Module 5 - The Indonesian Way
Module 5 - The Indonesian Way
The Indonesian Way 5 Module 5 – An Interview for a Job George Quinn & Uli Kozok License “The Indonesian Way” by George Quinn and Uli Kozok is licensed under a Creative Commons “Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)” license. Under the license you are free to: ● ● Share — copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format Adapt — remix, transform, and build upon the material Under the following terms: ➢ ➢ ➢ Attribution — You must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made. You may do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests the licensor endorses you or your use. NonCommercial — You may not use the material for commercial purposes. ShareAlike — If you remix, transform, or build upon the material, you must distribute your contributions under the same license as the original. Please note that the license covers the text and the sound files, but excludes the illustrations. Date of Last Revision: 28 April 2016 The development of “The Indonesian Way” was sponsored by grant P017A090375-10 from the US Department of Education, International Research and Studies Program. The development of the print version was made possible by a grant received from the University of Tasmania. Indonesian Online «The Indonesian Way» is a great resource for learning Indonesian. However, once in a while it may be good to use some alternative materials. At «Indonesian Online» you will find additional learning resources using authentic texts, film, and even comic strips. Most materials at «Indonesian Online» were developed by Prof. U. Kozok, who is co-author of «The Indonesian Way». «Indonesian Online» provides you with hundreds of hours of high-quality learning resources for the Indonesian language. Module 5 An Interview for a Job The main aim of Module 5 is to provide you with the vocabulary, sentence shells and cultural skills that will enable you to talk about education and work, ask and answer questions about these topics, and express a variety of opinions about them. The module will also help you consolidate the skill studied in Module 4 of engaging in debate. By reading a short story and a number of shorter reading passages you will make a start on the development of reading skills. There is special emphasis in the module on gaining a command of verbs that begin with the me- prefix. You will learn the names of occupations and subjects of study. You will also get more practice in expressing opinions and preferences. The module provides some basic information about Indonesia’s education system. It will show you how to use an Indonesian dictionary and how to format a business letter. You will also learn how to pronounce the letters of the alphabet and you will get to know a number of very commonly used abbreviations. In the culminating role play you will practise taking part in an interview for a job. Indonesian Online «The Indonesian Way» is a great resource for learning Indonesian. However, once in a while it may be good to use some alternative materials. At «Indonesian Online» you will find additional learning resources using authentic texts, film, and even comic strips. Most materials at «Indonesian Online» were developed by Prof. U. Kozok, who is co-author of «The Indonesian Way». «Indonesian Online» provides you with hundreds of hours of high-quality learning resources for the Indonesian language. 1 Lesson 60 60 Tentang Kata Kerja Aims • To provide some basic information on the verb system of Indonesian, focusing on transitive verbs and giving practice in the analysis and formation of transitive verbs. Vocabulary Review Here are some of the frequent words used in this lesson that have appeared in previous lessons. Make sure that you remember their meanings. memakai to use, wear menunggu to wait membantu to assist merusak to damage, destroy memelihara to take care of menolong to help mengajar to teach ujian examination menjadi to be, to become Rambu di Jalan Raya Bahasa An Overview of Indonesian Verbs Probably no feature of Indonesian is more difficult for foreign learners than verbs, so at this point we are going to pause to take stock of what has already been presented on verbs, and we will add more information about them. The discussion that follows is a little technical in places, but don’t worry if you don’t take it all in at first reading. It is given here more for the sake of completeness than because it is absolutely essential for mastering the language. After all, there are well over 200 million Indonesians who speak their language perfectly, mostly without any self-aware knowledge of its grammar, and in theory you can too. Nevertheless, many students of Indonesian do find that an understanding of the grammatical system can sometimes help improve fluency, correctness and expressiveness. But knowledge of the grammatical system of a language can only complement and never substitute for accurate imitation of models and memorable repetition as tools for the attainment of practical correctness and fluency. You have already noticed that words in Indonesian are either single, indivisible forms (single morphemes or free morphemes) that stand on their own and don’t change their form, or they are “divisible” and can be broken up into a base word and one or more affixes (multiple morphemes). Lesson 60 Some examples of the former category — the “nude” words of Indonesian — are: mau, makan, rumah, kuning, pandai, telepon, mobil, pensil, komputer Examples of the latter category — the “clothed” words of Indonesian — are: berjalan, makanan, buah-buahan, membaca, perpustakaan, menarik The words above belong to various parts of speech: nouns, verbs and adjectives. In this lesson we are looking for the moment at verbs only. So far you have met three kinds of verb: 1. Helper verbs or auxiliary verbs These are verbs that sometimes occur on their own, but more usually occur immediately in front of another verb. They function to give an extra dimension of meaning to the second verb, especially by showing some aspect of how the doer of the action does the action or relates to the action expressed in the second verb. Examples of helper verbs are: dapat, suka, boleh, bisa, mau, mulai, ingin, harus, ikut, pandai Helper verbs have only one form, and they never change form. So they are “nude” words, or single indivisible morphemes. Study these examples. The helper verbs are in italics. Kami suka makan di Rumah Makan Kartika. We like eating at the Kartika Restaurant. Apakah Ibu Prawoto ikut makan nanti malam? Is Mrs Prawoto going to join us for dinner tonight? Maaf, saya kurang pandai menulis dalam bahasa Cina. Sorry, I’m not really very good at writing in Chinese. Mereka tidak dapat datang. They can’t come. Biasanya mahasiswa tidak mau masuk kuliah pada malam hari. Students don’t usually want to follow lectures at night. Saya sudah mulai belajar Ilmu Kimia. I have begun to study Chemistry. 2. Intransitive verbs. I suppose you could say that an intransitive verb is one that “looks back” in the sense that it relates back to the doer of the action and not to anyone or anything else. In other words it signifies an action that is done by someone or something, but it is not done to anyone or anything. An example of an intransitive verb in English is the verb “to die”. You can say: “She died.” But you cannot say: *“She died her husband.” Intransitive verbs take several forms in Indonesian. Some are single morphemes, others have prefixes. Some examples of single-morpheme intransitive verbs are: Lesson 60 setuju, mandi, tidur, bangun, pergi, datang, terbang, masuk, duduk, kawin Other intransitive verbs consist of a base word plus an affix. The most common affix on intransitive verbs is the prefix ber-, in fact most (but not all) words that have a ber- prefix on them are intransitive verbs. berjalan, berhenti, beristirahat, berubah, berlibur, bermain, berbicara A complicating factor here is that sometimes the ber- prefix is dropped, especially if you are speaking rapidly or informally. Compare these pairs of sentences. Each pair has basically the same meaning and both sentences are 100% correct, but the first is formal and the second informal. Saya ingin berjalan kaki saja. Aku kepengin jalan kaki aja. I’d prefer to just walk. Sesudah beristirahat dia mandi Sesudah istirahat dia mandi. After taking a rest she had a bath. Pada hari Sabtu pagi biasanya saya bermain golf. Sabtu pagi biasanya aku main golf. I usually play golf on Saturday mornings. There are also some intransitive verbs that have a me- prefix. You have already met one or two of them. Apakah Anda pandai menyanyi? Are you any good at singing? Katanya mereka akan menikah. I’ve heard they’re going to get married. Gunung Merapi meletus kemarin. Mount Merapi erupted yesterday. Di mana Anda mengajar? Where do you teach? Lesson 60 3. Transitive verbs If an intransitive verb is one that “looks back”, a transitive verb is one that “looks forward” in the sense that it signifies an action that is done to someone or something. You have seen that the English verb “to die” is intransitive. An example of a transitive verb in English is “to fell”. In English you can say: “She felled the tree.” But unlike “She died” we cannot say: *“She felled.” Actually, verbs like “to fell” are a bit of a rarity in English. As you can see, it cannot be intransitive. But most verbs in English can be either transitive or intransitive, and what’s more they look the same whether they are transitive or intransitive. Take, for example, the verb “to stop”. You can say: “The bus stopped.” Here the verb “to stop” is intransitive because it is simply signifying an action and it is “looking back” at the doer of the action, the bus. But “to stop” can also be used transitively. “He thought he could get away with it, but I stopped him.” In the latter sentence the verb “to stop” is looking forward, indicating that something was done to “him”. So far so good. Now let’s turn to transitive verbs in Indonesian. In this module we are concerned with transitive verbs that have a me- prefix on the front of them. If a verb has a me- prefix this indicates two things. First, the verb is most likely transitive (the number of intransitive me- verbs is relatively small). So it has a receiver (often called the goal). The receiver is on the receiving end of the action expressed in the verb. Second, there is an emphasis, or focus, in the sentence on the doer of the action, often called by grammarians the actor. What this means is, in a subtle way, the doer of the action is in clear focus in the mind of the speaker, whereas the receiver of the action is a bit vague. Take this example. Pak Sukamtono memukul anjing. Mr Sukamtono hit the dog. In this sentence it is clear who the doer of the action is. In the context of the “text” from which this sentence has been lifted, we can assume that there has been previous mention of Pak Sukamtono. The speaker knows who he is. He is in sharp, unambiguous focus. But the receiver of the action (anjing) is not so clear. Yes, we know it is a dog, but one dog? ... or dogs in general? ... or any old dog? ... or a particular dog? It is not so clear. So this sentence has a focus on the hitter of the dog, the doer of the action. The grammar of Indonesian requires this “actor focus” to be expressed by attaching a me- prefix to the front of the base form of the transitive verb. The transitive verb here is -pukul (to hit). In its actor focus form this verb assumes the form memukul. You will see that the me- prefix seems to “fuse” with the base word pukul, melting the /p/ of -pukul and turning it into a nasal sound, an /m/. This nasal sound takes a variety of forms, but grammarians usually represent it generically with a capital “N” (standing for “nasalised assimilation”). So in grammatical descriptions the me- prefix, when it is written on its own, is usually written meN-, where /N/ could be any one of four nasalised consonant sounds, /m/, /n/, /ny/ and /ng/, depending on the first sound in the base form of the verb. Lesson 60 You have already met and used some actor focus transitive verbs. Study these examples. The transitive verb is in italics. Saya suka menonton televisi. I like watching television Dia akan mengambil uang di bank. She’s going to get some money at the bank. Saya selalu membeli surat kabar. I always buy a newspaper. Kami tidak melihat Anda di pasar. We didn’t see you at the market. Katanya, Pak Hasan sudah menulis buku. I’ve heard that Mr Hasan has written a book. Anda harus dapat memakai kata kerja dengan baik. You’ve got to be able to use verbs properly. Sebaiknya mencuci pakaian sebelum siang hari. It’s best to wash clothes before the middle of the day. The verbs in these sentences consist of a prefix and a base word. The prefix fuses, or “assimilates”, to the base word in some way. So the verbs can be analysed as follows. menonton consists of meN- + -tonton mengambil consists of meN- + -ambil membeli consists of meN- + -beli melihat consists of me- + -lihat menulis consists of meN- + -tulis memakai consists of meN- + -pakai mencuci consists of meN- + -cuci Some base words that begin with “m” often (a few verbs even always) avoid attaching the initial meN- prefix when they function as a transitive verb. The most common of these are minta, minum, makan, mohon, mulai, and masak: Biasanya mereka makan nasi goreng pada pagi hari. (not memakan) They usually have fried rice for breakfast. Boleh saya minta teh? (usually minta but sometimes meminta) Could you give me some tea? (Literally: “May I request tea?”) Apakah Anda mau minum kopi? (not meminum) Would you like to drink coffee? Dia mulai perjalanannya di Padang. (also fairly commonly memulai) She began her journey in Padang. Mereka tidak mau mohon maaf. (usually mohon but sometimes memohon) They didn’t want to apologise. (Literally: “to ask for forgiveness”) Dia masak ayam dan sayur-sayuran. (sometimes memasak) She cooked chicken and vegetables. Lesson 60 The meN- prefix is attached or assimilated to the base word in a variety of ways depending on the initial sound in the base word. Let’s review this briefly. Here are the main rules. 1. If the base word begins with a vowel, the meN- prefix is fused on to the base word with a /ng/ sound. For example: -ambil ð mengambil (to take) -ajar ð mengajar (to teach) 2. If the base word begins with the consonant /b/ the meN- prefix is fused on to it with the sound /m/. For example: -buka ð membuka (to open) -baca ð membaca (to read) -bawa ð membawa (to bring, carry) -buat ð membuat (to make) -beli ð membeli (to buy) -bantu ð membantu (to assist) 3. If the base word begins with the consonant /p/ the meN- prefix is fused on with the sound /m/. In addition, the /p/ in the base word merges with the prefix and disappears. For example: -pakai ð memakai (to use, wear) -pilih ð memilih (to choose, select) -panggil ð memanggil (to call, summon) -pelihara ð memelihara (to nourish, take care of, keep) -pimpin ð memimpin (to lead, guide) BUT NOTE this common exception: -punyai ð mempunyai (also note that punya never becomes *memunya!. You can only use punya or the more formal variant mempunyai). 4. If the base word begins with the consonants /d/, /j/ or /c/ the meN- prefix is fused on to it with the sound /n/. For example: Lesson 60 -dapat ð mendapat (to get, obtain) -dengar ð mendengar (to hear) -cari ð mencari (to search, seek) -coba ð mencoba (to try, endeavour) -cuci ð mencuci (to wash) -jual ð menjual (to sell) -jadi ð menjadi (to become) 5. If the base word begins with the consonant /t/ the meN- prefix is fused on to it with the sound /n/. In addition the initial /t/ of the base word merges with the prefix and disappears. For example: -tarik ð menarik (to pull, attract, attractive, interesting) -tutup ð menutup (to close) -terima ð menerima (to receive) -tulis ð menulis (to write) -tolong ð menolong (to help) -tunggu ð menunggu (to wait) 6. If the base word begins with the consonants /g/ or /h/ the meN- prefix fuses on to it with the sound /ng/. For example: -goreng ð menggoreng (to fry) -hitung ð menghitung (to count) 7. If the base word begins with the consonant /k/ the meN- prefix fuses on to it with the sound /ng/. In addition the initial /k/ of the base word merges with the prefix and disappears. For example: -kirim ð mengirim (to send) -katakan ð mengatakan (to say) 8. If the base word begins with the consonant /s/ the meN- prefix is fused on to it with a /ny/ sound. In addition the /s/ sound in the base word merges with the prefix and disappears. For example: -simpan ð menyimpan (to store, file) -senangkan ð menyenangkan (to please, pleasant) 9. If the base word begins with the consonants /l/, /m/, /n/, /r/, /w/ and /y/ the meN- prefix attaches straight on the front end of the base word without any assimilation or “glue”. For example: -lihat ð melihat (to see) -mulai ð memulai (to start) -nikah ð menikah (to marry) -rasa ð merasa (to feel) -wakili ð mewakili (to represent) -yakinkan ð meyakinkan (to convince, convincing) Mohon Perhatian!! The prefix ber-, which is usually a marker of an intransitive verb, attaches directly on the front of a base word without any assimilation or fusion. Here are some examples: -ubah ð berubah -temu ð bertemu -asal ð berasal -dansa ð berdansa Lesson 60 -belanja ð berbelanja -cakap-cakap ð bercakap-cakap -henti ð berhenti But in a few special cases some assimilation takes places. The /r/ in ber- may change to /l/ or disappear altogether. For example: -ajar ð belajar -kerja ð bekerja -renang ð berenang Mohon Perhatian!! Sometimes a base word may even have yet another affix on it. One example that has appeared already in the course is the verb memperbaiki (to “make good” i.e. to repair). This is built up from the adjective baik (good) that produces the base word –perbaiki to which the me- prefix can be attached. Indonesian is an agglutinative language in which complex affixation plays an important role, not only in the verb system, but in other parts of speech too. Informal and slangy speech often radically simplifies – even eliminates altogether – this affixation, but for a sophisticated command of the formal language you need to get used to manipulating affixes easily and automatically. Latihan 1—Kosa Kata Lalu Jodohkan kata-kata di sebelah kiri dengan terjemahannya di sebelah kanan. 1. memakai a. to help someone, to assist 2. membantu b. to keep (as a pet, domestic animal) 3. memelihara c. to use or wear something 4. menjadi d. examination (in school/academic sense) 5. menunggu e. to wait for (something/someone) 6. merusak f. to become, to be 7. tolong g. please (help me) 8. ujian h. to damage or destroy something Lesson 60 Latihan 2—Menyimak Listen to Sound File 060-01. The sentences below are out of order. Order them in accord with the order in the sound file. Is Mrs Prawoto going to join us for dinner tonight? They can’t come. 1 We like eating at the Kartika Restaurant. Students don’t usually want to follow lectures at night. Sorry, I’m not really very good at writing in Chinese. Are you any good at singing? I have begun to study Chemistry. He enjoys cooking. I’ve heard they’re going to get married. They didn’t want to apologise. These children can’t read or write yet. She cooked chicken and vegetables. She began her journey in Padang. They usually have fried rice for breakfast. Latihan 3—Base Words For each word, write the base word. For example, the base word for memukul is pukul. menerima membuka mengantar membaca mengatur membawa menggoreng membuat menghitung membeli mengirim membantu mengisi memakai menutup memilih menyimpan memanggil mengambil memelihara mengajar memimpin Lesson 60 Latihan 4—The me(N) Prefix For each base word, write the word with the meN- prefix. For pukul, write memukul. ambil cari ajar senangkan jual tolong coba panggil dengar terima lihat tutup simpan pimpin baca pilih buat pelihara dapat cuci rasa rusak goreng tarik bantu tulis beli tunggu bawa hitung kirim jadi katakan pakai Latihan 5—Rangkai Kata Urutkan kata-kata di bawah ini menjadi kalimat yang baik sesuai dengan arti: 1. “Students don’t usually want to follow lectures at night.” Biasanya—kuliah—mau—ikut—pada—malam—tidak—mahasiswa—hari. 2. “We like eating at the Kartika Restaurant.” Kami—di—Restoran—makan—suka—Kartika. 3. “She’s going to get some money at the bank.” Dia—mengambil—di—uang—akan—bank. 4. “It’s best to wash clothes before the middle of the day.” Sebaiknya—mencuci—pakaian—siang—sebelum—hari. 5. “They usually have fried rice for breakfast.” Biasanya—pada—goreng—makan—mereka—pagi—nasi—hari. Lesson 60 Latihan 6—Me(N)- Prefix I In the space in each sentence write a verb with a properly attached meN- prefix. The base form of the verb is given in brackets at the end of the sentence. For example, if the base word is beli, write membeli in the blanks. 1. Sebelum pergi ke pesta, dia ___________ pakaian baru. [beli] 2. Dia tidak ___________ komputer. Dia ___________ pena atau pensil. [pakai] 3. Mengapa teman saya tidak ___________ surat? [tulis] 4. Ia ___________ bahwa ibunya sedang sakit. [katakan] 5. Tadi ia pergi ke kantor pos untuk ___________ surat kepada ibunya. [kirim] 6. Maaf, saya belum ___________ kursi di kamar duduk. [atur] 7. Tolong, Pak! Apakah Bapak bisa ___________ uang ini? [hitung] 8. Dia ___________ sedih sesudah pulang dari ujian. [rasa] 9. Sukartini sudah ___________ uang itu di bank. [simpan] 10. Pak Bintoro sudah tidak lagi ___________ matematika sekarang. [ajar] 11. Mereka ___________ saya ke perpustakaan. [antar] 12. Apakah Anda sudah ___________ uang dari kantor? [terima] 13. Yulie tidak mau ___________ polisi. Dia mau ___________ guru. [jadi] 14. Mau makan? Baik! Saya akan ___________ telur untuk Anda. [goreng] 15. Mereka pergi ke sana, tetapi mereka tidak ___________ apa-apa. [lihat] 16. Sudah jam sembilan! Mengapa Anda belum ___________ piring? [cuci] 17. Kita tidak boleh ___________ hutan dan sungai. [rusak] 18. Saya akan ___________ pintu depan. Dingin! [tutup] 19. Apakah Anda dapat ___________ saya? [tolong] 20. Kami sudah ___________ Anda selama tiga jam! [tunggu] Lesson 60 Latihan 7—Me(N)- Prefix II Fill the blanks in each group of sentences with one of the me- verbs listed below so that you produce sentences that make good sense. There are ten verbs listed, one for each group of sentences. To complete the exercise correctly make sure you have a good understanding of each sentence so that you choose the right me- verb to complete it: memakai—memanggil —memukul—mengantar—menerima—mengatakan—mengirim—menggoreng—menutup— menyimpan 1. Dalam suratnya ia ___________ bahwa uangnya sudah habis. Tetapi ia tidak _____ bahwa ia ingin pulang. 2. Dia tidak suka alat-alat modern. Dia masih ___________ pena dan pensil. Dia tidak mau ___________ komputer atau HP! 3. Mengapa, hah? Mengapa Anda ___________ anak itu? Saya tidak setuju. Anda tidak boleh ___________ anak kecil! 4. Pagi hari saya ___________ mereka ke Borobudur. Siang hari saya ___________ mereka ke Prambanan. Tetapi tidak ada waktu untuk ___________ mereka ke Parangtritis. 5. Andi ___________ pintu depan dan pintu belakang tetapi dia tidak ___________ jendela. Nah... penjahat itu masuk lewat jendela. 6. Saya selalu hati-hati. Saya ___________ uang di bank. Saya tidak pernah ___________ uang di bawah tempat tidur. 7. Ibu Danoyo sedang sedih. Dia ___________ hadiah dari kakaknya, adiknya, anaknya dan temannya. Tetapi ia tidak ___________ hadiah dari suaminya. 8. Aduh! Orang tua saya ___________ surat dengan banyak berita, tetapi mereka tidak ___________ uang. 9. Anda boleh saja ___________ daging ayam itu, tetapi jangan ___________ sayur-sayuran! 10. Saya masih muda. Mengapa Anda ___________ saya ‘Ibu’? Lebih baik Anda ___________ saya Yanti saja. Lesson 60 Latihan 8—Auxiliary (Helper) Verbs These are verbs that sometimes occur on their own, but more usually occur immediately in front of another verb. They function to give an extra dimension of meaning to the second verb, especially by showing some aspect of how the doer of the action does the action or relates to the action expressed in the second verb. Match each Indonesian word to the English definition. ingin to like mau to be good at suka can, able to dapat to come along, follow bisa to begin ikut to want harus to wish/want pandai may mulai must, have to boleh can Latihan 9—Kata Kerja Intransitif Intransitive verbs take several forms in Indonesian. Some are single morphemes, others have affixes. The most common affix on intransitive verbs is the prefix ber-. In fact most words that have a ber- prefix on them are intransitive verbs. Match each Indonesian word to the English definition. setuju to take a bath duduk to sit, to sit down mandi to sleep kawin to get/be married tidur to wake up berjalan to stop bangun to go (away) berhenti to play pergi to come beristirahat to walk, travel, to go datang to agree bermain to speak terbang to fly berbicara to rest, to take a break masuk to enter Latihan 10—Kosa Kata Match Indonesian word or phrase with English definition. 1. berganti a. to hit something/someone 2. berubah b. to change, to evolve 3. kata kerja c. to receive or accept something 4. memukul d. a verb 5. menerima e. to substitute, replace, alter Lesson 60 6. mengantar f. to send something 7. mengatur g. to fry something 8. menggoreng h. to count something 9. menghitung i. to fill something 10. mengirim j. to arrange something 11. mengisi k. to get married 12. menikah l. to ask someone for (respectfully) 13. menutup m. to take/accompany someone somewhere 14. menyimpan n. to feel (an emotion) 15. merasa o. to shut or close something 16. mohon p. sad, to feel sadness 17. pena q. to store something away 18. pensil r. feeling, sense 19. rasa s. pen 20. sedih t. pencil Latihan 11—Grammar Quiz 1. Ber- verbs are always intransitive and hence cannot take an object A. True B. False 2. MeN- verbs are usually transitive, but there are also a few intransitive meN- verbs. A. True B. False 3. “Berhenti” means “to stop”. Hence “I stop the bus” is “Saya berhenti bus”. A. True B. False 4. In the phrase “Saya bermain tenis” the word “tenis” is the grammatical object of the sentence. A. True B. False 5. The correct translation of “Bus berhenti” is “The bus stops”. A. True B. False Lesson 60 Latihan 12—Teka Teki Silang (TTS) Mendatar: 2. to shut or close sth 5. to hit sth or someone 7. to arrange something 8. to fill something 9. to send something 11. to ask someone for something (respectfully) 13. to receive sth 15. to use or wear sth 17. to take/accompany someone somewhere 18. a feeling, a sense 19. to change or evolve 21. sad, to feel sadness 22. to count something 16. 17. 20. examination (in school/academic sense) to feel (an emotion) pen Menurun: 1. to store sth away 3. pencil 4. to have one thing replaced with another, substitute 6. to get married 7. to fry something 10. to keep as a pet 12. to become, to be 14. to help or assist someone Lesson 61 61 Memakai Kamus Bahasa Indonesia Aims • To give more practice getting used to using verbs with the meN- prefix. • To describe how most Indonesian dictionaries are organised and give practice using a dictionary. Vocabulary Review Here are some of the frequent words used in this lesson that have appeared in previous lessons. Make sure that you remember their meanings. Bagian Kamus di sebuah Toko Buku. This work by JP Esperança is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs 2.0 Generic License jagung corn, maize memelihara to take care of memakai to use, wear menjadi to be, to become membantu to help, assist menunggu to wait membawa to bring, carry padi rice plant Rambu di Jalan Raya Bahasa More on MeN- Verbs In many textbooks these verbs are referred to as me-verbs, which is not quite correct, as there is always a nasal sound (N) which glues the prefix to the base word. MeN- verbs have a goal, that is, the person, thing or idea that is impacted on by the action expressed in the verb. Usually the goal is rather ill-defined or generalised. It is something that probably hasn’t been mentioned or referred to in the preceding part of the narrative or conversation. It is a person, thing or idea that – if we were speaking English – might be marked by the indefinite articles “a” or “some” rather than the more specific “the” or “that”. Savour the difference between these English sentences. I’m going to plant some corn. He harvested rice. I’m going to plant the corn. He harvested that rice. In Indonesian you can express the ideas in the sentences on the left like this. Lesson 61 Saya akan menanam jagung. Dia memotong padi. The slight vagueness of jagung and padi (we don’t know precisely where, which, how much etc.) is expressed by making it the goal of a transitive me- verb. But what about the sentences in the right hand column above? How do we express the greater precision of the corn and the rice, i.e. corn and rice that has already been mentioned, and which is therefore already relatively clear in our minds? Well, one way is to add a definite article like itu that makes it clear we are talking about a certain (say) sack of corn seed, or (say) field of rice that has probably already been mentioned. So we could say: Saya akan menanam jagung itu. Dia memotong padi itu. But more usually, definiteness in the goal of an action is expressed through the passive form of a transitive verb: Jagung itu akan saya tanam. Padi itu dipotongnya. We practise these forms of the verb (Passive Type 1 and Passive Type 2) in Modules 6 and 7. For the moment, it is enough to be aware that, where English tends to distinguish between definiteness and indefiniteness with articles like the, some and a, Indonesian is more complex, tending to express the same distinction through forms of the verb and by positioning nouns at the beginning or end of a clause/sentence, as well as by using markers of definiteness like itu. As you have seen, English and Indonesian are dramatically different in many ways. But they are also different in subtle ways. The various forms of the transitive verb and the expression of definiteness and indefiniteness is just one of these subtleties. Forming Transitive meN- Verbs N can appear as one of the nasals m, ng, ny, n, or as zero. p* b f v pakai beli fitnah veto memakai membeli memfitnah memveto “to use” “to buy” “to slander” “to veto” t* d c j k* g aei ou h kirim ganggu mengirim mengganggu “to send” “to disturb” ambil, ingat mengambil mengingat “to take” “to remember” hafal menghafal “to memorise” s* sapu menyapu “to sweep” tulis dengar cuci jual menulis mendengar mencuci menjual “to write” “to hear” “to wash” “to sell” l lihat m minta melihat meminta “to see” “to request” n nama menamakan “to name” ng ny r w y nganga nyanyi rangkai wakil yakin menganga menyanyi merangkai mewakili meyakinkan “to yawn” “to sing” “to join” “to represent” “to convince” Lesson 61 Using an Indonesian Dictionary We have referred to the notion of “nude” words and “clothed” words. These are just pop terms for, respectively, base forms and derived forms. Essentially, base forms are words that have affixes attached to them. Affixes are like pilot fish, they can’t swim about independently in the great ocean of language, but have to fasten themselves to the shark-like hulks of passing base forms. Some affixes work at the nose end (like ber- and meN-) and some only at the tail (like -an). Others always operate as a team – two inseparable affixes, one swimming at the nose and the other riding shotgun at the rear, like the per- -an team in the word perpustakaan. There are even a few mysterious affixes that generations ago wormed their way into the gut of certain base words and now, like parasites, have a permanent home there. If you cut into these base words you can locate the affixes, like -el- in telunjuk (index finger) and -in- in kinerja (performance, track record). Derived forms are those that consist of a base word plus one or more affixes. As we have seen in the case of memperbaiki, some base words may themselves have affixes in them. For example, the derived form berhasil (successful, to succeed) consists of the base word hasil and the prefix ber-. But berhasil can itself be a base word. With the affixes ke- and -an attached to it, it produces the word keberhasilan (success). You should also bear in mind that in certain circumstances most base words can also stand alone without affixes. For example, in certain contexts hasil can stand alone (it means “result”, “outcome”). It is important to be aware of the distinction between base forms and derived forms, because most Indonesian dictionaries organise their head words, or main entries, according to the alphabetical order of the first letter in base forms, not derived forms. So in most dictionaries you won’t find the word berjalan by looking for it under “b”. You will have to identify the first letter of its base form and look for it under that letter. With a word like berjalan there’s no great problem. With words like melihat, merusak, and even membaca, mencuci, menggoreng and many more, there’s also no huge problem. The base word is clear. You simply go to the base word entry in the dictionary, and under that entry you will find all the various derivatives that can be formed by attaching affixes to the base word concerned. But suppose you want to look up a word in which the prefix has assimilated or “fused” with the base form causing a change in the initial sound of the base form so that it is no longer instantly recognisable? In such cases we have to use the rules given earlier in this lesson to do a bit of quick detective work. Even then we may be left with two or more possible base words, so we would have to check out each possibility until we find the right base word. For example, supposing we want to know the meaning of the word memukul. Looking at the rules given in Lesson 60 we can deduce that the base word is either mukul (see rule 9) or pukul (see rule 3). So we check under “m” to see if there is a base word mukul. There isn’t. So we check under “p” for pukul. Aha! There it is. In some instances we might have to check up to three possible base words. Take for example Schmidgall-Tellings (2004) the word mengarang. Referring to our rules for the formation of derivatives we can work out that there are three possible base words that mengarang might be formed from: ngarang, arang and karang. We would have to check each of these in the dictionary. In this case we would find that ngarang doesn’t exist. We would find that arang does exist but it doesn’t have a derivative mengarang. So we would be left with karang. Under the Lesson 61 head word karang we would find a number of derivatives listed, like karangan, pengarang and mengarang. Let’s look at some examples of dictionaries. Here is part of the entry for membawa in A Comprehensive Indonesian-English Dictionary by Alan Stevens and Ed Schmidgall- Tellings (2004). Compare this with the entry for membawa in An Indonesian-English Dictionary by John Echols and Hassan Shadily (3rd revised edition, 1989). An exception to this “normal” way of organising the entries in dictionaries is George Q u i n n ’ s The Learner’s Dictionary of Today’s Indonesian (2001). Quinn’s dictionary organises all main entries according to the first letter of each word, irrespective of whether that word is a base word or a word beginning with a prefix. Each of the three dictionaries has a unique approach to description of the Indonesian lexicon. Smith and Schmidgall-Tellings’ has a finely discriminated list of definitions – i.e. possible English translations – for membawa. It illustrates these with a few short sentences and phrases that show how membawa is used in context. It also has information on colloquial variations of memEchols-Shadily (1989) bawa, plus many idiomatic expressions containing membawa. Echols and Shadily is dense with information, providing several related idiomatic phrases under each main definition of membawa. Quinn’s dictionary has fewer definitions and no idiomatic phrases at all, but it has longer illustratory sentences as well as some information on pronunciation and grammar. All three dictionaries are bilingual, but Smith and Schmidgall-Tellings’ goes in one direction only: Indonesian-toEnglish. Echols and Shadily and Quinn have English-toIndonesian sides to their dictionaries (Echols and Shadily’s is in a separate volume). Smith and Schmidgall-Tellings, and Echols and Shadily attempt to be comprehensive, covering as much of the Indonesian lexicon as they can, whereas Quinn’s is a “special purpose” dictionary concentrating on a quite limited corpus of highly frequent Indonesian and English words. Quinn’s has a section in which the dictionary’s main entries are sorted into topic groups, and notes on aspects of Indonesian culture are scattered through the dictionary. All three dictionaries have interesting introductions. Quinn offers a short history of the evolution of the Indonesian language and an overview of its functions in modern Indonesia. Echols and Shadily have a detailed description of the sound system (phonology) of Indonesian, and Smith and Schmidgall-Tellings focus on how to find the base word (they call it the “root”) of derivatives. Finally, let’s look at the entry for membawa in the Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia (KBBI): Quinn (2001) Lesson 61 This is the online version of Indonesia’s semi-official dictionary published by the nation’s Pusat Bahasa (Language Centre), an organ of the Departemen Pendidikan Nasional (Department of National Education). The fourth edition, published in 2008, has 90,000 entries. Even if you don’t understand everything in the Kamus Besar you will quickly see that the three Indonesian-English dictionaries we have looked at are indebted in some degree to the Kamus Besar. As foreign learners of Indonesian you probably have little choice but to start out with an Indonesian-English dictionary (and an English-Indonesian dictionary too, of course). But languages are self-referential, their words construct meaning only by reference to other words in the same language. So as soon as you can, you should let go of bilingual dictionaries and graduate to a good Indonesian-Indonesian dictionary. Awas!! Jakarta-style colloquial Indonesian contains a lot of verbs that follow a slightly different morphology. If you see a word beginning with ng, then the chance that this is a base word is slim as very few Indonesian base words start with ng. The word ngantuk ̒sleepy ̓ in the following banner over a toll road in Jakarta is derived from kantuk. Instead of the formal Indonesian form mengantuk, Jasa Marga, the toll road managing company, decided to use the more common colloquial form ngantuk to convey the message “Burst tyres and sleepy drivers are the main causes of accidents”. © U. Kozok In the following list you can see how transitive N-verbs are formed Jakarta-style. The meprefix is absent, and the rules how N manifests itself are also slightly different. You may also notice that some base words are spelled slightly differently and that suffixes -kan and -i both become -in. As bases beginning with f and v hardly ever occur, they have been omitted here. N can appear as one of the nasals m, ng, ny, n, nge, or as zero. p* b pake beli make mbeli “to use” “to buy” k* g aei ou kirim ganggu ngirim ngganggu “to send” “to disturb” ambil, inget ngambil nginget “to take” “to remember” s* c* sapu cuci nyapu nyuci “to sweep” t* d j tulis denger jual nulis ndenger njual “to write” “to hear” “to sell” h l r w y hafal liat rangke wakil yakin ngehafal ngeliat ngerangke ngewakilin ngeyakinin “to memorise” “to see” “to join” “to represent” “to convince” m n ng ny minta nama nganga nyanyi minta namain nganga nyanyi “to request” “to name” “to yawn” “to sing” Lesson 61 The above list is for your reference only. You do not have to memorise it. But you should memorise one word from the above banner, which is a very important word: ngantuk (sleepy)! Latihan 1—Kosa Kata Lalu Jodohkan kata-kata di sebelah kiri dengan terjemahannya di sebelah kanan. jagung to keep (as a pet) memelihara to wait, to wait for memakai rice plant menjadi to use, wear membantu to take or bring menunggu to become, to be padi corn, maize membawa to help, assist Latihan 2—Prenasalisation with meNAdd prefix meN- to the base words below. Note that meN- may be rendered me-, meng-, men-, mem-, or meny- depending on the first sound of the base word. Note also that initial p, t, and k are dropped. ambil bantu sewa cari obral tolong hafal pukul kirim ralat intip ingat larang dengar datang angkat bayar cegah hajar jadi kenal pasang raba tata titip nyanyi kompas ganti Lesson 61 Latihan 3—meN- Verbs starting with mengAdd the prefix meN- to the following base words. The prefix meN-is rendered meng- if the base begins with a vowel or with the sounds k, g, and h. Initial k is dropped. Some of the words are not included in the wordlist of The Indonesian Way. ambil gantung hafal oles kirim elak uji hukum Latihan 4—Identifying the Base Word (1) Bearing in mind that words in most Indonesian dictionaries are arranged in alphabetical order of the first letter of their base words, go to a comprehensive dictionary and identify the base forms of these verbs. For each verb, write the base form. For example, the base form of mengulang is the word ulang. menganga menilai mengena menyapu memuji mengelak menyimpang menampung mengolah mengantuk menyatakan mengganggu Latihan 5—Identifying the Base Word (2) Find the base words for the MeN- verbs below. For example, the base word of mengikat is the word ikat. mengikat mengisi mengikuti mengizinkan mengimpor mengobati menginap mengobral mengingat mengobrol mengingatkan mengontrak menginginkan mengoperasi mengira