Commercial Credit Report Pro Guide


Commercial Credit Report Pro Guide
Commercial Credit Report Pro Guide
Reading the Commercial Credit Report Pro
Get up to double the business credit information with our Advantage series reports including data from Experian, Dun &
Bradstreet and Equifax. Too many times a single bureau is not enough to know for sure if a deal is good or not.
Leverage the power of our combo bureau Advantage Reports and approve more good deals. The ideal combination of
unique industry and financial trade, public record, collections, corporate linkage and company background information
provide the complete picture. The Commercial Credit Report Pro includes Experian, D&B, and Edgar.
Scoring and Company Information
1. The Credit Logic Score
The Credit Logic Score ranges from 0
(high risk) to 100 (low risk). The
Unsecured Trade Credit Limit
Recommendation is based on the
company’s credit history with options
from conservative to aggressive. The next
two smaller bars show you the percent of
on-time payments the company has made
in the last six months. To the right of
each, an arrow indicates if the company is
trending negatively, positively, or has
minimal change compared to the prior 24
2. Company Information
D&B provides the most in-depth and upto-date company demographics. We’ve
included this section in your report to
give you an overview of the business’s
annual sales, net worth, employee total,
company management, type of industry,
SIC, legal status and supplemental data,
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Commercial Credit Report Pro Guide
3. Corporate Linkage
The Corporate Linkage section includes
the ultimate parent, headquarters, and
branches of the company.
4. Trends
The 6-Month and Quarterly DBT (Days Beyond Terms) allow you to identify any changes in payment habits over the last
six months or last 5 quarters and compare the company’s payment history with the industry average. This will allow you
to identify any seasonal trends in a company’s ability to meet its payment obligations in addition to identifying improving
or deteriorating payment trends.
Balance to High Credit Ratio
5. Balance to High Credit Ratio
The Balance to High Credit Ratio
shows you how much credit the
company has been using compared
to their credit limit.
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Commercial Credit Report Pro Guide
D&B Payment Habits by Industry
6. D&B Payment Habits by Industry
The D&B Payment Summary reflects
payment information in D&B’s file for
the prior 12months.
It provides you with details on how
prompt the target company is about
paying vendors, broken up by industry.
For each industry, you are shown how
many trade lines were received, the
total dollar amount for that industry,
highest credit amount, and the percent
of those lines that are being paid
promptly or beyond terms.
7. Dun and Bradstreet PAYDEX
The PAYDEX score, possibly the most
popular component of D&B reports, is
a unique, dollar weighted indicator of
payment performance based on
payment experiences, as reported to
D&B by trade references. Under the
score, we provide you with a score
chart to reference. If a company has a
score of 80, they are prompt in
payment. Anything above 80 is more
prompt, and anything below 80 is
beyond terms.
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Commercial Credit Report Pro Guide
Legal Filings
8. Legal Filings
The Legal Filings box will give you a
snapshot of the filings (tax liens,
judgments, bankruptcies) that will be
shown in detail later in the report.
Trade Payment Experiences
9. Trade Payment experiences
Trade Payment Experiences offer
detailed payment information
provided by third party creditors. The
information is industry specific and
includes payment terms, recent high
credit limit, current balance, and aging.
Each trade line represents an
individual supplier’s perspective on
how the company meets its financial
obligations. The information will help
identify payment trends in specific
Trade Payment Totals
10. Trade Payment Totals
The Trade Payment Totals box shows
you a total of the detailed trade
payments that you examined in the
box before.
11. Collection Filings
Collections may indicate financial
stress. Collection data includes filing
date, status, and amount.
12. Bankruptcies
Bankruptcy information includes the
file date, type, and status.
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13. Tax Liens
Tax liens are filed by the city, county,
state, or federal government to cover
unpaid tax obligations.
14. Judgments
UCC Filings
This portion of the Public Records section
provides you with details on all
judgments filed against the target
company. You are provided with a case
number, filing date, cause of action,
reported date, total assets, total
liabilities, disposition status and date,
and the court info.
15. Uniform Commercial Code Filings
UCC’s are filed whenever a business
pledges an asset as collateral for a loan,
lease or Line of Credit (LOC). The
collateral is identified in general terms
such as; accounts receivables, property,
accounts, leases, and inventory.
Contracts and notes receivable or
proceeds. The Company or financial
institution making the loan is also
16. EDGAR Financial Statements
The EDGAR Financial Statements section is broken up into four parts: Income Statements, Balance Sheets, Cash Flow
Statements, and Financial Ratios. These sections provide you with the last four years of financial information on the
target company. This information is included in your report if the target company is publicly traded.
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Commercial Credit Report Pro Guide
If you have any further questions about
How to read your report, please call
(800) 748-6290
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