SV_A4_2008_BIG_EE1:Layout 2
SV_A4_2008_BIG_EE1:Layout 2
Study visits catalogue 2008-2009 Каталог на учебните посещения Katalog studijních pobytÛ Katalog over studiebesøg Studienbesuche: Katalog Õppelähetuste kataloog Κατάλογος επισκέψεων μελέτης Catálogo de las Visitas de Estudio Catalogue des visites d’étude Clár Cuairte Staidéir Catalogo visite di studio MÇc¥bu braucienu katalogs Mokom˜j˜ vizit˜ katalogas Tanulmányút katalógus ˚jarat ta’ Studju Katalgu Catalogus voor Studiebezoeken Katalog wizyt studyjnych Catálogo das visitas de estudo Programul vizitelor de studii Katalóg ‰tudijn˘ch náv‰tev Katalog ‰tudijskih obiskov za leto Luettelo opintomatkoista Studiebesökskatalogen Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 2008 The European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training (Cedefop) is the European Union's reference centre for vocational education and training. We provide information on and analyses of vocational education and training systems, policies, research and practice. Cedefop was established in 1975 by Council Regulation (EEC) No 337/75. Europe 123, GR-570 01 Thessaloniki (Pylea) PO Box 22427, GR-551 02 Thessaloniki Tel. (+30) 23 10 49 01 11, Fax (+30) 23 10 49 00 20 E-mail: [email protected] Cedefop – Study Visits Tel. (+30) 23 10 49 01 54, Fax (+30) 23 10 49 00 44 E-mail: [email protected] A great deal of additional information on the European Union is available on the Internet. It can be accessed through the Europa server ( Cataloguing data can be found at the end of this publication. Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 2008 ISBN 978-92-896-0502-1 © European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training, 2008 All rights reserved. Designed by Colibri Ltd. - Greece Printed in Greece CATALOGUE 2008-2009 1 About the study visits programme Study visits is one of the key actions of the transversal programme of the Lifelong learning programme 2007 – 13 (LLP). Its objective is to support policy development and cooperation at European level in lifelong learning, notably in the context of the Lisbon process and the Education and Training 2010 work programme, as well as the Bologna and Copenhagen processes and their successors. As from 1 January 2008, Cedefop (European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training) coordinates, on behalf of the Commission, the study visits for education and vocational training specialists and policy-makers from 2008 to 2013. A study visit is a short-term visit of three to five days for a small group of specialists and decision-makers representing various groups of education and vocational training. They are stakeholders who want to examine a particular aspect of lifelong learning in another Member State. The profile of a participant corresponds mainly to one of the following categories: • company training managers; • directors of education and vocational training institutions, centres or providers; • directors of guidance centres; • directors of validation or accreditation centres; • educational and vocational training inspectors; • head teachers, teacher trainers; • heads of departments; • human resource managers; • owners/managers of SMEs; • pedagogical or guidance advisers; • representatives of chambers of commerce/ industry/crafts; • representatives of education and training networks and associations; • representatives of educational services, labour offices or guidance centres; • representatives of employers’ organisations; • representatives of local, regional and national authorities • representatives of trade unions; • researchers. The groups normally consist of 10 to15 participants. Study visits are organised locally or regionally and coordinated by the National Agency. They provide a forum for discussion, exchange and learning on themes of common interest and on European and national priorities. By exchanging innovative ideas and practices, participants promote the quality and transparency of their education and training systems. 2 CEDEFOP – STUDY VISITS HOW TO APPLY If you want to participate in a visit, please contact your National Agency to check eligibility and other procedures. They evaluate and select candidates, and also provide any further information or clarification. A list of contact persons in your country is available online at: Read the catalogue carefully. Having selected the visits you are interested in, you will have to submit an application online at: HOW TO USE THIS CATALOGUE This catalogue comprises the study visits that will take place from September 2008 to June 2009 exploring the themes from three different perspectives: • general education (in the catalogue - the general education type); • vocational education and training (the VET type); • comprehensive lifelong learning (the mixed type). Descriptions of the visits on education, vocational education and training and lifelong learning have been submitted by the National Agencies of the participating countries specifically for this catalogue. This catalogue has been designed to allow you to choose the visits that suit your professional interests and schedules best. Study visits are classified by theme in chronological order. The summary table (overview) allows you to find a visit quickly according to several criteria: theme, date, country, working language and the page on which the content of the visit is described. You can use more search possibilities in the online version of this catalogue at: HOW TO USE THE DESCRIPTION PAGE The description of a study visit contains information on its content and objectives and the socio-economic context of its specific country or region. Each description contains the following information: CATALOGUE 2008-2009 3 Economic sector, if applicable THEME Title of visit Group No: xx Type of visit: You can choose between the visits that examine the themes from either a general education or vocational education and training perspective, or from a lifelong learning perspective Dates of the visit dd/mm/yyyy Venue, Host country Working language: The working language of the visit Number of places: Number of places in a group Minimum required: Minimum number of participants for a visit to take place EDUCATION AND TRAINING 2010 OBJECTIVES: This section indicates one or several objectives of the Education and Training 2010 work programme to which the content of the visit is linked. The list of objectives is provided in annex at the end of the catalogue. WHY? This section provides the general background or the socio-economic context in which the visit will take place. WHAT? In this section the organisers describe the main objectives and learning outcomes for the group. HOW? This section outlines the main activities through which the organisers plan to achieve the objectives of the visit. WHOM? This section describes who is expected to apply for the visit. SHORT DESCRIPTION IN THE HOST COUNTRY’S LANGUAGE: This section contains a short description of the study visit in the language of the host country. Contact person (s) WWW. The contact details of the organisers. You will be able to contact them for any additional information on the visit. This section includes links to websites recommended by the organisers where you can find additional information on the theme and places of the visit. 4 CEDEFOP – STUDY VISITS Das Studienbesuchsprogramm Studienbesuche sind eine der Schlüsselaktionen des Querschnittsprogramms des Programms für lebenslanges Lernen 2007-2013 (LLP). Das Ziel des Studienbesuchsprogramms ist eine Unterstützung der Konzeption politischer Maßnahmen und der Zusammenarbeit auf europäischer Ebene im Bezug auf lebenslanges Lernen, insbesondere im Zusammenhang mit dem Lissabon-Prozess und dem Arbeitsprogramm „Allgemeine und berufliche Bildung 2010“, sowie den Bologna und Kopenhagen-Prozessen und den entsprechenden Nachfolgeinitiativen. Ab dem 1. Januar 2008 wird das Cedefop im Auftrag der Kommission die Studienbesuche für Bildungs- und Berufsbildungsfachleute und politische Entscheidungsträger von 2008 bis 2013 koordinieren. Ab dem 1. Januar 2008 wird das Studienbesuchsprogramm zwei bisherige Studienbesuchsprogramme zusammenführen: die Arion-Studienbesuche, Teil von Sokrates II für Bildungsexperten und Entscheidungsträger und die CedefopStudienbesuche, Teil des Mobilitätsprogramms Leonardo da Vinci II für Verantwortliche in der Berufsbildung. Das Programm wird europaweit vom Cedefop (Europäisches Zentrum für die Förderung der Berufsbildung) im Namen der Europäischen Kommission koordiniert. Ein Studienbesuch ist ein kurzer Besuch von drei bis fünf Tagen von einer kleinen Gruppe von Experten und Entscheidungsträgern, die verschiedene Bildungs- und Berufsbildungsgruppen vertreten. Dabei handelt es sich um Interessenvertreter, die einen bestimmten Aspekt des lebenslangen Lernens in einem anderen Mitgliedstaat untersuchen wollen. Teilnehmer lassen sich meistens einer der folgenden Kategorien zuordnen: Bildungsbeauftragte in Unternehmen; • Leiter von Bildungs- und Berufsbildungeinrichtungen und -anbietern; • Leiter von Berufsberatungszentren; • Leiter von Validierungs- oder Akkreditierungszentren; • Bildungs- und Berufsbildungsinspektoren; • Schulleiter, Lehreraus- und -fortbildner; • Abteilungsleiter; • Personalbeauftragte; • Inhaber/Geschäftsführer von kleinen und mittleren Unternehmen; • Bildungs- oder Berufsberater; • Vertreter der Industrie- und Handelskammern sowie der Handwerkskammern; • Vertreter von Bildungs- und Berufsbildungsnetzwerken und -vereinigungen; • Vertreter von Bildungsdienstleistern, Arbeitsämtern/-agenturen oder Beratungszentren; • Vertreter von Arbeitgeberorganisationen und Interessensvereingungen; • Vertreter von örtlichen, regionalen und nationalen Behörden; • Vertreter von Arbeitnehmerorganisationen und Interessensvereingungen; • Forscher. CATALOGUE 2008-2009 5 Die Gruppen bestehen üblicherweise aus zehn bis fünfzehn Teilnehmern. Studienbesuche werden lokal oder regional organisiert und von der jeweiligen nationalen Agentur koordiniert. Sie bieten ein Forum, in dem Themen von allgemeinem Interesse sowie europäischer und nationaler Prioritäten erörtert und ausgetauscht und Lernmöglichkeiten geboten werden. Durch den Austausch von innovativen Ideen und Verfahrensweisen fördern die Teilnehmer die Qualität und Transparenz ihrer Bildungs- und Berufsbildungssysteme. WIE SIE SICH BEWERBEN KÖNNEN Wenn Sie an einem Besuch teilnehmen möchten, nehmen Sie bitte mit Ihrer nationalen Agentur Verbindung auf, um u. a. Ihre Förderfähigkeit zu prüfen. Die Agentur prüft die Kandidaten und wählt geeignete Kandidaten aus. Ebenso erteilt sie weitere Auskünfte und klärt Fragen. Eine Liste von Ansprechpartnern in Ihrem Land können Sie online abrufen unter: Lesen Sie den Katalog aufmerksam durch. Nachdem Sie sich für Besuche entschieden haben, die für Sie interessant sind, können Sie sich online bewerben unter: WIE SIE DIESEN KATALOG BENUTZEN Dieser Katalog enthält die Studienbesuche, die zwischen September 2008 und Juni 2009 stattfinden und teilt diese in drei Rahmenthemen auf: • Allgemeinbildung (im Katalog Typ Allgemeinbildung); • Berufsbildung (Typ Berufsbildung); • umfassendes lebenslanges Lernen (Mischtyp). Die Beschreibungen der Besuche wurden von den nationalen Agenturen der teilnehmenden Länder speziell für diesen Katalog eingereicht. Dieser Katalog soll Ihnen helfen, Besuche auszuwählen, die Ihren beruflichen Interessen und Ihren terminlichen Vorstellungen am ehesten entsprechen. Die Studienbesuche sind nach Rahmenthemen geordnet und dann in chronologischer Reihenfolge aufgeführt. Die Tabelle mit der Zusammenfassung (Überblick) erlaubt es Ihnen, einen Besuch anhand verschiedener Kriterien schnell zu finden: Rahmenthema, Datum, Land, Arbeitssprache und Seite, auf der der Besuch beschrieben wird. In der Online Version dieses Katalogs können Sie weitere Suchkriterien anwenden. Sie finden den Katalog unter: WIE DIE SEITE MIT DER BESCHREIBUNG ZU VERSTEHEN IST Die Beschreibung eines Studienbesuchs enthält Informationen über den Inhalt und die Ziele des Besuchs sowie über den sozioökonomischen Kontext des jeweiligen Landes oder der Region. Jede Beschreibung enthält die folgenden Informationen: 6 CEDEFOP – STUDY VISITS Wirtschaftssektor, falls zutreffend RAHMENTHEMA Titel des Besuchs Gruppennummer: xx Typ des Besuchs: Sie können einen Besuch unter dem Gesichtspunkt der Allgemeinbildung, der Berufsbildung oder des lebenslangen Lernens auswählen Datum des Besuchs: TT/MM/JJJJ Besuchsort, Gastland Arbeitssprache: Dei Arbeitssprache des Besuchs Anzahl der Plätze: Anzahl der Plätze in einer Gruppe Mindestanzahl: Mindestanzahl der Teilnehmer, damit ein Besuch stattfindet ZIELE DES ARBEITSPROGRAMMS „ALLGEMEINE UND BERUFLICHE BILDUNG 2010“ Dieser Abschnitt enthält ein oder mehrere Ziele des Arbeitsprogramms „Allgemeine und berufliche Bildung 2010“, auf die sich der Inhalt des Besuchs bezieht. Eine Liste der Ziele ist dem Katalog als Anhang beigefügt. WARUM? Dieser Abschnitt enthält den allgemeinen Hintergrund oder den sozioökonomischen Kontext, in dem der Besuch stattfindet. WAS? In diesem Abschnitt beschreiben die Organisatoren die Hauptziele und Lernergebnisse der Gruppe. WIE? Dieser Abschnitt legt die Hauptaktivitäten dar, durch die die Organisatoren die Ziele des Besuchs erreichen wollen. WER? Dieser Abschnitt beschreibt die Zielgruppe für den Besuch. KURZE BESCHREIBUNG IN DER SPRACHE DES GASTGEBENDEN LANDES: Dieser Abschnitt enthält eine kurze Beschreibung des Studienbesuchs in der Sprache des gastgebenden Landes. Kontaktperson(en) Einzelheiten für die Kontaktaufnahme zu den Organisatoren. Sie können sich an die Ansprechpartner wenden, wenn Sie weitere Informationen über den Besuch wünschen. WWW. Dieser Abschnitt enthält von den Organisatoren empfohlene Links zu Webseiten, wo Sie weitere Informationen über das Rahmenthema und die Besuchsorte finden. CATALOGUE 2008-2009 7 À propos du programme de visites d’étude Les visites d’étude constituent une des actions clés du programme transversal pour l’éducation et la formation tout au long de la vie (EFTLV) 2007–2013. Celuici vise à soutenir l’élaboration des politiques et la coopération en matière d’éducation et de formation tout au long de la vie au niveau européen, notamment dans le contexte du processus de Lisbonne et du programme de travail «Éducation et formation 2010», de même que des processus de Bologne et de Copenhague et de leurs successeurs. À compter du 1er janvier 2008, le Cedefop (Centre européen pour le développement de la formation professionnelle), agissant au nom de la Commission, coordonne les visites d’étude pour spécialistes et décideurs de l’éducation et de la formation professionnelle se déroulant de 2008 à 2013. Une visite d’étude est une visite de courte durée (entre trois et cinq jours) réalisée par un petit groupe de spécialistes et de décideurs représentant différents groupes d’éducation et de formation professionnelles. Il s’agit de parties prenantes désireuses d’analyser un aspect particulier de l’éducation et de la formation tout au long de la vie dans un autre pays participant. Le profil des participants correspond essentiellement à l’une des catégories suivantes: • responsables de la formation professionnelle en entreprise, • directeurs d’institutions, de centres ou de prestataires d’enseignement et de formation professionnels, • directeurs de centres d’orientation, • directeurs de centres de validation, • inspecteurs d’enseignement et de formation professionnels, • professeurs principaux, formateurs d’enseignants, • chefs de départements, • responsables des ressources humaines, • propriétaires/administrateurs de PME, • conseillers pédagogiques ou d’orientation, • représentants de chambres de commerce/d’industrie/d’artisanat, • représentants de réseaux et d’associations d’enseignement et de formation, • représentants de services éducatifs, d’agences pour l’emploi ou de centres d’orientation, • représentants d’organisations d’employeurs, • représentants des autorités locales, régionales et nationales, • représentants des syndicats, • chercheurs, • autres. Les groupes se composent habituellement de 10 à 15 participants. Les visites d’étude sont organisées au niveau local ou régional et coordonnées par l’Agence Nationale. 8 CEDEFOP – STUDY VISITS Elles servent de cadre à des discussions, des échanges et autres réflexions sur des sujets d’intérêt commun ainsi que sur les priorités européennes et nationales. En échangeant des idées et des pratiques innovantes, les participants stimulent la qualité et la transparence de leurs systèmes d’éducation et de formation. COMMENT POSER SA CANDIDATURE Si vous souhaitez participer à une visite, veuillez prendre contact avec votre Agence Nationale afin de vérifier si vous remplissez les conditions requises et de connaître les autres procédures nécessaires. Cette agence évalue et sélectionne les candidats, tout en leur offrant des informations complémentaires ou des précisions. La liste des personnes de contact dans votre pays est disponible à l’adresse suivante: Veuillez lire le catalogue attentivement. Lorsque vous aurez sélectionné les visites qui vous intéressent, vous devrez poser votre candidature en ligne: COMMENT UTILISER CE CATALOGUE Ce catalogue comprend les visites d’étude se tenant de septembre 2008 à juin 2009 dans le cadre desquelles les sujets seront examinés de trois points de vue différents: • éducation générale (dans le catalogue – le type éducation générale); • enseignement et formation professionnels (le type EFP); • éducation et formation tout au long de la vie (le type mixte). Les descriptions des visites orientées sur l’éducation, sur la formation et l’enseignement professionnels et sur l’éducation et la formation tout au long de la vie ont été soumises par les Agences Nationales des pays participants spécifiquement pour ce catalogue. Ce catalogue a été conçu pour vous permettre de choisir une visite qui corresponde le mieux à vos intérêts professionnels ainsi qu’à votre emploi du temps. Les visites d’étude sont classées par thème et par ordre chronologique. Le tableau synoptique vous permet de sélectionner rapidement une visite, selon plusieurs critères (thème, date, pays, langue de travail) et renvoie à la page qui en présente le contenu. Des possibilités de recherche complémentaires vous sont proposées dans la version en ligne de ce catalogue: COMMENT UTILISER LA PAGE DE DESCRIPTION La description des visites d’étude contient des informations sur leur contenu et leurs objectifs, de même que sur le contexte socioéconomique du pays ou de la région concernés. Chaque description contient les informations suivantes: CATALOGUE 2008-2009 9 Secteur économique, le cas échéant THÈME Titre de la visite Numéro de groupe: xx Type de visite: Vous avez le choix entre les visites qui examinent les thèmes du point de vue de l’éducation générale, de l’enseignement et la formation professionnels ou de l’éducation et de la formation tout au long de la vie Dates de la visite jj/mm/aaaa Lieu, pays d’accueil Langue de travail: Langue de travail de la visite Nombre de places: Nombre de places dans le groupe Minimum requis: Nombre minimal de participants pour qu’une visite ait lieu OBJECTIFS «ÉDUCATION ET FORMATION 2010» Cette section décrit un ou plusieurs objectifs du programme de travail «Éducation et formation 2010» au(x)quel(s) est lié le contenu de la visite. La liste des objectifs est fournie en annexe, à la fin de ce catalogue. POURQUOI? Cette section présente le cadre général ou le contexte socioéconomique dans lequel la visite doit avoir lieu. QUOI? Dans cette section, les organisateurs décrivent les principaux objectifs et résultats d’apprentissage du groupe. COMMENT? Cette section détaille les principales activités grâce auxquelles les organisateurs prévoient d’atteindre les objectifs de la visite. QUI? Cette section décrit les personnes susceptibles de poser leur candidature pour la visite. BRÈVE DESCRIPTION DANS LA LANGUE DU PAYS D’ACCUEIL: Cette section contient une brève description de la visite d’étude dans la langue du pays d’accueil. Personne(s) de contact: Coordonnées des organisateurs. Vous pourrez les contacter pour toute information complémentaire sur la visite. WWW. Cette section contient des liens vers des sites Web recommandés par les organisateurs où vous trouverez des informations complémentaires sur le thème et les lieux de la visite. 10 CEDEFOP – STUDY VISITS Acerca del programa de visitas de estudio Las visitas de estudio son una de las acciones fundamentales del programa transversal del Programa de aprendizaje permanente 2007-2013. Su objetivo es apoyar el desarrollo de políticas y la cooperación a escala europea en el ámbito del aprendizaje permanente, particularmente en el contexto del proceso de Lisboa y del programa de trabajo Educación y Formación 2010, así como en los procesos de Bolonia y Copenhague y sus sucesores. Desde el 1 de enero de 2008, el Cedefop coordina, en nombre de la Comisión Europea, las visitas de estudio para especialistas y gestores en temas de educación y formación profesional para el periodo 2008 -2013. Una visita de estudio consiste en una breve visita, de tres a cinco días, para un pequeño grupo de especialistas y responsables de la política educativa que representan a varios grupos de educación y formación profesional. Se trata de partes interesadas que quieren examinar un aspecto particular del aprendizaje permanente en otro Estado miembro. El perfil de un participante se corresponde principalmente con una de las siguientes categorías: • responsables de formación de empresas; • directores de instituciones, centros y escuelas de educación y formación profesional; • directores de centros de orientación; • directores de centros de validación o acreditación; • inspectores de educación y formación profesional; • directores escolares, formadores de profesores • jefes de departamento; • directores de recursos humanos; • propietarios/directores de PYME; • asesores pedagógicos u orientadores; • representantes de cámaras de comercio/industria/artesanía; • representantes de redes y asociaciones de educación y formación profesional; • representantes de servicios educativos, oficinas de empleo o centros de orientación; • representantes de organizaciones de empresarios; • representantes de autoridades locales, regionales y nacionales; • representantes de sindicatos; • investigadores; • otros. Normalmente, los grupos están compuestos por 10 a 15 participantes. CATALOGUE 2008-2009 11 Las visitas de estudio se organizan tanto a nivel local como regional y se coordinan por la Agencia Nacional. Ofrecen un foro para el debate, el intercambio y el aprendizaje sobre temas de interés común y sobre las prioridades nacionales y europeas. El intercambio de ideas y prácticas innovadoras contribuye a que los participantes fomenten la calidad y la transparencia de sus sistemas educativos y de formación. CÓMO PARTICIPAR Si desea participar en una visita, rogamos se ponga en contacto con su Agencia Nacional para comprobar si reúne los requisitos de admisibilidad y otros procedimientos. Esta evalúa y selecciona a los candidatos y también facilita cualquier información o clarificación que precise. Está disponible en línea una lista de personas de contacto en su país en: Lea atentamente el catálogo. Después de seleccionar las visitas en las que esté interesado, deberá presentar una solicitud por vía electrónica en: CÓMO UTILIZAR ESTE CATÁLOGO El catálogo abarca las visitas de estudio que tendrán lugar entre septiembre de 2008 y junio de 2009 y exploran estas cuestiones desde tres perspectivas distintas: • educación general (en el catálogo - el tipo de educación general); • enseñanza y formación profesional (el tipo VET); • aprendizaje permanente (el tipo mixto). Las Agencias Nacionales de los países participantes han facilitado las descripciones de las visitas que tratan de educación, formación profesional y aprendizaje a lo largo de la vida, especialmente para este catálogo. Este catálogo ha sido concebido para que pueda elegir las visitas que mejor se ajusten a sus intereses y programas profesionales. Las visitas de estudio están clasificadas por tema en orden cronológico. La tabla de resumen (visión general) permite que pueda encontrar una visita rápidamente según varios criterios: tema, fecha, país, idioma de trabajo y la página en la que se describe el contenido de la visita. Puede utilizar más posibilidades de búsqueda en la versión electrónica de este catálogo en: CÓMO UTILIZAR LA PÁGINA DE DESCRIPCIÓN La descripción de una visita de estudio contiene información sobre su contenido y objetivos, así como sobre el contexto socioeconómico de su país o región específicos. Cada descripción incluye la información siguiente: 12 CEDEFOP – STUDY VISITS Sector económico, si procede TEMA Título de la visita Número de grupo: xx Tipo de visita: Puede elegir entre las visitas que examinan los temas o bien desde la perspectiva de la educación general, de la educación y formación profesional o del aprendizaje permanente Fechas de la visita: dd/mm/aaaa Lugar, país de acogida Idioma de trabajo: Idioma de trabajo de la visita Nº de plazas: Nº de plazas en un grupo Mínimo requerido: Nº mínimo de participantes para que tenga lugar una visita OBJETIVOS DE EDUCACIÓN Y FORMACIÓN 2010 Esta sección indica uno o varios objetivos del programa de trabajo Educación y Formación 2010 con los que está relacionado el contenido de la visita. Al final del catálogo se adjunta la lista de objetivos en forma de anexo. ¿POR QUÉ? Esta sección ofrece el contexto general o socioeconómico en el que se desarrollará la visita. ¿QUÉ? En esta sección, los organizadores describen los principales objetivos y resultados del aprendizaje para el grupo. ¿CÓMO? Esta sección esboza las principales actividades a través de las cuales los organizadores prevén alcanzar los objetivos de la visita. ¿QUIÉN? Esta sección describe el tipo de persona que se espera que solicite participar en la visita. BREVE DESCRIPCIÓN EN EL IDIOMA DEL PAÍS ANFITRIÓN: Esta sección contiene una breve descripción de la visita de estudio en el idioma del país anfitrión. Persona(s) de contacto Los datos de contacto de los organizadores. Podrá ponerse en contacto con ellos para cualquier información adicional que precise sobre la visita. WWW. Esta sección incluye enlaces a sitios web recomendados por los organizadores donde podrá encontrar información adicional sobre el tema y lugares de la visita. 14 CEDEFOP – STUDY VISITS Catalogue 2008-2009 Presentation of national systems of education and vocational training Présentation des systèmes nationaux d’éducation et de formation professionnelle Vorstellung nationaler Bildungs- und Berufsbildungssysteme group title of visit wl country date page 173 Modèles interactifs d’enseignement en classe FR Roumanie 08/09/08-12/09/08 29 174 Aged 0 to18 in a municipality on the outskirts of Denmark EN Denmark 22/09/08-26/09/08 30 175 The way we are: comparison of school life in different education systems EN Italy 22/09/08-26/09/08 31 176 Art education as a means to promote schools’ attractiveness EN Lithuania 29/09/08-03/10/08 32 177 General study of education systems EN Romania 06/10/08-10/10/08 33 178 The Italian education system and its integration process EN Italy 06/10/08-10/10/08 34 179 Arts, culture and technology in vocational schools – ACTIVSCHOOLS 2008 EN Turkey 13/10/08-17/10/08 35 180 Le système éducatif en Communauté française de Belgique FR Belgique 13/10/08-17/10/08 36 181 Turkish education system EN Turkey 20/10/08-24/10/08 37 182 The Spanish system of vocational education and training for employment EN Spain 20/10/08-23/10/08 38 Linking formal and informal education to acquire lifelong learning skills EN Latvia 27/10/08-31/10/08 39 184 New opportunities for tourism education in European countries EN Turkey 17/11/08-21/11/08 40 185 VET in the Netherlands: Vertical Streaming EN Netherlands 17/11/08-20/11/08 41 186 NGOs and the public sector cowork for better governance EN Bulgaria 17/11/08-20/11/08 42 187 Vocational education and training in Germany EN Germany 08/12/08-11/12/08 43 188 Les spécificités du système éducatif français vues à travers les parcours différenciés des élèves FR France 02/02/09-06/02/09 44 189 Connecting theoretical and practical education at secondary school EN Czech Republic 09/02/09-13/02/09 45 190 PISA tools – Tradition and innovation hand in hand EN Finland 23/02/09-27/02/09 46 191 The Portuguese education system and the role of local organisations EN Portugal 09/03/09-13/03/09 47 192 Le système d’éducation dans son environnement, en Calabre FR Italie 09/03/09-13/03/09 48 193 A general study of the education system EN Ireland 09/03/09-12/03/09 49 194 The technical and vocational education system of Cyprus EN Cyprus 16/03/09-20/03/09 50 195 Skills development of adults in the labour market EN Netherlands 23/03/09-26/03/09 51 196 Making it possible to study in sparsely populated areas EN Finland 30/03/09-03/04/09 52 183 wl: Working language CATALOGUE 2008-2009 197 15 The contribution of cooperation between NGOs, schools and SMEs to vocational training EN Turkey 06/04/09-09/04/09 53 198 Facetten der dualen Ausbildung in Österreich DE Österreich 15/04/09-17/04/09 54 199 Estonian experience in lifelong learning EN Estonia 20/04/09-24/04/09 55 200 Primary education in the Czech Republic EN Czech Republic 20/04/09-24/04/09 56 201 Curriculum of vocational education for leather production EN Turkey 04/05/09-08/05/09 57 202 Comparing education systems EN Turkey 04/05/09-08/05/09 58 203 Schools and education systems in Sunnhordland – a Norwegian region EN Norway 04/05/09-08/05/09 59 The Portuguese education system in the autonomous region of Madeira EN Portugal 04/05/09-08/05/09 60 205 The Austrian school system in comparison with the rest of Europe EN Austria 04/05/09-08/05/09 61 206 VET systems in Estonia and Europe EN Estonia 11/05/09-15/05/09 62 207 Berufsausbildung im Handwerk in Polen DE Polen 12/05/09-15/05/09 63 208 From local traditions to intercultural dialogue EN Poland 18/05/09-22/05/09 64 209 A school open for tomorrow’s Europe EN Italy 25/05/09-29/05/09 65 210 Vocational education and training in Germany EN Germany 08/06/09-11/06/09 66 wl country Development and administration of foreign language testing and assessment EN Spain 20/10/08-24/10/08 67 The role of formative assessment EN Poland 27/10/08-30/10/08 68 204 Certification and assessment of pupils group 211 212 title of visit date page New pedagogical methods to improve literacy skills Los nuevos métodos pedagógicos para mejorar las aptitudes de lectura group title of visit wl country date page 213 Key competences for the labour market EN Czech Republic 06/10/08-10/10/08 69 214 Desarrollando estrategias lectoras ES España 16/03/09-20/03/09 70 Information and communication technologies in education and training Les technologies de l’information et de la communication dans l’éducation et la formation Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologien in Bildung und Berufsbildung group title of visit wl country date page 215 The impact on schools of government ICT expenditure EN United Kingdom 22/09/08-26/09/08 71 216 Neue Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologien in der Schule DE Lettland 06/10/08-10/10/08 72 217 Best European tools and practices for distance learning EN France 07/10/08-09/10/08 73 218 Possibilities of using ICT for school improvement EN Estonia 13/10/08-17/10/08 74 219 E-learning and application of the learn management system in schools EN Austria 13/10/08-17/10/08 75 16 CEDEFOP – STUDY VISITS 220 Les TIC et la formation en ligne pour améliorer le système éducatif et les compétences FR Italie 28/10/08-31/10/08 76 221 Innovative school, electronic visual aids, e-school EN Estonia 03/11/08-07/11/08 77 222 ICT - quality in education EN Romania 24/11/08-28/11/08 78 223 Using ICT in EFL classrooms EN Turkey 15/12/08-19/12/08 79 224 TICE: outils et choix stratégiques au service des apprentissages FR France 23/03/09-27/03/09 80 225 Q-school: ICT support for quality school EN Slovenia 20/04/09-23/04/09 81 226 Digital competence and e-inclusion EN Spain 20/04/09-24/04/09 82 227 ICT in education and language teaching EN Turkey 04/05/09-08/05/09 83 228 Log on to education - Improving methodology and teaching techniques through ICT EN Spain 04/05/09-08/05/09 84 Promotion des compétences linguistiques grâce aux technologies de l’information et de la communication FR Espagne 11/05/09-15/05/09 85 Using interactive technologies to improve learning and teaching in education EN United Kingdom 15/06/09-19/06/09 86 229 230 Equal opportunities for disadvantaged students in education and vocational training systems Égalité des chances pour les élèves et les étudiants défavorisés dans l’éducation et la formation Gleiche Chancen für benachteiligte Schüler und Studenten in der Bildung und Berufsbildung group wl country Tackling the link between socioeconomic disadvantage and low achievement EN United Kingdom 29/09/08-03/10/08 87 232 Create chances – a Hungarian proposal EN Hungary 13/10/08-17/10/08 88 233 Including children with additional needs in schools, units and other provision EN United Kingdom 10/11/08-14/11/08 89 234 Inclusion in education EN Ireland 18/11/08-21/11/08 90 235 Equality in vocational education and training EN Ireland 09/02/09-12/02/09 91 236 Students with special needs – the Finnish way of action EN Finland 09/02/09-13/02/09 92 237 Education and vocational training, also for deaf and deafblind people EN Portugal 09/03/09-13/03/09 93 238 Including pupils with disabilities - a flexible continuum of provision EN United Kingdom 16/03/09-20/03/09 94 239 Regional cooperation and a developing network to ensure equal opportunities for all EN Finland 16/03/09-20/03/09 95 240 Disadvantaged students and the role of a research led university EN United Kingdom 23/03/09-26/03/09 96 241 L´attention éducative à l´enfant malade sur le territoire de Madrid capitale FR Espagne 23/03/09-27/03/09 97 242 Development of special needs education in Tyrol EN Austria 20/04/09-24/04/09 98 243 Equal opportunities for disadvantaged pupils in education EN Belgium 11/05/09-15/05/09 99 244 Doing our best to provide equal opportunities for all students EN Turkey 18/05/09-22/05/09 100 245 Good practices for full school integration of disabled pupils EN Italy 18/05/09-22/05/09 101 246 Professional ICT education - Cisco Academy - Distance learning People with disabilities EN Bulgaria 25/05/09-29/05/09 102 231 title of visit date page CATALOGUE 2008-2009 247 Öffentlichkeitsarbeit an Sonderschulen - Aktivität und Teilhabe behinderter junger Menschen brauchen externe Unterstützung 22/06/09-26/06/09 17 DE Deutschland 103 wl country Working to achieve gender equality in engineering education and training systems EN United Kingdom 10/11/08-12/11/08 104 Compatibility of job and family – young women in vocational training EN Germany 23/03/09-26/03/09 105 Men working in preschools? – A great asset to development – or not? EN Sweden 20/04/09-24/04/09 106 Gender equity in education and training systems group 248 249 250 title of visit date page Equal opportunities for migrants and minorities in education and vocational training systems Égalité des chances pour les migrants et pour les minorités dans l’éducation et la formation professionnelle group 251 252 253 254 255 256 title of visit wl country date page Approaches for integration and quality education of the Roma minority in Bulgaria EN Bulgaria 06/10/08-10/10/08 107 Supporting intercultural education of migrant children through interagency cooperation and partnership of stakeholders, the Hungarian experience EN Hungary 13/10/08-17/10/08 108 Moving out of segregation: Roma support programmes in primary education EN Hungary 03/11/08-07/11/08 109 All different, all equal - the same opportunities in education for all pupils EN Romania 08/12/08-12/12/08 110 Welcome, equal opportunities and social cohesion in a high mobility urban authority EN United Kingdom 19/01/09-23/01/09 111 Découverte d’un dispositif d’accueil et de scolarisation des enfants de populations migrantes FR France 09/03/09-13/03/09 112 Measures to prevent school failure and early school leaving Mesures préventives contre l’échec scolaire et l’abandon précoce Maßnahmen zur Prävention von Schulversagen und frühen Schulabgängen group wl country School and working environment, cooperation between social partners and school EN Germany 15/09/08-18/09/08 113 258 Tools for improving and developing upper secondary education EN Sweden 15/09/08-19/09/08 114 259 Educational and training courses: other paths towards achievement EN Portugal 10/11/08-14/11/08 115 260 Accompagner dans une démarche adaptée les élèves porteurs de troubles spécifiques du langage, du primaire au supérieur FR France 16/03/09-20/03/09 116 261 Salento in Europe - Cooperation to prevent dropouts EN Italy 30/03/09-03/04/09 117 262 School failure resistance EN Finland 20/04/09-24/04/09 118 263 Lutte contre l’échec scolaire, intégration des jeunes migrants en Communauté française de Belgique FR Belgique 04/05/09-08/05/09 119 257 title of visit date page 18 CEDEFOP – STUDY VISITS 264 Schulverweigerung – Prävention und frühe Intervention DE Deutschland 11/05/09-15/05/09 120 265 New opportunities in education EN Portugal 11/05/09-15/05/09 121 wl country European dimension in education La dimension européenne dans l’éducation Die europäische Dimension in der Bildung group title of visit date page 266 Crossborder teaching and learning in the Rhine-Maas-Euregio EN Germany 16/09/08-19/09/08 122 267 European dimension in education in Silesia region EN Poland 30/09/08-03/10/08 123 268 Improving project management skills in printing and editing EN Bulgaria 03/11/08-05/11/08 124 269 Conjuguer mixité et activités périscolaires pour favoriser l’ouverture européenne FR France 17/11/08-21/11/08 125 Education for peace and intercultural exchange: comparison of educational systems EN Italy 01/12/08-05/12/08 126 The benefits of multilateral European projects – Valorisation of project results and products in teacher education and teacher training EN Germany 08/12/08-12/12/08 127 272 International learning routes in secondary general education EN Netherlands 08/12/08-12/12/08 128 273 The European dimension through English language teaching and learning EN Cyprus 16/03/09-20/03/09 129 274 European and global dimension in education EN Slovenia 23/03/09-27/03/09 130 275 Partnerships for improving vocational training offers and vocational training education EN Romania 30/03/09-03/04/09 131 276 À l’école en Europe FR Italie 20/04/09-24/04/09 132 277 Verbesserung der Qualität und Effektivität der Lehrtechniken und Lehrmethoden, auch in Vorbereitung weiterer Bildung und Berufsbildung DE Polen 04/05/09-08/05/09 133 Berufsbildung mit Europa-Projekten attraktiv machen und qualitativ aufwerten DE Polen 25/05/09-29/05/09 134 279 Ecole militante: valoriser, diffuser, exister FR Italie 25/05/09-29/05/09 135 280 Educating young people in democracy in small local societies EN Poland 01/06/09-05/06/09 136 270 271 278 The teaching profession, challenges for teachers and trainers La profession enseignante: défis pour les enseignants et les formateurs Der Beruf des Lehrers, Herausforderungen an Lehrer und Ausbilder group title of visit wl country date page 281 Towards better training without challenges EN Turkey 06/10/08-10/10/08 137 282 Vom Erfahrungsaustausch profitieren DE Polen 07/10/08-10/10/08 138 283 Improving the teaching profession by developing educational skills and skills for the knowledge society EN Turkey 13/10/08-17/10/08 139 284 The teaching profession and teacher education in Turkey EN Turkey 20/10/08-24/10/08 140 285 Applicable tourism learning: challenge of limited resources for tourism development EN Slovenia 20/10/08-24/10/08 141 CATALOGUE 2008-2009 19 286 Professional development and status of teachers and trainers EN Germany 17/11/08-20/11/08 142 287 The role of in-service teacher training professionals EN Spain 01/12/08-05/12/08 143 288 Construire un dispositif global de formation de qualité FR France 13/01/09-16/01/09 144 289 La formation continue des enseignants FR Espagne 26/01/09-30/01/09 145 290 The professional development of teachers in Scotland EN United Kingdom 02/02/09-06/02/09 146 291 Without a backpack. Towards a community school EN Italy 02/03/09-06/03/09 147 292 In-service training for teachers: advisory system, teacher centres EN Spain 09/03/09-13/03/09 148 293 Die Lehrerausbildung im Wandel: Reflexionsund Handlungskompetenz auf dem Prüfstand DE Deutschland 16/03/09-20/03/09 149 294 Effective training for foreign language teachers EN Poland 30/03/09-03/04/09 150 295 Quality in teacher training EN Spain 20/04/09-24/04/09 151 296 Strengthening teacher association networks EN Portugal 27/04/09-30/04/09 152 297 How to attract students to vocational education. Sharing experience for developing VET EN Turkey 04/05/09-08/05/09 153 298 Practice of student teachers at school EN Portugal 04/05/09-08/05/09 154 299 Continuous teacher’s training: towards teaching quality improvement EN Spain 11/05/09-15/05/09 155 wl country The role of parents and their participation in school life group title of visit date page 300 Increasing the role of parents in school life EN Poland 06/10/08-10/10/08 156 301 Sandwell family learning consortium EN United Kingdom 15/10/08-17/10/08 157 302 Is part of the triangle missing? School, students what about parents? EN Turkey 04/05/09-08/05/09 158 Content and language integrated learning (CLIL) L’enseignement d’une matière intégré à une langue étrangère (EMILE) group title of visit wl country date page 303 Content and language integrated learning –teaching in practice EN Poland 06/10/08-10/10/08 159 304 The CLIL approach in a bilingual environment EN Spain 20/10/08-24/10/08 160 305 Développer l’enseignement d’une matière par intégration d’une langue étrangère FR France 12/01/09-16/01/09 161 Improving foreign language learning through innovation EN Spain 04/05/09-08/05/09 162 wl country 306 Health education group title of visit date page 307 School as a source of health EN Spain 17/11/08-21/11/08 163 308 Health + school = wellbeing EN Poland 20/04/09-24/04/09 164 20 CEDEFOP – STUDY VISITS Environmental education L’éducation à l’environnement Umwelterziehung group title of visit wl country date page 309 Environmental education in Estonia EN Estonia 06/10/08-10/10/08 165 310 Environmental education in Ireland EN Ireland 07/10/08-10/10/08 166 311 Landwirtschaftliche Beratung in der Arbeit für den Umweltschutz DE Polen 20/10/08-24/10/08 167 312 Landscape telling stories... EN Czech Republic 20/10/08-24/10/08 168 313 The environmental education as a part of education for sustainable development EN Bulgaria 27/10/08-31/10/08 169 314 Education for sustainable development – learning for a change EN United Kingdom 24/11/08-28/11/08 170 315 Embedding environmental education into the curriculum EN France 16/03/09-20/03/09 171 316 L’environnement nous enseigne FR Italie 06/04/09-09/04/09 172 317 Environmental education in primary and secondary schools EN Spain 04/05/09-08/05/09 173 318 Is it easy being green? Should schools adopt a green ethos, and how? EN United Kingdom 11/05/09-15/05/09 174 319 Le paysage entre environnement et identité de cultures FR Italie 18/05/09-22/05/09 175 320 To explore the use of local surroundings, to motivate and improve the teaching of environmental education EN United Kingdom 08/06/09-12/06/09 176 wl country School management La gestion des écoles Die Schulleitung group title of visit date page 321 Let’s reshape new schools of the future together EN Turkey 06/10/08-10/10/08 177 322 Leadership and change in the educational system EN Denmark 06/10/08-10/10/08 178 323 Management of educational institutions EN Czech Republic 06/10/08-10/10/08 179 324 La carrière de proviseur dans l’enseignement FR Roumanie 13/10/08-17/10/08 180 325 Project management - learning from successes and failures of educational projects EN Czech Republic 13/10/08-17/10/08 181 School management: role of headteachers/ principals and inspectors EN Spain 13/10/08-17/10/08 182 Beratung der Lehrkräfte durch die Schulleitung zur Weiterentwicklung von Unterricht DE Deutschland 20/10/08-24/10/08 183 Heads of schools. How we work on leadership management at different educational levels and at the same time accommodate needs for equalisation within the frame of education EN Sweden 20/10/08-24/10/08 184 329 Leadership in the educational network EN Malta 20/10/08-24/10/08 185 330 Le chef d’établissement dans le système éducatif français FR France 09/03/09-13/03/09 186 331 Autonomy and leadership EN Portugal 11/05/09-15/05/09 187 332 Development, alteration and evaluation of school management EN Turkey 26/05/09-29/05/09 188 333 School management in a learning organisation. How can leadership influence the learning outcome for students? EN Norway 01/06/09-05/06/09 189 326 327 328 CATALOGUE 2008-2009 21 The school Le projet d’établissement group wl country Small primary schools in Europe, schools in geographically disadvantaged areas EN Austria 23/03/09-27/03/09 190 335 Le collège, lieu d’intégration scolaire FR France 30/03/09-03/04/09 191 336 Schools in their territory: a network improving one another EN Italy 20/04/09-24/04/09 192 wl country 334 title of visit date page The pupils group title of visit date page 337 Young adults EN Denmark 20/10/08-24/10/08 193 338 I know my responsibilities EN Turkey 03/11/08-07/11/08 194 339 Every child matters EN United Kingdom 09/03/09-13/03/09 195 Increasing adult participation in education and training Accroître la participation des adultes à l’éducation et à la formation group title of visit wl country date page 340 Flexible vocational training for residential childcare staff EN United Kingdom 08/09/08-10/09/08 196 341 Experiment in the framework of adult training and education: new methods in the lifelong learning system EN Italy 17/09/08-19/09/08 197 VET as a meeting point for economic progress and personal empowerment EN Italy 06/10/08-10/10/08 198 Information, Advice and Guidance (IAG) Preparation for the labour market EN United Kingdom 07/10/08-10/10/08 199 344 Strengthen citizenship for regional development EN Sweden 13/10/08-17/10/08 200 345 Adult training practices in Turkey EN Turkey 20/10/08-24/10/08 201 346 Archaeology and environment: adult learning labs EN Italy 20/10/08-24/10/08 202 347 Adult education for regional growth and development EN Sweden 20/10/08-24/10/08 203 348 Adult and vocational education EN Netherlands 17/11/08-21/11/08 204 349 Une région pour la prévention et la lutte contre l’illettrisme FR France 18/11/08-21/11/08 205 350 Promoting accessibility and sustainability in learning environments for an active knowledge society EN Turkey 04/05/09-08/05/09 206 wl country 342 343 Violence and protection of children group title of visit date page 351 The role of schools in creating a safe environment for pupils EN Netherlands 29/09/08-03/10/08 207 352 The anatomy of violence EN Turkey 13/10/08-17/10/08 208 353 Schools and communities together against crime and misbehaviour EN Czech Republic 13/10/08-17/10/08 209 354 Prevention of social-pathology at secondary and vocational schools EN Slovak Republic 20/04/09-24/04/09 210 355 Implementation of prevention programmes in school life EN Lithuania 20/04/09-23/04/09 211 22 CEDEFOP – STUDY VISITS Quality assurance in education and vocational training Qualitätssicherung in Bildung und Berufsbildung group title of visit wl country date page 356 Experiences of quality assurance in education EN Estonia 15/09/08-19/09/08 212 357 Raising standards through self-evaluation EN United Kingdom 06/10/08-10/10/08 213 358 Regional school development in Freiburg EN Germany 06/10/08-10/10/08 214 359 Influence of evaluation and self-evaluation on the quality of education EN Lithuania 13/10/08-17/10/08 215 360 Qualitätsentwicklung und Qualitätssicherung in der Berufsbildung DE Österreich 09/03/09-13/03/09 216 361 The balance of accountability, support and school autonomy EN Germany 23/03/09-27/03/09 217 362 Quality of school management and learning processes EN Netherlands 23/03/09-27/03/09 218 363 How is quality assessment managed at a medium-size vocational college in Denmark EN Denmark 21/04/09-24/04/09 219 364 Professionalising teaching and teachers in vocational schools EN Germany 04/05/09-08/05/09 220 365 Experience with external and internal evaluation of schools EN Germany 11/05/09-15/05/09 221 366 Die externe Evaluation – ein wichtiger Faktor für die Bildungsqualität DE Bulgarien 11/05/09-15/05/09 222 367 Quality – a holistic approach to environmental education EN Sweden 25/05/09-29/05/09 223 368 PRISMA - Maia schools’ quality assessment network EN Portugal 15/06/09-19/06/09 224 wl country The role of school inspection in improving the European dimension in Bulgarian education EN Bulgaria 20/10/08-24/10/08 225 370 Monitoring and evaluating education EN Belgium 09/03/09-13/03/09 226 371 Monitoring the quality of general education EN Latvia 30/03/09-03/04/09 227 372 Evaluating work-based learning programmes EN Italy 20/04/09-24/04/09 228 wl country EN United Kingdom wl country Monitoring and evaluation of education and training group 369 title of visit date page The curriculum group 373 title of visit Improving pedagogy: a skills-based curriculum, from conception to implementation date 20/10/08-24/10/08 page 229 Attractiveness of vocational training group title of visit date page 374 Reaching common objectives of VET in EU EN Turkey 22/09/08-26/09/08 230 375 Vocational education and training in a lifelong learning perspective EN Turkey 13/10/08-17/10/08 231 376 Importance of cooperation to guide vocational education EN Turkey 13/10/08-17/10/08 232 377 Vocational training constantly changing EN Spain 13/10/08-17/10/08 233 378 European dimension of vocational education and training EN Poland 13/10/08-17/10/08 234 CATALOGUE 2008-2009 379 23 Concentration and restructuring of training occupations in the textile and clothing industry EN Germany 20/10/08-22/10/08 235 380 Vocational training: target for youngsters? EN Belgium 20/10/08-23/10/08 236 381 Advantages of vocational training EN Turkey 20/10/08-24/10/08 237 382 Shoes and clothes industry – middle management and shoe design specialist training centre EN France 21/10/08-23/10/08 238 The attraction of training in woodworking trades (cabinet makers, joiners, carpenters) in rural or mountain regions EN France 21/10/08-24/10/08 239 Attractiveness of vocational training for the hospitality and tourism industry EN Turkey 03/11/08-06/11/08 240 385 How to attract young people to VET EN Czech Republic 03/11/08-07/11/08 241 386 Disseminating scientific and technical culture EN France 04/11/08-06/11/08 242 387 The dual vocational training system in Austria – vocational schools and the world of work in context EN Austria 17/11/08-21/11/08 243 388 Training and further training in the automotive field EN Germany 16/02/09-18/02/09 244 389 The way to vocational training EN Spain 20/04/09-24/04/09 245 390 Diversity: improving qualifications and sustainable development EN Portugal 04/05/09-08/05/09 246 391 Cooperation between school, higher education and working life in a changing learning environment – Focus on the Swedish health care programme and the child and recreation programme EN Sweden 11/05/09-15/05/09 247 Vocational training – a way to employment EN Spain 11/05/09-15/05/09 248 wl country Structures intégrées d’orientation, insertion et évolution à tout âge FR France 16/09/08-19/09/08 249 394 Orienter, informer et conseiller: répondre aux nouvelles attentes FR France 15/10/08-17/10/08 250 395 Bildungs- und Berufsberatung in Österreich DE Österreich 05/11/08-07/11/08 251 396 Orientation et conseil au service des parcours tout au long de la vie FR France 17/11/08-20/11/08 252 Improving guidance and counselling services offered by education and training systems EN Greece 02/02/09-06/02/09 253 398 Orienter, informer et conseiller: répondre aux nouvelles attentes FR France 01/04/09-03/04/09 254 399 Integrating adults with severe learning difficulties into a full life EN United Kingdom 11/05/09-15/05/09 255 400 Lifelong guidance system in Lithuania EN Lithuania 19/05/09-22/05/09 256 wl country 383 384 392 Lifelong guidance and counselling Orientation et conseil tout au long de la vie Lebenslange Beratung und Orientierung group 393 397 title of visit date page Role of higher education in vocational training group title of visit date page 401 Entrepreneurship and learning in the workplace in a rural area EN United Kingdom 08/09/08-10/09/08 257 402 Education for rural tourism at college and university levels EN Poland 08/09/08-12/09/08 258 403 Higher education and vocational training EN France 10/03/09-13/03/09 259 24 CEDEFOP – STUDY VISITS Recognition of formal, non-formal and informal learning La reconnaissance de l’enseignement formel, non formel et informel group title of visit wl country date page 404 Modernisation des examens professionnels en Pologne FR Pologne 23/09/08-26/09/08 260 405 Accreditation of Prior Learning (APL) in the Netherlands EN Netherlands 29/09/08-02/10/08 261 406 Recognise knowledge or skills acquired through life EN Portugal 06/10/08-10/10/08 262 407 Validation and recognition of formal, non-formal and informal learning EN Denmark 06/10/08-10/10/08 263 De l’expérience à la compétence: l’exemple du système français de validation des acquis de l’expérience FR France 14/10/08-17/10/08 264 Bulgarian alternative energy production – competences development EN Bulgaria 15/10/08-17/10/08 265 410 Supporting of students in the way to choose a profession EN Poland 20/10/08-24/10/08 266 411 Innovative language teaching methods in formal, non-formal and informal education EN Greece 10/11/08-14/11/08 267 412 Validation des acquis dans l’enseignement supérieur français FR France 19/01/09-23/01/09 268 413 Vocational qualifications and personal study programmes in physical education and sports in Finland EN Finland 02/02/09-06/02/09 269 414 Education for sustainable development EN Sweden 04/05/09-07/05/09 270 415 Le système français de reconnaissance et de validation des acquis de l’expérience FR France 03/06/09-05/06/09 271 408 409 Integrating groups with particular difficulties into the labour market group title of visit wl country date page 416 Assistance and social aid system jobs for economic migrants EN Poland 10/09/08-12/09/08 272 417 Integrating groups with particular difficulties into the labour market through adult education EN Hungary 06/10/08-10/10/08 273 Employment for groups with special difficulties and their integration into the labour market EN Spain 26/01/09-29/01/09 274 Helping older employees find and keep jobs EN Belgium 30/03/09-02/04/09 275 wl country 418 419 Developing entrepreneurship among young people and adults Développer la culture d’entreprise chez les jeunes et les adultes group title of visit date page 420 La culture d’entreprise dans la formation des jeunes FR France 23/09/08-26/09/08 276 421 Développer la culture entrepreneuriale chez les jeunes en milieu rural FR France 20/10/08-24/10/08 277 422 Teaching entrepreneurial skills EN Ireland 04/11/08-06/11/08 278 423 Fostering entrepreneurship – learning and working together EN Slovenia 12/11/08-14/11/08 279 424 Bridging the enterprise deficit in East London EN United Kingdom 18/11/08-20/11/08 280 425 Enterprising communities EN United Kingdom 02/03/09-06/03/09 281 426 Entrepreneurship models within creative industries EN United Kingdom 09/03/09-13/03/09 282 CATALOGUE 2008-2009 427 25 Improving teacher training competences in entrepreneurship education EN Finland 16/03/09-20/03/09 283 428 Educating for entrepreneurship EN Spain 24/03/09-27/03/09 284 429 Young entrepreneurs in an Arctic setting developing entrepreneurship among young people EN Norway 30/03/09-03/04/09 285 430 Encourager les jeunes à devenir les entrepreneurs de demain FR Luxembourg 20/04/09-24/04/09 286 431 Entrepreneurship across borders EN Norway 25/05/09-29/05/09 287 432 The need for spirit of enterprise in agriculture EN Hungary 27/05/09-29/05/09 288 wl country L’introduction de la formation obligatoire dans les réseaux de transport urbain FR France 08/10/08-10/10/08 289 Strengthening cooperation between stakeholders of education and training EN Hungary 13/10/08-17/10/08 290 435 Partnership in adult education EN Romania 11/05/09-15/05/09 291 436 The role of social partners in vocational education and training for employment EN Spain 15/06/09-18/06/09 292 Role of social partners Le rôle des partenaires sociaux group 433 434 title of visit date page Strengthening intercultural education and its contribution to social integration (European Year 2008) Renforcer l’éducation interculturelle et sa contribution à l’intégration sociale (2008 Année européenne) El refuerzo de la educación intercultural y su contribución a la integración social (Año Europeo 2008) group title of visit wl country date page 437 Promoting intercultural dialogue for local development EN Portugal 15/09/08-19/09/08 293 438 Les couleurs de la paix FR Italie 29/09/08-03/10/08 294 439 Internalisation of multicultural or intercultural approaches on EU dimension EN Turkey 06/10/08-10/10/08 295 440 Cultural diversity is part of our common history EN Italy 06/10/08-10/10/08 296 441 What have EU projects brought to Europe? Then, now and tomorrow EN Turkey 06/10/08-10/10/08 297 442 Cultural diversity in the 21st century school EN Spain 09/02/09-13/02/09 298 443 Educación de adultos en la Comunidad de Madrid, el aprendizaje permanente ES España 20/04/09-24/04/09 299 444 Intercultural dialogue in multicultural society EN Latvia 20/04/09-24/04/09 300 445 Multiculturality in and through education EN Romania 04/05/09-08/05/09 301 446 Diversity attention. An educational answer to social changes EN Spain 18/05/09-22/05/09 302 447 Community cohesion in Leicester schools EN United Kingdom 08/06/09-12/06/09 303 26 CEDEFOP – STUDY VISITS 2009 European Year of Creativity group title of visit wl country date page 448 A visit to the arts and letters birthplace EN Greece 31/03/09-03/04/09 304 449 Creativity and environmental awareness step by step EN Poland 20/04/09-24/04/09 305 450 Creating creative students through formal education EN Turkey 04/05/09-08/05/09 306 451 Making students and teachers think creatively EN Poland 01/06/09-05/06/09 307 wl country Making science education more attractive group title of visit date page 452 Encouraging enjoyment of science education EN United Kingdom 08/09/08-11/09/08 308 453 Physics and biomechanics for secondary school teachers – new trends EN Czech Republic 13/10/08-17/10/08 309 454 Bridging the gap between research and science education EN Austria 20/10/08-24/10/08 310 455 Laboratory sciences, a rapidly developing field EN Denmark 21/10/08-24/10/08 311 456 Environmental education at school, university and in vocational training EN Italy 24/11/08-26/11/08 312 In Darwin’s footsteps: effective biodiversity education through the outdoor classroom EN United Kingdom 26/01/09-30/01/09 313 wl country 457 Early language learning L’apprentissage précoce des langues group title of visit date page 458 Improving early language teaching EN Poland 29/09/08-03/10/08 314 459 Making language learning meaningful to young pupils EN Greece 13/10/08-16/10/08 315 460 Développer l’apprentissage précoce des langues FR France 24/11/08-28/11/08 316 461 Early English learning: challenges and good practices EN Portugal 16/03/09-20/03/09 317 Vocationally-oriented language learning group title of visit wl country date 462 Vocationally-oriented language learning EN Turkey wl country European mobility - European qualifications – European employability EN Sweden 06/10/08-09/10/08 319 464 IT sector in Bulgaria - Measuring HR efficiency EN Bulgaria 12/01/09-15/01/09 320 465 European instruments and their implementation EN Iceland 25/03/09-27/03/09 321 466 Implementing the national framework for qualifications: opportunities for vocational education EN Ireland 27/04/09-30/04/09 322 13/10/08-17/10/08 page 318 Implementation of European instruments (EQF, Europass) group 463 title of visit date page CATALOGUE 2008-2009 27 Active citizenship through education and training Citoyenneté active par l’éducation et la formation group title of visit wl country date page 467 Active participation of young people in public life EN Hungary 13/10/08-17/10/08 323 468 Apprendre et vivre la citoyenneté active/promouvoir le succès de la formation FR Italie 01/12/08-05/12/08 324 Attractive learning inside and outside the classroom EN Estonia 20/04/09-24/04/09 325 wl country 469 Language teaching and learning L’enseignement des langues group title of visit date page 470 Improving language teaching in the digital age EN United Kingdom 23/09/08-26/09/08 326 471 Comment enseigner le français en tant que deuxième langue étrangère? FR Pologne 01/10/08-03/10/08 327 472 MGLT - Methods of global learning and teaching EN Slovenia 13/10/08-17/10/08 328 473 Hand in hand to succeed in English EN Turkey 03/11/08-07/11/08 329 474 Language teaching and learning EN Belgium 17/11/08-21/11/08 330 475 Improving foreign language teaching EN Netherlands 02/02/09-06/02/09 331 476 Speaking European: teaching and learning foreign languages in Europe EN Italy 16/02/09-20/02/09 332 477 Language teaching and learning in the primary school EN United Kingdom 02/03/09-06/03/09 333 478 How to make foreign language teaching and learning effective EN Poland 20/04/09-24/04/09 334 Visits by sector Visites par secteur Besuche nach Sektoren group Agriculture, forestry and fishing 432 Manufacturing 197, 201, 207, 248, 297, 379, 381, 382 Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply 374 Water supply; sewerage, waste management and remediation activities 311 Construction 383 Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles 388 Transportation and storage 376, 433, 463 Accommodation and food service activities 184, 202, 224, 285, 378, 384, 402 Information and communication 186, 246, 268, 464 Human health and social work activities 340, 416 Arts, entertainment and recreation 179, 346, 408, 413 CATALOGUE 2008-2009 29 PRÉSENTATION DES SYSTÈMES NATIONAUX D’ÉDUCATION ET DE FORMATION PROFESSIONNELLE Modèles interactifs d’enseignement en classe Numéro de groupe: 173 Type de visite: EFP 8/9/2008-12/9/2008 Galati, Roumanie Langue de travail: français Nombre de places: 20 Minimum requis: 8 OBJECTIFS EDUCATION ET FORMATION 2010: 2.2. Rendre lʼéducation et la formation plus attrayantes POURQUOI? • Expérience sur le thème abordé, expertise ou politiques, actions ou innovations particulières; • multiplication des chances dʼaccès à lʼéducation; • conditions égales dʼaccès à lʼinformation; • occasion de penser pour les professeurs et les élèves; • des contextes où les élèves aient des expériences dʼapprentissage significatives. QUOI? • Compréhension des méthodes et des outils utilisés dans lʼorientation professionnelle en Roumanie; • développement des aptitudes et des compétences des jeunes engagés dans les activités de préparation et dʼéducation professionnelle; • amélioration de la qualité et de lʼaccès à lʼéducation durant la vie active; • accroissement de la contribution de lʼéducation professionnelle à lʼinnovation, en améliorant la compétitivité et lʼesprit dʼentreprise. COMMENT? • Visites dʼétablissement de formation, écoles, autorités publiques chargées de lʼéducation ou de la formation, chambres de commerce, autorités locales ou régionales, etc.; • rencontres avec des élèves en salle de classe, travailleurs sur les lieux de travail; • rencontres et entretiens avec des directeurs dʼétablissement scolaire ou de formation professionnelle; • en illustrant les points forts et faibles dʼun système, dʼune politique ou dʼun projet; • en discutant des facteurs de réussite et dʼéchec. POUR QUI? • Directeurs d΄institutions, de centres ou de prestataires d΄enseignement et de formation professionnels. BRÈVE DESCRIPTION DANS LA LANGUE DU PAYS D’ACCUEIL: Ne propunem sa realizam activitati interesante, interactive pe grupe de elevi. Schimburi de experienta. Organisateur(s): CONSTANTIN Nicoleta Groupe scolaire «Anghel Saligny» Rue Metalurgistilor 4 800203 Galati Tel. +40- 236 47 11 19 Fax +40- 236 46 47 70 Email: [email protected] 30 CEDEFOP – STUDY VISITS PRESENTATION OF NATIONAL SYSTEMS OF EDUCATION AND VOCATIONAL TRAINING Aged 0 to18 in a municipality on the outskirts of Denmark Group No: 174 Type of visit: General education 22/9/2008-26/9/2008 Skjern, Denmark Working language: English Number of places: 15 Minimum required: 8 EDUCATION AND TRAINING 2010 OBJECTIVES: 1.2. Developing skills for the knowledge society 1.5. Making the best use of resources WHY? The municipality of Ringkøbing – Skjern is – after a structural reform in Denmark implemented on 1 January 2007, the largest municipality of Denmark, 1458 km2 with 58 000 people living there; 7 000 children attending primary school and 2 200 children attend kindergartens. The municipality of Ringkøbing – Skjern is placed in the western part of Denmark far away from the capital and other cities with universities and other educational institutions. That fact can cause an educational gap in our area. Being aware of this forces the local authority, local administration, leaders and staff of kindergartens, school headmasters and teachers to create the best kindergartens and schools – within economical limits – so that our children and young people can have the best education, childhood and youth. WHAT? Our local government has decided that all our schools should be updated on ICT – educationally and technically, and that there must be cooperation between kindergartens and schools so that the transition is as smooth as possible for the children. A youth school offering teaching in young peopleʼs spare time and a musical school offering musical education, also in the pupilʼs spare time are some of the means to reach our objective. We think that having a good childhood in our part of Denmark will make young people/families move back when they have finished their education. Our objective is to have kindergartens and primary and secondary schools of high standards so that young families with children want to settle in our area. Participants will get some idea of how the Danish system for day care and education is being practised in the western part of Denmark. Examples of good practice will be presented and discussed. HOW? We plan to illustrate and discuss our objectives by visits to kindergartens, primary and secondary schools, schools and clubs offering activities to children and young people in their spare time. If time allows, we also will visit museums and libraries that cooperate with schools and kindergartens. We also plan to have discussions with local administrators and politicians. WHOM? • • • • • Directors of education and vocational training institutions, centres or providers; head teachers, teacher trainers; heads of departments; pedagogical or guidance advisers; representatives of local, regional and national authorities. SHORT DESCRIPTION IN THE HOST COUNTRY’S LANGUAGE: Organiser(s): HØRSTED Preben Ringkøbing-Skjern Kommune The municipality of ringkøbing Skjern 6920 Videbæk Tel. +45- 99 74 10 82 Email: [email protected] Website: Ringkøbing-Skjern Kommune er arealmæssigt landets største. Kommunen er beliggende i den vestlige del af landet, langt fra universitetsbyer og andre byer med videregående uddannelser. Dette kan medføre et uddannelsesmæssigt underskud. Dette fordrer, at personale og ledere, administration og politikere – inden for de økonomiske rammer – søger at skabe de bedste børnehaver og skoler for at give børn og unge den bedste barndom og uddannelse. Lokalt er det ønsket, at de unge får den bedste grunduddannelse, rejser ud og får sig en videregående uddannelse og derefter måske vender tilbage til området. Det er også et mål, at få børnefamilier til at bosætte sig. Gennem besøg på en række skoler, børnehaver og andre institutioner, der arbejder med børn og unge i alderen 0-18 år, vil vi beskrive hvorledes dette arbejder konkret finder sted i vores kommune. Der vil blive lagt op til drøftelser af de udfordringer, der kommer af at være beliggende i et udkantsområde. WWW. – – – CATALOGUE 2008-2009 31 PRESENTATION OF NATIONAL SYSTEMS OF EDUCATION AND VOCATIONAL TRAINING The way we are: comparison of school life in different education systems Group No: 175 Type of visit: General education 22/9/2008-26/9/2008 Portigliola, Reggio Calabria Calabria, Italy Working language: English Number of places: 15 Minimum required: 5 EDUCATION AND TRAINING 2010 OBJECTIVES: 1.1. Improving education and training for teachers and trainers 1.2. Developing skills for the knowledge society WHY? The topic being developed concerns overcoming various forms of prejudice: we would like to make clear that the differences that distinguish us could be a common source of personal enrichment. The aim is to improve European awareness in teachers, through teamwork or cooperation on national history and cultural traditions, on school topics and personal or school experience: the visit focuses on exchanging ideas and material, knowledge and competence to set up an improved learning community. WHAT? The objective is to extend teachersʼ methodological competences, applying cooperative teaching methods: we want to develop and test organisational structures which make cooperation possible between teachers, executives and parents. The aim is to improve European awareness in teachers, through teamwork or cooperation. Analysis and comparison of European educational systems, management techniques in schools, innovative didactic and guidance methodologies, certification, evaluation and mobility. HOW? Participants will attend working groups, workshops and a number of visits and meetings with schoolsʼ personnel (headmasters and teachers of Italian schools), public institutions, associations and local authorities. WHOM? • • • • • • • • • • Directors of education and vocational training institutions, centres or providers; directors of guidance centres; directors of validation or accreditation centres; educational and vocational training inspectors; head teachers, teacher trainers; heads of departments; pedagogical or guidance advisers; representatives of educational services, labour offices or guidance centres; representatives of local, regional and national authorities; researchers. SHORT DESCRIPTION IN THE HOST COUNTRY’S LANGUAGE: Organiser(s): SORBARA Gianfranco Comune di Portigliola Corso Roma 89040 Portigliola (Reggio Calabria) Tel. +39-0964 36 50 02 Fax +39-0964 36 55 94 Email: [email protected] Il tema che si svilupperà riguarda il superamento delle varie forme di pregiudizio: si vuole far comprendere che le differenze che ci contraddistinguono possono essere fonti di arricchimento reciproco. Lo scopo è di accrescere la consapevolezza europea e lʼapprezzamento reciproco nei docenti, soprattutto con il lavoro di gruppo e/o cooperazioni a distanza sulle tradizioni culturali, su argomenti di studio ed esperienze personali e scolastiche: la visita si fonda sullo scambio di idee e materiale, conoscenze e competenze per attuare una Comunità Unita. Le diverse attività sono pertanto rivolte allʼapprofondimento delle conoscenze sugli aspetti istituzionali, economici, storici e sociali dei diversi paesi europei. Verrà curata con particolare attenzione la dimensione dello scambio culturale tra insegnanti allo scopo di sperimentare direttamente lo stile di vita e le caratteristiche umane delle rispettive popolazioni. In questo modo si promuove la consapevolezza delle qualità di ognuna abbattendo i pregiudizi che derivano dai luoghi comuni generalizzati. WWW. – – 32 CEDEFOP – STUDY VISITS PRESENTATION OF NATIONAL SYSTEMS OF EDUCATION AND VOCATIONAL TRAINING Art education as a means to promote schools’ attractiveness Group No: 176 Type of visit: General education 29/9/2008-3/10/2008 Utena, Lithuania Working language: English Number of places: 14 Minimum required: 5 EDUCATION AND TRAINING 2010 OBJECTIVES: 2.2. Making learning more attractive WHY? Art education is highly developed in Lithuania and in the schools of Utena. It functions in formal and non-formal educational institutions. Art is integrated via schooling process and extra–curricular activities. For those who want to perfect their skills in this sphere are welcome to attend specialised schools. As a small country, we try to preserve historical and cultural values in the content of our folk heritage. This study visit will begin with a presentation of our regional school system and art education in the schooling process. Visitors will be invited to see the process of art education in the context of national traditions in kindergartens, primary, basic schools, gymnasiums and non –formal educational institutions. There will be opportunities for participants to have discussions with teachers and students about developing art/ music skills. WHAT? Participants will be acquainted with the art education system in our region. We will enable visitors to understand peculiarities of developing art skills for the pre-primary stage, for continuation of such studies in primary and basic schools, the chance of choosing the direction of art expression in gymnasiums. They will find out about the chances to perfect art/music skills in specialised schools. HOW? • By visiting local and educational authorities, kindergartens, primary schools, basic schools, gymnasiums and specialised art/ music schools; • by meeting and talking with school management, teachers and students; • by visiting museums, workshops, exhibitions, art galleries, musical presentations. WHOM? • • • • Head teachers, teacher trainers; heads of departments; pedagogical or guidance advisers; representatives of local, regional and national authorities. SHORT DESCRIPTION IN THE HOST COUNTRY’S LANGUAGE: Organiser(s): ZABUKIENE Nijole Utena “Saule” gymnasium K. Ladygos 18 28503 Utena Tel. +370- 68 56 49 61 Fax +370- 38 96 15 29 Email: [email protected] VAITIEKIENE Virginija Municipality of Utena region Education department Utenio a. 4 28503 Utena Tel. +370- 69 81 96 69 Fax +370- 38 96 15 29 Email: [email protected] Pažintinio vizito metu pristatysime Utenos švietimo įstaigas, jų teikiamas menino ugdymo programas. Parodysime, kaip meninis ugdymas integruojamas į ugdymo procesą, kaip jis tęsiamas popamokinėje veikloje. Siesime jį su etnokultūrinėmis tradicijomis. Supažindinsime su veikiančiomis neformaliojo švietimo institucijomis, jose vykdomomis veiklomis. Dalyviams bus sudarytos sąlygos aplankyti krašto muziejus, padiskutuoti su politikais, pasidalinti gerąja darbo patirtimi su mokytojais ir pabendrauti su mokiniais. WWW. – – CATALOGUE 2008-2009 33 PRESENTATION OF NATIONAL SYSTEMS OF EDUCATION AND VOCATIONAL TRAINING General study of education systems Group No: 177 Type of visit: General education 6/10/2008-10/10/2008 Braşov, România Working language: English Number of places: 15 Minimum required: 5 EDUCATION AND TRAINING 2010 OBJECTIVES: 1.2. Developing skills for the knowledge society WHY? Developing skills for the knowledge society is one of the objectives of “Education and Training 2010” and presentation of national systems of education and vocational training is a very good opportunity to attain this objective. We want to emphasise the importance of the role of the school for society. Brasov is situated in the middle of the country and is one of the most ethnically diverse in Romania. County School Inspectorate Brasov is a renowned institution for organising of international meetings and partnerships. WHAT? The study visit will focus on: • presentation of national systems of education for representative countries and realisation of comparative analysis; • an overview of the education system in Romania; • visit schools of different educational levels; • giving participants the opportunity to exchange information and share their experience in education; • establish possible partnerships between participants and visited schools. HOW? The learning objectives will be achieved by: • presentations of national education systems, compare and debate (round table, workshops); • visiting schools, inspectorates and teacher training institutions to observe the system in action; • discussions with students, teachers and staff about school life; • showing strong and weak points of the education system; • visits of tourist attractions and cultural establishments. WHOM? • • • • • • • • Directors of education and vocational training institutions, centres or providers; educational and vocational training inspectors; head teachers, teacher trainers; heads of departments; pedagogical or guidance advisers; representatives of educational services, labour offices or guidance centres; representatives of local, regional and national authorities; researchers. SHORT DESCRIPTION IN THE HOST COUNTRY’S LANGUAGE: Organiser(s): TRÂMBIŢAŞ Carmina County School Inspectorate Brasov 4th, Sirul Ghe. Dima Street 500123 Braşov Tel. +40- 268 51 10 61 Fax +40- 268 47 56 21 Email: [email protected] Website: Vizita de studiu îşi propune, în prima parte, prezentarea sistemului naţional de învăţământ din România, prezentarea structurii sistemului de învăţământ din ţările reprezentate de participanţii la vizită, realizarea de analize comparative şi dezbateri. Partea a doua a săptămânii se va focusa pe vizite în unităţi de învăţământ reprezentative pentru nivelurile de învăţământ existente în România, discuţii cu elevii, profesorii directorii şi formatorii. Dezvoltarea abilităţilor participanţilor pentru o societate a cunoaşterii, ca obiectiv al “Educaţiei şi formării 2010”, în corelaţie cu tema vizitei, permite unei game largi de persoane din grupul ţintă să aplice pentru vizita propusă de Inspectoratul Şcolar al Judeţului Braşov. WWW. 34 CEDEFOP – STUDY VISITS PRESENTATION OF NATIONAL SYSTEMS OF EDUCATION AND VOCATIONAL TRAINING The Italian education system and its integration process Group No: 178 Type of visit: Mixed 6/10/2008-10/10/2008 Ardore, Reggio Calabria Calabria, Italy EDUCATION AND TRAINING 2010 OBJECTIVES: 1.1. Improving education and training for teachers and trainers 1.2. Developing skills for the knowledge society WHY? Aim of the visit is to make participants familiar with the new Italian education system and with its innovative aspects. Some experts will be invited to debate the values underlying the newly implemented reform and its more significant aspects and tools. Participants will have the opportunity to visit educational institutions of different levels and typologies, from infant school to upper secondary school. WHAT? Working language: English Number of places: 15 Minimum required: 5 The general aims of the project are: • to raise intercultural educational perspectives in schools promoting the European dimension through a better knowledge of school life and different educational systems; • to increase the quality of education in schools through self-analysis and knowledge of different European methodological approaches; • to enrich, share and compare experience; • to help participating schools to improve their performance on minimum standard contents, assessment quality, and instruction; • to increase studentsʼ motivation by studying some aspects of school life in their own country and other countries; • to develop the capacity of communication in foreign languages; • to increase and develop use of communication technologies to exchange information and disseminate results of the project; • to help create and encourage the European spirit. HOW? Participants will meet principals as well as students and parents. It will be possible to take part in lessons or assist lab activities. Contents: European educational systems; techniques of management of schools, according to Italian regulations; guidance methodologies for students; certification and evaluation; concept of mobility as an effective means of supplementary informal training integrated into studies. Activities: the programme will be implemented by organising working groups, workshop and a number of visits and meetings with schoolsʼ personnel (headmasters and teachers of Italian schools), meetings with public institutions, associations and local authorities. WHOM? Directors of education and vocational training institutions, centres or providers; directors of guidance centres; directors of validation or accreditation centres; educational and vocational training inspectors; head teachers, teacher trainers; heads of departments; human resource managers; pedagogical or guidance advisers; representatives of education and training networks and associations; representatives of educational services, labour offices or guidance centres; representatives of local, regional and national authorities; researchers. SHORT DESCRIPTION IN THE HOST COUNTRY’S LANGUAGE: Organiser(s): SORBARA Gianfranco Comune di Ardore – Ardore Municipality Piazza Umberto I, 1 89031 Ardore (Reggio Calabria) Tel. +39-0964 643 66 Fax +39-0964 62 48 04 Email: [email protected] Obiettivo della visita è la presentazione del sistema scolastico italiano nei suoi aspetti più innovativi, in particolare quelli introdotti dalla riforma in corso di attuazione. A tal fine si inviteranno esperti provenienti da esperienze diverse che ne illustreranno i valori che l’hanno ispirata e i caratteri più significativi della sua implementazione. In particolare si offrirà ai partecipanti la possibilità di visitare istituzioni rappresentative di tutti gli ordini e le tipologie di scuole, dalla scuola dell’infanzia alla secondaria di secondo grado. Gli incontri saranno strutturati in modo da permettere un dialogo con i responsabili delle istituzioni visitate e rappresentanti di tutti gli attori coinvolti, in particolare docenti, studenti e genitori. E’ prevista, inoltre, la possibilità di assistere ad alcune lezioni e/o laboratori. L’incontro si concluderà con una riflessione sull’esperienza fatta e una valutazione da parte del gruppo. WWW. – – CATALOGUE 2008-2009 PRESENTATION OF NATIONAL SYSTEMS OF EDUCATION AND VOCATIONAL TRAINING 35 Arts, entertainment and recreation Arts, culture and technology in vocational schools - ACTIVSCHOOLS 2008 Group No: 179 Type of visit: Mixed 13/10/2008-17/10/2008 Nevsehir, Turkey Working language: English Number of places: 15 Minimum required: 8 EDUCATION AND TRAINING 2010 OBJECTIVES: 3.1. Strengthening the links with working life and research and society at large 3.5. Strengthening the European co-operation WHY? To promote employment and growth in Europe is one of the most important objectives of Lisbon 2010 strategies. Reaching the goals of growth and qualified employment is an immediate target for all EU and candidate countries. Vocational school systems and their place in general education is more important than ever. In Nevşehir, Cappadocia region, there are 21 technical and vocational schools. People of different cultures and religions have lived together for centuries and arts and crafts were important for employing people. Technology took artʼs place and vocational schools are based on technology more than arts and crafts today. To observe and develop new ideas on art with technology will help vocational schools adapt to the modern world without losing local/national culture. Technological, artistic and economic development interests todayʼs education system and tomorrowʼs employers. This study visit in Nevşehir is organised to understand todayʼs education systems, art and technology in vocational schools for better economic conditions and a better world for future professionals. WHAT? • A detailed look at Turkish arts, Turkish history and comparison with European culture; • reflection on local arts in vocational education today; • getting new ideas on intercultural education by understanding vocational education and art education; • learning about the place of traditional arts, crafts and modern technology in the Turkish education system. HOW? Participants will: • visit vocational and technical schools, adult education centres in which art education is alive; traditional local arts and craft ateliers (carpeting, pottery studios); • visit the region to observe nature and culture of Cappadocian arts, crafts and professions; • attend lectures on European and Turkish general/vocational systems. WHOM? Directors of education and vocational training institutions, centres or providers; educational and vocational training inspectors; head teachers, teacher trainers; heads of departments; representatives of educational services, labour offices or guidance centres; representatives of employersʼ organisations; representatives of local, regional and national authorities. SHORT DESCRIPTION IN THE HOST COUNTRY’S LANGUAGE: Organiser(s): KACMAZ Mustafa Nevsehir Provencial National Directorate for Education Yeni Kayseri Caddesi Hukumet Konagi 50100 Nevsehir Tel. +90 384 213 79 33 (internal:120) Fax +90 384 213 20 68 Email: [email protected] Bu çalışma ziyaretinin başlıca amacı eğitim sisteminde teknolojinin, sanatın ve kültür önceliklerinin öneminin yaygınlaştırılmasıdır. Bu önceliklerden birinin ihmali mesleki eğitimde de yetersizliklerin sebebi olabilmektedir. Gelecekteki eğitim ve iş istihdamı için; bireylerin ihtiyaçları, mevcut meslekler, mevcut teknolojiler ve kültürel miras konularının tümünün önemi büyüktür. Programın bir diğer amacı da Türk ve Avrupa mesleki eğitim sistemlerini teknoloji ve sanatsal kültür açısından karşılaştırma imkanı sunmaktır. Modern teknolojinin kullanımı kadar sanatın ve kültürün de geleceğin iş istihdamına büyük etkisi olacaktır. Yöremiz okullarında ve yerel sanat atölyelerinde gözlemler yaparak; konu ile ilgili verilecek derslerde bulunarak katılımcıların, okuldaki teknoloji, kültürler arası eğitim, kültürel ve sanatsal miras konularını ve tüm bunların meslek okullarına etkisini daha iyi anlamaları amaçlanmaktadır. WWW. 36 CEDEFOP – STUDY VISITS PRÉSENTATION DES SYSTÈMES NATIONAUX D’ÉDUCATION ET DE FORMATION PROFESSIONNELLE Le système éducatif en Communauté française de Belgique Group No: 180 Type de visite: Enseignement général 13/10/2008-17/10/2008 Bruxelles, Belgique OBJECTIFS EDUCATION ET FORMATION 2010: 2.1. Créer un environnement propice à lʼapprentissage POURQUOI? Notre système se singularise par lʼabsence de certification externe basée sur des épreuves standardisées de type Abitur, baccalauréat ou GCSE en fin de scolarité obligatoire. Cela lui donne plus de souplesse, mais crée un certain nombre de problèmes qui seront débattus en cours de séjour. En outre, notre enseignement est organisé par différents pouvoirs qui jouissent tous de la liberté pédagogique, ce qui nécessite un pilotage du système. Enfin, beaucoup dʼécoles doivent faire face à des élèves en difficulté et sʼadapter à la présence dʼun nombre élevé dʼélèves issus de lʼimmigration. Langue de travail: français Nombre de places: 15 Minimum requis: 8 QUOI? A travers différentes visites dans des établissements, le groupe pourra se rendre compte du travail effectué en Communauté française de Belgique. COMMENT? Les participants auront lʼoccasion de visiter des établissements scolaires du niveau primaire, secondaire, supérieur non universitaire, ainsi quʼune école dʼenseignement spécialisé, et de rencontrer des responsables du pilotage du système. POUR QUI? • Directeurs d΄institutions, de centres ou de prestataires d΄enseignement et de formation professionnels; • inspecteurs d΄enseignement et de formation professionnels; • professeurs principaux, formateurs d΄enseignants; • chefs de départements; • conseillers pédagogiques ou d΄orientation; • représentants de réseaux et d΄associations d΄enseignement et de formation; • représentants de services éducatifs, d΄agences pour l΄emploi ou de centres d΄orientation; • représentants des autorités locales, régionales et nationales; • chercheurs. Organisateur(s): FRANÇOIS Nadine Communauté française Bld Léopold II , 44 1080 Bruxelles Tel. +32- 24134011 Email: [email protected] WWW. CATALOGUE 2008-2009 37 PRESENTATION OF NATIONAL SYSTEMS OF EDUCATION AND VOCATIONAL TRAINING Turkish education system Group No: 181 Type of visit: Mixed 20/10/2008-24/10/2008 Diyarbakir, Turkey Working language: English Number of places: 15 Minimum required: 12 EDUCATION AND TRAINING 2010 OBJECTIVES: 1.1. Improving education and training for teachers and trainers 1.5. Making the best use of resources WHY? The Bologna process stocktaking London 2007 report recommends countries to work towards fully implementing a national qualifications framework based on learning outcomes by 2010. Akdibek primary school in Diyarbakir, Southeastern Anatolia New Horizon project, Young Entrepreneurship Development Programme in AIESEC Turkey and professional education firms have all contributed to this visit. WHAT? To provide an overview of both the education system in Turkey (focusing on comprehensive school and upper secondary general education) and insight into the teacher education system. On a general study of education systems, the main theme of the visit is a deeper review of the education system in Turkey through visits to institutions belonging to both general education and the university teacher education system. HOW? • Meeting at Diyarbakır education headquarters; • visits to a number of schools and educational institutions in the area which provide a varied view of different levels of education, issues and operating conditions, to private schools and a small firm which works with marble and black basalt; • discussing comprehensive school and upper secondary general education and also the education system at the faculty of education in Dicle University. WHOM? • • • • • • • • • Directors of education and vocational training institutions, centres or providers; educational and vocational training inspectors; head teachers, teacher trainers; heads of departments; pedagogical or guidance advisers; representatives of education and training networks and associations; representatives of educational services, labour offices or guidance centres; representatives of local, regional and national authorities; researchers. SHORT DESCRIPTION IN THE HOST COUNTRY’S LANGUAGE: Organiser(s): AKBALIK Firat Akdibek Secondary School Urfa Yolu 30. Km. 21000 Diyarbakir Tel. +90 505 522 65 53 Fax +90 412 226 58 42 Email: [email protected] Nisan 2006 ʻda Basbakanlık Devlet Planlama Teskilatı Ulusal Ajans aracılığı ile katılım sağlayıp, tecrübe edindiğim Finlandiya Eğitim Sistemi konulu ARION Study Visit programı göz önüne alınarak Ekim 2008ʼde “Türk Eğitim Sistemi” konulu bir çalısma ziyareti planlayacağımı daha once ifade etmistim. Bu nedenle Ekim 2008ʼde ARION Study Visit programını gerçeklestirmek için çalısmalara baslamıs bulunmaktayım. Bu ziyaretin amacı avrupa birliği ülkelerinden gelecek olan eğitim uzmanlarına Türk Eğitim Sistemi hakkında öğren, paylas metodolojisine bağlı olarak bilgilendirme amaçlanmaktadır. Bu sayede karsılıklı deneyimler ve tecrübeler paylasılacaktır. Bu ziyarette Ülkemizin Kültür Mirası yoğun olan Diyarbakır sehrindeki okullar ve öğretmen eğitimi veren kurumlar anasınıfından baslanarak üniversite eğitimine kadar detaylı bir sekilde incelenecek , bilgi alısverisinde ve incelemelerde bulunulacaktır. WWW. – – 38 CEDEFOP – STUDY VISITS PRESENTATION OF NATIONAL SYSTEMS OF EDUCATION AND VOCATIONAL TRAINING The Spanish system of vocational education and training for employment Group No: 182 Type of visit: VET 20/10/2008-23/10/2008 Madrid, Spain Working language: English Number of places: 12 Minimum required: 10 EDUCATION AND TRAINING 2010 OBJECTIVES: 1.5. Making the best use of resources 2.2. Making learning more attractive WHY? • The new Royal Decree 395/2007 of 23 March 2007, establishes the subsystem of vocational education and training for employment. An important reform has been carried out, which creates a unique model of professional (vocational and on-the-job) training for employment. • Its main purposes are, from the employee´s perspectives, to improve lifelong learning, capability and subsequent employability, and from the employerʼs perspective, to contribute to the improvement of productivity and competence. • The aim is to adapt employees and job-seekers training to economic and social reality, and to the needs of the labour market. WHAT? General presentation of the Spanish system of professional training: • the new vocational education and training for employment system; • its functioning, financing, organisation structure and institutional participation configurated by the 395/2007 Royal Decree; • information and experience interchange on professional training systems of participantsʼs countries; • debate on the important role of social partners in vocational training. HOW? • Presentations, round tables and debates with experts and social partners; • visits and approaches interchanges with other public and private institutions; • visit to the tripartite foundation on vocational education and training for employment. WHOM? • • • • • • Directors of education and vocational training institutions, centres or providers; heads of departments; representatives of education and training networks and associations; representatives of employersʼ organisations; representatives of local, regional and national authorities; representatives of trade unions. Organiser(s): RODRIGUEZ Leticia Servicio Público de Empleo Estatal (SPEE / INEM) Condesa de Venadito, 9 28027 Madrid Tel. +34- 915 85 95 75 Fax +34- 915 85 98 19 Email: [email protected] WWW. – – – CATALOGUE 2008-2009 39 PRESENTATION OF NATIONAL SYSTEMS OF EDUCATION AND VOCATIONAL TRAINING Linking formal and informal education to acquire lifelong learning skills Group No: 183 Type of visit: General education 27/10/2008-31/10/2008 Daugavpils, Latvia Working language: English Number of places: 10 Minimum required: 5 EDUCATION AND TRAINING 2010 OBJECTIVES: 1.2. Developing skills for the knowledge society 1.5. Making the best use of resources WHY? The lifelong learning memorandum of the European Commission breaks down learning into two general categories: (a) formal education – taking place in different educational, teaching and training institutions; (b) two sorts of informal education: (i) learning alongside the formal educational system offered by many public organisations; (ii) learning as a natural addition to our life. Most Latvian schools have experience in both areas of education. We show how to integrate successfully these educational categories. We stress the innovative approach in our school towards acquiring necessary skills for successful life and work using informal ways of teaching and learning. WHAT? Participants will: • learn about the traditional Latvian educational system; • be able to get to know different ways of informal education in different grades; • compare and find out the correlation of both systems. Our aim is to show how necessary it is to acquire and use both learning ways for lifelong success. HOW? Participants will: • get general information about Latvian educational system; • meet education policy-makers, education authorities; • visit different types of schools (kindergarten, basic school, secondary school, gymnasium, lyceum) and meet teachers and students; • get an inside look into Latvian informal education generally - in the second biggest city of Latvia and Daugavpils State gymnasium; • see some innovating examples/ways/methods of acquiring informal skills; • discuss the advantages with teachers, students, parents and graduates; • be able to present and discuss their experience regarding formal and informal education. WHOM? Directors of education and vocational training institutions, centres or providers. SHORT DESCRIPTION IN THE HOST COUNTRY’S LANGUAGE: Organiser(s): MALNACE Renate Daugavpils State Gymnasium Cietoksna iela 33 LV-5403 Daugavpils Tel. +371- 542 16 33 Fax +371- 542 16 33 Email: [email protected] Website: Eiropas Komisijas izstrādātajā Mūžizglītības memorandā norādītas pastāvošās mācīšanās pamatkategorijas: formālā un 2 neformālās izglītības veidi:a) mācīšanās līdzās formālajām izglītības ieguves formām, ko piedāvā dažādas sasbiedriskās organizācijas un b) mācīšanās kā ikdienas dzīves dabisks papildinājums. Daugavpils Valsts ģimnāzija piedāvā iespēju izzināt abu mācīšanās veidu veiksmīgas integrācijas pieredzi. Īpaši akcentējam inovatīvu pieeju nepieciešamo dzīves prasmju apguvei neformālajā izglītībā (24 stundu speckursi dažādās jomās, kurus vada attiecīgās sfēras speciālisti, piemēram “ Mākslas filosofija” (DU pasniedzēja B.Felce), “ Lietišķā etiķete” (Daugavpils domes speciāliste I.Lauska), “ Sabiedriskās attiecības” (Latvijas radio žurnālite S.Smagare) .c., kā arī cita veida aktivitātes, piemēram, Līderu skola .u.c.). Dalībnieki gūs ieskatu tradicionālā izglītības sistēmā, apmeklējot dažādu tipu izglītības iestādes (bērnudārzs, pamatskola, vidusskola, ģimnāzija, licejs), interešu izglītības sistēmā Latvijā un Daugavpilī (BJC Jaunība) kopumā, redzēs konkrētus paraugus (veidus/metodes) praktiskajā neformālās izglītības ieguves procesā Daugavpils Valsts ģimnāzijā, diskutēs ar skolēniem un pasniedzējiem. Dalībniekiem būs iespēja prezentēt savu pieredzi formālās un neformālās izglītības jomā. WWW. – – 40 CEDEFOP – STUDY VISITS PRESENTATION OF NATIONAL SYSTEMS OF EDUCATION AND VOCATIONAL TRAINING Accommodation and food service activities New opportunities for tourism education in European countries Group No: 184 Type of visit: Mixed 17/11/2008-21/11/2008 Ankara, Turkey Working language: English Number of places: 16 Minimum required: 8 EDUCATION AND TRAINING 2010 OBJECTIVES: 1.1. Improving education and training for teachers and trainers 3.5. Strengthening the European co-operation WHY? Developments in information technologies provide new methods and opportunities for tourism education. Forming new curricula for both tourism high schools and universities according to the needs of the tourism industry will increase the quality of tourism education. WHAT? • The curricula of both tourism high schools and universities; • cooperation between tourism industry and tourism education institutions; • discussions about tourism education systems in participantsʼ countries and sharing information about the process, problems and solutions. HOW? The programme will consist of: • meetings and discussions with experts on tourism education systems in Europe; • presentations from participants about tourism teaching and learning in their countries; • discussions on collaboration between tourism education institution and tourism authorities; • visits to tourism vocational high school and tourism management department at Gazi University; • visiting tourism attractions to examine the tourism potential in Ankara (such as Beypazarı, Ankara castle and Anatolia civilszation museum); • visiting a chain hotel establishment to examine working conditions and education levels of employees. WHOM? Company training managers; directors of education and vocational training institutions, centres or providers; educational and vocational training inspectors; head teachers, teacher trainers; heads of departments; human resource managers; representatives of employersʼ organisations; researchers. SHORT DESCRIPTION IN THE HOST COUNTRY’S LANGUAGE: Organiser(s): YAYLI Ali Gazi University Commerce and Tourism Education Faculty 06830 Ankara Tel. +90 505 6891160 Fax +90 312 4844124 Email: [email protected] Turizme ilişkin uygulanan eğitim müfredatlarının sektörel ihtiyaçlara gore gözden geçirilmesi ve bu konuda Avrupa ülkelerindeki mevcut uygulamaların, turizm yüksek öğreniminde ECTS açısından müfredatların gözden geçirilmesi, Avrupa ülkelerindeki turizm eğitim uygulamalarının, katılımcıların sunumları çerçevesinde paylaşımının sağlanması ve ortak müfredat geliştirme noktasında tartışma ortamlarının yaratılarak turizm eğitim sisteminin geliştirilebilirliliği noktasında fikir alışverişlerinin yapılması, özellikle bu alandaki kalitenin artırılmasına önemli ölçüde katkı sağlayacaktır. Gerçekleştirilecek bu organizayonla, lise ve üniversite düzeyinde turizm eğitimi veren kurumların ders müfredatları incelenerek, sektör ve turizm eğitimi veren kurumlar arasındaki işbirliği olanaklarının artırılması, turizm eğitimi veren meslek lisesi ve üniversite ziyaretleri sayesinde Türkiye’deki mevcut durumun incelenmesi, katılımcıların kendi ülkelerindeki turizm eğitim sistemi hakkında bilgileri sayesinde Avrupa’nın değişik ülkelerinden gelen katılımcıların kendi turizm eğitim sisetmelerinin işleyişi ve sorunları ve çözümüne yönelik bilgilerin paylaşılması sağlanarak bu konudaki yapılacakların tüm Avrupa’yı kapsayacak şekilde yaygınlaştırılması hedeflenmektedir. Nitekim, tüm bu faaliyetler, bu konuyla ilgili olarak ileriye dönük yapılacak olan çalışmalara da ışık tutacak ve çok taraflı katılım ve paylaşım zemininin oluşturulması bakımından da oldukça büyük katkı sağlayacaktır. WWW. – – – CATALOGUE 2008-2009 41 PRESENTATION OF NATIONAL SYSTEMS OF EDUCATION AND VOCATIONAL TRAINING VET in the Netherlands: Vertical Streaming Group No: 185 Type of visit: VET 17/11/2008-20/11/2008 Deventer, the Netherlands Working language: English Number of places: 15 Minimum required: 10 EDUCATION AND TRAINING 2010 OBJECTIVES: 1.1. Improving education and training for teachers and trainers WHY? Vocational training should remove all obstacles to a smooth transfer from preparatory vocational education, to senior secondary vocational education, and on to higher professional education. Instruments are, for example, guidance, competence-based learning, cooperation with other educational institutions and the regional labour market. Ministries, policy-makers and regional training centres are easily reachable at regional level, where cooperation between education, labour market and other actors is lively. WHAT? Participants will: • be familiar with the concept of vertical streaming in the Netherlands; • know the views of experts and practitioners on lifelong learning and guidance and see good practices; • introduce and discuss the concept of competence-based learning; • give examples of regional cooperation between education and employers. HOW? The learning objectives will be met by: • meetings with actors in VET and adult education: national centres of expertise on vocational education, training and labour market, branch-oriented centres of expertise on vocational education, training and labour market, industrial organisations, regional VET centres, secondary schools and professional universities; • meeting students, workers at the workplace and teachers; • discussing developments such as competence-based learning and cooperation with (regional) industry and employers. WHOM? • • • • • • • Directors of education and vocational training institutions, centres or providers; head teachers, teacher trainers; heads of departments; representatives of employersʼ organisations; representatives of local, regional and national authorities; representatives of trade unions; researchers. SHORT DESCRIPTION IN THE HOST COUNTRY’S LANGUAGE: Deze Study Visit gaat over de doorstroom VMBO-MBO-HBO, waarom dit nodig is en welke instrumenten er gebruikt worden om deze doorstroom te bevorderen. Organiser(s): VAN OPSTAL Tonnie CINOP Pettelaarpark 1, 5200 BP Hertogenbosch Tel. +31-73- 680 07 65 Fax +31-73- 612 34 25 Email: [email protected] WWW. – – – – 42 CEDEFOP – STUDY VISITS PRESENTATION OF NATIONAL SYSTEMS OF EDUCATION AND VOCATIONAL TRAINING Information and communication NGOs and the public sector cowork for better governance Group No: 186 Type of visit: Mixed 17/11/2008-20/11/2008 Sofia, Pazardjik Bulgaria Working language: English Number of places: 12 Minimum required: 8 EDUCATION AND TRAINING 2010 OBJECTIVES: 2.2. Making learning more attractive 3.4. Increasing mobility and exchange WHY? As a new member of the EU, Bulgaria faces challenges to reform the economic and social sector in a way that allows for transparency and effective and efficient inclusion of society to ensure that services respond to the needs. Often the civic sector is better able to transfer good practices in governance and work in cooperation with the public sector in managing reforms. WHAT? The members of the study visit group will become aware of the way representatives of the civil society participate in the development and deployment of projects and programmes for increased transparency and effectiveness of governance at central and local level. It is important when the civic and private sectors combine efforts to deliver higher standards. HOW? • By talking to students who benefits from the projects in technological development; • by having a half-day job-shadowing assignment with a local/regional authority, partner of the host organisation in the implementation of a project on the development of the administrative capacity of the state administration on a local level; • by demonstrating the ways the civil sector can participate actively in the development and deployment of high standards of governance and transparency in the local governance of a new member state. WHOM? • Directors of education and vocational training institutions, centres or providers; • pedagogical or guidance advisers; • representatives of local, regional and national authorities. SHORT DESCRIPTION IN THE HOST COUNTRY’S LANGUAGE: Фондания “Джон Атанасов” е основана от професионалисти от бизнес и гражданския сектор с цел да допринася за управление на иновациите и подобряване на достъпа до компютърно обучение във всички сфери на обществения живот. Досега фондацията е изпълнявала проекти за трансфер на знания на професионалисти в сферата на компютърните тепнологии по програма Леонардо, а по настоящем изпълнява проект за повишаване на ефективността в държавната администрация. Фондацията управлява стажантска програма съвместно с ученици от водещи столични училища. Organiser(s): STOYANOV Petar Institution John Atanassov Foundation, c/o Institute for Projects and Programs Management 11 Dondukov Str, fl. 2 1100 Sofia Tel. +359- 029 87 13 14 Fax +359- 029 87 13 14 Email: [email protected] WWW. – – CATALOGUE 2008-2009 43 PRESENTATION OF NATIONAL SYSTEMS OF EDUCATION AND VOCATIONAL TRAINING Vocational education and training in Germany Group No: 187 Type of visit: VET 8/12/2008-11/12/2008 Bonn, Germany Working language: English Number of places: 15 Minimum required: 10 EDUCATION AND TRAINING 2010 OBJECTIVES: 1.2. Developing skills for the knowledge society WHY? The main reason for Germanyʼs economic strength is its standardised and good initial and continuing vocational training. Young people and companies have every right to expect that their education efforts are embedded in a system which ensures access, quality, mobility and innovative ability. This is regulated in the amended Vocational Training Act (BBiG) and its training regulations. It is also the basis for nationally standardised high-quality continuing training. Standardised requirements and examination standards ensure the high qualification of employees and thus the business success of companies. WHAT? • Structure and reform of vocational education and training; • training occupations; • intercompany training. HOW? The programme will consist of: • meeting with national authority representatives (Federal Ministry of Education and Research); • meeting with experts of the Federal Institute of Vocational Training (BiBB); • visiting companies and VET schools. WHOM? • • • • • • • • • Directors of education and vocational training institutions, centres or providers; educational and vocational training inspectors; heads of departments; representatives of chambers of commerce/ industry/crafts; representatives of education and training networks and associations; representatives of educational services, labour offices or guidance centres; representatives of employersʼ organisations; representatives of trade unions; researchers. SHORT DESCRIPTION IN THE HOST COUNTRY’S LANGUAGE: Organiser(s): SENA Katharina Nationale Agentur Bildung für Europa beim BiBB EUStudienbesuchsprogramm Robert-Schuman-Platz 3 53175 Bonn Tel. +49-228- 107 16 47 Fax +49-228- 107 29 64 Email: [email protected] Wesentliche Ursache der ökonomischen Stärke Deutschlands ist die einheitliche und gute berufliche Aus- und Fortbildung. Junge Menschen und Betriebe können zu Recht erwarten, dass ihre Bildungsanstrengungen in ein System eingebettet sind, das Zugang, Qualität, Mobilität und Innovationsfähigkeit sichert. Geregelt wird dies im novellierten Berufsbildungsgesetz (BBiG) und seinen Ausbildungsordnungen. Es ist zugleich Grundlage für Fortbildungen mit bundesweit einheitlich hoher Qualität. Einheitliche Anforderungen und Prüfungsstandards sichern die hohe Qualifikation der Beschäftigten und den wirtschaftlichen Erfolg der Unternehmen. Inhalte des Studienbesuchs sind: Struktur und Reform der Berufsbildung, Regelung der beruflichen Bildung, Vereinfachung der Ausbildung, BBiGNovelle, Ausbildungsberufe, Berufsschulen, Überbetriebliche Berufsbildung. WWW. – 44 CEDEFOP – STUDY VISITS PRÉSENTATION DES SYSTÈMES NATIONAUX D’ÉDUCATION ET DE FORMATION PROFESSIONNELLE Les spécificités du système éducatif français vues à travers les parcours différenciés des élèves Numéro de groupe: 188 Type de visite: Enseignement général 2/2/2009-6/2/2009 Pau, France Langue de travail: français Nombre de places: 15 Minimum requis: 8 OBJECTIFS EDUCATION ET FORMATION 2010: 1.1. Améliorer lʼéducation et la formation des enseignants et des formateurs 1.2. Développer les compétences nécessaires dans la société de la connaissance POURQUOI? Pour présenter les spécificités historiques et traditionnelles du système éducatif français et leur évolution dans le cadre européen. Les objectifs seront particulièrement centrés sur: • les spécificités de certains acteurs: – les chefs dʼétablissement, leur rôle, leur mode de recrutement, leur statut, – les conseillers principaux dʼéducation (C.P.E.), un corps unique au niveau européen et leur rôle dans lʼécoute des élèves, les contacts avec les familles, la gestion des absences, etc. – les corps dʼinspection, leur rôle dans lʼévaluation et le conseil des enseignants, dans lʼélaboration et la mise en place des programmes nationaux. Un regard sera porté sur les classes préparatoires aux grandes écoles, présentes dans les lycées et qui constituent une exception française, et leur importance au niveau post-bac. QUOI? Le choix pourra être laissé aux participants, sur une journée, de sʼintéresser à ces classes ou aux écoles maternelles, dont lʼimportance en France est très grande et aboutit de fait à une scolarisation quasi générale à lʼâge de trois ans. La ville choisie présente tout lʼéventail des différents organismes dʼéducation et de formation, de la maternelle à lʼuniversité, tout en étant une ville de taille moyenne très agréable en particulier par la proximité des Pyrénées, de lʼocéan atlantique et de lʼEspagne. Les participants seront conviés en fin de séjour à un débat comparatif sur lʼévolution des systèmes éducatifs représentés lors de la visite; ils sont invités à présenter les grandes lignes de leur propre système. COMMENT? Durant la visite, les participants se verront proposer: • des visites dʼétablissements (école maternelle, lycée, classes préparatoires aux grandes écoles, institut de formation des maîtres, etc.) avec rencontres avec les directeurs et enseignants; • des conférences (sur le système éducatif français en général, le statut et le rôle du chef dʼétablissement, des inspecteurs, des services de santé et sociaux internes à lʼÉducation nationale, etc.). Ces visites et conférences sʼorganiseront autour des différents parcours scolaires proposés aux élèves (voie générale, voie professionnelle, classes préparatoires, etc). Une soirée-débat sera organisée où les participants présenteront le système éducatif de leur pays devant une assistance de professionnels de lʼéducation avec lesquels ils pourront échanger. POUR QUI? Organiser(s): CASSOU Jean Lycée Barthou 8, rue des Cèdres 64140 Lons Tel. +33-5 59 62 14 61 E-mail: [email protected] • Directeurs d΄institutions, de centres ou de prestataires d΄enseignement et de formation professionnels; • directeurs de centres d΄orientation; • inspecteurs d΄enseignement et de formation professionnels; • professeurs principaux, formateurs d΄enseignants; • chefs de départements; • conseillers pédagogiques ou d΄orientation; • représentants de réseaux et d΄associations d΄enseignement et de formation; • représentants de services éducatifs, d΄agences pour l΄emploi ou de centres d΄orientation; • représentants des autorités locales, régionales et nationales; • représentants des syndicats. WWW. – – – CATALOGUE 2008-2009 45 PRESENTATION OF NATIONAL SYSTEMS OF EDUCATION AND VOCATIONAL TRAINING Connecting theoretical and practical education at secondary school Group No: 189 Type of visit: VET 9/2/2009-13/2/2009 Frýdek-Místek Czech Republic Working language: English EDUCATION AND TRAINING 2010 OBJECTIVES: 1.1. Improving education and training for teachers and trainers 3.4. Increasing mobility and exchange WHY? Linking theory and practice is becoming more and more important and is one of the national priorities in secondary education. As a vocational school we have had much experience with preparing future clothing specialists so we focus on ways to link theory and practice. We also send students to vocational placements abroad in Leonardo da Vinci projects. Through our experience in our country and abroad we make comparisons and use good ideas. We have a good relationship with the labour office and get good feedback on employment of our pupils and how they use what they studied at school. WHAT? Number of places: 15 Minimum required: 6 Participants will: • get a general overview of the education system in the Czech Republic with special focus on secondary vocational schools; • compare contemporary education with the previous system with special focus on secondary vocational schools; • see how theory and practice are linked in the Czech educational system; • learn how we link theory and practice by cooperating with various businesses; • learn how the practice is carried out both in our country and abroad through Leonardo da Vinci programmes; • see how our pupils use what they learned at school in their future careers. HOW? The learning objectives will be achieved by: • visiting our school and seeing all its branches, observing work in the classroom; • visiting other secondary vocational schools with different branches (e.g. cooking, waiter, mechanic, hairdresser, etc.); • visiting companies and businesses which cooperate with our school; • meeting the directors of schools, managers of companies, workers at the Labour Office, teachers and trainers of different schools, students and professors of the Faculty of Pedagogy, which educates future teachers of secondary vocational schools; • presenting placements of our pupils abroad and the benefits for pupil´s later careers; • discussing and exchanging experience between participants; • attending a fashion show prepared by our school. WHOM? Directors of education and vocational training institutions, centres or providers; head teachers, teacher trainers; representatives of chambers of commerce/ industry/crafts; representatives of education and training networks and associations; representatives of local, regional and national authorities. SHORT DESCRIPTION IN THE HOST COUNTRY’S LANGUAGE: Organiserr(s): SCHWARZOVÁ Petra Střední škola oděvní a obchodně podnikatelská Potoční 1094 738 01 Frýdek-Místek Tel. +420- 558 63 33 68 Fax +420- 558 62 49 82 Email: [email protected] V poslední době se ve vzdělávacím procesu v ČR klade důraz zejména na propojenost teoretické výuky a praxe. Jako střední škola oděvní a obchodně podnikatelská máme dlouholetou zkušenost s přípravou budoucích odborníků v oděvní profesi, a proto propojenost teorie a praxe ve výuce sledujeme a věnujeme jí pozornost. Cílem studijní návštěvy bude seznámit účastníky se vztahem mezi teoretickým a praktickým vyučováním, a tak jim vlastně zároveň umožnit nahlédnout do systému českého školství jako takového. Představí se jim podnikatelské subjekty, které spolupracují se školou a mimo jiné zajišťují na svývh pracovištích čtrnáctidenní souvislou praxi žáků. Účastníkům umožníme přesvědčit se o schopnostech a dovednostech žáků prostřednictvím velké módní přehlídky konané naší školou. Na přehlídky již tradičně navrhují, zhotovují a předvádějí modely naše studentky. Součástí studijní návštěvy budou také exkurze do jiných odborných škol a firem v našem regionu. WWW. 46 CEDEFOP – STUDY VISITS PRESENTATION OF NATIONAL SYSTEMS OF EDUCATION AND VOCATIONAL TRAINING PISA tools – Tradition and innovation hand in hand Group No: 190 Type of visit: General education 23/2/2009-27/2/2009 Oulu, Finland Working language: English Number of places: 20 Minimum required: 15 EDUCATION AND TRAINING 2010 OBJECTIVES: 1.1. Improving education and training for teachers and trainers 3.5. Strengthening the European co-operation WHY? The idea of the study visit is to give an overall view of Finnish basic education. The focus will be on the the basic education in grades 1-9 (years 7-16). The traditional strengths of Finnish basic education will be studied from several points of view. At the same time we challenge our European colleagues to develop with us the skills of the future in education and to strengthen European cooperation. WHAT? The themes of the visit are: • curriculum for basic education; • teacher education; • cooperation between preprimary education and basic education; • student welfare and student counselling; • school and culture in cooperation; • remedial education and instruction of pupils requiring special support; • development of learning environment and the school of the future project. HOW? • Visits to schools, municipal cultural institutions, centre for learning and resources and teacher education department at the University of Oulu; • lectures, workshops and learning by doing; • opportunities for participants to have discussions with students, teachers and school leaders. WHOM? • • • • Head teachers, teacher trainers; heads of departments; pedagogical or guidance advisers; representatives of local, regional and national authorities. SHORT DESCRIPTION IN THE HOST COUNTRY’S LANGUAGE: Organiser(s): MÄKI Päivi Institution Centre for Learning and Resources, Education Department of Oulu P.O.Box 17 90015 Oulu Tel. +358- 855 84 90 06 Fax +358- 855 84 90 17 Email: [email protected] Opintovierailun tavoitteena on antaa hyvä yleiskuva suomalaisesta peruskoulusta. Perusopetusta lähestytään viikon aikana useista eri näkökulmista. Vierailun aikana tulevat esiin suomalaisen peruskoulun pitkän kehittämistyön kulmakivet, kuten erityinen tuki, oppilaan ohjaus ja alkuopetus. Samalla kuitenkin haastetaan eurooppalaisia opetusalan kollegoita kaikille yhteiseen tulevaisuuden koulun kehittämistehtävään ja eurooppalaisen kouluyhteistyön vahvistamiseen. Vierailut kouluihin, opettajankoulutuslaitokseen, osallistuminen luennoille ja työpajoihin sekä ajatusten vaihtaminen opettajien, rehtoreiden ja muiden opetuksen asiantuntijoiden kanssa antavat vierailijoille kokonaiskuvan niistä osaalueista, jotka ovat omiaan edistämään suomalaisten peruskoululaisten hyvää menestystä Pisa-tutkimuksessa. WWW. – CATALOGUE 2008-2009 47 PRESENTATION OF NATIONAL SYSTEMS OF EDUCATION AND VOCATIONAL TRAINING The Portuguese education system and the role of local organisations Group No: 191 Type of visit: General education 9/3/2009-13/3/2009 Torres Novas, Portugal Working language: English Number of places: 12 Minimum required: 6 EDUCATION AND TRAINING 2010 OBJECTIVES: 1.5. Making the best use of resources 3.5. Strengthening the European co-operation WHY? The visit is being organized by the Municipality of Torres Novas in reference to the objectives of Education and training 2010: improve the quality and effectiveness of education and training system in EU and opening up education and training systems to the wider world. The visit intends to demonstrate the Portuguese education system instruments and practices, discussing in particular the role of local authorities as an actor of the educative community and strengthening the European cooperation. WHAT? At the end of the visit participants will: • have a deep knowledge of the Portuguese educative system, of its particularities and difficulties; • be familiar with initiatives to improve the role of local authorities as an actor of the educative community in Portugal; • have better knowledge concerned the variety of European educative systems and the local administration intervention in education; • be better prepared for its professional intervention. HOW? The learning objectives will be achieved by: • visits to training institutions, schools, local authorities; • observation of students in classroom and in extra-curricular activities; • meetings with directors of education and training establishments, teachers and trainers, social partners, policy-makers; • showing strong and weak points of the Portuguese educative system. WHOM? • • • • • • Directors of education and vocational training institutions, centres or providers; educational and vocational training inspectors; head teachers, teacher trainers; representatives of education and training networks and associations; representatives of educational services, labour offices or guidance centres; representatives of local, regional and national authorities. Organiser(s): CADIMA Sandra Câmara Municipal de Torres Novas Rua Gen. António César Vasconcelos Correia 2350-421 Torres Novas Tel. +351- 249 83 90 93 Fax +351- 249 83 90 99 Email: [email protected] WWW. 48 CEDEFOP – STUDY VISITS PRÉSENTATION DES SYSTÈMES NATIONAUX D’ÉDUCATION ET DE FORMATION PROFESSIONNELLE Le système d’éducation dans son environnement, en Calabre Numéro de groupe: 192 Type de visite: Enseignement général 9/3/2009-13/3/2009 Reggio Calabria Calabria, Italie Langue de travail: français Nombre de places: 15 Minimum requis: 5 OBJECTIFS EDUCATION ET FORMATION 2010: 1.1. Améliorer lʼéducation et la formation des enseignants et des formateurs 1.2. Développer les compétences nécessaires dans la société de la connaissance POURQUOI? Lʼorganisation de la visite dʼétude est dictée par lʼutilité de susciter des pratiques dʼéchange culturel avec les écoles de Calabre afin de construire lʼhomogénéité future du système éducatif européen. Lʼobjectif est de visiter les écoles et institutions des Provinces de Reggio Calabria et Vibo Valentia. Le noyau régional de lʼAgence École, en qualité dʼorganisme proposant et organisateur, se configure comme un laboratoire de recherche-action dont la fin est de rendre plus efficace lʼaction formative de lʼécole. Il exprime le caractère de sa recherche par des réponses à des besoins émergents dont peut profiter tout le système dʼéducation et de formation, de la région à lʼEurope, à travers des processus de diffusion, dʼexploitation et de transfert des résultats. QUOI? Le participant pourra entrer en contact avec le système scolaire italien dans la spécificité de la région de Calabre. À travers lʼAgence École il connaîtra le système scolaire national et régional, apprendra lʼimportance stratégique de lʼAgence même, le bagage de ressources humaines et professionnelles, la capacité de créer une synergie, outre avec les écoles, avec les autres agences extra-scolaires, formelles, non formelles et informelles, avec tous les sujets institutionnels responsables de lʼorganisation sociale et culturelle. Les objets dʼapprentissage tout au long de la vie seront, par conséquent, multiples. Les visiteurs pourront connaître la société de la Calabre par lʼintermédiaire dʼune école ouverte sur le territoire. COMMENT? En présentant une interprétation correcte de la situation éducative italienne et calabraise (identification des objets de lʼéducation et de la formation, choix et organisation de méthodes, de stratégies, de ressources pour lʼenseignement/apprentissage, connaissance, constatation et évaluation des résultats), considérée comme un ensemble dynamique de plusieurs rapports, les participants pourront définir la fonction de lʼécole calabraise qui, par lʼintermédiaire de lʼenseignement, garantit le résultat formatif des élèves. À cette fin on prévoit évidemment dʼorganiser des rencontres dans les établissements scolaires de différent type et niveau où, autant que possible, on tiendra des ateliers avec des représentants des agences extrascolaires, ainsi que des visites auprès des organismes locaux et sur le territoire même. POUR QUI? • • • • Inspecteurs d΄enseignement et de formation professionnels; professeurs principaux, formateurs d΄enseignants; responsables des ressources humaines; chercheurs. BRÈVE DESCRIPTION DANS LA LANGUE DU PAYS D’ACCUEIL: Organisateur(s): MANCUSO Santo Agenzia Scuola – Nucleo Regionale Calabria Viale Crotone, 27/A 88100 Catanzaro Lido Tel. +39-0961 73 10 81 Fax +39-0961 326 21 Email: [email protected] Website: La scuola nella sua dimensione europea ha il compito ineludibile e prezioso di formare lʼuomo e il cittadino europeo “…nel rispetto e nella valorizzazione delle diversità individuali, sociali e culturali”, ovvero deve offrire al discente una molteplicità di occasioni di sviluppo della personalità e, mediante lʼacquisizione di conoscenze fondamentali specifiche, di capacità logiche ed operative, derivanti anche dallʼinterscambio culturale tra i popoli deve fargli raggiungere una sempre maggiore coscienza di sé ed una più pertinente conoscenza del mondo esterno. Lʼintento sarà di valorizzare lʼesperienze della visita di studio come momento di arricchimento delle conoscenze dei decisori europei in sinergia con la riflessione e la verifica che sulle tematiche europeistiche si intende suscitare nella realtà istituzionale ed operativa del territorio della Calabria, nella reciprocità dei rapporti e secondo una prospettiva di incremento degli scambi e delle collaborazioni allʼinterno di LLP. WWW. CATALOGUE 2008-2009 49 PRESENTATION OF NATIONAL SYSTEMS OF EDUCATION AND VOCATIONAL TRAINING A general study of the education system Group No: 193 Type of visit: General education 9/3/2009-12/3/2009 Dublin, Ireland Working language: English Number of places: 10 Minimum required: 6 EDUCATION AND TRAINING 2010 OBJECTIVES: 1.2. Developing skills for the knowledge society WHY? The visit will provide an opportunity learn about the Irish education system, from primary and secondary level as well as looking at different approaches and issues within the system from school management, guidance, special needs, teacher training and the curriculum. WHAT? The visit will provide a general overview of the Irish Education system and the particular issues that are relevant to it. It will include various visits to schools at primary and post primary level, teacher training institutions, and specialist education organisations. HOW? The study will include the following: • visits to primary and secondary schools to observe practice; • visit to teacher training institutions and specialist support organisations; • discussion and exchange of experiences with between participants and education specialists. WHOM? • • • • • • • • • Directors of education and vocational training institutions, centres or providers; directors of guidance centres; educational and vocational training inspectors; head teachers, teacher trainers; heads of departments; pedagogical or guidance advisers; representatives of education and training networks and associations; representatives of educational services, labour offices or guidance centres; researchers. Organiser(s): MC DYER Lorraine Leargas - Education Service 189 Parnell Street Dublin 1 Tel. +353- 18 73 14 11 Fax +353- 18 73 13 16 Email: [email protected] WWW. – 50 CEDEFOP – STUDY VISITS PRESENTATION OF NATIONAL SYSTEMS OF EDUCATION AND VOCATIONAL TRAINING The technical and vocational education system of Cyprus Group No: 194 Type of visit: Mixed 16/3/2009-20/3/2009 Nicosia, Cyprus Working language: English Number of places: 16 Minimum required: 8 EDUCATION AND TRAINING 2010 OBJECTIVES: 1.2. Developing skills for the knowledge society WHY? Technical and vocational education (TVE) has a critical role in the educational, economic, industrial and social environment of any country. Cyprus TVE has been operating for many years quite successfully. In a rapidly changing world of globalisation, the increasing role of ICT, the extensive movement of people, products and services as well as many other factors have extensively affected TVE, not only in Cyprus but throughout the world. We will present the technical and vocational education system of Cyprus and encourage exchange of ideas and share experiences with participants about good practices which take place in other EU countries. At the end we hope to be more knowledgeable and competent in dealing with contemporary issues and challenges which TVE faces at local, regional and European levels. WHAT? Participants will learn about: • the structure of the Cyprus education system and the TVE programme; • the TVE programmes and specialisations provided; • the technical and vocational school curriculum; • the roles which other stakeholders such as employers, trade unions, professional bodies and associations, parents unions, TVE graduates associations have in providing TVE; • programmes and initiatives undertaken by the private sector. HOW? The above will be achieved through: • seminars, workshops and presentations; • group work and discussions; • visits to local (urban) technical and vocational schools as well as technical and vocational schools located in rural areas; • visiting students and teachers during teaching, learning and training activities; • visits to industrial units and service industries where students do their practical work. The programme will also include cultural and social activities. WHOM? • Company training managers. SHORT DESCRIPTION IN THE HOST COUNTRY’S LANGUAGE: Organiser(s): ANDILIOS Nicholas Ministry of Education and Culture Kimonos and Thoukididou 1434 Nicosia Tel. +357- 22 46 13 10 Fax +357- 22 35 58 09 Email: [email protected] Website: Πρώτα θα γίνει ενημέρωση των επισκεπτών σχετικά με το πρόγραμμα και τη δομή του εκπαιδευτικού συστήματος της Κύπρου με ιδιαίτερη έμφαση στα προγράμματα σπουδών, τους κλάδους και τις ειδικεύσεις, και τα αναλυτικά προγράμματα της τεχνικής και επαγγελματικής εκπαίδευσης. Ο δεύτερος τομέας θα περιλαμβάνει την ανταλλαγή απόψεων σχετικά με εμπειρίες και καλές πρακτικές που υπάρχουν στις χώρες προέλευσης των επισκεπτών.