Goors Light Great Legs Race - Greater Lowell Road Runners
Goors Light Great Legs Race - Greater Lowell Road Runners
_E-7 -icr --3 -f - 1>9' xf RecordFieId Runs GoorsLightGreatLegsRace by Beclq Payton Lowell, Mass -- The SKM Great Legs RoadRaceis on its way o becomingone of tlte largestand nationally competitiveall-women's racesin the United States.This year's field of approximately500 womenwasled by Christine Pfitzinger of New Tr,alandwho ran the 3000metersin the 1988Olympics. Pfitzinger clinchedthe twilight victory with a fime of 16.,28,eight secondsof the cqrrse recordsetby anotherOlympianDarleneBecKordin 1987. Ann Marie Marinoof Rhode Islandwassecsrdat 17:14and Jeffy Hamilton of Norfi Reading, Mass.wasthird atlT:26. The GreatLegsRoadhostedbythe Greaterlowell RoadRunnersand sponsoredby CoorsLight and JamesL. CooneyRealty benefits the Houseof Hope,a shelterfor In Thislssue President'sllessage Meetthe llew GLRR Board-of-Directorc The BostonMarathonTwoGLRRsExperiences GreatLegsRoadRace GompleteResults Trp sfaft A record500women Hneupforthesnrt of theGreatLcgsRace womeninlowell. Hisorically, Beclcyrunswith theGLRRandis lowell is well knownforits in clarge of racepublicityfor the supportfor women'sinterestssince CoorsLight Greu l*gs RoadRace. thedaysof thefamousBreadand Rosesstrikeearlierin thecennry. VermontCityMarathonand Relay (Ity MarathonRelayheld Vm olficmorial Dayweekend.The It all stafiodwi6 r frieadlyjrb iwitatim wasextended to meat a frornqp of fu "prs5/ bqtr", DaveTIer, c wircr's eveaing timewhenI wasn'texactlyfinanwhile*e wercxxting ot wittrthe cially ableto buyDonaldTrumpa rcstoftp "prcryboys" atl-exing- beer,youmightsay;soI hedgeda ton High. Thejab wasin theform bit. Afterall, when"RangerRick" Mller sawfit to castmy assto the of aninvlteto mrckonupto Burlington,Vermontto runin the byJayM{anlry Continuedon Page2 Stading Lines 1 VermouCityconttd WOW theresponse to the surveysentoutwith themember_ shiprenewalformshasbeen overwhelning.Whenall the resultshavebeencompiledthey ytt tr prblishedin SiartingLines. Thanksto everyonewtroruponOeO andrcnewed.If youhaven'i renewedyet,pleasedo sonow. We don't wantyqr to missore club evenL This past yearhasbeenvery zuccessfulfor GLRR. Our mem_ bership-hasgruwn tlunks in large part !o the new targetoriented brochuresdesignedby Dave Camire. In conjunaibn with this we havebeenpublistringrace rcsultsnStarting Linesand nailing it od a club brochureto eachrrce pertbipor It t"kes etrre WupgcT GLRR Kingof ttv Monnuk Mt.WashingtonRoadRace by Darc Camire WlryhasGLRRdominated the teamcompedtionat theMt. lyashingtonRoadRacefor thepastthree years?(a)Because eachyear,at the start,BobTeschekannounces that thereis frreebeerU ttresummil @) Lowellis located6500feetaborre sealevel,(c) Wehavethebes damnhill runneninthe Nortbasc. If yorpick"c" yougetafieccry !onertyear'[email protected] yor lict ..t;' or "b" yougetfteeentryto fu m two raoes. Ttre GLRR femaleteamwon their secondconsecutiveteamtitle. The winning CLRR teamwas led by MaureenSrrllivan(99th, l:23:16),PauyGirouard(time and placenot available),and Sue Maslowski(358th,I :3g:35). Cmgnts to everyonewho compeie4 I mea mpletod windin December,&c chtipdt weekendin Budiqglm reelly somded entbing, hr Ornrr+O6 that oil bill had to bc prid I h& it whenthat happeos.But Divine Provi&nce (no, that's rmmder rclay) shonedownqrltre, gotme a job and offo Burlington we wenl _ No_w,I'm not going to spenda lot.of time whipping arounOsplits, finishing times and weatherconditions. In the words of ttre great Marty Cardoza,"what we did was what we done". probablywasn't yery prctty, but sometimesyou just haveto approachthings that way, naveyor knov? Suffice it to say savthat ttrai I, t rs rcll aswerybodyelsethatwent up,badtgrca '.nc,mostofwhich *es ryeu ntherged in eitherpool wrtrr abccr. Tbctocrnof Burl_ iqgim q!ry rn cxpense in puuing m a reallyfirs ctassarenL The counei! beautiful,with emugh scenicviewsof I-akeChamplain to takeyourmindoffthings wiren needbe. Andif ice creamis to yourliking, BenandJerryoutlec prominentaspick-uptrucks are_as in Billerica. To sumup, the accommodations wereexcellent,the weatherwas perfectandthe good times definitely rolled. Would I do it again next year? Justas sureasthe Red Sox will swoonin August. My adviceo ttroeeof you that arercafug ftis is to seriouslyconsider spuding next Memorial Day gXR, memberDaveLapierrc Forthethird consecutive year, weekendin Burlingon. the drive theGLRRmaleopenteamOmiis a ad long, but scenicenoughto rEpac |bc while visiting an old natedtheteamcompetition,wirF (xmmate in Weit Virginia, makeit worthwhile. Anywaf, it's a d4e ningby over37minutes.The hell of a lot betterthan drivirig to b &cied to run the Elby's BIg winningteam wasledby Dave Boy Ctassicin Wheeling,site olne Rochester,Ny via the Ttrnrwly, Dunham(2nd,1:01:32), Bob m€o's TAC nationalchampionship. that'sfor sure. Considerit! Hodge(lCIh,1:02:35), Steve Daveran an outstandingrace., Peterson (l4th, l:09:08),Tom fini$ing 51stout of a total of 1,39g Canoll(l6ttr andlstMaster, rurulers(9th out of ll7 in the 25 1:09:52),andDaveLapiene(Z4th, D yearagegroup) with a time ofto l:11:11). | :14:23. Congratulations, Dave! 2 StartingLines 20K TACNationaf Championship Wlnt is YourGoalfor the Next Year? Meetthe 1990-91GLRRBoard-of-Directors John Aegerter Vlce-Prcsldent "ln nty respotsibility as race coordinator, I an going n concentrateon the d.evelopment of the Lifetime Btystute Marathon." Brbn Colcod lladlyn Graves Tlm Tlches Troasurpr Secrutary Membership "My goal is to make "My goalis to give "My goalis to sign sure the bool<sare backtothecfubmy tp 600menbersfor kept similar n a timeu secretaryin 1990whichwillbe TAC certified a clubrecord." repaymentforall course:rct slort of theclub llrlr given moneybut maybea me." little extrafor sdety. I alsowant to malrcsure club membersget quick$ reimbursedfor thcir e4)enses." Bob Lodan Communications "My goal is n continuen publish the Cakndar -ofEventsand to reestablishthepersonal record database." Jay McCailhy Publlclty "My goal in the upcomingyearis to continueto put GLRRruwurs in the news;eitlur in our ontnpublicationsor in tlv local mcdia-- so tellme aboutyoursetves andyour accomplishtnents!" BlllMahoney Youth Ellhu Rozen Business "My guliso ga morerctivchtlu runningdtlu chtb andto anbazle chbfunds (ottty Hdding). I want to nake sure the bttdgct is accurately naintainedfor the ben$t of the rnembership." DaveGamire Jean Boswell Competltlve Soclal "My gmlis tomake "My goal is to "My goal is to get securea corporarc nore young runners surearcryorcwill sponsorfor our involvedin the cfub participte inu racing tecrtrs.I also kast otu wial activities." plan onworking acfrrbt &trkg the ndyw.' with eachtearn captain to strengthenour tearnsand