July 2007 - FPA Philadelphia Tri


July 2007 - FPA Philadelphia Tri
The Philadelphia Tri-State Area
A Gold Level Chapter
June 2007
The primary aim of the Financial Planning Association is to be the community that fosters
the value of financial planning and advances the financial planning profession.
Things are happening. We have
just completed a
great Spring
Symposium with
record attendance. Our various speakers,
presenters, and
sponsors provided excellent information
and materials to help us all take our practices to the next level. The Bridge the
Gap program was enlightening for our
new planner and student members. They
learned many ideas on how to transition
into the business from the experienced
planners and leaders from FPA-National
who spoke to them. I would like to thank
Chris Stewart, Paul LaViola and all the
members of his Spring Symposium
Committee: Joe Romano, Jeff
Lauterbach, and our sponsors for an
excellent Spring Symposium.
Hope you can make our next quarterly
meeting in July and our Fall Retreat.
Please check our e-mails and website for
dates, times, speakers, etc.
Well, the summer is fast approaching and
many of you have signed up to work on
committees for different events; mentoring, Bridge the Gap, etc. Thank you for
your active participation. If you would
like to become more involved, please
give me a call or email me and let me
know of your interest and I will put
you in touch with one of our fine Vice
Presidents or Committee Chairpersons
in that area. I recently spoke to our
new Vice President of Pro Bono, Dave
Hoyer, and he said that there were
numerous opportunities in the Pro
Bono area to become involved. If you
are interested in Pro Bono, please contact Dave or his co-chairs, Cathy
Seeber and Gene King.
Some of the many areas we are working on extensively this year are student/school membership, our website,
a possible career fair, public relations,
and numerous pro bono activities.
As you may already have heard, the
SEC has decided not to appeal a
Supreme Court ruling that struck down
the SEC’s exemption of brokerage
firms from registering as Investment
Advisors for their investment advisory
services. The FPA’s stance that the
“Merrill Lynch” rule was unfair and
confusing to the public in general. I
believe this Supreme Court ruling indicates a fair and well-reasoned out
approach to regulation, while attempting to provide the public with important relevant information. I am heartened that our voices were heard and
listened to. I applaud all of you in the
FPA who took the time to write in your
comments on the proposed SEC rule.
Working with the public, the regulators, and
the FPA, we can help shape the debate on
how financial services are provided to the
public in general. Great job on this one
Have a great summer, see you at the meetings, and hope to see you at the national FPA
convention in September!
Steve Wetzel
What’s Inside
July Quarterly Dinner Meeting
Registration Form............................3
Human Resources............................4
Study Groups....................................5
Education Report.............................6
Spring Symposium Pictures............8
Public Awareness............................13
Pro Bono Report.............................15
Special Interest...............................18
May Leadership Conference.........19
Mark Your Calendars
July 19, 2007
Quarterly Meeting
4:00pm - 7:00pm
Hibachi Restaurant
Philadelphia, PA
FPA Philadelphia Tri-State Area
September 18, 2007
Fall Retreat/Ethics/
Golf Outing
Pine Crest Country Club
Lansdale, PA
P.O. Box 38
Fairless Hills, PA 19030
November 13, 2007
Quarterly Meeting
4:00pm - 7:00pm
Philadelphia Marriott West Hotel
Conshohocken, PA
2007 Board of Directors
John O’Brien, CFP®
(610) 251-9393 ext 202
fax (484) 527-0101
[email protected]
VP - Pro Bono
David Hoyer, CFP®
(215) 321-6515
fax (215) 321-6515
[email protected]
Christopher Coyne, Ph.D,
(610) 660-1668
[email protected]
Steven Wetzel, CFP®
(215) 321-9312
fax (215) 321-9352
[email protected]
VP - Public Awarness
Joseph P. Halpin, CFP®
(610) 431-1036
[email protected]
David Emery, CFP®, CDFATM,
(215) 721-2554
fax (215) 721-4010
[email protected]
Scott Michalek, CFP®
(215) 979-1604
fax (215) 979-1622
[email protected]
Ty Agar, CFP®
(800) 381-5846 ext. 701
fax (856) 873-9455
Catherine Seeber, CFP®
(215) 979-1642
[email protected]
John Hochschwender, CFP®
(610) 429-4090
fax (484) 631-0065
[email protected]
