

NSW Cat Fanciers Association Inc
Contact us via..
[email protected] –
Preferred contact method.
02 9834 6577
Post: PO Box 379, St.Mary’s NSW 1790
Email: [email protected] –
Members and others, please note our office hours are
9:30am – 2:30pm weekdays
Business can be conducted by email (preferred), in writing or by telephone.
If you telephone the office during office hours and you find the phone busy, please try again a little later as
the office can be very busy. If it is out of hours, the recorded message will ask you to call back during business
Available from the Associations
web site: www.nswcfa.asn.au
Show entry forms
NSWCFA Membership Application
Prefix Application
Kitten Registration
Title Updates
NSWCFA Constitution
Show Rules and Regulations
Scale of fees
Members Code of Ethics
Show Representative Duties
+ more…
Management Committee meetings
take place on the second Tuesday
of each month.
All incoming Correspondence items are
required to be listed on the Meeting Agenda,
and for this to be done, correspondence must
be received in the Office no later than
10:00am on the Wednesday prior to the
meeting date.
Any correspondence received after 10:00am
on the Wednesday prior to the meeting date is
held over until the following Management
Committee meeting in one month’s time.
NSW Cat Fanciers Association Inc
Catching Up – Journal of the NSWCFA Inc – Vol 18 No 1
Your Management Committee
Miss Joanne Greentree PO Box 47 Windsor 2756
Senior Vice-President
Ms Margaret Sim
PO Box 6053 The Oaks 2570
Vice President
Ms Maureen Norberry 10 Brewster St Mittagong 2575
Treasurer & Public Officer
Mr Warren Price
8 Lomond Crescent Winston Hills 2575
Ms Phillipa Perkins
Mrs Maureen Camarsh
Mrs Deborah Thomas
Mrs Susan Thomas
Mr Ray Tomlinson
Mrs Sharyn Yelland
Ms Marcelle Brown
Mr Lee Gallagher
0409 123 906 [email protected]
1/10 Merivale Street North Lambton 2299
10 Palmer Road Woolgoolga 2456
34 Factory Road Regentville 2745
56 Robinia Grove Garden Suburb 2289
33 Watson Road Griffith 2680
19 Stanley Street, Blacktown 2148
816 Putty Road, East Kurrajong 2758
14 Town Head Crescent Singleton 2330
Inside this issue:
Presidents Report
P5-8 NSWCFA 2014 COTY Luncheon Photos
P10 What people do when not at cat shows
P11-14 Show Photos
P17 What to feed your pet
P19 Title Updates
P20 Show Calender
0407 287512
[email protected]
4872 2233
[email protected]
9639 9663
[email protected]
6654 2000
4733 6521
4920 7961
6962 6151
9622 8469
4576 3476
0407 042900
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
P21 Affiliated Clubs
P22 Notices
Inside Back Cover - Scale of Fees
On the covers Front cover:
Federal Kitten Show 2015
Back cover:
Goulburn show 2015
Credits: Federal Kitten Show – S Dukes & J Fitzhenry, Goulburn show and
covers – S Dukes, Desexed Show - Josephine
Opinions expressed in Catching Up are not necessarily those of the Association, its Officers or the Editors.
Content contributed has been accepted in good faith, without prejudice, fear or favour and the Association, etc.
accepts no responsibility as to authenticity contained therein.
NSW Cat Fanciers Association Inc
President’s Report
NSWCFA President’s Report March 2015
My goodness one minute it is the start of the new year and now Easter is just round the corner, and quite a
lot has happened in the cat world.
The 2014 Cat of the Year function at the Waterview Restaurant at Berowra in February was well attended
and a great success. Congratulations to all our successful exhibitors and more particularly their exhibits
that performed so well in 2014. A big thank you to Michael Sharpe and Di-Vetelact who continue to
financially support this function, and also a big thank you to all the members who helped in so many ways
to make the day both enjoyable and a success. I don’t think I’ve seen so many raffle prizes.