stay competitivein tlu NEAC Grand Prix." StailingLines 3 ReflectionsFrom a First TimeFinisher BostonMarathon- 1990 by AllanBissett This was my first BostonMarathon. I havenrn threeotlpr martattpns my third being almostfive yearsagoin Portland,Maine. I haveneverdonewell in the heat,and April 16thwasno different lt's too bad the 10 weeksof training wasn't reflectedin my finishing time. Circumstances and weatherwerc againstme. Ttris is an eventthat I will neverforget. The panicipatingin, and finishing of, the 94th BostonMarathon- it isn't easyto put into wotds. Now that its all over, and I've had time to reflect and rememberthe eventsof the day (somethings I didn't rememberfor a few days),I would like to sharemy highlights. The ride to Hopkinon on the bus. Ttre trlk qt the way of training schedulesand the troeesof the day. \tlhat greatcamaderie. Tbe crowd at the start - so many nrnnersin me plae. The seaof nmrs that stl€tcbed out in fronr The whole wodd is warchingtds went TtE bestmara&m runnersin the world arerunning qr tte samecoune today. Thc crowds alongthe route. Why was I mly at on my watchat 4 miles? The Theseaof runnersthat 35:51 girls inWellesley. The balloonsmy stretchedout in front. wife sentandthe goodluck card from my daughterandher friends at Thewholeworld is UMass. The blisterthatstartedon watchingthis event my right foot at 13. The lady playlng the accordianand singing God BlessAmerica. The Dixielard Bard m the rmftop. The rock band in a side yard. What superbmodical,warr ste and generalsupportby the B.A.A. The patuLTb fridly frccs, Tbh[b frve slapsfrom the hoses. The kids. All thce bom borcs rndfu musiccminSddfic ttuee pride. All tre extra waterfrrm tbe gtblic. Hearttrc* ItlL Th hills beforeHeafir€ak. The threemiles of downhills afterHcmhcaL My legs ached. The facesof my friends alongthe rwte. Ib b - d God, the heat. The disappointmentin having to walk. The rudting &rm Boylson Streetand crossingthe finish line. The pride. The desperatc searchfor my family. Anempting to steponto the sidewalksby steping over thosettuee foot tall Bostoncurbstones.The searchfor the handicap cut in the curbstones.The aches. The comfort of the silver security blanketgiven at the finish. The hot tub water at homethat night. A sunburntoo! All the calls from frienG andfamily wantingto know how I did. The pride. The agonyof going &wnstain. Looks like I'll lose two toenails. The 4 mile jogs the next few days. The pain. How could I lose 10 poundsafter all that water I drank? How comeit hastakenme almosta weekto stafi to feel normal andbe ableto run a comforatable7 miles? Bostonis TOUGH - no questiut! What will I rememberbest - ynt'rc rigfu - TIIE PRIDE. Wasit worth it? Absolutely. Will I doit again?Absolutelynot...........well.....maybe! 1990BostonMarathon TeamResults MaleTeos l. 2. 3. 1. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. ll. 12. 17. 64. tt. 102. LUl. CMS A (MA) GLRR A(MA) Forcrumcn (FL) Athnt! TC (GA) CSUA (MA) TdllnenTC N*iondGrnrd Calital Strdr (DC) Ifudotd TC (CD Tesn Alagtr N. VirginiaRC GLRRM.StsA(MA) GLIR B (MA) GLRR C (MA) GLRID(MA) GLRR Mrss B (MA) GLRRMT$C(MA) 1:15:14 735:55 7243:Jl 7:14:26 7:17:14 1:52:43 756:tl 8O1:4,6 Efi2.43 t:06:D E:06:29 t:07:51 t:19:39 9l27zl0 9:5t:'O 10:20242 ll:49:14 Fcanla Tcnr l. 23. a 5. 6. 7. t. 9. 10. 24 WernaStACNY) EddoChiFNY) B A(MA) GIIIA(MA) l.tCA(M ) GBf,CA(M ) hitAC lfiIkoGAAND Montgcry (MD) tvtanaroteTC (FL) GLIRB(MA) 9:17:48 9:23:38 9:?A:N 9z26z5r 9:44:55 95r:45 10:12:06 10:19:21 lO:.29:57 lO:.32:54 11:'16:3 lsr Annulr- Worthen Horrse Run 5 Mn-es FnpeY, Arorrcr24,1990 6:30Pll Hlsroep lowa-r-, MA I{OSIED BY Gneer=nLomu. RoeoRurrens 4 StartingLines How I AlmostFinishedBoston How BostonAlmost FinishedMe by Dave Croclccr ) , It was the Monday afterthe New Bedford Half Marathon;Johncalled me and said that he could get me a numberfor Boston. I thoughtthis was great,after all I ran the RhodeIsland Marathonin the fall andjust missed qualiryng by two minutes. It wasn't my fault that the RhodeIsland Marathonpeopleput hills in the courseandit was a windy day. If it wasn't for thoseunfair conditions,I probablycould haverun five minutes faster. When I got offthe phone,my wife rernindedme that I had not been training to run a marathsr. My responsewas "I haveplenty of time! The marathonis four weeksaway;that's three weeksof training andone week to rest beforethe marathon."(first stupidmistake). So I beganto plot out my training schedule.The key would be to get in threequality long runs. Training went well, if I do say so myself. My long nrns werc 19, 20 and 15 miles. For weekly mileageI did 53, 60 and45 miles. Wittr this kind of training I was readyto handlewhateverthe racehad to offer (second stupidmistake). ..BRING ON BOSTON'' Raceday came,and aswe all know, it wasperfectconditionsfor a marathon- sunny(not a cloud in ttrc sky) and the temperanrewasin thc mid 6Os. Who could not nrn a good raoeql a day litc dnt? Whm ttE gun went off to start thc race,I wasslc ttat I wutld finish. Tb mly questionwashow fastit *ulH b, -3:ffi 3:30? If I hada badday,3:4O. I went thrwgh tb t*o milc mart at m 8 minute pace. My thoughs were that I stnrld be aHe to handlethis paceandmighthave a shot at running a 3:30 marathm or faster. At the first water station,I drank somewater and startedhaving stomachpain. I decidedthen that the smartthing to do would be not to drink any more water (THIRD STLJPIDMISTAKE). I then startedmakingmy way throughthe pack. Things werc going well; I didn't feel well, but my clever strategyof not drinking water was working. My splits werege$ing bettereachmile. After 5 miles,I waswell underthe 8 minutepace. This wasgoingto be my day! At 10miles, the running startedto get a little tougher,but I waskeeping pace. The miles just startedgetting harderandharfu lfter that. Around mile 15,I knew I wasin trouble,but I'm tough- I ca makeit. At mile 19,I was forced to start walking andirgghg, h[ I'n h4lr - I canmake it. Mile 22,I' m tough- I canmate ir lfib Zl, I'D u41r............ g. I'm listening to the conThe next thing I know, I'm in e dbrl versationaboveme: "......blmdprcssrcis90over60 andwe can'tgeta pulse;get the ambulance". ffiE fu-?EE MaleOpen FemaleMasters 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 1. LAC 2. CSU 3. GLRR 4.BAA 5. CMS 6. GBTC 7. GFTC CMS 24 GLRR 17 16 BAA 14 CSU FBOLTS7 GSH 5 22 17 11 8 7 6 1 FemaleOpen MaleSenlors 1. BAA CMS 3. GLRR 4. LAC 5. CSU 6. GBTC 7. TVFR 8. GSH 17 17 15 10 7 6 s 1 hbhdrn 1. GLRR 24 17 2. CSU 3. TVFR 16 4. CMS 14 5.BAA 3 GNBTC 3 GCS 3 8. SMAC 2 osAc 2 1. CMS 7 2.BAA 6 3. GLRR 5 OverallPolnts 1. GLRR 72 2. CMS 69 3. CSU 55 4. BAA 50 5. LAC 32 6. TVFR 21 7. GBTC 12 8. CISH 9 9. FBOLTS7 10.GCS 3 GNBTC 3 12.OSAC 2 SMAC 2 14.GFTC 1 1990NEACGneno Pnx