Pamela HollandTownsend, CFP®, CRPC®,
Paula Nangle, MBA, MS
(215) 321-9312
[email protected]
(610) 766-3051
Steven B. Geiger
(267) 249-2453
fax (215) 947-8452
[email protected]
VP - Development
Joseph A. Romano, CFP®
(215) 646-1772
fax (215) 641-9563
[email protected]
VP - Education/Programs
Jeffrey R. Lauterbach, JD
(610) 909-7272
[email protected]
VP - Human Resources
Mark Rioboli, CFP®
(484) 321-5406
fax (215) 576-0942
[email protected]
Donald W. Nicholson, Jr., CFP®,
(302) 529-1500
fax (302) 529-0474
[email protected]
Paul LaViola, CFP®, ChFC®,
(215) 557-3800
fax (610) 548-7171
[email protected]
William Suplee IV, CFA,
(610) 648-0700
fax (610) 647-5507
[email protected]
Michael Paregian
(610) 251-0670 Ext. 25
[email protected]
Website Maintenance
Debbie Yarosh
(484) 680-8334
[email protected]
Chapter Administrator
Chris Stewart
(215) 295-0729
fax (215) 295-3652
[email protected]
Thursday, July 19, 2007
4:00PM to 7:00PM
Hibachi Restaurant, 325 N. Delaware Ave., Pier 19,
Philadelphia, PA 19106 (Behind Dave & Buster’s)
4:00 PM5:00 PM6:00 PM
Registration, Networking, Cash Bar & Heavy Hors d’oeuvres
“Compliance Program Best Practices”
Speaker: Theodore E. Eichenlaub, Partner, ACA Compliance Group
Sponsored by Charles Schwab Institutional
(One CFP®, CPE CE Credit approved (One PA & DE Ins. CE pending)
“Planning for the Exterior Through the Interior”
Speaker: Roy T. Diliberto, ChFC, CFP®, Chairman and Chief Executive
Officer, RTD Financial Advisors, Inc.
(One CFP®, CPE CE Credit approved (One PA & DE Ins. CE pending)
6:00 PM7:00 PM
Advance Registration
Name: _____________________________Guest Name:__________________________
Address: ________________________________________________________________
City, State, Zip:___________________________________________________________
Phone: _____________________ E-Mail: _____________________________________
FPA Member …………… _____ @ $50 ___________
I am a New Member______
Student ………………….. _____ @ $20___________
Non-Member……………. _____ @ $80 ___________
TOTAL $___________
Visa_________ Discover______MasterCard___________
Credit Card #______________________________________________Exp._____/_____
Make Checks Payable to: FPA Phila. Tri-State
Mail To: FPA Philadelphia Tri-State, Attn: Chris Stewart, P.O. Box 38, Fairless Hills,
PA 19030 or fax to our secure fax line at 215-295-3652. Call 215-295-0729 with any
questions. Cancellation Policy: 48 hours for refund. No-Shows will be billed.
Financial Planning Association Philadelphia Tri-State Area is registered with the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) as a sponsor of continuing professional education on the National Registry of CPE Sponsors. State boards of accountancy have final authority on the acceptance of
individual courses for CPE credit. Complaints regarding registered sponsors may be addressed to the National Registry of CPE Sponsors, 150 Fourth Ave.
North, Suite 700, Nashville, TN 37219-2417. Web site: www.nasba.org
Method of presentation: Group Live (Lecture and open discussion). Level of Learning: Overview, Advance Preparation: None. Prerequisite Knowledge and
Experience: None. For presentation learning objectives and outlines, go to http://www.fpaphilly.org under Presentation Handouts in the Members Section.
For additional information on administrative policies such as complaint and refund, please contact Chris Stewart at 215-295-0729.
Human Resources
Financial Planner Designation, careers, and the
outlook for the industry.
One of my favorite roles as
V.P. of Human
Resources/Membership is
meeting so many interesting
and great people. In April
and May, I met with students
at Widener University (see
the pictures) and Drexel University to speak
about the benefits of membership and the
tremendous networking opportunity the chapter
represents. Steve Smith, membership committee person, did a fantastic job in organizing the
Widener meeting and Ryan Crooks, FPA member, did a great job in organizing the Drexel
The meetings above are the first of many meetings that we will be having with universities in
the area. For the first time, the Philadelphia TriState Chapter is in the process of establishing
student chapters at universities in the area which
leads us to the “Did You Know” segment.
Did you know that college students in undergraduate and graduate programs can join the
FPA for a super low $35 annual membership
Incredible I know, but it’s true, with no catches.
