User Guide


User Guide
Global Funds Exchange (GFX) Web Module
Version 2.5
Iowa Credit Unions
User Guide
The Global Funds Exchange (GFX) Web-based System is a modern client/server
application created to automate wire transfer activities through secure web access.
GFXW allows the creation of Fedwire payments and book transfer payments, and
works in real time communication with a central bank’s wire operation department
and the Federal Reserve using the Federal Reserve's FLASH protocol.
Some of the important features GFX offers are:
User Security and Audit Controls: System Administrators set up all users to
require unique user ID and password for logon. Password may be replaced by a
hard token data entry. Additionally, each user may perform only the functions for
which they are authorized. Restricted account access and daily and message
create/verify limits may be established for each user and each account via the
central bank’s GFX program.
Ease of Wire Data Entry: Easily accessible data entry screens provide simple,
easy to follow instructions and clear data entry fields for efficiently creating outbound
payment messages. Recurring wire payment templates can also be created, stored
and accessed quickly for the creation of repetitive wires.
Quick Access for Modification and Verification: Simple shortcut icons and menu
items allow for easy function access, and reference numbers provide for easy
identification, retrieval and processing of existing payment messages. Dual-custody
controls enforce access limitations for messages in verification to prevent singleuser processing.
Pending Control Processing: GFX provides automatic real-time checks of all
message for pending controls such as possible duplication, availability of funds for
the wire and OFAC security screening of data fields against the current OFAC
database for identifying individuals, companies or countries designated by the Office
of Foreign Asset Control as prohibited from receiving wire transfers. Note: Bank
Wire Operators would process wires from these pending queues.
Encryption Security: GFX utilizes encrypted communications in transferring wire
information to the central GFX server. All exchanges between the client and server
over the network are encrypted using the Microsoft Cryptographic API (Application
Programming Interface) to encrypt secure WEB pages (HTTPS). The Secure
Socket Layer (SSL) protocol is used for web-based client/server exchanges.
Table of Contents
Global Funds Exchange (GFX) Web Module
User Guide
2.3 – 2.4 GFXW Overview
Table of Contents
Exiting from GFXWeb
Each user is designated an access profile within BankServ’s Global Funds Exchange
Webclient (GFXW). The profile determines the functions and accounts to which the user
has access. This manual covers all available functions on GFXWeb, some of which may or
may not be activated for you.
Learning Lab
In this exercise, you will login to the GFX system via the web.
Type the URL indicated below into your web browser. You should add this URL to your
browser favorites menu for repeated use.
NCB’s GFXWeb welcome and sign in screen will appear. Logon will take place using a User ID and
Hard Token numeric entry.
After logging in, the GFXWeb Main Menu screen will appear.
Once login is complete, the Main Menu screen is presented. The main menu contains several
options: Database, Transaction and Exit, and also features Shortcuts for the most commonly used
transactions. The financial institution may determine the content of the welcome message.
On the following pages we will explore the Dropdown Menu choices first, followed by the items on the
Shortcuts that have not already been discussed.
This section includes shortcuts to the most common
Returns user to the opening home page display.
USD Payment:
Opens the Create Payment data entry screen for
United States Dollar payments, both domestic through
the Federal Reserve and international through a SWIFT
FX Payment:
Allows payments in Foreign Currencies via an FX
Modify Payment:
Accesses the modify payment selection criteria screen.
Dropdown Menu Choices
Allows the user to view Account data, Fed
Directory entries and access the template
database for viewing or editing.
Allows the user to create, verify, modify and
inquire on payment transaction messages.
Allows the user to change his/her password.
This section includes shortcuts to the most
common functions.
Ends the user’s login session
Verify Payment:
Accesses the verify payment selection criteria screen.
Inquire Payment:
Accesses the message inquiry selection criteria screen.
Accesses the transaction report selection from both
current day and BSA history.
Ends the user’s login session.
