The Way May 2015


The Way May 2015
Southwoods Way
ISSUE 1 35 SPRING 2 01 5 MAY 1 4 TH , 2 0 1 5 WhTIm i i? cMpTiE
It is finally safe to say that winter is behind us, and spring is here! This can only mean one thing-­‐ CAMP! At the winter office, we are packing up, and preparing for our TREK north to the magnificent Adirondack Mountains; our second home. Can you believe first session starts in just 48 days, and second session starts in 74 days? We can’t wait to show you all the exciMng new things going on at Southwoods, like a Tee-­‐riffic new golf area, an “Everything Is Awesome” lego program, and so much more! We have been hard at work all winter long preparing awesome special events, magnificent tribal breaks, and fresh new songs that we know you will love!
Speaking of songs, our dedicated theatre staff has already been hard at work planning what will be a blockbuster year in the SOUTHWOODS PLAYHOUSE. So once your voices are warmed up from the spirit of your tribal chants and the dear-­‐to-­‐our-­‐hearts campfire songs, get ready to audiMon for this summer’s extraordinary cast of characters!
Camp Corner
This year, Lower Camp will be performing an aquaMc favorite, The Li;le Digital Details
Mermaid! While Upper Camp, will definitely have a blast performing the A Note from Andrea & Scott
Project Morry Update
box office hit, Into the Woods! You can count on a lot of fun and “5-­‐star” Camper News
Deep Thoughts
amazing performances. There are tons of catchy, Welcome New Campers
Special Days Announcement
great songs, and plenty of unforge;able parts to 2015 Leadership Staff
Important Date Reminders
go around. We can’t wait to see you at tryouts!
Roaming Fuzzies
Hohman’s Happenings
Girls Side Line Up
Boys Side Line Up
In the meanMme, start packing your camp trunks Claire’s Corner
Southwoods Unplugged
Southwoods Healthy Way
and prepare to unplug because camp is right around the corner. What’s Up @ the Waterfront
Tribal Memories
See you all soon!
Summer Address:
532 NYS, Route 74
Paradox, NY 12858
Phone: 518-­‐532-­‐7717
@ Southwoods Camp
Page 2
Your kids are getting ready to “unplug” at camp
this summer, but you can see what they’re up to
by doing just the opposite! The Southwoods
Summer Website is a great place to check out
photos, videos, daily news updates, and menus
from camp. Here are some tips to help you
navigate the Summer site:
•To email your camper, enter the Summer site (see
“Logging In” above), and click on the “Email
Camper” icon on the menu at the top of the page.
•Enter your camper’s first and last name, and cabin name.
The office staff will let you know the name of your child’s
bunk when they arrive at camp.
As long as your email is sent by 10AM, your child will receive it the same
day you write it. Emails sent after 10AM will be printed the following day.
•To view and buy photos, click on the
“Photos” icon, and re-enter the
password (same as the Summer site
•Once in the SmugMug Gallery, simply
click the files you would like to view.
When you find one you want to buy,
select it and choose the size you want.
Add it to your basket, and checkout
when you’re ready!
•Access the Summer Website at: or
by clicking the “Summer” link on the
Southwoods homepage.
•The username and password will be
sent to you in the June 1st mailing.
Once you have logged in, you’ll be
able to send camper emails and
access camp photos, videos, etc.
Southwoods Camp
Have you heard ab
for young campers!
. . the
S’MORE Camp is Southwoods’ unique extended weekend program
offered to children who are planning to attend sleep-away camp for the
first time in the summer of 2016!
S’MORE campers have an opportunity to take part in all the best camp traditions and
activities including boat rides, campfires, sports, Tribal War, and more! They will be cared
for by an experienced group of Southwoods staff members as they fall in love with camp
and prepare for their first summer as a full session camper!
$475 -­‐ Includes transporta4on from NYC Metro Area
Friday, July 31st - Monday, August 3rd
To Register Call:
Page 3
A Note From Andrea & Scott
Dear Southwoods,
It looks like we have jumped from winter straight to summer. The weather is great, the full Ame team is packing and beginning the move to camp and our office is over flowing with camper and parent informaAon forms. Each and every year these forms share acAviAes you are looking forward to trying as well as the things mom and dad are hoping you will try. Some of the forms share just how nervous you are about coming to camp without knowing anyone or of a parent who will miss their child. All of these are very normal and understandable feelings. Funny as it may sound, at our new parents night this year, we found that it was our new parents that were more nervous than our new campers. So with that in mind here is some advice for our campers...and their parents.
