Engaging God - Freedom | Apostolic Resources


Engaging God - Freedom | Apostolic Resources
Engaging God
• Pathway of relationship that leads to
deeper intimacy with God
• Flowing from inside out - heaven to
our gateways of spirit, soul, body to
the world around us
• There are depths of relationship on
this pathway yet to discover
Using the
Court of
4 Chambers of
the Heart
of Spirit
Soul Body
Fear of God
Dance Floor
Mindsets Reason
River of Life
Garden of
our Heart
Hurts Emotions
Pathway of Relationship
4 Chambers of
the Heart
Engaging God Ketubah 4
• God does not choose us on the basis of
our good works, our past performance or
history but actually in spite of it
• Rom 5:10 For if while we were enemies
we were reconciled to God through the
death of His Son, much more, having
been reconciled, we shall be saved by His
Engaging God Ketubah 4
• 1 Cor 1:27 but God has chosen the foolish
things of the world to shame the wise,
and God has chosen the weak things of
the world to shame the things which are
strong, 28 and the base things of the
world and the despised God has chosen,
the things that are not, so that He may
nullify the things that are, 29 so that no
man may boast before God.
Engaging God Ketubah 4
• God’s desire is a marriage relationship
with us
• A Ketubah is a marriage contract made
under a huppah or covering cloud
• Jesus went to the cross to prepare a
place for us, a marriage chamber in us
• He was resurrected and came back for
us so we could a have a wedding.
Engaging God Ketubah 4
• To make a Ketubah we need to
understand God’s promises and purpose
• The new covenant becomes the basis of
our Ketubah
• Ketubah needs to be made in light of our
destiny scroll that was formed in God’s
heart and agreed with our spirit in
Engaging God Ketubah 4
• Psa 139:16 Your eyes have seen my
unformed substance; And in Your book
were all written The days that were
ordained for me, When as yet there was
not one of them.
• Psa 139:17 How precious also are Your
thoughts to me, O God! How vast is the
sum of them!
Engaging God Ketubah 4
• The more we engage God in intimacy
the more of the vast sum of His
thoughts about us get revealed
• We find our true identity and
progressive revelation of our
blueprint scroll for our lives
• We can also produce our Ketubah
from that context
Engaging God Ketubah 4
• Ketubah is about our expectations of our
relationship with God and our destiny and
purpose within that relationship.
• In relationship we seek first His kingdom
in righteousness, which means out of our
first love for Him, and then all God's
promises become available to us.
• We are in Him and in His name
Engaging God Ketubah 4
• Gen 1:28 God blessed them; and God said
to them, “Be fruitful and multiply, and fill
the earth, and subdue it; and rule
• This mandate forms the basis of our
• We are blessed by God so we can expect
Him to empower us to succeed and
prosper to the highest level
Engaging God Ketubah 4
• The Ketubah becomes the basis of
our covenant exchange or trading.
• We trust Him by surrendering to
our destiny and He provides,
protects, empowers and us blesses
us to prosper and succeed to the
highest level.
Engaging God Ketubah 4
• What do we put in our Ketubah?
• Everything that will bring the fulfilment of
our eternal destiny
The expectation of the availability of all the
resources necessary to enable us to fulfil
God’s purpose
It then becomes the foundational truth and
reality from which we live
We can frame our lives in accordance with it
Engaging God Ketubah 4
• Your Ketubah will enable you to rule in
life and not be subject to the
circumstances around you
• So it is really important to spend time
engaging with God about your Ketubah
• Begin to formulate it so you can be
joined to Him in new covenant marriage
Engaging God Ketubah 4
• Look at a corporate example our
draft Ekklesia Ketubah
• Personal example
• How to use our Ketubah to frame
our lives
• How to frame or create our reality
in alignment with our destiny
Engaging God Ketubah 4
• As a church we have a blueprint given
to us by God
• We use that blueprint to establish our
church Ketubah
• We use our expectations of God so we
can fulfil our blueprint and bring glory
to God as heirs, co-heirs and sons
3G = Heavenly Bench
Good News
Father, Son, Holy Spirit
---- = 4 Apostolic visionary principles
Bench 7
----- = 7 redemptive gifts
----- = 4 ministry areas
= 7 mountains
= Church
Council of 12 ARC 3 + 7 mountains + 2
Bench 3
FAM = Freedom Apostolic Ministries
FCA = Freedom Community Alliance
FSE = Freedom Social Enterprises
FAR = Freedom Apostolic Resources
S = Spiritual Social Supernatural
H = Health Holistic Hope
Bench 12
A = Accommodation Administration
L = Lifestyle Learning Liberty Love
O = Occupation Opportunities
M = Mentoring Mediation Ministry
Bench of 12
Freedom Apostolic Ministries
7 Mountain
Governmental spheres
Bench of 7
Freedom Church
Bench of 3
God Heavenly
Bench of 3
Engaging God Ketubah 4
• Church contract scriptural expectations.
