Marine Engineering Progress in 1996


Marine Engineering Progress in 1996
Marine Engineering Progress in 1996
This report gives a summary of the major developments achieved in marine engineering technology in Japan and
abroad in 1996, prepared by the Editors Committee of MESJ based on the manuscripts written by the chairmen and
members of the research committees.
Each section gives an objective summary of researches, indicates the data showing the present technical level and
improvements in production and performance of marine equipments, and introduces new products worthy of special
In writing these articles, the authors specially intended to make only a very brief statement conceming advances in
the field of fundamental engineering, to make reference as much as possible to the previously published journals of the
related societies for research papers and technical informations, and to restrict the introduction of individual products
and achievements only to the most representative ones.
The authors express their deep gratitude to the companies for providing them with informations required in
compiling this summary.
1. General, 2. Diesel Engines, 3. Steam Turbines, 4. Gas Turbines and Turbochargers, 5. Boilers, 6. Shafting
System, 7. Auxiliary Machinery and Outfitting works, 8. Deck Machinery, 9. Fuels and Lubricating Oils, 10. Nuclear
Ships, 11. Automatic Contro1, 12. Electronics Techno1ogy, 13. Electrical Equipment and System, 14. Ocean
Engineering Machnery and Offshore Structures
1.1 Trend
From the middle of 1996 depreciation of Japanese
yen made mind of people concerned with marine
indus-try in Japan to be slightly relieved. But
competition on each project is still so hard that all
participants are always fighting to cut their costs down
to minimum.
Meanwhile policy of "Safety of life at sea" and
"Preservation of the marine environment" is globally
promoted in the marine field. The market still claims the
energy efficient vessel and automatically operated vessel
but the market also makes more important for the vessel
to be "clean and safe" than any other policies. In our
societies the study for reduction of the exhaust gas
emission has been the main topics in the last two-three
years. These circumstances of technical development in
conjunction with global & regional regulation should be
positively acknowledged for evolution of quality of the
1.2 New building Results1)
The self-propelled ships of 100 gross tonnage (GT)
or above (excluding wooden ships) built in the world in
1996 are l,450 ships in number and about 24,187,000
GT in total. The number of ships increased by about
15% and GT increased by about 19% compared with those in 1995. The average GT per ship
increased by about 3% compared with those in 1995.
Japan ranked first in the world with both 564 ships
and about 10,049,000 GT and the ratio of Japanese new
building results in the world accounts for about 39% in
the number of ships and about 42% in GT. Korea ranked
second with both 157 ships and about 6,680,000 GT.
The ratio of both Japanese and Korean new building
results in the world accounts for 50% in the number of
ships and 69% in GT. The third and fol1owing ranks
were Germany, China, Italy, Taiwan, Poland and Spain.
1.3 New buildings by Kind1)
In new buildings by kind of 100 GT or above in the
world in 1996 (excluding wooden ships), bulk carries
were about 8,494,000 GT which accounts for about 35%
of the total GT. Oil tankers were about 4,362,000 GT
which accounts for about 18% of the total GT. The main
feature is container ships built about 6,023,000 GT
which accounts for about 25% of the total GT.
Liquefied gas carrier were about 4.0%, general cargo
ships were 3.6%, chemical ships were 2.8% of the total
1.4 Order Results2)
The order results in Japan in 1996 was 401 ships
Bu1letin of the M.E.S.J., Vo1. 25, No.2
Annual Review
and 10,637,000 GT on the Ministry of Transport
ship-building permission base (ships of 2,500 GT or
above or of 90m or above in length). The results
account for 115% in the numberof ships and 105% in
GTcompared with the results in 1995. Domestic ships
decreased by about 67% resulting in 250,000 GT, and
exported ships increased by about 10% resulting in
10,387,000 GT, compared with those in 1995.
Breakdown by kind of ships shows that cargo ships
increased by 3% resu1ting in 8,209,000 GT and oil
tankers increased by 10% resulting in 2,343,000 GT.
1.5 Topics
1.5.1 L.P.G. ship
( 1 ) The 39,270 cubic meter multipurpose L.P.G. ship
( 1 ) The 39,270 cubic meter multipurpose L.P.G.
ship "ANTWERPEN VENTURE" was completed
and delivered to Cedonia Shipping Ltd. In
November 1996 at Ariake Shipyard of Hitachi
Zosen Corporation. The vessel is fully refrigerated
L.P.G. ship and has three independent prismatic
cargo tanks which are allowed to load L.P.G.
(propane, butane), anhydrous ammonia, VCM,
propylene, Butylenes, Butadiene.
The vessel is directly propelled by one set of
two-stroke cycle slow speed diesel engine.
(2) The 84,269 cubic meter L.P.G. ship "FLANDERS
TENACITY" was completed and delivered to
United Power Shipping Ltd. In May 1996 at
Sakaide Shipyard in Kawasaki Heavy Industries
Co., Ltd. This ship is fully refrigerated L.P.G. ship
which is one of the biggest size LPG ships in these
days. The cargo containment is four independent
prismatic tanks which are allowed to load propane,
butane, anhydrous ammonia.
The main propulsion is one set of two-stroke cycle
slow speed diesel engine.
1.5.2 RO-RO ship
The RO-RO ship "CELESTINE" was completed and
delivered to Oceanarrow Ltd. In October 1996 at
Sakaide Shipyard in Kawasaki Heavy Industries Co.,Ltd.
This ship consists of three rows of trailer deck and three
rows of car deck on which 156 trailers and 654 cars are
available on board respectively.
The ships equips twin main engines, twin
contro1-lable pitch propellers, twin rudders and two sets
of bow thrusters to achieve high maneuverability.
1.5.3 High speed ferry
(1) Two high speed large ferries, "SUZURAN" and
and "SUISEN", for Shin Nihonkai Ferry Co., Ltd.
were completed and simultaneously delivered in
May 1996 at Aioi Shipyard of Ishikawajima
October 1997
Heavy Industries Co., Ltd. These ships attained
31.3 knots during sea trial which is the highest
speed for mono-hull type large & 1ong distance
ferries in the world. They are placed in service on
the Turuga-Otaru route to trave1 550 miles a day
with carrying 507 passengers and 13012 m -trailers.
The main propulsion is twin controllable pitch
propellers driven by two sets of medium speed
main diesel engine specially developed for this
application to produce 23,800 kw by each.
(2) The high speed ferry, "UNICORN", for Higashi
Nippon Ferry Co., Ltd. was launched in January
1997 at Shimonoseki Shipyard of Mitsubishi Heavy
Industries Co., Ltd. the ship is designed to cruise
at 35 knots in normal services and expected to
mark over 40 knots at maximum speed which will
be the highest speed for mono-hull type large
ferries. The ship will be put into shuttle service of
about 155 km distance between Aomori and
Hakodate within 2 hours with carrying 423 passengers and 106 cars.
The main propulsion is four sets of water jet
respectively driven by the one set of the high speed
diesel engine.
(3) Ishikawajima Harima Heavy Industries Co., Ltd.
announced to win an order of the high speed ferry
from Kumamoto Ferry Co., which is firstly applied their original SSTH (Super Slender Twin
Hull) concept to the car ferry. The ship will be
expected to reduce cruising time by half of existing one hour between Kumamoto and Shimabara.
The ship will carry 430 passengers and 51 cars in
speed of 30 knots.
1.5.4 Autonomous underwater vehicle
The Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (AUV) "R-l
ROBOT" was jointly developed by University of Tokyo
and Mitsui Engineering & Shipbuilding Co.,Ltd. The
autonomous trial was successfu1ly carried out in August
1996 to travel underwater about 20 km distance off
Wakayama coast.
The vehicle is powered by the CCDE (C1osed
Cycle Diesel Engine) system which is specially
devel-oped for the vehicle's main propulsive drive. This
vehicle can be widely utilized for underwater
1.5.5 Special type ice breaking vessel in the floe
"GARINKO-GO 2" was completed and delivered to
Okhotsk Kankou Kisen in February 1997 at Yamanishi
Shipyard co1-laborated with Mitsui Engineering &
Shipbuilding Co.,
( 19)
Marine Engineering Progress in 1996
Ltd. This ship efficiently progresses on the floe by a pair
of special ice breaking rotor with Archimedian screw
which are driven by the hydraulic motor powered by the
high speed diesel engine.
1.5.6 Others
( 1) The Marine Engineering Society in Japan (MESJ)
celebrated the 30th anniversary. The main events
were Ceremony, Special talks, Special issue of 30
years history and Special issue of the summary of
indexes of ten-years of Journal of the Marine
Engineering in Japan.
(2) The international marine exhibition ("SEA JAPAN '96") was held in Japan in March 1996. 394
companies and l organization from tota1 27
coun-tries exhibited and successfully let more than
50,000 visitors enjoyed.
(3) The Society of Naval Architects of Japan selected
and commended the super high speed ship Techno
Super Liner (TSL) "HISHO", built by Mitsubishi
Heavy Industries, Co., Ltd. and Mitsui
Engineer-ing & Shipbuilding Co., Ltd. as "Ship of
the year '95".
1) Lloyd's Register of Shipping, Annual Summary
of Merchant Ships completed 1996.
2) Maritime Technology and Safety Bureau, Ministry of Transport, Annual summary of the Issue of
Ship Construction Permits 1996.
2. Diesel Engines
2.1 Trend in the World
According to the Annual Analysis by the
maga-zine The Motor Ship (Issue of July, 1996), the
ship-building output in the world in 1995 is 884 in
number,and increased by 106 compared with 778 ships
in the previous year, i.e., by about 14%.
The shipbuilding output is also increased from
2,829 KDWT to 3,450 KDWT by 22%. Japan produced
over 40% of the world total both in the number of ships
and the output. (Tables 2.1- 1 to 2.1-4).
Tab1es 2.1-5 and 6 show the annual transition
from 1991 to 1995 according to the magazine, and the
Bulletin of the M.E.S.J., Vo1. 25, No.2
Annual Review
predominance of Japan and Korea is not changed for
these 5 years, overwhelmingly occupying 74% of the
world production. In the third and subsequent positions,
Germany, China, Denmark, etc. are competing,
October 1997
and more than 80% of the rest of the world production is
shared by the Asian area including China, Taiwan,and
In particular, Korea recorded about 50% ship(2 1 )
Marine Engineering Progress in 1996
building output of Japan in 1994, but in 1995, Korea
recorded about 68% that of Japan, which shows the rapid
increase. The number of the newly built ships in the world
has been increasing for these several years. The trend is
analyzed to be attributable to the effect of renewal of old
tankers and the OECD effect, which is unexpectedly large.
From the aspect of the engine manufacturing as shown
in Tables 2.1-3 ~ 2.1-5, the low-speed engines were greatly
increased from 5314 MW in 1994 to 7320 MW, and the
total manufacture of the large diesel engines for marine use
in the world was increased from 6632 MW to 8952 MW. In
the production in terms of the output, 80% of the world total
were manufactured by MAN B&W and Su1zer, and 96% of
the world total production were manufactured by the top
five companies including Mitsubishi, Wartsila, and Mak. In
the medium speed engine, Su1zer keeps the highest rank,
but Wartsila, Mak, MAN B & W are moving up and the
difference becomes smaller. However, the newly built ships
are oriented to the engines of larger output and lower speed,
and the medium-speed engine is forced to the severe
competition. Mitsubishi, Hanshin Diesel Works, Akasaka
Diesels, Daihatsu Diesel, Yanmar Diesel Engines, Makita
Corporation, Niigata Engi-neering are listed up as the
manufacturers in Japan.
Bulletin of the M.E.S.J., Vol. 25, No.2
Annual Review
2.2 Domestic Trend by Statistics of Nippon Kaiji
According to the statistics by Nippon Kaiji Kyokai,
365 newly-built ships were registered with NK class in
1996, showing the same level as 363 ships in 1995.
The number of the newly-built ships registered with
NK class has been increased since in 1992 at the annual
rate of increase of 10% or more, but the number in 1996
shows that the increase is settled for the time being.
The total horse power of the diesel engine of
2-strokes and 4-strokes installed on these newly-built
ships was 2,828,591 PS compared with 3,287,108 PS in
1995, showing the drop of about 14%. The trend was
largely attributable to the fact that no larger engines over
40,000 PS were installed while the output of the
low-speed 2-cycle engines has been increased.
reduction of the harmful exhaust gas is recognized.
Examples of change in the NOx concentration and
particulate discharge ratio when the water addition
ratio and the engine load factor are changed are
illustrated in Fig. 2.3-l and Fig. 2.3-2.
The water emulsion fuel was applied to a generator
engine on board a real ship based on the joint study
with Institute for Sea Training of the Ministry of
Transport, and the studies on various operational
problems are started.
(2) A study on change in NOx generation ratio by the
fluctuation of engine loads
In order to understand the effect on the NOx
generation ratio associated with the fluctuation of
2.3 Studies at Ship Research Institute
Emission control from ships by IMO will be
sched-uled to come into force in 2000, and it is urgently
requested to establish the measures to reduce the
quan-tity of the air po11utant including NOx and SOx.
The Engine Power Department of Ship Research
Institute has been challenging the study on the
evaluation of the harmful exhaust gas to be discharged
from the marine engines and its control method, and the
following studies were made in 1996.
(1) A study on water emulsion fuel operation
In order to understand the problems associated with
the use of the water emulsion fuel which is
expected as the future NOx reducing method, the
NOx concentration in the exhaust gas and the ratio
of generation of particulates by changing the
com-bination of the engine load factor, the kind
of fuel oil, and the water addition ratio making use
of the 4-strokes diesel engine for the experiment.
