March 2, 2013 - Tropic Cinema
March 2, 2013 - Tropic Cinema
z 2013 Annual Meeting Film for our Community It Takes a Community To sell you tickets. To pop and butter your popcorn. To select your films. To retrieve your membership card. To ice down your beer. To get you to the right theater. z our envelopes. To fold our letters and stuff To polish our condiment counter. To keep the Tropic spic and span. To help with your membership form. To pour you a glass of wine. To deliver our flyers. To find that lost sweater. To clean our 3D glasses. To smile and say, “Hi! Welcome to the Tropic!” Our Community of Volunteers • • • • • • • • • • Karen Andrei Ron Andrei Jeannee Arkin Judy Baldwin Marilyn Bamford Mary Jo Banks Harry Barnett Bill Basiliko Bill Bean Roxanne Bean • • • • • • • • • • Sara Benson Peggy Blevins John Bollinger Steve Bornstein Nance Boylan Ian Brockway Ryan Brooks Sharon Brophy Carol Buckley Ed Bulmer • • • • • • • • • • Huguette Bulmer Shelley Cambern Ray Campbell Suzanne Campbell Neil Chamberlain Pony Charvet H. B. Clark Marshall Cochrane Suzanne Coleman J. David Cooper Our Community of Volunteers • • • • • • • • • • Sandra Cornell Ann-Marie Coyne John Danley Patrick DeKeyrel Teresa DeKeyrel Ed DeMore Robert Dodd Margaret Domanski Cornelia Eckert Jerry Ehlen • • • • • • • • • • Emma Fehlig Lilli Ferguson Toni Ferraro Jack Fine Ed Flack Jordan Flores Perry Frantzman Glenn Frederick Veronika Frystacka Peter Geary • • • • • • • • • • Ken Gerken Peter Geary Ken Gerken Susan Gerken Chuck Gilmore Norma Gilmore Eddie Goldstein Christine Gorham Caitlyn Gray Ed Guillory Our Community of Volunteers • • • • • • • • • • Maggie Gutierrez Judy Hadley Terry Haney Larry Harcar Dottie Harden Jeffrey Harwell Ralph Heitman Bob Hesse Janet Hilliard Janet Hinkle • • • • • • • • • • Rick Holmes Olivia Huang Sue Huffaker J. B. Hunt George Hurd Janet Jenkins Michael Jensen Dee Johnson Hugh Johnson Larry Johnson • • • • • • • • • • Lucy Jones Armand Julian Sam Kearney Jill Keeler Elizabeth Kerns Peggy Klekner Andrea Kopelman Maureen Koza Mary Lamont Adam Lepine Our Community of Volunteers • • • • • • • • • • Mike Lepine Chris Lewis Jo Lockard Jennifer Lopes Tracy Loss David Lybrand Maria Lybrand Jessica Mack Marcelino Malpica Jo Marcus • • • • • • • • • • Lori Marshal Dottie Marine Al Martorelli Patrick McCarney Abalyn McMullen Talis McMullen Maryl Meise Eamon Meisner Toby Metz Lauren Meyers • • • • • • • • • • Lucy Meyers Taolan Meyers Annie Miners Nikki Miklos Erin Morris Derek Nelson Tyler Niccum Bruce Nielsen Donna O’Hearn Jennifer O’Malley Our Community of Volunteers • • • • • • • • • • John O’Malley John Parce Janet Pawlak Ron Pawlak Claire Perrault Robert Piasecki Sarah Preziosi Travis Preziosi Barbara Pullem Walter Price • • • • • • • • • • Susan Prince Mark Reinnoldt Richard Reynolds Jonas Reynosa Shirrel Rhoades Michael Robinson David Rooney Lee Rosenbaum Lisa Rowe Cindy Roy • • • • • • • • • • Nyiome Samson Steve Schievelbein Marianne Schippereit Mary Lynne Schulz Erin Scott Kathy Shackle George Sebren Cliff Simmen Jim Simmen Wanda Simmen Our Community of Volunteers • • • • • • • • • • Cindy Simpson Christine Smith Piper Smith Mark Sinnard Molly Stauffer Alex Symington Cork Tarplee Clara Taylor Steve Teachout Alan Teitelbaum • • • • • • • • • • Janie Teitelbaum Julia Tetrault Linda Townsend Kristen Wager Sid Waldman Dana Waltz Craig Wanous Lynn Wanous Bobbie Wanta Steve Wanta • • • • • • • • • • Mary Ann Westerlund Brent White Ronnie Whitehorn Zach Wilkerson Andy Williams Steph Wischerth Joanna Wood Ruth Yakaitis Vincent Zito Diane Zolotow Tropic Volunteers 180 Strong Bring Life into the Tropic and Bring the Tropic to Life. Thank you. Tropic Cinema’s Volunteer Board of Directors Jon Allen, Chair Ken Domanski, Vice Chair George Cooper, Treasurer S. Runi Goyal, Secretary Wayne Kruer, Counsel Judith Daykin Benjamin Egnatz Terry George Kirksten “Corky” Irick Michael Marrero Holly S. Merrill Linda Mewshaw Karen Schievelbein Piper