season 1


season 1
TV Show Cards
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
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Bree Van De Kamp
Susan Meyer
Mike Delfino
Lynette Scavo
Gabrielle Solis
Edie Britt
Mary Alice Young
Julie Meyer
John Rowland
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
Carlos Solis
Rex Van De Kamp
Zach Young
Tom Scavo
Mrs. Huber
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
Paul Young
TV Show Cards
Answer the following questions.
1. How did Mary Alice die? (1:03)
2. What was the excuse Martha Huber found to drop by Mary Alice’s house unannounced?
3. Why did Lynette quit her job? (3:02)
4. How was Bree seen by the neighborhood? (5:30)
5. What was the excuse John gave Carlos for not having dug up the bush? (17:50)
6. Why did Bree and her kids quarrel during the dinner? (19:47)
7. Why did Rex faint after eating the salad in the restaurant? (28:30)
8. How did Susan set fire to Edie’s house? (37:20)
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
1. She killed herself with a shot in her head.
2. Martha Huber decided to return the blender she had borrowed from Mary Alice 6
months before.
3. Because she got pregnant and her husband thought it would be less stressful if
she quit her job to take care of the kids.
4. She was seen as the perfect wife and mother by the entire neighborhood, except
by her family.
5. John said he hadn’t had the time.
6. Because the kids couldn’t stand the kind of food Bree always prepared anymore.
They wanted to have normal food.
7. Bree put onions on his salad and Rex was allergic to onions.
8. Susan threw Edie’s bra behind her where it caught the flame of the candles.
Susan tried to put out the fire but things just got worse and the house started to
burn down.
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
Match the words or expressions in bold with their definitions.
1. MARY ALICE: I ran my errands. (0:43)
2. MARY ALICE: And for a moment, Mrs. Huber stood motionless in her kitchen, griefstricken by this senseless tragedy. But, only for a moment. (2:18)
3. MARY ALICE: A year had passed since the divorce. Susan was starting to think how
nice it would be to have a man in her life, even one who would make fun of her
cooking. (6:55)
4. MARY ALICE: Listen to me. We all have moments of desperation. But if we can face
them head on, that’s how we find out just how strong we really are. (9:26)
5. MIKE: No, I just refuse to believe that anybody can screw up macaroni and cheese.
6. MARY ALICE: Susan knew she was lucky. An eligible bachelor had moved onto
Wisteria Lane, and she was the first to find out. But she also knew that good news
travels quickly. (15:45)
7. MARY ALICE: And there it was - the question that Lynette always dreaded. (22:20)
8. TOM: I have to go back to Frisco in the morning. When I got your call, you sounded a
little frazzled. (30:05)
( ) to make a joke about someone or something in an unkind way
( ) a man who has never married
) extremely tired in a nervous or slightly anxious way after a lot of mental or physical
( ) to go out to buy or do something
( ) extreme fear or anxiety about something that is going to happen or might happen
( ) to deal with a problem in a direct and determined way
( ) feeling very sad because of something that has happened
( ) to spoil or to destroy something
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
(3) to make a joke about someone or something in an unkind way. Susan is feeling
so lonely that she wants a man, even one to make jokes about her cooking.
(6) a single man. Mike Delfino is a very attractive man and Susan knows she is
lucky because he’s not married.
(8) extremely tired in a nervous or slightly anxious way after a lot of mental or
physical effort. Lynette is very tired because of the kids and her husband realized
that by her voice when she phoned him.
(1) to go out to buy or do something. Mary Alice describes her normal life with
normal activities. One of them is to go out to buy or do something else.
(7) extreme fear or anxiety about something that is going to happen or might
happen. Lynette doesn’t like it when people ask the question about how wonderful it
is to be a mother because she’s not sure if “yes” would be the right answer.
(4) to deal with a problem in a direct and determined way. Mary Alice comforts
Susan telling her she needs to be strong and face the problem in a determined way.
(2) feeling very sad because of something that has happened. Mrs. Huber finds
Mary Alice’s body and she shows her deep sorrow but only for a moment.
(5) to spoil or to destroy something. Susan was such a bad cook that she was able
to spoil macaroni.
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
Fill in the blanks with the phrasal verbs and then try to explain their meanings.
1. MARY ALICE: My name is Mary Alice Young. When you read this morning's paper,
you may _____________ an article about the unusual day I had last week. (0:17)
2. MARY ALICE: Her curiosity aroused, Mrs. Huber tried to think of a reason for
______________ me unannounced. (1:26)
3. LYNETTE: I know someone, who knows someone, who knows an elf. And if anyone
of you ___________, so help me, I will call Santa and tell him you want socks for
Christmas. You’re willing to risk that? (3:43)
4. LYNETTE: Let’s _________________. (4:02)
5. CARLOS: He let me know how much he paid for his wife’s new convertible. Look, just
___________ the conversation. (4:50)
6. GABRIELLE: I’m telling you, it __________ in the context of the conversation. (5:00)
7. GABRIELLE: You can’t ____________ like I’m a child! (17:20)
8. ANDREW: Mom, I’m not the one with the problem here, alright? You’re the one
always acting like she’s ___________ mayor of Stepford. (21:54)
9. JULIE: Stop stalling and go. Before Mike __________ he can do better. (24:00)
10.MARY ALICE: And just like that, the possibility that Susan had _________, the maybe
of Mike Delfino was gone forever. (37:00)
Last update: June 26, 2008
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1. come across - discover something by chance. Mary Alice says that while you are
reading the paper you may find an article about her death.
2. dropping in on - make a short visit to someone (informal). Mrs. Huber wanted to find
an excuse to visit Mary Alice to find out what had happened.
3. acts up – behave badly. Lynette threatens her children telling them not to behave
badly, otherwise they will get socks for Christmas.
4. get this over with - do and finish something unpleasant or difficult that you have to
5. work it into - manage to include something in a piece of writing, speech, or
activity. Carlos wants his wife to mention in the conversation how much he paid
for the necklace she is wearing.
6. came up - if a subject comes up in a conversation, it is discussed or mentioned.
Gabrielle says that the discussion about her having slept with half the Yankee outfield
just appeared naturally in the conversation.
7. order me around - tell someone what they should do all the time. Gabrielle gets angry
because Carlos wants her to go to the party with him but she doesn’t want to go to this
8. running for - try to get elected to a public position. Andrew complains about his
mother’s artificial behavior as if she was a character in the book Stepford Wives, where
all the women were robots.
9. figures out - understand something or someone, or find the answer to something by
thinking carefully. Julie hurries her mother telling her not to think too much about the
10. clung onto - continue to have a particular idea, belief, or hope even when it seems
unlikely to be true or right. Although Susan knew her chances with Mike Delfino were
close to zero, she still had hopes she could have something with him.
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
Answer the following questions:
1. Who discovered Mary Alice’s body? Why? (1:15)
2. Which food did Lynette Scavo bring to Mary Alice’s funeral? (2:50)
3. Why did Susan’s husband always tease her about her macaroni? (6:25)
4. Why did Carl leave Susan? (6:45)
5. Why did Paul want Bree, Susan, Gabrielle and Lynette to go to his house on Friday?
6. What did Julie discover about Mike when she went to his house to get the soccer ball?
7. What did Rex say during the dinner at the restaurant that shocked Bree? (27:04)
8. Why did Gabrielle leave the party in the middle and go back to her house? (33:50)
9. What did the women find among Mary Alice’s clothes? Why did they get worried about
it? (40:50)
Last update: June 26, 2008
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1. Mary Alice’s body was discovered by her neighbor, Mrs. Huber, who was startled
by a popping sound and so she dropped by Mary Alice’s house to see what had
2. She brought fried chicken.
3. Carl always teased her about her macaroni because it was the only thing she knew
how to cook and she never made it well.
4. He left Susan to live with his secretary, who he was having an affair with.
5. Paul needed them to go through Mary Alice’s closet and help him pack up her
6. His wife died a year ago, he wanted to stay in LA but there were too many memories
and he hoped to buy a place real soon.
7. While they were talking, suddenly, Rex said he wanted the divorce, and that shocked
8. She came back to her house to mow the grass that John hadn’t mowed, because they
were having sex when he was supposed to work.
9. They found a letter addressed to Mary Alice and they got worried about it because it
was a threatening note which Mary Alice had received on the day she died.
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
Explain the meaning of the words and expressions in bold.
1. MARY ALICE: Normally, there's never anything newsworthy about my life. That all
changed last Thursday. (0:24)
2. MARY ALICE: My body was discovered by my neighbor, Mrs. Martha Huber, who had
been startled by a strange popping sound. (1:15)
3. MARY ALICE: If there was one thing Mrs. Huber was known for, it was her ability to
look on the bright side. (2:29)
4. MARY ALICE: I was laid to rest on a Monday. After the funeral, all the residents of
Wisteria Lane came to pay their respects. And as people do in this situation, they
brought food. (2:39)
5. MARY ALICE: In fact, Lynette’s life had become so hectic she was now forced to get
her chicken from a fast food restaurant. (3:17)
6. MARY ALICE: Bree Van De Kamp, who lives next door, brought baskets of muffins
she baked from scratch. (5:15)
7. MARY ALICE: Her husband Carl always teased her about her macaroni, saying it was
the only thing she knew how to cook, and she rarely made it well. (6:25)
8. JULIE: Stop stalling and go. Before Mike figures out he can do better. (24:10)
9. MARY ALICE: Bree sobbed quietly in the bathroom for 5 minutes. But her husband
never knew. Because when Bree finally emerged, she was perfect. (32:00)
Last update: June 26, 2008
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1. Newsworthy (adj): interesting enough to be described in a news report. Mary
Alice thought her life was normal and there was nothing special that was worthy
of special attention.
2. Startle (verb): to do something unexpected which surprises and sometimes
worries a person or animal. Mrs. Huber was surprised by the sound of the shot she
had heard.
3. To look on the bright side: to try to see something good in a bad situation. Even
with Mary Alice’s death, Mrs. Huber was able to take advantage of it by taking
Mary Alice’s blender.
4. Pay their respect (to pay your respect to sb): formal – to send polite greetings to
someone or to visit them. Everybody in the neighborhood went to Mary Alice’s
house to greet her family in that sad moment.
5. Hectic (adj): full of activity; very busy and fast. Because of the children,
Lynette’s life had become so busy that she didn’t have the time to cook the
6. From scratch: if you do or start something from scratch, you begin it without
using anything that existed before. Bree herself prepared the muffins. She didn’t
buy them ready.
7. Teased (to tease): to laugh at someone or say unkind things about them, either
because you are joking or because you want to upset them. Susan’s husband
always made jokes about her cooking, because she didn’t know how to prepare
8. Stalling (to stall): to delay taking action or avoid giving an answer in order to
have more time to make a decision or obtain an advantage. Susan was insecure
about asking Mike out and Julie tells her to stop delaying it and go to his house
9. Sobbed (to sob): to cry noisily, taking in deep breaths. After her husband told her
he was tired of her perfect way, Bree pretended to go to the bathroom to put water
in the vase and there, she cried.
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
Match the character to the food each of them brought to the wake at Mary Alice’s house.
1. Bree Van De Kamp
3. Lynette Scavo
3. Gabrielle Solis
4. Susan Meyer
( ) Fried chicken
( ) Spicy Paella
( ) Rolls, muffins and breakfast type things
( ) Macaroni and cheese
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
(3 ) Fried chicken
(2 ) Spicy Paella
(1 ) Rolls, muffins and breakfast type things
(4 ) Macaroni and cheese
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
Discuss the following questions.
1. In this episode, we see the traditional customs Americans follow when someone dies.
How are these customs different from ours in Brazil?
2. Mary Alice apparently had a perfect life. Why do you think she killed herself?
3. Lynette gave up her professional career to take care of the kids. Do you think she did
the right thing? Would you do the same?
4. In one scene, Andrew, while having an argument with his mother, said that she looked
like she was running for the mayor of Stepford. Andrew made a reference to “The
Stepford Wives,” a novel by Ira Levin, that later became a movie. In this story all the
women in this city, Stepford, are brainwashed and transformed into roboticized perfect
wives. We see that Bree is very similar to those women. In your opinion, are there many
“Stepford wives” or “Brees” nowadays in our society? Or do you think this kind of oldfashioned perfect wife and mother is gradually becoming a minority?
5. Gabrielle is having an affair with her gardener but she says that she loves her husband.
Would you consider she is really happy with this kind of life?
6. What do you think is the family secret Mary Alice mentions when Paul is digging the
pool in their house?
Discuss the answers with a teacher.
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
Ah, But Underneath
Answer the following questions.
1. Why couldn’t Mary Alice see how unhappy Gabrielle was? (1:15)
2. What did the women decide to do with the note they had found among Mary Alice’s
belongings? (5:00)
3. What did Bree want Rex to do instead of meeting with the divorce lawyer? (6:50)
4. Why couldn’t Julie find the measuring cup? (8:00)
5. Why did the policeman stop Lynette’s car? (14:00)
6. What did John give to Gabrielle after they had sex in his bedroom? And what did she
realize after that? (19:15)
7. What did Mrs. Huber find in Susan’s house among her grocery bags? (26:00)
8. What happened when Lynette left the kids by the side of the road? (31:00)
9. What did Susan do in order to make Bongo more friendly with her? What happened
after that? (38:05)
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
Ah, But Underneath
1. Because she only paid attention to Gabrielle’s clothes and jewelry. If Mary Alice had
looked a bit closer, she would have seen that Gabrielle was not a happy woman.
2. After talking for hours, as they couldn’t reach an agreement, they decided to go home
and think about it on the next day.
3. She wanted him to go to a marriage counselor with her.
4. Because the measuring cup was left behind by Susan in Edie’s house when she went
there and accidentally set the house on fire.
5. Because the kids were jumping up and down when they should be sitting, so the
policeman gave her a ticket.
6. He gave her a beautiful rose and after that Gabrielle realized that for John that was no
longer a meaningless affair. He was really falling in love with her.
7. Mrs. Huber looked into the grocery bags and found a measuring cup exactly like the
one she found in Edie’s destroyed house.
8. After some seconds she came back to get them but they were not there anymore. She
started looking for them desperately, and then she finally found out they were in a
woman’s house eating cookies. The woman didn’t want to let the kids go away with
Lynette but the boys attacked the woman and ran away with their mother.
