Outfest - Watermark Online


Outfest - Watermark Online
DAYTONA BEACH • ORLANDO • TAMPA • ST. PETERSBURG • SARASOTA • Issue 21.14 • July 3 - July 16, 2014 • WatermarkOnline.com
court hears
to celebrate
the modern
family in
at night
St. Pete Pride boasts 200,000 weekend attendance with
its first night parade and separate street festival
{ 8 0 0 - 6 6 7 - 4 2 6 5 }
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watermark Your lgbt life.
July 3 - July 16, 2014 // Issue 21.14
July 3 - July 16, 2014 // Issue 21.14
watermark Your lgbt life.
6 // Mail
8 // Orlando News
12 // Tampa Bay News
17 // State
20 // Nation & World News
27 // In Depth
33 // Arts & Entertainment
39 // Community Calendar
41 // Tampa Bay Overheard
43 // Orlando Overheard
45 // Transitions
46 // Tampa Bay Marketplace
47 // Sports
48 // Orlando Marketplace
Although we are happy
that Gay Days is expanding into
South Florida, we are disappointed
about your choice of dates.
— Rick Siclari, Care Resource CEO
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page Members of St. Petersburg’s
on Bikes lead off
12 Dykes
the first-ever St. Pete
Pride night parade on June 28. The
women’s group traditionally clears the
way for the parade every year.
Photo by Carl Clay Photography
Stayin’ classy:
(L-R) Blue Starr, Peg O’Keef, Sam Singhaus and Beth
Marshall star in an updated version of The Ladies of Eola Heights at The Abbey.
Photo courtesy The Abbey
Watermark I s s u e 21. 14 // J u ly 3 - J u ly 16 , 20 14
Orlando News
Tampa Bay News
page Orlando Center’s executive
page St. Pete Pride brought in
Marriage Ruling
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July 3 - July 16, 2014 // Issue 21.14
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In addition to a Web
site with daily LGBT
updates, a digital
version of each issue
of the publication is
made available on
director Randy Stephens
resigned his position after
five years with the non-profit; Family
Outfest celebrates the modern family
throughout the July 4 weekend;
Transgender prote ctions a step
closer to reality; more.
a record 200,000 people
to the city’s Grand Central
District during its newly expanded
celebration; St. Petersburg assistant
police chief Melanie Bevan is in the
running to become the head of her
page On July 3, a Miami court
heard arguments on the
constitutionality of Florida’s
ban on marriage equality in the state.
We offer a new marriage map that
shows where same-sex marriages
are legal and where litigation is
pending throughout the 50 states.
page In 2005, Steven Lorenzo was
of conspiring with
53 convicted
Scott Schweickert to drug
and rape Tampa area men. And in 2006,
the marriage equality battle was heating
up in the wake of Massachusetts’
decision to issue same-sex marriage
licenses two years prior.
S e e i f y o u w e r e c a u g h t by o u r c a m e r as d u r i n g t h i s y e a r ’ s S t . P e t e P r i d e at Wat e r m a r k O n l i n e . c o m .
July 3 - July 16, 2014 // Issue 21.14
watermark Your lgbt life.
letters to the editor
Gays before Grand
[email protected]
enjoyed the article
with Dolly Parton. The article “Knocking
Down Walls” about Steve
Grand being quickly
dubbed country’s first gay
artist is not only incorrect,
but it ignores the true
first gay country music
recording artist: Patrick
Haggerty and his very first
gay-themed album Lavender
Country, released in 1973. He is one of the 12 gay
artists on the album Strong
Love with his song “Cryin’
These Cocksucking Tears.”
If you Google “Lavender
Country” you will note
this album was recognized
in 2000 in The Journal
Of Country Music as the
first gay-themed album
in history...
Lavender Country
is a story in itself for
those concerned with
the pioneers of the early
gay movement. Conan Dunham
On the timing of rulings
in Florida’s marriage
equality lawsuits:
“I am a plaintiff in the federal
case that was filed here in
Tallahassee—Brenner et al vs.
Scott et al, and we basically
had the closing of document
submission (which in this case
“Steve Grand being quickly dubbed
country’s first gay artist is not only
incorrect, but it ignores the true first
gay country music recording artist,
Patrick Haggerty.”
—Conan Dunham
amounts to the same thing as
the hearing judge Zabel has
set for July 2) on May 27. We
are now waiting for Judge
Hinkle to make a decision,
it could happen today, or it
could happen a month from
now. Our attorneys say they
think it will happen before
July 4. Maybe, maybe not—no
one knows.”
On Gay Days organizers
scheduling Gay Days Ft.
Lauderdale at the same
time as White Party:
“What Chris and Tommy
Manley create with Gay
Days is nothing more than a
trumped up business expo
that sells lube, swimsuits and
magazines. They have shown
time and time again over the
years they care nothing for
the gay community and are
out to only make a buck…All
anyone in South Florida has
to see is how lame this Gay
Days activity is, not support
it, and it will go away like a
rodent. Any success they have
had in Las Vegas is clearly the
result of attaching themselves
directly on Las Vegas Pride.”
—otown guy
“So one circuit party
organization that raises
money for AIDS—White
Party—is upset that the
organizers of another circuit
party organization—Gay
Days—is having a event at
the same time as their event?
Have the Gay Days organizers
lost their focus over Equality
and Pride and focused on
money instead, and do they
still care about the community
like the organizers of the
White Party? You decide.”
—Mark Ferguson
“An HIV non-profit like Care
Resources has no business
being in the business of all
night dance parties that
promote the use of crystal
meth and other party drugs
that directly lead to new cases
of HIV—thus creating new
clients for their organization.”
—Jim Buresch
Steve Blanchard
[email protected]
’m gay, and I was never abused—
sexually or physically—by any member of my
family or any adult in a position of power.
There was never a little league
coach or official who touched me
inappropriately and the leaders
of my church always let me keep
my clothes on!
I never had massive
disagreements with my ever-present
father. And my mother, while a
loving woman, never shielded me
from the realities of the world. She
protected me, yes, but she never lied
to me or hovered too much to make
me a “mama’s boy.”
It’s true that my coming out to
them was difficult and put a big
strain on our relationship for a few
years. But today, we’re closer than
ever, despite our opposing views on
sexual orientation. It’s a topic we
simply don’t discuss for the sake of
watermark staff
our relationship.
So when I read about the June
30 decision by the Supreme Court
of the United States to not hear a
case challenging California’s ban
on ex-gay therapy for minors, I was
thrilled, but not surprised by the
reaction of the religious right.
What that decision means is,
the ban stays in place and minors
are shielded from the inhumane
“guilt therapy” that so many in
our community have experienced
over the years.
I read a lot of blogs and websites
that are on the socially conservative
side of the spectrum and subscribe
to a few e-newsmagazines that are
so far removed from reality that they
enact my involuntary eye-roll the
Publisher: Tom Dyer • Ext. 305 • [email protected]
Chief Financial Officer: Rick Claggett • Ext. 108 • [email protected]
Admin. Assistant: Kathleen Harper • Ext. 100 • [email protected]
Editor-in-Chief: Steve Blanchard • 813-470-0899 • [email protected]
Reporter: Samantha Rosenthal • 104 • [email protected]
Online Media Director: Jamie Hyman • Ext. 106 • [email protected]
Proofreading: Ed Blaisdell
Art Director: Jake Stevens • Ext. 109 • [email protected]
Creative Assistant: Patrick O’Connor • Ext. 109 • [email protected]
watermark Your lgbt life.
July 3 - July 16, 2014 // Issue 21.14
minute the land in my inbox. But it’s
a “know thy enemy” mentality.
So I wasn’t surprised that Mat
Staver of the Liberty Council said
he was “deeply saddened” for
the children who will be denied
treatment. “Many of whom,” he
said, “developed these unwanted
attractions because of abuse of
a pedophile.”
Wait, what?
Science can be so inconsiderate
of some people’s illusions! Let’s
not forget that the American
Association found
in 2007 that exgay therapy—or
conversion therapy,
as some call it—
is ineffective.
Because sexual
orientation cannot
be manipulated!
Have people
wanted to change
their sexual
Definitely! But not
because they wanted
to casually “try the
other team.” But because they
were terrified. Before I came out, I
wanted desperately to be attracted
to women in the same way I was
attracted to men.
Like so many others, my hopes
for conversion were rooted in
guilt and the anticipation of the
disapproving opinions of those
close to me who had “wished for
so much more.”
Last fall I had the opportunity
to interview several survivors of
conversion therapy, and the mental
anguish they experienced sounds
worse than almost any horror
movie. To put it simply, shame is
not therapy.
Surprisingly, Staver’s case that
pedophiles recruit gays is so crazy
that even the nut jobs at Focus
on the Family have distanced
themselves from his statement.
You know you’ve driven your crazy
bus off the sanity cliff when your
thinking is too far right for Focus
on the Family.
But expressing anger, rather than
facts, is the way religious people try
to make their points.
Okay, so maybe not all religious
types. But the ones who cry for
attention certainly don’t seem to
be the kind of folks you’d want to
invite over for a barbecue or bring
with you on a casual night out
at the movies.
That thought came to me after
St. Pete Pride.
The festival had a
“free speech zone”
of hate where a
small contingent
of self-righteous
Christians spewed
angry messages
through a bullhorn
in hilariously
Baptist accents.
“You have to
repent-ah,” I heard
a male voice shout
at one point. “For to
inherit the Kingdom
of Heaven-ah, a man must not lie
with another man-ah.”
I later heard a woman’s voice
quoting verses from the Old
Testament. Ironically, she skipped
any mention of the passages in
that same book preventing women
from preaching.
Arguments like the ones made
by Staver are loud, but that doesn’t
make them strong. And as the
country continues to embrace
equality, it’s becoming more obvious
that those loud arguments are
simply death wails of an outdated
way of thinking. | l |
You know
you’ve driven
your crazy bus
off the sanity
cliff when your
thinking is too
far right for
Focus on the
Sales Manager: Mark Cady
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July 3 - July 16, 2014 // Issue 21.14
Mary Meeks
is an Orlandobased attorney
who is also an
LGBT activist.
She is a long-time
contributor to Watermark. Page 23
Zach Caruso
is a musician and
journalist from
New Jersey who
now lives in St.
Petersburg. He has
a bachelor’s degree in Journalism
and an MA in writing. Page 27
Greg Burton, Scottie Campbell,
Zach Caruso, Susan Clary,
Amy Dees, Kirk Hartlage,
Rev. Phyllis Hunt, Joseph Kissel,
Ken Kundis, Mary Meeks,
Stephen Miller, David Moran,
Gregg Shipiro, Greg Stemm,
Brett Stout, Jim Walker
Bruce Hardin
is a Tampa Baybased freelance
photographer who
shoots portraits
and events for the
LGBT community. He is often seen
‘shooting’ leather events. pg.12
Nick Cardello, Angie Folks,
Tom Eckert, Julie Milford, Travis Moore,
Chris Stephenson, Lee Vandergrift,
Tinkerfluff, Lonnie Thompson
Debbie Oliver, Phil Garris, Ken Caraway
CONTENTS of WATERMARK are protected by federal
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Publication of the name or photograph of any
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watermark Your lgbt life.
Stephens resigns
position at Center
Jamie Hyman
rlando | The GLBT
Center of Central Florida,
Inc. needs a new leader.
Randy Stephens, who
was executive director of the
organization for about five years,
resigned his post June 30.
Randy Stephens
“Change is inevitable,
especially in the non-profit world.
There is a need for new blood and new visions,”
Stephens said. “I am excited for the future of The
Center. My only hope is that I left The Center in a
better position than when I started five years ago.”
Timothy Vargas, president of The Center’s Board of
directors, credited Stephens with establishing a firm
foundation for the organization in a media release.
“We recognize Randy’s contributions to The Center,
including a major effort to save the Center from
the brink of closure in the early half of the decade,
overseeing the development and growth of the Board
of Directors, and overseeing a series of successful
initiatives focused on organizational realignment,
cost reduction and process effectiveness,” Vargas
said. “These changes have helped establish a solid
foundation for The Center and we thank Randy for his
dedication and years of service to the organization.”
When looking back over his tenure, Stephens said
he’s most proud of his volunteers, noting that they
logged 9,000 volunteer hours in 2013. The Center also
administered more than 5,000 HIV tests last year.
“We could not have done all this without our
volunteers,” he said. “They are the soul of The Center.”
When asked about his favorite moments during
his time at The Center, Stephens remembered
the marriage equality rally at Lake Eola almost
exactly one year ago, right after the Supreme Court
overturned the Defense of Marriage Act. He said he
was standing to the side with local performer Blue
Starr, looking over the huge crowd that formed a sea
of red shirts.
“There were tears in both of our eyes, seeing the
community come together as one,” Stephens said.
Vargas said the search for The Center’s next
executive director is already underway.
“While the search continues, we have hired an
assistant executive director, Russell Walker, to handle
the day to day operations of the organization,” he said.
“Russell has served on the Board of Directors for two
years, so his experience and knowledge of The Center
will be key as we continue on through the transition
between Executive Directors.” | l |
watermark Your lgbt life.
A family affair: Scandal actor Dan Bucatinsky, left, his husband Don Roos and their two children, Eliza and Jonah, will
participate in the inaugural Family Outfest July 2-5 in Orlando. Photo courtesy FamilyOutfest.com
Celebrating family
Orlando Outfest mixes July 4 with
America’s modern families
Jeremy Williams
rlando | Converge
Orlando and the Family
Equality Council are
heating up the Fourth of July
weekend in Orlando with the first
ever Family Outfest, a four-day,
family-focused festival of events
for the LGBT community and their
allies July 2-5.
“We have observed that LGBTQ
families are growing,” said Tatiana
Quiroga, Family Equality Council’s
southern regional manager. “More
and more people are following
their dreams of becoming parents
and creating families.”
Outfest is all about fun,
according to Quiroga, who added
that “it’s a Pride event to celebrate
all families—single parents,
two moms, two dads, foster
parents, adoptive parents, gay,
straight, trans gendered, bi, multiracial, everyone.”
