COMPONENTS - White Goblin Games


COMPONENTS - White Goblin Games
paddle-wheeler steamboat is about to leave Leopoldville (now Kinshasa) and sail
up the Congo River bound for the remote village of Kindu in the heart of deepest
Africa. The travellers aboard the
steamer are of many different
professions, but they all share the
nationalities and have different
same spirit of adventure. Each player
controls a group of these travellers
and must compete with their
opponents to take command of the
colonial stations found at each stop
along the steamboat’s trip upstream.
For every man that a player succeeds in leaving as chief at the station, he will score
victory points. The player with most points at the end of the game wins the game.
1 game board
score track
- COMPONENTS table for determining value of
the profession in a station
value of
the station
19 station tiles: 4x barracks, 4x hospital,
4x mission, 4x village, 3x jungle
space for
station tile
space for
flag token
icon showing the winner
gets hippo tiles
village where one player
may gain a special card
space for placing
character cards
20 fl ag tokens: 4x Belgium, 6x France,
6x Great Britain, 4x Germany
14 hippo tiles
12 value tokens
non-belligerant character
cards have two professions
Mattias Deparcq
Christophe Beaufumé
Marcel Straub
Jan Wise
Frederiek De Bel
4 score markers
John Longstreet
54 character cards:
officer and non-belligerant.
54 auxiliary cards: porter, assistant, nurse, nun, askari,
interpreter, boy
1 steamboat
15 special
1 four-sided die
- SET UP -
© 2012 White Goblin Games
© 2012 White Goblin Games
© 2012 White Goblin Games
Shuffl e the special cards and deal two cards to each player. In a three
or four player game remove the Tam Tam card from the game.
In a two player game remove the Okapi, Only Nationals and Hippo
Attack cards from the game and deal each player three cards
instead of two.
© 2012 White Goblin Games
© 2012 White Goblin Games
Mattias Deparcq
Shuffl e the auxiliary cards
and deal four cards to
each player.
© 2012 White Goblin Games
© 2012 White Goblin Games
Shuffl e the character cards and deal four cards to
each player. In a three player game randomly
remove two non belligerent character cards
(characters with two professions) from the
game. In a two player game remove four nonbelligerent character cards.
© 2012 White Goblin Games
Place the game board in the middle of the table.
Each player chooses a colour, takes
that score marker and places it on
space “0” on the score track.
© 2012 White Goblin Games
5 Place the remaining cards in
three separate draw piles (character,
auxiliary and special cards) next to
the board. During the game players may
look at their own cards, but keep them
secret from other players.
Place the steamboat at the fi rst stop along the
Congo. In a four player game the boat starts
at Leopoldville. In a two or three player game
the boat starts at Bolobo. The oldest player will be
the start player for the fi rst turn.
Shuffl e all fl ag tokens. Place a fl ag face up next
to each station.
Shuffl e all station tiles. Place one tile face down
at each stop along the Congo river. Unused
station tiles are removed from the game and go
back in the box. In a two or three player game don’t
place a tile at Leopoldville
Shuffl e the hippo tiles and place them face
down in a stack. Each player takes one tile and
places it face down in front of him. Place the
value tokens in a supply next to the game board.
The game is played over multiple rounds.
Each round the start player plays first.
A round consists of four phases:
When a player played a non-belligerent character card he has to roll the die
to determine with which country the character holds an affinity.
Check the number next to the flags with the result of the die
(1=Great Britain, 2=Belgium, 3=France, 4=Germany). Reduce the
value corresponding to the «nationality» of the non-belligerent
character like normal characters.
A - Reveal the station tile
B - Draw cards
C - Commanding the station
D - Move the steamboat
John Longstreet
a - reveal the station tile
Reveal the station tile at the village where the steamboat currently is.
If the station tile is a jungle, the flag next to the station is removed from the game. This also happens if the station
tile is a village at a station worth 4 victory points. These locations have managed to resist the influence of outsiders.
b - draw cards
Each player draws one character card and one auxiliary
card from the draw piles next to the board and adds
these to his hand.
