Personal guide for: Search Criteria
Personal guide for: Search Criteria
GIFA METEC THERMPROCESS NEWCAST – The Bright World of Metals. GIFA METEC THERMPROCESS NEWCAST – The Bright World of Metals. Personal guide for: EMail: Product category: gifa.15 - Transportation and storage Search Criteria: • • • • • • • • Company Figures Company Profile Contact Persons Exhibitors with address and hall location Hall map for each exhibitor News / Product News Product groups with descriptions and illustrations main_prod_no Messe Düsseldorf GmbH Postfach 101006 40001 Düsseldorf Germany Tel. +49 (0)221 / 45 60-01 Fax +49 (0)221 / 45 60-668 © 2011 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 1 © 2011 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 2 GIFA METEC THERMPROCESS NEWCAST – The Bright World of Metals. GIFA METEC THERMPROCESS NEWCAST – The Bright World of Metals. Exhibitors Contents 1 Exhibitors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.1 AUMUND Fördertechnik GmbH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.2 KLEIN Anlagenbau AG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.3 Kranbau Köthen GmbH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.4 Magaldi Industrie S.r.l. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.5 VELCO Gesellschaft für Förder-, Spritz- und Silo-Anlagen mbH 1.6 VETTER Krantechnik GmbH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Fairground Map . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Hall Maps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.1 Hall 03 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.2 Hall 05 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.3 Hall 15 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 4 5 9 9 11 13 18 20 20 22 24 AUMUND Fördertechnik GmbH Address Saalhoffer Str. 17 47495 Rheinberg Germany Phone +49 2843 72-0 Fax +49 2843 60270 Internet address E-Mail [email protected] Stand Hall 03, D42 (Page 20) Product Overview © 2011 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 3 AUMUND Fördertechnik GmbH gifa.15.06 Continuous conveyors (belt conveyors, bucket conveyors and others) metec.01.01 Handling of ores, coke and other prime materials metec.02.04 Components, ancillary equipments for iron making metec.03.05 Components, ancillary equipment for steel making metec.04.06 Components, ancillary equipment for non-ferrous metal production newcast.06.04 Storage techniques newcast.06.05 Transport systems © 2011 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 4 GIFA METEC THERMPROCESS NEWCAST – The Bright World of Metals. GIFA METEC THERMPROCESS NEWCAST – The Bright World of Metals. Product Details gifa.15.06 AUMUND Fördertechnik GmbH Continuous conveyors (belt conveyors, bucket conveyors and others) KLEIN Anlagenbau AG Address Konrad-Adenauer-Str. 200 57572 Niederfischbach Germany Phone +49 2734 501301 Fax +49 2734 501327 Internet address E-Mail [email protected] Stand Hall 15, J03 (Page 24) Belt Bucket Elevator Type BW-G High performance belt bucket elevators are mainly used in low-maintenance continuous process applications for the transport of raw meal, cement, pulverised coal or other fine bulk materials (< 3 mm) with temperatures of up to 130°C. Conveying heights range from 10 to 150 m and conveying capacities are possible up to 1500 t/h. With the close bucket pitch in conjunction with the high speed (1 - 2,1 m/s) continuous material conveying is guaranteed with the minimum of spillage. A light duty version of the belt bucket elevator is available for low to medium conveying capacities up to 130 m3/h and reduced conveying heights of 10 to 65 m. Aumund belt bucket elevators are characterised by steel-reinforced belts. A selfadjusting parallel tension device (prevents) maintains straight running of the belt. Longitudinal steel ropes form the traction elements. Together with the additional cross ropes, they form a rigid structure ensuring high resistance. Company News 02/03/2011 KLEIN Anlagenbau AG Pneumatic Conveying, core sand preparation, sand reclamation In the elevator boot a bar-type drum ensures the guided return of the belt. Precise parallel guidance is obtained with the parallel tensioning device. The main emphasis in this year’s exhibition will be on the pneumatic conveying and the core sand preparation. Belt splicing is made by clamping the steel ropes in a casting compound box. The rope ends are connected by means of clamps and then cast with a special casting compound. All drive pulleys feature exchangeable friction linings.The segments can be easily exchanged without opening the belt. The pneumatic conveyor SP-HL was particularly