menguasai mengirim mengubah Lesson 61 Latihan 6—Forming Transitive MeN- Verbs (1) Add the prefix meN- to the following base words. Don’t forget that in many cases you also have to add a nasal to ‘glue’ the nasal to the base word. bersihkan terima panggil atur lihat cuci pakai rusak nyanyikan dengarkan bantu ambil lakukan antar tolong bawa isi buka adakan goreng bayar hitung berikan pukul buat baca jual pelihara potong dengar bunuh beli tunggu cari pilih tutup katakan kirim pimpin tonton perbaiki tulis curi ucapkan tanam simpan cium coba Lesson 61 Latihan 7—Forming Transitive MeN- Verbs (2) It is important to get used to generating me- verbs and recognising their base words. For the following exercise, type the base word for each me- verb. For example, for the verb melihat, you would type the base word lihat. menyanyikan mengisi melakukan menghitung memakai memilih menanam menulis membaca mengadakan memperbaiki menonton mengatakan memotong menyimpan mendengar memimpin mengucapkan membantu membunuh mengirim mencium membawa menerima membeli mengantar membersihkan mengatur menjual memberikan memanggil menolong menggoreng mengambil membuka menutup membuat memukul membayar menunggu mencari memelihara merusak Lesson 61 Latihan 8—Teka Teki Silang (TTS) Mendatar: 1. to cut something 4. to read 6. to buy something 7. to wait 8. dictionary 9. to see, to look at 10. to become, to be 11. to sell something 14. to help or assist someone 15. to keep (as a pet) 16. to use or wear something Menurun: 2. to give (something to someone) 3. rice plant 5. to pay 10. to do something 12. to plant something 13. to take, to bring, to carry Lesson 62 62 Jenis-Jenis Pekerjaan Aims • To practise talking about a number of common incomeearning occupations. Vocabulary Review Here are words used appeared in sure that meanings. some of the frequent in this lesson that have previous lessons. Make you remember their Shutterstock agen agent pegawai employee, office worker binatang animal pekerjaan profession biro wisata tourism bureau petani farmer dokter doctor polisi police dosen lecturer senang to be happy dulu used to be sepak bola football, soccer menjadi to become, be tempat place karyawan employee, worker terkenal famous kaya rich terlalu too lebih suka prefer ulama Islamic scholar Apa Pekerjaan Anda? Lesson 62 Lesson 62 Menjadi In English we have a verb “to be” and a verb “to become”. A quick glance at an English dictionary will show that these are regarded as fairly distinct notions. The first indicates something that is more or less static, that is, it describes, or refers to, a “state” or something that is not evolving. The second refers to something that is dynamic, that is, in the process of evolving or becoming something different. The distinction doesn’t exist in Indonesian, at least not with the same clarity. We have already seen that Indonesian doesn’t have a verb “to be”. But sometimes the verb menjadi seems to function like the English “to be”. Look at these examples: Ia menjadi marah sekarang. He’s angry now. Dulu saya menjadi guru, tetapi sekarang saya menjadi pengusaha. I used to be a teacher, but now I’m a businessman. Menjadi can also be used like the English “to become”. Tahun berapa Anda menjadi dosen? In what year did you become a lecturer? Tanti ingin sekali menjadi insinyur yang rajin dan efisien. Tanti is really keen to become a hard working and efficient engineer. As you can see, menjadi can be used to talk about work. Study this substitution table and practise generating sentences from it. Pacar saya Saya Dia Kami Mereka Santi mau ingin sudah akan pernah menjadi agen biro wisata pemain sepak bola sekretaris guru tukang kayu petani pegawai negeri dokter pengusaha tukang listrik wartawan dokter gigi sopir truk karyawan pabrik tentara sopir taksi dosen polisi karyawan toko pelayan akuntan ulama yang terkenal. baik. kaya. pandai. efisien. rajin. Lesson 62 Exercise 62-01 Generate 10 different sentences following these instructions. Each sentence should be in two parts contrasting past ambitions with those of the present. The first part of the sentence should be generated from the substitution table below (you can add other occupations to the column on the right). The second part of the sentence should begin... tetapi sekarang... and you should complete it indicating what your ambitions for the future are. Study this example first: Sepuluh tahun yang lalu saya ingin menjadi guru, tetapi sekarang saya mau menjadi insinyur. First part of the sentence .... Dulu Sepuluh tahun yang lalu, Pada tahun 2008 saya ingin ingin sekali mau pernah menjadi pemain tenis, wartawan, tukang listrik, petani, dosen, sopir bemo, pegawai negeri, karyawan toko, ibu rumah tangga, seniman, pemain sepak bola, montir, Dialogue: Failed Ambitions, New Ambitions With a fellow student, or with your teacher/tutor, exchange stories about your work experiences and ambitions in former times (dulu) and your work experiences and ambitions now (sekarang). Use your imagination to make a stark contrast between the bleak disappointments and failures of the past, and the bright reality of the present and future. You might begin by saying something like this (Sound File 062-01): D ulu saya ingin menjadi petani karena saya suka pada binatang. Saya juga suka menanam jagung, padi dan buah-buahan, tetapi saya tidak suka tinggal di desa yang sepi yang jauh dari kota. Saya lebih suka tempat yang ramai. Jadi, saya gagal menjadi petani. Sekarang saya lebih senang menjadi karyawan toko. Saya bekerja di bagian sepatu di toko pakaian Robinson. Saya menjual sepatu laki-laki, sepatu perempuan, dan sepatu anak-anak. Tetapi sebetulnya saya lebih suka bekerja di bagian pakaian karena saya suka pakaian yang mahal dan cantik. … … … … Notice the word sebetulnya in this narrative. It means something like “as a matter of fact” or “actually”. Tetapi sebetulnya has overtones of “but to be honest” so it is a useful phrase to use when you want to emphasise a contrast. Now, here are some “kick-start” sentence shells to get you going with a narrative like the one above. Run these options through your head first and consider how you can complete them, or Lesson 62 elaborate on them, in an imaginative and long-winded way using the Indonesian vocabulary you currently have. Dulu saya ingin sekali mau pernah menjadi [occupation] tetapi saya tidak ... lebih senang bekerja di … tidak suka bekerja sebagai … kurang pandai bekerja dengan … Dulu saya gagal menjadi [occupation] karena Sekarang saya bisa suka pandai senang mau ingin sekali bekerja sebagai menjadi mau sudah belajar menjadi [occupation] karena … As you talk, your partner should interrupt with questions. Try to make these questions as varied as possible. See how many of these (and other) question words you can use. Mengapa Anda…? Berapa lama Anda…? Anda … … … naik apa? Tahun berapa Anda… ? Apakah Anda…? Setiap hari, apa tugas Anda di…? Di mana Anda…? Bagaimana (pekerjaan itu)? Latihan 1—Vocabulary Review 1. Pemain sepak bola a. Entrepreneur 2. Ulama b. Physician 3. Petani c. Police officer 4. Pemandu wisata d. Soldier 5. Pengusaha e. Soccer player 6. Sekretaris f. Journalist 7. Tukang kayu g. Factory worker 8. Dokter h. Islamic scholar 9. Akuntan i. Carpenter 10. Sopir taksi j. University teacher 11. Wartawan k. Dentist 12. Tentara l. Accountant Lesson 62 13. Karyawan pabrik m. Secretary 14. Polisi n. Farmer 15. Dosen o. Taxi Driver 16. Dokter gigi p. Waiter, waitress, servant 17. Pelayan q. Tourist Guide Latihan 2—Failed Ambitions & New Ambitions Lengkapi teks berikut dengan memilih kata yang tepat: bekerja—gagal—menanam—menjual —petani—sepatu—sepi—tempat—yang Dulu saya ingin menjadi ____________ karena saya suka pada binatang. Saya juga suka ____________ jagung, padi dan buah-buahan, tetapi saya tidak suka tinggal di desa yang ____________ yang jauh dari kota. Saya lebih suka ____________ yang ramai. Jadi, saya ____________ menjadi petani. Sekarang saya lebih senang menjadi karyawan toko. Saya ____________ di bagian sepatu di toko pakaian Robinson. Saya ____________ sepatu laki-laki, ____________ perempuan, dan sepatu anak-anak. Tetapi sebetulnya saya lebih suka bekerja di bagian pakaian karena saya suka pakaian ___________ mahal dan cantik. Latihan 3—Pekerjaan Write the missing word in the blank space in each question so that the question fits with the answer beside it. 1. Apa __________ Anda? — Saya pegawai kantor. 2. Di mana Anda __________ ? — Saya bekerja di Gedung Lippo. 3. Apakah Anda __________ bekerja di Gedung Lippo? — Kurang suka. 4. Mengapa Anda tidak suka __________ di Gedung Lippo? — Karena Gedung Lippo terlalu jauh dari rumah. 5. Jam __________ Anda berangkat dari rumah? — Kira-kira jam delapan pagi. 6. Apakah Anda __________ menjadi kaya? — Ya, ingin sekali. 7. __________ berapa lama Anda bekerja di Gedung Lippo? — Sudah tiga tahun. 8. __________ Anda belajar dulu? — Di Akademi Akuntansi di Jakarta. 9. Apa __________ Anda di kantor? — Biasanya saya mengetik dan menerima telepon. 10. Apakah kantor Anda lebih besar __________ kantor Bank Danamon? — Tidak. Kantor kami lebih kecil daripada kantor Bank Danamon. Lesson 62 Latihan 4—Jenis-jenis Pekerjaan From among the words and phrases in the right column choose one word or phrase to go with each of the occupations listed. Choose each word/phrase just once. Write the word/phrase beside the occupation that is most closely associated with it. 1. petani ......................................................................... orang sakit 2. karyawan bank ......................................................................... surat kabar 3. karyawan toko ......................................................................... menjual 4. dokter ......................................................................... rumah makan 5. ibu rumah tangga ......................................................................... taksi 6. pelayan ......................................................................... lapangan olahraga 7. sopir ......................................................................... sekolah 8. guru ......................................................................... sawah 9. wartawan ......................................................................... uang ......................................................................... bekerja di rumah 10. pemain sepak bola Latihan 5—Merangkai Kata Urutkan kata-kata berikut sehingga menjadi kalimat yang baik sesuai dengan arti: 1. “He’s angry now.” Dia—menjadi—marah—sekarang. 2. “I used to be a teacher, but now I’m a businessman.” Dulu—sekarang—tetapi—menjadi—saya—guru,—saya—pengusaha. 3. “In what year did you become a lecturer?” Tahun—Anda—menjadi—berapa—dosen? 4. “Tanti is really keen to become a hard working and efficient engineer.” Tanti—yang—menjadi—dan—rajin—insinyur—ingin—sekali—efisien. 5. “At first I wanted to become a doctor but I am not smart.” Dulu—tidak—tetapi—saya—dokter—saya—menjadi—mau—pandai. Latihan 6—Terjemahan Translate the following words. accountant animal Lesson 62 dentist to fail, to not succeed housewife engineer a type, kind rich angry to type mechanic public servant waiter, waitress a player entrepreneur hard-working, diligent actually, to be honest secretary driver, chauffeur soldier, armed forces to answer the phone famous duties, obligations carpenter electrician journalist, reporter Lesson 63 63 Bapak, Ibu dan Seorang Aims • To get more practice distinguishing between the negators tidak and bukan. • To introduce and practise the common second person pronouns Bapak and Ibu. • To practise using seorang: a very common word like the English “a” / “an”. Vocabulary Review Here are some of the frequent words used in this lesson that have appeared in previous lessons. Make sure that you remember their meanings. halaman yard (around house) pemain player hati-hati careful pengusaha businessman karcis ticket ramah friendly hadiah a gift, a present sama sekali absolutely, completely ilmu kimia chemistry sopir driver, chauffeur majalah magazine, journal tidak boleh may not, can not masih still tukang listrik electrician memberikan to give sth turun go down, descend montir mechanic untuk for More Practice with bukan You will recall that back in Module 1 you learned that a noun is negated with bukan, not tidak. Tidak is used to negate verbs, adjectives and prepositions. Review Lesson 11 to refresh your memory. In these sentences both bukan and tidak appear. Observe how they are used, especially the kind of word that follows bukan and tidak. Dia bukan seniman. Dia sama sekali tidak pandai menulis atau melukis. He is not an artist. He is absolutely hopeless at writing or painting. Dia bukan montir. Dia tidak bekerja di bengkel. He is not a mechanic. He doesn’t work in a repair shop. Lesson 63 Ini bukan rumah Ibu Ida. Rumah Ibu Ida besar. Rumah ini tidak besar. This house is not Mrs Ida’s. Mrs Ida’s house is big. This house is not big. Ibu Dibyo bukan tukang masak. Dia pegawai negeri. Dia tidak pandai memasak. Mrs Dibyo is not a cook. She is a civil servant. She can’t cook. Maaf, majalah ini tidak untuk Anda. Anda bukan mahasiswa. Sorry, this journal is not for you. You’re not a student. Kalau Anda bukan pemain, Anda tidak boleh turun ke lapangan. If you’re not a player you can’t go to the sports ground. Anda berkunjung ke pulau yang mana? Batam? Bukan! Batam tidak menarik. Which island did you visit? Batam? No! Batam isn’t interesting. Mohon Perhatian!! A noun is a word that names a thing, person or place. Some examples of ordinary nouns in Indonesian are: penumpang (a passenger), perjalanan (travel, a trip), orang Jawa (a Javanese), selat (a strait). There are other kinds of “less ordinary” nouns, for example: 1. personal names and place names, e.g. Bapak Kamso, Surabaya, Batam. 2. pronouns, that is, words used in place of nouns, especially to refer to something or someone that has already been mentioned. Examples are saya, kamu, dia, mereka, kita and kami. 3. noun phrases, that is, a group of words that doesn’t necessarily have a noun in it but that stands for a noun, for example yang murah (the cheap one) Tidak never appears directly in front of any of these kinds of nouns. They are negated with bukan. Although tidak is the usual negator for verbs, adjectives and prepositions, in certain contexts bukan can also be used to negate them. This happens most often when you want to emphasise a contrast, or when a contrast is implied. Warnanya bukan merah tetapi hijau. It’s not red, it’s green. Hadiah ini bukan untuk kamu. Untuk Tanti! This gift is not for you. It’s for Tanti! Dia bukan mengambil uang. Sebetulnya dia memberikan uang. She didn’t take money. In fact she gave money. So it seems that bukan is a stronger, or more emphatic, negator than tidak, and for this reason can sometimes muscle its way into the negation of verbs, adjectives and prepositions, in addition to its normal function as a negator of nouns. Bapak & Ibu In English, basically we have just one second person pronoun: “you”. Except in a few exceptional circumstances, “you” can be used to address practically anyone at all. In some European languages there are two words for “you”. French, for example, has tu and vous. You use tu when you are talking to someone with whom you are on familiar or intimate terms. It is also often used to address children, even if you are not on familiar terms with the child, or for “talking Lesson 63 down” in an insulting or contemptuous way to adults. Vous, on the other hand, is more formal and respectful. It implies a distance between the speakers. It is the “safe” word to use. Most Indonesians are ultra-sensitive to differences in rank, age, gender and formality. When two people talk to each other, as a rule the words they use for “you” will reflect their view of the relationship between them. Are they social equals? Are they the same sex? Are they roughly the same or very different in age? Do they know each other well or only distantly? All these factors can influence their choice of a word for “you”. Indeed, sometimes even ethnic differences, or vocational differences, or kinship differences can play a role in determining one’s choice of a word for “you”. And there are plenty of second person pronouns (i.e. words that mean “you”) to choose from in Indonesian. If English has just one and French has two, Indonesian has around a dozen that are in common use, and probably more than fifty altogether. George Quinn’s Learner’s Dictionary of Today’s Indonesian gives 24 words for “you”. One of the interesting features of the Indonesian language (and of Indonesian society as a whole) is the impulse to relate to people as if they are members of one’s own family. It is almost as if you can only communicate with someone by making that person an “honorary” member of your family. We have a few remote echoes of this practice in European culture. For example, in the Catholic Church priests are addressed as “Father” or “Brother” depending on their rank and functions, and female members of certain orders may be addressed as “Mother” or “Sister”. Presumably this practice is a manifestation of the idea that the Christian community is a big family. Similarly, activists in certain causes may address one another as “Sister” (in some branches of the feminist movement) or “Brother” (among some activists for the welfare of African Americans). Again, behind this practice lies the idea that members of a family are close to one another, will support one another and won’t betray one another. At the same time, the use of kinship terms may function to indicate differences in power and status within a community (as in the Catholic Church where a “Father” has higher status than a “Brother”) or that all members are equal (as in the use by egalitarian activists of terms referring to members of the same generation like “Brother” and “Sister”). In Indonesian, the very widespread use of kinship terms as second person pronouns seems to function both to “incorporate” the addressee into an imagined community or “family”, and to make clear the differences in status that are perceived to exist between addresser and addressee. Here are some of the most common words for “you” that are also kinship terms. Bapak father Adik younger brother/sister Oom uncle and many more. Ibu mother Saudara brother/sister Tante aunt For the moment you are going to practise use of the second person pronouns Bapak and Ibu, both of which are of very high frequency in everyday Indonesian. Lesson 63 Cara Indonesia So far in this course we have used just one word for “you”: Anda. There are many words for “you”: Anda is just one of them and is by no means the most commonly used. In fact Anda is a fairly recent invention, dating from the 1950s. It is slightly trendy, a bit formal, and is mostly used among Indonesia’s educated, urbanised minority. It is also widely used in advertising and public announcements. It is the closest Indonesian has to the all-purpose English “you”. But unlike “you”, Anda cannot be used indiscriminately to all and sundry. That is why it is important to master the use of Bapak and Ibu (and, little by little, the many other words for “you” in Indonesian). Who do you address as Bapak or Ibu? The flippant answer might be “practically everyone”, but in matters of etiquette in Indonesia it’s best to be very careful rather than flippant. Basically Bapak and Ibu are polite, respectful terms but not excessively formal terms. They are widely used in everyday talk. The main guidelines to bear in mind in deciding whether to use them are: you should address as Bapak or Ibu anyone who 1) is reasonably “mature” in years, say past 30 years of age, or who 2) has some claim to status, whether it be by virtue of having a job/position, or being a parent, or having an impressive bearing, and who 3) is not on really close or intimate terms with you. There are many notes that one could add to these guidelines. Here are one or two. • If you are still young (i.e. let’s say under 30 years of age) you wouldn’t normally address your peers of similar age as Bapak or Ibu (you might use Anda or Saudara, perhaps kamu), but if you are older than 30 in most instances you would address your age-peers as Bapak or Ibu (unless you are on very intimate terms with them). • Very often, a formal atmosphere or situation can dictate that Bapak or Ibu must be used rather than the more intimate term of address you might use in a more private, casual context. • In some instances you might address someone as Bapak or Ibu even if they are younger than you are. This is especially common where the younger person has a responsible job or is exercising some kind of authority over you, for example as your teacher or doctor. • The word Anda that we have used so far in these lessons is appropriate in most situations, but not everyone uses it, and in any case it has egalitarian overtones clinging to it so it wouldn’t usually be appropriate to use Anda to address someone who is a lot older than you or a lot higher in status, and who expects that rank to be acknowledged by use of explicitly respectful terms of address. Substitute Bapak or Ibu for Anda and you can’t go wrong. Mohon Perhatian!! You should note that when the kinship terms bapak (a father) and ibu (a mother) are used as second person pronouns (i.e. meaning “you”) they are written with an initial capital letter, but when they are used in their ordinary, referential sense as kinship terms they are not capitalised (except at the beginning of a sentence, of course). Lesson 63 By the way, in Module 3 you learned that ibu means “a mother”, but the word given for “a father” was ayah, not bapak. There are two points to remember about this. First, bapak is the Javanese word for “a father” and ayah is the more traditionally Malay word. So you are more likely to hear ayah used in Sumatra and among educated speakers or “purists” (which is why it is used in The Indonesian Way – be grateful!). On the other hand, bapak has been enthusiastically adopted into Indonesian and you will commonly hear it used to refer to “a father”, especially in Java and among less fastidious users of the language. Second, ayah is used to mean “you” only when you are addressing your own real father. If you are not talking to your real father, but to a “pseudo-father” you should address him as Bapak. Cara Indonesia The use of second person pronouns is one of the most difficult areas of Indonesian. Even the few tentative steps we are starting to take at this point present fairly formidable, prickly, subtle difficulties. If it is any consolation, you might be interested to know that Indonesians themselves often put the choice of the right pronoun into the too hard basket. In fact, very often people will go through some fairly spectacular contortions (verbal contortions, that is) to avoid altogether using a word for “you”, especially if they are in doubt about whether to be casual or formal with the person they are talking to. You have already met an instance of “you-avoidance” in the greeting Mau ke mana? Other similar phrases are Tinggal di mana? (Where do you live?), Mau makan apa? (What would you like to eat?), Turun di mana? (Where are you getting off?). A slightly bizarre variant of this, but also very common, is the substitution of the more neutral third-person pronoun -nya for the second person pronoun. Thus you will hear people say, for example, Rumahnya di mana? (Where is your house?) or Anaknya berapa? (How many children do you have), and even Namanya siapa? (What is your name?) Seorang In English you can say “The farmer has 30 head of cattle.” The word “head” in this sentence is a special word you use when counting cattle and certain other animals. There are not many such words (usually called “numeral classifiers”) in English, but Indonesian has a number of them that are quite commonly used. For example, when counting animals in Indonesian you use not “head” but “tail” (ekor). So if you want to render the English sentence above into Indonesian you say Petani itu mempunyai 30 ekor sapi. To count human beings you use orang. Look at these examples: Ada empat orang guru di halaman sekolah. There are four teachers in the schoolyard. Mahasiswa sudah datang ... lebih dari 20 orang. The students have arrived ... more than 20 of them. Maaf, kami tidak dapat membantu Anda. Hanya ada tiga orang dokter di sini. Sorry, we can’t help you. There are only three doctors here. Ada berapa polisi di luar? Hanya seorang. How many policemen are there outside? Just one. Lesson 63 If you are not actually counting, you usually don’t need to use a numeral classifier word. Mereka mau menjadi guru. They want to become teachers. Sebaiknya Anda bertanya kepada polisi. I’d advise you to ask the police. However, there is an exception. Very often the word seorang functions like the English “a” when “a” is used to indicate all the members of a particular class of objects or people. So in English you can say, for example, “A policeman has to be careful”. In this sentence the word “a” indicates that we are talking not about just one individual policeman, but about a kind of general image of policemen. Seorang is used in a similar way in Indonesian. Seorang polisi harus hati-hati. A policeman has to be careful. Seorang dokter harus belajar ilmu kimia. A doctor has to study chemistry. Saya ingin menjadi seorang karyawan toko yang ramah. I want to be a friendly shop assistant. Dialogue: Asking Politely About An Older Person’s Job With a fellow student, or with your teacher/tutor, act out a dialogue in which one person takes the role of an older man or woman, and the other a younger man or woman who wants to find out about the older person’s occupation. Sit facing each other rather formally. The younger person will politely address the older person as Ibu or Bapak. The older person will equally politely use Anda when addressing the younger person. Begin the dialogue with a question that demands the answer bukan, e.g. … Apakah Ibu seorang pegawai negeri? Bukan. Saya bekerja di Toko Laris. After the older speaker has said “no” the dialogue can then proceed more freely, e.g. … O begitu. Apakah Ibu seorang karyawan toko? Bukan. Saya sekretaris di kantor toko. Sudah berapa lama Ibu bekerja di kantor toko? Sudah lima tahun. More questions should follow, all asked using the formal pronoun Ibu or Bapak, e.g. Mengapa Ibu…? Berapa lama Ibu…? Ibu … … … naik apa? Tahun berapa Ibu… ? Apakah Ibu…? Setiap hari, apa tugas Ibu di…? Di mana Ibu…? Bagaimana pekerjaan itu, Ibu? Lesson 63 Latihan 1—Kosa Kata Lalu Jodohkan kata-kata di sebelah kiri dengan terjemahannya di sebelah kanan. halaman still memberikan not allowed to hati-hati chemistry ramah to, in order to karcis careful, cautious sama sekali to come/go down ilmu kimia magazine tidak boleh to give (something) majalah ticket turun friendly masih yard untuk absolutely Latihan 2—Pemahaman: Bapak and Ibu Refer to the reading passage “Bapak and Ibu” to answer the following questions. 1. Most Indonesians are not ultra-sensitive to differences in rank, age, gender and formality. A. True B. False 2. How many second person pronouns are there to choose from in Indonesian? A. Only 1 B. About 5 C. About 20 D. About 50 3. Of the second person pronouns in Indonesian, about how many are in common use? A. Only 1 B. About 5 C. About 12 D. About 25 4. Within the Indonesian language and society, is it common to relate to people as if they are members of one’s own family? A. Yes. B. No. 5. What are some uses of kinship terms? Select all that apply. A. By referring to a person as a member of a family it is implied that the members will support one another and won’t betray one another B. Kinship terms indicate differences in power and status within a community C. Kinship terms can signify that all members are equal D. Kinship terms are rarely used in Indonesian language and culture 6. What is the function of the widespread use of kinship terms as second person pronouns? A. It “incorporates” the addressee into an imagined community or “family”. B. It makes clear the differences in status that are perceived to exist between addresser and addressee. C. Both A and B. Lesson 63 Latihan 3—Menjodohkan: Pekerjaan Using bukan, answer ‘no’ to each of these questions. Then, referring to the picture, add a sentence of follow-up information stating what the person actually is. Latihan 4—Pilihan Ganda Refer to each of the following sentences and decide whether to replace Anda with either Bapak or Ibu as appropriate. 1. Anda mau minum? (A householder puts this question to a lady from the census office.) A. Anda B. Bapak C. Ibu Lesson 63 2. Di mana rumah Anda? (A tourist puts this question to a matronly lady in the market.? A. Anda B. Bapak C. Ibu 3. O begitu. Saya kira Anda dari Jepang! (A young man expresses mild incredulity when his elderly travelling companion tells him he is from Indonesia.) A. Anda B. Bapak C. Ibu 4. Apa pekerjaan Anda? (This question is put to an important-looking man in uniform.) A. Anda B. Bapak C. Ibu 5. Menurut pendapat saya, sebaiknya Anda jangan menginap di Hotel Pasar. (A young local offers free advice to a visiting gentleman from overseas.) A. Anda B. Bapak C. Ibu 6. Sudah berapa lama Anda menjadi kepala sekolah? (This question is put to the headmistress of a secondary school.) A. Anda B. Bapak C. Ibu 7. Anda lahir lima puluh tahun yang lalu? Tahun berapa? (A census official puts this question to a gentleman.) A. Anda B. Bapak C. Ibu 8. Dulu Anda kuliah di mana? (This question is put to a lady in a white lab coat.) A. Anda B. Bapak C. Ibu 9. Saya kira kita pernah bertemu 40 tahun yang lalu. Apakah Anda pernah tinggal di Bogor? (Two men are in conversation.) A. Anda B. Bapak C. Ibu 10. Anda punya lima anak? Apakah mereka masih bersekolah atau sudah bekerja? (A woman is asked about her children.) A. Anda B. Bapak C. Ibu Lesson 63 Latihan 5—Isian Fill in the gap in each sentence below with the name of an occupation so that it fits in with the rest of the sentence and makes good sense. 1. Kakak saya seorang ________________. Ia bekerja di bengkel. 2. Seorang ________________ toko harus ramah kepada pembeli. 3. Seorang ________________ harus bekerja di sawah dari pagi sampai sore. 4. Kalau Anda mau menjadi ________________, Anda harus belajar di universitas selama kira-kira tujuh tahun. 5. Katanya, Ibu seorang ________________ negeri. Boleh saya minta informasi? 6. Bapak seorang ________________? Bapak bekerja di surat kabar apa? 7. Anda seorang ________________ tenis? Apakah Anda pernah bermain dengan Roger Federer atau Serena Williams atau Rafael Nadal? 8. Katanya, Bapak seorang ________________ bis. Berapa harga karcis bis dari Manado ke Tondano? 9. Katanya, Bapak seorang ________________ kayu. Apakah Bapak bisa membuat meja dan kursi untuk saya? 10. O, jadi Ibu seorang ________________. Ibu mengajar apa? Latihan 6—Isian: Bukan & Tidak Choose between bukan and tidak. 1. Dia _________ bisa melukis. Dia _________ seorang seniman. 2. Dia _________ bisa memasak. Dia seorang montir, _________ tukang masak. 3. Kalau Anda _________ pemain, Anda _________ boleh turun ke lapangan. 4. Ibu Indah _________ bisa mengajar karena dia _________ seorang guru. 5. Andita sama sekali _________ bisa menulis. 6. Saya rasa Bapak Rian _________ seorang pengusaha. 7. Ibu Diah _________ seorang tukang listrik. Dia seorang guru. Lesson 63 Latihan 7—Kosa Kata 1 Jodohkan kata-kata di sebelah kiri dengan terjemahannya di sebelah kanan. 1. Bapak a. a, one (animal) 2. Ibu b. a, one (person) 3. adik c. father, mature male person, a gentleman 4. Saudara d. aunt 5. om e. brother, sibling, kin 6. tante f. mother, mature female person, a lady 7. bapak g. uncle 8. saudara h. you (addressing a gentleman) 9. ibu i. you (addressing a lady) 10. seorang j. you (formal term of address) 11. seekor k. younger brother/sister Latihan 8—Kosa Kata 2 1. bengkel a. a cook 2. ekor b. a painter (artist) 3. hadiah c. an animal’s tail; a counter-word for animals 4. kepala sekolah d. an artist 5. masih e. a cattle, cow, ox 6. melukis f. to descend, go down, disembark, come down 7. sapi g. friendly 8. seniman h. a gift, present, prize 9. pelukis i. a magazine, journal 10. tukang masak j. a school principal, headmaster/headmistress 11. ramah k. a skilled worker; craftsman 12. tukang l. still 13. turun m. a ticket 14. karcis n. to paint (a painting) 15. majalah o. a workshop Lesson 64 64 Pekerjaan Seorang Petani Aims • To provide more practice with adverbs of frequency. • To make a start talking about work, especially work in a rural village. Foto: Seorang Petani Bekerja di Sawah (© U. Kozok) Vocabulary Review Here are some of the frequent words used in this lesson that have appeared in previous lessons. Make sure that you remember their meanings. beberapa some, several menanam to plant, bury bekerja keras work hard misalnya for example berlibur to go on vacation pertama-tama first of all di samping besides sarapan (to have) breakfast ibu rumah tangga housewife selalu always kegiatan activity sering often keras hard, vigorously suami husband luar negeri overseas surat letter (correspondence) manis sweet menerima to receive Lesson 64 melakukan to do tidak begitu it’s not like that melukis to paint tidak pernah never membuat to make tukang kayu carpenter Talking About the Frequency of Actions/Events You have already met the adverbs of frequency biasanya and kadang-kadang. Frequency extends on either side of these two terms, ranging from “always” at the high-frequency end, through “often”, “usually” and “sometimes”, to “never” at the bottom end of the frequency range. Here are the Indonesian equivalents: tidak pernah never jarang rarely ! low frequency kadang-kadang sometimes high frequency " sering often selalu always In English you could insert “occasionally” between “rarely” and “sometimes”, and “frequently” between “often” and “always” bringing the scale up to seven items. Indonesian typically only uses five adverbs of frequency. Biasanya is not included here; in terms of frequency it is roughly comparable to sering. Adverbs of frequency usually appear in the number two position in a sentence, that is, immediately after the first word or after the initial adverbial phrase. But they also often appear right at the beginning of a sentence. Here are some more examples: Saya tidak pernah bekerja pada malam hari. I never work at night. Apakah Bapak kadang-kadang pergi ke gunung untuk melukis? Do you sometimes go to the mountains to paint pictures? Kadang-kadang saya pergi ke gunung untuk melukis. Sometimes I go to the mountains to paint pictures. Biasanya saya menerima telepon dan mengetik surat. Usually I take phone calls and type letters. Hasan jarang makan sayur. Hasan rarely eats vegetables. Ibu Oka seorang pengusaha kaya. Ia sering ke luar negeri. Mrs Oka is a wealthy businesswoman. She often goes overseas. Sebagai pelayan kamu harus selalu ramah pada tamu-tamu di restoran. As a waiter you always have to be friendly with customers in the restaurant. Exercise 64-01 Complete these sentences describing the various things done (and not done) by different kinds of workers. Complete the first sentences given below and, after adding the information required, it Lesson 64 should be followed by sering juga ia... The third sentence should begin with kadang-kadang ia...and finally, end your sentence with seorang [insert the profession here] tidak pernah...Study the model first: Seorang petani Biasanya seorang petani bekerja di sawah. Sering juga ia bekerja di halaman rumah. Kadang-kadang ia bertemu dengan Kepala Desa. Seorang petani tidak pernah menginap di hotel yang mahal. 1 Seorang dosen 2 Biasanya seorang dosen mengajar di… Sering juga ia… Kadang-kadang ia… Jarang ia… Seorang dosen tidak pernah… 3 Seorang tukang kayu Biasanya seorang seniman melukis di… Sering juga ia… Kadang-kadang ia… Jarang ia… Seorang seniman tidak pernah… 4 Biasanya seorang tukang kayu membuat… 5 Seorang mahasiswa Biasanya seorang mahasiswa kuliah di… 9 Seorang ibu rumah tangga Biasanya seorang ibu rumah tangga mengasuh* anak-anak di… Seorang sopir taksi Biasanya seorang sopir taksi bekerja di… 8 Biasanya seorang montir memperbaiki mobil di… Seorang tukang masak Biasanya seorang tukang masak bekerja di… 6 7 Seorang montir Seorang seniman Seorang wartawan Biasanya seorang wartawan bekerja di… 10 Seorang sekretaris Biasanya seorang sekretaris bekerja mengetik… *nurse, look after The Working Life of a Village Farmer First listen to Sound File 064-01. Then read the following passage very carefully. Watch out for use of Bapak, Ibu and seorang that you practised in the previous lesson, and observe how adverbs of frequency are used. When you have finished, do Latihan 2–5 to check your understanding of this passage. Pekerjaan Seorang Petani S eorang petani selalu bekerja keras. Biasanya ia bangun pagi-pagi, kadang-kadang sebelum jam lima pagi dia sudah bangun. Seorang petani tidak pernah berlibur. Pada hari Sabtu dan hari Minggu biasanya dia bekerja juga. Di samping bekerja seorang petani juga harus membantu mengurus desanya. Ia harus membersihkan jalan di desa, ikut rapat desa dan membantu dalam kegiatan-kegiatan desa. Bapak Karyono misalnya. Pak Yono tinggal di Muncul, kampung kecil yang terletak kira-kira sepuluh kilometer dari kota Salatiga dan lima belas kilometer dari kota Ambarawa di provinsi Jawa Tengah. Biasanya Pak Yono bangun sebelum jam setengah enam pagi. Ia ja- Lesson 64 rang bangun sesudah jam enam. Pertama-tama ia bersembahyang, lalu ia sarapan nasi dengan sambal. Kadang-kadang ia juga makan ikan. Pak Yono selalu minum kopi yang manis sekali. Jam enam ia berangkat ke sawah. Sawah Pak Yono tidak jauh dari desa Muncul, hanya kira-kira dua kilometer. Biasanya ia berjalan kaki tetapi kadang-kadang ia naik sepeda. Biasanya Pak Yono bekerja di sawah menanam padi. Kira-kira jam sebelas siang Ibu Karyono datang ke sawah membawa makanan untuk suaminya. Mereka makan siang bersama di sawah, tetapi pada hari Jumat mereka tidak pernah makan siang di sawah karena Pak Yono harus sembahyang di mesjid. Pada jam sebelas ia sudah pulang ke rumah untuk mandi dan berganti pakaian. Kalau ke mesjid ia selalu memakai baju yang bagus dan bersih. Pada jam 12 siang ia bersembahyang di mesjid bersama dengan orang-orang kampung lainnya. Sesudah pulang bersembahyang ia selalu duduk bercakap-cakap dengan teman-temannya. Kadang-kadang ada rapat desa. Pak Yono dan beberapa teman bertemu di rumah Kepala Desa. Mereka berbicara tentang urusan desa dan program pembangunan pemerintah. Pada hari Sabtu dan hari Minggu biasanya Pak Yono bekerja di sawah juga tetapi kadang-kadang ia ikut berolahraga. Pak Yono suka ikut pertandingan sepak bola, dan kadang-kadang juga bulu tangkis. Pak Yono pandai bermain sepak bola tetapi ia tidak begitu pandai bermain bulu tangkis. Biasanya ia hanya ikut menonton pertandingan bulu tangkis. Pada hari Rabu ada pasar di desa Banyubiru tidak jauh dari desa Muncul. Ibu Karyono selalu pergi ke pasar Banyubiru itu untuk menjual buah-buahan, ikan dan makanan kecil. Bu Yono seorang ibu rumah tangga yang rajin. Dia pandai sekali memasak. Sebelum berangkat ke pasar ia sudah membuat roti dan kue kering. Roti dan kue Bu Yono terkenal karena enak dan manis. Banyak orang mencari Bu Yono untuk membeli kue kering dan rotinya. Bu Yono selalu berangkat ke pasar sebelum jam lima pagi. Biasanya ia naik bemo tetapi kadang-kadang ia naik dokar. Biasanya ia di pasar sampai siang. Kalau buah-buahan, ikan dan makanan kecilnya sudah habis baru ia pulang. Sebelum pulang ia berbelanja. Kadang-kadang ia juga membeli pakaian. Pekerjaan Seorang Petani: Retelling the Narrative Retell the narrative Pekerjaan Seorang Petani without reading it. You don’t need to reproduce the narrative exactly as it is written. You can change the order of components, paraphrase the content, and insert extra information that you have made up yourself (taking care to ensure that the grammar is correct, of course). As you speak, you are allowed to glance at a “crib sheet” of half a dozen single words and short phrases lifted from the text that will help jog your memory. To prepare this small list, re-read the narrative Pekerjaan Seorang Petani, pulling it apart to identify the key words and key short phrases that you think will help you remember the narrative and retell it as completely and as accurately as possible. After you have successfully retold the narrative several times with the help of your crib sheet, throw it away and talk confidently about pekerjaan seorang petani without any help. And as your confidence grows, feel free to embellish the story with your own comments and inventions. Talk about pekerjaan seorang petani to a fellow student, or your teacher/tutor, or to all the members of a class. Ask them to put questions to you. Latihan 2 offers some good examples of questions, but there are many others too that can be asked. Lesson 64 Latihan 1—Kosa Kata Lalu beberapa beside membuat for example bekerja keras outside menanam firstly, first of all berlibur an activity misalnya to make di samping country pertama-tama to plant kegiatan to take a holiday selalu often di luar sweet sering always negeri to work hard suami carpenter manis to do something surat a letter melakukan some, several tukang kayu a husband Latihan 2—Pemahaman: Pekerjaan Seorang Petani Bacalah bacaan “Pekerjaan Seorang Petani” dan jawablah pertanyaan di bawah ini. 1. Apakah Bapak Karyono naik sepeda motor ke sawah?[2] A. Tidak. Bapak Karyono naik sepeda ke sawah. B. Ya. Pak Karyono naik sepeda motor ke sawah. C. Ya, kadang-kadang ia naik sepeda motor tapi biasanya naik sepeda. 2. Apakah Bapak Karyono selalu ikut bermain bulu tangkis?