July 31, 2016 - St. Paul of the Cross Church
July 31, 2016 - St. Paul of the Cross Church
July 31, 2016 Communities That Care ! Filled backpacks should be dropped off TODAY! Sunday, July 31st. Page 2 July 31, 2016 Save The Date For Our Next GREAT DATE NIGHT Event: St. Paul of the Cross Welcomes… Oliver George Vazquez Son of Ezekiel & Kim Vazquez Dylan Michael Hyrc Son of Michael & Teresa Hyrc Lauren Olivia Keyworth Daughter of Bradley & Kimberly Keyworth Adrian Alexander Aquirre Son of Alex & Danielle Aquirre Jake Daniel Mohar Son of Daniel & Nell Mohar Iris Dinah Porfiropoulos Daughter of Nicholas & Joanne Porfiropoulos Caleb James Vonderhaar Elsie Mae Vonderhaar Children of Erich & Stephanie Vonderhaar “Cooking for Couples” Saturday, September 24, 2016 Come and enjoy a delicious four course meal specifically designed for our Great Date Night Event by a Food Network “Chopped” Champion! Sister Alicia Torres from the Our Lady of the Angels Mission, will demonstrate each course and provide the recipes for your future enjoyment. Sister promises a menu that will take us on a tour of the Mediterranean! Each course will be served by the Franciscan Sisters of the Mission. The evening will include Mass and an inspirational talk by Father Bob Lombardo, Director of the Our Lady of the Angels Mission Center. Other surprises & opportunities to support the OLA Mission will be provided. Contact Deacon Bob Bulger for more information [email protected] or (847)-825-7605 Please save the date and plan to enjoy a Great Date Night! NEW PARISHIONER REGISTRATION NEXT SUNDAY, AUGUST 7TH PARISH LIFE CENTER 8:30 AM UNTIL NOON III Anthony Parilli & Lisa Marie Greco III Craig Radke & Kristine Barzano III Christos Datskos & Emily Cottrell II Tyler Penrod & Iryna Olyva II Andrew Farrell & Jillian Orlando I Liam Boyle & Carly Derec The next Music for Weddings will be held on Wednesday, September 7, 2016 at 7:30 pm - Duffin Hall. Please call (847) 825-7605 to register. St. Paul of the Cross Book Group will meet Monday, August 29th at 7:30 pm in the Morello Center Meeting Room to discuss Alexander Hamilton by Ron Chernow. All are welcome. Pastoral Council members and Parish Welcoming Ministry will be on hand to give out parish information packets and answer any questions. 18th Sunday in Ordinary Time Page 3 Dear St. Paul of the Cross Parishioners, During the celebration of baptism, the priest or deacon anoints the child on the forehead with the sacred Chrism which is the same holy oil used to anoint the hands of the deacon, the priest and the bishop. We may wonder what the significance of the ritual is. This anointing demonstrates that through baptism the baby shares in the priesthood of Christ. One of the principal functions of the priest is to offer worship and praise to God. Through this simple gesture, the Church reminds all of us that as baptized one of our main privileges as well as our duties is to offer worship and praise to God. Through our baptism, therefore, all of us are called upon to praise God through prayer. Thus our need to pray springs from our very identity as baptized Christians. We are summoned to join the angels and saints in heaven, the suffering Church in purgatory and the Pilgrim Church here on earth, in offering our supplications to God. That is why priests are expected to pray the Divine Office on a daily basis. They are obliged to pray five times a day. Even ordinary Christians are expected to spend adequate time in prayer. Once we accept our duty to pray, we are faced with the inevitable question: How do we pray? In the Gospel of Luke, Jesus is asked by his disciples to teach them how to pray. The Lord does not give them a manual on prayer. He teaches them the Our Father. He says to them that the Our Father is the model of authentic prayer. In this column I would like to draw from that prayer three simple lessons that will help us to pray better. If we look at the Lord’s Prayer closely, we will notice one important feature. The first part of the prayer is all about God and the second part is about us. The first lesson we learn is that prayer is all about God and not about us. Prayer is not our strategy to twist God’s arm so that He will do our bidding. Real prayer is supposed to enable us to align ourselves completely with God’s will. The Our Father