The Catholic Communities of St. Adalbert and St. Patrick
The Catholic Communities of St. Adalbert and St. Patrick
The Catholic Communities of St. Adalbert and St. Patrick Church of St. Adalbert Church of St. Patrick 90 Alden Avenue Founded 1915 64 Pearl Street Founded 1860 Visit the website for the Catholic Communities of St. Patrick and St. Adalbert Rev. John Weaver, Pastor Rev. Anthony Bruno, Weekend Assistant Deacon Robert Lambert, Permanent Deacon Deacon Vincent Motto, Permanent Deacon Offices for St. Adalbert and St. Patrick 64 Pearl Street • 860-745-2411 • Fax: 860-253-9483 E-mail address: [email protected] Office Hours: Monday-Friday 9am-4pm June/July/August — Monday-Thursday Religious Education Office 73 Pearl Street • 860-741-0572 Prayer Line 860-745-6492 Baptisms and Marriages Please call the Office Schedule of Masses and Confessions Saturday Confessions: 3:30-4:00 PM - Only at St. Adalbert Church Saturday Vigil: 4:30 PM at St. Adalabert and 6:00 PM at St. Patrick Sunday Morning: 8:00 AM at St. Patrick and 10:30 AM at St. Adalbert Weekdays: 8:00 AM Monday & Tuesday at St. Patrick and 8:00 AM Wednesday & Thursday at St. Adalbert Monday: 6:00 PM - Spanish Language Mass (7:30 PM June-August) THE CATHOLIC COMMUNITES OF ST. ADALBERT AND ST. PATRICK Saturday June 16 4:30 PM St. Adalbert’s—John Liro—Req. by daughter, Janie 6:00 PM St. Patrick’s– Norma Post—Req. by the Family Sunday June 17 8:000 AM St. Patrick’s— Roland Leroux—Req. by Joan & Ralph Jordan 10:30 AM St. Adalbert’s—William Wescott—Req. by the Family Monday June 18 8:00 AM St. Patrick’s— Gaspare Rosato & Guiseppe Gandolfo—Req. by Steve & Vincie Gandolfo 7:30 PM St. Patrick’s—For the Parishioners of St. Patrick’s Tuesday June 19 8:00 AM St. Patrick’s—The Miglinas Family—Req. by the Family Wednesday June 20 8:00 AM St. Adalbert’s—Helen Korona Corbo—Req. by brother, Frank Thursday June 21 8:00 AM St. Adalbert’s—Astrid Howarth—Req. by Sandra & J. Talbot Friday No Morning Mass ENFIELD, CT WELCOME! No matter what your present status in the Catholic Church; no matter what your current family and marital situation; no matter what your personal history, age, race, ethnic origin, sexual orientation, physical condition; no matter what your own selfimage; you are invited, welcomed, accepted, loved and respected here at Saint Adalbert’s and Saint Patrick’s. St. Patrick Church Wedding Banns III: Megan Pschirer & Joseph Aponte St. Adalbert Church Wedding Banns II: Cheryl Casada & Gary Porcello Readings for the Week of June 17, 2012 Sunday: Ez 17:22-24/2 Cor 5:6-10/Mk 4:2634 Monday: 1 Kgs 21:1-16/Mt 5:38-42 Tuesday: 1 Kgs 21:17-29/Mt 5:43-48 Wednesday: 2 Kgs 2:1, 6-14 /Mt 6:1-6, 16-18 Thursday: Sir 48:1-14/Mt 6:7-15 Friday: 2 Kgs 11:1-4, 9-18, 20/Mt 6:19-23 Saturday: 2 Chr 24:17-25/Mt 6:24-34 Next Sunday: Vigil: Jer 1:4-10/1 Pt 1:8-12/Lk 1:517 Day: Is 49:1-6/Acts 13:22-26/Lk 1:57-66, 80 June 22 Saturday June 23 No Morning Mass 4:30 PM St. Adalbert’s—Lil Stevens—Req. the Family 6:00 PM St. Patrick’s— Luigi & Catherine Fiore— Req. by the Family Sunday June 24 8:00 AM St. Patrick’s—Virginia “Ginger” Glende, 1st Anniversary & Judy Glende— Req. by Pat & Janet Colca 10:30 AM St. Adalbert’s—Stella & George Rypysc— Req. by George & Lynn Rypysc June 17th—Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time The Lord has planted the seeds of service in the hearts of young people. We will reap the harvest when we cultivate it through prayer, invitation, and encouragement. If you are being called to service as a Priest or religious, call Fr. Michael Dolan, Director of Vocations, Archdiocesan Center at St. Thomas Seminary, Tel 860-761-7456, e-mail [email protected] or visit the web at In your charity, please pray for the souls of Sonja Balinskas and Genevieve “Jean” DeCaro. ELEVENTH SUNDAY OF ORDINARY TIME We welcome the following into the Christian Community of St. Patrick: Eli Robert Petrone Son of Robert Petrone & Heather Dziadzil Petrone Tyler Joseph Moauro Son of Matthew Moauro & Tara Wollacott Moauro Brooklyn Rose Cogtella Daughter of Stephen Cogtella & Stephanie Garbowski Autumn Irene Quail Daughter of Timothy Quail & Danielle Tucker Quail Kendall Arya Deprey Daughter of Rick Deprey, Jr & Rachele Centore Deprey Connor Michael Luke Son of Christopher Luke & Stephanie Boucher Zadriel Xavier Perez Son of Zanoris Perez Emma Grace Wojtanowski Daughter of Jonathan Wojtanowski & Joy Hancock Wojtanowski Joshua Daniel Estrada Son of Carmelo Estrada & Shannon Abraham Dominco McFarland Son of Ross McFarland & Lindsey Librero Brandon Manuel Cartagena Son of Carlos Manuel Cartagena & Ana Lucia DomingezCapetillo ST. PATRICK GARDEN COMMITTEE NEWS Try Free-Style Volunteerism! We recognize that all have hectic schedules and it may be difficult to join the Garden Committee or to attend a scheduled work party. Garden Committee members and parishioners can still participate! A list of tasks that need to be completed is on file with the Committee, at the Rectory and on the website. Simply pick an action and complete it at your convenience. All we ask is that you advise the Garden Committee (contact information above) that you’ve done the work so we can update the list. Your participation in this flexible process is needed to help ensure our grounds look their best. JUNE 17, 2012 A NEED FOR USED EYEGLASSES For more than 40 years the members of the Enfield Lions Club have been collecting used eyeglasses for recycling. After inspection and sorted they are sent to various underdeveloped countries. They are never given to foreign governments or sold for any purpose. The collection box is located at the Pearl Street entrance to St. Patrick Church. LUNCH BUNCH 2012 Lunch Bunch 2012, USDA summer free lunch outreach program for children 18 and under, will open its 9 week program on Monday, June 25 at St. Patrick’s church hall from noon to 1 PM. Children will receive boxed lunches and drinks and participate in a variety of arts and crafts, games, and special activities including a garden, songs and stories, interactive nutrition activities, and “Back Pack Day.” Registration is not required to participate. A parent information center with ideas about health, nutrition, physical activity, and assistance programs for families will be available. FoodShare SNAP outreach volunteers will assist with the processing of applications for assistance on alternate Fridays beginning on July 6. The program will operate Monday through Friday until August 24. The Enfield Food Shelf serves as the site host for the summer outreach program in collaboration with many non-profit agencies. Call 860-741-7321 or 860-253-6396 or for information. “Quotes for FATHER’S DAY” “By the time a man realizes that maybe his father was right, he usually has a son who thinks he’s wrong.” Charles Wadsworth “Sometimes we’re so concerned about giving our children what we never had growing up, we neglect to give them what we did have growing up.” James Dobson “Children will not remember you for the material things you provided but for the feeling that you cherished them.’ Richard L. Evans BIG Y COINS Don’t forget to drop off all those extra coins in the collection container at the entrance to St. Adalbert Church. Coins are donated to the Enfield Loaves & Fishes Soup Kitchen DON’T FORGET YOUR GENTLY USED BOOKS FOR “BRIDGES TO HOPE: EARLY CHILDHOOD LITERACY INITIATIVE” To benefit the children at the Angod Primary School, Ngora, Uganda in the area of Early Childhood Literacy Drop off boxes available at the entrances to St. Adalbert Church and St. Patrick Church CHI RHO CATHOLIC SERVICE CORPS Chi Rho Catholic Service Corps is seeking recent college graduates to serve as subsidized volunteers. We are based near Yale and provide food, housing, health insurance, loan deferment, and a stipend. Many placements start at Catholic Charities on September 1, 2012. Please visit our website at ELEVENTH SUNDAY OF ORDINARY TIME We welcome the following the into the Christian Community of St. Adalbert: Dominic Matthew Levasseur Son of Matthew Levasseur & Heather Sullivan Maxwell Dylan Parisi Son of Jeffrey Parisi & Maria Bacile Ryan