

2014 ACUNS
JUNE 19-21, 2014
from the Chair, ACUNS
| 4
Abiodun Williams
President of The Hague Institute for Global Justice
from the Host Chair
| 5
Mustafa Aydin
Professor International Relations and
Rector, Kadir Has University
AM14 Itinerary
| 7
Session Descriptions
| 11
Plenary Speakers’ and Chairs’ Biographies | 18
Workshop Panelists’ Biographies | 22
The Balsillie School of International Affairs (BSIA)houses the offices of the ACUNS Secretariat in Waterloo, Ontario, Canada
The Academic Council on the United Nations System exists to stimulate, support, and disseminate research, analysis
on the United Nations, multilateralism, and international organization. ACUNS also promotes teaching on these topics,
as well as dialogue and mutual understanding across and between the academic and practitioner communities.
We are a global professional association of educational and research institutions, individual scholars, and practitioners active
in the work and study of multilateral relations, global governance, and international cooperation.
Approximately half of our membership is based in North America, Europe and Central Asia; however our global membership
comes from 54 countries, including Australia, Barbados, Brazil, Brunei, Chile, China, Cote d’Ivoire, Gambia, Ghana, India,
Kenya, Lebanon, New Zealand, Nigeria, Philippines, Republic of Korea, South Africa, Suriname, Thailand, Trinidad & Tobago,
Uganda, Uruguay and Venezuela. Our individual and institutional members include scholars, UN and other international
organization practitioners, NGO/civil society representatives, government officials, and interested individuals. The monthly
ACUNS E-Update is received by over 3,000 individuals around the world.
A special effort is made to ensure that advanced research conducted in universities finds its way into the programs of the
UN system; ACUNS regularly partners with UN bodies in New York, Vienna, Geneva and elsewhere to support educational
and other research initiatives, and current UN officials of all levels participate in many of our activities.
We are always searching for more and better ways to deliver programs and projects to our membership – with new thematic
and professional development podcasts, video broadcasts of events, support to special research workshops and conferences,
and dissemination of information about our members’ own publications and programs.
We have Category 1 Consultative Status with the UN Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC); NGO Affiliate status with the
UN Department of Public Information; and accreditation to UNESCO. This status gives our members the opportunity for
access to UN system meetings and libraries.
JUNE 19-21, 1014
Hosting genuine exhibitions and cultural activities since 2007 in the frame of its vigorous museum studies, Rezan Has Museum has become
a museum site connecting the past to the future with its Ottoman hammam structure dated back to 17th century and Byzantine cistern to
11th century. The Museum enriched its collection by acquiring documents and objects belonging to Cibali Tobacco and Cigarette Factory
in 2009 along with its collection of archaeological artifacts with nearly a history of 9,000 years. Rezan Has Museum was introduced to the
world of culture and art with the exhibition “Timeless Simplicity” which was the opening exhibition of the 11th Oriental Carpet Conference.
REZAN HAS MUSEUM is comprised of two sections: a wide collection of archaeological artifacts from the
Neolithic Period to Seljuk Empire is exhibited on the museum floor while thematic and original exhibitions,
including exhibitions on the Turkish Painting Art, are located in the multi-purpose exhibition hall.
Unique ACUNS Annual Meeting Opportunity
During the 2014 ACUNS Annual Meeting, there will opportunities for walking tours
at the Rezan Has Museum which is located in Kadir Has University.
24 APRIL - 1 JULY, 2014
Museum Information
The feature exhibition at the time of the ACUNS Annual Meeting will be “Whispers of Extinct Languages”
that will shed light to the evolution of writing. Displaying the adventure of writing from its birth as pictogram
to its present state and demonstrating the impact writing and language has on societies, the exhibition entitled,
‘Whispers of Extinct Languages-II’ will be open to visitors between 24 April and 1 July 2014. The exhibition will
encompass countless deciphered, indecipherable, unknown, and lost languages from pictograms to cuneiform,
from Hittite and Phrygian to Urartian, Lycian, and Carian, and from Ancient Greek to Latin.
Visiting Hours: 9:00 – 18:00
G l o b a l G o v e r n ance: Enga gi ng N ew N o rms a nd Emergi ng Challenges
(Except religious holidays
and first day of the year)
External Website:
t gives me great pleasure to welcome you to ACUNS’ 2014 Annual Meeting. We are very fortunate
to be hosted by Kadir Has University in the historic city of Istanbul. The setting is a fitting one
as we gather to discuss “Global Governance: Engaging New Norms and Emerging Challenges”.
This city, which has witnessed the rise and fall of empires, is one which has constantly met the
challenge of change. It is an example which will serve us well in our discussions this week.
As the name of our academic journal reminds us, few organizations have paid as much attention
to effective global governance as ACUNS. Yet as political, economic and social change continues at an
unprecedented pace, and as new norms are advanced and codified, we must continue to examine global
issues anew if we are to remain at the vanguard of presenting innovative solutions to contemporary
global challenges. Particularly important is the need, as suggested by one of this year’s Plenary topics,
to reconcile global collective action with local ownership. We ought to harness the ‘multiplier effect’ of
multilateralism whilst ensuring that institutions and processes are accountable to the people they serve.
We meet ahead of a critical year for the United Nations. In 2015, the Millennium Development Goals
will expire and a new architecture for sustainable development will become operational. The 70th
anniversary of the UN will provide a moment for reflection on its contributions to governance, security
and justice, but should also provide a new impetus to strengthen the organization, which remains our
best hope for effectively marshaling international action on difficult issues. ACUNS plays a crucial role
in providing informed analysis of the United Nations System, and is a unique forum for convening
scholars and practitioners to engage in candid and productive dialogue.
It is an honor to serve as the Chair of ACUNS, which provides a unique vantage point on the critical
work of our organization. It is a duty I could not begin to fulfil without the indispensable support of
the ACUNS Secretariat, led by Alistair Edgar and Brenda Burns, whose tireless efforts have made this
Annual Meeting possible. My thanks are also extended to ACUNS’ Board and Membership. In a time of
pressing global challenges, our work is as essential as it has ever been. I very much look forward to
our discussions here in Istanbul and to ACUNS’ continued contribution to international scholarship
and practice.
Abiodun Williams
Chair, ACUNS
President of The Hague Institute for Global Justice
JUNE 19-21, 1014
ear Distinguished Guests,
It is a great pleasure and privilege for me to welcome you to Istanbul, Turkey, and Kadir Has
University for the Annual Meeting of ACUNS. We are honored to cooperate with the Council
on the occasion of this important academic event. ACUNS’ Annual Meeting Global Governance: Emerging
New Norms and Emerging Challenges can provide us with an opportunity to consider critical contemporary challenges over territorial conflicts, civil wars and humanitarian insecurity. Several keynote
addresses by prominent speakers will add valuable insights to your deliberations.
I believe that Kadir Has University, representing a young and dynamic Turkish higher education
system, together with its historical Cibali Campus, combining the layers of history with modern art,
architecture and science, will provide a perfect location for this remarkable event.
Inspired by the story of tremendous transformation of the University’s main campus from hosting
a Byzantine cistern in 11th century and Ottoman Bath in 16th century, to a tobacco factory in the
late 19th century, and finally a modern university in the 21st century, we are dedicated to fulfill
the University’s mission to build bridges between the past and the future, the local and the global,
through teaching, research and community service.
I am delighted to open the doors of Kadir Has University to this august event and pleased to
welcome you all as our distinguished guests. I would like to express my special thanks to the
honorary chair of ACUNS, distinguished speakers and participants as well as the Organizing
Committee for their very much appreciated efforts and contributions.
I wish you all a great time in Istanbul as well as a path breaking and an inspiring meeting.
Prof. Dr. Mustafa Aydın
Rector, Kadir Has University
G l o b a l G o v e r n ance: Enga gi ng N ew N o rms a nd Emergi ng Challenges
Ambassador Ahmet Üzümcü
Director-General of the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons
Modelling Multilateral Disarmament:
The Chemical Weapons Experience
H.E. Mr. Ahmet Üzümcü was appointed Director-General of the OPCW in December 2009 by the 14th Session of the
Conference of the States Parties to the Chemical Weapons Convention and began his first term of office on 25 July 2010.
He was reappointed for a second term at the 18th Session of the Conference of State Parties in December 2013.
Immediately prior to his appointment as OPCW Director-General, he served as the Permanent Representative
of the Republic of Turkey to the United Nations Office at Geneva.
Ambassador Üzümcü is a career diplomat with vast experience in multilateral diplomacy. During the past decade he has
represented Turkey at the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) Council, the Conference on Disarmament, the United
Nations and other international organisations in Geneva. Ambassador Üzümcü chaired the Conference on Disarmament
for four weeks in March 2008 and attended various disarmament-related meetings and conferences in Geneva, Brussels
and elsewhere. He has a thorough understanding of and considerable expertise in political-military affairs, disarmament
and proliferation issues.
Previously, Ambassador Üzümcü served as Deputy Undersecretary of State for Bilateral Political Affairs at the Turkish
Ministry of Foreign Affairs. From June 2002 to August 2004, he was the Permanent Representative of Turkey to the NATO
Council in Brussels. He held the post of Ambassador of Turkey to Israel from 1999 to 2002. From 1996 to 1999, he headed
the Personnel Department at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Ankara. Prior to that, he served in various posts at the
Ministry of Foreign Affairs as well as at the Turkish delegation to NATO (1986-1989), the Turkish Embassy in Vienna
(1979-1982) and as a Consul in Aleppo, Syria (1982-1984).
In addition to his diplomatic experience, Ambassador Üzümcü served in an international capacity as a staff member of
NATO’s Political Directorate from 1989 to 1994, where he contributed to work on NATO’s Partnership for Peace initiative in
the immediate aftermath of the Cold War and travelled extensively in Eastern European countries and the former USSR.
Ambassador Üzümcü was born in Armutlu, Turkey on 30 August 1951 and holds a Bachelors Degree in International
Relations with a specialisation in Public Administration from the Faculty of Political Sciences, Ankara University.
He speaks English and French fluently, is married and has a daughter.
Ambassador Üzümcü received the 2013 Nobel Peace Prize on behalf of the OPCW in December 2013. In January 2014,
he was awarded the Medaglia d’Onore and the Sigillum Magnum by the University of Bologna in Italy.
JUNE 19-21, 1014
T HURS DAY, JUN E 19, 2014
1.30 pm - 4.30 pm
4.30 pm - 6.30 pm
Abiodun Williams, Chair, ACUNS and President,
The Hague Institute for Global Justice
Modelling Multilateral Disarmament:
The Chemical Weapons Experience
H.E. Mr. Ahmet Üzümcü
Director-General, Organisation for the Prohibition
of Chemical Weapons
Hosted by Mustafa Aydin
Rector, Kadir Has University
9.00 am - 10.30 am
Conflict Management Norms, State Interests,
and Civilian Protection
6.30 pm - 8.00 pm
FR IDAY, J UNE 20, 2014
8.30 am - 4.00 pm
Kirsten Haack, Senior Lecturer, Northumbria University
»Mustafa Aydin, Rector, Kadir Has University
»Ambassador Jian Chen, President, China Academic Net on UN Studies
»Edward Mortimer, Distinguished Fellow, All Souls College,
University of Oxford and Senior Program Advisor, Salzburg Global Seminar
»Abiodun Williams, Chair, ACUNS and President,
The Hague Institute for Global Justice
10.30 am - 11.00 am
Coffee Break
G l o b a l G o v e r n ance: Enga gi ng N ew N o rms a nd Emergi ng Challenges
FR I DAY, J U N E 20, 2014 CO N T I N U ED
» See page 11 - 12 11.00 am - 12.30 pm
Concurrent Workshop Panels SESSION I
12.30 pm - 2.00 pm
Lunch Break
1.00 pm - 2.00 pm
Dag Hammarskjöld’s Principles and Values in Practice
Carsten Stahn, Professor, Leiden University and
Programme Director, Grotius Centre for International Legal Studies
»Monica Bouman, Lecturer, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
»Henning Melber, Senior Adviser and Director Emeritus,
Dag Hammarskjöld Foundation
»Maria Stella Rognoni, Lecturer, University of Florence
2.15 pm - 3.30 pm
Introduction by
Abiodun Williams
Chair, ACUNS and President, The Hague Institute for Global Justice
The Next Development Agenda: An Opportunity
for Renewed Multilateralism
» see full biography on page 10
Amina J. Mohammed, Special Adviser to the Secretary-General on Post-2015 Development Planning, United Nations
3.30 pm - 4.00 pm
Coffee Break
4.00 pm - 5.30 pm
Sustainable Development and Resilient Cities
in the Post-2015 Agenda
Nanette Svenson, Adjunct Professor, Tulane University
Panelists: »Serdar Dinler, Chair, Turkish Social Responsibility Association
»Deniz Ozturk, Advisor to the Board, Global Compact Network Turkey
»Regina Wiala-Zimm, Chief Executive Office, City of Vienna
»David Passarelli, Chief of Staff, Office of the Rector,
United Nations University
5:30 pm - 6:30 pm
The International Politics of Human Rights:
Rallying to the R2P Cause
Mónica Serrano, Professor, El Colegio de México;
Senior Research Associate, Oxford University
»Brian Job, Professor, The University of British Columbia; Editor,
Global Governance
»Mónica Serrano, Professor, El Colegio de México; Senior Research Associate,
Oxford University; Editor, Global Governance
»Ramesh Thakur, Professor, Australian National University;
Editor-in-Chief, Global Governance
JUNE 19-21, 1014
SATU RDAY, JUNE 21, 2014
» See page 13 - 15
9.00 am - 10.30 am
Concurrent Workshop Panels
10.30 am - 11.00 am
Coffee Break 11.00 am - 12.30 pm
Local Ownership, Global Collective Action, and Addressing
Fragile States
Melissa Labonte, Associate Professor, Fordham University
» Sukehiro Hasegawa, Visiting Professor and
Special Advisor, Hosei University
» Lise Morjé Howard, Associate Professor, Georgetown University
» Leila Nicolas, Professor, Lebanese University and
Lebanese International University
12.30 pm - 2.00 pm Lunch Break
1.00 pm - 1.45 pm
Professional Development for Early Career Researchers: An Interactive
Workshop Discussing the Academic Publishing Process
» Roger Coate, Paul D. Coverdell Endowed Chair of Public Policy,
Georgia College and State University
» Melissa Labonte, Associate Professor, Fordham University
» John Ravenhill, Director, Balsillie School of International Affairs
2.00 pm - 3.30 pm
Concurrent Workshop Panels SESSION III
3.30 pm - 4.00 pm
Coffee Break
4.00 pm - 5.30 pm
Can the United Nations Survive ‘Patchwork Multilateralism’?
» See page 15 - 17
Roger Coate, Paul D. Coverdell Endowed Chair of Public Policy,
Georgia College and State University
» Stephen Browne, Research Fellow, Ralph Bunche Institute for
International Studies, The Graduate Centre-CUNY
» Sam Daws, Director, Project on UN Governance and Reform,
University of Oxford
» Mary Farrell, Professor, University of Plymouth
» Michael Møller, Acting Director-General, United Nations Office
at Geneva
5.30 pm. - 6:00 pm
CLOSING REMARKS Christer Jönsson
Past Chair, ACUNS and Professor Emeritus, Lund University
G l o b a l G o v e r n ance: Enga gi ng N ew N o rms a nd Emergi ng Challenges
T H E J O H N W. H O L M E S M E M O R I A L L E C T U R E
Amina J. Mohammed
Special Adviser to the Secretary-General on Post-2015 Development Planning, United Nations
The Next Development Agenda: An Opportunity
for Renewed Multilateralism
Amina J. Mohammed was born in 1961, in Nigeria. She was appointed in July 2012 by the United Nations Secretary-General
Ban Ki-moon as Special Adviser on Post-2015 Development Planning. Ms. Mohammed brings to the position more than
30 years of experience as a development practitioner in the public and private sectors, as well as civil society.
She was the CEO/Founder of the Center for Development Policy Solutions, a newly established think tank to address the
policy and knowledge gaps within the Government, Parliament and private sector in development and civil society for robust
advocacy materials. Ms. Mohammed was also Adjunct Professor of the Master’s Programme for Development Practice at
Columbia University in New York.
Prior to that, Ms. Mohammed served as the Senior Special Assistant to the President of Nigeria on the Millennium
Development Goals after serving three Presidents over a period of six years. She was charged, in 2005, with the coordination
of the debt relief funds (USD 1 billion per annum) towards the achievement of Millennium Development Goals in Nigeria.
Her mandate included designing a Virtual Poverty Fund with innovative approaches to poverty reduction, budget
coordination and monitoring, as well as providing advice on pertinent issues regarding poverty, public sector reform and
sustainable development. Ms. Mohammed served as coordinator of the Task Force on Gender and Education for the United
Nations Millennium Project, from 2002 to 2005. Prior to this, she served as Founder and Executive Director of Afri-Projects
Consortium, a multidisciplinary firm of Engineers and Quantity Surveyors (1991-2001) and worked with the architectural
engineering firm of Archcon Nigeria in association with Norman and Dawbarn UK (1981-1991).
Ms. Mohammed has served on numerous international advisory panels and boards, including the Global Development Program
of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the Secretary General’s Global Sustainability Panel, the Hewlett Foundation on
Education, African Women’s Millennium Initiative, the ActionAid International “Right to Education Project”, the Millennium
Promise Initiative, and the Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China. She is a Governor of the International
Development Research Centre in Canada, and currently chairs the Advisory Board of the United Nations Educational,
Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) Global Monitoring Report on Education.
Ms. Mohammed received the National Honours Award of the Order of the Federal Republic in 2006 and was inducted into
the Nigerian Women’s Hall of Fame in 2007.
Ms. Mohammed has four children.