As a result, the necessity to establish the water
addition ratio of the water emulsion fuel according
to the operational condition such as the engine load
factor from the viewpoint of the comprehensive
October 1997
(23 )
Marine Engineering Progress in 1996
the sea states in the operational condition of the
ships, the operational data of the engines and the
composition of the prescribed exhaust gas to
vari-ous fluctuation of the shaft torque were
continu-ously measured making common use of the
test engine and the load fluctuating device. As a
result, the change in the NOx generation ratio due
to the fluctuation of the shaft torque was checked,
and it is considered that the NOx generation ratio in
the periodical load fluctuation is equivalent to that
in the static load condition corresponding on the
(3) A study on evaluation of harmful exhaust gas from
ships and examination on the trend
Examination on the trend related to the secular
change on the amount of NOx discharged from
ships was continued based on the joint study with
the Maritime Safety Agency, and the study on the
difference of the NOx discharge ratio between the
engines on the shore and that from the marine
engines on the sea was started based on the joint
study with Institute for Sea Training.
2.4 Development and Production by Domestic
2.4.1 Akasaka Diesels Limited
( 1 ) New model developed in 1996
Development of Low-NOx Engine:
A marine engine to satisfy the first draft
regula-tions on the nitrogen oxide (NOx) to be
discharged from ships which are now discussed at
IMO (Inter-national Maritime Organization) was
developed, and delivered in December, 1996.
This engine is originally the E28BFD Engine, and
its fuel injection system and fuel system were
improved so that the NOx emission was below the
regulated value, and was employed on board as the
main engine for the fisheries training ship prior to
the implementation of the regulations.
Fig. 2.4.1-1 shows the general view of the engine,
and Table 2.4.1-1 shows the main particulars of the
Differences between this engine and the
conven-tional type engine include the specifications
of the
Bulletin of the M.E.S.J.,Vol.25,No2
Annual Review
fuel injection valve nozzle, the fuel cam profi1e,the
compression ratio, and the specifications of the tu
Fig. 2.4.1-2 shows the results of NOx
measure-ment. The NOx emission is 9.83 g/kwh for
this engine while it is 13.26 g/kwh for the regulated
value (draft), realizing the emission below the
regulated value (draft).
(2) Engines manufactured in 1996
2.4.3 Daihatsu Diesel Mfg. Co., Ltd.
(1) New model developed in 1996
[1] Development of 6DK-26 Diesel Engine
DK-26 is the intermediate model of DK-28, and the
third model of the DK series which were developed
and marketed this year. It was developed with the
development concept of "Friendly to human and
earth", aiming at the design targets of l) reliability
and durability, 2) reduction of maintenance cost, 3)
countermeasures for problems of global
environment, 4) economy, and 5) weight reduction
and miniaturization.
Table 2.4.3-1 shows the main particulars, and
Fig.2.4.3-1 shows the photo of the general view
re-spectively, and this engine presents the
economical engine speed and the output not only
for the marine generator engines but also for the
main engines for ferries, pushers, and tug boats, and
in addition, for general cargo boats.
The engine is designed in accordance with the
consider-ation the application, and has the
sufficient strength and durability. The air-intake
pipe, the LO main pipe, the cooling water main
pipe, etc. are inte-grated with the frame structure,
realizing the silent engine with smal1 vibration and
noise level. The crank shaft is of RR-forged high
grade carbon steel, and the overhaul-free operation
for a long time is enabled through the combination
with the reliable aluminum metal. The cylinder
head is made of compacted vermicular graphite cast
which is high in the mechanical strength and
excellent in the heat transfer to realize a structure of
excellent cooling efficiency, and firmly tightened by
four head bolts by a hydraulic too1. The connecting
rod is of the structure which is horizon-tally split
into 3 parts, and capable of securing the reliability
and easy in maintenance.
The fuel injection system is constantly capable of
150 MPa service pressure by emp1oying the fuel
injection pump which is of the tappet roller type to
realize the fuel injection in a short time, and of the
plunger barrel of c1osed type, and the optimum
injection characteristic is kept by the appropriate
FO cam shape, and the excellent atomizing
condi-tion can be obtained. The turbocharger of
cooling-free and highly efficient radial type is
employed, and the exhaust gas energy is effectively
collected by matching the exhaust pipe system
consisting one pipe with the compressor of high
pressure ratio. The conflicting conditions of low
fuel consumption and low NOx can be satisfied by
the injection system and the air intake and exhaust
system. As a matter of course, the NOx emission
ratio passes the regulated value of 9.4 g/kw·h by the
IMO (International Maritime Organization).
[2] A series of generator diesel engines through increase of cylinder number
The 6-cylinder generator diesel engines for marine
use have been extensively employed, and the out-
(25 )
Marine Engineering Progress in 1996
put range has been increased by the cylinder bore.
However, from the viewpoint of the regulation and
energy saving of the exhaust gas, it takes time and cost
to develop one model. In order to increase the output by
the same cylinder bore, the output range is increased by
increasing the number of cylinders, without being
limited to the 6-cylinder engine. Daihatsu has been
increasing the cylinder number and presented the
engines of DK-20 series by adding 8-cylinder and
5-cylinder engines to the engine of 6DK-20. The output
range from 400 kw /720 min^-1 to 1100 kw/900mm^-1
can be covered by the same cylinder bore of 200 mmΦ).
The manufacturer can promote his standardization by
the same cylinder bore system, and the ship owners can
perform the unilateral control of the maintenance and
parts stock, resuIting in a large number of advantages
together with large economic effect. The 3-cylinder
engine is added to the series so as to expand the output
range up to 350 kW/900 min^-1 and development was
started targeting the product on the market by 1997.
Though there are some issues to be so1ved in reducing
the cylinder number, such as the vibration, the vibration
damping techno1ogy and the vibro-isolating support
tech-no1ogy can be realized by the vibration analysis
together with the experiences of the 5-cylinder engines.
The details will be announced at the first
[3] Engine system of observation ship "MIRAI" (exMUTSU)"
"MIRAI" of Marine Science and Technology
Cen-ter is referred to as the mobile floating
laboratory. The total shop test of the main engine
and the generator diesel engine for "MIRAI" was
carried out in February, 1996, and the engines were
deliv-ered. The engine system of the ship consists
of the main engine plant to drive the contro1lable
pitch propeller which is of 4-engine and 2-shaft
system,and whose totaI output is 7352 kW ( 1838
kW/720 min^-1 × 4), 2 sets of main generator
diesel engines and one set of auxiliary generator
diesel engine. In addition, the main engine is
provided with a shaft generator (880 kW × 2) on the
starboard and port side respectively, and tota1 five
generators, i.e., 2 sets of main generator diesel
engines ( 1760 kW × 2), 1 set of auxiliary generator
diesel engine (880 kW), and the shaft generators,
are available with the total output of the generators
of 6160 kW. They are all capable of the parallel
operation and other operations of various pattern
according to the operational condition of the main
engine and the power loads.
Because the ship is an oceanographic observation
ship, a large number of sonars and special
instru-ments are on board, and the ship is designed
Bulletin of the M.E.S.J., Vo1. 25, No.2
Annual Review
paying special attention to the vibration and noise
contro1. The main engine and the generator
en-gines are of the independent horizontal double
vibro-isolating system, and the reduction gear is
also of the horizontal vibro-isolating system to
suppress transmission of the vibration and noise to
the hul1 structure as much as possible. The
vibro-isolating unit is made of conical
vibro-isolating rubber, and the frequency of
resonance can be designed low through the double
vibro-isolating system though the spring constant is
higher com-pared with that of the diagonal
vibro-isolating system. In this system, the vibration
level in passing the frequency of resonance when
the en-gine is started is low, and the engine
oscillation is reduced in the turning.
Because the main engine plant is of the multiple
engine type, various kinds of operation pattern can
be, selected in the special navigation for the
obser-vation ship, and the stable operation can be
The ship is provided with the electric propulsion
system on the intermediate propeller shaft, and the
various power loads can be coped with by the
multiple function of the generators. Every engine
passed the criteria (NOx exhaust gas emission ratio)
of the exhaust gas by IMO.
The engine system configuration is shown in
Fig.2.4.3-21 for reference.
(2) Annual results of manufacture
The results of manufacture in 1995 (over l00 PS)
are as follows.
Number (sets)
Output (PS)
2.4.4 Diesel United, Ltd.
( 1 ) New Model developed in 1996
DU Su1zer RTA48T Engine
The first model of the RTA48T type engine among
the DU-Sulzer RTA48T type and RTA58T type
engines which are on the development as the main
engine for bulk carriers of handy type, handy MAX
type, PANAMAX type, oil tankers of Aframax type,
and chip carriers, was completed in July, 1996, the
tests for checking the reliability and various
performances and the test for reducing the NOx
were carried out for about 2 months to find that the
test results were same as the designed value, and
the engine was delivered to the customer..
October 1997
The engine particulars of the RTA48T type engine
which is intended for the main engine most suitable
for the market demands, were determined with the
fo11owing development targets based on the
experiences of the conventional RTA series engine.
1) Appropriate output and speed for the ship plan
2) Low fuel consumption by super-1ong stroke and
improvement of propeller efficiency
3) High reliability
4) Miniaturized and compact outer dimensions
5) Improvement of maintainability
Marine Engineering Progress in 1996
2.4.5 Niigata Engineering Co., Ltd.
1.1 Development of New Model
(1) 16V20FX
The engine was developed for the engine whose
maximum output exceeds 5000 PS with the
cylin-der bore of 205 mm, targeting the output of
one rank upward of the V16FX type engine having
experiences with the main engine for high-speed
ships such as high-speed passenger boats and
high-speed car ferries.
Characteristics of the engine are large output, high
performance, light weight, compact structure, high
reliability and durability, simple structure, and easy
maintainability. Table 2.4.5-1 shows the
Simplification of installation and outfitting
Table 2.4.4-1 shows the main particulars of the
RTA48T engine, Fig. 2.4.4-1 shows the engine
section, and Photo 2.4.4-1 shows the general view.
(2) Annual results of manufacture in 1996
The results of manufacture of the main engines for
marine use in 1996 are as follows.
Annual results of manufacture:
Bulletin of the M.E.S.J., Vol. 25, No.2
Annual Review
main particulars, and Fig. 2.4.5-1 shows the photo
of the engine .
(2) Turbocharger of NR/S series type
Based on the experiences with the NWR series, the
cooling-free radial turbine turbocharger of NR/S
type is manufactured and marketed through
in-crease in the high pressure ratio, high efficiency,
expansion of the range of applicable capacity,
improvement of the service life of bearings, and
employment of the mixed flow turbine. Table
2.4.5-2 shows the main particulars, Fig. 2.4.5-2
shows the assembly section, and Fig. 2.4.5-3 shows
the capacity range of the turbocharger.
Marine Engineering Progress in 1996
1.2 Annual results of manufacture
Table 3.4.5-3 shows the number of the main
en-gines, auxiliary engines, turbochargers, elastic
couplings, Z-type propulsion systems, and water
jet propulsion systems manufactured in 1996, and
the total output of the main engines and auxiliary
2.4.6 NKK Corporation
(1) New Model
1 ) 18PC4-2B type engine
The 18PC4-2B type reversible engine whose
manufacture was started in 1995 was com-pleted.
The general view of the engine is shown in Photo
2.4.6-1. The engine was installed as the main
engine for two high-speed RO-RO ships now
under operation.
2) 18PC2-6V type vibro-isolating support type
The engine was employed as the main engine
for the passenger-cargo ship, and the vibroisolating support system was emp1oyed, in particular, for the purpose of environmental improvement of the accommodation. The main
particulars are shown in Table 2.4.6-1. The
engine is supported by 18 rubbers of specia1
structure, and the main engine is coupled with the
reduction gear by the coupling capable of absorbing the
displacement in the axial direc-tion. The engine section
is shown in Fig. 2.4.6-1. the damping effect of 30-40 dB
is obtained by the vibration isolating rubber from the
results of the shop test and the on-board test,
contributing to the improvement of the habitability.
(2) Annual results of manufacture
Ten NKK-SEMT-PIELSTICK engines for ship
propulsion were manufactured in 1996 by NKK,
totaling 194, 160 PS.
2.4.7 The Hanshin Diesel Works, Ltd.
(1) New Model developed in 1996
The LH38L type engine of 3000 PS was developed.
The line-up of the LHL series engines from 1600
PS to 4500 PS is completed.
The LHL38L type engine is designed mainly for
improvement of the reliability and durability, and
facilitation of the maintenance and examination,
and Table 2.4.7-1 shows the main particulars, and
Fig. 2.4.7-1 shows the engine assembly.
The major characteristics are as follows.
1) The cylinders, the frames, and the engine bed
are tightened by the bolts (hydraulically
tight-ened), and the air intake pipe and the main
pipe of cooling water inlet are integrated with the
cylinders made of cast iron.
Bulletin of the M.E.S.J., Vo1. 25, No.2
Annual Review
The cylinder liner is made of special cast iron
and treated by Tufftride method to improve the
wear resistance, and the bore cooling is performed to improve the rigidity and the cooling
effect and to improve the durability.
The cam bearing, the LO piping of the guide
cylinder for air intake and exhaust, and fuel, and
the drain piping for the fuel pump are pipeless to
simplify the piping.
4) The air intake/exhaust valve is of valve box type
easy in maintenance and examination, and each
air intake and exhaust valve, i.e., two-valve
system is employed on one cylinder.
Five sets of the engines were delivered after
(2) Annual results of manufacture
* Number of manufacture:
126 sets (all for main engines)
* Total horsepower of manufactured engines:
286,670 PS
2.4.8 Hitachi Zosen Corporation
( 1 ) Engine developed in 1996
The 8ZAL40S engine with the specifications for
marine use was completed, which is medium speed
engine by Hitachi-Su1zer. Table 2.4.8-1 shows the
main particulars, and Fig.2.4.8-1 shows the
gen-cral view of the engine with perfect fire-proof
The engine was mounted on the RO-RO Ship of
2-engine and 2-shaft type, its fuel consumption is
low, the reliability is high, and the low vibration
and noise level is realized.
