St. Veronica Catholic Church Chantilly, Virginia
St. Veronica Catholic Church Chantilly, Virginia
©2013 Bon Venture Services, LLC St. Veronica Catholic Church Chantilly, Virginia Rev. Father Edward C. Hathaway, Pastor Rev. Father Michael C. Isenberg, Parochial Vicar Deacon J. Paul Ochenkowski Seminarians: Rev. Mr. Drew Haissig, Rev. Mr. Noah Morey, Mr. Nick Schierer & Mr. C. William Nyce “To know, to love, and to serve God” May 24, 2015 – Pentecost Sunday Sacramental Information Parish Office Parish School Marriage: Congratulations on your engagement! Please contact the Parish Office at least six months prior to the wedding date. It is best for us to hear from you as soon as you become engaged to set up your initial appointment. Address: 3460 Centreville Road Chantilly, VA 20151 Phone: 703-773-2000 Fax: 703-773-2001 Website: E-mail Address: [email protected] Office Hours: Monday-Friday: 9:00 am - 5:00 pm Closed: 12:15 pm - 12:45 pm Saturday: 9:00 am - 12:00 noon Address: 3460-B Centreville Road Chantilly, VA 20151 Phone: 703-773-2020 Fax: 703-991-9103 Website: E-mail Address: [email protected] Mrs. Mary Sadick, Office Manager Mrs. Kathy Bean & Miss Emily Mason, Receptionist Mrs. Carol Nyce, Parish Apostolates Coordinator & School Liaison Mrs. Judy Nicoud, Office Manager Mrs. Kendra Turchiarolo, Admissions & Development Baptisms: We welcome your new addition! Generally, baptisms take place at 12:15 pm the first and third Sunday of each month, with some flexibility based on circumstances. Baptism preparation instruction is required for first-time parents or parents who have not previously attended a class. Please call the Parish Office to begin the process of scheduling the baptism. Holy Communion & Anointing of the Sick: God bless you! If you or someone you know would like to receive Holy Communion or Anointing of the Sick at Fair Oaks Hospital, Sunrise Assisted Living at Fair Oaks, or at home, please call the Parish Office to arrange a visit. Parish Registration: Welcome! If you would like to register as a parishioner at St. Veronica, please pick up a registration form in one of the church vestibules or in the Parish Office. Upon completion, you may drop the form in the Sunday collection basket, or you may mail it in. If you are moving out of the Parish or have a change of address, please contact the Parish Office. Initiation of Adults and Children: The RCIA process leads older youths and adults into full communion with the Catholic Church. Please call the Parish Office or email [email protected] for details. 2 Office Hours: Monday-Friday: 7:30 am - 3:30 pm Mr. Peter Mannix, Principal Mass Schedule Saturday Vigil: 5:00 pm & 7:00 pm (Vietnamese) Sunday: 7:30 am, 9:00 am, 10:45 am, 5:00 pm & 7:00 pm (Vietnamese) Weekdays: Monday—Friday 8:30 am & 12:15 pm Wednesday & First Friday 7:30 pm Thursday 7:00 pm (Vietnamese) Saturday 8:30 am Holy Hour Schedule Wednesday: 7:00 pm (includes Exposition, Holy Rosary, Benediction & Mass) Confession Schedule Monday—Friday: 11:30 am—Noon Wednesday: 6:30 pm through the Holy Hour Saturday: 9:00 am—10:00 am & 3:30 pm—4:30 pm First Friday of the Month: After the 8:30 am Mass & 6:30 pm Eucharistic Adoration Monday: 9:00 am—Saturday: 8:00 am Week at a Glance Sunday, May 24: Pentecost Sunday 8:00 am Donut Sunday 12:00 noon Anniversary Campaign Pariah Reception—Parish Hall 2:00 pm Charismatic Prayer Group—Training Room Monday, May 25: 8:30 am Holy Mass Parish Office & School Closed 11:30 am Confessions 12:15 pm Holy Mass 3:00 pm Knights of Columbus Family Picnic Tuesday, May 26: 8:30 am Holy Mass 9:30 am 50 & Over Women’s Bible Study—Sacristy 11:30 am Confessions 12:15 pm Holy Mass 7:00 pm Divine Mercy Cenacle—Sacristy 7:00 pm Legion of Mary—Adult Education Room/P205 Wednesday, May 27: 8:30 am Holy Mass 11:30 am Confessions 12:15 pm Holy Mass 2:00 pm Kindergarten End-of-Year Celebration—Parish Hall 3:30 pm American Heritage Girls—Parish Hall 3:30 pm STEM—P200 &P203 6:30 pm Confessions 7:00 pm Holy Hour, with Exposition, Holy Rosary and Benediction 7:30 pm Holy Mass 7:30 pm Anniversary Campaign Volunteers Meeting—Parish Hall 8:00 pm Young Adults—Parish Hall Thursday, May 28: Race for Education 8:30 am Holy Mass 9:30 am Pre-K Meeting—Parish Hall 11:30 am Confessions 12:15 pm Holy Mass 3:30 pm STEM—P201 &P203 4:30 pm Children’s Choir—P208 7:00 pm Holy Mass in Vietnamese 7:00 pm Spring Band Concert for Parents—Parish Hall 7:30 pm Adult Choir—P208 Friday, May 29: 8:30 am Holy Mass 11:30 am School Dismissal 11:30 am Confessions 12:15 pm Holy Mass 2:0o pm Spring Band Concert for Students—Parish Hall 6:00 pm Kids Night Out—Library/P211 7:00 pm Middle School Youth Group—Parish Hall Saturday, May 30: 8:30 am Holy Mass 9:00 am Confessions 3:30 pm Confessions 6:15 pm Volunteer Appreciation Dinner—Parish Hall Mass Intentions Saturday, May 23 8:30 am Margaret Browne + 5:00 pm Carole Pfohl + Sunday, May 24: Pentecost Sunday 7:30 am Bob Rodger + 9:00 am Sister Marianella Domenici + 10:45 am The People of St. Veronica 5:00 pm Charlie Rice + Monday, May 25: Saint Bede the Venerable; Saint Gregory VII; and Saint Mary Magdalene de’Pazzi 8:30 am Pablo Simeon + 12:15 pm Michael Ventrelli + Tuesday, May 26: Saint Philip Neri 8:30 am Donald Joseph Hanrahan + 12:15 pm Karen Mirth + Wednesday, May 27: Saint Augustine of Canterbury 8:30 am Maureen Looney + 12:15 pm Ann and John Conners ++ 7:30 pm Julie Farrell Thursday, May 28 8:30 pm Stephanie and John Paul Pluta 12:15 pm Barbara Seng Friday, May 29 8:30 am Michael Ventrelli + 12:15 pm Brian Nordby + Bulletin Deadline 10:00 am Friday, 9 days prior to the Sunday publication Announcements should be sent to [email protected]. Parish Apostolate Contacts Adoption Support Group Jill Bender [email protected] Adoration Chapel Linda Loch [email protected] Altar Boys (Grades 5 - 12) Eileen Chiama 703-773-2032 American Heritage Girls (Ages 5-18) Gretchen Anderson [email protected] Blessed Mother Teresa Outreach Gina McCue [email protected] Charismatic Prayer Group Flor Valdez [email protected] Cooking With Our Saints Sandy Greeley 703-471-6454 Divine Mercy Cenacle Jeff Cappel [email protected] Extraordinary Ministers Deacon Paul Ochenkowski 703-773-2004 Fe y Cultura Mercedes Curutchet 703-462-0480 50 & Over Women’s Bible Study Nan Cain 703-787-7673 Food & Faith Organic Garden Sandy Greeley [email protected] Gabriel Project Gala Megan Hamberger [email protected] Grays of God (over 50) Linda Loch [email protected] Homeschool Group Irene Starrs [email protected] Knights of Columbus Russ Nero [email protected] Lectors Deacon Paul Ochenkowski 703-773-2004 Legion of Mary Larry Burke 703-731-9148 Linen Ministry Position Open [email protected] LINK Patty Bartnick 703-476-0442 Luminaries of Holy Mary Frank Spicer [email protected] Meals Apostolate [email protected] Men’s Group Kelly Dobson [email protected] Mothers of Teenagers Julie Farrell [email protected] Music Coordinator Emily Mason 703-773-2009 Heather Schueckler/Veronica Perrington New and Expectant Moms Group [email protected] Blaise Farina [email protected] NFP Coordinator Meg Kilgannon Our Lady of La Vang Fr. John Son Hoang, O.P. 703-507-5998 [email protected] Parish Community Circles Francis Thomas [email protected] Parish Library Marie O’Brien [email protected] Prison Ministry Book Apostolate Marie Goldschmidt [email protected] Pro-Life Apostolate Steve Grist [email protected] Rangers (Ages 9 - 17) Kirby Smith [email protected] RCIA Scott Bradford [email protected] Religious Education Coordinator Deacon Paul Ochenkowski 703-773-2004 Sacristan Eileen Chiama [email protected] Sunrise Assisted Living Ministry Diane Sachs 703-707-9291 Ushers Dave Pacia 703-298-8542 Young Adult Group Althea Katona [email protected] Youth Apostolate Erin Johnson [email protected] WORSHIP From Father Hathaway’s Desk The Holy Father’s May Prayer Intentions The Power of Beauty to Evangelize Universal: Care for the suffering. That, rejecting the culture of indifference, we may care for our neighbors who suffer, especially the sick and the poor. Evangelization: Openness to mission. That Mary’s intercession may help Christians in secularized cultures be ready to proclaim Jesus. Please join me today in the Parish Hall after the 10:45 am Mass if you have not yet had the chance to hear about the plans for repairing and enhancing our church. I asked one of your fellow parishioners to share with you, below, how his contact with the Beautiful led him to the Catholic faith. As discern your part in supporting this endeavor, please add to your consideration the role of a more beautiful worship space in transmitting the truths of our faith and in generating new and deeper faith. And, please pray with me our special Anniversary Campaign Prayer, also below. “The good, the true and the beautiful. What is more fundamental to our Faith than this? Before my conversion, before I understood the good and the true, I was drawn to the beautiful. I sat, with little thought of God and none of his Church, in the churches and the great cathedrals of Europe and I soaked in their tranquility, inspiration and beauty. And I asked, ‘What moved these people to build so beautifully for their God?’ And the answer came: because these people (our people) knew the good and the true and expressed it through the beautiful. And there you have it: the good, the true and the beautiful the fullness of Faith—took root in this poor sinner beginning with the beauty of God’s house. “For us today it is not as dramatic as all that. We are living our Faith and worshipping in a fine space (albeit one that was designed as the parish hall of a much bigger church). And God dwells securely in it. But improving a ‘fine space’ into an inspiring and beautiful one that works with what we have but will leave us with so much more is a great gift we can give to God to celebrate the 15th Anniversary of the parish. I urge parishioners to do whatever they can to make this happen. Who knows? Perhaps one day someone will sit in the church and ask ‘what moved these people to build so beautifully for their God?’” ~ Craig Sadick, a St. Veronica parishioner, converted from Judaism to Catholicism. He was baptized, confirmed and received the Holy Eucharist for the first time on Easter Sunday, 1988, at the Cathedral of St. Mary in San Francisco. Loving Father, at this time in the life of our Parish, we turn to You with grateful hearts for what we have, and with great anticipation for what is yet to be. Bless us with a sense of unity, a spirit of cooperation, and generous sacrificial hearts as we face the responsibilities and challenges of this Anniversary Campaign. We know there is much to do. We believe our goals are rooted in Your Word and in Your Work. Please guide us, console us, and bless us with Your Merciful Presence, now and through the years to come, Amen. Holy Mary, Our Hope, Seat of Wisdom, pray for us! 4 Weekly Readings Pentecost Sunday Sunday Vigil: Gn 11:1-9 or Ex 19:3-8a, 16 -20b or Ez 37:1-14 or Jl 3:1-5; Rom 8:22-27; Jn 7:37-39 Extended Vigil: Gn 11:1-9; Ex 19:3-8a, 16-20b; Ez 37:1-14; Jl 3:1-5; Rom 8:22-27; Jn 7:37-39 Day: Acts 2:1-11; 1 Cor 12:3b-7, 12-13 or Gal 5:16-25; Jn 20:19-23 or Jn 15:26-27, 16:12-15 Monday Sir 17:20-24; Mk 10:17-27 Tuesday Sir 35:1-12; Mk 10:28-31 Wednesday Sir 36:1, 4-5a, 10-17; Mk 10:32-45 Thursday Sir 42:15-25; Mk 10:46-52 Friday Sir 44:1, 9-13; Mk 11:11-26 Saturday Sir 51:12cd-20; Mk 11:27-33 FROM THE PARISH OFFICE Special Collecon for Nepal Earthquakes At the request of Bishop Loverde, St. Veronica will be taking up a special collection this weekend, Saturday and Sunday, May 23rd and 24th, to assist those affected by the recent earthquakes in Nepal that have killed over 7,500 people, injured over 16,000, and left hundreds of thousands homeless. People urgently need basic essentials, such as blankets, safe water, food, medical care, hygiene and pastoral counseling. Your generosity will help relieve the immense suffering brought about by this natural disaster. Parent Alert The Fairfax County School Board is currently in the process of transferring sensitive Family Life Education (FLE) topics out of the optional FLE curriculum into the mandatory Health curriculum. If adopted, parents will lose the ability to opt their children out of subjects that carry significant moral implications. Concerned parents can review and make comments on the proposed changes and make comments until June 19th. See website http:// In addition, parents can attend the regular School Board meeting where the Board will vote on the changes on June 25th, at 7:00 pm at Luther Jackson Middle School, 3020 Gallows Rd., Falls Church. Blessing St. Veronica’s Vegetable Garden The Parish Office will be closed Monday, May 25th in observance of Memorial Day. Please remember in your prayers this day all those who gave the ultimate sacrifice of their lives in defending our country and our freedoms. Wishing you a happy and relaxed Memorial Day! Father Hathaway then walked by each bed and asked which seedlings were growing. The crops this year include many familiar vegetables, from tomatoes and green and red peppers to kale, cucumbers, and different summer squashes. Unlike in earlier years, this year’s crops will be delivered to Catholic Charities’ St. Lucy Project in Manassas instead of to Christ House in Alexandria. The recently opened project is now the main distribution center of foods to be delivered to local parishes and food banks to feed the neediest. A secondary goal of the garden is to use it as a teaching tool to help youngsters understand the source of wholesome food. That way they will be able to feed their families, themselves, and the neediest when they become adults. As with most apostolates, the Food and Faith Organic Garden always welcomes volunteers who can take the time to weed, water, and pick ripe vegetables. For more information, please contact Sandy Greeley at [email protected]. Last Sunday, May 17th, a small crowd of parishioners, including several members of the garden Second Collection Next Weekend committee, gathered in the organic vegetable gar- The second collection next weekend, May 30th & den located behind St. Veronica’s church. The oc- 31st, is to help pay our monthly mortgage. Thank casion: the blessing of the garden, named by Fa- you for your continued generosity. ther Hathaway as the Food and Faith Organic Garden. Assisted by two altar servers, Charlie and C O R N E R S T O N E Jimmy Farrell, Father Hathaway sprinkled the beds with holy water, blessing the fruitfulness of the garden, those who will be nourished by it, and those who will tend it and make its bounty possible. SPONSOR OF THE WEEK Sterling Carpet Shops, Inc. “Quality, Service, Experience Since 1976” Thank you, and may God bless you for your continued support and generosity. Please see their ad in the back of the bulletin and support all those who make this bulletin possible. We are grateful for their support of our Parish. 