Θα πραγματοποιηθούν ενημερωτικές συναντήσεις και εργαστήρια και επισκέψεις σε τεχνικές σχολές και συναντήσεις με άτομα και φορείς που έχουν άμεση σχέση με την παροχή τεχνικής εκπαίδευσης στην Κύπρο. Απευθύνεται σε άτομα που έχουν άμεση σχέση και ηγετικό ρόλο με την τεχνική και επαγγελματική εκπαίδευση όπως επιθεωρητές τεχνικής εκπαίδευσης, διευθυντές τεχνικών σχολών, υπευθύνους προγραμμάτων κατάρτισης μαθητών στη βιομηχανία, εκπαιδευτές εκπαιδευτών τεχνικής εκπαίδευσης. WWW. CATALOGUE 2008-2009 51 PRESENTATION OF NATIONAL SYSTEMS OF EDUCATION AND VOCATIONAL TRAINING Skills development of adults in the labour market Group No: 195 Type of visit: VET 23/3/2009-26/3/2009 Utrecht, the Netherlands Working language: English Number of places: 15 Minimum required: 10 EDUCATION AND TRAINING 2010 OBJECTIVES: 1.2. Developing skills for the knowledge society WHY? In recent years, interest among people already in working life and possibilities for further development throughout their careers and lifelong learning has increased. The ongoing process at European level for VET, the Helsinki communiqué, also emphasises the importance of developing close links with working life and increasing opportunities to learn at the workplace. WHAT? The visit will provide an overview of: • the Dutch education system; • different ways to learn at work; • links between the school system and working life; • national and regional opportunities and initiatives to learn at work. HOW? The learning objectives will be achieved by: • meeting stakeholders: social partners, industry, government representatives, companies; • presentations of national initiatives; • visits to regional VET centres and companies; • meetings and discussions with participants in VET programmes. WHOM? • • • • • • • • Company training managers; human resource managers; owners/managers of SMEs; representatives of education and training networks and associations; representatives of educational services, labour offices or guidance centres; representatives of employersʼ organisations; representatives of local, regional and national authorities; representatives of trade unions. SHORT DESCRIPTION IN THE HOST COUNTRY’S LANGUAGE: De afgelopen jaren is de belangstelling voor het leren op de werkplek sterk toegenomen. In de Study Visit wordt een beeld geschetst van wat de mogelijkheden in Nederland zijn voor de beroepsbevolking om zich te ontwikkelen tijdens het werkende leven. Organiser(s): VAN OPSTAL Tonnie CINOP Pettelaarpark 1, 5200 BP Hertogenbosch Tel. +31-73- 680 07 65 Fax +31-73- 612 34 25 Email: [email protected] WWW. – – 52 CEDEFOP – STUDY VISITS PRESENTATION OF NATIONAL SYSTEMS OF EDUCATION AND VOCATIONAL TRAINING Making it possible to study in sparsely populated areas Group No: 196 Type of visit: General education 30/3/2009-3/4/2009 Kuusamo, Finland Working language: English Number of places: 15 Minimum required: 7 EDUCATION AND TRAINING 2010 OBJECTIVES: 1.2. Developing skills for the knowledge society 1.5. Making the best use of resources WHY? The visit will be organised in Kuusamo situated in the north-eastern part of Finland with around 17 000 inhabitants living in the area. Kuusamo is known for its natural beauty and tourism is an extremely significant source of livelihood in the region. However, the number of young people is declining and the population becomes more aged, which sets a number of challenges for the future. During the seminar the following questions will be studied: • how to offer education of good quality in sparsely populated areas? • how to get capable people in working life? • how to guarantee organising distance learning, school transport, etc. and how to finance them? WHAT? The programme includes: • introducing the principles of the education system in Finland and special features of education in Kuusamo; • clarifying the roles and tasks of the state and community; • presenting the model ʻone school-one communityʼ; • examining the costs of the education programme; • presenting the industry of tourism. HOW? • By visiting primary schools, secondary schools, upper-secondary schools and the music institute; • by discussions participants will receive a concrete understanding of how the Finnish school system functions in northern Finland; • by observing participants will in practice get familiar with the school system, which emphasises equality, and how future challenges are being met. WHOM? • • • • • • • Directors of education and vocational training institutions, centres or providers; directors of guidance centres; educational and vocational training inspectors; head teachers, teacher trainers; heads of departments; pedagogical or guidance advisers; representatives of local, regional and national authorities. SHORT DESCRIPTION IN THE HOST COUNTRY’S LANGUAGE: Organiser(s): MANNINEN Pekka Kuusamo upper secondary school Oulangantie 1 93600 Kuusamo Tel. +358- 400 24 09 21 Fax +358- 88 66 00 72 Email: [email protected] Kuusamossa asuu noin 17000 asukasta. Matkailu on tärkeä elinkeino alueella. Lasten ja nuorten määrä vähenee kuitenkin väestön ikääntyessä. Miten tarjota laadukkaat koulutuspalvelut tulevaisuudessa? Entä millä hinnalla? Osallistujille esitellään kuusamolainen koulujärjestelmä, pohditaan valtion ja kuntien välistä koulutuksellista työnjakoa ja koulutuksen kustannuksia. Vierailuun osallistujat saavat myös käsityksen matkailuelinkeinon nykytilasta Kuusamossa. Osallistujat vierailevat ala-asteella, yläkouluissa, lukioissa ja musiikkiopistolla. Keskustelujen kautta he saavat konkreettisen käsityksen siitä, miten suomalainen koulujärjestelmä toimii pohjoisessa. Koulutusjärjestelmään tutustumisen kautta osallistujat tietävät, mitä tasa-arvoa korostava järjestelmä tarkoittaa käytännössä ja miten siinä varaudutaan tulevaisuuden haasteisiin. WWW. – CATALOGUE 2008-2009 PRESENTATION OF NATIONAL SYSTEMS OF EDUCATION AND VOCATIONAL TRAINING 53 Manufacturing The contribution of cooperation between NGOs, schools and SMEs to vocational training Group No: 197 Type of visit: VET 6/4/2009-9/4/2009 Ankara, Turkey Working language: English Number of places: 15 Minimum required: 10 EDUCATION AND TRAINING 2010 OBJECTIVES: 1.1. Improving education and training for teachers and trainers 3.4. Increasing mobility and exchange WHY? Ostim vocational training centre in Ostim-İvedik region works in cooperation with schools, industry and NGOs and is one of the first vocational training centres in Turkey. Throughout Ankara, our center gives vocational training courses to adults in 133 different branches (mechanics, motor, electrics, electronics, etc.) with 62 teachers and personnel including apprentices, foremen, craftsmen. Since 2004 our centre has submitted 20 Leonardo da Vinci mobility project proposals to the National Agency, two of which have been brought to a successful conclusion by establishing partnerships. WHAT? Participants will get full information about the vocational training systems applied in our country, cooperation among schools, industries and NGOs, social and vocational positions of apprentice students who take practical education in enterprises, talk to apprentices, visit enterprises that work in our region and examine our countryʼs production and education, and the contribution of NGOs to vocational training. HOW? Participants will: • talk to students and teachers at vocational and mass education institutions; • observe workers and apprentices at work and meet SME directors and education managers; • visit NGOs that contribute to vocational training in our country and see their structures and working mechanism; • receive information on Leonardo da Vinci and other employment agencyʼs projects on the educators that participate in projects making students pursue their careers, social partners, human resources managers, etc; • exchange views on the strong and weak sides of the projects to reach a consensus on cooperating in future vocational training projects. WHOM? • • • • Company training managers; directors of education and vocational training institutions, centres or providers; head teachers, teacher trainers; representatives of chambers of commerce/ industry/crafts. SHORT DESCRIPTION IN THE HOST COUNTRY’S LANGUAGE: CEDEFOP Çalışma ziyaretleri kapsamında 2007 yılında Ulusal Ajans ın Merkezimizde ve Merkezimizin organize ettiği KOBİʼ lere ve STKʼlara gerçekleştirilen ziyaretler gerçekleştirilmiştir. Bu programın, Kuruluşumuz ve Misafirlerin bağlı olduğu kuruluşlar arasındaeğitimde üretimde ve Projelerde iyi uygulamaların paylaşılması sağlanmıştır. Önümüzdeki çalışma ziyaretleri kapsamında başvurumuzun kabulü durumunda; Misafirimiz olacak uzmanlarla yapılacak, Çalışmalar Önümüzdeki yıllarda Proje ortaklıkları ve Kültürel işbirliği ve ziyaretçilerle devam edecek bir iletişim konularında etkili olacağı düşüncesideyiz Organiser(s): TEZCAN Mehmet Ostim Vocational Training Center 100. Yil Bulvari Sonu Ostim Stad Karsisi 06370 Ankara Tel. +90 31 23 54 77 77 Fax +90 31 23 54 77 78 Email: [email protected] WWW. – – 54 CEDEFOP – STUDY VISITS VORSTELLUNG NATIONALER BILDUNGS- UND BERUFSBILDUNGSSYSTEME Facetten der dualen Ausbildung in Österreich Gruppennummer: 198 Art des Besuches: Berufsbildung 15/4/2009-17/4/2009 Klagenfurt, Österreich Arbeitssprache: Deutsch Anzahl der Teilnehmerplätze: 15 Erforderliche Mindestanzahl: 12 ZIELE VON „ALLGEMEINE UND BERUFLICHE BILDUNG 2010“: 2.2. Lernen muss attraktiver werden 3.2. Entwicklung des Unternehmergeistes WARUM? Die Berufs- und Arbeitswelt unterliegt einem ständigen Wandel und fordert andere Qualifikationen für Berufseinsteiger als noch vor Jahren. Um diesem Wandel zu begegnen, werden die Vermittlung von fachlichen Kompetenzen und von sogenannten Schlüsselqualifikationen (Teamfähigkeit, Belastbarkeit, Kreativität, Flexibilität, Disziplin) sowie die Förderung von Unternehmergeist immer wichtiger. Das duale System in Österreich setzt sich zum Ziel, diese Inhalte in allen Ausbildungsrichtungen in den Mittelpunkt zu stellen, um die Jugendlichen bestmöglich auf das Berufsleben vorzubereiten. Um den TeilnehmerInnen die Vielfältigkeit und den Stellenwert der dualen Ausbildung aufzuzeigen, ist unter anderem der Besuch der größten Lehrlingsmesse Österreichs – die im Frühjahr 2009 in Klagenfurt stattfindet – geplant. WAS? Folgende Themen werden aufgezeigt und diskutiert: • die Vielfalt der dualen Ausbildung in Österreich, • der Stellenwert des dualen Systems, • Strategien zur Erhöhung des Unternehmergeistes, • integrative Berufsausbildung für Jugendliche mit Handikap, • Optimierung der Kooperation zwischen Berufsschule und Lehrbetrieb, • Zukünftige Entwicklung und Ausblick. WIE? • • • • • Besuch von Berufsschulen – Gespräche mit LehrerInnen und Lehrlingen; Vorstellung von Unternehmen, die Jugendliche ausbilden; Präsentation europäischer Projekte; Diskussion mit Sozialpartnern; Besuch der größten Lehrlingsmesse Österreichs „LIONS“. WER? Organisator(en): FRITZ Ursula Bundesministerium für Unterricht, Kunst und Kultur Minoritenplatz 5 1014 Wien Tel. +43-1- 531 20 44 91 Fax +43-1- 531 20 81 44 91 Email: [email protected] • • • • • • • • • • • • Bildungsbeauftragte in Unternehmen; Leiter von Bildungs- und Berufsbildungeinrichtungen und -anbietern; Bildungs- und Berufsbildungsinspektoren; Schulleiter, Lehreraus- und -fortbildner; Personalbeauftragte; Inhaber/Geschäftsführer von kleinen und mittleren Unternehmen; Vertreter der Industrie- und Handelskammern sowie der Handwerkskammern; Vertreter von Bildungs- und Berufsbildungsnetzwerken und -vereinigungen; Vertreter von Arbeitgeberorganisationen und Interessensvereingungen; Vertreter von örtlichen, regionalen und nationalen Behörden; Vertreter von Arbeitnehmerorganisationen und Interessensvereingungen; Forscher. WWW. – – – – CATALOGUE 2008-2009 55 PRESENTATION OF NATIONAL SYSTEMS OF EDUCATION AND VOCATIONAL TRAINING Estonian experience in lifelong learning Group No: 199 Type of visit: Mixed 20/4/2009-24/4/2009 Pärnu, Estonia Working language: English Number of places: 15 Minimum required: 5 EDUCATION AND TRAINING 2010 OBJECTIVES: 1.5. Making the best use of resources 2.2. Making learning more attractive WHY? In Pärnu community we have all levels of educational system from kindergarten to university in a good small model of Estonian education system and lifelong learning. There is opportunity to choose between municipal and private schools, secondary and vocational schools. Formal and non-formal education is accessible for youth and adults. WHAT? Participants will gain: • general overview of Estonian educational system; • general overview of national curriculum; • understanding of methods and tools used in educational guidance; • understanding of methods and tools used in secondary schools; • understanding of methods and tools used in vocational schools. HOW? The learning objectives will be achieved by: • visiting schools (secondary, vocational), education guidance centres, training institutions and local authorities; • observing students in the classroom and practice place; • meeting and talking to directors of education and training establishments; teachers, trainers and students; social partners; • showing strong and weak points of a system; success and failure factors. WHOM? • • • • Directors of education and vocational training institutions, centres or providers; educational and vocational training inspectors; heads of departments; representatives of education and training networks and associations. SHORT DESCRIPTION IN THE HOST COUNTRY’S LANGUAGE: Pärnu linna haridussüsteem on Eesti haridussüsteemi väike mudel. Koolitusel osalejatel on võimalik saada ülevaade elukestva õppe võimalustest alates lasteaiast kuni kõrgkoolini (üld- ja huviharidus). Koolitusel osalejatele pakutakse võimalust tutvuda meie õppekavadega, üld- ja kutsehariduses kasutatavate õppemeetodite ja –vahenditega. Külastame erineva tasemega koole ja õppenõustamiskeskust. Koolitusel osalejatel avaneb võimalus külastada kutseõppe praktikabaasi. Koolitusel osalejatelt ootame tagasisidet meie haridussüsteemi tugevustest ja nõrkustest, edu ja läbikukkumist soodustavatest faktoritest. Organiser(s): KURVITS Karin Pärnu Adult Gymnasium Noorte väljak 2 80032 Pärnu Tel. +372- 666 19 42 Fax +372- 666 19 41 Email: [email protected] Website: WWW. – 56 CEDEFOP – STUDY VISITS PRESENTATION OF NATIONAL SYSTEMS OF EDUCATION AND VOCATIONAL TRAINING Primary education in the Czech Republic Group No: 200 Type of visit: Mixed 20/4/2009-24/4/2009 Hradec Králové Czech Republic Working language: English Number of places: 15 Minimum required: 7 EDUCATION AND TRAINING 2010 OBJECTIVES: 1.1. Improving education and training for teachers and trainers 2.2. Making learning more attractive WHY? The Department of Primary and Preprimary Education under the Faculty of Education, University of Hradec Kralove, is specialised in problems of primary education. The department closely cooperates with schools all around the region of East Bohemia. We would like to present the Czech educational system and current curricular reforms which started in 2007. The reforms are based on changes after socialism and trends in education around Europe. The aim is to prepare pupils for living in modern society and be able to compete in common life. The Framework educational programme for basic education replaced the former curriculum. On this basic, every school creates its ownl educatioal programme respecting its specifics. Primary education is the first step in lifelong learning and is still a problem around the world. WHAT? Participants will: • learn about the current situation in education in the Czech Republic; • speak about primary education from different points of view; • share their knowledge of initiatives, ideas and experiences; • be informed about current curricular reform mainly from primary education perspective; • compare trends in education in several school systems within Europe. HOW? • Visits to several primary schools in Hradec Kralove region (city schools, suburb school, special school, etc.); • observing students in a classroom; • discussion with heads of schools, teachers and pupils; • visiting lectures at the Department of Primary and Preprimary Education, Faculty of Education, University of Hradec Kralove; • discussion with academic staff, researchers and students focused on primary education; • discussion with representatives of local municipality. WHOM? • • • • Directors of education and vocational training institutions, centres or providers; head teachers, teacher trainers; heads of departments; researchers. SHORT DESCRIPTION IN THE HOST COUNTRY’S LANGUAGE: Organiser(s): SKUTIL Martin UHK Rokitanského 62 500 03 Hradec Králové Tel. +420- 493 33 13 44 Fax +420- 495 51 38 90 Email: [email protected] Website: Program studijní návštěvy je zaměřen na oblast primárního vzdělávání v ČR. Účastníci se formou návštěv škol (městských, vesnických, speciálních) a diskusí (ředitelé, učitelé, pracovníci VŠ, úředníci místní správy) seznámí s primárním vzděláváním v ČR. Zvláštní pozornost bude věnována aktuálním změnám v českém školství a kurikulární reformě, která vyvstala ze společenských potřeb a přijetí kulturních trendů ve vzdělávání. Dalším bodem bude seznámení se s přípravou budoucích učitelů na Univerzitě Hradec Králové, včetně ukázek výuky na Pedagogické fakultě a setkámí se studenty a vyučujícími. Nedílnou součástí návštěvy bude i poznání naší kultury, prohlídka města Hradec Králové a navázání kontaktů s odbornmíky z oboru z různých zemí EU. WWW. – – CATALOGUE 2008-2009 PRESENTATION OF NATIONAL SYSTEMS OF EDUCATION AND VOCATIONAL TRAINING 57 Manufacturing Curriculum of vocational education for leather production Group No: 201 Type of visit: VET 4/5/2009-8/5/2009 Bolu, Turkey Working language: EDUCATION AND TRAINING 2010 OBJECTIVES: 2.1. Open learning environment 2.2. Making learning more attractive WHY? Gerede has been in the leather treatment sector for more than two centuries. By combining practice and theory it has conducted important activities in the leather sector and is still active. Unemployment rate seems to be decreasing in Gerede county and in Turkey due to vocational education. Gerede is one of the most enchanting areas and historical places of Turkey located approximately half-way between Istanbul and Ankara. Leather sector in Gerede county is one of the most important trades of the Turkish economy. English WHAT? Number of places: 15 Minimum required: 7 Presentation of vocational education of people who are working in the leather sector in workshops as apprentices, journeymen and masters. HOW? Visits to: • head official of Gerede county to learn about vocational education supporters, • Gerede Anatolian occupational lycee, • leather sector, • leather workshop and belt workshop. Our vocational education supporters and social partners are: Gerede municipality, the Chamber of Gerede Tradesmen and Craftsmen and Gerede occupational high school. Participants will also interview students and others involved in vocational education. WHOM? • • • • • • • • • Directors of education and vocational training institutions, centres or providers; educational and vocational training inspectors; human resource managers; representatives of chambers of commerce/ industry/crafts; representatives of education and training networks and associations; representatives of educational services, labour offices or guidance centres; representatives of employersʼ organisations; representatives of local, regional and national authorities; representatives of trade unions. SHORT DESCRIPTION IN THE HOST COUNTRY’S LANGUAGE: Organiser(s): YUKSEL Dogan Gerede Vocational Education School Sanayi Sitesi 14900 Bolu Tel. +90 3743113424 Fax +90 3743116638 Email: [email protected] Bolu ili Gerede ilçesi Mesleki Eğitim Merkezi Müdürlüğü yönetici ve öğretmenleri olarak, Avrupa Birliği ülkelerinden ilçemize çalışma ziyareti yapacak katılımcılara yönelik bölgemizi en iyi şekilde tanıtmak.Ülkemiz mesleki eğitim ve öğretim sistemini tüm boyutlarıyla anlatmak ve katılımcıların da kendi ülkelerinde ki sistemleri tanıtmalarına ortam hazırlamak.Sitemleri karşılaştırıp tartışmak ve buna gore ortaya çıkan sonuçları bir rapor haline dönüştürmek. Avrupa Birliği ülkelerinden ilçemizde ki Dericilik sektörüne mesleki eğitim sisteminin katkılarını anlatmak. Ayrıca, Avrupa Birliği ülkelerinden gelen bu konularda uzman olan kişilerden bilgi alışverişinde bulunmak. Avrupa Birliği halkları ile ülkemiz halklarının kültürel değerlerinin kaynaşmasını sağlamak. Dericiler şehri Geredemizin, Bolu ilinin ve güzel Türkiyeʼmizin tarihi ve kültürel zenginlikleri hakkında da bilgi sahibi olmalarını sağlamak. WWW. – 58 CEDEFOP – STUDY VISITS PRESENTATION OF NATIONAL SYSTEMS OF EDUCATION AND VOCATIONAL TRAINING Accommodation and food service activities Comparing education systems Group No: 202 Type of visit: Mixed 4/5/2009-8/5/2009 Bartin, Turkey Working language: English Number of places: 15 Minimum required: 10 EDUCATION AND TRAINING 2010 OBJECTIVES: 1.1. Improving education and training for teachers and trainers 1.2. Developing skills for the knowledge society WHY? • • • • To introduce Turkish education system through local entities; to exchange knowledge about adult and vocational education between countries; to learn about culture skills and training in handicraft and Turkish cuisine; to introduce our institutions to show our democratic situation and human rights in education meeting with managers and directors; • to describe the inheritance of the rich history –approximately 3000 years –in Amasra and Safranbolu. WHAT? • • • • To learn about improving skills in the education system and joining universities; to learn about the history of approximately 3 000 years of Amasra; to create cultural interaction between countries; to compare general, vocational and adult education between countries. HOW? Participants will: • sample Turkish cuisine and Black Sea fish; • observe vocational education in Amasra Anatolian hotel and tourism high school and meet manager, teachers and trainers ; • see adult education centre with traditional handicrafts; • discuss education system at town hall; • observe accommodation and service with staff in training hotel of Amasra Anatolian hotel and tourism high school; • attend a seminar on the national education system. WHOM? • • • • • • • Directors of education and vocational training institutions, centres or providers; directors of guidance centres; head teachers, teacher trainers; heads of departments; human resource managers; representatives of local, regional and national authorities; researchers. SHORT DESCRIPTION IN THE HOST COUNTRY’S LANGUAGE: Organiser(s): OZKOK Adnan Amasra District Directorate for National Education Sulhi Kalafatoglu Cad. 74100 Bartin Tel. +90 378 315 14 36 Fax +90 378 315 17 27 Email: [email protected] Ulusal eğitim sistemimizin işleyişini yerinde, yöneticilerle bilgi alışverişinde bulunarak öğrenme. El sanatları hakkında Halk Eğitim Merkezi, Kullanılan eğitim araç-gereçleri ve teknolojinin kullanılması ile ilgili olarak Milli Eğitim Müdürlüğü, Demokrasi ve İnsan Hakları, Avrupa Birliği Uyum Çalışmaları konusunda Amasra Kaymakamlığı, Yöresel gelişme ve eğitim ortamlarının iyileştirilmesi konusunda Belediye Başkanlığı ile işbirliğine gidilecektir ve seminerler sunulacaktır. Milli eğitim ve mesleki eğitime yapılan yatırımları ile fırsat eşitliğini görmek için Amasrada bulunan okullar, halk eğitim merkezi ve uygulama oteli gezilerek personel, idareci ve öğretmenlerle birebir sohbetler yapılarak yerinde incelenecektir. Amasra halkının geçim kaynaklarından olan turizmin tanıtımı amacıyla ilçenin doğal güzelliklerine gezi düzenlenecektir. Bu anlamda Amasra yat gezisi, Gürcüoluk Mağarası, Unesco tarafından dünya miras listesine alınan Safranbolu Eski Türk Evleri ve Amasra kale içi gezisi yapılacaktır. Amasranın doğal güzelliklerinin yanında yöresel yemeklerin tanıtımı yapılacaktır. WWW. – – www.bartı CATALOGUE 2008-2009 59 PRESENTATION OF NATIONAL SYSTEMS OF EDUCATION AND VOCATIONAL TRAINING Schools and education systems in Sunnhordland – a Norwegian region Group No: 203 Type of visit: General education 4/5/2009-8/5/2009 Leirvik (between Bergen and Haugesund) Norway Working language: English Number of places: 15 Minimum required: 10 EDUCATION AND TRAINING 2010 OBJECTIVES: 1.1. Improving education and training for teachers and trainers 1.2. Developing skills for the knowledge society WHY? National results in PISA and PIRLS have clearly stated that Norway unfortunately is not in front. We would like to show a variety of methods used to solve pedagogical challenges in a region. We think that getting impulses and feedback from other countries and school systems are important to improve. WHAT? Visitors will learn how we cooperate in our region to improve literacy and other basic skills on different levels in the education system. We will also focus on how we work together to improve both in-service training and further education for our teachers and heads. HOW? • • • • • • • Lectures on the Norwegian school system in general; presentation of how we work together in our region; visiting a kindergarten, different schools in four municipalities and a university college; meeting and talking to representatives of local and regional authorities; observing different types of activities in schools and kindergartens; discussing various methods with local teachers and heads; discussions among participants and exchanging ideas and experiences. WHOM? • • • • • • Educational and vocational training inspectors; head teachers, teacher trainers; heads of departments; pedagogical or guidance advisers; representatives of education and training networks and associations; representatives of local, regional and national authorities. SHORT DESCRIPTION IN THE HOST COUNTRY’S LANGUAGE: Under opphaldet i Sunnhordland blir det det informasjon om det norske skulesystemet, besøk i barnehage, grunnskule og vidaregående skule i 4 av samarbeidskommunane i Sunnhordland. Siste dagen innbefattar og besøk på Høgskulen Stord Haugesund for å få orientering om lærarutdanning og førskulelærarutdanning. Organiser(s): ENERSTVEDT Jan Forum for oppvekst i Sunnhordland Postbox 40 5559 Sveio Tel. +47- 53748091 Fax +47- 53748001 Email: [email protected] WWW. 60 CEDEFOP – STUDY VISITS PRESENTATION OF NATIONAL SYSTEMS OF EDUCATION AND VOCATIONAL TRAINING The Portuguese education system in the autonomous region of Madeira Group No: 204 Type of visit: General education 4/5/2009-8/5/2009 Funchal, Portugal Working language: English Number of places: 18 Minimum required: 10 EDUCATION AND TRAINING 2010 OBJECTIVES: 1.5. Making the best use of resources 3.5. Strengthening the European co-operation WHY? • To know the diverse models of administration and management of education establishments to promote better quality in the public service of education. • The specificity of the autonomous region of Madeira as the largest context of the Portuguese educative system – administration and management of education establishments. WHAT? Be familiar with different education systems and diverse models of administration and management of schools. HOW? By: • visiting schools; • meeting regional authorities; • observing students in the classroom; • talking to directors of schools, teachers, and promoters of projects defined as best practices; • participating in a seminar of administration and management of schools. WHOM? • • • • • • • • Directors of education and vocational training institutions, centres or providers; educational and vocational training inspectors; head teachers, teacher trainers; heads of departments; human resource managers; representatives of educational services, labour offices or guidance centres; representatives of local, regional and national authorities; researchers. SHORT DESCRIPTION IN THE HOST COUNTRY’S LANGUAGE: As especificidades da RAM no contexto mais vasto do sistema educativo português – a administração e gestão dos estabelecimentos de educação/ensino. O programa inclui visitas a estabelecimentos de educação, a estabelecimentos dos diversos níveis de ensino, escolas profissionais públicas e sessões de trabalho com directores de escolas, professores e participação num seminário sobre administração e gestão das escolas. Organiser(s): ESTANQUEIRO João Dir. Regional Administração Educativa Ed. Oudinot, 4º Apartado 3206 9051-901 Funchal Tel. +351- 291 22 01 01 Fax +351- 291 23 75 91 Email: [email protected] Website: WWW. CATALOGUE 2008-2009 61 PRESENTATION OF NATIONAL SYSTEMS OF EDUCATION AND VOCATIONAL TRAINING The Austrian school system in comparison with the rest of Europe Group No: 205 Type of visit: Mixed 4/5/2009-8/5/2009 Vienna, Austria Working language: English Number of places: 20 Minimum required: 12 EDUCATION AND TRAINING 2010 OBJECTIVES: 1.5. Making the best use of resources WHY? Visits to primary, grammar, cooperative middle schools, higher general secondary and vocational schools, focussing on aspects of various projects within the Vienna Board of Education (integration of handicapped pupils, bilingual teaching and vocational education). WHAT? • Understanding initiatives and projects on bilingualism in Vienna schools from primary schools to university entrance (Matura) qualifications; • experiencing possibilities for integrating children that receive teaching assistance for special educational needs; • obtaining insights into the dual vocational school system; • learning about initiatives and multilingual projects (German as a foreign language) to integrate immigrants into a multicultural society. HOW? • By visiting schools, education authorities and regional public authorities; • by observing classes; • through meetings and discussions with teachers, school partners, head teachers in general and vocational training, school visitors and school supervisory authorities. WHOM? • • • • • • • • • Company training managers; directors of education and vocational training institutions, centres or providers; educational and vocational training inspectors; head teachers, teacher trainers; heads of departments; pedagogical or guidance advisers; representatives of educational services, labour offices or guidance centres; representatives of local, regional and national authorities; representatives of trade unions. SHORT DESCRIPTION IN THE HOST COUNTRY’S LANGUAGE: • Kennenlernen des Wiener Schulwesens mit seinen zahlreichen Schulversuchsbeschreibungen. • Nahtstellenproblematik (Kindergarten – Volksschule, Volksschule – AHS/HS, AHS/HS – weiterführende Schulen). • Das berufsbildende Schulwesen (duale Ausbildung versus Ausbildung mit Matura). • Integration von Kindern mit sonderpädagogischem Förderbedarf in das allgemeine Schulwesen – Inklusive Pädagogik. • Die Mittelstufenproblematik - Gesamtschule? • LehrerInnenfort- und -ausbildung – eine Herausforderung aufgrund der ständig steigenden, sich ändernden Ansprüche. Organiser(s): HUBER Ursula Stadtschulrat für Wien Europabüro Auerspergstraße 15/22 A- 1080 Wien Tel. +43- 1 7481450 Fax +43- 1 7495242 Email: [email protected] WWW. – – 62 CEDEFOP – STUDY VISITS PRESENTATION OF NATIONAL SYSTEMS OF EDUCATION AND VOCATIONAL TRAINING VET systems in Estonia and Europe Group No: 206 Type of visit: VET 11/5/2009-15/5/2009 Olustvere, Estonia EDUCATION AND TRAINING 2010 OBJECTIVES: 1.1. Improving education and training for teachers and trainers WHY? The main reason for organising the study visit was the wish to present to colleagues from Europe Estonian VET system and vocational training institutions in Estonia and also get to know VET systems in other European countries to share good experiences and exchange practical ideas on how to develop more effectively the VET systems in Europe. WHAT? Working language: English Number of places: 10 Minimum required: 8 Participants will get to know about main principles of Estonian VET system and get the possibility to visit different Estonian vocational training institutions. One objective is also to find good partners among group members for future cooperation on the level of institutions. HOW? Participants will visit several vocational schools with the possibility to observe classes and talk to the students and trainers. WHOM? • Directors of education and vocational training institutions, centres or providers; • head teachers, teacher trainers; • heads of departments. SHORT DESCRIPTION IN THE HOST COUNTRY’S LANGUAGE: Õppelähetuse käigus tutvuvad külalised Eesti kutseharidussüsteemiga (Olustvere TMK; EHTE; Viljandi ÜKK; Tartu KHK baasil). Ühiste seminaride käigus tutvutakse osalejate riikide kutseharidussüsteemidega. Väljasõitude eesmärgiks on tutvustada Eesti olusid, kultuuri, loodust ja ajalugu (Tallinn, Tartu, Soomaa Rahvuspark, Viljandi). Organiser(s): SAAVASTE Aino Olustvere School of Service and Rural Economics Müüri 4 70401 Suure-jaani Vald Tel. +372- 437 42 44 Fax +372- 437 46 10 Email: [email protected] Website: WWW. – CATALOGUE 2008-2009 VORSTELLUNG NATIONALER BILDUNGSUND BERUFSBILDUNGSSYSTEME 63 Verarbeitendes Gewerbe/Herstellung von Waren Berufsausbildung im Handwerk in Polen Gruppennummer: 207 Art des Besuches: Gemischt 12/5/2009-15/5/2009 Lublin, Polen Arbeitssprache: Deutsch Anzahl der Teilnehmerplätze: 12 Erforderliche Mindestanzahl: 5 ZIELE VON „ALLGEMEINE UND BERUFLICHE BILDUNG 2010“: 2.2. Lernen muss attraktiver werden 3.4. Intensivierung von Mobilität und Austausch WARUM? Das Handwerk ist in Polen einer der wichtigsten Wirtschaftssektoren. Im polnischen Berufsbildungssystem erhalten junge Menschen ihre Ausbildung zum einen in Schulen, zum anderen am Arbeitsplatz. Wie diese Ausbildung funktioniert und aufgebaut ist und wie auf neue Herausforderungen reagiert und dabei die hohe Qualität der Ausbildung gewährleistet wird, ist Thema dieses Studienbesuchs. Der Studienbesuch wird in Lublin stattfinden. WAS? Der Studienbesuch soll Einblick in das polnische System der Berufsausbildung am Beispiel des Sektors “Handwerk” geben. Es soll gezeigt werden, wie das System funktioniert, wer die Mitwirkenden sind und wie die Ausbildung auf Veränderungen und neue Herausforderungen eingeht. Strategien: Ständige Optimierung der Lehrinhalte, Zusammenführen und Überlappen von fachtheoretischen und fachpraktischen Unterrichtsgegenständen, innovative Unterrichtsmethoden, Zusammenarbeit von Schule und Unternehmen, Teilnahme an europäischen Austausch- und Vermittlungsprojekten und fachspezifischen Wettbewerben. WIE? Es sollen Unternehmen (vor allem Klein- und Mittelunternehmen) und Berufsschulen, die Lehrlinge im Sektor “Handwerk” ausbilden, sowie berufsbildende Vollzeitschulen besucht werden. WER? • • • • • • Leiter von Bildungs- und Berufsbildungeinrichtungen und -anbietern; Bildungs- und Berufsbildungsinspektoren; Inhaber/Geschäftsführer von kleinen und mittleren Unternehmen; Vertreter der Industrie- und Handelskammern sowie der Handwerkskammern; Vertreter von Arbeitgeberorganisationen und Interessensvereingungen; Vertreter von örtlichen, regionalen und nationalen Behörden. KURZE BESCHREIBUNG DES BESUCHES IN DER SPRACHE DES GASTGEBENDEN LANDES: KSZTAŁCENIE ZAWODOWE W RZEMIOŚLE W POLSCE Rzemiosło jest ważnym sektorem w Polsce. Wizyta ma pokazać jak funkcjonuje i jak zbudowany jest system kształcenia w rzemiośle. Połączenie kształcenia teoretycznego z praktycznym, innowacyjne metody nauczania, współpracę szkoły z pracodawcami, udział w europejskich stażach i praktykach, jakość kształcenia, to zagadnienia którym poświęcona będzie wizyta studyjna. Uczestnicy tej wizyty nabędą wiedzy teoretycznej, a także odwiedzą pracodawcę kształcącego uczniów rzemiosła, cech rzemieślniczy, izbę rzemieślniczą, zasadniczą szkołę zawodową, wezmą udział w sesji egzaminacyjnej na tytuł czeladnika i mistrza. Organisator(en): MISZCZAK Jerzy Lublin Handwerkskammer Chopinstr. 5 20-026 Lublin Tel. +48-81 531 85 55 Fax +48-81 534 77 33 Email: [email protected] WWW. 64 CEDEFOP – STUDY VISITS PRESENTATION OF NATIONAL SYSTEMS OF EDUCATION AND VOCATIONAL TRAINING From local traditions to intercultural dialogue Group No: 208 Type of visit: General education 18/5/2009-22/5/2009 Rydzyna, Poland Working language: English Number of places: 15 Minimum required: 6 EDUCATION AND TRAINING 2010 OBJECTIVES: 1.5. Making the best use of resources WHY? The aim of the visit is to discuss the way local traditions and cultural heritage of the region can be used as a basis for intercultural dialogue. We are also going to share experiences in environmental (ecological) education. WHAT? Participants will learn about the education system in Poland, school curricula and crosscurricular themes. We are also going to present some activities and projects promoting local and regional traditions, the European dimension and intercultural dialogue as well as environmental (ecological) education. HOW? • Visits to primary schools, secondary schools and a kindergarten; • lectures, discussions and workshops. WHOM? • • • • Directors of guidance centres; head teachers, teacher trainers; heads of departments; pedagogical or guidance advisers. SHORT DESCRIPTION IN THE HOST COUNTRY’S LANGUAGE: Celem wizyty będzie przedyskutowanie sposobu, w jaki lokalne tradycje i dziedzictwo kulturowe regionu może być wykorzystane jako podstawa i punkt wyjścia do dialogu międzykulturowego. Zamierzamy także wymienić doświadczenia w zakresie edukacji ekologicznej. Uczestnicy wizyty zostaną zapoznani z polskim systemem edukacji, a także z niektórymi formami działań i projektami promującymi lokalne tradycje, dziedzictwo kulturowe regionu oraz dialog międzykulturowy i wymiar europejski w edukacji. Organiser(s): BOROWIAK Lucyna Szkoła Podstawowa im. 17 Pułku Ułanów Wielkopolskich w Rydzynie Zamkowa 3 64-130 Rydzyna Tel. +48- 065 5380022 Fax +48- 065 5380022 Email: [email protected] WWW. CATALOGUE 2008-2009 65 PRESENTATION OF NATIONAL SYSTEMS OF EDUCATION AND VOCATIONAL TRAINING A school open for tomorrow’s Europe Group No: 209 Type of visit: General education 25/5/2009-29/5/2009 Castrovillari, Cosenza Calabria, Italy Working language: English Number of places: 15 Minimum required: 5 EDUCATION AND TRAINING 2010 OBJECTIVES: 1.1. Improving education and training for teachers and trainers 1.2. Developing skills for the knowledge society WHY? We want, to give participants new ideas, let them exchange ideas and opinions, prepare and develop new educational projects in school education. We will show, analyse and compare European educational systems with the aim of disseminating management methodologies of schools, innovative didactic and guidance methodologies used in various educational systems (Italian and foreign ones). WHAT? Our goal will be to compare different education systems, considering not only the inner organisation but also the relationship with the outer world (school bodies, local authority). We want to develop an image of an ideal European school and improve the success in teaching and learning through motivation. The aim is to improve European awareness in teachers, through common understanding of national history and cultural traditions, school topics and personal or school experience. The visit focuses on exchange of ideas and material, knowledge and competence to set up an improved learning community. HOW? • By visiting educational institutions of different levels and typologies, from infant school to upper secondary school; • by meeting principals, teachers, students and parents; • by working groups, workshops and meetings with public institutions, associations and local authorities; • by taking part in lessons or assist laboratory activities; • by reflection on the experience and its evaluation. WHOM? • • • • • • • • • • Directors of education and vocational training institutions, centres or providers; directors of guidance centres; directors of validation or accreditation centres; educational and vocational training inspectors; head teachers, teacher trainers; heads of departments; pedagogical or guidance advisers; representatives of educational services, labour offices or guidance centres; representatives of local, regional and national authorities; researchers. SHORT DESCRIPTION IN THE HOST COUNTRY’S LANGUAGE: Organiser(s): GIACOMINI Iolanda Cooperativa Veritatis Splendor – No profit via Alfano 87012 Castrovillari (Cosenza) Tel. +39-0981 278 45 Fax +39-0981 278 45 Email: [email protected] Attraverso la visita vogliamo fornire ai partecipanti idee, scambiare esperienze e opinioni, predisporre e sviluppare nuovi progetti educativi nellʼambito dellʼeducazione scolastica. Mostreremo, analizzeremo e metteremo a confronto i Sistemi Educativi dei Paesi Europei con lʼobiettivo dellʼanalisi e diffusione di tecniche di gestione degli istituti scolastici, metodologie didattiche e di orientamento innovative nei vari sistemi educativi (italiano e dei Paesi partecipanti). Lo scopo è di accrescere la consapevolezza europea e lʼapprezzamento reciproco nei docenti, soprattutto con il lavoro di gruppo e/o cooperazioni a distanza sulle tradizioni culturali, su argomenti di studio ed esperienze personali e scolastiche: la visita si fonda sullo scambio di idee e materiale, conoscenze e competenze per attuare una Comunità Unita. In particolare si offrirà ai partecipanti la possibilità di visitare istituzioni rappresentative di tutti gli ordini e le tipologie di scuole, dalla scuola dellʼinfanzia alla secondaria di secondo grado. WWW. – – 66 CEDEFOP – STUDY VISITS PRESENTATION OF NATIONAL SYSTEMS OF EDUCATION AND VOCATIONAL TRAINING Vocational education and training in Germany Group No: 210 Type of visit: VET 8/6/2009-11/6/2009 Bonn, Germany Working language: English Number of places: 15 Minimum required: 10 EDUCATION AND TRAINING 2010 OBJECTIVES: 1.2. Developing skills for the knowledge society WHY? The main reason for Germanyʼs economic strength is its standardized and good initial and continuing vocational training. Young people and companies have every right to expect that their education efforts are embedded in a system which ensures access, quality, mobility and innovative ability. This is regulated in the amended Vocational Training Act (BBiG) and its training regulations. It is also the basis for nationally standardized high-quality continuing training. Standardised requirements and examination standards ensure the high qualification of employees and thus the business success of companies. WHAT? • Structure and reform of vocational education and training, • training occupations, • intercompany training. HOW? The programme will consist of: • meeting with the national authority representative (Federal Ministry of Education and Research); • meeting with experts of the Federal Institute of Vocational Training (BiBB); • visiting companies and VET schools. WHOM? • • • • • • • • • Directors of education and vocational training institutions, centres or providers; educational and vocational training inspectors; heads of departments; representatives of chambers of commerce/ industry/crafts; representatives of education and training networks and associations; representatives of educational services, labour offices or guidance centres; representatives of employersʼ organisations; representatives of trade unions; researchers. SHORT DESCRIPTION IN THE HOST COUNTRY’S LANGUAGE: Wesentliche Ursache der ökonomischen Stärke Deutschlands ist die einheitliche und gute berufliche Ausund Fortbildung. Junge Menschen und Betriebe können zu Recht erwarten, dass ihre Bildungsanstrengungen in ein System eingebettet sind, das Zugang, Qualität, Mobilität und Innovationsfähigkeit sichert. Geregelt wird dies im novellierten Berufsbildungsgesetz (BBiG) und seinen Ausbildungsordnungen. Es ist zugleich Grundlage für Fortbildungen mit bundesweit einheitlich hoher Qualität. Einheitliche Anforderungen und Prüfungsstandards sichern die hohe Qualifikation der Beschäftigten und den wirtschaftlichen Erfolg der Unternehmen. Inhalte des Studienbesuchs sind: Struktur und Reform der Berufsbildung, Regelung der beruflichen Bildung, Vereinfachung der Ausbildung, BBiG-Novelle, Ausbildungsberufe, Berufsschulen, Überbetriebliche Berufsbildung. Organiser(s): SENA Katharina Nationale Agentur Bildung für Europa beim BiBB EUStudienbesuchsprogramm Robert-Schuman-Platz 3 53175 Bonn Tel. +49-228- 107 16 47 Fax +49-228- 107 29 64 Email: [email protected] WWW. – CATALOGUE 2008-2009 67 CERTIFICATION AND ASSESSMENT OF PUPILS Development and administration of foreign language testing and assessment Group No: 211 Type of visit: Mixed 20/10/2008-24/10/2008 Oviedo, Spain Working language: English Number of places: 12 Minimum required: 8 EDUCATION AND TRAINING 2010 OBJECTIVES: 1.1. Improving education and training for teachers and trainers 3.5. Strengthening the European co-operation WHY? • Visits and experiences around the certification and assessment theme are rarely offered in the catalogue. • Standardised language testing and language level validation is playing an increasingly important role in Spain as well as in all countries of the EU. • Research in language testing and evaluation, test development, task and item writing, test administration, marking and grading, reporting of test results, test analysis and reporting of findings is a major issue in our department of evaluation and quality assurance. • We also provide pre- and in-service teacher training, conferences and workshops in language testing and evaluation. • Qualified personnel and education specialists train other teachers and test developers in order to create and design new tests each school year. • Promotion, improvement and sharing of testing and assessment practices throughout Europe. • Our department of evaluation and quality assurance has been developing testing and certification processes for the last six years. WHAT? Participants will: • be able to become familiar with the process of test writing and development through taking part in various theoretical and practical presentations and workshops; • will meet and join work groups of test developers; • have the opportunity to visit educational centres in which testing is administered; • be able to share and show their expertise and experience in the field of the visit. HOW? • • • • By attending presentations and workshops on certification and assessment of students; by joining and being able to work with other colleagues who are trained to develop the tests; by visiting different schools and educational centres in which testing is administered; by meeting and talking to administrators, advisers, teacher trainers, policy-makers and other education specialists who are involved in certification through testing. WHOM? Directors of education and vocational training institutions, centres or providers; directors of validation or accreditation centres; educational and vocational training inspectors; head teachers, teacher trainers; heads of departments; representatives of local, regional and national authorities; researchers. SHORT DESCRIPTION IN THE HOST COUNTRY’S LANGUAGE: Organiser(s): REY-RODIL Pedro P Consejería de Educación del Principado de Asturias Servicio de Evaluación, Calidad y Ordenación académica Plaza de España 5, 4ª Planta 33007 Oviedo Tel. +34- 985 66 81 36 Fax +34- 985 66 81 38 Email: [email protected] Una visita de estudio principalmente acerca del tema de titulación y certificación de nivel de idiomas puede ser muy útil a aquellos especialistas –de idiomas o no- que tengan curiosidad o quieran compartir su propia experiencia en cómo se lleva a cabo este proceso complejo de elaboración y administración de pruebas homologadas para la certificación de idiomas extranjeros en nuestra región. Podrán asistir a presentaciones y talleres sobre el proceso de elaboración y también visitar y observar los centros educativos en donde se celebran normalmente este tipo de pruebas. WWW. – – –§ionid=14&id=335&Itemid=120 68 CEDEFOP – STUDY VISITS CERTIFICATION AND ASSESSMENT OF PUPILS The role of formative assessment Group No: 212 Type of visit: Mixed 27/10/2008-30/10/2008 Swidnica, Poland Working language: English Number of places: 15 Minimum required: 7 EDUCATION AND TRAINING 2010 OBJECTIVES: 1.1. Improving education and training for teachers and trainers WHY? Evidence indicates that effective assessment as part of ongoing teaching and learning, with the active involvement of pupils, is a powerful means of improving learning and raising standards. The study visit is a must for everyone who is concerned with raising standards in education. We want to present how formative assessment can improve pupilsʼ learning. Formative assessment is very important especially in schools which are situated in rather poor areas where students have low self-esteem. Assessment of learning is focused on cooperation between teacher and student and supporting the student in the process of effective learning. WHAT? Participants will learn how to assess and evaluate students effectively so that students can be encouraged to learn and continue their education. The study visit will show new approaches which can be used for assessment and some successful examples of putting the approaches into practice. HOW? Participants will: • visit schools (primary, secondary and vocational) which use formative assessment; • meet and talk to teachers, students and head teachers and specialists; • meet local authorities (municipal, rural and county) so assessment can be discussed from different points of view; • attend a presentation of a specialist. WHOM? • • • • • • • • Directors of education and vocational training institutions, centres or providers; directors of validation or accreditation centres; educational and vocational training inspectors; head teachers, teacher trainers; heads of departments; pedagogical or guidance advisers; representatives of education and training networks and associations; representatives of local, regional and national authorities. SHORT DESCRIPTION IN THE HOST COUNTRY’S LANGUAGE: Organiser(s): MACHON-PLUSZCZEWSKA Iwona Firma Szkoleniowo-Doradcza Anna Szywala S.C. ul. Lukasinskiego 2/3 58-100 Swidnica Tel. +48-74 857 72 83 Fax +48-74 852 24 73 Email: [email protected] Website: Wizyta studyjna pt.: “Rola oceniania kształtującego” ma celu przedstawienie nowego podejścia do oceniania, które koncentruje na uczeniu się uczniów. Koncepcja ta wspiera ucznia na indywidualnym poszukiwaniu skutecznego uczenia się, ale nie przy pomocy stopni szkolnych tylko poprzez współpracę nauczyciela z uczniami. Uczestnicy kursu będą mieli okazję odwiedzić szkoły (podstawowe, gimnazjalne, ponadgimnazjalne i zawodowe) i porozmawiać z nauczycielami, uczniami i dyrektorami szkół, które wprowadziły tę nową metodę oceniania. Zaplanowane są spotkania z przedstawicielami samorządów lokalnych (z urzędów miejskich, gminnych i starostw) aby przeprowadzić debatę na ten temat i wymianę doświadczeń oraz spotkania ze specjalistami, którzy poprowadzą warsztaty szkoleniowe dla uczestników. WWW. – – – CATALOGUE 2008-2009 69 NEW PEDAGOGICAL METHODS TO IMPROVE LITERACY SKILLS Key competences for the labour market Group No: 213 Type of visit: Mixed 6/10/2008-10/10/2008 Ostrava Czech Republic Working language: English Number of places: 15 Minimum required: 7 EDUCATION AND TRAINING 2010 OBJECTIVES: 1.1. Improving education and training for teachers and trainers 1.2. Developing skills for the knowledge society WHY? Today economies require a flexible, employable workforce, able to cope with rapid changes in the labour market. Employersʼ demand shows that besides knowledge and professionals skills, soft skills/key competences are essential for work performance. Skills, such as effective communication, flexibility, independence, decisivness, cooperation, are needed by employers but not taught in the “traditional” education system. Under the leadership of RPIC-VIP, a reserch group of training experts and education methodologists developed and verified a set of 14 innovative training programmes. The aim is to improve the level of key competences of people from child to senior age. The method is based on experiential learning (learning by doing/playing) supported by an original methodology. The programmes were successfully verified by more than 100 education, training and project experts and trainees. They were also transferred and adapted into English. At present they are implemented both nationally, ready for further dissemination. WHAT? • Debate on the importance of key competences for performance at work and in personal life; • trying and understanding Czech innovate training programmes; • sharing ideas and experiences in key competences development; • development of opportunities for further cooperation and dissemination. HOW? • • • • Visiting the Centre of Excellence for Key Competences Development (RPIC-VIP); participating in selected training; discussing with experts, developers, certified trainers for key competences; seminar/workshops. WHOM? Company training managers; directors of education and vocational training institutions, centres or providers; head teachers, teacher trainers; human resource managers; owners/managers of SMEs; representatives of chambers of commerce/ industry/crafts; representatives of education and training networks and associations; representatives of educational services, labour offices or guidance centres; representatives of employersʼ organisations; representatives of trade unions. SHORT DESCRIPTION IN THE HOST COUNTRY’S LANGUAGE: Organiser(s): KARASEK Zdenek RPIC-VIP Vystavni 2224/8 709 00 Ostrava Tel. +420- 596 61 67 95 Fax +420- 596 62 69 17 Email: [email protected] V roce 2003 a 2004 jsme si udělali průzkumy u více než 2,000 firem na téma jejich požadavků na lidské zdroje. Na základě výsledků jsme vytipovali 14 kommpetencí do tzv. Kompetenčního modelu Moravskoslezského kraje. Od roku 2005 jsme začali připravovat tréninkové progaramy k rozvoji těchto kompetencí. Nejedná se přitom o žádné “klasické” učení, ale o Komenského školu hrou neboli anglickým překladem “learning by doing”. Jsou to několikadenní tréniky, které jsou naplněny praktickými cvičeními. Představte si například soustředění sportovního týmu někde na horách, kde pod vedením trenérů nabírají hráči kondici a procvičují herní varianty. Tak nějak obdobně to probíhá i u nás. Za přípravou tréninkových programů k jednotlivým kompetncím jsou tisíce hodin práce vývojového týmu v rámci Rozvojového partnerství v rámci iniciativy Společenství EQUAL. Vytvořené programy byly ověřeny s klienty, kterými jsou zaměstnanci firem, studenti i čerství absolventi, ale také nezaměstnaní. Jejich názory jsou důležité pro doladění celého programu. Programy k tréninku kompetencí chceme do budoucna využít pro co nejvíce firem, zaměstnanců i nezaměstnaných, ale také pro žáky a studenty. Tím chceme zacelit mezeru ve vzdělávacím systému dětí i dospělých. Tvrdíme, že vybrané kompetence lze trénovat a že je může zlepšovat každý. Proto celý soubor uvádíme pod příznačným sloganem “Máme na to”, což je i oficiální internetová adresa projektu – Tady si můžete i sami otestovat, jak na tom s jednotlivými kompetencemi jste. WWW. – – 70 CEDEFOP – STUDY VISITS LOS NUEVOS MÉTODOS PEDAGÓGICOS PARA MEJORAR LAS APTITUDES DE LECTURA Desarrollando estrategias lectoras Número de grupo: 214 Tipo de visita: Educación general 16/3/2009-20/3/2009 Santander, España Lengua de trabajo: Español Número de plazas: 15 Número minimo requerido: 5 OBJECTIVOS EDUCATION Y FORMACIÓN 2010: 1.2. Desarrollar las aptitudes necesarias para la sociedad del conocimiento ¿POR QUÉ? • La lectura se ha considerado un instrumento indispensable para la igualación e inclusión social, fuente de acceso al conocimiento y a la herencia cultural y elemento imprescindible para la formación integral y el desarrollo personal y social del individuo. • La Consejería de Educación de Cantabria tiene como objetivo que toda la comunidad educativa (profesorado, alumnado y familias) descubra y tome conciencia del valor y del placer de la lectura. ¿QUÉ? • El Sistema Educativo Español. • Presentación del Plan Lector elaborado por la Consejería de Educación de Cantabria. • Medidas para mejorar la competencia lectora y desarrollar el hábito lector del alumnado de Educación Infantil, Primaria y Secundaria. • Presentación de ejemplos de buenas prácticas llevadas a cabo por centros educativos e instituciones. ¿CÓMO? • Están programadas visitas a centros y servicios educativos de Infantil, Primaria y Secundaria de Santander y otras localidades de la Comunidad Autónoma de Cantabria que están aplicando diferentes actuaciones de apoyo y refuerzo para desarrollar la competencia lectora: Plan Lector, Plan de Apoyo Acompañamiento y Refuerzo Educativo en Primaria y Secundaria de esta Consejería de Educación (PAARE, PARAESO Y PROA). • Visitas culturales a varias localidades de Cantabria. ¿PARA QUIÉN? • • • • • • • • Directores de instituciones y centros de educación y formación profesional; directores de centros de orientación; inspectores de educación y formación profesional; directores de instituciones de enseñanza, formadores de profesores; jefes de departamento; asesores pedagógicos u orientadores; representantes de redes y asociaciones de educación y formación profesional; representantes de servicios educativos, oficinas de empleo o centros de orientación. Organizador(es): BRUALLA Elvira Consejería de Educación del Gobierno de Cantabria Calle Antonio López, 6, entresuelo 39009 Santander Tel. +34-942 20 70 30 Fax +34-942 20 82 17 Email: [email protected] WWW. CATALOGUE 2008-2009 71 INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES IN EDUCATION AND TRAINING The impact on schools of government ICT expenditure Group No: 215 Type of visit: General education 22/9/2008-26/9/2008 Sefton (near Liverpool) England, UK Working language: English Number of places: 10 Minimum required: 6 EDUCATION AND TRAINING 2010 OBJECTIVES: 1.1. Improving education and training for teachers and trainers 1.5. Making the best use of resources WHY? • The impact of ICT on learning has a very high profile across Europe, with governments spending large amounts of money on it. • Sefton is a good example of a medium-sized local authority where the schools have a high concentration of ICT equipment. • Sefton ran a similar programme in 2006-07 that proved very popular. WHAT? The visit will introduce Sefton childrenʼs services to participants. They will learn how this differs from previous practice in England which was based on local education authorities. They will learn about how the UK Government allocates funding to schools and how there has been a major central initiative to put the latest ICT technology into schools. They will then see schools in practice and both the hosts and the visitors will be able to reflect on the differences that the ICT expenditure has made to schools. HOW? • The participants will meet with senior officers in Sefton, who will brief them on national and local education systems. • The funding regime in the UK, and how this affects the level of ICT in schools, will be explained. • Visits will be arranged to schools and other ICT learning centres. WHOM? • Directors of education and vocational training institutions, centres or providers; • head teachers, teacher trainers; • representatives of local, regional and national authorities. Organiser(s): DONNELLY Jim Sefton Children’s Services c/o Litherland High School L21 ODB Liverpool Tel. +44- 15 19 28 44 49 Fax +44- 15 12 86 68 67 Email: [email protected] 72 CEDEFOP — STUDY VISITS INFORMATIONS- UND KOMMUNIKATIONSTECHNOLOGIEN IN BILDUNG UND BERUFSBILDUNG Neue Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologien in der Schule Gruppennummer: 216 Art des Besuches: Allgemeine Bildung 6/10/2008-10/10/2008 Cesis, Lettland Arbeitssprache: Deutsch Anzahl der Teilnehmerplätze: 12 Erforderliche Mindestanzahl: 6 ZIELE VON „ALLGEMEINE UND BERUFLICHE BILDUNG 2010“: 1.3. Zugang zu den Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologien (IKT) für Alle 2.2. Lernen muss attraktiver werden WARUM? Eines der aktuellen Probleme des Bildungswesens ist wie das Lernen attraktiver für die Schüler gemacht werden kann. In diesem Sinne können die modernen Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologien eine wesentliche Rolle spielen. Deshalb wird in dem Staatsgymnasium Cesis den Unterrichtsmethoden mit den oben genannten Technologien große Aufmerksamkeit gewidmet. WAS? In dem Staatsgymnasium Cesis gibt es zwei Computerräume, die nicht nur für Informatikunterricht, sondern auch für Fremdsprachen- und Chemieunterricht genutzt werden. In der Schule gibt es zur Zeit den modernsten Physikraum in Lettland: zwei Multimediaprojektoren, Dokumentkamera, interaktive Tafel, in die Schulbänke eingebaute Computer. Für den Unterricht wird das Sonako-Programm verwendet. Der Lehrer nutzt Unterrichtsmaterial des Bildungsministeriums und selbstangefertigte Materialien. Auch in den Chemie- und Biologieräumen ist es möglich, moderne Technologien anzuwenden, weil sie mit Multimediaprojektoren und Dokumentkameras ausgerüstet sind. In dem Lesesaal der Schulbibliothek ist ein Multimediazentrum eingerichtet, das von mehreren Lehrern genutzt wird, besonders für Kulturgeschichte und Geografie. WIE? Die Teilnehmer des Studienbesuchs haben die Möglichkeit, dem Unterricht beizuwohnen, die Anwendung von modernen Technologien praktisch zu überprüfen, mit den Lehrern und mit der Schulleitung über aktuelle pädagogische und methodische Probleme zu diskutieren. Die Anwendung von neuesten Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologien kann auch in einem breiteren Umfeld demonstriert werden – in anderen Schulen der Stadt Cesis, z.B. in der 2. Grundschule. Ebenso besteht die Möglichkeit, die Schulen und die gesamte Organisation des Bildungswesens in der Stadt, im Kreis Cesis, in der Region Vidzeme kennen zu lernen. WER? • Leiter von Bildungs- und Berufsbildungeinrichtungen und -anbietern; • Schulleiter, Lehreraus- und -fortbildner. KURZE BESCHREIBUNG DES BESUCHES IN DER SPRACHE DES GASTGEBENDEN LANDES: Organisator(en): ZEMITIS Ivars Staatsgymnasium Cesis L.Paegles iela 1 LV-4101 Cesis Tel. +371- 64 12 36 11 Fax +371- 64 12 36 11 Email: [email protected] Website: Cēsu Valsts ģimnāzija studiju vizītei piedāvā tēmu „Jaunās informācijas un saziņas tehnoloģijas skolā.“ Ģimnāzijā iespējams iepazīties ar darbu divos datorkabinetos, kurus izmanto ne tikai informatikas stundās, bet arī svešvalodu apguvei un ķīmijas stundām. Skolā ir pašreiz modernākais fizikas kabinets Latvijā: divi multimēdiju projektori, dokumentu kamera, interaktīvā tāfele, solos iebūvēti datori. Tiek izmantota Sonako programma. Skolotājs izmanto gan IZM materiālus, gan savus veidotos mācību materiālus. Arī ķīmijas un bioloģijas kabinetos iespējams strādāt ar jaunākajām tehnoloģijām, jo tie aprīkoti ar multimediju projektoriem un dokumentu kamerām. Skolas bibliotekas lasītavā izveidots multimēdiju centrs, kuru izmanto priekšmetu skolotāji, īpaši kultūras vēstures un ģeogrāfijas stundās. Jaunākās informācijas un saziņas tehnoloģijas skolā tiks piedāvātas plašākā skatījumā arī citās pilsētas skolās, piemēram, Cēsu 2. pamatskolā. Tiks apmeklētas arī citas izglītības iestādes Cēsu pilsētā un Vidzemes reģionā. WWW. – CATALOGUE 2008-2009 73 INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES IN EDUCATION AND TRAINING Best European tools and practices for distance learning Group No: 217 Type of visit: Mixed 7/10/2008-9/10/2008 Nantes, France EDUCATION AND TRAINING 2010 OBJECTIVES: 1.3. Ensuring access to ICT for everyone WHY? • To bring back home inspiring ideas, bright new concepts, genuine true European business schemes for distance learning education. • to better know what is available in Europe instead of always buying from USA our tools and our ways of doing/thinking... • to share marketing propositions about a potential network of E-learning tools developers. WHAT? Working language: English Number of places: 10 Minimum required: 5 Concepts studied during this visit will include full utilisation cost and maintenance cost: • how to undertake permanent technology monitoring and to share its good practices with other European colleagues; • how to optimise the use of social networks and platforms for educational intermediation; • how to specify the needs, the use and the purpose of the products we are developing; • how to cope with the invasion of non-European products in our public and private schools and throughout Europe. The ultimate goal: an exchange of information to foster potential collaborations. Display of hardware, software and methods. This presentation will be an opportunity for each participant to present his/her profile, not only as a user but also as a designer. By the end of the week, each personʼs hardware, software and methods will be viewed as a potential invitation to new shared projects in the future. HOW? • • • • Hands on demonstrations, seminars, visits to companies, mini-fairs where everyone brings its own tools and best practices with a vision on how to share European expertise and outcomes. WHOM? Company training managers; directors of education and vocational training institutions, centres or providers; directors of guidance centres; directors of validation or accreditation centres; educational and vocational training inspectors; head teachers, teacher trainers; heads of departments; human resource managers; owners/managers of SMEs; pedagogical or guidance advisers; representatives of chambers of commerce/ industry/crafts; representatives of education and training networks and associations; representatives of educational services, labour offices or guidance centres; representatives of employersʼ organisations; representatives of local, regional and national authorities; representatives of trade unions; researchers. SHORT DESCRIPTION IN THE HOST COUNTRY’S LANGUAGE: Organiser(s): INCHAUSPE Marie-Laurence ARCNAM des Pays de la Loire 25bis, boulevard Guy Mollet 44000 Nantes Tel. +33-2 40 16 10 96 Email: [email protected] Présentation d’outils de formation à distance européens. Echange de savoir-faire entre praticiens. Evaluation en commun de stratégies communes de marketing des outils et bonnes pratiques. Ces outils ont fait la preuve de leurs performances dans le domaine de la gestion de groupes hétérogènes situés dans des sites dispersés. Cette présentation se fait sous la forme de démonstrations vivantes où les participants peuvent utiliser eux-mêmes les outils et se faire une idée juste de leur adéquation avec les besoins exprimés dans leur propre organisation. Une liaison avec plusieurs partenaires européens, développeurs de produits destinés à la formation à distance va permettre de rencontrer par la même occasion d’autres développeurs européens susceptibles de participer à l’équipement d’écoles, entreprises et organismes de formation. Dans la chaîne de valeur constituée par l’ensemble des outils de formation à distance nous avons sélectionné les outils européens les plus performants disponibles en français et nous les avons testés. Nous proposons aux participants à ce séminaire la même procédure. WWW. 74 CEDEFOP – STUDY VISITS INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES IN EDUCATION AND TRAINING Possibilities of using ICT for school improvement Group No: 218 Type of visit: General education 13/10/2008-17/10/2008 Kohtla-Järve, Estonia Working language: English Number of places: 12 Minimum required: 5 EDUCATION AND TRAINING 2010 OBJECTIVES: 1.3. Ensuring access to ICT for everyone 2.2. Making learning more attractive WHY? The Estonian government has increased investment in the installation of ICT in schools since 1997. At Kohtla-Järve municipality the system of ICT installation support has also worked for 10 years. One of the main long-term goals of our education development is to promote using ICT in schools. At present the schools of Kohtla-Järve have considerable experience in dealing with ICT, which can be shared with colleagues: • to promote development of education in Europe through introducing innovation in information technology; • to promote the idea of information society; • to encourage new approaches to the continual professional development of teachers by using different types of educational hardware (e.g. interactive whiteboard) and software; • to focus on updating the Estonian educational system and establish a base for an open learning environment for everyone. WHAT? • To discuss with colleagues in Europe how technology influences learning and school management; • to see the use of ICT as a tool to support all subject areas and hobby education, and to improve school management as well; • to introduce online support and informational systems meant for education authorities, school personnel, teachers and parents (e.g. e-school and Estonian education information system). HOW? The aims of the visit will be achieved by: • visiting schools; • presenting and discussing electronic learning materials; • observing lessons, pupils working in electronic learning environments, school personnel at the workplace; • exploring different ways of ICT use in schools • meeting and talking to school directors, teachers, educational trainers, inspectors and local authorities. WHOM? • • • • Directors of education and vocational training institutions, centres or providers; educational and vocational training inspectors; head teachers, teacher trainers; representatives of local, regional and national authorities. SHORT DESCRIPTION IN THE HOST COUNTRY’S LANGUAGE: Organiser(s): GOLOVATSJOVA Olga Kohtla-Järve City Government Keskallee 19 30395 Kohtla-Järve Tel. +372- 337 85 64 Fax +372- 337 85 03 Email: [email protected] Website: Õppelähetuse peaeesmärgiks on tutvustada IKT kasutamise võimalusi õppetöö korraldamiseks mitmel tasandil (kooli, linna ja riigi tasandil) ning õppetegevuse mitmekesistamiseks. Sihtgrupiks on uuendusmeelsed koolijuhid ja haridusametnikud. Avaneb võimalus tutvustada IKT kasutamise meetodeid koolitunnis ja koolivälises tegevuses. Linna põhikoolid ja gümnaasiumid on võtnud kasutusele mitu programmi, mis aitavad hõlbustada infovahetust kooli ja kodu vahel ning tõhustavad töökorraldust. Infovahetust kõikide tasandite vahel aitab kergendada ka riiklik infosüsteem EHIS. Kohtla-Järve linna koolide tutvustus koolitundide ja seminaride näol annab ettekujutuse kaasaegsete IT vahendite kasutamisest õppetöös. Plaanis on samuti kohtumine aselinnapea ja hariduse spetsialistidega, kes jagavad informatsiooni Eesti haridussüsteemist ning ICT arendamisest linnas. CATALOGUE 2008-2009 75 INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES IN EDUCATION AND TRAINING E-learning and application of the learn management system in schools Group No: 219 Type of visit: General education 13/10/2008-17/10/2008 Güssing, Austria Working language: English EDUCATION AND TRAINING 2010 OBJECTIVES: 1.3. Ensuring access to ICT for everyone WHY? The visit is an opportunity to see implementation of LMS Burgenland (learn management system Burgenland) as a part of the Austrian e-learning initiative. WHAT? Participants will: • observe and share good practice in laptop classes in electronic learning environments; • discuss the possibilities of additional learning opportunities for gifted students; • learn about the tasks of regional professional development of digital didactics of teachers, IT- skills and knowledge. HOW? Number of places: 12 Minimum required: 6 • Presentation of methods used in different subjects during laptop classes; • visits to lower secondary schools, upper secondary schools and vocational schools with ICT projects; • meetings and discussions with experts. WHOM? • • • • • Directors of education and vocational training institutions, centres or providers; educational and vocational training inspectors; head teachers, teacher trainers; representatives of education and training networks and associations; representatives of local, regional and national authorities. SHORT DESCRIPTION IN THE HOST COUNTRY’S LANGUAGE: • Präsentation des LMS (Lernmanagementsystem Burgenland) als Teil der österreichischen e-Learning Initiative. • Arbeiten in Notebookklassen und e-Learning in verschiedenen Schultypen (BHS, AHS,APS). • Erfahrungsaustausch und Problematik des Unterrichtens in Notebookklassen in elektronischen Lernumgebungen. • Möglichkeiten der Individualisierung von Lernprozessen durch Zusatzangebote mittels eLearning-Umgebung. • Vorstellung und Diskussion von Konzepten in der Lehrerfortbildung zur Verbesserung der IT-Fähigkeit und Kenntnisse des Lehrpersonals. Geplant sind Unterrichtsbesuche in e-Learning-Klassen, Schulbesuche und Möglichkeiten des Erfahrungsaustausches mit Lehrerinnen und Lehrern, Schulleiterinnen und Schulleitern und Vertreterinnen und Vertretern von Schulbehörden und der pädagogischen Hochschule. Organiser(s): PAPAJANOPULOS Aristoteles Dr. Aristoteles Papajanopulos Schulstraße 17 7540 Güssing Tel. +43- 332 24 27 53 Fax +43- 332 24 27 53 22 Email: [email protected] WWW. – – 76 CEDEFOP – STUDY VISITS LES TECHNOLOGIES DE L’INFORMATION ET DE LA COMMUNICATION DANS L’ÉDUCATION ET LA FORMATION Les TIC et la formation en ligne pour améliorer le système éducatif et les compétences Numéro de groupe: 220 Type de visite: Enseignement général 28/10/2008-31/10/2008 Cagliari, Sardegna Italie OBJECTIFS EDUCATION ET FORMATION 2010: 1.1. Améliorer lʼéducation et la formation des enseignants et des formateurs 1.2. Développer les compétences nécessaires dans la société de la connaissance POURQUOI? LʼAgence nationale pour le développement de lʼautonomie scolaire à travers lʼaction de ses sections régionales compte parmi ses missions celle de promouvoir et de valoriser les expériences régionales nées dans le cadre de projets nationaux de formation ʻe-learning blendedʼ et innovants dans lʼutilisation des TIC. QUOI? Langue de travail: français Nombre de places: 15 Minimum requis: 5 On se propose donc de: • mettre en commun des initiatives de formation ʻe-learning blendedʼ menées par les écoles, telles que Digi Scuola, Poseidon, For; • valoriser de bonnes pratiques didactiques dans lʼemploi des TIC; -présenter le système de documentation nationale de bonnes pratiques didactiques (Gold) dans son actualisation au niveau régional; • renforcer la dimension européenne de lʼéducation et de la formation à travers un débat international dʼéchange et de confrontation sur les sujets abordés au cours de la visite. COMMENT? À travers: • la présentation de quelques modèles de formation ʻe-learningʼ: DIGI scuola, Poseidon, FOR; • des visites aux écoles ayant adhéré aux projets de formation ʻe-learningʼ et ayant de bonnes pratiques dans lʼutilisation des TIC; • la participation à des activités scolaires; • un débat avec tous les stakeholders: promoteurs dʼinitiatives nationales de formation, tuteurs ʻe-learningʼ et en présentiel, chefs dʼétablissement, responsables de lʼAgence nationale, responsables de lʼUSR (Bureau scolaire régional), enseignants, étudiants, participants européens, dans le but de mettre en commun les expériences des différents pays partipant à la Visite; • des réunions de réflexion sur lʼétat de lʼart au niveau régional sur lʼemploi des technologies de lʼinformation et de la communication dans lʼéducation et la formation; • une table ronde sur les points de force et les points de faiblesse. POUR QUI? Directeurs d΄institutions, de centres ou de prestataires d΄enseignement et de formation professionnels; directeurs de centres d΄orientation; inspecteurs d΄enseignement et de formation professionnels; professeurs principaux, formateurs d΄enseignants; responsables des ressources humaines; conseillers pédagogiques ou d΄orientation; représentants de services éducatifs, d΄agences pour l΄emploi ou de centres d΄orientation; représentants des autorités locales, régionales et nationales; chercheurs. BRÈVE DESCRIPTION DANS LA LANGUE DU PAYS D’ACCUEIL: Organisateur(s): CARLINI Caterina Agenzia Scuola Nucleo Regionale Sardegna Via Galassi, 2 09131 Cagliari Tel. +39-070 52 20 71 Fax +39-070 50 59 12 Email: [email protected] L’Agenzia Scuola attraverso i Nuclei regionali ha il compito di promuovere e valorizzare le esperienze regionali nate nel quadro di progetti nazionali di formazione e-learning blended e innovative nell’utilizzo delle Tic. Ci proponiamo di: socializzare iniziative di formazione e-learning blended condotte dalle scuole; valorizzare buone pratiche didattiche nell’utilizzo delle Tic; presentare il sistema di documentazione nazionale delle buone pratiche didattiche a livello regionale; rafforzare la dimensione europea dell’educazione e della formazione attraverso un dibattito internazionale di scambio e confronto. A tal fine intendiamo: presentare alcuni modelli di formazione e-learning; Visitare alcune scuole che hanno aderito ai piani di formazione elearning e hanno realizzato delle buone pratiche didattiche attraverso l’utilizzo delle Tic; assistere ad attività e laboratori; promuovere un dibattito che coinvolga promotori d’iniziative nazionali di formazione, tutor, capi d’istituto, responsabili dell’USR, insegnanti, studenti. CATALOGUE 2008-2009 77 INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES IN EDUCATION AND TRAINING Innovative school, electronic visual aids, e-school Group No: 221 Type of visit: General education 3/11/2008-7/11/2008 Tallinn, Estonia Working language: English Number of places: 12 Minimum required: 6 EDUCATION AND TRAINING 2010 OBJECTIVES: 1.3. Ensuring access to ICT for everyone WHY? • To introduce the unique idea of e-school to other European countries based on two Estonian gymnasiums. • To introduce the work of the National Examinations and Qualifications Centre: Estonian education information system (EHIS) and State exams. • To introduce the work of Tiger Leap Foundation – a national programme launched by the Estonian Government to increase the quality of Estonian school education using modern information and communication technology. WHAT? As the objective of our study visit is to learn about the use of electronic visual aids in secondary schools, we are keen to introduce among other innovative aids the unique idea of e-school we practise in Estonia. It would be useful to practise the same things in schools in other European countries. Participants will also learn how our Education information system works. HOW? • During the stay in Estonia we visit the National Examinations and Qualifications Centre to learn about Estonian education information system, State exams, final examinations of basic school, etc. • We also introduce Estonian Tiger Leap programme, their educational materials, and training of teachers on how to use modern ICT. • We will visit schools and lessons to see how modern information technology is used in the teaching and learning process (smart board. computers etc). • Participants will be able practise the work with modern technology. WHOM? • • • • • • • Directors of education and vocational training institutions, centres or providers; educational and vocational training inspectors; head teachers, teacher trainers; heads of departments; pedagogical or guidance advisers; representatives of education and training networks and associations; representatives of local, regional and national authorities. SHORT DESCRIPTION IN THE HOST COUNTRY’S LANGUAGE: Organiser(s): VALDMÄE Pille Harju County Government Roosikrantsi 12 15077 Tallinn Tel. +372- 611 87 52 Email: [email protected] Website: Teemaks on- innovaatiline kool – elektroonilised õppevahendid ja õpikeskkond. Esmalt esitlevad osavõtjad end ja tutvustavad oma maad ja siis tutvustame oma haridussüsteemi Harju Maavalitsuses. Edasi siirdume Saue Gümnaasiumi, kus tutvustatakse e-kooli ja vesteldakse õpilasesindusega.Teisel päeval läheme REKK-i (Riiklik Eksami- ja Kvalifikatsioonikeskus ) Seal tutvume EHIS-ga ( Eesti Hariduse Informatsioonisüsteem), riigieksamite jne. Kolmas päev: Viimsi Kool ja õppetundide külastus ning e-kooli tutvustamine. Neljas päev: Tiigrihüppe Sihtasutus, kus tutvume koolielu portaaliga, rahvusvaheliste projektidega ja õpetajate koolitusega. Viies päev: Saue Gümnaasium, võimalus proovida kasutada elektroonilisi õppevahendeid (puutetahvel, data-projektor jne. ja tutvuda õpikeskkonnaga. Kokkuvõtete tegemine ja õppelähetuse lõpetamine. WWW. 78 CEDEFOP – STUDY VISITS INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES IN EDUCATION AND TRAINING ICT – quality in education Group No: 222 Type of visit: General education 24/11/2008-28/11/2008 Bucharest, Romania Working language: English Number of places: 15 Minimum required: 8 EDUCATION AND TRAINING 2010 OBJECTIVES: 1.1. Improving education and training for teachers and trainers 1.3. Ensuring access to ICT for everyone WHY? For the Romanian educational system, quality, ICT, education are the most important words. At present, we are working to improve quality in lessons for all teachers of mathematics, physics, chemistry, IT. We have a virtual platform “DIDACTIC VIP”, for teachers. WHAT? The release of the SEI programme designed for the future information society: the IT accomplishment implementation in lessons, hoping to improve educational quality (presenting AEL platform at work in school laboratories), forming general education IT teachers and evaluating classes, presenting the performance of the National College of Computer Science Tudor Vianu in sciences through international collaboration during four Comenius projects (1999-2007). HOW? • By showing strong and weak points of our educational system; • by visiting schools, training institutions, IT companies- ORACLE, HP, SIVECO Romania, local authorities; • by observing students in classroom, in laboratories (physics, chemistry, IT, biology, foreign language); • by meeting and talking to directors of education, principals of high schools, social partners. WHOM? • • • • • Directors of guidance centres; directors of validation or accreditation centres; educational and vocational training inspectors; head teachers, teacher trainers; pedagogical or guidance advisers. Organiser(s): MORARU Silvia Tudor Vianu - National College of Computer Science 10 Arh. Ion Mincu 011358 Bucharest Tel. +40- 212 22 66 70 Fax +40- 212226670 Email: [email protected] Website: WWW. CATALOGUE 2008-2009 79 INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES IN EDUCATION AND TRAINING Using ICT in EFL classrooms Group No: 223 Type of visit: Mixed 15/12/2008-19/12/2008 Kocaeli, Turkey Working language: English Number of places: 15 Minimum required: 5 EDUCATION AND TRAINING 2010 OBJECTIVES: 1.2. Developing skills for the knowledge society 1.3. Ensuring access to ICT for everyone WHY? This study visit will focus on language education with the support of ICT and how smart boards can be used efficiently and effectively in the classroom in all subjects. We want to show participants how process of interactive programmes works in primary schools. The working team in this project are mainly English teachers with long-term experience and competent profiles. Our initiative is based on the belief that the programme should be designed by local teachers who have class experience, cultural and social background of the country and the students. On the other hand, programmers are also supposed to grasp the global culture and soul of the country where the target language is spoken. We would like to exchange ideas and share knowledge across cultures and discuss how to reflect the European dimension in the interactive programme. WHAT? The study visit will take place in Kocaeli which is located near Istanbul. Participants will: • study our project, learn about Turkish education system, foreign language teaching and learning system - using ICT in language classrooms; • get a broad insight into the culture and history of the host country; • experience Kocaeli, known as Nicomedia in early ages, and reflect on a rich cultural heritage from Roman, Byzantine, Ottoman and ancient Anatolian civilizations. HOW? The magnificent gulf and coastal city Kocaeli will be the setting for this visit focusing on teaching languages using ICT and whiteboards. Pod casting, blogging, carton strips, filmmaking and animation are just some examples of the creative use of ICT to improve the learning and teaching of foreign languages. This visit will include workshops, discussion groups and visits to a range of schools. These visits will allow participants to talk to pupils, teachers, principal teachers and school managers about the uptake and attainment in foreign languages through creative workshops and discussions. WHOM? • • • • • • • • • Directors of education and vocational training institutions, centres or providers; directors of guidance centres; educational and vocational training inspectors; head teachers, teacher trainers; heads of departments; pedagogical or guidance advisers; representatives of education and training networks and associations; representatives of local, regional and national authorities; researchers. SHORT DESCRIPTION IN THE HOST COUNTRY’S LANGUAGE: Organiser(s): AYKUT Nalan Turkan Dereli Secondary School Serdar Mah. D-100 Karayolu Alti 41100 Kocaeli Tel. +90 262 226 30 30 Fax +90 262 227 00 97 Email: [email protected] Bu ziyaret kapsamında okullarımızda bulunan akıllı tahtaların öğretmenler tarafından etkin bir şekilde kullanılması ve İngilizce eğitiminin interaktif bir şekilde yapılmasını sağlamak için Akıllı Tahta kullanımına ve etkileşimli İngilizce eğitim programına yönelik Hazırlayıcı Eğitim faaliyetleri katılımcılara tanıtılacaktır. Bu çalışmalar Kocaeli Valiliği Projeler Koordinasyon Merkezi,İl Milli Eğitim Müdürlüğü ,Kocaeli Büyükşehir Belediyesi,Nuh Çimento İ.Ö.Okuluʼnun koordinasyonu ile gerçekleştirilecektir. WWW. – 80 CEDEFOP – STUDY VISITS LES TECHNOLOGIES DE L’INFORMATION ET DE LA COMMUNICATION DANS L’ÉDUCATION ET LA FORMATION Hébergement et restauration TICE: outils et choix stratégiques au service des apprentissages Numéro de groupe: 224 Type de visite: Mixte 23/3/2009-27/3/2009 Biarritz, France Langue de travail: français OBJECTIFS EDUCATION ET FORMATION 2010: 1.3. Permettre à tous dʼavoir accès au TIC 2.1. Créer un environnement propice à lʼapprentissage POURQUOI? Après avoir participé à deux visites ARION, je souhaitais en organiser une. Personneressource TICE au collège Endarra dʼAnglet lʼan dernier, jʼai participé à lʼorganisation dʼune journée e-education. Toutes sortes dʼusages innovants et performants des TICE y ont été présentés que nous pourrions faire connaître. Le lycée hôtelier de Biarritz, où je suis nommée cette année, est pilote pour expérimenter une salle média-langues. Il est aussi bien placé pour assurer un hébergement de qualité. Depuis Biarritz on peut visiter deux départements qui ont des politiques de développement des TICE différentes. QUOI? Nombre de places: 15 Minimum requis: 8 • Exemples dʼutilisation des TICE au service des apprentissages en particulier des langues vivantes étrangères ou régionales; • présentation du référentiel de compétences informatiques B2i et de sa plate-forme de validation en ligne; • pilotage des projets au niveau académique (CATICE), départemental (Conseil général) et local (établissements); • présentation des outils fournis par le CATICE pour faciliter le travail au niveau de lʼétablissement; • comparaison de deux politiques différentes: celle du département des Landes: «un Collégien – un portable» et celle des Pyrénées-Atlantiques centrée sur lʼaccompagnement de projets spécifiques; • selon les dates, participation à la journée e-education 2009 du Conseil général du 64. COMMENT? • • • • Visites dʼétablissements, séances dʼapprentissage avec les baladeurs MP3, atelier media-langues, discussion avec enseignants et élèves, rencontre avec le directeur du CATICE et du projet «e-savoir» et avec des personnels particuliers du système éducatif français: conseillers principaux dʼéducation, conseillers dʼorientation, documentaliste: leur usage des TICE, • débats. POUR QUI? • Directeurs d΄institutions, de centres ou de prestataires d΄enseignement et de formation professionnels; • directeurs de centres de validation; • inspecteurs d΄enseignement et de formation professionnels; • professeurs principaux, formateurs d΄enseignants; • conseillers pédagogiques ou d΄orientation; • représentants de services éducatifs, d΄agences pour l΄emploi ou de centres d΄orientation; • représentants des autorités locales, régionales et nationales. Organisateur(s): PROVOT Dominique Lycée Hôtelier et de Tourisme 2, rue Francis Jammes BP 167 64990 Biarritz Tel. +33-5 59 41 27 28 Fax +33-5 59 41 70 34 Email: [email protected] WWW. – – CATALOGUE 2008-2009 81 INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES IN EDUCATION AND TRAINING Q-school: ICT support for quality school Group No: 225 Type of visit: General education 20/4/2009-23/4/2009 Ptuj, Slovenia Working language: English EDUCATION AND TRAINING 2010 OBJECTIVES: 1.2. Developing skills for the knowledge society 1.3. Ensuring access to ICT for everyone WHY? According to regional strategic plan (2008-12) of Ptuj and Spodnje Podravje region which determines the regional objectives towards ICT support at all levels, we decided to participate as an example of good practice. We use ICT technologies on many levels: administrative, management, assessment, e-learning, virtual classrooms, electronic grade-book, examinations apply. Our clients are mainly employed adults and by using ICT technology and services we are trying to help them to get quicker and easier access to knowledge, save their money and time as well. At the same time we are preparing them for access to information society and using new technologies. WHAT? Number of places: 15 Minimum required: 12 • Participants will benefit from our good practice – by exchanging knowledge and spreading it wider into EU we are connecting to distant cities and countries. • Participants will have the opportunity of using our software for the needs of their specific educational fields. We will share our experiences, knowledge and skills to contribute to EU agenda on mobility and exchanging good practice. • We will organise a seminar on how to create an e-learning environment from scratch. HOW? • • • • Exchanging examples of good practice: using and learning by ICT technologies. sharing our experiences with staff, students, professors and external experts; meetings and practical workshop; round table at the end of the study visit where together with staff, students, professors, external experts and other clients we will share and compare our experiences on the field of ICT. We will try to find out which are the strong and weak points of using ICT technologies and how to improve the system in the future. WHOM? Company training managers; directors of education and vocational training institutions, centres or providers; educational and vocational training inspectors; head teachers, teacher trainers; human resource managers; pedagogical or guidance advisers; representatives of education and training networks and associations; representatives of employersʼ organisations; researchers. SHORT DESCRIPTION IN THE HOST COUNTRY’S LANGUAGE: Organiser(s): ŠILAK Dušan Ljudska Univerza Ptuj Mestni trg 2 SI-2250 Ptuj Tel. +386- 27 49 21 51 Fax +386- 27 49 21 56 Email: [email protected] Website: Kot smo že navedli, predvidevamo študijski obisk v mesecu aorilu 2009. Menimo, da bo tema seminarja dovolj zanimiva za organizacije, ki se ukvarjajo z izobraževanjem odraslih v večjih evropskih državah. Študijski obisk bomo organizirali v prostorih Ljudske univerze Ptuj, kjer razpolagamo z dobro usposobljenimi in opremljenimi prostori , kakor tudi s sposobnim osebjem. Odločili smo se, da bomo izbrali področje učenja s podporo najsodobnejše tehnologije, ki ga pri nas že nekaj časa izvajamo in sprotno posodabljamo. S pomočjo uvajanja e-učenja pripomoremo k temu, da je izobraževanje dostopnejše najširši javnosti, je tudi cenejše in hitrejše. Ob tem pa se seveda zavedamo, da je in bo ostal osebni stik najpomembnejši dejavnik. Ptuj ima kar nekaj nastanitvenih zmogljivosti, zato s samo nastanitvijo udeležencev seminarja ne pričakujemo težav. Predavanja bodo pripravili naši zunanji in notranji strokovnjaki, ki tudi pripravljajo spletna gradiva, indekse, ocenjevanje ipd. Ker vemo, da je tovrstno izobraževanje ponekod v Evropi že močno razširjeno, pričakujemo od tega obiska predvsem izmenjavo dobrih praks, ki bo koristila vsem, najbolj pa udeležencem izobraževanj. Za goste bomo pripravili tudi srečanje z nekaterimi našimi udeleženci, da bodo dobili najbolj iskren vtis, kako le-ti doživljajo in uporabljajo tovrstno učenje. Za konec predvidevamo pripravo evalvacije in zaključnega poročila o študijskem obisku. Ob tem pa seveda upamo, da bomo z gosti iz tujine pridobili nove izkušnje, koristne strokovne napotke, predvsem pa dobra poznanstva, ki bodo vsem omogočile nadaljnje tesnejše sodelovanje. WWW. 82 CEDEFOP – STUDY VISITS INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES IN EDUCATION AND TRAINING Digital competence and e-inclusion Group No: 226 Type of visit: General education 20/4/2009-24/4/2009 Barcelona, Spain Working language: English Number of places: 15 Minimum required: 8 EDUCATION AND TRAINING 2010 OBJECTIVES: 1.2. Developing skills for the knowledge society 1.3. Ensuring access to ICT for everyone WHY? Digital competence is one of the eight key competences for lifelong leaning identified by the European Commission as it: • involves the confident and critical use of information society technology (IST) in work, leisure and communication; • multiplies the number of resources available and the capacity to communicate and share with others, irrespective of time and place boundaries; • fosters pupils autonomy and their capacity to take control over their own learning processes; • equips pupils with necessary tools to live in a knowledge based society and become lifelong learners. E-inclusion, or using computer based technology for inclusion in schools, is a way to: • provide assistance to pupils who require additional support and connects rural areas; • provide tools to overcome mental, sensory, voice and speech, movement, and other pupils disabilities; • improve access to ICT and opportunities for skills development as an important factor for social cohesion; • foster personalisation in schools to improve the inclusion of immigrant pupils. WHAT? • • • • • • Show what schools are doing to teach and learn through ICT and improve inclusion policies; share investment, maintenance and training policies in schools; provide results on the impact of ICT in Catalan schools; exchange information on ongoing actions and projects; reflect on policies for the future; assess ways of fostering digital competence: learning communities, collaborative learning systems, repositories, social and open software; • present ongoing programmes and initiatives. HOW? • • • • • Visit primary and secondary schools involved in ICT and e-inclusion projects, visit institutions responsible for initial and in-service training to teachers, discuss policies and visions, meet with experts, provide opportunities to communicate with principals, teachers and pupils. WHOM? Directors of education and vocational training institutions, centres or providers; educational and vocational training inspectors; pedagogical or guidance advisers; representatives of education and training networks and associations; representatives of educational services, labour offices or guidance centres; representatives of local, regional and national authorities; researchers. SHORT DESCRIPTION IN THE HOST COUNTRY’S LANGUAGE: Organiser(s): VIDAL Joana Departamento de Educación y Universidades Via Augusta 202 08021 Barcelona Tel. +34- 934006933 Fax +34- 934006981 Email: [email protected] El propósito general de la visita será compartir políticas y visiones para mejorar la enseñanza-aprendizaje de la Competencia digital y la e-inclusión en los centros de primaria y secundaria europeos. La Competencia Digital es una de las 8 competencias clave para el aprendizaje a lo largo de toda la vida identificadas por la Comisión Europea; la e-inclusión ofrece herramientas de apoyo efectivas a los alumnos con Necesidades Educativas Específicas. En esta visita se expondrán propuestas teóricas, estudios, recursos, proyectos e iniciativas en curso en Cataluña. A continuación, los participantes tendrán la oportunidad de visitar centros de enseñanza de primaria y secundaria y de formación del profesorado. Finalmente se compartirá la situación de ambas temáticas en los países representados y se llevará a cabo una reflexión y debate sobre políticas y visiones de futuro. WWW. – – CATALOGUE 2008-2009 83 INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES IN EDUCATION AND TRAINING ICT in education and language teaching Group No: 227 Type of visit: General education 4/5/2009-8/5/2009 Izmir, Turkey Working language: English Number of places: 15 Minimum required: 10 EDUCATION AND TRAINING 2010 OBJECTIVES: 1.3. Ensuring access to ICT for everyone 3.3. Improving foreign language learning WHY? This study visit aims to raise awareness of the need to use ICT in education and language learning in all areas of the 2010 educational objectives. Ensuring access to ICT for everyone is our institutions main aim. Low socio-economical standards prevent many children in our province from owning new technologies. In our schools, we give everyone the opportunity to learn and use ICT. This study visit will give us a chance to show our experiences in integrating disadvantaged children by using ICT. To make learning more attractive, ICT is one of the best materials in language learning. Improving foreign language learning is our objective to enlarge our vision and cultural dialogue. In Karsiyaka, we use new audio-visual aids and new technologies in our ICT classrooms to raise standards of education and increase motivation. WHAT? • This study visit will focus on the perception and role of ICT in Turkish education system and on the use of ICT as a tool in language teaching. • Participants will see how language learning can be promoted outside formal education; how to encourage language learning at both early and older ages. • They will also see: training teacher in ICT, collaborative learning systems, learning experiences, ICT in school management and education, electronic whiteboards. HOW? This study visit will include: • meetings and discussions with experts, • visits to both primary and secondary schools, • observing some ICT projects and ICT classrooms. WHOM? Directors of education and vocational training institutions, centres or providers; directors of guidance centres; directors of validation or accreditation centres; educational and vocational training inspectors; head teachers, teacher trainers; heads of departments; pedagogical or guidance advisers; representatives of education and training networks and associations; representatives of educational services, labour offices or guidance centres; representatives of employersʼ organisations; representatives of local, regional and national authorities; representatives of trade unions; researchers. SHORT DESCRIPTION IN THE HOST COUNTRY’S LANGUAGE: Bu çalışma ziyaretinde, eğitimde Bilgi ve İletişim Teknolojileri ve Yabancı Dil Eğitiminde kullanımının önemini incelemeyi hedefliyoruz. Bilgi ve İletişim Teknolojilerinin, yabancı dil eğitiminde etkili bir araç olarak kullanılması öğrenci motivasyonunu da arttırmaktadır. İlçemiz okullarında bulunan BTS sınıflarında bu eğitim verilmektedir ve bu ziyarette, katılımcılarımızla bu sınıflarımızda çalışma fırsatı bulacağız. Bilgilerimizi paylaşacağımız ve gelecekteki ortaklıklar için çalışma şansı bulacağımız ziyareti Bilgi ve İletişim Teknolojilerinin eğitimdeki öneminin anlaşılmasında bir adım olacağını düşünüyoruz. Organiser(s): TETIK Melike Bahar Tike Institution Karsiyaka National Education Directorate Zubeyde Hanim Cad. No:1 Kat:3 35530 Izmir Tel. +90 50 58 42 43 71 Fax +90 232 68 51 17 Email: [email protected] WWW. 84 CEDEFOP – STUDY VISITS INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES IN EDUCATION AND TRAINING Log on to education – Improving methodology and teaching techniques through ICT Group No: 228 Type of visit: General education 4/5/2009-8/5/2009 Cordoba, Spain Working language: English Number of places: 20 Minimum required: 12 EDUCATION AND TRAINING 2010 OBJECTIVES: 1.1. Improving education and training for teachers and trainers 1.2. Developing skills for the knowledge society WHY? Using ICT in our classrooms is not just fashionable, but it is a real concern. By the horizon of 2012 every school in Andalusia will incorporate technological resources in order to teach through computers. It is a challenge for students but for teachers as well, who have to improve their methods and techniques to face difficult and new issues. More than 1800 schools in our autonomous region are benefiting from new and modern technological equipment which aid in new ways of organisation, interaction and learning strategies – they have to be updated everyday. The educative training services are making a huge effort to provide each school and staff with the maximum facilities and pedagogical background to make them better teachers and in turn, better schools. WHAT? Participants will discuss, share and learn about: • different approaches in using ICT; • pedagogical and methodology difficulty in using ICT; • different educative systems and approaches in the EU; • good practices in ICT; • ways to encourage good practices in EU schools and teachers. HOW? Participants will achieve the aims by: • sharing and discussing their experiences; • visiting and observing ICT lessons in technological schools (primary and secondary); • showing strong and weak points of Andalusian ICT policy; • showing and discussing ICT planning and resources in a local CEP (teachers training centre); • meeting and talking to teachers and trainers at ICT schools. WHOM? Head teachers, teacher trainers; heads of departments; pedagogical or guidance advisers. SHORT DESCRIPTION IN THE HOST COUNTRY’S LANGUAGE: Andalucía es pionera en el uso educativo de recursos digitales e informáticos para la enseñanza. Este distintivo está basado en el esfuerzo fundamentalmente económico que está llevando a cabo la Administración educativa, pero sobre todo en el de los profesionales de la enseñanza, que de forma voluntaria se han incorporado a este tipo de proyectos, y en consecuencia se han “CONECTADO A LA ENSEÑANZA”. Los Centros de Profesorado están desempeñando una función crucial en este empeño. En concreto el CEP de Córdoba cuenta con un equipo humano y profesional absolutamente volcado en el desarrollo e implementación de nuevas técnicas y buenas prácticas educativas para impulso de todos y todas y para la consecución de mejores resultados académicos en los centros de su ámbito. Desarrollo de TIC e infraestructura para que esto sea una realidad son aspectos muy comunes en nuestra labor diaria, motivo por el cual, en ese aspecto tenemos mucho que compartir. Organiser(s): BLÁZQUEZ RUZ Francisco Javier CEP “Luisa Revuelta” Córdoba-Spain Doña Berenguela Street s/n 14006 Cordoba Tel. +34- 957 35 24 81-89 Fax +34- 957 35 25 11 Email: [email protected] WWW. – – CATALOGUE 2008-2009 85 LES TECHNOLOGIES DE L’INFORMATION ET DE LA COMMUNICATION DANS L’ÉDUCATION ET LA FORMATION Promotion des compétences linguistiques grâce aux technologies de l’information et de la communication Numéro de groupe: 229 Type de visite: Enseignement général 11/5/2009-15/5/2009 La Almunia, Zaragoza Espagne Langue de travail: français Nombre de places: 20 Minimum requis: 12 OBJECTIFS EDUCATION ET FORMATION 2010: 1.2. Développer les compétences nécessaires dans la société de la connaissance 1.5. Optimiser lʼutilisation des ressources POURQUOI? La capacité de lecture est un des niveaux de référence pour les objectifs éducatifs de l´Union européenne (mai 2003). Les derniers résultats de l´enquête PISA démontrent que la compréhension de la lecture est également un défi pour l´éducation des jeunes espagnols. Dans la Communauté autonome d´Aragon et en particulier dans la zone de travail du «Centre de formation des professeurs et ressources (CPR)» de L´Almunia, divers programmes d´activités pour l´amélioration des compétences clés se déroulent. L´objectif de travail particulier de cette visite se réfère aux compétences de communication dans la propre langue; compétence digitale; apprendre à apprendre et conscience et expression culturelles. La promotion de la lecture et de l´écriture est autant un des axes prioritaires du Département d´éducation, de culture et de sport d´Aragon que de l´Espagne. QUOI? • Présentation des programmes institutionnels: Bibliothèques, «Initiation à la lecture», «Saber Leer», par les centres participant à ces programmes; • recueil des contributions des participants à propos d´initiatives similaires dans leur pays d´origine; • présentation des moyens d´Information et de communication liés à la promotion de la lecture et de l´écriture pour les plus jeunes; • utilisation des nouvelles technologies ayant cette finalité: Programme Ardoises Digitales, Centre aragonais de ressources éducatives (CATEDU). COMMENT? • Visite des centres éducatifs; • participation à des activités concrètes qui se sont organisées dans les programmes antérieurs: lecture de contes; • présentation des programmes institutionnels par leurs responsables; • visite des classes d´immersion linguistique et d´enseignement de l´espagnol; • visite des centres qui participent au programme Ardoises Digitales; • participation aux Journées autour de la litterature enfantine et juvénile. POUR QUI? Directeurs d΄institutions, de centres ou de prestataires d΄enseignement et de formation professionnels; directeurs de centres d΄orientation; inspecteurs d΄enseignement et de formation professionnels; professeurs principaux, formateurs d΄enseignants; chefs de départements; conseillers pédagogiques ou d΄orientation; représentants de réseaux et d΄associations d΄enseignement et de formation; représentants de services éducatifs, d΄agences pour l΄emploi ou de centres d΄orientation. BRÈVE DESCRIPTION DANS LA LANGUE DU PAYS D’ACCUEIL: Organisateur(s): GARCIA GARCIA Rosario CPR La Almunia La Paz s/n 50100 La Almunia (Zaragoza) Tel. +34- 976 81 17 32 Fax +34- 976 81 17 33 Email: [email protected] El fomento de la lectura y escritura es una de las líneas prioritarias del Departamento de Educación Cultura y Deporte de Aragón y también de España. El objetivo de trabajo en esta visita Arión se refiere a las competencias de comunicación en la propia lengua; competencia digital; aprender a aprender y conciencia y expresión culturales. Así por ejemplo, desde la formación y promoción de las líneas de trabajo del Departamento, se siguen en los centros del ámbito de La Almunia, los programas institucionales del Departamento de Educación Aragonés de bibliotecas y fomento de la lectura , programas de inmersión lingüística y aulas de aprendizaje de español para inmigrantes. Se editan bianualmente jornadas de estudio e intercambio de experiencias para el fomento de la lectura y escritura entorno a la Literatura Infantil y Juvenil. En las Jornadas que van a desarrollarse en 2009 el tema de estudio girará entorno a la relación de los intereses de los lectores y escritores infantiles y juveniles con respecto a los medios de información y comunicación y las nuevas tecnologías. WWW. 86 CEDEFOP – STUDY VISITS INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES IN EDUCATION AND TRAINING Using interactive technologies to improve learning and teaching in education Group No: 230 Type of visit: General education 15/6/2009-19/6/2009 Rochdale, Lancashire England, UK Working language: English Number of places: 15 Minimum required: 12 EDUCATION AND TRAINING 2010 OBJECTIVES: 1.1. Improving education and training for teachers and trainers 1.2. Developing skills for the knowledge society WHY? • England has seen a huge level of investment into interactive technologies. • All schools in Rochdale have interactive technology used by staff and children (whiteboards, slates, plasma screens). • Many other European countries are now beginning to look at this technology. • The visit offers the opportunity to see these technologies being used with children aged from 3-18 in both mainstream education and special education. • Some of the schools we will visit have awards for best practice. • There are over 83 different languages spoken in Rochdale schools. The schools demonstrate the range of provision and challenges encountered across the borough. WHAT? Participants will: • be familiar with the expectations of the staff and children when using interactive technologies; • be able to examine the strengths and weakness of using interactive technologies in education; • have the opportunity to observe the impact of using these technologies in the classroom. HOW? Participants will: • visit and speak to staff in nursery schools, primary schools, special schools, secondary schools and city learning centres; • see how interactive technologies are used across a wide range of age groups and for different purposes; • speak with education consultants and to discuss how they have adapted their practice to include this new technology; • observe classroom practice with students of all ages and abilities; • discuss how effective this technology is with teachers, teaching assistants and children; • explore some of the challenges presented when implementing new technologies. WHOM? • • • • • • • Directors of education and vocational training institutions, centres or providers; educational and vocational training inspectors; head teachers, teacher trainers; heads of departments; pedagogical or guidance advisers; representatives of education and training networks and associations; representatives of local, regional and national authorities. Organiser(s): MCCORMICK Zita Institution School Improvement Team Highwood Centre, Highwood, Norden, Rochdale OL11 5XP Lancashire Tel. +44- 17 06 65 29 20 Fax +44- 17 06 65 29 25 Email: [email protected] Website: WWW. – – CATALOGUE 2008-2009 87 EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES FOR DISADVANTAGED STUDENTS IN EDUCATION AND VOCATIONAL TRAINING SYSTEMS Tackling the link between socioeconomic disadvantage and low achievement Group No: 231 Type of visit: General education 29/9/2008-3/10/2008 Cardiff, Wales, UK Working language: English Number of places: 25 Minimum required: 10 EDUCATION AND TRAINING 2010 OBJECTIVES: 2.2. Making learning more attractive 2.3. Supporting active citizenship, equal opportunities and social cohesion WHY? To explore our 3-year RAISE programme for social justice in education, which gives extra funding to schools with the highest levels of deprivation. Many schools employ extra staff but we encourage sustainable, capacity-building strategies; such as developing: • more relevant skills-focussed curricula; • staff skills to support pupils more effectively; • resources to make learning easier for disadvantaged pupils; • new ways for pupils to gain qualifications; • the schoolʼs role in the community. RAISE emphasises action research as a tool for identifying the lessons learned from initiatives. WHAT? To understand: • socio-economic factors impacting on pupilsʼ learning; • strategies for addressing links between deprivation and underachievement; • principles in promoting social justice in education; • the rôle of central and local government and schools; • the importance of action research and self-evaluation in improving provision for disadvantaged learners; • the contribution of external evaluation and research to social justice in education. HOW? • • • • • • • • • • Visit schools and training agencies in the RAISE programme; observe teaching and learning; engage with national and local policy-makers and administrators; discuss issues with external evaluators of RAISE participate in a conference of schools and local authorities across Wales; hear from agencies addressing social justice in Wales; learn from recent studies and research; meet school inspectors; take part in group discussions of socio-economic and educational issues; evaluate our approaches. WHOM? Organiser(s): MORGAN Paul Welsh Assembly Government Third Floor, CP2 CF10 3NQ Cardiff Tel. +44- 29-20826020 Fax +44- 29-826016 Email: [email protected] Website: • • • • • • • • Directors of education and vocational training institutions, centres or providers; educational and vocational training inspectors; head teachers, teacher trainers; heads of departments; pedagogical or guidance advisers; representatives of education and training networks and associations; representatives of educational services, labour offices or guidance centres; representatives of local, regional and national authorities. 88 CEDEFOP – STUDY VISITS EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES FOR DISADVANTAGED STUDENTS IN EDUCATION AND VOCATIONAL TRAINING SYSTEMS Create chances – a Hungarian proposal Group No: 232 Type of visit: General education 13/10/2008-17/10/2008 Budapest, Hungary Working language: English EDUCATION AND TRAINING 2010 OBJECTIVES: 1.1. Improving education and training for teachers and trainers WHY? • We have special expertise in educating disadvantaged pupils to share. • We feel special responsibility for the welfare of our ethnic minority, the Hungarian pupils of gipsy origin. • We have many questions about our outcomes, and direction of developments. • We offer Budapest as a meeting place, because: – it is easy to reach by air; – it is an exciting cultural metropolis; – the organiser university and one of the schools to be visited are located here. WHAT? Number of places: 14 Minimum required: 4 Our learning objectives are: • to experience the deliberating strength of an art project; • to get acquainted with the KOMP (comprehensive) model of education; • to get familiar with the Ambédkar model school for gipsy minority, the role of identity in education; • to collect useful methods for educating disadvantaged pupils. HOW? • • • • By taking part in a one-day art project, by listening to a presentation on the topic, by visiting schools in the county, and Budapest, by discussing with pupils, teachers, parents, and researchers. WHOM? Head teachers, teacher trainers. SHORT DESCRIPTION IN THE HOST COUNTRY’S LANGUAGE: 1. Először egy művészeti projektbe kóstolhatnak bele a résztvevők, ahol megtapasztalhatják mennyire felszabadítóan hat a közös alkotó tevékenység – csakúgy, mint a tanártovábbképzéseink résztvevőire, vagy a tanulókra (önbecsülés, csoport építés. 2. Másnap előadásokban mutatjuk be a magyar oktatásügyet, a hátrányos helyzet hazai formáit, az esélyteremtés modelljeit, a szegregáció ellen tett sikeres lépéseket. Majd meghallgatjuk a résztvevők saját tapasztalatait. 3. A jó gyakorlatot két iskolapéldái: Egy napot egy falusi cigány iskolában töltünk, egyet pedig a KOMP (komprehenzív) program egy budapesti iskolájában, a Deák Diákban. 4. A hetet a tanulságok közös megfogalmazásával zárjuk. Organiser(s): GAUL Emil Moholy-Nagy University of Arts and Design Zugligeti út 9-25. 