Concurrent Sessions 8/3 - Association for Theatre in Higher Education
Concurrent Sessions 8/3 - Association for Theatre in Higher Education
Concurrent Sessions Saturday, August 2, 2008 (cont.) 5:45 PM - 8:00 PM STRP Dinner Focus Group:................15 (STRP) Senior Theatre Research and Performance Room:...........................Off-Site Chair:............................Steven Pennell, University of Rhode Island Meet, greet, relax, get acquainted and explore new idea while breaking bread. Sign up and meet in the lobby, head to a modestly priced local restaurant. 8:00 PM - 10:00 PM Saturday Night Double Bill Performance Focus Group:................38 (CC) Conference Committee Room:...........................Imperial Ballroom - 2nd Floor (Hyatt) Dijana Milosevic: “Telo koje peva, glas koji plese” (Singing Body, Dancing Voice) Helen Raffo: “Sounds of Desire: Performance Excerpts” 9:00 PM - 11:00 PM TLA Hospitality Get-Together Focus Group:................19 (TLA) Theatre as a Liberal Art Room:...........................Grays Peak - 2nd Floor (HCC) Chair:............................Mark Lococo, Loyola University Session Coordinator:....Jay Sierszyn Sunday, August 3, 2008 7:15 AM - 7:45 AM ATME Warm-Up Session Focus Group:................4 (ATME) Association for Theatre Movement Educators Room:...........................Grand Ballroom Foyer - 2nd Floor (Hyatt) 8:00 AM - 9:30 AM Acting Program Membership Meeting Focus Group:................1 (AP) Acting Progam Room:...........................Pikes Peak - 2nd Floor (HCC) Session Coordinator:....Mark Cryer, Hamilton University ATME Membership Meeting Focus Group:................4 (ATME) Association for Theatre Movement Educators Room:...........................Mt. Wilson – 3rd Floor (Hyatt) Dramaturgy Membership Meeting Focus Group:................7 (DR) Dramaturgy Room:...........................Maroon Peak – 2nd Floor (Haytt) Session Coordinator:....D.J. Hopkins, San Diego State University Theatre History Membership Meeting Focus Group:................18 (TH) Theatre and History Room:...........................Mt. Oxford – 3rd Floor (Hyatt) Session Coordinator:....Rick Jones, Stephen F. Austin State University Two Year College Program Membership Meeting Focus Group:................21 (TYCP) Two-Year College Program Room:...........................Blanca Peak - 2nd Floor (Hyatt) Session Coordinator:....Barbara Marder, Anne Arundel Community College VASTA Membership Meeting Focus Group:................22 (VASTA) Voice and Speech Trainers Association Room:...........................Mt. Yale - 3rd Floor (Hyatt) Session Coordinator:....Beth McGee, Case Western Reserve University STRP Membership Meeting Focus Group:................15 (STRP) Senior Theatre Research and Performance Room:...........................Mt. Princeton - 3rd Floor (Hyatt) Chair:............................Steven Pennell, University of Rhode Island Meeting of Senior Theatre Research and Performance, electing officers, discussing plans, brainstorming session proposals for ATHE Conference 2009, sharing ideas and needs in the field. July 31- August 3, 2008 Grand Hyatt Denver Denver, CO 93 94 95 ATHE’s 22nd Conference: Difficult Dialogues: Theatre and the Art of Engagement Concurrent Sessions Sunday, August 3, 2008 (cont.) 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM New Play Development Workshop Part IV: Showcase of New Plays Focus Group:................12 (PACT) Playwrights and Creative Team Room:...........................Mt Sopris - Lobby (Hyatt) Co-Coordinators:..........Char Nelson, Brigham Young University Judith Royer, Loyola Marymount University, Los Angeles Jeffrey Ullom, Vanderbilt University Showcase performance and public response to the new plays selected for ATHE’s Nineteenth Annual New Play Development Workshop program. 