Smith Our Staff Matthew Helmerich, Executive Director Lori Reid, Theater Manager Scot Hoard, Programming Director and Web Master Dan Schwab, Chief Projectionist Jane Ireland, Membership Director Susan Lozada, House Manager John Abramson, Volunteer Coordinator and House Manager Ozlem Berg, Projectionist Steve Reynn, Projectionist David Norwood, Accountant Patricia Bollinger, Executive Coordinator Jeffrey Jacobs, President, Jacob Entertainment, Inc., Film Buyer Our Finances The mission of Tropic Cinema is to bring the world’s best film to the Florida Keys and to promote the “cultural, artistic and economic well-being” of Key West and the Keys. We work hard to achieve those goals for our community, but they come at a cost. Tropic Cinema Operating Budget Fiscal Years 2010-11 and 2011-12 Earned Income Gross Ticket Revenues Gross Concessions Revenues Events Revenues Tips Gift Certificates Total Gross Revenues Expenses Cost of Goods Staff Facilities Administrative Total Expenses NET INCOME OR LOSS November 1 – October 31 2011 and 2012 FY 2010-11 FY2011-12 Percent Change $568,627 $614,079 +8% 315,946 35,042 15,097 1,584 322,130 23,934 14,153 2,977 +2% -32% -6% +88% $936,296 FY 2010-11 $420,731 313,492 236,563 158,968 $1,129,754 $977,273 FY 2011-12 $438,739 351,083 237,169 161,849 $1,188,840 +4% Percent Change +4% +12% +1% +2% +5% -$193,458 -$211,567 -9% Our Most Valuable Resource Our Most Unquantifiable Benefit We calculate and account for our revenues and costs, contributions and capital expenses as precisely as possible. An indispensable resource – and one that would surely be one of our biggest expenses could we accurately monetize the cost of the workforce – is our volunteer corps. The operating losses you see might well be twice as high without the loyal and enthusiastic work of Tropic Cinema’s volunteers. Our heartfelt thanks goes to our volunteers for keeping the Tropic Cinema vital and viable. Gross Concessions Sales Here is how some of your favorite concessions sold. Wine and beer continue to lead sales (with popcorn just behind) representing 36% of total concessions revenues. Description Popcorn Wine Soda Fountain Drinks Beer Water Candy November 1 – October 31 2011 and 2012 FY 2010-2011 revenues FY 2011-2012 revenues $87,353 $93,325 82,136 90,053 47,174 46,498 22,609 24,748 19,448 19,327 21,472 22,278 Percent Change +7% +10% -1% +9% -1% +4% We could not begin to fulfill our mission without the loyalty and generosity of members, donors, friends and volunteers who support our hometown cinema. Membership Revenues FY 2010-11 November 1 – October 31 2011 and 2012 FY 2011-12 Percent Change $161,328 $160,022 -1% Operating Contributions From Private Foundations and Individuals FY 2010-11 November 1 – October 31 2011 and 2012 FY 2011-12 Percent Change $855 $ 83,336 +9,000% 2012-13 Tropic Elf Appeal Our 2012 Elf campaign raised more than $63,000 from 61 donors, an average of $1,032 per donation. Donations ranged from $25 to $10,000 Tropic Elf Revenues and Costs 2012 vs. 2013 Gross Revenues Costs Net Revenues 2011-12 $43,191 3,001 $40,180 2012-13 $63,095 3,753 $59,342 Increase 46% 25% 48% Premium Members for 2012 Robert N Alfandre Jon Allen and Martin Kay John Allison and Camille Blatz Jane and Paul Athanas Ross Claiborne Thomas Cole Judy Blume and George Cooper Barbara and Evan Corns Cynthia Crossen and James Gleick Frederick Eberstadt Dani and Kurt Fazekas George Fernandez and Sam Trophia Judy and Larry Franklin Swati Runi Goyal and Walter Price Mark Hayda and Keith Strickland Ann L. Henderson Betty Hettinger Mindy and Dennis Holbert Blake Hunter Lynn and David Kaufelt Rita Linder and Perry Arnold Karen and John Lockwood Laurie and Kevin McChesney Platinum, GreenLight Team, Mogul Sandra and Lee McMannis Holly S. Merrill Linda and Michael Mewshaw Noreen and Robert Pollman Katharine and Miles Prentice Joyce and Wally Senney Bunnie Smith and Jack Paul Robert and Elena Spottswood Todd and Lisa Stuart Roger and Mary Ann Westerlund Tom Wilson Deb and Richard C. Young Major Donors for 2012 Bill Basiliko and Marcus Lundell Judy Blume and George Cooper Ross Claiborne Judith Daykin The Dogwood Foundation The Helmerich Trust Seward and Cecelia Johnson Linda and Mike Mewshaw Holly S. Merrill and Steve Turco Claudia Miller The Rodel Foundation Tourist Development Council $4,000 and above Our Films and Programs In 2012, Tropic Cinema customers bought 83,514 tickets for 5,714 performances of 252 different films and events. 