9. She smeared some gravy across her neck and hand. When Bongo started licking her, the
dog ended up swallowing one of her earrings. Bongo started making strange noises and
needed to be taken to the veterinarian.
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
Ah, But Underneath
Fill in the blanks with the verb in the correct verbs.
1. MARY ALICE: And we can suddenly see the world we _________ behind so clearly.
2. MARY ALICE: Like my friend Gabrielle. I _____________ how unhappy she was. But
I didn’t. I only saw her clothes from Paris. (1:10)
3. MARY ALICE: The peaceful façade of Wisteria Lane _____________. (4:00)
4. MARY ALICE: My friends were right to be concerned. They knew that every family
has its secrets. And as my son and husband ____________ them, you need to think
carefully before digging them up. (5:15)
5. MARY ALICE: After talking for hours, my friends still ____________ what to do with
the note. So, they decided to talk about it in the morning after a good night’s rest. But
no one could fall asleep that night. They each kept thinking of my suicide, and how
terribly alone I ___________. You see, loneliness was something my friend’s
understood all too well. (5:50)
6. CARLOS: You____________ like a nightmare for a month. What’s wrong? (9:20)
7. EDIE: That reminds me. My insurance check still __________ yet. Can I stay with you
for a few more weeks? (12:25)
8. MARY ALICE: Though he__________ a policeman for 6 years, Officer Hayes
___________ himself in a truly dangerous situation. Then again, he ________________
a woman how to raise her children. (14:40)
9. LYNETTE: My babysitter joined the witness relocation program. I____________
through the night in 6 years. (15:00)
10.BREE: Oh. Well, I wish _____________. (27:00)
11.MARY ALICE: She had a feeling the truth ____________ on her husband anyway.
After all, it’s the rare man who understands the value of a single, perfect rose. (34:10)
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
Ah, But Underneath
1. MARY ALICE: And we can suddenly see the world we’ve left behind so clearly.
2. MARY ALICE: Like my friend Gabrielle. I should’ve seen how unhappy she
was. But I didn’t. I only saw her clothes from Paris.
3. MARY ALICE: The peaceful façade of Wisteria Lane had recently been
4. MARY ALICE: My friends were right to be concerned. They knew that every
family has its secrets. And as my son and husband could’ve told them, you need
to think carefully before digging them up.
5. MARY ALICE: After talking for hours, my friends still hadn’t agreed on what to
do with the note. So, they decided to talk about it in the morning after a good
night’s rest. But no one could fall asleep that night. They each kept thinking of my
suicide, and how terribly alone I must’ve felt. You see, loneliness was something
my friend’s understood all too well.
6. CARLOS: You’ve been acting like a nightmare for a month. What’s wrong?
7. EDIE: That reminds me. My insurance check still hasn’t come yet. Can I stay
with you for a few more weeks?
8. MARY ALICE: Though he’d been a policeman for 6 years, Officer Hayes had
never found himself in a truly dangerous situation. Then again, he had never
before told a woman how to raise her children.
9. LYNETTE: My babysitter joined the witness relocation program. I haven’t slept
through the night in 6 years.
10.BREE: Oh. Well, I wish he had called me.
11.MARY ALICE: She had a feeling the truth would’ve been lost on her husband
anyway. After all, it’s the rare man who understands the value of a single, perfect
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
Ah, But Underneath
Explain the expressions and words in bold in your own words.
1. GABRIELLE: He’s still mourning, Susan, he’ll probably freak out. (4:25)
2. SUSAN: Well, isn’t it worse to be in the dark, imagining she did all these horrible
things? (4:57)
3. GABRIELLE: I’m not in the mood. But, we could stay up and talk. (9:00)
4. GABRIELLE: No, no, no, I’m not dumping you. Lately, you’ve been the only thing
keeping me going. It’s just, we can’t do it at my house anymore. (16:50)
5. DR GOLDFINE: I don’t need to see pictures. Bree, you’ve spent most of the hour
engaging in small talk. (17:40)
6. SUSAN: It’s not like that. The more the merrier. (21:25)
7. LYNETTE: Yeah, the boys were acting up in the car, I couldn’t get them to sit down.
8. MRS. HUBER: Young boys can be so willful. (22:30)
9. MRS. HUBER: Oh Susan. Edie may be trash, but she’s still a human being. (23:35)
10.CARLOS: Cost me an arm and a leg. It’s got GPS navigation, 200-watt stereo system,
rear parking sensors. (33:40)
11.SUSAN: Ooh, we just got off on the wrong foot, we’re really best buddies now. Oh,
what a good boy! (38:40)
12.MIKE: I’m really sorry that I snapped at you, I was just so worried. (40:10)
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
Ah, But Underneath
1. To mourn: to feel very sad because someone you love has died.
To freak out: (informal) to become very anxious, upset or frightened.
2. To be in the dark: (informal) to know nothing about something important
because you have not been told about it.
3. Not in the mood: not wanting to do something or being determined not to do
4. To dump: to get rid of someone or something that you do not want.
5. Small talk: polite friendly conversation about unimportant subjects.
6. The more the merrier: (Spoken) used to tell someone you will be very happy if
they join you in something you are doing.
7. To act up: if children act up, they behave badly.
8. Willful: continuing to do what you want even after having been told to stop.
9. Trash: very insulting word for people who you think do not deserve your
10. Cost an arm and a leg: to have a price that is too high.
11. To get off on the wrong foot: to start a relationship very badly.
12. To snap at: to say something quickly in an angry or annoyed way.
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
Ah, But Underneath
Fill in the blanks with the missing words. The words in parentheses are their synonyms.
MARY ALICE: An ________ (unusual, strange) thing happens when we die. Our
senses __________ (disappear). (0:45)
MARY ALICE: Gabrielle was panicked. She knew if her husband discovered her
secret, she would feel the full force of his ________ (anger). (2:45)
MARY ALICE: My friends were right to be ___________ (worried). They knew that
every family has its secrets. And as my son and husband could’ve told them, you
need to think carefully before digging them up. (5:15)
MARY ALICE: Susan awoke that night alone and parched. And as she gazed out her
window, she saw the tall drink of water she needed to ________ (satisfy) her thirst.
GABRIELLE: I know you’re a __________ (nerd, dork, idiot). (8:20)
MIKE: You said you were a ___________ (bad, miserable) cook. (11:07)
MARY ALICE: Julie was glad Susan was rekindling her love life. Of course, she was
___________ (unknowing, uninformed) of her mother’s recent track record with fire.
LYNETTE: I __________ (shout) at them. They never listen to me, it’s very
frustrating. (14:30)
DR GOLDFINE: Yes. Rex has been very __________ (articulate, eloquent) about his
issues. Don’t you want to discuss your feelings about your marriage? (17:40)
10. MIKE: Well it won’t be anything _______ (expensive, fashionable) just a little home
cooking. (20:48)
11. EDIE: This’ll __________ (compensate) the dinner that you never threw me. (21:35)
12. DR. GOLDFINE: Rex, I’m curious. Do you ______________(recognize, admit) the
benefits of living with Bree? (35:45)
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
Ah, But Underneath
MARY ALICE: An odd thing happens when we die. Our senses vanish.
MARY ALICE: Gabrielle was panicked. She knew if her husband discovered
her secret, she would feel the full force of his wrath.
MARY ALICE: My friends were right to be concerned. They knew that every
family has its secrets. And as my son and husband could’ve told them, you need
to think carefully before digging them up.
MARY ALICE: Susan awoke that night alone and parched. And as she gazed
out her window, she saw the tall drink of water she needed to quench her thirst.
GABRIELLE: I know you’re a jerk.
MIKE: You said you were a lousy cook.
MARY ALICE: Julie was glad Susan was rekindling her love life. Of course,
she was unaware of her mother’s recent track record with fire.
LYNETTE: I yelled at them. They never listen to me, it’s very frustrating.
DR GOLDFINE: Yes. Rex has been very vocal about his issues. Don’t you want
to discuss your feelings about your marriage?
10. MIKE: Well it won’t be anything fancy, just a little home cooking.
11. EDIE: This’ll make up for the dinner that you never threw me.
12. DR GOLDFINE: Rex, I’m curious. Do you ever acknowledge the benefits of
living with Bree?
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
Ah, But Underneath
Who said these sentences? Watch from 4:20 to 5:10.
( ) We could always call the police.
( ) Well, we could do it gently. We could tell him about it over coffee and pastry.
( ) Maybe it’s just some sort of sick joke.
( ) It doesn’t matter, she was his wife. He deserves to have all the facts.
( ) It’s the usual question, isn’t it? How much do we really wanna know about our
( ) Well, isn’t it worse to be in the dark, imagining she did all these horrible things?
( ) He’s still mourning, Susan, he’ll probably freak out.
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
Ah, But Underneath
( 2 ) GABRIELLE: We could always call the police.
( 3 ) BREE: Well, we could do it gently. We could tell him about it over coffee and
( 4 ) LYNETTE: Maybe it’s just some sort of sick joke.
( 1 ) SUSAN: It doesn’t matter, she was his wife. He deserves to have all the facts.
( 3 ) BREE: It’s the usual question, isn’t it? How much do we really wanna know
about our neighbors?
( 1 ) SUSAN: Well, isn’t it worse to be in the dark, imagining she did all these
horrible things?
( 2 ) GABRIELLE: He’s still mourning, Susan, he’ll probably freak out.
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
Ah, But Underneath
Discussion questions
1. What would you do if you were one of Mary Alice’s friends and found a threatening
note among her belongings? Would you keep it secret or would you give it to her
2. What do you think there is inside the trunk which Paul threw in the lake?
3. What would you do if you were Susan and accidentally set fire on a neighbor’s house?
Would you confess your crime or would you keep it a secret?
4. Lynette has a really hard time taking care of her kids. Do you think she is a lenient
mother? Don’t they deserve a harder punishment like spanking? How would you react if
they kept acting up all the time? Would you do like Lynette and leave them by the side
of the road just to scare them?
Discuss these questions with a teacher.
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
Pretty Little Picture
Answer the following questions.
1. Why did Bree ask Rex to go to sleep upstairs? (2:10)
2. What did Susan see in the newspaper that caught her attention? (4:18)
3. What did the women decide about Mary Alice’s dinner? (5:45)
4. Why didn’t Tom want to go to Mary Alice’s dinner? (7:28)
5. Why was Gabrielle trying to please the little girl, Ashley? And what did Ashley ask
Gabrielle to buy? (12:15)
6. Who appeared when Paul and Zach were fighting? Why? (18:30)
7. What did Lynette tell Preston to do before she left to the dinner party? Why? (22:50)
8. Why did Susan get naked outside her house? Who saw her lying naked on the grass?
9. Why did Bree let the tray fall during the dinner party? (29:00)
10.What did Bree find in Dr. Goldfine office that grabbed her attention? (41:00)
Last update: June 26, 2008
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TV Show Cards
Pretty Little Picture
1. Bree wanted neither her kids nor anybody in the neighborhood to know about the
crisis in their marriage. She thought the kids didn’t need to be burdened with their
marital problems and she also thought it was necessary to keep up appearances.
2. Susan saw the date, October 15, in the newspaper and that reminded her of a dinner
party Mary Alice would throw on this same day.
3. They decided they were going to have it anyway, as a way to honor Mary Alice,
because she was very excited about this dinner.
4. He gave the excuse he hadn’t had the time to unpack his things yet and he was too
tired and needed to relax.
5. Because Ashley saw Gabrielle with John and Gabrielle was afraid of her telling
Carlos what she had seen. And then, the girl said she’d like to have a bike.
6. Bree went to their house at the time they were fighting to invite them to the dinner
7. She told Preston that he and his brothers could eat everything after 5, including
cooking and sugar. She did that because if the boys ate sugar, they would get hyper
and she wanted her husband to have a hard time taking care of them alone.
8. Susan was talking to her ex-husband outside the house, wearing only a towel and
then he drove off, pulling the towel off Susan. She ran to her house and she realized
she had locked herself out. After trying to break into the house, she fell on the grass
and Mike saw her naked.
9. Because Rex confessed to Carlos that actually he and Bree were not taking tennis
lessons, but they were going to a marriage counselor instead. Bree, shocked
because her husband had told the secret off, let the tray fall on the floor.
10.While she was looking for Rex’s tape, she surprisingly found a tape labeled Mary
Alice Young.
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
Pretty Little Picture
Say if the sentence is true or false and justify the false ones.
1. ( ) Bree and Rex were going to a marriage counselor but they told people they were
taking piano lessons.
2. ( ) Gabrielle reminded Susan of Mary Alice’s dinner.
3. ( ) The dinner was supposed to happen on September 20th, 2004.
4. ( ) Susan invited Mike to go to the dinner party with her and he accepted.
5. ( ) Gabrielle called John after her husband told her she needed to relax.
6. ( ) Susan and Karl fought because he wanted Julie to live with him.
7. ( ) Lynette went to the dinner party while Tom stayed at home taking care of the
8. ( ) Gabrielle discovered that the little girl who saw her and John together was Carlos’
9. ( ) Susan wanted an apology from Karl for the way he has treated Julie all this time.
10.( ) Bree went to Dr. Goldfine to try to find out what her husband had told him during
the individual sessions.
Last update: June 26, 2008
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TV Show Cards
Pretty Little Picture
1. False – Bree and Rex made up the excuse they were taking tennis lessons.
2. False - Susan remembered Mary Alice’s dinner by reading an article in a
3. False - The day set for the dinner was October 15th, 2004.
4. True - Susan didn’t want to go to the dinner alone, so she invited Mike as a way
to get closer to him.
5. True - Carlos said Gabrielle was very tense and that she should go shopping to
relax, but instead Gabrielle called John to tell him to meet her at 4.
6. False – They fought because Karl said he and Brandy were going to travel and
Susan got angry because he could afford a trip but he couldn’t pay the child
7. True - As Tom had said he didn’t want to go to the dinner, Lynette canceled the
baby sitter and Tom stayed home taking care of the boys.
8. False - The little girl, Ashley, was Gabrielle and Carlos’ new neighbor who had
just moved in.
9. False - Susan needed an apology for the way he had ended their marriage, because
he had never took any responsibility for his behavior.