conceived for the transport of bulk material such as foundry sands. KLEIN Anlagenbau AG is going to exhibit a tandem installation of the SP-HL, i. e. two conveyors feed one conveying pipe. With tandem installations conveying capacities of up to 20 t/h can be achieved. Among the outstanding features of the SP-HL are: - The SP-HL renders high conveying capacities and at the same time consumes about 40 % less energy than conventional conveyors. - Gentle transport to save the structure of the sand. - Minimum wear of conveying pipes. - Small space requirements. Apart from conveyors for foundry sands, KLEIN Anlagenbau AG also supplies pneumatic conveying systems for any other material that needs to be pneumatically transported in a foundry, such as bentonite, coal dust, filter dust, various © 2011 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 5 © 2011 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 6 GIFA METEC THERMPROCESS NEWCAST – The Bright World of Metals. GIFA METEC THERMPROCESS NEWCAST – The Bright World of Metals. additives etc. Another emphasis during the exhibition will be on core sand preparation. KLEIN Anlagenbau AG will exhibit a complete core sand preparation system consisting of metering scales, a core sand mixer STATORMIX, a binder dosing equipment and a core sand distribution vehicle. The core sand mixer STATORMIX is equipped with an integrated self-cleaning mechanism. Mixing drum and mix-ing tools are coated with highly abrasion-resistant material resulting in high durability of these com-ponents. The core sand mixer STATORMIX offers excellent mixing quality, high mixing perform-ance, low binder consumption and minimum expenditure in cleaning. The STATORMIX is particularly suited for the preparation of core sand with inorganic binders where particularly good mixing results are achieved. Compared to conventional core sand mixers comparable strength properties are achieved with up to 30 % savings in binder input. gifa.11.01.002 Knock-out machines gifa.11.01.004 Decoring equipment gifa.15.03 Pneumatic conveyors gifa.15.07 Bunkers, silos and accessories gifa.18.02 Control equipment, automation technology gifa.25 Consultation, planning, services Product Details Product Overview KLEIN Anlagenbau AG gifa.01 Foundry plants and installations, planning, construction, engineering gifa.05.03.002 Core making machines, other gifa.05.04.002 Dosing devices for binders and additives gifa.05.04.008 Moulding and coremaking machines, other accessories gifa.07.01.001 Moulding sand preparation machines and plants gifa.07.01.002 Moulding sand mixer gifa.07.01.006 Sand coolers gifa.07.02.002 Sand reclamation of sodium silicate and cement bonded sands gifa.15.03 KLEIN Anlagenbau AG Pneumatic conveyors Pneumatic conveyor SP-HL For the economic transport of silica sand and new or reclaimed foundry sands KLEIN Anlagenbau AG conceived the pneumatic pressure vessel conveyor type SP-HL. The SP-HL offers excellent conveying performance over long distances while at the same time consumption of compressed air is reduced to an extend not thought possible so far. Thanks to the continuous operating mode of the SP-HL, it is possible to convert the energy of the applied compressed air to almost 100 % into a slow and very gentle movement of the sand. It is by this special conveying mode that the ratio between sand flow and conveying air flow is efficiently controlled. Compared to conventional conveyors, the compressed air consumption of an SP-HL is almost 50 % lower. gifa.07.02.003 Sand reclamation of synthetic resin bonded sands Particularly high conveying capacities of up to 20 t/h are achieved by a combination of two SP-HL to a tandem installation feeding alternately onto one conveying pipe. The advantages are: gifa.07.02.004 Crushing and grinding plants for used sand - considerable saving of energy, © 2011 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 7 © 2011 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 8 GIFA METEC THERMPROCESS NEWCAST – The Bright World of Metals. GIFA METEC THERMPROCESS NEWCAST – The Bright World of Metals. - low wear of conveying pipes and conveyed material, Magaldi Industrie S.r.l. - simple, robust design, - minimum space requirements and Address Via Irno, 219 84135 Salerno Italy Phone +39 089 688111 Fax +39 089 481766 Internet address E-Mail [email protected] Stand Hall 15, D03 (Page 24) - lowest expenditure on maintenance: Kranbau Köthen GmbH Address Am Holländer Weg 5-7 06366 Köthen Germany Phone +49 3496 7000 Fax +49 3496 212141 Internet address Product Overview gifa.15.06 E-Mail [email protected] Stand Hall 05, C27 (Page 22) gifa.15.02 