Annual Report - Clearpoint - Lester B. Pearson School Board
Annual Report - Clearpoint - Lester B. Pearson School Board
Clearpoint Elementary School Report on the School’s Success Plan, Management and Educational Success Agreement, and Contribution to the School Board’s Strategic Plan Introduction In January 2010, the school signed a management and educational success agreement with the school board. The overall objective of the agreement is to improve student success. The management and educational success agreement incorporates five major goals: Increased Graduation and Qualification Rate Improved Mastery of English and French Language Skills Improved Levels of Success and Perseverance for Students with Handicaps, Social Maladjustments or Learning Difficulties Promoting Wellness in a Safe and Caring Community Increased Enrollment of Students Under 20 Years of Age in Vocational Training The management and educational success agreement is valid until June 30th, 2015 and is reviewed on a yearly basis. The agreement is closely aligned with the school success plan for 2010-2015. Student success is the force that drives our actions, we believe that the identified pillars of our success plan represent the key areas that will increase student success and ensure the achievement of our management and educational success agreement goals. It is our responsibility to ensure that every student has the opportunity to excel, our success plan combined with our management and educational success agreement provides our road maps to meet that responsibility. We are pleased to share news of this past year’s (2014-2015) successes. This annual report includes information on our success plan results, management and educational success agreement results as well as the school`s contribution to the school board`s strategic plan. The report shares information about the important work that our school does to foster student success while ensuring a safe and healthy educational environment, and highlights the work and achievements of students and staff. This report is only a tiny snapshot of what happens every single day in our school with our collective mission to provide excellence in education. School Portrait School Name 2014-2015 School Capacity 444 Program(s) Total Number of Students Registered Bilingual Program & IB Primary Years Programme (PYP) 355 Total Number of Students Registered In Daycare 140 Number of Students With Handicaps, Social Maladjustments, or Learning Difficulties. 48 School Mission/Vision Clearpoint is a bilingual International Baccalaureate World School where partnership and respect of its members are valued. Parents, community members and staff work together to provide the best possible learning environment for every student. The result is that Clearpoint is a school where there is a sense of family and a pride in belonging. Our mission is to: foster the discovery and development of the unique identity and positive self-concept of each child; promote students’ academic achievements in a safe environment and to help each child reach his/ her potential in all areas of development; social, moral, physical, intellectual, cultural, and emotional. provide each child with the tools necessary to be a life-long learner in a changing world. embrace the mission statement of the International Baccalaureate Programme. Goal 1: Increased Graduation and Qualification Rate School Board Context The student success rate in terms of certification and qualification remains an important factor. The graph below summarizes the LBPSB graduation and qualification rate for students under the age of twenty over the past eight years. The MELS has given us the challenge of increasing our graduation and qualification rate to 88% by 2020. We have set our 2015 graduation and qualification rate target at 85.5% with 2% of this increase coming from the youth sector and 1% coming from the Continuing Education sector. We have exceeded this target with a graduation and qualification rate of 86.2%. We continue to address the difference in the graduation and qualification rate between boys and girls. As well, all of our elementary schools are working towards increasing their success rate for MELS Elementary End of Cycle III Math exam results. LESTER B. PEARSON SCHOOL BOARD GRADUATION and QUALIFICATION RATE 90.0 80.0 70.0 60.0 50.0 7 Year Cohort 40.0 6 Year Cohart 5 Year Cohort 30.0 20.0 10.0 0.0 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 Cohort Cohort Cohort Cohort Cohort Cohort Cohort Cohort Lester B. Pearson School Board Graduation and Qualification Rate School Results Goal 1: Increased Graduation and Qualification Rate # Objective 2009 Baseline 2015 Target 2015 Result 1 A % increase in the success rate for MELS End of Cycle III Math Exam Results by 2015. 