Milwaukee Journal Sentinel buys new GIS X
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel buys new GIS X
Owensboro Messenger-Inquirer buys inserting system from GIS Owensboro Mike Weafer. “GIS made the transaction easy Messenger-Inquirer, a Paxton Media Group and appealing, and we especially like the fact newspaper, purchased the Titan G60 25-Station that GIS will also do the entire turnkey Inserting System from South Jersey Publishing installation and training”, added Mr. Weafer. Owensboro, Kentucky The Company, formerly Press of Atlantic City - a recent newspaper acquisition Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway. by Warren The exclusive reseller, GIS, was also contracted to dismantle the complete Titan G60 inserting system at South Jersey’s Atlantic City facility, prepare it for shipment and install it at the Owensboro Messenger-Inquirer. “This inserting system with the double-out capability allows us to run two different jobs at the same time and Paxton Media Group’s Bob Morris and Mike Weafer flank GIS president Randy Seidel during the recent high-speed inserter installation and training by GIS. features the Miracom controls we prefer”, stated Owensboro Messenger-Inquirer GM, Ϯ San Francisco Examiner taps GIS for inserter expansion GIS specializes in expanding existing small to large, high-speed inserting systems. The San Francisco Examiner doubled the existing inserting capability of their SLS2000™ from 8 into 1 to 16 into 1 San Francisco, California The San Francisco “The installation involves moving quite a bit of Examiner contracted GIS to expand their Muller existing equipment to free the space to Martini / GMA SLS2000™ inserter. The newspaper accommodate the eight additional stations”, bought four 2-box additions reconditioned by GIS, added Seidel. to expand their inserting capability from 8 into 1, to 16 into 1. GIS will also provide installation and commissioning assistance for the expansion project. “It was a pleasure working with David Ceccarelli, executive vice president of The San Francisco Examiner, and his executive team on the details of their SLS2000™ inserter expansion project, and we look forward to the upcoming Black Press President Randy Blair signed the Muller Martini SLS2000™ expansion order with GIS president Randy Seidel installation” stated GIS president Randy Seidel ϯ Day 1: GIS installation kick-off The GIS expansion work begins ϰ GIS & the San Francisco Examiner production team working together All pockets are out and lined up like soldiers! ϱ GIS brings down the conveyor to allow room for expansion The inserter is spread apart to accommodate 8 additional stations ϲ The first of the eight new stations is installed GIS engineer Dr. Koch working his software & electronic magic ϳ The inserter stations are mechanically installed GIS installation technicians inspect and clean all existing and added components ϴ GIS installation team member Jim Fletcher fastens the frame All eight stations have been added to the existing SLS2000™ ϵ Randy Seidel (in white) and the San Francisco Examiner team immediately following startup David Ceccarelli (left center) and Randy Seidel with San Francisco Examiner production personnel following the completion of the eight (8) station expansion of their SLS2000™ inserter: From 8:1 to 16:1 ϭϬ America Oggi la Repubblica selects GIS for mailroom equipment including a Muller Martini inserter Norwood, New Jersey America’s daily Italian newspaper, America Oggi la Repubblica expanded their inserting capacity by adding a Muller Martini 227 5:1 inserting system. The newspaper purchased the inserting system from mailroom specialty company, GIS who was also contracted to install and commission the equipment. GIS will also provide operator training for all production personnel at the newspaper’s Norwood, New Jersey printing facility. The Muller Martini 227 inserting system is rated to process up to 5 inserts into 1 insert jacket at speeds America Oggi la Repubblica expanded their inserting capability by adding a Muller Martini 227 5 into 1 inserter. The inserter was designed to process 5 inserts into 1 jacket. up to 13,000 copies per hour, and features a reject control system. GIS also provided operator training and a reconditioned Baldwin-Stobb Count-O-Veyor. “We chose GIS for this project based upon their extensive inserting experience, the value and the complete turnkey installation and training program they offered”, stated America Oggi la Repubblica managing director Domenico delli Carpini. The key to successful inserting is strong on-site operator training”, stated GIS President, Randy Seidel. GIS has over 35 years of experience supplying the newspaper industry with mailroom equipment, parts and service, along with plant consolidation consulting and brokering services. For additional GIS’ Bruce Barna and America Oggi la Repubblica’s Domenico delli Carpini enjoy a relaxing few minutes following the Muller Martini reconditioned 227 inserter contract signing. GIS information, contact Bruce Barna, GIS Senior Vice President • [email protected] • 412-973-3388 ϭϭ Chooses GIS For Muller Martini SLS3000™ Move 7KH 0XOOHU 0DUWLQL 6/6 LQVHUWHU PRYH IURP 3LRQHHU 3UHVV WR WKH 6WDU 7 ULEXQH DOVR LQFOXGHGDGRXEOHGURSDQGVL[KRSSHUORDGHUVGIS Z DVFRQWUDFWHGWRGRWKHWXUQNH\SURMHFW Minneapolis, Minnesota – The Star Tribune “Based on our extensive research, GIS is a well- selected post-press vendor GIS to move a Muller qualified post-press vendor for this extensive and Martini SLS3000™ 30:2 inserter, with double drop important Star Tribune project”, stated Star and six hopper loaders, from Pioneer Press to the Tribune Senior Vice President of Operations, Kevin Star Tribune’s Minneapolis production facility. Desmond. Every aspect of the move will be executed by GIS, including: the disassembly