When the boat is at Nouvelle Anvers, Basoko or Ubundu
the player with the fewest victory points gets one special card. In case of a
tie for the fewest victory points no one gets a special card.
Note: When a draw pile is exhausted,
shuffle the cards in the discard pile and
make a new face down draw pile.
Note: These stops have an orange circle
for easy recognition.
1 Place character card
Play a special card
One player may also play a special card from his hand. The start player is the first player who has this option.
If he chooses not to play a special card, the player on his left gets this option and so on. After playing a Special
card no other player gets the option to place one this round. See “overview special cards” (on page 7 and 8)
for how to use these cards.
Determine base value of each character
Reveal the placed cards and determine the base value of each character.
The base value of each character is determined by its profession and its
nationality. Place a value token on each character to show its base value. The
base value of a character can be zero or less.
Profession: Each profession has a different value at each station. Check
the table on the game board for the value of the profession at the type
of the current station.
Example: A missionary in a hospital has a
value of 4.
Note: Non-belligerent characters have two professions. For determining the value of the
character only one of these professions is regarded (always the one giving the highest value).
Nationality: If the character’s nationality doesn’t match the flag next to
the current station, its value may be reduced. Check the flags on the
bottom of the character card.
Now all players have the opportunity to play auxiliary cards to increase the value of their character.
In clockwise order, beginning with the start player, each player may add one or more face up auxiliary cards to
his character until each player has passed for playing auxiliary cards. Each auxiliary card (except a boy) added
to a character increases its value by 1. A boy increases its value by 0.5.
• An auxiliary card must have the same icon as the character it’s been
played on. (For example you can add a porter to an explorer.)
Note: Non-belligerent characters have two icons making it possible to add different
auxiliary cards to them.
• Only one interpreter can be played on each character. An interpreter
can be added to any character whose nationality differs from the station’s
flag (see exceptions below). There is no limit to the number of nurses, askaris,
porters, assistants or nuns to be added.
added to any character regardless the character’s profession.
• If a player has a lower total value than the other players and decides to pass,
he can’t add any more cards this round to his bid. If a player has a total
value equal to the highest bid, he may choose to pass (in order to see
what cards others play), but when it is his turn to add cards again, he must
decide if he wants to add more cards or pass for this round.
Exceptions interpreter:
• You may not add Interpreters to Americans in British stations.
• You may not add Interpreters to Austrians in German stations.
• You may not add Interpreters to characters at a station without a
fl ag token (villages with a jungle tile or with villages worth 4 victory points).
• Belgians speak either French of Flemish (language related to Dutch).
You can only add an interpreter to a character which doesn’t speak the
language spoken in the station. To determine the language spoken in a
Belgian station the start player rolls the die. Do the same for determining the
language spoken by a Belgian character.
- if the result is odd (1 or 3) Flemish (Dutch) is spoken
- if the result is even (2 or 4) French is spoken
You can’t add an interpreter to a Flemish-speaking Belgian or a Dutch character
at a Belgian station where Flemish (Dutch) is spoken. You can’t add an
interpreter to a French character at a Belgian station where French is spoken.
Note: Only once each round the language spoken in a station is determined.
Thomas Guyomard
Thomas Guyomard
Note: If the flag is removed during phase A “Reveal a station tile” the character’s value
isn’t reduced.
Play auxiliary cards
• Only one boy can be played each round (like special cards). A boy can be
Each player chooses one character card from his hand and places it face down in the field with the
colour of his score marker. This character will attempt to take command of the colonial station at the
current stop.
Mattias Deparcq
Rules for playing auxiliary cards:
c - commanding the station
Overview modifier character value at a station:
© 2012 White Goblin Games
© 2012 White Goblin Games
Example: A French doctor in a British hospital
has a value of 3 (5-2=3).
Great Britain
United States
Determine winner station
Once all players have passed for playing auxiliary
cards, the character with the highest total value takes
command of the station.
In case of a tie the tied players must add hippo tiles
to their bid. They choose one or more of their hippo
tiles and add these face down to their bid. The tiles are
revealed simultaneously and the player with the most
hippo points wins the station. If there is still a tie the
tied players may add, in player order, more hippo tiles
face up to their bid.