The Account Database Search function is provided to allow remote users access to viewing
the account data files. The Account Database houses accounts regularly used for wire
transfers. A wide variety of search capabilities (queries) are provided by GFXW to aid in
locating accounts. In this exercise, you will query the Account Database.
Learning Lab
In this exercise, you will query the Account Database.
Select Account from the Database menu. Account Search screen will appear. Enter the
appropriate information in one or more of the text boxes displayed. You may use complete and
specific data or add a wildcard symbol to help search for accounts. The wild card symbols are * for
any number of digits/characters and ? for one digit/character. In the example below, the search is for
any account number beginning with 12. Click Search to complete query.
Account Search results screen will display accessible account(s) based on search criterion and user
access. Click the desired account to view Account Details screen. The Account Details will display
the account number; name, address & contact information; creation and use dates; and Customer ID
(if any). The screen will also display tabbed access screens for additional account information
starting with the Account Attributes.
The Fed Directory contains the names and ABA (America Banker’s Association) numbers of
all Fed Member Banks. The Fed Directory is refreshed once a week to reflect up-to-date
information, and can be accessed for ABA and bank wire processing information. In this
exercise, you will query the Fed Directory.
Learning Lab
Select Fed Directory from the Database menu. The Fed Directory Search screen will appear. Enter
the appropriate information in one or more of the text boxes displayed including Name, ABA, Short
Name, City and State (from dropdown list). You may use complete and specific data or add a
wildcard symbol to help search for a Federal Reserve member institution. The wild card symbols are
* for any number of digits/characters and ? for a one digit/character. In the example below, the
search is for a full bank name with “wells” in it. Click Search to complete query.
The Fed Directory Search Results screen will list entries found that match search parameters
entered. Data includes bank ABA, Name, Fed member status, and whether it is Online for “All” wire
transfers or “Settlement” only. Click the desired entry to open bank profile. The Fed Directory
Details screen displays that bank’s profile data. Click Back button to return to the results list; click
Exit to return to Home menu; click Print to print values displayed on the screen.
The BIC Directory contains the names and BICs (Bank Identification Codes) of all SWIFT
Member Banks. By SWIFT directive, the SWIFT Directory may only be updated manually by
your financial institution’s staff, or automatically if your financial institution purchases the BIC
directory. In this exercise, you will query the BIC Directory.
Learning Lab
Select BIC Directory from the Database menu. The BIC Directory Search screen will appear. Enter
the appropriate information in one or more of the text boxes displayed including Name, BIC, and/or
BKE (from dropdown list). You may use complete and specific data or add a wildcard symbol to help
search for a SWIFT member institution. The wild card symbols are * for any number of digits or
characters and ? for one digit/character. In the example below, the search is for a bank with a BIC
that includes “ROY.” Click Search to complete query.
The BIC Directory Search Results screen will list entries found that match search parameters
entered. Data includes the BIC and Name. Click the desired entry to open bank profile. The BIC
Directory Details screen displays that bank’s profile data. Click Back button to return to the results
list; click Exit to return to Home menu; click Print to print values displayed on the screen.
The Payment Template database gives the user access to view repetitive payment
templates that have been set up with the user’s associated accounts. In this exercise, you
will query the Payment Template database.
Learning Lab
Select Payment Templates from the Database menu and Template Search from the sub-menu.
The Template Search screen will appear for search data entry.
Within the Search Template screen, enter search criteria. You may use complete data or add a
wildcard symbol to help search for templates. The wild card symbols are * for any number of
digits/characters and ? for one digit/character. In the example below, the search is for any template
name that includes the characters “test.” Click the Search button to bring up query results. Click
Create to access a blank template entry screen for creation of a new template.
The Template Search Results screen is displayed listing template data in columns. Data includes:
Name of the template; Status as to whether the template has been “verified” (can be used for wires)
or is “unverified” (needs verification by a qualified user before it can be used for wire activity);
PayMeth indicating the payment method of the template (“FED” for Fedwire, or “BOOK” for Book
Transfer); Debit Account displaying the originating account; and Credit Account (displayed only if
the account is on the bank’s database for book transfers only). If there is more than one page of
templates meeting the search criterion, the number of pages available will be shown in the lower right
corner. Click on the chosen individual entry to see display of template details. To access the other
pages, listing more templates, click on the page number desired.
