Sleep, Criticality and Information Processing in the Brain
Sleep, Criticality and Information Processing in the Brain
Sleep, Criticality and Information Processing in the Brain Christian Meisel National Institute of Mental Health University Clinic Carl Gustav Carus Dresden Eckehard Olbrich Peter Achermann Sleep Criticality Information Processing in the Brain Criticality Information Processing in the Brain Sleep Criticality Sleep Information Processing in the Brain Sleep Information Processing in the Brain Criticality Sleep Information Processing in the Brain Criticality A Theory for Sleep ? ‣observed in all species, from fruitflies to mammals ‣about one third of lifetime is spent asleep ‣„from the brain, for the brain“ ‣role unknown A Theory for Sleep ? without sleep: ‣reduced responsiveness to stimuli ‣impaired information processing ‣reduced learning ... Banks, J Clin Sleep Med, 2007 Mignot, PLoS Biol, 2008 ... observations suggest that sleep may play an important role in organizing or reorganizing neuronal networks in the brain toward states where information processing is optimized Two-process model of sleep ‣sleep propensity increases during wake and decreases during sleep - sleep homeostasis (Achermann, Brain Res Bul,1992) ‣related to theta and slow-wave activity in the EEG MIZ ]6 36 O4.'==4 (, C'3 O4/6 \6 3!!$,4-&4$. )'&;''. %4!' $0 123 4. !=''# -.( &+'&- -,&4<4&* 4. ;-@4./ 4=="!&%-&'( 0$% &;$ !")L',&!6 H'-. 123 #'% .$.>GBH !=''# '#4!$(' 4! #=$&&'( -& &+' )'/4..4./ $0 '-,+ '#4!$('8 -.( 'E#%'!!'( %'=-&4<' &$ &+' )-!'=4.' <-="' $0 &+' T%!& .$.>GBH !=''# '#4!$(' N9JJi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wo-process model of sleep ‣sleep propensity increases during wake and decreases during sleep - sleep homeostasis (Achermann, Brain Res Bul,1992) ‣related to theta and slow-wave activity in the EEG MIZ ]6 36 O4.'==4 (, C'3 O4/6 \6 3!!$,4-&4$. )'&;''. %4!' $0 123 4. !=''# -.( &+'&- -,&4<4&* 4. ;-@4./ 4=="!&%-&'( 0$% &;$ !")L',&!6 H'-. 123 #'% .$.>GBH !=''# '#4!$(' 4! #=$&&'( -& &+' )'/4..4./ $0 '-,+ '#4!$('8 -.( 'E#%'!!'( %'=-&4<' &$ &+' )-!'=4.' <-="' $0 &+' T%!& .$.>GBH !=''# '#4!$(' N9JJiP6 BE#$.'.&4-= 0".,&4$.! ;'%' T&&'( &+%$"/+ &+' (-&- #$4.&! N!$=4( ,"%<'!P6 F+' %'/%'!!4$. =4.' %'#%'!'.&! &+'&- #$;'% 4. ;-@4./ N4.&'%%"#&'( =4.'P6 O$% #%$,'("%' -.( !&-.(-%(4K-&4$.8 !'' O4/6 I6 ‣Tononi: Synaptic homeostasis is underlying sleep homeostasis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ig. 1 G. Tononi, Cirelli -%'-! NO4/6 MP6 3 0%$.&-= #%'($54.-.,' $0C. 123 ;-! ($,"> IQ8RJ sleep ends.!=''#8 In addition to #-%&4-= claiming a correspon!=''# ('#%4<-&4$. R9 5'.&'( 0$% )-!'=4.' dence between the homeostatic Process S and total 989S -.( &$&-= !=''# synaptic ('#%4<-&4$.6 1#',&%-= /%-(4'.&! ,$5#"&'( strength, the hypothesis proposes specific mechanisms, whereby synaptic strength would 0%$5 -(L-,'.& increase -.&'%$#$!&'%4$% )4#$=-% %',$%(4./! !+$;'( during wakefulness and decrease during and suggests why $0 the #$;'% tight regulation of &+-& &+' 0%$.&-= sleep, #%'($54.-.,' 4. &+' I>:K )-.( synaptic strength would be of great importance for ;-! =-%/'!& 4. &+' T%!& .$.>GBH !=''# '#4!$('8 (454.4!+'( the brain. 4. &+' !',$.( '#4!$(' -.( <-.4!+'( 4. &+' !")!'?"'.& &;$ '#4!$('!6 RJ F+' 4.&'%#%'&-&4$. &+-& &+'!' %'/4$.-= ,+-./'! Synaptic homeostasis: a schematic 5-* %'U',& - +4/+'% V%',$<'%* .''(W $0 0%$.&-= +'&'%$5$(-= diagram -!!$,4-&4$. -%'-! $0 &+' ,$%&'E 4! !"##$%&'( )* #$!4&%$. '54!> The two-process model involving the circadian The diagram in Fig. 2 presents a simplified version Perspe Two-process model of sleep 50 G. Tononi, C. Cirelli sleep ends. In addition to claiming a correspondence between the homeostatic Process S and total synaptic strength, the hypothesis proposes specific mechanisms, whereby synaptic strength would increase during wakefulness and decrease during Figure 3. Evidence Supporting SH sleep, and suggests why the tight regulation of (A) Experiments in rats and mice show t synaptic strength would be of great importance for the brain. phosphorylation levels of GluA1-AMP Fig. 1 The two-process model involving the circadian component (process C) and the homeostatic component (process S). Specifically, the curve in Fig. 1 can be interpreted as reflecting how the total amount of synaptic strength in the cerebral cortex (and possibly other brain structures) changes as a function of wakefulness and sleep. Thus, the hypothesis claims that, under normal conditions, total synaptic strength increases during wakefulness and reaches a maximum just before going to sleep. Then, as soon as sleep ensues, total synaptic strength begins to decrease, and reaches a baseline level by the time wake (data from rats are from Vyazovs (B, B0 , and B00 ) Electrophysiological a Synaptic homeostasis: a schematic evoked responses using electrical stimu diagram Vyazovskiy et al., 2008) and TMS (in hu et al., version 2013) shows increased slope The diagram in Fig. 2 presents a simplified of the main points of the hypothesis. During decreased slope after sleep. In (B), W wakefulness (yellow background), we interact onset and end of !4 hr of wake; S0 and with the environment and acquire information end of !4 hr of sleep, including at about it. The EEG is activated, andand the neuromodu0 latory milieu (for example, highsleep. levels In of (B nor), pink and blue bars indica adrenaline, NA) favors the storage of information, deprivation and a night of recovery sleep which occurs largely through long-term potenIn potentiation vitro analysis of mEPSCs in rats tiation of synaptic strength. This occurs when the firing of a presynaptic neuronfrequency is increased and amplitude of m followed by the depolarization or firing of a and sleep deprivation (SD) relative to s postsynaptic neuron, and the neuromodulatory rats are from Liu et al. (2010). milieu signals the occurrence offrom salient events. Strengthened synapses are indicated in red, with (C and C0 ) In flies, the number of sp branches in the visual neuron VS1 incre wake (ew) and decrease only if flies ar (from Bushey et al., 2011). (C0 ) Str adolescent mice show a net increas density after wake and sleep deprivat decrease after sleep (from Maret et al., 16 Neuron 81, January 8, 2014 ª2014 Elsevier Inc. Tononi and Cirelli, Sleep Med., 2006 Bushey et al., Science, 2011 Fig. 2 The synaptic homeostasis hypothesis. Huber et al., Cereb. Cortex, 2012 Tononi and Cirelli, Nat. Neurosc., 2014 Cortical Network Dynamics ‣cortical activity in superficial layers is composed of cascades of activity following a precise scaling relationship !"#$%$&'(&)*+&& ,-)*)./"'0&$.&("'&"12 Fig. 2 Shew et al. • Dynamic Range Maximized during Neuronal Avalanches 15596 • J. Neurosci., December 9, 2009 • 29(49):15595–15600 ‣first processing in cortical networks, with peak performance found under balanced conditions that generate neuronal avalanche activity. Fig. 2. Power law organization of neuronal avalanches identifies interacti observed in organotypic cultures cally synchronized neuronal groups. (A) Dorsal view of a macaque brain (l showing the position of the microelectrode array (square) in pre-motor cor Beggs and Plenz, J. Neurosci, 2003 scale). (B) Example period of the continuous local field potential (LFP) at Materials and Methods ‣in Monkey A Monkey B inB the LFP (nLFPs) that cross thresh electrode. Peak negativeA deflections line; −2.5SD) are indicative ofPMdlocal PMd synchronized groups (red circles). (C occurrence times for the 91-microelectrode array in A during ∼ 4 s of Peterman et al., PNAS,nLFP 2009 M1 M1 M1 in an awake macaque monkey. nLFPs at different electrodes tend to cluste single microelectrode on the array. Red box : region enlarged in D. (D) D 10 mm tiotemporal cascade: nLPFs in the same time bin or consecutive bins (∆t = C Local rate -> nLFP cascade, whose size can be measured by its number of nLFPs (three cascades Tagliazucchi et al., Front. Phys., 2012 5 shown; gray areas). ∆t: discrete time window to detect simultaneous or su Palva et al., PNAS, 2013 on the array. (E) Neuronal avalanche dynamics are identified when the size Shriki et al., J. Neurosci,distribute 2013 according to a power law with exponent of −3/2. Calculated fr LFP activity inD the awake macaque monkey (cf. A, C). The cut-o Priesemann et al., PLoSongoing CB, 2013 Local synchrony -> nLFP law reflects the finite size of the microelectrode array and changes with the ray used for analysis. Four distributions from the same original data set ( over-plotted using different areas (inset), i.e. number of electrodes (N ). Gray electrodes. The power law reflects interactions between neuronal groups at d Bellay et al., in submission the array and is not found shuffled data lines). L: Spatial leng nLFP for peak amplitude correlates with local rate(broken and synchrony of unit human MEG, ECoG, fMRI ‣at the level of individual neurons nLFP (SD) nLFP (SD) ‣in awake monkeys Organotypic cultures on microelectrode arrays. Coronal slices from rat somatosensory cortex (350 !m thick, postnatal day 0 –2; Sprague Dawley) and the midbrain (VTA; 500 !m thick) were cut and cultured on a poly-Dlysine-coated 8 ! 