, cancer is something evil and malignant that spreads destructively. On the other hand, Family Binders (Readers' Digest) defines cancer as malignancy, plague, rot. For example, in the 1920s, the cancer of Hitlerism was widespread in Germany. In Montreal, the cancer of Magallanesism has been wreaking havoc in the community, like tsunami, for many years. The cancer of Magallanesism has to be “surgically” removed before it can metastasize. From Page 1 Pacquiao "There was no way I was gong to quit. I'm a Mexican, we fight until the end," Margarito said. Pacquiao won every round on one scorecard, 120-108, and was ahead 119109 and 118-110 on the other two. The Associated Press had it a 120-108 shutout. "We didn't lose a round," said Pacquiao's trainer, Freddie Roach. "I wish they would have stopped the fight." That almost happened, but Cole allowed it to go on even as Margarito kept taking a beating. There wasn't any way Margarito was going to win the fight, but he could still see out of one eye and wanted to continue. "I told the referee, `Look at his eyes, look at his cuts,"' Pacquiao said. "I did not want to damage him permanently. That's not what boxing is about." Ringside punch stats reflected Pacquiao's dominance, showing him landing 474 punches to 229 for Margarito. But it wasn't just the sheer volume of punches, but the power in which they came at almost every angle. Roach predicted before the fight that Pacquiao would carve Margarito apart because he was simply much too quick for his opponent. He did just that, starting from the first round when he landed an early flurry up the middle that seemed to set the tone for the fight. It wasn't entirely easy, though. Pacquiao said Margarito hurt him in the middle rounds with shots to the head and the body, though he was unable to land more than one of two punches at a time. When he did manage to land, more often than not Pacquiao was there to fire right back with volleys of his own that found their mark almost every time. "Manny is the best fighter in the world," said Margarito's trainer, Robert Garcia. "He is just too fast - very, very quick." While there was no controversy in the ring, there was a dispute in the dressing room before the fight when a member of Pacquiao's camp saw a weight-loss supplement in Margarito's gear and demanded his blood be tested immediately for possible banned substances. Texas boxing officials ruled that would not be necessary, and the fight went on. Roach also made sure he was in the dressing room to watch the hands of Margarito, who is still banned in California for a hand wrapping scandal, get wrapped. But it was Margarito's corner who demanded Roach also rewrap his fighter's hands in a display of gamemanship. Once the fight started it didn't See Page 14 Pacquiao Proof that it's so easy to doctor a photo that even a computer illiterate can do it. minds. Instead, you and your wife stayed OPEN LETTER TO MAGALLANES there for a short time and did not raise any interest in clarifying or verifying these concerns or issues that could November 1, 2010 generate interest to the FAMAS membership; but shockingly after that, Mr. F. C. Magallanes you have vilified and/or negatively Publisher commented through your publication The Filipino Forum the goings-on in the discussion --- that 1165 Saint-Aubin which the bases had not happened on Ville Saint Laurent, Quebec H4R 1T3 the FCBL table. Thus, the following never happened: Dear Mr. Magallanes: a. “FCBL has approved a proposal banning adulterers from the association The FAMAS Constitution and Bylaws membership.” (paragraph 1) Committee 2009-2011 (FCBL) agreed b. “An overwhelming majority of unanimously to address your FCBL members said removing irresponsible and malicious actions adulterers from the rolls of FAMAS was regarding the following concerns: a) the constitutional.” (paragraph 2) article you wrote in The Filipino Forum c. “Shinette Salcedostating on “FAMAS PROPOSES BAN ON Khoury…said ‘I think it is not against the ADULTERERS”; and b) the distasteful Constitution.’. She did not specify placing of said edition at the back page whether she was talking about the of the souvenir program of the constitution of FAMAS…” (Paragraph 3). Federation of the Filipino-Canadian d. “Bernardo Sarmiento concurred Associations of Quebec (FFCAQ). with Mrs. Salcedo-Khoury.” (Paragraph A. The irresponsible content of 4). “FAMAS PROPOSES BAN ON 3. You have expressed biases or ADULTERERS” (The Filipino Forum, misinterpreted the following issues or September-October 2010, page 4). concerns based on your side interviews 1. There was no discussion on the with the following persons: table regarding the issues on adultery or a. Mr. Felix Salazar denied that adulterers. We abide by the principle of your telephone interview with him was respect and privacy among individuals, discussion on adultery. He has even more so with the FAMAS specifically told us on the table that he is membership; not a dissenter on the processes, but he 2. You requested to take pictures is the person who is concerned on of FCBL Committee meeting on August human rights issues and right to privacy. 28, 2010. Mrs. Pat Magallanes and you In this regard, either you misinterpreted were graciously welcomed by all the Mr. Salazar’s “expressed fears” Committee members present. However, (paragraph 8) or you would like to in your and your wife’s presence, neither highlight that Mr. Salazar broke the code did you signify the intention to observe in the discussion nor did you comment or Open Letter put on the table lingering issues in your See Page 14 nOVEMBER 2010 5 The North American Filipino Star Any Which Way Bernardo “Budz” Sarmiento Magallanes makes his name more apt by changing it from Fred to Fraud While many Filipinos’ blood simmered when they read the malicious articles shameless Frauderico C. Magallanes published in the September 16-October 15, 2010 Edition of his Filipino Forum, I simply shrugged it off as yet another offshoot of his patented inanity and impertinence. His front-page article, bearing a screaming and uppercased headline “FAMAS PROPOSES BAN ON ADULTERERS,” contains nothing but utter lies, something that he says and writes quite instinctively. Frauderico is probative that the saying “Nobody is perfect” is not always true as he is a perfect liar. He is someone who can lie with consummate ease. Propensity for lying is what Fraud, a Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) sufferer, always has. Obviously, his NPD has gotten worse, and his family might have to take him to the Douglas Mental Hospital in Verdun for lobotomy much sooner than many people he has sadistically maligned have been praying for. As an FCBL Committee member with a perfect record of attendance in said committee’s meetings prior to the publication of said article, I can categorically say that the Committee never considered, let alone proposed, banning adulterers – or anyone else with morality problem, for that matter – from membership in the Filipino Association of Montreal and Suburbs (FAMAS). We, as a group, will never uphold such a ludicrous idea no matter how much we, either individually or collectively, disapprove of adultery. FIRST RULE OF JOURNALISM: GET YOUR FACTS STRAIGHT – Is it not peculiar and hypocritical of someone who does not always get his facts straight to lecture me to get my facts straight? And guess who is audacious enough to do that? Frauderico C. Magallanes! Who else? He wrote, in reference to my unfavorable comment about the photo that appeared on the front page of his tabloid, “First rule of journalism: get your facts straight.” He added, “He doesn’t even know that you can’t bring your own camera to take pictures inside Malacañang Palace. Only palace photographers are allowed to do that.” Maybe, but he didn’t say that one could buy any photo he liked from any of those photographers at the right price, and then doctor it with a computer. I believe one could. Sa Manila pa! Apparently, he is too dumb to realize that I only expressed an opinion regarding the photo purportedly taken at Malacanang Palace during the inauguration of President Noynoy Aquino last July, and printed on the front page of the August 16-September 15, 2010 issue of the Filipino Forum. Since it was merely an expression of personal opinion and not a news item, there was no need to gather facts since a mere ocular inspection of said photo was enough to opine on it. One unassailable proof of his hypocrisy is the article he wrote about Ms. Shinette Salcedo Khoury – “Shinette to be named Consul” in the July 2007 issue of the Filipino Forum. Frauderico wrote in that article that Khoury was appointed Honorary Consul despite the fact that no such appointment was made yet at the time. He jumped the gun – as he is wont to do - and reported an event that had not materialized yet. And then he has the gall to tell me to get my facts straight. Tsk, Fraud, you are dreadfully irredeemable! WHATEVER HAPPENED TO RESPONSIBILITY IN JOURNALISM? – That’s the question Frauderico had the temerity to ask Mrs. Zeny Kharroubi, the publisher and chief editor of this newspaper, in his most recent editorial (Page 6, September 16-October 15, 2010 Edition, Filipino Forum) suggesting that Mrs. Kharroubi was an irresponsible journalist. He conveniently forgot, as he often does, that it was he, and never she, whom the Quebec Press Council reprimanded several times for, what else but, irresponsibility in journalism. And it was he, not she, who was found guilty of breach of journalistic code of ethics. It reminds me of dumping that Fraud, an NPD-afflicted person, always resorts to when criticized. Magallanes asking Mrs. Kharroubi whatever happened to responsibility in journalism is like Judas Iscariot asking St. Peter whatever happened to loyalty to Jesus Christ. The outright lies and half-truths contained in the two articles that he wasted time for just to spite me are very typical of someone afflicted with NPD. However, I must admit that he got my blood pressure rise when he lied that my daughter flung rocks onto my car during my romantic adventurism years ago. She never – in fact, none of my children – did such a thing to me despite their resentment towards me for my peccadillo. Yes, they were understandably angry with me for what I did to their mother like most children would in similar circumstances, but they were too disciplined, too wellbrought up and too decent to damage their father’s properties or belongings. Patria Magallanes’ family is not without sin. She has a brother, let’s call him Mr. T, who was similarly situated as I was. Mr. T. was seeing another woman, who was also a caregiver, while still married to DR, a registered nurse. Mr. T. and the same caregiver are still together. He’s now divorced like I am with three children by his former wife DR. I won’t mention their full names, even though I can, out of respect to their children and concern for those children’s welfare. I also considered writing about Patria’s own alleged affair, particularly while Fraud was still languishing in the Philippines and his wife was alone here, but I decided to save it for later in case Fraud invented and publishes another salacious story about me. If he doesn’t, I don’t. It’s his call. MAGALLANES, WEASELS AND OTHER VERMIN – Admittedly, I never really gave it serious thought that Frauderico would actually stoop that low to bring both my daughter and my ex-wife into the mix. I guess I have forgotten that he is an NDP sufferer and therefore quite capable to do things without shame, without guilt and without empathy. But now that he has involved them, nobody can blame me if I even the score. I will even follow him under the rocks – the natural habitat of Magallanes, the weasels and other vermin – to shove it to him. In his article titled “BS: not an abbreviation for Boy Scout” (Page 26, September 16-October 15, 2010, Filipino Forum), Frauderico gratuitously found “it offensive when he (referring to me) wants to appear to be a man who is above sexual shenanigans while attacking a certain JT – which could stand for Jerry Tugas – as a Lothario, a man who makes love to many women.” Obviously, Fraud was referring to that particular portion of the September 2010 Edition of my Any Which Way column titled “Illicit Affairs: Sign of the Times.” In that piece, I only mentioned that there were inappropriate relationships going on in our community. I didn’t mention any name, just that particular initial. Still, I didn’t attack or denigrate JT who could be anyone in our community. That “JT” is also Jerry Tugas’ initial is purely coincidental. I didn’t mention anyone’s name in my article, but Frauderico did mention Jerry Tugas’ name in his. It could also be for Juan Tamad. And yes, Justin Timberlake! It cannot be Jun Timbol or my fellow Mapua alumnus Joji Tapia. I personally know Joji to be a decent and religious guy and faithful husband. In any case, I simply stated the facts about the original JT’s philandering ways. No more, no less. Nowhere in that spiel did I make myself appear that I was morally superior to JT or the others. But we all know Fraud; he always wants to put his perceived enemies in the worst light possible. WHAT IF PATRIA’S WORSE HALF’S NAME WERE NOT FRED – Hey, Fraud, I have a question: Which do you think is more embarrassing, denigrating and painful – husband cheating on his wife or wife cheating on her husband? How about making it your next editorial? If you have any clue what’s going on around you, you can write a limpid editorial on that subject. If you don’t, then you are a bigger dolt than I thought. Just for curiosity, do you think your wife Patria would stick with you if your name weren’t Fred? She seems to love that name very much, doesn’t she? By the way, I took the liberty of tweaking your name a little bit. I honestly thought that “Fraud” fits you more than “Fred” does. The problem with this alteration is, Pat might not like it and might start to find another Fred, if she hasn’t already found one, and then she would ask you for divorce. And should it happen, you would surely blame me, or worse still, dump See Page 7 Any Which Way Mortgage Financing Affiliated Real Estate Agent 245 Victoria Avenue, Suite 525 Westmount, Qc H3Z 2M6 C: 514-653-0816 F: 514-667-5018 [email protected] VANTAGE REALTY GROUP CHARTERED REAL ESTATE BROKER 6 Dear EarthTalk: Merino wool undergarments tout themselves as being kinder to the environment than other wools or synthetics. How is this so? -- Stella Cooley, Bangor, ME Since the 1970s, professional athletes and weekend warriors alike have sworn by base layers made out of synthetic “fibers” that would let sweat-based moisture escape, dry fast and be easy to care for. But such garments don’t come without trade-offs: They tend to get stinky when mixed with bodily odors and, like so many modern technological marvels, are derived from petroleum. Merino woolbased garments function just as well or better—and without the olfactory stigma or carbon footprint increase. The soft and pliable cousin to the traditional wool our grandparents wore, Merino wool is revolutionizing outdoor wear while helping manufacturers and consumers lower their impact on the environment. This natural fiber, derived from Merino sheep in New Zealand, is soft on the skin, wicks sweat effectively, dries out quickly, is naturally odor-resistant—and is machine-washable to boot. And since Merino can be easily spun into different weights, it is used in a wide variety of clothing types (underwear, shirts, coats) making it a natural choice for layering. Some of the leaders in the Merino underwear revolution include Ibex Outdoor Clothing, SmartWool and Patagonia, each which sources its wool through Zque, a New Zealand-based certification for Merino producers that adheres to a strict set of