10.True - Bree insisted Dr. Goldfine on telling her what Rex had been telling about
her, but he refused to do so because he had an appointment and she hadn’t
scheduled anything with him.
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
Pretty Little Picture
Fill in the blanks with the correct prepositions.
1. MARY ALICE: It’s astonishing to look back ____ the world I left _________. I
remember it all, every single detail. Like my friend, Bree Van De Kamp. (1:18)
2. MARY ALICE: The day _____Wisteria Lane began like any other, _______ a cup
_______ coffee and the morning paper. (4:04)
3. SUSAN: I think we should go _________ _________ it. (5:50)
4. REX: You know, if you spent half as much time working _______ our problems as you
do covering them… (8:43)
5. SUSAN: I left three messages. Oh, he’s not gonna come. Big surprise. I did everything
but foam ______ the mouth. God, I hate when I get that way. It’s like every time I get
__________ 10 feet ______ Karl, I just become this monster. (12:35)
6. SUSAN: You know, I’ve lived ________ this bitterness so long, I think I’d be lonely
_____________ it. (12:53)
7. CARLOS: Babe, this is Sheila Bukowski, our new neighbor. They just moved
_________ the Miller’s old house. (14:30)
8. GABRIELLE: Hey, Ash. I was ______the mall, and I saw this. Thought you might like
it. She’s Hawaiian. Her name is Princess Kahaluia. And, and I think it means “Little
Waterfall”. Or “Big Pond” or something. (17:30)
9. LYNETTE: Sweetie, you know our rule ________ eating cookies, right? (22:54)
10.SUSAN: You know what? I don’t need an apology. I don’t need anything _________
you. (25:30)
11.SUSAN: Okay. I know what just happened is funny, in theory, but I am nowhere near
ready to laugh ___________ it. So please, no jokes. (28:10)
12.BREE: Rex. In college, when we first started dating, people were so jealous _____ us.
We were the golden couple. Everybody knew we were gonna have this wonderful life.
Why is this happening? (36:25)
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
Pretty Little Picture
1. MARY ALICE: It’s astonishing to look back on the world I left behind. I
remember it all, every single detail. Like my friend, Bree Van De Kamp.
2. MARY ALICE: The day on Wisteria Lane began like any other, with a cup of
coffee and the morning paper.
3. SUSAN: I think we should go through with it.
4. REX: You know, if you spent half as much time working on our problems as you
do covering them…
5. SUSAN: I left three messages. Oh, he’s not gonna come. Big surprise. I did
everything but foam at the mouth. God, I hate when I get that way. It’s like every
time I get within 10 feet of Karl, I just become this monster.
6. SUSAN: You know, I’ve lived with this bitterness so long, I think I’d be lonely
without it.
7. CARLOS: Babe, this is Sheila Bukowski, our new neighbor. They just moved into
the Miller’s old house.
8. GABRIELLE: Hey, Ash. I was at the mall, and I saw this. Thought you might like
it. She’s Hawaiian. Her name is Princess Kahaluia. And, and I think it means
“Little Waterfall”. Or “Big Pond” or something.
9. LYNETTE: Sweetie, you know our rule about eating cookies, right?
10.SUSAN: You know what? I don’t need an apology. I don’t need anything from
11.SUSAN: Okay. I know what just happened is funny, in theory, but I am nowhere
near ready to laugh about it. So please, no jokes.
12.BREE: Rex. In college, when we first started dating, people were so jealous of us.
We were the golden couple. Everybody knew we were gonna have this wonderful
life. Why is this happening?
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
Pretty Little Picture
Find the errors and correct them.
1. MARY ALICE: I remind the easy confidence of her smile… (1:35)
2. MARY ALICE: Yes, I mean, how long had we all lived on this street? We’ve never
done a big group think. (5:05)
3. MARY ALICE: Oh no, no. This is my party. I’ve been waiting to have everyone over
for years. Oh I’m so happy we’re finally making this. It’s gonna be so much fun. (5:23)
4. KARL: Fine, but that’s all. Brandy and I live Sunday for a week up at the cabin. (9:17)
5. SUSAN: We are being as nice as we possibly can to the other. (9:40)
6. ZACH: You never talk about her. She hasn’t been sick a month, and it’s like you totally
forgot she ever existed. (11:13)
7. LYNETTE: Throw a dinner party? I don’t even have time to wash my face. No, you
know what? I’m gonna go to this one. You can say home and baby-sit the kids. (13:35)
8. SUSAN: Okay, you have got to know that I only get that angry around Karl. He just
treated me so badly at the end, I… I haven’t been able to get through it. (33:00)
9. BREE: I didn’t have time to get an appointment. Rex moved out today. (40:10)
10.MARY ALICE: You see, to live in fear is not to live at all. I wish I would tell this to
those I left behind, but would it do any good? Probably not. (42:00)
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
Pretty Little Picture
1. MARY ALICE: I remember the easy confidence of her smile…
2. MARY ALICE: Yes, I mean, how long have we all lived on this street? We’ve
never done a big group thing.
3. MARY ALICE: Oh no, no. This is my party. I’ve been wanting to have everyone
over for years. Oh I’m so happy we’re finally doing this. It’s gonna be so much
4. KARL: Fine, but that’s all. Brandy and I leave Sunday for a week up at the cabin.
5. SUSAN: We are being as nice as we possibly can to one another.
6. ZACH: You never talk about her. She hasn’t been dead a month, and it’s like you
totally forgot she ever existed.
7. LYNETTE: Throw a dinner party? I don’t even have time to wash my face. No,
you know what? I’m gonna go to this one. You can stay home and baby-sit the
8. SUSAN: Okay, you have got to know that I only get that angry around Karl. He
just treated me so badly at the end, I… I haven’t been able to get past it.
9. BREE: I didn’t have time to make an appointment. Rex moved out today.
10.MARY ALICE: You see, to live in fear is not to live at all. I wish I could tell this
to those I left behind, but would it do any good? Probably not.
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
Pretty Little Picture
Fill in the blanks with the missing words and expressions and try to explain their
meanings with your own words.
1. MARY ALICE: It’s ______________to look back on the world I left behind. I
remember it all, every single detail. Like my friend, Bree Van De Kamp. (1:18)
2. BREE: Well, I care. They don’t need to ____________our marital problems, and if
we’re _______________, the least we could do is try to keep up appearances. (2:20)
3. MARY ALICE: Paul never likes to have people over. Well, _______________, I’m
doing it. (5:10)
4. SUSAN: So when is this ____________? (5:15)
5. LYNETTE: I’m not being ___________, I’m just pointing out a reality. (5:43)
6. BREE: Well, good, because I have some new flatware that I’ve just been
______________. (6:00)
7. TOM: You know what? I haven’t even had a chance to unpack yet, honey. I just, uh, I
just need to __________ for the next few days. (7:30)
8. LYNETTE: Oh. Tom. There’ll be ___________. And hors d’oeuvres. And
____________ without children. And, and silverware. Remember silverware? (7:40)
9. LYNETTE: I was _______________ to a night out. (8:13)
10.BREE: Because when you drink, you get ___________. No one needs to know that
we’re seeing Dr. Goldfine. (8:40)
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
Pretty Little Picture
1. Astonishing: very surprising. After her death Mary Alice remembers how her life
was and she gets surprised with what she sees.
2. Be burdened with: to be carrying worries. Bree doesn’t want her kids to be
worried about her marital problems.
Working things out (to work sth out): to think carefully about something in order
to decide what you should do. Bree and Rex are going to a marriage counselor to
try to solve their problems.
3. To heck with him: informal interjection used to show you don’t care about a
person’s opinion. A euphemism for “hell”. Mary Alice wants to throw the dinner
party anyway even knowing her husband won’t like the idea, so she uses this to
show she doesn’t care about what he will think about the party.
4. Shindig: (informal) a noisy event or situation, especially a large, energetic party,
celebration, etc. Susan remembers the day they were discussing about the dinner
party and she asks when this dinner will be.
5. Flip (Flippant): not being serious about something that other people think you
should be serious about. Lynette makes a joke when Susan goes to her house to
remind her of Mary Alice’s dinner and Susan thinks she shouldn’t be making jokes
about something so serious, which is Mary Alice’s death.
6. Dying to show off: to be dying to do something means you want to do something
very much so that it is difficult to wait. In this case, Bree wants to show off her new
7. Chill out: to relax completely, or not allow things to upset you. Tom doesn’t want
to go to the dinner party because he says he is very tired and needs to relax.
8. Liquor: strong alcoholic drink like whisky.
Grown-ups: adults. Lynette tries to convince Tom to go to the
dinner saying there will only be adults and also alcoholic drinks.
9. Looking so forward: to feel pleased and excited about something that is going to
happen. Lynette says she wants very much to go to the dinner party because she
was very excited about a night out.
10.Chatty: to like to talk a lot in an informal and friendly way. Bree doesn’t want Rex
to drink because when he drinks he starts talking a lot and he may say things about
their marriage crisis.
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
Pretty Little Picture
Match the expressions or words in bold to their definitions.
1. PAUL: I doubt people will give it much thought. Don’t worry about it. (11:08)
2. TOM: Fine. I can handle that.(13:50)
3. ASHLEY: I’m home-schooled. I’m always around. (23:45)
4. SUSAN: No, you’re the one who’s been humiliating yourself, Karl, why don’t you see
that? You walked out on your family. People think you’re scum, not me. So worry
about yourself, I’m okay with me. I can walk down the street and walk my head high.
5. MARY ALICE: On Wisteria Lane, an unsettled Susan racked her brain to find a way
into her own house. (26:20)
6. MIKE: Oh I wasn’t a perfect gentleman, I might’ve snuck* a peek. (33:30)
7. BRANDY: I just wanted you to know, what happened between me and Karl, things got
out of hand because I thought your marriage was over. Anyway, I just wanted you to
know I’m sorry, I really am. (38:00)
Give it much thought
Walk out on (somebody)
Walk my head high
Rack one’s brain
Sneak a peek
Get out of hand
( ) to deal with a situation
( ) an unpleasant nasty person
( ) to become impossible to control
( ) to think very hard or for a long time
( ) to give serious consideration
( ) to look quickly at something you are not
supposed to see
( ) the child who is taught at home, usually be
the parents
( ) to abandon
( ) not to be ashamed of something that
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
Pretty Little Picture
( 2 ) to deal with a situation – Tom agrees on staying with the kids so Lynette can
go to the dinner party. He says he can deal with this situation.
( 5 ) an unpleasant nasty person - Susan swears at Karl saying he is not a nice
( 9 ) to become impossible to control – Brandy apologizes to Susan saying that she
couldn’t control the situation.
( 7 ) to think very hard or for a long time – Susan locks herself out and she tries to
think of a way of breaking into her house.
( 1 ) to give serious consideration – Zach asks her father why he didn’t put in an
obituary for his mother and Paul tells him not to worry about it because people
won’t give it much importance.
( 8 ) to look quickly at something you are not supposed to see – Mike sees Susan
naked and then he confesses he took a quick look at her. *although Mike says
snuck, the correct past form of the verb sneak is sneaked.
( 3 ) the child who is taught at home, usually by the parents – Completely tired of
teaching the little girl how to ride a bike, Gabrielle suggests they stop and continue
another day. The girl suggests tomorrow because she doesn’t go to school, so she is
always around.
( 4 ) to abandon – Susan reprehends her ex-husband because he abandoned her and
their daughter.
( 6 ) not to be ashamed of something that happened – Susan says that Karl should
be ashamed of what he did and not her, because he is the one who walked out on
his family.
Last update: June 26, 2008
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TV Show Cards
Pretty Little Picture
Discussion questions
1. Gabrielle is having an affair with an underage guy. According to the law, that is
considered a crime. So, in this situation, do you think Gabrielle should be legally
punished? Do you agree with the law?
2. Tom works a lot and is always traveling on business. He doesn’t spend much time with
his family. He refuses to go to the dinner party because he says he is too tired. If you
were Lynette, would you be understanding with him or would you urge him to spend
more time with his family?
3. Susan locked herself out of the house completely naked. What would be your reaction if
something like that happened to you?
4. Do you think Susan still loves her ex-husband Karl?
Discuss the questions with a teacher.
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
Who’s That Woman?
Watch from 1:15 to 9:15 and answer the following questions.
1. Why was Lynette called to go to the boys’ school?
2. What did Lynette suggest to make the boys calmer?
3. What did the teacher say she would do if the solution given by Lynette didn’t work out?
4. What did the women discover listening to Mary Alice’s tape?
5. What was the excuse Susan made up to talk to Mike while he was mowing the lawn?
6. Why did Lynette have to go to the school again?
Last update: June 26, 2008
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Who’s That Woman?
1. Because the boys had acted up again. They had painted a girl blue and the
teacher called Lynette to see if she could do something to make them behave
2. She suggested putting them in different classes, since they were much calmer
when they were separated.
3. The teacher said that if they boys didn’t behave this time, the school would no
longer be able to accommodate them.
4. Mary Alice reported a dream she had been having with a girl named Angela.
When asked about the significance of this name, Mary Alice revealed that
Angela was her real name.
5. Susan had got Mike’s junk mail by mistake and so she went to his house with
the excuse of giving the mail back.
6. Because the twins simply refused to be separated. So Lynette was called to go to
the school again to force them to stay in different classes.
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
Who’s That Woman?
Watch from 9:17 to 20:00 and complete the following dialogues.
1. Gabrielle: I love taking baths. Especially with you. It's like
_________________________ .
2. Danielle: Listen to her. She always ____________________.
3. The Cable Guy: Again, sorry I was late. The schedule _________________.
4. Mrs. Huber: I was just thinking of that expression: I'll ______________________.
5. Mrs. Huber: Yes, I know. You've _________________. He's quite a catch, isn't he?
You like him, don't you?
6. Mrs. Huber: I hope it works out with you and Mike. You've been
7. Mrs. Huber: Oh, good Lord, Susan. You _______________. If that isn't desperate, I
don't know what is.
8. Andrew: Whatever. You lied, so stop pretending like you ___________________.
9. Mrs. Huber: You shouldn't be rude to me. Your secret is not __________________.
That insurance company is _______________________ and still I've said nothing.
Last update: June 26, 2008
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Who’s That Woman?
1. Gabrielle: I love taking baths. Especially with you. It's like taking a vacation from
the world.