If you know a student with even the slightest
interest in Financial Planning, encourage them
to join. They have nothing to lose. Call or email me at 484-321-5406 or [email protected] for the student application...
it isn’t available online.
Joining Steve and I at the Widener event was
President-Elect Scott Michalek and board members Paul LaViola, and Don Nicholson, Jr.
Jeffrey Lauterbach joined me at the Drexel
event where we discussed the Certified
On left: Shannon Phelps, Widener Graduate
Student and Thad Gelsinger, President of
Widener Graduate Business Association
On left: FPA-PTSA member
Mike Clancy chats with
Widener Graduate Business
Association students
By: Mark Rioboli, CFP®
VP - Human Resources
Doug Albertson, Widener Graduate
Business Association with Matt Read,
FPA member
Don Nicholson, Jr. and Paul
LaViola, FPA-PTSA Board
Cynthia Saltzman, Professor,
Economics, Widener University
with Steve Smith, VP, Widener
Graduate Business Association
and FPA-PTSA member
Study Groups
The FPA Study Groups
offer all members an opportunity to meet and interact
with other members as well
as to obtain Continuing
Education credits.
To continue to improve the
content of our meetings,
please contact the Study
Group Leader in your geographical area about financial topics that interest you. Also, please provide
the names of people that would like to make an
educational presentation to our Study Groups.
Joseph P. Halpin, CFP®
Chairman, Study Groups
J.P. Halpin & Co., LLC
1604 Bane Way
West Chester, PA 19380
[email protected]
We are looking for Group Leaders for
the Allentown Group and the Delaware
Group. If you are interested, please
contact Joe Halpin at
[email protected]
FPA-PTSA welcomes Adam Soloff as the new Jenkintown Study Group Leader!!
Adam will be heading up the Jenkintown Study Group and has already made plans to have quarterly
meetings. They will all be held at the LuLu Country Club, 1600 Limekiln Pike, North Wales, PA
19038 (www.lulucc.com). Each program will have a luncheon from Noon to 1:30 p.m. and will
include lunch and 1.5 hours of CFP CE Credit. The dates are July 31, 2007, October 30, 2007,
January 29, 2008, April 29, 2008 and July 29, 2008. Please mark your calendars for these dates and
you will receive more information as it becomes available. Adam can be reached at 215-885-3071 or
by email at [email protected]
Main Line Group
Joseph P. Halpin, CFP®
[email protected]
Schedule: 1st Wed. of Feb., April, Oct.,
Nov. & Dec. (8:00 AM - 9:15 AM)
Location: Planco/Hartford
1500 Liberty Ridge Drive
Wayne (Chesterbrook) PA. 19087
South Jersey Group
Robert Hammond, CFP®
Lincoln Financial
1800 Chapel Ave. West, Suite 200
Cherry Hill, NJ 08002
[email protected]
Center City, Philadelphia Area Group
Amira Adams or Richard J. Busillo, CFP®
RTD Financial Advisors
30 South 17th Street, Phila., Pa. 191033
[email protected]
[email protected]
Jenkintown Study Group
Adam Soloff
[email protected]
Schedule: Last Tuesday of July, Oct.,
Jan., & April (Noon - 1:30 PM)
Location: LuLu Country Club
1600 Limekiln Pike
North Wales, PA 19038
Education Report
The reviews were tremendous!
“Excellent and very well organized!”
“Capalbo and Donaldson were
“Capalbo was very thoughtful
and inspiring.”
“WOW!” (after Capalbo’s presentation) “Donaldson was very informative and
“Tom Donaldson was terrific and a wonderful way to
close the day.”
“He actually made ethics interesting!”
“Lou Day presented a coherent, cohesive and unusual
perspective on our industry and its future.”
“Social Security/Medicare talk very useful – now it’s
only less confusing than earlier.”
“The insurance seminar provided solid, real-life examples and provided a couple of actionable ideas.”
“Good overall review of current topics and best practices in today’s financial planning field.”
“Great opportunity to network with my colleagues and
And while you’re at it, say thanks to a great Symposium
Committee: Paul LaViola, Russ Weiss, Tom Ingram, Sam
Wurtzel and Bill Krempa.
And our favorite:
“Buy Chris Stewart numerous drinks after the symposium and thank her profusely!”
And don’t forget the Fall Retreat: Tuesday, September 18th.
We thank her and urge all members to do the same.