2012’s Ten Top-Grossing Films Film The Descendants The Artist Hugo The Iron Lady Lincoln The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel Moonrise Kingdom Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy Seven Psychopaths Savages Gross Box Office $35,090 32,174 28,159 26,091 25,757 25,073 19,939 17,487 16,462 14,941 2012’s Twenty Top-Grossing Films Film Gross Box Office The Descendants $35,090 The Artist 32,174 Hugo 28,159 The Descendants 35,090 The Iron Lady 26,091 TheArtist 32,174 Hugo Lincoln 25,757 28,159 26,091 The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel 25,073 Lincoln 25,757 Moonrise Kingdom 19,939 c TheBest Exo 25,073 Marigold Moonrise Kingdom Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy 19,939 17,487 Hotel TinkerSeven Tailor Psychopaths Soldier Spy 17,487 16,462 Seven Psychopaths 16,462 Savages 14,941 Savages 14,941 Argo Argo 12,661 12,661 To Rome With Love 10,498 To Rome With Love 10,498 TheGirl With Dragon Tattoo 10,309 The Trip Girl With Dragon Tattoo10,043 10,309 The Guilt Salmon the Yemen TheFishing Guilt inTrip 10,043 9,748 BernieSalmon Fishing in the Yemen9,722 9,748 TheHunger Games 8,964 Bernie 9,722 My Week With Marilyn 8,843 Arbitrage The Hunger Games 8,964 8,319 TheAvengers 7,987 My Week With Marilyn 8,843 Arbitrage 8,319 The Avengers 7,987 Our Revenue-Supported Tropic • The Tropic’s top ten grossing films made 38% of the cinemas film revenues. • Our top twenty box office films made 54% of our box office grosses Our unique and balanced mix of indie and wide-release films supports our opera and ballet program, our Monday Movie Classics and our art-house, foreign and documentary films all year long. Commitment to Quality Film 2013 Golden Globe Winning Films Screened at Tropic Cinema • • • • • • • • • • Amour – Best Foreign Language Film Argo – Best Motion Picture (Drama) Best Director Brave – Best Animated Feature Film Django Unchained – Best Screenplay Best Performance by an Actor in a Supporting Role Les Miserables – Best Motion Picture (Comedy or Musical) Best Performance by an Actor Best Performance by an Actress in a Supporting Role Life of Pi – Best Original Score Lincoln – Best Performance by an Actor (Drama) Silver Linings Playbook – Best Performance by an Actress (Comedy or Musical) Zero Dark Thirty – Best Performance by an Actress (Drama) Commitment to Quality Film 2013 Oscar-Winning Films Screened at Tropic Cinema Amour – Foreign Language Film Anna Karenina – Costume Design Argo – Best Picture Les Miserables – Sound Mixing Original Score Actress in a Supporting Role Film Editing Makeup and Hairstyling Adapted Screenplay Life of Pi – Cinematography Brave – Animated Feature Directing Curfew – Live-Action Short Film Best Original Score Django Unchained – Actor in a Supporting Role Visual Effects Writing Lincoln – Best Actor Inocente – Documentary Short Subject Production Design Paperman – Animated Short Film Searching for Sugarman – Documentary Feature Silver Linings Playbook – Actress in a Leading Role Special Tropic Programs • Tropic Cinema screened some 20 recorded European ballets and operas. • The Tropic hosted filmmakers Terry George, David Colby and Ventura Pons who screened and discussed their films. • Our Kids Saturday Movie Club screened a dozen Saturday children’s movies for a buck a ticket for kids and their grown-ups. • The cinema played live performances, including Tom Judson’s “Nature Boy” and a string quartet from the South Florida Symphony Orchestra. Tropic Cinema