Our Lady of Victory Catholic Church January 10, 2016
Our Lady of Victory Catholic Church January 10, 2016
Our Lady of Victory Catholic Church January 10, 2016 OUR LADY OF VICTORY PAGE 2 OURLADYOFVICTORYCATHOLICCHURCH 133OrchardDrive✚ Northville,Michigan✚48167 Phone:(248)349-2621✚ Fax:(248)349-7329✚ www.olvnorthville.org OFFICEHOURS:Monday-Friday:8:30a.m.-noon,1:00-5:00p.m. MASSSCHEDULE:Saturday-5:00p.m.,Sunday-7:30,9:30&11:30a.m. Monday-7:00p.m.,Wednesday-Friday:8:30a.m. RECONCILIATIONSCHEDULE:Saturday,3:30p.m. MISSIONSTATEMENT “AsDisciplesofJesusChrist,weareagiving,growingCatholicfamily.Throughtheintercessionof Mary,wepray,weworship,weserveandweeducateinFaith.” NORTHVILLE, MICHIGAN COLLABORATIONPARTNERPARISHES HolyFamily,24505MeadowbrookRd.,Novi,48375 (248)349-8847,www.holyfamilynovi.org St.James,46325W.10MileRd.,Novi,48374 (248)347-7778,www.sjnovi.net St.Joseph,830S.LafayeUeSt.,SouthLyon,48178 (248)446-8700,www.saintjosephsouthlyon.org PARISH STAFF & MINISTRY CONTACT INFORMATION CLERGY Rev. Denis B. Theroux, [email protected] Ext. 255 Weekend Clergy Associate: Rev. Dennis Kauffman Deacon: Ken Fry Ext. 479 PASTORAL ASSOCIATE Kathryn Ling, [email protected] MUSIC MINISTRY Kathy Sanderson, [email protected] PARISH OFFICE Secretary Janet Baker, [email protected] CHRISTIAN SERVICE COORDINATOR Nancy Tolkacz, [email protected] Karen Marcum, [email protected] Ext. 254 Activities Committee Cheryl Bauman, [email protected] Cathy McCann, [email protected] (248) 219-2018 (248) 344-9959 Ext. 261 Funeral Lunch Ministry Contact Parish Office (248) 349-2621 Gospel of Life Merri Cullen, [email protected] (248) 790-8068 Knights of Columbus Rick Bennett, [email protected] (248) 348-9214 Ext. 250 Administrative Assistant Colleen Bonadeo, [email protected] Ext. 292 Parish Administrator Julie Lupo, [email protected] Ext. 257 Parish Accountant Ellen McElroy, [email protected] Ext. 259 Meal Ministry Karen Martin, [email protected] Jennifer Mullan, [email protected] Prison Ministry June Clark Bulletin/Website Editor, myParish App Administrator Michelle Gawne, [email protected] Director of Facilities and Grounds Mike Sanders, [email protected] Maintenance Coordinator Bob Larson, [email protected] Maintenance Rocky Tarrow Rick Tarrow Ed Isabell Technology Director Ken Ling, [email protected] Sewing Ministry Beth Ajlouni, [email protected] Andrea Murdock, [email protected] (248) 797-3888 (248) 860-8309 (734) 354-9427 (248) 349-4382 Ext. 256 St. Vincent de Paul Conference #437 Ext. 266 Special Needs Outreach Pat Romzek, [email protected] Karen Schmid, [email protected] (248) 305-8984 (734) 327-4641 St. Leo’s Outreach Tony Albanese, [email protected] (248) 349-4664 Ext. 251 PARISH PASTORAL COUNCIL, [email protected] Tim Cencer Tracy DeCrescentis Eric Fox, Vice Chairperson (586) 255-6603 Ann Gage (248) 982-9880 Bob Langan Karen Martin (248) 797-3888 Lisa Militello Kathryn Piotrowski, Chairperson (248) 891-5238 Catherine Rabahy Vince Stempien, Secretary (248) 939-3600 Cheryl Sullivan Oliver Homa, Youth Representative HEALTH & WELLNESS MINISTRY Molly Griffin, [email protected] MOMS IN TOUCH PRAYER GROUP Carolyn Spencer, [email protected] (248) 921-8876 STEPHEN MINISTRY Confidential Ministry of Support OLV SCHOOL (248) 349-3610 Ext. 482 Fax: (248) 380-7247 Principal Administrative Assistant Lisa Daigneau, [email protected] Secretary Mary Lopus, [email protected] School Counselor Nadine Langley, [email protected] SCRIP, [email protected] (734) 432-0212 Ext. 478 EVANGELIZATION COMMITTEE Laura Droze, [email protected] FAITH FORMATION (248) 349-2559 Fax: (248) 773-5024 Director Mary Ellen Skene, [email protected] Ext. 112 Secretary Ellen O’Neil, [email protected] Ext. 116 PARISH CREDIT UNION Catholic Vantage Financial Ext. 258 Ext. 110 Ext. 108 Ext. 115 Ext. 119 Ext. 477 BAPTISM OF THE LORD PAGE 3 JANUARY 10, 2016 ,DearFriends, Today,theChurchcelebratestheBapCsmofOurLord. Today’s celebraYon brings to an end the season of Rev. Denis B. Theroux, Pastor Christmas. On this Feast, the Church remembers Jesus’ second“manifesta)on”or“epiphany”whichoccurredon The Baptism of the Lord the occasion of His bapYsm in the Jordan. Jesus descended into the River to bless