Heights Headlines - Newport Mesa Unified School District
Heights Headlines - Newport Mesa Unified School District
Heights Headlines Week of March 7, 2005 Principal's News On February 2nd, Newport Heights Elementary School participated in a Coordinated Compliance Review (CCR). Every four years, the State Department of Education conducts a CCR in a school district to assure that all mandated programs and regulations are properly administered. In between the state CCRs, the District conducts local Coordinated Compliance Reviews of our schools every three years on a rotational basis. The 2004-2005 school year was the time for our school to have a District CCR. Newport Heights Elementary School was found to be 100% compliant in all areas! This is a huge statement to be able to make as there are literally hundreds of areas under review. The CCR visitors noted that our staff works exceptionally well as a team. They commented that there is excellent evidence of grade level and school planning at Newport Heights. CONGRATULATIONS to the staff on a very successful Coordinated Compliance Review! On February 10th, several teachers from Newport Heights were recognized at the NewportMesa Schools Foundation Grants and Teacher of the Year Dinner. CONGRATULATIONS to Ms. Amy Hocker, first grade teacher, who was selected as Teacher of the Year from our school! This high recognition is well deserved and calls attention to the exceptional qualifications, excellent teaching, and professional contributions Ms. Hocker makes to Newport Heights! The following teachers wrote grants that were funded by the Newport-Mesa Schools Foundation: Marc Africano, Bob Kelly, Adrienne Urban (6TH) “The Right Tools for the Job!” $3284. Smart Board and Projector Tara Anderson (5TH) “Worth 1,000 Words!” $4400. 3 Computers, 3 Digital Cameras Dawn Baird/Kari Holdner (K) “Adventures Through Reading” $778. Accelerated Reader Books John Daffron (3rd) “Accelerate Your Reading” $2504. Accelerated Reader Quizzes Gabriel Del Real (Resource Teacher) “Take Me to the Library” $4956. Accelerated Reader Books and Quizzes Jocelyn Downing (K) “Pedal Power” $1000. 8 New Tricycles Brian Gibson (PE) “Every Step Counts” $1900. Pedometers Karl Kimme (5th) “Publishing with Pride” $4683. 2 Computers, 10 Alpha Smart Keyboards Adrienne Urban (6th) “Reading and Writing to New Heights!” $4869. 4 Computers and a Laser Printer Total: $28,374. Our students will benefit directly because of the extra time and effort these teachers spent in writing the grant proposals. To have so many teachers selected from the same school in our District is very exceptional! CONGRATULATIONS! Kurt Suhr Principal Newport Heights School 300 E 15th St Newport Beach, Ca 92663 School Line (949) 515-6970 Attendance Line (949) 515-6872 Principal line (949) 515-6870 Office Staff info: Principal Kurt Suhr Admin Assist Jacque Galitski School Assist TOSA Gabriel Del Real Nurse Fran Brock Health Assistant Christy King Counselor Heidi Quirk Si Habla Solimente Espanol? Para interpretacion, llame Terry Torres el numero 548-4363. Muchas Gracias y pase Feliz Ano Nuevo. NEWS FROM THE P.T.A. PRESIDENT I hope you all had a restful President's Recess and you are ready to conquer the month of March. Just when I thought we (our school) just might have a calm, normal month, I realize we have a full calendar for March. Is this what they call "the luck of the Irish"? After school programs will begin it’s 3rd and final session of enrichment classes for students after school......Don't forget to get out those walking shoes and skip your way to school on March 9........Our PTA meeting will be March 9 at 6:30pm in the MPR; we will be presenting and electing the officers for the 2005-06 school year......another Conference Week during the week of March 14........and, SCIENCE, SCIENCE, SCIENCE!!!! The Science Fair is Thursday, March 24 from 6:30-8pm in the MPR. Congratulations to all the participants in the Talent Show......not only was the show incredibly directed by Kathy Escher and Michele Gray, we had a wonderful showing of support from community. I have never seen such capacity in the MPR. Many, many thanks to all the parents and volunteers who continue to give the endless hours of support to our school and community. Newport Heights School rocks!! Terry Torres GRANDPARENT’S/SPECIAL PERSON DAY Save the date: Friday, March 25th at 10:00 a.m. for Grandparents/Special Person Day. Look for more information to come soon. LOST AND FOUND Items placed in the Lost & Found will soon be donated to a local charity. Please check it if you are missing any personal items. The Lost & Found is located outside the MPR next