1121 Budapest Tel. +36- 1-3921183 Fax +36- 1-3921183 Email: [email protected] Website: WWW. – – – CATALOGUE 2008-2009 89 EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES FOR DISADVANTAGED STUDENTS IN EDUCATION AND VOCATIONAL TRAINING SYSTEMS Including children with additional needs in schools, units and other provision Group No: 233 Type of visit: General education 10/11/2008-14/11/2008 Hull, England, UK Working language: English Number of places: 12 Minimum required: 6 EDUCATION AND TRAINING 2010 OBJECTIVES: 2.3. Supporting active citizenship, equal opportunities and social cohesion WHY? Hull City Council is leading on innovative ways to work with the citizens of Hull. A massive programme of regeneration is under way that will change the infrastructure of the city. These changes are of particular importance to the young people of the city. The council and its partners are committed to the every child matters agenda; its work with children and young people is summed up in its strap line ʻno child left behindʼ. The study visit explores how the children and young peopleʼs services provide equal opportunities for disadvantaged pupils in education and vocational training systems. WHAT? Visitors will gain an understanding of how: • children and young peopleʼs health and social needs are met alongside their educational needs; • inclusive practice works in schools in an inner city area; • children taught in special settings can be helped to return to mainstream schools; • the regeneration of the city is intrinsically linked with educational development; • the growth of childrenʼs centres promotes inclusion. HOW? The visit will include: • a corporate introduction to recent and proposed developments in the city council; • visits to a mainstream primary school with support service provision. The visits will provide opportunities for visitors to see innovative practice, to discuss issues with head teachers and other officers of the city council, and to talk with children and young people about their experiences; • mainstream secondary school demonstrating innovative practice; • special schools and outreach services; • unit for pupils with medical needs; • childrenʼs centre; • team of teachers who work with children looked after by the local authority. WHOM? • • • • • • • Directors of education and vocational training institutions, centres or providers; educational and vocational training inspectors; head teachers, teacher trainers; pedagogical or guidance advisers; representatives of education and training networks and associations; representatives of educational services, labour offices or guidance centres; researchers. Organiser(s): HAYTON June Special Educational Needs Support Service The Priory Centre, Priory Road HU5 5RU Hull Tel. +44- 14 82 61 66 45 Fax +44- 14 82 61 66 48 Email: [email protected] Website: WWW. – – – 90 CEDEFOP – STUDY VISITS EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES FOR DISADVANTAGED STUDENTS IN EDUCATION AND VOCATIONAL TRAINING SYSTEMS Inclusion in education Group No: 234 Type of visit: General education 18/11/2008-21/11/2008 Dublin, Ireland Working language: English Number of places: 10 Minimum required: 6 EDUCATION AND TRAINING 2010 OBJECTIVES: 2.3. Supporting active citizenship, equal opportunities and social cohesion WHY? Every child and young person deserves an equal chance to access, participate in and benefit from education. In a school setting this can present many challenges as schools and other education establishments deal with a wide range of inclusion issues and challenges to ensure the inclusion and full participation of students with learning difficulties, disabilities, students from a low socio-economic backgrounds and students of different cultures/languages/working with changing demographics. WHAT? This study visit will look at a wide range of approaches to inclusion and visit schools and other educational establishments who have experience in dealing with inclusion issues to look at the practical application in the classroom. The study visit will include the following: • approaches to mixed ability teaching, • tools for inclusion in the classroom, • integration of special needs students, • inclusion issues related to changing demographics in society. Study visit participants will have the opportunity to see the practical application of the above measures for inclusion. There will also be a series of talks on the history, current structure and future of the Irish educational system. HOW? • • • • Meetings and discussions with national experts and specialist organisations, exchange of experience, visits to school, visits to educational organisations dealing with inclusion issues. WHOM? • • • • • • • • • • Directors of education and vocational training institutions, centres or providers; directors of guidance centres; educational and vocational training inspectors; head teachers, teacher trainers; heads of departments; pedagogical or guidance advisers; representatives of education and training networks and associations; representatives of educational services, labour offices or guidance centres; representatives of local, regional and national authorities; researchers. Organiser(s): MC DYER Lorraine Leargas - Education Service 189 Parnell Street Dublin 1 Tel. +353- 18 73 14 11 Fax +353- 18 73 13 16 Email: [email protected] WWW. – CATALOGUE 2008-2009 91 EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES FOR DISADVANTAGED STUDENTS IN EDUCATION AND VOCATIONAL TRAINING SYSTEMS Equality in vocational education and training Group No: 235 Type of visit: VET 9/2/2009-12/2/2009 Dublin, Ireland Working language: English Number of places: 12 Minimum required: 8 EDUCATION AND TRAINING 2010 OBJECTIVES: 1.2. Developing skills for the knowledge society 2.3. Supporting active citizenship, equal opportunities and social cohesion WHY? As with many European countries the makeup of the Irish workforce has changed considerably in recent years. Investing in equality and diversity is key to mobilising and developing this changing workforce. In addition to obligations on providers in vocational education and training not to discriminate, there is a strong economic and social argument to ensure the participation of learners from all groups experiencing inequality. WHAT? The study visit will look at a range of initiatives in vocational education and training that attempt to promote equality of participation. It will look at a broad range of equality issues including socio economic disadvantage, ethnic minority inclusion promoting a broader representation of women and older people in vocational training and highlight challenged and successes in these inclusion initiatives. HOW? • Presentations of the role of equality and inclusion initiatives in vocational education and training; • visits to vocational training organisations implementing a range of equality initiatives; • discussion with study visits participants the use of equality initiates in their countries. WHOM? • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Company training managers; directors of education and vocational training institutions, centres or providers; directors of validation or accreditation centres; educational and vocational training inspectors; heads of departments; human resource managers; owners/managers of SMEs; representatives of chambers of commerce/ industry/crafts; representatives of education and training networks and associations; representatives of educational services, labour offices or guidance centres; representatives of employersʼ organisations; representatives of local, regional and national authorities; representatives of trade unions; researchers. Organiser(s): MC DYER Lorraine Leargas - Education Service 189 Parnell Street Dublin 1 Tel. +353- 18 73 14 11 Fax +353- 18 73 13 16 Email: [email protected] WWW. – 92 CEDEFOP – STUDY VISITS EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES FOR DISADVANTAGED STUDENTS IN EDUCATION AND VOCATIONAL TRAINING SYSTEMS Students with special needs – the Finnish way of action Group No: 236 Type of visit: VET 9/2/2009-13/2/2009 Oulu, Finland Working language: English Number of places: 15 Minimum required: 10 EDUCATION AND TRAINING 2010 OBJECTIVES: 2.3. Supporting active citizenship, equal opportunities and social cohesion WHY? As a principle each individual has the right to take part in vocational education and training and access working life and society. In practical terms various support services and cooperation with professionals are needed to support the principle, both when entering from basic education to vocational upper secondary education and training, and to working life. In relation to support services the study visit will give participants an overall view of special needs education in Finland. The visit will be organised by Luovi Vocational Institute and its partners. The versatile range of special needs education includes both preparatory and rehabilitative education and vocational education and training. Adult education and liberal adult education are also included. WHAT? The main topics of the visit are: • the Finnish education system, focusing on vocational education and training; • structure, opportunities for students with special needs in vocational education and training, modes and methods; • how to meet students with special needs; • role of guidance and counselling; • multiprofessional cooperation: parents, primary schools, vocational schools, special schools, social workers, health care services, employment services; • vocational special needs education and training institute role as resource centres. HOW? The objectives will be achieved by: • presentations of the Finnish system of special needs education and the role of vocational special needs education and training institutes as resource centres; • observing training in various groups; • preparatory training, VET groups on upper secondary level and adult groups in Luovi Vocational Institute; • visiting other vocational schools, labour market services and other services intended for students with special needs; • discussions with specialists. WHOM? Company training managers; directors of education and vocational training institutions, centres or providers; directors of guidance centres; educational and vocational training inspectors; head teachers, teacher trainers; pedagogical or guidance advisers. SHORT DESCRIPTION IN THE HOST COUNTRY’S LANGUAGE: Organiser(s): KUOSMANEN Mari Institution Luovi Vocational Institute Nahkatehtaankatu 3 90100 Oulu Tel. +358- 403 19 32 64 Fax +358- 88 84 85 29 Email: [email protected] Website: Opintovierailun tarkoituksena on antaa laaja kuva suomalaisesta tavasta toteuttaa erityistä tukea tarvitsevien koulutusta. Pääpaino on ammatillisessa koulutuksessa, mutta huomiota kiinnitetään myös nivelvaiheisiin peruskoulusta ammatilliseen koulutukseen ja sieltä työelämään tai muuhun yhteiskuntaan sijoittumiseen. Moniammatillinen yhteistyö ja erilaiset tukitoimet ovat opintovierailun aiheita. Toteutustapa: esitykset koulutusjärjestelmästä ja ammatillisten erityisoppilaitosten roolista palvelu- ja kehittämiskeskuksina; opetuksen seuraaminen valmentavan ja ammatillisen koulutuksen ryhmissä niin nuorten kuin aikuisopiskelijoiden; vierailut ammatillisiin oppilaitoksiin, työelämäpalveluihin; keskustelut ammattilaisten kanssa opintovierailun aikana. WWW. – CATALOGUE 2008-2009 93 EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES FOR DISADVANTAGED STUDENTS IN EDUCATION AND VOCATIONAL TRAINING SYSTEMS Education and vocational training, also for deaf and deafblind people Group No: 237 Type of visit: Mixed 9/3/2009-13/3/2009 Lisbon, Portugal Working language: English Number of places: 15 Minimum required: 8 EDUCATION AND TRAINING 2010 OBJECTIVES: 1.5. Making the best use of resources 2.1. Open learning environment WHY? Experience in dealing with the theme, special expertise and policies, actions, innovations and good practices. Casa Pia de Lisboa has an equipment, the New Opportunities Center, the only one in Portugal working for deaf, blind and deafblind adults, which has as its main goal the increase of the educational level of this population, through a system of recognition, validation and certification of competences. WHAT? Be familiar with good practices, assistance and training of deaf, blind and deafblind young people, concerning their full integration into society, namely the labour market. HOW? • By visiting some schools of the Institution, the new opportunities centre and local authorities; • by observing different types of activities and meeting students, directors of education and training, teachers and trainers, social partners and researchers; • by showing strong and weak points of a system, success and failure factors. WHOM? • • • • • • • • Directors of education and vocational training institutions, centres or providers; directors of guidance centres; directors of validation or accreditation centres; head teachers, teacher trainers; pedagogical or guidance advisers; representatives of education and training networks and associations; representatives of educational services, labour offices or guidance centres; representatives of employersʼ organisations. SHORT DESCRIPTION IN THE HOST COUNTRY’S LANGUAGE: A Casa Pia de Lisboa, I.P., é uma Instituição bicentenária que desenvolve tipos de intervenção integrada nos seus diversos estabelecimentos, visando a inclusão social de crianças e jovens em risco. Cabe-lhe um papel social, educativo e formativo, de carácter preventivo, reparador e promotor de autonomia pessoal e de cidadania activa. Organiser(s): FIGUEIREDO Pedro Casa Pia de Lisboa, IP Av. do Restelo, 1 1449-008 Lisboa Tel. +351- 213 61 40 00 Fax +351- 213 63 34 48 Email: [email protected] Website: WWW. 94 CEDEFOP – STUDY VISITS EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES FOR DISADVANTAGED STUDENTS IN EDUCATION AND VOCATIONAL TRAINING SYSTEMS Including pupils with disabilities – a flexible continuum of provision Group No: 238 Type of visit: General education 16/3/2009-20/3/2009 London, England, UK Working language: English Number of places: 12 Minimum required: 6 EDUCATION AND TRAINING 2010 OBJECTIVES: 1.1. Improving education and training for teachers and trainers 2.3. Supporting active citizenship, equal opportunities and social cohesion WHY? • The education and inclusion of pupils with disabilities is a topic of interest across Europe with practice differing from country to country. • Effective inclusion relies on positive attitudes in society as well as specialist skills and resources. • In England more children with disabilities are being educated in mainstream schools. • The participation of parents and pupils is essential in planning good services specific location. • Haringey, London has a range of specialist services for pupils with disabilities which are recognised locally and nationally for good practice. • Partnership working between health and education services is an area of strength. WHAT? • Understand how to implement good practice for pupils with a range of disabilities in mainstream and special schools; • become familiar with the framework for removing barriers to achievement for children with disabilities currently in place in English education; • find out how the views of parents and pupils are gained and used to inform planning for pupils; • learn about how health and education services plan and work; • have an opportunity to exchange experiences and expertise on education policy and practices for disabled pupils. HOW? By: • visiting a number of special and mainstream schools and special units for pupils with disabilities including autism, speech and language difficulties, hearing impairment, physical and medical difficulties and cognitive difficulties; • meeting and talking to headteachers, therapists, specialist teachers and education and health managers; • attending training sessions for teachers about working with pupils with different disabilities; • having opportunities to hear and discuss views on effective practice. WHOM? • Directors of education and vocational training institutions, centres or providers; • head teachers, teacher trainers; • representatives of local, regional and national authorities. Organiser(s): WATKINS Kristie Haringey Children and Young People’s Service The Professional Development Centre N17 6AR London Tel. +44- 20 84 89 50 90 Fax +44- 20 84 89 50 04 Email: [email protected] Website: WWW. – – – – – – – CATALOGUE 2008-2009 95 EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES FOR DISADVANTAGED STUDENTS IN EDUCATION AND VOCATIONAL TRAINING SYSTEMS Regional cooperation and a developing network to ensure equal opportunities for all Group No: 239 Type of visit: General education 16/3/2009-20/3/2009 Turku, Finland Working language: English EDUCATION AND TRAINING 2010 OBJECTIVES: 1.5. Making the best use of resources 2.3. Supporting active citizenship, equal opportunities and social cohesion WHY? The visit will focus on ways of networking to improve the quality in special needs education. To support equal opportunities for disadvantaged pupils by local and regional network of specialists in special needs education. The primary goal in Finland is to support pupils in their studies so they can achieve the goals of the general syllabus. The syllabus can also be individualised to fit pupilsʼ personal requirements. Local and regional network is established to provide guidance, support and training for teaching personnel to support equal opportunities for disadvantaged pupils. WHAT? Number of places: 16 Minimum required: 10 Participants will: • be familiar with the network of specialists in special needs education that is working at local and regional level with different organisations; • understand the importance of the network to support equal opportunities for all pupils; • be familiar with different organisations involved in the network of specialists in special needs education. HOW? Participants will: • visit special needs schools and developing centres, studentsʼ welfare services, department of education and general schools; • meet with educational authorities, experts on special needs education, teachers, students, psychologists, social workers, doctors, nurses and principals; • share their own good practices with hosts and other participants. WHOM? • • • • • • Company training managers; educational and vocational training inspectors; head teachers, teacher trainers; pedagogical or guidance advisers; representatives of education and training networks and associations; representatives of local, regional and national authorities. SHORT DESCRIPTION IN THE HOST COUNTRY’S LANGUAGE: Organiser(s): KAUPPILA Jorma Turku Department of Education Samppalinna School Itäinen Pitkäkatu 45 20810 Turku Tel. +358- 22 62 92 86 Email: [email protected] Website: Vierailun tarkoituksena on tutustuttaa osallistujat alueelliseen erityisosaamisverkoston toimintaan ja sen taustayhteisöihin sekä niiden tarjoamiin erityistä tukea tarvitsevan oppilaan opetusjärjestelyjen tukipalveluihin. Lisäksi tutustumme yhteistyökumppaneidemme palvelutarjontaan. Toivomme osallistujien jakavan omia hyviä käytäntöjä vierailun isäntien ja muiden osallistujien kesken. Vierailu toteutetaan vierailuilla, keskusteluilla ja tapaamisilla. Vierailuun odotetaan 10-16 osallistujaa. Vierailu toteutetaan minimissään 10 osallistujalla. WWW. – 96 CEDEFOP – STUDY VISITS EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES FOR DISADVANTAGED STUDENTS IN EDUCATION AND VOCATIONAL TRAINING SYSTEMS Disadvantaged students and the role of a research led university Group No: 240 Type of visit: General education 23/3/2009-26/3/2009 Liverpool, England, UK Working language: English Number of places: 24 Minimum required: 12 EDUCATION AND TRAINING 2010 OBJECTIVES: 1.4. Increasing recruitment to scientific and technical studies 2.3. Supporting active citizenship, equal opportunities and social cohesion WHY? Across Europe there is a growing recognition that the EU must develop as a knowledgebased economy and this is the basis of the Education and Training 2010 objectives. The higher education sector also has a crucial role to play in the European commitment to social cohesion. The progression, success and employment of socially and economically disadvantaged learners is key component of the contribution of universities. These issues can only be addresses through strong and effective partnership between universities and schools and the building of the capacity of disadvantaged students progressing to university. The University of Liverpool has developed and delivers a substantial ground-breaking programme targeted at young people and adult returners currently unlikely to progress to higher education. WHAT? Participants will learn about: • UK models of educational opportunities for “under-represented groups”, those from lower income families, people with disabilities and some ethnic minorities; • innovative work of the University of Liverpool and their extended student life cycle approach with a specific focus on: – widening participation activities development, – delivery in STEM subject areas, – STEM activities working with young people from ages 10 to 19, their parents, teachers and schools, – work of Aimhigher Greater Merseyside. HOW? The learning outcomes will be achieved through: • presentations by leading practitioners and policy-makers; • exploration of the Bologna social dimension in the context of a leading research focused university; • opportunity to talk to academic and support staff; • engagement in widening participation activities on campus; • opportunity to meet and discuss with young people; • visits to schools and colleges; • exploration of best practice; • dialogue with teachers and college staff. WHOM? Organiser(s): JENKINS Tricia Centre for Lifelong Learning University of Liverpool VGM, Brownlow Hill L69 3BX Liverpool Tel. +44- 15 17 94 13 14 Fax +44- 15 17 94 13 10 Email: [email protected] Website: • • • • • • • • • Directors of education and vocational training institutions, centres or providers; directors of guidance centres; head teachers, teacher trainers; heads of departments; pedagogical or guidance advisers; representatives of education and training networks and associations; representatives of educational services, labour offices or guidance centres; representatives of local, regional and national authorities; representatives of trade unions. WWW. – – – CATALOGUE 2008-2009 97 ÉGALITÉ DES CHANCES POUR LES ÉLÈVES ET LES ÉTUDIANTS DÉFAVORISÉS DANS L’ÉDUCATION ET LA FORMATION L´attention éducative à l´enfant malade sur le territoire de Madrid capitale Numéro de groupe: 241 Type de visite: Enseignement général 23/3/2009-27/3/2009 Madrid, Espagne OBJECTIFS EDUCATION ET FORMATION 2010: 1.1. Améliorer lʼéducation et la formation des enseignants et des formateurs 2.1. Créer un environnement propice à lʼapprentissage POURQUOI? Pour favoriser l´égalité des chances pour les élèves et les étudiants défavorisés malades, pour établir des mesures préventives contre l´échec scolaire et l`abandon précoce de ces élèves, pour favoriser l´èducation à la santé. QUOI? Langue de travail: français Apprendre comment se developpe l`attention éducative à l´enfant malade à Madrid capitale. COMMENT? Nombre de places: 10 Minimum requis: 5 • • • • Visites des salles hospitalières de Madrid capitale, rencontres avec les professeurs de ces centres éducatifs, rencontres avec les professeurs de soutien éducatif à domicile, relation avec les nouvelles techniques: conteurs, musicothérapie, psychodanse, artothérapie, etc. • relation avec les centres éducatifs thérapeutiques pour des élèves ayant des pathologies psychiatriques. POUR QUI? • Directeurs d΄institutions, de centres ou de prestataires d΄enseignement et de formation professionnels; • directeurs de centres d΄orientation; • inspecteurs d΄enseignement et de formation professionnels; • professeurs principaux, formateurs d΄enseignants; • conseillers pédagogiques ou d΄orientation; • représentants des autorités locales, régionales et nationales. BRÈVE DESCRIPTION DANS LA LANGUE DU PAYS D’ACCUEIL: Se pretende dar a conocer la manera en que la administración educativa de Madrid capital proporciona apoyo educativo a los niñor enfermos mediante tres vías: las aulas hospitalarias, el servicio de apoyo a domicilio y las unidades de psiquiatría. Organisateur(s): CABELLO Teresa Area Territorial Madrid Capital Unidad de Programas 28071 Madrid Tel. +34- 917203319 Fax +34- 917203084 Email: [email protected] WWW. – 98 CEDEFOP – STUDY VISITS EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES FOR DISADVANTAGED STUDENTS IN EDUCATION AND VOCATIONAL TRAINING SYSTEMS Development of special needs education in Tyrol Group No: 242 Type of visit: VET 20/4/2009-24/4/2009 Innsbruck, Austria Working language: English Number of places: 15 Minimum required: 5 EDUCATION AND TRAINING 2010 OBJECTIVES: 1.5. Making the best use of resources 2.2. Making learning more attractive WHY? You can experience the dual supply of support for pupils with special educational needs in special schools and normal schools. WHAT? Participants will learn about the teaching curricula and structures of facilities for pupils with special educational needs. HOW? Participants will visit Tyrolean compulsory schools and other types of school looking after special educational needs. They will get an insight into the development of special needs education offered in Tyrol. WHOM? • • • • • • • Directors of education and vocational training institutions, centres or providers; directors of guidance centres; educational and vocational training inspectors; head teachers, teacher trainers; heads of departments; pedagogical or guidance advisers; representatives of local, regional and national authorities. SHORT DESCRIPTION IN THE HOST COUNTRY’S LANGUAGE: Den Teilnehmerinnen und Teilnehmern soll ein Überblick über die derzeitige Situation der sonderpädagogischen Arbeit in Tirol ermöglicht werden. Vom Schuleingangsbereich bis in den Übergangsbereich Pflichtschule/Berufsschule soll ein Einblick in Einrichtungen mit unterschiedlichen Förderschwerpunkten sowie der Kontakt mit betroffenen Eltern, Lehrerinnen und Lehrern, Schulaufsicht und Schulleiterinnen beziehungsweise Schulleitern geboten werden. Organiser(s): HACKL Cornelia Landesschulrat für Tirol Innrain 1 AT 6020 Innsbruck Tel. +43- 512 52033234 Fax +43- 512 52033342 Email: [email protected] WWW. CATALOGUE 2008-2009 99 EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES FOR DISADVANTAGED STUDENTS IN EDUCATION AND VOCATIONAL TRAINING SYSTEMS Equal opportunities for disadvantaged pupils in education Group No: 243 EDUCATION AND TRAINING 2010 OBJECTIVES: WHY? Type of visit: General education 11/5/2009-15/5/2009 Brussels, Belgium Working language: English Number of places: 15 Minimum required: 7 Every child and young person deserves an equal chance to access, participate in and benefit from education. WHAT? In Flanders an integrated support provision has been set up, paying special attention to children from deprived backgrounds. This provision provides full opportunities to all children to learn and develop themselves and counter exclusion, social separation and discrimination. The act on equal opportunities in education sets out three major lines of action: • each pupil has in principle the right to enrol in the school of his/her (parentsʼ) choice; • the establishment of local consultation; • an additional support that must enable schools to develop a extended needs provision geared toward deprived children. HOW? This theme is clarified during visits to the Department of Education and Training, schools and organisations, and through discussions with civil servants, experts, heads of institutions, teachers and trainers. WHOM? • • • • • • • Directors of education and vocational training institutions, centres or providers; educational and vocational training inspectors; head teachers, teacher trainers; heads of departments; pedagogical or guidance advisers; representatives of education and training networks and associations; representatives of local, regional and national authorities. Organiser(s): MARES Nina Flemish Department of Education and Training Division of International Affairs - Room 7C10 Koning Albert II-laan 15 1210 Brussel Tel. +32- 25 53 98 64 Fax +32- 25 53 96 40 Email: [email protected] Website: WWW. 100 CEDEFOP – STUDY VISITS EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES FOR DISADVANTAGED STUDENTS IN EDUCATION AND VOCATIONAL TRAINING SYSTEMS Doing our best to provide equal opportunities for all students Group No: 244 Type of visit: General education 18/5/2009-22/5/2009 Ardahan, Turkey Working language: English Number of places: 15 Minimum required: 10 EDUCATION AND TRAINING 2010 OBJECTIVES: 2.1. Open learning environment 2.3. Supporting active citizenship, equal opportunities and social cohesion WHY? • To ensure that all students can have the same opportunities in the education system independently of their socio-economic and cultural background; • to explain to students, parents and society in general, the importance of effective participation of all students; • to integrate the whole society in the process of providing equal opportunities to disadvantaged students (by finding applicable and effective ways for this integration); • to share effective ways of providing equal opportunities to disadvantaged students and find ways to improve their existing conditions; • to examine the situation of disadvantaged students in our region, where there are many; • to get an opportunity to listen to the experiences, requirements and suggestions of disadvantaged students in our region. WHAT? • To learn about the applications used in east anatolian region to ensure that disadvantaged students have equal opportunities; • to discuss and evaluate these applications and how they can be adapted to different situations; • to get first-hand information about the problems disadvantaged students face. HOW? • By visiting schools and dormitories to see disadvantaged studentsʼ learning environments and living conditions; • by observing students in social activities; • by interviewing teachers and school managers; • by meeting, interviewing, and observing students directly to get first-hand information; • by meeting, interviewing, and observing parents and local people to get an idea about their attitude towards disadvantaged people; • by interviewing local institutions and associations and representatives of national institutions to discuss how they can be involved in the issue; • by listening to studentsʼ presentations about their problems and how they can be solved. WHOM? Company training managers; directors of guidance centres; head teachers, teacher trainers; heads of departments; pedagogical or guidance advisers; representatives of educational services, labour offices or guidance centres; representatives of local, regional and national authorities; researchers. SHORT DESCRIPTION IN THE HOST COUNTRY’S LANGUAGE: Organiser(s): KARAMIK Sevgi Cildir High School Cildir 75400 Ardahan Tel. +90 505 7460908 Fax +90 478 3112010 Email: [email protected] Dezavantajlı öğrencilerin eşit fırsatlardan yararlanması bütün dünyada olduğu gibi Türkiye’de büyük bir sorun oluşturmaktadır. Ardahan böyle öğrencilerin çok sayıda olması ve bu öğrencilerin sosyo-ekonomik ve kültürel geçmişlerinin çeşitliliği nedeniyle uygun bir araştırma ve tartışma zemini oluşturacaktır. Katılımcılar sadece uzmanlarla ve eğitimcilerle değil, bu sorunu birebir yaşayan öğrencilerle ve yerel halkla da konuşup tartışma fırsatı yakalayacaktır. Böylece öğrencilerin de bu iyileştirme sürecine katkısı sağlanmış olacaktır. Ayrıca Ardahan’da uygulanmış olan iyi örneklerin diğer koşullara nasıl uyarlanabileceği veya diğer ülkelerden iyi uygulamaların nasıl burada uygulanabileceği de tartışma kapsamı içinde yer alacaktır. WWW. – CATALOGUE 2008-2009 101 EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES FOR DISADVANTAGED STUDENTS IN EDUCATION AND VOCATIONAL TRAINING SYSTEMS Good practices for full school integration of disabled pupils Group No: 245 Type of visit: General education 18/5/2009-22/5/2009 Mirandola, Modena Emilia Romagna Italy Working language: English Number of places: 15 Minimum required: 5 EDUCATION AND TRAINING 2010 OBJECTIVES: 2.3. Supporting active citizenship, equal opportunities and social cohesion 3.1. Strengthening the links with working life and research and society at large WHY? Last spring Mirandola municipality organised a study visit focused on the same topic, and it was very successful. This new study visit will be organised to provide participants with: • an overall vision of Italian mainstream education in which disabled pupils are fully integrated; • an understanding of the legal and theoretical framework that underpins the full integration of children with disabilities; • an understanding of the effective cooperation among health/care services for disabled children, mainstream schools, families and local agreements associated. The organiser (Direzione Didattica of Mirandola) is a very large pre-primary and primary school (about 1500 pupils), but there is also a school network in the same area (nine municipalities) ready to host participants. WHAT? During the visit participants will be able to: • compare different European approaches to special needs education; • have effective presentations of the Italian legal and theoretical framework; • see how the system (with its faults as well as its obvious benefits) works by speaking to different actors (local organisers and other professionals). HOW? Participants will: • visit schools from pre-primary to upper secondary level; • attend routine activities as well as witness ongoing special education projects for integration and empowerment of disabled pupils; • meet head teachers, class teachers and support teachers; • meet persons in charge of municipalities, health and social services and local associations; • meet disabled young people and parents talking about their experiences. WHOM? Educational and vocational training inspectors; head teachers, teacher trainers; pedagogical or guidance advisers. SHORT DESCRIPTION IN THE HOST COUNTRY’S LANGUAGE: La Visita di Studio si propone di offrire ai partecipanti una visione globale della realtà italiana di piena integrazione degli alunni disabili all’interno delle scuole. In occasione della Visita di Studio saranno presentati i protocolli locali di riferimento e le buone pratiche, da tempo consolidate e apprezzate a livello nazionale, di rapporti tra servizi sanitari specialistici per minori disabili, scuola e famiglia. Saranno organizzate presentazioni per fornire un inquadramento teorico e normativo del tema in oggetto, e i membri visiteranno scuole di diversi ordini, dall’Infanzia alla Secondaria di 2° Grado, dove potranno partecipare a momenti di routine e assistere a progetti didattici specifici indirizzati alla integrazione/valorizzazione degli alunni disabili. Si svolgeranno incontri con servizi sociali e sanitari e associazioni che operano localmente sul tema, oltre che con giovani disabili e genitori. Organiser(s): CAVICCHIOLI Paola Direzione Didattica Mirandola Via Circonvallazione 71 41037 Mirandola (Modena) Tel. +39-0535 210 34 Fax +39-0535 219 55 Email: [email protected] WWW. – 102 CEDEFOP – STUDY VISITS EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES FOR DISADVANTAGED STUDENTS IN EDUCATION AND VOCATIONAL TRAINING SYSTEMS Information and communication Professional ICT education - Cisco Academy Distance learning - People with disabilities Group No: 246 Type of visit: VET 25/5/2009-29/5/2009 Plovdiv, Bulgaria Working language: English Number of places: 10 Minimum required: 5 EDUCATION AND TRAINING 2010 OBJECTIVES: 1.3. Ensuring access to ICT for everyone 2.1. Open learning environment WHY? • • • • • We have our own system for distance learning. Successful IT and people with disabilities programme. Successful bridging the digital divide programme. There is a shortage of ICT professionals. ICT literacy is a must in the Knowledge society. WHAT? • To understand the methods used in vocational ICT training for people with disabilities in Bulgaria; • to become familiar with our distance learning approach. HOW? Participants will: • visit one or two of our training institutions – regional Cisco Academy in Plovdiv, local Ctech Cisco Academy at technical university in Sofia; • observe students with disabilities and their teachers (with disabilities) in the classroom and sessions of distance learning classes in real time; • meet and talk to directors of education and training establishments, instructors and trainers, people with disabilities involved in classes, etc.; • see strong and weak points of the distance learning system and IT and people with disabilities project and success and failure stories; • hear various opinions on the system and the project including from those involved in the classes. WHOM? • • • • • • • • Company training managers; directors of education and vocational training institutions, centres or providers; head teachers, teacher trainers; human resource managers; owners/managers of SMEs; pedagogical or guidance advisers; representatives of education and training networks and associations; representatives of educational services, labour offices or guidance centres. SHORT DESCRIPTION IN THE HOST COUNTRY’S LANGUAGE: Organiser(s): RAICHIN Rachev Future 21 Century Foundation Regional Cisco Academy 5, Konstantin Irechek St 4000 Plovdiv Tel. +359- 898 410301 Email: [email protected] Фондация Бъдеще 21 век има франчайзинг със Сиско академична програма и по договор със Certiport отговаря за развитието на Майкрософт ИТ академиите в България. Развива успешно собствена програма ИТ и хората с увреждания от 2001 г.През 2003 получи приза Best Project 2003 на годишната среща на Сиско академиите от Европа, Африка и Близкия Изток в Йоханесбург. Над 400 обучени хора с увреждания в Пловдив и София от ИТ грамотност до професионално ниво – мрежи, програмиране, хардуерна поддръжка, цифров видео монтаж и др. От 2004 поддържа собствена система за дистанционно обучение по мрежи. Развива програма Travel and Learn, съчетавайки професионално ИТ обучение с предимствата на Българските зимни,морски и спа курорти и природните и културни забележителности. WWW. – CATALOGUE 2008-2009 103 GLEICHE CHANCEN FÜR BENACHTEILIGTE SCHÜLER UND STUDENTEN IN DER BILDUNG UND BERUFSBILDUNG Öffentlichkeitsarbeit an Sonderschulen – Aktivität und Teilhabe behinderter junger Menschen brauchen externe Unterstützung Gruppennummer: 247 Art des Besuches: Allgemeine Bildung ZIELE VON „ALLGEMEINE UND BERUFLICHE BILDUNG 2010“: 1.5. Bestmögliche Nutzung der Ressourcen 2.3. Förderung von aktivem Bürgersinn, Chancengleichheit und gesellschaftlichem Zusammenhalt WARUM? 22/6/2009-26/6/2009 Waldkirch (in der Nähe von Freiburg) Deutschland Arbeitssprache: Deutsch Anzahl der Teilnehmerplätze: 15 Erforderliche Mindestanzahl: 7 • Die Förderung behinderter junger Menschen beruht vor allem auf guten Bildungs- und Lernangeboten in unterschiedlichen Einlösungsformen. Unabhängig davon reicht aber eine rein systembezogene Sichtweise nicht aus. Um die Integration junger Menschen mit Behinderung nachhaltig zu sichern, muss vermehrt die Chance genutzt und gesucht werden, außerschulische Partner zu gewinnen. • In und um Waldkirch gibt es verschiedene Schulen für junge Menschen mit Behinderungen, die auf dem Gebiet der Öffentlichkeitsarbeit über außerordentlich gute Erfahrungen verfügen. WAS? Sponsoring, Ehrenamt und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit sind Bausteine eines auf die gesellschaftliche Gesamtverantwortung und Identifikation mit benachteiligten Gruppen abzielenden Strategiekonzepts. Anhand verschiedener, von den Teilnehmern mitgebrachten, unterschiedlichen Formen der Öffentlichkeitsarbeit (Flyer, Folder, Broschüren, Einladungen zu Festen und Feiern, Presseartikel, Fotos, Filmbeispiele) werden gemeinsam Anlässe und Kriterien für eine gelingende Öffentlichkeitsarbeit untersucht. Themenschwerpunkte: • Sponsoring als Chance zur öffentlichkeitswirksamen Wahrnehmung sonderpädagogischer Förderung; • ehrenamtliche Mitarbeit als Brücke zum lokalen und regionalen Umfeld; • Öffentlichkeitsarbeit als Baustein pädagogischer Förderung. WIE? • • • • Analyse verschiedener Beispiele von Öffentlichkeitsarbeit; Erstellung eigener Beispiele zur Öffentlichkeitsarbeit und für den Einstieg in Sponsoring; Besuch verschiedener Einrichtungen (Sonderschulen); Gesprächsrunden mit Direktoren, Lehrkräften, Eltern, Pressevertretern. WER? • Leiter von Bildungs- und Berufsbildungeinrichtungen und -anbietern; • Bildungs- und Berufsbildungsinspektoren; • Schulleiter, Lehreraus- und -fortbildner. Organisator(en): ASMUSSEN Sönke Ministerium für Kultus, Jugend und Sport Postfach 103442 70029 Stuttgart Tel. +49- 71 12 79 25 67 Fax +49- 71 12 79 28 10 Email: [email protected] 104 CEDEFOP – STUDY VISITS GENDER EQUITY IN EDUCATION AND TRAINING SYSTEMS Manufacturing Working to achieve gender equality in engineering education and training systems Group No: 248 Type of visit: Mixed 10/11/2008-12/11/2008 Glasgow, Scotland, UK Working language: English Number of places: 15 Minimum required: 7 EDUCATION AND TRAINING 2010 OBJECTIVES: 1.4. Increasing recruitment to scientific and technical studies 2.3. Supporting active citizenship, equal opportunities and social cohesion WHY? • To compete in a global market Europe needs to encourage the whole population to understand the importance of science and manufacturing and its effects on their everyday life. • The percentage of young girls taking science education and moving into science, technology, engineering and mathematics careers is too low. • To ensure they win in the war for talent, companies and educational organisations need to ensure their culture is inclusive. • As a non-profit making employerʼs organisation we, provide training, work closely with education and vocational training establishments and are active in encouraging an even gender split in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) careers. WHAT? Participants will: • become familiar with some of the ways that organisations in Scotland are encouraging girls into science, technology and engineering education and careers; • view some successful strategies used in engaging young girls in non-traditional education and training leading to careers in non-traditional areas. HOW? • By discussion of the issues surrounding occupational segregation by gender; • by sharing best practice between organisations such as educational organisations, employerʼs organisations and guidance organisations in making workplace cultures inclusive; • by visiting training providers and colleges and observing some of the activities used to encourage young people to consider non-traditional career options. WHOM? • • • • • • • • Educational and vocational training inspectors; head teachers, teacher trainers; pedagogical or guidance advisers; representatives of chambers of commerce/ industry/crafts; representatives of education and training networks and associations; representatives of educational services, labour offices or guidance centres; representatives of local, regional and national authorities; representatives of trade unions. Organiser(s): ANDREWS Susan Scottish Engineering 105 West George Street G2 1QL Glasgow Tel. +44- 14 12 21 31 81 Fax +44- 014 12 04 12 02 Email: [email protected] Website: WWW. – – CATALOGUE 2008-2009 105 GENDER EQUITY IN EDUCATION AND TRAINING SYSTEMS Compatibility of job and family – young women in vocational training Group No: 249 Type of visit: VET 23/3/2009-26/3/2009 Berlin, Germany Working language: English EDUCATION AND TRAINING 2010 OBJECTIVES: 2.1. Open learning environment 2.3. Supporting active citizenship, equal opportunities and social cohesion WHY? Todayʼs generation of young women attaches a high value for their life to vocational training and work. But to what extent do young women succeed in realising their vocational orientations? What chances does the vocational training market offer them and which perspectives of qualified vocational training are linked? Since 2005, under the new vocational training law, young trainees who have children to care for are entitled to attend shorter daily or weekly training periods. Enterprises on the labour market are innovating by offering part time training. WHAT? Number of places: 15 Minimum required: 10 • Implementation of the new regulation promoted and supported additionally to the activities carried out by chambers, enterprises, lands and municipalities; • projects and networks in the context of the BQF-Transfer programme implemented by BMBF in cooperation with BIBB. HOW? • Meeting with experts of the Federal Institute of Vocational Training (BiBB); • visiting best practice projects of partial time initial vocational training; • discussions with representatives of enterprises, chambers, social partners. WHOM? • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Company training managers; directors of education and vocational training institutions, centres or providers; directors of guidance centres; head teachers, teacher trainers; human resource managers; owners/managers of SMEs; pedagogical or guidance advisers; representatives of chambers of commerce/ industry/crafts; representatives of education and training networks and associations; representatives of educational services, labour offices or guidance centres; representatives of employersʼ organisations; representatives of local, regional and national authorities; representatives of trade unions; researchers. SHORT DESCRIPTION IN THE HOST COUNTRY’S LANGUAGE: Organiser(s): SENA Katharina Nationale Agentur Bildung für Europa beim BiBB EUStudienbesuchsprogramm Robert-Schuman-Platz 3 53175 Bonn Tel. +49-228- 107 16 47 Fax +49-228- 107 29 64 Email: [email protected] Mit dem neuen Berufsbildungsgesetz gibt es seit 2005 die Möglichkeit, die tägliche oder wöchentliche Ausbildungszeit zu verkürzen, wenn junge Menschen Kinder haben oder Angehörige pflegen. Die Umsetzung der neuen Regelung wird zusätzlich zu den Aktivitäten von Kammern, Betrieben, Ländern und Kommunen auch durch Projekte und Netzwerke der am BIBB angebundenen Programme BQF-Transfer des BMBF gefördert und unterstützt. 106 CEDEFOP – STUDY VISITS GENDER EQUITY IN EDUCATION AND TRAINING SYSTEMS Men working in preschools? A great asset to development – or not? Group No: 250 Type of visit: General education 20/4/2009-24/4/2009 Eskilstuna, Sweden Working language: English Number of places: 15 Minimum required: 8 EDUCATION AND TRAINING 2010 OBJECTIVES: 2.3. Supporting active citizenship, equal opportunities and social cohesion WHY? • In Eskilstuna (one hour from Stockholm) heads and pedagogues focus (among other things) on gender equity in nurseries- and preschools. • Is there equality among staff in our preschools? • What is it like – as a man - to work in a place where there are mostly women? • Is there equality among our children? • Are both men and women needed in daily work with children and their education? – If yes – why? Does it make a difference? • If you would like to get an overall presentation of the structure of the preschools in our city, some concrete ideas of how we work and if you are interested in questions, such as, equality and gender equity in bringing up children you are welcome to visit us! • We are interested in your involvement, in listening to your experiences in your country and to start some projects or networks. WHAT? We want to show: • our preschools that we are proud of: one newly built with democratically aware staff and very modern in pedagogical thoughts and outdoor pedagogical strategies; • how we work with a mix of men and women in our preschools (in one department we have only men working); • our organisation – MIF – how we market our profession among young men and women (often among sport stars, music stars) and, for example, among immigrant men. • We also want to get on in our discussion by including others, we want to learn from others! HOW? The week will offer presentations of our preschool system, visits to nurseries and preschools, discussions with pedagogues, heads and our marketing organisation MIF. You will visit the city administration and politicians. WHOM? Directors of education and vocational training institutions, centres or providers; directors of guidance centres; educational and vocational training inspectors; head teachers, teacher trainers; heads of departments; human resource managers; pedagogical or guidance advisers; representatives of education and training networks and associations; representatives of educational services, labour offices or guidance centres; representatives of employersʼ organisations; representatives of local, regional and national authorities; representatives of trade unions; researchers. SHORT DESCRIPTION IN THE HOST COUNTRY’S LANGUAGE: Organiser(s): PUMAN Lena Barn- och utbildningsförvaltningen, Childcare- and Education Department Alva Myrdals gata 5 63186 Eskilstuna Tel. +46- 167 10 19 01 Fax +46- 16 12 71 80 Email: [email protected] Vi erbjuder en vecka där rektorer, chefer för förskolor och andra intresserade ska få en inblick i svensk förskola, hur den är strukturerad, dess mål och vårt praktiska arbete, här i Eskilstuna, med inriktning på jämlikhets- och genustänkande! Är det viktigt och positivt med män som arbetar i förskolan? Varför är det så – om det nu är det? Hur är det som man att i ett kvinnodominerat yrke? Vi vill fördjupa diskussionen genom att inkludera andra från andra kulturer och få in andra infallsvinklar. Vi vill också visa hur vi marknadsför yrket – förskolepedagog – bland unga på ett rättframt sätt! Vi har lyckats få idrottsstjärnor intresserade av att arbeta på våra förskolor och går vidare med att marknadsföra yrket hos musiker och män med utländsk bakgrund. WWW. CATALOGUE 2008-2009 107 EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES FOR MIGRANTS AND MINORITIES IN EDUCATION AND VOCATIONAL TRAINING SYSTEMS Approaches for integration and quality education of the Roma minority in Bulgaria Group No: 251 Type of visit: General education 6/10/2008-10/10/2008 Vidin, Bulgaria Working language: English Number of places: 15 Minimum required: 5 EDUCATION AND TRAINING 2010 OBJECTIVES: 2.2. Making learning more attractive 2.3. Supporting active citizenship, equal opportunities and social cohesion WHY? The visit to Vidin will show case of successful and innovative model of school integration which has improved educational outcomes of Roma at all levels including a significant reduction in drop out rates, increased percentage of high school graduates and improved relations between Roma and locals. This model supported the transition of more than 700 Roma students in to seven integrated schools through a multipronged approach including transportation, catch-up classes, motivating parents, multicultural teachers training, promoting the role of school mediators, and awareness raising campaigns. The project was initiated and carried out by a local Roma NGO (DROM) in cooperation with the municipal government and the regional inspectorate of education. It received initial financial support from OSI Budapest and subsequent support from the Roma Education Fund. The Vidin model is considered one of the most effective integration projects in the central and eastern European region, and has served as the basis for several other projects in Bulgaria and abroad. WHAT? The study visit will allow participants to: • understand the methodology and components of a successful integration model including after-school classes, cultural activities, school mediators, motivational work with both Roma and non-Roma parents; • learn how to mobilise relevant stakeholders (schools, parents, local community, media, and municipality) to support integrated education of Roma. HOW? Participants will meet: • the Roma children involved in the integration process and their parents; • school principals and teachers; • school mediators and the Drom Foundation team; • representatives of the municipality and the regional inspectorate of education; • a State expert on Roma education and a representative of the Roma Education Fund. WHOM? Directors of education and vocational training institutions, centres or providers; educational and vocational training inspectors; head teachers, teacher trainers; pedagogical or guidance advisers; representatives of education and training networks and associations; representatives of local, regional and national authorities; researchers. SHORT DESCRIPTION IN THE HOST COUNTRY’S LANGUAGE: Предложената визита в град Видин ще представи един успешен новаторски модел на училищна интеграция, който повишава образователните резултати на ромите на всички нива, а също така съществено намалява процента на отпадащи, повишава броя на завършили средно образование и способства за подобряване на взаимоотношенията между ромите и мнозинството. Инициативата отдавна е прераснала от отделен проект на едно местно НПО в десегрегационен процес, който се осъществява вече осма година. Така нареченият „Видински модел” е определен като един от най-ефективните интеграционни проекти в Централна и Източна Европа, и е послужил като основа за други проекти в България и чужбина. Organiser(s): PANAYOTOVA Donka DROM Foundation complex Saedinenie, Bl.4, ground floor 3700 Vidin Tel. +359- 94 606 209 Email: [email protected] WWW. – 108 CEDEFOP – STUDY VISITS EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES FOR MIGRANTS AND MINORITIES IN EDUCATION AND VOCATIONAL TRAINING SYSTEMS Supporting intercultural education of migrant children through interagency cooperation and partnership of stakeholders, the Hungarian experience Group No: 252 Type of visit: General education 13/10/2008-17/10/2008 Budapest, Hungary Working language: English Number of places: 12 Minimum required: 8 EDUCATION AND TRAINING 2010 OBJECTIVES: 2.3. Supporting active citizenship, equal opportunities and social cohesion 3.5. Strengthening the European co-operation WHY? The major aim of the visit is promoting and helping the establishment of stable and durable partnerships, networking at European level with stakeholders from countries who accumulated substantial experience in the education of migrant children. The second objective is to share with European partners the positive Hungarian experience of building up stable intersectoral, and interagency cooperation at ministriesʼ level and partnership with civic organisations. WHAT? Main objectives: • to offer an opportunity to get acquainted with the Hungarian practices regarding interagency and horizontal cooperation and working methods in educating migrant children; • to present major projects of the second national development plan regarding the education of migrant children; • to familiarise participants with the teachersʼ training programme on intercultural pedagogy of the Centre for Intercultural Pedagogy, Budapestʼ Eötvös Loránd University. HOW? • Attending a formal meeting of the inter-ministerial committee (its agenda will be dedicated to current topics of interagency cooperation and partnership with academic institutions and civic organisations); • briefing on the progress of the implementation of the main intercultural education projects of the second national development plan; • visit to a reception centre for refugees and a nearby primary school, as well to a primary school located in the centre of Budapest where intercultural education pilot projects have been implemented. Participants will get an insight into the pedagogical methods and tools as well as the outcome of the projects; • meeting and exchange of views with the teaching staff and students of the teachersʼ training course on intercultural pedagogy of the Centre for Intercultural Pedagogy and Psychology of the Budapest Eötvös Loránd University; • joint evaluation of the visit with special emphasis on the potential for building up future partnerships. WHOM? Directors of education and vocational training institutions, centres or providers; head teachers, teacher trainers; heads of departments; pedagogical or guidance advisers; representatives of educational services, labour offices or guidance centres; researchers. SHORT DESCRIPTION IN THE HOST COUNTRY’S LANGUAGE: Organiser(s): JÁGER Bálint Ministry of Education and Culture, Department for EU Relations & Department for Public Education Szalay u. 10-14, Office No: 584 1055 Budapest Tel. +36- 1-473-7576 Email: [email protected] Website: A szakértői tanulmányút témája az egyenlő esélyek biztosítása a migránsok és kisebbségek számára az oktatásban és a szakképzésben. Megrendezését indokolja, hogy Magyarország az állami, szakmai és civil szervezetek közti együttműködés kiépítésének fázisában van, és a látogatást követően stabil partnerség jöhet létre az érdekeltek közt európai szinten, másrészt, mert így meg lehet osztani az európai partnerekkel az utóbbi időben szerzett tapasztatokat és az azokból levont tanulságokat. A szakértők részt vesznek egy formális minisztérium-közi ülésen, tájékoztatják őket az NFT-ről, meglátogatnak egy befogadó állomást, két iskolát, ahol a közelmúltban kísérleti projekt valósult meg, ugyancsak látogatást tesznek az ELTE Interkulturális Pedagógiai és Pszichológiai Központjában; végül pedig egy workshop keretében vendéglátóikkal együtt vonják majd le a tanulságokat, különös tekintettel a jövőbeni lehetőségekre és együttműködésre. WWW. CATALOGUE 2008-2009 109 EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES FOR MIGRANTS AND MINORITIES IN EDUCATION AND VOCATIONAL TRAINING SYSTEMS Moving out of segregation: Roma support programmes in primary education Group No: 253 Type of visit: General education 3/11/2008-7/11/2008 Budapest, Szeged and Hódmezővásárhely Hungary (3 sites) Working language: English Number of places: 20 Minimum required: 10 EDUCATION AND TRAINING 2010 OBJECTIVES: 2.2. Making learning more attractive 2.3. Supporting active citizenship, equal opportunities and social cohesion WHY? The visit showcases two successful models created with public financing and REF support in a context of strong government commitment to integration. Both promote school desegregation to improve access of Roma children to quality primary education and lower dropout rates. The visit will begin in Budapest to introduce Hungarian education system and its measures to integrate Roma children. The visit will continue in Szeged and Hódmezővásárhely to examine the two models: • a mentoring program follows up the municipalityʼs closure of a segregated school and transfer of its students to integrated schools (Szeged); • an after-school centre provides instruction in basic skills and Roma culture, as well as help with homework (Hódmezővásárhely). WHAT? Participants will: • gain understanding of the dynamics of municipal-level decisions and concrete actions to combat school segregation; • learn about the difficulties facing Roma children moving out of segregated education in the context of a close look at two successful models for meeting the educational needs of students transferred into mainstream education. HOW? Participants will visit Szeged and Hódmezővásárhely to see two distinct initiatives to support desegregation through reorganization of education systems at municipal level. As part of the visits, participants will: • meet Roma children benefiting from each initiative; • observe mentors and after-school centre in action; • discuss with student-mentors, as well as with other trainers and teachers in the affected primary schools; • meet parents of Roma children benefiting from each of the two models; and • discuss with REF and government experts, as well as with representatives of relevant local governments and NGOs. WHOM? Directors of education and vocational training institutions, centres or providers; head teachers, teacher trainers; pedagogical or guidance advisers; representatives of educational services, labour offices or guidance centres; researchers. SHORT DESCRIPTION IN THE HOST COUNTRY’S LANGUAGE: Organiser(s): SZIRA Judit Roma Education Fund Váci utca 63. 1056 Budapest Tel. +36- 1-235-8030 Fax +36- 1-235-8031 Email: [email protected] Website: A javasolt tanulmányutak két jól működő Roma integrációs programot mutatnak be. A programok célja Roma általános iskolás diákok átsegitése egy szegregált iskolai környezetből egy integrált oktatási közegbe. A diákok beilleszkedését és sikeres iskolai teljesitményét különböző iskola utáni foglalkozások segitik, tanárképzős egyetemi hallgatók közreműködésével Szegeden, délutáni tanoda foglalkozással Hódmezővásárhelyen. A tanulmányutak lehetőséget nyújtanak, hogy a részvevők találkozzanak és konzultációt folytathassanak a Roma diákokkal az iskolákban, mentorokkal és tanárokkal, a diákok szüleivel, az önkormányzat képviselőivel, a programokban közreműködő civil szervezetek képviselőivel és a minisztérium illetve a Roma Oktatási Alap szakértőivel. WWW. – – 110 CEDEFOP – STUDY VISITS EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES FOR MIGRANTS AND MINORITIES IN EDUCATION AND VOCATIONAL TRAINING SYSTEMS All different, all equal – the same opportunities in education for all pupils Group No: 254 Type of visit: General education 8/12/2008-12/12/2008 Ramnicu Valcea, Romania Working language: English Number of places: 10 Minimum required: 6 EDUCATION AND TRAINING 2010 OBJECTIVES: 2.1. Open learning environment 2.3. Supporting active citizenship, equal opportunities and social cohesion WHY? • Unesco International Commission on Education for the 21st Century stated that one of the major objectives of education is “to learn to live together, to learn to live with others”. • Vision of future European Union is based on tolerance, human rights, solidarity and fight against racism. • The European year of equal opportunities for all in 2007 sought to make people in the EU more aware of their rights to enjoy equal treatment and life free of discrimination. • The study visit will offer participants information about the way inclusive education is implemented and promoted in our county by means of projects developed by County School Inspectorate Valcea and through the exchange of ideas and experiences with protagonists: students, teachers and local community. WHAT? • To exchange experience and compare ways of working in different educational systems in Europe, on teaching disadvantaged groups: Roma, children with special educational needs, migrants; • to find ways to improve and facilitate access for all children to education and training systems; • to find and compare ideas on a second chance in education, remedial education and flexibility in education; • to exchange good practice on cooperation and communication between parents, teaching staff and the community to increase minority and disadvantaged groupsʼ access to education; • topics will include: teaching methods focused on the student, strategies to involve the school community and local institutions, etc. HOW? The study visit will offer participants information about the way inclusive education is implemented and promoted in our county: • by presenting a resource county centre for inclusive education; • by visiting schools in which inclusive education is implemented in projects; • by visiting schools in wich “school after school” programmes are developed; • by observing teaching methods, lessons and students in the classroom; • by meeting and talking with school inspectors, headmasters of education and training establishments, teachers and trainers, social partners, local authority. WHOM? Directors of guidance centres; educational and vocational training inspectors; head teachers, teacher trainers; heads of departments; human resource managers; pedagogical or guidance advisers; representatives of educational services, labour offices or guidance centres; representatives of local, regional and national authorities. SHORT DESCRIPTION IN THE HOST COUNTRY’S LANGUAGE: Organiser(s): MARANDICI Tatiana County School Inspectorate Valcea Nicolae Balcescu 28 240240 Ramnicu Valcea Tel. +40- 727 30 53 99 Fax +40- 250 73 05 87 Email: [email protected] Website: Vizita de studiu are ca principal obiectiv schimbul de experienta si compararea metodelor de predare in diferite sisteme educationale din Europa, privind lucrul cu grupuri dezavantajate: Roma, copii cu nevoi speciale, migranti. Vom avea de-a face cu: metode de predare centrate pe elev, strategii de implicare a scolii si a institutiilor locale etc. Vizita de studiu va oferi participantilor informatii privind modul in care educatia incluziva a fost implementata si promovata in judetul nostru, prin prezentarea rezultatelor proiectelor derulate in diferite scoli ale judetului nostru, prin schimburi de idei si experienta intre: factorii de conducere din domeniul educational, profesori, elevi, reprezentanti ai comunitatii locale. CATALOGUE 2008-2009 111 EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES FOR MIGRANTS AND MINORITIES IN EDUCATION AND VOCATIONAL TRAINING SYSTEMS Welcome, equal opportunities and social cohesion in a high mobility urban authority Group No: 255 Type of visit: General education 19/1/2009-23/1/2009 London, England, UK Working language: English Number of places: 15 Minimum required: 5 EDUCATION AND TRAINING 2010 OBJECTIVES: 2.3. Supporting active citizenship, equal opportunities and social cohesion WHY? • Haringey has historically been a gateway for new communities. • There are an estimated 5 000 refugee and asylum seeking pupils in Haringey schools out of a total of 24 000 pupils. • The Race Relations Act 1976 gives public authorities a statutory general duty to promote race equality. The 2000 Race Relations Act amendment places specific duties on schools that include assessing and monitoring the impact of their policies on different racial groups and the attainment of different groups of pupils. • Schools within the local authority of Haringey therefore need to take action to ensure that the admissions and induction process is administered fairly for pupils from all backgrounds and communities. WHAT? • To become familiar with good practice in receiving new arrivals in educational setting in Haringey; • tracking and monitoring of progress of new arrivals; • extra support and special educational needs; • new arrivers who might be gifted and talented; • reassessment of pupils; • parental involvement; • induction packs for new arrivals; • Induction classes; • attainment; • teaching groups and setting policies; • preparing classes for new arrivals; • guidance regarding newly arrived pupils especially asylum seekers. HOW? Through a mix of visits to best practice settings, and presentations by key post holders(ethnic minority coordinators, parent commissioners, refugee education coordinators) from schools and colleges: • South Haringey infants (designated centre of excellence for parental involvement); • Earlham primary school (high mobility school with many links to outside agencies and groups); • Northumberland Park community school (DCFS NAEP case study on parental involvement and induction); • College of North East London (access to education course for year 11 pupils who are late arrivals during the year) • the Medical Foundation for Victims of Torture. WHOM? Directors of education and vocational training institutions, centres or providers; educational and vocational training inspectors; head teachers, teacher trainers; representatives of educational services, labour offices or guidance centres. Organiser(s): BEARD Jan Haringey Professional Development Centre Haringey Targeted Pupils’ Team N17 6A London Tel. +44- 208 489 5076/77 Email: [email protected] Website: WWW. – – – – – 112 CEDEFOP – STUDY VISITS ÉGALITÉ DES CHANCES POUR LES MIGRANTS ET POUR LES MINORITÉS DANS L’ÉDUCATION ET LA FORMATION PROFESSIONNELLE Découverte d’un dispositif d’accueil et de scolarisation des enfants de populations migrantes Numéro de groupe: 256 Type de visite: Enseignement général 9/3/2009-13/3/2009 Grenoble, France Langue de travail: français Nombre de places: 20 Minimum requis: 8 OBJECTIFS EDUCATION ET FORMATION 2010: 1.1. Améliorer lʼéducation et la formation des enseignants et des formateurs 2.1. Créer un environnement propice à lʼapprentissage POURQUOI? Les flux dʼimmigration touchent lʼensemble des pays de lʼUnion européenne. Le département de lʼIsère a réorganisé, depuis 2002, les modalités dʼaccueil et de suivi des élèves nouvellement arrivés en France (ENA). La volonté politique nationale dʼintégrer les enfants et les jeunes, avec leur spécificité, a été prise en compte dans un dispositif départemental qui vise lʼaccueil et la réussite de tous les élèves. Ce dispositif doit constamment être repensé en fonction de la situation du moment. Le temps de la visite dʼétude permettra de présenter ce dispositif, dʼéchanger sur la problématique de lʼaccueil et de lʼintégration de ces publics et de faire émerger de nouveaux axes de travail et dʼévolution du dispositif présenté et des dispositifs des différents pays représentés. QUOI? • Connaissance des dispositifs mis en place dans dʼautres pays européens; • mise en commun des limites relevées; • mise en place dʼun guide de bonnes pratiques actualisé. COMMENT? • Présentation du dispositif dʼaccueil départemental; • visites de classes à différents niveaux dʼenseignement; • tables rondes sur les différents dispositifs exposés (scolarité primaire, secondaire 1er et 2nd degrés, au-delà de la scolarité obligatoire), illustration des points forts et faibles, mise en évidence des facteurs de réussite et dʼéchec sous la forme dʼun guide de bonnes pratiques; • rencontres et échanges avec des partenaires impliqués dans le dispositif, au niveau de lʼinstitution (Éducation nationale) ou dans un cadre élargi (accueil et intégration des familles sur le territoire): inspecteurs de lʼÉducation nationale (1er et 2nd degrés), chefs dʼétablissement, directeurs dʼécole, formateurs, enseignants spécialisés en français langue étrangère, langue seconde ou de scolarisation, directeurs de centre dʼinformation et dʼorientation, conseillers dʼorientation-psychologues, représentant de la Préfecture, représentant dʼassociations. POUR QUI? • Directeurs d΄institutions, de centres ou de prestataires d΄enseignement et de formation professionnels; • directeurs de centres d΄orientation; • inspecteurs d΄enseignement et de formation professionnels; • professeurs principaux, formateurs d΄enseignants; • chefs de départements; • conseillers pédagogiques ou d΄orientation; • représentants de réseaux et d΄associations d΄enseignement et de formation; • représentants de services éducatifs, d΄agences pour l΄emploi ou de centres d΄orientation. Organisateur(s): CASINI Jean-Michel Inspection Académique de l’Isére Cité Administrative Rue Joseph Chanrion 38032 Grenoble Cedex 01 Tel. +33-4 76 74 78 71 Fax +33-4 76 74 79 95 Email: [email protected] WWW. – CATALOGUE 2008-2009 113 MEASURES TO PREVENT SCHOOL FAILURE AND EARLY SCHOOL LEAVING School and working environment, cooperation between social partners and school Group No: 257 Type of visit: Mixed 15/9/2008-18/9/2008 Berlin, Germany Working language: English Number of places: 20 Minimum required: 10 EDUCATION AND TRAINING 2010 OBJECTIVES: 1.1. Improving education and training for teachers and trainers 2.2. Making learning more attractive WHY? Our work environment and the world we live in are subject to drastic changes. Pupils have to be best prepared for the difficult crossing between school and working life. Developing quality vocational education and training is central to achieving the Lisbon goals and to making Europe a knowledge society. WHAT? The study visit will explore: • new ways for maturely selecting a profession and developing vocationals skills; • key elements of vocational training in schools; • developing national regulations. HOW? The visit will consist of: • presentations on the discussion process between trade unions and employers` organisations at different levels; • visiting locations where various discussion processes are organised; • discussions with management representatives and regional trade union representatives. WHOM? • • • • • • • • • • • • • Company training managers; directors of education and vocational training institutions, centres or providers; directors of guidance centres; educational and vocational training inspectors; head teachers, teacher trainers; pedagogical or guidance advisers; representatives of chambers of commerce/ industry/crafts; representatives of education and training networks and associations; representatives of educational services, labour offices or guidance centres; representatives of employersʼ organisations; representatives of local, regional and national authorities; representatives of trade unions; researchers. Organiser(s): SENA Katharina Nationale Agentur Bildung für Europa beim BiBB EUStudienbesuchsprogramm Robert-Schuman-Platz 3 53175 Bonn Tel. +49-228- 107 16 47 Fax +49-228- 107 29 64 Email: [email protected] WWW. – – – 114 CEDEFOP – STUDY VISITS MEASURES TO PREVENT SCHOOL FAILURE AND EARLY SCHOOL LEAVING Tools for improving and developing upper secondary education Group No: 258 Type of visit: Mixed 15/9/2008-19/9/2008 Göteborg, Sweden Working language: English Number of places: 15 Minimum required: 10 EDUCATION AND TRAINING 2010 OBJECTIVES: 2.2. Making learning more attractive WHY? During the past three school years we have tried to develop new models and methods to prevent drop-outs from upper secondary education, VET and adult education. We have also tried to develop new models to support those who have already dropped out of the education system. WHAT? The objective of the visit is to learn about the models and methods in the City of Göteborg to prevent students from dropping out of the education and training system. Participants will see how we work with: • guidance and counselling; • individual development plan – learning loop; • coaching and mentoring: • learning styles; • vocational mentors; • learning web portal. HOW? The programme will contain: • school visits; • visits to lessons; • visit to the career centre; • participation in workshops and discussions; • meetings with principals, teachers, students and guidance counsellors. It will also include: • information about the new educational system to be launched in 2009; • discussions on challenges in the Swedish educational system and systems in participating countries. WHOM? • • • • • • • • • • • Directors of education and vocational training institutions, centres or providers; directors of guidance centres; directors of validation or accreditation centres; educational and vocational training inspectors; head teachers, teacher trainers; heads of departments; pedagogical or guidance advisers; representatives of education and training networks and associations; representatives of educational services, labour offices or guidance centres; representatives of local, regional and national authorities; researchers. SHORT DESCRIPTION IN THE HOST COUNTRY’S LANGUAGE: Organiser(s): LOSENBORG Ann-Marie City of Göteborg, Education Authority Skånegatan 20, P.O. Box 5428 402 29 Göteborg Tel. +46- 31-3670013 Fax +46- 31-3670049 Email: [email protected] Besöker kommer att fokusera på metoder och modeller för att motverka studieavbrott från gymnasieskola och vuxenutbildning så väl som kommunens uppföljningsansvar för unga upp till 20 år. Programmet innehåller besök på skolor och vägledningscentrum samt seminarier och work-shops. Deltagarna får bland annat ta del av hur vi arbetar med vägledning, individuella studieplaner, lär-loopen, coachning, lärstilar, kunskapsportalen och yrkesmentorer. WWW. CATALOGUE 2008-2009 115 MEASURES TO PREVENT SCHOOL FAILURE AND EARLY SCHOOL LEAVING Educational and training courses: other paths towards achievement Group No: 259 Type of visit: Mixed 10/11/2008-14/11/2008 Porto, Portugal Working language: English Number of places: 15 Minimum required: 8 EDUCATION AND TRAINING 2010 OBJECTIVES: 2.2. Making learning more attractive 2.3. Supporting active citizenship, equal opportunities and social cohesion WHY? The main strategic challenge behind priorities in Portuguese educational policy consists of improving the level of qualifications and competencies of the Portuguese population. The Lisbon strategy recognises the irreplaceable role of education and training in economic and technological development, social cohesion, personal fulfilment and active citizenship. Several measures have been implemented in order to reduce high levels of school failure and dropouts in the framework of the programme “New Opportunities Initiative”. The Northern Authority for the Education implements ministerial policies and provides guidelines, coordination and support to all non higher education establishments, thus being very much involved in all matters concerning academic achievement. WHAT? Participants will: • understand that educational and training courses reach pupils, who unmotivated by traditional education, look out for more practical learning ensuring a link to the professional world; • be familiar with educational and training courses; • be acquainted with the profile of the target group: youngsters between 15 and 18 years of age, with insufficient qualifications, who are at risk of leaving school or starting work early with scarce schooling or without professional qualification; • recognise that the curricular structure of courses is largely vocational; • recognise that these courses offer flexible solutions to ensure progress in education, while acquiring professional competences. HOW? • By visiting basic schools (2nd and 3rd cycles), • by observing school activities, • by meeting and interacting with school directors, management staff, teachers, trainers and pupils, • by participating in workshops or seminars. WHOM? • • • • • • Directors of education and vocational training institutions, centres or providers; educational and vocational training inspectors; head teachers, teacher trainers; heads of departments; pedagogical or guidance advisers; representatives of local, regional and national authorities. SHORT DESCRIPTION IN THE HOST COUNTRY’S LANGUAGE: Organiser(s): XAVIER Ana Direcção Regional de Educação do Norte Rua António Carneiro, 8 4349003 Porto Tel. +351- 225 191 100 Fax +351- 225 191 123 Email: [email protected] A politica educativa Portuguesa, no quadro da Estratégia de Lisboa, tem como eixo prioritário de intervenção a melhoria do nível de qualificação e competências da população nacional. Neste contexto, através do programa “Novas Oportunidades”, foram implementadas diversas medidas de combate ao insucesso escolar e à saída precoce do sistema educativos. As Direcções Regionais de Educação desempenham um papel fundamental na divulgação e operacionalização destas medidas. No decorrer desta visita de estudo, os participantes visitarão escolas do ensino básico e secundário onde existe a oferta de Cursos de Educação e Formação. Durante estas visitas, os participantes poderão identificar o perfil do aluno a que estes cursos se destinam, bem como reconhecer a estrutura curricular marcadamente profissionalizante que caracteriza esta oferta formativa. WWW. 116 CEDEFOP – STUDY VISITS MESURES PRÉVENTIVES CONTRE L’ÉCHEC SCOLAIRE ET L’ABANDON PRÉCOCE Accompagner dans une démarche adaptée les élèves porteurs de troubles spécifiques du langage, du primaire au supérieur Numéro de groupe: 260 Type de visite: Enseignement général 16/3/2009-20/3/2009 Valbonne, France Langue de travail: français Nombre de places: 15 Minimum requis: 5 OBJECTIFS EDUCATION ET FORMATION 2010: 1.1. Améliorer lʼéducation et la formation des enseignants et des formateurs 2.1. Créer un environnement propice à lʼapprentissage POURQUOI? Lʼinspection académique des Alpes-Maritimes mène depuis plusieurs années un travail de qualité reconnu sur les troubles spécifiques du langage en relation avec le Centre spécialisé de lʼhôpital lʼArchet à Nice. On ne peut plus aujourdʼhui ignorer cette problématique qui concerne environ 3 à 4 % des élèves scolarisés. Cʼest de cette expertise que nous voulons faire profiter les spécialistes européens de lʼéducation. QUOI? • Que sait-on à lʼheure actuelle de lʼacquisition «normale» du langage, de lʼapprentissage de la lecture, de lʼorthographe et du calcul, pouvant éclairer la compréhension des troubles spécifiques des apprentissages? • Quelles sont les définitions et classifications des troubles spécifiques des apprentissages? • Quʼest-ce que la dyslexie, quelles sont ses principales manifestations et leur fréquence? • Quels sont les autres troubles spécifiques des apprentissages (dyscalculie, dysorthographie) et leurs relations avec la dyslexie? • Quels autres troubles sont fréquemment associés? • Quelles sont les principales théories explicatives de la dyslexie et quel a été lʼapport dans ce domaine des nouvelles technologies scientifiques (neuro-imagerie, génétique, neurosciences cognitives) ayant permis les avancées récentes? • Quelles sont les différentes méthodes de remédiation et comment sʼarticulent-elles avec les théories actuelles? • Quels sont les outils et stratégies disponibles en termes de repérage, dépistage, diagnostic et prise en charge? • Quelles sont les perspectives dont les enseignants, les familles et les enfants eux-mêmes pourraient tirer bénéfice? Cʼest autour de ces différentes questions que le stage sʼarticulera. COMMENT? • Visite dʼétablissements scolaires (primaires et secondaires: du cours préparatoire à la terminale); • rencontres avec des chefs dʼétablissement (directeurs, principaux, proviseurs) et des enseignants formés et formateurs, des médecins, orthophonistes, chercheurs; • visite du Centre de références des troubles du langage de lʼhôpital lʼArchet à Nice. • utilisation dʼoutils spécifiques, de logiciels adaptés; • rencontres avec des spécialistes dans le cadre de la prise en charge du handicap (Inspecteur de lʼadaptation scolaire et scolarisation des élèves handicapés, les enseignants référents, La Maison départementale du handicap); • echanges avec des élèves porteurs de troubles spécifiques du langage. POUR QUI? Organiser(s): DALMASSO Thierry Collège de Vidauban Boulevard Vallons 83550 Vidauban Tel. +33-4 94 99 70 50 Fax +33-4 94 99 70 59 Email: [email protected] • Directeurs d΄institutions, de centres ou de prestataires d΄enseignement et de formation professionnels; • professeurs principaux, formateurs d΄enseignants; • conseillers pédagogiques ou d΄orientation; • représentants de services éducatifs, d΄agences pour l΄emploi ou de centres d΄orientation. WWW. CATALOGUE 2008-2009 117 MEASURES TO PREVENT SCHOOL FAILURE AND EARLY SCHOOL LEAVING Salento in Europe – Cooperation to prevent dropouts Group No: 261 Type of visit: Mixed 30/3/2009-3/4/2009 Galatina, Lecce, Puglia Italy Working language: English Number of places: 15 Minimum required: 5 EDUCATION AND TRAINING 2010 OBJECTIVES: 2.3. Supporting active citizenship, equal opportunities and social cohesion 3.2. Developing the spirit of enterprise WHY? • The first objective is to connect researchers of the host and guest countries on early school leaving. • The school task is to discover and improve pupils skills and support children having studying difficulties and problems with their behaviour. • The main school goal is to give the young competences to be able to face the world. • We developed a special study programme to allow these children to gain education necessary for their better future. • The school “Istituto Istruzione Superiore” in Galatina is a “resource centre to prevent early school leaving and social fragmentation and to return dropouts”. It took part in a lot of European programmes to prevent early school leaving (PON projects and laboratories). WHAT? The learning objectives of the visit are: • sharing experiences on the subject; • knowing how to work with these problems and how to find new solutions; • exchanging ideas and programmes; • improving the theme by increasing European cooperation. HOW? Participants will: • visit the provincial observatory of early school leaving; • interact with research on reasons for dropouts, individual meetings to focus and orient pupils skills, vocational courses, courses designed for adults who wish to improve their knowledge and achieve validation and certification of competence; • participate in our laboratories; • interviews and meet with our directors, supervisors, head teachers. WHOM? • • • • • • • Directors of education and vocational training institutions, centres or providers; head teachers, teacher trainers; human resource managers; pedagogical or guidance advisers; representatives of education and training networks and associations; representatives of local, regional and national authorities; researchers. SHORT DESCRIPTION IN THE HOST COUNTRY’S LANGUAGE: Organiser(s): MOLENDINI Lavinia Istituto Istruzione Superiore di Galatina Viale Degli Studenti 73013 Galatina (Lecce), Italy Tel. +39-0836 56 40 44 Fax +39-0836 56 69 73 Email: [email protected] LʼIstituto dʼIstruzione Superiore di Galatina, Centro Risorse contro la dispersione scolastica e la frammentazione sociale per il rientro dei drop-out, presenta unʼalta percentuale di dispersione scolastica anche se negli ultimi 2 anni si è registrata una riduzione del 2%, grazie allʼattività di ricerca e alla partecipazione a numerosi progetti comunitari mirati. Lʼobiettivo principale della visita diventa quindi quello di condividere con i richiedenti le esperienze accumulate duranti questi anni di attività, sia teoriche (ricerca) che pratiche (istituzione di corsi serali, laboratori etc.). Eʼ prevista inoltre anche una visita presso lʼOsservatorio Provinciale contro la dispersione scolastica del Provveditorato agli Studi di Lecce per ampliare il problema dal singolo a quello della società e poter più facilmente applicare le nostre conclusioni a modelli e realtà diverse dal nostro contesto culturale. WWW. 118 CEDEFOP – STUDY VISITS MEASURES TO PREVENT SCHOOL FAILURE AND EARLY SCHOOL LEAVING School failure resistance Group No: 262 Type of visit: General education 20/4/2009-24/4/2009 Kotka, Finland Working language: English Number of places: 16 Minimum required: 12 EDUCATION AND TRAINING 2010 OBJECTIVES: 1.5. Making the best use of resources 2.2. Making learning more attractive WHY? How to support students, who have a number of problems and find it difficult to learn theoretical subjects and canʼt sit hours in the classroom? If young people aged 15-16 drop out of school, they usually find it almost impossible to find work and they are in danger of social exclusion. To get certification of graduation from basic education, so they can continue with their studies, different methods have been developed: • making studentsʼ curriculum easier with the help of special teachers in normal school; • non-fighting groups for discussing problems; • student counselling groups dealing with studentsʼ problems; • Voimala-therapy for individual students and groups; • different kinds of special classes for max. 10 students with concentration problems etc. WHAT? Participants will be familiarised with the Finnish school system, its edges and most difficult points. The core objective is to learn that various problems need different kinds of methods to be solved. HOW? The objectives will be achieved by: • visiting different groups with teachers, students and therapists; • discussing with teachers, students and therapists; • observing rather than listening to lectures. WHOM? • • • • Directors of education and vocational training institutions, centres or providers; directors of validation or accreditation centres; educational and vocational training inspectors; head teachers, teacher trainers. SHORT DESCRIPTION IN THE HOST COUNTRY’S LANGUAGE: Organiser(s): ERÄTULI Irmeli Karhula school Vesivallintie 16 48600 Kotka Tel. +358- 52 34 53 67 Fax +358- 52 34 53 32 Email: [email protected] Website: Miten tuetaan heikkoa, keskittymiskyvytöntä, moniongelmaista nuorta peruskoulun kolmella viimeisellä luokalla? Tavoitteena on saada oppilaalle päättötodistus ja jatkoopiskelupaikka. Keinot ovat: • laaja-alainen erityisopettaja ja osa-aikainen mukautus • erityisluokka sopeutumattomille ja pienryhmäopetus • Topparoikka-luokka erityisongelmaisille • koulupaja 9. luokkalaisille • Voimala-terapia ja -ohjaus itsetunnon kohottamiseen • NonFightning -keskusteluryhmät häiriköille • oppilashuoltotyöryhmät Tutustutaan kaikkiin edellisiin toimitsijoihin ja kouluihin. Tutustuminen itäsuomalaiseen merenrantakaupunkiin: puistot, laivaretki saaristoon, käynti suomalaisessa akvaariossa Maretariumissa ja/tai Merimuseossa, tutustuminen Langinkosken keisarilliseen kalastusmajaan, mahdollisesti jokin konsertti- tai teatterivierailu ja suomalaisen ruuan ilta yksityiskodeissa pienissä ryhmissä. WWW. – CATALOGUE 2008-2009 119 MESURES PRÉVENTIVES CONTRE L’ÉCHEC SCOLAIRE ET L’ABANDON PRÉCOCE Lutte contre l’échec scolaire, intégration des jeunes migrants en Communauté française de Belgique Group No: 263 Type de visite: Enseignement général 4/5/2009-8/5/2009 Bruxelles, Belgique Langue de travail: français Nombre de places: 15 Minimum requis: 8 OBJECTIFS EDUCATION ET FORMATION 2010: 1.2. Développer les compétences nécessaires dans la société de la connaissance 2.2. Rendre lʼéducation et la formation plus attrayantes POURQUOI? Un grande partie de la semaine sera consacrée à examiner les solutions proposées par certains établissements de la région bruxelloise pour faciliter lʼintégration des enfants de migrants dans le système scolaire (entre autres les classes passerelles). En outre la Communauté française de Belgique doit faire face à un grand taux dʼéchec à tous les niveaux dʼenseignement. QUOI? Les participants seront conviés à prendre connaissance dʼexpériences destinées à promouvoir une pédagogie du succès. COMMENT? Visites dʼétablissements à Bruxelles. POUR QUI? • Directeurs d΄institutions, de centres ou de prestataires d΄enseignement et de formation professionnels; • inspecteurs d΄enseignement et de formation professionnels; • professeurs principaux, formateurs d΄enseignants; • chefs de départements; • conseillers pédagogiques ou d΄orientation; • représentants de réseaux et d΄associations d΄enseignement et de formation; • représentants de services éducatifs, d΄agences pour l΄emploi ou de centres d΄orientation; • représentants des autorités locales, régionales et nationales. Organisateur(s): FRANÇOIS Nadine Communauté française Bld Léopold II , 44 1080 Bruxelles Tel. +32- 24134011 Email: [email protected] 120 CEDEFOP – STUDY VISITS MAßNAHMEN ZUR PRÄVENTION VON SCHULVERSAGEN UND FRÜHEN SCHULABGÄNGEN Schulverweigerung – Prävention und frühe Intervention Gruppennummer: 264 Art des Besuches: Allgemeine Bildung ZIELE VON „ALLGEMEINE UND BERUFLICHE BILDUNG 2010“: 2.2. Lernen muss attraktiver werden 2.3. Förderung von aktivem Bürgersinn, Chancengleichheit und gesellschaftlichem Zusammenhalt WARUM? 11/5/2009-15/5/2009 Königswinter, Bonn Deutschland Arbeitssprache: Deutsch Anzahl der Teilnehmerplätze: 10 Erforderliche Mindestanzahl: 8 Schulverweigerung, Schulangst, Schulmüdigkeit sind Themen, mit denen sich alle Schulformen auseinandersetzen müssen, weisen sie doch auf ein gesellschaftliches Phänomen hin, dessen Einflussfaktoren vielfältig sind. Diese Veranstaltung ist für alle interessant, die als politische Entscheidungsträger oder in Schule und Jugendarbeit Tätige mit diesem Thema konfrontiert sind. Relevant sind die damit verbundenen Fragestellungen und Konzeptentwicklungen für die Ziele der allgemeinen und beruflichen Bildung 2010. Das zunehmende Auftreten von Schulverweigerung deckt offene Spannungen in dem komplexen Beziehungsdreieck zwischen Kind, Familie und Schule auf. Dass in Deutschland 400.000 Kinder zwischen 13 und 16 Jahre als Schulverweigerer verzeichnet werden können, und ca. 86.000 Kinder und Jugendliche die Schule ohne Abschluss verlassen und dann viele von ihnen in die Kriminalität abrutschen, zeigt die Notwendigkeit entsprechenden Handelns auf. WAS? Durch den Besuch verschiedener Einrichtungen und Diskussionsrunden mit Lehrern, Schulleitern, Eltern, Schülern, Sozialpädagogen und Entscheidungsträgern auf politischer Ebene können die Teilnehmer unterschiedliche Konzepte und Positionen zu diesem gesellschaftlichen Brennpunkt erfahren, sich austauschen und individuelle konzeptionelle Überlegungen gemeinsam entwickeln. Die Drachenfelsschule arbeitet eng zusammen mit einem Projekt, das sich um schulverweigernde Mädchen und junge Frauen kümmert. Daneben besteht ein enger Kontakt zu anderen Institutionen wie Jugendamt, Universität und Jugendhilfeeinrichtungen, die sich intensiv um dieses Thema kümmern. WIE? Bei ihrem Besuch können die Teilnehmer/innen verschiedene Einrichtungen kennen lernen, die sich um schulverweigernde Kinder und Jugendliche kümmern. Außerdem besteht die Möglichkeit, mit einem Wissenschaftler der Universität Köln, der in diesem Bereich wissenschaftlich arbeitet, und mit Entscheidungsträgern auf Schulaufsichtsebene zu diskutieren. WER? Organisator(en): MUELLER-LUHNAU Franziska Drachenfelsschule, Förderschule mit dem Schwerpunkt Lernen Friedenstr. 22 53639 Königswinter Tel. +49- 22 23 90 82 86 Fax +49- 22 23 90 82 88 Email: [email protected] • • • • • • • • Bildungsbeauftragte in Unternehmen; Leiter von Bildungs- und Berufsbildungeinrichtungen und -anbietern; Leiter von Berufsberatungszentren; Bildungs- und Berufsbildungsinspektoren; Schulleiter, Lehreraus- und -fortbildner; Personalbeauftragte; Vertreter von örtlichen, regionalen und nationalen Behörden; Forscher. WWW. – – – CATALOGUE 2008-2009 121 MEASURES TO PREVENT SCHOOL FAILURE AND EARLY SCHOOL LEAVING New opportunities in education Group No: 265 Type of visit: General education 11/5/2009-15/5/2009 Coimbra, Portugal Working language: English Number of places: 15 Minimum required: 6 EDUCATION AND TRAINING 2010 OBJECTIVES: 2.2. Making learning more attractive WHY? The visit intends to demonstrate the different educational measures of the governmental initiative “New Opportunities”, designed to raise the level of education and qualification of the Portuguese population. WHAT? Overview of the Portuguese education system with particular emphasis on: • different measures to prevent school failure and drop-outs, such as educational and training courses for youngsters over 15 years old and vocational courses; • initiatives specially designed for adults who wish to improve their knowledge and achieve validation and certification of competences. HOW? The programme will include visits to basic, secondary and vocational schools, vocational training centres and enterprises. WHOM? • • • • • • • • Directors of education and vocational training institutions, centres or providers; directors of guidance centres; directors of validation or accreditation centres; head teachers, teacher trainers; pedagogical or guidance advisers; representatives of education and training networks and associations; representatives of educational services, labour offices or guidance centres; representatives of local, regional and national authorities. SHORT DESCRIPTION IN THE HOST COUNTRY’S LANGUAGE: A visita tem como objectivo a divulgação das diferentes medidas que integram a iniciativa nacional das “Novas Oportunidades”, destinada a aumentar o nível de qualificação escolar e profissional da população portuguesa com o objectivo de elevar os níveis de bem-estar e de competitividade nacional. Organiser(s): CASTRO Engrácia Direcção Regional Educação do Centro R. Gen. Humberto Delgado, 319 3030-327 Coimbra Tel. +351- 239 79 88 79 Fax +351- 239 40 55 36 Email: [email protected] Website: WWW. – www. – 122 CEDEFOP – STUDY VISITS EUROPEAN DIMENSION IN EDUCATION Crossborder teaching and learning in the Rhine-Maas-Euregio Group No: 266 Type of visit: General education 16/9/2008-19/9/2008 Aachen, Euregio Germany Working language: English Number of places: 15 Minimum required: 7 EDUCATION AND TRAINING 2010 OBJECTIVES: 3.4. Increasing mobility and exchange 3.5. Strengthening the European co-operation WHY? In the region of Rhine-Mass-Euregio (Aachen, Germany; Liege, Belgium; Maastricht, Netherlands) there are many completely different educational institutions and systems. Participants will become acquainted with selected institutions and their cooperation. They benefit from cross border ideas and insights useful for the future development of their own systems. WHAT? Participants will witness the European aspect of teaching and learning. They will also have numerous opportunities for discussion, focusing on exchange of ideas and thoughts, especially regarding the aims of European education and its quality assurance systems. HOW? Participants will visit various educational institutions. In particular they will visit a variety of schools often with differing and diverse goals. Participants are asked to provide a review of the educational systems in their respective countries. WHOM? • • • • • • Directors of education and vocational training institutions, centres or providers; educational and vocational training inspectors; head teachers, teacher trainers; heads of departments; representatives of education and training networks and associations; researchers. SHORT DESCRIPTION IN THE HOST COUNTRY’S LANGUAGE: Die Euregio Rhein-Maas (Deutschland, Belgien, Niederlande) bietet auf engstem Raum zahlreiche unterschiedliche Bildungseinrichtungen. Durch deren Vergleich und das Kennenlernen ihrer Kooperationen gewinnen die Teilnehmerinnen und Teilnehmer des Studienbesuchs Impulse für die Weiterentwicklung der eigenen Systeme. Sie erfahren hier in besonderem Maße die europäische Dimension des Lehrens und Lernens und erhalten die Gelegenheit zum Austausch über europäische Bildung, deren Ziele und Qualitätssicherungssysteme. Die Teilnehmerinnen und Teilnehmer besuchen in der Euregio verschiedene Bildungseinrichtungen insbesondere Schulen unterschiedlichster Ausrichtung. Organiser(s): DICK Guenther Gymnasium St. Leonhard Jesuitenstr. 9 52062 Aachen Tel. +49- 241 41 31 98 0 Fax +49- 241 41 31 98 37 Email: [email protected] CATALOGUE 2008-2009 123 EUROPEAN DIMENSION IN EDUCATION European dimension in education in Silesia region Group No: 267 Type of visit: General education 30/9/2008-3/10/2008 Katowice, Poland Working language: English Number of places: 15 Minimum required: 10 EDUCATION AND TRAINING 2010 OBJECTIVES: 1.2. Developing skills for the knowledge society 3.3. Improving foreign language learning WHY? Present day challenges, intercultural reality of Europe, integration processes, changing social values make European dimension an essential element of education and tool to reach main educational goals. European dimension includes European values, European citizenship, intercultural and multilingual communication as well as exchange of the most efficient solutions and examples of good practice in education. International projects offering new attractive methods of learning, new curriculum content, intercultural learning in practice, use of foreign languages and ICT meet the most important needs of education. Silesia is the most active Polish region in educational European programmes; it has numerous projects – examples of good practice, awarded as the best Comenius and eTwinning project, by European language label, etc. This is a border region, in the past belonging to Czech, Germany. There are traces of many cultures. WHAT? Participants will learn about: • the Polish education system; • the best and most original European projects, results and conclusion of their evaluation; • forms, methods and tools of language teaching in Polish primary and secondary schools; • teacher training and in-service training in language teaching and European dimension; assessment system of results of language teaching; • implementation of European dimension in participants countries. HOW? • Visits to regional education authority, primary and secondary schools, initial teacher training centre, teacher in-service training centre, regional examination board, local authority, social partners; • observation of lessons; • meetings with heads, inspectors, teachers, students, local authorities; • discussions; • presentation of different perspectives and points of view; • exchange of participants experiences. WHOM? • • • • • • Directors of education and vocational training institutions, centres or providers; educational and vocational training inspectors; head teachers, teacher trainers; heads of departments; representatives of education and training networks and associations; representatives of local, regional and national authorities. SHORT DESCRIPTION IN THE HOST COUNTRY’S LANGUAGE: Organiser(s): SOBOTNIK Joanna Kuratorium Oświaty w Katowicach ul. Jagiello ska 25 40-032 Katowice Tel. +48- 207 74 53 Fax +48- 257 13 96 Email: [email protected] W ramach wizyty studyjnej pragniemy przedstawić osiągnięcia szkół i instytucji województwa śląskiego w dziedzinie edukacji europejskiej, projekty realizowane w ramach programu Comenius, Leonardo da Vinci i eTwinning, będące przykładami dobrej praktyki, projekty w dziedzinie nauczania języków obcych, wyróżnione europejskim znakiem jakości, nowatorskie formy i metody nauczania języków obcych (wczesne nauczanie języków obcych, klasy dwujęzyczne), działania w dziedzinie promocji edukacji europejskiej i nauczania języków obcych oraz panoramę polskiego systemu oświaty. Uczestnicy będą mieli okazję do wymiany doświadczeń, poznania osiągnięć różnych krajów w dziedzinie edukacji europejskiej. Wizyta bedzie także okazją do poznania geografii, historii, kultury i współczesności województwa śląskiego. Mamy nadzieję, że wizyta pozwoli na nawiązanie współpracy w ramach programów europejskich. WWW. – – – – – 124 CEDEFOP – STUDY VISITS EUROPEAN DIMENSION IN EDUCATION Information and communication Improving project management skills in printing and editing Group No: 268 Type of visit: Mixed 3/11/2008-5/11/2008 Sofia, Plovdiv, Varna Bulgaria Working language: English Number of places: 20 Minimum required: 10 EDUCATION AND TRAINING 2010 OBJECTIVES: 2.1. Open learning environment 2.3. Supporting active citizenship, equal opportunities and social cohesion WHY? • The visit corresponds both to 2010 education and training objectives and the priorities of the European Year of multicultural dialogue, 2008. • Participants will learn how the host organisation manages European projects, related to management of information and standards of professional conduct in the publishing sector. WHAT? Participants will: • establish a network with professionals working in the publishing sector; • develop an understanding of the skills and capacities of professionals working in the publishing industry; • compare the standards of performance of leading companies in the publishing sector in three Bulgarian cities. HOW? Participants will: • learn about the project portfolio of the host organisation; • compare the hostʼs portfolio against the standards of effectiveness in project management, set by the company; • becoming familiar with the staff promotion policies of the Bulgarian Publishing Company. WHOM? • Directors of education and vocational training institutions, centres or providers; • directors of validation or accreditation centres; • owners/managers of SMEs. SHORT DESCRIPTION IN THE HOST COUNTRY’S LANGUAGE: Българска Издателска Компания /БИК/е водещ издател на вестници и списания, които промотират българската идтория, култура и високи технологии в международен мащаб. В уверение на това, че информацията за нашата дейност и опит от развитието ни в сферата на управлението на информацията са достояние на всички заинтересовани страни, БИК организира семинари за споделяне на опит и peer review и провежда програми за управление и валидиране на компетенциите на служителите си – в център за развитие на компетенциите, които е в процес на регистрация към НАПОО. По време на учебното посeщение екипът на БИК, съвместно със стажанти ще даде възможност за наблюдение на процеса на работа в пeчатницата и издателствата и ще модерира фокус групи, които участниците ще обсъдят важността от инициативите за обучение на работното място и стратегии за развитие на компетенциите на персонала. Organiser(s): PEEVA Antoaneta Bulgarian Publishing Company Computers BG 1 Samokovsko Shousse Str, fl. 3 1138 Sofia Tel. +359- 973 7979 Email: [email protected] Website: WWW. – – CATALOGUE 2008-2009 125 LA DIMENSION EUROPÉENNE DANS L’ÉDUCATION Conjuguer mixité et activités périscolaires pour favoriser l’ouverture européenne Numéro de groupe: 269 Type de visite: Enseignement général 17/11/2008-21/11/2008 Limoges, France Langue de travail: français Nombre de places: 12 Minimum requis: 6 OBJECTIFS EDUCATION ET FORMATION 2010: 2.2. Rendre lʼéducation et la formation plus attrayantes 2.3. Favoriser la citoyenneté active, lʼégalité des chances et la cohésion sociale POURQUOI? Lʼaction éducative sur la ville de Limoges associe lʼéducation nationale, la municipalité et le tissu associatif. Elle sʼinscrit à la fois dans les dispositifs du contrat éducatif local et du projet de réussite éducative. Les actions concernent les niveaux primaire et secondaire. Cette proposition de visite représente une poursuite logique souhaitée par les établissements et partenaires associés lors dʼune visite précédente sur le thème «mixité et diversité des jeunes accueillis; un atout éducatif». Quels sont les acteurs et les méthodes éducatives capables de sʼinscrire dans une dimension européenne voire internationale? Enfin, cette action sʼinscrit dans le cadre de la Présidence française de lʼUnion européenne afin de permettre aux élèves de mieux prendre en compte la dimension européenne en accueillant une délégation. QUOI? • La mixité et la diversité en établissement représentent une chance au sens éducatif et pédagogique; • de nombreux établissements scolaires de Limoges sont identifiés comme tels. COMMENT? • Sur le choix délibéré dʼun secteur géographique (couvrant les cycles de lʼélémentaire au lycée), sʼinscrire et intervenir sur un temps donné dans ce fonctionnement des dispositifs; • de plus, avec les équipes éducatives seront abordées les notions de pilotage et dʼévaluation. Il semble en effet intéressant quʼun regard neuf, extérieur, apporte sa contribution; • permettre aux participants dʼintervenir des les structures avec les équipes éducatives favorisera la mise en place et le développement de «mobilité virtuelle» dʼéchanges à distance par le biais des technologies nouvelles; • utiliser mieux les structures et les moyens matériels existants; • mobiliser des ressources humaines qualifiées; • focaliser les moyens sur les ressources humaines; • élaborer un projet commun. POUR QUI? • Directeurs d΄institutions, de centres ou de prestataires d΄enseignement et de formation professionnels; • professeurs principaux, formateurs d΄enseignants; • conseillers pédagogiques ou d΄orientation; • représentants de réseaux et d΄associations d΄enseignement et de formation; • représentants de services éducatifs, d΄agences pour l΄emploi ou de centres d΄orientation. Organisateur(s): ESCOLA Patrick AROEVEN 88, rue du pont Saint-Martial 87000 Limoges Tel. +33-5 55 79 95 67 Fax +33-5 55 32 46 86 Email: [email protected] WWW. 126 CEDEFOP – STUDY VISITS EUROPEAN DIMENSION IN EDUCATION Education for peace and intercultural exchange: comparison of educational systems Group No: 270 Type of visit: General education 1/12/2008-5/12/2008 Taranto, Puglia Italy Working language: English Number of places: 15 Minimum required: 5 EDUCATION AND TRAINING 2010 OBJECTIVES: 2.3. Supporting active citizenship, equal opportunities and social cohesion 3.3. Improving foreign language learning WHY? All international observers agree that childrens futures will be effected by a multiethnic society where phenomena of violence and intolerance may occur. At the same time, some think that international terrorism is a problem which may persist in the future and cannot be defeated only by politics of contrast. The hardest problem school face is to verify if and how it is possible to educate towards peace and intercultural exchange effectively. WHAT? Participants will have the opportunity to: • verify how the theme of intercultural exchange and peace is connected and linked to school politics of each State; • learn the way each school starts didactic experiences of sensibility about this subject; • emphasise the role of foreign language learning to understand different cultures; • share and compare programmes and initiatives adopted in EU countries towards language learning; • share and compare adopted didactic technologies. HOW? • Two different meetings: • the first on ʻDidactics of education for civilized human society as a means of promoting culture for peaceʼ; • the second about ʻIntercultural exchange as the main instrument to plan instructive syllabusʼ; • a workshop to illustrate the instructive syllabus carried out on the chosen topics by schools involved in the visit programme; • two ʻmaster classʼ days on subjects discussed previously. WHOM? • • • • • • • • • • Directors of education and vocational training institutions, centres or providers; head teachers, teacher trainers; heads of departments; human resource managers; pedagogical or guidance advisers; representatives of education and training networks and associations; representatives of educational services, labour offices or guidance centres; representatives of employersʼ organisations; representatives of local, regional and national authorities; researchers. SHORT DESCRIPTION IN THE HOST COUNTRY’S LANGUAGE: Organiser(s): ESPOSITO Gennaro Istituto Comprensivo “Galilei” Vico Carducci 9 74100 Taranto Tel. +39-368 742 11 86 Fax +39-099 470 68 66 Email: [email protected] Website: La scelta del tema è stata suggerita dalla consapevolezza che l’Educazione alla diversità culturale e linguistica rappresenta una delle sfide pedagogiche del nostro tempo, oltre che uno degli aspetti più significativi di quella Società della Conoscenza che viene delineata nei documenti della Conferenza di Lisbona. A tal proposito si desidera sottolineare il ruolo del multilinguismo quale fattore di comprensione delle culture “altre”. La Visita di Studio proposta è la quarta consecutiva organizzata dall’Istituto Comprensivo “Galilei”, quale sede amministrativa ed organizzativa della Rete “Progetto Russia”. La Rete è nata nel 2001 e comprende 10 scuole della Provincia di Taranto. Scopo della Rete è quello di realizzare esperienze di partenariato didattico e professionale con alcune scuole della Città di Mosca ( In questo quadro, la realizzazione di una Visita di Studio in contemporanea con la visita di una Delegazione proveniente da Mosca, consente una rete di rapporti e di confronti certamente originale. WWW. CATALOGUE 2008-2009 127 EUROPEAN DIMENSION IN EDUCATION The benefits of multilateral European projects – Valorisation of project results and products in teacher education and teacher training Group No: 271 Type of visit: Mixed 8/12/2008-12/12/2008 Stuttgart and Ludwigsburg Germany Working language: English Number of places: 15 Minimum required: 6 EDUCATION AND TRAINING 2010 OBJECTIVES: 1.1. Improving education and training for teachers and trainers 3.5. Strengthening the European co-operation WHY? Implementation of EU-funded projects in education plays an increasing role Europe-wide. EUfunded educational projects support national political strategies in implementing an efficient, transparent and coherent educational policy. Only if the results are integrated as much as possible into educational practice, will Lisbon aims be achieved. Quite often the end of the EUfunding also means the end of cooperation and dissemination and long-term sustainability of results is not accomplished. The aim of the study visit is to enable stakeholders of general and vocational education to jointly map out strategies to support the successful transfer of project results into educational practice. In the federal state of Baden-Württemberg, ministries and other educational stakeholders have begun to facilitate networking with coordinators of EU-funded projects and support the transfer of the results of these projects into educational practice. WHAT? During the study visit this networking strategy will be presented and discussed with participants. It is also considered to implement similar activities – if applicable in a joint EU-project – concurrently in several European regions. Synergy can be created and successful valorisation strategies in exchanging ʻbest-practice-examplesʼ can be established. HOW? Besides discussion with project coordinators from schools, universities and institutions for teacher training (and further training), round table discussions will offer an incentive to exchange experiences and consider further European cooperation. WHOM? Organiser(s): NEUGEBAUER Marion Ministerium für Kultus, Jugend und Sport BadenWürttemberg, Referat Europa Postfach 103442 70029 Stuttgart Tel. +49- 711-279-2561 Fax +49- 711-279-2788 Email: [email protected] Website: STEIGER Ulrike Pädagogischen Hochschulen in Baden-Württemberg, EU-Forschungsreferat Reuteallee 46 71634 Ludwigsburg Tel. +49- 71 41 14 03 24 Fax +49- 71 41 14 07 09 Email: [email protected] • • • • • • • • • • • Company training managers; directors of education and vocational training institutions, centres or providers; directors of validation or accreditation centres; educational and vocational training inspectors; head teachers, teacher trainers; pedagogical or guidance advisers; representatives of chambers of commerce/industry/crafts; representatives of education and training networks and associations; representatives of educational services, labour offices or guidance centres; representatives of local, regional and national authorities; researchers. SHORT DESCRIPTION IN THE HOST COUNTRY’S LANGUAGE: Europaweit hat die Durchführung von EU-Projekten im Bildungsbereich in den letzten Jahren einen immer größeren Stellenwert eingenommen. Wenn die Erkenntnisse und Ergebnisse, die in EU-Projekten gewonnen werden, möglichst umfänglich in die Bildungspraxis der Länder und Regionen einfließen können, rückt auch die Umsetzung der Lissabonziele in erreichbare Nähe. Dieser Transferprozess ist jedoch nicht immer einfach. Nicht selten bedeutet das Ende der EU-Förderung in EU-Projekten auch das Ende der gemeinsamen Zusammenarbeit und es gelingt nicht, die gewonnen Erkenntnisse im Sinne einer Nachhaltigkeitsstrategie dauerhaft zu verbreiten und umzusetzen. Ziel des Studienbesuchs ist es, gemeinsam mit bildungspolitischen Akteuren der schulischen und beruflichen Bildung Strategien zu erarbeiten, wie in europäischen Regionen ein solcher Transfer erfolgreich bildungspolitisch unterstützt und umgesetzt werden kann. 128 CEDEFOP – STUDY VISITS EUROPEAN DIMENSION IN EDUCATION International learning routes in secondary general education Group No: 272 Type of visit: General education 8/12/2008-12/12/2008 In the South of the Netherlands Working language: English Number of places: 15 Minimum required: 10 EDUCATION AND TRAINING 2010 OBJECTIVES: 3.5. Strengthening the European co-operation WHY? Secondary general schools use European standards and frameworks to add structure and depth to their international activities with pupils and teachers. This study visit aims at sharing concepts of ʻinternational learning routesʼ and encouraging implementation in the curriculum of other schools and countries. Pupils and parents can choose these routes to prepare better young European citizens for their future study and work in the European Union and beyond. WHAT? Many secondary schools offer one or more international learning routes, supported by the European platform and the Ministry of Education. Two are the European network Elos Europe as a learning environment in schools ( and CertiLingua ( Establishing a European/international school profile is an option for schools with sound experience in international cooperation, a stable network of partner schools in Europe, and the willingness to change lesson plans, train teachers and adjust structures. Pupils can document their international achievements in (selfevaluation) portfolios or instruments such as ʻEuropassʼ ( The visit invites participants who represent, advise, inspect or research schools that fit this profile to have a closer look at these innovations. HOW? Participants will: • experience how Dutch schools put the international learning routes into practice; • exchange views with various stakeholders, such as students, teachers, coordinators, and expert organisations, on how to implement such international learning routes in their own school or country and how to cooperate in relevant international innovation networks. WHOM? • • • • • • • • Directors of education and vocational training institutions, centres or providers; directors of validation or accreditation centres; educational and vocational training inspectors; head teachers, teacher trainers; heads of departments; representatives of education and training networks and associations; representatives of local, regional and national authorities; researchers. Organiser(s): SMIT Frank Europees Platform voor het Nederlandse onderwijs Bezuidenhoutseweg 253 NL 2594 Den Haag Tel. +31- 703814448 Fax +31- 703831958 Email: [email protected] WWW. CATALOGUE 2008-2009 129 EUROPEAN DIMENSION IN EDUCATION The European dimension through English language teaching and learning Group No: 273 Type of visit: General education 16/3/2009-20/3/2009 Nicosia, Cyprus Working language: English Number of places: 15 Minimum required: 8 EDUCATION AND TRAINING 2010 OBJECTIVES: 3.3. Improving foreign language learning 3.5. Strengthening the European co-operation WHY? To show how the European dimension is promoted through teaching and learning the English Language in our schools and how it can contribute to quality in education. Also to show the importance of the European dimension in every educational system and how it contributes to mobility. WHAT? The visit will: • define the European dimension and the elements it consists of; • suggest ways these elements are promoted through teaching and learning the English Language; • make reference to concepts, such as multilingualism and plurilingualism, cultures and civilisations, dialogue, understanding, coexistance and cooperation. HOW? • Lectures, round table discussions, workshops, sessions about the European dimension; • visits to secondary schools, urban and rural, to attend lessons in English focusing on the European dimension; • meeting with experts on the European dimension; • establishment of networks. WHOM? • • • • • • Directors of education and vocational training institutions, centres or providers; educational and vocational training inspectors; head teachers, teacher trainers; heads of departments; pedagogical or guidance advisers; representatives of education and training networks and associations. SHORT DESCRIPTION IN THE HOST COUNTRY’S LANGUAGE: Οι συμμετέχοντες θα δώσουν τον ορισμό της Ευρωπαϊκής Διάστασης και θα έχουν την ευκαιρία να συζητήσουν και να ανταλλάξουν απόψεις πως η Ευρωπαϊκή Διάσταση προωθείται μέσα από τη διδασκαλία και μάθηση της Αγγλικής Γλώσσας. Θα γίνει αναφορά σε έννοιες όπως γλωσσομάθεια, προαγωγή πολιτισμών, κατανόηση, συνύπαρξη, διάλογος, συνεργασία, ανοχή. Organiser(s): CONTI-THEOCHAROUS Stella Ministry of Education and Culture Kimonos and Thoukididou street 1434 Nicosia Tel. +357- 22 80 07 73 Fax +357- 22 80 08 62 Email: [email protected] WWW. 130 CEDEFOP – STUDY VISITS EUROPEAN DIMENSION IN EDUCATION European and global dimension in education Group No: 274 Type of visit: General education 23/3/2009-27/3/2009 Ptuj, Slovenia Working language: English Number of places: 12 Minimum required: 8 EDUCATION AND TRAINING 2010 OBJECTIVES: 1.1. Improving education and training for teachers and trainers 2.2. Making learning more attractive WHY? • When Slovenia became a member of EU we started to include the values of EU as a common home of European nations into our education system; nevertheless, we have been trying to preserve our national identity, as well. We find it very important that teachers, management and other services from different European countries get acquainted with our efforts and that we can present them our solutions. • Learning a foreign language at an early age (presentation of good practice in kindergartens and primary schools) is essential for a small nation as we Slovenians are so we would like to present the efforts of the Slovene school institutions to introduce learning of a foreign language at an early age. • Since education in the field of technology and science is very important we will present new programmes in education in these fields (introduction of a new programme mechatronics, its practical implementation and its first results). • One reason we would like to present European dimension of education is we have a lot of experience in this field. Our school is a part of a pilot project European classes where the European dimension in education is emphasised. We are very experienced in international projects, as well. (Comenius, Arion, E-twinning, ACES (Academy of Central European Schools), ASEF (European Asian Foundation), UNESCO ASPnet schools). WHAT? Participants will get acquainted with: • all levels of Slovene education system; • the European Classes project; • the project Didactic reform of gimnazija (general education school); • the modernisation scheme of general and technical education in Slovenia; • the teachers training scheme in Slovenia; • how to develop European dimension in the class (good practice); • methods in teaching a foreign language at an early age; • cultural and historical sights of the oldest town in Slovenia, Ptuj. HOW? Participants will: • visit all levels of Slovene education system: kindergarten, primary school, general education secondary school, secondary technical school, vocational school, Faculty of Education, Ministry of Education and Sport, the National Education Institute; • visit local authorities and get to know about the links between the schools and local community; • be able to meet and talk to management, teachers, students and pupils; • be able to observe teaching classes and to meet students and talk to them; • get an insight into good and bad points of our education system and into the way we are implementing the novelties (European dimension). WHOM? Directors of education and vocational training institutions, centres or providers; directors of guidance centres; head teachers, teacher trainers; heads of departments; pedagogical or guidance advisers. SHORT DESCRIPTION IN THE HOST COUNTRY’S LANGUAGE: Organiser(s): ROKAVEC Branimir Gimnazija Ptuj Volkmerjeva 15 SI-2250 Ptuj Tel. +386- 27 48 28 12 Fax +386- 27 48 28 28 Email: [email protected] Website: Udeležencem študijskega obiska bomo predstavili sistem izobraževanja v Republiki Sloveniji s poudarkom na uvajanju evropske in globalne dimenzije v izobraževanju. Prikazali jim bomo kako in na kakšen način smo poskusno uvedli evropske oddelke v sistem splošnega izobraževanja. Program evropskih oddelkov temelji predvsem na kurikularni integraciji in interdisciplinarnosti znanja. Na primerih dobre prakse se bodo udeleženci seznanili s problemi in težavami pri uvajanju novosti v izobraževalni sistem, spoznali pa bodo tudi pot pri modificiranju programa evropskih oddelkih. Pri prikazu edukativne slike slovenskega izobraževalnega sistema bomo organizirali obiske na celotni piramidi izobraževanja od vrtcev, osnovnih in srednjih šol do fakultet. Udeležence bomo seznanili tudi z izobraževalnimi institucijami kot so Ministrstvo za šolstvo in šport, Zavod za šolstvo, Center za poklicno izobraževanje, CMEPIUS. Evropska in globalna dimenzija je v enotnem evropskem prostoru neophodno potrebno razvijati tudi v izobraževalnem sistemu. S študijskim obiskom pa ne želimo udeležencem prikazati le razvoja evropske in globalne dimenzije v slovenskem splošno izobraževalnem sistemu, temveč želimo pokazati, kako ti dve dimenziji združujemo z razvojem nacionalne identitete, kajti le vse tri zagotavljajo možnosti za oblikovanje aktivnega in enakopravnega državljana v nacionalni, evropski in globalni skupnosti. WWW. CATALOGUE 2008-2009 131 EUROPEAN DIMENSION IN EDUCATION Partnerships for improving vocational training offers and vocational training education Group No: 275 Type of visit: Mixed 30/3/2009-3/4/2009 Sinaia, Romania Working language: English Number of places: 20 Minimum required: 8 EDUCATION AND TRAINING 2010 OBJECTIVES: 2.3. Supporting active citizenship, equal opportunities and social cohesion 3.1. Strengthening the links with working life and research and society at large WHY? Sinaia is situated on the Prahova valley, the “star” city of Romanian tourism. It has many advantages: a local industry, an important tourist offer, quality schools. Its location, at 100 km. from the Henri Coanda international airport of Bucharest makes it easy to reach. The theme of the study visit deals with the importance of partnership for educational system, as a whole, but for vocational schools in particular. General trends go toward generalisation of partnership in which schools are involved. SMEs, local authorities, trade chambers, labour offices are interested in improving quality of the vocational offer of schools. WHAT? • Ways of improving vocational training schools offers; • the role of partnerships and their ways of implementation and development as well as examples of good practice from each participantʼs activity. HOW? • Presentations and debates between participants on how to improve the VET schools offer, and the employment rate between alumni. • Visits to: – Prahova Chamber of Commerce & County Agency for Employment (County Labour Office); – Valea Calugareasca agricultural high school specialised in wine growing; – City Hall of Sinaia and Busteni; – skiing track of Busteni. WHOM? Company training managers; directors of education and vocational training institutions, centres or providers; directors of guidance centres; educational and vocational training inspectors; head teachers, teacher trainers; heads of departments; human resource managers; owners/managers of SMEs; representatives of chambers of commerce/ industry/crafts; representatives of education and training networks and associations; representatives of educational services, labour offices or guidance centres; representatives of employersʼ organisations; representatives of local, regional and national authorities; representatives of trade unions; researchers. SHORT DESCRIPTION IN THE HOST COUNTRY’S LANGUAGE: Vizita este focalizata pe parteneriatul grupurilor scolare, ca scoli VET, cu diverse institutii locale sau regionale, precum scoala –primarie (consiliu local) sau scoala IMM sau ONG. De asemenea, se va discuta despre rolul unei institutii cum este inspectoratul scolar in reglarea raportului dintre cererea si oferta de locuri de munca in diferite domenii. In acest context se va pune accentul pe parteneriatul ISJ, AJOFM, ISJ – Camera de Comert, ISJ – Consiliul Judetean. Se vor efectua vizite pentru a se prezenta modul in care se deruleaza diferitele parteneriate la nivelul scolilor din Romania, si unde participantii vor putea sa se implice in dezbateri. Organiser(s): GHEORGHE Matei School Inspectorate of the County of Prahova 35, Democratiei Street 100559 Ploiesti Tel. +40- 244 57 76 99 Fax +40- 244 57 74 00 Email: [email protected] Website: 132 CEDEFOP – STUDY VISITS LA DIMENSION EUROPÉENNE DANS L’ÉDUCATION À l’école en Europe Numéro de groupe: 276 Type de visite: Enseignement général 20/4/2009-24/4/2009 Castiglione del Lago, Perugia, Umbria Italie Langue de travail: français Nombre de places: 15 Minimum requis: 5 OBJECTIFS EDUCATION ET FORMATION 2010: 2.3. Favoriser la citoyenneté active, lʼégalité des chances et la cohésion sociale 3.5. Renforcer la coopération européenne POURQUOI? Cette proposition de visite dʼétude tire son origine dʼune collaboration entre lʼécole secondaire du 1er degré, lʼécole primaire F. Rasetti de Castiglione del Lago et dʼautres établissements scolaires du territoire de Trasimeno qui ont déjà créé un réseau Comenius avec plusieurs partenaires européens. Ce réseau a ainsi établi avec succès des partenariats scolaires non seulement locaux et régionaux, mais également européens sur le “jardin” comme héritage commun et instrument dʼéducation à la citoyenneté active européenne. Ce même réseau a participé avec enthousiasme à une visite dʼétude en 2007 organisée par la Région de lʼOmbrie (CRIDEA), focalisant lʼattention sur la thématique de lʼéducation environnementale et des expériences pilotes menées dans le cadre du projet régional “eco@tlante”. QUOI? Cette visite dʼétude assure un écho et une continuité pour les projets pluriannuels Comenius Partenariats scolaires “Le jardin, monument vivant. Pédagogie du patrimoine des jardins en Europe”, grâce auxquels un réseau européen a été constitué. Lʼintention de cette visite dʼétude consiste à échanger des connaissances et améliorer la sensibilisation des élèves envers les thématiques européennes de lʼantiquité (mythes et valeurs) à nos jours (valeurs et intégration) se proposant les objectifs suivants: stimuler des processus de recherche et partage des valeurs européennes via lʼanalyse de la culture européenne à partir dʼévènements historiques chronologiquement plus lointains, qui nous enseigne à redécouvrir les formes antiques de cohabitation pacifique et de dialogues interculturels réussis. COMMENT? • Rencontres avec les directeurs des écoles du territoire de Trasimeno impliqués dans les projets Comenius: état de lʼart, échanges, confrontations, initiatives et perspectives de collaboration pour lʼavenir. • Visite de lʼOffice scolaire régional: rencontre avec le responsable de la commission qui sʼoccupe du projet “Plus dʼEurope à lʼécole”. • Visite de lʼOffice Europe Direct de la Province de Perugia. • Formation intensive ainsi structurée: séminaires (à lʼaide dʼinstruments multimédiaux) sur le mythe dʼEurope, histoire de lʼintégration européenne et engagement civil; moments dʼapprofondissement et dʼéchanges; groupes de travail, formulation de parcours didactiques; rapport final. Résultats attendus: diffusion des modèles de formation et bonnes pratiques relativement à la citoyenneté active européenne; renforcement et/ou élargissement du réseau européen avec les divers établissement dʼéducation et de formation, entreprises et administrations. POUR QUI? Inspecteurs d΄enseignement et de formation professionnels; professeurs principaux, formateurs d΄enseignants; chefs de départements; conseillers pédagogiques ou d΄orientation; représentants des autorités locales, régionales et nationales; chercheurs. BRÈVE DESCRIPTION DANS LA LANGUE DU PAYS D’ACCUEIL: Organisateur(s): BARGELLI Sergio Scuola Secondaria Statale di I° Grado “F. Rasetti” Via B. Buozzi, 82 06061 Castiglione Del Lago (Perugia) Tel. +39-075 965 24 82 Fax +39-075 960 10 49 Email: [email protected] La nascita dell’Unione Europea ha portato alla diffusione di un concetto amplificato di cittadinanza, che ha introdotto nuovi diritti, allargandosi verso una dimensione sovranazionale. Tuttavia, il pieno esercizio della “cittadinanza europea” è da intendersi ancora come work in progress. E’ dunque necessario educare alla cittadinanza, incoraggiando reciproca conoscenza e solidarietà nella società civile partendo dalla scuola. E’ una responsabilità dell’educazione e della formazione contribuire a trasmettere una cultura basata su valori condivisi, nel quadro dei principi di dialogo e rispetto delle varie forme di “diversità”. Come? Studiando e analizzando, come esempio operativo, il lavoro svolto in maniera trasversale ed interdisciplinare dalla rete delle scuole del Trasimeno in partnership con scuole europee. Questo lavoro, con risultati e prodotti diversi, illustra gli scambi di conoscenze sul “paesaggio locale” degli alunni di ogni tipo e grado scolastico per giungere alla consapevolezza di appartenere tutti insieme ad uno stesso “giardino”. WWW. – – CATALOGUE 2008-2009 133 DIE EUROPÄISCHE DIMENSION IN DER BILDUNG Verbesserung der Qualität und Effektivität der Lehrtechniken und Lehrmethoden, auch in Vorbereitung weiterer Bildung und Berufsbildung Gruppennummer: 277 Art des Besuches: Allgemeine Bildung 4/5/2009-8/5/2009 Szczecinek, Polen Arbeitssprache: Deutsch ZIELE VON „ALLGEMEINE UND BERUFLICHE BILDUNG 2010“: 1.1. Verbesserung der allgemeinen und beruflichen Bildung von Lehrkräften und Ausbildern 2.2. Lernen muss attraktiver werden WARUM? Das polnische Lehrerausbildungssystem ist ein System auf europäischem Niveau. Wir möchten neue und moderne Lehrtechniken zeigen, die bei uns angewendet werden, welche auf Qualitätssicherung und neuen Technologien basieren, und sie mit den Methoden vergleichen, die in europäischen Schuleinrichtungen angewendet werden. Wir möchten dadurch die Qualität und Effektivität des Lehrerausbildungssystems in Theorie und Praxis verbessern. Im Gymnasium Nr. 1 in Szczecinek versuchen wir, neue Schul- und Lehrmethoden anzuwenden und sie mit Fremdsprachenunterricht zu verbinden. WAS? Anzahl der Teilnehmerplätze: 15 Erforderliche Mindestanzahl: 8 Wir möchten: • die Qualität und Effektivität des Lehrerausbildungssystems verbessern. • Vorschläge für ein neues polnisches Lehrsystem mit modernen Lehrtechniken und Lehrmethoden für Schulsysteme unterbreiten und auch die Ausarbeitung von neuen Lehrmethoden und -techniken fortsetzen. WIE? • Durch den Besuch und die Analyse von guten Praxisbeispielen möchten wir die Qualität und Effektivität unseres Ausbildungssystems verbessern. • Wir möchten das neue polnische Schulsystem mit seinen Lehrtechniken und Lehrmethoden in Theorie und Praxis vorstellen. • Durch den Besuch, in Workshops und in Gesprächen sowie Treffen mit Vertretern der Selbstverwaltungsorgane, dem Bürgermeister der Stadt Szczecinek, den Oberkreisdirektoren von Szczecinek, Schuldirektoren und den im Kreis Szczecinek angesiedelten Firmen möchten wir unser System mit anderen europäischen Schulsystemen vergleichen und es den europäischen Partnern als Beitrag zum europäischen System nahe bringen. Arbeitssprachen während des Studienbesuches: Deutsch/ Französisch. WER? • • • • • • Leiter von Bildungs- und Berufsbildungeinrichtungen und -anbietern; Leiter von Berufsberatungszentren; Bildungs- und Berufsbildungsinspektoren; Schulleiter, Lehreraus- und -fortbildner; Abteilungsleiter; Bildungs- oder Berufsberater. KURZE BESCHREIBUNG DES BESUCHES IN DER SPRACHE DES GASTGEBENDEN LANDES: Organisator(en): CEGLARZ Beata Gimnazjum Nr 1 im. Zjednoczonej Europy ul. Armii Krajowej 29 PL78400 Szczecinek Tel. +48- 943747908 Fax +48- 943743505 Email: [email protected] • Gespräche, Treffen und Workshops mit Vertretern der Selbstverwaltungsorgane, dem Bürgermeister von Szczecinek, Oberkreisdirektoren aus den Ausbildungs- und Lehrzentren, Schuldirektoren und Firmenvertretern, Vertretern des Kreisrates; • Vorstellung des polnischen Schulsystems. Besichtigung bei: • Lehrerausbildungszentrum in der Stadt Koszalin, • Fremdsprachenhochschulen in Koszalin und Wałcz, • Kennenlernen der Stadt und Region von Szczecinek. WWW. – – – – – 134 CEDEFOP – STUDY VISITS DIE EUROPÄISCHE DIMENSION IN DER BILDUNG Berufsbildung mit Europa-Projekten attraktiv machen und qualitativ aufwerten Gruppennummer: 278 Art des Besuches: Berufsbildung 25/5/2009-29/5/2009 Gdańsk, Polen Arbeitssprache: Deutsch Anzahl der Teilnehmerplätze: 15 Erforderliche Mindestanzahl: 10 ZIELE VON „ALLGEMEINE UND BERUFLICHE BILDUNG 2010“: 1.5. Bestmögliche Nutzung der Ressourcen 3.4. Intensivierung von Mobilität und Austausch WARUM? Der europäische Arbeitsmarkt stellt der Berufsausbildung neue Herausforderungen. Um diesen gerecht zu werden und die Qualität der Ausbildung zu gewährleisten, sucht die Schule Unterstützung und Inspiration. Die Durchführung von vielen europäischen Projekten in der Region trägt dazu bei. Der Studienbesuch findet in Gdańsk, wo die Freiheitsbewegung „Solidarität“ ihren Anfang hatte, statt. Die Hansestadt Gdańsk hat eine reiche multikulturelle Tradition und wird die Welthauptstadt des Bernsteinshandwerkes genannt. WAS? Der Studienbesuch soll Einblick in das System der Berufsausbildung in Polen geben. Es werden kurz die Berufsbildungssysteme der teilnehmenden Länder und aktuelle Trends und Entwicklungen in der Berufsausbildung in der Pommerischen Region vorgestellt. Es soll gezeigt werden, wer die Mitwirkenden sind, und wie die Nutzung der regionalen Ressourcen die Attraktivität und die Qualität der Ausbildung beeinflussen. Es werden europäische Projekte dargestellt und vielseitig in der Gruppe diskutiert. Dabei soll der Frage nachgegangen werden, welche Perspektive für lebenslanges Lernen Mobilität und Austausch in Europa für die Arbeitswelt bieten. WIE? Während des Studienbesuches werden die Teilnehmer/innen die Möglichkeit erhalten, Einrichtungen der beruflichen Ausbildung zu besuchen, um Maßnahmen und Aktivitäten in Gdańsk und Umgebung kennen zu lernen. Jeder Tag des Besuches wird mit verschiedenen Unternehmungen gefüllt sein: wie z.B. Schulbesichtigungen, Unterrichtsbeobachtungen, Unterhaltungen mit Vertretern der regionalen und lokalen Staats- und Schulbehörden, Hochschulen, der regionalen Handwerkskammer und mit Berufsausbildungs- und Berufsqualifizierungsexperten. Die besuchten Schulen und Institutionen werden ihre europäischen Projekte präsentieren. Es wird über die Projektnutzen informiert und diskutiert. Außerdem wird es Gelegenheiten geben, die historischen und touristischen Örtlichkeiten zu besuchen. Arbeitssprachen während des Studienbesuches: Deutsch/Englisch. WER? Bildungsbeauftragte in Unternehmen; Leiter von Bildungs- und Berufsbildungeinrichtungen und anbietern; Bildungs- und Berufsbildungsinspektoren; Schulleiter, Lehreraus- und -fortbildner; Bildungs- oder Berufsberater; Vertreter der Industrie- und Handelskammern sowie der Handwerkskammern; Vertreter von örtlichen, regionalen und nationalen Behörden. KURZE BESCHREIBUNG DES BESUCHES IN DER SPRACHE DES GASTGEBENDEN LANDES: Organisator(en): FURCHE Ewa Kuratorium Oświaty w Gdańsku Okopowa 21/27 80-810 Gdańsk Tel. +48- 58/30 77 464 Fax +48- 58/30 77 328 Email: [email protected] Website: Europejski rynek pracy stawia przed kształceniem zawodowym coraz to nowe wyzwania. W celu sprostania im, a także zagwarantowania jakości kształcenia, szkoła poszukuje wsparcia i inspiracji. Realizowanie przez szkoły projektów europejskich ma w tym swój znaczny udział. Wizyta studyjna „Jak uatrakcyjnić kształcenie zawodowe i zapewnić jego jakość poprzez realizację projektów europejskich?” ukierunkowana jest na wymianę doświadczeń na temat kształcenia zawodowego w państwach beneficjentów uczestniczących w wizycie. Przedstawione zostaną systemy szkolnictwa zawodowego w poszczególnych państwach uczestników wizyty. W trakcie dyskusji poruszona zostanie kwestia perspektyw dla kształcenia zawodowego związanych z mobilnością i wymianą pomiędzy krajami Unii Europejskiej w świetle uczenia się przez całe życie. Uczestnicy odwiedzą szkoły ponadgimnazjalne kształcące w różnych zawodach, warsztaty szkolne, centra kształcenia praktycznego, zakłady pracy, Pomorską Izbę Rzemieślniczą, Politechnikę Gdańską. Zapoznają się z aktualnymi trendami i kierunkami rozwoju w kształceniu zawodowym w województwie pomorskim. Zaprezentowane zostaną szkoły, które w szczególny sposób wykorzystują swoje zasoby regionalne i np. promują w Europie ekologiczne nowoczesne rolnictwo czy ekologiczne rozwiązania w zakresie ochrony środowiska. W trakcie wizyty uczestnicy będą mieli okazje do rozmów z przedstawicielami władz regionalnych i lokalnych, w tym władz oświatowych, z dyrektorami szkół, nauczycielami, instruktorami praktycznej nauki zawodu, uczniami, ekspertami w zakresie kształcenia i kwalifikowania zawodowego. Jednym z elementów wizyty w szkołach będą obserwacje zajęć. Wizyta odbędzie się w Gdańsku, gdzie swój początek miał ruch wolnościowy „Solidarność”. WWW. – – – CATALOGUE 2008-2009 135 LA DIMENSION EUROPÉENNE DANS L’ÉDUCATION Ecole militante: valoriser, diffuser, exister Numéro de groupe: 279 Type de visite: Enseignement général 25/5/2009-29/5/2009 Altamura, Bari, Puglia Italie Langue de travail: français Nombre de places: 15 Minimum requis: 5 OBJECTIFS EDUCATION ET FORMATION 2010: 1.1. Améliorer lʼéducation et la formation des enseignants et des formateurs 1.2. Développer les compétences nécessaires dans la société de la connaissance POURQUOI? Le sujet est essentiel dans le cadre du LLP (programme dʼaction pour lʼéducation et la formation tout au long de la vie) et il concerne lʼactivité clé 4: il sʼagit dʼune innovation qui témoigne de la prise de conscience croissante chez les décideurs politiques et les parties prenantes de la nécessité de garantir une incidence maximale des projets et actions financés par lʼUE en appui à lʼagenda de Lisbonne et à la mise en œuvre du programme de travail Éducation et Formation 2010. Lʼobjectif premier est de contribuer à la création dʼun cadre propice à une exploitation effective des résultats au niveau local, sectoriel, régional, national et européen. Rôle et efficacité de lʼéchange de bonnes pratiques: la découverte et lʼacceptation de lʼexistence dʼune mine de savoirs et dʼexpériences non exploitées ont fait changer le regard porté sur les pratiques locales. La nouvelle approche fait penser quʼil est possible dʼaméliorer les politiques éducatives par lʼintégration de projets. Le lycée Cagnazzi a mis en œuvre une activité de formation des enseignants au niveau national et européen et, depuis 2003, il coordonne le Réseau Comenius 3 EWHUM. QUOI? Le stage offrira lʼoccasion de: apprendre à faire des «morceaux» dʼécole ensemble, en partageant lʼexpérience des autres à travers lʼéchange de «bonnes pratiques»; connaître et partager lʼaction de valorisation et diffusion lancée par le LLP en soutien à la Stratégie de Lisbonne; réfléchir et partager lʼaction de «réseau» dans lʼactivité dʼenseignement/apprentissage; promouvoir lʼaptitude à travailler en réseau, avec le soutien des TIC, pour améliorer la qualité des systèmes scolaires; apprendre à valoriser lʼexcellence dans le processus dʼenseignement/apprentissage; comparer les pratiques dʼintégration des projets européens dans les différents pays; renforcer la dimension européenne de lʼéducation à travers lʼemploi des différentes actions du LLP. COMMENT? On organisera des activités visant à: présenter lʼaction de valorisation et difusion dans les projets européens; présenter et débattre autour des activités entreprises par le réseau EWHUM au niveau européen pour promouvoir une application concrète de résultats (conférences, séminaires et autres échanges entre des produits et de nouveaux utilisateurs potentiels); exploiter les résultats dans le réseau EWHUM: réseaux nationaux des lycées, études documentaires, projets, festivals, stages, etc. comparer des expériences de partage et de valorisation de «bonnes pratiques» dans les différents systèmes scolaires européens; promouvoir des rencontres avec les proviseurs dʼétablissements scolaires engagés dans le LLP; visiter des établissements scolaires, universitaires et de recherche engagés dans le LLP (rencontres organisées avec chefs dʼétablissement, enseignants et élèves). POUR QUI? Professeurs principaux, formateurs d΄enseignants; chefs de départements; responsables des ressources humaines; propriétaires/administrateurs de PME; conseillers pédagogiques ou d΄orientation; représentants de services éducatifs, d΄agences pour l΄emploi ou de centres d΄orientation; représentants des autorités locales, régionales et nationales; chercheurs. BRÈVE DESCRIPTION DANS LA LANGUE DU PAYS D’ACCUEIL: La visita di studio offrirà ai partecipanti l’opportunità di riflettere, di scambiare opinioni e di condividere esperienze sul tema della valorizzazione e disseminazione dei prodotti e dei risultati nel processo di insegnamento-apprendimento, con particolare riguardo ai progetti europei, in coerenza con quanto previsto dall’attività chiave n.4 del programma LLP e con l’obiettivo di perseguire la qualità e l’eccellenza nei sistemi scolastici europei. In tale prospettiva sarà favorito il confronto in merito al ruolo e all’efficacia dello scambio delle “best practices” attraverso l’integrazione dei progetti e dei prodotti educativi. L’esperienza e le competenze maturate dall’istituto organizzatore nell’ambito della formazione degli insegnanti e del coordinamento di Reti nazionali ed europee di scuole, consentiranno ai partecipanti la conoscenza di prodotti e di risultati utili per il potenziamento del lavoro in rete e per la costruzione in comune di segmenti di curricoli europei. Organisateur(s): TARANTINO Filippo Liceo Cagnazzi Piazza Zanardelli 30 70022 Altamura (Bari) Tel. +39-080 311 17 07 Fax +39-080 311 30 53 Email: [email protected] WWW. – 136 CEDEFOP – STUDY VISITS EUROPEAN DIMENSION IN EDUCATION Educating young people in democracy in small local societies Group No: 280 Type of visit: General education 1/6/2009-5/6/2009 Elblag, Poland Working language: English EDUCATION AND TRAINING 2010 OBJECTIVES: 2.3. Supporting active citizenship, equal opportunities and social cohesion WHY? • We chose this issue as we want to show how difficult it is to introduce democratic attitude to young people from a post-socialism country. • We have been involved in the international project on fighting against nationalism, stereotypes and antisemitism. • We want to show the participants unique spots of our region that cannot be found in any other places in the world – Frombork famous for Copernicus, Malbork with the Teutonic Knights Castle and slipways (Elblag channel) which let you take a cruise not only on the water but also on grass...! WHAT? Number of places: 12 Minimum required: 7 Participants will meet and learn about cultural heritage of different nations like Jews, Germans, Dutch and Ukrainians, who lived in the past in our region. We will also show them young Polish initiatives of equalising chances for girls and boys in small local environments and how we ʻshapeʼ their oppeness, tolerance and responsibility for unique culture values in our European house. HOW? Participants will take part in different classes in all education stages of education in Poland (primary, gymnasium, secondary school and school for special needs children) through observation and active participation. They will meet and visit musems, in-service teacher training centres, local education authorities, teachers, school heads and students. WHOM? • • • • Educational and vocational training inspectors; head teachers, teacher trainers; pedagogical or guidance advisers; representatives of education and training networks and associations. SHORT DESCRIPTION IN THE HOST COUNTRY’S LANGUAGE: Organiser(s): KUBACKA Maria Warminsko-Mazurski Osrodek Doskonalenia Nauczycieli w Elblagu ul. Saperow 20 82-300 Elblag Tel. +48-55 643 52 52 36 Fax +48-55 643 52 52 Email: [email protected] Wizyta studyjna będzie realizowana w szkołach województwa Warmińsko – Mazurskiego. Będą to małe lokalne szkoły, które uczestniczą w projekcie edukacyjnym “Wychowanie dla demokracji w małych środowiskach lokalnych” W ramach tego projektu, motywujemy dzieci i młodzież do działań mających na celu poznanie dziedzictwa kulturowego regionu o specyficznym charakterze historycznym( dziedzictwo Żydów, Holendrów, Niemców i Ukraińców). Chcemy pokazać uczestnikom wizyty studyjnej nasze doświadczenia związane z kształtowaniem postaw otwartości i tolerancji, prowadzące do przełamywania ksenofobii i antysemityzmu. Pragniemy też zaproponować uczestnikom wizyty, podejmowanie wspólnych działań prowadzących do rozwijania poczucia odpowiedzialności za ochronę wartości kulturowych, wspólnego europejskiego domu. Pokażemy uczestnikom wizyty studyjnej unikatowe zabytki regionu takie jak jedyne w świecie czynne pochylnie, zamek krzyżacki w Malborku i Frombork – miejsce gdzie Kopernik dokodał swojego wiekopomnego odkrycia. WWW. – – – CATALOGUE 2008-2009 137 THE TEACHING PROFESSION, CHALLENGES FOR TEACHERS AND TRAINERS Towards better training without challenges Group No: 281 Type of visit: General education 6/10/2008-10/10/2008 Bartin, Turkey Working language: English Number of places: 15 Minimum required: 5 EDUCATION AND TRAINING 2010 OBJECTIVES: 1.1. Improving education and training for teachers and trainers 3.5. Strengthening the European co-operation WHY? Students from various social, economical and cultural environments and different backgrounds make the training process a very complicated and challenging work for our teaching staff. On the other hand, this difficult task ought to be overcome to make our pupils better citizens while being prepared for higher education. This study intends to show current practice on pupils, teachers and administrators levels as well as getting benefits from participantsʼ experiences. WHAT? Participants will have the opportunity to monitor how our teaching staff copes with the challenges of teaching and the obstacles they encounter while using a comprehensive curriculum to prepare students for the best universities of our country.They will also compare and contrast the methods used. HOW? • By visiting junior classes we will meet pupils to show how teachers train students. • by observing seniors preparing for university exams – their feelings, psychological conditions, relations with their teachers, friends, etc; • by visiting school management and city education directorate; • by discussing what executives do to ease the challenges; • by sharing mutual experiences of participants; • by visiting a private school and observing how they ease the hardships of teachers. WHOM? • • • • • • Directors of education and vocational training institutions, centres or providers; educational and vocational training inspectors; head teachers, teacher trainers; heads of departments; pedagogical or guidance advisers; representatives of local, regional and national authorities. SHORT DESCRIPTION IN THE HOST COUNTRY’S LANGUAGE: Okulumuzun farklı ekonomik,sosyal,kültürel ve geçmişli öğrencilerden oluşması öğretmenlerimizin eğitim sürecindeki işini zorlaştırmaktadır.