Scneouu (aeuuxwe RrcEs) Auc26 sKM Gneanwpx, Rl Sep23 15KM Wrroru,NH Ocr 27 26.2M Fru-uours, MA Continuedon Page6 StartingLines 5 BostonF inislwd Contirurc d A quick trip to St. Elizabeth's Hospital, wherethey pumpedthree bagsof fluid into me and I was qr the roadto recovery. Thereis an importantmarathoningsecretto be leamedfrom this: !!!!!!!!! DRINKWATER DURINGTIIE RACE !!!!!!!!! Smynned for next month's racingsecrct:How To Run a lOK While Holding Your Breath. SecondAnnual FredBrown Relay Lastyearrunnenweretreated with a well organized,fust time run, fun relay aroundLake Winnespesaukee.The GunstockSki Area promisedto provide management total useof their facilities for this year. GreaterLowell Road Runners' w Sunday,August19,1990 12 Noonto 6 PM U.S.BuntingClub,Lowell,MA 5K Runat 12 Noon $LeggedRaces- SackRaces-BalloonToss- Softball- Volleyball Ticketsare: $3for eachAdult $1for eachChild Ticketsarc availableat any GLRReventprior to August19from: Mary Bourret Debbie@le Jan Boswell How to Enter: Sincethis is a teamevent,entriesmustbe submitted on a teambasis. To enter,designateor volunteerto be a team captain. Teamcaptainsgtuld tls form a teamard reurn thc fam (with $40 for entry) to Mary Bounet or myself (Colin Gouldson). Pleasenote, the GLRR is subsidizingthe rest of the entryfee. For your convenience,entry forms are enclosedwith this mailing. Team Categories areMale open,femaleopen,mixed open, malemasters,femalemasters, mixedmasters,andmaleseniors. (More than oneteamper categoryis permissible.) Course(aroundthe lake)Leg I (11.6miles),Leg2(11.5miles), l-ee3 (5.9miles),I*g4 (11.9 miles),Leg 5 (8.4miles),L.eg6 (7.2miles),Leg 7 (5.8 miles),and Leg 8 (9.7miles) 6 StartingLines Hamburgers, Hotdogs,Soda, and Beerprovided(bringa side dishor dessert by GLRRfor Here WeGrow Again WelcomeNew Members Arlington -- Bob Maldonis, Bedford -- ThomasKennedy, Billerica -- Diane Hadley,William Hadley,Clinton O'Brien, Cindy Szubzda,Boxboro -- SteveGaebel, Chelmsford -- Richard Marchand, SteveRollman,JeanieSherman, Dracut -- CelesteBedard.Steve Dion, SueDion,RichardDupuis, Don Foley,CatherineFoley,John Grady,BarbaraGrady,Phil Jackson, MarianneKeefe,JamesMacDonald, JohnMartin, Fran Martin, Dunstable -- David Anderson,Everett -- Joe Hickey, Farmington, NH -- Steve Marion, Hudson, NH -- Sharon Gonzales,Rick McCartney,Londonderry -- Jerry Rosa,Lowell -- Eric Beaudry,CarolynBenoit,Patricia Burke,DorothyFebbi,JohnFebbi, ChristineFlorence,Bill Florence, Rich Forrest,TerenceGriffin, ThomasHowe,CarltonJones,Walter Kane,PeterKavanagh,Russell Keith, ThomasLippe, Debra MacDonald,DavidPerry,Michael Podanoffsky,Emie Roy, James Stronach,Malden -- Katherine Young,Marlboro -- Don Richardson, Medford -- Bob .Hansford,Methuen -- Albert Farris, Milford, NH -- Cindy Buhner, Nashua,NH -- Karen Weeks, Peabody-- Donald Coombs, Princeton -- Walter Kuklinski, Reading-- Jim O'Hare,John Wiklanski,Readville-- Ken Fleming, Rockport -- John Goldsmith,Salem,NH -- Michael Trull, Sandown,NH -- PeterDrivas, Tewksbury-- Don Bongiovi, Tyngsboro-- Micky Ward, Westford -- JohnKimball. Thomas Kimball,ThomasMcGinty,Windham, NH -- SteveGrande Presiden(s Message continued time and moneybut the resultsare worth it. Our four roadraces,Hynes, GreatLegs,Jim Witt, andRun Your Tirrkey Ofl have all grown in sizeover previousyearswhen the numbersat other racesarefalling. This canbe attributedin largepart to the excellentjob by our racedirectorsandall the volunteers.Racersknow thata GLRR roadrace will be safelyrun,havean accurate course,accurateandquick results, adequate facilities,a goodprize structure,anda greatparty. The incomefrom theseraceshasput the club in excellentfinancialshapefor the comingyear. Thanksto everyone who workeda raceover the pastyear. To maintainthis momentum,we haveaddedtwo new eventsto the raceschedule.The WorthenHouse Raceon August24 wfi be for fun with a block partyto follow. I hope everyonecomesdown to run and celebrateGLRR's tenthanniversary. TheLifetime BayStateMarathon,Half-Marathon,andMarathon Relaywill markthe first time in nine yearsthatGLRR hashosteda marathonandfrom whatI've been hearingit's abouttime! Thereis moreinformationin this issue aboutall our summerevents. Senringthe pastyear asPresident hasbeenenjoyableandI'm looking forward to this year. Thanksfor your vote ofconfidence. It'sOver GreatLegsRacedirector Jean Boswellhad lots to smileabout this year as womenthroughoutNew Englandenterthe race in record numbers 0o *t. &d ?/* ato Rsv ilo Oattery Calu rxe GLRR Horule 508/452-9426 Fora Brick? Fon rxe Llresr RuxruncNews Lines7 Starting PfitzingerWinsover500 GreatLegs SetsRecord by Berna Finley Friday the 13thwas no cune for the CoorsLight GreatI-egsRoad Raceas a rccord 500 womenbolted acrossthe startingline at CawleY Stadiumin this ninth annualcelebration of women's running. ChdstenPfitzinger,a 19883000 meterOlymprc contender,also overpoweredthe jinx andthe rest of the field, runningthe 3.1 mile coursein 16:28-- eightsecondsoff the courserecordsetbY Darleen Beckfordin 1987. RhodeIsland residenLAnn Marie Marirncame in secondar 17:14ard leffY Hamilton of North Readingwes third at 17:26. MarY JarrcBoYd canied the barrrerfor Grcater [.owell, placing 2fth overall with a time of 18:39. Sixty teamsParticiPatedin the raceincluding 19mother/daughter teams. duosand21 sister/sister Liberty Athletic Club placedfirst in both ttre openandmasters'teant competition. Greaterl,owell mastersgamereda secondPlace finish followedbY CentralMass Stridersin third Placeard Garc GtY in fourth. In the oPencategorY' CMS posteda secondPlacewith the WirurersCircle Running€lub in ttre third spot. SusanAmovitz andAnn KucharskitoPPedthe sister/sisterdivision category clocking38:31. Ann andTncY Srpkatop ttre mother/daughter divisionclockinga 40:11. The recordbreakingmomentof the night camebeforethe racegot '.rndenvayasthe computerizedlist of runnersclosedin on the 600 mark. An elatedJeanBoswell warchedPost-entriesPile uPto 8 StartingLines nearly doublelast year's field of some300 rururers.This rePresents a 300 percentincreaseover a nine yearspan. In 1981lessthan200 womentoed up to startttre Great Legs, billed as "Part of the movementto havea women'smarathon, 10KM and5KM addedto the Olympics." "I amthrilled," saidBoswellas club PresidentMary Bourret presented her the silverRevere bowl in appreciationof her efforts on behalfof womenrunners' "I am morc lhrilled," sheadded,"that 60 of you cameherctonighl" UnderBcwell's directim the race hasgrown seadily forthe Past threeyean andis now rankedasttrc secondlargestall women'sroad racein New England. Boswell will tum the 1991directorshiPof the GreatLegs over to Christina Bellinger of NewburyPort. air at the stadium. Thenearperfect 70 degreeweatherwasa come-on for ftiends