8 microelectrode array (MEA) (Multi Channel Systems; 30 !m electrode diameter; 200 !m interelectrode distance). In this organotypic slice coculture, the development of deep and superficial cortical layers (Götz and Bolz, 1992; Plenz and Kitai, 1996) as well as neuronal avalanche activity parallels that observed in vivo (Gireesh and Plenz, 2008). In short, a sterile chamber attached to the MEA allowed for repeated recording from cultures for weeks. After plasma/ thrombin-based adhesion of the tissue to the MEA, standard culture medium was added 1.4 (600 !l, 50% basal medium, 25% HBSS, 25% horse serum; Sigma-Aldrich). MEAs were then affixed to a slowly rocking tray inside a custombuilt incubator ("65° angle, 0.005 Hz frequency, 35.5 " 0.5°C) (Stewart and Plenz, 2008). Spontaneous activity. Using a recording head 0 stage inside the incubator (MEA1060 w/blanking circuit; !1200 gain; bandwidth 1–3000 Hz; 12 bit A/D; range 0 – 4096 mV; Multi Channel Systems), local field potential (LFP; 4 kHz sampling rate; reference electrode in bath) was ob1.4 tained from 1 h of continuous recordings of extracellular activity (low-pass, 100 Hz, phaseneutral). To establish a correlation between LFP and neuronal spiking activity, in n # 5 cultures, extracellular activity was recorded for 15 min at 25 kHz. In addition to extracting LFP, the extracellular signal was filtered in the 0 frequency band 300 –3000 Hz and $78 single units were identified per culture using threshold detection and PCA-based spike sorting Fig. 1. (Offline Sorter; Plexon). activity. right left left right left 10SD 200 ms 200 200 300 100 Monkey A M1left 100 0.8 100 Monkey B 300 300 200 400 0 Local firing rate (Hz) 100 300 200 400 M1 left M1right PMd left PMd right Local firing rate (Hz) 0.8 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 units/10 ms (n) 0 1 2 3 units/10 ms (n) (A) Position of microelectrode arrays in primary motor (M1) and Dependence on E/I balance hase Synchrony and Neuronal Avalanches ‣in vitro: systematic control of E/I balance ‣control GABAergic and Glutamatergic syn. transm. organotypic cortical cultures J.‣ Neurosci., December 9, 2009 • 29(49):15595–15600 • 15597 J. Neurosci., January 18, 2012 • 32(3):1061–1072 • 1065 ‣neuronal avalanches characteristic for E/I balance ifiat occurred during the burst. We note that in previous work we atple spike count during a burst was proportional to the burst size based on sum of nLFP (Shew et al., 2009). Thus, defining burst size vity spike count is appropriate for the computational model. Size ns of these bursts were used to parameterize the model dynamics c!or as defined above. Moreover, each condition was modeled on 60 taonnection matrices (10 different networks of each size) to repressible variability from one culture to another in the experiments. rug ars in the results represent variation among the dynamics of these urtrenetworks. el the pharmacological manipulations made in our experinist simply multiplied either the positive or the negative entries of tor matrix by a constant between zero and10681,• J.modeling Neurosci., January 18,the 2012 • 32(3):1061–1072 Yang et al. • Phase Synchrony and Neuronal Avalanches ction oliither disfaciliation (AP5/DNQX) or disinhibition (PTX) renear 1 respectively ( fAPL ! 0.52 " 0.01; ANOVA, p # 0.01). Although such antiSince the average wij value of the baseline connection matrix um phase locking in general will reduce the isfacilitation or disinhibition resulted in a mean w !1/Q or 20 magnitudeij of r, the high ! conditions still pectively. As average wij is increased from !1/Q resulted the highest average r due to the toin"1/Q, the ng, fact that anti-phase-locked groups were of this computational model undergo an abrupt change at the always small compared with the phasened nt specified by 1/Q. At the critical point the computational locked groups. xed erates neuronal avalanches, i.e., the burst sizeMaximum distribution is a entropy and onset of red with exponent near #1.5. Our computationalsynchrony modelnear is similar ! " 1 in computational model which have been used to study criticality in Toneural networks gain further insight into our experimental dwe Plenz, 2003; Haldeman and Beggs, 2005; Kinouchi and a similar investifindings, we next performed gation in a network-level computational 06; Larremore et al., 2011), but is different from these because model. Network-level phase synchrony has ive inhibitory neurons. been investigated extensively in previous FPs theoretical and model studies using coupled nalyzing the computational model data, aggregate population oscillators (Strogatz, 2001; Arenas et al., han et al., J. Neurosci, 2008). might interpret the sig!l#Naively, b $t%,one where t) forShew each model site were computed 2009 PN $t% " L l from one electrode as one thenal recorded ater Figure of neurons siteal., N. To more closely model experimentally oscillator. However, in reality, each2. Burst area and duration have moderate mean and maximum entropy near ! & 1. Yangatet J. Neurosci, 2012anoretical κ ... deviation from a power-law ‣moderate mean and maximum variability of synchronization electrode records the collective activity of a amplitudes, we used the response curve, R( S), to compute dynamic range, Optimization of certain information processing capabilites i Shew et al. • Dynamic Range Maximized during Neuronal Avalanches . Neurosci., December 9, 2009 • 29(49):15595–15600 . To obtain response as a function of us in the model, we simulated increasing us amplitude S by increasing the number ally activated neurons (S ! 1, 2, 4, 16, 128 initially active neurons). Finally, we at our model is very similar to (N " ensional directed percolation (Buice wan, 2007). Therefore, at high dimen# 5) and weak coupling, it is expected model behaves as a branching process, ! is the branching parameter and the ower law is predicted at criticality. est for statistical differences between a one-way ANOVA followed by a post hoc test was used. ts where 1[x] is the u week ending P H Y S I C A L R E V I E W L E T T E R S J. Neurosci., December 9, 2009 • 29(49):15595–15600 Shew et al. • Dynamic Range Maximized during Neuronal Avalanches • 15599 2005 ex FEBRUARY PRL 94, 058101 (2005) range11of network where Smax 1.25/N in steps o and Sthe are stimulation valueswhen to 90% and 10%clustersto cluster size. the One thousand clusters were simulated at leading each of 11allowing min several different of output configurations mimicked doubly peaked distribution produced agreement establishedan theory, model levels of !. Incultures we bathed cortical inwith picrotoxin, agent thatclusterto achieve significance [Fig. 2(b), center], of the range of R,therespectively. meanthus pij,maximizing the mode size PDFs near criticality (i.e., ! ! 1) fit a "3/2 power law very the number of metastable states. selectively blocked inhibition and increased ! [Fig. 1(b)] closely (Fig. 2 B, right, black) (Harris, 1989; Zapperi et al., 1995). Model.[7]. The consisted of weNcomputed coupled, binary-state neu#j!J(t) ij to order the p branching net- N Themodel hump distribution Sall-to-all ! 60 is caused " based on by CDFs of We also investigated dynamics in Justinasthe in the experiment,near ! (Fig. 2 B).works. simulated spontaneous activity for different values ofarray For all Lyapunov exponent propagates over the the entire electrode rons (N $activity 250, that 500, 1000) and following dynamical rules: If networks, neuronthe j Boolean spikes at time t will, We found that " and ! were almost linearly related (Fig. 2 D), " did not settle at one value, but wandered itinerantly near dyingwhich out.supports The model alsointerpretation: produced Insimilarity the 1), following the experiments, spiked at before time t (i.e., s which constitutes cr (t) $ then postsynaptic neuron i will spike at j matrices and" metastable states similar to those in livingregime,a mean (Fig. 4) [20]. In critical networks, this mean was ! 1 is close to criticality, " # 1 identifies the subcritical indistinguishable from zero (! and ! 1; "Copelli, % 0), producing " $ 1suggesting is analog the supercritical regime of are the model. and 2), (Fig. that the simple time t ! 1networks with probability pij.toAs such, the pbranching N 2 numbers represent2006) ij neutral dynamics on average. By neutral, we mean that network qualitatively captured salient features of cortical ing the synaptic coupling strengths between system is supercriti Stimulus-evoked activity and dynamic range each pair of neurons. The pij slice culture.After obtaining " for a given experimental condition, we re-the distance between nearby trajectories remained nearly over time. Supercriticalparameter networks hadof chaotic are asymmetric the m +model, ptheji,response positive, time-independent, uniformly distribUsing p this we determine the branching pa- S (forconstant R as a function of stimulus amplitude ijcorded peristimulus time histograms of response for different S, see sup#1 (! > 1; " # 0), where small initial distances dynamics rameter’s influence on the number of metastable states. uted random numbers with mean and SD of order N . If a set of reflects the average plemental material, available at Typical rebetween trajectories were amplified over time. Subcritical We ran simulations in driven mode increasing ! from sponse curves from experiments and simulations are shown in neurons J(t) spikes time t, ofthen probability that neuron i fires at networks had attracting dynamicsconsecutive (! < 1; " " 0), time where st 0.00 to 3.00Figure inatincrements 0.02. the Forfound small 3, A and B, respectively. We thatnetworks the shape of the 2 between trajectories shrank over time. Thus the (N the number of metastable states peaked at ). distances response curves in$ the model closely matched the# experimental timeCapacity t and !Transmission 1 is" 64) exactly p (t) 1 # , (1 p To the balanced such that, Shew et al. • Maximized Information J. Neurosci., January 5, 2011 implement • 31(1):55– 63 • 59 iJ j!J(t) ij findings. When excitatory was reducedbranching parameter determined three dynamical regimes. clearly supercritical values of !synaptic [! # transmission 1:6; Fig. 3(a)], 1), thevariability system was relatively (required a larger Bursting (" # probabilistic nature and ofinsensitive unitary synaptic efficacy, neuron nor decays with tim in cortical slicei cultures differs from the more but for larger networks this peak gradually approached ! ! 