Öğretmenlerimiz bir taraftan oldukça yoğun bir müfredatla yeni başlayanları temel derslerden ileriki sınıflara yetiştirmeye çalışırlarken diğer yandan yılda sadece birkez yapılan üniversite sınavı gibi son derece önemli bir sınav için öğrencilerimizi hazırlamaktadırlar dolayısıyla öğretim süreci onlar için birsürü sorunlarla karşılaşabilecekleri bir süreç halini almaktadır.Bütün bunlara rağmen okulumuz böylesine zor süreci yıllardır başarıyla yönetmiş olup bu ziyaret sayesinde yapılan çalışmalar ziyaretçilerle karşılıklı bilgi alışverişi yapılarak incelenecek ve deneyimler paylaşılacaktır.Bu sürecin içindeki sınıflar,okul yönetimi,milli eğitim müdürlüğü ve bir özel okul/dersane ziyaret edilerek sürecin yönetilmesi somut olarak incelenecektir. Organiser(s): KAYA Muammer Koksal Toptan High School Bartin 74100 Bartin Tel. +90 378 2274451 Fax +90 378 2282590 Email: [email protected] WWW. 138 CEDEFOP – STUDY VISITS DER BERUF DES LEHRERS, HERAUSFORDERUNGEN AN LEHRER UND AUSBILDER Vom Erfahrungsaustausch profitieren Gruppennummer: 282 Art des Besuches: Gemischt 7/10/2008-10/10/2008 Suwalki, Polen Arbeitssprache: Deutsch Anzahl der Teilnehmerplätze: 12 Erforderliche Mindestanzahl: 10 ZIELE VON „ALLGEMEINE UND BERUFLICHE BILDUNG 2010“: 1.1. Verbesserung der allgemeinen und beruflichen Bildung von Lehrkräften und Ausbildern WARUM? • Neuen beruflichen Herausforderungen gerecht werden; • für neue Kompetenzfelder sensibilisieren; • zur distanzierten Selbst- und Fremdwahrnehmung befähigen. Der Studienbesuch in Suwalki ist für diejenigen gedacht, die bereit sind, sich und ihr berufliches Werkzeug in allen Kompetenzbereichen durch das Wahrnehmen des Fremden neu zu betrachten. Diese Fremd-Wahrnehmung sollte in einem schöpferischen Klima stattfinden. Der Lernprozess mit seinem sozialen Umfeld stellt immer wieder neue Anforderungen an uns Lehrer. Man braucht einen Perspektivenwechsel, um diesen Anforderungen gerecht werden zu können. Durch diesen Studienbesuch wollen wir uns eben die Möglichkeit schaffen, andere Schulund Fortbildungssysteme samt deren sozialem Umfeld kennen zu lernen und durch einen „gesunden“ Vergleich unseren Blick für „heimische“ Probleme zu schärfen. Ein ähnlicher schöpferischer Zusammenstoß von Erfahrungen und Ansichten sollte zur Bereicherung der beruflichen aber auch rein menschlichen Substanz aller Teilnehmer beitragen. Wir laden Sie herzlich zu unserem Studienbesuch ein. WAS? • • • • • Erfahrungen schöpferisch austauschen; Gemeinsamkeiten und Unterschiede feststellen; aktuelles gemeinsames Anforderungsprofil bestimmen; Ziele und Realisierungswege bestimmen; Maßnahmen zur Nachhaltigkeit treffen. WIE? • • • • Besuch der Aus- und Fortbildungseinrichtungen, Unterrichtsbeobachtung, Workshops, Vergleich und Analyse der Bildungsprogramme. WER? • Leiter von Bildungs- und Berufsbildungeinrichtungen und -anbietern. KURZE BESCHREIBUNG DES BESUCHES IN DER SPRACHE DES GASTGEBENDEN LANDES: Organisator(en): DANILUK Tadeusz Zespół Kolegiów Nauczycielskich Noniewicza 83 16-400 Suwalki Tel. +48- 87/5 66 29 78 Fax +48- 87/5662978 Email: [email protected] Uczestnicy: • poznają instytucje kształcące i doskonalące nauczycieli; • obserwują zajęcia lekcyjne; • wymieniają doświadczenia odnośnie faktycznego i oczekiwanego profilu kompetencji; • uczestniczą w Workshop. CATALOGUE 2008-2009 139 THE TEACHING PROFESSION, CHALLENGES FOR TEACHERS AND TRAINERS Improving the teaching profession by developing educational skills and skills for the knowledge society Group No: 283 Type of visit: Mixed 13/10/2008-17/10/2008 Malatya, Turkey EDUCATION AND TRAINING 2010 OBJECTIVES: 1.1. Improving education and training for teachers and trainers 1.2. Developing skills for the knowledge society WHY? Education is important for all countries of the world, especially developing countries. For quality education, European Union and candidate countries should investigate the teaching profession and challenges for teachers and trainers. WHAT? Working language: English Number of places: 14 Minimum required: 8 Participants will gain important experience. They will: • be presented the education system in Turkey with the empahsis on the implementation of the European and global dimensions into education; • discuss different methods and challenges for teachers and trainers in improving education; • see and learn how the teachers train students, prepare for university exams; • discuss what school and local authorities do to address the challenges in teaching profession. HOW? The study visit will include: • visits to all kinds of educational institutions – primary, secondary, vocational schools, adult education centre; • meetings with school management and city education directorate; • discussions with teachers; • discussions with students to learn about their feelings,psychological conditions,relations with their teachers, friends and etc; • observation of classes. WHOM? • • • • • • • Directors of education and vocational training institutions, centres or providers; educational and vocational training inspectors; head teachers, teacher trainers; pedagogical or guidance advisers; representatives of education and training networks and associations; representatives of educational services, labour offices or guidance centres; researchers. SHORT DESCRIPTION IN THE HOST COUNTRY’S LANGUAGE: Eğitimcilerinde yeni eğitim sistemine uyumu sağlanmalıdır.AB ülkelerinden gelecek katılımcılarla yeteneklerin geliştirilmesi ve nitelikli bilgi toplumu için bu uyumun nasıl sağlanabileceği üzerine beyin jimnastiği yapılacaktır.Bu toplantıdan elde edilecek sonuçların amaca önemli katkı yapması beklenmektedirAyrıca ziyaretçilere ülkemizin güzelliklerini tanıtmak açısındanda yararlı bir toplantı olacağı öngörülmektedir. Organiser(s): ABIK Yücel Province National Education Directorate of Malatya Sehit Hamit Fendoglu Cad. 44100 Malatya Tel. +90 4223232505 Fax +90 4223218707 Email: [email protected] WWW. – – – 140 CEDEFOP – STUDY VISITS THE TEACHING PROFESSION, CHALLENGES FOR TEACHERS AND TRAINERS The teaching profession and teacher education in Turkey Group No: 284 Type of visit: Mixed 20/10/2008-24/10/2008 Canakkale, Turkey Working language: English Number of places: 15 Minimum required: 10 EDUCATION AND TRAINING 2010 OBJECTIVES: 1.1. Improving education and training for teachers and trainers 1.3. Ensuring access to ICT for everyone WHY? The aim of this study visit is to give an insight into the education system and teaching profession in Turkey and in different EU countries. It will be organised by Canakkale province national education directorate in cooperation with COMU university faculty of education. Participants will also have the opportunity to visit the ancient city of Troy and Gallipoli peninsula. WHAT? Participants will learn about: • the Turkish education system; • teacher training curriculum at COMU university; • practices of teaching profession at different levels. HOW? The study visit will include meetings, discussions, observing classes and contact with teachers/students and visits to all kinds of educational institutions (primary, secondary, vocational schools, adult education centre) and COMU university education faculty. Participants will : • meet with teacher trainers at the COMU education faculty; • observe teaching at a vocational high school; • observe teaching at a primary and secondary school; • observe teaching at an adult education centrer. WHOM? • • • • • • Directors of education and vocational training institutions, centres or providers; educational and vocational training inspectors; head teachers, teacher trainers; heads of departments; pedagogical or guidance advisers; representatives of local, regional and national authorities. SHORT DESCRIPTION IN THE HOST COUNTRY’S LANGUAGE: Bu çalışma ziyaretinin amacı Türkiyeʼdeki eğitim ve öğretmen yetiştirme sistemine genel bir bakış sunarak, farklı Avrupa ülkelerindeki öğretmen yetiştirme sistemleri ile karşılaştırılmasına imkân sağlamaktır. Çalışma ziyareti Çanakkale İl Milli Eğitim Müdürlüğü ve ÇOMÜ Eğitim Fakültesi ile işbirliği halinde yürütülecektir. Çalışma Ziyareti programı içerisinde Türk Eğitim Sistemi (tarihi gelişimi, örgütsel yapısı, eğitime ait istatistiksel bilgiler), üniversite seviyesinde öğretmen eğitimi konuları yer alacaktır. Bu kapsamda ÇOMÜ Eğitim Fakültesi, bir ilköğretim, bir orta öğretim ve bir mesleki eğitim veren lise saha ziyaretleri gerçekleştirilecektir. Aynı zamanda ziyaret kapsamında ilimizin tarihi ve doğal güzelliklerini (Truva – Gelibolu), folklorumuzu, yiyeceklerimizi ve kültürel değerlerimizin de katılımcılara tanıtılmasına yönelik faaliyetler düzenlenecektir. Organiser(s): GURBUZ Hakan Province National Education Directorate EU Projects Coordination Unit 17100 Çanakkale Tel. +90 532 2409293 Fax +90 286 2172972 Email: [email protected] CATALOGUE 2008-2009 THE TEACHING PROFESSION, CHALLENGES FOR TEACHERS AND TRAINERS 141 Accommodation and food service activities Applicable tourism learning: challenge of limited resources for tourism development Group No: 285 Type of visit: Mixed 20/10/2008-24/10/2008 Portorose, Slovenia Working language: English EDUCATION AND TRAINING 2010 OBJECTIVES: 1.1. Improving education and training for teachers and trainers 3.4. Increasing mobility and exchange WHY? We understand that travel and tourism industry demands highly applicable cadre to enter the labour market after graduation on different levels. Since sources for education are limited we find the objective of ʻhandingʼ out really skilled and trained tourism experts a real challenge. Tourism has been recognized as one of the most successful world economies and it has proved to be a great opportunity for small emerging economies (Slovenia). Therefore we would like to show a few cases where our sector has made real success and exchange views with scholars and trainers about their experiences in the area of applicable teaching. Portorož is one of the most developed and branded tourism areas in Slovenia so the visit will start there but afterwards we intend to show some other areas in Slovenia as well. WHAT? Number of places: 10 Minimum required: 6 Participants will learn about the ʻeducational pathʼ of tourism experts, starting with vocational training and concluding with higher education (e.g. waiter - graduate tourism organiser). The main purpose is to show how Slovenia is coping with education in tourism under different limitations (limited financial resources for education sector) and exchange experiences with participants. Tourism is recognised as one of the most important economies within the country (as well as in Europe) so we would like to point out some particularly good practices where traditional teaching and new methods of tourism training have met with excellent success. HOW? The objectives of the visit will be met by: • visiting different institutions related to education for tourism (vocational schools for catering and tourism Ljubljana, Velenje); Vocational college for catering and tourism Bled, Vocational College for Catering and tourism Maribor; Turistica - College of tourism Portorose to show examples of theoretical and practical didactics; • attending workshops with students and managers to discuss about the gap between learning process & approach and the needs of the industry. • meeting and talking with NGOʼs in the field of catering and tourism industry to discuss additional training programs for the needs of the industry; • visiting few good practices where young graduates made successful business; • learning about how tourism opportunities are turned into advantages in terms of tourism industry. There will be one round table where relevant authorities will discuss challenges for tourism training and development in central and Eastern Europe. WHOM? • • • • • • • Company training managers; head teachers, teacher trainers; heads of departments; human resource managers; owners/managers of SMEs; representatives of local, regional and national authorities; researchers. SHORT DESCRIPTION IN THE HOST COUNTRY’S LANGUAGE: Organiser(s): LESJAK Miha Turistica - College of Tourism Obala 11a SI-6320 Portorose Tel. +386- 56 17 70 00 Fax +386- 56 17 70 20 Email: [email protected] Website: Z obiskom želimo prikazati kako se izobraževanje za potrebe turizma razvija v Sloveniji, kjer želimo izpostaviti predvsem razhajanje med pričakovanji gospodarstva in sposobnosti izobraževalnega sektorja. Slednji se srečuje z organizacijskimi in finančnimi težavami, ki otežujejo prilagajanje izobraževalnega procesa hitremu spreminjanju turističnega sektorja. Kljub vsemu so se nekateri pristopi k izobraževanju izkazali kot učinkoviti in te bi želeli deliti z udeleženci ob tem pa lastne izkušnje izmenjati z izkušnjami udeležencev. WWW. 142 CEDEFOP – STUDY VISITS THE TEACHING PROFESSION, CHALLENGES FOR TEACHERS AND TRAINERS Professional development and status of teachers and trainers Group No: 286 Type of visit: VET 17/11/2008-20/11/2008 Munich, Germany Working language: English Number of places: 15 Minimum required: 10 EDUCATION AND TRAINING 2010 OBJECTIVES: 1.1. Improving education and training for teachers and trainers WHY? One characteristic of education and training staff in vocational education and training in Germany is the clear distinction between in-company trainers and teachers in vocational schools and thus the substantial differences with regard to role, status, education and activity. In the course of the introduction of ICTs there are new skill requirements for the personnel in training enabling them to prepare apprentices/students for working and living in the knowledge society. Get a better/good understanding of: • qualification and recruitment of trainers; • the work of trainers and their working environments; • policies and practices related to training of trainers and their implications and effectiveness of possible professional development pathways. WHAT? • Qualifications and professional development of VET teachers and trainers in different learning environments; • criteria and methods for identifying the learning needs of VET teachers and trainers; • continuous adaptation of education and training curricula for VET teachers and trainers; • new skills and competences for VET teachers, trainers and other learning facilitators essential in a lifelong learning context; • new forms of cooperation and exchange between VET teachers working in schools and VET trainers working in companies and/or organisations providing training; • innovative training offers for VET teachers and trainers. HOW? • • • • Meeting with national authority representatives (Federal Ministry of Education and Research); meeting with experts of the Federal Institute of Vocational Training (BiBB); visiting teacher and trainer training institutions; discussion with teachers and trainers (IVET, CVET). WHOM? Directors of education and vocational training institutions, centres or providers; head teachers, teacher trainers; heads of departments; representatives of education and training networks and associations; representatives of educational services, labour offices or guidance centres; representatives of employersʼ organisations; representatives of local, regional and national authorities; representatives of trade unions; researchers. SHORT DESCRIPTION IN THE HOST COUNTRY’S LANGUAGE: Organiser(s): SENA Katharina Nationale Agentur Bildung für Europa beim BiBB EU-Studienbesuchsprogramm Robert-Schuman-Platz 3 53175 Bonn Tel. +49-228- 107 16 47 Fax +49-228- 107 29 64 Email: [email protected] Qualifizierung des Bildungspersonals Die berufliche Entwicklung von Lehrkräften und Ausbildern ist zu einer zentralen Zielsetzung der Berufsbildungspolitik der Europäischen Gemeinschaft geworden und genießt nun Priorität im Rahmen des „Ziele”- und des „Kopenhagen”-Prozesses. Die Verbesserung der Qualität von Lehrkräften und Ausbildern wird zunehmend als unerlässlich betrachtet, um die Qualität der Berufsbildungssysteme zu sichern und neue Formen der Wissensweitergabe zu entwickeln. Der Studienbesuch greift ein zentrales und zukunftsrelevantes Thema der deutschen und europäischen Berufsbildungsdiskussion auf. Er soll ein Forum sein, wo Akteure im Bereich der Berufsbildung gute Beispiele aus der Praxis sowie Wissen und Sachkenntnis zu Schlüsselthemen der Ausbildung und beruflichen Entwicklung von Lehrkräften und Ausbildern in der beruflichen Bildung austauschen können. WWW. – – – CATALOGUE 2008-2009 143 THE TEACHING PROFESSION, CHALLENGES FOR TEACHERS AND TRAINERS The role of in-service teacher training professionals Group No: 287 Type of visit: Mixed 1/12/2008-5/12/2008 Málaga, Spain Working language: English Number of places: 20 Minimum required: 10 EDUCATION AND TRAINING 2010 OBJECTIVES: 1.1. Improving education and training for teachers and trainers 3.5. Strengthening the European co-operation WHY? Due to the fast changes of society, it is necessary to set the wheels in motion in education to avoid anachronism in our duty. So, we consider of relevant importance, the permanent training of teachers to make them capable of facing our future citizens education. The teacher centre of Málaga is a good place to show how the official organisations deal with all changes of contemporary Europe. Málaga is a place where teachers have to be trained in specific issues such as: interculturality, bilingualism, equal opportunities, new technologies, environment, innovation projects, workshops, etc. WHAT? The learning objectives are related to the plans and projects that the Junta de Andalucía is fostering in all educational levels (pre-school, primary schools, secondary schools and vocational training). Participants will learn: • how we organise teacher training activities; • how we provide information and materials; • which is the exact role of in-service teacher trainers; • how schools benefit by developing some projects or plans; • how is the Centro del Profesorado organised and which are its main objectives; • to understand the way European programmes are integrated in the schools. Participants will visit different schools; they will have the opportunity to participate in workshops to exchange information about teacher training, showing the differences and similarities in their own countries. HOW? • By visiting “Centro del Profesorado de Málaga” and analysing its management and organisation; • by visiting different schools (pre-school, primary, secondary, Art, vocational) in order to have a general view of different levels of education and training; • by making participants get in touch with directors, head masters and all the members of the educational community; • by presenting the different plans and projects fostered by the educational authorities of the Junta de Andalucia; • by organising workshops in which all participants will exchange their experiences on the field of teacher training; • by participating in an activity to analyse and observe the way we plan our activities; • by knowing how the educational network of the Centro del Profesorado de Málaga works. WHOM? Directors of education and vocational training institutions, centres or providers; directors of guidance centres; educational and vocational training inspectors; head teachers, teacher trainers; representatives of education and training networks and associations; representatives of educational services, labour offices or guidance centres. SHORT DESCRIPTION IN THE HOST COUNTRY’S LANGUAGE: Organiser(s): GUTIERREZ CRUZ Rafael Centro del Profesorado de Málaga C/ Noé, 3 29007 Malaga Tel. +34- 951924218/951624198 Fax +34- 952 33 40 92 Email: rgutierrez@ [email protected] La idea principal consiste en recibir a los participantes de otras comunidades educativas europeas, con el fin de que conozcan cómo se realiza y se procede en lo concerniente a la formación del profesorado. Las sesiones informativas se realizaría en el Centro del Profesorado de Málaga y se procedería de la siguiente forma: Explicar cuáles son las líneas prioritarias marcadas por la Consejería de Educación y Ciencia. Exponer en qué consisten los planes y proyectos educativos: Plurilingüismo, Interculturalidad, Planes de Autoevaluación y Mejora, etc. Cómo se lleva a cabo la formación del profesorado para desarrollar esos planes y proyectos. Cuáles son las distintas vías de formación que ofrece el Centro del Profesorado. Crear varias mesas de debate en las que se intercambiaría información relativa a las distintas vías de formación que siguen los sistemas educativos de los países representados. WWW. 144 CEDEFOP – STUDY VISITS LA PROFESSION ENSEIGNANTE: DÉFIS POUR LES ENSEIGNANTS ET LES FORMATEURS Construire un dispositif global de formation de qualité Numéro de groupe: 288 Type de visite: Enseignement général 13/1/2009-16/1/2009 Grenoble, France Langue de travail: français Nombre de places: 15 Minimum requis: 5 OBJECTIFS EDUCATION ET FORMATION 2010: 1.1. Améliorer lʼéducation et la formation des enseignants et des formateurs 1.5. Optimiser lʼutilisation des ressources POURQUOI? • La formation continue des personnels dʼenseignement dʼéducation et dʼorientation revêt des formes diverses selon les pays. Les prestataires de ces actions sont dʼorigine variable. Il est donc nécessaire de mettre en cohérence les ressources en formation continue externes et internes au système éducatif afin dʼen augmenter lʼefficacité, de mieux recenser les thématiques et dʼassurer une diversité de points de vue. • Les domaines de formation actuels font appels à des thématiques relatives aux aspects disciplinaires mais également à des problématiques plus transversales dʼaide au pilotage des établissements et de mise en réussite des élèves. QUOI? • Développement dʼoutils pour rendre lisible et visible une politique de formation pluriannuelle; • définition de tableaux de bord pour préciser les modalités de fonctionnement de ces dispositifs intégrés; • définition dʼindicateurs dʼévaluation; • indentification dʼune stratégie de construction dʼun plan de formation qui tienne compte des éléments contextuels. COMMENT? • Table ronde permettant à chaque participant de se présenter en fonction du thème de la visite; • ateliers dʼéchange et de travail; • mutualisation; • rencontres dans des établissements avec des équipes de «bassin» (chefs dʼétablissements, conseillers dʼorientation, psychologues, enseignants); • réunion de synthèse et évaluation. POUR QUI? • Directeurs d΄institutions, de centres ou de prestataires d΄enseignement et de formation professionnels; • directeurs de centres d΄orientation; • inspecteurs d΄enseignement et de formation professionnels; • professeurs principaux, formateurs d΄enseignants; • conseillers pédagogiques ou d΄orientation. Organisateur(s): COSTANTINI Nathalie Délégation Académique aux Actions de Formation de Grenoble 7, place de bir-Hakein BP 1065 38000 Grenoble Tel. +33-4 76 74 70 00 Fax +33-4 76 74 73 90 Email: [email protected] WWW. CATALOGUE 2008-2009 145 LA PROFESSION ENSEIGNANTE: DÉFIS POUR LES ENSEIGNANTS ET LES FORMATEURS La formation continue des enseignants Numéro de groupe: 289 Type de visite: Enseignement général 26/1/2009-30/1/2009 Barcelona, Espagne Langue de travail: français Nombre de places: 15 Minimum requis: 8 OBJECTIFS EDUCATION ET FORMATION 2010: 1.1. Améliorer lʼéducation et la formation des enseignants et des formateurs 1.5. Optimiser lʼutilisation des ressources POURQUOI? Il est évident que pour obtenir de bons résultats académiques les enseignants doivent être bien formés. Voilà lʼune des principales préoccupations du ministère de lʼéducation qui a été reprise dans le Plan de formation continue. QUOI? • Connaître les objectifs et les programmes du Plan de formation continue de la Catalogne; • optimiser les ressources moyennant la formation (mise en place de nouvelles méthodologies); • présenter le programe de formation pour lʼenseignement de langues étrangères en Catalogne. COMMENT? • • • • Séance de travail ICE (Institut de sciences de lʼéducation); séance de travail dans un CRP (Centre de ressources pédagogiques); visite dʼune classe de langue dans une école ou un lycée; séances de travail au ministère de lʼéducation. POUR QUI? • Directeurs d΄institutions, de centres ou de prestataires d΄enseignement et de formation professionnels; • directeurs de centres d΄orientation; • inspecteurs d΄enseignement et de formation professionnels; • professeurs principaux, formateurs d΄enseignants; • chefs de départements; • conseillers pédagogiques ou d΄orientation; • représentants de services éducatifs, d΄agences pour l΄emploi ou de centres d΄orientation; • représentants des autorités locales, régionales et nationales. BRÈVE DESCRIPTION DANS LA LANGUE DU PAYS D’ACCUEIL: Presentación de la formación continua del profesorado en Cataluña : características, modelos de gestión, estructura y apoyo a la formación, tipologia de las acciones formativas, evaluación y recursos. Presentación de programas de formación relacionados con la optimización de los recursos y con la enseñanza de lenguas extranjeras. Intercambio de información entre participantes. Organisateur(s): VIDAL Joana Departamento de Educación y Universidades Via Augusta 202 08021 Barcelona Tel. +34- 934006933 Fax +34- 934006981 Email: [email protected] WWW. – 146 CEDEFOP – STUDY VISITS THE TEACHING PROFESSION, CHALLENGES FOR TEACHERS AND TRAINERS The professional development of teachers in Scotland Group No: 290 Type of visit: General education 2/2/2009-6/2/2009 Edinburgh, Scotland, UK Working language: English Number of places: 20 Minimum required: 12 EDUCATION AND TRAINING 2010 OBJECTIVES: 1.1. Improving education and training for teachers and trainers WHY? The General Teaching Council for Scotland (GTCS) was set up in 1965. It was the first such body for teachers in the United Kingdom and one of the first teaching councils in the world. The council is funded from annual registration fees paid by teachers, not the public purse. Amongst its key functions are: to maintain a register of those entitled to teach in Scotland; to review the standards of education of persons entering teaching Scotland; to oversee the management of the probationary period for teachers; to accredit all programmes leading to the award of chartered teacher and the Scottish qualification for headship. WHAT? The study visit will offer participants an opportunity to learn about, discuss and debate recent innovations in the professional development of teachers within Scottish education including those in: • initial teacher education (ITE) in the universities; • the one year teacher induction scheme for new teachers; • continuing professional development (CPD); • chartered teacher programme (CT); • Scottish qualification for headship (SQH); • the use of professional standards. The roles of the GTCS in professional development will be explored. HOW? The study visit will make use of: • presentations from GTCS staff and guest speakers such as Director of Education, Her Majestyʼs Inspectorate of Education, Scottish Government; • discussions; • school, further and higher education visits. WHOM? • • • • • • • • • • • Directors of education and vocational training institutions, centres or providers; directors of guidance centres; directors of validation or accreditation centres; educational and vocational training inspectors; head teachers, teacher trainers; pedagogical or guidance advisers; representatives of educational services, labour offices or guidance centres; representatives of employersʼ organisations; representatives of local, regional and national authorities; representatives of trade unions; researchers. Organiser(s): MCWILLIAMS Alison General Teaching Council for Scotland Clerwood House EH12 6UT Edinburgh Tel. +44- 13 13 14 60 06 Fax +44- 13 13 14 60 03 Email: [email protected] Website: WWW. – – – – CATALOGUE 2008-2009 147 THE TEACHING PROFESSION, CHALLENGES FOR TEACHERS AND TRAINERS Without a backpack. Towards a community school Group No: 291 Type of visit: General education 2/3/2009-6/3/2009 Lucca, Toscana Italy Working language: English Number of places: 15 Minimum required: 5 EDUCATION AND TRAINING 2010 OBJECTIVES: 1.1. Improving education and training for teachers and trainers 2.1. Open learning environment WHY? Unfortunately teaching tends to be an individual practice which remains isolated. We think that practices should be shared, circulated, diffused, documented and reproduced. This is what a community of practices should be. In the “Without a backpack” project we want to create a community of practices which considers four levels of interaction: • community of practices at a school level (basic level); • community of practices at an institutional level (institution consisting of a group of schools); • community of practices at a network of school institutions in the “Without a backpack” project level; • community of practices at national, European and international levels. From 2002, the “Without a backpack” project has involved 15 institutes in Tuscany, which take part in this experimental process assessed every year. The project has been promoted by Agenzia Scuola of Tuscany (the regional educational research institute), by the Town Council of Lucca, by Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Lucca. WHAT? The following points will be considered: • sharing “practices” and knowledge; • mutual observation as exchange of practices; • mutual observation as peer review; • mutual support; • organisation and documentation on development of the learning objective. HOW? We propose the following activities: • visiting schools and classes during teaching and learning activities (for example with the support of a grid); • taking part in a routine teacher meeting and in classes; • sharing previous experiences among participants; • observing, analysing and testing exchange practices; • examining and discussing documentation about best practices; • meeting local school authorities, parents and head teachers involved in our project. WHOM? • • • • • • • • • Directors of education and vocational training institutions, centres or providers; directors of validation or accreditation centres; head teachers, teacher trainers; heads of departments; pedagogical or guidance advisers; representatives of education and training networks and associations; representatives of educational services, labour offices or guidance centres; representatives of local, regional and national authorities; researchers. SHORT DESCRIPTION IN THE HOST COUNTRY’S LANGUAGE: Organiser(s): ORSI Marco Direzione Didattica VI° circolo di Lucca Via Castracani, 451 55100 Lucca Tel. +39-0583 95 27 84 Fax +39-0583 49 03 71 Email: [email protected] Website: Il progetto Senza Zaino coinvolge una rete di 15 scuole in Toscana. Uno degli aspetti principali è quello della comunità di pratiche. Noi intendiamo organizzare la visita discutendo delle possibilità di scambio tra scuole e insegnanti, osservando anche le pratiche di scambio realizzate e discutendo dei modi di documentare le attività didattiche. Faremo questo realizzando visite alle scuole e alle classi durante lo svolgimento di attività e organizzando momenti di discussione insieme. Faremo vedere e discuteremo sul nostro modo di documentare gli oggetti didattici. Attiveremo momenti di dialogo e di confronto con tutti i partner europei partecipanti. WWW. 148 CEDEFOP – STUDY VISITS THE TEACHING PROFESSION, CHALLENGES FOR TEACHERS AND TRAINERS In-service training for teachers: advisory system, teacher centres Group No: 292 Type of visit: General education 9/3/2009-13/3/2009 Bilbao, Spain Working language: English EDUCATION AND TRAINING 2010 OBJECTIVES: 1.1. Improving education and training for teachers and trainers 2.3. Supporting active citizenship, equal opportunities and social cohesion WHY? • Organisers of the visit are advisers in teacher centres: directly linked to improving the quality and effectiveness of education and training for teachers and trainers. • Government in-service teacher training is related to languages, social skills, ICT, quality, headteachers as national priority. • It is our eighth visit, previous final reports can be found at: • Teacher centres located in/around Bilbao (bonus: Guggenheim Museum), close to nurseryprimary, secondary schools. • Good practices and innovation activities are a key issue of the programme. WHAT? Number of places: 15 Minimum required: 6 Participants will: • look at the teacher centres structure, key aspects (link adviser, programmes), priorities, feedback procedures (schools, external evaluations), etc; • visit nursery-primary, secondary schools advisers and resources related to educational innovation; • share knowledge and experience about teacher centres (as users and/or advisers, inspectors, etc.). Result: report of current situation and contacts to check future developments of the topic. HOW? Participants will: • have general introduction to the Basque educational system and priority areas: revival of the Basque language, ICT, Inclusive school, foreign languages; • see the leading role played by Berritzeguneak in in-service development; • visit a range of schools, speak with pupils, teachers and the management; • meet and talk to head teachers, directors of teacher centres, advisors, the head of innovation; • be introduced to the educational services provided by Bilbao City Council; • share experiences with European colleagues on their own systems and exchange models of good practice; • see how the Basque Government and local authorities work in partnership with education providers to secure a good future for young people as key players on the European stage while retaining pride in their rich cultural heritage. The programme will be complemented with cultural activities. WHOM? • • • • • Educational and vocational training inspectors; head teachers, teacher trainers; heads of departments; pedagogical or guidance advisers; representatives of local, regional and national authorities. SHORT DESCRIPTION IN THE HOST COUNTRY’S LANGUAGE: Organiser(s): CASADO Martin Dirección General de Innovación Educativa Donostia San Sebastián, nº 1 01010 Vitoria Tel. +34- 946640027 Fax +34- 946641684 Email: [email protected] La Red de formación permanente del profesorado, estructura y funciones. Política educativa del País Vasco: escuelas multilingües y sociedad bilingüe, servicios de apoyo en primaria y secundaria: teoría (planes de formación) y práctica (Planes de innovación); seminarios, necesidades educativas especiales en el País Vasco, etc. Presentación del Sistema Educativo Vasco y visitas a centros, servicios de apoyo y formación, ofertas educativas paralelas (municipal...). Intercambio de experiencias entre visitantes. Museo Guggenheim. Para más información, visitar (programa, lista de visitantes e informes finales de años anteriores, información acerca del País Vasco, etc). WWW. – – – CATALOGUE 2008-2009 149 DER BERUF DES LEHRERS, HERAUSFORDERUNGEN AN LEHRER UND AUSBILDER Die Lehrerausbildung im Wandel: Reflexionsund Handlungskompetenz auf dem Prüfstand Gruppennummer: 293 Art des Besuches: Gemischt 16/3/2009-20/3/2009 Köln, Leverkusen Deutschland Arbeitssprache: Deutsch Anzahl der Teilnehmerplätze: 15 Erforderliche Mindestanzahl: 7 ZIELE VON „ALLGEMEINE UND BERUFLICHE BILDUNG 2010“: 1.1. Verbesserung der allgemeinen und beruflichen Bildung von Lehrkräften und Ausbildern WARUM? • Der Studienbesuch richtet sich an Bildungsfachleute, die sich mit Schule und dem Beruf des Lehrers beschäftigen. Die Lehrerausbildung ist wie ein Seismograph für den Bildungssektor der Bundesrepublik: Die Reformen und Veränderungen, die an den Schulen stattfinden (zentrale Abschlussprüfungen, Lernstandserhebung, Kernlehrpläne und Kompetenzorientierung), haben Konsequenzen für die Lehrerausbildung. • Hinzu kommt, dass sich die Lehrerausbildung im Rahmen des Bologna-Prozesses den Herausforderungen, die mit den neuen BA / MA-Studiengängen einhergehen, stellen muss. • Die Stärkung der Reflexions- und Handlungskompetenz der Junglehrer steht im Mittelpunkt unserer Arbeit. • Der Besuch von Ausbildungsschulen in Köln und Leverkusen, Unterrichtsbesuche und Unterrichtsnachbesprechungen werden ein zentraler Bestandteil des Studienbesuches sein. WAS? Die Teilnehmer werden die Struktur der Lehrerausbildung an Schulen (Gymnasium / Gesamtschule und Berufskolleg) und im Studienseminar kennenlernen. Sie werden an Ausbildungsprozessen und Diskussionen über Standards und Kompetenzen, einer theoriegeleiteten Praxis und der Rolle der Reflexionsfähigkeit teilnehmen. WIE? • Die Besucher lernen am Studienseminar Leverkusen die Praxis der Lehrerausbildung für Gymnasien / Gesamtschulen, für Berufskollegs und für die Sekundarstufe I in NordrheinWestfalen kennen. • Ein Besuch des Studienseminars Koblenz ist geplant. Die Besucher bekommen einen Einblick in die Lehrerausbildung in Rheinland-Pfalz. In Koblenz wird Wert auf das Trainieren von Standardsituationen gelegt. • Die Besucher nehmen an fachspezifischen und allgemein pädagogischen Veranstaltungen für Referendare teil. • Unterrichtsbesuche und Unterrichtsnachbesprechungen mit Referendaren und Fachleitern gehören zum Kern unseres Programms. • Ein neuer Ansatz einer Schulpraxisreflexion wird an einem Berufskolleg vorgestellt. WER? Organisator(en): DR. NEUGEBAUER Hans-Gerhard Studienseminar Leverkusen Brückenstraße 10-12 51379 Leverkusen Tel. +49- 21 71 36 80 21 Fax +49- 21 71 36 80 28 Email: HERMES Ursula Studienseminar Leverkusen Brückenstr. 10-12 51379 Leverkusen Tel. +49- 21 71 36 80 21 Fax +49- 21 71 36 80 28 Email: • • • • • Leiter von Bildungs- und Berufsbildungeinrichtungen und -anbietern; Bildungs- und Berufsbildungsinspektoren; Schulleiter, Lehreraus- und -fortbildner; Bildungs- oder Berufsberater; Vertreter von Bildungs- und Berufsbildungsnetzwerken und -vereinigungen. WWW. – 150 CEDEFOP – STUDY VISITS THE TEACHING PROFESSION, CHALLENGES FOR TEACHERS AND TRAINERS Effective training for foreign language teachers Group No: 294 Type of visit: Mixed 30/3/2009-3/4/2009 Toruń, Poland EDUCATION AND TRAINING 2010 OBJECTIVES: 1.1. Improving education and training for teachers and trainers 3.3. Improving foreign language learning WHY? • • • • • • To improve education and training for foreign language teachers and trainers; to present how our college educates students to become foreign language teachers; to show how we cooperate with local schools and teacher training institutions; to discuss the role of a mentor and trainee supervisor during teaching; to present the teacherʼs promotion system; to show participants our beautiful old town which is on the Unesco World Heritage List. Working language: English Number of places: 10 Minimum required: 4 WHAT? Participants will: • learn how foreign language teachers are educated in colleges in Poland; • understand the system of mentoring and supervision during teaching; • get familiar with advisory centres for teachers and the role of a teacher advisor; • learn about the system of foreign languages teaching/learning in Poland; • be able to exchange good practices of teachers education in their countries. HOW? Participants will: • observe teacher trainees, mentors, students, teachers and teacher trainers in classrooms; • visit a teacher training college, an in-service teacher training centre, kindergarten, primary and secondary schools; • talk to heads of schools, teachers, teacher trainees, mentors, teacher trainers, advisors and students; • discuss strong and weak points of the systems of teacher training in the hostʼs and participantsʼ countries. WHOM? • • • • • • • Directors of education and vocational training institutions, centres or providers; head teachers, teacher trainers; heads of departments; pedagogical or guidance advisers; representatives of education and training networks and associations; representatives of educational services, labour offices or guidance centres; representatives of local, regional and national authorities. SHORT DESCRIPTION IN THE HOST COUNTRY’S LANGUAGE: Organiser(s): TOMASZEWSKA Beta Institution NKJO (Teacher Training College) ul. Sienkiewicza 38 87-100 Toruń Tel. +48- 05 66 61 75 85 Fax +48- 05 66 61 75 55 Email: [email protected] Website: Uczestnicy wizyty poznają system kształcenia nauczycieli w Nauczycielskich Kolegiach Języków Obcych. Będą brali udział w zajęciach w NKJO. Odwiedzą również szkoły i zobaczą studentów przeprowadzających lekcje w ramach praktyk .Szczególną uwagę zwrócimy na wczesnoszkolne nauczanie języków . Podkreślona zostanie rola mentora i opiekuna praktyk oraz sposób pozyskiwania miejsc praktyk dla naszych studentów. Pokażemy również jak uzyskane w trakcie nauki umiejętności wykorzystywane są przez absolwentów w ich pracy zawodowej. Przedstawimy rozwój zawodowy nauczyciela oraz system uzyskiwania awansu zawodowego. Uczestnicy odwiedzą rozmaite szkoły – od przedszkola po szkołę średnią , będą mieli możliwość obserwowania lekcji języków obcych i rozmowy z uczniami , nauczycielami , dyrektorami oraz doradcami metodycznymi. CATALOGUE 2008-2009 151 THE TEACHING PROFESSION, CHALLENGES FOR TEACHERS AND TRAINERS Quality in teacher training Group No: 295 Type of visit: General education 20/4/2009-24/4/2009 Murcia, Spain Working language: EDUCATION AND TRAINING 2010 OBJECTIVES: 1.1. Improving education and training for teachers and trainers 1.2. Developing skills for the knowledge society WHY? The aim of this study visit is to show the actions and measures established by the Council of Education, Science and Research in the Region of Murcia in terms of quality in education and teacher training. We have experience in organising study visits with excellent results. We are working on quality certifications in our teacher training centres. We hope to obtain the ISO 9000 certificate for 2008. We are also sure that we will be able to get very interesting experience exchanges. English WHAT? Number of places: 14 Minimum required: 7 Participants will have the opportunity to look into different aspects of the Spanish educational system and the teacher training network, considering the main goal of the visit will be focused on quality. HOW? The programme includes: • visits to several resource and teacher training centres to observe different methods of training, an exhibition of the regional planning of teacher training; • observing the quality process for quality certifications in teacher training centres; • visits to schools and institutes of primary, secondary and vocational education. WHOM? • Educational and vocational training inspectors; • head teachers, teacher trainers; • representatives of local, regional and national authorities. SHORT DESCRIPTION IN THE HOST COUNTRY’S LANGUAGE: • Durante la Visita de Estudio se mostrarán y explicarán las actuaciones y medidas mediante las cuales la Consejería de Educación. Ciencia e Investigación de la Región de Murcia desarrolla la formación permanente del profesorado. • Se abordará de manera especial: sistema educativo español, estudio de la red de formación del profesorado, proceso de calidad de los Centros de Profesores y Recursos para obtener la certificación ISO 9000. • Se realizarán visitas a CPR, centros de primaria, secundaria y formación profesional. Organiser(s): IGLESIAS Luisa Consejería de Educación y Cultura Gran Vía Francisco Salzillo,32 30005 Murcia Tel. +34- 968362261 Fax +34- 968365362 Email: [email protected] WWW. – – 152 CEDEFOP – STUDY VISITS THE TEACHING PROFESSION, CHALLENGES FOR TEACHERS AND TRAINERS Strengthening teacher association networks Group No: 296 Type of visit: General education 27/4/2009-30/4/2009 Lisbon, Portugal Working language: English Number of places: 15 Minimum required: 10 EDUCATION AND TRAINING 2010 OBJECTIVES: 1.1. Improving education and training for teachers and trainers 3.5. Strengthening the European co-operation WHY? The study visit aims at sharing ideas, experiences and best practices for further cooperation among Associations of Teachers of English. WHAT? Participants will: • attend the APPI conference to be held in Lisbon, contact with Portuguese and foreign teachers of English – their needs, worries, interests and values; • share their knowledge and experiences concerning English teaching and learning and training of English language teachers (ELT); • create a network of ELT Associations where both information and dissemination of good practices would be accomplished. HOW? The study visit will occur during the APPI annual conference. Participants will: • experience some of the work APPI has been developing as far as in-service training of EFL is concerned; • visit different types of schools and training centres; • meet representatives of FNAPLV – the Portuguese Federation of Associations of Foreign Languages (a member of FIPLV); • discuss both the importance of a European network of representatives of similar associations and how it can be effectively implemented. WHOM? Representatives of education and training networks and associations. SHORT DESCRIPTION IN THE HOST COUNTRY’S LANGUAGE: Esta visita visa a troca de experiências e de boas práticas entre Associações de Professores de Inglês na Europa. Pretende-se a discussão de decisões de política educativa no que concerne a Aprendizagem da Língua Inglesa e Formação de Professores. Facilita a realização de estudos comparativos da integração da Língua Inglesa no Currículo, em cada Sistema Educativo dos países dos Participantes. Visa também a criação de uma “Rede Europeia de Associações de Professores de Inglês” para a divulgação/disseminação de boas práticas e partilha de módulos de formação. Organiser(s): GASPAR Alberto Ass. Port. Prof. Inglês R. Dr. Joaquim Manso, 1 - A 1500-240 Lisbon Tel. +351- 217 16 60 95 Fax +351- 217 16 20 72 Email: [email protected] Website: WWW. CATALOGUE 2008-2009 THE TEACHING PROFESSION, CHALLENGES FOR TEACHERS AND TRAINERS 153 Manufacturing How to attract students to vocational education. Sharing experience for developing VET Group No: 297 Type of visit: VET 4/5/2009-8/5/2009 Istanbul, Turkey Working language: English Number of places: 15 Minimum required: 5 EDUCATION AND TRAINING 2010 OBJECTIVES: 1.1. Improving education and training for teachers and trainers 1.5. Making the best use of resources WHY? • Sisli vocational school is a technical school in central Istanbul. It was established in 1965 and has five departments: car mechanic, car repairing, electric-electronic, telecommunications and computer. • We are going to present the education system in Turkey with emphasis on implementation of the European and global dimension of vocational education. • The main aim is to improve cooperation between vocational technical schools and industrial institutions. • The main problem of vocational education is inadequacy of relationship between school and the workplace. The school has succeeded in cooperating with Mercedes, Toyota, Siemens and Fiat. These companies have founded their vocational education laboratory in our school. One of the most important benefit of this cooperation is to give job guarantees to student after graduation. WHAT? The study visit will focus on: • presentation of the Turkish VET system; • cooperation between school and private sector for improving VET; • cooperation between school and working life; • cooperation between higher education and VET; • national, regional and local initiatives to raise attractiveness of VET; • visit social partners. HOW? Participants will be able to: • discuss with teachers and students about school life; • visit VET institutions. WHOM? • • • • • • • • • • • Company training managers; directors of education and vocational training institutions, centres or providers; directors of guidance centres; educational and vocational training inspectors; head teachers, teacher trainers; heads of departments; owners/managers of SMEs; representatives of educational services, labour offices or guidance centres; representatives of local, regional and national authorities; representatives of trade unions; researchers. Organiser(s): DEMIRER Mustafa Institution Sisli vocational school of technique Abide-i Hurriyet cd. No 316 Sisli 34386 Istanbul Tel. +90 2122226545 Fax +90 2122226548 Email: [email protected] WWW. – – – 154 CEDEFOP – STUDY VISITS THE TEACHING PROFESSION, CHALLENGES FOR TEACHERS AND TRAINERS Practice of student teachers at school Group No: 298 Type of visit: General education 4/5/2009-8/5/2009 Sintra, Portugal Working language: English Number of places: 15 Minimum required: 5 EDUCATION AND TRAINING 2010 OBJECTIVES: 1.1. Improving education and training for teachers and trainers 1.5. Making the best use of resources WHY? After a very successful organisation in 2007 we decided to receive more European experts on teacherʼs training to learn the best from every country. WHAT? Sharing different knowledge; showing not only the good practices in our country, but also the weak points, to make things better. HOW? • • • • • Having debates in the first university with a teaching practice course in Portugal; visiting a big range of locations from kindergarten to universities; observing student teachers in practice; meeting pupils; showing strong and weak points of the national system. WHOM? • • • • • • • • Directors of education and vocational training institutions, centres or providers; educational and vocational training inspectors; head teachers, teacher trainers; heads of departments; representatives of education and training networks and associations; representatives of educational services, labour offices or guidance centres; representatives of local, regional and national authorities; researchers. SHORT DESCRIPTION IN THE HOST COUNTRY’S LANGUAGE: Após uma visita de estudo muito bem sucedida no corrente ano de 2007, decidimos organizar uma novamente em 2009, de forma a poder receber na nossa escola representantes estrangeiros, que possam trazer-nos informações acerca das boas práticas dos seus países. Para além disso, o objectivo principal desta visita é dar a conhecer a realidade no âmbito da formação de professores em Portugal, através de visitas a escolas com estagiários dos diferentes graus de ensino, do pré-escolar ao ensino secundário, bem como debates na Universidade com o curso mais antigo de formação de professores em Portugal, Faculdade de Motricidade Humana, contando com a participação de especialistas na matéria. Organiser(s): ALMEIDA Carlos Esc. Secundária de Santa Maria Rua Pedro Cintra 2710-436 Portela De Sintra Tel. +351- 219 23 18 80 Fax +351- 219 23 11 64 Email: [email protected] Website: WWW. CATALOGUE 2008-2009 155 THE TEACHING PROFESSION, CHALLENGES FOR TEACHERS AND TRAINERS Continuous teacher’s training: towards teaching quality improvement Group No: 299 Type of visit: General education 11/5/2009-15/5/2009 Castilleja de la Cuesta, Sevilla, Spain Working language: English Number of places: 15 Minimum required: 8 EDUCATION AND TRAINING 2010 OBJECTIVES: 1.1. Improving education and training for teachers and trainers 3.5. Strengthening the European co-operation WHY? Teachersʼ training is both a right and a duty. In Andalusia the CEPs (centros del profesorado: in-service teacher training centres) have been assuring teachersʼ training for more than 20 years. Weʼd like to share this experience with European teaching professionals. WHAT? This visit will illustrate how in Andalusia teacher training centres assure teachers lifelong learning (teachers from the public compulsory education system). Objectives, finalities, priority lines of performance, types of training activities, official plans and programmes, CEP management and its assessment will be explained. An approach to the cultural identity of the area will be given to participants. HOW? This study visit includes an informal welcome meeting and lectures with a general introduction to the Andalusian education system and official programmes. Participants will have the opportunity to visit other CEPs and educational centres carrying out innovative projects in the province of Seville. Some time will be available to exchange information about the theme of the visit. Visits to cultural monuments are included in the programme. Participants will also have the opportunity to try typical ʻtapasʼ from Seville. WHOM? • Educational and vocational training inspectors; • head teachers, teacher trainers; • representatives of educational services, labour offices or guidance centres. SHORT DESCRIPTION IN THE HOST COUNTRY’S LANGUAGE: La formación del profesorado es un derecho y un deber. Se describirá e ilustrará cómo se aborda en Andalucía la formación permanente del profesorado a través de los Centros del Profesorado (CEP), que son instituciones dependientes de la Consejería de Educación. Se expondrán las finalidades, objetivos, líneas prioritarias de actuación, modalidades de formación, Planes y Programas que desarrollan, modelo de gestión y evaluación de los CEP. Visitaremos diferentes Centros de Profesorado de la provincia y Centros Educativos que desarrollan proyectos innovadores. Los participantes tendrán la oportunidad de intercambiar información referente al tema de trabajo y entrar en contacto con la identidad cultural andaluza. Organiser(s): THRIET CASTILLA Yolanda Centro del Profesorado Castilleja de la Cuesta Av. de la Diputación s/n 41950 Castilleja D La Cuesta, Sevilla Tel. +34- 955 62 32 80 Fax +34- 955 62 32 78 Email: [email protected] WWW. 156 CEDEFOP – STUDY VISITS THE ROLE OF PARENTS AND THEIR PARTICIPATION IN SCHOOL LIFE Increasing the role of parents in school life Group No: 300 Type of visit: General education 6/10/2008-10/10/2008 Suwałki, Poland Working language: English Number of places: 10 Minimum required: 6 EDUCATION AND TRAINING 2010 OBJECTIVES: 1.2. Developing skills for the knowledge society 2.3. Supporting active citizenship, equal opportunities and social cohesion WHY? Parentʼs participation in the life of state schools in Poland is rather limited. It has been a problem for quite a while. They avoid contact with schools and teachers and far too often push the responsibility for their childrenʼs success or failure onto schools. This aspect definitely needs improvement and sharing ideas with other European educational institutions would be a good idea. WHAT? • To get acquainted with the system of school-parent cooperation in Poland; • to discuss documents defining the boundaries of this cooperation; • to compare the issue and propose solutions that might be applicable in Polish conditions. HOW? Participants will: • visit schools and educational institutions; • observe meetings of head teachers with parents; • look through school documents; • talk to teachers and parents. WHOM? • Head teachers, teacher trainers; • pedagogical or guidance advisers. SHORT DESCRIPTION IN THE HOST COUNTRY’S LANGUAGE: Wizyta dotyczyć będzie problemów związanych z ograniczonym udziałem rodziców w życiu szkoły publicznej w Polsce. Ma ona zaowocować opracowaniem wskazówek i wytycznych, dzięki którym mozliwe będzie zaangazowanie rodziców i opiekunów prawnych w sprawy dotyczące organizacji życia szkoły oraz sprawy związane z kształceniem, doborem kadry itp. Dodatkowo, wizyta bęzie dobra okazją do wymiany doświadczeń i porównania jak omawiane zagadnienie wygląda w innych krajach w Europie. I w jakim stopniu są i powinni btć odpowiedzialni za kształtowanie życia w szkole. Organiser(s): PREJS-GRYGOROWICZ Magdalena Zespół Kolegiów Nauczycielskich Noniewicza 83 16-400 Suwałki Tel. +48- 875 66 29 78 Email: [email protected] CATALOGUE 2008-2009 157 THE ROLE OF PARENTS AND THEIR PARTICIPATION IN SCHOOL LIFE Sandwell family learning consortium Group No: 301 Type of visit: Mixed 15/10/2008-17/10/2008 Birmingham, England, UK Working language: English EDUCATION AND TRAINING 2010 OBJECTIVES: 2.1. Open learning environment 2.2. Making learning more attractive WHY? • This is an imaginative, innovative and radical solution to improve education attainment, raise aspiration and widen adult participation into lifelong learning. • Led by a consortium of schools, public, private, third Sector and families. • Building more cohesive, empowered and active communities through family learning. • Develop models for engagement with families and the effectiveness of family learning activities. • Disseminate and share good practices locally, regionally, nationally and internationally. WHAT? Number of places: 12 Minimum required: 8 • How to engage with families in deprived and disadvantaged communities. • How to improve education attainment and widen adult participation into learning by working in partnership. • How to develop multiagency partnership of public, private and third sector. • Learning from innovative good practices: – itʼs never too late to learn DVD; – solution to lifelong learning barriers programme; – community learning champions; – family learning champions; – family learning networks; – local learning plan. HOW? • Visiting adult education centres, extend schools, academy, learn direct centres, voluntary and community centres where family learning is being delivered; • visiting the Black country museum, Sandwell Valley and Birmingham Bull Ring shopping centre; • classroom observation in schools, adult education centres, • talking to practitioners, teachers, parents and children in Surestart Centres, children centres; • meeting with directors, councillors, member of parliament, policy-makers, and senior managers; • presentations of good practices and opportunity to share good practices via workshops. WHOM? Organiser(s): BIBI Fajli Sandwell Metropolitan Borough Council- Education and Children Services Adult Education & Family Learning Services DY4 7NR Tipton Tel. +44- 20 7766441447 Fax +44- 20 121 520 3230 Email: [email protected] Website: • • • • • • • • Directors of education and vocational training institutions, centres or providers; educational and vocational training inspectors; head teachers, teacher trainers; heads of departments; pedagogical or guidance advisers; representatives of education and training networks and associations; representatives of educational services, labour offices or guidance centres; representatives of local, regional and national authorities. WWW. 158 CEDEFOP – STUDY VISITS THE ROLE OF PARENTS AND THEIR PARTICIPATION IN SCHOOL LIFE Is part of the triangle missing? School, students what about parents? Group No: 302 Type of visit: General education 4/5/2009-8/5/2009 Istanbul, Turkey Working language: English Number of places: 20 Minimum required: 10 EDUCATION AND TRAINING 2010 OBJECTIVES: 1.1. Improving education and training for teachers and trainers 3.5. Strengthening the European co-operation WHY? In education we usually talk about students and parts of the school (teachers, books, systems, technologies, etc.) but we do not talk very much about parents. We must not forget education starts in the family. First school of a child is family and first and lifelong teachers are parents. A better relationship with parents will improve education and training for teachers and trainers. Fatih educational institutions are among the best known for its success in teaching and relationships with parents. We have more than 6000 students and 500 staff in 16 different schools from kindergarten to high school and we have good consultation and public relations with parents. WHAT? Participants will: • learn about the Turkish education system and its application at different types of schools; • see differences between local and private schools; • see Turkish family life and their approach to the education by visiting parents; • learn how schools manage parental guidance. HOW? Participants will: • visit all types of schools from kindergarten to university; • visit local authorities like town hall and representatives from the Ministry of Education; • have discussions with teachers, pedagogical guidance advisers and families; • visit classrooms and see what is going on there; • talk with students, teachers, parents and authorities; • participate in seminars and workshops on best practice in our education types. WHOM? • • • • • • • • • • • Directors of education and vocational training institutions, centres or providers; directors of validation or accreditation centres; educational and vocational training inspectors; head teachers, teacher trainers; heads of departments; human resource managers; pedagogical or guidance advisers; representatives of education and training networks and associations; representatives of educational services, labour offices or guidance centres; representatives of local, regional and national authorities; researchers. SHORT DESCRIPTION IN THE HOST COUNTRY’S LANGUAGE: Organiser(s): BUYUKCOMBAK Mehmet Fatih Egitim Kurumlari E-5 Uzeri Beko Yani Buyukcekmece 34900 Istanbul Tel. +90 2128726121 Fax +90 2128726137 Email: [email protected] 25 yıllık tecrübesiyle Türkiye için Dünya ile yarışan Fatih Eğitim Kurumlarıʼnın ev sahipliği yapacağı çalışma ziyaretinin ana konusu öğrenci velilerinin eğitime dahil edilmesi ve katkılarının öğrenmede ki motivasyonu artırması.Benzeri kurumlara gore veli uygulamalarıyla farklılık arzeden ve ön plana çıkan kurumumuz bu ziyarette yaptığı uygulamaları,türk milli eğitim sistemini,kendi farklılıklarını ve velilerin nasıl dahil edildiğini misafirleriyle paylaşmayı hedefliyor. WWW. – – – CATALOGUE 2008-2009 159 CONTENT AND LANGUAGE INTEGRATED LEARNING (CLIL) Content and language integrated learning – teaching in practice Group No: 303 Type of visit: General education 6/10/2008-10/10/2008 Wloclawek, Poland EDUCATION AND TRAINING 2010 OBJECTIVES: 1.1. Improving education and training for teachers and trainers 3.5. Strengthening the European co-operation WHY? The organisers would like to show participants some different aspects of European dimension in the Polish system of education. They will have several possibilities to observe the examples of innovative methods of teaching, creative actions and good practices in local schools and institutions. The process of shaping a young open European citizen will be shown. The In-Service Teacher Training Centre in Wloclawek (KPCEN) will allow visitors to focus on relevant initiatives. Working language: English Number of places: 8 Minimum required: 5 WHAT? Participants will: • learn about the Polish system of education; • understand the methods and tools used in teacher-training guidance in Poland; • observe different types of activities performed at schools at different levels of education; • meet and talk to head teachers of schools and training institutions; • analyse strong and weak points of the Polish system of education. HOW? The objectives will be achieved by: • visiting some schools, institutions and education authorities; • observing students, teachers, and types of activities they perform; • meeting and talking to directors of education and training establishments, teachers and social partners; • sharing opinions and experiences on a system of education. WHOM? • Directors of guidance centres; • head teachers, teacher trainers. SHORT DESCRIPTION IN THE HOST COUNTRY’S LANGUAGE: Celem wizyty jest: Zapoznanie uczestników z polskim systemem edukacji i rozwiązaniami dydaktycznymi w zakresie wdrażania edukacyjnych ścieżek międzyprzedmiotowych (regionalna, europejska, ekologiczna, medialna). Goście odwiedzą szkoły wszystkich typów działających na terenie Włocławka i okolic oraz poznają system doskonalenia nauczycieli na podstawie działalności KPCEN. Organiser(s): TKACZYK Lena Kujawsko-Pomorskie Centrum Edukacji Nauczycieli Nowomiejska 15a 87-800 Wloclawek Tel. +48- 54 231 33 42 16 Fax +48- 05 44 12 10 98 Email: [email protected] Website: WWW. 160 CEDEFOP – STUDY VISITS CONTENT AND LANGUAGE INTEGRATED LEARNING (CLIL) The CLIL approach in a bilingual environment Group No: 304 Type of visit: General education 20/10/2008-24/10/2008 Palma De Mallorca, Spain Working language: English Number of places: 15 Minimum required: 8 EDUCATION AND TRAINING 2010 OBJECTIVES: 1.1. Improving education and training for teachers and trainers 3.3. Improving foreign language learning WHY? It is an Education and training 2010 objective as well as a Spanish national priority to improve foreign language learning. This is specially important in a region like the Balearic Islands where tourism is one of the main economic activities and therefore foreign language knowledge is key. To meet this objective, the education department of the Balearic Islands is developing some foreign language pilot programmes which are mainly based on the CLIL approach as a way to increase the input in the foreign language. Taking into account that this is a bilingual community, with two official languages (Spanish and Catalan), the development of these programmes is quite a challenge that we need to share with other European regions to improve its implementation. WHAT? Participants will be able to: • get acquainted with the different ways of implementing the CLIL approach in the Balearic Islands; • visit different types of schools and increase their knowledge of the organisation of our educational system; • meet colleagues from both the administration and teaching profession to share experiences; • be familiar with bilingual and multicultural school environments and the role played by the different languages being used. HOW? • • • • By visiting schools of different types and levels; by visiting teacher in-service training institutions; by meeting administrators and trainers; by meeting headteachers, students and teachers at work. WHOM? • • • • • • • Directors of education and vocational training institutions, centres or providers; educational and vocational training inspectors; head teachers, teacher trainers; human resource managers; pedagogical or guidance advisers; representatives of education and training networks and associations; representatives of local, regional and national authorities. SHORT DESCRIPTION IN THE HOST COUNTRY’S LANGUAGE: Organiser(s): CARBONELL Catalina Conselleria d’Educació i Cultura Passatge Guillem de Torrella, 1 07002 Palma De Mallorca Tel. +34- 971-176115 Fax +34- 971-177193 Email: [email protected] La visita versará sobre los programas de enfoque AICLE/CLIL en una comunidad bilingüe (español/catalán) y multicultural (17% de alumnado de otros países). Los participantes tendrán oportunidad de visitar diferentes escuelas que están inplementando este enfoque, así como entrevistarse con administradores responsables de los programas, formadores del profesorado, profesorado y alumnado implicado directamente en la experiencia. Como resultado de la visita esperamos crear vínculos entre regiones europeas que nos ayuden a llevar adelante este cometido que se enmarca dentro de una prioridad tanto europea como nacional. Esperamos que el intercambio de experiencias que se produzcan a lo largo de la visita, pueda mejorar los diferentes modelos de programas de enseñanza de lenguas extranjeras que se están llevando a cabo en los distintos países europeos. WWW. CATALOGUE 2008-2009 161 L’ENSEIGNEMENT D’UNE MATIÈRE INTÉGRÉ À UNE LANGUE ÉTRANGÈRE (EMILE) Développer l’enseignement d’une matière par intégration d’une langue étrangère Numéro de groupe: 305 Type de visite: Enseignement général 12/1/2009-16/1/2009 Sèvres, France Langue de travail: français Nombre de places: 15 Minimum requis: 10 OBJECTIFS EDUCATION ET FORMATION 2010: 3.3. Améliorer lʼenseignement dans langues étrangères 3.4. Accroître la mobilité et les échanges POURQUOI? Lʼenseignement dʼune matière par intégration dʼune langue étrangère (EMILE) répond à plusieurs priorités: • Lʼinterculturalité sera célébrée tout au long de lʼannée 2008 à lʼinitiative de lʼUnion européenne. LʼEMILE est la voie privilégiée pour mettre en œuvre ce principe et former les publics scolaires à une véritable citoyenneté européenne. • Dans la lignée du Cadre européen de référence pour les langues, lʼapproche par les compétences apparaît aujourdʼhui comme la plus efficace. On peut considérer lʼEMILE comme la voie de lʼexcellence puisquʼil élargit le champ dʼusage dʼune langue étrangère à des domaines spécialisés. • Le principe de lʼEMILE sʼapplique à des disciplines théoriques ou techniques. Il favorise ainsi la mobilité et lʼouverture professionnelles. En tant quʼopérateur du ministère de lʼéducation nationale, le Centre international dʼétudes pédagogiques (CIEP) met son expertise au service de partenaires désireux de développer lʼEMILE. QUOI? Afin de saisir tous les enjeux de lʼEMILE, la semaine dʼétude portera sur: • la méthodologie de lʼEMILE, • les systèmes de formation, • lʼinsertion du dispositif dans le projet de lʼétablissement, • la gestion des ressources humaines, • les certifications, • lʼinscription du dispositif dans le système éducatif, • les partenariats avec lʼétranger, • les sites Emilangues et, Au terme de la visite, les participants seront capables dʼutiliser cette expérience dans leur domaine de compétence. COMMENT? Les participants rencontreront tous les acteurs impliqués dans lʼEMILE: • personnel administratif et pédagogique des établissements scolaires, • inspecteurs pédagogiques et administratifs, • représentants du ministère, • gestionnaires de ressources spécialisées. Afin dʼoptimiser la formation, les visites seront ponctuées par: • une introduction au système éducatif national, • des moments de débat sur les visites, • un bilan de la semaine. POUR QUI? Organisateur(s): FABIANI-PRADEILLES Tristan CIEP 1, avenue Léon-Journault 92318 Sévres Tel. +33- 45 07 60 93 Email: [email protected] • Directeurs d΄institutions, de centres ou de prestataires d΄enseignement et de formation professionnels; • inspecteurs d΄enseignement et de formation professionnels; • professeurs principaux, formateurs d΄enseignants; • conseillers pédagogiques ou d΄orientation; • représentants des autorités locales, régionales et nationales. WWW. 162 CEDEFOP – STUDY VISITS CONTENT AND LANGUAGE INTEGRATED LEARNING (CLIL) Improving foreign language learning through innovation Group No: 306 Type of visit: General education 4/5/2009-8/5/2009 Oviedo, Spain Working language: English Number of places: 15 Minimum required: 8 EDUCATION AND TRAINING 2010 OBJECTIVES: 3.3. Improving foreign language learning 3.4. Increasing mobility and exchange WHY? Content language integrated learning (CLIL) is heavily supported and promoted by the European Commission as one of the best methods to improve foreign language learning and multiplurilinguism. Most European countries have included this practice in schools; in Spain it is one of the main trends at the moment. The regional education administration in Asturias, conscious of the benefits of CLIL, is developing an innovative programme in primary and secondary schools that participants will have the opportunity to learn about. Our institution deals with the development and implementation of educational programmes, including the planning of in-service teacher training and the editing of support materials. We have also a wide experience as organiser of study visits on different themes, especially those focused on foreign language teaching and learning. WHAT? The objective of the study visit is to show participants the most innovative CLIL experiences that are being developed in the region. The focus will be on teaching foreign languages through content in bilingual classes and in schools with an integrated curriculum Spanish – English. Great attention will also be paid to the in-service training of teachers of non-linguistic subjects that are participating or will participate in the initiative in the near future. We will deal with the following issues: • the characteristics of the two different modalities of the Programme in the region; • the way it is being implemented in schools; • the special in-service teacher training plan; • the impact on increasing motivation and improving FL competence, etc. HOW? Participants will have the opportunity to: • visit schools of different levels (primary and secondary) with CLIL projects; • observe lessons of different subjects and discuss with teachers and students; • discuss regional strategy with the people responsible for the initiative in the regional education administration; • learn about the in-service training of participating teachers; • become acquainted with the resources used in the programme. There will also be workshops where participants can share their knowledge and experience on the theme. Additionally, there will be a cultural programme. WHOM? Head teachers, teacher trainers; heads of departments; pedagogical or guidance advisers; representatives of local, regional and national authorities. SHORT DESCRIPTION IN THE HOST COUNTRY’S LANGUAGE: Organiser(s): CORTEJOSO Mª Pilar Consejería de Educación y Ciencia (Regional Education Authority) Plaza de España, 5 33007 Oviedo Tel. +34- 985 10 86 35 Fax +34- 985 10 86 15 Email: [email protected] El objetivo principal de la Visita de Estudio es dar a conocer las iniciativas que la Administración Educativa de Asturias está realizando en el ámbito de la Enseñanza Integrada de Contenidos y Lenguas, concretamente en las Secciones Bilingües y en el Proyecto de Currículo Integrado español-inglés. Las personas participantes tendrán la oportunidad de conocer todos los aspectos del Programa Bilingüe de la Comunidad a través de conversaciones / reflexiones con las personas responsables del Programa y, especialmente, mediante visitas a los centros educativos de Educación Primaria y Secundaria que desarrollan enseñanzas CLIL y a Centros de Formación del Profesorado. Se dará especial importancia a la contribución que las personas participantes puedan hacer al tema desde sus conocimientos y experiencia profesional. WWW. – – – CATALOGUE 2008-2009 163 HEALTH EDUCATION School as a source of health Group No: 307 Type of visit: General education 17/11/2008-21/11/2008 Oviedo, Spain Working language: English Number of places: 12 Minimum required: 8 EDUCATION AND TRAINING 2010 OBJECTIVES: 1.1. Improving education and training for teachers and trainers WHY? The mental and physical wellbeing of pupils is an important matter not only for pupils, their parents and the school staff but also for the whole community. The wellbeing of pupils is considered an important indicator for the quality of education, for their learning and their competence in lifelong learning. There is an annual call for pedagogical projects involving and promoting health through school curricula. This annual call permits the involvement of Asturiasʼ schools in the European network of health promoting school (ENHPS): in fact, there are 23 schools belonging to the ENHPS and some have been awarded by the Spanish Ministery of Education. The Centro de Profesorado y de Recursos de Nalón-Caudal (CPR Nalón –Caudal) is an in-service teacher training institution depending on Consejería de Educación y Ciencia of the Government of The Principality of Asturias, committed to raise standards in education developing our regional educative policy. WHAT? The visit will focus on healthy educational programme (HEP) in the region of Asturias. There will be presentations from members of different institutions involved in healthy educational programmes. Main objectives: • to show examples of good practice carried out in our region as well as educative resources on HEP; • to make known the development and the promotion of pedagogical projects related to HEP; • to show the collaboration among institutions involved in HEP; • to present in-service teacher training programmes related to HEP; • to know how HEP is being run in participantsʼ countries. HOW? • • • • • • • By visiting schools from pre-primary, primary, secondary to special needs; by observing activities involving students in the classroom as well as teachers; by meeting and talking to regional educative authorities as well as regionalhHealth authorities; by visiting institutions taking part or collaborating in the development of health education projects; by meeting and talking to directors of in-service teacher training institutions; by attending lecturers; by becoming acquainted with resources used for health education: development and dissemination of materials; • by exchanging experiences and examples of good practice in participantsʼ regions. WHOM? Directors of education and vocational training institutions, centres or providers; educational and vocational training inspectors; head teachers, teacher trainers; pedagogical or guidance advisers; representatives of education and training networks and associations; representatives of local, regional and national authorities. SHORT DESCRIPTION IN THE HOST COUNTRY’S LANGUAGE: Organiser(s): ROCES GARCIA Auroara Mª Hornos Altos s/n Ciudad Tecnológica Valnalón 33930 Langreo Tel. +34- 985 67 80 00 Fax +34- 985 67 49 44 Email: [email protected] El bienestar físico y mental del alumnado es un tema importante en nuestra sociedad y es considerado como indicador de la calidad de la enseñanza, del aprendizaje del alumnado y de su competencia de aprendizaje a lo largo de toda la visa. La visita mostrará los proyectos, las experiencias, los recursos y la formación del profesorado del Programa Educación para la Salud que se está realizando en centros de todos los niveles educativos en la región de Asturias ( Se visitarán instituciones no educativas que participan en el Programa. 164 CEDEFOP – STUDY VISITS HEALTH EDUCATION Health + school = wellbeing Group No: 308 Type of visit: Mixed 20/4/2009-24/4/2009 Katowice, Poland Working language: English Number of places: 15 Minimum required: 8 EDUCATION AND TRAINING 2010 OBJECTIVES: 1.1. Improving education and training for teachers and trainers 3.5. Strengthening the European co-operation WHY? The project is coordinated at national level. We run in-service training and workshops for school coordinators of health education at all levels of the education system, including units for students with special needs.We increase the level of our professional skills and knowledge by participating in all kinds of workshops, training, etc. and cooperating with institutions and NGOs responsible for supporting health education and prevention. In contemporary research there are some necessary factors for success of the health programmes directed to children and adolescents. They consist of elements of emotional and social competence such as: consciousness of oneʼs feelings and ability to manage them, controlling inner impulses, empathy and the ability to take oneʼs point of view, cooperation and communication abilities. These “life skills” help children and adolescents to avoid the dangers of alcohol and drug addiction, violence, unwanted pregnancy, etc. We feel close to a concept of a person perceived as an individual, that is unique, constantly “self-developing” and having unlimited potential (though sometimes unconscious of it) and to an holistic approach which leads every participant to become aware of their combined multilevel nature and accept all their personal dimensions as equally important. WHAT? We hope the visit will enrich participantsʼ way of working by: • improving the skills of building and running workshops and seminars; • finding new ideas and concepts, which can be implemented in national educational circumstances; • finding sources of inspiration (what works or does not); • sharing experiences (successes and failures); • comparing views on educational problems and ways of resolving them; • establishing partnerships for future cooperation, such as for writing proposals for the European Commission on education and health. HOW? Participants will: • visit schools, education units and centres; • observe teachers and students in the classroom; • meet and talk to directors of education establishments, heads of schools, teachers and trainers, social partners, researchers, policy-makers, promoters of projects defined as best practice, etc; • see strong and weak points of a system/policy/project, success and failure factors; • hear various opinions on a system/policy/project. During the visit we will also present the aims and objectives of the network. We will visit schools which have been awarded a certificate, present authorʼs programmes implemented in those schools and examples of good practice. WHOM? Directors of education and vocational training institutions, centres or providers; directors of validation or accreditation centres; educational and vocational training inspectors; head teachers, teacher trainers; heads of departments; representatives of education and training networks and associations; representatives of educational services, labour offices or guidance centres; representatives of local, regional and national authorities. SHORT DESCRIPTION IN THE HOST COUNTRY’S LANGUAGE: Organiser(s): WOJTASIK Tomasz Regionalny Ośrodek Metodyczno – Edukacyjny “Metis” w Katowicach Drozdow 21 40-530 Katowice Tel. +48- 322 09 53 12 Fax +48- 322 09 53 13 Email: [email protected] Głównym celem wizyty jest prezentacja programu promocji zdrowia Śląska Sieć Szkół Promujących Zdrowie prowadzonego od sześciu lat przez Regionalny Ośrodek Metodyczno – Edukacyjny Metis w Katowicach. Opisywana sieć jest jedną z wojewódzkich sieci szkół promujących zdrowie. Koordynatorem krajowym projektu jest Centrum Metodyczne Pomocy Psychologiczno – Pedagogicznej w Warszawie. Podczas wizyty zaprezentowane zostaną założenia i cele programu. Odwiedzimy szkoły, które uzyskały Certyfikat Śląskiej Sieci Szkół Promujących Zdrowie i zapoznamy uczestników wizyty z autorskimi programami promocji zdrowia oraz pokażemy przykłady dobrych praktyk w obszarze edukacji zdrowotnej i psychoedukacji. WWW. CATALOGUE 2008-2009 165 ENVIRONMENTAL EDUCATION Environmental education in Estonia Group No: 309 Type of visit: General education 6/10/2008-10/10/2008 Tallinn, Estonia EDUCATION AND TRAINING 2010 OBJECTIVES: 1.5. Making the best use of resources 2.2. Making learning more attractive WHY? According to the document Agenda 2001, sustainability decade is a keyword at present that also involves issues of environmental education. Awareness of environmental issues among people needs to be raised and should be a part of the teaching process in pre-school and school levels. WHAT? Working language: English Number of places: 12 Minimum required: 6 Participants will learn about environmental education values in Estonia. We are planning to give them some examples from successful projects, introduce nature walks and outdoor learning in Estonia. HOW? • • • • Visiting environmental education (support) centres and nature schools; observing successful projects; nature walk; visiting different parts of Estonia. WHOM? • • • • • Directors of education and vocational training institutions, centres or providers; educational and vocational training inspectors; head teachers, teacher trainers; pedagogical or guidance advisers; representatives of local, regional and national authorities. SHORT DESCRIPTION IN THE HOST COUNTRY’S LANGUAGE: Keskkonnahariduse tegevuse tutvustamine Eestis. Osalejad õpivad tundma keskkonnahariduse põhimõtteid Eestis. Tutvustatakse edukaid keskkonnahariduse projekte. Osalejatele toimuvad matkad ja õppekäigud Eestimaa erinevatesse kohtadesse, esimesel paaril päeval ollakse Põhja – Eestis ja nädala teisel poolel viibitakse Lõuna –Eestis ning tutvutakse erinevate keskkonnahariduskeskuste ja looduskoolidega ja käiakse tutvumas eheda loodusega. Organiser(s): ENOK Mairi Lehola Environmental Education Centre Mustamäe tee 187 12925 Tallinn Tel. +372- 652 65 66 Email: [email protected] Website: 166 CEDEFOP – STUDY VISITS ENVIRONMENTAL EDUCATION Environmental education in Ireland Group No: 310 Type of visit: General education 7/10/2008-10/10/2008 Dublin, Ireland Working language: English Number of places: 10 Minimum required: 6 EDUCATION AND TRAINING 2010 OBJECTIVES: 2.2. Making learning more attractive 2.3. Supporting active citizenship, equal opportunities and social cohesion WHY? With the current interest in environmental issues and the decade of education for sustainable development there is heightened interest in the education sector. This study visit will look at what opportunities there are in the classroom setting for environmental education and how environmental education can be integrated in to the curriculum. WHAT? The visit will involve visits to various national bodies that support and promote environmental education initiatives and will attempt to capture a wide range of approaches including whole school education, peer education, training of teachers and how environmental issues can be integrated into the curriculum. The study visit will also look at practical applications of environmental education in the classroom. There will also be a presentation of the application of various themes in environmental education such as school travel, recycling, litter and energy conservation. HOW? Presentations by national specialists on good practice followed by discussion and exchange of experience, visits to schools and environmental organisations to observe environmental education approaches in practice. WHOM? • • • • • • • Directors of education and vocational training institutions, centres or providers; educational and vocational training inspectors; head teachers, teacher trainers; heads of departments; pedagogical or guidance advisers; representatives of education and training networks and associations; representatives of local, regional and national authorities. Organiser(s): MC DYER Lorraine Leargas - Education Service 189 Parnell Street Dublin 1 Tel. +353- 18 73 14 11 Fax +353- 18 73 13 16 Email: [email protected] WWW. – CATALOGUE 2008-2009 UMWELTERZIEHUNG 167 Wasserversorgung; Abwasser- und Abfallentsorgung und Beseitigung von Umweltverschmutzungen Landwirtschaftliche Beratung in der Arbeit für den Umweltschutz Gruppennummer: 311 Art des Besuches: Berufsbildung 20/10/2008-24/10/2008 Poznan, Polen Arbeitssprache: Deutsch Anzahl der Teilnehmerplätze: 17 Erforderliche Mindestanzahl: 10 ZIELE VON „ALLGEMEINE UND BERUFLICHE BILDUNG 2010“: 3.5. Stärkung der europäischen Zusammenarbeit WARUM? Das Thema ist wichtig für alle EU-Mitgliedstaaten, besonders für neue Länder. Die wichtigsten Gründe für das Problem: Geringe Sensibilisierung von Bewohnern des ländlichen Raumes, schlechte Ausbildung, begrenztes Verständnis von Umweltproblemen, hohe Landwirtschaftsproduktivität, Strukturwandel in der Landwirtschaft, keine Alternativen für Personen, welche auf die Arbeit in der Landwirtschaft verzichten möchten. Die Region Wielkopolska ist seit mehreren Jahren ein landwirtschaftlich geprägtes Land. Wegen der hohen Intensität der landwirtschaftlichen Produktion in der Region bestehen Probleme mit Umweltbelastung. Der Gastgeber - das Beratungszentrum für Landwirtschaft (WODR) - hat eine 50-jährige Tradition in der Beratung von Bauernunternehmen. Das Zentrum hat mehrere Direktkontakte mit Bauernunternehmen. Die Firma beschäftigt 500 Berater verschiedener Fachrichtungen in der ganzen Region. WAS? Die Teilnehmer werden Einblick erhalten in: die Beratung in Polen, Beratungsmethoden für kleine und mittlere landwirtschaftliche Betriebe, Methoden der Verringerung der Nitratbelastung in der Landwirtschaft, viele praktische Beispiele der Beratung. WIE? Die Lernziele werden erreicht über: • Direktkontakt und Teilnahme an der Arbeit (als Beobachter) des Beraters; • Besuch im Beratungszentrum in Poznan und in den Außenstellen; • Besuche in landwirtschaftlichen Betrieben; • Besuche in verschiedenen Institutionen, welche sich mit Umweltproblemen beschäftigen. WER? • • • • • • • Leiter von Berufsberatungszentren; Bildungs- und Berufsbildungsinspektoren; Schulleiter, Lehreraus- und -fortbildner; Bildungs- oder Berufsberater; Vertreter von Bildungs- und Berufsbildungsnetzwerken und -vereinigungen; Vertreter von Bildungsdienstleistern, Arbeitsämtern/-agenturen oder Beratungszentren; Vertreter von örtlichen, regionalen und nationalen Behörden. KURZE BESCHREIBUNG DES BESUCHES IN DER SPRACHE DES GASTGEBENDEN LANDES: Organisator(en): GRAF Krzysztof Wielkopolski Osrodek Doradztwa Rolniczego w Poznaniu (Beratungszentrum für Landwirtschaft in Poznan) ul. Sieradzka 29 60-163 Poznan Tel. +48-61 868 01 62 Fax +48-61 868 56 60 Email: [email protected] Wizyta będzie możliwa dzięki dużemu doświadczeniu wielkopolskiego Ośrodka Doradztwa Rolniczego w Poznaniu w zakresie doradztwa dla sektora rolnego. Firma jest dużą firmą doradczą zatrudniającą ponad 500 osób, działająca na terenie całego województwa wielkopolskiego. Przewiduje się wiele elementów praktycznych w programie, w tym udział jako obserwator w pracy doradcy, wizyta w Ośrodku Doradztwa oraz wizyty w instytucjach działających na rzecz ochrony środowiska. Istnieje możliwość elastycznego dopasowania programu dla potrzeb grupy odbiorców. WWW. – – 168 CEDEFOP – STUDY VISITS ENVIRONMENTAL EDUCATION Landscape telling stories... Group No: 312 Type of visit: General education 20/10/2008-24/10/2008 Prague, Czech Republic Working language: English Number of places: 20 Minimum required: 8 EDUCATION AND TRAINING 2010 OBJECTIVES: 1.1. Improving education and training for teachers and trainers 1.2. Developing skills for the knowledge society WHY? Enviromental education and modern pedagogical methods are important issues in today´s education. We would like to help participants obtain valuable experience that they can apply to their work with young people. This study visit is focused on the beyond the school project that combines project education methodology with aspects of environmental education. Beyond the school is a popular international project, created in the Czech Republic. It focuses on improving skills and competences of children and young people. The main subjects are enviromental education, history and ICT. It has spread into 115 Czech schools in two years and several countries across Europe. This is an ideal project to show the potential of modern methods of teaching and learning. WHAT? Participants will: • gain experience of an interdisciplinary educational project “Beyond the school”; • be introduced to the main pedagogical methods of project education; • see examples of interesting environmental education projects and activities; • obtain valuable experience from outside their own teaching and learning approaches; • have the opportunity to share their experience and make contact with potential partners; • develop networks with other interested groups that could lead to further educational developments and skill sharing across Member States. HOW? This visit will include: • introduction to system of environmental education in Czech Republic; • interactive workshops and training focused on project education; • visits to well-known Czech organisations focused on project education (mainly environmental education), workshops with their instructors; • visit to exhibitions developed as part of the Beyond the school project; • discussions about the project and environmental education systems in countries of participants; • attractive programme in Prague (guided walk Mysterious Prague, possibilities to visit other places of educational interest). WHOM? • • • • Directors of education and vocational training institutions, centres or providers; head teachers, teacher trainers; representatives of education and training networks and associations; representatives of educational services, labour offices or guidance centres. SHORT DESCRIPTION IN THE HOST COUNTRY’S LANGUAGE: Organiser(s): PESKOVA Barbora Centre for modern education Pobřežní 34 18600 Prague Tel. +420- 234 70 55 24 Fax +420- 234 70 55 20 Email: [email protected] Website: Krajina za školou je úspěšný projekt vyvinutý v České republice. Za dva roky své existence se rozšířil na více než 100 škol po celé republice a do 5 evropských zemí. V rámci této studijní návštěvy bychom tento projekt rádi představili dalším zájemcům a účastníkům, kteří s projektem začínají a chtějí se inspirovat. Chceme jim umožnit rovněž navázat kontakty s podobně zaměřenými institucemi a umožnit rozvoj další spolupráce. Krajina za školou představuje interdisciplinární projekt s propracovanou metodikou. Rádi bychom na tomto modelovém projektu ukázali možnosti projektového vyučování zaměřeného na rozvíjení klíčových kompetencí žáků. Účastníci se dozvědí více o projektovém vyučování a enviromentální výchově obecně, budou mít možnost navštívit významné organizace působící v této oblasti. Důraz bude kladen na aktivní zapojení účastníků, praktické ukázky, workshopy budou vedeny metodami neformálního vzdělávání. WWW. – CATALOGUE 2008-2009 169 ENVIRONMENTAL EDUCATION The environmental education as a part of education for sustainable development Group No: 313 Type of visit: General education 27/10/2008-31/10/2008 Bourgas, Bulgaria Working language: English Number of places: 15 Minimum required: 6 EDUCATION AND TRAINING 2010 OBJECTIVES: 1.1. Improving education and training for teachers and trainers 2.2. Making learning more attractive WHY? The theme gives us an opportunity to: • exchange information and good practices in the sphere of education, culture, environment; • ask ourselves once again the question ʻDo we only have a consumer attitude towards nature, or do we try to develop nature and society together?ʻ; • show the Eco schools programme with its focus on schools in Bourgas; • show the local area in an international environmental context as three-quarters of the bird species in Bulgaria can be found in the wetland areas which surround Bourgas. WHAT? Participants will: • discover an educational model, considering the variety of the theme and the traditions of Bulgarian education and culture; • learn about the ʻEco-schools-Bulgariaʼ, ʻGreen Bourgasʼ, ʻBourgas wet zoneʼ, ʻBulgarian blue flagʼ projects etc. HOW? The study visit will include: • presentation of the Bulgarian educational system and the state educational requirements for environmental education; • observation of lessons on different subjects with an ecological context inside and outside schools; • meeting and discussion with experts at the regional inspectorate of education, heads of schools, teachers and pupils; • visits to the environmental and educational centres Poda and Ropotamo, natural reservations in the Strandja natural park”, the salt museum at Pomorie lake and local cultural heritage; • special participation in activities for Black Sea day (31 October 2008). WHOM? • • • • • • • Company training managers; directors of education and vocational training institutions, centres or providers; educational and vocational training inspectors; head teachers, teacher trainers; pedagogical or guidance advisers; representatives of education and training networks and associations; representatives of local, regional and national authorities. SHORT DESCRIPTION IN THE HOST COUNTRY’S LANGUAGE: Organiser(s): GEORGIEVA SHURELOVA Yanka Regional Inspectorate of Education - Burgas 150, Gladstone str. BG 8000 Bourgas Tel. +359- 56 813252 Fax +359- 56 813259 Email: [email protected] Темата дава възможност за обмен на информация и добри практики в областта на образованието, културата, околната среда.