JUNE 19-21, 1014
FR I DAY, J U N E 20, 2014
11:00 AM - 12:30 PM
Roundtable on Chains of Justice
Roundtable on Norms and Challenges in
Global Governance: International Responsibility
and the Ethics of Dag Hammarskjöld
C h a i r:
Zehra Kabasakal Arat, Professor, University of Connecticut
Pane l i st s:
C hair:
Kurt Mills, Senior Lecturer, University of Glasgow
Henning Melber, Senior Adviser and Director Emeritus,
Dag Hammarskjöld Foundation
Füsun Türkmen, Professor, Galatasaray University
Sonia Cardenas, Associate Academic Dean and Professor of Political Science,
Trinity College
Panel i st s:
Manuel Fröhlich, Professor, Department of Political Science,
Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena
Aoife O’Donoghue, Senior Lecturer, Durham Law School
Carsten Stahn, Professor, Leiden University and Programme Director,
Grotius Centre for International Legal Studies
Local Problems in Search for Transnational Solutions
C h a i r:
Promoting and Shaping Development
Basilio Monteiro, Associate Professor and Director of the Graduate
Program in International Communication, St. John’s University
Pane l i st s:
C hair:
“How the UN Should Communicate the World’s Next Development Agenda”
» Kara Alaimo, Assistant Professor, Hofstra University as of Sept. 2014; Doctoral Candidate, The Graduate Center, CUNY
Nanette Svenson, Adjunct Professor, Tulane University
Panel i st s:
“Learning from the Past, Focusing on the Future: Education
Development Goals Beyond 2015”
» Andrew White, Graduate Candidate M.S. International
Communications, St. John’s University
“Substantiating Pubic Interest and Social Justice Provisions in
International Trade and Investment for Inclusive Development”
» Soo-hyun Lee, Research Fellow, United Nations Commission
on International Trade Law
“Changing the Frames: Communicating Climate Change Effectively”
» Olivia Schum, Graduate Candidate M.S. International Communications, St. John’s University
“Development and the End of Poverty: Reform or Reinvention?”
» Elham Seyedsayamdost, PhD Candidate, Columbia University
“(In)Coherence, Sustainable Development and the Future of the
Multilateral Trading System”
» Erin Hannah, Associate Professor, King’s University College
“Environmental Degradation in the Sahel: A Causal Analysis of
Environmental and Social Outcomes”
» Suhani Bhushan, Master’s Candidate, Balsillie School of
International Affairs
G l o b a l G o v e r n ance: Enga gi ng N ew N o rms a nd Emergi ng Challenges
F RIDAY, J UN E 20, 2014
1 1 : 0 0 A . M . - 1 2 : 3 0 P. M .
Leadership Norms and Practices
Participatory Global Governance:
Old and New Coalitions
C h a i r:
Bob Reinalda, Senior Researcher, Radboud University Nijmegen
C hair:
Pane l i st s:
Jelica Stefanovic-Stambuk, Full Professor, University of Belgrade
“Diplomacy at the Security Council: Children and Armed Conflict”
» Ingvild Bode, JSPS Postdoctoral Fellow, United Nations University
Panel i st s:
“Too Big to Lead? The Executive Head’s Influence on a Changing
United Nations”
» Michael Schroeder, Director of Global Governance, Politics
and Security, American University
“Integration of the UN System: Experiences from the Field”
» Timo Mahn, Researcher, German Development Institute
Resilient Cities and Urban Governance (I)
“The Role of the Public in the Drafting of the Sustainable
Development Goals”
» Otto Spijkers, Assistant professor, Utrecht University
“Re-Thinking Participation and Governance”
» David Gartner, Professor, Arizona State University
“The Construction of the ‘South’: The Origins of the Group of 77
in UN Climate Change Negotiations”
» Nicholas Chan, PhD Candidate, University of Oxford
“World Economic Governance and Political Rights: A Model at
the Service of a Genuine and Integral Human Development”
» Matteo Laruffa, Chairman AISES Young, AISES Academy
C h a i r:
Sukehiro Hasegawa, Visiting Professor and Special Advisor,
Hosei University
(Re-) Designing Peacekeeping
and State Reconstruction
Pane l i st s:
“Building Resilient Cities: Rethinking the Cross-Border Dimensions
of Metropolitan Disaster Risk Governance”
» Weena Gera, Postdoctoral Research Fellow, United Nations University
“Coping at the Coalface: How are Humanitarian Organizations
Responding to Climate Change?”
» Nina Hall, Post-Doctoral Fellow, Hertie School of Governance
“Survival Migration: Integrating Early Warning Systems into
Contemporary Mobility Dilemmas?”
» Busra Hacioglu, Master’s Candidate, Balsillie School of
International Affairs
» Alina Shams, Master’s Candidate, Balsillie School of
International Affairs
C hair:
John-Mark Iyi, Postdoctoral Research Fellow, University of Johannesburg
Panel i st s:
“Whose Obligations of Sovereignty? State Reconstruction
and Global Governance.”
» Kate Seaman, Teaching Fellow, University of Bath
“The Politics of Decision-making in International Organizations:
The Challenge of Competing and Conflicting Demands in UN Peacekeeping”
» Anne Lange, Research Fellow and PhD Candidate, University of Potsdam
“UN Stabilization Missions: Examining the consequences of new
mandates for the UN peacekeeping operations in the Democratic
Republic of Congo and Mali”
» John Karlsrud, Senior Research Fellow, Norwegian Institute of
International Affairs
“Making Sense of Peacebuilding: Peacekeeping Ambiguity and
Community Violence Reduction in Haiti”
» Michael Lipson, Associate Professor, Concordia University
“Narrating Politics in Africa: Social Imaginaries & Harsh Realities”
» Ibrahim Saleh, Senior Lecturer and Convener of Political
Communication, University of Cape Town
JUNE 19-21, 1014
SAT U RDAY, JU N E 2 1 , 2 014
9:00 AM - 10:30 AM
Security Governance as an Aspect of
Global Governance System
Femicide, Fetecide, FGM, and Forced Marriages:
New UN Norms and Continuing Challenges
C h a i r:
C hair:
Zuzana Lehmannova, Professor, Jan Masaryk Centre of International
Studies, University of Economics
Dorota Gierycz, Adjunct Professor, Webster University
Panel i st s:
Pa n e li st s:
“Femicide: A Global Issue that Demands Action”
» Michael Platzer, ACUNS Vienna Liaison Office
“Security Dimension of Global Governance System Development”
» Zuzana Lehmannova, Professor, Jan Masaryk Centre of
International Studies, University of Economics
“Forced and Child Marriage”
Simona Domazetoska, ACUNS Vienna Liaison Office
“How to prevent violent conflicts? The UN Role and Experience.”
˘ Dubský, Assistant Professor, Jan Masaryk Centre of
» Zbynek
International Studies, University of Economics
“Feticide: Sex-Selective Abortions”
» Sandra Mueller, ACUNS Vienna Liaison Office
“Female Genital Mutilation”
» Christopher Grafinger, ACUNS Vienna Liaison Office
“Regionalisation and/or Global Governance: Case Study of the EU”
» Radim Sršen, Assistant Professor, Jan Masaryk Centre of
International Studies, University of Economics
“Regionalisation and/or Global Governance: Case Study of
the Latin America”
» Miroslav Jurasek, PhD Candidate, Jan Masaryk Centre of
International Studies, University of Economics
Global Governance and Leadership
in International Organizations
C hair:
Kent Kille, Professor of Political Science, The College of Wooster
Panel i st s:
“UNESCO Directors-General, Global Leadership for Engaging
New Norms Under Challenge”
» Roger Coate, Paul D. Coverdell Professor of Public Policy,
Georgia College
» Jeffrey Griffin, PhD Candidate, University of Nevada-Rena
“Being Secretary-General of NATO from 1961 to 1964”
» Bob Reinalda, Senior Researcher, Radboud University Nijmegen
“James P. Grant Reforming UNICEF”
» Joel Oestreich, Associate Professor, Drexel University
“Catherine Ann Bertini: Biographical Research in the Context
of Gender Analysis”
» Kirsten Haack, Senior Lecturer, Northumbria University
G l o b a l G o v e r n ance: Enga gi ng N ew N o rms a nd Emergi ng Challenges
SAT U RDAY, JUNE 21, 2014
9:00 AM - 10:30 AM
New Norms and Practices: UN Interventions
Understanding and Responding to Crisis,
Resistance and Extremism
C h a i r:
» Otto Spijkers, Assistant Professor, Utrecht University
C hair:
Pane l i st s:
Natalie Harmening, PhD student, Florida State University;
Adjunct Professor, New Mexico State University
“The UN, AU, African RECs and the Operationalization of R2P in Africa:
Towards Legal and Institutional Complementarity”
» John-Mark Iyi, Postdoctoral Research Fellow,
University of Johannesburg
“From Libya to Syria: The Rise and Fall of Humanitarian Intervention?”
» Füsun Türkmen, Professor, Galatasaray University
“Fighting Atrocities: Norms vs. Practice”
» Kurt Mills, Senior Lecturer, University of Glasgow
“Necessitating Intervention: The Case for R2P”
» Alex Chung, MA, University of New South Wales
“Between Doctrine and Practice: The UN Peacekeeping Dilemma”
» Mateja Peter, Senior Research Fellow, Norwegian Institute of
International Affairs
The UN, International Organizations
and Norms of Governance
C h a i r:
Elham Seyedsayamdost, PhD Candidate, Columbia University
Pane l i st s:
“The UN and Global Governance: From Ideology to Global Policies”
» Jean-Philippe Thérien, Director, Centre for International Peace
and Security Studies; Professor, University of Montreal
“Priming Humanity: The UN Diplomatic Compact”
» Jelica Stefanovic-Stambuk, Full Professor, University of Belgrade
”A Changing World for International Organizations”
» Yves Beigbeder, Retired WHO Official, Author and Consultant, Geneva
“Genuine Global Governance: Hegemony to Legitimacy”
» Md. Abdul Gaffar, PhD Candidate, Jawaharlal Nehru University
Panel i st s:
“Normalizing Crisis in the Middle East and North Africa”
» Ibrahim Saleh, Senior Lecturer and Convener of Political
Communication, University of Cape Town
“The Arab Spring and the Social and Political Identities in
Algerian Youth”
» Lourdes Patricia Iniguez Torres, PhD Candidate, Universidad
de Guadalajara/El Colegio de México
“Post-Independence Syria and the Great Powers (1946-1958): How
Western Power Politics Pushed the Country towards the Soviet Union”
» Jörg Michael Dostal, Associate Professor, Seoul National University/GSPA
Law, Legitimacy and Policy – Global Problems
and Standards?
C hair:
Andrew Thompson, Adjunct Assistant Professor, University of Waterloo
Panel i st s:
“Governance of the Global Medicines Network: Legitimacy Underlying
International Policy Divergence”
» Mary Wiktorowicz, Associate Professor and Chair, York University
» Joel Lexchin, Professor, York University
» Kathy Moscou, PhD Candidate, University of Toronto
“Managing Knowledge to Propel Global Norms: How the United Nations
Influences International and Domestic Policy and Law”
» Nanette Svenson, Adjunct Professor, Tulane University
» Meredith Bambrick, J.D. LLM, Tulane University
“The Challenge of the International Jurisdictions before Environmental Disputes
Adjudications: Which Contribution for the Global Environment Governance?”
» Rafael Prado, Associate Researcher, Polytechnic University
of Catalonia’s UNESCO Sustainability Chair
“Achieving Water Sustainability through the Post-2015 United Nations
Development Agenda”
» Virgil Haden-Pawlowski, Master’s Candidate, Balsillie School
of International Affairs
JUNE 19-21, 1014
SAT U RDAY, JU N E 2 1 , 2 014
2:00 PM - 3:30 PM
Representing and Re-Imagining the United Nations
Global Tax, Global Funding and Global Governance
C h a i r: Melissa Labonte, Associate Professor, Fordham University
C hair:
Pane l i st s:
Mary Farrell, Professor, Plymouth University
“Fostering Innovation and Excellence in UN Studies”
» Henrike Landré, Co-chair, UN Studies Association
Panel i st s:
“Communicating the United Nations to the World”
» William Miller, Moderator, Global Connections Television and Professor,
Kentucky State University
“The UN Representation for the People: No Representation without
» Mariko Shoji, Professor, Keiai University
“Are we re-inventing the UN? The Charter Self-contained Expiration Date
and Mutation Trigger”
» Mahmoud Shahryar Sharei, Doctorate Researcher, University of Kent
and World Federalist Movement Councilor
“Global Tax for Global Climate Governance”
» Takehiko Uemura, Professor, Yokohama City University
“Reconciling Ownership against Effectiveness in Global Climate Funding”
» Akihisa Mori, Associate Professor, Kyoto University
“Greater UN Voices for Civil Society”
» Joseph Schwartzberg, Distinguished International Professor Emeritus, University of Minnesota
Global Institutions and Human Development
Gender Identity in Global Governance: Policies and Practices
C hair:
C h a i r: Nina Hall, Post-Doctoral Fellow, Hertie School of Governance
Rama Mani, Senior Research Associate, University of Oxford
Pane l i st s:
Panel i st s:
“ ‘We Cannot Use Gender, But We Find Another Way’: United Nations Gender
Mainstreaming in Post-Occupation Timor-Leste”
» Sarah Smith, PhD Candidate, Swinburne University of Technology
“Global Institutions and Human Development: Evolution and Impact”
» Richard Ponzio, Head of Global Governance Program, The Hague
Institute for Global Justice
“Democracy Promotion in the Middle East and Gender Inequality”
» Özlem Altan-Olcay, Assistant Professor, Koç University
“Human Development in Global Governance: New Frontiers”
» George Gray Molina, Chief Economist, Regional Bureau for
Latin America and the Caribbean, UNDP
“LGBTI Rights and the UN System: Perspectives and Challenges”
» Bronwyn Winter, Professor, The University of Sydney
“‘Two Wheels of a Chariot’: The Constitutional Foundations of
Global Human Development”
» Joris Larik, Senior Researcher, The Hague Institute for Global Justice
DISCUSSANT: Rorden Wilkinson, Professor, Manchester University
Resilient Cities and Urban Governance (II)
C h a i r: Mary Farrell, Professor, Plymouth University
Pane l i st s:
"Governing Mobility in Post-2015 Cities: What Role Should Supranational
Institutions Play?"
» Clemence Cavoli, PhD Researcher, University College London
“The Road to Liberating Citizens while Governing the Urban Areas. The tale of
Two Cities: Cairo and Buenos Aires”
» Azza Sirry, Professor, Housing & Building National Research Center
» Sandra Bustamante, Professor, University of Belgrano
“The Global City as a Space for Transnational Identity Politics”
» Fiona B. Adamson, Associate Professor (Senior Lecturer), University of London
» Maria Koinova, Associate Professor, University of Warwick
G l o b a l G o v e r n ance: Enga gi ng N ew N o rms a nd Emergi ng Challenges
SATU RDAY, JUNE 21, 2014
2:00 PM - 3:30 PM
Human Rights Perspectives and Challenges
Things Fall Apart: Entropy, Estrangement
and Trust in Global Governance
C h a i r:
Natalie Harmening, PhD student, Florida State University;
Adjunct Professor, New Mexico State University
Pane l i st s:
“The Slow ‘Evolution of Standards’: The Working Group on Indigenous
Populations and the Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples”
» Andrew Thompson, Adjunct Assistant Professor, University of Waterloo
“Anti-Discrimination, Protection of Minorities and Rights of Indigenous
Peoples - Is this a Patchwork or a Fine Embroidery?”
» Anikó Szalai, Senior Lecturer, University of Szeged
“Understanding African Support for Human Rights in the UN Human
Rights Council”
» Eduard Jordaan, Assistant Professor, Singapore Management University
Peacemaking and Peacebuilding:
Lessons and Responsibilities
C h a i r:
Bronwyn Winter, Professor, The University of Sydney
Pane l i st s:
“The UN’s Peacebuilding Commission at the Margins of Power Politics”
» Necla Tschirgi, Professor, University of San Diego
“Review of State-building in Timor-Leste during the UNMIT Period”
» Katsumi Ishizuka, Professor, Kyoei University
“In Pursuit of a Power-Sharing Settlement: Lessons from 50 Years
if UN Peacekeeping in Cyprus”
» Tozun Bahcheli, Professor, King’s University College
“Precedence, Hypocrisy, and Blackmail: Drawing Lessons across
Cases of UN Intervention”
» Anjali Dayal, PhD Candidate, Georgetown University
C hair:
Andrew Flibbert, Associate Professor, Trinity College
Panel i st s:
“Trust and Voluntary Dependency: The Case of European Micro-states”
» Kendall Stiles, Professor, Brigham Young University
“Entropy and Order in Global Governance”
» Andrew Flibbert, Associate Professor, Trinity College
“Science of Politics on Global Governance”
» Igor Makarov, Independent Researcher, PhD, Reform Science Center
Words in World Politics: Narratives, Images
and Roles
C hair:
Nanette Svenson, Adjunct Professor, Tulane University
Panel i st s:
“Words More Powerful than Weapons in Modern Global Governance”
» Kara Alaimo, Assistant Professor, Hofstra University as of Sept. 2014; Doctoral Candidate, The Graduate Center, CUNY
“Norms for Relationships: Normative Power, China and the Post-Western
Global Order”
» Emilian Kavalski, Associate Professor, Australian Catholic University
“Successfully Promoting a Global Ideology? The United Nations and
Human Development Reports”
» Devin Joshi, Assistant Professor, University of Denver
“Global Governance: How Fine, How Fast, and How Far?
– A Perspective of China”
» Leizhen Zang, PhD Candidate, Peking University
“The Environment in Time of Crisis: What can International Humanitarian
Actors Actually So?”
» Marine Destrez, YTB Fellow, Galatasaray University
JUNE 19-21, 1014
Space, Cyberspace, and Nuclear Security
Post-2015 Partnerships for Development
C h a i r:
C hair:
Andrew Koltun, Administrative Assistant, Academic Council
on the United Nations System
Soo-hyun Lee, Research Fellow, United Nations Commission
on International Trade Law
Pane l i st s:
Panel i st s:
“Global Environmental Governance of Space”
» Barry Kellman, Professor DePaul University College of Law
“From Strength to Strength: Steady Post-2015 Reliance on Global
Public-Private Partnerships”
» Jelica Stefanovic-Stambuk, Full Professor, University of Belgrade
“Can Cyber Conflict be Defused? Diplomatic Options for International
Cyber Security”
» Paul Meyer, Adjunct Professor, Simon Fraser University
“Beyond 2015: International Trade and the Development Deficit”
» Amy Wood, Master’s Candidate, Balsillie School of International Affairs
“Reviewing for Results: Preparing for a second generation of
Post-2015 Partnerships for Sustainable Development”
» Marianne Beisheim, Senior Researcher, Stiftung Wissenschaft
und Politik, Global Issues Division
» Nils Simon, Research Associate, Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik,
Global Issues Division
“Emerging Challenges to Global Nuclear Security Governance and
the Role of the United Nations System”
» Cigdem Pekar, Research Assistant, Canakkale Onsekiz Mart University
“Enhancing the EU Performance in the work of the United Nations:
The Case of the UNGA Resolution 65/276”
» Emmanouil Assimakopoulos, PhD Candidate, Athens University
of Economics and Business
» Ioannis Galariotis, Post-Doctoral Researcher, Athens University
of Economics and Business
Culture and Global Governance
C h a i r:
Roger Coate, Paul D. Coverdell Professor of Public Policy, Georgia College
Pane l i st s:
“Culture and Global Governance”
» Aigul Kulnazarova, Professor, Tama University
“Gnosticism and Its Potential in Resolving the Conflict Between
Human Rights and Cultural Relativism in Muslim Countries”
» Farid Mirbagheri, Professor of International Relations,
University of Nicosia
“New Life in a Box: Humanitarian Organizations and the Network Age”
» Rosalie Hughes, Master’s Candidate, Sciences Po
“The Indian Business Leader: An Exploration of Religious and
Cultural Impact on Organisational Dynamics
» Connie Hancock, Head of Programme: Business Management
and Entrepreneurship, University of Chester
» Guru Prabhakar, Sr. Lecturer, University of the West of England
“Multiplicity of Legal systems under single sovereignty as reference
for dispute resolutions: Islamic and Western Contexts”
» Osman Tastan,
Professor of Islamic Law, Ankara University
G l o b a l G o v e r n ance: Enga gi ng N ew N o rms a nd Emergi ng Challenges
Dr. Mustafa Aydın is Rector of Kadir Has University, a member of the
Planning and Evaluation Board of the Turkish General Staff’s Strategic
Research and Study Centre, President of the International Relations
Council of Turkey, Director of the International Policy Research Institute
and the Co-Coordinator for the International Commission on the Black Sea.