The Bridge the Gap program, organized by Scott Michalek,
was also a strong success. Here’s feedback from one of the
satisfied attendees. “Thanks for putting on the Bridge the
Gap conference yesterday. Each session was very enlightening. It was extremely helpful to hear the diverse opinions and insights from each of the participants. I especially
liked the discussion on how firms are structured around the
team environment to deliver advice and it’s abundantly clear
that networking is the best way to find firms that use that
model. From what I learned yesterday, I should be able to
make a more informed decision about the type of career I
want to pursue and the type of firm that has the best opportunity. Thanks to the practitioners who shared their experience
for this program.”
Coming in July: Our own Roy Diliberto providing insights
and his latest thinking. All attendees will receive a copy of
Roy’s new book. So watch your email and sign up for our
next quarterly meeting on July 19th.
Continued success,
Jeffrey Lauterbach
Whether on Wall Street or on Main Street
Succeed with a specialized M.S. in Financial Services
Corporate and financial recruiters are looking for professionals
with greater specialization and stronger quantitative, economic,
and financial modeling skills to manage today’s complex financial
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University is the logical next step toward advancing your career.
Flexible scheduling for working professionals
Two convenient campuses in Philadelphia and Collegeville
I Board-certified to satisfy CFP® education requirements
I Stand-alone CFP certificate program for MBAs
I GMAT waived for MBAs, CPAs, CFPs, and CFAs
For further information, call David Benglian at
610-660-1626 or visit sju.edu/hsb/fsp
Spirit Intellect Purpose
Erivan K. Haub School of Business
20th Annual Spring Symposium Event
What a Success!!
20th Annual Spring Symposium Event
20th Annual Spring Symposium Event
Congratulations to all of the winners of the Spring Symposium Vendor
and Evaluation Contest!
Don Taylor, Jonathan Moyer and Ed Kohlhepp, Jr. each won a $100 Visa Gift Card in the
random drawing for successfully obtaining the signatures of all 21 of our sponsors/vendors.
Nice going guys!
Bud James was the winner of a $50 Visa Gift Card in the random drawing of the returned
Evaluation Forms.
We would like to thank all of our attendees who took the time to fill out the evaluation
forms and visit with our sponsors and vendors. We value your input and we appreciate
your interaction with our sponsors/vendors; without them it would not be possible to put on
these quality programs throughout the year.
What if we could
clone you?
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your business? How about outsourcing portfolio
management and back-office administration to
the company that pioneered the industry? And how
about increasing your income by 46%* this year?
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subsidiaries. *Earnings data sourced from 2006 Moss Adams
“Financial Performance Study on Advisory Firms”.
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ride of ownership has been the guiding principle at
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Since January, 2005, we are required to report all CE credits electronically to the CFP Board of
Standards. We are having difficulty with this process because members are not providing the
necessary information.
For CFP CE Credits. We must have the last four digits of your Social Security Number.
There has also been a change in the reporting process of CE credits for the PA Department of
Insurance. Social Security Numbers are no longer accepted for reporting. Please provide your PA
Insurance License Number when applying for credit.
It is quite time-consuming for our administrator to follow-up with attendees to obtain the correct
information. Help us help you by being prepared and having this information when you are
applying for CE credits.
Prepare to join the growing financial services field as a financial planner
• Grow in your current position or plan for a
career change
• Gain satisfaction from assisting individuals
in meeting life goals
• Complete this program in 12 months
The program is registered by CFP® Board and
fulfills the education requirement for certification
recognized designation for financial planners.
The University of Delaware does not certify individuals to use the CFP® and CERTIFIED
FINANCIAL PLANNER™ marks. CFP certification is granted solely by Certified Financial
Planner Board of Standards Inc. to individuals who, in addition to completing an educational
requirement such as this CFP Board-Registered Program, have met ethics, experience and
examination requirements.
Next session
begins Sept. 25.
August 22
Newark Campus
Call for details:
302/831-2746 • [email protected]
Public Awareness
By: Joseph P. Halpin, CFP®
VP - Public Awarness
Our first meeting was held before the Quarterly Meeting at the Airport Embassy
Suites with Steve Wetzel, Bill Suplee, Dave Emery, Paul LaViola,Vince Dadamo,
and Joe Romano in attendance.
Continuing Goals for 2007:
To promote the CFP® mark as the premier credential.
To increase awareness of the FPA and our Chapter.
To promote financial literacy to a variety of groups.