(2) Annual results of manufacture
* Low speed diesel engine:
50 sets 645,120 BHP
* Medium specd diesel engine:
2 sets
14,600 BHP
(3) Production facilities and production system
A new engine manufacturing shop was built in the
site of Ariake Plant, and the engine manufacturing
system integrating the engines for ship and land use
will be started in July, 1997. A new plano miller is
introduced and the crane capacity is increased up to
450 tons to expand the limit of the integrated
October 1997
Marine Engineering Progress in 1996
* Number of total manufactured engines in 1996:
23 sets
* Total output: 26,600 PS
2.4.9 Makita Corporation
( 1 ) Development of New Model
Though no new model was developed, the test was
carried out with the low speed 4-cycle engine
(cylinder bore: 310 mm, piston stroke: 600 mm,
mean effective pressure: 20.7 kgf/cm^2, number of
cylinders: 6, engine speed: 320 rpm, and output:
2000 PS) to pass the NOx regulated value for the
marine engines under discussion by IMO. The test
was carried out in which the fuel injection timing
delay and the maximum cylinder pressure are
corrected by the compression ratio, and the
in-crease of the fuel consumption is suppressed to
0%, and the NOx generation concentration was
reduced by 25 %.
(2) Annual results of manufacture
The annual results of manufacture in 1996 are as
* Main engine for marine use:
2-cycle engine 34 sets 172,905 PS
2.4.10 Matsui lron Works Co.,Ltd.
(1) Developlnent of New Model
1 . Engine developed in 1996
No diesel engines for marine use were newly
developed in 1996.
The annual results of the manufacture are as follows.
2.4.11 Mitsui Engineering & Shipping Co., Ltd.
( 1 ) Engine developed in 1996
The Mitsui 6ADD30V engine, which is the high
output engine with the output ratio in the top level
in the world among the 4-cycle medium speed
engines (cylinder bore: 300 mm, piston stroke: 480
mm, mean effective pressure: 2.7 MPa, engine
speed: 750 rpm, cylinder number: 6, shaft end
horsepower: 3430 kW), was completed for the first
engine (intended for Maritime Safety Agency),and
the land trial was carried out in November,1996.
The engine was developed aiming at a) large output,
b) light and compact structure, c) low fuel
consumption, d) high reliability, and e) easy
main-tenance based on the long-cherished
fundamental technology (basic tests and analytical
The engine employed the following new
techno1-ogy to cope with the large output, the light
weight, and the low fuel consumption, presenting a
me-dium speed diesel engine of epoch-making high
1) The bolt-less piston is emp1oyed, in which the
bolt connection is abolished to greatly reduce the
weight of the moving parts.
2) The wear resistant ceramics sprayed coating is
employed on the sliding surface of the cylinder
liner to remarkably improve the sliding
3) The special air intake and exhaust system of
single valve typc capable of securing the area of
the air intake and exhaust passage larger than
that in thc conventional system is employed to
improve the air intake/exhaust work (pumping
4) The high pressure fuel injection device is employed to rcalize the high thermal efficiency by
promoting the mixing of the atomized fuel with
the air for excellent combustion.
5) The hydraulically controlled drive system for
stable and silent operation of the air intake/
exhaust valve is employed.
(2) Annual results of manufacture
(2)-1 Number and output of diesel engines for
1narine use (over l00 PS) manufactured in
* Low speed diesel engine (including the
engines which were delivered in
simple body):
90 sets
1,420,985 BHP
Bu1letin of the M.E.S.J., Vol. 25, No.2
Annual Review
* Medium speed diesel engine:
5 sets
52,270 BHP
(2)-2 The Mitsui MAN B&W NA turbocharger is
mounted on the SKL-MC engine, and 75 sets
were manufactured in 1996. Three models of
NA70, 57, and 48 were manufactured.
(3) Bridge control system and electronic governor
(BMS -2000)
The device was developed and brought into a
commercial stage by integrating the bridge control
function, the control room operating function, and
the electronic governor function related to the main
engine based on the experiences of one thousand
and several hundred sets of the remote control
device and the electronic governor for the diesel
engines manufactured by Mitsui.
1) Intensive display of the controlled condition/
abnormal condition by the color LCD (in control
2) Reduction of the core number of the cables to be
communica-tion system between the wheel house
and the control room, double provision of the
control system line, and improvement of the
reliability by the cable connection system which
is indi-vidually coped with the in the engine
protective system.
3) Digital display of the command and the actua1
speed of the main engine
4) Miniaturization and weight reduction of the
governor actuator
5) Elimination of the deviation in the command of
the engine speed to the division of each
com-mand by emp1oying the main telegraph
oscilla-tor of the illuminated button switch type.
It is
also adaptable to the main telegraph oscillator of
handle type .
2.4.12 Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd. (Large
[ 1 ] Engine developed in 1996
The Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd. has
per-formed its self-imposed development of the
large low-speed 2-cycle UEC engine which is the
only one in Japan since 1955, and the line-up of the
UEC-LSII type engine which is the latest series is
In 1996, the UEC43LSII type engine was newly
developed in addition to the lined up UEC33/50/
60/75/85LSII, 85LSC type engines.
UEC43LSII type engine is positioned as the
alter-native engine for the conventional UEC45LA
type engine, and covers the range between the
UEC33LSII and the UEC50LSII. An extensive
output range from about 2,000 PS and 63,000 PS
can be covered by the UEC-LSII series by the
line-up of the UEC43LSII, realizing the flexible
adap-tation to various kinds of ship planning needs.
Table 2.4.12-1 shows the main particulars of the
UEC-LSII type engine, and Fig. 2.4.12-1 shows the
output range map.
Characteristics of the UEC43LSII type engine are
not only the basic concept of the high reliability and
the high economy (low fuel consumption) similar to
those of other UEC-LSII series, but also the further
simplified design for a compact engine such as
integration (by casting) of the cam shaft box with
the frame, and integration (by casting) of the
cylinder jacket with the scavenging trunk.
Fig.2.4.12-2 shows the structure of the UEC43LSII
Marine Engineering Progress in 1996
Bulletin of the M.E.S.J., Vo1. 25, No.2
Annual Review
intended for Bahaman FPCL in April,1996, and the
operation will be started at site within 1997. Fig. 2.4.
12-3 shows the section of the power house of the
power generation plant.
type engine.
To reduce the NOx emission, development and practical
application in the extensive technology are challenged
such as the simple method by the timing retard and the
engine adjustment, the grand NOx reduction technology
such as SCR, and the methanol-fired engine for the
future technology, in view of the more concrete IMO
regulations which will come into effect and the trend of
further stringent regulation by each country.
[2] Annual results of manufacture
Main engine for marine use
44 sets 1,007,830 PS
Medium and Smal1
750 sets
333,350 PS
Auxiliary engine for marine use
365 sets 260,243 PS
1159 sets 1,601,423 PS
The medium bore UEC50LSII type engine shows
the favorable trend of orders received of about 80
sets mainly for the main engines of bulk carriers of
45,000 tons class including those manufactured by
MHI and its licensees in about 3 years since its
production was started.
The UEC engine is also applicable not only for the
main engine for marine use but also for the main
engine for the land power generation plant, and the
order for 8UEC60LSII type engine was received for
the 13.5 MW power generation plant diesel engine
October 1 997
2.4.13 Yanmar Diesel Engine Co., Ltd.
( 1 ) Development of New Mode1
Development of new models of the main engine
and the auxiliary engines for marine use by Yanmar
in January through December, 1996 is as follows.
Four new engine models whose cylinder bore is
160 Φ - 330Φ were developed for the diesel
engine for marine use.
1) 6N18,6N21
These models were developed for the Purpose of
the low fuel consumption, the low air pollution,
availability with low grade heavy oil, and low
maintenance for the generator engine and the
main engine for marine use. Table 2.4.13-1
shows the main particulars of 6N18 and 6N21
type engines, and Fig. 2.4.13-1 shows the section
of the 6N21 type engine.
2) 6NY16
This model was developed with an emphasis on
realizing a generator engine for marine use which
is compact in size, light in weight, easy in
installation, and low in the fuel consumption and
air po11ution. Table 2.4.13-2 shows the main
particulars, and Fig. 2.4.13-2 shows the section of
the engine.
3) DY26
This model was developed as the second ver-sion
for the jointly developed engine with Daihatsu
Diesel. It is mainly developed for the main engine
of ships engaged in the coastal service and fishing
boats with an emphasis on the reliability,
durability, safety, 1ow fuel consumption, 1ow air
po11ution, 1ow vibration, and low noise. Table
2.4.13-3 shows the main particulars, and Fig.
2.4.13-3 shows the section of the engine.
The 6GX-GT and 6KX-GT engines were
devel-oped as a part of the diesel engine X-series
which is light in weight, compact in size and
large in output for the main engine of medium to
small size fishing boats. Both engines are de-
(35 )
Marine Engineering Progress in 1996
signed under the same concept of being
human-friendly and environment-friendly. The stable
combustion in the range from the low speed to the high
speed is obtained by employing the high pressure
injection due to the Yanmar-original unit injector and
fuel pump, and the special combustion chamber. Fig.
2.4.13-4 shows the characteristics of the fuel injection
of the unit injector employed in this model and that of
the conventional fuel injector. In order to obtain the
large output and high durability, the cylinder block, the
connecting rods and the pistons of novel structure and
new materia1 are emp1oyed. At the same time, with an
emphasis on the daily examination and maintainability,
consideration is paid in arranging all the equipment
necessary for daily examination on the operation side.
Table 2.4.13-4 shows the main particulars of both
models, and Fig. 2.4.13-5 shows the out-line section of
the 6KX-GT engine.
The 6HAL2 engine friendly to the environment was
developed taking into consideration the exhaust gas
emission regulation (IMO regulation) on the sea which
is the needs of the times. Four models are included in
the basic engines as the series, and Table 2.4.13-5 shows
the particu(36)
lars of the 6HAL2-DTN engine with highest
supercharging degree and with large output. To reduce
the stress load in each part as the output is increased, the
output is improved by matching the stroke increase with
the capacity of the turbocharger while the maximum
Bulletin of the M.E.S.J., Vo1. 25, No.2
Annual Review
der pressure is suppressed to 120 kg/cm^2. Fig.2.4.13-6
shows the section of the engine.
The JH3 series engine was developed aiming at the low
price and the large output in the market for small
pleasure boats and smal1 fishing boats. The wasteful
volume in the combustion cham-
ber is eliminated as much as possible to obtain the
excellent combustion performance by em-p1oying the
metal gasket, and executing the special working to
prevent the stress concentration to the valve recess part,
and the durability was secured under the larger output
and larger in-cylinder pressure.
Table 2.4.13-6 shows the main particulars of the
4JH3-DT engine, and Fig. 2.4.13-7 shows the photo of
the general view.
( 37 )
Marine Engineering Progress in 1996
[Yoshikatsu TAMORI]
3.Steam Turbines
3.1 Main propulsion Marine Turbine
Thc main propulsion turbine manufacturing in 1996
was kind of anemic in Japan with only Mitsubishi Heavy
Industries, Ltd. reporting the completion of four such large
marine steam turbines in the year, namely, three 26,800 kW
turbines for LNGCs built for Qatar LNG Project and one
29,600 kW turbinc for an LNGC built for ADNOC LNG
Kawasaki Heavy Industries, Ltd. had no main
propulsion turbines to report newly completed in the
production shop but saw two LNG's, one built by them for
Hiroshima Gas Co., Ltd. and the other bui1t by Chantiers de
L'Atlantique, France, for Petronas Marine but both powered
by steam turbines of their manufac-ture, going into sea
Also commissioned in sea service with main
pro-pulsion turbines of Mitsubishi Heavy Industries
manu-facturer on board werc No.4 LNGC built by Hyundai
Heavy Industrics Co., Ltd., Korea, for Korean Gas Project
and Nos.2 and 3 LNGCs built by Kverner Masa-Yard,
for ADNOC LNG Project.
Bulletin of the M.E.S.J., Vo1. 25, No.2
Annual Review
Newly entered in Mitsubishi Heavy Industries'
order book in 1996 were six main propulsion
turbines,i.e., three for Qatar LNG Project option-order
LNGCs and three for Korean Gas Project LNGCs.
Not a few LNG projects are being planned or
implemented in many parts of the world out of concern
for environmental protection, prompting active
busi-ness inquiries for construction of LNGCs. The
prospect, therefore, is good that demands for LNGCs,
hence main propulsion turbines to power them, will
remain brisk for some time to come.
3.2 Steam Turbines for Auxiliary Machinery Applications
The steam turbines to drive auxiliary marine
ma-chinery, such as generators, cargo oil pumps, etc.,
are manufactured principally by Mitsubishi Heavy
Indus-tries, Ltd. and Shinko Industries, Ltd. in Japan.
In 1996, 12 generator turbines were manufactured
in Japan, 10 by Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd. and
two by Shinko Industries, Ltd.
Two of the 10 Mitsubishi-manufactured generator
turbines were large in capacity ( 12,500 kW) and,
deliv-ered for use on board a floating product storage
off-shore (FPSO), the largest of the kind as
single-cylinder marine steam turbine in Japan.
The manufacturing of generator turbines for diesel
ship applications still remains inanimate, probably with
little prospects of improvement.
On the other hand, 164 cargo oil pump turbines and
ballast pump turbines were manufactured in 1996, 133
by Shinko Industries, Ltd. and 31 by Mitsubishi Heavy
Industries, Ltd. It is expected that the demands for cargo
oil pump turbines and ballast pump turbines will rise
with the increase in orders likely to be placed with
Korean shipbuilders for oil tankers.
The manufacturing of steam turbines for LNGC
auxiliary machinery applications is active and expected
to remain so henceforth.
[Yasunori TASHIMA]
4. Gas Turbines and Turbochargers
4.1 Gas Turbines
4.1.1. Main propu1sion engines
Aero-derivative gas turbines for marine use have
logged fine operational records taking the advantages of
their characteristic as the main engines of naval vessels,
high-speed boats, etc.
In Japan, Japan Defense Agency (JDA in short) has
been proceeding with the program to be equipped with
gas turbines as the main propulsion engines of escort
vessels since 1977 fiscal year (FY) and new
vessels have entered in service, successively. Total
number of gas turbine powered ships, including under
construction or in planning is 44 and the number of
installed gas turbines, including spare engines, exceeds
180 sets.