of the entire Muller Martini SLS3000™ inserting system at Pioneer Press in St. Paul, Minnesota; removal of the title up feeder, cleaning and preparation for shipment on engineered pallets; installation of the entire system at the Star Tribune including the installation of a 6WDU 7ULEXQH¶V 5DXO 9D]TXH] SLFWXUHG KHUH ZLWK *,6 3UHVLGHQW 5DQG\ 6HLGHO ZDV LQVWUXPHQWDOLQWKH6/6PRYHSURMHFW standard SLS3000™ feeder. ϭϮ +LJK 3RLQW (QWHUSULVH FRQWUDFWV *,6 IRU LQVHUWHU ´2SWLPL]DWLRQ 7UDLQLQJµ The GIS Optimization Training Program involves all aspects of the post press mailroom process. After thoroughly analyzing the processes, goals are established and all issues are addressed to exceed goals. High Point, North Carolina The High Point Enterprise, a minimum of 20%. GIS also accelerates the use of all Paxton Media Group newspaper, contracted post press existing and mailroom specialty company, GIS, to conduct two customer. The company also inspects the entire weeks of onͲsite post press mailroom “Optimization inserting system equipment, identifies all potential Training”. issues and provides the customer with detailed automation currently owned by the “We first identify and document the customer’s recommendations to address the issues. “The GIS specific training requirements and then focus our Optimization Training program involves all aspects of Optimization Training to achieve a minimum 20% the post press mailroom process, including equipment efficiency improvement”, stated GIS president Randy condition and proper staffing, and then we help Seidel. “We thoroughly study all shifts of production to establish daily and weekly throughput goals that help us formulate the onͲsite Optimization Training.” include net output expectations”, Seidel stated. “We Following the GIS Optimization Training operational then develop detailed operator training programs, analysis, the company develops training area evaluate operator performance based upon the recommendations, including “downͲtime offenders”, established goals, review current data available out of and then implements a specific action plan designed current software and begin using the appropriate to improve inserting department throughput by a information to achieve the established goals”. ƵtůĞr agůĞ taps GIS for second set of all new GIS HEAVYͲDUTY XͲSTREAM GRIPPERS Backed by an exclusive 10ͲYear Warranty, the GIS XͲSTREAM GRIPPER maintains continuous perfect product pressure from 1 to 1000 pages. For a second time within a year, The Butler Eagle contracted GIS to replace their second SLS1000™ worngripperswithall new GIS XͲSTREAMGRIPPERS. Butler, Pennsylvania – Throughout North America newspapers of all sizes are replacing their old, wornͲout and ineffective grippers with all new GIS HEAVYͲDUTY XͲSTREAM GRIPPERS. Less than a year ago, the Butler Eagle upgraded one of their two Muller Martini SLS1000™ inserters with all new GIS HEAVYͲDUTY XͲSTREAM GRIPPERS, guaranteed not to drop product throughout the inserting line, and backed by a 10Ͳyear warranty. GIS was contracted to manufacture and install 139 articulating maintenanceͲfree GIS HEAVYͲDUTY XͲSTREAM GRIPPERS, along with all new camming, to accommodate the new gripper technology. The GIS HEAVYͲDUTY XͲSTREAM GRIPPER provides perfect product pressure, reduces labor costs, increases conveyor chain life and improves count accuracy. “The new GIS HEAVYͲDUTY XͲSTREAM GRIPPER is even more heavy duty than our first generation grippers that have been performing very well for the past seven years. Demand forced up to increase our manufacturing capacity to accommodate the increased demand”, stated GIS president Randy Seidel. “Although our standard GIS XͲSTREAM GRIPPERS have performed well throughout the country for over seven years, we wanted to give our highest insert volume customers a gripper replacement that will consistently process insert packages up to 1,000 pages”, added Seidel. GIS is a global provider of system integration processes for the newspaper and commercial printing industries dedicated to providing creative postͲpress solutions for improving manufacturing efficiencies, reducing costs and improving profitability. GIS also provides production facility consolidation and brokering services. For additional GIS information, please contact: Bruce Barna by calling 412Ͳ973Ͳ3388 or by emailing Bruce@gisͲ Everett Herald contracts GIS as exclusive reseller for all mailroom equipment TheEverettHerald, ackPressnewspaper,choseGISastheirexclusiveresellertomarketandselltheirGoss Magnapak19into1,highͲspeedinsertingsystem. TheinsertingsystemfeaturesOminconPCͲbasedcontrols. Everett, Washington The Everett Herald, a Black Press / Sound Publishing 46,000 daily newspaper, chose mailroom specialty company GIS to sell their entire mailroom inventory, including their complete Goss Magnapak Inserting System. “We are excited about the opportunity to offer the highͲspeed Goss Magnapak system at a very attractive selling price”, stated Randy Seidel, GIS president and CEO. The Goss Magnapak system is a 24Ͳposition inserter with an automatic repair Everett system em,NPͲ404 On Line System, Delivery Publisher,JoshO’ConnorflankGISPresident, Gripper Conveyor, and was designed to operate at Randy Seidel as they review the Goss speeds of up to 30,000 copies per hour. equipmentGISwascontractedtosell. Herald GM, Larry Babcock & 0LOZDXNHH -RXUQDO 6HQWLQHO EX\V QHZ *,6 ;675($0 *5,33(56 &+$,1 7KH 0LOZDXNHH -RXUQDO 6HQWLQHO SXUFKDVHG WKH 0XOOHU 0DUWLQL 6/6 IURP *,6 DQG MXVW UHFHQWO\ XSJUDGHG ZLWK DOO QHZ *,6 ;675($0 *5,33(56 0LOZDXNHH -RXUQDO 6HQWLQHO¶V 'LUHFWRU RI (QJLQHHULQJ )DFLOLWLHV -HII *RHO] IODQNHG E\ *,6 3UHVLGHQW 5DQG\ 6HLGHO DQG 693 %UXFH %DUQD Milwaukee, Wisconsin The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel is replacing their SLS2000™ chain and grippers with new