To serve as a professional resource for TV and print media.
New Vice-Chairs:
Dave Emery and Bill Suplee.
Media Contacts:
If you have a media contact - please share with us so that we can create a larger media base. Send
information to me, Dave or Bill.
It will be appreciated – and will help our Chapter.
Joining the Public Awareness Committee:
Please see the advertisement on the following page in this newsletter.
Ongoing Activities:
Providing commentary to national publications through FPA National.
Promoting “Story Pitches” to local and national news media.
Seminars to local groups, schools, etc.
Other related activities, including promotion of Financial Planning Week in the Fall of 2007.
Promote and publicize the FPA-PTSA as the premier
financial planning professional organization.
Give workshops and seminars to inform the public about
the importance of financial planning.
Present story pitches for local and national print media.
Represent the FPA-PSTA on local and national TV.
Work with the Pro Bono Committee to publicize the
outreach program.
Opportunity to brand yourself as an expert in financial
______Yes, I am interested in joining the PR Committee
To obtain the agreement please fax this form to 215-295-3652
or e-mail to [email protected]
Thank you for your interest.
Joe Halpin, CFP®
Vice President - Public Awareness
Telephone: 610-431-1036
Email: [email protected]
Financial Planners Care Program
A Pro Bono Service
By: David Hoyer, CFP®
VP - Pro Bono
On Wednesday night, June 27th, Dave Hoyer, the Philadelphia Tri-State Area’s VP Pro Bono,
presented a seminar entitled “Take Control of Your Money” to 25 low and moderate income
women clients and staff of the Jewish Federation’s Jewish Employment and Vocational
Services (JEVS) division at their Walnut Street, Philadelphia office. Dave said that this program was extremely well received as the participants had their many questions answered by
Dave during his two hour presentation. Several attendees also shared their experiences with
creditors and credit bureaus and other topics discussed. Many also thanked him after the program. Additionally, each attendee received a folder prepared by Dave that included useful follow up information. JEVS also provided David Bach’s book “Smart Women Finish Rich” to
each attendee.
Dave thanks our board member and member of the Pro Bono Committee, Cathy Seeber, for
her support in attending his presentation Wednesday night.
Dave also attended the FPA National Pro Bono Forum in New Orleans on June 15th and 16th
and found the information and resources shared to be extremely useful for Wednesday night’s
event and future programs of the Pro Bono Committee. He said Pro Bono leaders from thirty
seven chapters throughout the country attended the Forum, shared project ideas and generously offered their help. Clare Stenstrom, from the Metropolitan New York Chapter, developed the power point presentation that was used Wednesday night and directed Dave to other
online resources that were incorporated into the presentation. Dave commented, “The Pro
Bono people who I met made me feel like I was joining a special close knit group of caring
people with a true desire to serve their communities. It was truly gratifying to learn that FPA
chapters, much smaller than ours, have been running several successful programs for many
years. I know that our Pro Bono Committee members will accomplish great things in the
months and years to come!”
Several FPA members have responded to Dave’s recent email that they will be attending the
Pro Bono Committee meeting on July 9th from 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm at the Airport Embassy
Suites Hotel at 9000 Bartram Avenue in Philadelphia. Others interested in attending that meeting or joining the Pro Bono Committee should either call Dave (215-321-6515) or Cathy
Seeber (215-979-1642) or email to [email protected] or [email protected].
FPA National
Insurance Benefit Program
Nothing can replace the loss of a loved one. However, carefully chosen life insurance coverage can ease the financial
stress that death brings to a family. By planning ahead, you can ensure that your beneficiaries will have the money necessary to maintain their standard of living.
Financial Planning Association's Group Term Life can be an affordable way to fulfill life insurance needs that last until
age 70. For members under age 60, the premiums increase in five year increments (i.e. age 50, 55, 60, etc).
Please log onto our website to download our five-year group term brochure to review the details. Our simplified issue
policy may be the best solution if you have health concerns. Other material and applications can be found on the FPA
Insurance Benefit Web site: www.assn-insurance.com/fpa.
For more extensive insurance needs, we offer traditional non-discounted level term, whole life, and universal life insurance. The FPA Insurance Benefit Program offers specially priced long-term care, disability, group term life, errors and
omissions, and other liability products.
Coming soon to the FPA Benefit Program: Medicare-related products.
For additional information, please e-mail us or visit our Web site.