Dr. Aydın, who had previously served as an editor for the Turkish Yearbook
of International Relations, Review of International Affairs and Ankara Papers,
is currently Editor-in-Chief of Uluslararası lişkiler (International Relations)
and the Journal of Strategic Research.
Ambassador Chen Jian is President of China Academic Net for UN Studies.
Ambassador Chen served as Under Secretary-General of the United Nations
from 2001-2007, and as China’s Ambassador to Japan from 1998 to 2001.
Ambassador Chen is a career diplomat who served as Deputy Permanent
Representative at the Permanent Mission of the Peoples Republic of China
to the United Nations, from 1992 to 1994, as Foreign Ministry Spokesperson
and Director-General at the Information Department of the Ministry of
Foreign Affairs, from 1994 to 1996, and as Assistant Minister of Foreign
Affairs, from 1996 to 1998.
Dr. Aydın, graduated from the Department of International Relations,
Ankara University in 1988. He obtained his M.A. in International Relations
and Strategic Studies (1991) and his Ph.D. in Political Sciences and
International Relations (1994) from Lancaster University, UK. He later
joined Ankara University’s Faculty of Political Sciences in 1995 as assistant
professor, becoming associate professor in 1999 and full professor in 2005.
He was the founding head of the Global and Regional Studies Program.
Between 2005 and 2009, he worked for the University of Economics and
Technology as the Head of the Department of International Relations.
He was also member of the same University’s Senate and Governing Board
Member of both Faculty of Administrative and Economic Sciences and
the Graduate School. Professor Aydın was appointed as Rector in
February 2010.
Stephen Browne is founder and co-director of the Future United Nations
Development System (FUNDS) project and Visiting Fellow of the Ralph
Bunche Institute for International Studies, Graduate Center, City University
of New York. With the FUNDS Project, he undertakes research on the present
and future of the 30+ organizations which comprise the UN development
system. Stephen began his career as a consultant in London with The
Economist Intelligence Unit, then joined the United Nations in 1976,
first with the UN Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the
Pacific (ESCAP), and then with the UN Development Programme, where
he worked for more than 25 years with assignments in Thailand, Somalia,
Ukraine, Rwanda and USA (New York). He was UN Representative in
newly-independent Ukraine from 1992-96 and in Rwanda from 1998-99.
In UNDP HQ, he was Director for Poverty and Social Development and
in 2001 produced the first-ever Millennium Development Goals (MDGs)
country monitoring report (giving birth to the ‘MDG’ acronym). From
2006 until 2009, he was Deputy Executive Director of the International
Trade Centre in Geneva. His recent publications include: Post-2015 UN
Development (Routledge, 2014) (Co-editor); Making Change Happen:
Enhancing the UN’s Contribution to Development (World Federation of
UN Associations, 2012) (Co-author); The United Nations Industrial
Development Organization (Routledge, 2012); UNDP and the
UN Development System (Routledge, 2011).
Roger Coate is Paul D. Coverdell Endowed Chair of Public Policy at
Georgia College & State University and Distinguished Professor Emeritus
of Political Science and former Director of the Richard L. Walker Institute
of International Studies at the University of South Carolina. He joined the
faculty at GCSU in January 2009 after having taught at USC since 1981
and before that at Arizona State University for four years. He received his
Ph.D. from Ohio State University and holds a M.A. from Johns Hopkins
University’s School of Advanced International Studies. Professor Coate’s
research and teaching interests focus on public policy related to multilateral
relations, international organization and global governance. His specific
areas of expertise include: the UN system, international organization reform,
international administration and development, the role of civil society in
global governance, nonprofit management, public-private partnerships,
and U.S. multilateral foreign policy. He is author or co-author of more
than a dozen books and monographs, including: United Nations Politics:
Responding to a Challenging World; The United Nations and Changing World
Politics; International Cooperation in Response to AIDS; United States Policy
and the Future of the United Nations; and Unilateralism, Ideology and
United States Foreign Policy: The U.S. In and Out of UNESCO.
Sam is the Director of the Project on UN Governance and Reform at the
Centre for International Studies at the University of Oxford. He also serves
as a Senior Research Associate in the Centre for International Studies at
the University of Oxford, undertaking research on UN governance and
reform issues. He is a member of the Senior Common Room of
St. Antony’s College, Oxford.
Sam has served in a variety of UN-related roles for over two decades. He
served as Deputy Director (United Nations, Prime Minister’s Post-2015 team)
in the United Kingdom Cabinet Office from 2012-13. He previously served as
Senior Principal Research Analyst in the Multilateral Policy Directorate of the
Foreign & Commonwealth Office. Sam was Executive Director of the United
Nations Association of the UK from 2004 to 2010, and has served as the
UK Representative of the United Nations Foundation. From 2000 to 2003
he served as First Officer to UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan in New York.
JUNE 19-21, 1014
> S E R DA R D I N L E R
Serdar Dinler currently serves as President of the Corporate Social
Responsibility (CSR) Association of Turkey, whose mission is to “create
tools, resources and methodologies for business to behave socially
responsible on social, economic and environmental issues so that business
can have a positive impact on the development of society”. In addition
to his role with CSR, Mr. Dinler directs the Life Long Learning Centre at
Kadir Has University in Istanbul where he develops educational programs
in line with the needs of the public and identifies solutions to these
challenges in order to produce high-quality educational models. Mr. Dinler
previously worked at the British Council for 23 years and has founded
more than 20 NGOs, thereby becoming an expert on NGOs in Turkey.
Sukehiro Hasegawa is Professor of the Faculty of Law, Hosei University,
Tokyo. He served as Special Representative of the Secretary-General for
Timor-Leste and as Head of the United Nations Mission of Support in
East Timor (UNMISET), the United Nations Office in Timor-Leste (UNOTIL),
and the United Nations Mission in Timor-Leste (UNMIT) from May 2004
to September 2006. He served with the United Nations since 1969. He
held several senior positions within the United Nations Development
Programme (UNDP), the United Nations Volunteers (UNV) and United Nations
peacekeeping operations. He was Deputy Resident Representative of UNDP
in Nepal, from 1978 to 1980, and in Indonesia, from 1980 to 1984. He later
served as UNDP Resident Representative and Resident Coordinator of the
United Nations operational activities for development in Samoa, the Cook
Islands, Niue and Tokelau. In 1993, he managed the United Nations Volunteer
electoral supervisors assigned to plan and administer general elections in
Cambodia. In April 1994, he was appointed Director of Policy and Planning
of the United Nations peacekeeping operation in Somalia, and in January
1995, he became the United Nations Resident Coordinator in Rwanda.
He subsequently served as the Deputy Assistant Administrator and Deputy
Regional Director for Asia and the Pacific at UNDP in New York. From July
2002 to May 2004, he served as the United Nations Resident Coordinator
for Timor-Leste, and concurrently as Deputy Special Representative of the
Secretary-General for Timor-Leste and Deputy Head of UNMISET. He holds a
Bachelor of Arts degree in political science from the University of Michigan,
a Master of Arts degree in public administration from the International
Christian University of Tokyo, and a Ph.D. in international relations from
Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri. Dr. Hasegawa is member of
the Board of Directors of Japan Association of United Nations Studies and
member of the Earth Charter Commission for Asia and the Pacific. He is a
Goodwill Ambassador of the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste and served
as Special Advisor to President José Ramos-Horta from 2006 to 2012.
> M A R Y FA R R E L L
Mary Farrell is a Professor in International Relations at the University of
Plymouth. She was previously Reader in European and International Politics,
and Jean Monnet Chair in the School of Humanities and Social Sciences at
the University of Greenwich (London, UK). In this present position, she was
program leader for the MA International Relations and supervised a number
of doctoral and Masters theses. She was educated in Ireland, and received
her PhD from London School of Economics. She has extensive experience
of teaching in universities in Europe, Africa, and Asia, with a particular
focus on global governance, development studies, comparative regionalism,
and the role of the United Nations in peace and security. Dr. Farrell is an
international expert on the inter-connection between global and regional
governance systems, and is currently working on a research project addressing
the place of Africa in the international system. She has published widely on
issues relating to international development policy, the role of international
organizations in global governance, inter-regional cooperation and Africa-EU
relations, and the European Union in the United Nations. She is a participant
in several international research projects and networks, and acts as a
consultant to the European Commission and national scientific bodies
on research funding evaluation and project reviews.
> L I S E M O R J É H O WA R D
Lise Morjé Howard is Associate Professor in the Department of Government
at Georgetown University. She has served as a Jennings Randolph Senior
Fellow at the U.S. Institute of Peace, and was the founding director of the
Master of Arts Program in Conflict Resolution at Georgetown. She received her
M.A. and Ph.D. in Political Science from the University of California, Berkeley,
and her A.B. in Soviet Studies magna cum laude from Barnard College of
Columbia University. She was previously an Assistant Professor of Government
at Wesleyan University and she has held pre- and post-doctoral fellowships
at Stanford University (Center for International Security and Cooperation),
Harvard University (Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs),
and the University of Maryland (Center for International Development and
Conflict Management). Dr. Howard’s research and teaching interests span the
fields of international relations, comparative politics, and conflict resolution.
Her work focuses on civil wars, peacekeeping, U.S. foreign policy, and area
studies of the Balkans and sub-Saharan Africa. She has published several
Kirsten Haack is Senior Lecturer in International Politics at Northumbria
University and author of The United Nations Democracy Agenda (Manchester
University Press, 2011). She has published on leadership in international
organizations, women in the UN system and the UN Secretary-General.
Kirsten is an elected member of the ACUNS Board of Directors, and
an editor of the Journal of International Organizations Studies.
G l o b a l G o v e r n ance: Enga gi ng N ew N o rms a nd Emergi ng Challenges
articles and book chapters on these topics. Her book, UN Peacekeeping in
Civil Wars, was published by Cambridge University Press in 2008, and it
won the 2010 Book Award from the Academic Council on the UN System
(ACUNS) for the best book on the UN system published in the previous
three years. She is currently working on several projects about U.S. foreign
policy in ethnic conflict, the use of force in UN peacekeeping operations,
and norms of civil war termination. Dr. Howard has received awards for
her work on peacekeeping from the Soroptimist International, the Barnard
College Alumnae Association, and the James D. Kline Fund. She has received
support from the MacArthur Foundation, the Institute for the Study of World
Politics, the National Security Education Program, and the Institute on
Global Conflict and Cooperation. Dr. Howard is fluent in French and Russian,
and speaks some Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian, Spanish, and German. Prior to
beginning graduate school, she served as Acting Director of UN Affairs for
the New York City Commission for the United Nations.
Christer Jönsson is Professor of Political Science at Lund University, Sweden,
and a member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences. In 1995-97
he served as President of the Swedish Political Science Association, and
in 1996-99 as President of the Nordic International Studies Association
(NISA). He has been Visiting Professor at Stanford University and Kyung
Hee University, Seoul, and a Fellow at the Collegium Budapest Institute
for Advanced Study. He has served on the editorial boards of International
Organization as well as Global Governance. In addition to international
organization, his research interests and publications range from negotiation
theory and diplomacy to the role of transnational network and NGOs
in global governance. He has contributed to the Sage Handbooks of
International Relations (2002) and of Conflict Resolution (2009) as well
as the Oxford Handbook on the United Nations. His most recent co-authored
books are Organizing European Space (2000) and Essence of Diplomacy
(2005) and Transnational Actors in Global Governance (2010)
Melissa Labonte is Associate Professor of Political Science at Fordham
University in New York City. She received her MA and PhD in Political Science
from Brown University. Her research and teaching interests include the UN
system, humanitarian politics, peacebuilding, multilateral peace operations,
conflict resolution, human rights, and West African politics. She is the
author of Human Rights and Humanitarian Norms, Strategic Framing, and
Intervention: Lessons for the Responsibility to Protect (London: Routledge,
2013), and her research has appeared in leading journals, including African
Affairs; Disasters; Global Governance; the International Journal of Human
Rights; and Third World Quarterly. Dr. Labonte is a member of the Boards
of Directors for Fordham’s Center for International Policy Studies and the
Friends of ACUNS. She also serves as sub-Saharan Africa academic advisor to
Freedom House, and is a past-Chair of the IO Section of ISA. She completed
research with the Office of the President of the UN General Assembly on
issues including Security Council reform, the Global Financial Crisis, and
the Responsibility to Protect, and she has conducted field work analyzing
peacebuilding efforts in Sierra Leone, which forms the basis of her current
book project. In 2013 Dr. Labonte was the recipient of Fordham’s Award
for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching in the Social Sciences, and the
Fordham Undergraduate Research Journal’s Faculty Mentor Award in the
Social Sciences.
On 9 April 2014, Mr. Michael Møller of Denmark was appointed as Acting
Head, Economic Commission for Europe. Since November 2013, he has served
as Acting Head, United Nations Office at Geneva. Mr. Møller served for more
than 30 years as an international civil servant in the United Nations. He
was Executive Director of the Kofi Annan Foundation from 2008 to 2011.
Prior to this, he served as the Secretary-General’s Special Representative
for Cyprus (2006-2008) and Director for Political, Peacekeeping and
Humanitarian Affairs in the Office of the Secretary-General (2001-2006),
also serving concurrently as Deputy Chief of Staff for the last two years of
that period. Between 1997 and 2001 he was the Head of the Office of the
Under-Secretary-General for Political Affairs at UN headquarters in New York.
He served in different capacities in Iran, Mexico, Haiti and Geneva, where
he started his career in 1979 with the United Nations High Commissioner
for Refugees. Born in 1952 in Copenhagen, Mr. Møller completed a Master’s
course in International Relations at Johns Hopkins University and a
Bachelor’s degree in International Relations from the University of
Sussex, United Kingdom.
> E D WA R D M O R T I M E R
Edward Mortimer was a two-year fellow at All Souls College from 2006 to
2008. He is a chief speechwriter to the Executive Office of the SecretaryGeneral and, additionally, Director of Communications. Mortimer was an
Honorary Professor at the University of Warwick from 1993-1998, as well
as a Research Associate at the International Institute for Strategic Studies
in London from 1990-1991. From 1987-1998 he was a Foreign Affairs
Commentator for the Financial Times. He was also a writer on Middle Eastern
and Mediterranean affairs. Mortimer’s research interests are in politics and
contemporary history, and he has many published works including being
co-editor of People, Nation and State: the Meaning of Ethnicity and
Nationalism (1999) and author on A Few Words on Intervention (1995).
Leila Nicolas Rahbani PhD, is a University Professor at the Lebanese
International University, a founding member of the Association of Lebanese
for Democracy and Good Governance, has served as Middle Eastern expert
for many international NGOs, and is an activist in the area of reinforcing
the rule of law and transitional justice, and interreligious dialogue. She
was a visiting professor in Claremont Mckenna college and California State
University in USA during February 2010. She has participated in numerous
conferences and symposiums in Lebanon and around the world; she has
lectured on legal and political issues related to the conflicts in the Middle
East, the international criminal courts and the U.S. foreign policy. She has
published several books on foreign affairs and international relations, and
many studies and articles published in several languages, in addition to
being the recipient of a number of international awards. Her latest book
International Tribunals: Achievements and Failures published in
December 2013 by Cedar-River production.
> D E N I Z OZ T U R K
With over 9 years of professional experience in the Private Sector, United
Nations and Civil Society, Deniz Ozturk is an experienced professional in
UN-business partnerships and Corporate Sustainability. She is Advisor to the
Board of the Turkey Network of the United Nations Global Compact, where
she provides strategy and partnership building guidance. Ozturk played an
integral role in the expansion and strengthening of the governance structure
as well as the overall transition to a formal global action network. She
continues to provide strategy and sustainability reporting guidance to
UNGC signatories with a special focus on SMEs. Prior to this, Ozturk was the
Turkey Advisor to Executive Director of the UN Global Compact Georg Kell.
JUNE 19-21, 1014
Responding to Genocide:
The Politics of International Action
With over 20 years of experience in international development, Nanette is
Adjunct Professor at Tulane University and consultant for the United Nations
and other international organizations. She helped establish the United
Nations Development Programme Regional Centre for Latin America and the
Caribbean and headed its research and knowledge management efforts for
four years. She has held managerial positions in private sector service firms,
as well, and is co-founder of Pro Artesana, Panama’s first non-governmental
organization dedicated to local artisan capacity building. Her education
includes a PhD in International Development from Tulane; an MBA from
IESE in Barcelona; and a BA from Stanford. She teaches at graduate and
undergraduate levels; conducts research, program evaluations and capacity
assessments; and publishes in academic and development journals. Nanette
is based in Panama and her research focuses on capacity development,
particularly in relation to higher education programs, national government
programming and international organizations.
“This is social science at its best.… It should
be read by all policy-makers and scholars
interested in preventing genocide.”