The Template Display on GFX Web has two pages of wire payment detail accessed by the tabs
shown. To see each entire page, click the cursor on the tab desired and scroll down. Basic template
data will display in the top portion of the screen. The Party / Bank Details page shown below
contains the basic sender/receiver information for a payment transaction. Click on the Other Bank
Details button to access additional wire data info fields. Click the Back button to return to Template
Search Results screen.
Templates (aka repetitives) for reoccurring wires may be created for both US Dollar
transactions and FX transactions. This section uses USD templates for the sample screens,
but the same steps may be followed for FX templates.
Learning Lab
Select Create USD Template via the Database Menu, using the Templates sub-menu, as shown
Enter payment template data within the Create USD Template screen. Templates may be created
manually with new data, altered from previously entered templates, or copied from previously entered
payments. The Template Name allows up to 14 alphanumeric characters.
You can use the same database search capabilities available in the Create Payment screen (see
Transaction | Create Message for detail on these information fields). Enter information in the
Originating Party, Receiving Party, Beneficiary Bank and Beneficiary Party fields as desired. Click the
Other Bank Details tab to enter information in the fields of OGB, INS and IBK (see Creating a
Payment for more detail on these information fields).
Save the Finished Template. Click the Create button at the bottom of the screen page to save the
entered information, or click Cancel to return to menu. The Create Template screen will reappear
with the notice “Template (Template ID) created successfully.” New blank Create Template screen
will reappear for new template entry.
Should a newly created template need to be modified before it is verified, the original creator
of the template may make changes via the Modify Payment screen. Templates (aka
Repetitives) for reoccurring wires may be created for both US Dollar transactions and FX
transactions. This section uses USD templates for the sample screens, but the same steps
may be followed for FX templates.
Learning Lab
Select Modify Template within the Database Menu as shown below.
The Modify Template search screen will appear. Enter the specific Template ID needed or any
combination of search criterion available. You may use complete and specific data or add a wildcard
symbol to help search for templates. The wild card symbols are * for any number of digits/characters
and ? for one digit/character. In the example below, the search is for any template beginning with
“test.” Click Search to search on entered criteria, or click Create to access a new Create Template
screen for entering new data.
The Modify Template screen will appear, as above, displaying existing template data. Make the
changes needed on the main screen, and click on the Other Bank Details tab to bring up that page if
needed. Click Modify, as shown below, to save changes to the template, or Cancel to return to
results list.
Once a template has been created, it cannot be used for the creation of payments until a
different user ID verifies it. This exercise will demonstrate the steps to follow when verifying
a new payment template. Templates (aka Repetitives) for reoccurring wires may be created
for both US Dollar transactions and FX transactions. This section uses USD templates for
the sample screens, but the same steps may be followed for FX templates.
Learning Lab
Click the Verify Template menu item via Database | Templates | Verify Template as shown below.
Verify Template List screen will appear displaying all templates that can be verified. Click on
particular template to access for verification.
The Create Payment function provides a universal format for creating wire funds transfer
payments. The Create Payment screen is the standard payment entry screen for GFXWeb.
In this exercise, you will create a wire payment message.
Learning Lab
Select Transaction / USD Payment from the Transaction menu, or click the USD Payment
Enter the payment amount in the Create USD Payment screen. The cursor will default to appear in
the Amount field.
Select Fedwire or Book Transfer from Payment Method dropdown from the dropdown menu to
define payment. Enter Template Name to use a payment template to format the payment, or enter a
current day message reference number in the Clone field to reload data from a wire already sent
during the current day (Note: Previous-day wires cannot be cloned). Click the Go button to load
Cloned or Template data in to Create Payment screen.
Enter the Credit Union debit account data within the Originating Party fields from which the wire will
debit. Click the
check button to fill in account attribute and address info.