says, “Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.” Even though we should pray in this fashion always, such prayer becomes more necessary at certain moments of our lives – when tragedy strikes, when we lose someone dear, or when life hands us unexpected sorrow. It is in those moments that we need to bow our heads in total surrender to God’s design. Such prayer will help us follow the example of our Blessed Mother who spoke those memorable words to Archangel Gabriel: “Behold the handmaid of the Lord. Be it done unto me according to your word.” Such prayer will enable us to walk in the footsteps of the Son of God who prayed in the Garden of Gethsemane just before His passion: “Father, let this cup pass from Me, but not my will, but yours be done!” The second aspect that stands out is that the Lord encourages us to ask, to pray for things. We can ask for daily bread and we can also ask for forgiveness. We can pray for protection from evil. Even though God knows our needs, He wants us to ask. In asking, however, we must bear in mind two things. First of all, we are encouraged to pray not just for ourselves but mostly for others. This type of prayer is known as the prayer of intercession. This type of prayer is powerfully present in the Biblical tradition. Abraham pleaded with God to spare the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah. How many times Moses begs God to turn his anger away from the Israelites who were stiff-necked people! Jesus Himself prayed for His disciples and for the Church at the Last Supper. As baptized, we are called to pray for others. Through intercessory prayer God gives us the opportunity to channel God’s power for the benefit of our world. Parents and grandparents should pray for their children and grandchildren following the example of holy mothers like St. Monica who prayed for her son, Augustine. We can also pray for things. While we can pray for daily bread, we can ask for a little butter too. If you are on a diet, you can ask for a touch of “I can’t believe it is not butter!” We can ask but God reserves the right to respond. He always answers our prayers. His response comes in three forms: Yes, no, and not now. God orchestrates everything for our eternal salvation. If something we pray for will pose a threat to that ultimate goal, God will not grant it to us. The third lesson that I would to draw from the Lord’s Prayer is that our prayer should be childlike. The Master asked us to address God as “Our Father.” The word used in Aramaic can be translated as “daddy” or “papa.” In other words, in our prayer we should become like little children. Sometimes we become too sophisticated for our own good. We no longer believe in miracles. The Father Who gave us chocolate and coffee – which we obviously do not need for survival – will give gifts beyond our imagining or our merits. Often I have asked the Lord for signs when I am facing a challenge. Sometimes He does provide a sign. One day a 5-year-old girl prayed: “Give us this day our daily bread. Forgive us our trash baskets as we forgive others’ trash baskets. Lead us not into temptation but deliver us some email. Amen.” I am sure that the Lord smiled on her prayer. Just as the disciples asked the Lord, let us ask Him to teach us how to pray. Yours warmly, Fr Britto Pastor Page 4 July 31, 2016 St. Paul of the Cross FACILITIES UPDATE Church Organ Renovation Update Restoration of the Casavant Opus 1279 continues. Updates have recently been provided to St. Paul of the Cross by Casavant Frères in Quebec. The photos above show the completed keyboards, re-leathered poach boards as well as the completed swell box. Demolition of the organ gallery will begin in late November, 2016. The gallery will be prepared for the installation throughout December and January and the Opus 1279 will arrive in February, 2017. To make a donation please visit www.spc-church.org/donate. The Generosity of our Parishioners As of June 30, 2016 our parishioners have donated $109,000 towards the organ project. These donations will be used to help cover construction and mechanical costs. Featured above: Architectural rendering of Opus 1279 from Casavant Frères. If you have any questions about our projects please call Joan Macpherson 847-825-7605 ext 2249 or e-mail [email protected]. 