9:45 AM - 11:15 AM 2009 Conference Planner’s Meeting #2 Focus Group:................38 (CC) Conference Committee Room:...........................Mt. Yale - 3rd Floor (Hyatt) Session Coordinator:....Harvey Young, Northwestern University Advocacy: Theatre Education Reform Subcommittee Business Meeting Focus Group:................36 (ADV) Advocacy Committee Room:...........................Blanca Peak - 2nd Floor (Hyatt) Session Coordinator:....Henry Bial, University of Kansas Co-Chairs:....................Gail Medford, BTN; Advocacy, Theatre Education Reform Gale Sheaffer, Advocacy, Theatre Education Reform Subcommittee Organizational meeting for those interested in the Advocacy Committee’s efforts on behalf of K-12 Theatre Education. Being Apart, Acting Together: Difficult Dialogues at the Intersections of Identities Focus Group:................40 (MD) Multidisciplinary Focus; 10 (LGBT) Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgendered, (LFG) Latina/o Focus Group, 23 (WTP) Women and Theatre Program Room:...........................Pikes Peak - 2nd Floor (HCC) Chair.............................John Fletcher, Louisiana State University Participants:.................Christopher Krejci, Louisiana State University Jennifer Popple, University of Colorado--Boulder Jon Rossini, University of California, Davis Carrie Sandahl, Florida State University Alan Sikes, Hunter College, City University of New York Join us for a multi-disciplinary discussion of how movements based on sexuality, race, gender, nation, and disability can meet and act together. What are the possibilities? What are the pitfalls? Beyond “We Loved It” / “We Hated It”: Techniques for Improvising Dynamic Post-Production Dialog with Audiences Focus Group:................7 (DR) Dramaturgy Room:...........................Maroon Peak - 2nd Floor (Hyatt) Session Coordinator:....Ben Gunter, Florida State University / Bainbridge College Chair:............................Jordan Schildcrout, Ohio University Participants:.................Louise Edwards, Northwestern University Leah Lowe, Connecticut College Bryan Moore, Concordia University Respondent:.................Maria Beach, Free-Lance Dramaturg Six dramaturgs draw on a wide range of raw experiences, critical writings, reception theories, and improvisational games to testdrive strategies for stimulating high-quality “talkbacks” with audiences (including audiences at ATHE). Citing Black, Singing Mad: The Performance of Abjection in Judy Garland, Lauryn Hill and Amy Winehouse Focus Group:................5 (BTA) Black Theatre Association Room:...........................Mt. Princeton - 3rd Floor (Hyatt) Session Coordinator:....Christina Knight, Harvard African American Studies Through a Glass Darkly: Images of Death, Blackness, and Soul in Amy Winehouse’s Back to Black Co-Coordinator:...........Nia Witherspoon, Stanford Drama (For)Get Happy and Get Black; Judy Garland, “The Bitch Pack,” and Surrogation in Black Performance Participant:...................La Marr Bruce, Yale University Looking for Lauryn: Madness, Genius, and the Black Prophetess This panel seeks to explore how blackness permeates American popular culture, specifically by investigating the circular and citational practices that link contemporary performers to performances in the past. We want to investigate how, for these artists, blackness becomes a powerful metaphor for insanity or death, setting the stage for narratives of despair or ascendancy. 96 Concurrent Sessions Sunday, August 3, 2008 (cont.) 9:45 AM - 11:15 AM (cont.) Engaging Dialogue: Voices of Praxis Focus Group:................17 (TC) Theory and Criticism Room:...........................Longs Peak - 2nd Floor (HCC) Session Coordinator:....Chase Bringardner, University of Texas at Austin Participants:.................Gibson Cima, The University of Washington Spitting in a Black Man’s Face: Unproductive Dialogues in Athol Fugard’s “Master Harold” . . . and the boys Leigh Clemons, Louisiana State University Praxis and the Engagement of Nationality in Serbian Alternative Theatre Carol Fisher, University of California, Santa Barbara Theatre and Science: Theoretical & Critical Voices Jacob Juntunen, University of Illinois, Chicago Imprisoned by Realism: How Dramatic Form Functions to Maintain or Destabalize the inside/Outside Prison Binary Respondent:.................Sharon Green, Davidson College In this panel, part