—Karen E. Smith, Perspectives on Politics
hc $58 • pb $22
A Project of the International Peace Institute
Enabling Peace in Guatemala:
The Story of MINUGUA
“One of the major strengths of this work
is that it not only tells for the first time
the detailed story, as billed, of UN
involvement in Guatemala … but it
also provides the reader with a necessary
understanding of the complexities of
Guatemalan politics.”—Philip Chrimes,
> R E G I N A W I A L A-Z I M M
Regina Wiala-Zimm obtained a degree in Architecture from Vienna Technical
University in 1995. She began her career at the City of Vienna in the
Department for City Planning, where she worked on citizen participation
projects and EU funded projects. In 2005 Wiala-Zimm moved to the Chief
Executive Office for European and International Affairs where she currently
handles co-operation and coordination with Vienna based international
organizations (OPEC, OFID, OSCE,), all UN Offices at the Vienna UN
Headquarters, and city networks such as the Organisation of World Heritage
Cities (OWHC). Wiala-Zimm is a member of the jury for the OWHC’s Jean
Paul l’Allier Prize for Heritage. She is also chairing the Eurocities European
Neighborhood Policy and Enlargement with a strong focus on the Eastern
Partnership of the EU.
hc $75 • pb $29.95 • A Kumarian Press Book
Peacebuilding Through Community-Based NGOs:
International Affairs • hc $55 • pb $24
Histories of UN Peace Operations/A Project of the
International Peace Institute
The Golden Fleece:
Manipulation and Independence in Humanitarian Action
“The Golden Fleece is an indispensable collection. If read and
absorbed by decisionmakers, it might help to pre-empt future
mistakes.”—Jonathan Benthall, Times Literary Supplement
Paradoxes and Possibilities
Abiodun Williams is President of The Hague Institute for Global Justice.
Previously, he was the senior vice president of the Center for Conflict Analysis
and Prevention at the United States Institute of Peace. He also served as
the associate dean of the Africa Center for Strategic Studies at the National
Defense University. From 2001 to 2007, he served as Director of Strategic
Planning in the Office of the United Nations Secretary-General. In that
capacity, he advised Secretaries-General Kofi Annan and Ban Ki-moon
on a full range of strategic issues including U.N. reform, conflict prevention,
peacebuilding and international migration. He held political and
humanitarian affairs positions in U.N. peacekeeping missions in Bosnia
and Herzegovina, Haiti, and Macedonia from 1994 to 2000. Williams began
his career as an academic and taught international relations at the Edmund
A. Walsh School of Foreign Service, Georgetown University, University of
Rochester, and Tufts University. In 1990 he was awarded the Constantine
E. Maguire Medal for outstanding service to the School of Foreign Service
and its students, and in 1992, he won the School’s teaching award. He was
the recipient of a Pew Faculty Fellowship in International Affairs in 1990.
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G l o b a l G o v e r n ance: Enga gi ng N ew N o rms a nd Emergi ng Challenges
> F I O N A B . A DA M S O N
Fiona B. Adamson is Associate Professor (Senior Lecturer) in International
Relations at SOAS, University of London. Her research interests are in
International Relations theory, transnational identity politics, international
peace and security, and migration and diaspora. Her published work has
appeared in International Security, European Journal of International
Relations, International Studies Perspectives, Political Science Quarterly,
Cambridge Review of International Affairs and Journal of Ethnic and
Migration Studies, as well as in a number of edited volumes. Fiona is a
co-convenor of the London Migration Research Group (LMRG) and serves
on the Governing Council of the International Security Studies Section
of the ISA. Prior to joining SOAS, she was Director of the Programme
in International Public Policy at University College London (UCL). Dr.
Adamson holds a BA from Stanford University and an MA, MPhil and PhD
from Columbia University. She has held research fellowships at Harvard and
Stanford Universities, as well as at Humboldt University, Berlin. She is an
alumna of the 1998 ACUNS Summer Workshop on Globalization and Global
Governance: Changing Roles of State and Non-State Actors.
Kara S. Alaimo is Assistant Professor of Communication at St. John’s
University and a doctoral candidate at the Graduate Center of The City
University of New York. Her interest in persuasive processes in modern
international relations stems from her decade of experience as a global
communications professional. From 2011-2012, she served as Head of
Communications for the United Nations Secretary-General’s High Level
Panel on the Post-2015 Development Agenda. From 2010-2011, she was
Spokesperson for International Affairs at the U.S. Treasury, as a political
appointee in President Obama’s administration. She also previously served
as Global Media Coordinator for the United Nations Millennium Campaign,
where she implemented international communications campaigns to
encourage heads of state to achieve the Millennium Development Goals.
Özlem Altan-Olcay has a PhD degree from New York University,
Department of Politics. She is currently a faculty member at Department
of International Relations, Koç University. She is also a member of the
executive boards at Migration Research Center and Social Policy Center at
Koç University. Her research focuses on elite networks in the Middle East,
citizenship practices, and gender and development. Her work has been
published in academic journals such as British Journal of Middle Eastern
Studies, Citizenship Studies, Feminist Economics, Middle Eastern Studies,
and National Identities.
> Z E H R A K A B A S A K A L A R AT
and quantitative. Her publications include numerous journal articles and
book chapters, as well as books: Non-State Actors in the Human Rights
Universe (2006); Human Rights Worldwide (2006); Human Rights in Turkey
(2007, received Choice Award of Outstanding Academic Titles). She has
served professional organizations in various capacities (e.g., Founding
President, Human Rights Section of APSA, 2000-2001, and Chair, Human
Rights Research Committee of IPSA, 2006-2012). Currently, she serves
on the editorial boards of International Feminist Journal of Politics,
Zeitschrift für Menschenrechte, Human Rights and Human Welfare, and
International Studies Intensives book series of Paradigm Books. She is
recognized by several awards, including the APSA Award of Distinguished
Scholar in Human Rights (2010), SUNY Chancellor’s Award for Excellence
in Scholarship and Creative Activities (2006), and the title of Juanita
and Joseph Leff Distinguished Professor (Purchase College, 2006).
Emmanouil Assimakopoulos is currently Research Associate at the
Athens University of Economics and Business. He is a Ph.D. Candidate
at the University of Peloponnese, Department of Political Science
and International Relations. He holds a B.Sc. in Political Science and
History from the Panteion University (Department of Political Science
and History) and a M.Sc. in European Economic Policy from the Athens
University of Economics and Business (Department of International and
European Economics Studies). His research interests focus on international
organizations and non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction
with an emphasis on the NPT, European security strategy and analysis
of multilateral negotiations.
Tozun Bahcheli is professor of political science at King’s University College
at Western University, London, Canada. He has written widely on the
Cyprus issue, secessionist conflicts in divided societies, Turkish foreign
policy issues, and the Kurdish issue in Turkey. During 1995-1996 he was
senior fellow at the United States Institute of Peace in Washington, D.C.
He is the author of Greek-Turkish Relations Since 1955 (Westview Press,
1990) and co-editor (with Barry Bartmann and Henry Srebrnik) of De
Facto States: The Quest for Sovereignty (Routledge, 2004). Additionally,
he has authored nearly two dozen journal articles and book chapters.
Many of these have addressed various aspects of the Cyprus issue and
the conditions under which power-sharing and federal institutions can be
achieved on the island and in other ethnically divided societies. Bahcheli’s
latest Cyprus-related articles, slated for publication in spring 2014, are:
1. “The Quest for a Political Settlement in Cyprus: Is a Dyadic Federation
Viable?” (with Sid Noel) Publius: The Journal of Federalism, and 2.
“Cyprus, 1974: Turkey’s Military Success Followed by Political Stalemate”,
Mediterranean Quarterly.
Dr. Arat studies human rights, with an emphasis on women’s rights, as
well as processes of democratization, globalization and development. She
combines theoretical writings with empirical research - both qualitative
JUNE 19-21, 1014
Water-Energy-Food Security Nexus). Moreover, she directs a project on
“Partnerships for Sustainable Development”, funded by the German Research
Foundation (DFG/SFB700). From 2003 till 2010 Marianne Beisheim was
Assistant Professor at Freie Universität Berlin. Previous to this, she worked
for the German Parliament and was a Research Associate at the University
of Bremen.
Meredith Clare Bambrick is a graduate of Tulane University Law School
(2013) where she earned a certificate in international and comparative law.
At Tulane she was a student attorney in the juvenile law clinic, managing
editor for the Tulane Journal of International and Comparative Law, teaching
assistant for the International Development 101 course, and research
assistant at the Public Law Center, which sponsors the annual International
Legislative Drafting Institute in New Orleans. A Baltimore native, Meredith
previously studied at Notre Dame Preparatory School (2001) and earned
a B.A. in International Relations from Mount Holyoke College (2005).
She served as a youth development Peace Corps Volunteer in Morocco
(2005-2007) and then worked for Chemonics International, first in the DC
office as a project associate and then in the field as operations manager in
Northern Afghanistan (USAID Accelerating Sustainable Agriculture Program
Mazar Foods Initiative, 2009) and as Special Activities Fund manager in
Nigeria (USAID Maximizing Agricultural Revenues and Key Enterprise Target
Sites, 2009-2010) with additional short-term assignments in Egypt, Morocco,
Ethiopia, and southern Afghanistan. Since attending law school, Meredith
has interned with the legal office of the Northern Land Council in Darwin,
Australia and completed a summer fellowship on a State Department
INL-funded security sector reform program in northern Liberia implemented
by Tetra Tech DPK.
Suhani Bhushan is a Masters of Arts Candidate in Global Governance at
the Balsillie School of International Affairs in Waterloo, Ontario. She
completed her Honours B.A. at Wilfrid Laurier University in Political Science
with the Legal Studies and Research Specialization options. Suhani is
particularly interested in climate change, food security, forced migration
and international power relations. Her current research is focused on
determining how ecological and social factors contribute to the temporal
sequence of environmental degradation as a consistent precursor to scarcity
and adaptative mechanisms. Suhani is presently working at the Centre for
International Governance Innovation (CIGI) as a Junior Research Fellow
with Dr. David Dewitt and Dr. Barry Carin. Her research at CIGI surrounds
the mega trends that are expected to figure prominently from 2015 to 2030,
and to address the significance and implications of these trends for the use
of formal international organizations, informal governance arrangements,
and the G20.
Since 1984, Professor Beigbeder has been a professor of international
organization in universities in France, Switzerland, the USA, and Canada.
He previously served as a Senior Special Fellow for UNITAR, Geneva and
provided legal counsel to international civil servants in complaints to
internal appeals boards and to the ILO and UN Administrative Tribunals.
From 1984-1995 Beigbeder was a Personnel Officer in various World Health
Organizational Regional Offices, with his last post as Assistant Chief of
Personnel, WHO headquarters. Professor Beigbeder began his career as Legal
Secretary to French Judge H. Donnedieu de Vabres at the International
War Crimes Tribunal in Nuremberg. Beigbeder has written numerous books
and articles on international organizations, international administration,
the international civil service and international criminal justice, and
recently published French Justice towards Independence, Political pressures,
international constraints and reforms (L’Harmattan, 2013).
Ingvild Bode is a JSPS postdoctoral fellow in the Institute for Sustainability
and Peace at the United Nations University in Tokyo, Japan. She holds a
PhD from Eberhard Karls University Tuebingen (Germany), where she was
a lecturer and research associate. Her research interests are in the areas
of understanding individual agency, norms and policy changes at the UN
(in particular in the area of peace and security), international humanitarian
law, the United Nations system and in the broader area of sociological
approaches to international relations.
Dr. Monica Bouman, psychologist, is an independent researcher and lecturer
based in the Netherlands. In 2001 she defended her dissertation on the
spirituality and political ethics of Dag Hammarskjöld at the Catholic
University Nijmegen (now Radboud University). With a Dutch-Indies
background and born in the Netherlands, Bouman from an early age has
been interested in issues of decolonization, international relations and world
citizenship. She recognized this engagement and a plea for international
service and maturity in the West European UN Secretary-General Dag
Hammarskjöld. Since 2000 his life, work and selected texts from his diary
and speeches have been central themes in the leadership training sessions
and retreats which Bouman conducts. Formerly she led advanced training
programs for community workers and preventive health care workers.
Bouman also was a policy assistant to the provincial Christian Democrats
Dr. Marianne Beisheim is senior researcher at Stiftung Wissenschaft und
Politik, an independent research center charged with providing analysis
and recommendations to the German Parliament and Federal Government
on international affairs. Her research focuses on global governance issues
in the field of sustainable development (intergovernmental negotiations
and also activities of non-state actors). Currently, the follow-up of
UNCSD 2012 (Rio+20) is at the centre of her attention (Sustainable
Development Goals, High-level Political Forum on Sustainable Development,
G l o b a l G o v e r n ance: Enga gi ng N ew N o rms a nd Emergi ng Challenges
party of Northern Holland and KiMO international (Dutch chapter). As
member of the Board of the Indonesia Nederland Society she promotes
diplomacy, cultural dialogue and economic cooperation. Publications:
Internationale dienstbaarheid als vrijheid en plicht / De levensweg van
Dag Hammarskjöld / Een tekstanalytisch onderzoek, 2001; “Diplomacy
and Personal Leadership, Learning from Linggajati”, Strategic Review,
Indonesian Quarterly Journal of Leadership, Policy, and World Affairs,
July 2014.
> S A N D R A B U S TA M A N T E
With 30 years of relevant professional experience in development, Sandra
Bustamante has worked for the Ministry of Foreign Office in Argentina,
the International Labor Organization, the World Bank, the European
Commission and the International Bank of Development as a consultant.
As a Professor, she worked at the Universidad Nacional de Rosario
(Argentina), Universidad Católica Argentina, Universidad de Buenos
Aires (Argentina), Universidad Hispalense de Sevilla (España), Université
d´Angers (Francia), and Universidad de Piracicaba (Brazil). She has
sound knowledge and experience in European and Latin American public
policies, particularly in social fields and social cohesion strategy as well
as knowledge in equity and gender perspective and in institutionalizing
gender issues in policies and international cooperation projects for
development. Bustamante holds a PhD in Political Science from the
Universidad Nacional de Rosario, owns two consultancies:
and and works for the Universidad de Belgrano.
Sonia Cardenas is Professor of Political Science and Associate Academic
Dean at Trinity College in Connecticut. Her work focuses on human
rights in international and comparative perspectives. She is the author
of numerous publications, including three books from the University of
Pennsylvania Press: Chains of Justice: The Global Rise of National Human
Rights Institutions; Human Rights in Latin America: A Politics of Terror
and Hope; and Conflict and Compliance: State Responses to International
Human Rights Pressure.
Clemence Cavoli is currently working as a researcher at University College
London. Her research interests are in environmental and sustainable
mobility policies, particularly in the urban field. She is currently working
on a project that aims to create bridges between academia and policymaking to ensure that significant transport related research outputs are
rapidly absorbed into policy making and have practical impact. Prior to
that she undertook a project which investigated the need for national data
linking mobility, safety, sustainability and health. Clemence is completing
a PhD at University College London which aims to assess the impact the
European Union laws and programmes, particularly environmental policies,
have had on urban transport policies. Prior to this she was a project
manager and a consultant on sustainable mobility at the Universidad
Autonoma Madrid, Spain. She holds a Masters Degree (first class Honours)
from the Sorbonne University which she undertook partly in the USA,
at Carleton College, and partly in Spain at the Complutense in Madrid.
Clemence regularly works as an independent expert and consultant
for the European Commission on various FP7 projects related to
sustainable mobility.
Nicholas Chan recently defended his D.Phil thesis in International
Relations at the University of Oxford, on the history of developing country
coalitions in the UN climate change negotiations. He was the Sir John
Swire Scholar at St. Antony’s College, and previously studied at University
College, Oxford, and Aberystwyth University. He has served as an advisor
to the delegation of Vanuatu at the UN Framework Convention on Climate
Change negotiating conferences since 2011.
Alex Chung first became involved in progressive politics during his
undergraduate years, when he protested against provincial and federal cuts
to university funding in Canada. He recently completed his thesis titled
“US Drone Discourse in the Context of Power, Authority and Legitimacy”
as part of his MA (International Relations) degree at UNSW. Alex is
interested in the study of human rights and international law, mental
health, and public policy. He plans on pursuing further HDR studies in
Australia, progressing to doctoral research. On campus, he has served on
the UNSW Academic Board (2012-13), Committee on Education (2012-13),
and the Arts and Social Sciences Faculty Board (2012-13) and has been
re-elected to serve for another one year term (2013-14). Alex also sits
on the Postgraduate Council, Arc@UNSW as an ex-offico member. He
joined CAPA in 2011 as the Eastern Regional Secretary and was elected
to the Equity portfolio in 2012.
Roger Coate is Paul D. Coverdell Endowed Chair of Public Policy at
Georgia College & State University and Distinguished Professor Emeritus
of Political Science and former Director of the Richard L. Walker Institute
of International Studies at the University of South Carolina. He joined
the faculty at GCSU in January 2009 after having taught at USC since
1981 and before that at Arizona State University for four years. He
received his Ph.D. from Ohio State University and holds a M.A. from Johns
Hopkins University’s School of Advanced International Studies. Professor
Coate’s research and teaching interests focus on public policy related to
multilateral relations, international organization and global governance.
His specific areas of expertise include: the UN system, international
organization reform, international administration and development, the
role of civil society in global governance, nonprofit management, publicprivate partnerships, and U.S. multilateral foreign policy. He is author
or co-author of more than a dozen books and monographs, including:
United Nations Politics: Responding to a Challenging World; The United
Nations and Changing World Politics; International Cooperation in Response
to AIDS; United States Policy and the Future of the United Nations; and
Unilateralism, Ideology and United States Foreign Policy: The U.S.
In and Out of UNESCO.
Anjali Dayal is a PhD Candidate, researcher, and instructor in Georgetown
University’s Department of Government. Her research interests lie at the
intersection between Comparative Politics and International Relations,
where she focuses on the relationship between international organizations
and domestic political outcomes--particularly those related to security,
order, and human rights. She holds a BA from Columbia College, Columbia
University, and an MA from Columbia University. She has conducted
research for UNIFEM (now UN Women), UN Action to Prevent Sexual
Violence in Conflict, and the Political Instability Task Force’s initiative
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on preventing mass atrocities. Anjali Dayal was the recipient of the 2014
ACUNS Dissertation Award for her dissertation “War, Repetition, Reputation:
Peacekeeping and Links between Civil Wars”.
Dr. Farrell is an international expert on the inter-connection between global
and regional governance systems, and is currently working on a research
project addressing the place of Africa in the international system. She has
published widely on issues relating to international development policy,
the role of international organizations in global governance, inter-regional
cooperation and Africa-EU relations, and the European Union in the United
Nations. She is a participant in several international research projects and
networks, and acts as a consultant to the European Commission and national
scientific bodies on research funding evaluation and project reviews.