18th Sunday in Ordinary Time Page 5 ADRIENNE TIMM, DIRECTOR (847) 692-6767 [email protected] Our parish vegetable gardeners offer their First Annual Tomato Tasting Event August 6, after 4:30 Mass, in the Centennial Garden to Feed the Hungry. Come taste samples of tomatoes they have been growing this summer in our parish garden. You, our parishioners are invited to take a bite or two, and tell them which you like best. They will offer as many different varieties of tomatoes as possible. The supply will, of course, will depend upon what’s ripe that day. If you do not already know, the garden is on Summit Avenue and the alley, which goes along side of the Upper Grade building of the school. ALL ARE WELCOME! Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Chicago 1717 Rand Road - Des Plaines, IL 60016 Adrienne Timm St. Paul of the Cross Park Ridge, IL 60068 Hi Adrienne, Thank you for the check for New Hope. We appreciate all of your support with this. We also received a check last week for the Veterans from St. Paul of the Cross. This was a wonderful surprise. The SSVF were very excited to receive additional money to help pay for transportation and other much needed incidentals. For those homeless vets, it may mean giving them bug spray or sun block lotion, a warm meal or help to fix a minor car repair so they can get to work. Thank you again for the support of St. Paul of the Cross parishioners and staff. Special thanks to Fr. Britto! Thanks for your help too! Karen N Daniels North Regional Director THE SERVANTS OF ST. FRANCIS JENNIFER BROOKS, LEADER [email protected] Donut Sunday, August 7, 2016 Join our Hospitality Committee for complimentary donuts and coffee following Mass! Please stop by the school gym on August 7 after the 7:30, 9:00 and 10:30 am Masses for donuts, coffee, and to socialize with fellow parishioners. No sign-up required! Page 6 July 31, 2016 Office for Catechesis St. Paul of the Cross ~ 215 Ridge Terrace ~ 847-692-2758 Anna Mae Parkhill, Director of Catechesis It’s Not Too Late! REGISTER FOR CATECHESIS (CCD) NOW! Classes are for those entering PK 4 year old through 8th grade! Catechesis formally begins in 1st grade and follows through 8th grade when they make Confirmation! To find out more information on all of our options & download a Registration Form go to our website: spc-catechesis.net and follow the Registration link Please call our office to discuss any questions or concerns – we are always happy to help! Join the Fun for 2016-2017! 18th Sunday in Ordinary Time Page 7 St. Paul of the Cross School Important Dates for the Beginning of the 2016-2017 School Year August 1 15 17 19 22 23 24 26 29 September 5 23 EGC Office Open 9:00 AM – 12:00 Noon EGC & UGC Offices Resume Regular Hours: Monday–Friday 7:30 AM–3:30 PM Information Fair, 9:00-11:00am, MPLC-Gym Class Lists PrePackaged School Supply Kit Pick-Up Recycled Uniform Sale Hand-in Physical, Dental, and Eye Forms Home and School Committee Information And Much More . . . Preschool, Prekindergarten and Kindergarten Orientations Classes Begin for Grades PS – 8 Uniforms should be worn K-8 PS-FD, PK-FD, K-FD, Gr. 1-8 bring lunch and drink no milk provided until 8/29/16 no Smart Lunch service provided until 8/29/16 Bus Service Begins Dismissal: 11:00 AM for PS-HD and PK-HD 11:30 AM for K-HD 1:30 PM for PS-FD, PK-FD, K-FD through Grade 8 Regular Tuesday Schedule for Grades PS – 8 Dismissal: 11:00 AM for PS-HD and PK-HD 11:30 AM for K-HD 2:00 PM for PS-FD, PK-FD, K-FD through Grade8 Extended Day Before and After School Programs Begin Regular School Day Schedule Dismissal: 11:00 AM for Preschool-HD and Prekindergarten-HD 11:30 AM for Kindergarten-HD 3:00 PM for PS-FD, PK-FD, K-FD through Grade8 Back to School Night (Parents Only), 5:30 PM, EGC & UGC Classrooms, then MPLC-Gym Opening School Mass, 2:00 PM, UC Band Sign Up, 3:00-5:00 PM, MPLC Meeting Rooms Milk Service Begins Smart Lunch Service Begins Labor Day, No Classes Walk-a-Thon Mission of St. Paul of the Cross School St. Paul of the Cross Parish School is committed to reaching out through prayer, service, and education to the meeting the needs of the community. In this supportive atmosphere, students are encouraged and challenged by the partnership of parents and teachers to use their unique abilities to be lifelong, contributing Catholic Christians. Page 8 July 31, 2016 