Total-Body Toning Workout
Total-Body Toning Workout
LOSE 22 1⁄2 LBS UP TO IN JUST 8 WEEKS! YOUR BEST SHAPE EVER! eight loss! Over the course of 8 weeks, you’ll alkingandworkouttechniquesthatwillblast ble spots three times as fast as conventional t guidance every step of the way, with: roper walking form for maximum fat-burning your fitness level t clothes and gear—right down to your socks and shoe n,designedbyaregistereddietician,tohelpoptimizeyour y-fueling foods gestosetgoals,trackyourprogress,andstayontheroad enwhotriedtheWOWprogram—withawesomeresults! me in my life, I’m a real ’m the role model I want to be. WALK OFF Weight FIRM UP with this revolutionary walking — Stacy Shillinger, WOW test panelist WALK OFF Weight CHELE STANTEN, FOR MORE OF OUR PRODUCTS, VISIT or call 800–848–4735 EAN MICHELE STANTEN Cover Design by DONNA AGAJANIAN TCD 043550 reated the WOW program, is ness director of Prevention. She peared in dozens of Prevention s Systems DVDs as well as on ionshowssuchasGoodMorning ca and The Early Show. Stanten eredTeamPrevention,amarathonng program that has grown to six l events around the country. She CE-certified fitness instructor member of the IDEA Health and s Association. FITNESS EDITOR Burn 3 TIMES MORE FAT with This Proven Program TRIM YOUR BELLY, BUTT, AND BACK FAT BY MICHELE STANTEN, FITNESS DIRECTOR, Total-Body Toning Workout TRIM YOUR BELLY, BUTT, ARMS, AND THIGHS IN 6 EASY MOVES! Cardio workouts are great for your heart and body. But to get the lean-body results you want–fast–you need to add strength training. That’s where this workout comes in. These multi-tasking moves, from Walk Off Weight by Prevention Fitness Director Michele Stanten, incorporate a resistance band to tone your whole body at once. As a result, you’ll rev your metabolism and drop more pounds. Even better, this total-body routine helps strengthen vital muscles, protecting you against injury and helping you walk longer and faster. The more muscle power you have to push through your cardio workouts, the more calories you burn, the slimmer you get! PROGRAM AT A GLANCE You’ll Need: A 5-foot resistance band or tube. Do this workout 2 to 3 times a week on nonconsecutive days. Each move comes with instructions to make it easier or harder to better match your fitness level. TIPS FOR USING A RESISTANCE BAND Stay Stable: If you find that you’re wobbly when doing any of these moves, lightly hold onto something sturdy such as the back of a chair or the wall to help maintain your balance, at least to start out. Anchor Your Band: For some of the moves, you’ll need a sturdy place to hold the center or one end of your band. For a floor-level anchor, slide the band under a heavy piece of furniture, or loop or tie it around a sturdy object such as a railing or sofa leg. For a waist-level anchor, loop or tie the band to a railing or doorknob (stand so that the door swings away from you, then close it). You can also put a knot in the band and pinch it in a door or window, or puchase a door anchor to attach it. No matter where you anchor the band, always check that it is secure before beginning an exercise. Control Your Movements: Stretching and releasing the band’s resistance with control is key to maximizing toning and avoiding injury. Don’t let the band snap back once you’ve reached the top of a move; pause, then slowly release, resisting against the band’s pull as you do. To Increase Resistance: Shorten the band by folding it lengthwise, adjusting your hand position to choke up on it, or wrapping it around your hands. To reduce resistance, give yourself more slack by moving your hands farther apart or farther away from the anchor point. 1 Total-Body Toning Workout These moves work your upper and lower body at the same time for fast, head-to-toe toning. Warm Up: Warm up first by walking at an easy pace for about 5 minutes. Then do these moves to prepare your torso muscles for their workout: Roll your shoulders forward and back; twist your torso to the left and right, reaching the opposite arm across your chest; and reach each arm overhead, stretching to the opposite side. The Workout: Do this routine two or three times a week, taking a 30- to 60-second break between moves. Each week, increase the number of repetitions. Here’s what you should try to aim for, repeating on each side when appropriate: Week 1: 8–10 reps Week 2: 10–12 reps Week 3: 15–17 reps Week 4: 18–20 reps 1. Balancing Deadlift with Arm Raise >>> Targets glutes, legs, abs, and shoulders Stand with one end of a resistance band under your right foot and hold the other end in your right hand. With your left hand, lightly hold onto a chair for balance. Slowly hinge forward from your hips, lowering your torso toward the floor as your left leg rises behind you, as far as comfortable or until your body and leg are parallel to the floor. Choke up on the band as you lower. Squeeze your glutes and stand back up, raising your left knee in front of you. Release a little of the band, then raise your right arm out to the side up to shoulder height. Hold, then slowly lower and repeat. Training Tip: Keep your abs tight and your head in line with your spine as you lower. Make it easier: When you stand back Make it harder: Do the move without holding up, lower your foot to the floor instead of lifting your knee in front of you. onto a chair. 