sustainability and ethical treatment standards. Qualifying ranches must feed their sheep natural grass and spring water and maintain a low “head-to-hectare” ratio. Upwards of 170 New Zealand Merino ranches have been certified accordingly by Zque as “ethical wool” producers. Unhappy with synthetic base layers that made him “sweat like a gorilla,” cross-country skiing enthusiast John Fernsell teamed up with sheep farmer and mountaineer Peter Helmetag to start Ibex in 1997. “Everything looked the same and didn’t work,” says Fernsell. “It was all either Gore-Tex or polyester fleece.” The duo set out to find a better choice. With its inherent functionality, style, comfort and sustainability, Merino emerged the victor. Today Ibex sells several different cuts of Merino wool undergarments, including a line of underwear for men and women, long johns for men and women, and boxers for men. SmartWool, better known for its Merino socks, also makes highly regarded Merino undergarments, such as the mens’ Microweight Boxer Brief and three long johns for men and women of varying weights. Patagonia also sells a full line of Merino under- and outerwear. Additionally, many more companies have jumped on the Merino bandwagon, so consumers interested in trying it out now have more styles and varieties than ever to choose from. These products are available directly from the manufacturers’ websites or through outdoor retailers including REI. While Merino undergarments have a lot going for them, they are still expensive compared to the alternatives. But Merino converts insist that the rugged material lasts much longer than synthetic or cotton The North American Filipino Star nOVEMBER 2010 The New York Times that “there is great hope that some of the renewable energy technology being developed for battle will double back and play a role in civilian life.” She adds that the armed forces have enough purchasing power to create genuine markets in the non-military world. CONTACTS: Project Censored,; U.S. DoD,; Military Toxics Project,; GreenFuelSpot, SEND YOUR ENVIRONMENTAL QUESTIONS TO: EarthTalk®, c/o E – The Environmental Magazine, P.O. Box 5098, Westport, CT 06881; [email protected]. E is a nonprofit publication. Subscribe:; Request a Free Trial Issue: Merino wool, derived from Merino sheep in New Zealand and produced under a strict set of sustainability and ethical treatment standards, is revolutionizing outdoor wear while helping manufacturers and consumers lower their impact on the environment.” (Rae Allen, courtesy Flickr.) clothing without sacrificing comfort, style or fit. Scratchy old wool has come a long way indeed. CONTACTS: Ibex Outdoor Clothing,; Patagonia,; SmartWool,; Zque, has been implicated in the stranding deaths of whales worldwide. Despite being linked to such problems, the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) has repeatedly sought exemptions from Congress for compliance with federal laws including the Migratory Bird Treaties Act, Announcing RARE’s most ambitious project ever: Our Threatened Oceans and How We’re Working to Save Them; Empowering Sustainable Fishing in The Coral Triangle, Global Epicenter of Marine Biodiversity “Fisheries management around the world has failed. We now have the capacity to catch the last fish, the last whale, the last dolphin, the lastshell.” --Stuart Green, Director, Philippines Program for Rare American forces generate some 750,000 tons of toxic waste annually - more than the five largest U.S. chemical companies combined. Although this pollution occurs globally in dozens of countries, there are tens of thousands of toxic “hot spots” on some 8,500 military properties right here on America (Photodisc); REI, Dear EarthTalk: What is the U.S. military doing to reduce its carbon footprint and generally green its operations? -- Anthony Gomez, New York, NY As the world’s largest polluter, the U.S. military has its work cut out for it when it comes to greening its operations. According to the nonprofit watchdog group, Project Censored, American forces generate some 750,000 tons of toxic waste annually—more than the five largest U.S. chemical companies combined. Although this pollution occurs globally on U.S. bases in dozens of countries, there are tens of thousands of toxic “hot spots” on some 8,500 military properties right here on America soil. “Not only is the military emitting toxic material directly into the air and water,” reports Project Censored, “it’s poisoning the land of nearby communities, resulting in increased rates of cancer, kidney disease, increasing birth defects, low birth weight and miscarriage.” The non-profit Military Toxics Project is working with the U.S. government to identify problem sites and educate neighbors about the risks. Meanwhile, the U.S. military manages 25 million acres of land that provides habitat for some 300 threatened or endangered species. The military has harmed endangered animal populations by bomb tests (and been sued for it), reports Project Censored, and military testing of lowfrequency underwater sonar technology the Wildlife Act, the Endangered Species Act, the Clean Air Act and the National Environmental Policy Act. It’s unclear whether the U.S. military is taking heed of criticisms in regard to pollution and endangered species management, but it is undoubtedly concerned about climate change, as its effects on the environment could lead to unprecedented natural resource wars and mass migrations of people. And reducing our reliance on potentially hostile foreign oil sources is a short term national security imperative as well. A recent Obama administration directive calls for the DoD to draw 20 percent of its power from renewable sources by 2020. Nikihl Sonnad of the GreenFuelSpot website reports that the Army and Air Force are planning to include solar arrays on several bases in sunny western states. The Air Force is also building the nation’s largest biomass energy plants in Florida and Georgia, and the Navy is building three large geothermal energy plants and funding research into extracting energy from ocean waves. Some of the military’s R&D into renewables is for battlefield applications. Outfitting troops with the capability to produce their own on-site power from solar and wind sources not only makes sourcing oil less of a necessity but also should serve to reduce casualties from fuel transport operations. Over 1,000 American troops have lost their lives delivering fuel in the past few years alone (in part because enemy combatants often use fuel trucks as attack targets), says Sonnad. Elisabeth Rosenthal reports in FACT: We’ve already eaten more than 90% of our big fish. FACT: 50% of our coral reefs are gone. FACT: We’re currently using 30% of the ocean’s life just to eat seafood. FACT: Only .8% of our oceans are protected, while 12% of our land is. FAC T: The experts agree that Marine Protected Areas and ‘No Take Zones’ (where fishing is not permitted and the local people themselves patrol the watera) can help preserve the world's fisheries. FACT: Marine Protected Areas near human populations will only work if the local inhabitants are inspired and receive benefits. (Arlington, Va.; October 7, 2010) “Terrestrial conservation has made incredible advances in the past few decades. More than 10 percent of land is now under some form of protection. The marine world, however, has a long way to go,” says Brett Jenks, CEO of the global environmental organization, nOVEMBER 2010 RARE ( Jenks goes on to explain, “With less than 1 percent of the world’s oceans protected, marine conservationists are going to have to work quickly and creatively to catch up.” Rare –the Arlington, Va. nonprofit with a successful track record in over 50 richly bio-diverse countries, to date—has now announced its most ambitious project yet: A $7 million, multi-year marine conservation program to reduce overfishing at 22 sites across the Coral Triangle – a vast region in Southeast Asia that is considered to be the global epicenter of marine biodiversity (with additional projects launching in Mexico and Central America). Jenks says, “We believe our winning formula will create jobs, ensure food supplies and make coastal communities more resilient to climate change, because it protects reefs and reproduction areas.” As part of this initiative, twelve distinguished, charismatic community leaders in the Philippines have been chosen to inspire and enable sustainable local solutions in their country. Work in the Philippines officially launched in September with the arrival of these community leaders to Washington, DC for nine weeks of intensive training from leading experts on MPA management, social marketing, and community mobilization. Over the next two years, these individuals will embark upon a journey to raise awareness of overfishing in their country and build support for effective Marine Protected Area management. Their campaigns are aimed to empower local communities to better manage their fisheries and participate in guarding the nation’s Marine Protected Areas (which are some of the world’s most important and numerous). Rare’s goal is to take the most effective no-take zone models (the “bright spots” Rare has identified across the globe) and replicate these community-managed zones at dozens of sites in the Philippines, Indonesia, Malaysia, Mexico, and the Meso-American Reef. Brett Jenks concludes, “The world’s leading marine scientists and agencies are in agreement that the best proven marine conservation strategy is no-take zones. It’s exciting to consider what might actually happen if all these NGOs, scientists, and private sector folks mobilized around a big hairy audacious goal – like preserving 20 percent of the world’s oceans through notake zones – and developed a business plan to get us there. For now, I’m proud to say Rare is doing its part to support such a plan.” About Rare: RARE is the leader in social and behavioral change for conservation -- with a successful track record in more than 50 countries to date. The non-profit, based in Arlington, Virginia, trains and supports leaders from the world’s top environmental organizations, local grassroots groups, and governments. Rare’s campaigns have influenced more than 6.8 million people living in over 2,400 remote communities. Many of the world’s largest conservation groups, as well as nations in the developing world, have requested Rare’s services to help build stronger local community support for 7 The North American Filipino Star their work. They include The Nature Conservancy, World Wildlife Fund, Birdlife International, National Audubon Society, the United Nations Environment Programme, the national governments of China, Mexico, Peru, Indonesia, and many others. Rare has been cited as one of Fast Company magazine’s Top Social Entrepreneurs four years in a row. Learn more at and From Page 5 Any Which Way on me, wouldn’t you? You know, Fraud, you’re becoming too predictable already. ANOTHER RED HERRING FROM FRAUD — Fraud had no comments about my story that the Ogerio sisters had committed fraud, and des Parado had no transparency. Instead, he retaliated by publicizing my personal life. That’s what journalists call a “red herring,” something that draws attention away from the central issue. Although Fraud’s spiteful revelation of my infidelity came like a dark cloud hanging over me at the outset, I was still able to see a silver lining behind it. In fact, I now consider it a blessing in disguise. So instead of fuming, I am now thanking him for it because he has put me – inadvertently (or stupidly?), I am sure – in a better position to expose his hypocrisy and to disclose without any qualm that members of his family are not what he makes them out to be. TRUE FILIPINO CRAB – That’s the new title Fraud has given me in addition to “King of Comedy.” He wrote: “He’s a true Filipino crab who’s out to pull the Magallaneses down, denigrating them rather than letting them get ahead. That’s ill will at another’s good fortune.” [Page 28, September 16-October15, 2010 Edition, Filipino Forum] Good fortune? What good fortune? No matter how much I cudgel my brains, I cannot think of any good fortune that Fraud has ever had except, perhaps, being married to a woman who is willing to support a lazy bum and freeloader. Hoping that they knew, I asked many Filipinos in Montreal what good fortune Magallanes had. Unfortunately, they couldn’t cite any either. At any rate, is it good fortune to be booted out of the College of Law of the University of the Philippines after just one semester for not meeting the minimum grade requirement? Is it good fortune to be evicted from his apartment several times for his inability to pay his rent? Is it good fortune to resort to outright lying if only to pass himself up as a person of many impressive achievements? Is it good fortune not only to be reprimanded several times by the Quebec Press Council for irresponsibility in journalism but also found guilty of breach of journalistic code of ethics? Is it good fortune to have a son, Paul Magallanes, who was reportedly fired from his job for allegedly stealing the money and other belongings of the patients under his care? Listen, Fraud, you don’t need me to pull the Magallanes down. You have been doing that all along all by yourself. But in spite of all that, you called me gaffe-prone. What Narcissistic Personally Disorder can do to a guy! I beg you, Fraud, go see a psychiatrist. It’s for your, and for your family’s, own good. In point of fact, Frauderico C. Magallanes is the true and ultimate Filipino crab. Here’s a partial list of people he tried – or still desperately trying – to pull down, but to no avail: James de la Paz, Salvador Cabugao, Zenaida F. Kharroubi, Aurora Osdon, Shinette Salcedo-Khoury, Alice LoyolaBustamante, Myrna MarananFrancisco, Reuben T. Santos, Alberto Baens Santos, Alberto Floresca, Benny Parial, Flor Rillo, Santiago Tino, this writer and, lately, Leandro Tolentino. THERE’S NOTHING LIKE IT – That’s how Fraud conceitedly described his Filipino Forum on the back cover of the souvenir program for the 30th Anniversary and Debutants’ Ball of Ogerio’s Federation held last October 16. Come to think of it, he’s right. There’s really nothing like the Filipino Forum. Tell me, what other Filipino newspaper in the province not only was reprimanded by the Quebec Press Council several times for irresponsibility in journalism but was also found guilty of breaching the journalistic code of ethics? What other Filipino newspaper in the province has a pathological liar for its editor-in-chief? What other Filipino newspaper in the province whose editor-in-chief is so asinine to have the latest issue of his publication carrying the blaring headline in uppercase “FAMAS PROPOSES BAN ON ADULTERERS” printed on the back cover of a souvenir program that was supposed to be a classy lifetime memento which those pretty young women would remember their formal introduction to society by? Frauderico Crass Magallanes heartlessly robbed those lasses and their respective families of their otherwise joyful and unforgettable evening by placing his inappropriate and vulgar advertisement on the back cover of the souvenir program. And worse yet, the Ogerio Federation condoned such poorly thought of idea. I guess birds of the same feather crass together. The Filipino Forum is indeed a league of its own. The Filipino Forum: there’s nothing like it! PARADO SHOULD HAVE BEEN GIVEN THE BULISIK AWARD INSTEAD – Ogerio Federation has substantially cheapened the Maharlika Award by giving it to Julita des Parado, a person with a checkered past and who lost whatever little nobility she had for having been found guilty of unfair business practices by a consumers’ protection agency. Has anyone ever wondered why she hasn’t been actively and openly selling airline