79 79 95.7 % Exhibits and Productions every student will participate in at least 2 yearly events Every student is participating in at least 2 yearly events - 2 interventions and multiple extracurriculars/intra murals 2 3 Reduce the dropout rate. Minimum of one intervention targeting the engagement of boys. Develop academic support and provide extra-curricular interventions that engage boys - Level of Accomplishment: We are working on making sure that the students of Clearpoint elementary are supported in their core subjects and recognize that math is also a language course. We have created a math homework program at the Cycle 3 level to support those students in need of extra support. We continue to participate in high level math competitions, with students in grades 5 and 6 achieving Honor Roll status. As well, our grade 6 students competed in the Board-wide Math Olympics Competition and Clearpoint came home with the Gold Medal! Future Directions: ● The mathematic results significantly exceeded the target. Math club continues to be a large draw for many of our students and this contributes to the success of our students. ● We are continuing to provide activities and events that engage boys. In true “IB” fashion, boys from Cycle 3 have indicated that they would like to organize a day for boys, much like the “Girls In Motion at Clearpoint”. ● Math club will be offered each year to students of grades 4 to 6 by teachers in the building. Goal 2: Improved Mastery of English and French Language Skills School Board Context The focus of the 2010-15 Provincial Strategic Plan was improving the French Language skills of students across the province. As an English school board, Lester B. Pearson elected to target the improvement of both French and English literacy skills. Graduating biliterate students, those able to read speak and write in English and French was our primary objective. Improving literacy skills by emphasizing early intervention in our primary schools was our focus in the five-year period. Those efforts, and the best practices which come about as a result of those interventions are promoted and maintained through the secondary years. As a result, our success rates in Secondary V Uniform Ministry Examinations in English Language Arts and French for leaving student is extraordinarily high. In addition to this important objective, the School Board is also faced with an increasing demand for more French instruction from the parent community. A choice of three Immersion programs at the elementary level and a bilingual program at Cycle I of the secondary level respond to the request from parents, meet the parameters of the Quebec curriculum and advance our success plan and management and educational success agreement goals. School Results Goal 2: Improved Mastery of English and French Language Skills # Objective 2009 Baseline 2015 Target 2015 Result 1 A % increase in the success rate for elementary end of Cycle III French exam results by 2015. 73 90.78 100 2 A % increase in the number of elementary students reading at level by 2015. 88.49 (2011) 90.44 81 3 A % increase in the success rate for elementary end of cycle III English exam results by 2015. 74 92.49 100 4 An increase in the number of activities which expose students to French (cultural, extracurricular, daycare) - - 3 events Level of Accomplishment: The importance that we place on literacy assists us in the early detection of needs and interventions that must take place to ensure literacy success as they move from one cycle to the next. Literacy Intervention in the early years is offered to our struggling readers. We celebrate our love for reading through various activities and contests during “Reading Week” which took place this year just before Halloween! Top readers as well as Top fundraisers were awarded gift certificates to Chapters as well as the honour of being Principal for a Day. The Vernissage and the PYP Exhibition were opportunities for the students to showcase their projects and incredible work in French and in English. Our annual CEPSUM day is entirely in French. Future Directions: We would like to continue the initiatives that we have taken in promoting literacy and celebrating our successes! PYP Exhibition Reading Week’s Family Reading Night! CEPSUM at U de M Goal 3: Improved Levels of Success and Perseverance for Students with Handicaps, Social Maladjustments or Learning Difficulties School Board Context Success and Perseverance for Students with Handicaps, Social Maladjustments or Learning Difficulties At Lester B. Pearson, we are very proud of our inclusive policies where students with special needs are integrated into community schools. Individualized Education Plans are established in each school for those students who require support services to ensure their success. Increasing the qualification rate for students with handicaps, social maladjustments or learning difficulties has been a focus of our efforts over the five-year plan. The successful implementation of Work Oriented Pathway programs across our system has helped address the specific needs of our students and lead to qualification. Figure # 2 illustrates the school board portrait regarding the proportion of students with handicaps, social maladjustments, or learning difficulties for all secondary schools. Our integration rate over the span of the plan has ranged from 96.4% to 97.6%. Total # Students Registered Proportion of Students With Handicaps, Social Maladjustments, or Learning Difficulties. 