The Catholic Communities of St. Adalbert and St. Patrick
The Catholic Communities of St. Adalbert and St. Patrick
The Catholic Communities of St. Adalbert and St. Patrick Church of St. Adalbert Church of St. Patrick 90 Alden Avenue Founded 1915 64 Pearl Street Founded 1860 Visit the website for the Catholic Communities of St. Patrick and St. Adalbert Rev. John Weaver, Pastor Rev. Anthony Bruno, Weekend Assistant Deacon Vincent Motto, Deacon Offices for St. Adalbert and St. Patrick 64 Pearl Street • 860-745-2411 • Fax: 860-253-9483 E-mail address: [email protected] Office Hours: Monday-Friday 9am-4pm June/July/August — Monday-Thursday Religious Education Office 73 Pearl Street • 860-741-0572 Prayer Line 860-745-6492 Baptisms and Marriages Please call the Office Schedule of Masses and Confessions Saturday Confessions: 3:30-4:00 PM - Only at St. Patrick Church Saturday Vigil: 4:30 PM at St. Patrick Church Sunday Morning: 8:00 AM and 9:30 AM at St. Adalbert Church and 10:45 AM at St. Patrick Church Weekdays: 8:00 AM Monday & Tuesday at St. Patrick and 8:00 AM Wednesday & Thursday at St. Adalbert Monday: 6:00 PM - Spanish Language Mass (7:30 PM June-August) at St. Patrick THE CATHOLIC COMMUNITIES OF ST. ADALBERT AND ST. PATRICK In the event that Enfield schools are delayed or cancelled due to weather conditions, morning Mass will also be cancelled and the parish offices will be closed. Saturday June 21 4:30 PM St. Patrick’s—Olati Giovanna—Req. by Nina Gannuscio Sunday June 22 8:00 AM St. Adalbert’s—For the deceased Members of the Christie Family—Req. by the Family 9:30 AM St. Adalbert’s—George & Stella Rypysc—Req. by George & Lynn Rypysc 10:45 AM St. Patrick’s—Roland Leroux, 3rd Anniversary—Req. by the Family Monday June 23 8:00 AM St. Patrick’s—Giovanna & Joseph Cafasso— Req. by Daughter 6:00 PM St. Patrick’s—For the deceased Members of St. Adalbert & St. Patrick ENFIELD, CT WELCOME! No matter what your present status in the Catholic Church; no matter what your current family and marital situation; no matter what your personal history, age, race, ethnic origin, sexual orientation, physical condition; no matter what your own selfimage; you are invited, welcomed, accepted, loved and respected here at Saint Adalbert’s and Saint Patrick’s. Readings for the Week of June 22, 2014 Sunday: Dt 8:2-3, 14b-16a/1 Cor 10:16-17/Jn 6:51-58 Monday: 2 Kgs 17:5-8, 13-15a, 18/Mt 7:1-5 Tuesday: Vigil: Jer 1:4-10/1 Pt 1:8-12/Lk 1:5-17 Day: Is 49:1-6/Acts 13:22-26/Lk 1:57-66, 80 Wednesday: 2 Kgs 22:8-13; 23:1-3/Mt 7:15-20 Thursday: 2 Kgs 24:8-17/Mt 7:21-29 Friday: Dt 7:6-11/1 Jn 4:7-16/Mt 11:25-30 Saturday: Lam 2:2, 10-14, 18-19/Lk 2:41-51 Next Sunday: Vigil: Acts 3:1-10/Gal 1:11-20/Jn 21:1519 Day: Acts 12:1-11/2 Tm 4:6-8, 17-18/Mt 16:13-19 Tuesday June 24 8:00 AM St. Patrick’s—Olati Giovanna—Req. by Margherita Rosato Wednesday June 25 8:00 AM St. Adalbert’s—Ralph Carrieri—Req. by Children Thursday June 26 8:00 AM St. Adalbert’s—Wilczak & Tittarelli Families—Req. by the Family Friday June 27 No Morning Mass 4:00 PM St. Patrick’s—Wedding: Shelien Muratori & Daniel Rousseau Saturday June 28 No Morning Mass 4:30 PM St. Patrick’s—Umberto Balsamo—Req. by Vincy & Steve Gandolfo Sunday June 29 8:00 AM St. Adalbert’s—The Jackobek Family—Req. by Children, Grandchildren & Great Grandchildren 9:30 AM St. Adalbert’s—Frances Mancz—Req. by Marge & Bill