5 EDUCATION, CATECHESIS AND EVANGELIZATION I want to thank our Religious Education team—Father Isenberg, Director of Religious Education; Deacon Ochenkowski, Coordinator of Religious Education; Mrs. Jennifer Van Daele, Religious Education Office Assistant; Mr. Peter Mannix, School Principal; and our 2nd Grade catechists, teachers and aides—for all they did to prepare the children for their First Penance and First Holy Communion, which was followed by our beautiful May crowning on Mother's Day. Thank you as well to all those who assisted with the receptions after the First Communion Masses. Your dedication made this sacramental year so special to our boys and girls. ~ Father Hathaway Religious Educaon News 2015-2016 Early Registration has begun. Please look for new CCD Registration forms to come home with your students and be emailed out to those who have provided email addresses. Registration forms are also in the church vestibules and on the Parish website. Please register early to reserve your time slot and to take advantage of the Early Bird discount available through June 5th. Please consider becoming a catechist or catechist aide. We need dedicated volunteers to ensure a successful program handing on the Faith to our young people. St. Veronica School Seeking Part-Time Bus Driver For morning and afternoon routes in Eastern Loudoun County neighborhoods, and several field trips throughout the school year. Applicants must possess a current CDL license and have at least three years of experience. Interested candidates may forward their resumes to Mrs. Leah Lagdameo at [email protected]. Men: Don't Leave Yourself with Only an Eighth Grade Understanding of Our Faith Join the men of TMIY for their summer seminar: Symbolon: the Catholic Faith Explained Part 2: the Sacraments. See the flyer on page 9. If you are a cradle Catholic or a recent convert, or just know someone with questions about the Catholic faith, please come and share fellowship and learning with other men in the parish. 6 We gather at 6:30 am Saturdays for breakfast, followed by a video presentation and small group discussions. We wrap up by 8:10, in time for the Saturday morning Mass, if you wish. Classes begin June 6th and meet most weekends until August. Sign up on one of the sheets in the vestibules, or send an email to [email protected]. Ladies, please help us in this effort. Get your husbands, sons, or male friends to Symbolon! Ordinaons and First Masses All are invited to attend the Combined Ordination to the Diaconate and Priesthood on Saturday, June 6th at 11:00 am at the Cathedral of St. Thomas More in Arlington. Be a part of this joyous day for our diocese, and especially for Drew Haissig and Noah Morey, who will be celebrating their First Masses at St. Veronica the following day at 9:00 and 10:45 am, respectively. Come to the Pancake Breakfast Receptions that will follow in the Parish Hall. Bereavement Group I will never leave you alone. My Immaculate Heart will be your refuge and the way that will lead you to God. Our Lady of Fatima The next meeting for St. Timothy's Bereavement Group is May 31st from 3:00-5:00 pm in the Fr. McGivney Room. Our Holy Mother Mary knows the tremendous pain of loss, but is so ready to offer us the treasured gift of Hope found in our Faith. Our group is dedicated to Our Lady of Sorrows and Our Lady of Hope. As always all adult parishioners of St. Veronica who have been experiencing the sadness one confronts with loss of a loved one are gently encouraged to attend these prayer-filled support sessions. We are here to show you that you do not need to walk this path alone. Fr. Stefan Starzynski is the spiritual advisor for the group, and Colleen Dundon, R.N. is the facilitator. If interested or if there are any questions, please call Colleen at 703-263-1069. Pray for a Priest Each Day We continue our daily prayers for priests by praying each day this week for: May 24 Rev. Robert Wagner May 25 Rev. Stephen Walker May 26 Rev. Kevin Walsh May 27 Rev. Jason Weber May 28 Rev. Peter West May 29 Rev. Michael Weston May 30 Rev. Gerald Weymes AROUND ST. VERONICA & THE DIOCESE A FAREWELL Message from Mike Filamor: Dearest brothers and sisters, It’s been an absolute blessing and pleasure to serve you as young adult co-leader and coordinator at St. Veronica for the past five years! After careful discernment, I believe it's time for me to step down. I believe it’s time to take St. Veronica Young Adults to the next level, with fresh ideas and new voices and leadership! Together with