its waters and to give themthepowertobringaboutdaughtersandsonsofGod.TheeventtakesontheimportanceofasecondcreaYoninwhichtheenYre Trinityintervenes. IntheEasternChurch,thisfeastiscalled“Theophany”becauseatthebapYsmofJesusintheJordanRiver,Godappearedin threepersons;asFather,SonandHolySpirit.ThebapYsmofJohnwasasortofpreparaYonfortheBapYsmofJesus.Itmovedpeopleto actudesofrepentanceandencouragedthemtoconfesstheirsins. JesusdidnotneedthebapYsmofJohn. Although,“JesusempYed himself, taking the form of a slave, coming in human likeness; and found human in appearance,” Jesus was absolutely sinless and faultless.HebestoweduponthewaterthepowerofthetrueBapYsmwhichwouldremoveallthesinsoftheworld:"BeholdtheLambof God,beholdHimWhotakesawaythesinoftheworld." Many of the incidents which accompanied Jesus’ bapYsm are symbolical of what happened at our own BapYsm. At Jesus’ bapYsmtheHolySpiritdescendeduponHim;atourBapYsmourTriuneGodcomestodwellwithinus…inthedepthsofoursoul. At Jesus’bapYsm,Hewasproclaimedthe"BelovedSon;”atourBapYsm,webecomethe“adopted”childrenofGod.AtJesus’bapYsmthe heavenswereopened;atourBapYsm,heavenwasopenedtoeachofus. AtHisbapYsm,Jesusprayed;agerourBapYsm,wepray,we prayfortherestofourlives! On the Same Page I have also been wanYng to share with you, that the statue stolen from the front of the AdministraYonbuilding,attheendofOctoberwasneverfoundorreturned.InNovember,Ipurchased a new statue, Our Lady of Lourdes. Our maintenance department has secured the statue to the concretebase. TheexteriornorthernendoftheAdministraYonbuildingistheonlypartofthepropertythat doesnotcurrentlyhavevideocamerasurveillance.Thiswillbecorrectedinthecomingweeks. Sadly, the Northwest Wayne geographical region of the Archdiocese has experienced several situaYons of vandalism, as well. A few weeks before Christmas, St. ColeUe Parish in Livonia was vandalized. Red spray paint was sprayed senselessly on a very beauYful exterior marble statue of St. ColeUeandtheirbronzeentrancedoorswerealsosprayedwithpaint. Afewmilesaway,theFelician SisterspropertyatMadonnaUniversitywasalsovandalizedwithredspray-paint,withwriYngsofanYCatholicandanY-churchhatefulsenYments. Godblessyou,andpleaseremembertoprayformeasIprayforyou,Fr.Denis A Mass for Remembering Are you hurting after the loss of a child? We invite you to join us for a Mass of healing and remembrance. Remember the child you hold close to your heart…the child you never met, the child that no one may know about. A quiet and confidential Liturgy of remembering will be held at: Our Lady of Victory Church Monday, January 11, at 7:00 p.m. A light reception will follow in the Martha Mary Room OUR LADY OF VICTORY CATHOLIC SCHOOL OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY, JANUARY 31, 10:30 AM-1 PM Tour ✚ Get Information ✚ Visit ✚ Meet Teachers & Staff ALL WELCOME! OUR LADY OF VICTORY Kathryn’s Connection Kathryn Ling, Pastoral Associate Today, we celebrate the Baptism of the Lord. This will bring the Christmas Season to an end and tomorrow, Monday will begin Ordinary Time.WeonlyfourweeksbeforewebeginLenton AshWednesday,February10. Living Liturgy 2016 begins their reflection with “Eighteenth century English poet, Alexander Pope, who once remarked that if we expect nothing we shall never be disappointed. Such a low bar we might set for ourselves! Yes, great expectationsmightdisappointbyblindingustothe goodalreadyinfrontofus,orleadingustofuture failure.Yet,itisbettertoriskdisappointmentthan to be stuck with nothing to look forward to, nothingtoexciteus,nothingtoincreaseourhope. E x p e c t a t i o n s s t i r u s o n t o r e m a r k a b l e achievements; urge us to seek excellence with greater diligence; push us to the kind of creativeness that opens the door for something new to happen, for discovering new possibilities, forembracingtheunknown.” Afterreadingthis,I realized that this is not only true in our attitude that shapes our daily life but maybe even more trueinourspiritualjourney. Godisalwaysinviting usintothefuture,invitingustotakethenextstep, toleavethepastinthepast. This feast is about remembering that throughourownbaptismwearecalledtobesons anddaughtersofGod,toliveasfollowersofJesus with