PERPETUAL EUCHARISTIC ADORATION CHAPEL DON’T FORGET JESUS DURING THE SUMMER As we travel through the roads of summer, various usual programs slow down or are curtailed in favor of vacations, outdoor activities and events that are only appropriate for summertime. Although summertime is a time to refresh ourselves, one of the casualties of this change is usually our religious activities. We always try to satisfy our obligation for Sunday Mass but such efforts as daily Mass, Church visits, social justice obligations and daily prayers suffer. Many times we put God on the shelf and say, “See You in September.” Traveling This Summer? Visit masstimes.org to find a Mass near you. When we are on vacation away from home we should always “bring Christ with us, one way or the other.” Visiting out-of-town churches or shrines is not only beneficial spiritually, but also gives us interesting insight into spiritual activities of other peoples. Maintaining our daily prayers, rosaries, novenas keeps us in balance and we share our pleasure and relaxation with God. In our Eucharistic Adoration Chapel, Jesus in the Real Presence shares Himself with us. He stays there—seven days a week, 24 hours a day. He does not go on vacation from us. He is there. He does not forget about us. He watches and waits for us in the Holy Eucharist every day to heal, console and strengthen us. He will never leave us. When you are home, try to visit Him in the Chapel and thank Him for always being there for us. Visiting Him refreshes us more than any summer breeze on a hot day. HOLY HOUR AND BENEDICTION Please join us. Featuring prayers of devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus in the EUCHARISTIC ADORATION CHAPEL on Saturday, August 6, 2016 from 7:30 PM to 8:30 PM (and the first Saturday of every month). During this HOLY HOUR, we will join our voices in vocal prayer before Our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament. In addition to the Prayers of Reparation, The Holy Rosary and the Litany of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, will be said aloud. ALL ARE WELCOME! OPEN HOURS Day Tues Night Morning 4 am Afternoon Evening ONE COMMITTED ADORER HOURS Day Sun Mon Tues Wed Thur Fri Sat Night 4 am 4 am 2 am 1 am 4 am 3 am 12 am Morning 1- am 11 am 7 am * 10 am 11 am 10 am Afternoon 12 pm 4 pm 2 pm 4 pm 1 pm 1 pm 1 pm *All hours have 2 committed Adorers Evening * 6 pm 7 pm 6 pm 6 pm 11 pm 8 pm If you choose an hour which already has one Committed Adorer, this enables the Committed Adorers for that hour to have some flexibility, if they are unable to be at the Chapel for their hour. Can You Share One Hour With Our Lord? Please contact Bob Maszka [email protected], or call (847) 825-1869. 18th Sunday in Ordinary Time Page 9 Acts: The Spread of the Kingdom Bible study by Jeff Cavins If you’ve ever wondered what Acts is really about, how the Early Church relates to our Church today or about your role in the Kingdom of God, then join us for Acts: The Spread of the Kingdom. This series is a Bible study which explores the story of the Early Church in light of the Holy Spirit and demonstrates how this story is important for all Disciples of Christ. Enrich and deepen your faith. Learn how the Church accomplishes the monumental task of teaching, preaching, healing and restoring outcasts with the Holy Spirit working with and through Her, and how you are also called to participate in the Kingdom of God. • Weekly meetings will take place on: Wednesday evenings, 7-9 pm, beginning September 7, or Thursday Mornings, 9:30-11:30 am, beginning September 8 • In addition to class materials that come with the cost of registration, we recommend the following: ♦ You will definitely need a Bible ♦ Catechism of the Catholic Church (optional) ♦ Bible Accessory (optional) For more information or to register for the study, call Suzanne Kirkland at 847-692-3251 or email: [email protected]. Learn more & register today! Visit our website: www.spc-church.org/about/news/836-acts-spread-of-the-kingdom Great Adventure Bible Timeline Bible study by Jeff Cavins Mondays, Beginning September 12 • 7-9 p.m. "The Bible is at the heart of our faith and our relationship with God. Scripture informs our beliefs and inspires our devotions. It is the living Word of God, where our Father meets with us and lovingly