tickets anymore lately? Well, wonder no more. Her license to sell was revoked for illegal practices. If I were a previous recipient of the Maharlika Award, I would immediately return the honor in protest, similar to what several pro-life members of the Order of Canada did several years ago when the Order honored Dr. Morgentaler, an abortionist, with a membership to the said prestigious organization. In anticipation of readers asking what “bulisik” is, here’s a concise explanation: In the ancient class system in the Tagalog Society, people were ranked as follows: maginoo, timawa, maharlika, and alipin. There are two kinds of alipin, namely aliping namamahay and alipin sa gigilid. A sa gigilid of an aliping namamahay was called bulisik, which meant vile and contemptible. There is only one class lower than bulisik, and that was called bulislis, which meant “lifted skirt.” Now that you know, isn’t Bulisik Award much more fitting for Julita des Parado than the Maharlika Award? If there isn’t any such award yet, the Ogerio Federation should create one. And I respectfully nominate des Parado to be its first ever recipient. Speaking of the Maharlika Award 2010, if you would take into account the president of the organization that sponsored it, and who composed the panel of judges, you would readily say that it was a big farce. In Tagalog, “lutong macaw.” The president of the Federation of Filipino Canadian Associations of Quebec, Inc. (FFCAQ) is Angelita Ogerio, the rumored “wife” of des Parado. And reportedly, among the judges were Frauderico C. Magallanes, Riza Esmeralda and Svetlana Suarez, all known to be close to des Parado. You do the math. ONE-LINER FROM REUBEN T. SANTOS - " Take your pick, people, who would you rather believe: F. C. Magallanes, a well-known community liar and favorite butt of jokes since the 70's or Mrs. Zeny Kharroubi and Mr. Budz Sarmiento who pull no punches and always tell the truth? Let us know.” MEN AND WOMEN HOMMES ET FEMMES Hair Cut / Wash & Dry / ColorRoots / Permanent / Highlighs / Streaks 4661 Van Horne Suite 5, Montreal, QC Tel.: 514-884-2925 8 MAHARLIKA and the ancient class system Compiled by Budz Sarmiento (with permission from the author Paul Morrow, We don’t hear the word MAHARLIKA very much anymore. Its origin goes all the way back to the ancient language of India called Sanskrit, from the word, maharddhika, meaning, "a man of wealth, knowledge or ability." Today it is generally accepted to mean "nobility or aristocracy." The venerable Tagalog dictionary of Leo James English gives us this example: Ang mga harì at prinsipe ay kabilang sa mga maharlikâ. [Kings and princes belong to the nobility.] That’s the modern definition, but back in the days when there really was a maharlika class in the Philippines, it was actually a lower class of nobility that served the datus, or chiefs, in times of war. The maharlikas belonged to the “kings and princes” and not the other way around. MARCOS’ MAHARLIKA We can thank former dictator Ferdinand Marcos, mainly, for our misunderstanding of this word today. “Maharlika culture” was his propaganda tool for promoting nationalism during the days of the “New Society.” The word became very fashionable and was used in naming streets, buildings, banquet halls, villages and cult0ural groups. Marcos named a highway, a broadcast company and the reception area of Malacañang Palace, Maharlika. He even toyed with the idea of renaming the whole country as Maharlika. Marcos’ fascination with the term apparently began in World War II when he claimed to have commanded a guerrilla force of over 8000 men that he called the Maharlika unit. His claims were proved false in 1985. It’s ironic that Marcos’ first use of the word maharlika was quite appropriate because he only used it to name a group of soldiers (albeit fictitious soldiers) rather than an entire aristocracy or country. The maharlikas were just one rank in the ancient class system of the Tagalogs, which was a little more convoluted than our Western idea of aristocrats and commoners. This class system was the norm in other parts of the Philippines, too, though the names of the classes varied slightly. MAGINOO – During the precolonial era, the maginoo class was the top of Tagalog society. Men and women of this class were generally referred to with the respectful title of Ginoo. Individually, the terms, Gat, meaning Lord, or Dayang, meaning Lady, preceded names as in, Gat Buka (now a town in Bulakan) and Dayang Angkatan who was mentioned in the Laguna Copperplate Inscription. A PANGINOON was an especially wealthy maginoo who owned much property and valuable land. A panginoon was addressed with the shortened honorific, poon, which could be translated into English as milord or milady. Aba poon meant, “Greetings, milord/milady” and Oo, poon meant, “Yes, sir/ma’am.” Poon survives to this day as the term of respect, po. A DATU, or CHIEF, was a maginoo who had followers and who ruled beyond his immediate household, over whole communities. This term was used in the Visayas as well as Luzon. A datu with power over a large area held the title LAKAN or RAJAH, a Hindu word brought from Malaysia. When the Spaniards arrived in the Manila area in 1570, there was a Banaw Lakan Dula in Tondo and an Ache Rajah (Ladyang) Matanda in Manila. TIMAWA – The timawa class were free commoners of Luzon and the Visayas who could own their own land and who did not have to pay a regular tribute to a nOVEMBER 2010 The North American Filipino Star maginoo, though they would, from time to time, be obliged to work on a datu’s land and help in community projects and events. They were free to change their allegiance to another datu if they married into another community or if they decided to move. MAHARLIKA – Members of the Tagalog warrior class known as maharlika had the same rights and responsibilities as the timawa, but in times of war they were bound to serve their datu in battle. They had to arm themselves at their own expense, but they did get to keep the loot they won – or stole, depending on which side of the transaction you want to look at. Although they were partly related to the nobility, the maharlikas were technically less free than the timawas because they could not leave a datu’s service without first hosting a large public feast and paying the datu between 6 and 18 pesos in gold – a large sum in those days. ALIPIN – Today, the word alipin (or oripun in the Visayas) means slave and that’s how the Spaniards translated it, too, but the alipins were not really slaves in the Western sense of the word. They were not bought and sold in markets with chains around their necks. A better description would be to call them debtors. They could be born alipins, inheriting their parents’ debt, and their obligations could be transferred from one master to another. However, it was also possible for them to buy their own freedom. A person in extreme poverty might even want to become an alipin voluntarily – preferably to relatives who saw this as a form of assistance rather than punishment. There were two kinds of alipins: ALIPING NAMAMAHAY – or a house-holding alipin, could hardly be called a slave at all. He was more like what we call a serf in English. A namamahay was usually an alipin who had received a piece of land from his maginoo master. In return, he was required to hand over a portion of what the land produced as a tribute and to occasionally work on his master’s land. ALIPIN SA GIGILID – The people near the bottom of society were known by the scornful term, alipin sa gigilid. In precolonial times the gilid was the area behind and below the house where the toilet was located. These alipins were single men and women who worked in their master’s homes, tending the gilid, among other chores. They were completely dependent for food and shelter, but if they could make some money on the side, they were allowed to keep some of it, and if they managed to save enough, they could buy their way up to namamahay or even timawa status. If a man wanted to get married, his master would usually set him up as an aliping namamahay with his own home and a patch of land, though this was rarely done for women. The people who bore the greatest stigma in society were the alipins who were indebted to other alipins. A sa gigilid of an aliping namamahay was called a BULISIK, which meant vile and contemptible. Even lower was the bulislis who was a sa gigilid indebted to another sa gigilid. The vulgar name meant that these alipins were so vulnerable that it was like their genitals were exposed. In modern terms we might say they “had their pants down,” though bulislis really means, “lifted skirt.” The only people lower than the bulislis were slaves who were brought from other communities or who were captured in war. They were considered non-persons until they were accepted into the community. Once accepted, they had the same rights as other alipins. Philippines plans to lift rice import restrictions The government is considering reducing the tariff and removing the volume restrictions on imported rice as it moves away from granting subsidies to the grain through the National Food Authority, Budget Secretary Florencio Abad said Tuesday. “There is a recommendation to remove the quota system and replace this with just the usual tariff, but I don’t know what level [the tariff will be],” he told reporters. The Philippines has increasingly been importing rice from neighbors such as Thailand and Vietnam over the years to plug its production shortfalls. The NFA imports the bulk of the rice that it sells at lower prices to make it affordable to Filipinos, but the Aquino administration has said it wants to stop subsidizing those imports. The administration’s first move away from subsidies came when it cut the NFA’s budget for buying rice. It then sent the money to the Social Welfare Department for a straight dole to the poor. Abad said lowering the tariff on rice would encourage private companies to import the grain and then sell it at lower prices. The high tariff on the commodity and the restrictions on how much of it may be imported are the reasons private importers are not buying much of it. But a source from the National Economic and Development Authority says the administration is considering lowering the rice tariff to 30 percent from 40 to 50, since the government would still gain from it. Another reason for dropping the quotas on rice imports is the government’s commitment to the World Trade Organization to remove the barriers to trade in farm goods. Under a deal it negotiated with nine WTO countries, the Philippines granted other trade concessions to extend its quotas on rice, considered a political commodity, to 2012. The Philippines, the world’s biggest rice importer, bought a record 2.45 million metric tons this year following a decline in its firstquarter production on drier-thannormal weather. The country usually imports about a 10th of its annual rice requirements. It starts buying the grain during the last quarter of the year to fill its needs for the following year. a 5257 Queen Mary Road Suite 1 Montreal, QC H3W 1Y3 Government approved Instructor with 22 years of experience. Snowdon Metro Guaranteed Result in 1st Road Test or 20% money back New RSE Program Available - $649 Pick up Service Call Islam - 438-877-6284 Bureau - 514-564-5512 nOVEMBER 2010 9 The North American Filipino Star Wikang Pambansa: Nanganganib na Sari Naliligalig marahil ang kaluluwa ng mga ninuno nating Manuel L. Quezon, Lope K. Santos, Nieves Baens del Rosario at marami pang iba dahil sa takbo ng panahon ngayon. Nagulat ako sa naging resulta ng survey na ginanap namin ni Bb. Melle Lugod, isa sa masipag na kagawad ng FAMAS. Nagtanong siya nang minsang magpulong ang kanilang samahan, at ako naman ay sa mga dumalo sa isang pagdiriwang. Sa loob ng limampung sumali ay tatlo lamang ang nakasagot ng wasto. Ang dalawa ay mag-asawa pa na magkatabi ng upuan kaya maaaring kindatan na nangopya ang isa. Ang pangatlo ay kararating lang buhat pa sa Puerto Princesa, Palawan at kaya raw tiyak ang sagot niya tinuturo na ngayon sa mga paaralan doon. Ilagay natin sa 5% lamang ang nakakaalam ng tamang sagot sa mga kababayan natin dito. Ang tanong? Ilan ngayon ang ginagamit na titik sa ating Wikang Pambansa? Nakakatuwang nakakalungkot ang mga sagot: 15, 18, karamihan ay ang dating 20, at ang iba ay 25 at 26. May isang sumagot ng 31 at tama siya sa isang banda. Dahil sa pagbabago sa alpabetong Filipino noong 1976 sa pamamagitan ng Mga Tuntunin sa Ortograpiyang Filipino ng Surian ng Wikang Pambansa ay labing-isang (11) bagong letra ang idinagdag sa dating dalawampung (20). Kasali na ngayon ang ch, ll at rr sa c, f, j, ñ (enye), q, v, x, at z. Sa dami ng mga letra ay binansagan itong "pinagyamang alpabeto." Muling binago ang alpabeto noong 1987 nang ilathala ang Alfabeto at Patnubay sa Ispeling ng Wikang Pilipino. Inalis ang mga digrapo o kambal-katinig na ch, ll at rr sa katuwirang ang mga letrang c, h, l, at r ay bahagi na ng alpabeto at maaari namang pagtambalin kung kailangan. Tinawag ang pagbabagong ito na "pinasimpleng alpabeto." Hanggang sa kasalukuyan ang opisyal na mga titik ay ang dating dalampu (20) na inaawit nating 'Abakada...' at ginawang popular ng nasirang Yoyoy Villamel. Niyapos na natin ang mga titik ng c,f, j, q, v, x at z at ang ñ na kung isulat ay may tila kitikiti sa ibabaw at ang bigkas ay en-ye. Kaya ang tumpak na sagot ay dalawampu't walo (28) silang lahat. Tinanong ko ngayon sa magasawang tama ang sagot, Ilang titik naman mayroon ang bagong Wikang Jejemon? Kapwa sila nagulat at ngayon lang nila narinig ang lengguwaheng ito na may pitong taon nang umiiral sa Pilipinas at ang mga kabataan dito ay ginagamit na ito sa pakikipag-usap sa kompyuter sa naiwan nilang kaibigan sa Pilipinas. Hindi na kami magaaksaya ng panahon ni Bb. Lugod sa isa pang survey. Natitiyak ko na pagkabasa ninyo nito ay mag-uunahan ang may mga kompyuter sa pag-Google kung ano ang Wikang Jejemon na may dalampu't anim na titik: B.A., B.C.L. Civil Law - Commercial Law - Mediation Tél.: 514-664-5404 Fax: 514-849-3101 1117 Rue Ste. Catherine O. Suite 406 Montréal QC Canada H3B 1H9 [email protected] 4, b, c, D, 3, f, 6, h, 1, j, k, 7, m, N, O, p, Q, r, 5, t, u, v. w, x, Y at z Ipagpapatuloy ko ito sa susunod na labas, Disyembre, 2010. Abangan ninyo ang pagpapalitan namin ng kuru-kuro ni G. Aris Bonifacio, tituladong Jejemaster at taga-pagsalin ng mga salita sa Wikang Jejemon buhat sa Wikang Pambansa, ang nanganganib na sari. gustong magdawit sa Banal na Ngalan ng Diyos ay basahin natin ang sinabi ni Hesus tungkol dito, "Ang hindi panig sa akin ay laban sa akin, ang hindi tumutulong sa aking mag-ipon ay nagkakalat." Mateo 12:30, Bagong Tipan. Kanino ba tayo papanig: sa kasamaan o sa kabutihan? Common mistakes Ang Sinungaling at and confusing Kasinungalingan words in English Tulirung-tuliro na ang mambabasa ng mga nangungunang pahayagan ng mga Filipino rito sa Montreal at karatig-lungsod, ang The North American Filipino Star ni Gng. Zenaida Ferry Kharroubi at The Filipino Forum ni Federico C. Magallanes. Naubusan na tila ng putik na ipupukol ang isang katunggali at ang inilathala na ay pati pribadong buhay ng may buhay tulad ng pagdidiborsyo at pag-aasawang muli. Hindi pa nasiyahan at ginawan pa ng malaking usapin ang FAMAS, katangi-tangi at isa sa nalalabing samahan ng mga Filipino na nakakakitaan ng pinakamaraming kapulungan at pagkakaisa ng komunidad. Ang nakakahiyang kasinungalingan: 'FAMAS PROPOSES BAN ON ADULTERERS.' Nagmungkahi diumano ang FAMAS naipagbabawal ang mangangalunya sa pagsapi. Hindi ko na tatalakayin ito dahil sa magkakaulit-ulit lang ang mga katuwiran na ito ay walang katotohanan. Ang mahalaga ay ang magiging dulo ng usaping ito sa dalawang pahayagan. Kung alin ang paniniwalaan ng madla. By Budz Sarmiento tract vs. track tract is an unmeasured expanse of land or water, or a measured area, especially of land track is a path or road, especially one made by the continual passing of people or animals or one specially created for some purpose In the October 2010 edition of my Any Which Way column, I wrote “… some community leaders had bought big houses and vast track of land in the Philippines ….” The “track” there was supposed to be “tract.” convince vs. persuade Contrary to common belief and use, there is a subtle and important distinction between the two. We are convinced by evidence or arguments made to the intellect We are persuaded by appeals made to the will, moral sense or emotions. 