The kick-off event is July
July 3 - July 16, 2014 // Issue 21.14
2 at Fun Spot, a Converge
Orlando sponsor.
“They have always been
seen in the community as quite
conservative and we talked to the
team over there and they are very
excited to be welcoming LGBT
families into Fun Spot,” explained
Mikael Audebert, Converge’s
executive director.
Family Outfest is about families,
of course, but organizers realize
the need for parents to have alone
time. Nick After Dark is a kidsonly event at the Nickelodeon
Suites Resort that will let the
little ones play. At the same time,
the adults get Parents Night Out
at Kings Bowl, where they can
mingle over a night of bowling.
The Family Outfest’s Fourth of
July event is at Magic Kingdom,
and organizers plan to keep up the
red shirt tradition of Gay Day at
the Magic Kingdom.
The main event is the July
5 Red, Out and Equal Festival
at Gaston Edwards Park at
Lake Ivanhoe.
Attractions there include
bounc houses, slids, the Zebra
Coalition Kidz Zone and a
volleyball tournament.
Red, Out and Equal is free and
runs from 12-9 p.m. This year
will also be the first time Lake
Ivanhoe puts on a night-time
fireworks show.
“We wanted to do a nice
outdoor event for the families,”
said Audebert. “There will be food
trucks, cash bars and live music.”
Emmy award-winning actor
and producer Dan Bucantinsky
of ABC’s Scandal will be Family
Outfest’s guest of honor and will
attend with his husband and their
two children.
Parking is available at Lake
Highland High School in the
school parking lot. For those who
can bike to the event, Ivanhoe
Village has their bike valet service.
“We are here to showcase the
families that bring this community
together,” said Brian Gouthro,
Converge’s events director.
Visit FamilyOutfest.com for
more details. | l |
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July 3 - July 16, 2014 // Issue 21.14
watermark Your lgbt life.
Orlando mayor signs brief
Board votes in favor of transgender protections
supporting marriage equality Samantha Rosenthal
Jamie Hyman
rlando | City of
Orlando Mayor
Buddy Dyer has the
support he needs from the
City Council to co-sign an
amicus brief in support of
marriage equality.
The brief was filed
the moment the measure
got the required amount
of yes votes.
The brief allows Orlando
to join other Florida cities
in supporting those seeking
marriage equality in the
state. The brief mentions
four pending lawsuits in the
state challenging the ban
and says that lifting the ban
is “good for the health and
welfare of our citizens and
employees to live in a nondiscriminatory environment
and that lifting the ban
is positive for economic
development and tourism.”
Two Council members
opposed brief. Jim Gray
said it’s an important issue
but one that should not be
dealt with at the city level.
Tony Ortiz said he’s “voting
no based on philosophical
ideas [sic]” and informed the
council chambers that he
has “gay friends.”
Councilwoman Patty
Sheehan spoke passionately
in favor of the motion.
“Personally, I am
distressed in this day and
age that there would be any
dissent in protecting our
citizens,” Sheehan said,
She went on to address
Ortiz’s comment.
“It’s not enough to
say you have gay friends,”
Sheehan told Ortiz. “Equality
is for everyone.”
WatermarkOnline.com. | l |
Alliance. June 19, Duncan went
before the seven-member
Chapter 57 Review Board,
rlando | A Review
which consists of all non-elected
Board will recommend
officials who advocate for the
that the Orlando City
citizens of Orlando in the areas of
Commission add gender identity
human and civil rights.
and expression to its antiAt the meeting, the city
discrimination ordinance.
attorney spoke to the board
Gina Duncan, transgender
about the proposal. Duncan,
inclusion director for Equality
joined by civil rights attorney
Florida, has been at the forefront
Mary Meeks and statewide
of the push for the changes. If
director for Equality Florida
the City Commission approves
Michael Farmer, then presented
the policy, it would protect
the proposal to the board. Before
transgender individuals from
voting, each board member was
discrimination in housing, at
able to make comments on the
the workplace, at financial
proposed changes.
institutions or when using public
“The comments that were
made by the advisory board were
“It really has been a great
both heartfelt and compassionate
experience, and it’s really great
in support for the measure,”
to see how far we’ve come
Duncan said.
for gender awareness and
The first City Council public
inclusiveness,” Duncan said.
reading is scheduled July 28.
adding that the board voted
A second reading is Aug. 11,
where the city council will vote
The changes were originally
on the amendment. There will
introduced two years ago by the
be a period of time where the
03_OrlandoLublin_05.14:Layout 1 5/15/14 11:38
Orlando Anti-Discrimination
city commissioners will meet
03_OrlandoLublin_05.14:Layout 1
11:38 AM
with representatives from the
LGBT community to answer any
questions or concerns.
Michael Slaymaker, founder
of Orlando Anti-Discrimination
Ordinance Committee, has asked
LGBT community leaders and
residents to email the mayor
and city commissioners to show
support for adding gender
identity and expression to
Chapter 57 of Orlando’s city code.
Commission contact information
is available at WatermarkOnline.
com and CityOfOrlando.net.
“Over the years, the
social climate of transgender
understanding has changed,”
Duncan said. “We’ve evolved
from a time of knowing we could
not get legislation passed, which
included gender identity, to a time
now where a measure that has
gender identity and expression
is approved unanimously. It
strongly speaks to an increased
education and understanding of
the transgender community and
an increasingly inclusive social
AM Page 1
environment.” | l |
Page 1
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watermark Your lgbt life.
July 3 - July 16, 2014 // Issue 21.14
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July 3 - July 16, 2014 // Issue 21.14
watermark Your lgbt life.
tampa bay
My lips aren’t
the only thing
Finalist: St. Petersburg assistant police chief Melanie
Bevan, pictured with her sons at the Metro Wellness LGBT
Welcome Center reception June 26, is a finalist for Police Chief.
Photo by Steve Blanchard
Bevan in running for top
Police post
Steve Blanchard
t. Petersburg | Assistant Police Chief Melanie
Bevan is just days away from learning if she’ll take
the top post in the department. St. Petersburg
Mayor Rick Kriseman has hinted that he will name one of
four candidates as St. Petersburg Police Chief on July 7.
Bevan, who has been with the department for 25
years, is the only local finalist in the running for the post.
She is also a member of the LGBT community.
Bevan spoke briefly about the position as police chief
at the LGBT Welcome Center reception on June 26, but
didn’t go into much detail.
“I’m waiting like everyone else,” she said.
“We’ll know soon.”
Bevan is the former partner of Tampa Police Chief
Jane Castor and the two women are raising two teenage
boys together.
The other finalists are Jerry Geier, chief of the
Goodyear Police Department in Arizona, Montgomery
County (Md.) Police Captain Terrence Pierce and New
Haven (Conn.) Police Chief Thaddeus Reddish.
On June 19, the four finalists met with city leaders as
well as the public during an open forum at the Coliseum
in downtown St. Petersburg. There, the candidates were
questioned by residents and encouraged to email the
mayor with their thoughts on their choice for the next
police chief.
A Facebook page dedicated to Bevan’s career has
encouraged supporters to contact Kriseman as well to
ensure Bevan’s appointment. Bevan, who was appointed
as assistant police chief in 2012, said she is not behind
that page and is not actively campaigning for the position.
Whoever Kriseman chooses for the position will
replace former chief Chuck Harmon, who retired in
January. He held the position for 12 years.
When Harmon announced his retirement, more than
40 applications rolled into City Hall for his position.
When Watermark asked him about the search prior
to St. Pete Pride, he simply said that he’s excited about
making an announcement soon. | l |
watermark Your lgbt life.
Messages of Pride: An estimated 175,000 people lined the streets of St. Petersburg’s Grand Central District to celebrate
St. Pete Pride’s first-ever night parade. Photo by Bruce Hardin
History is made at night
200,000-plus attend St. Pete Pride’s
weekend of festivities
Steve Blanchard
t. Petersburg | St. Pete
Pride’s Saturday night parade
and Sunday street festival
helped set new records as 200,000
people descended upon the city’s
Grand Central District the last
weekend in June.
A light evening breeze helped
keep parade revelers cool and
comfortable June 28 as more than
100 lighted floats made their
way down Third Avenue North
and Central Avenue. Saturday
alone brought in an estimated
175,000 people to watch the LGBT
community put on its first-ever
night parade.
The street festival the following
day brought in another 40,000,
at least, according to Eric Skains,
executive director of St. Pete Pride.
And sunny skies lack of rain kept
people out in the street throughout
the afternoon.
“I never thought it would have
gotten so big in just one year,” said
Skains, who has been in his position
for two years. “We all knew the
parade would be up in attendance,
July 3 - July 16, 2014 // Issue 21.14
but the size of the festival is just
over the top.”
And so is the economic impact of
the extended festival.
“An event of this scale is huge
for the area,” Skains said. “We saw
the $10.5 million economic impact
with a one-day event. This should
easily nearly double that total, and
that’s huge for local businesses
and the city.”
Restaurants, bars and clubs
were packed before and after the
Saturday night parade. And some
locations were overwhelmed with
revelers. Georgie’s Alibi, which was
the home of the official St. Pete
Pride after party on Saturday night,
was filled to capacity and a crowd
had to wait outside the parking
lot for a chance to enter the bar as
others exited.
Changed for good
Change can be scary, especially
when it directly impacts a popular
event like St. Pete Pride, which
began in 2003. But those who
attended the night parade seemed
thrilled with the new schedule.
Largo couple Rebecca Simmons and
Sheryl Combs attended the parade
and the festival, were excited about
the night parade, which brought
cooler temperatures.
“We could enjoy ourselves
because we weren’t overheated
and the creativity of some of these
organizations was just incredible!”
Simmons said. “It brought a whole
new personality and perspective to
Pride. I loved it!”
Besides the parade taking place
at night, another big, noticeable
difference was the absence of the
traditional, long Pride flag that
ended the parade in almost every
year prior. The explanation for its
absence is simple, said Skains.
“The barricade prevented it,”
Skains explained. “It always relied
on attendees to carry it, and that
just couldn’t happen. We did have a
large rainbow flag lead the parade
this year, which isn’t quite the
same but still significant as it was
the same flag that hung in the City
Council Chamber in June.”
It’s also important to note,
Skains said, that there were no
Pride-related arrests during the
weekend of celebration.
“This is huge as it debunked the
notion that the night time aspect
would draw a rowdier crowd
that was unsafe for families and
seniors,” Skains said.
Continued on page 14 | uu |
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July 3 - July 16, 2014 // Issue 21.14
watermark Your lgbt life.
tampa bay
| uu | St. Pete Pride
from pg.12
There were no reports of
emergencies during the parade
or street festival, and police
reports say only a few people
expressed discomfort or minor
health issues. No one was sent
to area hospitals because of
heat exhaustion either day,
according to St. Petersburg EMS.
The success of St. Pete Pride
2014 can be contributed to
many things, but Skains points
at his board of directors and
the large team of volunteers as
major factors.
“Nearly 400 volunteer shifts
and 2,500 volunteer hours
went into this one weekend,”
Skains explained.
Remaining a night thing
St. Pete Pride will stick with
the new night parade/day time
festival format again in 2015.
“We’ll definitely keep this
format,” Skains said. “As with
anything new, there were some
growing pains. The good part
is it was nothing major that
can’t be fixed.”
One critique shared by
many revelers who visited the
Watermark Media booth during
the festival concerned the
lighting of the parade. Several
who attended the night parade
said some floats were difficult
to see, as were the people
on the floats.
“I wish there had been
spotlights or something,”
said Greg Hampton, of
St. Petersburg. “I didn’t even
know the mayor had walked
past us. It was just too dark
to see him.”
Hampton added that he
realized many organizations
had never participated in
a night parade before, and
he’s optimistic about the
future events.
“Things will get better with
time,” he said. “You experience
something new, you learn what
you need to do to improve.
I’ll definitely be back next
year and I know it’ll just keep
getting better.”
Official representation
And speaking of the
mayor, this was the first
year St. Petersburg’s sitting
mayor actively participated
in and promoted St. Pete
Pride. Mayor Rick Kriseman
late arrival: Former governor Charlie
Crist spoke briefly at the end of St. Pete Pride’s
Stonewalll Reception at the St. Petersburg
Museum of Art June 26. Photo by steve blanchard
walked in the parade and
greeted revelers along both
sides of Central Avenue. He
was accompanied by a large
contingent of St. Petersburg
employees—many of whom
were police officers.
Officers weren’t allowed to
march in uniform but, according
to St. Petersburg Police LGBT
liaison Lt. Markus Hughes,
volunteer police participation
was impressive.
“The mayor was with a
good group,” he said. “If I had
to guess I’d say about 50 to 60
employees marched with him.”
On Thursday, June 26,
Kriseman hoisted a rainbow
pride flag over City Hall.
“I am proud to do something
here today that hasn’t been
done at City Hall in the past,”
Kriseman said to a crowd of
about 50 on that morning. “As
we like to say, the sun shines
here and in particular on the
opportunities that exist in
this community for everyone.
That’s what I believe makes this
community so special.”
He was joined at the flag
pole June 26 by City Council
member and St. Pete Pride
grand marshal Darden Rice,
deputy mayor Kanika Tomalin,
LGBT liaison to the mayor’s
office Robert Danielson
and Lt. Hughes.
The two liaison positions
are new to the City of
St. Petersburg, and Kriseman
watermark Your lgbt life.
loving lambert: Mary Lambert brought more than 500 fans
to the State Theatre for the second 27/82 Benefit Concert on Friday,
June 27. Photo by Vinny D’Ippolito
announced those roles earlier
in the month.
“It’s important to note these
positions weren’t just created
as namesakes,” Kriseman said
before raising the pride flag.
Kriseman also made an
appearance at the annual
Stonewall Reception held at
the St. Petersburg Museum of
Sunday, and shaking hands with
supporters throughout the day.
A brief,
Crist appearance
The highlight for many
who attended the Stonewall
Reception was an appearance
by former Florida governor
Charlie Crist, who is running for
office again in 2014 as a
Democrat. While he
arrived late because
of a plane delay,
he did arrive in
time to address
the crowd, which
had already
—Eric Skains, St. Pete Pride executive dir. begun to thin.