speaks to us. Reading the Bible should bring us closer to Christ, but understanding it is not always easy. Many people tell me they have tried time and again to prayerfully read Scripture, but they get frustrated because they “just don’t get it.” “The Great Adventure Catholic Bible study program is designed in such a way that anyone can make sense of the Bible and experience the life-changing power of God’s Word. Hundreds of thousands of people have found new meaning in their lives after going through The Great Adventure Bible studies. It is my prayer that you, too, will see how a newfound understanding of God’s Word can transform your life and bring you closer to Christ." -- Jeff Cavins Learn more about this program and register today! For more information please visit our website: http://www.spc-church.org/about/news/786-bible-timeline. Weekly meetings will take place on Monday Evenings, 7 9 pm, beginning September 12. In addition to class materials that come with the cost of registration we recommend the following:: ♦ You will definitely need a Bible. ♦ Catechism of the Catholic Church (optional) If you prefer, you may access the Catechism online through the USCCB . ♦ Bible Accessory (optional). Page 10 July 31, 2016 For St. Paul of the Cross! 1. 2. 3. 4. To access to the site: Go to FORMED.org Enter our Parish code: 74Y7CR Enter your name, address, email, and create your personal password. Enjoy the free content! We are pleased to inform you that St. Paul of the Cross is becoming a parish member of Formed.org. This will give all parishioners free access to Catechism programs such as Symbolon, YDisciple, Catholicism, and more, as well as CDs, books, and movies. From Our Neighbors Widowed? Feeling stuck? Need help moving on to the life God now sees for you as a single person? Attend our workshop/retreat and see the possibilities. August 13 & 14 - Mary Queen Parish, Elmhurst (No overnight availability.) Oct. 22 & 23 - Nazareth Retreat House, Batavia Overnight –no commuters Space limited – register early. Contact Joyful Again Widowed Ministry 708-354-7211 [email protected] www.joyfulagain.org (short video on website) St Paul of the Cross/St Thecla Football St. Paul of the Cross School and Religious Ed students in grades 3 thru 8 are eligible to play football on the SPC/St Thecla football team. Our team plays in the Catholic Grade School Conference. There are 3 levels of teams - DFL, Junior Varsity, and Varsity. Teams are currently forming & practices start August 1. Contact John Borner (773-297-3261) or Mike Brosnan (773-418-6958) for more information. 18th Sunday in Ordinary Time Page 11 NURSE’S NOTES………. Howdy everyone! Perhaps you have heard that a long flight in a crowded plane can be like flying in a Petri dish; we can be temporarily surrounded by many nasty, illness causing germs. Folks do become ill after a lengthy flight, but new research seems to indicate that there may be another cause: jet lag or anything that disrupts our internal body clock. The researchers found that certain molecules, part of the immune system, can malfunction when our body clock is out of sync and we can fall prey to viruses, bacteria, etc. So, perhaps preparing our body clock by gradually adjusting our sleep/wake schedule prior to a long flight can be helpful, if we can so do. When Mom tells us, eat an apple a day to keep the doctor away, believe her. Apples are a wonderfully delicious healthful food, beneficial to our health in general, but especially so for our heart health. Research done in Great Britain has indicated that consuming an apple a day can effectively help save lives. Speaking of heart problems….researchers believe that a risk for heart disease, perhaps more so than high cholesterol etc., is a higher amount of calcium in the arteries. We’ll monitor the situation and, consume coffee which, according to the research, may help to lower the amount of calcium in our arteries. The recommended amount is between one and four cups, per day. If we consume four to six cups of coffee per day, our risk of multiple sclerosis (MS), can be lowered. We know that olive oil has cardiovascular benefits. We are learning that one of its ingredients, hydroxytyrosol, may help to prevent breast cancer by reducing the density of the tissue. In addition, we may want to splash some olive