Участниците ще се запознаят с българската образователна система и с държавните стандарти за екологично образование в българските училища; с екологични проекти на територията на Бургаска област - „Еко училища-България”, “Зелен Бургас”, “Бургаски влажни зони”, “Български син флаг” и др. Учебното посещение ще включва наблюдение на уроци от различни учебни предмети с екологично съдържание в училище и извън него. Участниците ще имат различни възможности за срещи, дискусии и създаване на нови връзки с експерти, директори на училища, учители и ученици. Учебното посещение ще включва посещение на природозащитни и образователни центрове - ”Пода” и “Ропотамо”, резервати в Природен парк ”Странджа”, Музей на солта на Поморийското езеро, специално участие в дейности във връзка с Международния ден на Черно море(31.10.08.) и някои местни културни забележителности. WWW. – – 170 CEDEFOP – STUDY VISITS ENVIRONMENTAL EDUCATION Education for sustainable development – learning for a change Group No: 314 Type of visit: General education 24/11/2008-28/11/2008 Shrewsbury, England, UK Working language: English EDUCATION AND TRAINING 2010 OBJECTIVES: 1.1. Improving education and training for teachers and trainers 2.3. Supporting active citizenship, equal opportunities and social cohesion WHY? As a result of the UN decade of education for sustainable development (DESD), nearly every European country has a policy for delivering ESD. Examples of global good practice are available but these islands of good practice are not enough. This study visit will ask the question “Is our best practice good enough?” There is a growing concern that education systems are enabling young people to understand the real causes of our current unsustainability – global economic systems and personal values. How can we respond to these concerns to ensure that ESD becomes a power for change? WHAT? Number of places: 20 Minimum required: 10 Participants will: • critically evaluate approaches to sustainable development through theory and practice; • share the best practice in ESD across Europe; • examine how best practice is judged; • review ESD policies and strategies; • consider the latest thinking in ESD and especially consider issues surrounding personal action and systemic change; • experience examples of ESD delivery in the UK; • gain ideas and develop action plans for the improvement of ESD. We shall explore emerging ESD practice in the UK and highlight a range of innovative education approaches and ideas. HOW? • Workshop and presentation sessions from key thinkers and practitioners in the UK (from NGOs, schools, higher education, teacher training, local and national government); • visits to formal education institutions and informal education providers; • talks to those providing ESD; • structured presentations from participants to allow ideas to be shared and critically evaluated; • experiencing specific ESD related activities; • time for reflection and action planning. Participants will be given a copy of rethink, refuse, reduce- a book for educators on education for sustainability. WHOM? Directors of education and vocational training institutions, centres or providers; educational and vocational training inspectors; head teachers, teacher trainers; heads of departments; pedagogical or guidance advisers. Organiser(s): DAWSON Richard Field Studies Council (EE) The Annexe, Preston Montford Lane, SY4 1DU Shrewsbury Tel. +44- 17 43 85 21 60 Fax +44- 17 43 85 21 41 Email: [email protected] Website: WWW. – CATALOGUE 2008-2009 171 ENVIRONMENTAL EDUCATION Embedding environmental education into the curriculum Group No: 315 Type of visit: General education 16/3/2009-20/3/2009 Toulouse, France EDUCATION AND TRAINING 2010 OBJECTIVES: 2.3. Supporting active citizenship, equal opportunities and social cohesion WHY? Environment education, as a strategic topic at European level, has reached a significant scope along the past few years in Southwestern France, particularly in Midi-Pyrenees Region, where national and regional policies regarding the issue are quite efficient and successful. Therefore, the local context is fully adequate to a European meeting, which will encompass several presentations of various exemplary local projects. WHAT? Working language: English Number of places: 15 Minimum required: 4 • Learning about environmental education policy in Europe, through exchanges of experiences among participants and observation of practical examples in Midi-Pyrenees region; • reciprocal information and comparison between European education systems; • understanding the connections between the school system and the authorities involved in environmental education; • encouraging new partnerships for future European projects. HOW? • Visits to local secondary, vocational and agricultural schools, most of which are involved in European projects; • discussions with teachers and students; • presentations of: – pilot-projects involving various topics: energy savings, water filtration, waste recycling, organic farming, mountain biodiversity, geothermal greenhouses; – the operation entitled “1,000 challenges for my planet” conducted by the Ministry of Ecology, the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Agriculture and involving practical action to preserve the environment and prevent or repair damage to it; – programmes of public support to environmental education projects; – meetings with regional authorities and non-governmental organisations. WHOM? Directors of education and vocational training institutions, centres or providers; educational and vocational training inspectors; head teachers, teacher trainers; heads of departments; representatives of local, regional and national authorities. SHORT DESCRIPTION IN THE HOST COUNTRY’S LANGUAGE: Organiser(s): DARBOUR Jean ENFA Toulouse BP 22687 F-31326 Castanet-Tolosan ced Tel. +33- 5 61 75 32 60 Fax +33- 5 61 75 03 09 Email: [email protected] Le but de la visite est de donner aux participants une vision dʼensemble sur les récents développements de lʼ éducation à lʼenvironnement en milieu scolaire dans le Sud-Ouest de la France et une occasion dʼéchanger et comparer les pratiques éducatives en usage dans la région de Toulouse et dans leur propre pays. Visites de lycées et collèges autour de Toulouse, dont la plupart sont engagés dans des projets européens. Discussions avec les professeurs et les élèves. Présentation de projets-pilotes impliquant des thématiques variées: économies dʼénergie, filtration de lʼeau, recyclage des déchets, agriculture biologique, biodiversité en montagne, serres géothermiques. Présentation de lʼopération “Mille défis pour ma planète” conduite par les Ministères de lʼEcologie, de lʼEducation et de lʼAgriculture et impliquant des actions pratiques pour préserver lʼenvironnement. Rencontres avec les autorités régionales et les organisations non-gouvernementales impliquées dans la thématique. Présentation des programmes publics dʼencouragement et dʼincitation aux actions dʼéducation à lʼenvironnement. WWW. 172 CEDEFOP – STUDY VISITS L’ÉDUCATION À L’ENVIRONNEMENT L’environnement nous enseigne Numéro de groupe: 316 Type de visite: Mixte 6/4/2009-9/4/2009 San Ferdinando di Puglia, Foggia, Puglia Italie Langue de travail: français Nombre de places: 15 Minimum requis: 5 OBJECTIFS EDUCATION ET FORMATION 2010: 1.1. Améliorer lʼéducation et la formation des enseignants et des formateurs 1.4. Augmenter le recrutement dans les filières scientifiques et techniques POURQUOI? Notre école est active depuis longtemps dans le secteur de lʼenvironnement par des projets de collaboration avec des institutions territoriales et des associations écologistes. Cʼest pourquoi nous voulons partager nos expériences avec dʼautres acteurs de lʼéducation et de la recherche en vue de développer la sensibilité écologiste. QUOI? • Améliorer la connaissance de base et comprendre les méthodes et les instruments pour une approche écologique supportable; • comparer les méthodes entre pays différents; • établir des modèles dʼéducation à lʼenvironnement. COMMENT? • Visites guidées auprès dʼinstitutions qui sʼoccupent dʼépargne énergétique, de gestion des déchets et de dépollution; • séminaires avec des experts du territoire; • rencontres avec les opérateurs du secteur; • jeux de rôle et études de cas avec les étudiants; • visite guidée des parcs naturels du territoire: Gargano, Fleuve Ofanto, Murge. POUR QUI? • Directeurs d΄institutions, de centres ou de prestataires d΄enseignement et de formation professionnels; • inspecteurs d΄enseignement et de formation professionnels; • professeurs principaux, formateurs d΄enseignants; • chefs de départements; • conseillers pédagogiques ou d΄orientation; • représentants de réseaux et d΄associations d΄enseignement et de formation; • représentants des autorités locales, régionales et nationales; • chercheurs. BRÈVE DESCRIPTION DANS LA LANGUE DU PAYS D’ACCUEIL: La nostra scuola è attiva da diversi anni nel settore dellʼeducazione ambientale, in collaborazione con enti e associazioni ecologiste. Sono state realizzate esperienze concrete di educazione ambientale sulla raccolta dei rifiuti, il risparmio energetico, la creazione di unʼaula verde, la tutela del patrimonio naturalistico, lʼinquinamento. La visita di studio ha lo scopo di mettere a frutto tali esperienze e di condividerle con altre istituzioni europee. Sede della visita sarà lʼIstituto di Istruzione Superiore “Ignazio Silone” e il Centro di Educazione Ambientale “Ofanto”. Organisateur(s): ISERNIA Ruggiero Istituto di Istruzione Superiore “Silone” Via Gramsci 71046 San Ferdinando Di Puglia (fg) Tel. +39-0883 62 10 66 Fax +39-0883 62 10 66 Email: [email protected] Website: WWW. – – – – CATALOGUE 2008-2009 173 ENVIRONMENTAL EDUCATION Environmental education in primary and secondary schools Group No: 317 Type of visit: General education 4/5/2009-8/5/2009 Toro, Spain Working language: English Number of places: 15 Minimum required: 8 Education and Training 2010 objectives: 1.1. Improving education and training for teachers and trainers 2.2. Making learning more attractive WHY? Decision No 1720/2006/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 15 November 2006 established the lifelong learning programme. One of its general objectives is to contribute to the development of the community as an advanced knowledge-based society, with sustainable economic development, more and better jobs and greater social cohesion, while ensuring good protection of the environment for future generations. In particular, it aims to foster interchange, cooperation and mobility between education and training systems within the community so that they become a world quality reference. Zamora is a Spanish province with several specific schools where pupils can learn the importance of environment. The natural reserve in Villafáfila, the interactive nature school in San Martin de Castañeda, environmental education centre in Villardeciervos and Los Arribes del Duero natural park are places often visited by Spanish pupils to learn the importance of nature in our lives. WHAT? This visit has the following aims: • to investigate the problems and solutions in teaching environmental education at school; • to share experiences on environmental projects and activities of participants in their own countries; • environmental education in school curricula of the countries represented in this visit. HOW? We will visit several specific institutions where pupils are in contact with natural places, like the natural reserve in Villafáfila, the interactive nature school in San Martin de Castañeda, environmental education centre in Villardeciervos and Los Arribes del Duero natural park. We will meet directors of these centres and talk to pupils. We will show strong and weak points of different systems in participantsʼ countries. WHOM? • • • • • Directors of guidance centres; educational and vocational training inspectors; head teachers, teacher trainers; heads of departments; pedagogical or guidance advisers. SHORT DESCRIPTION IN THE HOST COUNTRY’S LANGUAGE: Organiser(s): NIETO MOREDA Carlos CFIE de Toro Cantar del Arriero 8, 2º 49800 Toro (Zamora) Tel. +34- 980 69 27 17/980557719/9805577 Fax +34- 980 69 29 10 Email: [email protected] [email protected] Con esta visita queremos compartir los modelos y proyectos de educación medioambiental en los distintos países europeos. Debatir sobre las mejores opciones a la hora de presentar este tema a los alumnos en todas las materias de la Educación Primaria y Secundaria. Al mismo tiempo, queremos que los participantes conozcan los centros especializados en gestión de medioambiente que hay en nuestra provincia de Zamora y que visiten las zonas naturales de interés. WWW. – 174 CEDEFOP – STUDY VISITS ENVIRONMENTAL EDUCATION Is it easy being green? Should schools adopt a green ethos, and how? Group No: 318 Type of visit: General education 11/5/2009-15/5/2009 Bognor Regis, England, UK Working language: English Number of places: 14 Minimum required: 7 EDUCATION AND TRAINING 2010 OBJECTIVES: 1.1. Improving education and training for teachers and trainers 1.2. Developing skills for the knowledge society WHY? There is increasing focus in UK on raising the profile of sustainability education across the school curriculum. However, this is a challenge for schools because of various other initiatives that compete for time and resources. A few schools are showing spectacular successes. Often this is because imaginative approaches taken by teachers, support staff, heads and governors. Another significant feature is engagement with children who are often keen to take the lead. University of Chichester trains primary and secondary school teachers, and provides continuing professional development for existing teachers. We include courses that focus on education for sustainable development, environmental education, citizenship and the global dimension across the school curriculum. WHAT? By the end of the visit, participants will have: • experienced a range of interesting examples of approaches to teaching and learning that enhance sustainable living; • discussed approaches with teachers, policy-makers and children; • evaluated these approaches in the UK and in their own home contexts; • shared their own experiences in teaching and learning of sustainability themes; • achieved their individual aims (as far as the hosts are able to facilitate this). HOW? Participants will: • experience sustainability education taking place for school classes, in classrooms, using school grounds, and offsite; • work with children, and talk to the children and teachers informally; • take part in learning experiences provided for school classes by local charitable organisations (outdoor museum, sustainability centre); • discuss present and future initiatives with policy-makers; • consider evidence of success or failure of diverse initiatives; • explore sustainability learning that happens out of the context of school, for example in youth groups or at home. WHOM? Directors of education and vocational training institutions, centres or providers; head teachers, teacher trainers; pedagogical or guidance advisers; representatives of education and training networks and associations. Organiser(s): REAVEY Duncan University of Chichester Bognor Regis Campus PO21 1HR West Sussex Tel. +44- 01243 812008 Fax +44- 01243 812000 Email: [email protected] WWW. – – – – – CATALOGUE 2008-2009 175 L’ÉDUCATION À L’ENVIRONNEMENT Le paysage entre environnement et identité de cultures Numéro de groupe: 319 Type de visite: Mixte 18/5/2009-22/5/2009 Castiglione del Lago, Perugia, Umbria Italie Langue de travail: français Nombre de places: 15 Minimum requis: 5 OBJECTIFS EDUCATION ET FORMATION 2010: 1.1. Améliorer lʼéducation et la formation des enseignants et des formateurs 2.3. Favoriser la citoyenneté active, lʼégalité des chances et la cohésion sociale POURQUOI? Cette proposition de visite provient dʼune association sans but lucratif, le “Laboratorio del Cittadino”, qui est un centre de services dʼéducation culturelle et au développement durable. Depuis plus dʼune décennie lʼAssociation collabore avec la Région de lʼOmbrie à des projets éducatifs orientés sur la diffusion parmi les élèves et les citoyens de bonnes pratiques pour la protection et le développement durable du territoire et des communautés qui y vivent et y travaillent. De ce rapport de solidarité a pu naître à Castiglione del Lago, en accord avec les institutions publiques locales, le Centre régional dʼétude et dʼéducation au paysage. Le Laboratorio a rálisé, que ce soit dans le secteur de la formation à la citoyenneté active ou dans le domaine de lʼéducation à la citoyenneté européenne, des expériences significatives. QUOI? La visite dʼétude entend fournir de nouveaux stimuli et un soutien pédagogico-culturel aux responsables de lʼéducation et de la culture, dans leur mission éducative aux enfants, adolescents, adultes en formation et personnes handicapées. Ce projet sʼinscrit dans le contexte de lʼéducation au «paysage entre environnement et identité de cultures», comme point dʼaccord des cultures et des générations. Les objectifs que se donne la visite dʼétude sont les suivants: • stimuler les processus de recherche, partage et protection – valoriser lʼhéritage paysager via lʼusage commun des connaissances scientifiques, humanistes et artistiques; • lutter contre le repli identitaire, source de conflits et de violence en dehors de lʼécole et en son sein; • contribuer à la promotion du dialogue interculturel et intergénérationnel, favorisant via lʼéchange et le partage la création dʼune base culturelle commune du paysage européen, fondée sur la connaissance et la compréhension de la culture et des valeurs de «lʼAutre». COMMENT? • Exposition des initiatives réalisées par le Centre régional dʼétude et dʼéducation au paysage via des séminaires sur les thèmes suivants: a) “Paysages culturels”, b) “Arts visuels et instruments créatifs de documentation (“carnet du paysage”)”, c) “Histoire, archéologie et paysages mythologiques”, d) “Le paysage peint”, e) “Paysages littéraires”; • illustration des recherches géomorphologiques sur le paysage de lʼOmbrie menées par lʼUniversité de Perugia (Università degli Studi di Perugia), Département des Sciences de la Terre et visite au musée des fossiles de Pietrafitta; • rencontre avec les directeurs des écoles du territoire de Trasimeno impliqués dans les projets Comenius relatifs au paysage: état de lʼart, échanges, débat et travaux de groupes; • visite guidée à lʼIsola Polvese et au centre historique de Città della Pieve sur les pas du Perugino. POUR QUI? Inspecteurs d΄enseignement et de formation professionnels; professeurs principaux, formateurs d΄enseignants; chefs de départements; conseillers pédagogiques ou d΄orientation; représentants de chambres de commerce/d΄industrie/d΄artisanat; représentants de réseaux et d΄associations d΄enseignement et de formation; représentants des autorités locales, régionales et nationales; chercheurs. BRÈVE DESCRIPTION DANS LA LANGUE DU PAYS D’ACCUEIL: Organisateur(s): MORBIDELLI Mariella Laboratorio del Cittadino Via Buozzi, 48 06061 Castiglione Del Lago (Perugia) Tel. +39-075 95 14 52 Fax +39-075 965 22 69 Email: [email protected] Website: Questo percorso di visita studio è finalizzato alla promozione del paesaggio come patrimonio culturale rappresentativo di un percorso storico articolato. Una nuova consapevolezza sulla portata dei cambiamenti nel paesaggio con tutte le sue potenzialità educative diventa un fattore importante di educazione allo sviluppo sostenibile eco-compatibile, nonché all’integrazione rispettosa delle diversità e delle minoranze in una quadro globale comprensivo e sfaccettato. L’esercitazione quotidiana verso la ricerca della diversità (culturale, generazionale, geografica, religiosa, ecc.) costituisce uno strumento efficace di reazione alle differenze, aiutando a viverle non come una minaccia, ma come potenziale sorgente di arricchimento per tutti, coltivando una predisposizione allo scambio e al confronto con l’insieme delle individualità e delle culture “altre”. L’approccio interdisciplinare ed il taglio europeo sono proprio le caratteristiche peculiari delle attività portate avanti dal Centro Regionale di Studio ed educazione al paesaggio. WWW. – – – 176 CEDEFOP – STUDY VISITS ENVIRONMENTAL EDUCATION To explore the use of local surroundings, to motivate and improve the teaching of environmental education Group No: 320 Type of visit: General education 8/6/2009-12/6/2009 Aberdeen, Scotland, UK Working language: English Number of places: 10 Minimum required: 6 EDUCATION AND TRAINING 2010 OBJECTIVES: 1.2. Developing skills for the knowledge society 1.5. Making the best use of resources WHY? Caring for the environment is recognised an important issue throughout Europe. Aberdeen implements local, national (the Scottish curriculum for excellence) and European initiatives for environmental education. The city provides specialist facilities and provision in this subject and the visit will seek to share good practice cooperate with other European education establishments. WHAT? Participants will gain insight into our methodology for making use of our surroundings to enhance pupils understanding of the geographical, historical and human issues relating to the urban, rural and marine environment. Learning outcomes are: • to participate in environmental education activities and evaluate the impact; • to share experiences of good practice in environmental education; • to share policies and initiatives in environmental education. • to debate the value of an outdoor curriculum in promoting understanding of the environment. HOW? Objectives will be achieved by: • visiting mainstream and specialist provision for environmental education and accompanying groups on fieldwork and activities; • meetings and discussions with senior managers and practitioners in education and environment organisations; • group discussions and sharing ideas. WHOM? Directors of education and vocational training institutions, centres or providers; educational and vocational training inspectors; head teachers, teacher trainers; heads of departments; pedagogical or guidance advisers; representatives of education and training networks and associations; researchers. Organiser(s): INGLIS Peter Aberdeen City Council, Culture and learning South Neighbourhood AB24 5SS Aberdeen Tel. +44- 12 24 52 42 50 Email: [email protected] Website: WWW. – – CATALOGUE 2008-2009 177 SCHOOL MANAGEMENT Let’s reshape new schools of the future together Group No: 321 Type of visit: General education 6/10/2008-10/10/2008 Sanliurfa, Turkey Working language: English Number of places: 15 Minimum required: 9 EDUCATION AND TRAINING 2010 OBJECTIVES: 1.1. Improving education and training for teachers and trainers 3.4. Increasing mobility and exchange WHY? We think schools are organisations which will shape our future, so they need to be well administered. Schools, beside being an agent in the service of education, are also huge organisations in which you can see all features of a typical organisation. In a school, there are thousands of people with a lot of administrative problems. An administrator needs many capabilities to manage the school and classes, relations with parents and teachers, and further schools need to be supervised by professional supervisors and inspectors. In this study visit, we would like to discuss how supervision activities can contribute better to school management. We think our colleagues from different countries can share their experiences. We also would like to organise a seminar on school management so we can help build new schools for the future with better administration processes. This seminar will be organised by experienced supervisors and university teachers in our city, working for state schools and the department of educational administration at Harran University. WHAT? Participants will learn both theoretically and practically about successful school management processes. Successful management includes: • hygiene at schools; • formal applications at schools; • management of school libraries, laboratories, gyms and knowledge technology laboratories; • management of conflict between teachers and staff; • management of school-family relations; • management of physical conditions (lighting, painting the wall, etc.); • organising the classroom. HOW? • Seminars, • round-table discussion groups, • visits to schools and other public organisations to see good examples of management in our city. WHOM? Directors of education and vocational training institutions, centres or providers; educational and vocational training inspectors; head teachers, teacher trainers; heads of departments; owners/managers of SMEs; pedagogical or guidance advisers; representatives of educational services, labour offices or guidance centres; representatives of local, regional and national authorities; researchers. SHORT DESCRIPTION IN THE HOST COUNTRY’S LANGUAGE: Organiser(s): USTA Mehmet Emin Directorate Local Education for Sanliurfa Abdulkadir Karahan Cad. 63300 Sanliurfa Tel. +90 5053463824 Fax +90 4143123083 Email: [email protected] Gelecekte okulların nasıl olması gerektiğine ilişkin düşüncelerimizi paylaşmak istiyoruz. İyi bir okul yönetimi için yapabileceklerimiz tartışılacaktır. Okullarda iyi bir yönetim örneği için: Okulda Hijyen, Okulda yapılan bürokratik işlemler, Kütüphane, laboratuvar, spor salonu ve bilgi teknoloji sınıflarının etkin kullanımı, Okulda öğretmen- yönetici çatışmalarının yönetimi, Okul- aile ilişkileri Işıklandırma ve renk seçiminin eğitime etkisi, Sınıf düzenlemeleri gibi konular tartışılarak, tartışmaya katkı sağlayacak Şanlıurfa il merkezindeki okullar ve kurumlar ziyaret edilecektir. Bu ziyaretler sırasında okulda görev yapan yöneticiler ve öğretmenlerle, okullarda okuyan öğrenciler ile onların velilerinin okulla ilgili görüşleri dinlenecektir. Okullarını nasıl buldukları ve gelecekte nasıl görrmek istediklerine dair düşünceleri alınacaktır. Amacımızı gerçekleştirebilmek için üniversitede görev yapan eğitim yönetimi uzmanları ile deneyimli okul müdürleri ve ilköğretim müfettişlerinden yararlanacağız. 178 CEDEFOP – STUDY VISITS SCHOOL MANAGEMENT Leadership and change in the educational system Group No: 322 Type of visit: General education 6/10/2008-10/10/2008 Haderslev, Denmark Working language: English Number of places: 15 Minimum required: 10 EDUCATION AND TRAINING 2010 OBJECTIVES: 1.2. Developing skills for the knowledge society WHY? Search for clarification of the role and experience of the leader as change master in the educational system. WHAT? The study visit will cover the following areas: • introduction to Danish educational thinking; • visit to Danish schools and educational institutions; • discussions with teachers and school leaders. The Danish Folkeskole is decentralised to a municipality and school level. There is therefore quite a lot of scope for innovation and accordingly for leaders with ambitions related to improving the learning environment. Introduction to the Danish diploma in leadership. Discussion with students, lectures and planners who are involved in this degree programme. This diploma equals the practical and theoretical aspects of practitionersʼ, nursesʼ, teachersʼ or social workersʼ profession.This provides education with a special twist where the studentsʼ leadership praxis and institutional setting interrelate with theoretical aspects. This makes it possible for students to implement the outcome of their study into there own organisation. HOW? Workshops with the aim of discussing the leadersʼ role, training and responsibility in a modern European context using the Danish as well as participantsʼ experience as a lever for building such a model. The objectives of the visit will be achieved by participation in field studies, indepth discussions with practitioners from the concerned institutions and schools and with lecturers and planners from the diploma of leadership education. Summing up and reporting will take place in workshops. WHOM? • • • • • Educational and vocational training inspectors; head teachers, teacher trainers; heads of departments; pedagogical or guidance advisers; representatives of local, regional and national authorities. Organiser(s): FAURHOLT Leif University College South Lembckesvej 3-7 6100 Haderslev Tel. +45- 73 22 24 67 Email: [email protected] Website: WWW. – – – – CATALOGUE 2008-2009 179 SCHOOL MANAGEMENT Management of educational institutions Group No: 323 Type of visit: General education 6/10/2008-10/10/2008 Prague, Czech Republic Working language: English Number of places: 20 Minimum required: 8 EDUCATION AND TRAINING 2010 OBJECTIVES: 1.1. Improving education and training for teachers and trainers 1.2. Developing skills for the knowledge society WHY? The quality of education depends on how well institutions are managed. High guality management creates a climate where teachers feel they can contribute and build on their strengths to promote innovation and quality improvement. It is ultimately the responsibility of head teachers to create a functional framework to support effective knowledge-sharing and development. The question of how to make school management more effective and professional remains a constant challenge. This study visit provides Europe-wide focus on quality in education and presents one venue where school heads and other stakeholders can learn from one another. WHAT? This programme will focus on: • description of current situation and challenges for Czech educational system; • theoretical and practical approaches to school management; • discussion on implementation of quality management systems for schools; • accreditation; • demonstration and assessment of best practice; • discussion of different approaches to management in various schools and other educational institutions; • opportunities to learn from foreign partners. HOW? Participants will: • visit education institutions and other organisations involved in education; • discuss with headmasters, deputy heads and projects leaders; • attend lectures and workshops on applied management in education; • see and assess best practices; • take part in a question and answer session. WHOM? • • • • • • • • • Directors of education and vocational training institutions, centres or providers; directors of guidance centres; directors of validation or accreditation centres; educational and vocational training inspectors; head teachers, teacher trainers; heads of departments; representatives of education and training networks and associations; representatives of educational services, labour offices or guidance centres; representatives of local, regional and national authorities. SHORT DESCRIPTION IN THE HOST COUNTRY’S LANGUAGE: Organiser(s): KARABA Jan Wisdoma Ltd. Leopldova 1682 / 25 149 00 Prague Tel. +420- 608 49 92 37 Email: [email protected] Kvalita vzdělávacích institucí bezprostředně záleží na úrovni řízení. Kvalitní mangement vytváří klima, kde vyučující cítí, že jejich práce je oceňována. Takové řízení staví na silných stránkách vyučujících a umožňuje inovaci rozvoje kvality. Úkolem vedení škol je vytvořit funkční rámec sdílení znalostí a rozvoje v organizaci. Efektivní a profesionální řízení škol je přitom konstantní výzvou pro evropské školy. Program zahrnuje návštěvy soukromých i státních vzdělávacích institucí, diskusi o teoretických přístupech a jejich aplikaci, diskusi o odlišnostech různých přístupů k managementu různých vzdělávacích institucí. 180 CEDEFOP – STUDY VISITS LA GESTION DES ÉCOLES La carrière de proviseur dans l’enseignement Numéro de groupe: 324 Type de visite: Mixte 13/10/2008-17/10/2008 Bucarest, Roumanie OBJECTIFS EDUCATION ET FORMATION 2010: 1.2. Développer les compétences nécessaires dans la société de la connaissance 3.4. Accroître la mobilité et les échanges POURQUOI? La visite répond aux deux objectifs suivants: (1) partager des expériences de management, car être proviseur en Roumanie actuellement nʼest pas une profession mais une priorité nationale dans le domaine de lʼéducation. (2) élaborer une étude sur le rôle du proviseur dans les écoles de la région Bucarest-Ilfov. Cette région est peu typique de la Roumanie, et à Bucarest se trouve le réseau scolaire le plus grand et le plus diversifié. Langue de travail: français Nombre de places: 12 Minimum requis: 8 QUOI? Les participants pourront: • étudier le système dʼéducation roumain par lʼintermédiaire du réseau scolaire de Bucarest et du département dʼIlfov; • connaître les responsabilités dʼun proviseur; • connaître le trajet professionnel dʼun chef dʼétablissement scolaire; • comprendre les situations concrètes auxquelles est confronté un proviseur; • lancer des partenariats avec les écoles et les institutions visitées. COMMENT? • Des rencontres avec des décideurs locaux concernant le réseau scolaire et la sélection des chefs dʼétablissement scolaire (1e jour, 5e jour); • des rencontres avec des décideurs nationaux concernant le système dʼeducation (2e et 3e jours) et lʼévaluation managériale scolaire (3e jour); • des rencontres avec des décideurs locaux concernant la formation professionnelle de proviseurs (4e jour); • des discussions avec les proviseurs, les enseignants, les élèves (2e, 3e et 4e jours); • la visite des établissements indiqués et la visite de trois établissements scolaires (une école générale, un lycée théorique, un lycée technique). POUR QUI? • Directeurs d΄institutions, de centres ou de prestataires d΄enseignement et de formation professionnels; • chefs de départements; • représentants de réseaux et d΄associations d΄enseignement et de formation; • chercheurs. BRÈVE DESCRIPTION DANS LA LANGUE DU PAYS D’ACCUEIL: Organisateur(s): IONESCU Mihaela Inspectorat Scolaire Bucarest Rue Icoanei, no. 19, sect.2 020451 Bucarest Tel. +40- 212 11 88 41 Fax +40- 212 10 75 31 Email: [email protected] Website: ZIUA 1: dim.+d.a. Intalnire cu membrii C.A. al Inspectoratului Scolar al Municipiului Bucuresti (ISMB); preyentarea sistemului educaʼional romanesc, a retelei scolare din Bucuresti si a strategiei ISMB; ZIUA 2: dim. Vizita la Institutul de Stiinte ale Educatiei; d.a. Vizita la unitatea scolara 1; ZIUA 3: dim. Vizita la Agentia Romana pentru Asigurarea Calitatii in Invatamantul Preuniversitar; d.a. Vizita la unitatea scolara 2; ZIUA 4: dim. Vizita la Casa Corpului Didactic Bucuresti; d.a. Vizita la unitatea scolara 3; ZIUA 5: dim. Vizita la Inspectoratul Scolar al Judetului Ilfov; d.a. Analiza comparativa cu elementele corespondente din sistemele de invatamant ale tarilor de provenienta ale participantilor; concluzii individuale si de grup privitoare la vizita de studiu. CATALOGUE 2008-2009 181 SCHOOL MANAGEMENT Project management – learning from successes and failures of educational projects Group No: 325 Type of visit: General education 13/10/2008-17/10/2008 Prague, Czech Republic EDUCATION AND TRAINING 2010 OBJECTIVES: 1.1. Improving education and training for teachers and trainers 1.5. Making the best use of resources WHY? European schools are increasingly taking part in international projects. Good project management is crucial to utilise fully the possibilities of the Lifelong Learning Programme and other grant programmes. The main purpose will be improved ability to manage projects. This study visit will provide participants with a balanced mix of visits to schools and other educational institutions with workshops on project management theory. This will allow room for discussion and exchanges of experience anchored in proven methodologies and approaches. Working language: English Number of places: 20 Minimum required: 8 WHAT? Participants will share experiences on initiating projects in educational institutions, see best practices in Czech educational institutions and other organisations, such as training providers and municipalities. Participants can use the skills gained in a wide range of projects from curricular reforms, innovative programmes to implementation of quality standards. HOW? • • • • • • Visits to high schools and other institutions to discuss finished and ongoing projects; presentations of successful projects, discussion of positive and negative experiences; discussion with school heads, department heads and project leaders; lectures and workshops on applied project management in education; discussion of implementation and dissemination challenges; question and answer sessions. WHOM? • • • • • • • • • Directors of education and vocational training institutions, centres or providers; directors of guidance centres; directors of validation or accreditation centres; educational and vocational training inspectors; head teachers, teacher trainers; heads of departments; representatives of education and training networks and associations; representatives of educational services, labour offices or guidance centres; representatives of local, regional and national authorities. SHORT DESCRIPTION IN THE HOST COUNTRY’S LANGUAGE: Organiser(s): KARABA Jan Wisdoma Ltd. Leopldova 1682 / 25 149 00 Prague Tel. +420- 608 49 92 37 Email: [email protected] Evropské školy se ve stále rostoucí míře účastní mezinárodních projektů. Kvalitní projektové řízení je přitom nezbytné pro plné využití možností daných programy LLP aj. Hlavní cíl semináře je zdokonalit dovednosti účastníků v řízení projektů. Studijní návštěva poskytne účastníkům vyrovnanou kombinaci návštěv škol a dalších vzdělávacích institucí, i workshopy na téma aplikace projektového řízení. Poskytnut bude prostor pro diskusi a výměnu zkušeností při zohlednění osvědčených metodik a přístupů. Účelem studijní návštěvy je sdílet zkušenosti s iniciováním a realizací projektů ve vzdělávacích organizacích, diskutovat úspěchy i chyby projektů. Program zahrnuje návštěvy různých institucí, diskuse o teoretických i praktických nástrojích a jejich využití. Účastníci budou moci využít získané dovednosti pro řízení širokého spektra projektů od reformy stávajících studijních programů, implementaci standardů kvality i nových technologií. 182 CEDEFOP – STUDY VISITS SCHOOL MANAGEMENT School management: role of headteachers/ principals and inspectors Group No: 326 Type of visit: General education 13/10/2008-17/10/2008 Valencia, Spain Working language: English Number of places: 20 Minimum required: 8 EDUCATION AND TRAINING 2010 OBJECTIVES: 1.1. Improving education and training for teachers and trainers 1.5. Making the best use of resources WHY? • To show participants the role and functions of school management in Spain: their competences, tasks and training for this specific post. • The role of the inspector in school management as a representative from the administration. Let us know the tasks of inspectors and head teachers in other European educational systems. WHAT? • To enable participants to learn about the different processes in school management; • to visit different types of schools to check the relations between the different members of the school community. HOW? The activities will include: • visit to schools; • seminars on the projects developed by the schools; • group discussions. WHOM? • • • • • • • • • • Company training managers; directors of education and vocational training institutions, centres or providers; directors of guidance centres; directors of validation or accreditation centres; educational and vocational training inspectors; head teachers, teacher trainers; heads of departments; representatives of education and training networks and associations; representatives of local, regional and national authorities; representatives of trade unions. SHORT DESCRIPTION IN THE HOST COUNTRY’S LANGUAGE: La dirección de los centros educativos tiene un papel determinante en la gestión y la mejora de la calidad del sistema educativo. En esta cuestión coinciden todos los sistemas educativos, sin embargo cada país organiza esta función de manera diferente. La inspección educativa supervisa y colabora en la gestión de los centros educativos y se relaciona con los directores de los centros, siendo a la vez representante de la administración. Por tanto ¿el papel de ambos, director e inspección, se complementan , se superponen o se contradicen? Organiser(s): VERCHER Joan Inspección Educativa Gregorio Gea 14 46009 Valencia Tel. +34- 961 96 41 20 Fax +34- 961 93 41 27 Email: [email protected] WWW. CATALOGUE 2008-2009 183 DIE SCHULLEITUNG Beratung der Lehrkräfte durch die Schulleitung zur Weiterentwicklung von Unterricht Gruppennummer: 327 Art des Besuches: Allgemeine Bildung 20/10/2008-24/10/2008 Boppard, Deutschland Arbeitssprache: Deutsch Anzahl der Teilnehmerplätze: 20 Erforderliche Mindestanzahl: 15 ZIELE VON „ALLGEMEINE UND BERUFLICHE BILDUNG 2010“: 1.1. Verbesserung der allgemeinen und beruflichen Bildung von Lehrkräften und Ausbildern 2.2. Lernen muss attraktiver werden WARUM? In der Qualitätsdebatte auf Grund der internationalen Vergleichsuntersuchungen ist der Schwerpunkt Unterricht von besonderer Bedeutung. Die Schulleitung ist für die Qualitätsentwicklung des Unterrichts an der Schule verantwortlich. Deshalb ist es eine zentrale Aufgabe von Schulleitung, Unterricht zu beobachten, zu beurteilen und in diesem Zusammenhang auch die Lehrkräfte zu beraten. Auf dieser Grundlage können dann Zielvereinbarungen zur Weiterentwicklung des Unterrichts der jeweiligen Lehrkraft getroffen werden. Der Veranstaltungsort ist der Sitz des Führungskollegs im IFB Rheinland-Pfalz und damit auch die Tagungsstätte für Schulleitungsfortbildung. WAS? Die TeilnehmerInnen: • erwerben Kenntnisse in der kriteriengestützten Unterrichtsbeobachtung; • entwickeln Zielvereinbarungen aus den gemachten Unterrichtsbeobachtungen. WIE? • • • • Impulsreferate, Beobachtungstraining an Filmmaterial und in der Realsituation, Beratungstraining, Exkursionen in Schulen. WER? Schulleiter, Lehreraus- und -fortbildner. Organisator(en): VON GLEICHENSTEIN Carl-Anton Institut für schulische Fortbildung und schulpsychologische Beratung Mainzer Straße 46 56154 Boppard Tel. +49- 67 42 87 10-28 Fax +49- 67 42 87 10-98 Email: [email protected] 184 CEDEFOP – STUDY VISITS SCHOOL MANAGEMENT Heads of schools How we work on leadership management at different educational levels and at the same time accommodate needs for equalisation within the frame of education Group No: 328 Type of visit: Mixed 20/10/2008-24/10/2008 Järfälla, Sweden Working language: English Number of places: 15 Minimum required: 10 EDUCATION AND TRAINING 2010 OBJECTIVES: 2.2. Making learning more attractive 2.3. Supporting active citizenship, equal opportunities and social cohesion WHY? We would like to get an overview of European school management to share and to learn from others in Europe. We would like to offer a study visit programme to strengthen our European dimension in schools in Järfälla. There are about 65 000 inhabitants and schools reach from preschools up to upper secondary and adult education. We hope to learn from the way our colleagues in Europe work on management; heads of schools. In the municipality there are municipal as well as independent schools. Since we have no chance of travelling around Europe all the time this is a unique opportunity to invite experts to Järfälla for an exchange of knowledge and experience. Our week has a focus on all the schools in Järfälla and on the work developed by the heads of schools. It is extremely important for the heads here to get an overview of the European perspective and to be given the opportunity of learning and sharing with others. WHAT? • • • • • • • • • • • Preparation of the study visit for the participants, welcome session, general information of Järfälla, information about the training of heads, presentation of the participants and organisers, presentation by the Board of Education/ Ministry of Education, presentation by the Chief Executive of Education, presentation by some heads, job shadowing in different schools, summing up and an evaluation of the visit, how do we stay in contact. HOW? • • • • • • A study visit programme with both theory and practice, learning about the Swedish school system, learning about the training of heads, learning about the rules and regulations for education in Sweden (Ministry), meetings/ job shadowing for heads, evaluation of the work we do in Järfälla. WHOM? • • • • • • Directors of education and vocational training institutions, centres or providers; educational and vocational training inspectors; head teachers, teacher trainers; heads of departments; representatives of education and training networks and associations; researchers. SHORT DESCRIPTION IN THE HOST COUNTRY’S LANGUAGE: Organiser(s): ERICSSON EGGEGÅRDH Christina Institution Järfälla Gymnasieskolor Mälarvägen 2 177 42 Järfälla Tel. +46- 704 80 85 89 Fax +46- 858 02 84 65 Email: [email protected] Som en del i vår omvärldsbevakning vill vi stärka den Europeiska dimensionen i skolornas arbete och då gäller det att ge cheferna möjlighet att få dela med sig och utbyta sina erfarenheter och kunskaper genom möten med andra chefer inom skolans värld i Europa. I Järfälla finns ca 65. 000 invånare och många skolor, som är antingen kommunala eller som är friskolor. Dessa skolor erbjuder undervisning från förskola upp till och med vuxenundervisning. Genom att erbjuda detta studiebesök hoppas vi få möjlighet att dela med oss av vårt sätt samt att givetvis få nya europeiska influenser från övriga Europa inom temat ”Heads of Schools”. Då vi har denna fantastiska möjlighet att få bjuda in kollegor vill vi givetvis inte missa den chansen till samarbete. WWW. CATALOGUE 2008-2009 185 SCHOOL MANAGEMENT Leadership in the educational network Group No: 329 Type of visit: General education 20/10/2008-24/10/2008 Valletta, Malta Working language: English Number of places: 12 Minimum required: 10 EDUCATION AND TRAINING 2010 OBJECTIVES: 1.1. Improving education and training for teachers and trainers 1.5. Making the best use of resources WHY? The need to strengthen leadership in the educational network is necessary to implement both national and European policies as well as improve standards in education. Such standards and policies may only be reached through a structured system of management resulting from coordinating and training present and future leaders in education. The national minimum Curriculum (2000) and the policy document ʻFor all children to succeedʼ (2005) provide an educational vision for all schools in Malta. This vision highlights the planning and provision of dedicated leadership and management. Effective leadership and management may be acquired through distributed leadership which creates a capacity for healthy dialogue and debate that can foster a satisfying and fruitful team spirit. The involvement of head teachers and senior managers in schools is important for the development of educational networking, both in terms of priority and the profile network activity given in schools. WHAT? During the study visit, participants will have the opportunity to discuss: • initiatives and policies to improve effective leadership in the Maltese educational system; • methods and training given to present and potential educational leaders; • best practices in educational leadership from the various countries represented by the participants. HOW? • By visiting the Faculty of Education, leading training institutions, schools, and the directorate for policy and auditing in the education division; • by participating in a forum for students reading a Masters degree in educational leadership; • by meeting and talking to directors of education and training establishments, researchers and policy-makers; • by discussing the strengths and weaknesses of the local educational system and policies, success and failure factors. WHOM? • • • • • • • Directors of education and vocational training institutions, centres or providers; head teachers, teacher trainers; heads of departments; representatives of chambers of commerce/ industry/crafts; representatives of education and training networks and associations; representatives of educational services, labour offices or guidance centres; researchers. Organiser(s): ZAMMIT MICALLEF Maria European Union Programmes Agency Lifelong Learning Programme 36, Old Mint Street 1514 Valetta Tel. +356- 25 58 61 12 Fax +356- 25 58 61 39 Email: [email protected] Website: WWW. – 186 CEDEFOP – STUDY VISITS LA GESTION DES ÉCOLES Le chef d’établissement dans le système éducatif français Numéro de groupe: 330 Type de visite: Mixte 9/3/2009-13/3/2009 Chelles, France Langue de travail: français Nombre de places: 20 Minimum requis: 8 OBJECTIFS EDUCATION ET FORMATION 2010: 3.4. Accroître la mobilité et les échanges 3.5. Renforcer la coopération européenne POURQUOI? Spécificités du métier de chef dʼétablissement en France: clef de voute du système éducatif dans lʼenseignement secondaire. QUOI? • Le métier de chef dʼétablissement: une fonction passionnante qui recouvre en Europe des statuts et des compétences très diversifiés; • présentation des rôles du chef dʼétablissement, ses compétences dans le système éducatif français, recrutement, statut, formation initiale et continue, responsabilités… Analyse critique comparative, riche en diversité; • la décentralisation en France: liens avec les collectivités territoriales; • le projet dʼétablissement: pilotage par les indicateurs, par les objectifs; • la «Vie scolaire»; • prise en charge de la «grande difficulté scolaire». COMMENT? • • • • • Demi-journées de travail autour dʼun thème; visites dʼétablissements: collèges et lycées; rencontre et visite avec la collectivité: la Région Ile-de-France (Paris); visites culturelles: Versailles, Paris; description des systèmes éducatifs des pays accueillis. POUR QUI? • Responsables de la formation professionnelle en entreprise; • directeurs d΄institutions, de centres ou de prestataires d΄enseignement et de formation professionnels; • directeurs de centres d΄orientation; • inspecteurs d΄enseignement et de formation professionnels; • chefs de départements; • responsables des ressources humaines; • conseillers pédagogiques ou d΄orientation. Organisateur(s): GRUAT Daniel Lycée Louis Lumière 4, rue Louis Lumière 77500 Chelles Tel. +33-1 60 93 12 11 Fax +33-1 60 93 12 25 Email: [email protected] WWW. – – CATALOGUE 2008-2009 187 SCHOOL MANAGEMENT Autonomy and leadership Group No: 331 Type of visit: General education 11/5/2009-15/5/2009 Lisbon, Portugal Working language: English Number of places: 15 Minimum required: 8 EDUCATION AND TRAINING 2010 OBJECTIVES: 1.5. Making the best use of resources 2.2. Making learning more attractive WHY? • School autonomy has been debated for 20 years (1987-2007). Since the school year of 200607 school autonomy entered a new stage with the introduction of the autonomy project for the development and autonomy of Portuguese schools. • A new programme for evaluating schools was launched in 2006 on a pilot basis - 24 schools were selected and object of an external evaluation. • The new instrument for school autonomy - the autonomy contract - is being piloted by the regional administration. • This project is followed and evaluated by the regional administration. • Autonomy contracts will be extended to other schools. WHAT? • • • • • • Evaluation of schools - the evaluative dimension of school autonomy; flexible management of the national curriculum - the curricular dimension of school autonomy; autonomy contract - the strategic dimension of school autonomy; instruments of programmatic nature; instruments of curricular nature; instruments of strategic nature - the autonomy contract. HOW? • Conferences and debates; • meetings, discussion and exchange of experiences with experts, heads of schools, teachers and pupils; • visits to basic and secondary schools with autonomy contract; • cultural visits and events in Lisbon and outskirts. WHOM? • • • • • Head teachers, teacher trainers; heads of departments; human resource managers; pedagogical or guidance advisers; representatives of local, regional and national authorities. SHORT DESCRIPTION IN THE HOST COUNTRY’S LANGUAGE: Organiser(s): LOURENÇO Antonieta Direcção Regional de Educação de Lisboa Praça de Alvalade, Nº 12 1749070 Lisboa Tel. +351- 21 843 39 12 Fax +351- 21 849 99 13 Email: [email protected] • O processo de mudança na administração e gestão das escolas implica o envolvimento de um leque mais vasto de intervenientes locais que não apenas os professores • Autonomia e responsabilidade estão associadas como componentes integrantes do serviço público educativo. • O Grupo de Trabalho do Projecto de Desenvolvimento e Autonomia das Escolas concentrouse na transferência de competências para a Escola, referindo como pressupostos dessa transferência as condições de exercicio da autonomia, a liderança nas Escolas e o que se deve entenderc omo serviço público a prestar por estas. • Das 136 escolas que aderiram ao Projecto Piloto de avaliação externa, 22 já assinaram contratos de autonomia com as Direcções Regionais de Educação. • O acompanhamento e a avaliação é da responsabilidade de equipas regionais . • Prevê-se o alargamento progressive dos contratos de autonomia a outras escolas. WWW. – 188 CEDEFOP – STUDY VISITS SCHOOL MANAGEMENT Development, alteration and evaluation of school management Group No: 332 Type of visit: General education 26/5/2009-29/5/2009 Izmir, Turkey Working language: English Number of places: 20 Minimum required: 6 EDUCATION AND TRAINING 2010 OBJECTIVES: 1.1. Improving education and training for teachers and trainers 2.3. Supporting active citizenship, equal opportunities and social cohesion WHY? Nowadays the work of management has both an international aspect and a national aspect. Management teams in schools have many similar problems around the world with rapidly developing technology and changeable needs of teenagers. Members of management teams need mutation and improvement. Our aim is to: • increase the quality of education in school life; • have the consciousness of European citizenship; • have a common vision against common problems among management teams in European schools. WHAT? Participants will: • get an idea about the problems and solutions of management teams in Turkey; • share their experiences by introducing their own managing principles and changeable dimensions of management; • have a common vision to similar problems through discussion; • see the challenges in different European countries management teams; • share national experiences and create a common solution to be used in their countries. HOW? The aims of the visit will be achieved: • by visiting different education institutions; • by making a presentation under the title of ʻHow do we manage our school?ʼ; • by meeting school administrators, teachers and guardians and exchanging ideas; • by meeting high level education administrators; • by getting and giving lectures about education policies in different countries; • by discussing the strong and weak sides of school management. WHOM? • • • • • • Directors of education and vocational training institutions, centres or providers; directors of guidance centres; head teachers, teacher trainers; heads of departments; representatives of local, regional and national authorities; researchers. SHORT DESCRIPTION IN THE HOST COUNTRY’S LANGUAGE: Organiser(s): KILINC Eyup Karabaglar Cumhuriyet High School 4161 str.No.21 Konak 35600 Izmir Tel. +90 2322371262 Fax +90 2322371179 Email: [email protected] Günümüzde yönetim işinin ulusal özelliklerinin yanı sıra Uluslararası bir yönü de bulunmaktadır. Bu nedenle Okul Yönetimi konusunda da AB ülkeleri arasında ortak bir anlayış ortaya koymayı, işbirliği yapmayı, birlikte ortak sorunlara karşı ortak çözümler oluşturmayı ve okul yönetiminde işleyiş ve çözümler anlamında bilgi alışverişinde bulunmayı hedefliyoruz. WWW. – – – – CATALOGUE 2008-2009 189 SCHOOL MANAGEMENT School management in a learning organisation. How can leadership influence the learning outcome for students? Group No: 333 Type of visit: General education 1/6/2009-5/6/2009 Tromsø, Norway Working language: English Number of places: 15 Minimum required: 10 EDUCATION AND TRAINING 2010 OBJECTIVES: 1.2. Developing skills for the knowledge society 2.2. Making learning more attractive WHY? Five primary/secondary schools in Tromsø want to present their experiences from a project on school management and learning for differentiated education. This is linked to the new education reform called ʻknowledge promotionʼ introduced in 2006. Our project has been linked to the new national curriculum where the aim is more differentiated education. We also focus on the school as a learning organisation where teachers learn from one another. WHAT? The workshop will demonstrate how the five schools have chosen different ways of organising their work to achieve their objectives. Through the project we have discussed similarities and differences and learned from one another. We would like to present our results and invite participants to share and discuss their leadership experiences. HOW? We will share our experience through presentations and visits to primary/secondary schools, the university of Tromsø and a teacher training college. The objectives will be discussed with school management, director of education, training managers and teachers. WHOM? • • • • Head teachers, teacher trainers; pedagogical or guidance advisers; representatives of education and training networks and associations; researchers. SHORT DESCRIPTION IN THE HOST COUNTRY’S LANGUAGE: Fem skoler ønsker å presentere sin erfaring fra prosjektet Ledelse og Læring for Tilpasset opplæring. Prosjektet fikk støtte gjennom Kunnskapsløftet – fra ord til handling. Dette gjøres ved presentasjoner og skolebesøk, diskusjoner og samtaler. Organiser(s): HOLM Astrid Grønnåsen skole Dramsveien 198 9010 Tromsø Tel. +47- 77 66 57 13 Fax +47- 77 66 57 01 Email: [email protected] WWW. – – 190 CEDEFOP – STUDY VISITS THE SCHOOL Small primary schools in Europe, schools in geographically disadvantaged areas Group No: 334 Type of visit: General education 23/3/2009-27/3/2009 Salzburg, Austria EDUCATION AND TRAINING 2010 OBJECTIVES: 1.5. Making the best use of resources 2.3. Supporting active citizenship, equal opportunities and social cohesion WHY? The seminar describes the challenges which small primary schools in Europe are confronted with (decreasing number of pupils, economic factors, etc.). Development and strategies of quality, management of small schools in geographically disadvantaged areas are discussed. WHAT? Working language: English Number of places: 15 Minimum required: 10 • School visits in Salzburg province. • Following items will be presented: school profiles, mission statements and quality principles of small schools, school programmes. • The extraordinary position of small schools in local communities, their social and economic position in little villages, their effectiveness and efficiency will be discussed from different points of view of stakeholders (representatives of authority boards and policy-making bodies, parents, teachers, headteachers). • Trends and facilities of small schools in Europe are presented and discussed with participants. HOW? • Visits to small primary schools in Pongau, Tennengau and Lungau; • presentations on the above-mentioned topics; • discussions with stakeholders. WHOM? • • • • • Head teachers, teacher trainers; representatives of chambers of commerce/ industry/crafts; representatives of education and training networks and associations; representatives of local, regional and national authorities; researchers. SHORT DESCRIPTION IN THE HOST COUNTRY’S LANGUAGE: Das Seminar informiert über die Herausforderungen, die an kleine Primarschulen (Volksund Grundschulen, ev. Hauptschulen) in ländlichen Gebieten gestellt werden. Die Entwicklung der Schulen, demografische Veränderungen in der europäischen Gesellschaft sowie die Anpassung an die lokale Gemeinschaft in der Kommune und der Region werden behandelt. Der Wirkungsgrad von Schulen in ländlichen Gebieten als Bildungszentren und sozialer Treffpunkt wird vorgestellt und mit den Teilnehmer/innen diskutiert. Schulentwicklung, Leitbilder, Schulprogramme von kleinen Schulen werden vorgestellt, die daraus resultierende Qualität mit den Schulleiter/innen der besuchten Schulen diskutiert und den Erfahrungen der Teilnehmer/innen verglichen. Trends der Entwicklung von Schulen in geografisch benachteiligten Gebieten werden aufgezeigt. Organiser(s): GROGGER Martina Martina Grogger Akademistraße 23 5020 Salzburg Tel. +43- 662 63 80 20 63 Email: [email protected] CATALOGUE 2008-2009 191 LE PROJET D’ÉTABLISSEMENT Le collège, lieu d’intégration scolaire Numéro de groupe: 335 Type de visite: Enseignement général 30/3/2009-3/4/2009 Saint-Denis de la Réunion France Langue de travail: français Nombre de places: 15 Minimum requis: 8 OBJECTIFS EDUCATION ET FORMATION 2010: 2.1. Créer un environnement propice à lʼapprentissage 2.2. Rendre lʼéducation et la formation plus attrayantes POURQUOI? • La démarche de projet dʼétablissement, qui comporte une dimension forte dʼintégration scolaire, est engagée dans le collège depuis six ans; • la thématique fait suite à deux visites dʼétude sur les «special educational needs» en Grande-Bretagne. QUOI? • Une information de «cadrage» général sur la politique académique concernant cette dimension dʼintégration scolaire; • présentation des outils et méthodes dʼintégration, et les efforts de réponse adaptés aux différents types de besoins repérés. COMMENT? • Des visites de terrain dans différents collèges engagés dans cette démarche, en particulier (mais pas exclusivement) le collège de Bourbon; • visite dʼun organisme ayant vocation dʼaccueillir des jeunes mal-voyants; • rencontres avec les intervenants et les élèves eux-mêmes, intégrant une dimension de convivialité. POUR QUI? • • • • • • • • Directeurs de centres d΄orientation; professeurs principaux, formateurs d΄enseignants; chefs de départements; conseillers pédagogiques ou d΄orientation; représentants de services éducatifs, d΄agences pour l΄emploi ou de centres d΄orientation; représentants des autorités locales, régionales et nationales; représentants des syndicats; chercheurs. Organisateur(s): CARPENTIER Claude Collège de Bourbon 189, rue Jean Chatel 97400 Saint Denis Tel. +33-262 262 90 45 40 Fax +33-262 262 31 39 41 Email: [email protected] WWW. – 192 CEDEFOP – STUDY VISITS THE SCHOOL Schools in their territory: a network improving one another Group No: 336 Type of visit: General education 20/4/2009-24/4/2009 Maniago, Pordenone, Friuli-Venezia Giulia Italy Working language: English Number of places: 15 Minimum required: 5 EDUCATION AND TRAINING 2010 OBJECTIVES: 1.5. Making the best use of resources 3.1. Strengthening the links with working life and research and society at large WHY? • Maniago is renowned worldwide as the cutlery town, and its territory, near the mountains and not far from the sea, is rich of natural, historical and cultural resources. • The visit will be realised after a long experience of cooperation between the Circolo Didattico (equality for Comenius projects) and other local stakeholders. The visit aims at giving participants an overview of good experiences of partnership and cooperation between schools and local institutions. WHAT? The focus of the visit will be networking practices among schools to: • strenghten cooperation with the territory in an educational project aiming at mutual recognition and promotion; • develop new collaborative networks; • increase awareness of local identity in a European dimension; • make best use of local resources. Participants will visit schools and structures such as ecomuseums cellules, promoting material and non-material cultural heritage. HOW? The programme will include the following activities: • visits to schools working in strong contact with the territory (Scuola del Metallo di Maniago, Scuola del Mosaico di Spilimbergo, Scuola del Mobile di Brugnera); • workshops, team work; • school outings; • meetings with teachers, head teachers, representatives of the local education authorities; • visits to Ecomuseo delle Dolomiti Friulane – ecomuseum, GAL Montagna Leader Maniago, LaREA – environmental educational laboratory for Friuli Venezia Giulia region. During their stay participants will be able to visit a variety of historical, cultural and natural sites of our town and region – using local community and indigenous people as a means of non-formal learning, leading to pedagogical activities. WHOM? • • • • Educational and vocational training inspectors; head teachers, teacher trainers; pedagogical or guidance advisers; representatives of local, regional and national authorities. SHORT DESCRIPTION IN THE HOST COUNTRY’S LANGUAGE: La scuola esce dalla propria area ristretta e opera insieme al territorio circostante per giungere ad un’offerta formativa nella maniera più partecipata e condivisa possibile. Strategica è la “messa in rete” di conoscenze ed esperienze, con le quali la scuola diventa luogo di cultura da mettere a servizio del territorio, e fruisce delle opportunità che il territorio offre. Sono previste: visite alle scuole che operano a stretto contatto con le realtà locali ( Scuola del Metallo di Maniago, Scuola del Mosaico di Spilimbergo, Scuola del Mobile di Brugnera) e alle cellule dell’Ecomuseo delle Dolomiti Friulane; incontri con rappresentanti di istituzioni locali che valorizzano il territorio (GAL Montagna Leader Maniago, LaREA, Laboratorio di Educazione Ambientale Regione Friuli Venezia Giulia). Organiser(s): BONITTA Mara Circolo Didattico di Maniago via Dante 48 33085 Maniago - Pordenone Tel. +39-0427 70 90 57 Fax +39-0427 715 26 Email: [email protected] WWW. – – CATALOGUE 2008-2009 193 THE PUPILS Young adults Group No: 337 Type of visit: General education 20/10/2008-24/10/2008 Odense, Denmark Working language: English Number of places: 20 Minimum required: 6 EDUCATION AND TRAINING 2010 OBJECTIVES: 2.1. Open learning environment 2.2. Making learning more attractive WHY? The issue is important because the national aim is that 95% of a year group of young people in Denmark must complete youth education. This specific group of young adults has learning difficulties. VUC Odense is attended by a considerable number of young people belonging to ethnic minorities who, despite having finished their basic elementary schooling, do not master the academic qualifications required for entrance to institutions of further education or vocational training. It is of utmost importance that this group of young people receives education and/or training as this is a key to integration into Danish society and entering the Danish labour market, which is currently short of labour. The youth programme is a field of special attention. New and different teaching methods and approaches to learning are employed, such as individual counselling, achievements tests, differentiated teaching, and personal tutoring. WHAT? VUC Odense aims at contributing to intercultural understanding to improve teaching methodology in relation to this specific target group. Participants will be introduced to and invited to discuss the means and methods at VUC Odense related to the young adults project. Pariticipants will also get insight into the coopeation with other local/regional entities such as the guidance system and UU Odense. HOW? • • • • • By visiting schools; by observing students in the classroom; by talking to students and teachers; by meeting teachers and leading staff; by talks with cooperation partners such as UU Odense. WHOM? • • • • • Directors of education and vocational training institutions, centres or providers; directors of guidance centres; head teachers, teacher trainers; heads of departments; pedagogical or guidance advisers. SHORT DESCRIPTION IN THE HOST COUNTRY’S LANGUAGE: VUC-FYN og Fyns HF Kursus gør en særlig indsat for unge-voksne. Unge som på en eller anden måde er kommet skævt i gang med deres ungdomsuddannelse. Denne gruppe bliver større og større i VUC. Vi har derfor organiseret denne gruppe af unge voksne ud fra forskellige differentierings metode for at sikre fastholdelse i uddannelsessystemet. En stor del af disse unge har en anden etnisk baggrund. Til trods for at de har været igennem folkeskolesystemet er der mange af dem som alligevel ikke er dygtige nok til at fortsætte på gymnasiet eller HF. De unge voksne kommer typisk på VUC hvor vi har lavet en særlig indsats for at bringe dem videre i uddannelsessystemet. Dette er en stor udfordring for vores medarbejdere som har været nødt til at ”gå nye veje” for at fastholde og undervise dem. Medarbejderne har også været nødt til erkende, at et vigtigt udgangspunkt for at nå ind til de unge mennesker af anden etnisk baggrund er en interkulturel tilnærmelse og forståelse. Organiser(s): PETERSEN Christian VUC Fyn Jernbanegade 20 5000 Odense Tel. +45- 62 65 65 00 Email: [email protected] Website: WWW. – – – 194 CEDEFOP – STUDY VISITS THE PUPILS I know my responsibilities Group No: 338 Type of visit: General education 3/11/2008-7/11/2008 Karabuk, Turkey Working language: English Number of places: 10 Minimum required: 5 EDUCATION AND TRAINING 2010 OBJECTIVES: 1.5. Making the best use of resources 2.3. Supporting active citizenship, equal opportunities and social cohesion WHY? For the whole life of education the important thing is to give students the discipline to realise their responsibilities to manage their lives. Life means having a target every second. Since children are our future and the real owners of the world, we have to be sure they are preparing themselves to create a world worth living in. The main reason for most youth problems is a lack of responsibility among the young generation. They are afraid of taking responsibilities and solving problems. Their understanding of living is entertainment, enjoying themselves or living only for themselves and not for others. In this visit, the delegation will discuss the responsibilities of school, family, educational system and the social environment on pupilsʼ lives with the cultural differences of countries while preparing themselves for their future. WHAT? Our school is a science secondary school. Students gain access after an entrance examination, and their profile is different from other general secondary school students. In the same region we have different types of secondary schools. In this visit these student profiles will be considered from their family life, parentsʼ educational, economic and social environment, the number of siblings and their future plans. The data will be collected and the differences or similarities will be discussed with group members. At the end the role of governmental educational policies will be determined as a group report. HOW? • School visits; • meetings with: – students to find out the differences in the same educational environment and in different types of schools in the same geographic region; – parents to find out their influence; – meeting with provincial decision-makers. WHOM? Directors of education and vocational training institutions, centres or providers; head teachers, teacher trainers; pedagogical or guidance advisers; representatives of education and training networks and associations; representatives of local, regional and national authorities; researchers. SHORT DESCRIPTION IN THE HOST COUNTRY’S LANGUAGE: Organiser(s): UNGOREN Erdal Karabuk Mehmet Vergili Science High School Besbinevler 20. Cad. 78100 Karabuk Tel. +90 370 433 52 42 Fax +90 370 433 52 42 Email: [email protected] Okulumuz Fen Lisesi olması sebebiyle sınavla akademik başarısı yüksek İlköğretim Okulu mezunlarını kabul etmektedir. Ülkemiz ve Avrupa Birliği ülkelerindeki gençlik problemlerine baktığımızda problemlerin kaynağında gençliğin olup bitene duyarsız olması ve geleceği için hedeflerinin olmamasının yattığını görüyoruz. Bu da bizlerde kaygı ve gelecek endişesi yaratmaktadır. Bu çalışma ziyaretinde değişik ülkelerden gelen ziyaretçilerle birlikte gençliğin geleceklerini ne kadar düşündüğü, sorumluluk bilincinin oluşmasında aile, okul, toplum ve eğitim politikalarının rolü tartışılacak olup farklılıkların ve problemlerin kaynağı araştırılıcaktır. Bölgemizdeki farklı yapıdaki Ortaöğretim kurumları ziyaret edilecek, okul yönetimi, veliler ve öğrencilerle görüşmeler yapılacaktır. WWW. CATALOGUE 2008-2009 195 THE PUPILS Every child matters Group No: 339 Type of visit: General education 9/3/2009-13/3/2009 Lincoln, England, UK Working language: English Number of places: 15 Minimum required: 10 EDUCATION AND TRAINING 2010 OBJECTIVES: 2.3. Supporting active citizenship, equal opportunities and social cohesion WHY? In recent years schools and colleges in many countries across Europe have developed a wider view of education so that attention is given to the overall context of a childʼs development as well as the academic input and outcomes. This study visit will be based in the United Kingdom because there are new expectations and policies linking many aspects of the childʼs upbringing. This agenda is known as ʻevery child mattersʼ, ECM for short. There are five strands: • be healthy; • stay safe; • enjoy and achieve; • make a positive contribution to society; • economic well-being. ECM has obliged local authorities to develop new structures, usefully illustrated by the evolution of posts of directors of education into directors of childrens services. In turn, this has affected the way in which schools operate. The host has organised study visits in 2006 and 2007. WHAT? Participants will: • understand the new ECM structures in the UK; • see examples of each strand as applied in schools; • discuss the new agenda and structures with experts; • leave with exemplary material which they can adapt for use in their own countries. HOW? During this study visit, participants will visit primary and secondary educational establishments in Lincolnshire and hear from practitioners involved in the delivery of the ECM agenda. The main focus will be on how every child matters is being developed to support the individual child. WHOM? Educational and vocational training inspectors; head teachers, teacher trainers; heads of departments; pedagogical or guidance advisers; representatives of local, regional and national authorities. Organiser(s): WILLIAMS Chris Lincoln Christ’s Hospital School Wragby Road LN2 4PN Lincoln Tel. +44- 1522881144 Fax +44- 1522881145 Email: [email protected] WWW. 196 CEDEFOP – STUDY VISITS INCREASING ADULT PARTICIPATION IN EDUCATION AND TRAINING Human health and social work activities Flexible vocational training for residential childcare staff Group No: 340 Type of visit: Mixed 8/9/2008-10/9/2008 Glasgow, Scotland, UK Working language: English Number of places: 14 Minimum required: 12 EDUCATION AND TRAINING 2010 OBJECTIVES: 2.1. Open learning environment 2.2. Making learning more attractive WHY? In 2001, Scotland passed legislation which meant that all staff working with children in residential childcare had to be registered to work. In order to register, they needed qualifications. This presented a major problem, as the workforce was largely unqualified. The residential childcare sector in Scotland is a large employer and has had to respond in flexible and imaginative ways to allow workers to gain their qualifications. The Scottish Institute for Residential Childcare was set up to assist the sector in helping its staff to obtain qualifications. Many of the staff have low literacy skills and little formal qualification so vocational qualifications have played a large role in staff qualification. WHAT? Participants will learn: • about imaginative ways in which workers have been helped to achieve qualifications while still employed; • about the importance of work-based and vocational routes to qualification; • how policy-makers, educational institutions and organisations who provide residential childcare have worked together to enable staff to achieve registration. HOW? • By visiting further and higher education institutions to look at the range of educational opportunities provided for this group of staff; • by talking to staff and students / workers involved in undertaking and delivering the qualifications; • by visiting residential childcare centres to understand the nature of the work and talking to staff on site; • by visiting policy-makers such as the Scottish Social Services Council, and the Scottish Qualifications Authority to see how they contribute to the registration process; • by talking to young people who have been in care or who are in care to discuss the importance of how well their staff are trained. WHOM? Directors of education and vocational training institutions, centres or providers; directors of guidance centres; directors of validation or accreditation centres; educational and vocational training inspectors; representatives of education and training networks and associations; representatives of educational services, labour offices or guidance centres; representatives of employersʼ organisations; representatives of local, regional and national authorities; representatives of trade unions. Organiser(s): STEVENS Irene Scottish Institute for Residential Child Care, University of Strathclyde Sir Henry Wood Building (5th floor) G13 1PP Glasgow Tel. +44- 14 19 50 36 83 Fax +44- 14 19 50 36 81 Email: [email protected] Website: WWW. – – – – – CATALOGUE 2008-2009 197 INCREASING ADULT PARTICIPATION IN EDUCATION AND TRAINING Experiment in the framework of adult training and education: new methods in the lifelong learning system Group No: 341 Type of visit: Mixed 17/9/2008-19/9/2008 Trento, Trentino-Alto Adige Italy Working language: English Number of places: 15 Minimum required: 5 EDUCATION AND TRAINING 2010 OBJECTIVES: 1.3. Ensuring access to ICT for everyone 2.3. Supporting active citizenship, equal opportunities and social cohesion WHY? The autonomous province of Trento (PAT) in Italy is a provincial administration with a special self-governing statute, allowing the authority to legislate in most areas of local socio-economic life. For this reason it can boast experience in experimenting with new models of education and vocational training systems. The province of Trento has become a point of reference in Italy thanks to the quality and innovation of its policies. One priority of the province has been ageing workers and many actions have been carried out. The visit will present methods for training ageing workers to spread the experience and best practices especially those related to the European Social Fund (ESF). WHAT? Participants will learn about the experiences carried out on adult training in the province of Trento especially those financed by the ESF. HOW? • Presentation of the autonomous province of Trento and the activities carried out in training ageing workers; • meetings with different structures of the PAT involved and social and economic actors; • visits to the multifunctional help desk and some vocational training centres; • meeting with the evaluation group, highlighting strengths and weak points. WHOM? Company training managers; directors of education and vocational training institutions, centres or providers; directors of guidance centres; heads of departments; human resource managers; representatives of education and training networks and associations; representatives of educational services, labour offices or guidance centres; representatives of employersʼ organisations; representatives of local, regional and national authorities; representatives of trade unions; researchers. SHORT DESCRIPTION IN THE HOST COUNTRY’S LANGUAGE: La visita di studio prevede il seguente programma: mercoledì pomeriggio: presentazione del programma della visita con indicazione della tempistica, della logistica e degli strumenti a disposizione. Giovedì: presentazione istituzionale da parte della P.A.T. (Segreteria Generale), incontri con i referenti della provincia di Trento responsabili delle politiche relative alla formazione degli adulti. Focus sullʼattuazione degli interventi FSE in provincia con particolare riferimento agli aspetti programmatori, gestionali e di sviluppo dellʼintero settore. Approfondimento sullʼattuazione di azioni sperimentali in tema di lavoratori adulti, con particolare attenzione a quanto realizzato grazie al contributo del FSE (ad esempio Voucher formativi). Venerdì: visita allo Sportello di orientamento formativo e ad alcune delle strutture che erogano i servizi e incontro con i responsabili delle stesse. Incontro con gli utenti dei servizi, pomeriggio: confronto con i valutatori di sistema. Organiser(s): CHEROTTI Federica Provincia Autonoma di Trento (Autonomous Province of Trento) Via Zambra 42 38100 Trento Tel. +39-0461 49 29 89 Fax +39-0461 49 12 01 Email: [email protected] Website: WWW. – 198 CEDEFOP – STUDY VISITS INCREASING ADULT PARTICIPATION IN EDUCATION AND TRAINING VET as a meeting point for economic progress and personal empowerment Group No: 342 Type of visit: Mixed 6/10/2008-10/10/2008 Brindisi, Puglia Italy Working language: English EDUCATION AND TRAINING 2010 OBJECTIVES: 3.2. Developing the spirit of enterprise 3.4. Increasing mobility and exchange WHY? We are interested in sharing our experience with European operators in educational and business fields because exchanges contribute to increased professional and geographical mobility. This is in agreement with the national priority in widening the range of professional opportunities for qualifed students through a mainstreaming process. IPSSC “De Marco” has great experience in training adult students and qualified ones in partnership with local economic and political organisations. In particular, IPSSC “ De Marco” is the central knot of a synergic cooperation between authorities (such as government bodies, chambers of commerce, industry and crafts) as well as other educational institution (such as the Universities of Bari and Lecce). WHAT? Number of places: 15 Minimum required: 5 Visitors can learn how to build a team of different kinds of partners. This team works for a specific educational and training aim in agreement with current social and economic needs. HOW? Participants will: • meet different partners in educational and training projects; • attend interactive lectures about the different stages in establishing educational and training partnerships; • have direct exchanges of views with our school operators; • see some teaching activities; • gain a wide sight of Puglia educational and training system, its connection with occupational world, as well as gastronomic and oenological experiences too. WHOM? Directors of education and vocational training institutions, centres or providers; directors of guidance centres; head teachers, teacher trainers; heads of departments; representatives of chambers of commerce/ industry/crafts; representatives of education and training networks and associations; representatives of local, regional and national authorities. SHORT DESCRIPTION IN THE HOST COUNTRY’S LANGUAGE: Lʼobiettivo portante della visita è lʼinnalzamento del livello di mobilità e della capacità di impresa attraverso lo scambio e la creazione di connessioni a livello internazionale. LʼIPSSC De Marco, ha una pluriennale esperienza nella formazione per gli adulti e nella istruzione e formazione tecnica superiore. Negli ultimi anni, il nostro istituto è divenuto polo di una rete di sinergie tra Enti locali, agenzie formative, Università e mondo dellʼimpresa. Questa esperienza sarà lʼoggetto principale degli scambi e dei confronti con gli operatori che ospiteremo. In una logica di mainstreaming, la visita sarà lʼoccasione per mettere a fuoco, attraverso la condivisione dellʼesperienza, lʼefficacia del partenariato tra scuola, territorio, mondo dellʼimpresa e ricerca. Per questo i visitatori parteciperanno attivamente ad incontri con i nostri partners ne visiteranno le sedi, assisteranno direttamente alle nostre attività didattiche e potranno avere scambi sia con gli operatori che con gli utenti. Organiser(s): PAGANO Francesco Istituto Professionale Servizi Commerciali, Turistici e Pubblicità “De Marco” Via Nicola Brandi 1 72100 Brindisi Tel. +39-0831 41 88 61 Fax +39-0831 41 43 18 Email: [email protected] Website: WWW. – – CATALOGUE 2008-2009 199 INCREASING ADULT PARTICIPATION IN EDUCATION AND TRAINING Information, Advice and Guidance (IAG) Preparation for the labour market Group No: 343 Type of visit: Mixed 7/10/2008-10/10/2008 Wembley, North West London, England, UK Working language: English Number of places: 15 Minimum required: 5 EDUCATION AND TRAINING 2010 OBJECTIVES: 2.3. Supporting active citizenship, equal opportunities and social cohesion 3.1. Strengthening the links with working life and research and society at large WHY? There are a growing number of refugee and asylum seekers in England that face a number of complex issues and barriers to finding employment and integration. Refugees into jobs (RIJ) was set up to provide a local training and employment service to refugee communities in North West London. To enter training and employment through Information, Advice and Guidance (IAG) service, career focused training programmes that will concentrate on: • job-search skills, techniques; • assist to source suitable jobs; • job club to access PCs, internet, telephone, fax facilities; • medical grant scheme to pay toward running costs for clients; • employment brokerage arm which liaise with employers and employer networks to source suitable job vacancies. WHAT? • Learn how voluntary organisations in England support refugees and asylum seekers; • see innovative programmes providing incentive, support and assistance; • look at methods, resources, funding, expected outcomes and what happens when a beneficiary accesses employment or further training and education; • visit partner organisations, talk to government agencies that are involved in funding and support; • meet with members of the board. HOW? Participants will: • talk to advisors and staff; • learn how advisors conduct initial assessments, construct CVs and impart careers advice; • spend time with the clients, find out about them and where they see their future; • visit the job club, observe RIJʼs jobs search programme; • observe IAG sessions; • hear presentations from managers; • meet with organisation director, board members, funders and partners; • talk to service users and members of the community, community volunteers and leaders; • meet Jobcentre plus, Britainʼs main government-funded employment agency. WHOM? Company training managers; directors of education and vocational training institutions, centres or providers; directors of guidance centres; educational and vocational training inspectors; owners/managers of SMEs; representatives of education and training networks and associations; representatives of educational services, labour offices or guidance centres; representatives of employersʼ organisations. Organiser(s): ALI Dr Anba Refugees into Jobs 1-7 Lincoln Parade, Preston Road HA9 8UA Wembley, Middlesex Tel. +44- 20 89 08 44 33 Fax +44- 20 89 08 39 17 Email: [email protected] Website: WWW. 200 CEDEFOP – STUDY VISITS INCREASING ADULT PARTICIPATION IN EDUCATION AND TRAINING Strengthen citizenship for regional development Group No: 344 Type of visit: Mixed 13/10/2008-17/10/2008 Ingesunds Folkhögskola, Arvika Sweden EDUCATION AND TRAINING 2010 OBJECTIVES: 2.1. Open learning environment WHY? The purpose of the visit is to introduce the Swedish folk high school model. This type of school focuses on adults, improving their general education level, promoting their commitment to civic issues and in general strengthening their positions as citizens. Swedish folk high schools have played and still play an important part in the development of society and their basic ideas are still valid on civic responsibilities and lifelong learning. WHAT? Working language: English We wish to present the effect produced by this type of education on regional development. HOW? Number of places: 14 Minimum required: 6 A tour of folk high schools in the region will be included in the programme. Participants will have an opportunity to: • learn about various projects in which folk high schools cooperate with other institutions such as universities, NGOs and industry; • observe students in the classroom. WHOM? • • • • Directors of education and vocational training institutions, centres or providers; educational and vocational training inspectors; head teachers, teacher trainers; representatives of local, regional and national authorities. SHORT DESCRIPTION IN THE HOST COUNTRY’S LANGUAGE: Syftet med detta studiebesök är att ge en bild av den svenska folkhögskolemodellen. Denna skolform är inriktad mot vuxna i syfte att stärka individens bildning, samhällsengagemang och medborgarskap. Den svenska folkbildningen och folkhögskolorna har haft stor betydelse för den svenska samhällsutvecklingen och dess grundtankar är fortfarande aktuella för att förverkliga det livslånga lärandet och medborgaransvaret. Vi vill visa vilken effekt denna skolform har för den regionala utvecklingen. I studiebesöket ingår en rundresa till några av folkhögskolorna i länet. Dessutom kommer deltagarna att få ta del av olika utvecklingsprojekt där folkhögskolan samverkat med andra samhällsinstitutioner, näringslivet och ideella föreningar (NGO). Organiser(s): TOREHAMMAR Jörgen Kristinehamns folkhögskola, KPS Strömsbergsgatan 15 681 32 Kristinehamn Tel. +46- 55 03 92 74 Fax +46- 55 08 10 08 Email: [email protected] WWW. CATALOGUE 2008-2009 201 INCREASING ADULT PARTICIPATION IN EDUCATION AND TRAINING Adult training practices in Turkey Group No: 345 Type of visit: Mixed 20/10/2008-24/10/2008 Izmir, Turkey Working language: English Number of places: 20 Minimum required: 7 EDUCATION AND TRAINING 2010 OBJECTIVES: 2.1. Open learning environment WHY? A rapidly changing economic structure creates new employment areas. These new areas require a skilled labour force. A priority of Lisbon 2010 in Education and Training area is to increase employability of the working age population. Similarly, Turkeyʼs 9th development plan has an objective of making education compatible with labour force demands. To realise these objectives 5 894 courses were set up on 267 different subjects during the 2006-07 education period and 123 283 people. İzmir Governorhipʼs aim is to introduce Turkeyʼs adult trainig practices to European countries and share knowledge and good practice. WHAT? Participants will be able to: • learn about Turkish national education system and policies on adult education; • learn about planning and implementation stages of adult education; • visit adult education centres and observe activities; • learn about Turkeyʼs historical and cultural heritage such as Ephesus, Virgin Mary and Pergamon. HOW? Participants will: • visit the Governorʼs and Mayorʼs Offices, local directorate of education; • visit public adult training centre, İzmir Grand Municipality public education centre and apprenticeship training centres to see adult training courses and interact with trainees, teachers and authotorities; • visit museums and historical places of beauty. WHOM? • • • • Directors of education and vocational training institutions, centres or providers; head teachers, teacher trainers; representatives of education and training networks and associations; representatives of local, regional and national authorities. SHORT DESCRIPTION IN THE HOST COUNTRY’S LANGUAGE: Hızla değişen ekonomik yapı yeni iş alanlarıyaratmaktadır. Bu yeni iş alanları nitelikli iş günü gerektrimektedir. Lizbon 2010 Eğitim ve öğretim hedefelerinden birisi iş gücünün değişen ihtyaçlara gore güncellenmesini sağlamaktır. Dokuzuncu kalkınma planımızda da iş gücünün piyasanın ihtiyaçları ile uyumlu hale getirilmesidir. 2006-2007 Eğitim Öğretim Yılında Izmir’de 267 farklı branşta 5894 kurs açılmıştır. Bu kurslar halk eğitim merkezleri, mesleki teknik eğitim okulları, çıkraklık eğitim merrkezleri ve belediyelerin yetişkin eğitimi merkezlerinde açılmıştır. Bu kurslara 123,283 kişi katılarak sertifika almışlardır. Ülkenin ekonomik kalkınması için yetişkin eğitimi faaliyetleri çok önemlidir. İzmir Valiliği, bu ziyareti düzenleyerek Türkiye’nin yetişkin eğitimi uygulamalarını Avrupa ülkelerine tanıtmayı, bu konudaki bilgi ve iyi uygulamaların paylaşılmasını hedeflemektedir. Organiser(s): BAKAY Mehmet Emin Izmir Governorship European Union Projects Foreign Relations Coordination Center 35350 Izmir Tel. +90 232 489 6767 Fax +90 232 483 50 75 Email: [email protected] 202 CEDEFOP – STUDY VISITS INCREASING ADULT PARTICIPATION IN EDUCATION AND TRAINING Arts, entertainment and recreation Archaeology and environment: adult learning labs Group No: 346 Type of visit: Mixed 20/10/2008-24/10/2008 Scalea, Cosenza, Calabria Italy EDUCATION AND TRAINING 2010 OBJECTIVES: 1.5. Making the best use of resources 2.1. Open learning environment WHY? The town of Scalea, seat of the study visit, is situated near the Pollino national park and at the centre of a territory rich in environmental and archaeological resources of great interest. The cultural and environmental richness represents a precious teaching lab and it can offer educational stimulating opportunities for adults. WHAT? Working language: English Number of places: 15 Minimum required: 5 It will be possible to: • identify more efficient methods to investigate different fields; • enrich adult interest and care towards cultural resources in their own territory; • become aware of the working opportunities in such a territory so rich in environmental, historic and archaeological resources; • encourage knowledge and comparison of different fields according to Lisbon long-term objectives. HOW? Participants will: • attend conferences and seminars with territorial institutions representatives; • meet with teachers, associations and environmental issues experts; • visit places of educational environmental and archaeological interest; • analyse important experiences made on adult education. WHOM? Directors of education and vocational training institutions, centres or providers; directors of guidance centres; educational and vocational training inspectors; head teachers, teacher trainers; heads of departments; human resource managers; pedagogical or guidance advisers; representatives of educational services, labour offices or guidance centres; representatives of employersʼ organisations; representatives of local, regional and national authorities; representatives of trade unions. SHORT DESCRIPTION IN THE HOST COUNTRY’S LANGUAGE: L’area di interesse della visita di studio offre, per il suo notevole patrimonio ambientale e archeologico, la possibilità di sperimentare percorsi formativi stimolanti per gli adulti che hanno necessità di arricchire il loro bagaglio di conoscenze. L’obiettivo, della visita è essenzialmente quello di: sviluppare intese con altri partner per confrontare e scambiare informazioni ed esperienze educative intorno alle problematiche relative all’educazione permanente; approfondire le strategie più efficaci per la formazione permanente, attraverso la valorizzazione delle risorse culturali del territorio. Organiser(s): DARCO Rosario Comune di Scalea – Assessorato all’Istruzione Via Plinio il Vecchio, 1 87029 Scalea (cosenza) Tel. +39-0985 200 56 Fax +39-06 97 61 40 45 Email: [email protected] Website: WWW. – – – CATALOGUE 2008-2009 203 INCREASING ADULT PARTICIPATION IN EDUCATION AND TRAINING Adult education for regional growth and development Group No: 347 Type of visit: Mixed 20/10/2008-24/10/2008 The Göteborg Region Sweden Working language: English Number of places: 15 Minimum required: 10 EDUCATION AND TRAINING 2010 OBJECTIVES: 1.2. Developing skills for the knowledge society 3.1. Strengthening the links with working life and research and society at large WHY? The 13 municipalities in the Göteborg region with almost 500 000 inhabitants cooperate in the framework of the Göteborg Region Association of Local Authorities. In recent years the municipalities have developed a common strategy for formal adult education, especially the following: • a regional set of vocational education and training (VET) programmes; • learning centres, open learning environments where adults are offered individual or group studies at all levels. University courses and programmes are offered by using ITC and local pedagogical support; • Swedish for immigrants. Language training courses are often combined with various forms of vocational introduction courses and VET. Formal municipal adult education in the Göteborg region works in line with several objectives in EU policies for the knowledge society. The Göteborg region is one Swedish region where a common strategy for adult education has been developed during the past few years. We hope participants will have a fruitful exchange of ideas to inspire further development of adult learning throughout Europe and will be able to form a network of adult educators for projects and exchanges in lifelong learning. WHAT? The study visit will include: • presentation of regional development work by politicians and leading representatives of the Göteborg Region Association of Local Authorities and municipal adult education centres; • visits to several of the regionʼs municipal adult education centres with a focus on: – VET programmes, – learning centres, – Swedish for immigrants programmes; • evening meal, sightseeing in Göteborg, etc. HOW? • • • • Meeting staff (principals, teachers, student career guidance officers) and students; observing work at municipal adult education centres and VET centres; meeting researchers of adult learning from Göteborg university; discussions and exchange of ideas between participants and hosts. WHOM? Directors of education and vocational training institutions, centres or providers; directors of guidance centres; directors of validation or accreditation centres; educational and vocational training inspectors; head teachers, teacher trainers; pedagogical or guidance advisers; representatives of education and training networks and associations; representatives of educational services, labour offices or guidance centres; representatives of local, regional and national authorities; researchers. SHORT DESCRIPTION IN THE HOST COUNTRY’S LANGUAGE: Organiser(s): DAHLBERG Bo-Göran Municipal Adult Education, City of Mölndal Hökegårdsgatan 16 431 38 Mölndal Tel. +46- 31-7783375 Fax +46- 31-7783374 Email: [email protected] Söndag kväll: Samling och socialt umgänge på hotellet. Måndag och tisdag: Möte på Göteborgsregionens kommunalförbund – presentationer, introduktion av veckans program, erfarenhetsutbyte. Studiebesök hos vuxenutbildningsanordnare i Göteborg. Yrkesutbildning och Svenska för invandrare. Sightseeing i Göteborg och gemensam middag en av kvällarna. Onsdag-fredag: Studiebesök hos vuxenutbildningsanordnare i andra kommuner i Göteborgsregionen. Yrkesutbildning, Lärcentrum, Svenska för invandrare. Tid ges för erfarenhetsutbyte och informella samtal under veckan. Fredag kväll: Avskedsmiddag i Göteborg. WWW. – – 204 CEDEFOP – STUDY VISITS INCREASING ADULT PARTICIPATION IN EDUCATION AND TRAINING Adult and vocational education Group No: 348 Type of visit: General education 17/11/2008-21/11/2008 The Hague, the Netherlands Working language: English Number of places: 15 Minimum required: 6 EDUCATION AND TRAINING 2010 OBJECTIVES: 1.5. Making the best use of resources 3.1. Strengthening the links with working life and research and society at large WHY? The aim of this visit is to give an overview of the adult education system in the Netherlands. This includes both formal, non-formal and informal ways of lifelong learning. WHAT? The visit contains three main aspects of adult education: • adult education centres in a rural area and in an urban environment; • adult education within the formal educational system (regional vocational education centres) regular and special projects; • projects focusing on informal and non-formal ways of learning (for example folk high schools, projects developed by churches). HOW? • Visits to the Ministry of Education and a municipal department for education for lectures on policy regarding financing and equipping schools and projects for adult education; • visits to a regional education centre and a folk high school; • discussions with teachers, instructors and students; • visits to instruction rooms, and if possible, observation of lessons and instructions. WHOM? • • • • • • • • • Directors of guidance centres; directors of validation or accreditation centres; educational and vocational training inspectors; head teachers, teacher trainers; heads of departments; human resource managers; representatives of education and training networks and associations; representatives of educational services, labour offices or guidance centres; representatives of local, regional and national authorities. Organiser(s): SMIT Frank Europees Platform voor het Nederlandse onderwijs Bezuidenhoutseweg 253 NL 2594 Den Haag Tel. +31- 703814448 Fax +31- 703831958 Email: [email protected] WWW. CATALOGUE 2008-2009 205 ACCROÎTRE LA PARTICIPATION DES ADULTES À L’ÉDUCATION ET À LA FORMATION Une région pour la prévention et la lutte contre l’illettrisme Numéro de goupe: 349 Type de visite: Mixte 18/11/2008-21/11/2008 Villeneuve d’Ascq, France Langue de travail: français Nombre de places: 14 Minimum requis: 10 OBJECTIFS EDUCATION ET FORMATION 2010: 1.2. Développer les compétences nécessaires dans la société de la connaissance 1.5. Optimiser lʼutilisation des ressources POURQUOI? La proposition de visite repose sur lʼidée de faire comprendre comment les trois grands secteurs suivants composent un système particulier de prévention et de lutte contre lʼillettrisme dans une articulation toujours en mouvement: • politique et institutionnel: Etat et Région, • économique: patronat local y compris PME et syndicats de salariés, • associatif de formation des adultes, dense et organisé en réseaux. Comment ces secteurs agissent à leur niveau et interagissent avec les autres et comment la région essaie dʼoptimiser toutes ses ressources en: • professionnalisant les acteurs de la formation, • favorisant la production dʼoutils pédagogiques communs. Le CUEEP, institut universitaire qui apporte une dimension de recherche et dʼingénierie, est reconnu comme leader par ces trois secteurs. QUOI? • Découvrir lʼorganisation dʼune région en lutte contre lʼillettrisme: de la maîtrise dʼouvrage à la maîtrise dʼœuvre; • connaître les dispositifs de financement de la formation et les coûts; • comprendre le système régional et son mode de fonctionnement pour être au plus près des apprenants; • découvrir les instruments et les outils de la lutte contre lʼillettrisme (usages des TIC et FOAD notamment). COMMENT? Chaque participant se présente et exprime ses attentes. Des rencontres avec des personnes de statuts différents intervenant dans lʼillettrisme permettent de comprendre les atouts et les contraintes de notre système. Les visites en centre de formation et en entreprise illustrent le fonctionnement du système. Une table ronde sur les bonnes pratiques et leur applicabilité chez les visiteurs clôture le séjour. POUR QUI? • Directeurs d΄institutions, de centres ou de prestataires d΄enseignement et de formation professionnels; • représentants d΄organisations d΄employeurs; • représentants des autorités locales, régionales et nationales; • représentants des syndicats. Organisateur(s): WWW. LADESOU Christian CUEEP 6 cité Scientifique Bât B5-6 59655 Villemeuve d’Ascq Tel. +33-3 20 43 32 81 Fax +33-3 20 43 32 01 Email: [email protected] fiche_projetv2.asp?qbeID_PROJETS=640 docs/DP86_illetrisme.pdf 206 CEDEFOP – STUDY VISITS INCREASING ADULT PARTICIPATION IN EDUCATION AND TRAINING Promoting accessibility and sustainability in learning environments for an active knowledge society Group No: 350 Type of visit: Mixed 4/5/2009-8/5/2009 Mersin, Turkey Working language: English Number of places: 15 Minimum required: 5 EDUCATION AND TRAINING 2010 OBJECTIVES: 1.2. Developing skills for the knowledge society 3.5. Strengthening the European co-operation WHY? Our study visit intends to show the current situation in adult education and general and vocational education issues and their roles in our province. Responsible for all formal and non-formal education in the province, we aim to stimulate all related institutions and schools to share best practices and develop more cooperations towards a more active knowledge society. WHAT? The visit will examine the roles and effectiveness of local authorities, NGOs, the university, schools and institutions in their contributions to one another and the community at large in making learning environments accessible and sustainable to all citizens. HOW? There will be presentations of the profiles and experiences of institutions dealing with adult and vocational education and presentations of participants. Participant will observe teaching and learning environments, visit related institutions and meet with the Governorship and relevant representatives. We will include cultural visits and excursions. WHOM? • • • • • • • • • • Directors of education and vocational training institutions, centres or providers; directors of guidance centres; educational and vocational training inspectors; head teachers, teacher trainers; heads of departments; pedagogical or guidance advisers; representatives of education and training networks and associations; representatives of educational services, labour offices or guidance centres; representatives of local, regional and national authorities; researchers. SHORT DESCRIPTION IN THE HOST COUNTRY’S LANGUAGE: Organiser(s): KAVAS Hamide Yasar National Education Directorate of Mersin Province Dumlupinar Mah. Adnan Menderes Bulvari 33130 Mersin Tel. +90 324 3291481 Fax +90 324 3273519 Email: [email protected] Çalışma ziyaretimizde ,özellikle yetişkin eğitimi olmak üzere mevcut genel ve mesleki eğitim durumu ve ildeki rolleri ve uygulamalarını göstermeyi planlamaktayız.Müdürlük olarak ,ildeki örgün ve yaygın eğitim faaliyetlerden sorumlu olduğumuzdan ,ilgili tüm okul ve kurumları, iyi uygulamaları paylaşmak ve daha aktif bir bilgi toplumu sağlamada işbirliği geliştirmek için harekete geçirmeyi amaçlıyoruz.Ziyaret, yerel idare,sivil toplum kuruluşları, üniversite ,okul ve kurumların birbirlerine ve tüm topluma ,bütün vatandaşlar için erişilebilir ve sürdürülebilir öğrenme ortamları sağlamaları konusunda katkılarını ,rollerini ve etkililiğini inceleyecektir.Ziyarette ,katılımcıların olduğu gibi yetişkin ve mesleki eğitimle ilgilenen kurumların deneyimlerinin olduğu sunumlar,çeşitli öğrenme ortamlarının gözlemlenmesi ,ilgli kurumlara ziyaret ,valilik ve konuyla ilgili temsilcilerele toplantılar şekline olacaktır.Kültürel ziyaret ve gezilere de ziyaret kapsamında yer verilecektir. WWW. CATALOGUE 2008-2009 207 VIOLENCE AND PROTECTION OF CHILDREN The role of schools in creating a safe environment for pupils Group No: 351 Type of visit: General education 29/9/2008-3/10/2008 Leeuwarden and Amsterdam The Netherlands Working language: English Number of places: 16 Minimum required: 6 EDUCATION AND TRAINING 2010 OBJECTIVES: 1.1. Improving education and training for teachers and trainers 2.3. Supporting active citizenship, equal opportunities and social cohesion WHY? Due to several developments in todayʼs society, including the influence of internet, early independence of children, instabilities in family life and integration of new inhabitants, social education is increasingly becoming part of the schoolʼs educational role. WHAT? How do schools respond to these demands and challenges. Solutions can be found in peer mediation and conflict resolution. In general, the solution could be found in more interactive education in which all stakeholders take responsibility for creating a safe school environment. Teachers and families together strive to achieve a ʻschool with a heartʼ with space for the family in which children feel that their voice is heard. HOW? Participants will visit: • a regional educational centre; • a municipal project on safety in schools in Amsterdam; • both a primary and a secondary school; • an academy for nautical education, that has theʼ peaceable school systemʼ as a guideline. WHOM? • • • • • • • • Directors of education and vocational training institutions, centres or providers; directors of guidance centres; directors of validation or accreditation centres; educational and vocational training inspectors; head teachers, teacher trainers; pedagogical or guidance advisers; representatives of local, regional and national authorities; researchers. Organiser(s): SMIT Frank Europees Platform voor het Nederlandse onderwijs Bezuidenhoutseweg 253 NL 2594 Den Haag Tel. +31- 703814448 Fax +31- 703831958 Email: [email protected] WWW. 208 CEDEFOP – STUDY VISITS VIOLENCE AND PROTECTION OF CHILDREN The anatomy of violence Group No: 352 Type of visit: General education 13/10/2008-17/10/2008 Kutahya, Turkey Working language: English Number of places: 15 Minimum required: 10 EDUCATION AND TRAINING 2010 OBJECTIVES: 3.4. Increasing mobility and exchange 3.5. Strengthening the European co-operation WHY? The phenomenon of “violence” has been varying and gaining speed at the same parallel with todayʼs continuously changing and developing world. Being demonstrated in written and visual media, violence has also an effect upon people (audience, spectators). Even when we take into consideration our daily behaviours and attitudes, we see that; on the busses, ships, trains and even at football matches where try to be a good model for our young generation, we demonstrate violence in our attitudes. Violence involves not only its perpertrators and victims but also those witnessing these events. Just by writing, speaking and thinking about violence makes it an urgent subject. WHAT? The objectives of the visit are: • to analyse existing situations in our country and Europe, to set out weak and strong sides and to develop an effective model corresponding to needs and conditions; • to prepare a plan about how to improve sustainable institutional services, arrangements, methods and materials. HOW? By: • analysing reasons and social results of violence experienced in our country and Europe; • evaluating the work in expanding precautions and support services determined by the results of analysis; • presenting project implementations on violence in participating countries; • visiting institutions and organisations in our city that provide service. WHOM? • • • • Directors of guidance centres; head teachers, teacher trainers; pedagogical or guidance advisers; representatives of educational services, labour offices or guidance centres. SHORT DESCRIPTION IN THE HOST COUNTRY’S LANGUAGE: Organiser(s): ONVER Muharrem Kutahya Governorship Zafer Meydani 43100 Kutahya Tel. +90 2742230537 Fax +90 2742236003 Email: [email protected] Kütahya Valiliği, bir çok kamu kurum ve kuruluşlarının bağlı olduğu ve onların çalışmalarını ortak bir noktada birleştiren, ilde en yüksek yerel otorite olarak hareket eden bir kamu kurumudur.2006 Eylül ayında, il çapında kurum ve kuruluşları AB projeleri hakkında bilgilendirmek ve yönledirmek için Valilik bünyesinde bir AB bürosu kurulmuştur. Kurulduğu günden itibaren bir çok AB projesine çeşitli kurumlara yönelik başvurularda bulunulmuştur. 2004 yılında Türkiye genelinde olduğu gibi ilimizde de şiddet olaylarına yönelik çok ciddi çalışmalar yapılmıştır. Şiddetle ilgili çalışmalar; Kütahya Valiliğinin koordinasyonuyla; İl Rehberlik araştırma Merkezi, İl Emniyet Müdürlüğü, İl Sosyal Hizmetler ve İl Sağlık Müdürlüklerinin ortak çalışmaları sonucu bir eylem planı hazırlanmış ve ilde uygulamaya konulmuştur. Bu çalışmanın verimliliği konusunda Avrupalı katılımcılar ile karşılaştırmalı bir çalışma yapmak üzere “Şiddetin Anatomisi” isimli çalışma ziyareti planlanmıştır. WWW. – CATALOGUE 2008-2009 209 VIOLENCE AND PROTECTION OF CHILDREN Schools and communities together against crime and misbehaviour Group No: 353 Type of visit: Mixed 13/10/2008-17/10/2008 Poděbrady, Czech Republic EDUCATION AND TRAINING 2010 OBJECTIVES: 1.5. Making the best use of resources 2.3. Supporting active citizenship, equal opportunities and social cohesion WHY? • • • • To monitor the behaviour of children and teenagers in their after-school activities; to check the optimal tools for anti-social behaviour prevention; to witness how the young generation can enrich the life of the community; to see the young generation as the bridge to the elderly. WHAT? Working language: English Number of places: 14 Minimum required: 7 Anti-social behaviour is an acute concern for a significant part of the population causing problems not only in families but in schools and public life as well. Searching for ways of prevention, the visiting team will focus on leisure and after-school activities organised and provided by the local town hall in cooperation with local schools and social partners. Professionals will discuss the leisure of children and teenagers in the Czech Republic and specificities in the Podebrady region. Results will be compared with the situation in schools and regions of visitors. The target is to find the optimal content for leisure of children and teenagers to prevent later potential anti-social behaviour. Motivated and satisfied children and adolescents do not cause any harm and help improve and enrich local community life. HOW? Participants will visit: • the local school of arts; • the local house of children and teenagers meeting the teachers and discussing the activities provided from boarding-type hostels (sports matches, participation in the Duke of Edinburgh´s Award, cultural events); • members and management of the local sports club, music and theatre groups; • the local library; • the HEART, a centre for the handicapped, taking part in dancing courses which have been for years traditional courses focusing on aesthetic and ethic education for children and teenagers. WHOM? • • • • Directors of education and vocational training institutions, centres or providers; educational and vocational training inspectors; head teachers, teacher trainers; pedagogical or guidance advisers. SHORT DESCRIPTION IN THE HOST COUNTRY’S LANGUAGE: Organiser(s): SVOBODOVÁ Eva Hotel school and College of Hospitality and Tourism and Language school Komenského 156/III 29001 Poděbrady Tel. +420- 325 61 01 73 Fax +420- 325 61 42 92 Email: [email protected] Hostující tým se zaměří na způsoby využití volného času a mimoškolní aktivity, které nabízí dětem v regionu maloměsto ve spolupráci s místními školami. Teoreticky bude rozebrána odborníky skladba volbého času dětí a mladistvých v České republice v kontrastu s poděbradským regionem. V diskusi a konfrontaci se situací na školách a v regionech hostů se budeme snažit dospět k optimální náplni voného času jako prevenci pozdějšího nežádoucího společenského chování. Skupina navštíví základní uměleckou školu a seznámí se s nabídkou volnočasových aktivit. Bude jim představena programová nabídka místního Domu dětí a mládeže. V hostitelské škole jim budou představeny aktivity organizované vychovateli (sportovní klání, účast internátních studentů v Ceně vévody z Edinburghu i kulturních představeních). Hosté navštíví místní sportovní kluby, seznámí se s hudební a divadelní scénou. Místní knihovna bude prezentovat akce zaměřené na děti a mladistvé. Skupina navštíví školu a místní dílnu pro děti s psychickým nebo fyzickým handicapem a seznámí se s nabídkou pro jejich volný čas. V rámci programu se hosté zúčastní vzorového kurzu taneční výchovy, dnes v Evropě ojedinělé tradice, dlouhodobě přispívající k estetické i etické výchově mládeže v České republice. 210 CEDEFOP – STUDY VISITS VIOLENCE AND PROTECTION OF CHILDREN Prevention of social-pathology at secondary and vocational schools Group No: 354 Type of visit: Mixed 20/4/2009-24/4/2009 Prešov, Slovak Republic EDUCATION AND TRAINING 2010 OBJECTIVES: 1.2. Developing skills for the knowledge society 2.3. Supporting active citizenship, equal opportunities and social cohesion WHY? The visit helps to create a better understanding of our school system in Slovakia, work in our centre based on cooperation with secondary and vocational schools in our region - East Slovakia. WHAT? Working language: English Number of places: 8 Minimum required: 6 We want to disseminate information about our work, cooperation with schools- students, teachers, school counsellors. We will look at our preventive programmes, projects and group work at school. HOW? • By visiting schools, talking to teachers, students, school counsellors about violence, conflicts at school; • by meeting local and regional authorities; • by meeting social partners, politicians; • by meeting members of police, etc. WHOM? • • • • • Directors of education and vocational training institutions, centres or providers; directors of guidance centres; head teachers, teacher trainers; pedagogical or guidance advisers; representatives of educational services, labour offices or guidance centres. SHORT DESCRIPTION IN THE HOST COUNTRY’S LANGUAGE: Cieľom študijnej návštevy je oboznámiť účastníkov programu s našou činnosťou v oblasti prevencie sociálno-patologických javov - predstavenie metód skríningu a programov zameraných na danú problematiku. Predstavíme spoluprácu so študentami, výchovnými poradcami, koordinátormi drogovej prevencie, políciou , občianskymi združeniami, v obalsti prevencie šikanovania , drogových závislostí . Organiser(s): HYBENOVÁ Viera Krajská pedagogicko-psychologická poradňa Levočská 9 080 01 Prešov Tel. +421- 517 71 55 26 Fax +421- 51 77 241 70 Email: [email protected] CATALOGUE 2008-2009 211 VIOLENCE AND PROTECTION OF CHILDREN Implementation of prevention programmes in school life Group No: 355 Type of visit: General education 20/4/2009-23/4/2009 Vilnius, Lithuania Working language: English Number of places: 10 Minimum required: 7 EDUCATION AND TRAINING 2010 OBJECTIVES: 2.1. Open learning environment 2.3. Supporting active citizenship, equal opportunities and social cohesion WHY? Preventing children and youth crime, violence, bullying, promoting primary drug addiction prevention programmes is an issue which affects all of us. To create a safe learning environment and to prevent violence is one of the national and municipal priorities. The aim of the visit is to get participants acquainted with how schools in cooperation with social partners implement different prevention activities. WHAT? Participants will gain insight into different prevention measures and implementation of comprehensive prevention programmes in school life. Participants will become familiar with Lithuanian education system and integration of different prevention and socialisation programmes. HOW? • By visiting local and regional authorities and institutions, involved in prevention policymaking; • by visiting schools, childrenʼs day centres, childrenʼs and youth clubs; • by meeting and talking to schoolsʼ head teachers, teachers, social pedagogues, prevention policy-makers, social partners; • by showing strong and weak points of prevention programmes, sharing good practice. WHOM? • • • • • • • Head teachers, teacher trainers; heads of departments; human resource managers; pedagogical or guidance advisers; representatives of educational services, labour offices or guidance centres; representatives of local, regional and national authorities; researchers. SHORT DESCRIPTION IN THE HOST COUNTRY’S LANGUAGE: Saugios ugdymosi aplinkos kūrimas, smurto, patyčių, žalingų įpročių prevencija mokyklose - vienas iš ateinančių metų prioritetų ne tik savivaldybės Strateginiame plane, bet ir visoje šalyje. Vizito tikslas – supažindinti įvairių šalių ugdymo įstaigų vadovus, savivaldybių atstovus, mokytojus, socialinius pedagogus su įvairių prevencinių programų įgyvendinimu Vilniaus mieste. Vizito dalyviai susitikimuose su savivaldybės švietimo skyriaus, policijos, vaikų teisių apsaugos tarnybos atstovais, socialiniais partneriais turės galimybę susipažinti su tarpinstituciniu bendradarbiavimu, įgyvendinant prevencines programas. Diskusijos ir susitikimai su savivaldybės, mokyklų, dienos centrų atstovais sudarys puikias prielaidas pažinčiai su miesto ir šalies švietimo sistema ir prevencinių programų įgyvendinimu. Organiser(s): ZELVIENE Daiva Vilnius Municipal Government Administration Department for Culture and Education, Education division Konstitucijos av. 3 09601 Vilnius Tel. +370- 52 11 23 88 Fax +370- 52 11 23 98 Email: [email protected] WWW. – – 212 CEDEFOP – STUDY VISITS QUALITY ASSURANCE IN EDUCATION AND VOCATIONAL TRAINING Experiences of quality assurance in education Group No: 356 Type of visit: Mixed 15/9/2008-19/9/2008 Tallinn, Estonia Working language: English Number of places: 15 Minimum required: 8 EDUCATION AND TRAINING 2010 OBJECTIVES: 1.2. Developing skills for the knowledge society 1.5. Making the best use of resources WHY? Quality assurance becomes more and more important in everyday school life because parents, pupils and teachers are more demanding, changes in society are rapid and educational institutions need to be modernised. It is enriching to share experiences with representatives of different European countries. In the 21st century it is very important for educational institutions to assure quality and be flexible at the same time. Tallinn Education Department has given out quality awards to Tallinn educational institutions for seven years. They are based on European quality awards adapted to Tallinn education system. We also organise annual evaluations of work of educational institutions. Heads of educational institutions are assessed in strategic and financial management, human resource management, management of teaching and growing processes, management of public relations and cooperation. WHAT? Participants will learn to: • understand the methods and tools used in assuring quality in educational institutions; • understand better education quality system and its benefits; • improve skills to modify quality assurance system in own countries or institutions; • get examples of best practice in educational institutions in EU countries; • get knowledge about effective quality assurance, quality measurement, quality evaluation and quality management. HOW? Learning objectives will be achieved by: • visiting Tallinn educational institutions that have won the Quality Award of Tallinn educational institutions in 2007; • visiting Tallinn Educational Department and getting acquainted with quality assurance system in Tallinn educational institutions; • visiting the National Examinations and Qualifications Centre that coordinates new self-evaluation model in Estonian educational institutions; • presenting the quality assurance system of participants; • group works, discussions and visits about quality assurance systems and policies; • by analysing the materials and cases about quality assurance. WHOM? Directors of education and vocational training institutions, centres or providers; directors of validation or accreditation centres; educational and vocational training inspectors; head teachers, teacher trainers; heads of departments; owners/managers of SMEs; pedagogical or guidance advisers; representatives of education and training networks and associations; representatives of educational services, labour offices or guidance centres; representatives of local, regional and national authorities. SHORT DESCRIPTION IN THE HOST COUNTRY’S LANGUAGE: Organiser(s): ÜBIUS Ülle Tallinn Education Department Estonia pst 5A 10143 Tallinn Tel. +372- 640 49 76 Fax +372- 640 45 89 Email: [email protected] Website: Õppevisiidi “Kvaliteedi tagamise kogemused hariduses” peamiseks eesmärgiks on tutvustada Tallinna Haridusameti poolt korraldatavat Tallinna haridusasutuste kvaliteedi tagamise süsteemi, sh. Tallinna haridusasutuste kvaliteedi auhinna protsessi ning Tallinna haridusasutuste juhtide tulemushindamise süsteemi. Õppevisiidi raames külastatakse Tallinna haridusasutusi, Tallinna Haridusametit ning Riiklikku Eksami- ja Kvalifikatsioonikeskust. Grupitööde, diskussioonide ja külastuste raames jagatakse vastastikku kogemusi osalevates riikides rakendatavatest kvaliteedi tagamise süsteemidest. WWW. CATALOGUE 2008-2009 213 QUALITY ASSURANCE IN EDUCATION AND VOCATIONAL TRAINING Raising standards through self-evaluation Group No: 357 Type of visit: General education 6/10/2008-10/10/2008 Lincoln, England, UK Working language: English Number of places: 15 Minimum required: 10 EDUCATION AND TRAINING 2010 OBJECTIVES: 1.1. Improving education and training for teachers and trainers WHY? • In recent years schools and colleges across Europe have made increasing use of selfevaluation as well as external inspection to identify strengths and weaknesses. This has allowed school leaders, teachers, students and parents to become increasingly proactive in developing strategies and action plans for addressing particular difficulties and raising standards in general. • This study visit will be based in the United Kingdom because the national system of inspection now requires schools to prepare a school self-evaluation form. This must be kept up to date in readiness for inspections which take place at very short notice. • The study visit will take place in Lincolnshire which has been using this approach for several years. • The host has organised similar study visits in 2006 and 2007. WHAT? The participants will: • understand the self-evaluation system being used in English schools; • review the crucial questions: How are we doing ? How do we know ? What do we do next? • leave with exemplary material which they can adapt for use in their own countries. HOW? During this study visit, participants will visit primary and secondary educational establishments in Lincolnshire and hear from practitioners who are using self-evaluation. The main focus will be on how self-evaluation is used to improve teaching and learning in the classroom. WHOM? • • • • Educational and vocational training inspectors; head teachers, teacher trainers; heads of departments; pedagogical or guidance advisers. Organiser(s): WILLIAMS Chris Lincoln Christ’s Hospital School Wragby Road LN2 4PN Lincoln Tel. +44- 1522881144 Fax +44- 1522881145 Email: [email protected] WWW. – – 214 CEDEFOP – STUDY VISITS QUALITY ASSURANCE IN EDUCATION AND VOCATIONAL TRAINING Regional school development in Freiburg Group No: 358 Type of visit: General education 6/10/2008-10/10/2008 Freiburg, Breisgau Germany Working language: English Number of places: 20 Minimum required: 10 EDUCATION AND TRAINING 2010 OBJECTIVES: 1.5. Making the best use of resources WHY? • Discussions all over Europe focus on the meaning of ʻregionsʻ (regional governance) in matters of school improvement and steering educational systems. • How can institutions and organisations in a region contribute to improve the quality of schools in their region and thus ensure students´ success? • How can you achieve shared responsibility for each individual child in a region? • How can the region (not only school authorities) support schools in the best way? How can you make best use of all regional resources? • Freiburg is one of two places in which the model project takes place. So far it shows good results: all schools have introduced quality management and focus on improving their teaching. Host for the study visit is the ʻregional steering groupʻ in which municipal and State authorities define regional school policies. WHAT? Participants will get to know how the project realises the following aims: • students´ careers without friction; • how students´ are best prepared for vocational training and jobs; • how students who belong to one of the high-risk-groups (ethnic minorities, etc.) are supported; • systematic cooperation with extracurricular partners of schools; • strengthening parents´ participation; • increase people´s interest in education. HOW? Participants will: • talk to local politicians, representatives of the school authorities, and school leaders; • talk to representatives of the regional support system for schools and will see their work. • visit schools and other educational institutions (attend lessons, talk to parents, students, and teachers); • take part in various activities, such as the school improvement forum in which all schools meet twice a year to exchange and learn from one another); • talk to representatives of the other project region (Ravensburg) and will be able to compare; • talk to representatives of the advisory board of Freiburg. WHOM? Company training managers; directors of education and vocational training institutions, centres or providers; educational and vocational training inspectors; head teachers, teacher trainers; heads of departments; human resource managers; pedagogical or guidance advisers; representatives of chambers of commerce/industry/crafts; representatives of education and training networks and associations; representatives of educational services, labour offices or guidance centres; representatives of local, regional and national authorities. SHORT DESCRIPTION IN THE HOST COUNTRY’S LANGUAGE: Organiser(s): HELBIG Martin Ministerium für Kultus, Jugend und Sport, Referat 32/ Projektleitung „Bildungsregionen BadenWürttemberg“ Eisenbahnstraße 68 79098 Freiburg Tel. +49- 761-2086248 Fax +49- 761-2086288 Email: [email protected] Website: Freiburg, im sonnigen Südwesten nahe der französischen und schweizerischen Grenze gelegen, umrahmt von Weinbergen auf der einen, vom Schwarzwald auf der anderen Seite, liegt in einer der attraktivsten Regionen Deutschlands. In der Universitätsstadt haben von 200.000 Einwohnern ca. 80.000 mit Bildung und Erziehung zu tun. Neben einer Einführung in das deutsche Schulsystem lernen die Teilnehmer ein Modellprojekt des Landes BadenWürttemberg kennen, die Entwicklung einer „Regionalen Bildungslandschaft“. Schwerpunkt des Studienaufenthaltes wird die an regionalen Zielen ausgerichtete und regional vernetzte Schulentwicklung sein. Wichtig ist dabei die Einführung von Qualitätsmanagement und die systematische Qualifizierung von Lehrern, schulischen Steuergruppen und Schulleitungen. Durch Abstimmung aller regionalen Akteure wird eine Bündelung von Ressourcen, eine effektive Unterstützung der Schulen und eine regionale Bildungsplanung angestrebt. WWW. – CATALOGUE 2008-2009 215 QUALITY ASSURANCE IN EDUCATION AND VOCATIONAL TRAINING Influence of evaluation and self-evaluation on the quality of education Group No: 359 Type of visit: General education 13/10/2008-17/10/2008 Prienai, Lithuania Working language: English Number of places: 15 Minimum required: 7 EDUCATION AND TRAINING 2010 OBJECTIVES: 1.1. Improving education and training for teachers and trainers 1.5. Making the best use of resources WHY? The purpose of the visit is to introduce a condition of evaluation of quality of Lithuania education. There will be a discussion about devices of evaluation and self-evaluation which are applied nowadays to evaluate quality of school activities, with reference to reliably gathered data, and improvement of educational services. Prienai district municipality has decided to organise this visit to share good evaluation experience of its schools, the model of communication and cooperation of educational subdivisions, innovations. WHAT? Participants will learn about: • education system of Lithuania; • management of educational quality at different levels (institutional, regional and national); • current evaluation and self-evaluation devices which help to improve the quality of education. HOW? • Visits to different level institutions (Ministry of Education and Science, National Agency of Schoolsʼ Evaluation, Prienai region municipality); • visits to various types of schools; • meetings and discussions with headmasters of schools, teachers and students; • observation of various activities at schools; • discussions between participants; • acquaintance with ethno-cultural traditions, national peculiarities. WHOM? Directors of education and vocational training institutions, centres or providers. SHORT DESCRIPTION IN THE HOST COUNTRY’S LANGUAGE: Organiser(s): JAKINEVICIENE Loreta Institution Prienai Region Municipality Laisves a. 12 59126 Prienai Tel. +370- 319 61138 Fax +370- 319 61199 Email: [email protected] PAVLAVICIENE Renata Prienai Region Municipality Laisves a. 12 59126 Prienai Tel. +370- 31 96 11 37 Email: [email protected] Vizitas „Vertinimo ir įsivertinimo įtaka švietimo kokybei“ yra skirtas supažindinti su Lietuvos švietimo kokybės vertinimo būkle. Vizito dalyviai susipažins su Lietuvos švietimo sistema, bus aptariami šiuo metu taikomi vertinimo ir įsivertinimo instrumentai, skirti į(si)vertinti mokyklos veiklos kokybę. Taip pat bus dalinamasi Prienų rajono savivaldybės mokyklų turima gerąja įsivertinimo patirtimi, aptariamos švietimo padalinio ir mokyklų bendravimo ir bendradarbiavimo tendencijos, inovacijos. Vizito metu numatyti apsilankymai skirtingo lygio institucijose (Švietimo ir mokslo ministerijoje, Nacionalinėje mokyklų vertinimo agentūroje, Prienų rajono savivaldybėje), įvairaus tipo mokyklose, susitikimai ir diskusijos su mokyklų vadovais, mokytojais, mokiniais, įvairios veiklos mokyklose stebėjimas, vizito dalyvių diskusijos, susipažinimas su etnokultūrinėmis tradicijomis. WWW. 216 CEDEFOP – STUDY VISITS QUALITÄTSSICHERUNG IN BILDUNG UND BERUFSBILDUNG Qualitätsentwicklung und Qualitätssicherung in der Berufsbildung Gruppennummer: 360 Art des Besuches: Berufsbildung ZIELE VON „ALLGEMEINE UND BERUFLICHE BILDUNG 2010“: 1.1. Verbesserung der allgemeinen und beruflichen Bildung von Lehrkräften und Ausbildern 3.1. Engere Kontakte zur Arbeitswelt und zur Forschung sowie zur Gesellschaft im weiteren Sinne WARUM? 