GIS XͲSTREAM GRIPPERS AND CHAIN. GIS installed and commissioned the 20 into 1 SLS2000™ inserting system last year and integrated the system with the Milwaukee’s FlexiRoll buffering system, completing full automation of the entire inserting system. “The new grippers and chain from GIS will greatly improve our inserting efficiencies while dramatically reducing our maintenance costs”, stated Jeff Goelz, Milwaukee’s Director The GIS XͲSTREAM GRIPPERS and GIS XͲSTREAM of GRIPPER CHAIN feature a 10ͲYear Limited Warranty Engineering & Facilities. “The 10Ͳyear warranty on and dramatically reduce maintenance costs. The GIS XͲ these GIS enhancements gives us longͲterm piece STREAM GRIPPERS eliminate dropped product from 1 of mind that our investment is well supported”. to 1,0000 pages. GIS has over 35 years of experience supplying the newspaper industry with mailroom equipment, parts and service, along with plant consolidation consulting and brokering services. Moline Dispatch upgrades inserting lines with GIS XͲSTREAM GRIPPERS The Moline Dispatch production personnel are happy about how their new GIS XͲSTREAM GRIPPERS that save time and maintenance costs. Production deadlines are now met more consistently, gripper failure, gripper maintenance and dropped insert packages are a thing of the past! Moline, Illinois The Moline Dispatch recently upgraded their SLS1000™ inserting system by replacing all of their worn grippers with all new GIS XͲSTREAM GRIPPERS. “GIS installed the new XͲSTREAM GRIPPER SYSTEM on our SLS2000™ during the heavy season and received immediate benefits after normal start up issues we are running very well. Some of the great BENEFITS are we no longer drop any copies in route to the stacker. The packages are conveyed much neater and we have eliminated 99.9% of the hangers we used to have. We also witnessed an amazing improvement in splitting to two stackers as we no longer have any waist on the floor from a poor transfer as we used to have. Of course it is now runs much quieter”, stated Dan Wahlheim, Production Director at the Moline Dispatch. GIS installs Goss Magnapak at Chicago Tribune’s Tribune Direct Standing in front of the Goss Magnapak equipment installed by GIS is Tribune Direct’s Paul Thompson, Manager of Shared Mail Operations, Warren Krunzel, Production Trainer and GIS President, Randy Seidel. GIS was contractedby TribuneDirectto install the GossMagnapak34Ͳstationinserting system. GISalsobrokeredthesalebetweenUnionLeader,Manchester,NHandTribuneDirect,Chicago,IL. “It was great working with Randy and the GIS installation team, who were committed to quality work and an on time installation” Ͳ Paul Thompson, Manager of Shared Mail Operations The Goss Magnapak inserting system takes shape at Tribune Direct as GIS begins the installation process. $QFKRUDJH'DLO\1HZV AnchorageDispatchNews buysallnewGISXͲSTREAMGRIPPERS The Anchorage Daily News replaced all of their grippers on their Muller Martini SLS1000™ inserting system with all new heavyͲduty GIS XͲSTREAM GRIPPERS. GISalso manufactured and installed all new camming. Anchorage,Alaska Fromcoasttocoastandfrom product pressure, reduces labor costs, increases Texas to Alaska, newspapers are replacing their conveyor chain life and improves count accuracy. old,wornͲoutandineffectivegripperswithallnew “We’ve recently increased our GIS XͲSTREAM GIS XͲSTREAM GRIPPERS. The Anchorage Daily GRIPPER manufacturing capacity to accommodate News / Anchorage Dispatch News is the latest to the increased demand”, stated GIS president upgrade their Muller MartiniGMASLS1000™with Randy Seidel. GISXͲSTREAMGRIPPERS. GISguaranteesitwillnot dropproductthroughouttheinsertingline. “We researched the gripper replacement options for our SLS1000™ and based on the superior design, value pricing and strong customer testimonials Ͳ we chose the GIS XͲSTREAM GRIPPER,” stated Anchorage Daily News Mailroom Maintenance Supervisor, Craig Blake. “We have 3D chain in steel track so we also like the fact that GIS XͲSTREAM GRIPPERS extend existing chain life”, added Mr. Backed by an exclusive 10ͲYear Warranty, the GIS XͲ STREAM GRIPPER maintains continuous perfect product pressure from 1 to 1000 pages. Blake. The GIS XͲSTREAM GRIPPER provides perfect Adams Publishing Group of Chesapeake selects GIS XͲSTREAM GRIPPERS for upgrade Following the installation of all new GIS XͲSTREAM GRIPPERS The all new GIS XͲSTREAM GRIPPER is designed are are GIS’ Randy Seidel, APG’s Acie Boyce, Regional Production GIS’ Randy Seidel, APG’sAcie Boyce, Regional Production Director Mike Bowen, Greg Moir and Mike Judge. Director Mike Bowen, Greg Moir and Mike Judge. Easton, MD – To improve the efficiency of their stated APG of Chesapeake’s regional plant & inserting process, Adams Publishing Group of production director, Mike Bowen. Chesapeake chose all new GIS XͲSTREAM “Our SLS1000™ runs better now than when first GRIPPERS for their Muller Martini SLS1000. GIS installed, due to all of the upgrades and tweaks XͲSTREAM GRIPPERS are the ideal replacement that were done by GIS during the recent gripper for the Muller Martini AlphaLiner™, installation”, added APG of Chesapeake mailroom SLS1000™, SLS2000™ and SLS3000™ inserters. GIS manager, Acie Boyce. APG’s order also included all XͲSTREAM new chain camming, reconditioned gripper chain, GRIPPERS will not drop product throughout the processing line and feature the installation and commissioning. exclusive 10ͲYear Warranty. GIS XͲSTREAM GRIPPERS provide perfect “We’ve worked with Bruce for decades so when product pressure, reduce labor costs, increase he and Randy presented their grippers to us, we conveyor chain life and were very comfortable with their company and accuracy. “GIS XͲSTREAM GRIPPERS have been their product. The installation was completed operating in the field now for over five years