Automate your HMDA requirements with ComplianceOne
Automate your HMDA requirements with ComplianceOne
ComplianceOne Automate Automate your your HMDA HMDA requirements requirements with with ComplianceOne ComplianceOne HMDA ™ What What does does itit do? do? your HMDA requirements with ComplianceOne Automate HMDA Our OurWiz® Wiz®Basic Basicsolution solutionworks workswith withComplianceOne ComplianceOneto tooffer offeryou youaaseamless seamlessautomation automationof of your yourHome HomeMortgage MortgageDisclosure DisclosureAct Act(HMDA) (HMDA)requirements, requirements,eliminating eliminatingthe theneed needfor formanual, manual, back-office back-officeHMDA HMDAdata datagathering gatheringand andreporting reportingrequirements requirementsfor forquarterly quarterlyLoan LoanApplication Application Whatand does it do? filings. Register Register(LAR) (LAR) and year-end year-end filings. Our Wiz® Basic solution works with ComplianceOne to offer you a seamless automation of �� Captures Captures applications applications forreal realestate estate loans loans and anddata dataprocess processthem, them, to: to:for manual, your Home Mortgage for Disclosure Act (HMDA) requirements, eliminating the need back-office HMDA data gathering and reporting requirements for quarterly Loan Application –– Geocode Geocode property propertyinformation information Register (LAR) and year-end filings. –– Perform Perform rate rate spread spread analysis analysis (CD, index, etc.) etc.) � Captures applications for real(CD, estateindex, loans and data process them, to: –– Gather Gather– census census information (race, (race,location, location,etc.) etc.) Geocodeinformation property information – Perform rate spread analysis (CD, index, etc.) –– Conduct Conduct post-closing post-closing analysis analysis – Gather census information (race, location, etc.) �� Creates Createsand submits submits clean, clean,accurate, accurate,and andreadily readilyavailable availablereports reportsthat thatcomply complywith with –and Conduct post-closing analysis HMDA HMDAreporting reportingrequirements requirements � Creates and submits clean, accurate, and readily available reports that comply with HMDA reporting requirements �� Helps Helpsyour your HMDA HMDA Officer Officer proactively proactivelymonitor monitorand andanalyze analyzeregulatory regulatoryrisks risks � Helps your HMDA Officer proactively monitor and analyze regulatory risks Administration The HMDA tabs allow you to calculate and capture Rate Speed,The Geocoding, The HMDA HMDAtabs tabsallow allow Origination/Disposition, you youto tocalculate calculateand andcapture capture and Government RateSpeed, Speed,Geocoding, Geocoding, MonitoringRate information. Origination/Disposition, Origination/Disposition, and andGovernment Government Monitoring Monitoringinformation. information. See reverse side for more information. See Seereverse reverseside sidefor formore moreinformation. information. e-Signature What’s in it for you? HMDA reporting organizations can eliminate the need to spend labor-intensive hours tracking LAR data on a spreadsheet, gathering outside information, and then manually updating reports after the loan is complete. Instead, integration of the HMDA functionality in ComplianceOne automates HMDA report gathering for your loan officer, so these requirements can be met as the loan is being processed—saving your staff time and effort on the back end. And, your HMDA Officer can further consolidate HMDA reportable loans from other source systems with the ComplianceOne HMDA loans for year-end filings and regulatory risk analysis. How can you get it? The HMDA HMDAfunctionality functionalityofof ComplianceOne an add-on feature, andbecan be requested The ComplianceOne is anis add-on feature and can requested at the at the time or or at aatlater datedate when youryour organization is ready for for time of ofComplianceOne ComplianceOneimplementation, implementation a later when organization is ready its functionality. functionality. About Wolters Kluwer Financial Services Wolters Kluwer Financial Services’ solutions include integrated and stand-alone compliance and workflow tools, documentation, analytics, authoritative information, and professional services. About Wolters Kluwer Services Customers include banks, creditFinancial unions, mortgage lenders, and securities and insurance organizations of all sizes throughout United States. more information on Wolters Kluwer and Wolters Kluwer Financial Services’the solutions includeFor integrated and stand-alone compliance Financial Services, visit workflow tools, documentation, analytics, authoritative information, and professional services. Customers include banks, credit unions, mortgage lenders, and securities and insurance organizations of all sizes throughout the United States. For more information on Wolters Kluwer Financial Services, visit
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