of the “Engaging Dialogue” series, participants engage and dissect the challenging and sometimes unproductive dialogues that occur between theory and practice. Focus Group Rep Boot Camp Focus Group:................39 (MM) Membership and Marketing Room:...........................Mt. Harvard - 3rd Floor (Hyatt) Session Coordinator:....Barbara Parisi, Long Island University, Brooklyn Campus A MUST for all current and in-coming focus group representatives (and those who might be interested in leadership down the road). Learn the ins and outs and the practical information about leading your focus group. Latina Masculinities: Cross-Gender Performances in Contemporary Latina Theater Focus Group:................24 (LFG) Latina/o Focus Group Room:...........................La Plata Peak - 37th Floor (Pinnacle Club) Session Coordinator:....Coya Paz, Northwestern University Be A Man? Cross -Gender Ethnographic Performance in Teatro Luna’s MACHOS Participant:...................Raquel Guitierrez, Center for Feminist Research, University of Southern Old School Butchographies: An ethnographic wassup Tamara Roberts, Northwestern University A Boy Like That: Queer Vocalizations and Latina Masculinities Using performance theory, ethnography, and critical race theory, this panel examines the role of theatrical performance in critiquing contemporary ideologies of manhood and masculinity, focusing particular attention on the relationship between gender, race, and national identities. Performing the Chinese City: Theatrical Visions of Urbanity and Dystopia Focus Group:................3 (AAP) Association for Asian Performance Room:...........................Castle Peak - 37th Floor (Pinnacle Club) Chair:............................Linda Lau, Tufts University The Present Future: The Chinese Dystopic Factory in Mallmark, The Musical Participants:.................Siyuan Liu, University of Pittsburg Performing the Semi-Colonial Chinese City-- Tianjin People’s Art Theatre’s Huaju Play Wangtianhou Jiayun Zhuang, University of California, Los Angeles Mapping and Drawing A Heard Beijing:A Social and Epistemic Practice to Perform the City Respondent:.................Ping Fu, Towson University The Chinese city is inhabited by denizens whose lives and passions are continually on display; it is an imagined realm of possibility and adventure that is best articulated through performance. *LINKS* Playback Improvisation in Macro/Micro Communities: Engaging in Difficult Dialogues Through Creativity, Spontaneity, and Personal Stories. Focus Group:................16 (TASC) Theatre and Social Change Room:...........................Mt. Elbert - 2nd Floor (HCC) Session Coordinator:....Anne-Liese Juge Fox, NOLA Playback Theatre, L.S. U. Dept. of Theatre Participant:...................Leilani Rashida Henry, National Ensemble Playback Theatre NOLA Playback Theatre (New Orleans) and National Ensemble Playback Theatre (Denver) offer a demonstration and skills workshop of Playback Improvisation followed by discussion of application of Playback to community processes. Professional Development Committee Meeting Focus Group:................26 (PDC) Professional Development Committee Room:...........................Mt. Wilson - 3rd Floor (Hyatt) Session Coordinator:....Gail Humphries Mardirosian, American University July 31- August 3, 2008 Grand Hyatt Denver Denver, CO 97 ATHE’s 22nd Conference: Difficult Dialogues: Theatre and the Art of Engagement Concurrent Sessions Sunday, August 3, 2008 (cont.) 9:45 AM - 11:15 AM (cont.) Professional Theatres on University Campus. A Dialogue on the professional and academic partnership of resident theatre companies with educational host institutions. Focus Group:................8 (DP) Directing Program Room:...........................Mt. Evans A - 2nd Floor (HCC) Chair.............................R. Michael Gros, Kansas State University (Former Artistic Director) Participants:.................Peter Ellenstein, William Inge Theatre Festival, Kansas City Repertory Theatre William Prenevost, Kansas City Reparatory Theatre Steven Rothman, Cal State Los Angeles (Former