'Convince' suggests intellectual reasoning while 'persuade' suggests emotional reasoning. I’d also add a further subtle distinction that we are convinced to think something; persuaded to think and do something. The implication of this for marketing is significant. I couldn’t care less if you were convinced that my idea is better May mga taong mahilig magpari-parian than the other guy’s idea if I haven’t o magpastor-pastoran sa labas ng also persuaded you to do something about it – buy it, support it, donate to simbahan. Hindi ko minamasama ito kung makakatulong sa isyu sa halip na it, tell your friends about it. makagulo. Ang puti ay puti at ang itim ay itim. Walang kalahati sa Usage Note: According to a traditional kasinungalingan.Kabulaanan kung rule, one persuades someone to act kabulaanan. Totoo kung totoo. Tama o but convinces someone of the truth of a mali. Masama o mabuti. At kung may See Page 10 Common Mistakes Kanino Ka Panig? Need Money? Do you have a full time job? If yes, call (514) 344-1499 DR. EMILIA ESPIRITU AND GET CASH NOW! CHIRURGIEN DENTISTE / DENTAL SURGEON 5790 Cote des Neiges Rd Suite A-024 MONTREAL, QUEBEC H3S 1Y9 PHONE: 514-340-8222 (4077) E-Mail: [email protected] Good & Bad Credit Accepted 10 Ask the Video Guy Al Abdon Sony MHSCM5V Flash Pocket Camcorder Standard Definition: When most people think of consumer camcorders, they think of SD camcorders. These units have flipout LCD screens and/or eyepiece viewfinders, optical zoom lenses and better quality microphones, and as few or as many customizable features as you are willing to pay for. Recording can be done to internal/removable flash memory or internal hard drives. Depending on the quality you are willing to pay for, the final result can be Christmas is just around the very impressive. Prices for SD corner and we can’t wait to get these camcorders start under $300, and go gadget and toys for men items! Camcorders are becoming ever popular up a few hundred dollars from there. Before you buy an SD as one in the shopping list orders. But the big question is, what model shall I camcorder, however, ask yourself one buy? In the beginning of 2005 we have question: Are you going to buy a new SDTV in the near future? Or will your seen the rise of new tapeless next TV and every TV after it be HD? If camcorders on the market using memory cards or sticks as we call it and its HD, then it doesn't make sense to buy an SD camcorder when the world able to record in high definition. This year more features were added such as is moving to wider screen, higher mp3 players and powerful digital zoom. resolution HD video - no matter how good the price. This makes your choice more complicated. According to Videomaker Panasonic SDR-S26K SD magazine there are four basic classes of Basic High Definition: This is the basic HD entry-level camcorders. They are Flip-Style, Basic High Definition (HD), Standard Definition product camcorder for anyone who like their video a bit better. I mean a (SD) and Premium High Definition. camcorder that handles all basic Flip-Style: This is an entry-level camcorder, functions automatically; such as white balance, focusing and audio. in all senses of the word. A Flip-style Such models cost less than camcorder comes in a MP3 player-like package with a digital zoom lens, one premium HD camcorders - from $800 up to about $1,000 - and often come in on/off Record button, a basic audio microphone, and the ability to record to lightweight plastic cases that need to be 2010 Camcorder’s Buyer’s Guide internal and/or external flash memory. The videos are usually downloaded using a built-in USB that plugs into your computer. From there, you can burn them to DVD or post them directly to YouTube. At around $200 or less, Flipstyle camcorders are fine for fun shots, but not for serious videography. nOVEMBER 2010 The North American Filipino Star handled with care. But for the money, you can usually count on getting an HD camcorder that shoots excellent images, offers optical zoom (a must, since digital zoom makes your video look grainy) and can be used to create prosumer-quality videos when used with a computer-based editing system. Depending on what you buy, basic HD camcorders can record to tape, optical disks and removable flash memory. If you are relatively new to shooting video, I suggest you buy with a quality basic HD camcorder that does much of the thinking for you. Experiment and play around with this camera to practice and learn the features before you move up to the next level. Some models offer hybrid SD/HD format to give more versatility such as the Panasonic HDCCH20K. Panasonic HDCHS20K Premium High Definition: Premium HD camcorders are expensive but are worth the money. These units allow you to have manual control of your settings, offer extra shooting features and use multiple CCD/CMOS image sensors (professional video cameras use 3 CCD) to capture better-quality video. By offering this degree of versatility, premium HD camcorders give the shooter real control in selecting light levels and shooting styles. Premium HD camcorders can be used by beginners, thanks to their automatic features. However, the versatility and performance these units offer comes with a suitable price tag; just as a BMW costs more than a Chevrolet. Expect to pay around $1,000 or more for one of these units. Sony HXR-MC50U AVCHD What Should I Buy? The trick to buying the right camcorder begins by deciding what you want to use it for. Do you want videos that offer high quality visuals, a variety of shots (wide angle, close up, zoom) and steady images? Then a basic HD camcorder is a good choice: It is difficult to hold a Flip-style camera rock steady. On the other hand, do you value portability and ease of use above all else? If so, then a Flip-style camcorder might be right for you; especially if you want a camcorder that can be carried in your coat pocket or purse for immediate use and uploading. Once you know what you want, shop around for the best mix of features and price. Remember that nobody ever regretted spending money on quality, but many have wished that they hadn't sacrificed it to save a buck. Like a musical instrument, a camcorder is a creative tool that must be capable of meeting your requirements while also fitting your style and level of skills. This comes right down to how well the camera fits in your hand and how much you enjoy using it. One last piece of advice: Brand names count when it comes to camcorders. Buy from a manufacturer you trust, after reading reviews and trying out many makes and models. After all, this camcorder is your chief creative tool: It has to be just right for you! Happy shooting! Al Abdon Hollywood Junkies Video From Page 9 Common Mistakes statement or proposition: By convincing me that no good could come of staying, he persuaded me to leave. If the distinction is accepted, then convince should not be used with an infinitive: He persuaded (not convinced) me to go. In an earlier survey, a majority of the Usage Panel held that this distinction should be maintained, but the use of convince with an infinitive has become increasingly common even among reputable writers, and it is unlikely that this stricture can be maintained for much longer reciprocate vs. retaliate Both those terms denote giving back something for something. However, “reciprocate” has positive connotation, “retaliate” has negative one. When someone gives you a gift on your birthday, you reciprocate by giving her a gift on hers. But when a person said something nasty about you, especially behind your back, you retaliate by giving her a tongue-lashing. stingy vs. frugal According to, frugal means "economical in use or expenditure; prudent saving or sparing; not wasteful". Stingy, on the other hand, is defined as "reluctant to give or spend; not generous; penurious". In other words, frugal means using your RESTAURANT LA MAISON NEW KUM MON 6565 Cote des Neiges, Montreal, QC (Corner Appleton) Bean Curd Seafood Soup 1/2 Crispy Chicken Salt and Pepper Pork Loin Stuffed Bean Curd with Shrimps Sauted Seasonal Vegetables Steamed Rice $37.95 4 Persons Bean Curd Soup 1/2 Crispy Chicken Shrimp Cake with Chinese Broccoli Sweet and Sour Pork Seafood with Bean Curd in Hot Pot Salt and Pepper Squid Fried Sea Bass Fish Steamed Rice 5047 Henri Bourassa Est Montréal, QC H1G 2S1 Tel.: (514) 322-3133, 322-3130 Fish Maw Seafood Soup Baked Lobster with Ginger Seafood with Chinese Broccoli Saltand Pepper Cuttle Fish Fried Sea Bass Fish Steamed Rice $58.95 4 Persons Fish maw seafood soup 2 Baked Lobsters with Ginger Seafood with Eggplant in Hot Pot Stuffed Bean Curd with Shrimp Seafood with Chinese broccoli Fried Sea Bass Fish House Fried Rice Special Fried Noodles $129.95 $63.95 6 Persons F R E E D E L I V E RY Minimum order of $10 Delivery hours: 11:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. 5:00 p.m. - 11:00 p.m. 10 Persons 514-733-6029 514-733-1067 For party menu, call Kenny nOVEMBER 2010 11 The North American Filipino Star wisdom to allocate the money you have, whereas stingy means being so tightfisted with your money that you're not willing to help others out. There are two types of people out there in the world (among others). There are those who are generous, giving people who don't have much money to pass around, but are willing to assist in whatever way they can afford. Then there are people who may or may not have money, but these people are cold hearted and self absorbed. The thought of taking away from themselves to give to others is simply more than they can bear. The former are frugal, the latter stingy. Frugality is a virtue, stinginess a vice. Philippines in top 3 of BBC World Challenge slander vs. libel Both slander and libel are defamation of character. However, slander is used when the defamation of character is spoken. This can be person to person or a person speaking to many people. Libel, on the other hand, is the defamation of an individual's or an entity's character which is published in a written medium, such as a newspaper. However, any written communication can be libelous as long as it's transmitted to a third party. Now, most courts consider defamation of character made during a radio or television broadcast to also be libel, even though the defamation was spoken. If a person says or writes something that is true, his statement cannot be considered slander or libel. If he says or writes a personal opinion or an allegation, he cannot be held liable, either, even if the allegation turns out to be false. The Philippines’ entry to the BBC World Challenge 2010 – an indigenous hydraulic ram pump – has been voted as one of the top three projects among 12 finalists worldwide. Auke Idzenga, the founder and executive director of the Negrosbased Alternative Indigenous Development Foundation, Inc. (AIDFI), broke the news in an email to the Manila Bulletin, disclosing that the Philippine invention received over 167,000 votes from all over the world to earn a spot in the top three projects. “We thank all the people who cast their vote for AIDFI, the only Philippine entry in the Challenge and the support given during the campaign,” Idzenga wrote. The awarding ceremony for the winner and two runners-up of the BBC World Challenge 2010 will be held in Amsterdam on November 29. The awards ceremony will be broadcast on December 4 on BBC World News and announced on the website on the same day and profiled in Newsweek magazine in the December 21 issue which will be on sale starting December 14, 2010. The hydraulic ram pump project, called “The Only Way is Up,” does not use fuel to spur it into action but uses instead the kinetic energy of the river. Custom-made from door hinges, car tires, pipes, and steel, the AIDFI pump model which was invented by Idzenga could raise 20 to 40 liters of water directly to elevated communities. The pump can last up to three years if properly maintained. The pump, according to Idzenga, has already supplied water to about 170 villages, giving relief to some 50,000 beneficiaries all over the country. A Dutchman who has made Negros Occidental his home for 25 years now, Idzenga, 42, said he invented the pump out of necessity seeing that the province lacked water supply. “Before we introduced the pump, people in our community were only getting 20 to 40 liters of water. Now, they receive about 500 to 1,000 liters a day,” Idzenga told Manila Bulletin in an earlier interview. While the hydraulic ram pump already existed in the 1700’s, Idzenga explains their model was cheaper by P300 to P500 compared to commercial brands which cost about 25,000 euros, but still works as efficient. “Our models are much sexier looking,” Idzenga said, comparing his invention to the bulky types of imported pumps. “It is also made from local materials so communities will be able to maintain it,” he added. Idzenga’s invention earlier won an Ashden award for Sustainable Energy in London. Since then, AIDFI has received inquiries on the application of their technology for irrigation in other countries like Afghanistan, Cambodia, and Columbia. Asked why he chose to help the local provincial communities and represent the Philippines, Idezenga cited the determination and passion of Filipinos which he admired. “Puti ang panit pero corazon ang puso (I have a white skin, but I have Pilipino heart),” Idzenga said in Ilongo, the native dialect he has learned to adopt very well. “We are on the top of the world in this kind of low-cost technologies. Let us show the world what the Filipinos can do,” Idzenga said. a You are cordially invited to the Superstars only: Don’t even call unless you are a truly awesome salesperson. You have a burning desire to succeed, are extremely customer oriented, highly motivated, and never say die. You develop a deep and meaningful rapport annual Christmas party organized by Gilmore College International Sunday, December 12, 2010 6:00-10:00 P.M. Cuisine de Manille 5710 Victoria Avenue Buffet Supper (T.B.A.) Exchange Gifts ($10 worth) Karioke Contest, Prizes, Dancing, etc. with your clients, and communicate with piercing persuasiveness. You believe you can RSVP 514-485-7861 by Dec. 7, 2010 be the best at almost everything you do, and you can prove it. Don’t call unless you fit this bill. Great opportunity for upward mobility. SERVICES: Salary range starts at $40,000 - $350,000+. Build an progressive empire within company. our We fine and don’t hire Sunday 10:00 AM - Bible Study 11:00 AM - Worship Wednesday 7:00 PM - Bible Study Come now and let us reason together, saith the Lord , , , (Isa. 1:18) backgrounds, we hire top producers. Call Mildred Miranda at (514) 866-3221. Call only between 4pm-5pm Monday to Friday. 