[4] A. Tidak. Ia tidak suka bermain bulu tangkis. B. Tidak. Biasanya ia hanya menonton pertandingan bulu tangkis. C. Ya. Ia bermain bulu tangkis dan sepak bola. 3. Biasanya Bapak Karyono bangun sebelum atau sesudah jam sembilan pagi?[2] A. Ia bangun kira-kira pukul setengah lima pagi. B. Biasanya, ia bangun sesudah jam sepuluh pagi. C. Ia selalu bangun pukul sembilan pagi. 4. Di mana desa Muncul?[2] A. Di dekat kota Salatiga. B. Di antara kota Salatiga dan Ambarawa. C. Jauh dari Salatiga. 5. Di mana Ibu Karyono biasanya menjual buah-buahan, ikan dan makanan kecil?[5] A. Di pasar di Salatiga B. Di pasar Banyubiru C. Di pasar Ambarawa 6. Di samping bekerja di sawah seorang petani harus melakukan tugas apa?[1] A. Bermain bulu tangkis. B. Bertemu kepala desa untuk rapat. C. Berjualan* di pasar. Lesson 64 7. Jam berapa Ibu Karyono berangkat ke pasar?[6] A. Ia berangkat kira-kira pukul lima pagi. B. Ia berangkat kira-kira pukul setengah lima pagi. C. Ia berangkat kira-kira pukul setengah enam pagi. 8. Kalau ada rapat di rumah Kepala Desa, orang desa Muncul berbicara tentang apa?[3] A. Mereka membicarakan** program pembangunan pemerintah. B. Mereka bercakap-cakap tentang olahraga. C. Mereka berbicara tentang sawah dan desa mereka. 9. Mengapa pada hari Jumat Bapak Karyono selalu pulang sebelum jam sebelas?[3] A. Karena ia harus pergi ke rumah Bapak Kepala Desa. B. Karena ia harus berjualan di pasar. C. Karena ia harus sembahyang di mesjid. 10. Pada pagi hari Bapak Karyono sarapan apa?[2] A. Ia sarapan buah-buahan. B. Ia sarapan nasi dengan sambal. C. Ia tidak sarapan. *to be selling (professionally), **to discuss Latihan 3—Pemahaman Jawab pertanyaan berikut ini sesuai dengan bacaannya. 1. What other tasks that a farmer has to do? (Select all that apply) [1] A. Cleaning the roads B. Bathing the buffaloes and cows C. Cultivating rice fields D. Joining the community meeting E. Cleaning a mosque F. Participating in the community activities 2. Muncul Village is closer to Ambarawa than to Salatiga. [2] A. True B. False 3. What is a typical breakfast for Mr. Yono? [2] A. rice porridge B. fried rice C. rice with meat D. rice with a chilli-based side dish 4. Pak Yono eats rice with fish on a daily basis. [3] A. True B. False Lesson 64 5. What vehicle does Mr. Yono sometimes take to go to his paddy field? [2] A. A bus B. A three wheeled vehicle called bemo C. A bicycle D. He does not require transportation because he always walks. 6. Why do Mr. and Mrs. Yono never eat together on Fridays? [3] A. Because Mr. Yono has to work hard on Fridays. B. Because Mrs. Yono has to do Friday Prayer at the mosque. C. Because Mrs. Yono never cooks on Fridays. D. Because Mr. Yono has to go the mosque. 7. What sport is Mr. Yono good at? [4] A. Swimming B. Soccer C. Tennis D. Badminton 8. What items does Mrs. Yono sell at the market? [5] A. snack food, meat, and fruits B. cakes, fish, and bananas C. cakes, fish, and apples D. snack food, fish, and fruits 9. Mrs. Yono usually goes to the market at 5:00. [6] A. True B. False 10. What does Mr. Yono sometimes do before going home? [6] A. She cooks for Mr. Yono. B. She goes shopping. C. She buys some clothes. D. She chats with her friends Latihan 4—Isian: Pekerjaan Seorang Petani Lengkapilah teks di bawah ini dengan kata-kata berikut: beberapa—bekerja—berlibur bersembahyang—harus—menanam—mesjid—pembangunan—petani—rapat—sebelum Seorang ____________ selalu ____________ keras. Biasanya ia bangun pagi-pagi, kadang-kadang sebelum jam lima pagi dia sudah bangun. Seorang petani tidak pernah ____________. Pada hari Sabtu dan hari Minggu biasanya dia bekerja juga. Di samping bekerja seorang petani juga harus membantu mengurus desanya. Ia harus membersihkan jalan di desa, ikut rapat desa dan membantu dalam kegiatan-kegiatan desa. Bapak Karyono misalnya. Pak Yono tinggal di Muncul, kampung kecil yang terletak kirakira sepuluh kilometer dari kota Salatiga dan lima belas kilometer dari kota Ambarawa di provinsi Jawa Tengah. Biasanya Pak Yono bangun ____________ jam setengah enam Lesson 64 pagi. Ia tidak pernah bangun sesudah jam enam. Pertama-tama ia ____________, lalu ia sarapan nasi dengan sambal. Kadang-kadang ia juga makan ikan. Pak Yono selalu minum kopi yang manis sekali. Jam enam ia berangkat ke sawah. Sawah Pak Yono tidak jauh dari desa Muncul, hanya kira-kira dua kilometer. Biasanya ia berjalan kaki tetapi kadang-kadang ia naik sepeda. Biasanya Pak Yono bekerja di sawah ____________ padi. Kira-kira jam sebelas siang Ibu Karyono datang ke sawah membawa makanan untuk suaminya. Mereka makan siang bersama di sawah, tetapi pada hari Jumat mereka tidak pernah makan siang di sawah karena Pak Yono ____________ sembahyang di ____________. Pada jam sebelas ia sudah pulang ke rumah untuk mandi dan berganti pakaian. Kalau ke mesjid ia selalu memakai baju yang bagus dan bersih. Pada jam 12 siang ia bersembahyang di mesjid bersama dengan orang-orang kampung lainnya. Sesudah pulang bersembahyang ia selalu duduk bercakap-cakap dengan teman-temannya. Kadang-kadang ada ____________ desa. Pak Yono dan ____________ teman bertemu di rumah Kepala Desa. Mereka berbicara tentang urusan desa dan program ____________ pemerintah. Latihan 5—Isian: Pekerjaan Seorang Petani (cont.) berbelanja—berolahraga—memasak—membeli—mencari—menjual—pandai—sampai— sebelum—terkenal Pada hari Sabtu dan hari Minggu biasanya Pak Yono bekerja di sawah juga tetapi kadang-kadang ia ikut ____________. Pak Yono suka ikut pertandingan sepak bola, dan kadang-kadang juga bulu tangkis. Pak Yono ____________ bermain sepak bola tetapi ia tidak begitu pandai bermain bulu tangkis. Biasanya ia hanya ikut menonton pertandingan bulu tangkis. Pada hari Rabu ada pasar di desa Banyubiru tidak jauh dari desa Muncul. Ibu Karyono selalu pergi ke pasar Banyubiru itu untuk ____________ buah-buahan, ikan dan makanan kecil. Bu Yono seorang ibu rumah tangga yang rajin. Dia pandai sekali ____________. Sebelum berangkat ke pasar ia sudah membuat roti dan kue kering. Roti dan kue Bu Yono ____________ karena enak dan manis. Banyak orang ____________ Bu Yono untuk membeli kue kering dan rotinya. Bu Yono selalu berangkat ke pasar ____________ jam lima pagi. Biasanya ia naik bemo tetapi kadang-kadang ia naik dokar. Biasanya ia di pasar ____________ siang. Kalau bu- Lesson 64 ah-buahan, ikan dan makanan kecilnya sudah habis baru ia pulang. Sebelum pulang ia ____________. Kadang-kadang ia juga ____________ pakaian. Latihan 6—Menyimak Dengarkan Rekaman 064-02 di bawah ini dan pilih arti yang benar dalam bahasa Inggris. 1. a. Usually a carpenter makes tables and chairs. 2. b. Usually a lecturer teaches at a university. 3. c. Sometimes he works making houses and garages. 4. d. Often he also studies at the library. 5. e. He also often makes cabinets and beds. 6. f. A carpenter never works in the fields. 7. g. A lecturer never teaches at primary schools. 8. h. Sometimes he drinks beer at a bar. 9. i. Sometimes he works at home. Latihan 7— Frequency Number the following words from 1-5 with 1 being the lowest frequency (never) to 5 being the highest frequency (always): kadang-kadang—selalu—tidak pernah—sering—jarang Latihan 8—Menyimak Dengarkan Rekaman 064-03 dan pilih arti yang benar dalam bahasa Inggris. 1. a. She is a wealthy businesswoman. 2. b. Sometimes I go to the mountains to paint pictures. 3. c. I never work at night. 4. d. Usually I take phone calls and type letters. 5. e. Do you sometimes go to the mountains to paint pictures? 6. f. As a waiter you always have to be friendly with customers in the restaurant. 7. g. She often goes overseas. Lesson 64 Latihan 9—Jenis-jenis Pekerjaan Jodohkan kata-kata di sebelah kiri dengan terjemahannya di sebelah kanan. 1. seorang dosen a. a secretary 2. seorang tukang kayu b. an artist 3. seorang mahasiswa c. a journalist 4. seorang montir d. a mechanic 5. seorang seniman e. a housewife 6. seorang ibu rumah tangga f. a cook 7. seorang tukang masak g. a university student 8. seorang sekretaris h. a taxi driver 9. seorang wartawan i. a carpenter 10. seorang sopir taksi j. a lecturer (university teacher) 11. seorang pelukis k. a painter (artist) Latihan 10—Kosa Kata Jodohkan kata-kata di sebelah kiri dengan terjemahannya di sebelah kanan. baru cookies rapat always habis development sambal a little bit keras finished, gone sedikit matter kue kering hard, vigorously urusan meeting makanan kecil new tidak pernah usually mengurus organisation kadang-kadang never organisasi organise, take care of biasanya often pembangunan snacks sering chili-based dish selalu sometimes Lesson 64 Latihan 11—Teka Teki Silang (TTS) Mendatar: 1. a letter (written communication) 4. not many, not much, a little 6. chilli-based side dish 8. to take care of 10. for example 11. a meeting 13. activity 16. economic development 17. it is only then that..., before 18. always 19. sweet Menurun: 2. matters requiring attention, affairs 3. to take a holiday 5. to plant 7. hard, vigorously 8. to do something 9. often 12. some, several 14. husband 15. used up, finished Lesson 65 65 Berwawancara Dengan Orang Desa Aims • To practise talking about, and with, villagers. Vocabulary Review Here are some of the frequent words used in this lesson that have appeared in previous lessons. Make sure that you remember their meanings. bangun to wake up misalnya for example barang things, goods pembangunan development bersembahyang to pray pendapat opinion bertanya to ask a question perempuan female, a woman ikut to join activity perlu to need kue a cake, snacks petani a farmer lakukan to do rapat a meeting lalu and then sampai until makanan food sawah paddy field masyarakat a community sebelum before membawa to bring, to take sedikit a little bit mencari to look for singgah to make short visit menjual to sell terlalu too (as in ‘too much’) menurut according to urusan things, matter An Interview With Two Villagers In Lesson 64 you met Bapak Karyono and Ibu Karyono, two villagers who live in Muncul, Central Java. Now, imagine that you are a student (mahasiswa) from Widya Buana University. You are doing a research assignment in Muncul. You interview Bapak Karyono and Ibu Karyono, asking them about details of their working lives. Here is the transcript of a possible interview, but listen to Sound File 065-01 before! Lesson 65 Wawancara dengan Bapak & Ibu Karyono (1) Listen carefully to Sound File 065-01. Before you read the transcript of the interview, answer the following questions: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. On what day of the week does the farmer wake up at 6:00? What does he usually do at 9:00? Who brings him food to the paddy field? What does his wife do for a living? What items does the farmer usually buy at the market? Answer the questions while listening; then read the transcript to check your answers. Selamat sore, Bapak dan Ibu. Saya perlu informasi tentang pekerjaan seorang petani. Apakah saya boleh bertanya sedikit kepada Bapak dan Ibu? Silakan. Biasanya jam berapa Bapak bangun? Biasanya saya bangun sebelum jam lima pagi tetapi pada hari Minggu saya bangun kirakira jam enam. Lalu apa yang Bapak lakukan? Saya bersembahyang dan sarapan, lalu saya pergi ke sawah. Berapa lama Bapak bekerja di sawah? Saya tidak pernah pulang sebelum jam sepuluh pagi dan biasanya saya bekerja di sawah sampai jam dua siang, kadang-kadang sampai sore. Apakah Bapak juga makan di sawah? Ya. Istri saya selalu membawa makanan untuk saya. O begitu. Bu, boleh saya bertanya kepada Ibu? Silakan. Apakah Ibu juga ikut mencari uang? Ya. Saya membuat kue dan roti yang saya jual di pasar Banyubiru. Apakah Bapak juga ikut menjual roti dan kue? Lesson 65 O, tidak pernah. Bapak tidak pandai menjual barang-barang di pasar. Tetapi kadangkadang dia berbelanja di pasar. Bapak perlu membeli apa di pasar? Biasanya saya mencari pakaian. Kadang-kadang saya juga perlu alat-alat untuk pekerjaan saya. Bu, apakah Ibu juga kadang-kadang menjual kue dan roti di pasar Salatiga atau di pasar Ambarawa? Tidak pernah. Salatiga dan Ambarawa terlalu jauh untuk saya. Apakah Ibu juga ikut rapat desa dengan Bapak? Kadang-kadang, tetapi saya selalu ikut rapat ibu-ibu di kampung kami. O, ada rapat ibu-ibu? Ada. Apa yang Ibu lakukan dalam rapat-rapat itu? Kami berbicara tentang masalah-masalah di kampung kami. Kami membantu perempuan di desa kami dan kami juga bercakap-cakap tentang program pembangunan pemerintah di desa kami. Hmmm, bagus. Jadi, tidak ada masalah besar di desa Bapak dan Ibu? Aduh! Ada! Banyak juga masalah di desa kami. Misalnya? Misalnya, di desa kami perlu sekali ada... Exercise 65-01 Below you will find five ways that Ibu (or Bapak) Karyono might have completed the last sentence in the interview above. Choose one of them and write several new sentences of dialogue between the guest and Ibu or Bapak Karyono. A model answer is given immediately below for you to refer to if necessary, but use your own ideas and creativity while ensuring that what you write is grammatically correct and culturally appropriate. Using saya kira or menurut pendapat saya plus lebih baik, or sebaiknya give Ibu or Bapak Karyono some polite suggestions about what they should do. Lesson 65 Model answer: Ibu/Bapak Karyono: Misalnya di desa kami belum ada terminal bis. Bis-bis tidak singgah di desa kami. Kami ingin sekali membangun terminal bis di desa kami. Tamu: Apakah ada uang untuk membangun terminal bis? Ibu/Bapak Karyono: Belum ada. Kami masih mencari uang. Katanya pemerintah akan membantu kami. Tamu: Menurut pendapat saya, sebaiknya Ibu/Bapak jangan membangun terminal bis dulu. Terlalu mahal. Lebih baik Ibu/Bapak membangun sekolah...... Starters (choose one of these to complete Ibu or Bapak Karyono’s last sentence and add further comments): (a) Misalnya, di desa kami belum ada pasar. Orang di desa Muncul harus pergi ke Banyubiru untuk berbelanja dan menjual barang-barang. Kalau ada pasar di desa Muncul kami bisa.... Kami ingin sekali .... (b) Misalnya, di desa kami belum ada sekolah. Anak-anak dari desa Muncul harus naik bemo ke Ambarawa untuk bersekolah. Kalau ada sekolah di desa Muncul anak kami bisa .... Kami ingin sekali .... (c) Misalnya, di desa kami belum ada kantor desa. Bapak Kepala Desa harus bekerja di rumahnya. Tetapi rumahnya kecil sekali. Kalau ada kantor di desa Muncul Bapak Kepala Desa bisa .... Kami ingin sekali .... (d) Misalnya, di desa kami belum ada pabrik. Di desa Muncul banyak orang yang miskin. Mereka tidak punya pekerjaan. Kalau ada pabrik di desa Muncul orang-orang miskin bisa .... Kami ingin sekali .... (e) Misalnya, di desa kami belum ada lapangan olahraga atau gedung olahraga. Anak-anak kami suka sekali bermain badminton, tenis dan sepak bola, tetapi tidak ada lapangan atau gedung untuk mereka. Mereka harus bermain di jalan! Kalau ada lapangan olahraga atau gedung olahraga masyarakat di desa kami bisa… Kami ingin sekali… Role Play: Berwawancara Dengan Seorang Petani Carefully read (i) the information in Pekerjaan Seorang Petani as well as (ii) the interview between the visitor from Universitas Widya Buana and Bapak and Ibu Karyono and (iii) the aspirations of the people of Muncul as sketched in Exercise 64-02. Learn by heart as much of these three sources as you can. Taking the interview as your beginning point, but fleshing it out with words and phrases taken from the reading passage and Exercise 64-02, recreate the interview in a role play involving three actors. If necessary make big (or small) cue cards that you can glance at while you are rehearsing. Repeat the role play several times until you are confident that you have mastered the basic questions, answers, events and issues without using cue cards. Then go back over the material you have studied in Modules One to Four, ransacking them for ideas and words that you can use to bulk up the role play, making it longer, more diverse and more interesting. For example, go back to Lesson 55 in which there is a debate about the merits of living in the country and the city. Add your own personal touches to the role play (but make sure your Indonesian is grammatically correct). When you have mastered the role play smoothly and creatively, try using some of its themes, phrases and words as a kick-off point for the development of a new role play in which people from other occupations are interviewed. Try role playing an interview with, for example, a waiter or Lesson 65 waitress (pelayan), a shop assistant (karyawan toko), a university student (mahasiswa), a housewife (ibu rumah tangga), a public servant (pegawai negeri) or a businessman / businesswoman (pengusaha). An Interview With Two Villagers Below is the possible continuation of the interview that you listened to at the beginning of this lesson. Listen to Sound File 065-02 before reading the transcription. Misalnya, di desa kami perlu sekali ada pasar. Orang di desa kami harus pergi ke Banyubiru untuk berbelanja dan menjual barang-barang. Apakah transportasi ke desa lain sulit? Ya...tidak juga tapi perlu waktu yang cukup lama. Apa ada lagi masalah besar di kampung ini? Kami juga perlu sekali dokter perempuan. Mengapa? Ya di sini sudah ada dokter laki-laki tetapi ibu-ibu lebih suka berobat ke dokter perempuan karena mereka lebih mudah berbicara dengan dokter perempuan. Ada lagi? Ya...di sini belum ada sekolah menengah. Yang ada hanya SD. Jadi anak-anak kami setelah SD harus pergi ke Banyubiru untuk bersekolah di SMP dan SMA. O begitu. Lalu apakah ada masalah lain, Bu? Di desa kami belum ada pabrik. Di desa kami banyak juga orang yang belum bekerja. Kalau ada pabrik pasti mereka dapat bekerja. Dan ekonomi desa kami akan lebih baik. Ada masalah lainnya? Ada satu lagi. Di desa kami tidak ada lapangan atau gedung olahraga. Anak-anak kami sangat suka berolahraga seperti sepak bola dan badminton. Tapi tidak ada lapangan atau gedung untuk mereka. Lesson 65 Latihan 1—Kosa Kata Lalu Jodohkan kata-kata di sebelah kiri dengan terjemahannya di sebelah kanan. bangun to follow, go along mencari to sell something barang to worship, to pray menjual for example bersembahyang cake misalnya to look for, to seek bertanya to do (something) pembangunan female ikut to get up perempuan development kue food rapat a meeting lakukan to ask a question sampai too lalu community, society sebelum to drop by makanan a thing, goods singgah until (a certain time) masyarakat to take, bring, carry terlalu before membawa ago, last Latihan 2—An Interview with Two Villagers Read the interview and decide whether the following statements are right or wrong. 1. On Sundays Pak Yono wakes up later because he does not work. BENAR SALAH 2. On Sundays Pak Yono goes to church. BENAR SALAH 3. Pak Yono prepares his lunch in the field. BENAR SALAH 4. Pak Yono buys stuff at the market but he never sells anything. BENAR SALAH 5. The tamu (guest) asks whether Bu Yono also earns money. What phrase is used for “to earn money”? ___________ 6. Pak Yono occasionally purchases various agricultural tools on the market. What is the word for “all kinds of tools”? ___________ 7. Ibu Karyono also has to attend meetings. What is the word for “meeting”? _______ 8. Bu Yono says that her village faces many problematic issues. What is the word for “issue, problem”? ___________ Lesson 65 Latihan 3—Menyimak Listen to Sound File 065-01 and fill in the blanks. Selamat sore, Bapak dan Ibu. Saya perlu informasi tentang __________ seorang petani. Apakah saya boleh __________ sedikit kepada Bapak dan Ibu? Silakan. Biasanya jam __________ Bapak bangun? Biasanya saya bangun sebelum jam lima pagi tetapi pada hari Minggu saya bangun kira-kira jam enam. Lalu apa yang Bapak __________? Saya bersembahyang dan __________, lalu saya pergi ke sawah. Berapa lama Bapak bekerja di sawah? Saya tidak pernah pulang sebelum jam sepuluh pagi dan biasanya saya bekerja di sawah sampai jam dua siang, kadang-kadang __________ sore. Apakah Bapak juga makan di sawah? Ya. Istri saya selalu membawa __________ untuk saya. O __________. Bu, boleh saya bertanya kepada Ibu? Silakan. Apakah Ibu juga ikut __________ uang? Ya. Saya membuat kue dan roti yang saya __________ di pasar Banyubiru. Apakah Bapak juga ikut __________ roti dan kue? O, tidak pernah. Bapak tidak pandai menjual barang-barang di pasar. Tetapi kadang-kadang dia berbelanja di __________. Bapak perlu membeli apa di pasar? Biasanya saya mencari pakaian. Kadang-kadang saya juga perlu alat-alat untuk __________ saya. Lesson 65 Bu, apakah Ibu juga kadang-kadang menjual __________ dan roti di pasar Salatiga atau di pasar Ambarawa? Tidak pernah. Salatiga dan Ambarawa __________ jauh untuk saya. Apakah Ibu juga ikut __________ desa dengan Bapak? Kadang-kadang, tetapi saya selalu ikut rapat ibu-ibu di __________ kami. O, ada rapat ibu-ibu? __________. Apa yang Ibu __________ dalam rapat-rapat itu? Kami berbicara tentang masalah-masalah di kampung kami. Kami __________ perempuan di desa kami dan kami juga bercakap-cakap tentang program pembangunan __________ di desa kami. Hmmm, bagus. Jadi, tidak ada masalah besar di desa Bapak dan Ibu? Aduh! Ada! Banyak juga __________ di desa kami. Misalnya? Misalnya, di desa kami perlu sekali ada... Latihan 4—Isian Listen to Sound File 065-02 and fill in the blanks. __________, di desa kami perlu sekali ada pasar. Orang di desa kami harus pergi ke Banyubiru untuk berbelanja dan menjual barang-barang. Apakah transportasi ke desa __________ sulit? Ya... tidak juga tapi perlu __________ yang cukup lama. Apa ada lagi __________ besar di kampung ini? Lesson 65 Kami juga perlu sekali __________ perempuan. Mengapa? Ya di sini sudah ada dokter laki-laki tetapi ibu-ibu lebih suka berobat ke dokter perempuan karena mereka lebih __________ berbicara dengan dokter perempuan. Ada lagi? Ya...di sini belum ada sekolah __________. Yang ada hanya SD. Jadi anak-anak kami setelah SD harus pergi ke Banyubiru untuk bersekolah di SMP dan SMA. O begitu. __________ apakah ada masalah lain, Bu? Di desa kami belum ada pabrik. Di desa kami banyak juga orang yang belum bekerja. Kalau ada pabrik __________ mereka dapat bekerja. Dan ekonomi desa kami akan lebih baik. Ada masalah lainnya? Ada satu lagi. Di desa kami tidak ada __________ atau gedung olahraga. Anak-anak kami sangat suka berolahraga seperti sepak bola dan badminton. Tapi tidak ada lapangan atau __________ untuk mereka. Latihan 5—Teka Teki Silang (TTS) Mendatar: 3. to pray 4. to ask 6. a meeting 8. to do (something) 10. to get up (out of bed) 11. to go/come along 13. to look for, to seek 14. before (a certain time/event) 15. until (a certain time) 16. for example 17. then, after that 18. to drop by, to make a short stop Menurun: 1. economic development 2. female 5. too (as in “too much”) 7. to sell something 9. cake 12. to take, to bring 13. food Lesson 66 66 Mengucapkan Huruf Abjad Aims • To learn how to pronounce the letters of the Indonesian alphabet and use them in abbreviations. Vocabulary Review Di Indonesia, banyak anak-anak di samping abjad Latin, juga belajar abjad Arab This work by Damon Taylor is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.0 Generic License Here are some of the frequent words used in this lesson that have appeared in previous lessons. Make sure that you remember their meanings. alamat address di samping itu in addition to that bagaimana how kata word berasal (dari) to originate (from) maaf sorry bertanya to ask mencari to look for boleh may, can mengucapkan to pronounce, to say Saying the Alphabet in Indonesian You may have noticed already that abbreviations are often used in Indonesian. There are literally thousands of commonly used acronyms and abbreviations, and they pop up in profusion in every domain of life. It is important to be able to recognise and use the most frequent ones, and it is equally important to pronounce them correctly. Homework is known as PR, pronounced “pe er”, and a first aid kit is known in Indonesian as P3K pronounced “pe tiga ka”, where the 3 indicates that the letter P occurs three times. P3K is the abbreviation of Pertolongan Pertama Pada Kecelakaan (first aid in an accident). In all languages that use the Roman, also called the Latin, alphabet, each letter of the language has its own name. These “names” usually mimic the way the letter is pronounced, but in English the name of a letter is not always related to its pronunciation. The letter W is called “double u” because it is a novel letter composed of a reduplicated U (which historically was written V). Lesson 66 In Indonesian, if you spell the letters of the alphabet, their “names” always correctly reproduce the sound the letter. Listen to the Sound File 066-01 and try to memorise the alphabet. Letter Sound Letter Sound Letter Sound Letter Sound a a h ha o o v ve b be i i p pe w we c ce j je q ki x eks d de k ka r er y ye e e l el s es z zet f ef m em t te g ge n en u u Cara Indonesia: The Alphabet and History The Indonesian term for “alphabet” is abjad, and for “letter (of the alphabet)” huruf. Both these words are borrowed from Arabic. Just as the English word “alphabet” derives from the first two letters of the Greek alphabet (alpha and beta), so too the Arabic term abjad is a snapshot of the first four letters of the Arabic alphabet (ā b j d). And just as the English words “letter” and “literally” are etymologically related (both ultimately descended from the Latin litera), so too in Indonesian the words huruf (letter) and harafiah (literally) are derived from the same Arabic root: h-r-f. The Indonesian alphabet, with its combination of Arabic terminology and European letters that are pronounced Dutchstyle, preserves a memory of the history of literacy in Indonesia. With the arrival of Islam the Arabic abjad became widely used in the islands of Indonesia, but during the era of Dutch colonial rule it was almost wholly displaced in everyday life by the Western European alphabet inherited from the Roman empire. Learn to say the huruf in alphabetical order first, then using flashcards with a single letter written on each, practise saying the letters of the abjad in random or shuffled order. Then take some common abbreviations from your own environment and practise saying them Indonesian-style. Right: Belajar Abjad ABC. © Titik Yuni Mohon Perhatian!! It is still quite common to hear variant pronunciations of the letters of the abjad. For example, the letter C is still quite often pronounced like “say” as it used to be before the spelling reform of 1972. In Module 3 of The Indonesian Way you met the term WC (a toilet) which is still widely pronounced “way say” rather than “way chay” (although the latter pronunciation is sometimes heard too). Similarly the term AC (air conditioning) is usually pronounced “ah say”. Sometimes too you hear people use “ee grek” for the letter Y and “koo” for the letter Q. But these are exceptions for noting only. Apart from saying “way say” and “ah say” you probably won’t need to practise using them. Lesson 66 Asking How Something Is Spelled / Written / Pronounced Your name may be unfamiliar to the Indonesian people you meet and you may have to spell it out letter by letter. Also, as you study the Indonesian language you will often encounter difficult personal names or place names, not to mention ordinary items of vocabulary. You will need to ask about the spelling of these words and recognise this spelling when it is spoken to you. To ask how something is spelled you say: Bagaimana ejaannya? How is it spelled? Bagaimana ejaan nama teman Anda? What is the spelling of your friend’s name? Bagaimana tulisannya? How is it written? Similarly, when you read a word or name (or hear it indistinctly), it may not be clear to you how it should be pronounced, so you may need to ask: Bagaimana ucapannya? How is it pronounced? Bagaimana ejaan kata “air”? How do you spell the word “air”? Siapa nama Bapak? Nama saya Sudibyo. Maaf siapa? Sudibyo. Bagaimana tulisannya? es u de i be ye o. Terima kasih, Pak. Maaf, Pak, sekali lagi bagaimana ucapannya? su di byo. Sudibyo. Terima kasih. Bapak berasal dari mana? Saya dari Wates. Wates? Bagaimana ejaannya, Pak? we a te e es. Wa...tes. Hm, ucapannya bagaimana? Wates. Wates. Terima kasih, Pak. Terima kasih kembali. Abbreviations A huge number of abbreviations are used in official contexts as well as in everyday life in Indonesia. Here are some of them. Listen to Sound File 066-03. TNI Tentara Nasional Indonesia (The National Army of Indonesia) RRC Republik Rakyat Cina (The Chinese People’s Republic) Lesson 66 UI Universitas Indonesia (The University of Indonesia) UGM Universitas Gadjah Mada (Gadjah Mada University) OPM Organisasi Papua Merdeka (The Free Papua Movement) TVRI Televisi Republik Indonesia (Indonesia’s State TV station) SH Sarjana Hukum (the Master of Law degree) VW Volkswagen (the well-known German make of cars) Role Play: Getting The Details Right Imagine that you are a reporter (seorang wartawan), a researcher (seorang peneliti), a census official (seorang pegawai dari kantor sensus) or an office clerk (seorang pegawai kantor). With a fellow student, or with your teacher/tutor, devise a dialogue in which you quiz a older person on their personal details. Use Bapak and Ibu, the second person pronouns that are appropriate for addressing an older person whom you don’t know well.You need to be sure that you record their details with perfect accuracy, concentrating particularly on the spelling and pronunciation of personal names and place names. You verify the accuracy of the information you are recording by asking: and Bagaimana tulisannya? Bagaimana ejaanya? Bagaimana ucapannya? Go back to the model dialogue (Sound File 066-02 go. Notice especially the use of these terms: Maaf? (when you haven’t heard clearly or didn’t understand) Sorry? Sekali lagi. (when you want someone to repeat what they just said) Once again/Once more. The questions you ask will probably include: Siapa nama Bapak/Ibu? Bapak/Ibu berasal dari mana? Apa alamat Bapak/Ibu? Di mana Bapak/Ibu bekerja? Di mana Bapak/Ibu bersekolah dulu? Siapa nama anak Bapak/Ibu? Siapa nama orang tua Bapak/Ibu? When you feel that you are saying the spelling of personal names and places names accurately, swap roles and take on new roles. Don’t forget to begin each round of practice by identifying yourself and making a polite request to ask questions. For example… Selamat pagi, Bu. Saya wartawan dari surat kabar Berita Baru. Saya mencari sedikit informasi. Apakah saya boleh bertanya kepada Ibu? Lesson 66 Latihan 1—Kosa Kata Lalu Jodohkan kata-kata di sebelah kiri dengan terjemahannya di sebelah kanan. alamat to ask boleh sorry bagaimana address kata can, may berasal how maaf to look for bertanya come from mencari word Latihan 2—How Would You Spell This Word? Write it down as if you were to spell it to someone (e.g. for ibu the spelling would be “i be u”, for bapak “be a pe a ka”) 1. Arifin ............................................................................................................................ 2. Jakarta ............................................................................................................................ 3. Susanti ............................................................................................................................ 4. valuta ............................................................................................................................ 5. Yogya ............................................................................................................................ 6. New York ............................................................................................................................ 7. Sphinx ............................................................................................................................ 8. Qatar ............................................................................................................................ 9. rakyat ............................................................................................................................ 10. Abdullah ............................................................................................................................ Latihan 3—Abbreviations Listen to Sound File 066-03 and write down the abbreviations you hear. 1. .......................................................................... 2. .......................................................................... 3. .......................................................................... 4. .......................................................................... 5. .......................................................................... 6. .......................................................................... 7. .......................................................................... 8. .......................................................................... Lesson 66 Latihan 4—Abbreviation and Spelling Write down the abbreviation and spelling of the full terms below. Full Term Partai Kebangkitan Bangsa Abbreviation Spelling PKB pe ka be Radio Republik Indonesia Hotel Indonesia Republik Indonesia Bahan Bakar Minyak Gereja Kristen Indonesia Partai Demokrasi Indonesia Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Perusahaan Listrik Negara Rajawali Citra Televisi Indonesia Latihan 5—Rangkai Kata Word order in nonverbal clauses is flexible. Usually the subject precedes the predicate which contains the new information. So if you are asked “Who is your teacher?” you put the new information (the fact that your teacher is Pak Hamid) into the predicate: “Guru saya Pak Hamid”. The predicate may also precede the subject: “Pak Hamid guru saya”. This is usually done in order to emphasise the predicate: “Mr. Hamid is my teacher.” Note that question words (siapa, apa, di mana etc) when they are predicate usually precede the subject: “Siapa guru Anda?” is more common than “Guru Anda siapa?” but both constructions are grammatically perfectly acceptable. Subject – Predicate Rumah saya besar. Siapa nama Bapak? Rumah itu masih baru. Anda mau pergi ke mana? Alamat rumah Bapak apa? Bapak bekerja di mana? Bapak bersekolah di mana dulu? Nama anak Bapak siapa? Harganya berapa? Bajumu bagus sekali. Predicate – Subject Besar rumah saya. Translation My house is big. Lesson 66 Latihan 6—Teka Teki Silang (TTS) Mendatar: 2. to pronounce 4. researcher 8. pronunciation Menurun: 1. to go to school 3. alphabet 5. writing 6. letter (in an alphabet) 7. spelling Lesson 67 67 Sistem Pendidikan Sekolah Aims • To learn some important items of vocabulary needed to talk about schooling. • To make a start reading semi-technical Indonesian and talking about schools Vocabulary Review Here are some of the frequent words used in this lesson that have appeared in previous lessons. Make sure that you remember their meanings. bagian section, department menyimpan to keep, to store bersembahyang to do prayers misalnya for example daerah region, area pekerjaan job, occupation hampir almost penting important hp cellphone rapat a meeting jadi so sampai until jenis type sejarah history kebun garden sekolah dasar primary school kemerdekaan independence sekolah menengah a secondary school kerajinan tangan handicrafts selalu always lantai floor wisatawan tourist menyapu to sweep Before, After, Above and Below The prepositions sebelum (before), sesudah (after), di atas (above) and di bawah (below) have appeared in previous lessons of The Indonesian Way. Let’s review them briefly. Sebelum and sesudah can appear before a noun or name, and before a verb. In the latter case the verb is the counterpart of the English gerund, or the –ing form of a verb, in phrases like “before going”, “after eating” etc. Sebelum saya bersembahyang saya selalu mandi dulu. Before I do my prayers I always take a bath first. Lesson 67 Sebelum bersembahyang saya selalu mandi dulu. Before doing my prayers I always take a bath first. Sesudah Sarah pulang dia makan dengan suaminya. After Sarah comes home she has a meal with her husband. Sesudah pulang Sarah makan dengan suaminya. After coming home Sarah has a meal with her husband. Sebelum itu and sebelumnya (before that, prior to that) and sesudah itu or sesudahnya (after that, later) are very common and very useful conjunctions. Depending on context, di atas can mean “on top of” and also “above” or “over” or “up there”. Similarly di bawah can mean “underneath”, but also “below” or “beneath” or “down there”. Ke atas and ke bawah suggest movement towards a place. Dia duduk di atas meja! She sat on top of the table! Pesawat terbang lewat di atas pulau kecil. The plane passed over a small island. Mereka berjalan ke atas. They walked up to the top. Wisatawan itu melihat ke bawah. The tourist looked down. Both atas and bawah can function as adjectives, usually meaning “upper” and “lower” respectively. lantai atas the upper floor(s) (e.g. of a building) sekolah menengah atas upper middle school i.e. high school kelas atas the upper class lantai bawah the lower floor(s) (e.g. of a building) bagian bawah the lower part kelas bawah the lower class Sistem Pendidikan di Indonesia (Bagian Satu) The main goal of this Module is to give you the capacity to talk about work and occupations, especially in the context of an interview for a job. To do this well you need to be able to ask and answer questions about schooling, especially schooling in Indonesia. Lesson 67 Here is the first part of some basic information about school education in Indonesia (the second part follows in the next lesson). This is a passage of semi-technical Indonesian. Read it through carefully checking for unfamiliar words in the vocabulary cards for this lesson. Listen to Sound File 067-02. When you have finished listening to the sound file and reading the transcription, test your understanding of this text by doing Latihan 3–5. Jenis-Jenis Sekolah Di Indonesia ada bermacam-macam sekolah. Misalnya ada sekolah negeri, ada juga sekolah swasta. Ada sekolah umum, ada juga sekolah kejuruan. Ada sekolah pagi, ada juga sekolah siang. Ada sekolah dasar, dan ada juga sekolah menengah. Dan ada juga sekolah internasional yang memakai bahasa Inggris, bahasa Jepang, bahasa Prancis dan bahasa-bahasa lain. Anak Indonesia boleh bersekolah di sekolah internasional tetapi sekolah internasional tidak termasuk dalam sistem pendidikan sekolah di Indonesia. Sekolah negeri itu milik pemerintah. Guru-guru di sekolah negeri itu pegawai negeri. Sekolah swasta itu milik organisasi swasta. Organisasi swasta sebagian besar organisasi agama. Ada banyak sekolah milik organisasi-organisasi Islam. Ada juga sekolah Katolik, sekolah Kristen dan sekolah Hindu. Guru-guru di sekolah swasta bukan pegawai negeri. Ada sekolah umum yang memberikan bermacam-macam mata pelajaran umum tetapi ada juga sekolah kejuruan. Di sana anak dapat belajar tentang bermacam-macam pekerjaan. Semua sekolah memberikan mata pelajaran “muatan lokal”. Dalam mata pelajaran “muatan lokal” anak-anak belajar tentang hal-hal yang penting untuk daerah tempat mereka tinggal. Oleh karena itu setiap daerah di Indonesia mempunyai kurikulum yang sedikit berbeda dengan kurikulum di daerah-daerah lain. Gedung sekolah di Indonesia masih kurang banyak. Oleh karena itu ada sekolah yang memakai gedung sekolah pada pagi hari saja, mulai jam tujuh pagi sampai jam 12 siang. Lalu ada sekolah lain yang memakai gedung itu pada siang hari, mulai jam satu siang sampai jam enam sore. Pendidikan Dasar Ada tiga tingkat pendidikan: pendidikan dasar, pendidikan menengah dan pendidikan tinggi. Untuk anak yang berumur enam tahun sampai dua belas tahun ada sekolah dasar (SD). Ada kira-kira seratus empat puluh ribu (140.000) sekolah dasar di Indonesia. Hampir di setiap desa ada sekolah dasar. Di sekolah dasar anak belajar membaca dan menulis. Mereka juga belajar matematika dasar, ilmu pengetahuan dasar, bahasa Indonesia, sejarah Indonesia, sejarah dunia, agama, ilmu bumi Indonesia, ilmu bumi dunia, kerajinan tangan dan menyanyi. Di samping itu, mereka belajar olahraga seperti sepak bola, bulu tangkis dan bola voli. Biasanya ada kebun di sekolah dasar dan anak juga menanam sayur-sayuran dan bermacam-macam tanaman lain. Di samping bekerja di kebun anak-anak juga harus menyapu gedung sekolah dan halaman sekolah. Lesson 67 Exercise 67-01—Indonesia’s Complex School System As you can see from Bagian Satu of Sistem Pendidikan Sekolah di Indonesia, Indonesia’s school system is quite complex. There are at least eight variables that determine what a sekolah is like: negeri swasta umum kejuruan pagi siang dasar menengah Go to the internet, or to whatever other reliable sources you can find, and craft some authentic-sounding names for three imaginary (or real) Indonesian schools. Then… (i) refer to the list of variables above, and (ii) lift phrases and words from “Sistem Pendidikan Sekolah di Indonesia” to record brief profiles for each of the three schools, perhaps eight or ten sentences for each school (more if you can manage it). Make each school as different as possible from the others. Record complete sentences and use your imagination to add unique details for each school. For example, say very precisely where the school is (di Jalan _____, di samping…, di dekat…, tidak jauh dari….). How many anak study at the school, how many guru teach at the school, and how many pegawai work in the office at the school? What is the name of the kepala sekolah? When you are satisfied that your profiles are in correct Indonesian and as detailed as possible, learn the main features of each profile by heart and present the information in fluent, confident, clear spoken Indonesian. For example you might start as Sound File 067-03: S aya ingin memberikan sedikit informasi tentang tiga sekolah di Indonesia. Pertama-tama, Sekolah Dasar Kemiri. Sekolah Dasar Kemiri di desa Simpang tidak jauh dari pusat kota Padang di Sumatra Barat. Tiga ratus anak bersekolah di sekolah itu, dan ada dua puluh guru. Jadi sekolah itu tidak kecil tetapi juga tidak besar sekali. Sekolah itu sekolah negeri. Sekolah negeri itu milik pemerintah. Guru-guru di Sekolah Dasar Kemiri itu pegawai negeri. You can also do this exercise with a tutor or with other learners. In this case you can turn this exercise into an interactive one having your audience ask you questions after you have finished, or better still, they should interrupt you (Permisi…) as you speak. Some of their questions might start like this: Ada berapa …. di sekolah itu? Apakah sekolah itu sekolah negeri / besar / modern / … … … ? Apakah ada …. di sekolah itu? Di sekolah itu, apakah anak-anak dapat belajar … ? Lesson 67 Latihan 1—Kosa Kata Lalu Jodohkan kata-kata di sebelah kiri dengan terjemahannya di sebelah kanan. bagian region, subdistrict of larger territory bersembahyang almost daerah mobile phone, hand phone hampir so HP to pray, to worship jadi a part jenis to store kebun handicrafts kemerdekaan the floor kerajinan tangan type lantai national/political independence menyimpan garden, plantation Latihan 2—Kosa Kata Lalu II Jodohkan kata-kata di sebelah kiri dengan terjemahannya di sebelah kanan. 