The 2015 show season is well under way with the Federal Kitten show, Goulburn, and
Burmese shows having been held. The Feline Fiesta show in March was also used as the
final practical exam for the Shorthair Judges training course which has spanned some 31/2 years, and I was
delighted to be informed that all the candidates passed. The Management
Committee has since granted Sophia Cordell-Fuda, Sharon Hodge, Nikki James, Shara McKay, Phillipa
Perkins, Peta Sperduty, and Sue Thomas Probationary Shorthair Judging Licences. On your behalf I offer
them hearty congratulations. I urge all affiliates to consider offering them probationary assignments at
their upcoming shows. I also wish to acknowledge the untiring efforts of the Examination Panel of
Maureen Norberry, Marg Sim, and Karen Moore, assisted by Rhondda Watson, Ray & Chris Tomlinson and
many other judges and breeders and congratulate them on the successful outcomes during this course.
The Longhair Judges Training course organised by Wendy Hamilton is well under way, and I wish the three
candidates Christine Tomlinson, Fiona Mangan, and Sandra Dukes every success.
Early in March, six candidates attended a Stewards’ Training course and they all passed the theoretical
examination and will now undertake a number of practical trainee assignments at shows prior to becoming
Probationary Stewards. The new trainee stewards are Kerryn Allen, Amanda Foster, Lee Gallagher, Lyn
Keevers, Keith Meredith and Lyn Minard.
I am pleased to report that Jess Cameron has settled in well in her Administrator’s role in the CFA office,
and has established efficient and friendly relations with our members.
Speaking of members it is pleasing to note that at each management committee meeting we continue to
approve some 3 to 5 new membership applications each month. The new members are reported on the
website, and please make them feel welcome if you meet them at a show.
The Show Subcommittee has prepared a draft show calendar for next year (2016) which will shortly be
circulated to affiliates for comment before being finalised in July.
Just a quick comment about EFT payments for office services, Please ensure that you use the General
Account and NOT the Fundraiser Account which is used for NSWCFA show entries. The account details can
be obtained from Jess Cameron at the office.
Joanne Greentree
NSW Cat Fanciers Association Inc
COTY 2014 Luncheon
NSW Cat Fanciers Association Inc
COTY 2014 Luncheon
NSW Cat Fanciers Association Inc
COTY 2014 Luncheon
NSW Cat Fanciers Association Inc
COTY 2014 Luncheon
NSW Cat Fanciers Association Inc
or call Mark on 02 4574 0763
NSW Cat Fanciers Association Inc
What do people do when not at cat shows?
By Josephine
In the middle of my busy life, I enjoy giving talks on my love the Devon Rex. Bankstown TAFE, with teacher Vicki,
invites my devons and myself to give talks on the devon rex. We have had a few of my girls attend.
Some of the students, will go on to become vet nurses, have and enjoyed the feel and character of this unique
breed. Shown below. they have all had cuddles from left to right..Maddison, Ch Crinklewood Haute Couture, Masey
and Lace enjoyed a day out.
I go into the breeding practices, the breed history, and always encourage early desexing and best of all....desex desex
desex............! And respect of all cats be it a pedigree or domestic!
And when its over my girls are treated to bbq chicken on the way home......... we always end the day on a positive
NSW Cat Fanciers Association Inc
NSW Cat Fanciers Association Inc
NSW Cat Fanciers Association Inc
NSW Cat Fanciers Association Inc
NSW Cat Fanciers Association Inc
1. All paperwork must be sent
to the office together with
proof of deposits being
made within 48 hours and
2. Failure to comply with this
simple procedure will result
in direct credits no longer
being accepted.
There is one account only for
direct deposits for OFFICE
Bank details:
BSB: 062622
A/C: 10464356
Unless stated otherwise for
specific shows or events, please
be advised this is the only NSW
CFA banking account.
memberships, members are
reminded to advise the office
with their receipt number,
amount and date paid via email
to confirm payment.
NSW Cat Fanciers Association Inc
Creature Features
The makers of fine
Features for your
We make scratching posts
to your own design
All cat enclosures including
Cat mesh your back yard
Oscillot Paddles for the top
of your fence
Whelping boxes to your
Contact Details email [email protected]
Web Site www.creaturefeatures.info
Phone Barry 0402-436-480
NSW Cat Fanciers Association Inc
What to feed your pet
By Kate Browne from Choice.com.au
Last updated: 28th August 2014
At last count, more than half of all Australians own either a cat or dog, and when it comes to filling their bellies we're certainly
enthusiastic! We spend more than $1.8 billion every year on feeding our fluffier family members. Without good nutrition, your
cat or dog can suffer from problems with their coat and skin, it can affect their teeth and of course their longevity. With so
many pet food products out there, all promising to turn your lovable bitser into a Westminster-worthy specimen, what should
you be feeding your cat or dog to ensure a long and healthy life?