Campers, remind your parents that they have chosen a safe, well run, and fun place for you to be this summer. They selected Southwoods because they realized you will have a fantasAc Ame and that Andrea, Sco/, and the enAre Southwoods team are going to take great care of you. Encourage mom and dad to watch the videos again and see all the great acAviAes that we are going to be doing all summer long at Southwoods. Remind them that the flip side to all of their concerns are some of the best things about the Southwoods’ camp experience like the fact that you will be learning new skills and making new friends. By the way, there are many campers coming to camp who do not know anyone yet. And just like you, everyone who comes to Southwoods, both returning and new has a desire to make new friends. Even with all of this great advice, many parents are sAll going to be nervous unAl you get to camp and report back to them in your first le/er how well you are doing and how much fun you are having. Just like every summer, we expect departure day to bring many proud moments as we hear parents share, “I made it even though I really missed my child, and you know what, I can see they have grown in many ways and have had so much fun!” However, in order for this to happen, everyone needs to be on the same page. We all need to share our expectaAons for the summer. Mom's and dad's need to make sure they are not creaAng situaAons that stop all of us from being successful.
You will need to let your mom and dad know that even though there will be Ames that you are learning new skills and learning how to deal with a new tricky social situaAon, that you do not need them to make promises about speaking with you on the phone every day or picking you up early from camp if it is hard. Share with them how excited you are about mastering these new skills and understanding how to deal with these new social situaAons as well as the maturity, growth and fun that comes with these successes. Share that you expect to miss home from Ame to Ame because that is normal and being promised that mom or dad will come and get you in a few days will not encourage you to find ways to work through these feelings and new situaAons. PosiAve encouragement and unwavering confidence in your ability to succeed is what you want and will help you come to camp with the aYtude that you will be successful.
It is important to note that your parents may not have experienced any separaAon issues in the past, but they can become extremely emoAonal the first Ame they hear your voice on a camp phone call. They will have so many quesAons they want to ask you about the new experiences you are having at camp and they do not know how or where to begin. Stay calm and posiAve with them, offer the acAviAes that you have enjoyed, the new friends that you have made and the cool staff that live in the cabin with you. Try not to feed into this emoAon with leading quesAons such as “you miss me, don’t you?” Or “do you think you can make it?” We know phone calls can be difficult and that once the call is over, as you go whistling back up the bunk line with you counselor and rejoin your friends at the next great camp event, you hope you have empowered mom and dad to do the same…
Lastly, it is also possible that a child or a parent that was expected to be very homesick may not experience any of those feelings at all. And that is OK too! Everyone in the family can rest assured, you have made a wonderful decision in deciding to become a Southwoods family. GeYng to go to camp is an incredible gia. Let's all enjoy this wonderful gia together.
Andrea & Sco/
Our Mission Statement...
Southwoods is committed to empowering people. Our goal is to build confidence and self-­‐esteem by reinforcing positive human values. We achieve that goal through cutting-­‐edge programming implemented by a carefully selected and fully trained staff whose investment in children, like our own, is unparalleled.
Each summer our campers and staff swim and walk laps for Project Morry! For each lap swam and
walked, Scott & Andrea donate $1 to this charitable organization. You will receive a letter at the end of your
child’s session with information regarding their toal number of laps, and instructions on how to donate!
Project Morry is a youth development organization that empowers youth from
at-risk, economically challenged communities to envision a positive future!
Page 4
The Southwoods Scene
Your Source for Camper and Alumni News!
RYAN SEVCIK posed with his
proud mom when he made
his confirmation in March!
Congratulations, Ryan!
Deep Thoughts!
By Julia Berkman
Lower Senior Girl
4th Summer at Camp
There’s no place I’d rather
spend my summer than Camp
Southwoods! This will be my 4th
summer and I love everything from
the amazing staff to the waterfront, to the fun
adventurous off camp trips we have and to all the
incredible, life-long friendships I have made.
American Hockey Team won
My favorite part of camp is all the Southwoods Special
first place in the Junior Women’s
Events that happen throughout the summer like Luau,
H o c k e y L e a g u e U 16 !