at during our limited downtime over one weekend, newspapers of all sizes so it’s a thoroughly timeͲ and GIS added value throughout the entire tested and proven successful design. Based on the inserter. We also like the fact that these grippers escalated are maintenance free, perform well with very thick quadrupled our gripper manufacturing capacity”, packages and have an extended 10Ͳyear warranty”, stated GIS president Randy Seidel. volume of they improve count recent orders, we’ve The Monitor chooses GIS for GIS XͲSTREAM GRIPPERS & CHAIN The Monitor’s Jessie Romero , Jeff Foley and Ernie Cortez flank GIS president Randy Seidel following the recent installation of all new GIS XͲSTREAM GRIPPERS and GIS XͲSTREAM CHAIN. McAllen, Texas Ͳ GIS posted another GIS XͲSTREAM GRIPPER placement recently with The Monitor, McAllen Texas. The GIS XͲSTREAM GRIPPER is the replacement gripper for the GMA/Muller SLS1000™ and SLS2000™ inserters. GIS guarantees it will not drop product throughout the processing line. Five years ago The Monitor placed their first GIS XͲSTREAM GRIPPER order for their SLS1000™. They were so pleased with the performance, they’ve recently installed GIS XͲSTREAM GRIPPERS for their SLS2000™. “We were excited to have our SLS2000™ upgraded with GIS XͲSTREAM GRIPPERS, based on our past 5 year maintenanceͲfree XͲ STREAM GRIPPER experience with our SLS1000™. GIS installed the XͲSTREAM GRIPPERS on our SLS2000™ a day. We improved our productivity by over 30% while greatly improving our bottom line. Our employees are happy with the GIS upgrades which have eliminated a major frustration in their daily work. They also appreciate the quality improvements and quieter operation. Backed by an exclusive 10ͲYear Warranty, the GIS XͲ STREAM GRIPPER maintains continuous perfect product pressure from 1 to 1000 pages, and also reduces stress on the conveyor chain. It has been great working with the inventor, Randy Seidel, on this project”, stated Jeff Foley, Production Manager at The Monitor, McAllen, Texas. The GIS XͲSTREAM GRIPPER provides perfect product pressure, reduces labor costs, increases conveyor chain life and improves count accuracy. “We’ve recently increased our GIS XͲSTREAM GRIPPER manufacturing capacity to accommodate the increased demand”, stated GIS president Randy Seidel. GIS is a global provider of system integration processes for the newspaper and commercial printing industries dedicated to providing creative postͲpress solutions for improving manufacturing efficiencies, reducing costs and improving profitability. GIS also provides production facility consolidation and brokering services. For additional GIS information, please contact Bruce Barna via telephone # 412Ͳ973Ͳ3388, or via email bruce@gisͲ Tribune Direct buys Goss Magnapak 34Ͳstation inserter from Union Leader GIS was chosen by Tribune Direct to disassemble, recondition, relocate, install, and commission the 34Ͳstation Goss Magnapak at Tribune Direct’s Chicago production facility. GIS also brokered the sale between Union Leader and Tribune Direct. Manchester, NH Ͳ Tribune Direct, a subsidiary of the Tribune Company, one of the largest media companies in the U.S., tapped GIS for the dismantling of the 34Ͳstation Magnapak at the Union Leader, preparing it for shipment, installing it at Tribune Direct in Chicago and commissioning the entire system. “Tribune Direct has a long and successful history with Randy Seidel and GIS, and since they were the exclusive reseller of the Magnapak for Union Leader, it was an easy decision to award GIS the contract”, Bruce Barna, GIS SVP and Craig Sipich, Tribune Direct Director of Technology and Engineering, stand in front of a sea of Goss Magnapak equipment stated Craig Sipich, Tribune Direct’s Director of Technology and Engineering. Dismantling the Union Leader Goss Magnapak – Case Study GIS was chosen by Tribune Direct to disassemble, recondition, relocate, install, and commission the 34Ͳstation Goss Magnapak care is exercised by the GIS team entire dismantling process. All components are atGreat Tribune Direct’s Chicago production facility. GIS throughout also brokeredthe the sale between Union Leader and Tribune Direct. catalogued, inspected, cleaned and securely packed on engineered crates for secure shipment. This large 34Ͳ station Goss Magnapak inserting system required five (5) 53’ tractor trailers for shipment to Tribune Direct. The 34Ͳstation Goss Magnapak inserting system features the Goss Omnicon control system. Tribune Direct added the latest inkjet printer controls to match Tribune Direct’s other Goss Magnapak control systems. Every component the Goss Magnapak inserting system was identified, catalogued and labled during GIS’ detailed dismantling process. DismantlingtheUnionLeaderGossMagnapak CaseStudy AllGossMagnapakinsertingsystemcomponentsarecleaned,lubricated,labeledbytheGISdismantlingteamand thensecuredonengineeredpalletsforsafetransportingfromtheUnionLeadertoTribuneDirect–Chicago. Dismantling the Union Leader Goss Magnapak – Case Study This large Goss Magnapak inserting system required five (5) 53’ trailers to transport the wellͲpackaged components from Manchester, New Hampshire to Chicago, Illinois. Attention to detail is a critical component in this process. 