1. This possibility in line with significant evinear stimulus to evoke peak a given response). When inhibitoryis synaptic Dynamic Range Shew et al. • Dynamic Range Maximized during Neuronal Avalanches * & 10 log10(Smax/Smin), (2) –VTA cocultures from rat (n ! 16), closely parallel in vivo differentiand maturation of cortical superficial 2 continuous activity seen in awake, behaving animals [21]. the critical value of ! was ! reduced 1:0 [for Nongoing !in! 1:00; (Gireesh and Plenz, 2008), were dence that activity the cortex is intimately related to 1),! the2500, system was hyperexcitable, transmission (" $ 2 others stimulus-evoked activity (Kenet et!al., Ji and Wilson, 2007; have shown that when &0:6 cm slabs of best least-squares fit single exponential for allsmall data: !2003; with responses that saturate for relatively stimuli. In theHowever, on 8 $ 8 integrated planar micro"! 1, Fig. theLuczak range of resulting E/Is:d:, condition Han et al., 2008; et stimuli al.,While 2009). Forcortical instance, tissue stimulusin vivo are isolated by cutting from incoming 1:03 $ 0:01, balanced mean $ R2 with ! 0:98; 3(b)]. de arrays (Fig. 1A). LFPs were in nonzero and nonsaturated response was recur largest. evoked activity patterns during ongoingconnections, activity, at both the they burst in ways remarkably similar to most of these simulations used few connections to reduce ed after superficial layer differentipopulation level (Kenet et al., 2003; Han et al., 2008) and the level Figure 4.cultures Network tuning curve for dynamic range % near criticality. A, In experiments, % cortical [22]. When slabs are made larger, burstcomputation Maximal times (C ! 4),ofrange increasing C (Ji to 161Wilson, or 32 2007). did Therefore, #10 d in vitro, DIV) and analyzed !and ! dynamic criticality, spikeatsequences aim 1 and drops rapidly with distance from criticality. Paired measurements peaksour closenext to " ! becomes more suggesting that slabs For each response curve, we quantified thefinding range ofofstimuli theing share not change appreciably ourwas results tract spatiotemporal clusters of ! 1symbol also to5,test peak entropy near 60 • J. Neurosci., January 2011[Fig. • whether 31(1):55–3(b)]. 63 our Shew et(no-drug) al. • Maximized Information and just Transmission the!same shape;frequent, normal condition wasCapacity measured before thethe drug size network can process, i.e., the dynamic range % (see Materials and stimulus-evoked of the entire cortical mantle would% produce condition. Circles, Unpaired measurement. B, In simulations, is also maximumcontinuous for " ! 1. The similarity matrices holds the for three types of activity. networks (n ! 47 experiments). ExtracelluMethods). We found experimentally that % !10 5.0different & 0.1 (mean & Symbol indicates network size (circles, N ! 250; squares, N ! 500; triangles, N ! 1000). Lines Stimuli consisted of amplitude single bipolar t activity recorded simultaneously produced offer an intuitive explanation of&these results. SE) under normal shocks conditions, ! 2.4 in the of order representthrough binned averages. each%applied 400.1 times inpresence randomized a he LFP revealed that sizes of nLFP Subcritical networks units weakly coupled so their PTX, and % have ! 3.4 & 0.3 for AP5/DNQX (Fig. 3C) (F ! 11.3; (2,44) single electrode of the MEA within cortical layers II/III (a) (see MaN = 40 p # 0.05 PTX and AP5/DNQX from normal). Importantly, s correlated with the level of suactivity is uncorrelated, producing few output configuraterials and Methods). A binary pattern wasthe constructed to repre-7 ences into distinguishable network outputs, our result is also dynamic range wassent largest unperturbed in ms which eachin response duringnetworks, the 20 2(b), –500 after the stimulus. The6 eshold neuronal activity in the nettions that share more than chance similarities [Fig. N =separation, 16 closely related to network-mediated which has been neuronal avalanches are most likely to occur. These results were evokednetworks entropy Hhave was calculated for the set of 400 stimulusFig. 1 B) (R ! 0.84 % 0.13, mean % left]. In contrast, supercritical units con5 at criticality, at the transition from predicted to peak ordered to robust for differentevoked networkactivation sizes and different maximal stimulus N= 8 patterns for each E/I. As found for ongoing ! 5 cultures). For each experimennected so strongly that activation of any unit usually actidynamics amplitudes, whether or notthe theevoked response curveswas reached satura1 for both fine4(Bertschinger and Natschlager, 2004; Legenstein activity, entropy highest near ! !chaotic and Maass, 2007). tion for all conditions (see supplemental material, available at ndition, we first measured spontavates the whole network. The one resulting metastable and coarse spatial resolution (Fig. 3A, black shows 8 " 8, green3 In contrast, our results show that variability of response to a given stimulus is highest at criticality. Further Similar overall changes in % were also found activity (Fig. 1C) and quantified " 4) ( pstates # 0.05). state was highly ordered,shows butcoarse-grained inhibited 4other vestigation of reliability versus variability in cortical networks is in our simulations (Fig. 3D) (F(2,195) ! 820; p # 0.05). In Introduction, we gave a simple in which informa-2 viation of the observed spontaneous [Fig. 2(b), right]. the branching parameter criti-example WeWhen then derived a tuning curve of % versus "was by combining all warranted. tion transmission from input to output was limited because of1 rk dynamics from neuronal avaexperimental conditions into one scatter plotprevailed, (Fig. 4 A). These Considering the simplicity of our model with all-to-all concal (! ! 1:0), a mixture of variety and order low entropy. With our measurements of network responses (i.e.,0 data&.demonstrate that % is maximized and its variability is largest nectivity, absence of refractory period, and approximating inhidynamics by calculating " (Fig. Figure 3. Stimulus–response curves and dynamic range A, Experimental response evoked (i.e., by current stimulation output) toRstimuli input), we can of directly test whether effi- 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 " ! 1. These findings agree well with our model including near bition by reducing !, the overall agreement in the %–" ee Materials and Methods). In a sec- amplitude S for three example cultures with different " values. Orange arrows, Range from Smin to Smax; length is proportional to cacy of information transmission is optimized when entropy is changes in % as the system is pushed away from " ! 1, '10 dB relationship between experiment andσ simulation is remarkable. by different numbers of initially activated sites; & is largest for ep, we measured the input/output &. Note that & is largest for " ! 1. B, Model response evoked maximized. This idea is concisely summarized in the following drop (10-fold reduction in Smax/Smin) for a 30% change in " (Fig. The increase of variability in % as well as the drop in % due to equation: MI(S;R) that !summary H( R)change $ H(R!S). Here, is the mu-" ! 1 was well matched between experiment and Error bars, 1 SE.demonstrates C, Experimental statistics " mic range & of the cultured network ! ! 1. Like the experiment, each point is calculated from4 40 B).stimuli. The tuning curve the inforthe dy- MI(S;R) deviation from (b) tual information of stimulus and response, which quantifies the 2.00 similarity supports the notion that universal under different pharmacological conditions (*p ' 0.05 from normal). D, Simulation summary statistics for " comparing different namic range of a network due to a shift in E/I depends on both the simulations. Such on its response to a range of stimu4 information transmission (Rieke et al., 1997; Dayan and Abbott, 1. Measuring spontaneous and stimulus-evoked activity from cortical networks. A, Light-microscopic image of a ranges of ! (*p ' 0.05 from ! ! 1). original, unperturbed state and the resulting change in ". principles, independent of system details, are found at criticality plitudes (Figs. 1 D, 3A). These mea16 1.75 osensory cortex and dopaminergic midbrain region (VTA) coronal slice cultured on a 60-channel microelectrode 2001). H( R) is the entropy of the full set of response patterns for (Stanley, 1971; Bak and Paczuski, 1995; Jensen,321998). The main ents were performed normal Yellow dot, Stimulation site. Blackunder dots, Recording sites. B, Number of extracellular spikes correlates with the size of all stimuli, whereas H(R!S) is the conditional entropy (Riekedifference et Discussion quantitative was the lower % values for experiments Metastable States metastable states Pattern Entropy Haldeman and Beggs, PRL, 2005 Shew et al., J. Neurosci, 2009 Kinouchi and Copelli, Nat. Physics, 2006 Shew et al., J. Neurosci, 2011 What are the consequences of changes in synaptic strength and consequently excitability on network dynamics? Does the sensitivity of neuronal avalanches and related metrics to E/I conditions capture these effects? Could these effects account for the observed impairments to information processing in cortical networks? Study design Fp1 Fpz Fp2 F7 F3 Fz F4 F8 FC1 FC2 T3 C3 Cz C4 T4 CP1 CP2 Pz P4 T5 P3 PO1 PO2 O1 Oz T6 . . . . . . . . . . . . Fp1 Fpz Fp2 F7 F3 C3 Cz 24h Fp1 Fpz Fp2 F8 F7 F3 T4 CP1 CP2 Oz T3 C3 F4 Cz C4 F8 T4 CP1 CP2 T6 O2 36h ‣8 healthy subjects ‣sleep deprivation for a total of 40 hours ‣EEG every 3 hours, 27 channels ‣we used artefact free 20s segments (eyes ‣distribution of neuronal avalanches ‣mean and variability of synchronization ‣distribution of phase-lock intervals Fz FC1 FC2 C4 Pz P4 T5 P3 PO1 PO2 O1 12h F4 FC1 FC2 T3 O2 0h Fz Pz P4 T5 P3 PO1 PO2 O1 Oz T6 O2 p.s. open