Perceptual assessment - Ping-Pong
Perceptual assessment - Ping-Pong
WORKSHOP 160315 Perceptual Analysis Motor Speech Disorders Ellika Schalling, Division of SLP Karolinska Institutet 14/03/2016 Ellika Schalling 1 Motor Speech Disorders Body structure and function (impairment) Activity (activitiy limitations) Participation (participation restriction) Focus respiration, phonation, oralmotor function, articulation Prosody, intelligibility Communicative participation Assessment Instrumental Assessment of methods (e g speech acoustic analysis) intelligibility Clinical test (perceptual analysis) 14/03/2016 Ellika Schalling Questionnaires Selfevaluation… 2 ASSESSMENT IN MOTOR SPEECH DISORDERS Different approaches Physiological analysis Acoustic analysis Perceptual analysis 14/03/2016 Ellika Schalling 3 Perceptual approach: Includes: oromotor assessment perceptual analysis of speech sample assessment of intelligibility (conversation and reading words and sentences) 14/03/2016 Ellika Schalling 4 Oromotor assessment (informal) Assess each component of the oral mechanism Cranial nerve and muscle function Structure, size (symmetry etc) Strenght, tone Range, speed, accuracy 14/03/2016 Ellika Schalling 5 Perceptual analysis Trained listeners rating of how the speech sounds. Descriptions based on defined parameters/ ”symptoms” - often rated on scale Most used ”clinical tool” for assessment 14/03/2016 Ellika Schalling 6 Perceptual analysis Advantages: Advanced technical equipment not needed (although recording helps…) Also gives information about intelligibility and about how speech works in communication Can be done ”online” by trained listener 14/03/2016 Ellika Schalling 7 perceptual analysis Disadvantages: Requires training to achieve good inter- and intrarater reliability May be perceived as subjective No direct feedback to patients in the clinic (terminology etc, has to be explained…) 14/03/2016 Ellika Schalling 8 Measures to optimize validity: Training of listeners Reference samples Consensus on definitions of speech parameters 14/03/2016 Ellika Schalling 9 Perceptual analysis Subjective listener judgement of a speech sample Scales: Equal-Appearing Interval Scale (EAIS) A scale value is assigned to each speech characteristic, e g 1-7, 1-5, 0-4. Visual Analog Scale (VAS) usually 100 mm graphic scale, ratings by marking anywhere along the line 14/03/2016 Ellika Schalling 10 Good and bad: EAIS: Easy to use, most commonly used Number of intervals may be too small to allow subtle discriminations. We don’t know that speech and voice features are perceived in equal magnitude steps. Listeners tend to avoid scale extremes which reduces the scale (Reporting agreement with plus or minus one scale value using five-point scale with listeners avoiding scale extremes may mean that chance levels are unacceptably high) 14/03/2016 Ellika Schalling 11 Direct Magnitude Estimation, DME: DME – assign a value in direct relation to a previously presented stimuli May introduce problems with listener reliability and comparisons between studies May be especially suitable for rating of nasality 14/03/2016 Ellika Schalling 12 Example of rating-form for perceptual assessment (VAS) 14/03/2016 Ellika Schalling 13 Perceptuell parameter Förekommer Förekommer Förekommer Förekommer i inte i liten grad i måttlig grad hög grad FONATION Skrap/knarr Instabil röst läckage press tremor ARTIKULATION Oprecisa konsonanter Oprecisa vokaler PROSODI Monotoni Förlängda fonem Förlängda pauser Korta fraser Utjämnad betoning NASALERING Hyponasal klang Hypernasal klang Blandad nasalering TILLÄGG 14/03/2016 Ellika Schalling 14 Exemples of perceptual symptoms (MSD) respiration: Short phrases Audible inspiration ”Grunts” (at the end of expiration) 14/03/2016 Ellika Schalling 15 Exemples of perceptual symptoms (MSD), cont’d Phonation: Breathy voice Strained-strangled voice Change in pitch level Voice tremor Pitch breaks Harsh voice 14/03/2016 Ellika Schalling 16 Exemples of perceptual symptoms (MSD), cont’d Velopharyngeal system: Hypernasality Hyponasality Nasal emission 14/03/2016 Ellika Schalling 17 Exemples of perceptual symptoms (MSD), cont’d Articulatory system: Imprecise consonants Distorted vowels Prolonged phonemes Irregular