the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Our own baptism with ‘the Holy Spirit and fire’ initiates our own journey of discovering not only who Jesus is, but what our daily life looks like because we live withinHim. I think often in our spiritual journey we stop having expectations, we stop looking for something new. We just let life continue in the same way. We do not hope for growth but are willing to stay stuck with the way things are. Baptismal living both fulfills expectations and generates new ones. That is why living our baptismalcallisajourney,itisneverdoneanditis alwaysinvitingustotakethenextstepforward.It is the promise that with the guidance of the Holy Spirit we can and will be transformed. We never walkthisjourneyalone.Doyouhaveexpectations, do you have hopes for your spiritual life this year? Are you listening and opentolivingwith‘theHolySpiritand fire’? Blessings, Kathryn PAGE 4 NORTHVILLE, MICHIGAN AdultConfirmation Are you an adult Catholic who has notreceivedthesacramentofConfirmation? It doesn’t matter the reason why. If you answered “yes,” we will be offering you the opportunity to prepare for receiving this sacrament. Wewillmeettwice, Sunday,February14,andSunday,February21, afterthe9:30a.m.Mass(about10:30a.m.),toprepareforthereceptionof this sacrament. At these meetings, we will talk about the Sacraments of Initiation (Baptism, Eucharist and Confirmation), their connection to each other and how they can make a difference in our daily lives as Catholic Christians. Youmaychoosetobeconfirmedateitherourparishcelebrationon Tuesday, April 11, 2016 or at the Cathedral of The Blessed Sacrament in Detroit on Pentecost Sunday, May 15, 2016. If you would like more information or would like to register, please contact Kathryn at (248) [email protected]. Scripture Reflection Today, officially begins Ordinary Time in our Church liturgical calendar. Ordinary is something of a misnomer because the readings we will hear, from now until Lent, both challenge us and leave us with wonder as we begin the season of learning how it is we can follow Jesus. It is appropriate to begin this church season with the “Baptism of the Lord.” Baptism is the time when we all began our formal faith journey. We became like Jesus the beloved children of God. As a family discuss how it feels to be the beloved children of God. Parents share with your children stories of their baptism. Who was there to witness this first moment in their faith life. What were you thinking? How did you feel? What were your hopes for them in faith? Then, take the conversation further and ask each other how will you as a family this year live as the beloved children of God? How can that look? Listen to each other and see where God is leading you! Catechist Still Needed for After School Faith Formation Program Our seventh grade Catechist for the Monday Early (4:45-6:00 p.m.) session has had a change in her school schedule and is no longer able to teach this group of great kids. Right now we are trying to fill her spot with substitutes. As you know, one of the greatest gifts a Catechist gives to our young people is to journey in faith with them. In order for that to happen, they need someone who has committed to be with them on a weekly basis. The Holy Spirit may be nudging you to assist in this wonderful work. If you are hearing his call but are not sure, please contact Mary Ellen in the Faith Formation Office. We will be happy to help you discern this call. If you are unable to assist, please pray that those who can will come forward to share this life giving faith with our young people! More Aides are also needed for the Sunday Preschool Program. Contact the Faith Formation Office, if you are interested in learning more about this program. Are you in High School and would like to be Confirmed? Please contact the Faith Formation office by email [email protected] or phone (248) 349-2559, to get started on your way!! Mary Ellen Skene, Director BAPTISM OF THE LORD PAGE 5 JANUARY 10, 2016 Christian Service by Nancy Tolkacz Catholic Charities of Southeast Michigan Divorce & Separated Recovery Workshops In January, Catholic Charities will offer two 12-week