Kranbau Köthen GmbH gifa.15.02 Kranbau Köthen GmbH Cranes, hoists, rack trucks and accessories Product Information Metallurgic cranes as well as foundry cranes, charging cranes, coil transport cranes, magnet cranes, automatic cranes. © 2011 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH Magaldi Industrie S.r.l. Continuous conveyors (belt conveyors, bucket conveyors and others) Magaldi Casting Cooler Cranes, hoists, rack trucks and accessories Product Details Continuous conveyors (belt conveyors, bucket conveyors and others) Product Details gifa.15.06 Product Overview Magaldi Industrie S.r.l. 9 The Magaldi Casting Cooler (MCC) is specifically designed to offer a dependable handling and cooling of castings and to assure the maximum productivity. The MCC is able to work in the most difficult conditions like high temperatures, heavy loads, abrasive or sharp castings, and it is the dependable and eco-friendly solution for those problems. © 2011 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 10 GIFA METEC THERMPROCESS NEWCAST – The Bright World of Metals. GIFA METEC THERMPROCESS NEWCAST – The Bright World of Metals. Magaldi Weighing Feeder VELCO Gesellschaft für Förder-, Spritz- und Silo-Anlagen mbH Magaldi has developed a reliable belt feeder for handling hot and abrasive materials. The operation is similar to conventional belt feeders installed under hoppers, but the use of the Magaldi Superbelt® ensures a higher resistance to shock loads. This type of feeder can be easily transformed in a weighing feeder by mean of load cells. The Magaldi Superbelt®: the Dependable Steel Belt Conveyor The Magaldi Superbelt® is a steel belt conveyor made up of the assembly of a high tensile steel fabric belt onto which a series of steel pans, partially overlapped, are fixed creating a tight channel for transportation. The experience of hundreds of projects with the most difficult conditions have made this conveyor well known for its features of high dependability, long life, high resistance to heavy shock loads and temperature up to 1000 °C. Address Haberstr. 40 42551 Velbert Germany Phone +49 2051 2087-0 Fax +49 2051 2087-20 Internet address E-Mail [email protected] Stand Hall 05, E20 (Page 22) Company News 17.02.2011 VELCO Gesellschaft für Förder-, Spritz- und... 40 Jahre VELCO Der Name VELCO ist in der Stahl- Gießerei und FeuerfestIndustrie seit nunmehr 40 Jahren bekannt. Unsere Produkte umfassen die folgenden Bereiche: Spritzmaschinen und -anlagen für die Feuerfestreparatur. Neben der bekannten Rotorspritzmaschine ROTAMAT, wovon mehr als 1000 Stück weltweit im Einsatz sind, stellt VELCO Druckkammermaschinen her, die noch bessere Handling- und Wartungseigenschaften aufweisen. Für die Heißreparatur von Schmelzöfen, Konvertern, RH-Anlagen und Pfannen haben wir verschiedene Manipulatoren in unserem Lieferprogramm. Durch Einsatz eines automatischen Spritzmanipulators ist der Arbeiter vor der Strahlungshitze geschützt. Die Praktik der Heißreparatur spart Feuerfestmaterial und Heizenergie für die Aggregate. Die neueste Entwicklung von VELCO ist das GUNMIX® Befeuchtungssystem für Trockenspritzmaschinen. Hierbei wird das Spritzgut im Mischkopf durch einen Druckluft-Wasser-Nebel befeuchtet. Durch den Einsatz des GUNMIX® Systems wird der Staub an der Mischdüse reduziert und der Rückprall vermindert. Es können sowohl konventionelle Spritzmassen (sauer, basisch, neutral) © 2011 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 11 © 2011 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 12 GIFA METEC THERMPROCESS NEWCAST – The Bright World of Metals. GIFA METEC THERMPROCESS NEWCAST – The Bright World of Metals. aber auch LC-, ULC- oder NC-Betone verarbeitet werden. VETTER Krantechnik GmbH VELCO-Maschinen werden in der Stahl- Gießerei und NE-Industrie ebenfalls für die Injektion von Schüttgütern wie Legierungsadditive, Kohle zur Schaumschlackenerzeugung, Kalk zum Schutz der Hot Spot und zur Roheisenentschwefelung eingesetzt. Weitere Eisatzgebiete sind die Hochofen-Injektion sowie das Einblasen von Filterstäuben und anderen Reststoffen. Product Overview VELCO Gesellschaft für Förder-, Spritz- und... Address Siegtalstr. 