and relativeswho showedup in drovesto cheertheir favorite runner. ln addition to bringing a record crowdsof runners,walkersand spectatorsto the city, the Great Legs brought comfort to an unspecifiednumberof womenwith a g-enerous donationto the Houseof Hope,a shelterfor homeless womenandchildren in Greater Lowell. Meanwhile the GLRR men took up p6ts ascheerleadersandtraffic managenon the course,disheduP delectablesat the finistr line and coercedthe comPutersinto comPiling quick and accurateraceresults' Thanksguys! And thanksto the contingentof behind-the-scene womenwho have worked Yearin andyear out to makethe Great a premieleroad race. Good Legs A contingentof vendorsand a DJ Seeyou next Year. work! spinninga bottomlesssuPPlYof compactdiscsaddedto the festive "Runtlw Rrce of YourLifetime" Baystatellaratholl, Half,and Relay TbGrcaterLowell RoadRunners,in associationwith Lifetime Corpotadil, munceO this month that they will be hostingthe BaystateMaratm, ifdf-Uarathon, andMarathonRelay on October 14. Racedirector l,nsil*tdq,rist and assistantracedirector JohnMeehanrepoft that the cqrtse it ttre fastestin New England. According to Meehan,"This "A -,n* is designedto get you a fast qualifying time, it's almostlike on a I3.t mite ovA track." Meehanwenton to saythat "the *ing largest-hillis a speedbumplocatedatthe 7 mile mark." All threeraces wiI st"n simultaneouslyat 8:00 AM from the Univenity of Lowell norttt campus. Applicationsare availableby sending.-S4lF to: Lifetime nayitate Mlrathon,250 DracutSt.,Dracut,MA 01826' I { - 345JAIET BU@LO2719 346EILEENWALSH2720 s+i oonnol oovLE 2721 348cELEsrE BEDARD SWEENEY iibi g+gxlruv xELtEY 272lfiEvE DIANEMcLEoo 2727 352NlrA BEALs2728 ititgst ocDEN 27fl 354JEANo'TooLE 27:31 Siiumoansr MccARTHY iss drleeH oeesLlN 2734 356MARTHA gsz 27:34358MARYJo Euisse wESTLAKE-FAY Iiiga clilr-Lzzss ssg susAN cRlsrlNl 27:36$o SUSAN CooK 27:43362 ZzSs 36t DEBORAH Ott-UOtl 27'45 27:44363LISATWOHIG xlrHUEeH SUEEUAN RIDLoN MELANIE 365 2745 s6aCAiHv sut-l-tvAN 367PAULETTE iz,+s's66ctloEn DoUoETTE27?46 ruAbo zz,le s68I-INDYDAVIs2746 369cARRIE gzo 27:47371DoNNA cArHY GHENELLE aiLull ez*z 373 HoDGEN27249 RticHte zzr+ggzz GISELLE Flueul trarEs zz:513?4cHRlsrlNEELloPouLos iiisz izs it-ltite PECHoU27:53376BETTYMAYNARD itrtg st auv TaRLEY28oo 378DoNNAMURPHY HARDY28os 380KELLY igoe gzs El-tzAeETH HAMILTON VALERIE 2O2 23;40 JENNIFER UCXENNEY 23 18:47 UINiEETH b'lvaoi re,ls 12 TAMARATosELLl MILLS nLr-LNeneeoo 381MARJoRIEDILLoN28rg 382 VIRGINIA 2o4 A:/t3 ELAINE aNZALOTTI 25 18:55 nOBtH 2o3 a'az ARoNovlrz susAN iiiHcla,so za HINCVUCetrlW z8:10383BUFFYROPER2810 384 sMlrH rr,lpns BARBAMKELLY23:44206IEANNINE scalEs rgoo ze $NDY LovEJoY19s127 NANoI rnicil pgEt-lH z8:11 385KARYNoRLANDo28:11 386 23:462O8CATHY 23:46207KARENHANSEN sMlrH 28:17388 Siiors rsog ze NtxtEFAYMoND1eo32e DEBoRAH r,iluieElrlelN a8:12387MAUREEN 210 23:49 lloDGE FRANNIE eos PATFIcIA zgr* 31 uccahrxv Flnken tso6 30 LAURAMccLoY 1907 liNNiFEn sHeeHAN28:18389MARYBoYLE28213e0 23:53 KRoPILAK GERMAINE 33 211 19r0 zrst uaRrtH inaN sPoLlooRo NAr'lcY 32 nuNrrrleroN 1908 23:51 ilrnrc r,rpeEgr-es zs'e. 391cATHYoo NAHER2823 zri lHHe MoRRILL23:53213cARoL BERTRAND 19:13 31TRACEY 28:27 UanCOr nEU|I|OTON-OMAN AUOGEL2s27 393ELLENFOTINO so2 OOROTHV tgJO 36CATHY 214KATHYNARY23:55215ANNO$/ENn:57 216 MOORE tUBERt ts,ts gS,JILL oucttARME2832 3e5LAURABERNAZANI clnor6+ 218 24@ CHESTER LUCY 217 NOELLE zlol 38 rusco rucev CONHIHA192037 MEGNELSON1924 is32 396iot-Lv aNN DRISCoLL28:34397LAURIE HOI'GHTON 28:46399 uEariirr rse+ 39 cHRlsrY DoNNEAU192740 JENNY lessrcl L,q8ffinE2438 219MIGHELLE WltgnS Zg'lt 39SIRENETEXEIRA 24:13221 MCMAHON 193042 24:l 1 220MARY-ELLEN ln-cilelLo 192841 AoIBHEANSWEENEY 28:484ooBETHcLEVASY28:50 xanrleeN HoULAND srEpimte pog zlJS 222BRENoAcAaoozAz4:'t7 urnii rrlouls 19:3043 PAULABoNNER19:3144 DoNAHUE TARA 4ry2 28:51 aHoREWS 24:18 +6i uaarr-vN 19:3646 zeioolrlra cuepUT 24:18224ANNSARToRELLI 4s ANNKUGHARSKI iriw otnoumo 19:31, 28:534o4MEREDITH issi aogbANovwASILEUSKAS CASTELLOT LlsA 48 226 2420 19:40 ualRsTON GEARY KAfiY zzs ooHHl 47 19:37 bana suNoeonc CIOCCA28:59406 SOUSA28:59405COLLEEN coNNoLLY z+zo zzi canoL sWEENEY2421 228KITHY cLASBY 29:10408 FlNill Hserrcu ie'ls 49 MARY'ANN 2934407LISASPINELLI UInAVH HILLNER LYoNs 24s3 230KIMBERLY itnmxa:uueEN 19:5151ANGELA 29:15 CARRoLL iir,riso lolHHE MURPHY ALLlsoN 4os 2sJ5 usErorr uaCrE &.KAREN 24224 MITcHELL 1e:57 zs1 JoAN MARLow zrgl edEsLrN 52 ELIZABETH 19:s6 ilniikivaxos +io plueun ulnrlNs 29:16411 KATHLEEN 2427 & MCKINTEY s5 BETTY 23!} 2000 2426 MCLANE WHITCOMB s4 LINDA 19:58 413 DURKIN 2924 53'TERRY zg,te412MARYMccoNNELL HOnen potntER2428 ?35RACHELDWYER2429 236 inglRcuux 29:34 saAei nlicx-wRlcHT 20s0 56 LAURABEcKwlTl{-, WATERS 29:26414JENNIFER TgOUpSOH t-ltlOl 2434 ROBBOY ANITA 237 24:30 SCHM|TZ KATHRYN 29:36 z6'dsbz CectLtl sHIPLEYzoos 5s ALLIEMcGUlNEss eiueE eounnET2e:35416MARYBoURRET lis KOHLER BARBARA 24:39 MOLLOY KARA TIUUXHTR 60 AMV zg8 cHEsrER zoiio sg cgntsw RIoRDAN20:11 cii eirry eounRET29:37418PAMELA "39 24:40241NANCY ia'ss aro cHnslNA ToDARo 2024 62 DIANE ioi+ er nogttt ScHULMAN zgsT +rs ucxeLLE RosETo 29:39420LEANNE 24'A2213 wAKEFIELD 64 ela DoNNA 2028 a+'rc FARRAND ieoulrus HEATHER 63 aoeT 422LlsA 29:46 u-Cllucxln ENos ttliEs zg,le +zt ANASTASIA 24"43 t-tttOalO SXeeUlN 24:432't4 SARANICOLOSI iiiEe Cvlrl 2ofe os TERESAFoRSYTH20:3266 ANN aa noBlN Louls 30:02424KATY eorifag'sg pOWeRS 2/t:47 BEVIS ASHLEY 246 24:46 PATTI 68 20:35 WEruOV als ilssrnlnt ao,gss7 suE DowNEY 30:10426JUDITH lZ5 TESSSHATZER LIWFONSOOS 24'48248MARAKERNS24:50 NELSON RIoRDAN20:4070 247JOHANNA iult-tvalt ao,gze9 ELIZABETH ul'ceE go,i t €7 ooRoTHYTosELLl30:14428BECKY 250LEAHBUDRow 24:52 FoRSYTH BLACKSHEAR ueRtau ing 71 MAUREEN 2o'4e earrHEY xliiuEet KEEFE lours o'ze ea LlsAoEMARS302443oJuDlrH i+'si aii cnnol coLES24:53252MARYANNE Cir,+szi RtoM nANDAzzA2o:5't73 LENIAAscENso acioN goea agt LINDABUTLER30:29432NoRA ROoRIGUEZ LlsA 254 24:54 sEAFts BARTER 7s vlcKlE sFlerLA i53 ze,ss z6'ii zl CripxlllE sHELLEY20:52 nlNlrlrrN S:35 433 ROBINCARR3o:5 434JOCELYN \EILLEUx JULIE 25€ 24:55 BEAM EvANs MARLA HEATHER zss 77 it,* 20:55 NOBLE Ai.SSZEXNETIHC 30:40436LAUUESStenf:Z rsS TERRYROBINSON 2457 258MMYELLEN \fEILLEUX 24:56257JOAI',| 438 io,se ze luv FtrzPATRlcK20:5679 vlrA TAoRMINA netNe OeHAJUTf:41 437AlvlYCOUTU3O:4S ABRAI{AI 2.:58 25e PAUTATEDESCO245e 260 z6,sdso ciNTHtl ULRIoH20:5e81 PArRlclAcurLER 43e DoRoltY-Mc11tLLAN o:50 loxuseN Ellen oRAlloNl vARr-LYNil 261 AURELIo REST 25!l uEHEtE Cr{ FtElszi oi az lovcE BEzoEK2103 83JENNIFER rse go urnv BEsr 31!o 441PATRICIA PIERcE 25S 264JAYilEWt-SOil25:10?63PAUJ 9AFTINS 3105 443 zi 'io eaenenlm PIKE21:1385 ANoREA cfleueR sr tr3 aa2LAURENMCOONNELL P€t{t{E N€LSON 265 25:t4 FI1EY DELUTIS TRAGY BERNA 26r :17 87 25:13 2l