your hard work, prayers, support of each other, presence, and energy, we have grown into one of the biggest, most active, and most welcoming young adult groups in the Diocese of Arlington in such a short period of time. From being down to 5 active members in June 2010 to having over 250 young adults at our last BBQ Extravaganza, including people coming from hundreds of miles away, this has all culminated in widespread recognition in the national and local press, and unprecedented attendance at our big events and weekly meetings. We have become well-known for offering quality thought-provoking studies and top-notch, super creative, events that draw young adults from all over the DC area. Most of all, we have become a caring community of friends and family of brothers and sisters in Christ. Indeed, I truly believe that because we’ve centered our community on Christ with the guidance of Mother Mary, we have become strong. We’ve witnessed many miracles from our prayer ministry at our weekly meetings, many personal conversions from those who come, and countless lifelong friendships forged. I am confident that God will continue to bless our community with growth and many graces. With that in mind, please take the next couple of weeks to pray and discern how you may be called to help out our community, whether in small or big ways. An Invitation to be a part of SVYA's future: Sunday, May 31st will be my last day as leader of SVYA. On that day, at Noon in the Parish Hall, I invite you to come to a special “Planning the Future of SVYA & Brunch.” We welcome any and even out-of-the-box ideas on the direction of our community should take from this point forward. Everything is on the table. This is YOUR community. I invite you to make it your own! Feel free to call me or email me at [email protected] with any questions as you discern what you can contribute to our community or any ideas you might have, especially if you can’t make the planning meeting/brunch. Thank you for allowing me the privilege to serve you the past five years! Blessings in Christ, our hope! Mike Filamor P.S. A special thank you to our pastor, Fr. Edward Hathaway, for his unwavering support of our young adult community though the years. Our community would not have been possible without him. To our parochial vicar, Fr. Michael Isenberg, and our former parochial vicar Fr. Charles Smith, who have served as spiritual support at our meetings and events. And to our Parish Apostolates Coordinator/superwoman Carol Nyce for taking care of the millions of little logistical details! Finally, a fond and warm thank you to all the co-leaders I’ve had the privilege of serving with the past five years: Carolyn Greene, Scott Gorman, Althea Katona, and Emily Mason. You have been an inspiration: It is because of you that SVYA has grown, and countless young adults have experienced Christ in our community! Summerme BBQ at George Mason Campus Ministry at George Mason University is having a summertime barbeque for all college students and graduating high school seniors on Thursday, June 4th at 6:30 pm, St. Robert Bellarmine Chapel, 4515 Roberts Road, Fairfax. It’s a great way to meet college students from different schools. Our student center will also be hosting events on Thursday nights in June and July. Like us on Facebook: College Summers with GMU CCM. Find out more at or email [email protected]. 7 FELLOWSHIP Youth Apostolate News St. Veronica Youth Apostolate Email: [email protected] Office: 703-773-2005 Junior High Work Camp, July 22nd-25th at St. Leo's in Fairfax—Space is very limited for this fantastic opportunity. Please turn in your forms by July 17th. Forms can be printed from the youth apostolate page at Cost for the Work Camp is $75. Junior High WorkCamp is 3 days of service and faith for rising 7th-rising 9th graders. Wednesday, July 22nd (evening only), Thursday/Friday/Saturday, July 23rd-25th) from 8:30 am-8:00 pm. We provide breakfast, snacks, and dinner. They are asked to bring their own lunch. We begin each day with Mass, then everyone is served breakfast before heading out to their work site. In the afternoon, there is free time with activities, and the opportunity to go to the local pool. In the evening, we have dinner, followed by "Evening Program." Thursday there will be the opportunity for confession and Friday will have the opportunity for Eucharistic Adoration with Praise and Worship. The theme this year is soon to be announced! Hint: It has something to do with "Superheroes." We will be talking about what it means to live a virtuous life, following after Christ. St. Leo's hosts the camp, but the planning is combined with St. Mark, St. Mary of Sorrows, St. Veronica and St. James. About 100 teens are split into crews of 5 teens each, and with their adult crew leader, they are sent to a local worksite to do spiritual and/or corporal works