Eric Gentes Son of Jeffrey Gentes & Mariah Kachmarik Colton Matthew Killenbeck Son of Matthew Killenbeck & Lynn Govoni Christina Julia Izquierdo Daughter of Joel Izquierdo & Michelle Farina Jocelyn Marie Novelli Daughter of Christopher Novelli & Lisa Duby Dominic Arnold Grimaldi Son of Nicholas Grimaldi & Kristi Perkins Don’t forget the St. Patrick “Change for Change” to benefit The Enfield Loaves & Fishes Soup Kitchen KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS On Wednesday, June 20, the Knights of Columbus Council #26 is hosting a dinner in honor of Venerable Fr. Michael J. McGivney, founder of the Knights. Fr. John Bevins, Rector of the Basilica of the Immaculate Conception in Waterbury will be Keynote speaker. “Servant of Mothers and Orphans: Fr. Michael J. McGivney’s Cause for Sainthood”. 5:00 Holy Hour at St. Mary’s Church, 42 Spring Street, Windsor Locks. 6:00 Cocktails and Dinner at Knights of Columbus Hall, 332 Elm Street, Windsor Locks. Tickets are $20 and may be purchased by calling Dave at 860-254-4245. No tickets will be sold at the door. Proceeds benefit St. Gerard’s Center for Life, Hartford. Do you need help with your loved one? Are worried about them being home alone during the day? CALL THE ENFIELD ADULT DAY CENTER TODAY! Your loved one will: Have a safe place to stay during the day Arts & Crafts Exercise Entertainment Field Trips Hot Meals & Snacks Registered Nurse, Certified Nurses Aides & Social Worker Call 860-763-7538 Happy Father’s Day JUNE 17, 2012 June 17–June 24 SUNDAY Baptisms—St Adalbert’s & St. Patrick’s Happy Father’s Day MONDAY Spanish Language Mass, 7:30 PM, St. Patrick Church Boy Scout Meeting, 6:00—8:30 PM, St. Patrick Church Hall FRIDAY St. Patrick’s Rectory Office Closed FoodShare Truck, 1:00 PM, St. Patrick Church parking lot SUNDAY Baptisms—St. Adalbert Church & St. Patrick Church UPCOMING MEETINGS AND EVENTS June 25 Spanish Language Mass—St. Patrick Church Boy Scout Meeting-St. Patrick Church June 27 Cub Scout Meeting—St. Patrick Church June 29 St. Patrick Rectory Office Closed June 30 St. Patrick Soup Kitchen Group July 1 Baptisms—St. Adalbert & St. Patrick July 2 Spanish Language Mass—St. Patrick Church Boy Scout Meeting—St. Patrick Church July 6 St. Patrick Rectory Office Closed FoodShare Truck—St. Patrick Church July 8 Baptisms—St. Adalbert & St. Patrick Don’t forget the Enfield Food Shelf June—peanut butter & jelly Collection boxes may be found at the entrances to St. Patrick Church ST. JOSEPH’S RESIDENCE Please come join us! St. Joseph’s Residence is having a car wash and plant sale on Saturday, June 30th from 10 AM— 2 PM to help raise funds for a new generator. After over 40 years and many weather-related hardships a replacement generator for the home on Enfield Street is needed before another major power loss in the area. Also on Tuesday, June 19th from 6:30—7:30 PM St. Joseph’s Residence is having a talk on Vocations. It will be in honor of Father Pat Pasquale. All are invited to attend. JUNE 17, 2012 809 Enfield Street, Enfield, CT “Best Doggone Place to buy a KIA” (860) 253-4753 Treasure: Weekly offering for the weekend of June 9 & 10 PLEASE BRING THIS BULLETIN BUY A CAR OR REFER A BUYING CUSTOMER We will donate $100.00 to St. Patrick Church Total Offertory School maintenance $3,220.69 $397.00 Online Giving—5/31—6/7 $937.50 ST. PATRICK CHURCH Enfield Street Arco 250 Enfield Street 860-745-2383 St. Patrick Parish Total Parish income January-May: Total Parish expenses January-May: Total deficit: $141,030.12 $166,972.91 ($25,942.79) Open 7 Days $4,218.00 $1,341.00 St. Adalbert Parish Total Parish income January-May: Total Parish expenses January-May: Total deficit: $117,073.00 $163,198.00 ($46,125.00) Thank you for your generosity! ON LINE GIVING The On Line Giving Program is a safe and secure way to contribute to the parish. To make use of this service, simply go to our parish website – and click on the On Line Giving icon. You must be a registered parishioner with or without offertory envelopes. If you wish to register, or if you have