With experience in the field of sustainable development and diplomacy,
Marine Destrez chose to return in 2013 to academia to pursue research
in the field of environmental security, cooperation and peacebuilding.
She was offered a research fellowship by the government of Turkey and
is currently based in Ankara. Having developed programs aiming at water
cooperation between Afghanistan and Pakistan, as well as environmental
legal empowerment projects in Sub-Saharan Africa, she is a published author
and has presented papers to a number of international events including the
IUCN Law Academy Annual Conference and the Frontline Club Conference
Series. She owns a dual degree in Politics and International Relations by
Sciences Po Lille in France and the University of Kent in England, as well as
an LLM in International Environmental Law from the University of Kent. She
has worked as a consultant for the Rockefeller Foundation and the French
Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Andrew Flibbert is Associate Professor in the Department of Political Science
at Trinity College in Hartford, Connecticut. A Middle East regional specialist,
he teaches international and comparative politics, and he writes primarily
about security and foreign policy. His research has addressed the Iraq war,
state failure, WMD proliferation, civilian suffering and wartime ethics, human
rights in the Middle East, and the political economy of cultural production.
He has contributed to edited volumes and published articles in Political
Science Quarterly, Middle East Policy, Security Studies, Middle East Journal,
and PS: Politics and Political Science, and he is the author of Commerce in
Culture: States and Markets in the World Film Trade. His current book project
uses ideational and institutional theory to explain American involvement
in Iraq and its consequences.
> S I M O N A D O M A Z E TO S K A
Simona Domazetoska is currently pursuing a Master’s Degree in Cultural
Differences and Transnational Processes at the University of Vienna. She is
an editor of the 2014 Femicide Publication, coordinator of ACUNS Vienna
Femicide team and, co-author of The UN Approach to
Combating Femicide in Latin America, and presented on behalf of the
Regional Academy on United Nations System. She is currently interning
at UNIDO, working on Youth and Entrepreneurship as well as working
for the youth-led NGO “Aspire. Manufactory of Change.”
Manuel Fröhlich is Professor of International Organizations and Globalization
at Friedrich-Schiller-University, Jena (Germany). He also serves as a board
member of the German United Nations Association and its Research Council.
He is co-editor of the German Journal of Political Science (Zeitschrift für
Politikwissenschaft) as well as the book series The United Nations and
Global Change (Nomos). Manuel Fröhlich has published several books and
articles i.a. on the United Nations, Global Governance, the transformation
of peace operations and sovereignty as well as the political philosophy of
international relations and world organization - topics that have been with
him since his dissertation on the Political Ethics of UN Secretary-General
Dag Hammarskjöld (Routledge). He currently heads a research project on
the work of Special Representatives of the UN Secretary-General (SRSGs)
that includes the establishment of a comprehensive database on SRSG
assignments since the foundation of the UN.
> J Ö R G M I C H A E L D O S TA L
Jörg Michael Dostal is an Associate Professor in the Graduate School of
Public Administration, Seoul National University. His current research focuses
on comparative politics, the politics of development and Middle Eastern
history. His latest publication on Syria is ‘Analyzing the Domestic and
International Conflict in Syria: Are There Lessons from Political Science?’
Zbynĕk Dubsky is an assistant professor at Jan Masaryk Centre of
International Studies at the University of Economics in Prague. At the same
time, he is a member of the board of the Czech United Nations Association.
His research deals with the topics of global governance, security and defense
with special focus on the European integration process and the Organization
for Security and Co-operation in Europe.
> A B D U L G A F FA R
Abdul Gaffar is a PhD candidate in School of International Studies,
Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, India
Ioannis Galariotis is currently Research Associate (post-doctoral) at the
Athens University of Economics and Business. He holds a PhD in political
science and international relations from the National and Kapodistrian
University of Athens, Department of Political Science and Public
Administration. He also holds a B.Sc. in Economics (University of Athens)
and postgraduate degrees in International Political Economy (Newcastle
University), European Integration (Essex University) and Economics
(Tilburg University).
> M A R Y FA R R E L L
Mary Farrell is a Professor in International Relations at the University of
Plymouth. She was previously Reader in European and International Politics,
and Jean Monnet Chair in the School of Humanities and Social Sciences at
the University of Greenwich (London, UK). In this present position, she was
program leader for the MA International Relations and supervised a number
of doctoral and Masters theses. She was educated in Ireland, and received
her PhD from London School of Economics. She has extensive experience of
teaching in universities in Europe, Africa, and Asia, with a particular focus
on global governance, development studies, comparative regionalism, and
the role of the United Nations in peace and security.
G l o b a l G o v e r n ance: Enga gi ng N ew N o rms a nd Emergi ng Challenges
His research interests focus on international organizations, foreign policy
analysis, international political economy and innovative methodologies
of social science research.
David Gartner is Professor at the Sandra Day O’Connor College of Law at
Arizona State University. In addition, he is an Affiliate Professor in the
School of Public Affairs, a Senior Sustainability Scholar in the Global
Institute of Sustainability, and a non-resident Fellow at the Brookings
Institution. Professor Gartner is currently Co-Chair of the International
Organizations Interest Group of the American Society of International Law
and a member of the Executive Committee of the International Organizations
Section of the International Studies Association. He teaches a range of
courses including international institutions, foreign relations law, law and
democracy, and constitutional law, and his current research focuses on
the governance of international institutions. Before joining the faculty at
Arizona State University, Professor Gartner was a Fellow at the Brookings
Institution and a Visiting Scholar at Harvard University. He is a graduate
of Yale Law School and holds a doctorate in Political Science from the
Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Dr. Gera is a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the United Nations University Institute for the Advanced Study of Sustainability (UNU-IAS). Under
the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) fellowship she
conducts research on Institutionalizing Metropolitan Disaster Governance
and Collaboration for Resilience in the Philippines. Prior to joining
the UNU in September 2012, Dr. Gera served as Assistant Professor of
Political Science at the University of the Philippines Cebu. She has worked
on human rights issues of people living in war and conflict with the
Humanitarian Crisis Hub (Australia). She has also been a consultant for the
International Organization for Migration (IOM) in different research and
evaluation projects on migration and human trafficking in South Asia and
the Asia-Pacific region. Dr. Gera received her MA and PhD in International
Development from Nagoya University under the Japanese Government
Monbukagakusho scholarship. She also holds a prior Masters in Industrial
Relations from the University of the Philippines Diliman. She specializes
in research and analysis of regulatory and governance approaches toward
sustainable development and poverty reduction in developing countries.
She examines contemporary development issues along contextualinstitutional variables, political economy and multi-level power
structures shaping policy capacity, implementation and collaboration.
Dorota Gierycz is a former senior United Nations official stationed in
Sukhumi and Tbilisi. Dr. Gierycz has had a long and distinguished career
in international affairs, peacekeeping, conflict resolution, human rights
and gender equality. She worked at the United Nations, serving in senior
positions at its headquarters in both Vienna and New York and in numerous
missions around the world, including the United Nations Missions in
Bosnia- Herzegovina (2001 to 2003) and Liberia (2004-2007) where she
also represented the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights.
Dr. Gierycz holds an MA in public international law and a PhD in political
science from Warsaw University, in her native Poland. She further studied
at the Academy of International Law in The Hague, Georgetown, Columbia,
and Brown Universities in the United States. Dr. Gierycz has also authored
numerous academic articles. She regularly teaches and conducts research
at leading universities and institutions around the world, including the
European Inter-University Centre for Human Rights and Democratization in
Venice, Italy, and the Norwegian Institute of International Affairs in Oslo,
Norway, working on issues of Transitional Justice and the Responsibility
to Protect. She is also currently associated with the Ludwig Boltzmann
Institute of Human Rights, University of Vienna, Webster University,
Vienna and European Peace University (EPU).
Arunabha Ghosh is CEO of the Council on Energy, Environment and Water
(CEEW), an independent, policy think-tank in India. He is also an Associate
at the Global Economic Governance Programme, Oxford; Faculty Associate
at the Smith School of Enterprise and the Environment, Oxford; and
Associate Fellow at the Governance of Clean Development Project at the
University of East Anglia. Dr. Ghosh was previously Global Leaders Fellow at
the Woodrow Wilson School of Public & International Affairs, Princeton and
at the Department of Politics and International Relations, Oxford. He was
also Policy Specialist at the United Nations Development Programme in
New York and has worked at the World Trade Organization in Geneva.
He currently works on: climate governance (financing, technology R&D and
innovation); geoengineering governance; trade-climate linkages; global
energy governance; water governance; and international regime design.
Most recently, he authored Understanding Complexity; Anticipating Change,
the report of the Working Group on India and Global Governance, which was
submitted to the National Security Adviser. His 2010 report, Harnessing the
Power Shift: Governance options for international climate financing, assessed
the full range of channels and institutions for climate finance. Arunabha
holds a D.Phil. (Ph.D.) and M.Phil. in international relations from Oxford,
where he was the Clarendon Scholar and Marvin Bower Scholar. He holds an
M.A. (First Class) in Philosophy, Politics and Economics from Balliol College,
Oxford, as Radhakrishnan-Chevening Scholar.
> C H R I S TO P H E R G R A F I N G E R
Christopher Grafinger is a student of Political Science at the University of
Vienna. He participated in the “Aspire. Manufactory of Change Congress”
and the workshop on Femicide. He assisted in the 2014 ACUNS Vienna
Annual Conference.
Jeffrey A. Griffin is a PhD student of Political Science at the University
of Nevada, Reno. Prior to graduate work, his undergraduate studies were
concluded at Georgia College where he concentrated on international
relations, HIV/AIDS policy, and the United Nations system. At the University
of Nevada, Reno, his research concentrations are global health politics
concentrating on the international response to HIV/AIDS, health security,
civil society, and international organizations.
> K I R S T E N H A AC K
Kirsten Haack is Senior Lecturer in International Politics at Northumbria
University and author of The United Nations Democracy Agenda (Manchester
University Press, 2011). She has published on leadership in international
organisations, women in the UN system and the UN Secretary-General.
Kirsten is elected member of the ACUNS Board of Directors and an editor
of the Journal of International Organizations Studies.
JUNE 19-21, 1014
Busra Hacioglu is a Master of International Public Policy candidate from the
Balsillie School of International Affairs in Canada. Alongside her coursework
she is conducting research for the International Migration Research Centre
as a part of her Jr. Fellowship for the Centre for International Governance
Innovation. Busra obtained an Honors BA from the University of Waterloo
and was previously employed at the Ministry of Infrastructure and at various
technology and enterprise content management companies.
Connie Hancock is Head of Business Management and Entrepreneurship
at the University of Chester. Her area of research is entrepreneurship,
having recently been awarded a ‘highly commended’ for her 2013 journal
article in Management Decision. She is a Fellow of the National Council
for Entrepreneurship Education.
Hacioglu’s research interests focus upon how policy and governance could
manifest in various reactions within states, which can cause numerous
security issues for individuals. Thinking about the interconnected nature
of international policy and the individual has urged her to pursue further
studies in human security and its emancipatory capacity for women,
migrants and traditionally marginalized individuals. The way in which
security issues can affect individuals on a micro level, as well as how
such issues can be translated to shape international policy initiatives on
a macro level to improve or exacerbate the lives of disadvantaged and
underrepresented individuals in the global context, is of great interest
to her.
Erin Hannah is Associate Professor of Political Science at King’s University
College at the University of Western Ontario. She is an international
political economist specializing in global governance, international trade
negotiations, sustainable development, global civil society, and European
Union trade politics. She examines the conditions under which knowledge
and power asymmetries can be redressed through global governance and
institutional reform, with a particular emphasis on social justice and equity
issues. She has published articles in refereed, academic journals such as
Journal of International Economic Law, Journal of Civil Society, Third World
Quarterly and Journal of World Trade. Her book, NGOs and Global Trade,
is forthcoming with the Routledge Global Institutions Series.
> V I R G I L H A D E N - PA W LO W S K I
Virgil Haden-Pawlowski is a Master of International Public Policy candidate
from the Balsillie School of International Affairs in Canada. He is also a
Jr. Research Fellow for the Centre for International Governance Innovation
working on the Global Trends 2015-2030 project. His research in this
project has focused on the legal intervention needed in military drones and
autonomous weapons systems usage and development. Virgil has worked as a
development professional for organizations in Canada, Haiti, Indonesia, and
Poland working on both challenges of community economic development,
poverty alleviation, and transforming industry practices towards
environmental sustainability. Virgil completed his undergraduate degree in
Political Science and International Development at York University, during
which time he published several articles on topics related to international
political economy and held the presidency of several highly productive
philanthropic student community organizations.
Natalie Harmening is a PhD candidate with the Reuben O’D. Askew School of
Public Administration and Policy at Florida State University, and an Adjunct
Professor in Government at New Mexico State University. Specializing in the
cyberstrategies of global politics, her research on political cyber swarms
has explored the Newtonian dance between global audience democracy and
local regimes. She is currently studying the hegemonic impact of America’s
telecommunication industry on the intersection of public interest and human
security at multiple levels of analysis. After receiving a BS in Business
and Certificate of Women Studies from Oregon State University in 1982,
Harmening practiced within the risk and financial management field for 28
years before returning to academia to complete a MA in Government at New
Mexico State University in 2012. An advocate for personal involvement at
the community level, she is a recidivist volunteer with past service on the
board of directors for a university foundation and several domestic violence
and rape organizations. Harmening will is presenting her research on the
cyberstrategies of global swarm political protests at the International
Human Rights Conference immediately prior to this conference.
Virgil’s long-standing research interests include: water governance and
transnational water development cooperation as a tool for peace-building
in water-scarce conflict-prone areas; the international political economy of
development assistance; and processes for socio-economic development
and institution building.
Sukehiro Hasegawa is Professor of the Faculty of Law, Hosei University,
Tokyo. He served as Special Representative of the Secretary-General for
Timor-Leste and as Head of the United Nations Mission of Support in
East Timor (UNMISET), the United Nations Office in Timor-Leste (UNOTIL),
and the United Nations Mission in Timor-Leste (UNMIT) from May 2004
to September 2006. He served with the United Nations since 1969. He
held several senior positions within the United Nations Development
Programme (UNDP), the United Nations Volunteers (UNV) and United Nations
peacekeeping operations. He was Deputy Resident Representative of
UNDP in Nepal, from 1978 to 1980, and in Indonesia, from 1980 to 1984.
He later served as UNDP Resident Representative and Resident Coordinator
of the United Nations operational activities for development in Samoa,
the Cook Islands, Niue and Tokelau. In 1993, he managed the United
Nations Volunteer electoral supervisors assigned to plan and administer
general elections in Cambodia. In April 1994, he was appointed Director
of Policy and Planning of the United Nations peacekeeping operation in
Somalia, and in January 1995, he became the United Nations Resident
Nina Hall is a post-doctoral fellow in Global Governance at the Hertie School
of Governance, Berlin. Her research explores how international organizations,
many of which were created in the post-WWII era, are evolving and
performing to respond to 21st century challenges. In particular she explores
how the UN’s development and humanitarian institutions are responding to
climate change. She is currently working with the World Economic Forum’s
Global Agenda Council on International Governance Systems on leadership
in multilateral institutions. Nina completed a doctorate in International
Relations at the University of Oxford. At Oxford she was also editor of the
St Antony’s International Review and coordinator of the IR Department’s
graduate seminars. She has previously worked for the New Zealand Ministry
of Foreign Affairs and with UNICEF Nepal and the UN Department of Political
Affairs in New York.
G l o b a l G o v e r n ance: Enga gi ng N ew N o rms a nd Emergi ng Challenges
Coordinator in Rwanda. He subsequently served as the Deputy Assistant
Administrator and Deputy Regional Director for Asia and the Pacific at UNDP
in New York. From July 2002 to May 2004, he served as the United Nations
Resident Coordinator for Timor-Leste, and concurrently as Deputy Special
Representative of the Secretary-General for Timor-Leste and Deputy Head of
UNMISET. He holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in political science from the
University of Michigan, a Master of Arts degree in public administration from
the International Christian University of Tokyo, and a Ph.D. in international
relations from Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri. Dr. Hasegawa
is member of the Board of Directors of Japan Association of United Nations
Studies and member of the Earth Charter Commission for Asia and the
Pacific. He is a Goodwill Ambassador of the Democratic Republic of
Timor-Leste and served as Special Advisor to President José Ramos-Horta
from 2006 to 2012.
Rosalie Hughes is a candidate in a dual Master’s degree program of
Journalism and International Affairs at Sciences Po in Paris. She works
part-time for Radio France International (RFI). She previously worked for
UNHCR in Burundi, Rwanda and Tunisia, and for humanitarian non-profit
organizations in Kenya and Nepal. She has a BA in history from
Dartmouth College.
Lourdes Patricia Iniguez-Torres is a PhD Candidate in Middle East Studies at
El Colegio de México and a Professor in the International Studies Department
of the Universidad de Guadalajara. Research interests include: social and
political movements and geopolitical transformations in Algeria, Sudan(s),
Iran and North Africa; diaspora(s) and national narratives in Algeria and
Tunisia; national narratives, citizenship and geopolitics of development in
Sudan and Iran; the Arab Spring and critical geopolitics in North Africa.
> K AT S U M I I S H I Z U K A
Katsumi Ishizuka is Professor in the Department of International Business
Management at Kyoei University, Japan. He received a PhD in the
Department of International Relations at Keele University, England,
in 2000. His research interest include UN peacekeeping operations,
and peace-building. He has written several books on UN peacekeeping
operations and peace-building in the Republic of Ireland and Timor-Leste.
John-Mark Iyi is a postdoctoral research fellow at the University of
Johannesburg. He has published in public international law, peace studies
and international security from an African perspective.
> E D U A R D J O R DA A N
Eduard Jordaan is Assistant Professor of Political Science at Singapore
Management University, where he teaches on democratic theory,
international political economy, and global ethics. His current research
interests are in human rights at the United Nations, the foreign policies
of developing countries, and philosophical questions of responsibility in
international relations. His work has appeared in journals like African
Affairs, European Journal of Development Research, Global Governance,
Human Rights Quarterly, and Review of International Studies.
Dr. Devin K. Joshi is Assistant Professor in the Josef Korbel School of
International Studies at the University of Denver where he teaches courses
on international and comparative development, politics, and education.
Co-author of the book Strengthening Governance Globally (Paradigm Press/
Oxford University Press), he has published over twenty academic journal
articles and book chapters. His recent articles appear in Democratization,
Global Governance, Journal of Contemporary Asia, Journal of Legislative
Studies, and Representation.