• Matthew 18:20 Two or three gathered He
will be there
• Ps 22:3 He will inhabit our praises
• Matt 16:18 Gates hell will not prevail
against us
• 2 Cor 9:8 He will provide enough grace for
all our needs and an abundance for all our
good deeds
Engaging God Ketubah 4
• Gen 28:18 To live under an open heaven
in the overlap of heaven and earth
• We use God’s prophetic words and
revelation to us and remind Him of them
in our Ketubah
• The promise of the presence of 6 spiritual
rivers flowing out of heaven that we can
always engage when we gather
Engaging God Ketubah 4
• God’s presence will be constantly with us
• Our gatherings will be an open heaven
angelic landing strip
• The presence of the 4 angels of the new
order, the 7 spirits of God and the cloud of
• To be a place where dreams, visions and
blueprints of destiny are released.
Engaging God Ketubah 4
• There will be increasing intimacy in
our relationship with God
• God will enable the success of our
• God will supply all resources needed
to fulfil our blueprint
• God will provide health, safety and
Engaging God Ketubah 4
• That God’s faithfulness will be seen
• That God’s favour and blessings will be
• God will provide all the revelation we
need to fulfil all that we are called to do
• There will be guidance, direction and
revelation through multiple witnesses of
Engaging God Ketubah 4
• God will honour our eternal destiny
• That all things will be possible to
him who believes
• That God will trust us with ….
• God will hear us when we speak
• God will give us wisdom
Engaging God Ketubah 4
• We will have supernatural power and
• We will have an environment that enables
constant growth and fruitfulness
• Transformational power will be available
in our environment
• God will partner with us to bring life, heal
the sick raise the dead etc.
Engaging God Ketubah 4
• Salvations will be released
• We will receive a ring of sonship and
authority to rule over creation
• We will be the head and not the tail
• Frequencies of heaven will be emanating
from us
• God will open access to multiple
Engaging God Ketubah 4
• Earth and all created dimensions will be
our inheritance
• We will be an embassy of heaven where
everything we do would create an
atmosphere of repentance, health,
healing that will reach beyond our
physical footprint
• Raise up mature sons/Joshua generation
Engaging God Ketubah 4
• The ability to access to all areas of heavenly
government; the mountains, thrones,
spheres of government
To have charge of the courts of heaven
To have authority to release and legislate
God’s laws from the heavenly realms
To access to satan’s trophy room
That we will be able to fulfil of our part in
establishing and administering a city of
Engaging God Ketubah 4
• Ability to access the arc of God and be a
representation of the 4 faces of God, Lion,
Ox, Eagle and Man in kingly, prophetic,
apostolic and priestly government
• The ability to access to God’s heart in
• The ability to access to the river of life,
tree of life, throne of grace, garden of God
and the judgment seat
Engaging God Ketubah 4
• To be a fertile place place where the gifts
of the Spirit are manifested and the fruit
of the Spirit grows
• To see kingdom manifestations of health,
sozo, power, signs and wonders.
• To access all the resources necessary to
be an apostolic resource for the Joshua
generation to operate in legislative
Engaging God Ketubah 4
• To live under the Law of fatherhood and
sonship where the laws of inheritance
restitution, recognition are in operation.