GALVIN cxenvL 3'l:13445 s e6 lr ,r 144ROBINSCOTT BDoLE 25:17267JAYNEDUPoNT OOHllaClUfXten 3107 as,ri ab Jeenrf 2120 F TERESAOUAT{ TRERISE ar,rg gs elAeARr NELSON 3134 446REBECCA TCROCRCR OOHruI BURNHAM JANINE 23 2€ 21 2521 HATc+l CeCrc ANoREA ZS:rZZSgCfm' zr eo m JIH JoftNsoN 2121 9l geoz gz uaRe tr BERKOWITCH 3208 448LORI 2521271taARY L FERRIERE arsCiixm+eEN e iiHxrreq rAYLoFl2127 rt ANNELYNo{ 2124 9' 32:1345OJAC' fOSSeS2,rr449AMYLAYBOLO 212996 cvt+ert zsazrz GAROLIAIBERTE ?525273 2128S Kn|FARRANO 32:22 clrxEnrxe @LEMAN ELDRIDGE 32:13451LOUISE SHERRY OUet-true 213 $ CutRt clourten 2528 274KARENwEEKs 252e 27s ilt.te levEsouEz t 3 97AltYBEcxER lse snahoru ulcDoNALD 3224't53SHARONKEEFE 27/ 25:32 KRAYNAK JODY 1m 276 z5:3o 2135 rcilvos INX UlCler-UH i[e[Frrzce ulD 413/teeJUoY 32:30455DIANE 3247454vlRGlNlARAMSDELL V!F.G25s2279 FRANcls VAIL25:32278VIRGINIA MARIANNE 213s 101JEsslcA llExlxom oELINEY 32:3s457 CASELLA 323i! a56ELIZABETH FEZENDES PUEM' 25:33280SOLEDAD SULLIVAN 2137 103Bo BEVIs PAULINE MoRRlsoN 32:54 Cis6r@lEAtJNe looi eenGsTROM32:53458LINDAMCKENZIE 25:38282 EAroN APESTRATTE 2534 281LINDAABRAMS 1osKARLENE 21:37 zi iii iol LLlwe BURNES CAPASSO ELISABETH 460 32:59 MCKEE lSg,fOlll 284 25:39 ZELLER JANE 283 CA' 25:38 PETERS KATHLEEN STASIA 213S107 SANTIN zrre r06rnAcvsIPKA -nlnLrra 3305 462PAMELA sio2 rer susAN ARDAGNA KELLY25141 21:40109LYNN JelrutlE pt-Euttlc 25ss 285RoSEMARY JUDGE zr se to8DEBBIE 3:|:13464BETsY iios ass clnoLvN RAMSDELL 21:431ll MARY is6 DiNrse DRtscoLL2s:42287cARoL ARNoLD TUcKER ELAINE 466 ruCiEi zr *o 110LAURIE 3323 ioAiE s3rrs a6s xELLYFTAHERTY 113 21r44 GRAVES is,+i zss ,JuLreHARRIsoN25:se289GAILLAVALLE llroeAsoNzrtls 112MARILYNE DALTON33:31467TRACEYCOOK33:40468KELLY 2l:47115 GAVIN ZstSg29oUaRV,JOEARLY25:55291NICOLEWILSON Zt*5 114KATHLEEN rnAl CO|-ES 470NANCY 33:55 cHRlsro JULIE +e9 ss'ag eioors 21:51 Cs'seagzaERTtEGATToN25:57293KIMBERLY EASTMAN 116BETH xanirue nruonnoE21:/19 9:19 472 ROBBOY 33:57471ELIZABETH PEASLEE 25:58295 OACOSTA UARYGAIL Zg+ aS,SZ 1 18 MAUREEN tlnXtH 21:51 SMITH MARGUERITE 3502 117 34:45473GAILPERREAULT ROSSEI-rl LOUISE MARTEL26:00297 21:s4120MARY uliv ueur-o asrse296MAUREEN elr-llbxen zl rsz119DANAPHILLIPS FoRSYTH 475 DIANNE 35:36 lo nouRKE ai+umv MccARTHY KATHLEEN 298 122 2Go6 21:s5 wlccoHeR iim*l BROCXZr '5a 121LYNNEBUTTERWORTH LAWLER 35.42476 LORI MCGUERTY52177 LINOA zeoe zsg VV|AHnOwE 26:083ooMADELINE EutzegErHlolc 21:57l2sELlzABlLlK21:58124 PETERSEN 3628 478 LAUM KANARACUSS7'A 479 26:10302COLLEEN DEJONGH 2609 3o1VALERIE IrNol ussen zeoo 125LlsAAuRELlo2io1 18 StlnUruOH SENIOR 37:44 4& KATHLEENSENIOR 38Os 26:123O4 SULLIVAN 2206 KIMBALL 26:11 303MAURA MAHONEY loutsE coHuon ezo4 127BARBARA 36..82 CHRISTINA CALDWELL 481PRISCILLA 26:13 WIGGINS KAREN 3o5 26:13 HEATH HARRIGAN SHARoN MARIE iag lNonel copPoL zzfiT 1eg ronrE gss as3 loRnA REHARD.455 4a4coNNIE AtIlRO26:16 JAt'lET 07 26:14 HEISNER GUILMETTE JULIE 306 PATRICIA 131 22:12 uoussA zzio rso Rtul glNev a60 a850a|A GrfFR€.617 4S KATE 2625 39 CAROT@NrcY 2626 308JANICESCIOLLA 22:14133PAMBIDWELL D'tg r32 LOUtSeLEMAIRE trGCerEl rr:l .S7 |(AniEEX IIGCAIEL 473P 310KATHYCARrcLL 2627 311J€SSIC irAl'ES2629 ze'ia r gauanv w i{KEA 2.:17135cHRlsrlNE .t4 F/ .lLLclrc ttE F roY S 3r3 NICOLE 137 2aBERr{TSOa 22:18 RIES 312 KRTSTIN 22'te 136SUE SELI-tNOeR tis ttl ls nxr An D*EX 31. 26? LEVESOUE G^ARO 138 AMY 22:18 BUKOWSKI ilI'rlt-gfr3 B ns s DAnrBt:Dtxll'lrl'l.F.fl 2220 1'OSTELLAKO2'2' 111 CUNNIFF KATHLEEN 2250 22:58169@LLEENCONROY 168LISADOYLE JENKINS izo Eurr-vxlslgtAN 22:50171JENNIFER 173 susAN 23tr2 zise TtIEHHFeR@LEMAN 2301t175SUZANNE ulnnin zs-o3tz+ RlNlSGHALKE loulsnEoolcx zgfi rre MARoNMcADAll23oo177 2So{'179 ARDAGNA nob$tuosnen e :6 178LINDA 2310181TERESA ALLEN ijlik-Eim-zrio tsoRoBYN 2316183 BUCKLEY toztNeenegrz t82SHARON 2317 KAsKoNs 23t6 to/tEILEEN trtlbl sALLAexER 1 CHRISTINEPFITZINGER1628 2 AI'INMARIEMARINO pErxeenc Ko2l-owsKl SHEILA zsle lss iG ionr 17264wEEzlEBENzoNl ri,iiii+ s IEFFvFtAriilLToN 2321188TRAcY ELSMoRE zoeoiazuruneeNcoRBETT iiiii i vinotca coLLlNs17316 DEBRA TOOMEY 17:50 uanrtNzgesteeoATI{ERINE 7t21 1g ENRIGHT 1747I KAREN iitoTi susm xTENEY 2326 susANBARRY i'dusln xlnvlsz 17:s410woNNEswARTz18o813 karntHseaoEnoN2325191 HALL23:3 ANDREA 193 18:16 2331 HLAVAW 12cLAREGoRMAN 194EILEEN iiierxvsreverus 18:11 DoNAHUE 182415 ig+uanv clurutER 23s4195NANcY 18:19lrl SUSANPASSLER LEANSWEENEY YONKERS 23:36197DIXIE 1s28 zrss 196SUSINBARD uliiir:"vHHenGHT 1827 18PATTYLALIBERTE 'le Llz 2336199MAUREEN 1s:36 A|3e rgeulnJOnlEMORSE 18soPHlEMERRILL ii l'r.ru6ipra 1B:32 2o1 Z3;39 BUTLER 2OoKAREN 23:39 SHEEHAN lhdiEn ta,gi20 UARYJANEBoYD18:3e21 LAURA COORSUGHTGREATLEGSROADRACE 5 KILOi'ETERWOIIEN'SROADRACE sv Jtres L GooxevRerlroRs Co-spolsoneo Hosreoevne GREATERLOWELLROAD INC. RUNNERS, Cinrsrrxerucrropowc aezr 1.2offsn€ 2229 r it-onexcE zzzs 14srrlN rmE d[c6cl{ v^N oeNBrc€xE 22! r.5 ol^Ltc YAtl rg rEr-rcr,1 vocinirs zit 146B€crcYcox 223t rtt sttrrrE nli zess ra8ootLYLEIDIE 22! lalEn H'eARiDszr5olRlsNEoFolsrG 27Dr51P'ttA 22ro 153lrlfisl iioti5oNzz,sg102cINDYsaJBzDA 2241155 pRlHctsaz:eo154DEBRA MAcDoNALD BBENNAN biianolt eollzlt-ES22:42156cHRlsrlNA 158 CATHY 2:'t3 nISMUSSEN ee*StOZJANE 160MARY ?2:47 LABADINI tss NoRA ficnrrelo aer+e 22:47162DENISE sevrcNEiz*z 161PEGFoRSYTH ?2:53164 GILMAN n Z,st 163CONNIE WnCNe RUBE22:56166 Ult'lZtZ:54 165SUSAN XTUBERLV 22:s7 DURKEE RENEE 167 lohnlrne ioueERT22:56 irzgemrmatlrarrtE er.matatEvtma9trtr urrrrcrtrc.El.ltnrcl U{sv2Ls rEffB-grnE g mt{ 98 ||JR'-S' € lr r.r-rm 2!50 9r Atfl dtm{ Anrv Er ttt gcl. n'cnfc cr.HTEi2658 sc oiinegrgarc 26:59 g grn-fv Umru 8t 31 W t{DAPIERCE 2700 gaaoer-mes sut-wAr{ 265eCB KIMABBOUTT ROSERTSON 27f 335CHERYL SUERZ 33ASUSAN 27os 37 JoYcEDALToN iios s36otlHEpLANTE 39 MARGE 27:10 zz,ios38HEtotEITGLANDER REDoING 27:1 1 340 ANN GRAVES 27t'11311 GALLAGHER 312KAREN cmoN 27:12 CEJemrue 27:16 2715344MlMlALKER ezii gasuvNoaCAREY VE.53S JEFFYHAMILTON' LLrcttr''173.I8I1 KATHYsTEvENs,2.GMS17:2817:50 iirrcecou-rs, ENRIGHT, KAREN BENzoNl' rilr- ssrzweeztE iGen xanvlsz,3. wcRc A 1824 18:3719o8' 56o9 iGalr passlEn, Ltz ARclER,PATRIcIAHUNTINGToN l. CSUrSff tsoz 1928- 57:38NIXIERAYMOND' 5' lllcRC B 19:06 uunl vccLov,,lENNY ARCHIBALO, JILLMooRE' FARKER' ig,is rg,gt . sz,soDEBoRAH BAA1920192419:58'58:42 PAULABONNER,6. TERRYDUR{IN NOELLEMERRITT' CATHYCORNING, ' 59:14MARYJANEBOYD' 7.GLRR18:3919:4020:55 GLOUS' S. TEAII NOBLE' KRISTINE GEARY, KATHY 20:5120'5120:58- 1O2:/t0RIGINARANDAZA' CESTER 9' WTilRLAWAY VITATAORMINA' LENIAASCENSO, StartingLines 9 SPOLIDORO, 191021:3921:55. 1tr2l4 NAttlCY 10. KATHLEEN CAT.IARETTA LYNNEBUTTERWORTH, GGS20:5321:5121:58- 1:O442VGKIESEARS,BETH EASTMAN, ELIZABlLlK,11.DEC2120 2:11?3fr6 106:40TERESAOUAN, RC,SIN LOUISELEMAIRE, MOSHER. 