of mercy. Contact [email protected] today for more information. Memorial Day Holiday—Enjoy the break! High School Youth Group will not meet on May 24th. We will meet again on May 31st. Middle School Youth Group will meet on May 29th. Mural Painting in the Catacombs—This summer our youth will be painting a mural in the Catacombs. We are looking for an artist (adult or youth) who would be interested in volunteering her time and talent to help guide us in this project. Is God inviting you to share your gifts with us this summer? Contact us today for more information. LIFE WITH JESUS IS SWEET! That's right. All RISING 9th grade students through graduating seniors are invited to an evening of delicious desserts and lots of SWEET fun. Eat a healthy dinner before you come and bring your favorite dessert to share. Sunday, May 31st, 6:00 pm-8:30 pm in the parish hall. This is an official welcome party for all of our graduating 8th graders into our high school youth group. The evening will include fun games, discussions about faith, prayer, friends, a chocolate fountain, and more. (Let's stress again, please eat dinner before you come.) Spread the word. High School Youth Conference Franciscan University—Our high school students will be going to Franciscan University in Steubenville, Ohio on July 10th-12th for a youth conference. The weekend includes daily Mass, Eucharistic adoration, confessions, dynamic talks, and an opportunity to spend time with thousands of Catholic teens. We are currently accepting registration forms. Space is limited. Sign up today. Knights of Columbus Family Picnic Discernment Retreat for Women Brother Knights and all other men interested in joining our St. Veronica Knights of Columbus Council are invited to bring their families on Memorial Day, May 25th at 3:00 pm for a Family Picnic. Please contact Ru ss Gustin ([email protected] or 703-689-0576) for more details. Could Christ be calling you to be His bride? Take a step to find out by attending a Discernment Retreat for Women (ages 18-50), June 12th-14th. Includes workshops and quiet moments of prayer to rest in Christ. Cost is $60 (assistance available). Sign up with Office of Vocations, 703-841-2514 or [email protected] by May 29th. Memorial Day Mass On Monday, May 25th, 11:00 am, at Fairfax Memorial Park, 9900 Braddock Rd., Fairfax, Father John M. O’Donohue will celebrate an outdoor Mass for Memorial Day. In case of inclement weather, the Mass will be said at Holy Spirit Catholic Church, 8800 Braddock Rd., Fairfax. 8 Pray the Rosary Daily Pray the Rosary Every Day Consider praying the Rosary online with others around the world, anytime of the day or night. Go to May 8, 2015 Dear Father Hathaway: It gives me immense joy to learn that your parish has achieved its goal for the 2015 Bishop’s Lenten Appeal (BLA). Your commitment to this important appeal, demonstrated through your strong leadership, helps parishioners to understand the impact that each one of us can make in our diocese. I thank you for your willingness to encourage parishioners to reflect upon the blessings that God has bestowed upon them and then to share those gifts with a joyful spirit, thus exemplifying this year’s BLA theme of “Stewards of Christ Sharing Gospel Joy!” I also would like to express my appreciation to your dedicated parish staff and lay leaders whose collaboration was vital for the success of the BLA in your parish. Moreover, please communicate my heartfelt gratitude to your parishioners for their generous support of the BLA. The programs, offices and ministries funded by the BLA are essential to our diocesan pastoral mission in alleviating the spiritual, educational, and charitable needs of our diocese and improving the lives of countless people throughout our many parishes. You and your parish family remain in my prayers. Please pray for me as, together, we continue our mission to strengthen our diocesan church. Gratefully in the Heart of Christ, Most Reverend Paul S. Loverde Bishop of Arlington Office of the Bishop + Diocese of Arlington Suite 914 ∙ 200 North Glebe Road ∙ Arlington, Virginia 22203 ∙ Tel: (703) 841-2511 ∙ Fax: (703) 524-5028 9 CLOVER SERVICES CHARLES CARSON HOME IMPROVEMENT & HANDY MAN SERVICES 703-352-2701 The Pediatric Group, PC 703-481-8600 5% DISCOUNT TO PARISHIONERS 3914 Centreville Road #101 · Chantilly, VA 20151 PLUMBING · HEATING · AC IN YOUR HOME OR AT YOUR BUSINESS ... CALL US Windows • Siding • Doors • Trim • Guttering Licensed & Insured - FREE ESTIMATES 703-517-9441 Security & Facility Management Made Easy. 703-435-3480 571-203-0100 [email protected] Access Control. Badging. Intercoms. Intrusion. Locksmithing. Power Doors. Video Surveillance. 