40 9E Rue, Roxboro, QC H8Y 1J2 Edward S. Manimtim, Minister Tel.: 514-887-1672 nOVEMBER 2010 The North American Filipino Star 12 Education raises the bar but lowers the barriers to a rewarding career. Office Assistant Early Childhood Education Assistant Certified International Trade Professional P.A.B./PSW Nursing Aide Monday French Class consisting of Filipino and Cambodian students. PAB/PSW students Class 2010: Annie Signey, Lourdescita Lubang, Ethel Tugna, Janet Haydock, Annabelle Alloso and Joesie Bingayen. Seated: Zenaida Kharroubi, Director-General, and Sophie Toledo, PAB instructor. COURSES • Languages - English, French, Spanish, • • • • • • • • • • Mandarin, Tagalog Accounting & Bookkeeping Keyboarding (Touch Typing) Computer Literacy Microsoft Word, Excel, Access Personal Support Worker (Nursing Aid, PAB) Early Childhood Education Assistant Office Technology International Trade (C.I.T.P.) Integration of Foreign Graduates of Nursing (Permit Pending) Daycare Management 5450, chemin de la Cote des Neiges Suite 511 (corner Edouard Montpetit) Montreal, QC H3T 1Y6 Tel.: 514-485-7861 Fax: 514-485-3076 Cote des Neiges OPEN HOUSE Sunday, Nov. 28, 2010 2:00-4:00 P.M. E-mail: [email protected] Website: Enroll in the International Trade Program at Gilmore International College. Earn a C.I.T.P. diploma (Certified International Trade Professional) Call 514-485-7861 for information. • International Trade Research • Global Entrepreneurship • • • • International International International International Formateur agréé de la Commission des partenaires du marché du travail • Legal Aspects of International Trad Marketing • International Trade Management Trade Finance • Intercultural Aspects of Trade Logistics Market Entry & Distribution nOVEMBER 2010 The North American Filipino Star 13 The North American FILIPINO STAR PHOTO GALLERY Gilmore College Tuesday French class: Rosilyn Barbonio, Den Bignayan, and Anamie Martinez with their teacher, Zenaida Kharroubi. Erlinda Yap Gayamat, Priscilla Castro-Omajieve, Perla Sabino, Jane Gayamat, and Bert Gayamat at the San Shi Wah Restaurant in Vancouver, October 20, 2010. Annabelle Alloso (3rd from left, seated) celebrated her birthday with her classmates and teachers at Gilmore College Intrenational last Sunday, November 7, 2010. A souvenir photo of former high school classmates during their mini-reunion in Vancouver taken at the Bayview Quay : Zenaida Kharroubi, Erlinda Yap Gayamat, Priscilla Castro-Omaljeve, and Perla Sabino on Oct 19, 2010. From Page 4 nOVEMBER 2010 The North American Filipino Star 14 Open Letter of ethics among FCBL Committee membership when he stated: “They always make me feel I’m breaking a wedding promise to stick together for better or worse, for richer or poorer. But I can’t see how an association in a free country can possibly outlaw them.” (Paragraph 9). b. Ms. Marlene Birao-Schachter “asked whether the proposal was meant only for FAMAS Officers” (Paragraph 11). “The chair said it applied to all FAMAS members” (lone Paragraph 12 -sic). Either Ms. Birao-Schachter or you misinterpreted it as adultery issue, when in fact we were talking at another time the integrity of FAMAS members in filing candidacy to the FAMAS Nominating Committee/Committee on Elections. On this instance, we have to clarify that the issue is on filing of candidacy (where some personal information are divulged, like marital status. 4. Policies, procedures and glossary of FCBL terms, as an offshoot of the review of the FCBL, were to be recommended by the FCBL Committee members to the Executive Board. In light of this, it was delegated not only to Mrs. Alice Bustamante, solely, but to the team of Ms. Bustamante that included Mrs. Maggie Calcetas and Mr. Bernardo Sarmiento. Thus, your statement on paragraphs 6 and 14 are erroneous and insulting to Mrs. Bustamante. In addition, the Chairperson did not appoint Mrs. Bustamante “as chairman of the committee to exclude adulterers from the association.” Again we reiterate, neither committee ever existed nor an appointment had ever happened. 5. You claimed that “overwhelming majority of FCBL members said removing adulterers from rolls of FAMAS is constitutional.” Then in paragraph 13, you have stated that “other FCBL members---Birao-Schachter, Maggie Calcetas, Denie Guloy, and Paz Guloy— offered no opinion on the adultery ban.“ These are two contradicting statements, which have both fallacies, if we abide by the traditional concise reporting (in journalism). If the four (4) you had mentioned offered no opinions; and then you claimed Mr. Salazar is a dissenter, then that makes five (5) people already having no action on issues of adultery. The FAMAS representative (Shinette Khoury, replacing Ms. Aurora Osdon at that time) has no vote and the Chairperson (Leandro Tolentino) votes only in cases of tie. Ms. Erlinda Baltazar was on leave at that time. That left, in your mind, Ms. Melle Lugod, Ms. Alice Bustamante and Mr. Bernardo Sarmiento to support this issue. Therefore, there were only three as opposed to five that could overwhelmingly sway a majority in the committee. We would then request your reflection on this: where is the overwhelming majority if this has really happened? Or were you just trying to pin down particularly two of these three people because you begrudged them? 6. On paragraph 5, regarding observer Mr. Willie Quiambao’s views: it was clearly a misinterpretation on your part, as Mr. Quiambao emphatically said that the legitimacy issues discussed were regarding the right to privacy of the individuals. His examples mentioned on his proposed revision (submitted prior to this said meeting) were not pertaining to FAMAS but rather to another organization. This resolution of “legitimacy issues” was just a statement of precaution by him as a concerned member who was there to inform and enlighten FCBL Committee members. 7. Mrs. Pat Magallanes’ statements on paragraphs 15, 16, 17, and 20 were solely her opinions, based on erroneous facts. She seemingly lacked the objectivity in providing her statements to you, which you readily printed as opposed to consulting any FCBL Committee member regarding the matter. She also didn’t bother to consult any of the FCBL Committee, but she gave an outright subjective conclusion. This is risky to your newspaper, because she is one of your publishers; and this may reflect on how your publishers may rush to irresponsible conclusions without regard to clarifying issues. We stand in the FCBL Committee that we do not propose anything that “control personal relations, and is discriminatory” as she claimed in your article. From Page 4 Pacquiao matter. Pacquiao landed some big left hands early, cutting Margarito beneath the right eye and causing it to swell. By the middle of the fight he couldn't see out of that eye and his left eye began closing, too. The fight was for the WBC 154pound title even though the contract weight was 150 pounds. Margarito weighed 150 at Friday's weigh-in, but was 165 on the unofficial HBO scale before the fight while Pacquiao, who had been 144.6, was 148 pounds. Pacquiao also gave away 4½ inches in height and was at a six-inch reach disadvantage, but that didn't matter either. Pacquiao earned a guaranteed $15 million, though he is likely to make millions more on his cut of the television revenues. He planned to give a concert at Lake Tahoe on Tuesday and then return to his political duties in the Philippines. "I have another job after this," Pacquiao said. "I'm going back to the Philippines to do my other job and be a The malicious placing of The public servant." B. Filipino Forum’s advertisement on the outside back cover of FFCAQ Souvenir UN poisons its human rights mission program 1. There seemed to be a malicious Irwin Cotler intent to put the said edition of The From: The Australian October 04, 2010 Filipino Forum in back page of the THE UN Human Rights Council is the souvenir program under the pretext of mandated UN body responsible for the promotion advertising your newspaper. The and protection of international human rights. It was intended to improve on its members of the FCBL Committee have discredited predecessor, the UN Human Rights unanimously agreed that it is Commission, which former UN secretary-general inappropriate and distasteful, and think Kofi Annan critiqued for its "politicised" and that your action was deliberate to malign "biased" decision-making, but it appears to have inherited and compounded the flaws of its FAMAS. predecessor. 2. It also appeared that there was The election of Libya -- one of the collusion between FFCAQ and The world's worst human rights violators -- to the UN Filipino Forum on the printing of this Human Rights Council as it commences its new edition where FAMAS was obviously session is an affront to the case and cause of maligned. It couldn’t possibly be an oversight on your part, for you always prided yourself on competence and efficiency. Your vulgar poorly-thought of idea may have an adverse influence on any future collaboration between FAMAS and FFCAQ. Thus, we perceive this as a malicious action that creates disunity among the Filipino community, and specifically, bannered under a federation that claims unity among organizations. We, the members of the FCBL Committee, strongly advise you to review your newspaper’s policies human rights. Libya's Gaddafi regime is notorious thoroughly regarding its contents. We for its systematic and widespread violations of further suggest that you validate or verify human rights, including its patterns of arbitrary arrest and detention, torture and persecution of your sources of information, refrain from minorities, let alone the 1998 bombing of Pan-Am biases, and abide by the rules of flight 103 over Lockerbie, Scotland. Indeed, what is most disturbing is that responsible journalism. You have sensationalized issues that were not an overwhelming majority of UN member states elected Libya to the council notwithstanding its even put on the agenda of the FCBL international criminality, such that a global meetings. Your editorial page stated: coalition of 27 non-governmental human rights “Whatever happened to responsibility in groups -- joined by victims of Libyan human rights journalism?” On this premise of yours, violations -- has now launched a campaign to remove Muammar Gaddafi's Libya from the we ask for your immediate action to council. rectify or retract the contents of your This is but the latest in a series of article; and act accordingly based on breaches by the UN Human Rights Council of its mandate to protect the victims of human rights standard ethical views. We remain. The FCBL Committee 2009-2011 Leandro Tolentino, Chairman Aurora Osdon, FAMAS President Erlinda Baltazar, Member Alice Loyola-Bustamante, Member Magdalena Belleza-Calcetas, Member Carmelita Lugod, Member Bernardo Sarmiento, Member violations and hold the violators to account. Indeed, the council has turned its mandate on its head. First, the council has turned a blind eye to the world's most serious human rights violators, failing to adopt any resolution or investigative mandate for such human rights violator countries as China, Cuba, Libya, North Korea, Russia or Iran, to name but a few -- all being listed on Freedom House's list of the 20 worst human rights abusers. While the UN General Assembly calls for countries to be elected to the council based on their human rights records, 24 out of 47 present members (51 per cent) fail to meet fundamental standards of democracy and human rights. Second, according to the recent 2010 UN Watch Report and Scorecard, 18 out of the 30 key council resolutions that were adopted were prejudicial and counterproductive. These included resolutions praising Sudan for its "progress"; defining any discussion of terrorism committed in the name of Islam as a form of "defamation" and "racism"; commending Sri Lanka after it killed an estimated 20,000 civilians; and refusing to hold Hamas terrorism accountable. Third, since its 2006 creation, 80 per cent of the council's resolutions have singled out one member state -- Israel -- for differential and discriminatory treatment, thereby breaching the UN charter's foundational principle of "equality for all nations, large and small". Moreover, while the council has selectively singled out one member state, it continues to grant the major violators exculpatory immunity. Fourth, in an appalling breach of its own principles and procedures, the UN Human Rights Council has institutionalised a permanent agenda item indicting one member state -- agenda item No 7, which speaks of "Israeli human rights violations in the occupied Palestinian territories" -- while agenda item No 8 speaks of "human rights violations in the rest of the world". Here is an Alice in Wonderland situation where the conviction is secured before the hearing begins. This not only galvanises the ongoing delegitimisation, if not the demonisation, of a member state of the UN, but it provides aid and comfort to those, such as Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, who envisage "a world without Israel", as well as those who seek to target and criminalise Israel alone as "the Jew among the nations". What, then, can be done in light of these assaults on the UN charter and the mandate of the Human Rights Council? Australia, not unlike my country, Canada, has made important contributions to the UN for more than 60 years, including in the areas of international peace and security, human rights, development assistance and social, economic and environmental affairs. In particular, Australia has been a strong advocate of the human rights mandate of the council, and while not at prersent a member of the council, participates actively in its discussions. Accordingly, Australia, in conjunction with Canada, the US and others of the community of democracies, should seek to promote and implement an eight-point action plan outlined by UN Watch as follows: -Hold the worst violators to account: seek accountability from the world's most serious violators by introducing country-specific resolutions, and convene special sessions to address urgent situations of gross human rights violations. -Vigorously protect freedom of speech: defend freedom of speech and oppose the campaign of the Organisation of the Islamic Conference to silence any discussion of terrorism or women's rights by characterising it as a form of "defamation" and "racism". -End discriminatory and unequal treatment of Israel: combat the council's obsessive adoption of one-sided and biased resolutions against a member state, and seek to remove the permanent agenda item No 7 that institutionalises such discriminatory treatment. -Defend the rights of NGOs: vigorously defend human rights NGOs at the council, and preserve their historic role as independent voices that can hold governments to account. -Oppose the election of violators to the council: encourage countries with the strongest human rights record to stand for election to the council in their respective regional groups. -Encourage positive work of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights: defend the positive and independent work of the commissioner against escalating attempts to control her activities and agenda. -Protect special rapporteurs: defend the council's independent rights monitors from efforts to intimidate them or influence their work. -Strengthen the universal periodic review through fair and informed questioning of every country reviewed. The tragedy in all this is that a UN body, established for the protection of human rights, has become a human rights violator. In particular, these violations now take place under the protective cover of the UN, invoking the imprimatur of international law and marching human rights. It is not only one state that is under assault, or the leading human rights violators who enjoy exculpatory immunity. The bell is tolling for the council and the cause of human rights. The time has come to sound the alarm and return the council to its founding principles and ideals. Irwin Cotler is a member of parliament and a former minister of justice and attorneygeneral of Canada. An emeritus professor of law at McGill University and board member of UN Watch, he