1. misalnya a. important 2. pekerjaan b. until (a certain time) 3. penting c. meeting 4. rapat d. job 5. sampai e. for example 6. sejarah f. private, i.e. not state-owned 7. Sekolah Dasar g. always 8. Sekolah Menengah Pertama h. primary/elementary school 9. selalu i. tourist 10. swasta j. intermediate school 11. wisatawan k. history Lesson 67 Latihan 3—Pemahaman 1 Bacalah teks “Sistem Pendidikan Sekolah di Indonesia” di atas dan jawab pertanyaan di bawah ini. 1. What kind of schools exist in Indonesia? A. There are only two kind of schools: state or private. B. There are many different types of schools, including international schools as well. 2. Are international schools included in the school education system in Indonesia? A. Yes, all international schools are government schools. B. No, but Indonesian children may still attend them. C. International schools are exclusively for foreigners. 3. Public schools belong to... A. the government B. private organizations C. the tuition payers 4. What is the status of public schools teachers? A. They are unionised workers B. Most are volunteers C. They are civil servants 5. Because of a lack of buildings in Indonesia, some schools are used in the morning and in the afternoon. What is the morning schedule? A. 5:00-10:00 B. 6:00-11:00 C. 7:00-12:00 D. 8:00-13:00 6. How many levels of education are there in Indonesia? A. One B. Two C. Three D. Four 7. According to the passage, what is the approximate number of primary schools (sekolah dasar) in Indonesia? A. 50,000 B. 80,000 C. 120,000 D. 140,000 8. What facilities are commonly found in Indonesian primary schools? A. Swimming pools B. Photography laboratories C. Educational gardens D. Basket ball courts Lesson 67 Latihan 4—Pemahaman 2 Bacalah teks “Sistem Pendidikan Sekolah di Indonesia” di atas dan jawab pertanyaan di bawah ini. 1. Ada lebih dari dua ratus ribu sekolah dasar di Indonesia. A. Benar B. Salah 2. Ada sekolah swasta Hindu di Indonesia. A. Benar B. Salah 3. Ada sekolah yang memakai gedung sekolah pada pagi hari saja. A. Benar B. Salah 4. Anak-anak di sekolah dasar membersihkan gedung sekolah dan halaman sekolah. A. Benar B. Salah 5. Biasanya anak belajar di SD selama dua tahun. A. Benar B. Salah 6. Dalam mata pelajaran “muatan lokal” anak-anak belajar tentang hal-hal yang penting untuk daerah tempat tinggal mereka . A. Benar B. Salah 7. Di Indonesia ada juga sekolah yang memakai bahasa Jepang. A. Benar B. Salah 8. Gedung sekolah di Indonesia sudah cukup banyak. A. Benar B. Salah 9. Guru-guru di sekolah negeri bukan pegawai negeri. A. Benar B. Salah 10. Semua kurikulum di Indonesia sama saja di semua daerah. A. Benar B. Salah Latihan 5—Sistem Pendidikan Sekolah di Indonesia Dengarkanlah Rekaman 067-02 dan lengkapilah kalimat di bawah ini. Di Indonesia ada bermacam-macam sekolah. Misalnya ada sekolah negeri, ada juga sekolah _____________. Ada sekolah umum, ada juga sekolah _____________. Ada seko- Lesson 67 lah pagi, ada juga sekolah siang. Ada sekolah dasar, dan ada juga _____________. Dan ada juga sekolah internasional yang memakai bahasa Inggris, bahasa Jepang, bahasa Prancis dan bahasa-bahasa lain. Anak Indonesia boleh bersekolah di sekolah internasional tetapi sekolah internasional tidak termasuk dalam _____________ pendidikan sekolah di Indonesia. Sekolah negeri itu milik pemerintah. Guru-guru di sekolah _____________ itu pegawai negeri. Sekolah swasta itu milik organisasi swasta. Organisasi swasta _____________ organisasi agama. Ada banyak sekolah milik organisasi-organisasi Islam. Ada juga sekolah Katolik, sekolah Kristen dan sekolah Hindu. Guru-guru di sekolah swasta bukan pegawai negeri. Ada sekolah umum yang memberikan bermacam-macam _____________ umum tetapi ada juga sekolah kejuruan. Di sana anak dapat belajar tentang bermacam-macam pekerjaan. Semua sekolah memberikan mata pelajaran “muatan lokal”. Dalam mata pelajaran “muatan lokal” anak-anak belajar tentang hal-hal yang penting untuk daerah tempat mereka tinggal. Oleh karena itu setiap daerah di Indonesia mempunyai _____________ yang sedikit berbeda dengan kurikulum di daerah-daerah lain. Gedung sekolah di Indonesia masih kurang banyak. Oleh karena itu ada sekolah yang memakai gedung sekolah pada pagi hari saja, mulai jam tujuh pagi sampai jam 12 siang. Lalu ada sekolah lain yang memakai gedung itu pada siang hari, mulai jam satu siang sampai jam enam sore. Ada tiga tingkat pendidikan: pendidikan _____________, pendidikan menengah dan pendidikan tinggi. Untuk anak yang berumur enam tahun sampai dua belas tahun ada sekolah dasar (SD). Ada kira-kira seratus empat puluh ribu (140.000) sekolah dasar di Indonesia. Hampir di setiap desa ada sekolah dasar. Di sekolah dasar anak _____________ membaca dan menulis. Mereka juga belajar matematika dasar, _____________ dasar, bahasa Indonesia, sejarah Indonesia, sejarah dunia, agama, ilmu bumi Indonesia, ilmu bumi _____________, kerajinan tangan dan menyanyi. Di samping itu, mereka belajar bermain olahraga seperti sepak bola, bulu tangkis dan bola voli. Biasanya ada kebun di sekolah dasar dan anak juga menanam sayur-sayuran dan bermacam-macam _____________ lain. Di samping bekerja di kebun anak-anak juga membersihkan gedung _____________ dan halaman sekolah. Lesson 67 Latihan 6—Jawab Singkat Insert one of these words or phrases into the gap in each sentence below.Only one of the words/phrases makes good sense in the context of the sentence and fits grammatically, so make sure you understand the sentence very accurately before you choose the word/phrase to complete it: di atas, di bawah, sebelum, sesudah, sebelumnya/sebelum itu, sesudah itu 1. _________ saya datang Yeni sudah datang lebih dulu. 2. Ada kuliah jam empat tetapi _________, kira-kira jam dua, ada rapat. 3. Telstra Tower berdiri ____________ Black Mountain di Canberra. 4. Ibu Daryanto duduk di kursi dan kucingnya si Bleki duduk ___________ kursi itu. 5. Apakah Hari Kemerdekaan Indonesia sebelum atau ________ tanggal 15 Agustus? 6. Kamarnya di lantai dua, jauh ________ lantai 10. 7. Kita akan makan dulu dan _________ kita akan menonton film. 8. Pesawat terbang terbang __________ Gunung Bromo. 9. Saya tidak melihat uang itu karena Anda menyimpan uang itu ________ buku. 10. Kalau mau bertemu dengan saya di rumah jangan datang _______ jam enam karena saya baru pulang jam enam. Latihan 7—Menyimak Sebelum and sesudah can appear before a noun or name, and before a verb. In the latter case the verb is the counterpart of the English gerund, or the –ing form of a verb, in phrases like “before going”, “after eating” etc. Depending on context, di atas can mean “on top of” and also “above” or “over” or “up there”. Similarly di bawah can mean “underneath”, but also “below” or “beneath” or “down there”. Ke atas and ke bawah suggest movement towards a place. Listen to Sound File 067-04 and match the recordings of the eight sentences with their translations. 1. a. Then I’ll ask my friends for information, and I will try out several mobiles. 2. b. Only after that will I buy the mobile phone. 3. c. That cat sat on top of the table. 4. d. They walked up to the top. 5. e. The plane passed over a small island. 6. f. The tourist looked down. 7. g. After coming home she has a meal with her husband. 8. h. Before I do my prayers I always take a bath first. Lesson 67 Latihan 8—Rangkai Kata Urutkan kata-kata di bawah ini menjadi kalimat yang baik sesuai dengan arti: 1. “Before praying I always take a bath first.” Sebelum—selalu—mandi—saya—bersembahyang—dulu. 2. “After Sarah comes home she has a meal with her husband.” Sesudah—makan—dengan—Sarah—pulang—suaminya. 3. “Only after that will I buy the mobile phone.” Sesudah—baru—saya—itu—akan—membeli—HP. 4. “The plane passed over a small island.” Pesawat—lewat—di—pulau—terbang—atas—kecil. 5. “I go now to Kemiri Primary School.” Saya—sekarang—Sekolah—di—bersekolah—Dasar—Kemiri. Latihan 9—Jenis-jenis Sekolah As you can see from “Bagian Satu” of “Sistem Pendidikan Sekolah di Indonesia” Indonesia’s school system is quite complex. There are at least eight variables that determine what a sekolah is like. Match the Indonesian word to English. 1. sekolah negeri a. primary school 2. sekolah swasta b. public school 3. sekolah umum c. secondary school 4. sekolah kejuruan d. private school 5. sekolah pagi e. day school 6. sekolah siang f. vocational school 7. sekolah dasar g. general school 8. sekolah menengah h. morning school Lesson 67 Latihan 10—Kosa Kata I Jodohkan kata-kata di sebelah kiri dengan terjemahannya di sebelah kanan. 1. atas a. to differ, to be not the same 2. bawah b. the world 3. berbeda c. matter, a thing to be considered 4. dasar d. there is/are not enough 5. dunia e. vocational 6. hal f. science 7. ilmu pengetahuan g. curriculum 8. kejuruan h. basic, fundamental 9. kurang ada i. a subject (of study at school) 10. kurikulum j. first 11. lebih dulu k. lower, below 12. mata pelajaran l. upper, above, up, over Latihan 11—Kosa Kata II Jodohkan kata-kata di sebelah kiri dengan terjemahannya di sebelah kanan. 1. milik a. plant 2. muatan lokal b. from, to begin, start 3. mulai c. the property of, belonging to 4. negeri d. a system 5. pendidikan e. level, stage 6. sebagian besar f. secondary school 7. sekolah menengah g. a large part, most 8. sistem h. included in, is a part of 9. tanaman i. (adj) state, government owned 10. termasuk j. local content 11. tingkat k. general, public 12. umum l. education Lesson 67 Latihan 12—Teka Teki Silang (TTS) Mendatar: 1. level, stage 4. to differ, to not be the same 5. system 6. vocational 7. the floor 8. general, public 10. to store 12. matter (to consider) 14. a part 16. from, begin 18. education 20. basic Menurun: 1. included in 2. curriculum 3. to pray 4. lower 9. a plant 11. state, government 13. almost 15. the world 17. property of 19. upper Lesson 68 68 Berbicara tentang Pendidikan Aims • To learn the main items of vocabulary needed to talk about secondary-level schooling • To talk about your own schooling Vocabulary Review Here are some of the frequent words used in this lesson that have appeared in previous lessons. Make sure that you remember their meanings. alat a device, a tool pintar smart, clever dasar basic pekerjaan occupation dunia world petani a farmer ilmu pengetahuan science pertanyaan a question kejuruan vocational pohon a tree kimia chemistry rusak broken, out of order mata pelajaran a subject, a course sapi cattle, a cow, a bull memelihara to keep, raise sebagai as memperbaiki to repair, to fix sejarah history menanam to plant, grow sth selesai finished menarik interesting setelah after mengetik to type tentu saja of course, certainly mengurus to manage tinggi high, tall menjual to sell something tukang listrik an electrician montir a mechanic tukang masak a chef, a cook padi rice plant umum public, general pandai smart, clever Lesson 68 Sistem Pendidikan di Indonesia (Bagian Dua) In Lesson 67 you made a start reading semi-technical Indonesian on the subject of schooling in Indonesia. Here is the second part of this description. Read it carefully checking for unfamiliar words in the word list for this lesson. Listen to Sound File 068-01. Pendidikan Menengah & Pendidikan Kejuruan Pendidikan Menengah esudah selesai belajar pada tingkat sekolah dasar, anak-anak masuk sekolah menengah. Biasanya mereka masuk sekolah menengah kira-kira pada umur 12 atau 13 tahun. Ada berbagai sekolah menengah. Pertama-tama, ada dua tingkat sekolah menengah: Sekolah Menengah Pertama (SMP) dan Sekolah Menengah Atas (SMA). SMP masih memberikan mata pelajaran dasar: matematika dasar, ilmu pengetahuan dasar, agama, sejarah Indonesia dan dunia, dan tentu saja juga bahasa Indonesia. Di samping itu para siswa belajar juga bahasa asing seperti bahasa Inggris dan Mandarin dan juga ilmu pengetahuan alam seperti kimia dan fisika. Biasanya para siswa belajar di SMP selama tiga tahun sampai mereka berumur 15 atau 16 tahun. Setelah lulus SMP para siswa masuk SMA. Pelajaran di SMA bersifat umum dengan mata pelajaran seperti matematika, ilmu pengetahuan sosial dan alam, sejarah, bahasa Indonesia dan bahasa asing. S Pendidikan Kejuruan i samping SMA yang pelajaran bersifat umum ada juga lebih dari enam ribu sekolah menengah kejuruan (SMK). Di sekolah kejuruan para siswa belajar bermacam-macam keterampilan seperti misalnya keterampilan bekerja sebagai tukang kayu, tukang masak, tukang listrik, montir, sekretaris, karyawan hotel dan banyak lagi. Mereka belajar tentang bisnis, akuntansi, ilmu ekonomi, cara mengetik, cara memakai komputer dan bagaimana cara mengurus kantor dengan efisien. D Now test your understanding of this passage by doing Latihan 7. Lesson 68 Islamic Education Indonesia has a huge number of Islamic schools that operate beyond the direct jurisdiction of the Department of National Education (Departemen Pendidikan Nasional). Many of them are traditional, independent, community schools supported and staffed by local people. Tuition in them varies wildly across the country but usually centres on learning Arabic, reading the Koran and studying Islamic theology, law, history and culture. Elementary-level Koranic schools are called madrasah and more advanced schools are called pesantren (also pondok schools and pondok pesantren) . Pesantren schools are usually under the leadership of a respected teacher (in Java, called a kiai or kyai) who has a deep knowledge of Islam. Most offer boarding facilities for their students. Traditionally, and to a large extent even today, pesantren students studied books of religious commentary in Arabic known as “yellow books” (kitab kuning). The style of study was – and mostly still is – very traditional, involving rote learning of texts and unquestioning deference to the authority of the kiai. There is also an Islamic school system that stands somewhere between traditional Koranic schools and state-funded secular schools. These schools offer explicitly Islamic education but they are also state schools in the sense that they are funded and administered by the government’s Department of Religion (Departemen Agama) rather than the Departemen Pendidikan Nasional. Nevertheless, they implement a curriculum similar to that of regular state (negeri) and private (swasta) schools by including non-religious subjects like mathematics, science and English. In this system the Madrasah Ibtidaiyah are elementary-level schools equivalent to SD schools, the Madrasah Tsanawiyah operate at the SMP level and the Madrasah Aliyah operate at the SMA level. Religious studies are slowly becoming increasingly important in state and private schools in which the curriculum is regulated by the Departemen Pendidikan Nasional, and conversely, “secular” studies are becoming increasingly important in Islamic schools that are regulated by the Departemen Agama. Students can, and do, move between regular schools – both negeri and swasta – and the Islamic system. Tingkatan Sekolah di Indonesia Kelas 3 2 1 Jenis Sekolah Sekolah Menengah Atas (SMA) Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan (SMK) 3 2 1 Sekolah Menengah Pertama (SMP) 6 5 4 3 2 1 Sekolah Dasar (SD) Lesson 68 Exercise 68-01 Using simple, correct Indonesian in complete sentences, answer these questions about your own education. Your answer should contain somewhere in it the word/phrase given in brackets after the question. Copy vocabulary, phrases, abbreviations and sentences from Sistem Pendidikan Sekolah di Indonesia (bagian satu and bagian dua) to help you compile your answers, but make sure the information you give is correct and authentic. 1. Dulu, waktu Anda bersekolah pada tingkat sekolah dasar, di mana Anda belajar? (dulu saya belajar) 2. Anda belajar apa di sekolah dasar? (saya belajar) 3. Tahun berapa Anda masuk sekolah menengah? (pada tahun) 4. Apa nama sekolah menengah itu, dan di mana? (dan sekolah itu di) 5. Apakah sekolah menengah itu sekolah negeri atau sekolah swasta? (sekolah itu) 6. Anda belajar apa di sekolah menengah? (dan) 7. Berapa lama Anda belajar pada tingkat sekolah menengah? (selama) 8. Di samping belajar mata pelajaran umum, Anda juga mengambil mata pelajaran kejuruan yang mana? (mata pelajaran) 9. Dulu, Anda paling suka mata pelajaran yang mana? Mengapa? (karena) 10. Waktu bersekolah dulu, Anda bermain olahraga apa? (suka) Write, then Talk, about the Education System You Know Taking the report Sistem Pendidikan Sekolah di Indonesia (bagian satu and bagian dua) as your beginning point, adapt it and add to it to produce a short, semi-technical written account of the school education system that you are most familiar with. Like Sistem Pendidikan Sekolah di Indonesia your report should cover • kinds of school • levels of schooling • subjects studied, and • some basic statistics about schools and schooling When you have written a solid correct narrative, summarise its basic points and statistics in a PowerPoint presentation. Use the PowerPoint slides as mnemonics and illustrations to help you present a short talk in Indonesian about the school education system that you are most familiar with. Do not try to put the complete text of your talk in to your slideshow, just the main points and some important statistics and perhaps some pictures or maps. Rehearse your talk several times, refining it, editing the PowerPoint slides, checking your correctness, adding details, and increasing the length of your talk each time you repeat it. Present your talk to your class or teacher/tutor. Invite them to ask questions (Ada pertanyaan?). There are many kinds of questions that can be asked, but probably some of the most common would be questions beginning with Apakah ada…? (Is there…? / Are there…?) and Ada berapa..? (How many ___ are there…?). Lesson 68 For example: Permisi. Di sekolah menengah apakah ada mata pelajaran olahraga? Menarik sekali. Ada berapa guru di sekolah itu? Latihan 1—Kosa Kata Lalu 1 Jodohkan kata-kata di sebelah kiri dengan terjemahannya di sebelah kanan. alat vocational menjual a question dasar history montir a farmer dunia science padi smart kejuruan tool, device pandai job, employment ilmu pengetahuan basic, primary pintar a mechanic mata pelajaran to repair or fix sth pekerjaan rice plant memelihara world petani clever, intelligent memperbaiki to keep (as a pet) pertanyaan to sell something menanam as pohon finished, completed tinggi subject rusak cattle, cow, ox, beef mengatur to type sapi of course mengetik to set selesai a tree tukang listrik high, tall tentu saja interesting, attractive sebagai public, general menarik broken sejarah to plant, grow sth mengurus a cook, chef umum an electrician tukang masak to manage, deal with Latihan 2—Pemahaman: Pendidikan Menengah Bacalah “Sistem Pendidikan Sekolah di Indonesia (2)” dan jawab pertanyaan di bawah ini. 1. Sekolah menengah refers to: A. primary school B. primary and intermediate school C. intermediate and high school D. primary, middle, and high school 2. Among the following what intermediate school subject is not mentioned in the text? A. world history B. economics C. religion D. mathematics E. Chinese Lesson 68 3. Do students learn foreign languages in intermediate school or do they wait until high school? A. Yes, they learn foreign languages at intermediate school. B. No, they wait until high school 4. After intermediate school, some students go to high school. What is the acronym for high school? A. SD B. SMP C. SMA Latihan 3—Pemahaman: Pendidikan Kejuruan Bacalah “Sistem Pendidikan Sekolah di Indonesia 2” di atas dan jawab pertanyaan berikut. 1. What is the acronym for vocational school? A. SMP B. SMA C. SMK D. SMU 2. According to the passage, how many vocational schools are there in Indonesia? A. 3000+ B. 4000+ C. 5000+ D. 6000+ 3. According to the passage, what 3 vocations can students aquire? A. carpenter B. electrician C. secretary D. musician E. mechanic F. hotel employee 4. Can students learn business, accounting, and economics at a vocational school? A. Yes B. No 5. Can students learn how to use computers and manage an office efficiently at a vocational school? A. Yes B. No Lesson 68 Latihan 4—Benar atau Salah: Sistem Pendidikan Sekolah Bacalah bacaan “Sistem Pendidikan Sekolah di Indonesia (Bagian Dua)” di atas dan jawablah pertanyaan di bawah ini: Benar (True) atau Salah (False)? 1. Biasanya anak-anak belajar di SMP selama enam tahun. A. Benar B. Salah 2. Dalam sistem pendidikan sekolah di Indonesia, SMP terletak di atas SMA. A. Benar B. Salah 3. Biasanya anak masuk SMA kira-kira pada umur 15 atau16 tahun. A. Benar B. Salah 4. Pelajaran di SMA bersifat umum. A. Benar B. Salah 5. Hanya ada satu macam sekolah menengah tingkat atas. A. Benar B. Salah 6. Ada lebih dari enam puluh ribu sekolah menengah kejuruan (SMK) di Indonesia. A. Benar B. Salah 7. Di sekolah-sekolah kejuruan siswa dapat belajar tentang bermacam-macam ketrampilan yang berguna untuk mencari pekerjaan. A. Benar B. Salah 8. Di SMK anak dapat belajar tentang cara membuat kue. A. Benar B. Salah 9. Ada SMK yang siswanya belajar tentang cara mengurus rumah tangga. A. Benar B. Salah 10. Sebelum masuk SMK siswa harus selesai dulu bersekolah pada tingkat SMP. A. Benar B. Salah Lesson 68 Latihan 5—Sistem Pendidikan Sekolah di Indonesia (Bagian Dua) Lengkapi teks berikut dengan memilih kata yang tepat: bekerja—bersifat—cara—fisika— ketrampilan—kimia—masuk—menengah—mengurus—para—pelajaran—seperti—siswa Pendidikan Menengah Sesudah selesai belajar pada tingkat sekolah dasar anak-anak _____________ sekolah menengah. Biasanya mereka masuk sekolah menengah kira-kira pada umur 12 atau 13 tahun. Ada berbagai sekolah ____________. Pertama-tama, ada dua tingkat sekolah menengah: Sekolah Menengah Pertama (SMP) dan Sekolah Menengah Atas (SMA). SMP masih memberikan mata __________ dasar: matematika dasar, ilmu pengetahuan dasar, agama, sejarah Indonesia dan dunia, dan tentu saja juga bahasa Indonesia. Di samping itu __________ siswa belajar juga bahasa asing seperti bahasa Inggris dan Mandarin dan juga ilmu pengetahuan alam seperti ____________ dan ____________. Biasanya para ____________ belajar di SMP selama tiga tahun sampai mereka berumur 15 atau 16 tahun. Setelah lulus SMP para siswa masuk SMA. Pelajaran di SMA ____________ umum dengan mata pelajaran ____________ matematika, ilmu pengetahuan sosial dan alam, sejarah, bahasa Indonesia dan bahasa asing. Pendidikan Kejuruan Di samping SMA yang pelajaran bersifat umum ada juga lebih dari enam ribu sekolah menengah kejuruan (SMK). Di sekolah kejuruan para siswa belajar bermacam-macam ___________ seperti misalnya ketrampilan ____________ sebagai tukang kayu, tukang masak, tukang listrik, montir, sekretaris, karyawan hotel dan banyak lagi. Mereka belajar tentang bisnis, akuntansi, ilmu ekonomi, ____________ mengetik, cara memakai komputer dan bagaimana cara ____________ kantor dengan efisien. Latihan 6—Isian Dengarkanlah Rekaman 068-02 dan 068-03 berikut ini dan lengkapilah bacaan di bawah ini. Nama saya Budi. Saya sekarang __________ tiga SMK Pertanian Tanjung Selor di provinsi Kalimantan __________. Di sekolah itu saya belajar cara __________ usaha tani. Sekarang saya sudah __________ menanam padi, sayur-sayuran, dan ___________ buah-buahan. Saya ___________ sudah pandai memelihara ayam, sapi, Lesson 68 ___________ dan kambing. Kami juga belajar ___________ cara yang baik untuk menjual ___________ pertanian, dan membuat atau ___________ alat-alat pertanian. Nama saya Agus. Saya ____________ di SMKN 2 Sawahlunto. Di situ kami belajar tentang mesin, alat-alat ____________ dan alat-alat elektronik ____________ radio dan ____________. Di samping itu kami juga belajar cara ____________ alat atau mesin yang ____________. Keterampilan itu sangat ____________. Sekarang saya sudah ____________ memperbaiki ____________ cuci dan lemari es. Latihan 7—Menyimak Dengarkanlah pertanyaan-pertanyaan dalam Rekaman 068-04 dan jodohkan dengan jawaban yang benar di kolom sebelah kanan. 1. a. Saya belajar membaca, menulis, dan berhitung pada waktu SD. 2. b. Sekolah itu sekolah swasta. 3. c. Saya bersekolah di SD Negeri 3 Palembang. 4. d. Saya paling suka sejarah dunia karena saya menjadi tahu banyak negara-negara di dunia. 5. e. Saya belajar akuntansi dan ilmu ekonomi. 6. f. Namanya SMP Tunas Bangsa, di Jakarta Selatan. 7. g. Saya suka berenang dan bermain voli. 8. h. Saya belajar selama tiga tahun. 9. i. Saya belajar matematika, sejarah, ilmu pengetahuan sosial dan alam, juga bahasa. 10. j. Tahun 2001. Latihan 8—Menjodohkan: Kosa Kata Jodohkanlah kata di kolom kiri dengan terjemahannya di kolom kanan. 1. asing a. skill(s) 2. berguna b. in nature (adj.), having the character of 3. berkebun c. useful 4. bersifat d. a way to do something 5. cara e. foreign 6. hasil f. water buffalo Lesson 68 7. kambing g. result, yield 8. kerbau h. to garden 9. ketrampilan i. goat, also loosely: a sheep 10. lulus j. plural marker for humans 11. menengah k. agricultural enterprise, farm 12. mesin l. middle-level, intermediate 13. mesin cuci m. agriculture 14. para n. engine, machine 15. pertanian o. school student 16. siswa p. washing machine 17. usaha tani q. to pass (an exam) Latihan 9—Teka Teki Silang (TTS) Mendatar: 5. finished, completed 6. mechanic 7. foreign 8. goat 11. public, general 13. tree 14. engine, machine 15. as 16. to sell something 17. farmer 18. water buffalo Menurun: 1. middle-level 2. way, the way 3. clever 4. tall, high 9. to garden 10. world 12. to type Lesson 69 69 Perguruan Tinggi Aims • to learn the main items of vocabulary needed to talk about higher education • to make a beginning talking about your own schooling. Vocabulary Review Here are some of the frequent words used in this lesson that have appeared in previous lessons. Make sure that you remember their meanings. agama a religion mulai to start, to begin berbagai various negeri a state, government berguna to be useful pariwisata tourism berumur to be in the age of pekerjaan job, occupation boleh may pembangunan development dasar basic pendidikan education di samping next to, beside perlu to need hampir almost sangat very, extremely insinyur an engineer sejarah history jarang rarely, seldom semua all, everything keterampilan a skill sulit difficult kurang not really swasta private luas wide, spacious terlalu too (as in too much) lulus to pass, graduate tentu saja of course membantu to help, to assist termasuk included, including memberikan to give something ternyata apparently memilih to choose ujian an exam, a test menjadi to become waktu time, when muda young Lesson 69 Perguruan Tinggi di Indonesia Read the passage below about higher education institution in Indonesia. When you have finished listening to Sound File 069-01, complete Latihan 3–6 to check your understanding. Perguruan Tinggi di Indonesia Di Indonesia ada hampir 500 lembaga dan tiga jenis perguruan tinggi: perguruan tinggi negeri, perguruan tinggi swasta dan perguruan tinggi kedinasan. Di antara lembaga perguruan tinggi ada universitas, akademi, politeknik, sekolah tinggi dan institut. Universitas memberikan pendidikan yang bersifat luas dengan bermacam-macam fakultas dan mata kuliah. Ada berbagai program mulai dari Diploma sampai program Doktor. Siswa yang ingin masuk universitas negeri harus ikut ujian masuk yang namanya SPMB (Seleksi Penerimaan Mahasiswa Baru). Kalau mereka lulus ujian SPMB mereka boleh masuk universitas negeri. Tetapi tentu saja mereka harus memilih program studi. Ada bermacam-macam fakultas dan Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) di Yogyakarta. This work by Eric Beerkens is mata kuliah pada tingkat universitas. Misallicensed under a CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 License nya para mahasiswa dapat belajar ilmu pengetahuan seperti ilmu kimia dan pertanian. Mereka dapat juga memilih fakultas hukum, kedokteran, ilmu ekonomi atau ilmu politik. Mereka dapat juga memilih fakultas teknik dan belajar teknik kimia atau teknik mesin. Ada juga yang belajar bahasa asing seperti bahasa Inggris, Jepang, Jerman, Mandarin, atau Prancis. Mata kuliah sejarah atau bisnis juga populer. Atau bisa juga mereka belajar menjadi guru di Fakultas Pendidikan. Hampir semua provinsi mempunyai universitas negeri. Di Jakarta ada Universitas Indonesia (UI), di Yogyakarta ada Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM), dan di Bandung ada Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB). UI, UGM dan ITB itu universitas negeri yang besar dan terkenal. Ada juga universitas swasta yang terkenal, misalnya Universitas Trisakti (Usakti), Universitas Katolik Indonesia Atmajaya dan Universitas Pelita Harapan (UPH). Sekolah tinggi seperti akademi dan politeknik memberikan pendidikan kejuruan seperti teknologi informatika, pariwisata, atau akuntansi. Perguruan tinggi kedinasan mendidik mahasiswa dari departemen pemerintah. Misalnya Sekolah Tinggi Akuntansi Negara (STAN) di Jakarta mendidik pegawai dari Departemen Keuangan dan Akademi Militer (AKMIL) di Magelang mendidik siswa yang akan menjadi perwira dalam Tentara Nasional Indonesia (TNI). Mau tahu lebih banyak tentang perguruan tinggi di Indonesia? Ada banyak informasi, termasuk informasi tentang uang kuliah, di internet. Lesson 69 Making Simple Judgements You have already met a number of adjectives that you can use to express your opinion about something or make some basic judgements about what you like and don’t like. bagus great, excellent baik good, kind menarik interesting biasa ordinary, common membosankan boring jelek terrible, bad sukar difficult sulit difficult bersifat praktis practical in nature menyenangkan nice, pleasant berguna useful mudah easy These words can be made more emphatic, or less emphatic, with adverbs like these: tidak not ____ sangat very____ kurang not really ____ cukup ____ enough lumayan pretty, quite ____ tidak begitu not really very ____ sama sekali tidak not ____ at all You can ask general questions about tertiary-level study using bagaimana (what is ___ like?). To clarify your question, or to hint at a possible answer, you can add some simple follow-up phrases. Practise generating sentences from the substitution tables that follow. Add to the substitution columns where you can. 1. Asking about institutions (lembaga) Bagaimana Universitas Gajah Mada? Politeknik Kesehatan Medan? Institut Teknologi Nasional? Bagus atau jelek? Bagus atau tidak? Mahal atau murah? 2. Asking about subjects of study (mata kuliah) Bagaimana mata kuliah sejarah? ilmu ekonomi? akuntansi? Bersifat praktis atau tidak? Berguna atau tidak begitu berguna? Menyenangkan? Menarik atau membosankan? 3. Asking about lecturers (dosen, guru) and faculties (fakultas) (American students please note that a “lecturer” is a professor, and that “faculty” does not refer to academic university staff members but to a college or a school. Outside the U.S. these “schools” or “colleges” are called faculties, e.g. Faculty of Law, Faculty of Art etc.) Lesson 69 Bagaimana kuliah kelas di Fakultas Teknik Mesin? di Fakultas Hukum? Profesor Sunarto? Ibu Leila? Menarik atau membosankan? Baik atau biasa saja? Jelas atau tidak? One way of answering these questions is to begin with the adjectives and their adverb modifiers listed on the previous page, followed by reasons that are introduced with the word karena (because). Practise answering the questions in this way, choosing from the substitution columns in the tables below, and adding more details of your own. (Make sure your choices generate sentences that are logical and make good sense.) 1. Bagaimana Universitas Gadjah Mada? Bagus atau jelek? Menurut saya Saya kira Wah!... Universitas Gadjah Mada ... perpustakaannya ... dosennya ... kampusnya ... kuliahnya ... mahasiswanya ... warung dan restorannya ... toko bukunya ... uang kuliahnya sangat cukup lumayan kurang tidak begitu sama sekali tidak jelek karena… menarik karena… bagus karena… menyenangkan karena… sulit karena… sama sekali tidak… sangat… terlalu… tidak… cukup… lumayan… tidak begitu… kurang… 2. Bagaimana mata kuliah sejarah? Berguna atau tidak? Menurut saya Saya kira Wah!... mata kuliah sejarah … mahasiwa tidak perlu … mahasiswa harus sangat cukup lumayan kurang tidak begitu sama sekali tidak jelek karena… menarik karena… berguna karena… menyenangkan karena… sulit karena… bekerja keras. membaca banyak. menulis banyak. belajar banyak. 3. Bagaimana kuliah Profesor Sunarto? Bagus atau biasa saja? Menurut saya Saya kira Wah!... kuliah Profesor Sunarto … saya suka sekali… … saya tidak begitu suka… sangat cukup lumayan kurang tidak begitu sama sekali tidak mudah karena… menarik karena… membosankan karena… bagus karena… Lesson 69 … saya sama sekali tidak senang … … dia (tidak) tahu banyak tentang… … dia (tidak begitu) pandai berbicara tentang… Talking about your Education Here is a simple narrative in which the speaker describes her schooling: its pleasures and difficulties, and its outcome. Read the narrative very carefully several times. Try to memorise the steps in the narrative. Remember its key phrases and words. After reading it you will have to tell your own story in similar terms by doing the Education Resume exercise. Also check your understanding of this story by doing Latihan 7–8. Listen to Sound File 069-02. N ama saya Farah. Saya lahir di Medan pada tahun seribu sembilan ratus delapan puluh enam. Jadi sekarang saya berumur dua puluh lima tahun. Waktu berumur enam tahun saya masuk sekolah dasar. Di sekolah dasar saya belajar membaca dan menulis, dan juga matematika dan bahasa Indonesia. Di samping itu saya belajar menyanyi dan olahraga. Pada waktu itu guru saya Ibu Nuriah dan Bapak Fauzi. Saya belajar di sekolah dasar selama enam tahun. Lalu, waktu berumur tiga belas tahun, saya masuk sekolah menengah. Belajar di sekolah menengah itu jauh lebih sulit daripada di sekolah dasar. Tentu saja saya masih belajar matematika dan bahasa Indonesia, tetapi saya juga belajar ilmu pengetahuan alam, ilmu pengetahuan sosial, sejarah Indonesia, bahasa Inggris dan agama Islam. Di samping itu saya juga belajar menyanyi dan olahraga seperti bola voli dan bulu tangkis. Saya pandai bermain voli. Pada waktu itu saya mempunyai beberapa teman yang bernama Maryam, Dewi dan Wati. Setiap hari kami bersama-sama ke sekolah. Pulang dari sekolah kami belajar bersama dan sering juga kami menonton film di bioskop. Saya belajar pada tingkat sekolah menengah selama enam tahun. Dalam ujian akhir saya lulus dengan hasil yang baik. Oleh karena itu saya masuk Universitas Sumatra Utara. Pada waktu itu saya berumur sembilan belas tahun. Saya mengambil mata kuliah sejarah karena saya ingin menjadi guru sejarah. Tetapi pada tahun pertama saya tidak lulus karena saya lebih suka bermain-main dengan teman-teman. Kami lebih suka mendengarkan musik rock dan setiap malam Minggu kami ke disko untuk berdansa. Jarang kami belajar! Pada waktu itu saya masih muda, baru berumur dua puluh tahun. Sesudah itu saya mengambil mata kuliah matematika dan teknik sipil. Saya lebih tertarik pada matematika dan teknik sipil. Ternyata saya lulus dengan hasil yang cukup baik. Sekarang saya masih suka mendengarkan musik rock dan saya juga masih sering menonton film, bermain voli dan berdansa di disko, tetapi sekarang saya sudah menjadi insinyur! Saya bekerja di berbagai proyek pembangunan. Pekerjaan itu sulit tetapi menyenangkan. Saya senang menjadi insinyur. Exercise 069-01: Education Resume Now it’s your turn. Read the following passage out loud. The passage is the same as the one you have just studied above, but there are gaps in it where words have been deleted. When you read it, fill in the gaps with appropriate words that, as far as possible, reflect your own schooling (it probably won’t be exactly the same, but try to make your narrative as close to your own experi- Lesson 69 ence as possible). Do this over and over until you can read the passage without hesitating, inserting the right words as you go. Nama saya _________. Saya lahir di _________ pada tahun seribu sembilan ratus _________. Jadi sekarang saya berumur _________ tahun. Waktu saya berumur enam tahun saya masuk sekolah dasar. Di sekolah dasar saya belajar membaca dan menulis. Saya juga belajar _________ dan _________. Di samping itu saya belajar _________ dan _________. Pada waktu itu guru saya _________ dan _________. Saya belajar di sekolah dasar selama enam tahun. Lalu, waktu saya berumur _________ tahun, saya masuk sekolah menengah. Belajar di sekolah menengah itu jauh lebih sulit daripada di sekolah dasar. Tentu saja saya masih belajar matematika, _________, tetapi saya juga belajar _________, _________, sejarah _________, bahasa _________ dan agama _________. Di samping itu saya juga belajar _________ dan olahraga seperti _________ dan _________. Saya pandai bermain _________. Pada waktu itu saya mempunyai beberapa teman yang bernama _________, _________ dan _________. Setiap hari kami bersama-sama ke sekolah. Pulang dari sekolah kami belajar bersama, dan sering juga kami _________. Saya belajar pada tingkat sekolah menengah selama enam tahun. Dalam ujian akhir saya lulus dengan hasil yang _________. Oleh karena itu saya masuk Universitas _________. Pada waktu itu saya berumur _________ tahun. Saya mengambil mata kuliah _________ karena saya ingin menjadi _________. Tetapi pada tahun pertama saya tidak lulus karena saya lebih suka _________. Kami lebih suka _________ dan setiap malam Minggu kami _________. Jarang kami belajar! Pada waktu itu saya masih muda, baru berumur _________ tahun. Sesudah itu saya mengambil mata kuliah _________ dan _________. Saya lebih tertarik pada _________ dan _________. Ternyata saya lulus dengan hasil yang cukup baik. Sekarang saya masih suka _________ dan saya juga masih sering _________, bermain _________ dan _________, tetapi sekarang saya sudah menjadi _________! Saya bekerja di _________. Pekerjaan itu sulit tetapi menyenangkan. Saya senang menjadi _________. Use the passage above as a kick-off point, but delete and add information, change the order of things etc. so that you can describe more accurately what your own schooling was really like. Go back over the last three lessons and review the vocabulary, grammar and model sentences that deal with education. As soon as you can, put aside this book and the model passage. Your ultimate aim should be to tell the story of your schooling correctly and in detail, even if in simple form, without referring to any written models or help. Once you are confident that you have mastered a thoroughly-rehearsed, correct, fluently spoken, and personally authentic account of Lesson 69 your education, tell it to fellow students or to your teacher/tutor and invite them to ask you questions about it. There are many questions that might be asked, but try to give prominence to the questions you practised earlier in this lesson… questions like: Bagaimana Bagaimana Bagaimana Sekolah Dasar _________ ? Sekolah Menengah _________ ? Universitas ________ ? pendidikan di _______ ? mata kuliah ________ ? mata pelajaran ________ ? Bagus atau jelek? Bagus atau tidak? Mahal atau murah? Bersifat praktis atau tidak? Berguna atau tidak begitu berguna? Menyenangkan atau membosankan? di Fakultas _______ ? dalam bidang ________ ? kelas kuliah Profesor ______ ? pelajaran Ibu _______ ? dalam mata kuliah ______? Menarik atau membosankan? Bagus atau biasa saja? Jelas atau tidak? You can also find strategies for answering these kinds of questions earlier in this lesson. Your answers might begin with introductory words and phrases like: Menurut saya… Saya kira… Wah!... Menurut pendapat saya… Sebetulnya… Aduh!... Latihan 1—Kosa Kata Lalu 1 Jodohkan kata-kata di sebelah kiri dengan terjemahannya di sebelah kanan. agama almost insinyur all berguna basic ketrampilan apparently berumur beside luas broad, extensive boleh country lulus difficult, hard to do dasar development membantu engineer di samping may memberikan examination hampir religion memilih including menjadi to be aged semua private muda to become sulit skill mulai to begin swasta to choose negeri tourism terlalu to give sth to s.o. pariwisata useful termasuk to help, assist pekerjaan work, employment ternyata to pass pembangunan young ujian too (as in “too much” ) Lesson 69 Latihan 2—Pemahaman: Perguruan Tinggi di Indonesia Bacalah teks “Perguruan Tinggi di Indonesia” di atas dan jawab pertanyaan di bawah ini. 1. How many types of tertiary education are there in Indonesia? [P1] A. three B. four C. more than five hundred 2. What is the requirement for students who want to apply at a state-owned university? [P3] A. They have to graduate from high school. B. They have to earn their diploma first. C. They have to pass the enrolment test. 3. According to the passage, what languages can be learned at universities? [P3] (Select all that apply) A. French B. English C. German D. Dutch 4. What faculty prepares students to become teachers? [P3] A. Faculty of Literature B. Faculty of Teaching C. Faculty of Education 5. What type of university is Gadjah Mada University? [P4] A. It is a private university. B. It is a state university. C. It is an academy. 