In 1996, two types of ships equipped gas turbine
powered propulsion system entered in service. These are
DDG type escort vessel ordered in 1991 FY and built at
Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd. (MHI), and DD type
escort vessel ordered in 1991 FY and built at
Ishikawajima-Harima Heavy Industries Co.,Ltd. (IHI).
The propulsion system of the DDG vessel and DD
vessel is COGAG1) type with twin propeller shafts. Four
sets of General Electric (GE) LM2500 gas turbine
(25,000PS) manufactured by IHI are installed in the
DDG vessel, and each two set of Rolls-Royce (RR)
SM1C gas turbine (13,500PS) manufactured by
Kawasaki Heavy Industries, LTD. (KHI) and LM2500
gas turbine ( 16,500PS) are installed in the DD vessel.
At the end of 1996, six ships including DDG type
escort vessel ordered in 1993 FY and built at MHI, and
DD type escort vessel ordered in 1992 FY and built at
Mitsui Engineering & Shipbuilding Co., Ltd. (MES), are
under construction. The shore trial of the LM2500 gas
turbine for two DD type escort vessels ordered in 1994
FY was completed at IHI, and integrated shore trial of
the propu1sion system combined with LM2500/ SM l C
gas turbine was completed at KHI.
Two DD type escort vessels were ordered in 1996
and will be built at IHI and MHI. These vessels will be
delivered in March 2000.
As to the small high speed boats, fifteen domestic
ships of Jetfoil powered by water jets with two sets of
Allison 501-KF gas turbine are in service, which were
constructed at KHI.
One of the scaled model ships of "Techno Super
Liner (TSL)","Hisho" with air cushion type hybrid hull
(TSL-A) was converted to the disaster relief ship and
delivered to Shizuoka prefecture. TSL is a next
genera-tion super-high-speed cargo ship carried forward
by the Ministry of Transport and major Japanese
shipbuilders. Two set of MFT-8 gas turbines (28,000
PS) whose gas generator has been made by TPM,
Canada, developed by MHI for her propulsion and one
set of Textron Lycoming FT40 gas turbine (2,000 shp)
for her lift are installed in the "Hisho".
In Royal Navy, the 11th and 12th ships of Type 23
COGAG: COmbined Gas turbine And Gas
CODLAG: COmbined Diesel Electric And
Gas turbine
Marine Engineering Progress in 1996
frigate with CODLAG 2) type propulsion system
con-sisted of each two set of RR SM1C gas turbine and
electric motor powered by diesel generator, entered in
service. In addition, four ships of Type 23 frigate are
under construction or in planning.
One frigate in Canada, one destroyer in China and
two frigates in German with CODOG3) type propulsion
system with two sets of LM2500 gas turbine entered in
In US Navy, six ships of AEGIS type DDG51 class
guided missile frigates with COGAG type propulsion
system with four sets of LM2500 gas turbine, entered in
service. Further, US Navy are proceeding to develop an
Intercooled Recuperated (ICR) gas turbine "WR-21 ",in
which RR RB211 is applied as a base engine, and the
engine test for the development has been continuously
carried out at the test house in Royal Navy.
4.1.2 Auxiliary generating engines
As to the M1A gas turbine which has been
origi-nally developed by KHI, one set of M1A-02 type
gas turbine ( 1,000 kW) on each "Hatsuyuki" class DD
vessel (total 12 ships), two sets on each "Asagiri" class
DD vessel (tota1 8 ships), and one set on each
"Abukuma" type DE vessel (tota1 6 ships) -, have been
Two sets of -05 type gas turbine ( 1,200 kW) which
is a powerup version of -02 type, on each "Hatakaze"
class DDG vessel (tota1 2 ships), two sets on the
experimental ship "Asuka", one set on the training
vessel "Kashima" – total 7 sets - have been installed.
Three sets of-25 type gas turbine ( 1,500 kW) were
installed in the first DD type escort ship which was
ordered in 1991 FY and entered in service. Further,
fifteen sets of - 25 type are planned to be installed on
next five DD type escort ships. Total nine sets of Allison
501-K34 gas turbine (2,500 kW) which were
manufactured by IHI, have been installed on "Kongo"
type DDG vessel (total 3 ships). Further, three sets of
501-K34 gas turbine are planned to be installed on next
DDG vessel. As to the IME 831-800 gas turbine (400
kW) introduced as an OEM4) agreement with Garrett
Ltd. by Shinko Engineering, Ltd., three sets have been
installed on each "Ishikari" class DE vessel (total 3
ships) and one set on each observation ship AGS (tota1
3 ships), and all are in service.
[Takafumi NAKAGAWA]
4.2 Turbochargers
The developments of large turbochargers by do――――――――――――――――――――
3) CODOG: COmbined Diesel Or Gas turbine
4) OEM: Original Equipment Manufacturing
mestic technology were announced in the 12 number of
the 24th of "Turbomachinary", which is published by
Japan Industrial Publishing. The outline of the results by
the domestic manufactures of turbochargers for marine
diesel engines in 1996 was described below.
IHI manufactured about same number of
turbo-chargers as last year, those are 292 sets of
VTR4/4A/ 4E/4D type, 19 sets of VTC4/4A type, 1334
sets of VTRO/ 1 type axial turbine turbocharger, 1379
sets of RU/RH type radial turbine turbocharger, totaling
3024 sets. Then VTR4D type was designed as high air
pressure ratio, high efficiency by improving VTR4E
type and this was introduced to larger 2 stroke diesel
MHI manufactured 546 sets of MET type
turbo-chargers for 2 cycle and 4 cycle engines which
were over about 1500kW. MHI manufactured
MET83SE type as the first turbocharger of MET-SE
series which was high air pressure ratio and high
efficiency in December, and delivered in January 1997.
Recently 2 stroke diesel engines request higher mean
effective pressure than 18 bar and higher required intake
pressure than 3.5 bar. MET-SE type was designed to
meet these requirements.
MES manufactured 75 sets of NA48/57/70 type
turbochargers, including the new type turbochargers of 6
sets of NA48/S type, 5 sets of NA57/T, 12 sets of
NA57/T9, under the technical tie-up with German Man
B&W company. Thus, in proportion to the increase of
requests for higher pressure ratio and higher efficiency
of turbochargers, there is an upward tendency of
manu-facturing new model turbochargers.
KHI manufactured 11 sets of NA48/T, 17 sets of
NA48/S,4 sets of NA57/T9,13 sets of NA70/T9 in 1996.
KHI has started the production of the new model
NA57/T9 since '94 and NA48/S since '95 as higher air
pressure ratio and higher efficiency turbocharger. At the
same time, the production of highly efficient
turbo-charger NA/70/T09 started, and the number of
manu-facturing NA70/T09 type turbocharger had
reached 13 sets in this year. The production of the main
diesel engines in the 10000 BHP output range have been
increased, accordingly, the production of NA48/S type
was increased.
Niigata Engineering Co., Ltd. manufactured 359
sets of NR/R type, 2 sets of NA/T type, and 37 sets of
conventional model, totaling 398 sets under the
techni-cal tie-up with German Man B&W company.
Niigata Engineering had started manufacturing NR29/S,
NR34/ S type since 1995, and NR20/S,NR24/S, NR40/S
type since 1996.
Bulletin of the M.E.S.J., Vo1. 25, No.2
Annual Review
The number of production of the boilers for marine
use has been gradually decreased since 1990, but it was
increased in 1995 by about 30 sets compared with that
in 1994 to show the brakes on the decrease.
In the technological aspect, researches and
devel-opments have been advanced in the energy saving,
labor saving, 1ow grade fuel, treatment of waste oil,
exclusive and mixed combustion of gas/heavy oil
including the gas-fired auxiliary boiler, and
countermeasures for the air pollution by NOx, SOx, etc.
Necessity of the research and development from the
aspect of reinforcing the integrity of the global
environment is further strengthened though it was once
in the slow-down trend due to the yen appreciation.
5.2 Number of Production
Fig 5.1 and Fig.5.2 show the production of boilers
for marine use during 11 years since 1986 which are
summarized in "Statistics of Products in Marine
Indus-try" by the Ministry of Transport.
Fig. 5.1 shows the number of production of boilers
by the kind, and the number of the steam boilers (main
boiler + auxiliary boiler) have been decreasing with the
value in 1990 as the top, but the number of production
in 1995 was 120% compared with that in the previous
year. The number of production of exhaust gas
econo-mizers was also increased in 1995. Other boilers
(hot water boiler, thermal oil boiler, etc.) have been
de-creased in number since 1991 in which the
production was remarkably increased, and the total
production has been leveled off since 1992.
Fig. 5.2 shows the weight of production to the
number of production of the boilers, and the weight of
production has been decreased since 1992 in which the
weight of production was maximum due to upsizing of
the boilers, but the weight in 1995 was increased to
120% compared with that of the previous year.
5.3Major Trend
5.3.1 Main Boiler
Two sets of main boilers 63T/H for LNG carriers
were manufactured by MHI, 8 sets of main boilers of
54T/H were manufactured by MES, and total 10 sets of
main boilers were delivered. MHI received orders of 6
sets of 67.5T/H boilers, MES received orders of 6 sets
of 54T/H boilers, and KHI received orders of 2 sets of
68T/H boilers, totaling 14 boilers. LNG carriers are
delivered to Korea and Qatar.
Demands on the main boilers for the Korean Gas
Project in 199'7 will be expected.
5.3.2 Auxiliary Boiler
One hundred and forty four sets of auxiliary boilers, and 157 sets of composite boilers were
manufac-tured in 1996. Fig. 5.3 shows the number of
production and the orders received of main and auxiliary
boilers by 8 boiler manufacturers in 1996 with reference
to the boiler capacity. The boilers of 3.1 - 10T/H class
(4 1 )
Marine Engineering Progress in 1996
small in number, but on the whole, the record shows
about 140% compared with that in the previous year as
the demands by tankers are increased.
Fig. 5.4 shows the summary of the number of
production and orders received of the composite
boil-ers, and the record show about 130% compared
with that in the previous year supported by the demands
of bulk carriers.
No specially new technologies were developed in
the auxiliary boiler but in the composite boiler, a new
series OSV1/2 of vertical smoke tube type boiler with
an emphasis on the maintenance aspect was introduced
in the market from Osaka Boilers, and a new series
MISSIONOS/OL series was introduced in the market
from Orborg Sun Rod .
The Sub Committee on Boilers of the Energy
System Committee summarized the reference value on
the water quality control for the auxiliary boilers for
marine use. Researches on the monitoring system of the
auxiliary boiler/exhaust gas economizer were achieved
and the future monitoring system is under discussion
based on the findings.
potential and thc originality of these five companies
were united in the development with an emphasis on the
development of the propeller design system optimum for
thc CRP system, the contrarotating bearing, and the
double shaft structure. The system is characterized in the
employment of the CRP of high efficient designed by
5.3.3 Exhaust Gas Economizer
Seventy three sets of exhaust gas economizer were
produced in 1996, and exhaust gas economizers of
approximately same number have been continuously
produced for four years since 1994.
Fig. 5.5 shows the number of production and the
orders received of exhaust gas economizer by 8 boiler
manufacturers with reference to the boiler capacity.
Only one large exhaust gas economizer for the
turbo generator intended for VLCCs and container
carriers, was produced showing the trend of
This is considered to be attributable to reduction of
opportunities in emp1oying a large exhaust gas
econo-mizers from the economical aspect due to
reduction in
the energy collection ratio by the drop of the exhaust
gas temperature associated with improvement in the
fuel consumption of the main engine.
[Hiroshi HAYASHI]
Shafting System
In 1996, delivery of the single-hull car ferry of
highest speed in the world and a new contra-rotating
propeller system were announced, but generally
speak-ing most of the shipbuilding companies built
ships in which similar shafting system to that in the
previous year was employed.
The Contra-Rotating Propeller System which is of
energy saving propulsion system of ships was
em-ployed to VLCCs built by MHI and IHI in 19931).2)
and a new system shown in Fig. 6.1 which was jointly
deve- loped by KHI, SHI , NKK, Hitachi Zosen, and
MES was completed in March, 19963)4). The joint
development was started in 1992, and the technological
the optimum design system, and the system emp1oy-ing
the AHT bearing (Advanced Hydrostatic Taperland
Bearing) which was newly developed for the
contra-rotating bearing.
The AHT bearing is basically the hydrostatic type
bearing to support the shaft with high pressure
lubricat-ing oil as indicated in Fig. 6.2, and provided
with a plurality of tapered elements of the
hydrodynamic type sliding bearing on the bearing
surface. It is capable of forming the sufficient oil film
irrespective of the ratio of the number of revolution of
the inner and outer shafts, and is characterized in that
the oil film can be
Bulletin of the M.E.S.J., Vo1. 25, No.2
Annual Review
kept by the dynamic pressure even when the hydraulic
pressure source is lost.
Ships of various kinds of propulsion system and
hull structure are put into practical use, including
Techno-Super Liner "HISHO", hydrofoil type,
air-cushion vehicle type, and wave-piercing type
catama-ran, orienting the higher speed of ships. Large
ferries "SUZURAN", and "SUISEN" intended for Shin
Nihonkai Ferry and built by IHI in June, 1996 are the
twin-shaft ships with the main engine of 23,830 KW
diesel engine, and their service speed is 29.4 knots to
realize the single-hull car ferries of highest speed in the
world. KHI carried out the model test of the
contro1-lable pitch propeller to secure the efficiency to
achieve the intended ship speed and to suppress the
cavitation because the design conditions of the propeller
far exceed the ever-experienced data, and the ship speed
of 31.4 knots was recorded in the sea trial.
Employment of a large diameter article which is
first in Japan, and the phenol resin bearing (Railko)
making use of the freeze fitting method has been
increased for the stem tube bearing for oil lubrication.
Nagasaki Shipyard of MHI fitted the bearing of
l,800mm overall length (split into 3 pieces in the axial
for two 280,000 DWT tankers with the propeller
bear-ing dianleter of Ö1,000 mm. Oppama Shipyard of
SHI succeeded in fitting the bearing to the hull in an
ex-tremely short time by first employing the freeze
fitting method by liquid nitrogen in place of the
conventional press-fit method of the bearing using the
hydraulic jack in the series ships of new bulk carriers.