What to look for in pet food
The most important thing is to look for products that are advertised as 'complete and balanced'. This means that the pet food
is formulated to contain all the nutrients required by a dog or cat, in the appropriate quantities and proportions to maintain
good health. And check that it complies with the Australian Standard: Manufacturing and Marketing Pet Food AS 5812:2011.
Whether it's tinned, fresh or dry, we've got the lowdown on what to look for when choosing the best food for your pet.
Dry food is low mess and well formulated, so it's a popular option. It's no less nutritious or less "fresh" than wet foods. Dry food
in the past was the cause of urinary tract infections in cats, but manufacturers have altered the pH level of their formulations.
Cats fed on a well-formulated dry-food diet don't run a higher risk of urinary tract disease if they're drinking enough water. If
your cat doesn't, it's a good idea to feed it a canned-food diet, which has a higher water content.
Tinned food is easily available and comes in a wide variety of ingredients. Just make sure you look for one marked as complete
and balanced that complies with the Australian Standard.
Fresh pet meat
Fresh pet meat comes in the form of meat, 'steaks' and rolls. Although these sound like a wholesome alternative to the tinned
and packaged stuff, they have some issues.
Packaged fresh meat alone won't provide the nutrition cats and dogs need (in the wild, a 'fresh meat' diet includes
bones, hide and organs). You'll need to feed them a 'complete and balanced' commercial food as well.
The sulphur dioxide and sodium and potassium sulphite preservatives in fresh pet meat can cause thiamine deficiency,
and can be fatal.
Alternatively, feed your cats and dogs cheaper cuts of human-grade meats in conjunction with a 'complete and balanced' diet.
What else should we know about feeding our pets? Variety is best
Overall the best thing you can do for your pet is feed them a combination of tinned, dry and fresh meats to provide variety and
to ensure optimal nutrition.
Choose a high-quality commercial diet that's appropriate for their age and health and complies with Australian standards as a
baseline, then you can add other elements to the diet as your pet likes, including raw, meaty bones occasionally.
Give 'em a bone
Periodontal disease, the most common form of gum disease, destroys the gums and tissue that supports the teeth and has also
been associated with liver, kidney and heart disease. Although a study published in the Journal of Nutrition claims daily
brushing of your pet's teeth is the most effective prevention, an easier way is to supplement your pet's diet with a regular
supply of bones.
Giving your cat or small dog raw chicken wings and a bigger dog meaty bones several times a week will really benefit their
dental hygiene. But never give pets cooked bones, as they can splinter and get stuck either in the mouth or in the digestive
Can I feed cats and dogs the same food?
No. Cats are carnivores and dogs are generally thought to be omnivores. Cats need higher levels of protein and fat from meat
than dogs do and can't use vegetable sources to make vitamin A, so must get it from meat. They're also sensitive to thiamine,
taurine and arginine deficiencies. And cats are less able to process carbohydrates due to the shorter length of their long
Life stage and special needs
Kittens and puppies have extra nutrient needs and special food is recommended. Special foods are also recommended for a
lactating dog or cat.