12.VS ?028 214 26:57- 108:54HEATHER FARRAND, KIMFARRAND, CATHYFISH13.CHAIIPI. olGi ?334 25:1329:16- I:tSOg ANDREAHALL,PAULA MARTINS. PAMELAMARTINS 14.REGEilCY2421 2s:10 2g:11- 1frt42CAROLSWEENEY, BUFFYROPER, TRICfAPHELAN15.THEBERRIES 25:1227f.228:4 121I8 DENISE DRISCOLL, SUSANSMERZ, HOLLY ANNDRISCOLL. 16.RAilGENSKELLYRELLNER. KATY LAWTJON, TESSSHATZER BROWN27:{9,10@LlN GOULDSON 28:12,11DONALD FOLEY028T8, 12PAULJEZOWSKI 2826, 13CAROLYN MISCH2841, t4 ROBERTMCCULLOUG 028?14,15 GLENTHOMAS 2846, 16MIKENILES28:55,17 .I8 RANDALL TL'CKER 2857, ROEERT OABRIEO 2903, 19CHTJCK BISHOP 02908,20 ALBERTO ORELLANA 029:11.21GLENNSWANSON 29:16.22PAULMASTROGIACO 029:17,23DICKJOSEPH 2926,2/t RICHARD MARCHAND 02929. 25CLINTON OtsRIEN 2932,26 PHtLtPC. MA|A2934,27 PAULSTRAUCH 029j46,28 GEORGE H. BISSON 029148,29 LEO CABRERA 2951,30 BOBEMERSON 29:56,31 MARY JANEBOYD3OO/t,32PATRICK SAVAGE3006,gl BOBBY D'ENTFEMON 0:30:13,34 DANIEL TONEILI 30:19,35OICKBERSANI 0:3026,36THOMAS BELL 30:30.37FREDERIGK SARGEN 0:30:34.38 NEIL /O SCHUTZMATI 30:39,39 JENLONG0:30310, RUSS FETIALEIIASTERSTEAH RESULTS GLINES3O:44. 4l EDWINMATOS30:52,rl2 RICHARO '1.LAC19:130:1937020f0 - 0:58:50 MILLER30:57,tt3 BOBWORKER 3102,44 BRIANW. MARC€T GILROY3103, 45 OENNIS MAC@NNEL03107, .16KIM REMINGTON-OMAN, SARASUNDBORG, LINOA BUCKINGHAM 31 08, 47 FRANCIS RILEY3l:13,t|8 JACK MCLANE, 2. GLRRl9:Sl 021O3021:44- 1f,220 WALSH 31:14, 49 UNOFFICIAL 31:19,50JIM MARILYN PATTYGIROUARD, JOYCEBEZDEK, 3I gI. 51 SEANKEOOIE 3'I40. 52 PHIL GRAVES, 3. Cttri 2008 02200 022:31- 104:39LAURA FITZGERALO ROYAL31/8, 53 JOHNHIRE31:53.54 STEW BECKWTH, LINDAUSHER, 0IANNEVANVooRHlS,/t. CAMPBELL 55 31:55, STEVE KAIIARACUS 31:55.56 GCS21:3il022:56023:tK - 1O8:13JAI'IELEVESOUE. JOHNFRANSKE 0:31:57,57 BARRYPEARSON 31:59,58 MILLS SUSANRUBE,VIRGINIA SAMHUGHES 32f2,59 RICHPAULSEN 03204,60 KATHYGEARY3eO9,61LARRYMORRIS 034:12,62 BOBDOLIN3212,6:l JOSEPHPELLITIER 032:15,6/t TEAI RESULTS IIOIHER/DAUGHTER STEPHEN COX32J6, 65 JOEOSSAI3220.66 JEFFREY STOLZ3229,67BONNIEFORREIRA 3231.68 RAY EVERETT 3235,69 PETERBALETSA 3239,70 DAN 1. 18:32021:39- 0:40:1 1 ANNSlPlG.TRACYSIPKA2. DANECKI3A:€,71 RICHARo CARON 32146,72 BILL &fro o2't 23 - o41 23 SARAHHATCH-WRIGHI BINGHAM 0:32:53.73Al,lORE S. GARCIA32:55.74THOANDREA HATCH 3.2.:510:2:59-Oi45:5ODENISE MASPETERS 32:56,75WARREN HIREll 3305,76DICK WAGNER, EMILYKASA8|AN,l.23:23 023:51- 0:47:14 (|:14, 78 PIERCE 33:11,7/ JUANC. SANCHEZ FRANMARTIN5. 21:190:26:33TRACYMARTIN. JEFFREY WILLEY 33:17,79 BENFUDGE 3820,80 0.47:52TRACYDELUTIS, BARBARA DELUTIS 6. 18:47 GARYWALLACE 03:121,sl MELANIE HIRE0:3122,82 - 0:49!1 TAMARA 0:30:14 TOSELLI, oOROIHY JESSECOUILLARD s124,83WILLIAM BOYD0:3i)25,84 TOSELLI 7. 22:53027:17- 0:&:4OCONNIE GILMAN, UNOFFICIAL {}28,85 SHAUNHAFRINGTON Og}29,86 CARRIE GILMAN 8. 2123O27:9. - Q:51 :55 KIMBERLY GAFYA. BEVIS3:32,87 FRAiICIS BURNS 3:3,88 GEESLIN, EILEEN GEESLIN 9. 23:39028:18- O:51:57 WAAREN GILBERT 3};$,89 BILLBERTHOUD 3337,$ MAUREEN SHEEHAN. 10.2337 JENNIFER SHEEHAN JIMPARKER 33.91 ROBERT DEMERS 3:53.9 JO€ MARYGAUTHIER. 0:31O7.0:54.41 DONNA GAUTHIER CALLERY 33:51,I CHARLES BOWSE33:55,9{ 11.2627 029:15- 0:55.42KATHYCARROLL, ALLISON WILLIAM CHRISTMA 03:58, 95 TOi{YPONTES 3406, 12.?s],90'?p:120:56:11JESSICA HAYES, 96 ROBINSCHULMAN CARROLT 3408,97 MIO{A€LYOTJNG LEANNEHAYES13.2525 0:3:l:31- 0:58:56MARY 3'1:14,98 PATTISULLIVAN 3422,99ANDREP. MENARO 't4.24:9 FLAHERTY, KELLYFLAHERTY o:34.A5 3424, 10OLIANNEPAI,ICOAST 101BRYN 3'1113, 0:59:19ANITAROBBOY, ELIZABETH ROBBOY 15. 27:11 PRll,lGLE 0:34:47.1O2STEPHEN JACOBS34:47.103 0:3627 lO3:38MARGE REDDING, LORIMCGUERTY DONPOWERS 3448, 104VINCENT DEBENEDI0:34:53, 16.30:580:38O8- 109S6 DOROTHY MCMILLAN, 105oAVIDSPURR34:56,106TIMOTHY SCHREYAC PRISCILLA CALDWELL 17.38OS0:38O5. 1:16:10 0:3:59, 107SKIPCLEAVER 03500, 108SIEPHEN 18.3923 SHANNON SENIOR. KATHTEEN SENIOR CASSOLA 3505, 109GEORGE HOWE35:lt, 110 0:44:55- t:18:18 BETSYFORTE.CHRISTINA FORTE DARREN MARSH 0:35:'12, l ll PHILGALLAGHER 35:16, 19.17t320i4gt32- t :3604 KATEMOSCATEL, 112STEPHEN A. LOMBA 0:35:16. 113JOHNMCPHAIL KATHLEEN MOSCATEL 0:35:20, 114TOMMORAN 3521,115STEVEN SMITH 0:3524,I l6 FORRESTER WYMAN 3525.117MICHAEL HEALY 3s26.118FREDCAHILL 35:30.119MARK SISTER/SISTER TEAURESULTS YUSKA 35:31,'120LILIAN PETOW0:35:33, 121DONNA DEVEAU 0:35:35,122JEANBOSWELL 0:35:38,123 FRANKGEORGES JR035:39,12,1FREDBROWN35:39, 1.18:5519:$ ' 38:31SUSAN ARO|,IOV|IZ, ANN 125JOHNSAMATARO 35:41,126BOBSEIGEL 35:44, KUCHARSKI 2. ?!'!P.4:19 - 1121 TERESAFORSYTH. 127KARENLEIN35:46,128JOSEPH GERRY 0:3548, FORSYTH MAUREEN 3.21rlo 21:43- 4323 LYNN 129JAMESGRASSO 0:35:49,130BARBARA PIKE TUCKER, TUCKER,l.21:17 2.:8 - 14:16 LAURIE 0:3552,131WILLIAM BUCK0:35:54,132CANDICE CHERYL GALVIN, COLLEEN @NROY5.?o:3725i3eMURPHY 35:57,13ilRALPHSTEERE 0:36O0.131 4639 PATTISULLIVAN. JODYKRAYNAK6.21i37 24147 ELIZABETH SPEAR3604, 135PHILIPJACKSON 3607, 4624BOBEvlS,ASHTEY BEVIS7. 19:5727:11- 47ffi 136 JAMESWENT\/VORTH 36:14, 137 CHERYLSCATTAMARLOWANNGRAVES 8.zJ.4224f,1ETIZABEIH GLI0:36:16, 138SEANP. ROURILE 36:17,139JAMES a7:a3VALERIE TRACEY FUSCO9. 22:47 HAMILTON, PALAOINO 3621,14oMAXWAR00:3622,141VCTOR KATHLEEN 2521- 18:11PEGFORSYTH, LAFERRIERE WEISENBLO 0:3626,142JACKMCUANUS 05:40. 143 PIERCE. WANDA 10.21;1626:59. 48:15ANDREA MARKTRUDEL36:49,144LEOCf,r€rI FTTES5O. 145 PIERCE 11.21:5226:3 - 4826 MAUREEN GALGENEBARTOS 1116 553, BSIANKELIY$55, 147 LAG[{ER, SUSANALIARo 12.24:$21:57 -49:53 JUL|E R|CHAFD ARNALD $56, I4A KB€RT KIG 355. 14O VEILLEUK JOANVEILLEUX I3.234427,2,.51fi AMYBECKER S56. 15OJLDI LU 0357. 151DA\/E KELLY. KATHYKELLEY 14.25:10 26.4sBABBARA sMouNsKr $58, 152PAT.JLA S'tVrFT $59, lgt 15.Z3063022 5l:55JAYNEWILSON, NANCY LESTER SIEVENOAIGLE 37fi, 15' SHAMUS KHAN37{X!,155 - 5328 SUZANNE TOUIS-REDOICK. BECfi LOUIS16. MIKEPOOAI{OFFST(Y 037S3. 156M|KECH|S|.{OLM PAULETTE ?f25 27:16- 54:1I JANICESCIOLLA, 3703, 157CHUCKPOWERS 0:37O8,158MICHAEL TURCo17.2735 28:5o- 5825 MARYJOCAHltL.BETH MANISCAL 037t8, 15SJAYENIS037:'ll, 160STEVE CLEVASY18.2s21 3024- 58:45MARYBOYLE.LISA BULA$/KA 37:13.161JO{N HALLIGAN 3723. 162BO 19.28:5132:38. 10129 MARILYN ANDREWS, BEVIS0:37:24, OEMARS 168PHILVANKEUREN 3724,1O4 OIANE REZENDES 20.32:3 33:16- I f5:49 VIRGINIA ROBERTMICHELL 3728. 165JAMEST. DANGORA RAMSOELL. CAROI-YN RAMSDELL 21.32:3o33:550:37:32,166JANERASMUSSEN 37:38,167JOHN 1tr625 SHARO'IKEEFE,KELLYBROOKS RAWSON 37*0, 168JIMCALC0:37:5O, 169FREDERICK J PERR0:37:50,170MIKEBISOL37:54,171GEORGE MARSH0:37:58,172CHRISJARVIS037:59,173BILL oowNEY3806, 174UNOFFTCTAL 3807, 175JOSEPH Wlxo Hanr Rut - 5 llrrs LAREAULT 3808. 176BILLCOLLURA 0:38:16.1n Apnt UA KATHIPAQUIN 0:38:17, 178EOOCONNOR 38:19,179 DOLLY LEMOINE 3820,lE KENGOODIN 3824,181 CHUCK BORDELEAU 3825,182PAULSMYTH 3827, 1 KENPLISKA 25:38,2DONALVEY2638,3ERNESTO 18|3THOMAS HOWE3828, 184TONYMARTINEZ 383, RIAND 26:31.4TOMAMIRO 26:52.5 EDWARD 185KATHLEEN POWERS 38:118. 