2 Total-Body Toning Workout 2. Bridge with Press >>> Targets chest, arms, abs, back, glutes, and legs Sit on the floor and loop a resistance band around your upper back so that it’s under your armpits. Lie on your back with your knees bent and your feet about a foot from your butt. Grasp each end of the band with your hands near your chest, palms facing forward, with your elbows pointing out. Contract your abs and glutes and lift your butt off the floor so that your body forms a straight line from your shoulders to your knees. At the same time, straighten your arms, pressing your hands toward the ceiling. Hold for a second before lowering your arms, then your body. Training Tip: Contract your abs by pulling your belly in and up toward your spine as you lift your butt off the floor. Make it easier: Do the moves separately. Keeping your butt on the floor, press your arms straight up toward the ceiling and then lower. Perform all the reps with your arms, then relax your arms at your sides and switch to the butt lifts. Contracting your abs and glutes, lift your butt off the floor and Make it harder: Raise your right foot off the floor, extending your leg, and perform the exercise. Switch legs halfway through the reps. then lower. Perform all the reps. 3. Rotating Lunge >>> Targets legs, glutes, and obliques Anchor the center of a resistance band at about waist level by tying it to a door handle or putting a knot in the band and pinching it in a door (check that it’s secure before you begin). Stand facing the band, holding the ends with both hands so the band is taut. Your feet should be together, your arms out in front at about waist height, and your elbows bent. Step your left foot behind you 2 to 3 feet, with your toes pointing forward. Bend your knees and lower until your right knee is bent 90 degrees, keeping your knee over your ankle. At the same time, rotate your torso to the right. Hold, then press into your right foot to stand back up and rotate back to center. 3 Total-Body Toning Workout Training Tip: Don’t lean forward as you lower toward the floor. Your torso should stay straight, with your ears over your shoulders, your shoulders over your hips, and the knee of your back leg under your hips or slightly behind them.and do single arm rows for half the reps, then switch sides. Make it easier: Make it harder: Do the move with your feet stationary, one in front of the other, 2 to 3 feet apart. As you stand back up, raise your left knee in front of you before stepping back into the next lunge. 4. Row with Leg Swing >>> Targets upper back, hips, and glutes Anchor a resistance band at about waist level. Stand facing the band, holding an end in each hand, with your feet together and your arms extended in front of you. Bend your elbows and pull your arms back, squeezing your shoulder blades together and keeping your arms close to your body, until your hands are near your hips and elbows are pointing behind you. At the same time, raise your left knee in front of you to hip height. Extend your arms back out in front of you and swing your left leg behind you, flexing your foot and squeezing your glutes as you do. Continue without lowering your left foot to the floor. Training Tip: Keep your abs tight and don’t lean forward, especially as you raise your leg behind you. If you’re having trouble balancing, hold onto something sturdy with one hand and do single arm rows for half the reps, then switch sides. Make it easier: Make it harder: Skip the backward leg swing and instead lower your foot to the floor after each knee lift. Or, keep doing the backward leg swing, but touch your foot to the floor in between the knee lift and the leg swing to help stabilize you. When your leg is extended behind you, pulse it three times, raising and lowering it an inch or so, before bringing it forward into the knee lift. 4 Total-Body Toning Workout 5. Crunch and Extend >>>Targets abs and arms Anchor the center of a resistance band near the floor and lie so that it’s behind your head. Grasp each end with your hands and bend your arms so that your elbows point up and your hands are on either side of your head. Contract your abs and curl your head and shoulders off the floor, keeping your arms stationary. Hold the crunch position and extend your arms. Hold, then slowly bend your arms and lower your head. Training Tip: Don’t pull your chin down toward your chest. You should be able to fit your fist between your chin and chest at all times to avoid straining your neck. Make it easier: Do the moves separately. Keeping your head on the floor, extend and bend your arms. Perform all the reps with your arms, then drop the band and switch to the crunches. Place your fingertips behind your head with your elbows out. Contracting your abs, curl your head and shoulders off the floor and then lower, performing all the reps. Make it harder: Extend your legs up toward the ceiling, keeping them raised throughout all the movements and all the reps. 6. Elevated Squat with Curl >>> Targets legs, butt, and arms Stand with a resistance band under the balls of your feet, with your feet about shoulder-width apart, your toes pointing forward, and your arms at your sides. Holding one end of the band in each hand, bend your hips and knees, sitting back as if you were lowering into a chair. Choke up on the band for resistance, then stand up. Release some of the band to bend your elbows and raise your hands toward your shoulders. Finally, lift your heels off the floor so that you’re balancing on your toes. Lower your heels, then your arms. Training Tip: Make sure that the band is under the balls of your feet, so it doesn’t slip out when you do the heel raise. Stick your butt out and shift your weight back into your heels as you squat to keep your knees behind your toes. 5 Total-Body Toning Workout Make it easier: Make it harder: Skip the heel lift, keeping your feet flat on the floor the entire time. In the squat postion, raise your heels off the floor (your knees will be past your toes, it’s okay); then stand up while balancing on your toes. LOSE 22 1⁄2 LBS UP TO IN JUST 8 WEEKS! ST SHAPE EVER! m for maximum fat-burning right down to your socks and shoe tereddietician,tohelpoptimizeyour yourprogress,andstayontheroad Wprogram—withawesomeresults! e, I’m a real model I want to be. WALK OFF Weight this revolutionary walking the course of 8 weeks, you’ll outtechniquesthatwillblast imes as fast as conventional y step of the way, with: Stacy Shillinger, WOW test panelist WALK OFF Weight Get the complete Walk Off Weight diet and exercise program. You could lose up to 22 1/2 pounds in 8 weeks! Visit N, FOR MORE OF OUR PRODUCTS, VISIT or call 800–848–4735 Cover Design by DONNA AGAJANIAN TCD 043550 MICHELE STANTEN EAN is . She ntion on ning nten honto six . She ctor and FITNESS EDITOR Burn 3 TIMES MORE FAT with This Proven Program TRIM YOUR BELLY, BUTT, AND BACK FAT BY MICHELE STANTEN, FITNESS DIRECTOR, 6