delivered the Gandel Oration in Australia in July. Yours truly, Howard Liebman Chief of Staff to the Hon. Irwin Cotler, PC, OC, MP Mount Royal/Mont-Royal nOVEMBER 2010 15 The North American Filipino Star Beef Tapa Philippine Cuisine Pesang dalag (mudfish in light soup) with miso sauce Add the miso and stir. The mixture will appear much too dry at this point. Ingredients: 1 whole dalag (mudfish), about 1 kg., scaled, gutted and scrubbed well to remove the slime, and cut to serving size pieces 1 bunch of pechay (local Chinese cabbage) or a combination of pechay and repolyo (white cabbage) 1 large onion, finely sliced 1 tomato (optional, I added the tomato for color, basically), diced 1 thumb-sized piece of ginger, peeled and thinly sliced 3 cloves of garlic, crushed and peeled 1 tsp. (or more) of whole black peppercorns 3 to 4 tbsps. of vegetable cooking oil patis (fish sauce), to taste Take some of the broth from the pesa and pour into the miso mixture little by little, no more than a few tablespoonfuls at a time, until the mixture is of the desired consistency. Some people like the sauce to be almost soupy; others prefer it thick. When the consistency of the miso sauce is just right, add patis to taste. Serve the pesang dalag with the miso sauce on the side. Estimated preparation & cooking time: 30 minutes Ingredients: 1/2 kilo lean beef, thinly sliced */2 cup fish sauce (patis) *1/4 cup refined sugar *3 teaspoons salt *1 head garlic, crushed and minced *1 teaspoon ground pepper *1/2 cup cooking oil Cooking Instructions: *Mix all ingredients in a mixing bowl *Marinate for at least an hour or keep in the refrigerator overnight. *In a large wok, heat cooking oil. *Fry the marinated beef for 15 minutes or until golden brown. *Serve hot with steamed rice or fried rice. Mon. Tue. Wed. Thu. Fri. Saturday Sunday Pork loin Approximately 15 lbs 2.09lb Torta (Crab Omelette) Half or Whole pork Cut & Wrapped Saute the onion, garlic, ginger and tomato, if using. Cook, stirring, until the vegetables soften a little. Add the fish. Pour in enough water to cover. Add peppercorns. Bring to the boil. Remove the froth (scum) that forms on the surface as it will make the soup cloudy. Prepare the pechay. Wash, cut off the root ends and, if rather large, cut right across the middle. Add the pechay to the pot, pushing the leaves down. Season with patis to taste. Continue boiling for a minute then cover the pot and turn off the heat. Both the fish and greens will continue cooking in the residual heat. I find this the best way not to overcook them. Slice celery and onion. Set aside. 3.29lb 1.29lb Fresh Belly with skin 00 15. Pork Spare Ribs 4.99lb 10 lbs & over 2.29lb 4.89lb St.Chrysostome St. Remi St. Edouard Napierville Sherrington Barrington 202 219 203 Havelock ea 1 litre of fresh blood with purchase when available 1/2 pork Regular smoked bacon 2.99lb Available Pork Head 3.29lb 8 Fresh pork blood Fresh bacon Fresh liver Pork skin Picnic ham (with bone) Beef short ribs .79lb Beef Blade steak 2.69lb Home smoked meat For the miso sauce: about a cup of yellow miso (available in vegetable stalls in wet markets; also available in most supermarkets) 1 onion 1 tomato 3 cloves of garlic 2 tbsps. of vegetable cooking oil patis, to taste BUSINESS HOURS 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. 8:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Closed Front quarter of beef Approximately 200 lbs 1.39 lb Ingredients alimango or alimasag (crabs) eggs onion celery or green onions or both (if you have kinchay, use it) salt white pepper garlic (extra garlic for frying) oil for deep frying Cooking Instructions for (Crab Torta) Boil crabs until red. Take meat out of crab including the "alige" if present. Save as much as much meat as you can. Make sure not to include 'bones' in the meat that you collect. Set meat aside and also save the shell. Serving Tip: Beef tapa goes great with any of the following: *Atchara (pickled green papaya). *White vinegar with hot chili peppers *Sliced red tomatoes. *With fried egg and fried rice (Tapsilog) Hemmingford Jackso n Road Canada 219 Lacolle Sortie Exit No.6 Parc Safari Class Covey Hill Road Boucherie Viau Inc. Malone Moders U. S. A. Champlain 83 Covey Hill, Hemmingford QC J0L 1H0 Tel.: (450) 247- 2130 or (450) 247- 3561 Whip eggs. As to the number of eggs, it depends on how much crab meat/vegetable mixture you have. Mix crab meat, "alige", onion, celery or green onions (note: I like celery better in this dish, it gives it a little bit of flavor, kinchay or cilantro is also good to use here), a little bit of garlic, salt and pepper to taste - like making an omelet. Mixture has to have a consistency that the ingredients don't fall apart or run. Stuff crab shell with the crab/egg/vegetable mixture. While the fish finishes cooking in the residual heat, prepare the miso sauce. Heat oil in pan (a wok works best here), add garlic. Once the garlic is brown, fry Finely slice an onion, chop a tomato and crab. You probably need to deep fry so heat a lot of oil. This is very quick actually. three cloves of garlic. When the crab meat mixture turns brown, Heat about two tablespoonfuls of take the crab out of oil and drain (paper vegetable oil and saute the garlic, onion towel works best). and tomato until they start to soften. 15 16 nOVEMBER 2010 The North American Filipino Star Verdict on Philippines' 'trial of the Aquino grumbles against media’s century' seen within Aquino's term negative reporting A verdict on the massacre in Maguindanao, in the southern Philippines, should be reached within President Benigno Aquino III's term because delay will ultimately lead to a denial of justice, Justice Secretary Leila de Lima said. "I think saying that the trial might drag for 10 years is too much. That is not acceptable ... That would be a case of justice delayed, justice denied. We should finish (the trial) within this current administration. That's why we (in the prosecution) are giving our best effort and zeal," De Lima told reporters. Families of the 57 massacre victims, as well as media organizations and human rights groups, have lamented the snail-paced progress of the so-called "trial of the century." Sigfrid Fortun, legal counsel of the primary suspect Andal Ampatuan Jr., was quoted to have said that the trial might drag for over 10 years "if (it is) not properly managed." De Lima acknowledged that the "perceived delays" were among the problems in the trial given "the gravity of the offense" as well as the purported "capacity, resources and status of the accused." She also admitted that there were "loopholes, gaps (and) weaknesses" in how the trial was being prosecuted, but issued an assurance that these were being addressed. 2 trial days a week In fact, De Lima said, a case management conference was held on Tuesday among Judge Jocelyn Solis Reyes, the prosecution and the defense to address the sluggish pace of the trial. She said it had been agreed that there would now be two trial days weekly, with at least two witnesses presented per trial day. "These were among the agreements reached during that case management meeting ... We are just waiting for the confirmatory order from the judge," De Lima said. The trial opened in September with nearly 200 accused and more than 500 witnesses. De Lima also said she had a "heart-to-heart" talk with the public prosecutors after their colleague, Senior State Prosecutor Leo Dacera III, died suddenly of cardiac arrest early this month. More focused, aggressive She expressed confidence in the capabilities of the state lawyers led by Senior Deputy State Prosecutor Richard Anthony Fadullon and Senior State Prosecutor Juan Pedro Navera, but said she had ordered them to be "more focused and more aggressive" during the trial. "They should always object and block dilatory moves on the part of the defense," she said. Priority De Lima said she had begun limiting the Ampatuan prosecutors' caseloads but could not guarantee that they would be working exclusively on the massacre trial. "They said they can handle other cases although they are prioritizing the Ampatuan trial. This is a very important trial. This is the trial of the century," she said.a Remittances increase 7.8% in 9 months Remittances sent home by Filipinos abroad rose at the fastest pace in nine months as the global recovery supported demand for Filipino sailors, engineers and carpenters, spurring gains in the nation’s currency. The funds increased 10.6 percent from a year earlier to $1.6 billion in September, the central bank said Monday. Remittances grew 7.8 percent to $13.8 billion in the January-toSeptember period, nearing the central bank’s 8-percent target for the whole year—to $18.6 billion from $17.3 billion last year. The World Bank expects this year’s remittances to be even higher at $21 billion. Rising remittances, exports and investment in the $160-billion economy have boosted the peso, prompting policy makers to implement measures to slow the currency’s advance. The Bangko Sentral last month eased the rules on foreign-exchange outflows, and Finance Secretary Cesar Purisima said last week the government might pay some of its foreign debt ahead of schedule and increase local borrowing next year. “There’s still room for growth in remittances” going into the fourth quarter when spending peaked, Jonathan Ravelas, a strategist at Banco de Oro Unibank Inc., said before the report. The peso’s decline this month “is a long- overdue correction” and the currency would continue its advance until next year as the dollar remained weak, he said. The Philippines’ foreign exchange reserves rose to a record $56.8 billion in October. The peso reached 42.47 to the dollar on Nov. 4, the strongest level since May 2008. “The double-digit growth registered for [September] was the highest during the year,” Bangko Sentral Governor Amando Tetangco Jr. said. Remittances from both sea-based and land-based workers increased by 11.4 percent and 6.9 percent, respectively. Tetangco said the continued preference for the skills of Filipino workers combined with the expanding international remittance transfer networks of bank and non-bank channels explained the steady flow of remittances into the country. a For the second time in as many foreign trips, President Benigno Aquino III lashed out at the Philippine press, telling Filipinos working in Japan they probably “do not get all the news” because of the Philippine media’s heavy emphasis on negative reporting. “What happens is that to get the attention of more people, they tend to keep on scratching tiny scrapes,” the President said in a speech to the Filipino community in Yokohama Sunday night. “It is natural for anybody to lose his drive to work if [the] only stories of our failure are reported.” But Mr. Aquino assured the Yokohama-based Filipinos that their families in the Philippines were “in good hands.” “What we want to convey is simple,” he said. “Good things are happening to our country left and right. We are not failing the Filipinos. You are still my boss.” The President kept up his attacks on the Philippine press Monday afternoon on his return, saying he was expecting more bad news even though he had reported drumming up $5.45 billion in new investment commitments from Japan. “Here I am today reporting on what we have achieved from our trip to Japan, and I believe tomorrow we will read again more criticisms against us, but that’s okay,” he said. Of the $5.45 billion in new investment commitments, $2.85 billion were in the pipeline, including $2.6 billion from Marubeni Corp. for the expansion of the Sual, Calaca and Pagbilao power plants; $133 million from Toshiba Corp. to expand its electronics factory; and $122 million from Itochu Corp. to develop 11,000 hectares of sugarcane in Isabela to produce bio-ethanol, Mr. Aquino said. The remaining $2.6 billion in pledges were in the final stages of negotiation, and those included an unsolicited bid for the Metro Rail Transit Line-7; Light Rail Transit 2’s East and West expansion project; a digital TV system and equipment; and a liquefied natural gas project. Mr. Aquino shrugged off a recent Pulse Asia survey showing a 9-percent drop in his approval rating and a 5-percent decline in his trust rating. The Aug. 23 hostage fiasco that left eight Chinese tourists dead might have contributed to it, he said. Pulse Asia’s October survey showed 79 percent of Filipinos still approved of his performance, while 80 percent still trusted him. In July 2010, although Mr. Aquino had already been proclaimed, the survey respondents were asked to rate his performance during his last three months in the Senate. “Rated as a senator, President Aquino scored an overall approval rating of 88 percent and an overall trust rating of 85 percent,” Pulse Asia said. During his official visit to Vietnam in October, the President criticized “a Manila-based newspaper of minor circulation” for quoting a Catholic bishop as saying he might fail to complete his six-year term as a result of his poor management skills and his reliance on unsound legal advice from his trusted lieutenants. a Music Lessons Piano, Theory, Notation, Rhythm Beginners - Intermediate - Advanced Individual - Groups Tel.: 514-731-5479, 514-737-2743 nOVEMBER 2010 17 The North American Filipino Star No ‘wow’ factor in tourism’s new slogan One of the snide remarks on the Department of Tourism’s new campaign slogan came from Sen. Miriam Defensor-Santiago, who told reporters Wednesday that she thought the new brand “is just ignorant, and ignorance is boring.” Santiago had misgivings about the brand not being in English, considering that the target was foreign tourists. She also saw very little creativity in the phrase. “Let’s think of something else. Let’s start some neurons in our brains working. [The tourism officials’] neurons are not working. They’re not on full eight cylinders ... [just] two cylinders,” she said, adding: “We have to find our niche because we have many competitors in Southeast Asia. We cannot just have ‘a beautiful country’ because everyone says that.” Sen. Loren Legarda also expressed disagreement with the replacement of the 8-year-old brand “WOW Philippines.” “We fix what doesn’t need fixing. We always think that what the past administration did was wrong,” she noted. Said Sen. Juan Miguel Zubiri in a privilege speech: “Change is good. No problem. But if we’re going to change the slogan, let’s come up with a more understandable slogan throughout the world. I have nothing against our Filipino language if the target market is the local market.” tourism secretary. In a phone interview Wednesday with the Inquirer, Gordon said the new brand would create a problem in terms of selling the idea to foreign tourists. “You have to sell the language first, but it takes time and the budget is limited,” he said. Gordon lamented “the lack of sense of continuity” in the country. “We have little money and we don’t let our branding grow,” he department was planning as part of its digital strategy to promote the new brand, which has drawn widespread flak. said. “I am not saying that ‘WOW Philippines’ is the best because I made it ... but simply because it gained attraction in spite of limited resources.” Gordon said that while packaging something with a long name like the Philippines was a challenge, “WOW” provided a nickname for the country that helped to communicate the message quickly. “WOW” officially stood for “Wealth of Wonders,” but it also meant “Warm over Winter” to endorse the Philippines’ sparkling beaches, “Walk our Walls” to promote Intramuros in Manila, or “Watch our Whales” to market Donsol in Sorsogon, which is known for the butanding (whale sharks). More snags “Pilipinas Kay Ganda” has hit a few more snags. A day after the “so beautiful” brand was launched, the DoT was forced to