Michael L. Crifasi, CFP®
Program Manager
EMAIL: [email protected]
Special Interest
Members Receive Discount for Online Courses
Dear FPA Chapter:
UCLA Extension would like to remind Chapters about the $50 members discount when enrolling in online courses. The
professional discount offered to FPA members includes online courses in Accounting, Human Resources Management,
Personal Financial Planning, Taxation, and Real Estate. Enclosed please find UCLA Extension’s online mini-catalog
describing this summer's offerings. The quarter begins at the end of June.
Summer 2007 Online Courses:
· Survey of Personal Financial Planning, June 27 to September 5, 2007
· Financial Analysis in Personal Financial Planning, June 27 to September 5, 2007
· Personal Financial Planning Practicum, June 27 to September 5, 2007
· Retirement Plans and Other Employee Benefits, July 4 to September 12, 2007
· Insurance in Personal Financial Planning, July 4 to September 12, 2007
· Business Ethics, July 18 to July 22, 2007
For full course descriptions visit uclaextension.edu/businessandmanagement.
Course Fees and Discount: Course fees without the discount are $525. When enrolling (via online, fax, or phone) identify
yourself as a FPA member in order to receive the professional affiliation discount. This offer cannot be combined with
other discounts.
Technical Requirements: A PC or Mac with reliable access to the Internet, with latest version of Internet Explorer or
Netscape Navigator. UCLA Extension uses Blackboard and an orientation is available at
Instructors Wanted: Are you an expert in your field? UCLA Extension invites inquiries from qualified professionals who
are interested in teaching. We also welcome your suggestions for new curricula, courses, seminars, and workshops of current interest. For more information on teaching at UCLA Extension within the disciplines of accounting, business, financial
planning, and taxation, and to obtain a new instructor application packet, please contact Michael Martinson at (310) 8251182 or via email at [email protected].
I hope this information is helpful to you and other FPA members.
Helen Williams
UCLA Extension
10995 Le Conte Ave.
Los Angeles, CA 90024
(310) 825-7729; Fax (310) 206-7878
FPA-PTSA: May Leadership Conference,
Galveston, TX.
FPA Alliance Forum President, Don Nicholson
is all smiles at the Leadership Conference.
FPA-PTSA members Rich Busillo, RTD Financial Advisors, John
Hochschwender, RTD Financial Advisors and FPA-PTSA
Treasurer with Chris Stewart, FPA-PTSA Administrator and Cathie
Straub, FPA Alaska, pose for the camera after enjoying an authentic southwestern meal. And yes, the margherita's were good too!
Are you working with a Certified Mortgage Planning
Don’t miss out on this tremendous opportunity to retain your clients’
trust and loyalty while adding significant value to your advisory relationships. The CMPS curriculum incorporates five essential skill sets related to integrating a client’s mortgage, debt and home equity strategy
into their overall financial plan:
• Financial Market and Interest Rate Analysis
• Cash Flow & Debt Analysis
• Real Estate Equity Management
• Real Estate Investment Planning
• Mortgage & Real Estate Taxation Concepts
CMPS professionals have pledged to follow a strict Code of Ethics &
Professional Responsibility. In addition, CMPS Professionals are quali®
fied to provide continuing education content to CFP practitioners.
Seminars can be conducted for individuals, companies, associations
and study groups.
Working together with your practice will create tremendous value for
one another, while comprehensively serving the needs of your clients.
Michael L. Kushner, CMPS
Certified Mortgage Planning Specialist
Direct: (877) 936-2677, x5207
Cell: (856) 332-6907
Fax: (866) 781-0512
[email protected]
The Benefits of FPA-PTSA
Membership Just Got Even Better!
Regular Advertising Rates
The Board implemented a new rate schedule for advertising in the Quarterly
Newsletter. All members receive a
50% discount
from the regular advertising rates!
Members may also place classified ads in
the Newsletter & on the FPA-PTSA website
Ad Size
Non-Member Price
50% Discount
Member Price
Full Page
1/2 Page
1/4 Page
Full Page (4X)
1/2 Page (4X)
1/4 Page (4X)
* For more information about advertising, please contact
Chris Stewart at [email protected] or (215) 295-0729.