Stepansky 10:45 AM St. Patrick’s—Richard & Jennie Frechette— Jason Esslinger In your charity, please pray for the souls of OPEN HOUSE—1ST WAY LIFE CENTER 1st Way Life Center offers free and confidential help to any pregnant woman who may need help and encouragement to carry her baby to term and beyond. The Center is hosting an Open House to celebrate their recent move. Please join us on Sunday, June 22 from 2:00—5:00 PM at 77 Hazard Ave, Unit O, Enfield (behind Smyth’s Ice Cream). Refreshments will be served. St. Patrick Church Wedding Banns I, II & III Shelien Muratori & Daniel Rousseau Wedding Banns I Suzanne Jolissaint & Raymond Lanzano THE MOST HOLY BODY AND BLOOD OF CHRIST A & P STORE A couple leaving the A & P Store mentioned they couldn’t wait to write to their nephew to tell him about the wonderful store. They were so happy with the few items they selected. Come to find out the couple is here on an 8 month Visa to visit their son. In less then 7 months they will return to Cuba. God bless America. For questions or concerns kindly contact Judy Uricchio at 860-745-2344. Thank you and God bless! Heartfelt thanks to all the volunteers, donors and buyers who supported the St. Adalbert tag sale last weekend! Your kind donations of items and your purchases raised needed funds for St. Adalbert Church. A wonderful example of parish stewardship! Don’t forget the Enfield Food Shelf June—cereal & diapers. Collection boxes may be found at the entrances to St. Adalbert & St. Patrick Churches ST. JOSEPH RESIDENCE Full time certified aids daily from 6:00—2:30 PM and every other weekend. Full time certified aids daily from 11:00—7:00 PM and every other weekend. Housekeeper Part time flexible between the hours of 7:00 AM to 3:00 PM and every other weekend. Please contact Sister Patrice at 860-741-0791. Or stop by for an application SUMMER LUNCH BUNCH For children 18 and under & parents at St. Patrick’s Church Hall 64 Pearl Street Monday—Friday June 23rd—August 22nd 11:00 —11:50 AM Activity & information providers Noon—12:30 PM Lunch No Cost! No Registration! Lots of Fun!! ENFIELD LOAVES & FISHES Enfield Loaves and Fishes (Soup Kitchen) is in need of garden vegetables. Many people over plant and this is a good way to share what you don’t need. The Soup Kitchen is located at 28 Prospect Street. Drop off time is 2:00 6:00 PM, Monday—Friday. Call Priscilla at 860-7410226 JUNE 22, 2014 FELICIAN ADULT DAY CARE A HOME…..AWAY FROM HOME Are you looking for a day respite program for a loved one who cannot remain at home during the day while you are at work? Perhaps the answer to the question can be found at Felician Adult Day Center at 1333 Enfield Street in Enfield, CT The Center is a safe haven for those suffering from cognitive impairments and other disabilities. The Center offers health programs and services such as fulltime nursing care, nutritional meals and snacks, a caregiver’s support group, beauty parlor, podiatry, etc. Sing-a-longs as well as daily activities which include arts and crafts are also offered. It is truly an ideal setting for socialization. For more information, call the Center at 860-745-2542. The Center is certified by the Conn. Association for Adult Day Centers and it is a sponsored ministry for the North American Province of the Felician Sisters. VIGIL FOR VOCATIONS A Vigil for Vocations will be held at All Saints