Day of Awesome, Rainbow Warriors and tons more!
Congratulations to you and your
However, nothing is better than spending good, old
team, Cami!
cabin time with my best friends in the entire
world. We make memories that I will cherish
forever, and every time we see each other, we simply
have lots of news to share! Ella
made the Modified Lacrosse team and speaks pick up where we left off.
French!! While Sienna is enjoying Rec Lacrosse I am looking forward to meeting up with my friends
again, and also getting to experience all the unique
and Judy Blume books!
activities, that I don’t get to do at home like archery,
Woohoo! Former camper and tubing, pines and paddleboarding. Camp is a perfect
current staff member, JENNY place to try new things, even if you’re unsure if you
KRONISH, got accepted into will like it or not. You have all your counselors and
Harvard and will be a member friends there supporting you and you know no
of their soccer team! Way to matter what you do, they will be there for you.
Former camper and current staff member,
SAM CLUFF, is headed to the University of
Alabama in the fall where he plans to study
Physics and Aerospace Engineering! Roll Tide!
go, Jenny! Go Crimson!
I can’t wait to go back to my second home this
summer, Camp Southwoods!
TALIA & ETHAN RUOFF have shown that hard
work pays off! Ethan became a 3rd degree black
belt and Talia became a 1st degree black belt! 2015 Soutwoods Leaders
Keep up the great work, Ruoffs!
in Training (LIT’s), Sarah
G re e n s p o n , Ta ra
EMMA RALLS received the
Shenker, Lexie Barber,
Excellence in Character and
and Caroline Kelson
Citizenship Award at her
joined up in Manhattan
Middle School! Well deserved,
for the American Camp
Former camper, GEORGE SANTANGELO, got L E A D e r s h i p
accepted into the University of Michigan! Conference!!!
Congratulations to to the newest Wolverine!
Page 5
We would like to extend a warm
Southwoods Welcome
to our newest campers!!!
Derin Adewunmi
Czarina Adewunmi
Evan Altman
Cem Bingol
Oscar Boateng
Zachary Cohen
Jorge De La Pena
Harry Ernst
James Ernst
Jack Gostfrand
Bianca Horner
Since April 1st, 2015
Cornell Horner
Finn Simmons
Harmony LaFountaine Finnean Somerville
Jillian Ludl
Ploe Kaw Thaw
Madison Marazita Nicholas Trujilo-Goldstein
Jose Noarbe
Wyatt Walsh
Demi Nunez
Eric Wang
Nicole Ogen
Owen Qu
Selin Reyna
Bill Xu
Lukas Schoenwald
Fan Jing Yi
Jake Schreiber
Gao Zhuoran
Alexis Siegel
Liu (Bobby) Zequn
Special Days @ Camp!
Among many other wacky days, here’s a taste
of our all-camp special days this summer!
Luau Party
4th of July Party
Mustache Mondays
Tutu Tuesday
Crazy Hat Day
Team Spirit/Jersey Day
Crazy Sock Day
Wacky Sunglasses Day
Tie-Dye Day
Neon Anything!!!
All prescription and over-the-counter medication needed
for camp must be purchased through CampPacks!
Call the Adirondack Pharmacy at
Mail CampPack forms to:
Adirondack Pharmacy
1081 Main Street, PO Box 458
Schroon Lake, NY 12870
Page 6
Meet the talented
and committed
Leadership Staff!
Along with Directors
Andrea & Scott Ralls,
these individuals are
the Southwoods
veterans who lead
our staff and
campers to a
successful summer!
Claire Dunlap
Trek Director
Emilia Bohac
Hometown: Lexington, MA
Years at Camp: 18
Emilia is a skilled teacher who has
been training the SW waterfront
staff since the very first year!! As a
PE and Yoga teacher, her experience
is extensive. We are lucky to have
her at the waterfront!
Scott Aldrich
LIT Director
Cassie D’Agostino
Office Manager
Hometown: Schroon Lake, NY
Years at Camp: 5
We’re thrilled Cassie is back this
summer! From camper emails to
parent phone calls, Cassie will make
sure communication runs smoothly
in the Southwoods summer office!
