

Inga Morozoff, Bentley Systems, Inc.
• Developed by Rob Brown and
introduced in PowerDraft in 1995.
• It does not create or manipulate
elements or objects – instead, it
assists in their creation and
• Mimics using a drafting machine.
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• Found on the Primary Tools toolbar
• Dockable dialog with two modes: Rectangular and Polar.
Toggle between the modes by tapping the space bar.
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The Compass
• The compass is located at the last
• Composed of three parts:
– The origin is the center of the compass and
is always location 0,0 regardless of where
the compass is in the design.
– The dashed rectangle or circle is referred to
as the drawing plane indicator.
– The axis ticks are AccuDraw’s axis markers
and are independent of both the drawing
axis and the view axis
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When enabled, AccuDraw considers three things and changes
it’s behaviour accordingly.
• First, it considers the current tool and switches between
rectangular or polar mode as needed.
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• Second, it considers the location of the pointer with respect
to the origin of the compass.
• The values in the key-in fields to reflect the distance the
pointer is from its origin.
• If no data point is entered, the values show absolute
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• Finally, AccuDraw considers
and interprets keyboard
shortcuts. These are single
or dual character key-ins to
drive its behavior. An
example is using the space
bar to toggle between the
Rectangular and Polar
modes. Review all the
shortcuts by pressing ? .
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Operational Rules
• Enter a datapoint to fix the initial position of the compass.
This becomes location 0,0 and all measurements will be
taken from there. (Think about manual drafting.)
• Move your pointer in the direction you wish to draw. This
sets the focus and populates the distance fields.
• Without moving the pointer, enter values in the key-in fields.
No need to click, swipe out, adjust the focus – just key-in the
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AccuDraw dialog focus
• To put the focus in AccuDraw:
– Click the AccuDraw window
– If the focus is Home, press Space Bar
– If the focus is Home, press F11
– If the focus is not Home, press ESC, then
Space Bar.
– Key-in AccuDraw Dialog
– Enter a datapoint on the screen
Tip: Enable Workspace > Preferences >
Look and Feel > Auto focus Tool Settings
• The key-in shortcuts are only available
when the focus is in AccuDraw.
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The keykey-in fields input focus
• As you move the pointer around the screen,
AccuDraw continually updates the fields in the
AccuDraw window.
• The field that gets the focus is determined by
the direction and distance the pointer is from
the origin.
• The focus field with the largest value, gets the
input focus. This is determined by how far the
pointer is from the origin.
• If needed, change the focus by pressing TAB or
Arrow-Up or Arrow-Down
• Positive or negative values is determined by the
quadrant the cursor is in.
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• AccuDraw can index to:
– Each axis
– The Origin
– The previous distance
• Operates similar to AccuSnap – get
close and temporarily lock on.
• Can replace the Axis Lock in all
but a few situations.
• To override axis indexing, press LI
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Locking Values
• A field is automatically locked when entering a value from the
• A temporary construction line appears to indicate the keyed
in distance from the origin (0,0)
• This equates to scribing a construction line with your set
square when using a drafting machine or T-square.
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Keyboard Shortcuts
• AccuDraw’s behavior is influenced
by the current tool, the location of
the pointer and keyboard shortcuts.
• Keyboard shortcuts are singe and
double character commands
• AccuDraw window must have the
focus in order to issue a key-in.
• Review all the shortcuts by
pressing ?
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Must--Know shortcuts
• Space Bar
– Toggles between rectangular (X,Y)
and polar (Distance and Angle)
• X , Y, D, A
– Toggles the locks for the X, Y,
Distance and Angle fields.
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• Enter (Smart Lock)
– Causes AccuDraw to index to the closest axis and lock the opposite
field value.
– Smart Lock allows you to draw in one direction, while snapping in
• Q (Quit)
– Quits AccuDraw
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• V (View Rotation)
– AccuDraw automatically rotates to the angle between the last two
datapoints. To return the compass to be parallel to the view axis,
press V.
• O (Set Origin)
– Moves the compass to the current pointer location or tentative point.
Can also be done by doing a CTRL+Tentative.
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• RQ (Rotate Quick)
– Temporarily changes the rotation of the
compass to a user defined angle. Once a data
point has been entered, the compass resumes
its normal orientation.
• K (Keypoint Snap Divisor)
– Opens the Keypoint Snap Divisor dialog box.
• I (Intersect Snap)
– Activates the Intersect Snap mode override.
• C (Center Snap)
– Activates the Center Snap mode override.
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• ~ (Bump Toolsettings)
– The tilde character is used to bump the value of the first adjustable
setting in the tool settings window to the next valid value.
– For example, when using the Place SmartLine tool, tilde will change
the Segment Type from Line to Arcs.