9/3/2009-13/3/2009 Salzburg, Österreich Arbeitssprache: Deutsch Anzahl der Teilnehmerplätze: 15 Erforderliche Mindestanzahl: 10 Ausgehend von europäischen Initiativen der Qualitätsentwicklung und -sicherung in der Berufsbildung wird das österreichische Modell vorgestellt und mit den Teilnehmer/innen diskutiert. Internationale und nationale Experten präsentieren Modelle zur Implementierung, Verbesserung und Kontrolle der Qualität in berufsbildenden Sekundarschulen. WAS? • • • • Übersicht zur Berufsbildung in Österreich; Einführung in Qualitätssicherung in der Berufsbildung; Qualitätsmanagementmodelle und Qualitätssicherungsmodelle der Berufsbildung; Diskussion mit den Teilnehmerinnen und Teilnehmern und Vertreter von Behörden und Unternehmens- bzw. Interessensvertretungen zum Thema; • neue Ansätze der Qualitätsentwicklung und des Qualitätsmanagements in der Lehrerfortund -weiterbildung und in einem ausgewählten Unternehmen in Österreich; • Schulbesuch an einer berufsbildenden höheren Schule als Praxismodell. WIE? • Unterschiedliche Modelle der Qualitätsentwicklung, Qualitätssicherung und Qualitätskontrolle kennen lernen, vergleichen und diskutieren. • Schulen der Berufsbildung und Unternehmen besuchen und zum Schwerpunktthema Fragen beantworten. • Vom österreichischen Modell ausgehend mit den Teilnehmer/innen Aspekte des Themas diskutieren. WER? • • • • • • • • • • • • • Organisator(en): GROGGER Martina Martina Grogger Akademistraße 23 5020 Salzburg Tel. +43- 662 63 80 20 63 Email: [email protected] Bildungsbeauftragte in Unternehmen; Leiter von Bildungs- und Berufsbildungeinrichtungen und -anbietern; Leiter von Validierungs- oder Akkreditierungszentren; Bildungs- und Berufsbildungsinspektoren; Schulleiter, Lehreraus- und -fortbildner; Abteilungsleiter; Personalbeauftragte; Inhaber/Geschäftsführer von kleinen und mittleren Unternehmen; Bildungs- oder Berufsberater; Vertreter der Industrie- und Handelskammern sowie der Handwerkskammern; Vertreter von Bildungs- und Berufsbildungsnetzwerken und -vereinigungen; Vertreter von Arbeitgeberorganisationen und Interessensvereingungen; Vertreter von Arbeitnehmerorganisationen und Interessensvereingungen. WWW. CATALOGUE 2008-2009 217 QUALITY ASSURANCE IN EDUCATION AND VOCATIONAL TRAINING The balance of accountability, support and school autonomy Group No: 361 Type of visit: Mixed 23/3/2009-27/3/2009 Dresden, Germany Working language: English Number of places: 15 Minimum required: 10 EDUCATION AND TRAINING 2010 OBJECTIVES: 1.1. Improving education and training for teachers and trainers 1.2. Developing skills for the knowledge society WHY? How to steer an educational system effectively is an important social question. Three themes are being discussed in Europe currently to improve the quality and effectiveness of educational and training systems: accountability, support, and school autonomy. Together with experts from all over Europe we will discuss the all aspects mentioned above and see if there is a right balance and its dependency on culture, national varieties and more. WHAT? The first aim of the visit is to provide information about how Saxony, one of the German federal states tries to assure quality in education. How does Saxony deal with the balance of accountability, support and school autonomy? We will present the following topics: • external evaluation, • internal evaluation, • further education for teachers, • support system for schools (advisers for school-improvement). The second aim of the visit is to compare differences and similarities in the home countries of participants. HOW? We want to find an adequate mixture of theoretical input, practical insights and discussion in groups: • external evaluation: information on external evaluation, participating in an external evaluation at a school, discussion with teachers and headteacher of the school, group reflection; • internal evaluation: discussion of the interface between external and internal evaluation, visiting a school to learn how schools deal with internal evaluation in practice; • educational report: function of an educational report, discussion on how to interpret the data and benefit for the system. WHOM? Directors of education and vocational training institutions, centres or providers; directors of validation or accreditation centres; educational and vocational training inspectors; head teachers, teacher trainers; heads of departments; pedagogical or guidance advisers; representatives of education and training networks and associations; representatives of local, regional and national authorities; researchers. SHORT DESCRIPTION IN THE HOST COUNTRY’S LANGUAGE: Organiser(s): RÖDIGER Gernot Sächsisches Bildungsinstitut Dresdner Str. 78c 01445 Radebeul Tel. +49- 35 18 32 43 29 Fax +49- 35 18 32 43 95 Email: [email protected] Wie ein Bildungssystem möglichst effektiv gesteuert werden kann, ist eine der wesentlichen gesellschaftlichen Fragen. Entscheidend für den Erfolg eines Bildungssystems ist aus unserer Sicht die scheinbar widerstrebenden Momente Rechenschaft, Unterstützung von Schulen und Eigenverantwortung von Schule in Einklang zu bringen. Während des Besuches wollen wir die Lösungsversuche Sachsens darstellen. Wir werden unser Verfahren zur externen Evaluation von Schule, Überlegungen zur internen Evaluation, den Bildungsbericht, Unterstützungssysteme und den Bereich der Lehrerfortbildung vorstellen. Neben theoriebezogenen Informationen sind Schulbesuche vorgesehen, damit nachvollzogen werden kann, wie die Bestrebungen des Systems an den Schulen ankommen. Ein wesentlicher Teil des Besuches wird die Diskussion innerhalb der Gruppe sein, um die Unterschiede und Gemeinsamkeiten zu den Heimatländern herausarbeiten zu können. WWW. 218 CEDEFOP – STUDY VISITS QUALITY ASSURANCE IN EDUCATION AND VOCATIONAL TRAINING Quality of school management and learning processes Group No: 362 Type of visit: Mixed 23/3/2009-27/3/2009 The Hague, the Netherlands Working language: English Number of places: 14 Minimum required: 6 EDUCATION AND TRAINING 2010 OBJECTIVES: 1.5. Making the best use of resources 2.1. Open learning environment WHY? The Dutch national educational system has several striking features, including the combination of public and private schools. The overall quality of education, however, is the main responsibility of the national authorities. Quality assurance has been adapted to meet the needs of this combined system. WHAT? There are three main aspects of the Dutch educational quality system: • school self-evaluation; • results of schools presented with the so-called ʻquality cardʼ; • privatised external supervision (Inspectorate of education). HOW? The programme includes: • visits to the Ministry of Education, municipal authorities and the Inspectorate; • opportunity to learn about Dutch good practice in primary, secondary, and possibly vocational schools and institutes; • discussions with teachers and students; • if possible, classroom visits. WHOM? • • • • • • • • Educational and vocational training inspectors; head teachers, teacher trainers; heads of departments; pedagogical or guidance advisers; representatives of education and training networks and associations; representatives of educational services, labour offices or guidance centres; representatives of local, regional and national authorities; researchers. Organiser(s): SMIT Frank Europees Platform voor het Nederlandse onderwijs Bezuidenhoutseweg 253 NL 2594 Den Haag Tel. +31- 703814448 Fax +31- 703831958 Email: [email protected] WWW. CATALOGUE 2008-2009 219 QUALITY ASSURANCE IN EDUCATION AND VOCATIONAL TRAINING How is quality assessment managed at a medium-size vocational college in Denmark Group No: 363 Type of visit: VET 21/4/2009-24/4/2009 Holbæk, Denmark Working language: English Number of places: 15 Minimum required: 10 EDUCATION AND TRAINING 2010 OBJECTIVES: 1.5. Making the best use of resources 3.5. Strengthening the European co-operation WHY? Quality and assessment management has during a decade been a major theme, both in Danish national educational policy and in our internal institutional strategy. EUC Nordvestsjaelland (vocational college) consequently determined to allocate the necessary resources for this purpose seven years ago and has regularly evaluated the school quality ever since. Teachers and staff perform self-assessment; a quality report is issued and evaluated by teachers, students, staff and employees. Strategies and policies will be decided and changed and relevant documentation done, thus ʻclosing the circleʼ for another self- assessment at a later stage. We think that the quality assessment is a good point of departure for discussions and mutual exchange of procedures with international colleagues, thus defining the common problem fields within vocational training. WHAT? Participants will: • understand the methods and tools used in quality assessment in Denmark; • be able to define strengths and weaknesses in vocational training and education in general in Denmark and compare with own systems; • be able to put experienced procedures into perspective. HOW? • By visiting various departments of EUC Nordvestsjaelland and meeting both students, teachers and administrative staff, involved in quality assessment; • by visiting two enterprises that employed our students and cooperate with the vocational college concerning apprentice training; • by meeting representatives from the social partners in Denmark. WHOM? Directors of education and vocational training institutions, centres or providers; directors of validation or accreditation centres; educational and vocational training inspectors; head teachers, teacher trainers; heads of departments; human resource managers; representatives of chambers of commerce/ industry/crafts; representatives of education and training networks and associations; representatives of employersʼ organisations; representatives of local, regional and national authorities; representatives of trade unions; researchers. SHORT DESCRIPTION IN THE HOST COUNTRY’S LANGUAGE: Organiser(s): SKIPPER Bente EUC Nordvestsjælland Absalonsvej 20 4300 Holbæk Tel. +45- 59 45 56 78 Fax +45- 59 45 52 90 Email: [email protected] Website: Det er en del af EUC Nordvestsjællands strategi at arbejde bevidst med kvalitetsudvikling og – kvalitets måling. Derfor gennemføres regelmæssigt selv-evaluering, som vi skønner, kan være et relevant udgangspunkt for et internationalt uddannelses-ekspert-besøg. Ved besøg på nogle af skolens afdelinger og samtaler/diskussion med lærere, elever og administrativt personale vil der være mulighed for at udveksle synspunkter og sammenligne danske forhold med egen praksis i hjemlandet. Derigennem defineres specifikke fælles problemfelter, som evt. kan tilføres nye synspunkter, og der kan opstilles løsningsmodeller herfor. Deltagerne vil være i stand til at perspektivere deres oplevelser i DK til egen praksis. WWW. – – – 220 CEDEFOP – STUDY VISITS QUALITY ASSURANCE IN EDUCATION AND VOCATIONAL TRAINING Professionalising teaching and teachers in vocational schools Group No: 364 Type of visit: General education 4/5/2009-8/5/2009 Stuttgart, Germany Working language: English EDUCATION AND TRAINING 2010 OBJECTIVES: 1.1. Improving education and training for teachers and trainers 3.5. Strengthening the European co-operation WHY? • Various factors influence the teaching and education process in schools. Most important is the teacherʼs personality: his abilities, his qualifications, his concept of education and also how he conceives himself. • In vocational schools the challenges of teachers increase (e.g. students with special needs, weaker students, requirements of the labour market), so professionalising standards for teachers in vocational schools is important. • The Ministry of Education in Stuttgart has developed, tested and established different programmes. WHAT? Number of places: 15 Minimum required: 10 • During the study visit different aspects of the teaching profession and its various roles will be discussed mainly pertaining to the questions: How do you act professionally (as a teacher) in vocational education today? What organisational and structural conditions are needed to do so? • The aim is to ensure long-term effectiveness of education by professionalising standards for teachers in vocational schools. HOW? • The study group members will have the chance to theoretically and practically take a closer look at tested models and standards of vocational training and education in BadenWürttemberg. • They will be able to visit different teacher training colleges, vocational schools and their partners from different branches of trade and industry, thus gaining the opportunity to find out about and scrutinise new didactic concepts and approaches. WHOM? Directors of education and vocational training institutions, centres or providers; head teachers, teacher trainers; heads of departments; representatives of education and training networks and associations; representatives of educational services, labour offices or guidance centres; representatives of local, regional and national authorities; researchers. SHORT DESCRIPTION IN THE HOST COUNTRY’S LANGUAGE: Organiser(s): THIMET Susanne Ministerium für Kultus, Jugend und Sport Königstraße 44 70173 Stuttgart Tel. +49- 711-2792758 Fax +49- 711-2792942 Email: [email protected] [email protected]. Website: KUGLER Susanne Ministerium für Kultus, Jugend und Sport Königstraße 44 70173 Stuttgart Tel. +49- 71 12 79 27 58 Fax +49- 71 12 79 29 42 Email: [email protected] Der schulische Bildungs- und Erziehungsprozess wird durch verschiedene Faktoren gesteuert. Dabei nimmt die Person der Lehrkraft mit ihren Fähigkeiten, Qualifikationen, ihrem pädagogischen Verständnis und ihrem Selbstbild die wichtigste Funktion ein. Während des Studienaufenthaltes sollen verschiedene Aspekte des Berufsbildes und der beruflichen Tätigkeit von Lehrerinnen und Lehrer beleuchtet werden. Im Zentrum steht die Frage “Wie sieht professionelles Lehrerhandeln im Bereich der beruflichen Bildung heute aus und welcher Rahmenbedingungen bedarf es?” Die Teilnehmenden haben die Möglichkeit, sich praktisch und theoretisch mit erprobten Modellen und Standards in der beruflichen Bildung in BadenWürttemberg auseinanderzusetzen. Dazu werden Einrichtungen der Lehrerbildung, berufliche Schulen und Partner der beruflichen Bildung besucht. Die Teilnehmerinnen und Teilnehmer erhalten so die Möglichkeit, sich über neue Konzepte und didaktische Ansätze zu informieren und diese zu hinterfragen. WWW. – CATALOGUE 2008-2009 221 QUALITY ASSURANCE IN EDUCATION AND VOCATIONAL TRAINING Experience with external and internal evaluation of schools Group No: 365 Type of visit: Mixed 11/5/2009-15/5/2009 Düsseldorf, Germany Working language: English Number of places: 16 Minimum required: 10 EDUCATION AND TRAINING 2010 OBJECTIVES: 1.5. Making the best use of resources 3.5. Strengthening the European co-operation WHY? • Central objective of internal and external evaluation is to make the quality of schools safer, and give impulses to their development. Therefore, they give detailed knowledge about the quality of each individual school and the school system in general. • Internal and external evaluation are important controlling instruments for the development process of schools. They help to identify strengths and weaknesses, and they give advices for possible reactions. • The professional exchange about the instruments and procedures of internal and external evaluation on an international level contribute to an improvement and a further development of the system itself. • Duesseldorf is the capital and residence of the state government of North Rhine-Westphalia. • Schools, ministries, the state parliament and a perfect infrastructure offer various possibilities for surveys and discussions with representatives from education, science, politics and commerce. • Additionally, the metropolitan region offers a wide range of high class cultural opportunities. WHAT? • The meeting will lead into a professional exchange between European experts of internal and external evaluation of schools; • impulses for a further development of the own evaluation systems will be given; • a European network should be built up; • examples of internal and external evaluation of schools of North Rhine-Westphalia will be presented and discussed. HOW? • Visits of „Autonomous Schools“ with experiences in internal and external evaluation; • high level discussions with members of parliament; • discussions with evaluators and staff of „Qualitätsanalyse Nordrhein-Westfalen“, the external evaluation of schools will be possible; • group work to form a final report on the results and experiences made during the study visit. WHOM? Educational and vocational training inspectors; head teachers, teacher trainers; representatives of local, regional and national authorities; researchers. SHORT DESCRIPTION IN THE HOST COUNTRY’S LANGUAGE: Organiser(s): HOMEIER Wulf Ministerium für Schule und Weiterbildung des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen Völklinger Straße 49 40221 Düsseldorf Tel. +49- 211 58 67 33 11 Fax +49- 211 58 67 32 20 Email: [email protected] Website: Die Gruppe trifft sich zu einer Begrüßung am 10.05.2009 in einem Düsseldorfer Hotel, das Standort für die Woche sein wird. Der Studienbesuch beginnt offiziell am 11.05.2009 im Ministerium für Schule und Weiterbildung. Je nach Interessen der Gruppe werden Gespräche und Besuche mit Schulen verschiedener Schulformen organisiert. Ergänzt werden diese durch Treffen mit Parlamentariern und Fachleuten der internen und externen Evaluation. Das offizielle Ende wird am 15.05.2009 gegen 13.00 Uhr sein. Um einen fachlichen Austausch innerhalb der Gruppe zu ermöglichen, werden Erfahrungen mit interner und externer Evaluation von Schulen vorausgesetzt. Bitte bei der Anmeldung angeben. WWW. 222 CEDEFOP – STUDY VISITS QUALITÄTSSICHERUNG IN BILDUNG UND BERUFSBILDUNG Die externe Evaluation – ein wichtiger Faktor für die Bildungsqualität Gruppennummer: 366 Art des Besuches: Allgemeine Bildung 11/5/2009-15/5/2009 Sofia, Bulgarien Arbeitssprache: Deutsch Anzahl der Teilnehmerplätze: 13 Erforderliche Mindestanzahl: 5 ZIELE VON „ALLGEMEINE UND BERUFLICHE BILDUNG 2010“: 1.5. Bestmögliche Nutzung der Ressourcen 3.5. Stärkung der europäischen Zusammenarbeit WARUM? • Die Teilnehmer des Studienbesuchs werden Gelegenheit erhalten, das Evaluierungssystem in bulgarischen Schulen kennen zu lernen. • Die Teilnehmer werden sich über die Einführung externer Evaluationen, staatliche Reifeprüfungen und Tests als Prüfungsform informieren. • Entsprechend den Empfehlungen der EU werden die Möglichkeiten für ein weiteres Verbreiten der besten Methoden zur Erhöhung der Qualität besprochen. WAS? • Es werden gute Erfahrungen aus verschiedenen europäischen Bildungssystemen diskutiert; • es werden die Leistungen der bulgarischen Schüler im Rahmen der internationalen Vergleichsuntersuchungen PISA und PIRLS dargestellt; • es wird diskutiert, wie sich diese Resultate auf die Verbesserung der Bildungsqualität auswirken. WIE? • • • • • Besuch vom Ministerium für Bildung und Wissenschaft; Arbeitstreffen im Zentrum für Kontrolle und Evaluation der Bildungsqualität; Besuche von Schulen und Bildungsinstitutionen; Gespräche mit Direktoren über die Qualität der allgemeinen und beruflichen Bildung; Beobachtung von Unterricht und Diskussionen mit Lehrern und Schülern. WER? • • • • • • • Leiter von Bildungs- und Berufsbildungeinrichtungen und -anbietern; Leiter von Validierungs- oder Akkreditierungszentren; Bildungs- und Berufsbildungsinspektoren; Schulleiter, Lehreraus- und -fortbildner; Abteilungsleiter; Vertreter von Bildungs- und Berufsbildungsnetzwerken und -vereinigungen; Forscher. KURZE BESCHREIBUNG DES BESUCHES IN DER SPRACHE DES GASTGEBENDEN LANDES: Organisator(en): LUKANOVA Tanya Centre for Control and Assessment of Education Bul “Tsarigradsko shosse” 125, BG 1113 Sofia Tel. +359- 2 970 56 22 Fax +359- 2 970 20 62 Email: [email protected] Участниците в учебната визита ще се запознаят със системата на оценяване в българските училища. Ще бъдат споделени добрите практики на някои европейски образователни системи. Ще се представят и дискутират резултатите от международните сравнителни изследвания PISA и PIRLS, постиженията на българските ученици в тях и как тези резултати влияят върху качеството на обучението и образованието. В съответствие с препоръките на Европейския съюз ще бъдат обсъдени възможности за разпространяване на най-добрите методи за повишаване на това качество. Ще бъдат организирани посещения на училища и образователни институции като Министерството на образованието и науката и Центъра за контрол и оценка на качеството на образованието. WWW. CATALOGUE 2008-2009 223 QUALITY ASSURANCE IN EDUCATION AND VOCATIONAL TRAINING Quality – a holistic approach to environmental education Group No: 367 Type of visit: General education 25/5/2009-29/5/2009 Boden, Sweden Working language: English Number of places: 20 Minimum required: 12 EDUCATION AND TRAINING 2010 OBJECTIVES: 1.2. Developing skills for the knowledge society 1.5. Making the best use of resources WHY? Studies and information on quality in the Department of Education in Boden municipality from a lifelong learning perspective and how local and national quality are tied together. Boden has much experience working on quality and can show many examples of good practice. We are situated in a very interesting part of northern Sweden near the Arctic circle. WHAT? The visit looks at the whole organisation from pre-school to upper secondary school. Participants will discuss and share experience on quality with one another and local heads of schools. They will be able to compare the education systems in different countries. HOW? Participants will: • meet authorities from Boden municipality, principals, teachers, students and talk about systematic quality work; • visit some schools from pre-school to upper secondary school to exchange views. WHOM? • • • • • • Directors of education and vocational training institutions, centres or providers; directors of guidance centres; educational and vocational training inspectors; head teachers, teacher trainers; heads of departments; representatives of local, regional and national authorities. SHORT DESCRIPTION IN THE HOST COUNTRY’S LANGUAGE: Studier och information angående kvalitetsarbete inom Boden kommuns utbildningsförvaltning i perspektivet livslångt lärande, samt hur det lokala och nationella kvalitetsarbetet knyts ihop. Detta avser hela organisationen från förskola till gymnasieskola. Deltagarna får möta företrädare för Bodens kommun, rektorer, lärare och elever. Här ges tillfälle att samtala omkring det systematiska kvalitetsarbetet. Studiebesök kommer att göras i ett antal skolor. Dessa sker dels gemensamt, dels valbart. Erfarenhetsutbyten/diskussioner om kvalitetsarbete mellan deltagare från olika länder och skolledare kommer att genomföras. Här ges tillfälle att jämföra olika länders utbildningssystem. Slutligen är vi geografiskt belägna i en mycket intressant del av norra Sverige i närheten av Polcirkeln. Organiser(s): KEMI Kjell Institution Barn- och utbildningsfövaltningen, Bodens kommun (School Department, Bodens municipality) Stadshuset 961 86 Boden Tel. +46- 92 16 29 59 Fax +46- 92 11 00 74 Email: [email protected] WWW. – 224 CEDEFOP – STUDY VISITS QUALITY ASSURANCE IN EDUCATION AND VOCATIONAL TRAINING PRISMA – Maia schools’ quality assessment network Group No: 368 Type of visit: Mixed 15/6/2009-19/6/2009 Maia, Portugal Working language: English Number of places: 20 Minimum required: 10 EDUCATION AND TRAINING 2010 OBJECTIVES: 1.5. Making the best use of resources 3.1. Strengthening the links with working life and research and society at large WHY? It is our aim to contribute to the improvement of the quality and effectiveness of EU education and training systems (one of the Education and Training 2010 objectives). Our school (ESCM) and city council (Maia) are among the first in Portugal to try and organise an assessment programme centred on the idea of networking and benchmarking with meaningful partners, to improve collectively. We also believe that the current trend of overall reform in the Portuguese educational realm is crucial in understanding the social constraints and dynamics involved in a process generally perceived as too demanding and challenging. We think that the working experience of such an important aspect of a schoolʼs action (as we perceive it) may be interesting to other schools or bodies aiming to be increasingly (or at all) involved in it – that is the reason why the approach we chose is mainly practical and critical and focuses on the strengths and shortcomings of the whole implementation process. Alice: “Do you know which way I should take?” Cheshire cat “That depends a good deal on where you want to get.” WHAT? • Participants will gain working knowledge from the actual experience of implementing a theoretically and empirically sound, quality-oriented 360º school assessment framework within the context of Maia Educational Council (Northwest Portugal), network with reference (central to the context) to the shortcomings and strengths perceived by the steering group in each stage of the process HOW? • Visits to (at least) one of the schools in each cycle of studies (pre-school, primary, secondary); • presentations of the fieldwork developed in each institution (perceived strengths and weaknesses); • visits to our partners and presentations of the PRISMA structuring process – consensuses and controversies (invited speakers from the Catholic University of Oporto, the Maia Educational Council, the National Institute of Public Administration, the Ministry of Education, and the schools themselves); • informal talks with teachers, students, parents, non-teaching staff, social, cultural and economic forces; • analysis and critical appraisal of the process journal kept along the months (debates and workshops – “how would you deal with this issue in your school?” approach). WHOM? Organiser(s): LOPES Mário Escola Secundária do Castelo da Maia Rua Idalina Quelhas 4475-000 Castelo Da Maia Tel. +351- 914 04 52 79 Fax +351- 229 86 43 01 Email: [email protected] • • • • • • • • Directors of education and vocational training institutions, centres or providers; head teachers, teacher trainers; heads of departments; human resource managers; representatives of education and training networks and associations; representatives of educational services, labour offices or guidance centres; representatives of local, regional and national authorities; researchers. CATALOGUE 2008-2009 225 MONITORING AND EVALUATION OF EDUCATION AND TRAINING The role of school inspection in improving the European dimension in Bulgarian education Group No: 369 Type of visit: General education 20/10/2008-24/10/2008 Bourgas, Bulgaria Working language: English Number of places: 15 Minimum required: 10 EDUCATION AND TRAINING 2010 OBJECTIVES: 1.5. Making the best use of resources 3.5. Strengthening the European co-operation WHY? Regional inspectorate of education is responsible for State policy in education. Bourgas administrative region is one the biggest in the country – 13 municipalities. During recent years, reform of the Bulgarian educational system took place. So, the methodology of inspection should be changed too. Staff of inspectorate of education in Bourgas has a lot of experience and good practices to share. WHAT? Participants will be introduced to: • the Bulgarian educational system; • methods and criteria of integral evaluation of schools; • evaluation of pupilsʼ knowledge and skills. HOW? • Visiting different type of schools and local authorities; • observing students in the classroom; • meeting and talking to directors of schools, teachers and trainers, social partners to define best practice, etc.; • showing strong and weak points of a system/policy/; success and failure factors; • hearing various opinions on a system/policy; • visiting cultural, historic and natural sights, connected with the school curriculum. WHOM? • Directors of education and vocational training institutions, centres or providers; • educational and vocational training inspectors; • head teachers, teacher trainers. SHORT DESCRIPTION IN THE HOST COUNTRY’S LANGUAGE: РИО – Бургас като териториален орган на МОН осъществява държавната политика в средното образование в област Бургас.Екипът е съставен от специалисти по всички предметни направления, които контролират образователно-възпитателния процес в училищата и оказват методическа помощ на учителите. В последните години в България се извършва реформа в образователната система, която изисква и промяна в начина на инспектиране. Участниците във визитата ще се срещнат с: • екипа на РИО – Бургас; • представители на местната власт,отговарящи за образованието; Ще бъдат посетени: • различни по тип училища в Бургас и други населени места в областта; • културно-исторически и природни забележителности в областта, които са предмет на изучаване в училище. Organiser(s): HARIZANOVA Milka Institution – Regional Inspectorate of education Gladstone 150 8000 Bourgas Tel. +359- 56 87 49 63 Fax +359- 56 81 32 59 Email: [email protected] WWW. – – 226 CEDEFOP – STUDY VISITS MONITORING AND EVALUATION OF EDUCATION AND TRAINING Monitoring and evaluating education Group No: 370 Type of visit: General education 9/3/2009-13/3/2009 Brussels, Belgium Working language: English Number of places: 15 Minimum required: 7 WHY? The aim of the visit is to introduce participants to monitoring the quality of education in Flanders. WHAT? Quality control and quality improvement in Flemish education is based on attainment targets, the inspectorate and educational supervision. Attainment targets in primary and secondary education are minimum objectives that the majority of pupils should aim for and achieve at a particular educational level and in a particular discipline. This concerns qualities with regard to knowledge, insight, attitudes and skills. By means of a school or a centre audit, the inspectorate examines whether the attainment targets or developmental objectives are being achieved, and whether the other organic obligations are being properly observed. Every education network has its own educational advisors. At the request of the schools, they are responsible for educational and methodological advisory services. HOW? This theme is clarified during visits to the Department of Education and Training, schools and organisations, and through discussions with civil servants, experts, heads of institutions, teachers and trainers. WHOM? • • • • • • • Directors of education and vocational training institutions, centres or providers; educational and vocational training inspectors; head teachers, teacher trainers; heads of departments; pedagogical or guidance advisers; representatives of education and training networks and associations; representatives of local, regional and national authorities. SHORT DESCRIPTION IN THE HOST COUNTRY’S LANGUAGE: Kwaliteitsbewaking en –bevordering in het Vlaamse onderwijs steunt op 3 pijlers: de eindtermen, de inspectie en de pedagogische begeleiding. “Eindtermen” vormen een belangrijk element in een gebalanceerd beleid van kwaliteitscontrole door de overheid. Het zijn minimumdoelen op het vlak van kennis, inzicht, vaardigheden en attitudes die de overheid noodzakelijk en bereikbaar acht voor een bepaalde leerlingen-/cursistenpopulatie. De overheidsinspectie controleert tijdens regelmatige doorlichtingen of dit inderdaad gebeurt. Elk onderwijsnet beschikt over eigen pedagogische begeleiders, die op vraag van de scholen instaan voor pedagogische en methodologische begeleiding. Via bezoeken aan het Departement Onderwijs en scholen, gesprekken met ambtenaren, de inspectie, begeleiders, experts, schoolhoofden en leerkrachten wordt een inzicht gegeven in deze thematiek. Organiser(s): MARES Nina Flemish Department of Education and Training Division of International Affairs - Room 7C10 Koning Albert II-laan 15 1210 Brussel Tel. +32- 25 53 98 64 Fax +32- 25 53 96 40 Email: [email protected] Website: WWW. CATALOGUE 2008-2009 227 MONITORING AND EVALUATION OF EDUCATION AND TRAINING Monitoring the quality of general education Group No: 371 Type of visit: General education 30/3/2009-3/4/2009 Riga, Latvia Working language: English Number of places: 12 Minimum required: 6 EDUCATION AND TRAINING 2010 OBJECTIVES: 1.1. Improving education and training for teachers and trainers WHY? The aim of the visit is to introduce participants to monitoring the quality of general education in Latvia. It will be organised by the State Agency for Quality Assessment. The agency is supervised by the Ministry of Education and Science and came into operation in September 2005. Its main tasks are: • to organise quality assessment (accreditation) of educational institutions and programmes in general education; • to organise quality assessment (accreditation) of school heads of basic and secondary educational institutions; • to develop an agreed quality assessment system and establish the link between selfevaluation and external evaluation in education sector; • to provide data of the quality of general education for analysing and shaping education policy. WHAT? During the visit participants will get information about monitoring quality in general education in Latvia. They will have the opportunity to learn about quality assessment (accreditation) of educational institutions and programmes in general education. Special emphasis will be on development of teachersʼ in-service training. Participants will have the opportunity to observe and share good practice. HOW? Participants will get to know the basic principles of school quality evaluation, aspects of school performance and evaluation criteria, aims of school evaluation and development of teachersʼ in-service training. They will have the opportunity to visit State and local educational institutions, schools, universities, training institutions and non-governmental institutions. Visits will include meetings and discussions with experts, teachers, trainers, students, school headmasters, professors, etc. WHOM? Directors of education and vocational training institutions, centres or providers; directors of guidance centres; directors of validation or accreditation centres; educational and vocational training inspectors; head teachers, teacher trainers; heads of departments; human resource managers; pedagogical or guidance advisers; representatives of education and training networks and associations; representatives of local, regional and national authorities. SHORT DESCRIPTION IN THE HOST COUNTRY’S LANGUAGE: Organiser(s): PAPULE Evija State Agency for Quality Assessment in General Education Lacplesa iela 35-8 1011 Riga Tel. +371- 67 14 28 81 Fax +371- 67 14 28 77 Email: [email protected] Website: Vizītes mērķis ir iepazīstināt tās dalībniekus ar vispārējās izglītības kvalitātes pārraudzības (monitoringa) sistēmu Latvijā. Vizīti organizē Vispārējās izglītības kvalitātes novērtēšanas valsts aģentūra. Vizītes laikā tās dalībnieki tiks iepazīstināti ar vispārējās izglītības iestāžu ārējās darbības kvalitātes novērtēšanas norisi Latvijā, kā arī ar pedagogu tālākizglītības metodiskā tīkla nodrošinājuma izveidi. Vizītes laikā dalībniekiem būs iespēja apmeklēt gan valsts, gan pašvaldības dibinātās izglītības iestādes (skolas), pedagoģiskās universitātes, pedagogu tālākizglītības centrus, kā arī nevalstiskās organizācijas. Vizītes dalībniekiem būs iespēja diskutēt ar skolu direktoriem, skolotājiem, akadēmisko personālu, nevalstisko organizāciju pārstāvjiem un citiem izglītības ekspertiem. WWW. – – 228 CEDEFOP – STUDY VISITS MONITORING AND EVALUATION OF EDUCATION AND TRAINING Evaluating work-based learning programmes Group No: 372 Type of visit: Mixed 20/4/2009-24/4/2009 Bari, Puglia Italy Working language: English Number of places: 15 Minimum required: 5 EDUCATION AND TRAINING 2010 OBJECTIVES: 3.1. Strengthening the links with working life and research and society at large 3.5. Strengthening the European co-operation WHY? As training is a very complex and broad field of activity, we understand the importance of collecting as many statistical data on school level education as possible, especially at international level, for monitoring or for policy development. There is a need to develop more data sets and indicators on vocational education and training to share experience with European parties. Efforts will be made to focus on issues fundamental to progress towards the Lisbon goals. Improvements to existing indicators and data collections should be a priority. Adequate data and indicators are the key to understand what is happening in work-based learning programmes in EU countries and what additional interventions and decision-making are required by all parties involved. The visit will take place at Istituto Romanazzi, a technical vocational high school in Bari. The school is a pilot school for ICT and for work-based learning programmes thanks to the long experience and know-how gathered from European projects. WHAT? The visit aims at: • a comparison of monitoring and evaluation methods and procedures of European work- based learning programmes; • highlighting best practices/pilot experiences; • comparison of monitoring and evaluating tools; • further developments of education and training integrated programmes. HOW? Participants will: • visits to our school and local companies, boards, institutions, associations and organisations, our partners in education and training integrated programmes; • monitor students in both educational and training environments; • meet and interview managers of local small and medium-sized companies, school principals, training centres directors, teachers, trainers, human resource managers, teachers or trainers in charge of best practices projects; • examine strong and weak points as well as success factors in a sample of European education and training integrated programmes; • share opinions on policies, systems and projects. WHOM? Company training managers; directors of education and vocational training institutions, centres or providers; directors of validation or accreditation centres; educational and vocational training inspectors; head teachers, teacher trainers; heads of departments; representatives of chambers of commerce/ industry/crafts; representatives of education and training networks and associations; representatives of local, regional and national authorities. SHORT DESCRIPTION IN THE HOST COUNTRY’S LANGUAGE: Organiser(s): PAPAPICCO Anna Istituto Tecnico Commerciale “Romanazzi” Via Celso Ulpiani, 6/A 70125 Bari Tel. +39-080 542 56 11 Fax +39-080 542 64 92 Email: [email protected] Website: La visita di studio offrirà la possibilità di esaminare l’esperienza del modello integrato di alternanza scuola-lavoro come risorsa per la crescita professionale e personale degli studenti-cittadini e come la nuova modalità di fare scuola. La modalità avvicina, infatti, i giovani alla realtà aziendale e sperimenta forme concrete di formazione, orientamento e auto-imprenditorialità. La visita mira a comprendere a fondo le affinità dei meccanismi adottati in tal senso in Europa e a monitorare e valutare i punti di forza e di debolezza del sistema integrato di alternanza scuola – lavoro su scala internazionale. WWW. – – CATALOGUE 2008-2009 229 THE CURRICULUM Improving pedagogy: a skills-based curriculum, from conception to implementation Group No: 373 Type of visit: General education 20/10/2008-24/10/2008 Belfast, Northern Ireland, UK Working language: English Number of places: 15 Minimum required: 10 EDUCATION AND TRAINING 2010 OBJECTIVES: 1.2. Developing skills for the knowledge society 2.2. Making learning more attractive WHY? Following a review of the Northern Ireland curriculum and its assessment ʻto meet the needs of young people, society, the economy and environment in the 21st Centuryʼ, a skills-based curriculum was introduced in schools in Northern Ireland in September 2007. This was in direct response to the demands of a knowledge based society and the extra burden placed on schools by the new technologies and the disappearance of age-old work practices. The key features of the pedagogy include flexibility, connected and active learning, skills development, assessment for learning rather than of learning, personalised learning, personal development and learning for life and work. Through this curriculum, pupils are provided with opportunities to develop their skills through a range of worthwhile, challenging, relevant and enjoyable learning experiences, equipping them with the skills for lifelong learning. WHAT? Participants will: • understand the rationale behind the curriculum change in Northern Ireland; • experience the pedagogical change brought about by the revised curriculum in classroom situations; • explore and exchange information regarding the similarities and differences between the education systems in all of the participantsʼ countries. HOW? The proposed programme will deliver the objectives by including: • meetings and talks with senior policy-makers involved in the design of the revised curriculum; • meetings and talks with advisers; • visits to schools to showcase good practice in the outworkings of such a huge curriculum change; • opportunities to meet and engage in discussion with teachers and pupils who are involved in the process of pedagogical change in the classroom; • time for participants to reflect on what they have seen and to share their own practice with one another. WHOM? • • • • • Directors of education and vocational training institutions, centres or providers; educational and vocational training inspectors; head teachers, teacher trainers; heads of departments; pedagogical or guidance advisers. Organiser(s): DOUGHERTY Uel South Eastern Education and Library Board Grahamsbridge Road BT 16 2HS Belfast Tel. +44- 28 90 56 65 93 Fax +44- 28 9056 6266/7 Email: [email protected] Website: WWW. – 230 CEDEFOP – STUDY VISITS ATTRACTIVENESS OF VOCATIONAL TRAINING Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply Reaching common objectives of VET in EU Group No: 374 Type of visit: VET 22/9/2008-26/9/2008 Izmir, Turkey Working language: English Number of places: 15 Minimum required: 10 EDUCATION AND TRAINING 2010 OBJECTIVES: 2.2. Making learning more attractive 3.5. Strengthening the European co-operation WHY? • To share common experiences and information in EU among entrepreneurs; • to raise the awareness of developing needs of vocational education; • to exchange ideas; • to develop attractiveness of vocational training; • to create common language in vocational training. The hosting institute is experienced in various EU projects. WHAT? Participants will: • share their experiences and skills on common objectives; • learn the strategies which they need to make technical training more attractive. HOW Participants will visit technical and vocational schools in Tire, Selçuk, Ödemiş, Bayındır and İzmir, including Tire industrial zone and its factories, Ödemiş MASTAŞ Company, Commercial Chamber of Tire, Tire Businessmen Enterprise. The roles of students and employees in technical and vocational training will be observed. WHOM? • • • • • • • • • • • Directors of education and vocational training institutions, centres or providers; directors of validation or accreditation centres; educational and vocational training inspectors; head teachers, teacher trainers; heads of departments; human resource managers; representatives of chambers of commerce/ industry/crafts; representatives of educational services, labour offices or guidance centres; representatives of employersʼ organisations; representatives of local, regional and national authorities; researchers. SHORT DESCRIPTION IN THE HOST COUNTRY’S LANGUAGE: Mesleki ve Teknik eğitimde cazibeyi artırmak için yapılan bu ev sahipliği organizasyonu için gerekli altyapı okulumuzda mevcuttur. Okulumuz çeşitli Avrupa Birliği projelerinde yeterli deneyime sahiptir. Bu yapılacak olan ev sahipliği organizasyonunda güçlü sosyal partnerlerimiz mevcuttur. Tire Organize Sanayi Bölgesinin güçlü bir yapısı olması ve Mesleki eğitime Tire ve çevresinde yoğun talep olması organizasyonda bizleri güçlü kılmaktadır. İzmir Yaşar Üniversitesi, Ankara Gazi Üniversitesi, Tire Organize Sanayi Bölgesi, Tire Ticaret Odası ile karşılıklı imzalanan protokoller ve gerçekleştirilen Mesleki fuar,sergi,panel, kurs ve seminer faaliyetleri ile bizleri bölgede etkili kılmaktadır. Organiser(s): USTUN Dr. Suleyman Tire Anatolian Technical High School Vocational High School for Industry 35900 Izmir Tel. +90 232 5121822 Fax +90 2325123576 Email: [email protected] WWW. CATALOGUE 2008-2009 231 ATTRACTIVENESS OF VOCATIONAL TRAINING Vocational education and training in a lifelong learning perspective Group No: 375 Type of visit: VET 13/10/2008-17/10/2008 Kayseri, Turkey Working language: English Number of places: 15 Minimum required: 10 EDUCATION AND TRAINING 2010 OBJECTIVES: 1.1. Improving education and training for teachers and trainers 3.5. Strengthening the European co-operation WHY? For better vocational education, it is important to know about vocational education systems in different European countries. Participants will present their systems to other participants. They will exchange their experiences and innovative ideas. They will study how they can learn from one anotherʼs ways of teaching vocational topics in their schools in a European dimension. Arif Molu vocational and technical high school is located at the centre of Kayseri which is one of the most industrialised cities in Turkey. The school has 1 150 pupils between 14-18 and four departments: ICT, machinery, textile and chemistry. We would like to invite a group from European countries interested in vocational education and training in a lifelong learning perspective to come to Kayseri for an exchange of know-how and ideas. WHAT? Participants will learn about: • vocational education systems of other European countries; • SVET project (strengthening vocational education and training system in Turkey) that has a budget of EUR 58 million, funded by European Union. HOW? Participants will: • visit some vocational schools, education directorate, vocational colleges and faculties, in Kayseri; • participate in lessons and mix with pupils; • observe on-the-job training in factories; • visit local authorities and learn about their studies. WHOM? Company training managers; directors of education and vocational training institutions, centres or providers; educational and vocational training inspectors; head teachers, teacher trainers; human resource managers; owners/managers of SMEs; representatives of chambers of commerce/ industry/crafts; representatives of educational services, labour offices or guidance centres; representatives of employersʼ organisations; representatives of local, regional and national authorities; representatives of trade unions. SHORT DESCRIPTION IN THE HOST COUNTRY’S LANGUAGE: Organiser(s): YUKSEL Yakup Arif Molu Vocational and Technical High School Kocasinan Bulvari No.111 38010 Kayseri Tel. +90 352 222 50 35 Fax +90 352 222 63 10 Email: [email protected] Hükümetimiz son yıllarda mesleki eğitime özel bir önem vermektedir. 2002 yılından itibaren Büyük kısmı AB tarafından finance edilen ve 58 milyon euro bütçeye sahip MEGEPʼin (Türkiyeʼde Mesleki Eğitimi Güçlendirilmesi Projesi) uygulanması ile meslek okullarının yapısı ve müfredatları yenilenmiş, yeni bir çehre kazanmıştır. Bu ziyaretle Avrupalı Eğitim Yöneticilerine MEGEP anlatılacak, değişik ülkelerin mesleki ve teknik eğitim sistemleri karşılaştırılacak, yenilikçi uygulamaların ve fikirlerin karşılıklı değişimine imkan sağlanacaktır. Katılımcılar meslek okullarında, fakültelerde incelemelerde bulunacak, makam ziyaretleri gerçekleştirecek, işletmeleri ziyaret edecektir. Bunun yanı sıra katılımcılarla ileride yapılması muhtemel ortaklık konuları görüşülecek ve ilk temelleri atılacaktır. WWW. 232 CEDEFOP – STUDY VISITS ATTRACTIVENESS OF VOCATIONAL TRAINING Transportation and storage Importance of cooperation to guide vocational education Group No: 376 Type of visit: VET 13/10/2008-17/10/2008 Trabzon, Turkey Working language: English Number of places: 15 Minimum required: 5 EDUCATION AND TRAINING 2010 OBJECTIVES: 2.2. Making learning more attractive 3.5. Strengthening the European co-operation WHY? More qualified personnel in a vocational field are necessary. A solution to the increasing unemployment problem is that people should be guided to vocational education according to their abilities and demands. Making vocational education attractive is very important, both in Turkey and the EU. Sürmene, known for its harbour, shipyard, naval science faculty, fishmongers, ship owners, kemençe (musical instrument), knives and nature has been the centre of maritime and navigational education for years. Sürmene navigation vocational high school and industrial vocational high school are vocational schools which train officers in navigation and sea vehicles. Most students educated in our schools choose navigation as a vocation because of the cooperation between institutions in Sürmene which constitutes a good example of practice. WHAT? Participants will: • learn about the structure of vocational education system and will have a chance to present their vocational educational systems; • see good examples of practice in navigation field. HOW? Participants will: • visit many institutions, including: Trabzon directorship of national education, Trabzon Anatolian vocational high school, industrial vocational high school, Black Sea Technical University, Sürmene naval science faculty, Sürmene Anatolian navigation vocational high school; • meet directors, students, teachers, experts and technical personnel through team work, group dynamics, and presentations. WHOM? Company training managers; directors of education and vocational training institutions, centres or providers; educational and vocational training inspectors; head teachers, teacher trainers; heads of departments; owners/managers of SMEs; representatives of local, regional and national authorities; researchers. SHORT DESCRIPTION IN THE HOST COUNTRY’S LANGUAGE: Organiser(s): ULUKAYA Ugur Surmene Anatolian Navigation Vocational High School and Industrial and Vocational High School 61600 Trabzon Tel. +90 462 7513100 Fax +90 462 7513161 Email: [email protected] Günümüzde kişileri ilgi ve kabiliyetlerine göre mesleki eğitime yönlendirmek oldukça önemli bir hal almıştır. Çünkü bu yolla bir yandan sanayi için kalifiye ara elamanlar yetişirken diğer yandan Avrupa ve ülkemizin öncelikli sorunlarından olan işsizlik sorununun önüne geçilebilecektir. Ayrıca kişiler ilgi ve kabiliyetlerine uygun olarak yönlendirildikleri bu işlerinde severek çalışarak daha başarılı ve mutlu olacaklardır. Trabzon’da mesleki eğitime, doğru yönlendirme sağlamak için Mesleki Eğitimi Geliştirme Projesi kapsamında Milli Eğitim Müdürlüğü bünyesinde Mesleki Bilgi Merkezi kurulmuştur. Bu merkezde öğrenci, öğretmen ve veliler tüm meslekler hakkında bilgi alabilmektedirler. Düzenlenecek olan Çalışma ziyareti sırasında mesleki bilgi merkezinin faaliyetleri gözlenecektir. Ayrıca bu merkez tarafından yönlendirilmiş öğrencilerin okulları ziyaret edilerek, ilgili meslek okullarının öğrenci, öğretmen ve idarecileriyle görüşmeler ve etkileşimli çalışmalar yapılacaktır. Sürmene Denizcilik alanında köklü bir geçmişi olan şirin bir Karadeniz ilçesidir. İlçe bünyesinde Denizcilik Fakültesinden, deniz bilimleri yüksek okuluna, tersaneden, limana, balıkçılık sektöründen, deniz taşımacılığı şirketlerine kadar denizcilik alanında çalışan kurumlar bulunmaktadır. Buna ilaveten Sürmene insanının deniz ve denizcilikle iç içe olduğu düşünülürse denizcilik alanının örnek alan olarak seçilmesi uygun olacaktır. Bu nedenle Çalışma ziyaretinin bir günü denizcilik alanına ayrılacak ve denizcilik alanındaki birçok kuruma ziyaret düzenlenecektir. WWW. – – – – – CATALOGUE 2008-2009 233 ATTRACTIVENESS OF VOCATIONAL TRAINING Vocational training constantly changing Group No: 377 Type of visit: Mixed 13/10/2008-17/10/2008 Cuenca, Spain Working language: English Number of places: 12 Minimum required: 7 EDUCATION AND TRAINING 2010 OBJECTIVES: 1.2. Developing skills for the knowledge society 3.1. Strengthening the links with working life and research and society at large WHY? We are at a turning point in which the catalogue of national professional qualifications is being adapted to the European context. As pointed out by the Lisbon strategy, the changing nature of society and work make more capabilities necessary, in addition to purely professional ones. There is a need to promote shared responsibility and involve social partners in lifelong learning. It is essential to improve the quality of education and training to construct a more open and dynamic society. The province of Cuenca has a strong rural component that vocational training can compensate by promoting competitiveness, economic growth and social cohesion. WHAT? The objectives of the visit are to: • know how vocational training is provided in the Spanish educational system and others and how to get it; • familiarise participants with the offer of vocational training certificates; • observe use of information and communication technology in vocational training, both in the centre and e-training; • check the level of employment of vocational training graduates and show how self-employment is promoted; • learn how integrated centres for vocational training are organised; • see management of quality in vocational training according to European standard UNE-EN ISO:2000; • exchange educational experiences, especially those involving innovation (distance learning, practice in companies, labour integration, transnational mobility, etc.). HOW? • By visiting training institutions that highlight some of the content; • by inviting representatives from the business community and trade unions to hear their views on vocational training; • by observing practice in companies and monitoring students; • by exchanging experiences with teachers, students and employers. WHOM? • • • • • • • Directors of education and vocational training institutions, centres or providers; educational and vocational training inspectors; head teachers, teacher trainers; heads of departments; human resource managers; representatives of chambers of commerce/ industry/crafts; representatives of trade unions. SHORT DESCRIPTION IN THE HOST COUNTRY’S LANGUAGE: Organiser(s): RODRÍGUEZ LAGUÍA Jaime Delegación Provincial de Educacción y Ciencia Avenida República Argentina, 16 16002 Cuenca Tel. +34- 969 17 63 53 Fax +34- 969 17 64 03 Email: [email protected] La visita de estudio quiere mostrar los aspectos más destacados de la formación profesional en España: la mejora de los equipamientos e instalaciones de los centros, los contactos con las empresas para la realización de las prácticas del alumnado, la vinculación de las enseñanzas al entorno productivo, la formación a distancia, el aumento de la movilidad transnacional a través de los programas europeos, el éxito de la inserción profesional del alumnado en puestos de trabajo adecuados a la formación recibida, la gestión de calidad de los centros, etc. Para ello, se favorecerá el encuentro con el profesorado, el alumnado, los empresarios y los interlocutores sociales a la vez que se conocen los centros formativos y la oferta educativa. WWW. 234 CEDEFOP – STUDY VISITS ATTRACTIVENESS OF VOCATIONAL TRAINING Accommodation and food service activities European dimension of vocational education and training Group No: 378 Type of visit: Mixed 13/10/2008-17/10/2008 Kielce, Poland Working language: English Number of places: 14 Minimum required: 7 EDUCATION AND TRAINING 2010 OBJECTIVES: 2.2. Making learning more attractive 3.5. Strengthening the European co-operation WHY? • European cooperation is a priority of the Polish educational system. • Hotel and catering are dynamic sectors in Poland due to easy access to all European Union countries. • Polish workforce is well qualified and is gaining more and more respect on the European market. • Swietokrzyski Region with the capital city Kielce is situated in the heart of Poland and is a good example of problems and expectations of vocational education and training in Poland. • Lifelong learning program and especially Leonardo da Vinci is a means to integrate the labour market in European Union. WHAT? Participants will: • learn about current vocational education policy in Poland in general and especially in hotel and catering; • learn about examples of good practice; • exchange experiences on vocational education policy; • learn from experiences of organisation and management in hotel and catering. HOW? Participants will visit: • regional educational authority in Kielce; • schools and vocational training centres; • Kielce international trade fairs – Gastro-Tech, Fair of gastronomy and food manufacturig equipment; • Kielce University of Technology; • institutions participating in LdV projects. WHOM? Organiser(s): DLUGOSZ Maciej Institution: Kuratorium Oswiaty w Kielcach Al. IX Wiekow Kielc 3 25-516 Kielce Tel. +48- 041 342 16 27 Fax +48- 041 344 88 83 Email: [email protected] • • • • • • • • • • • • • Company training managers; directors of education and vocational training institutions, centres or providers; directors of guidance centres; directors of validation or accreditation centres; educational and vocational training inspectors; head teachers, teacher trainers; heads of departments; human resource managers; representatives of chambers of commerce/ industry/crafts; representatives of education and training networks and associations; representatives of educational services, labour offices or guidance centres; representatives of employersʼ organisations; representatives of local, regional and national authorities. CATALOGUE 2008-2009 ATTRACTIVENESS OF VOCATIONAL TRAINING 235 Manufacturing Concentration and restructuring of training occupations in the textile and clothing industry Group No: 379 Type of visit: VET 20/10/2008-22/10/2008 Bayreuth, Bayern Germany Working language: English Number of places: 15 Minimum required: 10 EDUCATION AND TRAINING 2010 OBJECTIVES: 1.2. Developing skills for the knowledge society WHY? In Germany, about 1 400 companies in the textile and clothing industry employ 130 000 people in a number of occupations. Over the past years, the industry developed a new concept of a flexible traineeship which has also been supported in the new training regulation. WHAT? The participants will learn about: • new concept of the vocational and educational training in the textile and clothing industry; • current and newly developed occupations, e.g., textile production mechanic, product finisher, product designer, testing engineer, laboratory technician, manual tailor; • change to process orientation in the training regulations; • modification of the teaching methods and the form of examination; • adaptive training: Master of industries – textile; • virtual educational network for textile industry – ViBiNeT. HOW? • Presentations by experts and discussions at Confederation of the German Textile and Fashion Industry, Chambers of craft, industry and commerce; • visits to training centres and vocational training schools. WHOM? • • • • • • • • • • • • • Company training managers; directors of education and vocational training institutions, centres or providers; educational and vocational training inspectors; head teachers, teacher trainers; heads of departments; human resource managers; owners/managers of SMEs; representatives of chambers of commerce/ industry/crafts; representatives of education and training networks and associations; representatives of educational services, labour offices or guidance centres; representatives of employersʼ organisations; representatives of local, regional and national authorities; representatives of trade unions. SHORT DESCRIPTION IN THE HOST COUNTRY’S LANGUAGE: Organiser(s): SENA Katharina Nationale Agentur Bildung für Europa beim BiBB EU-Studienbesuchsprogramm Robert-Schuman-Platz 3 53175 Bonn Tel. +49-228- 107 16 47 Fax +49-228- 107 29 64 Email: [email protected] Die Textil- und Bekleidungswirtschaft in Deutschland zählt 130.000 Beschäftigte in ca. 1400 Betrieben und bietet somit vielseitige Berufsmöglichkeiten an. Die stets wachsenden Weltmärkte und permanente Produkt- und Prozessinnovationen haben einen großen Einfluss auf die gute Ausbildung von Nachwuchskräften. In den letzten Jahren wurde ein neues Gesamtkonzept für die Aus- und Weiterbildung in der Textilwirtschaft erarbeitet und umgesetzt. Der Wandel von einem funktionalem zu einem prozessorientierten Konzept in den Unternehmen wurde auch in den neuen Ausbildungsordnungen umgesetzt. Bayreuth ist die größte Stadt Oberfrankens heute eine moderne Wirtschafts-, Kongress- und Universitätsstadt auf dem Weg zum High-TechZentrum der Region. In der Nähe von Bayreuth liegt Münchberg, wo die Textil-Ausbildung sich bis ins Jahr 1854 zurückverfolgen lässt. Die Stadt bietet viele Ausbildungsmöglichkeiten in der beruflichen Erstausbildung und Weiterbildung für den Textil- und Modebereich. WWW. – – 236 CEDEFOP – STUDY VISITS ATTRACTIVENESS OF VOCATIONAL TRAINING Vocational training: target for youngsters? Group No: 380 Type of visit: VET 20/10/2008-23/10/2008 Bruges, Belgium Working language: English EDUCATION AND TRAINING 2010 OBJECTIVES: 2.2. Making learning more attractive WHY? Flanders currently has three part-time learning systems and the challenge is to: • gear the centres for learning and working to one another, so they become an alternative to full-time education; • create an appropriate preliminary trajectory oriented towards the labour market for every young person; • develop a fully-fledged training concept that combines learning and working in full-time vocational secondary education; • extend work placements. WHAT? Number of places: 15 Minimum required: 10 Participants will learn: • about different vocational training systems, particularly the types of part-time training; • how youngsters are activated and motivated for vocational education; • how the link between education and employment for low-educated and disadvantaged young people is established. HOW? The programme will consist of: • visits to government organisations, training centres and workplaces; • meeting trainers and trainees, policy-makers, representatives of unions and employersʼ organisations, heads of institutions, guidance counsellors; • looking at methods for motivating and mobilising all kinds of people to participate in training. WHOM? • • • • • • Directors of education and vocational training institutions, centres or providers; owners/managers of SMEs; representatives of education and training networks and associations; representatives of employersʼ organisations; representatives of local, regional and national authorities; representatives of trade unions. Organiser(s): TACK Freddy Departement Onderwijs Dienst Beroepsopleiding Hendrik Consciencegebouw Koning Albert II-laan 15 1210 Brussel Tel. +32-2- 553 87 01 Fax +32-2- 553 88 45 Email: [email protected] WWW. – – – – CATALOGUE 2008-2009 ATTRACTIVENESS OF VOCATIONAL TRAINING 237 Manufacturing Advantages of vocational training Group No: 381 Type of visit: VET 20/10/2008-24/10/2008 Kahramanmaraş Turkey Working language: English EDUCATION AND TRAINING 2010 OBJECTIVES: 1.4. Increasing recruitment to scientific and technical studies 2.2. Making learning more attractive WHY? Why vocational education is preferred to general education both in our country and European Union will be analysed. The advantages of vocational education will be presented to visitors and we will find out our shortcoming through information participants give about their institutions. As our country is a candidate of European Union, it is in rapid transformation. New modules are being applied after defining handicaps of vocational education. Making a vocational training school is happening in our city. We can see the building plot already dedicated and project is completed. In Turkey businessmen who build schools are exempt from tax. Some businessmen build their own schools to supply employees. WHAT? Number of places: 15 Minimum required: 7 Participants will see and examine: • innovation in cooperation between schools and industry, • foundation of campus system in vocational training, • employment guarantee, • adult education courses in vocational schools, • advantages of vocational education in our city and country, • education units founded by vocational schools in industries, • in-service training, • adapted education for new employees in these industries, • modules applied in vocational education, • guide modules and administration in VET, • employment courses for disadvantaged adults, • precautions against unemployment by vocational schools. HOW? Participants will: • see administration systems in vocational and technical institutions; • see modules and how often vocational and general subjects are taught; • look at the industries of different sectors and how these institutions supply qualified employees; • learn what kind of modules and education system is applied to adult employment courses; • see contributions of industries to education, how pre-work education is maintained, how proficiency education in industries is organised, how students take training periods in industries; • visit some guilds and trade chambers to show how these institutions work with VET. WHOM? Company training managers; directors of education and vocational training institutions, centres or providers; directors of guidance centres; directors of validation or accreditation centres; educational and vocational training inspectors; head teachers, teacher trainers; heads of departments; human resource managers; owners/managers of SMEs; pedagogical or guidance advisers; representatives of chambers of commerce/ industry/crafts; representatives of education and training networks and associations; representatives of educational services, labour offices or guidance centres; representatives of employersʼ organisations; representatives of local, regional and national authorities; representatives of trade unions; researchers. SHORT DESCRIPTION IN THE HOST COUNTRY’S LANGUAGE: Organiser(s): ALPKAYA Yeliz Kahramanmaraş National Education Directorate Yeni Şehir mah.Cahit Zarifoğlu cad 46060 Kahramanmaraş Tel. +90 50 56 80 40 77 Fax +90 344 22 43 54 63 Email: [email protected] Mesleki eğitimin avantajları başlığı altında gerçekleştirilecek bu ziyaret ile ülkemiz ile AB üye ülkeleri arasında bilgi alışverişi sağlanacak, kültürler arası diyaloğa katkıda bulunulacak, ziyaretçilerin ülkemizdeki eğitim alt yapısını, eğitim modelini ve mesleki eğitim uygulamalarını tanıma fırsatı yakalamaları sağlanacak. Mesleki eğitim sistemimizin kendi ülkelerindeki uygulamalarla örtüşen ve birbirinden ayrılan taraflarını görme imkanı ve farklı ve faydalı uygulamaları ülkelerine transfer etme fırsatı bulacaklardır. WWW. 238 CEDEFOP – STUDY VISITS ATTRACTIVENESS OF VOCATIONAL TRAINING Manufacturing Shoes and clothes industry – middle management and shoe design specialist training centre Group No: 382 Type of visit: Mixed 21/10/2008-23/10/2008 Nantes et Cholet, France Working language: English Number of places: 10 Minimum required: 5 EDUCATION AND TRAINING 2010 OBJECTIVES: 1.4. Increasing recruitment to scientific and technical studies 2.2. Making learning more attractive WHY? • To share good practices about training on shoes and clothes design specialists; • to get advice on how to face worldwide economic revolution through good cooperation between training centres and factory managers; • to undertake measures on a European basis to counterbalance human risks (unemployment) associated with over-importation from Asia. WHAT? • Visits to factories, famous shoe and clothesmakers headquarters; • meetings with students, with former students (almost 80% of our students get a job before they leave school), with middle management and decision-makers on curicula for initial and vocational training. HOW? Mainly visits to key players in the fashion industry in the last famous region for clothes, such as Catimini, Newman, etc. for textile and “noname”, “FreeLance” for shoes, etc. WHOM? • • • • • • • • • • Company training managers; human resource managers; owners/managers of SMEs; pedagogical or guidance advisers; representatives of chambers of commerce/ industry/crafts; representatives of education and training networks and associations; representatives of educational services, labour offices or guidance centres; representatives of employersʼ organisations; representatives of local, regional and national authorities; representatives of trade unions. SHORT DESCRIPTION IN THE HOST COUNTRY’S LANGUAGE: Ce projet pourrait être divisé en trois journées. Lʼune consacrée à la chaussure, lʼautre consacrée au textile, la troisième consacrée à des visites périphériques. La journée consacrée à la chaussure pourrait comporter une matinée de visite dʼentreprise en compagnie dʼanciens élèves et de responsables dʼentreprise ayant développé des relations pérennes avec lʼInstitut. Lʼaprès-midi pourrait être consacrée à la rencontre avec des élèves actuels, des enseignants et la découverte des outils pédagogiques. La journée consacrée au textile pourrait obéir à la même logique. La troisième journée sera consacrée à des visites et rencontres des dernières entreprises industrielles françaises du secteur de la mode faisant fabriquer en France. A lʼissue des trois journées : réflexion sur les enjeux pédagogiques de la mondialisation des activités de production de lʼindustrie de la mode. Une série de proposition dʼaxes de travail en commun des participants en vue de la réalisation de projets en commun. Organiser(s): INCHAUSPE Marie-Laurence ARCNAM des Pays de la Loire 25bis, boulevard Guy Mollet 44000 Nantes Tel. +33-2 40 16 10 96 Email: [email protected] WWW. CATALOGUE 2008-2009 ATTRACTIVENESS OF VOCATIONAL TRAINING 239 Construction The attraction of training in woodworking trades (cabinet makers, joiners, carpenters) in rural or mountain regions Group No: 383 Type of visit: Mixed 21/10/2008-24/10/2008 Embrun, France Working language: English Number of places: 15 Minimum required: 10 EDUCATION AND TRAINING 2010 OBJECTIVES: 3.1. Strengthening the links with working life and research and society at large 3.2. Developing the spirit of enterprise WHY? The socio-economic and geographical environment of rural and mountain regions is a driving force in the expansion and development of the wood sector. Acting on the basis of sustainable development, we are currently running an innovative partnership with companies in the design of ʻtraditional chaletsʼ to be built on the shores of the Serre-Ponçon Lake to develop the regionʼs appeal to tourism. Our experience and expertise in the woodworking sector and our designation as a ʻtrade schoolʼ have led us quite naturally to become involved in projects of this sort. Over the years, the ʻAlpes et Duranceʼ vocational training school has built up extensive links in the region with a number of different companies in the wood sector and is constantly launching training/enterprise partnership projects. The departmental headquarters of the Local School/Enterprise Liaison Committee is located in the school (liaison with professional sectors / building federations / employersʼ association). WHAT? • The increased use of wood in building is directly linked to sustainable development. • Development and diversification of the wood sector: familiarisation, integration of new technologies, the digital revolution in craft and industrial enterprises. • The ʻAlpes et Duranceʼ school, located in a rural, mountainous region, brings together a large number of firms in the wood sector. It is necessary to open the school to a wider debate on the future of training and the various trades. Our school trains 150 young people in woodworking trades at all levels (level V to III). • Traditions and the culture of the countryside the and mountains need to be respected, while at the same time taking account of economic developments and innovation. • The expansion and shared interest in the development of this sector (wood-energy, 1st transformation, 2nd transformation, renewable energy, sustainable development) is an aspect which countries in Europe must take into account. • Consideration must be given to the types of training and to the diplomas awarded. HOW? • Visits to institutions and enterprises offering training in the wood sector. • Meetings between the socio-economic partners of the project to build eco-friendly chalets around the Serre-Ponçon Lake. • Involvement of our school/regional partners: the ʻschool for entrepreneursʼ action to develop entrepreneurship in young people. • Guiding young people in Europe into this sector: motivation, types of guidance, received ideas on vocational training, involvement of parents, attractiveness and quality of training courses, routes to success, testimonies, career progression, training. • Type of training to be developed? Originality of dual qualification as a solution: linking training in the wood sector, seasonal factors, and the need to be competent in two trades: multi-tasking (example: carpenter in summer and ski instructor in winter: 50 students from the school). • New technologies and sustainable development are linked to the development of the wood sector (training, attachments, certification, evaluation). WHOM? Company training managers; directors of education and vocational training institutions, centres or providers; directors of guidance centres; educational and vocational training inspectors; owners/managers of SMEs; representatives of educational services, labour offices or guidance centres; researchers. Organiser(s): SHORT DESCRIPTION IN THE HOST COUNTRY’S LANGUAGE: REYNAUD Jean-François Lycée des Métiers Pluriactifs du bois et de l’Habitat en Montagne BP 92 05200 Embrun Tel. +33-4 92 43 13 04 Fax +33-4 92 43 50 77 Email: [email protected] La communication sʼeffectuera en priorité en Anglais. Nos collègues Italiens partenaires du lycée «Alpes et Durance» pourront également être sollicités. WWW. – – – www.lesmé – www.fibois04-05com 240 CEDEFOP – STUDY VISITS ATTRACTIVENESS OF VOCATIONAL TRAINING Accommodation and food service activities Attractiveness of vocational training for the hospitality and tourism industry Group No: 384 Type of visit: VET 3/11/2008-6/11/2008 Mersin, Turkey Working language: English Number of places: 15 Minimum required: 10 EDUCATION AND TRAINING 2010 OBJECTIVES: 2.2. Making learning more attractive 3.1. Strengthening the links with working life and research and society at large WHY? Apart from other industries, tourism is service intensive and requires a considerable amount of people, which in return helps to reduce unemployment. To gain a competitive advantage for hospitality and tourism organisations, an educated and well trained workforce is needed. Vocational education and training given by schools contributes to secure the needs of the private and public sectors. The aim of the study visit is to highlight the actions taken to improve the attractiveness of VET. 18-22 year olds are educated and trained in Selcuk University, post secondary vocational school of Silifke – Tasucu, in eight different majors since 1992. In addition, since 2004, four different LdV mobility placement projects have been implemented successfully and one of its academic staff has already attended two Cedefop study visits. The experience gained encouraged us to host such a study visit here in Tasucu. WHAT? The visit will focus on: • cooperation between the school system and working life; • national, regional and local initiatives to raise the attractiveness of VET. Participants will learn about: • the structure of the Turkish education and training system; • the role VET plays in tourism and hospitality industries; • activities and cooperation between VET institutions, SMEs and social partners. HOW? Visits to: • firms providing training; • vocational training schools; • chambers of trade and industry; • a regional vocational training centre. Participants will: • meet with parties involved in consortium heads and training managers; • meet teachers and students at their workplace; • meet representatives of enterprises and those benefiting from training; • talk to different stakeholders such as municipalities, policy-makers and providers; • look at good practices. WHOM? Directors of education and vocational training institutions, centres or providers; educational and vocational training inspectors; head teachers, teacher trainers; owners/managers of SMEs; pedagogical or guidance advisers; representatives of education and training networks and associations; representatives of educational services, labour offices or guidance centres; researchers. SHORT DESCRIPTION IN THE HOST COUNTRY’S LANGUAGE: Organiser(s): CEYINKAYA Ali Sukru Selcuk University, Post Secondary Vocational School of Silifke Tasucu 33900 Mersin Tel. +90 32 47 41 27 34 Fax +90 32 47 41 38 47 Email: [email protected] 03 – 06 Kasım 2008 tarihleri arasında, mesleki eğitimin çekiciliğini artırma başlığı altında bir çalışma ziyareti düzenlenmesine evsahipliği yapmak istiyoruz. Kurulduğu 1992 yılından bu yana 8 farklı bölümde eğitim ve öğretim veren kurumumuz, Avrupa Birliği Eğitim ve Geliştirme fonları destekli yürüttüğü LdV yerleştirme projeleri tecrübesi ve öğretim üyesinin çalışma ziyaretine katılma tecrübelerinden cesaretle, Avrupa Birliği üyesi birçok değişik ülkeden gelecek uzman konuklara Türk Mesleki Eğitim sistemini anlatma, kendi kurumumuzu tanıtma ve katılımcılarla iyi bir iletişim ortamı yaratmayı hedeflemekteyiz. WWW. CATALOGUE 2008-2009 241 ATTRACTIVENESS OF VOCATIONAL TRAINING How to attract young people to VET Group No: 385 Type of visit: Mixed 3/11/2008-7/11/2008 Chomutov Czech Republic Working language: English Number of places: 12 Minimum required: 8 EDUCATION AND TRAINING 2010 OBJECTIVES: 1.4. Increasing recruitment to scientific and technical studies 3.1. Strengthening the links with working life and research and society at large WHY? Too many young people drop out of initial education and training before they have qualified in a chosen profession. One main reason is they have no concrete idea of the chosen profession. Many never work in their original profession and here is a shortage of skilled workers and technical staff. This kind of education is being lost. Initial vocational education and training, continuing VET and universities cater for the needs of the private and public sectors for a skilled workforce. The needs were identified and specified with employers (the Economic Chamber), employment offices, regional authorities and heads of VET schools. There is a shortage of technical staff and craftsmen (tooler, bricklayer, electrician, cabinet-maker, upholsterer). VET schools are often not full and pupils at basic schools are not interested in these professions. WHAT? The core objective is to learn about cooperation among schools for pupils aged 6-15, two of three types of secondary schools (secondary technical schools and secondary vocational schools) and working life in the Czech Republic. Participants will hear about the social partners role in developing vocational education for all young people and will discuss how to support the effort to attract more students to VET. We are going to compare the problem in different countries and look for examples of good practice. Participants will be asked to play an active role in some seminars and workshops with Czech career officers. HOW? • • • • • • Meeting and talking to VET specialists at secondary schools; visiting schools for pupils aged 6-15 and meeting educational advisers of secondary schools; seminar with the job centre specialist; meeting with experts that help students with their first job; visiting local companies, factories, a power station and to an open-cast mine; participation in the secondary school exhibition – VET FAIR. WHOM? Directors of education and vocational training institutions, centres or providers; directors of guidance centres; educational and vocational training inspectors; head teachers, teacher trainers; pedagogical or guidance advisers; representatives of education and training networks and associations; representatives of educational services, labour offices or guidance centres; representatives of employersʼ organisations; representatives of local, regional and national authorities. SHORT DESCRIPTION IN THE HOST COUNTRY’S LANGUAGE: Organiser(s): HONS Miloslav Základní škola Chomutov Na Příkopech 895 430 02 Chomutov Tel. +420- 474 65 14 18 Fax +420- 474 65 14 18 Email: [email protected] Stručný obsah projektu: Projekt vychází z potřeb trhu práce, které jsme identifikovali a specifikovali se zaměstnavateli (hospodářské komory krajů Ústeckého, Moravskoslezského, Vysočina a Libereckého), úřady práce (Most, Brno), krajskými úřady a se středními školami. Ze zkušeností těchto institucí a z analytických dat můžeme jednoznačně konstatovat, že na trhu práce chybí odborní techničtí (řemeslní) pracovníci (strojaři, obráběči, zedníci, elektrikáři, truhláři, čalouníci,….). Se stejným problémem se potýkají také krajské rady pro rozvoj lidských zdrojů a je to aktuálním tématem jejich práce nejen na krajské, ale také na celorepublikové úrovni. Tyto pracovníky poptávají a aktivně po středních školách požadují firmy a podniky. Školy ovšem těmto požadavkům nemohou vycházet vstříc, protože se jim nedaří naplňovat požadované technické (řemeslné) obory. Žáci ZŠ se na tyto obory nehlásí. Ve společnosti jsou tyto obory „nepopulární“. Žáci ZŠ mají mnohdy špatné a nereálné představy o svém budoucím povolání a pracovním uplatnění. Podceňují řemeslné obory a přeceňují nespecifické obory (manažer, podnikatel,…). Je to jednak z důvodu nedostatku informací o podobě pracovního uplatnění po absolvování SOU, charakteru práce, mzdových možnostech atd. Cílem studijní návštěvy je představit způsoby prezentace a popularizace zmíněných oborů v našem regionu a v celé ČR. Porovnat tuto problematiku v různých zemích, získat vzájemnou představu o možných způsobech řešení. Získat i konkrétní návody a řešení. Příklady úspěšné praxe. Studijní návštěva je záměrně organizována v uvedeném termínu. Je to doba, kdy je pořádáno nejvíce akcí, kde se jednotlivé školy představují. WWW. 242 CEDEFOP – STUDY VISITS ATTRACTIVENESS OF VOCATIONAL TRAINING Disseminating scientific and technical culture Group No: 386 Type of visit: Mixed 4/11/2008-6/11/2008 Nantes, France Working language: English Number of places: 10 Minimum required: 5 EDUCATION AND TRAINING 2010 OBJECTIVES: 1.4. Increasing recruitment to scientific and technical studies 2.2. Making learning more attractive WHY? To learn how to: • build an efficient platform for collaboration with a shopping center and an exhibition center; • write good press documents for newsmen; • communicate through TV and radio. WHAT? Visit and meet 10 key players in the sciences and technology dissemination field. All 10 top deciders belong to four categories: • science labs; • public spaces such as shopping centres, museums, etc; • media such as TV, radio, magazines; • policy-makers (local and regional). HOW? Mainly visits to labs, TV studios, shopping centres, regional palace, etc. WHOM? Company training managers; directors of education and vocational training institutions, centres or providers; directors of guidance centres; directors of validation or accreditation centres; educational and vocational training inspectors; head teachers, teacher trainers; heads of departments; human resource managers; owners/managers of SMEs; pedagogical or guidance advisers; representatives of chambers of commerce/ industry/crafts; representatives of education and training networks and associations; representatives of educational services, labour offices or guidance centres; representatives of employersʼ organisations; representatives of local, regional and national authorities; representatives of trade unions. SHORT DESCRIPTION IN THE HOST COUNTRY’S LANGUAGE: Ce projet consiste à présenter à des organisateurs de manifestations scientifiques des méthodes efficaces de médiatisation de résultats de la recherche. Les méthodes marketing de «mise en marché» de lʼinformation seront exposées selon quatre points de vue. Les gestionnaires de laboratoire scientifique. Les gestionnaires dʼéquipement ouverts au public tels que musées ou centre commercial. Les gestionnaires de médias tels que TV, radio, magazine Les gestionnaires politiques: un élu local et un élu régional. Lʼensemble de ces points de vue permettra dʼexpliquer les raisons du succès de la politique de dissémination de la culture scientifique et technique en Pays de la Loire. Des informations relatives au partage des attributions et responsabilités entre les services de lʼEtat, de la Région, des villes et de lʼARCNAM contribueront à éclairer les raisons de ce succès. Organiser(s): INCHAUSPE Marie-Laurence ARCNAM des Pays de la Loire 25bis, boulevard Guy Mollet 44000 Nantes Tel. +33-2 40 16 10 96 Email: [email protected] WWW. CATALOGUE 2008-2009 243 ATTRACTIVENESS OF VOCATIONAL TRAINING The dual vocational training system in Austria – vocational schools and the world of work in context Group No: 387 Type of visit: VET 17/11/2008-21/11/2008 Graz, Leibnitz Austria Working language: English Number of places: 20 Minimum required: 12 EDUCATION AND TRAINING 2010 OBJECTIVES: 3.1. Strengthening the links with working life and research and society at large 3.5. Strengthening the European co-operation WHY? To increase awareness of the deficit in skilled workers forecast in general vocational training by 2010 and counteract the trends, using the Austrian vocational training organisations as an example: vocational schools, Karl-Franzens University Graz, Teacher Training College Graz, middle and higher vocational schools, institutes providing further training, companies that provide apprenticeships, the Steiermark Chamber of Commerce at Leibnitz/Graz is very centrally located in relation to Slovenia, Hungary, Croatia and Graz Thalerhof Airport. WHAT? • • • • • Presentation on vocational training in Austria; presentation of commercial and industrial skilled trades; understanding the organisation of vocational training and teaching methods; presentation of integrated vocational training; further training as part of the Berufsreifeprüfung (an examination which provides unrestricted access to post secondary and tertiary educational institutions). HOW? • Presentations by speakers from education and industry; • visits to schools and companies. WHOM? Company training managers; directors of education and vocational training institutions, centres or providers; directors of guidance centres; educational and vocational training inspectors; head teachers, teacher trainers; human resource managers; owners/managers of SMEs; representatives of chambers of commerce/ industry/crafts; representatives of education and training networks and associations; representatives of educational services, labour offices or guidance centres; representatives of employersʼ organisations; representatives of local, regional and national authorities; representatives of trade unions. SHORT DESCRIPTION IN THE HOST COUNTRY’S LANGUAGE: Das Seminar ist für alle gedacht, die im Bereich der Berufsausbildung tätig sind. In den verschiedenen Abschnitten des Seminars wird Ihnen das duale Berufsausbildungssystem vorgestellt. Sie bekommen einen Einblick in die Organisation der kaufmännischen und gewerblichen Berufsausbildung im Betrieb wie in der Berufsschule. Durch Unterrichtsbesuche haben Sie die Möglichkeit, auch in den praktischen Teil Einblick zu bekommen. Ein immer größer werdender Teil der Berufsausbildung läuft integrativ, und auch dieses System wird Ihnen vorgestellt. Weiters wird auch die Durchlässigkeit des Berufsbildungssystems in Richtung Berufsreifeprüfung und Studium dargelegt. Bei Betriebsbesichtigungen können Sie die Jugendlichen und die Lehrlingsausbildner/Lehrlingsausbildnerinnen in der Arbeitswelt erleben. In einem Diskussionsplenum mit Vertretern der Schulaufsicht, DirektorenInnen, Lehrerkräften, SchülerInnen und Lehrlingsverantwortlichen sowie weiteren Berufsausbildungsexperten soll ein reger Gedankenaustausch zu diesem Thema folgen. Organiser(s): KASTENHUBER-JAKOPEH Martina Mag. Martina Kastenhuber-Jakopeh Barthold-Stürgkh-Straße 7-9 8490 Bad Radkersburg Tel. +43- 67 67 54 73 11 Email: [email protected] WWW. 244 CEDEFOP – STUDY VISITS ATTRACTIVENESS OF VOCATIONAL TRAINING Wholesale & retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles Training and further training in the automotive field Group No: 388 Type of visit: VET 16/2/2009-18/2/2009 Bonn, Germany Working language: English Number of places: 15 Minimum required: 10 EDUCATION AND TRAINING 2010 OBJECTIVES: 1.2. Developing skills for the knowledge society WHY? A combination of mechanics and electronics in the automotive engineering, new technologies, growing requirements of the market, an increased customer orientation and services have a decisive influence on training of skilled personnel in the automotive field, which bring new occupational structures. The five new occupations offered by companies combine mechanic and electronic skills with customer service skills. To support these occupations, new examinations were established. WHAT? The participants will learn about: • five occupations in the automotive sector: mechatrician, two-wheel mechanic, body and motor vehicle construction mechanic, mechanic for body maintenance and mechanic for agricultural implements; • new form of examination; • career opportunities in the sector: automotive service technician, master automotive technician, mechanical engineer. HOW? • Expertsʼ presentations and discussions at Federal Institute for Vocational Training, chamber of industry and commerce, chamber of crafts; • meetings with social partnersʼ representatives; • visits to companies and vocational training schools. WHOM? Company training managers; directors of education and vocational training institutions, centres or providers; educational and vocational training inspectors; head teachers, teacher trainers; heads of departments; owners/managers of SMEs; representatives of chambers of commerce/ industry/crafts; representatives of education and training networks and associations; representatives of employersʼ organisations; representatives of local, regional and national authorities; representatives of trade unions. SHORT DESCRIPTION IN THE HOST COUNTRY’S LANGUAGE: Die enge Verknüpfung von Mechanik und Elektronik in der Fahrzeugtechnik, neue Technologien, wachsende Marktanforderungen, steigende Kundenorientierung und damit verbundene Zunahme von Servicetätigkeiten haben einen enormen Einfluss auf die Ausbildung von Fachkräften in der Kfz-Branche. Um den Entwicklungen gerecht zu werden, wurden die fahrzeugtechnischen Berufe neu geordnet. Die Zusammenführung von mechanischen und elektrischen Fertigkeiten sowie die Vermittlung von kundenbezogenen Dienstleistungen verknüpft mit technischen Tätigkeiten ermöglichen Leistungen aus einer Hand. Die Unternehmen können in fünf neuen Berufen ausbilden. Im Verlauf der Neuordnung wurde auch eine neue Prüfungsform eingeführt. Organiser(s): SENA Katharina Nationale Agentur Bildung für Europa beim BiBB EUStudienbesuchsprogramm Robert-Schuman-Platz 3 53175 Bonn Tel. +49-228- 107 16 47 Fax +49-228- 107 29 64 Email: [email protected] WWW. – – CATALOGUE 2008-2009 245 ATTRACTIVENESS OF VOCATIONAL TRAINING The way to vocational training Group No: 389 Type of visit: Mixed 20/4/2009-24/4/2009 Jerez de la Frontera Spain Working language: English Number of places: 15 Minimum required: 6 EDUCATION AND TRAINING 2010 OBJECTIVES: 1.1. Improving education and training for teachers and trainers 2.2. Making learning more attractive WHY? We consider this issue of great importance, provided the qualification offered by vocational training centres allows students to access the labour market in a short period of time. This social and economic development requires professionals with an adequate qualification, usually offered by vocational training centres. WHAT? Participants will: • learn how teachers and trainers are involved in educational policies, in detecting what is needed, planning their working and learning strategies and activities and taking part in the process of self-learning; • participate in working groups, exchange examples of good practice and experiences from their own countries. HOW? Participants will: • visit training institutions; • observe vocational students in their environment; • meet and talk to students at training centres; • look at the strong and weak aspects of the system and the factors for success or failure; • hear and exchange different opinions on the training system. WHOM? Directors of education and vocational training institutions, centres or providers; directors of validation or accreditation centres; educational and vocational training inspectors; head teachers, teacher trainers; pedagogical or guidance advisers; representatives of chambers of commerce/ industry/crafts; representatives of education and training networks and associations; representatives of educational services, labour offices or guidance centres; representatives of local, regional and national authorities. SHORT DESCRIPTION IN THE HOST COUNTRY’S LANGUAGE: Queremos ofrecer una visión general de la Formación Profesional en el sistema educativo español, con la peculiaridad de su desarrollo en la Comunidad Autónoma de Andalucía: organización, funcionamiento, oferta educativa. Dada la importancia de las profesiones relacionadas con las actividades agrarias en la zona en la que se va a lleva a cabo la visita de estudios, haremos especial hincapié en la formación profesional relacionada con esta familia profesional. Organiser(s): DOMINGUEZ RODRIGUEZ José Juan Centro de Profesores de Jerez Alameda Cristina, 11-2ª planta 11403 Jerez de la Frontera Tel. +34- 856 814 303 Fax +34- 856 814 291 Email: [email protected] WWW. – 246 CEDEFOP – STUDY VISITS ATTRACTIVENESS OF VOCATIONAL TRAINING Diversity: improving qualifications and sustainable development Group No: 390 Type of visit: VET 4/5/2009-8/5/2009 Porto, Portugal Working language: English Number of places: 15 Minimum required: 8 EDUCATION AND TRAINING 2010 OBJECTIVES: 2.2. Making learning more attractive 3.1. Strengthening the links with working life and research and society at large WHY? One key area of the Portuguese educational policy is to make secondary education the minimum qualification for all (12 years of schooling). The strategies to achieve this goal are the diversification of qualifying vocational training opportunities and the increase of the number of places on vocational courses within the public and private network. The Northern Authority for the Education represents one third of the school population in the country but the region faces lack of qualified workforce to respond to the demands of industrial and commercial associations as well as of small and medium enterprises located in the north. WHAT? Participants will: • perceive the strong link between vocational secondary education and the professional world; • understand the relation of the profile of the student with the focus of the training process on the development of skills; • recognise the importance of networking and cooperation with the local business community; • compare the private vocational schools with the vocational courses in state schools (both vocational and secondary schools). HOW? • By visiting vocational schools (both private and state schools) and secondary schools; • by observing school activities; • by meeting and interacting with the school director, the management staff, teachers, trainers and students; • by participating in workshops or seminars. WHOM? Directors of education and vocational training institutions, centres or providers; educational and vocational training inspectors; head teachers, teacher trainers; heads of departments; pedagogical or guidance advisers; representatives of education and training networks and associations; representatives of local, regional and national authorities. SHORT DESCRIPTION IN THE HOST COUNTRY’S LANGUAGE: Um dos principais objectivos da Política Educativa Portuguesa é que o ensino secundário seja a qualificação mínima de todos os cidadãos portugueses. A consecução deste propósito é consubstanciada pela diversificação das ofertas de qualificação profissional e pelo o aumento de vagas nas escolas profissionais, públicas e privadas. A Direcção Regional de Educação do Norte representa um terço da população escolar do pais, mas a região norte ressente-se da falta de mão de obra especializada. Organiser(s): XAVIER Ana Direcção Regional de Educação do Norte Rua António Carneiro, 8 4349003 Porto Tel. +351- 225 191 100 Fax +351- 225 191 123 Email: [email protected] WWW. – CATALOGUE 2008-2009 247 ATTRACTIVENESS OF VOCATIONAL TRAINING Cooperation between school, higher education and working life in a changing learning environment Focus on the Swedish health care programme and the child and recreation programme Group No: 391 Type of visit: VET 11/5/2009-15/5/2009 Västerås, Sweden EDUCATION AND TRAINING 2010 OBJECTIVES: 2.2. Making learning more attractive 3.1. Strengthening the links with working life and research and society at large WHY? Participants will get acquainted with the new Swedish upper secondary school reform within the care sector in general and in particular how community schools work in the city of Västerås. Focus will be set on the cooperation with the local university, the local hospital, municipality and independent providers of elderly care and pre-schools. WHAT? Working language: English Number of places: 15 Minimum required: 7 The main topics in the study visit will be the following: • situation in the care sector in Sweden and Västerås; • comparison between Sweden and the participantsʼ countries; • the organisation of education and training in Västerås; • The organisation of work placements; • the role of apprenticeship in upper secondary education; • validation; • multi- agency approach - cooperation between Upper Secondary Schools, hospitals, elderly care homes, kindergartens etc.; • networks of cooperation within the county of Västmanland. HOW? The focus will be set on the following: • exchange of experience and examples of good practice; • visits to upper secondary schools in the city of Västerås; • visits to hospitals, elderly-care homes, kindergartens and other places where pupils go for their work experience; • visits to the university of Mälardalen, MDH (Mälardalens högskola); • visits to the Västerås adult education centre; • lectures about different projects and teaching methodology; • presentation of the methods of cooperation in the care sector in the county of Västmanland; • meeting and discussions with pupils, students and teachers. WHOM? Company training managers; directors of education and vocational training institutions, centres or providers; directors of validation or accreditation centres; educational and vocational training inspectors; head teachers, teacher trainers; heads of departments; human resource managers; owners/managers of SMEs; pedagogical or guidance advisers; representatives of education and training networks and associations; representatives of educational services, labour offices or guidance centres; representatives of employersʼ organisations; representatives of local, regional and national authorities; representatives of trade unions; researchers. SHORT DESCRIPTION IN THE HOST COUNTRY’S LANGUAGE: Organiser(s): Studiebesöket kommer att fokusera på hur omvårdnadsprogrammet och Barn och fritidsprogrammet kommer att förändras i och med den nya Gymnasiereformen 2009. Dessutom kommer besöket att handla om hur OP-programmet i Västerås samarbetar med Mälardalens högskola, Komvux, samt landstinget i Västmanland samt äldreomsorgen, både de kommunala och privata aktörerna. Västerås är också i startgroparna med att starta ett Omvårdnadscollege och hur arbetat med detta gått till kommer också att behandlas. Även den för Sverige nya lärlingsutbildningen, där Västerås har startat redan ht-2008 kommer att redogöras för. Vad gäller BF-programmet kommer studiebesök att göras på olika förskolor, förskollärareutbildningen mm. Ett fokus kommer också att ligga på hur APU går till inom resp. program, hur handledarutbildningar sker, samt vilka samarbeten som sker mellan de bägge programmen. JOHANSSON Anders Carlforsska Upper secondary school ProAros GymnasieVuxenutbildning 72187 Västerås Tel. +46- 21 39 07 04 Fax +46- 21 39 07 10 Email: [email protected] WWW. 248 CEDEFOP – STUDY VISITS ATTRACTIVENESS OF VOCATIONAL TRAINING Vocational training – a way to employment Group No: 392 Type of visit: Mixed 11/5/2009-15/5/2009 Toledo, Spain Working language: English Number of places: 12 Minimum required: 8 EDUCATION AND TRAINING 2010 OBJECTIVES: 2.2. Making learning more attractive 3.5. Strengthening the European co-operation WHY? The Government of Castilla-La Mancha is making a lot of effort in promoting good-quality vocational training for young people to have easier access to the labour market. So, in the last years there has been significant demand from students who want to attend initial and higher specific vocational training whose job opportunities are guaranteed. WHAT? During the study visit the participants will: • get an overview of Spanish education and training system; • observe in situ some good practice examples in vocational training; • share and contrast their own reality and experiences; • contact other professionals of vocational training to set up future European collaborations in the framework of LLP. HOW? • • • • • Official receptions by local and regional authorities; visits to different schools representing all educational stages; meetings and interviews with vocational trainers and students; visits to companies where students are doing their work experience; workshops to analyse information and put in common participantsʼ estimations to draw up the group report; • cultural events and tourist visits. WHOM? • • • • • • • Directors of education and vocational training institutions, centres or providers; educational and vocational training inspectors; head teachers, teacher trainers; heads of departments; pedagogical or guidance advisers; representatives of education and training networks and associations; representatives of local, regional and national authorities. SHORT DESCRIPTION IN THE HOST COUNTRY’S LANGUAGE: Organiser(s): ZAMARRENO Natividad GARCIA GALAN Francisco José Delegación Provincial de Educación y Ciencia Avda. Europa, 26 45003 Toledo Tel. +34- 925 28 89 10 Fax +34- 925 28 89 10 Email: [email protected] Dentro del Proyecto Educativo de Castilla-La Mancha se está poniendo gran empeño en promover una Formación Profesional de calidad que permita a los jóvenes tener más fácil acceso al mercado de trabajo. Así, en los últimos años se ha venido incrementando notablemente la demanda de alumnos que quieren cursar Ciclos de Grado Medio y Superior cuya salida laboral está garantizada. Durante la visita de estudio los participantes podrán compartir y contrastar sus propias realidades y experiencias, así como acercarse al Sistema Educativo español y observar in situ algunos ejemplos de buenas prácticas desarrollados en el campo de la Formación Profesional. Se celebrarán reuniones de trabajo y entrevistas con profesores y alumnos de diferentes centros educativos, se visitará alguna empresa donde dichos alumnos realizan sus prácticas profesionales y se fomentará la intercomunicación de todos los participantes para establecer relaciones que conduzcan a futuras colaboraciones en la realización de proyectos educativos europeos en el ámbito del P.A.P. WWW. CATALOGUE 2008-2009 249 ORIENTATION ET CONSEIL TOUT AU LONG DE LA VIE Structures intégrées d’orientation, insertion et évolution à tout âge Numéro de groupe: 393 Type de visite: Mixte 16/9/2008-19/9/2008 Paris, France Langue de travail: français Nombre de places: 14 Minimum requis: 6 OBJECTIFS EDUCATION ET FORMATION 2010: 2.3. Favoriser la citoyenneté active, lʼégalité des chances et la cohésion sociale POURQUOI? La formation tout au long de la vie est une priorité européenne forte qui nécessite la mise en place dʼoutils susceptibles de donner aux citoyens lʼenvie et les moyens de choisir leur orientation, organiser leur parcours de formation, évoluer, voire changer leur métier, entreprendre des démarches de mobilité. Or, le cloisonnement entre le système sʼoccupant des jeunes scolaires et celui sʼoccupant des adultes nuit à lʼémergence et à la réalisation de projets personnels. La complexité de guichets organisés par type de public ne favorise pas lʼanticipation. Le concept de Cité des métiers a été créé par la Cité des sciences et de lʼindustrie voici 14 ans comme outil dʼaccompagnement et dʼanticipation des mutations technologiques. Depuis lors, diverses institutions (régions, villes, chambres consulaires, etc.) se sont emparé du concept pour créer des cités des métiers dans différents contextes territoriaux. Les 25 Cités des métiers existant à ce jour (dont 20 en Europe) constituent des structures intégrées qui améliorent la lisibilité et lʼappropriation des dispositifs liés à lʼaccès dʼemploi au diplôme ou à la formation. Elles permettent de mieux faire le lien entre objectifs dʼinsertion, de mobilité et développement de compétences. Cʼest pourquoi il paraît intéressant pour des décideurs soucieux de renforcer la cohésion territoriale comme pour des professionnels de découvrir dʼautres modes de fonctionnement en visitant la Cité des métiers de La Villette qui a servi de modèle aux différentes déclinaisons territoriales du label, en découvrant dʼautres structures intégrées, en rencontrant les principaux acteurs institutionnels et les professionnels du champ de la formation et de lʼorientation ainsi que des publics bénéficiaires. QUOI? • Découvrir et comprendre lʼintérêt de lieux intégrés dʼorientation et dʼévolution professionnelle à tout âge et pour tout public pour anticiper et accompagner les mutations; • analyser leur mode dʼorganisation, leurs offres et leurs publics; • pouvoir les comparer avec dʼautres dispositifs dʼaccueil, information et orientation plus segmentés. COMMENT? • En visitant deux Cités des métiers, en observant et en comparant leur fonctionnement et en rencontrant des utilisateurs; • en analysant les points forts et points faibles et en échangeant avec les dirigeants et les équipes de conseillers professionnels; • en situant ces Cités dans le contexte de la formation tout au long de la vie, dans leur relation à lʼemploi et à la création/reprise dʼactivités grâce à des tables rondes et rencontres avec les acteurs; • en échangeant avec les responsables des dispositifs concernés sur la pertinence de ces lieux intégrés comparativement aux systèmes fragmentés habituels ou à des guichets uniques traditionnels. POUR QUI? Organisateur(s): THOMAS Bernadette Cité des Métiers de la Cité des Sciences et de l’Industrie 30, avenue Corentin-Cariou 75930 Paris Cedex 19 Tel. +33-1 40 05 72 05 Fax +33-1 40 05 79 76 Email: [email protected] Directeurs d΄institutions, de centres ou de prestataires d΄enseignement et de formation professionnels; directeurs de centres d΄orientation; directeurs de centres de validation; représentants de chambres de commerce/d΄industrie/d΄artisanat; représentants de réseaux et d΄associations d΄enseignement et de formation; représentants de services éducatifs, d΄agences pour l΄emploi ou de centres d΄orientation; représentants d΄organisations d΄employeurs; représentants des autorités locales, régionales et nationales; représentants des syndicats; chercheurs. WWW. – – – – 250 CEDEFOP – STUDY VISITS ORIENTATION ET CONSEIL TOUT AU LONG DE LA VIE Orienter, informer et conseiller: répondre aux nouvelles attentes Numéro de groupe: 394 Type de visite: EFP OBJECTIFS EDUCATION ET FORMATION 2010: 2.3. Favoriser la citoyenneté active, lʼégalité des chances et la cohésion sociale 3.1. Renforcer les liens avec le monde du travail, la recherche et la société dans son ensemble POURQUOI? 15/10/2008-17/10/2008 Paris, France Langue de travail: français Nombre de places: 12 Minimum requis: 7 La France se caractérise par un paysage complexe en matière dʼorientation, dʼinformation et de conseil sur la formation professionnelle continue. Ce paysage reflète le modèle de formation professionnelle français marqué par une multiplicité dʼacteurs, de catégories de public (et donc dʼapproches), de modes de financement, etc. Aujourdʼhui, les différentes composantes de ce système dʼorientation et de conseil doivent sʼadapter et, comme pour la formation et lʼéducation, se décliner tout au long de la vie. En outre, lʼindividualisation des parcours de formation et le besoin accru de mobilité professionnelle concourent à créer de nouvelles attentes en matière de conseil et dʼorientation. QUOI? Cette visite dʼétude permettra aux participants: • de découvrir les différentes composantes du système français dʼorientation, dʼinformation et de conseil sur la formation professionnelle continue; • de se familiariser avec les moyens et méthodes utilisés en France en matière de prévision, de prospective sur les métiers et les qualifications; • de montrer les pratiques innovantes en matière de conseil et dʼorientation des individus; • de réfléchir aux enjeux de la réforme de la formation professionnelle au regard du conseil et de lʼorientation. COMMENT? • En discutant avec des conseillers et des représentants de pouvoirs publics; • en visitant des organismes spécialisés en matière de prévision et de prospective sur les métiers et sur les qualifications; • en présentant différents outils répondant aux nouvelles attentes en matière de conseil et dʼorientation. La visite dʼétude permettra à chaque participant de se présenter en fonction du thème de la visite dʼétude et alternera les visites sur site et les interventions dʼexperts ou de praticiens. POUR QUI? Organisateur(s): MONTAY-VERSAEVEL Marie-Paule RACINE 73/77 rue Pascal 75013 Paris Tel. +33- 144 08 65 10 Fax +33- 144 08 65 11 Email: [email protected] Website: • Responsables de la formation professionnelle en entreprise; • directeurs d΄institutions, de centres ou de prestataires d΄enseignement et de formation professionnels; • directeurs de centres d΄orientation; • responsables des ressources humaines; • propriétaires/administrateurs de PME; • conseillers pédagogiques ou d΄orientation; • représentants de chambres de commerce/d΄industrie/d΄artisanat; • représentants de services éducatifs, d΄agences pour l΄emploi ou de centres d΄orientation; • représentants d΄organisations d΄employeurs; • représentants des autorités locales, régionales et nationales; • représentants des syndicats. WWW. – – – – CATALOGUE 2008-2009 251 LEBENSLANGE BERATUNG UND ORIENTIERUNG Bildungs- und Berufsberatung in Österreich Gruppennummer: 395 Art des Besuches: Berufsbildung 5/11/2008-7/11/2008 Innsbruck, Österreich Arbeitssprache: Deutsch Anzahl der Teilnehmerplätze: 15 Erforderliche Mindestanzahl: 12 ZIELE VON „ALLGEMEINE UND BERUFLICHE BILDUNG 2010“: 1.5. Bestmögliche Nutzung der Ressourcen 2.2. Lernen muss attraktiver werden WARUM? Bildungs- und Berufsberatung werden als Schlüsselelemente von Strategien für lebenslanges Lernen und für die Erreichung der Lissabon-Ziele verstanden. Sie sind somit zu einem zentralen Aspekt bei der Politikkonzeption geworden. In Österreich wurden entsprechende Strategien und Konzepte entwickelt, um Bildungs- und Berufsberatung zu optimieren. Ein gutes Beispiel für eine gelungene Konzeptumsetzung ist die Studien- und Berufsinformationsmesse (BeST), bei der jährlich tausende Jugendliche gezielt und umfassend beraten werden. Ziel der Messe – die im Herbst 2008 in Innsbruck stattfindet – ist es, AbsolventInnen, Studierende, MaturantInnen, Lehrlinge, SchülerInnen und jene, die in neue Berufsfelder wechseln wollen, aus erster Hand über Berufschancen, Jobmöglichkeiten, Aus-, Fort- und Weiterbildungsangebote und die verschiedenen Aussichten in den einzelnen Berufsfeldern zu informieren. WAS? Folgende Themen werden aufgezeigt und diskutiert: • das österreichische Berufsbildungssystem; • Strategien und Konzepte der Bildungs- und Berufsberatung in Österreich und Europa; • Angebote im Bereich der Bildungs- und Berufsberatung für verschiedene Zielgruppen; • Vorstellung von innovativen Bildungs- und Berufsberatungsangeboten; • Programme zur Bewertung von erworbenen Kompetenzen zur Berufslaufbahnplanung. WIE? • Vorstellung von berufsbildenden Schulen – Gespräche mit LehrerInnen und SchülerInnen; • Präsentationen und Diskussionen mit BildungsberaterInnen, BerufsbildungsexpertInnen, Sozialpartnern und Unternehmern; • Besuch der Studien- und Berufsinformationsmesse (BeST); • Vorstellung europäischer Projekte im Bereich der Bildungs- und Berufsberatung; • Kontakt zu Euroguidance Österreich. WER? • • • • • • • • • Leiter von Berufsberatungszentren; Bildungs- oder Berufsberater; Vertreter der Industrie- und Handelskammern sowie der Handwerkskammern; Vertreter von Bildungs- und Berufsbildungsnetzwerken und -vereinigungen; Vertreter von Bildungsdienstleistern, Arbeitsämtern/-agenturen oder Beratungszentren; Vertreter von Arbeitgeberorganisationen und Interessensvereingungen; Vertreter von örtlichen, regionalen und nationalen Behörden; Vertreter von Arbeitnehmerorganisationen und Interessensvereingungen; Forscher. Organisator(en): FRITZ Ursula Bundesministerium für Unterricht, Kunst und Kultur Minoritenplatz 5 1014 Wien Tel. +43-1- 531 20 44 91 Fax +43-1- 531 20 81 44 91 Email: [email protected] WWW. – – – – – – 252 CEDEFOP – STUDY VISITS ORIENTATION ET CONSEIL TOUT AU LONG DE LA VIE Orientation et conseil au service des parcours tout au long de la vie Numéro de groupe: 396 Type de visite: Mixte OBJECTIFS EDUCATION ET FORMATION 2010: 1.2. Développer les compétences nécessaires dans la société de la connaissance 3.1. Renforcer les liens avec le monde du travail, la recherche et la société dans son ensemble POURQUOI? 17/11/2008-20/11/2008 Lille-Villeneuve d’Ascq France Langue de travail: français Nombre de places: 15 Minimum requis: 10 Le thème de lʼorientation et du conseil tout au long de la vie est crucial dans la perspective de formation tout au long de la vie. Lʼaccompagnement devient de plus en plus important: plus on individualise les parcours, plus les individus ont besoin dʼun soutien dépassant la segmentation traditionnelle par public visé des organismes de conseil (scolaires, étudiants, salariés, chômeurs, etc.). Le Service universitaire de développement économique et social (SUDES) est un des acteurs clés dans ce domaine en France depuis de nombreuses années. Son travail institutionnel a été amplifié au cours des dernières années par une coopération interinstitutionnelle dans la Région Nord - Pas-de-Calais. Quelques expérimentations ont été réalisées avec succès et peuvent aujourdʼhui être diffusées. QUOI? • Prendre conscience de lʼimpact de la formation tout au long de la vie, de la construction de parcours; • en mesurer les effets sur les dispositifs des organismes de guidance (secteur de lʼéducation, de la formation professionnelle, de lʼenseignement supérieur, autres acteurs publics ou privés, dont les entreprises); • identifier les nouveaux services rendus nécessaires; • identifier les compétences nécessaires pour ce nouveau type dʼintervention. COMMENT? • Problématique générale: confrontation des perspectives et des projets européens avec la situation dans le pays accueillant et les pays représentés dans le groupe de participants; • visites de terrain sur plusieurs sites représentatifs des principaux secteurs du système éducatif: éducation, formation professionnelle, enseignement supérieur et entreprise; • rencontres avec les autorités régionales; • discussions en commun sur la base des observations et réactions des participants, de lʼidentification des points forts et des points faibles. POUR QUI? • Directeurs de centres d΄orientation; • conseillers pédagogiques ou d΄orientation; • représentants de services éducatifs, d΄agences pour l΄emploi ou de centres d΄orientation. Organisateur(s): CARETTE Martine Université des Sciences et Technologies de Lille Cité Scientifique 59655 Villeneuve d’Ascq Tel. +33-3 204 34 44 04 Fax +33-3 20 43 67 77 Email: [email protected] WWW. – – CATALOGUE 2008-2009 253 LIFELONG GUIDANCE AND COUNSELLING Improving guidance and counselling services offered by education and training systems Group No: 397 Type of visit: Mixed 2/2/2009-6/2/2009 Thessaloniki, Greece Working language: English Number of places: 15 Minimum required: 10 EDUCATION AND TRAINING 2010 OBJECTIVES: 1.1. Improving education and training for teachers and trainers 1.2. Developing skills for the knowledge society WHY? The Lisbon European Council of 2000 set the core goal of making Europe the most competitive knowledge-based economy in the world by 2010, while strengthening social cohesion, and accorded education and training a central role in reaching this aim. Ensuring the acquisition of key competences by all citizens remains a challenge for all Member States, to promote social cohesion, meet the needs of the rapidly changing labour market and improve personal development. Guidance and counselling services offered to all learners by the national education and training systems should improve the systemsʼ efficiency. Learners in all levels should be provided with the necessary information and guidance in order to acquire the key competences, be able to make the necessary choices during their study period and facilitate their integration in the labour market afterwards. WHAT? The study visit aims at bringing together participants from different European countries to exchange information and opinions about: • the efficiency of the guidance and counselling services offered by the education and training systems across Europe; • the role of teachers, trainers and counsellors in supporting learners to acquire the key competences and make the necessary choices in their academic and professional orientation; • the active involvement of students, parents, local authorities and social partners in this procedure. Participantsʼ comments and proposals could contribute to efforts for future improvement of such services and systems. HOW? The study visit will include: • visits to schools, centres of counselling and vocational orientation (KESYP) and other educational authorities; • meetings with teachers and trainers, students, counsellors and advisers; • presentation of the guidance and counselling services offered by the Greek educational and training system; • presentation of software and databases created to provide information and facilitate career guidance and vocational orientation of learners. WHOM? Directors of education and vocational training institutions, centres or providers; directors of guidance centres; educational and vocational training inspectors; head teachers, teacher trainers; pedagogical or guidance advisers; representatives of education and training networks and associations; representatives of educational services, labour offices or guidance centres; representatives of local, regional and national authorities; researchers. SHORT DESCRIPTION IN THE HOST COUNTRY’S LANGUAGE: Organiser(s): SARRI Georgia IKY/State Scholarship Foundation – National Agency for the Lifelong Learning Programme Dionyssiou Areopagitou & Makri 1 11742 Athens Tel. +30-210 3726373 Fax +30-210 3221863 Email: [email protected] Η προτεινόμενη Επίσκεψη Μελέτης αποσκοπεί στην παρουσίαση και κριτική αξιολόγηση των υπηρεσιών συμβουλευτικής και επαγγελματικού προσανατολισμού που προσφέρονται από τα συστήματα εκπαίδευσης και κατάρτισης των κρατών μελών. Οι συμμετέχοντες θα επισκεφθούν σχολεία, ΚΕΣΥΠ και άλλες υπηρεσίες, θα συζητήσουν με εκπαιδευτικούς, συμβούλους ΣΕΠ και μαθητές, θα ενημερωθούν για τις υπηρεσίες που παρέχονται στη χώρα μας σε τοπικό και εθνικό επίπεδο, θα ανταλλάξουν απόψεις και θα υποβάλουν προτάσεις για τη βελτίωση των συστημάτων αυτών με βάση το ευρωπαϊκό πλαίσιο αναφοράς των στόχων Εκπαίδευσης και Κατάρτισης 2010 και των αποφάσεων της Λισαβόνας. WWW. – – 254 CEDEFOP – STUDY VISITS ORIENTATION ET CONSEIL TOUT AU LONG DE LA VIE Orienter, informer et conseiller: répondre aux nouvelles attentes Numéro de groupe: 398 Type de visite: EFP OBJECTIFS EDUCATION ET FORMATION 2010: 2.3. Favoriser la citoyenneté active, lʼégalité des chances et la cohésion sociale 3.1. Renforcer les liens avec le monde du travail, la recherche et la société dans son ensemble POURQUOI? 