articulatory breakdown 14/03/2016 Ellika Schalling 18 38 speech dimensions/characteristics (Darley et al.) Phonatory and respiratory system: pitch level pitch breaks monopitch voice tremor monoloudness excess loudness variation loudness decay alternating loudness loudness (overall) 14/03/2016 Ellika Schalling 19 38 speech dimensions, cont’d Phonatory and respiratory system: harsh voice hoarse (wet) voice breathy voice (continous) breathy voice (transient) strained-strangled voice voice stoppages forced inspiration-expiration audible inspiration grunt at the end of expiration 14/03/2016 Ellika Schalling 20 38 speech dimensions, cont’d Articulatory system: rate short phrases increased rate per segments increase of rate overall reduced stress variable rate prolonged intervals inappropriate silence 14/03/2016 Ellika Schalling 21 38 speech dimensions, cont’d Articulatory system short rushes of speech excess and equal stress imprecise consonants prolonged phonemes phonemes repeated irregular articulatory breakdown distorted vowels 14/03/2016 Ellika Schalling 22 38 speech dimensions, cont’d Velopharyngeal system: hypernasality hyponasality nasal emission 14/03/2016 Ellika Schalling 23 38 speech dimensions, cont’d Overall impression: intelligibility (overall) bizarreness (overall) 14/03/2016 Ellika Schalling 24 Speech sample for perceptual assessment Sustained /a/ (voice quality) Sentences (articulation) Repetition of syllables (AMR/SMR): /pa-pa-pa/, /ta-ta-ta/, /ka-ka-ka/, /pa-ta-ka/ Paragraph for text-reading (perceptual analysis, speech rate) Spontaneous speech sample (perceptual analysis, speech rate) 14/03/2016 Ellika Schalling 25 Ett svårt fall Ett svårt fall En pojke kom en dag inspringande på en bondgård och undrade, om han kunde få låna en spade. När bonden frågade, vad han skulle ha den till, svarade pojken att hans bror hade ramlat i ett träsk och att han måste gräva upp honom. - Hur djupt har han ramlat i? frågade bonden. - Upp till vristerna, blev svaret. - Men då han han väl gå därifrån utan din hjälp. Då behöver du väl ingen spade? Pojken såg förtvivlad ut och sa: - Jo, men ni förstår, han ramlade i med huvet först No. of words = 89 2016-03-14 Time = 30-40 secs Ellika Schalling 26 Paragraph for reading aloud Eg: Grandfather passage: You wish to know all about my grandfather. Well, he is nearly ninety years old, yet he still thinks as swiftly as ever. He dresses himself in an old black frock coat, usually several buttons missing. A long beard clings to his chin, giving those who observe him a pronounced feeling of the utmost respect. Twice each day he plays skillfully and with zest upon a small organ. Except in the winter when the snow or ice prevents, he slowly takes a short walk in the open air each day. We have often urged him to walk more and smoke less, but he always answers, “Banana oil!”. Grandfather likes to be modern in his language. No. of words = 115 14/03/2016 Time = 35-45 secs Ellika Schalling 27 ”Ett svårt fall” Not sufficient demands on: - Articulation - Speech breathing - prosody - endurance … hence, the need for a new text to elicit speech samples for assessment of MSD 14/03/2016 Ellika Schalling 28 Ny text för bedömning av röst och tal: From farm to circus. Construction of a text for reading aloud for assessment of voice and speech function and speech breathing (Morris och Zetterman, 2011) Based on following criteria: (with reference to ”the Caterpillar” Patel et al., 2010) Text with a complete phonological inventory, articulatory sequencing with different levels of difficulty, consonant clusters, diadochokinesis, repetitions Increased demands on speech breathing (phrases of varying lenght) Larger prosodic variation 2016-03-14 Ellika Schalling 29 The Caterpillar: A Novel Reading Passage for Assessment of Motor Speech Disorders Do you like amusement parks? Well, I sure do. To amuse myself, I went twice last spring. My most memorable moment was riding on the Caterpillar, which is a gigantic rollercoaster high above the ground. When I saw how high the Caterpillar rose into the bright blue sky I knew it was for me. After waiting in line for thirty minutes, I made it to the front where the man measured my height to see if I was tall enough. I