2. Danielle: Listen to her. She always overcompensates when she's worried.
3. The Cable Guy: Again, sorry I was late. The schedule overbooked me.
4. Mrs. Huber: I was just thinking of that expression: I'll make mincemeat out of
5. Mrs. Huber: Yes, I know. You've moved on to that nice Mike Delfino. He's quite
a catch, isn't he? You like him, don't you?
6. Mrs. Huber: I hope it works out with you and Mike. You've been so desperate to
land him.
7. Mrs. Huber: Oh, good Lord, Susan. You burned your rival's house down. If that
isn't desperate, I don't know what is.
8. Andrew: Whatever. You lied, so stop pretending like you have some sort of
9. Mrs. Huber: You shouldn't be rude to me. Your secret is not an easy burden to
bear. That insurance company is putting Edie through hell, and still I've said
Last update: June 26, 2008
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Who’s That Woman?
Who said these sentences? Watch from 20:00 to 29:20.
1. Bree
6. Julie
2. Carlos
7. Susan
3. Lynette
8. John
4. Andrew
9. Gabrielle
5. Paul
) You want me to mow your lawn in sandals? I could lose a toe.
) You just humiliated me in front of my friends. I'm not going anywhere with you.
) Yes. Too many painful memories. I'm sure you understand.
) We talked to Paul. We told him we need to show him something.
( ) Remember when you asked us to pack her things? Well, when we did, we found a
( ) Like this mug. I love this mug. If I medicate them, are they still gonna make me a
mug like this?
( ) You think that's bad? Tomorrow morning I'm cleaning it. Oh, by the way, Keith. I
didn't get a chance to tell you. That was a lovely solo last week at church.
( ) You remember the cable guy showing up? And you usually work until what time,
( ) Dad won't care if it was an accident. You know he'll just use this as an excuse to
reopen custody. Mom, I don't want to live with dad.
Last update: June 26, 2008
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Who’s That Woman?
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
Who’s That Woman?
Say if the following sentences are true or false and justify the false ones. Watch from
30:40 to 38:50.
1. (
) Julie and Susan pretend they are playing volleyball and Susan, “accidentally”,
throws the ball in Mike’s yard.
2. (
) Mike invites Susan to go to the movies and she accepts.
3. (
) Edie returns from the work earlier because she has many things to do at home.
4. (
) Susan gives up going out with Mike and she offers her ticket to Edie.
5. (
) Julie manages to take the measuring cup out of Mrs. Huber’s house.
6. ( ) Carlos goes to the cable guy’s house and punches him because he thinks the guy
arrived at his house very late to fix the cables.
7. ( ) Paul tells Lynette and Gabrielle that Mary Alice was not well and that she used to
write threatening letters to herself.
8. (
) Lynette and Gabrielle believes in what Paul says about Mary Alice.
9. (
) Lynette decides to give some medicine to her twins and they get calmer after that.
) As a punishment for Andrew, Bree takes the door of his room off.
Last update: June 26, 2008
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Who’s That Woman?
1. (F) Julie and Susan were playing Frisbee and Susan threwhe disk in Mrs.
Huber’s yard.
2. (T)
3. (F) She returned earlier because she was not feeling well.
4. (T)
5. (T)
6. (F) Carlos punches the guy because he thinks he is the one who is having an
affair with his wife, but then he discovers the guy is gay.
7. (T)
8. (F) Neither Lynette nor Gabrielle believes in Paul’s excuse about Mary Alice’s
9. (F) Lynette decides to give some medicine for her kids to get calmer but then
she gives up the idea.
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
Who’s That Woman?
Explain the expressions and words in bold with your own words.
1. MARY ALICE: When I was alive, I maintained many different identities: lover, wife,
and ultimately, victim. Yes, labels are important to the living. They dictate how people
see themselves. (0:35)
2. MARY ALICE: But, unfortunately for Lynette, this new label frequently fell short of
what was advertised. (1:25)
3. Ms. Butters: The boys are in my class because I'm the only teacher who can handle
them. (2:12)
4. GABRIELLE: I'm sorry. He's just always giving me the creeps. Haven't you guys
noticed? He's got this dark thing going on. There's something about him that just feels...
5. SUSAN: Well, guess I've done my good deed for the day. I'll just head back home. Bye.
6. EDIE: Where the hell have you been, Martha? She's been lusting after him ever since
he moved in. (8:20)
7. MRS. HUBER: Yes, I know. You've moved on to that nice Mike Delfino. He's quite a
catch, isn't he? You like him, don't you? (13:27)
8. LYNETTE "I used to run a company with eighty-five people and now I can't wrangle
three some boys without doping them? Talk about feeling like a failure. (20:06)
9. BREE: I'm staying for the show. I'm dying to see what all the fuss is about. (26:25)
10.MRS. HUBER: It's Mrs. Huber, Susan. Are you there? I can see your lights are on. I
hope you're not screening, that's so tacky. (27:30)
Last update: June 26, 2008
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Who’s That Woman?
1. Label: a word or a phrase which is used to describe the characteristics or
qualities of people, activities or things, often in a way that is unfair.
2. To fall short of: to be less than the result, level or standard that you expect or to
fail to achieve something you are hoping for.
3. To handle: to deal with, have responsibility for, or be in charge of.
4. To give somebody the creeps: if a person or thing gives you the creeps, they
make you feel nervous and a little frightened, especially because they are strange.
5. Deed: an intentional act, especially a very bad or very good one.
6. To lust after: to feel sexual desire for someone that you are not having a sexual
relationship with.
7. To be quite a catch: if a man is a good catch, he is regarded as a very desirable
husband, because he is rich and good looking.
8. To wrangle: to argue with someone for a long time.
9. Fuss: when people become excited, annoyed, or anxious about something,
especially about something unimportant.
10.To screen: to choose who you are going to talk to before answering the door or
the phone.
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
Who’s That Woman?
Match the words or expressions in bold to their definition.
1. SUSAN: I think I'm being blackmailed. (28:03)
2. SUSAN: Obviously, I can't let her get away with this. The only thing to do is go to the
police and tell them what happened. (28:15)
3. MIKE: Okay. Actually, I'm glad I ran into you. I just wanted to make sure things were
okay between us. The other day, you seemed kind of distance. (31:20)
4. MIKE: Well, it's uh, a limited engagement and it's sold out. I only got two tickets.
5. PAUL: I wanted to apologize for my outburst yesterday. (34:35)
6. MRS. HUBER: It's my own fault for not hiding the cup. Obviously, if you're capable of
arson, I should have known you'd be capable of breaking and entering. (39:45)
7. SUSAN: You're a piece of work. You know that? (40:10)
8. SUSAN: But from now on, when I run into you in the street and I say good morning,
Mrs. Huber, or how are you, Mrs. Huber, just know, that inside, I am quietly, but
decidedly hating your guts. (40:30)
) to be a very unpleasant person.
) if a performance or popular event sells out, all the tickets for it have been sold.
( ) the crime of intentionally starting a fire in order to damage or destroy something,
especially a building.
( ) when someone forces you to do something, or to pay them money, by saying they
will tell another person something that you want to keep secret.
) to meet someone that you know when you did not expect to meet them.
) sudden forceful expression of emotion, especially anger.
) to hate someone very much.
( ) to succeed in not being criticized or punished for something wrong that you have
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
Who’s That Woman?
(7) to be a very unpleasant person.
(4) if a performance or popular event sells out, all the tickets for it have been
(6) the crime of intentionally starting a fire in order to damage or destroy
something, especially a building.
(1) when someone forces you to do something, or to pay them money, by
saying they will tell another person something that you want to keep secret.
(3) to meet someone that you know when you did not expect to meet them.
(5) sudden forceful expression of emotion, especially anger
(8) to hate someone very much.
(2) to succeed in not being criticized or punished for something wrong that you
have done.
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
Who’s That Woman?
Discussion questions
1. What do you think of Bree’s attitudes towards her son, such as going to the strip club
where he was and making him embarrassed? Do you think she is right or wrong? As a
mother, would you do the same thing?
2. What do you think is behind Mary Alice’s death? Why did she change her name? Make
your guesses about the mystery in Mary Alice’s family.
3. Lynette gave up the idea of medicating her sons to make them calmer. Do you think she
did the right thing or do you think Lynette is a very lenient mother?
4. Mrs. Huber discovered that Susan was the one who set fire to Edie’s house and now
Susan is being blackmailed by her neighbor. What would you do in this situation?
Discuss these questions with a teacher.
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
Come in, Stranger
Directions: Watch the episode from the beginning to 27:00 and answer the following
1. What do Susan and Julie notice when they go to Mrs. Frome’s house ? (01:39)
2. What does Lynette ask Bree to do? (05:40)
3. What does Lynette say to Mr. Lance that the twin boys have between them? (08:30)
4. What does the call 907-A that Officer Thompson gets really mean? What does he first
say it means? (11:00)
5. Why does Mama Solis slap her son Carlos across the face? (13:00)
6. Bree asks Zach what happened to his varnish. What does he answer? (17:45)
7. What does Mike say to the man in the park? (20:37)
8. Where and when are John and Gabrielle going to meet? (23:25)
9. Why does Zach think his mother killed herself? (26:20)
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
Come in, Stranger
1. Susan and Julie notice that someone had broken into Mrs. Frome’s house.
2. Lynette asks Bree to recommend Porter and Preston to Barcliff Academy.
3. Lynette tells Mr. Lance that the twins boys have their own language.
4. The call that Officer Thompson gets means that someone's TV is playing too loud, but
he first said it was a hostage situation.
5. Mama Solis slaps her son across the face because he starts crying over his problems.
She says they can talk about his problem but they are a strong family, so they don’t cry
because of problems.
6. He says that there was where his mother died. He messed up the floor trying to get out
the blood.
7. He says he made a mistake when he broke into Mrs Frome’s house because he was
almost caught.
8. John and Gabrielle are to meet at the front entrance of the mall after school.
9. Zach thinks his mother killed himself because he did something very bad.
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
Come in, Stranger
Directions: Watch the episode from 27:00 to 40:56 and decide if the following statements
are true or false.
1. (
) Gabrielle believes women know how to manipulate.
2. ( ) Bree invites Zach for dinner again because she had a pleasant time with him
3. ( ) Gabrielle likes her mother-in-law so much that she took her out shopping.
Unfortunately, she chose a dress which does not fit Mama Solis.
4. ( ) Lynette and Tom agree that she should go back to work and he would become
responsible for their kids’ homeschooling.
5. ( ) Officer Thompson explains to Susan that the lab did not find anything about the
screwdriver she had given to him when she sees it in the trunk..
6. ( ) Zach decorates Bree’s house for Christmas as they agreed before. But since he
was there alone, police thought he had broken into the house.
7. ( ) When Gabrielle asks Mama Solis what she wants for dinner, the latter answers
that she is not hungry.
8. ( ) Susan tells Mike she likes him a lot although she doesn’t know anything about
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
Come in, Stranger
1. True.
2. False. Bree tells Zach that he put her in a holiday mood during the last dinner
in order to convince him to accept a new invitation. In fact, she is interested in
finding out more facts about his mom’s death.
3. False. Gabrielle takes her mother-in-law shopping so that she can somehow
get rid of her. Gabrielle then gets a very tight dress for Mama and while the
latter is trying it on, she puts a shirt into Mama’s bag and runs away.
4. False. As Lynette suggests she go back to work and leave Tom in charge of
the kids, he disagrees and decides that homeschooling is out of their plans.
5. False. When Susan asks him why the screwdriver is in the trunk of the car,
Thompson explains that no one would authorize lab time or a computer search
for the case. She gets angry and leaves him alone.
6. False. Zach was not expected to be in the house. While there was nobody
there, he broke into it and decorated the room.
7. True.
8. True.
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
Come in, Stranger
Directions: Match the columns.
1. "The next day, as residents began to
patrol Wisteria Lane in the hopes of
foiling potential burglars."
2. "Yes. Completely identical. You can't
tell them apart. They're like bookends."
3. "We do strive for diversity here at
4. "Did you bat your eyes? You know, it
doesn't work if you don't bat your
5. "You think Mike is a Carl in disguise?"
6. "Oh, you are going to love it. It has
quite a kick."
7. "Well, I was just about to grab dinner
from the motel vending machine, and it
occurred to me, what the heck?
a. to open and close your eyes quickly
several times, especially to attract
b. informal expression used to say that
you will do something although you
know you should not do it.
c. to prevent someone from being
d. informal expression for the strong
effect of an alcoholic drink.
e. an object used, especially in pairs, to
keep a row of books standing
f. to make something happen.
g. When people appear to be something
which they are not, especially
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
Come in, Stranger
1. c
2. e
3. f
4. a
5. g
6. d
7. b
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
Come in, Stranger
Directions: Match the words in bold with their definition.
1. ( ) “As she waved goodbye, she worried that Susan's streak of bad luck would
continue.” (01:26)
2. (
) “I think this is a screwdriver left behind by the burglar.” (04:22)
3. (
) “I got a flying scott.” (08:04)
4. ( ) “Honey, I know it's hard to hear, but the marriage counseling might not work out.
You need to get used to being alone.” (10:16)
5. ( ) “I had that feeling with your father and that whore waitress, and I was right.
Always trust your feelings.” (13:56)
(A) A woman whose behavior in her sexual relationships is considered immoral.
(B) A type of boat.
(C) A series of events that happen in a row.
(D) Advice given by a trained person to people who are trying to find solutions to
problems with their marriage.
(E) A woman whose behavior in her sexual relationships is considered immoral.
(F) A tool consisting of a handle joined to a metal rod shaped at one end to fit in the cut in
the top of the screw.
(G) A type of hair.
(H) Advice given by a trained person to people who are trying to find solutions to
problems in their marriage.
(I) A specific kind of desire that generally rises when your are involved in a relationship.
(J) People who don’t know how to dress properly.
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
Come in, Stranger
1. C
2. F
3. B
4. H
5. A
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
Come in, Stranger
Directions: Watch the dialog and fill in the blanks. (37:12)
Mama Solis:
Mama Solis:
Mama Solis:
Mama Solis:
Mama Solis:
Mama Solis:
Mama Solis:
Yes, apparently, they (1) _______ a blouse in her bag. Oh, I don't know,
Carlos. At some point, older people start to (2) ________. She probably
thought she paid for it. No, no charges. Everything's fine. Okay, I'll tell her.