oil on tomatoes and there by also help to lower breast cancer risk. Consuming tomatoes regularly, especially if we are post menopausal, can help to regulate the levels of blood sugar and fats and lower the risk of breast cancer. Do enjoy these healthful, tasty fruits often. Controversial for many years, it appears that vitamin E, specifically a fat soluble alpha tocopherol, can possibly help to slow the decline of Alzheimer’s disease, especially for those who are moderately affected. This was found during a recent study of folks in the U.S. and Puerto Rico. The vitamin helped people to perform simple daily activities like preparing meals, shopping and traveling. Potentially good news. Pollution, smoking, too much alcohol, antihistamine medications, using a computer for many hours while spending hours in an air conditioned environment, can all lead to eyes that are dry which can be uncomfortable. Other triggers can be hormonal changes, aging, contact lens use, allergies and post Lasik surgery. All of the above can affect the production of tears and how much we blink our eyes. The tears can become more concentrated and less efficient in keeping our eyes healthy. Blinking helps to distribute moisture throughout the eyes’ surface and rid the eyes of microscopic residues, but also becomes inefficient when eyes are dry and when we don’t blink as often as we should. This can be apparent when we concentrate deeply and use a computer or read or write at length. We can blink more frequently and/or use special drops to help this situation. There may be an oral supplement that can be helpful—we’ll monitor this. A thorough eye exam, detailing how the eyes are used, is a good idea. Until next week, let’s remember that, “our work-a-day lives are filled with opportunities to bless others. The power of a single glance or an encouraging smile must never be underestimated”. Fondly, Linda Burk, Your Parish Nurse St. Paul of the Cross is hosting a year long program called Journeys. This is a divorce healing and recovery support group for men and women who are divorced or in the process of divorce, and who wish to cope, obtain strength, and grow closer to God. Meetings include prayer, education, discussion, and are facilitated by former participants. Confidentiality is stressed. Journeys meetings are “open.” Registration or commitment to attendance is not required. There is no fee to participate. August 8: Financial Survival - .Strategies to minimize the financial strains of divorce, how to stabilize your budget Meetings are held on the second Monday of each month in the Kinane Center (215 Ridge Terrace). For more information please contact: Deacon Bob Bulger (847) 825-7605 [email protected] Page 12 July 31, 2016 MASSES FOR THE WEEK Monday, August 1 - St. Alphonsus Liguori 6:25 Rita, Anna & William Parilla 8:30 Stefan Okunowski, Michael Laufenberg Tuesday, August 2 - Weekday 6:25 Mary Lynn 8:30 Roger W. Bryant, Pam Fatony Wednesday, August 3 - Weekday 6:25 Anne Stuerhoff 8:30 Robert Ogrodowski, Mara & Peter Pekic Thursday, August 4 – St. John Vianney 6:25 Mark Frazel 8:30 Robert Wilkening Friday, August 5 - Weekday 6:25 Poor Souls in Purgatory 8:30 Joanne Heneghan, Dolores Hester 2:30 WEDDING Anthony Parilli & Lisa Marie Greco Saturday, August 6 - Transfiguration of the Lord 8:00 Bob & Elaine Ramoska, deceased members of the Notre Dame H.S. Class of 1959 12:30 WEDDING Craig Radke & Kristine Barzano 2:30 WEDDING Christos Datskos & Emily Cottrell 4:30 UP Robert Wilkening, Doris Lunniss 4:30 DN Rocco Setti, Dave Lynn, Stanley A. Obos Sunday, August 7 - 19th Sunday in Ordinary Time 7:30 UP Doris Bauer 9:00 UP Rita, Anna & William Parilla, Anita, John & Millie Vassino 9:00 DN Mary Diakoumis, Marie Ebrom 10:30 UP Jack Meier, Mara & Peter Pekic, Boyle Family, Mary Anne & Cathleen Marie Novak, 10:30 DN Steve Cataudella 12:00 UP Lorraine Ligammari, Zofia Rzepkowska, Melissa Pereira, Vicki Stevens 5:30 UP People of the Parish Our prayers go out to all who serve our country…. God bless our men and women in service. Praying for Our Parish Family Liturgical Ministers’ Schedule for the weekend of August 6 and August 7 Day & Time Presider Lector Saturday Sullivan Fr. Matthew Nowak 4:30 up Eucharistic Ministers Kirkland, Kirkland, Loftus, Mulcrone, Oppedisano, Peters, Volunteer Altar Servers G