Change the Debit Party to “Originating Bank”.
Click the Other Bank Details tab and enter the Credit Union member information.
You will only be able to access account information on those accounts you are authorized to view.
If you do not have the exact account number and need to search for account information, click the
and enter partial account data. The locate the account, double click on the name and click the
OK button to save the account information the Create USD Payment screen.
Enter Receiving Party information by entering the receiving bank’s ABA number in the ID field. If the
ABA is known, click on the check button to bring up the name and address information for the
receiving bank, or click the magnifying glass icon to search for receiver ABA.
will allow you to enter partial or complete search criteria. Remember that the * is the
wildcard for search strings.
Double-click on the ABA/Receiving Bank that you are seeking.
The details for that bank will appear. You may only send Fedwire transactions to banks that are
Online with the Federal Reserve for all wire types. Once you have found the correct details, click the
OK button at the bottom of the page.
The Receiving Party information for that bank will be displayed on the Create USD Payment screen.
Often the only other party in a Fedwire is the Beneficiary. If this is the case, just type in the account
number and address information given to you by your customer. The Country Code should default to
United States.
Sometimes you will need to enter information in the Beneficiary’s Bank fields. This will happen when
the Beneficiary’s account is held at a bank that is not online with the Federal Reserve. The
Beneficiary’s Bank must have a correspondent relationship with the Receiving Party Bank and your
customer will give you the Account number and address information. Search and validation
capabilities are also available for these Beneficiary’s Bank fields if the ID is based on Fed ABA
numbers or SWIFT BICs.
If needed, click on the Other Bank Details tab to access the screen shown below for input of
additional information on the payment wire. This Screen allows input of ID/Type, Name, Address
information for ORG (Originating Party), IBK (Intermediary Bank), and/or INS (Instructing Bank).
Multiple party international wires may require the IBK. Financial institutions that convert SWIFT wires
to Fedwire may need the INS party.
To complete your transaction, on the Party/Bank Details screen, other wire information may be
entered in any of the three optional fields: Use fields to enter RFB (Reference for Beneficiary—16
character reference info); OBI (Originating to Beneficiary Info—main instructions for the wire); and/or
BBI (Bank-to-Bank Information). The Notes field is available for internal bank information or
instruction; Notes stay with the payment wire in the GFX database, but do not appear on the outgoing
payment wire.
Once all of the wire information has been entered, click the Create button to complete the payment.
An outbound payment may also be created by using a template, or cloning a wire sent previously the
same day.
To use a template, type in the name of the template in the Template Name field, or search for the
next to the Template Name field and click on the Go button. Once
template by clicking on the
the template is found, all of the preformatted data will be drawn into the correct fields. Then add any
missing or changed data and click the Create button for the new transaction.
To clone a wire sent earlier the same day, type the reference number of that wire into the Clone field,
or search for the wire by clicking the
to the right of the Clone field and click on the Go button.
Once the wire from the same day is found, all of the data from that wire will be pulled into the correct
fields. Then add any missing or changed data and click the Create button for the new transaction.
After GFX validates the payment data and creates the wire, the system assigns an internal GFX
reference number to the message. The wire confirmation screen will appear, displaying the
payment data and the reference number for the completed wire.
From this screen you can click the Continue button to create a new transaction or move on to a
different function, click the Print button to print the screen below, or click the Clone button to start a
new transaction based on the data in this current transaction.
An international U.S. Dollar payment may be created one of two ways on GFXWeb. Below is a 4party international transfer. The Receiving Party is the issuing financial institution’s SWIFT
correspondent. That correspondent will send the wire, via SWIFT, to the foreign SWIFT bank, which
is the Beneficiary’s Bank, where the money will be deposited in the Beneficiary Party’s account.
Note that the BIC (Bank Identification Code – the SWIFT routing code) has been chosen from the
dropdown Type menu in the Beneficiary’s Bank party. The BIC has been validated from the GFX
SWIFT Directory in the GFX Database. Under Beneficiary Party, the Type field of Account serves
for all account types including IBANs and CLABEs.