condition) Neuronal avalanches Cascades of activity identified by two methods: (A) Large positive or negative events on each channel exceeding a certain threshold (B) Events with high similarity - „coherence potentials“ Thiagarajan, PLoS Biol, 2010 Fp1 Fpz Fp2 F7 F3 Fz F4 F8 FC1 FC2 T3 C3 Cz C4 T4 CP1 CP2 Pz P4 T5 P3 PO1 PO2 O1 Oz T6 O2 1s 5s σ p(S) Neuronal avalanches S hours awake ∆D ... deviation from a power-law σ ... branching parameter n(2nd time bin) σ= n(1st time bin) σ p(S) Neuronal avalanches n σ hours awake hours awake ∆D ... deviation from a power-law σ ... branching parameter th = th 3.8 = R 4.2 =0 R .6 =0 5 R .75 =0 .8 Diff (σn, ∆Dn ) hours awake ∆D n S ve i, j j synchronization. The calculation was performed on the samei, artifactSm difference estim where L ' 5000 ison the the length of our EEGL segments in samples and r(t) isabove nchronization. calculation was performed same artifactdifference estimates ti VariabilityThe and mean of synchronization free segments used for the derivation of coherence 1potentials. After film Estimation of the Kuramoto order parameter: e segments used for the derivation of coherence fil-obtained of the goodness % r !Hz), t "& After " first r ! t " , Estimation (3) tering the data in the alpha band potentials. (8 –12 we a phase th the fit of a powe L ti ing the data in synchronization thetrace alpha band –12in Hz), wealpha obtained aHz) phase the fit of a power-law functio t'1 ‣phase !i(t) from(8each EEG trace Ffirst its Hilbert transform H[F (t)]: the (8-16 and theta co a goodness-ofi(t) using i n b 1 ce !i(t) from each EEG trace Fi(t) using its Hilbert transform H[Fi(t)]:i!j!t" a goodness-of-fit test, which ve bility of the hyp (4-8 Hz) frequency bands r !H#F t" " e segments , in samples and r(t)(4) where L ' 5000 is the length of our EEG is Upon i(t)$ ti n al., 2009). bility of the hypothesis that ! i ! t(t)$ " order " arctan . j'1 (2) the Kuramoto parameter: H#F Fi(t) i synthetic data w Upon fitting the e al., 2009). ‣phase ... ! i! t " " arctan . (2) ti fit and ind Fi(t) data law were generate which was used as a time-dependent nmeasure synthetic of phase synchrony with Next, we quantified the mean synchrony in each EEG segment by bu 1 channels were then defin n ' 27 being the numberr !oft "EEG data. i ! j !in t " our law fit and individually fit t " e , (4) ‣Kuramoto orderparameter ... fo Smirnov statist n of synchronization xt, we quantified the mean synchrony each EEG segment by As a in measure for the variability we derived the were then defined as the fr j'1 L b model was larg 1 segment by entropy of r(t) in each EEG Smirnov statistics for eachsos % r ! t "& " r ! t " , (3) therefore indic ‣mean synchronization ... whichL was used as a time-dependent measure model of phasewas synchrony with L larger than theth 1 t'1 could be expla B data. indicate a higher % r ! t "& "n ' 27 being r ! t " ,the number of EEG channels (3) in our therefore nv fo versely, low p L H ! r ! t "" " # p log p , (5) As a measure for the variability of synchronization we derived the ‣variabilitywhere i 2 i of synchronization ...our EEG segments in samples L ' 5000 is the and r(t) isexplained t'1 length of could be by anbti tion to describe i'1 entropy of r(t) in each EEG segment by the Kuramoto order parameter: w so versely, low p values a As a make measure here L ' 5000 is theAlength of ourwhere EEGwe segments inB anddistribution r(t) is th tion ofempiric some qu tion describe the B estimated asamples probability of r(t)toby binning values d e Kuramoto order parameter: into intervals. p is1 thenn the probability that r(t) falls n bution with exp into a range b ( As a measure quantifying i i H ! r !it!"" " # p log p , (5) i 2 i j! t " r ! t " " e , (4) to be robust se ti r(t) $ bi)1. Similar we found results tion of some quantity X (in n to Yang et al. (2012), i'1 ti w n a broad range forj'1 over the number of bins B used. We applied B ' 24 in bution with exponent ), we 1 * d i ! ! t " j estimated where we a probability distribution of r(t) by binning values the current analysis. r ! t " " e , (4) which was used as a time-dependent measure of phase synchrony with d n into al intervals. p is then the probability that r(t) falls into a range b ( Derivation of the distribution of PLIs. PLIs were calculated for all i i j'1 1 se n ' 27 being the number of EEG channels in ourp=0.003 data. p=0.003 r(t) $ b . Similar to Yang et al. (2012), we found results to be robust possible i)1 pairs of derivations of artifact-free EEG segments *D of for19.53 which c " s theti¥ As a measure for the variability of synchronization we derived the NX i overmeasure a broad range for the number ofwith bins as B used. Weanalysis applied of Bbution’s ' 24 in tail, duration (5000 samples, same segments for the coherhich was used as a time-dependent of phase synchrony entropy of r(t) the in each EEGanalysis. segment by d current ence potentials and synchronization measures). The analysis was perR some minimal hours awake ' 27 being the number of EEG channels in our data. alp Derivation of 4the of band; PLIs. PLIs were calculated for all formed for scale (8 distribution –16 Hz; alpha see below) and scale 5 (4 – 8 for which the cumulative the minimumC B we derived the As a measure for the variabilitypossible of synchronization se pairs of derivations of artifact-free EEG segments of 19.53 s Hz; theta band). bution’s tail, i.e., the N n number of Xcha effect in both frequency bands (stronger in alpha) th tropy‣of r(t) in observed each EEG segment by H !wavelet r(5000 ! t "" "samples, # psame p i , a scale-dependent (5)estimate i log duration segments as for the analysis of coherHilbert transforms. To 2derive ofofthePLI tion the some minimal value X , W min i'1 ence potentials and synchronization measures). The analysis was perR ! "! " ! "! " ! "! " ! H(r(t)) n <r(t)>n ! "! " ! Variability and mean of synchronization PLI [sampling, s] B ‣ distribution |!D| of phase-lock intervals in the alpha (8-16 Hz) and theta (4-8 Hz) frequency bands ... continuous intervals with |∆Φi, j(t)| ≤ π/4 A alpha band !D n n p P(PLI) !-1 P. PLI p=0.039 p=0.004 B p=0.768 p<0.001 theta band !D n PLI p n PLI spectral power p C spectral power ‣PLI p=0.231 ∆D ... deviation from a power-law p ... likelihood for power-law p=0.323 hours awake Variability and mean of synchronization PLI [sampling, s] B ‣ distribution |!D| of phase-lock intervals in the alpha (8-16 Hz) and theta (4-8 Hz) frequency bands ... continuous intervals with |∆Φi, j(t)| ≤ π/4 A alpha band !D n n p P(PLI) !-1 P. PLI p=0.039 p=0.004 B p=0.768 p<0.001 theta band !D n PLI p n PLI spectral power p C spectral power ‣PLI p=0.231 p=0.323 hours awake ‣Again: effect observed in both frequency bands ‣Cannot be explained by changes in power alone Microelectrode recording under sleep deprivation SITE MAPS CM32 Package Updated January 15, 2014 p.15 A8x4 Reference Site 3ch11 7 ch7 11 2ch10 6 ch6 10 4 ch8 8 ch4 12 1ch12 5 ch9 9 ch3 ch2 ch1 ch5 15 19 ch17 23 ch32 27ch28 31ch24 14 18ch20 22 ch29 26ch25 30 ch21 16 20ch19 24ch27 28ch23 32ch22 13 17ch18 21 ch31 25ch30 29ch26 ch14 ch15 ch16 ch13 Kappa (z-score) 0 h SD 2 h SD 4 h SD 6 h SD Avalanche Size S Sigma (z-score) p(S) NeuroNexus Technologies, Inc. ©2014 | 655 Fairfield Court, Suite 100, Ann Arbor, Michigan USA Telephone: +1.734.913.8858 | Fax: +1.734.786.0069 | [email protected] EEG Fp1 Fpz Fp2 F7 F3 Fz F4 F8 FC1 FC2 T3 C3 Cz C4 T4 CP1 CP2 Pz P4 T5 P3 PO1 PO2 Oz O2 p(S) O1 T6 S P(PLI) ∆Dn A hours awake PLI [sampling, B s] A H(r(t)) n |!D| <r(t)>n B p=0.003 p=0.003 hours awake hours awake P(PLI) !-1 P. PLI C p awake hours PLI PLI disconnected the recording amplifiers during stimulation, significantly reducingFp1stimulus Fpz Fp2 artifacts (Multi Channel Systems). Sample rate and filtering was identical to that used for spontaneous activity F7 F8 recordings. F3 Fz F4 Pharmacology. FC1 BathFC2 application of antagonists of fast glutamatergic or T3 C3 Cz C4 T4 GABAergic synaptic transmission was used to change ratios of excitaCP1 CP2 tion to inhibition (E/I ). The normal (no-drug) followed by a drug P3 Pz P4 T5 T6 PO1during PO2within Shew et al. • Dynamic Range Maximized Neuronal condition was studied 3 hAvalanches to minimize nonstationarities durO1 O2 Oz ing development. Stock solutions were prepared for the GABAA receptor antagonist picrotoxin (PTX), the NMDA receptor antagonist disconnected(2 R)-amino-5-phosphonovaleric the recording amplifiers during stimulation, signifiacid (AP5), and the AMPA receptor cantly reducing stimulus artifacts (Multi Channel Systems). Sample antagonist 6,7-dinitroquinoxaline-2,3-dione (DNQX). Six microlimedium ters of was theseidentical stock solutions were added 600 !l of culture rate and filtering to that used fortospontaneous activity recordings. to reach the following working concentrations (in !M): 5 PTX, 20 AP5, Bath 10 AP5 ! 0.5 DNQX, and 20 AP5 ! DNQX. After recording, Pharmacology. application of antagonists of 1fast glutamatergic or the drug medium was replaced with 300 !l of drug-free conditioned GABAergic synaptic transmission was used to change ratios of excitamedium (collected from the same culture the previous day) mixed tion to inhibition Theunconditioned normal (no-drug) by arecovered drug !l of).fresh, medium.followed Most cultures with 300(E/I condition was studied within 3 h to minimize nonstationarities durto criticality within "24 h. ing development. Stock solutions were prepared for For theeach GABA Spontaneous cluster size and response to stimulus. electrode, A re- we identified negative peaks in the (nLFPs)receptor that wereantagonist more negative ceptor antagonist picrotoxin (PTX), theLFP NMDA than #4 SDs of the electrode noise. We then a cluster of nLFPs (2 R)-amino-5-phosphonovaleric acid (AP5), andidentified the AMPA receptor on the array as a group of consecutive nLFPs each separated by less than antagonist 6,7-dinitroquinoxaline-2,3-dione (DNQX). Six microliS a time " (Beggs and Plenz, 2003). The threshold " was chosen to be greater !l ofwithin culture medium ters of these than stock wereofadded to 600 thesolutions short timescale interpeak intervals a cluster, but less ! M ): 5 to reach thethan following working concentrations (in " $ 8620 % 71 the longer timescale of intercluster quiescent periods (PTX, 1068 Neurosci., January • 32(3):1061–1072 AP5, 10 AP5ms ! for 0.5allDNQX, AP5 !18,12012 DNQX. After recording, cultures;and see• J.20 also supplemental material, available at www. Results were large range in the choice of " l ofa drug-free conditioned the drug medium was replaced withrobust 300 !for near 1 respectively ( f ! 