8QLRQ /HDGHU WDSV *,6 WR VHOO HQWLUH *RVV PDLOURRP HTXLSPHQW LQYHQWRU\ This 34Ͳstation Goss Magnapak inserting system, originally installed and commissioned in 2008, is part of the extensive postͲpress mailroom equipment inventory the Union Leader contracted GIS to resell. Manchester, New Hampshire The Manchester Reseller Program has been instrumental in helping Union Leader chose mailroom specialty company publishers profitably find new homes for their GIS to sell their entire mailroom equipment excess postͲpress mailroom equipment”. inventory valued at over $4 million, including a Goss Magnapak 34 station, 31 hopper dual delivery inserter with Omnicon controls; Goss Magnapak inserter 280’ primary gripper conveyor; Goss Magnapak inserter 270’ secondary gripper conveyor; Goss NP200 510’ press gripper conveyor; Goss NS300 Beltveyor press to stacker; Goss NP404 onͲline hopper feed unit and an extensive spare parts kit. “The Union Leader was meticulous regarding the maintenance of this relatively new Goss Magnapak The Union Leader outsourced their newspaper printing and production and turned to GIS to sell all of their postͲpress mailroom equipment. inserting system installed in 2007”, stated GIS president Randy Seidel. The GIS Exclusive Edwards Printing Company chooses GIS for postͲpress mailroom equipment GIS was contracted by Edwards Printing Company to source, recondition and install a high speed 50,000 CPH Goss NP1472 inserting system. GIS was also contracted to recondition the printer’s Quipp 350 series stacker. Westminster, South Carolina – Rapidly growing Edwards Printing Company contracted GIS to source, recondition and install a Goss NP1472 high speed inserting system. The inserting system features 5 into 1 doubleͲout inserting capability at 50,000 copies per hour, and up to 11 into 1 inserting capability at speeds up to 25,000 CPH. The reconditioned Goss 1472 also features a repair system, a reject station for doubles and a jacket multiͲopener. The PCͲbased control system ensures seamless zoning and features remote monitoring that displays current production and zoning information. GIS prepared the feeders with precise settings for high net output and minimal misses. The company was also contracted to recondition a Quipp 350 series compensating stacker for Edwards Printing Company. The GIS reconditioning and installation process involves a high degree of project management, coordination and planning. GIS employees, not subcontractors, do every facet of the installation. “The 1472 was originally developed by Harris Graphics and was one of my early projects as a young engineer at Harris decades ago”, stated GIS president, Randy Seidel. “The technology is still quite relevant today and we optimize the NP1472 for maximum efficiency”, added Seidel. 6RXWK-HUVH\3XEOLVKLQJFKRRVHV*,6 DVH[FOXVLYHUHVHOOHUWRVHOOPDLOURRP SDFNDJLQJDQGGLVWULEXWLRQHTXLSPHQW Atlantic City, New Jersey South Jersey Publishing Company, formerly Press of Atlantic City, a recent newspaper acquisition by Warren Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway, contracted mailroom specialty company GIS to sell their entire mailroom inventory, including their complete Titan G60 25ͲStation Inserting System with Miracom Controls, 10 compensating stackers, 5 automatic strapping systems with a large quantity of strapping material, 6 bottom wrappers, jogging tables, shrink wrapping system, and a variety of miscellaneous packaging equipment. “There are many great mailroom equipment values here at South Jersey Publishing Company, including the well maintained Titan GͲ60 highͲspeed inserting system, and all priced to sell very quickly”, stated Randy Seidel, GIS president and CEO. We’ve identifie d several prospective customers and expect the sale of all the equipment to be concluded by the end of this month”, added Seidel. GIS is a global provider of system integration processes for the newspaper and commercial printing industries dedicated to providing creative postͲpress solutions for improving manufacturing efficiencies, reducing costs and improving profitability. GIS also provides production facility consolidation and equipment brokering services. For additional GIS information contact: Ͳ973Ͳ bruce@gisͲ 0LFKLJDQ :HE 3UHVV 3LFNV *,6 IRU +LJK6SHHG 6/6 ,QVHUWHU Michigan Web Press Production Manager Cecil Batchelor and General Hanager Todd Hagerman flank GIS President and CEO Randy Seidel in front of their recently installed GMA SLS2000™. Davisburg, Michigan As part of their ongoing GIS has over 35 years of experience supplying the expansion project, Michigan Web Press purchased newspaper industry with mailroom equipment, a highͲspeed SLS2000™ 12:2 inserting system from parts, service, FRQVROLGDWLRQ DQG EURNHULQJ VHUYLFHV mailroom specialty company, GIS. The SLS2000™ )RU DGGLWLRQDO *,6 LQIRUPDWLRQ FRQWDFW %UXFH %DUQD highͲspeed inserting system is capable of producing DW RU HPDLO EUXFH#JLVQRZFRP 25,000 inserted packages per hour and features a fully incorporated repair system MIRS for missed inserts. The system was reconditioned by GIS and designed to productivity increase for capacity Michigan Web and overall Press. The SLS2000™ is a fully automated inserting system that ensures smooth transitions from start to full production. “We were pleased to provide Michigan Web Press with a great value on this Michigan Web Press purchased the 12:2 highͲ speed SLS2000™ inserting system from GIS. GIS also installed and commissioned the equipment. highͲspeed SLS2000™ inserting system”, stated GIS president and CEO Randy Seidel. Halifax Media Group contracts GIS for multiple mailroom equipment installations GIS was contracted by Halifax Media Group to disassemble, recondition, relocate, install, commission and train the operators and maintenance crews for six of their inserting lines at the group’s Gaston Gazette facility. Gastonia, North Carolina Following Gannett’s at Halifax Media Group’s Gaston Gazette. “We were announcement to transfer the printing and also confident GIS could do all of the work in a very distribution operations of their Greenville (SC) News compressed 90Ͳday time frame. and their Asheville (NC) CitizenͲTimes to Halifax Media Group’s Gaston Gazette, GIS was contracted to immediately begin all of the mailroom work. GIS was awarded the contract to do the extensive mailroom dismantling, reconditioning, relocation, installation, operator