to the cafeteria. MARCH P.T.A. MEETING Mark your calendars for the next PTA meeting to be held March 9 at 6:30pm in the MPR. Your voices and input are important to the PTA membership. FREE childcare is available. TALENT SHOW Thank you to everyone who made this years Talent Show a great success. All the kids did a great job and the audience seemed to really enjoy them. Thank you to all the volunteers, we couldn't do it without you. If you have any pictures, please bring them to the office to be put in the year book. Thanks again, Michelle Gray and Kathy Escher ART FAIR There will be an Art Fair meeting on Thursday March 10th, in the MPR right after school. This will be a brief meeting to sign up for a variety of jobs (big and small) for this fun family event. If you can't make this meeting please contact Michelle gray 722-7218 or Elizabeth Peckenpaugh 642-4640 for more information. ONE CHILD CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE Notice anything different about the Cafeteria menu? Ground turkey taco’s? Vegetarian Health Sandwich? A big hand goes to Carly Watson who decided to take matters into her own hands. Tired of hearing the kids complain, Carly Watson, a sixth grader in Mr. Kelly’s class, presented the principal with a letter/petition signed by all the 6th Graders requesting changes to the cafeteria menu. Mr. Surh congratulated Carly for taking the initiative to “get things done” and forwarded her letter to NMUSD Campus Catering. On January 6, 2005, Dale Ellis, NMUSD Nutritionist met with Carly and Mr. Suhr. Together they agreed to implement some of Carly’s ideas for a healthier cafeteria menu. Ms. Ellis has chosen to test pilot Newport Heights Elementary School for some nutritional substitutes in the cafeteria. The Galaxy Cheese pizza has been replaced with Papa John’s, the Veggie Health Sandwich will be served more frequently. In addition, a kid-friendly “bar” where students can serve themselves buffet style will be introduced to better accommodate the lunch rush hour. Our school menu currently meets all government-imposed nutrition and calorific requirements. The new menu will introduce a few more healthy options to alleviate parent s’ concerns about their children getting the right amount of nutrition during the day. It’s very exciting that our Newport Heights is making waves for a future of better nutrition for our children, and one less headache for parents. Congratulations Carly Watson - you are an inspiration - you made a difference. A huge thanks goes to Dale Ellis and all the cafeteria staff for their contribution towards a healthier school day. SCIENCE FAIR The Newport Heights 2005 Science Fair is fast approaching!! There is only one contract due on March 15th. Science Projects are for grades 4-6. The Science Fair is set for Thursday, March 24 in the M.P.R., 6:30-8pm. Mark your calendars to come and explore the fascinating science experiments the Newport Heights' students have created. Any questions regarding experiment set up in the M.P.R., please call Gabrielle Alexander at 642-2506. Weekly Publication is provided by the Newport Heights P.T.A. No Duplication of this Publication is permitted without consent from the P.T.A. All articles are due Tuesday at 12:00 noon for the following week’s publication. Please submit all articles to Carrie Stephens at [email protected]. Don't forget to buy your tickets to this years event. Kim Miller & Co. will be selling tickets on campus leading up to the 19th or please mail in your invite indicating that you are going to attend. You may pay by credit card. Points! Remember it starts early this year at 5:00 pm with our hosted Boot Hill Bubbly to get things in gear. This is a wonderful event for the benefit of our school and the students. If you have not been to one of the Galas in the past then you have missed out on a great night of fun. A lot of effort has been put into this years event by our Gala committee. Half the fun is seeing all the goodies and how wonderful the ballroom is decorated differently each year by the committee. Also, where else can you hear one of our own teachers ( Mr. Daffron) sing in key all night! See you all at the Heights Corral! News from the Classrooms KINDERGARTEN March is a busy month for Kindergarten. We have already celebrated Dr. Suess’s birthday and Read Across America Day by wearing our P.J.’s to school & cooking Green Eggs and Ham. Our letters this month are K, Qu, I. We are all looking forward to conferences to discuss all of our K students progress. They have all worked very hard. St. Patrick’s Day is always fun, the leprechauns seem to mess up our rooms every year. We also have a