2009-10 11392 15.3 2010-11 11830 17.5 2011-12 11984 17..5 2012-13 11742 18.6 2013-14 11392 18.6 na 97.6 96.5 96.4 96.8 Integration Rate School Results Goal 3: Improved Levels of Success and Perseverance for Students with Handicaps, Social Maladjustments or Learning Difficulties # Objective To continue developing the expertise at the teacher and integration aide level on what is required to help student with handicaps, social maladjustments or learning difficulties. Setup up literacy programs using iPods and iPads to increase literacy levels in English, French and Math Baseline 2015 Target 2015 Result 2 6 3 workshops per year workshops per year workshops per year 75 iPad s 40 IPad s 5 iPad s, 5 iPod touch Level of Accomplishment: Recognizing our needs and knowing our clientele, we created a class that would target struggling students (some with special needs) where we could focus on their strengths and needs in a much smaller setting with support available. The class was comprised of students from grades 4 and 5 with incredible academic and social support within the day. This class has proven very successful and we plan on offering the same structure next year providing we feel it is viable and can benefit our community. Training was provided for our Resource teachers on Soundprints, an approach to acquiring literacy skills targeting those who struggle with reading difficulties and disabilities. We piloted the program at two grade levels, grade three and four. Resource teachers, FSSTT technician and a few I.A.s were trained in PCI reading program, a curriculum created specifically to teach students with developmental disabilities, autism and significant learning disabilities to read. The program was designed for working with individual students in a one-to-one setting for approximately 15 minutes a day. We have a wonderful Occupational Therapist, Victoria Stuhec who joined us this year and has been instrumental in many of our students receiving technology tools through the government grant. Future Directions: As the number of students with reading disabilities increase, our need for alternative methods need to expand. There is not a ‘one-size-fits-all’ approach and we are trying to find approaches that work with our students’ needs. We have implemented Early Literacy Interventions, TEACH, PCI program for reading and Soundprints as methods to assist teaching and learning. Goal 4: Promoting Wellness in a Safe and Caring Community School Board Context Healthy and Safe School Environment A positive school environment is a critical determinant of student success. Safe, caring, and wellnesspromoting environments must be a priority for all schools and all students. Twice yearly over the five years of the plan, all schools in our system engage in The Learning Bar’s “Tell Them From Me” survey which provides us with a portrait of each school’s climate in various domains. At the elementary level, this survey is generally administered to all students from Grades 4-6 and results are shared with the school staff and Governing Boards. All schools in our system have established anti-violence and anti-bullying plans and protocols in compliance with Bill 56: An Act to Prevent and Stop Bullying and Violence in Schools. The chart to the right gives a breakdown of student self-reporting on issues of bullying and/or exclusion in our elementary schools across Canada. At the elementary level, 25% of students reported having been subjected to some form of physical, verbal, social or cyber intimidation either at school or at home. This distribution was evenly split between boys (26%) and girls (24%). The Canadian norm for elementary students is 26%. School Results Clearpoint’s results from the Tell Them From Me Survey taken in April of 2015 indicate that we are slightly above the Canadian norms of student self-reporting on issues of bullying and/or exclusion in our elementary school. 27% of Clearpoint students reported having been subjected to some form of intimidation either at school or at home. Goal 4: Promoting Wellness in a Safe and Caring Community Baseline 2015 Target 2015 Result The number of initiatives that promote pride in and respect for our environment. - - 3 2 The number of programs and interventions that address violence prevention and conflict resolution. - - 10+ 3 Implementation of the Healthy Schools Approach. # Objective 1 [ x ] In Progress Implemented [ ] Level of Accomplishment: Our IB assemblies target Attitudes and Attributes that are essential in promoting pride and respect for our school, our peers, our teachers and our environment. These assemblies work twofold - to educate our students on ways to deal with difficult situations and they celebrate the successes that students Ski Club for students of Grades 1-4 experience in becoming