If there is still a tie, the tied players get 1 victory point for
this station. All played tiles are discarded.
vid Gill
Ian Da
cel Straub
Lionel Paulus
© 2012 White Goblin Game
• Move the score marker that number of spaces forward
on the score track.
© 2012 White Goblin Game
© 2012 White Goblin Game
© 2012 White Goblin Games
© 2012 White Goblin Games
© 2012 White Goblin Games
© 2012 White Goblin Games
© 2012 White Goblin Games
• The winner at Bolobo, Liranga, Bumba and Basoko
Note: These stops have a hippo icon for easy recognition.
• The player who took command of the station will be
the start player for the next round. If no player took
command of the station as the result of a Special card or
because of a tie the start player remains the same.
• Discard all played cards to the discard piles.
Important: Non-belligerent character cards are removed from the
game after use. Return these to the box.
Can only be played at
a jungle or village stop.
After revealing the character cards the
player who played the Gorilla chooses
an opponent’s character. If the chosen
character is a doctor or a missionary, it
is killed by the gorilla. The character card
is discarded. If the chosen character is
an explorer, an officer or an anthropologist, it must fight the
gorilla by rolling the die: on a 1 or 2, the character is killed and
discarded. On a 3 or 4 the gorilla is killed and is discarded. If
the gorilla is not killed, it attacks the another character of the
choice of the player who played the card. If there isn’t another
opponent and the gorilla isn’t killed, it attacks its owner’s
character! He may try to fight the gorilla (rolling the die as
above) or flee. If he flees, he returns his character card to his
hand and nobody gets the station victory points. The gorilla is
discarded. When there are multiple characters still alive, these
players can add auxiliary cards to their bid.
© 2012 White Goblin Games
• The player who takes command of the station scores
a number of victory points equal to the value of the
takes two hippo tiles from the stack and places these
face down in front of him.
Malaria (Anopheles Mosquito)
- The steamboat arrives at Stanley Falls (value 4), which has a British
flag, and when the station tile is revealed a mission is shown.
- Joe picks one British missionary, Pete one Belgian doctor and Eric one
German missionary.
- Value for their characters is: Joe 5, Pete 4 and Eric 4 (5-1).
- Joe does not add any cards to the bid. Pete adds one nurse (+1). Eric
does not have any nuns to help his missionary, so he adds an interpreter
instead (+1).
- Now the values are: Joe 5, Pete 5 and Eric 5. Joe adds one nun (+1) and
Pete who has no more nurses, adds an interpreter (+1).
- Now the values are: Joe 6 , Pete 6. Eric 5 , he has nothing to add, so
he is out of the bid. Joe has one boy and places it (+0.5). Pete has
another boy but since only one boy may be added per round he may
not add it to the bid.
- Joe now with 6.5 points gets control of the station and scores
4 victory points.
d - move the steamboat
Move the steamboat to the next stop along the Congo river. When the steamboat leaves Kindu the game ends.
© 2012 White Goblin Games
Tam-Tam (Drums of War)
Can be played at any stop
except Kindu. All players
return their character cards to their
hand. No one takes control of this
station this game.
Can be played at any stop
except a barracks stop. After
revealing the character cards the player
who played the warrior chooses an
opponent’s character. If the chosen
character is a doctor, a missionary or
an anthropologist, it must fight the
warrior by rolling the die: on a 1, 2, 3,
the character is killed by the warrior. Discard the character.
On a 4, the warrior is killed and must be discarded. If the
chosen character is an explorer or officer, it must fight the
warrior by rolling the die: on a 1 or 2, the character is killed
by the warrior. Discard the character. On a 3 or 4, the warrior
is killed and must be discarded.
If the warrior is not killed by the chosen character, it attacks
the character of the player who played the card. He can’t flee,
but he can fight it. After this fight the warrior is discarded.
When there are multiple characters still alive, these players can
add auxiliary cards to their bid.