and our Community Tropic Cinema was a participant and venue for Key West’s first film festival. Along with The San Carlos Institute, the festival screened nearly 40 films over three days. The Festival sold 1,133 film tickets, the majority of which were bought by Tropic members. Thank you. Tropic Cinema is cultural town square for our Lower Keys community. In 2012, we collaborated with not-for-profit and for-profit organizations for screenings, meetings and live shows. AIDS Help, Inc. American Red Cross Anchors Aweigh Captain Tony Days Community Foundation of the Florida Keys Florida Keys Community College Florida Council of the Arts Florida Keys and Key West Film Commission Helpline of the Florida Keys, Inc. Key West Art and Historical Society Key West Songwriters Festival Leadership Monroe County MARC House Monroe County Public Schools Monroe County Police Athletic League PrideFest Reef Relief The Studios of Key West U. S. Coast Guard VNA & Hospice of the Florida Keys Waterfront Playhouse Wesley House Family Services WomenFest WLRN Community Advisory Board The Tropic Student Leader Program The Tropic Student Leader Program For a second year, Tropic Cinema in collaboration with Florida Keys Council of the Arts and Monroe County schools, is creating “policy leaders” exclusively for the Tropic. The leaders will not only remind Tropic movie goers to turn off cell phones and to become Tropic members, they’ll teach Keys high school students the fundamentals of making and appreciating film. The short films will screen before every Tropic feature film in DCI projection. What’s Your Opinion? It’s Your Opinion that Counts We have a pretty good idea of what visitors think of the Tropic Cinema. Florida Monthly magazine has named us “Best Florida Cinema” for four years in a row. We’re perennially Key West’s #1 “must-see” attraction on We love the compliments, but . . . It’s Your Opinion that Counts We are most interested in what our members and regular customers think of their Tropic experience. For the second year, we e-mailed a survey to our customers to find out what you think. Our 2012 survey’s nearly 17% response rate indicates a 95% confidence level with a margin of error + or – 3.8%. How satisfied are you with your Tropic Experience? 91.3 % top 2 levels What do we do well at the Tropic? (Top 3 answers) • Films (55%) Films, our responders say, are what we do best. The phrases “great movies” and “good movies” appear in 178 answers. • Service (49%) Only 6% fewer responders commented on service than films. “Friendly, helpful and welcoming!!” and “friendly – helpful – always pleasant” are typical responses “courteous and efficient,” “excellent customer service” and “unmatched courtesy and friendliness by all who work there.” • Food and Drink (42%) 197 survey responders had good things to say about our concessions offerings. Many of the comments are general: “Have good snacks and drinks” and “good concessions” are typical. But customers single out buttered popcorn and wine and beer (our biggest sellers). “Popcorn has real butter [and I] can get a glass of wine,” says one responder. What could we do better? (Top 3 answers) • Nothing (35%) Responders to this question either say nothing or respond in a generally positive way. In fact, scores of responders answer with the word “nothing.” “Can't think of anything” or “continue what you are doing” are representative responses. “Just keep doing what you are doing -- you've exceeded our expectations,” says one responder. • Films (25%) About 58 responders to this question thought our films could improve when suggesting what we could do better. Most complained about the dearth of indie and foreign films: “More non mainstream movies; more foreign and indie movies.” • Food and Drink (7%) The two most frequent criticisms among the 33 responders who were unhappy with our food and drink are that we have stopped serving coffee and the hope that we would focus more on healthy snacks. “Add some fruit or healthy snacks,” was a typical comment. How likely are you to recommend a Tropic membership to a friend? 