responsible citizens. Our extra-curricular initiatives contribute to the decline in conflict and aggressive situations. Students are engaged in various activities such as robotics, intramurals, band, Girls In Motion, ski club and students are encouraged to take action whenever and wherever they see a need or an opportunity. The involvement in such activities are paramount to the success our school experiences. The IB Programme promotes students taking action and it is actually a requirement as part of their Exhibition project. Measures that we have taken to prevent bullying seem to be fairly effective according to the School chart shown here based on our TTFM survey. Students seem relatively comfortable in alerting staff when a problem arises. Future Directions: We are experiencing great success in engagement and a decline in aggressive interactions however we recognize that children will always have many social issues to contend with. We have a responsibility to continue educating our students so that Annual Halo Race for students of grades 3-6 aggressive behaviour and bullying will be at a minimal. We are always open to introduce new activities and initiatives that promote well-being and cooperation. The concern of the amount of student supervision is an eye-opener for us and we will re-evaluate while planning for the future. Introduction to tennis for grade 4 students Girls In Motion at Clearpoint: an event created by girls of Clearpoint to empower the girls of Clearpoint! Intramural Sports Curriculum-based field trips! Jump Rope For Heart – Jump Rope Day! Basketball Jamboree at McGill University Track and Field GIMAC! CEPSUM: Grades 1 – 6 A full day of great physical activities at U de M. Terry Fox Run! Junior Robotics! Goal 5: Increased Enrolment of Students Under 20 Years of Age in Vocational Training School Board Context Professional training within Vocational Education was a key focus of the Ministry of Education’s latest five year plan. That provincial priority was reflected in Lester B. Pearson’s objective of increasing program offerings and enrollment numbers. Lester B. Pearson now has five Vocational Education Centers across its territory and an additional facility housed in Beurling Academy in Verdun. ● ● ● ● ● Gordon Robertson Beauty Academy (Beaconsfield) Pearson Electrotechnology Centre (Lachine) Pearson Adult and Career Centre (Lasalle) West Island Career Center (Pierrefonds) Sources Adult and Career Centre (Pierrefonds) Registrations Vocational Education 2010-2014 (registration range 247-322) School Results Goal 5: Increased Enrolment of Students Under 20 Years of Age in Vocational Training # Objective 1 The number of initiatives that promote vocational education Baseline 2015 Target 2015 Result - - 1 event Level of Accomplishment: Information was provided by two of our high school special needs consultants, Patrick O’Connor and Celina Berubé on the various pathways offered by Lester B. School Board beyond the elementary years. Two sessions were given, one to all staff and the other, to parents. This information session was well received. Future Directions: We plan to offer this information session every two years in order to target the parents of Cycle 3 students. For next year, we would like to add another event geared primarily to our grade 6 students but we will open up a session for our 5th graders as well. The event will be on Careers. Other School Objectives As an IB World School, it is an expectation that students complete an Exhibition project by their final year of elementary school. School Results Other School Objectives: # Objective Baseline 2015 Target 2015 Result 1 PYP Exhibition - Yearly - 1 1 2 Summit – Panel of Experts to share information for Exhibition - 1 1 Level of Accomplishment: We began our first school year as an Official IB World School in September of 2014. We had set a goal for ourselves to host our first grade 6 PYP IB Exhibition whereby students culminate their primary years’ studies by working on projects under the umbrella of one transdisciplinary theme. Written, media, art and action components were required for each project. The chosen theme was “Sharing the Planet” and the lines of inquiry were as follows: the ways in which communities share finite resources the interconnection of living things in a community the ways in which we resolve conflict Prior to this wonderful event, we held a Summit where invited experts shared their knowledge and their work with our graduating students. Nancy Battet from the School Board helped our PYP coordinator, Angela Zawada in coordinating the day with our community partners. The invited guests were well-versed in the areas of interest to the students, providing them with support for their research and their projects. Future Directions: The Exhibition and the Summit will continue to be critical goals for Clearpoint Elementary as part of our mandate in being an IB World School. The hard work that the students, staff and partners put it in to these events prove to be extremely rewarding.