1/4/2009-3/4/2009 Paris, France Langue de travail: français Nombre de places: 12 Minimum requis: 7 La France se caractérise par un paysage complexe en matière dʼorientation, dʼinformation et de conseil sur la formation professionnelle continue. Ce paysage reflète le modèle de formation professionnelle français marqué par une multiplicité dʼacteurs, de catégories de public (et donc dʼapproches), de modes de financement, etc. Aujourdʼhui, les différentes composantes de ce système dʼorientation et de conseil doivent sʼadapter et, comme pour la formation et lʼéducation, se décliner tout au long de la vie. En outre, lʼindividualisation des parcours de formation et le besoin accru de mobilité professionnelle concourent à créer de nouvelles attentes en matière de conseil et dʼorientation. QUOI? Cette visite dʼétude permettra aux participants: • de découvrir les différentes composantes du système français dʼorientation, dʼinformation et de conseil sur la formation professionnelle continue; • de se familiariser avec les moyens et méthodes utilisés en France en matière de prévision, de prospective sur les métiers et les qualifications; • de montrer les pratiques innovantes en matière de conseil et dʼorientation des individus; • de réfléchir aux enjeux de la réforme de la formation professionnelle au regard du conseil et de lʼorientation. COMMENT? • En discutant avec des conseillers et des représentants de pouvoirs publics; • en visitant des organismes spécialisés en matière de prévision et de prospective sur les métiers et sur les qualifications; • en présentant différents outils répondant aux nouvelles attentes en matière de conseil et dʼorientation. La visite dʼétude permettra à chaque participant de se présenter en fonction du thème de la visite dʼétude et alternera les visites sur site et les interventions dʼexperts ou de praticiens. POUR QUI? Organisateur(s): MONTAY-VERSAEVEL Marie-Paule RACINE 73/77 rue Pascal 75013 Paris Tel. +33- 144 08 65 10 Fax +33- 144 08 65 11 Email: [email protected] Website: • Responsables de la formation professionnelle en entreprise; • directeurs d΄institutions, de centres ou de prestataires d΄enseignement et de formation professionnels; • directeurs de centres d΄orientation; • responsables des ressources humaines; • propriétaires/administrateurs de PME; • conseillers pédagogiques ou d΄orientation; • représentants de chambres de commerce/d΄industrie/d΄artisanat; • représentants de services éducatifs, d΄agences pour l΄emploi ou de centres d΄orientation; • représentants d΄organisations d΄employeurs; • représentants des autorités locales, régionales et nationales; • représentants des syndicats. WWW. – – – – CATALOGUE 2008-2009 255 LIFELONG GUIDANCE AND COUNSELLING Integrating adults with severe learning difficulties into a full life Group No: 399 Type of visit: Mixed 11/5/2009-15/5/2009 Spilsby (Lincolnshire) England, UK Working language: English EDUCATION AND TRAINING 2010 OBJECTIVES: 2.3. Supporting active citizenship, equal opportunities and social cohesion 3.5. Strengthening the European co-operation WHY? Linkage Community Trust has been in existence for over 30 years supporting, educating, providing employment opportunities, and caring for adults 16 years old + who have learning difficulties. We wish to share best practice with others involved in, or developing practice in, similar areas across the greater Europe and to look to build on the experiences that we could share. Our students and service users can benefit from building trans-European links so that cultural differences can be shared, celebrated, enjoyed and thus understood. Also to build links across Europe to facilitate projects and group exchanges. WHAT? Number of places: 10 Minimum required: 5 Participants will see the systems in use for supporting our students and service users into as independent a life as their abilities or disabilities permit. We do not profess to be perfect at Linkage but there is a wealth of experience within the Trust as a whole and we wish to share this with others. HOW? • Visits to college campuses to see students involved in education in a range of situations, some of which are directly related to employability skills. • The opportunity to talk with students and staff, including managers, directly involved in these activities Visits to Care Services to allow service users to be met and spoken with about their care and their support. • We will visit Linkage green, a bowling green with restaurant and café, where service users work outside and inside. Chances to talk with managers, staff, carers and service users. WHOM? • • • • • • • Directors of education and vocational training institutions, centres or providers; educational and vocational training inspectors; head teachers, teacher trainers; heads of departments; pedagogical or guidance advisers; representatives of educational services, labour offices or guidance centres; representatives of local, regional and national authorities. Organiser(s): PARKIN Graham Linkage College Toynton Hall PE23 5AW Spilsby Tel. +44- 01790 755003 Fax +44- 1790754058 Email: [email protected] WWW. 256 CEDEFOP – STUDY VISITS LIFELONG GUIDANCE AND COUNSELLING Lifelong guidance system in Lithuania Group No: 400 Type of visit: Mixed 19/5/2009-22/5/2009 Vilnius, Lithuania Working language: English Number of places: 13 Minimum required: 8 EDUCATION AND TRAINING 2010 OBJECTIVES: 2.1. Open learning environment WHY? The aim of this study visit is to give participants a general view of Lithuanian guidance system. It will include short introduction to Lithuanian education system and the guidance services provided at all education levels. During the visit participants will be acquainted with good practices of guidance services in Lithuania and will have an opportunity to exchange their own experience and practice. WHAT? Participants will be familiarised with: • general information of education and guidance systems; • activities of career guidance centres; • guidance services in higher education; • guidance services in general education; • Lithuanian labour exchange youth employment centreʼs activities; • Lithuanian labour market training authorityʼs guidance services. HOW? Participants will be introduced to the guidance system in Lithuania via presentations, discussions with guidance providers, meeting and talking to pupils and students, sharing experience on guidance. Participants also will have a chance to discover the beautiful old capital of Lithuania and get a better view of the environment where the Lithuanian guidance system was developed. WHOM? • • • • • • • • Directors of education and vocational training institutions, centres or providers; directors of guidance centres; educational and vocational training inspectors; head teachers, teacher trainers; pedagogical or guidance advisers; representatives of educational services, labour offices or guidance centres; representatives of employersʼ organisations; representatives of local, regional and national authorities. SHORT DESCRIPTION IN THE HOST COUNTRY’S LANGUAGE: GRIUSYTE Lina Education Exchange Support Foundation Gelezinio Vilko g. 12 01112 Vilnius Tel. +370- 52 49 66 02 Email: [email protected] Website: Vizito “Visą gyvenimą trunkančio profesinio konsultavimo sistema Lietuvoje” metu dalyviams bus pristatyta Lietuvos švietimo sistema ir profesinio konsultavimo vieta bendroje švietimo sistemoje. Profesinis konsultavimas bus pristatytas visuose švietimo lygiuose: pagrindiniame, aukštajame ir profesiniame mokyme. Dalyviai lankysis mokyklų profesinio informavimo, universitetų karjeros planavimo centruose, Lietuvos darbo biržų Jaunimo darbo centruose, Lietuvos darbo rinkos mokymo tarnyboje, susipažins su Lietuvos mokinių informavimo ir techninės kūrybos centro vykdoma veikla, taip pat jiems bus pristatyta nacionalinė profesinio orientavimo sistema Lietuvoje. Vizito metu dalyviai turės galimybę pristatyti savo šalies švietimo ir profesinio konsultavimo sistemą, padiskutuoti su mokyklų, universitetų, profesinio rengimo centrų atstovais, mokiniais ir studentais. MIZGERAITE Ieva Institution Education Exchanges Support Foundation Gelezinio Vilko str. 21 01112 Vilnius Tel. +370- 852 61 05 92 Fax +370- 852 49 71 37 Email: [email protected] WWW. Organiser(s): – – – – CATALOGUE 2008-2009 257 ROLE OF HIGHER EDUCATION IN VOCATIONAL TRAINING Entrepreneurship and learning in the workplace in a rural area Group No: 401 Type of visit: VET 8/9/2008-10/9/2008 Barnstaple, England, UK Working language: English EDUCATION AND TRAINING 2010 OBJECTIVES: 3.1. Strengthening the links with working life and research and society at large 3.2. Developing the spirit of enterprise WHY? • To overcome the challenges facing young people in building a sustainable career in a rural area • Links with local employers to provide young people with the opportunity to develop both specialist and transferable skills. • Reinforces the relationship between the education and business sectors. • To forge stronger links with widening participation with Plymouth University thus enabling access to education for people who live too far from the main campus. WHAT? Number of places: 10 Minimum required: 8 • Give an overview of the current system of higher education provision in this rural area • Explore the nature of work based learning in higher education. • Offer participants the opportunity to look at the interaction between the college and employers. • How local industries and the college work together to overcome the challenges faced by its rural location. HOW? • Visiting local employers, local schools, training institutions and relevant external locations (Unesco biosphere). • Presentations by academic and professional representatives regarding the working relationship between employers and college. • Observing and interacting with the students within their learning environments. • Discuss with programme lecturers and college staff the existing HE infrastructure. • Discuss with students the nature of work-based learning within degree studies. WHOM? • • • • • • • • • • • Company training managers; directors of education and vocational training institutions, centres or providers; educational and vocational training inspectors; owners/managers of SMEs; representatives of chambers of commerce/ industry/crafts; representatives of education and training networks and associations; representatives of educational services, labour offices or guidance centres; representatives of employersʼ organisations; representatives of local, regional and national authorities; representatives of trade unions; researchers. Organiser(s): ROWE Martin North Devon College Old Sticklepath Hill EX31 2BQ Barnstaple Tel. +44- 1271 338100 Fax +44- 1271 338121 Email: [email protected] Website: WWW. 258 CEDEFOP – STUDY VISITS ROLE OF HIGHER EDUCATION IN VOCATIONAL TRAINING Accommodation and food service activities Education for rural tourism at college and university levels Group No: 402 Type of visit: VET 8/9/2008-12/9/2008 Poznan, Poland Working language: English Number of places: 15 Minimum required: 10 EDUCATION AND TRAINING 2010 OBJECTIVES: 1.1. Improving education and training for teachers and trainers 1.5. Making the best use of resources WHY? There is a strong need for special education in rural tourism at university level. During the past 20 years rural tourism has become an important part of the tourism industry in Europe. This sector requires well educated staff in management, training and advising. Due to its specific character, education in rural tourism embraces different disciplines from psychology, through management to agriculture and forestry. In 1996 Agricultural University of Poznan created “rural tourism”, the first course in Poland. Demand for learning in this field is still very strong. After 12 years of fine tuning the university introduced a new course based on the former. Our school has now the most advanced learning programme in Poland which is a model for other schools. It is the main reason to invite lecturers from other universities who want to implement similar courses. WHAT? First, the study visit will be a forum for presenting and exchanging course programmes. Second, those participants who plan to introduce courses on rural tourism will get a tested programme and innovative ideas for an interdisciplinary approach.Third, it will be an opportunity to start creating agreed common subjects of rural tourism courses which are necessary to exchange students and other educational projects. HOW? • • • • • Workshops – presentation of the course programmes, exchange of ideas. Visiting educational institutions and other organisations cooperating with university. Meeting persons from rural tourism industry (incl. graduates of agricultural university). Discussion on competence tests and teaching methods. Study tours to forest educational centre, ecological centre, landscape agricultural park and different types of rural tourism accommodation and recreational units. WHOM? • • • • • Directors of education and vocational training institutions, centres or providers; head teachers, teacher trainers; representatives of education and training networks and associations; representatives of educational services, labour offices or guidance centres; researchers. SHORT DESCRIPTION IN THE HOST COUNTRY’S LANGUAGE: Organiser(s): MAJEWSKI Janusz Agricultural University, Rural Tourism Unit Wolynska 45 60-637 Poznan Tel. +48- 601 807993 Email: [email protected] Turystyka wiejska zyskała w ostatnich latach na znaczeniu. To już nie jest mała nisza rynkowa, ale poważny sektor gospodarki. Z racji swojej specyfiki, turystyka wiejska wymaga specjalistycznego kształcenia, łączącego aspekty psychologiczne, ekonomiczne i rolnicze. Dlatego kształceniem na poziomie uniwersyteckim zajmują się uczelnie rolnicze. W Polsce pierwszy program kompleksowego kształcenia dla turystyki wprowadzała w 1996 roku Akademia Rolnicza w Poznaniu. Dopiero kilka lat później poszły w jej ślady inne szkoły rolnicze, jednak w bardziej ograniczonym zakresie, jeśli chodzi o przedmioty turystyczne. Po kilku modyfikacjach w roku 2007 wprowadzono na AR w Poznaniu nowy, dostosowany do zmienionych warunków, program nauczania. Wizyta studyjna potrwa 5 dni, z których część poświęcona będzie na prezentacje pomysłów i programów oraz spotkania z wykładowcami, a część na wizyty w terenie. Uczestnicy będą mieli okazję nie tylko poznać polski system kształcenia dla turystyki wiejskiej, ale także przekonać w praktyce, jakim celom on służy. Oferta projektu jest skierowana przede wszystkim do nauczycieli akademickich zajmujących się turystyką wiejską, ale także dla zarządzających edukacją nie tylko uniwersytecką. Istnieje bowiem potrzeba koordynowania wykształcenia na różnych poziomach i w różnych instytucjach. Ponadto to te instytucje poszukują trenerów kształconych w szkołach wyższych, powinny mieć zatem wpływ na to kształcenie. CATALOGUE 2008-2009 259 ROLE OF HIGHER EDUCATION IN VOCATIONAL TRAINING Higher education and vocational training Group No: 403 Type of visit: Mixed 10/3/2009-13/3/2009 Villeneuve d’Ascq France EDUCATION AND TRAINING 2010 OBJECTIVES: 2.2. Making learning more attractive 3.1. Strengthening the links with working life and research and society at large WHY? Quality in VET depends on the quality of cooperation between companies and schools. In higher education, established partnerships have a positive influence on the employability of students and the quality of training. This makes training more interesting for youngsters. Apprenticeship in higher education balances the supply and demand of skills. Formasup Nord Pas de Calais has developed good examples of practice and would like to share them with participants. Working language: English Number of places: 15 Minimum required: 7 WHAT? Participants will: • get an overview of vocational training and higher education in France; • see good practice and successful cases of initial vocational training in higher education; • discover tools for cooperation between universities, engineering schools, trade schools and companies; • study initiatives to improve the attractiveness of initial VET. HOW? The programme will include: • meetings with representatives from universities, engineering and trade schools, companies, social partners; • meetings and discussion with students, teachers and headmasters; • visit to training centres, companies; • discussions between participants, sharing experiences and practices from different countries. WHOM? • • • • • • • • • • Company training managers; directors of education and vocational training institutions, centres or providers; head teachers, teacher trainers; heads of departments; human resource managers; owners/managers of SMEs; representatives of chambers of commerce/ industry/crafts; representatives of employersʼ organisations; representatives of local, regional and national authorities; representatives of trade unions. SHORT DESCRIPTION IN THE HOST COUNTRY’S LANGUAGE: Organiser(s): CREQUIS Anne FORMASUP 7bis, avenue de la créativité 59650 Villeneuve d‘Ascq Tel. +33-3 28 33 75 20 Fax +33-3 28 33 75 21 Email: [email protected] Formasup est le centre de formation des apprentis de lʼenseignement supérieur dans le Nord Pas de Calais. Nous regroupons actuellement 25 établissements (universités, écoles dʼingénieurs et de commerce) et proposons 51 filières dans tous les secteurs dʼactivité. En 2007, 2200 apprentis sont inscrits à Formasup. Lʼapprentissage dans lʼenseignement supérieur permet de répondre aux besoins des jeunes qui peuvent ainsi suivre une formation professionnelle adaptée aux besoins du marché et des entreprises à la recherche de salariés qualifiés. Ce type de formations est donc de plus en plus attractif pour ces deux publics. Le succès de lʼapprentissage dans le supérieur est issu du partenariat et de la coopération entre les établissements de formation, les entreprises mais aussi les partenaires sociaux. Lʼobjectif de ce projet est de partager notre expérience avec les participants et peut-être améliorer encore notre dispositif. WWW. – 260 CEDEFOP – STUDY VISITS LA RECONNAISSANCE DE L’ENSEIGNEMENT FORMEL, NON FORMEL ET INFORMEL Modernisation des examens professionnels en Pologne Numéro de groupe: 404 Type de visite: Mixte 23/9/2008-26/9/2008 Warszawa, Pologne Langue de travail: français Nombre de places: 12 Minimum requis: 8 OBJECTIFS EDUCATION ET FORMATION 2010: 3.1. Renforcer les liens avec le monde du travail, la recherche et la société dans son ensemble POURQUOI? • La Commission centrale des examens (Centralna Komisja Egzaminacyjna) est responsable depuis 2004 des examens professionnels passés en Pologne par les élèves et auditeurs des écoles professionnelles de types et de niveaux différents. • En 2008, on réalisera des recherches scientifiques, des expériences-pilotes et des formations pour les créateurs des exercices dʼexamens en vue dʼaugmenter la qualité du système dʼexamens externes. • Ces activités sʼinscrivent dans les objectifs du plan Éducation et Formation 2010, elles sont adaptées à lʼobjectif de relever la qualité de la formation professionnelle, qui est une priorité nationale par: – lʼamélioration de la méthodologie des examens, – la vérification des résultats dʼexamen par le marché du travail (carrières professionnelles des diplômés de ces écoles), – lʼouverture du système dʼexamens à lʼéducation permanente, – la création de conditions favorisant la mise à disposition en ligne de la partie théorique des examens. QUOI? Les participants se familiariseront avec le système dʼexamens professionnels polonais (ses points forts et faiblesses); • ils découvriront des initiatives visant à lʼaméliorer (recherches scientifiques, expériences, formations); • ils prendront connaissance à la fois des défis et des limites que le marché du travail et la structure de formation professionnelle imposent au système dʼexamens externes. COMMENT? • Une visite à la Commission centrale des examens et du département des examens professionnels de la Commission de circonscription des examens à Varsovie afin de prendre connaissance des procédures qui accompagnent la préparation dʼexamens, leur mise en œuvre, leur évaluation et la validation des qualifications. • Une participation au séminaire de deux jours du projet «Pilotage dʼune nouvelle formule dʼexamens professionnels». Son but sera de faire une présentation préalable des résultats obtenus dans le cadre des recherches scientifiques, expériences et formations menées. • Une rencontre avec des examinateurs de la filière Commerce et réparation; un dialogue ouvert sur les conditions de travail des examinateurs. POUR QUI? Directeurs d΄institutions, de centres ou de prestataires d΄enseignement et de formation professionnels; directeurs de centres de validation; inspecteurs d΄enseignement et de formation professionnels; représentants de réseaux et d΄associations d΄enseignement et de formation; chercheurs. BRÈVE DESCRIPTION DANS LA LANGUE DU PAYS D’ACCUEIL: Organisateur(s): MAGDZIARZ Maria Centralna Komisja Egzaminacyjna ul. Lucka 11 00-842 Warszawa Tel. +48-22 656 38 00 Fax +48-22 656 37 57 Email: [email protected] Website: Centralna Komisja Egzaminacyjna w ramach Programu Operacyjnego « Kapitał Ludzki » na lata 2008 – 2013 jest realizatorem projektu «Pilotaż nowej formuły egzaminu zawodowego », na który składają się cztery podprojekty: Budowa banku zadań, Szkolenia dla konstruktorów zadań, Badania naukowe, Pilotaż zastosowania kamer w części praktycznej egzaminu zawodowego. W roku 2008 w ramach każdego z podprojektów prowadzone będą działania skutkujące weryfikacją hipotez, rozpoznaniem uwarunkowań, wzmocnieniem zasobów ludzkich systemu poprzez szkolenia konstruktorów zadań oraz egzaminatorów. WWW. CATALOGUE 2008-2009 261 RECOGNITION OF FORMAL, NON-FORMAL AND INFORMAL LEARNING Accreditation of Prior Learning (APL) in the Netherlands Group No: 405 Type of visit: VET 29/9/2008-2/10/2008 Utrecht, the Netherlands EDUCATION AND TRAINING 2010 OBJECTIVES: 1.1. Improving education and training for teachers and trainers 3.1. Strengthening the links with working life and research and society at large WHY? Combining work and learning is a major theme in the Netherlands to improve the competitiveness of the knowledge economy. This theme includes cooperation between the labour market and education and creating public-private partnerships. It is important to adapt better the provision of education to the needs of industry. Focus is on recognising competences acquired in formal, non-formal or informal contexts. Accreditation of competences opens up possibilities for further learning and employability. Working language: English Number of places: 15 Minimum required: 10 WHAT? Learning objectives are to: • have an overview of developments in Dutch policy and practice for accrediting prior (informal/non-formal) learning (APL); • have an overview of developments in APL in participantsʼ countries; • be familiar with Dutch national, sectoral and regional implementation structures in APL; • discuss developments of quality assurance and assessment methods for APL. HOW? • Visit stakeholders (government, APL knowledge centre), companies, employers and employeesʼ organisations as well as providers to share experiences. • Reflect on good practices and relate it to a broader context. • Discuss the strong and weak points of procedures and implementation, considering participantsʼ national experiences. WHOM? • • • • • • Company training managers; directors of guidance centres; human resource managers; representatives of chambers of commerce/ industry/crafts; representatives of employersʼ organisations; representatives of trade unions. SHORT DESCRIPTION IN THE HOST COUNTRY’S LANGUAGE: De focus wordt gelegd op het herkennen, valideren en certificeren van eerder verworven competenties in het beroepsonderwijs in Nederland met specifieke aandacht voor kwaliteitscontrole. Organiser(s): VAN OPSTAL Tonnie CINOP Pettelaarpark 1, 5200 BP Hertogenbosch Tel. +31-73- 680 07 65 Fax +31-73- 612 34 25 Email: [email protected] 262 CEDEFOP – STUDY VISITS RECOGNITION OF FORMAL, NON-FORMAL AND INFORMAL LEARNING Recognise knowledge or skills acquired through life Group No: 406 Type of visit: Mixed 6/10/2008-10/10/2008 Sever do Vouga Portugal Working language: English EDUCATION AND TRAINING 2010 OBJECTIVES: 2.1. Open learning environment 3.1. Strengthening the links with working life and research and society at large WHY? The theme of the visit we propose is included in our main activity: training and qualification of adults as well as recognition and certification of the knowledge and abilities they have acquired, whether non-formally or informally, throughout their lives. Our vast experience as a new opportunities centre, along with all the partnerships we maintain with private entities, town councils, emigrant support associations, commercial and entrepreneurial companies, rural development associations, schools and professional or technological training centres, offer the necessary framework for this study visit. The area in which we operate comprises the district of Aveiro, which is in the front line for back and front office information technologies. WHAT? Number of places: 15 Minimum required: 10 The programme intends to: • encourage high-quality lifelong learning with high levels of performance; • promote social cohesion and active citizenship by encouraging recognition of informal and nonformal knowledge and return to education and training systems; • inspire sharing innovative procedures and methodologies, namely use of ICTs to access blended learning and e-portfolio platforms; • encourage exchange of good practices and experiences on lifelong training; • establish contacts that may lead to development of transnational projects. HOW? We intend to achieve the goals of this visit by: • visiting new opportunities centres that perform recognition and certification of knowledge and skills at a scholarly and professional level. This includes attending sessions at different stages of the process; • visiting entrepreneurial, professional, technological and school training centres; • visiting rural development associations, private entities, town councils and emigrant support association. WHOM? Company training managers; directors of education and vocational training institutions, centres or providers; directors of guidance centres; directors of validation or accreditation centres; educational and vocational training inspectors; head teachers, teacher trainers; heads of departments; human resource managers; pedagogical or guidance advisers; representatives of education and training networks and associations; representatives of educational services, labour offices or guidance centres; representatives of employersʼ organisations; representatives of local, regional and national authorities; researchers. SHORT DESCRIPTION IN THE HOST COUNTRY’S LANGUAGE: Organiser(s): FERRO Emidio CFAE-CNO Sever do Vouga Esc. Secundaria Server do Vouga 3740-256 Sever Do Vouga Tel. +351- 234 55 61 66 Fax +351- 234 55 01 39 Email: [email protected] Website: A temática da visita que propomos enquadra-se na nossa actividade principal: a formação de adultos e a valorização e certificação de saberes adquiridos em contextos informais e não formais. A nossa longa experiência nestas actividades enquanto Centro Novas Oportunidades, a rede de parcerias com empresas, municípios, associações de apoio a emigrantes, associações comerciais e empresariais, associações de desenvolvimento rural, escolas e centros de formação profissionais e tecnológicos constitui a estrutura de referência para desenvolver a visita de estudo. Todos os nossos parceiros desenvolvem actividades de formação contínua para diferentes públicos alvo. A área de abrangência é o distrito de Aveiro que se encontra na vanguarda na utilização das tecnologias de informação em backoffice e frontoffice nas áreas de actividade formativa resultante do sucesso do Programa Aveiro Digital, no qual a nossa entidade esteve envolvida. WWW. CATALOGUE 2008-2009 263 RECOGNITION OF FORMAL, NON-FORMAL AND INFORMAL LEARNING Validation and recognition of formal, non-formal and informal learning Group No: 407 Type of visit: Mixed 6/10/2008-10/10/2008 Aarhus, Denmark Working language: English Number of places: 16 Minimum required: 10 EDUCATION AND TRAINING 2010 OBJECTIVES: 2.2. Making learning more attractive 2.3. Supporting active citizenship, equal opportunities and social cohesion WHY? The Government in Denmark has established a lifelong learning strategy for better and easier access to recognition of prior learning and to ensure RPL in all publicly financed adult education and continuing training programmes from basic adult education to diploma level. A new Act from August 2007 has strengthened this strategy. The aim is to promote the participation of adults in adult education and continuing training and to improve their opportunities on the labour market. The study visit will focus on how different adult educations institutions in Aarhus are working with this issue and will focus on practices and challenges connected with validation and recognition of formal, non-formal and informal learning. WHAT? The study visit in Aarhus will focus on how to work on principles, criteria and methods in the field of documentation, assessment and recognition of prior learning in different parts of the adult education system. The visit will also give the participants the opportunity to exchange ideas and experiences and discuss these issues from different national views. During the study visit the group will investigate the possibility of developing an European common project in the future. HOW? During the study visit the group will attend presentations and lectures, and will visit different education centres: vocational education and training centre, university college, adult education centre and day- or folk high school. There will be time for discussions with colleagues at the hosting institution and also within the group. WHOM? • • • • • • • • Directors of education and vocational training institutions, centres or providers; directors of guidance centres; directors of validation or accreditation centres; head teachers, teacher trainers; pedagogical or guidance advisers; representatives of local, regional and national authorities; representatives of trade unions; researchers. SHORT DESCRIPTION IN THE HOST COUNTRY’S LANGUAGE: Organiser(s): AAGAARD Kirsten National Knowledge Centre for Validation of Prior Learning; VIA University College Rudolfgaardsvej 1 8260 Viby J. Tel. +45- 87 38 83 00 Email: [email protected] Website: Dokumentation, vurdering og anerkendelse af realkompetencer, forstået som en persons samlede kvalifikationer, viden, færdigheder og kompetencer uanset hvor og hvordan de er erhvervet er højt prioriteret i den danske uddannelsespolitik. Studiebesøget vil sætte fokus på hvordan der arbejdes med det i en række uddannelsesinstitutioner. Gennem besøg på en række forskellige uddannelsesinstitutioner vil man få indblik i konkret praksis på området. Oplæg og besøg vil give mulighed for at få indblik i principper, kriterier og metoder i arbejdet med dokumentation og vurdering af realkompetencer, ligesom der vil blive lejlighed til at drøfte udfordringer og problemstillinger i arbejdet. Det er også intentionen at studiebesøget bidrager til en indsigt i og drøftelse af emner og problemstillinger i arbejdet med realkompetence, som kan løftes gennem tværnationale drøftelser. WWW. – – – – 264 CEDEFOP – STUDY VISITS LA RECONNAISSANCE DE L’ENSEIGNEMENT FORMEL, NON FORMEL ET INFORMEL Arts, spectacles et activités récréatives De l’expérience à la compétence: l’exemple du système français de validation des acquis de l’expérience Numéro de groupe: 408 Type de visite: Mixte 14/10/2008-17/10/2008 Lille, France Langue de travail: français Nombre de places: 15 Minimum requis: 10 OBJECTIFS EDUCATION ET FORMATION 2010: 1.1. Améliorer lʼéducation et la formation des enseignants et des formateurs 3.4. Accroître la mobilité et les échanges POURQUOI? Le principe de la reconnaissance de lʼexpérience formelle, informelle et non formelle est reconnu comme une des priorités de lʼUnion européenne. Une meilleure gestion des ressources humaines et des dépenses liées à le formation professionnelle, une mobilité à développer et le gestion des nouveaux migrants peuvent être améliorés par une meilleure reconnaissance des compétences déjà acquises par les individus à tout âge et dans toutes les conditions. Cette problématique a été abordée en France via la reconnaissance du diplôme et la loi de 2002 créant la Validation des acquis de lʼexpérience (VAE). Lille, carrefour européen, est la capitale dʼune région en mutation économique qui doit faire face à une population à faible niveau de qualification et en reconversion. Lʼutilisation de la VAE comme outil de revalorisation des individus pour eux-mêmes et dans leur parcours professionnel a donné lieu à de nombreuses actions innovantes (exemple de la mise en place dʼun programme de VAE collective pour lʼentreprise Leroy-Merlin). La direction régionale Jeunesse et Sports de Lille gère environ 400 dossiers de VAE par an de demande de diplômes et expérimente la technique de lʼentretien dʼexplicitation dans lʼaccompagnement de ces demandeurs. Ayant déjà participé à une visite dʼétude en Suède, lʼattente des participants pour des exemples de méthodes utilisées pour reconnaître lʼexpérience, mʼa donné envie de faire partager notre expérience dans le domaine des activités sportives et socio-culturelles. QUOI? • Échanger sur les méthodes et outils dʼévaluation des compétences acquises tout au long de la vie à travers lʼexemple de la validation des acquis de lʼexpérience sur les diplômes du ministère de la jeunesse et des sports; • observer le travail des accompagnateurs qui aident les personnes à décrire leur expérience; • comprendre lʼintérêt de lʼutilisation de lʼentretien dʼexplicitation comme outil dʼanalyse de lʼexpérience; • échanger sur les intérêts de valider les compétences déjà acquises lors dʼune expérience professionnelle ou bénévole à travers une table ronde des acteurs régionaux (Conseil régional, représentants de lʼÉtat, des syndicats employeurs et salariés, des entreprises); • échanger autour de la problématique particulière de la reconnaissance des compétences des bénévoles notamment sportifs (exemple du golf et de lʼéquitation). COMMENT? Témoignage de candidats ayant constitué un dossier de Validation des acquis de lʼexpérience; témoignage dʼaccompagnateurs ayant aidé différents candidats dans lʼexplicitation de leur expérience; visionnage dʼun film commenté sur un «entretien dʼexplicitation»; rencontre dans une structure dʼorientation avec des psychologues spécialistes des bilans de compétences; intervention dʼun spécialiste de la construction des compétences sur la base dʼun travail dʼanalyse de pratiques réalisé avec le CNAM (Centre national des arts et métiers) sur les points forts et les points faibles de la mise par écrit de son expérience et les difficultés dʼévaluation pour le jury; visite dʼun organisme de formation professionnel et rencontre avec un formateur/accompagnateur dans les métiers de lʼanimation. Démonstration du «positionnement» dʼun candidat à une formation par rapport à ses compétences déjà acquises; table ronde autour des politiques régionales liées à la validation des acquis et la problématique de lʼemploi; témoignages de bénévoles et de férérations sportives. POUR QUI? Organisateur(s): BRESSANGE Patricia Direction Régionale Jeunesse et Sports 35, rue Boucher de Perthes 59000 Lille Tel. +33-3 20 14 42 75 Fax +33-3 20 14 43 25 Email: patricia.bressange@ Responsables de la formation professionnelle en entreprise; directeurs d΄institutions, de centres ou de prestataires d΄enseignement et de formation professionnels; directeurs de centres d΄orientation; directeurs de centres de validation; inspecteurs d΄enseignement et de formation professionnels; responsables des ressources humaines; représentants de réseaux et d΄associations d΄enseignement et de formation; représentants de services éducatifs, d΄agences pour l΄emploi ou de centres d΄orientation; représentants d΄organisations d΄employeurs; représentants des autorités locales, régionales et nationales; représentants des syndicats. WWW. – – – CATALOGUE 2008-2009 265 RECOGNITION OF FORMAL, NON-FORMAL AND INFORMAL LEARNING Bulgarian alternative energy production – competences development Group No: 409 Type of visit: Mixed 15/10/2008-17/10/2008 Sofia, Stara Zagora, Karlovo Bulgaria Working language: English Number of places: 20 Minimum required: 10 EDUCATION AND TRAINING 2010 OBJECTIVES: 2.2. Making learning more attractive 3.5. Strengthening the European co-operation WHY? Innovations management – alternative energy production (AEP) from renewable sources is a market where competitiveness and achievements surpass the availability of training and qualifications. WHAT? Participants will learn about: • projects on AEP in south-east Bulgaria, in the past three years; • current staff training schemes and HR development strategies in the AEP industry; • skills development incentives and on-the-job training opportunities, in EU programmes. HOW? Participants will: • undertake field trips and visits to the offices of host organisation and partners that manage staff qualification programmes and on-the job training; • conduct a desk review of documentation, reflecting the HR development of three Bulgarian companies, working in renewable sources production; • compare official and approved programmes for developing professionals skills and competences; • review state strategies for HR management; • talk to staff and trainees in AEP; • compare the staff training programmes of five leading certified AEP from renewable sources; • participate in focus group discussions; • research the application of educational and training programmes. WHOM? • • • • • Company training managers; directors of education and vocational training institutions, centres or providers; owners/managers of SMEs; representatives of education and training networks and associations; representatives of local, regional and national authorities. SHORT DESCRIPTION IN THE HOST COUNTRY’S LANGUAGE: Organiser(s): NIKOLOV Kiril Bulgarian Experts Group in Photovoltaics Sofia 1000 1000 Sofia Tel. +359- 898 777 300 Fax +359- 2 91945 Email: bg_photovoltaics_team@ Експертната група по фотоволтаика е обединение на експерти и професионалисти, които работят в сферата на управление на иновациите, ефективно използване на природните ресурси и управление на знанието в нови отрасли, какъвто се явява производството на енергия чрез фотоволтаика. Опитът ни в страните от ЕС показва, че стремежът на фирмите да бъдат конкурентни на общия пазар променя значително “алгоритъма” за предоставяне на знания /на служителите/ и информация, достъпна за потребителите на нови изделия. В частност, в областта на фотоволтаиката, развитието на технологиите мотивира ангажираните производители на алтернативна енергия да търсят неформални начини за развитие на компетенциите на служителите си, за да си осигурят присъствие на пазара, преди да са налични разработени и одобрени на държавно ниво програми за обучение на кадри. WWW. – 266 CEDEFOP – STUDY VISITS RECOGNITION OF FORMAL, NON-FORMAL AND INFORMAL LEARNING Supporting of students in the way to choose a profession Group No: 410 Type of visit: Mixed 20/10/2008-24/10/2008 Debica, Poland Working language: English Number of places: 16 Minimum required: 8 EDUCATION AND TRAINING 2010 OBJECTIVES: 1.4. Increasing recruitment to scientific and technical studies 3.1. Strengthening the links with working life and research and society at large WHY? Nowadays education and qualifications play a vital role in preparing youngsters for life in new Europe and its labour market. It is a priority in Poland. That is why Podkarpackie province worked out and applies strategic objectives of the national development plan 2007-13. In order to carry out the projects, there are implemented organization and programme innovations, vocational advisory, system of external maturity examination and external vocational examination. We would like to evaluate stage of advancement of our activities via other countries experiences, to share these experiences among participants and offer permanent cooperation. We ensure sightseeing of our beautiful region. WHAT? During the visit participants will be acquainted with preparing youngsters for their activity on the labour market. Following issues will be discussed: • supporting pupils in recognition and development of potential talents and interests; • assisting students in choosing their individual way; • development directions of vocational schools in Poland and in Europe; • preparation of students to learn at higher education level. We will also present interest using ICT beneficial influence on quality of education. HOW? We will give presentations referring to issues above, discussion panels and also organise visits to institutions, schools, educational authorities, pedagogical service, enterprises cooperating with schools, association supporting school extra classes and gifted students. We provide time for discussion, views and experiences exchange with those connected with education. WHOM? Directors of education and vocational training institutions, centres or providers; directors of guidance centres; educational and vocational training inspectors; head teachers, teacher trainers; pedagogical or guidance advisers. SHORT DESCRIPTION IN THE HOST COUNTRY’S LANGUAGE: Organiser(s): STASICKA Hanna Starostwo Powiatowe ul.Ogrodowa 4 39-200 Debica Tel. +48- 609 80 67 60 Fax +48- 481 46 80 31 29 Email: [email protected] Website: Głównym tematem wizyty jest szeroko pojęte wspieranie uczniów w wyborze przyszłego zawodu. W ramach wizyty zaprezentujemy jak w polskim systemie oświatowym przygotowujemy młodego człowieka do funkcjonowania w realiach współczesnego świata oraz europejskiego rynku pracy. Pokażemy działania wspierające uczniów w wyborze kolejnych etapów kształcenia oraz w zdobyciu zawodu. Zaprezentujemy rozwiązania organizacyjne i programowe zmierzające do większego zainteresowania uczniów atrakcyjnymi kierunkami kształcenia, optymalnego wykorzystania ICT oraz podnoszenia jakości kształcenia zawodowego. Poruszymy temat zawodowych i maturalnych egzaminów zewnętrznych. Uczestników wizyty zapoznamy z formami współpracy pomiędzy szkołami, pracodawcami oraz stowarzyszeniami wspierającymi oświatę. Odwiedzimy szkoły, instytucje oraz przedsiębiorstwa współpracujące z placówkami oświatowymi. Umożliwimy uczestnikom wizyty prowadzenie dyskusji, wymianę doświadczeń oraz nawiązanie nowych kontaktów. W trakcie wizyty zapewnimy poznanie ciekawych zakątków regionu. WWW. – – – CATALOGUE 2008-2009 267 RECOGNITION OF FORMAL, NON-FORMAL AND INFORMAL LEARNING Innovative language teaching methods in formal, non-formal and informal education Group No: 411 Type of visit: Mixed 10/11/2008-14/11/2008 Patras, Greece Working language: EDUCATION AND TRAINING 2010 OBJECTIVES: 1.1. Improving education and training for teachers and trainers 3.3. Improving foreign language learning WHY? According to the ʻobjectives of Education and training 2010ʻ, improving education and training for teachers and trainers, ensuring access to ICT for everyone and improving foreign language learning is a vital priority for all European countries in education. With this study visit, we contribute to the quality and effectiveness of education and training systems in the EU, offering ways to open them up to the wider world. We would like to present innovative methods for language learning and accreditation and exchange examples of good practice with other European colleagues. English WHAT? Number of places: 15 Minimum required: 10 Participants will get acquainted with all kinds of formal, non-formal and informal education in foreign language learning (using the ELportfolio and the project method), in teaching secondary school pupils and adults.They will experience the positive cooperation between education and local authorities in the area of Patras. They will observe foreign language teaching and learning in formal, non-formal and informal educational environments. HOW? • Discussing and sharing ideas about the languages portfolio in formal and non-formal education, problems, difficulties and perspectives of teaching foreign languages with teachers and school advisors; • exchanging ideas and best practices about methods of certification and accreditation and systems of language learning; • monitoring classes in formal education system (schools) and in non-formal education system in KEK (centres for training); • discussing with students and adult learners (migrants in informal education) and with teaching staff and advisors in the Hellenic Open University (EAP); • meeting local decision-makers in education (in Patras Municipality and in Achaia Prefecture). WHOM? • • • • • • • • Directors of education and vocational training institutions, centres or providers; directors of validation or accreditation centres; educational and vocational training inspectors; head teachers, teacher trainers; heads of departments; pedagogical or guidance advisers; representatives of local, regional and national authorities; researchers. Organiser(s): SARRI Georgia IKY / State Scholarship Foundation – National Agency for the Lifelong Learning Programme Dionyssiou Areopagitou & Makri 1 11742 Athens Tel. +30-210 3726373 Fax +30-210 3221863 Email: [email protected] WWW. – – 268 CEDEFOP – STUDY VISITS LA RECONNAISSANCE DE L’ENSEIGNEMENT FORMEL, NON FORMEL ET INFORMEL Validation des acquis dans l’enseignement supérieur français Numéro de groupe: 412 Type de visite: Enseignement général 19/1/2009-23/1/2009 Lille, Paris, Bretagne France Langue de travail: français Nombre de places: 20 Minimum requis: 15 OBJECTIFS EDUCATION ET FORMATION 2010: 2.3. Favoriser la citoyenneté active, lʼégalité des chances et la cohésion sociale 3.4. Accroître la mobilité et les échanges POURQUOI? La plupart des pays européens mettent en place des dispositifs de reconnaissance des acquis de lʼexpérience. La France a créé très tôt un ensemble de lois et de règlements qui lʼont rendue possible. Lʼenseignement supérieur, bénéficiant dʼun dispositif de formation continue bien développé, a été lʼun des acteurs importants de son développement, avec plus de 16 000 validations en 2006. Le fonctionnement en réseau de ses acteurs a permis de construire un dispositif assez homogène sur le territoire, indépendamment de lʼautonomie de chaque établissement. Plusieurs sites particulièrement actifs et moteurs dans le développement de lʼactivité sont volontaires. Nous avons une expérience des rencontres internationales, en particulier au sein du réseau européen EUCEN (European Universities Continuing Education Network) et sommes convaincus de leur intérêt. Ces rencontres nous ont montré que le système français reste orignal et souvent incompris. QUOI? • Familiarisation avec les dispositifs réglementaires français concernant la formation continue et la reconnaissance des acquis avec une attention particulière au niveau de lʼenseignement supérieur; • rencontres et discussions avec des opérateurs, des candidats, des responsables syndicaux et institutionnels permettront une analyse critique des choix français en comparaison avec leur propre système national et avec les orientations européennes. COMMENT? • • • • Séminaires par des experts nationaux, visite de trois centres de validation, visite de centres dʼinformation et dʼorientation, rencontres et discussions avec les personnels des centres et des responsables universitaires, • rencontres avec des candidats, des organisations des partenaires sociaux salariés et employeurs, responsables de ressources humaines… POUR QUI? • Directeurs d΄institutions, de centres ou de prestataires d΄enseignement et de formation professionnels; • directeurs de centres de validation; • représentants de réseaux et d΄associations d΄enseignement et de formation; • représentants des autorités locales, régionales et nationales. Organisateur(s): FILLOQUE Jean-Marie Conférences des Directeurs de Services de Formation Continue 10, rue Frédéric Petit 80048 Amiens Cedex 1 Tel. +33-3 22 80 81 39 Fax +33-3 22 80 84 11 Email: [email protected] WWW. – CATALOGUE 2008-2009 RECOGNITION OF FORMAL, NON-FORMAL AND INFORMAL LEARNING 269 Arts, entertainment and recreation Vocational qualifications and personal study programmes in physical education and sports in Finland Group No: 413 Type of visit: VET 2/2/2009-6/2/2009 Vierumäki, Finland Working language: English EDUCATION AND TRAINING 2010 OBJECTIVES: 3.4. Increasing mobility and exchange 3.5. Strengthening the European co-operation WHY? Vocational education and training for physical education and sports in Finland has been developed in close cooperation with working life and social partners. The competence-based qualifications system came into force in 1995 and competence tests have been arranged since. The competence-based learning system provides a possibility for adults to demonstrate their competences regardless of where they have been acquired. A special challenge is to recognise formal, non-formal and informal learning. For adults the whole process needs to be individualised and planned according to the work situation and work experience. WHAT? Number of places: 15 Minimum required: 10 This study visit will offer an overview of the VET system in sports, leisure and physical education. Sport Institute of Finland organises all existing qualifications and has been an active developer in national steering groups. Vocational programmes cover five different programmes and five sports-related programmes mainly for adults but also for young persons (physical education assistant education). Competence-based qualifications for adults include further vocational qualifications or specialist vocational qualifications for coaches, sport maintenance workers and managers, masseurs, sport managers, animators and instructors working in childrenʼs sport or adults´ physical education. Physical education has also been tailored for competitive athletes making it possible to combine a sports career with studies. HOW? Participants will have the possibility to attend competence tests for adults. They can also visit work places and follow discussions with teachers, students and employers. The Finnish training system offers an open pathway for adults to study Bachelor and Master programmes in sports and leisure. Some examples will be presented to demonstrate the possibility and methods of recognising prior learning. The study visit will be organised at Vierumäki campus which offers all these educational programmes and excellent sport facilities. WHOM? Directors of education and vocational training institutions, centres or providers; directors of validation or accreditation centres; head teachers, teacher trainers; heads of departments; owners/managers of SMEs; pedagogical or guidance advisers; representatives of education and training networks and associations. SHORT DESCRIPTION IN THE HOST COUNTRY’S LANGUAGE: Organiser(s): PELLINEN Mairit Sport Institute of Finland, HAAGAHELIA University of Applied Sciences Kaskelantie 10 19120 Vierumaki Tel. +358- 3-842411 Fax +358- 3-84241208 Email: [email protected] Website: Opintovierailun tavoitteena on esitellä suomalaista liikunta-alan ammatillista koulutusta ja tutkinnoilla opitun tunnustamisessa ja tunnistamisessa käytettäviä menetelmiä. Opintovierailun osallistujille esitellään koulutusohjelmien sisältöjä, henkilökohtaistamisen keinoja sekä työelämäyhteistyötä. Lisäksi vierailijoilla on mahdollisuus seurata näyttökokeiden toteutusta sekä osallistua työpaikkakäyntiin. Muutamien opiskelijoiden esimerkkien kautta esitellään käytännössä miten opitun tunnustaminen sekä tunnistaminen näissä koulutuksissa toteutetaan. WWW. – – – 270 CEDEFOP – STUDY VISITS RECOGNITION OF FORMAL, NON-FORMAL AND INFORMAL LEARNING Education for sustainable development Group No: 414 Type of visit: General education 4/5/2009-7/5/2009 Lund, Skåne Sweden Working language: English Number of places: 15 Minimum required: 10 EDUCATION AND TRAINING 2010 OBJECTIVES: 2.1. Open learning environment 2.3. Supporting active citizenship, equal opportunities and social cohesion WHY? RCE is a network of existing formal, non-formal and informal education organisations, mobilised to deliver education for sustainable development (ESD) to local and regional communities. A network of RCEs worldwide will constitute the global learning space for sustainable development. RCEs aspire to achieve the goals of the UN decade of education for sustainable development (DESD, 2005-14), by translating its global objectives into the context of local communities. The vision is to make Skåne a leading example in Sweden on delivering education for sustainable development. Lund, a member of RCE Skåne, is working hard to create an inspiring educational environment for the young generation to strengthen their capacity to create sustainable development in local, national and global society. By using formal, non-formal and informal learning, the three different perspectives of sustainability, environmental, social and economic, will be brought about. WHAT? The core of the ESD-message is to transform the educational system, to use interdisciplinary working methods. We would like to present how we interpret this challenge. Show how we are working to connect university research with every-day work in the classroom. How different ways of learning can contribute. HOW? Participants will: • visit both compulsory and upper secondary schools and meet teachers, school-leaders and pupils and hear them talk about education for sustainable development; • meet key persons and hear them talk about ecological food at school; • visit different departments in the municipality, such as the Green school and the environmental strategic department who work with sustainability issues from different angles; • visit the International Institute of Industrial Environmental Economics (IIIEE) and hear how they implement the young masters programme (YMP) in formal education; • meet representatives from sustainability research at Lund University; • discuss with key persons education for sustainable development – strengths, weaknesses and challenges. WHOM? Directors of education and vocational training institutions, centres or providers; educational and vocational training inspectors; head teachers, teacher trainers; heads of departments; pedagogical or guidance advisers; representatives of education and training networks and associations; representatives of local, regional and national authorities; researchers. SHORT DESCRIPTION IN THE HOST COUNTRY’S LANGUAGE: Som medlem av RCE Skåne är det Lunds uppgift att genom olika former av lärande arbeta med att ge våra barn och ungdomar verktyg så att de med trygghet kan fortsätta det viktiga arbetet skapa en hållbar utveckling av vårt samhälle. Vi vill presentera de olika former av lärande både inom och utanför skolan som kan användas. Vi vill skapa en dialog med det internationella samhället genom att presentera hur vi väljer att angripa denna utmaning och hoppas att genom att presentera vårt arbete även få en feedback som kan leda oss vidare i vårt arbete. Organiser(s): BROGAARD NELSON Yvonne Utbildningsförvaltningen, Board of Education Box 138 22100 Lund Tel. +46- 46 35 70 56 Fax +46- 46 13 74 37 Email: [email protected] WWW. – – CATALOGUE 2008-2009 271 LA RECONNAISSANCE DE L’ENSEIGNEMENT FORMEL, NON FORMEL ET INFORMEL Le système français de reconnaissance et de validation des acquis de l’expérience Numéro de groupe: 415 Type de visite: EFP 3/6/2009-5/6/2009 Paris, France Langue de travail: français Nombre de places: 12 Minimum requis: 7 OBJECTIFS EDUCATION ET FORMATION 2010: 2.1. Créer un environnement propice à lʼapprentissage 3.1. Renforcer les liens avec le monde du travail, la recherche et la société dans son ensemble POURQUOI? Les pratiques de validation des acquis professionnels ont été mises en œuvre en France dès 1985. Après 17 ans dʼexpérience, la loi dite de «modernisation sociale», du 17 janvier 2002 avait pour objectif de développer cette pratique et dʼévoluer vers un dispositif achevé de validation des acquis de lʼexpérience (VAE), approfondissant les démarches précédentes. Près de six ans après son lancement, le paysage dans lequel sʼinscrit ce dispositif a fortement changé avec: • une nouvelle réforme de la formation professionnelle par la loi du 4 mai 2004 («relative à la formation professionnelle tout au long de la vie et au dialogue social») introduisant le «Droit Individuel à la Formation»; • une révision de la politique des titres, diplômes et certificats en liaison avec le processus de Bologne; • lʼachèvement du processus de transfert vers les régions de la politique de formation professionnelle. La VAE constitue un des axes principaux de développement de la qualification professionnelle en France : en 2003, 10 000 personnes ont pu, grâce à ce dispositif, faire reconnaître les compétences acquises au cours de leur parcours professionnel. Les diplômés de la VAE étaient 20 452 en 2005. Les points suivants suscitent plus particulièrement des réflexions aujourdʼhui: • lʼaccès au dispositif de validation des acquis de lʼexpérience pour les individus; • la certification et la refonte des parcours diplômants et de qualification; • la place de la VAE dans la formation tout au long de la vie. QUOI? Cette visite dʼétude a pour objectif de présenter les principales pratiques, expériences et structures mises en œuvre en matière de reconnaissance et de validation des acquis de lʼexpérience en France: • identifier les principaux systèmes de reconnaissance et de validation des acquis en fonction des certificateurs; • rencontrer et identifier les principaux acteurs de ce dispositif (État, Régions, partenaires sociaux, entreprises, organismes de formation, système scolaire et universitaire…) et ses différents bénéficiaires (travailleurs, demandeurs dʼemploi); • découvrir quelques expériences-clés et des réponses mises en œuvre dans ce nouveau cadre. COMMENT? Ces objectifs seront poursuivis en: • faisant découvrir les différents modes de validation: système dʼhomologation nationale des titres, reconnaissance dans les branches, dispositif VAE; • faisant mesurer lʼapport des approches innovantes: utilisation des technologies de lʼinformation et de la communication (TIC), prise en compte de lʼégalité des chances entre les femmes et les hommes. La visite dʼétude permettra à chaque participant de se présenter en fonction du thème de la visite dʼétude et alternera les visites sur site et les interventions dʼexperts ou de praticiens. POUR QUI? Organisateur(s): MONTAY-VERSAEVEL Marie-Paule RACINE 73/77 rue Pascal 75013 Paris Tel. +33- 144 08 65 10 Fax +33- 144 08 65 11 Email: [email protected] Website: Responsables de la formation professionnelle en entreprise; directeurs d΄institutions, de centres ou de prestataires d΄enseignement et de formation professionnels; directeurs de centres de validation; responsables des ressources humaines; représentants de chambres de commerce/d΄industrie/d΄artisanat; représentants de réseaux et d΄associations d΄enseignement et de formation; représentants d΄organisations d΄employeurs; représentants des autorités locales, régionales et nationales; représentants des syndicats. WWW. – – – 272 CEDEFOP – STUDY VISITS INTEGRATING GROUPS WITH PARTICULAR DIFFICULTIES INTO THE LABOUR MARKET Human health and social work activities Assistance and social aid system jobs for economic migrants Group No: 416 Type of visit: Mixed 10/9/2008-12/9/2008 Warszawa, Poland Working language: English Number of places: 8 Minimum required: 5 EDUCATION AND TRAINING 2010 OBJECTIVES: 3.4. Increasing mobility and exchange 3.5. Strengthening the European co-operation WHY? We want to undertake practical actions to reduce the educational lag of young Polish economic migrants (in Great Britain alone this problem regards 400 000 persons of student age).These are young people who stopped or have never taken up studying because of difficulties with adapting to new conditions, financial or language barriers. We want to support practical actions directed at abandoning marginalisation of this group and supporting their socio-cultural integration in a foreign country by education of migrants offered by our centre in co-operation with a chosen foreign university or higher vocational school. According to our concept such education could cover taking up higher education in assistance jobs in health service and social aid system in EU countries. Psychosomatic Institute has a long experience of training classes and vocational courses at academic level. It is based on remote teaching techniques using its own Internet platform and synchronous communication via Internet, that allows students to continue employment. WHAT? The participants will: • exchange experience in conducting training classes and vocational courses based on remote teaching techniques with a use of Internet platform; • discuss the needs for competences of social workers and health supplementary stuff in European countries; • discuss possibilities of international co-operation in education and training of social workers and health supplementary stuff; • discuss possibilities of cooperation in language skills distance learning during first year of studies. HOW? The study visits will include: • visiting the Didactic Centre of the Psychosomatic Institute (IPS) and other didactic institutions in Warsaw involved in the training of social workers and assistance jobs in health services; • discussions with the IPS stuff and representatives of other Polish educational and labour authorities; • visiting institutions that employ social workers and health supplementary stuff to learn about working conditions and educational expectations; • panels discussions concerning the topics listed above. WHOM? • Head teachers, teacher trainers; • representatives of education and training networks and associations; • representatives of educational services, labour offices or guidance centres. SHORT DESCRIPTION IN THE HOST COUNTRY’S LANGUAGE: Organiser(s): WASILEWSKI Bohdan Centrum Dydaktyczne Instytutu Psychosomatycznego ul. Poleczki 49 02-822 Warszawa Tel. +48-22 332 75 22 Fax +48-22 332 75 55 Email: [email protected] Website: Wizyta służy wsparciu możliwości edukacyjnych młodych Polaków przebywających w krajach unijnych w ramach migracji zarobkowej. Centrum Dydaktyczne IPS – niepubliczna placówka doskonalenia zawodowego i jego założyciel Instytut Psychosomatyczny specjalizujące się w zakresie szkolenia dotyczącego zawodów opiekuńczych i pomocowych poszukuje partnerów dla wspólnej realizacji szkoleń, oraz platformy dla wymiany doświadczeń szkoleniowych. Dysponujemy nowoczesnym ośrod-kiem zdalnego nauczania z doświadczoną kadrą, dysponującym interaktywną internetową telewizją edukacyjną, co pozwala na efektywne zdalne wsparcie szkolenia zawodowego w jego pierwszej fazie pozwalając na stopniowe opanowywanie terminologii zawodowej w języku kraju przebywania. Naszym potencjalnym partnerem są przed-stawiciele zbliżonych tematycznie instytucji szkoleniowych starych krajów członkowskich EU, przedstawiciele pracodawców i służb pracowniczych zakładów opiekuńczych i pomocowych. WWW. – – – CATALOGUE 2008-2009 273 INTEGRATING GROUPS WITH PARTICULAR DIFFICULTIES INTO THE LABOUR MARKET Integrating groups with particular difficulties into the labour market through adult education Group No: 417 Type of visit: Mixed 6/10/2008-10/10/2008 Budapest, Hungary Working language: English Number of places: 15 Minimum required: 10 EDUCATION AND TRAINING 2010 OBJECTIVES: 2.2. Making learning more attractive 2.3. Supporting active citizenship, equal opportunities and social cohesion WHY? The main objective of the study visit is to give an overview of the lifelong learning system in Hungary in general, and the role of the Hungarian Red Cross, in particular. Besides its main programmes the HRC organizes training courses for both staff members and volunteers connected to professional programmes. HRC Budapest branch and two other county branches have been qualified as accredited adult education institutions. These institutions organise different training courses for both the beneficiaries and staff of the HRC social welfare facilities. Some HRC local branches run mentoring services for people who have difficulties finding or keeping a job and for those who have been unemployed for a long time. The HRC maintains regular contact with local authorities and labour centres. We hope this programme will allow us to establish future partner cooperation with joint educational projects in adult education. WHAT? During the study visit we cover the following issues: • training activities of the Hungarian Red Cross (first aid training, education of blood donor recruiters, training of social workers, mentor programme, support service, etc.); • organisational structure of HRC, the role of HRC in lifelong learning; • the Hungarian adult education system; • adult education reflecting the challenges of the labour market; • motivation and competence building of target groups; • experiences of the 4M program by HRC (solution for employers and employees living with disabilities); • gender issues (training courses for women with low educational level, on maternity leave or with difficulties entering the labour market); • mentor training for people having difficulties in finding or keeping a workplace; • the specific needs of vulnerable persons - the HRCʼs yearly education plan. HOW? The following activities are planned: • introducing and visiting HRC centres and institutions providing education and training for groups with difficulties in Kaposvár, Nyíregyháza and Budapest; • presentations on the Hungarian adult education system, on HRC activities and challenges; • meeting trainers and teachers of our institutions and representatives of local authorities; • questions and discussions on the covered issues; • workshop - exchange of experiences with visitors. WHOM? Directors of education and vocational training institutions, centres or providers; directors of guidance centres; head teachers, teacher trainers; heads of departments; pedagogical or guidance advisers; representatives of educational services, labour offices or guidance centres; representatives of local, regional and national authorities. SHORT DESCRIPTION IN THE HOST COUNTRY’S LANGUAGE: Organiser(s): FÓRIZS Judit Institution Hungarian Red Cross Arany János utca 31. 1051 Budapest Tel. +36- 1-3741300 Fax +36- 1-3741312 Email: [email protected] Website: A tanulmányút elsődleges célja az Élethosszig tartó tanulás népszerűsítése a felnőttoktatásban. Mindemellett a tanulmányút témájában kitér a Magyar felnőttoktatási rendszer bemutatására, és a Magyar Vöröskereszt által betöltött szerepre. Témánk központjában a hátrányos helyzetű társadalmi csoportok munkaerőpiacra történő integrálásának lehetőségei vannak. Felnőttképzési intézményeinkben (működési területükön és kihelyezett formában egyaránt) folyó képzések a munkába állást, a munkahely megtartását segítik elő, célozzák meg. Tanfolyamaik között egyaránt megtalálhatók voltak a támogató szolgálatok dolgozóinak képzése, családi napközit működtetők tanfolyama, házi gyermekfelügyelők, döntés-előkészítők képzése, motiváció és megerősítés képzés, bébi szitter és házi gondozók képzése, illetve kreditpontot adó továbbképzések (Amíg a mentő megérkezik, Erőszak a családban). Mindemellett bízunk abban, hogy ez a program kapcsolatépítést is lehetővé tesz számunkra a felnőttoktatás területén. WWW. 274 CEDEFOP – STUDY VISITS INTEGRATING GROUPS WITH PARTICULAR DIFFICULTIES INTO THE LABOUR MARKET Employment for groups with special difficulties and their integration into the labour market Group No: 418 Type of visit: VET 26/1/2009-29/1/2009 Madrid, Spain Working language: English Number of places: 12 Minimum required: 10 EDUCATION AND TRAINING 2010 OBJECTIVES: 1.5. Making the best use of resources 2.3. Supporting active citizenship, equal opportunities and social cohesion WHY? Currently, society is in constant evolution and increasing competitivity. The labour market requires, more and more, better qualified employees. This leads to social and labour exclusion for certain groups. For this reason, it is necessary to establish mechanisms to correct inequalities and get the integration of these groups in the different aspects of our society. WHAT? • General presentation of the Spanish public service of employment and, specifically, of the employment and training departments. • Visit to a workshop school and explanation of this programme. • General presentation of the Spanish system of professional training and analysis of the new subsystem of vocational education and training for employment established by the Royal Decree 395/2007. HOW? • Lectures, round tables and debates with experts and social partners, • visits to public and private institutions, • Interchange of information experiences, information and participants´s approaches. WHOM? • • • • • • Directors of education and vocational training institutions, centres or providers; representatives of education and training networks and associations; representatives of educational services, labour offices or guidance centres; representatives of employersʼ organisations; representatives of local, regional and national authorities; representatives of trade unions. SHORT DESCRIPTION IN THE HOST COUNTRY’S LANGUAGE: • Varios expertos presentarán la situación del mercado laboral en España, su problemática y desarrollo en los últimos años. • Los participantes tendrán oportunidad de suscitar diferentes cuestiones, exponer sus experiencias, debatir aspectos de interés y presentar la situación en sus propios países de los distintos temas tratados. Organiser(s): RODRIGUEZ Leticia Servicio Público de Empleo Estatal (SPEE / INEM) Condesa de Venadito, 9 28027 Madrid Tel. +34- 915 85 95 75 Fax +34- 915 85 98 19 Email: [email protected] WWW. – – – CATALOGUE 2008-2009 275 INTEGRATING GROUPS WITH PARTICULAR DIFFICULTIES INTO THE LABOUR MARKET Helping older employees find and keep jobs Group No: 419 Type of visit: VET 30/3/2009-2/4/2009 Bruges, Belgium EDUCATION AND TRAINING 2010 OBJECTIVES: 2.3. Supporting active citizenship, equal opportunities and social cohesion WHY? The Flemish government considers the right to continuous training or lifelong learning as the only answer for both employed and unemployed workers to develop in society. It works closely with various Flemish authorities and representatives of unions and employersʼ organisations to establish, for example, competence development of older workers. WHAT? Working language: English Number of places: 15 Minimum required: 10 Participants will learn: • about the tools used to promote lifelong and lifewide learning; • about the integrated policy and the combined efforts of training stakeholders; • how low-skilled workers and older employees are motivated to participate in LLL. HOW? • Visiting organisations, service for vocational training, Ministry of Labour and Social Economy, Expert Centre for Age and Work, Start people (interim office) and trade union. • Visiting training centres, Flemish employment and vocational training agency, socialeconomic council of the region, (SERR), training centre for the food industry (IPV), training centre for office workers (CEVORA), a company. • Meeting and talking to trainers, trainees, policy-makers, representatives of unions and employersʼ organisations, heads of institutions, labour-market counsellors, etc. WHOM? • • • • • • Company training managers; directors of education and vocational training institutions, centres or providers; human resource managers; representatives of employersʼ organisations; representatives of local, regional and national authorities; representatives of trade unions. Organiser(s): TACK Freddy Departement Onderwijs Dienst Beroepsopleiding Hendrik Consciencegebouw Koning Albert II-laan 15 1210 Brussel Tel. +32-2- 553 87 01 Fax +32-2- 553 88 45 Email: [email protected] WWW. – – – – – – – – 276 CEDEFOP – STUDY VISITS DÉVELOPPER LA CULTURE D’ENTREPRISE CHEZ LES JEUNES ET LES ADULTES La culture d’entreprise dans la formation des jeunes Numéro de groupe: 420 Type de visite: EFP 23/9/2008-26/9/2008 Amiens, France Langue de travail: français Nombre de places: 15 Minimum requis: 10 OBJECTIFS EDUCATION ET FORMATION 2010: 3.1. Renforcer les liens avec le monde du travail, la recherche et la société dans son ensemble 3.2. Développer lʼesprit dʼentreprise POURQUOI? Ce projet a pour objectif de renforcer les échanges de bonnes pratiques entre pays européens dans le domaine du lien Éducation-Entreprise. Il sʼinscrira dans les actions phares menées par lʼacadémie dʼAmiens à lʼoccasion de la Présidence française de lʼUnion européenne. Le ministère français a en effet inscrit lʼenseignement professionnel et lʼorientation comme deux des six thèmes principaux de débats et dʼéchanges dans lʼéducation pendant les six mois de Présidence. Lʼacadémie dʼAmiens contribuera à cette réflexion nationale par lʼorganisation de ce séminaire et par la communication de ses conclusions. En France, la culture dʼentreprise et lʼesprit dʼentreprendre sont actuellement renforcés dans la formation des jeunes à différents moments de leur scolarité. Lors du séminaire, trois niveaux seront étudiés: • au niveau du collège lors de lʼorientation des jeunes pour une voie de formation qui prédéterminera les enjeux «métiers»; • au niveau des lycées lors de la réalisation de prestations en partenariat avec les entreprises; • à lʼuniversité, dans le cadre dʼune coopération tournée vers la recherche et lʼinnovation. Ces rencontres auront pour objectif de répondre à la question suivante: comment construire un plan dʼactions qui permette au système éducatif de sʼinscrire dans les priorités dʼun territoire? QUOI? • Confronter des pratiques en matière de découverte des métiers chez les jeunes, les lycéens et les étudiants; • mesurer les forces et les faiblesses des différents dispositifs: diminution des décrochages par la remobilisation que cela fait naître; • analyse des ruptures souvent provoquées par les chocs culturels dʼun jeune face aux contraintes de lʼentreprise; • développer cet esprit dʼentreprendre tout au long de la formation première à travers des actions de partenariats avec le monde économique: mesure des potentialités de reprise dʼentreprise voire de création tout au long de la formation; • proposition des actions pendant la formation qui développent cet état dʼesprit; • intégrer lʼinnovation à lʼesprit dʼentreprendre, pas seulement technologique (brevet) mais aussi comportementale (comment oser faire autrement que les autres pour se démarquer dans un monde concurrentiel?). COMMENT? • En visitant des collèges et en particulier en rencontrant des élèves ayant suivi lʼoption 3 h ou le module 6 h en classe de 3e; • en rencontrant une association nationale dont le président est picard, qui promeut la mise en place de mini-entreprise au sein des collèges et lycées; • en rencontrant des partenaires économiques et régionaux: conseil régional, chambres consulaires, branches professionnelles, ministère de lʼindustrie (DRIRE); • en rencontrant des acteurs internes: inspecteurs pédagogiques, responsables de lʼorientation, ingénieur pour lʼécole; • en rencontrant des acteurs nationaux: CERPET, AFDET, OPPE, inspecteurs généraux, chargés de mission. POUR QUI? Organisateur(s): ILEF Irène DAET - Rectorat de l’Académie d’Amiens 20, Boulevard Alsace Lorraine 80090 Amiens Tel. +33-3 22 82 39 05 Fax +33-3 22 82 37 27 Email: [email protected] Directeurs d΄institutions, de centres ou de prestataires d΄enseignement et de formation professionnels; directeurs de centres d΄orientation; professeurs principaux, formateurs d΄enseignants; propriétaires/administrateurs de PME; représentants de chambres de commerce/d΄industrie/d΄artisanat; représentants d΄organisations d΄employeurs; représentants des autorités locales, régionales et nationales. WWW. – – CATALOGUE 2008-2009 277 DÉVELOPPER LA CULTURE D’ENTREPRISE CHEZ LES JEUNES ET LES ADULTES Développer la culture entrepreneuriale chez les jeunes en milieu rural Numéro de groupe: 421 Type de visite: Enseignement général 20/10/2008-24/10/2008 Limoges, France Langue de travail: français Nombre de places: 15 Minimum requis: 5 OBJECTIFS EDUCATION ET FORMATION 2010: 1.1. Améliorer lʼéducation et la formation des enseignants et des formateurs 3.2. Développer lʼesprit dʼentreprise POURQUOI? Dans le contexte actuel en France, les régions rurales souffrent démographiquement, économiquement et socialement. Les flux de populations de ces dernières années ont complètement modifié la composition de ces territoires et sont à lʼorigine dʼune reconfiguration des besoins de ces territoires et populations ruraux. De plus, le manque de culture pour entreprendre, aussi bien au niveau des individus, que des systèmes dʼacteurs et des territoires, est un frein, en milieu rural encore plus quʼailleurs, pour lʼémergence et le développement dʼinitiatives. Afin de favoriser lʼesprit dʼinitiative dont dépendent à la fois le développement des territoires et le maintien de la population jeune dans ceux-ci, lʼI2ER et ses partenaires locaux ont mis en place des actions et outils pédagogiques ayant pour objectif une meilleure compréhension du monde de lʼentreprise en général, et des enjeux de lʼentrepreneuriat en particulier. La méthode MIME (Méthode dʼinitiation au métier dʼentrepreneur) est un des exemples dʼoutils pédagogiques. Elle a été adaptée à des contextes de formation différents en France: étudiants de grandes écoles, de BTS, de lycéens ou encore jeunes en difficulté dʼinsertion. QUOI? Les objectifs de cette visite dʼétude sont de: • présenter le système français dʼaide à la création dʼentreprises, les particularités de la problématique du milieu rural et le comparer avec les systèmes des pays participant à la visite; • présenter, à partir dʼexemples en région Limousin, des dispositifs et des bonnes pratiques en faveur de la promotion de la culture entrepreneuriale chez les jeunes, et échanger sur les points forts et points faibles de ces dispositifs avec les acteurs les mettant en œuvre: État, collectivités locales, associations, organismes de formation professionnelle, etc. • présenter des outils pédagogiques et échanger avec les formateurs et les publics bénéficiaires de ces outils. Pour ces deux derniers points, il est prévu dʼaller faire des visites sur des sites où sont mis en œuvre ces dispositifs et outils (organismes de formation, associations dʼaide à la création dʼactivité, collectivités, etc.). • rencontrer et échanger avec de jeunes créateurs dʼentreprises; • échanger lors de tables rondes sur les points forts et points faibles des expériences étudiées. COMMENT? Il est prévu lors de cette visite: • des rencontres avec des organismes locaux (collectivités locales, associations, organismes de formation) qui présenteront leurs pratiques et des jeunes engagés dans une démarche de sensibilisation à lʼesprit dʼentreprise; • des tables rondes moments dʼéchanges avec des acteurs limousins; • la présentation dʼoutils pédagogiques (MIME: Méthode dʼinitiation au métier dʼentrepreneur) et participation à des séances dʼanimation des outils; • un moment dʼéchange avec des experts/chercheurs en entrepreneuriat. Nous vous proposons également comme moment fort de cette visite dʼassister à la remise des prix dʼun concours récompensant de jeunes créateurs dʼentreprise où vous pourrez éventuellement intervenir. POUR QUI? Organisateur(s): DUQUENNE Luc Institut Européen de l’Entrepreneuriat Rural 2, rue de la Croix Verte 87000 Limoges Tel. +33-5 55 32 87 29 Fax +33-5 55 32 11 18 Email: [email protected] Directeurs d΄institutions, de centres ou de prestataires d΄enseignement et de formation professionnels; inspecteurs d΄enseignement et de formation professionnels; professeurs principaux, formateurs d΄enseignants; chefs de départements; conseillers pédagogiques ou d΄orientation; représentants de chambres de commerce/d΄industrie/d΄artisanat; représentants de réseaux et d΄associations d΄enseignement et de formation; représentants de services éducatifs, d΄agences pour l΄emploi ou de centres d΄orientation; représentants des autorités locales, régionales et nationales; chercheurs. WWW. – 278 CEDEFOP – STUDY VISITS DEVELOPING ENTREPRENEURSHIP AMONG YOUNG PEOPLE AND ADULTS Teaching entrepreneurial skills Group No: 422 Type of visit: Mixed 4/11/2008-6/11/2008 Dublin, Ireland EDUCATION AND TRAINING 2010 OBJECTIVES: 3.2. Developing the spirit of enterprise WHY? While there is a viewpoint that entrepreneurs are born not made, there are a number of success stories of teaching entrepreneurial skills. The role of entrepreneurship as an engine of economic and social development in modern economies is significant.The 2005 GEM report found that total entrepreneurial activity in Ireland reached 9.8%, the highest in the EU. There have been a number of vocational education and training initiatives developed to support and promote entrepreneurship and this study visit will be an opportunity to observe a sample of these. Working language: English Number of places: 12 Minimum required: 8 WHAT? There are a number of organisations involved in the delivery and preparation of relevant programmes aimed at encouraging entrepreneurship. These organisations will introduce the study visit participants to a variety of approaches to entrepreneurial education and training including mentoring advice, further education training and business development support. It will include a focus on promoting entrepreneurial training across a variety of target groups. HOW? The study visit will involve an overview of entrepreneurial training in Ireland as well the opportunity to visit learning providers to discuss the practical challenges in delivering entrepreneurial training. WHOM? • • • • • • • • • • • • • Company training managers; directors of education and vocational training institutions, centres or providers; directors of guidance centres; directors of validation or accreditation centres; educational and vocational training inspectors; head teachers, teacher trainers; heads of departments; owners/managers of SMEs; representatives of education and training networks and associations; representatives of educational services, labour offices or guidance centres; representatives of employersʼ organisations; representatives of local, regional and national authorities; representatives of trade unions. Organiser(s): MC DYER Lorraine Leargas - Education Service 189 Parnell Street Dublin 1 Tel. +353- 18 73 14 11 Fax +353- 18 73 13 16 Email: [email protected] WWW. CATALOGUE 2008-2009 279 DEVELOPING ENTREPRENEURSHIP AMONG YOUNG PEOPLE AND ADULTS Fostering entrepreneurship – learning and working together Group No: 423 Type of visit: Mixed 12/11/2008-14/11/2008 Maribor, Slovenia Working language: English Number of places: 12 Minimum required: 8 EDUCATION AND TRAINING 2010 OBJECTIVES: 1.2. Developing skills for the knowledge society 3.2. Developing the spirit of enterprise WHY? In an ever-changing society schools also have a challenge to change and adapt to the changes in the world. The traditional hidden curriculum requires students to sit quiet and obey the authorities. In this way they would become good employees for the needs of industry. The transfer from an industrial society to a knowledge society requires a cultural change in business, industry and the public sector. Todayʼs and future employees should be able to operate holistically through creativity, thinking, personality and a network. They also has to be able to work with others in teams. Hierarchical structures do not work any more in a culture based on inner entrepreneurship and coaching rather that on giving and obeying orders. By implementing a new team academy learning method we will teach our students how to apply the latest knowledge into practice through projects and practical experimenting with customers. WHAT? • • • • To provide/improve cooperation between educational institutes and business for common benefit; to learn about how trainers/teachers/coaches are taught how to teach young entrepreneurs; to provide flexibility and education to allow students to combine work and studies; to learn about team academy concept of studying entrepreneurship by using a method “learning by doing”; • to examine challenges and pitfalls in integrating entrepreneurship education into curriculum. HOW? • To meet and discuss with teachers, trainers, coaches, students; • to meet promoters of best-practice projects; • to meet and discuss with policy-makers, local authorities, chamber of commerce, chamber of craft; • to observe school-local enterprise collaboration and talk to involved partners; • to meet young people who have set up and run business. WHOM? Company training managers; directors of education and vocational training institutions, centres or providers; directors of validation or accreditation centres; head teachers, teacher trainers; owners/managers of SMEs; representatives of chambers of commerce/ industry/crafts; representatives of education and training networks and associations. SHORT DESCRIPTION IN THE HOST COUNTRY’S LANGUAGE: Organiser(s): KUHAR Sonja Higher Education College Academia Glavni trg 17b SI-2000 Maribor Tel. +386- 22 28 35 36 Fax +386- 22 28 35 30 Email: [email protected] Website: Osnovni namen študijskega obiska je v uveljavljanju nove učne metode “Team Academy”(v nadaljevanju TA) oz. “Learning by doing”. Gre za finsko metodo oz. visokošolski študijski program podjetništva, ki temelji na učenju skozi delo. Metoda je v postopku implementacije v državah EU, kot so Francija, Nizozemska, Španija in Nemčija. Gre za sodobni model študija podjetništva, kjer študenti klasične predavalnice zamenjajo za konkretna podjetja, ki jih ustanovijo sami, klasične profesorje pa nadomestijo t.i. coachi oz. trenerji, ki predstavljajo podporno učno okolje. Kontinuirani process sprememb delovnega okolja zahteva stalne prilagoditve sposobnosti in kompetenc posameznika. TA metoda/program temelji na principu ustvarjanja družbe znanja, kjer se sposobnosti/kompetence posameznika razvijajo v petih osnovnih dimenzijah: Pridobivati nova teoretična znanja stroke; Učiti se ta znanja uporabljati v praksi; Razviti sposobnosti§ posameznika da dela v teamu; Razvijanje posameznikove osebnosti§ in njegove čustvene intelegence. V okviru študijskega obiska želimo predvsem spoznati/izmenjati izkušnje s področja uveljavljanja in poučevanja podjetništva tako s strani ciljnih skupin s področja terciarnega izobraževanja, kakor tudi s strani ciljnih skupin podjetnikov ter predstavnikov vladnih inštitucij, ki lahko pomembno vplivajo na vsebine kurikuluma. WWW. 280 CEDEFOP – STUDY VISITS DEVELOPING ENTREPRENEURSHIP AMONG YOUNG PEOPLE AND ADULTS Bridging the enterprise deficit in East London Group No: 424 Type of visit: General education 18/11/2008-20/11/2008 London, England, UK Working language: English Number of places: 25 Minimum required: 12 EDUCATION AND TRAINING 2010 OBJECTIVES: 3.1. Strengthening the links with working life and research and society at large 3.2. Developing the spirit of enterprise WHY? • London is one of the richest and most economically powerful cities in the world. Despite this wealth the eastern part of the city has some of the highest levels of economic and social deprivation. • The purpose of this visit will be to showcase how different local educational organisations – a school, a college of further education and a university – are each working on initiatives that will help decrease this deficit by informing young people and adults about the world of enterprise and entrepreneurship. • The date of the visit coincides with enterprise week 2008 – a UK wide week of activities and events, aimed at inspiring young people. WHAT? • This study visit will also allow participants to gain an understanding of why local economic development agencies and business associations etc are increasingly looking to the education sector to help achieve a change in attitudes towards enterprise and selfemployment. • It will look at how the education establishments are responding to this challenge by developing practical initiatives that both help to encourage enterprise and entrepreneurship, but at the same time does not compromise their mission and broader educational objectives. HOW? • Visiting educational partners to see at first hand the initiatives that are being developed to give practical support to new enterprise development. • Discussions with participants and users of the various initiatives that have been developed. • Meetings and networking events with senior members of staff of enterprise and regeneration agencies. • Particpants will also be able to see some of the activities and events organised as part of the UKs national annual enterprise week – including the launch of ʻe-factorʼ UELʼs annual competition to encourage students to set up their own business. WHOM? Directors of education and vocational training institutions, centres or providers; directors of guidance centres; head teachers, teacher trainers; heads of departments; owners/managers of SMEs; representatives of chambers of commerce/ industry/crafts; representatives of education and training networks and associations; representatives of educational services, labour offices or guidance centres; representatives of employersʼ organisations; representatives of local, regional and national authorities; representatives of trade unions; researchers. Organiser(s): WILKINSON Ray University of East London External and Strategic Development E16 2RD London Tel. +44- 20 82 23 70 23 Fax +44- 20 82 23 33 64 Email: [email protected] Website: WWW. – – – – CATALOGUE 2008-2009 281 DEVELOPING ENTREPRENEURSHIP AMONG YOUNG PEOPLE AND ADULTS Enterprising communities Group No: 425 Type of visit: Mixed 2/3/2009-6/3/2009 Wolverhampton England, UK Working language: English EDUCATION AND TRAINING 2010 OBJECTIVES: 2.3. Supporting active citizenship, equal opportunities and social cohesion 3.2. Developing the spirit of enterprise WHY? There remains a continuing need in many disadvantaged communities across England to engage local residents in learning (both formal and non formal) and to develop business and enterprise skills. The third sector offers a unique approach to involving local people. Wolverhampton is a Midlands city where both educational attainment and business start up remains low. All Saints action network (ASAN) is a community based organisation working with residents to develop learning and encourage enterprise. WHAT? Number of places: 15 Minimum required: 7 The aim of the visit is to provide participants with an understanding of how a community based enterprise can promote and engage local residents in learning and enterprise development. This will be achieved firstly through demonstrating the role of various types of learning programmes linked to community services offered. Secondly the aim will be achieved through showing participants how the organisations approach to enterprise enables local people to develop their own enterprise expertise. HOW? The learning objectives will be achieved in the following way: • by meeting with volunteer managers and staff at ASAN, staff from other community enterprises, other partner organisations in the public and private sector and those involved in supporting the development of community enterprise at policy level; • by meeting with resident learners and those involved in developing their own business; • by visiting partner organisations to understand their role in supporting and developing ASAN; • by undertaking workshops aimed at demonstrating the tools ASAN uses in its approach. WHOM? • • • • • • • • • • Directors of guidance centres; directors of validation or accreditation centres; head teachers, teacher trainers; owners/managers of SMEs; representatives of chambers of commerce/ industry/crafts; representatives of education and training networks and associations; representatives of educational services, labour offices or guidance centres; representatives of local, regional and national authorities; representatives of trade unions; researchers. Organiser(s): SWAIN Mike Institution All Saints Action Network Limited (ASAN) The Workspace, c/oThe Community Centre, All Saints Road WV2 1EL Wolverhampton Tel. +44- 19 02 55 66 80 Fax +44- 19 02 55 66 82 Email: [email protected] Website: WWW. – – – 282 CEDEFOP – STUDY VISITS DEVELOPING ENTREPRENEURSHIP AMONG YOUNG PEOPLE AND ADULTS Entrepreneurship models within creative industries Group No: 426 Type of visit: VET 9/3/2009-13/3/2009 Liverpool, England, UK Working language: English Number of places: 12 Minimum required: 10 EDUCATION AND TRAINING 2010 OBJECTIVES: 1.2. Developing skills for the knowledge society 1.5. Making the best use of resources WHY? The creative industries have a significant role in the regeneration strategies across the EU. Research into best practice clearly illustrates how effective business incubation can be. However, within the creative industries graduates move towards self-employment in specialist workshops with only 11% of graduate designers progressed into major design companies. The traditional business development incubator environment is not suitable for creatives because of the specialist resources and needs of the industry yet these embryonic companies require generic business support that is delivered in a way that recognises these unique requirements. Design graduates are reluctant to develop business skills and entrepreneurial acumen. Also, traditional areas of business support are not geared up to dealing with creative businesses, there are challenges with persuading talented entrepreneurs of the importance of commercial skills and they do not recognise of the worth of their intellectual property. WHAT? This study trip will: • give an overview to business support training for the creative industries; • present a range of methodologies including virtual and actual incubation; • provide the opportunity to experience business support in action. HOW? Participants will: • visit creative industries development agencies in the NW of England; • visit training providers; • meet with key personnel in the development of content for specific training material; • have the opportunity to meet successful SMEs within the creative industries. WHOM? • • • • Company training managers; directors of education and vocational training institutions, centres or providers; representatives of chambers of commerce/ industry/crafts; researchers. Organiser(s): JONES Roy Pacificstream Information C.I.C. Maxwell Business Centre, Liverpool Digital L7 9NJ Liverpool Tel. +44- 15 17 09 25 90 Email: [email protected] Website: WWW. – – – CATALOGUE 2008-2009 283 DEVELOPING ENTREPRENEURSHIP AMONG YOUNG PEOPLE AND ADULTS Improving teacher training competences in entrepreneurship education Group No: 427 Type of visit: Mixed 16/3/2009-20/3/2009 Turku, Finland Working language: English Number of places: 15 Minimum required: 10 EDUCATION AND TRAINING 2010 OBJECTIVES: 1.1. Improving education and training for teachers and trainers 3.2. Developing the spirit of enterprise WHY? Participatory citizenship and entrepreneurship are cross-curricular themes in the national core curriculum in Finland. Cross-curricular themes are central to educational and teaching work. Official teacher training lacks recommendations and models for supporting future teachers in achieving competences to practise entrepreneurship education as suggested in the national core curriculum. Entrepreneurship education network in south-west Finland has tackled this problem by organising open seminars, meetings and contacts for teachers interested in developing entrepreneurship education. The network aims to take initiatives on official teacher training and with the help of this study visit to strengthen and develop a more elaborate understanding of entrepreneurship education. WHAT? Study visit provides stakeholders an interesting opportunity to become acquainted with: • both regional and national situation in entrepreneurship education and teacher training in Finland; • development work in the entrepreneurship education network in south-west Finland and its manifold operations model. The visit will focus on following topics: • strategies and models in teacher training in entrepreneurship education; • other support measures and best practices in entrepreneurship education; • best practices in promoting entrepreneurship among young people. HOW? The programme will consist of: • visits with some theoretical input (teacher training institute); • meetings and networking with people associated with teacher training and developing entrepreneurship education in Finland; • attending one day seminar for all stakeholders interested in developing entrepreneurship education; • visiting and observing activities in a basic school in Turku; • meeting entrepreneurs and company representatives. WHOM? • • • • Directors of education and vocational training institutions, centres or providers; head teachers, teacher trainers; pedagogical or guidance advisers; representatives of education and training networks and associations. SHORT DESCRIPTION IN THE HOST COUNTRY’S LANGUAGE: Organiser(s): LAMMINPÄÄ Kirsi Turku School of Economics Rehtorinpellonkatu 3 20500 Turku Tel. +358- 24 81 44 76 Fax +358- 24 81 43 93 Email: [email protected] Vierailun tarkoituksena on tutustuttaa vierailijat sekä yrittäjyyskasvatuksen ja opettajankoulutuksen tilaan Suomessa että Varsinais-Suomen yrittäjyyskasvatusverkoston toimintaan tämän asian eteenpäin viemiseksi. Verkosto tulee järjestämään koko vierailun ohjelman, johon kuuluu mm. vierailuja verkoston toimijoiden toimipisteisiin; verkostoitumiseen soveltuvia keskusteluja käytännön toimijoiden eli opettajien ja koulutuksen suunnittelijoiden sekä yrittäjyyskasvatuksen tutkijoiden yms. kanssa; vierailuja ja tutustumisia paikallisiin kouluihin/koulutuslaitoksiin ja heidän opettajiensa työskentelytapoihin; teoreettista ja akateemista keskustelua yrittäjyyskasvatuksesta ja opettajankoulutuksesta; yhden päivän englanniksi toteutettava seminaari, jonka aiheena on yrittäjyyskasvatus ja opettajankoulutus. 284 CEDEFOP – STUDY VISITS DEVELOPING ENTREPRENEURSHIP AMONG YOUNG PEOPLE AND ADULTS Educating for entrepreneurship Group No: 428 Type of visit: Mixed 24/3/2009-27/3/2009 Almería, Spain Working language: English Number of places: 15 Minimum required: 7 EDUCATION AND TRAINING 2010 OBJECTIVES: 3.1. Strengthening the links with working life and research and society at large 3.2. Developing the spirit of enterprise WHY? • Europe needs more people wishing to begin on creative and innovative activities. Education can contribute greatly to the creation of a more entrepreneurial culture, starting from the earliest ages. Cultivating entrepreneurship from people, especially young people, will be a benefit to society in general. • Entrepreneurship is a general attitude that can be useful in all activities, work, social and daily life. It is therefore a key competence, and one of the goals of the educational system should be to encourage people in the personal qualities that are the basis for entrepreneurship: creativity, initiative, responsibility, the ability to cope with risks and independence. WHAT? Participants will: • learn about the educational projects in Andalucia to promote entrepreneurship; • compare own experiences with experiences in other European countries; • learn about the Spanish education system and its relationship to the workplace and business environment, particularly SMEs. HOW? Participants will: • visit VET schools and lifelong learning centres; • meet responsibles of educational projects to improve entrepreneurship; • meet teachers interested in improvig entrepreneurship; • meet pupils that participate in projects that can be examples of best-practice; • cooperate by exchanging ideas and drawing conclusions. WHOM? • • • • • • Directors of education and vocational training institutions, centres or providers; educational and vocational training inspectors; head teachers, teacher trainers; pedagogical or guidance advisers; representatives of chambers of commerce/ industry/crafts; representatives of educational services, labour offices or guidance centres. SHORT DESCRIPTION IN THE HOST COUNTRY’S LANGUAGE: Organiser(s): LOPEZ OJEDA Sebastian Centro del Profesorado de Almeria Paseo de la Caridad, 125 04008 Almeria Tel. +34- 950 26 86 22 Fax +34- 950 26 86 93 Email: [email protected] Europa necesita más personas emprendedoras y más empresas que quieran desarrollar actividades creativas e innovadoras. La educación puede contribuir enormemente a la creación de una cultura más emprendedora, empezando desde las edades más tempranas. Impulsando las actitudes y capacidades emprendedoras se beneficia a la sociedad en su conjunto. En un sentido amplio, el espíritu emprendedor es una actitud general que puede resultar útil en todas las actividades, laborales, sociales y en la vida cotidiana. Se trata por tanto de una competencia básica y uno de los objetivos del sistema educativo debería ser el de fomentar en los jóvenes las cualidades personales que constituyen la base del espíritu emprendedor: la creatividad, la iniciativa, la responsabilidad, la capacidad de afrontar riesgos y la independencia. Esta visita de estudios pretende mostrar las iniciativas de fomento del espíritu emprendedor que se están llevando a cabo en el ámbito del Centro del Profesorado de Almería. WWW. – – CATALOGUE 2008-2009 285 DEVELOPING ENTREPRENEURSHIP AMONG YOUNG PEOPLE AND ADULTS Young entrepreneurs in an Arctic setting – developing entrepreneurship among young people Group No: 429 Type of visit: Mixed 30/3/2009-3/4/2009 Bodø, Norway Working language: English Number of places: 13 Minimum required: 6 EDUCATION AND TRAINING 2010 OBJECTIVES: 3.1. Strengthening the links with working life and research and society at large 3.2. Developing the spirit of enterprise WHY? The theme of young entrepreneurs is important in every European country and in most educational systems. The educational sector in Nordland County has for many years tried to merge traditional education and entrepreneurial methods. Also, there has been a special focus on linking local businesses and young enterprises initiatives to promote new business initiatives and entrepreneurial spirit in the SME sector. The city of Bodø, situated just north of the Arctic Circle, is the capital of Nordland County. Time and place of the study visit 2009 matches the regional Young Enterprise fair and exhibition with more than 80 young enterprises present. Being at the fringe of Europe might add a somewhat different European perspective to the concept. WHAT? Participants will: • learn about how trainers/teachers are taught how to teach young entrepreneurs; • learn about the concept ʻYoung enterpriseʼ from kindergarten to university level in the regional context/Arctic setting; • compare own young enterprises experiences with European colleagues. HOW? Participants will: • meet and discuss with policy-makers, local authorities, trade unions etc; • meet promoters of best-practice projects; • meet and discuss with teachers, trainers, pupils and apprentices; • observe school–local enterprise collaboration and talk to involved partners; • participate in the annual county fair/exhibition for young enterprises. WHOM? • • • • • • • Company training managers; directors of education and vocational training institutions, centres or providers; head teachers, teacher trainers; representatives of chambers of commerce/ industry/crafts; representatives of education and training networks and associations; representatives of local, regional and national authorities; representatives of trade unions. SHORT DESCRIPTION IN THE HOST COUNTRY’S LANGUAGE: Organiser(s): PETTERSEN Jann S. Nordland County, Educational Dept Fylkeshuset N-8048 Bodø Tel. +47- 75 65 02 00 Fax +47- 75 65 02 01 Email: [email protected] Innovasjon og entreprenørskap blir mer og mer viktig, ikke bare som et virkemiddel for å starte nye virksomheter, men også som en pedagogisk metode. I Nordland har denne metodikken fått stor oppmerksomhet, ikke bare nasjonalt, men også internasjonalt. Det kan nevnes at i Bodø kommune har vi verdens to første barnehagebedrifter. Vi har i dette området flere gode eksempler på elevbedrifter, ungdomsbedrifter og lærlingbedrifter. Dette er også ganske unikt i verdenssammenheng. I tidsrommet mars/ april arrangeres det hvert år en ungdomsmesse, hvor elev/ungdomsbedriftene presenterer seg og sine produkt. Vi forsøker hvert år å knytte Study Visit opp til denne messen som går over to dager, slik at deltakerne får et inntrykk av aktiviteten i Nordland. (Forbehold om tidspunkt i forhold til omtalte messe. Ikke fastlagt.) Dessuten besøker vi næringsliv og videregående skoler i området, samt at deltakerne får oppleve ekte nord - norsk natur og smake tradisjonsrike lokale matretter. WWW. 286 CEDEFOP – STUDY VISITS DÉVELOPPER LA CULTURE D’ENTREPRISE CHEZ LES JEUNES ET LES ADULTES Encourager les jeunes à devenir les entrepreneurs de demain Numéro de groupe: 430 Type de visite: Mixte 20/4/2009-24/4/2009 Luxembourg, Luxembourg OBJECTIFS EDUCATION ET FORMATION 2010: 3.2. Développer lʼesprit dʼentreprise POURQUOI? Dans le cadre de la mise en œuvre de la stratégie de Lisbonne, lʼesprit dʼentreprise est une compétence clé à développer chez les jeunes. Cette visite dʼétude présentera plusieurs actions et projets au Luxembourg ayant pour objet de favoriser et de promouvoir lʼesprit dʼentreprise chez les jeunes. QUOI? Langue de travail: français Nombre de places: 12 Minimum requis: 10 • Projets et actions concernant lʼesprit dʼentreprise dans lʼenseignement primaire, secondaire et supérieur; • formations offertes aux enseignants en matière dʼesprit dʼentreprise. COMMENT? • • • • Présentation du système scolaire luxembourgeois; présentation des actions au niveau de lʼenseignement primaire, secondaire et supérieur; visites dʼune école primaire et dʼun lycée; discussions avec les fonctionnaires, les directeurs, les enseignants, les partenaires sociaux, les responsables des projets, les jeunes. POUR QUI? • Directeurs d΄institutions, de centres ou de prestataires d΄enseignement et de formation professionnels; • professeurs principaux, formateurs d΄enseignants; • chefs de départements; • représentants de chambres de commerce/d΄industrie/d΄artisanat; • représentants de réseaux et d΄associations d΄enseignement et de formation; • représentants de services éducatifs, d΄agences pour l΄emploi ou de centres d΄orientation; • représentants d΄organisations d΄employeurs; • représentants des syndicats. Organisateur(s): BEVER Brigitte Ministère de l’Education nationale, de la Formation Professionelle 29 rue Aldringen 2926 Luxembourg Tel. +352- 2478 51 32 Fax +352- 2478 51 30 Email: [email protected] Website: WWW. – – CATALOGUE 2008-2009 287 DEVELOPING ENTREPRENEURSHIP AMONG YOUNG PEOPLE AND ADULTS Entrepreneurship across borders Group No: 431 Type of visit: General education 25/5/2009-29/5/2009 Fauske, Norway Working language: English Number of places: 20 Minimum required: 10 EDUCATION AND TRAINING 2010 OBJECTIVES: 2.2. Making learning more attractive 3.1. Strengthening the links with working life and research and society at large WHY? Many schools in this region participate in a project called “Entrepreneurship across borders” together with schools in North Sweden. The projects aims to show how entrepreneurship can be a method which encourages pupils to be more actively involved in their own learning. The project involves pupils from the age of 2 to 18, their teachers and head teachers. WHAT? The project focuses on how pupils can actively cooperate with industry, university and local authority. We can offer examples of good practice in schools, the important role of the leaders and the cooperation needed outside of schools to improve education. Building networks outside schools to improve learning. HOW? We will visit schools in order to see entrepreneurship in practice and to show how schools can be a strong partner in developing the local community. We will talk with people in different industries and companies and discuss the need of entrepreneurship. We will visit the local university to discuss entrepreneurship and education. WHOM? • • • • Head teachers, teacher trainers; pedagogical or guidance advisers; representatives of education and training networks and associations; representatives of local, regional and national authorities. SHORT DESCRIPTION IN THE HOST COUNTRY’S LANGUAGE: Flere barnehager, grunnskoler og to videregående skoler i Indre Salten deltar i prosjektet “Grenseløst Entreprenørskap” i samarbeid med skoler i Arjeplog og Arvidsjaur i Nord-Sverige. Dette skjer i nært samarbeid med Høgskolen i Bodø og ”Ungt Entreprenørskap”. Besøket vil ha fokus på: • Entreprenørskap som metode og virkemiddel for å oppnå en elevaktiv skole med tydelige læringsmål. • Næringslivets behov for entreprenøriell tenkning. • Vi vil gjennomføre skolebesøk, dialogmøter med utdanningsinstitusjoner og næringsliv og tid til egenrefleksjon. Organiser(s): OLSEN Per Jon Regional Competence and Development Office RKK Indre Salten 8201 Fauske Tel. +47- 75641455 Fax +47- 75641441 Email: [email protected] WWW. Our learning platform will be opened when delegates are registered by the host: 288 CEDEFOP – STUDY VISITS DEVELOPING ENTREPRENEURSHIP AMONG YOUNG PEOPLE AND ADULTS Agriculture, forestry and fishing The need for spirit of enterprise in agriculture Group No: 432 Type of visit: VET 27/5/2009-29/5/2009 Nyíregyháza, Hungary Working language: English Number of places: 15 Minimum required: 8 EDUCATION AND TRAINING 2010 OBJECTIVES: 3.2. Developing the spirit of enterprise 3.5. Strengthening the European co-operation WHY? The development of entrepreneurship must support agriculture. Since agriculture employs high percentage of local population in rural Europe and rural Hungary, the progress of agriculture can bring along the development of rural communities. The spirit of enterprise is the basis of almost all activities of a sustainable agricultural economic unit, from recognising and applying appropriate methods to finding market niche and marketing techniques. The collaboration of experts from different European countries on this study tour can give us important answers for questions of development. Due to area competence, membership and commitment the agrarian chamber offers the possibility of comprehensive examination. WHAT? Participants will learn about the close connection between entrepreneurship and development. They also will gain knowledge about the use of entrepreneurial spirit in agriculture, agricultural vocational and adult education. The learning objective is to understand the process of development in agriculture concerning the aquirable skills. HOW? On this study tour experts will visit various agricultural enterprises (from single producer to joint-stock company), education and training institutions (from company to reseach centre). Participants will be given the chance to set forth the problems concerned and discuss solutions found in different countries through joint brainstorming and workshops. WHOM? • • • • Company training managers; owners/managers of SMEs; representatives of education and training networks and associations; representatives of trade unions. SHORT DESCRIPTION IN THE HOST COUNTRY’S LANGUAGE: A vállalkozói gondolkodásmód és szellemiség kialakulásának elősegítése a mezőgazdaság területén vállalkozó termelőkben hozzájárul a mezőgazdaság fenntartható fejlődéséhez, így a vidék megtartó képességének növeléséhez, a vidéki közösségek fejlődéséhez. A vállalkozói gondolkodásmód az alapja a sikeres fejlődésre képes mezőgazdasági termelésnek, a tevékenységnek, a termeléstől a piacra jutásig. A mezőgazdasági üzemek és képzőhelyek meglátogatásával, valamint workshopok-on és előadásokon való tevékeny részvétellel a külföldi szakemberek rávilágíthatnak a mezőgazdasági szakképzés és a vállalkozói magatartás szoros kapcsolatára, megoldásokat találhatnak országaik hasonló gondjaira. Organiser(s): ÁNGYÁN Viktória The Agrarian Chamber of SzabolcsSzatmár-Bereg County Arany János utca 7. 4400 Nyíregyháza Tel. +36- 42 - 501131 Fax +36- 42 - 501132 Email: [email protected] Website: WWW. CATALOGUE 2008-2009 LE RÔLE DES PARTENAIRES SOCIAUX 289 Transports et entreposage L’introduction de la formation obligatoire dans les réseaux de transport urbain Numéro de groupe: 433 Type de visite: EFP OBJECTIFS EDUCATION ET FORMATION 2010: 3.1. Renforcer les liens avec le monde du travail, la recherche et la société dans son ensemble 3.5. Renforcer la coopération européenne POURQUOI? 8/10/2008-10/10/2008 Lille et Paris, France Langue de travail: français Nombre de places: 15 Minimum requis: 12 La formation professionnelle dans les réseaux de transport public urbain contribue au développement de la qualité de service et à lʼamélioration des conditions de travail : priorités pour les partenaires sociaux européens et nationaux. En favorisant lʼemploi et en développant les qualifications professionnelles dʼune catégorie de conducteurs, la généralisation des dispositifs de formation concourt à la modernisation de la profession de conducteur de transport urbain. La Directive européenne 2003/59 qui rend la formation professionnelle obligatoire dans le transport urbain de voyageurs, entraîne des changements sociaux, organisationnels, économiques et relatifs aux choix stratégiques des entreprises du secteur. Cʼest pourquoi les représentants des employeurs et les représentants des travailleurs dans le transport urbain doivent être disposés à mener les négociations préalables à la transposition de cette réglementation. La visite dʼétude traitera la question socio-juridique par un éclairage de professionnels de la formation dans le secteur du transport. QUOI? • Présentation des compétences professionnelles des conducteurs de transport urbain et de leurs besoins en formation. • Identification des enjeux pour les travailleurs de lʼapplication de la réglementation européenne en matière de formation professionnelle. • Identification des enjeux pour les employeurs de lʼapplication de la réglementation européenne en matière de formation professionnelle. • Recherche des possibilités dʼaction des partenaires sociaux dans le secteur, en tenant compte notamment des différences de niveaux dʼaction (local, national, européen) et moyens nécessaires pour permettre ces actions. COMMENT? • En visitant une entreprise de transport urbain présentant des caractéristiques technologiques et sociales identifiées comme pertinentes pour lʼorganisateur. • En rencontrant les responsables dʼune politique de ressources humaines et notamment dʼune politique de formation professionnelle dʼune entreprise de transport urbain. • En participant à la présentation dʼune analyse de lʼemploi et des dispositifs de formation dans le secteur dans les États membres par des experts français. • En échangeant les points de vue de représentants de syndicats et dʼemployeurs européens et dʼexperts des questions traitées. POUR QUI? Organisateur(s): BOUCHAT Martine AFT - IFTIM Département des Etudes BP 70005 Monchy St Eloi 60293 Rantigny Tel. +33-3 44 66 37 88 Fax +33-3 44 66 37 60 Email: [email protected] • • • • Responsables de la formation professionnelle en entreprise; représentants d΄organisations d΄employeurs; représentants des syndicats; chercheurs. WWW. 290 CEDEFOP – STUDY VISITS ROLE OF SOCIAL PARTNERS Strengthening cooperation between stakeholders of education and training Group No: 434 Type of visit: Mixed 13/10/2008-17/10/2008 Budapest, Hungary Working language: English Number of places: 20 Minimum required: 8 EDUCATION AND TRAINING 2010 OBJECTIVES: 3.5. Strengthening the European co-operation WHY? In the ongoing development process of VET social partners play an important role. The key is to meet the needs of the future with a skilled work force and cooperation between VET institutions and working life is crucial. Different sectors choose various ways of strengthening VET and the focus of the study visit will be on these concrete examples and initiatives. Higher vocational training is vitally important for the new labour market and has an important effect on all economies. Quality of higher vocational education and cooperation with industry leads to a qualified labour force and efficiency in economic activities. In the European Union the VET system is facing new challenges. The aim of the visit is to highlight the actions taken and link them to the Copenhagen process on VET and also emphasise the importance of a strong cooperation between higher education and VET, including entrepreneurship, recognition of learning requires efficient cooperation between vocational institutions and labour market. WHAT? The visit will focus on: • regional co-operation between VET institutions and the social partners; • core objective is to learn about cooperation between VET institutions and working life; • national, regional and local initiatives to raise the attractiveness of VET, including entrepreneurship. Participants will: • learn about and discuss the legal framework of vocational training in Hungary and other countries; • see the challenges of vocational development, and entrepreneur training; • share national experiences of participants. HOW? The programme will consist of: • visits with some representatives at national, regional and local level; • national initiatives of cooperation; • meeting with people who organise training (schools and consulting enterprises); • visiting a basic school; • visiting institutional support structures; chambers; • meeting and talking to policy-makers and educational specialists. WHOM? Directors of education and vocational training institutions, centres or providers; directors of guidance centres; educational and vocational training inspectors; heads of departments; representatives of chambers of commerce/ industry/crafts; representatives of education and training networks and associations; representatives of educational services, labour offices or guidance centres; representatives of local, regional and national authorities. SHORT DESCRIPTION IN THE HOST COUNTRY’S LANGUAGE: Organiser(s): GYÚRÓ Erzsébet Budapest Chamber of Commerce and Industry Krisztina krt. 99. 1016 Budapest Tel. +36- 1-488-2000 Fax +36- 1-488-2180 Email: gyuro.erzsebet{ Website: A tanulmányút tárgya: A látogatás arra irányul, hogy: megismerjék a szakképző intézmények és a szociális partnerek közötti regionális együttműködés jellemzőit; a fő téma megismerni a szakképző intézmények és a munka világa közötti együttműködés jellemzőit; a nemzeti, a regionális és a helyi szinten megvalósított kezdeményezések áttekintése, a szakképzés vonzóvá tétele érdekében, különösen a vállalkozóvá válás tekintetében. A résztvevők: megismerik a és megvitatják a nemzeti szakképzési kerettanterveket magyarországi és más országok jellemzői tekintetében; áttekintik a szakképzés és a vállalkozási kompetenciák fejlesztése kapcsán jelentkező kihívásokat; megosztják saját nemzeti tapasztalataikat egymással. WWW. CATALOGUE 2008-2009 291 ROLE OF SOCIAL PARTNERS Partnership in adult education Group No: 435 Type of visit: VET 11/5/2009-15/5/2009 Braila, Romania EDUCATION AND TRAINING 2010 OBJECTIVES: 3.1. Strengthening the links with working life and research and society at large 3.4. Increasing mobility and exchange WHY? Adult education could provide other opportunities in mobility and exchange in EU work fields. There are useful examples of good practice in adult education in the south-east region of Romania. WHAT? Working language: English Number of places: 12 Minimum required: 5 • Exchange of information and experiences in adult education. • Overview of the Romanian adult education and training system: organisation, management and financing, the role of partnership in developing this system. HOW? • By visiting local authorities, universities, public and non-public adult education providers in Braila, Galati, Tulcea and other institutions connected with adult education: technical schools, shipyards; • by meeting and discussing with decision-makers, trainers, students, adult education teachers; • by observing lessons and practical activities in adult education; • by exchanging experience and good practices and also by establishing cooperation with future partners in educational projects related to adult education. WHOM? • • • • • • • • • • Directors of education and vocational training institutions, centres or providers; directors of guidance centres; directors of validation or accreditation centres; educational and vocational training inspectors; head teachers, teacher trainers; representatives of education and training networks and associations; representatives of educational services, labour offices or guidance centres; representatives of employersʼ organisations; representatives of local, regional and national authorities; representatives of trade unions. SHORT DESCRIPTION IN THE HOST COUNTRY’S LANGUAGE: Programul va include vizite la: autorităţile locale, universităţi, furnizori de educatie a adultilor publici şi privaţi din Brăila, Galaţi, Tulcea şi alte instituţii implicate în educaţia adulţilor : scoli tehnice, şantiere navale. Grupul va avea oportunitatea de a întâlni şi de a discuta cu factorii de decizie, formatori, cursanţi, profesori pentru educaţia adulţilor. Vizita de studii are şi scopul de a schimba experienţă şi „bune practici” şi de asemenea de a stabili viitoare oportunităţi de parteneriate în proiecte educaţionale referitoare la educaţia adulţilor. Organiser(s): SIMIONESCU Petruta-Adriana Anghel Saligny Technological High School Eremia Grigorescu Steet, No 32 810080 Braila Tel. +40- 239 61 97 79 Fax +40- 239 61 43 89 Email: [email protected] WWW. – – – – 292 CEDEFOP – STUDY VISITS ROLE OF SOCIAL PARTNERS The role of social partners in vocational education and training for employment Group No: 436 Type of visit: VET 15/6/2009-18/6/2009 Madrid, Spain Working language: English Number of places: 12 Minimum required: 10 EDUCATION AND TRAINING 2010 OBJECTIVES: 1.5. Making the best use of resources 3.2. Developing the spirit of enterprise WHY? The right to vocational training is an increasing individual and social value. Professional qualification is, more and more, an essential tool to improve the transition of workers from one job to another, as well as to adapt to the new needs of companies. Analysing the situation within different countries and their collaboration systems with social partners could make vocational training programmes easier to adjust to the real needs of the labour market. WHAT? • Introduction to the tripartite foundation vocational education and training for employment: programmes and training centres for companies and employees. • Latest legal measures in training and qualifications: – Royal Decree 395/2007 ruling the subsystem of vocational education and training for employment; – Law 5/2002 on qualifications and vocational education and training. • Participants will describe the role of social partners in their own countries. HOW? • Debates and discussions between the group and experts; • exchange of opinions between social partners and participants; • visits to training centres. WHOM? • • • • • • • • • Company training managers; directors of education and vocational training institutions, centres or providers; head teachers, teacher trainers; human resource managers; representatives of chambers of commerce/ industry/crafts; representatives of education and training networks and associations; representatives of educational services, labour offices or guidance centres; representatives of employersʼ organisations; representatives of trade unions. SHORT DESCRIPTION IN THE HOST COUNTRY’S LANGUAGE: Durante la visita se realizarán diferentes actividades. Habrá presentaciones para exponer la formación profesional y la formación para el empleo en España, así como las regulaciones legales en el campo de las cualificaciones profesionales. Se intercambiarán puntos de vista con los agentes sociales y se promoverá el debate abierto de todos los participantes. Los participantes tendrán igualmente oportunidad de exponer el papel de los agentes sociales en sus propios países. El objetivo de la visita es proporcionar una visión general del tema, tanto desde el punto de vista teórico como práctico. Organiser(s): RODRIGUEZ Leticia Servicio Público de Empleo Estatal (SPEE / INEM) Condesa de Venadito, 9 28027 Madrid Tel. +34- 915 85 95 75 Fax +34- 915 85 98 19 Email: [email protected] WWW. – www.cepyme – CATALOGUE 2008-2009 293 STRENGTHENING INTERCULTURAL EDUCATION AND ITS CONTRIBUTION TO SOCIAL INTEGRATION (EUROPEAN YEAR 2008) Promoting intercultural dialogue for local development Group No: 437 Type of visit: Mixed 15/9/2008-19/9/2008 Beja, Portugal Working language: English Number of places: 15 Minimum required: 13 EDUCATION AND TRAINING 2010 OBJECTIVES: 2.3. Supporting active citizenship, equal opportunities and social cohesion 3.4. Increasing mobility and exchange WHY? Intercultural dialogue is still a challenge for people with few opportunities, specially conditioned by geographical situation, such as those living in rural regions. Alentejo (where Beja is located) is such a region. Here, local development associations (LDAs), non-governmental organisations (NGOs) and others are making good efforts to expand peopleʼs social participation, culture and awareness of European diversity, by informal and non-formal educational actions. This study visit will explore good practice projects in overcoming this challenges and it will generate new solutions from the contributions of all participants. Working in the problem scene will allow them the real perception of the factors involved and the opportunities to develop solutions. The aim of the visit programme is in accordance with the objectives settled for the European year of intercultural dialogue 2008 (EYID 2008). WHAT? The study visit aims to: • share experiences and learn from invited experts about intercultural factors and phenomena; • know projects promoted by LDAs and NGOs on intercultural exchange recognised as good practices; • promote intercultural policies with local and national authorities; • generate innovative solutions for the intercultural challenge in connection with local development; • disseminate the results of this experience to broader publics. HOW? The study visit will consist of: • mixing expertise, seeing good practices, meeting people and cultural interaction; • plenary sessions with experts; • preparatory tasks and problem solving; • visit LDAs and NGOs: meet coordinators and technicians; • direct dialogue with students, teachers, trainers and other professionals; • round table with local and national authorities; • final seminar to present the conclusions of the visit to general public and all interested parties; • transversal cultural programme to “feel” directly regionʼs people, traditions, tastes and crafts. WHOM? Directors of education and vocational training institutions, centres or providers; directors of validation or accreditation centres; head teachers, teacher trainers; representatives of education and training networks and associations; representatives of educational services, labour offices or guidance centres; representatives of local, regional and national authorities; researchers. SHORT DESCRIPTION IN THE HOST COUNTRY’S LANGUAGE: Organiser(s): RODRIGUES Clara ESE de Beja Rua Pedro Soares 7800-295 Beja Tel. +351- 284 31 50 01 Fax +351- 284 32 68 24 Email: [email protected] Valorizando os objectivos do Ano Europeu para o Diálogo Intercultural 2008, a visita de estudo intitulada “A promoção do diálogo cultural nas regiões rurais” fará recurso do contexto de trocas desencadeado pelas migrações e pela presença de minorias étnicas nestas regiões, para o desenvolvimento de projectos de promoção da interculturalidade e da valorização da diversidade na Europa. Esta visita de estudo centrar-se-á na exploração de boas práticas na região do Alentejo (Portugal), conduzidas por Associações de Desenvolvimento Local, Organizações Não Governamentais e outras para ultrapassar os desafios do isolamento nas zonas rurais. Além disso, pretende-se gerar novas soluções para desafios transversais com base nas contribuições e experiências que cada participante traz do seu contexto. O programa promoverá o contacto directo com os agentes e os públicos dos projectos seleccionados, e contará com a participação de especialistas nas temáticas da interculturalidade e do desenvolvimento local. WWW. – – 294 CEDEFOP – STUDY VISITS RENFORCER L’ÉDUCATION INTERCULTURELLE ET SA CONTRIBUTION À L’INTÉGRATION SOCIALE (2008 ANNÉE EUROPÉENNE) Les couleurs de la paix Numéro de groupe: 438 Type de visite: Enseignement général 29/9/2008-3/10/2008 Ascoli Piceno, Marche Italie Langue de travail: français Nombre de places: 15 Minimum requis: 5 OBJECTIFS EDUCATION ET FORMATION 2010: 1.2. Développer les compétences nécessaires dans la société de la connaissance 2.3. Favoriser la citoyenneté active, lʼégalité des chances et la cohésion sociale POURQUOI? On se propose de réfléchir sur les situations de conflit, racisme et xénophobie et de confronter les bonnes pratiques dans les différentes écoles en matière dʼéducation interculturelle et dʼéducation à la paix à travers la créativité. On fera connaître les initiatives locales pour la promotion de la paix. On veut projeter aussi un modèle dʼécole internationale de la paix. Échange dʼexpériences et bonnes pratiques sont les outils principaux de la mise en œuvre des objectifs de Lisbonne qui ont été lʼobjet en Italie dʼune campagne nationale «Éducation et formation 2010» en faveur de laquelle le lycée a joué un rôle important comme école pole de lʼEurope avec le ministère de lʼéducation, le Bureau pour lʼéducation des Marches et lʼagence nationale Socrates en Italie. Le thème proposé est de grande actualité à un moment où partout en Europe on assiste à des phénomènes de conflit, xénophobie et racisme qui risquent de compromettre un des principes de lʼEurope, le respect des droits de lʼhomme et le droit à la paix. QUOI? Notre objectif est de confronter les initiatives des différents pays et de proposer le travail que le lycée italien a fait dans les dernières années en synergie avec la commune, le département et le Bureau scolaire de la région. Nous prévoyons des rencontres avec les responsables de ces organismes qui présenteront leurs expériences pratiques, nous étudierons comment traiter ce thème de façon créative en art, musique et théâtre pour le faire découvrir aux élèves de façon naturelle et créative. Les expériences de plusieurs écoles de la région dans ce domaine seront présentées aux participants, on rencontrera les responsables des associations de bénévoles qui ont travaillé avec notre école. On proposera aussi des rencontres à lʼUniversité de la Paix qui va être créée à Ascoli. On posera les bases de la création dʼune école internationale de la paix qui sera projetée par le groupe de travail et expérimentée dans les écoles des différents participants et qui pourrait devenir un modèle à exporter en Europe. COMMENT? Rédaction dʼun dossier sur les résultats de la rencontre, écriture des programmes conçus pour lʼécole de la paix, organisation dʼun programme dʼécole de la paix, exemples de bonne pratiques à retenir et à exporter dans les matières plus créatives telles que musique, théâtre ou art. Tout le matériel sera inséré dans le site créé lors dʼun précédent projet Comenius et gagnant au prix e.Learning Award 2007. POUR QUI? Inspecteurs d΄enseignement et de formation professionnels; professeurs principaux, formateurs d΄enseignants; chefs de départements; responsables des ressources humaines; conseillers pédagogiques ou d΄orientation; représentants de réseaux et d΄associations d΄enseignement et de formation; représentants des autorités locales, régionales et nationales. BRÈVE DESCRIPTION DANS LA LANGUE DU PAYS D’ACCUEIL: Organisateur(s): CROCETTI Giuliana Liceo Classico “F. Stabili – E. Trebbiani” Viale Velli 10 63100 Ascoli Piceno Tel. +39-0736 25 57 82 Fax +39-0736 25 91 54 Email: [email protected] Website: OBIETTIVI. Scambi di esperienze e buone pratiche sono gli strumenti centrali del follow up seguente la Call di rilancio degli Obiettivi strategici di Lisbona. Il tema proposto, di estrema attualità per l’incremento preoccupante di fenomeni di conflitto si propone di far conoscere le realtà locali e regionali in tema di educazione alla pace e al rispetto dei diritti umani in una dimensione europea dell’insegnamento, si propone di individuare le buone pratiche per l’acquisizione del concetto di pace in modo creativo nell’ambito di materie come la musica e il teatro, si propone di progettare una scuola internazionale per la pace che può essere sperimentata nei licei dei partecipanti e diventare un modello in tutti i paesi europei. Il focus sarà sul confronto tra le diverse realtà multinazionali, nel rispetto delle peculiarità proprie dei diversi Sistemi educativi nazionali; dovrà apportare valore aggiunto e contribuire con azioni positive all’analisi del concetto di educazione alla pace e ai diritti umani in tutti gli ambiti. WWW. – CATALOGUE 2008-2009 295 STRENGTHENING INTERCULTURAL EDUCATION AND ITS CONTRIBUTION TO SOCIAL INTEGRATION (EUROPEAN YEAR 2008) Internalisation of multicultural or intercultural approaches on EU dimension Group No: 439 Type of visit: General education 6/10/2008-10/10/2008 Kocaeli, Turkey Working language: English Number of places: 20 Minimum required: 5 EDUCATION AND TRAINING 2010 OBJECTIVES: 3.4. Increasing mobility and exchange 3.5. Strengthening the European co-operation WHY? As the third millennium gets under way, we find ourselves in a multicultural and intercultural environment. The Council of Europe is convinced that culture, being an excellent means of communication, is a factor that must be taken into account both in the prevention of conflict and in post-conflict social reconciliation. 