Lauren Hohman
Girl’s Head
Hometown: Bryon Center, MI
Hometown: Paducah, KY
Hometown: Winchester, KY
Years at Camp: 7
Years at Camp: 6
Years at Camp: 8
Scott is currently teaching History
With a degree in outdoor
Lauren is not only a Head
recreation, Claire uses her
Counselor, she’s also the year-round
worked previously as GL, HC, and
staff coordinator, and a familiar
experience and passion for the
Super Senior Counselor. This year he
voice on the other end of the
outdoors to lead our Trek Team! She will be returning for his 3rd summer at
phone for our families & staff. We
also works full time in the winter
LIT Director. We’re lucky to have him can’t wait to see her and our Upper
office with our current families!
Camp girl’s have a blast!
back for another amazing summer!
Hilary Wohl
Girl’s Head
Clarence Bell
Athletic Director
Johnny Reinke
Boy’s Head
Kirsten Paddock
Program Director
Hometown: Charleston, IL
Years at Camp: 3
Kirsten is a graduate from Eastern
Kentucky University with a degree
in Parks & Recreation! She spent
her first two summers as the LJG
Group Leader and is ready to tackle
her new role as Program Director!
Chris Howe
Hometown: Schroon Lake, NY
Years at Camp: 17
Rain (or snow) or shine, Chris takes
care of our facilities and keeps SW
beautiful all year round. He is a
builder, a repairman, and an expert
manager of both our winter and
summer maintenance teams!
Charlie Rogers
Boy’s Head
Hometown: Millwood, NY
Years at Camp: 1
Hometown: Denver, CO
Hometown: Independence, MO
Hometown: Murray, KY
Hillary is a pre-school teacher & has a
Years at Camp: 1
Years at Camp: 10
Years at Camp: 7
tremendous amount of camp
Clarence is a former Professional
With a degree in education, and
Charlie is returning for another
experience. She was once a camper,
Basketball Player who is currently
experience working with every age
summer! He is a Murray State
worked at sleepaway camp, & has spent
teaching and getting his PhD in
group at camp, Johnny is an invaluable graduate with a degree in education.
the past few summers working as a
Colorado. He enjoys coaching and
resource for our campers, staff, and
He’s worked as a CS and a GL and
parents! He works full time in the his energy, enthusiasm, creativity, and
Division Leader for a day camp.We are being outdoors.We are excited for
Clarence to share his experience and winter office speaking to new camp dedication continue to make him an
excited to welcome Hillary to the
join the Southwoods Team!
outstanding HC!
Southwoods Team this summer!
Jessie Tobin
Arts and Crafts
Lisa Welch
Food Service
Andrea Hunt
Office Manager
Hometown: Albany, NY
Hometown:Victoria, Australia
Hometown: Schroon Lake, NY
Years at Camp: 13
Years at Camp: 4
Years at Camp: 8
Jessie is currently studying Art
Lisa is back for another summer in
We’re very excited to have Andrea
History at Marist College, so it is
the SW kitchen. Over the winter
fitting that she will be running our
back to run the SW office for her
Arts Department this summer. We Lisa works full time in an elementary 4th summer. Andrea spends the rest
school. We can’t wait to see what
are excited that Jessie is joining us
for her 13th summer! Prior to taking she cooks up this year! With Lisa in of the year working as a Customer
charge, there’s no doubt that 2015
Service Administration Officer in
on this role, Jessie has worked as a
will be a delicious summer!
Cabin Specialist and Group Leader.