A 5-party international U.S. dollar transaction would be created similarly to the two screens below.
This transaction moves the foreign SWIFT bank to the IBK field on the Other Bank Details tab. The
smaller foreign non-SWIFT member or branch information is placed in the Beneficiary’s Bank field.
The FX Payment function provides a format for creating wire funds transfer payments via a
correspondent FXOL program. The FX Payment screen provides the place for the entry of
the instructions of the FX wire on GFXWeb. In this exercise, you will create a FX payment
Learning Lab
Select Transaction / FX Payment from the Transaction menu, or click the FX Payment shortcut.
FX payment entry starts, and the cursor defaults to, the Originating Party account number. Click the
green check mark to verify the account and pull in the account information to the screen. If desired,
enter a FX Template Name to use a payment template to format the payment, or enter a current day
message reference number in the Clone field to reload data from a wire already sent during the
current day (Note: Previous-day wires cannot be cloned). Click the Go button to load Cloned or
Template data in to Create Payment screen.
For and FX Payment, the FX Providing Institution is pre-selected, and it is not necessary to provide
that ABA. Therefore, the BIC of the foreign SWIFT bank is placed in the Receiving Bank party ID
field. To validate the BIC, click on the
If you do not know the BIC or only know a part of it, you may search in the SWIFT BIC Directory by
clicking on the
. GFXWeb will present the search screen for the SWIFT BIC Directory. Enter in
the key search fields. Click the Search button.
A list of institutions from the directory that fit the search criteria will appear. Double-click on the
appropriate institution to view more detail.
Click the OK button on the details to bring the Receiving Bank information to the FX Payment screen.
In the majority of FX wires, the Receiving Party will also be the institution that holds the Beneficiary
Account. If that is the case, proceed to the Beneficiary Party field and choose the Account, IBAN,
or CLABE that fits the receiving country’s requirements. The Type dropdown menu will offer those
choices and others.
Your customer should provide you with all of the Beneficiary Account information including the
physical address. After typing in the mailing address and city, choose the Country Code from the
dropdown list.
Once the Beneficiary Party information is complete, enter any additional information into the
Beneficiary Info OBI field. Then click on the FX Rate Calculation tab.
Choose the Currency Code for the foreign currency your customer needs sent. The dropdown menu
will provide you with the short forms of all the currencies that your financial institution provides. If the
currency the customer requires is not listed, speak with your central operations desk to see if it can
be added.
Type in the FX Amount (foreign currency amount) or the USD Amount (the equivalent in U.S.
Dollars). Click on the Get Rate button to send a request for the current rate to your FX provider.
GFXWeb will display on-screen the Exchange Rate to quote to the customer. You may either click
the Accept Rate button, or the Cancel Rate button, depending on your customer’s response.
If you accept the rate, the Contract number that you have created will appear above the Trancode.
Click the Create key at the bottom of the page.
The transaction summary screen will be displayed. Click the Continue button to return to the Create
FX Transaction screen. Click the Print button to print the transaction summary. Click the Clone
button to begin a new transaction starting with the same data as you entered for this transaction.
Inquiring on either a FX Payment or a USD Payment to access a Customer Authorization
form is done in the same fashion. This may be done at a branch site, when the customer is
present and after the wire is entered. The creator of the transaction records the GFX
reference number, inquires on that number and prints out the detail of the transaction for the
customer to review and sign. If there are errors on the transaction, the creator will modify
the transaction and then return to Inquire Payment to print out the corrected form.
Learning Lab
Select Transaction / Inquire Payment from the Transaction menu, or click the Inquire Payment
Enter the reference number of the payment just created. If the reference number is not available, it is
possible to use other criteria to search for the payment such as Amount or Account. Click the Search
button to locate the transaction.
The Payment Search Results screen will display a summary of the payment, or payments if you
have used search keys that bring more than one result. Double click on the summary of the payment
you need.