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CALL 703-536-4344 FOR MORE INFORMATION Fairfax Memorial Park 9900 Braddock Road, Fairfax FOOT $40.00 • BODY $50.00 703.263.0800 Monday-Friday 10:00am-10:00pm Saturday 10:00am-9:00pm Sunday 11:00am-8:00pm 703-323-5202 VINSON HALL RETIREMENT COMMUNITY 6251 OLD DOMINION DRIVE · MCLEAN, VA 22101 703-533-0341 ROBERT J. MURPHY, Founder 1102 W. BROAD ST., FALLS CHURCH BARRY M. MURPHY, Senior Advisor Since 1989 Chantilly Shell 5720 Pickwick Rd. Centreville, VA ...A Real Hi Fi Shop Where Music Still Matters State Inspection VA Emission “Life’s too short– MENTION THIS AD let us do the cleaning!” FOR 5% OFF REPAIRS Maria Barreda Home 703-378-4059 Greenbriar · 703-631-1189 Chantilly · 703-378-5400 Cell 703-856-2512 [email protected] McLearen · 703-318-7744 TV’S AUTO REPAIR You Are Always Welcome Certified Public Accountant · Member of The Diocese 703-391-1099 703-920-4800 4510 WILSON BLVD., ARLINGTON 703.818.8000 SULLY PLAZA SHOPPING CENTER · CHANTILLY 13899 METROTECH DRIVE · 703-263-0800 13908 LEE JACKSON MEMORIAL HWY. · 703-263-7823 WOODBRIDGE 1455 OLD BRIDGE ROAD · SUITE 101 · 703-349-4117 Jim McIntyre World Peace MURPHY FUNERAL HOMES James F McIntyre, III, CPA, P.C. Please Continue To Pray For Russell School of Ballet HOME TO FAIRFAX BALLET COMPANY - A NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION · Children’s Classes Start At 3 Years Old · Beginners/Advanced Students Welcome · Adult Beginners Classes Also Available · Intensive Program For Older Students · Professional Staff With Specialized Focus BALLET · POINTE · STRETCH TAP · JAZZ · MODERN · LYRICAL 703-803-1055 3 LARGE, BRIGHT, AIR-CONDITIONED STUDIOS WITH SPECIALIZED DANCE FLOORS General Dentistry • Invisalign Implants • Sedation Laura Y. Ki, DDS, PC 703-273-2545 4001 Fair Ridge Drive, Suite 205 • Fairfax, VA 22033 BUY 3 WINDOWS & GET THE 4TH FREE 703-810-7466 B74716 (CK) - St. Veronica Catholic Church, Chantilly Guaranteed Quality Work At A Reasonable Price ~ĐŽতƟұŶŐsŝҵƚEĂŵ~ 571-325-2154 10% OFF ANY AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR SIGNS BY TOMORROW GRI, CIPS, ABR, MBA 204 C MILL STREET NORTHEAST · VIENNA, VA 22180 Decks • Kitchens & Bath COMPLETE AUTO REPAIRS ® 703-591-2444 Fairfax Electric Ceiling Fans Recess Lights Trouble Shooting 703-273-5040 Top Agent KWC 2013, 2011, 2010 Real Estate Consultant Licensed in VA & MD Cell: (703) 403-5338 • [email protected] 14155 NEWBROOK DR., STE. 100, CHANTILLY, VA 20151 Each Keller Williams Realty Office is Independently Owned & Operated FOR ADVERTISING INFORMATION CALL: (800) 883-4343 • BON VENTURE SERVICES, LLC • P.O. Box 850, Flanders, N.J. 07836 Inside Left Friendly Professional Environment Peter Huang Advanced Building Services, Inc. Owner 703.793.9504 ® Clock Tower Shopping Center 2465 J-17 Centreville Rd. Herndon, VA 20171 • Heating • Cooling • Plumbing Office: (703) 661-4280 Nefr Israil P: 703 935 4070 F: 703 935 4070 Dr. Christine Stang Dr. Frederick Dibbs 703-435-8282 [email protected] [email protected] 11353 SUNSET HILLS ROAD · RESTON, VA KNITTING CROCHET SPINNING Classes & Private Lessons Under New Management! Phil-Asian Food Mart PHILIPPINE & ORIENTAL GROCERY 14511-Q Lee Jackson Mem. Hwy. 703-263-2769 Call before 12 Noon, Monday-Friday and we will be there TODAY, or our labor is FREE*. Our technicians will give you a PRICE UPFRONT before starting any work, so there will be NO SURPRISES. All of our work is %100 GUARANTEED. We aren’t satisfied until YOU are! 703.273.3596 11212 LEE HWY., FAIRFAX, VA 22030 The Boutique at Little Lords and Ladies 703-488-9948 First Communion Dresses Baptismal Outfits STANGFAMILYORTHO.COM NITROUS OXIDE • IV SEDATION • EMERGENCY CARE EVENING & SATURDAY APPOINTMENTS AVAILABLE • INSURANCE PLANS ACCEPTED Residential • C ommercial BONDED - LICENSED - INSURED 703-560-ROOF (7663) • 301-365-7700 Fax 703-560-1347 VA LIC. #2705-023803 · MD LIC. #48015 Professional. Start to Finish. ROOFING • SIDING • GUTTERS • WINDOWS 109 Executive Drive · Suite B · Sterling, VA 20166 *For priority customers only or ask for details Diocesan Member MEMBER METROPOLITAN WASHINGTON, D.C. 703-667-4319 7 DAYS A WEEK: UNTIL 10PM MON.-FRI. • 6PM SAT.-SUN. Est. 1881 MONEY & KING FUNERAL HOME AND CREMATION SERVICES ~ Family Owned ~ (703) 938-7440 171 West Maple Avenue Vienna, VA 22180 ERIE INSURANCE FRANK D. SPICER, JR. Appliances Pro, Inc. AUTO · HOME · COMMERCIAL · LIFE APPLIANCE REPAIR RESIDENTIAL • COMMERCIAL • REMODELING ROOFING • SIDING • SHEET METAL 703-368-7483 703-906-0579 Cell SE HABLA ESPAÑOL HIGHLY CONSUMER RATED WASHER • DRYER • OVEN REFRIGERATOR • A/C OVEN & GARBAGE DISPOSAL 703-385-5100 “We Fix All Brands” Fair Oaks Mall (Next to the Marriott) 703-330-8833 13042 BALLS FORD RD., MANASSAS, VA 20109 • FAX 703-368-7658 RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL CLEANING CARPET CLEANING 5% Discount on All Sale Items 10% Discount on All Non-Sale Items OCB001 703-444-8516 45577 Shepard Dr., Ste. 101 Sterling, VA 20164 [email protected] ORTHODONTIST 703-815-0127 B74716 (CK) - St. Veronica