NSW Cat Fanciers Association Inc
NSW Cat Fanciers Association Inc
Title Updates
Nov 2014 – Mar 2015
CCCA Ch & Dia Db Gd Ch Fionella Rumer Has It O/B: F
Ch Jaygee Fergalicious O/B: J Greentree
Db Gd Ch Esmalin Prince Harry O/B: L Osborne
Gd Ch Sublime Sweet Secret B: D Turner, R & C U’ren & J
Mullins O: C Nowland
Gd Ch Bleauchin Sylva Primrose B: L Joosten O: L Hill
Db Gd Ch Bleauchin Sylva Primrose B: L Joosten O: L Hill
Companion Cats
Ch Dali O: D Slacke
Gd Ch Dali O: D Slacke
Gd Ch Favio O: L Thwaites
Db Gd Ch Dali O: D Slacke
Db Gd Ch Dizzie Lizzie O: L Thwaites
Bz Db Gd Ch Kiara Nomore Fear Imhere O: V Grayston
Household Pet
Ch Cleo O: M Lorenzi
Gd Ch Cleo O: M Lorenzi
Ch Fretomau Sno Dancer O/B: M Camarsh
Gd Ch Tiendi Blizzard Bliss B: J McNiven O: M Camarsh
Gd Ch Sinjin Shaozu O/B P Perkins
Gd Ch Sinjin Shantay O/B P Perkins
Db Gd Ch Sinjin Shantay O/B P Perkins
Gd Ch Sinjin Santino O/B P Perkins
Db Gd Ch Sinjin Santino O/B P Perkins
Ch Azov Pink Seaview B: C Murdoch O: T Nicholas
Gd Ch Azov Pink Seaview B: C Murdoch O: T Nicholas
Db Gd Ch Azov Pink Seaview B: C Murdoch O: T Nicholas
Ch Wyangan Pwantom Chances O/B: M Lorenzi
Ch Osiris (V) Simply Perfection B: M Wm & S Shawn O: C
Gd Ch Wyangan Pwantom Chances O/B: M Lorenzi
CCCA Db Gd Ch Osiris (v) Bees Knees Chances B: M Wm
& S Shawn O: M Lorenzi
Ch Tarmac Little Lynie B: C Collins O: L Thwaites
Gd Ch Tarmac Madam Flutterby O/B: C Collins
Slv Db Gd Ch Resolute Flashfire O/B: A Foster & J Jones
British Shorthair
Ch Sawadas Kittylicious O/B: M Angelo
Ch Myshan Bobby Maggi O/B: P Cross
Cornish Rex
Ch Myshan Diamond Inthe Sky O/B: P Cross
Devon Rex
Ch Crinklewood Haute Couture O/B: J Romeo
Gd Ch Crinklewood Haute Couture O/B: J Romeo
Gd Ch Kakutzi Jazz D’Yanne B: A Vazey O: J Romeo
Db Gd Ch Crinklewood Adorabella O/B: J Romeo
Selkirk Rex Shorthair
CCCA Gd Ch & Dia Db Gd Ch Brighthills Chili Pepper B: S
Bell O: T Marriott
Slv Db Gd Ch Zabenka Champagne Charlie B: K Hsi O: B
NSW Cat Fanciers Association Inc
2015 Show Calender
Royal Bathurst Show
9153 6870
All Breeds
May 2 Sat
Maclean Show Society
6645 1532
All Breeds
May 9 Sat
Armidale & New England Cat Club
May 16/17 Sat/Sun
ACT Birman Cat Club (1)
6254 9533
Group 1
May 16/17 Sat/Sun
Coffs Harbour Show Society
6563 1294
All Breeds
May 24 Sun
Central Coast Cat Club
9153 6870
All Breeds
May 30 Sat
Kempsey Kat Klub
6563 1294
All Breeds
April 17-18 Sat/Sun
All Breeds
June 6/7 Sat/Sun
ACF National
All Breeds
June 13 Sat
CCCA Meeting
9834 6577
June 13 Sat
Federal Cat Club Of Australasia
6654 2000
June 20 Sat
Riverina Cat Club - Wagga
June 28 Sun
ACT Longhair Cat Club (1)
6947 9403
6254 9533
July 4 Sat
Rex Cat Club Of NSW
9557 7037
Rex Only
July 4 Sat
Oriental Cat Club
9888 7191
Group 2
July 11/12 Sat/Sun
CCCA National Show - NSWCFA & CCI (3)
9834 6577
All Breeds
July 19 Sun
St George District Cat Club
0401 141 961
All Breeds
July 25 Sat
Western Districts Cat Society
4574 3192
All Breeds
Aug 1 Sat
Ku-Ring-Gai / Himalayan / Longhair
4443 3622
Group 1
Aug 1 Sat
Abyssinian Cat Club of Australasia
6581 1713
Aby/Somali + more
Aug 8/9 Sat/Sun
CCCA Judges Seminar
9834 6577
Aug 15 Sat
Newcastle & Hunter Valley Cat Club
4961 4441
All Breeds
Aug 23 Sun
Capital Cats & ACT Breeders Cat Club (1)
6254 9533
All Breeds
NSW CFA Fundraising Show
9834 6577
All Breeds
Sept 5 Sat
Tamworth & District Cat Club
6769 5512
All Breeds
Sept 13 Sun
Illawarra Pedigree Cat Fancy
4284 7438
All Breeds
Sept 19 Sat
North Coast All Breeds Cat Club
6563 1294
All Breeds
Sept 26 Sat
Temora Show Society
6973 1702
All Breeds
Oct 3 Sat
Blue Point Siamese Society
9628 3077
All Breeds
Oct 24 Sat
North Coast Show Society – Lismore
6563 1294
All Breeds
Nov 8 Sun
All Breeds Desexed Cat Club of Australasia
9639 5209
Desexed & Companion
Nov 14/15 Sat/Sun
CCCA Meeting
9834 6577
All Breeds
All Breeds
All Breeds
Aug 22 Sat
Aug 29 Sat
NSW Cat Fanciers Association Inc
List of Affiliated Clubs
Group Clubs
Abyssinian Cat Club of Australasia Inc.