6. Does an academy provide general education? [P5] A. Yes, it provides general and diverse education. B. No, it only provides a vocational education. 7. Graduates of what institutions of higher learning are expected to serve in Indonesian government institutions? [P5] (Select two) A. AKMIL B. ITB C. STAN D. UI E. UPH 8. According to the passage, if a prospective student wants to know more about tertiary education institutions in Indonesia, what should they do? [P6] A. Contact the author of the article. B. Go directly to the university they want to enrol. C. Check the official website. Lesson 69 Latihan 3—Benar atau Salah: Perguruan Tinggi di Indonesia Bacalah teks “Perguruan Tinggi di Indonesia.” di atas dan pilihlah jawaban yang benar. 1. Ada lebih dari 400 lembaga perguruan tinggi di Indonesia. A. Benar B. Salah 2. Politeknik memberikan pendidikan yang bersifat luas. A. Benar B. Salah 3. Sebelum masuk perguruan tinggi, mahasiswa harus ikut ujian masuk. A. Benar B. Salah 4. Akademi membantu mahasiswa untuk memperoleh ketrampilan yang berguna untuk mencari pekerjaan. A. Benar B. Salah 5. Setiap provinsi di Indonesia mempunyai universitas negeri dan universitas swasta. A. Benar B. Salah 6. Tidak ada universitas negeri di pulau Jawa. A. Benar B. Salah 7. UI, UGM dan ITB itu universitas yang besar dan terkenal. A. Benar B. Salah 8. Perguruan tinggi kedinasan mendidik mahasiswa yang kemudian bekerja di departemen pemerintah. A. Benar B. Salah 9. STAN mendidik mahasiswa menjadi tentara. A. Benar B. Salah 10. Hanya sedikit informasi mengenai universitas di Indonesia. A. Benar B. Salah Lesson 69 Latihan 4—Isian: Perguruan Tinggi di Indonesia (1) Lengkapi teks berikut dengan memilih kata yang tepat: asing—belajar—berbagai—hampir— harus—juga—mahasiswa—memberikan—memilih—menjadi—mereka—pengetahuan— pertanian Di Indonesia ada ____________ 500 lembaga dan tiga jenis perguruan tinggi: perguruan tinggi negeri, perguruan tinggi swasta dan perguruan tinggi kedinasan. Di antara lembaga perguruan tinggi ada universitas, akademi, politeknik, sekolah tinggi dan institut. Universitas ____________ pendidikan yang bersifat luas dengan bermacammacam fakultas dan mata kuliah. Ada ____________ program mulai dari Diploma sampai program Doktor. Siswa yang ingin masuk universitas negeri ____________ ikut ujian masuk yang namanya SPMB (Seleksi Penerimaan Mahasiswa Baru). Kalau mereka lulus ujian SPMB mereka boleh masuk universitas negeri. Tetapi tentu saja ____________ harus ____________ program studi. Ada bermacam-macam fakultas dan mata kuliah pada tingkat universitas. Misalnya para ____________ dapat belajar ilmu ____________ seperti ilmu kimia dan ____________. Mereka dapat juga memilih fakultas hukum, kedokteran, ilmu ekonomi atau ilmu politik. Mereka dapat juga memilih fakultas teknik dan ________ teknik kimia atau teknik mesin. Ada ____________ yang belajar bahasa ____________ seperti bahasa Inggris, Jepang, Jerman, Mandarin, atau Prancis. Mata kuliah sejarah atau bisnis juga populer. Atau bisa juga mereka belajar ____________ guru di Fakultas Pendidikan. Latihan 5—Isian: Perguruan Tinggi di Indonesia (2) Lengkapi teks berikut dengan memilih kata yang tepat. mempunyai—mendidik—menjadi—negeri—pariwisata—pemerintah—perguruan— seperti—terkenal—termasuk Hampir semua provinsi ____________ universitas negeri. Di Jakarta ada Universitas Indonesia (UI), di Yogyakarta ada Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM), dan di Bandung ada Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB). UI, UGM dan ITB itu universitas ____________ yang besar dan terkenal. Ada juga universitas swasta yang ____________, misalnya Universitas Trisakti (Usakti), Universitas Katolik Indonesia Atmajaya dan Universitas Pelita Harapan (UPH). Sekolah tinggi ____________ akademi dan politeknik memberikan pendidikan kejuruan seperti teknologi informatika, ____________, atau akuntansi. Perguruan tinggi kedinasan Lesson 69 ____________ mahasiswa dari departemen ____________. Misalnya Sekolah Tinggi Akuntansi Negara (STAN) di Jakarta mendidik pegawai dari Departemen Keuangan dan Akademi Militer (AKMIL) di Magelang mendidik siswa yang akan ____________ perwira dalam Tentara Nasional Indonesia (TNI). Mau tahu lebih banyak tentang ____________ tinggi di Indonesia? Ada banyak informasi, ____________ informasi tentang uang kuliah, di internet. Latihan 6—Pemahaman: Berbicara tentang Pendidikan Bacalah teks “Pendidikan Saya” di atas dan jawablah pertanyaan-pertanyaan di bawah ini. 1. Where was Farah born? A. Bali B. Medan C. Lombok D. Jakarta 2. How old is Farah now? A. 23 B. 24 C. 25 D. 26 3. When did Farah study Islam? A. When she attended primary school B. When she attended intermediate school C. When she attended high school D. When she attended university 4. For how many years Farah attended primary school? A. four B. five C. six D. seven 5. After school, what do Farah and her friends use to do? A. play sports and do homework B. study together and go see movies at the cinema C. eat dinner and study D. relax and do homework 6. How old was Farah when she entered University of North Sumatra? A. 18 years old B. 19 years old C. 20 years old D. 21 years old Lesson 69 7. When Farah first started to study at the university, she wanted to become a… A. physician B. research scientist C. history teacher D. a nurse 8. On what day of the week do Farah and her friends go to the disco? A. Sunday B. Monday C. Tuesday D. Saturday 9. After graduating from the university Farah became a… A. history teacher B. engineer C. mechanic D. doctor 10. Does Farah enjoy her current profession? A. Yes, she loves it B. No, she wishes she would have stayed with her first profession Latihan 7—Pilihan Ganda Pilihlah jawaban yang benar. 1. Your friend speaks only Indonesian so you find it practical in nature/character to learn Indonesian too. How do you say “practical in nature”? A. membosankan B. menarik C. baik D. bersifat praktis 2. The new program you downloaded to use on your computer is great, excellent. A. bagus B. menyenangkan C. biasa D. mudah 3. This summer you are going to go to Bali for 2 weeks. To you, learning Indonesian in class before you go to Bali is very useful. A. berguna B. sulit C. menyenangkan D. menarik 4. You recently returned from watching a movie that was very boring. A. baik B. membosankan C. sulit D. bagus Lesson 69 5. You enjoy translating Indonesian into English and find the task to be very easy. A. sulit B. berguna C. mudah D. menarik 6. You just bought an ordinary DVD that does not have many special effects and is not exceptional compared to other DVDs you have watched. A. menyenangkan B. mudah C. jelek D. biasa 7. Your friend built a sand castle sculpture but it is terrible and poorly built. A. jelek B. berguna C. menyenangkan D. biasa 8. Your friend is a very kind person. A. baik B. jelek C. sukar D. menarik 9. Your friend is a very pleasant and nice person. A. sulit B. berguna C. menarik D. menyenangkan 10. You are currently enrolled in a literature class that you find very boring because you are more interested in the natural sciences. A. biasa B. membosankan C. beguna D. bersifat prakus 11. You are learning to drive a 5-speed car instead of automatic car but find it very difficult. A. berguna B. mudah C. menyenangkan D. sulit 12. You are currently taking an interesting course to learn how to navigate by the stars. A. biasa B. menarik C. berguna D. mudah Lesson 69 13. You are currently studying Indonesian but find the coursework to be very difficult. A. mudah B. sukar C. bagus D. berguna Latihan 8—Adverbs Jodohkan kata-kata di sebelah kiri dengan terjemahannya di sebelah kanan. 1. tidak a. extremely ... 2. kurang b. pretty, quite 3. sangat c. not ... 4. lumayan d. ... enough 5. cukup e. not really ... 6. sama sekali tidak f. not really very ... 7. tidak begitu g. not ... at all, completely not ... Latihan 9—Jawaban Singkat Go back to Lesson 66 and carefully review the information on pronouncing the letters of the alphabet in Indonesian. Using the guide to the pronunciation of letters in Lesson 66 write down how you would say the following abbreviations. Study this example first. Abbreviation: UPH. You write: “u pe ha” (Universitas Pelita Harapan) 1. UI 2. SMA 3. UGM 4. ITB 5. UII 6. STAN 7. UKI 8. TNI 9. UKSW 10. IKJ Lesson 69 Latihan 10—Kosa Kata 1 Jodohkan kata-kata di sebelah kiri dengan terjemahannya di sebelah kanan. 1. bidang a. related to government 2. kedokteran b. institute 3. kesehatan c. institute, social institution 4. industri d. finance, finances 5. kedinasan e. field (of enterprise, study, etc.) 6. lembaga f. health 7. keuangan g. industry 8. khusus h. first of all 9. departemen i. academy 10. akademi j. government department 11. institut k. medicine 12. lebih dahulu l. particular, specialist Latihan 11—Kosa Kata 2 Jodohkan kata-kata di sebelah kiri dengan terjemahannya di sebelah kanan. 1. mendidik a. to obtain 2. teknik b. to educate, to train 3. memperoleh c. engineering 4. perguruan tinggi d. the last, i.e. final one in series 5. pelajar e. project 6. terakhir f. student, learner 7. politeknik g. college of higher education 8. perwira h. higher education, universities 9. sekolah tinggi i. in the armed forces 10. proyek j. polytechnic, vocational college Lesson 69 Latihan 12—Teka Teki Silang (TTS) Mendatar: 1. to obtain, to get 3. young 6. health 7. field (of study etc.) 8. too (as in “too much”) 10. medical 13. almost 15. including 16. institute 17. related to government services/agencies 18. particular, specialist 19. to be such-and-such an age Menurun: 1. to give sth. to s.o. 2. to educate, to train 4. religion 5. finances 9. useful 11. last 12. to assist someone 14. engineering Lesson 70 70 Masih Berbicara tentang Pendidikan Aims • To introduce ordinal numbers • To read more about education, and to use this to talk more about your own education Vocabulary Review Here are some of the frequent words used in this lesson that have appeared in previous lessons. Make sure that you remember their meanings. berkebun to do gardening bingung confused pindah to move, shift bulan month, moon sapi cattle, a cow, a bull hasil pertanian agriculture output sawah paddy field kedua the second selesai finished, completed melakukan do something setuju to agree masih still, as yet sukar difficult membawa to bring something tahu to know memelihara to keep terkenal famous, well known memilih to select tertarik (pada) interested (in) mengatakan to say ujian an examination, a test pertama the first usaha tani a farming business Ordinal Numbers As the term “ordinal” suggests, ordinal numbers are those that indicate the order in which things appear in a sequence or a list. In English, ordinal numbers start with “the first” and go on to “the second”, “the third”, “the fourth” and so on. In Indonesian, the term for “first” is pertama. After pertama, all ordinal numbers are formed with total regularity by attaching the prefix ke- to the cardinal number concerned. Frequently yang precedes the ordinal. Thus yang kedua the second yang ketiga the third yang kedua puluh the twentieth yang keseratus the one hundredth Lesson 70 Note that yang often, but not always, precedes the ordinal: or Pada tahun yang keempat saya mengambil mata kuliah sosiologi pertanian. Pada tahun keempat saya mengambil mata kuliah sosiologi pertanian. Talking about Education II In the previous lesson you sketched your education. Now let’s try to put more colour into this picture. Here is how an agricultural professional might describe his education. Read the account carefully, because, with appropriate modifications, you will find that you can incorporate parts of it into your own narrative. Pendidikan Seorang Ahli Pertanian Listen to Sound File 070-01. N ama saya Lukas Mitang. Saya lahir di kota Bajawa di Pulau Flores pada tahun 1978. Saya mulai belajar di sekolah dasar “Budi Luhur” di Ende. Saya belajar di sana selama enam tahun, dari 1984 sampai 1990. Saya belajar membaca, menulis dan matematika dasar. Waktu belajar di SD saya tinggal dengan kakak saya yang bekerja di Ende. Sesudah lulus sekolah dasar pada tahun yang keenam saya masuk Sekolah Menengah Pertama Shutterstock di Kupang pada tahun 1991. Di SMP Kupang saya mengambil mata pelajaran Pancasila, bahasa Indonesia, bahasa Inggris, matematika, ilmu ekonomi, sejarah Indonesia dan ilmu pengetahuan. Saya juga belajar olahraga. Waktu di SMP saya senang sekali bermain bulu tangkis. Lalu pada tahun 1994 saya masuk Sekolah Teknik Menengah Atas di Kupang. Sekolah Teknik Menengah Atas itu sekolah kejuruan. Waktu itu saya berumur enam belas tahun. Saya belajar di STMA selama tiga tahun. Di STMA saya mengambil mata pelajaran matematika, bahasa Inggris, teknik pertanian dan ilmu ekonomi pertanian. Saya lulus dengan hasil yang baik. Sesudah selesai belajar pada tingkat sekolah menengah atas saya pindah ke Yogyakarta di Pulau Jawa. Saya ikut Seleksi Penerimaan Mahasiswa Baru di Yogyakarta dan saya memperoleh hasil yang baik. Pada waktu itu saya menjadi bingung karena tidak tahu harus belajar apa. Saya juga tidak tahu sebaiknya belajar di mana. Jadi saya berbicara dengan paman saya yang menjadi pegawai negeri Departemen Pendidikan Nasional di Yogyakarta. Paman saya mengatakan sebaiknya memilih universitas Katolik saja dan mengambil teknik pertanian karena waktu saya belajar pada tingkat sekolah menengah atas saya pandai dalam mata pelajaran matematika. Tetapi bibi tidak setuju. Menurut bibi, saya lebih pandai dalam mata pelajaran bahasa Inggris. Jadi katanya sebaiknya mengambil bahasa Inggris saja di tingkat universitas. Bibi juga mengatakan sebaiknya saya jangan masuk universitas swasta seperti universitas Katolik. Lebih baik masuk universitas negeri, katanya. Lesson 70 Tentu saja saya menjadi lebih bingung lagi karena tidak tahu apa yang harus saya lakukan. Sesudah berpikir lama saya memilih kuliah teknik pertanian tetapi bukan di universitas Katolik. Katanya jurusan teknik pertanian di Universitas Gadjah Mada cukup baik. UGM itu universitas negeri. Dosen di UGM terkenal pandai dan laboratoriumnya juga bagus. Jadi saya masuk Fakultas Pertanian di UGM. Pada tahun yang pertama saya mengambil mata kuliah ekonomi pertanian, bahasa Inggris dan teknik dasar. Untuk saya mata kuliah ekonomi pertanian menarik sekali. Saya sangat senang ikut kuliah ilmu ekonomi pertanian. Saya juga tertarik pada kuliah bahasa Inggris. Mata kuliah bahasa Inggris sukar tetapi saya lulus dengan hasil yang baik. Pada tahun yang kedua saya mengambil mata kuliah ilmu ekonomi pertanian dan bahasa Inggris lagi. Di samping itu saya mengambil mata kuliah teknik mesin dasar dan matematika. Pada tahun yang ketiga saya mengambil teknik mesin dan bahasa Inggris. Saya lulus ujian bahasa Inggris dan teknik mesin dengan hasil yang baik tetapi hasil saya dalam mata kuliah matematika kurang baik. Pada tahun yang keempat saya mengambil mata kuliah sosiologi pertanian. Selama tiga bulan kami harus tinggal di desa dengan keluarga petani. Setiap hari kami membantu para petani bekerja di sawah, berkebun, dan memelihara sapi, kerbau, ayam dan kambing. Kami juga membantu membawa hasil pertanian ke pasar. Sesudah empat tahun belajar di UGM saya lulus dengan gelar Sarjana pada tahun 2008. Pada tahun yang pertama sesudah lulus saya tidak bekerja tetapi pada tahun kedua saya memperoleh pekerjaan pada sebuah usaha tani di dekat kota Ungaran. Sampai sekarang saya masih bekerja pada usaha tani itu tetapi saya mencari pekerjaan di Pulau Flores. Saya ingin sekali bekerja di Flores karena saya lahir di sana dan ingin membantu pembangunan di pulau itu. Affixation Affixation is the morphological process whereby an affix is attached to the root or stem of a word. Affixes can be attached at the beginning (prefixation), in the middle (infixation) or the end (suffixation) of words. Infixation is rarely found in Indonesian, but in many cases prefixes and suffixes can be combined to form circumfixes. The word kejuruan, for instance, consist of the root juru (skilled workman) and has a prefix (ke-) and a suffix (-an) attached to it. The combination of prefix and suffix is known as a circumfix. The circumfix ke-...-an here has the function to form the abstract noun kejuruan (vocation). In the coming weeks and months you will learn more about affixation, which is the morphological process whereby an affix (prefix and/or suffix) is attached to a root or stem of a word. The following gives you an overview of the affixes occurring in our small reading text. Affixated words are printed in bold. N ama saya Lukas Mitang. Saya lahir di kota Bajawa di Pulau Flores pada tahun 1978. Saya mulai belajar di sekolah dasar “Budi Luhur” di Ende. Saya belajar di sana selama enam tahun, dari 1984 sampai 1990. Saya belajar membaca, menulis dan matematika dasar. Waktu belajar di SD saya tinggal dengan kakak saya yang bekerja di Ende. Sesudah lulus sekolah dasar pada tahun yang keenam saya masuk Sekolah Menengah Pertama di Kupang pada tahun 1991. Di SMP Kupang saya mengambil mata pelajaran Pancasila, bahasa Indonesia, bahasa Inggris, matematika, ilmu ekonomi, sejarah Indonesia dan ilmu pe- Lesson 70 ngetahuan. Saya juga belajar olahraga. Waktu di SMP saya senang sekali bermain bulu tangkis. Lalu pada tahun 1994 saya masuk Sekolah Teknik Menengah Atas di Kupang. Sekolah Teknik Menengah Atas itu sekolah kejuruan. Waktu itu saya berumur enam belas tahun. Saya belajar di STMA selama tiga tahun. Di STMA saya mengambil mata pelajaran matematika, bahasa Inggris, teknik pertanian dan ilmu ekonomi pertanian. Saya lulus dengan hasil yang baik. Sesudah selesai belajar pada tingkat sekolah menengah atas saya pindah ke Yogyakarta di Pulau Jawa. Saya ikut Seleksi Penerimaan Mahasiswa Baru di Yogyakarta dan saya memperoleh hasil yang baik. Pada waktu itu saya menjadi bingung karena tidak tahu harus belajar apa. Saya juga tidak tahu sebaiknya belajar di mana. Jadi saya berbicara dengan paman saya yang menjadi pegawai negeri Departemen Pendidikan Nasional di Yogyakarta. Paman saya mengatakan sebaiknya memilih universitas Katolik saja dan mengambil teknik pertanian karena waktu saya belajar pada tingkat sekolah menengah atas saya pandai dalam mata pelajaran matematika. Tetapi bibi tidak setuju. Menurut bibi, saya lebih pandai dalam mata pelajaran bahasa Inggris. Jadi katanya sebaiknya mengambil bahasa Inggris saja di tingkat universitas. Bibi juga mengatakan sebaiknya saya jangan masuk universitas swasta seperti universitas Katolik. Lebih baik masuk universitas negeri, katanya. Tentu saja saya menjadi lebih bingung lagi karena tidak tahu apa yang harus saya lakukan. Sesudah berpikir lama saya memilih kuliah teknik pertanian tetapi bukan di universitas Katolik. Katanya jurusan teknik pertanian di Universitas Gadjah Mada cukup baik. UGM itu universitas negeri. Dosen di UGM terkenal pandai dan laboratoriumnya juga bagus. Jadi saya masuk Fakultas Pertanian di UGM. Pada tahun yang pertama saya mengambil mata kuliah ekonomi pertanian, bahasa Inggris dan teknik dasar. Untuk saya mata kuliah ekonomi pertanian menarik sekali. Saya sangat senang ikut kuliah ilmu ekonomi pertanian. Saya juga tertarik pada kuliah bahasa Inggris. Mata kuliah bahasa Inggris sukar tetapi saya lulus dengan hasil yang baik. Pada tahun yang kedua saya mengambil mata kuliah ilmu ekonomi pertanian dan bahasa Inggris lagi. Di samping itu saya mengambil mata kuliah teknik mesin dasar dan matematika. Pada tahun yang ketiga saya mengambil teknik mesin dan bahasa Inggris. Saya lulus ujian bahasa Inggris dan teknik mesin dengan hasil yang baik tetapi hasil saya dalam mata kuliah matematika kurang baik. Pada tahun yang keempat saya mengambil mata kuliah sosiologi pertanian. Selama tiga bulan kami harus tinggal di desa dengan keluarga petani. Setiap hari kami membantu para petani bekerja di sawah, berkebun, dan memelihara sapi, kerbau, ayam dan kambing. Kami juga membantu membawa hasil pertanian ke pasar. Sesudah empat tahun belajar di UGM saya lulus dengan gelar Sarjana pada tahun 2008. Pada tahun yang pertama sesudah lulus saya tidak bekerja tetapi pada tahun kedua saya memperoleh pekerjaan pada sebuah usaha tani di dekat kota Ungaran. Sampai sekarang saya masih bekerja pada usaha tani itu tetapi saya mencari pekerjaan di Pulau Flores. Saya ingin sekali bekerja di Flores karena saya lahir di sana dan ingin membantu pembangunan di pulau itu. Lesson 70 Affix Words se- selama, sesudah, setiap, sebuah, setuju per-...-an pelajaran, pertanian peN-...-an pembangunan, pengetahuan, penerimaan, pendidikan ber- belajar, bekerja, bermain, berumur, berbicara meN- (Passive: di-) membaca, menarik, menulis, menengah, memelihara, mengambil, menjadi, memilih, menurut, mencari, membantu meN-kan (Passive: di-...-kan or -kan) mengatakan ke- keenam, ketiga, keempat -nya laboratoriumnya ke-...-an kejuruan -an jurusan memper- memperoleh ter- terkenal, tertarik se-...-nya sebaiknya seThe prefix se- is derived from satu ‘one’. Tuju by itself does not mean anything. Menuju is ‘to go in the direction of’ so that setuju has the literal meaning ‘having one direction’ buah fruit sebuah a, one lama long (in duration) selama during, while tiap each, every setiap each and every tuju - setuju agree peThe prefix pe- is based on ber- verbs and indicates the person who performs the action of the verb: bertani to work the fields petani farmer bertenis to play tennis petenis tennis player belajar to learn pelajar learner, student berenang to swim perenang swimmer per-...-an The noun-forming circumflex per-...-an is derived from intransitive ber- verbs. belajar to learn pelajaran lesson bertani to farm pertanian agriculture Lesson 70 peN-...-an The noun-forming circumflex peN-...-an is derived from transitive meN- (including meN-...-kan and meN-...-i verbs) verbs. The resulting nouns are “active verbal nouns” describing the process or the act of doing something membangun (bangun) to build pembangunan the process of building mengetahui (ke=tahu=i) to know something pengetahuan knowledge menerima (terima) to accept penerimaan acceptance mendidik (duduk) to educate pendidikan education berThe prefix ber- forms intransitive verbs. Often the roots by themselves are not used independently; ajar does not occur in any other context but in the phrase kurang ajar ‘extremely rude’, a swearword; bicara rarely occurs on it’s own – if it does it is usually the colloquial form of berbicara where the prefix ber- has been dropped. Based on nouns ber- verbs usually have the meaning ‘to have’ or ‘to wear’ (e.g. nama ‘name’ bernama ‘to have a name’, buah ‘fruit’ berbuah ‘to have fruits’, bersepatu ‘to wear shoes’). ajar - belajar to learn bicara - berbicara to speak kerja work bekerja to work main play bermain to play umur age berumur to have an age meNThe prefix meN- forms transitive verbs. The N stands for the nasal that is often attached between the prefix me- and the base. The nasal can be n, ng, m, ny, or Ø. If a base has p, t, or k as initial consonant then the consonant is replaced by the nasal. You have learned that the meaning of menurut is ‘according to’. In fact it is a verb meaning ‘to follow’ and ‘to obey’, so the phrase menurut pendapat saya ‘according to my opinion’ literally means ‘following my opinion’. Menarik ‘interesting’ is also a verb meaning ‘to pull, attract’. Menengah is derived from tengah ‘middle’, and is only found in combination with sekolah or pendidikan – in Indonesian as well as in Malaysian. Base + meN- Meaning baca membaca to read tulis menulis to write pelihara memelihara to raise ambil mengambil to take jadi menjadi to be, become bantu membantu to help, assist tarik menarik to pull, attractive pilih memilih to choose Lesson 70 kata (-kan) mengatakan to say turut menurut to follow, obey tengah menengah middle, intermediate keThis prefix forms ordinal numbers: kedua ‘second’, ketiga ‘third’ etc. -nya This suffix can have several functions: the main function is that of a third perfect personal pronoun, e.g. rumahnya ‘his house’, sepedanya ‘her bike’, and laboratoriumnya ‘its laboratory’. In its latter function as a neutral personal pronoun it often functions in a similar way as the English definite article ‘the’. Ke-...-an and -an are both noun-forming affixes. The circumflex ke-...-an is usually quite predictable in that it forms abstract nouns which are most often based on adjectives, e.g. baik ‘kind’ kebaikan ‘kindness’, kaya ‘miskin’ kekayaan ‘wealth’, tinggi ‘high’ ketinggian ‘altitude’ etc. When attached to nouns it still forms abstract nouns, e.g. juru ‘specialist, artisan’ and sekolah kejuruan ‘specialist school’. Compare also fakultas kedokteran ‘college of medicine’, ilmu kelautan ‘oceanology’, The suffix -an is most often based on verbal bases: minum ‘drink’ minuman ‘ a drink’, makan to eat’ makanan ‘food’, menjurus ‘to point into a certain direction’ jurusan ‘direction, (academic) department’. For the other affixes ter-, memper- and se-...-nya we have encountered too few examples so that they will be discussed at a later time. Sneddon’s grammar gives an exhaustive overview of the above, and the many other affixes in the Indonesian language. You may also want to check out Latihan 1—Kosa Kata Lalu Jodohkan kata-kata di sebelah kiri dengan terjemahannya di sebelah kanan. membawa to garden, farm terkenal first berkebun agricultural business bulan to agree masih finished, completed tahu difficult usaha tani to do something hasil pertanian interested pindah still sawah state ideology memilih to carry, bring sukar exam melakukan to take care of bingung month, moon memelihara to choose ujian confused selesai cattle setuju rice field sapi to move tertarik to know pertama crops Pancasila famous Lesson 70 Latihan 2—Pemahaman: Pendidikan Seorang Ahli Pertanian (1) Bacalah teks “Pendidikan Seorang Ahli Pertanian” di atas dan jawablah pertanyaanpertanyaan berikut sesuai dengan bacaan. 1. When Lukas Mitang was in primary school, he lived with his... A. cousin B. father C. mother D. sister 2. While in intermediate school, what sport did Lukas Mitang like to play? A. soccer B. rugby C. badminton D. basketball 3. What kind of school is Sekolah Teknik Menengah Atas? A. Pre-university school B. University C. Vocational School 4. What kind of engineering did Lukas Mitang study at Sekolah Teknik Menengah Atas? A. agricultural engineering B. civil engineering C. architectural engineering D. mechanical engineering 5. After having completed his studies, where did Lukas Mitang move to? A. Java B. Maluku C. Kalimantan D. Sumatra Latihan 3—Pemahaman: Pendidikan Seorang Ahli Pertanian (2) Bacalah teks “Pendidikan Seorang Ahli Pertanian” di atas dan jawablah pertanyaan berikut sesuai dengan bacaan. 1. When Lukas Mitang arrived in Java, how did he feel about studying there? A. He knew exactly what he wanted to study. B. He was confused and was unsure about what to study. C. He liked studying but did not want to study anymore. D. He did not like to study and decided that moving was a bad idea. 2. Whose advice did Lukas Mitang ask for about his future career? Select all that apply. A. Mother B. Father C. Aunt D. Uncle Lesson 70 3. Lukas Mitang’s uncle said that he should attend what kind of university? A. Private university B. Public university C. Either a private or a public university 4. Why did Lukas’ uncle say that he should attend the university from question #3? A. Because Lukas Mitang is very good at mathematics B. Because Lukas Mitang is very good at engineering C. Because Lukas Mitang is very good at English D. Because Lukas Mitang is very religious 5. Lukas Mitang’s aunt said that he should attend what kind of university? A. Private university B. Public university C. Either a private or a public university 6. Why did Lukas’ aunt say that he should attend the university from question #5? A. Because Lukas Mitang is very good at mathematics B. Because Lukas Mitang is very good at engineering C. Because Lukas Mitang is very good at English D. Because Lukas Mitang is very religious 7. Lukas Mitang decided to study engineering at the university. Which branch of engineering did he decide to study? A. Mechanical Engineering B. Agricultural Engineering C. Civil Engineering D. Architectural Engineering Latihan 4—Pemahaman: Pendidikan Seorang Ahli Pertanian (3) Jawablah pertanyaan-pertanyaan berikut sesuai dengan bacaan. 1. According to the narrative, did Lukas Mitang find the subject he chose to study at the university interesting? A. Yes B. No 2. What subjects did Lukas Mitang take in his first year? Select all that apply. A. Agricultural Economics B. English C. Mathematics D. Basic Engineering E. Mechanical Engineering 3. What subjects did Lukas Mitang take in his second year? Select all that apply. A. Agricultural Economics B. English C. Mathematics D. Basic Engineering E. Mechanical Engineering Lesson 70 4. What subjects did Lukas Mitang take in his third year? Select all that apply. A. Agricultural Economics B. English C. Mathematics D. Basic Engineering E. Mechanical Engineering 5. Of the three exams that Lukas Mitang took, which ones did he say that he received good results from? (select two) A. English B. Mechanical Engineering C. Mathematics D. All of the exams 6. During Lukas Mitang’s fourth year, he studied the sociology of agriculture. According to the narrative, what did he do? Select all that apply. A. Lived in villages with peasant farmers for 3 months B. Helped the peasant farmers to bring agricultural produce to the market C. Studied his textbooks and manuals on the different aspects of the sociology of agriculture D. Assisted in taking care of the different farm animals 7. What year did Lukas Mitang graduate? A. 2006 B. 2007 C. 2008 D. 2009 8. Upon graduation, did Lukas Mitang find a job? A. Yes, he found a job in his first year after graduation. B. Yes, he found a job in his second year after graduation. C. No, he is still looking for a job. D. No, he has decided that he does not like agriculture and is looking to go back to school for a different discipline. Latihan 5—Pemahaman Each of the following sentences is taken from the “Pendidikan Seorang Ahli Petani” passage, but in each of them there is one word that is factually wrong, i.e. is not consistent with account of Lukas Mitang’s education given in the textbook’s narrative. Write the factually wrong word (as far as possible without looking back at the passage). 1. Kami harus pergi ke desa dan tinggal dengan keluarga petani selama tiga hari. ____________ 2. Katanya kuliah teknik pertanian di Universitas Gadjah Mada kurang baik. ____________ 3. Pada tahun yang pertama saya mengambil mata kuliah ekonomi pertanian, bahasa Inggris dan sastra. ____________ 4. Paman saya mengatakan, sebaiknya saya memilih universitas Islam saja. ____________ 5. Paman saya menjadi pengusaha di Yogyakarta. ____________ Lesson 70 6. Saya lahir di kota Bajawa di Pulau Ambon pada tahun 1978. ____________ 7. Sesudah selesai belajar pada tingkat sekolah menengah atas saya pindah ke Semarang di Pulau Jawa. ____________ 8. Tetapi dua tahun sesudah saya lulus, saya memperoleh pekerjaan pada pabrik di dekat kota Ungaran. ____________ 9. Waktu saya belajar di SD saya tinggal dengan nenek saya yang bekerja di Ende. ____________ 10. Waktu saya di SMP saya senang sekali bermain tenis. ____________ Latihan 6—Isian: Pendidikan Seorang Ahli Pertanian Fill in the gaps using affixiated words formed from the following bases: ajar—ambil—bangun —bantu—bawa—bicara—didik—jadi—kata—kebun—kerja—lama—pelihara—pikir—pilih— sudah—tarik—tengah—terima—tiap—tuju—umur Possible affixiations are: 1. The prefixes meN-, ber-, and se-. 2. The circumfixes meN-...-kan and peN-...-an. Pada tahun 1994 saya masuk Sekolah Teknik ______________ Atas di Kupang. Sekolah Teknik Menengah Atas itu sekolah kejuruan. Waktu itu saya ______________ enam belas tahun. Saya ______________ di STMA selama tiga tahun. Di STMA saya mengambil mata pelajaran matematika, bahasa Inggris, teknik pertanian dan ilmu ekonomi pertanian. Saya lulus dengan hasil yang baik. Sesudah selesai belajar pada tingkat sekolah menengah atas saya pindah ke Yogyakarta di Pulau Jawa. Saya ikut Seleksi ______________ Mahasiswa Baru di Yogyakarta dan saya memperoleh hasil yang baik. Pada waktu itu saya menjadi bingung karena tidak tahu harus belajar apa. Saya juga tidak tahu sebaiknya belajar di mana. Jadi saya ______________ dengan paman saya yang ______________ pegawai negeri Departemen ______________ Nasional di Yogyakarta. Pa- man saya ______________ sebaiknya ______________ universitas Katolik saja dan mengambil teknik pertanian karena waktu saya belajar pada tingkat sekolah menengah atas saya pandai dalam mata pelajaran matematika. Tetapi bibi tidak ______________. [...] Tentu saja saya menjadi lebih bingung lagi karena tidak tahu apa yang harus saya lakukan. Sesudah ______________ lama saya memilih kuliah teknik pertanian tetapi bukan di universitas Katolik. Katanya jurusan teknik pertanian di Universitas Gadjah Mada cukup baik. UGM itu universitas negeri. Dosen di UGM terkenal pandai dan laboratoriumnya juga bagus. Jadi saya masuk Fakultas Pertanian di UGM. Pada tahun yang pertama saya ______________ mata kuliah ekonomi pertanian, bahasa Inggris dan teknik dasar. Untuk saya mata kuliah ekonomi pertanian ______________ seka- Lesson 70 li. Saya sangat senang ikut kuliah ilmu ekonomi pertanian. Saya juga tertarik pada kuliah bahasa Inggris. Mata kuliah bahasa Inggris sukar tetapi saya lulus dengan hasil yang baik. Pada tahun yang kedua saya mengambil mata kuliah ilmu ekonomi pertanian dan bahasa Inggris lagi. [...] ______________ tiga bulan kami harus tinggal di desa dengan keluarga petani. ______________ hari kami ______________ para petani bekerja di sawah, ______________, dan ______________ sapi, kerbau, ayam dan kambing. Kami juga membantu ______________ ha- sil pertanian ke pasar. ______________ empat tahun belajar di UGM saya lulus dengan gelar Sarjana pada tahun 2008. Pada tahun yang pertama sesudah lulus saya tidak ______________ tetapi pada tahun kedua saya memperoleh pekerjaan pada sebuah usaha tani di dekat kota Ungaran. Sampai sekarang saya masih bekerja pada usaha tani itu tetapi saya mencari pekerjaan di Pulau Flores. Saya ingin sekali bekerja di Flores karena saya lahir di sana dan ingin membantu ______________ di pulau itu. Latihan 7—Jawab Singkat Translate the following English phrases into Indonesian. Example: the third day = hari yang ketiga the fifteenth car = mobil yang kelima belas 1. the first person .................................................. 2. the fourth exam .................................................. 3. the third year .................................................. 4. the fifth word .................................................. 5. the second water buffalo .................................................. 6. the eighth school .................................................. 7. the seventh week .................................................. 8. the tenth month .................................................. 9. the twenty-seventh child .................................................. 10. the one thousandth farmer .................................................. Lesson 70 Latihan 8—Terjemahkan Terjemahkanlah kalimat berikut: 1. “In the second year I got a job at a farm.” .................................................................................................................................... 2. “Until now I still work at that office.” .................................................................................................................................... 3. “I passed with a good result.” .................................................................................................................................... Latihan 9—Kosa Kata Jodohkan kata-kata di sebelah kiri dengan terjemahannya di sebelah kanan. 1. katolik a. at that time 2. bibi b. to say something 3. teknik mesin c. sociology 4. ekonomi pertanian d. an aunt, Aunt (so-and-so) 5. gelar e. agricultural engineering 6. paman f. confused, worried, undecided 7. sarjana g. Catholic 8. laboratorium h. university graduate, scholar 9. tertarik (pada) i. an expert 10. jurusan j. an uncle, Uncle (so-and-so) 11. bingung k. department or program 12. pada waktu itu l. laboratory 13. ahli m. mechanical engineering 14. sosiologi n. interested (in) 15. mengatakan o. agricultural economics 16. teknik pertanian p. title 17. memilih q. to garden, to farm 18. berkebun r. finished, done, completed 19. membawa s. to choose 20. selesai t. to bring, carry Lesson 71 71 Berapa Lama Bapak Belajar di…? Aims • To practise asking and answering questions about education. • To practise using Bapak and Ibu to talk to a respected person about his or her education, then use kamu to talk to a close friend about his or her education. Vocabulary Review Here are some of the frequent words used in this lesson that have appeared in previous lessons. Make sure that you remember their meanings. banget very, really menjadi to be, become bantuan assistance, help menolong to help berapa lama how long miskin poor daerah region, area mudah easy hukum law nggak no, not (informal) kerja to work (informal) pancasila Indonesian state ideology kurang less, not...enough pendapat opinion lahir to be born sama and (informal) lumayan not bad, quiet good tertarik pada interested in memilih to choose, to select sih menarik interesting a slangy particle that adds emphasis and colour to a question Asking and Answering Questions about Education From talking at length about education, let’s turn now to question and answer. Study this dialogue in which a reporter conducts an interview (wawancara) with a famous lawyer. Listen to Sound File 071-01. While listening, answer the following questions: 1) In what year was the lawyer born? 2) In what year did he begin his studies? 3) Besides law, what else did he study? 4) What did he do after finishing his studies? Lesson 71 Wawancara dengan Seorang Pengacara Bapak lahir di mana? Saya lahir di desa Kemiri pada tahun 1975. Tahun berapa Bapak mulai kuliah? Saya masuk Universitas Upaya Luhur di Manado pada tahun 1994. Berapa lama Bapak belajar di universitas itu? Saya belajar di sana selama enam tahun. Bapak kuliah apa di situ? Di Universitas Upaya Luhur dulu saya kuliah hukum dan sejarah. Di samping itu saya juga belajar bahasa Perancis. O begitu. Mengapa Bapak tertarik pada hukum? Karena saya ingin menjadi pengacara. Hmmm. Menurut pendapat Bapak apakah Universitas Upaya Luhur itu bagus? Saya kira Universitas Upaya Luhur itu lumayan bagus tetapi kampusnya terlalu jauh dari kota. Menurut pendapat Bapak kuliah hukum itu sukar? Saya kira kuliah hukum itu sukar tetapi sama sekali tidak membosankan karena kami selalu berbicara tentang kasuskasus menarik. Bagaimana hasil ujian Bapak dulu? Oh, biasanya hasil ujian saya cukup baik. Sesudah tamat kuliah Bapak bekerja di mana? Saya pindah ke Jakarta dan menjadi pengacara di kantor LBH. LBH? Apa itu? LBH itu Lembaga Bantuan Hukum yang menolong orang miskin yang bermasalah. O begitu. Di mana kantornya? Kantornya di Jalan Kebon Jeruk Timur I, Nomor 35, Jakarta. Now, do Latihan 2–3 to check your understanding of this dialogue. After that, use the following substitution table for more practice in asking and answering about your or your friends’ education. Substitution Tables The questions and answers in this dialogue can be fleshed out in the form of substitution tables. Substitution tables allow you to practise sentences patterns over and over, but with lots of variation. Study the pairs of substitution tables below. Practise generating questions using the first substitution table in each pair, and generating answers from the second table in the pair. Make sure question and answer fit together sensibly. You should try to learn by heart as much of the substitution tables as you can. Try also to elaborate on them by making your own additions to key columns in each table. Lesson 71 1. Tahun berapa Anda Di mana Bapak Tanggal berapa Ibu lahir ? provinsi ___ desa ___ Saya lahir tahun sembilan belas _____ di kota ___ _______. pulau ___ daerah ___ 2. Sekolah Dasar Tahun berapa Anda mulai belajar di SMA / SMP Bapak masuk Sekolah Teknik Atas Ibu tamat akademi ? universitas UI Sekolah Dasar SMP Saya mulai belajar di SMA masuk Sekolah Teknik Atas tamat akademi pada tahun ______ . universitas UI 3. Sekolah Dasar ___ Berapa lama Anda belajar Berapa tahun Bapak kuliah kota ___ di Ibu Universitas ___ ? Fakultas ___ SMA ___ Sekolah Dasar ___ belajar Saya kuliah kota ___ di tahun. Universitas ___ selama ___ Fakultas ___ bulan. minggu. SMU ___ 4. Anda memilih mata pelajaran Ibu mengambil mata kuliah Bapak belajar apa ? Lesson 71 sejarah bahasa inggris ilmu ekonomi memilih Saya teknik mesin mengambil mata pelajaran matematika belajar mata kuliah Pancasila dan ____ sosiologi pertanian hukum 5. sejarah eropa bahasa jepang Mengapa suka ilmu politik Anda memilih teknik elektro Bapak mengambil matematika Ibu belajar Pancasila tertarik pada studi pembangunan ? pertanian hukum sejarah Eropa Saya bahasa Jepang petani suka ilmu politik guru memilih teknik elektro mengambil matematika belajar Pancasila ahli politik tertarik pada studi pembangunan insinyur pertanian pegawai negeri dosen karena saya ingin menjadi pengacara hukum 6. Universitas ___ kota ___ Ibu Menurut pendapat Bapak Anda apakah mata pelajaran ___ baik mata kuliah ___ itu menyenangkan SMP ___ menarik Fakultas ___ Sekolah Dasar ___ ? Lesson 71 Universitas ___ Saya kira kota ___ sangat mata pelajaran ___ cukup baik tidak menyenangkan SMP ___ kurang menarik Fakultas ___ lumayan mata kuliah ___ itu karena ___ Sekolah Dasar ___ 7. Ibu Menurut pendapat Bapak pelajaran ___ apakah mudah mata kuliah ___ Anda itu studi ___ sukar ? membosankan kuliah ___ pelajaran ___ mata pelajaran ___ Saya kira cukup mudah memang sukar studi ___ tidak membosankan kuliah ___ lumayan mata kuliah ___ 8. itu karena ___ memakai komputer masuk ___ sejarah Eropa bahasa Jepang Ibu Apakah Anda Bapak ilmu politik lulus ujian teknik elektro sarjana studi pembangunan pertanian hukum mengetik dengan hasil yang baik? Lesson 71 memakai komputer masuk ___ sejarah Eropa bahasa Jepang ilmu politik Ya. saya lulus ujian teknik elektro dengan hasil yang baik sekali. studi pembangunan pertanian hukum mengetik memakai komputer masuk sejarah Eropa bahasa Jepang ilmu politik Tidak. Saya tidak lulus ujian teknik elektro karena _____ sarjana studi pembangunan pertanian hukum mengetik 9. Sesudah tamat belajar Saya pada tingkat SMA Bapak bekerja di mana di Universitas ___ Anda menjadi apa di Fakultas ___ Ibu pindah ke mana kota Jakarta. wartawan. provinsi Papua Barat. pegawai negeri. pindah ke Departemen Pendidikan. bekerja di Pulau Lombok petani. Departemen Pertanian sekretaris. desa ahli hukum. Saya menjadi ? Saya menjadi karyawan toko. wartawan. kota Jakarta pegawai negeri. provinsi Irian Jaya karyawan toko. Departemen Pendidikan petani. Saya bekerja di Pulau Lombok sekretaris. Departemen Pertanian pengacara. desa Lesson 71 Exercise 071-01 Below you will find some answers. Write a question that fits with each of the answers. Don’t forget to use a pronoun meaning “you” in your question. 