Artistic Director) Art and Education - a partnership made in ??? Exploring the challenges and benefits of hosting a professional theatre company on a university campus. Providence vs. Progress: The Difficult Dialogues of Religion and Science Focus Group:................40 (MD) Multidisciplinary Focus; 14 (RT) Religion and Theatre, 13 (PS) Performance Studies 18 (TH) Theatre and History Room:...........................Mt. Evans B- 2nd Floor (HCC) A Playwright of Pragmatism: The Unity of Science and Religion in Susan Glaspell’s Plays Session Coordinator:....Kate McConnell, Colgate University The Modern Morality Play: Biological Figuration and Viewing the Invisible Participants:.................Kanta Kochhar-Lindgren, University of Washington, Bothell Regenerating Body Maps: Crossing Lines between Religion and Science Kelly Rafferty, University of California, Berkeley Critical Art Ensemble’s Cult of the New Eve: Biblical Metaphor and the Public Understanding of Science Michael Winetsky, CUNY An examination of how theater and performance investigate and challenge the contentious relationship between religion and science. *LINKS* Speaking to Power through Improvisational Performance Focus Group:................18 (TH) Theatre and History Room:...........................Mt. Oxford - 3rd Floor (Hyatt) Chair:............................Kaarin JohnstonCollege of Saint Benedict Session Coordinator:....Paulette Marty, Appalachian State University George Gascoigne’s Improvisational Feats for the Elizabethan Earl of Leicester Participants: ................Claudia Wilsch Case, Lehman College/CUNY Nurturing Internal Critique: The Theatre Guild and the Garrick Gaieties Sarah Meyers, University of Texas, Austin The Trouble with Tears: Girls’ Autobiographical Performance and the Politics of Empowerment In various eras, performers have used theatre to communicate with powerful audience members. This panel explores how improvisational theatre techniques can facilitate such dialogues, even when artistic self-expression is risky. The Questioning Spirit in Cyberspace: Digital Dramaturgy Focus Group:................25 (ETC) Electronic Technology Committee Room:...........................Mt. Columbia - 3rd Floor (Hyatt) Co-Chairs:....................D.J. Hopkins, San Diego State University Judith Sebesta, University of Missouri-Columbia Participants:.................Mallory Catlett, Freelance Director Karen Jean Martinson, University of Minnesota Nadja Masura, Independent Scholar Bob Nelson, University of Utah In this roundtable discussion, dramaturgs explore the use of new technologies in their work, from digital video and other imaging to blogs to production websites. 9:45 AM - 1:00 PM Paid Workshop: Devising Civic Theatre: Performance, Collaboration, Social Practice & Dialogue Focus Group:................38 (CC) Conference Committee Room:...........................Sunlight Peak – 37th Floor (Pinnacle Club) Chair:............................ Michael Rohd 98 Concurrent Sessions Sunday, August 3, 2008 (cont.) 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM “Hey, Look Me Over” -- Musical Theatre Historiography/Theory: State of the Field Focus Group:................11 (MTD) Music Theatre/Dance Room:...........................Imperial Ballroom - 2nd Floor (Hyatt) Participants:.................Henry Bial, University of Kansas “Acting Jewish: Negotiating Ethnicity on the American Stage and Screen” Bud Coleman, University of Colorado at Boulder “Women in Musical Theatre: Essays on Lyricists, Writers, Arrangers, Choreographers, Designers, Directors, Producers and Performance Artists” Caryl Flinn, University of Arizona “Brass Diva: The Life and Legends of Ethel Merman” Paul Laird, University of Kansas Tom Riis, University of Colorado at Boulder “Frank Loesser” (Yale Broadway Masters Series) Judy Sebesta, University of Missouri - Columbia “Women in Musical Theatre: Essays on Lyricists, Writers, Arrangers, Choreographers, Designers, Directors, Producers and Performance Artists” Rick Simas, San Diego State University “The Musicals No One Came to See” This roundtable discussion