98% top two levels What’s New at the Tropic? Have you seen our new popcorn machine? Tropic Elf gift from Judy Blume and George Cooper For premium Tropic members the perfect night out has been improved. Some things just go together. The birds and the bees. Peanut butter and jelly. And dinner and a Tropic movie — a classic combo, the perfect Key West evening out. Our premium members get 20% off their food bill for two people at some of Key West’s best restaurants. Join or raise your current membership to become an Indie Producer, Producer, Mogul, Greenlight or Platinum member and you’re automatically in the Tropic Dinner Club — no charge, no paperwork. It Only Gets Better Tropic Cinema circa. 2002 Tropic Cinema Today Improving your Tropic Experience From the moment we opened our doors in 2004, Tropic Cinema has worked to make your moviegoing experience the best it can be. That work continues today. Improving your Tropic Experience With the loyal support of the Tourist Development Council and generous Tropic friends, the Tropic will make basic improvements to the cinema starting this summer. • A Luminous Façade The glass brick façade of the Tropic was once a radiant, jewel-like surface suffused with colored light. New LED lighting will bring our grand entrance back to dazzling life, beckoning visitors to the cinema. • Better Aisle Lighting One of our most important concerns at the Tropic is to keep our customers safe and secure. We’re replacing the small safety lights that illuminate the steps, ramps and aisles in our theaters. They make it possible to see where you’re stepping during a film and light the way for theater ingress and egress between movies. Improving your Tropic Experience • Quiet and Efficient Air Conditioners Air conditioners work hard in Key West. Air conditioners at the Tropic work even harder than most: Building ordinances require that businesses where people stay for more than two hours, like cinemas, provide a significantly higher fresh-air exchange ratio than regular commercial buildings. We’re improving our air conditioning equipment for more efficient and quieter comfort control. • Eliminating Ambient Noise The audio quality of film presentation isn’t just about excellent sound equipment. It’s also about the equipment that hushes unwanted sound from others theaters. We’re creating a sound-proof barrier between entrances to The Taylor and The George to improve our sound quality. Improving your Tropic Experience • 100% DCI DCI compliant projection has overtaken the film world. 35 mm film has all but disappeared from new production and less sophisticated forms of digital projection are fading. The TDC and The Rodel Foundation helped bring Tropic Cinema into the 21st century of film presentation with three new DCI projectors. We did not convert The George because we didn’t have the room for the large projector. But DCI technology hasn’t stood still – and now we can have a small, silent, cool projector that can hang from the ceiling in The George. In addition to improving the quality of projection in theater, it will give us the flexibility of showing a wider variety of movies, including new releases. Improving your Tropic Experience These important capital improvements would be out of the reach of Tropic Cinema were it not for generous funding by: Tourist Development Council of Monroe County The Rodel Foundation The Dogwood Foundation Judy Blume and George Cooper Capital Contributors to our Tropic Elf Appeal It’s All About Community There’s one reason Tropic Cinema is best. That reason is you. Our volunteers, donors, members, county government and visitors keep the world of film alive in Key West. Because of our mutual love of the movies, we’ll continue to make your Tropic experience the best it can be. Thank you! We’ll see you at the Tropic!
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