gave the man my coins, asked for change, and jumped on the cart. Tick, tick, tick, the Caterpillar climbed slowly up the tracks. It went SO high I could see Lake Michigan. Boy was I SCARED! I thought to myself, “There’s no turning back now.” People were so scared they screamed as we swiftly zoomed fast, fast, and faster along the tracks. As quickly as it started, the Caterpillar came to a stop. Unfortunately, it was time to pack the car and drive home. That night I dreamt of the wild ride on the Caterpillar. Taking a trip to the amusement park and riding on the Caterpillar was my MOST memorable moment ever! ~ Patel,Cleveland,Edsall,Olsen,Ramage,Tyler,Russell ~ Innehåll Fonologi Struktur Kravspecifikation 14/03/2016 meningslängd: Varierad, med både korta och långa meningar. Genomsnittlig meningslängd ej längre än befintliga texters interpunktion: Två långa meningar avsedda att utmana talandningen; en som inte inbjuder till pausering, en som har många pausmöjligheter ordlängd: Varierad, med stavelsemässigt korta, medellånga och långa (>6 tecken) ord läsbarhetsindex (LIX): 30-40 lättläst, motsvarande skönlitteratur, populärtidningar textens längd: samtliga svenska fonem: Jämförbar med ”The Caterpillar” 17 vokalfonem, 4 sänkta allofoner, och allofon för obetonad vokal samt 18 konsonanter och 5 supradentaler konsonantkluster: Samtliga initiala trekonsonantkluster. God representation av övriga initiala, mediala och finala kluster diadochokinesi: Ett multiflerstavigt ord motsvarande pataka, exempelvis ”tekopp” annan komplex art.: Artikulatoriskt komplexa ord och ordserie med ökad ordlängd, exempelvis katt, kattmat, kattmatsburk repetition: Flerfaldig upprepning av en och samma sekvens, t ex ” hjälp, hjälp, hjälp” resonans: En mening med tryckstarka orala ljud, samt en mening med samtliga nasaler prosodi: Ord med varierande betoningsmönster, olika satstyper: påstående, fråga, utrop. För att testa röstaspekter och pragmatiska aspekter tidlöst: I tema och ordval, allmängiltig. Köns- åldersneutral läsnivå: emotionell nivå: Motsvarande årskurs 6 Exempelvis spänning, överraskning, besvikelse, för att testa röstaspekter och pragmatiska aspekter Ellika Schalling 31 New text ”The circus” was constructed based on the criteria Analysis with reference to specifications Tested on 34 healthy speakers Revised, based on the analysis of healthy speakers E g, exclusion of words like ”manegen”, ”trippelsaltomortal” New version: ”The trapeze artist” 14/03/2016 Ellika Schalling 32 Trapetskonstnären Cirkusen var i stan. Förtjust tittade jag på affischen med en flygande trapetskonstnär. Morfar böjde sig mot mig: – Vill du gå på cirkus? – Får jag det? Tack, tack, tack! På ängen hade man rest ett enormt tält. Vi var först i kön och fick platserna längst fram. När ljuset dämpades spratt jag till av förväntan. Orkestern spelade upp och föreställningen började. Nummer efter nummer följde: farliga tigrar, jonglörer, ormmänniskor, strutsar, magiker, svärdslukare, spjutkastare och sjölejon som skvätte vatten på publiken. 2016-03-14 Ellika Schalling 33 Trapetskonstnären, forts Höjdpunkten kom när cirkusdirektören presenterade trapetskonstnärens nummer. Utan säkerhetslina skulle hon göra en trippelvolt högt uppe under taket. Hon tog fart och kastade sig ut. Graciöst voltade hon genom luften men när hon greppade den andra trapetsen trodde vi allihop att hon skulle tappa taget. Någon skrek: Hon faller! I sista ögonblicket lyckades hon klamra sig fast. Stort jubel utbröt. Dagen efter hade cirkusen dragit vidare och ängen var tom. Kvar fanns bara ett minne för livet. 2016-03-14 Ellika Schalling 34 Norms for speech rate, n=100 (from the Dysarthria test, 2015) (based on Johansson & Samuelsson, 2012) ”Ett svårt fall” ”Trapetskonstnären” Standard deviation Mean Standard deviation Group Mean Younger women 187,07 29,01 131,33 17,69 Younger men 180,00 11,20 127,47 9,59 Middle age women Middle age men 168,27 13,77 121,67 11,88 182,07 20,20 132,60 12,47 Older women 154,65 17,89 111,50 10,35 Older men 169,05 32,07 121,95 19,01 Total 172,35 24,58 123,65 15,60 Validation of the text ”The trapeze artist” - Validation of the text “the Trapeze Artist" - Analysis of reading aloud by people with motor speech disorders and