“I have to
give credit to how quickly this
Fine Arts on the evening of June
whole movement has progressed
26. He spoke briefly about the
lately to our great president
diversity of the city before a
Barack Obama,” Crist said in his
Macy’s fashion show kept the
short speech.
capacity crowd entertained.
The former governor talked
The support from Kriseman
about Obama’s spring 2012
had a major impact on
interview with Robin Roberts
this year’s St. Pete Pride,
where he outlined how he came
Skains said.
to understand the need for
“It definitely helped garner
marriage equality.
some additional exposure for
“He said, ‘I have come to the
the event, all in a positive way,”
conclusion, and Michelle has
Skains said. “It means a lot for
come to the conclusion, who am I
LGBT people who have been
to tell anyone who to love?’” Crist
ignored by City Hall for so
quoted Obama.
many years to see their mayor
Crist added that he feels
walking side by side with
the same way, and credited his
them, during both the parade
parents, with raising him and his
and festival.”
three sisters to respect others
Kriseman was spotted
“I can tell you they raised
several times browsing booths
myself and my three sisters to
along Central Avenue on
“We all knew the parade
would be up in attendance,
but the size of the festival is
just over the top.”
July 3 - July 16, 2014 // Issue 21.14
follow one important rule—do
unto others,” Crist said. “It’s
such an important rule that
in our society we call it the
Golden Rule.”
The comments elicited cheers
and applause from those still in
attendance, and Crist went on
to discuss the Catholic Church’s
evolution on LGBT equality.
After speaking, Crist
mingled with the crowd and
posed for photos.
Crist and Kriseman weren’t
the only VIPs in attendance at
the reception. St. Petersburg City
Council members Steve Kornell
and Darden Rice were also there.
Rice, who is a grand marshal
this year, was accompanied by
fellow grand marshals John and
Nancy Desmond of PFLAG Tampa
and Jay Aller of ASAP. Largo
commissioner Michael Smith
also made an apperance.
While the fashion show isn’t a
new contingent of St. Pete Pride,
this is the first time it was held
during the Stonewall Reception
and not at the Tyrone Mall store.
The portable runway also
played host to performances by
Miss St. Pete Pride Stephanie
Stewart, Mister St. Pete Pride
Aaron Phoenix and Mr. St. Pete
Pride Isaiah Sanchez Hilton.
The show was emceed by St.
Pete Pride board member and
entertainment chair Kori Stevens.
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Lambert, Hunter
Valentine wow audience
More than 500 people
attended the second annual
27/82 Benefit Concert at the
State Theatre on Thursday,
June 28. Mary Lambert, who
helped write the hit “Same
Love” headlined the show and
girl-group Hunter Valentine of
Showtime’s The Real L Word
kicked off the high-energy show.
St. Pete Pride board president
Aaron Horcha attended the
concert, and said he was happy
with ticket sales.
“It’s growing,” he said outside
the theater. “I’m pleased with the
response and I think it’ll continue
to get better each year.”
Also spotted at the concert
were Rice and fellow City Council
member Amy Foster, who is a
former board member of St. Pete
Pride. | l |
To read bonus content
from this interview
and more photos go to
July 3 - July 16, 2014 // Issue 21.14
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ort Lauderdale | As Gay
Days in Orlando revved up
for its 24th year, organizers
announced that it would expand in
the fall to create a Gay Days event in
Fort Lauderdale over Thanksgiving
weekend. While that expansion
is expected to bring an economic
boost to the area, the timing of
the expansion is poor, according
to Care Resource, South Florida’s
oldest and largest HIV/AIDS service
organization In a letter addressed to Gay
Days president Chris AlexanderManley and received by Watermark
on June 18, Care Resource Chief
Executive Officer Rick Siclari
expressed disappointment in the
timing of the Gay Days expansion
to South Florida Nov. 25-Dec. 1
because it directly conflicts with
the 30-year-old White Party, which
serves as a fundraiser for the HIV/
AIDS organization.
“For 30 years, during
Thanksgiving weekend, individuals,
businesses, various nonprofit and
LGBT organizations in South Florida
have been playing an integral
role in our agency’s fundraising
efforts by sponsoring, promoting
and supporting the world’s oldest
and largest HIV/AIDS fundraiser,
the crown jewel of HIV/AIDS
fundraiser’s ‘White Party Week,’”
Siclari wrote. “Although we are
happy that Gay Days is expanding
into South Florida, we are
disappointed about your choice of
dates… as this is another time our
community suffers from someone
arriving in town and capitalizing off
what our not-for-profit agency has
spent years building to benefit our
HIV positive community.”
Siclari says in his letter that
several individuals and party
organizers have capitalized on
White Party Week in the past, which
pulls away from the fundraising
efforts of the three-decades-old
celebration benefitting the outreach
and services Care Resource
provides to more than 10,000
people in South Florida.
“Well known DJs have produced
their own parties at the same time,”
Siclari said. “The profits did not
go back into the community and
they benefited nobody but the DJs
White Party Week includes some
of Miami’s best venues and has
national sponsors, internationally
renowned DJs and entertainers that
also encompasses the Muscle Beach
Party on Miami Beach each year.
That party ends with a fireworks
finale spectacular.
Siclari says several times in
his letter that he welcomes Gay
Days’ expansion to South Florida,
but expresses hopes that a nonconflicting time could be used in
the future. He highlights several
other organizations and events that
use other times of years to prevent
direct conflicting events.
“Aqua Girl, Gay Spring Break,
the Miami Gay and Lesbian Film
Festival, Pridefest , Tropical Heat,
Gay Pride, Fantasy Fest and Winter
Party Festival are examples of
events in South Florida that are
held on different dates as a way for
the LGBT community to collaborate
and not compete,” Sinclari wrote.
“When the LGBT community
collaborates and moves forward
together, then the success of an
event takes care of itself. We are
saddened by the non-inclusiveness
of the South Florida LGBT business
and nonprofit community in
determining your event dates.”
The White Party was conceived
by Frank Wager and is not a
corporate venture, Siclari adds.
“White Party is not about
business enterprise, it is about
people, friends, those we care for,
and those whose memories we
will continue to honor, by helping
those we still can,” Siclari wrote.
“We hope that moving forward
you consult with the South Florida
LGBT businesses and nonprofit
community in determining a more
appropriate date.
Alexander-Manley did not
respond to phone calls and emails
from Watermark requesting
comment about the conflict. | l |
Fort Myers transgender woman burned to death
Staff Report
Fort Myers | A transgender
woman was burned to death
then left behind a garbage bin
when Fort Meyer’s Police found
her on June 20.
The woman was identified
as 31-year-old Yaz’min Shancez.
Police said that she was discovered
behind a garbage bin at a rental
facility in Fort Myers.
Officers identified the victim
as Eddie James Owen, which is
Shancez’s legal name. After talking
to her family, they were informed
Owen now identified as a woman
and had been going by a different
alias since 2004, according to
police reports. Police have not yet ruled this
homicide as a hate crime. Ross
Murray, a spokesman from GLAAD,
told Naples News that he didn’t
know if this was a hate crime
but said “no one deserves to be
violently murdered and set on fire
and put behind a dumpster.”
When the victim’s father,
Harvey Loggins, arrived to the
crime scene, the ground was still
charred and bloody, he told the
Naples News. Loggins said he didn’t
hate his child for living as a woman.
“Still to this day I love him. I
wish he was here right now,” said
Loggins, who still refers to the
victim as a male. On June 22, about 200 people
came out to Centennial Park in
Fort Meyers to hold a vigil for
Shancez. Family and friends told
said that it meant a lot to celebrate
her this way. It means so much to me because
I never knew so many people could
love a person like that,” said Tasha
Furlow, Shancez’s aunt.
Police are still looking for
suspects in this case. Anyone with
information should call Crimeline at
407-423-8477. | l |
For Lauderdale approves
marriage equality resolution 3-2
Samantha Rosenthal
ort Lauderdale | By a narrow margin, Fort
Lauderdale City Commissioners approved a
resolution supporting marriage equality and
urging Florida state leaders to take action to legalize
same-sex marriages.
The resolution passed with a 3-2 vote on June 17.
Commissioners Dean Trantalis, Bobby DuBose and
Bruce Roberts voted in favor, while Mayor Jack Seiler
and Vice Mayor Romney Rogers voted in opposition.
There was concern that there weren’t enough votes
to pass the resolution, so residents, professionals, clergy
and business owners of the City of Fort Lauderdale
showed up at City Hall to speak. Of the more than
40 people who spoke at the meeting, only two were
against the resolution for religious reasons.
The resolution was introduced by openly gay
commissioner Trantalis, a long-time supporter for
human rights and equality, especially in Broward
County. In January 1999, he co-wrote and pushed the
Broward County domestic partnership law, which
extended spousal-like benefits not only to county
employees, but to all employees of entities doing
business within the county.
Fort Lauderdale is currently home to 150 LGBTowned businesses in Broward County, where 1.2
million visitors spent $1.4 billion dollars—most of
that in Fort Lauderdale—in 2013 alone. There was
concern that if the resolution failed, it would impact the
economy of the city, especially the money brought in by
LGBT-owned businesses.
Despite Florida’s ban on same-sex marriages, similar
resolutions supporting marriage equality have been
passed in a number of cities throughout the state. | l |
state news
why not?
South Florida group
disappointed in Gay Days expansion dates
in other news
Atlantic Beach HRO gets
date set for first reading
The Atlantic Beach Human Rights Ordinance will appear on
the City Commission’s July 14 regular meeting agenda for its
first reading. At the first reading, the commission will decide
whether to pass it onto a second and final reading Aug. 11,
where it may vote to enact the ordinance. The ordinance
will ban discrimination against people based on race, color,
religion, sex, national origin, sexual orientation and gender
identity or gender expression within the city limits.
Pembroke Pines passes domestic
partner benefits ordinance
The City of Pembroke Pines will officially extend employee
benefits similar to those offered to spouses of married
employees to qualifying domestic partners. The Pembroke
Pines Domestic Partner Act passed on its second and final
reading on June 18 with a 4 to 1 vote. The ordinance will take
effect Oct. 1.
July 3 - July 16, 2014 // Issue 21.14
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Happy couple photo courtesy of Eric Vaughn and Andy Winchell. Wedding setting photo courtesy of Limelight Photography, St. Petersburg.
watermark Your lgbt life.
MFA Watermark ad.indd 2
July 3 - July 16, 2014 // Issue 21.14
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July 3 - July 16, 2014 // Issue 21.14
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in other news
Supreme Court rejects challenge
to conversion therapy ban
The U.S. Supreme Court on June 30 rejected a challenge
to California’s law that bars mental counseling aimed at
turning gay minors straight. The justices let stand an appeals
court ruling that said the state’s ban on so-called conversion
therapy for minors doesn’t violate the free speech rights
of licensed counselors and patients seeking treatment.
South Carolina police chief
reinstated after firing
The Latta (S.C.) City Council voted on June 27 to reinstate
former police chief Crystal Moore, who had claimed she was
fired because she is gay. Mayor Earl Bullard, who was not
present at the meeting, fired Moore in April after she refused
to sign seven unexplained reprimands issued by Bullard.
Singapore LGBTs rally to
counter opposition
Thousands of gay rights activists gathered in downtown
Singapore on June 28 for the annual Pink Dot rally that
came under unprecedented criticism from religious
conservatives, with one influential Christian pastor
calling on the government to ban the event. Organizers
said a record 26,000 people attended the rally.
Court grants stay of
Indiana marriage ruling
A federal appeals court has put on hold a judge’s order striking
down Indiana’s same-sex marriage ban. The U.S. 7th Circuit
Court of Appeals issued the stay order June 27. A judge
had struck down Indiana’s prohibition on same-sex marriage
on June 25, saying it’s unconstitutional. The court’s order
leaves the status of those couples already married in limbo.
Colorado: Boulder issuing more
same-sex marriage licenses
Same-sex couples lined up to get married in Boulder
County in June despite warnings that same-sex marriage
remains illegal in Colorado. Clerk Hillary Hall began issuing
licenses June 25 after the 10th Circuit Court of Appeals,
whose jurisdiction includes Colorado, ruled that Utah’s
same-sex marriage ban was unconstitutional. Colorado
Attorney General John Suthers says Hall’s actions aren’t legal
because the ruling is on hold in case of a possible appeal.
St. Louis challenges Missouri
ban on gay marriage
Missouri Attorney General Chris Koster said June 26 that he
personally supports marriage equality but will defend a state
constitutional ban against it after St. Louis officials issued
marriage licenses to four same-sex couples. St. Louis Mayor
Francis Slay said the four same-sex marriage licenses were
issued with the intent of triggering a legal test of Missouri’s
constitutional prohibition adopted by voters a decade ago.
Transgender woman advances
in Oklahoma House race
A transgender candidate who is a former Oklahoma
City police officer has advanced to a runoff for a
state House seat. Democrat Paula Sophia will face
businessman and former pastor Jason Dunnington in
the Aug. 26 runoff. The winner will take a seat at the
Legislature as there is no Republican in the race.
watermark Your lgbt life.
Gay pride parades across U.S. draw large crowds
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Wire Report
ew York | Gay pride
parades held around the
U.S. Sunday drew huge
crowds of LGBT people and their
supporters who celebrated after
a year of numerous same-sex
marriage victories.
As many as 1 million people
packed the streets of the Chicago’s
North Side for the first gay pride
parade since Illinois legalized
marriage equality last month.
``I think there is definitely like
an even more sense of pride now
knowing that in Illinois you can
legally get married now,’’ said
Charlie Gurion, who with David Wilk
in February became the first couple
in Cook County to get a same-sex
marriage license.
New York’s Fifth Avenue became
one giant rainbow as thousands of
participants waved multicolored
flags while making their way down
the street. The parade marked the
45th anniversary of the Stonewall
riots, the 1969 uprising against
police raids that were a catalyst for
the gay rights movement.
In San Francisco, hundreds of
motorcyclists of the lesbian group
Dykes on Bikes took their traditional
spot at the head of the 44th annual
parade and loudly kicked off the
festivities with a combined roar.