among musical theatre historians and authors will explore strategies they employed as they tackled their subject. “How Do I Publish My First Journal Article?” Focus Group:................28 RPC Research & Publications Committee Room:...........................Pikes Peak - 2nd Floor HCC Session Coordinator:....David Saltz, Theatre Journal Editor, University of Georgia Participants:.................Alan Ackerman, Modern Drama Marcyrose Chvasta, Liminalities Richard Schechner, The Drama Review Tisch School of the Arts, New York University Sandra Shannon, Theatre Topics Journal Editor Howard University First-time authors of journal articles often experience a good deal of needless anxiety as they prepare to pursue their first publication. Most of this anxiety, however, can be avoided by studying the ABC’s of the process and by taking a proactive approach to this potentially daunting endeavor. “How Do I Publish My First Journal Article?” will allow first-time authors to engage in frank conversations with recent authors of journal articles as well as with some of the most reputable journal editors in the field of performance studies. Claiming Cultural Capital: Gao Xingjian and Taiwan, France, and China Focus Group:................3 (AAP) Association for Asian Performance Room:...........................Mt. Princeton - 3rd Floor (Hyatt) Session Coordinator:....Todd Coulter, Truman State University Colonial Culture - Gao Xingjian as a French Playwright Chair:............................Haiping Yan, University of California - Los Angeles Participants:.................Alexander C.Y. Huang, Pennsylvania State University Jiayun Zhuang, University of California - Los Angeles Gao -- The Inconvenient Cultural Capital for the Chinese Nobel-Complex Taking Gao Xingjian as a point of discussion, the panel discusses the politics of recognition and the recognition of politics in the context of cultural output. Dishy Dialogue: Gossip, Gender and Performance Focus Group:................10 (LGBT) Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgendered Room:...........................Mt. Evans B- 2nd Floor (HCC) Session Coordinator:....Frank Miller, Georgia State University I Dish, Therefore I Am: Performing Toothy Tile and Ted Casablanca Participants:.................Jessica Del Vecchio, University of Texas at Austin Constructing K-Fed: The Performativity of Tabloids Ray Matthews, University of Texas at Austin Queering Spears Wes Pearce, University of Regina People are talking but nobody cares: gossip, gender and musical theatre An exploration of dishing the dirt as performance, as a reinforcement and challenge of gender norms and as an inspiration for theatrical creation. Expressing the Depression: The Theatre of the Thirties Focus Group:................18 (TH) Theatre and History Room:...........................La Plata Peak - 37th Floor (Pinnacle Club) Session Coordinator:....Meredith Malburne, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Replication, Revision, and Reconsideration: Reading Lorraine Hansberry’s “A Raisin in the Sun” through Clifford Odets’ “Awake and Sing!” Participants:.................Anne Fletcher, Southern Illinois University Giving it Away and Letting Go: Joe and the Arab in “The Time of Your Life” Kelly Carolyn Gordon, University of North Carolina at Greensboro “Charity Begins at Home:” How Stage Actresses Sought to Rescue Theatre Workers in New York During the 1930s July 31- August 3, 2008 Roxanne Schwab, Saint Louis University Grand Hyatt Denver Expression of the Depression: Arthur Arent’s “One Third of a Nation” as Theatrical Expressionism We examine the impact of 1930s theatre, including the role of the female/minority “other,” the sustainability of art in the time of crisis, and the importance—both then and now—of radicalism and history. Denver, CO 99 ATHE’s 22nd Conference: Difficult Dialogues: Theatre and the Art of Engagement Concurrent Sessions Sunday, August 3, 2008 (cont.) 