Church in Somersville, CT from Saturday, June 21 after the 4:00 PM Mass until 7:45 AM on Sunday, June 22. Please come. Drop in for a visit or sign up for an hour of adoration. See the sign-up sheet at the rear of the church. Jesus is calling you! A short Eucharist Procession around the church will take place after the 10:00 AM Mass on Sunday, June 22 ARCHDIOCESE OF HARTFORD BIBLICAL SCHOOL Do You Want to Encounter God More Deeply in the Bible? Our Catholic Biblical School helps adults to know, love, and live scripture more fully through an in-depth Catholic Bible study. Applications are due August 15. Classes begin in early September. For details, check the website ( or call the Office of Religious Education and Evangelization (860-242-5573, ext. 2670). SUNDAY MORNING MASSES AT ST ADALBERT’S Sunday morning Masses at St. Adalbert’s are now being broadcast live by way of television to the classroom in the church basement. This may be a more comfortable and cooler location for those particularly bothered by the summer heat. The air conditioning in the basement will be turned on for your comfort and there will be seating available around the television set. Don’t hesitate to take advantage of this alternative. THE MOST HOLY BODY AND BLOOD OF CHRIST Treasure: Weekly offering for the weekend of June 14/15 St. Patrick Church Weekly offertory Air conditioning Online Giving—6/4—6/16 $3,453.00 $398.50 $1,756.00 St. Patrick’s Online collection schedule for the months of June & July: June 29—Weekly July 6—Weekly & air conditioning. July 13—Weekly & school maintenance July 20—Weekly July 27—Weekly & maintenance St. Adalbert Church Weekly offertory (6/14 & 15) Monthly Online giving (monthly) (6/5-6/16) Online giving (weekly) (6/5-6/16) Total What the parish needs for this week: Deficit $2,666.15 $182.00 $355.00 $300.00 $3,503.15 $5,135.00 ($1,631.85) St. Adalbert’s Online collection schedule for the months of June & July: June 29—Weekly July 6—Weekly & Monthly July 13—Weekly July 20—Weekly July 27—Weekly Thank you for your generosity! ON LINE GIVING The On Line Giving Program is a safe and secure way to contribute to the parish. To make use of this service, simply go to our parish website – and click on the On Line Giving icon. You must be a registered parishioner with or without offertory envelopes. If you wish to register, or if you have questions about this program, please call Betty at the Rectory Office, 860-745 -2411, Monday–Thursday, between 9:00 AM & 4:00 PM PRO LIFE ROSARY Our Pro-Life Group meets on the first Saturday of every month for the recitation of the rosary near the Planned Parenthood’s facility, at 111 Hazard Ave. (rte. 190) next to the Country Diner in Enfield. You are invited to join them at 10:00 AM each month. JUNE 22, 2014 June 22–June 29 SUNDAY Baptisms—St Adalbert Church & St. Patrick Church MONDAY Lunch Bunch Program, 11:00 AM—12:30 PM, St. Patrick’s Church Hall Spanish Language Mass, 6:00 PM, St. Patrick Church Boy Scout Meeting, 6:30—8:30 PM, St. Patrick’s Hall TUESDAY Lunch Bunch Program, 11:00 AM—12:30 PM, St. Patrick’s Church Hall WEDNESDAY Lunch Bunch Program, 11:00 AM—12:30 PM, St. Patrick’s Church Hall THURSDAY Lunch Bunch Program, 11:00 AM—12:30 PM, St. Patrick’s Church Hall FRIDAY A & P Store, 12 Noon—2:00 PM, St. Patrick’s Parish Center Lunch Bunch Program, 11:00 AM—12:30 PM, St. Patrick’s