ditch its freshly overhauled website after receiving urgent notices from concerned citizens on Twitter that a porn site had been using a “very similar” name. “We’re very thankful with the vigilance of our citizenry, especially online,” Tourism Undersecretary Vicente Romano III told the Inquirer Wednesday in an e-mail. “Their pointing out of some important issues keeps us on our toes and helps us to respond quickly and correct errors,” he AD F T IS IF TH E G G E IN FR BR R A FO GIANT 3-week The West Island’s Largest Perfect Holiday Gift Shopping Mens, Ladies & Childrens Wear, Coats, Jeans, Hats, Shoes, Fabrics, Furniture, Housewares, Tools, Toys, Office and School Supplies, and much, much more. All At Well Below Wholesale Prices From 9:00 am to 5:00 pm Sunday, November 21st Sunday, November 28th Sunday, December 5th Sat. Evening Presale from 7 pm to 9 pm The free gift offer is only available on Sundays. CONGREGATION BETH TIKVAH 136 WESTPARK • DOLLARD DES ORMEAUX N W E S ROGER-PILON SOURCES RD. WESTPARK PIERREFONDS BLVD. ST-JEAN said. Romano, who is in charge of tourism planning and promotions, said the search was continuing for an appropriate name to connect Internet users to the “Pilipinas Kay Ganda” campaign. “The problem is many of the tourism-related names are already taken,” he said. He also said the short-lived website was not yet the “fullfeatured website” that the tourism TRANS-CANADA (40) EXIT 55 PRESENTED BY CONGREGATION BETH TIKVAH AND HEBREW FOUNDATION SCHOOL Typos, etc. Apart from the slogan and the website’s name, the contents of the site were also not spared criticism, mostly because of the typos and grammatical errors in some pages. Agence France-Presse quoted Evelyn Macayayong of the tourism department as saying that “the write-ups were not thoroughly edited.” “There were errors, and there are even allegations of plagiarism, that we copied from other websites,” Macayayong said. Still, she defended the new slogan. “It raises awareness. It inculcates pride in our identity,” she said. Romano said the tourism department would “just review every page and correct errors before we republish, hopefully in three to four weeks.” He said that the short-lived website was “just a facelift of the current website” and “really just an interim site,” and that the development of a permanent one had yet to be bid out. Romano promised that the new site, when launched early next year, would have a fresh “look and feel.” “[It will be] with polished copies and write-ups, with full features, and all the bells and whistles,” he said. ‘WOW’ man If there’s someone truly unhappy with “Pilipinas Kay Ganda,” it’s former Sen. Richard Gordon who conceived of “WOW Philippines” during his stint as Revitalizing interest Gordon said that instead of dropping the “WOW” brand, the new tourism administration should have focused on how to revitalize interest in Philippine destinations following the typhoons that ravaged parts of the country and the August hostage crisis. He also said using the vernacular in the slogan was a good way of enticing Filipinos abroad to explore and rediscover the country, but not foreigners. Senator Santiago agreed that “WOW Philippines” was better. “It wasn’t exactly exceptional as an advertising tagline, but it was acceptable,” she said. “Nobody thought of a foreign tourist saying ‘wow’ when he came to the Philippines.” a nOVEMBER 2010 The North American Filipino Star 18 FILIPINO STAR SHOWBIZ GOSSIP of “recovering from a recent engagement,” perhaps referring to his supposed break-up with Valenzuela councilor and now “Willing Willie” co-host Shalani Soledad. The two went steady for two years. “And there’s too many things…” P-Noy added. The president is currently in Japan for the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation forum. He is set to return to the country on Nov. 15. a Nonoy admits 'spending some Sam calls off courtship with time'’ with Liz Uy Marié, talks about 'cheating' exes Putting a stop to all speculations about his love life, President Benigno “Noynoy” Aquino III admitted that he is dating his stylist Liz Uy. “We have been spending some time together as our schedules will permit, but at this point in time that is the extent…” the chief executive said in an interview aired on “Saksi,” Nov. 12. A day before his admission, his eldest sister Ballsy Aquino-Cruz confirmed that P-Noy and Liz have been going out though they are not exclusively dating. Host Boy Abunda, one of the Aquino family’s closest friends, also affirmed on “SNN” that “they [Pres. Aquino and Liz] are getting to know each other.” PNoy, the country’s first bachelor president, and Liz, who also happens to be the stylist and close pal of his youngest sister Kris Aquino, have been spotted several times together for a few weeks now, sparking rumors that they are sharing more than a client-stylist relationship. Liz, 28, has maintained her “no comment” stance on the controversy, as she continues to evade questions pertaining to rumors linking her to the president. She did, however, laughed off talks that she is already engaged to PNoy, 50, through a few posts on her Twitter account. Rumor has it that the ex-girlfriend of actor John Lloyd Cruz will soon be PNoy’s first lady. And should a marriage ensue, it is said that their wedding might take place next year, on the same date that his parents — former senator Ninoy Aquino and former president Cory Aquino — tied the knot: Oct. 11. Albeit the president already made his admission, he refused to give more details about him and Liz. He intimated that he is still in the process Sam Milby While he and international singer Marié Digby still communicate with each other, Sam Milby said they have decided to remain just friends and will no longer bring their relationship to the next level. “Ang hirap lang talaga kasi unang-una ‘yung schedules namin. At pangalawa for me it’s different pag magkakilala kayo in person tapos na-in love. Tapos nagkahiwalay. Parang naging long distance. Pero ito, nagsimula kami sa malayo. Nagsimula kami sa Twitter. Nagtu-tweet kami,” the singer-actor said in a recent interview. Sam shared that the most recent he and Marié met was when she watched his concert in Japan recently. The actor stressed they did not go on a date after the show, and that it was only the fifth time they've seen each other personally. Sam said he likes the singer's trustworthiness. Asked if he had exgirlfriends who were unfaithful to him, he said that he had his suspicions but these were never confirmed. “Parang I can’t say that I’m sure about it pero may duda ako. May gut feeling na may something. Never ko naman nalaman kung totoo o hindi. But very strong feeling,” Sam said. The actor said that though he enjoys being single, he is ready for a commitment anytime. “Hindi ‘yun ‘yung isang bagay na pipilitin. It just happens. Wala akong dine-date. I’m just waiting, I guess. Kung mangyayari siya, mangyayari siya. Hindi ako ‘yung type na kailangan ng relasyon, ‘yung dependent sa relasyon. Okay naman ako kahit single ako,” said he. a Les victimes comptent. Victims Matter. Le Gouvernement du Canada agit pour les victimes d’actes criminels. Vous pouvez agir vous aussi. Renseignez-vous à : 1 800 O-Canada The Government of Canada is taking action for victims of crime. So can you. Find the information you need at: 1 800 O-Canada nOVEMBER 2010 19 The North American Filipino Star Venus Raj rattled by No gag order yet vs Kris opportunities coming her way Venus Raj After admitting that she has been receiving overtures from the country’s three biggest networks, Miss Universe 2010 fourth runner-up Venus Raj now claims she is a bit uncomfortable with the attention she’s been getting. During a recent press gathering for her newest product endorsement, the beauty queen shared, "Actually, ang dami-dami kong gustong gawin. Parang sa sobrang dami po, hindi ko na po alam kung ano uunahin ko." Raj said she is still undecided about a specific career path even as she disclosed that she still has to honor her year-long contract with Binibining Pilipinas Charities Incorporated. Then again, Raj eagerly declared that she’d probably start with hosting and then venture into acting later on. “Well, ang hosting po kasi, maganda siya kasi light lang. Parang napapakita mo kung anong personality meron ka. Yung acting, something na challenging, e,” she explained. “Bibigyan ka ng role na hindi naman ikaw 'yon. Pero it's something challenging na kaya ko din palang maging ibang tao. Pero hindi ko alam kung kaya ko siya. Pero feeling ko, kakayanin ko siya!" Rumored to have been mulled over as a possible co-host on the hit primetime show of controversial comedian Willie Revillame on TV5, Raj said she already let go of the notion after seeing Valenzuela Councilor Shalani Soledad being introduced as a host on the show recently. “’Nung napanood ko, 'Ay, siguro yun na yung bagong host nila!' So, okay na din po ako. At least, may final decision na," said she. Raj is also aware of the pitfalls of showbiz. "Dati akala ko pag lumabas na news about sa isang artista, totoo. So, maniniwala ako. So, si ganito, ganito, ganyan. "Pero ngayon na alam ko na yung about show business—hindi pala lahat ng news na lumalabas totoo." But she is confident that she won’t succumb to any of it. "As long as alam mong hindi mo ginawa, or alam mo kung ano ginagawa mo talaga, hindi mo kailangang magpaapekto." a Kris Aquino The Makati Regional Trial Court Branch 140 on Friday morning did not issue a gag order against TV hostactress Kris Aquino after her husband, star cager James Yap, filed a motion to request the issuance of the same. Yap’s legal counsel, lawyer Lorna Kapunan, on Wednesday lamented that Aquino has been using the media to voice out her concerns with regard to Yap. She pointed out that this practice is unfair for her client since Yap doesn’t have the same access to media as Aquino. At the Friday hearing, Yap's lawyer, Atty. Lino Kapunan, admitted that the judge handling the petition pointed out that Aquino was not the only one giving her comments to the media about the annulment case. The judge also raised the issue wherein Atty. Lorna Kapunan also discussed the merits of the case during her interviews with TV networks GMA-7 and TV-5. Aquino's lawyers were not present at the hearing but earlier advised the judge that they have a prior engagement. Aquino's camp also asked the court for a 10-day extension to comment on the matter. According to Atty. Lino Kapunan, if a gag order is given, Aquino is banned from voicing out her concerns over the case in any form of media including social media like Facebook or Twitter. If a gag order is given, both parties are banned from speaking about the case. The media can report it but the parties are banned from commenting on anything about it. According to, a gag order is the order issued by a judge prohibiting the attorney and parties involved in a legal procedure to disclose or discuss the matter involved in the case to the public, when the judge is of the opinion that such an action may prejudice or influence the outcome of the trial. On Wednesday, when sought for comment about the gag order, the Queen of All Media countered: “Alam mo kasi mahirap awayin ang taong binabayaran ng ex mo. I mean, anything I say will be misinterpreted.” Aquino shared that she and Yap already had a conversation where they mutually agreed not to talk about each other in public anymore. She added that if the court issues a gag order, it will be their 3-year-old son, baby James, who will benefit from it. “Kung ano, ano naman ang ibinato na ng kampo ni James, wala akong magagawa. So ngayon kung feeling nila sila ang natatamaan, good. It’s a blessing for Bimby. Because ultimately ang kailangang protektahan ‘yong feelings ng anak ko,” Aquino said.’ a Calling all Davaoenos Clothing for the entire family, outerwear, giftware, household goods, and much more! Entertainment Cooking Available Call 514-366-7098 or 514-735-8188 - Family Sponsorship Applications Skilled Workers & Professionals Investors, Entrepreneurs & Self-Employed Provincial Nominees Protected Persons & Refugees Humanitarian Applications Work, Study, Visitors Visa 4642 Boul. Edouard Montpetit Montreal, Quebec H3W 1P5 Canada Tel 1 (514) 570 1318 e-mail: [email protected] 450 Kensington, Westmount Between Côte-St-Antoine and Sherbrooke Kamilla Almayeva Immigration Specialist Member of Canadian Society of Immigration Consultants CSIC Membership #M105899 20 The North American Filipino Star Nominations now open for top 25 Canadian Immigrants of 2011 National award celebrates achievements of Canadian newcomers TORONTO, November 9, 2010 – Canadian Immigrant magazine and RBC today announced the open call nominations for the “Top 25 Canadian Immigrants of 2011.” The third annual awards program seeks to celebrate the stories and achievements of outstanding Canadian immigrants from coast to coast. "It's exciting to embark on our third annual Top 25 Canadian Immigrants awards program,” said Margaret Jetelina, editor of Canadian Immigrant. “The winners from last year's awards were nothing short of inspirational, and we know there are so many more immigrants in Canada who deserve recognition for giving back to their adopted country.” This national people’s choice award is unique in that it allows Canadians to vote directly for individuals from all walks of life who have made a difference since their arrival in Canada. More than 20,000 votes from across Canada were cast in the 2010 awards program. “Voting for the top Canadian immigrants presents an opportunity to recognize role models who have encouraged and motivated others and applaud those who have made significant contributions to this country,” said Camon Mak, director of RBC Multicultural Markets. “We hope the winners’ stories inspire other immigrants to make their dreams a reality.” A nominee can be someone who has moved to Canada and, since immigrating, has contributed to the diversity and success of this country. Achievements can be either professional or personal. Nominees must hold landed immigrant (Permanent Resident) or citizen status in Canada. This program is also proudly supported by the Toronto Star. Nominations can be made by visiting until January 28, 2011. A distin-guished panel of judges will review all nominees and present a list of finalists that will be profiled online in February, when all Canadians can vote for their favourite nominees. The winners will be announced in May 2011 and will be recognized in Canadian Immigrant magazine. They will also receive a commemorative plaque and a $500 donation from RBC toward a registered Canadian charity of their choice. About Canadian Immigrant and Attracting more than 275,000 readers each month, Canadian Immigrant is distributed in Toronto and Vancouver and helps new Canadians build a successful life and home during their first years in Canada. Its mandate to inform, educate and motivate provides easy-toaccess content for newcomers looking for information, from careers, education and FNAQ’s Educational Day a huge success By Sophie Toledo The Filipino Nurses Association of Quebec (FNAQ) held their 33rd General Assembly and Educational Day on Oct.ober 24, 2010. at the CRC Bulding on 6767 Cote des Neiges in Montreal. The theme of the event was: “Building Bridges: Empowering Nurses in Achieving Personal and Professional Success. Both guest speakers, Amy Manon-og and Mme. Lucie Tremblay, were very inspiring. A big applause to Dindo Miras and Fruan Tabamo as well as the Educational Committee and the Executive Board for their hard work. FNAQ wishes to thank the sponsors and the people who attended the event. Gilmore College International students were among the active participants. settling in to culture, money and business. Our website,, offers tools and resources to help