The Payment Display screen will show the details of the transaction. To access the Customer
Authorization Form, click on the Print button at the bottom of the screen.
Followed by the File Download dialogue confirming that you want the .pdf format of the document.
Click the Open button to view the Customer Authorization Form your financial institution has chosen.
When the form appears, it may be printed and reviewed with the customer. The required signatures
should be applied and the form stored for use when verifying this wire. It may also be stored as
required for further reference by the financial institution.
Modifying either a FX Payment or a USD Payment is done in the same fashion. Only the
creator may modify a transaction. The need to modify occurs when the creator realizes that
there is an error on the transaction after the creation has been completed and the
transaction is waiting for verification. In this exercise, you will modify a payment you have
previously created. PLEASE NOTE: The dollar amount may NOT be modified on an FX
Payment, because the contract with your FX Provider is based on the original
Learning Lab
Select Transaction / Modify Payment from the Transaction menu, or click the Modify Payment
On the Modify Payment Selection screen, enter the Reference Number of the transaction you
created and click the Search button.
Your wire will appear and you can make the necessary changes.
Below the dollar amount is changed from $5.00 to $1,234.56.
Click the Modify button when the changes are complete.
A dialogue box will ask you to be certain the changes are what you want to implement. Click the OK
button to complete the changes.
The screen will return to the Modify Payment Selection screen and show that the Status of your
modified payment is waiting for verification in the VERF queue.
Verifying either a FX Payment or a USD Payment is done in the same fashion. The creator
of that transaction may not verify the transaction. The second user/verifier will need the
originating wire information or the Customer Authorization form as reference for verification.
Either should include the GFX Reference Number. In this exercise, you will verify a
payment someone else has previously created. PLEASE NOTE: If the verifier changes
data on the transaction, the wire will stay in the verification queue until a different
user approves the change. The creator can be the approver. The Credit Union may
prefer the procedure that if the verifier finds an error in the wire, the creator must
modify the wire and then the verifier will approve of the transaction.
Learning Lab
Select Transaction / Verify Payment from the Transaction menu, or click the Verify Payment
Enter the Reference Number of the payment needing verification.
Certain fields may be empty, awaiting blind verification. Enter the correct information, found on the
Customer Authorization form or other original wire request form. Compare all fields to verify that the
correct information was entered during creation.
If this is an FX payment, the Amount field will be locked and GFX will require the verifier to click on
the FX Rate Calculation Tab.
Then click the Verify key to allow the wire payment to continue.
The Verify Payment Selection screen will be displayed again showing that the payment has left the
VERF status and is continuing through the security checks of the software and on to the Federal
Reserve, the Receiving Party(s) and the Beneficiary.
This function gives the user the ability to gather information on transactions from the past or
today. The search criteria choices are the same as for the Inquire Payment function. Data
may be drawn from the BSA history records in increments of a maximum of 31 days, just as
in the Inquire Payment function.
There are two formats of reports, the Wire Journal Report of details and the Wire Journal
Summary Report. The detail report gives all data in every field of each wire in numerical
order of the accounts affected, with a grand total at the end. The summary report lists just
the summary information of each wire in the same order, also followed by a grand total. In
this exercise, you will create a Transaction Summary Report.
Learning Lab
Click the Reports shortcut.
Choose the Wire Journal Summary Report from the dropdown menu.
On the Reports Search Criteria page, enter the criteria needed for your report. Below, the search
will bring back the transaction data for all payments on GFX between April 1 and April 20 .
Then click the Generate Report button at the bottom of the page.
GFXWeb will create a .pdf formatted journal report as shown below.
Each account number will have its own transaction summary. Scroll to the last page to see the
summary totals.
The Exit function allows the user to return to the Logon page or exit completely out of
GFXWeb. In this exercise you will exit to the Logon page for GFXWeb.
Learning Lab
Click the Exit shortcut or the Exit menu function. Choose Exit from the dropdown menu.
The logon window will appear. To exit this window, close your browser, or go to another website.