– To bump the second tool setting use the key‐in: accudraw bump
toolsetting 2
– To bump the third tool setting use the key‐in: accudraw bump
toolsetting 3
• HA (AccuDraw on Hold)
– Suspends AccuDraw until HA is reissued.
• HS (AccuSnap toggle)
– Turns AccuSnap on or off.
• HU (AccuSnap Suspend)
– Suspends AccuSnap until a Reset is issued.
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Custom KeyKey-ins
• Key-ins can be customized.
• Stored in shortcut.txt defined by MS_ACCUDRAWKEYS
• Can be used to create aliases for common operations. For
example, PL for activating Place Line. PF for activating
Place Fence etc.
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• To access AccuDraw Settings
– Press the keyboard shortcut GS
– Select Settings > AccuDraw
– Right click the AccuDraw icon
and choose Properties
– Key-in AccuDraw Dialog
• Operations tab contains
settings to change the
operation of AccuDraw.
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• Display tab settings that
change display features.
• Additional display settings
available by key-in:
– AccuDraw Settings Size xx
sets size of compass, default
size is 40.
– AccuDraw Settings Northeast
changes the to Northing and
– AccuDraw Settings XY
changes the display to X and
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• Coordinates tab defines
the Coordinate System,
Unit Roundoff, and
Indexing settings.
• Tip – When working with
very fine distances, it’s
often helpful to reduce the
Tolerance setting. This
adjusts how close your
pointer needs to be to the
axis until it indexes. The
value is expressed in
screen pixels.
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• When angle format is in bearing mode, replace the degree
symbol (^ ) with a semi-colon ( ; ), apostrophe (‘), or two
periods (..)
• When specifying quandrants, use the following numbers: NE
= 1, NW = 2, SW = 3, SE = 4
For example, N35^30’45"E can now be 1 35;30’45”
• To place a north arrow on a rotated view, use this keyin:
ac=north;aa=0;accudraw dialog;accudraw setorigin;accudraw
rotate top;%d;accudraw rotate view;accudraw quit;reset
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Pop--up Calculator
• The pop-up calculator allows you to
perform mathematical operations on the fly.
• Activated by pressing +, -, *, /, = in any text
field that supports it. This includes
AccuDraw's key-in fields and many other
fields, such as Active Angle or Active
• Can perform advanced mathematical
functions: trigonometric and logarithmic
functions, multiple operators, parentheses,
and C expressions. Activate by pressing =
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trigonometric cosine of angle
hyperbolic tangent of value
sine of angle
exponential of x
arc sine of value
natural logarithm of value
arc tangent of value
base 10 logarithm of value
arc tangent of valueY/valueX
x to y power
tangent of angle
square root of value
hyperbolic cosine of value
absolute value of
hyperbolic sine of value
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Shortcuts associated with 3D
• T - Top view
• S - Side view
• F - Front view
• E - Cycle Rotation between Top, Front and
• Z – Z Lock toggle
• LZ - Sticky Z Lock toggle – can be used with
ACS Plane Snap Lock to force snap points to lie
on the active ACS' XY plane (Z=0). Can be
used without the ACS. Compass changes to
show inner circle or square.
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What is an ACS
An auxiliary coordinate system (ACS) is a coordinate system
with an orientation, and/or an origin, different from those of
the DGN file coordinates (the Global system).
Although not exclusively a 3D concept, an ACS is most useful
in 3D modeling as a drawing aid.
By using an ACS that corresponds to the location and
orientation of a particular element, you can enter data points
relative to parts of the model rather than the global origin.
Although using ACSs may seem complicated, AccuDraw uses
them as a basic part of its 3D functionality.
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ACS Plane Lock and ACS Plane Snap Lock
• The ACS Plane lock forces data points to lie on the ACS
• The ACS Plane Snap lock forces snapped datapoints to lie
on the ACS regardless of what was snapped to.
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Shortcuts related to the ACS
• LP - Lock ACS Plane and ACS Plane Snap – Toggles ACS Plane and
ACS Plane Snap locks
• LA - Lock ACS Plane – toggles the ACS Plane lock
• LS - Lock ACS Plane Snap – toggles the ACS Plane Snap lock
• RA – Rotate ACS - Used to create an ACS by rotating the compass.
• WA – Write ACS – Saves the current compass rotation to a new ACS.
Use this after using RQ (Rotate Quick)
• GA – Get ACS – Select a saved ACS and make it active.
• RC - Rotate to Current ACS – Aligns the compass to the top view of
the current ACS
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Miscellaneous shortcuts to rotate compass
• RQ – Rotate Quick – Temporarily rotates the compass based
on input points.
• RE – Rotate to Element – Aligns the compass to an element
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