Bye. Mama Solis, Carlos is going to be late for dinner. It's just the two of
us. (3) ____________?
Oh, I'm not hungry.
Okay, suit yourself.
Don't go yet. I need to talk to you. It's important. Please. I married Diego
Solis when I was 16 years old. A few months into our marriage, (4)
____________. I was so young and stupid, I didn't know what to do.
Juanita, I had no idea.
It got so bad that (5) __________ to let me die, but God, in his infinite
wisdom, gave me a reason to live.
Ah, he was a beautiful baby. But my husband wasn't much of a father. (6)
________. He would yell and scream at him for no reason at all. One night
when Carlos was four, Diego Solis came home drunk, and he beat my
Carlos. Something inside me snapped, and at that moment, (7)
______________, so I made sure that Diego Solis never hurt my son or me
ever again.
What'd you do?
Well, if you pray hard enough, God gives you the tools to your salvation.
Carlos (8) ________________________ in El Paso.
Mm-hmm. That's what he was told. All mothers know they have to protect
their children, but some of us take our job more seriously than others.
I don't know why you're telling me this.
I think you do.
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
Come in, Stranger
1. found
2. get confused
3. What would you like to eat
4. he started to beat me
5. I started praying to God
6. He never held him
7. I found a way to be strong
8. said that his father left for a waitress
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
Running To Stand Still
Watch from 10.14 to 11.03 and complete this dialogue.
Mrs. Greenberg: Susan. _________________.
Mrs.Greenberg. _______________________? I need those back.
Mrs. Gree7nberg: Well, Gosh, honey, ____________, but if you want,
Oh, forget about it, it’s not that important, but since I’m here, Do you
still have that ___________________________________? Can I borrow
it tomorrow?
Mrs.Greenberg: ‘ __________________________?
Just for a couple hours.
Mrs. Greenberg: Well, I’m not sure. ____________________?
Yes, I think so. I learned in college. __________________?
Mrs. Greenberg: I’m not sure, dear.
________________. It’s just for a couple of hours.
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
Running To Stand Still
Mrs. Greenberg:
Susan. Long time, no see.
Mrs. Greenberg. Do you remember those two eggs I let you
borrow last Christmas? I need those back.
Mrs. Greenberg:
Well, Gosh, honey, I’m fresh out, but if you want , I could run to
the store.
Oh, forget about it, it’s not that important, but since I’m here, do
you still have that old hatchback sitting in your garage? Can I
borrow it tomorrow?
Mrs. Greenberg:
You want to borrow my car?
Just for a couple of hours.
Mrs. Greenberg.
Well, I’m not sure. Do you know how to drive a stick?
Yes, I think so. I learned in college. It’s like riding a bike, right?
Mrs. Greenberg:
I’m not sure, dear.
It’s not big deal. It’s just for a couple of hours. I let you borrow
my eggs for a whole year.
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
Running To Stand Still
Look at these lines from the episode. Then try to match the phrasal verbs with their
You’re not putting away enough for retirement!
It would be a good idea if we cut back on expenses.
What do I have to do? Beat up every guy in town?
And now, I would like to turn over the next part of our meeting.
My mother-in-law would never want to hang out with me all day.
It is really starting to tick me off.
Why don’t you just drop me off?
Until I build up my stamina, of course!
a. To reduce the amount of money that is being spent in something.
b. To save money.
c. To hit someone, to get in a fight.
d. To annoy someone (informal).
e. To spend a lot of time in a place or with someone.
f. To leave someone or something in a particular place (by car).
g. To make someone healthier and stronger after an illness.
h. To turn upside down.
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
Running To Stand Still
1. b
2. a
3. c
4. h
5. e
6. d
7. f
8. g
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
Running To Stand Still
1. Watch from 1.35 to 3.35
a. What did Mama Solis say about they having a housekeeper?
b. What was Gabrielle’s strategy? Did she succeed?
2. Watch from 4.06 to 6.02
a. What did Paul say about where Zach was?
b. Did Mama Solis believe Gabrielle was having an affair with whom?
3. Watch from 6.31 to 7.05
a. What were Paul’s restrictions about Zach?
Watch from 12.20 to 22.45
Why did the mothers clap their hands after Lynette speech?
Why didn’t Bree join Dr. Goldfine at first?
Why was Carlos concerned about his mom?
Why did Dr. Goldfine order the check without eating?
5. Watch from 25.37 to 26.22
a. Why was Mama Solis waiting outside the restaurant?
6. Watch from 31.59 to 33.28
a. What did Zach tell Julie that she surprised her?
b. Were Susan and Julie concerned about Zach?
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
Running To Stand Still
She said Carlos always complained that he was not putting away enough for retirement.
She convinced him to keep the maid, otherwise she would be always tired.
Paul said he had sent Zach to stay with relatives.
With someone she doesn’t talk to in public.
He wanted the doctor to stick with the drugs and start no new treatments without his
Because they didn’t want the script to be changed.
Due to the fact he never socialized with his clients.
He said his mom had a serious gambling problem.
Because of the things Bree said about sex
Mama Solis didn’t go to the buffet. She went gambling instead, and she lost money.
He mentioned somebody called Dana who she had never heard about it.
Yes. Susan and Julie had a bad feeling about the situation.
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
Running To Stand Still
Fill the blanks with the correct verb tense. Watch from 22.48 to 23.15.
Mama Solis: We’re not shopping?
1. Gabrielle: Oh, I ______________(think) we ________ (modal / stop ) here for lunch
first. This place has the best buffet in town. All you can eat crab legs. Oh no!
Mama Solis: What’s wrong? Let’s go!
2. Gabrielle: I ____ _________ (realize) how late it _______ (be). They’re only
____________ (hold) the suede
Mini for me until two. If we __________(stay), I’ll never ________ (make) it. Well,
just have fun at the mall.
3. Mama Solis: Wait, uh, I’m really in the mood for crab legs. Why don’t you just drop
me off, and you _________ (modal - come) back.
4. Gabrielle: Well, if the mall is crowded, it ________ (modal - take) over an hour.
Mama Solis: It’s a buffet. There is no rush!
Gabrielle: Hi John. Motel. Ten minutes. Be there.
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
Running To Stand Still
1. thought / would stop
2. didn’t realize / was / holding / stay / make
3. can come
4. might take
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
Running To Stand Still
Match the sentence in column one with the sentence in column 2 that comes after it.
Watch from 1.49 to 39.03.
1. Mama Solis: You pay her $300 a a. Lynette: I’m sorry, I thought you
week. That’s $15,000 a year. You
were kidding.
always say how you are not putting
away enough for retirement!
b. Carlos: Yeah. It was bad. She went
into debt. She dipped into her savings,
2. Maisy: Do you find something
started hocking jewelry.
c. Mama Solis: I don’t know, it stopped
3. Gabrielle: Was this before we were
d. Carlos: Don’t be mad. I just didn’t
4. Julie: How am I supposed to blend in
want you slipping into old habits.
with a bunch of messed up teenagers?
e. Bree: because I think it is better to fix
5. Gabrielle: Okay, well, how much did
what you already have.
you charge?
f. Carlos: You know, it would be a good
idea if we cut back on expenses.
6. Rex: Why don’t you just buy a new
g. Susan: Honey, it’s up to his father.
7. Mama Solis: You told her about my
gambling problem?
h. Susan: I don’t know. You pretend to
be bulimic. Gag a little. Come on,
8. Julie: Can we get him out?
work with me here!
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
Running To Stand Still
1. f (1.49)
2. a (7.53)
3. b (20.45)
4. h (24.54)
5. c (26.10)
6. e (33.52)
7. d (38.21)
8. g (39.03)
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
Running To Stand Still
Discuss the following questions.
1. In your opinion, what would be the best treatment for Zach? Do you agree with his
father’s decision?
2. Have you ever known anybody with a serious psychological problem? What was it like?
3. Have you ever had any trouble with your mother-in-law?
Answers will vary.
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
Anything You Can Do
Answer the following questions.
1. What’s the name of the book that Lynette takes from the table? (6:22)
2. Why didn’t John want to see Gabrielle? In what part of the episode is this shown?
3. What happened when Susan arrived at Mike’s house? What did Mike say to Susan
about Kendra? (12:20)
4. What did Andrew say when his parents told him they were getting divorced? (17:10)
5. What did Kendra say Mike was doing to Susan? (34:52)
6. What gifts did Rex give his kids? (19:56)
7. What happened when Susan rode the bull? (31:00)
8. What did Mama Solis do when she saw Gabrielle and John in Gabrielle’s bed? (36:25)
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
Anything You Can Do
1. It is Madame Bovary.
2. John didn’t want to see Gabrielle because she’s married. He said that he had plans with
Danielle and they were going to the movies.
3. Susan met Kendra in Mike’s house. Mike said to Susan that Kendra was an old friend,
but she didn’t believe him.
4. Andrew asked that he could live with his dad.
5. Kendra said that Mike was hiding the truth from Susan.
6. He gave Andrew a new car, and Danielle a trip to NY to attend a course at Pershing
Modeling Academy.
7. The bull started to buck and Susan, not yet on it, fell over, landing hard on the rubber
8. Mama Solis held a camera up to her eye and looked through it, snapping a picture after
saying, “Smile Gabrielle.”
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
Anything You Can Do
Match the words or expression in bold with their definitions.
1. John: Don’t even try to make it up to me by talking dirty.(9:03)
2. Susan: Oh, this? Well, I have a date. Right now. With Mike. We kissed. FYI. (12:00)
3. Andrew: ...We drive each other crazy. (17:13)
4. Mike: You afraid of the old man burning through your inheritance. (18:10)
5. Neighbor woman: Oh yeah, for his ADD. (23:04)
6. Neighbor woman: The pills have been a godsend. (23:08)
7. Susan: I’m a doggie. (30:23)
( ) Attention Deficit Disorder
( ) an informal name of cowgirl.
( ) offensive expression or sexually explicit conversation.
( ) something wanted or needed that comes or happens unexpectedly.
( ) something that is passed from preceding generations.
( ) if something or someone does that, it makes you extremely annoyed.
( ) for your information.
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
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Anything You Can Do
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
Anything You Can Do
Complete the dialogue with the correct verb form and tense. (13:55 to 41:18)
Paul: Look, I just (1)__________________ to move this place fast. I
(2)__________________ whatever we (3)__________________ to do.
Edie: Well, that's good to know. You do realize that you (4)___ ______________ to
have to disclose the fact that your wife (5)__________________ herself in the
Paul: I am?
Edie: Oh, yeah. Legal crap. You know, people (6)______________ really freaked out by
suicides. You can't blame them. Hell, I get the willies just (7)__________________
Paul: (8)________________ there any way to get around it?
Edie: Off the record? You (9)_________ _______ that she shot herself in the living
room, and then (10)__________ out back to die. Well, I'm just saying! Oh, I
(11)____________ go. I (12)___________ you tomorrow.
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
Anything You Can Do
1. want
2. 'll do
3. have
4. 're going
5. killed
6. get
7. standing
8. Is
9. could say
10. crawled
11. 've gotta
12. 'll call
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
Anything You Can Do
Fill in the blanks and explain the meaning of the words you write.
1. Detective: Meaning that the ____________ is probably someone you know. (5:42)
2. Bree: You went to an ________________. (10:25)
3. Susan: Mike had to _________________. (13:34)
4. Gabrielle: Would you like me to __________ you? (15:24)
5. Rex: I went and __________________a little. (19:55)
6. Lynette: Yep. He’s a ______________one. (22:58)
7. Andrew: No, dad why? Now I can live with you without feeling ______________.
8. Kendra: It’s true I have no designs on this man __________________. (34:40)
Last update: June 26, 2008
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Anything You Can Do
1. blackmailer: person who extorts money or something else of value from a person
by the threat of exposing a criminal act or discreditable information.
2. attorney: a person legally appointed by another to act, specifically one qualified
and licensed to act in legal proceedings.
3. reschedule: when a person needs to schedule something at a different time.
4. sponsor: support a person by giving money, encouragement or other help.
5. splurged: to spend a lot of money on something that you do not really need.
6. feisty: showing courage
7. guilty: being responsible for something bad that has happened.
8. whatsoever: adjective for one or some or every or all without specification.
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
Anything you can do
Are these statements true or false?
1. Bree usually takes ADD pills.
2. Edie has a date with Mike.
3. Kendra is an old friend of Mike’s.
4. Danielle wants to be a model.
5. Andrew and Bree are getting divorced.
6. Dana was the name embroidered on a yellow blanket.
7. Andrew wants to live with his father.
8. Martha took a picture of Gabrielle and John in Gabrielle’s bed.
9. Danielle doesn’t care who she lives with as long as she gets her own bathroom.
10. Gabrielle gets the camera and she puts it in her robe pocket.
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
Anything you can do
9. False – Lynette takes many ADD pills.
10.False – Susan has a date with him.
13.False – Andrew is Bree and Rex’s son. Rex and Bree are getting divorced.
16.False – Juanita did.
18. True
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
Anything You Can Do
Discuss these questions.
In this episode, Andrew ran over Mama Solis.
• Do you think it’s right for his parents to omit the crime in order to protect their son?
• What do you think about parents overprotecting their children?
• What would you do in this case?
• What’s your opinion about Americans having their driver’s license at 16 years old? It is
forbidden to drive when you’re under 18 in Brazil. What do you think about that? Is it
good or bad?
Discuss the answers with a teacher.
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
Answer the following questions.
1. What does Bree suggest they do so Andrew does not get arrested? (1:47)
2. Does Martha steal Edie’s money? Where is it? (6:30)
3. What does Susan see when she opens up one of Mike’s cabinets? (11:08)
4. What does Mr. Shaw investigate? (12:42)
5. What is Carlos’s opinion about kids? (16:58)
6. How many kids does Lynette have? (35:32)
Last update: June 26, 2008
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1. Bree wants to take a car to a bad part of town, leave the keys in the ignition and the
doors unlocked and wait for somebody to steal it.
2. Yes, Martha steals Edie’s money and she reaches into her blouse to remove it.
3. Susan sees stacks of money and a gun.
4. Mr. Shaw investigates why Mary Alice killed herself and who sent her the message.
5. Carlos thinks that children make everything worthwhile.
6. Lynette has 4 kids.
Last update: June 26, 2008
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Math the word or expression in bold to the its meaning.
