reviews - Sounds of Sirius
reviews - Sounds of Sirius
REVIEWS stylereflecting thepulseof cities acrosstheglobe.Thisis theband's thirdalbum,a companion to Gfrost Rocfr, with morehot hornsand BLOODWOOD: THEARTOFTHE percussion. Nomoalsoimprovises DIDJERJDU withoddinstruments: electronic byAlanDarginw. Michael antiquefireextinguishers Atherton kalimbas, items.The Atherton/Dargin Records andCompass andotherfound-garbage feelis morelikesweatyjazzrock,and Records, USA,2009(57mins) thebandreallyenioyshavinga good Distibutors:Austrdia-ThePlanet time. Loudandfun,thesearegood Company; USA-Compass Records party sounds to moveyoursocks! rphis historic1992Australian album, THEROUCHGUIDETO I groundbreaking for its didieridu DANCE experimentation, hasbeenreissued MERENGUE in an enhanced by variousartists edition.It stars masterdidi playerAlanDargin,who WorldMusicNetwork, UK,2009 diedin 2008andis greatlymissedby (2CDs,llTmins) hisfans.Touringtheworld,Alan Distributors: Australia-ThePlanet represented the didieriduandhis Company; UK-WorldMusicNetwork, indigenous culture.In theCDcover notes,producer andmultiis a popularCaribbean l\ { erengue instrumentalist MichaelAtherton lVldance musicformthatis simple, contributesa fitting eulogyfor the ioyousandeasyto moveto. lts man,but the musicon Bloodwood is Spanish namecomesfromthe ideaof the besttribute.A specialalbum. dancers twistingandtwirling together, likeeggwhitesbeing SONCOFLOVEFORTHEANII\4A15 whippedintoa meringue.Its origins by Ua Scallion arein the Dominican Republic, and Sounds Aust,2009(S7mins) it's spreadto PuertoRico,Cuba, of Sirius, Distributor:Australia-TheSounds of Venezuela andHaiti. ThisRough Sirius, Guidealbumhasslowto mediumto hasreleased a number faststylesfor beginners throughto 1 ia Scallion I-rof healingmusicCDs.Thisone, pacelz onesfor experts.Percussion, herseventh, focuses on ouranimal keyboard andbrasssoundsinterlock friends.It's reportedto produce to movethedancers onwards.It'sa someamazing great;upbeatsound.A bonusCD, effectsin stressed or problemanimalsandis greatto play Mambeao, features CarlitosAlmonte foryourpets. Lia'svoiceis uplifting andhis l0-piecemerengue band. andhealing.Ourpetsloveus unconditionally, shesays,andthisis anappreciation forthem.TheCD takesyouon a journeytowardsa moreprofoundunderstanding of the plightof animalstoday.Inspiring. INVISIBLE CITIES by Nomo UbiqdyRecod,U5\ 2009(43mins) Disributors:Australia-Fuse Music. tel (02)96997555;USA-Ubiquity' Records, band f\Iomo is aiany,multi.genre I \ that rockswitha worldfusion OCTOBER 2OO9 - NOVEMBER $ngESD,yahr*d nt..$3?, endSpm.ial ReportReyeal... "Howto Meditate ffi$Tnffilff!'n lf you"d liks to me{ti{elc a* decslr iacruallv mrre &eply) than s 7,$rrnxrnk, lit+rally at rhb krrch of a h$tott. rhis msy be anr; trf th rno* iryxirtar* me$ss$e{vuu rrill ers read. Ilelra is rvhy.." Ilssod in p{trt $n Nohel Prize-winnint rcresrch on hiw'*r+mplex sy*lenrt" thq*ni l"ing$" lgn inslancc)ctetrll to higber luwl* nf lwtelto$tng, s msnlat tmwsqemfut nrgm.ritfit ha* beffi &ea{ed uiili*in! s po}r"€rf;rla-sdio te*hnokry colle<IHolosync$. A 1xeci*eetrmhinniionof srllirr signulsgives the brflin a wry spacitic stimulus thot crsskr stal*s of alacp meditation * snd *a-u*s$the $realian of nert wixl.enhweinc neural coryrec{ionsbetwes$ left and ri[ht brain ileflnr$pnere$, No* e Ncn,CD rnd ffiori,Rerml ... rThe scienlific cvidpnc* fiotorync# inere**s thn. lxain of many tcitelry{S" dnw cgpir€. 'now rJ a"Elere $uperrilsapmEditctisn, ot tho loueh sf a butkn. r [Iow io &arndicslh mdu*r Sile*s. rllow to createtemslisilo emoriommt *hmges Et the dsensrt l€veL r How to iniprovo ]pnr emotional heallh, r llorv. to h:rglrm* 1,oru.olwivity md problem rolvirg ability. .Ho$ ri'hal€ i,rors rc*ftt slw[ r l-low to boo*t yqur intellinenab. r How to iacrsdrc your foius, c{rncsntration md locmis{ *ili[v. rHqw to sd;$r ybts nrcmory. r*rlow to incrsmr ypur g|otivation aird c*nlldeno+. rfimi to hsw morchrnninc*sard *flow" ir your lifr. . fi3ff *ti;* omoaiomt bloctc. Ths complels tsoort on thir amffiins, nerp lochmlogy md }loloryuos CD, wprtf, f*?, $$ FRtlE to .Vrorg rcodor* linr a limitsd timp. Csll NOW for your FREE CI) end speeial NEXUS.77