support group workshops for people going through divorce or separation. The next workshop starts on Wednesday, January 13, at St. Therese of Lisieux which is located at 48115 Schoenherr Road in Shelby Township. This workshop also runs from 7-9 p.m. These workshops provide gentle guidance toward recovery from the heartbreak of divorce. Pre-registration is required. For more information, please email [email protected] or call (586) 980-3892. Holy Family Homeless Shelter Week January 30-February 6 Our Lady of Victory will be assisting Novi’s Holy Family Church and First United Methodist Church, with their rotating homeless shelter weeks. We have agreed to help supply 65 new twin size blankets, adult sized socks and under wear (Men boxers size large-2XL and Wo m e n s i z e Me d i u m -X L ) . Holy Family will be hosting the shelter at the end of January, and The First United Methodist Church will be hosting in February. This is a very big undertaking for both churches, which is why we will assist them with their programs. Please attach a copy of your receipt to the socks and under wear, so that it can be exchanged if they run short of a particular size. All donated items can be placed in the marked bins located near the stairwell leading to the Father Ernie Center. Thank you for your kindness. All items need to be in by Sunday, January 31. Civic Concern Food Drive Our targeted items for the month of JANUARY include: laundry soap (64 oz.), dish soap, glass disinfectants, scouring pads, shampoo, conditioner, hand cream, diapers and Depends (in all sizes). Remember Michigan Bridge cards will not cover the purchase of paper products. Please drop your items into the designated bin at the top of the stairs. Plymouth Salvation Army CollecConforJanuary They are in dire need of paper and hygiene products. Please consider donaYng toilet paper, paper towel, kleenex boxes, travel size soap, shampoo, condiConer, deodorant, and toothpaste. Remember Michiganbridgecardswillnotcovertheseitems. Cannedfruits,canned vegetables and canned meats would also be appreciated. The Plymouth SalvaYon ArmyservesNorthville,CantonandPlymouthresidents.Pleasebegenerous. Be a member of St. Christine’s Peanut Butter Gang Each month throughout this year, we will be collecYng jars of peanut buUer for St. ChrisYne’s food pantry. The food pantryislocatedoffofFenkellandDacostainDetroit.OurLadyofVictoryhadaspecial collecYonforthepantrylastJuly.ItbecameveryapparentthenthatpeanutbuUerwas ingreatdemand.Eachmonth,wewilldeliverthedonatedpeanutbuUertothepantry to help them meet the needs of their community. Please help us feed the hungry. PlacealldonatedpeanutbuUerjarsinthedesignatedbinnearthestairwellleadingto theFatherErnieCenter. Holy Family to Host Interfaith Homeless Shelter VolunteersNeeded!January30-February6 Holy Family is looking for volunteers to help with their Interfaith Homeless Shelter. ThisisagreatopportunityforhighschoolstudentswhomightsYllbeinneed ofservicehoursoradultswhowouldliketogivebacktotheircommunity.HolyFamily is using an online signup for volunteers and donaYons that is both quick and easy. Parish and community members can visit the Holy Family website at www.holyfamilynovi.org, look for a link that takes you directly to the Signup Genius pages for the Interfaith RotaYng Homeless Shelter donaYon lists and volunteer schedules. There you can see where services or goods are needed to support this importantministry.You’llevengetareminderafewdaysinadvance. Pleaserememberchapter25inMaUhew'sgospel,thatwhenwefeed,clothe andshelterthepoorandhomelessweareministeringtoChristhimself. Since1998, HaiCOutreachMissionhashadmanyindividualand church donors. Its primary source of support conYnues to be seven church partners who provide seed money each year to help fund mission trips to the area. The next mission trip is scheduled for the beginning of April 2016. Our Lady of Victory has been a major supporter of this organizaYon. Please consider donaYng to this wonderfulcause! Theywillusethosefundstohelppayforrepairand maintenanceofbuildings,awaterpurificaYonsystem,andeducaYonaltechnology. OLV Senior Luncheon Wednesday, January 13, 11:30 a.m., Cassel’s Restaurant