© 2012 White Goblin Games
Friendly meeting
© 2012 White Goblin Games
- END OF THE GAMEThe game ends when the steamboat leaves Kindu. Each player gets 0.5 victory point for each special card in his
hand. The player with the most total victory points wins the game. In a case of a tie, the tied player with the most
auxiliary cards in his hand wins. If there is still a tie, the tied player with the most cards (any type) in his hand wins.
Can be played at any stop. Each player
rolls the die (even the owner of the
card); the player who rolls the lowest
number is bitten by the mosquito and
removes his character card from the bid
and discards it to the discard pile. In
case of a tie, the tied players roll off until
one player rolls lower than the other. If
the bitten player is a doctor, he may roll the die again. If he
rolls a 1, he manages to cure himself and is not discarded.
© 2012 White Goblin Games
Can be played at any stop. After a
character takes command of the station
at the current stop, the losing character
cards are returned to their owner’s hand
instead of being discarded. The character
that won and the played auxiliaries cards
are still discarded.
© 2012 White Goblin Games
Okapi (Exotic Animal)
Explored Region
Can only be played at a jungle
stop. If the player who played
this card placed an explorer for his
bid, he may hunt the okapi instead of
competing for control of the station
at the current stop and score 2 victory
points. His character card is discarded.
Only the owner of this card may hunt
and only if he has placed an explorer.
Can be played at any stop. The player
who played this card may look at one
face down station tile of his choice on
the board. The tile is returned face down
at the same stop. He will have privileged
information about that station.
© 2012 White Goblin Games
Steamer boiler damaged
© 2012 White Goblin Games
Man overboard!
Can be played from Bumba. All players
(except the player who played this card)
must discard one character card of their
choice (not an auxiliary card) from
hand (not the one on the table made as
station bid).
No auxiliaries!
Can be played at any stop
except at a jungle stop. All
character cards not belonging to the
same country as the flag next to the
station are returned to their owners
hand. Affected players may not place a
new bid this round.
Can be played at any stop. In this station
all players (including the player who played
this card) may not add any auxiliary cards
to their bid.
© 2012 White Goblin Games
Arab trader
Hippo Attack
Can be played at
barracks, mission
and a village. If the player who played
this card wins the bid for the station he
scores 1 extra victory point. If the station
is won by another player, the owner of
this card gets no victory points.
Can be played at any stop. All players
(including the one who played the Hippo
Attack) return their character cards to
their hand. Then, in player order, each
player draws the top card of the character
deck and uses that as their new station
bid. Players may increase their bid by
playing auxiliary cards to this character.
© 2012 White Goblin Games
© 2012 White Goblin Games
Only Nationals
© 2012 White Goblin Games
Can be played at any stop. After
revealing the character cards, the
player who played this card may take
one auxiliary card at random from
an opponent of his choice without
looking at his cards and place it on the
discard pile.
© 2012 White Goblin Games
Wizard (Sorcerer)
Can be played at any stop. The player
who played this card may draw a new
character or an auxiliary card and adds it
to his hand. Once all the character cards
in the bid are revealed, he may exchange
the drawn character card with his card
on the board.
Can be played at any stop. Each opponent’s
character value is reduced by 1.
© 2012 White Goblin Games
© 2012 White Goblin Games
Game design: José Antonio Rivero Nuez
Graphic design and illustrations: Alexandre Roche
Rulebook development: Jeroen Hollander
Project manager: Jonny de Vries
The author likes to thank for their kindly contribution (playtesters & proofreaders):
Alonso Díaz (Daktari), Marta Alonso, Inma Rivero, Pedro Suárez, Alex & Nestor Ortiz, Jose Martinez, Xuan, Salva, Gordon Stewart,
Jonathan Franklin, Philippe Keppens, Nigel Buckle, Chris Nord, Julien Griffon, Patrick Twitchell, Morgan Swiers, Jim Otto, Ayose Viera,
David Caldentey , Abian Caetano, Manolo Vila, David Prieto, Javier García, Goroso, Ariel y Alfredo Naranjo.
© 2012 White Goblin Games