questions about this program, please call Betty at the Rectory Office, 860-745-2411, Monday – Friday, between 9:00 AM and 4:00 PM. St. Patrick’s Online collection schedule for the months of June & July: June 24—Weekly & maintenance July 1—Weekly & air conditioning July 8—Weekly & school maintenance July 15—Weekly July 22—Weekly & maintenance July 29—Weekly CT Lic. No.: P1-280769 Fully Insured D&D PLUMBING SERVICES Always a 10% Senior Citizen discounton labor cost 179 Elm Street, Enfield (860) 745-7177 David Waleryszak, Owner PRECISION MACHINING SINCE 1942 PEERLESS TOOL & MACHINE CO., INC. 5 PEERLESS WAY, ENFIELD, CT 06082-2371 WWW.PEERLESSTOOL.COM TEL: 860-763-5557 FAX: 860-763-5999 CHARLES D. HINES Don’s Auto Care Center Attorney At Law Don Walker, Owner 860-741-8322 14 North Road - Route 140 East Windsor [email protected] 860-292-8917 90 Enfield St., Suite 205, Enfield Full Service Automotive Repairs Master ASE Certified Your Family Lawyer 4546 St. Adalbert Church Weekly Offertory Monthly collection Gas Grills Filled with Propane Auto Repairs • Discount Brakes & Exhaust BUY 6 DONUTS GET 6 DONUTS FREE Valid in ALL Enfield Dunkin’ Donuts Please Visit our NEW STORE 155 Hazard Ave., Enfield Expires 10/21/12 • Limited to two offers Children’s Time & Talent: here are just a few of this week’s offerings to God: Give Meme her medicine. I cleaned the table. LIFE • AUTO • HOME Thomas E. Lally 169 Elm St., Enfield 860-745-7111 May 24, 2012 11:33 AM ST. PATRICK, ENFIELD 03-0109-Y 1144 1144 Browne Memorial Funeral Chapels, Cremation Services, & Family Keepsakes OUR FAMILY SERVING YOUR FAMILY 43 Shaker Road, Enfield, CT 06082 • 860-745-3115 • Alan K. Tracy Joseph A. Tracy CARL’S APPLIANCE SERVICE 860-741-3707 336 HAZARD AVE. ENFIELD, CT 32 Yrs. Experience (860) 623-8998 570 Enfield St., Rte. 5 • Enfield Visit our Web: for savings every day! 1002 Judi Kostek 860.745.7300 Fast Dependable Service All your Electrical needs. AUTOMATIC/SELF SERVE & CAR DETAILING • SALES • SERVICE • PARTS 860-745-2902 Christmas Electric, Inc. License # 104058 & Insured 95 High St. • Enfield, CT $5 OFF In-Store Purchase of $20 or more. Wedding Invitations 20% OFF w/ad Thomas J. Brocuglio Sr. Cell (860) 978-9360 ROGERS MEMORIAL STUDIO ROGERS Over 90 Years Of Service John F. D'Aleo, Prop. Rock of Ages Monuments Cemetery Lettering & Cleaning Tel. 745-2464 724 Enfield Street, Enfield, CT CT Lic 0190650-L5 TEL (860) 763-1315 • FIRE/CAMERAS • INTERCOM SYSTEMS • CENTRAL VAC/CARD ACCESS 651 ENFIELD STREET ENFIELD, CT 06082 TEL (860) 741-9880 Office FAX (860) 741-9881 Family Owned Serving the Community Since 1934 777 Enfield Street, Enfield 1063 860-745-0321 CALL FOR LOW PRICE 24 HOURS A DAY 1004 HOD#15 PANELLA’S PLUMBING & HEATING INC. DEPENDABLE SERVICE FOR OVER 90 YEARS 654 Enfield St., Enfield, CT Lynda Fagen, Broker/Owner • CRS, ABR, SRES, E-PRO 1654 King St., Rte 5, Enfield CT Lic. #203690, 389051 (860) 745-4492 or EMERGENCY 745-4894 Toll-Free Phone/Fax: 866-294-5607 Fax 745-6531 860-627-6870 Web: URBAN FORESTERS, LLC LANDSCAPING & TREE SERVICE ARBORISTS 860-763-0398 FULLY LICENSED AND INSURED FREE ESTIMATES & CONSULTATIONS SENIOR CITIZENS DISCOUNT E-mail: [email protected] Auto • Home • Bus. Life • Health JARRETT INSURANCE AGENCY Since 1918 Polish Delicatessen 860-654-0008 122 Prospect Hill Rd. • E. Windsor, CT 06088 860-745-4222 (Sofia’s Plaza) Donald J. Deni • Nicholas P. Deni Mark T. Zarcaro Polish Groceries, Beer, Kielbasa, Homemade Pierogis, Stuffed Cabbage, Babka Send Packages & Money to Poland Visit us at for more information 657 Enfield St., Enfield, CT 06082 CRS2012 4691 Begley & Associates, LLC 860-741-9108 Certified Public Accountants Tax Preparation Retirement Planning Financial Planning FREE COFFEE w/any Purchase of $4 or more. One Coupon per Customer. 95 High Street, Enfield, CT 06082 Open Every Day from 7 A.M. until 10:00 P.M. FOR AD INFO CALL 1-800-888-4574 © LITURGICAL PUBLICATIONS INC. 860-745-8404 Brendan Begley, CPA MAY 24, 2012 11:33 AM ST. PATRICK, ENFIELD 03-0109-Y
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