Apple Inc. had one of the largest
corporate presences, and chief
executive Tim Cook greeted the
estimated 4,000 employees and
family members who participated.
The parade drew more than 100,000
spectators and participants.
In Seattle, thousands of people
attended the city’s 40th annual
Pride Parade downtown. This year’s
theme, ``Generations of Pride,’’
honors civil rights battles in the
city that elected its first openly gay
mayor last November.
Other parades were held
Sunday across the U.S., including in
Minneapolis and Houston. Humbler
celebrations were held in smaller
towns and cities, such as Augusta,
Ga., while festivals were held
Saturday in France, Spain, Mexico
and Peru. | l |
``I don’t care what your culture
is,’’ Biden told about 100 guests
at the Naval Observatory’s vice
presidential mansion. ``Inhumanity
is inhumanity is inhumanity.
Prejudice is prejudice is prejudice.’’
With anti-gay laws taking root
in nearly 80 countries, Biden and
other top White House officials met
with religious, human rights and
HIV health care advocates in a forum
dedicated to promoting gay rights
White House National Security
Adviser Susan Rice cast the
protection of gays from global
discrimination, abuse and even
death as one of the most challenging
international human rights issue
facing the United States.
``To achieve lasting global change,
we need everyone’s shoulder at the
wheel,’’ she said. ``With more voices
to enrich and amplify the message—
the message that gay rights are
straight-up human rights—we can
open more minds.’’
Rice emphasized that cultural
differences do not excuse human
rights violations.
``Governments are responsible
for protecting the rights of all
citizens, and it is incumbent upon
the state, and on each of us, to foster
tolerance and to reverse the tide of
discrimination,’’ Rice said. | l |
to gays and lesbians even though
more than half of the states don’t
recognize marriage equality. That
effort has been confounded by laws
that say some benefits should be
conferred only to couples whose
marriages are recognized by the
states where they live, rather than
the states where they were married.
Aiming to circumvent that issue,
the Veterans Affairs Department will
start letting gay people who tell the
government they are married to a
veteran to be buried alongside them
in a national cemetery, drawing on
the VA’s authority to waive the usual
marriage requirement.
In a similar move, the Social
Security Administration will start
processing some survivor and
death benefits for those in same-sex
relationships who live in states that
don’t recognize same-sex marriage.
The Labor Department said it
would start drafting rules making
clear that the Family and Medical
Leave Act applies to same-sex
couples, ensuring that gay and
lesbian workers can take unpaid
leave to care for a sick spouse.
Obama also recently announced
he will sign an executive order
banning federal contractors from
discriminating against employees
based on sexual orientation or
gender identity. | l |
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Biden: Gay rights take precedence over culture
Wire Report
Washington | Vice President
Joe Biden on June 24 declared that
protecting gay rights is a defining
mark of a civilized nation and must
trump national cultures as the
Obama administration sought to
mobilize a global front against antigay violence and discrimination.
Biden told a gathering of U.S. and
international gay rights advocates
that President Barack Obama has
directed that U.S. diplomacy and
foreign assistance promote the
rights of LGBT men and women
around the world.
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Obama expands government benefits for same-sex couples
Wire Report
Washington | A year after the
Supreme Court struck down a
law barring federal recognition of
same-sex marriages, the Obama
administration on June 20 granted
an array of new benefits to same-sex
couples, including those who live in
states where same-sex marriage is
against the law.
The new measures range from
Social Security and veterans benefits
to work leave for caring for sick
spouses. They are part of President
Barack Obama’s efforts to expand
whatever protections he can offer
July 3 - July 16, 2014 // Issue 21.14
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July 3 - July 16, 2014 // Issue 21.14
watermark Your lgbt life.
History Awaits…
And A Day
Of Reckoning
Mary Meeks
[email protected]
opes are high that
Florida’s ban on same-sex
marriage will soon go down
in flames, as the historic lawsuit
(Pareto v. Ruvin) challenging Florida’s
reprehensible ban takes center stage
on July 2 in a courtroom in the MiamiDade Circuit Court. 22
watermark Your lgbt life.
July 3 - July 16, 2014 // Issue 21.14
My legal colleagues and I, and our clients—six
amazing couples and the Equality Florida Institute—
walk into that courtroom with momentum, and
justice, on our side.
Marriage equality currently exists in 19 states and the
District of Columbia, covering nearly 44 percent of the
United States population, and is legal pending appeals in
another 13 states. Court decisions in three other states
require recognition of out-of-state marriages. There
have been 22 straight court victories in favor of marriage
equality, including the first appeals court affirmation in
the 10th Circuit Court of Appeals. Florida will hopefully soon join the ranks of those
states that fully acknowledge and embrace their LGBT
families. Did you ever think you would see that day?
As we sit on the precipice of achieving marriage
equality, that achievement foretells a day of reckoning.
Once a Florida court rules (in Pareto or one of the other
pending cases challenging Florida’s ban) and marriage
equality is a reality here in Florida,
the battle lines will be frozen in time.
There will be those who fought for
our equality, and those who opposed
it. Those who fought with us will be
exalted for their leadership; those
who fought against us will forever be
enshrined as contemptible bigots.
The fact that those people actively
contributed to the oppression of their
fellow citizens until the bitter end
will never be forgotten. And those
apologists who tried to “whitewash” the
vile prejudice of those elected bigots,
for selfish personal or political reasons,
will also be condemned in history for
their betrayal of their community.
History will condemn the leaders
of the Republican Party, who even
today write legislation grounded in
the 19th Century beliefs of despicable
anti-gay organizations like Family
Research Council and the Southern
Baptist Convention. Governor Rick
Scott and Attorney General Pam Bondi
will be condemned for cynically taking
their marching orders from hateful
extremists like John Stemberger and his
Florida Family Policy Council.
Our Republican state legislature will
be condemned for having summarily
killed every gay rights bill ever
introduced in Tallahassee. So-called
Republican “moderates” like Orange
County Mayor Teresa Jacobs, who has
whispered sweet nothings in our ear
while stabbing us in the back, will
rightfully be condemned for her cruel
indifference. And history will especially
condemn Florida’s officially-designated
anti-gay “hate groups,” like Mat Staver’s
Liberty Counsel.
Because of the people above,
Florida’s LGBT families (real live human
beings) have suffered horribly when
faced with real life situations where
they lacked the rights that would have
protected them had they been allowed
to marry. Those people affirmatively
supported the discriminatory laws that
treat us like second class citizens, and
compel us to suffer in times of crisis
and grief. And they have done so with
no apologies, and oftentimes with glee.
In the words of George Clooney (a
man both gorgeous and wise): “At some
point in our lifetime, gay marriage
won’t be an issue, and everyone who
stood against this civil right will look as
outdated as George Wallace standing
on the school steps keeping James
Hood from entering the University of
Alabama because he was black.” Our
oppressors, likewise, have stood on
the steps of county courthouses and
kept us from entering into marriages
with our chosen loved ones, only
because we are gay.
It is not coincidental to me that this
amazing year of LGBT progress has
coincided with our celebration of the
50th anniversary of the Civil Rights Act.
The heroes from that monumental fight
are rightfully celebrated and honored
still today. Many of them, like Coretta
Scott King and U.S. Congressman John
Lewis, looked beyond their own fight
and became heroes in our cause as
well. They understood, as so eloquently
stated by President Obama, that “when
all Americans are treated as equal, no
matter who they
are or whom
they love, we are
all more free.”
At this historic
moment in
Florida, let’s
pause to honor
and thank some
of the heroes who helped to change the
course of history for LGBT citizens, and
to bring us to this brink of victory.
President Obama and Attorney
General Eric Holder have transformed
the political landscape for LGBT
Americans; legal/advocacy groups
like Freedom to Marry, the ACLU,
Lambda Legal, and National Center
for Lesbian Rights (headed by my
brilliant Pareto co-counsel Shannon
Minter) have tirelessly spearheaded
the legal fight across all 50 states;
revered celebrities like Ellen Degeneres
and Oprah Winfrey, gay and straight,
have used their public platforms (and
their considerable bank accounts)
to raise awareness and encourage
human connection.
Here in Florida, heroic mayors like
Orlando’s Buddy Dyer, Miami Beach’s
Philip Levine, and St. Petersburg’s Rick
Kriseman, took it upon themselves to
lead their communities toward fairness
and equality; committed and visionary
advocacy organizations like Equality
Florida and SAVE
have educated
and rallied for
fairness across the
entire state; all the
lawyers and law
firms, including
my Pareto cocounsels Elizabeth
Schwartz and a whole cadre of fine
lawyers at Carlton Fields Jordan Burt,
did the necessary and important legal
work at no cost; and most certainly
the courageous plaintiffs in all of the
lawsuits, who bravely put themselves
and their families on public display on
behalf of us all.
History awaits us in Florida and the
Day of Reckoning is almost here. Thank
you to the heroes who have brought
us to this moment in time. And to the
despicable oppressors among us, I am
happy to toss you into the trash heap of
history—with no apologies. | l |
Those who fought
against us will forever
be enshrined as
contemptible bigots.
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July 3 - July 16, 2014 // Issue 21.14
watermark Your lgbt life.
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watermark Your lgbt life.
July 3 - July 16, 2014 // Issue 21.14
Demi Lovato talks
about her gay
■ installation
se rvic ing
The court’s refusal to
accept the appeal of extreme
ideological therapists who
practice the quackery of
special Trailblazers event honoring
LGBT civil rights pioneers in New York
City gave pop singer Demi Lovato a chance
to talk about her gay grandfather. “He was brave
enough to come out in the 1960s, and I feel a lot of
my spirit has come from him,” Lovato said before
discussing Orange is the New Black. “He passed
away a few years later, and I only wish he could
have seen all the progress that has been made.
It’s such an honor to be welcomed and embraced
by the LGBT community.” The June 26 event was
held at the Cathedral of Saint John the Divine, the
first church to perform same-sex marriages in
New York. This is the first time Lovato has spoken
publicly about her grandfather. | l |
Pulitzer Prize
winner comes out as
undocumented and gay
n June 29, CNN aired Documented,
which chronicles Pulitzer Prize-winning
journalist Jose Antonio Vargas’ journey
to America from the Philippines as a child and
how he went from being a Washington Post
reporter to an immigration reform activist/
provocateur. In the film, Vargas talks about how
he was in two closets—the immigration closet
and the gay closet. He said it was easier to come
out as an undocumented immigrant first than it
was to admit he was gay. Vargas started his own
production company and employed 30 people to
put this film together. Documented will air again at
9 p.m. on Saturday, July 5, on CNN. | l |
Celebrity esthetician
tries to hire someone
to kill gay competitor
eal crime stories are often better
than fiction—especially in Hollywood.
An esthetician to the stars will face trial
in California after she tried to hire a white
supremacist group to kill a business rival who she
described as a “double minority”—Mexican and
gay. Dawn Melody DaLuise, 55, the owner of Skin
Refinery, hatched the murder-for-hire plot after
Gabriel Suarez opened his competing business,
Smooth Cheeks, in the same business complex.
Detectives said DaLuise believed Suarez’s status
as both a Latino and a gay man made him a solid
target for the KKK. DaLuise is being held on a $1
million bond. If convicted, she faces up to nine
years in prison. She is due back in court July 7. | l |
gay conversion therapy
is a victory for child welfare,
science and basic humane
— Calif. Sen. Ted Lieu
of LGB people who
made a serious
suicide attempt
sought religious or
spiritual treatment
prior to the attempt
—The Williams Institute
Anderson Cooper
says he’s no expert
on vaginas
ay CNN Anchor Anderson Cooper
found himself blushing during a news
report recently when he tried to explain
how an American exchange student became
entangled in a giant sculpture of a vagina in
Germany. “I’m certainly no expert on the topic
of vaginas,” Anderson said giggling. “They really
aren’t my wheelhouse, so to speak. But I know
enough to know that you are not supposed to go
in feet first.” The student became trapped in the
giant marble sculpture at Tubingen University
after his classmates dared him to climb inside.
The local newspaper, Schwabisches Tagblatt,
reported emergency services received a call to say
a young man was “stuck in a stone vulva.” More
than two-dozen firefighters and paramedics with
five fire engines arrived to rescue him. | l |
July 3 - July 16, 2014 // Issue 21.14
watermark Your lgbt life.
Perfect timing: Diane Boule, left, and Cindy
Bonsigniore are photographed outside their Treasure
Island home. The Pinellas County couple held their wedding
ceremony on July 2, which was not only their eighth
anniversary, but the day a Florida court heard arguments
challenging the state’s ban on marriage equality.
in depth
marriage ruling
Photo by Steve Blanchard
Concept Bait
an argument for
924 N. Mills Ave. Orlando
watermark Your lgbt life.
July 3 - July 16, 2014 // Issue 21.14
Florida’s ban on same-sex marriages heads to court
Zach Caruso
lorida’s path to marriage
equality could overcome a major hurdle this
month. As this issue of Watermark was being
printed, a state trial court heard arguments on the
constitutionality of the state’s 2008 constitutional
amendment banning same-sex unions.
The Miami-Dade Circuit Court
on July 2 heard oral arguments
on a motion filed in May by six
same-sex couples and the Equality
Florida Institute challenging
Florida laws barring same-sex
couples from marrying. The
couples are asking the court to
strike down the state’s marriage
ban and order the state to allow
same-sex couples to wed.
The plaintiffs argue that
Florida’s ban on marriage equality
cannot stand in light of the United
States Supreme Court’s ruling
in June 2013 that the federal
Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA)
violates the federal constitutional
guarantees of equal protection and
due process. The plaintiffs’ motion
notes that every court to consider
these federal constitutional
claims since last summer’s DOMA
decision has ruled in favor of the
freedom to marry for same-sex
couples, including federal courts in
Utah, Ohio, Oklahoma, Kentucky,
Illinois, Indiana, Michigan,
Tennessee, Texas and Virginia.