22 57080 Siegen Germany Phone +49 271 3502-0 Fax +49 271 3502-299 gifa.02.04.004 Blowing-in equipment for cupolas Internet address gifa.02.04.006 Inoculation devices, injection equipment E-Mail [email protected] gifa.03.02.002 Spraying machines for refractory material Stand Hall 15, F21 (Page 24) gifa.15.03 Pneumatic conveyors gifa.15.07 Bunkers, silos and accessories metec.02.05 Burden plant, coal injection plant metec.03.02 Electric steel production metec.03.03 Secondary metallurgy metec.03.05 Components, ancillary equipment for steel making metec.03.06 Deep-desulphurization metec.04.06 Components, ancillary equipment for non-ferrous metal production Product Overview © 2011 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 13 VETTER Krantechnik GmbH gifa.05.05 Moulding boxes and accessories gifa.10.01.007 Pouring equipment and plants, other gifa.11.01.002 Knock-out machines gifa.11.06.001 Fettling chambers, fettling benches, fettling cabins gifa.15.02 Cranes, hoists, rack trucks and accessories gifa.16.01 Manipulators newcast.01.03.028 Cranes © 2011 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 14 GIFA METEC THERMPROCESS NEWCAST – The Bright World of Metals. GIFA METEC THERMPROCESS NEWCAST – The Bright World of Metals. Product Details gifa.15.02 VETTER Krantechnik GmbH Cranes, hoists, rack trucks and accessories ROTOMAX®-Lastwendegeräte VETTER Krantechnik GmbH bietet für die GießereiIndustrie ein absolutes Nischenprodukt an: ROTOMAX®Lastwendegeräte, mit denen Formkästen bis zu 120 Tonnen Eigengewicht gefahrlos gedreht werden können. Die Wendetraversen, auch Schlingenwender, Formkasten- oder Gießkastenwender genannt, werden in einen Kran eingehängt. Es gibt verschiedene Varianten, z.B. mit festem oder variablen Bandabstand. Speziell für die Gießerei-Industrie werden statt der Standard-Hebebänder spezielle Ketten angeboten, die auch den besonders rauhen Bedingungen in einer Gießerei standhalten. Hängt der Formkasten sicher in den Ketten des Lastwendergerätes, wird dieses per Kran angehoben. Mittels Funkfernsteuerung kann dann aus sicherer Entfernung der Kasten in jede gewünschte Position gedreht werden. Schwierige und zeitraubende Arbeitsprozesse, wie z.B. das Einlegen der Kerne, das Putzen oder Schlichten können so erheblich beschleunigt und vor allen Dingen sicherer gemacht werden. ROTOMAX ®-Lastwendegeräte gibt es für die unterschiedlichsten Anwendungen, z.B. für das Wenden von Maschinenkörpern, Dieselmotoren, Schweißkonstruktion, etc. Es stehen sowohl Standard- als auch Sondergeräte zur Verfügung. Die Spezialisten von VETTER erarbeiten gemeinsam mit dem Kunden anhand der individuellen Anforderungen die passende Lösung. © 2011 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 15 © 2011 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 16 GIFA METEC THERMPROCESS NEWCAST – The Bright World of Metals. The Bright World of Metals 28 June – 2 July 2011 • Düsseldorf, Germany Rheinbad CARAVAN CENTER Hallen/Halls 10 – 13 15 – 17 Hallen/Halls 9 + 10 Hallen/Halls 3+4+5 Hallen/Halls 13 + 14 Nord/North Autobahn/ Motorway A44 0,5 km 8a 8b 78 U-Bahnhof Tram Station (Nord-Ost)* (North-East)* Messe Nord *Nur für Pendelbusse (nicht bei allen Veranstaltungen geöffnet) *For shuttle buses only (not available for all events) Polizei, Fundbüro Police, Lost property office Logistikzentrum Logistics Center 6 Pendelbusspur Shuttle bus 7 7a 0 9 5 Messe-Einfahrt/Tor T 1 Fair entrance/Gate 1 3 r ame erd Rott 17 Be 11 ckb usc hst raß e 79 Duisburg e Ost/East 897 CCD Pavillon hst raß e Nordpark 78/79 Am Löbbecke Museum + Aquazoo 722 in Ha Da n zig er S traß e 896 CCD Ost/CCD Süd Kongresse/Congresses S to 450 ckume m r Kirc 4k m m 4k adt km enst City 4 Inn 722 722 Düsseldorf Fashion House 2 896 m Restaurant Café 897 B8 1 Halle/Hall 7.0 Verbände/Associations Institutionen/Institutions Hochschulen/ Colleges and universities Kais ers rw ert her Stra ß 722 4k Congress Center Düsseldorf Congress Center Düsseldorf Magazin Storeroom Inn ens tad t CCD Süd CCD Ost Werkstatt Workshop City Cit y ße Stra 15 14 16 2 Süd/South © 2011 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 13 4 CCD Stadthalle Rhein R Rh hei he ein n 10 Freiligrathplatz Zoll, Spediteure Customs, Forwarders 722 78 12 0–2 F Ai lugh rp af or e n t3 3 km km 78 Heinz-Ingenstau-Str. 897 896 Düsseldorf Fashion House 1 Thewissen weg Messe Düsseldorf GmbH Postfach 10 10 06 40001 Düsseldorf Germany Tel. +49 (0)2 11/45 60-01 Fax +49 (0)2 11/45 60-6 68 18 GIFA METEC THERMPROCESS NEWCAST – The Bright World of Metals. 2.1 Hall 03 D42 AUMUND Fördertechnik GmbH © 2011 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 20 GIFA METEC THERMPROCESS NEWCAST – The Bright World of Metals. 2.2 Hall 05 C27 Kranbau Köthen GmbH E20 VELCO Gesellschaft für Förder-, Spritz- und Silo-Anlagen mbH © 2011 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 22 GIFA METEC THERMPROCESS NEWCAST – The Bright World of Metals. 2.3 Hall 15 D03 Magaldi Industrie S.r.l. F21 VETTER Krantechnik GmbH J03 KLEIN Anlagenbau AG © 2011 Messe Düsseldorf GmbH 24
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