Ben has worked with; Canada Bread, A&Pr Schneider National, Iruing' €entury 21, Fantasia, Mincom Real Estate, Livingston International, Canpar Transplt UNICEF Testimonials Exceptional!Passionate!Mesmerizing! Benexemplifieeall the above.Extremelymotivationalfor personaland professional lives.All of us must utilize his conceptsto help achieveour goals& passions,Looking forward to morc from Ben. Manager SteveGibb,President / General FAS@nada I was capturedby his speecfifrom beginningto end. It mademe realizethat I can changemy life and make it what I want. I would definitely racommendhis speechto anyone. EltAkis, Ata Administntor Victorta Motorola Benignitesthe desireto focuson what matters the most...Your dreams. TonyBada, President & Prppin Stonebridge Excellentspeaker.Ben is truly inspirationaland movedme. Ben'smademe realize I'm not aloneand to not put myeelfasideor give up. Benqovensall aspectsof life. LeonoraFngomeni TelusMobility Flrc in Yaurfuulmotivated me to act towards aclrievinggoalsI had in my life Sora very long time but was afraid to staft. I think we all needto find that posifiveeelf conceptthat is deep insideof us, and Bentruly helpsto facilitate this discovery. JennlferGibsonBAScRD Manager SpottMdicine Councilof BrftishColumbia Ben'sspeechesare both motivating,inspirationaland a delightto listen to. He has the charismaand presenoeto impact his audiencewith his me*sage. Dr, PeterGmhamMs,ATM-BCL BenCaniniis one of the most dynamicspeakersf've ever seen.He hasalways impressedme. He is a natural storytellerwho deliverchis messagewith a powerful and movingstyle. BruceRadfvrd,President Inc. Systems Industrialldentifrcation Benis tuned in to people,fiom the laypersonto the executive,he grabsyour attenUonat the beginningof a prcsentationand keepsyou engagedtfiroughout. Ben'spassionis to arousethought and acrHonin otherc. Ben'ssuccessisr "You will not forget hlm"! RandyMason,Preident krvices GrouP Condominium Benhasoeftainly unleashedmy true potenfial with his in depth perconalcoaching.?le is tuned in and listensto you on manylevels.Benchallengesyou to moveout of your dreamsto reality. After seeinghim comfoft zoneand realizethat connectbetween perform Flrc ln Your&u[ I can truly say,oBenCaniniWalksthe Talk"' hls &nsultant LoriHathaway, Fanbsia Benhasa great senseof the humanspirit, which he is able to articulate in an entertainingand enjoyablemanner.He is an exciting communicatorand hasa great enthueiasmto help peopleachievetheir full potential. tutt Weihel Ben'spresentatlonwas incrediblymoving,He speaksfrom the heaft and sendshome his poweful messagewith confidenceand darity. Benis a valuableaddition to any conferenceor event that features professlonalspeaker Author Speaker, Mq fupr, Prcfessional Preenbtions Mq fuper Benis a very powelftrl speaker,who speaksfrom the hant.,,and hls sulto motivate you to take action with your life. & Trainer Lin Leitch,Strategist,Speaker TeneoResul'E Benhasthe clrarismato turn day-to-daylife experiencesinto riveting storieswith great meaningand applications. He is a great speakerwho hasthe ability to take his audienceto soar and rcach new heightsin a most enteilalning, inspidng manner. R.S.W. DebbieWang,M.S.W., BenCaniniis a powerful presenceon the stage.He is comfortableon a etageand that translatesinto a comfoftableaudience!Benquickly draws you into hls stories.His informationis dellveredin an easyand eqioyableformat, UndaAdsetb EmpweringPaths Ben'$dynamicpersonalitycaptunesand keepsmy attention when he speaks. FrancoNahliziq President KingofConfideneInc. BenCanini shineswhenhe is at the podium. He exudespassionand slncerityduring his cpeeches.Benhas the abillty to capturc your attention from the very first sentence.You won't be disappointed.,,! KateBeryC.H.R.P. Mr. Caniniin a wold is a "Natural". He hasthat innate ability to grab the audiences' attention and hold it right tfirough to the end of the speech.Mr. Caninipossessesa commandingpnesenceat the podiumwhich demandsattention. The audiene's attentlon is rewardedas Mr. Caninicarriesthem through eachpoint of his speechentertainingand enlightening.If you havethe oppoftunity I would highly resommendllstenlngto one his presenbtlons becausehe dellverc. Mr, Terryfux, Prcsident Tn'bax hls Inc, Ben,you'r€ an exceptionallytalentedspeaker- I was so impressedwith both the impactof your messageand the power of your delivery.You'll go right to the top! Gthlen Fillmore SpakercGold I havefound BenCaninito be a professional.Energyand enthusiasmare tralb of Ben.lt's obvloushe enjoyswhat he is doing LinBuxton,President FirctImpressions Benwakesyou up and shakesyou up, Grcat speechand prcsentation. GaryJona,CEO 6roup Mllar Mad<eting Community Benclearly hasthe fire in his soul and is vely passionateabout life and the possibiliUes. ren,Principl AIanMcl-a mmunications I nfinity C,o What a rollercoasterridet I was completelyenthralledfrom tlre start. Greatstories, grcat messageand fantastic pnesentation. SherriAppleby Ideashmpany I usedto take everythingfor advantage.Benhas shown me that family life is mone important than anythingelse.It has mademe open my eyesto everyonearound me, RomanBntovz,Nationalfules Manager EASCanada Benis a passionate,inspiringspeaker.He brings tfie audienceinto his speechand lives lt with eachand every audiencemember,Benputs feelingsinto percpectiveand ignitesan awareneseof our drcams. Lanne Buarc, President InfrniUCommunications BenCaninlinspiredme to re-evaluatemy life and challengemyselfto re-staft my fire. fules DouglasGarcia,Dirstor of Corpomte Prefend One Benhelpedme nemembermyyouth and all the possibilitiesthat lay ahead. AlavLe, AVP- FieldExaminer ABNAmrofunk