While no one can predict with
100 percent certainty which way
the court will rule, supporters
of marriage equality are hopeful
Florida judges will follow the
lead of 20 other states who have
ruled their respective marriage
bans as unconstitutional. (Follow
the breaking news story on
Since the Supreme Court’s
DOMA decision, states across the
country have embraced marriage
equality. And while many of
those decisions included a stay,
which prevents gay couples
from marrying right away, the
path is clearing for full marriage
recognition across the country.
July 3 - July 16, 2014 // Issue 21.14
Several governors and attorneys
general of both political parties
have decided not to fight the
rulings. And Florida Democratic
gubernatorial candidate Charlie
Crist filed a brief June 27 asking
the court to overturn the ban.
“Our society has evolved and
moved past the prejudices rooted
in our past,” Crist wrote in the
brief. “Science has uniformly
reached the conclusion that
heterosexual marriages are just
as valued and revered as they
have ever been...and children
raised by gay and lesbian parents
Continued on page 30 | uu |
watermark Your lgbt life.
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July 3 - July 16, 2014 // Issue 21.14
watermark Your lgbt life.
The State of Gay Marriage in the U.S.
| uu | FL Marriage Ruling
from pg.27
fare just as well as kids raised in
straight families.”
Florida Attorney General Pam
Bondi, however, has a different
opinion. She has vowed to defend
the ban on marriage equality in
her state. Bondi filed two separate
motions to intervene—one in the
Miami-Dade Circuit Court and
the other against a lawsuit in the
Monroe County Circuit Court—on
June 24, which is in addition to
her already representing Florida
in a federal lawsuit filed in
North Florida.
Bondi has been under heavy
criticism lately for fighting marriage
equality. In an early motion, her
office said that overturning the
state’s ban would significantly affect
already existing laws on marriage
and cause “public harm.”
In her motions to intervene,
Bondi argues that the state has a
legitimate interest in both cases
because both lawsuits challenge the
2008 constitutional amendment
that bans recognition of same-sex
marriages, which was voted on and
approved by a large majority.
While Bondi’s opposition to
marriage equality isn’t news to
those fighting for it, her stance to
vigorously defend Florida’s position
is unfortunate.
“It is disappointing that at a
time when attorneys general and
governors across the country
are refusing to defend these
discriminatory marriage bans,
Bondi has decided to pour state
resources into defending the
indefensible,” said Equality
Florida CEO Nadine Smith in a
statement. “In decisions by judges
appointed by both Democrats and
Republicans, court after court has
determined that barring loving
same sex couples from marriage
is unconstitutional, and we look
forward to hearing from Florida’s
courts in the near future. This latest
development shows just how out
of touch Pam Bondi and the Rick
Scott administration are with the
majority of Florida voters.”
Other conservatives are also
dismayed by the possibility of
same-sex couples finally gaining
marriage equality in Florida. On
June 3, a judge ruled that anti-gay
groups Florida Family Action Inc.,
Florida Democratic League and
People United to Lead the Struggle
for Equality—all who support the
state’s ban on marriage equality
and were represented by the
state of
The State of Gay Marriage in the U.S.
in the U.s.
Full Same-Sex
Full Same-Sex
Hawaii California
Illinois Connecticut
Iowa Delware
Maine Hawaii
New Hampshire
New Jersey
New Hampshire
New Mexico
New Jersey
New York
OregonNew Mexico
New York
Rhode Island
Rhode Island
District ofWashington
District of Columbia
Bans onBans
on Marriage
ruled ruled
Indiana Indiana
Civil Unions/
Civil Unions/
is Prohibited
is Prohibited
North Carolina
West Virginia
when we found out [it was on
the same day], we were both
so excited, we were over the
moon,” Bonsigniore says. “We
didn’t realize it was going
to be pushed through as
quickly as it was in Florida.
We thought it was going to be
two or three years before this
came about here.”
Bonsigniore is pretty
optimistic about the outcome
of the hearings, especially
considering the conservative
nature of the Sunshine State.
“I think it really is a 50/50
situation,” she says. “But
there are so many states
that are passing it through
so quickly—I believe 20 in
a row now—that I can’t see
them denying it here, I can’t
see it happening.”
The couple admits that the
the day the decision is made.
That’s pretty cool.”
Counties could issue
licenses immediately
If Florida’s ban on
marriage equality is ruled
unconstitutional, some
counties could start issuing
marriage licenses to samesex couples immediately.
“Clerks in the state of
Florida are ministerial.
In other words, we don’t
make decisions. We only
follow the statutory laws or
rules of the court,” explains
Richard Shore, Manatee
County Clerk of Court. “I’m
perfectly willing to and
have no objection to it, but
I would have to wait to see
what the forms are like. Now
if we get a ruling from the
to reach the clerk’s offices
of Hillsborough, Sarasota,
Pasco and Volusia counties,
but emails and messages
seeking comment were
not returned.
Seminole County Clerk
Maryanne Morse responded
testily to Watermark’s
question of whether her
office would issue marriage
licenses to same-sex couples.
“I follow the law,
whatever the law is we
will follow it,” Morse said.
She then requested that
Watermark not call again
and abruptly hung up.
In the days leading
up to the July 2 hearing,
conservative groups
gathered on the steps of
the Miami-Dade County
Courthouse to speak about
There are so many states
that are passing it through so
quickly that I can’t see them denying
it here; I can’t see it happening.
—Cindy Bonsigniore
Liberty Counsel—cannot intervene
in Pareto v. Ruvin, the Miami-Dade
case. However, they were permitted
to file amicus curiae briefs. Amicus
curiae, which literally translates
to “friend of the court,” describes
a brief from someone who is not
party to a court case but who
wishes to offer information.
The anti-gay groups filed an
amicus curiae brief in June, which
argues that the plaintiffs have not
provided sufficient arguments to
demonstrate that the marriage
equality ban approved by voters in
2008 is unconstitutional. It argues
that marriage, as defined by the
union of one man and one woman,
is optimal for children, fosters
true equality and recognizes the
“inherent value of the sexes.” The
brief also claims that “physical
and psychological harms caused
by homosexual conduct provide
more than rational basis for not
condoning such conduct in law.”
Despite Bondi’s plan to defend
the ban and the conservative
opposition to it being overturned,
supporters of equality are
optimistic. And if Florida’s ruling
follows those of other states, it
could have a significant impact on
one St. Petersburg couple.
Cindy Bonsigniore and Diane
watermark Your lgbt life.
Boule held their wedding ceremony
on July 2. The date marks their
eighth anniversary. The couple,
who own The Massage Spa on
Central Avenue in St. Petersburg,
were legally married in New York
last December.
Their union has a very real
possibility of getting legal
recognition in their home state,
which is another example of the
planets aligning in their favor.
A cosmic coupling
The idea of “the planets lining
up” is an often-quoted cliché.
But one would be hard-pressed
to find a more compelling
example of the concept than
Bonsigniore and Boule.
As the couple’s story unfolds, it
becomes clear that for these two,
it’s more than cliché.
Consider the facts: both
Bonsigniore and Boule are New
York natives; Bonsigniore was born
in Brooklyn, and Boule in West
Point. Both ended up moving to
Florida, albeit nearly 20 years apart.
Bonsigniore landed in Orlando,
while Boule found herself in Cape
Canaveral working for NASA’s
space program.
“One of my roommates at the
time was dating a friend of Diane’s,”
July 3 - July 16, 2014 // Issue 21.14
explains Bonsigniore.
“So these two groups of friends
started hanging out, and we ended
up meeting 14 years before we
actually ended up together.”
For more than a decade, Boule
and Bonsigniore spent time in
each other’s company, building a
friendship. But things eventually
took a romantic turn.
“I was getting ready to move
to the west coast of Florida, and
a mutual friend of ours invited us
both over for drinks to celebrate my
last night there. It was the first time
that Diane and I were single at the
same time in the 14 years that we
knew each other,” says Bonsigniore.
“I was just looking to get lucky
for the night.”
Their relationship officially
took root July 2, 2006, and
almost immediately the couple
shook things up and relocated
to Tampa Bay.
“My grandparents were getting
older and couldn’t really take care
of themselves, so we were looking
for a continuing care facility for
them,” says Bonsigniore. “I was
already in that process when Diane
and I started seeing each other, and
she was coming over this way to
visit me on the weekends. About
four months into the relationship,
she said ‘I can’t do this long distance
thing with you anymore,’ and I said,
‘I understand.’”
That’s when Boule announced
she was quitting her job and moving
across the state with Bonsigniore,
who admits she was surprised the
woman she loved was quitting her
20-year career with NASA.
“She said, ‘I’m a big girl, I can
handle it,’ and she made the leap
of faith and came over here,”
Bonsigniore recalls.
Together they opened a business
and began a life in St. Petersburg,
and after more than 20 years of
friendship and nearly a decade in
love, they decided to tie the knot.
“We were legally married in
New York in December; we kind of
eloped,” says Bonsigniore. “But we
always knew we were going to have
the actual ceremony here in July so
our friends and family could be here
and celebrate with us.”
Little did they know the planets
were once again about to line up to
give that date added importance.
The couple just learned about
the date of oral arguments against
the state’s gay marriage ban
a month ago. The news was a
pleasant surprise.
“We’ve been planning the
wedding for almost a year now, and
circumstances of the day are
constantly at the forefront
of their minds, but they take
it in stride.
“It is weighing on us,
we’ve talked about it, and
it would certainly make it
an even better experience if
there is a ruling and samesex marriage is made legal,”
says Bonsigniore.
In the end, Bonsigniore
and Boule are focusing on
their celebration, and letting
the chips fall where they may
regarding the court hearings.
“We’re getting married
on Sunset Beach in Treasure
Island, and we’re having
over 100 people at the
wedding,” Bonsigniore says.
“This is a full-blown ordeal
with the reception, the
band, the sit-down dinner.
It’s more meaningful when
you get to share it with the
people you love.”
And maybe, just
maybe, the planets will
line up once again for
Bonsigniore and Boule.
“Who knows,” Bonsigniore
says.“We could be the first
couple to have a wedding on
Supreme Court saying to
do it immediately, I’d do it
Nicky Bradley said the
Polk County Clerk’s office
simply follows the law.
“We would follow the
Florida statute and law,
so whatever is enacted
in statute we will follow,”
said Bradley.
Pinellas County, however,
would wait for more
information before moving
forward with those licenses.
“We would want to
wait for legal clarification,”
explains Ken Burke, clerk of
Pinellas County courts.
Burke said that cases like
this are often looked at for
direction, and the problem
with that is that the case
might be limited to just the
individuals involved under
certain circumstances.
Orange County Clerk
of Court Eddie Fernandez
offered a similar perspective.
“We would follow the
law,” Fernandez says. “If [the
ruling] is ambiguous then
we would seek council on it.”
Watermark attempted
the lawsuit filed by the
Equality Florida Institute.
They argued that the ban
is a matter of democracy
and not their disapproval
of homosexuality.
Christian Family
Coalition’s Anthony Verdugo
verbally attacked MiamiDade Clerk of Court Harvey
Ruvin on June 30.
“Mr. Ruvin, and this is
just a question, does that
mean that you will sell
fake homosexual marriage
licenses? Don’t you care
about creating chaos and
confusion among the public,
Mr. Ruvin?” Verdugo asked.
Ruvin, who was named
as a defendant in the
marriage equality case
after he refused to issue a
marriage license to a samesex couple, responded to the
conservative groups’ protest
by saying, “In all cases I’m to
comply with the court order.
It’s inappropriate to talk
about a pending case.” | l |
Samantha Rosenthal, Jamie Hyman,
Cristal Hayes and Steve Blanchard
contributed to this article.
July 3 - July 16, 2014 // Issue 21.14
watermark Your lgbt life.
Eola Bound: (L-R): Blue Starr, Peg O’Keef, Sam Singhaus
and Beth Marshall star in The Ladies of Eola Heights at The Abbey.
Photo courtesy The Abbey
arts &
The Ladies of Eola Heights put on their high heels at The Abbey
Veronica Brezina
rlando | Ten years after it was
originally staged at the Footlight Theatre at the
Parliament House, Michael Wanzie’s The Ladies
of Eola Heights gets a chance to show its dysfunction and
madness at The Abbey.
Director Kenny Howard is the new
artistic director at The Abbey and
this will be his first production in that
position. But it’s not the first time
Howard has worked with Wanzie. He
directed this very show before and brings
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Your lgbt
life. July 3 - July 16, 2014 // Issue 21.14
6/30/14 5:12 PM
popular local actors Peg O’Keef (“Opal”),
Beth Marshall (“Pearl”) and Blue Starr
(“Ruby”) alongside original cast member
Sam “Miss Sammy” Singhaus (“June/
Jackson”) in this story of sisterhood,
which runs July 10-28.
“The original production ran for a
record-breaking nine months of Saturday
night performances, failing to sell out
only two shows in that entire time,
making it then, and still now, the longest
running, most attended show in the 38
year history of the Parliament House,”
says Wanzie, who penned the play.
If you’re not familiar with Ladies
of Eola Heights, here’s a synopsis. The
estranged Locksdale sisters reunite at
their family home, situated on Cathcart
Street in downtown Orlando—right in
the middle of The Eola Heights Historical
Continued on page 37 | uu |
July 3 - July 16, 2014 // Issue 21.14
watermark Your lgbt life.
Harvey Milk honoree Martha Haynie
endorses Diana for Circuit Judge
I was starting
off I was
performing as
‘Kenny,’ and it
just never felt
right, it never
fell into place.”
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True to her voice: Alyssa Hailey has always been musically inclined, but it wasn’t until she began her transition that she
found her message—and her voice. Photo by Steve Blanchard
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offer is non transferable. Watermark Media, Inc. assumes no liability for any damages associated with this promotion. Winners will also have to sign a
waiver assuming liability for any damage they may cause to vehicle during service.
watermark Your lgbt life.
July 3 - July 16, 2014 // Issue 21.14
for about a year, she sees the gig
a collection of fun pop/dance
as a major accomplishment and is
tracks, but also write about
hopeful her performance will help
real-world experiences.
launch her career.