186ROBERT STOVER PANCOAST 27J6, 6 BOBGAGE02739, 7 JOHN JR038:49,187JOIiNA. COOTE38:5O,188ffiY V. 027:46,9 BRl,JcE DONEGAN 027:43,I STEVEBENOIT DOUC€TIE38:52 189THOITAS GADA 0355. 1g) 10 StartingLines LAWRENCE DURFEE38:57,191LISADOYLE3903, 192 RONGRAYOSI22, lCI BRIANMARTIN0327, T94 03027. .I95MICHELE MARYJO MACPHAIL CHAREST 3928, 196MTTCHELL J. MCCO03036, r97 JEANNE 3045, 199KEVIN UORRISON 39142,198PHILROWLEY MAHONEY 3945.20OJOERYAN039:47,201MARY PATRICK 039:52.202KEVINMULLIN0g):58.203 TERRIEENIS39:50,2oltEUGENEFITZGERAL Or4Otrl, 205LORRAINE JOUBERT O4OO3. 206UNOFFICIAL lo04, 207GEORGE HEgERT4004,208RICKTERRIO 4009,209BRUCE LEIGHloi3,210 DEBRA MACDONALO 402,1,21I GEORGE GARABEDIA 011026, 212JANICEBEAUREGAR 0:40*Ht,213 TOMMARTONE E.WALSH 4037,215CHRTSTA 4037.214THERSA CURTIS4039, 216TRACYGILFORD 40:43,217LOUISE PELTZ040:43,218LYNNELACHANCE 1o'A1,219 BETTYPARKER0AOt47, m UZ ROMERO 40:56,221 .ll 05, 223 JACKLEONARD 041 O0,,22 UNOFFICIAL JAYNEWILSON 0:41:10, 224KATHLEEN FERREIR ttl :17,226JACKKEEFE 0:4112,225MARIANNE KEEFE 4121,27 JOHNYHKIMJR4125,228ELLENMILLER MALLOY 04'l:37,229BINGBOYLE4142, 230EDWARD 41:55,23l PAULMrcDONOUGH 41:59,?32GLENN 4206, 2sl FRANCIS RUFFING 42J3, 234 STE\'VART HADLEY 42:17,?35PAULATEDESCO 42:18, DEBORAH 236JIMMCLAUGHLIN 42T8,237RICHARD B. PALAN 0!4226,238ALISON0WAN4247, 239MICHAEL B. MATHE042:55,240ELIZABEIHLONG12is,241 THOMASS. DWAN4392, 242CHARLES JOYCE4302, 43S5,244JACKALESSE4320, 243STEVENBERGIN 2/t5KIMPONTREMOLI/|:}25. 246ROBERTHUNTER 1313P.,247 DAVIDSHATFORD 43:31,248MAURICE NOONAN 43:41,249ROBERTDOLBER 43:42,250LOUIS PETERS0.43:58,251STEVEMANISCALCO 0:/1401,252 GEORGE CHRISTUAN 0:4431,253JACOU ILENE BROOK0:44:3a,254KEITHLAMOTTE.14:47, 255DALE 256GEORGECALDWELL 44:49,257 P. STEARNS,t4:47, '14:53, 25sJOYCE0ALTON0:44:59, ERNESTKERSTEIN 259CHARLES D.SAMAR0:4506,260 BRIAN CAMPBETL 45:42,261PATTYPEEBLES,15'42,262 JIM /15:43, PALASMA 263KIRSTEN SORENSEN 0:45:43,264 TERRiLONG.1658, 265RAYCORMIER 4704,266 '1709,267 FRANK MCCUE WILLIAM J. KOUTR 0:4729, 268JAYNEDUPONT0:47:42,2€9 JULIANNA DIGIACO 48:11,Z/1 DAVIDJONES 0:44fi, 270PAULCTAUDETTE 4a:53,272 DAVIoMAYALo:rl8so,273 ERNIEROYJR. /1929,275IHOMAS 4903,271BRENDADOIIOVAN LfPPE0.49:57,276SUZANNE GEORGE5o3F,277 51:52,278SUSAN LOUISE ELDRIDGE SULLIVAN 52:11, 279ROBERTPETOWot522" 2e FREDDA CEIKE 0t5P,28, 281KRISTINE DELGIZ 0:53:38 RESULTS COURTESY OFTHEWANGRUNNERS CLUB NEAC10 Mre Cxrupror'rsxrp Mev6-Woncesren,MA 1. CHRISSCHILLE49;34,2. KEN MOLONEY49:41,3. DAVE DUNHAM49:58,10. MIKE WOODMAN5206, 18. TBAHIRACHIO53So.22. KEN FLEMING53:46.23. LANCEBURGESSs3:17,25.TOM CARROLL53:55,28. DON ALVEY5a:14,31. ROBERTHALL5433,35. PHltlP RILEY55OO.37.BRAD HURST55:19.40.GARY WALLACEs5:38,42. TOM AMIRO 55:58.54. STODDARD MELHADO5626,56. PAUL DI.ICEY56:41,57.PEG DONOVAN 56:4e 50. E0 PAIICOAST 55:56,65. CRAIG MERCIER57:40,@.DAVE LAPIERRE57:51,Z/. DOUG UACGIqEGOR58:15.79.JEFF I-IAAS58:17.81.OAVE cAnrRE 5831.9,. L|SA SENATGE 50s1, 123.DON sLot/Elr(A 1r131. r24. KEN Wr{F@r,lg 10132, 148. TOr Fq_12 r f3, 164. GEmE B|SSON 10405, 184. uALn€EN su_tUAt{ 1Stg. 1S. W|LL|AM SMTTH lS:11.216. JOHN YEEH N 1St8.24:1. KAREN RAPALIO 1tr650, 244. MNCY CHAPMAN 106:50, 261. OON LAIIBERT 137:16,267. JOHN POISSON 1O7:38, 278. JAMES FITZGEBALD 107:58. 346. JOE VAIL 109:49,341. STEVEKANARACUSt:1021.386. BEN FUOGE1:11:51,.O8.BARRYPEARSON1112fr, 141. JOHN AEGERTER1:13:16.449. SUZETTEHALL 1:13:40. .150.PATTY GIROUARD l:13.41,468. MARILYNGRAVES 1:1409, 4Zl. JEAN BOSWETL 1J43O, SUSAN MASLOWSKIl:14:59,554. BARBARAKIMBALL1:16:39, 664. CHRISTINABELLINGER12001, 743. NILS GRANDOUIST 1'23:34. 947. 8OB BASSETT 13903 TEAII RESULTS MALE OPEN 1. CMS Z GLRR 3. BAA/t. CSU 5. CISH6. SMAC FEMALE OPEN 1. GTBR 2. CITS 3. CSIJ 4. TVFR 5. BAA MALE MASTERS 1. GLRR 2. TVFR 3. CMS 4. CSU 5. SMAC 6. GES FEMALE UASIERS 1. LAC 2. CJ-RR3. CSU 4. GETC 5. Cl|S MA|_ES€N|ORS r. GLRR 2. CnS RESJLTS @URTESY OF DON OREWNIAKOF CMS HURLEY 45:/10, CONNOLLY 4507. 209OEBORAH 210 JANISFLANNERY 45:59,2l I KATHYKELLEY4635, 212 SHEEHAN 46:35,213JACKWOOOS,16:56, EOWARD LYNDACAREY4725, 21400UGFR|ZZELL4723,215 O'HARE 216MARTINVOWEISSR4725. 217GEORGE 47:39,218DOROTHY GUOGET4808, 219JULIANNE /t8:51,22O LOUISEROSSETTI 58G, DIGIACO I RESULTS COURTESY OF DR.CHARLES SAMARAS DIRECTOR OFTHEAHEPAROADRACE F NEAC 10KM Cxrrppusxtp Jure3-Anl:aono,MA 1.MICHAEL PLATT29:5O,2. KENMONLONEY 29:53,3. 30:38,24.MIKE JOSEROGHE29:55,8. DAVEDUNHAM WOODMAN 31:56,42. SIEPHENGAEBEL32:35,,14. TOMCAFROLL32:38,5?.BOBHALL32:55,57.TOM AMIRO3:'24, 65.BRADHURST3l:37,66.GARY WALLACE 33:41.67.PAULDUCEY$:a4.68. DON 33:58.72. STODALVEY33:48.71. DOUGMACGREC€R DARDMELHAOO 3405, 7|. EDPANCOAST 3:26, 81. ARTDEMERS 3433.82.DOUGDEANGELIS 34:35.83. PEGDONOVAN 3436, gl. DANDALEY34:53,102.DAVE CAMIRE3506, 105.DAVEAUDET35f9, ,I15.WALTER MUBPHY 3541,123.LISASENATORE 35:58,126.JOHN HOLMES 3602, 146.KENWHITCOMB 36:39,173. GEORGE BISSON3721,176.JEFFHAAS3727, 17S. SMITH37:33,234. DENNYLEBLANG 39:10, WILLIAM 235.DAVETYLER39:13.?37.WILLMASON39:18.264. /10:15. 40:07.266.KARENRAPALLO 277. DONLAMBERT 4027, 340.JOEVAIL41:58,/t89.JEAN JOHNMEEHAN 45:o4,524.MARILYN GRAVES 4621, 540. BOSWELL 37J4, IO5LISAMARTINEZ J. 47:08,577. 37J6, 106TIMOTHY MAXWARD46:36,56.1.OONRICHARDSON AHEPA Roeo Fece /f:22, 598.TIMTICHES47;52.603. SPERA37J7, IO7OAVIDHEALTH 3720,108 JUDYROMVAS JureT-[oweu.,MA suzANNERAK3727, 109CHUCKPOWERS 3728, | 10 GEORGE RAWNSLEY 47:52,674.NILSGRANDOUIST LINDAGILLON37:37,111 DAVIDCARIGHAN 37:40, 49:17.707. MARYTICHES 50:32,737. BERNAFINLEY 112JOHNE. CLEMENT37:40,113ARAJEKNAVORIAN 5126 37:45. 1 14 KEN SIROIS 37:46. 1 15 JOANNE 1 ERICBEAUCHESNE 2so6,2 MICKGRANT25:41,3 -- RESULTS PETERSON 37:47,116NICKANASTAS 37:49,117 929FINISHERS COUBTESY OFMEREOITH BRIANREINHOLO 25:42,4JAMESSTRONACH 26:52,5 DEBBIE MCDONATD 37:50,118NICKALSIS37:53,119 NELSON DAVIDAUDET2722,I BOBGILLON27:58,7 MARK WILLIAM M.SCHUT 37:55,120MICHAEL UANISEAK 27:59,I LISASENATORE 28:10,9 BOB DESCHENES 37157,'l21GEORC€ MALLIANRO 38fi, 122SIE\E MONIER 28:28,10 MATTCREAN2935,11 ELIASTAVE rRvrt{G3804, l23 REK MCOONNELL 3807, r24 29:10,12 JAIREIRIVERA 2923,13AN0REwJ. BAIER CHRISTINA BREN|{A38:10,125JIU HADLEY 38:18, 29:30.14BRIANBOYKO29:33,15RICHARO NEAC 8KU Cxerpprcnp 126NEILUCCAFTI{Y HORNE 3828. 1r/ JENNIFER MARCHAND 029:37,16MIKEHURTIN A:45, 17JOHN Juxe 16 Cxenlssro*r, MA 3829, 128 129 CrASUSAII @NrcY 38s), GEORGE KIMBALL 29:51, 18MARCELLO SCIPPA 29:59,19 RA8EDrA3831. 1S BO8VATOROSE 38g}. r3r WALKER 3033,20GEORGE BISSON SO5,21 JEFFERY MICHAEL COVELL3835. 132SAMUELO'CLAIR3837, JOHNSANTANA 3030, 22 SEANKEooIE$:.12,23 JO€ (GMS)23:t{6,2. SCOTTCLARK 1. MARKDONAHUE 133CHRISTINA NIKITO 38:39.134ERNIEROYJR. VAIL3101,24 DONGATTON 31:13,25FREOLAKE (CMS)2.t24.3. TOMANDERSON (CMS)24:3, 10. 38:/t0. 135 UNOFFICIAL RUNNER 38:40.136VICKI 3122. 