Fig. 6.3 shows the non-pollution type stern tube seal
for oil lubrication developed by Eagle Industry Co.,
Ltd. The EVA seal (product name: Stem Ace) to purge
the fresh water of prescribed amount has been employed
on about 25 ships.
Regarding the topics of technical assistance, KHI
placed a contract to supply the manufacturing
techno1-ogy of the water jet propulsion machine for
high-speed crafts with Su1zer Hydro in Germany in July,
Marine Engineering Progress in 1996
This machine was developed for the general purpose
water jet propulsion machine capable of being adapted
to various kinds of high-speed crafts based on the
accumulated technology for the jet foil, and has been
mounted on the wave-piercing type high-speed
cata-maran car ferry "HAYABUSA" intended for
Kyushu-Shikoku Ferry Boat, and the patrol boat for the
Mari-time Safety Agency.
In the academic papers, the test results on the
friction of the tapered contact surface in the keyless
propeller were reported5).
The fitting test and the torque slip test were carried
out using the model of the propeller boss and the shaft
to obtain the difference in the coefficient of friction by
the presence/absence of the lubricant and the
combina-tion of materials. As a result, it is concluded
that fitting c1ose to the upper limit of the al1owable
fitting quantity is effective to prevent the slip.
[Shoji SHIOMI]
oil), so that it is difficult for the lubricants to apply for
the system. These problems required the improvements
of the system as follows. The counter flow, which is
superior to the paralle1 flow in temperature efficiency,
betters the radiation efficiency of the heat exchanger. As
the rate of COP (coefficient of performance) of increase
of R407C for each 1C in subcooling temperature is
larger than that of HCFC-22, the more proper control of
the subcooling temperature takes place in the R407C
system. Effective refrigeration lubricants must have
both high heat stability and high lubricating ability as
well as the above mentioned properties (miscibility with
refrigerants and high insulating ability). As a result of
studies into various esters, it was evident that polyol
esters of pentaerythritols are most suitable as a base oil.
A test system has been ready in order to confirm their
effect by actual experiments. As a result, it has been
7.Auxiliary Machinery
& Outfitting Works
The production of CFCs (Chloro Fluoro Carbon)
Refrigerants, which the previous refrigerating systems
had used widely, stopped from the end of 1995.
There-fore the subjects of the developments and studies
in the section of auxiliary machinery & outfitting works
of 1996 became mainly the refrigerators and the
refriger-ating systems that used the alternative
refrigerants. The further details of these are as fol1ows.
7.1. Studies on HCFC-22 Alternative Refrigerant
Air Conditioning Systems1)
Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd. has developed
the refrigerating systems that used ternary
non-azeotropic mixtures R407C (HFC32/125/134a
[23/25/ 52 wt%]) as HCFC-22 alternative refrigerant. It
has almost the same performance as the HCFC-22.
Ac-cording to plan, the regulation of HCFC (Hydro
Chloro Fluoro Carbon) refrigerant starts from 1996 and
the production of it phases out by 2020 except special
use. Among possible alternatives for HCFC-22, R407C
is nearly equivalent in pressure to HCFC-22, therefore it
has a possibility of being used without any significant
design changes being required for existing systems.
Consequently R407C became the refrigerant of this
system. As this ternary mixture refrigerant R407C is not
azeotropic, the refrigerant temperature is change-able
depending upon quality even at a constant pressure.
Consequently this is the reason why it is necessary to
improve the existing heat exchanger (a condenser and an
evaporator). Further, when excess refrigerant increases in the accumulator, the composition of
refrigerants with lower boiling point increases notably.
Therefore the shift of refrigerant composition directly
affects the performance and operating point of the
system. Since HFC (Hydro Fluoro Carbon) refrigerants
do not contain chlorine in their molecular structure, they
have poor miscibility compared with conventional
refrigeration lubricants (mineral oil and alkyl benzene
clear that the R407C systems have a level of
performance and COP nearly equivalent to that of the
HCFC-22 systems. Now this system is in the
improvement stage for practical application.
7.2 Development of HFC134a Centrifugal Refrigerator2)
Ishikawajima-Harima Heavy Industries Co., Ltd.
[IHI] has developed a centrifugal refrigerator using
HFC 134a as the refrigerant to reduce the burden on the
environment. IHI put two refrigerators with 844 kW
refrigerating capacity (240 ton of refrigeration) to
prac-tice use in July, 1995, and finished a trial run of a
large type centrifugal refrigerator with 2110 kW
refrigerat-ing capacity (600 ton of refrigeration) in
Fig. 7.1 Shows the construction of the centrifugal
compressor and motor unit. A centrifugal refrigerator is
generally large and has been using R11 of usual 1ow
pressure refrigerant. If one uses HFC 134a as R12
alternative refrigerant of high pressure refrigerant, the
compressor becomes smal1. However, the resistance
factor on the impeller surface increases and the gas
leakage between the rotor and stator affects largely and
the reduction of the performance becomes remarkable
because of the small specific volume of HFC134a
(about 1/5 times of R11). Therefore the best design of
the shape of the impeller, the thickness of the blade and
Bulletin of the M.E.S.J., Vo1. 25, No.2
Annual Review
the strength of the impeller can improve the adiabatic
efficiency of the compressor by about 4% from that of
the current compressors. Also concerning to the
lubri-cants, the mineral oil applies for the previous R11
systems. As this oil does not mix with HFC134a and
adheres to the surface of a heat-transfer tube, it is
unsuitable for HFC134a system. So this compressor
becomes to use the ester oil that has miscibility and high
insulating ability. However the ester oil does not have
past records of practical use and has poor chemical
stability. As a result of many experiments for every kind
ester oil, the compressor becomes to use the ester oil
that has both high lubricating ability and high chemical
stability. Furthermore the compressor adopts the two
circle types bearing as the journal one in order to
withstand high speed rotation and the thrust bearing in
the low speed shaft in order to improve the mechanical
stability. This system adopts the c1osed type centrifugal
compressor as mentioned above and the new control
system for HFC 134a. Consequently IHI completed the
large type centrifugal refrigerator that enables stable
7.3 Development of the Swing Compressor for Alternative Refrigerant HFC3)
DAIKIN Industries, Ltd. developed the Swing
Compressor for small type refrigerator using alternative
refrigerants (HFCs). The rotary piston type compressor
has simple structure and high reliability. The present
refrigerators have used this type widely. However, if
alternative refrigerants (HFCs) is applied to this type,
poor lubrication and poor airtight occur between a roller
and a blade (the part of mixed lubricating) and
consequently capillary pluggs. So adopting a new
mechanism of unification of the roller and the blade
so1ves these problems. Therefore the swing compressor
apply to alternative
refrigerants (HFCs).
As shown in Fig.
7.2, the previous
rotary compres-sor
constructs from a
cylindrical roller and
a blade (a divining
plate) and they form
cylinder. As the
unites these two
sliding part between
the roller and the
blade does not exit.
Therefore in the
swing compressor,
the ro1ler (piston)
does not self-rotate
and must move in
(45 )
Progress in 1996
oscillatory motion,
which is enabled by
oscillatory motion
bush (swing bush).
As a result, the
swing compressor
maintains all merit
of the previous
rotary compressor
efficiency and high
volume efficiency.
It can operate very
effectively on the
become a center of
attraction as one of
new machines for
7.4. Development
of the Mitsubishi
SJ-F series4)
Mitsubishi Kakoki Kaisha Ltd. has developed
"Mitsubishi Self-Jector SJ-F series" which was the
improvement of the purifier SJ-E series. The
perfor-mance of toughness and maintenability of them
are more excellent than those of previous machines.
As shown in Fig. 7.3, The main construction of the
body is the same of the previous E series, but the system
structure and the cach part of are improved in detail. The
newly two systems add to the previous system. They
keep the stable operation of the purifier. One is the
sludge discharge contro1 system. This system fixes the
interval time of the discharge of sludge automatically
due to the concentration change of sludge by the
inline-type sludge sensor fitted in the dirty liquid line
and the clean oil line. Another is the operational
monitoring and diagnostic system. This system can do
not only monitoring on board but also transferring data
to a remote place, and can
monitor and diagnose the
operating conditions of 6
separators simultaneously,
analyze the vibration data
and check the bearing and
the unbalance of the rotor
and so on. It can supply the
data necessary for the
safety operation instantly.
toughness performance of
the machine, by making the
weight and the moment
ratio of inertia of the rotor
most suitable, the stability
of rotation increases, the
life of thc upper bearing
becomes longer more two
times than that of the E
maintenance, the interval
time of cleaning the rotor
becomes one year of an aim
performance of discharging
sludge and the performance
of the cleaning device. The
interval time of thc
overhaul becomes two years of an aim because of the
high toughness of the whole of the rotating shaft system
and the long life of the upper bearing. As mentioned
above, this purifier did not get total development, but it
can operate more easily than before because of the
additional improvement for users.
7.5.Marine Decompose Machine for Kitchen
Garbage with Biological Control5)
Shinyo Sangyo Co., Ltd. has developed the marine
decompose machine for kitchen garbage. This machine
is able to operate under natural law without sea and air
po11ution and use of limited oil resources. It satisfies
the required conditions for marine use. If garbage buried
in the ground, generally it takes a few months to
decompose itself. This machine removes the
Bulletin of the M.E.S.J., Vo1. 25, No.2
Annual Review
blocking material for decomposition. It maintains the
best condition of the decomposition medium equal to
the ground. This machine is able to compose the
garbage and extinguish it for only 12 hours. Its
opera-tion is without smell, discharging water and
heating. For that purpose this machine watches the
condition of microbes by the sensor in the treatment
reservoir. It analyzes the condition by a micro-computer
and indi-cates the result by display lamps. This machine
l 13
always keeps the condition in a normal value using all
mecha-nisms. Therefore it can fulfi11 continuously the
function of decomposition and extinction mentioned
above for a long time between half and one year. The
users who have a little knowledge on the microbes can
grasp the accurate condition of the machine as well.
Fig. 7.4 shows the comparison of the previous
system and this system. This machine controls degree of
dryness of the decomposition medium, equilibrium of
garbage and microbes, treatment temperature and so on.
It can decompose and extinguish the garbage without a
deodorization unit. Controlling the degree of
2) Ishikawajima-Harima Engineering Review,
Vo1.36-4 ( 1996.7), pp321
3) Refrigeration, Vo1.71 No.821 ( 1996.3), pp230
the dryness, it does not discharge water accompanied by
decomposition. Also controlling supply of aerobia and
air, it can perform the decomposition at normal
temperature without heating.
4) Marine Engineer, 1996.6.1 No.594, pp 16
5) Shinyo Sangyo Co., Ltd., Technical Reports
[Nobukazu SHIMADA]
8.Deck Machineries
1) Mitsubishi Juko Giho, Vo1.33 No.2 (1996.3)
The new developments of technology were the
following two in the section of deck machinery in
1996.One was the contro1 system that keeps bridge's
construction supporting vessel a certain position accu-
October 1997
Marine Engineering Progress in 1996
rately under severe environmental conditions and
an-other the high speed loading system that the
develop-ment of Techno-Superliner (TSL) required. The
further details of these are as follows.
8.1 Development of Dynamic Positioning System
for Bridge's Construction Supporting
Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd. has developed the
dynamic positioning system with Honshu-Shikoku
Bridge Authority. It has been the advanced control type
system to keep a position of bridge's construction
supporting vessel under environmental conditions such
as a tidal current, a wind and so on. It has applied to an
actual vessel. The effectiveness of the system has made
clear by simulations and experiments at the Strait of
Kurushima in Japan. This vessel shapes a box type. She
equips the four corners with the 360° steerable
propellers (actuator) which can drive 360° freely in
design. The position keeping control system makes the
power output of these four actuators the most suitable
and keeps the position of the vessel accurately under
severe environmental conditions of the sea.
Fig. 8.1 shows the construction and connection of
this system. The control apparatus consists of (1) the
operation board, (2) the main control console, (3) the
operation and monitor panel and (4) the connector. It
connects to the various sensors and the four actuators
that the vessel equips. Particularly this system can
remove a bad influence that the unknown force such as a
tide current and so on gives its control system, and it can
maintain the position-keeping control performance. The
self-propulsion bridge's construction supporting vessel
"Umashima" equips the system. She is 500 tons in
weight, 54.55 m in length, 48 m in width and fits out
actuators of a thrust of 6.4 tons at the four corners. She
examines the system on performance at the Strait of
position-keeping, when a girder lifts under a strong tide
current (3 knots), is extremely good. The relative gap,
which is betweel^1 the vessel and the girder block, is
less than
20 cm at this time. After this, we expect that this system
will apply to vessels of the various types.
8.2 Development of Techno-Superliner (TSL) types
vessel "HISHO" and High Speed Loading
Mitui Engineering & Shipbuilding Co.,Ltd. (MES),
jointly with Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd. (MHI),
has performed the development of the high speed
loading vessel "Techno-Superliner (TSL)" that was the
national project by the Ministry of Transport, They
designed and constructed the 70 m typed large test
model TSL-A "HISHO". They tested it on an open sea.
In 1995 they carried out the actual operation tests and
cargo handling ones with fully loaded "HISHO" on her
expected service route so that they established the
overall technology of the high speed marine
transpor-tation system by TSL. They obtained many
important results concerning ship design and high speed
cargo handling techniques from these tests. The
development of TSL aimed at perfection of the
conditions that "speed 50 knots (about 93 km per hour),
1oad capacity 1000 ton, a cruising range of more than
500 miles (about 930 km) and capability of cruising on a
rough sea". As a result of tests, "HISHO" achicved the
purpose sufficiently. The high speed loading system at
the port is very important to achieve the high speed
transportation system by TSL. MES, NKK Corporation
and MHI have developed jointly "the Horizontal Cargo
Handling System" between TSL and a quay wal1. With
thc actual operation test by HISHO on an open sea, they
have carried out the landover test of this 1oading
system.They have developed this system to aim that
they can load and unload 150 containers of the 20 feet's
type, with being double decked on board of TSL, into
the vessel within one hour.