0.52 " 0.01; APL (data not shown). The size s of a cluster was quantified as the absolute medium (collected from the same culture the previous day) mixed ANOVA, pwithin # 0.01). AlthoughSimilarly, such anti- the size R of an sum of all nLFP amplitudes a cluster. medium. Most cultures recovered with 300 !l of fresh, unconditioned phase locking in general will reduce evoked response was quantified as the absolute sum ofthe nLFPs within 500 to criticality within "24 h. magnitude of r, the high ! conditions still ms following a stimulus. resulted in the highest average r due to the SpontaneousDefinition cluster size response toavalanches, stimulus. For each electrode, we #. For the probability of and factneuronal that anti-phase-locked groups were density funcidentified negative peaks in the LFP (nLFPs) that were more negative $ $ #3/2 tion (PDF) of cluster sizesmall s follows a power always compared with law the with phase-slope than #4 SDs(Beggs of theand electrode noise. We then a cluster of nLFPs locked(see groups. Plenz, 2003) Fig. 2 A).identified Thus, the corresponding cumulahours awake tiveadensity function (CDF) for clustereach sizes,separated FNA(%), which specifies on the array as group of consecutive nLFPs by less thanthe PLI [sampling, s] sizes Maximum entropy and onset of power-law function, B fraction of measured cluster s & % , is a #1/2 The threshold a time " (BeggsNAand Plenz, 2003). 1" inwas chosen to be greater synchrony near #1 'l/L) 'l/%!)"for F timescale (%) $ (1 #of (1 # intervals l & s & L. Here we define a novel than the short interpeak computational model within a cluster, but less nonparametric measure, # , to quantify the difference between an experTo gain further insight into our experimental $ 86 % 71 than the longer timescale of intercluster quiescent periods (" reference % ), and the theoretical CDF, imental cluster size CDF, F( findings, we next performed a similar investiNA ms for all cultures; see also supplemental material, available F (%), gation in a network-level computational at www. in vitro J. Neurosci., December 9, 2009 • 29(49):15595–15600 • 15597 ‣observations p(S) EEG A P(PLI) ∆Dn Yang et al. • Phase Synchrony and Neuronal Avalanches in EEG during sleep deprivation are in agreement with a shift towards increased excitability where larger events dominate dynamics A H(r(t)) n |!D| Results were robust for a largephase range in the model. Network-level synchrony haschoice of " 1 mwas extensively in previous (data not shown). The size s#been of&a1investigated cluster quantified as the absolute(1) ' and model (FNAstudies (% k) ( F(%coupled k)), theoretical using m sum of all nLFP amplitudes within a cluster. Similarly, the size R of an k$1 oscillators (Strogatz, p=0.003 2001; Arenas et al., p=0.003 evoked response was quantified as Naively, the sizes absolute sum of nLFPs 500 onelogarithmically might interpret thespaced sig- within where %k are m $2008). 10 burst between the nal recorded from one electrode as one thems followingminimum a stimulus. and maximum observed burst size. Using CDFs rather than oretical oscillator. However,awake in reality, each hours awake hours neuronal avalanches, the probability density funcDefinition of #. For PDFs to calculate #electrode avoids the sensitivity to binning records the collective activity ofin a constructing a p hours awake Compared other nonparametric comparisons of CDFs, C (PDF) ofPDF. $ $ #3/2e.g., tion cluster size s to follows a power law with slope population of E and I neurons. Thus, our Kolmogorov–Smirnov and Kuiper’s test, as well as other methods, experimental pharmacological E–I manipu(Beggs and Plenz, 2003) (see Fig. 2 A). Thus, the corresponding cumula- # lations effect not only the coupling betweenavalanches (see more accurately deviation from tive density function (CDF) measures for cluster sizes, FNA (%),neuronal which specifies the electrodes, but alsoatthe coupling among the supplemental material, available fraction of measured cluster local sizes s & %,measured is a #1/2 function, by apower-law single Dynamic range. Afterneurons measuring responses to aelecrange of stimulus 'l/%Since trode. the intrinsic properties of a FNA(%) $ (1 amplitudes, # 'l/L) #1we (1 # ) for l & s & L. Here we define a novel used the response curve, R( S), to compute dynamic theoretical oscillator do not depend on counonparametric measure, # , to quantify the difference between an experrange, pling, the interpretation of one electrode as %), and isthe theoretical reference CDF, imental cluster size CDF, F( one oscillator problematic. Therefore, we NA * & 10 log ( S /S ) , (2) 10 max min developed a computational model with the F (%), ! !-1 P. PLI P(PLI) <r(t)>n B Figure 2. Change in the ratio of excitation/inhibition moves cortical networks away from criticality. A, Left, PDFs of spontaneous cluster sizes for normal (no-drug, black), disinhibited (PTX, red), and hypoexcitable (AP5/DNQX, blue) cultures. Broken line, #3/2 power law. Cluster size s is the sum of nLFP peak amplitudes within the cluster; P(s) is the probability of observing a cluster of size s. Right, Corresponding CDFs and quantification of the network state using #, which measures deviation from a #1/2 power law CDF (broken line). Vertical gray lines, The 10 distances summed to compute #, shown for one example PTX condition (red). B, Simulated cluster size PDFs (left) and corresponding CDFs (right) for different values of the model control parameter *. C, Summary statistics of average # values for normal, hypoexcitable, and disinhibited conditions (*p & 0.05 from normal). D, In simulations, # accurately estimates *. Broken line, # $ *. Colored dots, Examples shown in B. actually fires at time t ! 1 only if piJ(t) - )(t), where )(t) is a random number from a uniform distribution on [0,1], Figure 2. Change in the ratio of excitation/inhibition moves cortical networks away from s i ( t ' 1 ) & . / p iJ ( t ) ( ) ( t )0 criticality. A, Left, PDFs of spontaneous cluster sizes for normal (no-drug, black),(3)disinhibited & ./1 ( ( 1 ( p ij ) ( ) ( t )0 , (PTX, red), and hypoexcitable (AP5/DNQX, blue) j!J ( t ) cultures. Broken line, #3/2 power law. Cluster sizewhere s is the1[x] sum of nLFP peak amplitudes within cluster; P(s) is thewe probability is the unit step function. Likethe our experiments, exploreofa observing a cluster s. Right, Corresponding CDFs and of pthe network state using #, rangeof ofsize network excitability by tuning thequantification mean value of ij from 0.75/N aim of obtaining results which were more which measures deviation from a #1/2 power law CDF (broken line). Vertical lines, The 10 where Smax and Smin to 1.25/N in steps of 0.05/N by scaling all p are the stimulation values leading to 90% and 10% by a constant. For suchgray small ij m comparable to our experiments, 1directly of the range of R, respectively. mean p , the model reduces to probabilistic integrate-and-fire, i.e., p 2 NA distances summed to compute #, shown for one example PTX condition (red).iJ B, Simulated ij # & 1 ' while keeping (F (%kthe ) (model F(% as )),simple as (1) Model. The model consisted ofPLI N all-to-allk coupled, binary-state neu- cluster #j!J(t) to order N #2 accuracy. IfCDFs the(right) meanfor pijdifferent is exactly N #1of, then n control PLI mpossible. k$1 sizepijPDFs (left) and corresponding values the model ! The computational model was com- " Beggs and Plenz, J. Neurosci, 2003 Shew et al., J. Neurosci, 2009 Yang et al., J. Neurosci, 2012 Interpretation: Criticality ? (1) All those seemingly different findings are precisely captured by a critical branching process. 261 non-trivial, active steady state, in which [I] < 1. The stability of the trivial steady state is determined by the spectrum of the Jacobian matrix J|x0 ∈ R10×10 , where Jij = ∂ ẋi /∂xj . The steady state is asymptotically stable if all eigenvalues of J|x0 have a negative real part [31]. If the variables xi are ordered as in Eqns. (1), the nonvanishing entries of J|x0 are J1,1 J1,4 J2,1 J2,2 J3,3 J4,4 J5,5 J6,4 J7,10 J9,9 J10,10 = J7,3 = J7,4 = J7,5 = J7,6 = J7,8 = J7,9 = −i , = J3,4 = p , = J5,3 = J8,3 = J9,4 = J10,5 = J10,8 = i , = J4,5 = J6,7 = J6,9 = J9,10 = r , = −2i , = −i + (k − 1)p , = J7,7 = J8,8 = −i − r , = −2kp , = −i + r , = −r , = −2r . 