Catholic Church, Chantilly We Make Beautiful Smiles! Complete Auto Repairs Customer shuttle within 3 mile radius We’re Committed to Your Complete Satisfaction 2421 CENTREVILLE RD., CLOCKTOWER SHOPPING CENTER (OCB001) (BEHIND SHOPPERS FOOD) • HERNDON 703-793-0601 LOUIS C. FILIPPONE , D.D.S. Straighten Your Teeth With Braces 6138 REDWOOD SQUARE CENTER, SUITE 103 · CENTREVILLE, VA 20121 FOR ADVERTISING INFORMATION CALL: (800) 883-4343 • BON VENTURE SERVICES, LLC • P.O. Box 850, Flanders, N.J. 07836 Inside Right The Joan Izzo Academy of Dance Christian Dancing School Ballet · Pointe · Modern · Tap · Jazz · Hip Hop Beginner Through Pre-Professional We dance for the glory of God. Come and experience the beautiful difference! Diocesan Member ~ 703-327-8402 14231 WILLARD ROAD · SUITE 1000 · CHANTILLY, VA 20151 FAMILY EYECARE DR. THOMAS P. FINLEY, OPTOMETRIST EYE EXAMINATIONS · CONTACT LENSES · PEDIATRIC VISION FASHION EYEWEAR · LASER VISION CORRECTION 709 PINE ST., HERNDON 703-471-7810 ADAMS-GREEN 703.437.1764 Funeral & Cremation Services Funeral Home Chris Adams (Owner) Crematory On Premises · Formal Chapel Pre-Planning Available · Parking FAMILY OWNED & OPERATED SINCE 1885 721 Elden Street - Herndon The personal & professional service you deserve during a difficult time in a home like atmosphere A-1 A CATHOLIC BOOKSTORE Quality Gifts & Art 11214 Lee Highway, Fairfax, VA Route 29 & Jermantown Road GLASS COMPANY 703-273-5956 OPEN MON-SAT 10A.M. - 6P.M. Glass · Mirrors Plastics · Windshields T.L. WALKER Contracting & Excavating ELECTRIC • ASPHALT 703-996-1316 Family Owned For Over 43 Years 703-368-4627 703-85LINDA [email protected] Premier 7278 Centreville Road - Manassas, VA ~ ALL SAINTS PARISHIONER ~ St. Joseph's Roofing, Inc. 703-716-7663 ROOFING • WINDOWS • GUTTERS • SIDING NYSMITH SCHOOL Educating Inquisitive Minds To Their Potential FAMILY DENTISTRY Sales Associate REALTOR® ~ Parishioner ~ 703-378-5600 Small Classes · Loving Teachers · 1:9 Ratio Min. Repetition · Min. Homework · Max Fun 703.552.2912 NEW MILLENNIUM MOLLY CRAIG 3910 Centreville Road Suite 200, Chantilly, VA Herndon, VA The Art of Real Estate Team 571-251-1698 [email protected] Each Office Independently Owned and Operated POLISH FOOD MARKET STERLING CARPET SHOPS, INC. Quality, Service, Experience Red Mango Building Sterling Go lab ki Kie lba sa Pie rog ies 22207 SHAW RD., UNIT A-11 38 E. CATOCTIN CIRCLE SE STERLING, VA 20166 LEESBURG, VA 20175 703-430-6229 • 703-444-1208 Fax 703-777-5566 • 703-777-3380 Fax Winston Whitehead · WHITEHEADW @STERLINGCARPETSHOPS.COM Leesburg 431 West Maple Ave. Since 1976 WWW.STERLINGCARPETSHOPS.COM 703.281.6385 Diocesan Member SANA DAY SPA CHANTILLY ASHBURN 703-627-1982 703-348-7262 Eyebrow Threading ONLY $8 Any 1 Hour Facial (or) Massage - $10 OFF Manicure & Pedicure - $5 OFF Valid at our Chantilly Location. Please Present original copy of ad upon redeeming. Not to be combined with other offers. EYE STREET OPTICAL Licensed Opticians Since 1986 LASER · THREADING · FACIALS · WAXING · HAIR · NAILS · MASSAGE 703-830-6377 Dr. Robert Allen, Optometrist 13903 Metrotech Drive · Chantilly, VA 20151 703-401-9111 Chantilly Professional Building 3910 Centreville Road, Chantilly ELIZABETH MCGUINESS Meade’s Art Studio [email protected] · Painting and Drawing Classes 703-626-1952 CLIFTON Foot & Ankle CENTER 6101 REDWOOD SQUARE CENTER · SUITE 303 · CENTREVILLE, VA 20121 · 703-996-3000 DR. KENNETH R. WILHELM, DPM - MEDICAL AND SURGICAL TREATMENT OF THE FOOT AND ANKLE CHILDREN and ADULTS CENTREVILLE, VA 703-802-6243 Executives Each Office Independently Owned and Operated SPECIAL DISCOUNT FOR [email protected] ST. VERONICA MEMBERS OPTIMUMCARE HOME CARE SERVICES We are a home care agency providing customized personal care services & private duty nursing Starting@$16.50/hr or $180/day-Live In ~ Member of The Diocese ~ 703-956-6172 703-830-6380 trusted neighbor” B74716 (CK) - St. Veronica Catholic Church, Chantilly Cell: Eye Exams Contact Lenses Treatment of Eye Diseases “Put your home in the hands of a Top Producers Club REALTOR®, GRI, ABR Relocation Specialist PAT BUTLER SRES, CDPE, CU Realty Approved, MRP, REALTOR®, Diocesan Member [email protected] For 25 years, our business has been built on repeat and referred business from loyal customers like you. KAY SCHOOL AT THE BARN AT FRANKLIN FARM Preparing Young Children For A Joyful Life Of Creative Learning & Academic Success Now Enrolling For ~ Summer: June Through August Fall: Pre-School Through Kindergarten · All Year: Before & After School Care Programs (2.5 Years Through Middle School) Including School Care Enrichment 3005 Dower House Drive • 703-264-9078 MARK S. JEFFERIES, DMD, PLC FAMILY & COSMETIC DENTISTRY 703.793.1771 WWW.DRMARKJEFFERIES.COM FOR ADVERTISING INFORMATION CALL: (800) 883-4343 • BON VENTURE SERVICES, LLC • P.O. Box 850, Flanders, N.J. 07836 Outside