As shown in Fig. 8.2, this system comprises (1) the
four 20 feet's containers loading typed self-moving
truck (that moves by hydraulic pressure produced by a
built-in diesel engine), (2) the 9.5 m length ramp way
Bulletin of the M.E.S.J.,
Vo1. 25, No.2
Annual Review
l 15
and the delivery unit with 1m - 4m rise and fall
mechanism of delivery stage, (3) the pedestal for
con-tainers and the deck unit with fastening mechanism
for containers and (4) the wireless controller for the
former three parts that
is able to control a
series of cargo handling
sequence automatically. As a result of the experiment,
the cargo handling system can operate nearly as planned,
even if the vessel is pitching and rolling by sea waves
and a movement of the truck. The self-moving truck can
move between the quay's side delivery unit and the deck
unit of TSL without trouble, too. Consequently the
the petroleum enterprises in Western countries has
influence in addition to steady increase in demand for
development can reach the previous aim fully and
On the other hand in supply situation OPEC
con-tinued the production limit (24.52 million
barrel/day) which was decided in September 1993 until
June 1996,but on the contrary the non-OPEC countries,
record-breakingly the production of crude oil. Therefore
the greater quantity of increase in demand was absorbed
by the non-OPEC countries.
However, from viewpoint of long-term supply and
demand of petroleum thc supply situation is not
neces-sarily promising.
According to "World Energy Prospect" ( 1996
version) of IEA (International Energy Agency) the
demand for petroleum is expected to be increased at the
rate of more than l million barrel/day towards 2010
mainly in Asia.Pacific region.
In the supply situation production of crude oil in
non-OPEC countries and Asia. Pacific region was
in-creased as shown in Table 9. 1 "Transition of World's
Crude Oil Production". However, since discovery and
development of new oil fields cannot meet the demand,
the forecast is that the production will reach the limit in
near future. In the future it can be said that it will be
unavoidable that the whole Asian countries will
in-creasingly depend on the petroleum in the Middle
East countries. The ratio of the Middle East to the world
in petroleum supply is expected to be raised to more
than 50% in 20101).
1) Mitsubishi Juko Giho, Vol.33 No.6 ( 1996.11 ),
2) Mitsui Zosen Technical Review1, Vo1.159
[Nobukazu SHIMADA]
9. Fuels and Lubricating Oils
9.1.l Trend of Oil Demand
The influence of the Gulf War in thc beginning of
1990's has faded away and transition of the
interna-tional oil situation in 1993 - 1995 has been
relatively settled. Although the crude oil price was in the
range of 16 - 19 dollars per barrel (Brent crude oil) since
1993,the price was constantly changed at the level of
much more than 20 dollars. One of the reasons for rise
of the crude oil price is that. as a result of continued
economical growth in the East Asia countries including China
and prosperous U.S. economy the trend of low stock in
October 1997
( 49 )
Marine Engineering Progress in 1996
9.1.2 Marine Fuel Oils
Demand for heavy oil in Asia. Pacific bloc is less
than that for other petroleum products, however an
increase in demand for heavy oil showed the highest
increase in the world, and it is expected that 3.5 million
barrel/day in 1996 will increase to 3.9 million barrel/
day in 2000 and further increase to 4.3 million barre1/
day in 2005. In particular growth rate of the bunker
heavy oil among heavy oils is high, and it is expected
that 580 thousand barre1/day (about 17% of the total
types of oils) will increase to 690 thousand barrel/day in
2000 and further increase to 810 thousand barrel/day
in 2005. Consequently the bunker heavy oil will be
short in Asia. Pacific bloc and may be increasingly
imported from the Middle East and Northwest
The sales volume of the bunker heavy oil in
Singapore which is the largest bunker base in Asia.
Pacific bloc was somewhat decreased in spite of
increase in cargo handling volume, that is, the sales
volume of the bunker in Singapore was decreased to 305
thousand barrel/day in 1996 from 318 thousand
barre1/day in 1994.
On the other hand the sales volume of the bunker
heavy oil in Korea was increased by 13% in 1996 and
reached 117 thousand barre1/day due to installation of
new toppers. The sales volume was somewhat
in-creased even in Thailand and Indonesia.
With repeal of the Temporary Measure Law of
Specific Petroleum Product Import at the end of March,
1996 the petroleum industry entered a full-scale
liber-alization and internationalization times, but on the
background of such environmental change the measure
for transition to the new price system reflecting further
the international price is being required.
Table 9.2 shows Demand Result of Bond Heavy
Oil in Japan in 1996. Import for acceptance was 1.9
million KL which increased by 780 thousand KL
com-pared with the previous year, but domestic
production was 2.21 million KL which decreased by
3.30 million KL compared with the previous year. Sales
volume was 4.19 million KL which was 60% compared
with the previous year and decreased as same as that in
The sales volume depends on user's purchase in
Japan or in overseas such as Singapore, that is, it can be
said that domestic price tended to be higher than
over-seas price. Further whether heavy oil is imported or
produced in Japan varies every year depending on crude
oil processing volume in Japan and supply and demand
of fuel oil C.
The trend of contro1 of the exhaust gas from ships
was not greatly changed in 1995 as same as in
1994.However, International Maritime Organization
(IMO)/ Marine Environmental Protection Committee
(MEPC) decided to submit ( 1) Sulfur content control in
general sea area: 5%, (2) Monitoring sulfur content in
fuel oil and (3) Special sea area designation of the North
Sea and the Ba1tic Sea as the fuel oil related subjects to
the diplomatic conference of the 40th IMO/MEPC
which will be held in Autumn in 1997. Part of the
technical regulations, etc. regarding NOx has not yet
agreed, but there may be greater possibilities of earlier
effective-ness of the treaty. Also in Japan Study
Committee on Ship Air Pollution Control is carrying out
the examina-tion2} to control air pollution materials
emitted from ships entrusted by the Environment
In ISO 8217 Standard of the marine fuel oils the
Bulletin of the M.E.S.J., Vo1. 25, No.2
Annual Review
specified values of aluminum + silicon and potential
whole sediment have been additionally revised. In
l 17
ISO/TC28/SC4/WG6 held in November 1996 for the
regular revision the engine entrance standard has been
proposed as the Japanese engine makers' requirement.
Further in CIMAC meeting standardization of the fuel
ignition testing apparatus (FIA) as index of ignition
property and standardization of the super heavy oils
have been proposed.
Since in Japan also the current heavy oil standard
of JIS is remarkably estranged from the actual state of
the marine fuel oil quality, the users, makers and
petroleum industry are making study on establishment
of JIS using the specified value referring to the ISO
Further the Fisheries Cooperative Associations
Federation (FCAF) has revised the Petroleum product
standard for fishing boats of the FCAF in December
As the reports regarding the trend of fuel oils,
Petroleum Circumstances in Southeast Asia3), Study on
trend, research and development of energy in Asia
region4) and Study on change of petroleum demand
structure in Asia. Pacific Region and influence of it on
Japan5 ) are reported.
As the reports regarding the fact-finding of the
demanders, "Fact-finding of demanders for industrial
fuel oil C for higher rationalization of the petroleum
refinery facilities6)", "the Sixth and seventh
fact-find-ing of Domestic ships using fuel oil A•A/C
blend oil and Mono-fuel oil C firing Domestic ship7)",
‘‘Guide-line for measures for low quality marine fuel
oi18) and Fact-finding of quality and supply and
demand regard-ing establishment of JIS for marine fuel
oil are reported.
As for the manufacturing process of the petroleum
product and quality of fuel oils, "Manufacturing
pro-cess from automotive gasoline to fuel oil C)" and
quality of fuel oils which appears serially in the
"PETROTECH" can be referred to.
As for combustion "Evaluation of combustibility and
application to marine fuel oill1), "Reliability of recent
marine fuel and main propu1sive engine12)'' and in the
41st Special fund lecture meeting as the ship owners'
reports of the study on their own ships13) the present
state of marine heavy oil, and the present state of the
preprocessing system of the fuel oils and what it should
be are reported from the viewpoint of the ship owners .
1 ) Petroleum Industry Today, April 1 994., Petroleum Association of Japan
2) Study on Methods of Ship Air Pollution Contro1
Study on Measurement of Air Po1lution from
Ships( 1996)
3) PETROTECH Vo1. 18( 1995), Vo1. 19( 1996)
4) Domestic Report of Research and Development
Union of New Utility of Petroleum Light Fraction
(February 1996)
5) Research and Development Union of New Utility
of Petroleum Light Fraction ( 1996), Contract
Re-search by Agency of Natural Resources and
En-ergy (fiscal 1995)
6) Petroleum Energy Center( 1995)
7) Japanese Domestic Ship Union(1994,1997)
8) Guideline for Measures for Low Quality Marine
Fuel Oil, Nippon Kaiji Kyoukai ( 1996)
9) Nisseki Techno1ogies Co., Ltd., (March 1997),
Contract Research by Agency of Natural
Resources and Energy (fiscal 1996)
10) PETROTECH, Vol.17, No.9 - Vo1.18,No.5 11)
Nisseki Review Vo1.38, No.4( 1996)
12) The Academic Lecture, Marine Engineering Society in Japan( 1996)
13) The 41st Special Fund Lecture Meeting, Marine
Engineering Society in Japan
[Toshiaki HAYASHI]
9.2 Marine Engine Lubricants and Additives
The total sales of marine engine oil in Japan was
239, 487kl in 1996. It is approximately 4% increase
comparing to 1995 and it seems likely to stop the
reduction of the sales with the rate of a few percent
every year continuously. We consider that it is due to a
little economic recovery and the decrease of lubricant
purchase overseas based on strong yen.
Recent engine performance increase1) and fuel
quality degradation have been making marine
lubri-cants leave in more severe situation. Trunk piston
engine may often give fuel dilution of lubricants due to
fuel leakage from fuel pumps, and/or blowdown of
unburn fuel from cylinder wal1s. These days, black
sludge problems has been occurred in the engines
caused by poor fuel quality2) and abnormal deposits are
formed in camshaft housings and crankcases3). It is
attributable to the increase of asphaltene content in the
residue used as marine engine fuel, since the utilization
of light distillates in crude has been increased due to
techno1ogical development. There has been an activity
to standardize the concentration of asphaltene4). On the
other hand it has been countermeasured by lubricant
additives. Calcium Salycilate is quite effective for black
sludge in addition to calcium phenate has been used so
far, moreover additives with high cost perfor-
October 1997
(5 1)
Marine Engineering Progress in 1996
mance were developed recently5} and they started to use
the additives for black sludge formation protection and
controlling engine cleanliness.
CEC surveyed medium speed marine engine oil
trouble with fuel dilution by questionnaire, Japanese and
European OEMs replied to the questionnaire. As the
results it was found that the fuel dilution gave large
effect to fuel pump sticking and piston undercrown.
Running in is very important for the elimination of
engine troubles such as abnormal wear. For this
pur-pose the break in characteristics was studied with
the measurement of lubrication condition during the
run-ning in6). During the running in, the surface of the
rubbing parts becomes smooth with corrosion by the
acid which is formed by the combustion of sulfur in the
fuel. Therefore the TBN of running in oil should be
reduced. However, simple reduction of TBN will cause
loss of detergency to create deposits such as lacquer in
the engine6). In order to countermeasure we should
formulate the additive reducing TBN with keeping the
detergency performance.
CECIL-47 asked questionnaire on test engines for
marine engine oil evaluation. There were positive
re-sponses from Japan.
According to the summary of the questioinnaire
there were 6 cross head engines and 13 trunk piston
engines used as lubricant evaluation engines: 2 cross
head engines and 3 truck piston engines from Japan.
It is a big problem that used oil of automotive
lubricants and industrial lubricants is mixed with
ma-rine engine fue12).4). Marine engine fuel properties
recommended in the inlet of Engine2) and needs for
method measuring used oil content in the fue15) have
been discussed. It is considered that the countermea-sure
by marine engine oil will also be necessary .
There has been various study on the reduction of
particulates and NOx in exhause emissions7).8).
How-ever, we cannot find the investigation on the
engine oils related to emissions and the more research
and devel-opment is desired.
1 ) MER Annual Review 1996
2) Recent marine engine fuel and engine reliability,
Danjo, page 200 of 57th lecture meeting of MESJ
3)CEC IL047 Sub group "Fuel and Lubricant
Interations" revision 7, March 1996
4) CIMAC WG "Heavy Fuels" March 1996
5) Fuel & Lube Oil, Diesel & Gas Turbine Worldwide December 1996
6) Study on Running in Characteristics of Marine
Low Speed Diesel Engine, Mitsutake and
Takahashi, page 18 1, Joumal of the MESJ 31 -3,
7) MESJ, 56th Lecture Meeting
8 ) MESJ, 57 th Lecture Meeting
[Nobuaki KOJIMA]
10. Nuclear Powered Ships
10.1.Research and Development by Japan Atomic
Energy Research Institute
10.1.l Nuclear Powered Ship ‘‘Mutsu''
The nuclear powered ship "Mutsu" completed the
experiments, and overhauled in Sekinehama Mooring
Port based on the "Basic p1an on the studies necessary
for the research and development of nuclear ship by
Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute" stipulated by
the Prime Minister and the Minister of Transport on 3
1st March, 1985. The works related to the overhaul were
started from the cooling of the spent fuel since 1992,
followed by the work to take out the spent fuel, the
water-draining work, the work to remove the
equip-ment in the auxiliary machinery room for the
reactor, the dredging work in Sekinehama Port and the
excavation work of the adjacent land. The reactor was
completcly removed by a floating crane from the
nuclear powered ship "Mutsu" which was laid up by a
semi-submersible barge in July, 1995, and stored in the
reactor storage room of the Hal1 of Science and
Tech-no1ogy of Mutsu which is the accessory land
facility in Sekinehama Village. No reactor facility or
radioactive wastes are present in "Mutsu", and the first
nuclear powered ship in Japan disappeared completely,
but Japan can possess precious data from manufacture
of the nuclear power ship to demolition of the ship.