Did you know, the
Leadership Staff
collectively has over
235 years
of Southwoods
Activity Directors
Super Senior
Group Leaders
Page 7
Tess Shacknow
Adam Kaufman
Alex Grossman
Super Senior Leader
Major: Marine Biology
Years at Camp: 10
Assistant Waterfront Director
Hometown: Shelburne,VT
Major: Business
Years at Camp: 5
Group Leader
Hometown: Baton Rouge, LA
Major: Education
Years at Camp: 1
Tim Derocher
Tonya Tyrrell
Adam Hammerman
Group Leader
Hometown: Loudonville, NY
Major: History
Years at Camp: 3
Super Senior Leader
Hometown: Conroe,TX
High School Teacher
Years at Camp: 4
Group Leader
Hometown: Rockville, MD
Major: Economics
Years at Camp: 10
Ally Kuhn
Joe Cummins
Rachel Golden
Group Leader
Hometown: Chappaqua, NY
Major: Classics and Theater
Years at Camp: 10
Group Leader
Hometown: Kansas City, MO
Hospitality Industry
Years at Camp: 2
Group Leader
Hometown:Waban, MA
Major: Psychology and Business
Years at Camp: 10
Austin Sauer
Katie Piscopio
Gary Peacock
Super Senior Leader
Hometown: Louisville, KY
Major: Landscape Architecture
Years at Camp: 3
Group Leader
Hometown:Wantagh, NY
Major: Math and Journalism
Years at Camp: 7
Super Senior Leader
Hometown: New Castle, Australia
Recreation Industry
Years at Camp: 7
Jacky Shacknow
Randy Frailex
Liz Aiello
Group Leader
Hometown:Wayne, NJ
Major: Media Arts and
Years at Camp: 8
Group Leader
Hometown: Murray, KY
Major: Psychology
Years at Camp: 5
Group Leader
Hometown: Huntington Station,
Major: Geology
and Economics
Years at Camp: 1
Jeff Barber
Zach Berkowitz
Group Leader
Hometown: Charleston, IL
Major: Business
Years at Camp: 2
Group Leader
Hometown: Granite Springs, NY
Major: Chemistry
Years at Camp: 7
Hometown: Paradox Lake, NY
Years at Camp: 18
The Southwoods Fuzzy is ready
and excited for another fantastic
summer as the camp mascot!
He’ll make daily appearances at
evening line-up, and he’s sure to
Camp Mascot! bring a “warm fuzzy feeling” to
camper’s every single day!
Page 8
F I N D U S !
Don’t fo
book yo to
2016 Camp dates are set!
@ So u th w o o d s Ca
Session 1: 06/26 - 07
Session 2: 07/24 - 08
LIT’s: 07/8 - 08/10
Forms! For
Please sen
Summer Offdicall camper forms to our
e as soon as p
532 NY
S Route 74
Paradox, N
Y 12858
All forms av
ailable onlin
e Call our
office if you
have questi. o
Hotels A
e 8th:
to sched
Call ou
phone c
c a ll : 5 1 8 -
D o yo u k n
o w s ome o n
in t e r e s t e
d in
H a ve t h e m
c a ll o u r
o ff ic e t o d
a y!
Fuzzies May Roam, But Southwoods Is Our Home!
Send your traveling
Fuzzy Photos to
[email protected]
and upload online using
the hashtag
NJ Langman
Talia & Ethan Ruoff
Claire Dunlap
Adam & Eva Cichosz
(Puerto Rico)
Hohman’s Happenings
Do you know what time it is? CAMP TIME!!!
Here in the winter office we are just one week away from packing up and moving to camp. I cannot believe how fast the past 8 months have gone. Our time here has been fun, but I can’t wait to be back in the Adirondacks; enjoying the lake, the sunshine, and the camp-­‐life. I hope your excitement is building every day because this summer is going to be amazing! There are so many fun things to look forward to; Day of Awesome, Cookouts, Rocketry, Campfires, Talent Show, Tribal, Crazy Sock Day, Airband…the list goes on and on. I encourage you to start practicing your favorite Tribal cheers now, so your voice will be warmed up and ready to go when you arrive at camp. Lauren
With camp just around the corner, we hear from staff daily for a variety of reasons. Each email or call ending Girls Side
with, “I can’t wait for summer!” We can’t either!!! And we especially love that our staff are so excited to see all Head
of you! The staff are fully prepared and ready to get up on stage and sing karaoke with you, go frog catching, Counselor
send you soaring through the air on the blob down at the lake, and I even heard Trekkie Claire say how excited she was about going in the dunk tank this year at Carnival. It seems everyone is ready for camp! I look forward to seeing you all in just a few short weeks. I hope your school year finishes well. Go Team!