1. Pertanyaan:.............................................................................................................................. Jawaban: Saya bekerja di kantor Kepala Desa. 2. Pertanyaan:.............................................................................................................................. Jawaban: Ya, saya tamat dengan hasil yang cukup baik. 3. Pertanyaan: ............................................................................................................................. Jawaban: Saya kira mata kuliah sejarah itu menarik sekali. 4. Pertanyaan: ............................................................................................................................. Jawaban: Saya kira Universitas Upaya Luhur kurang bagus karena perpustakaannya jelek. 5. Pertanyaan: ............................................................................................................................. Jawaban: Saya tertarik pada studi pembangunan karena saya ingin menjadi pegawai Departemen Pertanian. 6. Pertanyaan: ............................................................................................................................. Jawaban: Saya mengambil mata kuliah sejarah dan bahasa Jepang. 7. Pertanyaan: ............................................................................................................................. Jawaban: Saya kuliah di sana selama lima tahun. 8. Pertanyaan: ............................................................................................................................. Jawaban: Saya masuk Sekolah Menengah Atas pada tahun 2001. 9. Pertanyaan: ............................................................................................................................. Jawaban: Di kota Bengkulu pada tahun 1988. 10. Pertanyaan: ............................................................................................................................. Jawaban: Ya, senang sekali. Finding Out About Someone’s Education Interrogate your classmates or your teacher/tutor about their education. Imagine that you are talking to someone significantly older than yourself. Use Bapak and Ibu when you are talking to this older person. The model dialogue, substitution tables and Exercise 71-01 in this lesson give you a portfolio of resources that you can use to ask and answer questions about someone’s education. Review Lessons 67, 68, 69 and 70 will also help you frame questions and answer them. Don’t forget to listen with interest to the answers that are given to your questions. Show interest, and keep the conversation interactive, with phrases like: O begitu. (I see. Is that so.) Kalau begitu…. (If that’s the case…) Nanti dulu. (Just a moment.) Aduh! (Wow! Oh!) Maaf, boleh saya bertanya? (Sorry, can I ask you something?) Memang, saya setuju. (That’s right, I agree.) Wah… maaf, saya sama sekali tidak setuju. (Oh… sorry, I don’t agree at all.) Lesson 71 Menarik sekali. (That’s very interesting.) Kasihan! (You poor thing!) Now Talk to Someone Closer To Your Own Age Here’s how this lesson’s model dialogue might go if the two speakers were young and close friends. Listen to Sound File 071-02 and compare it with the more formal model dialogue at the beginning of the lesson. Dian Dian Eka Kamu lahir di mana? Aku lahir di Kemiri tahun 1985. O gitu. Tahun berapa kamu mulai kuliah? Aku masuk Universitas Upaya Luhur di Manado tahun 2003. Berapa lama belajar di sana? Aku belajar di sana enam tahun. Ambil kuliah apa waktu itu? Di Upaya Luhur aku ambil hukum sama sejarah dan bahasa Perancis juga. Kenapa kamu kepingin belajar hukum? Yaaa, aku kepingin jadi pengacara. Universitas Upaya Luhur itu gimana, sih? Bagus nggak? Kalo menurutku sih lumayan bagus. Tapi jauh banget dari kota. Terus, kuliah hukum itu sulit nggak? Buat aku sih, kuliah hukum lumayan sulit tapi nggak ngebosanin, soalnya kami selalu ngobrol soal kasus-kasus menarik. Gimana hasil ujianmu? Ya. biasanya sih hasilnya baik. Abis tamat kerja di mana? Aku pindah ke Jakarta jadi pengacara di LBH. LBH? Apaan sih? LBH itu Lembaga Bantuan Hukum yang nolong orang miskin bermasalah. O gitu. Kantornya di mana? Kantornya di Jalan Kebon Jeruk Timur I, Nomor 35, Jakarta. Eka Do Latihan 4 to check your understanding of this informal version dialogue. Now, drawing on this dialogue for ideas, go over the substitution tables and Exercise 71-01 and change them so that that they are more informal. For example, all occurrences of Bapak, Ibu and Anda will be replaced with kamu, and all instances of saya will be replaced with aku. Verbs with a me- or ber- prefix will lose that prefix. “Apakah questions” will lose their initial apakah and will adopt a sharply rising inflection. Tidak will become nggak, begitu will become gitu, and ingin will become kepingin. Informal words like mikir (think), gampang (easy), and sama (and, with) will appear. And so on. See how many changes you can make to render the substitution tables and the exercise more informal. Lesson 71 Then repeat your effort to find out about someone’s education, this time imagining that you are young and talking to someone roughly the same age as yourself. Adopt a relaxed attitude as you speak. Latihan 1—Kosa Kata Lalu Jodohkan kata-kata di sebelah kiri dengan terjemahannya di sebelah kanan. banget how long menarik poor berapa lama very (Jakarta Indon.) menolong to help daerah law miskin interested in hukum to choose mudah Indon. state philosophy lahir fair, reasonable Pancasila opinion lumayan region pendapat easy memilih to be born tertarik pada to pull, interesting Latihan 2—Pemahaman Listen to Sound File 071-01 to answer the following questions. 1. Pada umur berapa pengacara itu mulai belajar di universitas? A. 17 tahun B. 18 tahun C. 19 tahun D. 20 tahun 2. Pengacara itu kuliah… A. hukum, bahasa Prancis, sejarah B. hukum, bahasa Belanda, sejarah C. hukum, bahasa Jerman, ekonomi D. hukum, bahasa Inggris, sejarah 3. Kenapa Bapak itu mau menjadi pengacara? A. Karena gajinya besar. B. Karena ia ingin membantu orang. C. Karena ia tertarik pada hukum. D. Karena mata kuliahnya tidak membosankan. 4. Apakah, menurut pengacara itu, kuliah hukum sulit? A. Sama sekali tidak sulit karena selalu ada kasus yang menarik. B. Tidak, mata kuliah hukum mudah sekali. C. Iya, kuliah hukum sulit tetapi cukup menarik. D. Memang sulit dan juga cukup membosankan. Lesson 71 5. Sesudah selesai kuliah, di mana pengacara itu tinggal? A. Ia tinggal di Manado. B. Ia tinggal di Desa Kemiri C. Ia tinggal di Jakarta. D. Ia tinggal di Kebon Jeruk. 6. Di mana alamat kantor LBH? A. Jalan Kebon Jeruk Timur II nomor 53 B. Jalan Kebon Jeruk I nomor 35 C. Jalan Kebon Jeruk Timur nomor 53 D. Jalan Kebon Jeruk Timur I nomor 35 Latihan 3— Isian Lengkapi teks berikut dengan memilih kata yang tepat: bantuan—bermasalah—hukum— kasus-kasus—kuliah—lahir—membosankan—pengacara—selama—tamat—tertarik Bapak ___________ di mana? Saya lahir di desa Kemiri pada tahun 1975. Tahun berapa Bapak mulai kuliah? Saya masuk Universitas Upaya Luhur di Manado pada tahun 1994. Berapa lama Bapak belajar di universitas itu? Saya belajar di sana ___________ enam tahun. Bapak kuliah apa di situ? Di Universitas Upaya Luhur dulu saya kuliah ___________ dan sejarah. Di samping itu saya juga belajar bahasa Perancis. O begitu. Mengapa Bapak ___________ pada hukum? Karena saya ingin menjadi ___________. Hmmm. Menurut pendapat Bapak apakah Universitas Upaya Luhur itu bagus? Saya kira Universitas Upaya Luhur itu lumayan bagus tetapi kampusnya terlalu jauh dari kota. Lesson 71 Menurut pendapat Bapak kuliah hukum itu sukar? Saya kira ___________ hukum itu sukar tetapi sama sekali tidak ___________ karena kami selalu berbicara tentang ___________ menarik. Bagaimana hasil ujian Bapak dulu? Oh, biasanya hasil ujian saya cukup baik. Sesudah ___________ kuliah Bapak bekerja di mana? Saya pindah ke Jakarta dan menjadi pengacara di kantor LBH. LBH? Apa itu? LBH itu Lembaga ___________ Hukum yang menolong orang miskin yang ___________. O begitu. Di mana kantornya? Kantornya di Jalan Kebon Jeruk Timur I, Nomor 35, Jakarta. Latihan 4—Isian: Informal Lengkapi teks berikut dengan memilih kata yang tepat: abis—ambil—kepingin—lahir— ngebosanin—nolong—O gitu—sih—soal—soalnya Kamu __________ di mana? Aku lahir di Kemiri tahun 1985. O gitu. Tahun berapa kamu mulai kuliah? Aku masuk Universitas Upaya Luhur di Manado tahun 2003. Berapa lama belajar di sana? Aku belajar di sana enam tahun. __________ kuliah apa waktu itu? Di Upaya Luhur aku ambil hukum sama sejarah dan bahasa Prancis juga. O gitu. Kenapa kamu __________ belajar hukum? Yaaa, aku kepingin jadi pengacara. __________. Universitas Upaya Luhur itu gimana, sih? Bagus nggak? Kalo menurutku sih lumayan bagus. Tapi jauh banget dari kota. Terus, kuliah hukum itu sulit ng- Buat saya sih, kuliah hukum luma- Lesson 71 gak? yan sulit tapi nggak __________, __________ kami selalu ngobrol __________ kasus-kasus menarik. Gimana hasil ujianmu? Ya. biasanya sih hasilnya baik. __________ tamat kerja di mana? Aku pindah ke Jakarta jadi pengacara di LBH. LBH? Apaan __________? LBH itu Lembaga Bantuan Hukum yang __________ orang miskin bermasalah. O gitu. Kantornya di mana? Di Jalan Kebon Jeruk Timur I, Nomor 35, Jakarta Latihan 5—Formal dan Informal Jodohkan kata-kata di sebelah kiri dengan ragam informalnya di sebelah kanan. 1. memilih a. ngobrol 2. bekerja b. mikir 3. lalu c. buat 4. menjadi d. soal 5. karena e. sama 6. berpikir f. nolong 7. membosankan g. gampang 8. untuk h. ngebosanin 9. obrol i. terus 10. menolong j. soalnya 11. dan k. jadi 12. tentang l. milih 13. mudah m. kerja Lesson 71 Latihan 6—Kosa Kata Jodohkan kata-kata di sebelah kiri dengan terjemahannya di sebelah kanan. 1. bantuan a. lawyer 2. kasus b. to choose 3. bermasalah c. to become, to be 4. pengacara d. assistance 5. studi pembangunan e. boring 6. teknik elektro f. to have a problem 7. memilih g. electrical engineering 8. membosankan h. to help 9. menolong i. case 10. menjadi j. development studies 11. lahir k. to be born Latihan 7—Rangkai Kata Urutkan kata-kata berikut menjadi kalimat yang baik sesuai dengan arti berikut: 1. “Why do you take a course in law?” Mengapa—mata—kuliah—Bapak—mengambil—hukum? 2. “In your opinion, is history an interesting subject?” Menurut—sejarah—pelajaran—Anda,—apakah—pendapat—menarik? 3. “I moved to Jakarta to become a lawyer at the legal aid office.” Aku pindah—pengacara—Jakarta—menjadi—ke—di—LBH. Lesson 71 Latihan 8—Teka Teki Silang (TTS) Mendatar: 1. informal for mudah 4. informal for bercakap-cakap 6. informal for dan 10. informal for membosankan 11. informal for menjadi 12. informal for lalu Menurun: 2. informal for memilih 3. informal for menolong 5. informal for untuk 6. informal for karena 7. informal for tentang 8. informal for bekerja 9. informal for berpikir Lesson 72 72 “Selamat Datang Bapak Presiden” Aims • To provide the vocabulary, a model narrative, sentences shells and examples of question/answer interaction that will enable you to talk about education. • To practice using Bapak and Ibu to talk to a respected person about his/her education and career. Vocabulary Review Here are some of the frequent words used in this lesson that have appeared in previous lessons. Make sure that you remember their meanings. berita news mengurus to take care of berkunjung to visit minta tolong to ask for help daerah region miskin poor dulu in the past muda young kemudian then paman uncle lain others pernah ever majalah magazine, journal teknik sipil civil engineering membangun to build terkenal famous, popular Sudah Pernah and Belum Pernah Sudah pernah and belum pernah are very common phrases, but they are not all that easy to use idiomatically. Basically pernah adds a dimension of emphasis to sudah or belum, and narrows their meanings a little. Savour the difference between these two English sentences. Have you studied French? Have you ever studied French? The first sentence feels like a mild, rather general, inquiry that almost seems to invite more than just a yes/no answer, whereas the second sentence seems to be asking much more bluntly: “Have you AT ANY TIME IN THE PAST ever studied French: YES or NO?” Sudah pernah (and its negative counterpart belum pernah) add an edge of emphasis and specific focus like the second sentence above. They help to form emphatic statements or ask Lesson 72 straightforward questions, about what you have or haven’t done, or about what has or hasn’t happened. Ibu Zainab sudah pernah berkunjung ke Sumatra. Mrs Zainab has made a visit to Sumatra. Saya sudah pernah belajar bahasa Arab, tetapi dulu. I have studied Arabic, but some time back. Saya belum pernah minum bir Indonesia. I have never ever drunk Indonesian beer. Dia belum pernah bekerja pada malam hari. She has never worked at night. Apakah dia sudah pernah minta tolong pada pamannya? Has he ever asked his uncle for help? Apakah Ibu sudah pernah ke luar negeri? Have you ever been overseas? The sudah is often dropped from the phrase sudah pernah, especially if there is another marker of pastness in the sentence, like dulu, for example. Dulu Ibu Zainab pernah berkunjung ke Sumatera. Mrs Zainab once went for a visit to Sumatra. Saya pernah belajar bahasa Arab, tetapi dulu. I have studied Arabic, but some time back. Apakah dia pernah minta tolong pada pamannya? Has he ever asked his uncle for help? Apakah Ibu pernah ke luar negeri? Have you ever been overseas? When sudah accompanies pernah in a question, the question is answered either with sudah pernah (in colloquial speech often abbreviated to pernah) or belum pernah, or, more simply, sudah or belum. Apakah Bapak sudah pernah belajar mengetik? Have you ever studied how to type? Sudah. Belum. Yes, I have.No, I haven’t Apakah Ibu sudah pernah bekerja pada hari Sabtu atau hari Minggu? Have you ever worked on a Saturday or Sunday? Sudah pernah. Belum pernah. Yes, I have.No, I haven’t Exercise 72-01 Answer each of these questions either in the affirmative or in the negative by choosing either sudah or belum. Then add a follow-up sentence beginning with Tetapi and containing sudah pernah o r belum pernah. Refer to yourself as saya irrespective of whether the question addresses you as Anda, Bapak or Ibu. Study the examples first. Apakah Ibu sudah pernah belajar mengurus kantor? Sudah / Belum. Tetapi saya sudah pernah belajar mengetik. Lesson 72 Apakah Bapak sudah pernah bekerja di pabrik mobil? Sudah / Belum. Tetapi saya belum pernah bekerja di pabrik pakaian. 1. Apakah Anda sudah pernah bekerja pada malam hari? Sudah / Belum. Tetapi .... 2. Apakah Ibu sudah pernah memakai komputer? Sudah / Belum. Tetapi .... 3. Apakah Bapak sudah pernah memperbaiki mobil yang rusak? Sudah / Belum. Tetapi .... 4. Apakah Bapak sudah pernah membangun rumah? Sudah / Belum. Tetapi .... 5. Apakah Anda sudah pernah bekerja di kampung? Sudah / Belum. Tetapi .... 6. Apakah Ibu sudah pernah mengajar di sekolah dasar? Sudah / Belum. Tetapi .... 7. Apakah Bapak sudah pernah mengambil mata kuliah teknik sipil? Sudah / Belum. Tetapi .... 8. Sebelum pindah ke sini apakah Anda sudah pernah belajar di perguruan tinggi? Sudah / Belum. Tetapi .... 9. Apakah Bapak sudah pernah bekerja sebagai insinyur? Sudah / Belum. Tetapi .... 10.Apakah Anda sudah pernah menulis untuk surat kabar? Sudah / Belum. Tetapi .... Wawancara dengan Ahmad Tohari Ahmad Tohari is a well known Indonesian writer. His book Ronggeng Dukuh Paruk was translated under the title “The Dancer” by René T.A. Lysloff (Jakarta : Lontar Foundation, 2003). The following is not a real interview with Ahmad Tohari. Listen to Sound File 072-01. Bu Nia (wartawan) Bu Nia Ahmad Tohari Pak Ahmad lahirnya kapan? Saya lahir tanggal 13 Juni 1948. Di mana Bapak lahir? Saya lahir di desa Tinggarjaya di daerah Banyumas di provinsi Jawa Tengah. Hmmm. Lalu... bagaimana pendidikan Bapak? Di mana Bapak belajar? Saya masuk sekolah dasar di desa Tinggarjaya. Kemudian saya belajar di SMP dan SMA di kota Purwokerto. Apakah Bapak pernah kuliah di perguruan tinggi? Pernah. Saya masuk Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Jenderal Sudirman di Purwokerto. Bagaimana hasil studi Bapak? Baik? O tidak! Saya tidak lulus! O begitu. Lalu... katanya Bapak juga pernah belajar di Jakarta. Apakah itu betul? Memang. Saya pernah belajar di Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Ibnu Khaldun di Jakarta tetapi di sana juga saya tidak berhasil. Ahmad Tohari Lesson 72 Katanya Bapak juga pernah belajar di Amerika Serikat. Betul. Pada tahun 1990 saya belajar selama satu tahun di Universitas Iowa di Amerika Serikat. Tahun berapa Bapak mulai menulis? Saya mulai menulis pada tahun 1978. Sampai sekarang saya sudah menulis tujuh novel. Banyak sekali! Katanya novel-novel Bapak cukup terkenal. Ya, katanya. Tetapi sampai sekarang saya masih miskin. Ha ha ha! Bapak menulis novel tentang apa? Saya menulis tentang kehidupan orang desa di Pulau Jawa. Misalnya dalam novel saya Ronggeng Dukuh Paruk saya menulis tentang seorang perempuan muda yang menjadi penari yang terkenal di desanya. Di samping novel itu apakah ada buku Bapak yang lain yang terkenal? Ada. Saya kira novel saya Lintang Kemukus Dinihari cukup terkenal. O ya. Saya juga pernah membaca novel itu, Pak. Menarik sekali. Terima kasih. Di mana Bapak bekerja sekarang? Dulu saya pernah menjadi wartawan untuk majalah Amanah di Jakarta, tetapi sekarang saya mengurus sekolah Islam di desa saya. Tahun berapa Bapak mulai bekerja di majalah Amanah? Tahun 1986. Sebelum itu saya menjadi wartawan di surat kabar Merdeka, juga di Jakarta. Apakah Bapak masih menulis novel? Tentu saja, masih. Saya lebih suka menulis novel daripada menulis berita. Hmmm, menarik sekali. Apakah Bapak sudah kawin? Sudah. Nama istri saya Syamsiyah. Dulu dia seorang guru sekolah dasar. Sekarang Bapak tinggal di mana? Saya masih tinggal di desa Tinggarjaya tidak jauh dari kota Purwokerto di Jawa Tengah. Saya lebih senang tinggal di desa daripada di kota besar tetapi kantor saya di Jakarta. Pak Ahmad, saya kira sudah cukup. Terima kasih, Pak. Terima kasih kembali. After having listened to the sound file and reading the transcription, do Latihan 4 and 5 to check your understanding of this interview. Now try to reproduce this interview. You don’t need to learn the interview by heart or reproduce it exactly. But it would be helpful to lift words and phrases from it where you can remember Lesson 72 them. Basically, though, you should reproduce in your own words the main motifs of the interview. These include: • place and date of birth • education (primary school, secondary school and university) • details of career • details about family and current activities To flesh out your interview and make it more authentic go to the internet to find more information about Ahmad Tohari, both in English, and in Indonesian-language web sites. Repeat the interview several times, striving for more authentic detail, better correctness and greater smoothness each time you repeat it. Role Play: Interviewing President Obama Imagine that you are taking part in a television interview between an Indonesian-speaking reporter (wartawan) and President Obama of the United Sates (Presiden Obama dari Amerika Serikat). As a boy President Obama spent four years living in Indonesia. He attended Sekolah Dasar Menteng 01 and today still speaks some Indonesian. Focus especially (but not exclusively) on questions about the president’s youth, education and career prior to becoming president. Prepare very carefully by researching the president’s life story. Ransack the model interview earlier in this lesson and review other material in this lesson and in previous ones. Prepare a script or cue cards if necessary, although you should always strive not to rely on them. Extract as much life (especially humour) as you can from the role play. Dress up, or at the very least, adopt some of the mannerisms of the president and of glitzy TV interviewers. Address “President Obama” respectfully as Bapak Presiden. Don’t be afraid to ask the president “hard questions” provided you frame them in simple but good Indonesian, and provided “the president” can answer them coherently in simple but good Indonesian. Above all take scrupulous care to ensure that your Indonesian is authentic and correct. Your interview might begin something like this: Selamat datang Bapak Presiden. Apa kabar? Presiden Obama: Baik-baik saja. Saya senang sekali dapat bertemu dengan Anda. Terima kasih. Bapak Presiden lahir pada tahun berapa? When you feel you have mastered the role play well, consider interviewing other “celebrities” who (for the purposes of the role play) have miraculously acquired fluency in Indonesian that matches yours. Your celebrity could be: • seorang perdana menteri atau seorang presiden • seorang bintang film atau seorang bintang drama televisi • seorang bintang musik rock yang sering menyanyi di televisi / radio • seorang bintang olahraga • seorang bangsawan Perhaps a member of your class could be interviewed as a “celebrity” on a more modest scale. Lesson 72 Latihan 1—Kosa Kata Lalu Jodohkan kata-kata di sebelah kiri dengan terjemahannya di sebelah kanan. berita ever majalah young berkunjung then membangun to ask for help daerah uncle mengurus poor dulu other minta tolong famous kemudian news miskin magazine, journal lain region muda civil engineering paman to visit teknik sipil to build pernah a long time ago, in the past terkenal to take care of, organise Latihan 2—Menyimak Jodohkan Rekaman 072-02 dengan terjemahannya di sebelah kanan. 1. a. Have you ever been overseas? 2. b. Have you ever studied with him? 3. c. Have you ever asked your professor for assistance? 4. d. I have never drunk beer. 5. e. I have been to his house but a long time ago. 6. f. She has learnt how to type. 7. g. She has never eaten spicy food. 8. h. She has never visited her younger sister. Latihan 3—Jawaban Singkat: Kalimat Tanya Make an interrogative sentence of the type “Have you ever...” based on the statement provided. Statement 1. Ibu berjalan-jalan ke Tokyo. 2. Toni bekerja pada malam hari. 3. Bapak Haryanto belajar memperbaiki mobil. 4. Kartika berbelanja di pasar dekat rumahnya. Question Apakah Ibu pernah berjalan-jalan ke Tokyo? Lesson 72 5. Ibu Tuti mengajar di sekolah menengah pertama. 6. Ria menulis untuk surat kabar. Latihan 4—Pemahaman Jawablah pertanyaan-pertanyaan berikut sesuai dengan bacaan “Wawancara”. 1. In what year was Mr. Tohari born? Answer the question by writing down the year in Indonesian. .................................................................................................................................... 2. Where did he attend primary school? A. Purwokerto B. Jakarta C. Yogyakarta D. Tinggarjaya 3. Mr. Tohari used to study at the School of Economics of Universitas Ibnu Khaldun. A. True B. False 4. Mr. Tohari enrolled in the College of Medicine when he studied in the US. A. True B. False 5. When did he start writing? Answer the question by writing down the year in Indonesian. .................................................................................................................................... 6. What is Mr. Tohari's current position? A. He is a correspondent for a newspaper in Jakarta. B. He is a journalist for Amanah magazine. C. He is taking care of his Islamic school in Tinggarjaya village. D. He is working as a public relations agent for an Islamic school. 7. Mr. Tohari prefers to be a news writer rather than a novelist. A. True B. False 8. Where does Mr. Tohari live now? A. Purwokerto B. Iowa C. Tinggarjaya D. Jakarta 9. His wife was a primary school teacher. A. True B. False Lesson 72 Latihan 5—Isian Lengkapi teks berikut dengan memilih kata yang tepat: berhasil—betul—cukup—daerah— daripada—desa—hasil—istri—kapan—kemudian—kuliah—lulus—masih—menarik— menjadi—menulis—mulai—pendidikan—pernah—selama—tahun berapa—tentang—terima kasih kembali—tinggal Pak Ahmad lahirnya __________? Saya lahir tanggal 13 Juni 1948. Di mana Bapak lahir? Saya lahir di desa Tinggarjaya di __________ Banyumas di provinsi Jawa Tengah. Hmmm. Lalu... bagaimana __________ Bapak? Di mana Bapak belajar? Saya masuk sekolah dasar di desa Tinggarjaya. __________ saya belajar di SMP dan SMA di kota Purwokerto. Apakah Bapak pernah __________ di perguruan tinggi? Pernah. Saya masuk Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Jenderal Sudirman di Purwokerto. Bagaimana __________ studi Bapak? Baik? O tidak! Saya tidak __________! O begitu. Lalu... katanya Bapak juga pernah belajar di Jakarta. Apakah itu __________? Memang. Saya __________ belajar di Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Ibnu Khaldun di Jakarta tetapi di sana juga saya tidak _________. Katanya Bapak juga pernah belajar di Amerika Serikat. Betul. Pada tahun 1990 saya belajar __________ satu tahun di Universitas Iowa di Amerika Serikat. __________ Bapak mulai menulis? Saya mulai menulis pada tahun 1978. Sampai sekarang saya sudah __________ tujuh novel. Banyak sekali! Katanya novel-novel Bapak __________ terkenal. Lesson 72 Ya, katanya. Tetapi sampai sekarang saya masih miskin. Ha ha ha! Bapak menulis novel __________ apa? Saya menulis tentang kehidupan orang desa di Pulau Jawa. Misalnya dalam novel saya Ronggeng Dukuh Paruk saya menulis tentang seorang perempuan muda yang __________ penari yang terkenal di desanya. Di samping novel itu apakah ada buku Bapak yang lain yang terkenal? Ada. Saya kira novel saya Lintang Kemukus Dinihari cukup terkenal. O ya. Saya juga pernah membaca novel itu, Pak. __________ sekali. Terima kasih. Di mana Bapak bekerja sekarang? Dulu saya pernah menjadi wartawan untuk majalah Amanah di Jakarta, tetapi sekarang saya mengurus sekolah Islam di desa saya. Tahun berapa Bapak __________ bekerja di majalah Amanah? Tahun 1986. Sebelum itu saya menjadi wartawan di surat kabar Merdeka, juga di Jakarta. Apakah Bapak __________ menulis novel? Tentu saja, masih. Saya lebih suka menulis novel __________ menulis berita. Hmmm, menarik sekali. Apakah Bapak sudah kawin? Sudah. Nama __________ saya Syamsiyah. Dulu dia seorang guru sekolah dasar. Sekarang Bapak __________ di mana? Saya masih tinggal di desa Tinggarjaya tidak jauh dari kota Purwokerto di Jawa Tengah. Saya lebih senang tinggal di __________ daripada di kota besar tetapi kantor saya di Jakarta. Pak Ahmad, saya kira sudah cukup. Terima kasih, Pak. ___________. __________. Lesson 72 Latihan 6—Rangkai Kata Urutkan kata-kata di bawah ini menjadi kalimat yang benar sesuai dengan arti: 1. “He has never read any novels in Indonesian.” Dia—novel—berbahasa—pernah—membaca—belum —Indonesia. 2. “He has written a news report about the environment.” Dia—menulis—pernah—tentang—berita—sudah—lingkungan. 3. “Have you ever built a house in a village?” Apakah—kamu—di—rumah—pernah—membangun—desa? 4. “So far I have never been to Japan.” Sampai—sekarang—pernah—belum—saya—pergi—ke—Jepang. 5. “I think she has never learnt to swim.” Saya—pernah—kira—belajar—dia—belum—berenang. Latihan 7—Pilihan Ganda: Kosa Kata Pilihlah jawaban yang benar. 1. Ahmad Tohari menulis sebuah novel tentang _______ terkenal. A. bintang B. penari C. buku D. bahasa 2. Semua orang tahu Nicole Kidman, ______ film Hollywood yang sangat cantik. A. sekarang B. penari C. bintang D. pernah 3. ______ ______ saya tidak tahu siapa yang menulis novel itu. A. Belum pernah B. Sudah pernah C. Sampai sekarang D. Sampai jumpa 4. Apa kamu ______ ______ berkunjung ke Dunia Fantasi di Jakarta? A. sampai sekarang B. sampai pernah C. sekarang pernah D. sudah pernah 5. Saya ______ ______ berenang di laut. Saya ingin mencobanya. A. sudah pernah B. belum pernah C. sampai sekarang D. belum sekarang Lesson 72 Latihan 8—Teka Teki Silang (TTS) Mendatar: 2. a novel 3. to use 7. to visit 8. to study 9. to teach 13. a newspaper 14. to build 15. a star 16. have been; once; already; ever 17. a dancer 18. to read Menurun: 1. famous 4. to type 5. to work 6. in the past, a long time ago 8. not yet 10. to write 11. a reporter 12. a magazine, journal Lesson 73 73 Keterampilan Kerja Aims • To review and practise using the names of occupations and professions • To practise talking about capabilities and work skills using adverbs and auxiliary verbs. Vocabulary Review Here are some of the frequent words used in this lesson that have appeared in previous lessons. Make sure that you remember their meanings. berapa kali how many times menyanyi to sing a song bidang field of study pemain player cepat fast, quick pembantu assistant, maid cuaca weather penari dancer gaji salary peneliti researcher hati-hati to be careful pengusaha businessman/woman keras hard rajin diligent keterampilan skill sudah pernah have ever perabot furniture tahun berapa in what year mengurus to take care of tamu guest The Prefixes pe- and peNA word that consists of the prefix pe- or peN- attached to a base-word can mean “a person who does the action expressed in the base word”. For instance a person who reads (membaca) is a reader (pembaca), a person who smokes (merokok) is a smoker (perokok), and a person who works in the fields (bertani) is a farmer (petani). Many of these derived words describe occupations or categories of workers. Here are some more examples. As we have seen above, pe- nouns are based on ber- verbs whereas peN- nouns are based on meN- verbs. The latter assimilates the prefix to the base-word in the same way that the me- prefix assimilates to a base-word, namely by a nasal which is either m, n, ng, ny, or Ø. The symbol Ø indicates that there is no nasal because the root word begins with l, m, n, r, w, ny, ng, and y. Lesson 73 1. pe- nouns Base + ber- Meaning + pe- Meaning ajar belajar to learn pelajar a learner dagang berdagang to trade, deal pedagang a trader, a dealer main bermain to play pemain a player tani bertani to farm petani a farmer tugas bertugas to carry out a task petugas clerk, officer Base + meN- Meaning + peN- Meaning ajar mengajar to teach pengajar a teacher bantu membantu to assist pembantu assistent beli membeli to buy pembeli buyer jual menjual to sell penjual vendor, salesperson kelola mengelola to manage pengelola manager latih melatih to practice pelatih a sports coach layan melayani to serve pelayan a waiter/waitress nyanyi menyanyi to sing penyanyi a singer pimpin memimpin to lead pemimpin a leader tari menari to dance penari a dancer teliti meneliti to research peneliti a researcher tulis menulis to write penulis writer usaha mengusahakan to endeavor pengusaha an entrepreneur 2. peN- nouns Now check your understanding of these prefixes by doing Latihan 3. Lesson 73 The Diverse World of Work Many workers have already passed through the pages of this course. Here is a list of their occupations. Check that you remember what each of these terms means. ahli filsafat akuntan bupati detektif dokter dokter gigi dosen guru ibu kos ibu rumah tangga insinyur karyawan toko kepala desa kepala sekolah mahasiswa montir pegawai kantor pelayan pemain olahraga pembantu pengusaha perwira petani polisi sekretaris seniman sopir tentara tukang kayu wartawan It is possible to conjure up terms for certain occupations that haven’t yet appeared in The Indonesian Way. You can do this by combining two or more of the words you already know. Thus ahli (an expert) combines with keuangan (finance) to produce ahli keuangan (an expert on financial matters, a financial adviser). Here are more examples of this. (You may be able to add more occupations to this list.) AHLI ahli bahasa ahli cuaca ahli hukum ahli ilmu ekonomi ahli ilmu kimia ahli ilmu politik ahli keuangan ahli komputer ahli matematika ahli pertanian ahli sastra ahli sejarah ahli teknik mesin DOSEN dosen matematika dosen sosiologi dosen ilmu ekonomi dosen bahasa Inggris GURU guru bahasa Indonesia / Prancis, etc. guru ilmu pengetahuan guru sekolah dasar PEMAIN pemain bola voli pemain bulu tangkis / badminton pemain film pemain sepak bola pemain tenis pemain musik PENGUSAHA pengusaha restoran / rumah makan pengusaha toko roti pengusaha mobil pengusaha komputer pengusaha barang elektronik TUKANG tukang becak tukang kayu tukang kebun tukang listrik tukang masak SOPIR sopir bemo sopir bus sopir mobil Lesson 73 sopir taksi sopir truk sopir angkot KARYAWAN karyawan bank karyawan biro pariwisata karyawan hotel karyawan laboratorium karyawan museum karyawan pabrik karyawan pasar swalayan karyawan toko buku guru sekolah menengah PEGAWAI pegawai kantor imigrasi pegawai kantor sensus pegawai negeri pegawai pemerintah pegawai perpustakaan SEKRETARIS sekretaris gedung apartemen sekretaris kantor sekretaris perusahaan pakaian sekretaris organisasi guru sekolah You can talk in more general terms about the work that you – or someone else – can do, or would like to do. For example you can talk about where. Jepang / Prancis etc. kantor pemerintah sekolah menengah stasiun televisi taman nasional warung kopi perusahaan komputer toko pakaian laboratorium Mereka pabrik mobil Saya ingin bekerja di usaha tani Bapak Sunarto bekerja di rumah sakit Ibu Smith universitas surat kabar majalah berita kebun buah kebun kopi sawah hutan luar negeri Lesson 73 You can also talk about the particular field (bidang) you work in, or would like to work in. hukum olahraga pembangunan ilmu pengetahuan Mereka komputer Saya ingin bekerja di bidang kedokteran Bapak Sunarto bekerja di bidang pendidikan Ibu Smith teknik pertanian bisnis pariwisata You can even talk about some of the vocational skills you possess, or would like to possess. memperbaiki mesin mobil Saya dapat menulis untuk surat kabar Saya sudah cukup pandai menjual HP dan komputer Saya ingin menjadi orang yang pandai bermain sepak bola Saya ingin belajar menyanyikan lagu pop membuat perabot Talking About Work Skills with Auxiliary Verbs and Adverbs You have already met and used auxiliary verbs that can help you talk about general capabilities and work skills. Among these are bisa and dapat. You can also “fine tune” information about skills by using adverbial phrases. In English, if you are discussing people’s capabilities you might use adverbs like “quickly”, “carefully”, “conscientiously” and so on. You will notice that these three words are derived from the adjectives “quick”, “careful” and “conscientious” with an “-ly” ending added. You can do a roughly similar thing with certain adjectives in Indonesian. The word dengan before these adjectives turns them into adverbs, more or less as “-ly” turns an adjective into an adverb in English. Adjective Adverb Adjective Adverb cepat quick dengan cepat quickly hati-hati careful dengan hati-hati carefully rajin conscientious dengan rajin conscientiously baik good dengan baik well Usually adverbs with dengan appear after a verb, towards the end of a sentence. Here are some examples of sentences using auxiliary verbs and adverbs. Lesson 73 Saya bisa mengetik dengan cepat. I can type quickly. Dia bermain dengan hati-hati. He is playing cautiously. Bapak Hadi dapat mengajar dengan baik. Mr Hadi can teach competently. Bapak Wibowo tidak bisa mengurus kantor dengan baik. Mr Wibowo can’t run an office efficiently. To this small armoury of resources you can add the following helper words sudah pandai sudah biasa sudah berani (to have learned to do something well, to be good at) (to be used to doing something) (to have the confidence now to do a certain thing) Each of these has negative transformations. belum pandai tidak pandai (to have not yet mastered a certain skill) (to be no good at doing a certain thing) belum biasa tidak biasa (to still feel uncomfortable about doing a certain thing) (to not normally do a certain thing, to not be in the habit of…) belum berani (to still lack the confidence to do a certain thing) (to decline/refuse to do something because you feel you don’t have the skills or you don’t have what it takes) tidak berani Study how these terms can be used in these model sentences. Saya sudah biasa bekerja pada hari Minggu. I’m used to working on Sundays Mereka belum pandai memakai komputer. They’re no good at using computers yet. Saya belum berani mengajar pada tingkat sekolah menengah. I don’t feel ready yet to teach at the secondary school level. Dulu Pak Imran belum pandai memakai traktor tetapi sekarang dia sudah pandai. Mr Imran used to lack the skills to drive a tractor, but now he is good at it. Dulu saya tidak biasa bekerja di restoran, tetapi sekarang saya sudah biasa. In the old days I wasn’t used to working in restaurants, but now I’m quite used to it. Apakah Anda berani bekerja jauh di gunung? Have you got what it takes to work way up in the mountains? Let’s sum up the resources you now have to talk about capabilities and accomplishments. dapat bisa pandai biasa berani dengan baik belum dapat belum bisa belum pandai belum biasa belum berani dengan rajin dengan cepat tidak dapat tidak bisa tidak pandai tidak biasa tidak berani dengan hati-hati Lesson 73 Awas!! There is a very common idiomatic exception to the dengan + adjective pattern given above, and that relates to use of the adjective keras. Basically keras means “hard” in the sense “not soft”. But like the word “hard” in English, keras can be used as an adverb with the meaning “energetically” or “vigorously”. When keras is used in this way it is not usually preceded by dengan. So there are the following idiomatic expressions which you should learn by heart. bekerja keras to work hard belajar keras to study hard berusaha keras to try hard Mau menjadi pengusaha kaya? Anda harus bekerja keras! Do you want to be a rich businessman? You’ve got to work hard! Dia lulus ujiannya bukan karena pandai tetapi karena dia belajar keras. She passed her exam not because she’s smart, but because she studied hard. Karena dia berusaha keras akhirnya dia berhasil. Because she tried hard, eventually she was successful. Exercise 73-01 As far back as Module 1 you practised responding to questions with an “echo answer”, that is saying “yes” or “no” to a question by echoing a key word in it. In this exercise, translate each sentence into good English, including the echo answer. Make sure your translations of the echo answers are in appropriate and idiomatic English. Here are two examples to get you going. Apakah Bapak sudah berani mengurus toko yang besar dan ramai? — Sudah. Do you have the confidence to run a big and busy shop? — Yes, I do. Apakah Ibu sudah biasa bekerja dengan orang asing? — Wah, maaf, belum. Are you used to working with foreigners? — Oh, sorry, no I’m not. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Apakah Bapak dapat membuat meja, kursi dan lemari dari kayu jati? — Dapat. Apakah Bapak sudah pandai memelihara ayam? — Sudah. Apakah Bapak bisa masuk sebelum jam enam pagi? — Wah, maaf, tidak bisa. Apakah Anda sudah biasa bekerja pada malam hari? — Sudah. Biasa sekali. Apakah Ibu mau menjual rokok dan minuman keras? — Mau. Apakah Anda sudah berani memperbaiki komputer Macintosh? — Wah... belum berani. Apakah Ibu sudah pandai berbahasa Inggris? — Sudah... sudah cukup pandai. Apakah Anda suka bekerja keras? — Suka, tentu saja suka. Apakah Ibu sudah biasa mengajar anak-anak tingkat SMA? — Belum. Gaji saya kecil, Pak. Bisa lebih besar? — Maaf, tidak bisa. Quizzing Someone About Their Work Experience and Skills With a fellow student, or your teacher/tutor, exchange details about work skills and experience. Before you begin, carefully review the material in this lesson — the names of occupations, the substitution tables that help you talk about vocational skills, the auxiliary words and adverbs you can use, and the “echo answers” you can use in responses to questions. Many – perhaps most – Lesson 73 of your sentences will have the verb bekerja in them but there are many other verbs you can use to talk in more specific terms about work skills and experience. Here are some of them. (Some vocabulary items are new. Check the vocabulary list if you don’t know their meanings.) berbahasa ____, berbicara, berdagang, berkebun, bermain, melakukan, memakai, membangun, membantu, membuat, memelihara, memperbaiki, mempunyai, menanam, mendidik, mengajar, mengatur, mengetik, mengurus, menjadi, menjual, menulis, menyanyi, menyanyikan To ask about work skills choose from among questions like these Anda sudah dapat melakukan pekerjaan apa? sudah pandai apa? sudah bisa bekerja di bidang apa? Anda mempunyai ketrampilan apa? dapat _____ sudah pandai _____ Apakah Anda (juga) pandai _____ sudah biasa _____ berani _____ To ask about work experience choose from among questions like these Bagaimana pengalaman kerja Anda? menjadi apa? Anda pernah bekerja di bidang apa? sudah pernah bekerja di bidang mana? bekerja sebagai apa? bekerja di ___ bekerja di bidang ___ Apakah Anda pernah menjadi ___ sudah pernah bekerja sebagai ___ mencari pekerjaan sebagai ___ Lesson 73 Tahun berapa Anda menjadi bekerja di Dulu Pada waktu itu Anda bekerja di mana? Waktu Anda tinggal di ___ Latihan 1—Kosa Kata Lalu Jodohkan kata-kata di sebelah kiri dengan terjemahannya di sebelah kanan. berapa kali fast, quick menyanyi assistant, maid bidang field of study pemain businessman/woman cepat furniture pembantu dancer cuaca hard penari diligent gaji how many times peneliti guest hati-hati salary pengusaha have ever keras skill rajin in what year keterampilan to be careful sudah pernah player perabot to take care of tahun berapa researcher mengurus weather tamu to sing a song Latihan 2—Bermacam-macam Pekerjaan Jodohkan pekerjaan di sebelah kiri dengan terjemahannya di sebelah kanan. 1. montir a. farmer 2. kepala desa b. teacher 3. guru c. university student 4. petani d. mechanic 5. dokter gigi e. waiter/waitress 6. mahasiswa f. engineer 7. pelayan g. journalist 8. wartawan h. village head 9. insinyur i. dentist Lesson 73 Latihan 3—Tata Bahasa Change the following base words into words with prefix pe- or peN-. Pay attention to the ber- and meN- verbs provided for your consideration. 1. dagang → orang yang berdagang ........................................................... 2. kerja → orang yang bekerja ........................................................... 3. latih → orang yang melatih ........................................................... 4. pimpin → orang yang memimpin ........................................................... 5. ajar → orang yang mengajar ........................................................... 6. ajar → orang yang belajar ........................................................... 7. kelola → orang yang mengelola ........................................................... 8. jual → orang yang menjual ........................................................... 9. tulis → orang yang menulis ........................................................... 10. nyanyi → orang yang menyanyi ........................................................... 11. tugas → orang yang bertugas ........................................................... 12. renang → orang yang berenang ........................................................... Latihan 4—Kata Majemuk Match the words in the two columns in such a way that they result in a new compound (kata majemuk). 1. ahli a. dasar 2. bahasa b. hukum 3. sekolah c. Jepang 4. taman d. negeri 5. pegawai e. nasional 6. rumah f. kabar 7. surat g. sakit 8. tukang h. truk 9. sopir i. becak Lesson 73 Latihan 5—Isian Lengkapi teks berikut dengan memilih kata yang tepat: belum pandai—berani mengajar— dapat melayani—dapat membuat—dengan cepat—dengan hati-hati—sudah biasa 1. Dia bermain __________. 2. Saya __________ bekerja pada hari Minggu. 3. Mereka __________ memakai komputer. 4. Apa Anda sudah __________ di universitas? 5. Para pelayan itu sudah __________ tamu dengan baik. 6. Apakah Bapak __________ meja, kursi dan lemari dari kayu jati? 7. Kartika bisa mengetik __________. Latihan 6—Rangkai Kata Urutkanlah kata-kata di bawah ini menjadi kalimat yang benar sesuai dengan arti: 1. “I’m used to working on Sundays.” Saya—bekerja—biasa—pada—sudah—hari—Minggu. 2. “I am not confident yet to teach at the secondary school level.” Saya—pada—mengajar—tingka—sekolah—berani—belum—menengah. 3. “Because she tried hard, eventually she was successful.” Karena—keras,—dia—akhirnya—berusaha—dia—berhasil. 4. “Have you ever been working as a soldier or a police officer?” Apakah—menjadi—pernah—tentara—atau—Anda—polisi? Lesson 73 Latihan 7—Teka Teki Silang (TTS) Mendatar: 3. leader 6. experience 7. singer 9. coach, trainer 10. writer, author 11. worker 12. cigarette 13. dealer, merchant Menurun: 1. be used to 2. not yet 4. to be a speaker of 5. seller, vendor 6. teacher 8. manager 9. functionary, officer, staffer Lesson 74 74 Pengalaman Kerja Aims • To practice using kali (for counting the occurrences of an event) and se- the abbreviated form of satu. • To rehearse a job interview, talking especially about work experience. Vocabulary Review Here are some of the frequent words used in this lesson that have appeared in previous lessons. Make sure that you remember their meanings. ama with kali times bikin to make mencari to look for, search cakep good looking mengajar to teach cuma only menyanyi to sing duit money milik owned by kasi give pengalaman experience kok though perusahaan a company lu you surat letter HP cell phone tempat kerja workplace udah already tugas duty lumayan not bad, pretty good gelar title How Many Times? To talk about the number of times an event is repeated you use kali (times). You refer to one-off events, i.e. single occurrences of an event, with sekali or satu kali (once). Sri bermain kartu tiga kali seminggu. Saya hanya bermain satu kali sebulan. Sri plays cards three times a week. I only play once a month. Biasanya Pak Mahmud berkunjung ke Australia dua kali setahun. Mr Mahmud usually visits Australia twice a year. Lesson 74 Dia bersembahyang lima kali sehari. She does does her prayers five times a day. To ask “how many times?” or “how often?” the interrogative phrase is berapa kali. Berapa kali setahun Pak Mahmud berkunjung ke Australia? How many times a year does Mr Mahmud visit Australia? Eh, Sri… kamu main kartu berapa kali seminggu? Hey Sri, how many times a week do you play cards? Sudah berapa kali Anda mengirim surat kepada PT Sumbawa Indah? How many times have you sent a letter to Sumbawa Indah Ltd.? Denny, udah berapa kali kamu ganti pacar, hah!? Denny, how often have you switched girlfriends, eh!? Se- in terms like sekali is a short form of satu. (Actually, to be pedantic, se- is probably derived from the archaic word esa which meant “one”.) Se- can be used in many other contexts where it means “per (one ____)” or “a” or “each”. Gaji saya enam puluh ribu rupiah sehari. My wages are sixty thousand rupiah per day Dia bekerja lima hari seminggu. She works five days a week. Harganya tiga ribu rupiah sekilo. It costs three thousand rupiah per kilo. Mohon Perhatian!! We have already seen that “one hundred” is seratus, never *satu ratus. Similarly “ten” is sepuluh, never *satu puluh, and “one thousand” is seribu, never (or very rarely) *satu ribu. But for “one million” it is just as common to hear satu juta as it is to hear sejuta. Similarly, when you are counting people satu orang seems to be just as common as seorang, and when you want to say “once”, satu kali is just as common as sekali. Untuk berapa orang? For how many people? Berapa juta rupiah? How many million rupiah? Berapa kali setahun? How many times a year? Untuk satu orang saja / Untuk seorang saja. For just one. Kira-kira sejuta. / Kira-kira satu juta. Around one million. Hanya satu kali. / Hanya sekali. Just once. Exercise 74-01 Answer each of these questions with a complete sentence in Indonesian. The first five questions are in formal standard Indonesian, the second five are in informal or slangy Indonesian as spoken in many parts of Java. Your answers should echo the formality or informality of the ques- Lesson 74 tions. Check these model questions and answers before doing the exercise. (And check this lesson’s vocabulary list for any new informal words you don’t know.) Pertanyaan: Jawaban: Pertanyaan: Jawaban: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Berapa kali setahun Anda pulang ke rumah orang tua? How many times a year do you go back to your parent’s place? Biasanya saya pulang dua kali setahun. Usually I go home twice a year. Asih, katanya kamu sering nyanyi di televisi. Udah berapa kali sih? Asih, I hear you’ve been singing a lot on television. How many times? Ah, nggak sering kok. Cuma dua kali aja. Oh, not a lot at all. Just twice. Berapa kali seminggu Anda pergi ke kampus? Berapa gaji Anda sejam? Berapa kali sebulan Anda membantu Ibu Nur? Berapa harga ikan ini sekilo? Berapa kali setahun ada ujian? Wah… nasi gorengmu nggak enak. Sama sekali nggak enak! Udah berapa kali sih kamu bikin nasi goreng? Pacarmu cakep. Udah berapa kali kamu nonton ama dia? Udah berapa kali kamu ketemu ama cewek dari Amerika itu? Kamu ngomong Inggris udah lumayan banget. Udah berapa kali kamu jalan-jalan ke Australi? Berapa kali sebulan kamu kasi duit sama adikmu? Describing Work Experience When you are interviewed for a job, as well as giving personal details and describing your educational record, you will probably be asked to talk about your previous work experience. You can talk about the previous occupation(s) you held, where you worked, what kinds of things you did, when and how long you worked at the place concerned, how much you were paid and why you left. Here is an example of what a job applicant might say when asked to talk about his/her previous employment. S aya pernah menjadi karyawan pabrik. Saya bekerja di pabrik alat-alat elektronik di Tangerang. Pabrik itu milik perusahaan PT Tenaga Kilat. Di pabrik itu saya bekerja memasang komponen HP. Pada waktu itu saya bekerja lima hari seminggu. Di samping itu kadang-kadang saya bekerja juga pada hari Sabtu. Saya bekerja di pabrik itu selama dua tahun, mulai bulan Maret tahun 2007 sampai bulan Juli tahun 2009. Gaji saya pada waktu itu dua juta seratus lima puluh ribu rupiah sebulan. Saya keluar dari pabrik itu karena keluarga saya pindah ke Yogyakarta. Now do Latihan 5–6 to check your understanding of this passage. After that, write your own work experience by doing the following exercise. Now read the passage below filling in the gaps. It is almost the same as the passage you just studied above, but you should fill in the blanks with different occupations, places, duties (tugas) Lesson 74 and so on, as indicated by the words in brackets. In fact, read the passage through several times, each time inserting different information in the blanks as you read. Saya pernah menjadi __[pekerjaan]__. Saya bekerja di __[tempat kerja]__ di ____[kota / propinsi / negara]__. Di __[tempat kerja]__ itu saya __[tugas yang Anda lakukan]__. Pada waktu itu saya bekerja __[angka]__ hari seminggu. Di samping itu kadangkadang saya bekerja juga pada __[nama hari]__. Saya bekerja di sana selama __[angka]__ tahun, mulai __[bulan dan tahun]__ sampai __[bulan dan tahun]__. Gaji saya pada waktu itu __[jumlah uang]__ sebulan. Saya keluar dari pekerjaan itu karena __[mengapa?]__. When you think you can recite this small narrative reasonably smoothly, turn away from the above text with all its written prompts and give a spoken description of your previous work experience from memory. Exercise 74-02 Imagine that you are an interviewer. What questions might you put to an applicant about his/her previous work experience? Complete each of the questions below (the first words in the question are provided). Refer to the descriptions of work experience above and in previous lessons for vocabulary and phrases that will help you complete the questions. 1. Apakah Anda pernah… 2. Dulu pekerjaan Anda… 3. Di mana… 4. Berapa hari… 5. Apakah Anda bekerja pada hari… 6. Berapa lama Anda… 7. Berapa gaji Anda… 8. Tahun berapa Anda keluar… 9. Mengapa… 10. Apakah Anda suka… Rehearsing Job Interview One of the keys to success in landing a job is thorough preparation for a job interview. In the advertisement below, an Indonesian company seeks to fill a variety of vacancies. Lesson 74 P.T. Sumbawa Indah Perusahaan kami mencari 1. Sopir Laki-laki berumur 18-40 tahun Bersedia bekerja pada malam hari Tidak pernah minum minuman keras 2. Sekretaris/ resepsionis perempuan berumur 18-35 tahun Sudah lulus akademi sekretaris bersedia bekerja di kantor kami di pusat kota Bima Pandai mengetik dan berbahasa Inggris 3. Tukang kebun Laki-laki atau perempuan Berumur 18-30 tahun Sudah lulus SMP 4. Karyawan pabrik alat-alat elektronik Perempuan belum kawin Berumur 16-25 tahun Bersedia bekerja pada hari Sabtu dan hari Minggu 5. Guru Sekolah Dasar Laki-laki atau perempuan Punya gelar dari Fakultas Pendidikan Berpengalaman mengajar paling kurang selama tiga tahun Bersedia mengajar di sekolah pabrik 6. Ahli komputer Laki-laki atau perempuan Berumur di bawah 25 tahun Punya gelar di bidang teknologi komputer Bersedia bekerja siang dan malam 7 hari seminggu Surat lamaran dan riwayat hidup mohon dikirim kepada Bapak Umar Hasan PT Sumbawa Indah Jl. Jendral Sudirman 53 Bima PT Sumbawa Indah “Bekerja Keras Untuk Keluarga Besar Sumbawa” Choose one of the jobs in the advertisement. Prepare a dossier or profile on yourself that will help you to impress the executives of Sumbawa Indah, and that you can refer to in a job interview. Your dossier should contain: personal details: name, address, place and date of birth, marital status, number of children (if any), hobbies and sports interests etc. your education: where, in what years, what subjects did you study, what subjects did you enjoy or were good at etc. Lesson 74 previous work experience: where, in what years, what kind of work did you do, why did you leave your previous job; why do you want to work at PT Sumbawa Indah, e.g. • you want to work in Sumbawa/Bima (why?) • you like the kind of work PT Sumbawa Indah has to offer (why?) • family reasons (why?) Ransack this lesson and previous lessons for vocabulary, phrases and ideas. Then rehearse your job interview with a fellow student or with your teacher/tutor. Your partner can begin by asking questions like those in Exercise 74-02 above. Repeat the rehearsal several times, each time improving your correctness, smoothing out fluency, adding details (especially details from your personal experience) and finding ways to demonstrate that you are the right person for the job. When you feel you have mastered the interview well, move on to another job from the Sumbawa Indah advertisement. Latihan 1—Kosa Kata Lalu Jodohkan kosa kata informal di sebelah kiri dengan ragam formalnya di sebelah kanan. ama hanya duit memberi bikin sudah kasi cukup cakep membuat kok uang cuma cantik lu kenapa udah bersama lumayan kamu Latihan 2—Menyimak Jodohkan Rekaman 074-01 dengan terjemahannya di sebelah kanan. 1. a. How many times have you fixed the car? 2. b. He goes to the night club three times a week. 3. c. How many times in a year do you go to Manado? 4. d. I usually go back to Bandung twice a month. 5. e. How many times in a month do you eat in a restaurant? 6. f. How many times have you sung on television? 7. g. How much are these three tables? 8. h. Who always swims in the river five times a week? Lesson 74 Latihan 3—Pertanyaan dan Jawaban Jodohkan Rekaman 074-02 dengan jawabannya di sebelah kanan. 1. a. Lima kali sebulan. Saya membantu Ibu Nur mencuci dan memasak. 2. b. Harganya Rp.30.000,00 sekilo. 3. c. Biasanya setahun empat kali. 4. d. Saya jalan-jalan ke Australia lima kali dalam setahun. 5. e. Tiga kali. Saya ada kuliah hari Senin, Rabu, dan Jumat. 6. f. Dua kali. Kami menonton Eclipse dan Inception. 7. g. Ini pertama kali saya memasak nasi goreng. 8. h. Biasanya saya dibayar Rp.50.000,00 sejam. Latihan 4—Pemahaman Bacalah teks “Pengalaman Kerja.” di atas dan jawablah pertanyaan-pertanyaan berikut sesuai dengan bacaan. 1. Apakah sekarang penulis masih bekerja sebagai karyawan pabrik? A. Iya, dia masih bekerja sebagai karyawan pabrik. B. Tidak, dia tidak lagi bekerja sebagai karyawan pabrik. 2. Penulis bekerja di pabrik miliknya sendiri. A. Benar. Dia bekerja di PT Tenaga Kilat. B. Salah. Dia tidak bekerja di perusahaan miliknya sendiri. C. Benar. Dia bekerja di perusahaan miliknya sendiri. D. Salah. Dia tidak bekerja di PT Tenaga Kilat. 3. Dia tidak pernah bekerja pada akhir minggu (weekend). A. Benar. Dia selalu bekerja lima hari seminggu. B. Benar. Dia tidak pernah bekerja pada hari Minggu. C. Salah. Dia kadang-kadang bekerja pada hari Sabtu. D. Salah. Dia tidak pernah bekerja pada akhir minggu. 4. Apakah penulis tahu cara memasang komponen HP? A. Iya. Penulis tahu bagaimana cara memasang komponen HP. B. Tidak. Penulis tidak tahu bagaimana cara memasang komponen HP. 5. Penulis berhenti bekerja karena apa? A. Karena dia sudah tidak mau bekerja di sana. B. Karena dia mendapat pekerjaan lain. C. Karena dia pindah kota. D. Karena dia sudah tua. Lesson 74 Latihan 5—Pengalaman Kerja Lengkapilah teks berikut sesuai dengan Rekaman 074-03. Saya pernah menjadi karyawan pabrik. Saya __________ di pabrik alat-alat elektronik di Tangerang. Pabrik itu milik __________ PT Tenaga Kilat. Di pabrik itu saya bekerja memasang komponen __________. Pada waktu itu saya bekerja lima hari __________. Di samping itu kadang-kadang saya bekerja juga pada hari Sabtu. Saya bekerja di pabrik itu __________ dua tahun, mulai bulan Maret tahun 2007 sampai bulan Juli tahun 2009. __________ saya pada waktu itu dua juta seratus lima puluh ribu rupiah sebulan. Saya keluar dari __________ itu karena keluarga saya pindah ke Yogyakarta. Latihan 6—The Prefix SeTranslate the following English words into Indonesian. 1. Mereka punya (one hundred) kambing. 2. Dia tinggal di rumah nomor (ten). 3. Dia masih punya uang (one thousand) rupiah. 4. Kakek memberi saya uang (one million) rupiah. 5. Ada (a person) yang sedang duduk di sana. 6. Kami pulang ke Indonesia (once) setahun. 7. Dia akan tinggal di sana selama (a week). 8. (a kilogram) gula harganya sembilan ribu rupiah. Latihan 7—Isian Lengkapi teks berikut dengan memilih kata yang tepat: angka—bercerita—berpengalaman— bersedia—cewek—diganti—dua kali—jumlah—kartu—ngomong—nyanyi—tukang kebun 1. Banyak orang takut dengan __________ 2. Nenek suka __________ tentang hidupnya waktu masih muda. 3. Dono sudah menjadi sopir selama 10 tahun. Dia sopir __________. 4. Apakah Bapak __________ bekerja pada malam hari? 5. Lihat! Di sana ada __________ cantik. 6. Adik berenang __________ seminggu, hari Senin dan hari Kamis. 7. Kursi ini sudah rusak. Harus cepat __________. Lesson 74 8. __________ uang saya sampai hari ini Rp.8.000.000,9. Toni bermain __________ bersama teman-temannya setiap hari. 10. Kamu suka __________ nggak? -- Suka. Aku paling suka nyanyi lagu pop. 11. Kamu nggak boleh __________ begitu. Nggak sopan! 12. Keluarga itu sedang mencari seorang __________. 13. Banyak orang takut dengan __________ 13. Latihan 8—Rangkai Kata Urutkanlah kata-kata berikut ini menjadi kalimat yang baik sesuai dengan arti di bawah ini: 1. “I used to work as a secretary.” Saya—bekerja—sebagai—pernah—sekretaris. 2. “At that time I worked five days a week.” Pada—lima—hari—bekerja—saya—waktu—itu—seminggu. 3. “Mr Mahmud usually visits Australia twice a year.” Biasanya—ke—Australia—dua—berkunjung—Pak Mahmud—kali—setahun. 4. “How much is your monthly salary?” Berapa—Anda—gaji—sebulan? 5. “I usually play badminton three times a week.” Saya—biasanya—bulu tangkis—main—kali—tiga—seminggu. Latihan 9—Teka Teki Silang (TTS) Mendatar: 1. card 5. a young woman (colloquial) 6. to replace, to change (colloquial) 8. once 10. to install something 11. amount, the number of 12. to sing (colloquial) Menurun: 2. figures, digits, numbers 3. experienced 4. be willing to do sth 7. to tell a story 9. to say, to talk (colloquial) Lesson 75 75 Wawancara Melamar Pekerjaan Aims • To practice preparing the paperwork for a job application. • To role play a job interview, covering personal details, education, previous work experience and the etiquette of beginning and ending the interview. Vocabulary Review Here are some of the frequent words used in this lesson that have appeared in previous lessons. Make sure that you remember their meanings. atas for (preposition) perlu necessary bersedia be willing to perusahaan a company bertanya to ask a question riwayat hidup curriculum vitae gaji salary sebagai as, like karyawan employee, worker selesai finish keterangan information surat kabar newspaper menerima to accept, to receive tertarik interested o ya oh well terus-terang honestly, frankly para plural marker (people) tugas duty Interview Preliminaries: A Letter and an Application Form Before you are interviewed for a job you must make a formal application. The application process will probably require you to write a letter of application. It may look something like this. (Check this lesson’s vocabulary cards for the meanings of unfamiliar words.) Kepada yang terhormat: Bpk Umar Hasan, Kepala PT Sumbawa Indah, Jl Jenderal Sudirman 53, Bima, NTB Waingapu, 31 Agustus 2010 Lesson 75 Dengan hormat, Saya tertarik pada iklan Bapak dalam surat kabar Suara Bangsa tgl 29 Agustus 2010. Saya ingin melamar pekerjaan sebagai sekretaris di perusahaan Bapak. Dengan surat ini saya juga mengirim riwayat hidup saya. Apakah saya dapat bertemu dengan Bapak di kantor untuk berbicara lebih jauh tentang pekerjaan itu? Terima kasih atas perhatian Bapak. Hormat saya, Sarah Hendrikus The letter mentions a riwayat hidup. A typical short riwayat hidup could look like this. This is a copy of an authentic riwayat hidup form. There are several terms in it that you need to know to understand the document, but probably you don’t need to remember for active use, at least not for the moment. So they don’t appear in the vocabulary list for this lesson. They are: bangsa nation, nationality; berijasah holding a qualification; bersangkutan (the person) concerned; buat make, made; coret cross out; daftar list; demikianlah thus; memasuki to enter; menerangkan to state, to declare; persiapan preparation; sampai dengan up to and including; sarjana muda Bachelors degree; sebenarnya truly; sesungguhnya truly, honestly; tamatan a graduate (of) Exercise 75-01 Examine the letter of application for a job above. Write it out as if you were writing the letter, and make ten changes in the letter (names, dates, places, the kind of job). Then go to the Daftar Riwayat Hidup and insert ten items of information relating to yourself at the appropriate places in the document. Lesson 75 Mohon Perhatian!! There are many thousands of acronyms and abbreviations in everyday use in modern Indonesian, and the list grows daily. Sometimes abbreviations are followed by periods / full stops (as they usually are in English) but very often – and increasingly – they are not. The two documents above have a few of the most common. Bpk Bapak Mr (in personal names) PT Perseroan Terbatas limited liability company Jln Jalan street (in addresses) tgl tanggal date/dated NTB Nusa Tenggara Barat West Nusa Tenggara (a province) NTT Nusa Tenggara Timur East Nusa Tenggara (a province) s/d sampai dengan up to and including, through For a very short introduction to the vast world of acronyms and abbreviations in Indonesian see George Quinn’s Learner’s Dictionary of Today’s Indonesian p.1089. Many common acronyms and abbreviations are listed as headwords in A Comprehensive Indonesian-English Dictionary by Alan M. Stevens and A. Ed. Schmidgall-Tellings, and in Kamus Indonesia Inggris An Indonesian-English Dictionary by John M. Echols and Hassan Shadily. There are several good dictionaries devoted exclusively to acronyms and abbreviations, among them Kamus Akronim Inisialisme dan Singkatan by Parsidi, and Kamus Singkatan dan Akronim Baru dan Lama by Ateng Winarno. The official Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia has an extensive appendix listing common acronyms and abbreviations with their expanded forms. Dialogue Pak Agus is applying for a job as a driver at PT Niaga Perkasa, a small trading office. Mrs. Nurida invited him for a job interview. Before you listen to the interview in Sound File 075-01, write down, in Indonesian, what you think Mrs. Nurida is most likely to ask him. Pak Agus Bu Nurida Permisi, Bu. Boleh saya masuk? Silakan, silakan. Bapak mau bertemu dengan siapa? Dengan Ibu. Saya ingin berbicara dengan Ibu tentang lamaran yang sudah saya kirim kepada Ibu. O ya. Memang. Saya sudah menerima surat Bapak. Bapak mencari pekerjaan sebagai sopir, ya? Betul, Bu. Saya sudah bicara dengan Ibu melalui telepon kemarin. Ibu minta saya datang hari ini untuk bertemu dengan Ibu. O ya. Betul. Maaf, Pak. Saya lupa Bapak akan datang pagi ini. Silakan duduk. Lesson 75 Terima kasih, Bu. Apakah Ibu sudah membaca riwayat hidup dan informasi yang lain dalam surat lamaran saya? Sudah, Pak. Tetapi saya mau bertanya dulu tentang pendidikan Bapak. Apakah Bapak tamat Sekolah Menengah Atas? Tidak, Bu. Saya pernah belajar di tingkat sekolah menengah di SMA Guna Utama di Bandung pada tahun 1995, tetapi saya tidak tamat. Apakah Bapak belajar bahasa Inggris pada waktu itu? Ya, Bu. Saya mengambil mata pelajaran bahasa Inggris dan ilmu ekonomi. Apakah Bapak lulus bahasa Inggris dengan hasil yang baik? Saya lulus bahasa Inggris, Bu, tetapi hasil saya kurang bagus. Saya dapat berbahasa Inggris, tetapi terus terang, Bu, bahasa Inggris saya masih kurang baik. O begitu. Lalu, sebelum Bapak melamar pekerjaan di perusahaan ini, di mana Bapak bekerja? Saya menjadi sopir untuk seorang asing selama tiga tahun. Sesudah itu saya bekerja sebagai sopir bis selama dua tahun. Tahun yang lalu saya menjadi sopir taksi. O begitu. Lalu, mengapa Bapak tidak lagi mengendarai taksi sekarang? Karena saya tidak suka bekerja pada malam hari, Bu. Hmmm. Apakah Bapak bersedia bekerja pada hari Sabtu dan hari Minggu? Bersedia, Bu. Bersedia sekali. Kalau perlu, saya dapat bekerja tujuh hari seminggu. Bagus. Sekarang, apakah Bapak mau bertanya kepada saya tentang pekerjaan ini? Ya. Terima kasih. Saya ingin bertanya, kalau Ibu menerima saya, apa tugas saya nanti? Apa yang harus saya lakukan? Bapak harus mengendarai mobil kantor. Bapak juga harus membersihkan dan merawat mobil itu dengan baik. O begitu. Baik. Saya kira saya dapat melakukan tugas itu. O ya, jam berapa saya harus masuk setiap hari? Biasanya para sopir masuk kira-kira jam tujuh pagi, dan pulang kira-kira jam lima sore. O ya, Bapak minta gaji berapa? Aduh, Bu. Terserah Ibu. Saya tidak pernah berpikir tentang gaji, asal saja saya dapat bekerja. Baik. Saya kira sudah cukup, Pak. Saya akan mengirim surat kepada Bapak besok tentang pekerjaan ini. Terima kasih, Bu. Saya minta diri dulu. Permisi. Now check your understanding of this dialogue by doing Latihan 4–5. Role Play: An Interview for a Job You have a host of resources from this lesson, Lesson 74, and other lessons that you can use to help you role play a job interview. Choose an occupation, for example sekretaris, dokter, karya- Lesson 75 wan toko, dosen, pegawai kantor, sopir bis, guru sekolah menengah, insinyur, tukang kebun, karyawan pabrik, tukang masak. With a fellow student, or with your teacher/tutor, conduct an extended, detailed interview for a job. Adapt the dialogue above to the occupation you choose and borrow plenty of material from previous lessons. Flesh out your characterisation by adding your own, very personal, touches, making sure that the language you use is scrupulously correct. Repeat the role play several times, fleshing it out and adding more personal detail with each repetition while striving for greater correctness and smoothness. Then swap roles with your partner. When you feel satisfied that you can play both roles well and can sustain the interview for an extended times, choose a new occupation (and perhaps a new identity for yourself and your partner) and repeat the interview again. Latihan 1—Kosa Kata Lalu 1 Jodohkan kata-kata di sebelah kiri dengan terjemahannya di sebelah kanan. gaji declaration surat kabar to receive, to accept keterangan salary terus-terang newspaper selesai as tugas interested in para curriculum vitae bersedia to ask a question perusahaan plural marker bertanya be willing to riwayat hidup company menerima to be honest sebagai finished tertarik task, duties Latihan 2—Surat Lamaran 1. What of the following is included in the above letter? Select 5 (five). A. Nomor telepon pengirim surat B. Nama penerima surat C. Isi surat D. Riwayat hidup pengirim E. Nama pengirim F. Ucapan terima kasih G. Nomor telepon penerima surat H. Tempat dan tanggal surat I. Alamat pengirim surat Latihan 3—Isian Tulis kepanjangan (long form) dari singkatan dan akronim berikut: 1. Kepada yang terhormat: Bpk. Agus Winarno. Bpk: ..................................................... 2. Dia tinggal di Jl. Katamso. Jl: ........................................................ Lesson 75 3. Saya lahir pada tgl 16 November. tgl: ....................................................... 4. Mereka bekerja di PT. Kencana Laksana. PT: ....................................................... 5. Kami akan bekerja di sana s/d bulan Juli. s/d: ...................................................... 6. Anak itu berasal dari NTT. NTT: .................................................... 7. Lusi akan pergi ke NTB minggu depan. NTB: .................................................... Latihan 4—Pemahaman Bacalah percakapan antara Pak Agus dan Ibu Nurida dalam “Wawancara Melamar Pekerjaan” lalu jawab pertanyaan berikut. 1. Apakah Ibu Nurida tahu bahwa Pak Agus akan datang hari ini? A. Iya, dia tahu karena dia kepala perusahaan itu. B. Tidak, dia tidak tahu karena dia tidak tahu Pak Agus. C. Iya, dia tahu tapi dia lupa. D. Tidak, dia tidak tahu tapi dia kenal Pak Agus. 2. Pak Agus bertemu dengan Ibu Nurida untuk apa? A. Untuk memberikan surat lamaran pekerjaan. B. Untuk bertanya apakah di perusahaan itu ada lowongan pekerjaan. C. Untuk mengobrol dengan Ibu Nurida. D. Untuk wawancara pekerjaan. 3. Apakah Pak Agus pernah kuliah? A. Iya, dia pernah kuliah. B. Tidak, dia tidak pernah kuliah. C. Tidak ada dalam teks. 4. Pak Agus sudah pernah bekerja berapa lama? A. lima tahun B. kurang dari lima tahun C. lebih dari lima tahun 5. Apakah Pak Agus bisa bekerja setiap hari? D. Iya, dia bisa bekerja setiap hari apalagi malam hari. E. Iya, dia bisa bekerja setiap hari. F. Tidak, dia tidak bisa bekerja setiap hari. G. Tidak, dia tidak bisa bekerja setiap hari apalagi malam hari. 6. Apakah Pak Agus sudah tahu tugasnya sebelum dia bertemu Ibu Nurida? A. Iya, dia sudah tahu tugasnya. B. Belum, dia belum tahu tugasnya. 7. Apakah Pak Agus jadi bekerja di perusahaan itu? A. Iya, dia diterima bekerja di perusahaan itu. B. Tidak, dia tidak diterima di perusahaan itu. C. Tidak ada dalam teks. Lesson 75 Latihan 5—Isian Lengkapi teks berikut dengan memilih kata yang tepat: bersedia—kira—lamaran—lulus—lupa—mata—melakukan—melalui—mengendarai— pendidikan—riwayat hidup—selama—tentang—terserah—terus terang—tugas Permisi, Bu. Boleh saya masuk? Silakan, silakan. Bapak mau bertemu dengan siapa? Dengan Ibu. Saya ingin berbicara dengan Ibu tentang ________ yang sudah saya kirim kepada Ibu. O ya. Memang. Saya sudah menerima surat Bapak. Bapak mencari pekerjaan sebagai sopir, ya? Betul, Bu. Saya sudah bicara dengan Ibu __________ telepon kemarin. Ibu minta saya datang hari ini untuk bertemu dengan Ibu. O ya. Betul. Maaf, Pak. Saya __________ Bapak akan datang pagi ini. Silakan duduk. Terima kasih Bu. Apakah Ibu sudah membaca __________ dan informasi yang lain dalam surat lamaran saya? Sudah, Pak. Tetapi saya mau bertanya dulu tentang __________ Bapak. Apakah Bapak tamat Sekolah Menengah Atas? Tidak, Bu. Saya pernah belajar di tingkat sekolah menengah di SMA Guna Utama di Bandung pada tahun 1995, tetapi saya tidak tamat. Apakah Bapak belajar bahasa Inggris pada waktu itu? Ya, Bu. Saya mengambil pelajaran bahasa Inggris dan ilmu ekonomi. Apakah Bapak lulus bahasa Inggris dengan hasil yang baik? Saya __________ bahasa Inggris, Bu, tetapi hasil saya kurang bagus. Saya dapat berbahasa Inggris, tetapi __________, Bu, bahasa Inggris saya masih kurang baik. O begitu. Lalu, sebelum Bapak melamar pekerjaan di perusahaan ini, di mana Bapak bekerja? Saya menjadi sopir untuk seorang asing __________ tiga tahun. Sesudah itu saya bekerja sebagai sopir bis selama dua tahun. Tahun yang lalu saya menjadi sopir taksi. Lesson 75 O begitu. Lalu, mengapa Bapak tidak lagi __________ taksi sekarang? Karena saya tidak suka bekerja pada malam hari, Bu. Hmmm. Apakah Bapak __________ bekerja pada hari Sabtu dan hari Minggu? Bersedia, Bu. Bersedia sekali. Kalau perlu, saya dapat bekerja tujuh hari seminggu. Bagus. Sekarang, apakah Bapak mau bertanya kepada saya tentang pekerjaan ini? Ya. Terima kasih. Saya ingin bertanya, kalau Ibu menerima saya, apa _______ saya nanti? Apa yang harus saya lakukan? Bapak harus mengendarai mobil kantor. Bapak juga harus membersihkan dan merawat mobil itu dengan baik. O begitu. Baik. Saya kira saya dapat __________ tugas itu. O ya, jam berapa saya harus masuk setiap hari? Biasanya para sopir masuk kira-kira jam tujuh pagi, dan pulang kira-kira jam lima sore. O ya, Bapak minta gaji berapa? Aduh, Bu. __________ Ibu. Saya tidak pernah berpikir tentang gaji, asal saja saya dapat bekerja. Baik. Saya __________ sudah cukup, Pak. Saya akan mengirim surat kepada Bapak besok __________ pekerjaan ini. Terima kasih, Bu. Permisi dulu. Latihan 6—Kosa Kata Jodohkan kata-kata di sebelah kiri dengan terjemahannya di sebelah kanan. asal head bersedia up to [you] iklan advertisement menerima interested kepala attention perusahaan duty, task lupa on condition that terserah be willing to melalui to drive tertarik accept mengendarai to forget tugas company perhatian by, through wawancara interview Lesson 75 Latihan 7—Rangkai Kata Urutkanlah kata-kata di bawah ini menjadi kalimat yang benar. 1. “I want to apply for a job in your company.” Saya—perusahaan—melamar—ingin—pekerjaan—di—Bapak. 2. “Did you pass with a good mark?” Apakah—dengan—yang—lulus—Bapak—nilai*—baik? 3. “Did you complete high school?” Apakah—menengah—sekolah—tamat—Bapak—atas? 4. “What task should I do?” Tugas—apa—saya—harus—yang—kerjakan**? 5. “Are you willing to work on Saturdays and Sundays?” Apakah—Bapak—bekerja—bersedia—hari Sabtu—pada—dan—hari Minggu? 6. “Have you ever worked as a driver?” Apakah—Bapak—sebagai—bekerja—pernah—sopir? *nilai = grade **do, carry out Lesson 76 76 Memilih Karyawan Baru Aims • To practise using several important terms to make comparisons and judgements • To role play a job interview and debate the merits of the applicants for a job. Vocabulary Review Here are some of the frequent words used in this lesson that have appeared in previous lessons. Make sure that you remember their meanings. ahli expert masyarakat community, society berpengalaman be experienced memelihara to keep, take care of bersedia be willing to memilih to choose bidang field of study memimpin to lead cucu grandchild mengendarai to drive a car, to ride kalah defeated pembantu assistant, maid kambing goat sulit difficult keren cool, stylish tugas duty, task kesehatan health umum general, public More on Making Comparisons and Judgements The Indonesian Way has already provided you with a box of language tools that you can use to make comparisons and judgements. Let’s bring out the main items in this toolbox and review them in brief. The key words are lebih, terlalu, kalah, kurang, cukup, sama and paling. Lebih (more, -er) Saya kira Pak Wayan lebih ahli. I think Mr. Wayan is more expert. Ibu Maria lebih tua daripada Saudara Nur. Mrs. Maria is older than Miss Nur. Ada lebih banyak orang di desa Simpang daripada di desa Baun. There are more people in the village of Simpang than in the village of Baun. Pak Wayan sudah tua tetapi Pak Dendy lebih tua lagi. Mr. Wayan is old, but Mr. Dendy is even older. Lesson 76 Terlalu (too) Saya kira Saudara Nur terlalu muda. I think Miss Nur is too young. Dia berbicara terlalu banyak! He talks too much! Kalah (to lose, to be defeated, to lose out in comparison with…) Menurut pendapat saya Ibu Maria kalah dengan Pak Dendy. In my opinion, Mrs. Maria is not as good as Mr. Dendy. Sebagai pegawai kantor, Pak Wayan sama sekali tidak kalah dengan Bu Maria. As an office worker, Mr. Wayan is in no way inferior to Mrs. Maria. Ibu Maria kalah cepatnya dengan Pak Wayan. Mrs. Maria is not as quick as Mr. Wayan. Yusuf tidak kalah pintar dengan Agus. Yusuf is by no means less smart than Agus. Kurang (not _____ enough, not really ______) Ibu Maria kurang berpengalaman kalau dibandingkan dengan Pak Dendy. Mrs. Maria is not experienced enough compared with Mr. Dendy. Menurut saya, Pak Dendy kurang pandai mengurus keuangan. In my opinion, Mr. Dendy is not really good at handling finances. Cukup (quite, fairly) Dia menulis buku informasi tentang kesehatan masyarakat yang cukup berguna. He/She has written a book of information on public health that is quite useful. Tugas ini cukup sulit. This task is fairly difficult. Sama (the same, just as _____ as) Saya kira bekerja di desa dan bekerja di kota hampir sama. I think working in the country and working in the city are almost the same. Pak Wayan sama ahlinya dengan Bu Maria. Mr. Wayan is just as expert as Mrs. Maria. Paling (the most ______, more than anything else) Siapa yang paling rajin, Pak Wayan atau Bu Maria? Who is the most conscientious, Mr. Wayan or Mrs. Maria? Sdr Nur paling suka bekerja dengan anak kecil. Miss Nur likes working with children more than anything else. Saya memilih Saudara Nur. Dia yang paling ramah! I am choosing Miss Nur. She is the most friendly! Paling sedikit harus ada dua orang yang melakukan tugas ini. There needs to be at least two people who do this job. Lesson 76 Exercise 76-01 Translate these English sentences into good, succinct, standard Indonesian. Each of them will use at least one of the words lebih, terlalu, kalah, kurang, cukup, sama or paling. The sentences will echo (but they are not exactly the same as) the model sentences you have studied above. So if you are in doubt, take another look at the model sentences. One or other of them will help you to frame your answer. 1. There are more primary schools in the city of Medan than in the city of Bukittinggi. 2. This village is too quiet. 3. She is asking for a wage of at least 500,000 a month. 4. He drinks too much alcohol! 5. People say Mr. Wayan is not as good as Mr. Dendy. 6. Mr. Dendy is not expert enough by comparison with Mr. Wayan. 7. Mr. Dendy is happiest taking care of the office finances. 8. Mr. Wayan is better at handling finances than Pak Dendy. 9. Mr. Dendy is just as conscientious as Bu Maria. 10. This work is fairly easy. 11. Miss Nur is not as good as Ibu Maria. 12. I think Mrs. Maria is more experienced. 13. I think teaching in primary school and teaching in secondary school are almost the same. 14. I think Mr. Dendy is too old. 15. I think Miss Nur is the best. 16. In my opinion, Mr. Dendy is not really able to manage sick people. 17. Miss Nur gives assistance that is quite useful. 18. Miss Nur is always cautious, but Mr. Dendy is even more cautious. 