training and commissioning of their six inserting lines. “We thoroughly researched our vendor options for this project and chose GIS GIS’ Bruce Barna and Randy Seidel flank Gaston based on their extensive equipment knowledge, Gazette’s Operations Director, Gary Snider and experience and their installation and training Halifax Media Group Regional Publisher Rick Martin expertise”, stated Gary Snider, Operations Director following the contract signing at the Gaston Gazette. Muller Martini SLS3000™ COMPLETEPOCKETASSEMBLIES Completelyfactoryreconditioned &readyforimmediateshipment Cleaned & Inspected Worn Parts Replaced Lubricated &Tested Ready To Install Contact us today for special pricing! Bruce Barna bruce@gisͲ 412Ͳ973Ͳ3388 GIS installs Muller Martini Biliner™ at Stellar Printing Ͳ New York City GIS installed this Muller Martini 8 into 1 Biliner™ and also provided operator and maintenance training. New York, NY GIS recently installed an 8 into 1 Muller Martini Biliner™ inserting system at newspaper printer, Stellar Printing, in Long Island City, New York. The inserter features zone control, miss detection, openͲjacket detection at operating speeds up to 20,000 copies per hour. “We are extremely pleased with the installation, equipment commissioning and operator training by GIS”, stated Steller Printing General Manager, Ken Akulin. “I was pleasantly surprised that our inserter GIS president and resident engineer, Randy Seidel (r) conducts operator training at Stellar Printing. Stellar’s GM, Ken Akulin and inserter operator look on while Randy demonstrates the how the “Texas Wedge” jogging technique improves inserting quality and throughput. operators and maintenance team, some of whom have been with us for over 15 years, learned new maintenance and operator procedures from Randy Seidel’s onͲsite training”, added Mr. Akulin. Milwaukee Journal Sentinel turns to GIS to add Muller Martini SLS2000™ inserter to expand capacity 0LOZDXNHH-RXUQDO6HQWLQHOUHFHQWO\SXUFKDVHGD UHFRQGLWLRQHGKLJKVSHHG6/6IURP*,6 *,6LQVWDOOHG DQGFRPPLVVLRQHGWKHLQVHUWLQJV\VWHPDQGSURYLGHGRQVLWHWUDLQLQJIRUWKHPDLQWHQDQFHFUHZVDQGRSHUDWRUV 0LOZDXNHH :LVFRQVLQ The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel purchased a reconditioned highͲspeed 25,000 copies per hour GMA SLS2000™ from GIS to accommodate their growing inserting requirements. GIS also installed and commissioned the 20 into 1 inserting system that features a second SLS2000™ delivery drop. The highly automated inserting system includes a MIRS Repair System to eliminate missed inserts. GIS provided complete system integration with the Milwaukee GIS president Randy Seidel and Milwaukee Journal Sentinel’s Director of Engineering & Facilities, Jeff Goelz, stand in front of the recently installed Muller Martini SLS2000™. GIS sourced the inserter for Milwaukee, completed the turnkey installation and trained the operators and maintenance crews. Journal Sentinel’s existing FlexiRoll buffering system, completing full automation of the entire inserting system. GIS also provided training for the equipment operators and maintenance crews. &KLFDJR 7ULEXQH FRQWUDFWV *,6 WR PRYH DOO )UHHGRP &HQWHU 1RUWK HTXLSPHQW Chicago Tribune’s shuttered Freedom Center North housed 115,000 square feet of post press production equipment that had to be moved out of the facility in short order. GIS was hired to move all the equipment within two weeks. &KLFDJR ,OOLQRLV 7KH &KLFDJR 7ULEXQH FRQWUDFWHG *,6 WR FOHDU WKH GHFN RI WKHLU VKXWWHUHG H[SDQVLYH )UHHGRP &HQWHU 1RUWK IDFLOLW\ DQG PRYH DOO RI WKH HTXLSPHQW WR D QHDUE\ ZDUHKRXVH ³7KLV SURMHFW ZDV IDVWWUDFNHG DQG ZLWK WKH KHOS RI WKH &KLFDJR 7ULEXQH¶V ORJLVWLFV WHDP ZH ZHUH VXFFHVVIXO LQ PHHWLQJ 7ULEXQH¶V UHTXLUHPHQW WR PRYH DOO RI WKH HTXLSPHQW WR D QHDUE\ ZDUHKRXVH´ VWDWHG *,6 SUHVLGHQW 5DQG\ 6HLGHO 7KH IROORZLQJ SDJHV VKRZ WKH EUHDGWK RI SRVWSUHVV HTXLSPHQW UHPRYHG IURP WKH )&1 IDFLOLW\ E\ *,6 Cleared and broomed swept within two weeks! GIS moved all of Chicago Tribune’s post press production equipment out of the FCN production facility within two weeks Ͳ it took seventy three (73) trailers and an aroundͲtheͲclock effort. Chicago Tribune Freedom Center North (FCN) Equipment Chicago Tribune Freedom Center North (FCN) Equipment Chicago Tribune Freedom Center North (FCN) Equipment Chicago Tribune Freedom Center North (FCN) Equipment Chicago Tribune Freedom Center North (FCN) Equipment DANͲPalletiser chooses GIS as exclusive North & South America Distributor DANͲPalletiser has been the innovative leader in Europe for decades, and now GIS is bringing DANͲPalletiser to North & South America. With over 13 models of automated palletizers, DANͲPalletiser has the perfect robotic automatic palletizer for you. Allentown, Pennsylvania DANͲPalletiser has been “The primary goal of the new GIS/DANͲPalletiser offering worldͲclass palletisers, pack and pallet partnership is to eliminate the postͲpress conveyors, pallet elevators, as well as other bottleneck to dramatically reduce labor cost internal transport Europe for solutions, decades. while improving throughput”, added Barna. throughout The company and their products are well known for easy product size change overs and strong performance guarantees for meeting all defined production throughput requirements. Recent site visit made by the palletiser team have proven very fruitful. “The immediate response from newspapers and printers has been extremely positive regarding GIS President Randy Seidel, and Senior Vice President Bruce Barna, flank DANͲPalletiser Managing Director Knud Jensen during the Exclusive Distribution Agreement signing. the automation of their post press process”, commented GIS Sr. VP Bruce Barna. GIS introduces compact PLUG & PLAY” automatic palletizing from DANͲPalletiser DANͲPalletisers are the most flexible & surprisingly