2008 was declared the European year of intercultural dialogue to encourage mobilisations of civil society and actors at European, national and local levels. Our aim is to stress the importance of internalisation of multicultural and intercultural approaches on a European scale and concentrate on areas where intercultural dialogue is more likely to contribute to “better living” among people in the European Union. We want to create a bridge between cultures, communities and nations for a better understanding of one another. Our institution will carry out this study visit with contributions from universities, NGOs and other related institutions with experienced staff in Kocaeli, which has rich and varied cultural aspects. WHAT? Participants will gain an insight into the customs, culture, traditions, arts and educative systems of the host country. The aim is to learn about internalisation of multicultural and intercultural approaches on European Dimension from preschool up to adult education and to compare systems with one another in a lifelong learning perspective. The role of local authorities as an actor of the educative community will also be discussed. HOW? Participants will learn about the principles and implementation of internalisation of multicultural and intercultural approaches at institutions of the host country via lectures, meetings with teachers and school officials and visits to schools. They will also see efficient use of information and communication technologies in teaching and functional and inclusive work methods based on dialogue. The programme will promote exchange of experiences, strengthening the European dimension and presenting different practices or solutions that can be applied in different territorial contexts such as intercultural and multicultural approaches. WHOM? • • • • • • • • • • • Company training managers; directors of education and vocational training institutions, centres or providers; directors of guidance centres; educational and vocational training inspectors; head teachers, teacher trainers; heads of departments; human resource managers; owners/managers of SMEs; representatives of education and training networks and associations; representatives of educational services, labour offices or guidance centres; representatives of local, regional and national authorities. Organiser(s): ESER Tulin Public Training Centre Sahabettin Bilgisu Cad. 41100 Kocaeli Tel. +90 262 321 48 61 Fax +90 262 322 12 36 Email: [email protected] SHORT DESCRIPTION IN THE HOST COUNTRY’S LANGUAGE: Bu ziyaretin amacı çok kültürlülük ve kültürler arası yaklaşımların Avrupalılık boyutunda içselleştirilmesidir. Çalışma ziyaretinde kültürler arası diyalogun önemine vurgu yapılacak ve konuyla ilgili çeşitli eğitim kurumları ziyaret edilecektir. Bu çalışmalar Kocaeli valiliği projeler koordinasyon merkezi, İl Mili Eğitim müdürlüğü Kocaeli üniversitesi, Kocaeli büyük şehir belediyesi, Kocaeli sanayi odası, Ticaret odası, ODTÜ geliştirme vakfı, özel kyöd ilköğretim okulu, Kocaeli bahçeşehir koleji ile ortak bir koordinasyon ile gerçekleştirilecektir. 296 CEDEFOP – STUDY VISITS STRENGTHENING INTERCULTURAL EDUCATION AND ITS CONTRIBUTION TO SOCIAL INTEGRATION (EUROPEAN YEAR 2008) Cultural diversity is part of our common history Group No: 440 Type of visit: General education 6/10/2008-10/10/2008 Procida Island, Napoli, Campania Italy Working language: English EDUCATION AND TRAINING 2010 OBJECTIVES: 2.3. Supporting active citizenship, equal opportunities and social cohesion 3.5. Strengthening the European co-operation WHY? • To promote the acquaintance, comparison, exchange of good practices and project sharing on European citizenship. • To create a favourable environment to reflect on “alimentary culture” as an anthropological paradigm of society to highlight the values, pedagogical and didactic aspects, useful elements to build a European identity. • To promote intercultural dialogue and European cooperation. • To implement spaces and occasions for dialogue with local and regional institutions, universities, press and political decision-makers. WHAT? Number of places: 15 Minimum required: 5 • Meetings with students, teachers, heads of schools and experts; • integrated approach to observation activities and analysis of experiences, training, transnational cooperation, integration of schools with external Institutions; • meeting with NEAC - network of European alimentary culture (Comenius network) responsibles. HOW? • Seminars, • roundtables, • meetings, • visits, • experiences evaluation. These activities will be followed by meetings during which several experiences will be compared and the foundations for future twinning and partnerships will be laid. At the end a joint report about the activities carried out will be produced. WHOM? Head teachers, teacher trainers. SHORT DESCRIPTION IN THE HOST COUNTRY’S LANGUAGE: OBIETTIVI: Promuovere la conoscenza, il confronto, lo scambio di buone pratiche e la condi-visione progettuale sulla cittadinanza europea. Creare un ambiente favorevole alla riflessione sulla “cultura alimentare” quale paradigma antropologico della società per metterne a fuoco i valori, gli aspetti pedagogici e didattici, gli elementi utili alla costruzione dell’identità europea. Promuovere il dialogo interculturale e la cooperazione europea. Realizzare spazi e momenti di dialogo e confronto sul tema anche con le istituzioni locali e regionali, le università, la stampa e i decisori politici. CONTENUTI: Incontri con studenti, docenti, capi d’istituto ed esperti. Approccio integrato ad attività di osservazione e analisi di esperienze, di formazione, di cooperazione transnazionale, di integrazione con Istituzioni esterne alla scuola. SOGGETTI COINVOLTI: Scuole, Università, Rete Comenius NEAC, Istituzioni governative, Aziende, Associazioni. Organiser(s): TESORO Eugenia Comune di Procida - Assessorato alla Cultura Via Libertà, 12 bis 80079 Isola Di Procida (Napoli) Tel. +39-0823 34 20 87 Fax +39-0823 34 20 87 Email: [email protected] WWW. CATALOGUE 2008-2009 297 STRENGTHENING INTERCULTURAL EDUCATION AND ITS CONTRIBUTION TO SOCIAL INTEGRATION (EUROPEAN YEAR 2008) What have EU projects brought to Europe? Then, now and tomorrow Group No: 441 Type of visit: Mixed 6/10/2008-10/10/2008 Edirne, Turkey Working language: English Number of places: 25 Minimum required: 10 EDUCATION AND TRAINING 2010 OBJECTIVES: 3.5. Strengthening the European co-operation WHY? This visit will be coordinated by Edirne province national education directory which has has three years experience in EU programmes with the cooperation of its schools, organisations, Trakya university, chamber of commerce, municipality and other institutions in many subjects from education to culture.The Edirne province national education directory has been the social partner in many different projects. Our establishmentʼs mission is to: • provide service according to national education main law and Atatürkʼs principles and his revolutions; • increase the facilities of our organisations to contribute to Turkish national education system. Our vision is to be a modern establishment that can use knowledge, science and technology to improve itself. We aim to share our ideas and find answers to some questions such as ʻWhat have EU projects brought to Europe?ʼ Then, now and in the future to see changes in organisations before and after projects and contribute to social integration: How our organisations have improved and what can we all do to strengthen intercultural education. Edirne is on the European side of Turkey, a small historical and multicultured city which has border gates to both Bulgaria and Greece, 285 kms away from Istanbul. We guarantee a very interesting and safe study visit. WHAT? Participants will have the opportunity to share their ideas on projects and find answers to questions such as what European Union haveprojects brought to Europe. Then, now and in the future. They will see how organisations can improve and now strengthen intercultural education. At the end of the visit all participants will have an idea of the best ways to cooperate for European institutions and organisations. HOW? There will be visits in Edirne to: province national education directory, governorship, EU information office, EU twinning centre, culture and tourism office, municipality, Trakya university, chamber of commerce. There will be presentations of joint small projects fund for cross-border cooperation Bulgaria -Turkey and other programmes. Participants will also see the European side of Turkey (Edirne), way of living, culture and history. We are planinig to organise visits to neighbouring cities (Kirklareli, Tekirdag in Turkey and Yambol in Bulgaria). WHOM? Company training managers; directors of education and vocational training institutions, centres or providers; directors of guidance centres; directors of validation or accreditation centres; educational and vocational training inspectors; head teachers, teacher trainers; heads of departments; human resource managers; owners/managers of SMEs; pedagogical or guidance advisers; representatives of chambers of commerce/ industry/crafts; representatives of education and training networks and associations; representatives of educational services, labour offices or guidance centres; representatives of employersʼ organisations; representatives of local, regional and national authorities; representatives of trade unions; researchers. SHORT DESCRIPTION IN THE HOST COUNTRY’S LANGUAGE: Organiser(s): LALE Tüzüner Edirne Province National Education Directory Hükümet Cad.Valilik Binası Kat:3 22100 Edirne Tel. +90 284 225 30 75 Fax +90 284 225 49 08 Email: [email protected] Bu çalışma Ziyaretinin Evsahipliğini Edirne Milli Eğitim Müdürlüğü yapacaktır.06-10 Ekim 2008 Tarihleri arasında planlanan ziyaret her çeşit katılımcıya açık olup ,Müdürlüğümüzün ve Edirne ilinin kurumlarının 3 yıllılık Avrupa Birliği Programları ile ilgili deneyimlerini ve kazanımlarını ortaya koymanın yanında katılımcılarla AB Projelerinin Avrupa’ya geçmişte, şimdi ve gelecekte neler kazandırdığını , proje öncesi ve sonrası kurumların vizyonel değişimlerini görme , toplumsal entegrasyona katkıda bulunma,Kurumların kendini nasıl geliştirebildiği ve de kültürler arası eğitimi güçlendirmek için neler yapılabileceği sorularına cevap bulmayı hedeflemektedir.Ayrica Bulgaristan ‘ın Yambol İline planlanan ziyaret ile sınır ötesi işbirliği çalışmalarının kazandırdıkları üzerine tartışma ortamı sağlanacaktır.Çalişma ziyareti sonunda katılımcılar, Avrupa Kurumları ile yapılan en iyi işbirlik yöntemleri hakkında fikir sahibi olacaklardır. 298 CEDEFOP – STUDY VISITS STRENGTHENING INTERCULTURAL EDUCATION AND ITS CONTRIBUTION TO SOCIAL INTEGRATION (EUROPEAN YEAR 2008) Cultural diversity in the 21st century school Group No: 442 Type of visit: General education 9/2/2009-13/2/2009 Teruel, Spain Working language: English Number of places: 12 Minimum required: 6 EDUCATION AND TRAINING 2010 OBJECTIVES: 2.3. Supporting active citizenship, equal opportunities and social cohesion WHY? Aragon in Spain has widely increased its immigration rate in the last five years. In Teruel, a Province of Aragon, the immigration has grown 21% in the last year and by now nearly 12% of the whole population comes from other countries. This is challenging a static and traditional society. People in this rural and low inhabited area have to deal with this rush of new settlers. School is stepping on this 21st century with an added goal: setting the principles of a peaceful coexistence in this new multicultural society. WHAT? Participants will have practical knowledge of how our educative centres are accomplishing programmes to integrate immigrant students. They will be familiar with these programmes in their backgrounds (social and educative sectors cooperation, cultural accounts, etc.). The objective is making our visitors understand a specific response to the multicultural flow in this part of Europe. HOW? • • • • Visits to several schools with good practices; meeting with experts, local authorities, etc.; visits to teacher centres and resources centres; study our cultural background. WHOM? • • • • Head teachers, teacher trainers; pedagogical or guidance advisers; representatives of educational services, labour offices or guidance centres; representatives of local, regional and national authorities. SHORT DESCRIPTION IN THE HOST COUNTRY’S LANGUAGE: La visita tendrá lugar en la Provincia de Teruel. Se darán a conocer los programas educativos, proyectos de innovación, buenas prácticas, etc que desarrollan la acogida del alumnado inmigrante a través de visitas a centros educativos y centros de profesores y recursos y mediante encuentros con expertos y responsables educativos. Se darán también conocimiento del contexto cultural de la zona (Teruel ciudad y provincia) para entender mejor el tipo de respuesta que se articula con estos programas. Organiser(s): HERRERO GASCÓN Maribel Servicio Provincial de Educación C/ San Vicente de Paul, 3 44002 Teruel Tel. +34- 978 64 12 58 Fax +34- 978 64 12 68 Email: [email protected] CATALOGUE 2008-2009 299 EL REFUERZO DE LA EDUCACIÓN INTERCULTURAL Y SU CONTRIBUCIÓN A LA INTEGRACIÓN SOCIAL (AÑO EUROPEO 2008) Educación de adultos en la Comunidad de Madrid, el aprendizaje permanente Número de grupo: 443 Tipo de visita: Educación general 20/4/2009-24/4/2009 Madrid, España Lengua de trabajo: Español Número de plazas: 15 Número minimo requerido: 8 OBJECTIVOS EDUCATION Y FORMACIÓN 2010: 2.1. Un entorno de aprendizaje abierto 2.3. Promoción n de la ciudadanía activa, la igualdad de oportunidades y la cohesión social ¿POR QUÉ? El tema de esta Visita está ligado íntimamente a los objetivos de Educación y Formación 2010. • En una sociedad multiétnica y multicultural es necesaria una educación de adultos para su inclusión en la vida activa. • Es necesario que en un espacio educativo común se proporcionen herramientas de conocimiento a los adultos tanto nacionales como extranjeros para lograr la igualdad de oportunidades. • En estos espacios educativos comunes un elemento integrador es el conocimiento del otro y de la cultura propia que aporta. ¿QUÉ? La Comunidad de Madrid ha creado una red de educación de Personas Adultas que puede ser interesante conocer por: • la diversidad de alumnos a los que va destinada; • la diversidad de actividades y actuaciones de educación e inserción social; • la amplia red de centros, asociaciones, ayuntamientos y entidades colaboradoras. ¿CÓMO? • Los objetivos de aprendizaje se alcanzarán con una breve introducción informativa a los asistentes y visitas a los centros de diferentes tipologías que se ocupan de la educación de adultos. • En estas visitas se podrá observar el tipo de actividades que se realizan mediante visitas a centros urbanos y rurales; centros penitenciarios; centros que ofrecen educación a distancia, etc. • Habrá la posibilidad de conversar con los directores de los centros y el personal del aula (profesores, alumnos y expertos en educación de adultos) y con el personal responsable de la Administración Educativa. ¿PARA QUIÉN? • • • • • Directores de instituciones y centros de educación y formación profesional; inspectores de educación y formación profesional; directores de instituciones de enseñanza, formadores de profesores; directores de recursos humanos; representantes de redes y asociaciones de educación y formación profesional. Organizador(es): BURGOS Carmen SANTOS Soledad Dirección General de Mejora de la Calidad de la Enseñanza Gran Vía, 10 28013 Madrid Tel. +34- 917 20 12 61 Fax +34- 917 20 12 64 Email: [email protected] [email protected] WWW. – – – – – 300 CEDEFOP – STUDY VISITS STRENGTHENING INTERCULTURAL EDUCATION AND ITS CONTRIBUTION TO SOCIAL INTEGRATION (EUROPEAN YEAR 2008) Intercultural dialogue in multicultural society Group No: 444 Type of visit: Mixed 20/4/2009-24/4/2009 Iecava, Latvia Working language: English Number of places: 16 Minimum required: 8 EDUCATION AND TRAINING 2010 OBJECTIVES: 2.1. Open learning environment 2.3. Supporting active citizenship, equal opportunities and social cohesion WHY? • European Year 2008 - the year of intercultural dialogue. • Combat racism and xenophobia with better understanding of diversity of European cultures. • Good practice of preserving Latvian cultural diversity in general and adult education. • Latvian approaches to intercultural dialogue in multicultural society. • Integration of national minorities with high ethnic self-awareness. WHAT? Learn about: • Latvian educational system and ethnic minorities integration strategies; • school and adult studentsʼ after school and work activities for preserving national culture and traditions; • amateur art activities and their support from local and regional authorities; • national schools of ethnic minorities. HOW? Visits to : • primary, secondary and vocational schools, • recreational centres, • national schools of ethnic minorities. Observation of: • activities for preserving national culture and traditions, • amateur art activities. Meeting and discussions with: • teachers and trainers, • social partners, • policy- makers. WHOM? • Directors of education and vocational training institutions, centres or providers; • representatives of local, regional and national authorities. SHORT DESCRIPTION IN THE HOST COUNTRY’S LANGUAGE: Organiser(s): LIEKNE Valda Iecava Community Council Skolas iela 4 LV-3913 Iecava, Bauskas Rajons Tel. +371- 394 19 37 Fax +371- 394 19 91 Email: [email protected] Website: Šīs studiju vizītes galvenais mērķis ir demonstrēt labās prakses piemērus strapkultūru dialogam Latvijas kultūras un izglītības vidē. Dalībnieki tiks iepazīstināti ar vispārējās izglītības sistēmu, uzsvars tiks likts uz ārpusklases un darba aktivitātēm kultūras mantojuma saglabāšanā un nacionālo minoritāšu integrāciju sabiedrībā. Dalībniekiem būs iespēja iepazīties ar etnisko minoritāšu nacionālajām skolām Latvijā, kas integrējoties Latvijas sabiedrībā, saglabā savu nacionālo kultūru un tradīcijas. Veidojot augstu nacionālās piederības pašapziņas līmeni, integrācija multikulturālā vidē notiek līdzsvaroti. Toleranta attieksme pret kultūru dažādību saglabāšanu, ir integrācijas stiprā puse. WWW. – CATALOGUE 2008-2009 301 STRENGTHENING INTERCULTURAL EDUCATION AND ITS CONTRIBUTION TO SOCIAL INTEGRATION (EUROPEAN YEAR 2008) Multiculturality in and through education Group No: 445 Type of visit: General education 4/5/2009-8/5/2009 Sibiu, Romania Working language: English Number of places: 18 Minimum required: 5 EDUCATION AND TRAINING 2010 OBJECTIVES: 1.5. Making the best use of resources 3.5 Strengthening the European co-operation WHY? Transsylvania and Sibiu is placed in an area where traditionally a lot of minorities live together and get along fine. Each minority has the opportunity of being taught in its own language and can preserve its culture, its customs and its characteristics. This has made Transsylvania a culturally rich region, offering an example of good practice in matters of dealing with minorities for the whole of Europe. WHAT? Participants will: • get aquainted with the Romanian educational system; • find out about our way of dealing with minorities in education and culture; • picture how this relates to our past and European future. HOW? The objectives will be achieved by: • visits to schools and kindergartens attended by students/children belonging to minorities, as well as others; • talking to students, teachers, headmasters of these schools; • talking to representatives of minorities; • attending activities of students/cultural events. WHOM? • • • • • • • Educational and vocational training inspectors; head teachers, teacher trainers; heads of departments; pedagogical or guidance advisers; representatives of education and training networks and associations; representatives of educational services, labour offices or guidance centres; representatives of local, regional and national authorities. SHORT DESCRIPTION IN THE HOST COUNTRY’S LANGUAGE: Prin vizite in scoli si gradinite din judet care pastraza traditiile nationale, la organizatii ale minoritatilor, participari la activitati culturale, intalniri cu reprezentanti din domeniul culturii, colaboratori ai invatamantului vom oferi o imagine a modului cum intelegem sa pastram traditiile culturale in scoli si sa fim, in acelasi timp, europeni. Organiser(s): MANTA-KLEMENS Christine Inspectoratul Scolar Judetean Sibiu – School Inspectorate of the County of Sibiu Berariei 2 550173 Sibiu Tel. +40- 269 21 04 66 Fax +40- 269 21 08 17 Email: [email protected] Website: 302 CEDEFOP – STUDY VISITS STRENGTHENING INTERCULTURAL EDUCATION AND ITS CONTRIBUTION TO SOCIAL INTEGRATION (EUROPEAN YEAR 2008) Diversity attention An educational answer to social changes Group No: 446 Type of visit: General education 18/5/2009-22/5/2009 Madrid, Spain Working language: English Number of places: 15 Minimum required: 8 EDUCATION AND TRAINING 2010 OBJECTIVES: 2.3. Supporting active citizenship, equal opportunities and social cohesion 3.5. Strengthening the European co-operation WHY? Recently, in Spain there has been a huge increase in the number of migrants, which has resulted in the need for specific educational programmes to support students who do not have any or insufficient knowledge of the language that corresponds to the learning and teaching process. In Madrid there has been a 40% increase in migrant students in public schools over the past six years. DGMC (Dirección General Mejora Calidad Enseñanza): • disseminates information and good practice across Europe and Madrid on a variety of issues, including the information related to the EU lifelong learning programme actions to schools, associations, town halls, and other governmental and NGOs; • participates in European networks that promote teaching, diversity and equal oportunities; • as a host in Madrid, has experience in preparing and organising the last Arion study visits aims; • provide participants with more awareness about migration, culture and diversity, to enable them to construct their own course on these issues. WHAT • Be familiar with initiative to improve equal opportunities for disadvantaged, migrants, students with special needs; • observe school dynamics in situ; • participate in work-meetings with professionals. HOW? The methods will be through cooperative work, discussions and other practices. Lectures will be short and between activities. Objectives achieved by: • visiting educational centres with groups at risk of social exclusion and for pupils with special educational needs; • observing both teachers and students in the classroom; • meeting directors of education centers, teachers. WHOM? • • • • • • • Directors of education and vocational training institutions, centres or providers; educational and vocational training inspectors; head teachers, teacher trainers; pedagogical or guidance advisers; representatives of education and training networks and associations; representatives of educational services, labour offices or guidance centres; researchers. SHORT DESCRIPTION IN THE HOST COUNTRY’S LANGUAGE: Organiser(s): SANTOS Soledad Dirección General de Mejora de la Calidad de la Enseñanza Gran Vía, 10 28013 Madrid Tel. +34- 917 20 12 61 Fax +34- 917 20 12 64 Email: [email protected] La escuela en la Comunidad de Madrid es hoy es mucho más diversa y enriquecedora que la de antaño. El conjunto de las diferencias que plantea el alumnado, de las que ahora somos más conscientes, está siendo un reto para los profesionales de la educación, que sienten la necesidad de actualizarse en cuestiones como en educación intercultural, resolución de conflictos, estrategias metodológicas diversificadas, etc., de modo que sean capaces de ofrecer respuestas al alumnado acordes con las exigencias sociales del momento. Esta realidad ha conducido a muchos docentes a reflexiones y decisiones que han mejorado su práctica. WWW. – – – – – – CATALOGUE 2008-2009 303 STRENGTHENING INTERCULTURAL EDUCATION AND ITS CONTRIBUTION TO SOCIAL INTEGRATION (EUROPEAN YEAR 2008) Community cohesion in Leicester schools Group No: 447 Type of visit: General education 8/6/2009-12/6/2009 Leicester, England Working language: English Number of places: 15 Minimum required: 10 EDUCATION AND TRAINING 2010 OBJECTIVES: 2.3. Supporting active citizenship, equal opportunities and social cohesion WHY? Leicester has a diverse population: over 50% of pupils are of minority ethnic origin. For over 30 years the education department and city schools have been developing policies and practice with regard to issues of cultural diversity and tackling racism. Leicester has a reputation for good community relations and is seen as a model of good practice nationally and internationally. The issue of social/community cohesion has been of importance in the UK since the riots in three northern cities in 2001 and the publication of the government commissioned Cantle report (2001) which advocated the development of community cohesion strategies with schools playing a key role. All schools in the UK now have a statutory duty to promote community cohesion and the city council has a strategy to support this. WHAT? • Education in Leicester - history, demography and educational responses to diversity. • National policy initiatives and legislation. • Initiatives in schools, especially primary, through exploring various projects: – young, gifted and equal school self-evaluation to develop whole school approaches for race equality and community cohesion; – Islam and Education - guidance and training for schools; – throwing stones - video resource pack to tackle racism in junior schools; – persona dolls - special dolls for dealing with equality issues with younger pupils; – complementary schools - community-based schools; – language development methods; – multi-lingualism in classroom and school; – active citizenship; – community cohesion projects; – ʻGet in!ʼ Comenius project. HOW? Visits to: • schools to see good practice; • community-based organisations, including places of worship; • multicultural resource centre. Opportunities to talk to: • pupils and teachers; • experts, education department staff who have developed strategies and support schools. WHOM? Organiser(s): BILLINGHAM Clive Leicester City Council Forest Lodge Education Centre LE3 6LH Leicester Tel. +44- 0116 222 2617 Fax +44- 0116 222 2525 Email: [email protected] • • • • • • • • Directors of education and vocational training institutions, centres or providers; educational and vocational training inspectors; head teachers, teacher trainers; heads of departments; pedagogical or guidance advisers; representatives of educational services, labour offices or guidance centres; representatives of local, regional and national authorities; researchers. WWW. 304 CEDEFOP – STUDY VISITS 2009 EUROPEAN YEAR OF CREATIVITY A visit to the arts and letters birthplace Group No: 448 Type of visit: Mixed 31/3/2009-3/4/2009 Athens, Greece EDUCATION AND TRAINING 2010 OBJECTIVES: 3.5. Strengthening the European co-operation WHY? European identity is based on cultural diversity and the European Union wants to preserve this diversity in Europe. Culture is an especially important component of European diversity: 55% of world tourism comes to Europe because of its cultural diversity and all the different customs. On the basis of existing Community funding programmes, the European Union has designated 2009 the European year of creativity and innovation through education and culture. The aim is to make creative and talented people able to develop our pupilsʼ talent and able to stimulate our creativity. Working language: English Number of places: 15 Minimum required: 10 WHAT? Participants will: • understand the methods and tools to make the learning process more attractive through arts; • have the opportunity to take part in “artistic dialogue” with a view to extend it to their countries, schools and institutions; • exchange points of view on coordination between actors. HOW? • • • • By visiting schools; by observing students in the classroom; by meeting and talking to directors of education and training establishments; by creating cultural-political discussion forums to bring together music or theatre organisations and cultural networks with different interests and from different backgrounds: education, professional training, creative industries, amateur music or theatre practice, professional music practice; • by hearing various opinions on a system. WHOM? • • • • • • • Directors of education and vocational training institutions, centres or providers; directors of guidance centres; educational and vocational training inspectors; head teachers, teacher trainers; pedagogical or guidance advisers; representatives of education and training networks and associations; representatives of local, regional and national authorities. SHORT DESCRIPTION IN THE HOST COUNTRY’S LANGUAGE: Organiser(s): SARRI Georgia IKY / State Scholarship Foundation – National Agency for the Lifelong Learning Programme Dionyssiou Areopagitou & Makri 1 11742 Athens Tel. +30-210 3726373 Fax +30-210 3221863 Email: [email protected] Στη σημερινή Ευρώπη οι πολιτιστικές ανταλλαγές διατηρούν αμείωτη την ένταση και το σφρίγος τους. Η ελεύθερη κυκλοφορία διευκόλυνε σημαντικά τις πολιτιστικές ανταλλαγές και τον πολιτισμικό διάλογο πέραν των εθνικών συνόρων. Οι πολιτιστικές δραστηριότητες και η ζήτηση πολιτιστικών αγαθών διευρύνονται, με πρωτοφανείς δυνατότητες πρόσβασης χάρη στα νέα μέσα επικοινωνίας. Ταυτόχρονα, η παγκοσμιοποίηση ενέτεινε την έκθεση σε διαφορετικούς πολιτισμούς απʼ όλο τον κόσμο. Αυτό όξυνε την περιέργεια και την ικανότητά μας να ανταλλάσσουμε επωφελώς στοιχεία με άλλους πολιτισμούς και καλλιέργησε την πολυμορφία των κοινωνιών μας. Από την Επίσκεψη αυτή έχουμε την προσδοκία να παρατηρήσουμε μαζί με τους συμμετέχοντες τα πολιτιστικά δρώμενα κυρίως στο σχολικό περιβάλλον, να συγκρίνουμε, να ανταλλάξουμε απόψεις με σκοπό τη βελτιστοποίηση του πολιτιστικού επιπέδου της νέας γενιάς. WWW. – CATALOGUE 2008-2009 305 2009 EUROPEAN YEAR OF CREATIVITY Creativity and environmental awareness step by step Group No: 449 Type of visit: General education 20/4/2009-24/4/2009 Włocławek, Poland Working language: English Number of places: 12 Minimum required: 7 EDUCATION AND TRAINING 2010 OBJECTIVES: 2.2. Making learning more attractive 3.3. Improving foreign language learning WHY? Increasing interest in opening up education to the world has led to development of foreign language learning and making the process more attractive. Consequently, some fresh, creative, innovative methods have been implemented into teaching/learning schemes in Poland over recent years.The visit will promote creativity and environmental awareness with focus on all levels of the Polish educational system and exchange of experiences. The third, Maria Konopnicka upper secondary school (central Poland, 160 km east of Warsaw) is one of the few Polish upper secondary schools to be awarded two European language labels for innovative methods of teaching/learning foreign languages. As 2009 has been declared European year of creativity, the main aim of the venue is to offer visitors an overview of recent activities focusing on environmental and language education. WHAT? Participants will: • visit a kindergarten, primary school, lower secondary, upper secondary school, higher education institution and an in-service teacher-training centre focusing on aspects of creativity and environmental education; • observe presentations concerning projects developed in the places visited; • participate in exhibitions organised by teachers and students involved in promoting creativity and knowledge of the world; • analyse the similarities and differences between European systems of education; • share examples of good practice. HOW? The study visit organised in Wloclawek aims to provide a mixture of theory and practice on creativity, meetings with representatives of local authorities, teachers and students, workshops and presentations focused on sharing knowledge and experience. It will offer exchanges of different points of view on education and learning and establish an intercultural network to implement European cooperation. Visits will include: • innovative, various schools and institutions; • other social partners/firms supporting education; • historical and picturesque places of the Kujawy region, tourist attractions and natural landmarks of our town and area. WHOM? • Directors of education and vocational training institutions, centres or providers; • head teachers, teacher trainers. SHORT DESCRIPTION IN THE HOST COUNTRY’S LANGUAGE: Organiser(s): KIJEWSKA Joanna III LO im. M.Konopniskiej we WŁOCŁAWKU Bechiego 1 87-800 Włocławek Tel. +48- 054 232 29 65 Fax +48- 054 232 29 65 Email: effect.jk@ Celem wizyty jest: • przedstawienie uczestnikom polskiego systemu edukacji i porównanie z innymi, funkcjonującymi w Europie; • pokazanie różnych rozwiązań w dydaktyce w zakresie promowania kreatywności i wdrażania nauczania proekologicznego; • prezentowanie szkół wszystkich typów i ich funkcjonowania w obszarze kształcenia młodych obywateli Europy; • dzielenie się przykładami dobrych praktyk edukacyjnych; • promocja placówek i regionu. WWW. 306 CEDEFOP – STUDY VISITS 2009 EUROPEAN YEAR OF CREATIVITY Creating creative students through formal education Group No: 450 Type of visit: General education 4/5/2009-8/5/2009 Antalya, Turkey Working language: English Number of places: 20 Minimum required: 8 EDUCATION AND TRAINING 2010 OBJECTIVES: 1.2. Developing skills for the knowledge society 3.1. Strengthening the links with working life and research and society at large WHY? We chose this theme because 2009 is European year of creativity. In our national educationʼs basic law the main aim is bringing up our students as creative and productive adults. We believe in the importance of creative education to create a conscious community. We know that everybody is born with skills to imagine, create and question, and we have to support these skills in our schools to create the European knowledge society. We want to prepare this project in Turkey, because in our lessons we use creative techniques and in our curriculum we have creative lessons. The schools of Antalya have the capacity to provide creative education by their wellqualified teachers, and well-equipped classrooms and workshops. We are one of the assertive Turkish cities in EU LLP and Youth projects. In Antalya we have many experiences of hosting Arion study visits, Leonardo da Vinci, Comenius, Grundtvig and Youth projects. Antalya is the tourism centre of Turkey, so participants will have the best accommodation and transport facilities. WHAT? • Developing a common idea about how to bring up our pupils as creative and productive European adults; • learning about the education system of Turkey and the creative education methods applied in Turkey; • learning about the education systems and the creative education methods in participantsʼ countries. HOW? • Listening to presentations on Turkish education system and education systems in participantsʼ countries; • comparing creative education methods in participantsʼ countries; • visiting schools, talking to teachers and principals; • observing lessons in workshops and in the classrooms; • brainstorming on ideal creative education systems; • listening to presenters of the group about their models. WHOM? Directors of education and vocational training institutions, centres or providers; head teachers, teacher trainers; heads of departments; pedagogical or guidance advisers; researchers. SHORT DESCRIPTION IN THE HOST COUNTRY’S LANGUAGE: Organiser(s): KARATAS Hulusi Antalya Provincial National Education Directorate Soguksu Mahallesi Hamidiye Caddesi 07103 Antalya Tel. +90 5055626522 Fax +90 2422386111 Email: [email protected] Bu ziyaret 2009 yılının Avrupa Yaratıcılık Yılı olması nedeniyle, Avrupa ülkelerinin eğitim sistemlerindeki yaratıcı eğitimle ilgili uygulamaların paylaşılarak iyi uygulamaların ortaya çıkarılması ve Avrupa için ortak bir ideal yaratıcı eğitim modeli fikrinin oluşturulması amacıyla organize edilmiştir. Sadece Avrupa’nın değil Türkiye’nin de en temel eğitim hedeflerinden biri yapıcı, yaratıcı ve verimli kişilerin yetiştirilmesidir. Bu konu Milli Eğitim Temel Kanunu’nun 2. maddesinde genel amaçlardan bir tanesi olarak belirtilmektedir. Bu amaca ulaşmanın tek yolu da eğitimden geçmektedir, çünkü her insan hayal etme, yaratıcılık, sorgulama becerileriyle doğar ama ancak alacağı doğru eğitimle bu becerilerini geliştirebilir. Bu becerilerin geliştirilmesi bilinçli bir bilgi toplumu oluşturmak için gereklidir. Bu ziyarette bilinçli bir Avrupa Bilgi Toplumu yaratabilmek için, öğrencilerin hayal etme, yaratıcılık, sorgulama, analitik ve eleştirel düşünme özelliklerini geliştirebilmelerini sağlayacak bir eğitim sistemi oluşturmak konusunda çalışmalar yapılacaktır. Bu çalışmalar, katılımcıları ülkelerinin Eğitim Sistemleri ve ülkelerinde uygulanan yaratıcılık eğitimleriyle ilgili çalışmalarının sunumlarından, karşılıklı görüş alışverişinden, kurulacak küçük grupların çalıştaylarından ve örnek okul ziyaretlerinden oluşmaktadır. Projeye ev sahipliği yapacak olan Antalya şehri ise hem ulaşım ve konaklama konusunda çok iyi, hem de AB Projeleri’nde başarılı ve ev sahipliği yapma konusunda deneyimlidir. Ayrıca İl Milli Eğitim Müdürü’müz AB Projeleri’mizde bizlere her türlü desteği sağlamaktadır. WWW. CATALOGUE 2008-2009 307 2009 EUROPEAN YEAR OF CREATIVITY Making students and teachers think creatively Group No: 451 Type of visit: General education 1/6/2009-5/6/2009 Sieradz, Poland Working language: English EDUCATION AND TRAINING 2010 OBJECTIVES: 2.2. Making learning more attractive 3.3. Improving foreign language learning WHY? • Our teachers training centreʼs aim is to support teachers to make teaching effective and attractive by looking at new ideas in teaching practice. • Creative, individualised teaching, making the best use of studentsʼ and teachersʼ intellectual potential are closely connected to the Education and Training 2010 objectives, as well as national education priorities. • Many schools in the Sieradz region have successfully participated in the Polish and European education projects. • Sieradz region is a nice area in the centre of Poland, close to the second biggest town, Łódź. WHAT? Number of places: 15 Minimum required: 5 Participants will learn about: • non-conventional methods of teaching and learning in subjects such as foreign languages, sciences, environmental education, arts, European education; • crosscurricular educational projects realised in schools; • cooperation of our teachers training centre with teachers interested in making learningteaching attractive; • some aspects of the Polish education system and teacher training in Poland. HOW? Participants will: • visit different types of schools and observe students and teachers in action; • talk to methodology consultants, students, teachers, heads of schools, local education authorities; • share ideas and experiences; • get acquainted with teachers training programmes our teachers training centre offers to education specialists in the region and the “outcomes” of these programmes in school practice. WHOM? • • • • • Directors of education and vocational training institutions, centres or providers; educational and vocational training inspectors; head teachers, teacher trainers; heads of departments; representatives of local, regional and national authorities. SHORT DESCRIPTION IN THE HOST COUNTRY’S LANGUAGE: Organiser(s): JUZWICKA Krystyna Institution Wojewódzki Ośrodek Doskonalenia Nauczycieli (Teachers Training Centre) Tuwima 2 98-200 Sieradz Tel. +48- 04 38 22 36 91 Fax +48- 04 38 27 30 71 Email: [email protected] Celem wizyty jest zapoznanie uczestników z niekonwencjonalnymi metodami nauczania i uczenia się, których celem jest inspirowanie uczniów do twórczych poszukiwań, wyzwalanie ich kreatywności, rozbudzanie zainteresowań i motywowanie do samodzielnego uczenia się. Chcemy przedstawić przykłady dobrej praktyki szkolnej i edukatorskiej w zakresie kreatywnego nauczania-uczenia się. Nasze założenia chcemy zrealizować proponując uczestnikom wizyty studyjnej: • możliwość obserwowania zajęć edukacyjnych w szkołach i placówkach oświatowych; • udział w dyskusjach, spotkaniach, debatach; • poznanie środowiska edukacyjnego naszego regionu; • poznanie walorów turystycznych naszego regionu i województwa. 308 CEDEFOP – STUDY VISITS MAKING SCIENCE EDUCATION MORE ATTRACTIVE Encouraging enjoyment of science education Group No: 452 Type of visit: General education 8/9/2008-11/9/2008 Glasgow, Scotland, UK Working language: English Number of places: 15 Minimum required: 7 EDUCATION AND TRAINING 2010 OBJECTIVES: 1.4. Increasing recruitment to scientific and technical studies 2.2. Making learning more attractive WHY? There has been a reduction over the last few years in the number of students taking science subjects at school. To compete in a global market Europe needs to encourage the population and young people specifically to understand the importance of science and manufacturing. Raising the image and appreciation of engineers/technologists by the general public will have two benefits – increase the likelihood of young people entering it as a career and lead to a greater appreciation of the importance of manufacturing. Encouraging young people into science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) careers is vital to the future success of the EU. Scottish engineering is a non-profit making employerʼs organisation that provides training, works closely with education and vocational training establishments and is active in encouraging young people into STEM careers. WHAT? Participants will: • become familiar with some of the ways that organisations in Scotland are making science education more attractive to young people; • discuss successful strategies used in engaging young people in science education; • view some initiatives taking place. HOW? By: • discussing the issues surrounding science education and the image of science careers; • sharing best practice between organisations such as educational organisations, employerʼs organisations and guidance organisations; • visiting schools and observing some of the activities used to encourage young people to consider taking science subjects and STEM as career options; • visiting the Glasgow Science Centre, a visitor attraction that makes science fun for school pupils and the general public; • exploring and discovering hundreds of hands-on exhibits, interactive workshops, live science shows, labs and one of the finest planetaria in the world. WHOM? • • • • • Head teachers, teacher trainers; pedagogical or guidance advisers; representatives of education and training networks and associations; representatives of educational services, labour offices or guidance centres; representatives of employersʼ organisations. Organiser(s): ANDREWS Susan Scottish Engineering 105 West George Street G2 1QL Glasgow Tel. +44- 14 12 21 31 81 Fax +44- 014 12 04 12 02 Email: [email protected] Website: WWW.– – – CATALOGUE 2008-2009 309 MAKING SCIENCE EDUCATION MORE ATTRACTIVE Physics and biomechanics for secondary school teachers – new trends Group No: 453 Type of visit: Mixed 13/10/2008-17/10/2008 Hradec Kralove Czech Republic Working language: English Number of places: 12 Minimum required: 4 EDUCATION AND TRAINING 2010 OBJECTIVES: 1.5. Making the best use of resources 2.2. Making learning more attractive WHY? Well elaborated didactics is one of the key quality elements of effective teaching. This study visit will focus on the physics in the biomechanics for teachers at secondary schools. First place belongs to sport, the link with physics and biomechanics. The international conferences ICPE held in Tokyo in 2006 and in Morocco in 2007 aimed at “Teaching physics at secondary schools” also conclued that there is a strong relationship between physics and biology. This relationship is a new innovative element in the teaching process. In the Czech Republic there are many students who will be future teachers with the qualifications in the following subjects: physics and biology and physics and physical Training. This study visit will aim at the methods and preparation of students at the Faculty of Education in Hradec Kralove. WHAT? Future teachers of physical education study ʻbiomechanicsʼ. The content covers kinematics, dynamics, hydrodynamics, aeromechanics and solid state physics. At our faculty, students in the third study year who passed basic education in physics, have 28 specialised lessons based on tasks and problems directly resulting from physical exercises and sport. Students have to find different solutions to exercises and discuss their results compared to reality. There are active sportsmen and sportwomen among them. It is interesting for them to study theoretical problems concering their sports activities, how biology and physical activities can ʻcooperateʼ and how they ʻinvolveʼ physics in ʻcollaborationʼ and interactive relations. HOW? Participants will: • take part in seminars, lectures at the Faculty of Education; • meet university students and teachers; • visit secondary schools in the region; • exchange experience and options; • discuss problems and questions from theoretical and practical points of view; • learn about Czech educational system; • get familliar with the methods of teaching physics and biomechanics in the countries of participants; • take part in social programme. WHOM? Head teachers, teacher trainers; heads of departments; human resource managers. SHORT DESCRIPTION IN THE HOST COUNTRY’S LANGUAGE: Organiser(s): KLUIBER Zdenek University Hradec Kralove Rokitanského 62 50003 Hradec Kralove 3 Tel. +420- 493 33 11 90 Fax +420- 495 51 38 90 Email: [email protected] Současná didaktika fyziky akcentuje obsah středoškolského výuky fyziky zejména ve vztahu ke každodenímu životu běžného občana. Je zřejmé, že přední místo v tomto pojetí patří sportu, resp.vazbě fyziky a biomechaniky. Jak se připravují k této výuce učitelé? Budoucí učitelé tělesné výchovy v ČR se zpravidla s danou problematikou seznamují v předmětu Biomechanika. Obsahem výuky jsou lekce věnované zejména kinematice, dynamice, hydromechanice, aeromechanice a fyzice pevných látek. Např.na Univerzitě Hradec Králové, po teoretickém úvodu, opírajícím se i o základy infinitezimálního počtu, jsou studenti 3.ročníku ve 14 dvouhodinových lekcích seznamováni s úlohami problémy bezprostředně vyplývajícími ze sportovní praxe. Dospívají k různým způsobům řešení, diskutují získané výsledky vzhledem k realitě. V našem projektu hodláme účastníkům - učitelům fyziky a tělesné výchovy na středních a vysokých školách - představit: Univerzita Hradec Králové: seminář se studenty, lekce výuky, diskuse s učiteli, setkání s vedoucími pracovníky, návštěva střední školy - diskuse s žáky a učiteli; Součástí programu pak bude i seznámení s vybranými historickými památkami Prahy a Hradce Králové, v rámci kulturně - společenského programu i účast na tělovýchovném vystoupení a na vystoupení souboru s českým folklórem; Akce je organizována i se záměrem získat a předat si navzájem zkušenosti z daných oblastí. WWW. 310 CEDEFOP – STUDY VISITS MAKING SCIENCE EDUCATION MORE ATTRACTIVE Bridging the gap between research and science education Group No: 454 Type of visit: Mixed 20/10/2008-24/10/2008 Vienna, Austria Working language: English Number of places: 25 Minimum required: 15 EDUCATION AND TRAINING 2010 OBJECTIVES: 1.4. Increasing recruitment to scientific and technical studies 3.1. Strengthening the links with working life and research and society at large WHY? The EU promotes education, research and innovation in its educational programmes and in its innovation strategy. Austria coordinates the EU-project ʻForm It – Take Part in Researchʼ to promote research and education cooperation (REC) in education for sustainable development in 2007 and 2008. The following subjects will be treated: • How can students and researchers work together? • How can research based learning be promoted? • How can teachers develop scientific understanding for themselves and for their students? • How to get over apprehension and obstacles? • How can this form of cooperation be initiated and institutionalised? WHAT? During this study visit we want to discuss questions on science learning and education for sustainable development“, exchange experiences and get to know examples of good practice. We also want to discuss quality criteria for research and education cooperation and possibilities of implementing REC. HOW? • Present and discuss results of the EU-SSA projects ʻForm-it –Take part in Researchʼ; • visit institutions involved in research education cooperation (University of Agriculture and cooperating schools); • visit the Ministry of Science and Research - presentation of the programmes ʻProvisionʼ and ʻSparkling Scienceʼ; • learn about the EU COMENIUS 3 Network project ʻPartnership and Participation for a Sustainable Tomorrowʼ. WHOM? • • • • • • Directors of education and vocational training institutions, centres or providers; educational and vocational training inspectors; head teachers, teacher trainers; heads of departments; representatives of education and training networks and associations; researchers. SHORT DESCRIPTION IN THE HOST COUNTRY’S LANGUAGE: Die EU hat in ihrem Bildungsprogramm bzw. in ihrer Innovationsstrategie das Wissensdreieck „Bildung – Forschung – Innovation“. Österreich koordiniert in den Jahren 2007 und 2008 das EU-Projekt „Form it“ zur Förderung der Forschungs-Bildungs-Kooperation im Bereich Bildung für Nachhaltige Entwicklung ( Wie können SchülerInnen und WissenschafterInnen zusammenarbeiten? Wie kann forschendes Lernen gefördert werden? Wie können LehrerInnen wissenschaftliches Verständnis für sich und für ihre SchülerInnen entwickeln? Wie können Hemmnisse und Berührungsängste überwunden werden? Wie kann diese Zusammenarbeit initiiert und institutionalisiert werden? Im Rahmen dieses Studienbesuchs wollen wir diese Fragen im Kontext von „Science learning“ und „Bildung für Nachhaltige Entwicklung“ erörtern, Erfahrungen austauschen und konkrete Beispiele guter Praxis kennen. Organiser(s): JANKOVIC Patrizia Minoritenplatz 5 1014 Wien Tel. +43- 15 31 20 25 06 Email: [email protected] WWW. – CATALOGUE 2008-2009 311 MAKING SCIENCE EDUCATION MORE ATTRACTIVE Laboratory sciences, a rapidly developing field Group No: 455 Type of visit: Mixed 21/10/2008-24/10/2008 Copenhagen, Denmark EDUCATION AND TRAINING 2010 OBJECTIVES: 1.4. Increasing recruitment to scientific and technical studies 3.1. Strengthening the links with working life and research and society at large WHY? Biotechnology, microbiology and chemical technology are fields characterised by rapid development in knowledge and skills. We are seeking international partners with interest in laboratory sciences to cooperate and take advantage of international inspiration. We are seeking to develop the international dimension in the education of laboratory technicians. We would like to promote cooperation with working life, research and society as these are important factors in education today. Working language: English Number of places: 20 Minimum required: 5 WHAT? Participants will: • be introduced to the Danish higher education system with emphasis on the college sector and on the vocational colleges offering short-cycle programmes; • understand the methods and tools in educating for the chemical and biotechnological areawith reference to the study programme for laboratory technicians; • gain and share knowledge about cooperation and interaction between Faculty of Laboratory Sciences and the industrial area. HOW? • By sharing various opinions on the vocational training system; • by observing students in classrooms and laboratories; • by visiting two research laboratories at University of Copenhagen, where laboratory technicians are part of research teams; • by visiting 2-3 major companies employing laboratory technicians. WHOM? • • • • • • • • • • Company training managers; directors of education and vocational training institutions, centres or providers; directors of guidance centres; educational and vocational training inspectors; head teachers, teacher trainers; heads of departments; owners/managers of SMEs; pedagogical or guidance advisers; representatives of chambers of commerce/ industry/crafts; researchers. SHORT DESCRIPTION IN THE HOST COUNTRY’S LANGUAGE: Studiebesøget henvender sig til uddannelses interessenter på alle niveauer i forhold til laborantuddannelsen, procesteknologuddannelsen og en overbygning på professionsbachelorniveau, som er under udvikling. I programmet indgår oplæg, virksomhedsbesøg og erfaringsudveksling i forhold til det danske uddannelses system, uddannelses tilrettelæggelse, samarbejde med arbejdspladser om læring i praktik og internationalt samarbejde. Organiser(s): KRISTENSEN Charlotte University college Øresund, Faculty of Laboratory Sciences Sigurdsgade 34 2200 Copenhagen N Tel. +45- 35 20 16 03 Email: [email protected] Website: WWW. – – – 312 CEDEFOP – STUDY VISITS MAKING SCIENCE EDUCATION MORE ATTRACTIVE Environmental education at school, university and in vocational training Group No: 456 Type of visit: Mixed 24/11/2008-26/11/2008 Reggio Calabria, Calabria Italy Working language: English EDUCATION AND TRAINING 2010 OBJECTIVES: 1.4. Increasing recruitment to scientific and technical studies 2.2. Making learning more attractive WHY? The aim of the study visit is to give participants an overview of recent developments of environmental education in South Italy and how environmental education can become a job. WHAT? Participants will have an overview of: • environmental education at school and university; • environmental education in vocational training. HOW? Number of places: 15 Minimum required: 5 • Visits to local secondary, vocational schools, local organic farms; • presentation of pilot-projects: energy savings, parks, environmental chemistry, vegetable productions; • visit to the Agrarian University; • presentation of programmes of public support for environmental education projects; • presentation of research projects; • discussion with teachers and students; • meetings with local authority and non-governmental organisations. WHOM? • • • • • • • • Directors of education and vocational training institutions, centres or providers; educational and vocational training inspectors; head teachers, teacher trainers; heads of departments; pedagogical or guidance advisers; representatives of education and training networks and associations; representatives of employersʼ organisations; representatives of local, regional and national authorities. SHORT DESCRIPTION IN THE HOST COUNTRY’S LANGUAGE: La visita è indirizzata a tutti coloro che lavorano con lʼAmbiente: docenti, Dirigenti, orientatori, capi dʼazienda, formatori professionali, responsabili delle Politiche Ambientali, dellʼIstruzione e Formazione, del Lavoro. La visita di studio è indirizzata a dare una visione dellʼimportanza dellʼEducazione ambientale nel curriculo a partire dalla scuola primaria fino al termine del ciclo degli studi. Inoltre la visita intende dare la visione della possibilità di continuare gli studi Universitari e professionali nellʼambito Ambientale e quali sono le possibilità di lavoro successive al completamento degli studi. La presentazione dei programmi pubblici di Istruzione e di Formazione nellʼambito ambientale, nonché la presentazione dei piani di sviluppo locale per la promozione Turismo Ambientale e dellʼAgricoltura Biologica può essere spunto di discussione tra i partecipanti e di scambio di opinioni con le autorità locali. Organiser(s): SMALDONE Carlo Associazione Prometeo Via Osanna, 2/e 89127 Reggio Calabria Tel. +39-0965 89 62 75 Fax +39-0965 89 62 75 Email: [email protected] Website: WWW. CATALOGUE 2008-2009 313 MAKING SCIENCE EDUCATION MORE ATTRACTIVE In Darwin’s footsteps: Effective biodiversity education through the outdoor classroom Group No: 457 Type of visit: General education 26/1/2009-30/1/2009 Shrewsbury, England, UK Working language: English Number of places: 20 Minimum required: 10 EDUCATION AND TRAINING 2010 OBJECTIVES: 1.1. Improving education and training for teachers and trainers 2.2. Making learning more attractive WHY? Our biological resources and biodiversity are under threat from unsustainable approaches to development that are bringing about climate change. Learning about biodiversity is included in the national curricula of most countries in Europe, and receives a high priority in European environmental strategies. However recent research has highlighted the need for improvements if this learning is going to effectively bring about the values and behaviour changes needed to ensure our biodiversity resources are preserved for future generations. This study visit will focus on the importance of young people learning about biodiversity in the outdoor classroom. WHAT? The learning objectives of the study visit are to encourage the development of more effective approaches to learning in the outdoor classroom and to create a more exciting and attractive approach to biodiversity as part of science education. We will: • critically evaluate current approaches to biodiversity learning; • share best practice in biodiversity learning across Europe and examine how it is judged; • consider the importance of out-of-classroom learning in effective biodiversity education; • review biodiversity education policies and strategies; • experience examples of biodiversity delivery; • gain ideas for the improvement of biodiversity learning. HOW? The study visit will include: • workshops and presentations from decision-makers, practitioners and teacher trainers; visits to formal education institutions and informal education providers; • classroom observation; • an opportunity to talk to teachers, schools managers and other providers; • structured presentations from the participants to share best practice; • experiencing different approaches to out of classroom learning. WHOM? • • • • • Directors of education and vocational training institutions, centres or providers; educational and vocational training inspectors; head teachers, teacher trainers; heads of departments; pedagogical or guidance advisers. Organiser(s): HINDSON Dr. James Field Studies Council (EE) The Annexe, Preston Montford Lane SY4 1DU Shrewsbury Tel. +44- 17 43 85 21 60 Fax +44- 17 43 85 21 41 Email: [email protected] Website: WWW. 314 CEDEFOP – STUDY VISITS EARLY LANGUAGE LEARNING Improving early language teaching Group No: 458 Type of visit: General education 29/9/2008-3/10/2008 Olsztyn, Poland Working language: English Number of places: 12 Minimum required: 8 EDUCATION AND TRAINING 2010 OBJECTIVES: 3.3. Improving foreign language learning WHY? • The objective of the study visit is to show participants the most innovative experiences in teaching foreign languages (English, French and German) to children since their early childhood. Various methods to improve early language teaching will be presented as this is now a priority in most European countries. • The Mazurian lake district in Poland with Olsztyn as its main city is a tourist part of Poland. It has got an interesting history and here live more national minorities (German, Ukrainian) than in other parts of Poland, so people are particularly interested in learning different foreign languages. Schools and teachers in this region are experienced in teaching foreign languages, they cooperate with many foreign institutions and cultural centres. We can share our good practice and innovation. • Participants will have the opportunity to get in touch with the cultural identity of the country and region. WHAT? Focus will be on: • early language teaching in infant and first years of primary; • new methods and learning by fun and motivating children in teaching languages; • general knowledge of language teaching in Polish educational system; • benefits from cooperation with language and cultural institutions and schools in Europe; • European dimension in teaching process. Participants will have the possibility to compare their national educational systems and analyse new techniques and methods used in Poland. The role of drama, music and art and ICT in language education will be discussed. There will be a session on evaluation of the benefits of learning early English as an example of a foreign language.The programme will be complemented by cultural activities. HOW? Participants will be able to: observe lessons in different primary schools and nursery schools/ kindergartens; visit the biggest integration school in the region with disabled students and those with special needs and watch an English lesson; visit Polish – German and Polish - French language and culture centres in Olsztyn and other institutions connected with education (English teacher college, Town Hall); take part in workshops and teachers meetings on strategy to improve early language learning and share their knowledge, experience; meet with local educational authorities; speak to pupils and teachers. WHOM? Directors of education and vocational training institutions, centres or providers; head teachers, teacher trainers; pedagogical or guidance advisers; representatives of education and training networks and associations; representatives of local, regional and national authorities. SHORT DESCRIPTION IN THE HOST COUNTRY’S LANGUAGE: Organiser(s): SZYMBORSKA Elżbieta Warmińsko-Mazurski Ośrodek Doskonalenia Nauczycieli w Olsztynie Głowackiego 17 10-447 Olsztyn Tel. +48- 089 522 85 00 Fax +48- 089 522 85 25 Email: szymborska Wizyta studyjna ma na celu ukazanie nowatorskich działań i szerokich doświadczeń z zakresu uczenia wczesnoszkolnego języków obcych (szczególnie: angielskiego, niemieckiego i francuskiego). Podczas wizyty uczestnicy będą zajmować się następującymi zagadnieniami: sposoby podnoszenia skuteczności wczesnoszkolnego nauczania języków obcych, nowe metody, techniki i uczenie” przez zabawę” jako formy motywowania dzieci na lekcjach i zajęciach językowych, System Edukacji w Polsce a nauczanie języków obcych, korzyści płynące ze współpracy z różnymi instytucjami związanymi z edukacją, kulturą i szkołami w Europie, Europejski wymiar w procesie nauczania języków obcych, rola metody „drama”, muzyki i sztuki we wczesnoszkolnym nauczaniu języków, wykorzystanie Internetu i ITC w edukacji językowej. Uczestnicy będą mieli okazje porównania systemów edukacyjnych , analizy technik i metod dydaktycznych używanych w polskich szkołach z własnymi. Program wizyty studyjnej obejmuje: obserwowanie zajęć i lekcji języków obcych w szkołach podstawowych i przedszkolach, (różne poziomy) wizytę w największej w regionie szkole integracyjnej z uczniami niepełnosprawnymi i obserwacje tam lekcji języka angielskiego, wizytę w Polsko-Niemieckim i Polsko-Francuskim Centrum w Olsztynie, zwiedzanie W-M ODN w Olsztynie i spotkanie z nauczycielami konsultantami, spotkania z lokalnymi władzami odpowiedzialnymi za edukację, wizytę w ratuszu i Nauczycielskim Kolegium Językowym, udział w warsztatach, spotkaniach z nauczycielami i dyskusję na temat strategii poprawiania skuteczności uczenia języków obcych we wczesnym etapie edukacyjnym, wymianę doświadczeń. Program przewiduje również zajęcia z zakresu kultury i historii Warmii i Mazur. WWW. CATALOGUE 2008-2009 315 EARLY LANGUAGE LEARNING Making language learning meaningful to young pupils Group No: 459 Type of visit: General education 13/10/2008-16/10/2008 Tripolis, Greece Working language: English Number of places: 15 Minimum required: 10 EDUCATION AND TRAINING 2010 OBJECTIVES: 1.2. Developing skills for the knowledge society WHY? As socio-economic factors in European countries improve mobility of peoples throughout Europe, turning Europe into a huge village where its citizens along with their national identity carry a European one as well, the need to raise awareness about other peoplesʼ culture and language is crucial. Speaking a foreign language from a very early age is necessary nowadays, as the need to communicate with people of other countries, with different cultural characteristics, leads to a need for generating tolerance and respect for the ʻotherʼ and ʻdifferentʼ so we can all live in a peaceful world together. As language, carrying cultural aspects of a people, is the vehicle which brings people close to one another, it should be appreciated and given the attention it deserves. WHAT? Practices and teaching strategies that involve active learnersʼ participation particularly at an early age will be seen in classrooms visited by participants. The study visit will focus on strategies that make learning more attractive and at the same time improve foreign language learning. Bringing education professionals together European co-operation will be strengthened and mobility and exchanges are expected to be increased. HOW? Participants will see teaching strategies that help learners acquire the taught language through active participation. Learning by doing will be the principle that underlies all the activities. Young learners will be actively involved in games, songs, miming, role-plays, storytelling, sketches, etc., that will help them assimilate the new language code. Sharing ideas and experiences, as well as the building of bonds of friendship between participants, will help them strengthen both their professional and European profile. WHOM? • • • • • Educational and vocational training inspectors; head teachers, teacher trainers; heads of departments; pedagogical or guidance advisers; representatives of educational services, labour offices or guidance centres. Organiser(s): SARRI Georgia IKY / State Scholarship Foundation – National Agency for the Lifelong Learning Programme Dionyssiou Areopagitou & Makri 1 11742 Athens Tel. +30-210 3726373 Fax +30-210 3221863 Email: [email protected] WWW., 316 CEDEFOP – STUDY VISITS L’APPRENTISSAGE PRÉCOCE DES LANGUES Développer l’apprentissage précoce des langues Numéro de groupe: 460 Type de visite: Enseignement général 24/11/2008-28/11/2008 Sèvres, France Langue de travail: français Nombre de places: 15 Minimum requis: 10 OBJECTIFS EDUCATION ET FORMATION 2010: 3.3. Améliorer lʼenseignement dans langues étrangères POURQUOI? Toutes les études menées sur le plurilinguisme concluent à la nécessité de développer lʼenseignement des langues dès le plus jeune âge. En tant quʼopérateur du ministère de lʼéducation nationale, le Centre international dʼétudes pédagogiques (CIEP) sʼest impliqué dès lʼorigine dans le processus dʼintroduction dʼun enseignement de langues vivantes dans le premier degré, notamment à travers le site Primlangues. Après avoir fédéré les initiatives locales, le CIEP met aujourdʼhui son expertise au service de partenaires désireux de développer lʼapprentissage précoce des langues. La réforme de lʼenseignement des langues a une dimension systémique qui doit tenir compte: • de la création dʼune approche pédagogique adaptée aux jeunes enfants, • de lʼorganisation des enseignements, • du recrutement et de la formation initiale et continue des enseignants, • de la création dʼun encadrement pédagogique. QUOI? Pour avoir une vue dʼensemble des questions liées à lʼenseignement précoce des langues, les participants étudieront: • les nouvelles méthodologies, notamment à travers le site Primlangues, • les programmes de lʼécole primaire, • les programmes des Instituts de formation des maîtres, • la procédure dʼhabilitation des enseignants, • la prise en compte des langues dans la formation continue des enseignants, • lʼouverture internationale, • lʼutilisation du Cadre européen commun de référence pour les langues. COMMENT? Les participants rencontreront tous les acteurs impliqués dans le développement de lʼenseignement précoce des langues: • des élèves et des professeurs, • des chefs dʼétablissement, • des inspecteurs et conseillers pédagogiques pour les langues vivantes, • des représentants du ministère, • des gestionnaires de sites ou ressources spécialisés. Afin dʼoptimiser la formation, les visites seront ponctuées par: • une introduction au système éducatif national, • des moments dʼéchange et de débat, • un bilan de la semaine. POUR QUI? • Directeurs d΄institutions, de centres ou de prestataires d΄enseignement et de formation professionnels; • inspecteurs d΄enseignement et de formation professionnels; • professeurs principaux, formateurs d΄enseignants; • conseillers pédagogiques ou d΄orientation; • représentants des autorités locales, régionales et nationales. Organisateur(s): THIERY Nicole CIEP 1, avenue Léon-Journault 92318 Sévres Tel. +33-1 45 07 69 47 Fax +33-1 45 07 60 03 Email: [email protected] WWW. CATALOGUE 2008-2009 317 EARLY LANGUAGE LEARNING Early English learning: challenges and good practices Group No: 461 Type of visit: Mixed 16/3/2009-20/3/2009 Beja, Portugal Working language: English Number of places: 15 Minimum required: 13 EDUCATION AND TRAINING 2010 OBJECTIVES: 1.1. Improving education and training for teachers and trainers 3.3. Improving foreign language learning WHY? • Education and training 2010 objectives defend improving “FL learning” and the global “development of skills for the knowledge society”. • Among the eight key-competences for lifelong learning are: foreign language communication and cultural sensitivity and expression. • English is an important tool that enables multilingualism and learning other languages – English learning as a platform for other learning experiences and communication. • Teachers, directors and other people dealing with early years are confronted with the need of introducing English, as soon as possible, and to improve teaching and organisational competences around it. However, European indicators reveal that learning of FLs is not yet 100% guaranteed, reaching nearly 50% at primary school . • The need for investment on experiences, teaching opportunities and exchange between different actors involved in promoting early English learning is widely perceived by teachers, researchers and professionals. WHAT? Participants will accomplish these learning objectives: • share their experiences and perspectives about English for young learners (YL) in their countries; • contact with the good organisational principles and practical experiences implemented in Beja in the ME programme; • observe English classes and teachersʼ methodologies and tools, with direct contact with teachers and pupils; • know the main conclusions of research projects and other actions; • discuss and work on practical issues concerning the implementation of English for YL to maximise participantsʼ backgrounds; • disseminate the results of the study visit to interested parties. HOW? Participants will: • meet local and regional authorities (e.g. staff of municipalitiesʼ education sector) and with school directors: procedures involved, positive aspects and needs - the organisational perspective; • observe English classes in primary schools and interact with pupils; • meet English teachers working in primary schools and exchange practices and opinions; • participate in workshops with experts, concerning core issues (e.g. reference materials, methodologies, characteristics, trends); • work around common issues to promote intercultural discussion and achieve shared measures; • contact teachers associations (e.g.; • disseminate the results to targets in the community. WHOM? Directors of education and vocational training institutions, centres or providers; educational and vocational training inspectors; head teachers, teacher trainers; heads of departments; pedagogical or guidance advisers; representatives of education and training networks and associations; representatives of educational services, labour offices or guidance centres; representatives of local, regional and national authorities. SHORT DESCRIPTION IN THE HOST COUNTRY’S LANGUAGE: Organiser(s): COELHO Dalila ESE de Beja Rua Pedro Soares 7800-295 Beja Tel. +351- 284 35 10 00 Fax +351- 284 32 68 24 Email: [email protected] Trata-se de uma visita com a duração de 4 dias, que pretende proporcionar aos visitantes o contacto com os diversos aspectos do ensino de inglês no ensino primário (do 1º ao 4º anos de escolaridade), através de: diálogo com responsáveis nacionais e regionais pela implementação do programa (Ministério da Educação, Direcção Regional de Educação do Alentejo,…); contacto com os responsáveis pela organização do inglês nas escolas de 1ºCEB que trabalham nos sectores de educação das Câmaras Municipais (geralmente as entidades promotoras do programa de inglês nas escolas de 1ºCEB) e com os responsáveis dos Agrupamentos de escolas (responsáveis pela coordenação pedagógica deste programa); visita a escolas para observação de aulas de inglês, metodologias, materiais, actividades e interacção com alunos; diálogo com professores a leccionar inglês no 1ºCEB na região de Beja, de modo a contactar com as suas percepções, opiniões, sugestões, dificuldades. WWW. – 318 CEDEFOP – STUDY VISITS VOCATIONALLY-ORIENTED LANGUAGE LEARNING Vocationally-oriented language learning Group No: 462 Type of visit: VET 13/10/2008-17/10/2008 Tokat, Turkey Working language: English Number of places: 15 Minimum required: 10 EDUCATION AND TRAINING 2010 OBJECTIVES: 2.2. Making learning more attractive 3.3. Improving foreign language learning WHY? To improve vocational education and training is among the goals set at the Lisbon meeting of European Union to raise social harmony, employment and competition. Vocational-oriented language learning has an important role to play. We need a workforce able to follow qualified, technological and scientific developments for competitive and high-quality output. According to the statistics, approximately 40% of the population of Turkey is under the age of 30, so good language education can make them well-qualified and equipped. We want to arrange this visit in our region because: • we have carried out made Leonardo da Vinci Projects; • English has become necessary for harmony and EU culture; • many graduates go abroad to work (Russia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, etc.) so we must meet their language needs as well; • Reşadiye municipality Thermal Hotel is suitable and well-equipped for accommodation and training activities; • there are four departments in our school, machinery technologies, data processing technologies, metal technologies and motor vehicle technologies. WHAT? • Sharing the methods of language teaching in our school; • getting to know the culture of our region and adapt it to EU culture; • checking the methods and techniques used to teach English in the middle Black Sea region. HOW? Participants will: • see language teaching activities in the classroom in the middle Black Sea region cities such as Tokat and Samsun; • visit industry areas and collect information about the workforce; • visit Tokat and Samsun governors, industry and trade offices, provincial national education offices, vocational training centres, Iş-Kur offices (offices for finding suitable jobs for qualified people) and mayors; • visit Gaziosmanpaşa University rector and English Language teaching department. WHOM? Directors of education and vocational training institutions, centres or providers; educational and vocational training inspectors; head teachers, teacher trainers; heads of departments;; human resource managers; representatives of local, regional and national authorities. SHORT DESCRIPTION IN THE HOST COUNTRY’S LANGUAGE: Avrupa Konseyi Yabancı Diller Ortak Kriterleri çerçevesinde, mesleki yabancı dil öğretim ilke ve yöntemlerinin ortaya konularak, bu konudaki ülke deneyimlerinin paylaşılması; yaşam kültürllerini yerinde görerek kültürler arası uyumun kolaylaştırılması ve mesleki yabancı dil öğretiminin, rekabetçi ve kaliteli üretim üzerindeki etkisi ve gerekliliğinin incelenmesi için çalışma ziyareti düzenlenmesi hedeflenmiştir. Organiser(s): SEZER Ismail Anadolu Teknik Lisesi ve Endustri Meslek Lisesi Resadiye 60700 Tokat Tel. +90 356 461 30 46 Fax +90 356 461 32 61 Email: [email protected] WWW. – – – – CATALOGUE 2008-2009 IMPLEMENTATION OF EUROPEAN INSTRUMENTS (EQF, EUROPASS) 319 Transportation and storage European mobility – European qualifications – European employability Group No: 463 Type of visit: VET 6/10/2008-9/10/2008 Kungsbacka, Sweden Working language: English Number of places: 15 Minimum required: 7 EDUCATION AND TRAINING 2010 OBJECTIVES: 3.4. Increasing mobility and exchange 3.5. Strengthening the European co-operation WHY? Cooperation between European schools, companies and organisations is necessary in the development of common courses in VET in European education systems. To open up education and training systems requires recognition, validation and transfer of knowledge. We would like to present and discuss - an example of innovation of European mobility actions and - an example for the ECVET system (European accumulation and transfer credit system for vocational education and training) linked to the vehicle engineering programme and maintenance of trucks. WHAT? Participants will: • become familiar with Swedish Vocational Educational and Training in general; • get specific information of VET in the Kungsbacka region; • learn how we in Kungsbacka work in close cooperation with local, regional, national and international companies and branch organisations; • understand how we through Leonardo da Vinci innovation and development project work closely with partners in Europe to improve and develop VET. HOW? Learning objectives will be achieved by: • information on the local education organisation in Kungsbacka and meetings with Director of Education; • information on the schools system in Sweden and in Kungsbacka and meetings with headmasters and teachers from VET; • meetings and discussions with representative of schools and training centres, companies and organisations involved in VET; • meetings and discussions with students, teachers and members of the Leonardo project organisation; • visit to local and regional SMEs. WHOM? Directors of education and vocational training institutions, centres or providers; head teachers, teacher trainers; heads of departments; owners/managers of SMEs; pedagogical or guidance advisers; representatives of education and training networks and associations; representatives of educational services, labour offices or guidance centres; representatives of employersʼ organisations; representatives of local, regional and national authorities. SHORT DESCRIPTION IN THE HOST COUNTRY’S LANGUAGE: Organiser(s): HILDELL Mona Department for Upper secondary school and Adult Education Stadshuset 434 81 Kungsbacka Tel. +46- 300 83 41 99 Email: [email protected] ECT (European class in trucks maintenance), är ett Leonardo da Vinciprojekt/ nyskapande utvecklingsprojekt . Det bygger på att det sedan sedan två år pågår ett samarbetsprojekt mellan fordonseleverna i Kungsbacka och fordonselever i Paris och Barcelona i ett Leonardo da Vinciprojekt/praktik o utbyten där syftet bl a är: att ta fram en gemensam modul/unit för underhåll av tunga fordon; Fortsättningen blir möjlig att genomföra i ECT 2007 – 2009 Nyskapande utvecklingsprojekt där syftet är; att testa modulen/uniten enligt ECVET:s ( European Credit System for Vocational Education and Training ) kriterier. Detta innebär att den kunskap och kompetens som erhålls i modulen/uniten ska kunna utvärderas, valideras och beskrivas på ett sådant sätt att den studerande kan överföra meriter från ett land till ett annat; att kvalitetssäkra praktikperioden i modulen/uniten; att testa modulens/unitens anpassning i deltagande länders nationella fordonsutbildningar. WWW. 320 CEDEFOP – STUDY VISITS IMPLEMENTATION OF EUROPEAN INSTRUMENTS (EQF, EUROPASS) Information and communication IT sector in Bulgaria Measuring HR efficiency Group No: 464 Type of visit: Mixed 12/1/2009-15/1/2009 Sofia, Plovdiv Bulgaria Working language: English Number of places: 20 Minimum required: 5 EDUCATION AND TRAINING 2010 OBJECTIVES: 1.3. Ensuring access to ICT for everyone 3.5. Strengthening the European co-operation WHY? The study visit will serve as a basis for developing new project ideas in the field of qualification and competences in the IT sector where retention of staff is a major challenge for company managers. The visit corresponds to the 2009 European Union agenda and brings modern competences – such as IT development and competences improvement to the attention of decision-makers. WHAT? In cooperation with the first chamber organisation in Bulgaria - the Bulgarian Branch Chamber of the Electronics Industry, SBS Bulgaria shall present to colleagues from old and new EU Member States strategies for competences development and explore the motivation of IT professionals in Bulgaria to obtain internationally recognised qualifications and develop them further in Bulgaria. HOW? Participants will: • observe ongoing staff qualification plans; • consult qualification centres and conduct standardised interviews with current trainees; • observe current EQ and Europass programme; • share experience from the countries where they currently work; • discuss project concepts on mobility in the IT sector. WHOM? • Representatives of education and training networks and associations; • representatives of educational services, labour offices or guidance centres; • representatives of employersʼ organisations. SHORT DESCRIPTION IN THE HOST COUNTRY’S LANGUAGE: Фирма “Специализирани Бизнес Системи” развива дейността си в областта на развитието на високите технологии и компютъризацията на различни сектори на бизнеса и обществения живот. СБС България има опит в осъществяването на проекти в за модернизиране на образованието в България и Румъния, управление на сигурността на финансови институции, управление на околната среда и програми за неформално обучение на деца и младежи. Това е първата българска компютърна фирма в областта на високите технологии, която е представена на фондовата борса. Чрез работното посещение, екипът на фирма СБС България ще популяризира сред специализирана общност – професионалисти, работещи по проекти, целящи развитието на професионалните компетенции на служители в сферата на високите технологии за трансфер на добри практики за популяризиране на високите технологии във всички сфери на живота чрез повишеното участие на представители на българската диаспора. Organiser(s): MARKOV Marius Institution SBS Bulgaria (Specialised Business Systems) Besarabia 24 1000 Sofia Tel. +359- 29 19 45 Fax +359- 29 19 45 Email: [email protected] WWW. – – – – CATALOGUE 2008-2009 321 IMPLEMENTATION OF EUROPEAN INSTRUMENTS (EQF, EUROPASS) European instruments and their implementation Group No: 465 Type of visit: Mixed 25/3/2009-27/3/2009 Reykjavík, Iceland Working language: English Number of places: 12 Minimum required: 10 EDUCATION AND TRAINING 2010 OBJECTIVES: 2.3. Supporting active citizenship, equal opportunities and social cohesion 3.4. Increasing mobility and exchange WHY? The importance of recognising formal, non-formal and informal education is growing for individuals as well as industry. The framework of learning outcomes is forming and understanding between countries is becoming more important every year in line with the growing mobility of students and work force. Europass and European qualification framework are part of the supporting tools used for active citizenship, equal opportunities and social cohesion all referred to in the objectives of Education and training 2010. These tools also encourage mobility and exchange and can be used to make education in Europe transparent. They can also strengthen European cooperation. The visit will take place in Reykjavík, the capital of Iceland where all the ministries and larger schools and education organisations are situated. A pilot project is being conducted on the use of Europass in elementary schools in Reykjavik and the ministry staff are leading the work on the qualification framework. WHAT? The objective is to gain knowledge about the usefulness of European instruments and their implementation in Iceland. Through visits to schools and ministries, as well as lifelong learning organisations participants will learn about: • use of Europass in Iceland and a pilot project in progress; • European qualification framework and National qualitfication framework work in Iceland; • recognition of formal, non-formal and informal education, both in Iceland and Nordic cooperation; • informal education. HOW? The visit will consist of: • visit to the Ministry of Education, Science and Culture; • visit to elementary schools, where using Europass has been part of the curriculum in a pilot phase; • visit to upper secondary school; • meetings with organisations working with lifelong learning and recognition of non-formal and informal education; • learning about the strong and weak points of using European instruments in Iceland; • discussions with relevant parties on their views of using European instruments. WHOM? Company training managers; directors of education and vocational training institutions, centres or providers; directors of guidance centres; directors of validation or accreditation centres; educational and vocational training inspectors; head teachers, teacher trainers; heads of departments; human resource managers; pedagogical or guidance advisers; representatives of education and training networks and associations; representatives of educational services, labour offices or guidance centres; representatives of employersʼ organisations; representatives of local, regional and national authorities; representatives of trade unions. SHORT DESCRIPTION IN THE HOST COUNTRY’S LANGUAGE: Organiser(s): ERLINGSDÓTTIR Ásta Sif National Agency for the Lifelong Learning Programme University of Iceland Dunhaga 5 107 Reykjavík Tel. +354- 525 4227 Email: [email protected] Website: Í heimsókninni verður fjallað um Europass og European Qualification Framework. Hvernig til hefur tekist að kynna þessi tæki og koma þeim í notkun á Íslandi. Einnig er reiknað með skipst verði á skoðunum og þekkingu í hópnum og góðar umræður verði um notkun evrópskra tækja í viðkomandi löndum. WWW. – – – – – 322 CEDEFOP – STUDY VISITS IMPLEMENTATION OF EUROPEAN INSTRUMENTS (EQF, EUROPASS) Implementing the national framework for qualifications: opportunities for vocational education Group No: 466 Type of visit: Mixed 27/4/2009-30/4/2009 Dublin, Ireland Working language: English Number of places: 12 Minimum required: 8 EDUCATION AND TRAINING 2010 OBJECTIVES: 1.2. Developing skills for the knowledge society WHY? The national qualifications framework was established in order to establish and maintain a framework of qualifications for the development, recognition and award of qualifications based on standards of knowledge, skill or competence to be acquired by learners. It is a single nationally and internationally accepted entity, through which all learning achievements may be measured and related to each other in a coherent way and which defines the relationship between all education and training awards. The introduction of the NFQ has resulted in significant changes from an education and training provider perspective. It has also created interesting opportunities in terms of programme design and delivery, the provision of accreditation and the role of quality assurance. WHAT? The national framework of qualifications was launched in October 2003 and since then there has been a process of implementing the framework in place. It is a system of ten levels that incorporates awards made for all kinds of learning, wherever it is gained. The framework has a number of implications for Vocational education in terms of adapting qualitifications and also by creating new opportunities for learners providers and employers to accredit learning. HOW? The study visit will involve a general overview of the development of the framework as well as visits to vocational training providers to look at the practical implementation of the code to look at the implications for training providers and learners alike. There will also be opportunities to discuss the development of National Qualifications frameworks against the background of the European framework for qualifications. WHOM? • • • • • • • • • • • Company training managers; directors of education and vocational training institutions, centres or providers; educational and vocational training inspectors; owners/managers of SMEs; representatives of chambers of commerce/ industry/crafts; representatives of education and training networks and associations; representatives of educational services, labour offices or guidance centres; representatives of employersʼ organisations; representatives of local, regional and national authorities; representatives of trade unions; researchers. Organiser(s): MC DYER Lorraine Leargas - Education Service 189 Parnell Street Dublin 1 Tel. +353- 18 73 14 11 Fax +353- 18 73 13 16 Email: [email protected] WWW. – CATALOGUE 2008-2009 323 ACTIVE CITIZENSHIP THROUGH EDUCATION AND TRAINING Active participation of young people in public life Group No: 467 Type of visit: General education 13/10/2008-17/10/2008 Eger, Hungary Working language: English Number of places: 20 Minimum required: 5 EDUCATION AND TRAINING 2010 OBJECTIVES: 2.3. Supporting active citizenship, equal opportunities and social cohesion 3.5. Strengthening the European co-operation WHY? Regarding the topical issues of the EU discourse in public policy the mobilisation of young people is a significant question. The Eszterházy Károly College (EKF) is an experienced host as it has already organised several conferences on public policy. The promotion of active citizenship is one of the main research fields at EKF. There are several special institutions and procedures in Eger to improve active participation. WHAT? Participants can understand the importance of active citizenship in local decision-making. They also can get familiar with the strategies of local governments to mobilise citizens. EKF representatives will present the latest research carried out in this subject at the college. Visitors gain educational experiences. HOW? • • • • • By visiting educational institutions; by talking to teachers, trainers and students; by meeting local/regional authority representatives and leaders from the public service; by organising a round-table; by presenting the particpantsʼown practice in active citizenship. WHOM? • Representatives of local, regional and national authorities; • researchers. SHORT DESCRIPTION IN THE HOST COUNTRY’S LANGUAGE: Az EKF Politológia Tanszék által szervezett szakmai fórumon bemutatjuk a kérdés kutatási eredményeit. Lehetőséget nyújtunk a résztvevőknek, hogy a kérdéssel kapcsolatos tapasztalataikat megismertessék egymással, ezáltal is erősítve az EU-ban az együttműködést. Az egri oktatási gyakorlaton keresztül bemutatjuk, hogy a magyar iskolarendszer különböző szintjein, hogyan építhető be a tanulási folyamatba az aktív állampolgárságra nevelés. A közigazgatási szerveken és diákszervezeteken keresztül a résztvevők megismerkednek a polgármesteri hivatal és a közgyűlés munkájával, valamint az állampolgárok aktív közszereplésének fejlesztésére kidolgozott stratégiákkal. Célunk, hogy minél több az okatásban résztvevő szakemberrel, az aktív állampolgárságot előmozdítókkal, a közpolitikai aktorokkal és helyi vezetőkkel találkozzanak, eszmét cseréljenek az ide látogatók. Organiser(s): RÁCZNÉ Dr. HORVÁTH Ágnes Eszterházy Károly College Eszterházy tér 1. 3300 Eger Tel. +36- 36 520 435 Fax +36- 36 523 461 Email: [email protected] Website: WWW. 324 CEDEFOP – STUDY VISITS CITOYENNETÉ ACTIVE PAR L’ÉDUCATION ET LA FORMATION Apprendre et vivre la citoyenneté active / promouvoir le succès de la formation Numéro de groupe: 468 Type de visite: Enseignement général 1/12/2008-5/12/2008 Misilmeri, Palermo, Sicilia Italie Langue de travail: français Nombre de places: 15 Minimum requis: 5 OBJECTIFS EDUCATION ET FORMATION 2010: 2.3. Favoriser la citoyenneté active, lʼégalité des chances et la cohésion sociale POURQUOI? Le thème de la visite est proposé parce que la ʻScuola Media Stataleʼ C. Guastella de Misilmeri a réalisé des expériences soit dans le domaine de la citoyenneté active soit dans le domaine de la promotion du succès de la formation. Notre école reconnue comme «école à risque» sʼest toujours consacrée à la lutte contre lʼéchec scolaire et lʼexclusion sociale. La visite se veut une occasion dʼéchange et de réflexion parmi les différents représentants européens du monde de lʼéducation et de la formation en se référant aux objectifs «Éducation et Formation 2010». Favoriser la citoyenneté active, lʼégalité des chances et la cohésion sociale. Développer en outre des stratégies et instruments dʼapplication. Lʼéducation à la citoyenneté fait partie intégrante des missions de lʼécole; elle constitue un apprentissage en termes de connaissances et de valeurs à transmettre, mais surtout de pratiques et de comportements. QUOI? • Comprendre en profondeur ce quʼest une éducation à la citoyenneté; • former les stagiaires à la citoyenneté active au niveau Européen; • élaborer des itinéraires pédagogiques dans lesquels les étudiants soient protagonistes de modèles de citoyenneté active et solidaire; • construire une occasion dʼéchange et de réflexion entre responsables du système dʼéducation et de formation; • sʼapproprier des outils méthodologiques et des exemples pratiques en vue dʼun réinvestissement en classe; • acquérir des compétences pour documenter et rendre publics les résultats des actions. COMMENT? • Travail en plénière; • approfondir les concepts de citoyenneté et dʼéducation à la citoyenneté dans les différents pays de lʼUnion européenne; • communication frontale présentée aussi avec lʼusage des outils de lʼordinateur; • moments de débat et de réflexion de groupe sur des itinéraires pédagogiques où les étudiants sont des modèles de citoyenneté active et solidaire; • prendre connaissance et élaborer des parcours didactiques en vue de réinvestissements en classe; • analyse des documents et des produits du cours; • prise de conscience de ce que signifie réellement une éducation à la citoyenneté dans toutes ses dimensions éducatives, pédagogiques et méthodologiques; • rencontre avec étudiants et responsables de lʼéducation et de la formation; • mettre en œuvre des actions de formation à travers la constitution dʼune archive des activités développées par les stagiaires dans la citoyenneté active Européenne et à travers la mis en ligne dʼun réseau de stagiaires. POUR QUI? Directeurs d΄institutions, de centres ou de prestataires d΄enseignement et de formation professionnels; directeurs de centres d΄orientation; inspecteurs d΄enseignement et de formation professionnels; professeurs principaux, formateurs d΄enseignants; conseillers pédagogiques ou d΄orientation; représentants de réseaux et d΄associations d΄enseignement et de formation; représentants de services éducatifs, d΄agences pour l΄emploi ou de centres d΄orientation; chercheurs. BRÈVE DESCRIPTION DANS LA LANGUE DU PAYS D’ACCUEIL: Organisateur(s): LA TONA Rita Scuola Media Statale “C. Guastella” c/da Gabatutti 90036 Misilmeri (Palermo) Tel. +39-091 871 18 83 Fax +39-091 871 17 86 Email: [email protected] Il tema della visita nasce dall’esperienza che la Scuola Media Statale C. Guastella di Misilmeri ha acquisito sia nel campo della formazione alla cittadinanza attiva sia nel campo della promozione del successo formativo. La nostra scuola riconosciuta come “scuola a rischio”si è sempre adoperata contro la dispersione scolastica e il recupero sociale. Con la visita di studio si intende creare e sviluppare un’opportunità di confronto e di riflessione tra i vari rappresentanti del mondo dell’istruzione e della formazione in riferimento agli obiettivi “Education et Formation 2010”. Favorire la cittadinanza attiva, la uguaglianza di opportunità e la coesione sociale. Sviluppare inoltre strategie e strumenti di applicazione. L’educazione alla cittadinanza è infatti parte integrante della missione dei sistemi di istruzione e di formazione, essa costituisce un apprendimento in termini di conoscenze e di valori da trasmettere ma soprattutto di pratiche e di comportamenti. WWW. CATALOGUE 2008-2009 325 ACTIVE CITIZENSHIP THROUGH EDUCATION AND TRAINING Attractive learning inside and outside the classroom Group No: 469 Type of visit: General education 20/4/2009-24/4/2009 Tallinn, Estonia Working language: English Number of places: 15 Minimum required: 5 EDUCATION AND TRAINING 2010 OBJECTIVES: 2.1. Open learning environment 2.2. Making learning more attractive WHY? Our school decided to organise this course because we have widespread knowledge in organising lessons both inside and outside the classroom. This is supported by our location as we are situated by the sea and there is excellent scenery. Our partners, who help us organise this, are Tallinn Zoo, Tallinn Botanical Garden, and Energy Centre (Heureka), Children Centre “Kullo” environment study class. This method is promoted and supported by our local government. WHAT? Participants will find out how lessons can be more practical, attractive and more interesting both to teachers and students. They will learn how to integrate this knowledge into the schoolʼs curriculum to ensure that best practice will last. The learning objectives are to: • understand the importance of active learning, • be familiar with Estonian good practice to organise lessons outside the classroom. HOW? This will be achieved by: • visiting several comprehensive schools and science centres; • observing students in the classroom; • taking part in active learning lessons as learners; • meeting and talking to educators of education establishments who promote this kind of learning as well as meeting with students and parents involved; • introducing your own experience and obtaining new ideas from other participants; • hearing an overview of this practice in Estonia by a decision maker. WHOM? • • • • • Directors of education and vocational training institutions, centres or providers; educational and vocational training inspectors; head teachers, teacher trainers; pedagogical or guidance advisers; representatives of local, regional and national authorities. SHORT DESCRIPTION IN THE HOST COUNTRY’S LANGUAGE: Aktiivõpe muutub üha tähtsamaks ja olulisemaks nii meil kui ka mujal Euroopas. Eestis on hoogu sisse saamas projekt „Õpiõu” ja teised õppetööd toetavad tugisüsteemid, mis toetavad õpetajat tunni huvitavamaks ja praktilisemaks muutmisel. Need on atraktiivsed tunnid, kus õpilane osaleb kui tegutseja ja tegija. Ta saab kinnistada oma teadmisi erinevate meelte kaudu: katsumine, vaatamine, ise tegemine. Õppevisiidi jooksul külastatakse Tallinna Loomaaeda, Tallinna Botaanikaaeda, Huvikeskuse „Kullo” keskkonnaklassi; kohtutakse Tallinna Haridusameti esindajatega. Osaletakse aktiivõppe tundides nii vaatleja kui ka aktiivse tegutsejana. Antakse soovitusi, kuidas planeerida aktiivõppe tunde kooli õppekavas. Jagatakse omi kogemusi. Organiser(s): VANA Kersti Merivälja School Heki street 16 12112 Tallinn Tel. +372- 623 22 34 Fax +372- 623 22 34 Email: [email protected] Website: WWW. 326 CEDEFOP – STUDY VISITS LANGUAGE TEACHING AND LEARNING Improving language teaching in the digital age Group No: 470 Type of visit: Mixed 23/9/2008-26/9/2008 Sunderland, England, UK Working language: English Number of places: 20 Minimum required: 12 EDUCATION AND TRAINING 2010 OBJECTIVES: 1.1. Improving education and training for teachers and trainers 3.3. Improving foreign language learning WHY? A recent survey carried out at Sunderland University into the needs of primary teachers showed that many feel that they have insufficient skills to cope with the new responsibility of language teaching at that level. The university is committed to supporting the promotion of languages and has consequently appointed a coordinator of MFL initiatives to support both newly qualified teachers in language learning as well as teachers of languages for adults in business and in the community. Some examples of the work of the university are: • active membership of the regional consortia of national routes into languages programme; • video conferencing project with a French school; • pronunciation workshops; • VLE for primary teachers. WHAT? Participants will gain: • practical experience of foreign language teaching in UK; • knowledge of how collaborative working has led to a successful consortia; • familiarity with the latest technology such as digital language labs and podcasting; • a network of potential partners for future projects. HOW? Participants will: • visit schools, universities and colleges that are engaged in innovative language learning projects and speak to teachers and students about their successes and failures in setting up the projects; • meet regional representatives from CILT (National Centre for Languages) and regional language network, thereby hearing about all the initiatives in the North East of England and the UK; • experience the latest digital technology in language learning; • exchange experiences in language teaching; • meet with other EU participants to discuss collaboration. WHOM? • • • • • • Directors of education and vocational training institutions, centres or providers; head teachers, teacher trainers; heads of departments; owners/managers of SMEs; representatives of education and training networks and associations; representatives of local, regional and national authorities. Organiser(s): HAYES Jenny University of Sunderland, Centre for Lifelong Learning Joseph Cowen House, St Thomas Street NE1 7RU Newcastle On Tyne Tel. +44- 19 15 15 28 00 Fax +44- 19 15 15 28 90 Email: [email protected] Website: WWW. – – CATALOGUE 2008-2009 327 L’ENSEIGNEMENT DES LANGUES Comment enseigner le français en tant que deuxième langue étrangère? Numéro de groupe: 471 Type de visite: Enseignement général 1/10/2008-3/10/2008 Suwalki, Pologne Langue de travail: français Nombre de places: 10 Minimum requis: 10 OBJECTIFS EDUCATION ET FORMATION 2010: 1.1. Améliorer lʼéducation et la formation des enseignants et des formateurs 2.2. Rendre lʼéducation et la formation plus attrayantes POURQUOI? • La recherche des méthodes d`enseignement/apprentissage les plus efficaces; • comment faire pour pousser les élèves à apprendre le français vu que tout le monde veut apprendre l`anglais; • le français devient de moins en moins enseigné en Pologne (et dans cette région). QUOI? • L`échange dʼidées; • la compréhension des méthodes et des outils utilisés dans d`autres pays; • la prise de conscience des difficultés d`enseignement de la deuxième langue étrangère. COMMENT? • En visitant les écoles et le Collège de formation des professeurs de langues étrangères; • en rencontrant les élèves et les étudiants apprenant le français; • en écoutant différents points de vue sur l`enseignement/apprentissage de la deuxième langue étrangère. POUR QUI? Professeurs principaux, formateurs d΄enseignants. BRÈVE DESCRIPTION DANS LA LANGUE DU PAYS D’ACCUEIL: Wymiana doświadczeń i metod nauczania języka francuskiego jako drugiego języka obcego. Refleksja na temat motywacji do nauki tegoż języka w kontekście “inwazji” języka angielskiego. Szanse języka francuskiego jako języka komunikacji w Europie i nie tylko. Ewentualne projekty promocji języka francuskiego. Doświadczenia innych krajów z zakresie nauczania / uczenia się języka francuskiego jako drugiego języka obcego. Organisateur(s): LASKOWSKA Hanna Zespol Kolegiow Nauczycielskich ul. Noniewicza 83 16-400 Suwalki Tel. +48-87 566 29 78 Fax +48-87 566 29 78 Email: [email protected] 328 CEDEFOP – STUDY VISITS LANGUAGE TEACHING AND LEARNING MGLT – Methods of global learning and teaching Group No: 472 Type of visit: Mixed 13/10/2008-17/10/2008 Ljubljana, Slovenia Working language: English Number of places: 16 Minimum required: 8 EDUCATION AND TRAINING 2010 OBJECTIVES: 1.1. Improving education and training for teachers and trainers 2.2. Making learning more attractive WHY? The traditional role of the teacher has changed. Today, the modern teacher is increasingly becoming a mentor, trainer, moderator, consultant, assistant to the adult in the educational process. To be able to face this new and changed role, and despite the vast knowledge and many years experience, educators cannot keep away from constant training. This important role demands thorough training. That is why we have developed the Global Learning® method. This method considers each participant in the learning process as an individual, allows for various learning types and is, therefore, tailored to the individualʼs needs. The essence of this method is its holistic approach to teaching and learning, and all in all it reflects innovation, expertise and knowledge of our experts. WHAT? The aim of the study visit is to introduce the global learning method. Participants will: • get knowledge on educating adults and become familiar with different methods; • learn how to prepare course materials and how teachers should be taught; • be able to share their own experiences with others. HOW? • By meeting and talking to: • experts who established the training programme; • heads of human resources in SMEs which included their employees in language courses using global learning method; • participants included in language courses using global learning method. • By taking part in the workshop. WHOM? • • • • • • • • • Company training managers; directors of education and vocational training institutions, centres or providers; educational and vocational training inspectors; head teachers, teacher trainers; heads of departments; human resource managers; owners/managers of SMEs; pedagogical or guidance advisers; researchers. SHORT DESCRIPTION IN THE HOST COUNTRY’S LANGUAGE: Organiser(s): JOVANOVIC Marusa Glotta Nova, Center for new knowledge Poljanska 95 SI-1000 Ljubljana Tel. +386- 1-5200-670 Fax +386- 1-5200-676 Email: [email protected] Website: Študijski obisk je namenjen predstavitvi metode Globalno učenje. Metoda temelji na dolgoletnih izkušnjah v poučevanju in učenju odraslih udeležencev. Temelji na celostnem in individualnem pristopu do vsakega udeleženca. Je celostni način učenja in poučevanja in se lahko posebej učinkovito uporablja pri učenju in poučevanju tujih jezikov. Skozi celoten študijski obisk bodo udeleženci pridobili veliko znanja s področja poučevanja odraslih. Spoznali bodo različne metode, sodelovali na delavnicah, izvedeli kako se pripravlja gradiva, kako se usposabljajo učitelji, predstavili bodo tudi svoje izkušnje. WWW. CATALOGUE 2008-2009 329 LANGUAGE TEACHING AND LEARNING Hand in hand to succeed in English Group No: 473 Type of visit: General education 3/11/2008-7/11/2008 Gaziantep, Turkey Working language: English Number of places: 12 Minimum required: 5 EDUCATION AND TRAINING 2010 OBJECTIVES: 1.1. Improving education and training for teachers and trainers WHY? Due to rapid spread of English as a global language of communication there have been almost simultaneous advances in ELT and it requires worldwide demand from trainers and teachers to keep up with recent developments. The main goals of the programme are raising English teachersʼ awareness of some strands such as applying multiple intelligence in English courses, neurolinguistic programming and computer assisted language learning and helping them seek more varied approaches in their teaching. As a large and fast growing metropolitan city, Gaziantep will provide a good workshop environment to participants since it has a number of educational institutions. WHAT? In this study visit, participants will have opportunities to: • meet their Turkish colleagues; • exchange ideas to gain an overview of ELT practices both in Turkey and internationally; • discuss specific issues related with English teaching and learning; • expand their teaching repertoire to include a broader range of methods, materials and techniques and become more effective language teachers. HOW? The programme will include: • meetings with local experts and teachers at different levels of ELT; • workshop sessions, presentations and CALL demonstrations; • observing many different ELT applications at Gaziantep college foundation private schools which have 1 750 students and 26 teachers of English. WHOM? • • • • • • Directors of education and vocational training institutions, centres or providers; head teachers, teacher trainers; heads of departments; representatives of education and training networks and associations; representatives of local, regional and national authorities; researchers. SHORT DESCRIPTION IN THE HOST COUNTRY’S LANGUAGE: İngilizcenin hızlı bir şekilde küresel bir iletişim dili haline gelmesi nedeniyle İngilizce Öğretimi alanında her gün yeni gelişmeler olmakta ve İngilizce eğiticileri ve öğretmenlerinden bu gelişmeleri izleyebilmek için yoğun istek gelmektedir. Bu çalışma programının amacı İngilizce derslerinde çoklu zeka uygulamaları, neuro linguistic programlama ve bilgisayar destekli dil öğrenimi konularında ulusal ve uluslararası gelişmeler konusunda farklı ülkelerden gelen eğitici ve öğretmenlerin görüş alışverişinde bulunarak deneyimlerini paylaşma olanağı sağlamaktır. Organiser(s): VERGILI Atanur Gaziantep College Foundation Private Schools H. Ahmet Yesevi Cad. 27060 Gaziantep Tel. +90 532 742 97 96 Fax +90 342 321 35 67 Email: [email protected] WWW. – – – – 330 CEDEFOP – STUDY VISITS LANGUAGE TEACHING AND LEARNING Language teaching and learning Group No: 474 Type of visit: General education 17/11/2008-21/11/2008 Brussels, Belgium Working language: English EDUCATION AND TRAINING 2010 OBJECTIVES: 3.3. Improving foreign language learning WHY? The study visit aims at sharing ideas, experiences and best practices in language teaching. WHAT? Belgium has three official linguistic communities (Flanders, the French speaking community and the German speaking commmunity) and houses many different international organisations, so knowledge of different languages is essential. The aim of the visit is to gain insight into the Flemish foreign language policy and its implementation within the educational system. HOW? Number of places: 15 Minimum required: 7 This theme is clarified during visits to the Department of Education and Training, schools and organisations, and through disciussions with civil servants, experts, heads of institutions, teachers and trainers. WHOM? • • • • • • • Directors of education and vocational training institutions, centres or providers; educational and vocational training inspectors; head teachers, teacher trainers; heads of departments; pedagogical or guidance advisers; representatives of education and training networks and associations; representatives of local, regional and national authorities. Organiser(s): MARES Nina Flemish Department of Education and Training Division of International Affairs - Room 7C10 Koning Albert II-laan 15 1210 Brussel Tel. +32- 25 53 98 64 Fax +32- 25 53 96 40 Email: [email protected] Website: WWW. CATALOGUE 2008-2009 331 LANGUAGE TEACHING AND LEARNING Improving foreign language teaching Group No: 475 Type of visit: General education 2/2/2009-6/2/2009 The Hague, the Netherlands Working language: English Number of places: 15 Minimum required: 6 EDUCATION AND TRAINING 2010 OBJECTIVES: 2.2. Making learning more attractive 3.3. Improving foreign language learning WHY? The objective of this study visit is to bring participants up to date with the most recent developments in language learning and teaching in the Netherlands. Since the early 1990s, when the official timetable has shown a reduction in the number of hours available for languages, several innovations have been introduced into the Dutch school system. WHAT? Participants will become familiar with initiatives to support early language teaching in primary schools, content and language integrated learning and reinforced language learning in secondary schools and the trilingual approach in Frisia, the second official language of the Netherlands. Also, the Anglia initiative for (early) English will be introduced. HOW? • • • • Visits to the Ministry of Education and municipalities for education; introduction to recent linguistic developments by the European platform; visits to primary and secondary schools and a regional education centre; classroom observation and discussion with teachers and students. WHOM? • • • • • Directors of education and vocational training institutions, centres or providers; head teachers, teacher trainers; heads of departments; representatives of education and training networks and associations; representatives of local, regional and national authorities. Organiser(s): SMIT Frank Europees Platform voor het Nederlandse onderwijs Bezuidenhoutseweg 253 NL 2594 Den Haag Tel. +31- 703814448 Fax +31- 703831958 Email: [email protected] WWW. – – 332 CEDEFOP – STUDY VISITS LANGUAGE TEACHING AND LEARNING Speaking European: teaching and learning foreign languages in Europe Group No: 476 Type of visit: General education 16/2/2009-20/2/2009 Torino, Piemonte Italy Working language: English Number of places: 15 Minimum required: 5 EDUCATION AND TRAINING 2010 OBJECTIVES: 3.3. Improving foreign language learning 3.5. Strengthening the European co-operation WHY? The aim of the visit is to: • analyse the European models of language teaching and learning, with particular reference to use of the common European framework and use of language portfolio; • compare the initial and continuous formation of language teachers and their role in making European Citizens. WHAT? Present the national situation in language teaching: • compare language teachers competencies; • compare initial and continuous teacher training in different countries; • compare language teaching methodology and share good practices; • widen possibilities of contact between institutions; • share ideas on how it is possible to widen the European dimension of language learning; • examine language portfolios. HOW? Participants will: • visit different schools from pre-primary to upper secondary; • observe language teachers at work; • participate in training sessions at the Teacher Training College for teachers of FL; • share experiences in small groups and ask and answer questions; • focus on strengths and weaknesses of the different systems. WHOM? • • • • • • • Directors of education and vocational training institutions, centres or providers; directors of guidance centres; directors of validation or accreditation centres; educational and vocational training inspectors; head teachers, teacher trainers; heads of departments; human resource managers. SHORT DESCRIPTION IN THE HOST COUNTRY’S LANGUAGE: Organiser(s): ZAN Maddalena Scuola Media “Bernardino Drovetti” Via Bardonecchia 34 10139 Torino Tel. +39-011 749 62 74 Fax +39-011 74 05 23 Email: [email protected] Lʼobiettivo della visita è analizzare i modelli europei di insegnamento delle lingue europee nei vari Stati e di analizzare la formazione iniziale e in servizio, del docente di Lingue straniere. Sarà analizzata la dimensione europea dellʼinsegnamento delle lingue e lʼapporto che insegnare ed imparare una lingua straniera dà alla formazione della cittadinanza europea. Daremo ai partecipanti lʼoccasione di focalizzare ed approfondire le loro conoscenze in questo campo attraverso la visita a diverse istituzioni scolastiche dalla materna alle superiori e lʼosservazione di docenti di lingue in classe. I partecipanti trascorreranno unʼintera giornata a scuola. Ci sarà la possibilità di scambiare esperienze in piccoli gruppi e porre e rispondere a domande dei colleghi. Si cercherà di mettere a fuoco i punti di forza e di debolezza dei diversi sistemi per apprendere gli uni dagli altri. CATALOGUE 2008-2009 333 LANGUAGE TEACHING AND LEARNING Language teaching and learning in the primary school Group No: 477 Type of visit: General education 2/3/2009-6/3/2009 Nottingham, England, UK Working language: English EDUCATION AND TRAINING 2010 OBJECTIVES: 1.1. Improving education and training for teachers and trainers 3.3. Improving foreign language learning WHY? By 2010 all primary schools in England will be teaching a modern foreign language at key stage 2 (7 to 11 year olds). Nottinghamshire has been at the forefront of the development of languages in primary schools following the countyʼs participation in the modern foreign languages pilot pathfinder project in 2003-2005 and teaching languages is well established in a growing number of schools throughout the county. The study visit will outline the training methods used and participants will witness at first hand the teaching methods employed in Nottinghamshire schools. WHAT? Number of places: 15 Minimum required: 6 Participants will: • gain an insight into the latest teaching and training methods used not only in Nottinghamshire but throughout England; • be able to observe a variety of lessons and discuss with practitioners and local authority advisers; • become familiar with the use of ICT in languages teaching; • explore ways in which languages can be incorporated into other areas of the curriculum; • understand how the international dimension in languages teaching can be an effective tool in the promotion of intercultural understanding. HOW? Participants will: • visit schools and authorities, and will listen to presentations from Nottinghamshire County Councilʼs education and training staff (children and young peopleʼs service); • observe pupils in a variety of schools; • meet senior officials of the children and young peopleʼs service, members of the schools improvement service, managers and staff at a regional Comenius centre, local authority international dimension consultants, head teachers, teachers and trainers; • discuss within the study group the strengths and weaknesses of primary languages teaching and learning in Nottinghamshire and how the findings will impact upon their own practice. WHOM? • • • • • Head teachers, teacher trainers; heads of departments; pedagogical or guidance advisers; representatives of local, regional and national authorities; researchers. Organiser(s): ALLAN Alyson Nottinghamshire County Council, Children and Young People’s Services County Hall, West Bridgford NG2 7QP Nottingham Tel. +44- 11 59 77 35 61 Fax +44- 11 59 77 25 39 Email: [email protected] Website: WWW. 334 CEDEFOP – STUDY VISITS LANGUAGE TEACHING AND LEARNING How to make foreign language teaching and learning effective Group No: 478 Type of visit: General education 20/4/2009-24/4/2009 Torun, Poland Working language: English Number of places: 10 Minimum required: 4 EDUCATION AND TRAINING 2010 OBJECTIVES: 2.2. Making learning more attractive 3.3. Improving foreign language learning WHY? • To improve the system of teaching and learning of foreign languages; • to exchange information about foreign language teaching in the countries of participants, especially early language learning, which has recently been introduced in Poland, and computer assisted language learning; • to discuss concept of effective foreign language teacher training; • to discuss the system of external school-leaving exams in foreign languages; • to present good practices connected with teaching talented students; • to show participants our beautiful old town which is on the Unesco world heritage list. WHAT? Participants will: • understand the system of teaching/learning foreign languages in Poland; • get familiar with the concept of schools for talented students; • learn how to make learning languages more effective; • get familiar with the system of teachersʼ advisors. HOW? Participants will: • visit kindergartens, primary and secondary schools (both city and village schools), a teacher training college, and an in- service teacher training centre; • observe students and teachers in classrooms; • talk to students, heads of schools, teachers, teacher trainees and teacher trainers and advisors; • discuss strong and weak points of the foreign languages teaching policies in the hostʼs and participantsʼ countries. WHOM? • • • • Head teachers, teacher trainers; heads of departments; pedagogical or guidance advisers; representatives of local, regional and national authorities. SHORT DESCRIPTION IN THE HOST COUNTRY’S LANGUAGE: Organiser(s): TOMASZEWSKA Beta Institution NKJO (Teacher Training College) ul. Sienkiewicza 38 87-100 Toru Tel. +48- 05 66 61 75 85 Fax +48- 05 66 61 75 55 Email: [email protected] Website: Uczestnicy wizyty zapoznają się z systemem nauczania języków obcych w szkołach polskich. Odwiedzą szkoły – od przedszkola po szkołę średnią , gdzie będą mieli możliwość obserwowania lekcji języków obcych , rozmawiania z uczniami i nauczycielami. Pokażemy w jaki sposób do promowania uczenia się języków obcych wykorzystywane są rozmaite techniki i metody nauczania, technologia informacyjna, projekty inter-kulturowe. Zaprosimy na zajęcia do szkoły, w której uczą się dzieci utalentowane. Przedstawimy system państwowych egzaminów zewnętrznych z języków obcych. Uczestnicy poznają również system kształcenia i doskonalenia nauczycieli w Nauczycielskich Kolegiach Języków Obcych. Uczestnicy będą mieli także możliwość podziwiać uroki starego miasta jakim jest Toruń, wpisanego na Listę Światowego Dziedzictwa UNESCO. WWW. – – – 336 CEDEFOP – STUDY VISITS Annex Objectives of education and training systems in Europe Strategic objective 1: IMPROVING THE QUALITY AND EFFECTIVENESS OF EDUCATION AND TRAINING SYSTEMS IN THE EU 1.1. Improving education and training for teachers and trainers 1.2. Developing skills for the knowledge society 1.3. Ensuring access to ICT for everyone 1.4. Increasing recruitment to scientific and technical studies 1.5. Making the best use of resources Strategic objective 2: FACILITATING THE ACCESS OF ALL TO EDUCATION AND TRAINING SYSTEMS 2.1. Open learning environment 2.2. Making learning more attractive 2.3. Supporting active citizenship, equal opportunities and social cohesion Strategic objective 3: OPENING UP EDUCATION AND TRAINING SYSTEMS TO THE WIDER WORLD 3.1. Strengthening the links with working life and research and society at large 3.2. Developing the spirit of enterprise 3.3. Improving foreign language learning 3.4. Increasing mobility and exchange 3.5. Strengthening the European co-operation CATALOGUE 2008-2009 337 Ziele der Systeme der allgemeinen und beruflichen Bildung in Europa Strategisches Ziel 1: ERHÖHUNG DER QUALITÄT UND WIRKSAMKEIT DER SYSTEME DER ALLGEMEINEN UND BERUFLICHEN BILDUNG IN DER EU 1.1. Verbesserung der allgemeinen und beruflichen Bildung von Lehrkräften und Ausbildern 1.2. Entwicklung der Grundfertigkeiten für die Wissensgesellschaft 1.3. Zugang zu den Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologien (IKT) für Alle 1.4. Förderung des Interesses an wissenschaftlichen und technischen Studien 1.5. Bestmögliche Nutzung der Ressourcen Strategisches Ziel 2: LEICHTERER ZUGANG ZUR ALLGEMEINEN UND BERUFLICHEN BILDUNG FUR ALLE 2.1. Ein offenes Lernumfeld 2.2. Lernen muss attraktiver werden 2.3. Förderung von aktivem Bürgersinn, Chancengleichheit und gesellschaftlichem Zusammenhalt Strategisches Ziel 3: ÖFFNUNG DER SYSTEME DER ALLGEMEINEN UND BERUFLICHEN BILDUNG GEGENÜBER DER WELT 3.1. Engere Kontakte zur Arbeitswelt und zur Forschung sowie zur Gesellschaft im weiteren Sinne 3.2. Entwicklung des Unternehmergeistes 3.3. Förderung des Fremdsprachenerwerbs 3.4. Intensivierung von Mobilität und Austausch 3.5. Stärkung der europäischen Zusammenarbeit 338 CEDEFOP – STUDY VISITS Objectifs de l’éducation et de la formation en Europe Objectif stratégique 1: AMELIORER LA QUALITE ET L’EFFICACITE DES SYSTEMES D’EDUCATION ET DE FORMATION DANS L’UE 1.1. Améliorer l’éducation et la formation des enseignants et des formateurs 1.2. Développer les compétences nécessaires dans la société de la connaissance 1.3. Permettre à tous d’avoir accès au TIC 1.4. Augmenter le recrutement dans les filières scientifiques et techniques 1.5. Optimiser l’utilisation des ressources Objectif stratégique 2: FACILITER L’ACCES DE TOUS AUX SYSTEMES D’EDUCATION ET DE FORMATION 2.1. Créer un environnement propice à l’apprentissage 2.2. Rendre l’éducation et la formation plus attrayantes 2.3. Favoriser la citoyenneté active, l’égalité des chances et la cohésion sociale Objectif stratégique 3: OUVRIR AU MONDE EXTERIEUR LES SYSTEMES D’EDUCATION ET DE FORMATION 3.1. Renforcer les liens avec le monde du travail, la recherche et la société dans son ensemble 3.2. Développer l’esprit d’entreprise 3.3. Améliorer l’enseignement dans langues étrangères 3.4. Accroître la mobilité et les échanges 3.5. Renforcer la coopération européenne CATALOGUE 2008-2009 Objetivos de los sistemas de educación y formación en Europa Objetivo estratégico 1: MEJORAR LA CALIDAD Y LA EFICACIA DE LOS SISTEMAS DE EDUCACIÓN Y FORMACIÓN EN LA UE 1.1. Mejorar la educación y la formación de profesores y formadores 1.2. Desarrollar las aptitudes necesarias para la sociedad del conocimiento 1.3. Garantizar el acceso de todos a las TIC 1.4. Aumentar la matriculación en los estudios científicos y técnicos 1.5. Aprovechar al máximo los recursos Objetivo estratégico 2: FACILITAR EL ACCESO DE TODOS A LOS SISTEMAS DE EDUCACIÓN Y FORMACIÓN 2.1. Un entorno de aprendizaje abierto 2.2. Hacer el aprendizaje más atractivo 2.3. Promoción n de la ciudadanía activa, la igualdad de oportunidades y la cohesión social Objetivo estratégico 3: ABRIR LOS SISTEMAS DE EDUCACIÓN Y FORMACIÓN AL MUNDO EXTERIOR 3.1. Reforzar los lazos con el mundo del trabajo y con el mundo de la investigación y la sociedad en general 3.2. Desarrollar el espíritu de empresa 3.3. Mejorar el aprendizaje de idiomas extranjeros 3.4. Aumentar la movilidad y los intercambios 3.5. Reforzar la cooperación europea 339 Cedefop (European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training) Study visits catalogue 2008-2009 Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities 2008 – VI, 339 pp. – 20.5 x 28.5 cm ISBN 978-92-896-0502-1 Cat. No: TI-AJ-08-001-5D-C Free of charge – 4075 –