TherewillbenoPrayerservicebeforehandandnoneedtobringany dishordesserttopass.Therewillbea$5chargetohelpfraythecostofthe meal, which OLV will pay the balance. Our meal will be hearty Chicken Noodle Soup with a choice of half a sandwich (grilled ham/cheese, turkey/ swissortunamelt),servedwithchipsandbeverage.Ofcourse,dessertswill beprovided. Comeandjoininawarmmealandcommunityduringthecoldofwinter. Toreserveyourseat,pleasecalleithertheOLVparishoffice(248)349-2621or DebBreitenbeckat(248)380-2719. OUR LADY OF VICTORY PAGE 6 MINUTE Youth Ministry The Archdiocese of Detroit is inviting youth to the 2016 Martin Luther King Jr. Day of Service, to take place at Detroit’s Sacred Heart Parish next Saturday, January 16. The service day will begin at 9:00 a.m. and conclude at 2:45 p.m. with the play, “A Change of Time A Change of Mind.” Participants will receive lunch and a T-shirt. Your gifts to the CSA make possible events like this, which keep our youth engaged and active in their faith. Youth ministry is coordinated through the Department of Evangelization, Catechesis and Schools, along with young adult and campus ministry. For more information about CSA-funded programs, services, and ministries, go to www.AOD.org. 2016 OFFERTORY ENVELOPES Our 2016 Parish Offertory Envelopes will not be mailed to you this year. If you forgot to pickup your envelope pack in November, please stop by the parish office. Envelopes have not been printed for those parishioners who have enrolled in OLV's E-Giving program. Contribution Statements for 2015 will be prepared the last week of January, 2016. WWW.OLVNORTHVILLE.ORG The Baptism of Jesus is the conclusion of the Christmas Season and a bridge into Ordinary Time. It is also the beginning of Jesus’ ministry and the journey to Easter. We sing “Healing River” this weekend to remember Jesus’ baptism in the Jordan, but also as a reminder of the River of Grace that was given to us at our own baptism. It was written in 1964, during the peace movement by Fran Minkoff who was an American lyricist at that time, co-writing with Fred Hellerman of The Weavers. It has been recorded by such notable artists as Harry Belafonte, Judy Collins, and Bobbie Gentry to name a few and also, by some rock bands, UFO and Uriah Heap. A BIG Thank You goes to all the Music Ministry for the beautiful music you prepared for the Advent Season and, especially the Christmas Eve program. Thank you, cantors, for the extra music preparation and the coverage of all the holiday Masses. A special thanks goes to Steve Mihalik for adding his musical talent on French Horn for one of the Christmas Eve selections and Denver Laabs for playing trumpet on Christmas Eve and adding his “special touch” to the music. Kathy Sanderson, Music Director OLV Dads’ Club to Host: 15th ANNUAL OLV QUIZ NIGHT Saturday, January 23, 6 p.m., Gym Cost: $40/person BYOB (includes Pizza/Salad/Subs, Snacks, Desserts, Beer/ Wine Tables of eight will compete for the trivia crown! Awards will be presented to the two best decorated tables using the theme: Wide World of Sports Register online at www.olvathletics.com. If you have any questions, please contact Jack Buchan, at [email protected] or (248) 561-6431. 2016 OLV Spring Sports Registration Now OPEN 2015 Catholic Services Appeal Quota: $229,475 CSA Pledges to date: 643 CSA Pledged Amount: $222,905 Quota Shortfall: $6,570 We will be closing this appeal very soon. Unfortunately, the balance of the quota will come from parish funds. Please consider making a pledge this week. Call the parish office today. We truly appreciate all of those who have supported this appeal! Registration is open to all parishioners interested in playing CYO Baseball or Softball (boys and girls in grade 5-8) or Lacrosse (boys only in grade 5-8) this spring. Registration ends January 31, 2016. Practice starts in March. The number of teams and grade composition of each team will be determined by the number of registrants. Registration does not guarantee a position on a team and try-outs may be conducted if the number of registrants exceeds the number of openings. A student must submit a current health status/physical (dated after April, 2015) to be