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM (cont.) Innovative Uses of Online Classroom Technology to Improve Student Learning Focus Group:................25 (ETC) Electronic Technology Committee Room:...........................Grays Peak - 2nd Floor (HCC) Chair:............................Kate Sinnett, Independent Scholar Improving Classroom Community and Communication with Online Discussion Forums Participants:.................Sally Bailey, Kansas State University Playwriting Online: Workshop over the Internet Steve Feffer, Western Michigan University Strange Bedfellows: Virtual Dramaturgy in the Pedagogy and Production of Angels in America Stephen Schrum, University of Pittsburgh at Greensburg Teaching in Second Life: Communication in the Virtual Classroom Ronald Smith, Brooks Institute and UC Santa Barbara Enhancing Online Dialogues: Challenges to Online Discussion Forums and Communities This panel will offer practical demonstrations of how online classroom technologies can be used to improve and enrich student learning, and promote dialogue between teacher and student. Integrating the Curriculum: Methods to Help Students Experience the Connections Focus Group:................40 (MD) Multidisciplinary Focus; 1 (AP) Acting Progam, 22 (VASTA) Voice and Speech Trainer’s Association, 4 (ATME) Association for Movement Educators Room:...........................Mt. Wilson - 3rd Floor (Hyatt) Session Coordinator:....Lionel Walsh, University of Windsor Participants:.................Ben Fisler, Hartford Community College Sarah Hickler, Emerson College Tracey Moore, Western Kentucky University Scott Nice, University of North Carolina Nira Pullin, Wayne State University Panelists will discuss the ways in which they have made helped students in their own classes integrate the training in voice, movement, improvisation, and acting classes. *LINKS* Links Wrap-Up Session Focus Group:................38 (CC) Conference Committee Room:...........................Longs Peak - 2nd Floor (HCC) Session Coordinator:....Ben Gunter, Florida State University Performing Place and The Body As Site Of Performance Focus Group:................23 (WTP) Women and Theatre Program Room:...........................Mt. Elbert - 2nd Floor (HCC) Chair:............................Nadja Masura, Independent Scholar BodyPlaces: The Mixing Of Place and Body In Live and Digital Performance Participants:.................Kimberly Dark, Cal State San Marcos Sociology Department, Stripped and Teased: Scandalous Stories with Subversive Subplots Kate Mendeloff, University of Michigan Residential College Into the Woods - Environmental Performance: Evolutions and Revelations This session explores the intersection between places and bodies in performance. From site specific and environmental staging, to one-on-one performances and performance art, we examine areas places and bodies overlap. 100 Concurrent Sessions Sunday, August 3, 2008 (cont.) 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM (cont.) Posthuman Performance: Materiality and Immateriality in Conversation Focus Group:................17 (TC) Theory and Criticism Room:...........................Maroon Peak - 2nd Floor (Hyatt) Session Coordinator:....Margaret Araneo, Graduate Center, City University of New York The Posthuman Hysteric: Epilepsy and Hysteria in The South Wing’s AOI Participants:.................Daniel Larlam, Columbia University Motion Capture: Human Data-Transfer within a Posthuman Performance System Steven Luber, Graduate Center, City University of New York Orgasmic Media, or Performative Sexual Reproduction Within the framework of posthuman studies, this session will look at contemporary modes of performance that attempt to reconcile “human” biology and materiality with theories of immateriality and mediality. Process drama in the community college: Enhancing job interview skills Focus Group:................21 (TYCP) Two-Year College Program Room:...........................Mt. Yale - 3rd Floor (Hyatt) Participant:...................John Socas, Bronx Community College Process drama in the community college: Enhancing job interview skills. This presentation will outline a process drama intervention, based on the work of Dorothy Heathcote and Augusto Boal to