> M I R O S L AV J U R A S E K
Miroslav Jurasek, is a PhD candidate at the Jan Masaryk Centre of
International Studies, University of Economics in Prague where he is
focusing on the issues of the Latin America.
John Karlsrud is Senior Research Fellow and Manager of the Training for
Peace programme at the Norwegian Institute of International Affairs (NUPI)
working on peacekeeping, peacebuilding and humanitarian issues. He has
published peer-reviewed articles in Conflict, Security and Development;
Disasters, Global Governance and Global Responsibility to Protect. He
previously served as Special Assistant to the UN Special Representative
of the Secretary-General to Chad and has done research in Chad, Haiti,
and South Sudan.
Emilian Kavalski received his doctoral training in world affairs at
Loughborough University (UK). He obtained a MA in English Philology
at the University of Veliko Turnovo (Bulgaria) and an MA in Colonial and
Postcolonial Studies at the University of Warwick (UK). He has held the
Andrew Mellon Fellowship position at the American Institute for Indian
Studies (New Delhi, India), the Killam Postdoctoral position at the
Department of Political Science, University of Alberta (Canada), and research
positions at Academia Sinica (Taiwan), Aalborg University (Denmark),
the Institute for the International Law of Peace and Armed Conflict, Ruhr
Universitat-Bochum (Germany), the Rachel Carson Center (Germany), and the
NCHU Graduate Institute of International Politics (Taiwan). Emilian’s research
has focused on European politics, international theory, and Asian affairs.
Barry Kellman is the Fulbright Distinguished Chair of Public International
Law at Lund University, Sweden. His professional home is DePaul College
of Law in Chicago, USA. He teaches public international law, international
criminal law, legal control of weapons, environmental law (U.S.),
international environmental justice, and space law. He also directs
the International Weapons Control Center.
He was deeply involved in the implementation of the Chemical Weapons
Convention. During the 1990s, he served on the Group of Experts for
Establishing a Middle East Weapons of Mass Destruction Free Zone. For the
decade following 2001, his work focused on biological weapons control.
He initiated and was senior advisor to the INTERPOL Program for Preventing
Biological Terrorism. He authored Bioviolence – Preventing Biological Terror
and Crime (Cambridge, 2007) as well as reports for the U.S. government
and numerous journal articles and papers. He organized over twenty major
international workshops on biopolicy – many in tandem with the United
Nations and INTERPOL. He is also engaged in a long-term book project:
Weapons Under Law.
JUNE 19-21, 1014
book project. In 2013 Dr. Labonte was the recipient of Fordham’s Award
for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching in the Social Sciences, and the
Fordham Undergraduate Research Journal’s Faculty Mentor Award in the
Social Sciences.
Dr. Kille is the author of From Manager to Visionary: The Secretary-General
of the United Nations (Palgrave Macmillan, 2006) and editor of and
contributor to The UN Secretary-General and Moral Authority: Ethics and
Religion in International Leadership (Georgetown University Press, 2007).
Other publications, which include his work on active learning, appear in the
journals International Studies Perspectives, International Studies Review and
Political Psychology. He is an Associate Editor for the International Journal
of Peace Studies and served as Special Editor for and contributor to the
Autumn/Winter 2004 issue “Putting the Peace Tools to Work: Essays in
Honor of Chadwick F. Alger.” He is co-editor of IO BIO, The Biographical
Dictionary of Secretaries-General of International Organizations.
Dr. Henrike Landré is Co-Chair of the UN Studies Association, an informal
working group of UN practitioners and academics dedicated to creating
and promoting an interdisciplinary, UN-focused field of studies. She is a
member of the Editorial Board of the Journal of International Organizations
Studies, and served on the ACUNS Board of Directors and the larger Board
of WIIS-Germany (Women in International Security). Since 1999, Dr. Landré
has worked as consultant for businesses and NGOs, such as the Peace and
Security Funders Group and the Council on Foreign Relations. She holds
a PhD from the University of Hamburg and published a book on BoutrosGhali and the Clinton Administration. Her current research interests include
knowledge management and organization/innovation theory. With her own
business Coconets, she has specialized in the development of collaborative
research portals for NGOs, academic institutions, university and other
research networks, in Europe and world-wide.
Andrew Koltun is currently the administrative assistant for the Academic
Council on the United Nations System where he serves as the online editor
for the ACUNS website, co-hosts the ACUNS podcasts and provides general
administrative support. Prior to ACUNS, he obtained an Honors BA in History
and Political Science from Wilfrid Laurier University where he concentrated
on conflict and development in the African Great Lakes region and the
militarization of refugees. As of September 2014, Koltun will join the
Balisillie School of International Affairs as a CIGI Junior Fellow and
Master’s Candidate in Global Governance.
Anne Lange is a Research Fellow and PhD Candidate at the German
Research Foundation-funded Research Training Group Wicked Problems,
Contested Administrations: Knowledge, Coordination, Strategy, University
of Potsdam, Germany. She received her MA in International Administration
and Conflict Management and her BA in Politics and Public Administration
from the University of Konstanz, Germany. Her research focuses on United
Nations peacekeeping, the role of international public administrations in
global governance, and organizational decision-making. In her PhD, she
investigates into the patterns of field-level decision-making processes in
UN peacekeeping operations (supervised by Prof Andrea Liese, University of
Potsdam). She is co-author of ”The Politics of Planning for Peace: Boundary
Spanning, Politicization and the Planning Process of Peace Operations“
(accepted and forthcoming in 2014 in the Journal of Intervention and
> A I G U L K U L N A Z A R O VA
Aigul Kulnazarova is Professor of International Relations and International
Law in the School of Global Studies at Tama University (Japan). She
has taught courses in the fields of human rights, international law and
organizations, international relations, democracy, and global history since
1995. In 2001, she got her PhD in international relations, and her current
research is concerned with international relations in Asia, human rights,
and UN/UNESCO intellectual history. She has published articles, essays and
book chapters on the topics of human rights, decolonization, international
relations, and sovereignty both in Russian and English. Currently, she is a
Senior Research Scholar and Member of the International Project “Routes
of Knowledge: The global history of UNESCO, 1945-75,” hosted by Aalborg
University, Denmark, and supported by the Danish Research Council through
August 2017.
Dr. Joris Larik is a Senior Researcher in the Global Governance Program.
Previously, he worked as a postdoctoral research fellow at the Leuven
Centre for Global Governance Studies, KU Leuven. His work focuses on
the constitutional foundations of global governance, comparative and
multilevel constitutional law, the law and policy of EU external relations,
and comparative regional integration. He received his doctorate in law
from the European University Institute in 2013 for his PhD thesis entitled
“Worldly Ambitions: Foreign policy objectives in European Constitutional
Law” which is currently under preparation as a commercial monograph.
Dr. Larik studied law and international relations at the University of
Dresden, Leiden Law School and the College of Europe in Bruges, and
completed traineeships with the European Commission Legal Service
and the WTO Appellate Body. He has taught European and international
law as a guest lecturer at Passau Law School and the University of Dresden,
is academic coordinator of a Massive Open Online Course on the EU & Global
Governance, and is a contributing author in the ASEAN - Integration Through
Law project organized by the National University of Singapore. He is the
winner of the NATO Manfred Wörner Essay Award and was recently awarded
the Mauro Cappelletti Prize for the Best Thesis in Comparative Law for
his doctoral dissertation.
Melissa Labonte is Associate Professor of Political Science at Fordham
University in New York City. She received her MA and PhD in Political Science
from Brown University. Her research and teaching interests include the UN
system, humanitarian politics, peacebuilding, multilateral peace operations,
conflict resolution, human rights, and West African politics. She is the
author of Human Rights and Humanitarian Norms, Strategic Framing, and
Intervention: Lessons for the Responsibility to Protect (London: Routledge,
2013), and her research has appeared in leading journals, including African
Affairs; Disasters; Global Governance; the International Journal of Human
Rights; and Third World Quarterly. Dr. Labonte is a member of the Boards
of Directors for Fordham’s Center for International Policy Studies and the
Friends of ACUNS. She also serves as sub-Saharan Africa academic advisor to
Freedom House, and is a past-Chair of the IO Section of ISA. She completed
research with the Office of the President of the UN General Assembly on
issues including Security Council reform, the Global Financial Crisis, and
the Responsibility to Protect, and she has conducted field work analyzing
peacebuilding efforts in Sierra Leone, which forms the basis of her current
G l o b a l G o v e r n ance: Enga gi ng N ew N o rms a nd Emergi ng Challenges
Matteo Laruffa obtained a bachelor’s degree in Political Sciences cum laude
at LUISS University in Rome, and obtained a Master’s Degree in November
2013 with a dissertation “The European economic governance: principle,
policies and a comparative perspective”. In September 2009, Matteo and
fellow students founded “Giovani per il futuro”, which is a non-partisan
youth movement with several hundred members in the Italian Universities.
From March to August 2012 Laruffa worked for the Permanent Representation
of Italy to the EU in Brussels, focusing on issues such as Economic,
Monetary, Financial affairs, new perspectives for the European integration
process and strategic interests of Italy. Laruffa studies the Italian and
European institutional systems, the transatlantic relations and global affairs
related to future challenges of diplomacy. He is a Research Assistant at
LUISS Guido Carli University (Rome).
> S O O H -Y U N L E E
Sooh-yun Lee is currently a Research Fellow at the United Nations
Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL) Regional Centre
for Asia and the Pacific (RCAP), where he joined after completing his
postgraduate degree in international economic law in Japan. He continues
to pursue interdisciplinary research between international economic law
and development economics in both a vocational and scholarly capacity,
hoping one day to contribute his findings towards the creation of a more
equitable and sustainable international economic legal system.
> Z U Z A N A L E H M A N N O VÁ
Zuzana Lehmannová is a Professor of International Relations and Diplomacy
of the Jan Masaryk Centre of International Studies at the University of
Economics, Prague. Professor Dr. Lehmannová graduated in Sociology and
Theory of Culture at Charles University Prague 1974, and earned her PhD in
Philosophy also at Charles University Prague in 1982. Her fields of research
and teaching include international and global studies, intercultural studies,
theory and methodology of social science, and diplomatic studies. She
currently serves at the World Federation of United Nations Associations
as the President of the Czech United Nations Association. Previous
responsibilities include: European Commission, Member of Advisory Group
for Social Sciences and Humanities (2006 -2009); WISC (World International
Studies Committee) - member of the committee (2000 - 2009); CEEISA
(Central and Eastern Europe International Studies Association), president
(1998 - 2006); SC SGIR ECPR (Steering Committee of the Standing Group
on IR, European Consortium for Political Research) - member of the steering
committee (2001 - 2007).
> J O E L L E XC H I N
Joel Lexchin received his MD from the University of Toronto in 1977 and for
the past 23 years has been an emergency physician at The University Health
Network. He is currently a Professor in the School of Health Policy and
Management at York University and an Associate Professor in the Department
of Family and Community Medicine at the University of Toronto. From 199294 he was a member of the Ontario Drug Quality and Therapeutics Committee
and he was the chair of the Drugs and Pharmacotherapy Committee of the
Ontario Medical Association from 1997-99. He has been a consultant for
the province of Ontario, various arms of the Canadian federal government,
the World Health Organization, the government of New Zealand and the
Australian National Prescribing Service. He is the author or co-author of over
100 peer-reviewed articles on topics such as physician prescribing behavior,
pharmaceutical patent issues, the drug approval process and prescription
drug promotion. He is a co-author of Drugs of Choice: A Formulary for
General Practice and author of Drug Therapy for Emergency Physicians.
Dr. Michael Lipson received his PhD in Political Science from the University
of Wisconsin-Madison in 1999. He has held visiting appointments at the
University of Colorado-Boulder, University of Pennsylvania, and Princeton
University, and has taught since 2002 at Concordia University. Dr. Lipson
studies international organizations, with a focus on international security.
His research employs international relations theory and organization
theory to analyze international institutions and their contribution to
the maintenance of international peace and security.
Timo Mahn is a Research Fellow at the German Development Institute /
Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE) in Bonn, Germany.
His current research focuses upon the reform of the United Nations
development system. Timo Mahn holds an M.A. in International Studies
with a concentration in International Development Management from the
George Washington University, and a Diploma in Political Science from
Free University of Berlin. He previously worked for the World Bank, the
German development bank KfW and the German Embassy in Rwanda.
Igor Makarov graduated from Moscow Institute of Communications (1958),
worked at its Research Department (1958-1960) and studied at its
postgraduate course (1961-1963), leaving it with a scientific degree
of Science in Communications (approximately PhD). From 1964-1984,
he worked at the Research Institute of Radio (Moscow) as Senior Researcher.
He has published 15 works in scientific journals, three paperbacks and one
invention. Late in the 60s, he began research in Systems Theory, which
gradually involved Theoretical Physics and Philosophy to provide him with
a new method. The research was partly published in the Indian Journal of
Theoretical Physics and in 2007 as a book. The research initiates the reform
of modern physics and, owing to its new method, paves the way to the
reform of modern science in general including humanities. He launched
the website to develop methodology for reforming
modern science in general and created frameworks for sciences of politics
and economics
Dr. Rama Mani has worked as a scholar, practitioner and policy advisor on
post-conflict justice, peacebuilding, and cultural dimensions of peace and
security. She is a Senior Research Associate at the University of Oxford’s
Centre for International Studies and a Councilor of the World Future Council.
She was formerly Executive Director of the International Centre for Ethnic
Studies in Sri Lanka; Director of the Global Peace and Security Course at the
Geneva Centre for Security Policy; Senior Strategy Advisor to the Centre for
Humanitarian Dialogue, Geneva; Africa Strategy Manager on war economies
and Policy Coordinator for Conflict for Oxfam GB, based in Uganda and
Ethiopia; Senior External Relations Officer for the Commission on Global
Governance; Advisor to the United Nations University for Peace Africa
Programme. She authored Beyond Retribution: Seeking Justice in the Shadows
of War (Polity/Blackwell 2002/2007) and co-edited Responsibility to Protect:
JUNE 19-21, 1014
Cultural Perspectives from the Global South with Thomas G. Weiss (Routledge
2011). She has a Ph.D. in Political Science from the University of Cambridge
and an M.A. in International Relations from Johns Hopkins University.
She grew up in India and is a French national and Indian Overseas Citizen.
International Task Force, and as a member of the Council of State
Governments International Committee, and as Chair of the American
Society of Public Administrators International Committee.
Kurt Mills is Senior Lecturer in International Human Rights at the University
of Glasgow. His research focuses on humanitarianism, international criminal
justice, and responsibility to protect, with a particular emphasis on
sub-Saharan Africa. He has published numerous articles on these subjects
in journals such as Global Governance, Human Rights Quarterly, and the
Journal of Human Rights. He is the founder and convenor of the Glasgow
Human Rights Network, founder and past chair of the Human Rights section
of the International Studies Association, and Vice-President-Elect of the
International Studies Association.
Henning Melber is Senior Advisor and Director Emeritus of the Dag
Hammarskjöld Foundation. He directed the Dag Hammarskjöld Foundation
from 2006 to 2012. Henning has served as Senior Lecturer in International
Relations at Kassel University, Director of the Namibian Economic Policy
Research Unit in Windhoek, and Research Director of the Nordic Africa
Institute in Uppsala. Henning is an Extraordinary Professor at the University
of Pretoria and at the Centre for Africa Studies of the University of the Free
State in Bloemfontein. He is also a member of the Civil Society Reflection
Group on Global Development Perspectives. He holds a PhD in Political
Sciences and Development Studies.
SM Farid Mirbagheri earned his BA and PhD in International Relations from
Keele University, England. He is currently Professor of International Relations
and the holder of Dialogue Chair in Middle Eastern Studies at the University
of Nicosia, Cyprus. He is the co-founder of the Diplomatic Academy in Cyprus
and served as its first Executive Director (2010-14). From 1997 to 2005 Farid
also served as the Director of Research at the Centre for World Dialogue. He
was the editor of The Cyprus Review (1999-2006) and has been an associate
editor of Global Dialogue since 1999. His monographs include Peacemaking
in Cyprus (Hurst IN UK, Routledge in US and Canada: 1998), Historical
Dictionary of Cyprus (Scarecrow Press: 2010) and War & Peace in Islam
(Palgrave: 2012). His other publications have also focused on the question
of religion and peace. He has been a member of ACUNS since 1998.
> PA U L M E Y E R
Paul Meyer is Adjunct Professor of International Studies and Fellow in
International Security at Simon Fraser University in Vancouver and a
Senior Fellow at The Simons Foundation. Over a 35 year career with Canada’s
Foreign Service, Paul was engaged in a variety of bilateral and multilateral
assignments, including serving as Canada’s Ambassador and Permanent
Representative to the UN and Conference on Disarmament in Geneva from
2003-2007. He served as Director General of the Security & Intelligence
Bureau of DFAIT from 2007-2010. He has written extensively on arms control
and disarmament issues and has a particular interest in cyber security,
outer space security and the global nuclear nonproliferation and
disarmament regime. He currently teaches a graduate course on
multilateral diplomacy at SFU’s School for International Studies.
> G E O R G E G R AY M O L I N A
Dr. George Gray Molina is the Chief Economist in the Bureau for Latin
America and the Caribbean in New York. He is currently working on
poverty and inequality research in the region, middle income challenges
and measurement of subjective well-being. In his home country, Bolivia,
he was the coordinator of the Bolivian Human Development Report Office
and the lead author for four National Human Development reports,
2004-2008. From 2002 to 2004, Mr. Gray Molina was Director of the
Bolivian Ministry of the Presidency’s social and economic think-tank,
UDAPE (Unidad de Análisis de Políticas Sociales y Económicas), and
Coordinator of the Catholic University’s Public Policy Master’s Programme,
MpD from 2000 to 2002. Mr. Gray Molina holds a BA in Anthropology
and Economics from Cornell University, an MPP in Public Policy at
Harvard University’s Kennedy School of Government, and a DPhil
Bill Miller worked with the Kentucky Legislative Research Commission, which
is the bipartisan staff for the Kentucky General Assembly, from 1977-1999
primarily as a Federal/International Relations Specialist and Assistant Public
Information Officer. Upon retirement, he established Miller and Associates
Federal and International Relations Media Consultants. He is the producer/
moderator of “Global Connections Television,” <globalconnectionstelevision.
com> which is a unique talkshow that focuses on how international issues
will impact people from Frankfort, Kentucky to Frankfurt, Germany and from
Lima, Ohio to Lima, Peru. GCTV, an independently produced show, is taped
at the UN and has a weekly worldwide audience of over 5 million viewers.
