proARCTICA Newsletter October 2014 ©Wim De Backer – Stichting


proARCTICA Newsletter October 2014 ©Wim De Backer – Stichting
proARCTICA Newsletter October 2014
Our previous newsletters can be viewed on
Hello proARCTICA friends and supporters!
Before anybody starts doubting: the expedition is alive and kicking!
May we present you the following topics?
Mud & Water 2014
1st physical test performed by Doctor Hullaert
Aconcagua 2015
We need your help!
Mud & Water
On July the 5th we took part in the Mud & Water Challenge on the Isle of Maurik. As
ambassadors of the Mud & Water Challenge, we are very proud to announce that our team
consisted of 29 tough die-hards! In several "waves" we started at the 5k, 10k or 15k run.
I think I may state
that the weather
was suitable for
this type of event:
cold, foggy and
occasional ray of
breaking through
you were at the
and you have
team worthy!
©Wim De Backer – Stichting proARCTICA
proARCTICA Newsletter October 2014
So from the proARCTICA 2016 team: THANK YOU SO MUCH for joining!
Do we get to see you again for the next summer edition of “Mud & Water”?
For the real mud devils among us: there is also a winter edition on November 29th 2014!
More info at
1st physical test performed by Doctor Hullaert
In our last newsletter we introduced Doctor Hullaert from Lochristi - Belgium. Doctor Hullaert
will guide us from now on to make sure we maximize our chances of reaching our goals in
the next months and years.
On September the 3rd our first important test went smoothly. Early 2015 we are facing our
toughest challenge yet as we will attempt to climb Mount Aconcagua, located in Argentina.
As we need to be in
good shape for this
challenge the doctor
Before we could
begin the test, a
questionnaire was
completed by Dr.
intention is to find
out about problems,
possible problems
disorders that might
spell danger when
actual test.
Both Arnaud and I were put on a scale to find out about our actual bodyweight. You may
guess now what our weight is.  Where it is easy to weigh yourself at home, finding out the
percentage of fat in your body is a bit more complicated. The most accurate way to find out
about the percentage is to apply the skin fold measurement. On four different points, the fold
of the skin is measured with the help of a skin fold caliper:
- The biceps skin fold (front, mid upper arm)
- The triceps skin fold (back, right upper arm)
- The “subscapilaire” skin fold (below the point of the shoulder)
- The supra-iliac skin fold (just above the top of the hip bone)
The results of these measurements are added up and then
placed in a table to determine the proper fat percentage. The
final results were a bit disappointing. (Again, you can guess,
we will not tell you )
One thing left to do before the actual physical test: taking an
©Wim De Backer – Stichting proARCTICA
proARCTICA Newsletter October 2014
electrocardiogram. Without an accurate analysis of the heart action a physical test may be
fatal. The outcome of this last test was good. No abnormalities were found and our heart rate
was just below 60 beats per minute, which is relatively low...
Then finally we could start the actual test: riding on a futuristic racing bike testing how long
we could hold on. Every 5 minutes the resistance was increased by 30 watts while we had to
keep making 70 revolutions per minute. At first it was nice and relaxing but pretty soon you
feel the resistance growing to a point where one can no longer make 70 revolutions per
minute. Despite both of us being slightly overweight (a good guess  ) our basic condition is
very good.
It is now up to us to improve our shape while reducing our weight and fat levels so we are
ready for the challenges we face in the upcoming months. As we need to make long term
efforts in the mountains the doctor advises us to work out with a relative low heart beat.
That is why we are recommended to focus on endurance rather than strength while training
with a heartbeat that floats around a 140 to a 145 beats per minute…
Thank you doctor for your advice: November 14th,
we will meet again for a new test!
After our visit to the doctor, we need to work out
of course. Arnaud and I will each do what we
need to do and from time to time we will meet for
a joint training effort to assess how we evolve.
Thus, we will meet in mid-November for a training
weekend in the Belgian Ardennes. The aim is to
walk with backpacks close to the Meuse valley to
test ourselves. This will involve climbing and
descending a lot from and towards the river. We
will also be testing our back up tent and stove.
May we ask you to hope for cold and chilly
weather that weekend? 
In recent weeks, we have already walked and
cycled many miles. Arnaud did a few work outs in
an "altitude chamber" at his fitness club and I
have joined a heavy 10k "obstacle run" in my
town Sint-Niklaas, called "Run for Our Lives." We
have to get ready for our toughest challenge yet
on our way to Antarctica!
Aconcagua 2015
January 2015 we will fly to South America. The flights are booked, the local logistics paid: we
will leave Europe for our biggest and longest training yet before we head towards Antarctica!
On January 7th, we leave for Argentina to climb the 6,962 meter high Mount Aconcagua.
In itself, Aconcagua can’t be compared with Antarctica but this Andean peak is often
underestimated. Especially the storms and the cold temperatures are legendary and make
this climb a good test for us. This expedition will lead to sharpening our skills and will be the
ultimate endurance test of our team spirit…
©Wim De Backer – Stichting proARCTICA
proARCTICA Newsletter October 2014
In our next letter we will share all the details of this climb: our preparations, food rations,
equipment list and all the details of the climb itself including our climbing schedule. We will
also share the information you need on how to follow us live on the internet on a daily basis.
We need your help!
Over the past months, several companies and individuals provided us
with the best materials available, guided and trained us or supported
our foundation. We are very grateful for this kind of help and
assistance as every component that gets covered by a partner brings
us closer to our ultimate goal: a sea to summit expedition of Mount
Yet there are still some items we do need to obtain to make it a
complete success. We are looking now for a while for a partner who
can support us with a good camera and back up camera. Furthermore,
we have been looking for a while for ski equipment: skis, bindings,
boots and skipoles suitable for the extreme challenges that await us on
the ice. Those items are still on
our “wish list”.
If you can help or might know
someone who can help us to
acquire those items we would love to hear from you.
Any lead might help us from here…
We will love you forever! 
©Wim De Backer – Stichting proARCTICA
proARCTICA Newsletter October 2014
That’s it for today folks.
At the end of the year you can expect our next letter.
Arnaud & Wim
Team proARCTICA 2016!
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------We thank our sponsors who continue to support us on our way to Antarctica!
We are very pleased to be able to count on the support of:
Dr Hullaert - Lochristi-Belgium ( => Expedition Doctor
Alta Via Reisboekenhandel - Belgium ( => Books & Maps
Securitas Belgium ( => Financial support
PST Business Services - The Netherlands ( => Financial support
Icelandic Mountain Guides - Iceland ( => Glacier training
Oceanic Expeditions - Belgium ( => Logistic support
contentXperience - The Netherlands ( => Website
Foursites - The Netherlands ( => Website
Polaroid Eyewear - The Netherlands ( => Sunglasses
AT&C Accountants – The Netherlands ( => Managing the proARCTICA
SatPhoneStore – USA ( => Satellite communications
Horizon Buitensport – Belgium ( ) => Expedition gear
In the upcoming months we hope other companies will join us!
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------leave nothing but footprints - take nothing but air - break nothing but wind
Facebook: proARCTICA
Twitter : proARCTICA
©Wim De Backer – Stichting proARCTICA