19. As a midwife Mrs. Maria is in no way inferior to Miss Nur. 20. Who is the quickest, Miss Nur or Pak Dendy? Role Play: Assessing the Applicants for a Job This role play revolves around the assessment of applicants for a job. The vacancy (lowongan) is for the head of a Community Health Centre (Kepala Pusat Kesehatan Masyarakat or Puskesmas) in the small (fictional) village of Simpang in a remote, inland part of Aceh – the province at the northern tip of Sumatra. Here is the advertisement for the position. Lowongan. Pemerintah Provinsi Aceh mencari seorang kepala Pusat Kesehatan Masyarakat (Puskesmas) untuk desa Simpang, 150 kilometer di sebelah selatan kota Banda Aceh. Tugas: ➢ memimpin Puskesmas di desa Simpang ➢ mengurus keuangan Puskesmas ➢ memimpin dan mengatur karyawan Puskesmas Lesson 76 ➢ memilih dan membeli alat-alat kedokteran ➢ membantu dokter-dokter yang bekerja di Puskesmas ➢ memberikan informasi tentang kesehatan kepada orang desa Simpang Gaji: Tergantung pada ijazah dan pengalaman And here are the details of the four applicants who have made it to the short list. Nama Maria Kristanti (Ibu Maria) Nurul Qomar (Sdr Nur) Dendy Sukmono (Pak Dendy) I Wayan Sastra (Pak Wayan) Jenis Kelamin Agama Tempat lahir Umur Status Perkawinan perempuan perempuan laki-laki laki-laki Katolik Jakarta 30 Belum kawin Islam Meulaboh, Aceh 20 Belum kawin Islam Jogjakarta, Jawa 64 Sudah kawin, punya enam anak dan tujuh cucu Belum pernah kuliah di universitas, tetapi pernah belajar di akademi hukum laut (tidak lulus) Sarjana Muda Kesehatan Masyarakat (tahun 1980) Hindu Tabanan, Bali 40 Sudah kawin, punya tiga anak kecil berumur tiga tahun, dua tahun dan delapan bulan Dokter Hewan (Universitas Monash, Melbourne) Pernah bekerja selama enam bulan di pusat kesehatan masyarakat di Sorong, Papua sebagai pembantu bidan. Pernah bekerja selama 30 tahun di pusat kesehatan masyarakat di desa Baun, pulau Timor. Gelar / ijazah / tingkat pendidikan Sarjana kesehatan umum UI (lulus dengan hasil yang sangat baik, skripsi tentang administrasi proyek kesehatan) Pengalaman Pernah bekerja kerja sebagai kepala seksi kesehatan mahasiswa di kantor administrasi Universitas Indonesia selama dua tahun Pernah menjadi kepala pusat penyakit kuda di Melbourne selama tiga tahun. Selama empat tahun menjadi karyawan di laboratorium kesehatan masyarakat di Denpasar. Ketrampilan Pandai berbahasa Pandai berbahasa Pandai mengurus Pandai memelihara khusus / hobi Inggris. Suka Aceh. Suka keuangan kantor. kuda, sapi, kambing memakai pakaian membaca AlBerpengalaman dan ayam. Senang model baru yang Qur’an. Suka selama 30 tahun tinggal di desa. Suka keren. Suka ke membaca buku melayani orang desa menonton film horor. salon kecantikan. tentang sejarah dan membantu para Pandai berbahasa Islam. dokter. Inggris. Kekurangan Belum pernah Belum dapat Belum pandai Karena punya tiga melakukan mengendarai memakai komputer. anak kecil, tidak pekerjaan yang mobil atau sepeda Kadang-kadang sakit bersedia bekerja hari Lesson 76 bersifat praktis dalam bidang kesehatan. Belum pernah tinggal di desa. motor. Tidak bersedia bekerja pada hari Jumat atau pada malam hari. jantung dan harus sering beristirahat. Mata kurang baik, kalau membaca harus memakai kaca mata tebal. Sabtu atau hari Minggu, dan tidak bersedia bekerja pada malam hari. The role play is in two parts. In the first part, the four short-listed applicants will be interviewed by a committee (panitia) of at least two – maybe as many as six or eight – interviewers. The interviewers will ask questions about personal details, education and work experience like those practised in the “dry run” interviews in Lessons 74 and 75. Review these lessons carefully before starting the present role play. Each “applicant” must stay in character i.e. answer the interviewers’ questions according to the profiles given above. But the “applicants” may – in fact should – add a lot of extra detail, provided these extra details do not conflict with the basic profiles given above. The panel should also ask pointed questions that draw out the shortcomings (kekurangan) in the profile of each applicant. The committee should also ask each applicant if he/she has any questions. The applicants might respond with questions like these (followed by possible answers from the committee): ✗ Kalau saya bekerja di Puskesmas di Simpang, gaji saya berapa? Tergantung pada ijazah dan pengalaman kerja Bapak/Ibu. Mungkin kira-kira…. ✗ Apakah ada rumah untuk saya di desa Simpang? Ada. Tetapi rumah itu kecil… hanya satu kamar tidur… ✗ Apakah saya harus bersedia bekerja tujuh hari seminggu? Tentu saja. Kalau ada orang desa yang sakit, mungkin Bapak/Ibu harus bekerja pada hari Sabtu dan hari Minggu, juga pada malam hari. ✗ Apakah ada klab malam / mal / bioskop / universitas / pasar swalayan / perpustakaan di Simpang? Universitas? Wah, tidak ada, tetapi ada universitas di Banda Aceh, kira-kira 150 kilometer dari Simpang. The second part of the role play starts after the four short-listed applicants have been interviewed. The committee of interviewers convenes to discuss among themselves the merits of the four candidates and choose one to fill the position. As you can see from their profiles, each candidate is well qualified in some respects and very poorly qualified in other respects. None of them is perfect for the job, but an appointment must be made. So any of the four might be appointed, depending on how the committee’s discussion develops. The committee should discuss: 1. the personal background of each applicant (e.g. age, place of origin, marital status, gender, hobbies etc.) asking how appropriate/helpful that background is to the job in Simpang; 2. the educational qualifications of each applicant – how advanced and relevant are they? 3. their previous work experience, how relevant or useful is it? 4. the shortcomings of each applicant – how likely is it that these shortcomings will make it difficult for the applicant to do the job successfully. As they exchange views, many of the committee members’ sentences will begin like this: Bagaimana pendapat Anda? Apakah… Siapa yang paling berpengalaman / baik / ahli… Menurut pendapat saya… Saya kira… Maaf, saya kurang setuju. Saya kira… Wah… saya sama sekali tidak setuju! Tetapi bagaimana dengan… Lesson 76 In making comparisons, the committee will use the toolbox of words practised earlier in this lesson: lebih, terlalu, kalah, kurang, cukup, sama and paling. Go back and review these words and the model sentences that accompany them, as well as the questions and answers in Exercise 7601. When you have acted the role play several times – each time striving for more detail, more variation, greater correctness, more smoothness and more liveliness – reshuffle roles among the members of your study group and try the role play again. Want To Stretch Yourself? Imagine that you have been contracted to advise personnel managers in business companies on how to conduct job interviews, or perhaps to advise job applicants how to do well in job interviews using the Indonesian language. Get a video camera (and if you like, editing equipment) and make two short, impactful videos in Indonesian. One video will show how a good job interview should go. The other will show how not to do well in a job interview. The first video should be formal and businesslike. The second should be a farce: let loose your sense of humour. Initially, you can base the videos on the role play that you have practised in this lesson. Make sure you don’t lapse into English, and make sure that you keep your Indonesian straightforward, correct and roughly within the parameters of vocabulary and grammar that you have studied so far. If you succeed in making these “training” videos based on the models and the role play in this lesson, challenge yourself a little more and make similar training videos showing contrasting interviews for other occupations. Latihan 1—Kosa Kata Lalu Jodohkan kata-kata di sebelah kiri dengan terjemahannya di sebelah kanan. ahli be willing, prepared kalah difficult berpengalaman stylish lebih to drive bersedia experienced memilih to choose bidang a goat memimpin to lead cukup health mengendarai a task kambing a community paling a maid, assistant keren public, general pembantu an expert kesehatan field (of study) sulit the most, the ...-est kurang the same terlalu loose out, defeated masyarakat less, not … enough tugas too sama enough, quite... umum more, ...-er Lesson 76 Latihan 2—Isian Lengkapi teks berikut dengan memilih kata yang tepat: cukup—kalah—kurang—lebih—paling—sama—terlalu 1. Saya rasa rumah ini __________ besar untuk mereka. Mereka hanya empat orang. 2. Bapak Aryo gemuk (fat) sekali. Dia harus __________ banyak berolahraga. 3. Karina masih __________ berpengalaman menulis buku. Saya tidak mengerti tulisannya sama sekali. 4. Ibu Dinda sekretaris yang __________ pandai yang ada di kantor ayah saya. 5. Menurut pendapat saya, rumah Ibu Namira tidak __________ bersih dengan rumah Ibu Hanifah. 6. Kelihatannya makanan ini __________ enak. Lihat, ada ayamnya besar sekali! Saya ingin mencobanya. 7. Saya rasa mobil Ferrari dan Renault __________ cepatnya. Latihan 3—Menyimak Listen to Sound File 076-01. You will hear ten sentences. For each of the ten sentences an English translation is provided in the right column of the following table. Write the order of the sentences as they appear in the sound file into the left column. No. English Translation a. Mr. Wayan is better at handling finances than Pak Dendy. b. Mr. Dendy is not expert enough by comparison with Mr. Wayan. c. Mr. Dendy is just as conscientious as Mrs Maria. d. Mr. Dendy is happiest taking care of the office finances. e. This work is fairly easy. f. This village is too quiet. 1 g. There are more primary schools in Medan than in Bukittinggi. h. He drinks too much alcohol! i. She is asking for a wage of at least 500.000 a month. j. People say Mr. Wayan is not as good as Mr. Dendy. Lesson 76 Latihan 4—Rangkai Kata Urutkan kata-kata di bawah ini menjadi kalimat yang benar sesuai dengan arti: 1. “My father is wealthier than my brother.” Ayah—daripada—lebih—saya—kakak—kaya—saya. 2. “Spiderman movie is as good as Superman movie.” Film Spiderman—sama—bagusnya—dengan—film Superman. 3. “What is the tallest building in the world?” Gedung—paling—yang—di—apa—tinggi—dunia? 4. “I think this cake is sweet enough.” Saya—cukup—ini—rasa—kue—manis. 5. “Andita’s clothes are less fashionable than Satika’s.” Baju Andita—keren—dibandingkan—kurang—dengan—baju Satika. Latihan 5—Teka Teki Silang (TTS) Mendatar: 1. a disease 7. thick 8. more, ...-er 10. quite, fairly 12. diligent 14. practical 16. happy 18. intelligent 19. compared with Menurun: 2. too 3. shortcomings 4. to lose 5. tall 6. to take care of 9. than 11. the most, the -est 13. finance 15. a horse 17. same Lesson 76 Selamat Today you have completed the fifth module of «The Indonesian Way». If you feel that you have benefited from using «The Indonesian Way» and would like to show your appreciation then you can make a financial contribution to support the further development of «The Indonesian Way» . Support Us «The Indonesian Way» is free and will always remain free. In order to further develop TIW, we are dependent on the support of the user community. Our plans for the future encompass: 1) Developing iOS and Android applications 2) Replacing the online “Latihan” using technology that is not dependent on Flash. 3) Adding another Module consisting of 12 more lessons This can only be accomplished with your assistance. If, after completing each Module, all our users would donate $10, our goal could be accomplished in a short time. To make a donation please go to For more learning resources, check out «Indonesian Online» at Terima kasih, Mahalo, Thank you Wordlist Wordlist for Module 5 Lesson 60 berubah (•ubah) to change, to evolve, to be different berganti (•ganti) to have one thing replaced with another, to change (i.e. have one thing replaced with another) hadiah a gist, present, prize kata kerja a verb memukul (•pukul) to hit someone/something, to strike (with fist, weapon or tool) menerima (•terima) to receive something, to accept something mengantar (•antar) to take/accompany someone somewhere, to deliver something or someone to a certain place mengatakan (•kata) to say something menggoreng (•goreng) to fry something menghitung (•hitung) to count something / things mengirim (•kirim) to send something mengisi (•isi) to fill something, to put content into a holder/container/form menikah (•nikah) to get married (especially in the sense “to go through a wedding ceremony”) menutup (•tutup) to shut something, to close something menyimpan (•simpan) to store something away, to put something away for safekeeping, to save/deposit money (e.g. in a bank) merasa (•rasa) to feel (an emotion), to feel that... (when you are expressing an opinion) mohon to ask someone for something (respectfully) pena a pen pénsil a pencil rasa a feeling, a sense, a sensation of something sedih sad, to feel sadness Lesson 61 kamus a dictionary ngantuk (•kantuk) J sleepy memotong (•potong) to cut something, to cut something off to reap (e.g. rice) menanam (•tanam) to plant something, to grow something (e.g. a crop) mengubah (•ubah) to change, to alter Wordlist padi rice (as it grows in a paddy field or dry field), a rice plant Lesson 62 akuntan an accountant dokter gigi a dentist éfisién efficient gagal to not succeed, to fail ibu rumah tangga a housewife insinyur an engineer jenis a type, a category, a class of something, a species of something juru ketik typist kasir cashier marah angry mengetik (•ketik) to type montir a mechanic pegawai employee, office worker pegawai negeri a public servant, a civil servant, one who works in government administration pelayan (•layan) a waiter / waitress pemain (•main) a player pemandu wisata tourist guide pengusaha (•usaha) a businessman, a businesswoman, an entrepreneur rajin conscientious, industrious, hard-working, disciplined, diligent sebetulnya actually, to be honest, as a matter of fact sepatu shoes sekretaris a secretary sopir the driver (of a motor vehicle, usually but not always, the paid driver) tentara a soldier, the army, the armed forces terima telepon to answer the phone, to take a phone call tugas the things you have to do (as part of a job), a task, duties, obligations tukang kayu a carpenter tukang listrik an electrician wartawan a journalist, a reporter Lesson 63 Bapak you (term of address for older male person, also for younger person if the situation is very formal) Ibu you (term of address for older female person, also for younger person if the situation is very formal) Wordlist seniman an artist ékor tail, a counter-word for animals, birds and insects, used when you are mentioning a certain number of them melukis (•lukis) to paint (a painting) pelukis painter (artist) kepala sekolah headmaster, principle of a school tukang masak a cook béngkel workshop, repairshop sapi cattle, cow, ox orang counter-word for people, used when you are mentioning a certain number of human beings pembeli (•beli) buyer, customer seorang a, one (when you are counting human beings, or referring to one person as if he/she represents the whole of a certain group) Lesson 64 baru it is only then that… habis used up, finished, all gone, exhausted, none left jarang rarely, seldom, not often kué kering biscuits, cookies makanan kecil (•makan) snackfood mengurus (•urus) to take care of the management/arrangements for something, to see something (e.g. an application) through the bureaucracy organisasi an organisation pembangunan (•bangun) (economic) development program program, a plan of action rapat meeting sedikit a little, a few, not many, not much sambal chilli-based side dish, chilli paste or sauce urusan (•urus) matters requiring attention, affairs (requiring bureaucratic attention) Lesson 65 berobat to consult a physician berwawancara (•wawancara) to conduct an interview ibu a lady masalah a problem, a difficulty, an issue membangun (•bangun) to build (especially a building/dwelling), to construct something mencari uang to earn money mencari jalan to look for a way (to do something), to try to find a way (to do something) orang desa a villager Wordlist setelah after (a more formal variant of sesudah) Lesson 66 abjad the alphabet éjaan (•éja) spelling huruf a letter (in a alphabet), a script, a writing system khusus special, specific (adjective) peneliti (•teliti) a researcher sekali lagi once more, once again terima kasih kembali you’re welcome (responding to someone’s expression of thanks) tulisan; tulisan tangan writing, a piece of writing; hand writing ucapan (•ucap) the pronunciation (of a word) Lesson 67 atas above, on top of, upper (when referring to level of education) bawah under, below, lower (when you are describing something that has upper and lower parts) berbéda to differ, to be not the same dasar basic, fundamental, elementary; the basics, the foundations dunia the world hal a matter (for thought, consideration, discussion), a thing to be considered ilmu pengetahuan science kejuruan (•juru) vocational kurang banyak too few, not enough kurikulum curriculum lebih dulu first (i.e. prior to someone / something else) mata pelajaran a subject (of study at school) milik the property of…, belonging to, owned by muatan lokal local content (especially in school tuition programs) mulai from (when you are talking about the beginning point of a certain period of time) negeri state, government (i.e. pertaining to or owned and run by the state / government) pendidikan (•didik) education sebagian besar most sistem a system swasta private (when referring to a school or a company) tanaman (•tanam) a plant (especially a plant raised on a farm or in a garden) termasuk (•masuk) included in, including, is a part of Wordlist tingkat a level, a stage (in the upward progress of someone or something) umum general (i.e. not particular or specialised); public, the public Lesson 68 menengah (•tengah) middle-level; sekolah menengah a middle-level school (i.e. secondary school) para; para guru, para karyawan a marker of a plural noun in certain contexts, especially for professions; the teachers, the staff / the employees siswa a school student fisika physics cara a way, the way (to do something); bagaimana caranya? how do you do it? ketrampilan (•trampil); ketrampilan praktis a skill, skills; practical skills pertanian (•tani) agriculture berguna (•guna) useful; tidak berguna untuk… of no use for… usaha tani an agricultural enterprise, a farming business, a farm berkebun (•kebun) to garden, to do gardening, to work in the garden kerbau a water buffalo kambing a goat lulus to graduate from a school, to pass an exam bersifat (•sifat); mata pelajaran yang bersifat praktis [adjective] in nature [adjective] in character; a subject that is practical in nature mesin an engine, a machine; mesin mobil a car engine hasil; hasil pertanian a result, yield, outcome, output, produce; agricultural output/produce mesin cuci a washing machine Lesson 69 perguruan tinggi institution of tertiary education berbagai various, all sorts of bersama-sama together ilmu pengetahuan sosial social sciences ilmu pengetahuan alam natural science pada waktu itu at that time SMP (Sekolah Menengah Pertama) middle school SMA (Sekolah Menengah Atas) high school Lesson 70 ahli a specialist, an expert, expert (adjective) ahli hukum an expert in law, a lawyer Wordlist bibi an aunt, Aunt (so-and-so) ékonomi pertanian agricultural economics gelar a degree (from a university), a title (especially an aristocratic title) Katolik Catholic, a follower of Catholicism, a Catholic ke-, yang ke- the nth (when you are forming ordinal numbers), (yang) kedua the second laboratorium a laboratory paman an uncle, Uncle (so-and-so) sarjana a university graduate, a scholar, Master of ____ (in a university degree) sosiologi sociology téknik pertanian agricultural engineering (i.e. the use of machinery in the planting, harvesting, processing etc. of agricultural products) téknik mesin mechanical engineering Lesson 71 bermasalah (•masalah) to have a problem buat J for (an informal alternative to untuk) gampang J (an informal variant of mudah) easy jadi J (an informal variant of menjadi) to become, to be kasus case mikir (•pikir) J (an informal variant of berpikir) to think, to ponder, to give something some thought milih (•pilih) J (an informal variant of memilih) to choose ngebosanin (•bosan) J (the Jakarta variant of membosankan) boring ngobrol (•obrol) J (from obrol) to talk about something, to chat nolong (•tolong) J to help (informal variant of menolong) pengacara (•acara) lawyer sama J and (an informal alternative to dan) soal J about (an informal alternative to tentang) soalnya J the thing is (an informal alternative to karena) studi pembangunan development studies téknik elektro electrical engineering terus J and then (an informal alternative to lalu) Lesson 72 bangsawan an aristocrat, a noble belum pernah; Kami belum pernah ke sana. has/have never ____ (i.e. has/have never ever in the past); We have never been there. bintang; bintang film a star (both a star in the sky and a famous person in movies/music/sport etc.); a film star Wordlist penari (•tari) a dancer (in traditional dance or in performance dance) perdana menteri prime minister sampai sekarang so far sudah pernah; Apakah Bapak sudah pernah makan keju Belanda? has/have ____ (at least once in the past); Have you ever eaten Dutch cheese? Lesson 73 belum biasa not yet used to (doing something), not yet in the habit of berani to dare to do something, to have the courage / confidence (to do something) berbahasa ____; cukup pandai berbahasa Arab to be a speaker of (such-and-such a language); quite good at speaking Arabic berhasil (•hasil) to be successful, to have success, to succeed kayu jati teak minuman keras alcoholic drinks pedagang (•dagang), pedagang sayur a dealer, a merchant; a vegetable merchant pekerja (•kerja) a worker (usually used for relatively unskilled workers) pelatih (•latih); pelatih sepak bola a coach, a trainer; a soccer trainer pemimpin (•pimpin) a leader pengajar (•ajar) an educator, instructor, teacher pengalaman (•alam); pengalaman kerja experience; work experience / work record pengelola (•kelola); pengelola pabrik a manager; a factory manager penjual (•jual) a seller, the vendor penulis (•tulis); penulis novel a writer, an author; a novelist penyanyi (•nyanyi); penyanyi pop a singer, a pop singer petugas (•tugas); petugas kantor pos a functionary, a staffer, a person who is doing a certain task or job of work, someone who is on duty; a post office staffer rokok a cigarette, cigarettes sudah biasa now used to, to be used to (doing something) traktor tractor Lesson 74 angka a figure, figures, digits (i.e. numbers written in numeral form, not words) bercerita (•cerita); Dia bercerita bahwa... to say, to tell (what happened); She/He said that… berpengalaman; Dia belum berpengalaman di bidang itu. experienced; He/She isn’t experienced yet in that field. bersedia (•sedia); Mereka tidak bersedia menolong. to be willing / prepared (to do something); They are not willing to help. cewék; Ceweknya cakep banget! J a “chick”, a young woman; She’s a stunna! dua kali; Saya sudah makan dua kali. twice; I ate twice already. Wordlist ganti; Aku mau ganti baju dulu. to have one thing replaced with another, to change i.e. have one thing replaced with another; I want to get changed first. kartu; bermain kartu a card; to play cards komponén a component (e.g. in a machine, in society) lamaran; surat lamaran an application (especially for a job); a letter of application memasang (•pasang) to install something, to set/put something in place, to fit something (onto or into something else) ngomong (•omong); Jangan ngomong J kayak gitu! to say, to talk; Don’t talk like that! nyanyi J = menyanyi, to sing paling tidak; Paling tidak ada tiga puluh. at least (i.e. no less than); There were at least thirty. resépsionis a receptionist (in an office, hotel etc.) riwayat hidup a biography, biodata, a CV sekali; Minum obat ini sekali saja. once (i.e. one time only, not twice or three times etc.); Drink this medicine just once. tukang kebun a gardener Lesson 75 asal; Saya bersedia asal kamu membayar. provided, on condition that…; I’m prepared to do it provided you pay. hormat; Dengan hormat, respect; Dear sir/madam (in formal letters) iklan an advertisement kepala; kepala kantor someone’s head, the head (of an enterprise/organisation); head of an office / office head melalui; melalui telepon atau surat? by, through, by way of; By telephone or by letter? melamar (•lamar); melamar pekerjaan sebagai sopir to apply for (a job), to formally ask for a woman’s hand in marriage; to apply for a job as a driver mengendarai (•kendara); mengendarai mobil to drive (a motor vehicle); to drive a car perhatian (•hati); Terima kasih atas perhatian Anda attention; Thank you for your attention. terhormat (•hormat); Kepada yang terhormat respected, honourable, of good reputation; To the honourable... terima kasih atas bantuan Anda thank you for your assistance terserah (•serah); Terserah! Saya tidak mau tahu! It’s up to you, I leave it to you, It’s over to you; It’s up to you! I don’t want to know! wawancara an interview Lesson 76 bidan a midwife dibandingkan; kalau dibandingkan dengan ... to be compared; if compared with… dokter héwan a veterinary doctor, a vet Wordlist film horor a horror movie/film hobi a hobby ijazah a qualification (usually an educational qualification), a diploma kaca mata; kaca mata hitam spectacles, eye glasses; sun glasses kekurangan (•kurang); Kota Jakarta kekurangan air minum. 1 (verb) to be suffering from a lack/shortage of, to be short of; 2 (noun) a shortcoming; Jakarta is short of drinking water. kuda a horse lowongan; Tidak ada lowongan kerja di kantor ini. a vacancy i.e. a job opening; There is no job vacancy in this office. mata; Matanya biru. an eye, someone’s eyes; His/Her eyes are blue. melayani; Siapa yang melayani tamu itu? to serve someone, to respond to someone’s request for a service; Who is serving that guest? panitia a committee penyakit (•sakit); penyakit AIDS a disease, a sickness; AIDS / the disease of AIDS praktis practical, realistic, convenient Puskesmas a community health centre (from Pusat Kesehatan Masyarakat) sakit jantung to have a heart problem, to have heart disease salon kecantikan a beauty salon Sarjana Muda Bachelor of Arts séksi a section (in an organisation/business etc.), the sales section skripsi a thesis (especially a bachelor-level or master-level thesis) tebal thick (of objects like books etc.) tergantung (pada); Itu semua tergantung pada kamu. to depend (on); All of that depends on you. Keys to the Exercises Keys to the Exercises for Module 5 Lesson 60 Latihan 2: Latihan 3: Latihan 4: Latihan 5: Latihan 6: Latihan 7: Latihan 8: Latihan 9: Latihan 10: Latihan 11: Latihan 12: 1 We like eating at the Kartika Restaurant. 2 Is Mrs Prawoto going to join us for dinner tonight? 3 Sorry, I’m not really very good at writing in Chinese. 4 They can’t come. 5 Students don’t usually want to follow lectures at night. 6 I have begun to study Chemistry. 7 Are you any good at singing? 8 These children can’t read or write yet. 9 He enjoys cooking. 10 I’ve heard they’re going to get married. 11 They usually have fried rice for breakfast. 12 She began her journey in Padang. 13 They didn’t want to apologise. 14 She cooked chicken and vegetables. terima; antar; atur; goreng; hitung; kirim; isi; tutup; simpan; ambil; ajar; buka; baca; bawa; buat; beli; bantu; pakai; pilih; panggil; pelihara; pimpin mengambil; mengajar; menjual; mencoba; mendengar; melihat; menyimpan; membaca; membuat; mendapat; merasa; menggoreng; membantu; membeli; membawa; mengirim; mengatakan; mencari; menyenangkan; menolong; memanggil; menerima; menutup; memimpin; memilih; memelihara; mencuci; merusak; menarik; menulis; menunggu; menghitung; menjadi; memakai 1 Biasanya mahasiswa tidak mau ikut kuliah pada malam hari. 2 Kami suka makan di Restoran Kartika. 3 Dia akan mengambil uang di bank. 4 Sebaiknya mencuci pakaian sebelum siang hari. 5 Biasanya mereka makan nasi goreng pada pagi hari. membeli; memakai; menulis; mengatakan; mengirim; mengatur; menghitung; merasa; menyimpan; mengajar; mengantar; menerima; menjadi; menggoreng; melihat; mencuci; merusak; menutup; menolong; menunggu mengatakan; memakai; memukul; mengantar; menutup; menyimpan; menerima; mengirim; menggoreng; memanggil ingin―wish; suka―like; bisa―can; harus―must; mulai―begin; mau―want; dapat―can; ikut―follow; pandai―good at; boleh―may setuju―to agree; mandi―to take a bath; tidur―to sleep, to go to bed; bangun―to get up (out of bed); pergi―to go; datang―to come; terbang―to fly; masuk ― to come in, enter; duduk ―to sit, to sit down; kawin―to get married; berjalan―to walk, travel, to go; berhenti ―to stop, to come to a halt; beristirahat―to rest, to take a break; bermain―to play; berbicara―to speak; 1e; 2b; 3d; 4a; 5c; 6m; 7j; 8g; 9h; 10f; 11i; 12k; 13o; 14q; 15n; 16l; 17s; 18t; 19r; 20p. 1a; 2a; 3b; 4b; 5a Mendatar: 3 menyimpan; 5 berubah; 6 mengatur; 9 sedih; 10 menerima; 11 menikah; 13 memelihara; 14 ujian; 15 membantu; 17 merasa; 18 mengisi; 19 menghitung; 20 pensil. Menurun: 1 pena; 2 rasa; 4 mengantar; 5 berganti; 7 memakai; 8 mengirim; 12 menjadi; 13 menggoreng; 16 menutup; 17 memukul; 18 mohon Lesson 61 Latihan 2: Latihan 3: Latihan 4: Latihan 5: Latihan 6: mengambil; membantu; menyewa; mencari; mengobral; menolong; menghafal; memukul; mengirim; meralat; mengintip; mengingat; melarang; mendengar; mendatang; mengangkat; membayar; mencegah; menghajar; menjadi; mengenal; memasang; meraba; menata; menitip; menyanyi; mengompas; mengganti Left: mengambil; menghafal; mengirim; menguji; Right: menggantung; mengatakan; mengoles; mengelak; menghukum. nganga; kena; puji; simpang; olah; nyata; nilai; sapu; elak; tampung; kantuk; ganggu. ikat; ikuti; impor; inap; ingat; ingatkan; inginkan; kira; kirim; isi; izinkan; obati; obral; obrol; kontrak; operasi; kuasai; ubah membersihkan; memanggil; melihat; memakai; menyanyikan; membantu; melakukan; menolong; mengisi; mengadakan; membayar; memberikan; membuat; menjual; memotong; membunuh; menunggu; memilih; mengatakan; memimpin; memperbaiki; mencuri; menanam; mencium; menerima; mengatur; mencuci; merusak; mendengarkan; mengambil; mengantar; membawa; membuka; menggoreng; menghitung; memukul; membaca; memelihara; mendengar; membeli; mencari; menutup; mengirim; menonton; menulis; mengucapkan; menyimpan; mencoba Keys to the Exercises Latihan 7: Latihan 8 nyanyikan; lakukan; pakai; tanam; baca; perbaiki; katakan; simpan; pimpin; bantu; kirim; bawa; beli; bersihkan; jual; panggil; goreng; buka; buat; bayar; cari; rusak; isi; hitung; pilih; tulis; adakan; tonton; potong; dengar; ucapkan; bunuh; cium; terima; antar; atur; berikan; tolong; ambil; tutup; pukul; tunggu; pelihara Mendatar:1 memotong, 4 membaca, 6 membeli, 7 menunggu, 8 kamus, 9 melihat, 10 menjadi, 11 menjual, 14 membantu, 15 memelihara, 16 memakai. Menurun: 2 memberikan, 3 padi, 5 membayar, 10 melakukan, 12 menanam, 13 membawa. Lesson 62 Latihan 1: Latihan 3: Latihan 4: Latihan 5: Latihan 6: 1e; 2h; 3n; 4q; 5a; 6m; 7i; 8b; 9l; 10o; 11f; 12d; 13g; 14c; 15j; 16k; 17p. 1 pekerjaan; 2 bekerja; 3 suka; 4 bekerja; 5 berapa; 6 ingin/mau; 7sudah; 8Di mana; 9 tugas/pekerjaan; 10 daripada/dari 1 sawah; 2 uang; 3menjual; 4 orang sakit; 5 bekerja di rumah; 6 rumah makan; 7 taksi; 8 sekolah; 9 surat kabar; 10 lapangan olahraga 1 Dia menjadi marah sekarang, 2 Dulu saya (menjadi) guru, tetapi sekarang saya menjadi pengusaha. 3 Tahun berapa Anda menjadi dosen? 4 Tanti ingin sekali menjadi insinyur yang rajin dan efisen. 5. Dulu saya mau menjadi dokter, tetapi saya tidak pandai. accountant―akuntan, animal―binatang, dentist―dokter gigi, to fail, to not succeed―gagal, housewife―ibu rumah tangga, engineer―insinyur, a type, kind―jenis, rich―kaya, angry―marah, to type―mengetik, mechanic―montir, public servant―pegawai negeri, waiter, waitress―pelayan, a player―pemain, entrepreneur―pengusaha, hard―working, diligent―rajin, actually, to be honest―sebetulnya, secretary―sekretaris, driver, chauffeur―sopir, soldier, armed forces―tentara, to answer the phone―terima telepon, famous―terkenal, duties, obligations―tugas, carpenter―tukang kayu, electrician―tukang listrik, journalist, reporter―wartawan. Lesson 63 Latihan 2: Latihan 3: Latihan 4: Latihan 5: Latihan 6: Latihan 7: Latihan 8: 1b; 2d; 3c; 4a; 5abc; 6c. 1 Bukan. Sutrisno (seorang) petani. 2 Bukan. Dia (seorang) tukang masak. 3 Bukan. Dia (seorang) tukang listrik. 4 Bukan. Pak Sudi (seorang) kasir. 5 Bukan. Pak Tobing (seorang) polisi. 6. Bukan. Dewi (seorang) karyawan pabrik. 7 Bukan. Eko (seorang) tukang kayu. 8 Bukan. Ibu Lestari (seorang) pemandu wisata. 1c; 2c; 3b; 4b; 5b; 6c; 7b; 8c; 9b; 10c. 1 montir; 2 pegawai toko/karyawan toko; 3 petani; 4 dosen; 5 pegawai; 6 wartawan; 7 pemain; 8 sopir; 9 tukang; 10 guru. 1 tidak; bukan; 2 tidak; bukan; 3 bukan; tidak; 4 tidak; bukan; 5 tidak; 6 bukan; 7 bukan. 1h; 2i; 3k; 4j; 5g; 6d; 7c; 8e; 9f; 10b; 11a. 1o; 2c; 3h; 4j; 5l; 6n; 7e; 8d; 9b; 10a; 11g; 12k; 13f; 14m; 15i. Lesson 64 Latihan 2: Latihan 3: Latihan 6: Latihan 7: Latihan 8: Latihan 9: Latihan 10: Latihan 11: 1a; 2b; 3a; 4b; 5b; 6b; 7b; 8a; 9c; 10b. 1a,d,f; 2b; 3d; 4b; 5c; 6d; 7b; 8d; 9b; 10c. 1b; 2d; 3i; 4g; 5a; 6e; 7c; 8f; 9h. 1 tidak pernah 2 jarang; 3 kadang-kadang 4 sering 5 selalu. 1c; 2e; 3b; 4d; 5a; 6g; 7f. 1j; 2i; 3g; 4d; 5b; 6e; 7f; 8a; 9c; 10h; 11k. baru―new; rapat―meeting; habis―finished; gone; sambal―chili-based dish; keras―hard; vigorously; sedikit―a little bit; kue kering―cookies; urusan―matter; makanan kecil―snacks; tidak pernah―never; mengurus―organise; take care of; kadang-kadang―sometimes; organisasi―organisation; biasanya―usually; pembangunan―development; sering―often; selalu―always. Mendatar: 1 surat; 4 sedikit; 6 sambal; 8 mengurus; 10 misalnya; 11 rapat; 13 kegiatan; 16 pembangunan; 17 baru; 18 selalu; 19 manis; Menurun: 2 urusan; 3 berlibur; 5 menanam; 7 keras; 8 melakukan; 9 sering; 12 beberapa; 14 suami; 15 habis. Lesson 65 Latihan 2: Latihan 5: 1 Benar; 2 Salah; 3 Salah; 4 Benar; 5 mencari uang; 6 alat-alat; 7 rapat; 8 masalah. Mendatar: 3 bersembahyang; 4 bertanya; 6 rapat; 8 lakukan; 10 bangun; 11 ikut; 13 mencari; 14 sebelum; 15 sampai; 16 misalnya; 17 lalu; 18 singgah. Menurun: 1 pembangunan; 2 perempuan; 5 terlalu; 7 menjual; 9 kue; 12 membawa; 13 makanan. Keys to the Exercises Lesson 66 Latihan 2: Latihan 3: Latihan 4: Latihan 5: Latihan 6: 1 a er i ef i en; 2 je a ka a er te a; 3 es u es a en te i; 4 ve a el u te a; 5 ye o ge ye a; 6 en e we ye o er ka; 7 es pe ha i en eks; 8 ka a te a er; 9 er a ka ye a te; 10 a be de u el el a ha 1 TNI, 2 RRC, 3 OPM, 4 TVRI, 5 SH, 6 UI, 7 UGM, 8 VW. PKB pe-ka-be; RRI er-er-i; HI ha-i; RI er-i; BBM be-be-em; GKI ge-ka-i; PDI pe-de-i; DPR de-pe-er; pln pe-el-en; RCTV er-ce-te-ve. Nama Bapak siapa?―What is your name?; Masih baru rumah itu.―That house is still new.; Mau pergi ke mana Anda?―Where are you going to?; Apa alamat rumah Bapak?―What is your address? Di mana Bapak bekerja?―Where do you work? Di mana Bapak bersekolah dulu?―Where did you go to school? Siapa nama anak Bapak?―What is your child's name? Berapa harganya?―How much does it cost? Bagus sekali bajumu.―Your shirt is very nice. Mendatar: 2 mengucapkan; 4 peneliti; 8 ucapan. Menurun: 1 bersekolah; 3 abjad; 5 tulisan; 6 huruf; 7 ejaan. Lesson 67 Latihan 2: Latihan 3: Latihan 4: Latihan 6: 1e; 2d; 3a; 4c; 5b; 6k; 7h; 8j; 9g; 10f; 11i. L 12: 1b; 2b; 3a; 4c; 5c; 6c; 7d; 8c. 1b; 2a; 3a; 4a; 5b; 6a; 7a; 8b;9b; 10b 1 sebelum; 2 sebelum itu/sebelumnya; 3 di atas; 4 di bawah; 5 sesudah; 6 di bawah; 7 sesudah itu; 8 di atas; 9 di bawah; 10 sebelum. 1h; 2g; 3a; 4b; 5c; 6e; 7d; 8f. Sebelum bersembahyang saya selalu mandi dulu. 2 Sesudah pulang Sarah makan dengan suaminya. 3 Sesudah itu baru saya akan membeli HP. 4. Pesawat terbang lewat di atas pulau kecil. 5 Saya sekarang bersekolah di Sekolah Dasar Kemiri. 1c; 2d; 3g; 4f; 5h; 6e; 7a; 8c. 1l; 2 k; 3a; 4h; 5b; 6c; 7f; 8e; 9d; 10g; 11j; 12i. 1c; 2j; 3b; 4i; 5l; 6g; 7f; 8d; 9a; 10h; 11e; 12k. Latihan 7: Latihan 8: Latihan 9: Latihan 10: Latihan 11: Lesson 68 Latihan 2: Latihan 3: Latihan 4: Latihan 7: Latihan 8: Latihan 9: 1c; 2b 3a; 4c. 1c; 2d; 3abc; 4a; 5a. 1b; 2b; 3a;4a;5b; 6b; 7a; 8a; 9a; 10a. 1c; 2a; 3j; 4f; 5b; 6i; 7h; 8e; 9d; 10g. 1e; 2c; 3h; 4b; 5d; 6g; 7i; 8f; 9a; 10q; 11l; 12n; 13p 14j; 15m; 16o; 17k. Mendatar: 5 selesai; 6 montir; 7 asing; 8 kambing; 11 umum; 13 sebagai; 14 menjual; 15 sebagai; 16 menjual; 17 petani; 18 kerbau. Menurun:1 menengah; 2cara; 3 pandai; 4 tinggi; 9 berkebun; 10 dunia; 12 mengetik. Lesson 69 Latihan 2: Latihan 3: Latihan 4: Latihan 5: Latihan 6: Latihan 7: Latihan 8: Latihan 9: Latihan 10: Latihan 11: 1a; 2c; 3abc; 4c; 5b; 6b; 7ab; 8c. 1a; 2b; 3a; 4a; 5b; 6b; 7a; 8a; 9b; 10b. hampir; memberikan; berbagai; harus; mereka; memilih; mahasiswa; pengetahuan; pertanian; belajar; juga; asing; menjadi. mempunyai; negeri; terkena; seperti; pariwisata; mendidik; pemerintah; menjadi; perguruan; termasuk. 1B; 2C; 3B; 4C; 5B; 6B; 7C; 8D; 9B; 10A. 1D; 2A; 3A; 4B; 5C; 6D; 7A; 8A; 9D; 10B; 11D; 12B; 13B. not ___; not really ___; extremely ___; pretty, quite; ___ enough; not ___ at all, completely not ___; not really very ___. u i; es em a; u ge em; i te be; u i i; es te a en; u ka i; te en i; u ka es we; i ka je. field (of enterprise, study, etc.); medicine; health; industry; related to government agencies; institute, social institution; finance, finances; particular, specialist; government department; academy; institute; first of all. to educate, to train; engineering; to obtain; higher education, universities; Indonesia's state philosophy; student, learner; the last, i.e. final one in series; polytechnic, vocational/trade college; officer in the armed Keys to the Exercises Latihan 12: forces; college of higher education; project. Mendatar: 1 memperoleh; 3 muda; 6 kesehatan; 7 bidang; 8 terlalu; 10 kedokteran; 13 hampir; 15 termasuk; 16 lembaga; 17 kedinasan; 18 khusus; 19 berumur; Menurun: 1 memberikan; 2 mendidik; 4 agama; 5 keuangan; 9 berguna; 11 terakhir; 12 membantu; 14 teknik. Lesson 70 Latihan 2: Latihan 3: Latihan 4: Latihan 5: Latihan 7: Latihan 8: Latihan 9: 1d; 2c; 3c; 4a; 5a. 1b; 2cd; 3a; 4a; 5b; 6c; 7b. 1a; 2abd; 3abce; 4be; 5ab; 6abd; 7c; 8b. 1 hari; 2 kurang; 3 sastra; 4 Islam; 5 pengusaha; 6 Ambon; 7 Semarang; 8 pabrik; 9 nenek; 10 tenis. 1 orang yang pertama; 2 ujian yang keempat; 3 tahun yang ketiga; 4 kata yang kelima; 5 kerbau yang kedua; 6 sekolah yang kedelapan; 7 minggu yang ketujuh; 8 bulan yang kesepuluh; 9 anak yang kedua puluh tujuh; 10 petani yang keseribu. 1 Pada tahun (yang) kedua saya memperoleh/mendapatkan pekerjaan pada sebuah usaha tani. 2 Sampai sekarang saya masih bekerja di kantor itu. 3 Saya lulus dengan hasil yang baik. 1g; 2d; 3m; 4o; 5p; 6j; 7h; 8l; 9n; 10k; 11f; 12a; 13i 14c; 15b; 16e; 17s; 18q; 19t; 20r. Lesson 71 Latihan 2: Latihan 3: Latihan 4: Latihan 5: Latihan 6: Latihan 7: Latihan 8: 1c; 2a; 3c; 4c; 5c; 6d. lahir; selama; hukum; tertarik; pengacara; kuliah; membosankan; kasus-kasus; tamat; Bantuan; bermasalah. lahir; ambil; kepingin; O gitu; ngebosanin; soalnya; soal; abis; sih; nolong. milih; kerja; terus; jadi; soalnya; mikir; ngebosanin; buat; ngobrol; nolong; sama; soal; gampang. assistance; case; to have a problem; lawyer; development studies; electrical engineering; to choose; boring; to help; to become; to be born. 1. Mengapa Bapak mengambil mata kuliah Hukum? 2. Menurut pendapat Anda, apakah pelajaran Sejarah menarik? 3. Aku pindah ke Jakarta menjadi pengacara di LBH. Mendatar: 1 gampang; 4 ngobrol; 6 sama; 10 ngebosanin; 11 jadi; 12 terus. Menurun: :2 milih; 3 nolong; 5 buat; 6 soalnya; 7 soal; 8 kerja; 9 mikir. Lesson 72 Latihan 2: Latihan 3: Latihan 4: Latihan 6: Latihan 7: Latihan 8: 1a; 2g; 3e; 4b; 5h; 6c; 7d; 8f. 1 Apakah Toni pernah bekerja pada malam hari? 2 Apakah Bapak Haryanto pernah belajar memperbaiki mobil? 3. Apakah Kartika pernah berbelanja di pasar di dekat rumahnya? 4. Apakah Ibu Tuti pernah mengajar di sekolah menengah pertama? 5 Apakah Ria pernah menulis untuk surat kabar? 1 Seribu sembilan ratus empat puluh delapan/Sembilan belas empat delapan; 2d; 3b; 4b; 5 Seribu sembilan ratus tujuh puluh delapan./Sembilan belas tujuh delapan; 6d; 7c; 8b; 9c; 10a. 1 Dia belum pernah membaca novel berbahasa Indonesia. 2 Dia sudah pernah menulis berita tentang lingkungan. 3 Apakah kamu pernah membangun rumah di desa? 4 Sampai sekarang saya belum pernah pergi ke Jepang. 5 Saya kira dia belum pernah belajar berenang. 1b; 2c; 3c; 4d; 5b. Mendatar: 2 novel; 3 memakai; 7 berkunjung; 8 belajar; 9 mengajar; 13 koran; 14 membangun; 15 bintang; 16 pernah; 17 menari; 18 membaca. Menurun: 1 terkenal; 4 mengetik; 5 bekerja; 6 dulu; 8 belum; 10 menulis; 11 wartawan; 12 majalah. Lesson 73 Latihan 2: Latihan 3: Latihan 4: Latihan 5: Latihan 6: Latihan 7: 1 mechanic; 2 village head; 3 teacher; 4 farmer; 5 dentist; 6 university student; 7 waiter/waitress; 8 journalist; 9 engineer. 1 pedagang; 2 pekerja; 3 pelatih; 4 pemimpin; 5 pengajar; 6 pelajar; 7 pengelola; 8 penjual;9 9penulis; 10 penyanyi; 11 petugas; 12 perenang. ahli hukum; bahasa Jepang; sekolah dasar; taman nasional; pegawai negeri; rumah sakit; surat kabar; tukang becak; sopir truk. 1 dengan hati-hati; 2 sudah biasa; 3 belum pandai; 4 berani mengajar; 5 dapat melayani; 6 dapat membuat; 7 dengan cepat. 1. Saya sudah biasa bekerja pada hari Minggu. 2. Saya belum berani mengajar pada tingkat sekolah menengah. 3. Karena dia berusaha keras, akhirnya dia berhasil. 4. Apakah Anda pernah menjadi tentara atau polisi? Mendatar: 3 pemimpin; 6 pengalaman; 7 penyanyi; 9 pelatih; 10 penulis; 11 pekerja; 12 rokok; 13 Keys to the Exercises pedagang. Menurun: 1 biasa; 2 belum; 4 berbahasa; 5 penjual; 6 pengajar; 8 pengelola; 9 petugas. Lesson 74 Latihan 1: Latihan 2: Latihan 3: Latihan 4: Latihan 5: Latihan 6: Latihan 7: Latihan 8: Latihan 9: ama-bersama; bikin-membuat; cakep-cantik (but also used for men); cuma-hanya; duit-uang; kasimemberi; kok-kenapa; lu-kamu; lumayan-cukup; udah-sudah. 1e; 2a; 3g; 4b; 5h; 6c; 7d; 8f. 1e; 2h; 3a; 4b; 5c; 6g; 7f; 8d. 1b 2b 3c 4a 5c. bekerja; perusahaan; HP; seminggu; selama; gaji; pabrik. 1 seratus; 2 sepuluh; 3 seribu; 4 sejuta / satu juta; 5 seorang / satu orang; 6 sekali / satu kali; 7 seminggu / satu minggu; 8 sekilogram / sekilogram / satu kilo / sekilo. angka; bercerita; berpengalaman; bersedia; cewek; dua kali; diganti; Jumlah; kartu; nyanyi; ngomong; tukang kebun. 1.Saya pernah bekerja sebagai sekretaris. 2. Pada waktu itu saya bekerja lima hari seminggu. 3. Biasanya Pak Mahmud berkunjung ke Australia dua kali setahun. 4. Berapa gaji Anda sebulan? 5. Saya biasanya main bulu tangkis tiga kali seminggu. Mendatar: 1 kartu; 5 cewek; 6 ganti; 8 sekali; 10 memasang; 11 jumlah; 12 nyanyi. Menurun: 2 angka; 3 berpengalaman; 4 bersedia; 7 bercerita; 9 ngomong. Lesson 75 Latihan 2: Latihan 3: Latihan 4: Latihan 6: Latihan 7: BCEFH. 1 Bapak; 2 Jalan; 3 tanggal; 4 Perseroan Terbatas; 5 sampai dengan; 6 Nusa tenggara Timur; 7 Nusa Tenggara Barat. 1c; 2d; 3b; 4c; 5b; 6b; 7c. asal―on condition that; kepala―head; bersedia―be willing to; terserah―up to [you]; iklan―advertisement; menerima―to accept; tertarik―interested; perhatian―attention; perusahaan―company; tugas―duty, task; lupa―to forget; melalui―by, through; mengendarai―to drive; wawancara―interview. 1. Saya ingin melamar pekerjaan di perusahaan Bapak. 2. Apakah Bapak lulus dengan nilai yang baik? 3. Apakah Bapak tamat Sekolah Menengah Atas? 4. Tugas apa yang harus saya kerjakan? 5. Apakah Bapak bersedia bekerja pada hari Sabtu dan hari Minggu? 6. Apakah Bapak pernah bekerja sebagai sopir? Lesson 76 Latihan 2: Latihan 3: Latihan 4: Latihan 5: 1 terlalu; 2 lebih; 3 kurang; 4 paling; 5 kalah; 6 cukup; 7 sama. 1g; 2f; 3i; 4h; 5j; 6b; 7d; 8a; 9c; 10e. 1 Ayah saya lebih kaya daripada kakak saya. 2 Film Spiderman sama bagusnya dengan film Superman. 3 Gedung apa yang paling tinggi di dunia? 4 Saya rasa kue ini cukup manis. 5 Baju Andita kurang keren dibandingkan dengan baju Satika. Mendatar: 1 penyakit; 7 tebal; 8 lebih; 10 cukup; 12 rajin; 14 praktis; 16 senang; 18 pandai; 19 dibandingkan. Menurun: 2 terlalu; 3 kekurangan; 4 kalah; 5 tinggi; 6 mengurus; 9 daripada; 11 paling; 13 keuangan; 15 kuda; 17 sama.