considered for a team. If you are interested in coaching a team, please visit the website and complete a Coach’s Application form under Sports Registration. You will be notified early in 2016. See you in the Spring! Visit www.OLVAthletics.com. BAPTISM OF THE LORD PAGE 7 OLVHEALTH&WELLNESSMINISTRY TreatmentforAlcoholProblems:FindingandGettingHelp JANUARY 10, 2016 OLV St. Vincent de Paul Society Conference #437 Source:NationalInstituteonAlcoholAbuseandAlcoholism http://pubs.niaaa.nih.gov/publications/treatment/treatment Nomatterhowseveretheproblemmayseem,mostpeoplewithanalcohol-use disorder can benefit from some form of treatment. Due to significant advances overthelast60years,thereareavarietyoftreatmentmethods.Thereisnoonesize-fitsallsolution,andwhatmayworkforonepersonmanynotbeagoodfitfor another. TypesofTreatment Behavioral Treatments are aimed at changing drinking behavior through counseling.Treatmentsmayinclude: • Developingskillsneededtostopandreducedrinking. • Helptobuildastrongsocialsupportsystem. • Workingtosetreachablegoals. • Copingwithoravoidingtriggersthatmightcauserelapse. • Several non-addictive medications are currently approved in the U.S. to help people stop or reduce their drinking and to prevent relapse. They work by offsetting changes in the brain caused by alcoholism and are prescribed by a licensedhealthaddictionsprofessionalalongwithcounseling. • Mutual-Support Groups-Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) or similar 12-step programs provide peer support for people quitting or cutting back on drinking. These programs can offer valuable added layer of support in combination with treatmentledbyhealthprofessionals. YouWillNotBeJudged(continued) Vincentians transcend racial and national prejudices. We judge women, men and children strictly on their need, not on their color, nationality, education, morality. Each person is treated with the dignity that belongs to a human being. • Dignity demands, at the very least, that we never judge another person to be useless, unnecessary, or totally bad. Judging and acting in this way is unjust. Please join us at our next meeting on Tuesday, January 12, at 7 p.m. Martha/Mary Room TypesofProfessionals • PrimaryCareProvider:M.D.,D.O.(DoctorofOsteopathicMedicine) • Nurse Practitioner or Physician Assistant who have credentials in Substance Abuse. • Psychiatrist can be an M.D., or D.O. offering medications and Behavioral Treatment. • Psychologist may have degrees, Ph.D., Social Worker (Master of Social Work), L.C.S.W. (Licensed Clinical Social Worker) offering Behavioral Treatment in Addictions. TipsforselectingTreatment Gatherasmuchinformationasyoucanabouttheprogramorproviderbefore makingadecisiononatreatment.Whenseekingprofessionalhelp,itisimportant thatyoufeelrespectedandunderstood,andthatyouhaveafeelingoftrustthat thisperson,groupororganizationcanhelpyou. Resourcestoguideyoutoward otherprogramsthatmaybettersuityourindividualneeds: Mutual-supportgroups: • Al-AnonofSoutheastMichigan313-242-0300.Familysupportgroupisfree. • AlcoholicsAnonymous(AA),www.aa.org212-870-3400.Free. ReferralSourcesforPeoplewithoutInsurance: • OaklandCounty-PACE,(248)858-5200 • WayneCounty-SEMSAS,(800)686-6543 • WayneCountyCrisisLine,(313)224-7000 OtherResources: • CommonGround,(800)231-1127or(248)451-2600 • CatholicCharitiesServices,(855)882-2736 • SacredHeartRehabCenter,Detroit,MI-Inpatientservices,(888)802-7472 • BrightonHospital-Inpatient/OutpatientServices,(877)976-2371 • MaplegroveCenteratHenryFordHospital,WestBloomfield,MI,(248)661-6100 or(248)661-6170.InpatientandOutpatientProgramsavailable. • Maplegrove Family Support Network-Skill Building Education Series, ongoing classesTuesdayandThursdayeveningarefree,(248)661-6170. • St.MaryMercy-LivoniahasSubstanceAbuseclasses/supportcalled“LivoniaSave ourYouthCoalition”.Forinformation,call(734)338-9580.Theprogramisfree. December Baptisms Cole Wallis Francis son of Christopher Francis and Sarah Melling Reese Makenzie Garbutt daughter of Josh Garbutt and Brittany Luka Molly Elizabeth Hughes daughter of Thomas Hughes and Maggie Ossola Nathan Richard Loftus son of Patrick Loftus and Sarah Burdt Chayce Michael McLaren son of Kyle McLaren