Rex: If Carlos’s mother dies, there is no statute of limitations. (1:38)
Andrew: Whatever. I’m off the hook. (17:56)
Susan: If you came in here to judge me, you can’t just leave! (21:23)
Gabrielle: Keep working! What were you thinking? (22:06)
Gabrielle: Damn you! (23:01)
Edie: You want to make some money, or you want to pussyfoot around? (27:20)
Father Crowley: That’s the answer of a selfish child.(34:42)
( ) free form some difficulty or problem.
( ) to behave in a wary or timid way.
( ) period of prescription after certain events that legal proceedings based on those events
may begin.
( ) remain in a certain state or position.
( ) to criticize for doing wrong.
( ) thinking of one’s own pleasure or good and not considering other people.
( ) a sentence to unending punishment in hell.
Last update: June 26, 2008
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1. ( 2 ) free from some difficulty or problem.
2. ( 6 ) to behave in a wary or timid way.
3. ( 1 ) period of prescription after certain events that legal proceedings based on
those events may begin.
4. ( 4 ) remain in a certain state or position.
5. ( 3 ) to criticize someone for doing something wrong.
6. ( 7 ) thinking of one’s own pleasure or good and not considering other people.
7. ( 5 ) a sentence to unending punishment in hell.
Last update: June 26, 2008
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Fill in the blanks with the word or expression and check their meanings at the answer
1. Rex: This wasn’t some simple ________________. (1:22)
2. Lynette: slow down, you jerk, this is a ___________________________. (4:12)
3. Dr. Chang: ... Now promise me you’re going to use it _________________. (9:40)
4. Mr. Shaw: ...She thinks I’m a ___________ ______________ . (12:55)
5. Carlos: Yeah, well, deals were meant to be ________________ . (17:38)
6. Lynette: __________________ . (18:19)
7. John: Well, she wouldn’t have been there if we weren’t _______________________ .
8. Father Crowley: Rest ______________, everyone’s secrets are safe. (32:58)
Last update: June 26, 2008
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1. DUI: abbreviation for driving under the influence.
2. residential neighborhood: a district or area surrounding a particular place,
where there are only houses.
3. judiciously: making right or sensible decisions.
4. real estate developer: person who deals in real estate, usually buying and
remodeling houses before they sell them, or buying large of land to build on
5. renegotiated: negotiated again
6. go to hell: is an expression that you use when you are angry at someone.
7. having an affair: having a love relationship with a person when you are married
to someone also.
8. assured: certain and confident.
Last update: June 26, 2008
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Complete the dialogue with the correct form of the verbs. (time: 34:52 to 36:22)
Lynette: Then I (1)_____ taking the pills because they gave me energy, but then I
(2)_______ at night, and I was (3)________ so tired in the daytime. And it totally
messed me up. I love my kids so much. I'm so sorry they have me as a mother.
Lynette, you're a great mother.
Lynette: No, I'm not. I (4)___________ it. I'm so tired of feeling like a failure. It’s so
No, it’s not! So you (5)_______________ to your kids' ADD medication. It
You've got four kids. That’s a lot of stress. Honey, you (6)______________ some
Lynette: That’s what’s so humiliating. Other moms don't need help. Other moms
(7)___________ it look so easy. All I do is complain.
That’s just not true. When, when Julie was a baby, I, I was out of my mind
almost every day.
I (8)_____ get so upset when Andrew and Danielle were little. I used their nap
times to cry.
Lynette: Why didn't you ever (9)________ me this?
Oh, baby. Nobody (10)________ to admit that they (11)_____________ the
I think it's just that we think that it’s easier to keep it all in.
Lynette: Well, we (12)_______________. We should tell each other this stuff.
It (13)___________, huh?
Lynette: Yeah, it really does.
Last update: June 26, 2008
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1. started
2. couldn't sleep
3. getting
4. can't do
5. got addicted
6. need
7. make
8. used to
9. tell
11. can't handle
12. shouldn't
13. helps
Last update: June 26, 2008
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Say if the sentences are true or false and correct the false ones.
1. John has an affair with Lynette. ____________________
2. Maria Alice was Paul’s wife._______________________
3. Julie is Susan’s daughter.__________________________
4. Bree has four kids._______________________________
5. Juanita is Carlos’s mother. ________________________
6. Susan was stuck in Mike’s bathroom.________________
7. Paul strangled Edie. _____________________________
8. Gabrielle confessed her affair with John to Father Crowley.
9. Mr. Shaw is a real estate developer. _________________
10. Carlos and Gabrielle want a child. __________________
Last update: June 26, 2008
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1. False – He has an affair with Gabrielle.
2. True
3. True
4. False – Lynette has four kids and Bree has only two.
5. True
6. True – The bathroom’s floor broke and Susan got stuck between the bathroom and the
living room.
7. False – Paul strangled Martha Huber.
8. False – Gabrielle just asked him about confessions.
9. False – He’s a detective.
10. False – Just Carlos wants a child.
Last update: June 26, 2008
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Discuss these questions
In this episode, Lynette was so tired and stressed out that she got addicted to ADD
medication, a kind of stimulant.
• In your opinion what problems might be caused by self-medication? Do you think that
someone can become addicted to medication like ADD pills? Why?
• Do you think children can be a reason for stress?
• Discuss other reasons that can lead to stress.
• Do you believe children and teenagers can also get depressed or stressed? In your
opinion what are the reasons for it?
• Do you know what the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) does in the US? Is there
any organization like the FDA in Brazil?
Discuss the answers with a teacher.
Last update: June 26, 2008
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Suspicious Minds
Fill in the blanks with the missing words.
Hmmm, it is. Of course, there are times I wish I didn’t have to work so hard.
We’ve got a real 1. _______ _______ here, and they keep cutting budget,
and... (2:08)
I 2. __________. (4:38)
Last I heard, she went to visit her sister. I just can’t believe that Martha
would agree to wear this. She always said she’d 3._____ ___ ____ _____
_____ ______. (6:210)
I’ve got 4.____ ____ ___________, mom. (7:15)
LYNETTE: While you’re gone, I’ll be here 5._______ ______ and 6. ______ ______ and
7.______ _____, so what part of that sounds like a vacation? (8:12)
Oh, that’s okay. 8.____ _____. (12:20)
Yep. After she had already 9. ___________. (22:43)
LYNETTE: I guess he does have a sort of 11. _____ charm. (25:30)
Oh! Ow! 10.____ _____ ____, Helen, this is for charity. (27:50)
Last update: June 26, 2008
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Suspicious Minds
1. nursing shortage: not enough nurse professionals.
2. gave it a shot: give something a try, make an attempt at something.
3. never be caught dead in black: not so something under any circumstances.
4. have tons of homework: have a lot of homework to do.
5. paying bills: to give someone money in exchange for goods, services,
accounts, etc.
6. sorting laundry: to separate washed clothes according to who they belong
7. cooking dinner: preparing food.
8. I got it: I’ll do it.
9. worn’em once (worn them once): to use or to get dressed some clothes for
a single time.
10. dorky: an unfashionable and eccentric person.
11. for God’s sake: for the love of God.
Last update: June 26, 2008
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Suspicious Minds
Answer the following questions.
1. Why did Gabrielle need great ideas in the past? (00:35)
2. What did Gabrielle do to put an end to the boredom in her life once again? (01:10)
3. Why wasn’t she happy? What did she decide to do? (02:47)
4. What did Paul do with Mrs. Huber’s body? (06:30)
5. How did Susan find out about Gabrielle and John’s affair? (12:22)
6. What did Lynette decide was the best way to find a good nanny? (14:31)
7. How did John’s mom discover he had been meeting a mysterious housewife? (18:46)
8. Why did Bree go to the golf course? What did she do with it? (21:00)
9. What did Helen think about Susan and John when she saw them talking to each other?
10.Why didn’t Gabrielle want to tell Carlos the truth about her extramarital activities?
11.What did Bree do in order to save her son’s soul? (31:59)
Last update: June 26, 2008
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Suspicious Minds
1. Gabrielle needed great ideas because she wanted to move to the suburbs, go to New
York and begin her career as a runway model.
2. She started having an affair with her teenage gardener.
3. Her life didn’t turn out as she thought it would. She decided to throw the first annual
Sacred Heart Charity Fashion Show, to raise money for more nursing staff.
4. Paul put it in a black bag, dug a hole and dragged the bag into the hole with the green
5. Susan got down to get the papers that she dropped on the floor, and when she looked
under the table, she saw Gabrielle’s foot massaging John’s thigh.
6. Lynette decided to go out and raid one. She thought she could poach a good one from
another family.
7. Helen was walking outside, unknown to John and his friend, carrying the trash, while
they’re playing basketball and talking about John’s affair. She heard their
8. Bree thought Andrew was smoking marijuana, so she wanted Rex to get a sample of
Andrew’s urine and get it tested it immediately to prove whether it was true or not.
She couldn’t convince Rex, so she threw it all over his pants.
9. She thought Susan was the mysterious housewife with whom John was having an
10. She didn’t want to tell the truth because she was afraid that Carlos would divorce her.
11. She made an anonymous phone call to Andrew’s coach telling him Andrew was
keeping marijuana in his school locker.
Last update: June 26, 2008
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Suspicious Minds
Choose the correct alternative.
1. What was Gabrielle’s first great idea? (00:35)
a. marrying Carlos Solis
b. seducing a famous fashion photographer
c. running away from home
2. Helen Rowland thanked Gabrielle because ________. (04:43)
a. she was having an affair with her son
b. she hired John as her gardener
c. she was promoting a charity fashion show
3. Gabrielle told Susan that her foot was in John’s crotch because he was ______. (12:50)
a. helping her adjust the seam in her stocking
b. scratching her ankle
c. sleeping with her
d. scratching her knee
Lynette convinced Claire to leave Alexis by ______. (30:08)
promising a golden treatment
promising to pay more than she was earning
telling her that she had four lovable kids
promising her she wouldn’t have to do the dishes
5. How old was John when Gabrielle started sleeping with him? (35:10)
a. seventeen
b. eighteen
c. twenty
d. sixteen
Last update: June 26, 2008
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Suspicious Minds
1. c
2. a
3. a
4. b
5. d
Last update: June 26, 2008
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Suspicious Minds
Explain the words in bold with your own words.
1. Mary Alice: News of the fashion show spread quickly on Wisteria Lane. Though the
event was for charity, Gabrielle soon discovered when it came to the latest fashions,
women are seldom charitable. No one knew this better than Edie Britt. She understood
that treachery never goes out of style. (4:02)
2. Rex: Of course he feels bad! He’s just, you know, keeping up a façade. (10:00)
3. Rex: He hung out in your womb for a few months back in the 80s. (10:27)
4. Susan: How can you call something like this harmless? (13:16)
5. Bree: What I was wondering is if you’ve bothered to spend any time reflecting on the
reasons that you’ve been grounded and all the pain that you’ve caused the Solis family.
6. Bree: Oh, Susan, you look so gorgeous. (26:08)
7. Helen: Well, this is a little awkward. I know you are friends with Susan Mayer. (34:30)
8. FBI: Carlos Solis, I have a warrant for your arrest. (40:39)
9. FBI: You have the right to speak with an attorney, or have an attorney present during
questioning.” (40:49)
Last update: June 26, 2008
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Suspicious Minds
1. treachery (noun): an act of betrayal, not being loyal to someone.
2. façade (noun) : someone that is doing a fake show, using a disguise.
3. womb (noun): the part of the body of female mammals in which the young is developed
and kept until birth.
4. harmless (adj.) something done with innocence, painless, without danger or harm.
5. bothered (verb): to bother - worry thinking about something important.
6. gorgeous (adj.): a person or thing whose beauty causes a great effect.
7. awkward (adj.): something difficult to deal with, not a graceful or elegant act.
8. warrant (noun): a written authorization giving the holder legal power to search or
arrest someone who is doing something illegal.
9. attorney (noun): a person with legal training who is appointed by another to transact
legal business.
Last update: June 26, 2008
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Suspicious Minds
Fill in the blanks with the correct verb tense. (21:20 – 22:05)
What’s this?
Your son’s urine.
(to his golf partner) I _______ 1. (need) a moment.
I think Andrew _______ 2. (smoke) marijuana, so I want you ______3. (take)
this and get it ____4. (test) right away.
Because I want you ____ 5. (pull) him from the swim team and I _________ 6.
(neg.-think) you ______ 7. allow) it without proof.
Proof or no proof, you _______ 8. (neg. – take) him off the team.
Yes, I ___9.(be)
If you try, I _________ 10. (go) to the coach and _____ 11. (tell) him
________12. (ignore) you. We _______ 13. (neg.–screw up) Andrew’s future
just because he _____ 14. (spark) a doobie! I mean, come on, we ____ all
____ 15. (do) it!
Not all of us! Rex, I ________ 16. (think) you ______ 17. (move back) home
to try and ______ Andrew _______18. (straighten out)! To, to teach him the
consequences of his actions. I __________ 19. (neg. – understand) why you
_________ 20. (fight) me on this.
Because I ______ 21. (disagree). Because we ___ still ______ 22. (get)
divorced, and I _____ 23. (neg. – have) to let you ____me _______ 24. (push
around) anymore.
Last update: June 26, 2008
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Suspicious Minds
am gonna need
has been smoking
to take
to pull
don’t think
will allow
are not going to take him off
am going to go
to ignore
aren’t gonna screw up (aren’t going to screw up)
we’ve all done (have done)
moved back
straighten – out
don’t understand
are fighting
are – getting
don’t have
push – around
Last update: June 26, 2008
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Suspicious Minds
Discuss these questions.
1. Gabrielle has had some ideas on how to get to the top. What do you think about her
2. And what about her affair with her teenage gardener? Do you think her acts are
3. Susan told Gabrielle that she had to tell the truth. What do you think she ought to do
about this?
4. Andrew was caught smoking marijuana. In your opinion, how should his mother deal
with this problem? Do you think marijuana should be legalized or not?
5. Do you think Bree took the right decision rummaging through Andrew’s private
possessions and handing him over to the coach?
Discuss the answers with a teacher.
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
Come Back To Me
Fill in the blanks with the correct modal verb: can, could, should, will or would.