Mr M Sansom
42 Lincoln Road, Port Macquarie 2444
02 6581 1713
Bengal Breed Club of Australasia
Mrs C Chapman
PO Box 162 Wingham 2429
02 6557 0744
Blue Point Siamese Society
Mrs Y Saunders
PO Box 384 Mt Druitt 2770
02 9677 0627
Calico & Bi-Colour Cat Club
Mrs S Yelland
19 Stanley Street, Blacktown 2148
02 9622 84 59
Ku-Ring-Gai Cat Club
Ms D Cameron
8 Spence Place, St Helens Park 2560
02 4621 2552
Oriental Cat Club
Mrs J Howard-Smith 16 Darrin Close, Bateau Bay 2261
Exotic Cat Club of Australasia
Rex Cat Club of New South Wales Inc.
02 4334 4955
PO Box 169, Lawson2783
02 4759 2279
Silver Cat Club of Australia
Miss L Osborne
246 McCaffrey Drive, Rankin Park 2287
02 4956 3310
The Birman Cat Club of Australia
Mrs J Burge
6/1068 Pacific Highway, Pymble 2073
02 9449 6009
The Burmese Cat Society of Australasia Inc.
Mrs S Thomas
56 Robinia Grove, Garden Suburb 2289
02 4920 7961
The Himalayan Cat Club
Mrs H McManus
16 Tate Cres, Horningsea Park 2171
02 9607 6674
The Longhair Cat Association
Mrs S Tscherne
34 Birriga Avenue,Bundanoon 2578
02 4883 7184
The Siamese & Shorthaired Cat Club Inc.
Mrs E Jackson
71 Headland Drive, Tura Beach 2548
02 6495 0198
All Breeds Clubs & Societies
All Breeds Desexed Cat Club of Australasia
Mrs K Gill
66 Keene Street, Baulkham Hills 2153
02 9639 3056
Central Coast Cat Club
Mrs R Hackworthy
118 James Sea Drive, Green Point 2251
02 4365 6430
Federal Cat Club of Australasia
Mrs M Camarsh
10 Palmer Road, Woolgoolga 2456
02 6654 2000
Illawarra Pedigree Cat Fancy
Ms V Skeggs
74 Stephen Drive, Woonona 2517
02 4284 7438
Kempsey Kat Klub
Mrs J Fitzhenry
66 Sherwood Road, Aldavilla via Kempsey 2440
02 6563 1294
Murrumbidgee Irrigation Area Cat Club
Mrs C Tomlinson
33 Watson Road, Griffith 2680
02 6962 6151
Newcastle and Hunter Valley Cat Club
Mrs F Jupp
61 Curtain St, East Maitland 2323
02 4933 3375
North Coast All Breeds Cat Club
Mrs J Fitzhenry
66 Sherwood Road, Aldavilla via Kempsey 2440
02 6654 1294
Riverina Cat Club
Mrs J Dickeson
PO Box 837 Tumut 2720
02 6947 9403
St. George District Cat Club Inc.
Ms M Pemberton
69 Marco Avenue, Revesby NSW 2212
0401 141 961
Tamworth & District Cat Club
Mrs L Keevers
PO Box 558 Armidale 2350
02 6775 2050
Western Districts Cat Society
Miss J Greentree
PO Box 47 Windsor 2756
02 4574 2214
Affiliated Agricultural Societies
Bathurst A H & P Association
PO Box 92 Bathurst NSW 2795
02 9153 6870
Coffs Harbour Show Society
PO Box 219 Coffs Harbour 2450
02 6563 1294
PO Box 105 Mittagong NSW 2575
02 4872 4132
PO Box 175 Maclean NSW 2463
02 6645 1532
Goulburn AP & H Society
Mrs M Keith
Maclean Show Society
North Coast Show Society - Lismore
Mrs J Fitzhenry
66 Sherwood Road, Aldavilla via Kempsey 2440
02 6563 1294
Temora Show Society
Mrs E Swanston
PO Box 32 Temora 2666
02 6973 1702
NSW Cat Fanciers Association Inc
Advertising in Catching Up
All commercial and member advertising enquiries should be directed to:
Joanne Greentree - [email protected]
Full Page
Half Page
Quarter Page $ 65
Cattery Cards $ 60 per year
Notice to Advertisers
The Trade Practices Act 1974 came into force on October 1st 1974.