and Lindsay Swims Emilie Grace Schlonsky daughter of Derek Schlonsky and Lisa Crandall Henry Joseph Simpson son of James T. Simpson and Ashley Ossola Chimbusomma Evangeline Ugonabo daughter of Chidiebere Ugonabo and Ifeoma Okafor Reagan Lucy Wagner daughter of Joseph Wagner and Kellie Schwagle OUR LADY OF VICTORY Week at a Glance Monday, January 11 ASFF, 4:45 p.m. ASFF, 6:30 p.m. Rosary, 6:20 p.m. Mass of Remembrance, 7:00 p.m. RCIA, 7:00 p.m., St. John AA Meeting, 7:30 p.m., Fr. Ernie Tuesday, January 12 Bible Study, 10 a.m., McAuley Card Group, 1 p.m., Martha Mary ASFF, 4:45 p.m. Northville Strings, 6 p.m., St. Cecilia St. Vincent de Paul Mtg, 7 p.m., Mary Wednesday, January 13 Rosary, 8:05 a.m. Mass for OLV Fathers, 8:30 a.m., Church Moms in Touch, 9:30 a.m., Mary Thursday, January 14 Rosary, 8:05 a.m. Mass, 8:30 a.m. Gospel Reflections, 9:15 a.m., St. John Children’s Choir, 4 p.m., Church PPC Mtg, 7 p.m., Solanus Casey Choir Rehearsal, 7:30 p.m., Church Friday, January 15 Rosary, 8:05 a.m. Mass, 8:30 a.m. Eucharistic Adoration, 9:15 a.m., CH Benediction Closing, 4 p.m., CH Saturday, January 16 Reconciliation, 3:30 p.m. Mass, 5 p.m. Sunday, January 17 Mass, 7:30 a.m. Mass/CLOW, 9:30 a.m. OLV Preschool, 9:30 a.m., CGS Room Mass/CLOW, 11:30 a.m. Baptisms, 12:30 p.m., Church • • • DatestoRemember SeniorLuncheonatCassel’sRestaurant Wednesday,January13 GospelofLifetoMarchforLifeinD.C. Friday,January22 OLVBloodDrive,Sunday,January24 • KofCHosts5thSundayRosaryRecitation Sunday,January31 PAGE 8 NORTHVILLE, MICHIGAN Readings of the Week: Baptism of the Lord Monday 1Sm1:1-8;Ps116:12-13,14-17,18-19;Mk1:14-20 Tuesday 1Sm1:9-20;1Sm2:1,4-5,6-7,8abcd;Mk1:21-28 Wednesday SaintHilary,BishopandDoctoroftheChurch 1Sm3:1-10,19-20;Ps40:2,and5,7-8a,8b-9,10;Mk1:29-39 Thursday 1Sm4:1-11;Ps44:10-11,14-15,24-25;Mk1:40-45 Friday 1Sm8:4-7,10-22a;Ps89:16-17,18-19;Mk2:1-12 Saturday 1Sm9:1-4,17-19,10:1a;Ps21:2-3,4-5,6-7;Mk2:13-17 Sunday SecondSundayinOrdinaryTime Is62:1-5;Ps96:1-2,2-3,7-8,9-10;1Cor12:4-11;Jn2:1-11 Fifth Sunday Rosary Program Sunday, January 31, after the 9:30 a.m. Mass In his apostolic letter Rosarium Virginis Mariae, Pope St. John Paul II quotes St. Louis de Montfort reminding us that, “Our entire perfection consists in being conformed, united and consecrated to Jesus Christ. Now, since Mary is of all creatures the one most conformed to Jesus Christ, it follows that among all devotions that which most consecrates and conforms a soul to our Lord is devotion to Mary, His Holy Mother…” The rosary is one of the simplest and dearest devotional prayers available to all of us. Once again, the Knights of Columbus will gather to pray the rosary as they continue their 2015-2016 initiative Building the Domestic Church: The Family Fully Alive. The Fifth Sunday Rosary program, offered to inspire and demonstrate greater devotion to Mary, the Mother of Jesus, continues at Our Lady of Victory! Similar to the first rosary this past August, during the November, January, and May series, a one-page handout with all of the rosary prayers will be made available, as well as extra rosaries for those who want to participate. Please join the Knights of Columbus on Sunday, January 31, to recite the rosary in the church immediately following the 9:30 a.m. Mass. ALL are welcome! Ever feel like you are out there alone? Why not give our STEPHEN MINISTRY a try? Our Lady of Victory has had this program successfully in place for 6 years. There is a trained parishioner waiting to meet with you for support and sharing. No charge, no long term commitment and all confidential! Call today! (248) 349-2621, ext. 482. BAPTISM OF THE LORD Those who need our prayers... Dear God, we place our worries in your hands. We place our sick under your care and humbly ask that you restore your servants to health once more. Please remember to keep in prayer… Marcelle Albright Ilio Alessandri Steve Allen Jan Bailey Violet Basnec Laura Bohr Marsha Brown Gina Buchan Barbara Burbo Pat Bynum Paul Coleman Sue Coseo Penelope Culp Dave Dinkins Flora DiPardo Addison Donahue Jeff Dueweke John Erickson Judy Florio Jane Folino Ruth Gallagher Roman Gribbs Dr. Werner Grunheid Eileen Hlohinec Elaine