“I did a song called ‘Without
As excited as the New Jersey
Makeup On’ after I had a guynative is for what lies ahead, she
friend say to me ‘You’re pretty
is taking stock in the journey she
with or without makeup on,’
took to get where she is today.
and I never thought I would
“Last year I tried to make an
hear that from a guy,” she says.
album and the songs I was doing
“Some people are so superficial
just didn’t fit; it just didn’t come
and don’t take the time to see
together,” Hailey says. “I told
who is behind the makeup and
people I would have an album
what’s inside, and this guy did.
coming out and it didn’t pan
It hit something in me, and I
out so people thought I was just
wrote that song. It deals with
blowing smoke. But this time I
insecurities, and not always
did it. It’s overwhelming, I didn’t
feeling comfortable with
know if I would get here.”
yourself and then someone
Although this is her debut fullcomes along and sees something
length album, she has been in the
that you don’t see.”
music world for more
The 16-track disc
than 10 years, writing
would be at home
music by age 15,
on shelves next
and recording music
to the likes of
when she was 18. But
Britney Spears
the circumstances
or Christina
were different, and
Aguilera, and
she struggled to
Hailey was
find her niche.
excited to take
“I was trying a
the show on the
more R&B style when
road this summer.
I was starting off.
Her Pride Fest
I was performing
Tour kicked off on
as ‘Kenny,’ and it
March 2 in Fort
just never felt right,
Lauderdale, and
it never fell into
she planned and
—Alyssa Hailey
place,” she says.
shot a half-dozen
But when she
music videos to
began her transition to become
accompany her album release.
Alyssa, she says things began to
But there is a bigger message
fall into place.
she wants her listeners and fans
“When I started moving
to take away from her music.
forward as Alyssa, that’s when
“You can be who you are,”
things started to feel right,”
she says. “Some people have the
Hailey says. “I feel 100 percent
idea that if you’re transgender,
comfortable in my own skin
you have to do this or have to
for the first time in my life; it
do that, and that’s not the case.
feels so right.”
I think LGBT artists can bring
Hailey says the songwriting
something new to the table, and
process for the album was an
I want people to know that you
inspired experience, aided by
can do whatever you want if you
friends and fellow artists in the
put your mind to it.”
LGBT community.
For more information on
“The writing process was
Alyssa, her new album, and her
pretty awesome,” she says. “I
tour schedule, visit her fan site
wrote every song but I also
at Facebook.com/Alyssa.The.
worked with some co-writers
Fan.Site. You can also follow her
[including local LGBT artists
on Myspace.com/alyssa.hailey.
Ashley Childs, Quarnelius, Flash
And to support her ongoing
Gotti, and Izzi] because when
Pride Fest Tour, visit TeeSpring.
you’re writing a full album,
com/TeamAlyssa for official
you start to get writer’s block
Alyssa Hailey apparel and
because you have so much
merchandise. | l |
going on in your head. I was
just inspired, the first song
more information
I recorded in the studio was
‘Settle for Less’ and it just hit
WHO: Alyssa Hailey
something in me and it took off
WHAT: Alter-Ego
from there.”
INFO: Facebook.com/
Hailey says that she wanted to
make the album more than just
Zach Caruso
t. Petersburg | Alyssa Hailey
wants you to get to know her Alter-Ego.
The 28-year-old transgender pop singer/
songwriter (who simply goes by “Alyssa”) recently
released her debut album, Alter-Ego, and since it
dropped in January, she has been on the go.
“I’m shooting six music videos
with some great directors and I’m
doing a Pride Fest Tour,” says the
Largo resident. “I’ve contacted
every city that has a Pride event,
and I’ll be performing and
promoting my album.”
Most recently, she performed
on the main stage at St. Pete Pride.
That’s the big one, she says, and
after only living in Pinellas County
July 3 - July 16, 2014 // Issue 21.14
watermark Your lgbt life.
| uu | Ladies of Eola
Heights from pg.33
District. The sisters gather to
plan their father’s funeral and, of
course, the sisters are all big-time
drama queens.
Ruby has taken to loose living
and drinking, while older sister
Opal has become a born-again
Christian. Matriarch Pearl has
gained weight and now has an
oxygen tank as an accessory to her
Home Shopping Club addiction.
With addictions and secrets
surfacing, the women discover that
their brother Jackson is living his
life as a woman named June.
“Opal moved to Buckhead,
joined society and tried to forget
her simple roots and instead
found religion, snobbery and
judgment,” Howard explains.
“Pearl stayed home with Jackson
to take care of daddy. She is the
nurturing caregiver. Ruby also
left home and is the wild child
of the bunch. Jackson has some
very strange habits—he is stuck
in 1964 mentally and thinks he’s
June Cleaver.”
Singhaus, who was in the
original production, relates to the
character of June/Jackson.
In a broad way, Ladies of Eola
Heights at The Abbey qualifies
as a site-specific theater.
—Michael Wanzie
“I am lucky to relate to June/
Jackson because of what I do
as the character Miss Sammy,”
Singhaus says. “In the play, June
gets to interject happiness into
the household by doing musical
numbers, thus breaking tensions
and helping make difficult topics
easier to deal with. I feel a lot
of the same things when doing
Miss Sammy. She makes people
laugh and forget about troubles
for a while.”
Jackson reveals to each one of
the sisters how she has been living
as June. Each sister has a different
reaction, but Opal’s reaction
is negative and she believes
something is mentally wrong with
her brother.
Wanzie explains the process of
writing Singhaus’ role:
“The characters portrayed by
everyone other than Sam (June/
Jackson) are actually females,” he
says. “We played the women as
male actors in drag. Sam’s role is
actually written to be a man who,
in response to a crisis, begins
dressing as a woman.
“As I wrote the play, I tried very
carefully to not write any lines
or jokes that would pander to the
fact that men would be playing
the female roles, but rather to
be careful to write every line
with the thought that these were
indeed actual women so the play
could later be produced utilizing
actual female actors. From the
onset it was my desire that Ladies
of Eola Heights would eventually
be published and produced with
women in the women’s roles.”
Wanzie says there are only two
differences in this production of
play from the original. One is that
the majority of female characters
are being portrayed by real women,
and secondly, the play was written
to take place in the present.
Since the play is 10 years old,
there’s a reference shift to set it in
present day.
Wanzie knew he wanted
Howard to direct the play. When
he pitched it to him, everyone at
The Abbey supported the project.
“I thought it would be uniquely
noteworthy for people to have
the opportunity to enjoy the play
in a venue that is located within
a few blocks of the neighborhood
in which the play takes place,”
Wanzie says. “The Abbey is
situated within walking distance
of many of the downtown locales
referenced in the play. In a broad
way, Ladies of Eola Heights at
The Abbey qualifies as a sitespecific theater.”
Wanzie says what makes
the play so appealing is that
it’s relatable to everyone in
the audience.
“The specific issues may not
be exactly those of you or the
next person, but the concept of
how we communicate, or fail to
communicate, within the family
dynamic, is universal,” Wanzie
says. “Seeing how other people
deal or don’t deal with the demons
in their lives is something with
which everyone can identify.
And finding the ability to laugh
at terribly hurtful situations is a
concept we all long to latch on to.”
Wanzie, of course, is more than
a writer. He has appeared in many
shows over the years and played
Pearl in the original Ladies of
Eola Heights.
Howard directed the original
production 10 years ago and
during its run at FringeNYC.
Singhaus says his favorite part
of the play is at the end.
“Everyone leaves the theatre
with a great big smile on their face
and with their heart absolutely
beaming,” he says. | l |
more information
WHAT: The Ladies of Eola Heights
WHERE: The Abbey
WHEN: July 10-28
TICKETS: $30 at AbbeyOrlando.com
Saturday: July 5th
TWO BIG SHOWS: 8 & 10:30 PM
Saturday: July 12 th
11th - 27th
Fridays &
Saturdays at
Sundays at
Thursday, July
17th at 7:30pm
Tickets: $15.00
5 - Close
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July 3 - July 16, 2014 // Issue 21.14
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July 3 - July 16, 2014 // Issue 21.14
watermark Your lgbt life.
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watermark Your lgbt life.
Available Cupholders, July
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July 3 - July 16, 2014 // Issue 21.14
Culture, July 3, State
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RX Bandits/ The Dear
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Event Planner
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Facial Plastic & Reconstructive Surgeon
Lake Mary & Winter Park Locations •
Hot Summer Show, through
July 19, Clayton Galleries,
Tampa. 813-831-3753;
Hawk & Wayne’s IT’S A
LIVING! , through Aug. 31;
American Stage Theatre
Company, St. Petersburg.
Improve Your
Mind, Body
& Sexual
4th of July Celebration,
July 4th, Museum of
Fine Arts, St. Petersburg.
727.822.1032; Fine-arts.org
Funny man Chris Tucker
will no-doubt tell it like
it is at the Hard Rock
Orlando on July 11.
Return to the Forbidden
Planet, Through
July 6, Straz Center,
Tampa. 813-229-7827;
Knowing Me, Knowing
You: The Hits of ABBA,
July 10 to July 20,
The Players Theatre,
Sarasota. 941-365-2494;
arts and entertainment
Viewpoints and Creative
Composition with Aradhana
Tiwari, July 2 to July
14, Mad Cow Theatre,
Orlando. 407-297-8788;
Ladies of Eola Heights,
July 10 to July 28, Thursday
through Sunday, The Abbey,
Orlando. 407-704-6261;
Shout! The Mod Musical,
July 10 to July 19, The
Winter Park Playhouse,
Winter Park. 407-645-0145;
Villains of Broadway,
July 7-18, Osceola Center
for the Arts, Kissimmee.
407-846-7902; OCFTA.com
Slippery When Wet:
The Ultimate Bon Jovi
Tribute, July 13 to July 19,
Epcot, Orlando.
Corey Smith, July 3,
House of Blues, Orlando.
Ray LaMontagne, July 11,
Bob Car Performing Arts
Center, Orlando. 800-4308903; Orlando-Theatre.com
Orlando Rocks Country!,
July 5, House of Blues,
Orlando. 407-934-2583;
Chris Tucker, July 11,
Hard Rock, Orlando.
407-351-LIVE (5483);
Trapt, July 11, House
of Blues, Orlando.
Prevailing Winds!
July 7, The Plaza Live,
Orlando. 407-770-0071;
Moe, July 8, The Plaza Live,
Orlando. 407-770-0071;
Patriotic Spectacular,
June 27, First United
Methodist Church,
Sarasota. 941-953-3368;
The Delicious Beats,
July 12, FreeFall Theatre,
Tampa. 727-498-5205;
Michelle Harrington,
July 2-6, McCurdy’s
Comedy Theatre,
Sarasota. 941-925-3869;
Morris Day & The
Time, July 11, The
Mahaffey Theater, St.
Petersburg. 727-892-5767;
Darrell Hammond,
July 11-12, McCurdy’s
Comedy Theatre,
Sarasota. 941-925-3869;
community Calendar
Fireworks at the Fountain
4-10 p.m. Friday, July 4
Lake Eola Park
195 N Rosalind Avenue, Orlando
Celebrate Independence Day with the City of Orlando.
Entertainment begins at 4 p.m. with music at the Lake Eola
Amphitheatre. At 8:30 p.m., the Orlando Concert Band and
Orlando Philharmonic Orchestra will play and the night will
conclude with a firework display at 9:10 p.m. accompanied by
a performance from the Orlando Philharmonic Orchestra. Visit
Cityoforlando.net or call 407-246-2121 for more information.
Inaugural Family Outfest
Through July 7
Walt Disney World
Lake Buena Vista, Orlando
Celebrate diverse love and see what all families look like
with Family Outfest. \Get tickets at FamilyOutfest.com or
call the Walt Disney World Resort at 407-939-5277.
St. Petersburg
West Side Story
Sunday, June 27- July 6
St. Petersburg Opera Company
2145 First Ave. N, St. Petersburg
West Side Story, of course, is Leonard Berstein and
Stephen Sondheim’s version of Romeo and Juliet
that takes place in 1950s New York City. Tickets are
available at StPeteOpera.org or 727-823-2040.
Joan Jett at the Rays game
Game starts at 4:10 p.m.,
Saturday, July 12
Tropicana Field
One Tropicana Dr., St. Petersburg
See the Tampa Bay Rays and the Toronto Blue Jays play
baseball. Following the game, Joan Jett and the Blackhearts
will perform. Concert included with Rays ticket. Buy tickets
at Tampabay.Rays.MLB.com or call 727-825-3137.
2014 Sarasota
IMPROV Festival
July 11-12
Florida Studio Theatre
1241 N Palm Ave, Sarasota
FST’s Sarasota Improv Festival brings two-nights
of comedy to downtown Sarasota with acts from all
over the country. The festival will also feature Improv
workshops taught by the professional Improvisers
attending the festival. Visit FloridaStudioTheatre.
org or call 941-366-9000 for details and tickets.
To submit your upcoming event, concert, performance, or fundraiser visit watermarkonline.com.
July 3 - July 16, 2014 // Issue 21.14
watermark Your lgbt life.
50% OFF Everything in Stock
Lingerie Novelties DVDs
Lounge, Theatre & Arcade
Over 60 Private Booths
Pay One Price
Unlimited Viewing
Tampa Bay
1- Birthday bash: Studio at 620 co-founder Bob Devin
Jones welcomes guests to the art space’s 10th birthday
party on June 21. Photo by Steve Blanchard
2- Pre-Parade Dinner: Friends gather for the Una Voce Spaghetti
Dinner at St. Petersburg’s King of Peace MCC prior to the St .Pete
Pride nighttime parade on June 28. Photo by Samantha Rosenthal
4- Hollywood living: Mother and son team “Scott & Patti”
(Scott Daniel, left, and Matthew McGee) entertain the crowd at St. Pete
Pride during the June 29 street festival. Photo by Steve Blanchard
5- Man of the hour: Garry Breul welcomes the
audience to the first showing of the Suncoast AIDS Theater
Project’s presentation of All About Steve at American Stage
Theater June 23. Photo courtesy Cindy Barnes
Located on 275 & E. Fowler Ave
(330 E. Fowler Ave, Tampa)
6- More than child’s play: Members of Balance
Tampa Bay donate $1,000 to the Tampa non-profit
group The ToyMakers after painting more than 1,200
wooden toys. Photo courtesy Balance Tampa Bay
7- All-Stars: (L-R) Joey Brooks, Esme Russell
and Monica Moore take a pre-show photo at Bradley’s
on 7th June 21. Photo courtesy Carrie West
Almost like Christmas
Lingerie/Dancewear Heels
Adult DVDs from $3.99
Mags from $1.99
WM200 for
15% off & a
free gift with
& MORE...