newcomers across Canada. Canadian Immigrant is a division of Star Media Group, which is broadly based with interests in print, digital and broadcast media, led by its flagship property, the Toronto Star, Canada’s largest newspaper, which is read in print and online by 2.8 million readers every week. About RBC Royal Bank of Canada (RY on TSX and NYSE) and its subsidiaries operate under the master brand name RBC. We are Canada’s largest bank as from left: Myrna Francisco, Vice-Pres.ident, Mme. Lucie Tremblay, Director of Nursing, measured by assets and market Maimonides CHSLD, lecturer; Eugenia Magalit, President, Amelia Manon-og, Lecturer, Gilmore capitalization, and among the largest College instructor and Magdalena Calcetas, FNAQ Founder. banks in the world, based on market capitalization. We are one of North America’s leading diversified financial services companies, and provide personal and commercial banking, wealth management services, insurance, corporate and investment banking and transaction processing services on a global basis. We employ approximately 78,000 full- and part-time employees who serve close to 18 million personal, business, public sector and institutional clients through offices in Canada, the U.S. and 51 other countries. For more information, please visit For more information, contact: Canadian Immigrant Sanjay Agnihotri, 416-933-3411, [email protected] Montreal rolls out new car tax The city of Montreal is introducing a new tax on all vehicles which mayor Gérald Tremblay says will go towards improving public transit. "It's a lot of money. Where do we get the funds to do that? Property taxes? As a result... we need to diversify sources of revenue," said Tremblay Starting next year, every time Montrealers go to renew their vehicle registration they'll pay more, but Tremblay still hasn't decided how much more. That amount will be disclosed when the city releases its 2011 budget in December. New tax on vehicles will help to reduce congestion, says Montreal mayor Gérald Tremblay. (CBC) Although it may appear contradictory to have drivers pay for better bus, metro and train service, Tremblay insists car owners will also benefit from improved public transit. "It's going to be a win-win situation, not only for the people that use public transit, but also for the motorists; less idling, less waste of time," he said. "It's not fair. It's abuse," said car owner Julien Perron who is skeptical the new tax will improve driving conditions in the city. "That never happens....Money goes nOVEMBER 2010 like that and we don't know what happens, but we have bad roads, always traffic, always jam," he said. Demerged cities want in Bill 22, adopted last year in the national assembly, gives the city the power to impose the vehicle tax and Montreal's 15 demerged cities want in on the action. They've written to the province asking for the right to impose the same increase as Montreal. "We feel it's logical for the entire agglomeration to have this power, we also feel it's only fair," said Peter Trent, speaking on behalf of the demerged cities on the island. "We all have to contribute and especially car owners and drivers....because they have the most to gain from improving public transit," said Trent. Demerged cities should have the same taxation powers as Montreal, says Westmount mayor Peter Trent. (CBC) "If we wish to get rid of gridlock, if we wish to not keep on adding concrete highways everywhere. The only way to do it is by public transit." But CAA Quebec wants to remind officials surcharge on their license, which goes toward funding public transit as well as an additional tax of three cents per litre of gas. nOVEMBER 2010 Claudine Barretto wants separation rumors to cease Claudine Barretto Apparently distressed with the never-ending rumors alleging that she and husband Raymart Santiago have ended up in Splitsville, Claudine Barretto pleads with gossips to stop the chinwag. “Makikiusap ako, kapag wala pa ho kayong nakikitang annulment papers na nakasulat ‘yung mga pangalan namin ni Raymart, ‘wag po tayong mag-speculate. Kasi may mga anak rin ho kami,” said the actress in an interview aired on “24 Oras,” Nov. 12. Claudine, as she has said in previous interviews, maintained that her marriage with Raymart remains strong in spite of the intrigues, with the help of prayers, as well as support from their friends and fans. However, she can't help but feel 21 The North American Filipino Star peeved about the rumors, especially since “alam naman namin kung saan galing [ang tsismis] and hindi pa rin tumitigil…” “Soon siguro masasagot ko lahat-lahat, isa-isa,” Claudine added. Since July of this year, rumors have been hounding the couple, the biggest of which was last September, when Claudine was alleged to have had an affair with actor Derek Ramsay’s best friend, businessman Martin Castro. Meanwhile, Claudine reportedly does not want to shoot back at elder sister Gretchen, who recently made intriguing statements---“no comment” and “ayaw ko kasing magsinungaling”---when asked for comment on the Claudine-Raymart alleged separation. According to a tab article, a source who is said to be close to Claudine, related that the actress respects Gretchen — in spite of their supposed falling out — and does not see the need to meet her sister head-on because she and Raymart are “okay.” Claudine, however, made this remark in an earlier interview with PEP: "Siguro, what's best is that she (Gretchen) just talks about her own life, her own love life, kaysa sa pagusapan niya ang tungkol sa samahan namin ng mister ko. I have respect for my family. As much as possible, kapag tinatanong ako about it, I will say na things are okay with us. It may not be perfect, but as far as I am concerned, okay kami. Walang problema with my family.” Without giving away names or details, Claudine also posted a string of tweets on Nov. 11, crying foul on what seems to be another intrigue being thrown at her. “It's so hard jus (sic) when I'm tryng to start again, bubugbugin na naman ako at pamilya ko ng bagong intriga. "Sobra na!ang sakit na ng ginagawa nila.may pamilya rin ako,tao rin ako.hindi ako ganung klaseng babae. Lahat ng galaw ko nilalagyan ng malisya,pati makipag kaibigan bawal na rin b,” she posted. a Nora Aunor waiting for best network offer Nora Aunor It will take the best TV offer to convince Nora Aunor for that muchawaited comeback, her friend and confidante German Moreno told the press and related through his DZBB talk show. The “Walang Tulugan with the Master Showman” TV host said he “understands why Nora has a number of demands that she wishes to relay to interested networks wanting to hire” her services. For one, “Kuya Germs” said, “Saan nga naman siya titira dito [if and when she returns?] Natural lang na may mga hinihingi si Guy.” Rest-assured, Moreno says, Nora is poised for a big comeback. “Alam kong maraming Noranians ang malulungkot, pero hindi natin alam, baka bigla na lang dumating si Guy next month or sa mga susunod pang buwan. Pero siguradong hindi ngayong buwan,” he told Nov. 11. Sometime back, reports had it that Nora was to arrive in Manila in two weeks. The push-pull plan of the Superstar remains in the balance, according to Moreno. “Nora will not be able to come to the country within the month,” he said in Filipino. “She would have wanted to be here by third week of November but sadly it was not possible.” Nora has yet to secure certain documents, he explained. “Kung ano mang papeles yung inaayos niya, hayaan na lang nating sa kanya na lang yun. Ayoko nang idetalye kung ano yun.’’ a The North American Filipino Star Classified Ads ADVERTISING C.D.N APTS FOR RENT Classified - Cheapest and most economical way to advertise - Send text to: [email protected] Bourret-Victoria APPT. FOR RENT Cavendish and Cote St-Luc Area Spacious, Bright, 3 1/2 - $580, 4 1/2 - $670, heating, hot water, fridge, stove included, well located near shopping & bus lines, 514-489-3617 3 ½ apartment Cote des Neiges available immediately. Renovated, beautiful , clean, sunny apartment, quiet building, walking distance to stores, metro, bus, park, hospitals. Unheated, no appliances- $570 per month. Information call Tom 514-733-0535 APT. SUBLET 1 1/2 apartment sublet on Carlton Avenue $375 everything included, available anytime Call 514-343-3716 3½, $560+, Renovated Heated, h/w, Appliances Elevator, near Metro (514) 735-2985, (514) 575-4691 WE SPEAK TAGALOG CLEANERS Office cleaners for West Island, car needed, work Mon-Fri after 6 pm Michael call 514-624-3437 COURSES Computer courses - basic to advanced. Keyboarding (Touch Typing), Microsoft Office, Desktop Publishing, Computer Literacy, Bookkeeping, Computerized Accounting, English, French, Spanish, Tagalog, Mandarin, Office Technology/International Trade Call for info: 514-485-7861 DRIVING Licensed driving instructor with many-years experience and tips on how to pass the road test. Save your time. Exam car available. Jason 514-691-1816. Quebec certified driving instructor with 14 years experience in giving driving lessons. Exam car available Toton 514-969-9622 QUEBEC GOVT. APPROVED Skilled Driving Instructor SURE SUCCESS Exam car available REZA (514) 815-2873 (514) 739-6318 Complete driving course, 24 hrs theory & 15 hrs practical, good deal, one hr practice $25 car for exam available KHALIL, 514-965-0903 NANNY Full time nanny for house chores and 3 girls aged 8, 10 and 12 from Sunday or Mon. night to Friday 4 PM. Very good salary. South shore of Montreal. Call Lise 450-230-2364. TECHNICIAN Having computer problems? Call (514) 770-4066, 342-3066 An experienced Filipino computer technician can come to your place at a very reasonable rate TRAVEL TOURS We are committed to your traveling pleasure Personalized service, competitive rates, local or international trips Contact us at 514-485-7861 TUTORIALS Need tutoring in English, French, Math? All levels - private or semi-private rates, experienced teachers - Call 514-485-7861 nOVEMBER 2010 The North American Filipino Star 22 Pacquiao: “I didn’t want to damage him permanently” This latest victory of Manny Pacquiao probably had the most drama of all Pacquiao fights. Excitement and curiosity went a notch higher when Pacquiao, considered by many as being dangerously too small for a junior middleweight fighter, came in at 144.6 pounds during the official weigh-in. Come fight night, HBO came up with its unofficial weigh-in that saw Pacquiao tallying 148 pounds compared with the Mexican Antonio Margarito’s 165 pounds. The disparity created concerns for those who had followed boxing for the longest time as memories of the late Arturo Gatti’s tragic bout opposite Joey Gamache were relived. In their 2000 battle at the Madison Square Garden, Gatti, at 160 during fight night, outweighed Gamache for over 12 pounds. Gatti made use of the huge discrepancy in weight in pummeling and knocking out Gamache in two short but brutal rounds. Gamache ended up braindamaged, and that led him to file several lawsuits and financial claims. As it turned out, that incident all the more made Pacquiao truly a special little big man, who beat all his physically much bigger and physically stronger champions. ***** Pacquiao’s genes came from her, but not even that biological fact could help Mommy Dionisia stand the rigors of watching a beloved son risk his life and limb inside the ring. Present for the first time in his iconic son’s bout, Dionisia eventually fainted and had an anxiety attack despite Pacquiao’s seemingly easy win against Margarito. Pacquiao waves the national flag after the fight. Promoter Bob Arum said it was a typical fainting, but it would be interesting to see how that experience would affect Dionisia’s decision about seeing the future of his son as a prized fighter. Mommy D, as she is fondly called, has been very vocal about her desire of seeing Pacquiao retire for good. Bad news for Arum, good news for Floyd Mayweather Jr.? ***** Arum has admitted he may now look at other non-Top Rank fighters in trying to chart Pacquiao’s next ring plan. “I ran out of my guys. [Manny] beat all my guys,” said Arum. Pacquiao has beaten the best fighters that Top Rank could offer under its stable, from Erik Morales to Miguel Cotto and now, Margarito. Arum and his rival promoter and former fighter Oscar De La Hoya have been at odds over Pacquiao and the promotions that they both sell to cable giant HBO. Arum is Pacquiao’s main promoter, with De La Hoya having a minor share in Pacquiao’s fights owing to their bitter contractual dispute. Despite their bitterness towards each other, Arum and De La Hoya may soon find themselves dealing with each other as Pacquiao’s deserving foes are under De La Hoya’s Golden Boy Promotions. Among those being considered by Arum—assuming, of course, that Mayweather insists on his ridiculous demands—are Shane Mosley and Pacquiao’s bitter Mexican rival Juan Manuel Marquez. ***** Margarito failed to attend the postfight press conference as he was 6430 Victoria Avenue, Montreal, QC Telephone: 514-733-7816 Carnation evaporated milk $1.39 Buenas Pancit Canton, 454g $1.99 Sarangani Marinated Milkfish 3 pc/2 pc $2.99 Chinese Eggplant Instant Noodle soup, 400 g 79¢ immediately brought to hospital for precautions. But many believe Margarito’s corner put the Mexican’s health and even life in danger when no one among them, specifically lead trainer Robert Garcia, did anything to prevent the carnage that was happening. Several times in the 11th round, Pacquiao looked at referee Laurence Cole as if to say there had to be an act of compassion around the time. “I didn’t want to hurt him because boxing is not all about killing each other,” Pacquiao told broadcaster Mario Lopez during the post-fight interview. Famed trainer Freddie Roach agreed. “I wish they would have stopped the fight,” he said. ***** Once again, Pacquiao has proven his worth as a true global superstar following the huge media coverage that was given the Filipino’s latest accomplishment. The Americans were well represented with the Los Angeles Times tandem of Lance Pugmire and Bill Dwyre, the Associated Press’ Tim Dahlberg, The New York Times’ Greg Bishop, and ESPN’s Dan Rafael. The win also created a huge buzz from mediamen in Australia, Canada, China and Japan, which alloted major space for the pre- and post-fight stories.a Prices valid from November 17, to 29, 2010 Del Monte Spaghetti Sauce, 250 g 99¢ Canned Fish Saba $1.59 Galunggong, pack $1.99 UFC Vinegar, 750 mL Sukang Iloko $1.29 Squid, box 1 kg $3.49 Vegetable oil, 3 L $4.49 Pangasian Patis 750 mL $1.99 99¢ lb Opo $1.29 lb Turkey Wings 99¢ lb Pork Picnic 99¢ lb Thai Gold Shrimp (70-80) $4.79 nOVEMBER 2010 The North American Filipino Star A CERTIFIED IMMIGRATION CONSULTANT CAN FACILITATE YOUR JOURNEY TO QUEBEC DID YOU KNOW? As of February 2, 2011, your immigration consultant must be registered with the government of Quebec and hold membership with the Canadian Society of Immigration Consultants. It’s the law. CSIC protects consumers by regulating immigration consultants who must meet its professional standards. For more information, visit Société canadienne de consultants en immigration 23 24 The North American Filipino Star nOVEMBER 2010 SEND STUFF FAST Priority ™ Worldwide International delivery by FedEx Express Our fastest international service for shipping time-sensitive documents and packages to the U.S.A. and destinations around the globe. Delivery by noon the next day to the U.S.A. and 2 to 3 days to international destinations.* *Delivery standards noted are in business days between major urban centres. Some restrictions and exceptions apply. Supported by an on-time money-back guarantee. See the Priority™ Worldwide Terms and Conditions at Priority™ is a trade-mark of Canada Post Corporation.
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