Poindexter, M Dort, E Heinz Saturday Fr.Smilanic 4:30 dn Glockner Bresnahan Sunday 7:30 Fr. Matthew Patejunas Samuelson Machon, Novak, Byron, Orzada, Orzada, Podlin, Scanlan B Orzada, G Alvizu, E Diaz Sunday 9:00 up Fr. Peter Tallman Barton Garvey, Garvey, Klaes, Neisler, Ryan, Vivona, Tabin I Vivona, W Stanisic, J Stanisic Sunday 9:00 dn Fr. Smilanic Davis Dolan MK Mueller J Mueller L Pruban G Pruban Sunday Kohlndorfer Boehmer, Czerp, Giambrone, Nicolau, M O’Brien, E Bachert, Fr. Matthew Bialobrzewski Limperis, Kohlndorfer, Mazzone M Lattanzio 10:30 up Sunday Cozzini Fr. Smilanic Swoboda 10:30 dn Sunday 12:00 Sunday 5:30 up Fr. Peter Fr. Peter Fitzgibbon Frances Dempsey C Meyer W Meyer Leahy, Naum, Stefanski, Teich, Adlaf, Adlaf, Cornille A Scherer, M Coakley, Z Spiewak B McGreevy E Dempsey As we pray for all those who are ill on our parish list, please remember, the name will remain on our list for 3 months. At the end of that time, if you wish your name to be put back on the list, please call our rectory office (847) 825-7605. Thank you. Those Who Are Ill: Scott Andrews, Darlene Bacon, Maggy Colby, Mike Cuppett, Dave DeFano, Baby Ellen Fagan, Joan Foerstel, Eleanor Geras, Ignacy Grabowski, Jon Hanshew, Ed Hernandez, Mike Horner, Kay Jarzombek, Joseph Kobos, Ed Ozaki, Raymond Pusczan, Anthony Rickter, Natividad & Arthur Schneider, Barbara Seaman, Mike Skadow, Ed Sloper, Christine Sloper, Shirley Van Oruum, Kazimira Wasyliw. Those Who Have Died: Timothy Doyle, Timothy R. Flynn. REV. BRITTO M. BERCHMANS, Pastor [email protected] REV. MATTHEW KOWALSKI, Associate Pastor [email protected] REV. PETER GNOINSKI, Associate Pastor [email protected] REV. DANIEL A. SMILANIC, Resident [email protected] ALOYSIUS J. MEMMEL, ROBERT T. BULGER, ANDREW P. CAMERON, Deacons RECTORY 320 South Washington Phone Number (847) 825-7605 Fax Number (847) 825-5186 Web Address www.spc-church.org RECTORY OFFICE HOURS: M-F 9:00 AM to 7:30 PM BUSINESS MANAGER Joan Macpherson [email protected] ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANTS Parish Office: Madeleine McCoy [email protected] Joanne Stewart [email protected] Michele Yarbrough, Communications & Pastor’s Administrative Assistant [email protected] ST. PAUL SCHOOL (847) 825-6366 Nell Agnew, Principal Mary Therese Iacopelli, Assistant Principal Web Address www.spc-school.net CATECHESIS (847) 692-2758 Anna Mae Parkhill, Director [email protected] Web Address www.spc-catechesis.net PASTORAL ASSOCIATE (847) 825-7605 Deacon Bob Bulger [email protected] MUSIC MINISTRY (847) 825-7605 Edward J. Eicker, Director [email protected] Andrea Bartolomeo, Assistant Director [email protected] SOCIAL SERVICE MINISTRY (847) 692-6767 Adrienne Timm, Director [email protected] YOUTH MINISTRY (847) 825-7605 Caroline Hopkinson [email protected] PARISH NURSE (847) 692-6727 Linda Burk, R.N.,B.S. BULLETIN (847) 692-6024 Judy Kaplan [email protected] MASSES 7:30 AM, 9:00 AM (Up & Down), 10:30 AM (Up & Down), 12:00 PM, 5:30 PM Monday - Friday: 6:25 AM, 8:30 AM Saturday: 8:00 AM, 4:30 PM (UP) 4:30 PM (Down) CONFESSIONS Monday-Friday: 8-8:15 AM (Reconciliation Room in vestibule) Thursday: 3:30 to 5 PM (Opus Dei Priest) Saturday: 3:00 to 4:00 PM BAPTISMS 1:15 PM ceremony every Sunday of each month. Please call the rectory to register for Baptism. An instruction class for parents provided. (Baptismal Preparation Class - 4th Thursday of every month at 7:00 PM in the Morello Parish Life Center). Please call the rectory to register for the preparation class. MARRIAGES Arrange with priest or deacon at least 6 months in advance. NEW PARISHIONER REGISTRATION First Sunday of every month in the Morello Parish Life Center from 8:30 AM to Noon. ANOINTING OF THE SICK First Saturday of each month: After the 8:00 AM Mass. COMMUNION FOR THE HOMEBOUND Call the rectory and leave a message for Kathy Bulger ROSARY Monday - Friday: Prayed after the 8:30 AM Mass. Saturday: Prayed after the 8:00 AM Mass. Sunday: EUCHARISTIC ADORATION CHAPEL ~ 215 RIDGE TERRACE Open 24 Hours a Day *During the hours of 6 AM to 9 PM, enter through the Mother Cabrini Garden Entrance. *During the hours of 9 PM to 6 AM, enter through the Kinane Center front door. Visit us on the web: www.spc-church.org *PARISH BULLETIN DEADLINE: Monday by 10 am *PULPIT ANNOUNCEMENT DEADLINE: Tuesday by Noon in the Rectory