healthy control subjects (Gauding och Wesselhof, 2014) Validated on 43 speakers with mild-moderate or moderate-severe motor speech disorders + 10 neurologically healthy controls. Studied with regards to: - Articulation rate - Phrase length - Misarticulation - Pauses -Placement of breathing in the longest speech phrase of the sentence 2016-03-14 Ellika Schalling 36 Validation of the text ”The trapeze artist” Differences between speakers with moderate-severe MSD and other speakers regarding all speech parameters (articulation rate, phrase-length, misarticulations, pauses) More misarticulations for individuals with mild-moderate MSD compared to controlls Speakers with MSD inhaled more often in the longest phrase compared to healthy speakers Conclusions: The text has good validity, is more demanding with regards to articulatory complexity and speech breathing 2016-03-14 Ellika Schalling 37 Validation of the text ”The trapeze artist” Ett svårt fall versus Trapetskonstnären: Comparison between different groups of speakers’ performance in paragraph reading of two texts (Jansson, 2015) Spekers diagnosed with stuttering, acquired apraxia of speech, cervical spinal cord injury and hypokinetic dysarthria, (experimental group, 21 participants) And speakers with no speech or breathing impairment (controls, 11 participants) Performance in different groups regarding phrase length, articulation rate, misarticulations and pauses? Comparisons between The trapeze artist and ”Ett svårt fall” 2016-03-14 Ellika Schalling 38 Validation of the text ”The trapeze artist” Speakers in the experimental group: Significantly lower articulation rate Higher number of misarticulations compared to the controls (both texts) Speakers with acquired apraxia of speech had lower speech rate, more misarticulations and took more pauses (both texts) 2016-03-14 Ellika Schalling 39 Comparison between the experimental group and the contol group Trapetskonstnären 22,5 Experimentgruppen Kontrollgruppen 18,3 12,6* 9,6* 6,00 4,0 4,6 4,4 FRASLÄNGD ARTIKULATIONSTEMPO FELLÄSNINGAR 2016-03-14 Ellika Schalling PAUSER 40 Comparison between the experimental group and the contol group Ett svårt fall 27,4 19,6 * 8,9* 5,2 8,0 6,5 4,7 4,7 FRASLÄNGD ARTIKULATIONSTEMPO FELLÄSNINGAR Experimentgruppen 2016-03-14 Ellika Schalling PAUSER Kontrollgruppen 41 Conclusions: ”the trapeze artist” – more articulatorily demanding (more misarticulations). Considered to have good content validity Differences could be shown between the experimental group and the control group Only the group with acquired apraxia of speech could be separated from other groups with MSD in the experimental group based on the analysis 14/03/2016 Ellika Schalling 42 Perceptual assessment 14/03/2016 Ellika Schalling 43 Study of perceptual assessment with different levels of detail Background: - Perceptual assessment – common clinical tool. - Time consuming to perform detailed perceptual assessment. - Critique of reliability, validity and diagnostic precision (e g Kent, 1996; Zyski & Weisiger, 1987) 2016-03-14 Ellika Schalling 44 Method: ”detailed protocol” (30 dimensions, based on DAB) ”overal protocol” (5 domains) Twenty speakers with dysarthria, rated with both protocols by five SLPs with long experience with MSD 14/03/2016 Ellika Schalling 45 Domain 0 No deviaiton 1 Mild deviation 2 Moderate deviation 3 Severe deviation Overall degree of deviation articulation Resonance Prosody Phonation and respiration 2016-03-14 Ellika Schalling 46 0 detailed protocol 1 2 3 övergripande grad av avvikelse Allmänt intryck av talet Röst och andning Sänkt röstläge Förhöjt röstläge Instabilt röstläge Tremor Svag röststyrka Stark röststyrka Varierande röststyrka osv….. 2016-03-14 Ellika Schalling 47 Results: Perceptual symptoms were identified within the same domains with ”the overall protocol” (but no specific information about perceptual characteristica) Higher inter- and intrarater reliability with the overell protocol Conclusion: Overall protocol is suffient for identification of problem areas and degree of severity, but has to be complemented with specific descrition of sympomts and rating of intelligibility (Wannberg, Schalling & Hartelius, 2015) 2016-03-14 Ellika Schalling 48