It is the advertiser’s responsibility to ensure advertisements submitted for publication comply with the Act and
that the provisions of the Act are strictly complied with. In cases of doubt, advertisers are asked to seek legal
advice before submitting advertising material.
The Editorial Committee reserves the right to withhold publication of any material whatsoever. Views and
opinions expressed in this journal are those of the correspondents and contributors concerned and are not
necessarily those of the Editorial Committee, printers or publishers. Names and addresses of correspondents
may be withdrawn from publication on request but must be supplied to the Editor.
From time to time, members refer matters to the NSW Cat Fanciers Association Inc (NSW CFA) when it is not
For example, disputes between members in relation to the sale of cats are usually private matters to be
determined by the contractual arrangements between members. Disputes on such matters should be resolved
by the courts, not by NSWCFA.
Members are requested to refrain from referring matters to NSW CFA which are a private or domestic matter
or which should be properly resolved by the Courts.
Scale of Fees (from January 2014
Members should be aware that the Consumer Claims Tribunal is available to resolve many disputes in the
relation to the supply of goods to a consumer and NSWCFA recommends that matters that fall within the
jurisdiction of that Tribunal and which cannot be resolved personally should be referred to that Tribunal.
NSW Cat Fanciers Association Inc
Scale of Fees (From 1st January 2014)
1/7 – 30/6
Associate (persons over 18 years who do not reside in NSW)
Catching Up (journal) subscription (2 issues, non-members only)
31/12 to 30/6
Application for Registration of a Breeders Prefix
Application for annual renewal of Prefix (due 1 July each year)
Application for Transfer of a Breeders Prefix
LITTER REGISTRATION – Must be made within 4 months of the date of birth
Within 6 months of transfer
After 6 months of transfer
DUPLICATE REGISTRATION CERTIFICATE (Statutory Declaration to be submitted with application)
RE-REGISTRATION of interstate or overseas cat (Original certified pedigree and registration to be submitted)
[NOTE: after 6 months of transfer – a LATE FEE of $22.00 will apply]
At least one parent on database
Neither parent on database
At least one parent on database
Neither parent on database
INTERSTATE STUD CAT (Certified pedigree to be submitted)
Breeder fee to record pedigree
CHAMPIONSHIP TITLES (Original Certificate of Registration to be submitted with application)
CH, GD CH & DB GD CH Certificate & Registration update
Bronze, Silver & Gold DB GD CH Certificate & Registration update
Additional Charge for Ribbon (all title levels)
AMENDED REGISTRATION (Original Certificate of Registration to be submitted with application)
Colour, Sex Change (female to male or male to female)
Neuter/Spay, Interstate Title, Microchip
Cat plus 5 generations
Cat plus 8 generations
Blank Pedigree Forms
Stud Service Agreement Forms
Litter Record Book
Stud Service Record Book
Printout of cattery stock (only applicable to breeders)
Once the initial cost of the litter registration has been made the cost to register each kitten individually is
1 kitten from a litter
2 kittens from the same litter
3 kittens from the same litter
4 kittens from the same litter
5 kittens from the same litter
6 kittens from the same litter
>6 kittens from the same litter: fee = Litter registration $10.00 + $18.00 + $3.00 for each kitten in excess of 6
Subsequent application for registration of a kitten (ie when a kitten from the same litter is already registered)
Application within 12 months of birth - fee per kitten
Application after 12 months from birth and within 24 months – fee per kitten
(NB Kittens will not be registered after 24 months from the date of birth)
New Members
Renewals – Both All Breeds Clubs and Specialist Clubs
Due 1st July each year
Contact the office for more information email: [email protected] phone: 02 9834 6577
Note That:
All Charges Must be Prepaid
Receipts Will be Issued Only if Requested
NSW Cat Fanciers Association Inc