MAISY: Oh, (1) _____ you be a lamb and go out the back? It’s my next appointment.
MIKE: We (2) _____ move it to my house. (6:45)
JULIE: No! No, no. I (3) _____ never tell anyone that. (7:58)
BREE: I (4) _____ ask you the same question. (8:37)
REX: Oh, that’s not...Bree, you (5) ____ get out there. Try and meet someone. (9:19)
LYNETTE: I wonder what’s going on over there. I mean, Claire did okay with the kids
yesterday, but that (6) _______ have been beginner luck. Do you think I (7) _____ call? I
(8) ____ call. (11:44)
BREE: You know if you really have that many doubts, you (9) _______ go buy a hidden
camera. (12:12)
LYNETTE: Yeah, I don’t really think I (10) _____ videotape Claire. It (11) _____ be a
breach of trust. (12:27)
LAWYER: Then I suggest you find yourself a good hiding place. They can’t take what
they can’t find. Oh, and if you (12) ________ scare up that passport too, that (13) ______
be good. (22:15)
Last update: June 26, 2008
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Come Back To Me
1. would
2. could
3. would
4. could
5. should
6. could
7. should
8. should
9. could
10. could
11. would
12. could
13. would
Last update: June 26, 2008
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Come Back To Me
Listen and fill in the blanks with the correct verb tense. (34:37 – 36:10)
_____ you ____ 1.(like) some more potatoes?
You already _____ 2.(ask) me that.
Sorry. I’m so relieved you are safe, I______ _________ 3.(neg. - think)
___ that ____ 4. (mean) you _______ me _____
You ___ ____ ________6. (understand). Your behavior, the violence,
breaking into the Van de Kamps. I just ________ 7. (know – neg.) what you
__________ 8.(go through).
You ____________ 9. (ask) me.
I ______________ 10. (remember) things. Things from when I ____ 11. (be)
What kind of things?
Awful things.
Zach, _______ 12. (listen) to me. Sometimes it ___________ 13. (neg. – be)
good to look back on the past.
But I _______ 14. (help it). These images just keep popping into my head.
Well, then you ____________ 14.(find) a way to push them back out again.
Last update: June 26, 2008
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5. (neg. – send back) to
TV Show Cards
Come Back To Me
1. Would you like
2. asked
3. ‘m not thinking
4. Does that mean
5. ’re not going to send me back
6. ’ve got to understand
7. didn’t know
8. were going through
9. could have asked
10. ’ve been remembering
11. was
12. listen
13. is not
14. can’t help it
15. ’ve got to find
Last update: June 26, 2008
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Come Back To Me
Answer the following questions.
1. How did Maisy Gibbons spend her days? (00:43)
2. Why was Edie starting to worry about Mrs. Huber? Why did she decide to find out what
happened to her? (10:10)
3. Why did Lynette decide to buy a nanny cam? (12:03)
4. Why did Susan hit Mike with the thigh master? (16:00)
5. What did Gabrielle do with all her stuff? Why did she do that? (22:42)
6. How did Bree discover Maisy Gibbons was having an affair with her husband? (24:48)
7. Why did Julie think Susan wasn’t a good mother some time ago? (26:47)
8. What did Carlos tell Gabrielle to do with his passport and documents that were hidden?
Did she do what he asked her? (30:20)
Last update: June 26, 2008
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Come Back To Me
1. In the morning, she ran errands. In the evenings, she washed dishes and helped her
daughter with her homework. Her afternoons were spent with different men.
2. Because no one knew where she was and Edie didn’t like worrying because it gave her
3. Because she was worried about Claire. She didn’t know her very well and sshe wanted
the nanny’s first day alone with the kids to be okay.
4. While she was waiting for Mike, she heard noises. She thought there was a stranger in
the house.
5. She asked Bree if she could store it in her garage. Bree agreed. The lawyer advised her
that the FBI could arrest anything which they suspect may have been obtained illegally.
6. After a passionate night with Maisy Gibbons, Rex had a heart attack. Bree received a
phone call from the hospital, and there she saw who signed the nurse’s log.
7. Because since Julie’s father divorced Susan, she has been the mother, not Susan. For
weeks, Julie had to do the tasks that Susan should have done like cleaning the house,
paying the bills, and scheduling Julie’s doctor appointments.
8. Carlos asked Gabrielle to take the passport to the lawyer and burn the papers. But she
didn’t do what she was supposed to do. She burned the passport with the papers.
Last update: June 26, 2008
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TV Show Cards
Come Back to Me
Explain the meanings of the words in bold.
1. MARY ALICE: Frustrated. Misunderstood. Lonely men. Willing to pay money to feel
a little less lonely. (01:02)
2. MAISY: Well, maybe if it was just my secret. But the way I see it, I keep the secrets of
every man who comes to me. And I find that absolutely exhilarating. (01:25)
3. MAISY: Oh, would you be a lamb and go out the back? It’s my next appointment.
4. MARY ALICE: No one knew where Martha Huber was, and Edie Britt was starting to
worry. Edie didn’t like worrying. She felt it gave her wrinkles. (10:05)
5. MARY ALICE: As Claire prepared for bed, she was unaware that somewhere else in
the Scavo house, the day she had just finished was starting all over again. (25:10)
6. EDIE: Oh, Muntz was a hardass. No mercy. In fact, she was such a disciplinarian, that
when my mom made parole, I was actually happy to see her.(32:16)
7. MIKE: Oh, it’s my pleasure. I hope he comes out of this okay. He’s a little squirrelly,
but he seems like a good kid. (32:41)
8. MARY ALICE: And total strangers can come to our rescue. (42:20)
Last update: June 26, 2008
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Come Back to Me
1. willing (adj.): ready to agree to do something.
2. exhilarating (adj.): very exciting.
3. lamb (noun): willing to accept an unpleasant situation without trying to avoid it.
4. wrinkles (noun): small creases on the skin.
5. unaware (adj.): not knowing something or someone exists, or not having knowledge or
experience of a particular thing.
6. hardass (adj.): severe or strong in punishment or judgement as would be expected.
Unmerciful disciplinarian.
7. squirrelly (adj.): a strange or eccentric person.
8. rescue (noun): Life-saving, salvation.
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
Come Back To Me
Listen and fill in the blanks with the missing words.
MARY ALICE: Her mornings were spent 1._______ _______ for her husband. Her
evenings were spent washing dishes and helping with homework. (00:43)
You better finish those 2._______ ________. And don’t think can’t see
them hidden under your macaroni. (05:00)
Options! I’m not a 3._________ _______, Rex! (9:13)
Yeah. I don’t really think I could videotape Claire. It would be a 4.
______ _______. (12:24)
Pretty much anything. It’s all fair game if they even think can trace it to
5.___ _____ _____. (21:48)
GABRIELLE: Say, um, can I store some 6._____ _______ in your garage? (22:42)
Wow! Your own personal nanny? 7.______ ______! (31:40)
Well, actually, she was more like a 8. ___________ _____ _______. My
mom did a little time. She had a thing for bourbon and 9. __________.
Oh, Muntz was a hardass. 10.____ ______. In fact, she was such a
disciplinarian, that when my mom made parole, I was actually happy to
see her. (32:16)
Well, um, he’s a got a smile 11.______ ___ ____ ____, and don’t get me
started on his tattoo. (33:57)
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
Come Back To Me
running errands: short journeys made quickly in order to get something or do
something especially for someone else.
Brussels sprouts: green vegetable that looks like a very small cabbage that is boiled
and eaten.
mutual fund: collective investments that offer different options to the investors
breach of trust: break of confidence in someone.
ill-gotten gains: money obtained dishonestly
odds and ends: small objects of different kinds.
Swell you: used as a term of approval. Excellent, wonderful.
court-appointed social worker: a person whose job is to take care of children
whose parents have been considered legally incapable of such.
shoplifting: the illegal act of taking goods from a shop without paying for them.
10. No mercy: lack of kindness towards a person, especially an enemy, who is in one’s
11. that’s to die for: used to express something that someone wants or needs very much.
Last update: June 26, 2008
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Come Back To Me
Discussion Questions.
In your opinion, how important is trust in a relationship?
Mary Alice says: “Trust is a fragile thing. Once earned, it affords us tremendous
freedom. But once trust is lost, it can be impossible to recover. Of course the truth is,
we never know who we can trust. Those we’re closest to can betray us. And total
strangers can come to our rescue. In the end, most people decide to trust only
themselves. It really is the simplest way to keep from getting burned.” Do you agree
or disagree?
What do you think of Susan and Julie’s relationship?
According to Rex, he’s seeing someone because he’s trying to move on with his life.
Does he have the right to do this?
Do you think that it is a problem to have a nanny? Do you think kids have to stay
with their mothers full time?
Discuss the answers with a teacher.
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
Move On
Answer the questions.
1. Why did Felicia come to Wisteria Lane? (03.05)
2. Was Felicia upset by her sister’s disappearance? (03.20)
3. What happened when Tom went downstairs to set the coffeemaker? (11.40)
4. Why did Rex still think Bree loved and cared about him? (15.58)
5. Does Susan love Mike? (16.58)
6. Why did George hesitate when Bree asked him to go out with her? (19.17)
7. What was the good news Susan gave Bree and Lynette so that Lynette said, “Oh my
God?” (20.19)
8. Why did Gabrielle tell Lynette that she was shopping and what did she tell her about the
clothes she was wearing? (21.35)
9. What did Bree say about the flowers George gave her and why? (24.22)
10. According to the narrator, what kind of person is the most suspicious when a murder
takes place? (35.17)
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
Move On
1. She came because she wanted to find out the exact reason why her sister is
2. No, she wasn’t. As she told Edie: “Oh, Edie, let me be clear about this. I hated
Martha. She was a wretched pigable woman and the day she died, this world
became a better place."
3. Tom ran into Claire and she was totally naked.
4. Because she was still using good china, freshly pressed napkins, flowers from
the garden and this represented to Rex something prepared with loving care.
5. She doesn’t know for sure. Susan likes him deeply but she doesn’t feel prepared
to say that she is in love for him.
6. Because she is married.
7. Susan told them that Mike is in love with her.
8. Gabrielle was ashamed of having to work so she told Lynette she was shopping.
She explained the clothes she was wearing by saying that the dress matched the
9. She said that the flowers were the best she had ever gotten in order to make her
husband jealous.
10. A new neighbor who has just moved in.
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
Move On
Correct the statements. They are all false.
1. Mrs. Huber is the only friend Edie has and they are really partners in every single thing
they do. They agree and share lots of opinions like the taste for clothes, make up and
2. Felicia loves her sister.
3. The neighbors think Mrs. Huber’s sister is a lovely woman.
4. Bree had an argument with her son at the hospital just because he thinks she doesn’t
like him as his father does.
5. Gabrielle doesn’t know where her husband’s passport is.
6. Susan and Karl still have documents in common since they are married.
7. Gabrielle is happy with her job and she is making a lot of money.
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
Move On
1. Mrs. Huber is the only friend Edie has. But they are not partners in every single thing
they do. They don’t agree and don’t share opinions like the taste for clothes, make up
and men.
2. In fact, Felicia dislikes Martha. “She was a wretched pigable woman and the day she
died, this world became a better place.”
3. The neighbors seem to be shocked with Felicia’s behavior. “Hey, how creepy is Mrs.
s sister?”
4. The real reason for the argument is that Bree doesn’t want her husband back at home.
“Well, then he can go to a motel because he'
s not allowed back in my house.”
5. She threw it into the fire.
6. They are divorced and the documents are old stuff. “Tax stuff. I need your signature.”
ve been divorced over a year.”
7. She is quite unhappy and disappointed with the amount of money she’s making but she
needs to work. “Well, there is something. Uh, they need a model to demonstrate the new
Buick Lacrosse, at the Fairview Mall. It'
s just going to be you and the car on a
revolving platform. Three hundred bucks for the day.”
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
Move On
Directions: Match the columns.
1. Within five minutes, Mrs. Huber
managed to disparage what Edie
was wearing. (1:13)
2. I hated Martha. She was a
wretched pigable woman and the
day she died, this world became a
better place. (3:27)
3. Oh no, I'm sure she's fine. We're
talking about Mrs. Huber. She's
like a roach! (5:49)
4. Why couldn't he have embezzled
like other white-collar criminals?
5. Uh, try ripping up old photos. It
helps. (9:56)
6. What? I loathe Karl, and the
postman will back me up on that,
too. (17:37)
7. The doctor says any undue stress
could cause another heart
a. to tear something into small pieces
b. more than is necessary, acceptable or
c. to criticize someone or something in a
way that shows you do not respect or
value them
d. US informal for cockroach
e. unhappy, unpleasant or of low quality
f. to secretly take money that is in your
care or that belongs to an organization
or business you work for
g. to hate someone or something
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
Move On
1. c
2. e
3. d
4. f
5. a
6. g
7. b
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
Move On
Put the statements in the correct order. (30:03 – 34:14)
1. "Start spreading the news...I'm leaving today...I wanna be a part of it, New York!
New York! These vagabond shoes..." ... "You're an ass, you know that?"
2. "I think I'll take my chances...sort of like you did on those high notes."
3. "Give it up, plumber. She's not budging."
4. "I know, how many times do I have to hear it? It was a mistake. But don't I ever get
credit for the thirteen loyal years beforehand?"
5. "Karl, don't you turn away from me. Look at me! You know, what else were you
doing during our marriage? How many other women were you sticking it to? As
God as my witness, it will snow on the hills of hell, before I ever feel sorry for you
6. "What's it going to be? I'll tell the piano player."
7. "Come on, we're among friends."
The correct order is ___, ___, ___, ___, ___, ___, ___
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
Move On
The correct order is:
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
Move On
Directions: Find out the meaning of the expressions in bold.
1. "I'm not worried, Edie. Martha and I had a very intense bond." (2:35)
2. "You want to see how long I can hold a grudge? Go ahead and abandon my father,
because I promise you, you'll be sorry." (6:35)
3. "Fine. I will see him through this, but after that, your father can rot in hell for all I
care!" (6:49)
4. "Your adultery? No. I decided to keep that little gem all to myself." (15:33)
5. "I'm sure part of you does hate him, but, you know, maybe part of you is still hung up
on him." (17:37)
6. "I guess I got too close to the turntable. I'm a sucker for these Buicks." (21:45)
7. "You and I have had crushes before. We always tell each other." (25:20)
8. “I'd be the first to get rid of her. It's you! You're the one! You always have been and
you always will be." (26:20)
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
Move On
1. a close connection joining two or more people.