The radioactive wastes which were finally
gener-ated by the overhaul works were approximately
same as the planned values examined before the
overhaul both in weight and radioactivity quantity. Table
10.1 shows the planned values and the measured values
of the solid wastes. The solid radioactive wastes
included the primary wastes of about 74 tons, and the
secondary wastes of about 11 tons, totaling 85 tons.
Metals occupied most of the primary wastes, and the
ratio of the metals is remarkably large compared with
the case of the reactor demolished on land. The
measurement through the environmental monitoring
confirmed that no radioactive contamination of the
surrounding envi-ronment was detected both during the
navigation and during the overhaul of Mutsu.
Few examples of the action of reactor demolition
are available in Japan, and the action of demolition of
the reactor installed on board "Mutsu" provides
pre-cious materials for reference in the action of
Bulletin of the M.E.S.J., Vo1. 25, No.2
Annual Review
l 19
of various land reactors which may bc prospected in
The hull of "Mutsu" after overhaul was delivered
from the Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute to the
Ocean Science and Technology Center so as to be
reborn as the oceanographic observation ship of the
largest class in the world. The fore part of the hul1 was
docked in Tokyo First Works of Ishikawajima Harima
Heavy Industries Co., Ltd. and the aft part was docked
in Shimonoseki Shipyard of Mitsubishi Heavy
Indus-tries, Ltd. The remodeling works have been
performed in about 2 years since August, 1995, and the
remodeled ship as the oceanographic research ship
"Mirai" will be engaged in the fall of 1997. Sekinehama
Port which used to be the fixed port for "Mutsu" is also
used as the mother port of Mirai", and the service station
to per-form the servicing of oceanographic observation
buoys to be mounted on board "Mirai" and the building
for analysis to process the observed data are under
10.1.2 Studies for Improvement of Marine Reactor
The Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute has
advanced the research and development of the
im-proved marine reactor aiming at realization of the
future marine reactor together with the research and
devc1opment by "Mutsu". In the case of the marine
reactor, the requirements for the output, the load
condi-tions, and the automation of the operation are
different depending on the kind of ship to be used, and
the research and development of two kinds of improved
marine reactors, i.e., a 1arge marine reactor MRX
(Marine Reactor X) and a deep-sea reactor DRX
(Deep-sea Reactor X) have been advanced for the
installation onboard an ice-breaking observation ship
and a deep-sea scientific research ship which are
expected to be realized soon. The conceptual design has
already been established on MRX and DRX, and the
development of the element techno1ogy such as the
fundamental test or the like on the passive safety
technology, and the development of the element
equipment such as the reactor container built-in type
control rod driving de-vice arc advanced in parallel.
Consideration has been given to how to advance the
design and studies on the engineering level including
demonstration of the estab-lishment of the conception,
acquisition of the thermohydrostatic data necessary for
developing the detailed design, demonstration of the
reliability of thc new concept and the operational and
maintenance pe- rformance .
MRX is the marine reactor to simultaneously
achieve the high safety, miniaturization and weight
reduction of the system by emp1oying the integral type
PWR, the reactor built-in type control rod driving device,
the water-filled type containment, and the decay heat
removing system by the natural circulation.(Sce Fig.
10.1 ) The year of 1996 is the final year for examining
the techno1ogical design, and the design is realized to
the possible degree of building1). In particular, the
sophisticated automation system, the comp1ete
carry-out system (cassette system; Fig. 10.2) which are
most important in improving thc economy have been
examined in detail.
Marine Engineering Progress in 1996
The latter system improves the efficiency of the
nuclear powered ship by loading the reactor together
with the containment. This system was realized
be-cause the MRX is compact and lightweight, and the
docking period of the ship is expected around 3 weeks
so as not to largely exceed the docking period of
conventional ships. The servicing and maintenance by
the complete carry-out system has a large economical
effect such as security of the workers and technological
level and reduction of the working time in addition to
the efficient use of the facilities for exclusive use.
Standardization of the reactor to provide the
inter-changeability also leads to the reduction of the
building cost. Thus, the engineering examination of the
MRX was completed in 1996 for the present. The Japan
Atomic Energy Research Institute will perform the
intensive examination on the DRX which is considered
to be practically applied prior to the MRX.
DRX is the integral reactor where the steam
gen-erator is built in the reactor container similar to the
NIRX, and the turbine and the generator are built in the
container, and it has been considered since 1989 as the
super-compact power generating unit, and the
concep-tion is under examination.
In 1996, the detailed design of the turbine and the
generator, the structural and thermal design of the steam
generator, and the response analyses to the hull motion
and the fluctuating load and the starting method were
considered in succession to those in 1995.
In parallel to the design and studies, it is necessary
to so1ve the technical problems necessary for the
prac-tical application, and the development of the
reactor container build-in type control rod driving
device, the basic study on the passive safety technology,
the study on the water immersion techno1ogy of the
marine reactor, the development of the integral reactor
compo-nents, the sophisticated study of the shielding
technology, development of the sophisticated
automa-tion system of the marine reactor plant, and the
devel-opment of the high burnup core were
implemented. Fig.10.3 shows the concept of the
undersea navigation observation ship and the deep-sea
stay research ship equipped with the DRX which is
under consideration.
10.1.3 System Research for Practical Use of Nuclear
Powered Ship.
It is essential to establish the marine plant with
excellent safety and reliability which is capable of
competing with the conventional ships in economy, and
being accepted by the people and the international
society in order to be prepared for the practical
app1ica-tion of the future nuclear powered ship. For this
purpose, it is important not only the demonstration by
the model or test device to simulate the actual condition,
but also the establishment of various environment
necessary for the operation of the nuclear powered ship
such as the establishment of the safety standards which
are operationally and internationally common as the ship,
the establishment of the repair base. The system
research for the practical application of the nuclear
powered ship is divided into two groups, i.e., Review on
the total system related to the operation of a nuclear
powered ship" and "Review on the design of a practical
nuclear powered ship" with the aim to summarize the
requirements for the practical application of the nuclear
powered ship from the viewpoint on the need side,
e.g.,what nuclear powered ship is required, and what
functions are to be provided under the expected social
environment in future, and with the aim to extract the
problems to be so1ved, and the system research has
been advanced during five years from 1992 to 1996
fiscal year.
The purpose of "Review on the total system related
to the operation of the nuclear powered ship'' is to
Bulletin of the M.E.S.J., Vo1. 25, No.2
Annual Review
October 1997
Marine Engineering Progress in 1996
show the concept of the whole system related to the
operation of the nuclear powered ship, and to clarify the
stipulation requesting the nuclear powered ship, the
system and the environmental conditions to be
estab-lished for the operation of the practical nuclear
pow-ered ship.
In 1996, the scenario for practical application of the
nuclear powered ship and directionality of the
development for the time being are examined as the
final fiscal year.
The purpose of the consideration related to the
design of the nuclear powered ship for practical
appli-cation" is to clarify the technical problems and
issues for the practical application of the nuclear
powered ship in future, to clarify the requirements for
the reactor plant in the nuclear powered ship for the
practical use,and to make it useful for the concrete
development of the marine reactor of the next
In 1996 as the final fiscal year, the detailed
con-ceptual design, the calculation of the cost of a SES
type super-high speed container carrier and a
displacement type large, high speed container carrier, in
particular, the nuclear powered ship for commercial use,
the image establishment of a jumbo container barge
carrier were implemented. As for the nuclear powered
ship for special use, the detailed conceptual design of a
polar observation ship and deep-sea scientific research
ship, and the image establishment of the floating plant
for disasters were implemented.
In parallel to the examination of the nuclear
pow-ered ship for commercial use, the needs for the
deep-sea and oceanographic examination are examined
by Ma-rine Reactor Research Committee of the Japan
Atomic Energy Research Institute so as to embody the
utiliza-tion of the DRX2). In 1996, the trend of the
deep-sea and oceanographic research and development
and arrange-ment of requested items (including the
prospects at present and in near future), clarification of
the images of the deep-sea and oceanographic research
ship, and the requested items for the DRX were
10.2 Research and Development by Ship Research
In succession to the works in 1995, "Studies
re-lated to the application of system reliability analysis
method GO-FLOW" aimed at the establishment of the
element technology for the reliability analysis for the
reactor facility to begin with the marine reactor, and the
major accident sequence identification function was
examined and the accident propagation simulator was
In the "Studies on improvement of reliability of
power supply facilities of the nuclear powered ship",
extraction of the self-sequence which is a problem in
evaluating the safety was started for the fire in which the
countermeasures to avoid the simultaneous failures are
considered to be insufficient.
In the "Studies on the numerical simulation of the
thermal hydrostatic behavior of the marine reactor", the
secondary non-stationary thermal hydrostatic analysis
code was developed in order to simulate the effect of the
flow fluctuation derived from the ship motion on the
decay heat removing capacity from the core. In the field
of the radiation shielding, the evaluation of the
perfor-mance of the high performance shielding material,
the safety transportation of the returned radioactive
wastes, the development of the high performance liquid
shield-ing material, and the development of the ceramics
type multi-function shielding material were successively
In addition, the effect of the vertical motion on the
natural circulating cooling system was studied in
suc-cession, and the studies on the utilization
techno1ogy of the human integral function to the reactor
plant and the autonomous and decentralized cooperative
function monitoring system were implemented in
10.3 Research and Development by other Institutes
Power Reactor and Nuclear Fuel Development
Corporation examined the possibility of establishment
of the power source for the deep-sea research ship using
the fast reactor and the gas loop. Tokyo University of
Mercantile Marine achieved the studies on the flashing
and condensation of the high pressure saturated water in
the water filled type containment generated in the small
LOCA of the MRX and DRX (joint study with Ship
Research Institute)4) and the economical evaluation of
the nuclear powered container carrier engaged in the
arctic polar zone route. Kobe University of Mercantile
Marine successively achieved the studies on the therma1
flow phenomenon of the passive safety system of the
marine reactor, and on the dynamic characteristics and
control of the marine reactors).
1) "Summary of MRX Engineering Design", Japan
Atomic Energy Research Institute, March, 1997
2)"A Report on Working Group for Examination of
DRX Utilization to Deep-sea and Oceanographic
Research", Marine Reactor Research Committee
of the Japan Atomic Energy Research
Institute,March, 1997
3) Materials provided by Izuo Aya (Ship Research
Bulletin of the M.E.S.J., Vo1. 25, No.2
Annual Review
4) Journal of the Atomic Energy Society of Japan,
39- 1 ( 1997), Takamasa, and two other authors
5) Materials provided by Tomoo Otsuji (Kobe University of Mercantile Marine)
1 1.
Automatic control
1 1.1 Genera1
Ships of foreign crew on board have been
commonsense in Japan in these days and substantial and
tough equipment against erroneous operation have been
expected. Tendency for down sizing of equipment are
now in popular and development of compact easy
handled and small trouble equipment have been
vigorous. On the other hand, labor saving equipment for
domestic vessels and fisher vessels have been expected
under the condition of lack of young workers and
advanced age of crew.
Examples of products in such streams are shown
11.2 Machinery system
Terasaki Electric Co., Ltd. developed engine
moni-toring system "WE300" of compact and
economical design.
The system has one case accommodated whole
functions and features of the system are shown below.
Features of "WE- 300".
. Advanced reliability by adopting TFT co1or LCD(9.4
inches) and optical touch pane1
. Duplicate hot standby system
. Extension alarm system planned down sizing &
small wiring
. Small connecting works of cables applying advanced
multiplex transmitting system
11.3 Navigational system
TOKIMEC INC. developed new auto pilot
"PR-6000" considering safety and maneuverability
under influence of circumstance by sea disasters and
consoli-dation of rules by PL.
The auto pilot has fol1owing features as a main
component of integrated bridge system (IBS)
consider-ing future techniques of course keeping.
The auto pilot has fol1owing features as a
main component of integrated bridge system (IBS)
considering future techniques of course keeping.
"Features of PR-6000":
. Accommodate rate of turn control conforming draft
of auto pilot performance standard of IMO resolutlon
.Magnification of scope of application on several
service conditions (auto steering at low speed etc., for
example) by complex auto steering contro1 (all PID
controls are applied to adaptive control)
. Application of non-effective alarm for rudder control by wheel taking USCG rule in advance
. Minimizing human error by distinguishing shapes of
switches and distinguishing sounds for control of
every function
. Strengthen function of analysis for rare reappearance
troubles by memorizing alarm condition
equipment"MARCS-100" for ships.
The equipment acts to suppress ro1ling using
roll-ing moment immediately after rudder control in the
region avoiding influence of course keeping effect.
The anti-rolling equipment has functions of anti-,
rolling/course keeping.
Azimuth angle and rolling movement are suitably
controlled applying modem control theory adopting
prediction control by auto regressive model to
multi-variable control system consisting of azimuth
angle, rolling angular velocity, response of rudder angle
and order of rudder angle etc.
11.4 Others
CO.,LTD. developed ship contro1 system by voice
control system cooperated with fisher vessel association
and fisher vessel engine association.
The control system are operated by computers
verifying voice (order) of operator and transmitting
control signals to fishing equipment or ship control
The control system are made up by wireless
equip-ment, voice control equipment, voice verification
equip-ment and interface (net hoisting machine, clutch
of main engine and steering gear).
Voice control equipment is applied recognition of
voices for specific persons and registered persons are
five and order words are eight.
The voice control system is so designed as to
minimize wrong recognition of order words under the
circumstance of fishing works.
1) Fune no Kagaku Vo1.49 1996-7
2) The Journal of Fishing Boad Association of Japan
3) Catalogue of TOKIMEC INC.
4) Catalogue of Terasaki Electric Co., Ltd.
[Yoshimi SATOH]
Marine Engineering Progress in 1996
12. Electronics Technology
12.1 Safe Voyage of Ship
combined with the ultra-high-sensitive night vision and
the integrated radio communication system in Sea Japan
96. The ECDIS has been delivered for three ships .
12.1.1 Ship maneuvering Simulator
In the Tokyo University of Mercantile Marine, the
advanced and large-scaled ship maneuvering simulator
with a projected bridge applicable for a modernized ship
was newly installed in Spring of 1996 to upgrade the
maneuverer's technique. The bridge where the nautical
instruments are arranged (breadth 7m,length 4m, height
2.3m), mock-up of the wing and the screen on which
scenery is projected are installed in the simulator room
of this equipment.