Open 24/7
watermark Your lgbt life.
July 3 - July 16, 2014 // Issue 21.14
6220 E Adamo Drive ,Tampa
(Behind Gold Club)
8- Family first: St. Petersburg City Council member Darden Rice
was accompanied by her nephew, Gabriel, to the St. Petersburg LGBT
Welcome Center Reception on June 26. Photo by Steve Blanchard
ARCADE (Couples Welcome)
3- Passionate thanks: Pride & Passion 2014 chair Kevin
Reder thanks sponsors at a special reception at the Tampa
Museum of Art on June 25. Photo by Steve Blanchard
he impressive guys
and girls of Balance
Tampa Bay donated their
time and energy to help out a
worthy cause on June 21. More
than 60 volunteers painted 1,200
wooden toys for The ToyMakers
and donated $1,000 to the nonprofit. That money will help
the charity rebuild after a fire
destroyed a workshop, equipment
and supplies in April. This is the
second time Balance Tampa Bay
has helped out the ToyMakers
and president Scott Kligmann
said this year the group painted
nearly twice as many toys as in
2013. The ToyMakers provide
painted, wooden toys to children
in physical or emotional distress
and have done so since 1982.
Balance Tampa Bay, founded
in 2011, will be the charity of
choice at the next Watermark
Wednesday social, scheduled for
July 23 at Stageworks Theatre
in Channelside.
All about fun!
f you missed the two
shows of the Suncoast AIDS
Theatre Project’s All About
Steve at American Stage the last
week of June, you missed a laughriot. The hilarious, musical spin
on the classic Bette Davis film All
About Eve starred Matthew McGee
and Scott Daniel (actors who
also portray the hilarious Scott
& Patti) and helped raise money
for local residents battling HIV.
In this version of the story, Steve,
played by Daniel, is an up and
coming drag queen who idolizes,
then eclipses, Margo Channing,
played by McGee. Musical numbers
lampoon current events and, with
very little rehearsal, screw-ups
had sold-out audiences rolling
during both performances on
June 23 and 29. Garry Breul, who
started Suncoast AIDS Theater
Project, welcomed guests both
nights and thanked them for their
generosity as he explained the
importance of helping those living
with the disease. Talk about mixed
emotions! Next year, rumor has
it they’ll skewer Maleficent. Let’s
hope that holds true!
10 years already
t’s hard to believe, but
it was only 10 years ago
that Bob Devin Jones and Dave
Ellis opened an artistic space in
St. Petersburg that allowed upand-coming artists a chance to
be seen. On June 21, Studio620
celebrated its 10th anniversary
with a birthday bash, that included
a parade of cakes! Volunteers and
board members marched through
the packed venue with cakes of
all types after a video showing
locals applauding the anniversary
showed on the big screen. Included
in that video were St. Petersburg
Rick Kriseman and former council
member Leslie Curran—among
many, many others. Congrats to
Studio620! Here’s to 10 more
July 3 - July 16, 2014 // Issue 21.14
years and beyond!
A special thank you
he organizers of Pride
& Passion held a special
reception to thank sponsors
at the Tampa Museum of Art on
June 25. Nearly 50 people attended
the special cocktail reception and
enjoyed access to the museum’s
two newest exhibits, Poseidon
and Chinese Artists. Event chair
Kevin Reder noted that more than
$70,000 was raised and more than
300 annual memberships were
secured for the museum. With
that kind of momentum, he said
the community can bet Pride &
Passion will continue to grow and
be more ambitions in 2015! | l |
watermark Your lgbt life.
1- SUMMER MIXER: (L-R) Scott Joseph, Gina Duncan and Rick Schell
attend Equality Florida’s Summer Mixer at the Winter Park home of Dr.
Carol Bresnahan and Dr. Michelle Stecker, where State Rep. Joe Saunders
spoke June 25 to a crowd of more than 100. Photo by Tom Dyer
2- JOYEAUX ANNIVERSAIRE: Miss Sammy emcees the
show for MBA president Mikael Audebert’s birthday June
30 at The Venue. Photo courtesy Michael Thomas
3- FUNDS FOR YOUTH: On June 27, Lu Mueller-Kaul, left, and
Deb Ofsowitz, the owners of Balance Orlando, present to Zebra
Coalition executive director Dexter Foxworth more than $700
they raised via a yard sale. Photo courtesy Jason Doll
4- DTO MOVES FORWARD: (L-R) Joan Carragher, Jessica Burns
and Deanna Kotch encourage Orlando residents to sign their initials
to the word they identify with downtown Orlando the most as one of
Project DTO’s the nine interactive stations, which is a part of the effort
to expand and rebrand the city. Photo by Samantha Lena Rosenthal
left, and Jon Blitch enjoy drinks and good company at
Watermark’s Third Thursday June Social at Mad Cow Theatre in
Downtown Orlando. Photo by Samantha Lena Rosenthal
6- BASKET OF GOODIES: Hope & Help volunteer Charles
Gilliland, left, picks up a gift basket from Orlando Museum
of Art’s marketing director Randy Ross to auction off at the
2014 Headdress Ball. Photo courtesy Merika Childers
7- HO’OMAIKA’I ‘ANA!: Rev. Terri Steed, right, Pastor of Joy MCC and her
wife Kim Pierce tie the knot in Hawaii June 28. Photo courtesy Rev. Steed
8- CELEBRATING 45 YEARS: Watermark editorial assistant
Samantha Rosenthal enjoys Stonewall Pride in Wilton Manors June
21. The event featured local vendors, the Twilight Street Parade and
a concert by drummer Sheila E. Photo by Carmela Rosenthal
Cock of the walk
watermark Your lgbt life.
July 3 - July 16, 2014 // Issue 21.14
he Peacock Lounge
opened as one of
the first ambiguous
unofficial gay bars in
town followed by Lava, Sip,
the Hammered Lamb and
now St. Matthews Pub. Never
really claiming to be an LGBT
establishment, the lounge
originally had a primarily large Gay
following with its original drink
menu consisting of trendy martinis
and lots of great art on the walls, It
certainly brought a different vibe to
the Orlando nightlife. Now, after 14
years of hard work, David Rich sold
his share of the bar to his business
partner Carmen. The Peacock
Lounge still offers great drinks,
fabulous art but certainly a more
diversified crowd that in its early
years. No feathers were ruffled in
the transition and we wish David all
the best in his future endeavors.
Liquor Store
at Ivanhoe, a go?
he owners of Savoy
Orlando have their
fingers crossed as they
wait for two final inspections to
pass so they can to open the Ivanhoe
Wine and Spirits. The new venture
will be a fully stocked liquor store in
the heart of the Ivanhoe district that
promises competitive pricing on a
very good selection of beers, wine
and liquor. If all goes as planned a
grand opening will be set for some
time mid-July.
Man of the hour
ikael Audebert
wears many hats,
among them President
of the MBA and executive
director of Come Out with
Pride. On June 30 he wore a
different kind of hat, a party hat,
as he celebrated his birthday
at the Venue. The party was
packed with a wild assortment
of entertainment and a who’s
who of Orlando, including
Miss Sammy, Blue Star and a
French-speaking Mime! Mikael
requested his guests donate
to the Barber Fund, which was
created in the memory of John
“Tweeka” Barber. More than
$1,500 was raised to assist those
living with cancer.
Ride with Pride
he folks at Come
Out with Pride are
strategizing to see if
they could have the SunRail system
operate the day of the festival and
parade. Operating the SunRail during
COWP will provide the attendants
and volunteers with an alternative
mode of transportation and will
certainly alleviate many headaches
regarding parking in downtown
Orlando. It would increase foot traffic
from the SunRail station at Church
Street to Lake Eola, allowing for the
downtown businesses to profit on
the record numbers of attendants.
The SunRail operates only MondayFriday. If this gets approved, this will
be the first time the SunRail operates
on a Saturday.
July 3 - July 16, 2014 // Issue 21.14
“Family” Photo Time
atiana Quiroga, the
Southern Regional
Manager at The Family
Equality Council, recently
notified us of an app that will
allow you to help raise money
for LGBT Parents’ rights with
just a snapshot! The “Donate a
Photo” app by John & Johnson can
assist LGBT parents by providing
resources and family rights in their
states. With every photo uploaded,
Johnson & Johnson will donate a
$1 to the Family Equality Council.
The app is available for iOS &
Android devices. | l |
watermark Your lgbt life.
Latest release from best
selling author Cooper West!
Available on Barnes & Noble,
Amazon, and AllRomance.
change-of-life community announcements
On June 19, the Manatee Players
held its vote for the 2014-2015
board of directors. New members
elected include Eileen Hoffner
and Nina Richardson. Returning
members are Ron Allen, Steve
Bayard, Linda Diem, Jeffrey Evans,
Randy Hanson, John Hargreaves,
Jack Hawkins, Ron Lennon,
Jason Lipton, Tom Moseley, Fay
Murphy, Patricia Pickelsimer, David
Schrott, Arline Spino, Dr. Steve
Tinsworth and Pat Whitesel. The
offices nominated and elected are
chairperson Arline Spino, vicechairperson Pat Whitesel, secretary
David Schrott and treasurer Jeffrey
Evans. The immediate past chair is
Dr. Anthony Pizzo.
Order your copy today!
A president’s prerogative: Founding cochairman and board president of Embracing Our Differences Dennis
McGillicuddy, Sarasota MLK Celebration Committee member Che
Barnett, Sarasota MLK Celebration Committee chair Jetson Grimes
and executive director of Embracing our Differences Michael Shelton
celebrates the President’s Volunteer Service Award presented to
Embracing our Differences. The award was presented by members
of the Sarasota MLK Celebration Committee on behalf of President
Obama. Photo Courtesy Brenna Wilhm
Tampa couple Kathie Michaels
and Renee Cossette celebrated
their 13th anniversary on June 24.
Michaels works for Metro Wellness
and Community Centers and
organizes that group’s Red Ribbon
Run. Cossette is the administrator
for the Tampa International Gay
and Lesbian Film Festival and
the Tampa Bay Gay and Lesbian
Chamber of Commerce.
Local Birthdays
Fringe festival star Rob Ward
(July 4); Orlando printress
extraordinaire and MBA mainstay
Debbie Simmons, St. Petersburg
entertainer Kori Stevens (July
5); MBA man and co-owner of
John Michael Weddings & Events
Michael Thomas, Sarasota
and Provincetown diva David
“Scarbie” Mitchell, Orlando City
Commissioner Patty Sheehan, St.
Petersburg leather man Randall
Isgrigg (July 6); former Watermark
editor, stand-up comedian and
singing fool Ronni Radner,
former Watermark staff writer and
Montessori teacher Natasha Kay,
Orlando resident and USF IT guru
Angel Arcelay, former Tampa
Bay Business Guild officer Chris
Hennessey, New Port Richey
model and singer Chris Stein,
Tampa Bay writer John Chambrone
(July 7); Tampa chiropractor
Scott Barry, Shelbie Press coowner Michelle Murray (July 9);
former St. Petersburg Westcare
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A new board: Earlier this month, the Tampa Bay Gay and
Lesbian Chamber of Commerce held its elections for its board of
directors. The board includes, (L-R) college liaison Luke Blankenship,
treasurer Sharon Herman, David Hoffman, administrator Renee
Cossette, president Chris Rudisill, secretary Laurie Chism, corporate
committee chair Austin Dyess, non-profit committee chair Bud Gunter,
marketing committee chair Barnabas Edwards, and award gala
committee chair David Capece. Board members not pictured include
vice president Ashley Brundage, membership committee chair George
Algonizza and Tom Barker. Photo courtesy TBGLCC
Tasty couple:
Orlando couple TrinaGregory Propst, owner
of Se7en Bites, and
Va Propst celebrate
their one year wedding
anniversary on July 17.
professional Ricki Liff, arthritis
advocate and meditation master
Tony Ward (July 10); Ybor City life
coach Carla Vaughan, Tampa airline
pilot Brian Russell, sexy Tampa
tri-athlete Jon Pello (July 11); Hope
and Help’s Patrick Brown, bartender
Bruce Duckworth, former Full Moon
bartender Jeff Patrick, Tampa
attorney Kim Byrd, Karmic Tattoo
percussionist Amy Black (July 14);
Three Boys Café owner Matthew
Downs (July 15).
Are you making a Transition? Having a birthday or anniversary? Did you get a new job or
promotion? See your news in Watermark! Send your Transition to [email protected]
or go to WatermarkOnline.com/Submit-a-Transition - it’s that easy!
watermark Your lgbt life.
July 3 - July 16, 2014 // Issue 21.14
July 3 - July 16, 2014 // Issue 21.14
watermark Your lgbt life.
t a m p a
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M a r k e t p l a c e
Olympians, pro athletes march at World Pride Parade
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Staff Report
oronto, Canada | Nearly
three dozen Canadian
Olympians and pro athletes
marched in the World Pride Parade
June 29 as part of the “You Can
Play Project.” It was a statement
from professional sports groups
in Canada that LGBT athletes are
welcome in arenas and on the field.
In a press release, World
Pride explained that Toronto’s
professional sports teams and
the Canadian Olympic Committee
united behind the You Can Play
Project, the premiere organization
for LGBT equality in sport. Together,
the organizations issued a joint
statement of support for You
Can Play and the ideals of LGBT
inclusion in sport.
“In commemoration of World
Pride 2014, we are proud to join the
You Can Play Project in embracing
and celebrating all of our LGBT
athletes, coaches, staff, and fans,”
the statement reads. “We strongly
believe that discrimination of any
kind has no place in sports, and we
are united in support of the ideals
embodied in the statement: ‘If you
can play, You Can Play.”