compact fully automatic palletizers available, and their small footprint makes it easy to fit the palletizer into almost every postͲpress mailroom environment. Bethlehem, PA If you are looking for uptime, speed stated GIS President Randy Sidel. “The small footprint and reliability with endͲofͲline robotic layer palletizers makes it “plug & play” ready, they’re available at Ͳ you should talk to us! GIS the exclusive distributor relatively short notice, they’re very easy to install and for DANͲPalletiser for North, Central and South much smaller than you might think.” Flexible and easy programming of bundle sizes and America, and we are introducing new compact layer palletizing. pallet patterns — just type in bundle size, select pallet Compact and surprisingly simple to operate robotic pattern and number of rows per pallet. The palletiser layer palletizers are now available from GIS. has more than 40 pallet patterns and handles up to DANͲPalletiser has made considerable advances in many bundles per minute and have multiple recipes the development of a good footprint robotic layer for various bundle sizes and patterns. palletizer. “The reason why the DAN palletizers are For DANͲPalletiser product and pricing information, the most flexible, compact palletizers in the market is including a no obligation quotation, please contact obvious: they handle a variety printed products”, Bruce Barna: 412Ͳ973Ͳ3388 / bruce@gisͲ Butler Eagle upgrades inserter with all new GIS XͲSTREAM GRIPPERS The Butler Eagle replaced all of their grippers on their SLS1000™ inserting system with all new heavyͲ duty GIS XͲSTREAM GRIPPERS. These grippers are designed to accommodate the thinnest packages and thick insert packages up to 1,000 pages, and are backed by the industry’s only 10Ͳyear limited warranty. Butler, Pennsylvania – Newspapers of all sizes “We have recently increased our GIS XͲSTREAM and all across North America are replacing their GRIPPER old, wornͲout and ineffective grippers with all accommodate the increased demand”, stated new GIS XͲSTREAM GRIPPERS. The Butler Eagle is GIS president Randy Seidel. the very latest to upgrade their Muller Martini SLS1000™ with GIS XͲSTREAM manufacturing capacity to The GIS XͲSTREAM GRIPPERS feature a 10Ͳyear GRIPPERS, limited warranty, ensuring worryͲfree operation. guaranteed not to drop product throughout the inserting line. “We like the fact that we didn’t need to replace our old 2D chain, based on the unique nonͲtorquing design of the GIS XͲSTREAM GRIPPERS”,stated Butler Color production manager, Alice Lunn. The GIS XͲSTREAM GRIPPER provides perfect product pressure, reduces labor costs, increases conveyor chain life and improves count accuracy. )RVWHU¶V 'DLO\ 'HPRFUDW WDSV *,6 IRU D ZLGH YDULHW\ RI PDLOURRP HQKDQFHPHQWV Foreseeing the need for regional consolidation, the late Robert Foster designed the Foster's Daily Democrat building to accommodate industry changes along with the flexibility to expand printing services and production Dover, New Hampshire Fifth generation publisher Patrice (Patty) Foster took over the reins from her father in 2009. The company is currently owned by Patrice Foster and her sister Catherine F. Hayward. For the past year Patty has been strategically modifying the Foster’s mailroom to improve the operational efficiencies to better match their growing weekly TMC program they call their EMC (Eastern Marketing Services) program. “Over the past year we’ve dramatically increased our promotional offerings to better serve our advertisers, with the help of GIS”, stated Patty Foster. Along with GIS bringing new sticky note technology helped us execute”, stated Foster’s corporate circulation to Foster’s in the Fall of 2012, GIS provided a director, Jim Russell. Randy’s 35 year mailroom comprehensive mailroom profitability improvement experience has added significant insight and value to our program; reconditioned Foster’s existing inserting operation”, added Mr. Russell. equipment to improve throughput speed by 30% and capacity by 35%; installed a second reconditioned inserting system to handle their EMS; reengineered their inserting equipment to accommodate the Red Plum/ValasisͲsized jacket and sold off Foster’s excess mailroom equipment. The most recent task assigned to GIS was moving Foster’s EMS inserting system from its current location to a newly designed EMS production department within the Venture Drive IDFLOLW\. “It has been a pleasure working with Randy for Foster’s President and Publisher Patty Foster and GIS President Randy Seidel in front of the portrait of the late Robert Foster. the past year on a wide range of enhancements he Alliance Press chooses GIS for sticky note application system $OOLDQFH 3UHVV FDQ QRZ RIIHU WKHLU FRPPHUFLDO SULQWLQJ FXVWRPHUV RQH RI WKH PRVW HIIHFWLYH IRUPV RI SULQW DGYHUWLVLQJ ± VWLFN\ QRWHV Brunswick, Maine Alliance Press continues to grow, and recently added the Bangor Daily News to their roster of commercial printing customers, and CEO Christopher Miles, continues to invest in printing equipment enhancements to add value for his customers. “We believe our ability to costͲeffectively apply sticky notes at full press speeds to the newspapers we print will benefit all of our customers with this powerful marketing tool”, stated Mr. Miles. The Barstrom highͲspeed sticky note application system applies 1” to 5” preprinted sticky notes and address labels on a shingled newspaper stream. The sticky notes are available from 3rd party vendors GIS supplied the sticky note system, installed the equipment at the printer’s Brunswick, Maine production facility. GIS also provided system integration, product operation training and sales training for Alliance Press. Sticky notes on the front of newspapers have long been one of the best way to increase advertising response, capture new clients and build store traffic. Automatically applying them at press speed eliminates hand application dramatically reducing costs. GIS has over 35 years of experience supplying the newspaper industry with mailroom equipment, parts and service. GIS also specializes in plant consolidation and equipment brokering services. For additional GIS information, contact Bruce Barna EUXFH#JLVQRZFRP Ͳ973Ͳ3388. 