Page 9
You know that feeling you get in September when school is about to Line Up! Girl’s Side!
start and you are thinking about your new teachers, meeting new classmates, buying new folders and crayons and seeing old friends you haven’t seen all summer. It is the feeling that anything is possible and you are getting a fresh clean start. That is how I feel every year when camp starts. I truly love this time of year and that feeling that anything is possible. We are sprucing up the cabins. We are hiring fabulous staff. We are preparing to see friends we haven’t seen all winter and meet new campers and counselors. It’s a brand new year, a new summer-­‐anything is possible. ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE! At Southwoods you get to come to camp and be whoever you want to be. No matter whether this is your Pirst or your sixth summer, you get to come and choose what your summer will be like. You can reinvent yourself if you want to. I love that at Southwoods, everyone, campers and staff get a fresh start each summer. No matter what has happened the summers before. As the summer approaches, I think about the things I want to stay the same and I think about things I will do differently. Maybe I will work hard to talk more, laugh more, smile more, be a better listener. Maybe I won’t let my fear of Andrea Ralls
looking silly stop me from trying that activity I have always wanted to do. Maybe I will keep my area around Girlʼs Side
my bed cleaner. Maybe I will give the girl in my cabin another chance to be friends because we have each Head Counselor
grown up more this year. Maybe I will try that food at the salad bar I have never tried. Owner/Director
I challenge all of you to stop and take a moment and think about what you want your summer to be like and what you need to do to make that happen? Remember...Anything is possible! I can’t wait to see you on the First Day of Camp!!
Here in New York, the sun is shining bright and the birds have begun yearly chorus routine! Which can only mean one thing; CAMP is Line Up! Boy’s Side! their right around the corner! We are packing up the winter ofPice, and heading north to begin Pinal preparations for what will be the best summer of our lives! As school and extracurricular activities are winding down, I would like to share some advice that was given to me by my eighth grade track coach that still resonates with me today -­‐ Finish Strong! Life is a race and you must remember the importance of each leg of the relay. The anchor may be the one who crosses the Pinish line, but it takes the whole team to complete the race. How will you :inish strong this school year? Take an extra thirty minutes to review the words for you vocabulary quiz. Stay after class to ask your teacher about something you may not understand that will be on the Pinal. Work on your throwing and catching with your baseball coach after practice. Work hard these next few weeks to continue to put yourself in a position to :inish strong! Johnny Reinke
All of us at Southwoods know how hard you worked this past year on every one of your individual endeavors Boys Side
and cannot wait to hear all of your accomplishments, no matter big or small. In order to bask in the glory of Head Counselor everything you have worked so hard to accomplish always remember to “Finish Strong.” We get to run every leg of every race in every moment of our lives. Do your best, give it your all, and stand tall when you cross the Pinish line! Until Next Time, Keep Dreaming Big!
Claire’s Corner!
Recently, I have found myself witnessing a lot of inspiring moments. These have ranged from receiving kindness from a friend, reading a quote from Kid President, witnessing a beautiful sunset, and hearing about good things others have done. I think that every time we witness inspiration, it is worth noting. Being inspired helps to motivate and encourage you, and leads you to believe in yourself and others. The most important thing about inspiration is ,you have to let yourself be inspired. You must be willing to open your eyes to the beauty around you, take it all in, and let it change you for the better. Inspiration is something that I experience everyday at camp. One inspiring story that has stuck with me came from one of my staff members who lead a group of campers to the top of a mountain. He said one of the campers was feeling down about the hike, so he took it into his hands to make sure that camper felt encouraged and had a good time. Little did he know, his dedication and patience he demonstrated towards that camper, lead the child at the end of the hike to say “thank you, that was the best thing I have ever done.” Claire Dunlap
Trek Director
Inspiration comes in all shapes and sizes, and everyone has the opportunity to inspire others and be inspired. As Kid President says, “We can make every day better for each other. If we’re all on the same team, let’s start acting like it. We’ve got work to do. We can cry about it, or we can dance about it.” So go out and do something that makes the world want to dance! Page 10
Spring Showers bring May Flowers!
Spend this May brightening up your
home by growing your own family
Bananas in the morning, bananas in the evening, bananas at supper Mme! Try this Banana Pops Recipe, for an easy snack, perfect for ANYTIME!
*Food Coloring
*Popsicle Sticks
*Honey/Maple Syrup
*Plant Pot
*Seeds of your choice
*Potting Soil
1. Fill your pot with planting soil.
2. Poke 1/2” deep holes into your soil and
places your seeds into the holes.
3. Cover the holes up and pat the soil down
4. Place your plant somehwere it will get plenty
of sunlight!
5. Water your plant everyday! Make sure to not
over water it, as you do not want to drown
the roots.