3 0.1 inactive phase 0.0 2 4 6 8 k The characteristic polynomial can be factored into 7 linear factors with negative real roots and a remaining third order polynomial P (λ) = (−r−λ)3 (−i−λ)2 (−i−r−λ)(−2r−λ)f (λ) , (5) where ! " f (λ) = i i2 + 2i ((1 − k)p + r) + (1 − 2k)pr ! " + 5i2 + (1 − k)pr + 3i ((1 − kp) + r) λ active phase [F ] ate: From Black Swans to Dragon-Kings Droste et al., JRS Interface, 2013 FIG. 1. Bifurcation diagram for the static network. Plot2005 ted is theHaldeman steady state and densityBeggs, of firingPRL, neurons [F ] over the network’s mean degree k. The solid line marks stable Shew etstatic al., J.system, Neurosci, 2009 steady states of the the dashed line unstable ones. At k = kc ≈ 5.6, the inactive steady state loses stability in a transcritical bifurcation. The respective transition from an inactive to an active phase is already observed in individual-based simulations with N = 106 neurons (circles). Note that the critical k is nicely predicted by the link-level approximation Eqns. (1), but underestimated by a MCA at mean-field level (dotted lines). Parameters used were p = 0.2, i = 0.95, r = 0.4. Nontrivial steady states were calculated using AUTO[33]. (6) + (4i + (1 − k)p + r) λ2 + λ3 . In other to assess the stability of x0 without explicitly calculating the roots of f (λ), we use the Routh-Hurwitz theorem [32]. It states that the roots of a polynomial The role of the transcritical bifurcation is illustrated in a representative bifurcation diagram in Fig. 1. The diagram shows that the analytically predicted bifurcation point is in very good agreement with numerical results Interpretation: Criticality ? (1) All those seemingly different findings are precisely captured by a critical branching process. 261 non-trivial, active steady state, in which [I] < 1. The stability of the trivial steady state is determined by the spectrum of the Jacobian matrix J|x0 ∈ R10×10 , where Jij = ∂ ẋi /∂xj . The steady state is asymptotically stable if all eigenvalues of J|x0 have a negative real part [31]. If the variables xi are ordered as in Eqns. (1), the nonvanishing entries of J|x0 are J1,1 = J7,3 = J7,4 = J7,5 = J7,6 = J7,8 = J7,9 = −i , J1,4 = J3,4 = p , J2,1 = J5,3 = J8,3 = J9,4 = J10,5 = J10,8 = i , J2,2 = J4,5 = J6,7 = J6,9 = J9,10 = r , J3,3 = −2i , J4,4 = −i + (k − 1)p , J5,5 = J7,7 = J8,8 = −i − r , J6,4 = −2kp , Yang et al. • Phase Synchrony and Neuronal J7,10 = −iAvalanches +r , J9,9 = −r , J10,10 = the −2rburst. . of spikes that occurred during We note that in previous work we active phase 3 0.1 inactive phase [F ] ate: From Black Swans to Dragon-Kings 0.0 2 4 6 8 k J. Neurosci.,2013 January 18, 2012 • 32(3):1061–1072 Droste et al., JRS Interface, FIG. 1. Bifurcation diagram for the static network. Plot2005 ted is theHaldeman steady state and densityBeggs, of firingPRL, neurons [F ] over the network’s mean degree k. The solid line marks stable Shew etstatic al., J.system, Neurosci, 2009 steady states of the the dashed line unstable showed that spike count a burstpolynomial was proportional the burst Theduring characteristic can be to factored intosize 7 ones. At k = kc ≈ 5.6, the inactive steady state loses stalinear factors(Shew with et negative realThus, roots defining and a remaining definition based on sum of nLFP al., 2009). burst size bility in a transcritical bifurcation. The respective transithirdisorder polynomial observed in terms of spike count appropriate for the computational model. Size tion from an inactive to an active phase is already in individual-based simulations with N = 106 neurons (cir3 to parameterize distributions of these bursts used the model dynamics P (λ) =were (−r−λ) (−i−λ)2 (−i−r−λ)(−2r−λ)f (λ) , (5) cles). Note that the critical k is nicely predicted by the in terms of ! as defined above. Moreover, each condition was modeled on 60 link-level approximation Eqns. (1), but underestimated by where a MCA at mean-field level (dotted lines). Parameters used different connection matrices (10 ! 2different networks of each size) " to repre- were p = 0.2, i = 0.95, r = 0.4. Nontrivial steady states were f (λ)from = i ione + 2i ((1 − k)p + r) + (1in−the 2k)pr sent the possible variability culture to another experiments. calculated using AUTO[33]. ! 2 " (6) + 5i + (1 − k)pr + 3i ((1 − dynamics kp) + r) λof these The error bars in the results represent variation among the 60 different networks. + (4i + (1 − k)p + r) λ2 + λ3 . The role of the transcritical bifurcation is illustrated To model the pharmacological manipulations made in our experiin a representative bifurcation diagram in Fig. 1. The diIn other to assess the stability of x0 without explicitly ments, we simply multiplied either the positive or the negative entries of agram shows that the analytically predicted bifurcation calculating the roots of f (λ), we use the Routh-Hurwitz the connection matrix by a [32]. constant between and of 1, modeling the point is in very good agreement with numerical results theorem It states that zero the roots a polynomial disconnected the recording amplifiers during stimulation, signifi- amplifiers during stimulation, signifidisconnected the recording cantly reducingFp1stimulus artifacts (Multi Channel Systems). Sample cantly reducing stimulus artifacts (Multi Channel Systems). Sample Fpz Fp2 rate and filtering was identical to that used spontaneous activity ratefor and filtering was identical to that used for spontaneous activity F7 F8 recordings. F3 Fz F4 recordings. Pharmacology. FC1 BathFC2 application of antagonists of fast glutamatergic or Pharmacology. Bath application of antagonists of fast glutamatergic or T3 C3 Cz C4 T4 GABAergic synaptic transmission was used to change ratios of excitaGABAergic synaptic transmission was used to change ratios of excitaCP1 CP2 tion to inhibition (E/I ). The normal (no-drug) followed by a drug P3 Pz P4 tion to inhibition (E/I ). The normal (no-drug) followed by a drug T5 T6 PO1during PO2within Shew et al. • Dynamic Range Maximized Neuronal J. Neurosci., December 9, 2009 • 29(49):15595–15600 • 15597 condition was studied 3 hAvalanches to minimize nonstationarities condition was studied durwithin 3 h to minimize nonstationarities durO1 O2 Oz ing development. Stock solutions were prepared for the GABA ing development. Stock solutions were prepared for the GABAA reA receptor antagonist picrotoxin (PTX), the NMDA receptor antagonist ceptor antagonist picrotoxin (PTX), the NMDA receptor antagonist disconnected(2 R)-amino-5-phosphonovaleric the recording amplifiers during stimulation, signifiacid (AP5), and the AMPA receptor (2 R)-amino-5-phosphonovaleric acid (AP5), and the AMPA receptor cantly reducing stimulus artifacts (Multi Channel Systems). Sample antagonist 6,7-dinitroquinoxaline-2,3-dione (DNQX). Six microliantagonist 6,7-dinitroquinoxaline-2,3-dione (DNQX). Six microlil of culture medium ters of was theseidentical stock solutions were added 600of!these rate and filtering to that used fortoters spontaneous activity stock solutions were added to 600 !l of culture medium 1070 • J. Neurosci., January 18, 2012 • 32(3):1061–1072 !Mfollowing ): 5 PTX,working 20 to reach(inthe concentrations (in !M): 5 PTX, 20 recordings. to reach the following working concentrations AP5, 10 AP5 ! 0.5 DNQX, and 20 AP5 ! 1 DNQX. After recording, AP5 ! 0.5 DNQX, Pharmacology. Bath application of antagonists ofAP5, fast10 glutamatergic or and 20 AP5 ! 1 DNQX. After recording, l ofdrug drug-free conditioned the drug medium was replaced with 300 !the medium was replaced with 300 !l of drug-free conditioned GABAergic synaptic transmission was used to change ratios ofday) excitamedium (collected from the same culture the previous mixed medium (collected from the same culture the previous day) mixed tion to inhibition Theunconditioned normal (no-drug) followed by arecovered drug !l of).fresh, medium. cultures with 300(E/I l of fresh, unconditioned medium. Most cultures recovered withMost 300 ! condition was studied within 3 h h. to minimize nonstationarities to criticality within "24 to criticality withindur"24 h. ing development. Stock solutions were prepared for theeach GABA Spontaneous cluster size and response to stimulus. For electrode, Spontaneous cluster size we and response to stimulus. For each electrode, we A reidentified negative peaks in the (nLFPs) that were more peaks negative identified negative in the LFP (nLFPs) that were more negative ceptor antagonist picrotoxin (PTX), theLFP NMDA receptor antagonist than #4 SDs of the electrode noise. We then identified a cluster of nLFPs than #4 SDs of the electrode (2 R)-amino-5-phosphonovaleric acid (AP5), and the AMPA receptor noise. We then identified a cluster of nLFPs on the array as a group of consecutive nLFPsoneach by less of than the separated array as amicroligroup consecutive nLFPs each separated by less than antagonist 6,7-dinitroquinoxaline-2,3-dione (DNQX). Six S " was chosenand to be greater a time " (Beggs and Plenz, 2003). The threshold Figure 7. Phase synchrony and neuronal avalanches in a network-level computational model of E–I neurons. A, A recurrently " (Beggs Plenz, 2003). The threshold " was chosen to be greater a time !l ofwithin culture medium ters of these than stock wereofadded to 600 connected population of 80% excitatory and 20% inhibitory neurons were divided into 59 groups with Q neurons in each group thesolutions short timescale interpeak intervals a cluster, but less than the short timescale of interpeak intervals within a cluster, but less !periods M): 5 (PTX, to reach thethan following (in the (Q % 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80 were tested). Each group models the neurons nearby one recording site in the experiment. B, Spike " $ 8620 % of 71intercluster quiescent periods (" $ 86 % 71 the longerworking timescale concentrations of intercluster quiescent than longer timescale rasters two Avalanches groups. (blue, E; red, I ). C, Population signals corresponding to the two group rasters shown in B. The spikes 1068 Neurosci., January • 32(3):1061–1072 • Phase Synchrony andfrom Neuronal AP5, 10 AP5ms ! for 0.5allDNQX, AP5 !18,12012 DNQX. recording, cultures;and see• J.20 also supplemental material, atseewww. ms forAfter all available cultures; also supplemental material, availableYangatet al.www. generated by a group at each time step were summed (light colored traces) and bandpass filtered (dark colored traces) to generate Results were large range in theResults choicewere of " robust for a large range in the choice of " l ofa drug-free conditioned the drug medium was replaced withrobust 300 !for population signals. D, Phase of these filtered population signals was obtained using the Hilbert transform. E, An example dynamic near 1 respectively ( f ! 