Mr. Miller helped develop international education programs at the local
level and the “Rotary Day at the United Nations Program.” From 1988-91
he was the Chairperson of the United Nations Association of the USA’s
(UNA-USA) Council of Chapters and Division Presidents, which consisted of
UNA-USA’s 175 chapters and 23,000 members. Mr. Miller, an international
relations specialist, has written numerous articles on the United Nations
for newspapers, such as the Lexington-Herald Leader and the Washington
International <> In 2006, Bill Miller launched
a unique course titled “The United Nations: Public Administration in the
International Arena” in the Graduate School of Public Administration at
Kentucky State University (KSU). This is the only international public
administration course focusing specifically on the UN developed in any
of the 175 schools of public administration in the US. Mr. Miller has
served as Chairperson of the National Conference of State Legislature’s
G l o b a l G o v e r n ance: Enga gi ng N ew N o rms a nd Emergi ng Challenges
in Politics from Nuffield College, University of Oxford (UK).
Dr. Basilio Monteiro earned a Ph.D. at The Union Institute and University
(Ohio) in Mass Communication and Media Studies. His areas of particular
research interest are international communication and development,
media and public policy, theology of communication.
Dr. Akihisa Mori, an Associate Professor of Graduate School of Global
Environmental Studies, Kyoto University, Japan, has conducted research
on environmental aid and climate finance for more than a decade,
publishing a paper “Overcoming barriers to effective environmental aid:
A comparison between Japan, Germany, Denmark, and the World Bank,”
in the Journal of Environment and Development in 2011 and awarded the
Promotion Award of the Society of Environmental Economics and Policy
Studies in 2010 for his publication Environmental Aid: Logic, Strategy and
Evaluation of Environmental Aid for Sustainable Development. He is also an
editor of Environmental Governance for Sustainable Development: An East
Asian Perspective (UNU Press, 2013) and a lead editor of The Green Fiscal
Mechanism and Reform for Low Carbon Development: East Asia and Europe
(Routledge, 2013).
Cigdem Pekar is a PhD candidate and Research Assistant in the department
of International Relations at Canakkale Onsekiz Mart University, Turkey.
She holds a BA degree in International Relations and a MA degree in
European Studies from University of Exeter, UK. She is a member of
International Student/Young Pugwash Group and Women in International
Security. Her study focuses on the Global Non-Proliferation Regime with
particular emphasis on the peaceful use of nuclear technology. Her main
research interests include nuclear proliferation, nuclear governance and
nuclear energy.
> K AT H Y M O S C O U
> M AT E J A P E T E R
Kathy Moscou is a PhD candidate in Pharmaceutical Sciences Collaborative
Program in Global Health at the University of Toronto Leslie Dan Faculty of
Pharmacy and Dalla Lana Faculty of Global Health, Pharmaceutical Policy
Research Collaboration Fellow, and pharmacist.
Mateja Peter is a Senior Research Fellow at the Norwegian Institute of
International Affairs (NUPI). Prior to joining NUPI, Dr. Peter was a postdoctoral fellow at the United States Institute of Peace (USIP), German
Institute for International and Security Affairs (SWP) and Norwegian
Institute for Defence Studies (IFS). She holds a PhD and an MPhil from
University of Cambridge and a BA from University of Ljubljana. She is
pursuing research on global governance and international organizations,
peace operations and state-building, questions of international
authority, and broader politics of international interventions in
(post-)conflict territories.
Sandra Mueller is currently pursuing a BA in Biology, Political Science
and French at the University of Vienna. Her thesis is focusing on Feticide
in India based on ethnographic research conducted in India. She was a
coordinator of the 2014 ACUNS Vienna Annual Conference, winner of the
Regional Academy on the United Nations “Sex Trafficking of Men” and also
is a member of United for Education and Sustainable Futures. Mueller is
teaching German at the NGO Integrationshaus.
> A O I F E O’ D O N O G H U E
Dr. Aoife O’Donoghue is a Senior Lecturer at Durham Law School. Aoife’s
research focuses on public international law with a specific interest in
global governance. Aoife’s current research centres on international
constitutionalisation and the legal structures which have developed within
international law to regulate governance. She has published a number of
articles on global constitutionalisation, good offices, neutrality as well as
the role of law in conflict. Building on her international law focus, Aoife’s
research also explores the relationship between feminism and international
law. Aoife is also a member of the International Law Association’s working
group on due diligence. Aoife’s forthcoming monograph, Constitutionalism
in Global Constitutionalisation will be published by Cambridge University
Press in May.
Joel E. Oestreich is associate professor of Political Science at Drexel
University. His primary areas of research include international organizations,
international finance, development, and human rights. He has published
two books: one on how UN agencies design and implement human rights
policies, the other on the ability of international organizations to act
independently on the international stage. He has also published on the
rights of indigenous peoples, the U.N. Convention on the Rights of the Child,
and on the goals and impact of anti-globalization movements, among other
topics. Dr. Oestreich recently returned from a year in India on a Fulbright
Fellowship, studying how UN agencies implement a “rights based approach
to development,” and is writing a book-length manuscript on that topic. His
article “The United Nations and the Rights-Based Approach to Development
in India” appeared in the Jan-Mar edition of “Global Governance.”
> M I C H A E L P L AT Z E R
Michael Platzer is Liaison Officer for ACUNS and Chair of the Vienna NGO
Alliance for Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice. He has served over
three decades in the United Nations, with specific roles in the Office of the
Secretary General, HABITAT, and UNDP, among others. His work has brought
him to the Law School of Vienna University, Austrian Centre for Peace
Studies, University of Tillburg, University of Otago, and Cornell University.
He is organizer and editor of the proceedings “Can the United Nations
Be Taught? A Compendium of Innovative Teaching Techniques (2008);
organizer of the ACUNS Annual Meeting, “New Security Challenges” (2010);
co-organizer of the University of Vienna / IOM / ACUNS Conference, “Youth
and Social Exclusion” (2010); organizer of the ACUNS Conference, “United
Nations and New Social Media (2007). He is a member of the European
Society of Criminology, Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, World Society
of Victimology, International Catholic Commission of Prison Pastoral Care,
Penal Reform International, and the United Nations Associations of Austria
and of Australia. His studies have encompassed such topics as migrant
children held in detention, while his coordination of handbooks span the
treatment of foreigners in prison, religious freedom in prison, and chaplains
confronted with torture.
Dr. Richard Ponzio joined The Hague Institute for Global Justice in March
2014 as Head of the Global Governance Program. He is formerly a Senior
Adviser in the U.S. State Department’s Office of the Special Representative
for Afghanistan and Pakistan, where he conceptualized and coordinated
Secretary Hillary Clinton’s and later John Kerry’s New Silk Road initiative.
His research interests span the role of international institutions in
responding to state fragility, global financial volatility, and population
JUNE 19-21, 1014
displacement. From 1999-2009, Dr. Ponzio served in a variety of senior
policy and strategic planning positions for the United Nations in
Afghanistan, Kosovo, Pakistan, Sierra Leone, the Solomon Islands, and
New York. As a Senior Policy Analyst for the UN Peacebuilding Support Office,
he authored and coordinated studies for the UN Peacebuilding Commission
on strategic frameworks and transition planning, as well as supported the
Secretary-General’s Report on Peacebuilding in the Immediate Aftermath
of Conflict (2009) and the International Dialogue on Peacebuilding and
Statebuilding. Dr. Ponzio co-authored South Asia (1998, 1999), Global
(2001, 2002), Kosovo (2004), and Afghanistan (2007) Human Development
Reports. He has published widely in academic journals, edited volumes,
newspapers, UN policy reports, and monographs, including Democratic
Peacebuilding: Aiding Afghanistan and other Fragile States (OUP, 2011).
He completed his doctorate in politics and international relations at the
University of Oxford on a Clarendon Scholarship and undertook earlier
studies at The Fletcher School of Law & Diplomacy, The Graduate Institute
for International Studies-Geneva, and Columbia University.
Review of International Political Economy and Review of International Studies.
For two decades, he co-edited (with James Cotton) the flagship book series
of the Australian Institute of International Affairs, Australia in World Affairs.
His most recent book, co-edited with Andrew MacIntyre & TJ Pempel, was
Crisis as Catalyst: Asia’s Dynamic Political Economy (Cornell University Press).
He was the founding editor of the Cambridge University Press book series,
Cambridge Asia-Pacific Studies, and is on the Editorial Boards of Review
of International Political Economy, Pacific Affairs, International Relations of
the Asia-Pacific, Business and Politics, and the Australian Journal of Political
Science. He has been a consultant to the World Bank, the Asian Development
Bank, the ASEAN Secretariat, and the US Department of State. He is a
Fellow of the Academy of Social Sciences in Australia.
> B O B R E I N A L DA
Bob Reinalda studied Political Science and Social History at the University
of Amsterdam (1966-1973). He holds a PhD in Social Sciences from
the Rijksuniversiteit Groningen in the Netherlands (1981). At Radboud
University Nijmegen he was Senior Lecturer in International Relations at the
Department of Political Science (1973-2010). As a Senior Researcher he is
a member of the Institute for Management Research IMR of the Nijmegen
School for Management NSM and a Senior Member of the Netherlands
Institute of Government NIG (the Dutch Research School for Public
Administration and Political Science). Between 1993 and 2007 he also was
a staff member of the American Studies Department, where he lectured on
American Foreign Policy. As an Erasmus exchange teacher he has lectured
on international organizations at the Institut d’Études Politiques IEP in
Grenoble, France, since 2004. He is a member of the editorial boards of
the Journal of Political Science Education and Brood en Rozen, published
by AMSAB in Ghent, Belgium. He is co-editor of a Dutch and an international
biographical dictionary: respectively, BWSA and IO BIO. He is a member-atlarge of the Executive Committee of the ISA IO Section and chairs the Award
Committee of the Lawrence S. Finkelstein Award of the ISA IO Section.
Guru Prabhakar is Senior Lecturer in the Bristol Business School at the
University of the West of England. His research interests include leadership
and culture. He is engaged in research with the Project Management
Institute, USA.
> R A FA E L P R A D O
Rafael Prado is an SJD candidate in International Law in the Complutense
University of Madrid, Spain, in co-supervision system with the University
of São Paulo, Brazil. He is currently a visiting scholar at the UNESCO Chair
of Sustainability at the Polytechnic University of Catalonia. Prado holds
a Master in Environmental Law (LLM) from the University Rovira i Virgili,
Spain, a law degree from the Universidade da Região de Joinville, Brazil,
a Diploma in International Law from the Inter-American Law Commission
of the Organization of American States, a Diploma in Comparative and
International Environmental Law by the Washington College of Law,
American University. From 2008-2010, Prado was a Visiting Researcher
Fellow at the Department of Public International Law and International
Organizations at the University of Geneva, Switzerland. Prado held
internships at the ILO, the Permanent Mission of Brazil to the United Nations
Office and other international organizations in Geneva. He is a member of
the Brazilian Bar Association, the Latin American Society of International
Law and the International Law branch in Brazil.
Maria Stella Rognoni, born in Brescia in December 1968, is a tenured
Researcher and Lecturer in the History and Institutions of Africa at the
Department of Political and Social Science, University of Florence, where
she obtained a Ph.D. in the History of International Relations in June
2000. A Research Fellow of the Machiavelli Center for Cold War Studies,
she teaches courses in the History and Institutions of Africa at the
University of Florence. Since March 2014 she has been awarded the
National Scientific Qualification as Associate Professor. She has managed
some research programmes on behalf of the University of Florence,
among which a multi-partner project on post-conflict reconstruction in
the Democratic Republic of the Congo under the perspective of conflict,
peace and human rights studies in collaboration with several European
Studies Centres and the Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna of Pisa, co-financed
by the European Community. In 2008 she obtained a United States
Federal Award for three months research at the Woodrow Wilson Center
for International Scholars in Washington, D.C.
> J O H N R AV E N H I L L
John Ravenhill is Director of the Balsillie School of International Affairs
and Professor of Political Science at the University of Waterloo. He was
previously Head of the School of Politics and International Relations,
Research School of Social Sciences at the Australian National University,
where he also co-directed the ANU’s MacArthur Foundation Asia Security
Initiative project. After obtaining his PhD at the University of California,
Berkeley, he taught at the University of Virginia and the University of
Sydney before joining ANU in 1990. In 2000, he took up the Chair of
Politics at the University of Edinburgh for four years. He has been a
Visiting Professor at the University of Geneva, the International University
of Japan, the University of California, Berkeley, and was the NTUC Professor
of International Economic Relations at the Nanyang Technological University
in Singapore. His work has appeared in most of the leading journals of
international relations including International Organization, World Politics,
G l o b a l G o v e r n ance: Enga gi ng N ew N o rms a nd Emergi ng Challenges
Ibrahim Saleh, PhD, is a Fulbright scholar, a senior media expert on the
Middle East and North Africa (MENA), and chair journalism research and
education (JRE) section at the International Association For Media and
Communication Research (IAMCR). Saleh currently convenes the political
communication programme at the Centre for Film and Media Studies,
University of Cape Town, South Africa. His current publications attempt to
analyze the mediatisation of regional media dynamics and the indigenous
freedom agenda, especially within the new media spaces that kept abreast
with the social and economic changes and transformation that mark this
time in history. Saleh published three books: Unveiling the Truth about
Middle Eastern Media, Privatization in Egypt: Hope or Dope? (2003) and
Prior to the Eruption of the Grapes of Wrath in the Middle East: The Necessity
of Communicating Instead of Clashing (Arabic 2005). The third book was
an updated and elaborated version of the second book published in
English in 2006. Saleh edits the Global Media Journal, African Edition.
Michael Schroeder, Professorial Lecturer & Director of the Global Governance,
Politics and Security Program (GGPS) at the School of International Service
at American University. His research investigates the executive heads of
international organizations, and specifically the conditions under which
these heads influence the organization’s adaptation to changes in world
politics. Other research examines U.N. crisis management, electoral
assistance and peace operations, the development of international norms,
transnational advocacy campaigns, international mediation, and
inter-organizational cooperation. His work has appeared in Global Governance
as well as the Huffington Post and the Christian Science Monitor.
Olivia Schum is a graduate of the M.S. program in International
Communications at St. John’s University in New York City. Her primary area
of study was climate change communications, which she became especially
interested in after Super Storm Sandy directly affected the New York City
area in 2012. Her interest led her to the topic for her master’s thesis,
“Changing the Frames: Communicating Climate Change Effectively.” She
received her Bachelor of Arts from The College of the Holy Cross, with a
dual concentration in Russian and History. In her junior year, she received
the Charles Braver Language Exploration Grant and spent a semester studying
the Russian language and culture in Moscow. Olivia began her career at
St. John’s University as an Admissions Counselor, and is currently an
Assistant Director of Transfer Student Services. In this role, she serves as
an academic adviser to incoming transfer students. Olivia enjoys running
marathons, looking for great restaurants around the world, and spending
time with friends and family.
> J O S E P H S C H WA R T Z B E R G
Born in Brooklyn, New York in 1928, Joseph Schwartzberg received his Ph.D.
from the University of Wisconsin in 1960. His academic studies focus upon
South Asia, political geography, and the history of cartography. He has
taught at the University of Pennsylvania (1960-65), University of Minnesota
(1965-2000), and Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi (Fulbright
Professor, 1978-80). He is a prolific author of books, research articles and especially since his retirement in 2000 - works of advocacy in the field of
global governance. As a South Asianist he is best known for his monumental,
award-winning Historical Atlas of South Asia (University of Chicago Press,
1978; Oxford University Press, updated edition, 1992). His most recent book
is Transforming the United Nations System: Designs for a Workable World
(United Nations University Press, 2013). He has also been active outside
academia in numerous peace and justice movements. For three years he
directed the Minnesota Studies in International Development program and
has also led or participated in various US Peace Corps training programs.
His work and other personal interests have taken him to more than a
hundred countries worldwide. In 2009 the University of Minnesota awarded
him with the title, Distinguished International Professor Emeritus.
> K AT E S E A M A N
Kate is currently a Teaching Fellow in Politics at the University of Bath,
UK. Prior to joining the University Kate was a Postdoctoral Fellow at the
University of East Anglia. Kate’s current research is focused on the changing
character of the state within the international system - with a particular
focus on state-citizen relations and post-conflict reconstruction. This
follows on from the publication of her monograph UN-Tied Nations; The UN,
Peacekeeping and Global Security Governance (Ashgate, 2014), which explores
the connections between the continued development of global security
governance norms, in particular the development and application of the
Responsibility to Protect, and UN peacekeeping operations.
Elham Seyedsayamdost is a doctoral candidate (ABD) in the Department
of Political Science, where she has been specializing in political economy
of development, international relations, and comparative politics. Her
dissertation seeks to advance our understanding of the politics of norm
construction and diffusion by exploring the emergence of the anti-poverty
norm - as embodied in the Millennium Development Goals - and by
examining political reasons for the variation in states’ incorporation of
these goals into their policy planning. Prior to her doctoral studies, Elham
spent several years working with the United Nations and the World Bank.
At UNDP, she worked on poverty reduction policies, mainly focusing on the
MDGs and their implementation at the local level. At the World Bank, she
worked at the Office of the Chief Economist for Middle East and North Africa
investigating issues pertaining to gender and economic policy. She holds
an MPhil and M.A. in political science, and a Master of International Affairs
from Columbia’s School of International and Public Affairs.
Alina holds two undergraduate degrees from Carleton University. Her first
degree was a Bachelor of International Business with a concentration in
International Trade and Marketing and a minor in French. Alina completed
her second degree with distinction in Political Science with a concentration
in Public Affairs and Policy Analysis.
Alina’s research interests lie in examining the dynamic between international
trade policy, migration and development in the region of South Asia.
Her interest in South Asia stems from childhood experiences; she is a
Bangladeshi-Canadian but spent the majority of her childhood in Cambodia.
Alina speaks four languages in varying degrees of fluency. She is fluent
in English and Bengali and has limited proficiency in French and Hindi.
Currently, as a CIGI Junior Fellow, Alina is part of the Migrant
Transnationalism and Global Governance project. In particular, the research
is focused on the impact diasporic networks can have on governance in
their homelands generally, and the Arab world in particular.
JUNE 19-21, 1014
a licensed consultant in urban & regional planning in the Egyptian
Engineering Syndicate since 1999. She also has supervised several Masters
and PhD thesis. She is currently Director of Regional branch of Metropolis
for Africa and the Middle East. She is also a lecturer at many Universities.