Church Hall Rectory Office Closed SUNDAY Baptisms—St. Adalbert Church & St. Patrick Church UPCOMING MEETINGS AND EVENTS June 30 Lunch Bunch Program—St. Patrick Boy Scout Meeting—St. Patrick July 1 A & P Store—St. Patrick Lunch Bunch Program—St. Patrick Mount Women’s Auxiliary Meeting—Mt. Carmel Hall July 2 Lunch Bunch Program—St. Patrick July 3 Lunch Bunch Program—St. Patrick July 4 Rectory Office Closed NO—Lunch Bunch Program—St. Patrick NO FoodShare Truck—St. Patrick July 6 Baptisms—St. Adalbert & St. Patrick July 7 Lunch Bunch Program—St. Patrick July 8 Lunch Bunch Program—St. Patrick Rosary for the Sick—St. Adalbert July 9 Lunch Bunch Program—St. Patrick July 10 Lunch Bunch Program—St. Patrick July 11 A & P Store—St. Patrick Lunch Bunch Program - St. Patrick Rectory Office Closed JUNE 22, 2014 PEERLESS PEERLESS TOOL & MACHINE CO., INC. A NEED FOR USED EYEGLASSES For more than 40 years the members of the Enfield Lions Club have been collecting used eyeglasses for recycling. After inspection and sorted they are sent to various underdeveloped countries. They are never given to foreign governments or sold for any purpose. The collection box is located at the Pearl Street entrance to St. Patrick Church. PRECISION MACHINING SINCE 1942 5 PEERLESS WAY, ENFIELD, CT 06082-2371 WWW.PEERLESSTOOL.COM TEL: 860-763-5557 • FAX: 860-763-5999 $QJHOLQD·V5HVWDXUDQW BREAKFAST / LUNCH / DINNER Banquet Facilities - Catering New Extended Hours: Mon 7am-2pm, Tues & Wed 6am-2pm, Thur-Sat 6am-9pm, Sun 7am-2pm 555 Hazard A!"#$%&'(")*%%+, -./01.20/233%4%555#6'7")8'69:;#:<= 95 High Street Enfield, CT 06082 860-741-9108 Do you need help with your loved one? Are worried about them being home alone during the day? CALL THE ENFIELD ADULT DAY CENTER TODAY! Your loved one will: Have a safe place to stay during the day Arts & Crafts Exercise Entertainment Field Trips Hot Meals & Snacks Registered Nurse, Certified Nurses Aides & Social Worker Call 860-763-7538 $1.50 off $6.00 purchase or $3.00 off $12.00 purchase One coupon per customer. Not valid with any other offers. URBAN FORESTERS, LLC TREE SERVICE ARBORISTS 860-763-0398 FULLY LICENSED AND INSURED FREE ESTIMATES & CONSULTATIONS SENIOR CITIZENS DISCOUNT WWW.URBANFORESTERSLLC.COM Pediatrics Gerald Calnen, MD, FAAP Kerri-Ann Fraterrigo MD 98 Bridge St., East Windsor, CT Tel: (860) 253-7236 7 Elm Street, Suite 304 • Enfield CT 860-623-3916 “4 minutes from Enfield to exit 45” TABOR HOUSE A Giant Tag Sale and Large Silent Auction will take place starting Friday, July 17th from 5:00—8:00 PM (opening reception & shopping)—$10 admission, July 18th from Noon—6:00 PM, $1.00 admission and July 19th from 9:00 AM—3:00 PM, free admission. There will be a huge silent auction and bake sale. Location: Sisters of St. Joseph Convent, 27 Park Rd., West Hartford, (corner of Prospect Ave.). This event benefits the Tabor House and the under served population in the surrounding area. Donations of household items (no books, TVs or clothes) can be dropped off on site Monday, July 14, Tuesday, July 15 and Wednesday, July 16 from 8:30 AM—3:00 PM. Questions? - [email protected]. ~ Religious Jewelry ~ Simon G ~ Pandora ~ Kabana WE BUY GOLD Chiropractic & Wellness Care Dr. Ken Landry Chiropractor 546 Enfield St., Enfield, CT 860-265-3792 • No Wait - Immediate Appointments! THIS SPACE AVAILABLE For Information On Advertising, Please