Traveling Naturalist coming to teach us all about Mammals. FIRST GRADE The first grades began the month of March by celebrating Dr. Suess's birthday and National Read Across America Day on March 2nd. This a great day to celebrate reading in our pajamas! We will also be learning about St. Patrick's Day. As spring begins on March 20 we will be learning about plants and the changes that spring brings. On March 14th we will walk to the Environmental Nature Center to learn about "Ecosystem Extravaganza". In math we will be learning about strategies to use while adding and subtracting numbers to 20. We will be assessing the first graders in math and reading for the second grading period and Parent Conferences. SECOND GRADE The children are exited about their Flat Stanleys returning home. Everyone has shown great improvement with their reading. Keep up the good work! Please watch your children's folders for conference times. We are looking forward to seeing all of the parents! THIRD GRADE Everyone had a relaxing vacation but it is also good to be back. The entire third grade showed tremendous improvements on the Houghton Mifflin Summative Language Arts Tests. It is fun and inspiring to see how much the students grow. The students were excited about the Olympics. Mr. Barney represented Ireland, Miss Rosen represented Holland, Mr. Daffron represented Indonesia, and Mr. Richards represented Mexico. FOURTH GRADE On March 22nd, 4th grade is taking a field trip to the San Juan Capistrano Mission. In mid-March we will begin our third rotation. In our rotations, Mrs. Eastman's students will be learning about the Gold Rush, Miss Bisceglia's students will be writing and presenting a book report and Mrs. Dixon's students will be studying rocks and minerals. We are also very excited about our family mission building day on Friday, April 1st. FIFTH GRADE In fifth grade we are finishing up adding and subtracting fractions and beginning to learn about multiplying fractions. We have also recently finished a PowerPoint project on Colonization. We will continues exploring the birth of our nation and colonization through a variety of videos and hands-one experiences. Finally, with conferences coming up, we are preparing report cards and a variety other reports to show growth and set goals for the last grading period. SIXTH GRADE March is a special time for sixth graders. They may not realize it, but it’s actually the last official parentteacher conference of their educational careers! Spring is here and before they know it they are off to junior high! This month we are getting into the heart of D.A.R.E. We are also exploring the fascinating world of Ancient China. Our goal is to stay focused and end the last trimester on top! March/April 2005 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 6 7 After school programs end, Session II 8 9 P.T.A meeting 9:30am , MPR 10 11 12 13 14 Conference week Minimum day Science Contract #4 due 21 Session III After School Programs begin Science Projects Due 28 15 Conference week Minimum day 16 No School 17 Conference week Minimum day 18 Conference week Minimum day 19 22 Science Lunch Lab 23 24 Science Fair MPR 6:00pm grades 4-6 25 26 29 30 31 1 2 4 Spring Recess No School 5 Spring Recess No School 6 Spring Recess No School 7 Spring Recess No School 8 Spring Recess No School 9 20 27 3 Newport Height’s PTA PRESIDENT TERRY TORRES [email protected] 949-548-4363 / 949-280-8025 READING & WRITING JULIE CLAYTON [email protected] 949-574-2082 HISTORIAN DANA COOK [email protected] 949-722-6676 WAYS & MEANS KRIS HIGMAN [email protected] 949-646-7162 BETH ZEHNDER [email protected] 949-645-4662 ARTS MICHELLE GRAY [email protected] 949-722-7218 DANA COOK [email protected] 949-722-6676 PARLIAMENTARIAN DENISE CHANDLER MEMBERSHIP KATHY SHAW [email protected] 949-642-6845 ENRICHMENT PROGRAMS GAIL STANDT [email protected] 949-722-7019 PROGRAMS WENDY THOMPSON [email protected] 949-631-7783 DONNA WHELAN [email protected] 949-645-0733 TREASURER TERRI SHEA [email protected] 949-631-5591 HOSPITALITY KATHY SHARP [email protected] 949-645-9029 KIM MILLER [email protected] 949-646-6466 FINANCIAL SECRETARY JULIE CONWAY [email protected] 949-631-4868 [email protected] 949-548-5443 n At: Get More Informatio ool.com newportheightssch Auditor Masako Popick [email protected] 949-722-8176 COMMUNICATIONS CARRIE STEPHENS [email protected] 949-645-7421 RECORDING SECRETARY MELISSA ARNOLD [email protected] 949-645-3287 SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY GABRIELLE ALEXANDER [email protected] 949-642-2567 CORRESPONDING SECRETARY AMY HOCKER [email protected] 949-515-6970 every child. one voice.