Registration - School of Pharmacy


Registration - School of Pharmacy
Register soon for the
2015 Pharmacy Alumni Weekend!
ark your calendars now
for the 2015 UMKC School of
Weekend scheduled for October
2-3 in Kansas City, Missouri!
Join us as we celebrate our
Pharmacy Preceptors and the
“Preceptors of the Year” on Friday
evening and come back again on
Saturday morning for Pharmacy
Continuing Education updates
in cardiovascular drugs and a
discussion of “Medical Cannabis
for Pharmacists.” Wrap up your
Pharmacy Alumni Weekend by
joining your fellow classmates
and colleagues at the annual
Pharmacy Alumni Awards dinner
Saturday evening at Lidia’s Italy
Restaurant in the Kansas City
Freight House district.
Register soon for the 2015
Pharmacy Alumni Weekend at and
by clicking on the “Events” tab, or
call our offices at 816-235-2409 or
816-235-1607. We look forward
to seeing you again in October!
Pharmacy Alumni Reunion
Saturday, October 3
Continuing Education programs
School of Pharmacy – Health Sciences Building
2464 Charlotte
Kansas City, MO 64108
9:00 a.m. – 10:00 a.m.
October 2
7:00 p.m.
Pharmacy Preceptor Awards
and Reception
UMKC Student Union
5100 Cherry Street
Join us for our third annual reception to
celebrate and honor the contributions
and support of our 2015 UMKC
pharmacy preceptors!
Novel Drugs and Drug Targets for Treatment of
Cardiovascular Disease
Russell B. Melchert, Ph.D.
Dean and Professor
UMKC School of Pharmacy
This one hour continuing education topic is focused on the new
treatments for hyperlipidemia, heart failure, and pulmonary
artery hypertension that have emerged in the past few years. Many interesting
products have been developed that utilize entirely different mechanisms to get at
treating these devastating diseases. Beyond the traditional approaches we now
have novel “biologic” treatments for a variety of cardiovascular disease. Please join
us as we examine these new agents and their novel mechanisms of action.
Upon completion of this continuing education program, the learner will be able
1. Describe the mechanism of action when using alirocumab and evolocumab
to lower plasma LDL cholesterol.
2. Describe the advantages and disadvantages of using alirocumab and
evolocumab to lower plasma LDL cholesterol.
3. Describe the mechanism of action of nesiritide, sacubitril and serelaxin in
improving cardiovascular function in heart failure patients.
4. List the current therapeutic approaches to management of pulmonary artery
Credits: 1.0 hours (0.10 CEUs)
10:10 a.m. – 11:10 a.m.
An Introduction to Medical Cannabis for Pharmacists
Frank Caligiuri, Pharm.D.
Clinical Assistant Professor
Drake University College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences
This presentation is intended to educate pharmacists on the topic
of medical cannabis within the United States. The presentation will
address the following topics: state and federal laws; select history
and research discoveries; the endocannabinoid system (ECS); cannabis dosage forms;
FDA reviewed cannabis-based medications; literature review of safety and efficacy.
At the completion of this activity, the participant will be able to:
1. Describe the endocannabinoid system (ECS) and its therapeutic targets for drug
2. Summarize the diverse pharmacology of cannabinoids and the history of their
3. Give examples of legal medical cannabis based products in the state of Missouri.
4. Recognize cannabis based medications that are either FDA approved or in Phase
III trials.
Credits: 1.0 hours (1.0 CEUs)
UAN: 0033-0000-15-020-L01-P
Pharmacy Continuing Education credits are provided through the St. Louis College of
Pharmacy. The St. Louis College of Pharmacy is recognized by the Accreditation Council
for Pharmacy Education as an official provider of continuing pharmacy education.
Register for the 2015 Pharmacy Alumni Weekend at the UMKC alumni website
at and by clicking on the “Events” link, or by contacting
the Pharmacy Alumni office at 816-235-2409 or at [email protected]. Or, fill
out the following form and mail it to the address listed below. Please complete your registration by September 25:
Oct. 2 Preceptor Reception
number of participants_________
(no fee for this event – registration is still requested!)
Oct. 3 Continuing Education Courses
(this fee covers both courses)
- Novel Drugs and Drug Targets for Treatment of
Cardiovascular Disease
- An Introduction to Medical Cannabis for Pharmacists
Oct. 3 Pharmacy Alumni Awards/Reunion Dinner
Lidia’s Kansas City Italy Restaurant
Please list number of attendees __________
Grand TOTAL from above:
Payment method:
6:30 p.m.
Pharmacy Alumni Awards & Reunion Dinner
Lidia’s Italy
101 West 22nd Street
Kansas City, MO 64108
_____ check enclosed (payable to the UMKC School of Pharmacy)
_____ MasterCard ______ Visa ______ Discover ______ American Express
Complete your Pharmacy Alumni Weekend experience at our annual awards dinner to
celebrate our 2014 UMKC School of Pharmacy Alumni Service honorees:
Pharmacy Alumni Service:
Community Pharmacy Service:
Health System Pharmacy Service:
Pharmacy Professional Service:
2015 Alumni Reunion Weekend
Valerie Ruehter, Pharm.D. (1993 & 2005)
Erica Hopkins-Wadlow, Pharm.D. (2007)
Jeremy Hampton, Pharm.D. (2007)
Sarah Boyd, Pharm.D. (2004)
All pharmacy alumni are welcome to attend the Reunion Dinner; for those classes wishing to
arrange a separate class reunion event, please contact our offices at 816-235-2409.
Card number
Expiration Date
Name on CardSignature
tion, Disclosures,
Non-profit Org.
U.S. Postage
Kansas City, MO
Permit #6113
y: Knowledge
e: These educational programs are intended for pharmacists
ed in the care of patients in the community and institutional
Day/Evening/or Cell phone ___________________________________________
E-mail address______________________________________________________
Spouse’s or guest’s name_____________________________________________
rug Targets for Treatment of Cardiovascular Disease
tion to Medical Cannabis for Pharmacists
onflicts of Interest: Drs. Melchert and Caligiuri have stated
ve any conflicts of interest regarding their courses in terms
elationships that may involve honoraria, consultant fees or
y commercial company.
isclosure: Drs. Melchert and Caligiuri have stated that their
ontain discussions concerning off-label uses of a commercial
ing this educational activity.
y: The UMKC Alumni Association provides full refunds of paid
ellations are made more than 24 hours prior to the scheduled
t and the request is submitted by phone to 816-235-1607. No
ovided for any cancellations occurring less than 24 hours
Return this form to:
2015 Pharmacy Alumni Weekend
UMKC School of Pharmacy
2464 Charlotte Street, HSB 2309
Kansas City, MO 64108-2718
Individuals who have speech or hearing impairments may contact the University by Relay Missouri,
1-800-735-2966 (TT) or 1-800-735-2466 (voice)
C Alumni Reunion Weekend Continuing Education programs
ear and upon satisfactory completion of both
ticipant will receive credit for 2.0 hours. No fee reduction will be
ticipants who do not complete both classes, and if a participant
ompletion of both classes, CE credit will only be awarded
t is completed.
Street Address_____________________________________________________
An equal opportunity/affirmative action institution
Class Year_________________________________________________________
rogram Overview: This CPE initiative is designed to
macists and help them to understand the future of personalized
tivity is to present the most practical and
mation on the following subjects:
Pharmacy Alumni Association
University of Missouri-Kansas City
2464 Charlotte Street, HSB 2309
Kansas City, MO 64108-2718
UMKC School of Pharmacy
2015 Alumni
October 2-3