2. a strong feeling of anger and dislike for a person who you feel has treated you
3. to decay in hell.
4. someone or something that is very good, pleasing or useful.
5. to be extremely interested in or worried by a particular subject and spend an
unreasonably large amount of time thinking about it.
6. informal: to think that something is so persuasive or attractive that you cannot
refuse it or judge its real value.
7. a strong but temporary attraction for someone.
8. to be free from an unpleasant or harmful thing or person.
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
Every Day a Little Death
Directions: Answer the questions accordingly to the video.
1. Why Officer Jackson says to Martha “Your face is gonna be on the front page of every
paper in this state?” (2:00)
2. What does Lauren suggest Lynette should do in order to get a place in the yoga class?
3. What is the function of the electronic monitoring device Carlos is using? (8:13)
4. What is Lynette’s excuse for not going to Martha’s ceremony with Edie? (13:10)
5. What kind of gift does George usually give Bree? (15:09)
6. Why does Lauren offer to find room for Lynette’s kids when she arrives at the yoga
class the second time? (19:10)
7. Gabrielle is not in the mood to share the fried chicken with her husband. Why not?
8. Why does Susan accompany Edie when she goes out to spread Martha’s ashes? (36:10)
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
Every Day a Little Death
1. Because she was found buried in a park around the neighborhood.
2. She tells Lynette to plan ahead next time.
3. It controls where Carlos is since he is on house arrest. It's a condition of his
bail. If he moves more than a hundred feet from the telephone, an alarm
sounds. If he keeps going, it transmits a signal to the FBI, and he has to be
back in jail.
4. Lynette tells Edie that she cannot go because she won’t have time to arrange a
5. He usually gives her orchids as we infer from Bree’s libe when George says
that he has something for her: “I hope it’s not another orchid, they'
re so
6. Because she thinks Parker (Lynette’s son) has cancer because his head is
7. She is annoyed by his intentions of having a baby so she runs out the front
door to eat alone.
8. Because she burned Edie’s house down. As she is worried that something
about this accident may be found in Martha’s reports, Susan wants to show
herself friendly to Edie and prevent her from telling the police.
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
Every Day a Little Death
Watch the video from 0:30 to 10:00 and decide if the statements are true or false.
1. (
) As a teenager Martha hoped to be kidnapped by a band of pirates.
2. ( ) Nothing exciting had ever happened to Martha Huber until the night she was
3. (
) Lynette has four kids.
4. (
) Bree tells Lynette that the police has found Martha’s body.
5. ( ) Bree invites George to have a cup of coffee but he does not accept and because
of that she slams down the trunk.
6. (
) Carlos tells Gabrielle he is going to work from home.
7. (
) Felicia believes that human beings feed on misery.
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
Every Day a Little Death
1. False. As a teenager she dreamt of being discovered by a Hollywood talent scout.
2. True
3. True
4. False. Susan calls Lynette while she is at the gym to tell her the news.
5. False. Bree does not invite George in for coffee because her husband still lives
with her. And she slams down the trunk in order to call her husband attention.
6. False. Carlos is on house arrest and he cannot leave home, so he can’t work.
7. True
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
Every Day a Little Death
Directions: Match the words in bold with their definitions.
1. (
) “It would be awkward.” (06:40)
2. (
) “Carlos, this is not like New York where I made thousands of dollars a day
modeling haute couture.” (08:44)
3. (
) “And I'm also cranky.” (14:06)
4. (
) “The moment you said you were in the NRA, I knew I wanted to give it to you.”
5. (
) “And who is going to be changing the diapers when you're pumping iron in a
federal prison, huh?” (21:40)
6. (
) “Mmm, it’s perfect! Oh, mm, crispy and burnt on the outside but nice and steamy
on the inside.” (22:30)
7. (
) “Well, we meet on Tuesdays, and it’s potluck lunch. Everybody has to bring
something.” (39:58)
A. Expensive clothes of original design and high quality.
B. Difficult to deal with.
C. An unpleasant and easily annoyed
D. A large square of thick, soft, plastic-covered paper or cloth fastened around a baby's
buttocks and between its legs to hold its urine and excrement.
E. A meal at which each guest brings food that is then shared by all.
F. Filled with or emitting steam.
G. National Rifle Association.
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
Every Day a Little Death
1. (B)
2. (A)
3. (C)
4. (G)
5. (D)
6. (F)
7. (E)
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
Every Day a Little Death
Directions: Choose the best alternative.
1. “Telling me to plan ahead is like telling me to sprout wings.” (05:25)
(A) Telling me to plan ahead is like telling me to fly.
(B) Telling me to plan ahead is like telling me to make wings grow.
(C) Telling me to plan ahead is like telling me to run more than I can.
(D) Telling me to plan ahead is like telling me to buy wings.
2. “Pick me up at one and we'll do something fun.” (07:02)
(A) Come and take me at one and we’ll do something fun.
(B) Challenge me at one and we’ll do something fun.
(C) Bring me home at one and we’ll do something fun.
(D) Discover me at one and we’ll do something fun.
3. “Uh, it kind of snuck up on us.” (19:05)
(A) “Uh, it made us so unhappy.”
(B) “Uh, it was incredible to us.”
(C) “Uh, let me say that I did not have realize what was going on.”
(D) “Uh, I would say that it was not easy for us.”
4. “I, I, what? Spit it out already, I'm busy.” (20:04)
(A) “I, I, what? Try to help me, I'm busy.”
(B) “I, I, what? Give it to me, I'm busy.”
(C) “I, I, what? Run away, I'm busy.”
(D) “I, I, what? Say it quickly, I'm busy.”
5. “Because you haven't been moving fast enough. And I'm running out of time.”
(A) “Because you haven't been moving fast enough. And I hate wasting time.”
(B) “Because you haven't been moving fast enough. And I don’t have much time left.
(C) “Because you haven't been moving fast enough. And I am tired now.”
(D) “Because you haven't been moving fast enough. And I don’t like to spend time with
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
Every Day a Little Death
1. (B)
2. (A)
3. (C)
4. (D)
5. (B)
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
Every Day a Little Death
A) Match the columns about Martha’s desires throughout her life.
(1) As a child
(2) As a teenager
(3) As a young woman
(a) she dreamt of being discovered by a Hollywood talent scout.
(b) she fantasized that a handsome millionaire would sweep her off her feet.
(c) she hoped to be kidnapped by a band of pirates.
B) Match the columns describing who told who about Martha’s death.
Eddie told...
Lynette told...
Susan told...
Bree told...
(a) Bree
(b) Gabrielle
(c) Susan and Mike
(d) Lynette
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
Every Day a Little Death
1. c
2. a
3. b
1. c
Edie: “They found Martha.” (04:32)
2. a
Bree: “Hello! Oh, hi Lynette! What?” (07:20)
3. d
Lynette: “Hello? Oh, hey Susan. Listen, I can't talk, I'm in the middle of something here.
What?” (06:08)
4. b
Gabrielle: “Hello. Hi Bree. What?” (09:15)
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
Your Fault
Directions: Watch the video from the beginning to 18:40 and answer the following
1. Accordingly to the narrator (Mary Alice), what kind of creature does not exist? (01:36)
2. Where is Julie going on Friday? (02:09)
3. What attitude surprised John’s parents? (04:21)
4. When Tom asks Lynette how his father convinced Parker to climb down the ladder, she
answers “Sexism”. Explain her answer. (06:43)
5. While talking about the divorce with Bree, Rex shows that he is interested in quitting it.
Does Bree accept it? Why? (11:40)
6. Susan picks up the phone and hears the conversation between Zach and her daughter.
What does she discover? (12:55)
7. What does George tell Bree when she asks about his opinion about her marriage at the
diner? (15:43)
8. Why is Rodney avoiding Lynette? (17:31)
Last update: June 26, 2008
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Your Fault
1. A perfect child.
2. She is going to the school dance with Zach.
3. John decided to turn down his college scholarship in order to expand his
gardening business.
4. Rodney told Parker he had a character defining question. So he told the boy
that only a little girl would be afraid to come down the ladder and asked if he
was a little girl. In that way, he persuaded Parker to come down the ladder.
5. No, she doesn’t. She tells him they no longer can have a relationship because
he is unfaithful. Also, she wants revenge.
6. She discovers that Zach told Julie about what had happened to Dana. But the
kids don’t mention all the facts. Julie promises to keep the secret.
7. First, he shows surprise. Then, he asks if Rex loves her, if he is a good person
and concludes: “If I could get a good person to love me, I would find a way
to forgive them”.
8. He is ashamed of the fact that Lynette found him and a woman on the couch
where they were lying. He thought the house would be available the whole
afternoon but Lynette came back since Parker had left his mitt at home.
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
Your Fault
Directions: Watch the video from 18:40 to 30:55 and decide if the following statements
are true or false.
1. Tom agrees with Lynette that his father should be kicked out of the house.
2. John thinks college is more important than Gabrielle.
3. John proposes to Gabrielle.
4. Zach wants to move because he doesn’t have anyone to talk to in the neighborhood.
5. Zach started to remember things, some quick flashes from when he was little. Among
these memories he remembers his mother killing Dana.
6. While talking about Bree, Rex tells George that ladies tend to end up with pharmacists
rather than doctors.
7. George sees Rex’s prescription but he pretends not to.
8. Susan tells Paul that she heard Julie’s conversation with Zach on the phone. She says
that they were talking about what happened to Dana and now she knows everything
about it.
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
Your Fault
1. False. Tom isn’t even surprised by the fact that his father is having an affair.
As he puts it: “My father’s been having affairs for years.”
2. False. John is not interested in college anymore. Instead, he wants to make
money in order to offer Gabrielle more than love. He thinks he has his chance
with her now, once Carlos is in prison.
3. True.
4. False. Zach disagrees with his father’s intentions of moving because he has
finally found someone to talk to: Julie.
5. False. Zach really started to remember things from the past. He sees lots of
blood, his mother screaming but in his visions, he is the one to kill Dana and
not his mom.
6. False. Rex tells George that Bree is using him in order to score with himself.
Then, George says that she is a classy lady not capable of such a role. And Rex
concludes: classy ladies like Bree tend to marry doctors, not pharmacists.
7. True.
8. False. Susan heard the conversation but at that time she only discovered that
Julie was aware of what happened to Dana. Even so, she pretends to know
everything so that she could find out more about it, just as it happens when
Paul tells her his story.
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
Your Fault
Directions: Match the words in bold with their definition.
1. (
) “John caught me off guard.” (32:11)
2. (
) “Or you just didn’t want me running my mouth.” (34:35)
3. (
) “...let’s not beat a dead horse, it’s over...” (35:50)
4. (
) “Okay, get it off your chest.” (36:04)
5. (
) “You want to stick around for that?” (38:03)
6. (
) “Well, it turns out that my dad and I aren’t moving after all.” (38:52)
a. To tell someone about something that has been worrying or annoying you for a long
time, so that you feel better afterwards.
b. To stay in a place a little longer, waiting for something to happen.
c. To talk too much, to spread news.
d. To surprise someone by doing something that they are not ready to deal with.
e. To happen in a particular way, or to have a particular result.
f. A particular request or line of conversation is already foreclosed, mooted, or otherwise
resolved, and any attempt to continue it is futile.
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
Your Fault
1. d
2. c
3. f
4. a
5. b
6. e
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
Your Fault
Directions: Watch the episode from the beginning to 12:35 and put the facts in order.
( )
Susan goes to Paul’s house to talk about their son and daughter. Susan tells Paul
her daughter and his son are dating, but he just doesn’t seem to care about that
because they are moving.
( )
Bree and Rex are talking about their divorce after they had already settled
everything with their lawyers. Rex is trying to persuade Bree to give up on the
divorce and give them another chance. She says it’s impossible because she doesn’t
trust him anymore.
( )
Rodney persuades Parker to climb down the roof. Rodney asks Parker if he is
talking to a girl or a boy. Rodney gets down the ladder with Parker on his back.
( )
Lynette surprises Rodney lying down on the sofa with a woman. Rodney introduces
the woman to Lynette. Parker brings to his mother a pantyhose that he has just
( )
Bree tells Rex and their lawyers she wants to keep the club membership because
Rex is terrible at tennis and he hates buffets.
( )
Susan is boiling the water in a tea kettle when the telephone rings. Julie shouts from
upstairs that she is going to answer it. Susan hesitates and picks up the phone and
hears Julie and Zach’s conversation.
( )
Bob and Helen go to Gabrielle’s house to talk to her about their son. They ask
Gabrielle to talk to John because he has given up on college to continue with his
gardening plans. Gabrielle refuses to talk to him, but some minutes later she
Last update: June 26, 2008
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Your Fault
( 3 ).
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni
TV Show Cards
Your Fault
Directions: Write the meaning of the expressions in bold.
1. "Porter, don’t you dare look at me like that. I will wipe that smirk right off your face.
And don‘t think that I won‘t..." (00:52)
2. "Of course, it was easy for Susan to feel smug with a daughter like Julie". (01:10)
3. "Oh, just another business trip for the wandering salesman. She’d be bored to tears."
4. "Uh, yeah, sure, knock yourself out! Be careful." (06:52)
5. "Hammering out some of the little things, the minor details, overhead, shipping costs."
6. "Okay, uh, who are we talking about here? The dopey pharmacist?" (12:13)
7. "George, would you like to join me for a dreadful cup of coffee?" (14:26)
8. "You know, I can’t believe you’re just uprooting us like this." (23:25)
Last update: June 26, 2008
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Your Fault
1. To remove the smile that expresses satisfaction or pleasure about having done
2. To feel pleased or satisfied about something you have achieved or something
you know.
3. Extremely unhappy because something is not interesting or because you have
nothing to do.
4. Phrasal verb - to make yourself ill with tiredness.
5. Phrasal verb - to reach an agreement or solution after a lot of argument or
6. A silly person.
7. Very bad or of very low quality.
8. To remove a person from their home or usual surroundings.
Last update: June 26, 2008
Copyright © 2008 - Associação Alumni