Call Our Parish Representative Tony Serino at 800-888-4574 x3346 or Email: [email protected] GETTING PARISH INFORMATION FAST! Would you like to receive directly an advance copy of the weekly bulletin along with important parish news and announcements quickly and easily? Just write your name and e-mail address on the form below and put it in the weekly offertory collection basket Mass. Name:_______________________________________ Don’s Auto Care Center Don Walker, Owner 14 North Road - Route 140 East Windsor 860-292-8917 Full Service Automotive Repairs Master ASE Certified ROGERS MEMORIAL STUDIO ROGERS Email address at which you would like to receive Over 90 Years Of Service parish information:____________________________ ABC%D$4>,+E%F:/,,:-%D$4>,+E-%;G% MAY 22, 2014 10:17 AM !"#$%&'%()*+,"-%./"0' 1"23%"4%*5,6%7"$89,$:6 ;,9,:,/<%=,::,/>$5%?%;+,@$>$5 G,+'%745-2464 ST. PATRICK, ENFIELD, 03-0109 !!77 1144 Browne Memorial Funeral Chapels, Cremation Services, & Family Keepsakes OUR FAMILY SERVING YOUR FAMILY 43 Shaker Road, Enfield, CT 06082 • 860-745-3115 • $1 OFF A DOZEN DONUTS PLU#2621 CARONNA’S FINE WINES AND SPIRITS 860-745-7864/mkt 860-745-4284 CARONNA’S SUPER MARKET 15-25 Pearl St., Enfield, CT Begley & Associates, LLC Certified Public Accountants Tax Preparation Retirement Planning Financial Planning !"#$%#&'(%()&*+,&-./&0123. 455&6$7$,8&9:#;<&.=>(#"8 860-745-8404 Expires 10/19/14 • Limited to two offers Brendan Be gley, CPA STATELINE SENIOR SERVICES Silvia’s International Restaurant & Banquet Facility William McCloskey, Sr. 860-749-0482 • Weddings, Funerals, Corporate Parties and All Occasions Silvia’s Restaurant & Catering is World Famous! Holiday Parties and Dinner Buffets! 48 South Road ||| Unit 2 ||| P.O. Box 398 ||| Somers, CT 06071 (860) 741-6969 Fax: 860-265-2954 ||| E-Mail: [email protected] RETIREMENT & ESTATE PLANNING 20% OFF with this coupon CT Lic. No.: P1-280769 Fully Insured Family Owned Serving the Community Since 1934 777 Enfield Street, Enfield HOD#115 860-745-0321 CALL FOR LOW PRICE 24 HOURS A DAY HOD#15 AVALEE SPECIALTY GIFT SHOPPE D&D PLUMBING SERVICES Free Personalized Gift Packaging Always a 10% Senior Citizen discount on labor cost !"#$%&'$()*++),$%-./+&0$1$23456$"789"!"" David Waleryszak, Owner We Deliver MEMORY LAMPS to Local Funeral Homes 860-265-7729 10% OFF WITH THIS AD PANELLA’S PLUMBING & HEATING INC. DEPENDABLE SERVICE FOR OVER 90 YEARS 654 Enfield St., Enfield, CT 1654 King St., Rte 5 Enfield 860-627-6870 CT Lic. #203690, 389051 (860) 745-4492 or EMERGENCY 745-4894 • Fax 745-6531 Tues-Fri 10-7 Sat 8-5 THE RESIDENTIAL REALTY BOUTIQUE Closed Sun. & Mon. POLISH DELICATESSEN Deli Meats & Cheese * European Groceries Breads & Cookies * Catering Serving Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner Sophia’s Plaza, 122 Propsect Hill Rd., East Windsor Lynda Fagen, Broker/Owner CRS, ABR, SRES, E-PRO Toll-Free Phone/Fax: 866-294-5607 Web: 860-654-0008 • Save 10% OFF with this ad! ON POINT CONNECTIONS !"#$%"&'%()%*&+&,-./$0&1-.2.3 CARS * TRUCKS * BOATS ACCESSORIES 860-253-0489 • We Specialize in All! SLA2012 FOR AD INFO CALL 1-800-888-4574 © LITURGICAL PUBLICATIONS INC. MAY 22, 2014 10:17 AM ST. PATRICK, ENFIELD, 03-0109
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The Catholic Communities of St. Adalbert and St. Patrick
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