6. Watch your plant grow!!!
7. Enjoy your plant and place it somewhere
everyone will get to share itʼs beauty!
1. Lay out a shallow bowl of honey or syrup.
2. In another bowl mix the coconut with a few drops
of food coloring. Get creative and add sprinkles for
fun colors!
3. You can choose to keep the banana whole or slice
it into bite size pieces!
4. Stick a popsicle stick into each banana.
5. Dip the banana into the honey/syrup and then in
the coconut mix.
6. Place in the freezer until frozen, this could take up
to four hours. Donʼt have time to wait?! Enjoy them
unfrozen too!
’s up
Did you know ...The Southwoods Waterfront is one of the
MOST popular places on camp!
Campers visit the Waterfront every day!
The Waterfront is FULL of fun activities such as: kayaking, sand
castle building, & wakesurfing (just to name a few)!!
The Southwoods Waterfront Skill Check consists of 4 lengths (2 front, 1 back, 1
choice stroke), and 3 minutes of treading (ears above the water)!
Bathing Suit Reminder:
Female suits must be one-piece and have no strings, clasps, or ties.
Page 11
P.O. Box 201
Granite Springs, NY 10527
Southwoods Happy
Jack Lyons 6/3
Peter Fakiris 6/3
Jack Montalto 6/4
Emma Budke 6/4
Marlee Carlson 6/5
Olivia Berenson 6/10
Lindsay Gelles 6/11
Max Waitz 6/11
Derin Adewunmi 6/11
Deborah Wainberg 6/13
Ruthy Benezra 6/15
Brian DeLong 6/15
Ty Arnold 6/16
Ma Say Lo 6/18
Ruby Klingsberg 6/18
Carley Schor 6/19
Brenden Schildkraut 6/20
Alex DeForge 6/21
Lily Lottman 6/21
Joel Wainberg 6/22
Nathan Golovcsenko 6/24
Daniella Cardillo 6/25
Jayden Weisblum 6/26
Tyler Langman 6/26
Charlotte Kelson 6/27
Rachel Burnett 6/28
Alina Figueroa 6/28
Jingyi Fan 6/28
Sarah Senese 6/29
Alex Marchese 6/29
Jake Greenberg 6/29
Josh Greenberg 6/29
Sara Pagnozzi 6/30
Erika Nathanson 6/30
Sunskriti Jain 7/1
Cassidy Sacks 7/2
Carlos Tenreiro 7/3
Joshua Ziluck 7/4
Telber Soe 7/4
Louie Courivaud 7/6
Jesse Larosa 7/7
Aiden Horstmann 7/11
Thomas Skoler 7/12
Luca Biro 7/15
Daniel Biro 7/15
Haley Gottesman 7/15
Matthew Cohen 7/16
Thomas Corbett 7/16
Lucy Barest 7/20
Jesse Wohl 7/20
Gabe Edelstein 7/21
Angelica Del Vecchio 7/22
Megan Bass 7/25
Sabrina Slagowitz 7/25
Matthew Mahler 7/28
Daniel Mahler 7/28
Sarah Shapiro 7/30
Jacob Lewin 7/31
Kyle Gelber 7/31
Gabe Keller 7/31
Jack Lazarus 7/31
Caroline Kelson 7/31
Zoe Winston 8/1
Aidan Leitch 8/2
Sophia Lotito 8/2
Logan Goldsmith 8/4
Adam Cichosz 8/6
Caleigh Barber 8/6 Neal Gurland 8/7
Andrew Pleeter 8/7
Henry Meyer 8/9
Sadie Gutterman 8/10
Amelia Bradbury 8/13
Mason Levitsky 8/14
Sydney Moses 8/14
Laura Cardillo 8/16
Cheyenna Bardsley 8/16
Elias Wainberg 8/17
Lexie Pintel 8/18
Taylor Pintel 8/18
Alberto Santos 8/20
Zoe Wender 8/21
Zachary Gibbs 8/22
Peter Pappas 8/23
Liu (Bobby) Zequn 8/23
Zoe Rubin 8/26
Katy Athan 8/26
Melanie Barest 8/26
Josh Schildkraut 8/28
Evan Kurnev 8/29
Sarah Waring 8/30
Ainsley Simmons 8/30
Sophie Card 8/30
Gao Zhuoran 8/30
Emma Warshofsky 8/31
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