She has worked in different policy and research projects including housing
for low-income groups, the evaluation of upgrading and site and services
projects and rural settlements in Egypt. She holds a B.Sc. Architecture,
a M.Sc. In City Planning and a PhD in Urban and Regional Planning.
Mahmoud (Shahryar) Sharei is a doctorate researcher in international law at
University of Kent Law. He holds a MS degree in Computer Science, as well
as a LLM degree, in Public International Law (dissertation: The Legality of
Nuclear Weapons). He was the managing director of a startup company in
Dubai with extensive business experience in the Middle East until 2008;
since then, he has focused on the NGO activities in the areas of nuclear
disarmament, United Nations reform, International Criminal Court , and
democratic global governance. He is currently board member in a number
of NGOs, including, being elected in 2012 to the governing Council of
the World Federalist. In addition to periodic contributions to federalists’
newsletters, and The Federalist Debate quarterly, Sharei has participated
in several conferences and forums, where he has been presenter on the
topics of nuclear disarmament, and the United Nations democratization
and transformation by means of Article 109-Charter Review.
Sarah Smith is a PhD Candidate, at Swinburne Institute for Social Research,
Swinburne University of Technology.
Otto Spijkers is Assistant Professor of Public International Law at Utrecht
University. He was also guest lecturer at the Association pour la promotion
des droits de l’homme en Afrique centrale of the Université catholique
d’Afrique centrale (Yaoundé, Cameroon) and Leiden University. He is also a
member of the Committee on the Role of International Law in Sustainable
Natural Resource Management for Development of the International Law
Association. Previously, he was a PhD candidate and lecturer at the Grotius
Centre for International Legal Studies at the University of Leiden. His
doctoral dissertation, entitled The United Nations, the Evolution of Global
Values and International Law, was published with Intersentia in 2011. He
also worked as public services coordinator at the Peace Palace Library, as
international consultant for the United Nations International Law Fellowship
Programme, as intern for the Appeals Chamber of the International Criminal
Tribunal for Rwanda, and as intern for the Office of Legal Affairs of United
Nations Headquarters. Otto Spijkers is also editor and author of the Invisible
College Blog.
Mariko Shoji is Professor in the Faculty of School of International Studies at
Keiai University where she specializes in international organization, law and
politics. She was a Visiting Scholar of School of International Public Affairs,
Columbia University from September 2010 to September 2011. Her recent
publications include The Responsibility to Protect (R2P): The International
Community and Responsibility (January 2010); “Commentary: Political
Accountability (Democratic Accountability)”, edited by Sumihiro Kuyama
and Michael Fowler; Envisioning Reform: Enhancing UN Accountability in
the 21st Century (United Nations University Press, 2009); “Normative Role
of the United Nations Secretary-General” (January 2010); and “Global Public
Policy” (Koyo Shobo, 2011). In April 2012 she presided over a workshop
with United Nations Global Compact Office entitled “United Nations Global
Compact Business and Peace Workshop: Business‟ contribution to Peace
and Development through Multi-stakeholder Collaboration”. Dr. Shoji is also
one of the main contributors to the United Nations Guidance Document,
“The Guidance on Responsible Business in Conflict-Affected and High Risk
Areas: A Resource for Companies and Investors” from the UN Global Compact
Office. She is an executive board member of the Japan Association for United
Nations Studies (JAUNS) and the Japan Association of Global Governance.
She is an associate editor-in- chief of the Japan Association of
International Relations.
Radim Sršen is Assistant Professor at Jan Masaryk Centre of International
Studies at the University of Economics in Prague. At the same time, he
is a secretary and a member of the board of the Czech United Nations
Association. In his research he specializes on the topics of the European
integration process and global governance. He is co-founder and coordinator
of the Regional Academy on the United Nations organized by the ACUNS
Vienna Liaison Office.
> C A R S T E N S TA H N
Nils Simon is researcher at Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik and PhD
student at Environmental Policy Research Centre, Freie Universität Berlin.
Since 2014 he is a team member of the research project “Partnerships for
Sustainable Development” (SFB700/D1). In his dissertation, he analyzes
institutional complexity in global chemicals governance and develops reform
proposals to address governance bottlenecks. In the past, his research was
focused on reform options for international environmental governance,
international organizations in the United Nations System, and the green
economy debate before and after Rio+20. He studied political science in
Berlin and international relations in Sussex.
Carsten Stahn is Professor of International Criminal Law and Global Justice
at Leiden University and Programme Director of the Grotius Centre for
International Legal Studies. He has previously worked as Legal Officer in
Chambers of the International Criminal Court (2003-2008), as Reader in
Public International Law and International Criminal Justice at Swansea
University (2007-2008) and as Research Fellow at the Max Planck Institute
for Comparative Public Law and International Law (2000-2003). He obtained
his PhD degree (summa cum laude) from Humboldt University Berlin
after completing his First and Second State Exam in Law in Germany.
He holds LL.M. degrees from New York University and Cologne - Paris I
> A Z Z A S I R RY
Dr. Sirry is a Professor of Urban Planning and a researcher at Housing and
Building National Research Center (HBRC) with 30 years of experience in
the fields of urban planning, urban management, informal settlement
upgrading and infrastructure management and finance. She has been
G l o b a l G o v e r n ance: Enga gi ng N ew N o rms a nd Emergi ng Challenges
> J E L I C A S T E FA N O V I C- S TA M B U K
Dr. Jelica Stefanovic-Stambuk is full Professor of Diplomatic and International
Studies at the University of Belgrade Faculty of Political Sciences. She was
the founding head of the first TEMUS Master Programme European Studies
in Politics created at the University of Belgrade in 1991, and has been the
head of Faculty’s Doctoral Programme in International and European Studies
established in 2009. In addition to academic work, she has served for three
years (1999-2002) as director of the publishing house “International Politics”
and editor- in- chief of Review of International Affairs. Her forthcoming book,
The Ideals Right Weight: Scanning the Aspirational Horizons of Global Governance,
grounds on the well-proved governance practices the concept of plenilateralism
as an institutional form of diplomacy by broadest consultations for certain
and reliable provision of global problem-solving.
> K E N DA L L S T I L E S
Ken Stiles is currently a Professor of Political Science and Coordinator of the
International Relations Program at Brigham Young University. He studies
international cooperation, including law and organizations, and is the author
of several books and articles on such topics as the evolution of international
norms, decision-making in IGOs, and the enforcement of legal principles.
He is currently serving as the Chair of the International Organization Section
of the International Studies Association as Editor-in-Chief of the Journal
of International Organizations Studies.
With over 20 years of experience in international development, Nanette is
Adjunct Professor at Tulane University and consultant for the United Nations
and other international organizations. She helped establish the United Nations
Development Programme Regional Centre for Latin America and the Caribbean
and headed its research and knowledge management efforts for four years.
She has held managerial positions in private sector service firms, as well, and
is co-founder of Pro Artesana, Panama’s first non-governmental organization
dedicated to local artisan capacity building. Her education includes a PhD
in International Development from Tulane; an MBA from IESE in Barcelona;
and a BA from Stanford. She teaches at graduate and undergraduate levels;
conducts research, program evaluations, capacity assessments and policy
reviews; and publishes in academic and development journals. Nanette is
based in Panama and her research focuses on capacity development,
particularly in relation to higher education programs, national government
programming and international organizations.
> A N I KÓ S Z A L A I
Dr. Anikó Szalai is a senior lecturer of the University of Szeged, Faculty of
Law. She defended her PhD thesis, titled ‘The Effect of Armed Conflicts on
International Treaties’, in 2012, with summa cum laude. Her field of research
is International Law, especially the law of treaties, international organizations
and human rights. She holds lectures and seminars in international law,
international organizations, model United Nations and European Union law,
both in Hungarian and in English. She is member of the Hungarian Branch
of the International Law Association, the Hungarian United Nations
Association and ACUNS. She is one of the founding members of the Regional
Academy on the United Nations (RAUN). She went on study trips to the
United Kingdom, United States, Germany and Estonia, gave numerous
conference speeches and lectures in Hungary and abroad. She published
one monograph, one study-book and more than 20 research papers.
In 2014 she conducts research in the field of minority protection with
the support of the European Union and the State of Hungary in the frame
of the ‘National Excellence Program’.
Osman Tastan is Professor of Islamic Law, at Faculty of Divinity, Ankara
University and he is, currently, assigned to the Department of Islamic
Religious Studies at Friedrich-Alexander University, Erlangen Nuremberg,
Germany, as professor of Islamic Studies on temporary basis. He obtained
his Ph.D. from Exeter University, U.K. He was a member of the editorial
board of Islamiyat, an Ankara-based Turkish journal of Islamic Studies,
in 2000s. He was a Turkish Academy of Sciences (TUBA)-sponsored Visiting
Scholar in Near Eastern Studies, Cornell University, U.S.A., in 2004 and
he was Abdullah Gül-Chevening Visiting Fellow at Oxford Centre for Islamic
Studies, Oxford University, U.K., in January-April 2014. His works include
chapters on “Religion and Religious Minorities in Turkey”, and “Human
Rights in Islamic Law: Religion, Law and Politics”, and various articles
on “trends in theory and history of Islamic law”. His research interest
covers the intersection between religion, law and politics in Islamic
legal theory, and public and private spaces in Classical Islamic thought.
Jean-Philippe Thérien is Professor in the Department of Political Science of
the Faculty of Arts and Sciences at the Université de Montréal. An expert in
international relations, his fields of interest include international institutions,
North-South relations, and inter-American politics. Most of his research
has focused on foreign aid policies, and on the role of large international
organizations (UN, IMF, WTO). He is currently conducting two research projects
on the growing concern of multilateral institutions over poverty issues, and on
the role of the Organization of American States in the inter-American system.
Andrew S. Thompson is Adjunct Assistant Professor of Political Science at the
University of Waterloo, and the Program Officer for the Global Governance
programs at the Balsillie School of International Affairs. He is a specialist in
the fields of international human rights, civil society movements, and fragile
states, and holds a PhD in History from the University of Waterloo.
Professor of International Relations at Galatasaray University, Istanbul, Füsun
Türkmen is a Phi Beta Kappa graduate of George Washington University, with a
PhD from the Graduate Institute of International Studies in Geneva, Switzerland.
An international civil servant at the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for
Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) until 1996, she has been teaching human rights,
international organizations and US foreign policy at Galatasaray University’s
Department of International Relations since 1999. Currently Chair of the Human
Rights Research Committee of the International Political Science Association,
she is the author of the only book in Turkish on humanitarian intervention
besides various articles and book chapters on her areas of interest published
in the US, France and the UK. Her latest article entitled “Impact of the ECtHR
Rulings on Turkey’s Democratization: An Evaluation” and co-authored with
Prof. Ergun Ozbudun, a member of the Venice Commission, appeared in the
November 2013 issue of Human Rights Quarterly. She is fluent in English,
French, and Italian.
JUNE 19-21, 1014
> M A R Y W I K TO R O W I C Z
Dr. Necla Tschirgi is Professor of Practice in Human Security and Peacebuilding
at the Joan B. Kroc School of Peace Studies at the University of San Diego
and co-Executive Editor of the Journal of Peacebuilding and Development.
A native of Turkey, Dr. Tschirgi received her BA and MA in political science at
the American University of Beirut and her Ph.D. in political economy at the
University of Toronto. Her international career has spanned research, policy
analysis and teaching at the intersection of security and development.
Prior to joining the Kroc School, Dr. Tschirgi served as an in-house consultant/
Senior Policy Advisor with the Peacebuilding Support Office at the United
Nations Secretariat in New York from 2007 to 2009. Previously, she was the
Vice President of the International Peace Academy (IPA) in New York where she
also led IPA’s Security-Development Nexus research program from 2001-2005.
Her recent publications include: “Rebuilding War-torn Societies: A Critical
Review of International Approaches” in Conflict Management in a World Adrift,
(USIP, forthcoming) and “Securitization and Peacebuilding” in the Routledge
Handbook on Peacebuilding (2013).
Mary Wiktorowicz is Associate Professor and chair of the School of Health
Policy and Management at York University. Her research focuses on comparative
analysis of health sector governance that addresses the areas of pharmaceutical
policy and mental health policy. In comparing state medicines regulatory
approaches she clarifies the distinct governance frameworks that guide
international policies. Her research also compares state approaches to
health system integration by assessing the governance models that guide
regional mental health networks. Her research is funded by the Canadian
Institutes of Health Research, Canadian Health Services Research Foundation
and the Canadian Patient Safety Institute.
Rorden Wilkinson joined the University of Manchester as a lecturer in 1997
before being promoted to senior lecturer (2002) and then Professor (2006).
Before coming to Manchester he was assistant lecturer in the Department
of Political Studies at the University of Auckland, New Zealand. He has held
the posts of Visiting Associate Professor (Research), Brown University, USA;
Florence I. Tucker Visiting Associate Professor, Wellesley College, USA ; and
Visiting Scholar, Australian National University . Rorden is currently on leave
with, and is a Research Director of, the Brooks World Poverty Institute. Rorden
is immediate past co-editor of the Routledge RIPE series in Global Political
Economy (with Randall Germain and Louise Amoore) and is currently co-editor
(with Thomas G. Weiss) of the Global Institutions Series. He is a member of
the editorial board of the international public policy journal Global Governance;
and he is past-convenor of the International Political Economy Group (IPEG)
of the British International Studies Association (BISA).
Dr. Takehiko Uemura is currently Professor at International College of Arts
and Sciences as well as Head of Global Cooperation Studies at Yokohama City
University, Japan. While teaching global politics and global public policy, he
is researching such areas as global tax, global governance, and sustainable
development, publishing a variety of books and papers including: Exploring
Potential of Global Tax: Towards Realization of Sustainable Welfare Society;
Introduction to Global Cooperation Studies: An Approach from Global Political
Economy; How to Solve World Poverty. He is an expert of the Taskforce on
International Financial Transaction for Development of the Leading Group
on Innovative Financing for Development and a member of the Japanese
Committee for the Promotion of International Solidarity Levies. Since 2012,
he is Professor as well as Head of Global Cooperation Studies at Yokohama
City University.
Bronwyn Winter is based in the Deptartment of French Studies at the University
of Sydney. Her research focuses on gender and sexual orientation in relation to
religion, ethnicity, the state, international rights frameworks and transnational
social movements. She has published on these issues as they present in
France, Australia, the Philippines, Turkey, North Africa, the Middle East and
transnationally. Her publications include the books Hijab and the Republic:
Uncovering the French Headscarf Debate (Syracuse University Press 2008),
and the international anthology September 11, 2001: Feminist Perspectives
(Hawthorne and Winter eds, Spinifex 2002), and she is currently working on
a follow-up monograph to the latter publication, on the medium-term impacts
of 9/11 for women. She is also on the international editorial board of a major
new Encyclopedia of Gender and Sexuality Studies, ed. N. Naples et al, to be
published by Wiley-Blackwell from 2015. She teaches in four programs including
International and Global Studies and European Studies, and is currently the
coordinator of the Indigenous Australian Studies program.
Andrew G. White IV has been the Assistant Director of Graduate Admissions
since 2011. While earning his Bachelor of Arts in International Studies from
Morehouse College in Atlanta, Georgia, he traveled to Paris, France to earn a
French minor and develop fluency in the language. Upon completion of his
degree, he traveled to China, where he spent four years in Education. From
2006-2010, he served as an ESL instructor, course writer and academic recruiter
in various posts throughout the country. While in China, Andrew sat on several
academic review boards and was a foreign consultant for the Nanjing Memorial
Museum in Nanjing, China. In addition to being fluent in Mandarin, Chinese
and French, Andrew enjoys music, art and athletics. He is a member of the
Phi Mu Alpha Music Fraternity Inc. Andrew is currently a candidate in the
MS in International Communication. He works under the instruction of
Dr. Basilio Monteiro at St. John’s University where he is researching
global education development.
G l o b a l G o v e r n ance: Enga gi ng N ew N o rms a nd Emergi ng Challenges
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Amy Wood is a Centre for International Governance Innovation (CIGI) Junior
Fellow at the Balsillie School of International Affairs completing a Masters
of Arts in Global Governance. Amy graduated from King’s University College
at Western University with an Honours Bachelors of Arts in Social Justice
and Peace Studies and Political Science. Amy’s research interests lie at
the intersection of international law, multilateral institutional reform and
sustainable development. Her current research, under the guidance of Dr.
Jennifer Clapp, explores the impact of multilateral and plurilateral trade
agreements on food security, and has been generously funded by the Social
Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada. Her past work and
conference participation has explored climate change policy in Canada,
consensus-building around the Millennium Development Goals, and questions
around global justice and democratic cosmopolitanism. Amy’s current
work is with the Institutional Reform Goals project at Academics Stand
Against Poverty (ASAP), contributing to the Post-2015 Development Agenda
discussion on institutional reform of the WTO and reform of international
labour standards. She is also working with the Centre for International
Governance Innovation and the International Migration Research Centre
on issues of migrant transnationalism, diaspora and citizenship.
Leizhen Zang is a Ph.D. candidate in comparative politics at Peking
University, China. His research interests are party-state relations, public
sector reform, civil society, and social innovation. He has participated in,
and contributed to, several national research projects in the capacity of
principal investigator or core group member. His articles have appeared in
peer-review academic journals, such as the Journal of Public Management
and the Journal of Social Sciences. He has won various honors including the
PKU Future Research Star for his academic performances in past four years.
In addition to academic study, Zang has been involved in international
programs and social practices and is now preparing for his doctoral thesis,
“Chinese Political Participation in the Internet Era”.
G l o b a l G o v e r n ance: Enga gi ng N ew N o rms a nd Emergi ng Challenges
Edited by Thomas G. Weiss and Rorden Wilkinson
The Global Institutions Series is edited by Thomas G. Weiss (The CUNY Graduate Center, New York, USA) and Rorden
Wilkinson (University of Manchester, UK) and designed to provide readers with comprehensive, accessible, and
informative guides to the history, structure, and activities of key international organizations as well as books that deal
with topics of key importance in contemporary global governance. Every volume stands on its own as a thorough and
insightful treatment of a particular topic, but the series as a whole contributes to a coherent and complementary portrait
of the phenomenon of global institutions at the dawn of the millennium.
Books are written by recognized experts, conform to a similar structure, and cover a range of themes and debates
common to the series. These areas of shared concern include the general purpose and rationale for organizations,
developments over time, membership, structure, decision-making procedures, and key functions. Moreover, current
debates are placed in historical perspective alongside informed analysis and critique. Each book also contains an
annotated bibliography and guide to electronic information as well as any annexes appropriate to the subject matter at