0F$UGOH FKRRVHV *,6 IRU FRPSOHWH LQVHUWLQJ V\VWHP DQG LQNMHW ODEHOLQJ *,6 UHFRQGLWLRQHG DQG LQVWDOOHG D KLVSHHG 0XOOHU 0DUWLQL 6/6 DW 0F$UGOH LQ 0DUOERUR 0DU\ODQG *,6 ZDV DOVR FRQWUDFWHG WR VXSSO\ DQG LQVWDOO D FRPSOHWH Video Jet Labeling System 4000 for individual copy Upper Marlboro, Maryland McArdle, is well known “We have been working with GIS for the past year on for consistent quality, timely delivery and a devotion a variety of postͲpress enhancements” stated McArdle to customer service since 1947, and they constantly plant manager Jeff Gomes. “We are excited about the reinvest in knowledge and technology in order to new innovations Randy Seidel brought to McArdle, provide their clients with stateͲofͲtheͲart, costͲ including the expanded ability of our SLS1000™ to effective solutions. Their most recent acquisition process our variable cutoff commercial magazines and included a reconditioned highͲspeed SLS1000™ our daily newspaper, Roll Call”, added Mr. Gomes. complete inserting system by mailroom specialty McArdle also purchased a complete highͲspeed company, GIS. Videojet 4000 labeling system from GIS. Philadelphia Inquirer taps GIS for mailroom enhancements 3KLODGHOSKLD 3HQQV\OYDQLD 7KH 3KLODGHOSKLD ,QTXLUHU XSJUDGHG WKHLU HLJKW KXQGUHG DQG ILIW\ 6/6 LQVHUWHU SRFNHWV ZLWK WKH *,6 &87 '2:1 .,7 7KH $OOHQWRZQ 3HQQV\OYDQLD EDVHG PDQXIDFWXUHU *,6 VSHFLDOL]HV LQ WKH PDQXIDFWXUH DQG LQVWDOODWLRQ RI WKLV WKLV HQKDQFHPHQW DQG XSJUDGH .HQ 6PLWK PDLQWHQDQFH PDQDJHU DW 7KH 3KLODGHOSKLD ,QTXLUHU VWDWHG ³7KH XSJUDGH SURYLGHG E\ *,6 KDV SHUIRUPHG H[WUHPHO\ ZHOO :LWK 5DQG\ 6HLGHO V HQJLQHHULQJ H[SHULHQFH ZH UHHQJLQHHUHG WKH RSHQLQJ VWDWLRQ RSHQLQJ WKH MDFNHWV DW D KLJKHU VSHHG PRUH UHOLDEO\´ )UHG /HKPDQ PDLOURRP PDQDJHU VWDWHG ³6LQFH WKH XSJUDGH DQG HQJLQHHULQJ LPSURYHPHQWV ZH FDQ UXQ D WKLQQHU VWRFN RI MDFNHW´ DOORZLQJ WKH 3KLODGHOSKLD ,QTXLUHU WR EH PRUH FRPSHWLWLYH LQ WKH FRPPHUFLDO DUHQD ³7KLV KDV EHHQ D JUHDW VXFFHVV IRU XV DW WKH ,QTXLUHU DQG ZLOO PDNH XV PRUH SURILWDEOH´ DGGHG 0U /HKPDQ Times News upgrades SLS1000™ inserter with all new GIS XͲSTREAM GRIPPERS TN Printing Plant Manager Len Alabovitz and Mailroom Manager Richard Danyo are enjoying the inserter upgrade benefits, including the maintenanceͲfree GIS HEAVY DUTY XͲSTREAM GRIPPERS. Lehighton, Pennsylvania The Times News The GIS XͲSTREAM GRIPPER also extends conveyor upgraded their SLS1000™ inserting system by chain life and improves count accuracy. TN Printing’s commercial printing division replacing all of their worn grippers with all new GIS newspaper’s continues to grow and when Plant Manager Len production facility, TN Printing, where they also Alabovitz told GIS president Randy Seidel about print and insert the Press Publishing Group of their consistent variable web width downͲstream Weekly Newspapers. problems, the inventor quickly developed the new XͲSTREAM GRIPPERS at the “We were experiencing consistent problems with GIS Variable Web Width Stream Conditioner. “We the OEM supplied grippers that caused us to silence believe the key to good engineering is simplicity many of our grippers during most of our production and this new conveyor enhancement is a simple runs”, stated TN Printing plant manager Len and costͲeffective way to eliminate variable web Alabovitz. “The GIS XͲSTREAM GRIPPERS cost less width issues”, stated GIS president and resident than rebuilding our old grippers and based on the inventor Randy Seidel. maintenance free design and positive customer TN Printing also contracted GIS for additional testimonials we made the decision to replace every postͲpress equipment, including a complete highͲ conveying gripper with these new GIS XͲSTREAM speed Accraply sticky note application system to GRIPPERS and we’re glad we did”, added Mr. increase advertising revenues. The Accraply system Alabovitz. GIS also modified the infeed drum and was completely reconditioned and operator and streamliner and replaced the conveyor camming. maintenance training was done by GIS. The Ledger upgrades Muller Martini GMA SLS2000™ inserters with new GIS HEAVY DUTY XͲSTREAM GRIPPER CHAIN Lakeland, Florida – The Ledger, a Gatehouse Media Group newspaper, replaced their Muller Martini gripper chain with all new GIS HEAVY DUTY XͲSTREAM GRIPPER CHAIN that features a 10Ͳyear warranty. The Ledger is the very latest newspaper to upgrade their Muller Martini SLS2000™ with GIS HEAVY DUTY XͲ STREAM GRIPPER CHAIN. Along with all new GIS HEAVYͲDUTY XͲSTREAM GRIPPER CHAIN, The Ledger also ordered chain profile, including four 90Ͳdegree curves, drive shafts, drive sprockets, bearings and other gripper chain related components from GIS for their SLS2000™ inserters. “GIS is has been doing extensive mailroom work at our sister newspaper in Gastonia, the Gaston Gazette. I had the opportunity to recently visit that site and I was impressed with the work GIS has done with their Muller Martini SLS equipment”, stated Maurice Maisonville, Packaging Manger at The Ledger. Backed by an exclusive 10ͲYear Warranty, the GIS HEAVY DUTY XͲSTREAM GRIPPER CHAIN is the ideal replacement chain for Muller Martini Alphaliner™, SLS1000™, SLS2000™ & SLS3000™ highͲspeed inserting systems. “GIS is has been doing extensive mailroom work at our sister newspaper in Gastonia, the Gaston Gazette. I had the opportunity to recently visit that site and I was impressed with the work GIS has done with their Muller Martini SLS equipment.”