• The ability to access to the 12 High
Chancellors’ Houses
• The authority to align the circle of the
deep and bring God’s government to
the created order
Engaging God Ketubah 4
• My personal Ketubah expectations
• To have everything that I need to fulfil
my destiny, dreams and visions
• Written between me and God 2011/12
• I will share some of the 48 points there
are also 20 direct dreams and visions of
things I have seen myself doing that are
just one line
Engaging God Ketubah 4
• To have my full scroll of destiny fulfilled
• To live in full health and wholeness body,
soul and spirit
• To live in and from rest – knowing God in
the fullness of His names
• To fulfil my 20 dreams
• To be transfigured into a fully
metamorphosed son of light
Engaging God Ketubah 4
• To be a manifested son of God on the earth
• To rule as a lord of lords in the kingdom of
• To rule as a king of kings in the kingdom of
• To live in a fulfilled marriage body, soul
• To have my children & grandchildren follow
their destinies in God
Engaging God Ketubah 4
• To fulfil Your desires for me
• To access the timeline
• To reside over the courts of the heavenly
To have my full faculties restored as intended
before the fall of the first creation
To ascend the 9 fire stones to full sonship
To operate the trading floors of the heavenly
Engaging God Ketubah 4
• To have my DNA restored to its full 12
• To access all the rooms in the mountain of
God needed to fulfil my destiny
• To rule the thrones of my 7 personal
• To call forth destiny in many sons and
Engaging God Ketubah 4
• To raise up people to take their position
as lords, kings and sons
• To help raise up a Joshua generation and
equip the Jesus generation
• To be part of an apostolic resource centre
• To know & be fully tutored by the 7 spirits
of God
Engaging God Ketubah 4
• To tend & cultivate my heart’s garden
• To fully access the 4 chambers of my
heart and live in true intimacy
• To see the person of God face to face
beyond the dark veil
• To fully function with the angelic realm
• To relate and interact with my personal
angels and the church angels
Engaging God Ketubah 4
• To fully engage with the heavenly host
• To walk in cooperation and relationship
with the men in white linen
• To radiate the manifest presence of Him
who is and was and is to come
• To live as a speaking creative spirit calling
things forth using creative thoughts and
Engaging God Ketubah 4
• To be joined to the Lord and become
one spirit with Him
• To be a son of God, Brother of Jesus
and a Friend of the Holy Spirit
• To do the greater works of Jesus
• To create galaxies like Jesus & bring
light to the universe
Engaging God Ketubah 4
• My expectation is that if I seek first
His kingdom in righteousness (love
being the motive of my heart) He will
provide, protect, empower and direct
my life
• My Ketubah enables me to frame my
life from my blueprint and every daily
mandate I receive
Engaging God Ketubah 4
• Heb 11:6 And without faith it is
impossible to please Him, for he who
comes to God must believe that He is
and that He is a rewarder of those
who seek Him.
• Heb 11:1 Now faith is the assurance
or substance of things hoped for, the
conviction of things not seen.
Engaging God Ketubah 4
• Gen 1:28 mandate is my basic foundation
• I frame my life according to God's
mandate and purpose to bless and
empower me to prosper and succeed to
be fruitful, multiply and increase to be an
overcomer to subdue and rule.
• To rule with provision, protection, power,
direction and health to fulfil my full
Engaging God Ketubah 4
• We need to use our Ketubah to frame
our lives
• To form the boundaries of our reality
• What we believe that gives us our
frame of reference
• We can create our daily reality by
framing it with our thoughts and
Engaging God Ketubah 4
• I frame each day to succeed with the
favour and blessing of God around me.
• I am in full faith for all I need to fulfil my
mandated purpose
• Time is framed to contract and expand
around me to enable me to complete
the work God has assigned me.
Engaging God Ketubah 4
• I am never to busy to do all that He
desires to do through me.
• I have all the resources necessary
available to me to enable me to
subdue, solve and overcome every
obstacle and hindrance the enemy
seeks to put in my way.