0.52 " 0.01; phase histogram and synchrony trace. Phase synchrony among the 59 groups was analyzed exactly as in the experiments. F, Bursts APL (data not shown). The size s of a cluster was quantified as the absolute (data not shown). The size s of a cluster was quantified as the absolute medium (collected from the same culture the previous day) mixed ANOVA, pwithin # 0.01). AlthoughSimilarly, such anti- the size R of an of activity were modeled one at a time. Burst size distributions were used to compute !. Neuronal avalanches (! " 1) were sum of all nLFP amplitudes a cluster. sumcultures of all nLFP amplitudes within a cluster. Similarly, the size R of an medium. Most with 300 !l of fresh, unconditioned phase locking in general will reduce the recovered observed only when E and I were balanced such that, on average, the spike count of the population did not grow or decay over evoked response was quantified as the absolute sumresponse of nLFPswas within 500 as the absolute sum of nLFPs within 500 evoked quantified consecutive time steps. Bimodal size distributions (! # 1) occurred when inhibition was suppressed. And a lack of large-sized still to criticality within "24 h. magnitude of r, the high ! conditions ms following a stimulus. msr following a stimulus. bursts marked the disfacilitated distribution (! $ 1). resulted in the highest average due to the SpontaneousDefinition cluster size response toavalanches, stimulus. For each electrode, we #. For probability func- avalanches, the probability density funcof and #. For neuronal Definition factneuronal that anti-phase-lockedthe groups were of density identified negative peaks in the LFP (nLFPs) that were more negative $ $ size #3/2 tion (PDF) of cluster sizesmall s follows a power law with always compared with the(PDF) phase-slope tion of cluster s follows a power law with slope $ $ #3/2 respectively. The baseline, normal condition of the computational than #4 SDs(Beggs of theand electrode noise. We then a cluster of nLFPs locked(see groups. Plenz, 2003) Fig. 2 A).identified Thus,(Beggs the corresponding cumulaand Plenz, 2003) (see Fig. 2 A). Thus, the corresponding cumulaDiscussion model was chosen such that activity in the network propagated in a hours awake tiveadensity function (CDF) for clustereach sizes,tive FNAdensity (%), which specifies thefor cluster sizes, FNA(%), which specifies the on the array as group of consecutive nLFPs separated by less than function (CDF) balanced manner. More specifically, we established the magnitude of The ability of a network of cortical n PLI [sampling, s] sizes entropy of power-law function, BMaximum fraction of measured cluster s &and %", onset is fraction a #1/2 of to measured cluster sizesFigure s & %2., is Change a #1/2 power-law function, connections between neurons such that a single active excitatory dynamics in the ratio of excitation/inhibition moves cortical networks away from and Plenz, 2003). The threshold was chosen be greater a time " (Beggs Figure 2. Change in the ratio of excitation/inhibition moves cortical networks away fromdepends on recurrent inter 1 in NA synchrony near NA #1 #1 'l/L) 'l/%!)"for F ( % ) $ (1 # (1 # l & s & L. Here we define a novel ' ' neuron was expected, on average, to excite exactly one more neuron and inhibitory components of the n F ( % ) $ (1 # l/L) (1 # l/ % ) for l & s & L. Here we define a novel criticality. A, Left, PDFs of spontaneous cluster sizes for normal (no-drug, criticality. A, Left,black), PDFs ofdisinhibited spontaneous cluster sizes for normal (no-drug, black), disinhibited than the short timescale of interpeak intervals computational model within a cluster, but less in the following time step. Disinhibition and disfacilitation disspontaneously nonparametric measure, # , to quantify the difference between an expernonparametric #, to quantify the between anblue) exper(PTX, red), anddifference hypoexcitable (AP5/DNQX, cultures. Broken line,and #3/2 power law.(AP5/DNQX, Cluster To gain further insight into our experimental (PTX, red), hypoexcitable blue) cultures. Broken line, #3/2 power law. Cluster emerging network-leve $ measure, 86 % 71 than the longer timescale of intercluster quiescent periods (" reference % ), and the theoretical CDF, imental cluster size CDF, F( the referencewithin CDF, cluster size CDF, F(%),sizeand findings, we next performed aimental similar investis is the sumtheoretical of nLFP peak amplitudes the cluster; thesum probability of observing sizeP(s) s isisthe of nLFP peak amplitudes within the cluster; P(s) is the probability of observing ms for all cultures; supplemental material, NA available at www. FNA(%), see also gation in a network-level computational F (%), a cluster of size s. Right, Corresponding CDFs and quantification network using #, CDFs and quantification of the network state using #, a clusterofofthesize s. Right,state Corresponding Results were robust for a largephase range in the model. Network-level synchrony haschoice of " which measures deviation from a #1/2 power law CDF (broken Vertical gray lines, 10 power law CDF (broken line). Vertical gray lines, The 10 whichline). measures deviation fromThe a #1/2 1 mwas extensively in previous 1 mdistances (data not shown). The size s#been of&a1investigated cluster quantified as the absolute NA # , shown for one example PTX condition (red). B, Simulated summed to compute NA # , shown for one example PTX condition (red). B, Simulated distances summed to compute ' and model (F studies (% k) ( F(%coupled # & 1 (1) ' (F (%k) ( F(%k)), (1) k)), theoretical using mcluster. m sum of all nLFP amplitudes within a Similarly, the size R of an k$1 cluster size PDFs (left) and corresponding CDFs (right) for different values of the model control k$1 cluster size PDFs (left) and corresponding CDFs (right) for different values of the model control oscillators (Strogatz, p=0.003 2001; Arenas et al., p=0.003 normal, * hypoexcitable, disin-of average # values for normal, hypoexcitable, and disinparameter *. C, Summary statistics of average # values for evoked response was quantified as the absolute sum of nLFPs within 500 . C, Summary and statistics parameter 2008). Naively, one might interpret the sigwhere %k are m $ 10 burst sizes logarithmically the sizes logarithmically spaced between the where %spaced are mbetween $ 10 burst k # accurately estimates *. normal). D, In simulations, # accurately estimates *. hibited conditions (*p & 0.05 from normal). D, In simulations, nal recorded from one electrode as one thehibited conditions (*p & 0.05 from ms followingminimum a stimulus. and maximum observed burst size. Using CDFs rather than minimum and maximum observed burst size. Using CDFs rather shown than in B. oretical oscillator. However, in reality, each # $ * . Colored dots, Examples Broken line, Broken line, # $ *. Colored dots, Examples shown in B. hours awake hours awake neuronal avalanches, the probability density Definition of #. For PDFs to calculate avoids the sensitivity to binning PDFs to calculate #funcavoidsathe sensitivity to binning in constructing a electrode records the collective activity ofin a constructing p #awake hours PDF. Compared other nonparametric comparisons CDFs, e.g., tion (PDF) of cluster size s to follows a ofpower with slope PDF. Compared to#3/2 other nonparametric comparisons of CDFs, e.g., population E and Ilaw neurons. Thus, our $of$ # Kolmogorov–Smirnov and Kuiper’s test, as well as other methods, experimental pharmacological E–I manipu# - )(t), where )(t) is a random Kolmogorov–Smirnov test, as well as other (Beggs and Plenz, 2003) (see Fig. 2 A). Thus, the corresponding cumula-and Kuiper’s actually fires at time t ! 1 methods, only if piJ(t) actually fires at time t ! 1 only if piJ(t) - )(t), where )(t) is a random NA lations effect not only the coupling between more accurately deviation from neuronal avalanches (see deviation from neuronal avalanches (see more accurately measures tive density function (CDF) measures for cluster sizes, F ( % ), which specifies the number from a uniform distribution on [0,1], number from a uniform distribution on [0,1], electrodes, but alsoatthe coupling among the material, available at supplemental material, available supplemental fraction of measured cluster local sizesneurons s & %,measured is #1/2 power-law function, by a single elecFigure 2. Change in the ratio of excitation/inhibition moves cortical networks away from Dynamic range. After measuring responses to a range of stimulus Dynamic range. After measuring responsess ito a range (t ' 1 ) & of . /stimulus p iJ ( t ) ( ) ( t )0 s i ( t ' 1 ) & . / p iJ ( t ) ( ) ( t )0 'l/%Since trode. the intrinsic properties of a FNA(%) $ (1 amplitudes, # 'l/L) #1we (1 # ) for l & s & L. Here we define a novel criticality. A, Left, PDFstoofcompute spontaneous cluster sizes for normal (no-drug, black),(3)disinhibited used the response curve, amplitudes, R( S), to compute dynamic , we used the response curve, R( S), dynamic (3) & ./1 ( ( 1 ( p ij ) ( ) ( t )0 theoretical oscillator do not depend on cou- an exper& ./1 ( ( 1 ( p ij ) ( ) ( t )0 , nonparametric measure, # , to quantify the difference between range, (PTX, red), and hypoexcitable (AP5/DNQX, blue) j!J ( t ) cultures. Broken line, #3/2 power law. Cluster range, j!J ( t ) pling, the interpretation of one electrode as in vitro Model p(S) EEG P(PLI) ∆Dn A A 1, in good agr ments (Fig. 7F ) We found t model was tune characteristics o served in our e tantly, average network synchro near the critical by ! % 1 (Fig. 8 these quantities r above ! % 1, as o (Fig. 8A–C, righ synchrony (Fig burst synchron matched the ex there were quan the computatio ments. First, the and peak entrop cally shifted to s those observed the range of obt in the model— pletely suppress ! % 1.6 as fou experiments. Fi anti-phase lock differences coul simplifications m model, includin large-scale netw layers, and binar emphasize that for both the exp tional model; n moderate averag der E–I conditio avalanches. H(r(t)) n |!D| ! ! !