Please let us know if you are in need of an
intern, or if you know any interns who
would like to work in the financial services
industry. FPA-PTSA is pleased to post any
notices free of charge. Please email:
[email protected]
Welcome New Members
Wayne A. Robinson - Wayne A. Robinson
Kerry J. Hemperly - Washington Mutual
Michael S. Brady - LPL Financial Services
Harry L. Slifer, Jr. - US Mortgage Lender
Peter R. Wechsler - Franklin Retirement Solutions
Donald T. Marchesiello - Lockwood Advisors, Inc
Deborah C. Garber - WSFS Bank - Wilmington Advisors
William S. McKinnon, CFP® - Rockwood Financial Group
Bryant A. Boohar - Granite Capital Advisors, Inc.
Sean P. McCarthy - The Flynn Company
Lauren G. Middleton - Mercer Advisors
Jeffrey S. Garber - First Intercoastal Mortgage, LLC
Jay L. Guyer, CFP® - Omega Bank
Brett T. Straub, CFP®, CLU - DFVG Advisors, LLC
Linda N. Kahley - The Bryn Mawr Trust Company
Matthew W. Welsh, CFP® - United States Trust Company
Louis J. Kramarski, CFP® - MetLife
Walter J. Mack Jr. - Janney Montgomery Scott LLC
Amy C. Abromaitis, CFP®
Thomas Stanoch - University of Delaware
Daniel E. Butler, CFP® - Raymond James Financial Services, Inc
Benjamin A. Fenicle, CFP® - PNC Wealth Management
Marie B. Nasevich, CFP®
Classified Ads
All Classified Ad postings are free to
members of FPA-PTSA. Let us know if
we can help you advertise.
Send an email to:
[email protected]
Paul Eisenhardt, CIMA, QPA, QKA
State Street Global Advisors (SSGA)
One Lincoln Street, 30th Fl.
Boston, MA 02111
[email protected]
Timothy Driscoll
Goldman Sachs Asset Management
4900 Sears Tower
Chicago, IL 60606
[email protected]
Emily Lesnick
The Philadelphia Foundation
1234 Market Street, Suite 1800
Philadelphia, PA 19107
[email protected]
Thomas Intoccia
Schwab Institutional
100 Matsonford Road
Bldg. 2, Suite 210
Radnor, PA 19087
[email protected]
Stephen Pfau
Morgan Stanley
One Tower Bridge
West Conshohocken, PA 19428
[email protected]
Peter Dugery
Morningstar Managed Portfolios
53 Meadows Lane
Haverford, PA 19041
[email protected]
Geoffrey Haefner, CFP®
Principal Funds
220 Warren Court
Exton, PA 19341
[email protected]
Michael Joseph
VP Planned Giving Consultant
Fidelity Charitable Services
Mid-Atlantic Region
[email protected]
Jill M. McCullough
Turner Investment Partners
1205 Westlakes Drive
Suite 100
Berwyn, PA 19312
fax: 610.786.0822
[email protected]
Mike Ptaszenski
SEI Inc.
1 Freedom Valley Drive
Oaks, PA 19456
[email protected]
Brett Rubler
Phoenix Investment Partners
146 Calderwood Lane
Mt. Laurel, NJ 08054
[email protected]
Andy Wang
Director of Financial Marketing Programs
3545 Long Beach Blvd
Long Beach CA 90807
562-988-1688 x571
fax: 562-988-1886
[email protected]
Carl Gargula
William Blair & Company
222 West Adams Street
Chicago, IL 60606
[email protected]
Clarke Welch, Regional VP
Trust Company of America
7103 S. Revere Parkway
Centennial, CO 80112
800-955-0245 Ext. 6217
direct: 303-329-6706
[email protected]
Pat Mandola
CFG/H. Beck
11140 Rockville Pike, 4th Floor
Rockville, MD 20852
Office: 800-333-6884
Cell: 240-205-6949
[email protected]
Aaron Guidotti
Big Brain Works
140 West Gay St, Suite 300
West Chester, PA 19380
[email protected]
Thomas Bowen
First Eagle Funds
1345 Avenue of the Americas
43rd Floor
New York, NY 10105-4300
[email protected]
Deborah R. Streeter-Davitt
ING Annuities Business Development
1475 Dunwoody Drive
West Chester, PA 19380
800-325-3792 ext. 4132
[email protected]
Ron M. Pucillo
Cohen & Steers, Inc.
280 Park Avenue
10th Floor
New York, NY 10017
[email protected]
Ernie Anderson
Vice President, Institutional Sales
TD Ameritrade
3 PPG Place, Suite 100
Pittsburgh, PA 15222
1-800-934-6124 Ext. 62064
[email protected]