Wade Davis, Executive Director
of You Can Play, praised the
organizations involved.
“This unparalleled support
from the Canadian sports world
is touching and inspiring. So
many young LGBTQ people across
Canada will now know that they are
welcome in the sports world,”
Davis said. “We are so grateful to all
the organizations that have joined us
to send a message of hope and love
to young people everywhere.”
The organizations participating
are the Canadian Olympic
Committee, Maple Leaf Sports
and Entertainment (owner of the
Toronto Maple Leafs, Toronto
Raptors, and Toronto FC), the
Toronto Argonauts of the Canadian
Football League, the Toronto Blue
Jays of Major League Baseball, and
the Toronto Furies of the Canadian
Women’s Hockey League.
Each team sent players or
staff representatives to march in
the World Pride Parade, which
organizers say was the largest LGBT
gathering of its kind in Canadian
history. The representatives included
more than 20 Canadian Olympians;
Troy Bodie of the Maple Leafs;
Jeremy Hall and Andrew Wiedeman
of Toronto FC; and Meagan Aarts,
Holly Carrie-Mattimoe, Martine
Garland, Alora Keers, Jenelle
Kohanchuk, Carolyn Prevost, Natalie
Spooner, and Jennifer Wakefield of
the Toronto Furies.
“I am excited to represent the
Toronto Furies and Olympians
in World Pride,” said Spooner, a
Sochi 2014 Olympic gold medalist.
“I sincerely believe in the values
expressed by the You Can Play
Project and hope that young LGBT
athletes everywhere know that they
are welcome and embraced in the
world of women’s hockey.”
This marked the first time that
athletes from multiple professional
and national teams have marched
together in a Pride Parade, | l |
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Mexico coach defends
gay slur chant by crowd
Wire Report
antos, Brazil | Mexico soccer coach Miguel
Herrera has defended World Cup fans chanting a
gay slur which is under investigation by the sport’s
international governing body.
Mexico fans shouting the slur as the rival team’s
goalkeeper takes a goal kick is ``not that bad,’’ Herrera
said Friday.
``We’re with our fans. It’s something they do to pressure
the opposing goalkeeper,’’ he said.
Fare, the European fan-monitoring group, reported the
chants at Mexico’s 1-0 win over Cameroon in Natal.
FIFA subsequently opened a disciplinary case against
the Mexico federation, which is responsible for the
behavior of its fans inside stadiums.
The chant originated with fans of Mexican club Chivas.
It has become a common chant at professional matches
across Mexico.
``That was how the chant was created and it was
adopted by the other fan groups in Mexico,’’ Herrera said.
FIFA President Sepp Blatter and Brazil President Dilma
Rousseff have pledged to use the World Cup as a platform
to fight racism and discrimination. | l |
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July 3 - July 16, 2014 // Issue 21.14
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July 3 - July 16, 2014 // Issue 21.14
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July 3 - July 16, 2014 // Issue 21.14
watermark Your lgbt life.
Photo captions
1- The grizzly trial of Steve Lorenzo unearthed
an unlikely accomplice. Former Orlando resident
Scott Schweickert was also convicted of
multiple charges.
2- 2005 ended with the much-anticipated
opening of Brokeback Mountain. The wrenching
movie starred Heath Ledger (left) and Jake
3- Fred Berliner is a co-founder of the Orlando
Gay Chorus. He’s also advertised in every issue
of Watermark. And in 2005, he was part of
the gloriously revamped Come Out With Pride
celebration in October.
4- In April I had the opportunity to interview
activist, feminist and cultural icon Gloria
5- In its 15th year, Gay Days Weekend proved
it could weather just about anything. The Magic
Kingdom remained the big draw on the first
Saturday in June.
6- Yuppy Puppy owners Michael Fried (left)
and Rick Merrifeld rebranded as Ranger’s Pet
Outpost and Retreat.
7- In just its 3rd year, attendance at St. Pete
Pride once again doubled to 40,000.
8- The Parliament House celebrated its 30th
anniversary by breaking ground on one of
the nation’s first timeshare resorts for the
LGBT community. PH owner Don Granatstein
envisioned a Wilton Manors-style revitalization
of the neighborhood.
9- Fresh-faced Steve Blanchard joined our staff
in 2005 as the first full-time staff writer for our
Tampa Bay bureau. He became editor in 2009.
10- This Seminole Heights bungalow housed
a dungeon that was the site of date-rapes,
torture and murder. It’s owner, Steve Lorenzo, is
currently serving a life sentence in prison.
Watermark turns 20 this coming Labor
Day. In the issues between now and
then, founder and publisher Tom Dyer
looks back at a remarkable two decades.
On this page, he returns to 2005.
Volume 12, issue 13
More than 5,000 descended on downtown Tampa
to protest the Hillsborough County Commission’s
offensive ordinance banning the county from
“acknowledging, promoting and participating
in gay pride.” “The county commission thinks
we should hide,” said Equality Florida’s Nadine
Smith. “Their act has had the opposite effect.”
Commissioner Ronda Storms remains the
incarnation of homophobia in Tampa Bay.
watermark Your lgbt life.
July 3 - July 16, 2014 // Issue 21.14
looking back
he two biggest stories
of 2005 came out of
Hillsborough County. The
Tom Dyer trial of Steve Lorenzo— closely
followed by major media—produced
gruesome photos of listless men in bondage.
A jury took just three hours
to convict Lorenzo of conspiring
with Scott Schweickert to
distribute date rape drugs.
Years later, Schweickert was
charged with the murder
of Jason Galehouse and
Michael Wachholtz.
And in eastern Hillsborough,
commissioner Ronda Storms
succeeded in banning recognition
of LGBT Pride by the county.
Protestors stormed downtown
Tampa, but Storms wasn’t done
yet. In September she derailed
reconsideration of the county’s
human rights ordinance and
talked her fellow commissioners
into requiring a supermajority on
future votes. We hate her.
In Pinellas County, Gulfport
led the way by adding sexual
orientation and gender identity to
its human rights ordinance. And
Ken Shelin won a City Council seat
in Sarasota.
Two stories also dominated
news in Orlando. New Orleansbased party promoter Johnny
Chisholm bought Mark Baker’s
production company and took
control of an impressive slate of
circuit events associated with Gay
Days Weekend—by 2005 easily
the largest annual gathering of
gays in the nation.
And Pride received a major
reboot when MBA and UCF’s
GLBT student group moved the
parade to October, rerouted it to
Lake Eola and dubbed it ‘Come
Out With Pride.’
A late night attack on artist
Paul Horan in the gay-friendly
ViMi (now Mills/50) District
resulted in a Valentines Day “Love
Not Hate March Against Violence”
led by City Commissioner
Patty Sheehan.
Outside Florida, the Supreme
Court turned rightward with
the confirmations of Chief
Justice John Roberts and
Associate Justice Samuel Alito.
The ongoing war in Iraq saw a
steady drumbeat of brave service
soldiers being kicked out of the
military for being gay. Spain
became the first Mediterranean
nation to legalize same-sex
marriage. Elton John and David
Furnish got married. And those
mourning the loss of Queer as Folk
turned their dials to ABC’s campy
Desperate Housewives. | l |
July 3 - July 16, 2014 // Issue 21.14
11- A small display about gay authors at a
Hillsborough branch library outraged County
Commissioner Ronda Storms. She talked all but
one of her fellow commissioners into passing
an offensive ordinance banning any county
recognition of LGBT pride.
12- Local chapters of the Human Rights
Campaign thrived in Orlando, Tampa Bay and
Sarasota. Pictured (L-R) are HRC field organizer
Bo Shuff, Orlando co-chairs Jennifer Foster
and John Ruffier, and HRC president Joe
We Belong Together by
Mariah Carey
The Emancipation of Mimi
by Mariah Carey
American Idol
Harry Potter and the
Goblet of Fire
Portia de Rossi, Sara
Paulson (American
Horror Story), George
Takei (Star Trek)
watermark Your lgbt life.
Photo captions
1- If you like scandal, the outing of
Evangelical Rev. Ted Haggard as a crystalmeth using client of male prostitutes was
catnip. Watermark scored a coup with Kirk
Hartlage’s interview of the hunky hooker
who exposed him, Michael Jones.
2- Pop star George Michael was once again
arrested for performing a sexual act in a public
restroom. This time the superstar was less
apologetic, saying he likes anonymous sex.
3- For the 2006 Fringe Festival, Michael
Wanzie parodied a Disney classic with his The
Lion Queen (and the Naked Go-Go Cub).
4- The fact that Rep. Mark Foley (R-Florida) is
gay was the worst kept secret in Washington
DC, but when sexy text messages with a former
congressional page were exposed he was forced
to apologize… then resign… then go to rehab.
5- Watermark’s third editor, Dave Weithop,
died on October 18, the victim of an aggressive
brain tumor. He was smart, hardworking
and hilariously opinionated about theater
and culture. I think of him often.
6- TIGLFF president Mariruth Kennedy
welcomed Tampa Mayor Pam Iorio and
Hillsborough County Commissioner Kathy
Castor to opening night ceremonies. The popular
politicians received a lengthy standing ovation.
7- Tampa wanted its Pride back, so organizers
produced Winter Pride Tampa Bay at Lowry Park
in February. First-year attendance was promising,
but bad weather scuttled the celebration
in 2007. Here Metro Center’s Lorraine
Langlois presents awards to TBBG’s Michael
Brilland Tampa MCC’s Rev. Phyllis Hunt.
8- With 50,000 attendees in its fifth year, St.
Pete Pride secured its place as the largest
LGBT Pride celebration in the state.
9- After an almost spontaneous run for Orlando
mayor in 2005, the Orlando Weekly converted
Billy Manes’ freelancing into a full time staff
reporter gig. Since then, Manes has become
one of the most recognizable gays in town, and
a respected voice for progressive politics.
10- Comedian Jim J. Bullock was the grand
marshal at the second Come Out With Pride
celebration in October. Bullock is pictured
with OADO activist Michael Slaymaker.
Bad Day by Daniel Powter
Watermark turns 20 this coming Labor
Day. Founder and publisher Tom Dyer
looks back at a remarkable two decades.
On this page, he returns to 2006.
Volume 13, issue 15
High School
Musical Soundtrack
American Idol
Pirates of the Caribbean:
Dead Man’s Chest
The Departed
Neil Patrick Harris (How
I Met Your Mother),
T.R. Night (Grey’s
Anatomy), Lance Bass
(‘N Sync), Darren Hayes
(Savage Garden)
I love this photo of Orlando’s Blue Starr on the
cover of our 2006 Fall Arts Guide. The DJ, dancer,
singer, actor, entrepreneur and all-around hottie is
one of those people that create culture in Central
Florida. From her Lesbo-a-Go-Go revues to her
productions at The Venue to her wildly popular
Varietease extravaganzas at Fringe, Blue explodes
with creative energy… and always with that
wonderful twinkle in her eye.
watermark Your lgbt life.
looking back
n 2006, Massachusetts
remained the only state to legalize
same-sex marriage, but the battle
Tom Dyer played out elsewhere. Connecticut,
New York, New Jersey and Washington
settled on civil unions, with court approval.
Across the Atlantic, South
Africa became the first
African nation—and the fifth
worldwide—to approve samesex marriage.
Reps. Gerry Studds (D-Mass)
and Jim Kolbe (R-Ariz) retired,
leaving Reps. Barney Frank
(D-Mass) and Tammy Baldwin
(D-Wisc) as the only openly gay
members of Congress.
Vice-President Dick Cheney’s
family announced that daughter
Mary was pregnant and planning
to co-parent with her partner,
Heather Poe. Rosie O’Donnell’s
debut as host of The View caused
ratings to skyrocket. Logo, MTV/
Viacom’s 24-hour LGBT channel,
July 3 - July 16, 2014 // Issue 21.14
debuted on Bright House in
Orlando and Tampa Bay. Ang
Lee won a directing Oscar, but
Brokeback Mountain was robbed
in the Best Picture category. (Does
anyone remember The Departed?)
In Central Florida, Orange
became the fifth county in Florida
to include sexual orientation in
fair housing laws. In Orlando, gay
candidates Jeff Horn and John
Ruffier joined Robert Stuart in
an attempt to unseat unfriendly
Commissioner Vicki Vargo.
Stuart prevailed. And in Volusia
County, Commissioner Bill Long
lost his seat after embarrassing
public altercations with exes,
including country singer Michael
James Hoffman.
Gay Days Weekend blossomed
with steady fertilizer from
GayDayS.com and extravagant
circuit events produced by Johnny
Chisholm. In its second year, the
rebooted Come Out With Pride
attracted 15,000 to a parade and
rally in front of the Orange County
Regional History Center. And
The Gardens, a timeshare resort
next to the Parliament House,
opened with ambitious plans for a
lakeside pool area.
In Tampa Bay, date-rape
murderer Steve Lorenzo was
sentenced to 200 years in prison.
Across the bay, St. Pete Pride hit
50,000 in attendance and claimed
bragging rights as the biggest
Pride event in the state. Hoping
to reclaim a piece of the Pride
pie, organizers launched the first
Tampa Winter Pride at Lowry
Park and attracted 4,000. But a
proposed Pride event in Brandon
never materialized. In Sarasota,
Trinity MCC celebrated its 25th
anniversary. | l |
93.3 FLZ
Ferman Mini of Tampa
JP Morgan Chase
Florida Blue
JSA Medical Group
Metro Charities
Florida Rebath
Birchwood Inn
Mix 100.7
Frito Lay
Bank of America
MFA of St. Petersburg
Gay St Pete House
Bradley’s on 7th
New York Life
Bud Light
Olivia Travel
Bright House Networks
GS Enigma
Capital One
Georgie’s Alibi
City Side Lounge
Rainbow 411
HCA Hospital
Creative Loafing
Equality Florida
Sleep Number
Independent Adoption Center
July 3 - July 16, 2014 // Issue 21.14
Solar Source
St. Petersburg Distillery
State Farm
Sunken Gardens
TD Bank
Tyrone Square Mazda
Wells Fargo
Your Neighborhood Realty
watermark Your lgbt life.
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