Horwath John Jerome Jeff Jorissen Richard Komendera Margo Kramar Robert Kramar Lisa Kujawski Jennifer Kuphal Toni Lachowicz Margaret Lada Lucy LaRosa Eileen Lonsworth Louise Low Jennifer Lowe Jeff Luebke Joe Macura Mildred Madigan June Mahle Jim McCown Maggie McQuillan-Key Peter Militello Nora Miller Pat Milley Tom Nieto Maddie Norton Sheila Marie O'Grady Patricia Outwater Eleanor Pappas Armida Pietrandrea Barbara Place Jim Place Bernice Rosinski Marguerite Ross Joe Sattler Heather Scarlet Maureen Scarlet Joe Silveira Maureen Smejkal Eva Staeglish Darlene Sullivan Bernard Theroux Lorraine Theroux Shelley Trainor Denise Weaver Mavis Wurm Mary Yerman Names are kept on the list for four weeks. If you wish to add or remove a name, please call the Parish Office at (248) 349-2621. PAGE 9 JANUARY 10, 2016 Pray For Those Who Serve in Our Military Mass Intentions Do you know someone who is serving in the military? Please call the Parish Office to add your loved one’s name. Continue to pray for peace and for a lasting and peaceful solution to the world’s conflicts. USN Patrick Antio CPT Barton Blackorby SGT Matthew Brandon Sgt Jamie Bushman 2LT Daniel Courtney LT Michael Cullen SPC Tyler DeBozy MAJ David Faulk GM2 Jesse Fries Daniel Giraud Sr. Airman Brian Hada LT John J Hamann LTC Barbara Krause LT Daniel Kuriluk CPT Matthew Kuriluk USMC LCPL William Litzinger PFC Ben Maday MAJ Shawn Magowan Sgt Mark McGlynn Sgt Alexandra McGlynn Cpl James McGlynn PFC Shawn M McHale Chap. Tim Meier, SJ Sgt. Steven Miller SPC Lauren Moloney SPC Lincoln Moloney CPT Michael Morrissey DC3 SW Jeremy Nemeth 2LT Garrett Quick Capt. Mark Saurer Cpl USMC Gabriel Smith SFC William Smith PFC Nathan Swiger LTC Christopher Wagner CPT Phillip Wiktor LCpl Dittrick Williams LTJG Adam Williams Monday, January 11: Mass of Remembrance 7:00 p.m. Marie Stewart req. by Gary & Sue Kurylo For all the Children we have lost Wednesday, January 13 8:30 a.m. Paul Kreft req. by The Lings Thursday, January 14 8:30 a.m. Spec. Int. of all OLV Parishioners Friday, January 15 8:30 a.m. Spec. Int. of all OLV Families Saturday, January 16 5:00 p.m. Alexa Rae Fox req. by Eric & Resa Fox Robert Kanney req. by the Ruschak Family David Langston req. by David & Linda Marino Sunday, January 17 7:30 a.m. Isabelle McCarthy req. by Pat Lickman Joe Petroski req. by Irene Petroski 9:30 a.m. Mary Griffin req. by M/M M. Spitery Jack Seurynck req. by the Miniear Family 11:30 a.m. Casper Russell req. by Family In Memoriam We remember and pray for the loved ones from our parish family who have entered eternal life: Mary Jane Adams Marylou Podnar Ministry Schedule Saturday, January 16 Sunday, January 17 5:00 p.m. 7: 30 a.m. 9:30 a.m. 11:30 a.m. Clergy: Fr. Denis Theroux Fr. Denis Theroux Fr. Dennis Kauffman Fr. Denis Theroux Lectors: Eric Fox Resa Fox Mary Comstock Terry Whitfield Dave Gugala Margaret Zonca Michael Hale Matt Higgins Justin Pressler Daria Rorick John Ryan Andrea Kalchik Robert Sygar Garrett Frost Eve Martin Grace Martin Catherine Merlo Emma Lehnert Ethan George Aidan Wright Altar Servers OUR LADY OF VICTORY PAGE 10 WWW.OLVNORTHVILLE.ORG Archdioceses of Detroit Phone Numbers of Interest Monthly Offering Catholic Charities of SE Michigan: (855) 882-2736 GIVING BACK TO THE LORD December 2015 Project Rachel Post Abortion Ministry: (888) 722-4355 National Domestic Violence Hotline: (800) 799-7233 Detroit Retrouvaille: (800) 470-2230 Catholic Bookstore: (313) 962-4490 Report sexual abuse of a minor contact: Wayne County Child Protective Services: (800) 716-2234 Prosecutor: (313) 224-5777 Oakland County Child Protective Services: (800) 975-5010 Prosecutor: (248) 858-0656 Report Sexual Abuse of a minor involving clergy or church personnel: Ms. Margaret Hubbard, (866) 343-8055, Victim Assistance Coordinator Actual Budget Sunday Offering: $ 88,452 eGiving: $ 15,830 Variance: $104,282 $ 88,000 $ 16,282 Special Collections YTD St. Leo’s Soup Kitchen Christian Service/StVdP St. Vincent de Paul Catholic Charities December Holy Day Christmas Christmas Flowers Religious Retirement $ 6,142 $ 2,341 $ 5,463 $ 3,537 $ 3,099 $147,538 $ 5,657 $ 11,074
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