27 THOMAS J. KIMBAL 31:18.26 BOBGREENE RACHID TBAHI2533,11.MIKEI\IOO0MAN 25:35,15. HALEY 3811t.137DONNA 38111. |38 L. HAIRSTO 3125, 28C TZELIES 3131, 29STEFAN BIBERFELD ERICBEAUCHESNE 25:5O, 16.WALTMURPHY 25:53, JOHNF. M@ARTI{Y38.43.13OGEORGE CHAM. 3147,31PETERGAROU31:32.30KEVINR. MCCUSKE 18. STEVE GAEBEL 25:56, 21. TOM CARROLL 25:s9,23. BERAS 3t!:t14, 140BRIANMCOONALD 38:44,141 32:t1,33 DANBETTINGER GAIS31:52,32 KENCOODIN ERAD HURST 2805, 32. LANCE BURGESS 26:39, 33. JOHN COOTE 38:45, 142 STEVE TAYLOR 38:48, 143 SHANLEY 3213,35TIMPHELPS 3AJ2,34THOMAS DOUGDEANGELIS 26:39,40. BOBHALL26:42,47. PAUL FRANKZABIEREK 3{1:54, 1'14DAVIDA. SHATFOR 3222,36BOBSCIBEL 3A28,37CHRISLANGATHIAN DUCEY 27:10,51. STODDARD MELHADO 27:'14,52. 38:57,I4sTOMMY CRUZ3904,146JIMCONLON 32:31,39GARYBEVIS 3229,38STEVEBECKWITH CRAIG 27:18, 53. TOM AMIRO 2723, 54. MERCIER 39:12,147JOHNFAUCHER 39:12,148STEPHEN 32:36,40 BARRYW. PEARSON 32:41,41DAVE DAVIDAUDET27:24,59.DOUGLAS MACGRE@R BLATUS 39:15,149LINDAGALLAGHER 39:22,15O 32:54,43 MCGUGAN32:50,42ERICROSENGREN 27$4,e3.DANDALEY27:47,75. MARKARSARO 2821. RICKMORRIS 39:28,151CHARLES SHELDON 3!):31, CARLFETTEROLT 32:58,44DANIELHAYES3305,45 77.EDPANCOAST 28:29,81.DAVECAMIRE 28i7,87. g}O7,46 PETERWALSH3309,47 152lRlSNEOFOTISTOS 39:32,153JOHNBYRNE GARYWALLACE KEN WHITCOMB 28:50, 115. KEVIN ALLISON 3034. I 19. 39:33.154MARKO'DELL 39144. 155CIAIRE PHILLIP GALLAGER 33:12,48 MICHAEL TRULL33;17,49 ELIROZEN 30S9,123.TOMFOLTZ3o:13,127.GEORGE CLOUTIER 39:47,156BILLREARDON 39:53,157KARI DONBONGIOVI 3ilg2,50 BRIANST LOUIS3:31, 51 BISSON 3022,149.MARYJANEBOYO31:14,162. DURGIN 39:55,158KEVINCASEY 39:57,159 DELCHRISMAN 3836, 52 ROYARSENAULT 33:39,53 lo06. 1@JULIEWILKINSON MARKSARTANOWICZ 3141,167.JO+INMEEHAN 31:49, MARIANNE KEEFE HOLLAND 33:43,55 JUANGUEVARE 3342, 5/tMICHAEL 168. WfLL MASON 3'ti49,174.DON LAMBERT 3201, 40:10,162NANCY KIMBERLY HOGLUNO 33:.16,56 TOMMCGINTY 33147,57 4009, 161LANCEMACFARLANO 175. KAREN RAPALLO 3207,219. PATTY GIROUARO, DONAHUE 40:10, 1dl ROENSCH 40:18, 164 MATJOE 33:52,59 DAVE JEFFDAVID33:50,58KENTMORGAN 294,ROBERTMACARAEG 363, 295.I/AX WARD THEWMCCUSHER 4024, 16sTOMMICKA40:35,166 WEEKS 34OO.60 DAVEBOURASSA 3406.61PETER 3637,311.JEANBOSWELL 370..319.U^8TLYN JACKKEEFE 40:39.167BILLSANTOS 40/1. 168ROY 34:10,63 SAPIRA3407,62 MARKBETTENCOURT GRAVES37:1s,34s.PIPPADAVIS3759 3.7. BAFBARA SODERSJERNA 40:51,169MAURICE NOONAN 4101, 34:12,65 DAVIDCAMPBELL 34:12,O1LIANEPANCOAST KIMBALL 37:59,356. RUSSELI t.AslE 3:18, $4. MARY 170 LAWRENCE HYDE 41 05, 17I BILL KANE 41 trg, GERRY DONOVAN 3:14,66 ALANNARBONNE 34:15,67 BOURRET 3827,a:x).B(,8 LOROI{.o3, /t77.SERNA 172BRIANSASATO 4125, 173OIANE M.SPERA R|CHARD P. oES|S3424,68CHARLES SCONoROS 4227 FINLEY 4125,174BRIANH.POL|4128, 175MICHAEL 3427,70JIMBOUOREHU 3425,69FREDSURBRIDGE 41:33,176BARBARA 41'A0, 1n KEKKEY HOWE3/t:32.72 SEANHARRINGTON DONELAN 34:30.71 GEORGE PETER KOUTROUBAS 4l ra8,178MIRTAGUEVARA 3435,74oSCARBENJUMEA 3434,73PAUIPOTSSON 42!9. r79C.P.JOYCF-. 12 . 180JOHNBOWERS 3438,75 JOHNW. GALIiIAT3f :44,76 DAVID 1237. 1A1YAt{lC'IJEVRA42:43.182STEVESEGEDY TEAT R€5.,L-I3 ANDERSON 3/r;47,Z7 FOABESTER WYUAN3451.78 Mru h l. CIS ?1X|5, a BAA207:43,3. GLRR 4215, r&t JEAtf'C REUTNG42:47.1S4ROBERTA FOLLETT RICKDUPUIS3:53, 79 LAWRET{C€ 3.53, e 2:12:18, 6.CaSH 2fi 49,a.CSUalltt. 5.FBOLTS ALLFOal.2te, 105OAI{CALLAHAN 42:56,186 ROBGAVIN34:56,81 MICHAEL G@DN€$S3.5S. 82 Lf,t Is r- GLRR2:1128.2. CSU2t'18:00. 3. CMS 43:t5, t 87 DIANEZ\IDLEWSKI 43:17, B€RTEGATTON JOHNSTONE3508,&t FREOCAHILLgi:15,et Tl, 8\€ 5. BAA 227:13, 6. GCS 3S6:28, znA...TVFR?A:13, 188WALIERZYDLEWS(I/B:19, 189MICHAEL W. 35:18,85 JOEBURKE35:18,86 VITO@Ucl{ 3520, 87 lgl:16, 2. LAC 1 :33:59, Faff tu 1. CilS 3. BAA /1.}38, GI|.LA€11 lS Clm- LALIBERTE l9l LEO 3526,88 KEVINPOWERS 3532. E) RAYESPEINOLA ,|37:18,4.GBTC137:39,5. CSU1:38:13,6. GLRR1.41:12 l{ vsEPt t{€ra tpI,oY LEGRAW44fi. lgl DAVEDANIEL35:40,9l JOHNMAIUZEK35:3i1,90 Fsff Mstss 1.LAC1:3401,2.CSU140:48,3.GLRR JAYIVEtXrPOl{T4aiX. tga DAVD JC.I€S 4/tG, 195 RALPHSTEERE35/4. 92 JACKALESSE35:5o,$! l 1 4804,4. CMS :52:37, 5. GBTG 1 :57:38 DALEP. STEARO{S.4JO, 1S TII f'RE€ '4J9. 197 35:59,95 BILL WALTERKAiIE35:52,94 MARKTRUOEL Mrr Seucs 1.CMS,2GLRR PAULRICHARD 443, 1$ BARBARA F. DAVIS4435, 97 WAYNE 35:59,96 PAULZIMMER36:CB, MARSHALL I99 PAULAKELLIHER 44S, AN GEORGE CALOWELL 36:18,99 36:17,98DEANHUBBARD 0'ENTREMON 55 FN$Crc-RSLLTScCI'HIESYOFDONAIJSON u'Al,nl SH|RLEY SrROrS.44e,AP JO€ HILL445r. 3634, 101 NANCYVAIL3629, lm JOHiIERIKSSON ocs 203ANNMORGAN 44:$, an4BILLGALVIN44:57,2o5 GARCIA3701, 103 36:58,1@ ANORES BOBTI{ORNTON MARGEREDDING 4500, 206JAMESLEESHELTO TREMBLAY 3707. 1O4DONNADEVEAU RAYMOND 4502,207ANDREW KENAH45{)4,208MICHAEL Funin the Sun AnnSartorelli,ChristinaBellinger,andMarilynGravesenjoya rnornent beforethestartof theCoorsLightGreatLegsRoadRace I& StartingLines 11 Trfo'ct/tlq 8/3R August suN MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT 2 ii;:i:i::iiillii:i::ii 3 4 I 10 11 16 17 18 :::::::::::::::::l:::::::::::::i ::::::::::::::::i:::::::::::::i ::::::::::!:::i: j:!::::::::::::: 5 6 7 12 13 14 21 ,ilii5 23 25 iiil',i;iii'j.i22i 28 30 /o?ge "rlerlcasr/ 8/01- TwoMn-eSentes(Crwr-evSrmruu) (Grwr-ev Srmrum) 8/08- TwoMte Senres (Crwr.ev Srmruu) 8/15- TwoMre Senres Cr-ua) 8/19- GLRRFmrtv Drv ( Meerro 8,l?0- Bolno or DtnesroRs' (Cmev Srlouu) 8122- Two Mre Senres 8124 WonrxexHouseRun(Lower-r-) (Gneenwrcx, Rl) 8126- NEACSKMGxauppNsHtp (Krrcxeneocxen Cr-ua) 8127 GLRRCLuaMeerxo (Crwr-evSrroruu) Cxluplottsxtn 8,ln - Two Mle Senres 31 September SUN MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT 1 2 3 4 I 10 7 11 13 14 18 20 21 22 25 ::.i:':.ji:j...2$27 iii:iiiii:iiiiiig4:i 28 29 16 :!:::::::::::ii-lY 30 I 6 Fi j,:,:,:,:,: :,:,:,:,:,:,:,:,:,:,:, iiiiiii::i::::ri: Sraoruu) 9/5 - GLRR CorcxrxoSentes(Cawr-ev 9112- GLRR CorcxrHoSentes(CawlevSrroruu) 9/15 - FnEoBnown'sRerly lr Llxe WrHxepesluxt 9117- Borno or Drnecrons'Meerlc 9/19 - GLRR CorcxrHoSenres(Crwr-evSraoruu) (WrlroH,NH) 9123- NEAC 1sKM Cxruprottsxrn 9124- GLRR CLusMeerNo(KlrcxenaocxenCuua) 9126- GLRR Senres(Crwr-evSrmrum) ,i:':'!,:'i:ii:,::l:iiii:i:i:i October SUN MON TUE WED 7 1 2 I 9 ili0, THU FRI SAT 4 5 6 tt, 12 13 i:::::::it:ii;ii: 21 28 15 16 18 19 20 g2 23 25 26 27 30::::::::::::r::::li3:1: iiiil'n 12 StartingLines (Crwr-evSrroruu) 10/3- GLRR CorcxrxoSenres 10/10- GLRR CorcxrHoSenres(Crwr-evSrmruu) 1O|14- LrrEnueBrvsrrre Menrrnon/HalrlReuv 10117- GLRR Oecxrno Senres(Grwr-evSrmruu) 10122- Borno or DREcrons'll/kerNc 10124- GLRR CoecxrHoSenres(Crwr-evSrrorum) 10/29- GLRR CLueMeerHo(Knrcxeneocren Crua) 10/31- GLRR Corcnnc Sentes(Crwr-evSrmrum) SetovounABTtcLEs, RAcE cALEIDAR REsuLTs, upDArEs, AlrDr{FonuArpn ro: Jlv Jtlc0rrrxv,Snrnrc Lnes Eonon,57 AnxrxsrsDnvE,Ducur, IA 01826
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