Engaging God Ketubah 4
• I frame my day and my night so that I
have all the rest my soul and body needs
whilst my spirit is active in the heavenly
• I am continually connected to heavens
creative light source that operates at a
speed faster than created light.
• Everything is therefore always available
first or before in heaven
Engaging God Ketubah 4
• Therefore I am able to have everything
that I am going to need ready and
waiting whenever I need it.
• So as a gateway of heaven on the earth
it can flow through me
• 7 spirits of God are actively releasing
wisdom, knowledge, understanding,
council, strength and authority from a
high and superior realm into my life.
Engaging God Ketubah 4
• I am not subject to circumstances
• I am the head and not the tail
circumstances change to enable me to
live in rest and peace and fulfil my daily
mandates from God.
• As I seek first His kingdom in
righteousness I have a full expectation
that He will add all that I need.
Engaging God Ketubah 4
• I AM THAT I AM lives in me enabling me
to succeed from the perspective of
God's heart in eternity.
• As I engage what was and align myself
in what is, I will create what will be and
be a history maker to make the
beginning and end align to complete
the circle of the ancient pathway.
Engaging God Ketubah 4
• I am all I need to be and possess all I need
to have to be blessed and prosperous
• So that at all times in all circumstances I
will have all grace, God's divine enabling
• To meet all my needs and enable me to
do all the God works prepared for me to
bring glory and honour to God.
Engaging God Ketubah 4
• I have a full expectation of
succeeding each day as my day is
subject to my rule and it is not left
to chance.
• I align my life with my scroll of
destiny and not my generational
history by being a living sacrifice.
Engaging God Ketubah 4
• I will be fulfilled, satisfied, content
and filled with love, joy and peace.
• I live according to my eternal identity
and fully embrace my destiny in God’s
• I am the answer to creations groan as
a manifested son of God.
Engaging God Ketubah 4
• I expect Jesus as my high priest after
the order of Melchizedek to prepare
me to serve Him as I as yield and
surrender to His perfect will for my
life each day.
• I accept the responsibility of sonship
and my roles within His heavenly and
earthly kingdom.
Engaging God Ketubah 4
• He is my head and I accept the
responsibility of His government upon
my shoulders
• I daily decree and declare here I am
send me.
• I open my heart to God daily that He
would write on the tablets of my heart
and unveil and reveal His will for me.
Engaging God Ketubah 4
• So that the desires of my heart
would be aligned with His desires
and so direct guide and draw me
towards my destiny each day.
• I stand daily in Gods heart in
eternity that my spirit will be
programmed by His thoughts about
Engaging God Ketubah 4
• I stand in eternity where there is no
sin to filter the light of truth that
becomes my true reality
• I have the revelation of His will and
purpose encoded in creative light
• I am in the light matrix of His
creative thoughts and words that is
the true fabric and essence of who I
Engaging God Ketubah 4
• Your Ketubah will enable you to frame
your life and not be subject to the
circumstances around you
• So spend some time over the next few
weeks engaging with God about your
• Write it out so you can engage God under
the huppah of His presence and become
joined to Him in new covenant marriage
Engaging God Ketubah 4
• I saw a new page it was gold edged with
pearls and was ornately inscribed in the
corners and elaborately decorated.
• It had new season inscribed along the
top edge and Ketubah under the Huppah.
You are invited to participate in the
wedding of Freedom Church and the
Engaging God Ketubah 4
• Embrace the sound of heaven and
resonate with it
• Come into alignment with heaven
• HOPE is the ability to hear the music of
• FAITH is the courage to dance to it today.
• End of the old & beginning of new year
• Old things to let go of & new things to
Engaging God Ketubah 4
• If you are holding on to something that doesn't belong
to you and was never intended for your life, then you
need to......LET IT GO!!!
If you are holding on to past hurts and pains.....
if you are still affected by disappointment or
discouragement.....LET IT GO!!!
If you are still affected by being rejected,
unsupported, under-valued or ignored LET IT GO!!!
If people have made you feel insignificant, unaccepted
or unappreciated... LET IT GO!!!