-1 P. PLI C P(PLI) <r(t)>n B " " PLI PLI %), and isthe theoretical reference CDF, imental cluster size CDF, F( sizewhere s is the1[x] sum of nLFPunit peakstep amplitudes within cluster; P(s) isisthe probability ofafunction. observingLike one oscillator problematic. Therefore, we is )the function. Likethe our experiments, we explore where 1[x] the unit step our experiments, we explore a NA * & 10 log ( S /S ) , (2) * & 10 log ( S /S , (2) 10 max min 10 max min developed a computational model with the F (%), #, the mean value of p from 0.75/N a cluster s. Right, Corresponding CDFs and of pthe network stateby using rangeof ofsize network excitability by tuning thequantification mean of 0.75/N rangevalue of network excitability tuning ij from ij aim of obtaining results which were more Figure 4. Distribution of PLI in a model exhibiting self-organized criticality. A Through an ad which measures deviation from a #1/2 power law CDF (broken line). Vertical gray lines, The 10 where Smax and Smin to 1.25/N in steps of 0.05/N by scaling all p are the stimulation values leading to 90% and 10% by a constant. For such small topology, Bornholdt toward connectivity independent of initial co where Smax and Smin are the stimulation values leading to 90% and 10% ij to 1.25/N in steps of 0.05/N bythe scaling allmodel pij byself-organizes a constant. Fora characteristic such small directly comparable to our experiments, m 1 characteristic connectivity of approximately K~2:55 in a network of 1024 nodes for three different in of the range of R, respectively. mean p , the model reduces to probabilistic integrate-and-fire, i.e., p 2 NA # , shown for one example PTX condition (red). B, Simulated distances summed to compute of the range of R, respectively. mean p , the model reduces to probabilistic integrate-and-fire, i.e., p 2 while keeping the model as simple as ij iJ ~6. B At this self-organized connectivity the network exhibits a phase transition between order K ij iJ ini #&1' (F (%k) ( F(%k)), (1) #1not change their state along the attractor as a fu component C(K) as the fraction nodes that Model. The model consisted ofPLI N all-to-all coupled, binary-state neu- cluster to order N #2 accuracy. Ifneuthe(right) mean pijdifferent ispijexactly N #1 then n control PLI mpossible. Model. The model consisted of#Nj!J(t) all-to-all coupled, binary-state #j!J(t) to order Nof,#2 accuracy. Ifdefined the mean pij is ofexactly Ndo , then n k$1 sizepijPDFs (left) and corresponding CDFs for values the model K for a network of 1024 nodes. The data were measured along the dynamical attractor reached by the syst ! The computational model was com- Beggs and Plenz, J. Neurosci, 2003 Shew et al., J. Neurosci, 2009 Yang et al., J. Neurosci, 2012 Yang et al., J. Neurosci, 2012 Meisel et al., PLoS CB, 2012 Interpretation: Criticality ? (1) All those seemingly different findings are precisely captured by a critical branching process. (2) Tuning of one parameter is sufficient to account for all the observations during sleep deprivation: the balance between excitation and inhibition Interpretation: Criticality ? (1) All those seemingly different findings are precisely captured by a critical branching process. (2) Tuning of one parameter is sufficient to account for all the observations during sleep deprivation: the balance between excitation and inhibition (3) A change in the E/I balance towards higher excitation is known to occur during sleep deprivation. 50 G. Tononi, C. Cirelli sleep ends. In addition to claiming a correspondence between the homeostatic Process S and total synaptic strength, the hypothesis proposes specific mechanisms, whereby synaptic strength would increase during wakefulness and decrease during sleep, and suggests why the tight regulation of synaptic strength would be of great importance for the brain. Synaptic homeostasis: a schematic diagram Fig. 1 The two-process model involving the circadian component (process C) and the homeostatic component (process S). Specifically, the curve in Fig. 1 can be interpreted as reflecting how the total amount of synaptic strength in the cerebral cortex (and possibly other brain structures) changes as a function of wakefulness and sleep. Thus, the hypothesis claims that, under normal conditions, total synaptic strength increases during wakefulness and reaches a maximum just before going to sleep. Then, as soon as sleep ensues, total synaptic strength begins to decrease, and reaches a baseline level by the time The diagram in Fig. 2 presents a simplified version of the main points of the hypothesis. During wakefulness (yellow background), we interact with the environment and acquire information about it. The EEG is activated, and the neuromodulatory milieu (for example, high levels of noradrenaline, NA) favors the storage of information, which occurs largely through long-term potentiation of synaptic strength. This potentiation occurs when the firing of a presynaptic neuron is followed by the depolarization or firing of a postsynaptic neuron, and the neuromodulatory milieu signals the occurrence of salient events. Strengthened synapses are indicated in red, with Interpretation: Criticality ? (1) All those seemingly different findings are precisely captured by a critical branching process. (2) Tuning of one parameter is sufficient to account for all the observations during sleep deprivation: the balance between excitation and inhibition (3) A change in the E/I balance towards higher excitation is known to occur during sleep deprivation. 50 G. Tononi, C. Cirelli sleep ends. In addition to claiming a correspondence between the homeostatic Process S and total synaptic strength, the hypothesis proposes specific mechanisms, whereby synaptic strength would increase during wakefulness and decrease during sleep, and suggests why the tight regulation of synaptic strength would be of great importance for the brain. Synaptic homeostasis: a schematic diagram Fig. 1 The two-process model involving the circadian component (process C) and the homeostatic component (process S). The diagram in Fig. 2 presents a simplified version of the main points of the hypothesis. During wakefulness (yellow background), we interact with the environment and acquire information about it. The EEG is activated, and the neuromodulatory milieu (for example, high levels of noradrenaline, NA) favors the storage of information, which occurs largely through long-term potentiation of synaptic strength. This potentiation occurs when the firing of a presynaptic neuron is followed by the depolarization or firing of a postsynaptic neuron, and the neuromodulatory milieu signals the occurrence of salient events. Strengthened synapses are indicated in red, with (4) A critical branching process captures other experimental observations: maximal dynamic range, maximal pattern entropy, powerlaw scaling of avalanche durations, relations between scaling exponents, optimal information transmission (mutual information between stimulus and response), ... Specifically, the curve in Fig. 1 can be interpreted as reflecting how the total amount of synaptic strength in the cerebral cortex (and possibly other brain structures) changes as a function of wakefulness and sleep. Thus, the hypothesis claims that, under normal conditions, total synaptic strength increases during wakefulness and reaches a maximum just before going to sleep. Then, as soon as sleep ensues, total synaptic strength begins to decrease, and reaches a baseline level by the time Hypothesis: Sleep reorganizes cortical network dynamics to a critical state and thereby assures optimal computational capabilities for the time awake. The Journal of Neuroscience, October 30, 2013 • 33(44):17363–17372 • 17363 Systems/Circuits Fading Signatures of Critical Brain Dynamics during Sustained Wakefulness in Humans Christian Meisel,1,2,3 Eckehard Olbrich,4 Oren Shriki,3 and Peter Achermann5,6 Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems, 01187 Dresden, Germany, 2Department of Neurology, University Clinic Carl Gustav Carus, 01307 Dresden, Germany, 3Section on Critical Brain Dynamics, National Institute of Mental Health, Bethesda, Maryland, 4Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in the Sciences, 04103 Leipzig, Germany, 5Institute of Pharmacology and Toxicology and Zurich Center for Integrative Human Psychology, University of Zurich, 8057 Zurich, Switzerland, and 6Neuroscience Center Zurich, University and ETH Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland 1 Sleep encompasses approximately a third of our lifetime, yet its purpose and biological function are not well understood. Without sleep optimal brain functioning such as responsiveness to stimuli, information processing, or learning may be impaired. Such observations suggest that sleep plays a crucial role in organizing or reorganizing neuronal networks of the brain toward states where information processing is optimized. Increasing evidence suggests that cortical neuronal networks operate near a critical state characterized by balanced activity patterns, which supports optimal information processing. However, it remains unknown whether critical dynamics is affected in the course of