On the other hand, Ishikawajima-Harima Heavy
Industries Co., Ltd. received the order of 4 units of
compact ship maneuvering simulator I-SIM SMS-EC
series intended towards compact size and low cost. This
equipment is provided with a large-sized monitor to
display the scenery and used for training for a
small-sized ship also other than a large-sized ship.
. "Cock Pit System for domestic modernized ship''
combined with JRC's radar, Yokogawa Electronics
Equipment Co.'s gyro pilot and Uzushio Electric Co.'s
console was announced in October 1993.
12.1.2 Integrated Bridge System (IBS)
In order to support safe voyage, ARPA radar,
ECDIS satisfying the performance standard of IMO and
IBS in which the nautical instruments are well
systemized have been commercialized.
. ATN Atlas Electronics has the sales results of more
than 360 units in Europe and recently developed
NACOS 2 which was decided to be equipped on
fifteen ships including container ships.
. Sperry sold VISION 2 100 since about 1992 and have
the sales results of more than twenty units.
. Reical Decca announced MIRANS in 1989, which
was decided to be equipped on six high-speed ferry
boats .
. Nor Control concluded the sales assistance agreement with Taiyo Electric Co., Ltd. and BRIDGE
LINE was decided to be equipped on ten container
ships in 1997, which was the first deal in the Japanese
. Kelvin Hughs announced MINAS 9000 in Sea Japan
96 in Japan, which was decided to be equipped on
three oil tankers and four container ships.
. Raytheon Anschutz announced BRIDGE CONTROL
3000 in Sea Japan 96 in Japan.
. Tokimec Inc. announced a IBS as a first manufacturer in Japan. makers, which is called SEAVANS. It
has been equipped on six ships such as training ships
and research ships and more than ten marchant ships.
. Furuno Electric Co., Ltd. developed BOYAGER
jointly with Furuno Denmark as and announced it in
1996. ]]le first product is expected to be equipped on a
shuttle tanker for Norwegian owner.
. Japan Radio Co., Ltd. (JRC) announced IBS- 1000
12.1.3 Voyage Support System
JRC commerciallized the new type of automatic
collision avoidance system jointly with the Ship
Re-search Institute of the Ministry for Transport. This
system informs operators of approach of a ship which
may possibly collide with and the necessary
informa-tion for navigation by voice synthesis, and
displays the collision dangerous area on its radar screen.
. Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd. developed
‘‘Do-mestic ship voyage assistance system" jointly with
the Ship Research Institute of the Ministry for
Trans-port and the Japan Domestic Tanker Shipping
Association, and received the order for two ships. The
voice communication technique is adopted in this
system for steering command and information
. Furuno Electric Co., Ltd. and Yokogawa Denshikiki
Co., Ltd. jointly developed "ROOT MASTER" and
"NAVI-MATE" for the domestic ship and announced
them in 1995. They were equipped on two ships.
Network ‘‘Windows''
In the marine computer system, the network
"Win-dows" becomes close to us by popularization of
exclu-sively use LSIs for high-speed network control
and highly advanced OS. Consequently it becomes more
easily to realize nowadays that the improvement of
reliability due to redundancy and distributed processing
of the system, improvement of operability for real time
processing, enhancement and integration of the contro1
system and unification of the data base on land.
The fo11owing shows examples.
( 1) KEI System Co., Ltd. developed and delivered the
(1) KEI System Co., Ltd. developed and delivered
the "Vessel wide monitoring & control system"
which can monitor and control the engine and
cargo related plants from any graphic terminal of
nine units and also the "Deck integrated contro1
sys-tem" in which five graphic terminals are
(2) Monitor and control system UMS-50 made by
Uzushio Electric Co., Ltd. is featured by preparing
the joy stick type pointing device and developing
the software on the base of "Windows".
Bulletin of the M.E.S.J., Vo1. 25, No.2
Annual Review
12.3 Others
Nippon Hakuyo Electronics, Ltd. developed the
digital automatic telephone exchange OAE-8000 series
to cope with the recent multi media and it was adopted
on patrol ships, observation ships and research ships. By
connecting the above telephone exchanger with the
outer lines to such as INMARSAT B or M, the operator
on ship can communicate with and exchange data with
as same manner as in the office on land.
[Hiroyuki OGINO]
13. Electrical Equipment and System
13.1 Trend
Characteristics of the marine electric field in FY
1996 are that a large-sized electric propulsion system,
high tension power supply system, large-sized stabilizer
and the like using the latest power electronics have been
manufactured and installed as a practical device and
their performances have been demonstrated.
This advanced technology is the results of steady
research and development by the research organizations
related to ship and marine, shipyards, marine equipment
makers and the like and these are expected to contribute
greatly to the future development in the ship and marine
13.2 Power Supply and Power Field
(1) Large-sized ocean research and observation ship
"Mirai" is underconstruction by altering the nuclear ship
"Mutsu" for the Japan Marine Science and Technology
Center after end of mission. Since control of operating
speed in the wide range is required for the purpose of
research and observation, it is planned that the diesel
propulsion system and the electric propulsion system
are installed in parallel.
The outline of the propu1sion system and onboard
power supply installation is shown in Fig. 13.1.4-engine
and 2-shaft diesel propulsion system and 2-engine and
2-shaft electric propu1sion system are installed on this
ship and the diesel engines drive the propellers via
clutch (1) and (2) and the reduction gears. Two diesel
engines at the center can directly couple with the shaft
generator by clutch (3), and are used for operation of the
shaft generator.
The propu1sion motors are built in the intermediate
shaft and when the electric propu1sion system is
operated, the motors are decoupled from the reuction
gears and diesel engines by the clutch (1).
In the normal voyage the combined four main diesel
engines and controllable pitch propellers are used.
When research and observation are performed, the
electric propulsion system and the propellers of fixed
pitch are mainly used for opera-tion to reduce cavitation
noise of the propellers.
October 1997
Marine Engineering Progress in 1996
Steering control is made by the joy sticks in the fore
wheel house and the aft wheel house and it is planned
that automatic steering including the electric propulsion
and thruster can be made.
Several systems are available in variable speed system
being adopted in the electric propulsion, but on this ship
the voltage/frequency control system of the brushless
motor by converter -inverter (thyristor motor contro1
system) was used. The thyristor motor contro1 on this
ship was planned to be in the operation range of 20 90min^-1 but stable operation was confirmed even in
10min^-1 by adopting the special feedback circuit to
lower the minimum operating speed.
As for the electric propulsion system the power
generation plant with electric propulsion mode was
installed on the training ship "Hiroshima Maru" for
Hiroshima Mercantile Marine College.
13.3 Applied Electricity-Other Fields
(1) A variety of special electrical equipment was
adopted on the Mirai". Some of them are
intro-duced .
Large-sized stabilizer: This is a stabilizer of
transister inverter control reducing rolling to deal
with research and observation in the waves and
capable of reducing a half of rolling on the sea area
of sea state 5.
Doppler radar: This is a large-sized radar
observ-ing the atmospheric layer by using Doppler
shift of radar wave.
(2) As a new type data logger Terasaki Electric Co.,
Ltd. commercialized WE 300 adopting TFT co1or
liquid crystal display and optical touch panel.
Although the body is miniaturized, it is configured
by the system of high expansibility.
1) H. Itaya, "Electric Propulsion System for Largesized Ocean Research and Observation Ship Mirai",
Symposium of M.E.S.J. 1997
2) Ishikawajima-Harima Heavy industries Co., Ltd.,
Catalog of "Hybrid Anti-Ro1ling System"
3) Terasaki Electric Co., Ltd., Catalog of "WE300"
[Yukiteru IGUCHI]
14. O cean Machinery and
Offshore Structures
Trend of Each Field
14.1.1 Offshore Oil Development
The demand is rising for offshore structures
re-garding oil such as mobile offshore drilling rig
ered to be equal to 3 vessels of VLCC, or such as FPSO
(Floating production storage and offloading vessels),and
so on. The demand for offshore drilling rig is expected
for new type of deep sea service about 1000 m or more,
and about 80 vessels of EPSO are expected to be built
for 10 years from now. Hitachi Zosen Co. has received
an order of a semisubmersible drilling rig which is
intended for service at depth of water 1500 m and has
twin derricks of new ram-type, and as results drilling
efficiency was improved about 20% by them, and
further DPS is adopted completely. The other hands,
Ishikawajima-Harima Heavy Industries takes measures
to receive an order to drilling a deeper oi1 field by the
completion of design of offshore drilling rig at deep
water of 3000 m. FPSO has more demands than offshore
drilling units, there are many inquiry for them from
North Sea, Off Chinese., Off Canadian projects, etc.
There is a forecast such that it is necessary to mark the
development on the offshore fields by the fact of
lin-1itation of ships market.
14.1.2 Ocean Energy Development
The research and developments of offshore
float-ing wave power device named as "Mighty Whale"
are being conducted. These system make the sea area
after these systems to calm by absorbing wave energy,
and consequently become use1ti1 for effective
utilization of coasting area and for culture fishery. The
experimental systems of actual size is scheduled to be
constructed and moored off Gokasho-bay, Mie Pref. till
the end of the current year, and after that, the
experiments at the actual area are planned to establish
safety, endurance and economical property of the
systems and to utilize them.
14.1.3 Development of Marine Creature Resources
In succession from last year, Kawasaki Heavy Ind.
built 3 sets of large scale fishing bank of floating type
for Okinawa Pref. This fishing bank is constituted with
the floating structure of sea surface, the artificial sea
bed at water depth of 9 m and the column linking them,
and the floating surface structure of 7m diameter is
equipped with the global positioning system (GPS),
navigation aids and solar cell panels. The main
structure of this fishing bank is moored by one point
catenary of mooring line having special construction
combined with wire and chain at the sea area with 1
000m - 1400 m water depth.
Offshore artificial sea bed for JAMSTEC (Japan
Marine Science and Techno1ogy Center) is the facility
for fishery farming which the octagonal shelf structure
of steel frame is to submerge at water depth of 7 m
generally, intended for breeding of fish and shellfishes
such as an abalone, the proof experiments are planned
Bulletin of the M.E.S.J., Vo1. 25, No.2
AnnuaI Review
for farming and performing of the facility itself.
14.1.4 Development of Marine Bio-Techno1ogy
The research and development of bio-techno1ogy
resource utilization by breeding deposits on the deep sea
bottom or microbes living under the environments, such
as hydrothermal ventores, different from land is being
14.1.5 Utilization of Marine Space
The ultra large scale of offshore structure, so called
as "MEGA FLOAT PROJECT", makes the special
feature of this field. The current year is the final year of
research project, and it is scheduled to verify and
complete the program by proof experiment, to conduct
each proof test at the actual sea area, to verify the
efficiency of experimental connection of floating units,
and to complete the total technical matter finally.
MEGA FLOAT is expected for air ports, helicopter ports,
etc., as the traffic base, for a disposal facility of waste, a
sewage plant, a bridge, a office building, etc.,as the base
of cities, for an electric power station, a crude oil or
LNG stockpiling base, etc., as an energy facility, for a
fishing base, a facility of fishery farming,etc., as a
fishery facility, and for a leisure or sightseeing facility,
On the other hand, a multi-purpose rescue plant
providing measures to deal with natural calamities are
presented. The basic concept of this plant is to be useful
as the perfect independent unit which is equipped with
various radio communication equipment, a facility for
helicopter access, first aids medical facilities, fire
fight-ing equipment, sea water desalination equipment,
gar-bage incinerating and electric generating equipment,
gasturbine generating equipment, auxiliary generating
equipment, living facility, large scaled public bath,poo1,
14.1.6 Ocean Observation
A unmanned searching vehicle "KAIKOU" of
10000m water depth class is active in various fields. On
the other hand, Tokyo University and Mitsui
Engi-neering & Shipbuilding developed an autonomous
un-manned underwater robot "R-one" jointly which
at-tracted a great deal of attention. This robot is useful at
water depth of 400m, and able to navigate for 24 hours
by use of closed cycle diesel engine, equipped with an
obstacle avoid function and introduced the inertia
navi-gation method by sound signal.
A large ocean observation and research ship
"MIRAI" is equipped with various high quality and
accuracy observation systems, planned ocean
observa-tion for long term on a global scale. Further,
this ship has the high grade function by introducing the
anti-rolling device to observe at high latitude sea area,
where few observation data was gotten from for the
reason of severe sea condition and weather, and provide
the dep1oyment function of ocean observation buoys,
and is scheduled to be completed at this autumn.
14.2 Building Records
Building records of offshore equipment in 1996 are
shown in Table 14.1. Records is summarized by
information from the ocean Machinery Committee
LPG FSO made of steel for Chevron Nigeria is the
first facility in the world to export the petroleum gas, by
LPG from, produced from Escravos Oil Wel1 off
Nige-ria LPG liquefied at the land facility is transported
by the pipe lines at the bottom of the sea under condition
of normal temperature and high pressure to FSO, cooled
down on board and stored at normal pressure. The
storage tank is of IHI SPB type.
Further, the introduce of large scale fishing bank of
floating type is planned prosperously, accordingly the
increase of fishery haul is expected by the swarm of
fishes, farming of abalone, etc.
14.3 Order Record and Future Prospect
Order records of offshore equipment in 1996 are
shown in Table 14.2. Records is summarized by
infor-mation from the 0cean Machinery Committee
In 1997, the demand of offshore structures in field
of offshore oil developments is increasing, it is
ex-pccted to grow in future.
In the field of utilization of ocean space, the
experiment of MEGA FLOAT PROJECT is finishing in
this year, it is expected actual ultra large scale of
offshore structure to put into practice in near future.
October 1997
Marine Engineering Progress in 1996
Bulletin of the M.E.S.J., Vo1. 25, No.2