Engaging God Ketubah 4
• If you are still demotivated by your past
failures or others bad treatment of you...... LET
IT GO!!!
• If your past is still negatively affecting your
present and clouding your future.....
• If you are demotivated by unfulfilled dreams,
vision or expectations.... LET IT GO!!!
• If you are involved in a wrong relationship or
an addiction..... LET IT GO!!!
Engaging God Ketubah 4
• If you are holding on to a job that no longer
meets your needs or talents…. LET IT GO!!!
• If you're stuck in the past and God is trying to
take you to a new level in Him...... LET IT GO!!!
• If you are struggling with the healing of a
broken relationship....... LET IT GO!!!
• If you keep trying to help someone who won't
even try to help themselves..... LET IT GO!!!
Engaging God Ketubah 4
• If someone can't treat you right, love you back,
and see your worth.....LET IT GO!!!
• If someone has angered you ........LET IT GO!!!
• If you are holding on to some thoughts of evil
and revenge...... LET IT GO!!!
• If you have a bad attitude.......LET IT GO!!!
• If you keep judging others to make yourself
feel better...... LET IT GO!!!
Engaging God Ketubah 4
• Your sinful nature .........LET IT GO!!!
• Your iniquitous patterns .........LET IT
• Your negative blood-line influences
.........LET IT GO!!!
• Your genetic seed-line records
.........LET IT GO!!!
Engaging God Ketubah 4
• Your slave identity .........LET IT GO!!!
• Your slavery mindset .........LET IT GO!!!
• Your old religious mindsets .........LET IT
• Your old earthly methods .........LET IT
• Your own cynicism, scepticism, criticism
judgmentalism .........LET IT
Engaging God Ketubah 4
• If you're feeling depressed and stressed .........LET
IT GO!!!
If there is a particular situation that you are so
used to handling yourself and God is saying "take
your hands off of it," then you need to...... LET IT
Let the past be the past. Forget the former things.
GOD is doing a new thing for 2016!!!
"The Battle is the Lord's!"
Engaging God Ketubah 4
• Your identity in God … GRAB HOLD OF IT!!!
• Your destiny in God…. GRAB HOLD OF IT!!!
• Who you are in Christ…. GRAB HOLD OF
• The plan and purpose for your life….GRAB
• Your inheritance in God….. GRAB HOLD OF
Engaging God Ketubah 4
• Your spiritual gifts…….. GRAB HOLD OF IT!!!
• The Fruit of the Spirit…… GRAB HOLD OF IT!!!
• Your blessing….. GRAB HOLD OF IT!!!
• Your forgiveness….. GRAB HOLD OF IT!!!
• Your healing….. GRAB HOLD OF IT!!!
• Your peace….. GRAB HOLD OF IT!!!
Engaging God Ketubah 4
• Your joy….. GRAB HOLD OF IT!!!
• Your access to God….. GRAB HOLD OF
• Your debt cancellation….. GRAB HOLD OF
• Your financial blessing….. GRAB HOLD OF
Engaging God Ketubah 4
• Your breakthrough in God….. GRAB HOLD OF IT!!!
• Your relationship with God….. GRAB HOLD OF IT!!!
• Your intimacy with God…… GRAB HOLD OF IT!!!
• Your anointing with the Holy Spirit…. GRAB HOLD OF
• God's love for you…... GRAB HOLD OF IT!!!
Engaging God Ketubah 4
• Your heavenly encounters…... GRAB HOLD OF
• Your heavenly mountain thrones…... GRAB
• Your kingdom authority….. GRAB HOLD OF
• Your access into heavenly courts….. GRAB
Engaging God Ketubah 4
• Your identity as Lords….. GRAB HOLD OF
• Your identity as kings….. GRAB HOLD OF
• Your identity as sons….. GRAB HOLD OF
• Your marriage with God….. GRAB HOLD
OF IT!!!
Engaging God Ketubah 4
• The choice to hold on or let go is yours
• The choice to embrace the new is yours
• Develop a Ketubah with all its hopes
and expectations
• Make 2016 the year when you begin to
frame your life so faith becomes the
substance of an eternal perspective