enhance the job interview skills of community college students. Production Seasons as Dialogue: Play Selection Processes in Academic Departments Focus Group:................8 (DP) Directing Program Room:...........................Castle Peak - 37th Floor (Pinnacle Club) Session Coordinator:....Mark Seamon, College of St. Catherine Chair:............................Leah Lowe, Connecticut College Participants:.................Kevin Browne, University of Central Arkansas Rebecca Holderness, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Jordan Schildcrout, Ohio University Tyler Smith, Ball State University Steven Weiss, Coe College The session broadly aims to inspire large-group discussion of ideas, strategies, and methodologies for confronting the challenges of the play selection process in academic theatre. Speaking through Adaptation: Conversations in the Process of Conversion Focus Group:................7 (DR) Dramaturgy Room:...........................Mt. Harvard - 3rd Floor (Hyatt) Session Coordinator:....Valleri Hohman, University of Ilinois Collaborative Adaptation: an approach to adapting James Purdy Participants:.................Melissa Cooper, Dallas Theatre Center Writing the Greeks: Crossing the Boundary Between Adaptation and New Work Nichole Gantshar, Syracuse Stage The Great Gatsby as Seen Through the Body: Creating a Ballet Donald Levit, CUNY The Hyphenated Endeavor and the Re-Making of Griselda Gambaro The papers in this session highlight the modes and methodologies and the theoretical foundations that enable adaptations to amplify rather than simplify and challenge as well as celebrate source texts. July 31- August 3, 2008 Grand Hyatt Denver Denver, CO 101 ATHE’s 22nd Conference: Difficult Dialogues: Theatre and the Art of Engagement Concurrent Sessions Sunday, August 3, 2008 (cont.) 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM (cont.) Spectacles of Incarceration: (Im)Prison(ment) and/as Performance Focus Group:................40 (MD) Multidisciplinary Focus; 13 (PS) Performance Studies, 16 (TASC) Theatre and Social Change, 17 (TC) Theory and Criticism Room:...........................Mt. Evans A - 2nd Floor (HCC) Session Coordinator:....Frank Episale, Graduate Center, City University of New York Participants:.................Laura Hope, Loyola University Margaretta D’Arcy in Jail: “Loose Theatre,” Rebel Women’s Bodies, and the Performing the Abject in Northern Ireland’s Armagh Prison Noe Montez, Indana University Money the Hard Way: The Performance of Rehabilitation at the Oklahoma Jules Odendahl-James, Duke University Private Dancer: GaGa over the YouTube Thriller Filipino Prison Show An exploration of prison performances in the information age: from Oklahoma, to the Philippines, to North ern Ireland. Issues of agency, rehabilitation, and the exoticization of the prisoner are examined. What Do Good Intentions Do? Reflections on Using Theatre to Address White Racism on Predominately White Campuses Focus Group:................16 (TASC) Theatre and Social Change Room:...........................Mt. Oxford - 3rd Floor (Hyatt) Co-Coordinators:..........Ann Marie Gardinier Halstead, St. Lawrence University What Do Good Intentions Do? Reflections on Using Theatre to Address White Racism on Predominately White Campuses Jay Pecora John Youngblood Colleagues from two universities, public and private, discuss using theatre to dialogue about white racism at their predominately white campuses. Participants will engage in “difficult dialogue” about race and theatre. 12:00 PM - Colorado Shakespeare Theatre Festival Bus Departs 1:30 PM - 2:30 PM Focus Group Representatives’ Meeting Focus Group:................38 (CC) Conference Committee Room:...........................Pikes Peak - 2nd Floor (HCC) Governing Council Meeting Focus Group:................38 (CC) Conference Committee Room:...........................Grays Peak - 2nd Floor (HCC) 2:30 PM - 3:30 PM Governing Council and Focus Group Representatives' Meeting Focus Group:................38 (CC) Conference Committee Room:...........................Grays Peak - 2nd Floor (HCC) 102